Administrator's Guide Vault 04 PDF 122 Admin E85657
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Oracle® Database Vault Administrator's Guide 12c Release 2 (12.2) E85657-04 August 2018 Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide, 12c Release 2 (12.2) E85657-04 Copyright © 2006, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Patricia Huey Contributors: Taousif Ansari , Tom Best, Sanjay Bharadwaj , Todd Bottger, Ji-won Byun, Ben Chang, Martin Cheng, Chi Ching Chui, Scott Gaetjen, Viksit Gaur, Rishabh Gupta, Lijie Heng, Dominique Jeunot, Peter Knaggs, Suman Kumar, Chon Lee, Rudregowda Mallegowda, Paul Needham, Yi Ouyang, Hozefa Palitanawala, Robert Pang, Gayathri Sairamkrishnan, Vipin Samar, James Spiller, Srividya Tata, Kamal Tbeileh, Saravana Soundararajan, Sudheesh Varma, Peter Wahl, Alan Williams This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agencyspecific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. 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This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Contents Preface Audience xxx Documentation Accessibility xxx Related Documents xxx Conventions xxxi Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide Changes in Oracle Database Vault 12c Release 2 ( 1 xxxii Introduction to Oracle Database Vault What Is Oracle Database Vault? 1-1 About Oracle Database Vault 1-2 Controls for Privileged Accounts 1-2 Controls for Database Configuration 1-2 Enterprise Applications Protection Policies 1-3 Run-time Privilege Analysis for Users and Applications 1-3 What Privileges Do You Need to Use Oracle Database Vault? 1-3 Components of Oracle Database Vault 1-4 Oracle Database Vault Access Control Components 1-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Database Vault Administrator Pages 1-5 Oracle Database Vault DVSYS and DVF Schemas 1-6 Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Interfaces and Packages 1-6 Oracle Database Vault Reporting and Monitoring Tools 1-6 How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Compliance Regulations 1-7 How Oracle Database Vault Protects Privileged User Accounts 1-8 How Oracle Database Vault Allows for Flexible Security Policies 1-8 How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Database Consolidation Concerns 1-9 How Oracle Database Vault Works in a Multitenant Environment 1-10 iii 2 3 4 What to Expect After You Enable Oracle Database Vault Initialization and Password Parameter Settings That Change 2-1 How Oracle Database Vault Restricts User Authorizations 2-3 New Database Roles to Enforce Separation of Duties 2-3 Privileges That Are Revoked from Existing Users and Roles 2-3 Privileges That Are Prevented for Existing Users and Roles 2-5 Modified AUDIT Statement Settings for a Non-Unified Audit Environment 2-5 Getting Started with Oracle Database Vault Manually Installing Oracle Database Vault in a Multitenant Environment 3-1 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database 3-2 About Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database 3-2 Registering Database Vault in a Non-Multitenant Environment 3-3 Registering Database Vault with Common Users to Manage the CDB Root 3-5 Registering Database Vault Common Users to Manage Specific PDBs 3-7 Creating Common Database Vault Accounts for a Plugged in Database Vault PDB 3-8 Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled 3-9 Logging into Oracle Database Vault 3-10 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access 3-11 About This Tutorial 3-12 Step 1: Log On as SYSTEM to Access the HR Schema 3-12 Step 2: Create a Realm 3-13 Step 3: Create the SEBASTIAN User Account 3-14 Step 4: Have User SEBASTIAN Test the Realm 3-14 Step 5: Create an Authorization for the Realm 3-15 Step 6: Test the Realm 3-15 Step 7: If Unified Auditing Is Not Enabled, Then Run a Report 3-16 Step 8: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 3-17 Performing Privilege Analysis to Find Privilege Use What Is Privilege Analysis? 4-1 About Privilege Analysis 4-2 How Privilege Analysis Works with Pre-Compiled Database Objects 4-2 Who Can Perform Privilege Analysis? 4-3 Types of Privilege Analysis 4-3 Benefits and Use Cases of Privilege Analysis 4-3 Unnecessarily Granted Privileges of Applications 4-4 Development of Secure Applications 4-4 iv How Does a Multitenant Environment Affect Privilege Analysis? Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies 4-4 4-5 About Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies 4-5 General Steps for Managing Privilege Analysis 4-6 Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-6 About Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-6 Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 4-7 Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE 4-9 Examples of Privilege Analysis Policies 4-11 Example: Privilege Analysis of Database-Wide Privileges 4-11 Example: Privilege Analysis of Privilege Usage of Two Roles 4-11 Example: Privilege Analysis of Privileges During SQL*Plus Use 4-12 Example: Privilege Analysis of PSMITH Privileges During SQL*Plus Access 4-12 Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-12 About Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-12 Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control 4-13 Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE 4-14 Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-14 About Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-14 Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control 4-14 Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE 4-15 Generating a Privilege Analysis Report 4-15 About Generating a Privilege Analysis Report 4-15 Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using Cloud Control 4-16 Accessing Privilege Analysis Reports Using Cloud Control 4-16 Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE 4-17 Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-18 About Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-18 Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control 4-18 Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE Package 4-18 Creating Roles and Managing Privileges Using Cloud Control 4-19 Creating a Role from a Privilege Analysis Report in Cloud Control 4-19 Revoking and Regranting Roles and Privileges Using Cloud Control 4-20 Generating a Revoke or Regrant Script Using Cloud Control 4-20 About Generating Revoke and Regrant Scripts 4-20 Generating a Revoke Script 4-21 Generating a Regrant Script 4-22 Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use 4-22 Step 1: Create User Accounts 4-23 Step 2: Create and Enable a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-24 v Step 3: Use the READ ANY TABLE System Privilege 4-24 Step 4: Disable the Privilege Analysis Policy 4-25 Step 5: Generate and View a Privilege Analysis Report 4-25 Step 6: Create a Second Capture Run 4-26 Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 4-27 Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role 5 4-27 Step 1: Create User Accounts 4-28 Step 2: Create and Enable a Privilege Analysis Policy 4-29 Step 3: Perform the Database Tuning Operations 4-29 Step 4: Disable the Privilege Analysis Policy 4-30 Step 5: Generate and View Privilege Analysis Reports 4-30 Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 4-32 Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views 4-32 Configuring Realms What Are Realms? 5-2 About Realms 5-2 Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm 5-3 Realms in a Multitenant Environment 5-4 Object Types That Realms Can Protect 5-5 Default Realms 5-5 Oracle Database Vault Realm 5-6 Database Vault Account Management Realm 5-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Realm 5-7 Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm 5-7 Oracle System Privilege and Role Management Realm 5-7 Oracle Default Component Protection Realm 5-8 Creating a Realm 5-8 About Realm-Secured Objects 5-11 About Realm Authorization 5-12 Realm Authorizations in a Multitenant Environment 5-12 Modifying the Enablement Status of a Realm 5-14 Deleting a Realm 5-14 How Realms Work 5-14 How Authorizations Work in a Realm 5-16 About Authorizations in a Realm 5-16 Examples of Realm Authorizations 5-16 Example: Unauthorized User Trying to Create a Table 5-17 Example: Unauthorized User Trying to Use the DELETE ANY TABLE Privilege 5-17 Example: Authorized User Performing DELETE Operation 5-17 vi 6 Access to Objects That Are Protected by a Realm 5-18 Example of How Realms Work 5-18 How Realms Affect Other Oracle Database Vault Components 5-19 Guidelines for Designing Realms 5-19 How Realms Affect Performance 5-21 Realm Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views 5-21 Configuring Rule Sets What Are Rule Sets? 6-2 Rule Sets and Rules in a Multitenant Environment 6-2 Default Rule Sets 6-3 Creating a Rule Set 6-5 Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set 6-8 About Creating Rules 6-8 Default Rules 6-9 Creating a New Rule 6-11 Adding Existing Rules to a Rule Set 6-13 Removing a Rule from a Rule Set 6-13 Removing Rule Set References to Oracle Database Vault Components 6-14 Deleting a Rule Set 6-14 How Rule Sets Work 6-14 How Oracle Database Vault Evaluates Rules 6-15 Nested Rules within a Rule Set 6-15 Creating Rules to Apply to Everyone Except One User 6-15 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations 6-16 About This Tutorial 6-16 Step 1: Install and Configure the UTL_MAIL PL/SQL Package 6-17 Step 2: Create an Email Security Alert PL/SQL Procedure 6-18 Step 3: Configure an Access Control List File for Network Services 6-19 Step 4: Create a Rule Set and a Command Rule to Use the Email Security Alert 6-20 Step 5: Test the Email Security Alert 6-21 Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 6-22 Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security 6-23 About This Tutorial 6-23 Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial 6-24 Step 2: Create a Function to Check if User patch_boss Is Logged In 6-25 Step 3: Create Rules, a Rule Set, and a Command Rule to Control User Access 6-25 Step 4: Test the Users' Access 6-27 Step 5: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 6-28 Guidelines for Designing Rule Sets 6-28 vii 7 How Rule Sets Affect Performance 6-29 Rule Set and Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views 6-30 Configuring Command Rules What Are Command Rules? 8 7-1 About Command Rules 7-2 Command Rules in a Multitenant Environment 7-3 Types of Command Rules 7-3 CONNECT Command Rule 7-4 ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM Command Rules 7-4 Default Command Rules 7-6 SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules 7-7 Creating a Command Rule 7-9 Modifying the Enablement Status of a Command Rule 7-10 Deleting a Command Rule 7-10 How Command Rules Work 7-11 Tutorial: Using a Command Rule to Control Table Creations by a User 7-11 Step 1: Create a Table 7-12 Step 2: Create a Command Rule 7-12 Step 3: Test the Command Rule 7-13 Step 4: Remove the Components for this Tutorial 7-14 Guidelines for Designing Command Rules 7-14 How Command Rules Affect Performance 7-15 Command Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary View 7-15 Configuring Factors What Are Factors? 8-1 Default Factors 8-2 Creating a Factor 8-5 Accessing the Create Factors Page 8-5 Completing the General Page for Factor Creation 8-6 Configurations Page for Factor Creation 8-6 Setting the Factor Identification Information 8-7 How Factor Identities Work 8-7 Setting the Evaluation Information for a Factor 8-9 Setting the Oracle Label Security Labeling Information for a Factor 8-9 Setting the Retrieval Method for a Factor 8-9 How Retrieval Methods Work 8-9 Setting the Validation Method for a Factor 8-10 viii Options Page of Factor Creation 8-11 Assigning a Rule Set to a Factor 8-11 Setting Error Options for a Factor 8-12 Setting Audit Options for a Factor 8-12 How Factor Auditing Works 8-13 Adding an Identity to a Factor 8-13 About Factor Identities 8-13 About Trust Levels 8-14 About Label Identities 8-15 Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity 8-15 Deleting a Factor Identity 8-16 Using Identity Mapping to Configure an Identity to Use Other Factors 8-17 About Identity Mapping 8-17 Mapping an Identity to a Factor 8-17 Deleting a Factor 8-19 How Factors Work 8-19 How Factors Are Processed When a Session Is Established 8-19 How Factors Are Retrieved 8-21 How Factors Are Set 8-21 Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database 8-22 About This Tutorial 8-22 Step 1: Enable the HR and OE User Accounts 8-23 Step 2: Create the Factor 8-23 Step 3: Create the Rule Set and Rules 8-24 Step 4: Create the CONNECT Command Rule 8-25 Step 5: Test the Ad Hoc Tool Access Restriction 8-26 Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 8-27 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data 8-27 About This Tutorial 8-28 Step 1: Create an Administrative User 8-28 Step 2: Add Identities to the Domain Factor 8-29 Step 3: Map the Domain Factor Identities to the Client_IP Factor 8-30 Step 4: Create a Rule Set to Set the Hours and Select the Factor Identity 8-32 Step 5: Create a Command Rule That Uses the Rule Set 8-32 Step 6: Test the Factor Identity Settings 8-33 Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 8-34 Guidelines for Designing Factors 8-35 How Factors Affect Performance 8-35 Factor Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views 8-36 ix 9 10 Configuring Secure Application Roles for Oracle Database Vault What Are Secure Application Roles in Oracle Database Vault? 9-1 Creating an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role 9-2 Modifications to a Secure Application Role 9-3 Security for Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles 9-4 Deleting an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role 9-4 How Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles Work 9-4 Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles 9-5 About This Tutorial 9-5 Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial 9-5 Step 2: Enable the OE User Account 9-6 Step 3: Create the Rule Set and Its Rules 9-6 Step 4: Create the Database Vault Secure Application Role 9-7 Step 5: Grant the SELECT Privilege to the Secure Application Role 9-8 Step 6: Test the Database Vault Secure Application Role 9-8 Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 9-9 How Secure Application Roles Affect Performance 9-10 Secure Application Role Related Reports and Data Dictionary View 9-10 Configuring Oracle Database Vault Policies What Are Database Vault Policies? 11 10-1 About Oracle Database Vault Policies 10-1 Oracle Database Vault Policies in a Multitenant Environment 10-3 Default Oracle Database Vault Policies 10-3 Creating an Oracle Database Policy 10-4 Modifying an Oracle Database Vault Policy 10-6 Deleting an Oracle Database Vault Policy 10-6 Related Data Dictionary Views 10-6 Using Simulation Mode for Logging Realm and Command Rule Activities About Simulation Mode 11-1 Simulation Mode Use Cases 11-2 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode 11-3 About This Tutorial 11-3 Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial 11-4 Step 2: Create a Realm and an Oracle Database Vault Policy 11-5 Step 3: Test the Realm and Policy 11-6 Step 4: Query the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View for Violations 11-6 x 12 Step 5: Enable and Re-test the Realm 11-7 Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 11-8 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Other Oracle Products Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Enterprise User Security About Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Enterprise User Security 12-2 Configuring an Enterprise User Authorization 12-2 Configuring Oracle Database Vault Accounts as Enterprise User Accounts 12-2 Integration of Oracle Database Vault with Transparent Data Encryption 12-4 Attaching Factors to an Oracle Virtual Private Database 12-5 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security 12-5 How Oracle Database Vault Is Integrated with Oracle Label Security 12-6 Requirements for Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security 12-7 Using Oracle Database Vault Factors with Oracle Label Security Policies 12-8 About Using Oracle Database Vault Factors with Oracle Label Security Policies 12-8 Configuring Factors to Work with an Oracle Label Security Policy 12-8 Tutorial: Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security 12-10 About This Tutorial 12-10 Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial 12-10 Step 2: Create the Oracle Label Security Policy 12-11 Step 3: Create Oracle Database Vault Rules to Control the OLS Authorization 12-12 Step 4: Update the ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule to Use the Rule Set 12-12 Step 5: Test the Authorizations 12-13 Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial 12-13 Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Data Guard 12-14 12-15 Step 1: Configure the Primary Database 12-15 Step 2: Configure the Standby Database 12-16 Registering Oracle Internet Directory Using Oracle Database Configuration Asssitant 13 12-1 12-17 DBA Operations in an Oracle Database Vault Environment Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13-2 Propagating Oracle Database Vault Configurations to Other Databases 13-2 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Alerts for Oracle Database Vault Policies 13-4 Oracle Database Vault-Specific Reports in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13-4 Changing the DBSNMP Account Password in a Database Vault Environment 13-5 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault 13-5 xi About Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault 13-6 Authorizing Users for Data Pump Regular Export and Import Operations 13-6 About Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations 13-6 Levels of Database Vault Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations 13-7 Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations in Database Vault 13-7 Revoking Oracle Data Pump Authorization from Users 13-8 Authorizing Users for Data Pump Transportable Export and Import Operations About Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Transportable Operations 13-9 13-9 Levels of Database Vault Authorization for Data Pump Transportable Operations 13-10 Authorizing Users for Data Pump Transportable Operations in Database Vault 13-11 Revoking Transportable Tablespace Authorization from Users 13-12 Guidelines for Exporting or Importing Data in a Database Vault Environment Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault 13-13 13-14 About Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault 13-14 Granting a Job Scheduling Administrator Authorization for Database Vault 13-15 Revoking Authorization from Job Scheduling Administrators 13-15 Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault 13-16 About Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault 13-16 Authorizing Users for ILM Operations in Database Vault 13-17 Revoking Information Lifecycle Management Authorization from Users 13-17 Executing Preprocessor Programs with Oracle Database Vault 13-18 About Executing Preprocessor Programs with Oracle Database Vault 13-18 Authorizing Users to Execute Preprocessor Programs 13-18 Revoking Execute Preprocessor Authorization from Users 13-19 Oracle Recovery Manager and Oracle Database Vault 13-19 Privileges for Using Oracle Streams with Oracle Database Vault 13-19 Privileges for Using XStream with Oracle Database Vault 13-20 Privileges for Using Oracle GoldenGate in with Oracle Database Vault 13-20 Using Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Environment 13-21 About Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Enabled Database 13-22 Adding Data Masking Users to the Data Dictionary Realm Authorizations 13-22 Giving Users Access to Tables or Schemas That They Want to Mask 13-23 Creating a Command Rule to Control Data Masking Privileges 13-23 Converting a Standalone Oracle Database to a PDB and Plugging It into a CDB 13-24 Using the ORADEBUG Utility with Oracle Database Vault 13-26 xii 14 Oracle Database Vault Schemas, Roles, and Accounts Oracle Database Vault Schemas DVSYS Schema 14-1 DVF Schema 14-2 Oracle Database Vault Roles 15 14-1 14-3 About Oracle Database Vault Roles 14-4 Privileges of Oracle Database Vault Roles 14-5 Granting Oracle Database Vault Roles to Users 14-7 DV_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role 14-9 DV_ADMIN Database Vault Configuration Administrator Role 14-10 DV_MONITOR Database Vault Monitoring Role 14-11 DV_SECANALYST Database Vault Security Analyst Role 14-12 DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP Audit Trail Cleanup Role 14-13 DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK Data Pump Network Link Role 14-14 DV_STREAMS_ADMIN Oracle Streams Configuration Role 14-15 DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN XStream Administrative Role 14-16 DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN GoldenGate Administrative Role 14-16 DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS GoldenGate Redo Log Role 14-17 DV_PATCH_ADMIN Database Vault Database Patch Role 14-18 DV_ACCTMGR Database Vault Account Manager Role 14-19 DV_REALM_OWNER Database Vault Realm DBA Role 14-20 DV_REALM_RESOURCE Database Vault Application Resource Owner Role 14-21 DV_POLICY_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role 14-22 DV_PUBLIC Database Vault PUBLIC Role 14-23 Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration 14-23 Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts 14-25 Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure 15-2 ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Procedure 15-4 CREATE_REALM Procedure 15-5 DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM Procedure 15-8 DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM Procedure 15-8 DELETE_REALM Procedure 15-9 DELETE_REALM_CASCADE Procedure 15-10 RENAME_REALM Procedure 15-11 UPDATE_REALM Procedure 15-11 UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Procedure 15-13 xiii 16 Oracle Database Vault Rule Set APIs DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET Procedure 16-2 CREATE_RULE Procedure 16-3 CREATE_RULE_SET Procedure 16-5 DELETE_RULE Procedure 16-8 DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET Procedure 16-8 DELETE_RULE_SET Procedure 16-9 RENAME_RULE Procedure 16-9 RENAME_RULE_SET Procedure 16-10 UPDATE_RULE Procedure 16-11 UPDATE_RULE_SET Procedure 16-11 Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions 17 18 16-1 16-13 DV_SYSEVENT Function 16-14 DV_LOGIN_USER Function 16-14 DV_INSTANCE_NUM Function 16-15 DV_DATABASE_NAME Function 16-15 DV_DICT_OBJ_TYPE Function 16-16 DV_DICT_OBJ_OWNER Function 16-16 DV_DICT_OBJ_NAME Function 16-16 DV_SQL_TEXT Function 16-17 Oracle Database Vault Command Rule APIs CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure 17-2 CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure 17-8 CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure 17-10 CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure 17-12 DELETE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure 17-13 DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure 17-15 DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure 17-16 DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure 17-17 UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure 17-17 UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure 17-20 UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure 17-21 UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure 17-23 Oracle Database Vault Factor APIs DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions ADD_FACTOR_LINK Procedure 18-1 18-3 xiv ADD_POLICY_FACTOR Procedure 18-4 CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR Procedure 18-4 CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE Procedure 18-5 CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Procedure 18-6 CREATE_FACTOR Procedure 18-7 CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure 18-9 CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP Procedure 18-10 CREATE_IDENTITY Procedure 18-11 DELETE_FACTOR Procedure 18-12 DELETE_FACTOR_LINK Procedure 18-12 DELETE_IDENTITY Procedure 18-13 DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure 18-13 DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP Procedure 18-14 DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Procedure 18-15 GET_SESSION_INFO Function 18-15 GET_INSTANCE_INFO Function 18-16 RENAME_FACTOR Procedure 18-17 RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure 18-17 UPDATE_FACTOR Procedure 18-18 UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure 18-21 UPDATE_IDENTITY Procedure 18-21 Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions 18-22 About Oracle Database Vault Run-Tine PL/SQL Procedures and Functions 18-23 SET_FACTOR Procedure 18-23 GET_FACTOR Function 18-24 GET_FACTOR_LABEL Function 18-24 GET_TRUST_LEVEL Function 18-25 GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY Function 18-26 ROLE_IS_ENABLED Function 18-27 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions 18-27 About Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions 18-29 F$AUTHENTICATION_METHOD Function 18-29 F$CLIENT_IP Function 18-30 F$DATABASE_DOMAIN Function 18-31 F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME Function 18-31 F$DATABASE_INSTANCE Function 18-31 F$DATABASE_IP Function 18-32 F$DATABASE_NAME Function 18-32 F$DOMAIN Function 18-33 F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Function 18-33 F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE Function 18-34 xv 19 F$LANG Function 18-35 F$LANGUAGE Function 18-35 F$MACHINE Function 18-36 F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL Function 18-36 F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Function 18-36 F$SESSION_USER Function 18-37 Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role APIs DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures ASSIGN_ROLE Procedure 19-2 CREATE_ROLE Procedure 19-2 DELETE_ROLE Procedure 19-3 RENAME_ROLE Procedure 19-3 UPDATE_ROLE Procedure 19-4 UNASSIGN_ROLE Procedure 19-5 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES Secure Application Role Procedure and Function 20 21 19-1 19-5 CAN_SET_ROLE Function 19-6 SET_ROLE Procedure 19-6 Oracle Database Vault Oracle Label Security APIs CREATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure 20-1 CREATE_POLICY_LABEL Procedure 20-3 DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE Procedure 20-4 DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR Procedure 20-5 DELETE_POLICY_LABEL Procedure 20-5 UPDATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure 20-6 Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs DBMS_MACUTL Constants 21-1 DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants 21-1 Example: Creating a Realm Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants 21-5 Example: Creating a Rule Set Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants 21-5 Example: Creating a Factor Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants 21-6 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions 21-6 CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED Procedure 21-7 GET_CODE_VALUE Function 21-8 GET_SECOND Function 21-9 GET_MINUTE Function 21-10 GET_HOUR Function 21-10 xvi 22 GET_DAY Function 21-11 GET_MONTH Function 21-12 GET_YEAR Function 21-12 IS_ALPHA Function 21-13 IS_DIGIT Function 21-14 IS_DVSYS_OWNER Function 21-14 IS_OLS_INSTALLED Function 21-15 IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR Function 21-16 USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Function 21-16 USER_HAS_ROLE Function 21-17 USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR Function 21-18 USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Function 21-19 Oracle Database Vault General Administrative APIs DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures 22-1 ADD_NLS_DATA Procedure 22-3 AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure 22-3 AUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure 22-4 AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure 22-5 AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure 22-6 AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure 22-6 AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure 22-7 UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure 22-8 UNAUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure 22-9 UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure 22-10 UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure 22-11 UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure 22-12 UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure 22-13 DISABLE_DV Procedure 22-13 DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS Procedure 22-14 DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure 22-14 DISABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure 22-15 ENABLE_DV Procedure 22-15 ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure 22-16 ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS Procedure 22-17 ENABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure 22-17 CONFIGURE_DV General System Maintenance Procedure 22-18 xvii 23 24 25 Oracle Database Vault Policy APIs ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Procedure 23-2 ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY Procedure 23-4 ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY Procedure 23-4 CREATE_POLICY Procedure 23-5 DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Procedure 23-6 DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY Procedure 23-8 DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY Procedure 23-9 DROP_POLICY Procedure 23-10 RENAME_POLICY Procedure 23-10 UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Procedure 23-11 UPDATE_POLICY_STATE Procedure 23-11 Oracle Database Vault API Reference DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents 24-1 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL Package Contents 24-7 DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL Package Contents 24-7 CONFIGURE_DV PL/SQL Procedure 24-8 DVF PL/SQL Interface Contents 24-8 Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views About the Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views 25-4 CDB_DV_STATUS View 25-5 DBA_DV_CODE View 25-5 DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View 25-7 DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View 25-9 DBA_DV_DDL_AUTH View 25-9 DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS View 25-10 DBA_DV_FACTOR View 25-10 DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View 25-12 DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View 25-13 DBA_DV_IDENTITY View 25-13 DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View 25-14 DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH View 25-15 DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View 25-15 DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View 25-16 DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH View 25-16 DBA_DV_ORADEBUG View 25-17 DBA_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT View 25-17 xviii 26 27 DBA_DV_POLICY View 25-18 DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View 25-19 DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View 25-19 DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View 25-21 DBA_DV_PROXY_AUTH View 25-21 DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View 25-22 DBA_DV_REALM View 25-23 DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View 25-24 DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View 25-25 DBA_DV_ROLE View 25-26 DBA_DV_RULE View 25-27 DBA_DV_RULE_SET View 25-28 DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View 25-30 DBA_DV_STATUS View 25-31 DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View 25-32 DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH View 25-33 DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View 25-34 DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View 25-35 DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View 25-35 DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View 25-40 DVSYS.DV$REALM View 25-43 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View 25-44 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View 25-45 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM View 25-46 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH View 25-47 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT View 25-48 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE View 25-49 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View 25-50 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE View 25-52 SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View 25-52 SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View 25-53 Monitoring Oracle Database Vault About Monitoring Oracle Database Vault 26-1 Monitoring Security Violations and Configuration Changes 26-1 Oracle Database Vault Reports About the Oracle Database Vault Reports 27-1 Who Can Run the Oracle Database Vault Reports? 27-2 xix Running the Oracle Database Vault Reports 27-2 Oracle Database Vault Configuration Issues Reports 27-3 Command Rule Configuration Issues Report 27-3 Rule Set Configuration Issues Report 27-3 Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report 27-4 Factor Configuration Issues Report 27-4 Factor Without Identities Report 27-4 Identity Configuration Issues Report 27-4 Secure Application Configuration Issues Report 27-5 Oracle Database Vault Auditing Reports 27-5 Realm Audit Report 27-5 Command Rule Audit Report 27-6 Factor Audit Report 27-6 Label Security Integration Audit Report 27-6 Core Database Vault Audit Trail Report 27-6 Secure Application Role Audit Report 27-6 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports Object Privilege Reports 27-7 27-7 Object Access By PUBLIC Report 27-8 Object Access Not By PUBLIC Report 27-8 Direct Object Privileges Report 27-8 Object Dependencies Report 27-9 Database Account System Privileges Reports 27-9 Direct System Privileges By Database Account Report 27-10 Direct and Indirect System Privileges By Database Account Report 27-10 Hierarchical System Privileges by Database Account Report 27-10 ANY System Privileges for Database Accounts Report 27-10 System Privileges By Privilege Report 27-10 Sensitive Objects Reports 27-10 Execute Privileges to Strong SYS Packages Report 27-11 Access to Sensitive Objects Report 27-11 Public Execute Privilege To SYS PL/SQL Procedures Report 27-12 Accounts with SYSDBA/SYSOPER Privilege Report 27-12 Privilege Management - Summary Reports 27-12 Privileges Distribution By Grantee Report 27-13 Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner Report 27-13 Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner, Privilege Report 27-13 Powerful Database Accounts and Roles Reports 27-13 WITH ADMIN Privilege Grants Report 27-14 Accounts With DBA Roles Report 27-14 Security Policy Exemption Report 27-14 xx BECOME USER Report 27-15 ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION Report 27-15 Password History Access Report 27-15 WITH GRANT Privileges Report 27-15 Roles/Accounts That Have a Given Role Report 27-15 Database Accounts With Catalog Roles Report 27-16 AUDIT Privileges Report 27-16 OS Security Vulnerability Privileges Report 27-16 Initialization Parameters and Profiles Reports Security Related Database Parameters Report 27-16 Resource Profiles Report 27-17 System Resource Limits Report 27-17 Database Account Password Reports A 27-17 Database Account Default Password Report 27-17 Database Account Status Report 27-17 Security Audit Report: Core Database Audit Report 27-18 Other Security Vulnerability Reports 27-18 Java Policy Grants Report 27-18 OS Directory Objects Report 27-19 Objects Dependent on Dynamic SQL Report 27-19 Unwrapped PL/SQL Package Bodies Report 27-19 Username/Password Tables Report 27-19 Tablespace Quotas Report 27-20 Non-Owner Object Trigger Report 27-20 Auditing Oracle Database Vault About Auditing in Oracle Database Vault A-1 Protection of the Unified Audit Trail in an Oracle Database Vault Environment A-2 Oracle Database Vault Specific Audit Events A-2 Oracle Database Vault Policy Audit Events A-3 Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Record Format A-3 Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail A-5 About Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail A-6 Archiving the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail A-6 Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail A-8 Oracle Database Audit Settings Created for Oracle Database Vault B 27-16 A-8 Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault When You Must Disable Oracle Database Vault B-1 xxi C D Step 1: Disable Oracle Database Vault B-2 Step 2: Perform the Required Tasks B-2 Step 3: Enable Oracle Database Vault B-3 Postinstallation Oracle Database Vault Procedures Configuring Oracle Database Vault on Oracle RAC Nodes C-1 Adding Languages to Oracle Database Vault C-2 Deinstalling Oracle Database Vault C-2 Reinstalling Oracle Database Vault C-3 Oracle Database Vault Security Guidelines Separation of Duty Guidelines D-1 How Oracle Database Vault Handles Separation of Duty D-1 Separation of Tasks in an Oracle Database Vault Environment D-2 Separation of Duty Matrix for Oracle Database Vault D-3 Identification and Documentation of the Tasks of Database Users D-4 Managing Oracle Database Administrative Accounts D-5 SYSTEM User Account for General Administrative Uses D-6 SYSTEM Schema for Application Tables D-6 Limitation of the SYSDBA Administrative Privilege D-6 Root and Operating System Access to Oracle Database Vault D-6 Accounts and Roles Trusted by Oracle Database Vault D-7 Accounts and Roles That Should be Limited to Trusted Individuals D-8 Management of Users with Root Access to the Operating System D-8 Management of the Oracle Software Owner D-9 Management of SYSDBA Access D-9 Management of SYSOPER Access D-9 Guidelines for Using Oracle Database Vault in a Production Environment D-10 Secure Configuration Guidelines D-10 General Secure Configuration Guidelines D-11 UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Package Security Considerations D-11 About Security Considerations for the UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Packages D-12 Securing Access to the DBMS_FILE_TRANFER Package D-12 Example: Creating a Command Rule to Deny Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK D-13 Example: Creating a Command Rule to Enable Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK D-13 Example: Command Rules to Disable and Enable Access to CREATE DIRECTORY D-13 xxii E CREATE ANY JOB Privilege Security Considerations D-14 CREATE EXTERNAL JOB Privilege Security Considerations D-14 LogMiner Package Security Considerations D-14 ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION Privilege Security Considerations D-15 About ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION Privilege Security Considerations D-15 Example: Adding Rules to the Existing ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule D-15 Troubleshooting Oracle Database Vault Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events E-1 About Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events E-2 Types of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events That You Can and Cannot Track E-2 Levels of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events E-3 Performance Effect of Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Files E-3 Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Events E-3 Enabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session E-4 Enabling Trace Events for All Database Sessions E-4 Management of Trace Events in a Multitenant Environment E-5 Finding Oracle Database Vault Trace File Data E-5 Finding the Database Vault Trace File Directory Location E-6 Using the Linux grep Command to Search Trace Files for Strings E-6 Using the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) Utility to QueryTrace Files E-6 Example: Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File E-7 Example: High Level Trace Enabled for Oracle Database Vault Authorization E-8 Example: Highest Level Traces on Violations on Realm-Protected Objects E-9 Disabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Events E-10 Disabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session E-10 Disabling Trace Events for All Database Sessions E-10 Disabling Trace Events in a Multitenant Environment E-11 General Diagnostic Tips E-11 Configuration Problems with Oracle Database Vault Components E-12 Resetting Oracle Database Vault Account Passwords E-12 Resetting the DV_OWNER User Password E-12 Resetting the DV_ACCTMGR User Password E-13 Index xxiii List of Figures 1-1 Oracle Database Vault Realm Blocking DBA Access to Data 1-2 1-2 Oracle Database Vault Security 1-10 1-3 Oracle Database Vault in a Multitenant Environment with Regular Mode 1-12 5-1 How Authorizations Work for Realms and Realm Owners 5-19 12-1 Encrypted Data and Oracle Database Vault 12-5 14-1 How Oracle Database Vault Roles Are Categorized 14-4 xxiv List of Tables 1-1 Regulations That Address Potential Security Threats 1-7 2-1 Modified Database Initialization Parameter Settings 2-2 2-2 Privileges Oracle Database Vault Revokes 2-4 4-1 Data Dictionary Views That Display Privilege Analysis Information 4-32 5-1 Reports Related to Realms 5-21 5-2 Data Dictionary Views Used for Realms 5-22 6-1 Current Default Oracle Database Vault Rules 6-2 Reports Related to Rule Sets 6-30 6-3 Data Dictionary Views Used for Rules and Rule Sets 6-30 7-1 Default Command Rules 7-2 Reports Related to Command Rules 7-16 8-1 Reports Related to Factors and Their Identities 8-36 8-2 Data Dictionary Views Used for Factors and Factor Identities 8-37 9-1 Reports Related to Secure Application Roles 9-10 10-1 Data Dictionary Views Used for Oracle Database Vault Policies 10-6 12-1 Reports Related to Database Vault and Oracle Label Security Integration 12-14 12-2 Data Dictionary Views Used for Oracle Label Security 12-14 13-1 Levels of Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations 13-2 Levels of Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Transporatable Operations 14-1 Privileges of Oracle Database Vault Roles 14-2 Database Accounts Used by Oracle Database Vault 14-23 14-3 Model Oracle Database Vault Database Accounts 14-24 15-1 ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Parameters 15-2 15-2 ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Parameters 15-4 15-3 CREATE_REALM Parameters 15-6 15-4 DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM Parameters 15-8 15-5 DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM Parameters 15-9 15-6 DELETE_REALM Parameter 15-10 15-7 DELETE_REALM_CASCADE Parameter 15-10 15-8 RENAME_REALM Parameters 15-11 15-9 UPDATE_REALM Parameters 15-12 15-10 UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Parameters 15-13 16-1 ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET Parameters 16-2 16-2 CREATE_RULE Parameters 16-3 16-3 CREATE_RULE_SET Parameters 16-5 6-9 7-7 13-7 13-10 14-5 xxv 16-4 DELETE_RULE Parameter 16-8 16-5 DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET Parameters 16-8 16-6 DELETE_RULE_SET Parameter 16-9 16-7 RENAME_RULE Parameters 16-9 16-8 RENAME_RULE_SET Parameters 16-10 16-9 UPDATE_RULE Parameters 16-11 16-10 UPDATE_RULE_SET Parameters 16-12 17-1 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters 17-2 17-2 ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule Settings 17-4 17-3 ALTER SESSION Command Rule Settings 17-5 17-4 CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Parameters 17-9 17-5 CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters 17-10 17-6 CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters 17-12 17-7 DELETE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters 17-14 17-8 DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Parameters 17-15 17-9 DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters 17-16 17-10 DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters 17-17 17-11 UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters 17-18 17-12 UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Parameters 17-20 17-13 UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters 17-22 17-14 UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters 17-23 18-1 ADD_FACTOR_LINK Parameters 18-3 18-2 ADD_POLICY_FACTOR Parameters 18-4 18-3 CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR Parameters 18-5 18-4 CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE Parameters 18-5 18-5 CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Parameters 18-6 18-6 CREATE_FACTOR Parameters 18-7 18-7 CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters 18-9 18-8 CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP Parameters 18-10 18-9 CREATE_IDENTITY Parameters 18-11 18-10 DELETE_FACTOR Parameter 18-12 18-11 DELETE_FACTOR_LINK Parameters 18-12 18-12 DELETE_IDENTITY Parameters 18-13 18-13 DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters 18-13 18-14 DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP Parameters 18-14 18-15 DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Parameters 18-15 18-16 GET_SESSION_INFO Parameter 18-16 xxvi 18-17 GET_INSTANCE_INFO Parameter 18-16 18-18 RENAME_FACTOR Parameters 18-17 18-19 RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters 18-17 18-20 UPDATE_FACTOR 18-18 18-21 UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters 18-21 18-22 UPDATE_IDENTITY Parameters 18-21 18-23 SET_FACTOR Parameters 18-23 18-24 GET_FACTOR Parameter 18-24 18-25 GET_FACTOR_LABEL Parameters 18-25 18-26 GET_TRUST_LEVEL Parameter 18-26 18-27 GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY Parameters 18-26 18-28 ROLE_IS_ENABLED Parameter 18-27 19-1 ASSIGN_ROLE Parameters 19-2 19-2 CREATE_ROLE Parameters 19-2 19-3 DELETE_ROLE Parameter 19-3 19-4 RENAME_ROLE Parameters 19-4 19-5 UPDATE_ROLE Parameters 19-4 19-6 UNASSIGN_ROLE Parameters 19-5 19-7 CAN_SET_ROLE Parameter 19-6 19-8 SET_ROLE Parameter 19-7 20-1 CREATE_MAC_POLICY Parameters 20-2 20-2 Oracle Label Security Merge Algorithm Codes 20-2 20-3 CREATE_POLICY_LABEL Parameters 20-3 20-4 DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE Parameter 20-4 20-5 DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR Parameters 20-5 20-6 DELETE_POLICY_LABEL Parameters 20-6 20-7 UPDATE_MAC_POLICY 20-7 21-1 DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants 21-2 21-2 CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED Parameter 21-8 21-3 GET_CODE_VALUE Parameters 21-9 21-4 GET_SECOND Parameter 21-9 21-5 GET_MINUTE Parameter 21-10 21-6 GET_HOUR Parameter 21-11 21-7 GET_DAY Parameter 21-11 21-8 GET_MONTH Parameter 21-12 21-9 GET_YEAR Parameter 21-13 21-10 IS_ALPHA Parameter 21-13 xxvii 21-11 IS_DIGIT Parameter 21-14 21-12 IS_DVSYS_OWNER Parameter 21-15 21-13 USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Parameters 21-16 21-14 USER_HAS_ROLE Parameters 21-18 21-15 USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR Parameters 21-19 21-16 USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Parameters 21-19 22-1 ADD_NLS_DATA 22-3 22-2 AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER 22-4 22-3 AUTHORIZE_DDL 22-4 22-4 AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER 22-5 22-5 AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER 22-6 22-6 AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER 22-7 22-7 AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER 22-8 22-8 UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER 22-9 22-9 UNAUTHORIZE_DDL 22-9 22-10 UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER 22-10 22-11 UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER 22-11 22-12 UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER 22-12 22-13 UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER 22-13 22-14 ENABLE_DV 22-16 22-15 CONFIGURE_DV 22-19 23-1 ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Parameters 23-2 23-2 ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY Parameters 23-4 23-3 ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY Parameters 23-5 23-4 CREATE_POLICY Parameters 23-6 23-5 DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Parameters 23-7 23-6 DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY Parameters 23-8 23-7 DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY Parameters 23-9 23-8 DROP_POLICY Parameters 23-10 23-9 RENAME_POLICY Parameters 23-10 23-10 UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Parameters 23-11 23-11 UPDATE_POLICY_STATE Parameters 23-12 24-1 DBMS_MACADM Realm Procedures 24-1 24-2 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set and Rule Procedures 24-2 24-3 DBMS_MACADM Command Rule Procedures 24-2 24-4 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions 24-3 24-5 DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures 24-4 xxviii 24-6 DBMS_MACADM Oracle Label Security Procedures 24-5 24-7 DBMS_MACADM Database Vault Policy Procedures 24-5 24-8 DBMS_MACADM General Administrative Procedures 24-6 24-9 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL Package Contents 24-7 24-10 DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL Package Contents 24-7 24-11 DVF PL/SQL Interface Contents 24-8 25-1 DBA_DV_CODE View CODE_GROUP Values 25-6 25-2 DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG VIOLATION_TYPE Code Values 25-33 25-3 DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View ACTION Values 25-37 25-4 DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View ACTION Values 25-42 A-1 Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Format A-4 A-2 Audit Policy Settings Oracle Database Vault Adds to Oracle Database A-9 D-1 Example Separation of Duty Matrix D-4 D-2 Example Application Protection Maxtrix D-5 D-3 Trusted Oracle Database Vault Roles and Privileges D-7 E-1 Contents of Oracle Database Vault Trace Files E-2 xxix Preface Preface Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide explains how to configure access control-based security in an Oracle Database environment by using Oracle Database Vault. • Audience • Documentation Accessibility • Related Documents • Conventions Audience This document is intended for security managers, audit managers, label administrators, and Oracle database administrators (DBAs) who are involved in the configuration of Oracle Database Vault. Documentation Accessibility For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at ctx=acc&id=docacc. Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit if you are hearing impaired. Related Documents For more information refer to the following documents: • Oracle Database Security Guide • Oracle Label Security Administrator’s Guide • Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide • Oracle Database SQL Language Reference xxx Preface Oracle Technology Network (OTN) You can download free release notes, installation documentation, updated versions of this guide, white papers, or other collateral from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). Visit For security-specific information on OTN, visit For the latest version of the Oracle documentation, including this guide, visit Oracle Database Vault-Specific Sites For OTN information specific to Oracle Database Vault, visit index.html For frequently asked questions about Oracle Database Vault, visit Oracle Store Printed documentation is available for sale in the Oracle Store at: My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) You can find information about security patches, certifications, and the support knowledge base by visiting My Oracle Support at: Conventions The following text conventions are used in this document: Convention Meaning boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary. italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter. xxxi Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide This preface contains: • Changes in Oracle Database Vault 12c Release 2 ( Changes in Oracle Database Vault 12c Release 2 ( The following are changes in Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide for Oracle Database 12c release 2 ( • New Features • Deprecated Features New Features The following features are new for this release: • Ability to Create Oracle Database Vault Policies An Oracle Database Vault policy groups and manages realms and command rules that have something in common in a single policy. • Ability to Configure Simulation Mode Protection Simulation mode protects Oracle Database Vault security objects so that SQL commands are not blocked, but violations to the security controls are logged. • Privilege Analysis Enhancements Privilege analysis policies now capture more privilege use than in previous releases, find unused privilege grants, and create named capture runs. • Ability to Create Common Realms and Common Command Rules for Oracle Multitenant In a multitenant environment, you now can create common realms and common command rules within the application PDB context. • ALTER SESSION, ALTER SYSTEM, and CONNECT Command Rule Enhancements Command rules now provide more ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM functionality, and CONNECT command rule enhancements. • Enhancements for the Authentication_Method Default Factor Starting with this release, the Authentication_Method default factor can be used for external and global user authentication. xxxii Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide • Changed Default Value for SQL92_SECURITY Parameter Starting with this release, the default value for the SQL92_SECURITY parameter has changed from FALSE to TRUE. • Oracle Database Vault Support for Flashback Technology and ILM You now can use Oracle Flashback Technology features and Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) features in an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database. • Support for Rolling Upgrades for Data Guard Logical Standby Databases Oracle Data Guard logical standby databases can perform rolling upgrades for Oracle Database Vault-enabled systems using transient logical standby and the DBMS_ROLLING package. Ability to Create Oracle Database Vault Policies An Oracle Database Vault policy groups and manages realms and command rules that have something in common in a single policy. For example, the realms and command rules can have an application or schema in common. The status of the realms and command rules in this policy can be updated at once, in a single command, instead of performing the update individually on each security object. Also new to this release is the DV_POLICY_OWNER role, which provides the grantee user the authority to perform basic administration tasks. This user can add authorized users to the realms that are included in the policy and change the policy state without being granted the powerful DV_OWNER role. The following new functionality supports this feature: • • DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL procedures: – DBMS_MACADM.ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.DROP_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_POLICY – DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION – DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_POLICY_STATE Role: – • DV_POLICY_OWNER Data dictionary views: – DVSYS.DBA_DV_POLICY – DVSYS.DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT – DVSYS.DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER xxxiii Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET – DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE Related Topics • Configuring Oracle Database Vault Policies You can use Oracle Database Vault policies to implement frequently used realm and command rule settings. • DV_POLICY_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role The DV_POLICY_OWNER role enables database users to manage to a limited degree Oracle Database Vault policies. • Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. Ability to Configure Simulation Mode Protection Simulation mode protects Oracle Database Vault security objects so that SQL commands are not blocked, but violations to the security controls are logged. Simulation mode can also be set for the new Oracle Database Vault policy, which then sets it on embedded objects. This status is between the full protection of being enabled and blocking the access of SQL statements and being disabled. When realms and command rules are set to the simulation mode, violations that occur to these security controls are only logged to the simulation log file. They are not enforced or deny access to the user. This enables you to more quickly certify applications with Oracle Database Vault and to move new realms and command rules to production. You can implement a mandatory realm on a test application database schema and then set it to simulation mode. After running the full test application regression test, you then can analyze the simulation mode log to determine which users and which trusted paths to authorize to the test application schema. You can also develop new command rules and migrate them to production in simulation mode for a period of time to determine the impact they would have when they are enabled. The simulation mode log is available for viewing in the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view. After you have finished testing the realm and command rule, you can clear the contents of the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG view for the next time you need to test Database Vault configurations in a test environment. The following functionality supports this features: • New or changed DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL procedures: – DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM (changed) – DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_REALM (changed) – DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE (changed) xxxiv Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide • – DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE (changed) – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE (changed) – DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) New data dictionary view and table: – DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view – DVSYS.SIMULATION_LOG$ table Related Topics • Using Simulation Mode for Logging Realm and Command Rule Activities Simulation mode writes the activities performed on realms and command rules to a log file, which is accessible through a data dictionary view. • Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package enables you to configure Oracle Database Vault realms. • Oracle Database Vault Command Rule APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package provides procedures for configuring command rules. . • DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View The DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view captures simulation log information for realms and command rules that have had simulation mode enabled. Privilege Analysis Enhancements Privilege analysis policies now capture more privilege use than in previous releases, find unused privilege grants, and create named capture runs. • Additional privilege captures: You now can create privilege analysis policies that capture compilation privileges that are used for definer’s rights and invoker’s rights program units, that capture privileges that were used for Code Based Access Control (CBAC) role use, and that capture secure application role use. • Unused privilege grants: The privilege capture reports now indicate which privilege grants were not used by users or roles. • Capture runs: A capture run defines the period of time that a privilege capture takes place. You define the capture run when you enable the policy. You can create multiple capture runs for use with one policy and then use these capture runs in comparison reports. xxxv Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide Related Topics • Performing Privilege Analysis to Find Privilege Use Privilege analysis dynamically analyzes the privileges and roles that users use and do not use. Ability to Create Common Realms and Common Command Rules for Oracle Multitenant In a multitenant environment, you now can create common realms and common command rules within the application PDB context. The benefit of creating common realms and command rules (that is, in the application root) is that you can manage them from a central location in a multitenant environment, rather than in individual pluggable databases (PDBs). Realms for the application root common objects must be configured in the application PDB or root. Local realms and local command rules can still be implemented on individual PDBs over and above any common realms and common command rules. Common realms can only be created on common objects in the application root. You cannot create common realms in the CDB root. However, you can create common command rules in either the application root or the CDB root. A common command rule in the application root applies to its associated PDBs. Common command rules that are in the CDB root will apply to all PDBs in the CDB environment. When you create a common object in the application root and in the CDB root, you must synchronize it so that it is visible in the individual PDBs. To synchronize an object in the application root, you use the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION statement with the SYNC clause. The following functionality supports this feature: • • New or changed DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL procedures: – All realm-related DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL procedures – All command rule-related DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL procedures – DBMS_MACADM.ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY (new) – DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY (new) New or changed data dictionary views: – DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE – DVSYS.DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT (new) – DBA_DV_REALM – DVSYS.DV$REALM – DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH – DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT – DBA_DV_RULE_SET – DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE xxxvi Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide Related Topics • Realms in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create a realm to protect common objects in the application root. • Command Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create common and local command rules in either the CDB root or the application root. • Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package enables you to configure Oracle Database Vault realms. • Oracle Database Vault Command Rule APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package provides procedures for configuring command rules. . • Oracle Database Vault Policy APIs You can use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage Oracle Database Vault policies. • Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. ALTER SESSION, ALTER SYSTEM, and CONNECT Command Rule Enhancements Command rules now provide more ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM functionality, and CONNECT command rule enhancements. In previous releases, you could create command rules for the ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM statements, but the functionality that you could include was limited. Starting with this release, Oracle Database Vault provides the ability to include event settings that are commonly used by ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM. The options for these special command rules enable you to use many of the features of the ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM statements, such as the ability to use the SET clause for parameter settings. In addition, Oracle has made the management of the CONNECT command rule easier to maintain. In previous releases, you could create a CONNECT command rule, but if, for example, you had to create four different command rules for four different users, then you had to create a complex rule with OR and AND keywords to account for the multiple users in one command rule. With this release, you can create a CONNECT command rule for each user. The changed and new DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL procedures to manage the ALTER SESSION, ALTER SYSTEM, and CONNECT command rules are as follows: • DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE (changed) • DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE (changed) • DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE (new) • DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE (new) • DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CONNECT_CONNECT_RULE (new) • DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) xxxvii Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide • DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) • DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) • DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) • DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) • DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE (new) Related Topics • ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM Command Rules You can create different kinds of ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM command rules that provide fine-grained control for these SQL statements. • CONNECT Command Rule The DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_CMD_RULE procedure creates a user-specific CONNECT command rule. • Ability to Configure Simulation Mode Protection Simulation mode protects Oracle Database Vault security objects so that SQL commands are not blocked, but violations to the security controls are logged. • Ability to Create Common Realms and Common Command Rules for Oracle Multitenant In a multitenant environment, you now can create common realms and common command rules within the application PDB context. Enhancements for the Authentication_Method Default Factor Starting with this release, the Authentication_Method default factor can be used for external and global user authentication. This enhancement provides for global and external authentication when the Kerberos and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) strong authentication features are used. Related Topics • Default Factors Oracle Database Vault provides a set of default factors. Changed Default Value for SQL92_SECURITY Parameter Starting with this release, the default value for the SQL92_SECURITY parameter has changed from FALSE to TRUE. See Also: Oracle Database Reference for more information about the SQL92_SECURITY parameter Oracle Database Vault Support for Flashback Technology and ILM You now can use Oracle Flashback Technology features and Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) features in an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database. xxxviii Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide The Oracle Flashback Technology enhancement enables you to use Database Vault realms and command rules to control access to database objects while you are using the Oracle Flashback features. You can protect the PURGE TABLE, PURGE INDEX, FLASHBACK TABLE, PURGE TABLESPACE, PURGE RECYCLEBIN, PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN, CREATE FLASHBACK ARCHIVE, ALTER FLASHBACK ARCHIVE, DROP FLASHBACK ARCHIVE SQL statements with Database Vault command rules. The ILM enhancement enables you to use Database Vault realms and command rules with the Automatic Data Optimization (ADO) features, including granting to users the authorization to enable an ADO administrative user to perform ILM operations on Database Vault-protected objects. This enhancement enables ILM to meet regulatory compliance requirements for data retention and protection, and to store large amounts of data at the lowest cost, using storage tiering. To manage authorizations for users to perform ILM operations, two new procedures are introduced with this release: DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER and DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER. To find information about ILM authorization grants, a new data dictionary view, DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH, is provided. See Also: • About Realms for more information about how realms are affected by this enhancement • About Command Rules for more information about command rules • SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules for a list of the Oracle Flashback Technology SQL statements that can be protected by Database Vault command rules • Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault for information about granting users authorization to perform ILM tasks in a Database Vault environment • AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure for information about the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTAINANCE_USER procedure • UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure for information about the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTAINANCE_USER procedure • DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH View for information about the DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_USER data dictionary view • Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide for more information about ILM • Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User’s Guide for more information about Oracle Flashback Recovery Support for Rolling Upgrades for Data Guard Logical Standby Databases Oracle Data Guard logical standby databases can perform rolling upgrades for Oracle Database Vault-enabled systems using transient logical standby and the DBMS_ROLLING package. See Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Data Guard for more information. xxxix Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide Related Topics • Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Data Guard An Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Data Guard integration requires first, the primary database configuration, then the standby database configration. Deprecated Features The following features have been deprecated for this release. • Deprecated Rules and Rule Sets Several default rules and rule sets are no longer included in a fresh installation of Oracle Database Vault. • Deprecated UTL_FILE_DIR Parameter The UTL_FILE_DIR parameter has been deprecated for this release. Deprecated Rules and Rule Sets Several default rules and rule sets are no longer included in a fresh installation of Oracle Database Vault. The following rules are no longer included in a fresh installation of an Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) database: • Is _system_trig_enabled Parameters Allowed • Is o7_dictionary_accessibility Parameters Allowed • Is _dynamic_rls_init Parameters Allowed • Is Alter DVSYS Allowed • Are System Security Parameters Allowed • Are Dump or Dest Parameters Allowed • Are Backup Restore Parameters Allowed • Are Database File Parameters Allowed • Are Optimizer Parameters Allowed • Are PL-SQL Parameters Allowed • Are Security Parameters Allowed The following default rule sets are not included in fresh installations of Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2): • Allow System Parameters • Allow Fine Grained Control of System Parameters These rules and rule sets are replaced by new rules and rule sets that are more secure. Related Topics • Default Rules Default rules are rules that have commonly used behavior, such as checking if an action evaluates to true or false. xl Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide • Default Rule Sets Oracle Database Vault provides a set of default rules sets that you can customize for your needs. Deprecated UTL_FILE_DIR Parameter The UTL_FILE_DIR parameter has been deprecated for this release. This parameter is still supported for backward compatibility. However, Oracle recommends that you use directory objects instead. See Also: Oracle Database Reference for more information about the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter xli 1 Introduction to Oracle Database Vault Oracle Database Vault enables you to control administrative access to your data. • What Is Oracle Database Vault? Oracle Database Vault provides controls to prevent unauthorized privileged users from accessing sensitive data and to prevent unauthorized database changes. • What Privileges Do You Need to Use Oracle Database Vault? Oracle Database Vault provides database roles that enable different users to perform specific tasks, based on separation-of-duty guidelines. • Components of Oracle Database Vault Oracle Database Vault has a set of components that include PL/SQL packages and other special tools. • How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Compliance Regulations One of the biggest side benefits resulting from regulatory compliance has been security awareness. • How Oracle Database Vault Protects Privileged User Accounts Many security breaches, both external and internal, target privileged users database accounts to steal data from databases. • How Oracle Database Vault Allows for Flexible Security Policies Oracle Database Vault helps you design flexible security policies for your database. • How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Database Consolidation Concerns Consolidation and cloud environments reduce cost but can expose sensitive application data to those without a true need-to-know. • How Oracle Database Vault Works in a Multitenant Environment Oracle Database Vault can be used with Oracle Multitenant to provide increased security for consolidation. What Is Oracle Database Vault? Oracle Database Vault provides controls to prevent unauthorized privileged users from accessing sensitive data and to prevent unauthorized database changes. • About Oracle Database Vault The Oracle Database Vault security controls protect application data from unauthorized access, and comply with privacy and regulatory requirements. • Controls for Privileged Accounts Privileged database accounts are one of the most commonly used pathways for gaining access to sensitive applications data in the database. • Controls for Database Configuration Common audit findings are unauthorized changes to database entitlements and grants of the DBA role to too many users. 1-1 Chapter 1 What Is Oracle Database Vault? • Enterprise Applications Protection Policies Application-specific Oracle Database Vault protection policies and guidelines are available for major enterprise applications. • Run-time Privilege Analysis for Users and Applications Oracle Database Vault enables you to identify the actual privileges and roles that are used at run-time. About Oracle Database Vault The Oracle Database Vault security controls protect application data from unauthorized access, and comply with privacy and regulatory requirements. You can deploy controls to block privileged account access to application data and control sensitive operations inside the database using trusted path authorization. Through the analysis of privileges and roles, you can increase the security of existing applications by using least privilege best practices. Oracle Database Vault secures existing database environments transparently, eliminating costly and time consuming application changes. Controls for Privileged Accounts Privileged database accounts are one of the most commonly used pathways for gaining access to sensitive applications data in the database. While their broad and unrestricted access facilitates database maintenance, the same access also creates a point of attack for gaining access to large amounts of data. Oracle Database Vault realms around application schemas, sensitive tables, and stored procedures provide controls to prevent privileged accounts from being exploited by intruders and insiders to access sensitive application data. Figure 1-1 Oracle Database Vault Realm Blocking DBA Access to Data ve me ors nd a ta tad SELECT * FROM FINANCE.VENDORS L /S Q PL DBA Has SELECT ANY TABLE Privilege Controls for Database Configuration Common audit findings are unauthorized changes to database entitlements and grants of the DBA role to too many users. 1-2 Chapter 1 What Privileges Do You Need to Use Oracle Database Vault? Preventing unauthorized changes to production environments is important not only for security, but also for compliance as such changes can weaken security and open doors to intruders, violating privacy and compliance regulations. Oracle Database Vault SQL command rules enable you to control operations inside the database, including commands such as CREATE TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE, and CREATE USER. Various out-of-the-box factors such as IP address, authentication method, and program name help implement trusted path authorization to deter attacks leveraging stolen passwords. These controls prevent accidental configuration changes and also prevent hackers and malicious insiders from tampering with applications. The Oracle Database Vault realms with the mandatory mode enables you to seal off access to application objects, even to those with direct object grants, including the object owner. With mandatory realms, you do not need to analyze who has access because this is clear from the list of authorized users. You can enable mandatory realms at runtime and use them in response to a cyber threat, preventing all access until the threat has been analyzed. Enterprise Applications Protection Policies Application-specific Oracle Database Vault protection policies and guidelines are available for major enterprise applications. These enterprise applications include Oracle Fusion Applications, Oracle E-Business Suit, Oracle PeopleSoft, Oracle Siebel, Oracle Financial Services (i-Flex), Oracle Primavera, SAP, and Finacle from Infosys. Run-time Privilege Analysis for Users and Applications Oracle Database Vault enables you to identify the actual privileges and roles that are used at run-time. The additional unused roles and privileges can then be audited or revoked by the security administrators to reduce the attack surface and implement least privilege model. Privilege analysis can also be used on administrators to help limit the roles and privileges they are granted to fulfill their responsibilities. You do not need to have Oracle Database Vault enabled to perform privilege analysis. What Privileges Do You Need to Use Oracle Database Vault? Oracle Database Vault provides database roles that enable different users to perform specific tasks, based on separation-of-duty guidelines. The most commonly used roles are as follows: • DV_OWNER and DV_ADMIN enable you to create and manage Database Vault policies. • DV_ACCTMGR enables you to manage user accounts. When you register Oracle Database Vault, the DV_OWNER role is granted to a user who must exist before you begin the configuration process, and the DV_ACCTMGR role is granted to a second, optional user, who must also exist before configuration. You can grant the Database Vault roles to other users, but ensure that these users are trusted. 1-3 Chapter 1 Components of Oracle Database Vault During the registration process, you must create backup accounts for the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR users. As a best practice, Oracle strongly recommends that you keep and maintain these backup accounts. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts As a best practice, you should maintain backup accounts for the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. Components of Oracle Database Vault Oracle Database Vault has a set of components that include PL/SQL packages and other special tools. • Oracle Database Vault Access Control Components Oracle Database Vault enables you to create a set of components to manage security for your database instance. • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Database Vault Administrator Pages Oracle Database Vault is pre-installed by default and can be enabled easily. • Oracle Database Vault DVSYS and DVF Schemas Oracle Database Vault database objects and public functions are stored in the DVSYS and DVF schemas, respectively. • Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Interfaces and Packages Oracle Database Vault provides PL/SQL interfaces and packages for security managers or application developers to configure access control policies. • Oracle Database Vault Reporting and Monitoring Tools You can generate reports on the various activities that Oracle Database Vault monitors. Oracle Database Vault Access Control Components Oracle Database Vault enables you to create a set of components to manage security for your database instance. These components are as follows: • Realms. A realm is a protection zone inside the database where database schemas, objects, and roles can be secured. For example, you can secure a set of schemas, objects, and roles that are related to accounting, sales, or human resources. After you have secured these into a realm, you can use the realm to control the use of system and object privileges to specific accounts or roles. This enables you to provide fine-grained access controls for anyone who wants to use these schemas, objects, and roles. Configuring Realms, discusses realms in detail. See also Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs. • Command rules. A command rule is a special security policy that you can create to control how users can execute almost any SQL statement, including SELECT, ALTER SYSTEM, database definition language (DDL), and data manipulation language (DML) statements. Command rules must work with rule sets to determine whether the statement is allowed. Configuring Command Rules , 1-4 Chapter 1 Components of Oracle Database Vault discusses command rules in detail. See also Oracle Database Vault Command Rule APIs. • Factors. A factor is a named variable or attribute, such as a user location, database IP address, or session user, which Oracle Database Vault can recognize and use as a trusted path. You can use factors in rules to control activities such as authorizing database accounts to connect to the database or the execution of a specific database command to restrict the visibility and manageability of data. Each factor can have one or more identities. An identity is the actual value of a factor. A factor can have several identities depending on the factor retrieval method or its identity mapping logic. Configuring Factors, discusses factors in detail. See also Oracle Database Vault Factor APIs. • Rule sets. A rule set is a collection of one or more rules that you can associate with a realm authorization, command rule, factor assignment, or secure application role. The rule set evaluates to true or false based on the evaluation of each rule it contains and the evaluation type (All True or Any True). The rule within a rule set is a PL/SQL expression that evaluates to true or false. You can have the same rule in multiple rule sets. Configuring Rule Sets , discusses rule sets in detail. See also Oracle Database Vault Rule Set APIs. • Secure application roles. A secure application role is a special Oracle Database role that can be enabled based on the evaluation of an Oracle Database Vault rule set. Configuring Secure Application Roles for Oracle Database Vault, discusses secure application roles in detail. See also Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role APIs . To augment these components, Oracle Database Vault provides a set of PL/SQL interfaces and packages. Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Interfaces and Packages provides an overview. In addition to these components, you can analyze the privilege use of your users. Performing Privilege Analysis to Find Privilege Use describes how to use privilege analysis. In general, the first step you take is to create a realm composed of the database schemas or database objects that you want to secure. You can further secure the realm by creating rules, command rules, factors, identities, rule sets, and secure application roles. In addition, you can run reports on the activities these components monitor and protect. Getting Started with Oracle Database Vault, provides a simple tutorial that will familiarize you with basic Oracle Database Vault functionality. Later chapters provide more advanced tutorials. Oracle Database Vault Reports, provides more information about how you can run reports to check the configuration and other activities that Oracle Database Vault performs. Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Database Vault Administrator Pages Oracle Database Vault is pre-installed by default and can be enabled easily. Oracle Database Vault administration is fully integrated with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, providing security administrators with a streamlined and centralized interface to manage Oracle Database Vault. In Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you can access the Oracle Database Vault Administrator pages if you prefer to use a graphical user interface to configure Database Vault policies, and view Database Vault alerts and reports. Oracle Database 1-5 Chapter 1 Components of Oracle Database Vault Vault Administrator provides an extensive collection of security-related reports that assist in understanding the baseline security configuration. These reports also help point out deviations from this baseline. Getting Started with Oracle Database Vault through DBA Operations in an Oracle Database Vault Environment explain how to use the Oracle Database Vault Administrator pages to configure access control policy defined in realms, command rules, factors, rule sets, secure application roles, and how to integrate Oracle Database Vault with other Oracle products. Monitoring Oracle Database Vault explains how to use these pages to monitor Database Vault activity, and Oracle Database Vault Reports, explains Oracle Database Vault reporting. Oracle Database Vault DVSYS and DVF Schemas Oracle Database Vault database objects and public functions are stored in the DVSYS and DVF schemas, respectively. Oracle Database Vault provides a schema, DVSYS, which stores the database objects needed to process Oracle data for Oracle Database Vault. This schema contains the roles, views, accounts, functions, and other database objects that Oracle Database Vault uses. The DVF schema contains public functions to retrieve (at run time) the factor values set in the Oracle Database Vault access control configuration. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Schemas, Roles, and Accounts Oracle Database Vault provides schemas that contain Database Vault objects, roles that provide separation of duty for specific tasks, and default user accounts. Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Interfaces and Packages Oracle Database Vault provides PL/SQL interfaces and packages for security managers or application developers to configure access control policies. The PL/SQL procedures and functions allow the general database account to operate within the boundaries of access control policy in the context of a given database session. See Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs through Oracle Database Vault API Reference for more information. Oracle Database Vault Reporting and Monitoring Tools You can generate reports on the various activities that Oracle Database Vault monitors. In addition, you can monitor policy changes, security violation attempts, and database configuration and structural changes. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Reports Oracle Database Vault provides reports that track activities, such as the Database Vault configuration settings. 1-6 Chapter 1 How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Compliance Regulations • Monitoring Oracle Database Vault You can monitor Oracle Database Vault by checking for violations to the Database Vault configurations and by tracking changes to policies. How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Compliance Regulations One of the biggest side benefits resulting from regulatory compliance has been security awareness. Historically, the focus of the information technology (IT) department has been on high availability and performance. The focus on regulatory compliance has required everyone to take a step back and look at their IT infrastructure, databases, and applications from a security angle. Common questions include: • Where is the sensitive information stored? • Who has access to this information? Regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: a Revised Framework (Basel II), Japan Privacy Law, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and the European Union Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications have common themes that include internal controls, separation of duty, and access control. While most changes required by regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA are procedural in nature, the remainder may require technology investments. A common security requirement found in regulations is stringent internal controls. The degree to which Oracle Database Vault helps an organization achieve compliance varies with the regulation. In general, Oracle Database Vault realms, command rules, factors and separation of duty features, help reduce the overall security risks that regulation provisions worldwide address. Table 1-1 lists regulations that address potential security threats. Table 1-1 Regulations That Address Potential Security Threats Regulation Potential Security Threat Sarbanes-Oxley Section 302 Unauthorized changes to data Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Modification to data, unauthorized access Sarbanes-Oxley Section 409 Denial of service, unauthorized access Gramm-Leach-Bliley Unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 164.306 Unauthorized access to data HIPAA 164.312 Unauthorized access to data Basel II – Internal Risk Management Unauthorized access to data CFR Part 11 Unauthorized access to data Japan Privacy Law Unauthorized access to data EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications Unauthorized access to data 1-7 Chapter 1 How Oracle Database Vault Protects Privileged User Accounts Table 1-1 (Cont.) Regulations That Address Potential Security Threats Regulation Potential Security Threat Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Unauthorized changes to data How Oracle Database Vault Protects Privileged User Accounts Many security breaches, both external and internal, target privileged users database accounts to steal data from databases. Oracle Database Vault protects against compromised privilege user account attacks by using realms, factors, and command rules. Combined, these provide powerful security tools to help secure access to databases, applications, and sensitive information. You can combine rules and factors to control the conditions under which commands in the database are allowed to execute, and to control access to data protected by a realm. For example, you can create rules and factors to control access to data based on IP addresses, the time of day, and specific programs. These can limit access to only those connections that pass these conditions. This can prevent unauthorized access to application data and access to the database by unauthorized applications. Oracle Database Vault provides built-in factors that you can use in combination with rules to control access to the database, realm-protected applications, and commands within the database. You can associate rules and factors with many SQL statements in the database to provide stronger internal controls within the database. You can customize these to meet the operational policies for your site. For example, you could define a rule to limit execution of the ALTER SYSTEM statement to a specific IP address and host name. How Oracle Database Vault Allows for Flexible Security Policies Oracle Database Vault helps you design flexible security policies for your database. For example, any database user who has the DBA role can make modifications to basic parameters in a database. Suppose an inexperienced administrator who has system privileges decides to start a new redo log file but does not realize that doing so at a particular time may cause problems for the database. With Oracle Database Vault, you can create a command rule to prevent this user from making such modifications by limiting his or her usage of the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statement. Furthermore, you can attach rule sets to the command rule to restrict activity further, such as limiting the statement's execution in the following ways: • By time (for example, only during 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Friday afternoons) • By local access only, that is, not remotely • By IP address (for example, allowing the action to only a specified range of IP addresses) 1-8 Chapter 1 How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Database Consolidation Concerns You can customize Oracle Database Vault separation of duties to fit the requirements of business of any size. For example, large customers with dedicated IT staff and some out sourced back end operations can further fine tune separation of duties to control what out sourced database administrators can do. For smaller organizations with some users handling multiple responsibilities, separation of duties can be tuned down and these users can create separate dedicated accounts for each responsibility. This helps such users keep track of all actions made and prevents intruders from exploiting compromised privileged database accounts to steal sensitive data. In addition, it helps auditors verify compliance. How Oracle Database Vault Addresses Database Consolidation Concerns Consolidation and cloud environments reduce cost but can expose sensitive application data to those without a true need-to-know. Data from one country may be hosted in an entirely different country, but access to that data must be restricted based on regulations of the country to which the data belongs. Oracle Database Vault controls provide increased security for these environments by preventing database administrators from accessing the applications data. In addition, controls can be used to help block application bypass and enforce a trusted-path from the application tier to the application data. Oracle Database Vault provides four distinct separation of duty controls for security administration: • Day-to-day database administrator tasks using the default Oracle Database DBA role • Security administrator tasks using the DV_OWNER and DV_ADMIN roles • Account administrator tasks using the DV_ACCTMGR role • Grants of roles and privileges by a named trusted user Oracle Database Vault separation of duty controls can be customized and organizations with limited resources can assign multiple Oracle Database Vault responsibilities to the same administrator, but using separate accounts for each separation-of-duty role to minimize damage to the database if any one account is stolen and leveraged. Oracle customers today still have hundreds and even thousands of databases distributed throughout the enterprise and around the world. However, for database consolidation as a cost-saving strategy in the coming years to be effective, the physical security provided by the distributed database architecture must be available in the consolidated environment. Oracle Database Vault addresses the primary security concerns of database consolidation. Figure 1-2 illustrates how Oracle Database Vault addresses the following database security concerns: • Administrative privileged account access to application data: In this case, Oracle Database Vault prevents the database administrator from accessing the schemas that are protected by the Finance realm. Although the database administrator is the most powerful and trusted user, this administrator does not need access to application data residing within the database. 1-9 Chapter 1 How Oracle Database Vault Works in a Multitenant Environment • Separation of duties for application data access: In this case, the HR realm owner, created in Oracle Database Vault, has access to the HR realm schemas. Figure 1-2 Oracle Database Vault Security Application Procurement HR SELECT * FROM FINANCE.CUSTOMERS Finance DBA Database consolidation can result in multiple powerful user accounts residing in a single database. This means that in addition to the overall database administrator, individual application schema owners also may have powerful privileges. Revoking some privileges may adversely affect existing applications. Using Oracle Database Vault realms, you can enforce access to applications through a trusted path, preventing database users who have not been specifically authorized access from using powerful privileges to look at other application data. For example, a database administrator who has the SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege can be prevented from using that privilege to view other application data residing in the same database. How Oracle Database Vault Works in a Multitenant Environment Oracle Database Vault can be used with Oracle Multitenant to provide increased security for consolidation. Oracle Database Vault can prevent privileged user access inside a pluggable database (PDB) and between the PDB and the common privileged user at the container database. Each pluggable database (PDB) has its own Database Vault metadata, such as realms, rule sets, command rules, default policies (such as default realms) and so on. In addition, the objects within the DVSYS and DVF schemas are automatically available to any child PDBs. Both of these schemas are common user schemas. You can configure common realms in the application root only, but you can create common rule sets and command rules in either the application root or the CDB root. A common command rule in the application root applies to its associated PDBs, and 1-10 Chapter 1 How Oracle Database Vault Works in a Multitenant Environment common command rules in the CDB root apply to all PDBs in the CDB environment. The ability to create common realms and command rules enables you to create policies that use a shared set of realms, rule sets, or command rules throughout the CDB environments, rather than having to create these same components for every PDB in the multitenant environment. The common protection applies for all PDBs associated with the application root that have Oracle Database Vault enabled. You can create individual local policies for each PDB. When you use Database Vault to protect an object, Database Vault subjects common privileges for common objects to the same enforcement rules as local system privileges. When you configure a PDB that has Database Vault enabled, the DVSYS schema is a common user schema that is stored in the root. This means that all the objects within the DVSYS schema (tables, data dictionary views, user accounts, PL/SQL packages, default policies, and so on) are subject to the common privileges available for this schema. In other words, you can create realms, factors, and so on in the root to protect the schema in the root. Ensure that you configure Database Vault in the root first, before you configure it in the associated PDBs. When you enable Oracle Database Vault in the CDB root, you can choose either regular mode or strict mode. The settings propagate throughout the CDB based on the setting you choose. For example, suppose a CDB contains both Database Vaultenabled PDBs and PDBS in which Database Vault is not enabled. If you enable Database Vault using regular mode, then both types of PDBs will continue to function normally. If you enable Database Vault using strict mode, then the Database Vaultdisabled PDBs will operate in restricted mode. Figure 1-3 illustrates how the database in regular mode allows different access for common and local database administrators depending if Database Vault is enabled. In this scenario, neither the common user nor the local users have access to the realms in PDB1 and PDB2. Both the common user and the PDB3 local user have access to the Custom App application in PDB3, where Database Vault is not enabled. 1-11 Chapter 1 How Oracle Database Vault Works in a Multitenant Environment Figure 1-3 Mode Oracle Database Vault in a Multitenant Environment with Regular CDB Root CDB Common Com CDB DBA HR Realm Local PDB DBA Fin Realm Custom om App PDB1 PDB2 PDB3 Database Vault Enabled Database Vault Enabled Database Vault Not Enabled Local PDB DBA Related Topics • Realms in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create a realm to protect common objects in the application root. • Rule Sets and Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create a rule set and its associated rules in the application root. • Command Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create common and local command rules in either the CDB root or the application root. • Converting a Standalone Oracle Database to a PDB and Plugging It into a CDB You can convert a standalone Oracle Database Release 12c or later database to a PDB, and then plug this PDB into a CDB. 1-12 2 What to Expect After You Enable Oracle Database Vault When you enable Oracle Database Vault, several Oracle Database security features, such as default user authorizations, are modified to provide stronger security restrictions. • Initialization and Password Parameter Settings That Change The Oracle Database Vault configuration modifies several database initialization parameter settings to better secure your database configuration. • How Oracle Database Vault Restricts User Authorizations The Oracle Database configuration requires two additional administrative database account names. • New Database Roles to Enforce Separation of Duties The Oracle Database Vault configuration implements the concept of separation of duty so that you can meet regulatory, privacy and other compliance requirements. • Privileges That Are Revoked from Existing Users and Roles The Oracle Database Vault configuration revokes privileges from several Oracle Database-supplied users and roles, for better separation of duty. • Privileges That Are Prevented for Existing Users and Roles The Oracle Database Vault configuration prevents several privileges for all users and roles who have been granted these privileges, including users SYS and SYSTEM. • Modified AUDIT Statement Settings for a Non-Unified Audit Environment When you configure Oracle Database Vault and if you decide not to use unified auditing, then Database Vault configures several AUDIT statements. Initialization and Password Parameter Settings That Change The Oracle Database Vault configuration modifies several database initialization parameter settings to better secure your database configuration. If these changes adversely affect your organizational processes or database maintenance procedures, then contact Oracle Support for help in resolving the issue. Table 2-1 describes the initialization parameter settings that Oracle Database Vault modifies. Initialization parameters are stored in the init.ora initialization parameter file. On UNIX and Linux, this file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. On Windows, this file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/database. For more information about this file, see Oracle Database Reference. 2-1 Chapter 2 Initialization and Password Parameter Settings That Change Table 2-1 Modified Database Initialization Parameter Settings Parameter Default Value in Database New Value Set by Database Vault Impact of the Change AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS FALSE TRUE Enables the auditing of top-level operations directly issued by user SYS, and users connecting with SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege. For more information about AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS, see Oracle Database Reference. OS_ROLES Not configured FALSE Disables the operating system to completely manage the granting and revoking of roles to users. Any previous grants of roles to users using GRANT statements do not change, because they are still listed in the data dictionary. Only the role grants made at the operating system-level to users apply. Users can still grant privileges to roles and users. For more information about OS_ROLES, see Oracle Database Reference. REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE Specifies whether Oracle Database checks for a password file. The EXCLUSIVE setting enforces the use of the password file, if you installed Oracle Database Vault into a database where REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE is not set to EXCLUSIVE. For more information about REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE, see Oracle Database Reference. SQL92_SECURITY TRUE TRUE Ensures that if a user has been granted the UPDATE or DELETE object privilege, then the user must also be granted the SELECT object privilege before being able to perform UPDATE or DELETE operations on tables that have WHERE or SET clauses. Be aware that if the user is only granted the READ object privilege (instead of SELECT), then the user is not able to perform UPDATE or DELETE operations. For more information about SQL92_SECURITY, see Oracle Database Reference. 2-2 Chapter 2 How Oracle Database Vault Restricts User Authorizations How Oracle Database Vault Restricts User Authorizations The Oracle Database configuration requires two additional administrative database account names. In addition, several database roles are created. These accounts are part of the separation of duties provided by Oracle Database Vault. One common audit problem that has affected several large organizations is the unauthorized creation of new database accounts by a database administrator within a production instance. Upon installation, Oracle Database Vault prevents anyone other than the Oracle Database Vault account manager or a user granted the Oracle Database Vault account manager role from creating users in the database. Related Topics • Separation of Duty Guidelines Oracle Database Vault is designed to easily implement separation of duty guidelines. New Database Roles to Enforce Separation of Duties The Oracle Database Vault configuration implements the concept of separation of duty so that you can meet regulatory, privacy and other compliance requirements. Oracle Database Vault makes clear separation between the account management responsibility, data security responsibility, and database management responsibility inside the database. This means that the concept of a super-privileged user (for example, DBA) is divided among several new database roles to ensure no one user has full control over both the data and configuration of the system. Oracle Database Vault prevents privileged users (those with the DBA and other privileged roles and system privileges) from accessing designated protected areas of the database called realms. It also introduces new database roles called the Oracle Database Vault Owner (DV_OWNER) and the Oracle Database Vault Account Manager (DV_ACCTMGR). These new database roles separate the data security and the account management from the traditional DBA role. You should map these roles to distinct security professionals within your organization. Related Topics • Separation of Duty Guidelines Oracle Database Vault is designed to easily implement separation of duty guidelines. • Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration You must create accounts for the Oracle Database Vault Owner and Oracle Database Vault Account Manager during the registration process. Privileges That Are Revoked from Existing Users and Roles The Oracle Database Vault configuration revokes privileges from several Oracle Database-supplied users and roles, for better separation of duty. 2-3 Chapter 2 Privileges That Are Revoked from Existing Users and Roles Table 2-2 lists privileges that Oracle Database Vault revokes from the Oracle Database-supplied users and roles. Be aware that if you disable Oracle Database Vault, these privileges remain revoked. If your applications depend on these privileges, then grant them to application owner directly. In a multitenant environment, these privileges are revoked from the users and roles in the CDB root and its PDBs and from the application root and its PDBs. Table 2-2 Privileges Oracle Database Vault Revokes User or Role Privilege That Is Revoked DBA role • • • • • • • • • • BECOME USER SELECT ANY TRANSACTION CREATE ANY JOB CREATE EXTERNAL JOB EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM EXECUTE ANY CLASS MANAGE SCHEDULER DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE MANAGE ANY QUEUE IMP_FULL_DATABASE role1 • • BECOME USER MANAGE ANY QUEUE EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE role • • • • • EXECUTE EXECUTE EXECUTE EXECUTE EXECUTE PUBLIC user • EXECUTE ON UTL_FILE • • • • • CREATE ANY JOB CREATE EXTERNAL JOB EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM EXECUTE ANY CLASS MANAGE SCHEDULER SCHEDULER_ADMIN 1 2 role2 ON ON ON ON ON DBMS_LOGMNR DBMS_LOGMNR_D DBMS_LOGMNR_LOGREP_DICT DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER To authorize users to export and import data using Oracle Data Pump, see Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault. To authorize users to schedule database jobs, see Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault. Note: Both the SYS and SYSTEM users retain the SELECT privilege for the DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD data dictionary view, which lists user accounts that use default passwords. If you want other users to have access to this view, grant them the SELECT privilege on it. Related Topics • Table 14-1 • DV_ACCTMGR Database Vault Account Manager Role The DV_ACCTMGR role is a powerful role, used for accounts management. 2-4 Chapter 2 Privileges That Are Prevented for Existing Users and Roles Privileges That Are Prevented for Existing Users and Roles The Oracle Database Vault configuration prevents several privileges for all users and roles who have been granted these privileges, including users SYS and SYSTEM. The DV_ACCTMGR role has these privileges for separation of duty. • ALTER PROFILE • ALTER USER • CREATE PROFILE • CREATE USER • DROP PROFILE • DROP USER For better security and to maintain separation-of-duty standards, do not enable SYS or SYSTEM users the ability to create or manage user accounts. Modified AUDIT Statement Settings for a Non-Unified Audit Environment When you configure Oracle Database Vault and if you decide not to use unified auditing, then Database Vault configures several AUDIT statements. Related Topics • Oracle Database Audit Settings Created for Oracle Database Vault When you install Oracle Database Vault, it creates several AUDIT settings in the database. 2-5 3 Getting Started with Oracle Database Vault Before you can start using Oracle Database Vault, you must register it with the Oracle database. • Manually Installing Oracle Database Vault in a Multitenant Environment Under certain conditions, for a multitenent environment, you must manually install Oracle Database Vault. • Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database You can register Oracle Database Vault for either a non-multitenant environment or a multitenant environment. • Logging into Oracle Database Vault Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) provides pages for Oracle Database Vault. • Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access This tutorial shows how to create a realm around the HR schema. Manually Installing Oracle Database Vault in a Multitenant Environment Under certain conditions, for a multitenent environment, you must manually install Oracle Database Vault. You must manually install Oracle Database Vault (and Oracle Label Security) in a PDB if this PDB does not have these products when the PDB has been plugged into a CDB where Database Vault and Label Security are installed. 1. As user who has been granted the SYSDBA administrative privilege, log in to the PDB in which you want to install Oracle Database Vault. For example, to log in to a PDB named hr_pdb: sqlplus sec_admin@hr_pdb as sysdba Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. If necessary, follow the instructions in Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled to check if Oracle Database Vault and Oracle Label Security are already installed on this PDB. 3. Install Oracle Label Security by executing the catols.sql script. @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catols.sql Oracle Label Security must be installed before you can use Oracle Database Vault. 4. Install Oracle Database Vault by executing the catmac.sql script. 3-1 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catmac.sql 5. At the Enter value for 1 prompt, enter the default tablespace for the PDB. 6. At the Enter value for 2 prompt, enter the temporary tablespace for the PDB. After the installation is complete, you can register Oracle Database Vault. Related Topics • Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database You can register Oracle Database Vault for either a non-multitenant environment or a multitenant environment. Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database You can register Oracle Database Vault for either a non-multitenant environment or a multitenant environment. • About Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database After you install Oracle Database, you must register (that is, configure and enable) Oracle Database Vault with the Oracle database in which it was installed. • Registering Database Vault in a Non-Multitenant Environment You can register Oracle Database Vault from SQL*Plus in a non-multitenant environment. • Registering Database Vault with Common Users to Manage the CDB Root In a multitenant environment, you can register Oracle Database Vault with a common user who will manage the CDB root. • Registering Database Vault Common Users to Manage Specific PDBs In a multitenant environment, you must register Oracle Database Vault in the root first, then in the PDBs afterward. • Creating Common Database Vault Accounts for a Plugged in Database Vault PDB From SQL*Plus, in a multitenant environment, you can plug in a database that already has Database Vault enabled. • Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled The DBA_DV_STATUS, CDB_DV_STATUS, DBA_OLS_STATUS, and CDB_OLS_STATUS data dictionary views verify if Oracle Database is configured and enabled. About Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database After you install Oracle Database, you must register (that is, configure and enable) Oracle Database Vault with the Oracle database in which it was installed. Oracle Database includes Database Vault when you choose to include a default database in the installation process, but you must register it before you can use it. If you create a custom database, then you can use DBCA to install and enable Database Vault for it. The registration process enables Oracle Label Security if it is not already enabled. Oracle Label Security is required for Oracle Database Vault but it does not require a separate license unless you begin using Oracle Label Security separately and create Oracle Label Security policies. This procedure applies to the CDB root, application root, and the current pluggable database (PDB), as well as to both singleinstance and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) installations. 3-2 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database As part of the registration process, you create the Database Vault administrative accounts. These are user accounts that are granted Database Vault DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. As a safety measure, Oracle recommends that you create backups of these user accounts. If you lose access to all of the DV_OWNER user accounts, then there is no way to recover this role. As a result, you will be unable to modify any Database Vault roles or disable Database Vault. You can remedy this problem by recovering the database to the last known point where the database had possession of the Database Vault owner account. This section explains how to register Oracle Database Vault in a non-multitenant environment, and several ways that you can register it in a multitenant environment. Note: If you have upgraded from a release earlier than Oracle Database 12c, and if the earlier Oracle Database Vault had been enabled in that earlier release, then after the upgrade process is complete, you must enable Oracle Database Vault by using the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV procedure. Related Topics • Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled The DBA_DV_STATUS, CDB_DV_STATUS, DBA_OLS_STATUS, and CDB_OLS_STATUS data dictionary views verify if Oracle Database is configured and enabled. Registering Database Vault in a Non-Multitenant Environment You can register Oracle Database Vault from SQL*Plus in a non-multitenant environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has privileges to create user accounts and grant the CREATE SESSION privilege to other users. For example: sqlplus sec_admin Enter password: password 2. Create accounts that will be used for the Database Vault Owner (DV_OWNER role) and Database Vault Account Manager (DV_ACCTMGR role) accounts. Oracle strongly recommends that you create two accounts for each role. One account, the primary account, will be used on a day-to-day basis and the other account will be used as a backup account in case the password of the primary account is lost and must be reset. For example: GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE SESSION SESSION SESSION SESSION TO TO TO TO dbv_owner IDENTIFIED BY password; dbv_owner_backup IDENTIFIED BY password; dbv_acctmgr IDENTIFIED BY password; dbv_acctmgr_backup IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. 3. Connect with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. 3-3 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database CONNECT / AS SYSDBA Enter password: password 4. Configure the primary Database Vault user accounts. BEGIN CONFIGURE_DV ( dvowner_uname dvacctmgr_uname END; / => 'dbv_owner', => 'dbv_acctmgr'); Do not enter the names DV_OWNER, DV_ACCTMGR, or the names of any other Database Vault roles for these user accounts. 5. Run the utlrp.sql script to recompile invalidated objects. @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql If the script gives you any instructions, follow them, and then run the script again. If the script terminates abnormally without giving any instructions, run it again. 6. Connect as the primary Database Vault Owner user that you just configured. For example: CONNECT dbv_owner Enter password: password 7. Enable Oracle Database Vault. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV; 8. Connect with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. CONNECT / AS SYSDBA 9. Restart the database. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP 10. Connect as the primary DV_OWNER user and then grant the DV_OWNER role to the backup DV_OWNER user that you created earlier. For example: CONNECT dbv_owner Enter password: password GRANT DV_OWNER TO dbv_owner_backup; 11. Connect as the primary DV_ACCTMGR user and then grant the DV_ACCTMGR role to the backup DV_ACCTMGR user. For example: CONNECT dbv_acctmgr Enter password: password GRANT DV_ACCTMGR TO dbv_acctmgr_backup; 12. Store the two backup account passwords in a safe location in case they are needed in the future. 3-4 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database Related Topics • Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled The DBA_DV_STATUS, CDB_DV_STATUS, DBA_OLS_STATUS, and CDB_OLS_STATUS data dictionary views verify if Oracle Database is configured and enabled. • Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • Logging into Oracle Database Vault Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) provides pages for Oracle Database Vault. Registering Database Vault with Common Users to Manage the CDB Root In a multitenant environment, you can register Oracle Database Vault with a common user who will manage the CDB root. 1. In a multitenant environment, log into the root of the database instance as a user who has privileges to create users and grant the CREATE SESSION and SET CONTAINER privileges. For example: sqlplus c##sec_admin Enter password: password 2. Create accounts that will be used for the Database Vault Owner (DV_OWNER role) and Database Vault Account Manager (DV_ACCTMGR role) accounts. Oracle strongly recommends that you create two accounts for each role. One account, the primary account, will be used on a day-to-day basis and the other account will be used as a backup account in case the password of the primary account is lost and must be reset. Prepend the names of these accounts with c## or C##. For example: GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET CONTAINER = ALL; GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET password CONTAINER = ALL; GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET password CONTAINER = ALL; GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET password CONTAINER = ALL; CONTAINER TO c##dbv_owner_root IDENTIFIED BY password CONTAINER TO c##dbv_owner_root_backup IDENTIFIED BY CONTAINER TO c##dbv_acctmgr_root IDENTIFIED BY CONTAINER TO c##dbv_acctmgr_root_backup IDENTIFIED BY Replace password with a password that is secure. See Oracle Database Security Guide for the minimum requirements for creating passwords. 3. Connect to the root as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA Enter password: password 4. Configure the primary Database Vault user accounts. BEGIN CONFIGURE_DV ( dvowner_uname dvacctmgr_uname => 'c##dbv_owner_root', => 'c##dbv_acctmgr_root'); 3-5 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database END; / 5. Run the utlrp.sql script to recompile invalidated objects in the root. @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql If the script provides instructions, follow them, and then run the script again. If the script terminates abnormally without giving any instructions, run it again. 6. Connect to the root as the primary Database Vault Owner user that you just configured. For example: CONNECT c##dbv_owner_root Enter password: password 7. Enable Oracle Database Vault using one of the following options: • To enable Oracle Database Vault to use regular mode, which puts the PDB in restricted mode until you enable Database Vault in the PDB and then restart the PDB: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV (strict_mode => 'n'); • To enable Oracle Database Vault to use strict mode, which enables Database Vault in each PDB: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV (strict_mode => 'y'); 8. Connect with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. CONNECT / AS SYSDBA 9. Restart the database. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP 10. Connect as the primary DV_OWNER user and then grant the DV_OWNER role to the backup DV_OWNER user that you created earlier. For example: CONNECT c##dbv_owner_root Enter password: password GRANT DV_OWNER TO c##dbv_owner_root_backup; 11. Connect as the primary DV_ACCTMGR user and then grant the DV_ACCTMGR role to the backup DV_ACCTMGR user. For example: CONNECT c##dbv_acctmgr_root Enter password: password GRANT DV_ACCTMGR TO c##dbv_acctmgr_root_backup; 12. Store the two backup account passwords in a safe location in case they are needed in the future. 3-6 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database Related Topics • Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled The DBA_DV_STATUS, CDB_DV_STATUS, DBA_OLS_STATUS, and CDB_OLS_STATUS data dictionary views verify if Oracle Database is configured and enabled. • Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • Logging into Oracle Database Vault Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) provides pages for Oracle Database Vault. Registering Database Vault Common Users to Manage Specific PDBs In a multitenant environment, you must register Oracle Database Vault in the root first, then in the PDBs afterward. If you try to register in a PDB first, then an ORA-47503: Database Vault is not enabled on CDB$ROOT error appears. 1. In a multitenant environment, log into the root of the database instance as a user who has privileges to create users and to grant the CREATE SESSION and SET CONTAINER privileges. For example: sqlplus c##sec_admin Enter password: password 2. If you have not already done so, then create user accounts to be used as the Database Vault accounts. See Step 2 under Registering Database Vault with Common Users to Manage the CDB Root for more information about creating these accounts. 3. Ensure that you have registered Oracle Database Vault in the CDB root, as described in Registering Database Vault with Common Users to Manage the CDB Root. 4. Connect to the PDB to which the common users will need access. For example: CONNECT c##sec_admin@pdb_name Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 5. Grant the CREATE SESSION and SET CONTAINER privileges to the users for this PDB. For example: GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET CONTAINER TO c##dbv_owner_root CONTAINER = CURRENT; GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET CONTAINER TO c##dbv_acctmgr_root CONTAINER = CURRENT; 6. Connect as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege CONNECT SYS@pdb_name AS SYSDBA Enter password: password 7. While still in the PDB, configure the two primary Database Vault user accounts. 3-7 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database For example: BEGIN CONFIGURE_DV ( dvowner_uname dvacctmgr_uname END; / 8. => 'c##dbv_owner_root', => 'c##dbv_acctmgr_root'); Run the utlrp.sql script to recompile invalidated objects in this PDB. @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql If the script provides instructions, follow them, and then run the script again. If the script terminates abnormally without giving any instructions, run it again. 9. Connect to the PDB as the primary Database Vault Owner user that you just configured. For example: CONNECT c##dbv_owner_root@pdb_name Enter password: password 10. Enable Oracle Database Vault in this PDB. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV; 11. Connect to the CDB with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. CONNECT / AS SYSDBA 12. Close and reopen the PDB. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb_name CLOSE IMMEDIATE; ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb_name OPEN; Related Topics • Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled The DBA_DV_STATUS, CDB_DV_STATUS, DBA_OLS_STATUS, and CDB_OLS_STATUS data dictionary views verify if Oracle Database is configured and enabled. • Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • Logging into Oracle Database Vault Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) provides pages for Oracle Database Vault. Creating Common Database Vault Accounts for a Plugged in Database Vault PDB From SQL*Plus, in a multitenant environment, you can plug in a database that already has Database Vault enabled. In this scenario, the plugged in database has its own local Database Vault accounts. Be aware that if you plug a Database Vault-enabled database into a CDB that is not Database Vault enabled, the PDB will remain in restricted mode until you enable 3-8 Chapter 3 Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database Database Vault in the CDB and then restart the CDB. If you plug a non-Database Vault-enabled PDB into a CDB that is Database Vault enabled, then the PDB remains in restricted mode until you enable Database Vault in the PDB and then restart the PDB. This plugged in non-Database Vault enabled PDB can still be used. However, if the CDB is Database Vault enabled with the strict option set, then the PDB must be Database Vault enabled. To enable a common user to manage the Database Vault configuration for this PDB: 1. Log into the PDB as the local primary Database Vault owner. For example: sqlplus dbv_owner@pdb_name Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. Grant the common Database Vault DV_OWNER users the CREATE SESSION and SET CONTAINER privileges, and the appropriate Database Vault roles. The following accounts will be the primary and the backup accounts: GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET CONTAINER, DV_OWNER TO c##dbv_owner_root; GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET CONTAINER, DV_OWNER TO c##dbv_owner_root_backup; 3. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. 4. Create the DV_ACCTMGR common accounts. GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET CONTAINER, DV_ACCTMGR TO c##dbv_acctmgr_root; GRANT CREATE SESSION, SET CONTAINER, DV_ACCTMGR TO c##dbv_acctmgr_root_backup; Related Topics • Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled The DBA_DV_STATUS, CDB_DV_STATUS, DBA_OLS_STATUS, and CDB_OLS_STATUS data dictionary views verify if Oracle Database is configured and enabled. • Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • Logging into Oracle Database Vault Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) provides pages for Oracle Database Vault. Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled The DBA_DV_STATUS, CDB_DV_STATUS, DBA_OLS_STATUS, and CDB_OLS_STATUS data dictionary views verify if Oracle Database is configured and enabled. In addition to Oracle Database Vault administrators, the Oracle Database SYS user and users who have been granted the DBA role can query these views. • For Database Vault: – If you want to find the Database Vault status for a non-multitenant database, or in a multitenant environment for the root only or an individual PDB, then query DBA_DV_STATUS. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_STATUS; 3-9 Chapter 3 Logging into Oracle Database Vault Output similar to the following appears: NAME -------------------DV_CONFIGURE_STATUS DV_ENABLE_STATUS – • STATUS ----------TRUE TRUE If you want to find the Database Vault status of all PDBs in a multitenant environment, as a common user with administrative privileges, then query CDB_DV_STATUS, which provides the addition of a container ID (CON_ID) field.. For Oracle Label Security, query the following data dictionary views, which are similar to their Database Vault equivalent views: – DBA_OLS_STATUS – CDB_OLS_STATUS Logging into Oracle Database Vault Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) provides pages for Oracle Database Vault. The Oracle Database Vault pages can be used to administer and monitor Database Vault-protected databases from a centralized console. This console enables you to automate alerts, view Database Vault reports, and propagate Database Vault policies to other Database Vault-protected databases. Before you try to log in, ensure that you have configured the Cloud Control target databases that you plan to use with Database Vault by following the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help and Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration. Oracle Database Vault must also be registered with the Oracle database, using the instructions in Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database. 1. Start Cloud Control. For example: 2. Log in to Cloud Control as a security administrator. 3. In the Cloud Control home page, from the Targets menu, select Databases. 4. In the Databases page, select the link for the Oracle Database Vault-protected database to which you want to connect. The Database home page appears. 5. From the Security menu, select Database Vault. The Database Login page appears. 6. Enter the following information: • • Username: Enter the name of a user who has been granted the appropriate Oracle Database Vault role: – Creating and propagating Database Vault policies: DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege – Viewing Database Vault alerts and reports: DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege Password: Enter your password. 3-10 Chapter 3 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access • Role: Select NORMAL from the list. • Save as: Select this check box if you want these credentials to be automatically filled in for you the next time that this page appears. The credentials are stored in Enterprise Manager in a secured manner. Access to these credentials depends on the user who is currently logged in. The Database Vault home page appears. Related Topics • About Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides a set of roles that are required for managing Oracle Database Vault. • Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Database Vault administrators can perform tasks in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control such as propagating polices to other databases. Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access This tutorial shows how to create a realm around the HR schema. • About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you create a realm around for the HR sample database schema by using the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. • Step 1: Log On as SYSTEM to Access the HR Schema You must enable the HR schema for this tutorial. • Step 2: Create a Realm Realms can protect one or more schemas, individual schema objects, and database roles. • Step 3: Create the SEBASTIAN User Account At this stage, there are no database accounts or roles authorized to access or otherwise manipulate the database objects the realm will protect. • Step 4: Have User SEBASTIAN Test the Realm At this stage, have user SEBASTIAN test the realm, even though he has the READ ANY TABLE system privilege. 3-11 Chapter 3 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access • Step 5: Create an Authorization for the Realm Next, user SEBASTIAN must be granted authorization to the HR Apps realm, so that he can access the HR.EMPLOYEES table. • Step 6: Test the Realm To test the realm, you must try to access the EMPLOYEES table as a user other than HR. • Step 7: If Unified Auditing Is Not Enabled, Then Run a Report Because you enabled auditing on failure for the HR Apps realm, you can generate a report to find any security violations. • Step 8: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you create a realm around for the HR sample database schema by using the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. In the HR schema, the EMPLOYEES table has information such as salaries that should be hidden from most employees in the company, including those with administrative access. To accomplish this, you add the HR schema to the secured objects of the protection zone, which in Oracle Database Vault is called a realm, inside the database. Then you grant limited authorizations to this realm. Afterward, you test the realm to make sure it has been properly secured. And finally, to see how Oracle Database Vault provides an audit trail on suspicious activities like the one you will try when you test the realm, you will run a report. Step 1: Log On as SYSTEM to Access the HR Schema You must enable the HR schema for this tutorial. Before you begin this tutorial, ensure that the HR sample schema is installed. Oracle Database Sample Schemas describes how to install the sample schemas. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DBA role, and then access the HR schema. For example: sqlplus system Enter password: password 2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate PDB. For example: CONNECT SYSTEM@my_pdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, in the CDB, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 3. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES table as follows. SELECT FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE ROWNUM < 10; Output similar to the following appears: 3-12 Chapter 3 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access FIRST_NAME -------------------Steven Neena Lex Alexander Bruce David Valli Diana Nancy LAST_NAME SALARY ------------------------- ---------King 24000 Kochhar 17000 De Haan 17000 Hunold 9000 Ernst 6000 Austin 4800 Pataballa 4800 Lorentz 4200 Greenberg 12008 9 rows selected. 4. If the HR schema is locked and expired, log into the database instance as the DV_ACCTMGR user and unlock and unexpire the account. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr -- For a multitenant environment, sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password ALTER USER HR ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY password Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. As you can see, SYSTEM has access to the salary information in the EMPLOYEES table of the HR schema. This is because SYSTEM is automatically granted the DBA role, which includes the SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege. 5. Do not exit SQL*Plus. Step 2: Create a Realm Realms can protect one or more schemas, individual schema objects, and database roles. Once you create a realm, you can create security restrictions that apply to the schemas and their schema objects within the realm. You will need to create a realm for the HR schema. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Realms. 3. In the Realms page of Oracle Database Vault Administrator, click Create. 4. In the Create Realm page, under General, enter HR Apps after Name. 5. In the Description field, enter Realm to protect the HR schema. 6. Leave the Mandatory Realm check box unchecked. 7. After Status, ensure that Enabled is selected so that the realm can be used. 8. Under Audit Options, ensure that Audit On Failure is selected so that you can create an audit trial later on. 9. Click Next to display the Realm secured objects page. 10. Click the Add button and in the Add Secured Object dialog box, enter the following information: 3-13 Chapter 3 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access • Owner: Enter HR to select the HR schema. • Object Type: Enter TABLE. • Object Name: Enter EMPLOYEES. 11. Click OK. The HR.EMPLOYEES table is added to the Create Realm : Realm Secured Objects page. 12. Click Done, and then click Finish. At this stage, you have created the realm but you have not assigned any authorizations to it. You will take care of that later on in this tutorial. Step 3: Create the SEBASTIAN User Account At this stage, there are no database accounts or roles authorized to access or otherwise manipulate the database objects the realm will protect. So, the next step is to authorize database accounts or database roles so that they can have access to the schemas within the realm. You will create the SEBASTIAN user account. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Database Vault Account Manager, who has the DV_ACCTMGR role, and create the local user SEBASTIAN. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password GRANT CREATE SESSION TO SEBASTIAN IDENTIFIED BY password; Replace password with a password that is secure. See Oracle Database Security Guide for the minimum requirements for creating passwords. 2. Connect as SYS with the SYSDBA privilege, and then grant SEBASTIAN the following additional privilege. CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password GRANT READ ANY TABLE TO SEBASTIAN; Do not exit SQL*Plus; you will need it for Step 6: Test the Realm, when you test the realm. Step 4: Have User SEBASTIAN Test the Realm At this stage, have user SEBASTIAN test the realm, even though he has the READ ANY TABLE system privilege. 1. Connect as user SEBASTIAN. CONNECT sebastian Enter password: password 2. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES table. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM HR.EMPLOYEES; 3-14 Chapter 3 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access The following output should appear: ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges Even though user SEBASTIAN has the READ ANY TABLE system privilege, he cannot query the HR.EMPLOYEES table, because the HR Apps realm takes precedence over the READ ANY TABLE system privilege. Step 5: Create an Authorization for the Realm Next, user SEBASTIAN must be granted authorization to the HR Apps realm, so that he can access the HR.EMPLOYEES table. 1. In the Realms page of Database Vault Administrator, select the HR Apps in the list of realms, and then click Edit. 2. Click the Next button until you reach the Realm authorizations page. 3. Click Add and then enter the following information in the Add Authorizations dialog box: 4. • Realm Authorization Grantee: Enter SEBASTIAN. • Realm Authorization Type: Select Participant from the list. • Realm Authorization Ruleset: Leave this field blank. Click OK. The Participant authorization allows the user SEBASTIAN in the HR Apps realm to manage access, manipulate, and create objects protected by the HR Apps realm. In this case, the HR user and SEBASTIAN are the only users allowed to view the EMPLOYEES table. 5. Click Done, and then Finish. Step 6: Test the Realm To test the realm, you must try to access the EMPLOYEES table as a user other than HR. The SYSTEM account normally has access to all objects in the HR schema, but now that you have safeguarded the EMPLOYEES table with Oracle Database Vault, this is no longer the case. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect as SYSTEM. CONNECT SYSTEM -- Or, CONNECT SYSTEM@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Try accessing the salary information in the EMPLOYEES table again: SELECT FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE ROWNUM <10; The following output should appear: Error at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SYSTEM no longer has access to the salary information in the EMPLOYEES table. (In fact, even user SYS does not have access to this table.) However, user SEBASTIAN does have access to this information. 3-15 Chapter 3 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access 3. Connect as user SEBASTIAN. CONNECT sebastian -- Or, CONNECT sebastian@hrpdb Enter password: password 4. Perform the following query: SELECT FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE ROWNUM <10; Output similar to the following appears: FIRST_NAME -------------------Steven Neena Lex Alexander Bruce David Valli Diana Nancy LAST_NAME SALARY ------------------------- ---------King 24000 Kochhar 17000 De Haan 17000 Hunold 9000 Ernst 6000 Austin 4800 Pataballa 4800 Lorentz 4200 Greenberg 12008 9 rows selected. Step 7: If Unified Auditing Is Not Enabled, Then Run a Report Because you enabled auditing on failure for the HR Apps realm, you can generate a report to find any security violations. For example, you could generate a report for the violation that you attempted in Step 6: Test the Realm. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect as user SYSTEM and ensure that unified auditing is not enabled. CONNECT SYSTEM -- Or, CONNECT SYSTEM@hrpdb Enter password: password SQL> SELECT VALUE FROM V$OPTION WHERE PARAMETER = 'Unified Auditing'; If VALUE returns TRUE, then you cannot complete this section. Go to Step 8: Remove the Components for This Tutorial. If unified auditing is enabled, then you must create a unified audit policy to capture events. See Oracle Database Security Guide for information about how to create unified audit policies for Oracle Database Vault. 2. In the Database Vault Administrator page, click Home to display the home page. 3. In the Database Vault Home page, under Reports, select Database Vault Reports. 4. In the Database Vault Reports page, select Database Vault Enforcement Audit Report. 5. From the Database Vault Audit Report list, select Realm Audit Report. 6. In the Search area, from the Command menu, select Equals and in the text field, enter SELECT. Then click Search. The report appears in the table that follows the Search region. 3-16 Chapter 3 Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access 7. Click OK to exit the report. Oracle Database Vault generates a report listing the type of violation (in this case, the SELECT statement entered in the previous section), when and where it occurred, the login account who tried the violation, and what the violation was. Step 8: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. Drop user SEBASTIAN. In SQL*Plus, log on as the Oracle Database Vault account manager (for example, bea_dvacctmgr) and then drop SEBASTIAN as follows: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password DROP USER SEBASTIAN; 2. 3. Delete the HR Apps realm. a. In Cloud Control, ensure that you are logged in as a user who has the DV_OWNER role. b. In the Database Vault Home page, click Administration. c. In the Realms page, select HR Apps from the list of realms. d. Click Delete, and in the Confirmation window, click Yes. If necessary, in SQL*Plus, lock and expire the HR account. ALTER USER HR ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE; 3-17 4 Performing Privilege Analysis to Find Privilege Use Privilege analysis dynamically analyzes the privileges and roles that users use and do not use. • What Is Privilege Analysis? Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Database Release 12c includes a feature called privilege analysis to help you increase the security of your applications and database operations. • Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies You can create and manage privilege analysis policies in either SQL*Plus or in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. • Creating Roles and Managing Privileges Using Cloud Control You can create new roles using privileges found in a privilege analysis report and then grant this role to users. • Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use This tutorial demonstrates how to create capture runs to analyze the use of the READ ANY TABLE system privilege. • Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role This tutorial demonstrates how to analyze the privilege use of a user who has the DBA role and performs database tuning operations. • Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database provides a set of data dictionary views that provide information about analyzed privileges. What Is Privilege Analysis? Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Database Release 12c includes a feature called privilege analysis to help you increase the security of your applications and database operations. • About Privilege Analysis Because it is a dynamic analysis, it captures real privileges and roles that were actually used. • How Privilege Analysis Works with Pre-Compiled Database Objects Privilege analysis can be used to capture the privileges that have been exercised on pre-compiled database objects. • Who Can Perform Privilege Analysis? To use privilege analysis, you must be granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role. • Types of Privilege Analysis You can create different types of privilege analysis policies to achieve specific goals. 4-1 Chapter 4 What Is Privilege Analysis? • Benefits and Use Cases of Privilege Analysis Analyzing privilege use is beneficial in finding unnecessarily granted privileges. • How Does a Multitenant Environment Affect Privilege Analysis? You can create and use privilege analysis policies in a multitenant environment. About Privilege Analysis Because it is a dynamic analysis, it captures real privileges and roles that were actually used. Privilege analysis captures privileges used by database users and applications at runtime. If your applications include definer’s rights and invoker’s rights procedures, then privilege analysis captures the privileges that are required to compile a procedure and execute it, even if the procedure was compiled before the privilege capture was created and enabled. Running inside the Oracle Database kernel, privilege analysis helps reduce the attack surface of applications and increase operational security by identifying used and unused privileges. Privilege analysis can be used after you install Oracle Database Release 12c without any additional configuration steps. Note: If you want to configure privilege analysis by using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then ensure that you have the latest plug-in. For information about how to deploy a plug-in, see Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide. How Privilege Analysis Works with Pre-Compiled Database Objects Privilege analysis can be used to capture the privileges that have been exercised on pre-compiled database objects. Examples of these objects are PL/SQL packages, procedures, functions, views, triggers, and Java classes and data. Because these privileges may not be exercised during run time when a stored procedure is called, these privileges are collected when you generate the results for any database-wide capture, along with run-time captured privileges. A privilege is treated as an unused privilege when it is not used in either pre-compiled database objects or run-time capture, and it is saved under the run-time capture name. If a privilege is used for pre-compiled database objects, then it is saved under the capture name ORA$DEPENDENCY. If a privilege is captured during run time, then it is saved under the run-time capture name. If you want to know what the used privileges are for both pre-compiled database objects and run-time usage, then you must query both the ORA$DEPENDENCY and run-time captures. For unused privileges, you only need to query with the run-time capture name. To find a full list of the pre-compiled objects on which privilege analysis can be used, query the TYPE column of the ALL_DEPENDENCIES data dictionary view. 4-2 Chapter 4 What Is Privilege Analysis? Who Can Perform Privilege Analysis? To use privilege analysis, you must be granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role. You use the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package to manage privilege capture. You use the data dictionary views provided by privilege analysis to analyze your privilege use. Types of Privilege Analysis You can create different types of privilege analysis policies to achieve specific goals. • Role-based privilege use capture. You must provide a list of roles. If the roles in the list are enabled in the database session, then the used privileges for the session will be captured. You can capture privilege use for the following types of roles: Oracle default roles, user-created roles, Code Based Access Control (CBAC) roles, and secure application roles. • Context-based privilege use capture. You must specify a Boolean expression only with the SYS_CONTEXT function. The used privileges will be captured if the condition evaluates to TRUE. • Role- and context-based privilege use capture. You must provide both a list of roles that are enabled and a SYS_CONTEXT Boolean expression for the condition. When any of these roles is enabled in a session and the given context condition is satisfied, then privilege analysis starts capturing the privilege use. • Database-wide privilege capture. If you do not specify any type in your privilege analysis policy, then the used privileges in the database will be captured, except those for the user SYS. (This is also referred to as unconditional analysis, because it is turned on without any conditions.) Note the following restrictions: • You can enable only one privilege analysis policy at a time. The only exception is that you can enable a database-wide privilege analysis policy at the same time as a non-database-wide privilege analysis policy, such as a role or context attributedriven analysis policy. • You cannot analyze the privileges of the SYS user. • Privilege analysis shows the grant paths to the privilege but it does not suggest which grant path to keep. • If the role, user, or object has been dropped, then the values that reflect the privilege captures for these in the privilege analysis data dictionary views are dropped as well. Benefits and Use Cases of Privilege Analysis Analyzing privilege use is beneficial in finding unnecessarily granted privileges. • Unnecessarily Granted Privileges of Applications The privileges of the account that accesses a database should only be limited to the privileges that are strictly required by the application. 4-3 Chapter 4 What Is Privilege Analysis? • Development of Secure Applications During the application development phase, some administrators may grant many powerful system privileges and roles to application developers. Unnecessarily Granted Privileges of Applications The privileges of the account that accesses a database should only be limited to the privileges that are strictly required by the application. But when an application is developed, especially by a third party, more privileges than necessary may be granted to the application connection pool accounts for convenience. In addition, some developers grant system and application object privileges to the PUBLIC role. For example, to select from application data and run application procedures, the system privileges SELECT ANY TABLE and EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE are granted to an application account appsys. The account appsys now can access non-application data even if he or she does not intend to. In this situation, you can analyze the privilege usage by user appsys, and then based on the results, revoke and grant privileges as necessary. Development of Secure Applications During the application development phase, some administrators may grant many powerful system privileges and roles to application developers. The administrators may do this because at that stage they may not know what privileges the application developer needs. Once the application is developed and working, the privileges that the application developer needs — and does not need — become more apparent. At that time, the security administrator can begin to revoke unnecessary privileges. However, the application developer may resist this idea on the basis that the application is currently working without problems. The administrator can use privilege analysis to examine each privilege that the application uses, to ensure that when he or she does revoke any privileges, the application will continue to work. For example, app_owner is an application database user through whom the application connects to a database. User app_owner must query tables in the OE, SH, and PM schemas. Instead of granting the SELECT object privilege on each of the tables in these schemas, a security administrator grants the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege to app_owner. After a while, a new schema, HR, is created and sensitive data are inserted into HR.EMPLOYEES table. Because user app_owner has the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege, he can query this table to access its sensitive data, which is a security issue. Instead of granting system privileges (particularly the ANY privileges), it is far better to grant object privileges for specific tables. How Does a Multitenant Environment Affect Privilege Analysis? You can create and use privilege analysis policies in a multitenant environment. If you are using a multitenant environment, then you can create privilege analysis policies in either the CDB root or in individual PDBs. The privilege analysis policy applies only to the container in which it is created, either to the privileges used within the CDB root or the application root, or to the privileges used within a PDB. It cannot be applied globally throughout the multitenant environment. You can grant the 4-4 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies CAPTURE_ADMIN role locally to a local user or a common user. You can grant the CAPTURE_ADMIN role commonly to common users. See Also: Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for more information about multitenant container databases (CDBs) Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies You can create and manage privilege analysis policies in either SQL*Plus or in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. • About Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package to analyze privileges. • General Steps for Managing Privilege Analysis You must follow a general set of steps to analyze privileges. • Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy You can create a privilege analysis policy in either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • Examples of Privilege Analysis Policies You can create a variety of privilege analysis policies. • Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy You can enable a privilege analysis policy using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy You can disable a privilege analysis policy using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • Generating a Privilege Analysis Report You can generate a privilege analysis policy report using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy You can drop a privilege analysis policy report using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. About Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package to analyze privileges. Before you can do so, you must be granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role. The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE package enables you to create, enable, disable, and drop privilege analysis policies. It also generates reports that show the privilege usage, which you can view in DBA_* views. 4-5 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for detailed information about the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package General Steps for Managing Privilege Analysis You must follow a general set of steps to analyze privileges. 1. Define the privilege analysis policy. 2. Enable the privilege analysis policy. This step begins recording the privilege use that the policy defined. Optionally, specify a name for this capture run. Each time you enable a privilege analysis policy, you can create a different capture run for it. In this way, you can create multiple named capture runs for comparison analysis later on. 3. Optionally, enable the policy to capture dependency privileges if you want to capture the privileges that are used by definer’s rights and invoker’s rights program units. 4. After a sufficient period of time to gather data, disable the privilege analysis policy's recording of privilege use. This step stops capturing the privilege use for the policy. 5. Generate privilege analysis results. This step writes the results to the data dictionary views described in Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views. 6. Optionally, disable and then drop the privilege analysis policy and capture run. Dropping a privilege analysis policy deletes the data captured by the policy. Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy You can create a privilege analysis policy in either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • About Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy When a policy is created, it resides in the Oracle data dictionary and the SYS schema. • Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control You can create a privilege analysis policy in Cloud Control. • Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE procedure creates a privilege analysis policy. About Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy When a policy is created, it resides in the Oracle data dictionary and the SYS schema. However, both SYS and the user who created the policy can drop it. After you create the policy, you must manually enable it so that it can begin to analyze privilege use. If 4-6 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies you want to configure privilege analysis by using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then ensure that you have the latest plug-in. For information about how to deploy a plug-in, see Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide. Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control You can create a privilege analysis policy in Cloud Control. 1. Log in to Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Oracle Database 2 Day DBA explains how to log in. 2. From the Security menu, select Privilege Analysis. The Privilege Analysis home page appears. 3. In the Privilege Analysis page, under Policies, select Create Capture. The Privilege Analysis: Create Policy page appears. 4. Enter the following information: • Policy: Enter a unique name for the privilege analysis policy. You can find the names of existing policies by querying the NAME column of the DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES view. You can include spaces in the name and have a maximum of 128 characters in this name. • Description: Optionally, enter a description for the policy, in up to 1024 characters. 4-7 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies • 5. Scope: Select from the following types: – Database captures all privileges that were used in the entire database, except privileges from user SYS. – Role captures privileges from one or more roles that you specify. If the roles in the list are enabled in the database session, then the used privileges for the session will be captured. If you select this option, then the Create Policy page displays the Available Roles list. – Context captures privileges when the condition that you specify evaluates to TRUE. If you select this option, then the Capture Policy page displays a Condition field. To build the condition, select the edit icon on the right of this field to display the Policy Expression Builder dialog box. – Role and Context captures privileges from one of the specified roles when the context condition evaluates to TRUE. If you select this option, then both the list of available roles and Condition field appear. Click OK. The new policy appears in the Policies area of the Privilege Analysis page. 6. To enable the policy so that it can begin to capture privilege use, return to the main Privilege Analysis policy page, select the policy under Policies, and then click Start Capture. 4-8 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies The Privilege Analysis: Start Capture dialog box appears. 7. Enter the following information to set the time in which the capture will begin: • To start the privilege capture process immediately, click Immediate and then click the OK button. • To start the privilege capture at a later date, click Later, specify the date and time that you want to capture process to begin, and then click OK. The Privilege Analysis page appears. The time that you set for the policy to begin is listed under First Start Time for the policy. If you want to modify the start time, select the policy and click Start Capture. Creating a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE procedure creates a privilege analysis policy. After you create the privilege analysis policy, you can find it listed in the DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES data dictionary view. • Use the following syntax for the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE procedure: DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE( name VARCHAR2, description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, type NUMBER DEFAULT DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_DATABASE, roles ROLE_NAME_LIST DEFAULT ROLE_NAME_LIST(), condition VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); In this specification: • name: Specifies the name of the privilege analysis policy to be created. Ensure that this name is unique and no more than 128 characters. You can include spaces in the name, but you must enclose the name in single quotation marks whenever you refer to it. To find the names of existing policies, query the NAME column of the DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES view. • description: Describes the purpose of the privilege analysis policy, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case letters. Optional. • type: Specifies the type of capture condition. If you omit the type parameter, then the default is DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_DATABASE. Optional. Enter one of the following types: 4-9 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies • – DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_DATABASE: Captures all privileges used in the entire database, except privileges from user SYS. – DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE: Captures privileges for the sessions that have the roles enabled. If you enter DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE for the type parameter, then you must also specify the roles parameter. For multiple roles, separate each role name with a comma. – DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_CONTEXT: Captures privileges for the sessions that have the condition specified by the condition parameter evaluating to TRUE. If you enter DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_CONTEXT for the type parameter, then you must also specify the condition parameter. – DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE_AND_CONTEXT: Captures privileges for the sessions that have the role enabled and the context condition evaluating to TRUE. If you enter DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE_AND_CONTEXT for the type parameter, then you must also specify both the roles and condition parameters. roles: Specifies the roles whose used privileges will be analyzed. That is, if a privilege from one of the given roles is used, then the privilege will be analyzed. You must specify this argument if you specify DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE or DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE_AND_CONTEXT for the type argument. Each role you enter must exist in the database. (You can find existing roles by querying the DBA_ROLES data dictionary view.) For multiple roles, use varray type role_name_list to enter the role names. You can specify up to 10 roles. For example, to specify two roles: roles => role_name_list('role1', 'role2'), • condition: Specifies a Boolean expression up to 4000 characters. You must specify this argument if you specify DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_CONTEXT or DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE_AND_CONTEXT for the type argument. Only SYS_CONTEXT expressions with relational operators(==, >, >=, <, <=, <>, BETWEEN, and IN) are permitted in this Boolean expression. The condition expression syntax is as follows: predicate::= SYS_CONTEXT(namespace, attribute) relop constant_value | SYS_CONTEXT(namespace, attribute) BETWEEN constant_value AND constant_value | SYS_CONTEXT(namespace, attribute) IN {constant_value (,constant_value)* } relop::= = | < | <= | > | >= | <> context_expression::= predicate | (context_expression) AND (context_expression) | (context_expression) OR (context_expression ) For example, to use a condition to specify the IP address condition => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''IP_ADDRESS'')='''''; * You can add as many constant values as you need (for example, IN {constant_value1}, or IN {constant_value1, constant_value2, constant_value3}). Remember that after you create the privilege analysis policy, you must enable it, as described in Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy. 4-10 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies Examples of Privilege Analysis Policies You can create a variety of privilege analysis policies. • Example: Privilege Analysis of Database-Wide Privileges The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE can be used to analyze database-wide privileges. • Example: Privilege Analysis of Privilege Usage of Two Roles The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE procedure can be used to analyze the privilege usage of multiple roles. • Example: Privilege Analysis of Privileges During SQL*Plus Use The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE procedure can be used to capture privileges for analysis. • Example: Privilege Analysis of PSMITH Privileges During SQL*Plus Access The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE can be used to analyze user access when the user is running SQL*Plus. Example: Privilege Analysis of Database-Wide Privileges The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE can be used to analyze database-wide privileges. Example 4-1 shows how to use the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE package to create and enable a privilege analysis policy to record all privilege use in the database. Example 4-1 Privilege Analysis of Database-Wide Privileges BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE( name => 'db_wide_capture_pol', description => 'Captures database-wide privileges', type => DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_DATABASE); END; / EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ('db_wide_capture_pol'); Example: Privilege Analysis of Privilege Usage of Two Roles The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE procedure can be used to analyze the privilege usage of multiple roles. Example 4-2 shows how to analyze the privilege usage of two roles. Example 4-2 Privilege Analysis of Privilege Usage of Two Roles BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE( name => 'dba_roles_capture_pol', description => 'Captures DBA and LBAC_DBA role use', type => DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_ROLE, roles => role_name_list('dba', 'lbac_dba')); END; / EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ('dba_roles_capture_pol'); 4-11 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies Example: Privilege Analysis of Privileges During SQL*Plus Use The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE procedure can be used to capture privileges for analysis. Example 4-3 shows how to analyze privileges used to run SQL*Plus. Example 4-3 Privilege Analysis of Privileges During SQL*Plus Use BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE( name => 'sqlplus_capture_pol', description => 'Captures privilege use during SQL*Plus use', type => DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_CONTEXT, condition => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''MODULE'')=''sqlplus'''); END; / EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ('sqlplus_capture_pol'); Example: Privilege Analysis of PSMITH Privileges During SQL*Plus Access The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE can be used to analyze user access when the user is running SQL*Plus. Example 4-4 shows how to analyze the privileges used by session user PSMITH when running SQL*Plus. Example 4-4 Privilege Analysis of PSMITH Privileges During SQL*Plus Access BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE( name => 'psmith_sqlplus_analysis_pol', description => 'Analyzes PSMITH role priv use for SQL*Plus module', type => DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_CONTEXT, condition => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''MODULE'')=''sqlplus'' AND SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''SESSION_USER'')=''PSMITH'''); END; / EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ('psmith_sqlplus_analysis_pol'); Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy You can enable a privilege analysis policy using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • About Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy After you create a privilege analysis policy, you must enable it. • Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control You can enable a privilege analysis policy using Cloud Control. • Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE procedure enables a privilege policy and creates a capture run name for it. About Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy After you create a privilege analysis policy, you must enable it. 4-12 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies When you enable a privilege analysis policy, you can create a named capture run for the policy’s findings. The capture run defines a period of time from when the capture is enabled (begun) and when it is disabled (stopped). This way, you can create multiple runs and then compare them when you generate the privilege capture results. Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use provides an example of how you can create and generate multiple capture runs. The general process for managing multiple named capture runs is as follows: 1. Create the policy. 2. Enable the policy for the first run. 3. After a period time to collect user behavior data, disable this policy and its run. 4. Generate the results and then query the privilege analysis data dictionary views for information about this capture run. If you omit the run_name parameter from the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT procedure, then this procedure looks at all records as a whole and then analyzes them. 5. Re-enable the policy for the second run. You cannot create a new capture run if the policy has not been disabled first. 6. After you have collected the user data, disable the policy and the second run. 7. Generate the results. 8. Query the privilege analysis data dictionary views. The results from both capture runs are available in the views. If you only want to show the results of one of the capture runs, then you can regenerate the results and requery the privilege analysis views. Once enabled, the privilege analysis policy will begin to record the privilege usage when the condition is satisfied. At any given time, only one privilege analysis policy in the database can be enabled. The only exception is that a privilege analysis policy of type DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_DATABASE can be enabled at the same time with a privilege analysis of a different type. When you drop a privilege analysis policy, its associated capture runs are dropped as well and are not reflected in the privilege analysis data dictionary views. Restarting a database does not change the status of a privilege analysis. For example, if a privilege analysis policy is enabled before a database shutdown, then the policy is still enabled after the database shutdown and restart. Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control You can enable a privilege analysis policy using Cloud Control. 1. Log in to Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Oracle Database 2 Day DBA explains how to log in. 2. From the Security menu, select Privilege Analysis. 3. Under Policies, select the policy that you want to enable. 4. Select the Start Capture button. 5. In the Privilege Analysis: Start Capture dialog box, specify a time to begin the privilege analysis policy. 4-13 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies To run the policy now, select Immediate. To run the policy later, select Later, and then specify the hour, minute, second, and the time zone for the policy to begin. 6. Click OK. Enabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE procedure enables a privilege policy and creates a capture run name for it. The run name defines the period of time that the capture took place. 1. Query the NAME and ENABLED columns of the DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES data dictionary view to find the existing privilege analysis policies and whether they are currently enabled. 2. Run the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE procedure to enable the policy and optionally create a name for a capture run. For example, to enable the privilege analysis policy logon_users_analysis: BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ( name => 'logon_users_analysis_pol', run_name => 'logon_users_04092016'); END; / Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy You can disable a privilege analysis policy using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • About Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy You must disable the privilege analysis policy before you can generate a privilege analysis report. • Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control You can disable a privilege analysis policy using Cloud Control. • Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE procedure disables a privilege analysis policy. About Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy You must disable the privilege analysis policy before you can generate a privilege analysis report. After you disable the policy, then the privileges are no longer recorded. Disabling a privilege analysis policy takes effect immediately for user sessions logged on both before and after the privilege analysis policy is disabled. Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control You can disable a privilege analysis policy using Cloud Control. 4-14 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies 1. Log in to Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Oracle Database 2 Day DBA explains how to log in. 2. From the Security menu, select Privilege Analysis. 3. Under Policies, select the policy that you want to disable. 4. Select Stop Capture. 5. In the Privilege Analysis: Stop Capture dialog box, do the following: specify a time to stop the privilege analysis policy. 6. a. To stop the policy now, select Immediate. To stop the policy later, select Later, and then specify the hour, minute, second, and the time zone for the policy to stop. b. To generate a report, click the Generate Report button. You can view the reports from the Privilege Analysis page by selecting the policy and clicking View Reports. Click OK. Disabling a Privilege Analysis Policy Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE procedure disables a privilege analysis policy. 1. Query the NAME and ENABLED columns of the DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES data dictionary view to find the existing privilege analysis policies and whether they are currently disabled. 2. Run the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISBLE_CAPTURE procedure to enable the policy. For example, to disable the privilege analysis policy logon_users_analysis: EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE ('logon_users_analysis_pol'); Generating a Privilege Analysis Report You can generate a privilege analysis policy report using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • About Generating a Privilege Analysis Report After the privilege analysis policy has been disabled, you can generate a report. • Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using Cloud Control You can generate a privilege analysis report using Cloud Control. • Accessing Privilege Analysis Reports Using Cloud Control A privilege analysis report provides information about both used and unused privileges. • Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT procedure generates a report showing the results of a privilege capture. About Generating a Privilege Analysis Report After the privilege analysis policy has been disabled, you can generate a report. 4-15 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, you can view the reports from the Privilege Analysis page Actions menu, and from there, revoke and regrant roles and privileges as necessary. To view the report results in SQL*Plus, query the data dictionary views in Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views. If a privilege is used during the privilege analysis process and then revoked before you generate the report, then the privilege is still reported as a used privilege, but without the privilege grant path. Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using Cloud Control You can generate a privilege analysis report using Cloud Control. 1. Log in to Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Oracle Database 2 Day DBA explains how to log in. 2. From the Security menu, select Privilege Analysis. 3. Under Policies, select the policy whose report you want to generate. 4. Select Generate Report. 5. In the Privilege Analysis: Generate Report dialog box, specify a time to generate the report. To generate the report now, select Immediate. To generate the report later, select Later, and then specify the hour, minute, second, and the time zone for the report to generate. 6. Click OK. In the Privilege Analysis page, a Confirmation message notifies you that a report has been submitted. You can refresh the page until the job is complete. To view the report, select the policy name and then click View Reports. Accessing Privilege Analysis Reports Using Cloud Control A privilege analysis report provides information about both used and unused privileges. 1. Generate the privilege analysis report. See Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using Cloud Control for more information. 2. In the Privilege Analysis page, select the policy on which you generated a report. 3. Select View Reports. The Privilege Analysis Reports page appears. 4-16 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies 4. To view the report, do the following: • By default, the selected report will appear, but to search for a report for another policy, use the Search region to find a different report, or to select a different grantee for the currently selected policy. • To view unused privileges, select the Unused tab; to view the used privileges, select Used. To view a summary of both, select Summary. From here, you can select roles to revoke or regrant to users as necessary. To do so, under Grantee, select the role and then click Revoke or Regrant. Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT procedure generates a report showing the results of a privilege capture. 1. Query the NAME and ENABLED columns of the DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES data dictionary view to find the existing privilege analysis policies and whether they are currently disabled. The privilege analysis policy must be disabled before you can generate a privilege analysis report on it. 2. Run the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT procedure using the following syntax: DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT( name VARCHAR2, run_name VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, dependency BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL); In this specification: • name: Specifies the name of the privilege analysis policy. The DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES data dictionary view lists the names of existing policies. • run_name: Specifies the name for the run name for the privilege capture that must be computed. If you omit this setting, then all runs for the given privilege capture are computed. • dependency: Enter Y (yes) or N (no) to specify whether the PL/SQL computation privilege usage should be included in the report. For example, to generate a report for the privilege analysis policy logon_users_analysis: EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT ('logon_users_analysis'); 4-17 Chapter 4 Creating and Managing Privilege Analysis Policies 3. Query the used privileges from DBA_USED_* data dictionary views with privilege grant paths. Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy You can drop a privilege analysis policy report using either Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or from SQL*Plus, using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE PL/SQL package. • About Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Before you can drop a privilege analysis policy, you must first disable it. • Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control You can drop a privilege analysis policy by using Cloud Control. • Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE Package The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE procedure drops a privilege analysis policy. About Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Before you can drop a privilege analysis policy, you must first disable it. Dropping a privilege analysis policy also drops all the used and unused privilege records associated with this privilege analysis. If you created capture runs for the policy, they are dropped when you drop the policy. Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Using Cloud Control You can drop a privilege analysis policy by using Cloud Control. 1. Log in to Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Oracle Database 2 Day DBA explains how to log in. 2. From the Security menu, select Privilege Analysis. 3. Under Policies, select the policy that you want to drop. 4. Select Delete Capture. 5. In the Confirmation dialog box, select Yes. Dropping a Privilege Analysis Policy Using the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE Package The DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE procedure drops a privilege analysis policy. 1. Query the NAME and ENABLE columns of the DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES data dictionary view to find the policy and to check if it is enabled or disabled. 2. If the policy is enabled, then disable it. For example: EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE ('logon_users_analysis_pol'); 3. Run the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE procedure to drop the policy. For example: 4-18 Chapter 4 Creating Roles and Managing Privileges Using Cloud Control EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE ('logon_users_analysis_pol'); If you had enabled the policy with a capture run, then the capture run is dropped as well. To individually drop a capture run, you can run the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DELETE_RUN procedure, but the policy must exist before you can run this statement. Creating Roles and Managing Privileges Using Cloud Control You can create new roles using privileges found in a privilege analysis report and then grant this role to users. • Creating a Role from a Privilege Analysis Report in Cloud Control You can use the report summary to find the least number of privileges an application needs, and encapsulate these privileges into a role. • Revoking and Regranting Roles and Privileges Using Cloud Control You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to revoke and regrant roles and privileges to users. • Generating a Revoke or Regrant Script Using Cloud Control You can generate a script that revokes or regrants privileges from and to users, based on the results of privilege analysis reports. Creating a Role from a Privilege Analysis Report in Cloud Control You can use the report summary to find the least number of privileges an application needs, and encapsulate these privileges into a role. 1. Log in to Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Oracle Database 2 Day DBA explains how to log in. 2. On the Privilege Analysis page, select the policy name, and then from Actions menu, click Create Role. 3. On the Create Role page, provide the following details, and then click OK: • Select the policy from which you would like to create a new role. • Enter a unique name for the new role that you want to create. • Select the Used or Unused check box, depending on what your role must encapsulate. The role can have used or unused system and object privileges and roles. • Select the corresponding radio buttons for Directly Granted System Privileges, Directly Granted Object Privileges, and Directly Granted Roles. For example, if you select the Used check box, and select: – All system privileges, then all the used system privileges captured are included in the new role that you are creating. – None for role, then no role that is captured in the policy will be used in the new role. 4-19 Chapter 4 Creating Roles and Managing Privileges Using Cloud Control – Customize object privileges, then a list of available used objects privileges captured are displayed, you need to select the privileges from the list to assign to the role. Revoking and Regranting Roles and Privileges Using Cloud Control You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to revoke and regrant roles and privileges to users. 1. If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, then ensure that you are authorized as an owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. In SQL*Plus, a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can check the authorization by querying the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view. To grant the user authorization, use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure. 2. Generate the privilege analysis report. See Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using Cloud Control for more information. 3. In the Privilege Analysis page, select the policy on which you generated a report. 4. Select View Reports. 5. In the Privilege Analysis: Reports page, select the Summary tab. 6. Under Search, ensure that the Policy and Grantee menu options are set. 7. Under the Grantee area, expand the grantee options. For example, for a role privilege analysis report for a role called HR_ADMIN role, you would expand the HR_ADMIN role to show the privileges that are associated with it. 8. Select each privilege to revoke and then click Revoke, or select Regrant to regrant the privilege to the role. Generating a Revoke or Regrant Script Using Cloud Control You can generate a script that revokes or regrants privileges from and to users, based on the results of privilege analysis reports. • About Generating Revoke and Regrant Scripts You can perform a bulk revoke of unused system and object privileges and roles by using scripts that you can download after you have generated the privilege analysis. • Generating a Revoke Script You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to generate a script that revokes privileges from users. • Generating a Regrant Script You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to generate a script that regrants privileges that have been revoked from users. About Generating Revoke and Regrant Scripts You can perform a bulk revoke of unused system and object privileges and roles by using scripts that you can download after you have generated the privilege analysis. 4-20 Chapter 4 Creating Roles and Managing Privileges Using Cloud Control Later on, if you want to regrant these privileges back to the user, you can generate a regrant script. In order to generate the regrant script, you must have a corresponding revoke script. Execute the revoke scripts in a development or test environment. Be aware that you cannot revoke privileges and roles from Oracle-supplied accounts and roles. Generating a Revoke Script You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to generate a script that revokes privileges from users. 1. If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, then ensure that you are authorized as an owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. In SQL*Plus, a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can check the authorization by querying the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view. To grant the user authorization, use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure. 2. In Enterprise Manager, access the target Database home page as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. See Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for more information. 3. From the Security menu, select Privilege Analysis. 4. Ensure that the reports you want have been generated. See Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using Cloud Control for more information. 5. In the Privilege Analysis page, from the Actions menu, select Revoke Scripts. 6. On the Revoke Scripts page, click Generate. The generate revoke script details wizard is displayed. 7. In the Script Details page, do the following: select a policy name from the Policy Name menu against which the revoke script needs to be prepared. 8. In the Script Name field, enter a unique name and for Description, a description for the script. For example, if you want to revoke all the unused privileges, select the All option for all the unused privileges and roles, and click Next. Based on your selection, and the available privileges, all the unused system privileges, object privileges, and roles that are going to be revoked are displayed on the respective pages. 9. For Grantee (user/role), select All or Customize. 10. Select All, None, or Customize for the Unused System Privileges, Unused Object Privileges, and Unused Roles settings. 11. Click Next. The next pages that appear depend on your selections of All, None, or Customize. If you selected all, the page displays a listing of the privileges. If you selected None, the page is bypassed. If you selected Customize, then you can individually select the privileges to revoke. The last page that appears is the Review page. 12. Click Save. 4-21 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use The Revoke Scripts page appears. 13. In the Revoke Scripts page, select the newly created SQL script, and then click Download Revoke Script to download this script, which contains REVOKE SQL statements for each privilege or role. To view the script, click the View Revoke Script button. 14. To return to the Privilege Analysis page, click Return. Generating a Regrant Script You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to generate a script that regrants privileges that have been revoked from users. 1. If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, then ensure that you are authorized as an owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. In SQL*Plus, a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can check the authorization by querying the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view. To grant the user authorization, use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure. 2. In Enterprise Manager, access the target Database home page as a user who has been granted the CAPTURE_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. See Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for more information. 3. From the Security menu, select Privilege Analysis. 4. Ensure that the reports you want have been generated. See Generating a Privilege Analysis Report Using Cloud Control for more information. 5. In the Privilege Analysis page, select the policy on which the revoke script was based. 6. From the Actions menu, select Revoke Scripts. 7. In the Revoke Scripts page, select the policy name that you had created earlier, and then click Download Regrant Script to download this script. You can view the scripts that are associated with the policy by selecting the View Revoke Script and View Regrant Script buttons. Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use This tutorial demonstrates how to create capture runs to analyze the use of the READ ANY TABLE system privilege. • Step 1: Create User Accounts You must create two users, one user to create the policy and a second user whose privilege use will be analyzed. • Step 2: Create and Enable a Privilege Analysis Policy The user pa_admin must create and enable the privilege analysis policy. • Step 3: Use the READ ANY TABLE System Privilege User app_user uses the READ ANY TABLE system privilege. • Step 4: Disable the Privilege Analysis Policy You must disable the policy before you can generate a report that captures the actions of user app_user. 4-22 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use • Step 5: Generate and View a Privilege Analysis Report With the privilege analysis policy disabled, user pa_admin then can generate and view a privilege analysis report. • Step 6: Create a Second Capture Run Next, you are ready to create a second capture run for the ANY_priv_analysis_pol privilege analysis policy. • Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. Step 1: Create User Accounts You must create two users, one user to create the policy and a second user whose privilege use will be analyzed. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password In a multitenant environment, you must connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. If Oracle Database Vault is not enabled, then log into the database instance as a user who has the CREATE USER system privilege. 2. Create the following users: CREATE USER pa_admin IDENTIFIED BY password; CREATE USER app_user IDENTIFIED BY password; 3. Connect as a user who has the privileges to grant roles and system privileges to other users, and who has been granted the owner authorization for the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. (User SYS has these privileges by default.) For example: CONNECT dba_psmith -- Or, CONNECT dba_psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password In SQL*Plus, a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can check the authorization by querying the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view. To grant the user authorization, use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure. 4. Grant the following role and privilege to the users. GRANT CREATE SESSION, CAPTURE_ADMIN TO pa_admin; GRANT CREATE SESSION, READ ANY TABLE TO app_user; 4-23 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use User pa_admin will create the privilege analysis policy that will analyze the READ ANY TABLE query that user app_user will perform. Step 2: Create and Enable a Privilege Analysis Policy The user pa_admin must create and enable the privilege analysis policy. 1. Connect as user pa_admin. CONNECT pa_admin -- Or, CONNECT pa_admin@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Create the following privilege analysis policy: BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE( name => 'ANY_priv_analysis_pol', description => 'Analyzes system privilege use', type => DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_CONTEXT, condition => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''SESSION_USER'')=''APP_USER'''); END; / In this example: • type specifies the type of capture condition that is defined by the condition parameter, described next. In this policy, the type is a context-based condition. • 3. condition specifies condition using a Boolean expression that must evaluate to TRUE for the policy to take effect. In this case, the condition checks if the session user is app_user. Enable the policy and create a capture run for it. BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ( name => 'ANY_priv_analysis_pol', run_name => 'ANY_priv_pol_run_1'); END; / At this point, the policy is ready to start recording the actions of user app_user. Step 3: Use the READ ANY TABLE System Privilege User app_user uses the READ ANY TABLE system privilege. 1. Connect as user app_user. CONNECT app_user -- Or, CONNECT app_user@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES table. SELECT FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE SALARY > 12000 ORDER BY SALARY DESC; FIRST_NAME -------------------Steven Neena Lex LAST_NAME SALARY ------------------------- ---------King 24000 Kochhar 17000 De Haan 17000 4-24 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use John Karen Michael Shelley Nancy Russell Partners Hartstein Higgins Greenberg 14000 13500 13000 12008 12008 Step 4: Disable the Privilege Analysis Policy You must disable the policy before you can generate a report that captures the actions of user app_user. 1. Connect as user pa_admin. CONNECT pa_admin -- Or, CONNECT pa_admin@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Disable the ANY_priv_analysis_pol privilege policy. EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE ('ANY_priv_analysis_pol'); Step 5: Generate and View a Privilege Analysis Report With the privilege analysis policy disabled, user pa_admin then can generate and view a privilege analysis report. 1. As user pa_admin, generate the privilege analysis results. BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT ( name => 'ANY_priv_analysis_pol', run_name => 'ANY_priv_pol_run_1'); END; / The generated results are stored in the privilege analysis data dictionary views, which are described in Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views. 2. Enter the following commands to format the data dictionary view output: col col col col col 3. username format a10 sys_priv format a16 object_owner format a13 object_name format a23 run_name format a27 Find the system privileges that app_user used and the objects on which he used them during the privilege analysis period. SELECT SYS_PRIV, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, RUN_NAME FROM DBA_USED_PRIVS WHERE USERNAME = 'APP_USER'; Output similar to the following appears. The first row shows that app_user used the READ ANY TABLE privilege on the HR.EMPLOYEES table. SYS_PRIV OBJECT_OWNER OBJECT_NAME ---------------- ------------- ----------------------SYSTEM PRODUCT_PRIVS SYS DUAL SYS DUAL CREATE SESSION SYS DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO READ ANY TABLE HR EMPLOYEES RUN_NAME -----------------ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 4-25 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Using Capture Runs to Analyze ANY Privilege Use At this stage, the privilege analysis results remain available in the privilege analysis data dictionary views, even if you create additional capture runs in the future. Step 6: Create a Second Capture Run Next, you are ready to create a second capture run for the ANY_priv_analysis_pol privilege analysis policy. 1. As user pa_admin, enable the ANY_priv_analysis_pol privilege analysis policy to use capture run ANY_priv_pol_run_1. BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ( name => 'ANY_priv_analysis_pol', run_name => 'ANY_priv_pol_run_2'); END; / 2. Connect as user app_user. CONNECT app_user -- Or, CONNECT app_user@hrpdb Enter password: password 3. Query the HR.JOBS table. SELECT MAX_SALARY FROM HR.JOBS WHERE MAX_SALARY > 20000; 4. Connect as user pa_admin. CONNECT pa_admin -- Or, CONNECT pa_admin@hrpdb Enter password: password 5. Disable the ANY_priv_analysis_pol privilege policy. EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE ('ANY_priv_analysis_pol'); 6. Generate a second privilege analysis report. BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT ( name => 'ANY_priv_analysis_pol', run_name => 'ANY_priv_pol_run_2'); END; / 7. Find the system privileges that app_user used and the objects on which he used them during the privilege analysis period. SELECT SYS_PRIV, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, RUN_NAME FROM DBA_USED_PRIVS WHERE USERNAME = 'APP_USER' ORDER BY RUN_NAME; Output similar to the following appears, which now shows the results of both of the capture runs that user pa_admin created. SYS_PRIV OBJECT_OWNER OBJECT_NAME RUN_NAME ---------------- ------------- ----------------------- ---------------------READ ANY TABLE HR EMPLOYEES ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 SYS DUAL ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 CREATE SESSION ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 SYS DUAL ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 SYSTEM PRODUCT_PRIVS ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 SYS DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_1 SYS DUAL ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_2 SYS DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_2 4-26 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role READ ANY TABLE SYSTEM SYS HR PRODUCT_PRIVS DUAL JOBS ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_2 ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_2 ANY_PRIV_POL_RUN_2 Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. As user pa_admin, drop the ANY_priv_analysis_pol privilege analysis policy and its associated capture runs. EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE ('ANY_priv_analysis_pol'); Any capture runs that are associated with this policy are dropped automatically when you run the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE procedure. Even though in the next steps you will drop the pa_admin user, including any objects created in this user's schema, you must manually drop the ANY_priv_analysis_pol privilege analysis policy because this object resides in the SYS schema. 2. Connect as the user who created the user accounts. If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, then connect as the Oracle Database Vault Account Manager. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password 3. Drop the users pa_admin and app_user. DROP USER pa_admin; DROP USER app_user; Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role This tutorial demonstrates how to analyze the privilege use of a user who has the DBA role and performs database tuning operations. • Step 1: Create User Accounts You must create two users, one to create the privilege analysis policy and a second user whose privilege use will be analyzed. • Step 2: Create and Enable a Privilege Analysis Policy User pa_admin must create the and enable the privilege analysis policy. • Step 3: Perform the Database Tuning Operations User tjones uses the DBA role to perform database tuning operations. • Step 4: Disable the Privilege Analysis Policy You must disable the policy before you can generate a report that captures the actions of user tjones. • Step 5: Generate and View Privilege Analysis Reports With the privilege analysis policy disabled, user pa_admin can generate and view privilege analysis reports. 4-27 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role • Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. Step 1: Create User Accounts You must create two users, one to create the privilege analysis policy and a second user whose privilege use will be analyzed. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password In a multitenant environment, you must log into the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. If Oracle Database Vault is not enabled, then log into the database instance as a user who has the CREATE USER system privilege. 2. Create the following users: CREATE USER pa_admin IDENTIFIED BY password; CREATE USER tjones IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. 3. Connect as a user who has the privileges to grant roles and system privileges to other users, and who has been granted the owner authorization for the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. (User SYS has these privileges by default.) For example: CONNECT dba_psmith -- Or, CONNECT dba_psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password In SQL*Plus, a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can check the authorization by querying the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view. To grant the user authorization, use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure. 4. Grant the following roles and privileges to the users. GRANT CREATE SESSION, CAPTURE_ADMIN TO pa_admin; GRANT CREATE SESSION, DBA TO tjones; User pa_admin will create the privilege analysis policy that will analyze the database tuning operations that user tjones will perform. 4-28 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role Step 2: Create and Enable a Privilege Analysis Policy User pa_admin must create the and enable the privilege analysis policy. 1. Connect as user pa_admin. CONNECT pa_admin -- Or, CONNECT pa_admin@hrpdb Enter password: password If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, then log in as the Database Vault Account Manager, who has the DV_ACCTMGR role. Ensure that you are the owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. 2. Create the following privilege analysis policy: BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE( name => 'dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol', description => 'Analyzes DBA tuning privilege use', type => DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.G_CONTEXT, condition => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''SESSION_USER'')=''TJONES'''); END; / In this example: • type specifies the type of capture condition that is defined by the condition parameter, described next. In this policy, the type is a context-based condition. • 3. condition specifies condition using a Boolean expression that must evaluate to TRUE for the policy to take effect. In this case, the condition checks if the session user is tjones. Enable the policy. EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ('dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol'); At this point, the policy is ready to start recording the actions of user tjones. Step 3: Perform the Database Tuning Operations User tjones uses the DBA role to perform database tuning operations. 1. Connect as user tjones. CONNECT tjones -- Or, CONNECT tjones@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Run the following script to create the PLAN_TABLE table. @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql The location of this script may vary depending on your operating system. This script creates the PLAN_TABLE table in the tjones schema. 3. Run the following EXPLAIN PLAN SQL statement on the HR.EMPLOYEES table: EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = 'Raise in Tokyo' INTO PLAN_TABLE FOR UPDATE HR.EMPLOYEES 4-29 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role SET SALARY = SALARY * 1.10 WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = (SELECT DEPARTMENT_ID FROM HR.DEPARTMENTS WHERE LOCATION_ID = 110); Next, user tjones will analyze the HR.EMPLOYEES table. 4. Run either of the following scripts to create the CHAINED_ROWS table @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlchain.sql Or @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlchn1.sql 5. Run the ANALYZE TABLE statement on the HR.EMPLOYEES table. ANALYZE TABLE HR.EMPLOYEES LIST CHAINED ROWS INTO CHAINED_ROWS; Step 4: Disable the Privilege Analysis Policy You must disable the policy before you can generate a report that captures the actions of user tjones. 1. Connect as user pa_admin. CONNECT pa_admin -- Or, CONNECT pa_admin@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Disable the dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol privilege policy. EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE ('dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol'); Step 5: Generate and View Privilege Analysis Reports With the privilege analysis policy disabled, user pa_admin can generate and view privilege analysis reports. 1. As user pa_admin, generate the privilege analysis results. EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT ('dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol'); The generated results are stored in the privilege analysis data dictionary views, which are described in Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views. 2. Enter the following commands to format the data dictionary view output: col col col col col col col col 3. username format a8 sys_priv format a18 used_role format a20 path format a150 obj_priv format a10 object_owner format a10 object_name format a10 object_type format a10 Find the system privileges and roles that user tjones used during the privilege analysis period. SELECT USERNAME, SYS_PRIV, USED_ROLE, PATH FROM DBA_USED_SYSPRIVS_PATH WHERE USERNAME = 'TJONES' ORDER BY 1, 2, 3; 4-30 Chapter 4 Tutorial: Analyzing Privilege Use by a User Who Has the DBA Role Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME SYS_PRIV USED_ROLE -------- ------------------ -------------------PATH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------TJONES ANALYZE ANY IMP_FULL_DATABASE GRANT_PATH('TJONES', 'DBA') TJONES ANALYZE ANY IMP_FULL_DATABASE GRANT_PATH('TJONES', 'DBA', 'IMP_FULL_DATABASE') TJONES ANALYZE ANY IMP_FULL_DATABASE GRANT_PATH('TJONES', 'DBA', 'DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE', 'IMP_FULL_DATABASE') ... 4. Find the object privileges and roles that user tjones used during the privilege analysis period. col col col col username format a9 used_role format a10 object_name format a22 object_type format a12 SELECT USERNAME, OBJ_PRIV, USED_ROLE, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE FROM DBA_USED_OBJPRIVS WHERE USERNAME = 'TJONES' ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME --------TJONES TJONES TJONES TJONES ... 5. OBJ_PRIV ---------EXECUTE SELECT SELECT SELECT USED_ROLE ---------PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC OBJECT_OWN ---------SYS SYS SYS SYSTEM OBJECT_NAME ---------------------DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO DUAL DUAL PRODUCT_PRIVS OBJECT_TYPE -----------PACKAGE TABLE TABLE VIEW Find the unused system privileges for user tjones. col username format a9 col sys_priv format a35 SELECT USERNAME, SYS_PRIV FROM DBA_UNUSED_SYSPRIVS WHERE USERNAME = 'TJONES' ORDER BY 1, 2; USERNAME -------TJONES TJONES TJONES TJONES TJONES TJONES ... SYS_PRIV -----------------------------ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER ADMINISTER RESOURCE MANAGER ADMINISTER SQL TUNING SET ALTER ANY ASSEMBLY ON COMMIT REFRESH 4-31 Chapter 4 Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. As user pa_admin, drop the dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol privilege analysis policy. EXEC DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE ('dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol'); Even though in the next steps you will drop the pa_admin user, including any objects created in this user's schema, you must manually drop the dba_tuning_priv_analysis_pol privilege analysis policy because this object resides in the SYS schema. 2. Connect as the user who created the user accounts. If Oracle Database Vault is enabled, then connect as the Oracle Database Vault Account Manager. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password 3. Drop the users pa_admin and tjones. DROP USER pa_admin; DROP USER tjones CASCADE; Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database provides a set of data dictionary views that provide information about analyzed privileges. Table 4-1 lists these data dictionary views. Table 4-1 Data Dictionary Views That Display Privilege Analysis Information View Description DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES Lists information about existing privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_PRIVS Lists the privileges and capture runs that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_UNUSED_GRANTS Lists the privilege grants that have not been used DBA_UNUSED_PRIVS Lists the privileges and capture runs that have not been used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_OBJPRIVS Lists the object privileges and capture runs that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It does not include the object grant paths. DBA_UNUSED_OBJPRIVS Lists the object privileges and capture runs that have not been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It does not include the object privilege grant paths. DBA_USED_OBJPRIVS_PATH Lists the object privileges and capture runs that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It includes the object privilege grant paths. 4-32 Chapter 4 Privilege Analysis Policy and Report Data Dictionary Views Table 4-1 (Cont.) Data Dictionary Views That Display Privilege Analysis Information View Description DBA_UNUSED_OBJPRIVS_PATH Lists the object privileges and capture runs that have not been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It includes the object privilege grant paths. DBA_USED_SYSPRIVS Lists the system privileges and capture runs that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It does not include the system privilege grant paths. DBA_UNUSED_SYSPRIVS Lists the system privileges and capture runs that have not been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It does not include the system privilege grant paths. DBA_USED_SYSPRIVS_PATH Lists the system privileges and capture runs that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It includes the system privilege grant paths. DBA_UNUSED_SYSPRIVS_PATH Lists the system privileges and capture runs that have not been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It includes system privilege grant paths DBA_USED_PUBPRIVS Lists all the privileges and capture runs for the PUBLIC role that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_USERPRIVS Lists the user privileges and capture runs that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It does not include the user privilege grant paths. DBA_UNUSED_USERPRIVS Lists the user privileges and capture runs that have not been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It does not include the user privilege grant paths. DBA_USED_USERPRIVS_PATH Lists the user privileges and capture runs that have been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It includes the user privilege grant paths. DBA_UNUSED_USERPRIVS_PATH Lists the privileges and capture runs that have not been used for reported privilege analysis policies. It includes the user privilege grant paths. See Also: Oracle Database Reference for a detailed description of these data dictionary views 4-33 5 Configuring Realms You can create a realm around database objects to protect them, and then set authorizations to control user access to this data. • What Are Realms? Realms enable you to protect database objects, including specific object types. • Default Realms Oracle Database Vault provides default realms, which are regular realms, not mandatory realms. • Creating a Realm To enable realm protection, you create the realm and configure it to include realmsecured objects, roles, and authorizations. • About Realm-Secured Objects Realm-secured objects define the territory—a set of schema and database objects and roles—that a realm protects. • About Realm Authorization Realm authorizations establish the set of database accounts and roles that manage or access objects protected in realms. • Realm Authorizations in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, the rules and behavior for common realm authorizations are similar to the authorizations for other common objects. • Modifying the Enablement Status of a Realm You can disable or enable a realm, or set the realm to use simulation mode, from Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. • Deleting a Realm You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to delete realms. • How Realms Work When an appropriately privileged database account issues a SQL statement that affects an object within a realm, a special set of activities occur. • How Authorizations Work in a Realm Realm authorizations prevent users from performing activities if the users do not have the correct privileges. • Access to Objects That Are Protected by a Realm You can protect an object by a realm, but still enable access to objects that are part of this realm-protected object. • Example of How Realms Work Realms can provide protection in which two users who each have the same privileges must have separate access levels for an object. • How Realms Affect Other Oracle Database Vault Components Realms have no effect on factors, identities, or rule sets, but they do affect command rules. 5-1 Chapter 5 What Are Realms? • Guidelines for Designing Realms Oracle provides a set of guidelines for designing realms. • How Realms Affect Performance Realms can affect database performance in a variety situations, such as with DDL and DML operations. • Realm Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that are useful for analyzing realms. What Are Realms? Realms enable you to protect database objects, including specific object types. • About Realms A realm is a grouping of database schemas, database objects, and database roles that must be secured for a given application. • Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm By default, users who own or have object privileges are allowed to access realmprotected objects without explicit realm authorization. • Realms in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create a realm to protect common objects in the application root. • Object Types That Realms Can Protect You can create realms around all objects in a schema of certain object types. About Realms A realm is a grouping of database schemas, database objects, and database roles that must be secured for a given application. Think of a realm as zone of protection for your database objects. A schema is a logical collection of database objects such as tables, views, and packages, and a role is a collection of privileges. By arranging schemas and roles into functional groups, you can control the ability of users to use system privileges against these groups and prevent unauthorized data access by the database administrator or other powerful users with system privileges. Oracle Database Vault does not replace the discretionary access control model in the existing Oracle database. It functions as a layer on top of this model for both realms and command rules. Oracle Database Vault provides two types of realms: regular and mandatory. Both realm types can protect either an entire schema or crucial objects within a schema selectively, such as tables and indexes. With a regular realm, an object owner or users who has been granted object privileges can perform queries or DML operations without realm authorization but must have realm authorization to perform DDL operations. A mandatory realm provides stronger protection for objects within a realm. Mandatory realms block both object privilege-based and system privilege-based access and will not allow users with object privileges to perform queries, DML, or DDL operations without realm authorization. In other words, even an object owner cannot access his or her own objects without proper realm authorization if the objects are protected by mandatory realms. For databases that use Oracle Flashback Technology, then both regular and mandatory realms will enforce the same behavior for a flashback table. Users can 5-2 Chapter 5 What Are Realms? execute a FLASHBACK TABLE SQL statement on a realm-protected table if the user is authorized to the realm. For databases that use Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), a Database Vault administrator can use the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER and DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure to control who can perform ILM operations on realm-protected objects. You can register schemas, all objects of a certain type in a schema, or individual objects within a schema into a realm. After you create a realm, you can register a set of schema objects or roles (secured objects) for realm protection and authorize a set of users or roles to access the secured objects. Objects that are protected by a regular realm allow DML access to users who have direct object grants. For example, you can create a realm to protect all existing database schemas that are used in an accounting department. The realm prohibits any user who is not authorized to the realm to use system privileges to access the secured accounting data. When an entire schema is protected, all objects in the schema are protected, including tables, indexes, procedures and other objects. You can run reports on realms that you create in Oracle Database Vault. You can use simulation mode during development, test, and even production phases to log only realm violations instead of blocking access. This enables you to quickly test applications using Database Vault realms. You can configure realms by using the Oracle Database Vault Administrator pages in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Alternatively, you can configure realms by using the PL/SQL interfaces and packages provided by Oracle Database Vault. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package enables you to configure Oracle Database Vault realms. Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm By default, users who own or have object privileges are allowed to access realmprotected objects without explicit realm authorization. You optionally can configure the realm to prevent these users' access by configuring it to be a mandatory realm. Mandatory realms block system privilege-based access as well as object privilege-based access. This means that even the object owner cannot have access if he or she is not authorized to access the realm. Users can access secured objects in the mandatory realm only if the user or role is authorized to do so. Mandatory realms have the following additional characteristics: • If there are multiple mandatory realms on the same object, then you must authorize the user or role on all the mandatory realms before they can access the protected object. • If a role is protected by a mandatory realm, then no privileges can be granted to or revoked from the protected role except by the realm owner. • You can update regular realms that you created in earlier releases to be mandatory realms. This way, you can block owner access and object-privileged users from accessing the realm-protected objects. Mandatory realms have the following benefits: 5-3 Chapter 5 What Are Realms? • Mandatory realms can block object owners and object privileged users. In previous releases, blocking these users could only be done by defining complicated command rules. • Mandatory realms provide more flexible configurations for access control. For example, suppose you want to enable a user to access an object with certain conditions, such as in a specific time range during the day. You cannot grant object privileges to that user because realms do not block object privileges. You only can grant system privileges to the user and then authorize this user to the realm with a rule, or make a command rule on the command directly. These solutions are either very expensive in terms of computational cost or undesirable because they entail the excessive granting of privileges such as system privileges to the user. With a mandatory realm, you only need to grant object privileges to the user, with a rule for specific conditions, and then authorize this user to be a realm owner or participant. Thus, with mandatory realms, Oracle Database Vault policies have more flexibility without granting users excessive privileges. • Mandatory realms add a layer of protection during patch upgrades. During a patch upgrade, a database administrator may need to have direct access to a realm-protected object in order to perform a patch on the object. If there are tables that contain sensitive data, such as social security numbers, you can protect these tables from the administrator's access with mandatory realms during the patch upgrade. When patching is complete, and the database administrator no long needs access to the objects, you can disable mandatory realm protection and then re-enable the normal application realm protection so that the application protection can return to its normal state. • You can use mandatory realms to secure tables during runtime. During runtime, application data can be stored in many tables. It is better to have a single user such as a runtime schema to access these tables so that you can maintain the integrity and correctness of the data. If the application data is scattered in many different schemas, then schema owners and users with object privileges can change the data if they log into the database directly. To insure that users cannot update these tables without going through the runtime schema's procedures, you can use mandatory realms to protect the tables so that only the authorized user's procedures can access them. Because a regular realm does not block object owners and object-privileged users, you can use mandatory realms to block them. This way, only authorized users can access these tables during runtime. • You can freeze security settings by preventing changes to configured roles. Related Topics • CREATE_REALM Procedure The CREATE_REALM procedure creates a realm. In a multitenant environment, you can create both common and local realms. • UPDATE_REALM Procedure The UPDATE_REALM procedure updates a realm. Realms in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create a realm to protect common objects in the application root. The advantage of creating a realm in the application root instead of creating a large number objects and realms around these objects within individual pluggable 5-4 Chapter 5 Default Realms databases (PDBs) is that you can create them in one place, the application root. This way, you can manage them centrally. You cannot create a common realm in the CDB root. A Database Vault common realm can be either a regular realm or a mandatory realm. The realm protects only objects within the application root, not local objects in a PDB. The CDB root, application root, and any affected PDBs all must be Database Vault enabled. To configure a common realm, you must be commonly granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. To grant common authorizations for a common realm, you must be in the application root. To propagate the realm to the PDBs that are associated with the application root, you must synchronize the application root. For example, to synchronize an application called saas_sales_app ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Related Topics • About Realm Authorization Realm authorizations establish the set of database accounts and roles that manage or access objects protected in realms. Object Types That Realms Can Protect You can create realms around all objects in a schema of certain object types. These object types are as follows: Object Types C-J Object Types L-P Object Types R-V CLUSTER LIBRARY ROLE DIMENSION MATERIALIZED VIEW SEQUENCE FUNCTION MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG SYNONYM INDEX OPERATOR TABLE INDEX PARTITION PACKAGE TRIGGER INDEXTYPE PROCEDURE TYPE JOB PROGRAM VIEW Default Realms Oracle Database Vault provides default realms, which are regular realms, not mandatory realms. • Oracle Database Vault Realm The Oracle Database Vault realm protects configuration and role information in the Oracle Database Vault DVSYS, DVF, and LBACSYS schemas. • Database Vault Account Management Realm The Database Vault Account Management realm defines the realm for the administrators who manage and create database accounts and database profiles. 5-5 Chapter 5 Default Realms • Oracle Enterprise Manager Realm Oracle Database Vault provides a realm specifically for Oracle Enterprise Manager accounts. • Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm protects roles and schemas that are used with Oracle features such as Oracle Text. • Oracle System Privilege and Role Management Realm Oracle System Privilege and Role Management Realm protects sensitive roles that are used to export and import data in an Oracle database. • Oracle Default Component Protection Realm Oracle Default Component Protection Realm protects the SYSTEM and OUTLN schemas. Oracle Database Vault Realm The Oracle Database Vault realm protects configuration and role information in the Oracle Database Vault DVSYS, DVF, and LBACSYS schemas. The owners of all three of the DVSYS, DVF, and LBACSYS schemas are owners of this realm. This realm protects the following objects: • Entire schemas that are protected: DVSYS, DVF, LABACSYS • Roles that are protected: • Schemas DV_A-DV_S Schemas DV_P-L Schemas DV_G-DV_X DV_ADMIN DV_MONITOR DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP DV_PATCH_ADMIN DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK DV_PUBLIC DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN DV_OWNER DV_STREAMS_ADMIN - DV_SECANALYST LBAC_DBA - PL/SQL package that is protected: SYS.DBMS_RLS Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Schemas The Oracle Database Vault schemas, DVSYS and DVF, support the administration and run-time processing of Oracle Database Vault. Database Vault Account Management Realm The Database Vault Account Management realm defines the realm for the administrators who manage and create database accounts and database profiles. This realm protects the DV_ACCTMGR and CONNECT roles. The owner of this realm can grant or revoke the CREATE SESSION privilege to or from a user. Related Topics • DV_ACCTMGR Database Vault Account Manager Role The DV_ACCTMGR role is a powerful role, used for accounts management. 5-6 Chapter 5 Default Realms Oracle Enterprise Manager Realm Oracle Database Vault provides a realm specifically for Oracle Enterprise Manager accounts. The Oracle Enterprise Manager realm protects Oracle Enterprise Manager accounts that are used for monitoring and management (DBSNMP user and the OEM_MONITOR role). Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm protects roles and schemas that are used with Oracle features such as Oracle Text. The advantage of this grouping is that Oracle Spatial schemas (MDSYS, MDDATA) are used extensively with Oracle Text (CTXSYS), and Oracle OLAP is an application rather than a core Oracle Database kernel feature. Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm Protected Roles and Schemas Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm protects several roles and schemas. • Roles that are protected by default: CTXAPP, OLAP_DBA, EJBCLIENT, OLAP_USER • Schemas that are protected by default: CTXSYS, EXFSYS, MDDATA, MDSYS • Roles that are recommended for protection: APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN, WFS_USR_ROLE, CSW_USR_ROLE, SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN, WM_ADMIN_ROLE • Schemas that are recommended for protection: APEX_030200, OWBSYS, WMSYS Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm Owners The SYS, CTXSYS, and EXFSYS users are the default owners of Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm. These users can grant the roles protected by this realm to other users, and grant permissions on its schemas to other users as well. Oracle System Privilege and Role Management Realm Oracle System Privilege and Role Management Realm protects sensitive roles that are used to export and import data in an Oracle database. This realm also contains authorizations for users who must grant system privileges. User SYS is the only default owner of this realm. Any user who is responsible for managing system privileges should be authorized as an owner to this realm. These users can grant the roles that are protected by this realm to other users. • Roles that are protected by default: Roles A-E Roles G-J Roles J-S AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS JAVAUSERPRIV AQ_USER_ROLE GLOBAL_AQ_USER_ROLE LOGSTDBY_ADMINISTRATOR DBA HS_ADMIN_ROLE OPTIMIZER_PROCESSING_RAT E DBA_OLS_STATUS IMP_FULL_DATABASE RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER 5-7 Chapter 5 Creating a Realm • Roles A-E Roles G-J Roles J-S DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE JAVA_ADMIN RESOURCE DV_REALM_OWNER JAVADEBUGPRIV SCHEDULER_ADMIN DV_REALM_RESOURCE JAVA_DEPLOY SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE JAVAIDPRIV - EXP_FULL_DATABASE JAVASYSPRIV - Roles that are recommended for protection: DBFS_ROLE, HS_ADMIN_EXECUTE_ROLE, HS_ADMIN_SELECT_ROLE Oracle Default Component Protection Realm Oracle Default Component Protection Realm protects the SYSTEM and OUTLN schemas. The authorized users of this realm are users SYS and SYSTEM. Creating a Realm To enable realm protection, you create the realm and configure it to include realmsecured objects, roles, and authorizations. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Realms. 3. In the Realms page, click Create to display the Create Realm page. 5-8 Chapter 5 Creating a Realm 4. In the Create Realm page, enter the following settings: • Name: Enter a name for the realm. It can contain up to 90 characters in mixed-case. This attribute is mandatory. Oracle suggests that you use the name of the protected application as the realm name (for example, hr_app for an human resources application). • Description: Enter a brief description of the realm. The description can contain up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. This attribute is optional. You may want to include a description for the business objective of the given application protection and document all other security policies that compliment the realm's protection. Also document who is authorized to the realm, for what purpose, and any possible emergency authorizations. • Mandatory Realm: Select this check box to create the realm as a mandatory realm. See Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm for more information about mandatory realms. • Status: Select either Enabled, Disabled, or Simulation. This attribute is mandatory. • Audit Options: Select one of the following: – Audit Disabled: Does not create an audit record. – Audit on Success: Creates an audit record for authorized activities. – Audit on Failure: Creates an audit record when a realm violation occurs (for example, when an unauthorized user tries to modify an object that is protected by the realm). – Audit on Success or Failure: Creates an audit record for any activity that occurs in the realm, including both authorized and unauthorized activities. In a non-unified auditing environment, Oracle Database Vault writes the audit trail to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. See Auditing Oracle Database Vault for more information. If you have enabled unified auditing, then this setting does not capture audit records. Instead, you must create audit policies to capture this information, as described in Oracle Database Security Guide. Oracle Database also provides a default policy, ORA_DV_AUDPOL, that audits all actions that are performed on the Oracle Database Vault DVSYS and DVF schema objects and the Oracle Label Security LBACSYS schema objects. 5. Click Next to display the Realm secured objects page. See About Realm-Secured Objects for conceptual information about the settings for this page. 6. Click the Add button, and in the Add Secured Object dialog box, enter the following information: • • Object Owner: From the list, select the name of the database schema owner. You can enter the % character if the object you want to secure with the realm is a role. This attribute is mandatory. Object Type: From the list, select the type of the database object, such as TABLE, INDEX, or ROLE. This attribute is mandatory. You can add as many objects of any type as you want to the realm. By default, the Object Type box contains the % wildcard character to include all object types for the specified Object Owner. However, it does not include 5-9 Chapter 5 Creating a Realm roles, which do not have specific schema owners in the database and must be specified explicitly. • Object Name: Enter the name of the object in the database that the realm must protect, or enter % to specify all objects (except roles) for the object owner that you have specified. If you enter %, then it can encompass all objects in the schema if % is also used for the Object Type setting. But if Object Type is set to Tables, then using % for the Object Name refers to all tables in the schema. This attribute is mandatory. By default, the Object Name field contains the % wildcard character to encompass the entire schema specified for Object Type and Object Owner. Note that the % wildcard character applies to objects that do not yet exist and currently existing objects. If you enter % in the Object Name field, then it encompasses all objects in the schema if you also enter % in the Object Type field. However, if you set Object Type to a specific object type, such as Tables, then the setting of % in Object Type refers to all objects of that type (in this case, tables) in the schema. 7. Click Next to display the Realm authorizations page. See About Realm Authorization for conceptual information about the settings for this page. 8. Click the Add button, and in the Add Authorizations dialog box, enter the following information: • Realm Authorization Grantee: From the list, select the database account or role to whom you want to grant the realm authorization. This list shows all accounts and roles in the system, not just accounts with system privileges. • • Realm Authorization Type: Select either of the following settings. This attribute is mandatory. – Participant: This account or role can exercise system privileges to access, manipulate, and create objects protected by the realm, provided that these privileges have been granted using the standard Oracle Database privilege grant process. A realm can have multiple participants. – Owner: This account or role has the same rights as the realm participant, plus the authorization to grant or revoke realm-secured database roles. The realm owner can grant or revoke privileges on realm-protected objects to other users. A realm can have multiple owners. Realm Authorization Rule Set: Select from the available rule sets that have been created for your site. You can select only one rule set, but the rule set can have multiple rules. See Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set for more information about defining rules to govern the realm authorization. Any auditing and custom event handling associated with the rule set occurs as part of the realm authorization processing. 9. Click Next to display the Review page. 10. In the Review page, check the settings you have created. For example: 5-10 Chapter 5 About Realm-Secured Objects 11. Click Finish to complete the realm creation. Related Topics • About Realm-Secured Objects Realm-secured objects define the territory—a set of schema and database objects and roles—that a realm protects. • About Realm Authorization Realm authorizations establish the set of database accounts and roles that manage or access objects protected in realms. • Propagating Oracle Database Vault Configurations to Other Databases You can propagate Database Vault configurations (such as a realm configuration) to other Database Vault-protected databases. About Realm-Secured Objects Realm-secured objects define the territory—a set of schema and database objects and roles—that a realm protects. You can create the following types of protections: • Objects from multiple database accounts or schemas can be under the same realm. • One object can belong to multiple realms. If an object belongs to multiple realms, then Oracle Database Vault checks the realms for the proper authorization. For SELECT, DDL, and DML statements, as long as a user is a participant in one of the realms, and if the command rules permit it, then the commands that the user enters are allowed. For GRANT and REVOKE 5-11 Chapter 5 About Realm Authorization operations of a database role in multiple realms, the person performing the GRANT or REVOKE operation must be the realm owner. Schema owners can perform DML operations on objects that are protected by multiple regular realms. If one of the realms is a mandatory realm, then the user who wants to access the object must be a realm owner or participant in the mandatory realm. During the authorization checking process, the non-mandatory realms are ignored. If there are multiple mandatory realms that protect the object, then the user who wants to access the object must be authorized in all of the mandatory realms. About Realm Authorization Realm authorizations establish the set of database accounts and roles that manage or access objects protected in realms. You can grant a realm authorization to an account or role to allow the use of its system privileges in the following situations: • When the user must create or access realm-secured objects • When a user must grant or revoke realm-secured roles A user who has been granted realm authorization as either a realm owner or a realm participant can use its system privileges to access secured objects in the realm. Note the following: • Realm owners cannot add other users to their realms as owners or participants. Only users who have the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role are allowed to add users as owners or participants to a realm. • Users who have been granted the DV_OWNER role can add themselves to a realm authorization. • A realm owner, but not a realm participant, can grant or revoke realm secured roles or grant or revoke object privileges on realm secured objects to anyone. • A user can be granted either as a realm owner or a realm participant, but not both. However, you can update the authorization types of existing realm authorizations. Use the Edit Realm page to manage realm authorizations. You can create, edit, and remove realm authorizations. Related Topics • Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report The Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault realm configuration issues. Realm Authorizations in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, the rules and behavior for common realm authorizations are similar to the authorizations for other common objects. Local Authorization for a Common Realm The local authorization for a common realm refers to the authorization a user has for the PDB that this user is accessing. The rules for the local authorization for a common realm are as follows: 5-12 Chapter 5 Realm Authorizations in a Multitenant Environment • A user who has been commonly granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can grant local authorization to common users, common roles, local users, and local roles. The common DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN user can also remove local authorization from a common realm in a PDB. • A local Database Vault administrator can authorize locally (that is, grant local authorizations to both local and common users) within the PDB. A common Database Vault administrator can also grant authorizations in each PDB. A common realm authorization can only be granted by a common Database Vault administrator in the application root. • The common Database Vault administrator can both add or remove local authorization to and from a common realm from within the PDB. • If a common user has only local authorization for a common realm, then this user cannot access the common realm in any other PDB than this local authorization. • A common user or a common role can have both the local authorization and the common authorization to a common realm at the same time. Removing a common user’s local authorization from a common realm does not affect the common user’s common authorization. Removing a common user’s common authorization from a common realm does not affect the common user’s local authorization. Common Authorization for a Common Realm The common authorization for a common realm refers to the authorization a common user or a common role has in the application root while the authorization takes effect in every container that is Database Vault enabled. The rules for the local authorization for a common realm are as follows: • A user who has been commonly granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can grant common realm authorization to common users or roles in the application root. This common Database Vault administrator can perform the removal of common authorizations while in the application root. • This common authorization applies to the containers that have been Database Vault enabled in the CDB. • If a common user is authorized to a common realm in the application root, then this user has access to the objects protected by the common realm in the application root and any application PDBs. • Any rule sets that are associated with a common realm must be common rule sets. The rules that are added to a common rule set that is associated with common authorization cannot involve any local objects. How the Authorization of a Realm Works in Both the Application Root and in an Individual PDB During the Database Vault enforcement in a container, a common realm performs the same enforcement behaviors as the same realm when it is used locally in a PDB. 5-13 Chapter 5 Modifying the Enablement Status of a Realm Modifying the Enablement Status of a Realm You can disable or enable a realm, or set the realm to use simulation mode, from Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. If the realm is managed by a policy, and if the policy status is set to partial, then you can modify the enablement status of the realm. If the policy is set to enabled, disabled, or simulation mode, then you cannot modify the enablement status of the realm. 1. In the Oracle Database Vault Administration page, select Realms. 2. In the Realms page, select the realm you want to disable or enable, and then select Edit. 3. In the Edit Realm page, under Status in the General section, select either Disabled, Enabled, or Simulation. 4. Click Done, and then click Finished. Deleting a Realm You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to delete realms. 1. Locate the various references to the realm that you want to delete by querying the realm-related Oracle Database Vault data dictionary views. 2. If the Realm is part of a policy, then remove the realm from the policy. a. In the Oracle Database Vault Administration page, select Policies. b. Select the policy that contains the realm and then click Edit. c. Expand the Realms area. d. Select the realm and then click Remove. e. Click Next, then Finish. 3. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, select Realms. 4. In the Realms page, select the realm you want to delete, and then select Remove. 5. In the Confirmation window, click Yes. Oracle Database Vault deletes the configuration for the realm, including realm authorizations. It does not delete the rule sets used for realm authorizations. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. How Realms Work When an appropriately privileged database account issues a SQL statement that affects an object within a realm, a special set of activities occur. These privileges include DDL, DML, EXECUTE, GRANT, REVOKE, or SELECT privileges. 1. Does the SQL statement affect objects secured by a realm? 5-14 Chapter 5 How Realms Work If yes, then go to Step 2. If no, then realms do not affect the SQL statement. Go to Step 7. If the object affected by the command is not secured in any realms, then realms do not affect the SQL statement being attempted. 2. Is the realm a mandatory realm or regular realm? If yes, then go to Step 4. If it is regular realm, then go to Step 3. 3. Is the database account using a system privilege to execute the SQL statement? If yes, then go to Step 4. If no, then go to Step 6. If the session has object privileges on the object in question for SELECT, EXECUTE, and DML statements only, then the realm protection is not enforced. Realms protect against the use of any system privilege on objects or roles protected by the realm. Even users with object privileges for objects that are protected by regular realms are prevented from performing DDL operations. Remember that if the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY initialization parameter has been set to TRUE, then non-SYS users have access to SYS schema objects. For better security, ensure that O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is set to FALSE. 4. Is the database account a realm owner or realm participant? If yes, then go to Step 5. Otherwise, a realm violation occurs and the statement is not allowed to succeed. If the command is a GRANT or REVOKE of a role that is protected by the realm, or the GRANT or REVOKE of an object privilege on an object protected by the realm, then the session must be authorized as the realm owner directly or indirectly through roles. 5. Is the realm authorization for the database account conditionally based on a rule set? If yes, then go to Step 6. If no, then go to Step 7. 6. Does the rule set evaluate to TRUE? If yes, then go to Step 7. If no, then there is a realm violation, so the SQL statement is not allowed to succeed. 7. Does a command rule prevent the command from executing? If yes, then there is a command rule violation and the SQL statement fails. If no, then there is no realm or command rule violation, so the command succeeds. For example, the HR account may have the DROP ANY TABLE privilege and may be the owner of the HR realm, but a command rule can prevent HR from dropping any tables in the HR schema unless it is during its monthly maintenance window. Command rules apply to the use of the ANY system privileges and object privileges and are evaluated after the realm checks. In addition, because a session is authorized in a realm, it does not mean the account has full control on objects protected by the realm. Realm authorization does not implicitly grant extra privileges to the account. The account still must have system privileges or object privileges to access the objects. For example, an account or role may have the SELECT ANY table privilege and be a participant in the HR realm. This means the account or the account granted the role could query the HR.EMPLOYEES table. Being a participant in the realm does not mean the account or role can DROP the HR.EMPLOYEES table. Oracle Database Vault does not replace the discretionary access control model in the existing Oracle database. It functions as a layer on top of this model for both realms and command rules. Note the following: 5-15 Chapter 5 How Authorizations Work in a Realm • Protecting a table in a realm does not protect the view by default. Any view that must be protected should be added to the realm regardless of whether the view was created before or after the table was added to the realm. • For invoker's right procedures that access realm protected objects, the invoker of the procedure must be authorized to the realm. • Be aware that realm protection does not protect a table if access to the table has been granted to PUBLIC. For example, if SELECT ON table_name is granted to PUBLIC, then every user has access to table_name (unless the table is protected by a mandatory realm), even if this table is protected by a realm. As a best practice, revoke unnecessary privileges from PUBLIC. How Authorizations Work in a Realm Realm authorizations prevent users from performing activities if the users do not have the correct privileges. • About Authorizations in a Realm Realms protect data from access through system privileges. • Examples of Realm Authorizations You can create realms that protect objects from users who have system privileges and other powerful privileges, for example. About Authorizations in a Realm Realms protect data from access through system privileges. Realms do not give additional privileges to the data owner or participants. The realm authorization provides a run-time mechanism to check logically if a user's command should be allowed or denied to access objects specified in the command and to proceed with its execution. System privileges are sweeping database privileges such as CREATE ANY TABLE and DELETE ANY TABLE. These privileges typically apply across schemas and bypass the need for object privileges. Data dictionary views such as DBA_SYS_PRIVS, USER_SYS_PRIVS, and ROLE_SYS_PRIVS list the system privileges for database accounts and roles. Database authorizations work normally for objects not protected by a realm. However, a user must be authorized as a realm owner or participant to successfully use his or her system privileges on objects secured by the realm. A realm violation prevents the use of system privileges and can be audited. Mandatory realms block both object privileged-based access and system privilegebased access. This means that even the object owner cannot have access if he or she is not authorized to access the realm. Users can access secured objects in the mandatory realm only if the user or role is authorized to do so. Examples of Realm Authorizations You can create realms that protect objects from users who have system privileges and other powerful privileges, for example. • Example: Unauthorized User Trying to Create a Table The ORA-47401 error appears when unauthorized users try to create tables. 5-16 Chapter 5 How Authorizations Work in a Realm • Example: Unauthorized User Trying to Use the DELETE ANY TABLE Privilege An ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error appears for unauthorized user access. • Example: Authorized User Performing DELETE Operation Authorized users are allowed to perform the activities for which they are authorized. Example: Unauthorized User Trying to Create a Table The ORA-47401 error appears when unauthorized users try to create tables. Example 5-1 shows what happens when an unauthorized user who has the CREATE ANY TABLE system privilege tries to create a table in a realm where the HR schema is protected by a realm. Example 5-1 Unauthorized User Trying to Create a Table CREATE TABLE HR.demo2 (col1 NUMBER(1)); The following output should appear ORA-47401: Realm violation for CREATE TABLE on HR.DEMO2 As you can see, the attempt by the unauthorized user fails. Unauthorized use of system privileges such as SELECT ANY TABLE, CREATE ANY TABLE, DELETE ANY TABLE, UPDATE ANY TABLE, INSERT ANY TABLE, CREATE ANY INDEX, and others results in failure. Example: Unauthorized User Trying to Use the DELETE ANY TABLE Privilege An ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error appears for unauthorized user access. Example 5-2 shows what happens when an unauthorized database account tries to use his DELETE ANY TABLE system privilege to delete an existing record, the database session returns the following error. Example 5-2 Privilege Unauthorized User Trying to Use the DELETE ANY TABLE DELETE FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPNO = 8002; The following output should appear: ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges Realms do not affect direct privileges on objects. For example, a user granted delete privileges to the HR.EMPLOYEES table can successfully delete records without requiring realm authorizations. Therefore, realms should minimally affect normal business application usage for database accounts. Example: Authorized User Performing DELETE Operation Authorized users are allowed to perform the activities for which they are authorized. Example 5-3 shows how an authorized user can perform standard tasks allowed within the realm. 5-17 Chapter 5 Access to Objects That Are Protected by a Realm Example 5-3 Authorized User Performing DELETE Operation DELETE FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPNO = 8002; 1 row deleted. Access to Objects That Are Protected by a Realm You can protect an object by a realm, but still enable access to objects that are part of this realm-protected object. For example, suppose you create a realm around a specific table. However, you want users to be able to create an index on this table. You can accomplish this as follows, depending on the following scenarios. • The user does not have the CREATE ANY INDEX privilege. As the realm owner of the table, grant the CREATE INDEX ON table privilege to the user who must create the index. • The user has the CREATE ANY INDEX privilege. In this case, create another realm and make all index types as the secured objects and grant that user participant authorization to the realm. (Remember that having the CREATE ANY INDEX privilege alone is not sufficient for a non-realm participant to create an index in a realm-protected table.) • You want all of your database administrators to be able to create an index and they have the CREATE ANY INDEX privilege. In your data protection realm, specify all object types to be protected except the index types. This permits all of your administrators to create indexes for the protected table. Example of How Realms Work Realms can provide protection in which two users who each have the same privileges must have separate access levels for an object. Figure 5-1 illustrates how data within a realm is protected. In this scenario, two users, each in charge of a different realm, have the same system privileges. The owner of a realm can be either a database account or a database role. As such, each of the two roles, OE_ADMIN and HR_ADMIN, can be protected by a realm as a secured object and be configured as the owner of a realm. Further, only a realm owner, such as OE_ADMIN, can grant or revoke database roles that are protected by the realm. The realm owner cannot manage roles protected by other realms such as the DBA role created by SYS in the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. Any unauthorized attempt to use a system privilege to access realm-protected objects raises a realm violation, which can be audited. The powers of each realm owner are limited within the realm itself. For example, OE_ADMIN has no access to the Human Resources realm, and HR_ADMIN has no access to the Order Entry realm. 5-18 Chapter 5 How Realms Affect Other Oracle Database Vault Components Figure 5-1 How Authorizations Work for Realms and Realm Owners Order Entry Realm Owner DATABASE VAULT DB Role: OE_ADMIN DB Privileges: · CREATE ANY TABLE · DROP ANY TABLE · SELECT ANY TABLE · GRANT/REVOKE ..... Human Resources Realm Owner Order Entry Realm OE Schema (All objects) OE_ADMIN Role Realm Authorizations and Rule Sets DB Role: HR_ADMIN DB Privileges: · CREATE ANY TABLE · DROP ANY TABLE · SELECT ANY TABLE · GRANT/REVOKE ..... Human Resources Realm HR Schema (All objects) HR_ADMIN Role Related Topics • Quick Start Tutorial: Securing a Schema from DBA Access This tutorial shows how to create a realm around the HR schema. How Realms Affect Other Oracle Database Vault Components Realms have no effect on factors, identities, or rule sets, but they do affect command rules. With command rules, Oracle Database Vault evaluates the realm authorization first when processing SQL statements. How Realms Work explains the steps that Oracle Database Vault takes to process SQL statements that affect objects in a realm. How Command Rules Work describes how command rules are processed. Guidelines for Designing Realms Oracle provides a set of guidelines for designing realms. • Create realms based on the schemas and roles that form a database application. Define database roles with the minimum and specific roles and system privileges required to maintain the application objects and grant the role to named accounts. You then can add the role as an authorized member of the realm. For object-level privileges on objects protected by the realm and required by an application, create a role and grant these minimum and specific object-level privileges to the role, and then grant named accounts this role. In most cases, these types of roles do not need to be authorized in the realm unless ANY-style system privileges are already in use. A model using the principle of least privilege is ideal for any database application. 5-19 Chapter 5 Guidelines for Designing Realms • A database object can belong to multiple realms and an account or role can be authorized in multiple realms. To provide limited access to a subset of a database schema (for example, just the EMPLOYEES table in the HR schema), or roles protected by a realm, create a new realm with just the minimum required objects and authorizations. • If you want to add a role to a realm as a grantee, create a realm to protect the role. Doing so prevents users who have been granted the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege, such as the SYSTEM user account, from granting the role to themselves. • If you want to add the SYS user account to a realm authorization, you must add user SYS explicitly and not through a role (such as the DBA role). • Be mindful of the privileges currently allowed to a role that you plan to add as a realm authorization. Realm authorization of a role can be accidentally granted and not readily apparent if an account such as SYS or SYSTEM creates a role for the first time and the Oracle Database Vault administrator adds this role as a realm authorization. This is because the account that creates a role is implicitly granted the role when it is created. • Sometimes you must temporarily relax realm protections for an administrative task. Rather than disabling the realm, have the Security Manager (DV_ADMIN or DV_OWNER) log in, add the named account to the authorized accounts for the realm, and set the authorization rule set to Enabled. Then in the enabled rule set, turn on all auditing for the rule set. You can remove the realm authorization when the administrative task is complete. • If you want to grant ANY privileges to new users, Oracle recommends that you add a database administrative user to the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm so that this user can grant other users ANY privileges, if they need them. For example, using a named account to perform the GRANT of the ANY operations enables you to audit these operations, which creates an audit trail for accountability. • If you drop a table, index, or role that has been protected by a realm and then recreate it using the same name, the realm protection is not restored. You must recreate the realm protection for the new table, index, or role. However, you can automatically enforce protection for all future tables, indexes, and roles within a specified schema. For example, to enforce protection for all future tables: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM('realm_name', 'schema_name', '%', 'TABLE'); END; / • You can test the development phase of a realm by using simulation mode, which enables the realm but writes detailed information about violations to a log file. Related Topics • Using Simulation Mode for Logging Realm and Command Rule Activities Simulation mode writes the activities performed on realms and command rules to a log file, which is accessible through a data dictionary view. 5-20 Chapter 5 How Realms Affect Performance How Realms Affect Performance Realms can affect database performance in a variety situations, such as with DDL and DML operations. • DDL and DML operations on realm-protected objects do not have a measurable effect on Oracle Database. Oracle recommends that you create the realm around the entire schema, and then authorize specific users to perform only specific operations related to their assigned tasks. For finer-grained control, you can define realms around individual tables and authorize users to perform certain operations on them, and also have a realm around the entire schema to protect the entire application. Be aware, however, that this type of configuration may slow performance, but it does enable you to grant realm authorization to some of the objects in a schema. • Auditing affects performance. To achieve the best performance, Oracle recommends that you use fine-grained auditing rather than auditing all operations. • Periodically check the system performance. You can do so by running tools such as Oracle Enterprise Manager (including Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, which is installed by default with Oracle Database), Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), and TKPROF. See Also: • Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide to learn how to monitor database performance • Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide to monitor the performance of individual SQL and PL/SQL statements Realm Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that are useful for analyzing realms. Table 5-1 lists the Oracle Database Vault reports. See Oracle Database Vault Reports, for information about how to run these reports. Table 5-1 Reports Related to Realms Report Purpose Realm Audit Report Audits records generated by the realm protection and realm authorization operations Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report Lists authorization configuration information, such as incomplete or disabled rule sets, or nonexistent grantees or owners that may affect the realm Rule Set Configuration Issues Report Lists rule sets that do not have rules defined or enabled, which may affect the realms that use them 5-21 Chapter 5 Realm Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Table 5-1 (Cont.) Reports Related to Realms Report Purpose Object Privilege Reports Lists object privileges that the realm affects Privilege Management - Summary Reports Provides information about grantees and owners for a realm Sensitive Objects Reports Lists objects that the command rule affects Table 5-2 lists data dictionary views that provide information about existing realms. Table 5-2 Data Dictionary Views Used for Realms Data Dictionary View Description DBA_DV_REALM View Lists the realms created in the current database instance. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View lists the authorization of a named database user account or database role (GRANTEE) to access realm objects in a particular realm DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View Lists the database schemas, or subsets of schemas with specific database objects contained therein, that are secured by the realms 5-22 6 Configuring Rule Sets Rule sets group one or more rules together; the rules determine whether a user can perform an action on an object. • What Are Rule Sets? A rule set is a collection of one or more rules. • Rule Sets and Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create a rule set and its associated rules in the application root. • Default Rule Sets Oracle Database Vault provides a set of default rules sets that you can customize for your needs. • Creating a Rule Set To create a rule set, you first create the rule set itself, and then you can edit the rule set to associate it with one or more rules. • Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set A rule defines the behavior that you want to control; a rule set is a named collection of rules. • Removing Rule Set References to Oracle Database Vault Components Before you remove a rule set, you should remove the rule set references to Oracle Database Vault components. • Deleting a Rule Set You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to find reference to the rule set and then delete the rule set. • How Rule Sets Work Understanding how rule sets work helps to create more effective rule sets. • Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations This tutorial demonstrates how to use the UTL_MAIL PL/SQL package and an access control list to create an email alert for security violations. • Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security This tutorial demonstrates how to use Oracle Database Vault to control the authorization of two users. • Guidelines for Designing Rule Sets Oracle provides guidelines for designing rule sets. • How Rule Sets Affect Performance The number and complexity of rules can slow database performance. • Rule Set and Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that are useful for analyzing rule sets and the rules within them. 6-1 Chapter 6 What Are Rule Sets? What Are Rule Sets? A rule set is a collection of one or more rules. You can associate the rule set with a realm authorization, factor assignment, command rule, or secure application role. The rule set evaluates to true or false based on the evaluation of each rule it contains and the evaluation type (All True or Any True). A rule within a rule set is a PL/SQL expression that evaluates to true or false. You can create a rule and add the rule to multiple rule sets. You can use rule sets to accomplish the following activities: • As a further restriction to realm authorization, to define the conditions under which realm authorization is active • To define when to allow a command rule • To enable a secure application role • To define when to assign the identity of a factor When you create a rule set, Oracle Database Vault makes it available for selection when you configure the authorization for a realm, command rule, factor, or secure application role. Related Topics • Rule Set and Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that are useful for analyzing rule sets and the rules within them. • Oracle Database Vault Rule Set APIs You can use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package and a set of Oracle Database Vault rule functions to manage rule sets. Rule Sets and Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create a rule set and its associated rules in the application root. A common realm must use a common rule set when the associated realm or command rule is evaluated by Database Vault. The common rule set and its rules can only be created in the application root. After the common rule set is created, it exists in every container that is associated with the root where the common rule set is created. The common rule set can only include common rules. To configure a common rule set and its rules, you must be commonly granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. Related Topics • Command Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create common and local command rules in either the CDB root or the application root. 6-2 Chapter 6 Default Rule Sets Default Rule Sets Oracle Database Vault provides a set of default rules sets that you can customize for your needs. You can find a full list of rule sets by querying the DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view. To find rules that are associated with a rule set, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE data dictionary view. The default rule sets are as follows: • Allow Dumping Datafile Header: This rule set prevents the dumping of data blocks. • Allow Fine Grained Control for Alter System: This rule set enables you to control the ability of users to set initialization parameters using the ALTER SYSTEM SQL statement. • Allow Fine Grained Control of System Parameters: Note: This rule set has been deprecated. This rule set provides a very flexible, fine-grained control over initialization parameters that manage system security, dump or destination location, backup and restore settings, optimizer settings, PL/SQL debugging, and security parameters. It affects the following initialization parameters, based on the associated rules of this rule set: – Are System Security Parameters Allowed rule: Cannot set O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY – Are Dump or Dest Parameters Allowed rule: Cannot set the following parameters: Parameter B-D Parameters D-U BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST CORE_DUMP_DEST DIAGNOSTIC_DEST DUMP_DATAFILE LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST USER_DUMP_DEST LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST USER_DUMP_DEST – Are Backup Restore Parameters Allowed rule: Cannot set RECYCLEBIN (but does not prevent disabling the recycle bin) – Are Database File Parameters Allowed rule: Cannot set CONTROL_FILES – Are Optimizer Parameters Allowed rule: Can set OPTIMIZER_SECURE_VIEW_MERGING = FALSE (but TRUE not allowed) – Are PL-SQL Parameters Allowed rule: Can set PLSQL_DEBUG = FALSE (but TRUE not allowed), cannot set UTL_FILE_DIR. The UTL_FILE_DIR initialization parameter is deprecated. It is still supported for backward compatibility. However, Oracle recommends that you instead use directory objects. See Oracle Database Reference for more information about UTL_FILE_DIR. – Are Security Parameters Allowed rule: Cannot set the following: 6-3 Chapter 6 Default Rule Sets Parameters A-A Parameters O-S AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS = FALSE OS_ROLES = TRUE AUDIT_TRAIL = NONE or FALSE REMOTE_OS_ROLES = TRUE AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL SQL92_SECURITY = FALSE See Oracle Database Reference for detailed information about initialization parameters. • Allow Sessions: Controls the ability to create a session in the database. This rule set enables you to add rules to control database logins using the CONNECT command rule. The CONNECT command rule is useful to control or limit SYSDBA access to programs that require its use. This rule set is not populated. • Allow System Parameters: Note: This rule set has been deprecated. Controls the ability to set system initialization parameters. Since Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), the Allow Fine Grained Control of System Parameters rule set has replaced this rule set, but it is still supported for backward compatibility. The Allow System Parameters rule set is not associated with any commands, but its rules are still available and can be used with any custom rule set. Oracle recommends that you use the Allow Fine Grained Control of System Parameters rule set. • Can Grant VPD Administration: Controls the ability to grant the GRANT EXECUTE or REVOKE EXECUTE privileges on the Oracle Virtual Private Database DBMS_RLS package, with the GRANT and REVOKE statements. • Can Maintain Accounts/Profiles: Controls the roles that manage user accounts and profiles, through the CREATE USER, DROP USER, CREATE PROFILE, ALTER PROFILE, or DROP PROFILE statements. • Can Maintain Own Account: Allows the accounts with the DV_ACCTMGR role to manage user accounts and profiles with the ALTER USER statement. Also allows individual accounts to change their own password using the ALTER USER statement. See DV_ACCTMGR Database Vault Account Manager Role for more information about the DV_ACCTMGR role. • Disabled: Convenience rule set to quickly disable security configurations like realms, command rules, factors, and secure application roles. • Enabled: Convenience rule set to quickly enable system features. • Not allow to set AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS to False: Prevents the AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS initialization parameter from being set to FALSE. If unified auditing is enabled, then the AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS parameter has no effect. • Not allow to set OPTIMIZER_SECURE_VIEW_MERGING to True: Prevents the OPTIMIZER_SECURE_VIEW_MERGING initialization parameter from being set to TRUE. • Not allow to set OS_ROLES to True: Prevents the OS_ROLES initialization parameter from being set to TRUE. • Not allow to set PLSQL_DEBUG to True: Prevents the PLSQL_DEBUG initialization parameter from being set to TRUE. • Not allow to set REMOTE_OS_ROLES to True: Prevents the REMOTE_OS_ROLES initialization parameter from being set to TRUE. • Not allow to set SQL92_SECURITY to False: Prevents the SQL92_SECURITY from being set to FALSE. 6-4 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule Set • Not allow to turn off AUDIT_TRAIL: Prevents the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter from being turned off. If unified auditing is enabled, then the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter has no effect. Creating a Rule Set To create a rule set, you first create the rule set itself, and then you can edit the rule set to associate it with one or more rules. You can associate a new rule with the rule set, add existing rules to the rule set, or delete a rule association from the rule set. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Rule Sets. 3. In the Rule Sets page, click Create to display the Create Rule Sets page. 4. In the General page, enter the following information: • Name: Enter a name for the rule set. It can contain up to 90 characters in mixed-case. Spaces are allowed. This attribute is mandatory. Oracle suggests that you start the name with a verb and complete it with the realm or command rule name to which the rule set is attached. For example: Limit SQL*Plus access • Description: Enter a description of the functionality for the rule set. It can have up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. This attribute is optional. You may want to document the business requirement of the rule set. For example: Rule to limit access to SQL*Plus 6-5 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule Set • Static Rule Set: You can control how often the rule set is evaluated when it is accessed during a user session. A static rule set is evaluated once when accessed for the first time in a user session. After that, the evaluated value is re-used in the user session. On the other hand, a non-static rule set is evaluated every time it is accessed. • Status: Select either Enabled or Disabled to enable or disable the rule set during run time. This attribute is mandatory. • Evaluation Options: If you plan to assign multiple rules to a rule set, then select one of the following settings: – All True: All rules in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to true. – Any True: At least one rule in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to true. 5. Click Next to display the Associate with Rules page. 6. Select one of the following options: • Add Existing Rule: Double-click from the list of available rules to move them to the Selected Rules list, and then click OK. • Create Rule: Enter a name and WHERE clause expression that evaluates to true or false. Click OK. See Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set for more information. 7. Click Next to display the Error handling and Audit options page. 8. Enter the following information: • Error Handling: Select either Show Error Message or Do Not Show Error Message. An advantage of selecting Do Not Show Error Message and then enabling auditing is that you can track the activities of a potential intruder. The audit report reveals the activities of the intruder, yet the intruder is unaware that you are doing this because he or she does not see any error messages. • Fail Code: Enter a number in the ranges of -20000 to -20999 or 20000 to 20999. The error code is displayed with the Fail Message (created next) when the rule set evaluates to false or one of the associated rules contains an invalid PL/SQL expression. If you omit this setting, then Oracle Database Vault displays a generic error code. • Fail Message: Enter a message, up to 80 characters in mixed-case, to associate with the fail code you specified under Fail Code. The error message is displayed when the rule set evaluates to false or one of the associated rules contains an invalid PL/SQL expression. If you do not specify an error message, then Oracle Database Vault displays a generic error message. • Custom Event Handler Option: Select one of the following options to determine when to run the Custom Event Handler Logic (created next). – Handler Disabled: Does not run any custom event method. – Execute On Failure: Runs the custom event method when the rule set evaluates to false or one of the associated rules contains an invalid PL/SQL expression. – Execute On Success: Runs the custom event method when the rule set evaluates to true. 6-6 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule Set You can create a custom event method to provide special processing outside the standard Oracle Database Vault rule set auditing features. For example, you can use an event handler to initiate a workflow process or send event information to an external system. • Custom Event Handler Logic: Enter a PL/SQL expression up to 255 characters in mixed-case. An expression may include any package procedure or standalone procedure. You can create your own expression or use the PL/SQL interfaces described in Oracle Database Vault Rule Set APIs. Write the expression as a fully qualified procedure (such as schema.procedure_name). Do not include any other form of SQL statements. If you are using application package procedures or standalone procedures, you must provide DVSYS with the EXECUTE privilege on the object. The procedure signature can be in one of the following two forms: – PROCEDURE my_ruleset_handler(p_ruleset_name IN VARCHAR2, p_ruleset_rules IN BOOLEAN): Use this form when the name of the rule set and its return value are required in the handler processing. – PROCEDURE my_ruleset_handler: Use this form when the name of the rule set and its return value are not required in the handler processing. Be aware that you cannot use invoker's rights procedures as event handlers. Doing so can cause the rule set evaluation to fail unexpectedly. Only use definer's rights procedures as event handlers. Use the following syntax: myschema.my_ruleset_handler • 9. Audit Options: Select from the following options to generate an audit record for the rule set in a non-unified auditing environment. Oracle Database Vault writes the audit trail to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. (If you have enabled unified auditing, then this setting does not capture audit records. Instead, you must create unified audit policies to capture this information.) – Audit Disabled: Does not create an audit record under any circumstances. – Audit on Success: Creates an audit record when the rule set evaluates to true. – Audit On Failure: Creates an audit record when the rule set evaluates to false or one of the associated rules contains an invalid PL/SQL expression. – Audit On Success or Failure: Creates an audit record whenever a rule set is evaluated. Click Next to display the Review page. 10. Review the settings, and if they are satisfactory, click Finish. 6-7 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set See Also: • Auditing Oracle Database Vault for more information about audit records in the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table • Oracle Database Security Guide for information about creating unified audit policies for Database Vault Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set A rule defines the behavior that you want to control; a rule set is a named collection of rules. • About Creating Rules You can create rules during the rule set creation process, or independently of it. • Default Rules Default rules are rules that have commonly used behavior, such as checking if an action evaluates to true or false. • Creating a New Rule You can create a new rule in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. • Adding Existing Rules to a Rule Set After you have created one or more rules, you can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to add to a rule set. • Removing a Rule from a Rule Set Before you remove a rule from a rule set, you can locate the various references to it using Cloud Control. About Creating Rules You can create rules during the rule set creation process, or independently of it. After you create the rule, you can associate a rule set with one or more additional rules. If you create a new rule during the rule set creation process, the rule is automatically added to the current rule set. You also can add existing rules to the rule set. Alternatively, you can omit adding rules to the rule set and use it as a template for rule sets you may want to create in the future. You can add as many rules that you want to a rule set, but for better design and performance, you should keep the rule sets simple. See Guidelines for Designing Rule Sets for additional advice. The rule set evaluation depends on the evaluation of its rules using the Evaluation Options (All True or Any True). If a rule set is disabled, Oracle Database Vault evaluates the rule set to true without evaluating its rules. Related Topics • How Rule Sets Work Understanding how rule sets work helps to create more effective rule sets. 6-8 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set Default Rules Default rules are rules that have commonly used behavior, such as checking if an action evaluates to true or false. You can find a full list of rules by querying the DBA_DV_RULE data dictionary view.Table 6-1 lists the current default Oracle Database rules. Table 6-1 Current Default Oracle Database Vault Rules Rule Description Are Backup Restore Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Are Database File Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Are Dump Parameters Allowed Checks if the current SQL statement attempts to alter initialization parameters related to the destination of a dump Are Dest Parameters Allowed Checks if the current SQL statement attempts to alter initialization parameters related to the size limit of a dump Are Dump or Dest Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Are Optimizer Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Checks if the current SQL statement attempts to turn on the RECYCLEBIN parameter Checks if the current SQL statement attempts to alter control file related configuration Checks if the current SQL statement attempts to alter initialization parameters related to the size limit or destination of dump Checks if the current SQL statement attempts to alter the setting for the OPTIMIZER_SECURE_VIEW_MERGING parameter Are PL-SQL Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Checks if the current SQL statement attempts to alter the following initialization parameters: • • Are Security Parameters Allowed UTL_FILE_DIR PLSQL_DEBUG Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Checks if there is an attempt to disable the following initialization parameters: • AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS • AUDIT_TRAIL • AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL • SQL92_SECURITY Note that if you have enabled unified auditing, then the AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS, AUDIT_TRAIL, and AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL parameters have no effect. This rule prevents any attempt to enable the following parameters: • • OS_ROLES REMOTE_OS_ROLES 6-9 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set Table 6-1 (Cont.) Current Default Oracle Database Vault Rules Rule Description Are System Security Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Prevents modification of the following parameters: • • • O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY DYNAMIC_RLS_POLICIES _SYSTEM_TRIG_ENABLED False Evaluates to FALSE Is Alter DVSYS Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Checks if the logged-in user can execute the ALTER USER statement on other users successfully Is Database Administrator Checks if a user has been granted the DBA role Is Drop User Allowed Checks if the logged in user can drop users Is Dump of Block Allowed Checks if the dumping of blocks is allowed Is First Day of Month Checks if the specified date is the first day of the month Is Label Administrator Checks if the user has been granted the LBAC_DBA role Is Last Day of Month Checks if the specified date is the last day of the month Is _dynamic_rls_init Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Prevent modification of the DYNAMIC_RLS_POLICIES parameter Is Parameter Value False Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to FALSE Is Parameter Value None Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to NONE Is Parameter Value Not False Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to <> FALSE Is Parameter Value Not None Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to <> NONE Is Parameter Value Not Off Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to <> OFF Is Parameter Value Not On Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to <> ON Is Parameter Value Not True Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to <> TRUE Is Parameter Value Off Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to OFF Is Parameter Value On Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to ON Is Parameter Value True Checks if a specified parameter value has been set to TRUE Is SYS or SYSTEM User Checks if the user is SYS or SYSTEM Is Security Administrator Checks if a user has been granted the DV_ADMIN role Is Security Owner Checks if a user has been granted the DV_OWNER role Is User Manager Checks if a user has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role 6-10 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set Table 6-1 (Cont.) Current Default Oracle Database Vault Rules Rule Description Is _system_trig_enabled Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Checks if the user tries to modify the following system parameters, but in database recovery operations, this rule permits these parameters to be changed. • AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS: Prevents users from setting it to FALSE • AUDIT_TRAIL: Prevents users from setting it to NONE or FALSE • AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL: Blocks all operations on this parameter • CONTROL_FILES: Blocks all operations • OPTIMIZER_SECURE_VIEW_MERGING: Prevents users from setting it to TRUE • OS_ROLES: Prevents users from setting it to TRUE • PLSQL_DEBUG: Prevents users from setting it to ON • RECYCLEBIN: Prevents users from setting it to ON • REMOTE_OS_ROLES: Prevents users from setting it to TRUE • SQL92_SECURITY: Prevents users from setting it to FALSE • UTL_FILE_DIR: Blocks all operations on this parameter Note that if you have enabled unified auditing, then the AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS, AUDIT_TRAIL, and AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL parameters have no effect. Is o7_dictionary_accessibility Parameters Allowed Note: This default rule has been deprecated. Login User Is Object User Checks if the logged in user is the same as the user about to be altered by the current SQL statement No Exempt Access Policy Role Checks if the user has been granted the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY role or is user SYS Not Export Session Obsolete True Evaluates to TRUE Checks if current SQL statement attempts to alter the setting of the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY parameter Creating a New Rule You can create a new rule in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Rules. 3. Click the Create button. 4. In the Create Rule page, enter the following settings: • Name: Enter a name for the rule. Use up to 90 characters in mixed-case. 6-11 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set Oracle suggests that you start the name with a verb and complete the name with the purpose of the rule. For example: Prevent non-admin access to SQL*Plus Because rules do not have a Description field, make the name explicit but be sure to not exceed over 90 characters. • Rule Expression: Enter a PL/SQL expression that fits the following requirements: – It is valid in a SQL WHERE clause. – It can be a freestanding and valid PL/SQL Boolean expression such as the following: TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24') = '12' – It must evaluate to a Boolean (TRUE or FALSE) value. – It must be no more than 1024 characters long. – It can contain existing and compiled PL/SQL functions from the current database instance. Ensure that these are fully qualified functions (such as schema. function_name). Do not include any other form of SQL statements. Be aware that you cannot use invoker's rights procedures with rule expressions. Doing so will cause the rule evaluation to fail unexpectedly. Only use definer's rights procedures with rule expressions. If you want to use application package functions or standalone functions, you must grant the DVSYS account the EXECUTE privilege on the function. Doing so reduces the chances of errors when you add new rules. – Ensure that the rule works. You can test the syntax by running the following statement in SQL*Plus: SELECT rule_expression FROM DUAL; For example, suppose you have created the following the rule expression: SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SESSION_USER') != 'TSMITH' You could test this expression as follows: SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SESSION_USER') FROM DUAL; For the Boolean example listed earlier, you would enter the following: SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24')FROM DUAL; 5. Click OK. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions Oracle Database Vault provides functions to use in rule sets to inspect the SQL statement that the rule set protects. • DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures The DBMS_MACADM rule set procedures enable you to configure both rule sets and individual rules that go within these rule sets. 6-12 Chapter 6 Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. Adding Existing Rules to a Rule Set After you have created one or more rules, you can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to add to a rule set. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Rule Sets. 3. Select the rule set to which you want to add an existing rule, and then click Edit. 4. Click Next until you reach the Associate with Rules page. 5. Click Add Existing Rule to display the Add Existing Rules dialog box. 6. In the Add Existing Rules page, select the rules you want, and then click Move (or Move All, if you want all of them) to move them to the Selected Rules list. You can select multiple rules by holding down the Ctrl key as you click each rule. 7. Click OK. 8. Click Done, then click Finish. Removing a Rule from a Rule Set Before you remove a rule from a rule set, you can locate the various references to it using Cloud Control. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Rule Sets. If you are not sure which rule set contains that rule that you want to remove, then select Rules from Database Vault Components, select the rule that you want to remove, and then select the View option (but not the View menu). The rule sets that are associated with the rule are listed in Rule Set Usages. 3. Select the rule set to which you want to add an existing rule, and then click Edit. 4. Click Next until you reach the Associate with Rules page. 5. Select the rule you want to delete and click Remove. 6. Click Done, then click Finish. After you remove the rule from the rule set, the rule still exists. If you want, you can associate it with other rule sets. If you want to delete the rule, then you can do so from the Rules page. 6-13 Chapter 6 Removing Rule Set References to Oracle Database Vault Components Removing Rule Set References to Oracle Database Vault Components Before you remove a rule set, you should remove the rule set references to Oracle Database Vault components. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. Find the references to the rule set that you want to delete. In the Rule Sets page, select the rule set and then click the View button (but not the View menu). In the View Rule Set page, check the Ruleset Usages area for the references to the rule set that you want to remove. Click OK. 3. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, select the component that contains the reference to the rule set (such as Realms). 4. Select the object, and then click Edit. 5. Click Next until you reach the authorizations page. 6. Select the authorization with the rule set and then click Edit, and then remove the referenced object. 7. Click Done, then click Finish. Deleting a Rule Set You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to find reference to the rule set and then delete the rule set. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. Remove references to the rule set. 3. Select the rule set that you want to remove and click Delete. 4. In the Confirmation window, click Yes. The rule set is deleted. Optionally, you can choose to remove the existing associations with rules before deleting the rule set. Related Topics • Removing Rule Set References to Oracle Database Vault Components Before you remove a rule set, you should remove the rule set references to Oracle Database Vault components. How Rule Sets Work Understanding how rule sets work helps to create more effective rule sets. 6-14 Chapter 6 How Rule Sets Work • How Oracle Database Vault Evaluates Rules Oracle Database Vault evaluates the rules within a rule set as a collection of expressions. • Nested Rules within a Rule Set You can nest one or more rules within the rule set. • Creating Rules to Apply to Everyone Except One User You can also create rules to apply to everyone except one user (for example, a privileged user). How Oracle Database Vault Evaluates Rules Oracle Database Vault evaluates the rules within a rule set as a collection of expressions. If you have set Evaluation Options to All True and if a rule evaluates to false, then the evaluation stops at that point, instead of attempting to evaluate the rest of the rules in the rule set. Similarly, if Evaluation Options is set to Any True and if a rule evaluates to true, the evaluation stops at that point. If a rule set is disabled, Oracle Database Vault evaluates it to true without evaluating its rules. Nested Rules within a Rule Set You can nest one or more rules within the rule set. For example, suppose you want to create a nested rule, Is Corporate Network During Maintenance, that performs the following two tasks: • It limits table modifications only when the database session originates within the corporate network. • It restricts table modifications during the system maintenance window scheduled between 10:00 p.m. and 10:59 p.m. The rule definition would be as follows: DVF.F$NETWORK = 'Corporate' AND TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24') between '22' AND '23' Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Oracle Database Vault maintains the DVF schema functions when you use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage the various factors. • Configuring Factors Factors enable you to base Database Vault restrictions on attributes such as a client IP address or a domain. Creating Rules to Apply to Everyone Except One User You can also create rules to apply to everyone except one user (for example, a privileged user). • To create a rule that excludes specific users, user the SYS_CONTEXT function. For example: SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SESSION_USER') = 'SUPERADMIN_USER' OR additional_rule 6-15 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations If the current user is a privileged user, then the system evaluates the rule to true without evaluating additional_rule. If the current user is not a privileged user, then the evaluation of the rule depends on the evaluation of additional_rule. Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations This tutorial demonstrates how to use the UTL_MAIL PL/SQL package and an access control list to create an email alert for security violations. • About This Tutorial In tutorial, you create an email alert that is sent when a user attempts to alter a table outside a maintenance period. • Step 1: Install and Configure the UTL_MAIL PL/SQL Package The UTL_MAIL PL/SQL package, which you must manually install, has procedures to manage email notifications. • Step 2: Create an Email Security Alert PL/SQL Procedure User leo_dvowner can use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to create the email security alert. • Step 3: Configure an Access Control List File for Network Services Before you can use UTL_MAIL, you must configure an access control list (ACL) to enable fine-grained access to external network services. • Step 4: Create a Rule Set and a Command Rule to Use the Email Security Alert To create the rule set and command rule, you can use DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package. • Step 5: Test the Email Security Alert After the alert has been created, it is ready to be tested. • Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial In tutorial, you create an email alert that is sent when a user attempts to alter a table outside a maintenance period. To do this, you must create a rule to set the maintenance period hours, attach this rule to a rule set, and then create a command rule to allow the user to alter the table. You then associate the rule set with this command rule, which then sends the email alert when the user attempts to use the ALTER TABLE SQL statement outside the maintenance period. Note: To complete this tutorial, you must use a database that has an SMTP server. 6-16 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations Step 1: Install and Configure the UTL_MAIL PL/SQL Package The UTL_MAIL PL/SQL package, which you must manually install, has procedures to manage email notifications. 1. Log into the database instance as SYS using the SYSDBA administrative privilege. sqlplus sys as sysdba Enter password: password 2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: CONNECT SYS@my_pdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 3. Install the UTL_MAIL package. @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlmail.sql @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtmail.plb The UTL_MAIL package enables you to manage email. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information about UTL_MAIL. However, be aware that currently, the UTL_MAIL PL/SQL package do not support SSL servers. 4. Check the current value of the SMTP_OUT_SERVER parameter, and make a note of this value so that you can restore it when you complete this tutorial. For example: SHOW PARAMETER SMTP_OUT_SERVER Output similar to the following appears: NAME TYPE VALUE ----------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------SMTP_OUT_SERVER string 5. Issue the following ALTER SYSTEM statement: ALTER SYSTEM SET SMTP_OUT_SERVER=""; Replace with the name of your SMTP server, which you can find in the account settings in your email tool. Enclose these settings in double quotation marks. For example: ALTER SYSTEM SET SMTP_OUT_SERVER="" 6. Connect as SYS using the SYSOPER privilege and then restart the database. CONNECT SYS AS SYSOPER -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSOPER Enter password: password SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP 7. Ensure that the SMTP_OUT_SERVER parameter setting is correct. 6-17 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password SHOW PARAMETER SMTP_OUT_SERVER Output similar to the following appears: NAME TYPE VALUE ----------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------SMTP_OUT_SERVER string Step 2: Create an Email Security Alert PL/SQL Procedure User leo_dvowner can use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to create the email security alert. 1. Ensure that you are connected as a user who has privileges to perform the grants described in this step, and then grant these privileges to a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. You should also be authorized as an owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. (Alternatively, you can select a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role, but for this tutorial, you will select a user who has the DV_OWNER role.) For example: CONNECT dba_psmith -- Or, CONNECT dba_psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE, DROP ANY PROCEDURE TO leo_dvowner; EXECUTE ON UTL_TCP TO leo_dvowner; EXECUTE ON UTL_SMTP TO leo_dvowner; EXECUTE ON UTL_MAIL TO leo_dvowner; EXECUTE ON DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN TO leo_dvowner; The UTL_TCP, UTL_SMTP, UTL_MAIL, and DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN PL/SQL packages will be used by the email security alert that you create. 2. Connect to SQL*Plus as the DV_OWNER user. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 3. Create the following procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE email_alert AS msg varchar2(20000) := 'Realm violation occurred for the ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy rule set. The time is: '; BEGIN msg := msg||to_char(SYSDATE, 'Day DD MON, YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); UTL_MAIL.SEND ( sender => '', recipients => '', subject => 'Table modification attempted outside maintenance!', message => msg); END email_alert; / 6-18 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations Replace with your email address, and with the email address of the person you want to receive the notification. 4. Grant the EXECUTE permission on this procedure to DVSYS. GRANT EXECUTE ON email_alert TO DVSYS; Step 3: Configure an Access Control List File for Network Services Before you can use UTL_MAIL, you must configure an access control list (ACL) to enable fine-grained access to external network services. For detailed information about fine-grained access to external network services, see Oracle Database Security Guide. 1. As the DV_OWNER user, in SQL*Plus, configure the following access control setting and its privilege definitions. BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_HOST_ACE( host => 'SMTP_OUT_SERVER_setting', lower_port => 25, ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('smtp'), principal_name => 'LEO_DVOWNER, principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); END; / In this example: • lower_port: Enter the port number that your email tool specifies for its outgoing server. Typically, this setting is 25. Enter this value for both the lower_port and upper_port settings. (Currently, the UTL_MAIL package does not support SSL. If your mail server is an SSL server, then enter 25 for the port number, even if the mail server uses a different port number.) • principal_name: Replace LEO_DVOWNER with the name of the DV_OWNER user. • host: For the SMTP_OUT_SERVER_setting, enter the SMTP_OUT_SERVER setting that you set for the SMTP_OUT_SERVER parameter in Step 1: Install and Configure the UTL_MAIL PL/SQL Package. This setting should match exactly the setting that your email tool specifies for its outgoing server. 2. Commit your changes to the database. COMMIT; 3. Test the settings that you have created so far. EXEC EMAIL_ALERT; COMMIT; SQL*Plus should display a PL/SQL procedure successfully completed message, and in a moment, depending on the speed of your email server, you should receive the email alert. If you receive an ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) error followed by ORA-06512: at stringline string errors, then check the settings in the access control list file. 6-19 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations Step 4: Create a Rule Set and a Command Rule to Use the Email Security Alert To create the rule set and command rule, you can use DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package. 1. As the DV_OWNER user, create the following rule set: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy', description => 'This rule set allows ALTER TABLE only during the maintenance period.', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ALL, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT, fail_message => '', fail_code => NULL, handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL, handler => 'leo_dvowner.email_alert'); END; / 2. Create a rule similar to the following. For now, set the rule expression to be during the time you test it. For example, if you want to test it between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., create the rule as follows: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Restrict Access to Maintenance Period', rule_expr => 'TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,''HH24'') BETWEEN ''14'' AND ''15'''); END; / Ensure that you use two single quotation marks instead of double quotation marks for HH24, 14, and 15. You can check the system time on your computer by issuing the following SQL statement: SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24') FROM DUAL; Output similar to the following appears: TO -14 Later on, when you are satisfied that the rule works, you can update it to a time when your site typically performs maintenance work (for example, between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m), as follows: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Restrict Access to Maintenance Period', rule_expr => 'TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,''HH24'') BETWEEN ''16'' AND ''22'''); END; / 6-20 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations 3. Add the Restrict Access to Maintenance Period rule to the ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy rule set. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy', rule_name => 'Restrict Access to Maintenance Period'); END; / 4. Create the following command rule: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'ALTER TABLE', rule_set_name => 'ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy', object_owner => 'SCOTT', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / 5. Commit these updates to the database. COMMIT; Step 5: Test the Email Security Alert After the alert has been created, it is ready to be tested. 1. Connect to SQL*Plus as user SCOTT. For example: CONNECT SCOTT -- Or, CONNECT SCOTT@hrpdb Enter password: password If the SCOTT account is locked and expired, then a user with the DV_ACCTMGR role can unlock this account and create a new password as follows: ALTER USER SCOTT ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. 2. As the user SCOTT, create a test table. CREATE TABLE mytest (col1 number); 3. Change the system time on your computer to a time when the ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy rule set takes place. For example, if you set the test period time to between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., do the following: UNIX: Log in as root and use the date command to set the time. For example, assuming the date today is August 15, 2012, you would enter the following: $ su root Password: password $ date -s "08/15/2012 14:48:00" 6-21 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations Windows: Double-click the clock icon, which is typically at the lower right corner of the screen. In the Date and Time Properties window, set the time to 2 p.m., and then click OK. 4. Try altering the my_test table. ALTER TABLE mytest ADD (col2 number); Table altered. SCOTT should be able to alter the mytest table during this time. 5. Reset the system time to a time outside the Restrict Access to Maintenance Period time. 6. Log in as SCOTT and try altering the my_test table again. CONNECT SCOTT -- Or, CONNECT SCOTT@hrpdb Enter password: password ALTER TABLE mytest ADD (col3 number); The following output should appear: ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for ALTER TABLE on SCOTT.MYTEST SCOTT cannot alter the mytest table. In a moment, you should receive an email with the subject header Table modification attempted outside maintenance! and with a message similar to the following: Realm violation occurred for the ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy rule set. The time is: Wednesday 15 AUG, 2012 14:24:25 7. Reset the system time to the correct time. Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. Connect to SQL*Plus as the DV_OWNER user. CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. In the order shown, drop the Oracle Database Vault rule components. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET('ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy', 'Restrict Access to Maintenance Period'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE('Restrict Access to Maintenance Period'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE('ALTER TABLE', 'SCOTT', '%'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_SET('ALTER TABLE Command Security Policy'); 3. Drop the email_alert PL/SQL procedure. DROP PROCEDURE email_alert; 4. Connect as user SCOTT and remove the mytest table. CONNECT SCOTT -- Or, CONNECT SCOTT@hrpdb Enter password: password DROP TABLE mytest; 5. Connect as a user who has privileges to revoke privileges from other users. 6-22 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security For example: CONNECT dba_psmith -- Or, CONNECT dba_psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password 6. Revoke the EXECUTE privilege on the UTL_TCP, UTL_SMTP, and UTL_MAIL PL/SQL packages from the DV_OWNER user. For example: REVOKE REVOKE REVOKE REVOKE 7. EXECUTE EXECUTE EXECUTE EXECUTE ON ON ON ON UTL_TCP FROM leo_dvowner; UTL_SMTP FROM leo_dvowner; UTL_MAIL FROM leo_dvowner; DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN FROM leo_dvowner; Set the SMTP_OUT_SERVER parameter to its original value. For example: ALTER SYSTEM SET SMTP_OUT_SERVER=""; 8. Connect as SYS with the SYSOPER administrative privilege and then restart the database. CONNECT SYS AS SYSOPER -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSOPER Enter password: password SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security This tutorial demonstrates how to use Oracle Database Vault to control the authorization of two users. • About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you configure a rule set that defines two-person integrity (TPI). • Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial You must create two users for this tutorial, patch_boss and patch_user. • Step 2: Create a Function to Check if User patch_boss Is Logged In The behavior of the Database Vault settings will be determined by the function. • Step 3: Create Rules, a Rule Set, and a Command Rule to Control User Access Next, you must create two rules, a rule set to which you will add them, and a command rule. • Step 4: Test the Users' Access After the rules have been created, they are ready to be tested. • Step 5: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you configure a rule set that defines two-person integrity (TPI). 6-23 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security This feature is also called dual key security, dual key connection, and two-man rule security. In this type of security, two users are required to authorize an action instead of one user. The idea is that one user provides a safety check for the other user before that user can proceed with a task. Two-person integrity provides an additional layer of security for actions that potentially can be dangerous. This type of scenario is often used for tasks such as database patch updates, which is what this tutorial will demonstrate. One user, patch_user must log into perform a database patch upgrade, but the only way that he can do this is if his manager, patch_boss is already logged in. You will create a function, rules, a rule set, and a command rule to control patch_user's ability to log in. Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial You must create two users for this tutorial, patch_boss and patch_user. • patch_boss acts in a supervisory role: If patch_boss is not logged in, then the patch_user user cannot log in. • patch_user is the user who is assigned to perform the patch upgrade. However, for this tutorial, user patch_user does not actually perform a patch upgrade. He only attempts to log in. To create the users: 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password In a multitenant environment, you must log in to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. Create the following users and grant them the CREATE SESSION privilege. GRANT CREATE SESSION TO patch_boss IDENTIFIED BY password; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO patch_user IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. 3. Connect as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password 4. Grant the following privileges to the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN user. For example: GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO leo_dvowner; GRANT SELECT ON V_$SESSION TO leo_dvowner; 6-24 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security The V_$SESSION table is the underlying table for the V$SESSION dynamic view. In a real-world scenario, you also would log in as the DV_OWNER user and grant the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role to user patch_user (but not to patch_boss). But because you are not really going to perform a database patch upgrade in this tutorial, you do not need to grant this role to user patch_user. Step 2: Create a Function to Check if User patch_boss Is Logged In The behavior of the Database Vault settings will be determined by the function. The function that you must create, check_boss_logged_in, does just that: When user patch_user tries to log into the database instance, it checks if user patch_boss is already logged in by querying the V$SESSION data dictionary view. 1. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Create the check_boss_logged_in function as follows: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_boss_logged_in return varchar2 authid definer as v_session_number number := 0; v_allow varchar2(10) := 'TRUE'; v_deny varchar2(10) := 'FALSE'; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_session_number FROM SYS.V_$SESSION WHERE USERNAME = 'PATCH_BOSS'; -- Enter the user name in capital letters. IF v_session_number > 0 THEN RETURN v_allow; ELSE RETURN v_deny; END IF; END check_boss_logged_in; / 3. Grant the EXECUTE privilege on the check_boss_logged_in function to the DVSYS schema. GRANT EXECUTE ON check_boss_logged_in to DVSYS; Step 3: Create Rules, a Rule Set, and a Command Rule to Control User Access Next, you must create two rules, a rule set to which you will add them, and a command rule. The rule set triggers the check_boss_logged_in function when user patch_user tries to logs in to the database. 1. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. 6-25 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Create the Check if Boss Is Logged In rule, which checks that the patch_user user is logged in to the database. In the definition, replace leo_dvowner with the name of the DVOWNER or DV_ADMIN user who created the check_boss_logged_in function. If the check_boss_logged_in function returns TRUE (that is, patch_boss is logged in to another session), then patch_user can log in. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check if Boss Is Logged In', rule_expr => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''PATCH_USER'' and leo_dvowner.check_boss_logged_in = ''TRUE'' '); END; / Enter the user name, PATCH_USER, in upper-case letters, which is how the SESSION_USER parameter stores it. 3. Create the Allow Connect for Other Database Users rule, which ensures that the user logged in (patch_user) is not user patch_boss. It also enables all other valid users to log in. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Allow Connect for Other Database Users', rule_expr => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') != ''PATCH_USER'''); END; / COMMIT; 4. Create the Dual Connect for Boss and Patch rule set, and then add the two rules to it. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Dual Connect for Boss and Patch', description => 'Checks if both boss and patch users are logged in.', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => 2, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT, fail_message =>'', fail_code => NULL, handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF, handler => '' ); END; / BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Dual Connect for Boss and Patch', rule_name => 'Check if Boss Is Logged In' ); END; / BEGIN 6-26 Chapter 6 Tutorial: Configuring Two-Person Integrity, or Dual Key Security DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Dual Connect for Boss and Patch', rule_name => 'Allow Connect for Other Database Users' ); END; / 5. Create the following CONNECT command rule, which permits user patch_user to connect to the database only if patch_boss is already logged in. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'CONNECT', rule_set_name => 'Dual Connect for Boss and Patch', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / COMMIT; Step 4: Test the Users' Access After the rules have been created, they are ready to be tested. 1. Exit SQL*Plus. EXIT 2. Create a second shell, for example: xterm & 3. In the first shell, try to log in as user patch_user. sqlplus patch_user -- Or, sqlplus patch_user@hrpdb Enter password: password ERROR: ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for CONNECT on LOGON Enter user-name: User patch_user cannot log in until user patch_boss is already logged in. (Do not try the Enter user-name prompt yet.) 4. In the second shell and then log in as user patch_boss. sqlplus patch_boss -- Or, sqlplus patch_boss@hrpdb Enter password: password Connected. User patch_boss can log in. 5. Go back to the first shell, and then try logging in as user patch_user again. Enter user_name: patch_user Enter password: password This time, user patch_user is deemed a valid user, so now he can log in. 6-27 Chapter 6 Guidelines for Designing Rule Sets Step 5: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. In the session for the user patch_boss, exit SQL*Plus and then close the shell. EXIT 2. In the first shell, connect the DV_ACCTMGR user and remove the users you created. CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password DROP USER patch_boss; DROP USER patch_user; 3. Connect as a user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege and revoke the privileges that you had granted to the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN user. CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password REVOKE CREATE PROCEDURE FROM leo_dvowner; REVOKE SELECT ON V_$SESSION FROM leo_dvowner; 4. Connect as the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN user and drop the rules, rule set, and command rule, in the order shown. CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password DROP FUNCTION check_boss_logged_in; EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE('CONNECT', '%', '%'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET('Dual Connect for Boss and Patch', 'Check if Boss Is Logged In'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET('Dual Connect for Boss and Patch', 'Allow Connect for Other Database Users'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE('Check if Boss Is Logged In'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE('Allow Connect for Other Database Users'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_SET('Dual Connect for Boss and Patch'); COMMIT; Guidelines for Designing Rule Sets Oracle provides guidelines for designing rule sets. • You can share rules among multiple rule sets. This lets you develop a library of reusable rule expressions. Oracle recommends that you design such rules to be discrete, single-purpose expressions. • You can design a rule set so that its evaluation is static, that is, it is evaluated only once during a user session. Alternatively, it can be evaluated each time the rule set is accessed. If the rule set is evaluated only once, then the evaluated value is reused throughout the user session each time the rule set is accessed. Using static evaluation is useful in cases where the rule set must be accessed multiple times but the conditions on which the rule set depend do not change during that session. An example would be a SELECT command rule associated with a rule set when the same SELECT statement occurs multiple times and if the evaluated 6-28 Chapter 6 How Rule Sets Affect Performance value is acceptable to use again, rather than evaluating the rule set each time the SELECT occurs. To control the static evaluation of the rule set, set the is_static parameter of the CREATE_RULE_SET or UPDATE_RULE_SET procedures of the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package. See DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures for more information. • Use Oracle Database Vault factors in your rule expressions to provide reusability and trust in the values used by your rule expressions. Factors can provide contextual information to use in your rules expressions. • You can use custom event handlers to extend Oracle Database Vault security policies to integrate external systems for error handling or alerting. Using Oracle utility packages such as UTL_TCP, UTL_HTTP, UTL_MAIL, UTL_SMTP, or DBMS_AQ can help you to achieve this type of integration. • Test rule sets thoroughly for various accounts and scenarios either on a test database or on a test realm or command rule for nonsensitive data before you apply them to realms and command rules that protect sensitive data. You can test rule expressions directly with the following SQL statement: SQL> SELECT SYSDATE from DUAL where rule expression • You can nest rule expressions inside a single rule. This helps to achieve more complex situations where you would need a logical AND for a subset of rules and a logical OR with the rest of the rules. See the definition for the Is Corporate Network During Maintenance rule set under Tutorial: Creating an Email Alert for Security Violations for an example. • You cannot use invoker's rights procedures with rule expressions. Only use definer's rights procedures with rule expressions. How Rule Sets Affect Performance The number and complexity of rules can slow database performance. Rule sets govern the performance for execution of certain operations. For example, if you have a very large number of rules in a rule set governing a SELECT statement, performance could degrade significantly. If you have rule sets that require many rules, performance improves if you move all the rules to logic defined in a single PL/SQL standalone or package function. However, if a rule is used by other rule sets, there is little performance effect on your system. If possible, consider setting the rule set to use static evaluation, assuming this is compatible with the associated command rule's usage. See Guidelines for Designing Rule Sets for more information. You can check system performance by running tools such as Oracle Enterprise Manager (including Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, which is installed by default with Oracle Database), Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), and TKPROF. 6-29 Chapter 6 Rule Set and Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views See Also: • Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide to learn how to monitor database performance • Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide to monitor the performance of individual SQL and PL/SQL statements Rule Set and Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that are useful for analyzing rule sets and the rules within them. Table 6-2 lists the Oracle Database Vault reports. See Oracle Database Vault Reports for information about how to run these reports. Table 6-2 Reports Related to Rule Sets Report Description Rule Set Configuration Issues Report Lists rule sets that have no rules defined or enabled Secure Application Configuration Issues Report Lists secure application roles that have incomplete or disabled rule sets Command Rule Configuration Issues Report Lists rule sets that are incomplete or disabled Table 6-3 lists data dictionary views that provide information about existing rules and rule sets. Table 6-3 Data Dictionary Views Used for Rules and Rule Sets Data Dictionary View Description DBA_DV_RULE View Lists the rules that have been defined DBA_DV_RULE_SET View Lists the rule sets that have been created DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View Lists rules that are associated with existing rule sets 6-30 7 Configuring Command Rules You can create command rules or use the default command rules to protect DDL and DML statements. • What Are Command Rules? A command rule applies Oracle Database Vault protections with an Oracle Database SQL statement, such as ALTER SESSION. • Default Command Rules Oracle Database Vault provides default command rules, based on commonly used SQL statements. • SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules You can protect a large number of SQL statements by using command rules. • Creating a Command Rule You can create a command rule in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. • Modifying the Enablement Status of a Command Rule You can enable or disable a command rule in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. • Deleting a Command Rule Before you delete a command rule, you can locate the various references to it by querying the command rule-related Oracle Database Vault views. • How Command Rules Work Command rules follow a set of steps to check their associated components. • Tutorial: Using a Command Rule to Control Table Creations by a User In this tutorial, you create a simple local command rule to control whether users can create tables in the SCOTT schema. • Guidelines for Designing Command Rules Oracle provides guidelines for designing command rules. • How Command Rules Affect Performance The performance of a command rule depends on the complexity of the rules in the rule set associated with the command rule. • Command Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary View Oracle Database Vault provides reports and a data dictionary view that are useful for analyzing command rules. What Are Command Rules? A command rule applies Oracle Database Vault protections with an Oracle Database SQL statement, such as ALTER SESSION. • About Command Rules A command rule protects Oracle Database SQL statements that affect one or more database objects. 7-1 Chapter 7 What Are Command Rules? • Command Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create common and local command rules in either the CDB root or the application root. • Types of Command Rules In addition to command rules for many SQL statements, you can create command rules specifically for the CONNECT, ALTER SYSTEM, and ALTER SESSION SQL statements. About Command Rules A command rule protects Oracle Database SQL statements that affect one or more database objects. These statements can include SELECT, ALTER SYSTEM, database definition language (DDL), and data manipulation language (DML) statements. To customize and enforce the command rule, you associate it with a rule set, which is a collection of one or more rules. The command rule is enforced at run time. Command rules affect anyone who tries to use the SQL statements it protects, regardless of the realm in which the object exists. You can use command rules to protect a wide range of SQL statements, in addition to basic Oracle Database DDL and DML statements. For example, you can protect statements that are used with Oracle Flashback Technology. A command rule has the following attributes, in addition to associating a command rule to a command: • SQL statement the command rule protects • Owner of the object the command rule affects • Database object the command rule affects • Whether the command rule is enabled • An associated rule set Command rules can be categorized as follows: • Command rules that have a system-wide scope. With this type, in most cases, you can only create one command rule for each database instance. • Command rules that are schema specific. An example of a schema-specific command rule is a command rule for the DROP TABLE statement. You can create only one CONNECT command rule for each schema. • Command rules that are object specific. An example is creating a command rule for the DROP TABLE statement with a specific table included in the command rule definition. When a user executes a statement affected by a command rule, Oracle Database Vault checks the realm authorization first. If it finds no realm violation and if the associated command rules are enabled, then Database Vault evaluates the associated rule sets. If all the rule sets evaluate to TRUE, then the statement is authorized for further processing. If any of the rule sets evaluate to FALSE, then the statement is not allowed to be executed and a command rule violation is raised. You can define a command rule that uses factors for the CONNECT event to permit or deny sessions after the usual steps–user authentication process, factor initialization, and Oracle Label Security integration–are complete. 7-2 Chapter 7 What Are Command Rules? For example, you can configure a command rule that allows DDL statements such as CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, and ALTER TABLE in the BIZAPP schema to be authorized after business hours, but not during business hours. You can run reports on the command rules that you create in Oracle Database Vault. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Command Rule APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package provides procedures for configuring command rules. . • Configuring Rule Sets Rule sets group one or more rules together; the rules determine whether a user can perform an action on an object. • SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules You can protect a large number of SQL statements by using command rules. Command Rules in a Multitenant Environment In a multitenant environment, you can create common and local command rules in either the CDB root or the application root. Common command rules can be associated only with common realms, rule sets, and rules. Local command rules can be associated only with local realm, rule sets, and rules. To apply these command rules to the entire multitenant environment, you must execute the command rule procedures from the CDB root or application root as a common user who has been granted the DVADM or DVOWNER role. A common command rule that is created in the CDB root will be applied to all PDBs in that CDB environment. A common command rule that is created in the application root will only be applied to the PDBs that are associated with this application root. To propagate the command rule to the PDBs that are associated with the CDB root or application root, you must synchronize the PDB. For example, to synchronize an application root called saas_sales_app to its application PDBs: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; To synchronize a common command rule in the CDB root to a PDB: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION APP$CDB$SYSTEM SYNC; You can check a user’s roles by querying the USER_ROLE_PRIVS data dictionary view. To find information about command rules, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view. Types of Command Rules In addition to command rules for many SQL statements, you can create command rules specifically for the CONNECT, ALTER SYSTEM, and ALTER SESSION SQL statements. • CONNECT Command Rule The DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_CMD_RULE procedure creates a user-specific CONNECT command rule. 7-3 Chapter 7 What Are Command Rules? • ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM Command Rules You can create different kinds of ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM command rules that provide fine-grained control for these SQL statements. CONNECT Command Rule The DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_CMD_RULE procedure creates a user-specific CONNECT command rule. This type of command rule specifies a user, an associated rule set, an enablement status, and for a multitenant environment, where to execute the CONNECT command rule. You can enable or disable the CONNECT command rule, or you can set it to use simulation mode. In simulation mode, violations to the command rule are logged in a designated log table with sufficient information to describe the error, such as the user name or SQL statement used. In a multitenant environment, you can create the CONNECT command rule in either the application root or in a specific PDB. The associated rule set must be consistent with the CONNECT command rule: if the CONNECT command rule is in the application root, then the rule set and rules must also be in the application root. You run the CONNECT command rule procedures from the CDB root as a common user. If the CONNECT command rule is local to a pluggable database (PDB), then you must run the CONNECT command rule creation command in that PDB, and the rule set and rules must be local. The following example shows a CONNECT command rule definition that creates a local, enabled CONNECT command rule for the HR user. The rule set that is associated with this command rule is local to the current PDB. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Enabled', user_name => 'HR', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / Related Topics • CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The CREATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure creates a command rule and associates it with a rule set. • Using Simulation Mode for Logging Realm and Command Rule Activities Simulation mode writes the activities performed on realms and command rules to a log file, which is accessible through a data dictionary view. ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM Command Rules You can create different kinds of ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM command rules that provide fine-grained control for these SQL statements. The procedures to create these types of command rules are as follows: • DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE creates ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM command rules that use clauses from the corresponding SQL statement, such as 7-4 Chapter 7 What Are Command Rules? ADVISE, CLOSE DATABASE LINK, COMMIT IN PROCEDURE, and SET for ALTER SESSION, or ARCHIVE_LOG, CHECK DATAFILES, CHECKPOINT, and SET for ALTER SYSTEM. • DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SESSION_EVENT creates a command rule that is specific to the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement • DBMS_MACADM_CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT creates a command rule that is specific to the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement. To create these command rules, you use the appropriate Database Vault procedure to specify the clause and if applicable, the parameter of the clause, in the creation statement. If the ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM command rule use the SET EVENTS setting, then you can use special parameters to specify events, components, and actions. For example, for an ALTER SYSTEM command rule, you could specify the SECURITY clause and its RESTRICTED SESSION parameter from the ALTER SYSTEM SQL statement. To specify whether RESTRICTED SESSION is TRUE or FALSE, you must create a Database Vault rule and rule set, which can test for the validity of this sequence number. To understand how this concept works, first create the following rule and rule set, which are designed to check if the RESTRICTED SESSION parameter is set to TRUE: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE('RESTRICTED SESSION TRUE', 'UPPER(PARAMETER_VALUE) = ''TRUE'''); BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Check RESTRICTED SESSION for TRUE', description => 'Checks if restricted session is true', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ALL, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT, fail_message => 'RESTRICTED SESSION is not TRUE', fail_code => 20461, handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL, handler => '', is_static => false); END; / EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET(Check RESTRICTED SESSION for TRUE', 'RESTRICTED SESSION TRUE'); With the rule and rule set in place, you are ready to create an ALTER SYSTEM command rule that will check if the RESTRICTED SESSION parameter: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'ALTER SYSTEM', rule_set_name => 'Check RESTRICTED SESSION for TRUE', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, clause_name => 'SECURITY', parameter_name => 'RESTRICTED SESSION', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / 7-5 Chapter 7 Default Command Rules In this example: • rule_set_name checks whether RESTRICTED SESSION is set to TRUE or FALSE. In a multienant environment, you must create the rule set and rule in the same location as the command rule: either in the application root or locally in a PDB. • object_owner and object_name must always be set to % for this kind of ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM command rule. • enabled enables you to enable or disable the command rule, or to use simulation mode to log violations to the command rule to a designated log table. The log data describes the error, such as the user name or SQL statement used. • clause_name specifies the SECURITY clause of the ALTER SYSTEM SQL statement • parameter_name specifies the RESTRICTED SESSION parameter from the SECURITY clause • scope sets the command rule to be local to the current PDB. The associated rule set and rule must also be local to the current PDB. If you want to create the command rule in the application root, then as a common user, you would set scope to DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON and run the procedure (and its accompanying rule set and rule creation procedures) from the application root. See Also: • CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure about the DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure • CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure about the DVS.DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure • CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure for more information about the DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure • DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View for information about the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view • Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about the ALTER SESSION SQL statement • Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about the ALTER SYSTEM SQL statement Default Command Rules Oracle Database Vault provides default command rules, based on commonly used SQL statements. Table 7-1 lists the default Database Vault command rules. 7-6 Chapter 7 SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules Table 7-1 Default Command Rules SQL Statement Rule Set Name CREATE USER Can Maintain Accounts/Profiles ALTER USER Can Maintain Own Account DROP USER Can Maintain Accounts/Profiles CREATE PROFILE Can Maintain Accounts/Profiles ALTER PROFILE Can Maintain Accounts/Profiles DROP PROFILE Can Maintain Accounts/Profiles ALTER SYSTEM Allow Fine Grained Control of System Parameters CHANGE PASSWORD Can Maintain Own Account1 1 The actual SQL statement that the Can Maintain Own Account rule refers to is PASSWORD. The following set of command rules helps you to achieve separation of duty for user management: • ALTER PROFILE • ALTER USER • CREATE PROFILE • CREATE USER • DROP PROFILE • DROP USER To grant a user the ability to use these commands, you can grant the user the role that the rule set checks. For example, the CREATE USER command rule ensures that a user who tries to run a CREATE USER statement has the DV_ACCTMGR role. Note: To find information about the default command rules, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view. SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules You can protect a large number of SQL statements by using command rules. The SQL statements that you can protect are as follows: SQL Statements A-A SQL Statements A-C SQL Statements C-U ALTER CLUSTER ANALYZE TABLE CREATE TABLE ALTER DIMENSION ASSOCIATE STATISTICS CREATE TABLESPACE 7-7 Chapter 7 SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules SQL Statements A-A SQL Statements A-C SQL Statements C-U ALTER FLASHBACK ARCHIVE AUDIT CREATE TRIGGER ALTER FUNCTION CHANGE PASSWORD CREATE TYPE ALTER INDEX COMMENT CREATE TYPE BODY ALTER INDEXTYPE CONNECT CREATE VIEW ALTER JAVA CREATE EDITION DELETE ALTER LIBRARY CREATE FLASHBACK ARCHIVE DISASSOCIATE STATISTICS ALTER OPERATOR CREATE USER DROP CLUSTER ALTER OUTLINE CREATE CLUSTER DROP CONTEXT ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW CREATE CONTEXT DROP DATABASE LINK ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG CREATE DATABASE LINK DROP EDITION ALTER PACKAGE CREATE DIMENSION DROP DIMENSION ALTER PACKAGE BODY CREATE DIRECTORY DROP DIRECTORY ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE CREATE FUNCTION DROP FLASHBACK ARCHIVE ALTER PROCEDURE CREATE INDEX DROP FUNCTION ALTER PROFILE CREATE INDEXTYPE FLASHBACK TABLE ALTER RESOURCE COST CREATE JAVA EXECUTE ALTER ROLE CREATE LIBRARY GRANT ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT CREATE OPERATOR INSERT ALTER SEQUENCE CREATE OUTLINE NOAUDIT ALTER SESSION CREATE PACKAGE PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN ALTER SYNONYM CREATE PACKAGE BODY PURGE INDEX ALTER SYSTEM CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE RENAME ALTER TABLE CREATE PROCEDURE PURGE RECYCLEBIN ALTER TABLESPACE CREATE PROFILE PURGE TABLE ALTER TRIGGER CREATE ROLE PURGE TABLESPACE ALTER TYPE CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT REVOKE ALTER TYPE BODY CREATE SCHEMA SELECT ALTER USER CREATE SEQUENCE TRUNCATE CLUSTER ALTER VIEW CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW TRUNCATE TABLE ANALYZE CLUSTER CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG UPDATE ANALYZE INDEX CREATE SYNONYM - See Also: Command Rules in a Multitenant Environment for information about using CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE, ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE, and DROP PLUGGABLE DATABASE in a multitenant container database (CDB) 7-8 Chapter 7 Creating a Command Rule Creating a Command Rule You can create a command rule in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Command Rules. 3. In the Command Rules page: • 4. To create a new command rule, click Create to display the Create Command Rule page. In the Create Command Rule page, enter the following settings: • Command: Select the SQL statement or operation for which you want to create a command rule. This attribute is mandatory. • Status: Select either Enabled, Disabled, or Simulation, which will apply to the command rule during run time. This attribute is mandatory. • Applicable Object Owner: From the list, select the owner of the object the command rule affects. You can use wildcard character % to select all owners. (However, you cannot use wildcard characters with text, such as EM% to select all owners whose names begin in EM.) This attribute is mandatory for all SQL statements that operate on objects within a specific schema. See SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules for a list of supported SQL statements. Note that the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and EXECUTE statements are not allowed for a selection of all (%) or the SYS and DVSYS schemas. • Applicable Object Name: Enter the name of the database object that the command rule affects, or specify % to select all database objects. This attribute is mandatory, if you selected an object owner from the Object Owner list. You can run Oracle Database Vault reports on objects that the command rule affects. See the Command Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary View for more information. • Rule Set: From the list, select the rule set that you want to associate with the command rule. This attribute is mandatory. 7-9 Chapter 7 Modifying the Enablement Status of a Command Rule If the rule set evaluates to true, then the SQL statement succeeds. If it evaluates to false, the statement fails, and then Oracle Database Vault raises a command rule violation. (You can track rule violations by using the Command Rule Configuration Issues Report, discussed in Oracle Database Vault Reports.) Any auditing and custom event handling associated with the rule set occurs as a part of the command rule processing. See Configuring Rule Sets , for more information about rule sets. 5. Click OK. Related Topics • Propagating Oracle Database Vault Configurations to Other Databases You can propagate Database Vault configurations (such as a realm configuration) to other Database Vault-protected databases. Modifying the Enablement Status of a Command Rule You can enable or disable a command rule in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Command Rules. 3. In the Command Rules page, select the command rule that you want to enable or disable, and then select Edit. 4. In the Edit Command Rule page, select the status that you want from the Status menu: 5. • Enabled • Disabled • Simulation Click OK. Deleting a Command Rule Before you delete a command rule, you can locate the various references to it by querying the command rule-related Oracle Database Vault views. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Oracle Database Vault Administration page, select Command Rules. 3. In the Command Rules page, select the command rule that you want to remove. 4. Click Delete. 5. In the Confirmation window, click Yes. 7-10 Chapter 7 How Command Rules Work Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. How Command Rules Work Command rules follow a set of steps to check their associated components. How Realms Work describes what happens when a database account issues a SELECT, DDL, or DML statement that affects objects within a realm. The following actions take place when SELECT, DDL, or DML statement is issued: 1. Oracle Database Vault queries all the command rules that need to be applied. For SELECT, DDL, and DML statements, multiple command rules may apply because the object owner and object name support wildcard notation. You can associate rule sets with both command rules and realm authorizations. Oracle Database Vault evaluates the realm authorization rule set first, and then it evaluates the rule sets that apply to the command type being evaluated. 2. For each command rule that applies, Oracle Database Vault evaluates its associated rule set. 3. If the associated rule set of any of the applicable command rules returns false or errors, Oracle Database Vault prevents the command from executing. Otherwise, the command is authorized for further processing. The configuration of the rule set with respect to auditing and event handlers dictates the auditing or custom processing that occurs. Command rules override object privileges. That is, even the owner of an object cannot access the object if the object is protected by a command rule. You can disable either a command rule or the rule set of a command. If you disable a command rule, then the command rule does not perform the check it is designed to handle. If you disable a rule set, then the rule set always evaluates to TRUE. However, if you want to disable a command rule for a particular command, then you should disable the command rule because the rule set may be associated with other command rules or realm authorizations. Tutorial: Using a Command Rule to Control Table Creations by a User In this tutorial, you create a simple local command rule to control whether users can create tables in the SCOTT schema. • Step 1: Create a Table First, user SCOTT must create a table. • Step 2: Create a Command Rule After the table has been created in the SCOTT schema, you can create a command rule. • Step 3: Test the Command Rule Next, you are ready to test the CREATE TABLE local command rule. 7-11 Chapter 7 Tutorial: Using a Command Rule to Control Table Creations by a User • Step 4: Remove the Components for this Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. Step 1: Create a Table First, user SCOTT must create a table. 1. Log into the database instance as user SCOTT. sqlplus scott Enter password: password In a multitenant environment, you must log in to the appropriate PDB. For example: sqlplus scott@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available pluggable databases (PDBs), query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. If the SCOTT account is locked and expired, then log in as the Database Vault Account Manager and unlock SCOTT and create a new password. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr --Or, sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password ALTER USER SCOTT ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. CONNECT SCOTT --Or, sqlplus SCOTT@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. As user SCOTT, create a table. CREATE TABLE t1 (num NUMBER); 3. Now drop the table. DROP TABLE t1; At this stage, user SCOTT can create and drop tables. Do not exit SQL*Plus yet, and remain connected as SCOTT. You must use it later on when SCOTT tries to create another table. Step 2: Create a Command Rule After the table has been created in the SCOTT schema, you can create a command rule. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Oracle Database Vault Administrator Administration page, click Command Rules. The Command Rules page appears. 3. Click Create. 7-12 Chapter 7 Tutorial: Using a Command Rule to Control Table Creations by a User The Create Command Rule page appears. 4. 5. Enter the following settings: • Command: Select CREATE TABLE • Status: Set to Enabled so that the command rule is active. • Applicable Object Owner: Select SCOTT. • Applicable Object Name: Set to % so that it applies to all objects in the SCOTT schema. • Rule Set: Select Disabled so that no one can create tables in the SCOTT schema. Click OK. Do not exit Database Vault Administrator Command rules take effect immediately. Right away, user SCOTT is prevented from creating tables, even though he is still in the same user session he was in a moment ago, before you created the CREATE TABLE command rule. Step 3: Test the Command Rule Next, you are ready to test the CREATE TABLE local command rule. 1. In SQL*Plus, ensure that you are logged on as user SCOTT. CONNECT SCOTT --Or, CONNECT SCOTT@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Try to create a table. CREATE TABLE t1 (num NUMBER); The following output should appear: ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for create table on SCOTT.T1 As you can see, SCOTT is no longer allowed to create tables, even in his own schema. 3. 4. In Oracle Database Vault Administrator, do the following: a. In the Command Rules page, select the CREATE TABLE command rule and then click Edit. b. In the Edit Command Rule page, select Enabled from the Rule Set list. c. Click OK. In SQL*Plus, as user SCOTT, try creating the table again. CREATE TABLE t1 (num NUMBER); Table created. Now that the CREATE TABLE command rule is set to Enabled, user SCOTT is once again permitted to create tables. (Do not exit SQL*Plus.) 7-13 Chapter 7 Guidelines for Designing Command Rules Step 4: Remove the Components for this Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. 2. In Oracle Database Vault Administrator, remove the CREATE TABLE command rule as follows: a. Return to the Command Rules page. b. Select the CREATE TABLE local command rule and then click Delete. c. In the Confirmation window, click Yes. Log into the database instance as user SCOTT and remove the t1 table. DROP TABLE t1; 3. If you no longer need the SCOTT account to be available, then connect as the Database Vault Account Manager and enter the following ALTER USER statement: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr --Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password ALTER USER SCOTT ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE; Guidelines for Designing Command Rules Oracle provides guidelines for designing command rules. • • Create finer-grained command rules, because they are far easier to maintain. For example, if you want to prevent SELECT statements from occurring on specific schema objects, then design multiple command rules to stop the SELECT statements on those specific schema objects, rather than creating a general command rule to prevent SELECT statements in the schema level. • When designing rules for the CONNECT event, be careful to include logic that does not inadvertently lock out any required user connections. If any account has been locked out accidentally, ask a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN or DV_OWNER role to log in and correct the rule that is causing the lock-out problem. The CONNECT command rule does not apply to users with the DV_OWNER and DV_ADMIN roles. This prevents improperly configured CONNECT command rules from causing a complete lock-out. If the account has been locked out, you can disable Oracle Database Vault, correct the rule that is causing the lock-out problem, and then reenable Oracle Database Vault. Even when Oracle Database Vault is disabled, you still can use Database Vault Administrator and the Database Vault PL/SQL packages. See Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault, for instructions on disabling and reenabling Database Vault. • Sometimes you must temporarily relax an enabled command rule for an administrative task. Rather than disabling the command rule, have the Security Manager (the account with the DV_ADMIN or DV_OWNER role) log in, set the rule set to Enabled, turn on Auditing on Success or Failure for the default rule set named Enabled, and then set the command rule back to its original rule set when the task is complete. (Be aware that in a unified auditing environment, this setting does not 7-14 Chapter 7 How Command Rules Affect Performance work. Instead, you must create a unified audit policy. Oracle Database Security Guide describes how to create unified audit policies for Database Vault.) • When designing command rules, be careful to consider automated processes such as backup where these procedures may be inadvertently disabled. You can account for these tasks by creating rules that allow the command when a series of Oracle Database Vault factors is known to be true (for example, the program being used), and the account being used or the computer or network on which the client program is running. • You can test the development phase of a command rule by using simulation mode, which enables the command rule but writes detailed information about it to a log file. Related Topics • Using Simulation Mode for Logging Realm and Command Rule Activities Simulation mode writes the activities performed on realms and command rules to a log file, which is accessible through a data dictionary view. How Command Rules Affect Performance The performance of a command rule depends on the complexity of the rules in the rule set associated with the command rule. For example, suppose a rule set invokes a PL/SQL function that takes 5 seconds to run. In this case, a command rule that uses that rule set would take 5 seconds to grant access for the command statement to run. You can check the system performance by running tools such as Oracle Enterprise Manager (including Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, which is installed by default with Oracle Database), Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), and TKPROF. See Also: • Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide to learn how to monitor database performance • Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide to monitor the performance of individual SQL and PL/SQL statements Command Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary View Oracle Database Vault provides reports and a data dictionary view that are useful for analyzing command rules. Table 7-2 lists the Oracle Database Vault report. See Oracle Database Vault Reports, for information about how to run these reports. 7-15 Chapter 7 Command Rule Related Reports and Data Dictionary View Table 7-2 Reports Related to Command Rules Report Description Command Rule Audit Report Lists audit records generated by command rule processing operations Command Rule Configuration Issues Report Tracks rule violations, in addition to other configuration issues the command rule may have Object Privilege Reports Lists object privileges that the command rule affects Sensitive Objects Reports Lists objects that the command rule affects Rule Set Configuration Issues Report Lists rules sets that have no rules defined or enabled, which may affect the command rules that use them You can use the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view to find the SQL statements that are protected by command rules. See DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View for more information. 7-16 8 Configuring Factors Factors enable you to base Database Vault restrictions on attributes such as a client IP address or a domain. • What Are Factors? A factor is a named variable or attribute, such as a database IP address, that Oracle Database Vault can recognize. • Default Factors Oracle Database Vault provides a set of default factors. • Creating a Factor In general, to create a factor, you first create the factor itself, and then you edit the factor to include its identity. • Adding an Identity to a Factor After you create a new factor, you optionally can add an identity to it. • Deleting a Factor Before you delete a factor, you must remove references to the factor. • How Factors Work Oracle Database Vault processes factors when a session is established. • Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database This tutorial demonstrates how to use factors to prevent ad hoc tools (such as SQL*Plus) from accessing the database. • Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data This tutorial shows how to restrict user activities based on their session data, such as the domain the user is using. • Guidelines for Designing Factors Oracle provides guidelines for designing factors. • How Factors Affect Performance The complexity of factors affects the performance of your Oracle database instance. • Factor Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that display information about factors and their identities. What Are Factors? A factor is a named variable or attribute, such as a database IP address, that Oracle Database Vault can recognize. You can use factors for activities such as authorizing database accounts to connect to the database or creating filtering logic to restrict the visibility and manageability of data. 8-1 Chapter 8 Default Factors Oracle Database Vault provides a selection of factors that lets you set controls on such components as the domain for your site, IP addresses, databases, and so on. You also can create custom factors, using your own PL/SQL retrieval methods. Note the following: • You can use factors in combination with rules in rule sets. The DVF factor functions are factor-specific functions that you can use in rule expressions. • Factors have values (identities) and are further categorized by their factor types. See "Factor Type" in Completing the General Page for Factor Creation for information about factor types. • You also can integrate factors with Oracle Label Security labels. • You can run reports on the factors that you create in Oracle Database Vault. See for more information. • In a multitenant environment, you only can create factors in a PDB, not in the CDB root or the application root. This chapter explains how to configure factors by using Oracle Database Vault Administrator. Alternatively, you can use the Oracle Database Vault factor APIs to configure factors. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Oracle Database Vault maintains the DVF schema functions when you use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage the various factors. • Oracle Database Vault Factor APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package has factor-related Oracle Database Vault rule procedures and functions, and DVF has functions to manage factors. Default Factors Oracle Database Vault provides a set of default factors. For each of these factors, there is an associated function that retrieves the value of the factor. See Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions for a listing of these functions. You can create custom factors by using your own PL/SQL retrieval methods. A useful PL/SQL function you can use (which is used for many of the default factors) is the SYS_CONTEXT SQL function, which retrieves data about the user session. For example, you can use the CLIENT_PROGRAM_NAME attribute of SYS_CONTEXT to find the name of the program used for the database session. After you create the custom factor, you can query its values similar to the functions used to query the default factors. See Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the SYS_CONTEXT function. You can use the default factors in your own security configurations. If you do not need them, you can remove them. (That is, they are not needed for internal use by Oracle Database Vault.) The default factors are as follows: • Authentication_Method: Is the method of authentication. In the list that follows, the type of user is followed by the method returned: 8-2 Chapter 8 Default Factors – Password-authenticated enterprise user, local database user, user with the SYSDBA or SYSOPER administrative privilege using the password file; proxy with user name using password: PASSWORD – Kerberos-authenticated enterprise user or external user (with no administrative privileges): KERBEROS – Kerberos-authenticated enterprise user (with administrative privileges): KERBEROS_GLOBAL – Kerberos-authenticated external user (with administrative privileges): KERBEROS_EXTERNAL – SSL-authenticated enterprise or external user (with no administrative privileges): SSL – SSL-authenticated enterprise user (with administrative privileges): SSL_GLOBAL – SSL-authenticated external user (with administrative privileges): SSL_EXTERNAL – Radius-authenticated external user: RADIUS – OS-authenticated external user, or user with the SYSDBA or SYSOPER administrative privilege: OS – Proxy with certificate, DN, or username without using password: NONE – Background process (job queue slave process): JOB – Parallel Query Slave process: PQ_SLAVE For non-administrative connections, you can use the Identification_Type factor to distinguish between external and enterprise users when the authentication method is PASSWORD, KERBEROS, or SSL. For administrative connections, the Authentication_Method factor is sufficient for the PASSWORD, SSL_EXTERNAL, and SSL_GLOBAL authentication methods. • Client_IP: Is the IP address of the machine from which the client is connected. • Database_Domain: Is the domain of the database as specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter. • Database_Hostname: Is the host name of the computer on which the instance is running. • Database_Instance: Is the instance identification number of the current instance. • Database_IP: Is the IP address of the computer on which the instance is running. • Database_Name: Is the name of the database as specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter. • Domain: Is a named collection of physical, configuration, or implementationspecific factors in the run-time environment (for example, a networked IT environment or subset of it) that operates at a specific sensitivity level. You can identify a domain using factors such as host name, IP address, and database instance names of the Database Vault nodes in a secure access path to the database. Each domain can be uniquely determined using a combination of the factor identifiers that identify the domain. You can use these identifying factors and possibly additional factors to define the Maximum Security Label within the domain. This restricts data access and commands, depending on the physical factors about the Database Vault session. Example domains of interest may be Corporate Sensitive, Internal Public, Partners, and Customers. • Enterprise_Identity: Is the enterprise-wide identity for the user: 8-3 Chapter 8 Default Factors – For enterprise users: the Oracle Internet Directory-distinguished name (DN). – For external users: the external identity (Kerberos principal name, Radius and DCE schema names, operating system user name, certificate DN). – For local users and SYSDBA and SYSOPER logins: NULL. The value of the attribute differs by proxy method: • – For a proxy with DN: the Oracle Internet Directory DN of the client. – For a proxy with certificate: the certificate DN of the client for external users; the Oracle Internet Directory DN for global users. – For a proxy with user names: the Oracle Internet Directory DN if the client is an enterprise user; NULL if the client is a local database user. Identification_Type: Is the way the user schema was created in the database. Specifically, it reflects the IDENTIFIED clause in the CREATE USER and ALTER USER syntax. In the list that follows, the syntax used during schema creation is followed by the identification type returned: – IDENTIFIED BY password: LOCAL – IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY: EXTERNAL – IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY: GLOBAL SHARED – IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY AS DN: GLOBAL PRIVATE • Lang: Is the ISO abbreviation for the language name, a shorter form than the existing LANGUAGE parameter. • Language: Is the language and territory your session currently uses, along with the database character set, in the following form: language_territory.characterset For example: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 Refer to Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for more information about languages, territories, and character sets. • Machine: Is the host name for the database client that established the current session. If you must find out whether the computer was used for a client or server session, then you can compare this setting with the Database_Hostname factor to make the determination. • Network_Protocol: Is the network protocol being used for communication, as specified in the PROTOCOL=protocol portion of the connect string. • Proxy_Enterprise_Identity: Is the Oracle Internet Directory DN when the proxy user is an enterprise user. • Proxy_User: Is the name of the database user who opened the current session on behalf of SESSION_USER. • Session_User: Is the database user name by which the current user is authenticated. This value remains the same throughout the session. 8-4 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor Creating a Factor In general, to create a factor, you first create the factor itself, and then you edit the factor to include its identity. • Accessing the Create Factors Page The Create Factors page enables you to create the factor, starting with a general definition of the factor that you want to create. • Completing the General Page for Factor Creation In the General page, you must enter general identifying information for the factor, such as its name. • Configurations Page for Factor Creation The Configurations page defines settings such as the factor's identification and the evaluation method. • Options Page of Factor Creation The Options page assigns a rule set to a factor, sets error options, and for nonunified auditing, sets audit options. Accessing the Create Factors Page The Create Factors page enables you to create the factor, starting with a general definition of the factor that you want to create. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Factors. 3. In the Factors page, click Create to display the Create Factor page. 4. Starting with the General page, enter the following information, clicking Next to go to each subsequent page, and then clicking Done and Finish when the factor definition is complete. • Completing the General Page for Factor Creation • Configurations Page for Factor Creation 8-5 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor • Options Page of Factor Creation • Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity Completing the General Page for Factor Creation In the General page, you must enter general identifying information for the factor, such as its name. • In the General page, enter the following information: – Name: Enter a name up to 28 characters in mixed-case, without spaces. Oracle Database Vault creates a valid Oracle identifier for the factor function to be created in the DVF schema based on the name of the factor chosen. For example, if you create a factor named GetNetworkIP, Oracle Database Vault creates the DVF.F$GETNETWORKIP function. This attribute is mandatory. Oracle suggests that you start the name with a noun and complete the name with a brief description of the derived value. Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions describes the DVF factor functions. – Description: Enter a text description of the factor. It can have up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. This attribute is optional. – Factor Type: From the list, select the type or category of the factor. This attribute is mandatory. Factor types have a name and description and are used only to help classify factors. A factor type is the category name used to classify the factor. The default physical factor types include authentication method, host name, host IP address, instance identifiers, database account information, and others. You can create user-defined factor types, such as application name, certificate information, and so on in addition to the installed factor types, such as time and authentication method. You can find the factors that are associated with a particular factor type by querying the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view. For example: SELECT NAME FROM DBA_DV_FACTOR WHERE FACTOR_TYPE_NAME='Authentication Method'; The output is: NAME -----------------------------Network_Protocol Authentication_Method Identification_Type Configurations Page for Factor Creation The Configurations page defines settings such as the factor's identification and the evaluation method. • Setting the Factor Identification Information Under Factor Identification, you must select how to resolve the identity of a factor. This attribute is mandatory. 8-6 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor • How Factor Identities Work A factor identity is the actual value of a factor (for example, the IP address for a factor that uses the IP_Address type). • Setting the Evaluation Information for a Factor Under Evaluation, you must select how you want the factor to be evaluated and assigned an identity. • Setting the Oracle Label Security Labeling Information for a Factor Under Factor Labeling, you must select how you want the factor identity to retrieve an Oracle Label Security (OLS) label. • Setting the Retrieval Method for a Factor Under Retrieval Method, you must enter a PL/SQL expression that retrieves the identity of a factor or a constant. • How Retrieval Methods Work The Retrieval Method identifies factors where the factor identification is by method or constant. • Setting the Validation Method for a Factor A validation method uses a PL/SQL expression to return a Boolean value to validate the identity of a factor. Setting the Factor Identification Information Under Factor Identification, you must select how to resolve the identity of a factor. This attribute is mandatory. • In the Configurations page, under Factor Identification, enter the following information: – By Constant: Resolves the factor identity by retrieving the constant value found in the Retrieval Method field. – By Method: Sets the factor identity by executing the PL/SQL expression specified in the Retrieval Method field. For example, suppose the expression retrieves the system date: to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') On December 15, 2015, the By Method option would return the following value: 2015-12-15 – By Factors: Determines the factor identity by mapping the identities of the child factor to its parent factor. A parent factor is a factor whose values are resolved based on a second factor, called a child factor. To establish their relationship, you map their identities. (You do not need to specify a Retrieval Method expression for this option.) See Using Identity Mapping to Configure an Identity to Use Other Factors for more information about mapping identities. How Factor Identities Work A factor identity is the actual value of a factor (for example, the IP address for a factor that uses the IP_Address type). 8-7 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor A factor can have several identities depending on its retrieval method or its identity mapping logic. For example, a factor such as Database_Hostname could have multiple identities in an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment; a factor such as Client_IP can have multiple identities in any RDBMS environment. The retrieval method for these types of factors may return different values because the retrieval method is based on the database session. Several reports allow you to track the factor identity configuration. You can configure the assignment of a factor in the following ways: • Assign the factor at the time a database session is established. • Configure individual requests to retrieve the identity of the factor. With the Oracle Label Security integration, you can label identities with an Oracle Label Security label. You can also assign an identity trust levels, which are numbers that indicate the magnitude of trust relative to other identities for the same factor. In general, the higher the trust level number is set, the greater the trust. Negative trust levels are not trusted. Within a database session, a factor assigned identity is available to Oracle Database Vault and any application with a publicly accessible PL/SQL function that exists in the DVF schema (which contains functions that retrieve factor values) as follows: dvf.f$factor_name This allows the identifier for a factor to be accessed globally from within the Oracle database (using PL/SQL, SQL, Oracle Virtual Private Database, triggers, and so on). For example, in SQL*Plus: CONNECT leo_dvowner Enter password: password SELECT DVF.F$DATABASE_IP FROM DUAL; Output similar to the following appears: SELECT DVF.F$DATABASE_IP FROM DUAL; F$DATABASE_IP ------------------------------------------------------------ You can also use the GET_FACTOR function to find the identity of a factor that is made available for public access. For example: SELECT GET_FACTOR('DATABASE_IP') FROM DUAL; The following output appears: GET_FACTOR('DATABASE_IP') ------------------------------------------------------------ Related Topics • Adding an Identity to a Factor After you create a new factor, you optionally can add an identity to it. • Factor Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that display information about factors and their identities. 8-8 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor Setting the Evaluation Information for a Factor Under Evaluation, you must select how you want the factor to be evaluated and assigned an identity. See How Factors Affect Performance for the performance effect of session factors. This attribute is mandatory. • In the Configurations page, under Evaluation, enter the following information: – For Session: Evaluates the factor when a database session is created. – By Access: Evaluates the factor each time it is accessed (for example, referenced by an application) and when the database session is first created. – On Startup: Evaluates the factor when the database session starts. Setting the Oracle Label Security Labeling Information for a Factor Under Factor Labeling, you must select how you want the factor identity to retrieve an Oracle Label Security (OLS) label. This setting applies if you plan to use the Oracle Label Security integration. This attribute is mandatory if you want to use an OLS label. • In the Configurations page, under Factor Labeling, enter the following information: – By Self: Labels the identities for the factor directly from the labels associated with an Oracle Label Security policy. – By Factors: If there are multiple child factor labels, then Oracle Database Vault merges the labels by using the Oracle Label Security algorithm that is associated with the applicable Oracle Label Security policy. For each applicable Oracle Label Security policy, a factor identity can have an assigned label. Related Topics • Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security You can integrate Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security, and check the integration with reports and data dictionary views. Setting the Retrieval Method for a Factor Under Retrieval Method, you must enter a PL/SQL expression that retrieves the identity of a factor or a constant. • In the Configurations page, under Retrieval Method, enter a PL/SQL retrieval method. It can use up to 255 characters in mixed-case. The following retrieval method sets a value of the DB_NAME factor by retrieving the database name (DB_NAME) from the USERENV namespace in a user's session. UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','DB_NAME')) How Retrieval Methods Work The Retrieval Method identifies factors where the factor identification is by method or constant. 8-9 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor If the factor identification is by factors, Oracle Database Vault identifies it by its identity mappings. You can create your own PL/SQL retrieval methods, or use the functions supplied with Oracle Database Vault. See the following sections for factor-specific and general utility functions that you can use to build the retrieval method: • Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions • DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs See also the default factors provided with Oracle Database Vault for examples of retrieval methods. Default Factors describes these factors. The Retrieval Method field is mandatory if you have selected the following settings under Factor Identification: • By Method: Enter a method in the Retrieval Method field. • By Constant: Enter a constant in the Retrieval Method field. The value returned as the factor identity must be a VARCHAR2 string or otherwise convertible to one. You can include any package function or standalone function in the expression. Ensure that the expression is a fully qualified function, such as schema.function_name. Do not include complete SQL statements. If you are using application packages or functions, you must provide DVSYS with the EXECUTE privilege on the object. Write the function signature using the following format: FUNCTION GET_FACTOR RETURN VARCHAR2 Setting the Validation Method for a Factor A validation method uses a PL/SQL expression to return a Boolean value to validate the identity of a factor. Under Validation Method, you must enter a PL/SQL expression that returns a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) to validate the identity of a factor being retrieved (with the GET_FACTOR function) or the value to be assigned to a factor (with the SET_FACTOR function). If the method is evaluated to false for the value being retrieved or to be assigned, then the factor identity is set to null. This optional feature provides an additional level of assurance that the factor is properly retrieved and set. This field can have up to 255 characters in mixed-case. You can include any package function or standalone function in the expression. Ensure that the expression is a fully qualified function, such as schema.function_name. Do not include complete SQL statements. If you are using application packages or functions, then you must provide DVSYS with the EXECUTE privilege on the object. • In the Configurations page, under Validation method, create a function that uses any of the following formats: – FUNCTION IS_VALID RETURN BOOLEAN In this form, you can use the DVF.F$factor_name function inside the function logic. This is more appropriate for factors that are evaluated by session. – FUNCTION IS_VALID(p_factor_value VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN 8-10 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor In this form, the factor value is passed to the validation function directly. This is more appropriate for factors that are evaluated by access. It is also valid for factors evaluated by session. Related Topics • DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package provides procedures and functions to configure factors. • Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Oracle Database Vault provides procedural interfaces to administer Database Vault security options and manage Database Vault security enforcements. • Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Oracle Database Vault maintains the DVF schema functions when you use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage the various factors. • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. Options Page of Factor Creation The Options page assigns a rule set to a factor, sets error options, and for non-unified auditing, sets audit options. • Assigning a Rule Set to a Factor Under Assignment Rule Set, you select a rule set if you want to use a rule set to control setting a factor identity. • Setting Error Options for a Factor Under Error Options, you set the processing that must occur when a factor identity cannot be resolved. • Setting Audit Options for a Factor Under Audit Options, you can generate an audit trail if you are not using a unified audit environment. • How Factor Auditing Works Whether you have unified auditing enabled affects how auditing is handled for factors. Assigning a Rule Set to a Factor Under Assignment Rule Set, you select a rule set if you want to use a rule set to control setting a factor identity. For example, you can use a rule set to determine when a database session originates from a known application server or program. • In the Options page, from the Assignment Rule Set menu, select a rule set from the list. This attribute is particularly useful for situations where database applications, such as a Web application using a JDBC connection pool, must dynamically set a factor identity for the current database session. For example, a Web application may want to assign the geographic location for a database account logging in to the Web application. To do so, the Web application can use the JDBC Callable Statement, or 8-11 Chapter 8 Creating a Factor Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) to execute the PL/SQL function SET_FACTOR, for example: BEGIN SET_FACTOR('GEO_STATE','VIRGINIA'); END; Then you can create an assignment rule for the GEO_STATE factor to allow or disallow the setting of the GEO_STATE factor based on other factors or rule expressions. Related Topics • Configuring Rule Sets Rule sets group one or more rules together; the rules determine whether a user can perform an action on an object. • How Factors Are Set You can assign a factor identity at any time during a database session, but only if the factor assignment rule set evaluates to true. Setting Error Options for a Factor Under Error Options, you set the processing that must occur when a factor identity cannot be resolved. • In the Options page, under Error Options, select from the following values: – Show Error Message: Displays an error message to the database session. – Do Not Show Error Message: Does not display the error message. An advantage of selecting Do Not Show Error Message and then enabling auditing is that you can track the activities of a potential intruder. The audit report reveals the activities of the intruder, yet the intruder is unaware that you are doing this because he or she does not see any error messages. After you have created a new factor, you are ready to configure its identity. To do so, edit the factor and then add its identity. Setting Audit Options for a Factor Under Audit Options, you can generate an audit trail if you are not using a unified audit environment. • In the Options page, under Audit Options, select from the following values: – Never: Does not audit. – Always: Always creates an audit record when a factor is evaluated. You can select from the conditions, described next. – Validation False: Creates an audit record when the validation method (if provided) returns FALSE. – Retrieval Error: Creates an audit record when the identity of a factor cannot be resolved and assigned, due to an error (such as No data found or Too many rows). – Trust Level NULL: Creates an audit record when the resolved identity of a factor has an assigned trust level of NULL. 8-12 Chapter 8 Adding an Identity to a Factor See Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity for more information about trust levels. – Trust Level Less Than Zero: Creates an audit record when the resolved identity of a factor has an assigned trust level less than zero. – Validation Error: Creates an audit record when the validation method (if provided) returns an error. How Factor Auditing Works Whether you have unified auditing enabled affects how auditing is handled for factors. In a non-unified auditing environment, Oracle Database Vault writes the audit trail to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table, described in Auditing Oracle Database Vault. If you have enabled unified auditing, then this setting does not capture audit records. Instead, you can create audit policies to capture this information, as described in Oracle Database Security Guide. You can use the Factor Audit Report to display the generated audit records. (See Factor Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views for more information.) In addition, you can select multiple audit options at a time. Each option is converted to a bit mask and added to determine the aggregate behavior. Note that there is little performance impact in auditing, unless the factor has errors. Adding an Identity to a Factor After you create a new factor, you optionally can add an identity to it. • About Factor Identities An identity is the actual value of a factor, such an IP_Address factor identity being • About Trust Levels Trust levels enable you to assign a numeric value to indicate the measure of trust allowed. • About Label Identities You can assign You Oracle Label Security (OLS) labels to factor identities. • Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity You can create and configure a factor identity in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. • Deleting a Factor Identity If you want to delete a factor identity, you can locate references to it by querying the factor-related Oracle Database Vault views. • Using Identity Mapping to Configure an Identity to Use Other Factors You can use identity mapping to use a group of factors to manage identity values. About Factor Identities An identity is the actual value of a factor, such an IP_Address factor identity being 8-13 Chapter 8 Adding an Identity to a Factor A factor identity for a given database session is assigned at run time using the Factor Identification and Retrieval Method fields described in Creating a Factor. You can further configure the identity for the following reasons: • To define the known identities for a factor • To add a trust level to a factor identity • To add an Oracle Label Security label to a factor identity • To resolve a factor identity through its child factors, by using identity mapping Related Topics • Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data This tutorial shows how to restrict user activities based on their session data, such as the domain the user is using. About Trust Levels Trust levels enable you to assign a numeric value to indicate the measure of trust allowed. A trust value of 1 signifies some trust. A higher value indicates a higher level of trust. A negative value or zero indicates distrust. When the factor identity returned from a factor retrieval method is not defined in the identity, Oracle Database Vault automatically assigns the identity a negative trust level. To determine the trust level of a factor identity at run time, you can use the GET_TRUST_LEVEL and GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY functions in the DVSYS schema. For example, suppose you have created a factor named Network. You can create the following identities for the Network factor: • Intranet, with a trust level of 10 • VPN (virtual private network), with a trust level of 5 • Public, with a trust level of 1 You then can create rule expressions (or custom application code) that base policy decisions on the trust level. For example, you can use the GET_TRUST_LEVEL function to find trust levels greater than 5: GET_TRUST_LEVEL('Network') > 5 Or, you can use a SELECT statement on the DBA_DV_IDENTITY data dictionary view to find trust levels for the Network factor greater than or equal to 5: SELECT VALUE, TRUST_LEVEL FROM DBA_DV_IDENTITY WHERE TRUST_LEVEL >= 5 AND FACTOR_NAME='Network' Output similar to the following appears: F$NETWORK GET_TRUST_LEVEL('NETWORK') -----------------------------------VPN 5 INTRANET 10 In the preceding example, Network factor identity for VPN is trusted (value equals 5), and the identity for the INTRANET domain is 10, which implies a greater trust. 8-14 Chapter 8 Adding an Identity to a Factor Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package enables you to configure Oracle Database Vault realms. About Label Identities You can assign You Oracle Label Security (OLS) labels to factor identities. In brief, a label acts as an identifier for a database table row to assign privileges to the row. The Factor Labeling attribute for a factor determines whether a factor is labeled By Self or By Factors. If you set the Factor Labeling attribute to By Self, then you can associate OLS labels with the factor identities. If you set the Factor Labeling attribute to By Factors, then Oracle Database Vault derives the factor identity labels from the labeling of child factor identities. When there are multiple child factor identities with labels, Oracle Database Vault merges the labels using the OLS algorithm associated with the applicable factor Oracle Label Security policy. See Also: Oracle Label Security Administrator’s Guide for more information about labels Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity You can create and configure a factor identity in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. 1. In the Select Identities page of the Create Factor pages, select Add New Identity. The Add New Identity window appears. 8-15 Chapter 8 Adding an Identity to a Factor 2. In the Identity subpage, enter the following values: • Value: Enter the value of the identity, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. This attribute is mandatory. • Trust Level: Select one of the following trust levels: – Very Trusted: Assigns a trust level value of 10 – Trusted: Assigns a trust level value of 5 – Somewhat Trusted: Assigns a trust level value of 1 – Untrusted: Assigns a trust level value of -1 – Trust Level Not Defined: Assigns a trust level value of NULL (default) See About Trust Levels for detailed information about trust levels. • Label Identity: Optionally, select from the list of available Oracle Label Security policies and then click the Move button to move them to the Selected OLS Policies list. The list shows data labels from the Oracle Label Security installation for your site. For more information, refer to Oracle Label Security Administrator’s Guide. See About Label Identities for detailed information about label identities. 3. Click OK to return to the Create Factors : Identities page.. 4. Click Next to review the factor settings. 5. Click Finish. Deleting a Factor Identity If you want to delete a factor identity, you can locate references to it by querying the factor-related Oracle Database Vault views. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Factors. 3. Select the factor whose identity you want to delete, and then click Edit. 4. In the Edit Factor page, click Next until you reach the Identities page. 5. Select the factor identity that you want to remove. 6. Click Remove. 7. Click Done, then click Finish. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. 8-16 Chapter 8 Adding an Identity to a Factor Using Identity Mapping to Configure an Identity to Use Other Factors You can use identity mapping to use a group of factors to manage identity values. • About Identity Mapping While you are creating a factory identity, you can map it. • Mapping an Identity to a Factor You can map an identity to a factor by creating a parent-child relationship with two factors. About Identity Mapping While you are creating a factory identity, you can map it. Identity mapping is the process of identifying a factor by using other (child) factors. This is a way to transform combinations of factors into logical identities for a factor or to transform continuous identity values (for example, temperature) or large discrete identity values (for example, IP address ranges) into logical sets. To check configuration issues in the mapping for an identity, you can run the Identity Configuration Issues report. You can map different identities of a parent factor to different identities of the contributing factor. For example, an INTRANET identity maps to an IP address range of to A REMOTE identity can map to an IP address range that excludes the address range to Based on identity mapping, you can create a security policy. For example, you can define a reduced set of privileges for an employee connecting over VPN (with REMOTE), as opposed to an employee connecting from within the corporate network (with INTRANET). Related Topics • Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data This tutorial shows how to restrict user activities based on their session data, such as the domain the user is using. Mapping an Identity to a Factor You can map an identity to a factor by creating a parent-child relationship with two factors. 1. Follow the instructions in Creating a Factor to create a parent factor and set the attribute Factor Identification to By Factors. 2. In the Identities page, follow the instructions in Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity to create an identity for the parent factor. 3. Map the factor-identity pair of the parent to the factor-identity pairs of its children. Use the following procedure: a. In the Identities page, either select an existing identity and click Edit, or click Add New Identity to create a new identity. b. In the Edit Identity window (or the Add New Identity window), ensure that at least the Value field is filled out in the Identity subpage. c. Click the Map Identity tab. 8-17 Chapter 8 Adding an Identity to a Factor d. Click Add Mapping. e. Enter the following information: Child Factor Name: From the list, select the child factor name. Operator: Select the operator from the list. Min Value: Enter the minimum value. Max Value: Enter the maximum value. For example, consider a scenario where the Contributing Factor to the Factor Network is set to Client_IP, the Operator is set to Between, the Min Value is set to and the Max Value is set to This means that whenever the client IP address lies in the specified address range of to, the parent factor evaluates to a predefined identity (for example, INTRANET). 4. f. Click OK to exit the Add New Identity Mapping window. g. Click OK to exit the Add New Identity and Mapping window. Click Done, and then click Finish. Repeat this process to add more contributing factors for a parent factor identity. For example, you can configure the Network factor to resolve to a value ACCOUNTINGSENSITIVE, when the Program factor resolves to "Oracle General Ledger" and the Client_IP is in between and So, if an authorized accounting financial application program, running on a client with IP address accesses the database, then the Network factor is resolved to ACCOUNTING-SENSITIVE. A database session with the ACCOUNTING-SENSITIVE Network value would have more access privileges than one with the INTRANET Network value. 8-18 Chapter 8 Deleting a Factor Deleting a Factor Before you delete a factor, you must remove references to the factor. You can find the various references to the factor and its identities by querying the factor-related Oracle Database Vault views. See Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views, for more information. 1. Delete any references to the factor, such as rule sets, factor identities, and Oracle Label Security policy associations. To do so, edit the factor. You can find and remove the rule set from the Options page and the Oracle Label Security policies associations and identities from the Identities page. 2. In the Oracle Database Vault Administration page, select Factors. 3. In the Factors page, select the factor that you want to remove. 4. Click Delete. 5. In the Confirmation window, click Yes. How Factors Work Oracle Database Vault processes factors when a session is established. • How Factors Are Processed When a Session Is Established Oracle Database Vault evaluates the factors based on when a session begins. • How Factors Are Retrieved You can retrieve a factor in a database session at any time by using the DVF factor function or the GET_FACTOR function. • How Factors Are Set You can assign a factor identity at any time during a database session, but only if the factor assignment rule set evaluates to true. How Factors Are Processed When a Session Is Established Oracle Database Vault evaluates the factors based on when a session begins. When a database session is established, the following actions occur: 1. At the start of each database session, Oracle Database Vault begins to evaluate all default and user-created factors in the database instance. This evaluation occurs after the normal database authentication of the session and the initialization of the Oracle Label Security session information, if applicable. 2. In the factor evaluation stage, the factor initialization process executes the retrieval method for all factors that are identified by methods or constants, to resolve the factor identity for the session. The factor error options setting has no effect on the factor initialization process. 3. If a factor has a validation method defined, Oracle Database Vault validates the identity (value) of the factor by executing this validation method. If the validation method fails or returns false, the identity of the factor is undefined (NULL). 8-19 Chapter 8 How Factors Work 4. If a factor has any identities defined for it, Oracle Database Vault resolves the trust level of the factor based on the identities defined. If an identity of the factor is defined in this list of defined identities, then Oracle Database Vault assigns the trust level as configured; otherwise it sets it to -1. If there are no identities defined for the factor, the trust level is undefined (NULL). 5. Depending on the outcome of this factor evaluation, factor validation, and trust level resolution, Database Vault audits the details of the evaluation as dictated by the factor audit configuration. 6. When the evaluation of all factors that are identified by method or constant completes, Oracle Database Vault resolves the factors that are identified by other factors by using the identity maps that are defined for the factor configured identities. The evaluation order of the factor-configured identities is by ASCII sort on the identity values: Oracle Database Vault uses the first alphabetically sorted identity mapping that it evaluates. For example, suppose factor TEST has identities X and Y. Furthermore, identities X and Y have identity maps that are dependent on identities for factors A, B, and C. The following mapping occurs: • X is mapped when A=1 and B=1 • Y is mapped when A=1, B=1, and C=2 In this case, the first one evaluated is X. Y is not evaluated, but what if its C mapping meets the criteria that is needed for the TEST factor's success? You would need to reverse the mapping, that is, map Y before X so that A, B, and C can be evaluated first. To reverse the mapping, rename Y to V (or some alphabetic value that sorts before X) so that it can be correctly resolved. This algorithm works if the ASCII sort ordering is correct and the identities map the same number factors at some level. 7. When the factor initialization completes, the Oracle Database Vault integration with Oracle Label Security occurs. After this process completes, Oracle Database Vault checks to see if a command rule is associated with the CONNECT event. If a rule set associated with the CONNECT event, then Oracle Database Vault evaluates the rule set. If the rule set evaluates to false or results in an error, then the session is terminated. Oracle Database Vault executes any auditing or call handlers associated with the rule set before the session is terminated. Note: Be careful about associating command rules with the CONNECT event, because you can inadvertently lock out other users from of the database. In general, if you create a command rule for CONNECT, set its evaluation option of the associated rule set to Any True. If you do inadvertently lock out users, then you should temporarily disable Oracle Database Vault, disable the CONNECT command rule, reenable Oracle Database Vault, and then fix the factor code that is causing the problem. If the Test Fails provides an example of how to accomplish this. 8-20 Chapter 8 How Factors Work How Factors Are Retrieved You can retrieve a factor in a database session at any time by using the DVF factor function or the GET_FACTOR function. To find a listing of available factors, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. Example 8-1 shows an example of using the GET_FACTOR function. Example 8-1 Using GET_FACTOR to Retrieve a Factor SELECT GET_FACTOR('client_ip') FROM DUAL; You can use the factor values retrieved from the DVF factor function or the GET_FACTOR in the following ways: • Oracle Database Vault rule expressions • Custom application code that is available to all database sessions in an Oracle Database Vault environment Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions describes DVF factor functions in detail. If you had set the factor evaluation to By Session, then Oracle Database Vault retrieves the value from the session context established, as described under How Factors Are Processed When a Session Is Established. If you had set the factor evaluation to By Access, then Oracle Database Vault performs Step 2 through Step 5 (or Step 6), as described under How Factors Are Processed When a Session Is Established, whenever the factor is retrieved. If you had defined error options for the factor and if an error occurs, then Oracle Database Vault displays the error message. How Factors Are Set You can assign a factor identity at any time during a database session, but only if the factor assignment rule set evaluates to true. You can do this in the application code by using the SET_FACTOR function. In Java code, you can use the JDBC class java.sql.CallableStatement to set this value. For example: java.sql.Connection connection ; ... java.sql.CallableStatement statement = connection.prepareCall("{call SET_FACTOR('FACTOR_X', ?)}"); statement.setString(1, "MyValue"); boolean result = statement.execute(); ... Applications that can execute Oracle PL/SQL functions can use this procedure (for example, applications written using Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)). This concept is similar to the standard Oracle DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER procedure with an added feature that a rule set controls when a factor value can be set. If the rule 8-21 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database set evaluates to true, Steps 2 through 5 under How Factors Are Processed When a Session Is Established occur. If you have not associated a assignment rule set for the factor or if the rule set returns false (or returns errors), then Oracle Database Vault sends an error message if you attempt to set the factor using the SET_FACTOR function. Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database This tutorial demonstrates how to use factors to prevent ad hoc tools (such as SQL*Plus) from accessing the database. • About This Tutorial Many database applications contain features to explicitly control the actions of a user. • Step 1: Enable the HR and OE User Accounts You must use the HR and OE accounts later on when you test the Oracle Database Vault components for this tutorial. • Step 2: Create the Factor After you have ensured that the HR and OE accounts are active, you can create a factor. • Step 3: Create the Rule Set and Rules After you have created the factor, you can create a rule set and rules to work with the factor. • Step 4: Create the CONNECT Command Rule The CONNECT command rule controls the CONNECT SQL statement. • Step 5: Test the Ad Hoc Tool Access Restriction You do not need to restart your SQL*Plus session for the Oracle Database Vault changes to take effect. • Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial Many database applications contain features to explicitly control the actions of a user. However, an ad hoc query tool, such as SQL*Plus, may not have these controls. As a result, a user could use an ad hoc tool to perform actions in the database that he or she would normally be prevented from performing in a database application. You can use a combination of Oracle Database Vault factors, rule sets, and command rules to prevent unauthorized access to the database by ad hoc query tools. In the following tutorial, you prevent users HR and OE from using SQL*Plus. To accomplish this, you must create a factor to find the applications on your system and a rule and rule set to limit SQL*Plus to these four users. Then you create a command rule for the CONNECT SQL statement, which is associated with the rule set. This factor, Client_Prog_Name, uses the CLIENT_PROGRAM_NAME attribute of the SYS_CONTEXT SQL function USERENV namespace to find the names of the applications that are used to access the current instance of Oracle Database. The SYS_CONTEXT SQL function provides many useful methods for finding the state of a user session. SYS_CONTEXT is a valuable tool for creating custom factors. 8-22 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the SYS_CONTEXT function. Step 1: Enable the HR and OE User Accounts You must use the HR and OE accounts later on when you test the Oracle Database Vault components for this tutorial. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password In a multitenant environment, you must connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. Check the status of the HR account. SELECT USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS FROM DBA_USERS WHERE USERNAME = 'HR'; 3. If the HR account is expired and locked, then enter the following statement to make it active: ALTER USER HR ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. 4. Repeat these steps for the OE account. Step 2: Create the Factor After you have ensured that the HR and OE accounts are active, you can create a factor. 1. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner --Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Create the factor. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_FACTOR( 8-23 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database factor_name factor_type_name description rule_set_name validate_expr get_expr identify_by labeled_by eval_options audit_options fail_options END; / => => => => => => => => => => => 'Client_Prog_Name', 'Application', 'Stores client program name that connects to database', NULL, NULL, 'UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''CLIENT_PROGRAM_NAME''))', DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_METHOD, DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_SELF, DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_SESSION, DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_GET_ERROR, DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_SILENTLY); In this specification: • factor_type_name specifies that this is an application-based factor. • get_expr defines the expression for the factor. This expression calls the SYS_CONTEXT function, using the USERENV namespace and CLIENT_PROGRAM_NAME attribute, to find the programs that are logged into the Oracle database. • identify_by identifies the factor by method. • labeled_by labels the identities for the factor directly from the labels associated with an Oracle Label Security policy (default). • eval_options evaluates the factor when the database session is created. • audit_options audits if get_expr returns an error. • fail_silently does not show any error messages for the factor. Step 3: Create the Rule Set and Rules After you have created the factor, you can create a rule set and rules to work with the factor. 1. Create the Limit SQL*Plus Access rule set as follows: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit SQL*Plus Access', description => 'Limits access to SQL*Plus for Apps Schemas', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_OFF, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SHOW, fail_message => 'SQL*Plus access not allowed for Apps Schemas', fail_code => 20461, handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF, handler => NULL, is_static => FALSE); END; / In this specification: • fail_options enables an error message, set by fail_message, and error code, set by fail_code, to appear if there are errors. • is_static evaluates the rule set once during the user session. After that, the value is re-used. 8-24 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database 2. Find the exact settings for the computer on which you want to apply the policy, based on what the CLIENT_PROGRAM_NAME attribute will return. SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CLIENT_PROGRAM_NAME') FROM DUAL; The output should be similar to the following: SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CLIENT_PROGRAM_NAME') --------------------------------------------------------------sqlplus@nemosity (TNS V1-V3) For this tutorial, the name of the computer is nemosity. The (TN V1-V3) output refers to the version of the TNS connector. 3. Create the following rules. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Prevent Apps Schemas Access to SQL*Plus', rule_expr =>'UPPER (DVF.F$CLIENT_PROG_NAME) != ''SQLPLUS@NEMOSITY (TNS V1V3)'' AND DVF.F$SESSION_USER IN (''HR'', ''OE'')'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Allow Non-Apps Schemas Access to SQL*Plus', rule_expr =>'DVF.F$SESSION_USER NOT IN (''HR'', ''OE'')'); END; / The rules translate to the following: "Prevent users HR and OE from logging into SQL*Plus, but allow other users access." 4. Add the rules to the Limit SQL*Plus Access rule set. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit SQL*Plus Access', rule_name => 'Prevent Apps Schemas Access to SQL*Plus', rule_order => 1); END; / BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit SQL*Plus Access', rule_name => 'Allow Non-Apps Schemas Access to SQL*Plus', rule_order => 1); END; / The rule_order setting is required to enable the procedure to work. Step 4: Create the CONNECT Command Rule The CONNECT command rule controls the CONNECT SQL statement. This command rule also applies to logging into SQL*Plus from the command line or other tools your site may use to access SQL*Plus. • Create the CONNECT command rule as follows: 8-25 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Preventing Ad Hoc Tool Access to the Database BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'CONNECT', rule_set_name => 'Limit SQL*Plus Access', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / In this specification: • rule_set_name associates the Limit SQL*Plus Access rule set with the CONNECT command rule. • object_owner is set to % so that the command rule applies to all users. • object_name is set to % so that the command rule applies to all objects. • enabled enables the command rule so that it can be used right away. Step 5: Test the Ad Hoc Tool Access Restriction You do not need to restart your SQL*Plus session for the Oracle Database Vault changes to take effect. 1. In SQL*Plus, try to connect as user HR: CONNECT HR --Or, CONNECT HR@hrpdb Enter password: password The following output should appear: ERROR: ORA-47306: 20461: Limit SQL*Plus Access rule set failed User HR should be prevented from using SQL*Plus. 2. Next, try to connect as user OE: CONNECT OE --Or, CONNECT OE@hrpdb Enter password: password The following output should appear: ERROR: ORA-47306: 20461: Limit SQL*Plus Access rule set failed User OE also should be prevented from using SQL*Plus. 3. Now try to connect as user SYSTEM: CONNECT SYSTEM --Or, CONNECT SYSTEM@hrpdb Enter password: password Connected. User SYSTEM should be able to log into the database instance. So should SYS, the Database Vault Owner account, and the Database Vault Account Manager account. 8-26 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data If the Test Fails If you cannot log into the database instance as SYSTEM (or as any of the other administrative users listed in your rule expression), then you are prevented from using SQL*Plus. You can remedy the problem as follows: 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. For example: CONNECT dbv_owner --Or, CONNECT dbv_owner@hrpdb for a PDB Enter password: password 2. Enter the following statement to drop the CONNECT command rule. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE ('CONNECT', '%', '%'); Even though you have disabled Oracle Database Vault, you still can use its PL/SQL packages and Database Vault Administrator. 3. Check the policy components for any errors and then correct them. Recreate the CONNECT command rule, and then test it. Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. Remove the CONNECT command rule. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE ('CONNECT', '%', '%'); 2. Remove the Client_Prog_Name factor. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_FACTOR('Client_Prog_Name'); 3. Remove the Limit SQL*Plus Access rule set. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_SET('Limit SQL*Plus Access'); 4. Remove the rules. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE('Prevent Apps Schemas Access to SQL*Plus'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE('Allow Non-Apps Schemas Access to SQL*Plus'); 5. If necessary, as a user who has been granted the DBV_ACCTMGR role, lock the HR and OE accounts. CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr --Or, CONNECT amalcolumn_dbacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password ALTER USER HR ACCOUNT LOCK; ALTER USER OE ACCOUNT LOCK; Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data This tutorial shows how to restrict user activities based on their session data, such as the domain the user is using. 8-27 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data • About This Tutorial You can use factor identity mapping to set session-based user restrictions for database activities. • Step 1: Create an Administrative User Before you can use this tutorial, you must create an administrative user. • Step 2: Add Identities to the Domain Factor Next, you must add identities to the Domain factor, which is a default factor. • Step 3: Map the Domain Factor Identities to the Client_IP Factor After you have added identities to the domain factory, you can map them to the Client_IP factor. • Step 4: Create a Rule Set to Set the Hours and Select the Factor Identity You must create a rule set to work with the factor that you modified. • Step 5: Create a Command Rule That Uses the Rule Set You must create a command rule that uses the rule set that you created. • Step 6: Test the Factor Identity Settings Test the settings by resetting the system clock, logging in as the mwaldron administrative user, and then trying to create a table. • Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial You can use factor identity mapping to set session-based user restrictions for database activities. For example, suppose you wanted to restrict administrative access to a database using the following criteria: • Ensure that the administrator is accessing the database from the correct IP address. • Limit the database access to the standard business hours of the administrator. This type of configuration is useful for restricting different types of administrators: not only local, internal administrators, but offshore and contract administrators as well. In this tutorial, you modify the Domain factor to include identities for a secure and nonsecure network access, which are based on the IP address of the computer the administrator is using. If the administrator tries to perform an action outside the standard working hours or from a different IP address, then Oracle Database Vault prevents him from doing so. Step 1: Create an Administrative User Before you can use this tutorial, you must create an administrative user. 1. In SQL*Plus, log in as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role, and then create the user account mwaldron. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password 8-28 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data CREATE USER mwaldron IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. In a multitenant environment, you must connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. Connect as a user who privileges to grant the CREATE SESSION privilege and the DBA role, and then grant user mwaldron these privileges. This user must also be authorized as an owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm. For example: CONNECT dba_psmith -- Or, CONNECT dba_psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password GRANT CREATE SESSION, DBA TO mwaldron; Step 2: Add Identities to the Domain Factor Next, you must add identities to the Domain factor, which is a default factor. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Factors. The Factors page appears. 3. Select the Show Oracle defined Factors check box to display the default factors. 4. Select the Domain factor and then select Edit. The Domain factor will be the parent factor. 5. Click the Next button until you reach the Identities page. 6. Select the Add New Identity button. 7. In the Identity tab of the Add New Identity and Mapping page, enter the following information: • Value: Enter HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK • Trust Level: Select Very Trusted 8. Click OK. 9. Repeat these steps to create a second identity called NOT SECURE, and then set its trust level to Untrusted. 8-29 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data Step 3: Map the Domain Factor Identities to the Client_IP Factor After you have added identities to the domain factory, you can map them to the Client_IP factor. The Client_IP factor is a default factor. 1. In Identities page, select the HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK identity and then select Edit. 2. In the Add New Identity and Mapping window, select the Map Identity subpage. 3. Select the Map Identity tab, and then select Add Mapping. 4. In the Add New Identity Mapping page, enter the following information: • Child Factor: Select Client_IP to be the child factor. • Operator: Select Equal. • Min Value: Enter the IP address for the Virtual Machine (for example, (This is the computer that user mwaldron uses. For this tutorial, you can enter the IP address of your own computer. If you are using Microsoft Windows, use the IP address assigned to the Loopback Adapter.) • Max Value: Leave this field empty. 5. Click OK, and then click OK again to return to the Identities page. 6. Create the following two identity maps for the NOT SECURE identity, by editing this identity: Child Factor Operator Min Value Max Value Client_IP Less (Leave blank) Client_IP Greater (Leave blank) 8-30 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data The identity maps in the NOT SECURE identity are in a range of IP addresses outside the IP address that user mwaldron uses ( The IP addresses here must be in any range outside mwaldron's IP address. This identity mapping creates the following condition: If the user logs in from the correct IP address, then Oracle Database Vault decides that the connection is secure, through the HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK identity. However, if the user logs in from an IP address that is less than or greater than, then the connection is deemed not secure, through the NO SECURE identity. 7. Click OK. 8. Click Done, and then click Finish. 9. Test the factor identities. First, in SQL*Plus, connect as user mwaldron but do not specify a database instance. CONNECT mwaldron -- Or, CONNECT mwaldron@hrpdb Enter password: password SELECT DVF.F$CLIENT_IP FROM DUAL; The following output should appear: F$CLIENT_IP ------------------------------------- Next: SELECT DVF.F$DOMAIN FROM DUAL; The following output should appear: F$DOMAIN ------------------------------------NOT SECURE Because user mwaldron is not connecting directly to the database instance, Oracle Database Vault does not recognize the IP address from which he is connecting. In this case, Oracle Database uses the IPC protocol to perform the connection, which sets the IP value to null. Therefore, the identity for this connection is set to NOT SECURE. Now connect to SQL*Plus by specifying the database instance (for example, orcl), and then check the factor identities again: CONNECT mwaldron@orcl Enter password: password SELECT DVF.F$CLIENT_IP FROM DUAL; The following output should appear: F$CLIENT_IP ------------------------------------ Next: SELECT DVF.F$DOMAIN FROM DUAL; 8-31 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data The following output should appear: F$DOMAIN ------------------------------------HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK Now that user mwaldron is connecting to the orcl database instance, his IP address is recognized. This is because the database uses the TCP protocol, so now the host IP value can be populated appropriately. Because the IP address is within the correct range, the factor identity is set to HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK. Step 4: Create a Rule Set to Set the Hours and Select the Factor Identity You must create a rule set to work with the factor that you modified. 1. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, select Rule Sets. 2. In the Rule Sets page, select Create. 3. In the Create Rule Set page, enter the following settings: • Name: Enter Internal DBA Standard Working Hours. • Status: Select Enabled. • Evaluation Options: Select All True. Leave the remaining settings at their defaults. 4. Click Next to display the Associate with Rule page. 5. Select Create Rule. 6. In the Create Rule window, enter the following settings: • Name: Internal DBA • Expression: DVF.F$SESSION_USER='MWALDRON' (When you create an expression with a user name, enter the user name in upper case letters, because that is how the database stores user names.) 7. Click OK. 8. Use the Create Rule page to create the following additional rules: • Name: Internal Network Only Rule Expression: DVF.F$DOMAIN='HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK' • Name: Week Day Rule Expression: TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'D') BETWEEN '2' AND '6' • Name: Week Working Day Hours Rule Expression: TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'HH24') BETWEEN '08' AND '19' 9. Click Done, and then click Finish. Step 5: Create a Command Rule That Uses the Rule Set You must create a command rule that uses the rule set that you created. 8-32 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data 1. In the Administration page, select Command Rules. 2. In the Command Rules page, select Create. 3. In the Create Command Rule page, enter the following settings: 4. • Command: Select CREATE TABLE from the list. • Status: Select Enabled. • Applicable Object Owner: Ensure it is set to % (the default). • Applicable Object Name: Ensure it is set to % (the default). • Evaluating Rule Set: Select Internal DBA Standard Working Hours from the list. Click OK. Step 6: Test the Factor Identity Settings Test the settings by resetting the system clock, logging in as the mwaldron administrative user, and then trying to create a table. 1. Set the system time to 9 p.m. UNIX: Log in as root and use the date command to set the time. For example, assuming the date today is August 15, 2013, you would enter the following: su root Password: password date --set="15 AUG 2013 21:00:00" Windows: Double-click the clock icon, which is typically at the lower right corner of the screen. In the Date and Time Properties window, set the time to 9 p.m., and then click OK. 2. In SQL*Plus, connect as user mwaldron and try to create a table. In the following, replace orcl with the name of your database instance. CONNECT mwaldron@orcl Enter password: password CREATE TABLE TEST (num number); The following output should appear: ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for create table on MWALDRON.TEST Because user mwaldron is create a table outside working hours, Database Vault prevents him. 3. Reset the system time back to the local time. 4. In SQL*Plus, as user mwaldron, try to create the table again. CREATE TABLE TEST (num number); Table created. DROP TABLE TEST; Table dropped. 8-33 Chapter 8 Tutorial: Restricting User Activities Based on Session Data Now that user mwaldron is working during his local hours and from the IP address associated with the HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK identity, he can create tables. 5. Reconnect as user mwaldron but without adding the database instance name to the connection command, and then try to create the table again. CONNECT mwaldron -- Or, CONNECT mwaldron@hrpdb Enter password: password CREATE TABLE TEST (num number); The following output should appear: ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for create table on MWALDRON.TEST Even though user mwaldron is trying to create a table during the correct time, he cannot because is not directly logged in to the orcl database instance. Oracle Database Vault deems him to be using the NOT SECURE identity, and then denies him access. Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. Log into the database instance as the DV_ACCTMGR user and drop user mwaldron. sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password DROP USER mwaldron CASCADE; 2. Remove the CREATE TABLE command rule. Return the Administration page and select Command Rules. Select the CREATE TABLE command rule and then click Delete. In the Confirmation window, select Yes. 3. Remove the Internal DBA Standard Working Hours rule set. Select Rule Sets in the Administration page. In the Rule Sets page, select the Internal DBA Standard Working Hours rule set, and then select Delete. In the Confirmation window, select the Remove rules associated with the rule set check box, and then select Yes. 4. Remove the rules that were associated with the Internal DBA Standard Working Hours rule set. Select Rules in the Administration page. In the Rules page, select the Internal DBA, Internal Network Only, Week Day, and Week Day Working Hours rules, and then select Delete. Select Yes in the Confirmation window. 5. Remove the HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK and NOT SECURE factor identities from the Domain factor. In the Administration page and select Factors. Select the Domain factor, select Edit. Click Next until you reach the Identities page. Select the HIGHLY SECURE INTERNAL NETWORK and NOT SECURE factor identities and click Remove to remove each one. (Hold the Control key down to select multiple items.) In the Confirmation window, select Yes. Click Done, and then click Finish. 8-34 Chapter 8 Guidelines for Designing Factors Guidelines for Designing Factors Oracle provides guidelines for designing factors. • You can use the Oracle utility packages such as UTL_TCP, UTL_HTTP, DBMS_LDAP, and DBMS_PIPE to integrate security or other contextual information about the session from external systems. • Do not specify a retrieval method if the factor identification is set to Identified By Factors. Retrieval methods are only needed if you set the factor to By Method or By Constant. • Consider using a validation method if a factor has an assignment rule set. Doing so helps to verify that invalid identities are not submitted. • Use the client-supplied factors such as Program, OS User, and others with caution, because the values that are supplied can only be trusted when the client software is trusted and the communications channel from the client software is known to be secure. • Only specify an evaluation option of By Access if the value returned by the retrieval method could change from one invocation to the next in the same session (for example, time-based factors). • Optimize the internal logic of a function used for the factor retrieval method using traditional SQL and PL/SQL optimization techniques. For more information about performance and optimization, see Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide. • If the discrete values returned by the retrieval method are known, be sure to define identities for each value so that you can assign trust levels for them. Trust levels add value to factors as you also can use the trust level in application logic based on factors. • A security policy based on more factors is generally considered stronger than one based on fewer factors. You can create a new factor that is identified by other factors to store combinations of factors into logical grouping using identity maps. This also makes it easier to label the parent factor when you integrate the factors with the Oracle Label Security labels. (See Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security for more information.) • It is generally easier to configure and debug a factor that is labeled By Self than one labeled By Factors when integrating the Oracle Label Security. • You can design a database client application to pass one or more security, enduser, or environmental attributes so that they are available to an associated database session. To do this, create a single factor for each attribute and then use an assignment rule set to control when these attributes can be assigned (for example only when using a specific Web application on specified named application server computers). Oracle Database Vault factors used in this fashion are very much like the Oracle procedure DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER but also include a capability to control when they can be set. For more information about the DBMS_SESSION package, see Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference . How Factors Affect Performance The complexity of factors affects the performance of your Oracle database instance. 8-35 Chapter 8 Factor Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Each factor has elements that are processed, such as its validation method, trust level, and so on. For factors that are evaluated by the session, such as Database_Hostname and Proxy_User, Oracle Database Vault performs this processing during session initialization, and then caches the results for subsequent requests for that value. The default factors listed in Default Factors are cached because they are likely candidates for a typical security policy. However, if you only use five factors (for example, in rule sets or other components), then the other factors consume resources that could otherwise be used elsewhere. In this case, you should remove the unnecessary factors by deleting them. (Oracle Database Vault does not use any of these factors internally, so you can remove them if you do not need them.) If you have a large number of users or if your application server frequently must create and destroy connections, the resources used can affect system performance. You can delete the unnecessary factors. You can check system performance by running tools such as Oracle Enterprise Manager (including Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, which is installed by default with Oracle Database), Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), and TKPROF. See Also: • Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide to learn how to monitor database performance • Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide to monitor the performance of individual SQL and PL/SQL statements Factor Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that display information about factors and their identities. Table 8-1 lists the Oracle Database Vault reports. See Oracle Database Vault Reports, for information about how to run these reports. Table 8-1 Reports Related to Factors and Their Identities Report Description Factor Audit Report Audits factors (for example, to find factors that failed to be evaluated) Factor Configuration Issues Report Lists configuration issues, such as disabled or incomplete rule sets, or to audit issues that may affect the factor Factor Without Identities Report Lists factors that have had no identities assigned yet Identity Configuration Issues Report Lists factors that have invalid label identities or no map for the identity Rule Set Configuration Issues Report Lists rule sets that have no rules defined or enabled, which may affect the factors that use them 8-36 Chapter 8 Factor Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Table 8-2 lists data dictionary views that provide information about existing factors and factor identities. Table 8-2 Data Dictionary Views Used for Factors and Factor Identities Data Dictionary View Description DBA_DV_FACTOR View Lists the existing factors in the current database instance DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View Shows the relationships of each factor whose identity is determined by the association of child factors DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View Lists the names and descriptions of factor types used in the system DBA_DV_IDENTITY View Lists the identities for each factor DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View Lists the mappings for each factor identity 8-37 9 Configuring Secure Application Roles for Oracle Database Vault Secure application roles enable you to control how much access users have to an application. • What Are Secure Application Roles in Oracle Database Vault? In Oracle Database Vault, you can create a secure application role that you enable with an Oracle Database Vault rule set. • Creating an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role You can create a Database Vault secure application role in Database Vault Administrator. • Modifications to a Secure Application Role You can modify an existing secure application role only if it has been created in Oracle Database Vault. • Security for Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles Users who have database administrative privileges may try to use the DROP ROLE statement to delete Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. • Deleting an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role You can delete Oracle Database Vault secure application roles in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. • How Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles Work The process flow for an Oracle Database Vault secure application role begins after you create and set the secure application role. • Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles This tutorial demonstrates how to create a secure application role to control user access to the OE.ORDERS table during work hours. • How Secure Application Roles Affect Performance You can check system performance by Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. • Secure Application Role Related Reports and Data Dictionary View Oracle Database Vault provides reports and a data dictionary view that you can use to analyze Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. What Are Secure Application Roles in Oracle Database Vault? In Oracle Database Vault, you can create a secure application role that you enable with an Oracle Database Vault rule set. Regular Oracle Database secure application roles are enabled by custom PL/SQL procedures. You use secure application roles to prevent users from accessing data from outside an application. This forces users to work within the framework of the application privileges that have been granted to the role. 9-1 Chapter 9 Creating an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role In a multitenant environment, you only can create a secure application role in a PDB, not in the CDB root or the application root. The advantage of basing database access for a role on a rule set is that you can store database security policies in one central place, as opposed to storing them in all your applications. Basing the role on a rule set provides a consistent and flexible method to enforce the security policies that the role provides. In this way, if you must update the security policy for the application role, you do it in one place, the rule set. Furthermore, no matter how the user connects to the database, the result is the same, because the rule set is bound to the role. All you need to do is to create the role and then associate it with a rule set. The associated rule set validates the user who is trying to enable the role. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role APIs The DBMS_MACADM and DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL packages manage Database Vault secure application roles. Creating an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role You can create a Database Vault secure application role in Database Vault Administrator. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. Create a rule set that contains at least one rule to set the conditions for allowing or disallowing the user to enable the role. When you create the underlying rule for the rule set, remember that the rule should validate the user who is trying to enable the role. 3. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Secure Application Roles. 4. In the Secure Application Role page, click Create. 5. In the Create Secure Application Role page, enter the following settings: • Role Name: Enter the name using no more than 30 characters, with no spaces. Ensure that this name follows the standard Oracle naming 9-2 Chapter 9 Modifications to a Secure Application Role conventions for role creation using the CREATE ROLE statement, described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. This attribute is mandatory. • • Status: Select either Enabled or Disabled to enable or disable the secure application role during run time. This attribute is mandatory. – Enabled: Enables the role to be available for use. That is, users are allowed to call the DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE function to try to enable the role. Note that whether or not the role will be enabled depends on the evaluation result of the associated rule set. – Disabled: Disables the role from being available for use. The DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE function will not be able to enable the role. Rule Set: From the list, select the rule set that you want to associate with the secure application role. This attribute is mandatory. When calling DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE, if the rule set evaluates to true, then Oracle Database Vault enables the role for the database session. If the rule set evaluates to false, then the role is not enabled. 6. Click OK. Related Topics • Configuring Rule Sets Rule sets group one or more rules together; the rules determine whether a user can perform an action on an object. • SET_ROLE Procedure The SET_ROLE procedure issues the SET ROLE PL/SQL statement for specified roles. • Propagating Oracle Database Vault Configurations to Other Databases You can propagate Database Vault configurations (such as a realm configuration) to other Database Vault-protected databases. Modifications to a Secure Application Role You can modify an existing secure application role only if it has been created in Oracle Database Vault. You cannot modify secure application roles or database roles that have been created outside of Oracle Database Vault. If you want to modify an existing Oracle Database role so that it can work with Oracle Database Vault, create a new secure application role in Oracle Database Vault and then grant the existing role to the secure application role. For example, in SQL*Plus: GRANT myExistingDBrole TO myDVrole; After you create a new secure application role, you must modify your code to use this new role. You can use DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE in your application code to accomplish this. Related Topics • SET_ROLE Procedure The SET_ROLE procedure issues the SET ROLE PL/SQL statement for specified roles. 9-3 Chapter 9 Security for Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles Security for Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles Users who have database administrative privileges may try to use the DROP ROLE statement to delete Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. Whenever an Oracle Database Vault secure application role has been created, Database Vault adds the secure application role to the Oracle Database Vault realm. This prevents database administrator from deleting the secure application role using the DROP ROLE statement. Deleting an Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role You can delete Oracle Database Vault secure application roles in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. If necessary, locate the various references to the secure application roles by querying the role-related Oracle Database Vault views. 3. Check and modify any applications that may be using the secure application role that you want to delete. 4. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Secure Application Roles. 5. In the Secure Application Roles page, select the role that you want to remove. 6. Click Delete. 7. In the Confirmation window, click Yes. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. How Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Roles Work The process flow for an Oracle Database Vault secure application role begins after you create and set the secure application role. 1. Create or update the role either in Oracle Database Vault Administrator or by using the secure application role-specific functions in the DBMS_MACADM package. See DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures for more information. 2. Modify your application to call the role, by using the DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE function. See SET_ROLE Procedure for more information. 9-4 Chapter 9 Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles 3. Oracle Database Vault then evaluates the rule set associated with the secure application role. If the rule set evaluates to true, then Oracle Database Vault enables the role for the current session. If the rule set evaluates to false, the role is not enabled. In either case, Oracle Database Vault processes the associated auditing and custom event handlers for the rule set associated with the secure application role. Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles This tutorial demonstrates how to create a secure application role to control user access to the OE.ORDERS table during work hours. • About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you restrict the SELECT statement on the ORDERS table in the OE schema to a specific set of users. • Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial First, you must create users for the tutorial. • Step 2: Enable the OE User Account The OE schema will be used for this tutorial. • Step 3: Create the Rule Set and Its Rules The rule set and rules will restrict who can modify orders in the OE.ORDERS table. • Step 4: Create the Database Vault Secure Application Role The Database Vault secure application role will be set when the rule set conditions are satisfied. • Step 5: Grant the SELECT Privilege to the Secure Application Role The secure application role must be granted the SELECT privilege. • Step 6: Test the Database Vault Secure Application Role With all the components in place, you can test the Database Vault secure application role. • Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you restrict the SELECT statement on the ORDERS table in the OE schema to a specific set of users. Furthermore, these users can only perform these statements on the OE.ORDERS table from within the office, not from a remote connection. To accomplish this, you create an Oracle Database Vault secure application role that is enabled for the user only if the user passes the checks enforced by the rule set that you associate with the secure application role. Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial First, you must create users for the tutorial. 9-5 Chapter 9 Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles 1. Log in to SQL*Plus as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password In a multitenant environment, you must connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. Create the following user accounts: GRANT CREATE SESSION TO eabel IDENTIFIED BY password; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ahutton IDENTIFIED BY password; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ldoran IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. Step 2: Enable the OE User Account The OE schema will be used for this tutorial. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the DV_ACCTMGR user. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Check the account status of the OE account. SELECT USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS FROM DBA_USERS WHERE USERNAME = 'OE'; 3. If the OE account is locked and expired, unlock it and assign it a new password. ALTER USER OE ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY password; Step 3: Create the Rule Set and Its Rules The rule set and rules will restrict who can modify orders in the OE.ORDERS table. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, select Rule Sets. The Rule Sets page appears. 3. Click Create. The Create Rule Set page appears. 4. Enter the following information: 9-6 Chapter 9 Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles • Name: Enter Can Modify Orders. • Description: Enter Rule set to control who can modify orders in the OE.ORDERS table. • Status: Select Enabled. • Evaluation Options: Select All True. 5. Leave the remaining settings and their defaults, and then click Next to go to the Associate with Rules page. 6. Click Create Rule and in the Create Rule dialog box, enter the following settings: • Name: Check IP Address • Expression: DVF.F$CLIENT_IP = 'your_IP_address' For the Check IP Address rule, replace your_IP_address with the IP address for your computer. In a real-world scenario, you would create an expression that includes all the IP addresses for the users who should be allowed access. This rule uses the default factor Client_IP. If this factor has been removed, then you can use the following rule expression instead: UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS')) = 'your_IP_address' 7. Click OK. 8. Click Create Rule again and in the Create Rule dialog box, enter the following settings: • Name: Check Session User • Expression: DVF.F$SESSION_USER IN ('EABEL','AHUTTON') This rule uses the default factor Session_User. If this factor have been removed or modified, you can use the following rule expression instead: UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SESSION_USER')) IN ('EABEL','AHUTTON') 9. Click OK. 10. Click Done, then click Finish. Step 4: Create the Database Vault Secure Application Role The Database Vault secure application role will be set when the rule set conditions are satisfied. 1. In Oracle Database Vault, return to the Administration page. 2. Under Administration, select Secure Application Roles. The Secure Application Roles page appears. 3. Click Create. The Create Role page appears. 4. In the Role box, enter ORDERS_MGMT to name the role. 5. Under Rule Set, select Can Modify Orders. 6. Click OK. At this stage, the Database Vault secure application role and its associated rule set are created, though the role does not yet have any privileges. 9-7 Chapter 9 Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles Step 5: Grant the SELECT Privilege to the Secure Application Role The secure application role must be granted the SELECT privilege. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect as user OE. CONNECT OE -- Or, CONNECT OE@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Grant the SELECT privilege to the ORDERS_MGMT Database Vault Secure application role. GRANT SELECT ON ORDERS TO ORDERS_MGMT; Step 6: Test the Database Vault Secure Application Role With all the components in place, you can test the Database Vault secure application role. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect directly to the database as user eabel. connect eabel@orcl Enter password: password Replace orcl with the name of your database instance. 2. Set the ORDERS_MGMT role. EXEC DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE('ORDERS_MGMT'); Typically, you would embed this call in the application that the user logs in to. 3. Select from the OE.ORDERS table. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM OE.ORDERS; The following output should appear: COUNT(*) ---------105 Because user eabel is logging directly into the database from the correct IP address and is listed as a valid session user, she can select from the OE.ORDERS table. If user ahutton logs in to SQL*Plus in the same manner, she also can select from the OE.ORDERS table. 4. Reconnect as user eabel without specifying the database instance, and then try to select from the OE.ORDERS table again. CONNECT eabel Enter password: password EXEC DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE('ORDERS_MGMT'); The following output should appear: Error at line 1: ORA-47305: Rule Set Violation on SET ROLE (Can Modfiy Orders) ... 9-8 Chapter 9 Tutorial: Granting Access with Database Vault Secure Application Roles Next: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM OE.ORDERS; The following output should appear: ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Even though user eabel is a valid user, she has violated the Check IP Address rule in the rule set, so she cannot enable the ORDERS_MGMT role. The only way for the IP address to be recognized is to connect by specifying the database instance, as user eabel did in Step 1. (For an explanation about how this works, see Step 9 in Step 3: Map the Domain Factor Identities to the Client_IP Factor, in Configuring Factors.) 5. Connect as user ldoran. CONNECT ldoran -- Or, CONNECT ldoran@hrpdb Enter password: password 6. Enter the following statements: EXEC DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE('ORDERS_MGMT'); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM OE.ORDERS; Because user ldoran is not a valid user, she cannot enable the ORDERS_MGMT role. Therefore, she cannot select from the OE.ORDERS table. Step 7: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. Delete the ORDERS_MGMT secure application role: From the Secure Application Roles page, select the ORDERS_MGMT secure application role, and then click Delete, and then Yes in the Confirmation dialog box. 3. Select the Rule Sets page, select the Can Modify Orders rule set, and then click Delete. 4. In the Confirmation dialog box, select Yes to remove the rule set. 5. Select the Rules page, select the Check IP Address and Check Session User rules, and then select Delete. Select Yes in the Confirmation box. Hold the Control key down to select multiple rules. 6. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Database Vault Account Manager and drop the users. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password DROP USER eabel; DROP USER ahutton; DROP USER ldoran; 9-9 Chapter 9 How Secure Application Roles Affect Performance 7. If unnecessary, lock and expire the OE user account. ALTER USER OE ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE; How Secure Application Roles Affect Performance You can check system performance by Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Other tools that you can use are Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and TKPROF. See Also: • Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide to learn how to monitor database performance • Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide to monitor the performance of individual SQL and PL/SQL statements Secure Application Role Related Reports and Data Dictionary View Oracle Database Vault provides reports and a data dictionary view that you can use to analyze Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. Table 9-1 lists the Oracle Database Vault reports. See Oracle Database Vault Reports for information about how to run these reports. Table 9-1 Reports Related to Secure Application Roles Report Description Secure Application Role Audit Report Lists audit records generated by the Oracle Database Vault secure application roleenabling operation. To generate this type of audit record, enable auditing for the rule set associated with the role. Secure Application Configuration Issues Report Lists secure application roles that have nonexistent database roles, or incomplete or disabled rule sets Rule Set Configuration Issues Report Lists rule sets that have no rules defined or enabled, which may affect the secure application roles that use them Powerful Database Accounts and Roles Reports Provides information about powerful database accounts and roles You can use the DBA_DV_ROLE data dictionary view to find the Oracle Database Vault secure application roles used in privilege management. See DBA_DV_ROLE View for more information. 9-10 10 Configuring Oracle Database Vault Policies You can use Oracle Database Vault policies to implement frequently used realm and command rule settings. • What Are Database Vault Policies? An Oracle Database Vault policy groups local realms and command rules into a named policy that you can enable or disable as necessary. • Default Oracle Database Vault Policies Oracle Database Vault provides two default policies that you can use to better secure user accounts and system privileges. • Creating an Oracle Database Policy To create an Oracle Database Vault policy, you create a container policy that specifies the realms and command rules that encompass the policy. • Modifying an Oracle Database Vault Policy You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to modify an Oracle Database Vault policy. • Deleting an Oracle Database Vault Policy You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to delete Oracle Database Vault policies. • Related Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides data dictionary views that are useful for analyzing Database Vault policies. What Are Database Vault Policies? An Oracle Database Vault policy groups local realms and command rules into a named policy that you can enable or disable as necessary. • About Oracle Database Vault Policies Oracle Database Vault policies can group realm and command rule definitions into one policy, which then can be collectively enabled or disabled. • Oracle Database Vault Policies in a Multitenant Environment Oracle Database Vault policies are only local to the pluggable database (PDB) in which they were created. About Oracle Database Vault Policies Oracle Database Vault policies can group realm and command rule definitions into one policy, which then can be collectively enabled or disabled. Database Vault policies enable you to delegate limited realm administration privileges to database users without giving them the powerful privileges that the DVADM and DVOWNER roles provide. Oracle Database Vault provides default policies. For example, suppose you have a set of Oracle Database Vault objects that are related to a particular application, such as a realm and several command rules. You 10-1 Chapter 10 What Are Database Vault Policies? can use a Database Vault policy to group these objects into one policy. You then can designate a policy administrator to manage adding users to a realm for this application and for enabling or disabling the policy. If there is only one primary application, then it can be used for manageability where a user can enable, disable, or simulate (use simulation mode) all related objects with one command rather than issuing a command for each included Database Vault object. How the enablement of the individual realms and command rules works depends on how you set the policy state of the policy, as follows: • Full enabled mode (DBMS_MACADM.G_ENABLED) sets the policy to take precedence over the individual enablement settings of the associated realms and command rules. For example, if the associated objects of a policy are individually disabled, then they will be enabled if the policy is enabled. (Conversely, you can set DBMS_MACADM.G_PARTIAL to allow the embedded security objects to set their own enabled, disabled, or simulation mode.) • Partial enabled mode (DBMS_MACADM.G_PARTIAL) enables the associated realms and command rules to have different status settings (ENABLED, DISABLED, and SIMULATION). The other policy status choices force all associated controls to the same status dictated by the policy. Setting the policy status to partial allows each realm and command rule to change status as required. • Simulation mode (DBMS_MACACM.G.SIMULATION) enables the policy but writes violations to realms or command rules to a designated log table with information about the type of violation, such as a user name or the SQL statement that was used. Simulation forces every security object in the policy to be in simulation mode. • Disabled mode (DBMS_MACADM.G_DISABLED) disables the policy after you create it. In general, to create a Database Vault policy, you perform the following steps: 1. Create the necessary realms and command rules to use in the policy. 2. Create the Database Vault policy. You can use the DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY procedure to create the policy. 3. Add one or more realms to the policy. You can use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY procedure to add realms to the policy. 4. Add one or more command rules to the policy. You can use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_CMD_TO_POLICY procedure to add command rules to the policy. 5. Add one or more database users as owners of the policy. You can use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY procedure to add users to the policy. Afterward, grant this user the DV_POLICY_OWNER role. This user will be able to perform a limited set of tasks: changing the policy state, adding or removing authorization from a realm, and having the SELECT privilege for a set of the DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER* data dictionary views. By default, the DVOWNER user owns the policy. After the policy is created, it can be used right away. This section explains how to configure policies by using the Oracle Database Vault Administrator pages in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. To configure policies 10-2 Chapter 10 Default Oracle Database Vault Policies by using the PL/SQL interfaces and packages provided by Oracle Database Vault, you must use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package. Related Topics • Default Oracle Database Vault Policies Oracle Database Vault provides two default policies that you can use to better secure user accounts and system privileges. • Oracle Database Vault Policy APIs You can use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage Oracle Database Vault policies. • DV_POLICY_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role The DV_POLICY_OWNER role enables database users to manage to a limited degree Oracle Database Vault policies. Oracle Database Vault Policies in a Multitenant Environment Oracle Database Vault policies are only local to the pluggable database (PDB) in which they were created. That is, if you created the policy in a PDB, then only local realms and command rules can be added to it. You cannot create Database Vault policies that can have common realms or common command rules. Default Oracle Database Vault Policies Oracle Database Vault provides two default policies that you can use to better secure user accounts and system privileges. You can use the default policies in your own security configurations. If you do not need them, then you can remove them because they are not needed for internal use by Oracle Database Vault. The default policies are as follows: • Oracle Account Management Controls enforces controls over user-related operations within Oracle Database Vault. It is used to prevent ad hoc user account creation, user deletions, and other user account-related operations by unauthorized privileged users. It includes the Database Vault Account Management realm and user account management command rules for SQL statements such as CREATE USER. • Oracle System Protection Controls enforces controls on important database schemas, privileges, and roles that are associated with the default Oracle Database environment. It includes the realms such as Oracle Default Schema Protection Realm and command rules for the system management SQL statement ALTER SYSTEM. Related Topics • DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View The DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT data dictionary view lists information about the objects that are protected by Oracle Database Vault policies in the current database instance. 10-3 Chapter 10 Creating an Oracle Database Policy Creating an Oracle Database Policy To create an Oracle Database Vault policy, you create a container policy that specifies the realms and command rules that encompass the policy. You can enable the policy during creation time, or enable it later on. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. Create the realms and command rules that you want to associate with the policy, using Creating a Realm and Creating a Rule Set. 3. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Policies to display the Policies page. 4. In the Policies page, click Create to display the Create Policy page. 10-4 Chapter 10 Creating an Oracle Database Policy 5. In the Create Policy page, under General, enter the following settings: • Name: Enter a policy name, up to 128 characters. • Description: Enter a description of the policy, up to 4000 characters. • Status: Select from the following: – Enabled enables the policy after you create it. – Disabled disables the policy after you create it. – Simulation sets the policy to simulation mode. In simulation mode, any violations to realms or command rules used in the policy are logged in a designated log table with sufficient information to describe the error, such as the user name or SQL statement used. – Partial enables the enforcement state of realms or command rules associated with the policy to be changed individually. 6. Under Realms, click Add to select a realm to add to the policy. Then click OK. 7. Under Command Rules, click Add to select a command rule to add to the policy. Then click OK. 8. Under Owners, click Add to add an owner to the policy. Then click OK. 9. Click Next. 10. In the Review page, click Finish. 11. So that the Database Vault policy owner can query policy related views and execute the allowed procedures, grant this user the DV_POLICY_OWNER role. For example: GRANT DV_POLICY_OWNER TO psmith; 10-5 Chapter 10 Modifying an Oracle Database Vault Policy Modifying an Oracle Database Vault Policy You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to modify an Oracle Database Vault policy. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Policies. 3. Select the row for the policy that you want to change. 4. Click Edit. 5. In the Edit Policy page, modify the settings as necessary. 6. Click Next, and then click Finish. Deleting an Oracle Database Vault Policy You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to delete Oracle Database Vault policies. When you delete an Oracle Database Vault policy, the underlying realms and command rules are preserved, and they retain their individual enablement status. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Policies. 3. Select the row for the policy that you want to delete, click Delete, and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Related Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides data dictionary views that are useful for analyzing Database Vault policies. Table 10-1 lists data dictionary views that provide information about existing Oracle Database Vault policies. Table 10-1 Data Dictionary Views Used for Oracle Database Vault Policies Data Dictionary View Description DBA_DV_POLICY View Lists the Database Vault policies, a description, and their state DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View Provides detailed information about the policies, such as the associated realms and command rules DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View Lists the owners of Database Vault policies 10-6 Chapter 10 Related Data Dictionary Views Table 10-1 Policies (Cont.) Data Dictionary Views Used for Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary View Description DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View Enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the authorization that was granted to realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies, such as the realm name, grantee, and associated rule set. DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View Enbles users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the command rules that have been associated with Database Vault policies, such as the command rule name. DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View Enbles users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information such as the names, descriptions, and states of existing policies in the current database instance, including policies created by other policy owners DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View Eenables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information such as the names, descriptions, and states of existing policies in the current database instance, including policies created by other policy owners DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM View Eenables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies, such as the realm name, audit options, or type DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT View Enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the objects that have been added to realms that are associated with Database Vault policies, such as the realm name, grantee, and associated rule set DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE View Enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rules that have been associated with rule sets in Database Vault policies, such as the rule name and its expression DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View Enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rule sets that have been associated with Database Vault policies, such as the rule set name, its handler information, and whether it is enabled DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE View Enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rule sets that contain rules used in Database Vault policies, such as the rule set name and whether it is enabled 10-7 11 Using Simulation Mode for Logging Realm and Command Rule Activities Simulation mode writes the activities performed on realms and command rules to a log file, which is accessible through a data dictionary view. • About Simulation Mode Simulation mode enables you to capture a record of errors during the development phase of a realm or command rule. • Simulation Mode Use Cases Simulation mode is useful for testing a development configuration of new realms and command rules. • Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode This tutorial shows how to create a realm that uses simulation mode and then test violations to the realm. About Simulation Mode Simulation mode enables you to capture a record of errors during the development phase of a realm or command rule. Simulation mode stores the errors that are captured in one location for easy analysis. To use simulation mode, when you create or update a realm or command rule, instead of enabling or disabling the realm or command rule, you can set it to simulation mode. The realm or command rule is still enabled, but because violations are not blocked and are instead recorded to the simulation log file, you can test it for any potential errors before you enable it for a production environment. For example, the following creation statement for a realm enables simulation mode: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name => 'HR Apps', description => 'Realm to protect the HR realm', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL, realm_type => 1, realm_scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / At this stage, SQL statements that violate realms or command rules are still able to execute, but these activities are recorded to the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view. For example, the following query finds violations against the HR Apps realm: SELECT USERNAME, COMMAND, SQLTEXT, VIOLATION_TYPE FROM DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG WHERE REALM_NAME = "HR APPS"; USERNAME COMMAND SQLTEXT VIOLATION_TYPE 11-1 Chapter 11 Simulation Mode Use Cases -------- ---------- ------------------------------- -------------DGRANT SELECT SELECT SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES; Realm Violation After you have completed testing the realm or command rule, a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN or DV_OWNER role can clear the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view by deleting the contents of the underlying table of this view, DVSYS.SIMULATION_LOG$. For example: DELETE FROM DVSYS.SIMULATION_LOG$; Or: DELETE FROM DVSYS.SIMULATION_LOG$ WHERE COMMAND = 'SELECT'; Simulation Mode Use Cases Simulation mode is useful for testing a development configuration of new realms and command rules. Use cases are as follows: • Application certification When you are certifying applications, you can use simulation mode as follows in an application test environment: • 1. Put all schemas for the application into mandatory realms with simulation mode enabled. 2. Run a full regression test. 3. Analyze the simulation mode log by querying the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view to find who can access these schemas. 4. Update the realms with new authorizations, and the enable the realms (that is, not using simulation mode). 5. Re-run the regression test. Introduction of a new command rule You can use simulation mode on a production database that has Oracle Database Vault enabled. • 1. Put the new command rule into production in simulation mode for however many weeks that are necessary. 2. Analyze the simulation mode log by querying DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG to determine if the command rule is working correctly. 3. Make changes to the command rule as necessary. 4. Enable the command rule. Putting a new realm into a production database in simulation mode. This method can help to find the system context information needed to set the trusted path rules in rule sets and find authorized users for realms. 1. Create the new realm in mandatory mode and add the protected objects 2. Do not add any authorized users. 11-2 Chapter 11 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode 3. Run applications and development operations from the normal IP addresses that will be used. 4. Check the simulation log file for both authorized users and system context information that you can use to create trusted paths. 5. Create the trusted paths, and then add the authorized users. 6. Clear the simulation log and run the application and development operation tasks again. 7. After a period of time, review the simulation log. If all the controls were updated correctly, then the simulation log is empty. Log entries in the simulation mode indicate additional changes that you need to make to the realm and rule sets or the log entries may indicate a malicious use. Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode This tutorial shows how to create a realm that uses simulation mode and then test violations to the realm. • About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you will create a realm around the HR.EMPLOYEES schema and test violations against it. • Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial You must create three users for this tutorial. . • Step 2: Create a Realm and an Oracle Database Vault Policy Next, you create a realm around the HR.EMPLOYEES table, and then add this realm to an Oracle Database Vault policy. • Step 3: Test the Realm and Policy User tjones_dba will commit a violation on the realm to test the realm and policy. • Step 4: Query the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View for Violations Now you can check the simulation mode log the violations that user tjones_dba committed. • Step 5: Enable and Re-test the Realm Now that you have captured the violations, user psmith can update the HR.EMPLOYEES_pol policy. • Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial In this tutorial, you will create a realm around the HR.EMPLOYEES schema and test violations against it. The HR.EMPLOYEES schema contains confidential data such employee salaries. To test the realm, an administrator, tjones_dba, will look up and modify the salary of another employee, smavris. The Database Vault administrator, leo_dvowner, will use simulation mode to track the violations to the HR.EMPLOYEES schema. To accomplish this, user leo_dvowner will create a Database Vault policy, which a delegated administrator, user 11-3 Chapter 11 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode psmith, will own. User psmith will then be able to make limited changes to the policy without needing the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial You must create three users for this tutorial. . The users are: psmith, who is the Database Vault policy owner; tjones_dba, who commits violations on the HR.EMPLOYEES table; and smavris, whose salary is the recipient of tjones_dba’s violations. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password In a multitenant environment, you must log in to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. Create the following users and grant them the CREATE SESSION privilege. GRANT CREATE SESSION TO psmith IDENTIFIED BY password; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO tjones_dba IDENTIFIED BY password; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO smavris IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. 3. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 4. Grant user psmith the DV_POLICY_OWNER role, which enables psmith to manage Database Vault policies. GRANT DV_POLICY_OWNER TO psmith; 5. Connect as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password 6. Grant the DBA role to user tjones_dba GRANT DBA TO tjones_dba; 7. Connect as the HR schema owner. CONNECT HR -- Or, HR@hrpdb Enter password: password 8. Grant the SELECT privilege on the HR.EMPLOYEES table to user smavris 11-4 Chapter 11 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode GRANT SELECT ON HR.EMPLOYEES TO smavris; At this stage, the users have all been created and granted the appropriate privileges. Step 2: Create a Realm and an Oracle Database Vault Policy Next, you create a realm around the HR.EMPLOYEES table, and then add this realm to an Oracle Database Vault policy. 1. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Create the realm around HR.EMPLOYEES table as follows. These procedures create the HR.EMPLOYEES_realm realm, add the HR.EMPLOYEES table to this realm, authenticate HR as an owner, and authenticate user psmith as an participant. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name => 'HR.EMPLOYEES_realm', description => 'Realm to protect HR.EMPLOYEES', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL, realm_type => 0); END; / BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'HR.EMPLOYEES_realm', object_owner => 'HR', object_name => 'EMPLOYEES', object_type => 'TABLE'); END; / 3. Create the HR.EMPLOYEES_pol Database Vault policy and set it to be in simulation mode. These procedures create the HR.EMPLOYEES_pol policy, add the realm that was just created to the policy, and then add user psmith as the owner of the policy. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR.EMPLOYEES_pol', description => 'Policy to protect HR.EMPLOYEES', policy_state => DBMS_MACADM.G_SIMULATION); END; / BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR.EMPLOYEES_pol', realm_name => 'HR.EMPLOYEES_realm'); END; / 11-5 Chapter 11 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR.EMPLOYEES_pol', owner_name => 'PSMITH'); END; / At this point, the realm and policy are ready to be tested. Step 3: Test the Realm and Policy User tjones_dba will commit a violation on the realm to test the realm and policy. 1. Connect as user tjones_dba. CONNECT tjones_dba -- Or, tjones_dba@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Query the HR.EMPLOYEES table for the salary of smavris. SELECT SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS'; Output similar to the following should appear: SALARY ---------6500 3. Cut smavris’s salary in half. UPDATE HR.EMPLOYEES SET SALARY = SALARY / 2 WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS'; 1 row updated. 4. Connect as user smavris. CONNECT smavris -- Or, smavris@hrpdb 5. Query the salary of smavris. SELECT SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS'; Output similar to the following should appear: SALARY ---------3250 At this point, tjones_dba’s violations have been recorded in the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view. Step 4: Query the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View for Violations Now you can check the simulation mode log the violations that user tjones_dba committed. 1. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. For example: 11-6 Chapter 11 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Query the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view. SELECT USERNAME, SQLTEXT, VIOLATION_TYPE FROM DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG WHERE REALM_NAME = 'HR.EMPLOYEES_REALM'; Output similar to the following should appear: USERNAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQLTEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VIOLATION_TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------TJONES_DBA SELECT SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS' Realm Violation TJONES_DBA UPDATE HR.EMPLOYEES SET SALARY = SALARY / 2 WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS' Realm Violation USERNAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQLTEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VIOLATION_TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------TJONES_DBA UPDATE HR.EMPLOYEES SET SALARY = SALARY / 2 WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS' Realm Violation The output indicates that user tjones_dba has committed two offences: first, he looked at another employee’s salary, and not only that, he cut it in half. The violation type is a realm violation. The query by smavris was not captured because she legitimately can look at her salary. Step 5: Enable and Re-test the Realm Now that you have captured the violations, user psmith can update the HR.EMPLOYEES_pol policy. This is so that the HR.EMPLOYEES_realm realm can be enabled. Then you can test the violations again. 1. Connect as user psmith. CONNECT psmith -- Or, psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Update the policy so that it is enabled. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_POLICY_STATE( policy_name => 'HR.EMPLOYEES_pol', policy_state => 1); END; / 3. Connect as user tjones_dba. 11-7 Chapter 11 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode CONNECT tjones_dba --Or, tjones_dba@hrpdb 4. Try lowering smavris’s salary to new depths. UPDATE HR.EMPLOYEES SET SALARY = SALARY / 2 WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS'; Output similar to the following should appear: ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges The policy, now enabled, enables the realm to protect the HR.EMPLOYEES table. smavris’s salary can shrink no more. Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Remove the HR.EMPLOYEES_pol Database Vault policy. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DROP_POLICY('HR.EMPLOYEES_pol'); You first must remove the policy before you can drop its contents. 3. Remove the HR.EMPLOYEES_realm realm. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM('HR.EMPLOYEES_realm'); 4. Remove the simulation mode log data that was accumulated. Because the simulation mode log only captured information about user tjones_dba, you can remove only the rows that relate to this user. DELETE FROM DVSYS.SIMULATION_LOG$ WHERE USERNAME = 'TJONES_DBA'; 5. Connect as user HR. CONNECT HR -- Or, CONNECT HR@hrpdb Enter password: password 6. Revert smavris’s salary back to its pre-violated state. UPDATE HR.EMPLOYEES SET SALARY = 6500 WHERE EMAIL = 'SMAVRIS'; 7. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password 8. Remove the users psmith, smavris, and tjones_dba. 11-8 Chapter 11 Tutorial: Tracking Violations to a Realm Using Simulation Mode DROP USER psmith; DROP USER smavris; DROP USER tjones_dba; 11-9 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Other Oracle Products You can integrate Oracle Database Vault with other Oracle products, such as Oracle Enterprise User Security. • Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Enterprise User Security You can integrate Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise User Security. • Configuring Oracle Database Vault Accounts as Enterprise User Accounts You can configure existing Oracle Database Vault user accounts as enterprise user accounts. • Integration of Oracle Database Vault with Transparent Data Encryption Transparent Data Encryption complements Oracle Database Vault in that it provides data protection when the data leaves the secure perimeter of the database. • Attaching Factors to an Oracle Virtual Private Database You can attach factors to an Oracle Virtual Private Database. • Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security You can integrate Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security, and check the integration with reports and data dictionary views. • Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Data Guard An Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Data Guard integration requires first, the primary database configuration, then the standby database configration. • Registering Oracle Internet Directory Using Oracle Database Configuration Asssitant You can use Oracle Internet Directory in an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database. Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Enterprise User Security You can integrate Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise User Security. • About Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Enterprise User Security Enterprise User Security centrally manages database users and authorizations in one place. • Configuring an Enterprise User Authorization To configure an Enterprise User authorization, you must create an Oracle Database Vault rule set to control the user access. 12-1 Chapter 12 Configuring Oracle Database Vault Accounts as Enterprise User Accounts About Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Enterprise User Security Enterprise User Security centrally manages database users and authorizations in one place. It is combined with Oracle Identity Management and is available in Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. In general, to integrate Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise User Security, you configure the appropriate realms to protect the data that you want to protect in the database. After you define the Oracle Database Vault realms as needed, you can create a rule set for the Enterprise users to allow or disallow their access. See Also: Oracle Database Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide for more information about Enterprise User Security Configuring an Enterprise User Authorization To configure an Enterprise User authorization, you must create an Oracle Database Vault rule set to control the user access. 1. Create a rule to allow or disallow user access. Follow the instructions in Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set to create a new rule. In the Create Rule page, enter the following PL/SQL in the Rule Expression field: SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','AUTHENTICATED_IDENTITY') = 'user_domain_name' Replace user_domain_name with the domain, for example: SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','AUTHENTICATED_IDENTITY') = '' 2. Add this rule to a new rule set. Creating a Rule Set explains how to create a new rule set, including how to add an existing rule to it. 3. Add this rule set to the realm authorization for the data that you want to protect. About Realm Authorization explains how to create realm authorizations. In the Authorization Rule Set list, select the rule set that you created in Step 2. Afterward, the realm authorization applies to all users. Configuring Oracle Database Vault Accounts as Enterprise User Accounts You can configure existing Oracle Database Vault user accounts as enterprise user accounts. 12-2 Chapter 12 Configuring Oracle Database Vault Accounts as Enterprise User Accounts 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the CREATE ROLE system privilege. For example: sqlplus system Enter password: password 2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: CONNECT SYSTEM@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 3. Create a global role for the DV_OWNER role and a global role for the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: CREATE ROLE g_dv_owner IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY; CREATE ROLE g_dv_acctmgr IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY; 4. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. For example: CONNECT dbv_owner -- Or, CONNECT dbv_owner@hrpdb Enter password: password 5. Grant the DV_OWNER role to the global DV_OWNER role. GRANT DV_OWNER TO g_dv_owner; 6. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: CONNECT dbv_acctmgr -- Or, CONNECT dbv_acctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password 7. Grant the DV_ACCTMGR role to the global DV_ACCTMGR role. GRANT DV_ACCTMGR TO g_dv_acctmgr; 8. Connect as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password 9. Temporarily grant the DV_ACCTMGR user who will import the Database Vault users into OID the CREATE TABLE privilege and the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role. GRANT CREATE TABLE, SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO dbv_acctmgr; 10. From the command line, run the User Migration Utility (UMU) to import the Database Vault accounts into Oracle Internet Directory (OID). The following example imports the Database Vault accounts leo_dvowner and bea_dvacctmgr into OID. The DV_ACCTMGR user is specified for the DBADMIN setting. $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/bin/umu PHASE=ONE DBADMIN=dbv_acctmgr:password ENTADMIN=cn=jane_ent_admin,dc=example,dc=com:password USERS= LIST 12-3 Chapter 12 Integration of Oracle Database Vault with Transparent Data Encryption USERSLIST=leo_dvowner:bea_dvacctmgr MAPSCHEMA=PRIVATE CONTEXT=CONTEXT="c=Users, c=us" KREALM=EXAMPLE.COM $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/bin/umu PHASE=TWO DBADMIN=dbv_acctmgr:password ENTADMIN=cn=jane_ent_admin,dc=example,dc=com:password By default, errors are written to the $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/umu.log file. 11. From the Oracle Internet Directory Self Service Console (http://hostname:port/ oiddas/), grant the global DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles (for example, g_dv_owner and g_dv_acctmgr) to the enterprise user Database Vault accounts. See the example of creating enterprise users in Oracle Database Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide for a demonstration of creating an enterprise role from a global role and then granting this role to a user. 12. From SQL*Plus, as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege, revoke the CREATE TABLE and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role from the DV_ACCTMGR user. REVOKE CREATE TABLE, SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE FROM dbv_acctmgr; See Also: Oracle Database Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide for detailed information about the User Migration Utility Integration of Oracle Database Vault with Transparent Data Encryption Transparent Data Encryption complements Oracle Database Vault in that it provides data protection when the data leaves the secure perimeter of the database. With Transparent Data Encryption, a database administrator or database security administrator can simply encrypt columns with sensitive content in application tables, or encrypt entire application tablespaces, without any modification to the application. If a user passes the authentication and authorization checks, Transparent Data Encryption automatically encrypts and decrypts information for the user. This way, you can implement encryption without having to change your applications. Once you have granted the Transparent Data Encryption user the appropriate privileges, then Transparent Data Encryption can be managed as usual and be used complimentary to Database Vault. Figure 12-1 shows how Oracle Database Vault realms handle encrypted data. 12-4 Chapter 12 Attaching Factors to an Oracle Virtual Private Database Figure 12-1 Encrypted Data and Oracle Database Vault Data automatically decrypted through SQL Realm Realm Data automatically encrypted through SQL Realm Sensitive data remains encrypted on backup files See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Security Guide for detailed information about Transparent Data Encryption Attaching Factors to an Oracle Virtual Private Database You can attach factors to an Oracle Virtual Private Database. 1. Define a Virtual Private Database policy predicate that is a PL/SQL function or expression. 2. For each function or expression, use the DVF.F$ PL/SQL function that is created for each factor. See Also: Oracle Database Security Guide Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about Oracle Virtual Private Database Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security You can integrate Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security, and check the integration with reports and data dictionary views. • How Oracle Database Vault Is Integrated with Oracle Label Security An Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration enables you to assign an OLS label to a Database Vault factor identity. 12-5 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security • Requirements for Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security You must fulfill specific requirements in place before you use Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security. • Using Oracle Database Vault Factors with Oracle Label Security Policies To enhance security, you can integrate Oracle Database Vault factors with Oracle Label Security policies. • Tutorial: Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security An Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration can grant different levels of access to two administrative users who have the same privileges. • Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that list information about the Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration. How Oracle Database Vault Is Integrated with Oracle Label Security An Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration enables you to assign an OLS label to a Database Vault factor identity. In Oracle Label Security, you can restrict access to records in database tables or PL/SQL programs. For example, Mary may be able to see data protected by the HIGHLY SENSITIVE label, an Oracle Label Security label on the EMPLOYEE table that includes records that should have access limited to certain managers. Another label can be PUBLIC, which allows more open access to this data. In Oracle Database Vault, you can create a factor called Network, for the network on which the database session originates, with the following identities: • Intranet: Used for when an employee is working on site within the intranet for your company. • Remote: Used for when the employee is working at home from a VPN connection. You then assign a maximum session label to both. For example: • Assign the Intranet identity to the HIGHLY SENSITIVE Oracle Label Security label. • Assign the Remote identity to the PUBLIC label. This means that when Mary is working at home using her VPN connection, she has access only to the limited table data protected under the PUBLIC identity. But when she is in the office, she has access to the HIGHLY SENSITIVE data, because she is using the Intranet identity. Tutorial: Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security provides an example of how to accomplish this type of integration. In a non-unified auditing environment, you can audit the integration with Oracle Label Security by using the Label Security Integration Audit Report. Oracle Database Vault writes the audit trail to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. If unified auditing is enabled, then you can create audit policies to capture this information, as described in Oracle Database Security Guide. 12-6 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security See Also: • Label Security Integration Audit Report • Oracle Database Vault Oracle Label Security APIs for information about Database Vault APIs that you can use to integrate Database Vault with Oracle Label Security • Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views for information about reports that you can run on the Oracle Database Vault and Oracle Label Security integration • Oracle Label Security Administrator’s Guide for more information about Oracle Label Security labels Requirements for Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security You must fulfill specific requirements in place before you use Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security. • Oracle Label Security is licensed separately. Ensure that you have purchased a license to use it. • Before you install Oracle Database Vault, you must have already installed Oracle Label Security. • The installation process for Oracle Label Security creates the LBACSYS user account. As a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role, unlock this account and grant it a new password. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb for a PDB Enter password: password ALTER USER LBACSYS ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY password; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. • If you plan to use the LBACSYS user account in Oracle Enterprise Manager, then log into Enterprise Manager as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege, and grant this user the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE system privileges. • Ensure that you have the appropriate Oracle Label Security policies defined. For more information, see Oracle Label Security Administrator’s Guide. • If you plan to integrate an Oracle Label Security policy with a Database Vault policy, then ensure that the policy name for Oracle Label Security is less than 24 characters. You can check the names of Oracle Label Security policies by querying the POLICY_NAME column of the ALL_SA_POLICIES data dictionary view. 12-7 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security Using Oracle Database Vault Factors with Oracle Label Security Policies To enhance security, you can integrate Oracle Database Vault factors with Oracle Label Security policies. • About Using Oracle Database Vault Factors with Oracle Label Security Policies And Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration enables you to control the maximum security clearance for a database session. • Configuring Factors to Work with an Oracle Label Security Policy You can define factors that contribute to the maximum allowable data label of an Oracle Label Security policy. About Using Oracle Database Vault Factors with Oracle Label Security Policies And Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration enables you to control the maximum security clearance for a database session. Oracle Database Vault controls the maximum security clearance for a database session by merging the maximum allowable data for each label in a database session by merging the labels of Oracle Database Vault factors that are associated to an Oracle Label Security policy. In brief, a label acts as an identifier for the access privileges of a database table row. A policy is a name associated with the labels, rules, and authorizations that govern access to table rows. See Also: Oracle Label Security Administrator’s Guide for more information about row labels and policies Configuring Factors to Work with an Oracle Label Security Policy You can define factors that contribute to the maximum allowable data label of an Oracle Label Security policy. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. Make the user LBACSYS account an owner of the realm that contains the schema to which a label security policy has been applied. This enables the LBACSYS account to have access to all the protected data in the realm, so that it can properly classify the data. The LBACSYS account is created in Oracle Label Security using the Oracle Universal Installer custom installation option. Before you can create an Oracle Label Security policy for use with Oracle Database Vault, you must make LBACSYS an owner for the realm you plan to use. See About Realm Authorization for more information. 12-8 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security 3. Authorize the schema owner (on which the label security policy has been applied) as either a realm participant or a realm owner. 4. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click OLS Integration. 5. In the Label Security Policies Integration page: 6. • To register a new label security policy with Database Vault, click Create. • To edit an existing label security policy that has been registered with Database Vault, select it from the list and then click Edit. Enter the following settings: • Label Security Policy: From the list, select the Oracle Label Security policy that you want to use. • Algorithm: Optionally change the label-merging algorithm for cases when Oracle Label Security has merged two labels. In most cases, you may want to select LII - Minimum Level/Intersection/Intersection. This setting is the most commonly used method that Oracle Label Security administrators use when they want to merge two labels. This setting provides optimum flexibility when your applications must determine the resulting label that is required when combining two data sets that have different labels. It is also necessary for situations in which you must perform queries using joins on rows with different data labels. If you want to use the DBMS_MACADM package to specify a merge algorithm, see Table 20-2 for a full listing of possible merge algorithms. • 7. Label Security Policy Factors: In the Available Factors list under Label Security Policy Factors, select the factor that you want to associate with the Oracle Label Security policy. Then click Move to move the factor to the Selected Factors list. You can select multiple factors by holding down the Ctrl key as you click each factor that you want to select. Click OK. The policy is listed in the Label Security Policies Integration page. 8. Label the factor identities using the labels for the policy. Adding an Identity to a Factor provides detailed information. 12-9 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security Note: If you do not associate an Oracle Label Security policy with factors, then Oracle Database Vault maintains the default Oracle Label Security behavior for the policy. Tutorial: Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security An Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration can grant different levels of access to two administrative users who have the same privileges. • About This Tutorial You can use Oracle Database Vault factors with Oracle Label Security and Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) to restrict sensitive data access. • Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial You must create two administrative users for this tutorial. • Step 2: Create the Oracle Label Security Policy Next, you can create the Oracle Label Security policy and grant users the appropriate privileges for it. • Step 3: Create Oracle Database Vault Rules to Control the OLS Authorization After you create the Oracle Label Security policy, you can create Database Vault rules to work with it. • Step 4: Update the ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule to Use the Rule Set Before the rule set can be used, you must update the ALTER SYSTEM command rule, which is a default command rule. • Step 5: Test the Authorizations With all the components in place, you are ready to test the authorization. • Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. About This Tutorial You can use Oracle Database Vault factors with Oracle Label Security and Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) to restrict sensitive data access. You can restrict this data so that it is only exposed to a database session when the correct combination of factors exists, defined by the security administrator, for any given database session. Step 1: Create Users for This Tutorial You must create two administrative users for this tutorial. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password 12-10 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security In a multitenant environment, you must connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: sqlplus bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 2. Create the following local users: GRANT CREATE SESSION TO mdale IDENTIFIED BY password CONTAINER = CURRENT; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO jsmith IDENTIFIED BY password CONTAINER = CURRENT; Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure. 3. Connect as a user who can grant system privileges and who has been granted the owner authorization for the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm, and then grant administrative privileges to users mdale and jsmith. CONNECT dba_psmith -- Or, CONNECT dba_psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password GRANT DBA TO mdale, jsmith; At this stage, users mdale and jsmith have identical administrative privileges. Step 2: Create the Oracle Label Security Policy Next, you can create the Oracle Label Security policy and grant users the appropriate privileges for it. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Oracle Label Security administrator, LBACSYS. CONNECT LBACSYS -- Or, CONNECT LBACSYS@hrpdb Enter password: password If user LBACSYS is locked and expired, connect as the Database Vault Account Manager, unlock and unexpire the LBACSYS account, and then log back in as LBACSYS. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvaccmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password ALTER USER LBACSYS ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY password; CONNECT LBACSYS Enter password: password 2. Create a new Oracle Label Security policy: EXEC SA_SYSDBA.CREATE_POLICY('PRIVACY','PRIVACY_COLUMN','NO_CONTROL'); 3. Create the following levels for the PRIVACY policy: EXEC SA_COMPONENTS.CREATE_LEVEL('PRIVACY',2000,'S','SENSITIVE'); EXEC SA_COMPONENTS.CREATE_LEVEL('PRIVACY',1000,'C','CONFIDENTIAL'); 4. Create the PII compartment. 12-11 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security EXEC SA_COMPONENTS.CREATE_COMPARTMENT('PRIVACY',100,'PII','PERS_INFO'); 5. Grant users mdale and jsmith the following labels: EXEC SA_USER_ADMIN.SET_USER_LABELS('PRIVACY','mdale','S:PII'); EXEC SA_USER_ADMIN.SET_USER_LABELS('PRIVACY','jsmith','C'); User mdale is granted the more sensitive label, Sensitive, which includes the PII compartment. User jsmith gets the Confidential label, which is less sensitive. Step 3: Create Oracle Database Vault Rules to Control the OLS Authorization After you create the Oracle Label Security policy, you can create Database Vault rules to work with it. 1. Connect to SQL*Plus as the Database Vault Owner. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Create the following rule set: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET('PII Rule Set', 'Protect PII data from privileged users','Y',1,0,2,NULL,NULL,0,NULL); 3. Create a rule for the PII Rule Set. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE('Check OLS Factor', 'dominates(sa_utl.numeric_label(''PRIVACY''), char_to_label(''PRIVACY'',''S:PII'')) = ''1'''); Ensure that you use single quotes, as shown in this example, and not double quotes. 4. Add the Check OLS Factor rule to the PII Rule Set. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET('PII Rule Set', 'Check OLS Factor'); Step 4: Update the ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule to Use the Rule Set Before the rule set can be used, you must update the ALTER SYSTEM command rule, which is a default command rule. 1. As the Database Vault Owner, check the current value of the ALTER SYSTEM command rule, which is one of the default command rules when you install Oracle Database Vault. SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE WHERE COMMAND = 'ALTER SYSTEM'; 2. Make a note of these settings so that you can revert them to their original values later on. In a default installation, the ALTER SYSTEM command rule uses the Allow Fine Grained Control of System Parameters rule set, and is enabled. 3. Update the ALTER SYSTEM command rule to be associated with the PII Rule Set. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE('ALTER SYSTEM', 'PII Rule Set', '%', '%', 'Y'); This command adds the PII Rule Set to the ALTER SYSTEM command rule, applies it to all object owners and object names, and enables the command rule. 12-12 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security Step 5: Test the Authorizations With all the components in place, you are ready to test the authorization. 1. In SQL*Plus, log on as user mdale. CONNECT mdale -- Or, CONNECT mdale@hrpdb Enter password: password 2. Check the current setting for the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter. SHOW PARAMETER AUDIT_TRAIL NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ---------------------audit_trail string DB Make a note of this setting, so that you can revert it to its original setting later on. 3. As user mdale, use the ALTER SYSTEM statement to modify the CPU_COUNT parameter. ALTER SYSTEM SET CPU_COUNT = 4; System altered. Because user mdale was assigned the Sensitive label with the PII compartment, he can use the ALTER SYSTEM statement to modify the AUDIT_TRAIL system parameter. 4. Set the CPU_COUNT parameter back to its original value. For example: ALTER SYSTEM SET CPU_COUNT = 2; 5. Log in as user jsmith and then issue the same ALTER SYSTEM statement: CONNECT jsmith -- Or, CONNECT jsmith@hrpdb Enter password: password ALTER SYSTEM SET CPU_COUNT = 14; The following output should appear: ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges Because user jsmith was assigned only the Confidential label, he cannot perform the ALTER SYSTEM statement. Step 6: Remove the Components for This Tutorial You can remove the components that you created for this tutorial if you no longer need them. 1. Connect as the Oracle Label Security administrator and remove the label policy and its components. CONNECT LBACSYS -- Or, CONNECT LBACSYS@hrpdb Enter password: password EXEC SA_SYSDBA.DROP_POLICY('PRIVACY', TRUE); 12-13 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Label Security 2. Connect as the Oracle Database Vault Owner and issue the following commands in the order shown, to set the ALTER SYSTEM command rule back to its previous setting and remove the rule set. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner Enter password: password EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE('ALTER SYSTEM', 'Allow System Parameters','%', '%', 'Y'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET('PII Rule Set', 'Check OLS Factor'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE('Check OLS Factor'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_SET('PII Rule Set'); COMMIT; 3. Connect as the Database Vault Account Manager and remove users mdale and jsmith. CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr -- Or, CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password DROP USER mdale; DROP USER jsmith; Related Reports and Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides reports and data dictionary views that list information about the Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Label Security integration. Table 12-1 lists the Oracle Database Vault reports. See Oracle Database Vault Reports , for information about how to run these reports. Table 12-1 Reports Related to Database Vault and Oracle Label Security Integration Report Description Factor Configuration Issues Report Lists factors in which the Oracle Label Security policy does not exist. Identity Configuration Issues Report Lists invalid label identities (the Oracle Label Security label for this identity has been removed and no longer exists). Security Policy Exemption Report Lists accounts and roles that have the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY system privilege granted to them. Accounts that have this privilege can bypass all Virtual Private Database policy filters and any Oracle Label Security policies that use Oracle Virtual Private Database indirectly. Table 12-2 lists data dictionary views that provide information about existing Oracle Label Security policies used with Oracle Database Vault. Table 12-2 Data Dictionary Views Used for Oracle Label Security Data Dictionary View Description DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View Lists the Oracle Label Security policies defined 12-14 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Data Guard Table 12-2 (Cont.) Data Dictionary Views Used for Oracle Label Security Data Dictionary View Description DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View Lists the factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View Lists the Oracle Label Security label for each factor identifier in the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view for each policy Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Data Guard An Oracle Database Vault-Oracle Data Guard integration requires first, the primary database configuration, then the standby database configration. • Step 1: Configure the Primary Database You must run the DGMGRL and DBCA utilities, and then the ALTER SYSTEM statement, to configure the primary database. • Step 2: Configure the Standby Database You can perform the standby database configuration within the database to be used for the standby database. Step 1: Configure the Primary Database You must run the DGMGRL and DBCA utilities, and then the ALTER SYSTEM statement, to configure the primary database. 1. For Linux and UNIX systems, ensure there is an /etc/oratab entry for the database on the node in which you are installing Oracle Database Vault. 2. If you are using Data Guard Broker, then from the command prompt, disable the configuration as follows: dgmgrl sys Enter password: password DGMGRL> disable configuration; 3. Run Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) and configure the database options to add Oracle Database Vault to the primary database. a. From the command line, enter the following command to start DBCA: dbca b. Select the correct database type (Cluster or Single Instance) and click Next. c. In the Database Operation page, select Configure Database Options and click Next. d. Select the appropriate database and click Next. e. Select Oracle Label Security, which then enables you to select Oracle Database Vault and click Next. f. Enter the name of the Database Vault owner (required) and the Database Vault account manager (recommended). 12-15 Chapter 12 Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Data Guard Passwords must have at least one alphabetic character, one number, and one special character. g. Click Next. h. Choose appropriate connection mode and click Next. i. Click OK to restart the database. j. Click OK on Configure Additional Components. At this point, the installation on the primary site is complete. 4. Log into the database instance as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. sqlplus sys as sysdba Enter password: password 5. Run the following ALTER SYSTEM statements: ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SET SET SET SET SET SET SET AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS=TRUE SCOPE=SPFILE; OS_ROLES=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE; RECYCLEBIN='OFF' SCOPE=SPFILE; REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE='EXCLUSIVE' SCOPE=SPFILE; SQL92_SECURITY=TRUE SCOPE=SPFILE; REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE; REMOTE_OS_ROLES=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE; 6. Run the ALTER SYSTEM statement on each database instance to set the parameters as shown in Step 5. 7. Restart each database instance. CONNECT SYS AS SYSOPER Enter password: password SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP Step 2: Configure the Standby Database You can perform the standby database configuration within the database to be used for the standby database. 1. Log into the database instance as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. sqlplus sys as sysdba Enter password: password 2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate PDB. For example: CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 3. Mount a standby database instance. ALTER DATABASE MOUNT STANDBY DATABASE; 4. Run the following ALTER SYSTEM statements: 12-16 Chapter 12 Registering Oracle Internet Directory Using Oracle Database Configuration Asssitant ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER ALTER 5. SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SET SET SET SET SET SET SET AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS=TRUE SCOPE=SPFILE; OS_ROLES=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE; RECYCLEBIN='OFF' SCOPE=SPFILE; REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE='EXCLUSIVE' SCOPE=SPFILE; SQL92_SECURITY=TRUE SCOPE=SPFILE; REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE; REMOTE_OS_ROLES=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE; Restart or mount the database instance. For example: SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP 6. Mount the next standby instance. 7. Restart the managed recovery as follows: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE; 8. If you are using Data Guard Broker, then from the command line, re-enable the configuration. dgmgrl sys Enter password: password DGMGRL> enable configuration; This command applies the changes to the physical standby database made by the Oracle Database Vault installation on the primary database. 9. Repeat the physical standby installation process on each physical standby database. For example, if there are three physical standby databases, then run these procedures or each standby database. Registering Oracle Internet Directory Using Oracle Database Configuration Asssitant You can use Oracle Internet Directory in an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database. However, if you want to register Oracle Internet Directory (OID) using Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), then you must first disable Oracle Database Vault. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. 12-17 13 DBA Operations in an Oracle Database Vault Environment Database administrators can perform operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment, such as using Database Vault with products such as Oracle Data Pump. • Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Database Vault administrators can perform tasks in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control such as propagating polices to other databases. • Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Database administrators can authorize Oracle Data Pump users to work in a Database Vault environment. • Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault Users who are responsible for scheduling database jobs must have Oracle Database Vault-specific authorization. • Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault Users who perform Information Lifecycle Management operations on an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database must be granted authorization to perform these operations. • Executing Preprocessor Programs with Oracle Database Vault Users who execute preprocessor programs through external tables must have Oracle Database Vault-specific authorization. • Oracle Recovery Manager and Oracle Database Vault You can use Recovery Manager (RMAN) in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • Privileges for Using Oracle Streams with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use Oracle Streams in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the correct privileges. • Privileges for Using XStream with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use XStream in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the appropriate privileges. • Privileges for Using Oracle GoldenGate in with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use Oracle GoldenGate in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the appropriate privileges. • Using Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Environment You must have the correct authorization to perform data masking in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • Converting a Standalone Oracle Database to a PDB and Plugging It into a CDB You can convert a standalone Oracle Database Release 12c or later database to a PDB, and then plug this PDB into a CDB. • Using the ORADEBUG Utility with Oracle Database Vault The ORADEBUG utility is used primarily by Oracle Support to diagnose problems that may arise with an Oracle database. 13-1 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise Manager Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Database Vault administrators can perform tasks in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control such as propagating polices to other databases. • Propagating Oracle Database Vault Configurations to Other Databases You can propagate Database Vault configurations (such as a realm configuration) to other Database Vault-protected databases. • Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Alerts for Oracle Database Vault Policies To view Oracle Database Vault alerts, you must be granted the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role. • Oracle Database Vault-Specific Reports in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control From the Database Vault home page, you can find information about violations. • Changing the DBSNMP Account Password in a Database Vault Environment Before you can change the password for the DBSNMP user account, you must revoke the DV_MONITOR role from this account. Propagating Oracle Database Vault Configurations to Other Databases You can propagate Database Vault configurations (such as a realm configuration) to other Database Vault-protected databases. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Database Vault home page, under Database Vault Policy Propagation, select Database Vault Policy Propagation. The Available Policies area in the Policy Propagation subpage lists a summary of the Oracle Database Vault configurations that were created for the current database: that is, configurations that were created for realms, command rules, rule sets, and secure application roles. It does not list the Oracle Database Vault policies that were introduced in Oracle Database release 12c (12.2). From here, you can propagate these configurations to another database. 3. Under Available Policies, select each configuration that you want to propagate to another database. 13-2 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise Manager 4. Under Destination Databases, click the Add button. 5. Under Search and Select: Database Vault Enabled Destination Databases, search for the destination databases, and then select each database to which you want to propagate the configurations. Then click the Select button. 6. Under Destination Databases, do the following: a. Under Apply credentials across destination database(s), enter the user name and password of the administrator of the Database Vault database that contains the configurations you want to propagate. This feature applies the Database Vault administrator's user name and password to all of the selected destination databases. 7. b. Select each database to which you want to propagate the configurations. c. Enter the Database Vault administrator user name and password for each database. d. Click the Apply button. In the Propagate Options page, select from the following options. Any changes made to the seeded realms, command rules, rule sets, and so on will not be propagated to the destination databases. Only custom-created data are propagated. • Restore on failure: If the propagation operations encounters errors, then the propagation is rolled back. That is, the original policies on the destination database are restored. If you do not select this option, then the policy propagation on the destination database continues and ignores any errors. • Skip propagation if user defined policies exist: If the destination databases already have the user-defined configurations, then the propagation operation is not attempted. If you do not select this option, then regardless of whether user-defined policies exist on the destination database, all the existing 13-3 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Database Vault with Oracle Enterprise Manager configurations are cleared, and the configurations from the source database are applied to the destination database. • Propagate Enterprise Manager metric thresholds for database vault metrics: If the source database has Oracle Database Vault metric thresholds set, then these thresholds are also propagated to the destination databases. If you do not select this option, then only configurations are propagated and not the Oracle Database Vault thresholds. 8. Click the OK button. 9. In the Confirmation window, click OK. A message indicating success or failure appears. If the propagation succeeds, then the configurations are active right away in their destination databases. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Alerts for Oracle Database Vault Policies To view Oracle Database Vault alerts, you must be granted the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role. The alerts are as follows: • Database Vault Attempted Realm Violations. This alert helps the Oracle Database Vault security analyst (DV_SECANALYST role) to monitor violation attempts on the Database Vault database. This user can select the realms to be affected by the alert and filter these realms based on the different types of attempts by using error codes. You can enable this metric from the Metrics and Policy Settings page. By default, the attempted realm violations are collected every 24 hours. • Database Vault Attempted Command Rule Violations. The functionality for this alert is the same as for Database Vault Attempted Realm Violations, except that it focuses on violations on command rules. • Database Vault Realm Configuration Issues. This metric tracks and raises an alert if users misconfigure realms. This metric is enabled when you install Oracle Database vault, and by default it collects data every one hour. • Database Vault Command Rule Configuration Issues. This functionality for this alert is that same as Database Vault Realm Configuration Issues, except that it focuses on configuration changes to command rules. • Database Vault Policy Changes. This metric raises an alert on any change to any Database Vault policy, such as policies for realms and command rules. It provides a detailed policy changes report. Oracle Database Vault-Specific Reports in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control From the Database Vault home page, you can find information about violations. These violations are as follows: • Top five attempted violations on realm and command rule • Top five attempted violations by database users and client host 13-4 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault • Time series-based graphical reports on attempted violations for more detailed analysis To have full access to the Database Vault reports, you must log into Database Vault Administrator as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Reports Oracle Database Vault provides reports that track activities, such as the Database Vault configuration settings. Changing the DBSNMP Account Password in a Database Vault Environment Before you can change the password for the DBSNMP user account, you must revoke the DV_MONITOR role from this account. In an Oracle Database Vault environment, the DBSNMP user account is granted the DV_MONITOR role. (The DBSNMP user can change his or her own password directly, without having to have the DV_MONITOR role revoked first.) 1. Log into the database instance using an account that has been granted the DV_OWNER role. 2. Revoke the DV_MONITOR role from the DBSNMP user account. 3. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role and then change the DBSNMP user account password. 4. Connect as the DV_OWNER user and then grant the DV_MONITOR role back to the DBSNMP user account. Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Database administrators can authorize Oracle Data Pump users to work in a Database Vault environment. • About Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Database administrators who use Oracle Data Pump in an Database Vault environment must have Database Vault-specific authorization to export and import data. • Authorizing Users for Data Pump Regular Export and Import Operations You can use different authorization types for administrators who perform Oracle Data Pump export and import operations in a Database Vault environment. • Authorizing Users for Data Pump Transportable Export and Import Operations You can grant authorization levels for users who must perform Oracle Data Pump transportable operations. • Guidelines for Exporting or Importing Data in a Database Vault Environment After you grant the Oracle Data Pump database administrator the proper authorization, this user can perform any export or import operations that are necessary. 13-5 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault About Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Database administrators who use Oracle Data Pump in an Database Vault environment must have Database Vault-specific authorization to export and import data. They must have these privileges in addition to the standard Oracle Data Pump privileges. If these users want to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations, then they must have special authorization. You can check a user's authorizations for using Data Pump in an Oracle Database Vault environment by querying the DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view. See Also: • Oracle Database Utilities for detailed information about Oracle Data Pump • Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for more information about transportable tablespaces • DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View Authorizing Users for Data Pump Regular Export and Import Operations You can use different authorization types for administrators who perform Oracle Data Pump export and import operations in a Database Vault environment. • About Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations Users who have Oracle Data Pump authorization can perform regular Oracle Data Pump operations in a Database Vault environment. • Levels of Database Vault Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations Oracle Database Vault provides several levels of authorization required for Oracle Data Pump regular operations in a Database Vault environment. • Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations in Database Vault You can authorize a database administrator to use Data Pump for regular operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • Revoking Oracle Data Pump Authorization from Users You can revoke authorization from the database administrator who is using Oracle Data Pump for regular operations. About Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations Users who have Oracle Data Pump authorization can perform regular Oracle Data Pump operations in a Database Vault environment. Full level Data Pump authorization enables these users to perform transportable export and import operations as well. 13-6 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault See Also: Authorizing Users for Data Pump Transportable Export and Import Operations if you want the user only to perform transportable export and import operations Levels of Database Vault Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations Oracle Database Vault provides several levels of authorization required for Oracle Data Pump regular operations in a Database Vault environment. Table 13-1 describes these levels. Table 13-1 Levels of Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations Scenario Authorization Required A database administrator wants to import data into another schema. You must grant this user the BECOME USER system privilege and the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role.1 To find the privileges a user has been granted, query the USER_SYS_PRIVS data dictionary view. A database administrator wants to export or import data in a schema that has no Database Vault protection. You only need to grant this user the standard Oracle Data Pump privileges, which are the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles. If the user wants to import data, grant this user the BECOME USER system privilege. A database administrator In addition to the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE wants to export or import roles, you must grant this user Database Vault-specific data in a protected schema. authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. This authorization applies to both the EXPDP and IMPDP utilities. Later on, you can revoke this authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. If the user wants to import data, also grant this user the BECOME USER system privilege. A database administrator wants to export or import the contents of an entire database. 1 In addition to the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles and the authorization granted by the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure, you must grant this user the DV_OWNER role. If the user wants to import data, grant this user the BECOME USER system privilege. The BECOME USER privilege is part of the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role by default, but in an Oracle Database Vault environment, this privilege is revoked. Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations in Database Vault You can authorize a database administrator to use Data Pump for regular operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. 13-7 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault 2. Ensure that the user to whom you want to grant authorization has been granted the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles, which are required for using Oracle Data Pump. SELECT GRANTEE, GRANTED_ROLE FROM DBA_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTED_ROLE LIKE '%FULL %'; 3. Grant this user Oracle Database Vault authorization for Oracle Data Pump regular operations. For example, to authorize the Data Pump user DP_MGR to export and import objects for the database table EMPLOYEES: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR', 'EMPLOYEES'); To restrict DP_MGR's activities to a specific schema, you would enter the following procedure: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR'); To authorize the Data Pump user DP_MGR to export and import objects for the entire database, enter the following: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR'); After you run the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure, you can check the user's authorization by querying the DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view. 4. If the user must export the entire database, then grant the user the DV_OWNER role. GRANT DV_OWNER TO DP_MGR; Related Topics • AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump operations when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View The DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view lists the authorizations for using Oracle Data Pump in an Oracle Database Vault environment. Revoking Oracle Data Pump Authorization from Users You can revoke authorization from the database administrator who is using Oracle Data Pump for regular operations. 1. If you granted the user the DV_OWNER role, then optionally revoke this role. REVOKE DV_OWNER FROM DP_MGR; 2. Query the DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view to find the users who have been granted Oracle Data Pump authorizations. SELECT GRANTEE, SCHEMA, OBJECT FROM DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH; 3. Use the information you gathered from the preceding step to build the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER command. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR', 'EMPLOYEES'); 13-8 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Ensure that this unauthorization complements the original authorization action. In other words, if you originally gave DP_MGR authorization over the entire database, then the following commands will not work: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR', 'EMPLOYEES'); Related Topics • UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure revokes the authorization that was granted by the AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. • DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View The DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view lists the authorizations for using Oracle Data Pump in an Oracle Database Vault environment. Authorizing Users for Data Pump Transportable Export and Import Operations You can grant authorization levels for users who must perform Oracle Data Pump transportable operations. • About Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Transportable Operations You can grant users different levels of transportable operation authorization. • Levels of Database Vault Authorization for Data Pump Transportable Operations Oracle Database Vault provides levels of authorization required for users who must perform export and import transportable operations in a Database Vault environment. • Authorizing Users for Data Pump Transportable Operations in Database Vault You can authorize users to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable export or import operations in a Database Vault environment. • Revoking Transportable Tablespace Authorization from Users You can revoke authorization from the database administrator who is using Data Pump. About Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Transportable Operations You can grant users different levels of transportable operation authorization. If you want users to only have the authorization to perform transportable export and import operations, then you must grant users the correct authorization, based on their tasks. See Also: Authorizing Users for Data Pump Regular Export and Import Operations if your users must have Oracle Data Pump authorization to perform regular operations in a Database Vault environment 13-9 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Levels of Database Vault Authorization for Data Pump Transportable Operations Oracle Database Vault provides levels of authorization required for users who must perform export and import transportable operations in a Database Vault environment. Table 13-2 describes these levels. Table 13-2 Levels of Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Transporatable Operations Scenario Authorization Required A database administrator wants to transportable export a tablespace or table that has no Database Vault protection. You only need to grant this user the standard Oracle Data Pump privileges, which are the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles. A database administrator wants to transportable export a tablespace where there is Database Vault protection (for example, realm or command rule for a table object residing on that tablespace). In addition to the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles, you must grant this user Database Vault-specific transportable tablespace authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure. Later on, you can revoke this authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure. Remember that users who have been granted full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization (through the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure) can perform these operations as well. A database administrator wants to transportable export a table within a tablespace where there is Database Vault protection (for example, a realm or command rule for a table object residing on the tablespace that contains the table to be exported). In addition to the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles, you must grant this user Database Vault-specific transportable tablespace authorization for the tablespace that contains the table to be exported by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure. Remember that users who have been granted full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization (from the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure) can perform these operations as well. A database administrator wants to transportable export the contents of an entire database. In addition to the DV_OWNER, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles, you must grant this user Database Vaultspecific full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. You do not need to run the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure for this user. A database administrator wants to use a network link to transportable import a tablespace or a table that has no Database Vault protection. In addition to the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles for both the database administrator and the connecting user, you must grant the connecting user specified in the network link the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role. A database administrator wants to use a network link to transportable import a tablespace where there is Database Vault protection (for example, realm or command rule for a table object residing on that tablespace) In addition to the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles, you must grant the connecting user specified in the network link the Database Vault-specific transportable tablespace authorization for that tablespace by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure. You must also grant the connecting user the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role. Remember that users who have been granted Database Vaultspecific full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization (through the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure) can perform these operations. 13-10 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Table 13-2 (Cont.) Levels of Authorization for Oracle Data Pump Transporatable Operations Scenario Authorization Required A database administrator wants to use a network link to import a table within a transportable tablespace where there is Database Vault protection (for example, realm or command rule for a table object residing on the tablespace that contains the table to be exported) In addition to the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles, you must grant the connecting user the Database Vault-specific transportable tablespace authorization for the tablespace that contains the table to be exported by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure. You also must grant the connecting user specified in the network link the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role. Remember that users who have been granted Database Vaultspecific full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization (through the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure) can perform the operations. A database administrator wants to use a network link to transportable import the contents of an entire database. In addition to the DV_OWNER role, you must grant the connecting user Database Vault-specific full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. You do not need to run the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure for this user. You must also grant the connecting user who is specified in the network link the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role. Authorizing Users for Data Pump Transportable Operations in Database Vault You can authorize users to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable export or import operations in a Database Vault environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. 2. Ensure that the user to whom you want to grant authorization has been granted the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles, which are required for using Oracle Data Pump. SELECT GRANTEE, GRANTED_ROLE FROM DBA_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTED_ROLE LIKE '%FULL%'; 3. If the user wants to transportable export or use a network link to transportable import the contents of an entire database, then grant the full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. Otherwise, bypass this step. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR'); 4. If the user must have Database Vault-specific transportable tablespace authorization only, then grant this user this authorization. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR_TS'); 5. If the user who wants to perform a transportable import operation wants to use a network link to perform the operation, then grant this user the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role. For example: 13-11 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault GRANT DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK TO DP_MGR; 6. If the user wants to transportable export or use a network link to transportable import the entire database, then grant this user the DV_OWNER role. GRANT DV_OWNER TO DP_MGR; Related Topics • AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations for a tablespace when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump operations when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK Data Pump Network Link Role The DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role is used for Data Pump import operations. Revoking Transportable Tablespace Authorization from Users You can revoke authorization from the database administrator who is using Data Pump. 1. If you granted the user the DV_OWNER role, then optionally revoke this role. REVOKE DV_OWNER FROM DP_MGR; 2. Query the DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH data dictionary view to find the users who have been granted Oracle Data Pump authorizations. SELECT GRANTEE, TSNAME FROM DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH; 3. Use the information you gathered from the preceding step to build the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER statement. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNUTHORIZE_TTS_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR_TS'); 4. If the user had transportable exported or used a network link to transportable import the contents of an entire database, then revoke the full database level Oracle Data Pump authorization. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR'); 5. If the user who had performed a transportable import operation used a network link to perform the operation, then revoke the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role from this user. For example: REVOKE DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK FROM DP_MGR; Related Topics • UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure removes from authorization users who had previously been granted the authorization to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations. 13-12 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault • UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure revokes the authorization that was granted by the AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. • DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK Data Pump Network Link Role The DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role is used for Data Pump import operations. Guidelines for Exporting or Importing Data in a Database Vault Environment After you grant the Oracle Data Pump database administrator the proper authorization, this user can perform any export or import operations that are necessary. Before this user begins work, he or she should follow these guidelines: • Create a full backup of the database datafiles. This way, if you or other users do not like the newly-imported data, then you easily can revert the database to its previous state. This guideline is especially useful if an intruder had managed to modify Oracle Data Pump exported data to use his or her own policies. • Decide how to handle exporting and importing multiple schemas or tables. You cannot specify multiple schemas or tables in the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure, but you can use either of the following methods to accomplish this task: • – Run the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure for each schema or table, and then specify the list of these objects in the SCHEMAS or TABLES parameter of the EXPDP and IMPDP utilities. – Perform a full database export or import operation. If so, see the next guideline. When performing an export or import operation for an entire database, set the EXPDP or IMPDP FULL option to Y. Remember that this setting will capture the DVSYS schema, so ensure that the user has been granted the DV_OWNER role. Note the following: • You cannot use the legacy EXP and IMP utilities with the direct path option (direct=y) if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • Users who have been granted Database Vault-specific Oracle Data Pump authorization through the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure or transportable tablespace authorization through the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure can export and import database objects, but they cannot perform other activities, such as SELECT queries on schema tables to which they normally do not have access. Similarly, users are not permitted to perform Data Pump operations on objects outside the designated data objects. • You must grant the DV_OWNER role to users who want to export or import an entire database, because a full database export requires access to the DVSYS schema, which stores the Oracle Database Vault policies. However, you cannot export the DVSYS schema itself. Data Pump only exports the protection definitions. The target database must have the DVSYS schema in it and Database Vault enabled before you can begin the import process.) Conversely, for a Data Pump import operation to apply the imported policies to the target database, it internally uses the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package, which in turn requires the Data Pump user to have the DV_OWNER role. 13-13 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault See Also: Oracle Database Utilities for detailed information about Oracle Data Pump Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault Users who are responsible for scheduling database jobs must have Oracle Database Vault-specific authorization. • About Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault The level of authorization that you must grant depends on the schema in which the administrator wants to perform a task. • Granting a Job Scheduling Administrator Authorization for Database Vault You can authorize a user to schedule database jobs in a Database Vault environment. • Revoking Authorization from Job Scheduling Administrators You can revoke authorization from a user for scheduling database jobs. About Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault The level of authorization that you must grant depends on the schema in which the administrator wants to perform a task. Possible scenarios are as follows: • An administrator wants to schedule a job in his or her own schema. An administrator who has been granted privileges to schedule database jobs can continue to do so without any Oracle Database Vault-specific authorizations, unless this schema is protected by a realm. In that case, ensure that this user is authorized to access the realm. • An administrator wants to run a job in another schema, but this job does not access any Oracle Database Vault realm or command rule protected object. In this case, this user only needs job related system privileges, not the Oracle Database Vault privileges. • An administrator wants to run a job under the schema of another user, including any schema in the database or a remote database. If this job accesses an Oracle Database Vault realm or command rule protected object, then you must grant this user Database Vault-specific authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure. This authorization applies to both background and foreground jobs. For background jobs, the authorization applies to the last user who created or modified the job. In addition, ensure that the schema owner (the protected schema in which the job is created) authorized to the realm. Later on, you can revoke this authorization by using the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure. If the schema is not protected by a realm, then you do not need to run the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure for the user. 13-14 Chapter 13 Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault Related Topics • About Realm Authorization Realm authorizations establish the set of database accounts and roles that manage or access objects protected in realms. Granting a Job Scheduling Administrator Authorization for Database Vault You can authorize a user to schedule database jobs in a Database Vault environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. Only a user who has been granted either of these roles can grant the necessary authorization. 2. Ensure that the user to whom you want to grant authorization has been granted system privileges to schedule database jobs. These privileges include any of the following: CREATE JOB, CREATE ANY JOB, CREATE EXTERNAL JOB, EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM, EXECUTE ANY CLASS, MANAGE SCHEDULER. The DBA and SCHEDULER_ADMIN roles provide these privileges; however, when Oracle Database Vault is enabled, the privileges are revoked from these roles. For example: SELECT GRANTEE, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE PRIVILEGE IN ('CREATE JOB', 'CREATE ANY JOB'); 3. Grant this user Oracle Database Vault authorization. For example, to authorize the user job_mgr to schedule jobs for any schema in the database: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR'); Optionally, you can restrict job_mgr's activities to a specific schema, as follows: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR', 'HR'); 4. Ensure that the user has been authorized by querying the DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH data dictionary view as follows: SELECT GRANTEE,SCHEMA FROM DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH WHERE GRANTEE = 'user_name'; Related Topics • AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure grants a user authorization to schedule database jobs when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH View The DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH data dictionary view lists the authorizations for using Oracle Scheduler in an Oracle Database Vault environment. Revoking Authorization from Job Scheduling Administrators You can revoke authorization from a user for scheduling database jobs. 1. Query the DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH data dictionary view to find the user's authorization. 13-15 Chapter 13 Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault SELECT GRANTEE, SCHEMA FROM DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH WHERE GRANTEE='username'; 2. Use the information you gathered from the preceding step to build the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER command. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR'); Ensure that this unauthorization complements the original authorization action. In other words, if you originally gave job_mgr authorization over the entire database, then the following command will not work: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR', 'HR'); Related Topics • UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure revokes the authorization that was granted by the AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure. Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault Users who perform Information Lifecycle Management operations on an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database must be granted authorization to perform these operations. • About Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault You can grant authorization to and from users who are responsible for performing Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations on Oracle Database Vault realm- and command rule-protected objects. • Authorizing Users for ILM Operations in Database Vault You can authorize a user to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • Revoking Information Lifecycle Management Authorization from Users You can revoke authorization from users so that they cannot perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. About Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault You can grant authorization to and from users who are responsible for performing Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations on Oracle Database Vault realmand command rule-protected objects. You must first authorize users before they can perform the following SQL statements for ILM operations in a Database Vault-enabled database: • ALTER TABLE – ILM – FLASHBACK ARCHIVE – NO FLASHBACK ARCHIVE 13-16 Chapter 13 Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault • ALTER TABLESPACE – FLASHBACK MODE Authorizing Users for ILM Operations in Database Vault You can authorize a user to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. Only a user who has been granted either of these roles can grant the necessary authorization. 2. Use the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER to authorize the user. For example, to grant a user authorization to perform ILM operations on the HR.EMPLOYEES table: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER ('PSMITH', 'HR', 'EMPLOYEES', 'TABLE', 'ILM'); If you wanted to grant user psmith ILM authorizations for the entire database, you would enter a procedure similar to the following: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER ('PSMITH', '%', '%', '%', '%'); 3. Ensure that the user has been authorized by querying the DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH data dictionary view. Related Topics • AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure grants a user authorization to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH View The DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH data dictionary view provides information about the configuration of Oracle Database Vault authorizations to use Information Life Management (ILM) features. Revoking Information Lifecycle Management Authorization from Users You can revoke authorization from users so that they cannot perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. Only a user who has been granted either of these roles can grant the necessary authorization. 2. Query the DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH data dictionary view to find the kind of authorization that was granted to the ILM user. 3. Use the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER to revoke the authorization from the user. For example: 13-17 Chapter 13 Executing Preprocessor Programs with Oracle Database Vault EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER ('PSMITH', 'HR', '%', 'TABLE', 'ILM'); Related Topics • DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH View The DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH data dictionary view provides information about the configuration of Oracle Database Vault authorizations to use Information Life Management (ILM) features. • UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure revokes privileges from users who have been granted authorization to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. Executing Preprocessor Programs with Oracle Database Vault Users who execute preprocessor programs through external tables must have Oracle Database Vault-specific authorization. • About Executing Preprocessor Programs with Oracle Database Vault You can grant and revoke Database Vault authorizations for users to execute preprocessor programs through external tables. • Authorizing Users to Execute Preprocessor Programs The DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR procedure grants users authorization to execute preprocessor programs through external tables. • Revoking Execute Preprocessor Authorization from Users The DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR procedure revokes authorization from users so that they cannot execute preprocessor programs through external tables in an Oracle Database Vault environment. About Executing Preprocessor Programs with Oracle Database Vault You can grant and revoke Database Vault authorizations for users to execute preprocessor programs through external tables. Authorizing Users to Execute Preprocessor Programs The DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR procedure grants users authorization to execute preprocessor programs through external tables. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. Only a user who has been granted either of these roles can grant this authorization. 2. Use the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR procedure to authorize the user. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR ('PFITCH'); 13-18 Chapter 13 Oracle Recovery Manager and Oracle Database Vault 3. Ensure that the user has been authorized by querying the DBA_DV_PREPROCESSOR_AUTH data dictionary view. Revoking Execute Preprocessor Authorization from Users The DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR procedure revokes authorization from users so that they cannot execute preprocessor programs through external tables in an Oracle Database Vault environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. Only a user who has been granted either of these roles can grant this authorization. 2. Use the DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR procedure to revoke the authorization from the user. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_PREPROCESSOR ('PFITCH'); 3. Query the DBA_DV_PREPROCESSOR_AUTH data dictionary view to ensure that the user is no longer authorized. Oracle Recovery Manager and Oracle Database Vault You can use Recovery Manager (RMAN) in an Oracle Database Vault environment. The functionality of RMAN with Oracle Database Vault is the same as its functionality in a standard Oracle Database environment. See Also: • Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User’s Guide • Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference Privileges for Using Oracle Streams with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use Oracle Streams in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the correct privileges. The privileges that you must have are as follows: • You must be granted the DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role in order to configure the Oracle Streams capture process. • Before you can apply changes to any tables that are protected by a realm, you must be authorized to have access to that realm. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM('realm_name','username'); 13-19 Chapter 13 Privileges for Using XStream with Oracle Database Vault Related Topics • DV_STREAMS_ADMIN Oracle Streams Configuration Role The DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role is used with Oracle Streams. • ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure The ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes a user or role to access a realm as an owner or a participant. In a multitenant environment, you can authenticate both common and local realms. Privileges for Using XStream with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use XStream in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the appropriate privileges. These privileges are as follows: • You must be granted the DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role in order to configure the XStream. • Before you can apply changes to any tables that are protected by a realm, you must be authorized to have access to that realm. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM('realm_name','username'); Related Topics • DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN XStream Administrative Role The DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role is used for Oracle XStream. • ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure The ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes a user or role to access a realm as an owner or a participant. In a multitenant environment, you can authenticate both common and local realms. Privileges for Using Oracle GoldenGate in with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use Oracle GoldenGate in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the appropriate privileges. These privileges are as follows: • The user must be granted the DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role in order to configure the Oracle GoldenGate. • The user must be granted the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role if the user must use the Oracle GoldenGate TRANLOGOPTIONS DBLOGREADER method to access redo logs. For example, to grant the DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN and DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS roles to a user named gg_admin: GRANT DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN, DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS TO gg_admin; • The user must be granted the DV_ACCTMGR role before this user can create users on the replicated side. • Before users can apply changes to any tables that are protected by a realm, they must be authorized to have access to that realm. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM('realm_name','username'); 13-20 Chapter 13 Using Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Environment • The SYS user must be authorized to perform Data Definition Language (DDL) operations in the SYSTEM schema, as follows: EXECUTE DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DDL('SYS', 'SYSTEM'); • The user must be granted authorization to the Oracle Default Component Protection Realm. For example, to grant this realm authorization to a user named gg_admin: BEGIN DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( REALM_NAME => 'Oracle Default Component Protection Realm', GRANTEE => 'gg_admin', AUTH_OPTIONS => 1); END; / Related Topics • DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN GoldenGate Administrative Role The DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role is used with Oracle GoldenGate. • DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS GoldenGate Redo Log Role The DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role is used with Oracle GoldenGate. • ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure The ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes a user or role to access a realm as an owner or a participant. In a multitenant environment, you can authenticate both common and local realms. Using Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Environment You must have the correct authorization to perform data masking in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • About Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Enabled Database In an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database, only users who have Database Vault authorizations can mask data in Database Vault-protected database objects. • Adding Data Masking Users to the Data Dictionary Realm Authorizations You can add data masking users to the Oracle Default Component Protection realm to give them data dictionary realm authorizations. • Giving Users Access to Tables or Schemas That They Want to Mask To give users access to tables or schemas that they want to mask, you must authorize them for the appropriate realm. • Creating a Command Rule to Control Data Masking Privileges You must have privileges to manage tables, packages, and triggers before you can use data masking in an Oracle Database Vault environment. See Also: Oracle Database Testing Guide for more information about data masking 13-21 Chapter 13 Using Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Environment About Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Enabled Database In an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database, only users who have Database Vault authorizations can mask data in Database Vault-protected database objects. In a non-Database Vault environment, users who have been granted the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE and DBA roles can perform data masking. However, with Database Vault, users must have additional privileges. This section describes three ways that you can use to enable users to mask data in Database Vault-protected objects. If users do not have the correct privileges, then the following errors can occur while creating the masking definition or when the job is executing: ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for string on string ORA-47401: Realm violation for string on string. ORA-47408: Realm violation for the EXECUTE command ORA-47409: Command Rule violation for the EXECUTE command ORA-01301: insufficient privileges Adding Data Masking Users to the Data Dictionary Realm Authorizations You can add data masking users to the Oracle Default Component Protection realm to give them data dictionary realm authorizations. The Oracle Data Dictionary controls access to the Oracle Database catalog schemas, such as SYS and SYSTEM. (See Default Realms for a full list of these schemas.) It also controls the ability to grant system privileges and database administrator roles. If you add users to the Oracle Default Component Protection realm, and assuming these users already have the privileges associated with the Oracle Data Dictionary, then these users will have these same privileges in a Database Vault environment. Therefore, if you do add a user to this realm, ensure that this user is a trusted user. • To add a user to the Oracle Default Component Protection realm, use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure. For example: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'Oracle Default Component Protection Realm', grantee => 'DBA_JSMITH', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_PARTICIPANT); END; / 13-22 Chapter 13 Using Data Masking in an Oracle Database Vault Environment Giving Users Access to Tables or Schemas That They Want to Mask To give users access to tables or schemas that they want to mask, you must authorize them for the appropriate realm. If the table or schema of a table that is to be data masked is in a realm, then you must add the user responsible for data masking to the realm authorization as a participant or owner. If the table or schema has dependent objects that are in other realmprotected tables, then you must grant the user participant or owner authorization for those realms as well. • To authorize users for data masking to a realm that protects the objects they want to data mask, use the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure. The following example shows how to grant user DBA_JSMITH authorization for the HR.EMPLOYEES table, which is protected by a realm called Business Apps Realm: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'Business Apps Realm', grantee => 'DBA_JSMITH', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_PARTICIPANT; END; / Creating a Command Rule to Control Data Masking Privileges You must have privileges to manage tables, packages, and triggers before you can use data masking in an Oracle Database Vault environment. For data masking, users must have the CREATE TABLE, SELECT TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE privileges for the masking objects and if there are any dependent objects to be created, the user must have the appropriate privileges such as CREATE PACKAGE, CREATE TRIGGER, and so on. You can create command rules to control data masking privileges at a granular level. To do so, create a command rule that can either prevent or allow the user access to objects that must have to be data masked. For example, you can create a command rule called Allow Data Masking that checks if the user is in a list of users who are responsible for data masking. If the user logging in is one of these users, then the command rule evaluates to true and the user is permitted to create the data mask for the protected object. To create a command rule that controls data masking privileges: 1. Create the rule set rule. For example: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Is HDRISCOLL or DBA_JSMITH User', rule_expr =>'USER IN(''HDRISCOLL'',''DBA_JSMITH'')'; END; / 2. Create a rule set and then add the rule to it: 13-23 Chapter 13 Converting a Standalone Oracle Database to a PDB and Plugging It into a CDB BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Allow Data Masking', description => 'Allows users HDRISCOLL and DBA_JSMITH access', enabled => 'Y', eval_options => 1, audit_options => 1, fail_options => 1, fail_message => 'You do not have access to this object.', fail_code => 20461, handler_options => 0, is_static => TRUE); END; / BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Allow Data Masking', rule_name => 'Is HDRISCOLL or DBA_JSMITH User'), rule_order => 1); END; / 3. Create a command rule and then add this rule to it: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'CREATE TABLE', rule_set_name => 'Allow Data Masking', object_owner => 'HR', object_name => 'EMPLOYEES', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / Converting a Standalone Oracle Database to a PDB and Plugging It into a CDB You can convert a standalone Oracle Database Release 12c or later database to a PDB, and then plug this PDB into a CDB. 1. Connect to the root as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. For example: sqlplus c##sec_admin Enter password: password 2. Grant the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role to user SYS with CONTAINER = CURRENT. GRANT DV_PATCH_ADMIN TO SYS CONTAINER = CURRENT; 3. In the root, connect as user SYS with the SYSOPER system privilege. For example: CONNECT SYS AS SYSOPER -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSOPER Enter password: password 4. Restart the database in read-only mode. For example: 13-24 Chapter 13 Converting a Standalone Oracle Database to a PDB and Plugging It into a CDB SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP MOUNT ALTER DATABASE OPEN READ ONLY 5. Connect to the Database Vault-enabled database as a user who has the DV_OWNER role. For example: CONNECT sec_admin@dv_db 6. Grant the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role to user SYS on this database. GRANT DV_PATCH_ADMIN TO SYS; 7. Optionally, run the DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY function to determine whether the unplugged PDB is compatible with the CDB. When you run the function, set the following parameters: • pdb_descr_file: Set this parameter to the full path to the XML file that will contain a description of the PDB. • store_report: Set this parameter to indicate whether you want to generate a report if the PDB is not compatible with the CDB. Set it to TRUE to generate a report or FALSE to not generate a report. A generated report is stored in the PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS temporary table and is generated only if the PDB is not compatible with the CDB. For example, to determine whether a PDB described by the /disk1/usr/ dv_db_pdb.xml file is compatible with the current CDB, run the following PL/SQL block: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE compatible CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := CASE DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY( pdb_descr_file => '/disk1/usr/dv_db_pdb.xml', store_report => TRUE) WHEN TRUE THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(compatible); END; / If the output is YES, then the PDB is compatible, and you can continue with the next step. If the output is NO, then the PDB is not compatible. You can check the PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS temporary table to see why it is not compatible. 8. Create an XML file that describes the PDB. For example: BEGIN DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE( pdb_descr_file => '/disk1/oracle/dv_db.xml'); END; / 9. Run the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, and specify the XML file in the USING clause. Specify other clauses when they are required. 13-25 Chapter 13 Using the ORADEBUG Utility with Oracle Database Vault For example: CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE dv_db_pdb AS CLONE USING 'dv_db.xml' NOCOPY; 10. Connect to the PDB that you just created as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. CONNECT SYS@dv_db_pdb AS SYSDBA 11. Execute the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script. @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql 12. Open this PDB in a read-write restricted mode. ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE dv_db_pdb OPEN READ WRITE RESTRICTED; 13. Run the following procedure to synchronize the PDB: EXECUTE DBMS_PDB.SYNC_PDB; 14. Connect to the root as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. sqlplus c##sec_admin Enter password: password 15. Revoke the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role from user SYS with CONTAINER = CURRENT. REVOKE DV_PATCH_ADMIN FROM SYS CONTAINER = CURRENT; 16. Connect to the legacy Database Vault-enabled database as user SYS with the SYSOPER system privilege. CONNECT SYS@dv_db_pdb AS SYSOPER 17. Restart this database. For example: SHUTDOWN IMMMEDIATE STARUP 18. Revoke the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role from user SYS. REVOKE DV_PATCH_ADMIN FROM SYS; Using the ORADEBUG Utility with Oracle Database Vault The ORADEBUG utility is used primarily by Oracle Support to diagnose problems that may arise with an Oracle database. You can control whether users can run the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault-enabled environment. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. 2. If necessary, find out if ORADEBUG is already disabled or enabled. SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_ORADEBUG; 3. Run one of the following procedures: • To disable the use of ORADEBUG: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_ORADEBUG; • To enable the use of ORADEBUG: 13-26 Chapter 13 Using the ORADEBUG Utility with Oracle Database Vault EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_ORADEBUG; Related Topics • DBA_DV_ORADEBUG View The DBA_DV_ORADEBUG data dictionary view indicates whether users can use the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • DISABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure The DISABLE_ORADEBUG procedure disables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • ENABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure The ENABLE_ORADEBUG procedure enables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. 13-27 14 Oracle Database Vault Schemas, Roles, and Accounts Oracle Database Vault provides schemas that contain Database Vault objects, roles that provide separation of duty for specific tasks, and default user accounts. • Oracle Database Vault Schemas The Oracle Database Vault schemas, DVSYS and DVF, support the administration and run-time processing of Oracle Database Vault. • Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration You must create accounts for the Oracle Database Vault Owner and Oracle Database Vault Account Manager during the registration process. • Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts As a best practice, you should maintain backup accounts for the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. Oracle Database Vault Schemas The Oracle Database Vault schemas, DVSYS and DVF, support the administration and run-time processing of Oracle Database Vault. • DVSYS Schema The DVSYS schema contains Oracle Database Vault database objects. • DVF Schema The DVF schema is the owner of the Oracle Database Vault DBMS_MACSEC_FUNCTION PL/SQL package. DVSYS Schema The DVSYS schema contains Oracle Database Vault database objects. These objects store Oracle Database Vault configuration information and support the administration and run-time processing of Oracle Database Vault. In a default installation, the DVSYS schema is locked. The DVSYS schema also owns the AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. In a multitenant environment, the DVSYS schema is considered a common schema, which means that the objects within DVSYS (tables, views, PL/SQL packages, and so on) are automatically available to any child pluggable databases (PDBs). In addition, the DVSYS schema account cannot switch to other containers using the ALTER SESSION statement. 14-1 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Schemas Oracle Database Vault secures the DVSYS schema by using a protected schema design. A protected schema design guards the schema against improper use of system privileges (for example, SELECT ANY TABLE, CREATE ANY VIEW, or DROP ANY). Oracle Database Vault protects and secures the DVSYS schema in the following ways: • The DVSYS protected schema and its administrative roles cannot be dropped. By default, the DVSYS account is locked. • By default, users cannot directly log into the DVSYS account. To control the ability of users to directly log into this account, you can run the DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure to prevent users from logging in and the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure to allow users to log in. • Statements such as CREATE USER, ALTER USER, DROP USER, CREATE PROFILE, ALTER PROFILE, and DROP PROFILE can only be issued by a user with the DV_ACCTMGR role. A user logged in with the SYSDBA administrative privilege can issue these statements only if it is allowed to do so by modifying the Can Maintain Accounts/Profiles rule set. • The powerful ANY system privileges for database definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) commands are blocked in the protected schema. This means that the objects in the DVSYS schema must be created by the schema account itself. Also, access to the schema objects must be authorized through object privilege grants. • Object privileges in the DVSYS schema can only be granted to Database Vault administrative roles in the schema. This means that users can access the protected schema only through predefined administrative roles. • Only the protected schema account DVSYS can issue ALTER ROLE statements on Database Vault predefined administrative roles of the schema. Oracle Database Vault Roles describes Oracle Database Vault predefined administrative roles in detail. • The SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL.PARSE_AS_USER procedure cannot be used to run SQL statements on behalf of the protected schema DVSYS. Note: Database users can grant additional object privileges and roles to the Oracle Database Vault administrative roles (DV_ADMIN and DV_OWNER, for example) provided they have sufficient privileges to do so. DVF Schema The DVF schema is the owner of the Oracle Database Vault DBMS_MACSEC_FUNCTION PL/SQL package. This package contains the functions that retrieve factor identities. After you install Oracle Database Vault, the installation process locks the DVF account to better secure it. When you create a new factor, Oracle Database Vault creates a new retrieval function for the factor and saves it in this schema. 14-2 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles In a multitenant environment, the DVF user cannot switch to other containers using the ALTER SESSION statement. By default, users cannot directly log into the DVF account. To control the ability of users to directly log into this account, you can run the DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure to prevent users from logging in and the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure to allow users to log in. Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides default roles that are based on specific user tasks and adhere to separation of duty concepts. • About Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides a set of roles that are required for managing Oracle Database Vault. • Privileges of Oracle Database Vault Roles The Oracle Database Vault roles are designed to provide the maximum benefits of separation of duty. • Granting Oracle Database Vault Roles to Users You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to grant Oracle Database Vault roles to users. • DV_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role The DV_OWNER role enables you to manage the Oracle Database Vault roles and its configuration. • DV_ADMIN Database Vault Configuration Administrator Role The DV_ADMIN role controls the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. • DV_MONITOR Database Vault Monitoring Role The DV_MONITOR role is used for monitoring Oracle Database Vault. • DV_SECANALYST Database Vault Security Analyst Role The DV_SECANALYST role enables users to analyze activities. • DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP Audit Trail Cleanup Role The DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role is used for purge operations. • DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK Data Pump Network Link Role The DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role is used for Data Pump import operations. • DV_STREAMS_ADMIN Oracle Streams Configuration Role The DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role is used with Oracle Streams. • DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN XStream Administrative Role The DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role is used for Oracle XStream. • DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN GoldenGate Administrative Role The DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role is used with Oracle GoldenGate. • DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS GoldenGate Redo Log Role The DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role is used with Oracle GoldenGate. • DV_PATCH_ADMIN Database Vault Database Patch Role The DV_PATCH_ADMIN role is used for patching operations. • DV_ACCTMGR Database Vault Account Manager Role The DV_ACCTMGR role is a powerful role, used for accounts management. 14-3 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles • DV_REALM_OWNER Database Vault Realm DBA Role The DV_REALM_OWNER role is used for realm management. • DV_REALM_RESOURCE Database Vault Application Resource Owner Role The DV_REALM_RESOURCE role is use for the management of realm resources. • DV_POLICY_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role The DV_POLICY_OWNER role enables database users to manage to a limited degree Oracle Database Vault policies. • DV_PUBLIC Database Vault PUBLIC Role The DV_PUBLIC role is no longer used. About Oracle Database Vault Roles Oracle Database Vault provides a set of roles that are required for managing Oracle Database Vault. Figure 14-1 illustrates how these roles are designed to implement the first level of separation of duties within the database. How you use these roles depends on the requirements that your company has in place. Figure 14-1 How Oracle Database Vault Roles Are Categorized Security administrative roles DV_OWNER DV_ADMIN DV_MONITOR DV_SECANALYST DV_PATCH_ADMIN DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK DV_STREAMS_ADMIN DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP Account management responsibility role DV_ACCTMGR Resource management roles DV_REALM_OWNER (for application management and granted to realm owners) DV_REALM_RESOURCE (for application access and granted to realm participants) DV_POLICY_OWNER All responsibilities DV_PUBLIC (granted by default to all database users to give access to the Oracle Database Vault public functions) 14-4 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles Note: You can grant additional object privileges and roles to the Oracle Database Vault roles to extend their scope of privileges. For example, a user logged in with the SYSDBA administrative privilege can grant object privileges to an Oracle Database Vault role as long as the object is not in the DVSYS schema or realm. See Also: • Separation of Duty Guidelines • Managing Oracle Database Administrative Accounts • Oracle Database Security Guide Privileges of Oracle Database Vault Roles The Oracle Database Vault roles are designed to provide the maximum benefits of separation of duty. The DV_PATCH_ADMIN, DV_STREAMS_ADMIN, DV_XSTREAM, DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN, and DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS roles are not included in the following table because they have no system privileges. Table 14-1 summarizes the privileges available with Oracle Database Vault roles. Table 14-1 Privileges of Oracle Database Vault Roles Privilege DV_O WNER DV_A DV_MO DMIN NITOR DV_SECAN DV_ACC DV_RE DV_REAL DV_PU DV_PO DV_AUD ALYST TMGR ALM_O M_RESO BLIC LICY_ IT_CLE WNER URCE OWNE ANUP R DVSYS schema, EXECUTE Yes1 Yes2 No No No No No No Yes, on No some DBMS_M ACADM proced ures DVSYS schema, SELECT Yes Yes Yes Yes, on No some Database Vault views3 No No No4 Yes, on some Databa se Vault views5 Yes, on some Databas e Vault tables and views6 14-5 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles Table 14-1 (Cont.) Privileges of Oracle Database Vault Roles Privilege DV_O WNER DVSYS schema, DELETE DV_A DV_MO DMIN NITOR Yes, on No some Databa se Vault tables and views 7 DVSYS No schema, grant privileges on objects DV_SECAN DV_ACC DV_RE DV_REAL DV_PU DV_PO DV_AUD ALYST TMGR ALM_O M_RESO BLIC LICY_ IT_CLE WNER URCE OWNE ANUP R No No No No No No No Yes, on some Databas e Vault tables and views 8 No No No No No No No No No DVF schema, EXECUTE Yes No No No No No No No No No DVF schema, SELECT Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Monitor Yes Database Vault Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Run Yes Database Vault reports Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes, on the same system views as DV_OWNER and DV_ADMIN No No No No No No No Yes, portions of No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No SYS schema, SELECT Yes SYSMAN schema, SELECT Yes, No portions of CREATE, No ALTER, DROP user accounts and profiles9 No 14-6 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles Table 14-1 (Cont.) Privileges of Oracle Database Vault Roles Privilege DV_O WNER DV_A DV_MO DMIN NITOR DV_SECAN DV_ACC DV_RE DV_REAL DV_PU DV_PO DV_AUD ALYST TMGR ALM_O M_RESO BLIC LICY_ IT_CLE WNER URCE OWNE ANUP R Manage No objects in schemas that define a realm10 No No No No Yes11 No No No No RESOURCE No role privileges No No No No No Yes No No No 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Includes the EXECUTE privilege on all Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. Includes the EXECUTE privilege on all Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. DV_SECANALYST can query DVSYS schema objects through Oracle Database Vault-supplied views only. DV_PUBLIC can query DVSYS schema objects through Oracle Database Vault-supplied views only. POLICY_OWNER* views only DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP can perform SELECT statements on the AUDIT_TRAIL$ table and the DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT, and DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT views. DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP can perform DELETE statements on the AUDIT_TRAIL$ table and the DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT, and DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT views. DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP can perform DELETE statements on the AUDIT_TRAIL$ table and the DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT, and DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT views. This privilege does not include the ability to drop or alter the DVSYS account, nor change the DVSYS password. This privilege includes ANY privileges, such as CREATE ANY, ALTER ANY, and DROP ANY. 0 1 The user with this role also must be the realm participant or owner to exercise his or her system privileges. 1 1 2 The RESOURCE role provides the following system privileges: CREATE CLUSTER, CREATE INDEXTYPE, CREATE OPERATOR, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE TRIGGER, CREATE TYPE. Granting Oracle Database Vault Roles to Users You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to grant Oracle Database Vault roles to users. 1. From Cloud Control, log into Oracle Database Vault Administrator as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege.. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. Refer to the role descriptions to find the requirements for who can grant roles to other users. 2. In the Administration page, under Database Vault Components, click Database Vault Role Management. The Database Vault Role Management page appears. 14-7 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles 3. Do one of the following: • To add a new user or role for a grant, click the Add button to display the Add Authorization dialog box. Enter the grantee in the Grantee field, and then select the roles for the grant. Then click OK. • To grant different roles or modify role grants for a user or role listed in the Database Vault Role Management page, select the user or role, click Edit, and then modify the role grants as necessary. Then click OK. 14-8 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles DV_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role The DV_OWNER role enables you to manage the Oracle Database Vault roles and its configuration. In Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide, the example account that uses this role is leo_dvowner. Privileges Associated with the DV_OWNER Role The DV_OWNER role has the administrative capabilities that the DV_ADMIN role provides, and the reporting capabilities the DV_SECANALYST role provides. This role also provides privileges for monitoring Oracle Database Vault. It is created when you install Oracle Database Vault, and has the most privileges on the DVSYS schema. It also has the DV_ADMIN role. To find the full list of system and object privileges associated with the DV_OWNER role, you can log into the database instance and enter the following queries: SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_OWNER'; SELECT PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_OWNER'; When you install and register Oracle Database Vault, the DV_OWNER account is created. The user who is granted this role is also granted the ADMIN option and can grant any Oracle Database Vault roles (except DV_ACCTMGR) to any account. Users granted this role also can run Oracle Database Vault reports and monitor Oracle Database Vault. Tip: Oracle strongly recommends that you create separate, named account for the DV_OWNER user. This way, if the user is no longer available (for example, he or she left the company), then you can easily recreate this user account and then grant this user the DV_OWNER role. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_OWNER? Anyone with the DV_OWNER role can grant the DV_OWNER and DV_ADMIN roles to another user. The account granted this role can revoke any granted Database Vault role from another account. Accounts such as SYS or SYSTEM, with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege alone (directly granted or indirectly granted using a role) do not have the right to grant or revoke the DV_OWNER role to or from any other database account. Note also that a user with the DV_OWNER role cannot grant or revoke the DV_ACCTMGR role. Managing Password Changes for Users Who Have the DV_OWNER Role Before you can change the password for another user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role, you must revoke the DV_OWNER role from that user account. However, be cautious about revoking the DV_OWNER role. At least one user on your site must have this role granted. If another DV_OWNER user has been granted this role and needs to have his or her password changed, then you can temporarily revoke DV_OWNER 14-9 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles from that user. Note also that if you have been granted the DV_OWNER role, then you can change your own password without having to revoke the role from yourself. To change the DV_OWNER user password: 1. Log into the database instance using an account that has been granted the DV_OWNER role. 2. Revoke the DV_OWNER role from the user account whose password needs to change. 3. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role and then change the password for this user. 4. Connect as the DV_OWNER user and then grant the DV_OWNER role back to the user whose password you changed. DV_OWNER Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database Vault roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_ADMIN Database Vault Configuration Administrator Role The DV_ADMIN role controls the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. These packages are the underlying interface for the Database Vault Administrator user interface in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Privileges Associated with the DV_ADMIN Role The DV_ADMIN role has the EXECUTE privilege on the DVSYS packages (DBMS_MACADM, DBMS_MACSECROLES, and DBMS_MACUTL). DV_ADMIN also has the capabilities provided by the DV_SECANALYST role, which allow the user to run Oracle Database Vault reports and monitor Oracle Database Vault. During installation, the DV_ADMIN role is granted to the DV_OWNER role with the ADMIN OPTION. In addition, the DV_ADMIN role provides the SELECT privilege on the DBA_DV_POLICY, DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER, and DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT data dictionary views. The DV_ADMIN role also has the REGISTER SESSION system privilege. To find the full list of system and object privileges associated with the DV_ADMIN role, log into the database instance with sufficient privileges and then enter the following queries: SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_ADMIN'; SELECT PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_ADMIN'; 14-10 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_ADMIN? Accounts such as SYS or SYSTEM, with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege alone do not have the rights to grant or revoke DV_ADMIN from any other database account. The user with the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke this role to and from any database account. Managing Password Changes for Users Who Have the DV_ADMIN Role Before you can change the password for a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role, you must revoke the DV_ADMIN role from this account. If you have been granted the DV_ADMIN role, then you can change your own password without having to revoke the role from yourself. To change the DV_ADMIN user password: 1. Log into the database instance using an account that has been granted the DV_OWNER role. 2. Revoke the DV_ADMIN role from the user account whose password needs to change. 3. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role and then change the password for this user. 4. Connect as the DV_OWNER user and then grant the DV_ADMIN role back to the user whose password you changed. DV_ADMIN Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database Vault roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_MONITOR Database Vault Monitoring Role The DV_MONITOR role is used for monitoring Oracle Database Vault. The DV_MONITOR role enables the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control agent to monitor Oracle Database Vault for attempted violations and configuration issues with realm or command rule definitions. This role enables Cloud Control to read and propagate realm definitions and command rule definitions between databases. Privileges Associated with the DV_MONITOR Role There are no system privileges associated with the DV_MONITOR role, but it does have the SELECT privilege on SYS and DVSYS objects. 14-11 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles In addition, the DV_MONITOR role provides the SELECT privilege on the DBA_DV_POLICY, DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER, and DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT data dictionary views. To find the full list of DV_MONITOR object privileges, log into the database instance with sufficient (such as DV_OWNER) privileges and then enter the following query: SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_MONITOR'; How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_MONITOR? By default, the DV_MONITOR role is granted to the DV_OWNER role and the DBSNMP user. Only a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_MONITOR role to another user. DV_MONITOR Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database Vault roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Monitoring Oracle Database Vault You can monitor Oracle Database Vault by checking for violations to the Database Vault configurations and by tracking changes to policies. • Auditing Oracle Database Vault You can audit activities in Oracle Database Vault, such as changes to policy configurations. • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_SECANALYST Database Vault Security Analyst Role The DV_SECANALYST role enables users to analyze activities. Use the DV_SECANALYST role to run Oracle Database Vault reports and monitor Oracle Database Vault. This role is also used for database-related reports. In addition, this role enables you to check the DVSYS configuration by querying the DVSYS views described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views. Privileges Associated with the DV_SECANALYST Role There are no system privileges associated with the DV_SECANALYST role, but it does have the SELECT privilege for some DVSYS schema objects and portions of the SYS and SYSMAN schema objects for reporting on DVSYS- and DVF-related entities. In addition, the DV_SECANALYST role provides the SELECT privilege on the DBA_DV_POLICY, DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER, and DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT data dictionary views. To find the full list of DV_SECANALYST object privileges, log into the database instance with sufficient privileges and then enter the following query: 14-12 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_SECANALYST'; How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_SECANALYST? Any account, such as SYS or SYSTEM, with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege alone does not have the rights to grant this role to or revoke this role from any other database account. Only the user with the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke this role to and from another user. DV_SECANALYST Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database Vault roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP Audit Trail Cleanup Role The DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role is used for purge operations. Note: This feature has been updated in Oracle Database 12c release 1 ( Grant the DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role to any user who is responsible for purging the Database Vault audit trail in a non-unified auditing environment. Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail explains how to use this role to complete a purge operation. Privileges Associated with the DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP Role The DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role has SELECT and DELETE privileges for three Database Vaultrelated auditing views. • SELECT and DELETE on the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table • SELECT and DELETE on the DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT view • SELECT and DELETE on the DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT view How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP? By default, this role is granted to the DV_OWNER role with the ADMIN OPTION. Only a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role to another user. 14-13 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database Vault roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK Data Pump Network Link Role The DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role is used for Data Pump import operations. Grant the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role to any user who is responsible for conducting the NETWORK_LINK transportable Data Pump import operation in an Oracle Database Vault environment. This role enables the management of the Oracle Data Pump NETWORK_LINK transportable import processes to be tightly controlled by Database Vault, but does not change or restrict the way you would normally conduct Oracle Data Pump operations. Privileges Associated with the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK Role There are no system privileges associated with the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role, but it does have the EXECUTE privilege on DVSYS objects. To find the full list of DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK object privileges, log into the database instance with sufficient privileges and then enter the following query: SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK'; Be aware that the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role does not provide a sufficient set of database privileges to conduct NETWORK_LINK transportable Data Pump import operation. Rather, the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role is an additional requirement (that is, in addition to the privileges that Oracle Data Pump currently requires) for database administrators to conduct NETWORK_LINK transportable Data Pump import operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK? Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK role to or from other users. DV_DATAPUMP_NETWORK_LINK Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. 14-14 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles Related Topics • Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault Database administrators can authorize Oracle Data Pump users to work in a Database Vault environment. • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_STREAMS_ADMIN Oracle Streams Configuration Role The DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role is used with Oracle Streams. Grant the DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role to any user who is responsible for configuring Oracle Streams in an Oracle Database Vault environment. This enables the management of Oracle Streams processes to be tightly controlled by Database Vault, but does not change or restrict the way an administrator would normally configure Oracle Streams. Privileges Associated with the DV_STREAMS_ADMIN Role There are no system privileges associated with the DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role, but it does have the SELECT privilege on DVSYS objects. To find the full list of DV_STREAMS_ADMIN object privileges, log into the database instance with sufficient privileges and then enter the following query: SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_STREAMS_ADMIN'; Be aware that the DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role does not provide a sufficient set of database privileges for configuring Oracle Streams. Rather, the DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role is an additional requirement (that is, in addition to the privileges that Oracle Streams currently requires) for database administrators to configure Oracle Streams in an Oracle Database Vault environment. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_STREAMS_ADMIN? Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_STREAMS_ADMIN role to or from other users. DV_STREAMS_ADMIN Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. 14-15 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN XStream Administrative Role The DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role is used for Oracle XStream. Grant the DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role to any user who is responsible for configuring Oracle XStream in an Oracle Database Vault environment. This enables the management of XStream processes to be tightly controlled by Database Vault, but does not change or restrict the way an administrator would normally configure XStream. Privileges Associated with the DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN Role There are no privileges associated with the DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role. Be aware that the DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role does not provide a sufficient set of database privileges for configuring XStream. Rather, the DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role is an additional requirement (that is, in addition to the privileges that XStream currently requires) for database administrators to configure XStream in an Oracle Database Vault environment. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN? Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN role to or from other users. DV_XSTREAM_ADMIN Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. • Privileges for Using XStream with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use XStream in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the appropriate privileges. DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN GoldenGate Administrative Role The DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role is used with Oracle GoldenGate. Grant theto any user who is responsible for configuring Oracle GoldenGate in an Oracle Database Vault environment. This enables the management of Oracle GoldenGate processes to be tightly controlled by Database Vault, but does not change or restrict the way an administrator would normally configure Oracle GoldenGate. Privileges Associated with the DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN Role There are no privileges associated with the DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role. 14-16 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles Be aware that the DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role does not provide a sufficient set of database privileges for configuring Oracle GoldenGate. Rather, the DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role is an additional requirement (that is, in addition to the privileges that Oracle GoldenGate currently requires) for database administrators to configure Oracle GoldenGate in an Oracle Database Vault environment. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN? Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN role to or from other users. DV_GOLDENGATE_ADMIN Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. • Privileges for Using Oracle GoldenGate in with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use Oracle GoldenGate in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the appropriate privileges. DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS GoldenGate Redo Log Role The DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role is used with Oracle GoldenGate. Grant the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role to any user who is responsible for using the Oracle GoldenGate TRANLOGOPTIONS DBLOGREADER method to access redo logs in an Oracle Database Vault environment. This enables the management of Oracle GoldenGate processes to be tightly controlled by Database Vault, but does not change or restrict the way an administrator would normally configure Oracle GoldenGate. Privileges Associated with the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS Role There are no privileges associated with the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role. Be aware that the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role does not provide a sufficient set of database privileges for configuring Oracle GoldenGate. Rather, the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role is an additional requirement (that is, in addition to the privileges that Oracle GoldenGate currently requires) for database administrators to configure Oracle Streams in an Oracle Database Vault environment. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS? You cannot grant the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role with ADMIN OPTION. 14-17 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS role to or from other users. DV_GOLDENGATE_REDO_ACCESS Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. • Privileges for Using Oracle GoldenGate in with Oracle Database Vault If you want to use Oracle GoldenGate in an Oracle Database Vault environment, then you must have the appropriate privileges. DV_PATCH_ADMIN Database Vault Database Patch Role The DV_PATCH_ADMIN role is used for patching operations. In order to generate all Database Vault-related audit records in accordance with the audit policies specified in the Database Vault metadata as well as Database Vault unified audit policies, execute the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure as a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role before using the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role. Temporarily grant the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role to any database administrator who is responsible for performing database patching. Before this administrator performs the patch operation, run the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure. This procedure enables realm, command rule, and rule set auditing of the actions by users who have been granted the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role, in accordance with the existing audit configuration. If you have mixed-mode auditing, then this user's actions are written to the AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. If you have pure unified auditing enabled, then you should create a unified audit policy to capture this user's actions. After the patch operation is complete, do not immediately disable the auditing of users who are responsible for performing database patch operations. This way, you can track the actions of the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role users. For backwards compatibility, this type of auditing is disabled by default. Privileges Associated with the DV_PATCH_ADMIN Role The DV_PATCH_ADMIN role does not provide access to any secured data. The DV_PATCH_ADMIN role a special Database Vault role that does not have any object or system privilege. It is designed to allow the database administrator or the user SYS to patch Database Vault enabled databases (for example, applying a database patch without disabling Database Vault). It also enables the database administrator to create users, because some patches may require the need to create new schemas. 14-18 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_PATCH_ADMIN? Only a user who has the DV_OWNER role can grant or revoke the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role to and from another user. DV_PATCH_ADMIN Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. See Also: • Oracle Database Security Guide for information about creating unified audit policies • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault DV_ACCTMGR Database Vault Account Manager Role The DV_ACCTMGR role is a powerful role, used for accounts management. Use the DV_ACCTMGR role to create and maintain database accounts and database profiles. In this manual, the example DV_ACCTMGR role is assigned to a user named bea_dvacctmgr. Privileges Associated with the DV_ACCTMGR Role A user who has been granted this role can use the CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements for user accounts or profiles, including users who have been granted the DV_SECANALYST, DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP, and DV_MONITOR roles. This user also can grant the CREATE SESSION privilege to other users. However, a person who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role cannot perform the following operations: • ALTER or DROP statements on the DVSYS account • ALTER or DROP statements on users who have been granted the DV_ADMIN or DV_OWNER role • Change passwords for users who have been granted the DV_ADMIN or DV_OWNER role A common user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role in the CDB root can alter a common user or a common profile in the CDB root even if the common DV_ACCTMGR user does not have the SET CONTAINER privilege or the DV_ACCTMGR role in any PDB. To find the full list of system and object privileges associated with the DV_ACCTMGR role, log into the database instance with sufficient privileges and then enter the following queries: SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_ACCTMGR'; SELECT PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_ACCTMGR'; 14-19 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles Tips: • If you want the DV_ACCTMGR user to be able to grant or revoke the ANY privileges for other users, then log in as user SYS with the SYSDBA privilege and grant this user the GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE and REVOKE ANY PRIVILEGE privileges. Then add this user to the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management Realm as an owner. • Oracle strongly recommends that you create a separate, named account for the DV_ACCTMGR user. This way, if this user forgets his or her password, you can log in as the original DV_ACCTMGR account and reset the user's password. Otherwise, you must disable Oracle Database Vault, log in as SYS or SYSTEM to recreate the password, and then re-enable Database Vault. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_ACCTMGR? Any account, such as SYS or SYSTEM, with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege alone does not have the rights to grant this role to or revoke this role from any other database account. The account with the DV_ACCTMGR role and the ADMIN OPTION can grant this role to any given database account and revoke this role from another account. DV_ACCTMGR Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_REALM_OWNER Database Vault Realm DBA Role The DV_REALM_OWNER role is used for realm management. Use the DV_REALM_OWNER role to manage database objects in multiple schemas that define a realm. Grant this role to the database account who is responsible for managing one or more schema database accounts within a realm and the roles associated with the realm. Privileges Associated with the DV_REALM_OWNER Role A user who has been granted this role can use powerful system privileges like CREATE ANY, ALTER ANY, and DROP ANY within the realm. However, before this user can exercise these privileges, you must make this user either a participant or an owner for the realm. See About Realm Authorization for instructions. 14-20 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles There are no object privileges granted to the DV_REALM_OWNER role, but it does have some system privileges. To find the full list of DV_REALM_OWNER system privileges, log into the database instance with sufficient privileges and enter the following query: SELECT PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_REALM_OWNER'; How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_REALM_OWNER? The realm owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm, such as SYS, can grant this role to any given database account or role. Note that though this role has powerful system privileges, it does not have any Oracle Database Vault roles such as the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN roles. If you want to attach this role to a specific realm, then you must assign it to an account or business-related role, then authorize that account or role in the realm. DV_REALM_OWNER Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_REALM_RESOURCE Database Vault Application Resource Owner Role The DV_REALM_RESOURCE role is use for the management of realm resources. Use the DV_REALM_RESOURCE role for operations such as creating tables, views, triggers, synonyms, and other objects that a realm would typically use. Privileges Associated with the DV_REALM_RESOURCE Role The DV_REALM_RESOURCE role provides the same system privileges as the Oracle RESOURCE role. In addition, both CREATE SYNONYM and CREATE VIEW are granted to this role. There are no object privileges granted to the DV_REALM_RESOURCE role, but it does have some system privileges. To find the full list of DV_REALM_RESOURCE system privileges, log into the database instance with sufficient privileges and enter the following query: SELECT PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_REALM_RESOURCE'; Though this role has powerful system privileges, it does not have any Oracle Database Vault roles such as the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN roles. How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_REALM_RESOURCE? You can grant the DV_REALM_RESOURCE role to a database account that owns database tables, objects, triggers, views, procedures, and so on that are used to support any database application. 14-21 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Roles This is a role designed for a schema type database account. The realm owner of the Oracle System Privilege and Role Management realm, such as SYS, can grant this role to any database account or role. DV_REALM_RESOURCE Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_POLICY_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role The DV_POLICY_OWNER role enables database users to manage to a limited degree Oracle Database Vault policies. Privileges Associated with the DV_POLICY_OWNER Role The DV_POLICY_OWNER role provides non-Database Vault administrative users the sufficient privileges to enable or disable a Database Vault policy, add or remove authorization to or from a realm, and use the SELECT privilege for the following database views: • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE Only the DV_POLICY_OWNER can query these views. Even users who have the DV_OWNER and DV_ADMIN roles cannot query these views. The DV_POLICY_OWNER role does not have any system privileges. To find the full list of object privileges that are associated with the DV_POLICY_OWNER role, you can log into the database instance enter the following query: SELECT TABLE_NAME, OWNER, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'DV_POLICY_OWNER'; How Are GRANT and REVOKE Operations Affected by DV_POLICY_OWNER? Users who have been granted DV_POLICY_OWNER role cannot grant or revoke this role to or from other users. 14-22 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration DV_POLICY_OWNER Status When Oracle Database Vault Security Is Disabled The protection of all Oracle Database Vault roles is enforced only if Oracle Database Vault is enabled. If Oracle Database Vault is disabled, then any account with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can perform GRANT and REVOKE operations on protected Database Vault roles. Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DV_PUBLIC Database Vault PUBLIC Role The DV_PUBLIC role is no longer used. The DV_PUBLIC role is still created during installation, but it is not granted any roles or privileges. All privileges that were granted to DV_PUBLIC in previous releases are now granted directly to the PUBLIC role. Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration You must create accounts for the Oracle Database Vault Owner and Oracle Database Vault Account Manager during the registration process. You must supply an account name and password for the Oracle Database Vault Owner accounts during installation. Creating an Oracle Database Vault Account Manager is optional but strongly recommended for better separation of duty. The Oracle Database Vault Owner account is granted the DV_OWNER role. This account can manage Oracle Database Vault roles and configuration. The Oracle Database Vault Account Manager account is granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. This account is used to manage database user accounts to facilitate separation of duties. If you choose not to create the Oracle Database Vault Account Manager account during installation, then both the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles are granted to the Oracle Database Vault Owner user account. Table 14-2 lists the Oracle Database Vault database accounts that are needed in addition to the accounts that you create during installation. Table 14-2 Database Accounts Used by Oracle Database Vault Database Account Roles and Privileges Description DVSYS Several system and object privileges are provided to support Oracle Database Vault. The ability to create a session with this account is revoked at the end of the installation, and the account is locked. Owner of Oracle Database Vault schema and related objects 14-23 Chapter 14 Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration Table 14-2 (Cont.) Database Accounts Used by Oracle Database Vault Database Account Roles and Privileges Description DVF A limited set of system privileges are provided to support Oracle Database Vault. The ability to create a session with this account is revoked at the end of the installation, and the account is locked. Owner of the Oracle Database Vault functions that are created to retrieve factor identities LBACSYS This account is created when you install Oracle Label Security by using the Oracle Universal Installer custom installation option. (It is not created when you install Oracle Database Vault.) Do not drop or re-create this account. Owner of the Oracle Label Security schema If you plan to integrate a factor with an Oracle Label Security policy, you must assign this user as the owner of the realm that uses this factor. See Using Oracle Database Vault Factors with Oracle Label Security Policies for more information. You can create different database accounts to implement the separation of duties requirements for Oracle Database Vault. Table 14-3 lists some model database accounts that can act as a guide. (The accounts listed in Table 14-3 serve as a guide to implementing Oracle Database Vault roles. These are not actual accounts that are created during installation.) Table 14-3 Model Oracle Database Vault Database Accounts Database Account Roles and Privileges Description EBROWN DV_OWNER (with DV_ADMIN and DV_SECANALYST) Account that is the realm owner for the Oracle Database Vault realm. This account can: • • • • • JGODFREY DV_ACCTMGR Execute DVSYS packages Grant privileges on the DVSYS schema objects Select objects in the DVSYS schema Monitor Oracle Database Vault activity Run reports on the Oracle Database Vault configuration Account for administration of database accounts and profiles. This account can: • • • Create, alter, and drop users Create, alter, and drop profiles Grant and revoke the CREATE SESSION privilege • Grant and revoke the DV_ACCTMGR role, but only if this account was created during the Database Vault installation (this account is created with the ADMIN option) • Grant and revoke the CONNECT role Note: This account cannot create roles, or grant the RESOURCE or DBA roles. 14-24 Chapter 14 Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts Table 14-3 (Cont.) Model Oracle Database Vault Database Accounts Database Account Roles and Privileges Description RLAYTON DV_ADMIN (with DV_SECANALYST) Account to serve as the access control administrator. This account can: • • • Execute DVSYS packages Monitor Oracle Database Vault activity Run reports on the Oracle Database Vault configuration Note: This account cannot directly update the DVSYS tables. PSMYTHE DV_SECANALYST Account for running Oracle Database Vault reports Related Topics • Configuring Oracle Database Vault Accounts as Enterprise User Accounts You can configure existing Oracle Database Vault user accounts as enterprise user accounts. • Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts As a best practice, you should maintain backup accounts for the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts As a best practice, you should maintain backup accounts for the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. The Oracle Database Vault registration process entails creating both day-to-day and backup accounts for the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. You should keep and maintain these accounts as a safety measure in case a user who has been granted one of these roles forgets his or her password or leaves the organization. Then you can log in to the backup account to recover the password or grant the role to a new account. These should be only used as a backup account kept safe in a privileged account management system or an organization break-glass (or emergency password recovery) system. Because of the strong separation of duty that Oracle Database Vault implements, loss of access to the DV_OWNER account will force you to rebuild the database. The SYS account cannot override the DV_OWNER account Related Topics • Resetting Oracle Database Vault Account Passwords Backup accounts can help you reset lost passwords for users who have been granted the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. 14-25 15 Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package enables you to configure Oracle Database Vault realms. Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can use these procedures. For constants that you can use with these procedures, see Table 21-1 for more information. • ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure The ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes a user or role to access a realm as an owner or a participant. In a multitenant environment, you can authenticate both common and local realms. • ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Procedure The ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM procedure registers a set of objects for realm protection. • CREATE_REALM Procedure The CREATE_REALM procedure creates a realm. In a multitenant environment, you can create both common and local realms. • DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM Procedure The DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM procedure removes the authorization of a user or role to access a realm. • DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM Procedure The DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM procedure removes a set of objects from realm protection. • DELETE_REALM Procedure The DELETE_REALM procedure deletes a realm, including its related configuration information that specifies who is authorized and what objects are protected. • DELETE_REALM_CASCADE Procedure The DELETE_REALM_CASCADE procedure deletes a realm, including its related Database Vault configuration information that specifies who is authorized and the objects that are protected. • RENAME_REALM Procedure The RENAME_REALM procedure renames a realm; the name change takes effect everywhere the realm is used. • UPDATE_REALM Procedure The UPDATE_REALM procedure updates a realm. • UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Procedure The UPDATE_REALM_AUTH procedure updates the authorization of a user or role to access a realm. 15-1 Chapter 15 ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure The ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes a user or role to access a realm as an owner or a participant. In a multitenant environment, you can authenticate both common and local realms. For detailed information about realm authorization, see About Realm Authorization. Optionally, you can specify a rule set that must be checked before allowing the authorization to be enabled. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, grantee IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, auth_options IN NUMBER auth_scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 15-1 ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. grantee User or role name to authorize as an owner or a participant. To find the existing users and roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_USERS and DBA_ROLES views, described in Oracle Database Reference. To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. To find existing secure application roles used in privilege management, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view. Both are described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views. rule_set_name Optional. The rule set to check during runtime. The realm authorization is enabled only if the rule set evaluates to TRUE. To find the available rule sets, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View. 15-2 Chapter 15 ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure Table 15-1 (Cont.) ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Parameters Parameter Description auth_options Optional. Specify one of the following options to authorize the realm: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_PARTICIPANT: Participant. This account or role provides system or direct privileges to access, manipulate, and create objects protected by the realm, provided these rights have been granted using the standard Oracle Database privilege grant process. (Default) • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER: Owner. This account or role has the same authorization as the realm participant, plus the authorization to grant or revoke realm-secured roles and privileges on realmprotected objects. See About Realm Authorization for more information on participants and owners. auth_scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) to authorize the realm locally in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) to authorize the realm in the application root Examples The following example authorizes user SYSADM as a participant in the Performance Statistics Realm. Because the default is to authorize the user as a participant, the auth_options parameter can be omitted. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', grantee => 'SYSADM'); END; / This example sets user SYSADM as the owner of the Performance Statistics Realm. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', grantee => 'SYSADM', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER); END; / The next example triggers the Check Conf Access rule set before allowing user SYSADM to act as the owner of the Performance Statistics Realm. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', grantee => 'SYSADM', rule_set_name => 'Check Conf Access', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER); END; / 15-3 Chapter 15 ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Procedure This example shows how to commonly grant the common user C##HR_ADMIN access to the common realm HR Statistics Realm. The user running this procedure must be in the CDB root, and the rule set must be a common rule set residing in the application root. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'HR Statistics Realm', grantee => 'C##HR_ADMIN', rule_set_name => 'Check Access', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER, auth_scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / This example shows how to locally grant the common user C##HR_CLERK access to the common realm HR Statistics Realm. The user running this procedure must be in the same PDB in which the authorization applies. To find the existing PDBs query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. The rule set must be a local rule set. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'HR Statistics Realm', grantee => 'C##HR_CLERK', rule_set_name => 'Check Access', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER, auth_scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Procedure The ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM procedure registers a set of objects for realm protection. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, object_owner IN VARCHAR2, object_name IN VARCHAR2, object_type IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 15-2 ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. 15-4 Chapter 15 CREATE_REALM Procedure Table 15-2 (Cont.) ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Parameters Parameter Description object_owner The owner of the object that is being added to the realm. If you add a role to a realm, the object owner of the role is shown as % (for all), because roles do not have owners. To find the available users, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. object_name Object name. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Name" under About Realm-Secured Objects for exceptions to the wildcard %.) You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant. To find the available objects, query the ALL_OBJECTS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. To find objects that are secured by existing realms, query the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View. object_type Object type, such as TABLE, INDEX, or ROLE. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Types" under About Realm-Secured Objects for exceptions to the wildcard %.) You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', object_owner => '%', object_name => 'GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS', object_type => 'ROLE'); END; / CREATE_REALM Procedure The CREATE_REALM procedure creates a realm. In a multitenant environment, you can create both common and local realms. After you create the realm, use the following procedures to complete the realm definition: • ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM procedure registers one or more objects for the realm. • ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes users or roles for the realm. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, audit_options IN NUMBER, realm_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT, realm_scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); 15-5 Chapter 15 CREATE_REALM Procedure Parameters Table 15-3 CREATE_REALM Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Realm name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. description Description of the purpose of the realm, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the realm: • • • audit_options Specify one of the following options to audit the realm: • • • • realm_type DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable realm checking (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable all realm checking, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing for the realm (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL: Creates an audit record when a realm violation occurs (for example, when an unauthorized user tries to modify an object that is protected by the realm) DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for authorized activities on objects protected by the realm DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for both authorized and unauthorized activities on objects protected by the realm Specify one of the following options: • • 0: Disables mandatory realm checking. 1: Enables mandatory realm checking for realm objects. Only realm owners or realm participants will have access to objects in a realm. Object owners and object-privileged users who are not realm owners or participants will have no access. See also Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm for more information about mandatory realms. realm_scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the realm must be local in the current PDB. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the realm must be in the application root. This setting duplicates the realm in all of the associated PDBs. If you create the common realm in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; 15-6 Chapter 15 CREATE_REALM Procedure Examples The following example shows how to create a realm that is enabled, has auditing set to track both failed and successful access, and uses mandatory realm checking. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', description => 'Realm to measure performance', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS, realm_type => 1); END; / This example shows how to create a variation of the preceding example, but as a common realm located in the application root. The user who creates this realm must be a common user and must execute the procedure in the CDB root. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', description => 'Realm to measure performance', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS, realm_type => 1, realm_scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / This example shows how to create a local version n of the preceding example. The user who creates this realm must be in the PDB in which the realm will reside. To find existing PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', description => 'Realm to measure performance', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS, realm_type => 1, realm_scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / See Also: Example 21-1 15-7 Chapter 15 DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM Procedure DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM Procedure The DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM procedure removes the authorization of a user or role to access a realm. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, grantee IN VARCHAR2, auth_scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 15-4 DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View grantee User or role name. To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. auth_scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the realm was authorized locally in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2 if the realm was authorized in the application root Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', grantee => 'PSMITH', auth_scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM Procedure The DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM procedure removes a set of objects from realm protection. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, object_owner IN VARCHAR2, object_name IN VARCHAR2, object_type IN VARCHAR2); 15-8 Chapter 15 DELETE_REALM Procedure Parameters Table 15-5 DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. object_owner The owner of the object that was added to the realm. To find the available users, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. object_name Object name. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Name" under About Realm-Secured Objects for exceptions to the wildcard %.) You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant. To find objects that are secured by existing realms, query the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View. object_type Object type, such as TABLE, INDEX, or ROLE. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Types" under About Realm-Secured Objects for exceptions to the wildcard %.) You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', object_owner => 'SYS', object_name => 'GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS', object_type => 'ROLE'); END; / DELETE_REALM Procedure The DELETE_REALM procedure deletes a realm, including its related configuration information that specifies who is authorized and what objects are protected. This procedure does not delete the actual database objects or users. To find users who are authorized for the realm, query the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH view. To find the objects that are protected by the realm, query the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view. These views are described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2); 15-9 Chapter 15 DELETE_REALM_CASCADE Procedure Parameters Table 15-6 DELETE_REALM Parameter Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM('Performance Statistics Realm'); DELETE_REALM_CASCADE Procedure The DELETE_REALM_CASCADE procedure deletes a realm, including its related Database Vault configuration information that specifies who is authorized and the objects that are protected. The DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH view lists who is authorized in the realm and the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view lists the protected objects. It does not delete the actual database objects or users. This procedure works the same as the DELETE_REALM procedure. (In previous releases, these procedures were different, but now they are the same. Both are retained for earlier compatibility.) To find a listing of the realm-related objects, query the DBA_DV_REALM view. To find its authorizations, query DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH. Both are described under Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM_CASCADE( realm_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 15-7 DELETE_REALM_CASCADE Parameter Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM_CASCADE('Performance Statistics Realm'); 15-10 Chapter 15 RENAME_REALM Procedure RENAME_REALM Procedure The RENAME_REALM procedure renames a realm; the name change takes effect everywhere the realm is used. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, new_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 15-8 RENAME_REALM Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Current realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. new_name New realm name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', new_name => 'Sector 2 Performance Statistics Realm'); END; / UPDATE_REALM Procedure The UPDATE_REALM procedure updates a realm. To find information about the current settings for a realm, query the DVSYS.DV$REALM view, described in DVSYS.DV$REALM View. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_REALM( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, audit_options IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, realm_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL); 15-11 Chapter 15 UPDATE_REALM Procedure Parameters Table 15-9 UPDATE_REALM Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. description Description of the purpose of the realm, up to 1024 characters in mixedcase. enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the realm: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable realm checking • DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable all realm checking, including the capture of violations in the simulation log • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log The default for enabled is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_REALM data dictionary view. audit_options Specify one of the following options to audit the realm: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing for the realm DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL: Creates an audit record when a realm violation occurs (for example, when an unauthorized user tries to modify an object that is protected by the realm DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for • authorized activities on objects protected by the realm. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for both authorized and unauthorized activities on objects protected by the realm The default for audit_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_REALM data dictionary view. realm_type If you do not specify the realm_type parameter, then Oracle Database Vault does not update the current realm_type setting. Specify one of the following options: • 0: Sets the realm to be a regular realm, which does not have mandatory realm checking. • 1: Enables mandatory realm checking for realm objects. Only realm owners or realm participants will have access to objects in a realm. Object owners and object-privileged users who are not realm owners or participants will have no access. See also Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm for more information about mandatory realms. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_REALM( realm_name => 'Sector 2 Performance Statistics Realm', description => 'Realm to measure performance for Sector 2 applications', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS), realm_type => 1); 15-12 Chapter 15 UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Procedure END; / UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Procedure The UPDATE_REALM_AUTH procedure updates the authorization of a user or role to access a realm. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_REALM_AUTH( realm_name IN VARCHAR2, grantee IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, auth_options IN NUMBER, auth_scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 15-10 UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Parameters Parameter Description realm_name Realm name. To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. grantee User or role name. To find the available users and roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_USERS and DBA_ROLES views, described in Oracle Database Reference. To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. To find existing secure application roles used in privilege management, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. rule_set_name Optional. A rule set to check during runtime. The realm authorization is enabled only if the rule set evaluates to TRUE. To find the available rule sets, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view. To find rules that are associated with the rule sets, query the DBA_DB_RULE_SET_RULE view. Both are described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views. auth_options Optional. Specify one of the following options to authorize the realm: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_PARTICIPANT: Participant. This account or role provides system or direct privileges to access, manipulate, and create objects protected by the realm, provided these rights have been granted using the standard Oracle Database privilege grant process. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER: Owner. This account or role has the same authorization as the realm participant, plus the authorization to grant or revoke realm-secured roles and privileges on realmprotected objects. A realm can have multiple owners. The default for auth_options value is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view. 15-13 Chapter 15 UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Procedure Table 15-10 (Cont.) UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Parameters Parameter Description realm_auth For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the realm is authorized locally in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the realm is authorized in the application root Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_REALM_AUTH( realm_name => 'Sector 2 Performance Statistics Realm', grantee => 'SYSADM', rule_set_name => 'Check Conf Access', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER); END; / 15-14 16 Oracle Database Vault Rule Set APIs You can use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package and a set of Oracle Database Vault rule functions to manage rule sets. • DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures The DBMS_MACADM rule set procedures enable you to configure both rule sets and individual rules that go within these rule sets. • Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions Oracle Database Vault provides functions to use in rule sets to inspect the SQL statement that the rule set protects. DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures The DBMS_MACADM rule set procedures enable you to configure both rule sets and individual rules that go within these rule sets. Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can use these procedures. • ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET Procedure The ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET procedure adds rule to a rule set; you can enable having the rule checked when the rule set is evaluated. • CREATE_RULE Procedure The CREATE_RULE procedure creates a rule, which afterwards, can be added to a rule set. • CREATE_RULE_SET Procedure The CREATE_RULE_SET procedure creates a rule set. • DELETE_RULE Procedure The DELETE_RULE procedure deletes a rule. • DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET Procedure The DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET procedure deletes a rule from a rule set. • DELETE_RULE_SET Procedure The DELETE_RULE_SET procedure deletes a rule set. • RENAME_RULE Procedure The RENAME_RULE procedure renames a rule and causes the name change to take effect everywhere the rule is used • RENAME_RULE_SET Procedure The RENAME_RULE_SET procedure renames a rule set and causes the name change to take effect everywhere the rule set is used. • UPDATE_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_RULE procedure updates a rule. • UPDATE_RULE_SET Procedure The UPDATE_RULE_SET procedure updates a rule set. 16-1 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures Related Topics • Configuring Rule Sets Rule sets group one or more rules together; the rules determine whether a user can perform an action on an object. • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET Procedure The ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET procedure adds rule to a rule set; you can enable having the rule checked when the rule set is evaluated. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, rule_name IN VARCHAR2, rule_order IN NUMBER, enabled IN VARCHAR2, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 16-1 ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Rule set name. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. rule_name Rule to add to the rule set. To find existing rules, query the DBA_DV_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_RULE View. To find rules that have been associated with rule sets, use DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE, described in DBA_DV_RULE View. rule_order Does not apply to this release, but you must include a value for the ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET procedure to work. Enter 1. enabled Optional. Determines whether the rule should be checked when the rule set is evaluated. Possible values are: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES (default). Enables the rule to be checked during the rule set evaluation. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO Prevents the rule from being checked during the rule set evaluation. See Table 21-1 for more information. scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the rule and rule set are local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the rule and rule set are in the application root 16-2 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures Examples The following example adds a rule to a rule set, and by omitting the enabled parameter, automatically enables the rule to be checked when the rule set is evaluated. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', rule_name => 'Restrict DROP TABLE operations', rule_order => 1); END; / This example adds the rule to the rule set but disables rule checking. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', rule_name => 'Check UPDATE operations', rule_order => 1, enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO); END; / CREATE_RULE Procedure The CREATE_RULE procedure creates a rule, which afterwards, can be added to a rule set. In a multitenant environment, you can create both common and local rules. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name IN VARCHAR2, rule_expr IN VARCHAR2 scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 16-2 CREATE_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_name Rule name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case. Spaces are allowed. To find existing rules in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_RULE View. To find rules that have been associated with rule sets, query DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View. 16-3 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures Table 16-2 (Cont.) CREATE_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_expr PL/SQL BOOLEAN expression. If the expression contains quotation marks, do not use double quotation marks. Instead, use two single quotation marks. Enclose the entire expression within single quotation marks. For example: 'TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,''HH24'') = ''12''' See Creating a New Rule for more information on rule expressions. scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the rule is in the application root Examples The following example shows how to create a local rule expression that checks if the current session user is SYSADM. The user running this procedure must be in the same PDB in which the rule and its rule set reside. To find the existing PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. The rule and rule set must be local. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check UPDATE operations', rule_expr =>'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''SYSADM''', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / This example shows a multitenant environment common version of the preceding example. The user running this procedure must be in the CDB root, and the rule and its associated rule set must be common. The rule will reside in the application root. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check UPDATE operations', rule_expr =>'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''SYSADM''', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / This example shows how to create a rule expression that uses the public standalone function OLS_LABEL_DOMINATES to find if the session label of the hr_ols_pol Oracle Label Security policy dominates or is equal to the hs label. The value 0 indicates if it is false. (To check if it is equal, you would specify 1.) BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check OLS Factor', rule_expr => 'OLS_LABEL_DOMINATES(''hr_ols_pol'', ''hs'') = 1'); END; / 16-4 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures CREATE_RULE_SET Procedure The CREATE_RULE_SET procedure creates a rule set. After you create a rule set, you can use the CREATE_RULE and ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET procedures to create and add rules to the rule set. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, eval_options IN NUMBER, audit_options IN NUMBER, fail_options IN NUMBER, fail_message IN VARCHAR2, fail_code IN NUMBER, handler_options IN NUMBER, handler IN VARCHAR2, is_static IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 16-3 CREATE_RULE_SET Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Rule set name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case. Spaces are allowed. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. description Description of the purpose of the rule set, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. enabled DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES (Yes) enables the rule set; DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO (No) disables it. The default is DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES. eval_options If you plan to assign multiple rules to the rule set, enter one of the following settings: • • audit_options DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ALL: All rules in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to true (default). DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY: At least one rule in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to true. Select one of the following settings: • • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing for the rule set (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL: Creates an audit record when a rule set violation occurs DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for a successful rule set evaluation DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for both successful and failed rule set evaluations 16-5 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures Table 16-3 (Cont.) CREATE_RULE_SET Parameters Parameter Description fail_options Options for reporting errors: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SHOW: Shows an error message (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT: Does not show an error message fail_message Enter an error message for failure, up to 80 characters in mixed-case, to associate with the fail code you specify for fail_code. fail_code Enter a number in the range of -20000 to -20999 or 20000 to 20999 to associate with the fail_message parameter. handler_options Select one of the following settings: • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF: Disables error handling (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL: Calls handler on rule set failure DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_SUCCESS: Calls handler on rule set success handler Name of the PL/SQL function or procedure that defines the custom event handler logic. is_static Optional. Determines how often a rule set is evaluated when it is accessed. The default is FALSE. • • scope TRUE: The rule set is evaluated once during the user session. After that, the value is re-used. FALSE: The rule set is evaluated every time. For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the rule set is to be local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the rule set is to be in the application root Examples The following example creates a rule set that is enabled, is set so that at least one rule must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to true, and audits both failed and successful attempts. It does not show error messages but uses the fail code 20461 to track failures. It also uses a handler to send email alerts to the appropriate users if their are violations to the rule set. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', description => 'DBA access through predefined processes', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT, fail_message => '', fail_code => 20461, handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL, handler => 'dbavowner.email_alert', 16-6 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures is_static END; / => TRUE); This rule set uses no fail messages or fail codes, nor does it use any handlers. This rule set will be in the application root of a multitenant environment, so the user running this procedure must be in the application root. Any rules or command rules that are associated with this rule set must be common. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Check_HR_Access', description => 'Checks for failed access attempts to the HR schema', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT, fail_message => '', fail_code => '', handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF, handler => '', is_static => TRUE, scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / This rule set is a local version of the preceding rule set. The user who creates this rule set must be in the PDB in which this rule set will reside. To find the existing PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. Any rules or command rules that are associated with this rule set must be local. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Check_HR_Access', description => 'Checks for failed access attempts to the HR schema', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT, fail_message => '', fail_code => '', handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF, handler => '', is_static => TRUE, scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / See Also: Example 21-2 16-7 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures DELETE_RULE Procedure The DELETE_RULE procedure deletes a rule. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE( rule_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameter Table 16-4 DELETE_RULE Parameter Parameter Description rule_name Rule name. To find existing rules in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_RULE View. To find rules that have been associated with rule sets, query DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE('Check UPDATE operations'); DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET Procedure The DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET procedure deletes a rule from a rule set. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, rule_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 16-5 DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Rule set name. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. rule_name Rule to remove from the rule set. To find existing rules in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_RULE View. To find rules that have been associated with rule sets, query DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET( 16-8 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', rule_name => 'Check UPDATE operations'); END; / DELETE_RULE_SET Procedure The DELETE_RULE_SET procedure deletes a rule set. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 16-6 DELETE_RULE_SET Parameter Parameter Description rule_set_name Rule set name. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_RULE_SET('Limit_DBA_Access'); RENAME_RULE Procedure The RENAME_RULE procedure renames a rule and causes the name change to take effect everywhere the rule is used Syntax DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_RULE( rule_name IN VARCHAR2, new_name IN VARCHAR2, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 16-7 RENAME_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_name Current rule name. To find existing rules in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_RULE View. To find rules that have been associated with rule sets, query DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View. new_name New rule name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case. 16-9 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures Table 16-7 (Cont.) RENAME_RULE Parameters Parameter Description scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the rule is in the application root Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_RULE( rule_name => 'Check UPDATE operations', new_name => 'Check Sector 2 Processes'); END; / RENAME_RULE_SET Procedure The RENAME_RULE_SET procedure renames a rule set and causes the name change to take effect everywhere the rule set is used. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_RULE_SET( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, new_name IN VARCHAR2, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 16-8 RENAME_RULE_SET Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Current rule set name. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. new_name New rule set name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case. Spaces are allowed. scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the rule set is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the rule set is in the application root Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', 16-10 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures new_name END; / => 'Limit Sector 2 Access'); UPDATE_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_RULE procedure updates a rule. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_RULE( rule_name IN VARCHAR2, rule_expr IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 16-9 UPDATE_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_name Rule name. To find existing rules in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_RULE View. To find rules that have been associated with rule sets, query DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View. rule_expr PL/SQL BOOLEAN expression. If the expression contains quotation marks, do not use double quotation marks. Instead, use two single quotation marks. Enclose the entire expression within single quotation marks. For example: 'TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,''HH24'') = ''12''' See Creating a New Rule for more information on rule expressions. To find existing rule expressions, query the DBA_DV_RULE view. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check UPDATE operations', rule_expr =>'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''SYSADM'' AND ( UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''MODULE'')) LIKE ''APPSRVR%'' OR UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''MODULE'')) LIKE ''DBAPP%'' )' ); END; / UPDATE_RULE_SET Procedure The UPDATE_RULE_SET procedure updates a rule set. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2, 16-11 Chapter 16 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set Procedures enabled eval_options audit_options fail_options fail_message fail_code handler_options handler is_static IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN VARCHAR2, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, VARCHAR2, NUMBER, NUMBER, VARCHAR2, BOOLEAN DEFAULT); Parameters Table 16-10 UPDATE_RULE_SET Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Rule set name. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. description Description of the purpose of the rule set, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. enabled DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES (Yes) enables rule set checking; DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO (No) disables it. The default for the enabled setting is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view. eval_options If you plan to assign multiple rules to the rule set, enter one of the following settings: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ALL: All rules in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to true. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY: At least one rule in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to true. The default for eval_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view. audit_options Select one of the following settings: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing for the rule set • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL: Creates an audit record when a rule set violation occurs DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record • for a successful rule set evaluation • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for both successful and failed rule set evaluations The default for audit_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view. fail_options Options for reporting errors: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SHOW: Shows an error message. DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT: Does not show an error message. The default for fail_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view. fail_message Error message for failure, up to 80 characters in mixed-case, to associate with the fail code you specify for fail_code. 16-12 Chapter 16 Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions Table 16-10 (Cont.) UPDATE_RULE_SET Parameters Parameter Description fail_code Enter a number in the range of -20000 to -20999 or 20000 to 20999 to associate with the fail_message parameter. handler_options Select one of the following settings: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF: Disables error handling. DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL: Call handler on rule set failure. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_SUCCESS: Call handler on rule set success. The default for handler_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view. handler Name of the PL/SQL function or procedure that defines the custom event handler logic. is_static Optional. Determines how often a rule set is evaluated when it is accessed by a SQL statement. The default is FALSE. • • TRUE: The rule set is evaluated once during the user session. After that, the value is re-used. FALSE: The rule set evaluated each time a SQL statement accesses it. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', description => 'DBA access through predefined processes', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SHOW, fail_message => 'Access denied!', fail_code => 20900, handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF, handler => '', is_static = TRUE); END; / Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions Oracle Database Vault provides functions to use in rule sets to inspect the SQL statement that the rule set protects. • DV_SYSEVENT Function The DV_SYSEVENT function returns the system event firing the rule set. . • DV_LOGIN_USER Function The DV_LOGIN_USER function returns the login user name, in VARCHAR2 data type. • DV_INSTANCE_NUM Function The DV_INSTANCE_NUM function returns the database instance number, in NUMBER data type. 16-13 Chapter 16 Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions • DV_DATABASE_NAME Function The DV_DATABASE_NAME function returns the database name, in VARCHAR2 data type. • DV_DICT_OBJ_TYPE Function The DV_DICT_OBJ_TYPE function returns the type of the dictionary object on which the database operation occurred. • DV_DICT_OBJ_OWNER Function The DV_DICT_OBJ_OWNER function returns the name of the owner of the dictionary object on which the database operation occurred. • DV_DICT_OBJ_NAME Function The DV_DICT_OBJ_NAME function returns the name of the dictionary object on which the database operation occurred. • DV_SQL_TEXT Function The DV_SQL_TEXT function returns the first 4000 characters of SQL text of the database statement used in the operation. DV_SYSEVENT Function The DV_SYSEVENT function returns the system event firing the rule set. . The event name is the same as that in the syntax of the SQL statement (for example, INSERT, CREATE.) The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DV_SYSEVENT () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Get System Event Firing the Maintenance Rule Set', rule_expr => 'DV_SYSEVENT = ''CREATE'''); END; / DV_LOGIN_USER Function The DV_LOGIN_USER function returns the login user name, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DV_LOGIN_USER () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None 16-14 Chapter 16 Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check System Login User Name', rule_expr => 'DV_LOGIN_USER = ''SEBASTIAN'''); END; / DV_INSTANCE_NUM Function The DV_INSTANCE_NUM function returns the database instance number, in NUMBER data type. Syntax DV_INSTANCE_NUM () RETURN NUMBER; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Database Instance Number', rule_expr => 'DV_INSTANCE_NUM BETWEEN 6 AND 9'); END; / DV_DATABASE_NAME Function The DV_DATABASE_NAME function returns the database name, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DV_DATABASE_NAME () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Database Name', rule_expr => 'DV_DATABASE_NAME = ''ORCL'''); END; / 16-15 Chapter 16 Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions DV_DICT_OBJ_TYPE Function The DV_DICT_OBJ_TYPE function returns the type of the dictionary object on which the database operation occurred. For example, dictionary objects it returns are table, procedure, or view. The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DV_DICT_OBJ_TYPE () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Dictionary Object Type', rule_expr => 'DV_DICT_OBJ_TYPE IN (''TABLE'', ''VIEW'')'); END; / DV_DICT_OBJ_OWNER Function The DV_DICT_OBJ_OWNER function returns the name of the owner of the dictionary object on which the database operation occurred. The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DV_DICT_OBJ_OWNER () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Dictionary Object Owner', rule_expr => 'DV_DICT_OBJ_OWNER = ''JSMITH'''); END; / DV_DICT_OBJ_NAME Function The DV_DICT_OBJ_NAME function returns the name of the dictionary object on which the database operation occurred. The return type is VARCHAR2. 16-16 Chapter 16 Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Rule Set Functions Syntax DV_DICT_OBJ_NAME () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Dictionary Object Name', rule_expr => 'DV_DICT_OBJ_NAME = ''SALES'''); END; / DV_SQL_TEXT Function The DV_SQL_TEXT function returns the first 4000 characters of SQL text of the database statement used in the operation. The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DV_SQL_TEXT () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check SQL Text', rule_expr => 'DV_SQL_TEXT = ''SELECT SALARY FROM HR.EMPLOYEES'''); END; / 16-17 17 Oracle Database Vault Command Rule APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package provides procedures for configuring command rules. . Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can use these procedures. • CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The CREATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure creates a command rule and associates it with a rule set. • CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure creates a CONNECT command rule that you can associate with a user and a rule set. • CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure creates a command rule that you can associate with session events, based on the ALTER SESSION statement. • CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure creates a command rule that you can associate with system events, based on the ALTER SYSTEM statement. • DELETE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The DELETE_COMMAND_RULE procedure drops a command rule declaration. • DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure deletes a CONNECT command rule that had been created with the CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure. • DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure deletes a session command rule that was associated with events. • DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure deletes a system command rule that was associated with events. • UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure updates a command rule declaration. • UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure updates a CONNECT command rule that had been created with the CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure. • UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure updates a session event command rule, based on the ALTER SESSION statement. • UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure updates a system event command rule, based on the ALTER SYSTEM statement. 17-1 Chapter 17 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Related Topics • Configuring Command Rules You can create command rules or use the default command rules to protect DDL and DML statements. • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The CREATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure creates a command rule and associates it with a rule set. Optionally, you can use it to enable the command rule for rule checking with a rule set. In a multitenant environment, you can create both common and local command rules. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, object_owner IN VARCHAR2, object_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, privilege_scope IN NUMBER, clause_name IN VARCHAR2, parameter_name IN VARCHAR2, event_name IN VARCHAR2, component_name IN VARCHAR2, action_name IN VARCHAR2, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-1 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description command SQL statement to protect. See also the following: • • • rule_set_name Default Command Rules for information about default command rules DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View for a listing of existing command rules SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules for a listing of available SQL statements that you can use Name of rule set to associate with this command rule. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. object_owner Database schema to which this command rule will apply. The wildcard % is allowed, except for the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and EXECUTE statements. To find the available users, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. See also "Object Owner" in Creating a Command Rule for more information. 17-2 Chapter 17 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Table 17-1 (Cont.) CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description object_name Object to be protected by the command rule. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Name" in Creating a Command Rule for more information about objects protected by command rules.) To find the available objects, query the ALL_OBJECTS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ (Yes) to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log privilege_scope Obsolete parameter clause_name A clause from the SQL statement that was used to create the command rule. For example, a command rule for the ALTER SESSION SQL statement could have the SET clause as the clause_name parameter. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. parameter_name A parameter from the clause_name parameter. For example, for an ALTER SESSION command rule, you could set parameter_name to EVENTS if the clause_name is SET. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. event_name An event that the command rule defines. For example, suppose an ALTER SESSION command rule uses SET for the clause_name and EVENTS as the parameter_name. The event_name could be set to TRACE if you want to track trace events. Applies only to ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules that have the parameter parameter set to EVENTS. component_name A component of the event_name setting. For example, for a TRACE event, the component_name could be GCS. Applies only to ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules that have the parameter parameter set to EVENTS. action_name An action of the component_name setting. Applies only to ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules that have the parameter parameter set to EVENTS. scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you create the common command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; 17-3 Chapter 17 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule Settings Table 17-2 describes the ALTER SYSTEM command rule settings. Table 17-2 ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule Settings clause_name parameter_name — Parameter Value ARCHIVE LOG • • • • • • • CHECK DATAFILES N/A — global or local CHECKPOINT N/A — global or local COPY LOGFILE N/A — N/A DISTRIBUTED RECOVERY N/A — enable or disable DUMP • • • • • • END SESSION DISCONNECT SESSION — N/A ALL — sequence_number CHANGE — change_number CURRENT — N/A GROUP — group_number LOGFILE — log_file_name NEXT — N/A SEQUENCE — N/A DATAFILE — N/A FLASHBACK — N/A LOGFILE — N/A REDO — N/A TEMPFILE — N/A UNDO — N/A KILL SESSION — N/A FLUSH BUFFER_CACHE — N/A GLOBAL CONTEXT — N/A REDO — target_db_name SHARED_POOL — N/A QUIESCE QUIESCE RESTRICTED — N/A UNQUIESCE — N/A REFRESH LDAP_REGISTRATION — N/A REGISTER N/A — N/A RESET initialization_parameter_name — N/A RESUME N/A — N/A SECURITY RESTRICTED SESSION — enable or disable SET ENCRYPTION KEY — N/A SET ENCRYPTION WALLET — open or close SET EVENTS — event_string GLOBAL_TOPIC_ENABLED — true or false initialization_parameter_name — parameter_value LDAP_REGISTRATION_ENABLED — true or false LDAP_REG-SYNC_INTERVAL — Number SINGLETASK DEBUG — N/A USE_STORED_OUTLINES — true , false, or category_name 17-4 Chapter 17 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Table 17-2 (Cont.) ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule Settings clause_name parameter_name — Parameter Value SHUTDOWN DISPPATCHER N/A — dispatcher_name SWITCH LOGFILE N/A — all or none SUSPEND N/A — N/A TX RECOVERY N/A — enable or disable ALTER SESSION Command Rule Settings Table 17-3 describes the ALTER SESSION command rule settings. Table 17-3 ALTER SESSION Command Rule Settings clause_name parameter_name — Parameter Value ADVISE N/A — COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or NOTHING CLOSE DATABASE LINK N/A — database_link COMMIT IN PROCEDURE N/A — ENABLE or DISABLE GUARD N/A — ENABLE or DISABLE ILM ROW ACCESS TRACKING — N/A ROW MODIFICATION TRACKING — N/A LOGICAL REPLICATION N/A — N/A PARALLEL DML N/A — ENABLE, DISABLE, or FORCE PARALLEL DDL N/A — ENABLE, DISABLE, or FORCE PARALLEL QUERY N/A — ENABLE, DISABLE, or FORCE RESUMABLE N/A — ENABLE or DISABLE SYNC WITH PRIMARY N/A — N/A 17-5 Chapter 17 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Table 17-3 (Cont.) ALTER SESSION Command Rule Settings clause_name parameter_name — Parameter Value SET APPLICATION ACTION — action_name APPLICATION MODULE — module_name CONSTRAINTS — IMMEDIATE, DEFERRED, or DEFAULT CONTAINER — container_name CURRENT SCHEMA — schema_name EDITION — edition_name ERROR ON OVERLAP TIME — TRUE or FALSE EVENTS — event_string FLAGGER — OFF, FULL, INTERMEDIATE, ENTRY initialization_parameter_name — parameter_name INSTANCE — instance_number ISOLATION_LEVEL — SERIALIZABLE or READ COMMITTED ROW_ARCHIVAL_VISABILITY — ACTIVE or ALL SQL_TRANSFORMATION_PROFILE — profile_name STANDBY_MAX_DATA_DELAY — NONEnumber TIME_ZONE — LOCAL, DBTIMEZONE, or other_value USE_PRIVATE_OUTLINES — TRUE, FALSE, or category_name USE_STORED_OUTLINES — TRUE, FALSE, or category_name Examples The following example shows how to create a simple command rule for the SELECT statement on the OE.ORDERS table. This command rule uses no command rules. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'SELECT', rule_set_name => 'Check User Role', object_owner => 'OE', object_name => 'ORDERS', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / ALTER SESSION Command Rule Using the SET Clause The following example shows how to create an ALTER SESSION command rule that uses the SET clause with the ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME parameter. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'ALTER SESSION', rule_set_name => 'Test ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME for FALSE', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, clause_name => 'SET', parameter_name => 'ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); 17-6 Chapter 17 CREATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure END; / In this example: • rule_set_name: The ALTER SESSION SQL statement ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME session parameter must be set to either TRUE or FALSE. You can create a rule set that checks if this setting. For example, for the rule: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE('RULE_TRUE', 'UPPER(PARAMETER_VALUE) = ''TRUE'''); The rule set that is used with this rule can be similar to the following: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Test ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME', description => 'Checks if the ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME setting is TRUE or FALSE', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ALL, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT, fail_message => 'false error on overlaptime', fail_code => 20461, handler_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL, handler => '', is_static => false); END; / EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET('Test ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME', 'RULE_TRUE'); • object_owner and object_name must be set to % for ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM command rules. • enabled uses the DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES constant to enable the command rule when it is created. • clause_name sets the ALTER SESSION command rule to use the SET clause of the ALTER SESSION PL/SQL statement. • parameter_name is set to the ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME parameter of the SET clause. • scope uses the DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON constant to set the command rule to be a common command rule. This command rule will be in the application root of a multitenant environment, so the user running this procedure must be in the CDB root. Any rules or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be common. If you were creating the command rule locally, you would set scope to DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL. In that case, the user who runs this procedure must be in the PDB in which the command rule will reside. To find the existing PDBs, you can query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. Any rules or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be local. ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule Using the CHECKPOINT Clause This example shows how to create an ALTER SYSTEM command rule that users the CHECKPOINT clause. To have the command rule test for the CHECKPOINT setting, you must create a rule set and rule, similar to the ALTER SESSION command rule in the previous example. In this example, the parameter setting is not specified because the CHECKPOINT setting does not have parameters. 17-7 Chapter 17 CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'ALTER SYSTEM', rule_set_name => 'Test CHECKPOINT Setting', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, clause_name => 'CHECKPOINT', parameter_name => '', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / ALTER SESSION Command Rule Using the SET Clause The following ALTER SESSION command rule uses the SET clause to specify an event_name and component_name. You can only use the event_name, component_name, and action_name parameters if the clause_name parameter specifies SET. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'ALTER SESSION', rule_set_name => 'Check Trace Events', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, clause_name => 'SET', parameter_name => 'EVENTS', event_name => 'TRACE', component_name => 'GCS', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / See also ALTER SESSION and ALTER SYSTEM Command Rules for conceptual information about this topic. CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure creates a CONNECT command rule that you can associate with a user and a rule set. In a multitenant environment, you can create both common and local command rules. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( user_name IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); 17-8 Chapter 17 CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Parameters Table 17-4 CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description user_name User to whom the CONNECT command rule will apply. If you enter the % wildcard, then the CONNECT command rule will be applied to every database user. In a multitenant environment, if you execute this procedure in the root, then specifying % applies to all common users. If you run the procedure in a PDB, then it applies to all local and common users who have access to this PDB. If there are two command rules, one common and one local, and they both apply to the same object, then both must evaluate successfully for the operation to succeed. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this user is common if the CONNECT command rule is common, and local or common if the CONNECT command rule is local. To find existing database users in the current instance, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. rule_set_name Name of rule set to associate with this command rule. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this rule set is common if the CONNECT command rule is common, and local if the CONNECT command rule is local. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • scope DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ (Yes) to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you create the common CONNECT command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Examples The following example shows how to create a common CONNECT command rule in a multitenant environment. This command rule will be in the CDB root, so the user who runs this procedure must be in the CDB root. Any user names or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be common. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Allow Sessions', 17-9 Chapter 17 CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure user_name enabled scope END; / => 'C##HR_ADMIN', => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION, => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); This example is a local version of the preceding example. The user who runs this procedure must be in the PDB in which the local CONNECT command rule will reside. To find the existing PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. Any rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be local. The user can be either common or local. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Allow Sessions', user_name => 'PSMITH', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION, scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure creates a command rule that you can associate with session events, based on the ALTER SESSION statement. In a multitenant environment, you can create both session event common and local command rules. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-5 CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Name of the rule set to associate with the command rule. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this rule set is common if the session event command rule is common, and local if the command rule is local. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. 17-10 Chapter 17 CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure Table 17-5 (Cont.) CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ (Yes) to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log event_name An event that the command rule defines. This setting enables the command rule to correspond with an ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS event_name statement. For example, to track trace events, you would set event_name to TRACE. component_name A component of the event_name setting. Example settings are DV, OLS, or GCS. You can find valid component names by issuing ORADEBUG DOC COMPONENT RDBMS as user SYS. The output displays parent and child components, which you can use for the component_name setting. For example, both XS (parent) and XSSESSION (child of XS) are valid component names. If you select the parent component, then the command rule applies to it and the child components. action_name An action of the component_name setting scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you create the common command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Examples The following example shows how to create a common session event command rule in a multitenant environment. This command rule will be in the application root, so the user running this procedure must be in the CDB root. Any user names or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be common. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Allow Sessions', event_name => 'TRACE', component_name => 'DV', action_name => 'CURSORTRACE', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION, scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / 17-11 Chapter 17 CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure This example shows how to create a session event for the 47998 trace event. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Allow Sessions', event_name => '47998', enabled => 'y', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure creates a command rule that you can associate with system events, based on the ALTER SYSTEM statement. In a multitenant environment, you can create both ALTER SYSTEM common and local command rules. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-6 CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Name of the rule set to associate with the command rule. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this rule set is common if the system event command rule is common, and local if the command rule is local. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. event_name An event that the command rule defines. This setting enables the command rule to correspond to an ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS event_name statement. For example, to track trace events, you would set event_name to TRACE. component_name A component of the event_name setting. Example settings are DV, OLS, or GCS. You can find valid component names by issuing ORADEBUG DOC COMPONENT RDBMS as user SYS. The output displays parent and child components, which you can use for the component_name setting. For example, both XS (parent) and XSSESSION (child of XS) are valid component names. If you select the parent component, then the command rule applies to it and the child components. action_name An action of the component_name setting 17-12 Chapter 17 DELETE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Table 17-6 (Cont.) CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • scope DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you create the common command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Example The following example shows how to create a common system event command rule in a multitenant environment. This command rule will be in the application root, so the user running this procedure must be in the CDB root. Any user names or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be common. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Enabled', event_name => 'TRACE', component_name => 'GSIPC', action_name => 'HEAPDUMP', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / DELETE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The DELETE_COMMAND_RULE procedure drops a command rule declaration. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE( command IN VARCHAR2, object_owner IN VARCHAR2, object_name IN VARCHAR2, clause_name IN VARCHAR2, parameter_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, 17-13 Chapter 17 DELETE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure action_name scope IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-7 DELETE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description command SQL statement the command rule protects. To find available command rules, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View object_owner Database schema to which this command rule applies. To find the available users in the current database instance, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. object_name Object name. The wildcard % is allowed. To find the available objects in the current database instance, query the ALL_OBJECTS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. clause_name A clause from the SQL statement that was used to create the command rule. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. parameter_name A parameter from the clause_name parameter. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. event_name An event that the command rule defines. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. component_name A component of the event_name setting. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. action_name An action of the component_name setting. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root Example The following example shows how to delete an ALTER SESSION command rule. When you specify the parameters, ensure that they match exactly the parameters that were used the last time the command rule was updated. To find the current settings of the command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'ALTER SESSION', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', clause_name => 'SET', parameter_name => 'EVENTS', event_name => 'TRACE', component_name => 'GCS', 17-14 Chapter 17 DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure scope END; / => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); This example shows how to delete a SELECT command rule. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'SELECT', object_owner => 'HR', object_name => 'EMPLOYEES', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure deletes a CONNECT command rule that had been created with the CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( user_name IN VARCHAR2, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-8 DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description user_name User to whom the CONNECT command rule applied. To find this user, query the OBJECT_OWNER field of the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view. scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( user_name => 'PSMITH', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / 17-15 Chapter 17 DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure deletes a session command rule that was associated with events. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE( event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-9 DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description event_name An event that the session event command rule defines. DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View for a information about existing command rules component_name A component of the event_name setting action_name An action of the component_name setting scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root Example The following example shows how to delete a common session event command rule in the application root a multitenant environment. The user running this procedure must be a common user in the CDB root. When you specify the parameters, ensure that they match exactly the parameters that were used the last time the command rule was updated. To find the current settings of the command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE( event_name => '47999', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / 17-16 Chapter 17 DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure deletes a system command rule that was associated with events. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE( event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-10 DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description event_name An event that the system event command rule defines. See DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View for a information about existing command rules. component_name A component of the event_name setting action_name An action of the component_name setting scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root Examples The following example shows how to delete a common system event command rule in the application root of a multitenant environment. The user running this procedure must be a common user in the CDB root. When you specify the parameters, ensure that they match exactly the parameters that were used the last time the command rule was updated. To find the current settings of the command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE( event_name => 'TRACE', component_name => 'DV', action_name => '', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure updates a command rule declaration. In a multitenant environment, you can update both common and local command rules. 17-17 Chapter 17 UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE( command IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, object_owner IN VARCHAR2, object_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, privilege_scope IN NUMBER, clause_name IN VARCHAR2, parameter_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-11 UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description command Command rule to update See also the following: • • rule_set_name SQL Statements That Can Be Protected by Command Rules for a listing of available SQL statements that you can use DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View for a information about existing command rules Name of rule set to associate with this command rule. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views. object_owner Database schema to which this command rule applies. To find the available users, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. See also "Object Owner" in Creating a Command Rule for more information. object_name Object name. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Name" in Creating a Command Rule for more information about objects protected by command rules.) To find the available objects, query the ALL_OBJECTS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log privilege_scope Obsolete parameter clause_name A clause from the SQL statement that was used to create the command rule. For example, a command rule for the ALTER SESSION SQL statement could have the SET clause as the clause_name parameter. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. 17-18 Chapter 17 UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Procedure Table 17-11 (Cont.) UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description parameter_name A parameter from the clause_name parameter. For example, for an ALTER SESSION command rule, you could set parameter_name to EVENTS if the clause_name is SET. Applies only to command rules for ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION. event_name An event that the command rule defines. For example, for an ALTER SESSION command rule that uses SET for the clause_name and EVENTS as the parameter_name, then the event_name could be set to TRACE. Applies only to ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules that have the parameter parameter set to events. component_name A component of the event_name setting. For example, for a TRACE event, the component_name could be GCS. Applies only to ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules that have the parameter parameter set to events. action_name An action of the component_name setting. For example, if component_name is set to GCS, then the action_name setting could be DISK HIGH. Applies only to ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules that have the parameter parameter set to events. scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you update the common command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Examples The following example shows how to create a simple command rule that protects the HR.EMPLOYEES schema. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'SELECT', rule_set_name => 'Enabled', object_owner => 'HR', object_name => 'EMPLOYEES', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION, scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / This example shows how to update a more complex command rule, which is based on the ALTER SESSION SQL statement. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE( command => 'ALTER SESSION', 17-19 Chapter 17 UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure rule_set_name object_owner object_name enabled clause_name parameter_name event_name component_name scope END; / => => => => => => => => => 'Enabled', '%', '%', 's', 'SET', 'EVENTS', 'TRACE', 'GCS', DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure updates a CONNECT command rule that had been created with the CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( user_name IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-12 UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description user_name User to whom the CONNECT command rule will apply. If you enter the % wildcard, then the CONNECT command rule will be applied to every database user. In a multitenant environment, if you execute this procedure in the root, then specifying % applies to all common users. If you run the procedure in a PDB, then it applies to all local and common users who have access to this PDB. If there are two command rules, one common and one local, and they both apply to the same object, then both must evaluate successfully for the operation to succeed. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this user is common if the CONNECT command rule is common, and local or common if the CONNECT command rule is local. To find existing command rules, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View. To find existing database users in the current instance, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. rule_set_name Name of rule set to associate with this command rule. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this rule set is common if the CONNECT command rule is common, and local if the CONNECT command rule is local. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. 17-20 Chapter 17 UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure Table 17-12 (Cont.) UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE Parameters Parameter Description enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • scope DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you update the common command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Allow Sessions', user_name => 'PSMITH', enabled => 'DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL); END; / UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure updates a session event command rule, based on the ALTER SESSION statement. In a multitenant environment, you can update both common and local session event command rules. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); 17-21 Chapter 17 UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure Parameters Table 17-13 UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Name of the rule set to associate with the command rule. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this rule set is common if the session event command rule is common, and local if the command rule is local. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log event_name An event that the command rule defines. This setting enables the command rule to correspond with an ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS event_name statement. For example, to track trace events, you would set event_name to TRACE. component_name A component of the event_name setting. Example settings are DV, OLS, or GCS. You can find valid component names by issuing ORADEBUG DOC COMPONENT RDBMS as user SYS. The output displays parent and child components, which you can use for the component_name setting. For example, both XS (parent) and XSSESSION (child of XS) are valid component names. If you select the parent component, then the command rule applies to it and the child components. action_name An action of the component_name setting scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you update the common command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Example The following example shows how to update a common session event command rule in a multitenant environment. This command rule is in the application root, so the user running this procedure must be in the CDB root. Any user names or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be common. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Allow Sessions', event_name => '47999', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO, 17-22 Chapter 17 UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure scope END; / => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure The UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure updates a system event command rule, based on the ALTER SYSTEM statement. In a multitenant environment, you can update both common and local session event command rules. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 17-14 UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description rule_set_name Name of the rule set to associate with the command rule. In a multitenant environment, ensure that this rule set is common if the system event command rule is common, and local if the command rule is local. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. enabled Specify one of the following options to set the status of the command rule: • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable the command rule (default) DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable the command rule, including the capture of violations in the simulation log DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log event_name An event that the command rule defines. This setting enables the command rule to correspond to an ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS event_name statement. For example, to track trace events, you would set event_name to TRACE. component_name A component of the event_name setting. Example settings are DV, OLS, or GCS. You can find valid component names by issuing ORADEBUG DOC COMPONENT RDBMS as user SYS. The output displays parent and child components, which you can use for the component_name setting. For example, both XS (parent) and XSSESSION (child of XS) are valid component names. If you select the parent component, then the command rule applies to it and the child components. action_name An action of the component_name setting 17-23 Chapter 17 UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Procedure Table 17-14 (Cont.) UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE Parameters Parameter Description scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root If you update the common command rule in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE APPLICATION saas_sales_app SYNC; Example The following example shows how to update a common system event command rule in a multitenant environment. This command rule is in the application root, so the user running this procedure must be in the CDB root. Any user names or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be common. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE( rule_set_name => 'Disabled', event_name => 'TRACE', component_name => 'DV', enabled => 'n', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / 17-24 18 Oracle Database Vault Factor APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package has factor-related Oracle Database Vault rule procedures and functions, and DVF has functions to manage factors. • DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package provides procedures and functions to configure factors. • Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Oracle Database Vault provides procedural interfaces to administer Database Vault security options and manage Database Vault security enforcements. • Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Oracle Database Vault maintains the DVF schema functions when you use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage the various factors. DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package provides procedures and functions to configure factors. Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can use these procedures and functions. • ADD_FACTOR_LINK Procedure The ADD_FACTOR_LINK procedure specifies a parent-child relationship for two factors. • ADD_POLICY_FACTOR Procedure The ADD_POLICY_FACTOR procedure specifies that the label for a factor contributes to the Oracle Label Security label for a policy. • CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR Procedure The CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR procedure associates an identity with a different factor. • CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE Procedure The CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR procedure updates the value of an identity. • CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Procedure The CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY procedure is used for Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) and Oracle Label Security. • CREATE_FACTOR Procedure The CREATE_FACTOR procedure creates a factor. • CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure creates a user-defined factor type. • CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP Procedure The CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP procedure defines tests that can derive the identity of a factor from the value of linked child factors (subfactors). 18-1 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions • CREATE_IDENTITY Procedure The CREATE_IDENTITY procedure assigns an identity and an associated trust level for a given factor. • DELETE_FACTOR Procedure The DELETE_FACTOR procedure deletes a factor. • DELETE_FACTOR_LINK Procedure The DELETE_FACTOR_LINK procedure removes a parent-child relationship for two factors. • DELETE_IDENTITY Procedure The DELETE_IDENTITY procedure removes an identity from an existing factor. • DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure deletes a factor type. • DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP Procedure The DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP procedure removes an identity map for a factor. • DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Procedure The DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY procedure removes an Oracle Real Application Clusters database node from a domain. • GET_SESSION_INFO Function The GET_SESSION_INFO function returns information from the SYS.V_$SESSION system table for the current session. • GET_INSTANCE_INFO Function The GET_INSTANCE_INFO function returns information from the SYS.V_$INSTANCE system table about the current database instance. • RENAME_FACTOR Procedure The RENAME_FACTOR procedure renames a factor; the name change takes effect everywhere the factor is used. • RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The RENAME_FACTOR procedure renames a factor type; the name change takes effect everywhere the factor type is used. • UPDATE_FACTOR Procedure The UPDATE_FACTOR procedure updates the description of a factor type. • UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure updates a factor type. • UPDATE_IDENTITY Procedure The UPDATE_IDENTITY procedure updates the trust level of a factor identity. Related Topics • Configuring Factors Factors enable you to base Database Vault restrictions on attributes such as a client IP address or a domain. • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. 18-2 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions ADD_FACTOR_LINK Procedure The ADD_FACTOR_LINK procedure specifies a parent-child relationship for two factors. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_FACTOR_LINK( parent_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, child_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, label_indicator IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-1 ADD_FACTOR_LINK Parameters Parameter Description parent_factor_name Parent factor name. To find existing parent and child factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View. child_factor_name Child factor name. label_indicator Indicates that the child factor being linked to the parent factor contributes to the label of the parent factor in an Oracle Label Security integration. Specify either DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES (for Yes) or DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO (for No). To find the Oracle Label Security policies and labels associated with factors, query the following views, described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views: • • • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY: Lists Oracle Label Security policies defined in the current database instance. DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR: Lists the factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies for the current database instance. DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL: Lists the Oracle Label Security label for each factor identifier in the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view for each policy. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_FACTOR_LINK( parent_factor_name => 'HQ_ClientID', child_factor_name => 'Div1_ClientID', label_indicator => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / 18-3 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions ADD_POLICY_FACTOR Procedure The ADD_POLICY_FACTOR procedure specifies that the label for a factor contributes to the Oracle Label Security label for a policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_POLICY_FACTOR( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, factor_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-2 ADD_POLICY_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Oracle Label Security policy name. To find the policies defined in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. To find factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies, query DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. factor_name Factor name. To find existing factors, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_POLICY_FACTOR( policy_name => 'AccessData', factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID'); END; / CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR Procedure The CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR procedure associates an identity with a different factor. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2, new_factor_name IN VARCHAR2); 18-4 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Parameters Table 18-3 CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description factor_name Current factor name. To find existing factors, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. Value of the identity to update. value To find existing identities for each factor in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. To find current identity mappings, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View. new_factor_name Name of the factor to associate with the identity, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR( factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', value => 'intranet', new_factor_name => 'Sector4_ClientID'); END; / CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE Procedure The CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR procedure updates the value of an identity. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2, new_value IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-4 CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE Parameters Parameter Description factor_name Factor name. To find existing factors, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. value Current value associated with the identity. To find existing identities for each factor in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. To find current identity mappings, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View. 18-5 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Table 18-4 (Cont.) CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE Parameters Parameter Description new_value New identity value, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE( factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', value => 'remote', new_value => 'intranet'); END; / CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Procedure The CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY procedure is used for Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) and Oracle Label Security. It adds an Oracle RAC database node to the domain factor identities and labels it according to an Oracle Label Security policy Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY( domain_name IN VARCHAR2, domain_host IN VARCHAR2, policy_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, domain_label IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); Parameters Table 18-5 CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Parameters Parameter Description domain_name Name of the domain to which to add the host. To find the logical location of the database within the network structure within a distributed database system, run the DVF.F$DATABASE_DOMAIN function, described in Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions. domain_host Oracle Real Application Clusters host name being added to the domain. To find host name of a database, run the DVF.F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME function, described in Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions. policy_name Oracle Label Security policy name. If you omit the policy name, then the domain is not associated with any policy. To find the available policies, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. domain_label Name of the domain to which to add the Oracle Label Security policy. 18-6 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Examples BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY( domain_name => 'example', domain_host => 'mydom_host', policy_name => 'AccessData', domain_label => 'sensitive'); END; / CREATE_FACTOR Procedure The CREATE_FACTOR procedure creates a factor. After you create a factor, you can give it an identity by using the CREATE_IDENTITY procedure, described in CREATE_IDENTITY Procedure. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_FACTOR( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, factor_type_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, get_expr IN VARCHAR2, validate_expr IN VARCHAR2, identify_by IN NUMBER, labeled_by IN NUMBER, eval_options IN NUMBER, audit_options IN NUMBER, fail_options IN NUMBER); Parameters Table 18-6 CREATE_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description factor_name Factor name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case, without spaces. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. factor_type_name Type of the factor, up to 128 characters in mixed-case, without spaces. To find existing factor types, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View. description Description of the purpose of the factor, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. rule_set_name Rule set name if you want to use a rule set to control when and how a factor identity is set. To find existing rule sets, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views. See also Assigning a Rule Set to a Factor for more information about assigning rule sets to factors. 18-7 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Table 18-6 (Cont.) CREATE_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description get_expr Valid PL/SQL expression that retrieves the identity of a factor. It can use up to 255 characters in mixed-case. See Setting the Retrieval Method for a Factor for more information. See also the audit_options parameter. validate_expr Name of the procedure to validate the factor. This is a valid PL/SQL expression that returns a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) to validate the identity of the factor. See Setting the Validation Method for a Factor for more information. identify_by Options for determining the identity of a factor, based on the expression set for the get_expr parameter: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_CONSTANT: By constant DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_METHOD: By method • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_FACTOR: By factor • DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_CONTEXT: By context See Setting the Factor Identification Information for more information. labeled_by Options for labeling the factor: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_SELF: Labels the identities for the factor directly from the labels associated with an Oracle Label Security policy (default) • DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_FACTORS: Derives the factor identity label from the labels of its child factor identities. See Setting the Oracle Label Security Labeling Information for a Factor for more information. eval_options Options for evaluating the factor when the user logs on: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_SESSION: When the database session is created (default) • DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_ACCESS: Each time the factor is accessed DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_STARTUP: On start-up • See Setting the Evaluation Information for a Factor for more information. audit_options Options for auditing the factor if you want to generate a custom Oracle Database Vault audit record. • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing. DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ALWAYS: Always audits. DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_GET_ERROR: Audits if get_expr returns an error. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_GET_NULL: Audits if get_expr is null. DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_VALIDATE_ERROR: Audits if the • validation procedure returns an error. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_VALIDATE_FALSE: Audits if the validation procedure is false. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_TRUST_LEVEL_NULL: Audits if there is no trust level set. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_TRUST_LEVEL_NEG: Audits if the trust level is negative. See Setting Audit Options for a Factor for more information. 18-8 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Table 18-6 (Cont.) CREATE_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description fail_options Options for reporting factor errors: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE: Shows an error message (default) • DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_SILENTLY: Does not show an error message See Setting Error Options for a Factor for more information. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_FACTOR( factor_name => 'Sector2_DB', factor_type_name => 'Instance', description => ' ', rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', get_expr => 'UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''DB_NAME''))', validate_expr => 'dbavowner.check_db_access', identify_by => DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_METHOD, labeled_by => DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_SELF, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_SESSION, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_OFF, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_SILENTLY); END; / CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure creates a user-defined factor type. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE( name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-7 CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters Parameter Description name Factor type name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case, without spaces. To find existing factor types, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View. description Description of the purpose of the factor type, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE( name => 'Sector2Instance', description => 'Checks DB instances used in Sector 2'); 18-9 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions END; / CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP Procedure The CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP procedure defines tests that can derive the identity of a factor from the value of linked child factors (subfactors). Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP( identity_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, identity_factor_value IN VARCHAR2, parent_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, child_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, operation IN VARCHAR2, operand1 IN VARCHAR2, operand2 IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-8 CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP Parameters Parameter Description identity_factor_name Factor the identity map is for. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. identity_factor_value Value the factor assumes if the identity map evaluates to TRUE. To find existing factor identities, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. To find current factor identity mappings, use DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View. parent_factor_name The parent factor link to which the map is related. To find existing parent-child factor mappings, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View. child_factor_name The child factor link to which the map is related. operation Relational operator for the identity map (for example, <, >, =, and so on). operand1 Left operand for the relational operator; refers to the low value you enter. operand2 Right operand for the relational operator; refers to the high value you enter. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP( identity_factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', identity_factor_value => 'intranet', parent_factor_name => 'HQ_ClientID', 18-10 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions child_factor_name operation operand1 operand2 END; / => => => => 'Div1_ClientID', '<', '', ''); CREATE_IDENTITY Procedure The CREATE_IDENTITY procedure assigns an identity and an associated trust level for a given factor. After you create a factor, you must assign it an identity. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_IDENTITY( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2, trust_level IN NUMBER); Parameters Table 18-9 CREATE_IDENTITY Parameters Parameter Description factor_name Factor name. To find existing factors, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. value The actual value of the factor, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. For example, the identity of an IP_Address factor could be the IP address of trust_level Number that indicates the magnitude of trust relative to other identities for the same factor. In general, the higher the trust level number is set, the greater the trust. A trust level of 10 indicates "very trusted." Negative trust levels are not trusted. See Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity for more information about trust levels and label security. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_IDENTITY( factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', value => 'intranet', trust_level => 5); END; / 18-11 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions DELETE_FACTOR Procedure The DELETE_FACTOR procedure deletes a factor. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_FACTOR( factor_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-10 DELETE_FACTOR Parameter Parameter Description factor_name Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_FACTOR('Sector2_ClientID'); DELETE_FACTOR_LINK Procedure The DELETE_FACTOR_LINK procedure removes a parent-child relationship for two factors. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_FACTOR_LINK( parent_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, child_factor_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-11 DELETE_FACTOR_LINK Parameters Parameter Description parent_factor_name Factor name. To find factors that are used in parent-child mappings in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View. child_factor_name Factor name Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_FACTOR_LINK( parent_factor_name => 'HQ_ClientID', child_factor_name => 'Div1_ClientID'); END; / 18-12 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions DELETE_IDENTITY Procedure The DELETE_IDENTITY procedure removes an identity from an existing factor. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_IDENTITY( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-12 DELETE_IDENTITY Parameters Parameter Description factor_name Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. value Identity value associated with the factor. To find the identities for each factor in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_IDENTITY( factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', value => 'intranet'); END; / DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure deletes a factor type. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE( name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-13 DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters Parameter Description name Factor type name. To find existing factor types, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE('Sector2Instance'); 18-13 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP Procedure The DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP procedure removes an identity map for a factor. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP( identity_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, identity_factor_value IN VARCHAR2, parent_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, child_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, operation IN VARCHAR2, operand1 IN VARCHAR2, operand2 IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-14 DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP Parameters Parameter Description identity_factor_name Factor the identity map is for. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. identity_factor_value Value the factor assumes if the identity map evaluates to TRUE. To find existing factor identities, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. To find current factor identity mappings, query DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View. parent_factor_name The parent factor link to which the map is related. To find existing parent-child factors, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View. child_factor_name The child factor to which the map is related. operation Relational operator for the identity map (for example, <, >, =, and so on). operand1 Left (low value) operand for the relational operator. operand2 Right (high value) operand for the relational operator. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP( identity_factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', identity_factor_value => 'intranet', parent_factor_name => 'HQ_ClientID', child_factor_name => 'Div1_ClientID', operation => '<', operand1 => '', operand2 => ''); END; / 18-14 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Procedure The DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY procedure removes an Oracle Real Application Clusters database node from a domain. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY( domain_name IN VARCHAR2, domain_host IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-15 DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY Parameters Parameter Description domain_name Name of the domain to which the host was added. To find the domain of a database as specified by the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter, run the DVF.F$DATABASE_DOMAIN function, described in F$DATABASE_DOMAIN Function. domain_host Oracle Real Application Clusters host name being that was added to the domain. To find the host name for a specified database, run the DVF.F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME function, described in F$DATABASE_NAME Function. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY( domain_name => 'example', domain_host => 'mydom_host'); END; / GET_SESSION_INFO Function The GET_SESSION_INFO function returns information from the SYS.V_$SESSION system table for the current session. The V$SESSION data dictionary view also contains session information from this table. See Oracle Database Reference for more information. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.GET_SESSION_INFO( p_parameter IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; 18-15 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Parameters Table 18-16 GET_SESSION_INFO Parameter Parameter Description p_parameter Column name in the SYS.V_$SESSION system table. Example DECLARE session_var varchar2 := null; BEGIN session_var = DBMS_MACADM.GET_SESSION_INFO('PROCESS'); END; / GET_INSTANCE_INFO Function The GET_INSTANCE_INFO function returns information from the SYS.V_$INSTANCE system table about the current database instance. The V$INSTANCE data dictionary view also contains database instance information from this table. See Oracle Database Reference for more information. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.GET_INSTANCE_INFO( p_parameter IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters Table 18-17 GET_INSTANCE_INFO Parameter Parameter Description p_parameter Column name in the SYS.V_$INSTANCE system table Example DECLARE instance_var varchar2 := null; BEGIN instance_var = DBMS_MACADM.GET_INSTANCE_INFO('INSTANCE_NAME'); END; / 18-16 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions RENAME_FACTOR Procedure The RENAME_FACTOR procedure renames a factor; the name change takes effect everywhere the factor is used. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_FACTOR( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, new_factor_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-18 RENAME_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description factor_name Current factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. new_factor_name New factor name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case, without spaces. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_FACTOR( factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', new_factor_name => 'Sector2_Clients'); END; / RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The RENAME_FACTOR procedure renames a factor type; the name change takes effect everywhere the factor type is used. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE( old_name IN VARCHAR2, new_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-19 RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters Parameter Description old_name Current factor type name. To find existing factor types in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View. new_name New factor type name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case, without spaces. 18-17 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE( old_name => 'Sector2Instance', new_name => 'Sector2DBInstance'); END; / UPDATE_FACTOR Procedure The UPDATE_FACTOR procedure updates the description of a factor type. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_FACTOR( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, factor_type_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, get_expr IN VARCHAR2, validate_expr IN VARCHAR2, identify_by IN NUMBER, labeled_by IN NUMBER, eval_options IN NUMBER, audit_options IN NUMBER, fail_options IN NUMBER); Parameters Table 18-20 UPDATE_FACTOR Parameter Description factor_name Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. factor_type_name Factor type name. To find existing factor types, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View. description Description of the purpose of the factor, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. rule_set_name Name of the rule set used to control when and how a factor identity is set. To find existing rule sets, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. See also Assigning a Rule Set to a Factor for more information about assigning rule sets to factors. get_expr Valid PL/SQL expression that retrieves the identity of a factor. It can use up to 255 characters in mixed-case. See Setting the Retrieval Method for a Factor for more information. See also the audit_options parameter. 18-18 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Table 18-20 (Cont.) UPDATE_FACTOR Parameter Description validate_expr Name of the procedure to validate factor. This is a valid PL/SQL expression that returns a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) to validate the identity of the factor. See Setting the Validation Method for a Factor for more information. identify_by Options for determining the identity of a factor, based on the expression set for the get_expr parameter: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_CONSTANT: By constant DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_METHOD: By method • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_FACTOR: By factor • DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_CONTEXT: By context See Setting the Factor Identification Information for more information. labeled_by Options for labeling the factor: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_SELF: Labels the identities for the factor directly from the labels associated with an Oracle Label Security policy • DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_FACTORS: Derives the factor identity label from the labels of its child factor identities. The default for labeled_by is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view. See Setting the Oracle Label Security Labeling Information for a Factor for more information. eval_options Options for evaluating the factor when the user logs on: • DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_SESSION: When the database session is created • DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_ACCESS: Each time the factor is accessed DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_STARTUP: On start-up • The default for eval_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view. See Setting the Evaluation Information for a Factor for more information. 18-19 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Table 18-20 (Cont.) UPDATE_FACTOR Parameter Description audit_options Options for auditing the factor if you want to generate a custom Oracle Database Vault audit record. • • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing. DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ALWAYS: Always audits. DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_GET_ERROR: Audits if get_expr returns an error. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_GET_NULL: Audits if get_expr is null. DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_VALIDATE_ERROR: Audits if the • validation procedure returns an error. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_VALIDATE_FALSE: Audits if the validation procedure is false. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_TRUST_LEVEL_NULL: Audits if there is no trust level set. • DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ON_TRUST_LEVEL_NEG: Audits if the trust level is negative. The default for audit_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view. See Setting Audit Options for a Factor for more information. fail_options Options for reporting factor errors: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE: Shows an error message. DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_SILENTLY: Does not show an error message. The default for fail_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view. See Setting Error Options for a Factor for more information. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_FACTOR( factor_name => 'Sector2_DB', factor_type_name => 'Instance', description => ' ', rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', get_expr => 'UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''DB_NAME''))', validate_expr => 'dbavowner.check_db_access', identify_by => DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_METHOD, labeled_by => DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_SELF, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_ACCESS, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ALWAYS, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE); END; / 18-20 Chapter 18 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE Procedure The UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure updates a factor type. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE( name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-21 UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE Parameters Parameter Description name Factor type name. To find existing factor types in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View. description Description of the purpose of the factor type, up to 1024 characters in mixed case. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE( name => 'Sector2DBInstance', description => 'Checks DB instances used in Sector 2'); END; / UPDATE_IDENTITY Procedure The UPDATE_IDENTITY procedure updates the trust level of a factor identity. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_IDENTITY( factor_name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2, trust_level IN NUMBER); Parameters Table 18-22 UPDATE_IDENTITY Parameters Parameter Description factor_name Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. To find factors that have identities, query DBA_DV_IDENTITY, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. 18-21 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Table 18-22 (Cont.) UPDATE_IDENTITY Parameters Parameter Description value New factor identity, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case. For example, the identity of an IP_Address factor could be the IP address of trust_level Number that indicates the magnitude of trust relative to other identities for the same factor. In general, the higher the trust level number is set, the greater the trust. A trust level of 10 indicates "very trusted." Negative trust levels are not trusted. See Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity for more information about trust levels and label security. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_IDENTITY( factor_name => 'Sector2_ClientID', value => 'intranet', trust_level => 10); END; / Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Oracle Database Vault provides procedural interfaces to administer Database Vault security options and manage Database Vault security enforcements. • About Oracle Database Vault Run-Tine PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Oracle Database Vault provides a set of PL/SQL procedures and functions that are specific to factors. • SET_FACTOR Procedure The SET_FACTOR procedure can be exposed to an application that requires the ability to set factor identities dynamically. • GET_FACTOR Function The GET_FACTOR function is exposed to the DVF schema to allow the public factor functions to resolve the identity of a factor. The return type is VARCHAR2. • GET_FACTOR_LABEL Function The GET_FACTOR_LABEL function returns the label for the specified factor when the factor has a label assigned to it for the specified Oracle Label Security policy. The return type is VARCHAR2. • GET_TRUST_LEVEL Function The GET_TRUST_LEVEL function returns the trust level of the current session identity for the factor requested. The return type is VARCHAR2. • GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY Function The GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY function returns the trust level for the factor and identity requested. The return type is VARCHAR2. 18-22 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions • ROLE_IS_ENABLED Function The ROLE_IS_ENABLED function returns a boolean value that specifies whether a database role has been enabled. The return type is BOOLEAN. About Oracle Database Vault Run-Tine PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Oracle Database Vault provides a set of PL/SQL procedures and functions that are specific to factors. These procedures and functions that expose the logic to validate a DDL command for realm violations and command authorizations. Additional procedures and functions are provided to set the value of a factor (assuming their associated rule sets evaluate to true) (for example, from a Web application), to retrieve the trust level for a session or specific factor identity, and to get the label for a factor identity. These procedures and functions are provided so that a database administrator does not grant the EXECUTE privilege on all DVSYS package procedures to the general database account population. The procedures and functions expose only the minimum methods that are required. All of these functions and procedures are publicly available for applications that need them. SET_FACTOR Procedure The SET_FACTOR procedure can be exposed to an application that requires the ability to set factor identities dynamically. It wraps the package procedure DBMS_MACADM.SET_FACTOR. When a factor has a rule set associated with it for assignment and if the rule set returns true, then the value is set. Normal rule set handling occurs, and the factor value (identity) validation method is called. This procedure is available (to execute) to the general database account population. Syntax SET_FACTOR( p_factor IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 18-23 SET_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description p_factor Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. p_value Identity value, up to 1024 characters in mixed case. To find the identities for each factor in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY data dictionary view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. 18-23 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Example EXECUTE SET_FACTOR(''Sector2_ClientID'', ''identity''); GET_FACTOR Function The GET_FACTOR function is exposed to the DVF schema to allow the public factor functions to resolve the identity of a factor. The return type is VARCHAR2. This function enables the F$ functions in the DVF schema. This function is available (to execute) to the general database account population. Syntax GET_FACTOR( p_factor IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameter Table 18-24 GET_FACTOR Parameter Parameter Description p_factor Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Get Client ID Factor Identity', rule_expr => 'GET_FACTOR(''Sector2_ClientID'')'); END; / GET_FACTOR_LABEL Function The GET_FACTOR_LABEL function returns the label for the specified factor when the factor has a label assigned to it for the specified Oracle Label Security policy. The return type is VARCHAR2. The function returns a label that is merged with the maximum session label for the policy if the policy is configured with Oracle Label Security. The function is available (to execute) to the general database population. Syntax GET_FACTOR_LABEL( p_factor IN VARCHAR2, p_policy_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; 18-24 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Parameters Table 18-25 GET_FACTOR_LABEL Parameters Parameter Description p_factor Factor name. To find the available factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view. To find factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies, use DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR. See DBA_DV_FACTOR View and DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View. p_policy_name Oracle Label Security policy name. Use the following data dictionary views to find information about policies and factors in the current database instance: • • • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY: Lists Oracle Label Security policies defined in the current database instance. See DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR: Lists the factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies for the current database instance. See DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View. DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL: Lists the Oracle Label Security label for each factor identifier in the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view for each policy. See DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Get the ClientID Factor Label', rule_expr => 'GET_FACTOR_LABEL(''Sector2_ClientID'', ''Access Locations'')'); END; / GET_TRUST_LEVEL Function The GET_TRUST_LEVEL function returns the trust level of the current session identity for the factor requested. The return type is VARCHAR2. This function is available (to execute) to the general database account population. See Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity for a listing of the available trust levels. Syntax GET_TRUST_LEVEL( p_factor IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; 18-25 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault Run-Time PL/SQL Procedures and Functions Parameter Table 18-26 GET_TRUST_LEVEL Parameter Parameter Description p_factor Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Get Client ID Trust Level', rule_expr => 'GET_TRUST_LEVEL(''Sector2_ClientID'')'); END; / GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY Function The GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY function returns the trust level for the factor and identity requested. The return type is VARCHAR2. This function is available (to execute) to the general database account population. See Creating and Configuring a Factor Identity for a listing of the available trust levels. Syntax GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY( p_factor IN VARCHAR2, p_identity IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters Table 18-27 GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY Parameters Parameter Description p_factor Factor name. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. p_identity Identity value. To find the identities for each factor in the current database instance, use the DBA_DV_IDENTITY data dictionary view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Get Client ID Identity Trust Level', rule_expr => 'GET_TRUST_LEVEL_FOR_IDENTITY(''Sector2_ClientID'', ''identity'')'); 18-26 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions END; / ROLE_IS_ENABLED Function The ROLE_IS_ENABLED function returns a boolean value that specifies whether a database role has been enabled. The return type is BOOLEAN. This function is available (to execute) to the general database account population. Syntax ROLE_IS_ENABLED( p_role IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN; Parameter Table 18-28 ROLE_IS_ENABLED Parameter Parameter Description p_role Database role name to check. To find existing roles, use the following data dictionary views: • • • DBA_ROLES: Finds available roles in the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular role. See DBA_DV_REALM View. DBA_DV_ROLE: Finds existing secure application roles used in privilege management. See DBA_DV_ROLE View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check if SYSADM Role Is Enabled', rule_expr => 'ROLE_IS_ENABLED(''SYSADM'')'); END; / Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Oracle Database Vault maintains the DVF schema functions when you use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage the various factors. • About Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Oracle Database Vault provides DVF factor-specific functions for frequently used activities. • F$AUTHENTICATION_METHOD Function The F$AUTHENTICATION_METHOD function returns the method of authentication in VARCHAR2 data type. • F$CLIENT_IP Function The F$CLIENT_IP function returns the IP address of the computer from which the client is connected, in VARCHAR2 data type. 18-27 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions • F$DATABASE_DOMAIN Function The F$DATABASE_DOMAIN function returns the domain of the database as specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter, in VARCHAR2 data type. • F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME Function The F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME function returns the host name of the computer on which the instance is running, in VARCHAR2 data type. • F$DATABASE_INSTANCE Function The F$DATABASE_INSTANCE function returns the instance identification number of the current database instance, in VARCHAR2 data type. • F$DATABASE_IP Function The F$DATABASE_IP function returns the IP address of the computer on which the database instance is running, in VARCHAR2 data type. • F$DATABASE_NAME Function The F$DATABASE_NAME function returns the name of the database as specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter, in VARCHAR2 data type. • F$DOMAIN Function The F$DOMAIN function returns a named collection of physical, configuration, or implementation-specific factors in the run-time environment (for example, a networked IT environment or subset of it) that operates at a specific sensitivity level. The return type is VARCHAR2. • F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Function The F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY function returns the enterprise-wide identity for a user, in VARCHAR2 data type. • F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE Function The F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE function returns the way the schema of a user was created in the database. Specifically, it reflects the IDENTIFIED clause in the CREATE/ ALTER USER syntax. The return type is VARCHAR2. • F$LANG Function The F$LANG function returns the ISO abbreviation for the language name, a shorter form than the existing LANGUAGE parameter, for the session of the user. The return type is VARCHAR2. • F$LANGUAGE Function The F$LANGUAGE function returns the language and territory currently used by a user session, along with the database character set. The return type is VARCHAR2. • F$MACHINE Function The F$MACHINE function returns the computer (host) name for the database client that established the database session. The return type is VARCHAR2. • F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL Function The F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL function returns the network protocol being used for communication, as specified in the PROTOCOL=protocol portion of the connect string. The return type is VARCHAR2. • F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Function The F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY function returns the Oracle Internet Directory distinguished name (DN) when the proxy user is an enterprise user. The return type is VARCHAR2. 18-28 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions • F$SESSION_USER Function The F$SESSION_USER function returns the database user name by which the current user is authenticated. This value remains the same throughout the session. The return type is VARCHAR2. About Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Oracle Database Vault provides DVF factor-specific functions for frequently used activities. In addition to the functions and procedures made available from the DVSYS schema, the DVF schema contains a single function for each factor defined in the system. The functions are then available to the general database account population through PL/SQL functions and standard SQL. This enables factors to be used in Oracle Label Security, Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD), and so on. Typically, you can incorporate these functions into rule expressions. For example: The functions are then available to the general database account population through PL/SQL functions and standard SQL. This enables factors to be used in Oracle Label Security, Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD), and so on. Typically, you can incorporate these functions into rule expressions. For example: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Not Internal DBA', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$SESSION_USER NOT IN (''JSMTIH'', ''TBROWN'')'); END; / To find the value of a factor function, select from the DUAL system table. For example: SELECT DVF.F$SESSION_USER FROM DUAL; F$SESSION_USER -----------------------------------------------LEO_DVOWNER The name of the factor itself is case-insensitive. For example, the following statements return the same result select dvf.f$session_user from dual; SELECT DVF.F$SESSION_USER FROM DUAL; F$AUTHENTICATION_METHOD Function The F$AUTHENTICATION_METHOD function returns the method of authentication in VARCHAR2 data type. In the list that follows, the type of user is followed by the method returned: • Password-authenticated enterprise user, local database user, or SYSDBA/SYSOPER using Password File; proxy with user name using password: PASSWORD • Kerberos-authenticated enterprise or external user: KERBEROS • SSL-authenticated enterprise or external user: SSL 18-29 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions • Radius-authenticated external user: RADIUS • Operating system-authenticated external user or SYSDBA/SYSOPER: OS • DCE-authenticated external user: DCE • Proxy with certificate, distinguished name (DN), or user name without using password: NONE You can use IDENTIFICATION_TYPE to distinguish between external and enterprise users when the authentication method is Password, Kerberos, or SSL. Syntax DVF.F$AUTHENTICATION_METHOD () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check SSL Authentication Method', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = ''SSL'''); END; / F$CLIENT_IP Function The F$CLIENT_IP function returns the IP address of the computer from which the client is connected, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DVF.F$CLIENT_IP () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example The following example shows how to use DVF.F$CLIENT_IP in a rule creation statement. Note that you can only enter one IP address, not a range of IP addresses. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Client IP Address', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$CLIENT_IP = '''''); END; / 18-30 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions F$DATABASE_DOMAIN Function The F$DATABASE_DOMAIN function returns the domain of the database as specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DVF.F$DATABASE_DOMAIN () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Client Database Domain', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$DATABASE_DOMAIN NOT IN (''EXAMPLE'', ''YOURDOMAIN'')'); END; / F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME Function The F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME function returns the host name of the computer on which the instance is running, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DVF.F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Host Name', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME IN (''SHOBEEN'', ''MAU'')'); END; / F$DATABASE_INSTANCE Function The F$DATABASE_INSTANCE function returns the instance identification number of the current database instance, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DVF.F$DATABASE_INSTANCE () RETURN VARCHAR2; 18-31 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Database Instance ID', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$DATABASE_INSTANCE = ''SALES_DB'''); END; / F$DATABASE_IP Function The F$DATABASE_IP function returns the IP address of the computer on which the database instance is running, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DVF.F$DATABASE_IP () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Database IP address', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$DATABASE_IP = '''''); END; / F$DATABASE_NAME Function The F$DATABASE_NAME function returns the name of the database as specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter, in VARCHAR2 data type. Syntax DVF.F$DATABASE_NAME () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Database DB_NAME Name', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$DATABASE_NAME = ''ORCL'''); END; / 18-32 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions F$DOMAIN Function The F$DOMAIN function returns a named collection of physical, configuration, or implementation-specific factors in the run-time environment (for example, a networked IT environment or subset of it) that operates at a specific sensitivity level. The return type is VARCHAR2. You can identify a domain using factors such as host name, IP address, and database instance names of the Oracle Database Vault nodes in a secure access path to the database. Each domain can be uniquely determined using a combination of the factor identifiers that identify the domain. You can use these identifying factors and possibly additional factors to define the Maximum Security Label within the domain. This restricts data access and commands, depending on the physical factors about the Oracle Database Vault session. Example domains of interest may be Corporate Sensitive, Internal Public, Partners, and Customers. Syntax DVF.F$DOMAIN () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Domain', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$DOMAIN = ''EXAMPLE.COM'''); END; / F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Function The F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY function returns the enterprise-wide identity for a user, in VARCHAR2 data type. • For enterprise users: the Oracle Internet Directory DN. • For external users: the external identity (Kerberos principal name, Radius and DCE schema names, operating system user name, certificate DN). • For local users and SYSDBA/SYSOPER logins: NULL. The value of the attribute differs by proxy method: • For a proxy with DN: the Oracle Internet Directory DN of the client. • For a proxy with certificate: the certificate DN of the client for external users; the Oracle Internet Directory DN for global users. • For a proxy with user name: the Oracle Internet Directory DN if the client is an enterprise user; NULL if the client is a local database user. 18-33 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Syntax DVF.F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check User Enterprise Identity', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY NOT IN (''JSMITH'', ''TSMITH'')'); END; / F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE Function The F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE function returns the way the schema of a user was created in the database. Specifically, it reflects the IDENTIFIED clause in the CREATE/ALTER USER syntax. The return type is VARCHAR2. In the list that follows, the syntax used during schema creation is followed by the identification type returned: • IDENTIFIED BY password: LOCAL • IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY: EXTERNAL • IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY: GLOBAL SHARED • IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY AS DN: GLOBAL PRIVATE Syntax DVF.F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check User Schema Creation Type', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE = ''GLOBAL SHARED'''); END; / 18-34 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions F$LANG Function The F$LANG function returns the ISO abbreviation for the language name, a shorter form than the existing LANGUAGE parameter, for the session of the user. The return type is VARCHAR2. See Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for a listing of supported languages for Oracle Database. Syntax DVF.F$LANG () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check ISO Abbreviated Language Name', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$LANG IN (''EN'', ''DE'', ''FR'')'); END; / F$LANGUAGE Function The F$LANGUAGE function returns the language and territory currently used by a user session, along with the database character set. The return type is VARCHAR2. The return type is in the following format: language_territory.characterset See Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for a listing of supported languages and territories for Oracle Database. Syntax DVF.F$LANGUAGE () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Session Language and Territory', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$LANGUAGE = ''AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1'''); END; / 18-35 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions F$MACHINE Function The F$MACHINE function returns the computer (host) name for the database client that established the database session. The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DVF.F$MACHINE () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameter None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Client Computer Host Name', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$MACHINE NOT IN (''SHOBEEN'', ''SEBASTIAN'')'); END; / F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL Function The F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL function returns the network protocol being used for communication, as specified in the PROTOCOL=protocol portion of the connect string. The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DVF.F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Network Protocol', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL = ''TCP'''); END; / F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Function The F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY function returns the Oracle Internet Directory distinguished name (DN) when the proxy user is an enterprise user. The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DVF.F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY () RETURN VARCHAR2; 18-36 Chapter 18 Oracle Database Vault DVF PL/SQL Factor Functions Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Get OID DN of Enterprise User', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY = ''cn=Provisioning Admins'''); END; / F$SESSION_USER Function The F$SESSION_USER function returns the database user name by which the current user is authenticated. This value remains the same throughout the session. The return type is VARCHAR2. Syntax DVF.F$SESSION_USER () RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Check Database User Name', rule_expr => 'DVF.F$SESSION_USER IN (''JSMITH'', ''TSMITH'')'); END; / 18-37 19 Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role APIs The DBMS_MACADM and DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL packages manage Database Vault secure application roles. • DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures The DBMS_MACADM package creates, renames, assigns, unassigns, updates, and deletes Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. • DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES Secure Application Role Procedure and Function The DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES package checks the authorization for users and sets Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. Related Topics • Configuring Secure Application Roles for Oracle Database Vault Secure application roles enable you to control how much access users have to an application. • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures The DBMS_MACADM package creates, renames, assigns, unassigns, updates, and deletes Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. • ASSIGN_ROLE Procedure The ASSIGN_ROLE procedure assigns an Oracle Database Vault secure application role to a user. • CREATE_ROLE Procedure The CREATE_ROLE procedure creates an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. • DELETE_ROLE Procedure The DELETE_ROLE procedure deletes an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. • RENAME_ROLE Procedure The RENAME_ROLE procedure renames an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. The name change takes effect everywhere the role is used. • UPDATE_ROLE Procedure The UPDATE_ROLE procedure updates a Oracle Database Vault secure application role. • UNASSIGN_ROLE Procedure The ASSIGN_ROLE procedure unassigns an Oracle Database Vault secure application role from a user. 19-1 Chapter 19 DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures ASSIGN_ROLE Procedure The ASSIGN_ROLE procedure assigns an Oracle Database Vault secure application role to a user. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ASSIGN_ROLE( role_name IN VARCHAR2, assignee IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 19-1 ASSIGN_ROLE Parameters Parameter Description role_name Role name, up to 128 characters, with no spaces. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. assignee User to be assigned the secure application role To find existing database users in the current instance, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ASSIGN_ROLE( role_name => 'Sector2_APP_MGR', assignee => 'PSMITH'); END; / CREATE_ROLE Procedure The CREATE_ROLE procedure creates an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_ROLE( role_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 19-2 CREATE_ROLE Parameters Parameter Description role_name Role name, up to 128 characters, with no spaces. In a multitenant environment, prepend the role name with c## or C##. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. 19-2 Chapter 19 DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures Table 19-2 (Cont.) CREATE_ROLE Parameters Parameter Description enabled DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES (Yes) makes the role available for enabling; DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO (No) prevents the role from being enabled. The default is DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES. rule_set_name Name of rule set to determine whether this secure application can be enabled. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_ROLE( role_name => 'Sector2_APP_MGR', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, rule_set_name => 'Check App2 Access'); END; / DELETE_ROLE Procedure The DELETE_ROLE procedure deletes an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_ROLE( role_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 19-3 DELETE_ROLE Parameter Parameter Description role_name Role name. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_ROLE('SECT2_APP_MGR'); RENAME_ROLE Procedure The RENAME_ROLE procedure renames an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. The name change takes effect everywhere the role is used. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_ROLE( role_name IN VARCHAR2, new_role_name IN VARCHAR2); 19-3 Chapter 19 DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures Parameters Table 19-4 RENAME_ROLE Parameters Parameter Description role_name Current role name. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. new_role_name Role name, up to 128 characters, with no spaces. Ensure that this name follows the standard Oracle naming conventions for role creation described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. In a multitenant environment, prepend the role name with c## or C##. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_ROLE( role_name => 'SECT2_APP_MGR', new_role_name => 'SECT2_SYSADMIN'); END; / UPDATE_ROLE Procedure The UPDATE_ROLE procedure updates a Oracle Database Vault secure application role. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_ROLE( role_name IN VARCHAR2, enabled IN VARCHAR2, rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 19-5 UPDATE_ROLE Parameters Parameter Description role_name Role name. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. enabled DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES (Yes) makes the role available for enabling; DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO (No) prevents the role from being enabled. The default for enabled is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_ROLE data dictionary view. rule_set_name Name of rule set to determine whether this secure application can be enabled. To find existing rule sets in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View. 19-4 Chapter 19 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES Secure Application Role Procedure and Function Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_ROLE( role_name => 'SECT2_SYSADMIN', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, rule_set_name => 'System Access Controls'); END; / UNASSIGN_ROLE Procedure The ASSIGN_ROLE procedure unassigns an Oracle Database Vault secure application role from a user. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UNASSIGN_ROLE( role_name IN VARCHAR2, assignee IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 19-6 UNASSIGN_ROLE Parameters Parameter Description role_name Role name. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. assignee User who was assigned the Secure Application role To find existing database users in the current instance, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UNASSIGN_ROLE( role_name => 'Sector2_APP_MGR', assignee => 'PSMITH'); END; / DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES Secure Application Role Procedure and Function The DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES package checks the authorization for users and sets Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. The DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES package is available to all users. • CAN_SET_ROLE Function The CAN_SET_ROLE function checks if the user invoking the method is authorized to use an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. 19-5 Chapter 19 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES Secure Application Role Procedure and Function • SET_ROLE Procedure The SET_ROLE procedure issues the SET ROLE PL/SQL statement for specified roles. CAN_SET_ROLE Function The CAN_SET_ROLE function checks if the user invoking the method is authorized to use an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. The authorization is determined by checking the rule set associated with the role. The return type is BOOLEAN. Syntax DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.CAN_SET_ROLE( p_role IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN; Parameters Table 19-7 CAN_SET_ROLE Parameter Parameter Description p_role Role name. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.CAN_SET_ROLE('SECTOR2_APP_MGR') THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('''SECTOR2_APP_MGR'' can be enabled.'); END IF; END; / SET_ROLE Procedure The SET_ROLE procedure issues the SET ROLE PL/SQL statement for specified roles. This procedure includes both Oracle Database Vault secure application roles and regular Oracle Database roles in its checking process. This procedure sets an Oracle Database Vault secure application role only if the rule set that is associated with the role evaluates to true. Before SET ROLE is issued, the CAN_SET_ROLE method is called to check the rule set associated with the role. Run-time rule set behavior such as auditing, failure processing, and event handling occur during this process. The SET_ROLE procedure is available to the general database account population. Syntax DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE( p_role IN VARCHAR2); 19-6 Chapter 19 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES Secure Application Role Procedure and Function Parameters Table 19-8 SET_ROLE Parameter Parameter Description p_role Role names. You can enter multiple roles, separated by commas (,), including secure application roles and regular roles. To find existing secure application roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View. To find all of the existing roles in the database, query the DBA_ROLES data dictionary view, described in Oracle Database Reference. Example EXEC DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES.SET_ROLE('SECTOR2_APP_MGR, APPS_MGR'); You can enter the name of the role in any case (for example, Sector2_APP_MGR). 19-7 20 Oracle Database Vault Oracle Label Security APIs You can use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage Oracle Label Security labels and policies in Oracle Database Vault. • CREATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure The CREATE_MAC_POLICY procedure specifies the algorithm to merge labels when computing the label for a factor, or the Oracle Label Security Session label. • CREATE_POLICY_LABEL Procedure The CREATE_POLICY_LABEL procedure labels an identity within an Oracle Label Security policy. • DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE Procedure The DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE procedure deletes all Oracle Database Vault objects related to an Oracle Label Security policy. • DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR Procedure The DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR procedure removes the factor from contributing to the Oracle Label Security label. • DELETE_POLICY_LABEL Procedure The DELETE_POLICY_LABEL procedure removes the label from an identity within an Oracle Label Security policy. • UPDATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure The UPDATE_MAC_POLICY procedure specifies the algorithm to merge labels when computing the label for a factor, or the Oracle Label Security Session label. Related Topics • Integrating Oracle Database Vault with Other Oracle Products You can integrate Oracle Database Vault with other Oracle products, such as Oracle Enterprise User Security. • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. CREATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure The CREATE_MAC_POLICY procedure specifies the algorithm to merge labels when computing the label for a factor, or the Oracle Label Security Session label. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_MAC_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, algorithm IN VARCHAR2); 20-1 Chapter 20 CREATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure Parameters Table 20-1 CREATE_MAC_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Name of an existing policy. To find existing policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. algorithm Table 20-2 Merge algorithm for cases when Oracle Label Security has merged two labels. Enter the code listed in Table 20-2 that corresponds to the merge algorithm you want. For example, enter HUU to if you want to select the Maximum Level/Union/Union merge algorithm. Oracle Label Security Merge Algorithm Codes Code Value HUU Maximum Level/Union/Union HIU Maximum Level/Intersection/Union HMU Maximum Level/Minus/Union HNU Maximum Level/Null/Union HUI Maximum Level/Union/Intersection HII Maximum Level/Intersection/Intersection HMI Maximum Level/Minus/Intersection HNI Maximum Level/Null/Intersection HUM Maximum Level/Union/Minus HIM Maximum Level/Intersection/Minus HMM Maximum Level/Minus/Minus HNM Maximum Level/Null/Minus HUN Maximum Level/Union/Null HIN Maximum Level/Intersection/Null HMN Maximum Level/Minus/Null HNN Maximum Level/Null/Null LUU Minimum Level/Union/Union LIU Minimum Level/Intersection/Union LMU Minimum Level/Minus/Union LNU Minimum Level/Null/Union LUI Minimum Level/Union/Intersection LII Minimum Level/Intersection/Intersection LMI Minimum Level/Minus/Intersection LNI Minimum Level/Null/Intersection LUM Minimum Level/Union/Minus LIM Minimum Level/Intersection/Minus 20-2 Chapter 20 CREATE_POLICY_LABEL Procedure Table 20-2 (Cont.) Oracle Label Security Merge Algorithm Codes Code Value LMM Minimum Level/Minus/Minus LNM Minimum Level/Null/Minus LUN Minimum Level/Union/Null LIN Minimum Level/Intersection/Null LMN Minimum Level/Minus/Null LNN Minimum Level/Null/Null Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_MAC_POLICY( policy_name => 'Access Locations', algorithm => 'HUU'); END; / CREATE_POLICY_LABEL Procedure The CREATE_POLICY_LABEL procedure labels an identity within an Oracle Label Security policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY_LABEL( identity_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, identity_factor_value IN VARCHAR2, policy_name IN VARCHAR2, label IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 20-3 CREATE_POLICY_LABEL Parameters Parameter Description identity_factor_name Name of the factor being labeled. To find existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_FACTOR view, described in DBA_DV_FACTOR View. To find factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies, use DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View. identity_factor_value Value of identity for the factor being labeled. To find the identities of existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. 20-3 Chapter 20 DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE Procedure Table 20-3 (Cont.) CREATE_POLICY_LABEL Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Name of an existing policy. To find existing policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. label Oracle Label Security label name. To find existing policy labels for factor identifiers, query the DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY_LABEL( identity_factor_name => 'App_Host_Name', identity_factor_value => 'Sect2_Fin_Apps', policy_name => 'Access Locations', label => 'Sensitive'); END; / DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE Procedure The DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE procedure deletes all Oracle Database Vault objects related to an Oracle Label Security policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE( policy_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 20-4 DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE Parameter Parameter Description policy_name Name of an existing policy. To find existing policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE('Access Locations'); 20-4 Chapter 20 DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR Procedure DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR Procedure The DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR procedure removes the factor from contributing to the Oracle Label Security label. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, factor_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 20-5 DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Name of an existing policy. To find existing policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. factor_name Name of factor associated with the Oracle Label Security label. To find factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies, query DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR( policy_name => 'Access Locations', factor_name => 'App_Host_Name'); END; / DELETE_POLICY_LABEL Procedure The DELETE_POLICY_LABEL procedure removes the label from an identity within an Oracle Label Security policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_POLICY_LABEL( identity_factor_name IN VARCHAR2, identity_factor_value IN VARCHAR2, policy_name IN VARCHAR2, label IN VARCHAR2); 20-5 Chapter 20 UPDATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure Parameters Table 20-6 DELETE_POLICY_LABEL Parameters Parameter Description identity_factor_name Name of the factor that was labeled. To find existing factors in the current database instance that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies, query DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View. identity_factor_value Value of identity for the factor that was labeled. To find the identities of existing factors in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view, described in DBA_DV_IDENTITY View. policy_name Name of an existing policy. To find existing policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. label Oracle Label Security label name. To find existing policy labels for factor identifiers, query the DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_POLICY_LABEL( identity_factor_name => 'App_Host_Name', identity_factor_value => 'Sect2_Fin_Apps', policy_name => 'Access Locations', label => 'Sensitive'); END; / UPDATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure The UPDATE_MAC_POLICY procedure specifies the algorithm to merge labels when computing the label for a factor, or the Oracle Label Security Session label. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_MAC_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, algorithm IN VARCHAR2); 20-6 Chapter 20 UPDATE_MAC_POLICY Procedure Parameters Table 20-7 UPDATE_MAC_POLICY Parameter Description policy_name Name of an existing policy. To find existing policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View. algorithm Merge algorithm for cases when Oracle Label Security has merged two labels. See Table 20-2 for listing of the available algorithms. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_MAC_POLICY( policy_name => 'Access Locations', algorithm => 'LUI'); END; / 20-7 21 Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. • DBMS_MACUTL Constants You can use a set of constants, available in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. • DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions The DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package can perform tasks such as finding a time value or whether a user has the the appropriate privileges. DBMS_MACUTL Constants You can use a set of constants, available in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. • DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants The DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package provides constants (fields) to use with Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. • Example: Creating a Realm Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants Constants can be used to answer simple Yes or No settings when you create objects in Oracle Database Vault. • Example: Creating a Rule Set Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants Constants can be used to set options such as the type of auditing used or fail options. • Example: Creating a Factor Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants Constants can be used to set information specific to factors, such as identity or labeling. DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants The DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package provides constants (fields) to use with Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. Table 21-1 summarizes constant (that is, fields) descriptions for the DBMS_MACUTL package. Many of these constants have equivalents in the Oracle Database Vault package. For example, the enabled parameter, which is available in several procedures, can accept either Y (for Yes) or the constant G_YES. Choosing one over the other is a matter of personal preference. They both have the same result. 21-1 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Constants Table 21-1 DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants Constant Name Data Type Description G_ALL_OBJECT VARCHAR2(1) Used with the realm API object_name and object_type parameters as a wildcard to indicate all object names or all object types. G_AUDIT_ALWAYS NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to enable an audit. G_AUDIT_OFF NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to disable auditing. G_AUDIT_ON_GET_ERROR NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to audit if the expression specified in the get_expr parameter returns an error. G_AUDIT_ON_GET_NULL NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to audit if the expression in the get_expr field is null. G_AUDIT_ON_TRUST_LEVEL_NEG NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to audit if the trust level is negative. G_AUDIT_ON_TRUST_LEVEL_NULL NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to audit if no trust level exists. G_AUDIT_ON_VALIDATE_ERROR NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to audit if the validation function returns an error. G_AUDIT_ON_VALIDATE_FALSE NUMBER Used with the factor API audit_options parameter to audit if validation function is false. G_DISABLE NUMBER Used to disnable Oracle Database Vault policies and command rules G_ENABLE NUMBER Used to enable Oracle Database Vault policies and command rules G_EVAL_ON_ACCESS NUMBER Used with the factor API eval_options parameter to reevaluate the factor each time it is accessed. G_EVAL_ON_SESSION NUMBER Used with the factor API eval_options parameter to evaluate the factor only once, when the user logs in to the session. G_FAIL_SILENTLY NUMBER Used with the fail_options parameter to fail and show no error message. 21-2 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Constants Table 21-1 (Cont.) DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants Constant Name Data Type Description G_FAIL_WITH_MESSAGE NUMBER Used with the fail_options parameter to fail and show an error message. G_IDENTIFY_BY_CONSTANT NUMBER Used with the factor API identify_by parameter: Fixed value in PL/SQL expression defined in the get_expr parameter. G_IDENTIFY_BY_CONTEXT NUMBER Used with the factor API identify_by parameter to indicate context. G_IDENTIFY_BY_FACTOR NUMBER Used with the factor API identify_by parameter for subfactors through the factor_link$ table. G_IDENTIFY_BY_METHOD NUMBER Used with the factor API identify_by parameter: Expression in get_expr field G_IDENTIFY_BY_RULESET NUMBER Used with the factor API identify_by parameter: Expression and Rule Set with the factor_expr$ table G_LABELED_BY_FACTORS NUMBER Used with the factor API labeled_by parameter to derive the label from subfactor and merge algorithm. G_LABELED_BY_SELF NUMBER Used with the factor API labeled_by parameter to label the factor identities. G_MAX_SESSION_LABEL VARCHAR2(30) This is the highest label a user could set based on the factors. It does not consider the label for a user. G_MIN_POLICY_LABEL VARCHAR2(30) The label to which a factor with a null label defaults. G_NO VARCHAR2(1) Used with the following APIs: • • The factor API label_indicator parameter to indicate that a child factor linked to a parent factor does not contribute to the label of the parent factor in an Oracle Label Security integration. Any API that uses the enabled parameter. G_OLS_SESSION_LABEL VARCHAR2(30) The Oracle Label Security session label for a user at the time init_session is run. G_PARTIAL NUMBER Sets the enforcement state of the realms and command rules under an Oracle Database Vault policy to be changed individually 21-3 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Constants Table 21-1 (Cont.) DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants Constant Name Data Type Description G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL NUMBER Used with the realm API audit_options parameter to audit when the realm is violated. G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF NUMBER Used with the realm API audit_options parameter to disable auditing. G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS NUMBER Used with the realm API audit_options parameter: Audit on successful realm access G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER NUMBER Used with the realm API auth_options parameter to set the realm authorization to Owner. G_REALM_AUTH_PARTICIPANT NUMBER Used with the realm API auth_options parameter to set the realm authorization to Participant. G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL NUMBER Used with the rule set API audit_options parameter to audit on rule set failure. G_RULESET_AUDIT_OFF NUMBER Used with the rule set API audit_options parameter to disable auditing. G_RULESET_AUDIT_SUCCESS NUMBER Used with the rule set API audit_options parameter to audit on rule set success. G_RULESET_EVAL_ALL NUMBER Used with the rule set API eval_options parameter to enable the rule set to succeed if all rules evaluate to true. G_RULESET_EVAL_ANY NUMBER Used with the rule set API eval_options parameter to succeed if any of the rules evaluate to true. G_RULESET_FAIL_SHOW NUMBER Used with the rule set API fail_options parameter to show an error message if the rule set fails. G_RULESET_FAIL_SILENT NUMBER Used with the rule set API fail_options parameter to not show an error message if the rule set fails. G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL NUMBER Used with the rule set API handler_options parameter to call a handler (specified by the handler parameter) if the rule set fails. G_RULESET_HANDLER_OFF NUMBER Used with the rule set API handler_options parameter to disable calls to a handler or if no handler is used. G_RULESET_HANDLER_SUCCESS NUMBER Used with the rule set API handler_options parameter to call a handler if the rule set succeeds. 21-4 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Constants Table 21-1 (Cont.) DBMS_MACUTL Listing of Constants Constant Name Data Type Description G_SIMULATION NUMBER Used to set the enforcement state of a policy to simulation mode. This mode does not raise errors for realm or command rule violations. Instead, an error is logged in a designated log table with sufficient information relevant to the error (for example, users or SQL command.) G_USER_POLICY_LABEL VARCHAR2(30) This is what Oracle Label Security has decided the user's label should be set to after factoring in the preceding values. G_YES VARCHAR2(1) Used with the following APIs: • • The factor API label_indicator parameter to indicate that a child factor linked to a parent factor contributes to the label of the parent factor in an Oracle Label Security integration. Any API that uses the enabled parameter. Example: Creating a Realm Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants Constants can be used to answer simple Yes or No settings when you create objects in Oracle Database Vault. Example 21-1 shows how to use the G_YES and G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL DBMS_MACUTL constants when creating a realm. Example 21-1 Creating a Realm Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', description => 'Realm to measure performance', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL); END; / Example: Creating a Rule Set Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants Constants can be used to set options such as the type of auditing used or fail options. Example 21-2 shows how to use several DBMS_MACUTL constants when creating a rule set. Example 21-2 Creating a Rule Set Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE_SET( rule_set_name => 'Limit_DBA_Access', 21-5 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions description enabled eval_options audit_options fail_options fail_message fail_code handler_options handler END; / => => => => => => => => => 'DBA access through predefined processes', DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_EVAL_ALL, DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_AUDIT_FAIL, DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_FAIL_SHOW, 'Rule Set Limit_DBA_Access has failed.', 20000, DBMS_MACUTL.G_RULESET_HANDLER_FAIL, 'dbavowner.email_alert'); Example: Creating a Factor Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants Constants can be used to set information specific to factors, such as identity or labeling. Example 21-3 shows how to use constants when creating a factor. Example 21-3 Creating a Factor Using DBMS_MACUTL Constants BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_FACTOR( factor_name => 'Sector2_DB', factor_type_name => 'Instance', description => ' ', rule_set_name => 'DB_access', get_expr => 'UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''DB_NAME''))', validate_expr => 'dbavowner.check_db_access', identify_by => DBMS_MACUTL.G_IDENTIFY_BY_FACTOR, labeled_by => DBMS_MACUTL.G_LABELED_BY_SELF, eval_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_EVAL_ON_SESSION, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_AUDIT_ALWAYS, fail_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_FAIL_SILENTLY); END; / DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions The DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package can perform tasks such as finding a time value or whether a user has the the appropriate privileges. • CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED Procedure The CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED procedure checks if a user can issue Data Modification Language (DML) commands to access the DVSYS objects. • GET_CODE_VALUE Function The GET_CODE_VALUE function finds the value for a code within a code group, and then returns a VARCHAR2 value. • GET_SECOND Function The GET_SECOND function returns the seconds in Oracle SS (seconds) format (00– 59), and then returns a NUMBER value. • GET_MINUTE Function The GET_MINUTE function returns the minute in Oracle MI (minute) format (00–59), in a NUMBER value. 21-6 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions • GET_HOUR Function The GET_HOUR function returns the hour in Oracle HH24 (hour) format (00–23), in a NUMBER value. • GET_DAY Function The GET_DAY function returns the day in Oracle DD (day) format (01–31), in a NUMBER value. • GET_MONTH Function The GET_MONTH function returns the month in Oracle MM (month) format (01–12), in a NUMBER value. • GET_YEAR Function The GET_YEAR function returns the year in Oracle YYYY (year) format (0001–9999), in a NUMBER value. • IS_ALPHA Function The IS_ALPHA function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a character is alphabetic. • IS_DIGIT Function The IS_DIGIT function checks returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a character is numeric. • IS_DVSYS_OWNER Function The IS_DVSYS_OWNER function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a user is authorized to manage the Oracle Database Vault configuration. • IS_OLS_INSTALLED Function The IS_OLS_INSTALLED function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if Oracle Label Security is installed. • IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR Function The IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if Oracle Label Security is installed. • USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Function The USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if user or role can access an object through a single specified object privilege grant. • USER_HAS_ROLE Function The USER_HAS_ROLE function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a user has a role privilege, directly or indirectly (through another role). • USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR Function The USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR function returns a VARCHAR2 value indicating if a user has a role privilege, directly or indirectly (through another role). • USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Function The USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a user has a system privilege, directly or indirectly (through a role). CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED Procedure The CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED procedure checks if a user can issue Data Modification Language (DML) commands to access the DVSYS objects. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED( p_user IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT USER); 21-7 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Parameter Table 21-2 CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED Parameter Parameter Description p_user User to check. To find existing users in the current database instance, query the following views: • • • DBA_USERS: Finds available users for the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. DBA_DV_ROLE: Finds existing secure application roles used in privilege management. See DBA_DV_ROLE View. Example User SYSTEM fails the check: EXEC DBMS_MACUTL.CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED('system'); ERROR at line 1: ORA-47920: Authorization failed for user system to perform this operation ORA-06512: at "DBMS_MACUTL", line 23 ORA-06512: at "DBMS_MACUTL", line 372 ORA-06512: at "DBMS_MACUTL", line 508 ORA-06512: at "DBMS_MACUTL", line 572 ORA-06512: at line 1 User leo_dvowner, who has the DV_OWNER role, passes the check: EXEC DBMS_MACUTL.CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED('leo_dvowner'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. GET_CODE_VALUE Function The GET_CODE_VALUE function finds the value for a code within a code group, and then returns a VARCHAR2 value. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.GET_CODE_VALUE( p_code_group IN VARCHAR2, p_code IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; 21-8 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Parameters Table 21-3 GET_CODE_VALUE Parameters Parameter Description p_code_group Code group (for example, AUDIT_EVENTS or BOOLEAN). To find available code groups in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_CODE view, described in DBA_DV_CODE View. ID of the code. p_code This ID is listed when you run the DBA_DV_CODE view. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE( rule_name => 'Get Label Algorithm for Maximum Level/Union/Null', rule_expr => 'DBMS_MACUTL.GET_CODE_VALUE(''LABEL_ALG'', ''HUN'') = ''Union'''); END; / GET_SECOND Function The GET_SECOND function returns the seconds in Oracle SS (seconds) format (00–59), and then returns a NUMBER value. It is useful for rule expressions based on time data. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.GET_SECOND( p_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) RETURN NUMBER; Parameter Table 21-4 GET_SECOND Parameter Parameter Description p_date Date in SS format (for example, 59). If you do not specify a date, then Oracle Database Vault uses the Oracle Database SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE seconds number; BEGIN seconds := DBMS_MACUTL.GET_SECOND(TO_DATE('03-APR-2009 6:56 PM', 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi PM')); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Seconds: '||seconds); END; / 21-9 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions This example, which uses a fixed date and time, returns the following: Seconds: 56 GET_MINUTE Function The GET_MINUTE function returns the minute in Oracle MI (minute) format (00–59), in a NUMBER value. It is useful for rule expressions based on time data. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.GET_MINUTE( p_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) RETURN NUMBER; Parameter Table 21-5 GET_MINUTE Parameter Parameter Description p_date Date in MI format (for example, 30, as in 2:30). If you do not specify a date, then Oracle Database Vault uses the Oracle Database SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE minute number; BEGIN minute := DBMS_MACUTL.GET_MINUTE(SYSDATE); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Minute: '||minute); END; / Output similar to the following appears: Minute: 17 GET_HOUR Function The GET_HOUR function returns the hour in Oracle HH24 (hour) format (00–23), in a NUMBER value. It is useful for rule expressions based on time data. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.GET_HOUR( p_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) RETURN NUMBER; 21-10 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Parameter Table 21-6 GET_HOUR Parameter Parameter Description p_date Date in HH24 format (for example, 14 for 2:00 p.m.) If you do not specify a date, then Oracle Database Vault uses the Oracle Database SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE hours number; BEGIN hours := DBMS_MACUTL.GET_HOUR(SYSDATE); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hour: '||hours); END; / Output similar to the following appears: Hour: 12 GET_DAY Function The GET_DAY function returns the day in Oracle DD (day) format (01–31), in a NUMBER value. It is useful for rule expressions based on time data. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.GET_DAY( p_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) RETURN NUMBER; Parameter Table 21-7 GET_DAY Parameter Parameter Description p_date Date in DD format (for example, 01 for the first day of the month). If you do not specify a date, then Oracle Database Vault uses the Oracle Database SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE day number; BEGIN day := DBMS_MACUTL.GET_DAY(SYSDATE); 21-11 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Day: '||day); END; / Output similar to the following appears: Day: 3 GET_MONTH Function The GET_MONTH function returns the month in Oracle MM (month) format (01–12), in a NUMBER value. It is useful for rule expressions based on time data. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.GET_MONTH( p_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) RETURN NUMBER; Parameter Table 21-8 GET_MONTH Parameter Parameter Description p_date Date in MM format (for example, 08 for the month of August). If you do not specify a date, then Oracle Database Vault uses the Oracle Database SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE month number; BEGIN month := DBMS_MACUTL.GET_MONTH(SYSDATE); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Month: '||month); END; / Output similar to the following appears: Month: 4 GET_YEAR Function The GET_YEAR function returns the year in Oracle YYYY (year) format (0001–9999), in a NUMBER value. It is useful for rule expressions based on time data. 21-12 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.GET_YEAR( p_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) RETURN NUMBER; Parameter Table 21-9 GET_YEAR Parameter Parameter Description p_date Date in YYYY format (for example, 1984). If you do not specify a date, then Oracle Database Vault uses the SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE year number; BEGIN year := DBMS_MACUTL.GET_YEAR(SYSDATE); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Year: '||year); END; / IS_ALPHA Function The IS_ALPHA function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a character is alphabetic. IS_ALPHA returns TRUE if the character is alphabetic. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.IS_ALPHA( c IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN; Parameter Table 21-10 IS_ALPHA Parameter Parameter Description c String with one character Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACUTL.IS_ALPHA('z') THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The alphabetic character was found'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No alphabetic characters today.'); END IF; 21-13 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions END; / IS_DIGIT Function The IS_DIGIT function checks returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a character is numeric. IS_DIGIT returns TRUE if the character is a digit. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.IS_DIGIT( c IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN; Parameter Table 21-11 IS_DIGIT Parameter Parameter Description c String with one character Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACUTL.IS_DIGIT('7') THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The numeric character was found'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No numeric characters today.'); END IF; END; / IS_DVSYS_OWNER Function The IS_DVSYS_OWNER function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a user is authorized to manage the Oracle Database Vault configuration. IS_DVSYS_OWNER returns TRUE if the user is authorized. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.IS_DVSYS_OWNER( p_user IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT USER) RETURN BOOLEAN; 21-14 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Parameter Table 21-12 IS_DVSYS_OWNER Parameter Parameter Description p_user User to check. To find existing users, query the following views: • • • DBA_USERS: Finds available users for the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. DBA_DV_ROLE: Finds existing secure application roles used in privilege management. See DBA_DV_ROLE View. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACUTL.IS_DVSYS_OWNER('PSMITH') THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('PSMITH is authorized to manage Database Vault.'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('PSMITH is not authorized to manage Database Vault.'); END IF; END; / IS_OLS_INSTALLED Function The IS_OLS_INSTALLED function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if Oracle Label Security is installed. If Oracle Label Security is installed, IS_OLS_INSTALLED returns TRUE. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.IS_OLS_INSTALLED() RETURN BOOLEAN; Parameters None Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACUTL.IS_OLS_INSTALLED() THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OLS is installed'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OLS is not installed'); END IF; END; / 21-15 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR Function The IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if Oracle Label Security is installed. If Oracle Label Security is installed, then IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR returns Y. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR() RETURN VARCHAR2; Parameters None Example See IS_OLS_INSTALLED Function for an example. USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Function The USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if user or role can access an object through a single specified object privilege grant. If the user or role has the object privilege, then USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE returns TRUE. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE( p_user VARCHAR2, p_object_owner VARCHAR2, p_object_name VARCHAR2, p_privilege VARCHAR2) RETURNS BOOLEAN; Parameters Table 21-13 USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Parameters Parameter Description p_user User or role to check. To find existing users, query they following views: • • • • DBA_USERS: Finds available users for the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_ROLES: Finds available roles in the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. DBA_DV_ROLE: Finds existing secure application roles used in privilege management. See DBA_DV_ROLE View. 21-16 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Table 21-13 (Cont.) USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE Parameters Parameter Description p_object_owner Object owner, such as a schema. To find the available users, query they DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. To find the authorization of a particular user, query they DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view. p_object_name Object name, such as a table within the schema specified in the p_object_owner parameter. To find the available objects, query the ALL_OBJECTS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. To find objects that are secured by existing realms, query they DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view. p_privilege Object privilege, such as, UPDATE. To find privileges for a database account excluding PUBLIC privileges, query they DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS view. To find all privileges for a database account, query the DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL. view Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_OBJECT_PRIVILEGE( 'SECTOR2_APP_MGR', 'OE', 'ORDERS', 'UPDATE') THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SECTOR2_APP_MGR has the UPDATE privilege for the OE.ORDERS table'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SECTOR2_APP_MGR does not have the UPDATE privilege for the OE.ORDERS table.'); END IF; END; / USER_HAS_ROLE Function The USER_HAS_ROLE function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a user has a role privilege, directly or indirectly (through another role). If the user has a role privilege, then USER_HAS_ROLE returns TRUE. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_ROLE( p_role IN VARCHAR2, p_user IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT USER) RETURN BOOLEAN; 21-17 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Parameters Table 21-14 USER_HAS_ROLE Parameters Parameter Description p_role Role privilege to check. To find existing roles, query the following views: • • • p_user DBA_ROLES: Finds available roles in the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. DBA_DV_ROLE: Finds existing secure application roles used in privilege management. See DBA_DV_ROLE View. User to check. To find existing users, query the following views: • • DBA_USERS: Finds available users for the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_ROLE('SECTOR2_APP_MGR', 'PSMITH') THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('User PSMITH has the SECTOR2_APP_MGR role'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('User PSMITH does not have the SECTOR2_APP_MGR role.'); END IF; END; / USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR Function The USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR function returns a VARCHAR2 value indicating if a user has a role privilege, directly or indirectly (through another role). If the user has the role privilege specified, then USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR returns Y. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR( p_role IN VARCHAR2, p_user IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT USER) RETURN VARCHAR2; 21-18 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Parameters Table 21-15 USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR Parameters Parameter Description p_role Role to check. To find existing roles, query the following views: • • • p_user DBA_ROLES: Finds available roles in the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. DBA_DV_ROLE: Finds existing secure application roles used in privilege management. See DBA_DV_ROLE View. User to check. To find existing users, query the following views: • • DBA_USERS: Finds available users for the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Function The USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE function returns a BOOLEAN value indicating if a user has a system privilege, directly or indirectly (through a role). If the user has the system privilege specified, then USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE returns TRUE. Syntax DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE( p_privilege IN VARCHAR2, p_user IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT USER) RETURN BOOLEAN; Parameters Table 21-16 USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Parameters Parameter Description p_privilege System privilege to check for. To find privileges for a database account excluding PUBLIC privileges, query the DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS view, described in DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View. To find all privileges for a database account, use DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL, described in DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View. 21-19 Chapter 21 DBMS_MACUTL Package Procedures and Functions Table 21-16 (Cont.) USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Parameters Parameter Description p_user User to check. To find existing users, query the following views: • • DBA_USERS: Finds available users for the current database instance. See Oracle Database Reference. DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH: Finds the authorization of a particular user or role. See DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View. Example SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN IF DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE('EXECUTE', 'PSMITH') THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('User PSMITH has the EXECUTE ANY PRIVILEGE privilege.'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('User PSMITH does not have the EXECUTE ANY PRIVILEGE privilege.'); END IF; END; / 21-20 22 Oracle Database Vault General Administrative APIs The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package and the CONFIGURE_DV standalone procedure enable you to you perform general maintenance tasks. • DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package general system maintenance procedures perform tasks such as authorizing users or adding new language to Oracle Database Vault. • CONFIGURE_DV General System Maintenance Procedure The CONFIGURE_DV procedure configures the initial two Oracle Database user accounts, which are granted the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles, respectively. DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package general system maintenance procedures perform tasks such as authorizing users or adding new language to Oracle Database Vault. • ADD_NLS_DATA Procedure The ADD_NLS_DATA procedure adds a new language to Oracle Database Vault. • AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump operations when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • AUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure The AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure grants a user authorization to execute Data Definition Language (DDL) statements on the specified schema. • AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure grants a user authorization to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure grants a proxy user authorization to proxy other user accounts, as long as the proxy user has database authorization. • AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure grants a user authorization to schedule database jobs when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations for a tablespace when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. • UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure revokes the authorization that was granted by the AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. 22-1 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures • UNAUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_DDL procedure revokes authorization from a user who was granted authorization to execute DDL statements through the DBMS_MACDM.AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure. • UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure revokes privileges from users who have been granted authorization to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure revokes authorization from a user who was granted proxy authorization from the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure. • UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure revokes the authorization that was granted by the AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure. • UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure removes from authorization users who had previously been granted the authorization to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations. • DISABLE_DV Procedure The DISABLE_DV procedure disables Oracle Database Vault. • DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS Procedure The DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure prevents any user from logging into the database as the DVSYS or DVF schema user. • DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure The DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure disables realm, command rule, and rule set auditing of the actions by users who have the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role. • DISABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure The DISABLE_ORADEBUG procedure disables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • ENABLE_DV Procedure The ENABLE_DV procedure enables Oracle Database Vault and Oracle Label Security. • ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure The ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure enables realm, command rule, and rule set auditing of the actions by users who have the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role. • ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS Procedure The ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure enables users to log into the database as the DVSYS or DVF user. • ENABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure The ENABLE_ORADEBUG procedure enables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. 22-2 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures ADD_NLS_DATA Procedure The ADD_NLS_DATA procedure adds a new language to Oracle Database Vault. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_NLS_DATA( language IN VARCHAR ); Parameters Table 22-1 ADD_NLS_DATA Parameter Description language Enter one of the following settings. (This parameter is case insensitive.) • • • • • • • • • • ENGLISH GERMAN SPANISH FRENCH ITALIAN JAPANESE KOREAN BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE SIMPLIFIED CHINESE TRADITIONAL CHINESE Examples EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_NLS_DATA('french'); AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump operations when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. It applies to both the expdp and impdp utilities. See Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations in Database Vault for full usage information, including the levels of additional authorization the user must have to use Oracle Data Pump in an Oracle Database Vault environment. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER( user_name IN VARCHAR2, schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); 22-3 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Parameters Table 22-2 AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Parameter Description user_name Name of the Oracle Data Pump user to whom you want to grant authorization. To find a list of users who have privileges to use Oracle Data Pump (that is, the EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles), query the DBA_ROLE_PRIVS data dictionary view as follows: SELECT GRANTEE, GRANTED_ROLE FROM DBA_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTED_ROLE LIKE '%FULL%' schema_name Name of the database schema that the Oracle Data Pump user must export or import. If you omit this parameter, then the user is granted global authorization to export and import any schema in the database. In this case, ensure the user has been granted the DV_OWNER role. table_name Name of the table within the schema specified by the schema_name parameter. If you omit this parameter, then the user you specified can export and import all tables within the schema specified by the schema_name parameter. Examples EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR', 'HR', 'EMPLOYEES'); AUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure The AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure grants a user authorization to execute Data Definition Language (DDL) statements on the specified schema. To find information about users who have been granted this authorization, query the DBA_DV_DDL_AUTH data dictionary view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DDL( user_name IN VARCHAR2, schema_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 22-3 AUTHORIZE_DDL Parameter Description user_name Name of the user to whom you want to grant DDL authorization. schema_name Name of the database schema in which the user wants to perform the DDL statements. Enter % to specify all schemas. 22-4 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Examples The following example enables user psmith to execute DDL statements in any schema: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DDL('psmith', '%'); This example enables user psmith to execute DDL statements in the HR schema only. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DDL('psmith', 'HR'); AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure grants a user authorization to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. To find information about users who have been granted this authorization, query the DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER( uname IN VARCHAR2, sname IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, objname IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, objtype IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, action IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); Parameters Table 22-4 AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Parameter Description uname Name of the user to whom you want to grant authorization sname Name of the database schema for which the maintenance operations are to be performed. Enter % to specify all schemas. objname Name of the object (such as the name of a table) in the schema that is specified in the sname parameter for which maintenance operations are to be performed objtype Type of the objname object, such as table, index, tablespace, and so on action Maintenance action. Enter ilm for Information Lifecycle Management Example The following example enables user psmith to have Database Vault authorization to manage ILM features for the HR.EMPLOYEES table: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER ( uname => 'psmith', sname => 'HR', objname => 'EMPLOYEES', objtype => 'TABLE', action => 'ILM'); 22-5 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures END; / Related Topics • Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault Users who perform Information Lifecycle Management operations on an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database must be granted authorization to perform these operations. AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure grants a proxy user authorization to proxy other user accounts, as long as the proxy user has database authorization. For example, the CREATE SESSION privilege is a valid database authorization. To find information about users who have been granted this authorization, query the DBA_DV_PROXY_AUTH view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER( proxy_user IN VARCHAR2, user_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 22-5 AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Parameter Description proxy_user Name of the proxy user. user_name Name of the database user who will be proxied by the proxy_user user. Enter % to specify all users. Examples The following example enables proxy user preston to proxy all users: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER('preston', '%'); This example enables proxy user preston to proxy database user dkent only. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER('preston', 'dkent'); AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure grants a user authorization to schedule database jobs when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. This authorization applies to anyone who has privileges to schedule database jobs. These privileges include any of the following: CREATE JOB, CREATE ANY JOB, CREATE EXTERNAL JOB, EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM, EXECUTE ANY CLASS, MANAGE SCHEDULER. See Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault full usage information, including the levels of authorization the user must have to schedule database jobs in an Oracle Database Vault environment. 22-6 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Syntax DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER( user_name IN VARCHAR2, schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); Parameters Table 22-6 AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Parameter Description user_name Name of the user to whom you want to grant authorization. To find a list of users who have privileges to schedule jobs, query the DBA_SYS_PRIVS data dictionary view. See Step 2 in Granting a Job Scheduling Administrator Authorization for Database Vault. schema_name Name of the database schema for which a job will be scheduled. If you omit this parameter, then the user is granted global authorization to schedule a job for any schema in the database. Examples The following example authorizes the user JOB_MGR to run a job under any schema. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR'); This example authorizes user JOB_MGR to run a job under the HR schema only. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR', 'HR'); AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure The AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations for a tablespace when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. It applies to both the EXPDP and IMPDP utilities. Authorizing Users for Oracle Data Pump Regular Operations in Database Vault describes full usage information, including the levels of additional authorization the user must have to use Oracle Data Pump to conduct transportable operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER( uname IN VARCHAR2, tsname IN VARCHAR2); 22-7 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Parameters Table 22-7 AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Parameter Description uname Name of the user who you want to authorize to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations. To find a list of users and their current privileges, query the DBA_SYS_PRIVS data dictionary view. tsname Name of the tablespace in which the uname user is to perform the transportable tablespace operation. To find a list of tablespaces, query the DBA_TABLESPACES data dictionary view. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER('PSMITH', 'HR_TS'); UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure revokes the authorization that was granted by the AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. When you run this procedure, ensure that its settings correspond exactly to the equivalent AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure. For example, the following two procedures will work because the parameters are consistent: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('DP_MGR'); However, because the parameters in the following procedures are not consistent, the UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure will not work: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('JSMITH'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('JSMITH', 'HR'); Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER( user_name IN VARCHAR2, schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); 22-8 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Parameters Table 22-8 UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER Parameter Description user_name Name of the Oracle Data Pump user from whom you want to revoke authorization. To find a list of users and authorizations from the AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure, query the DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view as follows: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH; schema_name Name of the database schema that the Oracle Data Pump user is authorized to export or import. table_name Name of the table within the schema specified by the schema name parameter. Examples EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('JSMITH'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('JSMITH', 'HR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('JSMITH', 'HR', 'SALARY'); UNAUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_DDL procedure revokes authorization from a user who was granted authorization to execute DDL statements through the DBMS_MACDM.AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure. To find information about users who have been granted this authorization, query the DBA_DV_DDL_AUTH data dictionary view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DDL( user_name IN VARCHAR2, schema_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 22-9 UNAUTHORIZE_DDL Parameter Description user_name Name of the user from whom you want to revoke DDL authorization. schema_name Name of the database schema in which the user wants to perform the DDL statements. Enter % specify all schemas. 22-9 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Examples The following example revokes DDL statement execution authorization from user psmith for all schemas: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DDL('psmith', '%'); This example revokes DDL statement execution authorization from user psmith for the HR schema only. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_DDL('psmith', 'HR'); UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure revokes privileges from users who have been granted authorization to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations in an Oracle Database Vault environment. To find information about the settings for the ILM authorization, query the DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH view. When you run this procedure, ensure that its settings correspond exactly to the equivalent AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure. For example, the following two procedures will work because the parameter settings correspond: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER('psmith', 'OE', 'ORDERS', 'TABLE', 'ILM'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER('psmith', 'OE', 'ORDERS', 'TABLE', 'ILM'); However, these two statements will fail because the settings do not correspond: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER('psmith', 'OE', 'ORDERS', 'TABLE', 'ILM'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER('psmith', '%', '%', '%', 'ILM'); Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER( uname IN VARCHAR2, sname IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, objname IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, objtype IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, action IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); Parameters Table 22-10 UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Parameter Description uname Name of the user to whom you want to revoke authorization sname Name of the database schema for which the maintenance operations are performed. Enter % to specify all schemas. 22-10 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Table 22-10 (Cont.) UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER Parameter Description objname Name of the object (such as the name of a table) in the schema that is specified in the sname parameter for which maintenance operations are performed objtype Type of the objname object, such as table, index, tablespace, and so on action Maintenance action. Enter ilm for Information Lifecycle Management Example The following example revokes privileges from Database Vault user psmith so that she can no longer perform ILM operations in any HR schema objects: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER ( uname => 'psmith', sname => 'HR', objname => 'EMPLOYEES', objtype => 'TABLE', action => 'ILM'); END; / Related Topics • Using Information Lifecycle Management with Oracle Database Vault Users who perform Information Lifecycle Management operations on an Oracle Database Vault-enabled database must be granted authorization to perform these operations. UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure revokes authorization from a user who was granted proxy authorization from the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER( proxy_user IN VARCHAR2, user_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 22-11 UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Parameter Description proxy_user Name of the proxy user. user_name Name of the database user who was proxied by the proxy_user user. Enter % to specify all users. 22-11 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Examples The following example revokes proxy authorization from user preston for proxying all users: DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER('preston', '%'); This example revokes proxy authorization from user preston for proxying database user psmith only. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER('preston', 'psmith'); UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure revokes the authorization that was granted by the AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure. When you run this procedure, ensure that its settings correspond exactly to the equivalent AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure. For example, the following two procedures will work because the parameters are consistent: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR'); However, because the parameters in the following procedures are not consistent, the UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure will not work: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR', 'HR'); Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER user_name IN VARCHAR2, schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); Parameters Table 22-12 UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER Parameter Description user_name Name of the job scheduling user from whom you want to revoke authorization. To find a list of users and authorizations from the AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure, query the DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH data dictionary view as follows: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH; schema_name Name of the database schema for which the user is authorized to schedule jobs. 22-12 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Examples EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER('JOB_MGR', 'HR'); UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Procedure The UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure removes from authorization users who had previously been granted the authorization to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER uname IN VARCHAR2, tsname IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 22-13 UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER Parameter Description uname Name of the user who you want to remove from being authorized to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations. To find a list of users and their current privileges, query the DBA_SYS_PRIVS data dictionary view. tsname Name of the tablespace that is used in the transportable tablespace operation. To find a list of tablespaces, query the DBA_TABLESPACES data dictionary view. Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER('PSMITH', 'HR_TS'); DISABLE_DV Procedure The DISABLE_DV procedure disables Oracle Database Vault. After you run this procedure, you must restart the database. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV; Parameters None Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV; 22-13 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS Procedure The DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure prevents any user from logging into the database as the DVSYS or DVF schema user. By default these two accounts are locked. Only a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can execute this procedure. To find the status of whether users can log into DVSYS and DVF, query the DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS data dictionary view. For stronger security, run this procedure to better protect the DVSYS and DVF schemas. The disablement takes place immediately, so you do not need to restart the database after running this procedure. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS; Parameters None Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS; Related Topics • Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail If you have not migrated to unified auditing, you should periodically archive and purge the Oracle Database Vault audit trail. DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure The DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure disables realm, command rule, and rule set auditing of the actions by users who have the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role. This procedure disables the successful actions of this user, not the failed actions. You should run this procedure after the DV_PATCH_ADMIN user has completed database patch operation. To find if auditing is enabled or not, query the DBA_DV_PATCH_AUDIT data dictionary view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT; Parameters None Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT; 22-14 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Related Topics • DV_PATCH_ADMIN Database Vault Database Patch Role The DV_PATCH_ADMIN role is used for patching operations. • ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure The ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure enables realm, command rule, and rule set auditing of the actions by users who have the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role. DISABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure The DISABLE_ORADEBUG procedure disables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. The disablement takes place immediately, so you do not need to restart the database after running this procedure. To find the status of whether the ORADEBUG utility is available in Database Vault, query the DVYS.DBA_DV_ORADEBUG data dictionary view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_ORADEBUG; Parameters None Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_ORADEBUG; Related Topics • Using the ORADEBUG Utility with Oracle Database Vault The ORADEBUG utility is used primarily by Oracle Support to diagnose problems that may arise with an Oracle database. ENABLE_DV Procedure The ENABLE_DV procedure enables Oracle Database Vault and Oracle Label Security. After you run this procedure, you must restart the database. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV( strict_mode IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT); 22-15 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Parameters Table 22-14 ENABLE_DV Parameter Description strict_mode In a multitenant environment, specifies one of the following modes: • n specifies regular mode, which allows the PDBs to be Database Vault enabled or disabled. (Default) • y specifies strict mode, which puts the PDBs that have not been Database Vault-enabled in restricted mode, until you enable Database Vault in them and then restart the PDB. To apply this setting to all PDBs in the multitenant environment, run the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV procedure in the CDB root. To apply it to all PDBs in an application container, run the procedure in the application root. In a non-multitenant environment, omit this parameter. Examples The following example enables Oracle Database Vault in regular mode. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV; This example enables Oracle Database Vault in strict mode in a multitenant environment. EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV (strict_mode => 'y'); Related Topics • Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure The ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure enables realm, command rule, and rule set auditing of the actions by users who have the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role. This procedure is designed to audit these users' actions during a patch upgrade. To find if this auditing is enabled or not, query the DBA_DV_PATCH_AUDIT data dictionary view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT; Parameters None Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT; 22-16 Chapter 22 DBMS_MACADM General System Maintenance Procedures Related Topics • DV_PATCH_ADMIN Database Vault Database Patch Role The DV_PATCH_ADMIN role is used for patching operations. • DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure The DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure disables realm, command rule, and rule set auditing of the actions by users who have the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role. ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS Procedure The ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure enables users to log into the database as the DVSYS or DVF user. By default, the DVSYS and DVF accounts are locked. Only a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role can execute this procedure. To find the status of whether users can log into DVSYS and DVF, query the DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS data dictionary view. For stronger security, only run this procedure when you need to better protect the DVSYS and DVF schemas. The enablement takes place immediately, so you do not need to restart the database after running this procedure. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS; Parameters None Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS; Related Topics • Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail If you have not migrated to unified auditing, you should periodically archive and purge the Oracle Database Vault audit trail. ENABLE_ORADEBUG Procedure The ENABLE_ORADEBUG procedure enables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. The enablement takes place immediately, so you do not need to restart the database after running this procedure. To find the status of whether the ORADEBUG utility is available in Database Vault, query the DVYS.DBA_DV_ORADEBUG data dictionary view. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_ORADEBUG; Parameters None 22-17 Chapter 22 CONFIGURE_DV General System Maintenance Procedure Example EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_ORADEBUG; Related Topics • Using the ORADEBUG Utility with Oracle Database Vault The ORADEBUG utility is used primarily by Oracle Support to diagnose problems that may arise with an Oracle database. CONFIGURE_DV General System Maintenance Procedure The CONFIGURE_DV procedure configures the initial two Oracle Database user accounts, which are granted the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles, respectively. You can check the status of this configuration by querying the DBA_DV_STATUS data dictionary view. Before you run the CONFIGURE_DV procedure, you must create the two user accounts and grant them the CREATE SESSION privilege. The accounts can be either local or common. If you create common user accounts, then the Database Vault roles that are granted to these users apply to the current pluggable database (PDB) only. You then refer to these user accounts for the CONFIGURE_DV procedure. The CONFIGURE_DV procedure resides in the SYS schema. Oracle provides a synonym, DVSYS.CONFIGURE_DV, so that any existing Oracle Database Vault configuration scripts that you may have created in previous releases will continue to work in this release. You only can run the CONFIGURE_DV procedure once, when you are ready to register Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle database. After you run this procedure, you must run utlrp.sql script and then DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV to complete the registration process. Oracle strongly recommends that for better security, you use the two accounts you create here as back-up accounts and then create additional accounts for every day use. See Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts for guidance. When you run the CONFIGURE_DV procedure, it checks the DVSYS schema for problems such as missing tables or packages. If it finds problems, then it raises an ORA-47500 Database Vault cannot be configured error. If this happens, then you must deinstall and then reinstall Oracle Database Vault. Together, the CONFIGURE_DV and DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV procedures, and the and utlrp.sql script, are designed to be a command-line alternative to using Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to register Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle database. You must run the CONFIGURE_DV procedure as user SYS. Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database describes the process that you would use. Syntax CONFIGURE_DV dvowner_uname dvacctmgr_uname IN VARCHAR2, IN VARCHAR2; 22-18 Chapter 22 CONFIGURE_DV General System Maintenance Procedure Parameters Table 22-15 CONFIGURE_DV Parameter Description dvowner_uname Name of the user who will be the Database Vault Owner. This user will be granted the DV_OWNER role. dvacctmgr_uname Name of the user who will be the Database Vault Account Manager. This user will be granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. If you omit this setting, the user specified by the dvowner_uname parameter is made the Database Vault Account Manager and granted the DV_ACCTMGR role. Example CREATE USER dbv_owner IDENTIFIED BY password CONTAINER = CURRENT; CREATE USER dbv_acctmgr IDENTIFIED BY password CONTAINER = CURRENT; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO dbv_owner, dbv_acctmgr; BEGIN CONFIGURE_DV ( dvowner_uname dvacctmgr_uname END; / => 'dbv_owner', => 'dbv_acctmgr'); Related Topics • Deinstalling Oracle Database Vault You can remove Oracle Database Vault from an Oracle Database installation, for both to both single-instance and Oracle RAC installations. • Reinstalling Oracle Database Vault You can reinstall Oracle Database Vault by using Database Configuration Assistant and afterward, register Database Vault. 22-19 23 Oracle Database Vault Policy APIs You can use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package to manage Oracle Database Vault policies. Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can use these procedures. • ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Procedure The ADD_COMMAND_RULE_TO_POLICY procedure enables you to add an existing command rule to an Oracle Database Vault policy. • ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY Procedure The ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY procedure enables you to add an existing database user to an Oracle Database Vault policy as an owner. • ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY Procedure The ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY procedure enables you to add an existing realm to an Oracle Database Vault policy. • CREATE_POLICY Procedure The CREATE_POLICY procedure enables you to create an Oracle Database Vault policy. • DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Procedure The DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY procedure enables you to remove an existing command rule from an Oracle Database Vault policy. • DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY Procedure The DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY procedure enables you to remove an owner from an Oracle Database Vault policy. • DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY Procedure The DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY procedure enables you to remove an existing realm from an Oracle Database Vault policy. • DROP_POLICY Procedure The DROP_POLICY procedure enables you to drop an existing Oracle Database Vault policy. • RENAME_POLICY Procedure The UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION procedure enables you to rename an existing Oracle Database Vault policy. • UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Procedure The UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION procedure enables you to update the description field in an Oracle Database Vault policy. • UPDATE_POLICY_STATE Procedure The UPDATE_POLICY_STATE procedure enables you to update the policy_state field in an Oracle Database Vault policy. 23-1 Chapter 23 ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Procedure Related Topics • Configuring Oracle Database Vault Policies You can use Oracle Database Vault policies to implement frequently used realm and command rule settings. • Oracle Database Vault Utility APIs Oracle Database Vault provides a set of utility APIs in the DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package. ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Procedure The ADD_COMMAND_RULE_TO_POLICY procedure enables you to add an existing command rule to an Oracle Database Vault policy. You can add a command rule to a policy when the command rule is in any state. For example, you can add a disabled command rule to an enabled policy. In this case, the disabled command rule will automatically become enabled when it is added to the policy. A command rules can be added to only one policy. In other words, you cannot assign the same command rule to multiple policies. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, command IN VARCHAR2, object_owner IN VARCHAR2, object_name IN VARCHAR2, clause_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, parameter_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, event_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, component_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, action_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, scope IN NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 23-1 ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. command Command rule name To find existing Database Vault command rules in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View. object_owner Database schema to which the command rule applies To find existing object owners for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View object_name Object to be protected by the command rule To find existing objects for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View 23-2 Chapter 23 ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Procedure Table 23-1 (Cont.) ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description clause_name For ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules, a clause from the SQL statement that was used to create the command rule To find existing clauses for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View parameter_name For ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules, a parameter from the clause_name parameter. To find existing parameters for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View event_name For ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules, an event that the command rule defines To find existing event names for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View component_name A component of the event_name setting To find existing component names for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View action_name An action of the component_name setting. To find existing action names for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule applies to all the PDBs Example The following example shows how to add a common command rule to a Database Vault policy. This command rule is in the application root of a multitenant environment, so the user running this procedure must be in the application root or the CDB root. Any rules or rule sets that are associated with this command rule must be common. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', command => 'ALTER SESSION', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', clause_name => 'PARALLEL DDL', parameter_name => '', event_name => '', action_name => '', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / 23-3 Chapter 23 ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY Procedure ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY Procedure The ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY procedure enables you to add an existing database user to an Oracle Database Vault policy as an owner. When you add an owner to an enabled policy, the change takes place immediately. There is no limit to the number of users that you add to the policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, owner_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 23-2 ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. owner_name User name. To find existing database users (not roles) in the current instance, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference. To find existing policy owners, query the DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', owner_name => 'PSMITH'); END; / ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY Procedure The ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY procedure enables you to add an existing realm to an Oracle Database Vault policy. You can add a disabled realm to an enabled policy. In this case, the realm automatically becomes enabled when it is added. A realm can be added to only one policy. In other words, you cannot assign the same realm to multiple policies. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, realm_name IN VARCHAR2); 23-4 Chapter 23 CREATE_POLICY Procedure Parameters Table 23-3 ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. realm_name Realm name. To find existing Database Vault realms in the current database instance, query the DV_REALM view, described in DVSYS.DV$REALM View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', realm_name => 'HR realm'); END; / CREATE_POLICY Procedure The CREATE_POLICY procedure enables you to create an Oracle Database Vault policy. After you create the policy, you must add at least one realm and one command rule to the policy. Optionally, you can set these realms and command rules to be enforced individually or use the enforcement that the policy uses. An owner for the policy is not required, but if you do not assign an owner to the policy, a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role must administer the policy. After you create the policy, use the following procedures to complete the policy definition: • ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY adds realms to the policy. • ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY adds command rules to the policy. • ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY enables the specified database users to manage the policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, policy_state IN NUMBER); 23-5 Chapter 23 DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Procedure Parameters Table 23-4 CREATE_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name, up to 128 characters in mixed case To find existing policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. description Description of the purpose of the policy, up to 4000 characters in mixedcase. policy_state Specifies how the policy is enabled. Possible values are: • DBMS_MACADM.G_ENABLED (1), which enables the policy after you create it • DBMS_MACADM.G_DISABLED (0), which disables the policy after you create it • DBMS_MACADM.G_SIMULATION (2), which sets the policy to simulation mode. In simulation mode, any violations to realms or command rules used in the policy are logged in a designated log table with sufficient information to describe the error, such as the user name or SQL statement used. • DBMS_MACADM.G_PARTIAL (3), which sets the policy to partial mode. In partial mode, the enforcement state of realms or command rules associated with the policy can be changed individually. See About Simulation Mode for more information about simulation mode Example The following example creates a policy that uses the partial state. Later on, when a realm or a command rule is added to this policy, their enforcement state will be able to be changed individually. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR Database Vault Policy', description => 'Policy to protect the HR schema', policy_state => DBMS_MACADM.G_ENABLED); END; / DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Procedure The DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY procedure enables you to remove an existing command rule from an Oracle Database Vault policy. You can remove command rules from a policy anytime regardless of the state of the policy. When a command rule is removed from a policy, the state of command rule remains the same. That is, if the policy is enabled, and a command rule is removed from the policy, then the command rule will be still enabled after you have removed it from the policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, 23-6 Chapter 23 DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Procedure command object_owner object_name clause_name parameter_name event_name component_name action_name scope IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, VARCHAR2 DEFAULT, NUMBER DEFAULT); Parameters Table 23-5 DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. command Command rule name To find existing Database Vault command rules in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View. object_owner Database schema to which the command rule applies To find existing object owners for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View object_name Object to be protected by the command rule To find existing objects for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View clause_name For ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules, a clause from the SQL statement that was used to create the command rule To find existing clauses for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View parameter_name For ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules, a parameter from the clause_name parameter. To find existing parameters for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View event_name For ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION command rules, an event that the command rule defines To find existing event names for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View component_name A component of the event_name setting To find existing component names for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View action_name An action of the component_name setting. To find existing action names for this command rule, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View 23-7 Chapter 23 DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY Procedure Table 23-5 (Cont.) DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description scope For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows: • • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the command rule is local in the current PDB DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the command rule is in the application root Example The following example shows how to delete a common command rule from a Database Vault policy. This command rule is in the application root of a multitenant environment, so the user running this procedure must be in the CDB root. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', command => 'ALTER SESSION', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', clause_name => 'END SESSION', parameter_name => 'KILL SESSION', event_name => '', action_name => '', scope => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON); END; / DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY Procedure The DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY procedure enables you to remove an owner from an Oracle Database Vault policy. You can remove owners from policies any time, regardless of the state (enabled or disabled) of the policy. The change takes effect immediately. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, owner_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 23-6 DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. 23-8 Chapter 23 DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY Procedure Table 23-6 (Cont.) DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description owner_name User name. To find existing policy owners in the current instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', owner_name => 'PSMITH'); END; / DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY Procedure The DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY procedure enables you to remove an existing realm from an Oracle Database Vault policy. You can remove realms from policies any time, regardless of the state (enabled or disabled) of the policy. The change takes effect immediately. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, realm_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 23-7 DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. realm_name Realm name. To find existing Database Vault realms in the current database instance, query the DV_REALM view, described in DVSYS.DV$REALM View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', realm_name => 'HR realm'); END; / 23-9 Chapter 23 DROP_POLICY Procedure DROP_POLICY Procedure The DROP_POLICY procedure enables you to drop an existing Oracle Database Vault policy. You can remove a policy at any time, regardless of the state (enabled or disabled) of the policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.DROP_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 23-8 DROP_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.DROP_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy'); END; / RENAME_POLICY Procedure The UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION procedure enables you to rename an existing Oracle Database Vault policy. You can rename a policy at any time, regardless of the state (enabled or disabled) of the policy. The change takes effect immediately. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_POLICY( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, new_policy_name IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Table 23-9 RENAME_POLICY Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. new_policy_name New policy name, up to 128 characters in mixed case 23-10 Chapter 23 UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Procedure Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.RENAME_POLICY( policy_name => 'HR Database Vault Policy', new_policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy'); END; / UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Procedure The UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION procedure enables you to update the description field in an Oracle Database Vault policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT); Parameters Table 23-10 UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. description New description of the purpose of the policy, up to 4000 characters in mixed-case Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', description => 'HR schema protection policy'); END; / UPDATE_POLICY_STATE Procedure The UPDATE_POLICY_STATE procedure enables you to update the policy_state field in an Oracle Database Vault policy. Syntax DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_POLICY_STATE( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, policy_state IN NUMBER); 23-11 Chapter 23 UPDATE_POLICY_STATE Procedure Parameters Table 23-11 UPDATE_POLICY_STATE Parameters Parameter Description policy_name Policy name. To find existing Database Vault policies in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_POLICY view, described in DBA_DV_POLICY View. policy_state Specifies how the policy is enabled. Possible values are: • DBMS_MACADM.G_ENABLED (1), which enables the policy after you create it • DBMS_MACADM.G_DISABLED (0), which disables the policy after you create it DBMS_MACADM. (2), which sets the policy to simulation mode. In • simulation mode, any violations to realms or command rules used in the policy are logged in a designated log table with sufficient information to describe the error, such as the user name or SQL statement used. • DBMS_MACADM.G_PARTIAL (3), which sets the policy to partial mode. In partial mode, the enforcement state of realms or command rules associated with the policy can be changed individually. See About Simulation Mode for more information about simulation mode Example BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_POLICY_STATE( policy_name => 'HR_DV_Policy', policy_state => DBMS_MACADM.G_DISABLED); END; / 23-12 24 Oracle Database Vault API Reference Oracle Database Vault provides a rich set of APIs, both in PL/SQL packages and in standalone procedures. • DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents The DBMS_MACADM package enables you to configure the realms, factors, rule sets, command rules, secure application roles, and Oracle Label Security policies. • DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL Package Contents The DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES package enables you to check and set Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. • DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL Package Contents The DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package defines constants and utility methods that are commonly used by other Oracle Database Vault packages, such as error handling. • CONFIGURE_DV PL/SQL Procedure The CONFIGURE_DV configures the initial two Oracle Database user accounts, which are granted the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles, respectively. • DVF PL/SQL Interface Contents The DVF schema provides a set of factor-related PL/SQL functions. DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents The DBMS_MACADM package enables you to configure the realms, factors, rule sets, command rules, secure application roles, and Oracle Label Security policies. The DBMS_MACADM package is available only for users who have been granted the DV_ADMIN or DV_OWNER role. DBMS_MACADM Realm Procedures Table 24-1 lists the realm procedures in the DBMS_MACADM package. Table 24-1 DBMS_MACADM Realm Procedures Procedure Description ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure Authorizes a user or role to access a realm as an owner or a participant ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM procedure Registers a set of objects for realm protection CREATE_REALM procedure Creates a realm DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM procedure Removes the authorization of a user or role to access a realm DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM procedure Removes a set of objects from realm protection DELETE_REALM procedure Deletes a realm, including its related Database Vault configuration information that specifies who is authorized and what objects are protected 24-1 Chapter 24 DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents Table 24-1 (Cont.) DBMS_MACADM Realm Procedures Procedure Description DELETE_REALM_CASCADE procedure Deletes a realm, including its related Database Vault configuration information that specifies who is authorized and what objects are protected RENAME_REALM procedure Renames a realm. The name change takes effect everywhere the realm is used. UPDATE_REALM procedure Updates a realm UPDATE_REALM_AUTH procedure Updates the authorization of a user or role to access a realm DBMS_MACADM Rule Set and Rule Procedures Table 24-2 lists the rule set and rule procedures in the DBMS_MACADM package. Table 24-2 DBMS_MACADM Rule Set and Rule Procedures Procedure Description CREATE_RULE_SET procedure Creates a rule set RENAME_RULE_SET procedure Renames a rule set. The name change takes effect everywhere the rule set is used. DELETE_RULE_FROM_RULE_SET procedure Deletes a rule from a rule set DELETE_RULE_SET procedure Deletes a rule set UPDATE_RULE_SET procedure Updates a rule set CREATE_RULE procedure Creates a rule ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET procedure Adds a rule to a rule set DELETE_RULE procedure Deletes a rule RENAME_RULE procedure Renames a rule. The name change takes effect everywhere the rule is used. UPDATE_RULE procedure Updates a rule DBMS_MACADM Command Rule Procedures Table 24-3 lists the command rule procedures in the DBMS_MACADM package. Table 24-3 DBMS_MACADM Command Rule Procedures Procedure Description CREATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure Creates a command rule, associates it with a rule set, and lets you enable the command rule for rule checking with a rule set CREATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure Creates a CONNECT command rule CREATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure Creates a session event command rule, using the ALTER SESSION SQL statement 24-2 Chapter 24 DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents Table 24-3 (Cont.) DBMS_MACADM Command Rule Procedures Procedure Description CREATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure Creates a system event command rule, using the ALTER SYSTEM SQL statement DELETE_COMMAND_RULE procedure Drops a command rule declaration DELETE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure Drops a CONNECT command rule declaration DELETE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure Drops a SESSION_EVENT_CMD command rule declaration DELETE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure Drops a SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD command rule declaration UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure Updates a command rule declaration UPDATE_CONNECT_COMMAND_RULE procedure Updates a CONNECT command rule declaration UPDATE_SESSION_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure Updates a SESSION_EVENT_CMD command rule declaration UPDATE_SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD_RULE procedure Updates a SYSTEM_EVENT_CMD command rule declaration DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions lists the factor procedures and functions in the DBMS_MACADM package. Table 24-4 DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Procedure or Function Description ADD_FACTOR_LINK procedure Specifies a parent-child relationship for two factors ADD_POLICY_FACTOR procedure Specifies that the label for a factor contributes to the Oracle Label Security label for a policy. CHANGE_IDENTITY_FACTOR procedure Associates an identity with a different factor CHANGE_IDENTITY_VALUE procedure Updates the value of an identity CREATE_DOMAIN_IDENTITY procedure Adds an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database node to the domain factor identities and labels it according to the Oracle Label Security policy. CREATE_FACTOR procedure Creates a factor CREATE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure Creates a factor type CREATE_IDENTITY procedure Creates an identity CREATE_IDENTITY_MAP procedure Defines a set of tests that are used to derive the identity of a factor from the value of linked child factors (subfactors) DELETE_FACTOR procedure Deletes a factor DELETE_FACTOR_LINK procedure Removes a parent-child relationship for two factors DELETE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure Deletes a factor type DELETE_IDENTITY procedure Removes an identity 24-3 Chapter 24 DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents Table 24-4 (Cont.) DBMS_MACADM Factor Procedures and Functions Procedure or Function Description DELETE_IDENTITY_MAP procedure Removes an identity map from a factor DROP_DOMAIN_IDENTITY procedure Removes an Oracle RAC database node from a domain GET_INSTANCE_INFO function Returns information from the SYS.V_$INSTANCE system table about the current database instance; returns a VARCHAR2 value GET_SESSION_INFO function Returns information from the SYS.V_$SESSION system table for the current session; returns a VARCHAR2 value RENAME_FACTOR procedure Renames a factor. The name change takes effect everywhere the factor is used. RENAME_FACTOR_TYPE procedure Renames a factor type. The name change takes effect everywhere the factor type is used. UPDATE_FACTOR procedure Updates a factor UPDATE_FACTOR_TYPE procedure Updates the description of a factor type UPDATE_IDENTITY procedure Updates the trust level of a factor identity DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures Table 24-5 lists the secure application role procedures in the DBMS_MACADM package. Table 24-5 DBMS_MACADM Secure Application Role Procedures Procedure Description CREATE_ROLE procedure Creates an Oracle Database Vault secure application role DELETE_ROLE procedure Deletes an Oracle Database Vault secure application role RENAME_ROLE procedure Renames an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. The name change takes effect everywhere the role is used. UNASSIGN_ROLE procedure Unassigns an Oracle Database Vault secure application role from a user UPDATE_ROLE procedure Updates a Oracle Database Vault secure application role DBMS_MACADM Oracle Label Security Procedures Table 24-6 lists the Oracle Label Security procedures in the DBMS_MACADM package. 24-4 Chapter 24 DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents Table 24-6 DBMS_MACADM Oracle Label Security Procedures Procedure Description CREATE_MAC_POLICY procedure Specifies the algorithm that is used to merge labels when computing the label for a factor, or the Oracle Label Security Session label CREATE_POLICY_LABEL procedure Labels an identity within an Oracle Label Security policy DELETE_MAC_POLICY_CASCADE procedure Deletes all Oracle Database Vault objects related to an Oracle Label Security policy. DELETE_POLICY_FACTOR procedure Removes the factor from contributing to the Oracle Label Security label DELETE_POLICY_LABEL procedure Removes the label from an identity within an Oracle Label Security policy UPDATE_MAC_POLICY procedure Specifies the algorithm that is used to merge labels when computing the label for a factor, or the Oracle Label Security Session label DBMS_MACADM Database Vault Policy Procedures Table 24-7 lists the Database Vault policy procedures in the DBMS_MACADM package. Table 24-7 DBMS_MACADM Database Vault Policy Procedures Procedure Description ADD_CMD_RULE_TO_POLICY procedure Adds a command rule to a Database Vault policy ADD_OWNER_TO_POLICY procedure Adds an owner to a Database Vault policy ADD_REALM_TO_POLICY procedure Adds a realm to a Database Vault policy CREATE_POLICY procedure Creates a Database Vault policy DELETE_CMD_RULE_FROM_POLICY procedure Deletes a command rule from a Database Vault policy DELETE_OWNER_FROM_POLICY procedure Deletes an owner from a Database Vault policy DELETE_REALM_FROM_POLICY procedure Deletes a realm from a Database Vault policy DROP_POLICY procedure Drops a Database Vault policy RENAME_POLICY procedure Renames a Database Vault policy UPDATE_POLICY_DESCRIPTION procedure Updates a Database Vault policy description UPDATE_POLICY_STATE procedure Updates the enablement status of the a Database Vault policy DBMS_MACADM General Administrative Procedures Table 24-8 lists the general administrative procedures in the DBMS_MACADM package. 24-5 Chapter 24 DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL Package Contents Table 24-8 DBMS_MACADM General Administrative Procedures Procedure Description ADD_NLS_DATA procedure Adds a new language to Oracle Database Vault AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure Authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump operations when Oracle Database Vault is enabled AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure Grants a user authorization to execute data definition language (DDL) statements AUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure Grants a user authorization to perform Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) operations AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure Grants a proxy user authorization to proxy other user accounts AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure Authorizes a user to schedule database jobs when Oracle Database Vault is enabled AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure Authorizes a user to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations for a tablespace when Oracle Database Vault is enabled UNAUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure Revokes the authorization that was granted by the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER procedure UNAUTHORIZE_DDL procedure Revokes authorization from a user who was granted authorization to execute DDL statements through the DBMS_MACDM.AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure UNAUTHORIZE_MAINTENANCE_USER procedure Revokes authorization to perform ILM operations UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure Revokes authorization from a user who was granted proxy authorization from the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure UNAUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure Revokes authorization that was granted by the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_SCHEDULER_USER procedure UNAUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure Revokes from authorization a user who had been granted authorization to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable tablespace operations for a tablespace when Oracle Database Vault is enabled DISABLE_DV procedure Disables Oracle Database Vault DISABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure Prevents users from logging into the DVSYS and DFV schema accounts DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN Disables auditing of the DV_PATCH_ADMIN user DISABLE_ORADEBUG procedure Disables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment ENABLE_DV procedure Enables Oracle Database Vault ENABLE_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS procedure Enables users to log into the DVSYS and DFV schema accounts ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN Enables auditing of the DV_PATCH_ADMIN user ENABLE_ORADEBUG procedure Enables the use of the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment 24-6 Chapter 24 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL Package Contents DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL Package Contents The DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES package enables you to check and set Oracle Database Vault secure application roles. This package is available to the general database account population. Table 24-9 lists the contents of the DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES package. Table 24-9 DBMS_MACSEC_ROLES PL/SQL Package Contents Procedure or Function Description CAN_SET_ROLE function Checks whether the user invoking the method is authorized to use the specified Oracle Database Vault secure application role. Returns a BOOLEAN value. SET_ROLE procedure Issues the SET ROLE statement for an Oracle Database Vault secure application role. DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL Package Contents The DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL package defines constants and utility methods that are commonly used by other Oracle Database Vault packages, such as error handling. This package can be run by the general database account population. This allows for security developers to leverage the constants in scripted configuration files. Utility methods such as USER_HAS_ROLE can also be used in Oracle Database Vault rules. Table 24-10 lists the DBMS_MACUTL package contents. Table 24-10 DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL Package Contents Procedure or Function Description CHECK_DVSYS_DML_ALLOWED procedure Verifies that public-packages are not being bypassed by users updating the Oracle Database Vault configuration GET_CODE_VALUE function Looks up the value for a code within a code group. GET_SECOND function Returns the seconds in Oracle SS format (00-59). Useful for rule expressions based on time data GET_MINUTE function Returns the minute in Oracle MI format (00–59). Useful for rule expressions based on time data GET_HOUR function Returns the month in Oracle HH24 format (00–23). Useful for rule expressions based on time data GET_DAY function Returns the day in Oracle DD format (01–31). Useful for rule expressions based on time data GET_MONTH function Returns the month in Oracle MM format (01–12). Useful for rule expressions based on time data GET_YEAR function Returns the year in Oracle YYYY format (0001–9999). Useful for rule expressions based on time data IS_ALPHA function Checks whether the character is alphabetic IS_DIGIT function Checks whether the character is numeric 24-7 Chapter 24 CONFIGURE_DV PL/SQL Procedure Table 24-10 (Cont.) DBMS_MACUTL PL/SQL Package Contents Procedure or Function Description IS_DVSYS_OWNER function Determines whether a user is authorized to manage the Oracle Database Vault configuration IS_OLS_INSTALLED function Returns an indicator regarding whether Oracle Label Security is installed IS_OLS_INSTALLED_VARCHAR function Returns an indicator regarding whether Oracle Label Security is installed USER_HAS_ROLE function Checks whether a user has a role privilege, directly or indirectly (through another role) USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR function Checks whether a user has a role privilege, directly or indirectly (through another role) USER_HAS_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE function Checks whether a user has a system privilege, directly or indirectly (through a role) CONFIGURE_DV PL/SQL Procedure The CONFIGURE_DV configures the initial two Oracle Database user accounts, which are granted the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles, respectively. This procedure is used as part of the registration process for Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle database. You only need to use it once for the database instance. DVF PL/SQL Interface Contents The DVF schema provides a set of factor-related PL/SQL functions. The functions are then available to the general database account population through PL/SQL functions and standard SQL. Table 24-11 lists the DVF factor functions. Table 24-11 DVF PL/SQL Interface Contents Function Description F$CLIENT_IP Returns the IP address of the computer from which the client is connected F$DATABASE_DOMAIN Returns the domain of the database as specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter F$DATABASE_HOSTNAME Returns the host name of the computer on which the database instance is running F$DATABASE_INSTANCE Returns the database instance identification number of the current database instance F$DATABASE_IP Returns the IP address of the computer on which the database instance is running F$DATABASE_NAME Returns the name of the database as specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter 24-8 Chapter 24 DVF PL/SQL Interface Contents Table 24-11 (Cont.) DVF PL/SQL Interface Contents Function Description F$DOMAIN Returns a named collection of physical, configuration, or implementation-specific factors in the run-time environment (for example, a networked IT environment or subset of it) that operates at a specific sensitivity level F$ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Returns the enterprise-wide identity for a user F$IDENTIFICATION_TYPE Returns the way the schema of a user was created in the database. Specifically, it reflects the IDENTIFIED clause in the CREATE USER or ALTER USER syntax. F$LANG Returns the ISO abbreviation for the language name, a shorter form than the existing LANGUAGE parameter F$LANGUAGE Returns the language and territory currently used by your session, in VARCHAR2 data type, along with the database character set F$MACHINE Returns the computer (host) name for the database client that established the database session. F$NETWORK_PROTOCOL Returns the network protocol being used for communication, as specified in the PROTOCOL=protocol portion of the connect string F$PROXY_ENTERPRISE_IDENTITY Returns the Oracle Internet Directory distinguished name (DN) when the proxy user is an enterprise user F$SESSION_USER Returns the database user name by which the current user is authenticated 24-9 25 Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. • About the Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides a set of DBA-style data dictionary views that can be accessed through the DV_SECANALYST role or the DV_ADMIN role. • CDB_DV_STATUS View The CDB_DV_STATUS data dictionary view shows the status of Oracle Database Vault being enabled and configured in a multitenant environment. • DBA_DV_CODE View The DBA_DV_CODE data dictionary view lists generic lookup codes for the user interface, error messages, and constraint checking. • DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View The DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view lists the SQL statements that are protected by command rules. • DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View The DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view lists the authorizations for using Oracle Data Pump in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • DBA_DV_DDL_AUTH View The DBA_DV_DDL data dictionary view lists the users and schemas that were specified by the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure. • DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS View The DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS data dictionary view indicates whether users can directly log into the DVSYS and DVF schema accounts. • DBA_DV_FACTOR View The DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view lists the existing factors in the current database instance. • DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View The DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE data dictionary view lists the names and descriptions of factor types used in the system. • DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View The DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK data dictionary view shows the relationships of each factor whose identity is determined by the association of child factors. • DBA_DV_IDENTITY View The DBA_DV_IDENTITY data dictionary view lists the identities for each factor. • DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View The DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP data dictionary view lists the mappings for each factor identity. 25-1 Chapter 25 • DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH View The DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH data dictionary view lists the authorizations for using Oracle Scheduler in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View The DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY data dictionary view lists the Oracle Label Security policies defined for use with Oracle Database Vault. • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View The DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY data dictionary view lists the factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies. • DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH View The DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH data dictionary view provides information about the configuration of Oracle Database Vault authorizations to use Information Life Management (ILM) features. • DBA_DV_ORADEBUG View The DBA_DV_ORADEBUG data dictionary view indicates whether users can use the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. • DBA_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT View The DBA_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT data dictionary view indicates if auditing has been enabled or disabled for the user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN_PATCH role. • DBA_DV_POLICY View The DBA_DV_POLICY data dictionary view lists the Oracle Database Vault policies that were created in the current database instance. • DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View The DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL data dictionary view lists the Oracle Label Security label for each factor identifier in the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view for each policy. • DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View The DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT data dictionary view lists information about the objects that are protected by Oracle Database Vault policies in the current database instance. • DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View The DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER data dictionary view lists the owners of Oracle Database Vault policies that were created in the current database instance. • DBA_DV_PROXY_AUTH View The DBA_DV_PROXY_AUTH data dictionary view lists the proxy users and schemas that were specified by the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure. • DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View The DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS data dictionary view lists data reflected in the Oracle Database Vault privilege management reports used in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. • DBA_DV_REALM View The DBA_DV_REALM data dictionary view lists the realms created in the current database instance. • DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View The DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view lists database user account or role authorization (GRANTEE) who can access realm objects. • DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View The DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT data dictionary view lists the database schemas, or subsets of schemas, that are secured by the realms. 25-2 Chapter 25 • DBA_DV_ROLE View The DBA_DV_ROLE data dictionary view lists the Oracle Database Vault secure application roles used in privilege management. • DBA_DV_RULE View The DBA_DV_RULE data dictionary view lists the rules that have been defined. • DBA_DV_RULE_SET View The DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view lists the rules sets that have been created. • DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View The DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE data dictionary view lists rules that are associated with existing rule sets. • DBA_DV_STATUS View The DBA_DV_STATUS data dictionary view shows the status of Oracle Database Vault being enabled and configured. • DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View The DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view captures simulation log information for realms and command rules that have had simulation mode enabled. • DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH View The DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH data dictionary view lists users who have been granted authorization through the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable operations. • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View The DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS data dictionary view lists the privileges for a database user account excluding privileges granted through the PUBLIC role. • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View The DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL data dictionary view lists the privileges for a database account including privileges granted through PUBLIC. • DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View The DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT data dictionary view captures DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table audit trail records. • DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View The DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT data dictionary view provides information about enforcement-related audits from the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. • DVSYS.DV$REALM View The DVSYS.DV$REALM data dictionary view describes settings that were used to create Oracle Database Vault realms, such as which audit options have been assigned or whether the realm is a mandatory realm. • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the command rules that have been associated with Database Vault policies. • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information such as the names, descriptions, and states of existing policies in the current database instance, including policies created by other policy owners. 25-3 Chapter 25 About the Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM View The POLICY_OWNER_REALM data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies. • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the authorization that was granted to realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies. • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT data dictionary view enables users to find information about the objects that have been added to realms that are associated with Database Vault policies, such as. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rules that have been associated with rule sets in Database Vault policies, such as the rule name and its expression. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rule sets that have been associated with Database Vault policies. • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rule sets that contain rules used in Database Vault policies. • SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View The SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT view is almost the same as the DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT view except that it captures unified audit trail Database Vault audit records. • SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View The SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT view is almost the same as the DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT view except that it captures unified audit trail Database Vault audit records. About the Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views Oracle Database Vault provides a set of DBA-style data dictionary views that can be accessed through the DV_SECANALYST role or the DV_ADMIN role. These views provide access to the various underlying Oracle Database Vault tables in the DVSYS and LBACSYS schemas without exposing the primary and foreign key columns that may be present. These views are intended for the database administrative user to report on the state of the Oracle Database Vault configuration without having to perform the joins required to get the labels for codes that are stored in the core tables or from the related tables. 25-4 Chapter 25 CDB_DV_STATUS View See Also: Oracle Database Vault Reports if you are interested in running reports on Oracle Database Vault CDB_DV_STATUS View The CDB_DV_STATUS data dictionary view shows the status of Oracle Database Vault being enabled and configured in a multitenant environment. Only Oracle Database administrative users, such users who have been granted the DBA role, can query this view. Database Vault administrators do not have access to this view. For example: SELECT * FROM CDB_DV_STATUS; Output similar to the following appears: NAME -------------------DV_CONFIGURE_STATUS DV_ENABLE_STATUS STATUS CON_ID ------ -----TRUE 0 TRUE 0 Related Views • DBA_DV_STATUS View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR2(19) NOT NULL Shows either of the following settings: • • DV_CONFIGURE_STATUS shows whether Oracle Database Vault has been configured, that is, with the CONFIGURE_DV procedure. DV_ENABLE_STATUS shows whether Oracle Database Vault has been enabled, that is, with the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV procedure. STATUS VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL TRUE means that Oracle Database Vault is configured or enabled; FALSE means that it is not. CON_ID NUMBER NOT NULL The identification number of the container in which Oracle Database Vault is used DBA_DV_CODE View The DBA_DV_CODE data dictionary view lists generic lookup codes for the user interface, error messages, and constraint checking. These codes are used for the user interface, views, and for validating input in a translatable fashion. For example: SELECT CODE, VALUE FROM DBA_DV_CODE WHERE CODE_GROUP = 'BOOLEAN'; 25-5 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_CODE View Output similar to the following appears: CODE ------Y N VALUE -------True False Column Datatype Null Description CODE_GROUP VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Displays one of the code groups that are listed in Table 25-1 CODE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Boolean code used; either Y (Yes) or N (No). VALUE VARCHAR(4000) NULL Boolean value used; either True if the Boolean code is Y or False if the Boolean code is N. LANGUAGE VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Language for this installation of Oracle Database Vault. Supported languages are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NULL en: English de: German es: Spanish fr: French it: Italian ja: Japanese ko: Korean pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese zh_CN: Simplified Chinese zh_TW: Traditional Chinese Brief description of the code group. Table 25-1 describes the possible values from the CODE_GROUP column in the DBA_DV_CODE data dictionary view. Table 25-1 DBA_DV_CODE View CODE_GROUP Values CODE_GROUP Name Description AUDIT_EVENTS Contains the action numbers and action names that are used for the custom event audit trail records BOOLEAN A simple Yes or No or True or False lookup DB_OBJECT_TYPE The database object types that can be used for realm objects and command authorizations SQL_CMDS The DDL commands that can be protected through command rules FACTOR_AUDIT The auditing options for factor retrieval processing FACTOR_EVALUATE The evaluation options (by session or by access) for factor retrieval FACTOR_FAIL The options for propagating errors when a factor retrieval method fails FACTOR_IDENTIFY The options for determining how a factor identifier is resolved (for example, by method or by factors) FACTOR_LABEL The options for determining how a factor identifier is labeled in the session establishment phase 25-6 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View Table 25-1 (Cont.) DBA_DV_CODE View CODE_GROUP Values CODE_GROUP Name Description LABEL_ALG The algorithms that can be used to determine the maximum session label for a database session for each policy. See Table 20-2 for a listing of the Oracle Label Security merge algorithm codes. OPERATORS The Boolean operators that can be used for identity maps REALM_AUDIT The options for auditing realm access or realm violations REALM_OPTION The options for ownership of a realm RULESET_AUDIT The options for auditing rule set execution or rule set errors RULESET_EVALUATE The options for determining the success or failure of a rule set based on all associated rules being true or any associated rule being true RULESET_EVENT The options to invoke a custom event handler when a rule set evaluates to Succeeds or Fails RULESET_FAIL The options to determine the run-time visibility of a rule set failing DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View The DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view lists the SQL statements that are protected by command rules. See Configuring Command Rules , for more information about command rules. For example: SELECT COMMAND, RULE_SET_NAME FROM DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE; Output similar to the following appears: COMMAND --------------GRANT REVOKE ALTER SYSTEM ALTER USER CREATE USER DROP USER CREATE PROFILE DROP PROFILE ALTER PROFILE RULE_SET_NAME ----------------------------Can Grant VPD Administration Can Grant VPD Administration Allow System Parameters Can Maintain Own Account Can Maintain Account/Profiles Can Maintain Account/Profiles Can Maintain Account/Profiles Can Maintain Account/Profiles Can Maintain Account/Profiles Column Datatype Null Description COMMAND VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the command rule. For a list of default command rules, see Default Command Rules. 25-7 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View Column Datatype Null Description CLAUSE_NAME VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL A clause from either the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION SQL statement, which was used to create the command rule. For example, you it could list the SET clause for the ALTER SESSION statement. For a full list of possible clause values, see the following topics: • • Table 17-2 Table 17-3 PARAMETER_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL A parameter from the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule CLAUSE_NAME setting EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL An event that the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule defines COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL A component of the EVENT_NAME setting for the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule. ACTION_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL An action of the EVENT_NAME setting for the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule set associated with this command rule. OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL The owner of the object that the command rule affects. OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL The name of the database object the command rule affects (for example, a database table). ENABLED VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Possible values are as follows: • • • Y indicates the command rule is enabled N indicates it is disabled S indicates it is in simulation mode PRIVILEGE_SCOPE NUMBER NOT NULL Obsolete column COMMON VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the command rule is local or common. Possible values are: • • YES if the command rule is common NO if the command rule is local INHERITED VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Shows the inheritance status of the command rule, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the command rule was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the command rule is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the command rule, which is automatically generated when the command rule is created 25-8 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View Column Datatype Null Description ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NULL Indicates whether the command rule is a default (that is, Oracle-supplied) command rule or a user-created command rule. Possible values are: • • YES if the command rule is a default command rule NO if the command rule is a user-created command rule DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View The DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH data dictionary view lists the authorizations for using Oracle Data Pump in an Oracle Database Vault environment. See Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault for more information. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH WHERE GRANTEE = 'PRESTON'; Output similar to the following appears: GRANTEE SCHEMA OBJECT ------- ------ ------PRESTON OE ORDERS Column Datatype Null Description GRANTEE VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the user who has been granted Data Pump authorization SCHEMA VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the schema on which the user GRANTEE is authorized to perform Data Pump operations OBJECT VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the object within the schema specified by the SCHEMA parameter on which the GRANTEE user has Data Pump authorization (such as a table) DBA_DV_DDL_AUTH View The DBA_DV_DDL data dictionary view lists the users and schemas that were specified by the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DDL procedure. This procedure grants a user authorization to execute Data Definition Language (DDL) statements. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_DDL_AUTH WHERE GRANTEE = 'psmith'; Output similar to the following appears: GRANTEE SCHEMA ------- -----PSMITH HR 25-9 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS View Column Datatype Null Description GRANTEE VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the user who has been granted DDL authorization SCHEMA VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the schema on which the user GRANTEE is authorized to perform DDL operations See Also: • AUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure • UNAUTHORIZE_DDL Procedure DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS View The DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS data dictionary view indicates whether users can directly log into the DVSYS and DVF schema accounts. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_DICTIONARY_ACCTS; Output similar to the following appears: STATE ------ENABLED Column Datatype Null Description STATE VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Describes whether users can log directly into the DVSYS and DVF schemas. Possible values are: • • ENABLED means that users can log directly into the DVSYS and DVF schemas DISABLED means that users cannot log directly into the DVSYS and DVF schemas DBA_DV_FACTOR View The DBA_DV_FACTOR data dictionary view lists the existing factors in the current database instance. For example: SELECT NAME, GET_EXPR FROM DBA_DV_FACTOR WHERE NAME = 'Session_User'; Output similar to the following appears: NAME GET_EXPR ------------- --------------------------------------------Session_User UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER')) 25-10 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_FACTOR View Related Views • DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View • View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the factor. See Default Factors for a list of default factors. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(4000) NULL Description of the factor. FACTOR_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Category of the factor, which is used to classify the purpose of the factor. ASSIGN_RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Rule set used to control the identify of the factor. GET_EXPR VARCHAR2(1024) NULL PL/SQL expression that retrieves the identity of a factor. VALIDATE_EXPR VARCHAR2(1024) NULL PL/SQL expression used to validate the identify of the factor. It returns a Boolean value. IDENTIFIED_BY NUMBER NOT NULL Determines the identity of a factor, based on the expression listed in the GET_EXPR column. Possible values are: • • • IDENTIFIED_BY_MEANING VARCHAR2(4000) NULL Provides a text description for the corresponding value in the IDENTIFIED_BY column. Possible values are: • • • LABELED_BY NUMBER NOT NULL • VARCHAR2(4000) NULL NUMBER NOT NULL 0: Labels the identities for the factor directly from the labels associated with an Oracle Label Security policy 1: Derives the factor identity label from the labels of its child factor identities. Provides a text description for the corresponding value in the LABELED_BY column. Possible values are: • • EVAL_OPTIONS By Constant: If IDENTIFIED_COLUMN is 0 By Method: If IDENTIFIED_COLUMN is 1 By Factors: If IDENTIFIED_COLUMN is 2 Determines the labeling the factor: • LABELED_BY_MEANING 0: By constant 1: By method 2: By factors By Self: If LABELED_BY column is 0 By Factors: If LABELED_BY column is 1 Determines how the factor is evaluated when the user logs on: • • • 0: When the database session is created 1: Each time the factor is accessed 2: On start-up 25-11 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View Column Datatype Null Description EVAL_OPTIONS_MEANING VARCHAR2(4000) NULL Provides a text description for the corresponding value in the EVAL_OPTIONS column. Possible values are: • • • AUDIT_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Option for auditing the factor if you want to generate a custom Oracle Database Vault audit record. Possible values are: • • • • • • • • FAIL_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(4000) NULL 0: No auditing set 1: Always audits 2: Audits if get_expr returns an error 4: Audits if get_expr is null 8: Audits if the validation procedure returns an error 16: Audits if the validation procedure is false 32: Audits if there is no trust level set 64: Audits if the trust level is negative. Options for reporting factor errors: • • FAIL_OPTIONS_MEANING For Session: If EVAL_OPTIONS is 0 By Access: If EVAL_OPTIONS is 1 On Startup: If EVAL_OPTIONS is 2 1: Shows an error message. 2: Does not show an error message. Provides a text description for the corresponding value in the FAIL_OPTIONS column. Possible values are: • • Show Error Message Do Not Show Error Message: ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the factor, which is automatically generated when the factor is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Indicates whether the factor is a default (that is, Oracle-supplied) factor or a user-created factor. Possible values are: • • YES if the factor is a default factor NO if the factor is a user-created factor DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View The DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE data dictionary view lists the names and descriptions of factor types used in the system. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE WHERE NAME = 'Hostname'; Output similar to the following appears: NAME DESCRIPTION --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------Time Time-based factor 25-12 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View Related Views • DBA_DV_FACTOR View • DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the factor type. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NULL Description of the factor type. DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK View The DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK data dictionary view shows the relationships of each factor whose identity is determined by the association of child factors. This view contains one entry for each parent factor and child factor. You can use this view to resolve the relationships from the factor links to identity maps. For example: SELECT PARENT_FACTOR_NAME, CHILD_FACTOR_NAME FROM DBA_DV_FACTOR_LINK; Output similar to the following appears: PARENT_FACTOR_NAME -----------------------------Domain Domain Domain CHILD_FACTOR_NAME -----------------------------Database_Instance Database_IP Database_Hostname Related Views • DBA_DV_FACTOR View • DBA_DV_FACTOR_TYPE View Column Datatype Null Description PARENT_FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the parent factor CHILD_FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the child factor of the parent factor LABEL_IND VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Indicates whether the child factor that is linked to the parent factor contributes to the label of the parent factor in an Oracle Label Security integration. Possible values are: • • Y (for Yes) N (for No) DBA_DV_IDENTITY View The DBA_DV_IDENTITY data dictionary view lists the identities for each factor. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_IDENTITY WHERE VALUE = 'GLOBAL SHARED'; 25-13 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View Output similar to the following appears, assuming you have created only one factor identity: FACTOR_NAME VALUE TRUST_LEVEL ----------------------------- -----------Identification_Type GLOBAL SHARED 1 Related Views • DBA_DV_FACTOR View • DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View Column Datatype Null Description FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the factor. VALUE VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL Value of the factor. TRUST_LEVEL NUMBER NOT NULL Number that indicates the magnitude of trust relative to other identities for the same factor. DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP View The DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP data dictionary view lists the mappings for each factor identity. The view includes mapping factors that are identified by other factors to combinations of parent-child factor links. For each factor, the maps are joined by the OR operation, and for different factors, the maps are joined by the AND operation. You can use this view to resolve the identity for factors that are identified by other factors (for example, a domain) or for factors that have continuous domains (for example, Age or Temperature). For example: SELECT FACTOR_NAME, IDENTITY_VALUE FROM DBA_DV_IDENTITY_MAP; Output similar to the following appears: FACTOR_NAME IDENTITY_VALUE ---------------- -------------------Sector2_Program Accounting-Sensitive Related Views • DBA_DV_FACTOR View • DBA_DV_IDENTITY View Column Datatype Null Description FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Factor the identity map is for. IDENTITY_VALUE VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL Value the factor assumes if the identity map evaluates to TRUE. OPERATION_CODE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Descriptive name of the operation in the OPERATION_VALUE column. 25-14 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH View Column Datatype Null Description OPERATION_VALUE VARCHAR(4000) NULL Relational operator for the identity map (for example, <, >, =, and so on). OPERAND1 VARCHAR(1024) NULL Left operand for the relational operator; refers to the low value you enter. OPERAND2 VARCHAR(1024) NULL Right operand for the relational operator; refers to the high value you enter. PARENT_FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL The parent factor link to which the map is related. CHILD_FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL The child factor link to which the map is related. LABEL_IND VARCHAR(1) NULL Indicates whether the child factor being linked to the parent factor contributes to the label of the parent factor in an Oracle Label Security integration. Possible values are: • • Y (for Yes) N (for No) DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH View The DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH data dictionary view lists the authorizations for using Oracle Scheduler in an Oracle Database Vault environment. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_JOB_AUTH WHERE GRANTEE = 'PRESTON'; Output similar to the following appears: GRANTEE SCHEMA ------- -----PRESTON OE Column Datatype Null Description GRANTEE VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the user who has been granted Oracle Scheduler authorization SCHEMA VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the schema on which the user GRANTEE is authorized to perform Oracle Scheduler operations DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View The DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY data dictionary view lists the Oracle Label Security policies defined for use with Oracle Database Vault. For example: SELECT POLICY_NAME, ALGORITHM_CODE, ALGORITHM_MEANING FROM DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY; Output similar to the following appears: POLICY_NAME ALGORITHM_CODE ALGORITHM_MEANING --------------- ----------------- -------------------------------ACCESS_DATA LUI Minimum Level/Union/Intersection 25-15 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View Related Views • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View • DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View Column Datatype Null Description POLICY_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the policy. ALGORITHM_CODE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Merge algorithm code used for the policy. See Table 20-2 for a listing of algorithm codes. ALGORITHM_MEANING VARCHAR(4000) NULL Provides a text description for the corresponding value in the ALGORITHM_CODE column. See Table 20-2 for a listing of algorithm code descriptions. ERROR_LABEL VARCHAR(4000) NULL Label specified for initialization errors, to be set when a configuration error or run-time error occurs during session initialization. DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View The DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY data dictionary view lists the factors that are associated with Oracle Label Security policies. You can use this view to determine what factors contribute to the maximum session label for each policy using the DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY view. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR; Output similar to the following appears: FACTOR_NAME MAC_POLICY_NAME -------------- -----------------App_Host_Name Access Locations Related Views • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View • DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View Column Datatype Null Description FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the factor MAC_POLICY_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the Oracle Label Security policy associated with this facto DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH View The DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH data dictionary view provides information about the configuration of Oracle Database Vault authorizations to use Information Life Management (ILM) features. For example: 25-16 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_ORADEBUG View SELECT GRANTEE, ACTION STATE FROM DBA_DV_MAINTENANCE_AUTH; Output similar to the following appears: GRANTEE ACTION ------------------------- -------PSMITH ILM Column Datatype Null Description GRANTEE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the grantee SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Schema name or % (for all schemas) OBJECT VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Object name or % (for all objects in a schema) OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL Object type ACTION VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL Maintenance action ILM for ILM operations DBA_DV_ORADEBUG View The DBA_DV_ORADEBUG data dictionary view indicates whether users can use the ORADEBUG utility in an Oracle Database Vault environment. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_ORADEBUG; Output similar to the following appears: STATE -------DISABLED Column Datatype Null Description STATE VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Describes whether the ORADEBUG utility can be used in a Database Vault-enabled environment. Possible values are: • • ENABLED means that users can run the ORADEBUG utility DISABLED means that users cannot run the ORADEBUG utility DBA_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT View The DBA_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT data dictionary view indicates if auditing has been enabled or disabled for the user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN_PATCH role. The DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT procedure enables this type of auditing. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT; Output similar to the following appears: 25-17 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_POLICY View STATE -------DISABLED Column Datatype Null Description STATE VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Describes whether auditing has been enabled or disabled for the DV_ADMIN_PATCH role user. Possible values are: • • ENABLED means that the auditing has been enabled DISABLED means that the auditing has been disabled See Also: • ENABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure • DISABLE_DV_PATCH_ADMIN_AUDIT Procedure DBA_DV_POLICY View The DBA_DV_POLICY data dictionary view lists the Oracle Database Vault policies that were created in the current database instance. For example: SELECT POLICY_NAME, STATE FROM DBA_DV_POLICY WHERE STATE = 'ENABLED'; Output similar to the following appears: POLICY_NAME ---------------------------------Oracle Account Management Controls Oracle System Protection Controls STATE ------ENABLED ENABLED Related Views • DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View • DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View • DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View Column Datatype Null Description POLICY_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of the Oracle Database Vault policies that have been created. See Default Oracle Database Vault Policiesfor a listing of default policies. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NULL Description of the policy that was created 25-18 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View Column Datatype Null Description STATE VARCHAR(8) NULL Specifies whether the policy is enabled. Possible values are: • • • ENABLED DISABLED SIMULATION ID# VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Is a system-generated ID that was assigned to the policy when the policy was created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NULL Indicates whether the policy is a default Oracle Database Vault policy DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL View The DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL data dictionary view lists the Oracle Label Security label for each factor identifier in the DBA_DV_IDENTITY view for each policy. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_POLICY_LABEL; Output similar to the following appears: IDENTITY_VALUE FACTOR_NAME POLICY_NAME LABEL ---------------- -------------- ---------------- --------App_Host_Name Sect2_Fin_Apps Access Locations Sensitive Related Views • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY View • DBA_DV_MAC_POLICY_FACTOR View Column Datatype Null Description IDENTITY_VALUE VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL Name of the factor identifier. FACTOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the factor associated with the factor identifier. POLICY_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the Oracle Label Security policy associated with this factor. LABEL VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL Name of the Oracle Label Security label associated with the policy. DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View The DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT data dictionary view lists information about the objects that are protected by Oracle Database Vault policies in the current database instance. For example: SELECT POLICY_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE FROM DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT WHERE POLICY_NAME LIKE '%Protection Controls'; Output similar to the following appears: 25-19 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View POLICY_NAME OBJECT_TYPE ---------------------------------- -----------Oracle System Protection Controls REALM Related Views • DBA_DV_POLICY View • DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View Column Datatype Null Description POLICY_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of the Oracle Database Vault policies that have been created. See Default Oracle Database Vault Policies for a listing of default policies. OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(12) NULL Type of object that is being protected, such as REALM COMMAND VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the command rules that are protected by Database Vault policies COMMAND_OBJ_OWNER VARCHAR(128) NULL Names of object owners that are associated with Database Vault policies COMMAND_OBJ_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Names of objects that are associated with Database Vault policies COMMAND_CLAUSE VARCHAR(100) NULL A clause from either the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION SQL statement, which was used to create the command rule. For example, you it could list the SET clause for the ALTER SESSION statement. For a full list of possible clause values, see the following topics: • • Table 17-2 Table 17-3 COMMAND_PARAMETER VARCHAR(128) NULL A parameter from the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSIONcommand rule CLAUSE_NAME setting COMMAND_EVENT VARCHAR(128) NULL An event that the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule defines COMMAND_COMPONENT VARCHAR(128) NULL A component of the EVENT_NAME setting for the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule COMMAND_ACTION VARCHAR(128) NULL An action of the EVENT_NAME setting for the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule COMMON VARCHAR(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates if the policy objects are local or common. Possible values are: • • YES if the policy objects are common NO if the policy objects are local 25-20 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View Column Datatype Null Description INHERITED VARCHAR(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the policy object, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • • YES means that the policy object was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. NO means that the policy object is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER View The DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER data dictionary view lists the owners of Oracle Database Vault policies that were created in the current database instance. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_POLICY_OWNER; Output similar to the following appears: POLICY_OWNER POLICY_OWNER ---------------------------------- -----------Oracle System Protection Controls PSMITH Related Views • DBA_DV_POLICY View • DBA_DV_POLICY_OBJECT View Column Datatype Null Description POLICY_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of the Oracle Database Vault policies that have been created. See Default Oracle Database Vault Policies for a listing of default policies. POLICY_OWNER VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of users who have own Database Vault policies DBA_DV_PROXY_AUTH View The DBA_DV_PROXY_AUTH data dictionary view lists the proxy users and schemas that were specified by the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER procedure. This procedure grants a proxy user authorization to proxy other user accounts. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_DDL_AUTH WHERE GRANTEE = 'PRESTON'; 25-21 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View Output similar to the following appears: GRANTEE SCHEMA ------- -----PRESTON DKENT Column Datatype Null Description GRANTEE VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the proxy user SCHEMA VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the schema that is proxied by the GRANTEE user. See Also: • AUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure • UNAUTHORIZE_PROXY_USER Procedure DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View The DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS data dictionary view lists data reflected in the Oracle Database Vault privilege management reports used in Oracle Database Vault Administrator. See also Privilege Management - Summary Reports. For example: SELECT USERNAME, ACCESS_TYPE FROM DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS WHERE USERNAME = 'OE'; Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME ACCESS_TYPE ----------- ----------------OE PUBLIC Related Views • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View • DBA_DV_ROLE View Column Datatype Null Description USERNAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Database schema in the current database instance.acces ACCESS_TYPE VARCHAR(128) NULL Access type granted to the user listed in the USERNAME column (for example, PUBLIC). PRIVILEGE VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL Privilege granted to the user listed in the USERNAME column. OWNER VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Owner of the database schema to which the USERNAME user has been granted privileges. OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the object within the schema listed in the OWNER column. 25-22 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_REALM View DBA_DV_REALM View The DBA_DV_REALM data dictionary view lists the realms created in the current database instance. For example: SELECT NAME, AUDIT_OPTIONS, ENABLED, COMMON FROM DBA_DV_REALM WHERE AUDIT_OPTIONS = '1'; Output similar to the following appears: NAME AUDIT_OPTIONS ENABLED COMMON ----------------------------- ---------------- -------- -----Performance Statistics Realm 1 Y NO Related Views • DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View • DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of the realms created. SeeDefault Realms for a listing of default realms. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL Description of the realm created. AUDIT_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Specifies whether auditing is enabled. Possible values are: • • • • 0: No auditing for the realm. 1: Creates an audit record when a realm violation occurs (for example, when an unauthorized user tries to modify an object that is protected by the realm). 2: Creates an audit record for authorized activities on objects protected by the realm. 3: Creates an audit record for both authorized and unauthorized activities on objects protected by the realm. REALM_TYPE VARCHAR(9) NULL Type of realm: whether it is a regular realm or a mandatory realm. See realm_type in Table 15-9 for a description of the possible values. COMMON VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the realm is local or common. Possible values are: • • YES if the realm is common NO if the realm is local 25-23 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View Column Datatype Null Description INHERITED VARCHAR(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the realm, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the realm was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the realm is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. ENABLED VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Possible values are as follows: • • • Y indicates that realm checking is enabled N indicates it is disabled S indicates the realm is in simulation mode ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the realm, which is automatically generated when the realm is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Indicates whether the realm is a default (that is, Oraclesupplied) realm or a user-created command rule. Possible values are: • • YES if the realm is a default realm NO if the realm is a user-created realm DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View The DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view lists database user account or role authorization (GRANTEE) who can access realm objects. See About Realm Authorization for more information. For example: SELECT REALM_NAME, GRANTEE, AUTH_RULE_SET_NAME FROM DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH; Output similar to the following appears: REALM_NAME GRANTEE AUTH_RULE_SET_NAME ---------------------------- --------- --------------------Performance Statistics Realm SYSADM Check Conf Access Related Views • DBA_DV_REALM View • DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View Column Datatype Null Description REALM_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the realm. 25-24 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View Column Datatype Null Description COMMON_REALM VARCHAR(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the realm is local or common. Possible values are: • • YES if the realm is common NO if the realm is local INHERITED_REALM VARCHAR(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the realm, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the realm was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the realm is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. GRANTEE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL User or role name to authorize as owner or participant. AUTH_RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Rule set to check before authorizing. If the rule set evaluates to TRUE, then the authorization is allowed. AUTH_OPTIONS VARCHAR(4000) NULL Type of realm authorization: either Participant or Owner. COMMON_AUTH VARCHAR(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the authorization to the common realm is local or common. Possible values are: • • INHERITED_AUTH VARCHAR(3) NULL YES if the authorization is common NO if the authorization is local to this PDB Shows the inheritance status of the realm authorization, when the COMMON_AUTH column output is YES. Values are as follows: • • YES means that the realm authorization was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was applied. NO means that the realm authorization is local, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED_AUTH value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED_AUTH value of YES. DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View The DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT data dictionary view lists the database schemas, or subsets of schemas, that are secured by the realms. See About Realm-Secured Objects for more information. For example: 25-25 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_ROLE View SELECT REALM_NAME, OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, COMMON_REALM FROM DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT; Output similar to the following appears: REALM_NAME OWNER OBJECT_NAME COMMON_REALM ---------------------------- -------- ----------- -----------Performance Statistics Realm OE ORDERS NO Related Views • DBA_DV_REALM View • DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View Column Datatype Null Description REALM_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the realm. COMMON_REALM VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Indicates whether this realm is a common realm or a local realm. Possible values are: • • YES if the realm is common NO if the realm is local INHERITED_REALM VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Shows the inheritance status of the realm when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the realm was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the realm is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. OWNER VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Database schema owner who owns the object. OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the object the realm protects. OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL Type of object the realm protects, such as a database table, view, index, or role. DBA_DV_ROLE View The DBA_DV_ROLE data dictionary view lists the Oracle Database Vault secure application roles used in privilege management. For example: SELECT ROLE, RULE_NAME FROM DBA_DV_ROLE; Output similar to the following appears: ROLE -----------------Sector2_APP_MGR Sector2_APP_DBA RULE_NAME -------------------Check App2 Access Check App2 Access 25-26 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_RULE View Related Views • DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View Column Datatype Null Description ROLE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the secure application role. RULE_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule set associated with the secure application role. ENABLED VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Indicates whether the secure application role is enabled. Possible values are: • • Y (Yes) if the role is enabled N (No) if the role is disabled ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the command rule, which is automatically generated when the command rule is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Indicates whether the command rule is a default (that is, Oracle-supplied) command rule or a user-created command rule. Possible values are: • • YES if the command rule is a default command rule NO if the command rule is a user-created command rule DBA_DV_RULE View The DBA_DV_RULE data dictionary view lists the rules that have been defined. For example: SELECT NAME, RULE_EXPR FROM DBA_DV_RULE WHERE NAME = 'Maintenance Window'; Output similar to the following appears: NAME RULE_EXP ------------------- ---------------------------------------------Maintenance Window TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24') BETWEEN '10' AND '12' To find the rule sets that use specific rules, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE view. Related Views • DBA_DV_RULE_SET View • DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule. RULE_EXPR VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL PL/SQL expression for the rule. 25-27 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_RULE_SET View Column Datatype Null Description COMMON VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the rule is local or common. Possible values are: • • YES if the rule is common NO if the rule is local INHERITED VARCHAR(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the rule, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the rule was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the rule is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the rule, which is automatically generated when the rule is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NULL Indicates whether the rule is a default (that is, Oraclesupplied) rule or a user-created rule. Possible values are: • • YES if the rule is a default rule NO if the rule is a user-created rule DBA_DV_RULE_SET View The DBA_DV_RULE_SET data dictionary view lists the rules sets that have been created. For example: SELECT RULE_SET_NAME, HANDLER_OPTIONS, HANDLER FROM DBA_DV_RULE_SET WHERE RULE_SET_NAME = 'Maintenance Period'; Output similar to the following appears: RULE_SET_NAME HANDLER_OPTIONS HANDLER ------------------- ---------------- ---------------------Maintenance Period 1 dbavowner.email_alert Related Views • DBA_DV_RULE View • DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View Column Datatype Null Description RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule set. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NULL Description of the rule set. ENABLED VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Indicates whether the rule set has been enabled. Y (Yes) enables the rule set; N (No) disables it. 25-28 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_RULE_SET View Column Datatype Null Description EVAL_OPTIONS_MEANING VARCHAR(4000) NULL For rules sets that contain multiple rules, determines how many rules are evaluated. Possible values are: • • AUDIT_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Indicates when auditing is used. Possible values are: • • • • FAIL_OPTIONS_MEANING VARCHAR(4000) NULL All True: All rules in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to TRUE. Any True: At least one rule in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to TRUE. 0: No auditing 1: Audit on failure 2: Audit on success 3: Audit on both failure and success Determines when an audit record is created for the rule set. Possible values are: • • Do Not Show Error Message. Show Error Message FAIL_MESSAGE VARCHAR(80) NULL Error message for failure that is associated with the fail code listed in the FAIL_CODE column. FAIL_CODE VARCHAR(10) NULL The error message number associated with the message listed in the FAIL_MESSAGE column. Possible values are in the ranges of -20000 to -20999 or 20000 to 20999. HANDLER_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Determines how error handling is used. Possible values are: • • • 0: Disables error handling. 1: Call handler on rule set failure. 2: Call handler on rule set success. HANDLER VARCHAR(1024) NULL Name of the PL/SQL function or procedure that defines the custom event handler logic. IS_STATIC VARCHAR2(5) NULL Indicates how often the rule set is evaluated during a user session. Possible values are: • • COMMON VARCHAR2(3) NULL TRUE: The rule set is evaluated once, and result of the rule set is reused throughout the user session. FALSE (default): The rule set is evaluated each time it is accessed during the user session. For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the rule set is local or common. Possible values are: • • YES if the rule set is common NO if the rule set is local 25-29 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View Column Datatype Null Description INHERITED VARCHAR2(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the rule set, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the rule set was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the rule set is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. ID# NUMBER) NOT NULL The ID number of the rule set, which is automatically generated when the rule set is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR2(3) NULL Indicates whether the rule set is a default (that is, Oracle-supplied) rule set or a user-created rule set. Possible values are: • • YES if the rule set is a default rule set NO if the rule set is a user-created rule set DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View The DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE data dictionary view lists rules that are associated with existing rule sets. For example: SELECT RULE_SET_NAME, RULE_NAME, RULE_EXPR FROM DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE WHERE RULE_NAME = 'Is Security Officer'; Output similar to the following appears: RULE_SET_NAME RULE_NAME RULE_EXP ---------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------Can Grant VPD Administration Is Security Owner DBMS_MACUTL.USER_HAS_ROLE_VARCHAR ('DV_OWNER', dvsys.dv_login_user) = 'Y' Related Views • DBA_DV_RULE View • DBA_DV_RULE_SET View Column Datatype Null Description RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule set that contains the rule. 25-30 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_STATUS View Column Datatype Null Description RULE_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule. RULE_EXPR VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL PL/SQL expression that defines the rule listed in the RULE_NAME column. ENABLED VARCHAR(1) RULE_ORDER NUMBER NOT NULL The order in which rules are used within the rule set. Does not apply to this release. COMMON VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the rule is local or common. Possible values are: Indicates whether the rule is enabled or disabled. Y (Yes) enables the rule set; N (No) disables it. • • INHERITED VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL YES if the rule is common NO if the rule is local Shows the inheritance status of the rule, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the rule was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the rule is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. DBA_DV_STATUS View The DBA_DV_STATUS data dictionary view shows the status of Oracle Database Vault being enabled and configured. For example: SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_STATUS; Output similar to the following appears: NAME -------------------DV_CONFIGURE_STATUS DV_ENABLE_STATUS STATUS -----TRUE TRUE Related Views • CDB_DV_STATUS View 25-31 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR2(19) NOT NULL Shows either of the following settings: DV_CONFIGURE_STATUS shows whether Oracle Database Vault has been configured, that is, with the CONFIGURE_DV procedure. DV_ENABLE_STATUS shows whether Oracle Database Vault has been enabled, that is, with the DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV procedure. • • STATUS VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL TRUE means that Oracle Database Vault is configured or enabled; FALSE means that it is not. DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG View The DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG data dictionary view captures simulation log information for realms and command rules that have had simulation mode enabled. For example: SELECT USERNAME, COMMAND FROM DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG WHERE REALM = 'HR Realm'; Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME COMMAND ------------- --------------------------------------------PSMITH SELECT Related Views • DBA_DV_REALM View for information about simulation mode settings for realms • DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View for information about simulation mode settings for command rules • DBA_DV_POLICY View for information about simulation mode settings in Oracle Database Vault policies Column Datatype Null Description USERNAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the user whose information is being tracked COMMAND VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Command rule being tracked For a listing of existing command rules, query the DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE view, described in DBA_DV_COMMAND_RULE View. VIOLATION_TYPE VARCHAR2(4000) NULL Type of violation. See Table 25-2 for more information. REALM_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Realm being tracked. For a listing of existing realms, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View. OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR2(128) NULL For command rules, the database schema to which the command rule applied 25-32 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH View Column Datatype Null Description OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL For command rules, the database object that the command rule protects OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(129) NULL For command rules, the type of object that is being protected RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Rule set being tracked; it is associated with a command rule For a listing of existing rule sets, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET View RETURN_CODE NUMBER NOT NULL The Oracle Database ORA error that results if the Database Vault entity was in the enabled state rather than in simulation state SQLTEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL SQL text that the simulation mode captures FACTOR_CONTEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL An XML document that contains all of the factor identifiers for the current session at the point when the audit event was triggered TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(6) WITH NULL TIME ZONE Time stamp of user action, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone VIOLATION_TYPE Code Values Table 25-2 lists the VIOLATION_TYPE code values for the DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG view. Table 25-2 DBA_DV_SIMULATION_LOG VIOLATION_TYPE Code Values Code Meaning 1000 Realm violation 1001 Command rule violation 1002 Oracle Data Pump authorization violation 1003 Simulation violation 1004 Oracle Scheduler authorization violation 1005 DDL authorization violation 1006 PARSE_AS_USER violation Related Topics • Using Simulation Mode for Logging Realm and Command Rule Activities DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH View The DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH data dictionary view lists users who have been granted authorization through the DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_TTS_USER procedure to perform Oracle Data Pump transportable operations. See Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault for more information. For example: 25-33 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View SELECT * FROM DBA_DV_TTS_AUTH; Output similar to the following appears: GRANTEE TSNAME -------- -------DB_MGR HR_TS Related Views • DBA_DV_DATAPUMP_AUTH View Column Datatype Null Description GRANTEE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the user who has been granted transportable tablespace authorization TSNAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the transportable tablespace to which the GRANTEE user has been granted authorization DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View The DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS data dictionary view lists the privileges for a database user account excluding privileges granted through the PUBLIC role. For example: SELECT USERNAME, ACCESS_TYPE, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS; Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME --------DVSYS DVOWNER SYS ... ACCESS_TYPE -------------------DV_PUBLIC DV_ADMIN SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE PRIVILEGE -----------EXECUTE SELECT SELECT Related Views • DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View • DBA_DV_ROLE View • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View Column Datatype Null Description USERNAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the database schema account in which privileges have been defined. ACCESS_TYPE VARCHAR(128) NULL Role the database user account listed in the USERNAME column uses to access the database. Oracle Database Vault accounts have direct access. PRIVILEGE VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL Privilege granted to the user listed in the USERNAME column. OWNER VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the database user account. OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the PL/SQL function or procedure used to define privileges. 25-34 Chapter 25 DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL View The DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS_ALL data dictionary view lists the privileges for a database account including privileges granted through PUBLIC. For example: SELECT USERNAME, ACCESS_TYPE, PRIVILEGE FROM DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS; Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME ------------------BEA_DVACCTMGR LEO_DVOWNER ... ACCESS_TYPE -----------CONNECT DIRECT PRIVILEGE ----------------CREATE_SESSION CREATE PROCEDURE Related Views • DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View • DBA_DV_ROLE View • DBA_DV_USER_PRIVS View Column Datatype Null Description USERNAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the database schema account in which privileges have been defined. ACCESS_TYPE VARCHAR(128) NULL Role the database user account listed in the USERNAME column uses to access the database. Oracle Database Vault accounts have direct access. PRIVILEGE VARCHAR(40) NULL Privilege granted to the user listed in the USERNAME column. OWNER VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the database user account. OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the PL/SQL function or procedure used to define privileges. DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View The DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT data dictionary view captures DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table audit trail records. It includes records that are related to successful and failed configuration changes made to realms, rules, rule sets, factors, and other Oracle Database Vault policy configuration activities. For example: SELECT USERNAME, ACTION_NAME FROM DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT WHERE USERNAME = 'PSMITH'; Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME ACTION_NAME ---------- --------------------- 25-35 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View PSMITH PSMITH Realm Creation Audit Rule Set Update Audit Related View • SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View Column Datatype Null Description ID# NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for the audit record OS_USERNAME VARCHAR(255) NULL Operating system login user name of the user whose actions were audited USERNAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the database user whose actions were audited USERHOST VARCHAR2(128) NULL Client computer name TERMINAL VARCHAR2(30) NULL Identifier for the user's terminal TIMESTAMP DATA NULL Date and time of creation of the audit trail entry (in the local database session time zone) OWNER VARCHAR2(128) NULL Creator of the object affected by the action, always DVSYS (because DVSYS is where objects are created) OBJ_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Name of the object affected by the action. Expected values are: • • • • ROLE$ REALM$ CODE$ FACTOR$ ACTION NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric action type code. The corresponding name of the action type is in the ACTION_NAME column. See Table 25-3 for a listing of the possible actions. ACTION_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column. See Table 25-3 for a listing of the possible actions. ACTION_OBJECT_ID NUMBER NULL The unique identifier of the record in the table specified under OBJ_NAME ACTION_OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL The unique name or natural key of the record in the table specified under OBJ_NAME ACTION_COMMAND VARCHAR2(4000) NULL The SQL text of the command procedure that was executed that resulted in the audit event being triggered AUDIT_OPTION VARCHAR2(4000) NULL The labels for all audit options specified in the record that resulted in the audit event being triggered. For example, a factor set operation that is supposed to audit on get failure and get NULL would indicate these two options. RULE_SET_ID NUMBER NULL The unique identifier of the rule set that was executing and caused the audit event to trigger RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL The unique name of the rule set that was executing and caused the audit event to trigger RULE_ID NUMBER NULL Not used RULE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Not used 25-36 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View Column Datatype Null Description FACTOR_CONTEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL An XML document that contains all of the factor identifiers for the current session at the point when the audit event was triggered COMMENT_TEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement audited SESSIONID NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for each Oracle session ENTRYID NUMBER NOT NULL Same as the value in the ID# column STATEMENTID NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for the statement invoked that caused the audit event to be generated. This is empty for most Oracle Database Vault events. RETURNCODE NUMBER NOT NULL Oracle error code generated by the action. The error code for a statement or procedure invoked that caused the audit event to be generated. This is empty for most Oracle Database Vault events. EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NULL Time stamp of creation of the audit trail entry (time stamp of user login for entries) in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone PROXY_SESSIONID NUMBER NULL Proxy session serial number, if an enterprise user has logged in through the proxy mechanism GLOBAL_UID VARCHAR2(32) NULL Global user identifier for the user, if the user has logged in as an enterprise user INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER NULL Instance number as specified by the INSTANCE_NUMBER initialization parameter OS_PROCESS VARCHAR2(16) NULL Operating system process identifier of the Oracle process CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(128) NULL Database login user name of the user whose actions were audited CREATE_DATE DATE NULL Date on which the action occurred, based on the SYSDATE date UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2(128) NULL Same as CREATED_BY column value UPDATE_DATE DATE NULL Same as UPDATED_BY column value GRANTEE VARCHAR2(128) NULL User ID of users who have been granted Database Vault-protected roles, realm authorization, command-rule authorization, job scheduler authorization, or Oracle Data Pump authorizations ENABLED_STATUS VARCHAR2(1) NULL Indicates whether the configuration was enabled Table 25-3 describes the possible values for the ACTION column of the DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT view. Table 25-3 DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View ACTION Values Action Type Code Action Name 20001 Enable DV enforcement Audit 20002 Disable DV enforcement Audit 20003 Realm Creation Audit 25-37 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View Table 25-3 (Cont.) DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View ACTION Values Action Type Code Action Name 20004 Realm Update Audit 20005 Realm Rename Audit 20006 Realm Deletion Audit 20007 Add Realm Auth Audit 20008 Delete Realm Auth Audit 20009 Update Realm Auth Audit 20010 Add Realm Object Audit 20011 Update Realm Object Audit 20012 Delete Realm Object Audit 20013 Enable Event Audit 20014 Disable Event Audit 20015 Rule Set Creation Audit 20016 Rule Set Update Audit 20017 Rule Set Rename Audit 20018 Rule Set Deletion Audit 20019 Add Rule To Rule Set Audit 20020 Delete Rule From Rule Set Audit 20021 Rule Creation Audit 20022 Rule Update Audit 20023 Rule Rename Audit 20024 Rule Deletion Audit 20025 CommandRule Creation Audit 20026 CommandRule Update Audit 20027 CommandRule Deletion Audit 20028 Authorize Datapump User Audit 20029 Unauthorize Datapump User Audit 20030 Authorize Job User Audit 20031 Unauthorize Job User Audit 20032 Factor_Type Creation Audit 20033 Factor_Type Deletion Audit 20034 Factor_Type Update Audit 20035 Factor_Type Rename Audit 20036 Factor Creation Audit 20037 G_FACTOR_DELETION_AUDIT_CODE 20038 Factor Update Audit 20039 Factor Rename Audit 20040 Add Factor Link Audit 25-38 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View Table 25-3 (Cont.) DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View ACTION Values Action Type Code Action Name 20041 Delete Factor Link Audit 20042 Add Policy Factor Audit 20043 Delete Policy Factor Audit 20044 Create Identity Audit 20045 Delete Identity Audit 20046 Update Identity Audit 20047 Change Identity Factor Audit 20048 Change Identity Value Audit 20049 Create Identity Map Audit 20050 Delete Identity Map Audit 20051 Create Policy Label Audit 20052 Delete Policy Label Audit 20053 Create Mac Policy Audit 20054 Update Mac Policy Audit 20055 Delete Mac Policy Audit 20056 Create Role Audit 20057 Delete Role Audit 20058 Update Role Audit 20059 Rename Role Audit 20060 Create Domain Identity Audit 20061 Drop Domain Identity Audit 20062 Enable Oradebug Audit 20063 Disable Oradebug Audit 20064 Authorize Proxy User Audit 20065 Unauthorize Proxy User Audit 20066 Enable DV Dictionary Accounts Audit 20067 Disable DV Dictionary Accounts Audit 20068 Authorize DDL Audit 20069 Unauthorize DDL Audit 20070 Authorize TTS Audit 20071 Unauthorize TTS Audit 20072 Authorize PREPROCESSOR Audit 20073 Unauthorize PREPROCESSOR Audit 20074 Create Policy Audit 20075 Update Policy Description Audit 20076 Update Policy State Audit 20077 Rename Policy Audit 25-39 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View Table 25-3 (Cont.) DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View ACTION Values Action Type Code Action Name 20078 Drop Policy Audit 20079 Add Realm to Policy Audit 20080 Delete Realm From Policy Audit 20081 Add Command Rule to Policy Audit 20082 Delete Command Rule from Policy Audit 20083 Add Policy Owner Audit 20084 Delete Policy Owner Audit 20085 Authorize Maintenance Audit 20086 Unauthorize Maintenance Audit DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View The DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT data dictionary view provides information about enforcement-related audits from the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. It captures user violations on command rules, realms, and factors. For example: SELECT USERNAME, ACTION_COMMMAND FROM DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT WHERE OWNER = 'HR'; Output similar to the following appears: USERNAME ACTION_COMMMAND ----------- -----------------------------PSMITH CREATE_REALM Related View • SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View Column Datatype Null Description ID# NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for the audit record OS_USERNAME VARCHAR(255) NULL Operating system login user name of the user whose actions were audited USERNAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the database user whose actions were audited USERHOST VARCHAR(255) NULL Client computer name TERMINAL VARCHAR(255) NULL Identifier for the user's terminal TIMESTAMP DATE NULL Date and time of creation of the audit trail entry (in the local database session time zone) OWNER VARCHAR(128) NULL Creator of the object affected by the action, always DVSYS (because DVSYS is where objects are created) 25-40 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View Column Datatype Null Description OBJ_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the object affected by the action. Expected values are: • • • • ROLE$ REALM$ CODE$ FACTOR$ ACTION NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric action type code. The corresponding name of the action type is in the ACTION_NAME column. See Table 25-4 for a listing of the possible actions. ACTION_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column ACTION_OBJECT_ID NUMBER NULL The unique identifier of the record in the table specified under OBJ_NAME ACTION_OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL The unique name or natural key of the record in the table specified under OBJ_NAME ACTION_COMMAND VARCHAR2(4000) NULL The SQL text of the command procedure that was executed that resulted in the audit event being triggered AUDIT_OPTION VARCHAR2(4000) NULL The labels for all audit options specified in the record that resulted in the audit event being triggered. For example, a factor set operation that is supposed to audit on get failure and get NULL would indicate these two options. RULE_SET_ID NUMBER NULL The unique identifier of the rule set that was executing and caused the audit event to trigger RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NULL The unique name of the rule set that was executing and caused the audit event to trigger RULE_ID NUMBER NULL Not used RULE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Not used FACTOR_CONTEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL An XML document that contains all of the factor identifiers for the current session at the point when the audit event was triggered COMMENT_TEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement audited SESSIONID NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for each Oracle session ENTRYID NUMBER NOT NULL Same as the value in the ID# column STATEMENTID NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for the statement invoked that caused the audit event to be generated. This is empty for most Oracle Database Vault events. 25-41 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View Column Datatype Null Description RETURNCODE NUMBER NOT NULL Oracle error code generated by the action. The error code for a statement or procedure invoked that caused the audit event to be generated. This is empty for most Oracle Database Vault events. EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NULL Time stamp of creation of the audit trail entry (time stamp of user login for entries) in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone PROXY_SESSIONID NUMBER NULL Proxy session serial number, if an enterprise user has logged in through the proxy mechanism GLOBAL_UID VARCHAR2(32) NULL Global user identifier for the user, if the user has logged in as an enterprise user INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER NULL Instance number as specified by the INSTANCE_NUMBER initialization parameter OS_PROCESS VARCHAR2(16) NULL Operating system process identifier of the Oracle process CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(128) NULL Database login user name of the user whose actions were audited CREATE_DATE DATE NULL Date on which the action occurred, based on the SYSDATE date UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2(128) NULL Same as CREATED_BY column value UPDATE_DATE DATE NULL Same as UPDATED_BY column value The following table describes the possible values for the ACTION column of the DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT view. Table 25-4 DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View ACTION Values Action Type Code Action Name 10000 Factor Evaluation Audit 10001 Factor Assignment Audit 10002 Factor Expression Audit 10003 Realm Violation Audit 10004 Realm Authorization Audit 10005 Command Authorization Audit 10006 Secure Role Audit 10007 Session Initialization Audit 10008 Secure Command Authorization Audit 10009 OLS Session Initialization Audit 10010 OLS Attempt to Upgrade Label Audit 10011 Command Failure Audit 25-42 Chapter 25 DVSYS.DV$REALM View DVSYS.DV$REALM View The DVSYS.DV$REALM data dictionary view describes settings that were used to create Oracle Database Vault realms, such as which audit options have been assigned or whether the realm is a mandatory realm. This view also indicates information such as who created and updated the realm, and when the realm was created and updated. For example: SELECT NAME, CREATED_BY, TYPE FROM DVSYS.DV$REALM WHERE NAME LIKE 'Statistics'; Output similar to the following appears: NAME CREATED_BY TYPE ---------------------------- ---------- ----Performance Statistics Realm JGODFREY 2 Related Views • DBA_DV_REALM View Column Datatype Null Description ID# NUMBER NOT NULL ID number of the realm NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the realm DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1024) NULL Description of the realm AUDIT_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Audit options set for the realm. See audit_options in Table 15-9 for a description of the possible values. REALM_TYPE NUMBER NULL Type of realm: whether it is a regular realm or a mandatory realm. See realm_type in Table 15-9 for a description of the possible values. COMMON VARCHAR2(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the realm is local or common. Possible values are: • • INHERITED VARCHAR2(3) NULL YES if the realm is common NO if the realm is local Shows the inheritance status of the realm, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the realm was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the realm is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. 25-43 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View Column Datatype Null Description ENABLED VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Whether the realm has been enabled. See enabled in Table 15-9 for a description of the possible values. VERSION NUMBER NULL Version of Oracle Database Vault in which the realm was created CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(128) NULL User who created the realm CREATE_DATE DATE NULL Date on which the realm was created. UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2(128) NULL User who last updated the realm UPDATE_DATE DATE NULL Date on which the realm was last updated DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the command rules that have been associated with Database Vault policies. Examples of information that users can find include the command rule name, its associated rule set, and whether it is enabled. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. For example: SELECT COMMAND, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE; Output similar to the following appears: COMMAND OBJECT_OWNER OBJECT_NAME ------------- ------------- -----------SELECT HR EMPLOYEES Related Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View Column Datatype Null Description COMMAND VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the command rule. For a list of default command rules, see Default Command Rules. CLAUSE_NAME VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL A clause from either the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION SQL statement, which was used to create the command rule. For example, you it could list the SET clause for the ALTER SESSION statement. For a full list of possible clause values, see the following topics: • • Table 17-2 Table 17-3 PARAMETER_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL A parameter from the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule CLAUSE_NAME setting EVENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL An event that the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule defines 25-44 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View Column Datatype Null Description COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL A component of the EVENT_NAME setting for the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule. ACTION_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL An action of the EVENT_NAME setting for the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command rule RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule set associated with this command rule. OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL The owner of the object that the command rule affects. OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL The name of the database object the command rule affects (for example, a database table). ENABLED VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Y indicates the command rule is enabled; N indicates it is disabled. PRIVILEGE_SCOPE NUMBER NOT NULL Obsolete column ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the command rule, which is automatically generated when the command rule is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NULL Indicates whether the command rule is a default (that is, Oracle-supplied) command rule or a user-created command rule. Possible values are: • • YES if the command rule is a default command rule NO if the command rule is a user-created command rule DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information such as the names, descriptions, and states of existing policies in the current database instance, including policies created by other policy owners. The columns of the DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY view are the same as those in DBA_DV_POLICY. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. For example: SELECT POLICY_NAME, STATE FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_POLICY WHERE STATE != 'ENABLED'; Output similar to the following appears: POLICY_NAME STATE ---------------------------------- -------HR.EMPLOYEES_pol ENABLED Related View • DBA_DV_POLICY View 25-45 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM View DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM View The POLICY_OWNER_REALM data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies. Examples of information that users can find include the realm name, audit options, type, whether it is inherited, and if it is enabled. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. For example: SELECT NAME, ENABLED FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM; Output similar to the following appears: NAME ENABLED -------------------------- -------HR.EMPLOYEES_realm S Related Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of the realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NULL Description of the realm AUDIT_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Audit options set for the realm. See audit_options in Table 15-9 for a description of the possible values. REALM_TYPE NUMBER NULL Type of realm: whether it is a regular realm or a mandatory realm. See realm_type in Table 15-9 for a description of the possible values. COMMON_REALM VARCHAR2(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the realm is local or common. Possible values are: See DBA_DV_REALM View for a full listing of realms. • • INHERITED_REALM VARCHAR2(3) NULL YES if the realm is common NO if the realm is local Shows the inheritance status of the realm, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the realm was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the realm is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. 25-46 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH View Column Datatype Null Description ENABLED VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Indicates the enablement status of the realm. Possible values are: • • • Y for yes (enabled) N for no (not enabled) S for simulation mode ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the realm, which is automatically generated when the realm is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL Indicates whether the realm is a default (that is, Oraclesupplied) realm or a user-created realm. Possible values are: • • YES if the realm is a default realm NO if the realm is a user-created realm DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the authorization that was granted to realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies. Examples of the information that users can find are the realm name, grantee, and associated rule set. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. For example: SELECT REALM_NAME, INHERITED_REALM FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH; Output similar to the following appears: REALM_NAME INHERITED -------------------------- -------HR.EMPLOYEES_realm NO Related Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT View Column Datatype Null Description REALM_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of the realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies. See DBA_DV_REALM View for a full listing of realms. COMMON_REALM VARCHAR2(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the realm is local or common. 25-47 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT View Column Datatype Null Description INHERITED_REALM VARCHAR2(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the realm, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the realm was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the realm is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. GRANTEE VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL User or role name to authorize as owner or participant. AUTH_RULE_SET_NAM VARCHAR(128) E NULL Rule set to check before authorizing. If the rule set evaluates to TRUE, then the authorization is allowed. AUTH_OPTIONS VARCHAR(4000) NULL Type of realm authorization: either Participant or Owner. COMMON_AUTH VARCHAR(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the user who is authorized for this realm is local or common. Possible values are: • • INHERITED_AUTH VARCHAR(3) NULL YES if the user is a common user NO if the users is a local user Possible values are: • • YES NO DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT data dictionary view enables users to find information about the objects that have been added to realms that are associated with Database Vault policies, such as. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. Examples of information that users can find include the realm name, grantee, and associated rule set. For example: SELECT REALM_NAME, OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_OBJECT; Output similar to the following appears: REALM_NAME OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE ------------------ ------ ----------- ----------HR.EMPLOYEES_realm HR EMPLOYEES TABLE Related Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_REALM_AUTH View 25-48 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE View Column Datatype Null Description REALM_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Names of the realms that have been associated with Database Vault policies. See DBA_DV_REALM View for a full listing of realms. COMMON_REALM VARCHAR2(3) NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the realm is local or common. INHERITED_REALM VARCHAR2(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the realm, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the realm was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the realm is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. OWNER VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Database schema owner who owns the object. OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the object the realm protects. OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL Type of object the realm protects, such as a database table, view, index, or role. DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rules that have been associated with rule sets in Database Vault policies, such as the rule name and its expression. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. For example: SELECT NAME, RULE_EXPR FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE WHERE NAME = 'True'; Output similar to the following appears: NAME RULE_EXPR ---------- -------True 1=1 Related Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View Column Datatype Null Description NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule. RULE_EXPR VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL PL/SQL expression for the rule. 25-49 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View Column Datatype Null Description COMMON VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL For a multitenant environment, indicates whether the rule is local or common. Possible values are: • • YES if the rule is common NO if the rule is local INHERITED VARCHAR(3) NULL Shows the inheritance status of the rule, when the COMMON column output is YES. Values are as follows: • YES means that the rule was defined in another container that is higher in the hierarchy of the container tree, and inherited in this container when the Database Vault policy was synced during the synchronization process of applications in an application PDB. • NO means that the rule is a local object, or it is common from that container. For example, in an application root, an application common realm will have an INHERITED value NO but a CDB root common command rule will have an INHERITED value of YES. ID# NUMBER NOT NULL The ID number of the rule, which is automatically generated when the rule is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR(3) NULL Indicates whether the rule is a default (that is, Oraclesupplied) rule or a user-created rule. Possible values are: • • YES if the rule is a default rule NO if the rule is a user-created rule DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rule sets that have been associated with Database Vault policies. Examples of information that users can find include the rule set name, its handler information, and whether it is enabled. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. For example: SELECT RULE_SET_NAME, ENABLED FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET; Output similar to the following appears: RULE_SET_NAME ENABLED -------------- -------Allow Sessions Y Related Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE View 25-50 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View Column Datatype Null Description RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule set. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(1024) NULL Description of the rule set. ENABLED VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL Indicates whether the rule set has been enabled. Y (Yes) enables the rule set; N (No) disables it. NULL For rules sets that contain multiple rules, determines how many rules are evaluated. Possible values are: EVAL_OPTIONS_MEAN VARCHAR(4000) ING • • AUDIT_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Indicates when auditing is used. Possible values are: • • • • FAIL_OPTIONS_MEAN VARCHAR(4000) ING NULL All True: All rules in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to TRUE. Any True: At least one rule in the rule set must evaluate to true for the rule set itself to evaluate to TRUE. 0: No auditing 1: Audit on failure 2: Audit on success 3: Audit on both failure and success Determines when an audit record is created for the rule set. Possible values are: • • Do Not Show Error Message. Show Error Message FAIL_MESSAGE VARCHAR(80) NULL Error message for failure that is associated with the fail code listed in the FAIL_CODE column. FAIL_CODE VARCHAR(10) NULL The error message number associated with the message listed in the FAIL_MESSAGE column. Possible values are in the ranges of -20000 to -20999 or 20000 to 20999. HANDLER_OPTIONS NUMBER NOT NULL Determines how error handling is used. Possible values are: • • • 0: Disables error handling. 1: Call handler on rule set failure. 2: Call handler on rule set success. HANDLER VARCHAR(1024) NULL Name of the PL/SQL function or procedure that defines the custom event handler logic. IS_STATIC VARCHAR2(5) NULL Indicates how often the rule set is evaluated during a user session. Possible values are: • • TRUE: The rule set is evaluated once, and result of the rule set is reused throughout the user session. FALSE (default): The rule set is evaluated each time it is accessed during the user session. ID# NUMBER) NOT NULL The ID number of the rule set, which is automatically generated when the rule set is created ORACLE_SUPPLIED VARCHAR2(3) NULL Indicates whether the rule set is a default (that is, Oraclesupplied) rule set or a user-created rule set. Possible values are: • • YES if the rule set is a default rule set NO if the rule set is a user-created rule set 25-51 Chapter 25 DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE View DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE View The DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE data dictionary view enables users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role to find information about the rule sets that contain rules used in Database Vault policies. Examples of information that users can find include the rule set name and whether it is enabled. Only users who have been granted the DV_POLICY_OWNER role can query this view. For example: SELECT ENABLED FROM DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET_RULE WHERE RULE_SET_NAME = 'Can Maintain Own Account'; Output similar to the following appears: ENABLED ---------Y Related Views • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_COMMAND_RULE View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE_SET View • DVSYS.POLICY_OWNER_RULE View Column Datatype Null Description RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule set that contains the rule. RULE_NAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Name of the rule. RULE_EXPR VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL PL/SQL expression that defines the rule listed in the RULE_NAME column. ENABLED VARCHAR(1) RULE_ORDER NUMBER Indicates whether the rule is enabled or disabled. Y (Yes) enables the rule set; N (No) disables it. NOT NULL The order in which rules are used within the rule set. Does not apply to this release. SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View The SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT view is almost the same as the DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT view except that it captures unified audit trail Database Vault audit records. Related Topics • DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View The DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT data dictionary view captures DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table audit trail records. 25-52 Chapter 25 SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View The SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT view is almost the same as the DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT view except that it captures unified audit trail Database Vault audit records. Related Topics • DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View The DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT data dictionary view provides information about enforcement-related audits from the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. 25-53 26 Monitoring Oracle Database Vault You can monitor Oracle Database Vault by checking for violations to the Database Vault configurations and by tracking changes to policies. • About Monitoring Oracle Database Vault You can use the Database Vault home page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to monitor a Database Vault-enabled database. • Monitoring Security Violations and Configuration Changes A user who has been granted the appropriate role can use Oracle Database Vault Administrator to monitor security violations and configuration changes. About Monitoring Oracle Database Vault You can use the Database Vault home page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to monitor a Database Vault-enabled database. This feature displays the top five attempted violations and who the top five attempted violators are. The attempted violations cover violations to realms and to command rules. The attempted violators is categorized into users and client hosts. By clicking the Oracle Database Vault link under Top 5 Attempted Violations, you can find details such as the type of violation, when it occurred, who the user was, and so on. Similarly, if you click the user link (for example, SYS) under Top 5 Attempted Violators, you can find detailed information about each violator, such as the action they performed, the client host name where the action originated, and when the violation occurred. You can manually refresh the data, and restrict the data view, such as within the last 24 hours. This page also shows a table listing all alerts that have been generated. Before you can view these events, if you have not migrated your database to unified auditing, then you must ensure that the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter is set to DB or DB, EXTENDED. If you have migrated your database to use unified auditing, then you do not need to configure any additional settings. You are ready to check for security violations. Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault Reports Oracle Database Vault provides reports that track activities, such as the Database Vault configuration settings. Monitoring Security Violations and Configuration Changes A user who has been granted the appropriate role can use Oracle Database Vault Administrator to monitor security violations and configuration changes. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. Select the Home tab. 26-1 Chapter 26 Monitoring Security Violations and Configuration Changes A page similar to the following appears: 3. To find attempted violations for a specific time, such as the last 7 days, select from the menu under the Time Series button in the upper right corner. You also can change the pie chart to a graph by clicking the Time Series button. 4. To find the Configuration Issues Reports, Enforcement Audit Reports, Configuration Changes Audit Reports, and Simulation Mode Reports, select the appropriate link under Database Vault reports. See Oracle Database Vault Reports for detailed information about the Database Vault reports. 26-2 27 Oracle Database Vault Reports Oracle Database Vault provides reports that track activities, such as the Database Vault configuration settings. • About the Oracle Database Vault Reports Oracle Database Vault provides reports that display security-related information from the database. • Who Can Run the Oracle Database Vault Reports? Users must have the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role before they can run the Oracle Database Vault reports. • Running the Oracle Database Vault Reports A user who has been granted the appropriate roles can run the Oracle Database Vault reports from Database Vault Administrator. • Oracle Database Vault Configuration Issues Reports The configuration issues reports track the settings for command rules, rule sets, realms, and other Oracle Database Vault configurations. • Oracle Database Vault Auditing Reports If you have unified auditing enabled, then the Oracle Database Vault audit reports capture the results of unified audit policies. • Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports The general security reports track information such as object privileges related to PUBLIC or privileges granted to a database account or role. About the Oracle Database Vault Reports Oracle Database Vault provides reports that display security-related information from the database. These reports also show custom Oracle Database Vault audit event information. If you have unified auditing enabled, then the reports capture the results of your unified audit policies. The reports are in two categories: • Database Vault Reports. These reports allow you to check configuration issues with realms, command rules, factors, factor identities, rule sets, and secure application roles. These reports also reveal realm violations, auditing results, and so on. • General Security Reports. These reports allow you to check the status of object privileges, database account system privileges, sensitive objects, privilege management, powerful database accounts and roles, initialization parameters, profiles, account passwords, security audits, and other security vulnerability reports. 27-1 Chapter 27 Who Can Run the Oracle Database Vault Reports? Related Topics • Oracle Database Vault-Specific Reports in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control From the Database Vault home page, you can find information about violations. • Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views You can find information about the Oracle Database Vault configuration settings by querying the Database Vault-specific data dictionary views. Who Can Run the Oracle Database Vault Reports? Users must have the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role before they can run the Oracle Database Vault reports. Related Topics • DV_OWNER Database Vault Owner Role The DV_OWNER role enables you to manage the Oracle Database Vault roles and its configuration. • DV_ADMIN Database Vault Configuration Administrator Role The DV_ADMIN role controls the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages. • DV_SECANALYST Database Vault Security Analyst Role The DV_SECANALYST role enables users to analyze activities. Running the Oracle Database Vault Reports A user who has been granted the appropriate roles can run the Oracle Database Vault reports from Database Vault Administrator. 1. Log in to Oracle Database Vault Administrator from Cloud Control as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege. Logging into Oracle Database Vault explains how to log in. 2. In the Home page, under Reports, select Database Vault Reports. 3. On the left side, select the category of reports that you want. 4. • Database Vault Configuration Issues • Database Vault Enforcement Audit Reports • Database Vault Configuration Changes In the Reports page, expand the category that contains the report. For example, to find the Rule Set Configurations Issues report, you must expand Database Vault Configuration Issues. 5. Select the report (for example, Rule Set Configuration Issues). The report appears in the right pane. 6. Optionally, use the Search field to filter the report. For example, you can search for reported incidents that involve a specific rule set. The Search field contents vary depending on the report. 7. When you finished viewing the report, click the OK button. 27-2 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault Configuration Issues Reports Oracle Database Vault Configuration Issues Reports The configuration issues reports track the settings for command rules, rule sets, realms, and other Oracle Database Vault configurations. • Command Rule Configuration Issues Report The Command Rule Configuration Issues Report displays command rules that have configuration issues. • Rule Set Configuration Issues Report The Rule Set Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault rule set configuration issues. • Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report The Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault realm configuration issues. • Factor Configuration Issues Report The Factor Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault factors configuration issues. • Factor Without Identities Report The Factor Without Identities Report displays Oracle Database Vault factors that have no identities configured. • Identity Configuration Issues Report The Identity Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault factor identity configuration issues. • Secure Application Configuration Issues Report The Secure Application Configuration Issues Report displays Database Vault secure application role configuration issues. Command Rule Configuration Issues Report The Command Rule Configuration Issues Report displays command rules that have configuration issues. These issues are as follows: • Rule set for the command rule is disabled. • Rule set for the command rule is incomplete. • Object owner for the command rule does not exist. This can happen when the user account for the object has been dropped. Rule Set Configuration Issues Report The Rule Set Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault rule set configuration issues. This report tracks when no rules are defined or enabled for a rule set. 27-3 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault Configuration Issues Reports Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report The Realm Authorization Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault realm configuration issues. These issues are as follows: • Rule set for a realm authorization is disabled. • Grantee does not exist for a realm authorization. • Owner does not exist for a realm-secured object. This can happen when the user account has been dropped. In most cases, however, these types of issues are caught when you configure the realm and during validation. Factor Configuration Issues Report The Factor Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault factors configuration issues. These issues are as follows: • Rule set for factor assignment is disabled. • Rule set for factor assignment is incomplete. • Audit options for the factor are invalid. • No factor retrieval method or constant exists. • No subfactors (that is, child factors) are linked to a factor identity. • No subfactors (child factors) are linked to a label factor. • Oracle Label Security policy does not exist for the factor. Factor Without Identities Report The Factor Without Identities Report displays Oracle Database Vault factors that have no identities configured. For some factors such as Background_Job_Id, this may not be a real problem, but the report can help you determine whether your access control configuration is complete and whether you have accounted for all factor configuration. Identity Configuration Issues Report The Identity Configuration Issues Report displays Oracle Database Vault factor identity configuration issues. These issues are as follows: • Label identity for the Oracle Label Security label for this identity has been removed and no longer exists. • No map exists for the identity. 27-4 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault Auditing Reports Secure Application Configuration Issues Report The Secure Application Configuration Issues Report displays Database Vault secure application role configuration issues. These issues are as follows: • The database role does not exist. This can happen when the database role has been dropped. • The rule set for role is disabled. • The rule set for role is incomplete. Oracle Database Vault Auditing Reports If you have unified auditing enabled, then the Oracle Database Vault audit reports capture the results of unified audit policies. • Realm Audit Report The Realm Audit Report shows audit records generated by the realm protection and realm authorization operations. • Command Rule Audit Report The Command Rule Audit Report shows audit records generated by command rule processing operations. • Factor Audit Report The Factor Audit Report shows factors that failed to evaluate or were set to create audit records under various conditions. • Label Security Integration Audit Report The Label Security Integration Audit Report shows audit records the session initialization operation generates and the session label assignment operation of label security. • Core Database Vault Audit Trail Report The Core Database Vault Audit Trail Report shows audit records that the core access security session initialization operation generates. • Secure Application Role Audit Report The Secure Application Role Audit Report shows the audit records that the Oracle Database Vault secure application role-enabling operation generates. Realm Audit Report The Realm Audit Report shows audit records generated by the realm protection and realm authorization operations. You can manage realm authorizations by using rule sets, and then audit the rule set processing results. A realm violation occurs when the database account, performing an action on a realm-protected object, is not authorized to perform that action. Oracle Database Vault audits the violation even if you do not specify any rule sets attached to the realm. When you configure a realm, you can set it to audit instances of realm violations. You can use this information to investigate attempts to break security. 27-5 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault Auditing Reports Command Rule Audit Report The Command Rule Audit Report shows audit records generated by command rule processing operations. When you configure a command rule, you can set it to audit the rule set processing results. Factor Audit Report The Factor Audit Report shows factors that failed to evaluate or were set to create audit records under various conditions. This report also shows failed attempts to set factors. You can audit instances where a factor identity cannot be resolved and assigned (such as No data found or Too many rows). A factor can have an associated rule set that assigns an identity to the factor at run time. When you configure a factor, you can set it to audit the rule set processing results. Label Security Integration Audit Report The Label Security Integration Audit Report shows audit records the session initialization operation generates and the session label assignment operation of label security. You can audit instances where the label security session fails to initialize, and where the label security component prevents a session from setting a label that exceeds the maximum session label. Core Database Vault Audit Trail Report The Core Database Vault Audit Trail Report shows audit records that the core access security session initialization operation generates. You can audit instances where the access security session fails to initialize. It displays the following data: Data A-R Data R-U Account Rule Set Command Timestamp Instance Number Rule Set Object Name User Host Return Code - Secure Application Role Audit Report The Secure Application Role Audit Report shows the audit records that the Oracle Database Vault secure application role-enabling operation generates. 27-6 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports Related Topics • Configuring Secure Application Roles for Oracle Database Vault Secure application roles enable you to control how much access users have to an application. Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports The general security reports track information such as object privileges related to PUBLIC or privileges granted to a database account or role. • Object Privilege Reports The object privilege reports track privileges affected by PUBLIC, direct object privileges, and object dependencies. • Database Account System Privileges Reports The database account system privileges reports track activities such as direct, indirect, hierarchical, and ANY system privileges. • Sensitive Objects Reports The sensitive objects reports track activities such as grants on the EXECUTE privilege on SYS schema objects and access to sensitive objects. • Privilege Management - Summary Reports The privilege management summary reports track privilege distribution by grantees, owners, and privileges. • Powerful Database Accounts and Roles Reports The powerful database accounts and roles reports track information about users who have been granted power privileges, such as the WITH ADMIN privilege. • Initialization Parameters and Profiles Reports The initialization parameters and profiles reports track database parameters, resource profiles, and system limits. • Database Account Password Reports The database account password reports track default passwords and account statuses of database accounts. • Security Audit Report: Core Database Audit Report The Core Database Audit Report lists database audit trail records.. • Other Security Vulnerability Reports Other security vulnerability reports track vulnerabilities that arise with activities such as Java policy grants ir operating system directory objects. Object Privilege Reports The object privilege reports track privileges affected by PUBLIC, direct object privileges, and object dependencies. • Object Access By PUBLIC Report The Object Access By PUBLIC Report lists all objects whose access has been granted to PUBLIC. • Object Access Not By PUBLIC Report The Object Access Not By PUBLIC Report describes the object access used by the database accounts on the Report Parameters page. 27-7 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports • Direct Object Privileges Report The Direct Object Privileges Report shows the direct object privileges granted to nonsystem database accounts. • Object Dependencies Report The Object Dependencies Report describes dependencies in the database between procedures, packages, functions, package bodies, and triggers. Object Access By PUBLIC Report The Object Access By PUBLIC Report lists all objects whose access has been granted to PUBLIC. This report details all the object access the database accounts that you specify on the Report Parameters page, through object grants to PUBLIC. On the Reports Parameters page, you can filter the results based on the privilege, the object owner, or the object name. Note: This report can be quite large if you choose the defaults. Object Access Not By PUBLIC Report The Object Access Not By PUBLIC Report describes the object access used by the database accounts on the Report Parameters page. It checks the grants to the account directly or through a role, but excluding the grants to PUBLIC. On the Reports Parameters page, you can filter the results based on the privilege, the object owner or the object name. Note: This report can be quite large if you choose the defaults. Direct Object Privileges Report The Direct Object Privileges Report shows the direct object privileges granted to nonsystem database accounts. The following database accounts are excluded from the report: Accounts C-O Accounts P-W CTXSYS PUBLIC DMSYS SYS DVSYS SYSMAN LBACSYS SYSTEM 27-8 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports Accounts C-O Accounts P-W MDSYS WKSYS ORDSYS WMSYS Object Dependencies Report The Object Dependencies Report describes dependencies in the database between procedures, packages, functions, package bodies, and triggers. The report includes dependencies on views created without any database links. This report can help you develop a security policy using the principle of least privilege for existing applications. If a database object, such as a UTL_FILE package, has privileges granted to PUBLIC or some other global role, then you can use the Object Dependencies Report to determine an account that may depend on the object and to determine how the account uses the object. To run the report, enter the database account you are inspecting for dependency and the object it may be dependent on, in the Report Parameters page. The Report Results page shows the dependent object and object type and the source object name and type. This report shows where the potentially sensitive object is being used. By looking at several accounts, you might be able to see patterns that can help you develop restricted roles. These restricted roles can replace PUBLIC grants on widely used sensitive objects. Database Account System Privileges Reports The database account system privileges reports track activities such as direct, indirect, hierarchical, and ANY system privileges. • Direct System Privileges By Database Account Report The Direct System Privileges By Database Account Report lists system privileges directly granted to the database account selected on the Report Parameters page. • Direct and Indirect System Privileges By Database Account Report The Direct and Indirect System Privileges By Database Account Report displays system privileges for the database account selected on the Report Parameters page. • Hierarchical System Privileges by Database Account Report The Hierarchical System Privileges by Database Account Report shows a hierarchical breakdown of role-based system privileges and direct system privileges. • ANY System Privileges for Database Accounts Report The ANY System Privileges for Database Accounts Report shows ANY system privileges granted to the specified database account or role. • System Privileges By Privilege Report The System Privileges By Privilege Report lists database accounts and roles that have the system privilege selected on the Report Parameters page. 27-9 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports Direct System Privileges By Database Account Report The Direct System Privileges By Database Account Report lists system privileges directly granted to the database account selected on the Report Parameters page. This report also shows whether a privilege has been granted the WITH ADMIN option. Direct and Indirect System Privileges By Database Account Report The Direct and Indirect System Privileges By Database Account Report displays system privileges for the database account selected on the Report Parameters page. The system privileges may have been granted directly or granted through a database role that has the WITH ADMIN status. Hierarchical System Privileges by Database Account Report The Hierarchical System Privileges by Database Account Report shows a hierarchical breakdown of role-based system privileges and direct system privileges. These privileges are granted to the database account specified on the Report Parameters page. ANY System Privileges for Database Accounts Report The ANY System Privileges for Database Accounts Report shows ANY system privileges granted to the specified database account or role. ANY system privileges are very powerful and should be judiciously assigned to accounts and roles. System Privileges By Privilege Report The System Privileges By Privilege Report lists database accounts and roles that have the system privilege selected on the Report Parameters page. Another way to control privileges is to create privilege analysis policies to analyze privilege use. Sensitive Objects Reports The sensitive objects reports track activities such as grants on the EXECUTE privilege on SYS schema objects and access to sensitive objects. • Execute Privileges to Strong SYS Packages Report The Execute Privileges to Strong SYS Packages Report shows database accounts and roles with the EXECUTE privilege on powerful system packages. • Access to Sensitive Objects Report The Access to Sensitive Objects Report shows database accounts and roles that have object privileges on system tables or views that have sensitive information. • Public Execute Privilege To SYS PL/SQL Procedures Report The Public Execute Privilege to SYS PL/SQL Procedures Report shows database accounts and roles that have EXECUTE privileges on that SYS owns. 27-10 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports • Accounts with SYSDBA/SYSOPER Privilege Report The Accounts with SYSDBA/SYSOPER Privilege Report displays database accounts that have SYS-privileged connection privileges. Execute Privileges to Strong SYS Packages Report The Execute Privileges to Strong SYS Packages Report shows database accounts and roles with the EXECUTE privilege on powerful system packages. For example, these types of packages can be used to access operating system resources. The following system PL/SQL packages are included: Packages D-D Packages D-U DBMS_ALERT DBMS_RANDOM DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE DBMS_REPAIR DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM DBMS_REPCAT DBMS_DDL DBMS_REPCAT_ADMIN DBMS_DISTRIBUTED_TRUST_ADMIN DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER DBMS_FGA DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS DBMS_JOB DBMS_RLS DBMS_LDAP DBMS_SESSION DBMS_LOB DEBUG_EXTPROC DBMS_LOGMNR UTL_FILE DBMS_LOGMNR_D UTL_HTTP DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT UTL_SMTP DBMS_ORACLE_TRACE_AGENT UTL_TCP DBMS_PIPE - Access to Sensitive Objects Report The Access to Sensitive Objects Report shows database accounts and roles that have object privileges on system tables or views that have sensitive information. This report includes the following system tables and views: Tables/Views A-O Tables/Views P-S ALL_SOURCE PROFILE$ ALL_USERS PROXY_ROLE_DATA$ APPROLE$ PROXY_ROLE_INFO$ AUD$ ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS AUDIT_TRAIL$ SOURCE$ DBA_ROLE_PRIVS STATS$SQLTEXT DBA_ROLES STATS$SQL_SUMMARY DBA_TAB_PRIVS STREAMS$_PRIVILEGED_USER 27-11 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports Tables/Views A-O Tables/Views P-S DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP DEFROLE$ TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP FGA_LOG$ TRIGGER$ LINK$ USER$ OBJ$ USER_HISTORY$ OBJAUTH$ USER_TAB_PRIVS OBJPRIV$ SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP Public Execute Privilege To SYS PL/SQL Procedures Report The Public Execute Privilege to SYS PL/SQL Procedures Report shows database accounts and roles that have EXECUTE privileges on that SYS owns. This report can be used to determine which privileges can be revoked from PUBLIC, or from other accounts and roles. This reduces vulnerabilities as part of an overall security policy implementation using the principle of least privilege. Accounts with SYSDBA/SYSOPER Privilege Report The Accounts with SYSDBA/SYSOPER Privilege Report displays database accounts that have SYS-privileged connection privileges. This report also shows whether the accounts use an external password. However, note that this report does not include operating system users who can become SYSDBA. Privilege Management - Summary Reports The privilege management summary reports track privilege distribution by grantees, owners, and privileges. • Privileges Distribution By Grantee Report The Privileges Distribution By Grantee Report displays the count of privileges granted to a database account or role. • Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner Report The Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner Report displays a count of privileges based on the grantee and the owner of the object. • Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner, Privilege Report The Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner, Privilege Report displays a count of privileges based on the privilege, the grantee, and the object owner. See Also: DBA_DV_PUB_PRIVS View to find the values on which the counts listed in these reports are based 27-12 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports Privileges Distribution By Grantee Report The Privileges Distribution By Grantee Report displays the count of privileges granted to a database account or role. This report provides insight into accounts and roles that may have powerful privileges. Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner Report The Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner Report displays a count of privileges based on the grantee and the owner of the object. This report provides insight into accounts or roles that may have powerful privileges. You can use this report if you suspect potential intruders or insider threats are looking for accounts that have powerful privileges as accounts to attack or compromise. If intruders can compromise the account (for example, by guessing the password), they can get more privileges than they already have. Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner, Privilege Report The Privileges Distribution By Grantee, Owner, Privilege Report displays a count of privileges based on the privilege, the grantee, and the object owner. This report provides insight into the accounts or roles that may have powerful privileges. Powerful Database Accounts and Roles Reports The powerful database accounts and roles reports track information about users who have been granted power privileges, such as the WITH ADMIN privilege. • WITH ADMIN Privilege Grants Report The WITH ADMIN Privileges Grants Report shows all database accounts and roles that have been granted privileges with the WITH ADMIN clause. • Accounts With DBA Roles Report The Accounts With DBA Roles Report shows all database accounts that have the DBA role granted to them. • Security Policy Exemption Report The Security Policy Exemption Report shows database (but not Oracle Database Vault) accounts and roles that have the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY system privilege. • BECOME USER Report The BECOME USER Report shows database accounts roles that have the BECOME USER system privilege. • ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION Report The ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION Report shows database accounts and roles that have the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION privilege. • Password History Access Report The Password History Access Report shows database accounts that have access to the USER_HISTORY$ table. 27-13 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports • WITH GRANT Privileges Report The WITH GRANT Privileges Report shows database accounts that are granted privileges with the WITH GRANT clause. • Roles/Accounts That Have a Given Role Report This report displays the database accounts and roles to which a role has been granted. • Database Accounts With Catalog Roles Report The Database Accounts With Catalog Roles Report displays all database accounts and roles that have the catalog-related roles granted to them. • AUDIT Privileges Report The AUDIT Privileges Report displays all database accounts and roles that have the AUDIT ANY or AUDIT SYSTEM privilege. • OS Security Vulnerability Privileges Report The OS Security Vulnerability Privileges Report lists database accounts and roles that have privileges to export sensitive information to the operating system. WITH ADMIN Privilege Grants Report The WITH ADMIN Privileges Grants Report shows all database accounts and roles that have been granted privileges with the WITH ADMIN clause. This privilege can be misused to give another account more system privileges than required. Accounts With DBA Roles Report The Accounts With DBA Roles Report shows all database accounts that have the DBA role granted to them. The DBA role is a privileged role that can be misused. It is often granted to a database account to save time and to avoid having to determine the least number of privileges an account really needs. This report can help you to start applying a policy using the principle of least privilege to an existing database. See Also: Oracle Database Vault Security Guidelines for guidelines on deciding who should have privileged roles Security Policy Exemption Report The Security Policy Exemption Report shows database (but not Oracle Database Vault) accounts and roles that have the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY system privilege. Accounts that have this privilege can bypass all Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy filters and any Oracle Label Security policies that use Oracle Virtual Private Database indirectly. This is a powerful system privilege that should be granted only if absolutely necessary, as it presents a target to gain access to sensitive information in tables that are protected by Oracle Virtual Private Database or Oracle Label Security. You can use the auditing policies described in Auditing Oracle Database Vault, to audit the use of this privilege. 27-14 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports BECOME USER Report The BECOME USER Report shows database accounts roles that have the BECOME USER system privilege. The BECOME USER privilege is a very powerful system privilege: it enables the IMP_FULL_DATABASE and EXP_FULL_DATABASE roles for use with Oracle Data Pump. Accounts that possess this privilege can be misused to get sensitive information or to compromise an application. ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION Report The ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION Report shows database accounts and roles that have the ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION privilege. Oracle recommends that you restrict these privileges only to those accounts and roles that truly need them (for example, the SYS account and the DV_ADMIN role). The ALTER SYSTEM statement can be used to change the security-related database initialization parameters that are set to recommended values as part of the Oracle Database Vault security strengthening service. Both the ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION statements can be used to dump database trace files, potentially containing sensitive configuration information, to the operating system. See Also: ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION Privilege Security Considerations for guidelines on using the ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION privileges Password History Access Report The Password History Access Report shows database accounts that have access to the USER_HISTORY$ table. This table stores hashed passwords that were previously used by each account. Access to this table can make guessing the existing password for an account easier for someone hacking the database. WITH GRANT Privileges Report The WITH GRANT Privileges Report shows database accounts that are granted privileges with the WITH GRANT clause. Remember that WITH GRANT is used for object-level privileges: An account that has been granted privileges using the WITH GRANT option can be misused to grant object privileges to another account. Roles/Accounts That Have a Given Role Report This report displays the database accounts and roles to which a role has been granted. 27-15 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports This report is provided for dependency analysis. Database Accounts With Catalog Roles Report The Database Accounts With Catalog Roles Report displays all database accounts and roles that have the catalog-related roles granted to them. These roles are as follows: • DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE • EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE • RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER • SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE These catalog-based roles have a very large number of powerful privileges. They should be granted with caution, much like the DBA role, which uses them. AUDIT Privileges Report The AUDIT Privileges Report displays all database accounts and roles that have the AUDIT ANY or AUDIT SYSTEM privilege. This privilege can be used to disable auditing, which could be used to eliminate the audit trail record of a intruder who has compromised the system. The accounts that have this privilege could be targets for intruders. OS Security Vulnerability Privileges Report The OS Security Vulnerability Privileges Report lists database accounts and roles that have privileges to export sensitive information to the operating system. This report can reveal important vulnerabilities related to the operating system. Initialization Parameters and Profiles Reports The initialization parameters and profiles reports track database parameters, resource profiles, and system limits. • Security Related Database Parameters Report The Security Related Database Parameters Report lists database parameters that can cause security vulnerabilities if they not set correctly. • Resource Profiles Report The Resource Profiles Report lists resource profiles that may be allowing unlimited resource consumption. • System Resource Limits Report The System Resource Limits Report provides insight into the current system resource usage by the database. Security Related Database Parameters Report The Security Related Database Parameters Report lists database parameters that can cause security vulnerabilities if they not set correctly. 27-16 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports This report can be used to compare the recommended settings with the current state of the database parameter values. Resource Profiles Report The Resource Profiles Report lists resource profiles that may be allowing unlimited resource consumption. Examples of resource profiles are CPU_PER_SESSION and IDLE_TIME. You should review the profiles that might need a cap on the potential resource usage. System Resource Limits Report The System Resource Limits Report provides insight into the current system resource usage by the database. This report helps determine whether any of these resources are approaching their limits under the existing application load. Resources that show large increases over a short period may point to a denial-of-service (DoS) attack. You might want to reduce the upper limit for the resource to prevent the condition in the future. Database Account Password Reports The database account password reports track default passwords and account statuses of database accounts. • Database Account Default Password Report The Database Account Default Password Report lists the database accounts that have default passwords. • Database Account Status Report The Database Account Status Report lists existing database accounts. Database Account Default Password Report The Database Account Default Password Report lists the database accounts that have default passwords. Default passwords are provided during the Oracle Database installation. You should change the passwords for accounts included in this report to nondefault, complex passwords to help secure the database. Database Account Status Report The Database Account Status Report lists existing database accounts. This report shows the account status for each account, which helps you identify accounts that must be locked. Lock and expiry dates provide information that helps determine whether the account was locked as a result of password aging. If a special password and resource secure profile is used, then you can identify accounts that are not using them. Accounts not using organizationally defined default tablespaces also can be identified, and the temporary tablespace for accounts can be determined. This report also identifies accounts that use external passwords. 27-17 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports Security Audit Report: Core Database Audit Report The Core Database Audit Report lists database audit trail records.. This report applies to a non-unified auditing environment. The Core Database Audit Report returns audit records for the audit policy defined in Auditing Oracle Database Vault, and any auditing records that are generated for audit statements you have defined. This report only displays audit records that are captured if the database initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL has been set to DB (with unified auditing disabled). See Also: Oracle Database Reference for more information about the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter Other Security Vulnerability Reports Other security vulnerability reports track vulnerabilities that arise with activities such as Java policy grants ir operating system directory objects. • Java Policy Grants Report The Java Policy Grants Report shows the Java policy permissions stored in the database. • OS Directory Objects Report The OS Directory Objects Report shows directory objects in the database, their privileges, and whether they are available to PUBLIC. • Objects Dependent on Dynamic SQL Report The Objects Dependent on Dynamic SQL Report lists objects that use dynamic SQL. • Unwrapped PL/SQL Package Bodies Report The Unwrapped PL/SQL Package Bodies Report lists PL/SQL package procedures that are not wrapped. • Username/Password Tables Report The Username/Password Tables Report identifies application tables in the database that store user names and password strings. • Tablespace Quotas Report The Tablespace Quotas Report lists database accounts that have quotas on one or more tablespaces. • Non-Owner Object Trigger Report The Non-Owner Object Trigger Report lists non-owner triggers. Java Policy Grants Report The Java Policy Grants Report shows the Java policy permissions stored in the database. 27-18 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports This report helps reveal violations to the principle of least privilege. Look for GRANT, READ, or WRITE privileges to PUBLIC or other accounts and roles that do not necessarily need the privilege. It is advisable to disable Java loading privileges from PUBLIC, if Java is not required in the database. Note: Oracle JVM, the Java virtual machine option provided with Oracle Database Vault, must be installed before you can run the Java Policy Grants Report. OS Directory Objects Report The OS Directory Objects Report shows directory objects in the database, their privileges, and whether they are available to PUBLIC. Directory objects should exist only for secured operating system (OS) directories, and access to them within the database should be protected. You should never use the root operating system directory on any storage device (for example, /), because it allows remote database sessions to look at all files on the device. Objects Dependent on Dynamic SQL Report The Objects Dependent on Dynamic SQL Report lists objects that use dynamic SQL. Potential intruders have a greater chance of using this channel if parameter checking or bind variables are not used. The report helps by narrowing the scope of where to look for problems by pointing out who is using dynamic SQL. Such objects can be a target for a SQL injection attack and must be secured to avoid this type of attack. After determining the objects that use dynamic SQL, do the following: • Check the privileges that client applications (for example, a Web application) have over the object. • Check the access granted for the object to PUBLIC or a wider account base. • Validate parameters. • Use bind variables where possible. Unwrapped PL/SQL Package Bodies Report The Unwrapped PL/SQL Package Bodies Report lists PL/SQL package procedures that are not wrapped. Oracle provides a wrap utility that obfuscates code to the point where it cannot be read in the data dictionary or from the data dictionary views. This helps reduce the ability of an intruder to circumvent data protection by eliminating the ability to read source code that manipulates data. Username/Password Tables Report The Username/Password Tables Report identifies application tables in the database that store user names and password strings. 27-19 Chapter 27 Oracle Database Vault General Security Reports You should examine these tables to determine if the information is encrypted. (Search for column names such as %USER%NAME% or %PASSWORD%.) If it is not, modify the code and applications using these tables to protect them from being visible to database sessions. Tablespace Quotas Report The Tablespace Quotas Report lists database accounts that have quotas on one or more tablespaces. These tablespaces can become potential targets for denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Non-Owner Object Trigger Report The Non-Owner Object Trigger Report lists non-owner triggers. These are triggers that are owned by a database account that is different from the account that owns the database object on which the trigger acts. If the trigger is not part of a trusted database application, then it can steal sensitive data, possibly from tables protected through Oracle Label Security or Virtual Private Database (VPD), and place it into an unprotected table for subsequent viewing or export. 27-20 A Auditing Oracle Database Vault You can audit activities in Oracle Database Vault, such as changes to policy configurations. • About Auditing in Oracle Database Vault All activities in Oracle Database Vault can be audited, including Database Vault administrator activities. • Protection of the Unified Audit Trail in an Oracle Database Vault Environment By default, AUDSYS schema, which contains the unified audit trail, is not protected by a realm. • Oracle Database Vault Specific Audit Events Oracle Database Vault audit events track activities such as whether an action attempted on a realm was successful. • Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail If you have not migrated to unified auditing, you should periodically archive and purge the Oracle Database Vault audit trail. • Oracle Database Audit Settings Created for Oracle Database Vault When you install Oracle Database Vault, it creates several AUDIT settings in the database. About Auditing in Oracle Database Vault All activities in Oracle Database Vault can be audited, including Database Vault administrator activities. Optionally, you can audit individual policies that you create for realms, rule sets, and factors. The audit indicates if the user's action succeeded (that is, the policy enabled the user to accomplish a task) or if the user's action failed (the policy was violated). These actions are written to audit logs, whose contents you can find either by querying the appropriate data dictionary views, or running the reports described in Oracle Database Vault Reports. All configuration changes made to Database Vault are mandatorily audited, including actions of unprivileged users who attempt to modify Database Vault policies. When you install a new database and configure it to use Oracle Database Vault, then by default it uses a mixed-mode environment, that is, a mixture of unified auditing and pre-migrated auditing. If you have upgraded from previous release, then Database Vault uses the auditing that was available from that release. Before you migrate to a full unified auditing environment, you can create audit policies as follows: • Using the Database Vault APIs: That is, you use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package or the Database Vault pages in Enterprise Manager. In this case, the audit records are written to the Database Vault audit trail, which is stored in the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. You can query the DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT and DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT views for these audit records. A-1 Appendix A Protection of the Unified Audit Trail in an Oracle Database Vault Environment • Using the unified audit policy SQL statements: These statements are the CREATE AUDIT POLICY, ALTER AUDIT POLICY, DROP AUDIT POLICY, AUDIT, and NO AUDIT statements. They are written to the unified audit trail, which is captured by the UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL, SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT, and SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT data dictionary views. When you migrate to unified auditing, then the auditing features in the Database Vault APIs are no longer effective. You should archive and purge these audit records, as described in Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail. From then on, you can manage Database Vault audit policies through the unified audit policy PL/SQL statements. Except where noted, the remaining sections of this chapter describe how Database Vault auditing works in a non-unified or mixed mode auditing environment. See Also: • Oracle Database Security Guide for information about how unified auditing works in Oracle Database Vault and how to create unified audit policies • Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Record Format • The following data dictionary views, which are specific to Database Vault unified auditing: DVSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT View DVSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT View • Oracle Database Upgrade Guide to migrate your database to unified auditing Protection of the Unified Audit Trail in an Oracle Database Vault Environment By default, AUDSYS schema, which contains the unified audit trail, is not protected by a realm. Related Topics • Creating a Realm To enable realm protection, you create the realm and configure it to include realmsecured objects, roles, and authorizations. Oracle Database Vault Specific Audit Events Oracle Database Vault audit events track activities such as whether an action attempted on a realm was successful. • Oracle Database Vault Policy Audit Events Oracle Database Vault uses audit events to track configuration activities. A-2 Appendix A Oracle Database Vault Specific Audit Events • Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Record Format If you do not use unified auditing, then Oracle Database Vault writes audit records to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. Oracle Database Vault Policy Audit Events Oracle Database Vault uses audit events to track configuration activities. These activities are as follows: • Realm Audit. You can audit both successful and failed actions, based on the auditing option that you set when you created the realm. The exception to this is actions performed by the schema owner. • Rule Set Audit. Audits the rule set processing results. You can audit both successful and failed processing. Realm authorizations can be managed using rule sets. You can audit the rule set processing results. Factor assignments and secure application roles audits can be managed using a rule set. • Factor Audit. You can audit both successful and failed factor processing. For failed factor processing, you can audit on all or any of the following events: Retrieval Error, Retrieval Null, Validation Error, Validation False, Trust Level Null, or Trust Level Less Than Zero. • Oracle Label Security Session Initialization Failed. Audits instances where the Oracle Label Security session fails to initialize. • Oracle Label Security Attempt to Upgrade Session Label Failed. Audits instances where the Oracle Label Security component prevents a session from setting a label that exceeds the maximum session label. Related Topics • Setting Audit Options for a Factor Under Audit Options, you can generate an audit trail if you are not using a unified audit environment. • About Realm Authorization Realm authorizations establish the set of database accounts and roles that manage or access objects protected in realms. • Oracle Database Vault Reports Oracle Database Vault provides reports that track activities, such as the Database Vault configuration settings. Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Record Format If you do not use unified auditing, then Oracle Database Vault writes audit records to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. These audit records are not part of the Oracle Database audit trail, and how auditing is enabled in the database has no effect how Oracle Database Vault collects its audit data in the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. In fact, even if auditing has been disabled in Oracle Database, then the Oracle Database Vault audit functionality continues to write to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. Users who have been granted the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, DV_SECANALYST or DV_MONITOR role can directly query the DVYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. A-3 Appendix A Oracle Database Vault Specific Audit Events Table A-1 describes the format of the audit trail, which you must understand if you plan to create custom reports that use the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table. Table A-1 Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Format Column Datatype Null Description ID# NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for the audit record OS_USERNAME VARCHAR2(255) NULL Operating system login user name of the user whose actions were audited USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) NULL Name of the database user whose actions were audited USERHOST VARCHAR2(128) NULL Client computer name TERMINAL VARCHAR2(255) NULL Identifier for the user's terminal TIMESTAMP DATE NULL Date and time of creation of the audit trail entry (in the local database session time zone) OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NULL Creator of the object affected by the action, always DVSYS (because DVSYS is where objects are created) OBJ_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Name of the object affected by the action. Expected values are: • • • • ROLE$ REALM$ CODE$ FACTOR$ ACTION NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric action type code. The corresponding name of the action type is in the ACTION_NAME column. See Table 25-3 for a list of the expected ACTION and ACTION_NAME values. ACTION_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column ACTION_OBJECT_ID NUMBER NULL The unique identifier of the record in the table specified under OBJ_NAME. For realms, this field contains a list of comma-separated values of all realm IDs that have the Audit on Failure audit option. ACTION_OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NULL The unique name or natural key of the record in the table specified under OBJ_NAME. For realms, this field contains a list of comma-separated values of all realm names that have the Audit on Failure audit option. ACTION_COMMAND VARCHAR2(4000) NULL The SQL text of the command procedure that was executed that resulted in the audit event being triggered AUDIT_OPTION VARCHAR2(4000) NULL The labels for all audit options specified in the record that resulted in the audit event being triggered. For example, a factor set operation that is supposed to audit on get failure and get NULL would indicate these two options. RULE_SET_ID NUMBER NULL The unique identifier of the rule set that was executing and caused the audit event to trigger A-4 Appendix A Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Table A-1 (Cont.) Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail Format Column Datatype Null Description RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NULL The unique name of the rule set that was executing and caused the audit event to trigger RULE_ID NUMBER NULL Not used RULE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NULL Not used FACTOR_CONTEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL An XML document that contains all of the factor identifiers for the current session at the point when the audit event was triggered COMMENT_TEXT VARCHAR2(4000) NULL Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement audited SESSIONID NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for each Oracle session ENTRYID NUMBER NOT NULL Same as the value in the ID# column STATEMENTID NUMBER NOT NULL Numeric identifier for the statement invoked that caused the audit event to be generated. This is empty for most Oracle Database Vault events. RETURNCODE NUMBER NOT NULL Oracle error code generated by the action. The error code for a statement or procedure invoked that caused the audit event to be generated. This is empty for most Oracle Database Vault events. EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NULL Time stamp of creation of the audit trail entry (time stamp of user login for entries) in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone PROXY_SESSIONID NUMBER NULL Proxy session serial number, if an enterprise user has logged in through the proxy mechanism GLOBAL_UID VARCHAR2(32) NULL Global user identifier for the user, if the user has logged in as an enterprise user INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER NULL Instance number as specified by the INSTANCE_NUMBER initialization parameter OS_PROCESS VARCHAR2(16) NULL Operating system process identifier of the Oracle process CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30) NULL Database login user name of the user whose actions were audited CREATE_DATE DATE NULL Date on which the action occurred, based on the SYSDATE date UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2(30) NULL Same as CREATED_BY column value UPDATE_DATE DATE NULL Same as UPDATED_BY column value Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail If you have not migrated to unified auditing, you should periodically archive and purge the Oracle Database Vault audit trail. • About Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail In a non-unified auditing environment, you can archive the Oracle Database Vault audit trail by exporting the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table to a dump file. A-5 Appendix A Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail • Archiving the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail You can use SQL*Plus and Oracle Data Pump to archive the Oracle Database Vault audit trail. • Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail You can purge the Oracle Database Vault audit trail in SQL*Plus. About Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail In a non-unified auditing environment, you can archive the Oracle Database Vault audit trail by exporting the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ table to a dump file. You should periodically archive and then purge the audit trail to prevent it from growing too large. If you choose to migrate to unified auditing, then use this procedure to archive and purge the Database Vault audit trail records after you complete the migration. When unified auditing begins to collect records, then the new records will be available for viewing from the UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL, SYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT, and SYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT data dictionary views. Archiving the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail You can use SQL*Plus and Oracle Data Pump to archive the Oracle Database Vault audit trail. 1. Log into the database instance as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. sqlplus sys as sysdba Enter password: password 2. Ensure that the user who will perform archiving has the appropriate privileges. For example: GRANT CREATE ANY DIRECTORY, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO psmith; 3. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role. For example: connect ebrown Enter password: password 4. Archive the Oracle Database Vault audit trail into a new table in an appropriate schema. For example: CREATE TABLE psmith.dv_audit_trail nologging \ AS SELECT * FROM DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$; 5. If the schema is already protected by a realm, then ensure that you or the user performing the export operation has been granted the appropriate authorization to use Oracle Data Pump in a Database Vault environment. For example, to authorize user psmith to perform Data Pump operations on his own schema: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.AUTHORIZE_DATAPUMP_USER('PSMITH', 'PSMITH'); 6. Connect as the Data Pump user. A-6 Appendix A Archiving and Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail For example: CONNECT psmith Enter password: password 7. Create a directory for the Database Vault audit trail. CREATE DIRECTORY dv_audit_dir AS 'dv_audit_trail_directory'; 8. Exit SQL*Plus. EXIT 9. Using Data Pump, export the Database Vault audit trail into the directory object that you just created. expdp psmith directory=dv_audit_dir tables=psmith.dv_audit_trail \ dumpfile=dv_audit.dmp log=dv_audit_exp.log 10. Connect to SQL*Plus as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role. sqlplus ebrown Enter password: password 11. If you have not done so, then create a realm around the schema that now contains the Database Vault audit trail. a. Create the realm. For example: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM( realm_name => 'DV Audit Trail Realm', description => 'Realm to protect the DV audit trail', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, audit_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS, realm_type => 1); END; / b. Add the schema that contains to audit trail to this realm. For example: BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'DV Audit Trail Realm', object_owner => 'psmith', object_name => '%', object_type => '%'); END; / c. Authorize a trusted user for this realm. BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM( realm_name => 'DV Audit Trail Realm', grantee => 'PSMITH', auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER); END; / A-7 Appendix A Oracle Database Audit Settings Created for Oracle Database Vault See Also: • • Using Oracle Data Pump with Oracle Database Vault for more information about granting users Oracle Data Pump privileges in a Database Vault environment Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about the CREATE DIRECTORY statement • Oracle Database Utilities for information about the Oracle Data Pump expdp utility • Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs, for information about the realmrelated DBMS_MACADM procedures Purging the Oracle Database Vault Audit Trail You can purge the Oracle Database Vault audit trail in SQL*Plus. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role or the DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role. For example: sqlplus psmith Enter password: password Note that the DV_OWNER and DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP roles do not allow their grantees to truncate the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ system table. You can query the DBA_ROLE_PRIVS data dictionary view to find the roles that have been granted to a user. 2. Purge the Database Vault audit trail. DELETE FROM DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$; Related Topics • DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP Audit Trail Cleanup Role The DV_AUDIT_CLEANUP role is used for purge operations. Oracle Database Audit Settings Created for Oracle Database Vault When you install Oracle Database Vault, it creates several AUDIT settings in the database. In a non-unified auditing environment, in order for these audit settings to take place, auditing must be enabled in this database. You can check if auditing is enabled by using the SHOW PARAMETER command to find the value of the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter. By default, auditing is enabled in Oracle Database. Table A-2 lists the AUDIT settings that Oracle Database Vault adds to the database. A-8 Appendix A Oracle Database Audit Settings Created for Oracle Database Vault Table A-2 Audit Policy Settings Oracle Database Vault Adds to Oracle Database Audit Setting Type Audited Statements (BY ACCESS and on Success or Failure Unless Otherwise Noted) User Audit Settings for DVSYS/DVF ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER User Audit Settings for LBACSYS ALTER object See Table 14-2 for more information about these accounts. AUDIT SYSTEM See also these sections for detailed information on the DVSYS and DVF schemas: • • DVSYS Schema DVF Schema BECOME USER CLUSTER COMMENT CONTEXT CREATE object DATABASE LINK DEBUG DIRECTORY DROP object EXECUTE LIBRARY (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) EXECUTE PROCEDURE (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY EXPORT FULL DATABASE GRANT object IMPORT FULL DATABASE INDEX MANAGE SCHEDULER MANAGE TABLESPACE MATERIALIZED VIEW (audits both accessing and creating materialized views) SELECT SEQUENCE (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) SELECT TABLE (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) Object Audit Settings for DVF AUDIT PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION/SEQUENCE/TABLE COMMENT TABLE/VIEW DELETE TABLE/VIEW EXECUTE PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) GRANT PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION/SEQUENCE/TABLE RENAME PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION/SEQUENCE/VIEW/TABLE SELECT SEQUENCE/TABLE/VIEW (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) Object Audit Settings for DVSYS AUDIT PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION/SEQUENCE/TABLE Object Audit Settings for LBACSYS COMMENT TABLE/VIEW DELETE TABLE/VIEW EXECUTE PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) GRANT PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION/SEQUENCE/TABLE INSERT TABLE/VIEW RENAME PACKAGE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION/SEQUENCE/VIEW/TABLE SELECT SEQUENCE/TABLE/VIEW (WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL) UPDATE TABLE/VIEW A-9 B Disabling and Enabling Oracle Database Vault Periodically you must disable and then re-enable Oracle Database Vault, for activities such as installing Oracle Database optional products or features. • When You Must Disable Oracle Database Vault You may need to disable Oracle Database Vault to perform upgrade tasks or correct erroneous configurations. • Step 1: Disable Oracle Database Vault Be aware that after you disable Oracle Database Vault, Oracle Label Security, which is required to run Database Vault, is still enabled. • Step 2: Perform the Required Tasks At this stage, Oracle Database Vault is disabled and you can perform the required tasks. • Step 3: Enable Oracle Database Vault You can enable Oracle Database Vault and Oracle Label Security from SQL*Plus. When You Must Disable Oracle Database Vault You may need to disable Oracle Database Vault to perform upgrade tasks or correct erroneous configurations. You can reenable Oracle Database Vault after you complete the corrective tasks. To find the enablement and configuration status of Oracle Database Vault, see Verifying That Database Vault Is Configured and Enabled. The following situations require you to disable Oracle Database Vault: • You must install any of the Oracle Database optional products or features, such as Oracle Spatial, or Oracle Multimedia, by using Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). • If you did not configure backup DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR accounts when you registered Oracle Database Vault, and these accounts are inadvertently locked or their passwords forgotten. Note that if your site only has one DV_OWNER user and this user has lost his or her password, you will be unable to disable Oracle Database Vault. However, if your site's only DV_ACCTMGR user has lost the password, you can disable Database Vault. As a best practice, you should grant the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles to new or existing user accounts, and use the Database Vault Owner and Account Manager accounts that you created when you registered Database Vault as back-up accounts. (See Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts for a guideline for avoiding this problem in the future.) • If you want to register Oracle Internet Directory (OID) using Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). B-1 Appendix B Step 1: Disable Oracle Database Vault Note: • Be aware that if you disable Oracle Database Vault, the privileges that were revoked from existing users and roles during installation remain in effect. See Privileges That Are Revoked from Existing Users and Roles for a listing of the revoked privileges. • When Oracle Database Vault is disabled, there are some Database Vault features that you can still use. • Oracle does not support the deinstallation of Oracle Database Vault. Step 1: Disable Oracle Database Vault Be aware that after you disable Oracle Database Vault, Oracle Label Security, which is required to run Database Vault, is still enabled. 1. In SQL*Plus, log in as the Oracle Database Owner (DV_OWNER) account, and then disable Oracle Database Vault. sqlplus psmith Enter password: password EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV; 2. In a multitenant environment, connect to the appropriate pluggable database (PDB). For example: CONNECT psmith@hrpdb Enter password: password To find the available PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. To check the current PDB, run the show con_name command. 3. Restart the database. CONNECT SYS AS SYSOPER -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSOPER Enter password: password SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP 4. For Oracle RAC installations, repeat these steps for each node on which the database is installed. Step 2: Perform the Required Tasks At this stage, Oracle Database Vault is disabled and you can perform the required tasks. You can perform the following types of activities: • Use the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages and functions. For example, to correct a login or CONNECT rule set error, use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package or the Oracle Database Vault pages in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Note that B-2 Appendix B Step 3: Enable Oracle Database Vault a CONNECT command rule cannot prevent a user who has the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role from connecting to the database. This enables a Database Vault administrator to correct a misconfigured protection without having to disable Database Vault. • Use the SYSTEM or SYS accounts to perform tasks such as creating or changing passwords, or locking and unlocking accounts. In addition to modifying standard database and administrative user accounts, you can modify passwords and the lock status of any of the Oracle Database Vault-specific accounts, such as users who have been granted the DV_ADMIN or DV_ACCTMGR roles. (See the tip under Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration for a guideline for avoiding this problem in the future.) • Perform the installation or other tasks that require security protections to be disabled. Step 3: Enable Oracle Database Vault You can enable Oracle Database Vault and Oracle Label Security from SQL*Plus. 1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Oracle Database Owner (DV_OWNER) account, and then enable Database Vault. If you are enabling Database Vault from a non-multitenant environment or from a PDB: CONNECT psmith -- Or, CONNECT psmith@hrpdb for a PDB Enter password: password EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV; If you are enabling Database Vault from the CDB root, for example: CONNECT c##dbv_owner Enter password: password Select from one of the following settings: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV (strict_mode => 'n'); -- For regular mode EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ENABLE_DV (strict_mode => 'y'); -- For strict mode 2. Check if Oracle Label Security is enabled. SELECT VALUE FROM V$OPTION WHERE PARAMETER = 'Oracle Label Security'; Oracle Label security must be enabled before you can use Database Vault. If it is not enabled, then this query returns FALSE. 3. If Oracle Label Security is not enabled, then enable it. CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBA -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSDBA Enter password: password EXEC LBACSYS.CONFIGURE_OLS; EXEC LBACSYS.OLS_ENFORCEMENT.ENABLE_OLS; 4. Restart the database. CONNECT SYS AS SYSOPER -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSOPER Enter password: password B-3 Appendix B Step 3: Enable Oracle Database Vault SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP 5. For Oracle RAC installations, repeat these steps for each node on which the database is installed. B-4 C Postinstallation Oracle Database Vault Procedures After you register Oracle Database Vault, you can perform specialized tasks, such as configuring it on Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) nodes. • Configuring Oracle Database Vault on Oracle RAC Nodes After you configure Oracle Database Vault for an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) instance, you must configure each Oracle RAC node. • Adding Languages to Oracle Database Vault By default, Oracle Database Vault loads only the English language tables. • Deinstalling Oracle Database Vault You can remove Oracle Database Vault from an Oracle Database installation, for both to both single-instance and Oracle RAC installations. • Reinstalling Oracle Database Vault You can reinstall Oracle Database Vault by using Database Configuration Assistant and afterward, register Database Vault. Related Topics • Converting a Standalone Oracle Database to a PDB and Plugging It into a CDB You can convert a standalone Oracle Database Release 12c or later database to a PDB, and then plug this PDB into a CDB. Configuring Oracle Database Vault on Oracle RAC Nodes After you configure Oracle Database Vault for an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) instance, you must configure each Oracle RAC node. The following procedure assumes that you have a separate Oracle home for each node. 1. Log into the database instance as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. sqlplus sys as sysdba Enter password: password 2. Run the following ALTER SYSTEM statements on each Oracle RAC node: ALTER SYSTEM SET AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS=TRUE SCOPE=SPFILE; -- For non-unified auditing environments ALTER SYSTEM SET OS_ROLES=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE; ALTER SYSTEM SET RECYCLEBIN='OFF' SCOPE=SPFILE; ALTER SYSTEM SET REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE='EXCLUSIVE' SCOPE=SPFILE; ALTER SYSTEM SET SQL92_SECURITY=TRUE SCOPE=SPFILE; 3. Restart Oracle Database. CONNECT / AS SYSOPER Enter password: password C-1 Appendix C Adding Languages to Oracle Database Vault SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP Adding Languages to Oracle Database Vault By default, Oracle Database Vault loads only the English language tables. You can add more languages by running the DBMS_MACADM.ADD_NLS_DATA procedure for each new language that you want to add. You can add more than one language to Database Vault. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. 2. Run the following procedure: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_NLS_DATA('language'); You can specify the language setting using any case. For example: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_NLS_DATA('french'); EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_NLS_DATA('JAPANESE'); Replace language with one of the following supported languages: • ENGLISH • GERMAN • SPANISH • FRENCH • ITALIAN • JAPANESE • KOREAN • BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE • SIMPLIFIED CHINESE • TRADITIONAL CHINESE Deinstalling Oracle Database Vault You can remove Oracle Database Vault from an Oracle Database installation, for both to both single-instance and Oracle RAC installations. However, you cannot deinstall Database Vault from databases in a multitenant environment. This procedure only applies to legacy, non-CDB Oracle Database environments. The deinstallation process does not affect the initialization parameter settings, even those settings that were modified during the installation process, nor does it affect Oracle Label Security. 1. Log into the database instance as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege, or as user who has the ALTER SYSTEM system privilege. For example: C-2 Appendix C Reinstalling Oracle Database Vault sqlplus psmith -- Or, sqlplus psmith@hrpdb for a pluggable database (PDB) Enter password: password 2. Ensure that the recycle bin is disabled. SHOW PARAMETER RECYCLEBIN 3. If the recycle bin is on, then disable it using one of the following statements: ALTER SYSTEM SET RECYCLEBIN = OFF; ALTER SESSION SET recyclebin = OFF SCOPE = SPFILE; 4. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role. For example: CONNECT leo_dvowner -- Or, CONNECT leo_dvowner@hrpdb Enter password: password 5. Run the following procedure to disable Oracle Database Vault: EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV; 6. Connect as SYS with the SYSOPER privilege and then restart the database. For example: CONNECT SYS AS SYSOPER -- Or, CONNECT SYS@hrpdb AS SYSOPER Enter password: password SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP For Oracle RAC installations, shut down and then restart each database instance as follows: $ srvctl stop database -db db_name $ srvctl start database -db db_name 7. Run the dvremov.sql script to remove Oracle Database Vault. For example: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dvremov.sql Afterward, you can double-check that Oracle Database Vault is truly deinstalled by logging in to SQL*Plus and entering the following statement: SELECT * FROM V$OPTION WHERE PARAMETER = 'Oracle Database Vault'; If Oracle Database Vault is deinstalled, the following output appears: PARAMETER VALUE ----------------------------- ----------------------Oracle Database Vault FALSE Reinstalling Oracle Database Vault You can reinstall Oracle Database Vault by using Database Configuration Assistant and afterward, register Database Vault. 1. Log into the database instance as user SYS with the SYSDBA administrative privilege. sqlplus sys as sysdba -- Or, sqlplus sys@hrpdb as sysdba Enter password: password C-3 Appendix C Reinstalling Oracle Database Vault 2. Start Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). • UNIX: Enter the following command in a shell window: dbca • Windows: Use one of the following methods to start DBCA on Windows: – Click Start, select Programs (or All Programs), then Oracle HOME_NAME, then Configuration and Migration Tools, and then Database Configuration Assistant. – Enter the following command at a command prompt: dbca 3. Use DBCA to configure Database Vault for either a new or an existing database. See Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for detailed information about creating a database with DBCA. 4. Follow the instructions in Registering Oracle Database Vault with an Oracle Database to register Database Vault. C-4 D Oracle Database Vault Security Guidelines As with all Oracle Database products, you should follow security guidelines to better secure your Oracle Database Vault installation. • Separation of Duty Guidelines Oracle Database Vault is designed to easily implement separation of duty guidelines. • Managing Oracle Database Administrative Accounts Oracle provides guidelines for managing security for administrative accounts such as SYSTEM or users who have the SYSDBA administrative privilege. • Accounts and Roles Trusted by Oracle Database Vault Oracle Database Vault restricts access to application data from many privileged users and roles in the database. • Accounts and Roles That Should be Limited to Trusted Individuals You should limit powerful accounts and roles only to trusted individuals. • Guidelines for Using Oracle Database Vault in a Production Environment You should follow special guidelines when you run Oracle Database Vault in a production environment. • Secure Configuration Guidelines You should be aware of security considerations for special PL/SQL packages, privileges, and the recycle bin. Separation of Duty Guidelines Oracle Database Vault is designed to easily implement separation of duty guidelines. • How Oracle Database Vault Handles Separation of Duty Separation of duty is restricting each user's privileges only to the tasks he or she is responsible for, and no more. • Separation of Tasks in an Oracle Database Vault Environment Oracle Database Vault defines the several main responsibilities. • Separation of Duty Matrix for Oracle Database Vault Before applying separation of duty, you must understand who performs basic administration tasks in your environment and what these administration tasks are. • Identification and Documentation of the Tasks of Database Users You should document the areas of the tasks that your organization needs. How Oracle Database Vault Handles Separation of Duty Separation of duty is restricting each user's privileges only to the tasks he or she is responsible for, and no more. D-1 Appendix D Separation of Duty Guidelines You should assign specific categories of privileges to specific users, rather than granting many privileges to one user. Simply put, separation of duty creates accountability for each task that your organization requires. Separation of duty has taken on increased importance over the past 10 years. For many organizations, separation of duty is a new concept that continues to evolve. Database consolidation, regulatory compliance, and outsourcing are just a few of the drivers for increased separation of duty. Oracle Database Vault separation of duty strengthens security by separating security-related administration from day-to-day DBA operations. You can tailor your Database Vault separation of duty implementation to easily adapt to current and future business requirements. Small organizations, in particular, need flexibility as they attempt to increase their security profile with limited resources. Separation of Tasks in an Oracle Database Vault Environment Oracle Database Vault defines the several main responsibilities. These responsibilities are as follows: • Account management. Account management entails creating, modifying, and dropping user accounts. The DV_ACCTMGR role provides these privileges. A primary day-to-day DV_ACCTMGR user and a backup DV_ACCTMGR user are created during the Oracle Database Vault registration process. As a safety measure, you keep and maintain the backup account in case the primary DV_ACCTMGR account owner forgets his or her password or leaves the company. • Security administration. Security administration covers basic security tasks such as creating realms and command rules, setting security policies for database users' access, and authorizing database users for jobs they are allowed to perform. Security administrators also run security audit reports. The DV_OWNER and DV_ADMIN roles provide these privileges. A primary day-to-day DV_OWNER user and a backup DV_OWNER user are created during the Oracle Database Vault registration process. Important: As a safety measure, you should keep and maintain the backup user account in case the primary DV_OWNER account owner forgets his or her password or leaves the company. It is also important that you do not lose access to all of the user accounts that have been granted the DV_OWNER role. There is no way to recover the DV_OWNER role if you lose access (such as with a lost password or a staff departure) to any account that has the DV_OWNER role. If you lose access to the DV_OWNER role, then you cannot modify any Database Vault controls or disable Database Vault. To remedy this problem, you can recover the database to the last known point where the database had possession of the Database Vault owner account. Optionally, you can consolidate the account management and security administrative responsibilities. • Database management. Database management refers to managing the database system but not accessing business data. It includes the following operations: D-2 Appendix D Separation of Duty Guidelines – Backup operations require a predefined time to perform the backup using predefined tools. – Tuning and monitoring operations require ongoing performance monitoring and analysis. – Patching operations require temporary access only during the time the patching takes place Oracle strongly recommends that you review database management accounts within the context of separation of duty. Different database administrators may have different responsibilities that require different privileges and roles. Similarly, more experienced database administrators may have more roles and privileges. Instead of granting users the default DBA role to users, consider tailoring database administrative roles for specific positions and for seniority in your organization. It is important to use only named accounts for day-to-day activities. Accounts such as SYS and accounts that use the SYSDBA administrative privilege should be managed with Privileged Account Management (PAM) systems and checked out (and audited) when they are used. You should also manage the backup Oracle Database Vault owner and account management accounts with a PAM system. Within the operating system, you should make the root and oracle accounts available only through a checkout system, because of the powerful privileges that these accounts have. You should have separate accounts for database account management, database security administration, and additional named accounts for backup operations. Auditors check for separate database accounts for different responsibilities and being able to track the actions of each account. Less important is the number of users assigned to specific tasks. Remember that Oracle Database Vault audit events are protected and that the Database Vault reports show all attempted violations. See Also: • Oracle Database Vault Roles for an in-depth look at how the Oracle Database Vault roles provide for separation of duty • Oracle Database Vault Accounts Created During Registration for a full list of the default Oracle Database Vault accounts • Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts for more information about the importance of backup accounts Separation of Duty Matrix for Oracle Database Vault Before applying separation of duty, you must understand who performs basic administration tasks in your environment and what these administration tasks are. Even if a single database administrator is responsible for managing both new database account provisioning and application patching, it is important to document and plan for each of these tasks. Using separate administration accounts for these types of tasks provides increased accountability and reduces associated risks if and when a single account is compromised by a malicious user. In midsize to large organizations, database administrators typically must perform common administration tasks but they do not need access to business data managed by the application. D-3 Appendix D Separation of Duty Guidelines Creating a matrix for your separation of duty can help you plan your Database Vault deployment. As needed, you can include additional tasks and associated users to this list. This information should become part of the overall enterprise security documentation for your organization. Table D-1 shows an example of a separation of duty matrix. Table D-1 Example Separation of Duty Matrix User, Process or Application Account Creation Database Administration Security Administrator SYSDBA Backup Tuning Patching Monitoring JSMITH Yes No No No No No No SHARDY No No No No No No Yes PKESTNER No No Yes No No No No RTYLER No No No No Yes No No SANDERSON No No No Yes No Yes No SYSTEM No No No No Yes, for EBS patching No No RMAN No Yes Yes No No No No In some cases, system management tasks may require temporary access to data through specific tools and programs. When this happens, build provisions for this temporary or emergency access into the Oracle Database Vault rules and rule sets. Identification and Documentation of the Tasks of Database Users You should document the areas of the tasks that your organization needs. These areas are as follows: • The responsibilities of each administrative user • The kind of access users need. For example, application owners should have data access and developers need access to development instances only. • Who must manage the system without accessing business data (for example, users who perform backup, patching, tuning, and monitoring operations) • The duties of each category of tasks (for example, the files that must be backed up, the applications that require patching, what exactly is monitored). Include the alternate user accounts for each of these tasks. • The databases and applications that must be protected. This includes Oracle applications, partner applications, and custom applications. • Who must be authorized to access business data, including the following: – Application owners through middle tier processes – Business users through an application interface • Emergency "what if" scenarios, such as how to handle a security breach • Reporting in a production environment, which should include the following: – Who runs the reports D-4 Appendix D Managing Oracle Database Administrative Accounts • – Which reports must be run – The frequency with which each report is run – The users who must receive a copy of each report In addition to a separation of duty matrix, the creation of the following matrices: – An Oracle Database Vault-specific matrix, which can cover the names and tasks of users who have been granted Database Vault roles – An application protection matrix, which can cover the applications to be protected and the types of protections you have put in place. Table D-2 shows an example of protections Oracle created for PeopleSoft Applications. SYSADM, PSFTDBA, SYSTEM, and DBA have all been authorized for the appropriate rule sets. Table D-2 Example Application Protection Maxtrix Protection Type SYSADM PSFTDBA SYSTEM DBA PeopleSoft Realm Owner Owner No Access No Access Limit PSFTDB Rule Set No Access No Access CONNECT PeopleSoftAcces Not Restricted Command Rule s Rule Set Not Restricted Not Restricted DROP Disabled Rule TABLESPACE Set Command Rule Disabled Rule Set Disabled Rule Set SELECT Not Restricted Command Rule Disabled Rule Set Managing Oracle Database Administrative Accounts Oracle provides guidelines for managing security for administrative accounts such as SYSTEM or users who have the SYSDBA administrative privilege. • SYSTEM User Account for General Administrative Uses Ideally, the SYSTEM account should only be available as a backup that is checked out and audited while being used. • SYSTEM Schema for Application Tables If you have application tables in the SYSTEM schema, then you should add the SYSTEM account to your realm authorizations for these tables. • Limitation of the SYSDBA Administrative Privilege Limit the SYSDBA administrative privilege to users who must connect using this privilege when absolutely necessary and for applications that still require SYSDBA access. • Root and Operating System Access to Oracle Database Vault For better security, you should carefully monitor root and operating system access to Oracle Database. Vault. D-5 Appendix D Managing Oracle Database Administrative Accounts SYSTEM User Account for General Administrative Uses Ideally, the SYSTEM account should only be available as a backup that is checked out and audited while being used. Only named accounts should be used for normal database administration tasks - not shared accounts. Doing so increases accountability for administrative actions in the database. SYSTEM Schema for Application Tables If you have application tables in the SYSTEM schema, then you should add the SYSTEM account to your realm authorizations for these tables. This enables these applications to continue to work normally. You can place restrictions on the SYSTEM account to increase or fine-tune security for these applications. For example, you can create a Database Vault rule set to restrict the SYSTEM user's access to specific IP addresses. Limitation of the SYSDBA Administrative Privilege Limit the SYSDBA administrative privilege to users who must connect using this privilege when absolutely necessary and for applications that still require SYSDBA access. For example, mandatory patching processes require SYSDBA access. For all other cases, create named database accounts to perform daily database administration. Members of the OSDBA user group are also given the SYSDBA administrative privilege. The database SYS account and accounts with SYSDBA privilege along with the operating system root and oracle accounts should be managed in a Privileged Account Management (PAM) system and checked out only when required. Related Topics • Management of SYSDBA Access You should avoid using the SYS account and the SYSDBA privilege for normal database maintenance tasks. Root and Operating System Access to Oracle Database Vault For better security, you should carefully monitor root and operating system access to Oracle Database. Vault. Oracle Database Vault prevents highly privileged database users from accessing sensitive data. In addition, if you are using Oracle Database itself, then you can use Transparent Data Encryption to prevent the most highly privileged operating system users from accessing sensitive data. Transparent data encryption enables you to encrypt tablespaces and table columns. This prevents operating system users from browsing through the operating system database files and finding sensitive data. As a best practice, always carefully review and restrict direct access to the operating system. You should have personalized accounts access the operating system. These personalized accounts should, in the Linux or UNIX environments, login using sudo to D-6 Appendix D Accounts and Roles Trusted by Oracle Database Vault the oracle software owner when needed. With sudo, you can control which specific command each personalized user can execute. Be sure to prevent the use of the make, relink, gdb, or other commands that could potentially harm the database, for these users. However, if an administrative user must install a patch or perform some other emergency operation, you can enable the make and relink commands for a limited time, and audit their actions during this period. See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Security Guide for more information about Transparent Data Encryption Accounts and Roles Trusted by Oracle Database Vault Oracle Database Vault restricts access to application data from many privileged users and roles in the database. However, in some cases, Oracle Database Vaults trusts certain roles and privileges. Table D-3 lists the trusted roles and privileges that are created when you install Oracle Database Vault. Table D-3 Trusted Oracle Database Vault Roles and Privileges Role or Privilege Status Description DV_ACCTMGR role Open Role created during registration and used for creating new database accounts. As a safety measure, maintain a backup user who has the DV_ACCTMGR role and manage this account using a Privileged Account Management (PAM) system. Users who have the DV_OWNER role cannot alter this user. Loss of all accounts with the DV_ACCTMGR role (such as due to lost passwords or people leaving the organization) is not recoverable. Ensure that a backup DV_ACCTMGR account is created for this purpose. DV_OWNER role Open Role created during registration and used for managing realms, factors and command rules. This user can add himself or herself to realm authorizations. As a safety measure, maintain a backup user who has the DV_OWNER role and manage this account using a Privileged Account Management (PAM) system. Users who have the DV_OWNER role cannot alter this user. Loss of all accounts with the DV_OWNER role (such as due to lost passwords or people leaving the organization) is not recoverable. Ensure that a backup DV_OWNER account is created for this purpose. SYSDBA privilege Enabled Privilege created during Oracle Database installation. Required by some Oracle features. D-7 Appendix D Accounts and Roles That Should be Limited to Trusted Individuals Table D-3 (Cont.) Trusted Oracle Database Vault Roles and Privileges Role or Privilege Status Description SYSOPER privilege Enabled Privilege created during Oracle Database installation. Database startup and shutdown. Granted to SYS only by default. Related Topics • Backup Oracle Database Vault Accounts As a best practice, you should maintain backup accounts for the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. • Management of SYSDBA Access You should avoid using the SYS account and the SYSDBA privilege for normal database maintenance tasks. • Management of SYSOPER Access By default, Oracle Database limits SYSOPER access to operating system users in the OSOPER group and to the user SYS. Accounts and Roles That Should be Limited to Trusted Individuals You should limit powerful accounts and roles only to trusted individuals. • Management of Users with Root Access to the Operating System Users who have root user access have full control over the system. • Management of the Oracle Software Owner Users who have access to a system as the Oracle software owner have control over the Oracle software. • Management of SYSDBA Access You should avoid using the SYS account and the SYSDBA privilege for normal database maintenance tasks. • Management of SYSOPER Access By default, Oracle Database limits SYSOPER access to operating system users in the OSOPER group and to the user SYS. Management of Users with Root Access to the Operating System Users who have root user access have full control over the system. Activities that these users can perform include the following: • Reading unencrypted files • Moving and deleting any files • Starting or stopping any program on the system • Logging in as any user, including the user who owns the Oracle Database installation D-8 Appendix D Accounts and Roles That Should be Limited to Trusted Individuals Oracle Database Vault does not provide protection against the operating system root access. Manage the root and oracle accounts in a Privileged Account Management (PAM) system. Only check these accounts out when they are required for certain tasks. Enhance audit levels when highly privileged operating system accounts are being used, up to an including keystroke capture and video capture. Management of the Oracle Software Owner Users who have access to a system as the Oracle software owner have control over the Oracle software. Activities these users can perform include the following: • Reading unencrypted database files • Moving and deleting database files • Starting or stopping Oracle programs in the system Oracle Database Vault does not provide protection against the operating system access of the Oracle software owner. Manage the Oracle software owner account in a Privileged Account Management (PAM) system. Only check this account out when it is required for certain tasks. Enhance audit levels when highly privileged operating system accounts are being used, up to an including keystroke capture and video capture. Management of SYSDBA Access You should avoid using the SYS account and the SYSDBA privilege for normal database maintenance tasks. Instead, use named accounts that have the required system privileges or a specific administrative privilege such as SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, or SYSKM. However, there are cases where the SYSDBA privilege is required to perform a patch, upgrade of the database or troubleshoot issues (for example, connecting to a down database). Because users with the SYSDBA privilege could have access to sensitive application data either directly or indirectly (for example, through diagnostics, database upgrades, and patching), use of the SYSDBA privilege and accounts must be highly restricted. The list of highly privileged accounts include SYS and user accounts with the SYSDBA privilege in the database, and the root and oracle accounts in the operating system. Access to highly privileged accounts in the database and the operating system should be on an exception basis and require the user to go through a process to unlock access to these accounts and privileges. Oracle recommends that you manage these accounts with a Privileged Account Management (PAM) system. Only check these accounts out when they are required for certain tasks. Enhance audit levels when highly privileged operating system accounts (root and oracle) and database accounts (SYS account and SYSDBA administrative privilege) are being used, up to an including keystroke capture and video capture. When these highly privileged accounts access the database, audit the SYS account to monitor their activities. Management of SYSOPER Access By default, Oracle Database limits SYSOPER access to operating system users in the OSOPER group and to the user SYS. D-9 Appendix D Guidelines for Using Oracle Database Vault in a Production Environment This prevents SYSOPER from modifying the Oracle data dictionary directly. The SYSOPER privilege has limited privileges within the database, but individuals with this role can start and shut down the Oracle database. Only grant the SYSOPER privilege to trusted individuals. Guidelines for Using Oracle Database Vault in a Production Environment You should follow special guidelines when you run Oracle Database Vault in a production environment. These guidelines are as follows: • Run a full test of your applications to ensure that the Database Vault policies you have created are working as expected • Monitor the performance of your applications, and if necessary, tune your rule expressions • Assign responsibilities to the appropriate production support and security groups, as follows: • – Assign security responsibilities to the database security administrator. – Assign account management to the database account manager. – Assign resource management tasks to database administrators. Back up your Database Vault API scripts to a secure server. Secure Configuration Guidelines You should be aware of security considerations for special PL/SQL packages, privileges, and the recycle bin. • General Secure Configuration Guidelines General secure configuration guidelines involved patches and revoke operations. • UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Package Security Considerations You should carefully restrict access to the UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER PL/SQL packages. • CREATE ANY JOB Privilege Security Considerations The CREATE ANY JOB privilege has been revoked from the DBA and the SCHEDULER_ADMIN roles. • CREATE EXTERNAL JOB Privilege Security Considerations The CREATE EXTERNAL JOB privilege was introduced in Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2). • LogMiner Package Security Considerations The role EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE no longer has the EXECUTE privilege granted by default on the several LogMiner packages. • ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION Privilege Security Considerations You should be aware of ways to secure the powerful ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION system privileges. D-10 Appendix D Secure Configuration Guidelines General Secure Configuration Guidelines General secure configuration guidelines involved patches and revoke operations. • Installing patches and new applications might re-grant some of the privileges that Oracle recommends that you revoke in this section. Check these privileges after you install patches and new applications to verify that they are still revoked. • When you revoke EXECUTE privileges on packages, ensure that you grant EXECUTE on the packages to the owner, check the package dependencies, and recompile any invalid packages after the revoke. To find users who have access to the package, log into the database instance as a named database administrator and issue the following query. SELECT * FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE TABLE_NAME = package_name; package_name is the name of the package you are looking for. To find the users, packages, procedures, and functions that are dependent on the package, issue this query: SELECT OWNER, NAME, TYPE FROM ALL_DEPENDENCIES WHERE REFERENCED_NAME = package_name; Note that these two queries do not identify references to packages made through dynamic SQL. UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Package Security Considerations You should carefully restrict access to the UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER PL/SQL packages. • About Security Considerations for the UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Packages The UTL_FILE package is owned by SYS and granted to PUBLIC. • Securing Access to the DBMS_FILE_TRANFER Package You can secure access to the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER PL/SQLpackage in a variety of ways. • Example: Creating a Command Rule to Deny Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK The DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE enables you to create command rules to deny access to the CREATE DATABASE LINK SQL statement. • Example: Creating a Command Rule to Enable Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK The DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure can be used to modify an existing command rule. • Example: Command Rules to Disable and Enable Access to CREATE DIRECTORY D-11 Appendix D Secure Configuration Guidelines About Security Considerations for the UTL_FILE and DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Packages The UTL_FILE package is owned by SYS and granted to PUBLIC. However, a user must have access to the directory object to manipulate the files in that operating system directory. The DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package is owned by SYS and granted to the EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE. Users with EXECUTE access on this package can move files from one location to another on the same file system. They also can move files between database instances, including databases on remote systems. See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about configuring the UTL_FILE package securely Securing Access to the DBMS_FILE_TRANFER Package You can secure access to the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER PL/SQLpackage in a variety of ways. • Use any of the following methods to secure the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER PL/ SQLpackage: – Revoke the EXECUTE privilege from the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package and grant the EXECUTE privilege only to trusted users who need it. – Create command rules to control the CREATE DATABASE LINK and CREATE DIRECTORY SQL statements. See Creating a Command Rule for information on creating command rules by using Oracle Database Vault Administrator. – Create Oracle Database Vault command rules to limit and enable access to the CREATE DATABASE LINK and CREATE DIRECTORY statements, which are used to establish connections to remote databases. See Also: The following sections for examples of command rules that you can create to protect use of the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement: • Example: Creating a Command Rule to Deny Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK • Example: Creating a Command Rule to Enable Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK • Example: Command Rules to Disable and Enable Access to CREATE DIRECTORY D-12 Appendix D Secure Configuration Guidelines Example: Creating a Command Rule to Deny Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK The DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE enables you to create command rules to deny access to the CREATE DATABASE LINK SQL statement. Example D-1 shows how to create a command rule to deny access to the CREATE DATABASE LINK privilege. Example D-1 Creating a Command Rule to Deny Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE ( command => 'CREATE DATABASE LINK', rule_set_name => 'Disabled', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / COMMIT; Example: Creating a Command Rule to Enable Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK The DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE procedure can be used to modify an existing command rule. Example D-2 shows how to create a command rule that enables access to the CREATE DATABASE LINK privilege. When a valid user must use the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement, the Oracle Database Vault owner can reenable it from Oracle Database Vault Administrator or issue the following commands in SQL*Plus. Example D-2 Creating a Command Rule to Enable Access to CREATE DATABASE LINK BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_COMMAND_RULE ( command => 'CREATE DATABASE LINK', rule_set_name => 'Enabled', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES); END; / COMMIT; Example: Command Rules to Disable and Enable Access to CREATE DIRECTORY Example D-3 shows command rules that disable and enable access to CREATE DIRECTORY. D-13 Appendix D Secure Configuration Guidelines Example D-3 DIRECTORY Command Rules to Disable and Enable Access to CREATE -- Disable access to CREATE DIRECTORY BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_COMMAND_RULE ( command => 'CREATE DIRECTORY', rule_set_name => 'Disabled', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => dbms_macutl.g_yes); END; / COMMIT; -- Enable access to CREATE DIRECTORY BEGIN dbms_macadm.update_command_rule ( command => 'CREATE DIRECTORY', rule_set_name => 'Enabled', object_owner => '%', object_name => '%', enabled => dbms_macutl.g_yes); END; / COMMIT; CREATE ANY JOB Privilege Security Considerations The CREATE ANY JOB privilege has been revoked from the DBA and the SCHEDULER_ADMIN roles. Ensure that this change does not affect your applications. Related Topics • Using Oracle Scheduler with Oracle Database Vault Users who are responsible for scheduling database jobs must have Oracle Database Vault-specific authorization. CREATE EXTERNAL JOB Privilege Security Considerations The CREATE EXTERNAL JOB privilege was introduced in Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2). This privilege is required for database users who want to execute jobs that run on the operating system outside the database. By default, the CREATE EXTERNAL JOB privilege is granted to all users who have been granted the CREATE JOB privilege. For greater security, revoke this privilege from users who do not need it and then grant it only to those users who do need it. LogMiner Package Security Considerations The role EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE no longer has the EXECUTE privilege granted by default on the several LogMiner packages. These packages are as follows: D-14 Appendix D Secure Configuration Guidelines • DBMS_LOGMNR • DBMS_LOGMNR_D • DBMS_LOGMNR_LOGREP_DICT • DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION You should ensure that this change does not affect your applications. ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION Privilege Security Considerations You should be aware of ways to secure the powerful ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION system privileges. • About ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION Privilege Security Considerations Be aware that trace and debug commands have the potential to show Oracle database memory information. • Example: Adding Rules to the Existing ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule You can create a rule that prevents users with the ALTER SYSTEM privilege from issuing ALTER SYSTEM statements. About ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION Privilege Security Considerations Be aware that trace and debug commands have the potential to show Oracle database memory information. Oracle Database Vault does not protect against these commands. To help secure the Oracle database memory information, Oracle recommends that you strictly control access to the ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION privileges. These privileges can be granted by the user SYS when connected as SYSDBA and by any user granted the DBA role. Oracle also recommends that you add rules to the existing command rule for ALTER SYSTEM statement. You can use Oracle Database Vault Administrator to create a rule and add it to a rule set. You should grant the ALTER SESSION privilege only to trusted users. (For example, the ALTER SESSION statement can enable tracing.) Example: Adding Rules to the Existing ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule You can create a rule that prevents users with the ALTER SYSTEM privilege from issuing ALTER SYSTEM statements. Example D-4 shows how to create a rule that prevents users with ALTER SYSTEM privilege from issuing the ALTER SYSTEM DUMP statement. Log into the database instance as the Oracle Database Vault Owner when you create this command rule. Alternatively, you can use Oracle Database Vault Administrator to create and add this rule to the rule set. See Creating a Rule to Add to a Rule Set for more information. Example D-4 Adding Rules to the Existing ALTER SYSTEM Command Rule CONNECT bea_dvacctmgr Enter password: password D-15 Appendix D Secure Configuration Guidelines BEGIN DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_RULE('NO_SYSTEM_DUMP', '(INSTR(UPPER(DV_SQL_TEXT),''DUMP'') = 0)'); END; / EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_RULE_TO_RULE_SET ('Allow Fine Grained Control of System Parameters','NO_SYSTEM_DUMP'); COMMIT; D-16 E Troubleshooting Oracle Database Vault You can troubleshoot Oracle Database Vault by using tools such as trace files or checking certain Oracle Database Vault reports. • Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events Trace files, which the database generates, capture important information to help you debug errors. • General Diagnostic Tips Oracle provides general tips for diagnosing problems in realms, factors, and rule sets. • Configuration Problems with Oracle Database Vault Components Oracle Database Vault provides reports to check configuration problems with realms, command rules, factors, rule sets, or secure application roles. • Resetting Oracle Database Vault Account Passwords Backup accounts can help you reset lost passwords for users who have been granted the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles. Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events Trace files, which the database generates, capture important information to help you debug errors. • About Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events You can monitor the Oracle Database Vault database instance for server and background process events by enabling and checking the database instance trace files. • Types of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events That You Can and Cannot Track You can use trace files to track a variety of Oracle Database Vault activities. • Levels of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events You can use the several levels for Oracle Database Vault trace events. • Performance Effect of Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Files Be careful about enabling trace files. • Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Events You can use the ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM SQL statements to enable Oracle Database Vault trace events. • Finding Oracle Database Vault Trace File Data The Linux grep command and the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) commandline utility can find Oracle Database Vault trace file data. • Example: Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File You can use trace file data to track low level realm violations. E-1 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events • Example: High Level Trace Enabled for Oracle Database Vault Authorization You can track Oracle Database Vault authorizations in a trace file with high level trace enabled. • Example: Highest Level Traces on Violations on Realm-Protected Objects You can track high level violations using trace files. • Disabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Events You can disable tracing for Oracle Database Vault events. About Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events You can monitor the Oracle Database Vault database instance for server and background process events by enabling and checking the database instance trace files. Trace files reveal the Oracle Database Vault policy authorization success and failures. They are useful for providing information to help resolve bug and other issues that may occur. To set tracing for Oracle Database Vault, you must have the DV_ADMIN role. To perform the configuration, you use either of the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS or ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statements. See Also: Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for more information about how to manage trace files Types of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events That You Can and Cannot Track You can use trace files to track a variety of Oracle Database Vault activities. Table E-1 describes these activities. Table E-1 Contents of Oracle Database Vault Trace Files Database Vault Feature Description Realm authorizations The trace file tracks cases of realm authorization with a rule set and realm authorization to a role. See Example: Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File for examples of this type of trace file. Rule set evaluations The trace file includes information about a rule set evaluation from a realm authorization, for a command rule, the CONNECT command rule, and from a factor. Oracle Data Pump authorization The trace file includes Database Vault Data Pump authorization results and other user, object, and SQL text information. Oracle Scheduler job authorization The trace file includes the Database Vault Oracle Scheduler job authorization results, job name, job owner, current statement, and so on. E-2 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events Table E-1 (Cont.) Contents of Oracle Database Vault Trace Files Database Vault Feature Description Object privilege bypass The trace file tracks both direct grants and grants through a role. This type of trace is useful for cases where mandatory realms are not enabled, which enables users who have an object privilege to access realm protected objects. Factor loading The trace file tracks the expression and value for each factor loaded. Others Object owner bypassed realm protection and other Database Vault failed and succeeded operations Levels of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events You can use the several levels for Oracle Database Vault trace events. These levels are as follows: • Low prints the information for all failed Oracle Database Vault authorizations to a trace file. This type of trace file includes failed realm authorizations, failed factor loading, failed rule set evaluating, and so on. It has a low impact on Oracle Database performance. • High prints trace records that include both successful and failed authorizations. Because this type of tracing tracks all the authorizations, the overhead is larger than that of the low level tracing. In addition, the trace files are usually larger. • Highest prints the PL/SQL stack and function call stack to a trace file, as well as what is traced at level high (as described in Table E-1). It has the highest impact on Oracle Database performance. Performance Effect of Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Files Be careful about enabling trace files. Doing so can increase the overhead of the database instance operation, which could decrease performance. Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Events You can use the ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM SQL statements to enable Oracle Database Vault trace events. • Enabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session You can use the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement to enable trace events for the current database session. • Enabling Trace Events for All Database Sessions You can use the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement to enable Database Vault trace events for all database sessions. • Management of Trace Events in a Multitenant Environment You should be aware of how enabling trace events is affected in a multitenant environment. E-3 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events Enabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session You can use the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement to enable trace events for the current database session. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role and the ALTER SESSION system privilege. For example: sqlplus leo_dvowner Enter password: password Connected. 2. Enter the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement to set the tracing to low, high, or highest, as described in Levels of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events. • To turn on tracing for failed operations that have a low impact, enter one of the following statements: ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'TRACE[DV] DISK=LOW'; ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '47998 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL 1'; • To turn on tracing for both failed and successful operations that have a high impact, enter one of the following statements: ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'TRACE[DV] DISK=HIGH'; ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '47998 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL 3'; • To turn on tracing for both failed and successful operations with a function and PL/SQL call stack that has the highest impact, enter one of the following statements: ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'TRACE[DV] DISK=HIGHEST'; ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '47998 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL 4'; Enabling Trace Events for All Database Sessions You can use the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement to enable Database Vault trace events for all database sessions. 1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role and the ALTER SYSTEM system privilege. For example: sqlplus leo_dvowner Enter password: password Connected. 2. Enter the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement, using the syntax that is shown in Step 2 in Enabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session. For example: ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS 'TRACE[DV] DISK=LOW'; 3. Restart the database. For example: E-4 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE STARTUP Another way that you can enable trace events for all database sessions is to add the following line to the init.ora file, and then restart the database: event="47998 trace name context forever, level [trace_level]" Replace trace_level with one of the following values: • 1 for the lowest level of tracing • 3 for the high level • 4 for the highest level For example: event="47998 trace name context forever, level [1]" Management of Trace Events in a Multitenant Environment You should be aware of how enabling trace events is affected in a multitenant environment. • Trace events for the current session: In a multitenant environment, running the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement from either the root or a pluggable database (PDB) enables tracing for the current user session. If you switch from one PDB to another PDB (by using the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER statement), then tracing is still enabled for the new PDB. You cannot enable tracing for a single PDB in a multitenant container database (CDB); it applies to all PDBs and the root. Remember that must have the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER system privilege to move from one PDB to another. • Trace events for all database sessions: In a multitenant environment, running the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS statement from either the root or a specific PDB enables tracing for all PDBs in the container database. Finding Oracle Database Vault Trace File Data The Linux grep command and the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) command-line utility can find Oracle Database Vault trace file data. • Finding the Database Vault Trace File Directory Location You can find the full directory location of trace files by querying the V$DIAG_INFO dynamic view. • Using the Linux grep Command to Search Trace Files for Strings To query or process the trace files, you can use the Linux grep command to search for strings. • Using the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) Utility to QueryTrace Files You can query trace files by using the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) command-line utility. E-5 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events Finding the Database Vault Trace File Directory Location You can find the full directory location of trace files by querying the V$DIAG_INFO dynamic view. • Query the V$DIAG_INFO dynamic view as follows: SELECT VALUE FROM V$DIAG_INFO WHERE NAME = 'Default Trace File'; Output similar to the following appears: VALUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_7174.trc Using the Linux grep Command to Search Trace Files for Strings To query or process the trace files, you can use the Linux grep command to search for strings. • For example, to find the trace files that show realm authorization failures, enter the following command: grep 'Result=Realm Authorization Failed' *.trc Using the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) Utility to QueryTrace Files You can query trace files by using the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) commandline utility. • To use the ADRCI utility to find trace file information, use the SHOW command. For example, to use ADRCI to find the trace files, enter the SHOW TRACEFILE command: adrci --To start ACRCI from the command line adrci> show tracefile diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_m002_14551.trc diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_tmon_13450.trc diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_vktm_963.trc diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log ... To find the number of all trace incidents: adrci> show incident ADR Home = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl: ************************************************************************* 234 rows fetched The following ADRCI command returns a list of all trace files whose name contains the word ora: adrci> show tracefile %ora% /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_18841.trc /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_12017.trc /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_19372.trc E-6 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_12221.trc /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_1600.trc ... The following ADRCI command searches for trace files that contain the phrase Realm Authorization Failed: adrci> show trace %trc -xp "[payload like '%Realm Authorization Failed%']" See Also: • Oracle Database Utilities for detailed information about the ADRCI utility • Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for information about viewing reports with the ADRCI utility Example: Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File You can use trace file data to track low level realm violations. Example E-1 shows an example of tracking low lever real violations. Example E-1 *** *** *** *** *** *** Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438 SESSION ID:(34.559) 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438 CLIENT ID:() 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438 SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438 MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438 ACTION NAME:() 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438 Result=Realm Authorization Failed Realm_Name=realm 3 Required_Auth_Level=0 Current_User=116 Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1 Object_Type=TABLE SQL_Text=INSERT INTO U1.T1 VALUES(30) Result=Realm Authorization Failed Realm_Name=realm 3 Required_Auth_Level=0 Current_User=116 Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1 Object_Type=TABLE SQL_Text=DELETE FROM U1.T1 Result=Realm Authorization Failed Realm_Name=realm 3 Required_Auth_Level=0 Current_User=116 Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T3 Object_Type=TABLE SQL_Text=CREATE TABLE U1.T3(C INT) *** 2010-02-05 18:35:34.465 Result=Realm Authorization Failed Realm_Name=realm 3 Required_Auth_Level=0 Current_User=116 E-7 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1 Object_Type=TABLE SQL_Text=INSERT INTO U1.T1 VALUES(30) Result=Realm Authorization Failed Realm_Name=realm 3 Required_Auth_Level=0 Current_User=116 Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1 Object_Type=TABLE SQL_Text=DELETE FROM U1.T1 Example: High Level Trace Enabled for Oracle Database Vault Authorization You can track Oracle Database Vault authorizations in a trace file with high level trace enabled. Example E-2 shows an example of this type of trace file. Example E-2 High Level Trace Enabled for Oracle Database Vault Authorization Result= Realm Authorization Passed Reason=Current user is the object owner Current_User=70 Command=SELECT Object_Owner=LBACSYS Object_Name=LBAC$AUDIT Object_Type=TABLE Result= Realm Authorization Passed Reason=Current user is the object owner Current_User=70 Command=SELECT Object_Owner=LBACSYS Object_Name=LBAC$AUDIT Object_Type=TABLE Result= Realm Authorization Passed Reason=Current user is the object owner Current_User=70 Command=SELECT Object_Owner=LBACSYS Object_Name=LBAC$POL Object_Type=TABLE Result= Realm Authorization Passed Reason=Current user is the object owner Current_User=70 Command=SELECT Object_Owner=LBACSYS Object_Name=LBAC$USER_LOGON Object_Type=VIEW …… Result= Realm Authorization Passed Reason=Current user is the object owner Current_User=70 Command=SELECT Object_Owner=LBACSYS Object_Name=LBAC$POL Result=Set Factor Value Factor_Name=Sensitive_Treatments PSYCHOLOGICAL Object_Type=TABLE Factor_Expression=/SURGERY/ Result=Set Factor Value Factor_Name=Database_Instance Factor_Expression=UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','INSTANCE')) Factor_Value=1 Result=Set Factor Value Factor_Name=Client_IP Factor_Expression=UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS')) Factor_Value= Result=Set Factor Value Factor_Name=Authentication_Method E-8 Appendix E Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events Factor_Expression=UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','AUTHENTICATION_METHOD')) Factor_Value=PASSWORD …… *** ACTION NAME:() 2010-02-05 18:47:19.540 Result=Rule Set Evaluation Failed Command=SELECT RuleSet_ID=2 RuleSet_Name=Disabled Current_User=SYSTEM Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1 Object_Type=TABLE SQL_Text=SELECT * FROM U1.T1 Result=Rule Set Evaluation Succeeded Command=SELECT RuleSet_ID=1 RuleSet_Name=Enabled Current_User=SYSTEM Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1 Object_Type=TABLE SQL_Text=SELECT * FROM U1.T1 Example: Highest Level Traces on Violations on Realm-Protected Objects You can track high level violations using trace files. Example E-3 shows how highest level violations that involve Oracle Scheduler jobs authorization can appear in a trace file when trace is enabled at the highest level. Example E-3 Highest Level Traces on Violations on Realm-Protected Objects ------ Call Stack Trace -----kzvdvechk<-kzvdveqau<-kksfbc<-opiexe<-kpoal8<-opiodr<-ttcpip<-opitsk<-opiino
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