WCC PLP Instruction Guide

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IMPORTANT: Due To Constant Updates Being Made To Systems, The
Steps In This Guide May Not Perfectly Match What You Go Through
During Sign Up… But It Should Be Close Enough That You’ll Be Able To
Figure It Out Pretty Easily . You Can Always Contact Us If You Need
Assistance At: +1-770-573-4694 (Mon – Fri, 10AM – 6PM EST)
(But Only After You’ve Gone Through This Step-By-Step Guide)

Once inside your WCC members’ area, click the link below the video that says
It should look something like this:

Clicking the big orange button will take you to the proper page to start your discovery

You should now be on the Power Life Pro (PLP) intro page. After watching the brief
video on this page, click the button below the video and enter your name, email, and
phone number as prompted. Make sure you enter your correct information.

Once you’ve entered your information on the “intro/landing-page”, you should land on a
page that takes you to a webinar replay. This webinar replay is about an hour long.
Please watch it IN FULL as it will give you a great understanding of what this business
is all about!
In the webinar replay you’ll learn about a great company with an amazing product, and
how some top marketers put together an amazing system to help sell that product.

Also – below the main webinar replay video, you may see some additional videos that
will give you more information if you need it.

It should look something like this:

Once you’ve watched the webinar replay, click the button below the video to get started
in the business.
As you’ve learned in the webinar, the company with the great water machine product is
called Enagic; and the awesome system that some top marketers have created to sell
Enagic is called Power Life Pro (PLP).
Your PLP username is what you’ll need to integrate with WCC. So, when you click the
button below the webinar replay video it should ask you to create your PLP account

If you want your PLP username to be the same as your WCC username, that’s fine
(assuming that username is available). MAKE SURE you write down your PLP
username and password that you’ve created – we’ll need your username for the next
step in the process!
It should look like this:

STEP 5:
STOP! Before you go any further and get signed up for a water machine, you have the
option of taking the PLP USERNAME you just created and enter it into WCC!
You should’ve seen the place to do so right underneath the video that introduced you to
this opportunity.

Once you’ve entered your PLP username, it will IMMEDIATELY get populated in all of
the necessary places throughout WCC (automatically).
IMPORTANT: You entering in your PLP username into WCC is NOT the end of the
process because you still haven’t signed up for Enagic, gotten your water machine, or
entered your Enagic distributor ID into PLP!!
This means that even though your PLP username is in WCC, you won’t get any
commissions from Enagic because you’re not done with the setup process yet.
So once you’ve entered your PLP username into WCC, hurry on to the next steps of the
process so that you don’t miss out on any commissions.
If you want to wait until the ENTIRE setup process is done, and enter your PLP
username into WCC once you’re fully set up to earn commissions, that’s cool too. You
can wait until the very end of this process if you want to… and I’ll remind you again later
in this document. 

STEP 6:
After you filled out the information on the PLP sign-up form and created your username
and password, you should land on a page that looks something like this

(Note – may look a little different depending on whether or not they updated the page since the last time
this document was updated)

At this point you’ll want to choose the water machine you want and you’ll want to decide
whether you want to pay for it with your own money or via financing.
A few points of note:

If you’ve got the money for your water machine on your check-card or credit
card, then you don’t have to apply for financing and you can get going right
away. This is definitely the preferred option and the fastest option!


If you can afford the highest level (K8) water machine (and you see the value
in it) then get it. If you can’t afford it yet, then get one of the lower level ones.
You can always get a higher level water machine later if you want.
Remember, you’re actually buying a PRODUCT with real VALUE, that’s the
great thing about this. The amount of money you’re going to save on bottled
water and the health benefits to your family are immeasurable!


If you have to get financing, and your credit is good, you may get more
money than you need for the water machine and they may send you your
financing in the form of a credit card.


If your credit isn’t so good, they may have a financing option that’s more like
a payment plan, and that’s’ cool too.


The MOST IMPORTANT THING is to do whatever you can to move your
business forward! If you can afford the top machine, AWESOME! If you can
only afford the bottom machine, that’s awesome too! You’ll still be able to
earn commissions and get checks in the mail either way!

Go ahead and choose the machine you want and decide how you want to pay for it
(your own credit/check card or financing)

If you’ve decided to get financing, you should land on a page that has an instructional
video on how to start the financing process.
Make sure the correct water machine you want is showing.
Again – the page may look a little different if they’ve changed the system since the last
time this guide was updated; but it should look something like this…

Go through the financing instructions as shown on the page. You’ll be able to apply for
financing. Just a quick note that once you apply, it may take a couple of days to secure
your financing.
Once you’ve finished the application, you can click the button at the bottom of the page
& that will allow you keep learning about the PLP system and complete some other
training while you’re waiting on your financing to come through. The key is to get AS

If you’ve decided to just pay with your own money (or your financing has finally come
through and it came through in the form of a credit card), then it’s time to purchase your
water machine.
The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you’ve chosen the machine you want.

Next, you’ll land on a page that is a review of what you’ll need to do when signing up.
Make sure you watch the instructional video and that you review the instructions on the
page before heading over to the Enagic website to get started:

Once you click the “order” button, you’ll be taken to Enagic’s website where you
should see a picture of the machine you want and an “Add To Cart” button
If, for example, you’re getting the K8 Machine, it might look like this

Once you’ve added the item to your cart and made sure that the contents of your cart
are correct – you’ll proceed to the secure checkout page
Once on the secure checkout page, you’ll want to register as a new customer

Fill out the appropriate info to create your Enagic account.
Then continue with the rest of the steps to complete your purchase

As you near the end of the order process, you may see a page that asks you for your
sponsor’s info…
This info was found earlier on the PLP Pre-Checkout page

After you fill out your sponsor’s info and your mailing address (where you want them to
send your machine), you’ll need to check the “YES” when it asks you to register as a
distributor, and you need to make sure you fill out all of the appropriate distributor
You’ll also need to check the appropriate boxes at the bottom of the page after you’ve
registered your distributor information

IMPORANT: Once you’ve successfully completed the checkout process, you’ll be able
to go back to the PLP system and continue on. However, there are a few important
things to note.

Enagic may take a few days to ship your water machine. And that’s ok, but
what you REALLY WANT is your ENAGIC DISTRIBUTOR ID! You’ll need
this because you’ll need to enter it into the PLP system (note I said PLP not
If Enagic hasn’t called you within 2 BUSINESS DAYS (notice I said
BUSINESS DAYS) then feel free to call them. Give them your name and your
info and ask them for your distributor I.D.


When calling Enagic, you MUST call the proper location. They actually have
different phone numbers and different offices, and you MUST call the office
that is responsible for your location geographically!

Here’s a copy of the Enagic Geographic Map For The USA

So, if for example you live in Atlanta, Georgia. You would have to call the Florida office.
And if you live in Kansas, your order would be coming from California and you’d have to
call the California office.
They also have offices in Canada, Mexico, Europe, and numerous other places around
the world.
To find the office location that you need to call, you can go here:

Just in case you can’t click on the link, here it is
Please note that that’s an _ (underscore) before “locations”
and not a “space”

Give them at least 2 BUSINESS days to process your order before you call them and
ask them for your distributor ID #. But if they call you before your machine arrives, be
sure to ask them for your distributor ID while you’re on the phone with them.

Once you’ve successfully placed your order (or applied for financing) you’ll want to
continue on to learn as much about PLP and Enagic as you can! Don’t wait for your
distributor ID, just go ahead and continue the learning process
First, on the PLP page where you clicked to either order your machine or apply for
financing, you should see a button at the bottom of the page that says something like:
“Continue to The Getting Started”

Once you click that button, you should be taken to a page with 5 videos (assuming they
haven’t changed the page since this guide was written –lol)
Once you get on that page, you’ll have to complete each video in order to “unlock” the
next video. Just go ahead and do this NOW. Get as far along in the system as you can
and watch the 5 videos so that you have a better understanding of everything. (Note:
sometimes when you watch a video, it won’t unlock the next one, it’s just a little glitch in
the system…so just refresh your page and watch the video again and it should unlock
the next one when the video finishes)
Also – make sure you join the PLP Facebook group

IMPORTANT: As I’m sure you’re beginning to understand…this is a REAL BUSINESS!
They have regular trainings and have invested countless dollars and hours to create the
PLP system and attach it to Enagic. I wanted to attach a program to WCC that was
REAL. That had a real product… real people behind it…real big commissions… and
that had a place for you to seriously engage and learn and grow and be surrounded by
top industry leaders. That’s why I chose to attach the PLP system to WCC. Enagic has
been around for DECADES, and it’s an opportunity that, over time, can make you
money that you can pass on to your loved ones. This won’t happen overnight, but if you
stick to it, it has that potential. Bottom line, this is REAL… so please treat it as such.

STEP 10:
When you get to the 5th video – you should see a place on the right-hand side to enter
your Enagic distributor I.D.
You may not have this info yet, so you’re now at a point where you can stop (until
Enagic gets you your distributor ID). Again… if it’s been more than 2 BUSINES DAYS
and you haven’t heard from Enagic, go ahead and give them a call and ask them for
your distributor ID.

Once you’ve entered your Enagic distributor ID into your PLP system, you’ll be good to
go and your PLP system will be fully integrated with Enagic and you’ll get credit for all

STEP 10:
If you didn’t enter your PLP username into the WCC System yet (as I told you, you had
the option of doing in STEP 5), you can go ahead and do this step now.
Remember – I said your PLP username, NOT your Enagic distributor ID.

Quick Recap
- Your Enagic distributor ID (which should be a series of numbers) will go into your PLP
- Your PLP username (which you created back in STEP 4 & and is something you made
up) is what will go into WCC.
- When you make a sale with WCC, we’ll tell that sale to check out your PLP page
which will sell them on Enagic.

STEP 11:
Once you’ve entered your Enagic Distributor ID into the PLP system, you should get full
access to your PLP Member’s area

It should look something like this

You’ll want to go through all of the links/videos for a full understanding of the whole
system. Also – please note that they’ll be making updates to the member’s area often.

This step is completely optional, but I definitely suggest you do it if you can afford it
because it will LITERALLY DOUBLE the commissions you’ll earn.
Click on the “TRAINING” link in the menu bar at the top and watch the “Double Your
Commissions” video in your PLP member’s area and it will explain this in full!

As you’ll learn in the video – Enagic has multiple products people can buy. One of them
is called “UKON” (it’s a health supplement).
Long story short, you can buy this UKON product FROM YOURSELF and
1. Earn a commission off of it
2. Have a 2nd position (underneath the position you already created with the company)
The instructions on how to do this are laid out step by step in the video

Just a couple of points to be aware of…

Make sure as you’re checking out, that the shopping cart has the right product(s) and
dollar amount before continuing.
When you start the purchase process, you’ll want to make sure that you’re logged into
your own account before continuing

As you buy the UKON product from yourself, you’ll also want to make sure that you give
yourself the credit for the sale by entering your Enagic info in the “sponsor info” fields.

Also – you’ll want to register as a distributor (again) using the same info you used last

From here, finish the steps in the order process just as you did last time.

STEP 12:
Within a few business days, you should get a call from Enagic confirming your order
(like you did last time). But, if that call doesn’t come… then just call the Enagic office
that covers where you live
What you’ll want to do is call them to get your 2nd Enagic distributor ID.
You see, when you bought the UKON supplements & re-signed up as a distributor, you
basically asked Enagic to give you a 2nd position in the company with a new distributor
ID. This new position is directly under your 1st position.
Once you’ve got your new distributor ID, you’re going to want to put it inside your PLP
This way, when you make sales, your 2nd position will get a check AND your first
position will get a check. In essence you’ve doubled your commissions!
Here’s how to make it happen

Once you’ve done this, you’re all set!

STEP 13:


Join the trainings
Be in the Facebook group and be positive
Email your list your link found in your PLP member’s area
(Note: as part of WCC, I’ll be doing this for you automatically ;-)
What if in 1-2 years of focused effort, you could make enough to “retire”
if you wanted to? Well… if you’re fully committed, it can happen. But
you have to ENGAGE and treat this like a REAL BUSINESS!

The End 


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