WSM Set Up Guide

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Well System Monitor  Installation and User Manual  © 2018, Jim Schrempp and Bob Glicksman, Team Practical Projects Version 2.0; date: 9/21/2018       Installation of the Well System Monitor Concept We highly recommend that you first read the Project Concept document included in this package. The project concept document explains the use cases we address with the well system monitor and discuss some of the limitations and future expansions.  The system consists of a microprocessor controlled system that monitors several sensors and reports their status to a cloud based storage facility. The project is based on the popular Water Leak Detector by Team Practical Projects as found on GitHub. The reader will need to build the Water Leak Detector hardware before continuing on this project.  This project uses the Photon microprocessor and Google Docs Spreadsheet cloud storage. MIT App Inventor 2 is used to create a test app for an Android smartphone.    © 2018, Jim Schrempp and Bob Glicksman, Team Practical Projects
How the system works The well monitor system connects over WiFi to the cloud service. This is how it talks to the internet and how we can talk to it. The Android app can also connect to the cloud and talk to the well monitor system for the purposes of testing and checking on system status. To provide long-term data logging we use the IFTTT service to gather data from the well monitor system and store it in a Google cloud spreadsheet.  Well Monitor  ---->  WiFi  ---->  --->  IFTTT   ---->  Google Spreadsheet                                                                   |                                                                   ‘---> Android app Accounts You will need accounts at the following websites: 1. Google (Google Drive app) 2. 3. IFTTT  For the Santa Rosa installation account user names and passwords, see the document of that name. Well Monitor Setup WiFi Connection Before continuing you will need to have know your WiFi network name and password. As you work through this list of actions you may want to check each step off as you go.  A. Install the application on your phone and Claim the Particle Photon into your account.   a. For iPhone, see: .   b. For Android, see: .   c. For Windows mobile, see: B. Get the Particle Photon onto your local WiFi. (see: a. Put Photon into WiFi configuration mode  © 2018, Jim Schrempp and Bob Glicksman, Team Practical Projects

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