CMS 1500 ICD 10 WYOMING Manual CMS1500 4 1 17
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CMS 1500 ICD-10
April 1, 2017
General Information____________________________________________________________
CMS 1500 ii Revision 4/1/17
Thank you for your willingness to serve clients of the Medicaid Program and other
medical assistance programs administered by the Division of Healthcare Financing.
This manual supersedes all prior versions.
Rule References
Providers must be familiar with all current rules and regulations governing the
Medicaid Program. Provider manuals are to assist providers with billing Medicaid;
they do not contain all Medicaid rules and regulations. Rule citations in the text are
only a reference tool. They are not a summary of the entire rule. In the event that the
manual conflicts with a rule, the rule prevails. Wyoming State Rules may be located
General Information____________________________________________________________
CMS 1500 iii Revision 4/1/17
Importance of Fee Schedules and Provider’s Responsibility
Procedure codes listed in the following Sections are subject to change at any time
without prior notice. The most accurate way to verify coverage for a specific service
is to review the Medicaid fee schedules on the website (2.1, Quick Reference). Fee
schedules list Medicaid covered codes, provide clarification of indicators, such as
whether a code requires prior authorization and the number of days in which follow-
up procedures are included. Not all codes are covered by Medicaid or are allowed for
all taxonomy codes (provider types). It is the provider’s responsibility to verify this
information. Use the current fee schedule in conjunction with the more detailed
coding descriptions listed in the current CPT-4 and HCPCS Level II coding books.
Remember to use the fee schedule and coding books that pertain to the appropriate
dates of service. Wyoming Medicaid is required to comply with the coding
restrictions under the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) and providers should
be familiar with the NCCI billing guidelines. NCCI information may be reviewed at
Getting Questions Answered
The provider manuals are designed to answer most questions; however, questions
may arise that require a call to a specific department such as Provider Relations or
Medical Policy (2.1, Quick Reference).
Medicaid manuals, bulletins, fee schedules, forms, and other resources are available
on the Medicaid website or by contacting Provider Relations.
General Information____________________________________________________________
CMS 1500 iv Revision 4/1/17
The Wyoming Department of Health is the single state agency appointed as required in the Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) to comply with the Social Security Act to administer the Medicaid
Program in Wyoming. The Division of Healthcare Financing (DHCF) directly administers the
Medicaid Program in accordance with the Social Security Act, the Wyoming Medical Assistance
and Services Act, (W.S. 42-4-101 et seq.), and the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act
(W.S. 16-3-101 et seq.). Medicaid is the name chosen by the Wyoming Department of Health for
its Medicaid Program.
This manual is intended to be a guide for providers when filing medical claims with Medicaid.
The manual is to be read and interpreted in conjunction with Federal regulations, State statutes,
administrative procedures, and Federally approved State Plan and approved amendments. This
manual does not take precedence over Federal regulation, State statutes or administrative
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
CMS 1500 v Revision 4/1/17
Contents: v
Chapter One – General Information .......................................................................... 1
Chapter Two – Getting Help When You Need It ...................................................... 6
Chapter Three – Provider Responsibilities ..............................................................15
Chapter Four – Utilization Review ..........................................................................32
Chapter Five – Client Eligibility ..............................................................................39
Chapter Six – Common Billing Information ...........................................................46
Chapter Seven – Third Party Liability ...................................................................112
Chapter Eight – Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ..............................................124
Chapter Nine – Wyoming HIPAA 5010 Electronic Specifications ......................132
Chapter Ten – Important Information ....................................................................154
Chapter Eleven – Covered Services – Ambulance ................................................158
Chapter Twelve – Covered Services – Audiology.................................................166
Chapter Thirteen – Covered Services – Behavioral Health ...................................170
Chapter Fourteen – Covered Services – Children’s Mental Health Waiver .........207
Chapter Fifteen – Covered Services – Chiropractic Services ................................210
Chapter Sixteen – Covered Services – Developmental Centers ............................214
Chapter Seventeen – Covered Services – Dietician ..............................................221
Chapter Eighteen – Covered Services – DME Billing ..........................................224
Chapter Nineteen – Covered Services – Family Planning .....................................228
Chapter Twenty – Covered Services – Health Check ...........................................230
Chapter Twenty One – Covered Services – Interpreter Services ..........................245
Chapter Twenty Two – Covered Services – Laboratory Services .........................248
Chapter Twenty Three – Covered Services – Non-Emergency Medical
Transportation ........................................................................................................253
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
CMS 1500 vi Revision 4/1/17
Chapter Twenty Four – Covered Services – Practitioner Services .......................257
Chapter Twenty Five – Covered Services – Pregnant by Choice ..........................334
Chapter Twenty Six – Covered Services – Therapy Services ...............................339
Appendix 346
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
Ch. 1 Index 1 Revision 4/1/17
Chapter One – General Information
1.1 How the CMS-1500 Manual is Organized ............................................................ 1
1.2 Updating the Manual ............................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 RA Banner Notices/Samples ................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 Medicaid Bulletin Notification/Sample ................................................................. 4
1.2.3 Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) State Letter/Sample ............................. 4
1.3 State Agency Responsibilities ............................................................................... 5
1.4 Fiscal Agent Responsibilities ................................................................................ 5
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
Ch. 1 Index 1 Revision 4/1/17
1.1 How the CMS-1500 Manual is Organized
The table below provides a quick reference describing how the CMS-1500 Manual is
Getting Help When You Need It – Quick Reference guide, telephone
numbers and addresses and web sites for help and training.
Provider Responsibilities – Obligations and rights as a Medicaid
provider. The topics covered include enrollment changes, civil rights,
group practices, provider-patient relationship, and record keeping
Utilization Review – Fraud and abuse definitions, the review process,
and rights and responsibilities.
Client Eligibility – How to verify eligibility when a client presents their
Medicaid card.
Common Billing Information – Basic claim information, completing
the claim form, cap limits, co-pays, prior authorizations, timely filing,
consent forms, NDC, working the Medicaid remittance advice (RA) and
completing adjustments.
Third Party Liability (TPL)/Medicare – Explains what TPL/Medicare
is, how to bill it and exceptions to it.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) – Explains the advantages of
exchanging documents electronically. Secured Provider Web Portal
registration process.
Wyoming Specific HIPAA 5010 Electronic Specifications – This
chapter covers the Wyoming Specific requirements pertaining to
electronic billing. Wyoming payor number and electronic
CMS-1500 Covered Services – This chapter is alphabetical by
professional service and provides information such as: definitions,
procedure code ranges, documentation requirements, covered and non-
covered services and billing examples.
Appendices – Provide key information in an at-a-glance format. This
includes the Provider Manual Version Control Table, and last quarters
Provider Notifications.
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
Ch. 1 Index 2 Revision 4/1/17
1.2 Updating the Manual
When there is a change in the Medicaid Program, Medicaid will update the manuals
on a quarterly (January, April, July, and October) basis and publish them to the
Medicaid website. Most of the changes come in the form of provider bulletins (via
email) and Remittance Advice (RA) banners, although others may be newsletters or
Wyoming Department of Health letters (via email) from state officials. The updated
provider manuals will be posted to the website and will include all updates from the
previous quarter. It is in the provider’s best interest to download an updated provider
manual and keep their email addresses up-to-date. Bulletin, RA banner, newsletter
and state letter information will be posted to the website as it is sent to providers, and
will be incorporated into the provider manuals as appropriate to ensure the provider
has access to the most up to date information regarding Medicaid policies and
RA banner notices appear on the first page of the proprietary Wyoming Medicaid
Remittance Advice (RA), which is available for download through the Secured
Provider Web Portal after each payment cycle in which the provider has claims
processed or “in process”. This same notice also appears on the RA payment
summary email that is sent out each week after payment, and is published to the
“What’s New” section of the website.
It is critical for providers to keep their contact email address(es) up-to-date to ensure
they receive all notices published by Wyoming Medicaid. It is recommended that
providers add the “” email address from which notices
are sent to their address books to avoid these emails being inadvertently sent to junk
or spam folders.
All bulletins and updates are published to the Medicaid website (2.1, Quick
NOTE: Provider bulletins and state letter email notifications are sent to the email
addresses on-file with Medicaid and are sent in two (2) formats, plain text
and HTML. If the HTML format is received or accepted then the plain text
format is not sent.
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
Ch. 1 Index 3 Revision 4/1/17
1.2.1 RA Banner Notices/Samples
RA banners are limited in space and formatting options and are used to notify
providers quickly and often refer providers elsewhere for additional information.
Sample RA Banner:
Sample RA Payment Summary (weekly email notification):
-----Original Message-----
From: Wyoming Medicaid []
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 5:17 AM
To: Provider Email Name
Subject: Remittance Advice Payment Summary
On 05/27/2015, at 05:16, Wyoming Medicaid wrote:
Dear Provider Name,
The following is a summary of your Wyoming Medicaid remittance advice 123456 for 05/27/2015, an RA
Banner with important information may follow.
To: Provider Name
NPI Number: 1234567890
Provider ID: 111111111
Remittance Advice Number: 123456
Amount of Check: 16,070.85
The RA banner notification will appear here when activated for the provider’s taxonomy (provider type)
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
Ch. 1 Index 4 Revision 4/1/17
1.2.2 Medicaid Bulletin Notification/Sample
Medicaid bulletin email notifications typically announce billing changes, new codes
requiring prior authorization, reminders, up and coming initiatives, etc.
Sample bulletin email notification (HTML format):
1.2.3 Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) State Letter/Sample
WDH email notifications typically announce significant Medicaid policy changes,
RAC and other audits, etc.
Sample WDH email notification (HTML format):
General Provider Information____________________________________________________
Ch. 1 Index 5 Revision 4/1/17
1.3 State Agency Responsibilities
The Division of Healthcare Financing administers the Medicaid Program for the
Department of Health. They are responsible for financial management, developing
policy, establishing benefit limitations, payment methodologies and fees, and
performing utilization review.
1.4 Fiscal Agent Responsibilities
Conduent is the fiscal agent for Medicaid. They process all claims and adjustments,
with the exception of pharmacy. They also answer provider inquiries regarding claim
status, payments, client eligibility, known third party insurance information and
provider training visits to train and assist the provider office staff on Medicaid billing
procedures or to resolve claims payment issues.
NOTE: Wyoming Medicaid is not responsible for the training of the provider’s
billing staff or to provide procedure or diagnosis codes or coding training.
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 6 Revision 4/1/17
Chapter Two – Getting Help When You Need It
2.1 Quick Reference .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 How to Call for Help ........................................................................................... 11
2.3 How to Write for Help ......................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Provider Inquiry Form ......................................................................................... 12
2.4 How to Get a Provider Training Visit ................................................................. 12
2.5 How to Get Help Online ...................................................................................... 13
2.6 Training Seminars/Presentations ......................................................................... 13
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 7 Revision 4/1/17
2.1 Quick Reference
Agency Name &
Web Address
Contact For:
Dental Services –
Interactive Voice
Response (IVR)
Tel (800)251-1270
24 / 7
Payment inquiries
Client eligibility
Medicaid client number and
Lock-in status
Cap limits
Medicare Buy-In data
Service limitations
Client third party coverage
NOTE: The client’s Medicaid ID
number or social security
number is required to verify
client eligibility.
PO Box 547
Cheyenne, WY
Claim adjustment submissions
Hardcopy claims submissions
Returning Medicaid checks
Dental Service
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (888)863-5806
9-5pm MST M-F
Fax (307)772-8405
Bulletin/manual inquiries
Claim inquiries
Claim submission problems
Client eligibility
How to complete forms
Payment inquiries
Request Field Representative visit
Training seminar questions
Timely filing inquiries
Verifying validity of procedure
Claim void/adjustment inquiries
WINASAP training
Web Portal training
EDI Services
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (800)672-4959
9-5pm MST M-F
Fax (307)772-8405
EDI Enrollment Forms
Trading Partner Agreement
WINASAP software
Technical support for WINASAP
Technical support for vendors,
billing agents and clearing houses
Web Portal registration/password
Technical support for Web Portal
Download WINASAP software
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 8 Revision 4/1/17
Agency Name &
Web Address
Contact For:
Medical Policy
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (800)251-1268
OPTIONS 1,1,4,3
9-5pm MST M-F
(24/7 Voicemail
Fax (307)772-8405
Cap limit waiver requests
Prior authorization requests for:
Out-of-State Home Health
Surgeries requiring prior
Hospice Services: Limited to clients
residing in a nursing home
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY
(IVR Navigation
Tips available on
the website)
Tel (800)251-1268
9-5pm MST M-F
(call center hours)
Fax (307)772-8405
24 / 7
(IVR availability)
Provider enrollment questions
Bulletin/Manuals inquiries
Cap limits
Claim inquiries
Claim submission problems
Client eligibility
Claim void/adjustment inquiries
Form completion
Payment inquiries
Request Field Representative visit
Training seminar questions
Timely filing inquiries
Troubleshooting prior authorization
Verifying validity of procedure codes
Third Party
Liability (TPL)
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (800)251-1268
9-5pm MST M-F
Fax (307)772-8405
Select Option 2 if you
need Medicare or
estate and trust
recovery assistance
Select Option 2 if you
are with an insurance
company, attorney’s
office or child support
Select Option 3 for
Medicare and
Medicare Premium
Select Option 4 for
estate and trust
recovery inquires
Client accident covered by liability
or casualty insurance or legal
liability is being pursued
Estate and Trust Recovery
Medicare Buy-In status
Reporting client TPL
New insurance coverage
Policy no longer active
Problems getting insurance
information needed to bill
Questions or problems regarding
third party coverage or payers
WHIPP program
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 9 Revision 4/1/17
Agency Name &
Web Address
Contact For:
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (800)595-0011
9-5pm MST M-F
(24/7 Voicemail
Fax (307)772-8405
Client inquiries:
Prior authorize transportation
Request travel assistance
Verify transportation is reimbursable
Qualis Health
PO Box 33400
Seattle, WA
Tel (800)783-8606
8a-6pm MST M-F
Fax (877)810-9265
DMEPOS Covered Services manual
Prior authorization request for
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
or Prosthetic/Orthotic Services
Questions related to documentation
or clinical criteria for DMEPOS
(Utilization and
PO Box 49
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (888)545-1710
Nurse Line:
Fax PASRRs Only
(Attn: PASRR
Processing Specialist)
Medicaid Incentive Programs
Diabetes Incentive Program
ER Utilization Program
Educational Information about
WYhealth Programs
Prior authorization for:
Acute Psych
Extended Psych
Extraordinary heavy care
Gastric Bypass
Inpatient rehabilitation
Psychiatric Residential Treatment
Facility (PRTF)
Vagus Nerve Stimulator
Aids Drug
Program (ADAP)
Tel (307)777-5800
Fax (307)777-7382
1) Prescription medications
2) Program information
Maternal & Child
Health (MCH)
/Children Special
Health (CSH)
6101 N.
Yellowstone Rd.
Ste. 420
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (307)777-7941
Tel (800)438-5795
Fax (307)777-7215
High Risk Maternal
Newborn intensive care
Program information
Tel (307)777-8088
Fax (307)777-6964
Severe Malocclusion Applications
and Criteria
Social Security
Tel (800)772-1213
Social Security benefits
Tel (800)633-4227
Medicare information
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 10 Revision 4/1/17
Agency Name &
Web Address
Contact For:
Division of
Yellowstone Rd.
Ste. 210
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (307)777-7531
Tel (866)571-0944
Fax (307)777-6964
Medicaid State Rules
State Policy and Procedures
Concerns/Issues with state
DHCF Program
Yellowstone Rd.
Ste. 210
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (855)846-2563
Client or Provider Fraud, Waste and
NOTE: Callers may remain
anonymous when reporting
Stop Medicaid
Tel (855)846-2563
Information and education
regarding fraud, waste, and abuse in
the Wyoming Medicaid program
To report fraud, waste and abuse
DHCF Pharmacy
Yellowstone Rd.
Ste. 210
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (307)777-7531
Fax (307)777-6964
General questions
Goold Health
Systems, Inc.
PBM Vendor
Tel (877)209-1264
(Pharmacy Help
Tel (877)207-1126
(PA Help Desk)
Pharmacy prior authorization
Pharmacy manuals
Customer Service
Center (CSC) ,
Department of
2232 Dell Range
Blvd, Suite 300
Cheyenne, WY
Tel (855)294-2127
(Clients Only, CSC
cannot speak to
7-6pm MST M-F
Fax (855)329-5205
Client Medicaid applications
Eligibility questions regarding:
1) Family and Children’s programs
2) Tuberculosis Assistance Program
3) Medicare Savings Programs
4) Employed Individuals with
Department of
Health Long
Term Care Unit
Tel (855)203-2936
8-5pm MST M-F
Fax (307)777-8399
Nursing home program eligibility
Patient Contribution
Waiver Programs
Inpatient Hospital
Home Health
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 11 Revision 4/1/17
Agency Name &
Web Address
Contact For:
Provider manuals
HIPAA electronic transaction data
Fee schedules
On-line Provider Enrollment
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Forms (e.g., Claim
Adjustment/Void Request Form)
What’s new
Remittance Advice Retrieval
EDI enrollment form
Trading Partner Agreement
Secured Provider Web Portal
Training Tutorials
Tel (888) 545-1710
Option 2
PA’s for Radiology, Cardiology
and Radiation Oncology
2.2 How to Call for Help
The fiscal agent maintains a well-trained call center that is dedicated to assisting
providers. These individuals are prepared to answer inquiries regarding client
eligibility, service limitations, third party coverage, electronic transaction questions
and provider payment issues.
2.3 How to Write for Help
In many cases, writing for help provides the provider with more detailed information
about the provider claims or clients. In addition, written responses may be kept as
permanent records.
Reasons to write vs. calling:
Appeals – Include claim, all documentation previously submitted with the
claim, explanation for request, documentation supporting the request.
Written documentation of answers – Include all documentation to support
the provider request.
Rate change requests – Include request and any documentation supporting
the provider request.
Requesting a service to be covered by Wyoming Medicaid – Include
request and any documentation supporting the provider request.
To expedite the handling of written inquiries, we recommend providers use a
Provider Inquiry Form (2.3.1, Provider Inquiry Form). Providers may copy the form
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 12 Revision 4/1/17
in this manual. Provider Relations will respond to the provider inquiry within ten
business days of receipt.
2.3.1 Provider Inquiry Form
NOTE: Click image above to be taken to a printable version of this form.
2.4 How to Get a Provider Training Visit
Provider Relations Field Representatives are available to train or address questions
the provider’s office staff may have on Medicaid billing procedures or to resolve
claims payment issues.
Provider Relations Field Representatives are available to assist providers with help in
their location, by phone, or webinar with Wyoming Medicaid billing questions and
issues. Generally, to assist a provider with claims specific questions, it is best for the
Field Representative to communicate via phone or webinar as they will then have
access to the systems and tools needed to review claims and policy information.
Provider Training visits may be conducted when larger groups are interested in
training related to Wyoming Medicaid billing. When conducted with an individual
provider’s office, a Provider Training visit generally consists of a review of a
provider’s claims statistics, including top reasons for denials and denial rates, and a
review of important Medicaid training and resource information. Provider Training
Workshops may be held during the summer months to review this information in a
larger group format.
Getting Help When You Need It__________________________________________________
Ch.2 Index 13 Revision 4/1/17
Due to the rural and frontier nature, and weather in Wyoming, visits are generally
conducted during the warmer months only. For immediate assistance, a provider
should always contact Provider Relations (2.1, Quick Reference).
2.5 How to Get Help Online
The address for Medicaid’s public website is This site
connects Wyoming’s provider community to a variety of information including:
Answers to the providers frequently asked Medicaid questions.
Claim, prior authorization, and other forms for download.
Free download of latest WINASAP software and latest WINASAP updates.
Free download of WINASAP Training Manuals and Tutorials.
Medicaid publications, such as provider handbooks and bulletins.
Payment Schedule.
Primary resource for all information related to Medicaid.
Wyoming Medicaid Secured Provider Web Portal.
Wyoming Medicaid Secured Provider Web Portal tutorials.
The Medicaid public website also links providers to Medicaid’s Secured Provider
Web Portal, which delivers the following services:
278 Electronic Prior Authorization Requests – Ability to submit and
retrieve prior authorization requests and responses electronically via the web.
Data Exchange – Upload and download of electronic HIPAA transaction
Remittance Advice Reports – Retrieve recent Remittance Advices
o Wyoming Medicaid proprietary RA
User Administration – Add, edit, and delete users within the provider’s
organization who can access the Secured Provider Web Portal.
837 Electronic Claim Entry – Interactively enter dental, institutional and
medical claims without buying expensive software.
PASRR entry
LT101 Look-Up
2.6 Training Seminars/Presentations
The fiscal agent and the Division of Healthcare Financing may sponsor periodic
training seminars at selected in-state and out-of-state locations. Providers will receive
advance notice of seminars by Medicaid bulletin email notifications, provider
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 15 Revision 4/1/17
Chapter Three – Provider Responsibilities
3.1 Enrollment/Re-Enrollment .................................................................................. 16
3.1.1 Notifying Medicaid of Updated Provider Information ........................................ 18
3.1.2 Re-Certification ................................................................................................... 19
3.1.3 Discontinuing Participation in the Medicaid Program ........................................ 19
3.2 Accepting Medicaid Clients ................................................................................ 19
3.2.1 Compliance Requirements .................................................................................. 19
3.2.2 Provider-Patient Relationship .............................................................................. 19 Medicare/Medicaid Dual Eligible Clients ....................................................... 21 Accepting a Client as Medicaid After Billing the Client ................................. 22 Mutual Agreements Between the Provider & Client ....................................... 22
3.2.3 Missed Appointments .......................................................................................... 22
3.3 Medicare Covered Services ................................................................................. 23
3.4 Medical Necessity ............................................................................................... 23
3.5 Medicaid Payment is Payment in Full ................................................................. 24
3.6 Medicaid ID Card ................................................................................................ 25
3.7 Verification of Client Age ................................................................................... 25
3.8 Verification Options ............................................................................................ 25
3.8.1 Free Services ....................................................................................................... 25
3.8.2 Fee for Service ..................................................................................................... 26
3.9 Freedom of Choice .............................................................................................. 26
3.10 Out-of-State Service Limitations ......................................................................... 26
3.11 Record Keeping, Retention and Access .............................................................. 27
3.11.1 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 27
3.11.2 Retention of Records ........................................................................................... 28
3.11.3 Access to Records ............................................................................................... 28
3.11.4 Audits .................................................................................................................. 28
3.12 Tamper Resistant RX Pads .................................................................................. 30
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 16 Revision 4/1/17
3.1 Enrollment/Re-Enrollment
Medicaid payment is made only to providers who are actively enrolled in the
Medicaid Program. Providers are required to complete an enrollment application,
undergo a screening process and sign a Provider Agreement at least every five (5)
years. In addition, certain provider types are required to pay an application fee,
submit proof of licensure and/or certification. These requirements apply to both in-
state and out-of-state providers.
All providers have been assigned one (1) of three (3) categorical risk levels under the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are required to be screened as follows:
Categorical Risk Level
Screening Requirements
Physician and nonphysican practitioners,
(includes nurse practitioners, CRNAs,
occupational therapists, speech/language
pathologist audiologists) and medical groups
or clinics
Ambulatory surgical centers
Competitive Acquisition Program/Part B
End-stage renal disease facilities
Federally qualified health centers (FQHC)
Histocompatibility laboratories
Hospitals, including critical access hospitals,
VA hospitals, and other federally-owned
hospital facilities
Health programs operated by an Indian
Health program
Mammography screening centers
Mass immunization roster billers
Organ procurement organizations
Pharmacy newly enrolling or revalidating
via the CMS-855B application
Radiation therapy centers
Religious non-medical health care
Rural health clinics
Skilled nursing facilities
Verifies provider or supplier meets all applicable Federal regulations and
State requirements for the provider or supplier type prior to making an
enrollment determination
Conducts license verifications, including licensure verification across
State lines for physicians or non-physician practitioners and providers
and suppliers that obtain or maintain Medicare billing privileges as a
result of State licensure, including State licensure in States other than
where the provider or supplier is enrolling
Conducts database checks on a pre- and post-enrollment basis to ensure
that providers and suppliers continue to meet the enrollment criteria for
their provider/supplier type.
Ambulance service suppliers
Community mental health centers (CMHC)
Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation
facilities (CORF)
Hospice organizations
Independent diagnostic testing facilities
Physical therapists enrolling as individuals
or as group practices
Portable x-ray suppliers
Revalidating home health agencies
Revalidating DMEPOS suppliers
Performs the “limited” screening requirements listed above
Conducts an on-site visit
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 17 Revision 4/1/17
Categorical Risk Level
Screening Requirements
Prospective (newly enrolling) home
health agencies
Prospective (newly enrolling)
DMEPOS suppliers
Prosthetic/orthotic (newly enrolling)
Individual practitioners suspected of
identity theft, placed on previous
payment suspension, previously
excluded by the OIG, and/or
previously had billing privileges
denied or revoked within the last ten
(10) years
Performs the “limited” and “moderate” screening requirements listed
Requires the submission of a set of fingerprints for a national
background check from all individuals who maintain a five (5) percent
or greater direct or indirect ownership interest in the provider or supplier.
Conducts a fingerprint-based criminal history record check of
the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification
System on all individuals who maintain a five (5 percent or
greater direct or indirect ownership interest in the provider or
Categorical Risk Adjustment:
CMS adjusts the screening level from limited or moderate to high if any
of the following occur:
Exclusion from Medicare by the OIG
Had billing privileges revoked by a Medicare contractor within
the previous ten (10) years and is attempting to establish
additional Medicare billing privilege by—
o Enrolling as a new provider or supplier
o Billing privileges for a new practice location
Has been terminated or is otherwise precluded from billing
Has been excluded from any Federal health care program
Has been subject to a final adverse action as defined in §424.502 within
the previous ten (10) years
The ACA has imposed an application fee on the following institutional providers:
In-state only
o Institutional Providers
o Substance abuse centers (SAC)
o Wyoming Medicaid-only nursing facilities
o Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC)
o Wyoming Medicaid-only home health agencies (both newly enrolling
and re-enrolling)
Providers that are enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid in other states, and CHIP are only
required to pay one (1) enrollment fee. Verification of this payment must be included
with the enrollment application.
The application fee is required for:
New enrollments
Enrollments for new locations
Medicaid requested re-enrollments (as a result of inactive enrollment statuses)
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 18 Revision 4/1/17
The application fee is non-refundable and is adjusted annually based on the Consumer
Price Index (CPI) for all urban consumers.
After a providers enrollment application has been approved, a welcome letter will be
If an application is not approved, a notice including the reasons for the decision will
be sent to the provider. No medical provider is declared ineligible to participate in the
Medicaid Program without prior notice.
To enroll as a Medicaid provider, all providers must complete the on-line enrollment
application available on the Medicaid website (2.1, Quick Reference).
3.1.1 Notifying Medicaid of Updated Provider Information
If any information listed on the original enrollment application subsequently changes,
providers must notify Medicaid in writing 30-days prior to the effective date of
the change. Changes that would require notifying Medicaid include, but are not
limited to, the following:
Current licensing information
Facility or name changes
New ownership information
New telephone or fax numbers
Physical, correspondence or payment address change
New email addresses
Tax Identification Number
It is critical that providers maintain accurate contact information, including email
addresses, for the distribution of notifications to providers. Wyoming Medicaid policy
updates and changes are distributed by email, and occasionally by postal mail.
Providers are obligated to read, know and follow all policy changes. Individuals who
receive notifications on behalf of an enrolled provider are responsible for ensuring
they are distributed to the appropriate personnel in the organization, office, billing
office, etc.
Effective September 1, 2016, if any of the above contact information is found to be
inaccurate (mail is returned, emails bounce, phone calls are unable to be placed or
physical site verification fails, etc.) the provider will be placed on a claims hold.
Claims will be held for 30 days pending an update of the information. A letter will be
sent to the provider, unless both the physical and correspondence addresses have had
mail returned, notifying them of the hold and describing options to update contact
information. If the information is updated within the 30 days, the claim will be
released to complete normal processing; if a claim is held for this reason for more
than 30 days, it will then be denied and the provider will have to resubmit once the
incorrect information is updated. The letter will document the information currently
on file with Wyoming Medicaid and allow you to make updates/changes as needed.
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
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3.1.2 Re-Certification
Sixty (60) days prior to licensure/certification expiration Medicaid sends all providers
a letter requesting a copy of their license or other certifications. If these documents
are not submitted within 60-days of their expiration date, the provider will be
terminated as a Medicaid provider.
3.1.3 Discontinuing Participation in the Medicaid Program
The provider may discontinue participation in the Medicaid Program at any time.
Thirty (30) days written notice of voluntary termination is requested.
Notices should be addressed to Provider Relations, attention Enrollment Services
(2.1, Quick Reference).
3.2 Accepting Medicaid Clients
3.2.1 Compliance Requirements
All providers of care and suppliers of services participating in the Medicaid Program
must comply with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which
requires that services be furnished to clients without regard to race, color, or national
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provides that no individual with a disability
shall, solely by reason of the handicap:
Be excluded from participation;
Be denied the benefits; or
Be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal
Each Medicaid provider, as a condition of participation, is responsible for making
provision for such individuals with a disability in their program activities.
As an agent of the Federal government in the distribution of funds, the Division of
Healthcare Financing is responsible for monitoring the compliance of individual
providers and, in the event a discrimination complaint is lodged, is required to
provide the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) with any evidence regarding compliance
with these requirements.
3.2.2 Provider-Patient Relationship
The relationship established between the client and the provider is both a medical and
a financial one. If a client presents himself/herself as a Medicaid client, the provider
must determine whether the provider is willing to accept the client as a Medicaid
patient before treatment is rendered.
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 20 Revision 4/1/17
Providers must verify eligibility each month as programs and plans are re-
determined on a varying basis, and a client eligible one (1) month may not
necessarily be eligible the next month.
NOTE: Presumptive Eligibility may begin or end mid-month.
It is the provider’s responsibility to determine all sources of coverage for any client.
If the client is insured, by an entity other than Medicaid and Medicaid is unaware of
the insurance, the provider must submit a Third Party Resources Information Sheet
(7.7.1, Third Party Resources Information Sheet) to Medicaid. The provider may not
discriminate based on whether or not a client is insured.
Providers may not discriminate against Wyoming Medicaid clients. Providers must
treat Wyoming Medicaid clients the same as any other patient in their practice.
Policies must be posted or supplied in writing and enforced with all patients
regardless of payment source.
When and what may be billed to a Medicaid client.
Once this agreement has been reached, all Wyoming Medicaid covered services the
provider renders to an eligible client are billed to Medicaid.
Client is Covered
by a FULL
Medicaid Program
and the provider
accepts the client as
a Medicaid client
Client is Covered by
Medicaid Program
and the provider
accepts the client as
a Medicaid client
Medicaid Program
and the provider
does not accept the
client as a Medicaid
Client is not
covered by
Medicaid (not
a Medicaid
Service is
covered by
Provider can bill the
client only for any
applicable copay
Provider can bill the
client if the category
of service is not
covered by the
client’s limited plan
Provider can bill the
client if written
notification has been
Provider may
bill client
Service is
covered by
Medicaid, but
client has
exceeded his/her
limitations (cap
Provider can bill the
client OR provider
Can request cap
limit waiver and bill
Provider can bill the
client OR provider
can request cap limit
waiver and bill
Provider can bill the
client if written
notification has been
given to the client
that they are not
being accepted as a
Medicaid client
Provider can
bill client
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 21 Revision 4/1/17
Client is Covered
by a FULL
Medicaid Program
and the provider
accepts the client as
a Medicaid client
Client is Covered by
Medicaid Program
and the provider
accepts the client as
a Medicaid client
Medicaid Program
and the provider
does not accept the
client as a Medicaid
Client is not
covered by
Medicaid (not
a Medicaid
Service is not
covered by
Provider can bill the
client only if a
specific financial
agreement has been
made in writing
Provider can bill the
client if the Category
of service is not
covered by the
client’s limited plan.
If the Category of
service is covered,
the provider can only
bill the client if a
specific financial
agreement has been
made in writing
Provider can bill the
client if written
notification has been
given to the client
that they are not
being accepted as a
Medicaid client
Provider can
bill client
Full Coverage Plan – Plan covers the full range of medical, dental, hospital, and
pharmacy services and may cover additional nursing home or waiver services.
Limited Coverage Plan – Plan with services limited to a specific category or type of
Specific Financial Agreement – specific written agreement between a provider and a
client, outlining the specific services and financial charges for a specific date of
service, with the client agreeing to the financial responsibility for the charges. Medicare/Medicaid Dual Eligible Clients
Dual eligible clients are those clients who have both Medicare and Medicaid. For
clients on the QMB plan, CMS guidelines indicate that coinsurance and deductible
amounts remaining after Medicare pays cannot be billed to the client under any
circumstances, regardless of whether you bill Medicaid or not.
For clients on other plans who are dual eligible, coinsurance and deductible amounts
remaining after Medicare payment cannot be billed to the client if the claim was
billed to Wyoming Medicaid, regardless of payment amount (including claims that
Medicaid pays at $0).
If the claim is not billed to Wyoming Medicaid, and the provider agrees in writing
prior to providing the service not to accept the client as a Medicaid client and advises
the client of his or her financial responsibility, and the client is not on a QMB plan,
then the client can be billed for the coinsurance and deductible under Medicare
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 22 Revision 4/1/17 Accepting a Client as Medicaid After Billing the Client
If the provider collected money from the client for services rendered during the
eligibility period and decides later to accept the client as a Medicaid client, and
receive payment from Medicaid:
Prior to submitting the claim to Medicaid, the provider must refund the entire
amount previously collected from the client to him or her for the services
rendered; and
The 12-month timely filing deadline will not be waived (6.20, Timely Filing).
In cases of retroactive eligibility when a provider agrees to bill Medicaid for services
provided during the retroactive eligibility period:
Prior to billing Medicaid, the provider must refund the entire amount
previously collected from the client to him or her for the services rendered;
The twelve month timely filing deadline will be waived (6.20, Timely Filing).
NOTE: Medicaid will not pay for services rendered to the clients until eligibility
has been determined for the month services were rendered.
The provider may, at a subsequent date, decide not to further treat the client as a
Medicaid patient. If this occurs, the provider must advise the client of this fact in
writing before rendering treatment. Mutual Agreements Between the Provider & Client
Medicaid covers only those services that are medically necessary and cost-efficient. It
is the providers’ responsibility to be knowledgeable regarding covered services,
limitations and exclusions of the Medicaid Program. Therefore, if the provider,
without mutual written agreement of the client, deliver services and are subsequently
denied Medicaid payment because the services were not covered or the services were
covered but not medically necessary and/or cost-efficient, the provider may not obtain
payment from the client.
If the provider and the client mutually agree in writing to services which are not
covered (or are covered but are not medically necessary and/or cost-efficient), and the
provider informs the client of his/her financial responsibility prior to rendering
service, then the provider may bill the client for the services rendered.
3.2.3 Missed Appointments
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 23 Revision 4/1/17
Appointments missed by Medicaid clients cannot be billed to Medicaid. However, if
a provider’s policy is to bill all patients for missed appointments, then the provider
may bill Medicaid clients directly.
Any policy must be equally applied to all clients and a provider may not impose
separate charges on Medicaid clients, regardless of payment source. Policy must be
publically posted or provided in writing to all patients.
Medicaid only pays providers for services they render (i.e., services as identified in
1905 (a) of the Social Security Act). They must accept that payment as full
reimbursement for their services in accordance with 42 CFR 447.15. Missed
appointments are not a distinct, reimbursable Medicaid service. Rather, they are
considered part of a provider’s overall cost of doing business. The Medicaid
reimbursement rates set by the State are designed to cover the cost of doing business.
3.3 Medicare Covered Services
Claims for services rendered to clients eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid which
are furnished by an out-of-state provider must be filed with the Medicare
intermediary or carrier in the state in which the provider is located.
Questions concerning a client’s Medicare eligibility should be directed to the Social
Security Administration (2.1, Quick Reference).
3.4 Medical Necessity
The Medicaid Program is designed to assist eligible clients in obtaining medical care
within the guidelines specified by policy. Medicaid will pay only for medical services
that are medically necessary and are sponsored under program directives. Medically
necessary means the service is required to:
Prevent an illness which has been diagnosed or is reasonably suspected to:
o Relieve pain
o Improve and preserve health
o Be essential for life
Additionally, the service must be:
Consistent with the diagnosis and treatment of the patient’s condition.
In accordance with standards of good medical practice.
Required to meet the medical needs of the patient and undertaken for reasons
other than the convenience of the patient or his/her physician.
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 24 Revision 4/1/17
Performed in the least costly setting required by the patient’s condition.
Documentation which substantiates that the client’s condition meets the coverage
criteria must be on file with the provider.
All claims are subject to both pre-payment and post-payment review for medical
necessity by Medicaid. Should a review determine that services do not meet all the
criteria listed above, payment will be denied or, if the claim has already been paid,
action will be taken to recoup the payment for those services.
3.5 Medicaid Payment is Payment in Full
As a condition of becoming a Medicaid provider (see provider agreement), the
provider must accept payment from Medicaid as payment in full for a covered
The provider may never bill a Medicaid client:
When the provider bills Medicaid for a covered service, and Medicaid denies
the providers claim due to billing errors such as wrong procedure and
diagnosis codes, lack of prior authorization, invalid consent forms, missing
attachments or an incorrectly filled out claim form.
When Medicare or another third party payer has paid up to or exceeded what
Medicaid would have paid.
For the difference in the providers charges and the amount Medicaid has paid
(balance billing).
The Provider may bill a Medicaid client:
If the provider has not billed Medicaid, the service provided is not covered by
Medicaid, and prior to providing service, the provider informed the client in
writing that the service is non-covered and he/she is responsible for the
If a provider does not accept a patient as a Medicaid client (because they
cannot produce a Medicaid ID card or because they did not inform the
provider they are eligible.
If the client is not Medicaid eligible at the time the provider provides the
services or on a plan that does not cover those particular services. Refer to the
table above for guidance.
If the client has exceeded the Medicaid limits on physical therapy,
occupational therapy, speech therapy, behavioral health services, chiropractic
services, prescriptions, and/or office/outpatient hospital visits. (6.9, Cap
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 25 Revision 4/1/17
NOTE: The provider may contact Provider Relations or the IVR to receive cap
limits for a client (2.1, Quick Reference).
If the provider is an out-of-state provider and are not enrolled and have no
intention of enrolling.
3.6 Medicaid ID Card
It is each provider’s responsibility to verify the person receiving services is the same
person listed on the card. If necessary, providers should request additional materials
to confirm identification. It is illegal for anyone other than the person named on the
Medicaid ID Card to obtain or attempt to obtain services by using the card. Providers
who suspect misuse of a card should report the occurrence to the Program Integrity
Unit or complete the Report of Suspected Abuse of the Medicaid Healthcare System
Form (4.9, Referral of Suspected Fraud and Abuse).
3.7 Verification of Client Age
Because certain services have age restrictions, such as services covered only for
clients under the age of 21, and informed consent for sterilizations, providers should
verify a client’s age before a service is rendered.
Routine services may be covered through the month of the client’s 21st birthday.
3.8 Verification Options
One (1) Medicaid ID Card is issued to each client. Their eligibility information is
updated every month. The presentation of a card is not verification of eligibility. It is
each provider’s responsibility to ensure that their patient is eligible for the services
rendered. A client may state that he/she is covered by Medicaid, but not have any
proof of eligibility. This can occur if the client is newly eligible or if his/her card was
lost. Providers have several options when checking patient eligibility.
3.8.1 Free Services
The following is a list of free services offered by Medicaid for verifying client
Contact Provider Relations. There is a limit of three (3) verifications per call
but no limit on the number of calls.
Fax a list of identifying information to Provider Relations for verification.
Send a list of beneficiaries for verification and receive a response within ten
(10) business days.
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 26 Revision 4/1/17
Call the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System. IVR is available 24-hours
a day, seven (7) days a week. The IVR System allows 30 minutes per phone
call. (2.1, Quick Reference).
Use the Ask Wyoming Medicaid feature on the Secured Provider Web Portal
(2.1, Quick Reference).
3.8.2 Fee for Service
Several independent vendors offer web-based applications and/or swipe card readers
that electronically check the eligibility of Medicaid clients. These vendors typically
charge a monthly subscription and/or transaction fee. A complete list of approved
vendors is available on the Medicaid website.
3.9 Freedom of Choice
Any eligible non-restricted client may select any provider of health services in
Wyoming who participates in the Medicaid Program, unless Medicaid specifically
restricts his/her choice through provider lock-in or an approved Freedom of Choice
waiver. However, payments can be made only to health service providers who are
enrolled in the Medicaid Program.
3.10 Out-of-State Service Limitations
Medicaid covers services rendered to Medicaid clients when providers participating
in the Medicaid Program administer the services. If services are available in
Wyoming within a reasonable distance from the client’s home, the client must not
utilize an out-of-state provider.
Medicaid has designated the Wyoming Medical Service Area (WMSA) to be
Wyoming and selected border cities in adjacent states. WMSA cities include:
South Dakota
Rapid City
Belle Fourche
Idaho Falls
Salt Lake City
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 27 Revision 4/1/17
NOTE: The cities of Greeley, Fort Collins, and Denver, Colorado are excluded
from the WMSA and are not considered border cities.
Medicaid compensates out-of-state providers within the WMSA when:
The service is not available locally and the border city is closer for the
Wyoming resident than a major city in Wyoming; and
The out-of-state provider in the selected border city is enrolled in Medicaid.
Medicaid compensates providers outside the WMSA only under the following
Emergency Care – When a client is traveling and an emergency arises due to
accident or illness.
Other Care – When a client is referred by a Wyoming physician to a provider
outside the WMSA for services not available within the WMSA. The referral
must be documented in the provider’s records. Prior authorization is not
required unless the specific service is identified as requiring prior
authorization (6.14, Prior Authorization).
Children in out-of-state placement.
If the provider is an out-of-state, non-enrolled provider and renders services to a
Medicaid client, the provider may choose to enroll in the Medicaid Program and
submit the claim according to Medicaid billing instructions, or bill the client.
Out-of-state providers furnishing services within the state on a routine or extended
basis must meet all of the certification requirements of the State of Wyoming. The
provider must enroll in Medicaid prior to furnishing services.
3.11 Record Keeping, Retention and Access
3.11.1 Requirements
The Provider Agreement requires that the medical and financial records fully disclose
the extent of services provided to Medicaid clients. The following elements include
but are not limited to:
The record must be typed or legibly written.
The record must identify the client on each page.
The record must contain a preliminary working diagnosis and the elements of
a history and physical examination upon which the diagnosis is based.
All services, as well as the treatment plan, must be entered in the record. Any
drugs prescribed as part of a treatment, including the quantities and the
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 28 Revision 4/1/17
dosage, must be entered in the record. For any drugs administered, the NDC
on the product must be recorded, as well as the lot number and expiration
The record must indicate the observed medical condition of the client, the
progress at each visit, any change in diagnosis or treatment, and the client’s
response to treatment. Progress notes must be written for every service,
including, but not limited to: office, clinic, nursing home, or hospital visits
billed to Medicaid.
Total treatment minutes of the client, including those minutes of active
treatment reported under the timed codes and those minutes represented by the
untimed codes, must be documented separately, to include beginning time and
ending time for services billed.
NOTE: Specific or additional documentation requirements may be listed in the
covered services sections or designated policy manuals.
3.11.2 Retention of Records
The provider must retain medical and financial records, including information
regarding dates of service, diagnoses, and services provided, and bills for services for
at least six (6) years from the end of the State fiscal year (July through June) in which
the services were rendered. If an audit is in progress, the records must be maintained
until the audit is resolved.
3.11.3 Access to Records
Under the Provider Agreement, the provider must allow access to all records
concerning services and payment to authorized personnel of-Medicaid, CMS
Comptroller General of the United States, State Auditor’s Office (SAO), the Office of
the Inspector General (OIG), the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office, the United
States Department of Health and Human Services, and/or their designees. Records
must be accessible to authorized personnel during normal business hours for the
purpose of reviewing, copying and reproducing documents. Access to the provider
records must be granted regardless of the providers continued participation in the
In addition, the provider is required to furnish copies of claims and any other
documentation upon request from Medicaid and/or their designee.
3.11.4 Audits
Medicaid has the authority to conduct routine audits to monitor compliance with
program requirements.
Audits may include, but are not limited to:
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 29 Revision 4/1/17
Examination of records;
Interviews of providers, their associates, and employees;
Interviews of clients;
Verification of the professional credentials of providers, their associates, and
their employees;
Examination of any equipment, stock, materials, or other items used in or for
the treatment of clients;
Examination of prescriptions written for clients;
Determination of whether the healthcare provided was medically necessary;
Random sampling of claims submitted by and payments made to providers;
Audit of facility financial records for reimbursement.
Actual records reviewed may be extrapolated and applied to all services billed
by the provider.
The provider must grant the State and its representative’s access during regular
business hours to examine medical and financial records related to healthcare billed to
the program. Medicaid notifies the provider before examining such records.
Medicaid reserves the right to make unscheduled visits i.e., when the client’s health
may be endangered, when criminal/fraud activities are suspected, etc.
Medicaid is authorized to examine all provider records in that:
All eligible clients have granted Medicaid access to all personal medical
records developed while receiving Medicaid benefits.
All providers who have at any time participated in the Medicaid Program, by
signing the Provider Agreement, have authorized the State and their
designated agents to access the provider’s financial and medical records.
Provider’s refusal to grant the State and its representative’s access to examine
records or to provide copies of records when requested may result in:
Immediate suspension of all Medicaid payments.
All Medicaid payments made to the provider during the six (6)-year record
retention period for which records supporting such payments are not produced
shall be repaid to the Division of Healthcare Financing after written request
for such repayment is made.
Suspension of all Medicaid payments furnished after the requested date of
Reimbursement will not be reinstated until adequate records are produced or
are being maintained.
Prosecution under the Wyoming Statute.
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
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3.12 Tamper Resistant RX Pads
On May 25, 2007, Section 7002(b) of the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care,
Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act of 2007 was signed
into law.
The above law requires that ALL written, non-electronic prescriptions for Medicaid
outpatient drugs must be executed on tamper-resistant pads in order for them to be
reimbursable by the federal government. All prescriptions paid for by Medicaid must
meet the following requirements to help insure against tampering:
Written Prescriptions: As of October 1, 2008 prescriptions, must contain all
three (3) of the following characteristics:
1. One (1) or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent
unauthorized copying of a completed or blank prescription form. In
order to meet this requirement all written prescriptions must contain:
Some type of “void” or illegal pantograph that appears if the
prescription is copied.
May also contain any of the features listed within category one,
recommendations provided by the National Council for
Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) or that meets the
standards set forth in this category.
2. One (1) or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent the
erasure or modification of information written on the prescription by
the prescriber. This requirement applies only to prescriptions written
for controlled substances. In order to meet this requirement all written
prescriptions must contain:
Quantity check-off boxes PLUS numeric form of quantity
values OR alpha and numeric forms of quantity value.
Refill Indicator (circle or check number of refills or “NR”)
PLUS numeric form of refill values OR alpha AND numeric
forms of refill values.
May also contain any of the features listed within category two,
recommendations provided by the NCPDP, or that meets the
standards set forth in this category.
3. One (1) or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent the
use of counterfeit prescription forms. In order to meet this requirement
all written prescriptions must contain:
Security features and descriptions listed on the FRONT of the
prescription blank.
May also contain any of the features listed within category
three (3), recommendations provided by the NCPDP, or that
meets that standards set forth in this category.
Provider Responsibilities________________________________________________________
Ch. 3 Index 31 Revision 4/1/17
Computer Printed Prescriptions: As of October 1, 2008 prescriptions, must
contain all three (3) of the following characteristics:
1. One (1) or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent
unauthorized copying of a completed or blank prescription form. In
order to meet this requirement all prescriber’s computer generated
prescriptions must contain:
Same as Written Prescription for this category.
2. One (1) or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent the
erasure or modification of information printed on the prescription by
the prescriber. In order to meet this requirement all computer
generated prescriptions must contain:
Same as Written Prescription for this category.
3. One (1) or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent the
use of counterfeit prescription forms. In order to meet this requirement
all prescriber’s computer generated prescriptions must contain:
Security features and descriptions listed on the FRONT or
BACK of the prescription blank.
May also contain any of the features listed within category
three (3), recommendations provided by the NCPDP, or that
meets the standards set forth in this category.
In addition to the guidance outlined above, the tamper-resistant requirement does not
apply when a prescription is communicated by the prescriber to the pharmacy
electronically, verbally, or by fax; when a managed care entity pays for the
prescription; or in most situations when drugs are provided in designated institutional
and clinical settings. The guidance also allows emergency fills with a non-compliant
written prescription as long as the prescriber provides a verbal, faxed, electronic, or
compliant written prescription within 72-hours.
Audits of pharmacies will be performed by the Wyoming Department of Health, to
ensure that the above requirement is being followed. If the provider has any questions
about these audits or this regulation, please contact the Pharmacy Program Manager
at (307)777-7531.
Utilization Review______________________________________________________________
Ch. 4 Index 32 Revision 4/1/17
Chapter Four – Utilization Review
4.1 Utilization Review ............................................................................................... 33
4.2 Complaint Referral .............................................................................................. 33
4.3 Release of Medical Records ................................................................................ 33
4.4 Client Lock-In ..................................................................................................... 34
4.5 Pharmacy Lock-In ............................................................................................... 34
4.6 Hospice Lock-In .................................................................................................. 35
4.7 Fraud and Abuse .................................................................................................. 35
4.8 Provider Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 36
4.9 Referral of Suspected Fraud and Abuse .............................................................. 36
4.9.1 Report of Suspected Abuse of the Medicaid Healthcare System ........................ 37
4.10 Sanctions ............................................................................................................. 37
4.11 Adverse Actions .................................................................................................. 38
Utilization Review______________________________________________________________
Ch. 4 Index 33 Revision 4/1/17
4.1 Utilization Review
The Division of Healthcare Financing (DHCF) has established a Program Integrity
Unit whose duties include, but are not limited to:
Review of claims submitted for payment (pre and post payment reviews)
Review of medical records and documents related to covered services
Audit of medical records and client interviews
Review of client Explanation of Medical Benefits (EOMB) responses
Operation of the Surveillance/Utilization Review (SUR) process
Provider screening and monitoring
Program compliance and enforcement
4.2 Complaint Referral
The Program Integrity Unit reviews complaints regarding inappropriate use of
services from providers and clients. No action is taken without a complete
investigation. To file a complaint, please submit the details in writing and attach
supporting documentation to:
Program Integrity Unit
Division of Healthcare Financing
6101 Yellowstone Rd., Suite 210
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Or contact: (855) 846-2563
Or email:
4.3 Release of Medical Records
Every effort is made to ensure the confidentiality of records in accordance with
Federal Regulations and Wyoming Medicaid Rules. Medical records must be released
to the agency or its designee. The signed Provider Agreement allows the Division of
Healthcare Financing or its designated agent’s access to all medical and financial
records. In addition, each client agrees to the release of medical records to the
Division of Healthcare Financing when they accept Medicaid benefits.
The Division of Healthcare Financing will not reimburse for the copying of medical
records when the Division or its designated agents requests records.
Utilization Review______________________________________________________________
Ch. 4 Index 34 Revision 4/1/17
4.4 Client Lock-In
In designated circumstances, it may be necessary to restrict certain services or “lock-
in” a client to a certain physician, hospice, pharmacy or other provider. If a lock-in
restriction applies to a client, the lock-in information is provided on the Interactive
Voice Response System (2.1, Quick Reference).
A participating Medicaid provider who is not designated as the client’s primary
practitioner may provide and be reimbursed for services rendered to lock-in clients
only under the following circumstances:
In a medical emergency where a delay in treatment may cause death or result
in lasting injury or harm to the client.
As a physician covering for the designated primary physician or on referral
from the designated primary physician.
In cases where lock-in restrictions are indicated, it is the responsibility of each
provider to determine whether he/she may bill for services provided to a lock-in
client. Contact Provider Relations in circumstances where coverage of a lock-in client
is unclear. Refer to the Medicaid Pharmacy Provider Manual (2.1, Quick Reference).
4.5 Pharmacy Lock-In
The Medicaid Pharmacy Lock-In Program limits certain Medicaid clients to receiving
prescription services from multiple prescribers and utilizes multiple pharmacies
within a designated time period is a candidate for the Lock-In Program.
When a pharmacy is chosen to be a client’s designated Lock-In provider, notification
is sent to that pharmacy with all important client identifying information. If a Lock-In
client attempts to fill a prescription at a pharmacy other than their Lock-In pharmacy,
the claim will be denied with an electronic response of “NON-MATCHED
PHARMACY NUMBER-Pharmacy Lock-In”.
Pharmacies have the right to refuse Lock-In provider status for any client. The client
may be counseled to contact the Medicaid Pharmacy Case Manager at (307)777-8773
in order to obtain a new provider designation form to complete.
Expectations of a Medicaid designated Lock-In pharmacy:
Medicaid pharmacy providers should be aware of the Pharmacy Lock-In
Program and the criteria for client lock-in status as stated above. The entire
pharmacy staff should be notified of current Lock-In clients.
Review and monitor all drug interactions, allergies duplicate therapy, and
seeking of medications from multiple prescribers. Be aware that the client is
locked-in when “refill too soon” or “therapeutic duplication” edits occur. Cash
payment for controlled substances should serve as an alert and require further
review. Gather additional information which may include, but is not limited
to, asking the client for more information and/or contacting the prescriber.
Document findings and outcomes. The Wyoming Board of Pharmacy will be
Utilization Review______________________________________________________________
Ch. 4 Index 35 Revision 4/1/17
contacted when early refills and cash payment are allowed without appropriate
clinical care and documentation.
When doctor shopping for controlled substances is suspected, please contact the
Medicaid Pharmacy Case Manager at (307)777-8773. The Wyoming Online
Prescription Database (WORx) is online with 24/7 access for practitioners and
pharmacists. The WORx program is managed by the Wyoming Board of Pharmacy at to view client profiles with all scheduled II through IV
prescriptions the client has received. The Wyoming Board of Pharmacy may be
reached at (307)634-9636 to answer questions about WORx.
If the dispensing pharmacist feels that in his/her professional judgment a prescription
should be filled and they are not the Lock-In provider, they may submit a hand-billed
claim to Goold Health Systems (GHS), an Emdeon company for review (2.1, Quick
Reference). Overrides may be approved for true emergencies (auto accidents, sudden
illness, etc.).
Any Wyoming Medicaid client suspected of controlled substance abuse, diversion, or
doctor shopping should be referred to the Medicaid Pharmacy Case Manager.
Pharmacy Case Manager (307)777-8773 or
Fax referrals to (307)777-6964.
Referral forms may be found on the Pharmacy website (2.1, Quick
4.6 Hospice Lock-In
Clients requesting coverage of hospice services under Wyoming Medicaid are locked-
in to the hospice for all care related to their terminal illness. All services and supplies
must be billed to the hospice provider, and the hospice provider will bill Wyoming
Medicaid for covered services. For more information regarding the hospice program,
refer to the Institutional Provider Manual on the Medicaid website (2.1, Quick
4.7 Fraud and Abuse
The Medicaid Program operates under the anti-fraud provisions of Section 1909 of
the Social Security Act, as amended, and employs utilization management,
surveillance, and utilization review. The Program Integrity Unit’s function is to
perform pre- and post-payment review of services funded by Medicaid. Surveillance
is defined as the process of monitoring for service and controlling improper or illegal
utilization of the program. While the surveillance function addresses administrative
concerns, utilization review addresses medical concerns and may be defined as
monitoring and controlling the quality and appropriateness of medical services
Utilization Review______________________________________________________________
Ch. 4 Index 36 Revision 4/1/17
delivered to Medicaid clients. Medicaid may utilize the services of a Professional
Review Organization (PRO) to assist in these functions.
Since payment of claims is made from both State and Federal funds, submission of
false or fraudulent claims, statements, documents or concealment of material facts
may be prosecuted as a felony in either Federal or State court. The program has
processes in place for referral to the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) when
suspicion of fraud and abuse arise.
Medicaid has the responsibility, under Federal Regulations and Medicaid Rules, to
refer all cases of credible allegations of fraud and abuse to the MFCU. In accordance
with 42 CFR Part 455, and Medicaid Rules, the following definitions of fraud and
abuse are used:
4.8 Provider Responsibilities
The provider is responsible for reading and adhering to applicable State and Federal
regulations and the requirements set forth in this manual. The provider is also
responsible for ensuring that all employees are likewise informed of these regulations
and requirements. The provider certifies by his/her signature or the signature of
his/her authorized agent on each claim or invoice for payment that all information
provided to Medicaid is true, accurate, and complete. Although claims may be
prepared and submitted by an employee, billing agent or other authorized person,
providers are responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of all claims
submitted to Medicaid.
4.9 Referral of Suspected Fraud and Abuse
If a provider becomes aware of possible fraudulent or program abusive
conduct/activity by another provider, or eligible client, the provider should notify the
Program Integrity Unit in writing. Return a completed Report of Suspected Abuse of
the Medicaid Healthcare System to or call or reference the below website:
“An intentional deception or misrepresentation made by a person with the
knowledge that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to
himself or some other person. It includes any act that constitutes fraud
under applicable Federal or State law.”
“Provider practices that are inconsistent with sound fiscal, business, or
medical practices, and result in an unnecessary cost to the Medicaid
program or in reimbursement for services that are not medically necessary
or that fail to meet professionally recognized standards for healthcare. It
also includes recipient practices that result in unnecessary cost to the
Medicaid Program.”
Utilization Review______________________________________________________________
Ch. 4 Index 37 Revision 4/1/17
Program Integrity Unit
Division of Healthcare Financing
6101 Yellowstone Rd., Suite 210
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Or contact: (855)846-2563
4.9.1 Report of Suspected Abuse of the Medicaid Healthcare System
NOTE: Click image above to be taken to a printable version of this form.
4.10 Sanctions
The Division of Healthcare Financing (DHCF) may invoke administrative sanctions
against a Medicaid provider when a credible allegation of fraud abuse, waste, non-
compliance (i.e., Provider Agreement and/or Medicaid Rules) exists or who is under
sanction by another regulatory entity (i.e. Medicare, licensing boards, OIG, or other
Medicaid designated agents).
Providers who have had sanctions levied against them may be subject to prohibitions
or additional requirements as defined by Medicaid Rules (2.1, Quick Reference).
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4.11 Adverse Actions
Providers and clients have the right to request an administrative hearing regarding an
adverse action, after reconsideration, taken by the Division of Healthcare Financing.
This process is defined in Wyoming Medicaid Rule, Chapter 4, entitled “Medicaid
Administrative Hearings”.
Client Eligibility_______________________________________________________________
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Chapter Five – Client Eligibility
5.1 What is Medicaid? ............................................................................................... 40
5.2 Who is Eligible? .................................................................................................. 40
5.2.1 Children ............................................................................................................... 40
5.2.2 Pregnant Women ................................................................................................. 41
5.2.3 Family MAGI Adult ............................................................................................ 41
5.2.4 Aged, Blind and Disabled ................................................................................... 41 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and SSI Related .................................... 41 Institution ......................................................................................................... 41 Home and Community Based Waiver ............................................................. 42
5.2.5 Other .................................................................................................................... 42 Special Groups ................................................................................................. 42 Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) ................................................ 42 Medicare Savings Programs ............................................................................ 42 Non-Citizens with Medical Emergencies (ALEN) .......................................... 43
5.3 Maternal and Child Health (MCH) ..................................................................... 43
5.4 Eligibility Determination ..................................................................................... 43
5.4.1 Applying for Medicaid ........................................................................................ 43
5.4.2 Determination ...................................................................................................... 44
5.5 Client Identification Cards .................................................................................. 44
5.6 Other Types of Eligibility Identification ............................................................. 45
5.6.1 Medicaid Approval Notice .................................................................................. 45
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5.1 What is Medicaid?
Medicaid is a health coverage program jointly funded by the Federal government and
the State of Wyoming. The program is designed to help pay for medically necessary
healthcare services for children, pregnant women, family Modified Adjusted Gross
Income (MAGI) adults and the aged, blind and disabled.
5.2 Who is Eligible?
Eligibility is generally based on family income and sometimes resources and/or
healthcare needs. Federal statutes define more than 50 groups of individuals that may
qualify for Medicaid coverage. There are four (4) broad categories of Medicaid
eligibility in Wyoming:
Pregnant women;
Family MAGI Adults; and
Aged, Blind, and Disabled.
5.2.1 Children
Newborns are automatically eligible if the mother is Medicaid eligible at the
time of the birth.
Low Income Children are eligible if family income is at or below 133%
federal poverty level (FPL) or 154% FPL, dependent on age of the child.
Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Children allows temporary coverage for a
child who meets eligibility criteria for the full Children's Medicaid program
while the full Medicaid application is being processed.
o PE Coverage will end the date a determination is made on the full
Medicaid application or the last day of the next month after PE is
approved if a full Medicaid application is not submitted.
Foster Care Children in Department of Family Services (DFS) custody are
eligible in different income levels including some who enter subsidized
adoption or who age out of foster care until they are age 26.
Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Former Foster Youth allows temporary
coverage for a person who meets eligibility criteria for the full Former Foster
Youth Medicaid program while the full Medicaid application is being
o PE Coverage will end the date a determination is made on the full
Medicaid application or the last day of the next month after PE is
approved if a full Medicaid application is not submitted.
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5.2.2 Pregnant Women
Pregnant Women are eligible if family income is at or below 154% FPL.
Women with income less than or equal to the MAGI conversion of the 1996
Family Care Standard must cooperate with child support to be eligible.
Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Pregnant Women allows temporary outpatient
coverage for a pregnant woman who meets eligibility criteria for the full
Pregnant Woman Medicaid program while the full Medicaid application is
being processed.
o PE Coverage will end the date a determination is made on the full
Medicaid application or the last day of the next month after PE is
approved if a full Medicaid application is not submitted.
5.2.3 Family MAGI Adult
Family MAGI Adults (caretaker relatives with a dependent child) are eligible
if family income is at or below the MAGI conversion of the 1996 Family Care
Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Caretaker Relatives allows temporary
coverage for the parent or caretaker relative of a Medicaid eligible child who
meets eligibility criteria for the full Family MAGI Medicaid program while
the full Medicaid application is being processed.
o PE Coverage will end the date a determination is made on the full
Medicaid application or the last day of the next month after PE is
approved if a full Medicaid application is not submitted.
5.2.4 Aged, Blind and Disabled Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and SSI Related
SSI – A person receiving SSI automatically qualifies for Medicaid
SSI Related – A person no longer receiving SSI payment may be eligible
using SSI criteria. Institution
All categories are income eligible up to 300% SSI Standard.
Nursing Home
ICF ID – Wyoming Life Resource Center
INPAT-PSYCH – WY State Hospital – clients are 65 years and older.
Client Eligibility_______________________________________________________________
Ch. 5 Index 42 Revision 4/1/17 Home and Community Based Waiver
All waiver groups are income eligible when income is less than or equal to 300% SSI
Acquired Brain Injury
Assisted Living Facilities
Children’s Mental Health
Long Term Care
5.2.5 Other Special Groups
Breast and Cervical Cancer (BCC) Treatment Program – Uninsured
women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer are income eligible at or
below 250% FPL
Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for BCC allows temporary coverage for a woman
who meets eligibility criteria for the full BCC Medicaid program while the
full Medicaid application is being processed.
o PE Coverage will end the date a determination is made on the full
Medicaid application or the last day of the next month after PE is
approved if a full Medicaid application is not submitted.
Tuberculosis (TB) Program – Individuals diagnosed with tuberculosis are
eligible based on the TB Standard.
Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) – Individuals over
the age of 55 assessed to be in need of nursing home level of care receive all
services coordinated through the PACE provider. This program is currently
available in Laramie County only. Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID)
Employed Individuals with Disabilities are income eligible when income is less than
or equal to 300% SSI using unearned income and must pay a premium calculated
using total gross income. Medicare Savings Programs
Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB) are income eligible at or below
100% FPL. Benefits include payment of Medicare premiums, deductibles, and
cost sharing.
Specified Low Income Beneficiaries (SLMB) are income eligible at or below
135% FPL. Benefits include payment of Medicare premiums only.
Client Eligibility_______________________________________________________________
Ch. 5 Index 43 Revision 4/1/17 Non-Citizens with Medical Emergencies (ALEN)
A non-citizen who meets all eligibility factors under a Medicaid group except for
citizenship and social security number is eligible for emergency services. This does
not include dental services.
5.3 Maternal and Child Health (MCH)
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) provides services for high-risk pregnant women,
high-risk newborns and children with special healthcare needs through the Children’s
Special Health (CSH) program. The purpose is to identify eligible clients, assure
diagnostic and treatment services are available, provide payment for authorized
specialty care for those eligible, and provide care coordination services. CSH does not
cover acute or emergency care.
A client may be eligible only for a MCH program or may be dually eligible
for a MCH program or other Medicaid programs. Care coordination for both
MCH only and dually eligible clients is provided through the Public Health
Nurse (PHN).
MCH has a dollar cap and limits on some services for those clients who are
eligible for MCH only.
Contact MCH for the following information:
o The nearest Public Health Nurse (PHN)
o Questions related to eligibility determination
o Questions related to the type of services authorized by MCH.
Maternal & Child Health
6101 N. Yellowstone Rd., Ste. 420
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(800)438-5795 or Fax: (307)777-7215
Providers must be enrolled with Medicaid and MCH to receive payment for MCH
services. Claims for both programs are submitted to and processed by the fiscal agent
for Wyoming Medicaid (2.1, Quick Reference). Providers are asked to submit the
medical record to CSH in a timely manner assure coordination of referrals and
5.4 Eligibility Determination
5.4.1 Applying for Medicaid
Persons applying for Children, Pregnant Women and/or Family MAGI Adult
programs may complete the Application for Wyoming’s Healthcare Coverage,
which is also used for the Kid Care CHIP program. The application may be
Client Eligibility_______________________________________________________________
Ch. 5 Index 44 Revision 4/1/17
mailed to the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH). Applicants may also
apply online at
Presumptive Eligibility (PE) applicants may also apply through a qualified
provider or qualified hospital for the PE programs.
5.4.2 Determination
Eligibility determination is conducted by the Wyoming Department of Health
Customer Service Center (CSC) or the Long Term Care (LTC) Unit centrally located
in Cheyenne, WY (2.1, Quick Reference).
Persons who want to apply for other programs offered through the Department of
Family Services (DFS), such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
or Child Care need to apply in person at their local DFS office. Persons applying for
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) need to contact the Social Security
Administration (SSA) (2.1, Quick Reference).
Medicaid assumes no financial responsibility for services rendered prior to the
effective date of client eligibility as determined by the WDH or the SSA. However,
the effective date of eligibility as determined by the WDH may be retroactive up to
90-days prior to the month in which the application is filed, as long as the client
meets eligibility criteria during each month of the retroactive period. If the SSA
deems the client eligible, the period of original entitlement could precede the
application date beyond the 90-day retroactive eligibility period and/or the 12-month
timely filing deadline for Medicaid claims (6.20, Timely Filing). This situation could
arise for the following reasons:
Administrative Law Judge decisions or reversals.
Delays encountered in processing applications or receiving necessary client
information concerning income or resources.
5.5 Client Identification Cards
A Medicaid ID Card is mailed to clients upon enrollment in the Medicaid Program or
other health programs such as the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP),
Children’s Special Health (CSH), and Prescription Drug Assistance Program (PDAP).
Not all programs receive a Medicaid ID Card, to confirm if a plan generates a card or
not refer to the “card” indicator on the Medicaid and State Benefit Plan Guide.
Sample Medicaid ID card:
Client Eligibility_______________________________________________________________
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5.6 Other Types of Eligibility Identification
5.6.1 Medicaid Approval Notice
In some cases, a provider may be presented with a copy of a Medicaid Approval
Notice in lieu of the client’s Medicaid ID Card. Providers should always verify
eligibility before rendering services to a client who presents a Medicaid Approval
NOTE: Refer to “Verification Options” (3.8, Verification Options) on ways to
verify a client’s eligibility.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 46 Revision 4/1/17
Chapter Six – Common Billing Information
6.1 Electronic Billing ................................................................................................ 49
6.2 Basic Paper Claim Information ........................................................................... 49
6.3 Authorized Signatures ......................................................................................... 50
6.4 Completing the CMS-1500 Claim Form ............................................................. 51
6.4.1 Instructions for Completing the CMS-1500 Claim Form ................................... 51
6.4.2 Place of Service ................................................................................................... 56
6.5 Medicare Crossovers ........................................................................................... 61
6.5.1 General Information ............................................................................................ 61
6.5.2 Billing Information .............................................................................................. 62
6.6 Examples of Billing ............................................................................................. 63
6.6.1 Client has Medicaid Coverage Only or Medicaid and Medicare Coverage ........ 63
6.6.2 Client has Medicaid and Third Party Liability (TPL) or Client has Medicaid,
Medicare and TPL ............................................................................................... 64
6.7 National Drug Code (NDC) Billing Requirement ............................................... 65
6.7.1 Converting 10-Digit NDC’s to 11-Digits ............................................................ 65
6.7.2 Documenting and Billing the Appropriate NDC ................................................. 66
6.7.3 Procedure Code/NDC Combinations .................................................................. 67
6.7.4 Billing Requirements ........................................................................................... 67
6.7.5 Submitting One NDC per Procedure Code ......................................................... 67
6.7.6 Submitting Multiple NDCs per Procedure Code ................................................. 68
6.7.7 Medicare Crossover Claims ................................................................................ 68
6.7.8 CMS-1500 02-12 Billing Instructions ................................................................. 68
6.8 Cap Limits ........................................................................................................... 69
6.8.1 Cap Limit Waiver ................................................................................................ 70
6.8.2 Cap Limit Waiver Request Form ........................................................................ 71
6.8.3 Cap Limit Waiver Request Form Instructions .................................................... 72
6.8.4 Cap Limit Additional Information for Clients Under the Age of 21 ................... 73
6.8.5 Cap Limit Additional Information Instructions ................................................... 74
6.9 Reimbursement Methodologies ........................................................................... 75
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
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6.10 Usual and Customary Charges ............................................................................ 75
6.10.1 Invoice Charges ................................................................................................... 75
6.11 Co-Payment Schedule ......................................................................................... 76
6.12 How to Bill for Newborns ................................................................................... 76
6.13 Prior Authorization .............................................................................................. 76
6.13.1 Requesting Prior Authorization from Medical Policy ......................................... 77 Medicaid Prior Authorization Form ................................................................ 79 Instructions for Completing the Medicaid Prior Authorization Form ............. 79
6.13.2 Requesting an Emergency Prior Authorization ................................................... 81 Prior Authorization Approval .......................................................................... 81 Sample PA Approval Letter ............................................................................ 82 Prior Authorization Denial .............................................................................. 83 Sample Prior Authorization Denial Letter ....................................................... 83 Prior Authorization Pending ............................................................................ 84 Sample Prior Authorization Pending ............................................................... 84
6.14 Order vs Delivery Date ........................................................................................ 85
6.14.1 Order vs Delivery Date Exception Form ............................................................. 86
6.15 Submitting Attachments for Electronic Claims ................................................... 86
6.15.1 Attachment Cover Sheet ...................................................................................... 88
6.16 Sterilization, Hysterectomy and Abortion Consent Forms ................................. 88
6.16.1 Sterilization Consent Form and Guidelines ......................................................... 88 Sterilization Consent Form .............................................................................. 90 Instructions for Completing the Sterilization Consent Form........................... 90
6.16.2 Hysterectomy Acknowledgment of Consent ....................................................... 90 Instructions for Completing the Hysterectomy Acknowledgment of Consent
Form ................................................................................................................ 92 Hysterectomy Acknowledgment Consent Form.............................................. 93
6.16.3 Abortion Certification Guidelines ....................................................................... 93 Instructions for Completing the Abortion Certification Form ......................... 93 Abortion Certification Form ............................................................................ 94
6.17 Remittance Advice .............................................................................................. 94
6.17.1 Sample Professional Remittance Advice ............................................................ 96
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
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6.17.2 How to Read the Remittance Advice .................................................................. 97
6.17.3 Remittance Advice Replacement Request Policy ............................................... 98 Remittance Advice (RA) Replacement Request Form .................................... 99
6.17.4 Obtain an RA from the Web ................................................................................ 99
6.17.5 When a Client Has Other Insurance .................................................................... 99
6.18 Resubmitting Versus Adjusting Claims ............................................................ 100
6.18.1 How Long do Providers Have to Resubmit or Adjust a Claim? ....................... 100
6.18.2 Resubmitting a Claim ........................................................................................ 101 When to Resubmit to Medicaid ..................................................................... 101
6.18.3 Adjustment/Void Request Form Electronically Adjusting Paid Claims via
Hardcopy/Paper ................................................................................................. 101 Adjustment/Void Request Form .................................................................... 102 How to Request an Adjustment/Void ............................................................ 102 How to Complete the Adjustment/Void Request Form ................................. 103 When to Request an Adjustment ................................................................... 103 When to Request a Void ................................................................................ 104
6.19 Credit Balances .................................................................................................. 104
6.20 Timely Filing ..................................................................................................... 105
6.20.1 Exceptions to the Twelve-Month Limit ............................................................ 105
6.20.2 Appeal of Timely Filing .................................................................................... 106 How to Appeal ............................................................................................... 106
6.21 Important Information Regarding Retroactive Eligibility Decisions ................ 106
6.22 Client Fails to Notify a Provider of Eligibility .................................................. 107
6.23 Billing Tips to Avoid Timely Filing Denials .................................................... 107
6.24 Telehealth .......................................................................................................... 108
6.24.1 Covered Services ............................................................................................... 108
6.24.2 Non-Covered Services ....................................................................................... 110
6.24.3 Billing Requirements ......................................................................................... 110
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
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6.1 Electronic Billing
As of July 1, 2015 Wyoming Medicaid requires all providers to submit electronically.
There are two (2) exceptions to this requirement:
Providers who do not submit at least 25 claims in a calendar year.
Providers who do not bill diagnosis codes on their claims.
If a provider is unable to submit electronically, the provider must submit a request for
an exemption in writing and must include:
Provider name, NPI, contact name and phone number.
The calendar year for which the exemption is being requested.
Detailed explanation of the reason for the exemption request.
Mail to:
Wyoming Medicaid
Attn: Provider Relations
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY 82003-0667
A new exemption request must be submitted for each calendar year. Wyoming
Medicaid has free software or applications available for providers to bill
electronically (Chapter 8, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)).
6.2 Basic Paper Claim Information
The fiscal agent processes paper CMS-1500 and UB04 claims using Optical
Character Recognition (OCR). OCR is the process of using a scanner to read the
information on a claim and convert it into electronic format instead of being manually
entered. This process improves accuracy and increases the speed at which claims are
entered into the claims processing system. The quality of the claim will affect the
accuracy in which the claim is processed through OCR. The following is a list of tips
to aid providers in avoiding paper claims processing problems with OCR:
Use an original, standard, red-dropout form (CMS-1500 (02-12) and UB04).
Use typewritten print; for best results use a laser printer.
Use a clean, non-proportional font.
Use black ink.
Print claim data within the defined boxes on the claim form.
Print only the information asked for on the claim form.
Use all capital letters.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 50 Revision 4/1/17
Use correction tape for corrections.
To avoid delays in the processing of claims it is recommended that providers avoid
the following:
Using copies of claim forms.
Faxing claims.
Using fonts smaller than 8 point.
Resizing the form.
Handwritten information on the claim form.
Entering “none”, “NA”, or “Same” if there is no information (leave the box
Mixing fonts on the same claim form.
Using italics or script fonts.
Printing slashed zeros.
Using highlighters to highlight field information.
Using stamps, labels, or stickers.
Marking out information on the form with a black marker.
Claims that do not follow Medicaid provider billing policies and procedures may be
returned unprocessed with a letter or may be processed incorrectly. When a claim is
returned the provider may correct the claim and return it to Medicaid for processing.
NOTE: The fiscal agent and the Division of Healthcare Financing (DHCF) are
prohibited by federal law from altering a claim.
Billing errors detected after a claim is submitted cannot be corrected until after
Medicaid has made payment or notified the provider of the denial. Providers should
not resubmit or attempt to adjust a claim until it is reported on their Remittance
Advice (6.18, Resubmitting Versus Adjusting Claims).
NOTE: Claims are to be submitted only after service(s) have been rendered, not
before. For deliverable items (i.e. dentures, DME, glasses, hearing aids,
etc.) the date of service must be the date of delivery, not the order date.
6.3 Authorized Signatures
All paper claims must be signed by the provider or the provider’s authorized
representative. Acceptable signatures may be either handwritten, a stamped facsimile,
typed, computer generated, or initialed. The signature certifies all information on the
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 51 Revision 4/1/17
claim is true, accurate, complete, and contains no false or erroneous information.
Remarks such as signature on file or facility names will not be accepted.
6.4 Completing the CMS-1500 Claim Form
6.4.1 Instructions for Completing the CMS-1500 Claim Form
Insurance Type
Place an "X" in the "Medicaid" box.
Insured’s ID
Enter the client’s ten (10) digit Medicaid ID
number that appears on the Medicaid
Identification card.
Patient’s Name
Enter the client’s last name, first name, and
middle initial.
Patient’s Date of
Information that will identify the patient and
distinguishes persons with similar names.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 52 Revision 4/1/17
Insured’s Name
Enter the insured’s full last name, first
name, and middle initial. Insured’s name
identifies who holds the policy if different
than Patient information.
Patient’s Address
Refers to patient’s permanent residence.
Relationship to
If the client is covered by other insurance,
mark the appropriate box to show
Insured’s Address
Enter the address of the insured.
Patient Status
Indicates patient’s marital and employment
ions for
Other Insurance
If item number 11d is marked complete
fields 9 and 9a-d.
Other Insured’s
When additional group health coverage
exists, enter other insured’s full last name,
first name and middle initial of the enrollee
if different from item number 2.
Other Insured’s
Policy or Group
Enter the policy or group number of the
other insured.
Reserved for
Reserved for
Insurance Plan or
Program Name
Enter the other insured’s insurance plan or
program name.
Is Patient’s
Condition Related
When appropriate, enter an X in the correct
box to indicate whether one or more the
services described in Item Number 24 are
for a condition or injury the occurred on the
job or as a result of an auto accident.
Reserved for Local
Insured’s Policy,
group or FECA
Enter the insured’s policy or group number
as it appears on the ID card. Only complete
if Item Number 4 is completed.
Insured’s Date of
Birth, Sex
Enter the 8- digit date of birth
(MM/DD/CCYY) and an X to indicate the
sex of the insured.
Employer’s Name
or School Name
Enter the Name of the insured’s employer or
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 53 Revision 4/1/17
Insurance Plan
Name or Program
Enter the insurance plan or program name
of the insured.
Is there another
Health Benefit
When appropriate, enter an X in the correct
box. If marked “YES”, complete 9 and 9a-d.
Patient’s or
Person’s Signature
Indicates there is an authorization on file for
the release of any medical or other
information necessary to process the claim.
Indicates that there is a signature on file
authorizing payment of medical benefits.
Date of current
illness, injury or
Enter the date of illness, injury or
If Patient has had
Same or Similar
A patient having had same or similar illness
would indicate that the patient had a
previously related condition.
Date Patient
Unable to Work in
Time span the patient is or was unable to
Name of Referring
Enter the name and credentials of the
professional who referred, ordered or
supervised the service on the claim.
17a Other ID #
Other ID number of the referring, ordering,
or supervising provider is reported in 17a in
the shaded area. The qualifier indicating
what the number represents is reported in
the qualifier field to the immediate right.
Enter the NPI number of the referring,
ordering, or supervising provider in Item
Number 17b.
Dates Related to
Current Service
The hospitalization dates related to current
services would refer to an inpatient stay and
indicates admission and discharge dates.
Reserved for Local
Outside lab? $
Indicates that services have been rendered
by an independent provider as indicated in
Item Number 32 and related Costs.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 54 Revision 4/1/17
ICD Indicator
Diagnosis or
Nature of Illness or
Enter the ICD-9 or ICD-10 indicator Enter
the patient’s diagnosis/condition. List up to
twelve ICD-PCM codes. Use the highest
level of specificity. Do not provide a
description in this field.
The code and original reference number
assigned by the destination payer or receiver
to indicate a previously submitted claim.
Prior Authorization
Enter the ten (10) digit Prior Authorization
number from the approval letter, if
applicable. Claims for these services are
subject to service limits and the 12 month
filing limit.
Claim Line Detail
Supplemental information is to be placed in
the shaded sections of 24A through 24G as
required by individual payers. Medicaid
requires information such as NDC and
taxonomy in the shaded areas as defined in
each Item Number
Dates of Service
Enter date(s) of service, from and to. If one
(1) date of service only enter that date under
“from”. Leave “to” blank or reenter “from”
date. Enter as MM/DD/YY. NDC qualifier
and NDC code will be placed in the shaded
area. For detailed information on billing
with the corresponding NDC codes, refer to
the NDC entry information following this
instruction table.
Place of Service
Enter the two (2) digit Place of Service
(POS) code for each procedure performed.
This field is used to identify if the service
was an emergency. Provider must maintain
documentation supporting an emergency
indicator. Enter Y for “YES” or leave blank
or enter N for “NO” in the bottom, un-
shaded area of the field. This field is
situational, but required when the service is
deemed an emergency
Services, or
Enter the CPT or HCPCS codes and
modifiers from the appropriate code set in
effect on the date of service.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 55 Revision 4/1/17
Diagnosis Pointer
Enter the diagnosis code reference letter
(pointer) as shown in Item Number 21 to
relate the date of service and the procedures
performed to the primary diagnosis. Do Not
enter any diagnosis codes in this box.
$ Charges
Enter the charge for each listed service.
Days or Units
Enter the units of services rendered for each
detail line. A unit of service is the number
of times a procedure is performed. If only
one (1) service is performed, the numeral 1
must be entered.
Identifies certain services that may be
covered under some state plans.
ID Qualifier
If the provider does not have an NPI
number, enter the appropriate qualifier and
identifying number in the shaded area
(Chapter 9, Wyoming Specific HIPAA
Provider ID #
The individual rendering the service is
reported in 24J. Enter the taxonomy code in
the shaded area of the field. Enter the NPI
number in the un-shaded area of the field.
Report the Identification Number in Items
24I and 24J only when different from the
data in Items 33a and 33b.
Federal Tax ID
Refers to the unique identifier assigned by a
federal or state agency.
Patient’s Account
The patient’s account number refers to the
identifier assigned by the provider
Enter X in the correct box. Indicated that the
provider agrees to accept assignment under
the terms of the Medicare program.
Total Charge
Add all charges in Column 24F and enter
the total amount in this field.
Amount Paid
Enter total amount the patient or other
payers paid on the covered services only.
This field is reserved for third party
coverage only, do not enter Medicare paid
Balance Due
Enter the total amount due.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 56 Revision 4/1/17
Signature of
Physician or
Supplier Including
Degrees or
Enter the legal signature of the practitioner
or supplier, signature of the practitioner or
supplier representative. Enter date the form
was signed.
32, 32a
and 32b
32 -Service
Facility Location
32a NPI Number
32b Other ID#
Enter the name, address, city, state and zip
code of the location where the services were
rendered. Enter the NPI number of the
service facility location in 32a; enter the two
(2) digit qualifier identifying the non-NPI
number followed by the ID number.
33, 33a
and 33b
33 -Billing
Provider Info &
33a NPI number
33b taxonomy
Enter the provider’s or supplier’s billing
name, address, zip code and phone number.
Enter the NPI number of the billing provider
in 33a. Enter the two (2) digit qualifier
identifying the non-NPI number followed
by the ID number. Enter the provider’s
taxonomy number in 33b.
6.4.2 Place of Service
Place of Service Name
Place of Service Description
A facility or location where drugs and other medically
related items and services are sold, dispensed, or
otherwise provided directly to patients.
A facility whose primary purpose is education.
Homeless Shelter
A facility or location whose primary purpose is to
provide temporary housing to homeless individuals (e.g.,
emergency shelters, individual or family shelters).
Indian Health
Service Free-
standing Facility
A facility or location, owned and operated by the Indian
Health Service, which provides diagnostic, therapeutic
(surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation services to
American Indians and Alaska Natives who do not require
Indian Health
Service Provider-
based Facility
A facility or location, owned and operated by the Indian
Health Service, which provides diagnostic, therapeutic
(surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation services
rendered by, or under the supervision of, physicians to
American Indians and Alaska Natives admitted as
inpatients or outpatients.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 57 Revision 4/1/17
Place of Service Name
Place of Service Description
Tribal 638 Free-
standing Facility
A facility or location owned and operated a federally
recognized American Indian or Alaska Native tribe or
tribal organization under a 638 agreement, which
provides diagnostic, therapeutic (surgical and non-
surgical), and rehabilitation services to tribal members
who do not require hospitalization.
Tribal 638 Provider-
based Facility
A facility or location owned and operated a federally
recognized American Indian or Alaska Native tribe or
tribal organization under a 638 agreement, which
provides diagnostic, therapeutic (surgical and non-
surgical), and rehabilitation services to tribal members
admitted as inpatients or outpatients.
A prison, jail, reformatory, work farm, detention center,
or any other similar facility maintained by either Federal,
State, or local authorities for the purpose of confinement
or rehabilitation of adult or juvenile criminal offenders.
Location, Other than a Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility,
Military treatment Facility, Community Health Center,
State or Local Public Health Clinic, or Intermediate Care
Facility, where the health professional routinely provides
health examinations, diagnosis, and treatment of illness
or injury on an ambulatory basis.
Location, other than a Hospital or other Facility, where
the patient receives care in a private session.
Assisted Living
Congregate residential facility with self-contained living
units providing assessment of each resident’s needs and
on-site support 24-hours a day, seven (7) days a week,
with the capacity to deliver or arrange for services
including some healthcare and other services.
Group Home
A residence, with shared living areas, where clients
receive supervision and other services such as social and
/ or behavioral services, custodial service, and minimal
services (e.g., medication administration.
Mobile Unit
A facility / unit that moves from place-to-place equipped
to provide preventive, screening, diagnostic, and / or
treatment services.
Temporary Lodging
A short term accommodation such as a hotel, camp
ground, hostel, cruise ship or resort where the patient
receives care, and which is not identified by any other
POS code.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 58 Revision 4/1/17
Place of Service Name
Place of Service Description
Walk-in Retail
Health Clinic
A walk-in-health clinic, other than an office, urgent care
facility, pharmacy or independent clinic and not
described by any other Place of Service code, that is
located within a retail operation and provides, on an
ambulatory basis, preventive and primary care services.
Place of
A location, not described by any other POS code, owned
or operated by a public or private entity where the patient
is employed, and where a health professional provides
on-going or episodic occupational medical, therapeutic or
rehabilitative services to the individual.
Urgent Care Facility
Location, distinct from a hospital emergency room, an
office, or a clinic, whose purpose is to diagnose and treat
illness or injury for unscheduled, ambulatory patients
seeking immediate medical attention.
Inpatient Hospital
A facility, other than psychiatric, which primarily
provides diagnostic, therapeutic (both surgical and non-
surgical), and rehabilitation services by, or under, the
supervision of physicians to patients admitted for a
variety of medical conditions.
Outpatient Hospital
A portion of a Hospital, which provides diagnostic,
therapeutic (both surgical and non-surgical), and
rehabilitation services to sick or injured persons who do
not require Hospitalization or Institutionalization.
Emergency Room –
A portion of a Hospital where emergency diagnosis and
treatment of illness or injury is provided.
Ambulatory Surgical
A free standing facility, other than a physician’s office,
where surgical and diagnostic services are provided on an
ambulatory basis.
Birthing Center
A facility, other than a hospital’s maternity facilities or a
physician’s office, which provides a setting for labor,
delivery, and immediate post-partum care as well as
immediate care of new born infants.
Military Treatment
A medical facility operated by one (1) or more of the
Uniformed Services. Military Treatment Facility (MTF)
also refers to certain former U.S. Public Health Services
(USPHS) facilities now designated as Uniformed Service
Treatment Facilities (USTF).
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 59 Revision 4/1/17
Place of Service Name
Place of Service Description
Skilled Nursing
A facility, which primarily provides inpatient skilled,
nursing care and related services to patients who require
medical, nursing, or rehabilitation services but does not
provide the level of care of treatment available on a
Nursing Facility
A facility which primarily provides to residents skilled
nursing care and related services for the rehabilitation of
injured, disabled, or sick persons, or, on a regular basis,
health-related care services above the level of custodial
care to other than mentally retarded individuals.
Custodial Care
A facility which provides room, board and other personal
assistance services, generally on a long-term basis, which
does not include a medical component.
A facility, other than a patient’s home, in which palliative
and supportive care for terminally ill patients and their
families are provided.
Ambulance – Land
A land vehicle specifically designed, equipped and
staffed for lifesaving and transporting the sick or injured.
Ambulance – Air or
An air or water vehicle specifically designed, equipped
and staffed for lifesaving and transporting the sick or
Independent Clinic
A location, not part of a hospital and not described by
any other Place of Service code, that is organized and
operated to provide preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic,
rehabilitative, or palliative services to outpatients only.
Federally Qualified
Health Center
A facility located in a medically underserved area that
provides Medicare beneficiaries preventive primary
medical care under the general direction of a physician.
Inpatient Psychiatric
A facility that provides inpatient psychiatric services for
the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness on a 24-
hour basis, by or under the supervision of a physician.
Psychiatric Facility-
A facility for the diagnosis and treatment of mental
illness that provides a planned therapeutic program for
patients who do not require full time hospitalization, but
who need broader programs than are possible from
outpatient visits to a hospital-bases or hospital-affiliated
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 60 Revision 4/1/17
Place of Service Name
Place of Service Description
Community Mental
Health Center
A facility that provides the following services: Outpatient
services, including specialized outpatient services for
children, the elderly, individuals who are chronically ill,
and residents of the CMHC’s mental health services are
who have been discharged from inpatient treatment at a
mental health facility; 24-hour a day emergency care
services; day treatment, other partial hospitalization
services, or psychosocial rehabilitation services.
Intermediate Care
Facility / Mentally
A facility which primarily provides health-related care
and services above the level of custodial care to mentally
retarded individuals but does not provide the level of care
or treatment available in a hospital or SNF.
Substance Abuse
Treatment Facility
A facility which provides treatment for substance
(alcohol and drug) abuse to live-in residents who do not
require acute medical care. Services include individual
and group therapy and counseling, family counseling,
laboratory test, drugs and supplies, psychological testing,
and room and board.
Treatment Center
A facility or distinct part of a facility for psychiatric care
which provides a total 24-hour therapeutically planned
and professionally staffed group living and learning
Substance Abuse
Treatment Facility
A location which provides treatment for substance
(alcohol and drug) abuse on an ambulatory basis.
Services include individual and group therapy and
counseling, family counseling, laboratory tests, drugs and
supplies, and psychological testing.
Mass Immunization
A location where providers administer pneumococcal
pneumonia and influenza virus vaccinations and submit
these services as electronic media claims, paper claims,
or using the roster billing method. This generally takes
place in a mass immunization setting, such as, a public
health center, pharmacy, or mall but may include a
physician office setting.
A facility that provides comprehensive rehabilitation
services under the supervision of a physician to inpatients
with physical disabilities. Services include physical
therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, speech
pathology, social or psychological services, and orthotics
and prosthetics services.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 61 Revision 4/1/17
Place of Service Name
Place of Service Description
A facility that provides comprehensive rehabilitation
services to outpatients with physical disabilities. Services
include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and
speech pathology services.
End-Stage Renal
Disease Treatment
A facility other that a hospital, which provides dialysis
treatment, maintenance, and /or training to patients or
caregivers on an ambulatory or home-care basis.
Public Health Clinic
A facility maintained by either State or local health
departments that provide ambulatory primary medical
care under the general direction of a physician.
Rural Health Clinic
A certified facility, which is located in a rural medically,
underserved area that provides ambulatory primary
medical care under the general direction of a physician.
A laboratory certified to perform diagnostic and/or
clinical tests independent of an institution or a
physician’s office.
Other Place of
Other place of service not listed above.
6.5 Medicare Crossovers
Medicaid processes claims for Medicare/Medicaid services when provided to a
Medicaid eligible client.
6.5.1 General Information
Dually eligible clients are clients that are eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.
Providers may verify Medicare and Medicaid eligibility through the IVR (2.1,
Quick Reference).
Providers must accept assignment of claims for dually eligible clients.
Be sure Wyoming Medicaid has record of all applicable NPIs under which the
provider is submitting to Medicare to facilitate the electronic crossover
Medicaid reimburses the lesser of the assigned coinsurance and deductible
amounts or the difference between the Medicaid allowable and the Medicare
paid amount for dually eligible clients as indicated on the Medicare
(Explanation of Medicare Benefits) EOMB.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 62 Revision 4/1/17
o Wyoming Medicaid’s payment is payment in full. The client is not
responsible for any amount left over, even if assigned to coinsurance
or deductible by Medicare.
6.5.2 Billing Information
Medicare is primary to Medicaid and must be billed first. Direct Medicare
claims processing questions to the Medicare carrier.
When posting the Medicare payment, the EOMB (Explanation of Medicare
Benefits) may state that the claim has been forwarded to Medicaid. No further
action is required, it has automatically been submitted.
Medicare transmits electronic claims to Medicaid daily. Medicare transmits all
lines on a claim with any Medicare paid claim – If one (1) line pays, and three
(3) others are denied by Medicare, all four (4) lines will be transmitted to
Wyoming Medicaid.
The time limit for filing Medicare crossover claims to Medicaid is 12-months
from the date of service or six (6) months from the date of the Medicare
payment, whichever is later.
If payment is not received from Medicaid after 45-days of the Medicare
payment, submit a claim to Medicaid and include the COB (Coordination of
Benefits) information in the electronic claim. The line items on the claim
being submitted to Medicaid must be exactly the same as the claim submitted
to Medicare, except when Medicare denies then the claim must conform to
Medicaid policy.
If a paper claim is being submitted, the EOMB must be attached. If the
Medicare policy is a replacement/advantage or supplement, this information
must be noted (it can be hand written) on the EOMB.
NOTE: Do not resubmit a claim for coinsurance or deductible amounts unless the
provider has waited 45-days from Medicare’s payment date. A provider’s
claims may be returned if submitted without waiting the 45-days after the
Medicare payment date.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 64 Revision 4/1/17
6.6.2 Client has Medicaid and Third Party Liability (TPL) or Client
has Medicaid, Medicare and TPL
NOTE: If the client has both Medicare and TPL in addition to Medicaid, attach the
TPL EOB and the Medicare EOMB to the claim. If the client has TPL and
Medicaid but no Medicare, attach the TPL EOB to the claim.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 65 Revision 4/1/17
6.7 National Drug Code (NDC) Billing Requirement
Effective for dates of service on and after March 1, 2008 Medicaid will require
providers to include National Drug Codes (NDCs) on professional and institutional
claims when certain drug-related procedure codes are billed. This policy is mandated
by the Federal Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005, which requires state Medicaid
programs to collect rebates from drug manufacturers when their products are
administered in an office, clinic, hospital or other outpatient setting.
The NDC is a unique 11-digit identifier assigned to a drug product by the
labeler/manufacturer under Federal Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. It is
comprised of three (3) segments configured in a 5-4-2 format.
Labeler Code Product Code Package Code
(5 Digits) (4 Digits) (2 Digits)
Labeler Code – Five (5) digit number assigned by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to uniquely identify each firm that manufactures,
repacks, or distributes drug products.
Product Code – Four (4) digit number that identifies the specific drug,
strength and dosage form.
Package Code – Two (2) digit number that identifies the package size.
6.7.1 Converting 10-Digit NDC’s to 11-Digits
Many NDCs are displayed on drug products using a ten (10) digit format. However,
to meet the requirements of the new policy, NDCs must be billed to Medicaid using
the 11-digits FDA standard. Converting an NDC from ten (10) to 11-digits requires
the strategic placement of a zero (0). The following table shows three (3) common ten
(10) digit NDC formats converted to 11-digits.
Converting 10-Digit NDCs to 11-Digits
10-Digit Format
Sample 10-Digit
Required 11-Digit Format
Sample 10-Digit NDC
Converted to 11-Digits
9999-9999-99 (4-4-2)
0002-7597-01 Zyprexa
10mg vial
09999-9999-99 (5-4-2)
99999-999-99 (5-3-2)
50242-040-62 Xolair
150mg vial
99999-0999-99 (5-4-2)
99999-9999-9 (5-4-1)
60575-4112-1 Synagis
50mg vial
99999-9999-09 (5-4-2)
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 66 Revision 4/1/17
NOTE: Hyphens are used solely to illustrate the various ten (10) and 11 digit
formats. Do not use hyphens when billing NDCs.
6.7.2 Documenting and Billing the Appropriate NDC
A drug may have multiple manufacturers so it is vital to use the NDC of the
administered drug and not another manufacturer’s product, even if the chemical name
is the same. It is important that providers develop a process to capture the NDC when
the drug is administered, before the packaging is thrown away. It is not permissible to
bill Medicaid with any NDC other than the one (1) administered. Providers should not
pre-program their billing systems to automatically utilize a certain NDC for a
procedure code that does not accurately reflect the product that was administered to
the client.
Clinical documentation must record the NDC from the actual product, not just from
the packaging, as these may not match. Documentation must also record the lot
number and expiration date for future reference in the event of a health or safety
product recall.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 67 Revision 4/1/17
6.7.3 Procedure Code/NDC Combinations
The list of rebateable NDCs Medicaid posts to its website will also present providers
a way to validate procedure code/NDC combinations. The table below illustrates a
few sample entries from the list.
NDC Label
Beta, 1 MG
Fabrazyme (PF)
35 MG
Beta, 1 MG
Fabrazyme (PF)
5 MG
Per 10
Ceredase 80
te HCL
HCL (S.D.V.) 50
The first two (2) entries show NDCs 58468-0040-01 and 58468-0041-01 can only be
paired with one (1) procedure code, J0180. These are the only valid procedure code /
NDC combinations when billing Agalsidase. Pairing either NDC with a different
procedure code OR pairing the procedure code with a different NDC would create an
invalid combination. Procedure code / NDC combinations deemed invalid according
to the list will be denied.
6.7.4 Billing Requirements
The requirement to report NDCs on professional and institutional claims is meant to
supplement procedure code billing, not replace it. Providers are still required to
include applicable procedure code information such as dates of service, CPT/HCPCS
code, modifier(s), charges and units.
6.7.5 Submitting One NDC per Procedure Code
If one (1) NDC is to be submitted for a procedure code, the procedure code,
procedure quantity and NDC must be reported. No modifier is required.
Procedure Code
Procedure Quantity
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 68 Revision 4/1/17
6.7.6 Submitting Multiple NDCs per Procedure Code
If two (2) or more NDCs are to be submitted for a procedure code, the procedure code
must be repeated on separate lines for each unique NDC. For example, if a provider
administers 150 mg of Synagis, a 50 mg vial and a 100 mg vial would be used.
Although the vials have separate NDCs, the drug has one (1) procedure code, 90378.
So, the procedure code would be reported twice on the claim, but paired with
different NDCs.
Procedure Code
Procedure Quantity
On the first (1st) line, the procedure code, procedure quantity, and NDC are reported
with a KP modifier (first drug of a multi-drug). On the second line, the procedure
code, procedure quantity and NDC are reported with a KQ modifier
(second/subsequent drug of a multi-drug).
NOTE: When reporting more than two (2) NDCs per procedure code, the KQ
modifier is also used on the subsequent lines.
6.7.7 Medicare Crossover Claims
Because Medicaid pays Medicare coinsurance and deductible for dual-eligible clients,
the NDC will also be required on Medicare crossover claims for all applicable
procedure codes. Medicaid has verified that NDC information reported on claims
submitted to Medicare will be included in the automated crossover claim feed to
Medicaid. Crossover claim lines that are missing a required NDC will be denied.
6.7.8 CMS-1500 02-12 Billing Instructions
To report a procedure code with a NDC on the CMS-1500 02-12 claim form, enter
the following NDC information into the shaded portion of field 24A:
NDC qualifier of N4 [Required]
NDC 11-digit numeric code [Required]
Do not enter a space between the N4 qualifier and the NDC. Do not enter hyphens or
spaces within the NDC.
CMS-1500 02-12 – One (1) NDC per Procedure Code:
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 69 Revision 4/1/17
CMS-1500 02-12 – Two (2) NDCs per Procedure Code:
NOTE: Medicaid’s instructions follow the National Uniform Claim Committee’s
(NUCC) recommended guidelines for reporting the NDC on the CMS-
1500 02-12 claim form. Provider claims that do not adhere to these
guidelines will be returned unprocessed.
6.8 Cap Limits
Medicaid clients 21 years of age and older are subject to service cap limits on the
number of office/outpatient hospital visits and behavioral health visits. Medicaid
clients of any age are subject to service cap limits on the number of
physical/occupational/speech therapy visits, chiropractic visits, dietician visits and
emergency dental visits they receive.
NOTE: Ancillary services (e.g., lab, x-ray, etc.) provided during an
office/outpatient hospital visit that exceeded the cap limit will still be
Does not apply to:
Procedure Codes:
Revenue Codes:
12 combined visits per
calendar year
Clients Under Age 21
Emergency Visits
Family Planning Services
Medicare Crossovers
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 70 Revision 4/1/17
Does not apply to:
Procedure codes:
90785; 90792; 90832-
90834; 90836-90839;
90845-90849; 90853;
92526; 96101-96125;
97010-97039; 97110-
97546, 97802-97804,
98940-98942; (all
modalities on same date of
service count as 1 visit)
HCPCS Level II codes:
G9012; H0005-H0006;
H0031; H0034; H0047;
H2010; H2014; H2015;
H2017; H2019; H2021;
T1007; T1012; T1017 (all
modalities on same date of
service count as 1 visit)
Revenue codes:
0420,0421, 0422,0 424,
0430, 0431, 0432, 0434,
0439, 0440, 0441, 0442,
0444, and 0449 (each unit
counts as 1 visit)
20 physical therapy
visits per calendar year
20 occupational therapy
visits per calendar year
20 speech therapy visits
per calendar year
20 behavioral health
visits per calendar year
(21 and over only)
20 chiropractic visits per
calendar year
20 dietician visits per
calendar year
Medicare Crossovers
If a client has exceeded the Medicaid limits on office/outpatient hospital visits,
physical/occupational/speech therapy visits, behavioral health visits, chiropractic
visits, or dietitian visits the provider may bill him/her or request the cap limit be
6.8.1 Cap Limit Waiver
Physicians, nurse practitioners, physical, occupational and speech therapists,
psychiatrist, psychologists, licensed mental health professionals such as licensed
professional counselors, licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed certified
social workers and licensed addiction therapists, community mental health or
substance abuse treatment centers, chiropractors and dieticians may request a waiver
of a cap limit once a limit has been reached.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 71 Revision 4/1/17
Cap limit waiver requests must be submitted on the Cap Limit Waiver Request form
and cite specific medical necessity. Below is the Cap Limit Waiver Request form for
office visits, therapies (PT, OT, ST and Chiropractic services), dietician visits and
Behavioral Health visits (6.9.2 Cap Limit Waiver Request Form).
The form must be mailed to:
Wyoming Medicaid
Attn: Medical Policy
PO Box 667
Cheyenne, WY 82003-0667
If granted, a cap limit waiver is valid for one (1) calendar year. For additional
information, contact Medical Policy (2.1, Quick Reference).
If a cap limit waiver request is denied, the provider may request reconsideration by
mail by providing additional supporting documentation to include but not limited to a
detailed letter of explanation as to why you feel the denial is incorrect, additional
medical records and/or testing results. This request must be in accordance with
Medicaid rules.
6.8.2 Cap Limit Waiver Request Form
NOTE: Click image above to be taken to a printable version of this form
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 72 Revision 4/1/17
6.8.3 Cap Limit Waiver Request Form Instructions
Pay to (Group) NPI
Complete with the ten digit NPI number for the Pay to/Group Provider
Pay to (Group) Name
Complete with the name of the Pay to/Group Provider
Treating/Rendering NPI
Complete with the ten digit NPI number for the treating provider
Treating/Rendering Name
Complete with the name of the treating provider
Client ID
Complete with the client’s Wyoming Medicaid ID number
Client Name
Complete with the client’s full name
Client Age
Complete with the client’s age at the time of the request
Cap Limit Year
Complete with the requested calendar year for the cap limit waiver
Cap Limit Begin/End Date
Complete with the dates the cap limit waiver will need to begin and when
it will end
Cap Limit Type
Check the appropriate box for which type cap limit waiver you are
Date of Onset Condition
Complete with the date the onset condition began
Diagnosis Code
Complete with the diagnosis codes – up to four are allowed
Ordering Provider Name & NPI
Complete with the Name and NPI number for the ordering provider – this
section is required for Speech, Occupational or Physical Therapy
Describe injury, illness, surgery or
triggering event that initiated the
need for services
Complete with what caused the acute condition (i.e. post-surgery,
personal injury, auto accident, etc.)
Describe acute condition requiring
rehabilitative services
A detailed explanation as to the diagnosis and rehabilitative need for
services for acute conditions only. Indicate why the client has exceeded
their CAP limit. For Behavioral Health Cap Limit Waiver Request,
ensure to include last 5 progress reports and treatment plan.
Describe anticipated rehabilitative
progress and length of additional
Describe the rehabilitative progress anticipated and the length needed for
additional treatment. For physical, occupational, or speech therapy Cap
Limit Waiver Requests, ensure you attach a copy of the practitioner’s
Treating provider signature and date
The provider providing the services will need to sign and date the Cap
Limit Waiver Request Form
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 73 Revision 4/1/17
6.8.4 Cap Limit Additional Information for Clients Under the Age of 21
In addition to the completion of the Cap Limit Waiver Request Form, the Additional
Information sheet must be completed for clients under the age of 21.
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 74 Revision 4/1/17
6.8.5 Cap Limit Additional Information Instructions
Cap Limit Additional Information
For Children who are school age:
Is this child on IEP?
Indicate whether or not the child is on an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
What services is the
child receiving
through school
Describe the services the child is receiving through the school system under the IEP
How are the
services you are
provider distinct
from the services
being provided
through the school
system and how are
you avoiding
conflict with the
services being
Describe how the services you are providing to the client are different from the
services that are being provided through the school system and how you are avoiding
conflict with those services
For kids who are younger than school age
Has this child been
evaluated at a Child
Indicate whether or not this child has been evaluated at a Child Development Center
What services is the
child receiving
through the CDC?
Describe the services the child is receiving through the Child Development Center
How are the
services you are
providing distinct
from the services
being provided
through the CDC
and how are you
avoiding conflict
with the services
being provided?
Describe the services you are providing and how they are distinct from the services
that are being provided through the Child Development Center and how you are
avoiding conflict with those services being provided through the CDC
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 75 Revision 4/1/17
6.9 Reimbursement Methodologies
Medicaid reimbursement for covered services is based on a variety of payment
methodologies depending on the service provided.
Medicaid fee schedule
By report pricing
Billed charges
Invoice charges
Negotiated rates
Per diem
RBRVS (Resource Based Relative Value Scale)
6.10 Usual and Customary Charges
Charges for services submitted to Medicaid must be made in accordance with an
individual provider’s usual and customary charges to the general public unless:
The provider has entered into an agreement with the Medicaid Program to
provide services at a negotiated rate; or
The provider has been directed by the Medicaid Program to submit charges at
a Medicaid-specified rate.
6.10.1 Invoice Charges
Invoice must be dated within 12-months prior to the date of service being
billed – if the invoice is older, a letter must be included explaining the age of
the invoice (i.e. product purchased in large quantity previously, and is still in
All discounts will be taken on the invoice.
The discounted pricing or codes cannot be marked out.
A packing slip, price quote, purchase order, delivery ticket, etc. may be used
only if the provider no longer has access to the invoice, and is unable to obtain
a replacement from the supplier/manufacturer, and a letter with explanation is
Items must be clearly marked. (i.e. how many calories are in a can of formula,
items in a case, milligrams, ounces, etc.)
Common Billing Information ____________________________________________________
Ch. 6 Index 76 Revision 4/1/17
6.11 Co-Payment Schedule
$2.45 Co-Payment Schedule
Procedure and
Revenue Code(s)
99201 – 99215
Office Visits only when the place
of service code is 11
Co-payment requirements do not
apply to:
Clients under age 21
Nursing Facility Residents
Pregnant Women
Family planning services
Emergency services
Hospice services
Medicare Crossovers
Members of a Federally recognized
99341 -99350
Home Visits
92002, 92004,
Eye Examinations
90804 – 90815
Medical psychotherapy – co-
payment only applies when the
place of service code is 11
6.12 How to Bill for Newborns
When a mother is eligible for Medicaid, at the time the baby is born, the newborn is
automatically eligible for Medicaid for one (1) year. However, the WDH Customer
Service Center must be notified of the newborn’s name, gender, and date of birth,
mom’s name and Medicaid number for a Medicaid ID Card to be issued. This
information can be faxed, emailed, or mailed to the WDH Customer Service Center
on letterhead from the hospital where the baby was born or reported by the parent of
the baby. A provider will need to have the newborn client ID in order to bill newborn
6.13 Prior Authorization
Medicaid requires prior authorization (PA) on selected services and equipment.
Approval of a PA is never a guarantee of payment. A provider should not render
services until a client’s eligibility has been verified and a PA has been approved (if a
PA is required). Services rendered without obtaining a PA (when a PA is required)
may not be reimbursed.
Selected services and equipment requiring prior authorization include, but are not
limited to, the following – use in conjunction with the Medicaid Fee Schedule to
verify what needs PA: