Warcraft RPG Manual Of Monsters

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Chapter One: Creatures of Azeroth

Bane Spider


Bog Beast


Cat, Saber


Corrupted Ancient

Frostsaber C a t
Nightsaber C a t
Cenarius's Children
Keeper of t h e Grove
Dragons of Azeroth
Black Dragon
Blue Dragon
Bronze Dragon
Green Dragon
Red Dragon
Wyrm Kin
Frost Wolf
Dire Frost Wolf
Giant Frost Wolf

Corrupted Furbolg
Mountain Giant
Sea Giant

Gnoll Assassin
Gnoll Brute
Gnoll Poacher
Gnoll Warden
Kodo Beast
Mana Surge
Obsidian Destroyer
Ogre Magus
Death Revenant
Fire Revenant
Frost Revenant
Ice Revenant
Lightning Revenant
Spirit of Vengeance, Greater
Spirit of Vengeance, Lesser


As you might imagine, many of us here at Blizzard have been playing D&D and other
paper-and-pencil games since we were old enough to get shot down by girls. Armed only
with funny dice, a fistful of Number 2 pencils, and our raw imaginations, we set out to be
heroes, explorers, kings. Whether we were facing down the mighty dragons of Krynn, getting
stranded somewhere in the endlessfields of FaerQn,trying to keep our wits about us in Castle
Ravenloft, or boldly challenging the unknown in worlds of our own making, our collective
love for fantasy roleplaying has been with us from the very start.
We’ve been developing the Warcraft series for the past ten years or so -frankly, it feels
like it’s been in dog years -and it’s been a truly amazing experience to build a rich fantasy
setting from the ground up. I guess the countless hours we spent thumbing through our old,
ragged DMGs and Player’s Handbooks paid off after all! Though developing the world of
Azeroth has been tremendously rewarding on the creative front, seeing it made into an
official Dungeons B Dragons product -Dungeons & Dragons Warcraft the Roleplaying
Game, in fact - has been downright monumental for all of us.
The book you hold in your hands builds upon the D&D Warcraft RPG. It is full of the
strange yet wondrous creatures that populate the world of Warcraft. In many ways, this
Manual of Monsters is like a time capsule for ten years’ worth of ongoing world development. Looking back over much of this artwork, an old phrase comes to mind -“the more
things change, the more they stay the same.”
Damn straight they do.
Fat, two-headed ogres; wiry trolls with bright mohawks; hooded, spell-casting death
knights: these guys immediately remind me of developing Warcraft II eight years ago. That
was an amazing time for us creatively. Although it took a few years, introducing the new
generation of creatures with Warcraft III proved to be just as exciting. Lion-faced, furry
wyverns; centaur-like dragonspawn; ill-tempered quilboar and serpentine naga: they all
rolled on to the scene and quickly dominated Warcraft’s new visual landscape.
Still, with every new batch of creatures we introduced, we held firm to the classic fantasy
archetypes such as gnolls, kobolds, harpies, and hydras (among others) that we all grew up
with. We’ve always felt that there is a preciousbalance between the classic motifs that define
contemporary fantasy and the higher concept ideas that keep the settings we love fresh and
distinct from one another. It’s the merging of the “new” and “old schools” in fantasy that
makes it such an engaging medium for us as developers, designers, and - especially players.
We sincerely hope you enjoy Manual of Monsters and use its creatures to fuel as many
adventures as you can imagine!
All right! Enough about the monsters already! Go and get ’em! Grab your dice, get out
there, and give ’em hell!
Good hunting, y’all!

Chris Metzen
Creative Director

Blizzard Entertainment


The world of Azeroth is home to creatures both mundane and bizarre, from the
gentle elk to the vile doom guard. Such creatures are more than combat fodder,
however. They add further depth to the world of Dungeons & Dragons Warcraft
the Roleplaying Game -just as your own characters do.
The contents of this book are divided into three main chapters and three
Chapter One: Creatures of Azeroth covers living beings native to Azeroth.
Chapter Two: The Burning Legion describes the infernal demons from
beyond the boundaries of the physical world.
Chapter Three: The Undead Scourge delves into the horrific undead that
stalk the lands of Azeroth.
Appendix One: Animals and Vermin details a selection of notable natural
beasts in the world of Warcraft.
Appendix Two: Villains of Warcraft presents new magic items and a selection
of daunting, epic adversaries whom the heroes could battle in the world of
Appendix Three: Other Monsters in Warcraft explains how you can
incorporate monsters from other d20 books into your Warcraft campaign.
The entries in each chapter and appendix are listed alphabetically. Traits are
covered in each monster’s statistics block. Specific capabilities listed in the
statistics block are explained in the monster’s description or in the MM v3.5.
Some creatures in Manual of Monsters are similar to those described in the MM
- centaur, dragons, elementals, golems, and so on. In some cases, the MM
descriptions are suitable for use as-is, such as for elementals. (Full-fledgedWarcraft
elementals may make an appearance in a future supplement, but the existing MM
versions work fine in the interim.) Under those circumstances, the creature
receives no listing in the Manual of Monsters. In other cases, the monsters are
different enough in their ecology or abilities to require a new description here.
When a creature is listed in Manual of Monsters with the same name as one in the
MM, the description in this book takes precedence for a Warcraft campaign.
The same is true for animals and vermin particular to the world of Azeroth, as
described in Appendix One. In the case of identical types of creatures, the version
in Manual of Monsters takes precedence.
Regardless of any distinctions from monsters found elsewhere, the creatures in
this book are fully compatible with any d20 campaign.
So prepare yourself for a menagerie as wondrous as it is dangerous-dive into the
Manual of Monsters!

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:


Gargantuan Plant
18d8+126(207 hp)

40 ft. (8 squares)
19 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +15 natural),
touch 4, flat-footed 18

Full Attack:

Slam +20 melee (2d8+11)
2 slams +20 melee (2d8+11)


20 ft.120 ft.

Special Attacks:

Snatch, trample 2d8+16, double
damage against objects
Low-light vision, consume tree, plant
Fort +18, Ref +4, Will +?
Str 32, Dex 6, Con 25, lnt 14, Wis 16,
Cha 14
Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +7, Hide
+7*,Intimidate +7, Knowledge (geography) c17, Knowledge (nature)
+18, Listen +lo, Spot +11, Survival +?
Alertness, Awesome Blow, lmproved
Bull Rush, lmproved Initiative, Power
Attack, Snatch, Track
Solitary (1) or grove (2-5)

Special Qualities:



Challenge Rating:




Always neutral good
19-32 HD (Gargantuan) or by character class

Level Adjustment:


The mighty tree has a massive face shaped in its trunk,
with wise, deep-set eyes. It mowes withgigantic root-like
feet, and two great branches end in huge bark-skinned

Ancients are intelligent, tree-like guardians and
lorekeepers allied with the night elves. In times ofpeace,
many night elf healers, druids of the wild, and priests
study under the ancients’ tutelage. In times of war, the
ancients stand alongside their night elf allies and fight
just as fiercely. They are staunch defenders of the
Moonglade of Mount Hyjal and other sacred places.

Ancients are grouped into three categories: Lore,
War, and Wind. Each type plays a different role in
defending nature against corruption and destruction.
Ancient of Lore: The ancients of lore are the
keepers of wisdom. They are the keys for unlocking
nature’s most guarded secrets. Ancients of lore typi-

cally have levels in the healer class, sometimes with
levels in the druid of the wild or shaman prestige
classes as well.
Ancient of War: Embodied in these ancient guardians are the spirits of courage and determination.
Ancients of war typically have levels in fighter, rogue,
or scout.
Ancient of Wind: Ancients of wind guard the
nesting grounds for the mighty hippogryphs. Like the
ancients of lore, many have levels in the healer class,
as well as the druid of the wild or shaman prestige
Trample (Ex):Reflex DC 30 half. The save DC is
Double Damage Against Objects (Ex):An ancient that makes a full attack against an object or
structure deals double damage.
Consume Tree (Sp): As a full-round action, an
ancient can eat a tree to regain 30 hit points per tree
eaten, up to its maximum base hit points.
Skills: *Ancients receive a +20 circumstance bonus to Hide checks when in a forested area.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AttIGrapple:
Full Attack
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:



Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment

The spider IS big, almost 4 feet in diameter, and has a
chalky black coloring. Its mandibles snap hungrily as it
skitters forward.

Bane Spider
Small Magical Beast

ldlO (5 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
14 (+1 size, +3Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 11
Armor Class:
Base AttIGrapple: +1/-5
Bite +5melee (ld4-2 and poison)
Bite +5melee (ld4-2 and poison)
Full Attack
5 ft.15 ft.
Hit Dice:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Undeath poison
Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
detect good, regeneration 2, undeath
Fort +2, Ref +5,Will +O
Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10,Int 4, WE 10,Cha 2
Climb +11, Hide +7, Jump -2, Spot +4
Weapon Finesse (bite)
Temperate and warm land and underground
Colony (2-5), swarm (6-11), or brood
(7-14 bane spiders plus twice as many
HD of undead plus one brood mother of
HD equal to the number of bane spiders)

Challenge Rating:



Always neutral
2-3 HD (Small); 4-6
10 HD (Large); 11-14

Level Adjustment:


HD (Medium); 7HD (Huge)

Many assume that these arachnids, native to the
Azjol-Nerub area of Northrend, are creations of the
Scourge. Tales tell of bane spiders from long before,
however. Whatever the case, bane spiders have a taste
for humans, orcs, and livestock. Nests can be found
near settlements and along roads. Bane spiders carefully cover up corpses for later feeding, which also
hides them from potential victims.

Bane spiders swarm quickly over a victim, biting
and then retreating behind cover. They are attracted
to holy characters such as paladins, preferring to
attack them first. This attraction is related to their
unholy power, as the spiders show no real awareness
beyond this one expression of intent.
Undeath Poison (Su): Bane spiders have the power
of undeath coursing through them. A bite attack has
the same effect as enervation cast by a 7th-level wizard.
Detect Good (Sp): A t will, a bane spider can use
detect good, as the spell. Bane spiders constantly have
detect good in operation while waiting for prey.
Regeneration (Su): Bane spiders can repair their
wounds due to the power of undeath within them,
regenerating 2 hit points per round; however, damage
from blessed weapons or attacks based on positive or
holy energy does not regenerate.
Undeath Aura (Su): Bane spiders are not truly
undead. Yet the power that flows through them renders them vulnerable to all spells and effects that
target undead, as well as those that target vermin,
including detection and turning abilities.
Skills: Bane spiders have a +4 racial
bonus on Hide and Spot checks and a +8
cia1bonus on Climb checks. A bane spider
canalwayschoose to take 10on Climb checks,
even if rushed or threatened. Bane spiders use
heir Strength or Dexterity modi-

Bane spiders of more than 6 HD become
brood mothers. Three times per day, they
may cast enervation as a wizard of a level
equal to their HD. Brood mothers canalso
cast animate dead with no components
once a day as a wizard of a level equal
to their HD. A brood mother has
undead servants equal to her HD.

Huge Aberration
6d8+18 (39 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares)
18(-2 size, +l Dex, +?natural), touch 9,
Armor Class:
flat-footed 17
Base Att/Grapple: +4/+16
Bite + 6 melee (2d6+4)
Bite + 6 melee (2d6+4) and 2 claws +1
Full Attack:
melee (ld8+2)
15 ft./lO ft.
Petrifying gaze, sleep
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +8
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 17, lnt 4, Wis 12, Cha 10
Listen +6, Spot +5
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Iron Will
Temperate forest and plains
Solitary or colony (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 6
Hit Dice:



Always neutral
7-10 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment: -

Will save.

Large Plant

Hit Dice:

3d8+9 (22 hp)

Armor Class:


3 0 ft. (6 squares)
21 (-1 size, +12 natural), touch 9, flatfooted 21
Base Att/Grapple: +1/+10
Slam +5 melee (ld8+5)
Full Attack
Slam +5 melee (ld8+5)
10 ft./lO ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:


Low-light vision, damage reduction
5/-, plant traits
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +2
Str 21, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10,Wis 12, Cha 10
Hide +6*, Listen +5, Move Silently +10
lmproved Bull Rush, Power Attack
Temperate marshes


Always neutral
4-9 HD (Large)


The massive plant might be mistaken for a thick clump
of vegetation if not for its vaguely humanoid shape and
surprising mobility.

As the name suggests,bog beasts are massive, shambling monsters that are half plant and half beast. Not
much is known about these secretive lords of the
swamp except that they can be territorial and quite
aggressive. Explorers have recorded stories of their
immense strength and resilience to harm. Bog beasts
are known to wander the Dustwallow Marsh, just
south of the Barrens.

Bog beasts use their strength to slam into their
enemies, crushing opponents’ defenses with their fists
and whatever large objects they can throw at them.
Skills: Bog beasts receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide,
Listen, and Move Silently checks. *They receive a
+10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks when in a
swampy or forested area.

The great cat moves with fluid grace
along the mountainside, its golden eyes
gleaming with intelligence.


These proud, magnificent felines
have helped the night elves against
foes of all sorts since Kalimdor was first
settled. They are intelligent and loyal
when domesticated, but are feral and
quite aggressive when left in their natural environments.

Frostsaber Cat Combat
The frostsaber cat is a fearless opponent, its thick fur having the resilience
to shrug off minor damage.
" It uses its
fangs and claw5 against those foolish
enough to engage i t in melee combat.
Pounce (Ex): If a frostsaber cat
charges a foe, it can follow with a full
attack, including two rake attacks.
Improved Grab (Ex):To use this
ability, a frostbaber cat must hit with
its bite attack. It can then attempt to
start a grapple as a free action without
provoking an attack of opportunity. If
it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake with its
Rake (Ex):Attack bonus +11 melee, damage ld4+2.
Skills: Frostsaber cats have a +4
racial bonus on Balance, Hide, and
Move Silently checks. *A frostsaber
cat gains a +4 circumstance bonus to
Hide checks when in a snowy environment.

Nightsaber Cat Combat
In combat, the nightsaber cat is a
deadly foe, leaping from the shadows
to rend its foes with its fangs and
Pounce (Ex): If a nightsaber cat
charges a foe, it can follow with a full
attack, includingtwo rake attacks with
its claws.
ImprovedGrab(Ex):Touse this ability, anightsaber
cat must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt
to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an
attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it
establishes a hold and can rake.
Rake (Ex): Attackbonus +8melee, damage ld6+2.

Shadowmeld (Su): The nightsaber cat is virtually
invisible while under cover of darkness. This ability
provides a +15 circumstance bonus to Hide checks
while in shadows.
Skills: Nightsaber cats receive a +4 racial bonus on
Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks.

Medium Fey

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

2d6 (7 hp)
4 0 ft. (8 squares)
13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flatfooted 12

Base AWGrapple: +1/+1
Spear +2 melee (ld8) or spear +3ranged


Full Attack

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Spear +2 melee (ld8) and 2 hooves -3
melee (ld6) or spear +3ranged (ld8)
5 ft.15 ft.
Abolish magic
Low-light vision, magic immunity, wild
Fort +O,Ref +4, Will +4
Str 10,Dex 12, Con 10,lnt 11, WE 13, Cha 13
Craft (any) +3,Handle Animal +5,Hide
+5,Listen +5,Move Silently +5,Sense
Motive +5,Spot +5,Survival +4
Weapon Focus (spear)
Solitary, pair, or grove (4-7)

Always chaotic good
By character class

The creature has the head, arms, and torso of a night
elf, but the lower body of a woodland faun. A
gentle calm is evident in her eyes, but she hefts
a spear with practiced skill.

Dryads are daughters of the
demigod Cenarius. They monitor the health of Kalimdor’s
forests, ever watchful against
the depredations of evil

all inhabitants of the forest, they
can be fierce defenders against
those who would do harm to
Abolish Magic (Su): As a standar
action, a dryad can dispel evil magics in
a3O-foot radius with a successful dispel
checkof ld20 + the dryad’s HDagainst
a DC of 11 + the spell’s caster level.

(For the mechanics of an area dispel, see dispel magic
in Chapter 11: Spells in the PHB.)
Magic Immunity (Su): Magic cast on a dryad fails
automatically. This power can be beneficial when a
dryad is faced with evil magics, but it also means that
a dryad gains nothing from beneficial magics such as
healing or protection spells.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A dryad can use body language, vocalizations, and demeanor to improve the
attitude of an animal (such as a badger or a tallstrider).
This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check
made to improve the attitude of a person. The dryad
rolls ld20 and adds her racial Hit Dice, her class
levels, and her Charisma modifier to determine the
wild empathy check result. The typical domestic
animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while
wild animals are usually unfriendly. The dryad must
be within 30 feet of the target animal and under
normal conditions. A dryad can use this ability to
influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of
1 or 2 (such as a darkmantle or a girallon), but she
takes a -4 penalty on the check.

Dryad Characters
Most dryads are healers. Dryad characters possess
the following racial traits.
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
- Medium size.
- A dryad’s base land speed is 40 feet.
- Low-light vision.
-Racial Hit Dice: A dryad begins with two levels

ef +3 and Will +3.
-Racial Skills: A dryad’s fey levels give her
\,skill points equal to 5 x (6 + Int modifier). Its
class skills are Craft, Handle Animal, Hide,
Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot,
-Racial Feats: A dryad’s fey levels give it
- +2 natural armor bonus.
- Special Attacks (see

ssian, Common, Low Com-

Keeper of the Grove


Large Fey
Hit Dice:
Armor Class:
Base Att/Gapple:
Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

12d6+24 (66 hp)
50 ft. (10 squares)
18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural,
+3 deflection), touch 143 flat-footed 16
Vine whip +lomelee (2d4+4) or barb +7
ranged (ld4+4)
Vine whip +10/+5 melee (2d4+4) and 2
+4 melee
(1d6+2)and antlers
.. . . ..(ld8+2); or barbs +7/+2 ranged
10 ft.15 ft.
Barbed whip, spell-like abilities, spells,
thorns aura
Damage reduction lO/cold iron, immortality, resistance to cold 5 and fire 5,
spell resistance 22, superior low-light
unearthlv arace.
vision. trackless steo.
wild empathy, woodland stride
Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +18
Str 18,Dex 14, Con 15, lnt 14, Wis20, Cha 17
Concentration +17, Diplomacy +5, Hide
+13, Knowledge(nature) +26, Listen+23,
Move Silently +17, Sense Motive +20,
Spot +23, Survival +2? (+31 in
aboveground natural environments)
AlertnessB, Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude, Track, Weapon
Focus (vine whip)
Temperate forests
Solitary, pair, or grove (4-7)
Always chaotic good
13-18 (Large); 17-36 (Huge)



Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:



The creature has the head, arms, and torso ofanight elf
and the lower body of a stag. Enormous antlers rise from
his head, andamane of leaves tumbles down his back. His
right handis gnarled and twisted like the clutchingroots of
a tree.

The enchanted keepers of the grove are the favored
sons of Cenarius. Like their lesser dryad sisters, the
keepers protect the woodlands from harm. Though
they typically remain within the sacred Moonglade of
Mount Hyjal, the keepers have been seen in other
forests throughout Kalimdor. They are quick to heed
the call to arms whenever there is a threat to the
natural order.

A keeper of the grove uses the forests to aid him in
battle. O n the first round, the keeper uses his greater
force of nature spell-like ability to animate trees near
his enemies. He takes full advantage of thick undergrowth and his woodland stride ability to outmaneuver
foes and stay out of melee. If necessary, he casts plant
growth to create thick undergrowth. By casting entangle or entanglingroots each round, the keeper hopes
to keep his enemies away from himself, and immobilize themso his summoned treants canattackstationary
targets. If the keeper of rhe grove has time to prepare,
he casts aid. If the battle goes poorly, he casts tree stnde
to escaDe.
B a r b e d Whip (Ex): A keeper of the grove's right
hand is gnarled and twisted like the clutching roots of
a tree. A leafy, barbed vine grows from the end of his
hand and wraps itself around the keeper's arm. The
keeper of the grove can extend this vine at will and use
it as a short whip for melee attacks, or he can snap it
to send out a barbed projectile as a ranged attack. The
keeper of the grove can fire 12 such projectiles per day
(the barbs grow back by the next day). The whip
functions like a spiked chain with areach of 5 feet, and
the barbs are equivalent to thrown darts.
Spell-Like Abilities: A t will-entanglingroots" (DC
18), healingrain; llday-greaterforce of nature. Caster
level 15th. The save DCs are Wisdom-based.
"Indicates a spell described in Chapter Four: Magic
of the W a r c r a f t RPG.
Spells: A keeper of the grove casts divine spells as
a 13th-levelhealer. The keeper of the grove has access
to prepare all spells from the druid of the wild spell list.
Typical Healer Spells Prepared (6/6/5/4/3/2, save DC
15 + spell level): 0-create water, cure minor wounds,
detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, mending; 1st--calm animals,detect animals or plants, entangle,
faerie fire, goodberry, speak with animals; 2nd--aid, cure
moderate wounds (x2), make whole, tree shape; 3rddiminish plants, neutralize poison, plant growth, speak
withplants; 4th--cure critical wounds, restoration, sending; 5th--commune with nature, tree stride.
Aura (Su): The keeper the grove and
allies within 30 feet are continuously affected as
though by the spell thorn shield cast by a 12th level
I m m o r t a l i t y (Ex): A keeper of the grove does not
take penalties to his abilityscoresfor aging and cannot
be aged magically. Bonuses still accrue. A keeper of
the grove never dies fromnatural aging. Keepers of the
grove must still eat, breath, and sleep.
Trackless Step (Ex): This power works like the
druid's trackless step class ability.
U n e a r t h l y G r a c e (Su): A keeper of the grove adds
his Charisma bonus on all saving throws, and as a

deflection bonus to his Armor Class. (The statistics
block already reflects these bonuses.)
Wild Empathy (Ex): This powcr works like the
druid's wild empathy class feature, except that a
keeper of the grove has a +8 racial bonus on the check.
Woodland Stride (Ex): This power works like the
druid's woodland stride class feature.
Skills: Keepers of the grove receive a +8 racial
bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

Keeper of the Grove Characters
Most keepers are healers, and some are known to
have levels in druid of the wild. Keeper of the grove
characters possess the following racial traits.
+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2
Intelligence, +2 Wisdom.
- Large size. -1 penalty to Armor Class,
-1 penalty on attack rolls, -4 penalty on
Hide checks, +4 bonus ongrapple
- - - checks,
lifting and carrying limits double those
of Medium characters.


SpaceIReach: 10 ft./lO ft.
-A keeper of the grove's base land speed is 50 feet.
- Low-light vision.
- Racial Hit Dice: A keeper of the grove begins
with four levels of fey, which provide 4d6 Hit Dice, a
base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort + 1, Ref +4 and Will +4.
-Racial Skills: A keeper of the grove's fey levels
give him skill points equal to 7 x (6 + Int modifier). Its
class skills are Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge
(nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival.
- Racial Feats: A keeper of the grove's fey levels
give him two feats.
- +2 natural armor bonus.
- Special Attacks (see above): Entangling roots,
force of nature, thorns aura.
- Special Qualities (see above): Tranquility.
- Automatic Languages:
Damassian, Common, Low Common.
- Favored Class: Healer.
-Level Adjustment: +2.

Large Dragon (Earth)

Hit Dice:

12d12+48 (126 hp)


30 ft. (6 squares), fly 40 ft. (poor)
19 (-1 size, +10 natural), touch Q, flatfooted 1Q
Base AWGrapple: +12/+20
2 bites +15 melee (4d6+4)
Full Attack:
2 bites +15 melee (4d6+4) and tail slap
+10 melee (ld8+2)
10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks:
Corrosive breath, snatch
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, damage reduction 5/-, dragon traits
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +11
Str 19, Dex 10,Con 18, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Hide +11, Jump +19, Listen +20, Move
Silently+l5, SenseMotive+17,Spot +20,
Survival +18
Cleave, Flyby Attack, Improved lnitiaFeats:
tive, Power Attack, Snatch
Armor Class:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Temperate forest

Always neutral


This huge creature has two reptilian heads
that operate independently. Its forelimbs unfold into a pair of mighty wings, and it
clutches at rocky outcrops and great trees
with its powerful hind legs. Its deep purple
scales gleam in the moonlight.

Chimaera are strong allies of the night
elves, protecting the forests and the great
tree Nordrassilfrom danger. They are highly
reclusive, sentient creatures, but do not
possess the ability to speak They strive foremost to protect the balance ofnature. Chimaera
hate seeing any natural races or creatures being
harmed or oppressed. Those who victimize such
creatures under the chimaera’s protection will soon
find a chimaera’s wrath to be very formidable.

Chimaera can attack with both their heads at no
penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.
They use their fangs and breath weapons to full effect,
confident that their heavily armored body can shrug
off most attacks.
Corrosive Breath (Su): A chimaera can unleash a
line of corrosive acid once every ld4 rounds. This
breath deals 8d6 points of acid damage and allows a
DC 20 Reflex save for half damage.
Skills: A chimaera’s two heads give it a + 2 racial
bonus on Spot and Listen checks.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a chimaera is
up to 348 lb., a medium load is between 349-699 lb.,
and a heavy load is between 700-1,050 lb.


Draenei, 1st-Level Warrior
Medium Humanoid (Draenei)

Hit Dice:

ld8 (4 hp)




3 0 ft. (6 squares)
12 (+2leather), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Armor Class:
Base AttlGrapple: +1/+2
Longsword +3 melee (ld8+1/1?-20) or
javelin c l ranged (ld6+1)
Longsword +3 melee (ld8+1/1?-20) or
Full Attack:
javelin +1 ranged (ld6+1)
5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Fort +2,Ref +0, Will +O
Str 12, Dex 11, Con 10, lnt 11, WE 10,Cha 10
Climb +5,Jump +5, Listen +4, Spot +4
Weapon Focus (longsword)
Temperate marsh
Solitary, family(2-5), orcolony(6-20,
with 1 leader of 3rd-6th level)
Challenge Rating: 1I I
Usually chaotic neutral
By character class
Level Adjustment: +O

The humanoid is roughly the size of a human, with a
slight build and olive skin. He wears simcle leathers and
gives you a wary eye.

The draenei lived alongside orcs for countlessgenerations on the planet Draenor. When that world exploded
and crumbled into what is now known as Outland, most
of the draenei perished. A few managed to survive the
cataclysm, however. When the Dark Portal was reopened into Azeroth,a smallnumber of draeneitraveled
through, scarred by the ordeal of their world’s destruction. These ragged wretches now call themselves the
“LostOnes,”in mourningof their former world. Though
otherwise a peaceful, private race, the draenei carry an
intense hatred for all orcs and will slay them whenever
the opportunity arises.
Their home on Azeroth lies within the Swamp of
Sorrows, though some have begun to travel beyond
the Swamp’s borders in recent times. Scattered tribes
of draenei are rumored to wander still the devastated
fields of Outland, the last remnants of Draenor that
still float within the Twisting Nether.

Draenei Society
Having lost their home ages ago, the draenei struggle to
reclaim their former lives -an impossibility, since their
home no longer exists. Still, without the attempt, they
alive is revenge against the orcs who once lived among
them. They will take any risk to see an orc killed. If they can
wipe out the entire race, so much the better.

The draenei avoid combat unless the enemy in
question isan arc. Then thenormallypeacefuldraenei
lash out in a fury, doing everything in
their power to destroy ;heir hatedenemy.

Draenei Characters
A draenei’s favored class is fighter,
and most draenei leaders are fighters.
Draenei characters possess the following racial traits.
- + 2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2
- Medium size.
- A draenei’s base land speed is 30
- +4 racial bonus on Listen and
Spot checks.
-Automatic Language: Draenei.
- Favored Class: Fighter.
- Level Adjustment: +O.
The draenei fighter presented here
had the following ability scores before
racialadjustments: Str 10, Dex 11, Con
12, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 10.

Dragons ofAzeroth
Azeroth is a world divided by many factions.
Throughout its history, it has been threatened by
plague, battle, and strife -but to some creatures that
make their homes in this land, such paltry concerns do
not require serious attention. Some creatures wield
power that rivals any great army and that could overthrow any king. These mighty creatures are not rightly
called “beasts,” but instead hold titles of their own.
They rule over their flights like tyrants on thrones.
Their names are spoken in whispers, but their children
roam the land in search of food, ensuring that no one
forgets the true masters of the deep wilderness: the
dragons of Azeroth.
Dragons group in five dragonflights that claim ancestry to the greatest of their kind. Each color is proud
of its heritage and lineage, and remembers the name of
all those who have gone before. These flights are
further separated into small family groups known as
broods. Each occupies and holds territory within
Azeroth‘s less populated areas. Some are commonly
seen; others have nearly been driven to extinction by
wars among their own kind.
The dragons of Azeroth are far more intelligent
even than the humans who hunt them; they struggle
to reconcile their metaphysicalnature with the reality
of the savage world they inhabit. While each dragon
is a powerful entity, dragons also represent the origins
of the world and were given care over various parts of
Azeroth’screation since time immemorial.Today, the
dragons still remember their original natures and
attempt to use their powers to continue their original
purposes: for some, to shape stone and raise mountains; for others, to protect the forests or expand the
realm of magic.
The five great dragonflights are identified by their
coloration: black, blue, bronze, green, and red. Other
types of dragons (such as those described in the MM)
do not exist upon Azeroth. Each of these five flights
keeps secrets of its own and adheres to separate ideologies from the rest. They are led by powerful entities
known as Aspects, one from each color, who rule over
their flights as powerful gods looking down on their
less fortunate descendants.
The various flights are identified here, with details
of their respective powers, ideologies, and abilities.
For the most part, all dragons are of the same species
with similar bone structure, anatomy, and physical
capacity. Each flight, however, is distinct with different goals, interests, and ideals. The cautious traveler
remembers the ancient words spoken by one of
Azeroth‘s most powerful mages: Let sleeping dragons lie.
Dragons of Azeroth reach their full growth before a
mere hundred years have passed. They are very cun-

ning and magical, using spells to complement their
powerful physical capacity. Because each creature has
an intimate connection with the world around it, the
death of a dragon is never a simple thing; it is a
metaphysical event, driven by the creature’s natural
connection to the spirit of the world. A dragon’s death
can cause massive upheaval in the natural surroundings - earthquakes, surface lava explosions, a new
lake flooding forth from a sudden crack in the earth‘s
crust, and so on.
Even young dragons, those who have not established as close a bond to the spiritual world, still make
ripples in the fabric of reality when they die. Although
these ripples are not always seen or felt by other races,
a young dragon’s death nonetheless garners the attention of other dragons in the area - and creatures
particularly attuned to the natural state of being that
surrounds them.

Azeroth DragonTraits
The dragons of Azeroth have the same traits as
dragons of other worlds, as noted in the “Dragon,
True” entry in Chapter 1: Monsters A to Z and in the
“Dragon Type” entry in Chapter 7: Glossary of the
MM. All details for Azeroth dragons are the same
unless noted explicitly below or in subsequent entries:
attack types, breath weapons, frightfulpresence, spells,
spell-like abilities, damage reduction, immunities,
spell resistance, blindsense, keen senses, skills, and
feats, as well as such details as determining areas of
breath weapon coverage based on size or how frightful
presence is handled.
Four key exceptions do apply to all Azeroth dragons: age categories, breath weapon, frightful presence,
and feats.
Age Categories: Dragons of Azeroth go through
fewer stages of maturation and reach full size far more
rapidly than do dragons of other worlds. Azeroth
dragons come in three distinct age categories: drake,
mature, and wyrm. No one has ever encountered a
young dragon smaller than a drake.
Each dragon type’s age categories list the median
traits at that age. Having specific maturation ranges
within each category is unnecessary. If you want to
represent a dragon on the cusp of growing from drake
to mature or mature to wyrm, however, calculate the
number midway between each listed trait. Thus, a
black dragon who has just molted from drake to
mature would have 14d12+70 HD, Str 29, Dex 10,
Con20,Int 15,Wis16,Cha15,IOdlObreathweapon,
and so on.
Breath Weapon: Every dragon type except blacks
have a combination breath weapon. The first component is a standard line or cone that inflicts damage
based on the dragon’s age category (see the individual
entries for specifics). The second component is a

to the dragon type, from
nowledge to forcing accel-


may require separate resolution. Otherwise, determine breath weapon frequency, coverage, and save
DC as normal (see “Dragon, True” in Chapter 1:
Monsters A to Z of the MM).
preatures within a
&resubject to the
D than the dragon.
have a number of feats
1- oJJi+ir)n to the favored
LII LIIT I v u v l , A L T l U L l 1 uragons may also
SCLCCC IJevour (see sidebar).



Black Dragon
Dragon (Earth)
Mountains, hot plains and deserts (any
volcanic or magma-Filled area)
Drake: solitary or clutch (2-5); mature:
solitary, pair, or Family (1-2 and 2-5
oFFspring); wyrm: solitary, pair, or ramily (1-2 and 2-5 offspring)
Challenge Rating: Drake 5; mature 16; wyrm 22
Double standard
Always evil
Drake 8-21 HD (Large), mature 23-36
HD (Huge), wyrm 38+ HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: Drake +4; others Environment:

The dragon is a large, thickly-built creature with a
massive chest and a long, sinuous neck. Its hide is a rich,
lustrous black with large scales that are supple yet hard as
rock. A crest made of peaked bone spikes runs from its
head and down its back, and bnstles as the great beast
grows angry. Its fangs shine a coppery-red, and deep
inside its mouth a constant sulphurous light emits a faint



While some (notably the orcs) call them “regal,”
most civilized races say that black dragons have a
cruel, callous look to their serpentine faces. Black
dragons do not shed individual scales, but rather molt
once a year - usually by spending a week resting
within the lava flow of an active volcano, which peels
off and consumes their discarded skin. The skin of a
black dragon nearing its molt grows dull and gray.
Black dragons are large creatures and prefer meat to
all other fare. They spend their time hunting, as well
as watching the various wars around the world, and
can often be found torturing prisoners, animals, or
anything else unfortunate enough to fall into their

Black Dragon Society
Black dragons are ruled by one of the fiercest and
most evil creatures in existence, the Aspect known as
Deathwing. Deathwing is an immense black leviathan who epitomizes the strongest qualities of his
race: viciousness, cruelty, and cunning. His fury is
unrivaled, and his wrath has destroyed many ancient
cities. He revels in mortal suffering. Deathwing often
makes deals with intelligent races, trading members of
his dragonflight for slaves and humanoid torture subjects.
Deathwing’sflight takes after its ancient lord, seeking to outdo one another and to prove their worth to
their dragon prince. Those who fail are enslaved and

eted place by Deathwing’sside.
It was not always so. Black dragonswere once earthwarders, caring for stone and mountain and using
their formidable abilities to cause the rise and fall of
terrain. They were to watch as the world of Azeroth
changed and to maintain boundaries and lines of
delineation between the races so that none would fall
to war over land. They maintained this purpose for a
time, living in relative harmony with other races and
shaping the land to better use. In these peaceful times,

Deathwing used his power over earth and stone to
force obedience upon his minions. He lowered the
mountains and allowed the races to intermingle. He
ruined fertile land and destroyed other terrain so that
the races must fight for food. Deathwing’s efforts gave
birth to an occupation that has remained with all
races since that day: war.
As the black dragons followed their leader into
madness, so did their
lowers. They are no
guardians of earth, but
le1 in fire and magma.
n is their art and death
31. All other dragons of
?wing’s flight at every

which has led to
unfettered “feedrenzy” among his
ight as all conspire to
lominance. Some claim
y receive regular mesim Deathwing (though
as been confirmed as
others assert t h a t
wing is dead and that a
Lonarch of their flight
chosen. Infighting bever more vicious and
lack dragons, with the
their surrounding terri-

ough overconfident, black dragons are

following and considering the enemy party’s
size or strength. Still, they will not land until
all ranged fire has ended and the enemy seems
routed. Black dragons will not remain committed to battle unless certain they can winor unless the enemy taunts them beyond the

clawed fist. Although they are not as large as some
other dragonflights, they use daring and savage intellect to entrap and destroy their enemies.
Black dragons prefer to flame their prey, trapping
targets on dangerous ground before swooping in for
the kill. They are vicious fighters and rarely retreat.
They are most often encountered alone, as they are
jealous of sharing kills with another. Still, families
with a new clutch of drakes or a clutch of enslaved
black dragons are not unknown.
Breath Weapon (Su): A black dragon spews flaming balls of magma from its second stomach in a cone
of sulphurous death. See the individual entry for
damage and save DC.
Spell-LikeAbilities: 3/day-sugges tion; Z/day-poduce flame (drake or older), wall of fire (mature or
older),incendiarycloud (wyrm); l/day--detect thoughts,
endure elements.
Skills: Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently, and
Spellcraft are considered class skills for Azeroth black
Mature Black Dragon: CR 16; Huge dragon (earth); HD
23d12+138, 2 8 7 hp; Init +O; Spd 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (clumsy),
burrow 3 0 ft.; AC24, touch 8, Flat-footed 24; BaseAtk+23; Grp
+41; Atk +32 melee (2d8+10/14-20, bite); Full Atk +32 melee
(2d8+10/1?-20, bite), +24 melee (2d6+5, Zclaws), +24 melee
(ld8+5,2 wings), +24 melee (2d6+5, tail slap); SpaceIReach 15
ft./lO ft. (bite 15 ft.); SA breath weapon, wall of fire, crush,
frightful presence, spell-like abilities, spells; SQ darkvision 120
ft., low-light vision, blindsense 60 ft., damage reduction 10/
magic, immunityto fire, sleep, and paralysis,spell resistance 26;
AL CE; SV Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +17; Str 30, Dex 10,Con 23, lnt
18, Wis 19, Cha 18.

Skills: Appraise +22, Bluff +30, Decipher Script
+22, Hide +lo, Intimidate +32,Knowledge (arcana)
+24, Knowledge (nature) +24, Listen +30, Search
+30, Spellcraft +24, Spot +30, Swim +28.
Feats: Devour,Flyby Attack, Hover, ImprovedCritical (bite),Multiattack, Snatch, WeaponFocus (bite),
W ingover.
Breath Weapon (Su): 50-ft. cone, damage 14d10
fire, Reflex DC 27 half.
Spell-LikeAbilities: 3/day-suggestion; 2/day-poduce flame, wall offire; llday-detect thoughts, endure
elements. Caster level 10th; save DC 14 + spell level.
Crush (Ex):Area 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Small or smaller
opponents take 2d8+ 15 points of bludgeoning damage, and must succeed on a DC 27 Reflex save or be
Frightful Presence (Ex):230-ft. radius, HD 22 or
less, Will DC 23 negates.
Spells: As a 10th-level sorcerer.
Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/7/7/6/3; save DC
14 + spell level): O a r c a n e mark, dancing lights, detect
magic, magehand, open/close,presndigitation,
resistance, touch of fatigue; lst-alarm, chill touch,
magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield; 2nd-resist
energy, hypnotic pattern, invisibility,mna burn"; 3rddispel magic, protection from energy, shockwave*;
4thAimension door, rain offire*; 5th-wave offatigue.
*Indicates a spell described inchapter Four: Magic
of the Warcraft RPG.

Blue Dragon
(Malygos’s Dragonflight)
Dragon (Cold, Earth)
Cold plains, tundra, or grasslands
Drake: solitary or clutch (2-5); mature:
solitary, pair, or family (1-2 and 2-5
offspring); wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1-2 and 2-5 offspring)
Challenge Rating: Drake 6; mature 17; wyrm 25
Double standard
Usually lawful neutral
Drake 10-23 HD (Large), mature 25Advancement:
40 HD (Huge), wyrm 43+ HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: Drake +5;others Environment:

The mighty dragon bursts from the figid waters, its
muscular form covered in glistening scales. It has patterned cobalt markings across its neck and upper body,
and its wings fold almost invisibly against its sinuous

Blue dragons are regal creatures, their posture and
facial expressions expressing wisdom and intellect.
They are creatures of ice and water, often found in
cold regions and preferring to keep to themselves.
They are studious, enjoying both literature and scholarly texts, and study any bit of knowledge or trivia that
they come across. These dragons are best known for
altering their forms and integrating into other societies in order to learn new technologies, spells, and
crafts. Blue dragons are peaceful creatures, but very
territorial. Once a blue dragon has claimed a certain
territory, woe to any - even dragons of their own
flight -who enter into that area without permission.

Blue Dragon Society
The blue dragons’ Aspect is the massive blue wyrm
known as Malygos, the Lord of Magic. He is said to
have established magic itself and created all the spells
that set the sky and earth into motion. While he is not
revered as a god, for blue dragons see no godhood in
scientific fact, he is considered the greatest scientific
mind ever to have existed in the multiverse -or, at
least, his flight considers him so.
Given their parentage, blue dragons are exceptional spellcasters. They have a natural affinity for
spellcasting, and most powers of sorcery are instinct
even to young drakes. Because of their natural propensity for magic, they have high magic resistances
and can withstand many magical attacks. Furthermore, their breath weapon can drain enemies’ magic
energy (what they call mana), an effect the blue
dragons term “withdrawing Malygos’s favor.”

Blue dragons are a bit xenophobic, keeping to their
territories and maintaining their own studies without
interference. A blue dragon does not hesitate to
attack if his territory is disturbed or invaded. Under
such circumstances, a blue dragon is as violent and
destructive as any black.
The blue dragonflight was all but destroyed by
Deathwing long ago, and even in modern days blue
dragons are rare and difficult to find. Although some
great blue dragons remain in the world, they are few
and far between, studying their magic almost to the
exclusion of all else. They long ago gave up the war
against Deathwing and his flight, preferring to withdraw into solitude.
Blue dragons are native to the continent of
Northrend, where they remain close to the great
Dragonblight, the final resting place of dragons. The
blue dragons once communed with the dead there to
ensure that each draconic spirit made its way into the
Beyond. Northrend lies much in control of the Scourge,
but blues still make pilgrimages to the darknorthlands,
seeking answers hidden among the bones of their
dead. The most powerful blue dragon sorcerers claim
that the spirits of the dead tell them a new upheaval
is on its way, a cataclysm that will outweigh any
trouble the world of Azeroth has yet endured. The
blue dragons say this often, no matter what disaster
the world suffers, so few have given their words much
credence this time.

Blue dragons are not cruel beasts, preferring a quick
kill for enemies and prey alike. They often use their
abilities and spells from afar, camouflaging their approach in fog and other foul weather to gain the
advantage of surprise. They are excellent tacticians
and attempt to damage or disable any opposing
spellcasters before they commit to a physical attack.
Blue dragons prefer to fight from the air, using spells
and breath weapons to their fullest. Even when an
enemy is routed, blues seldom land, instead swooping
overhead to further panic their prey. Blues do not land
unless there is an immediate need or unless all opposition is destroyed.
Breath Weapon (Su): A blue dragon’s breath
weapon is a freezing cone of ice (see the individual
entry for damage and save DC), which also temporarily freezes the very spells from the minds of any
spellcasters caught within the cone. This secondary
effect functions exactly like the mana burn spell (see
the Warcraft RPG, Chapter Four: Magic).
Water Breathing (Ex):A blue dragon can breathe
underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath
weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.
Spell-Like Abilities: Blues have maximum magical
capacity, as well as exceptional access to spells of

every distinction. 3/day--control water, create water, detect thoughts, obscuring
mist, wall of ice; 2/day-fog cloud (drake or
older), speak with dead (mature or older),polymorph
any object (wyrm); llday-control weather.
Skills: Gather Information,Knowledge (arcana),
Spellcraft, and Swim are considered class skills
for Azeroth blue dragons.
Mature Blue Dragon: CR 17; Huge dragon (cold,
earth); HD 24d12+120,276 hp; lnit +4; Spd 40
ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft.; AC 31, touch
8, flat-footed 31; Base Atk +24; Grp +41; Atk
+31 melee (2d8+?/1'?-20, bite); Full Atk +31
melee (ld8+?/1?-20,
bite), +2? melee
(2d6+4, 2 claws), +2? melee (ld8+4, 2 wings), +2? melee
(2d6+4, tail slap); Space/Reach 15 ft./lO ft. (bite 15 ft.); SA
breath weapon, crush, frightful presence, spell-like abilities,
spells; SQ darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, blindsense 60 ft.,
damage reduction lO/magic, immunity to cold, sleep, and paralysis, vulnerability to fire, water breathing, spell resistance 25; AL
LN;SVFort+l?,Ref+l4, Wi11+1?; Str2?,DexlO,Con21,Int20,
Wis 21, Cha 20.
Skills: Appraise +24, Concentration +27, Craft
(alchemy) +24, Decipher Script +24, Gather Information +24, Heal +24, Intimidate +28, Jump +28,
Knowledge (arcana) +24, Listen +34, Search +32,
Spellcraft +26, Spot +34, Swim +36.
Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved
Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Multiattack,
Power Attack, Silent Spell, Wingover.
Breath Weapon (Su): 50-ft. cone, damage 14d6
cold, Reflex DC 27 half; secondary effect: maw burn
as 12th-level caster.
Crush (Ex): Area 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Small or smaller
opponents take 2d8+ 13 points of bludgeoning damage, and must succeed on a DC 27 Reflex save or be
Frightful Presence: 240-ft. radius, HD 23 or less,
Will DC 27 negates.

Abilities: 3/day-control water, create water,
detect thoughts, obscuring
mist, wallof ice; 2lday--fogcloud,
speak with dead; lldayy-control
weather. Caster level 12th; save DC 15 + spell level.
Spells: As a 12th-level sorcerer.
Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/7/7/7/6/3; save
DC 15 + spell level): O-daze, detect magic, detect
poison, light, m g e hand, message, open/close,ray offrost,
read magic; 1st-endure elements, expeditious retreat,
shield, shocking grasp, sleep; 2nd-frost armor*, gust of
wind, inwisibility, maw burn*, resist energy; 3rd-blizzard*, dispel magic, frost nowa*, slow; 4th--lesser globe
of inwulnerability, scrying, wall ofice; 5th-hold monster,
telekinesis; 6th-greater dispel mgic.
*Indicates a spell described in Chapter Four: Magic
of the Warcraft RPG.
Skills: The mature blue dragon has a +8 racial
bonus on any Swim check to perform some special
action or to avoid a hazard. It can always choose to
take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming,
provided it swims in a straight line.

Bronze Dragon
Dragon (Fire)

Temperate land
Drake: solitary or clutch (2-5); mature:
solitary, pair, or family (1-2 and 2-5
offspring); wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1-2 and 2-5 ofFspring)
Challenge Rating: Drake 5; mature 15; wyrm 23
Double standard
Always lawful neutral
Drake 7-17 HD (Large), mature 17-27
HD (Huge), wyrm 31+ HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: Drake +4; others -

The dragon is long and slender, its scales glinting with
a metallic sheen. A spiky bone ridge runs down its back
and forms a wicked point at the end of its tail. Its form
shimmersfiomgolden yellow to rich orange in the sunlight
as it darts through the air.

Bronze dragons are smaller and more agile
than dragons of other flights, and they
appear to be built for speed rather than
stamina. Their bodies are thin and
dexterous, with scales almost metallic in appearance. T h e

sometimes mistaken for constructs or detailed statuary. Bronze dragons are fastidious, keeping their
mesh-like scales clean and shining at all times.

Bronze Dragon Society
Bronze dragons are very cunning, much like blues,
and value wisdom and patience over all else. Nozdormu,
their patron Aspect of Time, is patience incarnate.
Bronze dragons exist to keep the timestream inviolate
and the order of events progressing as the fates intended.
To facilitate this, bronzes are often seen near humanoid civilization. They keep watch over occupied
regions to watch the development of other races and
monitor how events impact the progress of fate.
In the early years, it is said that Deathwing’sblack
flight attempted to subjugatethe bronze dragons. The
assault was unsuccessful, primarily because the bronze
dragons did not stay and fight as expected. His command of time offering insight into the blacks’ plans,
Nozdormu alerted his flight of the danger. The bronze
dragonflight scattered to the four corners of the globe,
where they continue to monitor events.

Bronze dragons prefer to use their spell-like abilities
and breath weapon to confuse and scatter enemies.
Afterward, they approach foes singly, swooping from
the air or fighting on the ground depending on which
approach offers the best tactical advantage. Bronzes
can also be very patient, watching from afar until a
target lets down its guard.
Breath Weapon (Su): A bronze dragon's breath
weapon is a searing cone of superheated sand that
inflicts damage as noted in the individual entry. It also
causes accelerated aging - 10% of each victim's
natural lifespan - to all those who fail a Will save
(DC10 + 1/2 bronze dragon's HD + bronze dragon's
Wis modifier).
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-charm monster, duncing lights, ventriloquism; 2/day-shocking grasp (drake
or older), lightning bolt (mature or older), iron body
(wyrm); llday-discern location.
Skills: Hide, Gather Information, Spellcraft, and
Spot are considered class skills for Azeroth bronze

Drake Bronze Dragon: CR 5; Medium dragon (fire); HD
10d12+10,75 hp; hit +4; Spd 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor); AC 15,
touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +lo;Grp +11; Atk +11 melee
(ld8+1, bite); Full Atk +11 bite (ld8+1, bite), +5melee (ld6, 2
claws), +5 melee (ld4,2 wings); SA breath weapon, spell-like
abilities, spells; SQdarkvision 120 ft., low-lightvision, blindsense
60 Ft., damage reduction 5/magic, immunity to fire, sleep, and
paralysis, vulnerability to cold; AL CN; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will
+7; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, lnt 8, Wis 11, Cha 11.
Skills: Intimidate +13, Listen +13, Search +13,
Spot +13.
Feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Power
Attack, Weapon Focus (bite).
Breath Weapon (Su): 30-ft. cone, damage 3d6
heat, Reflex DC 16 half; secondary effect: accelerated
aging, Will DC 15 negates.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day--charm monster,duncing lights, ventriloquism; 2/day--shocking
grasp; 1/
day-discern location. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 +
spell level.
Spells: As a 1st-level sorcerer.
Sorcerer Spells Known (5/3; save DC 10 + spell
level): O-detect mgic, fire, m g e hand, read magic;
1st-burning hands,shield.

Green dragons have no enemies in the Emerald
Dream, but they know that the world of Azeroth is not
as lucky or as peaceful. They are capable of fighting,
but choose not to if there is any option other than
their own death. If conflict is unavoidable, they try to
neutralize foes with their breath weapon and leave the
area. Some consider green dragons to be pacifists or
weaklings. Those who have roused a green to combat
fast learn the error of this opinion. After all, dreams
and nightmares are not so very different.
Breath Weapon (Su): A green dragon breathes a
cone of poisonous emerald-colored (acid) gas (inflicting damage as noted in the individual entry). This gas
also subjects all within the cone to a sleep effect that
functions exactly like the spell, except that there is no
Hit Dice limit.
Spell-LikeAbilities: 3/daydarkness, sleep;2ldaydancing lights (drake or older), wall of air (mature or
older),phantasmalkiller (wyrm);lldaydetect thoughts,
Skills: Concentration, Gather Information, Listen, and Spot are considered class skills for Azeroth
green dragons.
MatureGeenDragon: CR 15; Large dragon (air, extraplanar);
HD 21d12+147, 283 hp; lnit +5; Spd 40 ft., Fly 150 ft. (good),
swim 60 ft.; AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 33; Base Atk +21; Grp
+31; Atk +27 melee (2d6+6/14-20, bite); Full Atk +27 melee
(2d6+6/19-20, bite), +21 melee (ld8+3, 2 claws), +21 melee
(ld8+3, tail slap); SpaceiReach: 10 ft./5 ft. (bite 10 ft.); SA
breath weapon, frightful presence, spell-like abilities, spells; SQ
darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, blindsense 60 ft., damage

reduction lO/magic, immunity to poison, sleep, and paralysis,
spell resistance 21; AL N; SV Fort +19,Ref +17, Will +15; Str 22,
Dex 20, Con 25, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16.

Skills: Bluff +17, Concentration +21, Craft (alchemy) +17, Diplomacy +21, Escape Artist +19,
Gather Information +19, Heal +17, Intimidate +19,
Knowledge (arcana) +17, Listen +29, Search +27,
Spot +29, Survival +17.
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Devour, Dodge, Extend
Spell, Improved Critical (bite), Mobility, Weapon
Focus (bite).
Breath Weapon (Su): 40-ft. cone, damage 12d6
acid, Reflex DC 27 half; secondary effect: sleep as
10th-level caster.
Frightful Presence (Ex): 210-ft. radius, HD 20 or
less, Will DC 23 negates.
Spell-LikeAbilities: 3/daydarkness, sleep; 2ldaydancing lights, wall of air; llday-detect
suggestion. Caster level 10th;save DC 13 + spell level.
Spells: As a 10th-level sorcerer.
Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/7/7/5/3;save DC
13 + spell level): O-ucid splash, daze, detect magic,
detect poison, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, light,
read mgic; Ist--cause fear, mage armor, obscuringmist,
shadow meld*, silent image; 2nd-cripple*, hypnotic
pattern, manu burn*, resist energy; 3rddispel magic,
hold person, major image; 4th-rainbow pattern, rain of
fire*; 5th-dream.
*Indicates a spell described in Chapter Four: Magic
of the Warcraft RPG.

Dragon (Fire)

their great queen. When
at last, they discoveredt'r
ing the hagonqueen- and even of raising her recent
offspring for use in the Second War. This outrage was
redressed when mortals helped free Alexstrasza. The
red flight resumed its ancient charge of defending the


Temperate land
Drake: solitary or clutch (2-5); mature:
solitarv. Dair. or Familv (1-2 and 2-5

Challenge Rating:

Drake 5; mature 15; wyrm 23


Usually qood

Level Adjustment:

Drake +4; others -



The dragon's scakd hide shimmers in the sun like
countlessrubies. Its longneckis agracefularcas its noble,
ridged head takes in the S ~ m O U ~ i W
Its. golden eyes
gleam with great wisdom.

Red dragons have a bearing and stature that recalls
the fact that they once ruled as lords over all
dragonkind. This nobility is reflected in every aspect
of a red dragon, from its proud demeanor to its aura not one that inspires fear, but rather awe. It is as
debilitating as the terrifying presence that other dragons possess, except that it overwhelms with a beatific
Red dragons exemplify the serenity of life and
nature. Legends hold that wherever a red dragon
walks upon the earth or bums the soil with its flaming
breath, the earth is renewed. Although red dragons
use fire to protect and punish, the flames always give
way to new life.


Red dragons are honorable and fight on even terms
if battlim honorable or worthv onnonents. Thev will

pensis with honor whenkcing those they consider
dishonorable - any evil creatures, as well as orcs.
Such beings are to be expunged with every instinct
and ability that red dragons possess.
Red dragons prefer to use flame m e n + v o n P n P m i P c
and force them to difficult terrain, U X U ~L l I
advantage for greater mobility. They prefer t
an opposing force's leader,



Red Dragon Society
The red flight was once charged with the protection
of all living things and to keep peace in the wild lands
of Azeroth. Alas, in time, their vision became clouded.
Humanoid races were in an uprising, and some rei'
dragons insisted that they must make war upon them
to protect the wilderness. Others believed that the
mortal races could be educated, ensuring allies a
bettering the world. This led to a great arg
that caused a schism within the red flight,
that has never been repaired.
The crisis was compounded when they
covered that their AsDect. Alexstrasza. wa
missing. The red dragons scattered to search for
her, making them easy prey for the vicious
Deathwing and his black flight. Isolated, leaderless, and confused, the reds fought back as
best they could. At last they drove back



ruining its power structure and hopefully setting the
younger or less experienced combatants to flight.
Breath Weapon (Su): A red dragon breathes a
white-hot line of superheated air and flame (it inflicts
damage as noted in the individual entry). This flame
also sears any ground that it strikes: it burns away all
soil and vegetation, whichgrows back within ld4 days
and three times as bountiful as before -for instance,
plants bear three times their original crop, trees grow
at three times their natural rate, and so forth. The land
is otherwise refreshed, renewed, and healthy and is
immune to any disease or ailment for one full year.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3lday-protection from ewil,
purify food and drink, tongues; 21day-speak with animals (drake or older), dispel mgic (mature or older),
heal (wyrm); lldaydetect thoughts.
Skills: Concentration, Heal, Spellcraft, and Spot
are considered class skills for Azeroth red dragons.
Wyrm Red Dragon: CR 23; Gargantuan dragon (fire); HD
40d12+480,740 hp; lnit +4;Spd40ft.,fly200ft.(clumsy);AC
42, touch 6, flat-footed 42; Base Atk +40; Grp +67; Atk +52
melee (4d6+15, bite); Full Atk +52 melee (4d6+15, bite), + 4 6
melee (2d8+7, 2 claws), + 4 6 melee (2d6+7, 2 wings), +46
melee (2d8+7, tail slap); Space/Reach 20 ft.115 ft. (bite 2 0 ft.);
SA breath weapon, crush, frightful presence, tail sweep, spelllike abilities, spells; SQ darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision,
blindsense 60 ft., damage reduction 15/magic, immunity to fire,
sleep, and paralysis, vulnerability to cold, spell resistance 32; AL
CG; SV Fort +34,Ref +24, Will +32; Str 40, Dex 10, Con 35, Int
26, Wis 27, Cha 26.
Skills: Appraise +51,Bluff +51,Concentration +55,
Diplomacy +55, Heal +51, Intimidate +53, Jump
+58, Knowledge (arcana) +51, Listen +53, Search
+51, Sense Motive +51, Spellcraft +53 (+2 to decipher scrolls), Spot +53, Use Magic Device +51.

Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Endurance, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Hover, Improved
Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite),
Breath Weapon (Su): 120-ft. line, damage 24d10
fire, Reflex DC 42 half; secondary effect: scorch and
renew land.
Crush (Ex): Area 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Medium or
smaller opponents take 4d6+22points of bludgeoning
damage, and must succeed on a DC 42 Reflex save or
be pinned.
Frightful Presence (Ex):400-ft. radius, HD 39 or
less, Will DC 38 negates.
Tail Sweep (Ex): Half-circle 30 ft. in diameter,
Small or smaller opponents take 2d6+22 points of
bludgeoning damage, Reflex DC 42 half.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3lday-protection from ewil,
purify food and drink, tongues; 21day-speak with animals, dispel magic, heal; llday-detect thoughts. Caster
level 18th;save DC 18 + spell level.
Spells: As an 18th-level sorcerer.
Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/6/3;
save DC 18 + spell level): O-arcane mark, detect
magic,detect poison,$re, light, mending, openlclose,read
magic, resistance; 1st-alarm, endure elements, hypnotism, mgic missile, ray of enfeeblement; 2nd-arcane
lock, darkness, mana burn", resist energy, scorchingray;
3rd-haste, hold person, magic circle against ewil,
shockwawe"; 4th-arcane eye, dimension door, immolation", rain of fire*; 5th-break enchantment, teleport,
wall offorce, waves offatigue; 6th-globe of inwulnerability, greater dispel magic, true seeing; 7th-mass hold
person, power word blind, spell turning; 8th-power word
stun, protection from spells; 9th-time stop.
"Indicates a spell described in Chapter Four: Magic
of the Warcraft RPG.

The dragonflights of Azeroth are not without retainers and asslstants. Noble humanoids serve the
dragons with absolute loyalty, acting as footmen,
soldiers, assistants, and companions. They are endowed With many ofthe dragons’ mystic abilities and
virtuous qualities. Exactly how they came
that the dragons do not choose to solve.
is a
Though they have dragon-likequalities, thesecreatures are not descended from dragons. Instead, they
are distant kinfolk, descended from humanoids who
spent their lives SO close to the dragons that they took
on the qualities of their masters after generations of
service. They are gifted with unique advantages of
their dragon blood and heritage, including immunity
to their dragonflight’s breath weapon. They have the
same alignment and goals as their patron
The lower bodies of dragonspawn are
much like dragons, a scaled hide with
four legs and a tail. They have humanoid torsos with long, thick
arms, and scaled, draconic

heads. Their hides and draconic features are the color
of their patron flight. They can be of either gender and
serve their dragonflight with the utmost dedication.
Dragonspawn have similar physiques regardless of
the flight they belong to, but each individual squadron is armed in the color of its dragonfllght.
Furthermore, dragonspawn often bear a mark upon
their breastplates or shields that reflects their in&vidual mentor or patron, giving honor to the dragon
who trained them. Armor always reflects the scale
coloringof the patrondragonflight (black, blue, bronze,
green, or red).
O n Azeroth, draconic influence does not increase
the potential to be a sorcerer. As such, those few wyrm
kin who do developmagic
as rare
<>their ancestral human ties.

Dragonspawn Society
Dragonspawn society is limited in scope and is
comprised of flametongues,scalebanes, and wyrm
kin. Trained as a slave race, they worship dragons
and are willing to die without question in their
mentor’s name. They prize loyalty and honor as
well as strength at arms,

and their societies are little more than military units
and segregations.
Dragonspawn are most often seen near or around
the holdings or lairs of the dragonflights they serve.
They travel in small to large organized squads, marching in formations.

Dragonspawn are equipped with high quality, often
entries. They serve as an organ& military for each of the
five great flights. They battle the mortal races of Azeroth
and keep the dragons from coming to harm.Their duty is
would even consider turning against their mentor or another member of their dragonflight.It is their heritage,their
pride, and their purpose.
All dragonspawn are skilled warriors, but
flametongues and scalebanes are bright enough to
train in spellcasting as well. Eachdragonspawn uses its
skills, powers, and equipment toward the same end: to
protect the dragonflight and its fellow dragonspawn.
A dragonspawn’s arms and armor are very important from both a practical and a cultural standpoint.
If a dragonspawn falls in battle, she is recovered as
soon as possible so that her gear may be passed along
to others. Only when the circumstance is most dire is
a body and its possessions left behind. Even so,
dragonspawn are guaranteed to make every effort to
recover what was lost.
The abilities listed here are common to all three
types of dragonspawn described on the following
pages: the largest group called wyrm kin, the elite
flametongues, and the commanding scalebanes.
Masterwork or Magic Arms and Armor (Ex):
Dragonspawn are equipped with only the finest weaponry and armor available. Unless stated otherwise, each
dragonspawn has masterwork quality weapons and armor. Some may also have enchanted equipment.
Immunities: By virtue of their unique lineage,
dragonspawn are immune to their dragonflight’sbreath
weapon. They are likewise immune to the frightful
presence of any dragon of equal or lesser age than their
own mentor.

Wyrm Kin
Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:
Base Att/Gapple:

Full Attack

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

3d8+9 (22 hp)
20 ft. in scale mail (4 squares); base
speed 3 0 ft.
18 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +4scale mail, +1
shield), touch 11, flat-Footed 17
+1 /ongsword+6 melee (ld8+3/19-20)
or +I spear + 6 melee (ld8+4/x3) or +1
spear +5 ranged (ld8+3/x3)
+I /ongsword+6 melee (ld8+3/19-20)
or +Ispear+6 melee (ld8+4/x3) or +I
spear +5ranged (ld8+3/x3)
5 ft./5 ft.

Darkvision 60 ft., immunities
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3

Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 10,Cha 12

Balance -1, Listen +2, Move Silently -1,
Ride +3, Spot +2
Alertness, Dodge
Unit(lO-lOO),squadron (40-400),or
army (100-1,000)
As patron dragon
4-9 HD (Medium)


A red wyrm kin: The creature has the lower body of a
reptile, with four legs and a tail. His torso and arms are
humnoid, while his head is that of a dragon. He h a a
scaled hide of deep red and bright m’mson. He wears scale
mail is of superiorquality, a dark copper in tone and etched
with draconic sigils. His golden eyes gleam with zealous
fervor as he hefts an exotic longsword in one hand and a
broad shield in the other.

Wyrm kin form the bulk of the dragonspawnforces.
They are tough and hardy, but not particularly intelligent. Most lack self-motivation, requiring a leader to
give them specific instructions and commands.Those
who show ingenuity, superior skill, or sorcerous talent
are elevated to the ranks of the flametongues or

Wyrm kin usually carry shields and swords or spears.
These weapons are magical, with a + 1 enhancement
bonus or some other minor feature. Wyrm kin are
clever fighters, well trained and organized. Their one

critical flaw is a lack of initiative and creative, independent thinking. Despite this shortcoming, they are
a feared battle unit, capable of wreaking much havoc.
They employ advanced battle strategies utilizing terrain, ambush, and flanking, as well as distinctive
formations for different foes.

Wyrm Kin Characters
Wyrm kin are almost always fighters or multiclassed
fighters. Some sorcerers are found within their ranks,
but very rarely - those who show such talent are
promoted to the flametongue legions. Wyrm kin
characters possess the following racial traits.
- +4 Strength, + 2 Dexterity, +6 Constitution,
-2 Intelligence, + 2 Charisma.
- Medium size.
- A wyrm kin’s base land speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
-Racial Hit Dice: A wyrm kin begins with three
levels of monstrous humanoid, which provide 3d8 Hit
Dice, a base attack bonus of +3,and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort +1, Ref +3, and Will +3.
-Racial Skills:A wvrm kin’s monstrous humanoid
levels give it skill points equal to 6 x (2 + Int modifier).
Its class skills are Balance, Intimidate, Listen, Move
Silently, Ride, and Spot.
-Racial Feats: A wyrm kin’s monstrous humanoid
levels give it 2 feats.
- +2 natural armor bonus.
- Special Attacks (see above): Spell use.
- Special Qualities (see above): Immunities.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic.
- Favored Class: Fighter.
- Level Adjustment: +l.

Medium Monstrous Humanoid

6d8+18 (45 hp)
20 ft. in scale mail (4 squares); base
speed 30 ft.
20 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +4 scale mail, +1
Armor Class:
shield), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Base AttIGrapple: +6/+9
+2/ongsword+ll melee (ld8+5/17-20)
or +2spear+11melee (ld8+6/x3) or +2
spear+lO ranged (ld8+5/x3)
+2/ongsword+ll/+6 melee (ld8+5/1QFull Attack
20) or +2spear+11/+6 melee (ld8+6/
x3) or +2spear+10/+5 ranged (ld8+4/
5 ft.15 Ft.
Hit Dice:

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., immunities




Fort +5, Ref +7, Will + 6
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, WE 12, Cha 12
Balance +0, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3,
Intimidate +Q, Listen +Q, Move Silently
+2, Spot +Q, Survival +7
Alertness, Dodge, lmproved Initiative
1 per 10-20 wyrm kin; unit (10-loo),
squadron (40-400), or army (1001,000)
As patron dragon

Level Adjustment: +2


A bronze flametongue:‘ The creature has the lower
body of a rep tile, with foz
arms are humanoid, whik
hide is a shimmeringbronz
wears fine bronze-plated
engraved with draconic
longsword at his side and


Although technicall.. ,A.,,A




wyrm kin race, flametoiL,uLo
are superior enough that they
different species.A wyrm kin is elevated to flametongue
status by showing consistent skill and leadership. The
dragon mentor performs a ritual that emulates a
dragon’s own transition from drake to mature. The
flametongue is then taught spells and new abilities and is also trained to break out of the shell of the
disciplined, unquestioning wyrm kin to become an
independent thinker and strategist.

Flametongues carry swords and/or spears as well as
shields. Weapons and/or armor are magical, offering a
+ 2 enhancement bonus and sometimes a minor enchantment. They may also have a useful magic item
such as a wand, ring, or other trinket. They also utilize
spells as circumstances warrant.
Flametongues are clever fighters, well-trained and
organized. They are officers, often leading squads of
other dragonspawn into battle. They know how best
to use their unit, and they know the capacity of each
individual in their armies. While not phenomenally
intelligent, they can improvise aprl rrpare n e w srraregies as opportunities arise.

Flametongue c h a r x r e r s are ~ L I I L U aiwayb
multiclassed fighters with levels in either rogue or


new things in order to bring diversity to their command.
Flametongue characters possess the same racial
traits as wyrm kin (see the previous entry), except as
noted below.
- +6 Strength, +4 Constitution, +4 Intelligence,
+2 Wisdom.
-Racial Hit Dice: A flametongue begins with six
levels of monstroushumanoid, which provide 6d8 Hit
Dice, a base attack bonus of +6,and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort +2, Ref +5, and Will +5.
-Racial Skills: A flametongue’s monstrous humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 9 x ( 2 + Int
modifier). Its class skills are Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy,
Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival.
- Racial Feats: A flametongue’s monstrous humanoid levels give it 3 feats.
- +3 natural armor bonus.
-Level Adjustment: + 2 .

Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Qd8+27 (67 hp)
30 ft. in scale mail (6 squares); base
speed 40 ft.
23 (+3 Dex, +4natural, + 6 iZscalernail),
Armor Class:
touch 13, flat-footed 20
Base AttIGapple: +9/+13
+3 greatsword+l6 melee (2d6+9/1QAttack
20)or +3cornpositebngbow+l5 ranged
+3 greatsword+lb/+ll melee (2d6+Q/
Full Attack
17-20) or +3 composite longbow +15/
+loranged (ld8+3/x3)
5 ft./5 Ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunities
Fort +8, Ref +Q, Will + 8
Str 18,Dex l6,Con 16,Int 15, Wis 14,Cha 12
Balance +2,Bluff +5, Concentration +7,
Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Listen +’?, Move SiHit Dice:


Alertness, Dodge, Great Fortitude,
lmproved Initiative


1 per 5 Flametongues; unit (10-100);
squadron (40-400) or army (100-

Challenge Rating: 7
As patron dragon
10-18 HD (Medium); 17-27 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +3

A black scalebane: The creature has the lower body of
a reptile, with four legs and a tail. Her torso and arms are
humanoid, while her head is that of a dragon. She has a
scaled hide of lustrous ebony and her eyes are deep red. She
wears massive scale mail etched with draconic motifs, and
a helm and shield with a crested black dragon design. A
bejeweled greatsword hangs in a sheath across her back
along with a lacquered composite longbow.

Scalebanes are t h e most powerful of t h e
dragonspawn. They have large builds, averaging just
under 7 feet in height, and wear elaborate armor with
dragon-crested helms that stand out from the rest of
their unit. They may also carry banners or other
markings delineating their command. Scalebanes are
clearly in control of a unit’s movements and strategies.

Scalebanes carry swords and shields, two-handed
swords, or other impressive weapons. These weapons
are always magical, retaining a +3 enhancement bonus and possibly an additional magical feature. A
scalebane always has a secondary magic item: shield,
armor, rod, wand, or another item used for the benefit
of the entire squadron.
They are considered the most adept followers of
their dragon mentor and are looked on by other
dragonspawn as acolytes of the dragon’s wisdom and
prophets of the dragon’s will.

Scalebane Characters
Scalebane characters are usually fighters or sorcerers and may have additional levels in rogue or the
paladin warrior prestige class. Scalebane characters
possess the same racial traits as wyrm kin, except as
noted below.
- +8 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, +4
- A scalebane’s base land speed is 40 feet.
- Racial Hit Dice: A scalebane begins with nine
levels of monstrous humanoid, which provide 9d8 Hit
Dice, a base attack bonus of +9, and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +6, and Will +6.
- Racial Skills: A scalebane’s monstrous humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 12 x (2 + Int
modifier). Its class skills are Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy,Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana),
Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot, and Survival.
-Racial Feats: A scalebanes monstrous humanoid
levels give it four feats.
- +4 natural armor bonus.
- Favored Class: Fighter or sorcerer.
- Level Adjustment: +3.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base Att/Grapple:

Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:

The large creature looks
much like a bear, with a massive build and thick dark fur
with faint striped markings. I t
wears simple- clothing, however, and has a clear intelligence in its blunt ursine face.

Furbolgs are large, humanoid bear creaturesthat survive
in the wild places mostly by
keeping to themselves. They
have friendly relationships
with the elves, but keep a
respectful distance from others. They are peaceful
creatures, but savageand dangerous when angered.

its claws. Furbolg warriors will don piecemeal armor if
necessary (assume hide armor statistics).
Improved Grab (Ex): If a furbolg hits with a claw
or slam attack, it can immediately initiate a grapple
without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Skills: Furbolgs have a +4 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

Furbolg Characters
A furbolg’s favored class is fighter; furbolg elder
shaman are healers with levels in druid of the wild or
shaman. Furbolg characters possess the following racial traits.
- +8 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2
-Large size. -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty
o n attack rolls, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus
on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double
those of Medium characters.
- Spacemeach: 10 ft./lO ft.
- A furbolg’s base land speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
-Racial Hit Dice:A furbolg begins with five levels
of monstroushumanoid, which provide 5d8 Hit Dice,
a base attack bonus of +5, and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort + 1, Ref +4, and Will +4.
- Racial Skills: A furbolg’s monstrous humanoid
levels give it skill points equal to 8 x ( 2 + Int modifier).
Its class skills are Knowledge (nature), Listen, Spot,
and Survival.
- Racial Feats: A furbolg’s monstrous humanoid
levels give it two feats.
- +2 natural armor bonus.
- Special Attacks (see above): Improved grab.
-Automatic Language: Ursine.
- Favored Class: Fighter or healer.
-Level Adjustment: +2.

Corrupted Furbolg
Hit Dice:

Armw Class:
Base Att/Gapple:

Special Attacks:

Large Monstrous Humanoid
6d8+18 (45 hp)

30 ft. (6 squares)
15 (-1 size, + 6 natural), touch 9 , flatfooted 15
Claw +10melee (ld6+5) or bite +10 melee (ld8+5) slam +10 melee (ld6+5)
2 claws +10melee (ld6+5) and bite +5
melee(ld8+2); or claw +10 melee(ld6+5)
and slam +5 melee (ld6+2) and bite +5
melee (ld8+2)
10 ft./lO ft.
Improved grab

Special Qualities:


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 51
magic, spell resistance 12
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6
91-21, Dex 11, Con 16,Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 4
Knowledge (nature) +2, Listen +3,Spot
+3,Survival +3
Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush,
Power Attack
Any temperate
Solitary, pair, war party (10-20 plus 1
5th-level warrior), or band (20-30 plus
20%noncombatants plus 1 5th-level

Always chaotic evil
by character class


The large creature looks much like a bear, although one
overcome with savagery. Its pelt is dark and matted,
scored with strange symbols and shaved in spots to reveal
bizarre bands. Necklaces of leather hang from its neck,
displaying grisly trophies: ears, teeth, scalps, and even
tiny skulls.

Corrupted furbolgs are furbolgs twisted into savage
and violent versions of their more peaceful kin through
the BurningLegion’s evil influence. They are hunched
like their normal kin, standing about 9 feet tall and
weighing between 300 and 400 pounds. They have
strange markings in their fur and indulge in scarring
and piercing to enhance their savage appearance.
They are also known to decorate themselves in the
remnants of those they have killed.
Some corrupted furbolgsdisplay additional demonic
characteristics, such as horns, the ability to generate
fire, and so on. These are unique individuals who
often end up as the leaders of their own war parties.
Unlike a standard furbolg, corrupted furbolgs are
violent and survive by raiding and looting the communities they come across. They are willing to
cooperate with other corrupted creatures to further
the Burning Legion’s aims.

Corrupted Furbolg Society
Corrupted furbolgs have abandoned the worship of
nature and with it the structures of their past. Instead,
they are driven by the most powerful among them.
Should more than one furbolg achieve power, the
corrupted furbolg band will split into smaller groups
and each will go its separate way. The ranks of the
corrupted are filled by the taint of the Burning Legion.
Corrupted furbolgs speak their own language, Ursine, and sometimes the Darnassian tongue.

Mountain Giant
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Huge Giant (Earth)
18d8+108 (189 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
22 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural), touch
10, flat-footed 20

Base AWGrapple: +13/+35
Gargantuan longspear +26 melee
(4d6+21/x3) or slam +25 melee(ld6+14)
or rock +14 ranged (2d8+14/x3)
Gargantuanlongspear +26/+21/+16 meFull Attack
lee (4d6+21/x3) or 2 slams +26 melee
(ld6+14) or rock +14 ranged (2d8+14/x3)
15 ft./15 ft.
Rock throwing
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, damage resistance 5/
magic, rockcatching, spell resistance 16,
stone shaping
Fort +17, Ref +8,Will + 6
Str 38, Dex 14,Con 22, Int 12, Wis 11, cha 11
Climb +25,Jump+35, Listen +21, Spot +21
Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Re
flexes, Improved Initiative, Improved
Trip, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Cold mountain or forest
Challenge Rating: 16
Standard coins, double goods, standard
Always chaotic good
By character class
Level Adjustment: -

The giant has a thick humanoid build and weathered
and rocky skin. Its arms are very long for its build,while
its legs are quite short.

Birthed from the stone, the mountain giants were
created to shape the world’s mountains. Once they
roamed everywhere, crafting the craggy peaks and
carving the valleys of Azeroth. Now, few remain to
carry out their work. Those left, though, are considered mighty creatures of mythic power and are seen as
the mightiest warriors in the world.
Mountain giants are hermitic, content to hide
in the remote mountains of the world. They are
to anger, ignoring most annoyances as temp
problems that will eventually disappear. When stirr
to anger, however, they are frightening and danger-

ous. Recently, the appearance of the Burning Legion
has drawn the attention of the mountain giants, and
they have left their mountains to aid the night elves
against this evil.
Mountain giants measure a towering 20 feet tall and
weigh nearly 12,000pounds. Their natural life spans
measure into the thousands of years. They carry valuables in cracks and ledges of their skin, tucking jewels
and items into niches where they will fit. Larger items
are left in mountain caves.

Mountain giants use longspears formed from mountain stone. The stony hide of the mountain giant is
hard and thick, providing it with some protection
from magical and normal attacks.
Rock Throwing (Ex):Amountaingiant can throw
rocks as well as any giant (see MM, “Giant”). The
range increment is 180 feet for a mountain giant’s
thrown rocks. It uses both hands when throwing a
Rock Catching (Ex):A mountain giant can catch
rocks as well (see MM, “Giant”). A mountain giant
receives a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex save when
attempting to catch a thrown rock.
Stone Shaping (Su): A mountain giant can shape
an existing piece of stone into any rough shape, up to
30 cubic feet at a time. The mountain giant can also
use this ability to heal itself by up to 10 hit points of

Mountain Giant Characters
A mountain giant’s favored class is fighter.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base Att/Grapple:
Full Attack
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)
2d8+2 (11 hp)
20 ft. in hide armor (4 squares); base
speed 30 ft.
15 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +3 hide), touch 11,
flat-footed 14
Heavy flail +4 melee (ld10+3/1‘?-20)
Heavy flail +4 melee (ld10+3/19-20)
5 ft.15 ft.

Darkvision 60 ft.
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +O
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, lnt 8,Wis 10,Cha 8
Intimidate +1, Listen +2
Weapon Focus (heavy flail)
Temperate and cold mountains and hills
Solitary, pair, gang (1-4 plus 1 brute,
assassin, or poacher), band (10-60 plus
50%non-combatants plus 1-12 brutes,
1-lOassassins, 1-6poachers,l-4wardens plus1bruteof 1st-3rdlevelplusO1 dire wolves), or tribe (20-120 plus
50%non-combatants plus2-20 brutes,
3-18 assassins, 2-12 poachers, 2-8
wardens plus 1 brute of 1st-2nd level
plus 1 assassin of 1st-2nd level plus 1
chief brute of 3rd-5th level plus 4-8
dire wolves)

Challenge Rating: 1
Usually chaotic evil
By character class
Level Adjustment: +1

The humanoid stands as tall as a night elf and has a
furry, greenish-brown pelt. Its head is like a hyena’s, with
yellow fangs and bloodshot eyes.

Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids standing about 7
feet tall. Gnolls of the same tribe tend to share a
similar appearance,with either areddish-brown,black,
Penish-graY, Or Yellow mane. Eyes range in color
from Pale blue to bloodshot red and aretYPicallY small
and close-set in the head. In wet conditions, they give
off a distinctive musky odor.
As carnivores, gnolls consider all creatures as food,
including members of their own race. Hunger, not
gold or magic, is what motivates them. They have no
love for other races, preferring to eat rather than work
with them. Any alliances made will last only as long

as the gnolls are well fed or are cowed with displays of
Gnolls, being lazy and feral, have little natural
industry. They are capable of limited crafting, but no
metal work. They do not mine or farm, relying instead
on a nomadic existence and hunting.

Gnoll Society
Gnoll society is organized entirely around might.
The strongest and deadliest gnolls ascend in the tribal
order to become the leaders, while the weaker gnolls
soon become food for the rest. This lifestyle means the
average gnoll tribe is always in astate of tension- the
slightest sign of weakness in those leading can cause
the tribe to turn upon itself in a frenzy of violence. It
also prevents the gnolls from organizing for very long
into anything more than a tribe.
Gnoll society displays a limited specialization. Brutes
are the largest and nastiest gnolls, made stronger by
their privileged position in the food chain. Gnoll
assassins are noted for their intelligence and use
complex weapons such as bows and poisons. Gnoll
poachers act as scouts and hunters for the gnoll tribes
and use weapons taken from prey. Gnoll wardens have
developed a magical connection with nature and use
their powers to keep the other gnolls in line.

Gnolls prefer using bludgeoning weapons, in part
because they are easy to create but also break open
bones more easily - they consider bone marrow a
delicacy. They wear scraps of hide as armor, though
some tougher gnolls will don armor taken from their
Gnolls have a limited concept of tactics. If they
outnumber an opponent, they will attack; if outnumbered, they will flee. Pack tactics are the order of the
day, with multiple gnolls swarming to attack single
opponents. They like to attack from ambush, if possible, and are crafty enough to use darkness or terrain
to their advantage. They are not courageous and flee
if a battle turns against them.

Gnoll Characters
A gnoll’sfavoredclass is barbarian. A gnoll assassin’s
favored class is rogue, a gnoll poacher’s favored class
is scout, and a gnoll warden’s favored class is healer.
Gnoll characters possess the following racial traits.
- +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2
Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
- Medium size.
- A gnoll’s base land speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Racial Hit Dice: A gnoll begins with two levels
of humanoid, which provide 2d8 Hit Dice, a base

attack bonus of + 1, and base saving throw bonuses of
Fort +3, Ref +0, and Will +O.
- Racial Skills: A gnoll’s humanoid levels give it
skill points equal to 5 x (2 + Int modifier). Its class
skills are Intimidate and Listen.
- Racial Feats: A gnoll’s humanoid levels give it
one feat.
- + 1 natural armor bonus.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Low Common.
- Favored Class: Barbarian.
- Level Adjustment: + 1.
The gnoll presented above is a typical representative of the species. See the following entries for
examples of the other listed gnoll types.

Gnoll Assassin
Hit Dice:
Armor Class:

Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)
3d8+3 (16 hp)


30 ft. (6 squares)
15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather), touch
12, flat-footed 13
Base Att/Grapple: +2/+2
Club +2melee (ld6) or shortbow +4

Full Attack:

ranged (ld61x3 and poison)
Club +2 melee (ld6) or shortbow +4
ranged (ld6/x3 and poison)
5 Ft./5 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Fort +2, Ref +5,Will +1
Strll,Dex15,Con12,Int’?, WislO,Cha8
Hide +4, Listen +3, Survival +2
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Special ~ h b
Spacial Qualities:
Challenge Rating: 2

Level Adjustment: +1

Gnoll assassins are generally smaller than other
gnolls, reaching only around 6 1/2
feet tall. They tend to have darker
fur colors and wear black and dark

Gnoll assassins are the tacticians of gnoll society. They prefer
to fight from the rear, acting as
support troops. They use poisons
on their arrow tips, favoring that

Poison (Ex):A gnoll assassin coats his arrow tips in
Medium spider venom. Injury, Fortitude DC 12, initial
and secondary damage ld4 Str.
Some assassins favor different poison types (see “Poison” in Chapter 8:
Dictionaryofspecial Abilities andconditions of the DMG).

Gnoll Brute

Gnoll Poacher

Large Humanoid (Gnoll)

Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)

Hit Dice:

5d8+10 (32 hp)

Hit Dice:





20 ft. in scale mail (4 squares); base
speed 30 Ft.
16 (-1 size, +1 natural, +4scale mail, +2
large shield), touch 7, flat-footed 16
Flail + 6 melee (ld8+3)
Flail +6melee (ld8+3)
5 Ft.15 ft.



Special Qualities:

Armor Class:

Base AttIGapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Darkvision 60 ft., fear immunity
Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +O
Str16,DexlO,Con14,lnt7, Wis7,ChalO
Intimidate +4, Listen +3
Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (Flail)
Usually chaotic evil
By character class

The humanoid is tall -standing almost 8 feet high and has a lean but powerful build. Its hyena-like head has
a blunt snout and large yellow teeth. Scraps of armor
cover its thick yellow-green fur, and a wicked lookingflail
is held in one large fist.

Gnoll brutes are the cream of gnoll society, usually
reaching just under 8 feet in height. They wear the
best armor and use shields plucked from the bodies of
their victims. Gnoll brutes expect deference from
those around them and have no concept of fear. They
take the pick of the food and loot and leave the rest
behind for others to fight over.

The idea of subtlety is lost on a gnoll brute. A brute
will charge into combat with the nearest opponent
and pound away until it falls down. Gnoll brutes do
not hold to notions of single combat or honor and will
generally team up and surround a single foe until it is
Fear Immunity (Ex):Gnoll brutes are incapable of
understanding fear and as such are immune to fear
effects. Their unwavering courage often inspires the
gnolls around them, giving all gnolls within a 20-foot
radius a +2 morale bonus to saves against fear effects.

Armor Class:

Base Att/G-apple:
Full Attack:

2d8+2 (11 hp)
30 Ft. (6 squares)
16 (+3 Dex, +1natural, +2 leather), touch
13, Flat-footed 13
Flail +3 melee (ld8+2) or light crossbow
+4 ranged (ld8/17-20)
Flail +3 melee (ld8+3) or light crossbow
+4 ranged (1d8119-20)
5 ft.15 ft.

Darkvision 60 Ft.
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +O
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, lnt 10,WK 10, Cha 10
Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Listen +4,
Survival +4
Challenge Rating: 1
Usually chaotic evil
By character class
Level Adjustment: +1

The hyena-headed humunoid is very wiry. Its dappled
green-brown pelt helps it blend in with the foliage as it
creeps forward with a light crossbow held at the ready.

Gnoll poachers are the light scouts of gnoll society
and are responsible for finding appropriate targets for
raids. They tend to be thin, small, and picked on by
the other gnolls. This treatment makes them some of
the meanest gnolls, and they are most prone to playing
with their victims. They will always defer to other
gnolls, but are known to get revenge if wronged.

Gnoll poachers like to strike from cover and ambush and will flee a stand-up fight. They prefer to
leave hand-to-hand combat to the brutes when possible. Poachers are very practiced at singling out a
target on which to combine their fire, usually the
unarmed one in the back trying to cast a spell.

Large Magical Beast

8d10+16 (60 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares), fly 80 Ft. (average)
18(-1 size, +3Dex,+6 natural), touch 12,
Armor Class:
flat-footed 15
Base AWGapple: +8/+16
Bite +12 melee (2d6+4)
Bite +12/+7melee (2d6+4) and 2 claws
Full Attack:
+Q melee (ld4+2)
10 Ft.15 ft.
Swoop, rake ld6+2
Special Attacks:
Darkvision 60Ft., low-lightvision,scent,
Special Qualities:
resistance to electricity 10
Fort +8,Ref +?, Will +3
Str 18, Dex 17, Con 15, lnt 8, Wis 13, Cha 10
Jump +8, Listen +7, Spot +lo*
Alertness, Multiattack, Weapon Focus

Hit Dice:



Temperate and cold hill and mountains
Solitary or pair

Challenge Rating: 5
Usually lawful good
7-10 HD (Large); 11-24 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

Thismighty beast's forquarters -incldeme em bus wings resembleagreateagle, whikitshmdqumters
ing head,forelegs, and


The gryphon is the symbol of resolve
and fortitude among the wild dwarves
of the Aerie Peaks. From the tip of its
powerful beak to the back of its swishing tail, a gryphon reaches lengths of 9
feet. Its wings can span up to 30 feet
and are powerful enough to launch the
beast into flight.
Gryphons are intelligent and loyal,
suppressing their natural aggression and
territorial behavior to assist the wild
dwarves who share their mountain
homes. They are, however, partial to
horse flesh and unless closely watched
will indulge their taste to the detriment
of nearby cavalry.

A gryphon will attempt to swoop
down on its prey, attacking from above
if at all possible. Gryphons are intelli-

gent enough to avoid fighting in situations in which
they cannot make their attack at an advantage.
Swoop (Ex):In the first round of combat, a gryphon
can performamoveaction, eitheradiveorleap, andstill
make a full attack.
Rake (Ex):Whenmaking aswoop attack, agryphon
can make two rake attacks, using its lion-body claws.
Attack bonus +12 melee, damage ld6+2.
Skills: Gryphons receive a +4racial bonus to Jump
checks. *They also receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot
checks made in daylight.

Gryphon Mounts
The wild dwarves of Aerie Peak have made a specialty
of training gryphons as mounts. This training requires a
successful Handle Animal check (DC22 for a young
gryphon, Dc 29 for an adult) and that the gryphon in
training be a willing subject. The dwarves can complete
this training in about eight months; for any others, the
process takes about two years.
The sale of gryphon eggs is considered a crime in
most human and dwarf holdings, but illegal eggs can
be had for prices at around 4,000 gp.
To ride a gryphon will require a specially made
exotic saddle. While ridden, a gryphon can still attack, but its rider must make a Ride check (see
Chapter 4: Skills in the PHB).
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a gryphon is
350 pounds, a medium load 35 1-700 pounds, and a
heavy load, 701-1,400 pounds.

Medium Monstrous Humanoid

2d8 (? hp)
2 0 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (average)
13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 12, flatArmor Class:
footed 11
Base AttIGapple: +2/+1
Stonesickle+l melee(ld6-1)orsling+4
ranged (ld4-1)
Stone sickle +1 melee (ld6-1) or 2 claws
Full Attack
+1 melee(ld3-1) or sling +4 ranged(ld41)
5 ft.15 ft.
Nightsoil poison
Special Attacks:
Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to filth
Special Qualities:
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4
Str?,Dex14,Con 10, Int 10, Wisl3,Cha 12
BlufF+4, Intimidate+4, Perform (riddles) +5
Flyby Attack
Temperate Forests and mountains
Solitary, pair, wing (3-6), flight (7-12),
or roost (13-48)
Hit Dice:


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Always neutral evil
By character class

The fetid creature has the head, arms, and torso of a
humanoid woman and the legs and wings of a large
vulture. Instead of hair, it has shocks of black feathers.
Cold eyes glare from a face cowered in filth.

Harpies believe that they are descended from female elves who betrayed Azshara, Sorceress-Queenof
Kalimdor, and were transformed into hideous birdcreatures as punishment. They are content to be the
scourge and despoilers of all that cross their path,
taking dark pleasure in spreading disease and misery,
whether by attacking travelers or fouling water sources
and food supplies.
Harpies are filthy creatures, matted with their own
excrement. They are well used to the ways of divine
magic and treachery, and they are highly territorial,
killing anything that moves through their lands. With
nests up in the tallest trees or on canyon sides, harpies
can keep an eye on a vast area.
There are no male harpies. They capture males of
other humanoid races and force them to mate. These
unfortunates are often hobbled to keep from escaping
- given the circumstances, seduction is out of the
question. Harpies resort to magic and potions to

tions include rapid flight and
wheeling through the air,
screaming in shrill voices. Harpies prefer the power and speed of
magic, so once an enemy is distracted the group will attempt a
massive simultaneous casting of spells.
More powerful enemies will be tested
carefully. Traps and other obstacles
are used, with scouts observing how
the enemy responds. In the face of poor
odds, harpies will back off and try to
rouse a larger host to deal with the intrusion.
Immunity to Filth (Ex):Harpies are an extremely
unclean race. Their nests are obvious by the stench on
the wind. They are immune to infection and other
diseases that stem from rot or contamination. This
immunity does not extend to the toxins of plants,
animals, or any magical effects.
Nightsoil Poison (Ex):Harpies carry bags of prepared nightsoil that can cause nausea. Contact,
Fortitude DC 12, initial and secondary damage ld3


Harpy Characters
Harpies are rare candidates for characters. They do
not lend themselves to the affairs of heroes. The most
likely harpy characters are those exiled from nests due to population pressure, strife, or some sort of
crime. Another possibility may be a young harpy
finding romance with a male of another species who
is willing to overlook the violence and filth common
to the species.
Harpies that leave their people face no special
stigmafrom other harpies, besides being seen as crazed.
Members of the Horde and night elves are more
willing to accept the wild nature of harpies than are
humans. Harpies who take the extreme effort to
remain clean and well mannered find matters easier
with members of the Alliance.
Harpies have difficulty wielding weapons or other
equipment while on the ground, although they can
wear rings on their claws. They also have trouble
wearing armor; it must be tailored (add 20% to cost)
and the armor check penalty is multiplied by 10 and
applied to flight speed. Harpies cannot wear boots or
gloves. The favored class for harpies is sorcerer.

Hit Dice:

Large Magical Beast
4d10+8 (30 hp)

C d .

Wl C+ (ln ena~.res),fly 80 ft. (average)
)ex, +4 natural), touch 11,

5nwial Chialitim

Challenge Rating:


10 ft./5 ft.
Dnrkvisinn 60 ft Inw-linht visinn

Listen +’I, >pot +?*
Dodge, Flyby Attack
forest, hill, mountains, and plains
Joiitary, pair, or flight (7-12)

Usually chaotic good

Contrary to common belief, hippogryphs are not
simply beasts that act as night elf mounts. They are no
less intelligent than humanoid races, in fact, though
they are wary of non-elf races -kobolds and humans
have both attempted to
hippogrYphs. Most
hippogryphs dwell in Ashenvale and other regions
commonly inhabited by night elves. They have been
the staunch partners of the night elves from time

‘hilekind and generous among the night elves, they
are hardened to the demands of fighting demonic
Night elf sentinels watch over hippogrypheggs,and

of the night elves. Though-most prefer to stay and
protect communities, young hippogryphs taken with
the urge to explore and see the forest beyond their nest
often serve as willing mounts for night elf windriders
(as detailed in the Alliance &Horde Compendium).
Hippogryphs speak Darnassian, but are
learning Common and other


4 Hippogryphs

have a keen
awareness of aerial tactics. Without riders, they attack inquickdives, striking
with their horns followed by swipes with their
talons. Female hippogryphs avoid direct combat. If trapped on the ground, the hippogryph
1 charge, trying to get space to regain
the air. Carrying night elf archers,
hippogryphs make careful circling
tacks, darting within range
long enough for a
shot before


wheeling away.
Hippogryphs with riders act
on their own initiative.The
mount can aid the archer in
the attack, possibly providing a + 2 bonus to the archer’s


Skills: *Hippogryphs receive a +4 racial bonus to
Spot checks during daylight hours.


Small Humanoid (Kobold)

Hit Dice:

ld8 (4 hp)




3 0 ft. (6 squares)
16(+1size,+l Dex,+2natural,+2leather),
touch 12, Flat-footed 15
Base AttIGapple: +O/-5
Dagger +O melee(ld4-1/19-20) or bite
+O melee (ld4-1)
Full Attack
Dagger +O melee(ld4-1/19-20) or bite
+O melee (ld4-1)
5 ft./5 ft.
Armor Class:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, fearful, scent
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6
Craft (trapmaking) +, Hide +4, Listen +6,
Move Silently +4, ProFession (miner) +4,
spot +5


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Solitary, pair, brood (2-5), nest (10-100
plus 100% mombatants plus 1 3rd-level
rogue per 20 adults and 1 leader OF 4th-6th
level), or warren (30-300 plus 1 3rd-level
rogue per20adults, 1or Zeldenof 4th or 5th
level, 1 leader of 6th-8th level)

Usually neutral evil
By character class

The wiry creature bears as much of a resemblance to a
rat as it does to a humanoid. I t stands short of 4 feet tall
and moves with a rapid, hunched gait. Its nerwousness is
evident in its large, rodent-like eyes.

Kobolds are rat-like humanoids that dwell in tunnels going deep into the Alterac and Redridge
Mountains. Standing between 3 and 4 feet in height
and weighing between 70 to 100 pounds, kobolds are
at home in the dark underground. Bright light causes
them discomfort. Kobolds are cowardly, cringing folk,
striving to stay out of the way of other races. Kobolds
will take over abandoned mines and scavenge equipment whenever they can do so safely.

Kobold Society
Koblds form loose clan lineages based on bloodline.
There is nothing like marriage. Young individuals migrate
between nests or between largerwarrens. Kobolds of all ages
prefer to sleep rn large groups. While there is no overt

structure of government,koboldsorganizein loosegroupsto
plan out digs and scavenging.
While not particularly bright, kobolds have keen senses
accomplishmentsis their alliancewith theharpies. Kobolds
offer equipment they scavenge in r e m for information.
The two races protect one another by proximity.

Kobolds first try to avoid combat if at all possible. Traps
are used to gather small food animals and protect their
warrens. When pressed, kobolds will flood over a target,
looking to bite at vulnerable points. When facing a significant threat, they will abandon their nests and young.
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Fearful (Ex):Kobolds are generally fearful of other
races and danger. When intimidated or subjected to
fear effects, kobolds receive a -4 penalty to saves.
Skills: Kobolds receive a +3 racial bonus to Craft
(trapmaking),Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Profession (miner).

Kobold Characters
A fnendly kobold could p i b l y be raised by a night elf
or some other race. Though ruled by fear, a heroic kobold
may emergefromtime to time. Therace'sknackwithstealth
and comfort in underground environments makes it wellsuited to the rogue and scout classes. Kobold characters
possess the following racial traits.
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -2
Intelligence, -4 Charisma.
- Small size. + 1 bonus to Armor Class, + 1 bonus
on attack rolls, +4bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty
on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 those
of Medium characters.
- A kobold's base land
speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision out to 60
-Racial Skills: A kobold Character
Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and ProfaSiOn (miner)Checks.
- Racial Feats: A kobold
character gains feats according
to its character class.
-+2 natural armor bonus.
- Special Qualitie
(see above): Light sensitivity, fearful, scent.
- Automatic Languages: Common, ~0~

- Favored Class: Rogue.
- Level Adjustment: +O.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base Att/Gapple:
Full Attack
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

L l K C l l l d l l y I I C l U l l l ~dll

Huge Animal
6d8+36 (63 hp)

40 ft. (8 squares)
16 (-2 size, + 8 natural), touch 8, Flatfooted 16
Bite +12 melee (2d8+?)
Bite +12 melee (2d8+?) and 2 stoms t6
melee (2d6+4
15 Ft./lO ft.
lmproved grab, swallow whole
Low-light vision
Fort +11, Ref +5,Will +3
Str 28, Dex 11, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 5
Listen +7, Spot +8
Alertness, Endurance, Weapon Focus (bite)
Temperate and warm plains
Solitary, pair, or herd (5-50 plus 50%
young plus 1 Gwgantuan beast per 10adults)


Challenge Rating:


Level Adjustment:

Always neutral
7-10 HD (Huge); 11-20


HD (Gwgantuan)


The ground trembles with each step that the massive
reptilian beast takes. Its gray hide is covered in the dust
that it kicks up as it grazes across the plains.

Giant gray reptilian quadrupeds, the kodo beasts
wander the plains in thunderous herds. They graze
primarily on quick-growing grasses, but will eat the
leaves of shrubs and trees they encounter. Kodo beasts
will occasionally eat insects, small mammals, and
eggs, but these items are a limited part of their
Kcdobeastsarekey totaurenculture.Tauren
hunt and use every part of kdos for their
equipment, clothing, and food. Kcdo
beasts can be trained and are
used as beasts of burden by
the tauren and as mounts
for orcs. Kodm are a s p
bo1 of vigor and power
among the tauren and
hunting them is an
important rite of

composed of mothers anc
A few younger males m
eventually driven out tc
During mating season, ty
make loud bellowing soul
Kodo beasts are dangerou
the watch for rivals and

by nature quiet, lumberin
simply to wander away from
exception is when they ar
small enough to be threat(
beasts will form around d, yuulg, udllulg
simple mass. Sufficientlyannoying opponents are charged
and swallowed whole. More significantthreats, particularly
those too large to swallow, are charged down. Kodm are too
slow to trample opponents,but they can crush or bash with
their forelegs. During mating or nesting seasons,k d m are
more aggressive, particularly if startled or surprised. They
will leave small annoyances alone, though make mock
Improved Grab (Ex):To use this ability, a kodo beast
must hit with its bite. It can then attempt to start a grapple
asafree action withoutprovokinganattackofopportunity.
If it wins the grapple check, it establishesa hold and can try
to use its swallow whole abilitv.
Swallow Whole (Ex):C
kodo can distend its jaw to L ~ . . ~ ~ . BIuUCI\N
~ ~ . .
u p t o h g e s k . Once hide, theownentsUfferr
damage qual to 2d8 + &e k d o beast’s Seen& modfie;
PIUS 1&+6 pints of acid damage per round from the
creature’sdigestive juices. A swallowed victim C-n --.+
way out by inflicting25 pintsofdamage
or Small slashingweawn to the kodo beast’s diees-

Huge Giant

Hit Dice:

12d8+108 (162 hp)




50 ft. (10 squares)
17 (-2 size, +'? natural), touch 8, flatfooted 17

A m o r Class:

Base AWGrapple:
Full Attack
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Challenge Rating:

Huge club +18 melee (2d6+11)
Huge club +18/+13 melee (2d6+11)
15 ft./15 ft.
Frightful presence, trample ld8+16
Low-light vision, damage resistance 151
magic, resistance to cold 5
Fort +1?, Ref +4, Will +5
Str32, Dex 10,Con 28,Int 10,WIS12,Cha 10
Craft (weaponsmith) +5, Hide +?,Listen
+6,MoveSilently+?, Spot+6,Survival+6
Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude,
Power Attack, Track
Cold mountains

Always chaotic evil
13-17 HD (Huge); 18-20


LevelAdjustment: -

This creature has the upper torso, head,
and arms of a giant and the body of a great
wooly mammoth. It is fearsome to beholdas it
strides forward, its mighty hooves making the
ground quake with each step.

These terrifying monsters resemble centaur on a
massive scale. They weigh 15-20 tons and stand
20-30 feet tall. The origins of magnataur are a
mystery, though speculation abounds. What is
clear is that their numbers are few. This fact is
somewhat of a blessing, given the pleasure these
creatures take in destruction and torment. Survivors of caravans speak of wagons and horses
smashed into the snow. Some paused in th
flight long enough to see a massive figur
carefully placing screaming people into a
huge sack, destined certainly for unknown
Such a creature requires a great deal of
food to feed, so magnataur eat people and
animals once they have their fun. In several
places, they have set up crude kingdoms, sparing
people from terror so long as food is provided.

Eventually, either the populace fails to provide or the
magnataur gets bored and another rampage begins.
Others have some skill at fishing for whales and may
take to the water.
Magnataur do not trust or like one another any
more than they like other creatures. There is no
mating season. Magnataur breed when food is plentiful and chance brings a potential mate into close
proximity. Once the act is complete, the pair separates. Mothers teach hunting, basic language, and
how to craft needed tools. Humans and other animals
are brought back to the lair for the child to play with.
When young are old enough, they accompany the
mother on raids. Once reaching adolescence, chil&en are abandoned and fend for themselves.

Magnataur will occasionallyfight one another, but
typically avoid these situations. Mating, however, can
pit males against each other. These fights are usually
all display. The two shout and smash the ground until
one looses his nerve and flees.

Magnataur employ two basic strategies. The first is
simply to charge a victim or settlement and start
layingwastewithhis club. Fleeingvictimsaretrampled.
The other approach is to lie in wait or behind cover for
passing caravans. Magnataur sometimes follow caravans, looking for an opportunity to surprise them.
This desire for surprise is not out of caution or fear, but
rather to limit the chance that any victims escape the
Given the lack of any appropriate weapons for their
size, magnataur have some skill at shaping trees into
serviceable clubs. These huge clubs weigh between
200 and 600 pounds and can be wielded one-handed
by a magnataur. Gargantuan magnataur have even
larger clubs capable of dealing out 2d8 points of
Frightful Presence (Ex): The sight of a magnataur
charging and shouting with terrible joy is enough to
give even the most hardened hero pause. Anyone
within 60 feet must make a DC 16 Will save. Failure
means the character is frightened for 5d6 rounds (see
“Fear” in Chapter 8: Dictionary of Special Abilities
and Conditions of the PHB).
Trample (Ex): Reflex DC 27 half. The save DC is
Resistance to Cold (Ex): Magnataur ignore the
first 5 points of cold damage per round. The freezing
winds and ice of the north do not bother a magnataur,
and some use storms as cover for attacks.
Skills: Despite their massive size, these monsters
are skilled at stepping softly and concealing themselves. Magnataur gain a +4 racial bonus to Hide and
Move Silently checks.

stroying such items is a matter of chance. A
mana surge has ld3-1 x normal treasure (the
GM may set the treasure to a different value as
he or she sees fit). A mana surge that has
moved recently has no treasure nearby, while
a mana surge trapped in one location for a time
likely has double standard.

A mana surge does not hunt or attack like
other creatures. One could theoretically just
walk up and poke it. Though a surge appears
like liquid or a gaseous coalescence of energy,
its consistency is rubbery to the touch.
The danger is that magic spells pour from the
creature, and those spells that require a target
are aimed at the nearest target. Still, for someone to net a surge and drag it somewhere is
theoretically possible, assuming the person
could withstand the effects of being that close.
The greatest danger a mana surge typically
faces is its own spells. Fireballs and similar spells
going off nearby can damage the surge itself, if
it does not happen to have a resistance up.
Spell resistance applies to inimical spells it
casts on itself, but is waived for harmless or
protective spells.
Spell Burst (Sp): A mana surge creates ld4 spell
effects each round, cast as if by a 20th-level wizard except that the spells need no components and take
free actions to cast. Any focus required for a given
spell is shaped out of surrounding materials. Spells are
random, as noted on the chart below.

Spell Blight (Su): The area around a mana surge is
torn with magical energies that interfere with the
normal functioning of magic. All magic - even
divine magic - within 1,200 feet has a percentage
chance of failure equal to the mana surge’s Hit Dice.
So, spells have a 4% chance of failure when within
range of a 4 HD mana surge. This percentage chance
adds to any other spell failure chance a character may
have. The mana surge is not affected by the blight.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AttIGapple:
Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment

Many eat victims over a period of days, careful not to
kill them too soon. More prosperous mutant murlocs
use healing magic to sustain the entertainment even

Murloc Characters
A murloc hero is very unlikely, but not unheard of.
The race is not known for stealth, infiltration, or
traveling far from shore. The difficulty with dry land
requires some effort to circumvent, particularly if the
murloc must travel a large distance through desert or
dry plains.
A murloc character working with surface dwellers is
reviled by all other murlocs. Such a character may
seek to change the ways of her people or may hate the
race from which she comes.
Murlocs only speak their racial language. A murloc’s
webbed hands and feet make it impossible for them to

wear rings, gloves, or boots. Murlocs favor the scout
class. Murloc characters possess the following racial
- +4 Dexterity, +4Constitution, +2 Wisdom.
- Medium size.
-A murloc’s base land speed is 30 feet and its base
swim speed is 40 feet.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
-Racial Skills: A murloc character has a +8 racial
bonus on Swim checks.
- Racial Feats: A murloc character gains feats
according to its character class.
- +2 natural armor bonus.
- Special Qualities (see above): Amphibious.
- Automatic Language: Murloc.
- Favored Class: Scout.
- Level Adjustment: +O.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AWGapple:
Full Attack
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Medium Aberration
8d8+16 (52 hp)

30 ft. (6 squares), swim 40 ft.
17 (+2 Dex, +5natural), touch 12, flatfooted 15
Bite +8 melee (ld6+2) or net +8ranged
Bite +8 melee (ld6+2) and 2 claws +6
melee(ld4+1) or net + 8 ranged (special)
5 ft.15 ft.

Darkvision 60 ft., amphibious, aquatic
potence, damage resistance 101rnagic
(only while underwater), spell resistance 20
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12,Cha 10
Craft (netmaking) +3, Hide +7, Listen +6,
Move Silently +5,Search+5, Spot +6, Swim

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment

Alertness, Dodge, Multiattack
Temperate and warm aquatic and marsh
Solitary, pair, or gang (3-6)

10%goods, items
Always chaotic evil

By character class

The humnoid has a thick, warty skin, webbed extremities ending in claws, and bulbous eyes that have a
feral gleam. A row of needle-sharp teeth pokes from its
frog-like mouth.

These creatures were once murlocs, but have
been cursed and twisted by the powers of
the Burning Legion. The mur’gd delight in capturing both humans and
murloc, torturing and then eating their victims. They infest
the sea, clambering aboard
eryone onboard.



Mur’gul are distinct from mutant murlocs, having
originated earlier and being significantly stronger.
These beings form small groups, often but not
always related. Such gangs steal from one another,
and mur’gul will try to raid nests of rivals for eggs to
eat. Mur’gul organize in a rather spontaneous way,
primarily to raid murlocs or humans. If these raids go
poorly, the mur’gul may very well turn on one another. Mur’gul wander, and many do not even have a
fixed territory; lairs are temporary affairs, used to hold
prisoners or for mating. They only keep equipment
they can either use or carry easily, though a temporary
lair may have treasures from past victims.
These savage creatures fear only one race: the naga
ofNazjatar. Despite their own vicious nature, mur’gul
are superstitious and fear the magical power of the

Mur’gul will press any advantage, though they begin with nets to subdue victims. They swarm over
their enemies, tearing them to pieces and feeding
right on the battlefield. More powerful enemies are
lured into water where the mur’gul have a greater
advantage. Mur’gul quietly tear at the bottom of ships
and break rudders before attacking.
Amphibious (Ex):Mur’gul breathe in air and in
water. A mur’gul suffers ld6 points of nonlethal
damage after each full day that it is out of water. After
a week spent out of water, the mur’gul suffers ld6
points of lethal damage per day. A mur’gul recovers
nonlethal damage it suffers in this way only after being
doused with a minimum of a gallon of water (salt or
fresh). It recovers lethal damage it suffers in this way
only after being submerged for a full period of rest.
Magical healing works normally but does not prevent
further losses.
Aquatic Potence (Ex):Much more comfortable in
and adapted to underwater life, a mur’gul’s
Strength receives a +4 bonus when in
Skills: A mur’gul has a +8 racial
bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or to
avoid a hazard. It can always
choose to take 10 on a Swim
check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run

Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

4d8 (18 hp)


30 ft. (6 squares), swim 50 ft.
16 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +2 armor robes),

Armor Class:
Base Att/Gapple:

Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


touch 13, flat-footed 13
Masterwork scimitar +7 melee (ld6+1)
or trident + 6 melee(ld8+1) or trident +8
ranged (ld8+1)
Masterwork scimitar +7 melee (ld6+1)
ortrident+6melee(ld8+1) ortrident +8
ranged (ld8+1)
5 ft.15 ft.

Darkvision 60 Ft., aquatic healing, bestial strength, mutation, water breathing
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +5
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 12, WE 12, Cha 10
Concentration +4, Craft or Knowledge
(any one) +5,Listen +5, Search +5, Spot
+6*, Swim +Q
Weapon Focus (scimitar), Weapon Focus (trident)
Any aquatic
Solitary, pair, warband (1-10 male naga
plusequalnumberof 1st-level male Fighters, plus one 2nd-3rd level female), division (10-100 basic naga, plus equal
number of 1st-level male fighters, plus
one 2nd level male overseer per 10 basic
naga, plus one 3rd-6th level female
spellcaster per 20 basic naga, plus one
3rd-6th level Female leader per 50 basic naga), or city (1-6 divisions plus
1,000 male naga per division)

Challenge Rating: 3
Usually neutral evil
By character class
Level Adjustment: +2

This creature has humanoid arms and torso merged
with the powerful lower body of a serpent. Its head is
draconic, with slitted gold eyes and sharp teeth. Its pale
green flesh is cowered with serpent scales, oyer which is
worn a finely crafted robe worked with intricate designs.
The creature wields a wicked-looking trident in one hand
as it slithers forward.

The high-borne elves enjoyed great power and
comfort before the doom of the War of the Ancients.
Many were cast far into the flooding depths of the
great cataclysm that sundered the land and destroyed

the Well of Eternity. While many died, some were
transformed by the cascading energies into the creatures now called naga.
For 10,000years, these elves of the abyss dwelled in
a dark and powerful empire. Pagodas and balconies
line the deep trenches, glimmering lights picking out
the shapes of cities in the cold black. Figures drift and
twist along the passageways, their elven origins difficult to see.
Naga are now serpent-like humanoids. The men are
thickly built, with humanoid torsos merging into a
serpent hind section. Their scales are large and thick,
and their heads are reminiscent of dragons, showing
little sign of their elven ancestry. The women are tall
and slender, with fine scales covering their angular
features. Instead of hair, female naga have a nest of
thin, twining snakes. These serpent strands have eyes
and allow a naga to see in all directions.

Naga Society
While males greatly outnumber females, the females are considered the intellectual superiors, more
refined and possessing great magical power. Men can
rise to prominence and even lead communities, but
there is a limit to what they are permitted to achieve.
The civilization of the naga has extensive codes,
laws, and ceremonies. Factions, some millennia old,
work continuously in bids for power. They seek the
blessings of their queen, one familiar to history: Queen
Azshara lives still, in the vast city of Nazjatar at the
bottom of a deep ocean trench. She has embraced the
power of the naga, grown in size, and possesses many
tentacles bedecked in jewels and items of power. She
plots her revenge on the treacherous night elves,
biding her time until the growing might of the naga
can be brought to bear.

Naga have finely worked robes that function as
leather armor. They hunt large prey with tridents and
scimitars. They are experienced in formation fighting, particularly in dealingswith murlocs and mur’gul.
A warband will deploy male infantry to engage at
moderate range with tridents, while the females cast
spells. The men are willing to sacrifice themselves if
ordered. Leaders will avoid heavy losses, but are otherwise open to small risks.
Aquatic Healing (Ex):As one of the many changes
wrought through ages living underwater, the naga
heal at twice the normal rate when they are underwater.
Bestial Strength (Ex):Males are bred to be larger
and stronger than females, who prefer to rely on magic
and poison. Males have a +4 bonus to Strength
compared to the racial norm and + 2 natural armor.

Mutation (Ex):Naga have learned to spur strange
mutations in their bodies, developing in monstrous
ways. A naga may choose to gain another HD as a
monstrous humanoid and gain one mutation (see
Table 1-1: Naga Mutations). Some mutations may
require multiple levels. These HD are treated as equal
to character levels. There is a limit on how many times
a mutation may be gained. Naga with extra arms may
acquire the Multiweapon Fighting feat.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex):With their halo of serpent
strands, female naga have a keen awareness of what
goes on around them. They do not loose Dexterity
bonus to AC when flanked and are able to dodge and
move in response to attackers on both sides. This

defense denies rogues the ability to use sneak attack;
however, rogues four levels higher than the naga
neutralize this ability and can thus flank and sneak
attack. This ability only works if the serpent strands
are not bound or covered.
Water Breathing (Ex): Naga are amphibious,
though do not suffer any significant discomfort whlle
out of the water.
Skills: *Female naga have a +4racial bonus to Spot
checks, as the eyes on each serpent strand keep watch.
A naga also has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check
to perform some special action or to avoid a hazard. It
can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even
if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action
while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Naga Characters
Naga characters may be sent to the land on a
mission, or they may be exiles who defy the naga
queen. Few among the humanoid races are aware of
the nagas’ history, so most encounters deal primarily
with their strange countenance. Naga characters
can use disguise or magic to avoid notice.
Naga heroes should be limited to a few mutations. Far from the power of Nazjatar, the powers
of the flesh are less likely to be awakened in this
Most naga are equipped with armor robes
(equivalent to leather armor) and either a
scimitar or a trident. Male naga favor the
fighter class, while females favor the
sorcerer or wizard class. A female naga
must choose which class she favors
when first gaining a level of either
and may not change it thereafter.
Naga characters possess the following racial traits.
- +2 Strength (+4 for
males), +6 Dexterity, +2
Intelligence, +2 Wis- Medium size.

- Darkvision

-Racial Hit Dice: A naga begins with four levels
of monstroushumanoid, which provide 4d8 Hit Dice,
a base attack bonus of +4,and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort +1, Ref +4, and Will +4.
- Racial Skills: A naga’s monstrous humanoid
levels give it skill points equal to 7 x (2 + Int modifier).
Its class skills are Concentration, Craft (any one),
Knowledge (any one), Listen, Search, and Spot.

- Racial Feats: A naga’s monstrous humanoid
levels give it two feats.
- + 1 natural armor bonus.
- Special Qualities (see above): Aquatic healing,
bestial strength, mutation, water breathing.
- Automatic Languages: Nazja, Common.
-Favored Class: Fighter (male); sorcerer or wizard
- Level Adjustment: +2.

Hit Dice:

Large Aberration
4d8+8 (17 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
14(-1 size,+3Dex,+Znatural), touchl2,
flat-footed 11

Armor Class:

Base AttIGapple:


Spear+4melee(ld8+2)orbite+4 melee
(ld8+2 and poison) or javelin +5 ranged


Full Attack:

Spear +4 melee (ld8+2) and 2 claws -1
melee (ld4+1); or bite +4 melee (ld8+2
and poison) and2claws-1 melee(ld4+1);
or javelin +5 ranged (ld6+2)

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

10 Ft.15 Ft.




Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Poison, web
Darkvision 60 ft., resistance to cold 5,
frozen mind
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Str15, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10,Cha 10
Climb +lo,Craft or Knowledge(any one)
+6,Hide +7, Jump +8,Listen +5, Spot +9
Ability Focus(poison), ImprovedInitiative
Cold and temperate forest, hills, plains,
and underground
Solitary, pair, squad (2-4), town (6-18
plus 50%young plus 1 warrior or
webspinner per 5 adults), or city (20200 plus 50%young plus 1 warrior and 1
webspinner per 10 adults, plus 1seer per
20 adults, plus 1spiderlord per 50adults,
plus 1 queen per 150 adults)

Usually neutral evil
By character class


The large creature has the lower body ofa giant spider
with a humanoid torso, arms and head. Its spider legs are
long and thin, allowing it to top 10feet when it rears up.
It wields a simple, though wicked-looking, spear.

Once, the vast subterranean civilization of AzjolNerub extended over much of Northrend.
Underground terraced pits and occasional
aboveground ziggurats held countless nerubians living, working, and researching. Azjol-Nerubcontained
huge libraries of literature, music, philosophy, and
1 1 1 . 1

Then Ner’zhul came to Northrend. The nerubians
soon discoveredthe Lich King’s plans for domination.
While the miderfolk had little concern for the fate of
the other races, the expansion of an undead empire
was a clear threat to their existence. Elite warriors
were sent and a massive battle began. Ultimately,
Azjol-Nerub shattered under the weight of an easily
replenished undead army. The libraries burned and
the surviving nerubians fled. The Scourge raised up
the spiderfolks’dead, paying a cold homage to the race
through architecture and borrowing from their arcane
Now, the nerubians exist only as scattered families
innorthemKalimdor and in afew settlements through.
out Ashenvale. In their quiet and passionless manner,
nerubians despise the Scourge and will take any opportunity to do it harm. Though not a warm or
pleasant race, they honor agreements and can work
with other races. Some groups, particularly those in
the far north, seek to rebuild their civilization. Others
simply try to get by.


Nerubian Society
Though cold, distant, and even cruel by the standards of other races, nerubians are not impossible to
understand. They are not affectionate or prone to
emotional expression, but they do feel attachment,
hatred, and understand honor. Honor is a simple
matter, not like the human institution built up with
literature, epic poems, and the like. Nerubians do not
worship logic; their emotions are simply unfettered by
warm-blooded ornamentation.
A nerubian community has one leader, a few advisors, some warriors, and then the body of workers.
Different types of nerubians are referred to as castes,
but without the sense of status or stigma that normally
comes with the term. Caste is a life-long occupation
and responsibility insociety, organized as ameritocracy.
Workers who show talent in a given area can join an
appropriate caste. Mobility is highest at a young age,
however, as diet and training will lock nerubians into
a specific caste quickly.
Small groups rely on workers serving as militia
when needed or doing double-duty. The leader is
usually the eldest female, mother of much of the
group. Large communities will have the elders elect
one of their own to lead as queen. Groups formed for
a specific purpose, such as a warband or aggregate of
decimated families, will choose a leader with proven
Nerubians speak Common and Nerubian. Nerubian
is both a spoken and a sign language.


tion to using webbing as an attack, a nerubian can spin
a single strand to descend at its climb speed. The
strand can hold the weight of a nerubian and one
creature of Medium or smaller size. Nerubians can
move across their own webbing at their climb speed.
Frozen Mind (Ex):The minds of nerubians are
different from most races, leaving them untouched by
powers that affect the mind (for instance, any spell
with the mind-affecting descriptor). They are also
immune to fear effects. Those who have attempted
telepathic communication with nerubians describe it
as trying to bore through many feet of ice. This same
quality makes them immune to Ner’zhul’s undeath
Skills: Nerubians receive a +4racial bonus to Hide
and Spot checks. A nerubian also has a +8 racial
bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take
10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

Nerubian Warrior

Average nerubians avoid combat if possible. When
pressed into service or when faced with destruction,
however, they are disciplined, particularly if a skilled
leader is present. Quick charges and use of simple
weapons like spears and javelins are their normal
tactic. Some nerubians also use longswords, axes and
other martial weapons. They can also deliver a poisonous bite, but prefer the distance that wielding
weapons offers.
Poison (Ex):Nerubian poison attacks the victim’s
muscles and is delivered by bite. Injury, Fortitude DC
14, initial and secondary damage ld6 Strength. The
save DC is Constitution-based. (Huge nerubian: Fort
= 10 + 1/2 nerubian’s HD + nerubian’s Con
modifier, initial and secondary damage ld8 Str; Gargantuan: Fort DC = 10 + 1/2 nerubian’s HD +
nerubian’s Con modifier, initial and secondary damage 2d6 Str; Colossal: Fort DC = 10 + 1/2 nerubian’s
HD + nerubian’sCon modifier, initial and secondary
damage 2d8 Str.)
Web (Ex):A nerubian can emit a web up to 6 times
aday, which functions as per the web spell. Anerubian
web, however, has damage reduction 51-. In addi-

These warriors are essentially nerubians with fighting experience (1st-level fighters). They are also
equipped with +2 chitin armor (equivalent to leather
armor) and two masterwork short swords. Warriors
often learn Two-Weapon Fighting and Weapon Finesse (short sword). With a long reach, the most elite
fighters can use Great Cleave to excellent effect.
Nerubian warriors are CR 4, plus any character levels.
Warriors of 10 HD become Huge (CR +l).

Nerubian Webspinner
Webspinners practice from a young age in creating
and shaping webs, raised on a special diet to encourage
quick web production. Many webspinners practice
like archers, perfecting the valuable technique of
casting over distance, particularly at aerial targets.
Improved Web (Ex):Webspinners are more adept
with their webs and can sense when and where a
creature touches any of their strands on a successful
Spot check. They can emit a web 8 times per day, and
the area of effect is double that of a web spell. The web
is otherwise the same as a standard nerubian web.
Skills: *Webspinners gain a +8 competence bonus
to Hide and Move Silently checks while on their

Obsidian Destroyer
Hit Dice:

Large Magical Beast
13d10+65 (136 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (poor)
24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +13 natural), touch
11, flat-footed 24

Armor Class:

Base AttIGrapple: +13/+25
Morningstar +18/+13/+8 melee ( ld8+8
Full Attack
plus ld6 sonic) and morningstar +18
melee (ld8+4 plus ld6 sonic); or 2 claws
+21 melee (ld6+8)
10 ft./5 ft.
Space/Reac h:
Special Attacks:
Pounce, rake ld6+4, thunder strike,
spell-like abilities
Special Qualities:
Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spell
resistance 25
Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +7
Str 26, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 11, WE 17, Cha 15
Concentration +21, Listen +13, Spot +13
Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Power
Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting
Any cold land
Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 8
Always neutral evil
14-20 HD (Large); 21-34 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -


The creature looks like it is made of obsidian. It has a
lower body like apowerfully-built six-legged horse, with a
pair ofgreat black wings. Its upper body is humanoid, with
a shriweled, lich-like face. It wields apair of unusual ebon
morningstars in its foremost limbs.

The flesh of a destroyer has the appearance of
obsidian. When an obsidian destroyer stands still, it
fools people into believing it is nothing more than a
large statue. An obsidian destroyer has the body of a
six-legged, winged horse and wields specially made
obsidian morningstars. An obsidian destroyer enjoys
wearing crowns and other ostentatious headdresses.

Obsidiandestroyers cast see invisibility anddetectmagic
at will, and one almost always has these spells active at
the beginning of combat. They can see the auras of spells
and magic items as their enemies approach.
Though not a precise flyer, an obsidian destroyer
attacks from the air when possible. It usually attacks the
weakest looking target first. It pounces on the foe and
declares an automatic critical hit with its thunder strike

if possible. The destroyer then chooses as its primary
target a victim that was stunned, hopefully the same one
it pounced on. If a destroyer senses many magic auras on
its chosen target, then it castsgreater dispelling. It moves
in for full attacks until the victim goes down.
If its enemies flee before it gets a kill, an obsidian
destroyerpursues the slowest target until it succeeds in
a kill. Once a destroyer has a kill, fleeing enemies are
allowed to escape as it settles in for a meal.
Pounce (Ex):If an obsidian destroyer leaps upon a
foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full
attack even if it has already taken a move action.
Rake (Ex):A n obsidian destroyer that pounces
onto a creature can make two rake attacks with its
hind legs. Attack bonus +20 melee, damage ld6+4.
Thunder Strike (Su): Obsidian destroyers can
channel magic energy through their specially made
masterwork obsidian morningstars to create thunderous blows. These morning stars deal an additional ld6
points of sonic damage on a successful hit.
A successful critical hit creates a cacophonous roar
like thunder. All creatures within a 20-foot radius
spread take 2d8 points of sonic damage and must
succeed at a DC 18 Will saving throw to avoid being
stunned for 1 round. Deafened creatures are not
stunned but are still damaged. A stunned creature
can’t act and loses any Dexterity bonus to AC. Attackers gain a + 2 bonus to hit it.
In addition, the victim of a destroyer’s critical hit
must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude saving throw or be
deafened permanently.
Once per day, a destroyer can declare that a successful hit is in fact a critical hit. This ability cannot be
used against creatures immune to critical hits.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-detect magic, greater
dispel magic, read magic; llday-remowe curse, see inwisibility. Caster level 20th; save DC 12 + spell level.

Ogres test unfamiliar groups to determine their
power and possible intentions. They try to avoid
conflict, often by having ogre warriors make displays
of aggression, smashing the ground and shouting at
opponents, out of range of whatever weapons the
opponents possess. As a last resort, ogres have some
skill in formation fighting and will use a combination
of charges and withdrawalsto try to surround enemies.
Ogres will throw spears at a distance in waves combined with the use of clubs, with possible magical
support from ogre magi. When committed to a fight,
these giants are completely dedicated, only breaking
from an engagement if their leader commands it.
Skills: Ogres receive a +4racial bonus to Listen and
Spot checks.

Ogre Characters
Despite their size and ferocious appearance, ogres
are curious about the wider world and often seek to
spread a more positive understanding of ogre culture.
At the very least, an ogre hero can gain resources and
allies for her tribe. Ogres favor the barbarian class.
Ogre characters possess the following racial traits.

Ogre Magus
The warlock Gul’dan needed spellcasting champions in the Second War. He mutated certain ogres,
creating two-headed beings with a natural affinity for
magic. These ogre magi have since become the spiritual leaders of the ogre tribes. They provide spells and
magical items to protect the tribes from more established civilizations. Magi are t h e healers,
record-keepers, and advisors to the chieftains. Those
who pursue the path of the warlock develop a blue
tinge to their skin, a side-effect of wielding necromantic energies.


Medium Humanoid (Pandaren)

Hit Dice:

3d8+3(16 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), climb 10 ft.
12 (+2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12

Armor Class:
Base AWGrapple:
Full Attack:
Special Qualities

Claw +4 melee (ld4+2)
2 claws +4 melee (ld4+2) and bite -1
melee (ld6+1)
5 ft.15 ft.

Low-light vision,quadrupedal movement
Fort +4,Ref +3,Will +1
Str 15, Dex 11, Con 13, lnt 7, Wis 11, Cha 9
Climb +lo, Heal +2, Listen +3,Spot +3,
Survival +2
Dodge6, Lightning Reflexes, Sdf-SufFicient
Warm plains and hills
Solitary, family group (2-5), patrol (6ll), clan (30-60)

Challenge Rating: 2
Usually chaotic neutral
By character class
Level Adjustment: +1

The humanoid looks vaguely similar to a bear, with a
stocky build and blunt ursine face. Its short-furred pelt is
white with black markings around its eyes. It wears a
loose, embroidered silk robe.

The Pandaren Empire was founded before the Great
Sundering of the world. It shared resources and mystic
As the night elves' obsessionwith the forces of magic drove
them to the bnnk of madness, the gentle pandaren severed
ties and left the night elves behind forever. The pandaren
clans, or shao'dins, traveled far across the seas and established crude but beautiful cities of stone and sturdy bambus
reed on an island they named Pandaria.
They lived in peace for many generations until the
Sundering. Some, including pandaren wardancers,
then ventured forth from Pandaria, wandering
Kalimdor and other lands on journeys of discovery.
Wielding thin, delicately balanced blades, the
pandaren wardancers quickly established themselves
as some of the deadliest swordsmen of the world.

Pandaren Society
Pandaren society has changed from its origins.
Where once the pandaren were a mighty empire,
standing proud beside their night elf allies, now they

are a simple people who want only peace and a safe
home. Yet the world is a dangerous place, and only
through an acceptance of the violence that comes
with life can the pandaren continue to prosper.
Pandaren society is, in many ways, compartmentalized. At their core, the pandaren treasure peace and
creativity. Most pandaren are poets and singers,and the
craftsmen of their culture are truly revered. The danger
of their lives, however, has necessitated the evolutionof
a class of warriors to defend those ideals - it is these
warriors, from the simplest pikeman to the great shodopans, who ensure that pandaren culture survives.

Even the lowliest pandaren is capable of defending
himself, using the fangs and stubby but needle-like claws
that areanaturalpart ofhisbody.Allpandarencanusethex
natural weapons to fight and hunt, as pandaren grow up
playing rough and tumble games meant to hone their
abilities while learning the admonishments of their elders
that such things are a last resort. In general,pandaren prefer
to use the weapons they craft, feeling that their natural
weapons hearken back to a primal time.
Quadrupedal Movement (Ex): Pandaren are bipedal creatures, but their pseudo-ursine forms allow
them to move at tremendous speed on four limbs.
When a pandaren drops down to all fours, his speed
increases by +10 feet. He must have nothing in his
hands to use quadrupedal movement.
Weapon Familiarity: Pandaren treat pan-spears
and shaktani swords as martial weapons rather than
exotic weapons.
Skills: Pandaren receive a +8 racial bonus to Climb

Pandaren Characters
Most classed pandaren encountered are fighters
and/or healers. Pandaren characters possess the following racial traits.
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution.
- Medium size.
-A pandaren's base land speed is 20 feet (30 feet
when quadrupedal) and base climb speed is 15 feet.
- Low-light vision.
- Racial Skills: A pandaren character has a +8
racial bonus on Climb checks.
- Racial Feats: A pandaren character gains feats
according to its character class.
- +2 natural armor bonus.
- Special Qualities (see above): Quadrupedal
movement, weapon familiarity (pan-spears and
shaktani swords).
- Automatic Language: Common.
- Favored Class: Fighter or healer.
- Level Adjustment: + 1.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:
Base AWGapple:

Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


wardancers and 8-48 geomancers
and 1 shodo-pan)
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Usually chaotic neutral
By character class


Panclaren Pikeman
The pikemen of the pandaren clans are the dedicated defenders of their people. Masters of the
pan-spear, many pikemen dream of becoming one of
the elite defenders of their people, the wardancers.
Indeed, a pikeman is said to still be “learning the
dance.” Troops of pikemen are trained by a wardancer
superior, who watches his apprentices to determine
who is prepared to engage in the Dance of War.

In combat, pikemen back up the lethal wardancer,
peppering incoming enemies with a rain of pan-spears
and then guarding the flanks of their champions. In
game terms, pikemen are usually 1st to 4th level
fighters. The statistic block above describes a 1st-level

Wardancers are at the forefront of any pandaren
war effort, cutting aswathe through the enemy. Though
they are trained to use effective group tactics during
their careers as pikemen, wardancers do not operate
together. Instead, each wardancer operates alone on

the battlefield, supported by those pikemen over
whom he is both captain and mentor. He dances the
shaktani dance alone and with grim determination.
In game terms, wardancers are usually fighters of 5th
level and higher. The statstic block above describes a
5th-level fighter.


benefits. r i r x , ne may rnrow [ne pan-spear witn tne range increment listed above. Secondly,the warrior
inav take advantaee of the iininiic weiuhtinu nf t h e wennnn t h rivercnmc the nnrmal liniitc thgr re2rh

eanc ror rronr-line Datrie. it tenus to De nea

allowing tor greater protection tor the warrio

Hit Dice:

Medium Humanoid (Pandaren)
8d8+16 (52 hp)

Medium Humanoid (Pandaren)
7d8+14 plus 5d10+10 (83 hp)



20 ft. (4 squares), climb 10 ft.
17 (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +1 natural), touch 11, Flat-footed 15


20 ft. (4 squares), climb 10 Ft.
14 (+3 studded leather, +1 natural), touch 10,
Armor Class:
flat-footed 13
Base AttIGapple: +5/+6
Claw +6 melee (ld4+1)
2 claws t 6 melee (ld4+1) and bite +1 melee (ld6I)
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Shaktani warblade +12 melee (ld10+5/19-20)
Shaktani warblade+l2/+7 melee(ldlOt5/19-20) and bite
+6melee (ld6+1)

5 ft./5 ft.

5 ft./5 Ft.

Low-light vision, quadrupedal movement
Fort +9,Ref +4, Will +7
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 15, lnt 7, Wis 15, Cha 7
Climb +5, Concentration t4, Heal +4,
Knowledge (religion) +2, Listen +5,
Spellcraft +1, Spot +5, Survival +4
Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Magic
Arms and Armor. Dodae. Liahtnina Reflexes.

Elementalcompanion, low-light vision, quadrupedalmovement, weather sense +4
Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +10
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, lnt 7, Wis 17, Cha 9
Climb t 6 Concentration +4, Heal +5, Knowledge (nature)
+0, Knowledge(re1igion) t1, Listen +6,Spellcraft +2, Spot
t6, Survival +5 (+9on weather checks)
Brew Potion, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (pansoearl. Exotic Weaoon Proficiencv fshaktani warblade).

Warm plains and hills
Solitary, pair, or company (2-5)

cialization'(shaktani warblade)
Warm plains and hills



Usually chaotic neutral
By character class

Usually chaotic neutral
By character class

Pandaren Geomancer





The spirits of the land are very real and sometimes
very dangerous. The sacred duty of the pandaren
geomancers is to understand the lay of the land, to
study the natural terrain for clues as to the nature and
disposition of the spirits within it. Yet the geomancers
do more than simply examine the spirits of the lands;
they also work to appease them. Through the use of
rituals, songs, and sacrifices, the geomancers attempt
to propitiate the spirits, lulling them into complacency with attention and honor.
Should this process fail, the geomancers are not
above manipulating the very nature of the spirits.
Geomancers teach that the land is a reflection of the
spirits, but the spirits are also a reflection of the land.

In combat, the normally peaceful geomancers can
be fierce. The spirits of the land, beholden to the
geomancersfor their happiness, are only too willing to
fight on their behalf. Those who run afoul of
geomancers in battle find that the very land may rise
up, taking the form of rock and stone elementals. The
legends still speak of geomancerscapable of calling up
the earth to destroy the settlements of their enemies
with devastating earthquakes.
In game terms, geomancers are healers who usually
end up gaining levels in the shaman prestige class.
The stat block above describes a 5th-level healer.
Typical Healer Spells Prepared (5/4/3/1, save DC 12
+ spell level): O-create water, detect magic, light, mend-

the spirit may also.. So,
. the
. geomancers
. . guild their

tion; 3 ; d A i s ~ e lmagic.




Pandaren Shodo-Pan
Once, there was only one shodo-pan at any one
time. Hailed as the mightiest scion of the pandaren
people and emperor of the empire, the shodo-pan was
the blessed of the very spirits of the pandaren people.
With the fall of the old empire, the term “shodo-pan”
has come to reflect not a single ruler, but the heads of
the various pandaren clans.
A shodo-pan is unique, in that he straddles the two
worlds -the physical and the spiritual. Though he is a
capable wardancer, the shodo-panmust also understand
and practice the arts of the geomancers, for there are
times when the two forms of practice must overlap. In
the rare times when the spirits of a place cannot be
appeased, the shodo-pan must dance war against them.
And, just as the geomancers minister to the needs of the
spirits of the land, the shodo-panministers to the needs
of the spirit of the pandaren people.
The pandaren honor and revere their shodo-pans as
the living embodiment of their people’s spirit. Indeed,
it is said that the ancestors of the pandaren whisper in
the ears of the geomancers who will be a clan’s next
shodo-pan. There is no nobility among the pandaren,
for any of the wardancers or geomancers might be
chosen as the next shodo-pan.
When that happens, the prospectiveshodo-panis taken
away from his first discipline and taught the other.
Geomancers are forbidden to use their spirit-artsuntil they
have mastered the wardance; likewise, young wardancers
must put away their armor and shaktaniwarbladesto learn
the Hundred Spirit Songs of the geomancers.

In game terms, shodo-pan are multiclassed fighter/
healers who usually end up gaining levels in the
shaman prestige class. The statistics above describe a
5th-level fighter/%h-level healerl3rd-level shaman.
Spells: As an 8th-levelhealer,with access toshamanspells.
Tyfiical Heakr Spells Prepared (5/4/3/2, save DC 13 +
spell level): @--create water, detect magic, light, mending,
punfr food and drink; 1st-burning hands, cause fear,
remove fear, shield of faith; 2nd-frost amur*, produce
flame,softenearthandstone;3rd--bloodlust*, stone shape.
“Indicates a spell described in the Warcraft RPG.
Elemental Companion (Su): The shodo-pan can
summon a Small elemental companion (choose from
the Small elemental familiars described under “Familiars” in the DMG, Chapter 6: Characters). This
summoned Small elemental cannot be turned, rebuked, or commanded by any third party.
Weather Sense (Su): The shodo-pan receives a +4
circumstance bonus to his DC 15 Survival
check to know what
the weather will
be like
for t h e
next 24

In combat, shodo-pan are capable of bringing great
force to bear, for they dance war as well as any
wardancer. Yet their power is augmented by their
geomanticknowledge -instead of a troop of pikemen,
the shodo-pan may be aided by a gathering of rock
elementals and other spirits. He may summon spirits
to possess his blade, so that it strikes faster, surer, and
with more deadly accuracy. The centaur khans are
right to fear the coming of the shodo-pan.




Large Elemental (Fire)

15d8+45 (112 hp)
Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
24 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +12 natural), touch
Armor Class:
12, flat-footed 21
Base AWGrapple: +11/+20
Bite +16 melee (2d6+7 and 2d6 fire)
Bite +16 melee (2d6+7 and 2d6 fire)
Full Attack:
10 ft.15 ft.
Flaming aura, burn, scorching death
Special Attacks:
Darkvision 60 ft., rise from the ashes,
Special Qualities:
fire subtype, elemental traits
Fort +8, Ref +12, Will + 6
Str 20, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 12
Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (ElemenSkills:
tal Plane) +?, Listen +12, Spot +12
Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Flyby Attack, Power Attack, Weapon
F&s (bite)
Any land
Challenge Rating: 8

Hit Dice:





Usually neutral
16-24 HD (Huge); 25-

ID (Gargan-


Level Adjustment


The wondrous bird is about 18feet long with a
sleek, feathered body that dances with bright
flames. Its colorfulfeathers range from yellow to
orange to red. Acrest of spiky feathers runs down
the center of its back, and its wingspan stretches
out to 30 feet.

The phoenix is a natural predator of the
Elemental Plane. From birth todeath, it spends
its life hunting through the air - in fact, it
lacks any legs that might enable it to land.
Even after death it often rises again from its
own ashes to continue the hunt.

A phoenix is a fearless, aggressive predator
of aerial prey. Its only direct form of attack is
a vicious bite, but the secondary damage from
its flaming aura and burn abilities help to
bring down its prey quickly. A phoenix prefers
to attack from above and behind with surprise, but follows up its initial attack by
remaining close to bum its victims while
continuing to strike with its beak.

to zero or fewer hit points betore it hatch&.


Medium Monstrous Humanoid

ld8+2 (6 hp)
3 0 ft. (6 squares)
12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural), touch 11, FlatArmor Class:
Footed 11
Base AWGrapple: +1/+2
Slam +1 melee (ld4+1) or Flail +1 melee
Slam +l melee (ld4+1) or Flail +1 melee
Full Attack
5 Ft.15 ft.
Hit Dice:


Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:



Darkvision 120 Ft.
Fort +2, ReF +3, Will +1
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 15, lnt Q, Wis 8, Cha 8
Listen +1, Spot +1
Any land
Gang(5-8) orband(10-100plus100%
noncombatantsplus 13rd-level sergeant
per 2 0 adults and 1 leader OF 4th-6th

Challenge Rating: 112
Usually lawful evil
By character class
Level Adjustment: +O

The humanoid creature has a thickset, hunched body
and the pig-like face of a boar. A row of razor-sharp spines
runs down its muscular back.

Quilboar are primitive, resilient, fearless creatures
who inhabit the central Barrens of Kalimdor in the
labyrinthine maze of thorns called Razorfen Downs.
After the War of the Ancients and the subsequent
Sundering of the world, the quilboars’ surroundings
became increasingly hostile. Forced to fight for food
and precious land against both tauren and pandaren,
they developed into aggressive and efficient warriors.
Though well able to handle themselves in a onesonone battle, they are not above striking from ambush or
even sacrificing themselves to destroy even one of
their many enemies.

Quilboar Society
The quilboar are a scattered people. After centuries
of aggression against the tauren, the pandaren, and
any other species that stood in their way, they no
longer have a land to call their own. They are terror-

ists and thugs living on the fringes of other societies,
claiming slivers of bloodstained territory from weaker
As a whole, the quilboar are a male-dominated
species. Even though rarely seen by other species,
their females must constantly keep their heads, faces,
and quills covered. Otherwise, they are allowed no
other ornamentation and can be killed on sight for
touching a weapon. In quilboar society, strength is
highly valued. Female children and sickly male children are often abandoned, left to fend for themselves
or to die at the claws of beasts. Family is important, but
only as a source of more warriors to drive against the
enemies. Almost from birth, young quilboar are indoctrinated with teachings of hatred for other sapient
The quilboar hold no distinction between politics
and religion. Their ultimate leaders are also their
religious leaders. Bands are always led by shaman.
Smaller groups are led by the strongest warrior, often
referred to as a brute. Only rarely will more than one
quilboar warband be found in asingle geographicarea,
unless under the leadership of a particularly charismatic shaman or other strong leader. There is no
known quilboar king, though those few tribes large
enough to claim distinct names do have shamans of
great power and influence who act as tribal leaders.
The laws that govern the quilboar are simple.
Women and children must defer to adult males. Adult
males must defer to any quilboar they cannot defeat in
personal combat. All must defer to a shaman. Punishment for failing to defer properly can be quite severe.
The lost of a hand or an eye is common, though death
is not unheard of, particularly for females or males
who can no longer hold their own in combat. Quilboar
punishments are intended purely to cull the weak.
Rather than die on a sick bed or as the result of
punishment, aging warriors will often hurl themselves
against enemies they know they cannot defeat.
Quilboar shamans possess the abilities to combat or
cause disease, to control nature, and to summon spirit
boars. According to quilboar shamans, the existence
of sickness is caused by the intrusion of other species
on the rightful lands of the quilboar. They teach that
until the invaders are driven out and the quilboar
have returned to their promised lands, suffering can
only be alleviated through a heroic death. The afterlife for quilboar martyrs is filled with wonders and
pleasures beyond imagining, according to shamanistic teachings.

Razormanes are one of the two most prominent
quilboar tribes. Native to the Barrens, they frequently
raid and pillage nearby settlements.

Revenants are minor elemental creatures who once
served as foot soldiers for the malefic Old Gods when
the world was young. When the titans defeated the
Old Gods and chained them beneath the cold earth,
the wicked revenants and their greater elemental
cousins were banished to an alternate dimension.
Locked away from the world they once ruled, the fire
of the elementals’ hatred for the titans and their
creations burned with increasing intensity.
As the millennia passed, reckless mortal wizards
began to summon elementals back into the physical
world. Freed at last, many revenants struckout against
the mortals that had summoned them and set out to

forge their own destiny among their native elements
in the world. These evil beings exist only to inflict
strife and sow elemental chaos. Though they have
limited intelligence, their sheer hatred and will to
destroy make them fearful opponents when encountered in the wilds of the world.
Revenant Traits: All revenants possess the following traits.
-Energy Strike (Ex) : A revenant treats its natural
weapons or any weapon it wields as an energy weapon.
The type is specific to the revenant. For example, a
revenant with energy strike [cold]deals + ld6 points of
cold damage with every attack.
-Leoitation (Su) : A revenant can levitate at will as
though affected by the spell. Its caster level equals its
Hit Dice.

Death Revenant
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AttIGapple:

Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment

Medium Elemental (Earth)
6d8+18 (45 hp)
40 ft. In scale mail armor (8 squares),
base speed 50 ft.; burrow 50 ft.
23 (+3Dex, +4 natural, +4scale mail, +2
large metal shield), twch 13, flat-footed 20

for the dead and predilection to roam graveyards.
They are eerie creatures, with echoing voices and
strange, riddling replies to any questions posed to
them. Although they do not prefer to fight, death
revenants have their own ideas about when “too far”
has been reached, and they are more than willing to
visit the truth of the afterlife on any who bother them
without good cause.


Heavy mace +7 melee (ld8+2 plus ld6
unholy and Id6 acid) or slam +6melee
(ld6+3 plus ld6 unholy and ld6 acid)
Heavy mace +7 melee (ld8+2 PIUS Id6
and ld6
acid) Or Slam +6 melee
(1d6+3Plus ld6unholy and ld6
5 ft.15 Ft.
Energy strike bcldI7 greater death COlL

Since death revenants prefer to roam graveyards,
it’s common for them to have already exhumed a
number of corpses, if for no other reason than to gaze
upon the dead. A death revenant begins a battle by
using animate dead to raise as many skeletons and
zombies as it can. It then uses death coil until engaged
in melee. Death revenants enjoy slaying creatures and
seeing them rise as elementals. They try to focus their
anlmatedead~createspawn~unholystrlke attacks on the weakest, the ones most likely not to
Darkvision 6o ft., levitate* elemental
survive melee. Death revenants fight to the end.
Unholy Strike (Ex):A death revenant is evil to its
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1
core. It deals an extra ld6 hit points of unholy (evil)
‘On 16’ Int67
St‘ 15’
damagewith its natural weapons and with any weapon
Listen +6, Spot +7
it wields.
Alertness, Power Attack, Weapon FoAnimate Dead (Sp): A death revenant can cast
cus (heavy mace)
dead once per day with a caster level equal to
Any land or underground
its HD.
Solitary or gang (1 plus 2-8 skeletons
@eater Death Coil (Sp): A death revenant can
and 2-8 zombies)
greater death coil once per day per 3 HD (maximum
as a sorcerer of a level equal to the creature’s
the base death revenant castsgreater deathcoil
Always neutral evil
twice per day as a 6th-level sorcerer. (Greaterdeathcod
7-12 HD (Medium); 13-18 HD (Large)
is described in Chapter Four: Magic of the Warcraft


The creature is seemingly humanoid, but rides on a ball
of green-colored energy rather than walks on two feet.
The creature wears flowing black robes under scale mail
armor adcarries a heavy mace adlarge metal shield
emblazoned with a single green-colored image of an
eyeball. Etched into the shield, rudiatingfrom the eye out
to the shield’sedges, are yellow beam. The eye sockets of
the creature’s metallic helm shine with a menacing green
light. only
its arms are
visible, adappear to be
&e ofblackdirt a d rocks held togetherby greenenergy.


are the

of all the types and

the most mysterious. Their vaguely humanoid appearance is almost an illusion created by the armor and
flowing black robes they wear. Beneath, a death
revenant is dark earth held together by elemental
T t - f--_ -f



_ _ - ._


Create Spawn (Su):The basic earthly elements of
a creature slain by a death ~ v e n a n rise
t up from the
corpse and take On a new shape ld4
after the
victim is slain. Casting protection from evil on a body
before the end of that time averts the transformation.
The new death revenant
from the
ground beneath the creature to complete its form, SO
the resulting revenant looks like acombination of the
original creature and the type of earth the creature’s
CorpsewaslaYingonafterdeath. Inallcases, however,
death revenants still appear as vaguely humanoid and
have all the stats above. There is no trace of the slain
creature’s memories. Indeed, the new death revenant
is not really the previous creature at all, and the two
have no real connection. The victim can still be
brought back from death with resurrection or true
resurrection (but not raise dead), even if the new death
revenant is still alive.

Fire Revenant
Medium Elemental (Fire)
4d8+8 (26 hp)
40 ft. in scale mail armor (8 squares);
base speed 50 ft.
Armor Class:
22 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +4scale mail, +2
large metal shield), touch 13, flat-footed 19
Base AttlGrapple: +3/+4
Heavy mace +5 melee (ld8cl plus ld6
fire) or slam +6 melee (ld4+1 plus ld6
Heavy mace +5 melee (ld8+1 plus ld6
Full Attack:
fire) or slam +6 melee (ld4+1 plus ld6
5 Ft.15 ft.
Special Attacks:
Energy strike [fire], burn
Special Qualities: Darkvision60 ft., immolation, levitation,
immunity t o fire, vulnerability t o cold,
elemental traits
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, lnt 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Listen +3, Spot +4
Dodge, lmproved Initiative’, Mobility,
Weapon Focus (heavy mace)’
Any land or underground
Solitary or pack (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Always neutral evil
5-7 HD (Medium); 8-12 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

Hit Dice:

The creature is seemingly humanoid, but walks on legs
offlame rather than flesh. The creature wears flowing red
robes under scale mail armor and carries a heavy mace
and large metal shield emblazoned with a single orangecolored image of an eyeball. Etched into the shield,
radiatingfrom the eye out to the shield’s edges, are yellow
beams. The eye sockets of the creature’s metallic helm
shine with menacing red flames. Its arms appear to be
made of molten lava.

The dark and morose fire revenants are brooding,
quiet creatures. Their mournful cries can be maddening. They prefer warm locales, such as deserts or
chambers beneath volcanoes. They are territorial,
attacking intruders almost on sight withvicious determination.

Fire revenants like to burn anything and everything
they can. They fight with simple tactics, usually
preferring to wade into the center of the enemy in

hopes that their burning bodies will scorch their foes
or even set them ablaze.
Burn (Ex):When a fire revenant hits with its slam
attack, the opponent must succeed on a DC 14 Reflex
save or catch fire. The save DC is Constitution-based.
The flame burns for ld4 rounds if not extinguished
sooner. A burning creature can use a full-round action
to put out the flame.
Creatures hitting afire revenant with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit
by the revenant’s attack and also catch fire unless they
succeed at a Reflex save.
Immolation (Ex):A fire revenant is permanently
surrounded by flames. All creatures within 5 feet take
ld6 points of fire damage eachround. The flames shed
light up to 30 feet.

Frost Revenant
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:
Base AttlGapple:


Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Medium Elemental (Air, Cold)
4d8+8 (26 hp)

40 ft. in scale mail armor (8 squares);
base speed 50 ft.
22 (+3 Dex, +3natural, +4 scale mail, +2
large metal shield), touch 13 flat-footed l?
Heavy mace +5 melee (ld8cl plus ld6
cold) or slam + 8 melee (ld4+1 plus ld6
Heavy mace +5 melee (ld8+1plus ld6
cold) or slam +8 melee (ld4+1 plus ld6

5 ft.15 ft.
Energy strike [cold], blizzard
Darkvision 60 ft., levitation, immunity to
cold, vulnerability to fire, elemental traits
Fort +3, Ref + Q , Will +1
Str13,Dex20,Con15,Int 4,Wisll,Chall
Listen +3, Spot +4
lmproved Initiative, Weapon Focus
(heavy mace)
Any land or underground
Solitary or pack (2-8)

Always neutral evil
5-7 HD (Medium); 8-12 HD (Large)


The creature is seemingly humanoid, but rides on a ball
of blue-colored energy rather than walks on two feet. The
creature wears flowing dark blue robes under scale mail
armor and carries a heavy m e and large metal shield
emblazoned with a single white-colored image of an
eyeball. Etched into the shield, radiatingfrom the eye out
to the shield’s edges, are yellow beams. The eye sockets of

the creature’s metallic helm shine with a menacing,
brilliant white light. Its arms to be ice crystals held together
by blue energy.

Frost revenants are the cold opposites of fire
revenants. The two types do not get along, and the
only thing they hate more than anything else is each
other. Frost revenants are just as territorial, though
they tolerate the presence of other cold-based creatures and even enjoy the presence of ice revenants.
Otherwise, frost revenants attack all intruders on
sight, though they are much more patient and calculating in their methods. They may not be very
intelligent, but they know how to fight. It’s pretty
much the only thing they do know well.

Frost revenants work better in packs than any other
type of revenant. They coordinate the use of their
blizzard ability to maximize damage on the weakest,
less agile foes. They prefer to retreat when confronted,
and continue casting blizzard from range. Once solidly
engaged in melee, a frost revenant is quick to begin
hammering foes with its mace.
Blizzard (Sp): A frost revenant can cast the spell
blizzard once every ld4 rounds, with a caster level
equal to its own HD. The base frost revenant is
therefore treated as a 4th-level caster. (For blizzard,
see Chapter Four: Magic in the Warcraft RPG.)

Ice Revenant
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base Att/Gapple:
Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Medium Elemental (Cold, Water)
4d8+12 (30 hp)
40 ft. in scale mail armor (8 squares);
base speed 50 ft.
21 (+1 Dex, + 4 natural, + 4 scale mail, +2
large metalshield), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Heavy mace + 7 melee (ld8+3 plus ld6
cold) or slam + 6 melee (ld6+4 plus ld6
Heavy mace +7 melee (ld8+3 plus ld6
cold) or slam + 6 melee (ld6+4 plus ld6
5 ft.15 ft.
Energy strike [cold], vampiric aura, Frost
Darkvision 60 ft., levitation, immunityto
cold, vulnerabilityto fire, elemental traits
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +1
Str 16,Dexl2,Con 17, lnt 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Listen +3, Spot +4
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy

Any land or underground
Solitary or pack (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Always neutral evil
5-7 HD (Medium); 8-12
Level Adjustment: -

HD (Large)

The creature is seemingly humanoid, but walks on legs
of ice rather than flesh. The creature wears flowing black
robes under scale mail armor and carries a heavy mace
and large metal shield emblazonedwith a single light bluecolored image of an eyeball. Etched into the shield,
radiatingfrom the eye out to the shield’sedges, are yellow
beams. The eye sockets of the creature’s metallic helm
shine with a menacing blue light, and its arms are of ice,
much like the visible portions of its legs.

Ice revenants are unpredictable creatures, following the winter snows and retiring to the cold plains of
the north during the warmer southern months. They
may arise anywhere, entering an area at a whim so
long as there is snow on the ground or an intense chill
in the air. They despise heat and will not enter warm
areas or occupied houses. They are known for kidnapping children who wander into the woods on a snowy

Ice revenants use their frost nova ability as soon as
possible, even choosing single targets if necessary.
They then enter melee. In packs, they coordinate
their strikes on a single target at a time.
Vampiric Aura (Su): A n ice revenant has a
vampiric aura that it can focus on itself or extend
around itself up to a 30-foot radius (adjusting the
aura’s size is a free action). An ice revenant or an ally
within this aura gains hit points each time it deals
damage successfully to a creature. The hit points
gained equal the damage inflicted, up to a total equal
to the Hit Dice of the ice revenant or of the ally
(whichever is lower). So, a 7 HD ally within a 4 HD
ice revenant’s aura can gain no more than 4 hit points
per strike (or fewer if the damage rolled is less than
that). A creature cannot gain more hit points than its
normal maximum.
Frost Nova (Sp): An ice revenant casts the spell
frost nova once per day per 3 HD (maximum 4/day) as
a sorcerer of a level equal to the creature’s HD. So, the
base ice revenant castsfrost nova once per day as a 4thlevel sorcerer. (Frost nova is described in Chapter
Four: Magic of the Warcraft RPG.)

Lightning Revenant


Medium Elemental (Air)

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AWGrapple:


Full Attack
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

4d8+8(26 hp)
40 ft. in scale mail armor (8 squares);
base speed 50 ft.
22 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +4 scale mail, +2
largesteel shield), touch 13, flat-footed 19
Heavy mace +5melee (ld8+1 plus ld6
electricity) or slam +8melee (ld4+1plus
ld6 electricity)
Heavy mace +5 melee (ld8+1 plus ld6
electricity) or slam +8melee(ld4+1 plus
ld6 electricity)

5 ft.15 Ft.
Energy strike [electricity], lightning attack
Darkvision 60ft., levitation, immunity to
electricity, elemental traits
Fort +3, Ref +9,Will +t
StrlZ,Dex21,Con14,1nt4,Wis 11,Chall
Listen +3, Spot +4
Dodge, Improved Initiative', Mobility,
Weapon Focus (heavy mace)'
Any land or underground
Solitary or pack (2-8)

Lightning revenants are unpredictable in combat.
They often switch targets for no good reason. They are
equally likely to strike tenaciously at the same foe
every round regardless of other circumstances. A
lightning revenant that can use its lightning attack
only once per day uses it on the second or third round
of combat. Those that can use lightning attacks more
often begin a battle with such an attack, and then
repeat every other or every third round. This is not to
say they could not use a lightning attack every round
until their allotment was depleted, they simply choose
not to.
Lightning Attack (Sp): Lightning revenants can
cast lightning bolt once per day with a caster level equal
to their HD. Lightning revenants with 8 or more HD
can also cast chain lightning once per day with a caster
level equal to their HD.

Always neutral evil
5-7 HD (Medium); 8-12


HD (Large)

The creature is seemingly humanoid, but rides 4
on a ball of electricity rather than walks on two
feet. The creature wearsflowing black and yellow
robes under scale mail armor and carries a heavy
maceandlargemetalshieldemblazoned withasingle
white-colored image of an eyeball. Etched into the
shield, radiatingfrom the eye out to the shield's edges,
are yellow beams. The eye sockets of the creature's \
metallichelmshine withmenacinga white light. Only its
arms are readily visible, and appear to be crackling
lightning bolts almost suspended in time.

Lightning is a force of sudden strikes and distant
rumbles, and so too are the lightning revenants prone
to violent outbursts after long periods of sleep. Lightning revenants tend to roam places where towns or
other civilized outposts once stood, but were destroyed or abandoned. They find small, safe hiding
spots to sleep until their territories are disturbed. They
attack intruders only to drive them short distances
from their hiding places, then retire back into bitter


Satyrs were once night elves who practiced arcane
arts in the days before the War of the Ancients. They
gave themselves over to the will of the Legion and
were terribly cursed. They retained a portion of their
arcane power, and their bodies were warped into those
of beasts. Now, the satyrs harry their hated night elf
cousins and obey the will of the Legion.
These twisted mockeries of night elves kill for
pleasure; they think nothing of torturing victims and
leaving bodies behind as grim evidence of their power.
Those satyrs who do not die violent deaths live longer
than their night elf cousins. The Kaldorei lost their
immortality in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, but the
satyrs gained longevity from the chaotic powers of the
Burning Legion.
Satyrs are innately hostile and resent intruders.
Rather than killing outright those who infringe on
their territory, satyrs play cat-and-mouse,toying with
trespassers for amusement until moving in for the kill
at last.
Satyrs hold a particular hatred for druids of the wild.
They see these defenders of nature as twisted mirrors
of themselves, mockeries of the bestial satyrs. Satyrs
target druids of the wild foremost whenever they are
encountered, turning their attention to others only if
they must defend themselves.

Some satyrs tend moon wells corrupted with demonic energy. It is said that these pools are the source
of new satyrs, transformingnight elves into the twisted
minions of the Legion. No one knows if corrupted
moon wells work similar transformations in other
Though high elf satyrs are rare, they do exist. Nonelves may not differentiate between high elf and night
elf satyrs, but elves and satyrs claim the differences are
as clear as night and day.
Satyrs dress in dark colors, showing particular preference for deep reds and blacks.

Sample Satyr
This example satyr uses a 2nd-level night elf scout
as the base creature.
Night Elf Satyr, 2nd-Level Scout
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
(Augmented Humanoid)

Hit Dice:

2d8 (10 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)
13 (+3 Dex), touch 13, flat-Footed 10

Armor Class:
Base Att/Gapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Moonglaive +1 melee (ld6/x3)
Moonglaive +1 melee (ld6/x3) or
shortbow +4 ranged (ld6/x3)
5 Ft.15 ft.

Bestial trait (tail), natural sense, wild
healing, spell resistance 7,night elf traits
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Str 11, Dexl7,Con 10,lnt 10,Wisl2,Cha 13
Balance +5,Heal +5,Hide +8', Knowledge (nature) +'?, Listen +6, Spot +6,
Survival +10
Dodge, 'TrackB

Neutral evil
By character class


Satyr scouts are the antithesis of everything that
night elf scouts stand for. While their hated night elf
cousins fight with bows and use their abilities to tend
the forests, satyr scouts prefer hand-to-hand combat,
striking by surprise, and dominating nature for their
demonic masters. Satyr scouts use wild healing selfishly, not bothering to aid another unless they get
something out of it.
Bestial Trait (Ex):This satyr's bestial tail grants it
a +2 racial bonus to Balance checks.

Nature Sense (Ex):A scout receives a +2 bonus to
Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Wild Healing (Ex):The scout can use natural
materials found in the wilderness to heal wounds. The
scout makes a DC 15 Survival check to represent 1
hour spent searching for and preparing roots, rare
leaves, berries, and other such materials used for a stew
or poultice. Once the subject applies or ingests the
concoction, the scout makes a DC 10 Heal check.
The subject recovers 1 hit point for every point that
the roll exceeds 10. Wild healing affects a single
subject per attempt, and the same subject benefits
from the concoction only once per day.
Night Elf Traits (Ex):Superior low-light vision;
resistance to cold 1 and fire 1; shadowmeld; spell
resistance 5 + character level; weapon familiarity
(moonglaive);+ 2 racial bonus to Knowledge (nature)
and Survival checks.
Skills: *Night elves have a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks when not moving at night or in
low-light environments.

Creating a Satyr
“Satyr” is an acquired template that can be added to
any elf (hereafter referred to as the base creature). A
satyr uses all the base creature’s statistics and special
abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
monstrous humanoid. Do not recalculate base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become
Speed: Same as the base creature. This may change
depending on the creature’s bestial traits (see special
Armor Class: Same as the base creature. This may
change depending on the creature’s bestial traits (see
special qualities).
Attack: Same as the base creature. This may change
depending on the creature’s bestial traits (see special
Full Attack: Same as the base creature. This may
change depending on the creature’s bestial traits (see
special qualities).
Damage: Same as the base creature. This may
change depending on the creature’s bestial traits (see
special qualities).
Special Attacks: Same as the base creature. This
may change depending on the creature’s bestial traits
(see special qualities).
Special Qualities: A satyr retains all of the base
creature’s special qualities and gains the following.
Bestial Trait ( E x ) : In the process of becoming a
satyr, the base creature gains one or more bestial traits


Medium Ooze

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:
Base AttIGrapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:

3d10 (15 hp)
10 ft. (2 squares), climb 10 ft.
5 (-5 Dex), touch 5, flat-footed 5
Slam +3 melee (ld4+1 and slow)
Slam +3 melee (ld4+1 and slow) or fling
-3 ranged (ld6+1 and slow)
5 ft.15 ft.
Blindsight, ooze traits
Fort +1, Ref -4, Will -4
Str 12, Dex 1, Con 11, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1

Any marsh and underground




Always chaotic neutral
Sludge Minion4-6 HD (Medium); Sludge
Flinger 7-9 HD (Large); Sludge Monstrosity 10-12 HD (Huge).

Level Adjustment: The thinghasno perceptible shape. It looks like nothing
more than a gigantic pik of animated muck.

Sludges originate from the deep places of Azeroth.
These strange creatures share an elemental heritage,
but have been corrupted by the powers of chaos. Now
they exist as tortured masses of semi-sentient goo. No
one knows what their motivations are or if there is any
specific ecology behind their existence. They are most
commonly found in Felwood.
Until recently, sludges were only encountered in
uncivilized areas. Now, however, sightings of sludges
are being reported in the cities of Kalimdor. They
have been seen seeping up from the wet places of the
cities, emerging from civilization’s waste to strike
unwary victims before sinking into the earth once
more. Many strike from surprise anywhere that waste
is allowed to gather or where stagnant water is allowed
to loosen the earth. Whether this new aggression is
part of some master plan of the Burning Legion or
other force, the result of being driven from their
traditional haunts by some more fearsome creature, a
conscious decision on the part of the sludges, or an
accident is unknown.
Sludge minions measure up to 8 feet in diameter,
while flingers and monstrosities reach up to 16 and 32
feet in diameter, respectively.

Sludges attack any creatures they encounter. They
lash out with seedpods, attempting to dispatch prey
for later digestion.
Slow (Ex): A sludge secretes an enzyme that slows
the reflexes of the target.
Any melee or ranged hit
deals the slow effect. The
sludge’sslow touchdeals the
equivalent of the slow spell
as cast by a spellcaster of a
level equal to the sludge’s
Hit Dice. The enzyme can
be flung up to the range of
the spell as a ranged touch
attack. This effect is always
active, though a hero can
roll a DC 11 Will save to
negate it.

Blindsight (Ex): A
sludge’s entire body is a
primitive sensory organ that
can ascertain prey by scent
and vibration within 60

Spirit owengeance,
Large Undead
(Incorporeal, Independent)

Hit Dice:

14d12 (91 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (good)
14 (-1 slze,+3Dex, +2&flectlon),touch
14, flat-footed 11

Armor Class:

Base AWGrapple: +7/+ll
Incorporeal touch +6melee (ld8 and
energy drain)
Incorporeal touch +6 melee (ld8 and
Full Attack:
energy drain)
10 ftA5 ft.
Energy drain, create spawn
Special Attacks:
Darkvision 60 ft., +2 turn resistance,
Special Qualities:
unnaturalaura, incorporealtraits,undead
Fort +4, Ref +7,Will +12
Hide +20, Intimidate +19, Listen +22,
Search +19,Spot +22
Dodge, improved Initiative

Any land and underground

Level Adjustment:

Always neutral
15-28 HD (Large)


The creature has a vaguely humanoid form composed mostly of black wispy smoke. Its eyes glow
bright red. In one hand, it carries a spectral whip
that glows red with the same energy that burns in
its eyes.

A greater spirit of vengeance is the
embodiment of revenge. When a powerful creature takes to the grave with
intense feelings of hatred and business unfinished, she will
occasionallyrise again as a greater
spirit of vengeance.
A greater spirit of vengeance
seeks to slay all living creatures in
an effort somehow to bring peace to
itself. It bears no feelings of guilt or
remorse or pity. It takes its task seri-

ously, treating all beings with equal disregard and
sparing none that get in its way.

A greater spirit of vengeance attacks with a long
barbed incorporeal whip that drains the life from its
victims. It makes full use of its incorporeal nature,
moving through walls, ceilings, and floors as it attacks. It takes every opportunity to use its create
spawn ability.
EnermDrain (subLivingcreatureshitby agreater
spirit of vengeance’s incorporeal touch attack receive
2 negative levels. Removing a negative level requires
a successfulDC l9 Fortitude save*
Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a
greater spirit of vengeance becomes a lesser spirit of
vengeance on the following round. Spawn are under
the command of the greater spirit of vengeance that
created them and remain enslaved until its destruction. They do not possess any of the abilities they had
in life.
A greater spirit of vengeance can use its create
spawn ability as a standard action on any corpse it did
not itself slay. The corpse cannot have been dead
more than 14 days. A lesser spirit of vengeance under
the control of the greater spirit of vengeance immediately rises from the corpse.
Unnatural Aura (Su):
Both wild and domesticated animals can sense
the unnatural presence
of a greater spirit of vengeance at a distance of
30 feet. They do not
willingly approach
nearer than that

Medium Undead
(Incorporeal, Independent)

6d12 (34 hp)
3 0 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 Ft. (good)
14(+3Dex,+l deflection),touchl4,flatArmor Class:
footed 11
Base AWGrapple: +3/+3
lncorporeal touch +6ranged (ld6)
lncorporeal touch +6ranged (ld6)
Full Attack
5 ft.15 ft.

Hit Dice:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:



Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits,
undead traits
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7
Str-, Dex 16, Con -, Int10,Ws15, Cha 13
Hide+lZ,Listen+13,Search+Q, Spot+l3
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge
Any land and underground
Solitary, gang (2-4), or swarm (6-11)
Always neutral
7-13 HD (Medium)

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment: -

The creature appears to be a translucent female night
elf dressed in plain clothes and wielding a glowing red

A lesser spirit of vengeance is the embodiment of
the minor feelings of regret and unfinished tasks that
so often plague humanoid creatures upon death. It
does not have the single-minded sense of purpose of a
greater spirit of vengeance, however. Unless controlled by a greater spirit of vengeance, a lesser spirit
ofvengeance wanders aimlessly. It is as likely to attack
a creature as it is to pass it by without looking back. A
lesser spirit of vengeance will, of course, defend itself
when attacked.

A lesser spirit of vengeance attacks using a spectral
shortbow that fires chilling incorporeal arrows. The
arrows are formed from its own essence, and it can
make an endless number of such ranged attacks. The
arrows dissipate on impact whether they hit or not. A
lesser spirit of vengeance does not engage in melee. It
attempts to flee when threatened to find a better
position from which to fire. It makes full use of its
incorporeal nature, moving through walls, ceilings,
and floors as it attacks.

Thunder Lizard
Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AttGrapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

10d10+70 (125 hp)
4 0 ft. (8 squares)
16 (-2 size, +8 natural), touch 8, Flatfooted 16
Bite +17 melee (2d8+8)
Bite+l7 melee(2d8+8) andZstomps+ll
melee (2d6+4)
15 ft./lO ft.
Breath weapon (lightning), improved
grab, swallow whole
Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, immunity to electricity
Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +4
Str 26, Dex 11, Con 24, Int 4, WE 12, Cha 5
Listen +16, Spot +11
Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power
Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Temperate and warm hills and plains
Solitary, pair, gang (3-6), or herd (3-6
plus 50% young plus 1 Huge or Gargantuan male)

Challenge Rating:

Always neutral
11-15 HD (Huge); 16-20 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment:


The great reptile walks on all fours, the ground shaking
with every step. It has a mottled green hide with a ridge
running along its back.

The tauren have tales of legendary kodo beasts,
gifted by the spirits of the sky and bound to the power
of the storm. These legendary beasts include the
thunder lizards, lightning lizards, and powerful storm
wyrms. Tauren consider it a significant life event to
encounter one of these creatures -an omen, though
for good or ill is not always apparent.
While similarities exist, the thunder lizard’s relationship to kodo beasts is distant. These animals are
aggressive, particularly while in herds. Keeping a
healthy distance from a thunder lizard will likely allow
one to avoid trouble.
Thunder lizards prefer to keep to a tight home
range, with predictable movements. In rocky or hilly
terrain, thunder lizards find grottos or vales to bed in
for the night. Pairs or herds form a small number of
these beds throughout their range, returning to whichever one is closer as they graze. These nest sites may

have equipment and treasure left from would-be attackers.

A successful Dc 14 Spot or Knowledge (nature) check
notes the way plants flatten around a thunder lizard, as if a
strong wind blew from the beast’s feet. These magical
animals have a deceptive calm a b u t them. While content
to graze even if aware they are under observation,a sudden
movement or strange odor can cause dramatic changes in
behavior. Some will let humanoids come quite close,even
touch or ride them. At other times, they will charge down
caravans or settlements.
Young male thunder lizards form gangs. These groups
can be deadly, as the juveniles take almost a delight in
smashing other animals in various games.
Deafen (Ex):As astandard action, a thunder lizard
can emit a mighty bellow that deafens and stuns
opponents in a %-foot cone. Targets who fail a DC 17
Reflex save are stunned for ld3 rounds and deafened
for 2d6 minutes. Those who make the save are deafened for 2d6 rounds. (Deaf characters are unaffected.)
While deafened, a character cannot be stunned again
by this attack, but can be subject to an increased
duration of deafening. A character hit by two full
deafness results is deaf permanently until healed. Any
magical healing is sufficient to recover hearing.
Roaring Wind (Su): As a standard action once
every ld4 rounds, a thunder lizard can blast a powerful
burst of wind in a 50-foot cone. Targets who fail a DC
17 Reflex save are subject to hurricane-force winds
until the thunder lizard’s next action (see DMG,
Table 3-24: Wind Effects).
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a thunder
lizardmust hit with its bite. Itcan then attempt tostart
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack
of opportunity. If it wins the grapple, it establishes a
hold and can try to use its swallow whole ability.
Swallow Whole (Ex): O n a successful grapple
check, a thunder lizard can distend its jaw to swallow
a grabbed opponent of up to Large size. Once inside,
the opponent suffers crushing damage equal to 2d8 +
the thunder lizard’s Strength modifier plus ld8+6
points of acid damage per round from the creature’s
digestive juices. A swallowed victim can cut its way
out by inflicting 25 points of damage with a natural or
Small slashing weapon to the lightning lizard’sdigestive tract (AC 16). Once the victim exits, muscular
action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent
must cut its own way out.
The thunder lizard’s gullet can hold 2 Large, 4 Small, 8
Tiny, 16 Diminutive, or 32 Fine opponents. Gargantuan
thunder lizardscanswallowHuge or smaller opponentsand
can hold double the listed capacity.
Skills: Thunder lizards receive a +8racial bonus to
Listen checks.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:
Base Att/Gapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Lightning Lizard
Huge Magical Beast
15d10+1200 (202 hp)

Storm Wyrm
Huge Magical Beast
l?d10+171(275 hp)

40 ft. (8 squares)
40 ft. (8 squares)
16 (-2 size, +8 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 16 8 (-2 size, +10natural), touch 8, flat-footed 18
Bite +23 melee (2d6+?)
Bite +38 melee (3d6+10)
Bite+38 melee(3d6+10) and 2stomps+32 melee(2d6+5)
Bite +23 melee (2d6+?) and 2 stomps
+17 melee (2d6+4)
15 ft./lO ft.
15 ft./lO ft.


Deafen, roaring wind, improved grab, swallow whole, spelllike abilities
Darkvision 60 Ft., low-light vision, immunity to electricity

Deafen, roaring wind, improved grab,
swallow whole
Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, immunity
t o electricity
Fort +17, Ref +?, Will +6
Str 28, Dex 11, Con 26, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 5
Listen +12, Spot +12

Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +7

Str 31, Dex 11, Con 28, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 5
Listen +22, Spot +I4

Alertness, Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush,
Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon
Focus (bite)
Temperate and warm hills and plains
Solitary, pair, gang (3-6), or herd (3-6 plus
50%young plus 1 Huge or Gargantuan male)

Alertness, Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (bite)
Temperate and warm hills and plains
Solitary, pair, gang (3-6), or herd (3-6 plus 50%young
plus 1 Huge or Gargantuan male)

Challenge Rating:




Always neutral
16-20 HD (Gargantuan)

Always neutral
20-24 HD (Gargantuan)

Level Adjustment: -

An occasional spark fires from the peat reptile’s eyes
as it trundles its massive form along the Plains. I s hide is
mottled green and brown with splotches O f blue! and a
great ridge runs along its back.

Lightning Lizard Description
Lightning lizards look much like thunder lizards,
although they are of superior size. They also Possess
abilities beyond what their smaller cousins enJoy*
Sparks dance from the great lizard’s eyes! and its
bellow carries over tremendous distances.

Travelers have a hard time telling a lightning lizard
apart from a thunder lizard, although the distinction
becomes clear if they aggravate a lightning lizard into
action. While lightning lizards can swallow opponents, they will not hesitate to use their lightning
attack to kill enemies that appear dangerous.Humanoids are normallyseen as a threat, as are large predators.
Smaller and less threatening animals may be stomped,
charged, or simply swallowed. Juveniles gang up,
taking different limbs of an animal in each mouth and
playing tug-of-war.
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every ld4 rounds as a
standard action, a lightning lizard can fire a line of


lightning from its head. The line is 100 feet long and
deal 5d6 points of electricity damage. Targets may
make a DC 15 Reflex save for half damage. Damage
increases by ld6 and the DC increases by 1 for every
2 HD the lightning lizard advances.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a lighthit with its bite. can then attempt
ning lizard
to Start a grapple as afree action without provoking an
attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple, it establishes a hold and can try to use its swallow whole
Swallow Whole (Ex):On a successful grapple
check, a lightning lizard can distend its jaw to swallow
a grabbed opponent of up to Large size. Once inside,
the opponent suffers crushing damage equal to 2d8 +
the lightning lizard’s Strength modifier plus ld8+6
points of acid damage per round from the creature’s
digestive juices. A swallowed victim can cut its way
out by inflicting 25 points of damage with a natural or
Small slashing weapon to the lightning lizard’s digestive tract (AC 16). Once the victim exits, muscular
action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent
must cut its own way out.
The lightning lizard’s gullet can hold 2 Large, 4
Small, 8 Tiny, 16 Diminutive, or 32 Fine opponents.
Gargantuan lightning lizards can swallow Huge or


Hit Dice:

Armor Class:
Base AWGapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment

Medium Humanoid (Trogg)
2d8+2 (11 hp)

20 ft. (4 squares)
15 (+5natural), touch IO,flat-footed 15
Club +1 melee (ld6)
Club +2 melee (ld6)
5 ft.15 ft.
Trogg traits
Darkvision 120 ft., trogg traits
Fort +5*, Ref +O*,Will +0*
Strll,DexlO,Con13, Int8, WislO,Cha6
Hide +1, Listen +4, Spot +4
Gang (2-4), band (11-20 plus 2 3rdlevel sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th
level), or tribe (30-100 plus 30%non
combatantsplus 1 3rd-level sergeant per
10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3
7th-level captains)

Usually chaotic evil
By character class

The creature is barrel-chested and powerfully-built,
with a thick forehead and jutting lower jaw. Malicious
cunning is apparent in its deep-set eyes.

Troggs are a barbaric, almost “caveman-like’’ race
with very low intelligence but a great capacity for
violence of all kinds. They were the titans’ first
attempt to create life from living stone, but the
experiment was a failure. Dwarven scholars postulate
that the experiment went wrong due to the interference of the Old Gods. (The successful second attempt
gave rise to the dwarven race.) When the titans saw
how brutal and misshapen the troggs were, they buried them in vaults all over the land that would become
Khaz Modan. The main vault of troggs was the old
Titan city of Uldaman in Khaz Modan. There they
stayed for countless ages, until the dwarves began
excavating Uldaman. The dwarves dug too deep and
released the troggs from their ages-long slumber. Now
the troggs have begun to spill out of every deep hole
to spread terror across the dwarven kingdom.
The troggs have an unnatural hatred of their “pretty”
cousins the dwarves. They may be dumb, but they are
hell-bent on taking out their aggressionson the dwarves.

Troggs are brutal and cunning in battle (indeed,
that is their approach to most things in life). Their
flesh is living stone, offering them a useful natural
armor bonus.
Trogg Traits (Ex): Troggs possess the following
racial traits.
- +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, 4 Charisma.
- Medium size.
- A trogg’s base land speed is 20 feet.
- Darkvision out to 120 feet.
-Stonecunning: Troggs receive a +2 racial bonus
to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something
that is not stone but is disguised as stone also counts
as unusual stonework. A trogg who merely comes
within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make acheck
as though actively searching and can use the Search
skill to find stonework traps as arogue can. A trogg can
also intuit depth, sensing approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which
way is up.
- +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
*Not reflected in the saving throw numbers giving
- + I racial bonus on attack rolls against dwarves
and giants.
-+4dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures
of the giant type (such as mountain or sea giants).
- +5 natural armor bonus.
- Automatic Languages: Dwarven, Low Common.
-Favored Class: Barbarian.
- Level Adjustment: + 1.


Forest Tr011
Large Monstrous Humanoid

2d8+6 (15 hp)
2 0 ft. in hide armor (4 squares); base
speed 30 ft.
Armor Class:
15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural, +3hide),
touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base AttIGapple: +21+?
Battleaxe +4 melee (ld8+3/x3) or claw
+4 melee (ld6+3)
Battleaxe+4 melee(ld8+3lx3) or Zclaws
Full Attadc
+4 melee (ld6+3) or spear +2 ranged
5 ft.15 ft.
Hit Dice:


Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis?, Cha 7
Hide -la
Any land and underground
Solitary, gang (3-4), troop (4-9 plus 1
leader of 2nd-5th level), or tribe (10100 plus 5 3rd-level sergeants, 3 5thlevel lieutenants, and 1 leader of 5thPth level)
Challenge Rating: 2
Usually chaotic evil
By character class
Level Adjustment: +1

The humanoid is easily over 7feet tall, with an impressive buildandrnottled, darkgreenskincowered withmoss.
Yellowed teeth grin under a large, hooked nose as it hefts
its battleaxe.

As their name suggests, these trolls are found in
forests - at least, forests not dominated by elves or
other humanoid species. Forest trolls are jealous of
their jungle and ice kin, as they have never known the
glories of their own kingdom.
high elves, whom they consider the despoilers of their
ancient homeland. (The civilization of the forest trolls of
Lordaeron predates that of the high elves by several thousand years.) They will only work with others if it means the
elimination of an even more hated enemy.They alliedwith
the Horde during the Second War in this manner, abandoning the ora after their defeat.
Forest troll culture is tribal and as primitive as their dark
trollcousins.Though not asviolent asdarktrolls,forest trolls
nonetheless have a fearsome reputation in battle.

Forest trolls are similar to other troll species in
choice of weaponry and combat tactics.
Fast Healing (Ex):Forest trolls recover 2 hit points
per round.
Skills: *Forest trolls receive a +4 racial bonus to
Hide when in a forested environment.

ForestTroll Characters
A forest troll's favored class is barbarian. Forest troll
characters possess the same racial traits as jungle trolls
(see subsequent entry), except as noted below.
- +6 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, -2
Wisdom, -4 Charisma.
-Large size. -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty
on attack rolls, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus
on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double
those of Medium characters.
- Spacemeach: 10 ft./lO ft.
- Racial Hit Dice: A forest troll begins with two
levels of monstrous humanoid, which provide 2d8 Hit
Dice, a base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +3, and Will +3.
-Racial Skills: A forest troll's monstrous humanoid
levels give it skill points equal to 5 x (2 + Int modifier).
Its class skill is Hide. Forest troll's receive a +4 racial
bonus to Hide checks in forested environments.
-Racial Feats: A forest troll's monstrous humanoid levels give it one feat.
- Special Qualities (see above): Fast healing 2.
- Automatic Language: Low Common.
- Level adjustment: +1.

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AWGrapple:

Full Attadc
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

JungleTr01 1
Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:
Armor Class:

ld8+2 (6 hp)
3 0 Ft. (6 squares)
14(+2natural,+2leather), touchl2,Flat-

Footed 12
Base AttIGrapple: +1/+3

Battleaxe +3 melee (ld8+2/x3) or claw
+3 melee (ld4+2)

Full Attadc

Battleaxe+3 melee(ld8+2/x3) or2claws
+3 melee (1d4+2) or spear +1 ranged
5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:


Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 1
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Str 15, Dex 11, Con 15, lnt 9, Wis 10, Cha 9
Hide +4*
Great Fortitude
Any land and underground
Solitary, gang (3-4), troop (4-9 plus 1
leader of 2nd-5th level), or tribe (10100 plus 5 3rd-level sergeants, 3 5thlevel lieutenants, and 1 leader OF 5th9th level)

Usually chaotic evil
By character class

The humanoid is tall, wiry, andmuscular. Yellow eyes
gleam in a sharpfeatured face with pointed ears and a
blade-like nose. The creature is hard to see amid the
tropical foliage, for its green skin blends well with its

Jungle trolls are superstitious creatures who revel in
the hunt and the rigors ofpersonal combat. In ancient
times, they reigned over the lands south of the Redridge
Mountains of Stormwind.Though their glorious kingdoms fell to ruin long ago, they seek to reclaim their
lost majesty. Equipped with voodoo magics and unparalleled combat skills, these trolls have been
relentless in their efforts to regain their jungle homeland.

JungleTrolI Society
Jungle trolls are the most civilized of troll species.
They are organized around tribes, with bloodlines led
by the most powerful warriors. Family houses rise and
fall with the battle honor of their members. Witch
doctors and shadow hunters act as spiritual and legis-

lative leaders, judging matters of law and handling
administrate duties. Most regulations focus on maintaining the honor of the individual, the family, the
tribe, and the troll species as a whole. Punishment for
breaking troll laws or causing dishonor to one's kin
can range from ritual scarring or dismemberment to
banishment or even death. Often, the actual punishment is secondary to the loss of honor, which jungle
trolls prize above all.
Jungle troll leaders are witch doctors or honored
warriors. The eldest member of a family is respected,
but he is expected to step down should his combat
ability falter. Jungle trolls lack a king at present; witch
doctors claim that no jungle troll is worthy of such a
title unless he can unite all the tribes and reclaim their
rightful lands. Until then, pretenders are considered
without honor.
Jungle trolls believe that the spirits of their ancestors guide the universe from beyond the veil of death.
Witch doctors teach that worthy trolls receive dominion over various aspects of nature upon their
death - whether plants, weather, beasts, or even
disease. When witch doctors exhibit their supernatural powers to cure the sick, control nature, or assist in
battle, it is said that ancestral spirits are riding them.
Jungle troll rituals can be very elaborate, including
hours of dancing and chanting. Witch doctors paint
themselves and other participants with sigils and wear
finely embroidered costumes. There are rituals for all
events: a change of season, a child's birth, an impending battle.
Troll youth do not receive public names until they
have earned a name in battle. Until then, they are
referred to by generic diminutives.

Jungle trolls attack with battleaxe or spear in combat, but they are by no means limited to using weapons.
Even disarmed, they can be lethal with their claws.
They fight without fear, relying on their natural
healing ability to keep them going.
Fast Healing (Ex):Jungle trolls recover 1hit point
per round.
Skills: "Jungle trolls receive a +4racial bonus to
Hide when in a jungle environment.

JungleTroll Characters
A jungle troll's favored class is barbarian. Most
jungle troll characters are barbarians,healers, or scouts.
Jungle troll characters possess the following racial
- +4Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence,
-2 Charisma.
- Medium size.
-A jungle troll's base land speed is 30 feet.

- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Racial Skills: A jungle troll gains a +4 racial
bonus to Hide when in a jungle environment.
- +2 natural armor bonus.

Hit Dice:

Medium Monstrous Humanoid
ld8+1(5 hp)




20 Ft. in hide armor (4 squares); base
speed 30 ft.
14 (+1 natural, +3 hide), touch 10, flatfooted 14

Armor Class:

Base AWGrapple:

Full Attack
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Spear +2 melee (ld8+1/x3) or net +1
ranged (special) or spear +1 ranged
Spear +2 melee (ld8+1/x3) or net +1
ranged (specia1)or spear 1; ranged

5 ft./5 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, lnt 10, WK 13, Cha 10
Listen +3, Profession (fishing) +5, Profession (whaling) +5, Spot +3, Swim +3
Cold land
Company (2-4), squad (11-20, plus 2
3rd-level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd6th level), or band (30-100 plus 20%
noncombatantsplus 1 3rd-level sergeant
per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants,
and 3 7th-level captains)

Usually neutral good
By character class


The humanoid has a solid build with a thick torso and
broad shoulders. He wears warm furs under an oilskin
jacket. His head is blunt and almost hairless, with a pair
of great tusks pointing down from his upper jaw. His
brown eyes are fnendly and expressive.

The tuskarr are peerless fishermen and whalers.
Their self-contained economy is based on the ocean’s
bounty. These stout-hearted creatures have a budding
society along the frozen coasts of Northrend. Yet the
tuskarr do not yet have an organized society, their
villages lying scattered across the icy beaches and
bustling with activity and commerce.
Communities are established to help with fishing,
animal husbandry, and defense rather than through
political interests. The family is the primary social
structure, and tuskarr have no community figureheads
aside from familial leadership roles. Kinship usually

involves three generations from both the mother and
father’s sides. Functionally, these extended families
are treated as one, so the action of a member is the
responsibility of the entire group. Marriage occurs as
soon as a man can support a wife, and for females as
soon as they reach puberty.
Tuskarr laws are simple. No tuskarr may avoid
helping tend to the needs of the settlement -gathering food, making clothing and housing, patrolling
in defense, and so on. The sea is communal property
for fishing and whaling. Catches are divided among
the community as feasible, with those who miss out on
one catch getting first choice the next time. Tuskarr
do have personal property, but possession is conditioned by actual use.
Tuskarr laws are not meant to punish criminals as
much as they maintain community peace and prosperity. Punishment is mild, usually aimed at injuring
one’s social position (through gossip, ridicule, or ostracism). Still,some matters are takenseriously. Blood
vengeance is always required in return for the taking
of a life, which may result in an ongoing feud.

Tuskarr shamanshave the power to influence events
such as weather, food, and illnesses. Shaman magic is
often quite a production, even something like curing
the sick: the shaman may speak with ghosts of the
patient’s relatives and even battle other spirits into
submission before forcing them to help heal the patient.
Fishing and whaling form the basis of everything
from moral guidance to conversational slang. Boys
strive to be good fishermen and girls dream of marrying a good whaler. Success in fishing is a sign of right
living, and failure is a sign of moral disorder. The
tuskarr afterlife is imagined as a paradise with choice
catches and successful whaling without hard work.
Tuskarr have simple rituals relating to social rather
than religious circumstances -birth, marriage, sickness, and death most prominently. Other rituals relate
to celebrating a good catch and venerating those who
are lost at sea or who fall in battle.
The tuskarr often war with the indigenous ice trolls
and nerubian spiderfolk of Northrend. Though they
have done well to evade the undead Scourge, the
tuskarr know that it is only a matter of time before the
legions of the dead come calling.

Tuskarr favor spear weapons and nets as their primary tools of war. Tuskarr warriors coordinate in
combat, each working to ensure the well-being of the
others. Typically, one member of a squad will attempt
to snare an enemy in a net, while the others attempt
to dispatch the trapped opposition with their spears.
Skills: Tuskarr have a +8 racial bonus on Swim

Tuskarr Characters
Tuskarrcharacters may be healers, fighters, or scouts.

A tuskarr’s favored class is scout. Tuskarr characters
possess the following racial traits.
- +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom.
-A tuskarr’s base land speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
-Racial Skills: A tuskarr gains a +8 racial bonus to
Swim checks.
- + 1 natural armor bonus.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Tuskarr.
- Favored Class: Scout.
- Level Adjustment: +O.

fell several lesser creatures in a single round. Even
young wendigo can be quite lethal in combat. They
are not suicidal, however, and will break off combat
with a superior foe. The wendigo will then stalk the
prey, biding its time until the target offers the best
time to be dispatched.
Skills: Wendigo receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide
checks in snowy and/or icy terrain.


Large Momkws Humanoid

4d8+12 (30 hp)
3 0 ft. (6 squares)
14 (-1 size, +5natural), touch 9, flatArmor Class:
footed 14
Base AttIGapple: +4/+12
Claw +7 melee (ld6+6)
2 claws +7 melee (ld6+6)
Full Attack:
5 ft.110 ft.
Hit Dice:

Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

smash or eat them. They prefer forests, but will occupy
any convenient location that provides them with
food, treasure, and things to smash.
Fortunately, Sasquatch mate only rarely. In groups,
their aggression can be devastating to unprepared
heroes. Sasquatch are matriarchal, and as a result,
bands of Sasquatch typically represent a mother with
her young, often only a single litter.


Darkvision 60 ft.
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Str 18, Dex10, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 4
Climb +6, Listen +3, Spot +2
Cleave, Power Attack
Any temperate
Solitary, pair, or band (3-5)
Usually neutral
5-7 HD (Large); 8-12HD (Huge)


The massive humanoid stands 9 feet tall. It looks
waguely ogre-like, but is cowered in afurry , sandy-colored
pelt. It has long, sharpclaws anda hungry gleam in its eye.

The species of monstrous humanoid known as
Sasquatch is a cousin race to the wendigo of Northrend.
They are huge beings of limited intelligence and even
less personality. They roam singularly and prefer solitary hunting. Sasquatch are incredibly strong and
fiercely territorial. They have sharp claws and are very
fond of human and orc flesh. Though they will eagerly
kill elves who encroach on their territory, it is well
established that Sasquatch will not eat elven flesh,

Sasquatch are non-discerning in combat. They
tend to use their claws and great strength in melee
combat to rend their opponents.

Large Magical Beast

6d8+24 (51 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares)
15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6natural), touch 9,
Armor Class:
flat-footed 14
Base AWGrapple: +6/+15
Bite +10 melee (ld8+5)
Bite +10 melee (ld8+5) and 2 claws +8
Full Attack:
melee (ld8+2)
10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attack:
Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Special Qualities:
Fort +Q, Ref +6, Will +3
Str 21, Dexl3,Con 19, lnt 5, Wis 12,Cha 10
Listen +8, Spot +7
Alertness, Dodge, Multiattack
Temperate forest
Solitary, pair, or pack (5-8)
Challenge Rating: 5
Usually chaotic good
7-9 HD (Large); 10-12 HD (Huge)
Hit Dice:

Level Adjustment:

The mighty creature has a powerful, bear-like body
with a large avian head. Its dark furry pelt blends with
clusters of silver and gray feathers on its forelimbs and
cresting at its head. Its strong claws and hooked beak
suggest violence, but its large golden eyes show a gentle

Some night elf scholars claim that the lumbering,
misshapen wildkin are the creation and favored pets
of Elune, the moon goddess. Desiring a creature of
might to claim as her own and disenchanted with the
violence of wolves, Elune combined the traits of her
beloved night birds with the brute force of benevolent
bears. Other scholars claim that wildkin were the
misguided creation of a sorcerer. Regardless of their
origins, wildkin have been the beloved allies of night
elf druids of the wild and ancients alike since the time
of the War of the Ancients.
Full-grown wildkin exceed 10 feet in height and
weigh over 3,000 pounds. They prefer the serenity of
nature and stay away from populated areas, frequenting the Barrens or the glades of Mount Hyjal. They are
known to assist night elves and ancients in guarding
locations that those races deem important. Heroes
who encounter wildkin either come away speaking of
their incredible gentleness or their tremendous

Wildkin are slow to anger, but they fight to
the death when roused. They have a particular
hatred of all undead and minions of the Buming Legion. The great beasts slash with their
claws and stab with their beak in combat.
Berserk (Ex):A wildkin can trigger a battle
rage as if it was a barbarian of a level equal to its
Hit Dice (see Chapter 3: Classes in the PHB for

(such as any outsider, elemental, or several kinds of
Wisps show little free will or self-interest. They

Base AttIGapple: +O/-6
Slam -1 melee (ld3-2)
Slam -1 melee (ld3-2)
5 ft.15 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:

Low-light vision, renew, seed ancient
Fort +0,Ref +4, Will +1
Str 6, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8
Hide +lo,Listen +5,Move Silently +6,
Search +3, Spot +5
Solitary or company (2-4)


Level Adjustment: -

The glowing ball


light hovers a few feet



ground. Within the eldritch glow, one can just make out

the translucent features of an elfin face.

Wisps are forest spirits that heal ancients and keep
the forest clean and pure. They are dedicated to the

the night elf leadership out of some personal agenda or
sense of duty is unclear at this time.
Some human scholars think that wisps are the souls
of deceased night elves, but these claims are met with
near mockery among the night elves.

Wisps avoid combat and will flee when attacked if
they can. Instead, they act as support troops, healing
ancients and repairing night elf structures. If pressed,
they slam into mortal foes or detonate themselves to
destroy or banish outsiders or undead.
Detonate (Su): A wisp can sacrifice itself to generate a number of simultaneous effects as per the spells
banishment, dispel magic (in a 30-ft. radius burst), and
holy smite. These effects are handled as if cast by a
spellcaster of a level equal to the wisp’s Hit Dice.
Renew (Su): Once per round, a wisp may heal
ancients, plants, or wooden structures. The healing
each round is equal to ld8 per HD of the wisp.
Seed Ancient (Su): A wisp may sacrifice itself to
seed an ancient. It takes decades for the ancient to
grow to maturity and centuries before it reaches its full

Large Magical Beast
5d10+10 (37 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (poor)
16(-lsize,+l Dex,+6natural),touch10,
Armor Class:
Flat-footed 15
Base AWGrapple: +5/+13
Bite + 8 melee (2d6+4) or claw + 8 melee
Bite +8 melee (2d6+4) and 2 claws + 6
Full Attack
melee (ld6+2) and tail slap +6 melee
10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks:
Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Special Qualities:
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Spot +7*
Alertness, Flyby Attack, MultiattackB
Any forest, hill, mountains, and plains
Solitary, pair, or flight (5-9)
Challenge Rating: 3
Hit Dice:

Level Adjustment:


Usually chaotic neutral
6-8 HD (Large); 9-11 HD (Huge)

The creature looks much like a lion with great leathery
wings that flare out from its forelimbs. It has strong hind
legs and a scorpion-like tail.


One can imagine the plane of reality known as the
Twisting Nether as a thick web of magic woven
around and above the material Plane. It is an astral
dimension of pure magic which encases all known
worlds in thick cocoons of arcane power. Beings with
the power to breach the barriers of reality use the
Twisting Nether as a means of travel, venturing
through its constantly-fluctuating expanse to journey
from one world to another. I h n o n s are among the
most notable in this. They have long sought places
like Azeroth, and for some time have been eager to
conquer the world and its peoples.
For ages, the titan Sargeras fought against them,
battling back the demons with his immeasurable
power. In time, however, he could no longer see his
cause as realistic; virtue lost its glamour,and existence
seemed unworthy of his efforts. Drowning in nihilism
and madness, he turned against his own kind and
everything he and they had
He forged the
Burning Legion: an army Of demons, his weapon
against the worlds of light.

The Structure of the Burning Legion
First among the demons of the Burning Legion are
the eredar. In the Twisting Nether, only the titans
have ever
them- Two eredar,
Sargeras’power as well as their own, stood as the lords
of their race: Archimonde the Defiler and Kil’jaeden
the Deceiver*Each
a hierarchy Of demons, lealously protected from the will of the other. These
groups strove for dominance of Azeroth and even
other worlds.
But now, at long last, Archimonde is dead, killed by
the heroes of Azeroth. Individual eredar and a few
hopeful heroes of the lesser races have decided that
they are the best candidates to replace him. These
prideful few have taken their first careful steps toward
locating and eliminating the presumptuous competition that might seek to displace them.
Kil’jaeden’s first and most important servants were
the vampiric nathrezim, also named the dreadlords.
They earned thisgrim title in manyways: their schemes
have turned nations against one another; their terrible powers have supported the undead Scourge;and
as individuals they have spread physical and spiritual
torment to the limits of their reach.
It is within the power of the eredar to create whole
races of demons. They corrupt mortal species to make
their minions. The greatest representatives of these
species can bind others to their cause, as the eredar
can, by offering the gift of their blood. The mystic
bonds this process creates connect the various races of
the Burning Legion. To drink a powerful demon’s
blood risks the enslavement not only of oneself but
also of one’s kind. Races corrupted into the Burning
Legion -or those who sign on, accepting the price of

this service - are at an eternal disadvantage compared to their patron, regardless of their strength. The
only consolation is that once a race has joined the
Legion, its greatest heroes may offer their blood to
others, corrupting new species to serve their own.
The dominant demonic races in the Burning Legion -after the eredar, of course -are the pit lords,
doomguards, and eminences that served under
Archimonde and the dreadlords, and the risen terrors
and shadow priests that follow Kil’jaeden. An endless
host of monsters follows their rule, and that host is
growing. In all comers of the universe, the followers of
Kil’jaedensubvert the righteous to darkness and welcome ancient evils into their ranks.



evil outsiders in
that comprise the
forces of the Burning Legion are generally called
“demons.”Thisbreed ofdemon in the Warcraft RpG
is distinct from the one noted in the MM and uses the
“demonic”subtype. As such, references made throughout this book to “demons”refers to those particular to
the Warcraft universe.
Demons were mortal once, but have been transformed by their conversion into demonic beings. This
change includes a powerful command of arcane energy. They define and control this arcane power with
the force oftheir will, muchas
or wizardsdo.
In the Warcraft RPG, demons can be of any evil
alignment. The Burning Legion favors lawful evil, but
this is not a hard and fast rule.

The demonic subtype conveys the following traits
(unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
- Immunity to death effects, fire, necromantic
effects, and poison.
-Resistance toacid 10,cold 10,andelectricity 10.
- Frightful Presence ( E x ) : Demons unsettle their
foes with their mere presence. This ability takes effect
automatically hene ever the demon attacks, charges,
or spends a rnOve action on something deliberately
intimidating. Creatures within 30 feet are subject to
the effect if they have fewer HD than the demon.
A potentially affected creature that succeeds at a
will Save (DC 10 + 112 demon’s HD + the demon’s
Charisma modifier) remains immune to that demon’s
frightful Presence for 1 day. O n a failure, creatures
with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 3d6 rounds,
and those W i t h 5 Or more HD become d-~&enfor 2d6
rounds. Demons ignore the frightful presence of other
- Innate Magic ( E x ) : Demons with levels in a
spellcasting class add their outsider HD to their caster

level. This does not give them additional known
spells or spells per day. If a demon has more than one
spellcasting class, it must choose one class to which
this bonus applies.
-Name Vulnerability ( E x ) : A demon takes double
damage from a weapon inscribed during its forging
with that demon's name.
- Blindsipht (Su): Demons have an arcane awareness of the pLysicalworld that allows them to perceive
objects and creatures within 60 feet.
- Mortal Tongues (Su): Intelligent demons can
speak with any creature that has a language,as though
using tongues as cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This
ability is always active.
-See in Darkness (Su) :Demons can see perfectly in
darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper
darkness spell.
Abilities (Sp) : Unless othemise stated,
demonic spell-like abilities are as cast by a sorcerer of
a level equal to the demon's Hit Dice. Demons with
the spell-like ability to plane shift or gate can use it only
for travel to and from the Twisting Nether. They
cannot enter other planes, summon monsters through
agate, or use plane shift to transport others against their

Common Burning Legion Abilities
All demonic creatures have the following abilities
unless noted otherwise in their descriptions. See below for details on fel energy and fel damage.
-,tion ( E ~ ) :D~~~~~ with regeneration
nd fel damaee normallv. A demon also

maximum of 90% at 18 HD. An infernal summoned
in this fashion remains for 10 rounds.

is a property unique to the Warcraft universe.


rei energy- comes
in many rorms, but at its core is the
es:rence of demonic evil.
When a weapon is forged in Ithe blood of a demon,
r i
it can De maae into a rei weapon that deals extra
damage to good beings and penetrates the damage
ot outsiders. Pel ene
through the
. ..
veins of all creatures with the Demonic subtype. In
. ?




some of these creatures it runs so strong that they treat
all their natural attacks as though imbued with the fel
weapon property. Some demons even have the ability
to imbue weapons they wield with fel power.
Spells with the [Fell descriptor are harder to resist.
The caster gets a +10 fel bonus on caster level checks
made to penetrate spell resistance, and the DC of
saving throws increases by + 2 .

New Magic Weapon Special Ability
Fel: Upon command, a fel weapon is sheathed in
greenish-yellowflames. The flames do not harm the
hands that hold the weapon. A fel weapon deals + ld6
points of bonus fel damage and penetrates the damage
reduction of all outsiders regardless of the material
normally required to penetrate their DR. In addition,
a fel weapon deals + ld6 points of bonus unholy (evil)
damage against all of good alignment. A fel weapon
bestows one negative level on any good creature
attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as
long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the
weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level
never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be
overcome in any way (including restoration spells)
while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and
slings so enchanted bestow the fel power upon their
m~munitionModerate evocation [lawful and evil]; CL 8th; Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, unholy blight, creator must be
evil, must be forged in the blood of acreature with the
I h ~ n i subtype
Price: + 2 bonus.

Necromancy [Fell
Level: Sor/Wiz ?
Cornwnents: V. S
Casting 'Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch

Living creature touched
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
spellResistance: yes

The caster weakens the resolve of one living creature, leaving the target susceptible to invasion by

demonic forces. The caster then calls forth the spirit
of a doom guard, who attempts to dominate the
subject and possess his body - arising as one of the
doom guard!

Spell Effect
As part of the casting, the caster calls to him the
spirit of a doom guard not yet inhabiting a physical
form. The caster then touches a living humanoid
target, connecting the subject’s spirit to the doom
guard’s spirit and triggering a battle of wills between
the two. The living subject is considered stunned
during this mental contest and must make a Will save
each round to fend off the doom guard’s spirit.
A subject who gets a Will save result of 27 or higher
wins the battle of wills. The spell is negated and the
subject is no longer stunned. If the Will save result is
below 23, the subject loses the battle of wills. O n any
save result in between, the battle ofwills continues for
another round.
Upon losing the battle of wills, the subject’s body
falls under the doom guard spirit’s control. The subject becomes a doom guard (see listing below), with
the only exception being that the subject body’s
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and hit points remain the same. The subject remains trapped in his
own body. He is aware of his surroundings and the
actions that the doom guard takes, but he can take no
actions of his own.
The caster of this spell is not involved in the battle
of wills, and gains no special control over a creature
possessed by a doom guard in this fashion. A doom
guard can relinquish control of the subject at any
time, but doing so returns the doom guard spirit to its
home plane. Otherwise, only wish or mirack can drive
out the doom guard and restore control back to the

Withering Blight
Transmutation [Evil, Fell
Level: Ncr 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Area: 3 0 4 . radius emanating from the point touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No (see text)

Normal plants in the area turn putrid shades of
green and gray. They shrivel and darken as disease
leaves the ground blighted and infectious.

Spell Effect
Normal vegetation within 30 feet becomes sickened and diseased. Living creatures that pass over the
blighted ground are subject to the blight’s infection.
Affected plants cease production of seeds and fruit, if
applicable. Living creatures in contact with blighted
ground at any point during a turn must succeed at a
Fortitude saving throw or contract blight plague.
Spell resistance applies to this effect. All turning
checks to turn undead on blighted ground suffer a -2
profane penalty and turning checks to rebuke undead
gain a +2 profane bonus; spell resistance does not
apply to this effect. Blight plague is a supernatural
disease (damage ld4 temporary Intelligence). Humanoids reduced to Intelligence 0 immediately turn
into an appropriately-sized zombie (see the template
in Chapter Three). Unlike normal diseases, blight
plague continues until the victim reaches Intelligence 0 or receives a remove disease spell or similar

Large Outsider
(Demonic, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)

16d8+?6 (168 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (poor)
35 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 Large breast
Armor Class:
plate, +20 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 34
Base AWGrapple: +16/+2?
+lLarge fe/scimitar+26 melee (ld8+10/
15-20 plus l d 6 fel) or slam +24 melee
(1 d6+?)
Full Attack:
+1 Large felscimitar +26/+21/+16/+11
melee (ld8+10/15-20 plus I d 6 fel) or 2
slams +24 melee (ld6+?)
10 ft./lO ft.
Spell-like abilities, doom stomp
Special Attacks:
Darkvision 60 ft., improvedvision,damSpecial Qualities:
age reduction 15/good, spell resistance
30, demonic traits (frightful presence
DC 22), outsider traits
Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +I5
Bluff +23, Climb+28, Concentration +25,
Intimidate +23, Jump +2?, Listen +24,
Move Silently +20, Search +23, Sense
Motive +24, Spellcraft +23, Spot +24,
Survival +24.
Cleave, Great Cleave, lmproved Critical
(scimitar), lmproved Initiative, Power
Attack, Weapon Focus (scimitar)
Twisting Nether
Solitary or gang (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 15
Standard goods and items, including + I
Large felscimitarand large breastplate;
double coins
Always lawful evil
17-24 HD (Large); 25-48 HD (Huge)
Hit Dice:


Level Adjustment:


The massive, muscular being stands over 12 feet tall
and has red scaly flesh and small dark wings. It wears a
breastplate emblazoned with a bizarre symbol and wields
a mighty scimitar in one hand.

T h e fearsome doomguard once served as
Archimonde's personal escorts. Although they were
often called upon to perform a number of duties for the
Legion, their loyalties lay with him alone. The
doomguard were left to their own devices after
Archimonde's defeat at the World Tree on Mount
Hyjal. They now roam the universe serving as mercenaries for whoeverwill have them. They enjoy wearing
large breastplates emblazoned with the symbol of

Archimonde despite his defeat. They believe he will
one day return to rule them once more.
Despite their appearanceand disposition, doomguard
are sought after for service. These monstrous, fiery
warriors are nearly immune to magic and can defeat
entire armies with their sheer strength alone.

Doomguard begin a battle by sizing up their foes.
They cast deeper darkness if they believe their opponents will not be able to see through it, covering their
actions while they cast additional spells. Fire storm is
their first choice against seemingly powerful opponents who might not be ready with abjurations against
fire. A doomguard will even cast fire storm with itself
in the area, taking advantage of its immunity to fire.
Detect mgic determines ifgreater dispelmgic would be
useful against particular opponents. Doomguard will
cast immolation as soon as possible when facing multiple opponents who may not be immune to the flames
or if opponents may try to use cold attacks against
them. When there is enough time to prepare even
more spells, doomguard cast unholy aura and dispel
good on themselves.
They follow these actions up by wading into melee.
When two or more doomguard work together, one
will engage in melee while the others cast cripple on
potentially dangerous melee foes. After that, they
prefer to split up and engage separate melee targets.
They doom stomp when faced with two or more
opponents in range who might be dazed and knocked
prone by the effect. They almost always doom stomp
when faced with four or more potential targets in
range. (This tactic deals more overall damage than a
full attack, but it is sometimesbetter to use a full attack
against one particularly powerful opponent than to
cause minor damage to all opponents in range.)
If the battle is going poorly, a doomguard will cast
demonic doom on a remaining melee foe. Doomguard
usually try to teleport without enor to disengage once
reduced to below 50 hit points. They cast spells from
a distance while their allies continue the fight. Once
all doomguard are reduced to below 50 hit points they
all tekport without ewor to escape.
If the battle is going well, doomguard take their
time finishing off opponents. They cast unholy blight to
watch and be amused as their foes are sickened by the
Spell-Like Abilities: A t will-blasphemy, cripple",
deeper darkness, desecrate, detect chaos, detect good,
detect mgic, fear, greater dispel magic, immolation, rain
offire*, reudmgic, telekinesis, teleportwithouterror (self
plus maximum load of objects only), tongues (self
only), unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, and wall of
fire; 3/day-~itheringblight; llday-demonicdoom,dis-

pelgood, andfire storm. Caster level 16th;save DC 14
+ spell level.
*Indicates a spell described in the Warcraft RPG.
Doom Stomp (Su): As an attack action, a
doomguard can stomp a hoof on the ground to produce a shockwave that knocks back and dazes creatures.
All Medium and smaller creatures within a 10-foot
radius take ld6+9 points of damage and must make a
DC 27 Fortitude save or be knocked back 5 feet
directlv awav from the doomguard. If that mace is
occupied, the creature automatically falls prone in its
space. Creatures knocked back are dazed for 1 round
and must make a DC 27 Reflex save or fall prone in
their new space. A dazed creature can take no actions
(but defends itself normally).
ImprovedVision (Su):Doomguard continually see
invisibility as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer.


Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day, a
doomguard can summon two barbaru, lemures,


Medium Outsider
(Demonic, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)


8d8+12(52 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (good)

Armor Class:

27(+3Dex,+8natural,+6insight), touch

Hit Dice:

Base AWGapple:
Full Attack:

19, flat-footed 24
Claw+11melee(ld4+6) orspell+ll melee
touch or spell +11 ranged touch
2 claws +11 melee (ld4+6) or spell +11
melee touch or spell +11 ranged touch


5 Ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Dominate, energy drain, summon infernal, spell-like abilities, spells, vampiric
Damage reduction 5/good or silver,
darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, fiendish
defense, spell resistance 14, demonic
traits (frightful presence DC 22), outsider traits
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +14

Special Qualities:



Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Bluff +19, Concentration +13, Diplomacy
+23, Disguise +19, Gather Information
+19, Hide +14, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (the
planes) +18, Listen +17, Move Silently
+14, Search +18, Sense Motive +17,
Spellcraft +18, Spot +17.
lmproved Initiative, Iron Will, Persuasive
Twisting Nether
Solitaryortroupe(1 dreadlordand 6-15

Double Standard
Always lawful evil
9-16 (Medium)


The humanoid's skin is pale as a corpse, while its claws
and horns are displayed in wicked curwes. Leathery batlike wings flare out from his back.

In the nathrezim's eyes, malice is the ultimate gift.
To torment another creature with physical and moral
agony offers something superior to happiness or contentment. Dreadlords prefer to turn their talents to
psychic assault and manipulation, seeking to dissolve
the bonds that unify individuals, groups, and nations
and leave their mortal victims floundering amidst

chaos and decay. A nathrezim-occupied world eventually abandons higher morality as irrelevant to the
context in which its inhabitants find themselves,
joining the dreadlords in their callous worship of the

Although fierce warriors, nathrezim prefer a leadership role, standing behind a wall of ghouls or other
allies and retreating when their enemies press too
close. This is particularly true of the weakernathrezim,
whose magical abilities cannot always prevent their
swift, bloody execution by a determined fighter, wizard, or rogue.
Vampiric Aura (Su): Living creatures hit by a
nathrezim's claw attack gain one negative level. The
Fortitude DC to remove a negative level is 13 + 1 for
every 2 character levels the dreadlord has. The save
DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level
bestowed, the dreadlord gains 5 temporary hit points.
Once per day, a nathrezim may extend this aura to
all undead and demons within a 15-foot radius for 1
round/character level.
Dominate (Su): A dreadlord can crush an
opponent's will just by looking into his eyes. This is
similar to a gaze attack, except that the dreadlord must
use a standard action, and those merely looking at the
dreadlord are not affected. Anyone the dreadlord
targets must succeed on a DC 22 Will save or fall
under the dreadlord's influence as though by a dominate monster spell (caster level 16th). The ability has
a range of 30 feet.
Spell-Like Abilities: A t will-carrion swarm* (DC
23), deeper darkness, detect chaos, detect good, detect
magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects
only), holdmonster (DC23),readmagic,sleep(DC
3/day-plane shift, sending,summonswarm (bats only);
llday-dream, nightmare (DC 2 3 ) . Caster level 12th.
The save DC is Charisma-based.
Spells: A dreadlord knows and casts arcane spells as
an 8th level sorcerer, gaining bonus spells for a high
Charisma score.
Typical Sorcerer Known Spells (6/8/8/7/5,save DC
18 + spell level): O---acid splash, dancing lights, daze,
ghost sound, openlclose,mage hand,prestidigitation, touch
offatigue; 1st-cause fear, chill touch, disguise self, mage
armor, shield; Znd-cripple", detect thoughts, inwisibility;
3rd-clairaudience/clairwoyance, dispel magic; 4thphantasmal killer.
*Indicates a spell described in Chapter Four: Magic
of the Warcraft RPG.
Vampiric Aura (Su): A dreadlord has a vampiric
aura that it can focus on itself or extend around itself
up to a30-foot radius (adjusting the aura's size is a free
action). A dreadlord that strikes with its claw attack
or an ally within this aura gains hit points each time

it deals damage successfully to a creature. The hit
points gained equal the damage inflicted, up to a total
equal to the Hit Dice of the dreadlord or of the ally
(whichever is lower). So, a 10HD ally within an 8 HD
dreadlord's aura can gain no more than 8 hit points per
strike (or fewer if the damage rolled is less than that).
A creature cannot gain more hit points than its
normal maximum.

Fiendish Defense (Ex):Nathrezim receive an insight bonus to their armor class equal to their Wisdom
bonus. This ability does not function in medium or
heavy armor.

Dreadlord Characters
A dreadlord's favored class is rogue.

Eredar Warlock
Huge Outsider (Demonic* Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AttIGapple:
Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


24d8+72 (180 hp)
50 ft. (10 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
26(-2size, +5natural,+4 deflection,+l
21, flat-footed 2 6
'law +27 melee
(1d8+7Plus ld6 and
l d 6 fire)
'IawS+27 melee
(1d8+75Plus ld6
and ld6 fire)
15 ft.115 ft.
Spells, fel strike, summon infernal, spelllike abilities
Darkvision 60 Ft., arcane mastery, chaotic casting, nether spells,
10, damage reduction 15/good, spell resistance 30, demonic traits (frightful
presence DC 26), outsider traits
Fort +17, Ref +16, Will +16
Strength 21, Dex 10, Con 17, lnt 22, Wis
14, Cha 19
Appraise +33, Bluff +31, Concentration
+309 Decipher Script +339 Diplomacy
+33 (+6 Int, 27 ranks), Knowledge (the
planes) +33, Listen +29,Sense Motive
+2?, Spellcraft +35 (+37 to decipher
scrolls), Spot +293,Survival + 2 (+31
when following tracks), Use Magic Device +31 (+33 with scrolls)
Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, lmproved Initiative, ltem Creation
Feat (any one), Lightning Reflexes,
Quicken Spell, "lentspell^ 'pel'
(any one), Still Spell
Twisting Nether
Solitary or troupe (1 advanced eredar?
2-5 eredar)
Double standard
Always chaotic evil
25-48 (Huge); 49-72 (Gargantuan)


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:


world by using radical warlock magics. They consumed all life around them and set out to find more
places of mystical power. The eredar were Sargeras's
first recruits in the Burning Legion, serving as tactical
advisors and intelligence officers. Eredar warlocks are
now counted as some of the greatest sorcerers in the
Preeminence in eredar warlock society depends
almost entirely upon magical power. Those who command the greatest selection of paramount spells (see
below) - and thus in theory the greatest magical
arsenal - rise to higher ranks. Those whose arcane
abilities top out at such pitiful cantrips as wish and
skpechange are grunts and lackeys, scarcely worthy of

Eredar warlocks are spellcasters first. They have
been known to flick their fingers in an enemy's direction, causing flesh, bone, and even steel to flare with
entropic fire. They avoid combat with even an innocuous foe until they can establish a collection of
defensive and self-enhancement spells. Most maintain a mage armor or frost armor effect continuously.
If the enemy seems weak and not worth the expenditure of spells, eredar warlocks wade into combat
with their claws. If the enemy is strong, an eredar
warlock creates an advantage of numbers, summoning
monsters, enchanting his opponents, and using spells
that divide his enemies.
Spells (Sp): Eredar warlocks know and cast arcane
spells as 20th-level sorcerers (save DC 14 + spell
level). They can learn warlock spells and spells from
the Death, Destruction, and Evil domains as sorcerer
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-arcane eye, arcane
lock, arcane mark, contingency, control undead, darkness, detectmagic,detect scrying, dimensiondoor, disguise
self, geaslquest, greater dispel magic, hold monster, dentify, knock, mage armor, major creation, nondetection,
read magic, scrying, sequester,simulacrum, spell turning,
suggestion, true seeing, unseen servant, water breathing;
llday-symbolofpain, gate. Caster level 24th; save DC
14 + spell level.
Chaotic Casting (Ex): Eredar warlocks can substitute fel damage for any elemental damage type when
casting a damaging suell. Treat this ability as a
metamagic effect that does not change the spell's
level. Accordingly, it increases casting time for spells
not already altered with metamagic feats.
Nether Spells (Ex):All eredar warlocks spells
receive the benefits of Extend %ell at no cost. The
eredar warlock can also apply Quicken Spell, Silent
Spell, and Still Spell to any spell from the illusion
school at no Cost - it does not increase the casting


far larger than

The creature is O f
human or orc, with a bulky muscuhr body and a long tail.
sweep back from its
face and
horns sprout from its wide brow.

at the dawn Of the
Eredar were
universe. Some believe that they devoured their own

- - -

time or require a higher spell slot. Eredar warlocks do
not need spell components.
Eredar Warlock Abilities: Advanced eredar warlocks can choose any of the following abilities in place
of a feat:
Craft Vessel ( E x ) : The eredar warlock can imbue an
intelligent creature with magic. This ability functions
as an Item Creation feat that can create use-activated
or spell trigger items. Spell trigger vessels can contain
spells up to 6th level. All vessels are intelligent magic
items and obey the standard rules for such, including
the development of intelligent item abilities and
extraordinary powers. Generally, the eredar warlock
removes the imbued creature's memory of her condition, charmsher to use her new abilities in the warlock's
service, or keeps her caged as a living tool and standard of the Burning Legion.

Paramount Spell ( E x ) : The eredar warlock has mastered a single spell transcending the normal limits of
arcane accomplishment. Such spells are treated as
12th-level spells, and the warlock has one 12th-level
slot for each paramount spell known. Examples include chitteringdeath, whose slow march can devastate
continents, and consumption of the sun, which would
have made the demon Archimonde supreme (requiring simply a suitable power source). There is no
paramount spell without at least one viable countermeasure. In some cases, this countermeasure is as
simple as greater dispel magic; in others, it requires
complex actions or components. A n eredar warlock
can take this ability multiple times.
Swallow Power (Su) :Whenever the eredar warlock's
spell resistance blocks an effect, he recovers a spell of
the same level that he had prepared and then cast. For
example, if his spell resistance protects him against a
lightning bolt, he can recover one of the 3rd-level spells
he previously cast.

Medium Outsider
(Demonic, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)

3d8+? (22 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares)
18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, FlatArmor Class:
footed 16
Base AttIGrapple: +3/+6
Greatsword +7 melee (2d6+4/19-20
plus l d 6 fel) or slam +6 melee (ld4+4)
Greatsword +7 melee (2d6+411'?-20
Full Attack:
plus l d 6 fel) or slam +6 melee (ld4+4)
5 ft.15 ft.
Fel strike, spell-like abilities
Special Attacks:
Damage reduction 51good or silver,
Special Qualities:
darkvision 60 ft., demonic traits (frightful presence DC ll),outsider traits
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 11
Climb +?, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +6,
Jump +'?, Knowledge (nature) +1, Listen
+6, SenseMotive +6, Spot +6, Survival +6
Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Twisting Nether
Solitary, team (2-5), troop (6-11), or
squad (12-21)
Challenge Rating: 3
Always lawful evil
4-6 HD (Medium)
Hit Dice:


Level Adjustment:


Fel Stalker
Fel Stalker

Fel Hunter

Medium Outsider
(Chaotic, Demonic, Evil, Extraplanar)

Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demonic, Evil, Extraplanar)

?d8+18(45 hp)
50 ft. (10 squares)
50 ft. (10 squares)
19 (+2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 17 19 (+2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 17
Armor Class:
Base AWGapple: +6/+13
Claw +13 melee (ld6+7 plus l d 6 fel) or mana
Claw +16melee (ld6+7 and ld6 Fel) or mana burn +11
ranged touch
burn +8 ranged touch
2 claws +13 melee (ld6+7 plus ld6 fel) and
2 claws +16 melee (ld6+7 and ld6 fel) and bite +14 melee
Full Attack:
(ld8+3 and ld6 fel)
bite +11 melee (ld8+3 plus ld6 fel)
5 ft.15 ft.
5 ft./5 ft.
Hit Dice:

6d8+18(45 hp)



Special Attack:
Special Qualities:

Pounce, fel strike, mana burn
Darkvision 60 ft., sense magic, scent, improved
scent, damage reduction 5/good, spell resistance
11, demonic traits (frightful presence DC 12),
outsider traits
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7
Str 24, Dex 15, Con 17, lnt 4, Wis 14, Cha 8
Climb +lo,Hide +ll, Jump +lo,Listen +11, Move
Silently +If, Sense Motive +5, Spot +11, Survival
+1?, Swim +10
Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack


Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Any land or underground
Solitary or pack (2-8)

Pounce, fel strike, mana burn, spell-like abilities
Darkvision 60 ft., sense magic, scent, improved scent,
damage reduction 5/good, spell resistance 13, demonic
traits (frightful presence DC 14), outsider traits
Fort +?, Ref +8,Will +8
Str 24, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10
Climb +11, Concentration +11, Hide +14, Jump +11, Listen
+20, Move Silently +14, Sense Motive +6,Spot +20,
Survival +22, Swim +11
Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Spell Focus
Any land or underground
Solitary or pack (2-8)



Always chaotic evil
7-12 HD (Medium);

Single gold band worth 100 gp
Always neutral evil
10-12 HD (Medium); 13-18 HD (Large)

13-18 HD (Large)


The creature looks vaguely like a hound -though one
with a massive, toothy head that makes up nearly a third
of its length. Great horns jut from above a single eye that
glares furiously from the center of its forehead.

Fel stalkers are the hunting hounds of the pit lords,
starving both for blood and for arcane energy. The
corner of the Twisting Nether that spawned them is a
void, drained of magic and substance and filled with
drifting corpses. Maggot fel stalkers embedded in the
nearby planar substance mature, hunt, and often lay
young before the pit lord rangers find them and train
Fel stalkers have been observed with 2,4, or 6 legs,
which indicates breed rather than power.

Fel stalkers treat spellcasters, particularly arcane
spellcasters, as layered desserts with meat on the


outside and magic on the inside. Less magical characters are worth notice only if they have damaged the fel
stalker in the past round. Fel stalkers generally use
their arcane vortex ability whenever in combat, unless instructed otherwise by their pit lord.
Pounce (Ex):If a fel stalker leaps upon a foe during
the first round of combat, it can make a full attack
even if it has already taken a move action.
Mana Burn (Su): Once every ld4 rounds, the fel
stalker's eye can emit a mana burn effect per the spell
as a sorcerer of a level equal to its HD. (Maw burn is
described in Chapter Four: Magic of the Warcraft

Sense Magic (Su): The fel stalker senses magic as
though continuously under the effects of adetect magic
spell, except the fel stalker immediately receives all
information that would normally take 3 rounds to
receive, and automatically succeeds at all Spellcraft
skill checks to determine the school of magic involved

in each aura. The fel stalker can also track the “scent”
of magic as easily as any normal odor.
Improved Scent (Ex): The fel stalker makes a
Survival check rather than a Wisdom check when
tracking by scent.
Skills: Fel stalkers receive a +4 racial bonus on all
Listen and Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on all
Survival checks.

Fel Hunter
The most intelligent of fel stalkers are selected and
trained specially to hunt spellcasters. They look much
like a normal fel stalker, except for a golden band
placed around one of their horns marking them as

Hit Dice:

Large Construct (Extraplanar)
16d10+30 (118 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares) (can’t run)
28 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +20natural), touch
8, flat-footed 28

Armor Class:

Base Att/Gapple: +12/+25
Slam +20 melee (2d10+? plus 2d6 fire)
2 slams + 2 0 melee (2d10+? plus 2d6

Full Attack

Special Attack.
Special Qualities:


Challenge Rating:
Lave1 Adjustment:

10 ft./lO ft.
Fire aura, heat, burn, meteoric impact
Darkvision 60 ft., magic immunity, damage reduction 15/adamantine, construct
Fort +5,Ref +4, Will +5
Str 28, Dex Q, Con -, lnt -, Wis 11, Cha 1

Any land or underground
Solitary or pack (2-8)

Always neutral
17-32 (Large); 33-48 (Huge)

A n infernal endures on the Material Plane as long
as the summon spell that brought it, for a number of
hours equal to its Hit Dice, or until destroyed (whichever is shortest).
Meteoric Impact (Ex): A summoned infernal appears in the air and slams to the ground with devastating
force. This is handled as per the rain of fire spell (see
Chapter Four: Magic in the Warcraft RPG). The
infernal takes no falling damage from this impact.
Fire Aura (Ex):Infernals bum with intense heat.
All creatures within a 10-foot radius of an infernal
take ld6 points of fire damage each round.
Heat (Ex):Merely touching or being touched by an
infernal automatically deals 2d6 points of fire damage.
Burn (Ex):Those hit by an infernal’s slam attack
must succeed at a DC 18Reflex save or catch fire. The
flames burns for ld4 rounds. A burning creature can
take a move action to put out the flames. Creatures
hitting an infernal with natural weapons or unarmed
attacks take fire damage as though hit by the infernal’s
attack and also catch fire unless they succeed at a
Reflex save.
Magic Immunity (Ex):The infernal is immune to
all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects,
except as follows. Spells and effects with the cold
descriptor slow an infernal (as the spell) for 1 round
per spell level of the spell cast, with no saving throw.
Summoned infernals do not wink out in a magically
created antimagic field.

The creature is of tremendous size, its roughly humanoid and brutish form engulfed in sulfurous flames.

Infernals are hulking brutes engulfed in arcane fire,
entropic manifestations that warlocks conjure forth
from the Nether. Infernals burst through the planar
veil to strike like entropic meteorites, devastating
everything in their impact radius. The infernals then
rise to smash any and all targets in the area. Ripped
from the void and cut off from the sustaining energies
of the Twisting Nether, infernals endure for hours,
perhaps days at most. Still, they can wreak tremendous havoc in that time, acting as engines of pure

An infernal always appears in the air when summoned and falls to earth with meteoric impact (see
below). It then stands and attacks as directed by its
summoner. A n infernal is not terrifically bright, however, and can obey only the simplestof tactical orders.
Even then, it often resorts to the mindless tactic of
attacking the nearest enemy (as defined by its orders)
each round.


wings. He carries a massive warblade in his hands and
wears light plate armor on his scaled torso.

Pit Lord
Huge Outsider
(Chaotic, Demonic, Evil, Extraplanar)


The pit lords are usually nothing more than butchers: brutal killers, occasional torturers, and hunters
that prefer intelligent prey. They are engines of hate
50 ft. (10 squares), fly 40 ft. (poor)
and flame, bred for only one purpose: to destroy
Armor Class:
36 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +5 Huge breast
everything in their path. Occasionally, one rises
Plate-+22 natural)* "at-footed 35
above all others and becomes a leader of the Legion's
Base Att/Gapple: +20/+41
armies. When reproached by mortal paladins or hacked
+lGarPJtuanunholy two-bladedsword
at by heroes defending their towns, the pit lords smile
frost +33 melee
ever more widely. Gore, screams, and suffering prove
17-20 Plus ld6
feland ld6
"Id Or ld6
to them their victory, and the horror and anger of
acid)' Or bite +32 melee
those mortals capable of opposing them serve as the
l d 6 Fel)
Full Attack:
Pit lords have a humanoid head, arms, and torso,
ofacidand frost +31/+26/+21/+16 and
+31 melee (3d6+14/3d6+7/17-20 PIUS although the head has far too many teeth. (More grow
continuously, forming a forest of ivory needles in the
l d 6 fel and l d 6 cold or l d 6 acid) or bite
+32 melee (2d8+1? plus ld6 fel)
pit lord's mouth.) Their waist attaches seamlessly to a
15 ft./lO ft.
headless equine body plated with a flexible, multipart carapace.
Special Attacks:
Spell-like abilities, fel strike, sweeping
cleave, tail sweep, doom stomp, summon
demons, death throes
Darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility, detect
Special Qualities:
Pit lords like melee combat. As long as they stay
magic, rebirth, divination sensitivity, re
alive and give as good as they get, they think having
their guts spilled on the ground and their eyes gouged
good, spell resistance 33, demonic traits
is bracing. It's more fun to do it to someone else,
(frightful presence DC23), outsider traits
of course.
Fort +20,Ref +13, Will +16
Pit lords wade right into battle; the more opponents
better. If the pit lord has a chance to prepare, or if
Bluff +12,Concentration +32, Diplomacy
a great many opponents, it casts haste on itself.
+12, Gather
+31, Knowledge (arcanal
+26, ~
~large numbers
- of enemies to all sides a pit lord
uses its doom stomp, sweeping cleave, and tail sweep
edge (theplanes) +26,Listen +32, Sense
abilities to thin them out. Once the pit lord can focus
Motive +28, Spellcraft +26, Spot +32,
things down to just a few melee opponents, the pit lord
Survival +16
begins full attack actions.
Blind-fight,Cleave, Exotic Weapon ProFeats:
ficiency (two-bladed sword), lmproved
Only after being slain and rising again with its
Critical (two-bladed sword)* Power Atrebirth ability does a pit lord really summon other
tack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
demons and use its spell-like abilities. Pit lords usually
Focus (two-bladed sword)
summon one infernal, but when facing many weaker
Any land or underground
opponents the pit lord summons several fel stalkers
Solitary or pack (2-8)
instead. Pit lords favor their demonic doom, carrion
Challenge Rating: 21
swarm, shockwave, and earthquake spell-like abilities.
Standard goods and items, including +1
Ultimately, apit lord is no fool. When facing defeat,
Gargantuanunholy two-bladedswordof
lord uses tekport without error to escape the fight.
acid and frost and huge breastplate;
is not possible, the pit lord goes out with full
double coins
and centers himself as best he can for
Always chaotic evil
to hopefully take many of his enemies
21-30 (Huge); 31-60 (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment:
Spell-Like Abilities: A t will-bestow curse, b h phemY9 ca~onswarm*,chaos hammer*charm
The hulkingcreature has amassive humanoid torso that
ClairaudienceIclairvoYance, Cripple*, heper darkness,
joins to a tremendous equine body with a f&bk carsdesecrate, detect good, detect law, dimensional anchor,
pace. Monshous tusksjut outfrom his fangedmouth, and
dispelgood, fear, greater dispel ""k haste, immolation*,
a long thick tail thunders behind his huge frame. A mane
magic Circle against good (self only), produce flame!
o f livinqfirerunx down his shine hetwepnzinpwu. lpathprv
Hit Dice:

20d8+160 (250 hp)



pyrotechnics, rain of fire*, read magic, shockwave", telekinesis, teleport without error (self plus maximum load
of objects only), tongues (self only), unhallow, unholy
aura, unholy blight, wall of fire, and withering blight; 3/
d a y A m o n i c doom, earthquake, andgate. Caster level
20th; save DC 13 + spell level.
*Indicates a spell described in Chapter Four: Magic
of the Warcraft RPG.
Sweeping Cleave (Su): As an attack action, a pit
lord can swing his Gargantuan two-bladed sword in a
tremendous 180-degree arc in front of himself. All
creatures within 15 feet on that half of the battle field
take 3d6+ 14 points of damage (Reflex DC 33 half).
Tail Sweep (Su): A pit lord can sweep with his tail
as an attack action. The sweep affects a half circle with
a diameter of 15 feet, centered on his rear. Medium
creatures and smaller within the swept area are affected. The sweep automatically deals 2d8+6 points of
damage. Affected creatures can attempt DC 33 Reflex
saves to take half damage.

DoomStomp (Su): Asafullattackaction,apitlord
can stomp on the ground to produce a shockwavethat
knocks back, stuns, and dazes creatures. All Large and
smaller creatures within a 10-foot radius take ld8+ 13
points of damage and must make a DC 33 Fortitude
save or be knocked back 5 feet directly away from the
pit lord. If that space is occupied, the creature automatically falls prone in its space. Creatures knocked
back are stunned for 1 round and then dazed for 1
round, and must make a DC 33 Reflex save or fall
prone in their new space. A stunned creature loses its
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) and can take no
actions. Foes gain a +2 bonus to hit stunned characters. Adazed creature can take no actions (but defends
itself normally).
Summon Demons (Su): Once per day, a pit lord
can automatically summon 1 infernal or 2d4 fel stalkers. Demons summoned remain for 20 rounds.
Death Throes (Su): When a pit lord is slain for
good (within the time limit of his rebirth ability), he

explodes in a blinding flash of light that deals 50
points of damage to all creatures within 100 feet
(Reflex DC 23 half).
See Invisibility (Su):Pit lords continuously see as
though under the effects of a see invisibility spell.
Detect Magic (Su): Pit lords continuously see
magic auras as though under the effects of a detect
mgic spell.
Rebirth (Su): When a pit lord is slain, it immediately rises again as though the target of a touch of life
spell (see Chapter Four: Magic in the Warcraft RPG),
but the effect is permanent. This ability cannot be
used again for 20 rounds, so if the pit lord is slain again
in that time period then he remains dead.
Divination Sensitivity (Su): A pit lord is automatically aware of anyone observing it through a
magical sensor. In turn, it can see and hear the caster.
If it so desires, a pit lord may step through the sensor
into the presence of the caster, accompanied by any
willing allies within 30 feet.
Skills: Pit lords gain a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate, Listen, and Spot checks.

Pit Lord Characters
Pit lords favor the barbarian class. Pit lord barbarians have equipment appropriate to anNPC barbarian
of their ECL.

Strong demons - the heroes of their kind - can
corrupt individuals, tribes, or even whole species. The
victims must drink of the demon’s blood. This act
begins a transformation, taking anywhere from years
to generations to millennia, that converts the creatures and their descendants into demons. Those who
have begun but not completed this process are tainted

Sample Tainted Creature
This example uses an orc as the base creature,
adding a monstrous form.

Hit Dice:

Tainted, OK:
Large Monstrous Humanoid
(Augmented Orc)
6d8+24(51 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

13 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +2 natural, +3 stud
ded leathermw), touch 8, flat-footed 13
A t t k a p p l e : +4/+14
Falchion +11 melee (2d4+9/18-20) or
Armor Class:

Full Attack:

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:



Falchion +11 m’elee (2d4+9/18-20) or
javelin +O ranged (ld6+9) or bite +6
melee (ld8+9)
10 ft./lO Ft.
Monstrous form, battle rage, human foe
Darkvision 60 Ft., low-light vision, resistancetoacid 10,cold 10, andelectricity 10, unnatural fury, weapon Familiarity
(orcish claws of attack).
Fort +9,Ref +1, Will +1
Str 24, Dex 9, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Handle Animal (wolf) +1, Hide -4, Intimidate t3, Jump +7, Listen +1, Move
Silently +0, Spot +2, Swim +6
Alertness, Power Attack, Martial
Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe)’,
Weapon Focus (falchion)
Temperate hills

Challenge Rating: 7
Always chaotic evil
7-12 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +?

The creature looks much like an orc but of massivesize,
standingperhaps 8 feet tall. Its green skin is mottled with
gray and its dark hair hangs in thick tangles. Its eyes shine
with a crazed, savage light.


Orcs once cultivated a shamanistic society upon
the dying world of Draenor. Then the dark magics of
the Burning Legion corrupted them. Lured to the
world of Azeroth through a dimensional gateway,
they were manipulated into waging war against humannations. Recently,most orcs threw off the shackles
of demonic influence and now strive to recover their
lost heritage. Some orcs remain under the thrall of the
Burning Legion, however, to the point where they are
twisted into mockeries of their former selves.

Oraappear toother races as a barbaricand brutal people,
but they are proud and noble in their way. Those subject to
demonic taint give vent to their brutish ways, however.
Battle Rage (Ex):A tainted orc can channel his warrior
furyto become truly fearsomein combat. This is considered
aracial abilityand works almostexactly like the barbarian’s
rage (PHB,Chapter3:Classes).Theonlydistinctionisthat
the orc can normally fly into a rage once each day. If the
tainted orc is of a class that provides a similar rage ability
(such as the barbarian class), the orc’s racial battle rage
allows him to rage one additionaltime that day. Regardless,
a tainted orc may rage only once per encounter.
Human Foe (Ex): A tainted orc gains a +1 racial
bonus on attack rolls against humans.
Monstrous Form (Ex):The tainted orc has swelled
in size due to the Burning Legion’s corruption. He is
now considered a Large creature.
Unnatural Fury (Ex):Anger rules the tainted orc’s
heart. Attempts to use Diplomacy or Intimidation to
influence his attitude suffer a -5 circumstance penalty,
and he gains a + 1morale bonus on saves against fear and
charm effects.
Skills: A tainted orc has a +2 racial bonus on
Handle Animal (wolf) and Intimidate checks.

Creating ATainted Creature
“Tainted” is an inherited template that can be
added to any humanoid, monstrous humanoid, fey, or
giant (hereafter referred to as the base creature). A
tainted creature uses all the base creature’s statistics
and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to monstrous humanoid. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit
Dice, base attack bonus, or saves. Size is unchanged.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
Special Attacks: A tainted creature retains all the
specialattacks of the base creature and may also gain one
of the following abilities. All tainted creatures deriving
from the same pact gain the same ability. GMs can
create alternate abilities, adjusting the CR accordingly.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-a specific arcane spell of
1st level, cast as a sorcerer of the tainted creature’sHD.
Monstrous Form ( E x ) : The creature’s size increases
one category, using the rules in Chapter 4: Advancing
Monsters the MM. This size increase changes the
creature’sabilities and natural armor. It adds one attack
(claw, bite, or gore) to its natural weapon sequence.
In addition, tainted creatures who have recently
consumed the blood of a very strong demon gain the
following special attack.
Fel Damage (Su) : All of a tainted creature’s attacks
do fel damage, including attacks made with weapons.
Fel damage bypasses damage resistance.
Special Qualities: A tainted creature retains all the
special qualities of the base creature. It also gains
darkvision out to 60 feet and resistance to acid 10,cold
10, and electricity 10. Finally, it may gain one of the
following qualities. All tainted creatures deriving from
the same pact gain the same quality. GMs can create
alternate qualities, adjusting the CR accordingly.
Arcane Defense ( E x ) : The tainted creature has spell
resistance equal to 6 + its Hit Dice.
UnnaturalFury (Ex) :Anger rules the creature’sheart.
Attempts to use Diplomacy or Intimidation to influence its attitude suffer a -5 circumstance penalty, and
the creature gains a + 1 morale bonus on saves against
fear and charm effects.
D q e Reduction(Ex) :The tainted creaturehasdamage
reduction 5/magic. If the base creature already has damage
reduction, choose the better of the two values.
Blindsight ( E x ) : The tainted creature has a demonic
awareness of the physical world, giving it blindsight out
to 60 feet.
Immunities ( E x ) :The tainted creature is immune to
fire and poison.
Additional Movement ( E x ) : The tainted creature
gains either a flight speed equal to its normal speed
(averagemaneuverability), a swim or land speed equal
to its normal speed, or a burrow speed of 10 feet.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con +2.
Skills: Same as the base creature.
Feats: Same as the base creature.
Environment: Same as the base creature.
Organization: Same as the base creature, or a
troupe serving an appropriate demon.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +l.
With fel damage, same as the base creature +2.
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
Alignment: Always evil (any).
Advancement: Same as base creature.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +3.

Undead in the world of Azeroth are very different
from the undead of other worlds. They are intelligent,
able to communicate and prepare for battle with
tactics, and they are created not by magic but through
the invasion of a metamagical plague that affects the
body and the soul. In effect, the plague is both magical
and natural, affecting the living and the dead both
with equal malice. It is not a necessary component in
the rising of all undead, as any competent necromancer can still magically create undead. Furthermore,
the blight is primarily a thing of the Scourgeand is not
found among the common workings of other necromancers. Undead not of the Scourgedo not necessarily
come from it, and undead can rise completelywithout
any assistance from the blight.
This plague, however, works on corpses as well as
living beings, reanimating the biological functions
and restoring a crude “life” to uninhabited bodies.
These animate corpses and plague-ridden life forms
can be controlled and dominated by more powerful
undead and form rudimentary social structures on
their own.
Shunned by the races they once lived among, the
undead join together out of solidarity and unity caused
by their unhappy state. Where no one else will take
them in or give them succor, other undead are willing
to work with them and create a new society for undead
alone. Yet as this plague rots the body it also rots the
mind, instilling a lack of morality and a defiance of
ordinary social customs. In short, the longer one is
undead, the more evil one becomes until no trace of
the original personality is left within the fallen individual.
While the plague initially turns the living into
zombie-likecaricatures of themselves, necromancers
are quite capable of using spell-like effects to control
and manipulate the disease, shifting the afflicted into
a far more powerful state. This shifting results in
ghouls, crypt fiends, and other such beasts. Through
manipulation, the necromancers engineer powerful
undead minions, and new forms of mutated undead
can arise at any time.
One side effectof the plague is that it blights plants,
local wildlife, and other vegetative life as well as
contaminates animal matter; with but a little exposure, the plague turns verdant pastures into blackened
chaff. The plague is spread through such vegetable
matter, communicating itself into an animal’s blood
system when it ingests the contaminated foodstuffs.
In this manner, the plague swept through Lordaeron
via infected wheat, devastating several main population centers and blackening the entire landscape.
The plague spreads easily and with devastating
results. The Lich King placed agreat amount of energy
into artifacts known as plague cauldrons, designed to
contain the energies of the plague and distribute the

infection among the living. The members of the Cult
of the Damned protected the cauldrons, and the plot
was highly successful. Within a few months, the
plague seeped across Lordaeron and contaminated
the land. This effect was known as the Scourge: the
sweeping of the dead into the Lich King’s hand. Soon,
it will continue throughout all the lands of Azeroth,
and the Scourge would represent only the beginning.

Undead Types
The world at large knows little about the distinctions among undead,but differencesdo exist. Following
are the different categories of undead encountered on
Azeroth: Damned, Independent, Monstrous Scourge,
and Scourge. Each is both a category of reference and
a creature type. Templates for Damned, Independent,
and Scourge undead are provided below in the Templates section of this chapter.

Because of the means through which the undead
plague is spread, some individuals have begun to form
death cults, using the plague as a weapon and as a holy
ritual. They worship and idolize the state of being
undead, granting it only to their most trusted and
valued members after long initiation. They see undeath
as immortality, and they call themselves the Cult of
the Damned. Led by a powerful archmage named
Kel’Thuzad,of the magical nation Dalaran, the Cult
of the Damned has achieved great prominence and
Acolytes of the Cult of the Damned -who are also
called simply “the Damned” - are promised eternal
life and complete equality beneath the iron fist of
Kel’Thuzad and the Lich King. In exchange, they
serve the temple and proffer their magic and their
souls to the power of the Cult. Their faith in the Light
is perverted into an utter belief in Darkness, and they
offer fanatic loyalty to their leaders and to their

Independent Undead
Not all undead on Azeroth fall under the auspices
of the Scourge.Some undead resisted the command of
the Lich King or his minions, while others arose
through individual circumstances. Although they have
no direct ties to the Scourge, such monsters are no less

Monstrous Scourge
Some creatures of the Scourge are not technically
undead, but instead are monstrous constructions created by the science and magical experimentation of
the acolytes and necromancers following Ner’zhul.
These are constructed creatures fashioned by the

perverse experimentation of the Lich King’sfollowers
and do not occur in any natural fashion.
Monstrous members of the Scourge are not particularly intelligent, having been created from the leftover
pieces of enemies and friends alike. They are, however, very loyal and almost fanatically devoted to
whatever task is appointed to them. These creatures
are not truly individuals, having little will of their own
other than that given to them on creation or through
the current descriptions given in their orders.

The horrifying undead army called the Scourge
consists of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied
spirits, damned mortal humanoids, and insidious extra-dimensional entities. These undead are gathered
together both through like-mindedness and through
a singular lack of mind- as well as a drive created and
implanted by the Lich King’s loyal servitors. The
Scourge is loosely held together, a strange conglomerate between the ravening beasts and the purposeful
necromancer tacticians. They are an army, yes, but
they are also a horde.
The Burning Legion created the Scourge for the
sole purpose of sowing terror across the world in
anticipation of the Legion’s inevitable invasion.
Ner’zhul, the Lich King, who rules over the icy realm
ofNorthrend from the Frozen Throne, commands the
undead. His legions are kept beneath the iron control
of lesser necromancers and undead kings, guarding
their territory and leading the armies to conquer more
land. With the plague cauldrons, they have an almost
inexhaustible supply of fresh recruits, gathered one by
one from the fallen enemies upon the battlefields.
With each death, the Scourge grows more powerful
even as its enemies are weakened and exhausted.
A t the ultimate apex of command, the Lich King
Ner’zhul rules over the terrible plague of undeath,
which he sends ever southward into the human lands.
As the plague encroaches on the southlands, more
and more humans fall prey to Ner’zhul’s mental control and life-draining sickness every day. In this way,
Ner’zhul has swelled the ranks of the already considerable Scourge. Though Ner’zhul and his Undead
Scourge are bound to the will of the Burning Legion,
the Lich King constantly strives to free himself and
gain vengeance upon the demons for damning him so
The undead are a dangerous enemy, led by clever
necromancers and capable of employing incredible
strength and unyielding stamina against their living
opponents. Although small groups of undead are not
particularly difficult to deal with, their true strength
lies in the overwhelming numbers they can reach
when left to their own devices - that, and their
complete resistance to sleep and pain. The leaders of

and seeded a deep hatred for all life. Yet whenNer’zhu1
the Lich King became aware of them, he gathered
them together and promised them vengeance upon
the living. Ner’zhul gave them terrible voices so that
the living would finally hear their timeless anguish.
Thus, the banshees have pledged themselves to the
undead cause and serve as valuable warriors in the
Scourge.The spectral banshees can fly and are fond of
hammering their enemies with blasts of sonic force.
Their unnerving, unholy screams can be heard from
miles away. Today, females of many races have become banshees (and a few males, as well, though they
are exceptionally rare).
Banshees are living embodiments of dark emotions:
hatred, loneliness, agony, and despair. They parade
their emotions upon their very spirits, decorating
themselves with the eternal embellishments of each
of these dark vices. With their voices, they call out
similar feelings in their prey, dividing the prey’s soul
and bringing out the darkest aspects of its personality.
They drown their victim in these evil recollections,
perverting their memories and twisting their spirits
until they cause an intense mental agony.
Banshees are relatively rare and difficult to produce; even the Lich King does not truly know what
causes a banshee to be produced among his minions.
It is some supernatural perversion or imbalance of the
soul that sheds its mortal shell and walks forth as one
of these spectral beings. They are enigmatic, speaking
in riddles and refusing to answer direct questions, but
their loyalty to Ner’zhul seems unquestionable.

Creating a Banshee
“Banshee” is an acquired template that can be
added to any humanoid creature (referred to hereafter
as the base creature). A banshee uses all the base
creature’s statistics and special abilities except as
noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the incorporeal
subtype. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become
Speed: Banshees have a fly speed of 30 feet, unless
the base creature has a higher fly speed. Banshees have
perfect maneuverability.
Armor Class: Natural armor is the same as the base
creature, but applies only to ethereal encounters.
When a banshee loses its invisibility (see Special
Qualities, below), its natural armor value is +0, but it
gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier or +I, whichever is higher.
Attack: A banshee retains all the attacks of the base
creature, although those relying on physical contact
do not affect creatures that are not incorporeal.
Full Attack: A banshee retains all the attacks of the
base creature, although those relying on physical
contact do not affect creatures that are not incorporeal.
Damage: Against incorporeal creatures, a banshee
uses the base creature’s damage values. Against
nonincorporeal creatures, the banshee usually cannot
deal physical damage at all but can use its special
attacks, if any, when it loses its invisibility (see Special Qualities, below).
Special Attacks: A banshee of the Scourge is similar to the standard ghost as detailed in the MM. A
banshee retains all the special attacks of the base
creature, although those relying on physical contact
do not affect nonincorporeal creatures. Since the
Warcraft universe has no Ethereal Plane, the banshee
does not gain the manifestation ability; it can, though,
choose two of the special attacks described in the MM
ghost template (see Chapter 1: Monsters A to Z of the
MM), with the exception of the malevolence ability.
They also gain the following abilities:
Banshee’sCurse (Su): This ability is similar to dispel
magic, removing all spells affecting a banshee’s enemies. T h i s ability includes spells t h a t are
instantaneous positive effects, as well as those that
provide a protective aura on the individual. It does
not alter healing spells, but will remove other instantaneous alterations. When the banshee targets an
individual with this ability with a melee touchittack,
the target must make a Will save versus a DC of 10 +
1/2 the banshee’s HD + the banshee’s Charisma
modifier to negate the attack’s effects.
Wither (Su): When a banshee makes a successful
melee touch attack on an opponent, its touch withers
and draws the life out of its victim. The victim must
succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or suffer ld3 points
of permanent Constitution drain. Further, if a banshee maintains this contact for 3 uninterrupted rounds,
it begins to siphon away its opponent’s memories and
replace them with horrifying and twisted versions of
the original events. These memories will be as real as
if they had been lived and will haunt the recipient

with the “knowledge” of his actions. They are brutal
and cruel, twisting actual events through a distorted
view of agony, hatred, or other negative emotions. A
man might remember the first time meeting his wife
as though the event had scarred him or as though he
had done something awful to her. Large tracts of
memory can be effectively “rewritten,” forcing the
target to remember life as if he were the banshee. This
distortion of memory and emotion can alter a subject
permanently and even change his loyalties, personality, or alignment to match those of the banshee.
Unholy Blessing (Su): As a standard action, a banshee can activate
this ability, which
grants its allies
withinal5footra- 4
dius + 2 turn /
resistance, which
stacks withany other turn
resistance modifiers. The
effects last for a number
of rounds equal to t h e
banshee’s Hit Dice.
Hideous Possession (Su) :
This most powerful ability n
only gives the banshee greater control of her enemies, but also
provides the banshee a final respite from her disembodied form.
A banshee may attempt to dominate an individual she is touching,
actually displacing the soul of her
target. This domination permanently places the banshee’s spirit
within the individual thus affected.
At this point, the banshee is no longer
a banshee, but instead becomes a corpo- 11
real form of undead (exact type to be
determined at the GM’s discretion), with 7
the Hit Dice and abilities of her new body. 7
The banshee must make a successful melee touch
attack on an opponent, and the opponent then
makes a
Of lo
‘I2 the
banshee’s HD + the banshee’s Charisma modifier.
Whether this attack is successful or not, the banshee
is destroyed; if it is successful, the banshee is transmitted into the target body, whichbecomesthe permanent
home of the banshee’s spirit.
Special Qualities: If the base creature had the wild
empathy ability, it loses it upon becoming a banshee
(animals instinctively hate the undead). It otherwise
retains all the special qualities of the base creature, the
special qualities of the MM ghost, and gains the
Invisibility (Su):A banshee can become invisible at
will. Doing so requires a move action and there is no



limit to the duration. The banshee must concentrate
to remain invisible, applying a -2 circumstance penalty to skill checks while invisible. Otherwise, this
ability functions as per the spell - for instance, the
invisibility ends when the banshee attacks.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Wis +4,Cha +2. As an undead creature, a
banshee has no Constitution score; as an incorporeal
creature, it has no Strength score.
Skills: The banshee receives a +8 rac
Hide, Listen, Search, and Spot checks. It loses all
ranks in Handle t
dealing with normal animals.
since such beasts instincti

Level Adjustment: Same
as the base creature +5.

Atk+5; Grp +5;HCK incor
,d3 Con
banshee’s curse,
rejuvenation, +4turn resist
Scourge traits, undead traits; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +7,Will c4;
Str -, Dex 15, Con -, lnt 16, Wis 15, Cha 12.

Languages Spoken: Common, Elven, Gnome, Ignan.
Skius: Appraise +13, Balance +12, Climb +5, Craft
(alchemy) +5,craft(fletchhg)+lo,h i p h e r s r i p +12,
Disable &vice +13,Hide +20, Listen +11,Move Silently
+2, Profession (hunter) +11,Search +12, Sense Motive
+12, Spot +8,Tumble +12,UseRope +12.
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Initiative.

Crypt Fiend (Scourge)
Crypt fiends are large, mummified creatures who
appear to be a cross between humans and insects. Four
spindly arachnid limbs support their lower bodies,
with two upper limbs acting as arms. Their heavily
bandaged torsos are human in form. Some races call
them “spider crawlers,” others refer to them as “terrors,” but the crypt fiends care little what names they
The original crypt fiends, the first to navigate
successfully the difficult and dangerous transmutation, were ancient lords of the spider kingdom of
Azjol-Nerub. This powerful nation spanned the entirety of Northrend. In its time, it enslaved many
other kingdoms and dominated with an iron fist. The
crypt fiend lords ruled over their spider-like race,
called nerubians. When the original undead Scourge
appeared, the nerubians turned their armies against
Ner’zhul. Although the spider creatures were powerful andunrelenting, the undead host had the advantage
of a limitless army created from the corpses of the
dead. With this strength, Ner’zhul’s minions conquered Azjol-Nerub and subjugated its last living
As the nerubian empire was dismantled, the remnants were scattered and the dead were raised as

minions of Ner’zhul. The Lich King destroyed the
power base of the crypt fiend lords, and he and his
undead Scourge took control of the frozen continent.
Even then, the surviving nerubians rebelled, immune
as they were to the Lich King’s psychic influence. In
doing so, the crypt fiends became the very thing they
struggled against. Now the crypt fiends command
their reanimated spider-like underlings in the name of
the Lich King’s dark kingdom. Should the psychic
bonds holding the animated bodies to his will be
broken, the crypt fiends will assuredly rebel.
Crypt fiends prefer not to engage in direct combat
if at all possible. They will summon hordes of spiders
to do their bidding for them, using these arachnids to
swarm over the enemies. If there is an opponent that
their spiders cannot reach, they will use their webbing
to bring it to the ground and finish it off.
The base creature for a crypt fiend is always a
nerubian (See Chapter One: Creatures of Azeroth).
No other races should take this template without the
GM’s permission.

Creating a Crypt Fiend
“Crypt fiend” is an acquired template that can be
added to any nerubian (referred to hereafter as the
base creature). Acrypt fiend uses all the base creature’s
statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to
Speed: Crypt fiends gain an additional climb speed
of 30 feet.
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor
bonus increases by +3.
Attack: A crypt fiend retains all the attacks of the
base creature.
Full Attack: A crypt fiend retains all the attacks of
the base creature.
Special Attacks: A crypt fiend retains all the
special attacks of the base creature (see nerubian in
Chapter One) and also gains the following.
Spider Summons ($1 :Five times a day, a crypt fiend
can summon a small horde of poisonous spiders to
attack its enemies. This ability acts much as though
casting a summon monster spell, but it will automatically call up 10-100 (ld10 x 10) small spiders. These
spiders attack in packs of 10, and for the purposes of
mechanics, a single pack of 10 summoned spiders is
equal to one Small monstrous spider (see Chapter 3:
Vermin in the MM). Summoning the small spiders
requires a full-round action, and the effect last for a
number of rounds equal to the crypt fiend’s Hit Dice.
Special Qualities: If the base creature had the wild
empathy ability, it loses it upon becoming a crypt
fiend (animals instinctively hate the undead). It otherwise retains the special qualities of the base creature,
except for frozen mind.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +2, Dex +4, Cha -2. Being undead, a crypt
fiend has no Constitution score.
Skills: Crypt fiends receive a +4 racial bonus to
Bluff, Move Silently, and Sense Motive checks. The
crypt fiend loses all ranks in Handle Animal and Ride
when dealing with normal animals, since such beasts
instinctively hate the undead.
Feats: Crypt fiends gain the Alertness and Dodge
feats, assuming the base creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.
Environment: Any cold or cold underground.
Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (2-4).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature + 1.
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Always evil.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2.

Sample Crypt Fiend
The gruesome creature has aspider-like face, a humanoid torso, and an arachnid abdomen. Its form is bound
with complex layers of bandages and wrappings.
Vasilii, male nerubian crypt fiend FtrQ/Sor5:CR 19; Large
undead (augmented aberration, Scourge); HD 14d12, hp 91; lnit
+8; Spd 40 Ft., climb 30 Ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 14; Base
Atk +14: GrD +23: Atk +1MedIumareatsword+20melee (2d6+6/
+20/+15/+10 melee (2d6+6/f7-20) or masterworL short bow
+18/+13/+8 ranged (ld6/x3) or bite +18 melee (ld8+7 plus
poison); SA poison, web, spider summons, spells; SQ darkvision
60 ft., resistance to cold 5, Scourge traits, undead traits; AL CE;
SV Fort +8,ReFcS, Will +11; Str 20, Dex 18, Con -, Int 13, Wis
10, Cha 17.
Languages Spoken: Common, Orc.
Skills: Bluff +7, Climb +22, Concentration +5,
Craft (weaponsmithing) +6, Hide +8, Intimidate
+12, Jump +20, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Listen +7,
Move Silently +8, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +8,
spot +11.
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Alertness, Combat
Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical
(greatsword),Improved Initiative, Leadership,Quick
Draw, Silent Spell, Weapon Focus (greatsword).
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/4; save DC 13 + spell
level): Odancing Eights, daze, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, r e d magic; Ist-chill touch, shield, sleep;

The forsaken are humans transformed into the
undead, with all the powers associated with the
Scourge. They serve the Banshee Queen, Sylvanas,
looking to her as their savior for delivering them from
the Lich King’s mental dominance. The forsaken
dwell within the bowels of the ruins of Lordaeron’s
capital city, which they have taken to calling the
Undercity. Dedicated to seek vengeance upon the
Scourge for damning them to their condition, they
strive to undermine the Scourge’s control of Lordaeron.
The forsakenare limited in their ability to reinforce
their numbers, having no necromancers among their
kind. Instead, these fearless undead warriors are comprised mostly of fighters and warlocks dedicated to
building a culture of their own amidst a world that
hates and fears them.

Creating a Forsaken
“Forsaken” is a template that can be added to any
human character (referred to hereafter as the base
creature). A forsaken uses all the base creature’s
statistics and special abilities except as noted here.


Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to

Speed: Same as the base creature.
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor
bonus improves by + 1.
Attack: Same as the base creature.
Full Attack: Same as the base creature.
Special Attacks: A forsaken retains all the special
attacks of the base creature, and gains the following.
Frenzy ( E x ) : The forsaken can fly into a blood
frenzy that increases its combat potential significantly. When it does this, it gains phenomenal strength
and speed, but becomes reckless. The forsaken temporarily gains an additional attack per round equal at 1/
4 of his highest attack modifier (round up), as well as
a +2 bonus to Strength. Yet the forsaken also suffers a
4 penalty to its Armor Class, as it is no longer using
any type of strategy. This effect lasts for 10 rounds.
Special Qualities: A forsaken retains all the special
qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.
Immunities ( E x ) : Immune to disease, mind-affecting attacks, paralysis, and sleep. The forsaken may
also manifest other temporary immunities, such as to
cold, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
Fearless ( E x ) : A forsaken gains a +4 morale
bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
Turn Resistance ( E x ) : A forsaken has +4
turn resistance.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Forsaken gain a +2 bonus to
Strength and a-2 bonus to Dexterity. If these changes
drop an ability score below the minimum needed for
a feat or other feature, the forsaken loses the use of
those features. As an undead creature, a forsaken
has no Constitution score.
Skills: Normal animals instinctively and violently hate forsaken, so forsaken lose all ranks
in Handle Animal.
Environment: Any.
Organization: Solitary, pair, troupe (2-9, or camp
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature + 1.
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Usually evil.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature + 1.

Sample Forsaken
The woman’s body is twisted and deformed, as if by
some crippling ailment. There is no hiding the sores that

riddle her rotting skin.
Hermidia, female human FtrL CR 4; Medium undead (augmented humanoid, Scourge) (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 3d12, hp 19; Init
+O; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14; BaseAtk+3; Grp
+5; Atk masterwork longsword +7 melee (ld8+2/14-20) or
dagger+5 melee(ld4+2/19-20); FullAtkmasterworklongsword
t 7 melee(ld8+2/1?-2O)ordagger+5 melee(ld4+2/19-20) or
longbow +3 ranged (ld8/x3); SQ darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
disease, mind-affecting attacks, paralysis, and sleep, undead
traits,fearless, turnresistance4;ALNE; SVFort+5, Ref+l, Will
+O; Str 15, Dex 10, Con -, lnt 9, Wis 9, Cha 13.

Languages Spoken: Common.
Skills: Jump +8, Ride +6.
Feats: Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword).
Possessions: Masterwork longsword, studded leather

Ner’zhul’s followers any trouble keeping them
dominated. These creatures are extremely vengeful,
expending their rage upon any opponent they can
find and using their ghostly powers to shred any
opposition and break any unfortunate soul that crosses
their path.

Creatinga Ghost
Use the ghost template inchapter 1:Monsters A to
Z of the MM. The details below indicate only where
a Warcraft ghost has additions to or differs from the
ghost template as presented in the MM.
Attack: A ghost retains all the attacks of the base
creature, although those relying on physical contact
do not affect creatures that are not incorporeal.
Full Attack: A ghost of Azeroth retains all the
attacks of the base creature, although those relying on
physical contact do not affect creatures that are not
Damage: Against incorporeal creatures, a ghost
uses the base creature’s damage values. Against
nonincorporeal creatures, the ghost usually cannot
deal physical damage at all but can use its special
attacks, if any, when it loses its invisibility (see Special Qualities, below).
Special Attacks: A ghost retains all the special
attacks of the base creature, although those relying on
physical contact do not affect nonincorporeal creatures. The ghost gains one to three special attacks as
described in the MM, as well as the special attacks
described below. It does not gain the manifestation

creature and counts as an unarmed attack. Resisting
the stun effect requires a Fortitude save. The stun lasts
for 3 rounds.
Special Qualities: A ghost retains all the special
qualities of the base creature and gains those described
in the MM as well as those described below. Remember that the Warcraft universe has no Ethereal Plane,
so a ghost does not gain the manifestation ability.
Instead, it is considered incorporeal (see the sidebar,
“Warcraft and the Ethereal Plane”).
Invisibility (Su): A ghost can become invisible at
will. Doing so requires a move action and there is no
limit to the duration. The ghost must concentrate to
remain invisible, applying a -2 circumstance penalty
to skill checks while invisible. Otherwise, this ability
functions as per the spell -for instance, the invisibility ends when the ghost attacks.
Necromancy Resistance ( E x ) : A ghost is an independent, completelynon-physical creature, and therefore
its mind is less easily controlled by necromantic spells
from the Material Plane. The ghost gains an additional +4bonus to saves whenresistingundead-specific
spells such as control undead.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Skills: Ghosts receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide,
Listen, Search, and Spot Checks. Normal animals
instinctively and violently hate them, so ghosts lose
all ranks in Handle Animal.
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +3.

The being is clad in simple gaments, though her
translucent form makes it difficult to see details of what
she wears and carries.
Marijah, female human ghost Sct5: CR 8; Medium undead
(augmented humanoid, incorporeal) (5 Ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d12, hp
32; lnit +l; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 13; Base Atk
+3; Grp +5; Atk incorporeal touch +4 melee or +5 against
incorporeal foes (ld6 or ld6+2 against incorporeal foes), or
masterwork short sword + 6 melee (ld6+2/14-20) or masterwork shortbow +5ranged (ld6/x3); Full Atk incorporeal touch
+4 melee or +5 against incorporeal foes (ld6 or ld6+2 against
incorporeal Foes), or masterwork short sword + 6 melee (ld6+2/
17-20) or masterworkshortbow +5ranged(ld6/x3); SA Frightful
moan, corrupting touch, stunningattack; SQTrack, naturesense,
wild healing, woodland stride, trackless step, uncanny dodge,
trap sense +1, rejuvenation, + 4 turn resistance, invisibility,
necromancy resistance; AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref +5,Will +2; Str
14, Dex 12, Con -, lnt 14, Wis 12, Cha 17.

Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Giant.
Skills:Climb+lO (+12withropes),Hide+17,Jump
+lo, Knowledge (nature) +12, Listen +19, Search
+18, Spot +19, Survival +11 (+13 following tracks),
Use Rope +9.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, TrackB.
Possessions: M a s t a ~ o r kshort sword, master~ork
short bow, 20 arrows.

Ghoul of the Scourge
Ghouls are the main forces of the undead Scourge.
They are vicious creatures, retaining little of their
humanity. The plague has torn away most of their
memories, leaving only hunger and basic survival
instincts in their place. Ghouls are feral and animalistic and are often considered to be the lowest form of
While generally humanoid in appearance, a ghoul
is easy to recognize on the battlefield by its pallor,
hunched-over posture, and feral face. Even those who
were close to the individual in life have difficulty
recognizing their loved one; the transformation removes most vestiges of humanity as well as identifying
features of voice and body structure.
Ghouls of the Scourge are strong fighters, but they
are not particularly tough. Their ability to regenerate,
coupled with cannibalizing the dead, makes them far
tougher opponents than they may seem. Because of
their limited intelligence, their greatest tactical insight is to hit something until it’s dead. Thus, more
intelligent beings often direct ghouls of the Scourgeor
send them into suicide situations where no tactics are
Ghoulish tenacity and fearlessness make them feared
and loathed opponents (as does their habit of eating
slain foes). They have some animalistic cunning when
it comes to ambushes and other primitive attack
strategies. They do not use weapons (having little
brains with which to understand the concept) and
fight with their bare hands or with a club or other
found item.

Creating a Ghoul of the Scourge
“Ghoul of the Scourge”is an acquired template that
can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoidcreature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A ghoul of the Scourge uses all the base creature’s
statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to
d12s. Medium ghouls can have no more than 6 Hit
Dice. Large-sized and larger ghouls may have an
additional 1 HD per size category above Medium.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
Armor Class: Natural armor increases by +2 (this
stacks with any natural armor bonus the base creature
h- ---,
Attack: A ghoul of the Scourge retains all the
attacks of the base creature. A ghoul also gains slam
and bite attacks.

Full Attack: A ghoul of the Scourge retains all the
attacks of the base creature. A ghoul also gains claw
and bite attacks.
Special Attacks: A ghoul of the Scourge retains all
the special attacks of the base creature and also gains
the following.
Paralyzing Touch (Su) : Those hit by a ghoul of the
Scourge’s bite or claw attack must succeed at a DC 14
Fortitude save or be paralyzed for ld2+2 minutes.
Ghoul Frenzy (Ex) :Three times a day, a ghoul of the
Scourge can fly into a blood frenzy that increases its
combat potential significantly. When it does this, it
gains phenomenal strength and speed, but becomes
reckless. The ghoul temporarily gains an additional
melee attack per round at 1/2 its highest melee attack
modifier, as well as a +4 bonus to Strength. Yet the
ghoul also suffers a -2 penalty to its armor class, as it
is no longer using any type of strategy.
Special Qualities: If the base creature had the wild
empathy ability, it loses it upon becoming a ghoul of
the Scourge (animals instinctively hate the undead).
It otherwise retains all the special qualities of the base
creature and also gains the following.
Cannibalize (Ex) :A ghoul of the Scourgecan regain
1 hit point per point of damage inflicted with its bite
attack, up to its normal maximum. Furthermore, each
time a ghoul of the Scourgedevours a victim the same
size as itself, it regains all of its hit points and its
maximum hit points increase by 1 per Hit Die. This
bonus decreases at a rate of 1 hit point per HD per
month. The ghoul does not need to have killed the
victim, but must eat the victim within 20 minutes of
death. Only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, and magical beasts can empower a ghoul of the
Scourge in this way.
Scent (Ex): The ghoul can detect approaching
enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of
smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify
familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Adjust from the base creature as follows:

a ghoul of the Scourge has no Constitution score.
Skills: Ghouls of the Scourge receive a +4 racial
bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. The ghoul of the Scourge
loses all ranks in Handle Animal and Ride when
dealing with normal animals, since such beasts instinctively hate the undead.
Feats: Ghouls of the Scourge gain the Alertness
Environment: Any.
Organization: Single, pair, gang (3-5), mob (520), or army (20-100).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature + 1.

During his mortal life as the Warchief of the Horde
of Draenor, Ner’zhul commanded a number of orc
warlocks and shamans. Yet when Kil’jaeden and the
Legion captured these wicked sorcerers after the destruction of Draenor, they were transformed into
twisted aberrations of their former selves. These liches
possessed tremendous magical powers, though their
immortal, undead bodies were bound to Ner’zhul’s
iron will. Since the liches showed unswerving loyalty
to their master, Ner’zhul granted them control over
the furious elements of the cold north.
Liches are among the most powerful sorcerers and
allies of Ner’zhul’s armies and serve their master with
evil intent and great power. Often, they command
entire armies as generals and surrogates for Ner’zhul
when the great Mister cannot be troubled to deal with

potent frost and ice magics along with their own
considerable necromancy spells.
Liches are undead spellcasters of significant power
who have forsaken the frailties of mortal life in order
to embrace the uncompromising shell of undeath. As
a rule, these creatures are power-hungry,devious, and
vicious. They utilize their powers not only to obey and
follow Ner’zhul, but also to defeat each other in subtle
political manners and gain strength from each
opponent’s death.
These creatures are fond of pageantry and deception; they will often dress in the robes of a king or
priest and expect their followers to call them by
powerful-sounding names. Sometimes, they claim
extraordinarv Dowers granted directlv from Ner’zhul
himself, acting as ihough Ner’zhul
were a god and they were his chosen priest or prophet.


Creatinga Lich
Use the lich template in Chapter 1: Monsters A to Z of the MM.
The details below indicate only
where a Warcraft lich has additions to or differs from the lich
template as presented in the MM.
Special Attacks: A lich retains
all the special attacks of the base
creature, has all the special attacks
of the MM lich, and also gains the
Rebuke Living (Su) : A lich may
channel negative energy to rebuke
(awe) creatures of non-evil alignment. T h e lich makes the
equivalent of a turn check. Living
creatures of the appropriate level
are rebuked and must cower as if in
awe (attack rolls against that creature are at a +2 bonus). The effect
last 10 rounds.
Drain Mana (Su): A lich can
drain spell levels or spell slots from
a target as per the manu burn spell
a number of times per day equal to
its Wisdom bonus (see Chapter
Four: Magic in the Warcraft

Special Qualities: A lich retains
all the special qualities of the base
creature, has all the special qualities of the MM lich, and also gains
the following.

Darkvision ( E x ) : Darkvision out to 80 feet.
Immunities ( E x ) : Liches also have immunity to fire.
F a t Healing ( E x ) : A lich heals 4 points of damage
each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Animate Minions (Su) : The lich can control 5 HD
worth of undead creatures per caster level. If the lich
exceeds this amount, any excess undead become uncontrolled, but may not attack or impede the lich or
its minions.
Abilities: Increasefrom the base creature as follows:
Dex +2, Int +4, Cha +2. As undead creatures, liches
do not have Constitution scores.
Skills: Liches have a +8 racial bonus on Listen,
Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise,
same as base creature. Normal animals instinctively
and violently hate liches, so liches lose all ranks in
Handle Animal.
Feats: Liches automatically gain the Alertness feat.
Environment: Temperate and cold plains.
Organization: Solitary or troupe (1 lich, plus 2-5
skeletal warriors).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +3.
Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +5.

The Lich’s Phylactery
The requirements for the lich’s phylactery are the
same as described in the MM, only that the character
must have at least one level in the necromancer (Ncr)
prestige class (detailed in the upcoming supplement
Alliance & Horde Compendium).

Sample Lich
This skeletalbeinghas bluish-white skinstretched tightly
over a bony frame. Heavy clothing embroidered with
arcane markings drapes over its slight frame. Its eye
sockets glow red with malevolence.
Abrakkar the Wretched, maleorc Sorll/Ncrl: CR 15; Medium
undead (augmented humanoid); HD 12d12, hp 78; lnit +l; Spd 30
ft.; AC l?,touch 11, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +5; Grp +5; Atk
touch +5 melee (ld8+5 negative energy plus paralysis) or
battleaxe +6 melee (ld8/x3) or dagger +5melee (ld4/14-20);
Full Atk touch +5melee (ld8+5 negative energy plus paralysis)
or battleaxe +6 melee (ld8/x3) or dagger +5melee (ld4/1?20); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA orc traits, fear aura (Will DC
A), paralyzing touch (Fort DC A), rebuke living, drain mana (2/
day), death touch (Vday), spells; SQ low-light vision, darkvision
80 ft., +4turn resistance, damage reduction 15/bludgeoningand
magic, immunity to cold, electricity, fire, polymorph, and mindaffecting attacks, Fast healing 4, animate minions (60 HD); AL
NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +14; Str 11, Dex 8, Con -, lnt 14,
Wis 15, Cha 20.

Langtlages Spoken: Common, Orc.
Skills: Concentration +15, Decipher Script +7,
Intimidate +18,Knowledge (arcana) +13,Listen+10,
Search +lo, Sense Motive +lo, Spellcraft +12, Spot


bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the incorporeal
subtype. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Convert the base creature’s Hit Dice to
d l 2s and double the Hit Dice total. The shade’s Hit
Dice do not advance thereafter.
Speed: Same as the base creature, plus the shade
gains a fly speed of 60 feet, with perfect maneuverability.
Armor Class: Natural armor is the same as the base
creature but applies only to incorporeal encounters.
Otherwise, it has a deflection bonus equal to its
Charisma bonus (always at least +1, even if the
shade’s Charisma score does not normally provide a
Attack: A shade retains all the attacks of the base
creature, although those relying on physical contact
do not affect creatures that are not incorporeal. A
shade can make a successful melee touch attack on a
physical target (represented by the shade passing
through the target) to use its energy drain.
Full Attack: A shade retains all the attacks of the
base creature, although those relying on physical
contact do not affect creatures that are not incorporeal. A shade can make a successful melee touch
attack on a physical target (represented by the shade
passing through the target) to use its energy drain.

Damage: Against
incorporeal creatures,
a shade uses the base
creature’s damage
nonincorporeal creatures, t h e shade
usually cannot deal
physical damage; it
can, however, use certain special attacks
(see below).
Special Attacks: A
shade retains all the
special attacks of the
base creature and also
gains those described
below. Saves against
these abilities have a
DC of 10 + 1/2 the
shade’s HD + the
modifier, unless noted
Dominate (Su): A
shade can crush an
opponent’s will just
by looking into his or
her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that
the shade must use a standard action, and those
merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the
shade targets must succeed at a Will save or fall
instantly under the shade’s influence as though by a
dominate person spell (caster level equals the shade’s
HD). The ability has a range of 30 feet.
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a shade’s
melee touch attack gain 2 negative levels. For each
negative level bestowed, the shade gains 5 temporary
hit points. A shade can use its energy drain ability
once per round.
Shade Minions (Su): Shades command the lesser
creatures of the world and once per day can call forth
ld6+ 1 rat swarms, ld4+ 1bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6
timber wolves as a standard action. (If the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might summon other
creatures of similar power). These creatures arrive in
2d6 rounds and serve the shade for up to 1 hour.
Special Qualities: If the base creature had the wild
empathy ability, it loses it upon becoming a shade
(animals instinctively hate the undead). Remember
that the Warcraft universe has no Ethereal Plane, so
a shade does not gain the manifestation ability. Instead, it is considered incorporeal (see the sidebar,
“Warcraft and the Ethereal Plane”). It otherwise
retains all the special qualities of the base creature and
also gains the following.

Invisibility (Su): A shade can become invisible at
will. Doing so requires a move action and there is no
limit to the duration. The shade must concentrate to
remain invisible, applying a -2 circumstance penalty
to skill checks while invisible. Otherwise, this ability
functions as per the spell- for instance, the invisibility ends when the shade attacks.
Damage Reduction (Su):A shade has damage reduction lO/silver and magic.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A shade has +4 turn resistance.
Resistances (Ex): A shade has resistance to cold 10
and electricity 10.
Fast Healing (Ex) : A shade heals 5 points of damage
each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point.
True Seeing (Su): Shades gain the ability to see
invisible and hidden creatures as per the spell of the
same name. This ability is considered to be always
active; it requires no concentration or cost.
Walk Unseen (Su): Shades can move completely
unnoticed. While operating under this ability, the
shade is not noticed or thought of as unusual; it
appears to be someone familiar and accepted to all
those around it. Even the most unusual actions will
seem “reasonable,” and the individuals around the
shade rationalize away unusual actions or strange
conversations. This ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to the shade’sCharisma score. If acharacter
is actively attempting to disbelieve a shade’s walk
unseen ability, it can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2
the shade’s HD + the shade’s Cha modifier) to see the
shade for what it really is. Moreover, effects such as
true seeing will pierce through the shade’s illusion.
Telepathy (Su): A shade may communicate telepathically with any other shade in line-of-sight. This
telepathy is difficult and requires concentration: the
shade may not take any strenuous actions while performing this ability, though it may perform simple
tasks or attempt to appear to be doing something other
than speaking silently in its mind. Shades use this
ability to keep contact with their fellows while on a
spy mission; also, they use it to coordinate attacks
against a more difficult opponent or to prepare ambushes against those unprepared for the assault.
Shade Weaknesses ( E x ) :A shade can be made unreasonably angry when faced with its own reflection
(somethingnot easy to produce) or when reminded of
its time spent as a mortal. A shade considers itself to
be reborn and attempts to forget its past existence constant or poignant reminders of the past will infuriate a shade and cause it to attack without regard for
its own safety.
Saves: Shades receive a +4 profane bonus to all

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:
Str +6, Dex +4, Wis +2. As an undead creature, a
shade has no Constitution score.
Skills: Shades receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide,
Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and
Spot checks. The shade loses all ranks in Handle
Animal and Ride when dealing with normal animals,
since such beasts instinctively hate the undead.
Feats: Shades gain Alertness, Combat Casting,
Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes,
assuming the base creature meets the prerequisites
and does not already have these feats.
Environment: Any.
Organization: Single, pair, or gang (3-5).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
Treasure: Double standard.
Alignment: Any evil.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +7.

Sample Shade
The creature has skin of deepest black. Its head has no
distinctfeatures other thanapair ofeyes thatglow withan
unnerving white light. Simple black velvet apparel with a
vague resemblance to monastic robes shrouds its frame.
‘Touarril, male human shade Hlr6: CR 8; Medium undead
(augmented humanoid, Scourge) (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 6d12, hp
39; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11; Base Atk
+4; Grp +8; Atk incorporeal touch +8 melee (ld4 plus energy
drain); Full Atk incorporeal touch +8 melee (ld4 plus energy
drain); SA dominate, energy drain, shade minions, spells, evil
domain spells (+1 caster level); SQ darkvision 60 ft., invisibility,
damage reduction lO/silver and magic, +4turn resistance, resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, fast healing 5, true seeing,
walk unseen, telepathy, shade weaknesses, incorporeal traits,
undead traits; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +11; Str -, Dex
18, Con -, Int 15, Wis 19, Cha 12.

Languages Spoken: Abyssal, Common, Orc.
Skills: Bluff + 10, Concentration +lo, Diplomacy
+14, Knowledge (religion) +11, Sense Motive +13,
Spellcraft +11,Spot +13.
Feats: Brew PotionB,Combat Casting, Dodge, Extend Spell, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll.
Typical Heakr Spells Prepared (5/4/4/3; save DC 14
+ spell level): O-detect magic (x2), guidance, inflict
minor wounds, resistance; 1st-bane, command, doom,
inflict minor wounds; 2nd--darkness, enthrall, hold person, lesser death coil”; 3rd-dispel magic, entangling
roots*, inflict serious wounds. *Indicates a spell described in Chapter Four: Magic of the Warcraft RPG.
Evil Domain Spells (caster level 7th): 1st-protection
from good; Znd&cksecrate; 3rd-mgic circle against

Skeletal Mage
These Powerful skeletal Sorcerers are extremely
dangerous undead, usually created independently
through force
. . . of unrequited will. They are..never
commanded by necromancers, but occasionally ally
with them - or use necromancers as slaves to their
will. These sorcerers were often once necromancers
themselves and have now ascended a sinele
further into the undead realm,
aligning their bodies and souls
with the evil forces beyond.
When they have truly
mastered these forces,
they may ascend into
lichdom,but for now they
content themselves with
physical power and cruel
Skeletal magi retain just
enough of their skin to cover
their bone form in a tight-fitting, leathery sheath t h a t both
accentuatestheir skeletalconditionand
forms a gruesome shield for their bones
against natural weaponry. Their skin is I
silvery, translucent in some places, and
thev may. appear
_ - from a distance to be
glistening skeletons warriors
ally surrounded by a sm
necromancer acolytes who
eta1mage’sbidding and serve as apprentices
to this powerful mage.
Skeletal magi not only retain all of their
intelligence and memories from before their
undead transformation, but they also have
an intimate connection with the minds
and senses of all undead under their com
mand. Therefore, they often know things
that their undead minions have discovered, even if that minion was not
intelligent enough to make sense of its

Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become
Speed: Same as the base creature.
Armor Class: A skeletal mage has a +4 natural
armor bonus, caused by the strengthening of its bones
and its thin layer of toughened flesh.
as the base creature.
Full Attack: Same as the base creature.
Special Attacks: A skeletal mage retains all the
.. attacks of the base creature and also gains the
Command Legion ( E x ) : A skeletal mage may turn,
command, and control an additional number of
undead equal to its Hit Dice.
Bone Shards (Su): A skeletal mage may
deal 5 points of damage to itself, ripping
away a bone shard. This bone shard contains the ability to cast one spell (any spell
the skeletal magi chooses at the time of
creating the shard). It may
then be given to anyone for
later use. Whenused, the bone
shard counts as a one-shot
wand with the particular spell
ast at the skeletal magi’s
Until the shard is used, the


weapons are treated as magic weapons for
the purpose of overcomingdamage reducImmunities ( E x ) : Skeletal magi have
immunity to cold and fire.
Saves: Same as the base creature.

Creating a skeletal mage
“Skeletal mage” is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid
creature (referred to hereafter as the base
creature). A skeletal magi uses all the base
creature’s statistics and special abilities except as
noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

do not have Constitution scores.
Skills: Normal animals instincriveiy ana vioic
mtly hate skeletal
magi, so these creatures lose all
ranks in Handle A.nimai.
Feats: Skeletal rnagi automatically gain the Alertfeat.
Environment: h y .
c u l l . gang (2-4), or mob (7-12).


Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
Treasure: Standard; double goods; double items.
Alignment: Always evil.
Advancement: Same as base creature.
Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +3.

SampleSkeletal Mage
The creature might once have been an orc, though now
it is barely more than a skeleton. Silvery, translucent skin
stretches tight over its form, accentuating its skeletal
Chauch-eta, female half-orc Sor7: CR 9; Medium undead
(augmented humanoid, Scourge) (4 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 7d12, hp
45; Init +l; Spd 30 ft.; AC16 (+2 dex, t 4 natural), touch 10, flatfooted 14; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk dagger +5melee (ld4+2/
19-20); SA command legion, bone shards, spells; SQ low-light
vision, damage reduction lO/bludgeoning, immunity to cold and
fire, half-orc traits; AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6; Str 14,
Dex 15, Con -, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16.
Languages Spoken: Abyssal, Common, Gnoll, Orc,
Skills: Concentration +13, Craft (alchemy) +13,
Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Listen +3,
Profession (herbalist) + 11,SenseMotive +3,Spellcraft
+13,Spot +3.
Feats: Alertness, Brew Potion, Combat Casting,
Still Spell.
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/7/5; save DC 11 + spell
level): 0 4 n c i n g lights, detect magic, ghost sound,
light, mage hand, readmagic, resistance; lst-chill touch,
feather fall, identify, mage armor, magic missile; 2ndalter self, mirror image, web; 3rd-dispel magic, fly.

(Independent Undead)
Skeletal warriors are extremely dangerous undead
minions, usually created independently through the
force of unrequited will. Necromancers rarely command them, but occasionally ally with them if a
skeletal warrior so chooses. These creatures are intelligent and vicious both on and off the battlefield.
Skeletal warriors are created from the fallen bones
of dead opponents. Skeletons can be created even
without the assistance of necromancers, and thus
skeletal warriors can be found even in parts of the
world not controlled or challenged by Ner’zhul.They
are cold, bloodthirsty creatures with a feral instinct for
strategy and a cunning memory of their past that often
gives them an advantage. These creatures understand
and can follow orders, but are also capable of performing small tasks on their own - and are occasionally
found far from their creator, carving out their own
niche within a dungeon, tomb, or graveyard.

Skeletal warriors are tall, well-formed skeletons
whose bones have a slightly silver sheen marking their
unusual state. They are hardier than most others of
their type and are far more capable in combat than
normal skeletons. Wielding deadly weapons and
equipped with heavy armor, they are a fairly difficult
opponent for the inexperienced and are respected
even among more mature troops. When many of them
group together, they can be very dangerous and tenacious enemies- but this is not their natural condition
and only occurs when a potent necromancer commands them.
Skeletal warriors retain all of their intelligence and
memories from before their undead nature, but those
qualities are now only a source of rage and violence,
with all traces of love or gentle emotions eradicated
from the skeletal warrior’s mind. They are savage,
cunning, and delight in destruction and chaos. Death
comes later - for now, there is only revenge.

Creating askeleta1Warrior
“Skeletal warrior” is an acquired template that can
be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid
creature. A skeletal warrior uses all the base creature’s
statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor
bonus improves by +6.
Attack: Same as the base creature. The skeletal
warrior gains a claw attack if it did not have one
Full Attack: Same as the base creature. The skeletal warrior gains a claw attack if it did not have one
Special Attacks: A skeletal warrior retains all the
special attacks of the base creature and also gains the
Rot ( E x ) : All those hit by a skeletal warrior’s claw
or melee weapon attack are afflicted with a unique
formof maggot-infestedrot that eats away at their skin
and tissue. The creature must succeed at a DC 14
Fortitude save or lose 2 points of Strength for ld6+2
minutes. This power is cumulative.
Special Qualities: A skeletal warrior retains all the
special qualities of the base creature and also gains the
Damage reduction (Su): A skeletal warrior has damage reduction 5jbludgeoning. A skeletal warrior’s
natural weapons are treated as magical weapons for
the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Sample Skeletal
The bones of this skeletal
creature have a faint silver
sheen. Heavy armor scales
cowers most of the thing’s
bones, and it wields a wicked
f i i l in one skeletal hand.
Kovech, male human skeletal warrior Ftr8: CR ‘7;

Medium undead (augmented
humanoid) (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD
8d12, hp 52; hit +5; Spd 30
ft.; AC21, touch 11, flat-footed
+ I heavv flail +15 melee
(ldl0+10~1’7-20 plus rot) or
claw +13 melee (ld4+5 plus
rot) or masterwork lonqbow
+IO ranged (ld8/x3); Fun Atk
+1 heaw flail +15/+10 melee
(ldlO+l6/1’7-20) or 2 claws
+13 melee (ld4+5 and rot) or
masterwork longbow +10/+5
ranged (ld8/x3); SA rot; SQ
darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction
immunity to cold and fire,
undead traits; AL CE; SV f o r t
+6, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 20,
Dex 13, Con --, Int 13, Wis 12,
Cha 13.
LunguagesSpoken: Common, Orc.
Skills: Climb +12, Jump
+12, Intimidate +12, Listen +3, Spot +3, Swim +8.
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon
FOCUS (heavy flail) Weapon Specialization (heavy


Immunities ( E x ) : Skeletal warriors have immunity
to cold and fire.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities:Increasefrom the base creature as follows:
Str +2, Dex +2. As an undead creature, a skeletal
warrior does not have a Constitution score.
Skills: Normal animals instinctively and violently
hate skeletal warriors, so these creatures lose all ranks
in Handle Animal.
Feats: Skeletal warriors automatically gain Cleave
as a bonus feat.
Environment: Any, usu ally same as the base m a ture.
nization: Solitary, pair, or troupe (2-5, plus 1
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Treasure: None.
Alignment Always evil.
L U V L L I I L L I L I ~ I I, L, . ,“CllllC
a3 base creature (or - if the
base creature advances by character class).
-..,.l nAu J.,,A
, Lldllie
as the base creature +2.


Possessions: Scale mail, +1 heavy fiil, masterwork

longbow arrows-

Withered (Scourge)

template can be applied to any dead creature
through the use of necromancy or to any creature
brought close to death by a member of the Scourge.
This possibility reflects the plague’s effects on nonhumanoid beings. The plague is not only effective on
humanoids; it also infects plants and animals. In
theory, there could be some withered shambling
mounds or other vegetative creatures in existence
using this template.
Becoming a member of the withered allows the
creature to keep its extraordinary, supernatural, and
spell-like abilities along with its intellect, although
the euidine intellect of that creature is now malevoY

ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft.; AC 35, touch 7, flat-footed 35; Ease Atk
+24;Grp +45; Atk+35 melee(2d8+13/1?-20 plus paralysis, bite);
Full Atk+35 melee (ld8+13/1?-20 plus paralysis, bite), +33 melee
(2d6+6plus paralysis, Zclaws), +33 melee(ld8+6 plus paralysis, 2
wings), +33 melee(2d6+6 plus paralysis, tail slap); Space/Reach 15
ft./lO ft. (bite 15 ft.); SA breath weapon, crush, frightful presence,
paralysis, spell-like abilities, spells; SQ darkvision 120 ft., low-light
vision, blindsense60 ft., damage reduction lO/magic, immunityto
cold, Fire, sleep, and paralysis, water breathing, spell resistance25;
AL LN; SV Fort +1?, Ref +14, Will +1?; Str 37, Dex 8, Con -, Int
16, Wis 21, Cha 16.

Skills: Appraise +22, Concentration +22, Craft
(alchemy) +22, Decipher Script +22, Gather Information +22, Heal +22, Intimidate +26, Jump +32,
Knowledge (arcana) +22, Listen +34, Search +30,
Spellcraft +24, Spot +34, Swim +40.
Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved
Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Multiattack,
Power Attack, Silent Spell, Wingover.
Breath Weapon (Su): 50-ft. cone, damage 14d6
cold, Reflex DC 22 half; secondary effect: mana burn
as 12th-level caster.
Crush (Ex):Area 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Small or smaller
opponents take 2d8+ 19 points of bludgeoning damage, and must succeed on a DC 22 Reflex save or be
Frightful Presence: 240-ft. radius, HD 23 or less,
Will DC 25 negates.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day--control water, create
water, detect thoughts, obscuringmist,wall ofice; 2/dayfogcloud,speakwithdead; l/day--control weather. Caster
level 12th; save DC 13 + spell level.
Spells: As a 12th-level sorcerer.
Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/7/7/7/6/3; save
DC 13 + spell level): O d a z e , detect magic, detect
poison, light, mage hand, message, openlclose,ray offrost,
read magic; 1st-endure elements, expeditious retreat,
shield, shocking grasp, sleep; 2nd-frost amor*, gust of
wind, inwisibility, muna burn”, resist energy; 3rd-blizzard*, dispel magic, frost nowa*, slow; 4th-lesser globe
ofinwulnerubility,scrying, wall ofice; 5th-hold monster,
telekinesis; 6th-greater dispel magic. *Indicates a spell
described in Chapter Four: Magic of the Warcraft

In ages past, the ancient dragons who were near
death flew to the land of Northrend to die. To this day
there are entire dragon graveyards that are littered
with massive petrified bones and skulls. WhenNer’zhul
the Lich King took control of Northrend, he used his
powerful magics to raise these ancient dragon skeletons from the dead. Now, these once-noble beasts
serve Ner’zhul and seek to expand the Lich King’s
rapidly growing empire. They have no memories of
their previous lives nor of the world beyond death.
They are intelligent beings, quite capable of strategy,
tactics, and deception, but they have no understanding of their past dragon heritage.

(Independent Undead)
Wraiths in the lands of Azeroth are not so different
from wraiths in other worlds, save for the fact that
they retain their individuality and intelligence. These
creatures are self-motivated and cunning and have all
the memoriesof their past lives before undeath. Those
memories no longer move the wraith nor provide any
sense of morality other than a strict adherence to the
wraith’s own code of honor and law.
Wraiths are lawful creatures, willing to make deals
and hold to them. They respect the same tendency in
both living and unliving creatures and will respond to
honorable opponents with honorable actions. It is not
unusual for a wraith to accept a creature’s surrender;
however, those surrenders will always be unconditional. Further, those foolish enough to surrender to a
wraith are simply placing themselves into a position
where they will almost certainly be turned into wraiths
Wraiths fight well in units under the command of
a necromancer, but if not so commanded, they prefer
to fight alone. They are intelligent and cunning and
will use the extent of their abilities to capture and
destroy their opponents. In some cases, they will keep
extraordinary enemies alive, preferring to turn them
into wights and spread the plague to other “capable”

“Wraith” is an acquired template that can be added
to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature
(referred to hereafter as the base creature). A wraith
uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the incorporeal
subtype. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to
Speed: Wraiths have a fly speed of 30 feet, unless
the base creature has a higher fly speed, with perfect
Armor Class: Natural armor is the same as the base
creature, but applies only to incorporeal encounters.
When a wraith chooses to become visible (which
occurs whenever the wraith attempts to touch or
interact with the physical world), its natural armor
value is +0, but it gains a deflection bonus equal to its
Charisma modifier or + 1, whichever is higher.
Attack: A wraith retains all the attacks of the base
creature, although those relying on physical contact
do not affect creatures that are not incorporeal.

Full Attack: A wraith retains all the attacks of the
base creature, although those relying on physical
contact do not affect creatures that are not incorporeal.
Damage: Against incorporeal creatures, a wraith
uses the base creature’s damage values. Against
nonincorporeal creatures, the wraith usually cannot
deal physical damage; it can, however, use its wither
attack (see below).
Special Attacks: A wraith retains all the special
attacks of the base creature and also gains the following.
Wither (Su) :When a
wraith successfully
makes a melee touch
attack against an opponent, its touch withers
and draws the life out
of its victim. The victim must succeed at a
DC 15 Fortitude save
or suffer ld3 points of
permanent Constitution drain.
Special Qualities: If
the base creature had
the wild empathy ability, it loses it upon
becoming undead (animals instinctively hate
the undead). It otherwise retains all the
special qualities of the
base creature and also
gains those described
below. Remember that
the Warcraft universe
has no Ethereal Plane,
so the wraith does not
gain the manifestation
ability; instead, it is
considered incorporeal
(see t h e sidebar,
“Warcraft and the
Ethereal Plane”).
Invisibility (Su):A wraith can become invisible at
will. Doing so requires a move action and there is no
limit to the duration. The wraith must Concentrate to
invisible, applying a -2 circumstance penalty
to skill checks while invisible. Otherwise, this ability
functions as per the spell -for instance, the invisibility ends when the wraith attacks.
Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or
domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a
wraith at a distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly

approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so;
they remain panicked as long as they are within that
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:
Str +2, Wis + 2 . As an undead creature, a wraith has
no Constitution score; as an incorporeal creature, it
has no Strength score.
Skills: Normal animals instinctively and violently
hate wraiths, so they lose all ranks in Handle Animal.
Feats: Wraiths gain
the Alertness feat.
Environment: Any.
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-5), or
pack (6-11).
Challenge Rating:
Same as the base creature + 1.
Treasure: None.
Alignment: Always
lawful evil.
Advancement: By
character class.
Level Adjustment:
Same as the base creature +3.

Sample Wraith
This sinister, spectral
figure is robed in tatters
of darkness. It has no
discernable features or
appendages, but for the
glowingredcoals that are
its eyes.
Borivar, male half-elf
wraith Rog2: CR 3; Medium undead (augmented
humanoid, incorporeal) (5
ft., 7 in. tall); HD 2d12, hp
13; Init +2; Spd fly 30 ft.
(perfect); AC 12, touch 12,
Flat-footed 11; Base Atk+l;
Grp +l; Atk incorporeal
touch +2 melee (ld4 plus ld3 Con drain); Full Atk incorporeal
touch +2 melee (ld4 plus ld3 Con drain); SA sneak attack (ld6),
wither; SQ darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, trapfinding, evasion, invisibility, unnatural aura, half-elftraits, incorporeal traits,
Ref +5, Will +2; Str -, Dex
undead traits; AL LE; SV Fort +0,
14, Con -, Int 11, wis 14,Cha 12,

Languages Spoken: Common, Thalassian.
Skills: Diplomacy +6, Forgery +5, Gather Information +3,Hide +7, Jump +5, Listen +7, Move Silently
+7, Search +5, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +7.
Feats: AlertnessB,Dodge.

Zombies are the lowest form of existence in the
undead food chain and are often overlooked because
of their simplicity and lack of ambition. These undead
are created from plagueFinfected individuals, but their
bodies are not as riddled with the disease as those of
more powerful undead. In fact, zombies not only
retain their mortal memories, but also are occasionally capable of retaining the original personality and
morality of their mortal life. This does not often aid
them, however, and usually is a torment to the zombie
trapped within Ner’zhul’s vicious armies.
Zombies are despicable, degraded creatures with
little purpose other than to serve as cannon fodder for
Ner’zhul’s massive forces. They are sorrowful creatures, capable of great strength but holding little hope
for salvation other than their own deaths. Occasionally, one breaks free of the necromantic control
imposed by Ner’zhul’s forces and escapes -but he is
not accepted into society nor offered a chance for
peace through proving that he is more than aravening
undead creatures. Truly, these are beings to be pitied.

Creating a Zombie
“Zombie”is an acquired template that can be added
to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature
(referred to hereafter as the base creature). A zombie
uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Drop any Hit Dice gained from class
levels (to a minimum of l),double the number of Hit
Dice left, and raise them to d12s. If the base creature
has more than 10Hit Dice (not counting those gained
with experience), it can’t be made into a zombie with
the animate dead spell.
Speed: A zombie has a base land speed of 20 feet (4
Armor Class: Zombies gain a +2 natural armor
bonus to their AC, based on the zombie’s putrefaction
and decayed skin, as well as on a natural toughness
provided by the plague’s effects.
Attack: A zombie retains all the natural weapons,
manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon
proficiencies of the base creature. A zombie also gains
a slam attack.
Damage: Natural and manufactured weapons deal
damage normally. A slam attack for a Medium zombie
deals ld6 damage and for a Large zombie ld8 damage.

Special Attacks: A zombie retains all the special
attacks of the base creature, and also gains the following:
Parasitic Infestation ( E x ) : All zombies are infected
with various bugs of allsorts. Maggots, leeches, lice, or
other small infestations crawl all over the zombie.
With a successful melee attack, the zombie may spew
these small creatures all over its opponent, creating a
disgusting cloud of infestation. Those who do not
make a DC 14 Fortitude save will become infected
with a lingering disease. This disease deals 2 points of
Charisma damage until it is effectively cured with a
cure minor wounds (or better) spell.
Special Qualities: If the base creature had the wild
empathy ability, it loses it upon becoming undead
(animals instinctively hate the undead). It otherwise
loses most of the special qualities of the base creature,
though it retains any extraordinary special qualities
that improve its melee or ranged attacks. A zombie
also gains the following special quality.
Single Actions O n l y (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and may only perform only a single move action
or attack action each round. A zombie can move up to
its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it
attempts a charge.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Adjust from the base creature as follows:
Str +4, Dex -2, Cha -4. As an undead creature, a
zombie has no Constitution score.
Skills: Normal animals instinctively and violently
hate all zombies, so they lose all ranks in Animal
Empathy and Handle Animal. Those zombies who
retain their memories retain their skills; those who
have no ability to remember their past lives or past
abilities will quickly lose all ranks in skills, becoming
nothing more than living “cannon fodder,” untrained
and unspecialized.
Environment: Any land and underground.
Organization: Any.
Challenge Rating: Depends on Hit Dice, as follows:
Hit Dice
Challenge Rating
Treasure: None.
Alignment: Always neutral evil.
Advancement As base creature, but double Hit
Dice (maximum 20),or - if the base creature advances by character class.
Level Adjustment: -.




12; Base Atk +4; Grp +7;

Atk greatclub +O melee (ld10+4 plus infestation) or slam


melee (ld6+3 plus infestation); Full Atk greatclub +8 melee
(ld10+4 plus infestation) or slam +7melee (ld6+3 plus infestation); SA rage @/day, 3 rounds), parasitic infestation; SQ
darkvision 60 ft., single actions only, undead traits; AL NE; SV
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will -1; Str 16, Dex 12, Con -, lnt 12, Wis 6,
L c.

Languages Spoken: Common, Orc.
Skills: Climb +lo, Intimidate +5, Jump +lo,Listen
+5, Survival +5, Swim +lo.
Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus


Armor Class:


30 ft. (6 squares)
19 (-1 size, +10natural), touch 9, Flatfooted 19

B ~ A H / G +7/+17
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :
Slam +12melee (2d6+6) or bite +12 meAtt€lCk:
lee (ld8+6)

Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


Large Construct
(Undead, Monstrous Scour&
10d10+30 (85 hp)


Challenge Rating:

Slam +12melee (2d6+9) or bite +12 melee (ld8+6)

10 ft./lO ft.
Plague cloud
Darkvision 60 Ft., low-light vision,
cannibalize, spell resistance 12, construct
traits, undead traits
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3


Any land
Solitary or gang (2-6)

Usually neutral evil
11-20 HD (Large); 21-30 HD (Huge)

Mutilated bodies and limbs from many creatures combine into a single twisted, hideous form. A viscous trail of
blood leaks from it with each laborious step, and the ripe
decay of the slaughterhouse wafts from its body.

Abominations are large created creatures, similar to
flesh golems. These magically created automatons are
incredibly powerful, possessing (literally) the strength
of ten human men. Constructing one requires a great
understanding of necromancy and science and the
capacity to both animate undead and cause magical
healing to living flesh. They are difficult to create, but
once made they are fanatically loyal servants and
tremendously powerful warriors.
The twisted, mutilated bodies of abominations are
comprised of multiple dead limbs and body parts from
various corpses. These enormous warriors love to
carve flesh and tear apart their enemies. They carry

large cleavers into combat and wield various sicklebladed hooks on their disproportionate limbs.
The animating force of an abomination is a blasphemous conglomeration of the souls incorporated
into the corpses that make up the abomination’s
unliving flesh. This creature is a singular entity with
a united soul and, because of this unique makeup, is
considered both an undead creature and a construct.
It is certain that the abomination remembers nothing
concrete of its previous lives, although snatches of
memory occasionallyplague the beast at times ofgreat
stress or unusual pressure.

Abominations are fearless, tenacious, and resilient,
capable of pressing their advantage in combat for
hours at a time without growing weary or weak. Their
strength and ability are based on their unusual construction - they truly are more powerful than ten
ordinaryhuman men. Although mostly mindless creatures, they do occasionally show a flash of insight,
modifying their orders to be more advantageous (such
as attacking the most powerful opponent first when

commanded into a battle). They are not particularly
intelligent in most cases, however, and relying on an
abomination’ssense of tactics is anexceptionally poor
A golem’s creator, any necromancer of Ner’zhul, or
any death knight can command an abomination if it
is within 60feet and can hear and see its creator. If left
to its owndevices, the abomination will make the best
of its situation, carrying out its last order to the letter
until it is no longer capable of following that directive.
The creator can also give the abomination a simple
directive to govern its actions while the creator is not
in the area, such as: “Attack all who enter here” or
“Remain here, and do not allow the chest or its
contents to leave this room.”
Because abominations do not need to breathe and
are immune to most attack forms, they can continue
to fight even when the terrain is exceptionally dangerous (underwater, for example) or difficult.
Plague Cloud: Those within 10feet of an abomination are in range of its disease aura, and the stench and
viciousness of that disease can be very harmful to all
those affected. All those within 10 feet of an abomi-

nation must make a DC 19 Fortitude save each round
or contract the abomination’s undead rot disease.
Treat this disease as a contact poison with an initial
effect of 1 point of Constitution damage and ld6
points of parasite damage per round spent within the
abomination’s affected area. The secondary effect of
this disease manifests after the individual has escaped
the abomination’s immediate area of effect and will
reach full potency ld4 hours later. The secondary
effects of the disease reduce the affected creature’s
Strength by 2, and the affected creature will suffer an
additional 2d8 points of parasite damage. The disease
will cease to have any further effect after 24 hours; the
lost Strength points return at a rate of 1 per day once
the infection has run its course.
Cannibalize (Ex): A n abomination can regain 1
hit point per point of damage inflicted with its bite
attacks, up to its normal maximum. Further, each
time an abomination devours a victim the same size as
itself, it regains the entirety of its hit points, and its
maximum hit points temporarily increase by 1 per Hit
Die. The abomination does not need to have killed
the victim, but the victim must be eaten within 20
minutes of death. Only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, and magical beasts can empower an
abomination in this way. These bonuses decrease at a
rate of 1 hp/HD per month.

A n abomination is created from the mutilated and
disease-ridden corpses brought from the battlefield. It
stands over 8 feet tall and weighs well over 500
pounds. The skin of an abomination is a sickly green
and yellow, obviously covered withdisease and twisted
with horrible magics. It has no possessions and carries
only the items given to it by its creator.
This creature costs 40,000 gp to create, which
includes the cost of collection and dissection of more
than 10 bodies to be used as the abomination’s flesh
and organs. Each of these bodies must be infected with
the Lich King’s plague, so that they will properly
mutate when affected with the rituals to create the
abomination proper. Assembling the body requires a
successful DC 12 Craft (leathenvorking) or Heal
The creator must be at least 14th level and be able
to cast divine spells. Completing the ritual drains 400
XP from the creator and requiresanimute dead,animate
objects, bless, bull’s strength, regenerate, and spell resistance.

Dire gargoyles are not particularly bright creatures,
and likening them to crows is no mistake. They will
attack at a whim, swooping from above to tear into the
enemy’s ranks with little thought for their own protection. These vicious creatures enjoy chaos and
disintegration and revel in sprays of blood and torn
flesh. They are not interested in combat strategy or
grand army tactics, preferring simply to take advantage of the enemy wherever they see
Because dire gargoyles are not
particularly intelligent, this
strategy serves them well.
They hover above the enemy while it is being
attacked by a greater foe

Salient Powers
The templates described in this chapter allow for a
good variety of foes that heroes may face in Warcraft.
GMs and players who like even more variety in their
campaigns can customize undead further through the
application of salient powers. As established in Van
Richten’s Guide to the Walking Dead for the Ravenloft
campaign setting (published by Sword and Sorcery;
licensed by Wizards of the Coast), salient powers are
different abilities, each with its own Challenge Rating adjustment,that you
can use to create different “sub-species”

selection of sa-

and carry off those too

tic measures, and
creatures carried
away in this fashion
can expect to live for a
while - just long
enough to regret their
Stone Form

Undead of the
Scourge may draw
from all available salient powers, but
idependent undead

have one salient
power per HD. For each
half-century of existence,
an undead creature gains
one additional HD and
another salient power. The GM

marble. A n observer must

this form, dire gargoyles heal at double the
normal rate for recovering hit points and ability
Carapace (Su): This ability is identical to the
stoneskin spell, and the gargoyle can activate it as an
act of will 3 times per day. Once activated, the ability
adds an additional damage reduction of 1O/adamantine, with a maximum of 150 points of prevention.
Skills: *Dire gargoyles receive a +8 racial bonus to
Hide checks when concealed against ice walls or
sheets of snow.


suitable challenge to the heroes.

Scourge Salient Powers
BoneTyrant (Ex)
CR Adjustment: + 1/2.
This type of undead is adept at bullying and controlling other undead creatures in the area, forcing them
to do its bidding. This undead, whether sentient or
not, can lead other undead -and they follow instinctively. When in the presence of other undead of a
similar type, this undead gains the ability to rebuke or
command undead (see “Cleric” in Chapter 3: Classes

of the PHB). They may control a number of other
undead equal to their Hit Dice. Non-sentient or
unintelligent undead will fight, serve, and die for their
leader without question; more intelligent undead may
resent the pressure of another’s will and may struggle
to resist.

CorruptiveTouch (Su)
CR Adjustment: +1/4.
Creatures with this ability add ld6 points acid
damage to their normal melee attacks. These creatures often leave steaming, foul smelling foot prints
and charred places wherever they grasp.

Dead Zone (Su)
CR Adjustment: + 1/2.
The presence of this creature sucks the very life
from plants, animals, and even the soil. Those within
the 60-foot radius of this aura’s effect must make a
Fortitude save each round (DC of 10 + 1/2 undead’s
HD + undead’s Con modifier). Those who fail suffer
1point of temporary Constitution damage, and those
who fall to 0 Constitution or less are killed. The
creature with this power drinks the life from the land,
leaving large tracts of shriveled and ashen ground in
its wake.
This ability may be taken twice. If it is taken a
second time, the creature gains life from whatever it
drains. It gains fast healing 3 when in the presence of
plants of healthy soil. For each point of Constitution
it drains from a creature, it gains 2 additional temporary hit points. It may gain up to double its maximum
hit points, but loses them after 24 hours. Damage is
taken from these extra hit points first, unlike the hit
points gained for rage. Adjust the CR of the creature
an additional +1 if this power is taken a second time.

Disease (Ex)
CR Adjustment: +l.
Any injury or contact disease can be spread by this
undead’s natural attacks. If the disease is tied to the
undead’s animating force, the DC of the Fortitude
save to resist the disease increases by +1 or by the
undead’s Charisma modifier, whichever is greater. If
the disease is incidental, the DC increases by only + 1.
Undead made by the Scourge may create spawn by
use of this power, inflicting others with the plaguebound affliction. This does not, however, assure that
the victim will take the undead form of its creator. In
fact, most victims seem to evolve into random -and
occasionally new -forms of undead. To ensure that
the individual afflicted always turns into the same
type of undead as its disease-creator, the creator
undead must also have the create spawn salient power
(see Independent Salient Powers, below).

constriction damage. The victim must succeed at an
opposed grapple check to get free of the undead’s hold.
Further, this creature regrows limbs that are severed
or injured in a single day. This ability does not affect
the creature’s overall hit point total, nor does it grant
the regeneration of hit points beyond what the creature is normally capable of achieving.

Self-Destruct (Su)
CR Adjustment: + 1/2.
A creature with this power that reaches 0 hit points
explodes, inflicting ld4 points of force damage per
HD. The explosion has a 5-foot radius. Those within
the blast radius can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + the
undead’s HD + the undead’s Charisma modifier) for
half damage. The type of damage varies from undead
to undead. Other undead possessing this power can be
affected by the damage; thus, when one creature
explodes, it may cause a chain reaction with others of
its kind.
A creature with this power may cause itself to selfdestruct spontaneously.Doing so requires a full-round
action in which the creature shakes, quivers, and boils
with magical energy.

Unerring Hunter (Su)
CR Adjustment: +O.
This creature possesses an uncanny ability to track
its prey. The creature always knows the direction it
must go to find its enemy, but it does not know how far
it must travel. Some creatures that possess this power
may switch targets at will. For instance, a restless serial
killer might choose from a number of different targets.

a day. Thus, a zombie with the power “berserk 3/day”
could go berserk only 3 times a day.

Bone Spurs (Ex)
CR Adjustment: +1/2.
This undead is constantly shattering, its bones
eternally rotting and dropping hard, calcified bits of
matter across the ground where it lairs. Those entering the undead’s haven must make a DC 16 Reflex
saving throw. If they fail, they take ld6 points of
damage from walking across these hard, bony caltroplike droppings.If they succeed,they take half damage.
If anyone falls into the area where the bone spurs lie,
they must make a second DC 19 Reflex save or suffer
2d6 points of damage (a successful save indicates half
damage). In addition, horses, mules, oxen, and other
beasts of burden will not cross such an area, refusing to
step on ground that could permanently lame them.

Create Spawn (Su)
CR Adjustment: + 1/2.
This salient power gives the undead access to the
“create spawn”power presented in theMonsterManw1.
Any creature slain by an undead with this power rises
as an undead with the same HD and capabilities as the
slaying undead within one night. This rising may be
prevented with a blessed burial. This ability may be
chosen more than once. The second time it is chosen,
it means that creatures slain by the undead rise as
spawn ld4 rounds after their death. Only ahallow spell
will stop the spontaneous creation of spawn.

Exhumation (Ex)
CR Adjustment: + 1/4.

Independent Salient Powers
Berserk (Ex)
CR Adjustment: + 1/2.
When in combat, this creature may go into a
maddened rage. This ability is different from rage,
since it affects a creature that has no Constitution
score. Going berserk is a free action. While berserk,
the creature gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a-2 penalty
to AC, and remains standing even after reduced to 0
hit points. Should the creature fall to -10 hit points,
it is destroyed. The creature’s berserk state lasts 4
rounds. When the berserk state ends, the creature
becomes listless and slow. It no longer has enhanced
Strength, but retains its penalty to AC. It suffers a -2
penalty to all attack and damage rolls, and these
penalties last for the next 4 rounds. A creature with
this ability can use it only a limited number of times

This power allows a creature to set up an ambush or
trap by burying itself in the earth. The creature can
then exhume itself instantly from the ground as a
move action. When it bursts from the ground, the
earth around the creature explodes into the air.
This power gives undead a + 12 competence bonus
to all Hide checks. A successful tracking check (Survival DC 20) allows one tonotice the freshly upturned

FlayingTouch (Su)
CR Adjustment: + 1.
If an undead creature with this power deals 4 or
more points of damage in a single attack, it tears a
piece of its victim’s skin away and plasters the skin to
its own body. The victim loses 1 hit point per round
due to bleeding for ld3 rounds or until the wound is
bound (Heal DC 15). The undead heals a number of
hit points equal to half the amount (rounded down)
suffered by its victim in the original attack.

1 his bear is gganhc, perhaps LU feet tall when it rears
on its hind legs. Its fur is a rich brown.

Bear, Dire
Large Animal

Base AttIGapple:

12d8+48(102 hp)
40 Ft. (8 squares)
17 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural), touch
10, flat-footed 16
Claw +l? melee (ld8+10) or bite +18

Full Attack:

2 claws +l? melee (ld8+10) and bite +13

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

IO ft.15 ft.

Improved grab
Low-light vision, scent
Fort +12, Ref +’?, Will +’?

Str31’Dex13’Con1Q1’nt2’ Wts127Cha’o
Listen +?, Spot +’?, Swim +13
Alertness, Endurance, Improved Natural
Attack(claw), Run, WeaponFocus(claw)
Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and
Solitary or pair

Always neutral
13-16 HD (Large); 17-36


Dire bears grow to 18-20 feet and 6,000 lb., with a
dark brown coat and a powerful build. Some have
been spotted in Mulgore and in Ashenvale. They
avoid humans but show no fear if provoked. Occasionally, a dire bear will eat livestock or even attack
lone travelers for food, but such action is rare. They
are good swimmers and may attack from the water;
others hunt seals.


melee (ld8+5)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:


HD (Huge)

A dire bear will attempt to get a good hold on its
victim and then bite until the victim is dead.
Improved Grab (Ex):To use this ability, adire bear
must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to
start a grapple as a free action without provoking an
attack of opportunity.

Large Animal
Hit Dice:



50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class:





(22 hp)


14(-lsize,+l Dex,+4natural),touch10,

flat-footed 13
Base AttIGrapple: +2/+12
Hoof +7 melee (ld6+6) or bite + 7 melee
(ld8+6) or gore +7 melee (ld8+6)
2 hooves + 7 melee (ld6+6) and bite +2
Full Attack
melee (ld8+3) or gore +2 melee (ld8+3)
10 ft.15 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2
Str 22, Dex 13, Con 17, lnt 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Listen +6, Spot + 6
Alertness, Endurance
Coldandtemperateforest, hill,andmountains
Solitary bull, bachelor group(2-8 bulls),
or herd (4-400 cows plus 100%young)
Challenge Rating: 1
Always neutral
4-10 HD (Large)
L w e l Adjustment: -




Charge (Ex):A r h aruin u cta u &a 1c A n i I hl pc &ma up

There are awidevarietvnfdeer.
. _..__
, -.-- -.,-snme
- ... ofwhich
-.. . .
__ . horns year round . Deer are typically Medium and
faster than elk. Solme varieties, such as impala, live in
tropical regions. lountain deer may have the ability
to spring, effectiv,ely traversing rocky terrain at 3/4
normal speed.

These animals are much larger relatives of elks.
They are still Large, but have +4 Str, +2 Con, and +7
natural armor. Moose lack the charge special attack
and have a base land speed of 40 feet.

This animal has four legs, a light brown hide with white
markings, and an impressive set of branched antlers.

Elk and other hoofed herbivores are prominent
throughout Kalimdor. From mountain deer to mighty
northern alpine moose, they are the primary prey of
wolves and other predators. These food animals are
not simple targets, however. The males and (in some
cases) the females have antlers capable of devastating
attacks. In herds, even mighty wolf packs and great
cats may be hard pressed to down their target. Humans
typically hunt the smaller deer, while orcs prefer the
challenge of an elk or a moose.

Elk cows are primarily aggressive when protecting
young. Larger herds will huddle, forming a circle of
mothers with children in the middle. The mother will
attack, though if seriously injured she will attempt to
flee. Bulls are likely to avoid conflict, but they can be
aggressive in larger groups and when startled. They
are quite aggressive during mating season in the fall,
and only at this time are they commonly associated


on a gore attack w




and ld8 during the summe
decent a size by fall.



Forest Spider
Small Vermin

ld8 (4 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.
+3D ~ ~touch
) , 14,~ a t - f m 11
Armor Class:
Base AttIGrapple: +O/-6
Bite +4 melee (ld4-2 and poison)
Bite +4 melee (ld4-2 and poison)
Full Attack:
5 ft.15 ft.
Hit Dice:


Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Poison, web
Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +O


C1lmb + l 1 1

Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:


lo’ Int-’



lo’ Cha

Move si-

lently +3*, Spot +4
Weapon Finesse (bite)’
Temperate and warm forest
Colony (2-5) or swarm (6-11)

Always neutral
2-3 HD (Small); 4-6 HD (Medium)


a dog, with striking
This spider IS easily LIS h g e
greenish patterns upon its dark exoskeleton.

These large spiders are quite common in Ashenvale.
There are several types, each 3 feet in diameter with
dark amber or greenish coloration. In some places,
several swarms weave masses of webs throughout the
forest, catching birds and deer. While forest spiders
will avoid mobile humans, they will attack any helpless animals as prey. Forest spiders are accompanied by
avariety of scavengers and carnivorousplants. Corpses
are covered in silk to disguise them and keep the area

Unlike their tiny brethren, forest spiders are social
creatures. They hunt together, dropping down on
large prey. Several poisonous bites will usually fell
even large animals. Prey are wrapped in silk, another
effort often done as a group, keep digested flesh from
leaking into the soil before the spiders can feed.
Poison (Ex):Poison glands make the bite of forest
spiders rather deadly. Injury, Fortitude DC 11, initial

and secondary damage ld3 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based. (Medium spiders: injury, Fortitude
DC 14, initial and secondary damage ld4 Str).
Web (Ex):Forest spiders can drop and ascend on a
single strand. It will hold the spider and another
creature of equal size. Forest spiders may also cast a
web 8 times per day. This attack is treated like a
thrown net, with a range increment of 10 feet and
maximum range of 50 feet. It can be used on any
creature up to one size larger than the forest spider.
Once entangled, a creature can attempt a DC 18
Escape Artist check (DC 20 if Medium spider) or
burst the web open with a DC 24 Strength check (DC
26 if Medium) as a standard action.
A forest spider may spin a sheet of webbing 15 feet
square instead of casting a web. This sheet is stretched
between surfaces. Approaching creatures make a DC
20 Spot check to notice the web. Failure is treated as
if struck by a cast web. Each 5-foot section has 4 hit
points and damage reduction of 5/-.
Forest spiders move across their own webs at climb
speed and know the location of any creature touching
the web.
Skills: Forest spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to
Hide and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Climb
checks. They also receive a +8 competence bonus to
Hide and Move Silently checks while on their webs.
A forest spider can always choose to take 10 on Climb
checks, even if rushed or threatened. Forest spiders
use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for
climb checks, whicheveris higher.

Spitting Spider
These brown, fuzzy spiders spend most of their time
on the ground, though they can climb. Their webs are
used only to create egg cases and to wrap dying victims
before feeding. Their base land speed is 40 feet, with
a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks and +8 racial bonus
to Spot checks (on top of normal forest spider bonuses). Spitting spiders construct “blinds” with
webbing, waiting to ambush animals. Several will pop
out at once, spray the target, then retreat and wait for
the prey to succumb to poison.
Spit Attack (Ex):Eight times aday, spittingspiders
may spray poison in a40-foot line or 20foot cone. This
is a paralytic, requiring a DC 11 Fortitude save to
avoid nausea, with a secondary result of paralysis.
Both effects last ld3 minutes, usually enough for the
spitting spiders to close on the potential victim.
Medium spitting spiders can spray poison in a 60-foot
line or 30-foot cone, and their poison requires a DC 15
Fortitude save to negate its effects.




I Giant Spider

Skills: Giant spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to
Hide checks, a +8 racial bonus to Climb and Jump
checks, and a + 12 racial bonus to Spot checks. A giant
spider can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks,
even if rushed or threatened. Giant spiders use either
their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks,
whichever 1s higher.

Huge Vermin

Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AttIGapple:




Special Attacks:
Saecial Oualitiew

10d8+10 (55 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
16(-2size, +3 Dex, +5natural), touch 11,
flat-footed 13
Q~4--?lee (2d6+6 and poison)
U l L r 7 I

Venom Snider

Medium Vermin

d e e (2d6+6 and poison)

2d8+2 (11 hp)
30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.
14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flatfooted 11
Base AttIGrapple: +1/+1
Bite +4 melee (ld6 and l d 6 acid)
Bite +4 melee (ld6 and l d 6 acid)
Full Attack:
5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Acid, web
Special Qualities:
Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +O
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 4
Climb +11, Hide +7, Spot +4
Weapon Finesse (bite)B
Temperate and warm forest
Solitary or colony (2-5)

Hit Dice:
Armor Class:

15 ft./lO ft.
Dnrkvi+inrl60 ft., vermin traits
Tu,I\ef +6, Will +3
Str 17, Dex17, Con 12, Int -, Ws 10, Cha 2
m-~. l3 Hide -1, Jump +12, Spot +12

Challenge Rating:

Temperate and warm Forest
1/10 coins; 50%goods; 50% items
Always neutral
11-17 HD (Huge); 18-21 HD (Gargantuan); 22-23 HD (Colossal)

Level Adjustment: -

This splder is of staggering size - perhaps 15 feet
around - with a great furred body.

Challenge Rating:



Many horror stories in Mulgore begin and end with
one of these terrifving beasts. Giant spiders 15 feet in
tives of the brown wolf
,feeding on livestock and
herds before
on to fresh hunting grounds. A
giant spider will establish a large nest, sleeping and
digesting meals there, then abandon it when the local
area becomes unfavorable.



Usually chaotic evil
HD (Medium); 4-7 HD

This spider is the size of a human. Its multiple eyes
glitter with cunning, and a viscous fluid coats its mandibles.


lie in wait,sometimes building piles of
loose materials to cover them. Once a victim comes
within reach, they pounce, biting several times and
then backing off. Unlike other large spiders, giant
:sh free, storing them in
,hes for digestion. prey is
,sheetofwebbing mainly to make it
c k to the spider's lair.
Poison (Ex):Giant spiders have a powerful poisonous bite that
will attempt to use
le target. I
DC 22 (31 for Gargantuan, 35 for Colossal), initial
and secondav damage ld8 str(2d6 for G
2d8 for Colossal).


Long ago, Elwynn Forest was populated with a
group of spiders that lived peacefully amid the woods.
Yet when the curse fell over Duskwood and turned the
Once Peaceful WOodland into a realm of terror, the
'eiders began to mutate and grow to monstrous ProPortions. Now, the lurking venom spiders hunt their
hapless prey in all of the shadowed corners of the land.
Possessing both deadly acidic venom and powerful
webbing, these cruel beasts stalk any foolish wanderers who stray too far into the haunted woods.
Venom spiders appear to have a crude cunning,
betraying their potential relations to ancient kingdom~of Azjol-Nerub.
Heroes who have encountered
them have reported a bestia1 hatred gleaming from
their ~multi-faceted
~ eyes. These
~ show an
uncanny understanding of tactics. For instance, a


Description: Frostfathom is a venerable night elf
weapon crafted by the legendary Moonguard, an elite
fighting force in ancient times. Queen Azshara herself
imbued it with its icy burst quality, making it even
deadlier for her favored agent to wield.
Powers: This singular magical bow is a +5 icy burst
composite longbow (+6 Str bonus) of speed.
Moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 10th;
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, chill metal or ice storm,
haste; Price 201,000 gp.

Gauntlets ofMight
Description: These
crafted gauntlets are
simple in appearancebut Offer the wearer great strength
and quickness in combat.
Powers: Gauntlets of might grant their wearer a +6
€&ancement bonus to his Strength and Dexterity
_- Both gauntlets must be worn for the magic to
be eftective.
Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous
Item, bull’s strength, cat’s grace; Price 108,000 gp;
Weight 4 lb.

Girdle of the Betrayer
Description: This wide belt is crafted from the hide
of a bear and clasps by linking two bear claws together
where the buckle would be.
Powers: This powerful belt provides the wearer
with a + 10armor bonus to AC, a +5deflection bonus
to AC, a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws, and a
+6 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
Moderate transmutation; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s endurance, mage armor, resistance,
shield offaith, creator must be at least 20th level; Price
322,000 gp; Weight 4 lb.

Nature’s Ring
Description: Nature’s ring is a powerful druidic ring
Illidan acquired as a gift from his brother Malfurion
long ago, before their rivalry.
Powers: This ring provides a +5 natural armor
bonus, grants the wearer the trackless step ability as a
scout, and allows the wearer to cast the entangle spell
once per day.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
entangle, pass without trace; Price 54,720 gp.
R n h o c nf F I\mn K i n a c

of the Ranger Generals.

Powers: These master-crafted robes grant the wearer
a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom
and Charisma, and a +5 resistance bonus to saving
throws. The wearer may cast mass charm once per day
as a 20th-level sorcerer.
Strong transmutation; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous
Item, eagle’ssplendor,fox’s cunning, owl’swisdom, mass
charm, resistance; Price 309,200 gp; Weight 3 lb.

~ o ofundead
Description: This golden rod is topped with a skull
carved from ivory. The first of its kind was given to
Sylvanas Windrunner by the lich Kel’Thuzad to aid
her in her duties when she was part of the Scourge.
The Forsaken, whomsheleads, haveno innate necromantic abilities or powers. She treasures
the itern as a
means of replenishing her waning ranks.
Powers: This rod can be used as a +1 light mace, but
ItSmain purpose is the ultimate control of undead.
use the followinp s.ells: A t willanimate dead, debct undead,speak with‘dead, invisibility
to undead; Slday-create
undead, desecrate; lldaycontrol undead, create greater undead, unhallow.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th;Craft Rod, animate
dead, controlundead,createundead, creategreaterundead,
desecrate, detect undead, hide from undead, speak with
dead, unhallow; Price 212,000 gp.


Superior Boots of Elvenkind
Description: These soft boots are made of a light
and supple leather.
Powers: These boots enable the wearer to move
quietly in virtually any surroundings, granting a +20
circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks. The
wearer also receives a +6 enhancement bonus to
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be an elf, cat’s grace, silence;
Price 112,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Witch’s Circlet
Description: A witch’s circlet is a simple string of
bead-sized bones worn around the head that grants its
wearer heightened awareness.
Powers: A witch’s circlet grants the wearer a +6
enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Charisma.
Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous
Item, eagle’s splendor, owl’s wisdom; Price 45,000 gp;
Weight 1 lb.

Description: This dark suit of full plate was given to
Kael by Illidan. Blessed with demonic properties, it

guards its wearer well. It is definitely of demonic
design - intended for a mortal champion such as
Kael. Though massive inform and covered with layers
of arcane etchings, this imposing armor rests lightly
upon the wearer.
Powers: This masterfully crafted +5shadow fullplate
armor of silent moves and spell resistance (27) allows the
wearer to cast emotion once per day. It does not have
a maximum Dexterity bonus; it has no chance of
arcane spell failure. The armor still weighs 50 pounds
and may encumber the wearer if he lacks the strength
to sustain the total load.

Chains of Kel’Thuzad
Description: The chains of Kel’Thuzad are a specially crafted set of seven magical spiked chains, given
to him by Ner’zhul. The owner must wrap this artifact
around his body to activate it, at which point the
chains animate and move lazily to and fro in the air
when not being commanded.
Powers: Each chain has a slightly different power.
The chains only function as a set; a chain separated
from the set causes all chains to cease functioning
until restored. Controlling the chains requires a standard action, though up to all seven chains can be
controlled in the same action. The chains that can
attack each act on their own, so all chains can still
attack even if Kel’Thuzad is not taking a full attack
Three of the chains are the equivalent of +5icy burst
spiked chains, but have a 15-foot reach and are animated to attackon their own using the wearer’s attack
bonus, but their own of Strength score of 33. Once a
chain has been commanded to attack a target, it
continues to attack that target whenever possible. If
the target is not in reach, then the chain attacks a
random creature within reach each round. The wearer
can command one or both of these chains to stop
attacking as a free action. Once directed, the wearer
is free to perform other actions while the chains
continue attacking.
Two more chains are animated to grapple foes, but
otherwise act as the previous chains. These chains
have a strength score of 33 but use the wearer’s attack
bonus. On a successfulgrapple, the chains deal 2d4+ 11
points of constriction damage plus ld6 points cold
damage and continue to deal this damage each round
until the victim breaks free. The wearer is most likely
unable to move far from the position at which a
subject becomes grappled, but the wearer is not considered grappled himself. The chains do all the work.
One chain wraps itself around the vital parts of the
wearer, as appropriate, and acts as a +5defendingspiked
chain, thus granting a +5 armor bonus. It also provides
a +5 deflection bonus to AC and +5 resistance bonus
to saving throws.

One chain wraps around the wearer’s waist and
drags on the ground. The chain grants levitation, as
long as it remains in contact with the ground, and
feather fall at will at all times. It is ultimately 20 feet
long, but only drags a few feet of chain unless commanded otherwise. This means the wearer continually
hovers a foot or so above the ground, but upon
command can levitate as high as 20 feet. The wearer
does not suffer the standard attack penalties associated with levitation. Maintaining a levitated height
requires concentration. The effect can be canceled as
a free action, which causes the wearer to lower slowly
to the ground over the course of that round.
When the wearer is forced to make a Reflex saving
throw that involves moving the wearer, such as falling
into a pit, the chains automatically reach out to grab
on to anything they can and help prevent the wearer
from being moved. This grants a +4stability bonus to
all such Reflex saves. Likewise, the wearer receives a
+4 stability bonus to resist bull rush attempts.

Description: Frostmourne is an artifact of great evil
and tremendous might, forged by demons to hold the
Lich King’s powers. Ner’zhul thrust the blade out of
the Frozen Throne and masterminded it finding its
way into Arthas’ hands. Desperate for any power that
might defeat the Scourge, the arrogant prince Arthas
took possession of the runeblade and in doing so
sealed his doom as Ner’zhul had planned.
Powers: Frostmourne is a +5 keen unholy ghost touch
bastard sword of woundingand speed with the ability to
drain life from its victims - and to drain the soul of
anyone who wields it other than the Lich King.
Frostmourne deals an additional 2d6 points of negative energy damage to all living creatures struck.
Undead do not take this damage (and therefore are
not healed when struck). The wielder regains an equal
number of hit points that Frostrnournedeals in damage
to a victim regardless ofwhether the wielder is alive or
undead. The wielder does not go above his normal
maximum hit points in this way.
As an unholy weapon, Frostmourne deals +ld6
points of unholy damage to good-aligned creatures
struck. As a wounding weapon, Frostmourne inflicts a
bleeding wound to any creature it damages.
The Lich King is capable of seeing through the eyes
and hearing through the ears of anyone who wields
Frostmourne. This ability cannot be stopped by any
mortal means, including a nondetectionspell or even a
miracle or wish. The Lich King can communicate with
the wielder at will telepathically, on any plane and at
any distance. The Lich King uses this ability to try and
corrupt the wielder over time. This has several effects.
An individual who wields Frostmourne will not part
with it willingly. A wielder must make a Will save

(DC 10 + 1 per day owned) each day or suffer a series
of debilitating effects as the Lich King slowly corrupts
his mind. After a failed save, a non-evil creature
moves one step closer to evil. (Good becomes neutral,
and neutral becomes evil.) A non-undead evil creature who fails his saving throw becomes undead (Hit
Dice become d l 2s; natural armor bonus increases by
+2; the creature loses its Constitution score and gains
undead traits as described in Chapter 7: Glossary of
the MM. All other statistics, including attack bonus,
saving throws, skills, and so on all remain as they were
before the change.) A n evil undead that fails its
saving throw has its soul sucked into the sword.
Frostmournebecomes essentially an intelligent weapon
with the Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores
of the wielder. Frostmourne retains all skills and features, such as spellcasting,that the creature had before.
In fact, as long as the wielder’s original body remains
within 1 mile of Frostmourne, the sword maintains
control of his body, and he may not be completely
aware that his consciousnesshas shifted to the weapon.
Beyond 1mile, the swordcannot control the wielder’s
body, and the wielder of course finally becomes quite
aware of his current state (if he is not already).
The Lich King can take possession of a soulless body
that comes in contact with him and Frostmourne at
the same time. The soul within Frostmourne is destroyed unless it willingly merges with the Lich King’s,
becoming lost as a separate entity for all eternity. The
Lich King gains the Strength and Dexterity scores of
the host body, but retains his own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. If a soul merges with the
Lich King, he gains all class levels, skills, feats, and
other features of that soul, including all of the original
creature’s memories. He has only done this one time,
with Prince Arthas Menethil.

Helm of Domination
Description: This helm was crafted by demons
both to hold the spirit of Ner’zhul and grant him his
Lich King powers. The helm, which helps command
undead and others, plus the Plute of the Damned, which
makes the wearer nearly invulnerable, were bonded to
Ner’zhul’s spirit and locked within the FrozenThrone.
The runeblade Frostmourne was also locked inside the
Frozen Throne, but Ner’zhul punched it out so that it
would eventually find its way to Arthas. Now Arthas
carries the whole set, thus inheriting the Lich King’s
powers. As long as the Lich King survives, no one can
wear the helm but him.
Powers: This helm grants the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
scores. In addition, the wearer may cast the spell
dominatemonster 5 times per day. If the wearer has the
ability to control undead, the normal number of Hit
Dice of undead that can be controlled is multiplied by

a factor of 10. The wearer gains the ability to cast at
will animate dead, create undead, and create greater
undead as adivine spellcaster of the wearer’s Hit Dice.
In addition, he casts these spells as quickened spells
rather than their normal casting times; a creature is
still only allowed one quickened spell per round. At
will, as a standard action, the wearer can unleash a
massive psionic attack in a cone 60 feet long. Anyone
caught in this cone must succeed at a Will save (DC
10 + 1/2 the wearer’s Hit Dice + the wearer’s Charisma modifier) or suffer 2d8 points of Charisma
damage. As long as the Lich King survives, however,
any creature donning the helm is slain immediatelyby
a surging overflow of power, with no saving throw.
Only divine beings are not slain, but they still cannot
command its powers if the Lich King is alive.

Plate of the Damned
Description: Though massive in form and covered
with layers of arcane etchings, this imposing armor
rests lightly upon the wearer. It was crafted by demons
along with the Helm of Domination and given to
Ner’zhulto make him nearly invulnerable, along with
the Helm, the armor was bonded to Ner’zhul’s spirit
and locked within the Frozen Throne.
Powers: This suit of +5 ghost touch full plate of spell
resistance (27) armor allows the wearer to move as
though wearing only normal clothing. It does not
have a maximum Dexterity bonus; it has no chance of
arcane spell failure. The armor still weighs 50 pounds
and may encumber the wearer if he lacks the strength
to sustain the total load.

Description: Spite was crafted by Mannoroth, a pit
lord generalof tremendouspower, and given to Azgalor
as a perfect tool for destruction. It was forged with the
spirit of a lesser demon trapped within and is now an
intelligent weapon (barely).
Powers: This potent weapon is a +5 Gargantuan
keen unholy wounding two-bladed sword of acid and frost.
Each round, the weapon itself automatically casts
blight as a 9th-level caster, centered on its wielder.
Spite has an Intelligence of5, Wisdom of 13,Charisma
of 6, and an Ego of 13.Spite cannot communicate with
its wielder, though the wielder always feels a slight
urge to spread blight and destruction. If spite wins an
ego battle, the possessor’ssole goal becomes the spread
of blight and destruction.

Sunstrider’s Longbow
Description: Dath’Remar Sunstrider, the ancestor
of Kael’thas Sunstrider, owned this bow in ages past.
It was passed down through the generations until
finally given to Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger General of Quel’Thalas.

Powers: This ancient elven artifact is a +5fiming
ghost touch outsider bane composite longbow (+8 Sa
bonus) ofspeed. The arrows it shoots are automatically
imbued as though they were fiming unholy outsider
bane ghost touch ammunition. They deal double normal damage. On a critical hit, the victim receives one
negative level (Fortitude DC 23 negates). Once per
day on command, the wielder can loose a slaying
arrow that matches itself to the type of its intended
target. If it strikes, the target must make a DC 23
Fortitude saving throw or die (or, in the case of
unliving targets, be destroyed) instantly. When keyed
to a living target, this ability is a death effect.

Verdant Sphere
Description: This powerful arcane artifact appears
to be a sphere of green magical fire that hovers around
the owner in much the same way an ioun stone orbits
its owner's head. Legend has it the orb siphons a
portion of the essenceof every evil outsider slain by its
owner. The orb draws on the essence of these demons
for its own powers, the spirits writhing in torment
within it for all eternity.
Powers: The Verdant Sphere grants the owner a +6
enhancement bonus to Intelligence and Charisma, a
+5 resistance bonus to saving throws, a +5 deflection
bonus to AC, and a +5 natural armor bonus to AC.
The reason it is most sought after by arcane casters,
however, is its ability to enhance spells. All spells with
the fire descriptor cast by the owner are treated as
though affected by the Widen Spell feat, but without
requiring the use of a higher level spell slot.

Pit Lord General
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:
Base Att/Grapple:


Full Attack:

Special Attack:

Special Qualities:



Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment

Huge Outsider
(Chaotic, Demonic, Evil, Extraplanar)
28d8+252 (378 hp)

50 Ft. (10 squares), fly 40 ft. (poor)
36 (-2 size, + l Dex, +10 +5Huge breast
p/ate, +22 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 35
Spite +43 melee (3d6+27/17-20 plus
ld6 fel and ld6 cold or ld6 acid), or bite
+37melee(2d8+22 plusld6 fel), or spell
+37 melee touch, or spell +23 ranged
Spite +41/+36/+31/+26and +41melee
(3d6+20/3d6+12/17-20 plus ld6 fel and
ld6 cold or ld6 acid) or bite +37 melee
(2d8+22 plus ld6 fel)
15 ft./lO ft.
Spell-like abilities, fel strike, howl of
terror, sweeping cleave, tail sweep, doom
stomp, summon demons, death throes
Darkvision 60 ft., improved vision, see
invisibility, detect magic, immunity to
fire and poison, resistance to acid 20 and
cold resistance 20, telepathy 100 ft.,
rebirth, divinationsensitivity, regeneration 10, damage reduction 15/good, spell
resistance 38, demonic traits (frightful
presence DC 28), outsider traits
Fort +25, Ref +17, Will +21
Str41,Dex12,Con28,lnt 12,Wis20,Cha1?
Bluff +13, Concentration +3?, Diplomacy
+13, Gather Information +13, Intimidate
+38, Knowledge (arcana) +31, Knowledge (the planes) +31, Listen +3?, Sense
Motive +35, Spellcraft +31, Spot +3?,
Survival +17
Blind-Fight, Cleave, Exotic WeaponProficiency (two-bladed sword), Great
Cleave, Improved Critical (two-bladed
sword), Improved Sunder, Leadership,
Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting,
Weapon Focus (two-bladed sword)
Any land or underground

Spite, +5Huge breastplate
Always chaotic evil


The hulkingcreature stands on four mammoth legs, but

has a massive humanoid torso. He has monstrous tusks
thatjut out from his fangedmouth and a long thick tail that
thunders behind his huge frame. Amane of livingfireruns
down his spine between his sinewy, leathery wings. He
carries a giant warblade in his hands and wears light plate
armor on his scaled torso.

Azgalor was once the lieutenant to the mighty demonkmg Mannoroth. Following Mannoroth's death at the
hands of the orc Grom Hellscream, Azgalor took it upon
himself to direct the Burning Legion's ground forces at the
Battle of Mount Hyjal. Though the Legion was defeated
that day, Azgalor escapedinto the Twisting Nether to plot
his revenge against the mortal armies of the world. Azgalor
seeks to destroy all life on Azeroth, employing whatever
forces he can utilize. Though he isn't as clever as his former
master, he has an aDtitude for chaos and violence that is
legendary even among demonkind.

Azgalor relishes melee and is
loathe using any spells or effects
that allow him to attack from
range. This is not to say he won't
use his spells; he just does it from
melee range. Azgalor uses his howl
of terror ability every round, but
otherwise his combat tactics are consistent with other others of his kind
(see Pit Lord entry).
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-bestow
curse, blasphemy, cam'on swarm", chaos
hammer, charm monster, clairaudiencel
clairvoyance, cripple*, deeper darkness,
desecrate, detect good, detect law, dimensional anchor, dispel good, fear,
greater dispel magic, haste, immolation*,
magic circle against good (self only), produce flame, pyrotechnics, rain of fire*,
read magic, shockwave", telekinesis,
teleport without error (self plus maximum load of objects only), tongues
(self only), unhallow, unholy aura,

His bite attack and any melee weapons he wields are
treated as though they have the fel weapon property.
Fel weapons deal + ld6 points of fel damage to creatures struck and another +ld6 points of fel damage to
good creatures. Fel weapons penetrate the damage
resistance of all outsiders.
Howl of Terror (Su):As a free action, Azgalor can
let loose a terrifying howl that sends his enemies
fleeing. All enemies within 60 feet that hear the howl
must make a DC 28 Will save or be frightened. A
creature that makes its saving throw is immune to this
ability for one day.
A creature that is frightened flees as well as it can.
If unable to flee, the creature may fight. It suffers a 2 morale penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saving
throws. A frightened creature can use special abilities,
including spells, to flee; indeed, the creature must use
such means if they are the only way to escape.
SweepingCleave (Ex):As anattack action, Azgalor
can swing his gargantuan two-bladed sword in
a tremendous 180-degree arc in
front of himself. All creatures within 15 feet on that
half of the battlefield take
3d6+20 points of damage
(Reflex DC 39 half).
Tail Sweep (Ex):Azgalor
can sweep with his tail as an
attack action. The sweep affects a
half circle with a diameter of 15
feet, centered on his rear.
Medium creatures and smaller
within the swept area are affected.
automatically deals 2d8+7
points of damage. Affected
creatures can attempt DC
39 Reflex saves to take

Doom Stomp (Su): As an attack action, Azgalor
can stomp on the ground to produce a shockwavethat
knocks back, stuns, and dazes creatures. All creatures
within a 20-foot radius take ld8+ 15 points of damage
and must make a DC 39 Fortitude save or be knocked
back 5 feet directly away from Azgalor. If that space is
occupied, the creature automatically falls prone in its
space. Creatures knocked back are stunned for 1
round and then dazed for 1 round, and must make a
DC 39 Reflex save or fall prone in their new space. A
stunned creature loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if
any) and can take no actions. Foes gain a +2 bonus to
hit stunned characters. A dazed creature can take no
actions (but defends itself normally).
Summon Demons (Su): 3/day-Azgalor can automatically summon 1 infernal or 2d4 fel stalkers.
Demons summoned remain for 20 rounds.
Death Throes (Su):When Azgalor is slain for good
(within the time limit of his rebirth ability) he explodes in a blinding flash of light that deals 70 points
of damage to all creatures within 140feet (Reflex DC
28 half).
Improved Vision (Su): Azgalor can see perfectly in
darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper
darkness spells.
See Invisibility (Su): Azgalor continuously sees as
though under the effects of a see invisibility spell.
Detect Magic (Su):Azgalor continuouslysees magic
auras as though under the effects of adetect magic spell.
Rebirth (Su): When Azgalor is slain, he immediately rises again as though the target of a touch of life
spell (see Chapter Four: Magic in the WarcraftRPG),
but the effect is permanent. This ability cannot be
used again for 28 rounds, so if Azgalor is slain again in
that time period, then he remains dead.
Divination Sensitivity (Su): Azgalor is automatically aware of anyone observing him through a magical
sensor. In turn, he can see and hear the caster. If he so
desires, Azgalor may step through the sensor into the
presence of the caster, accompanied by any willing
allies within 30 feet.

Illidan Stormrage, 20th-Level
Sorcerer/8th-Level Rogue/
7th-Level Fighter
The Betrayer, Lc>rdof Outland
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AWGapple:

Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:




Challenge Rating:

Level Adjustment:

Medium Outsider (Demonic, Evil)
28d8+7d10+319 (479 hp)
30 Ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average)
45 (+loDex, +10 natural, +10 armor, +5
deflection), touch 25, flat-footed 45

Blades ofAzzinoth +38 (2d4+23/1920/~3),orspeIl+32melee touch,or spell
+31 ranged touch
Blades o f Azzinoth +36/+36/+31/+26
and +36(2d4+18or2d4+12/19-20/~3)

5 ft./5 ft.
Sneakattack4d6,demonform,fel blast,
Keen senses, immunity to fire, death effects, and poison, resistance to acid 20
and cold 20, spell resistance 30, damage
reduction 1O/good, evasion, shadowmeld,
trapfinding, trap sense+& improved uncanny dodge, demonic traits (frightful
presence DC 42), outsider traits
Fort +30, Ref +31, Will +30
Str 32, Dex 31, Con29, Int 18,Wis 26, Cha 41
Balance +20,Bluff +20, Climb +18, Concentration +28, Escape Artist +18,
Gather Information +20, Hide +18, Intimidate +22, Jump +20,Knowledge
(arcana) +11, Knowledge (history) + 14,
Knowledge(nature) +6, Knowledge(the
planes) +14, Listen +15, Move Silently
+19, Search +9,Sense Motive +13,
Spellcraft +46, Spot +19, Survival +lo,
Swim +17, Tumble +17, Use Magic Device +23, Use Rope +15
Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting,
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave,
Improved Critical (warglaive), Improved
Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack, Quick
Draw, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack,
Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
Focus (warglaive), Weapon Specialization (warglaive)
Any land or underground

Amulet o f Charisma +6,blades o f
Azzinoth, gauntlets of might, Girdle o f
the Betrayer, nature'sring
Neutral evil


30 half). As with all fel spells, this effect receives a + 10
bonus on caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance.
Spells: As a 20th-level sorcerer.
Arcane Spells Known (6/10/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8;save
DC 22 + spell level): 0-widsplash, detect magic,detect
poison, ghost sound, light, m g e hand, mending, read
magic, tough of fatigue; lst-disguise self, feather fall,
moonglaive*, shadowmeld*, true strike; Znd-arcane
lock, cripple”, detect thoughts, invisibility, manu burn*;
3rd-fl y ,nondetection, protectionfrom elements,tongues;
4th-dimension door, dimensional anchor, immolation*,
lightning shield*; 5th-cone of cold, passwall, sending,
telekinesis; 6th-greater dispel magic, legend lore, mislead; 7th-delayed blast fireball, plane shift, teleport
without error; 8th-discern location, greaterphnar ally,
iron body; 9th-gate, starjall*, wish.
Keen Senses (Ex):Illidan has blindsight 60 ft. and
tremorsense 120 ft. Despite a lack of eyes, his other
senses are so keen that he is aware of magic auras as
though under the effects of a detect magic spell. Likewise, he can see invisible and ethereal creatures as
though under the effects of asee invisibility spell. These
abilities work all the time, even in magical darkness,
areas of a silence spell’s effect, and antimagic zones.
Illidan is not subject to gaze attacks.
Shadowmeld (Ex):Illidan can blend into surrounding darkness. A t night or in low-light
environments, this extraordinary ability grants him a
+10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks when not

Great demonic wings fan out behind the horned, malefic figure. Standing nearly 7 112 feet tall, the creature’s
nightelfheritageisevidentinitsviolet skin, longears, and
flowingbluehair. Itwears tatteredclothpants thatdo little
to conceal its cloven hooves. Jagged tattoos cover its bare
chest and arms. It wears a ragged bandage around its head
that covers its eyes. It carries two massive warglaives each etched with demonic runes of power.

Illidan Stormrage was one of the heroes who stood
against the Burning Legion during the War of the
Ancients nearly 10,000 years ago. As an immortal
night elf, his passion for magic and lust for power
drove him to the brink of madness. Fearing that he
would become an even greater threat than the Legion,
his twin brother Malfurion imprisoned Illidan beneath the earth for centuries. During the Legion’s
most recent invasion, Illidan was released to aid his
countrymen once again. During the battle, however,
he selfishly consumed a powerful demonic artifact
known as the Skull of Gul’dan. With the artifact’s
power flowing through him, Illidan became a hybrid
creature with demonic powers all his own.
Recently, Illidan entered into a pact with the demon Kil’jaeden and swore to destroy the FrozenThrone
of Icecrown for the Burning Legion. Illidan gathered
the insidious naga and wayward blood elves to his
cause and set out to fulfill his charge. Yet Illidan was
defeated by the Death Knight Arthas and forced into
exile in the extradimensional wastes of Outland.

Illidan relies on spellcasting to hammer his opponents. He is fond of summoning various demons to
whittle down a party. His strong combat abilities are
a secondarv strateev
.,, to throw off his enemies as he
buys time to cast bigger and better spells of destruction. If it’s one-to-one, he goes hand-to-hand.
Against larger groups, he tries to take them apart
tactically rather than through sheer brawn.
Demon Form (Su): Once per day, as a
standard action, Illidan can tap the fel demonic
energies running through his veins to transform
himself into the towering form an immensely
powerful demon. His size becomes Large (-1 size
penalty to AC and attacks). He gains +8 Strength
(+4attack, +4 one-handed damage, +6 two-handed
damage) and +4 Constitution (+70 hit points). He
gains the fel blast ability. This transformation lasts 25
Fel Blast (Ex):At will, in demon form only, Illidan
gains the ability to launch explosive balls of pure fel
energy at his enemies. This effect is the same as being
able to cast fireball at will as a 20th-level sorcerer, but
causes fel damage instead of fire damage (Reflex DC


Prince Kael’thasSunstrider,
15th-Level Wizard/ 14thLevel Fighter
Blood Mage Lord of the Blood Elves
Medium Humanoid (High Elf)

15d4+14d10+182 (318 hp)
3 0 ft. (6 squares)
41 (+8 Dex, +5 natural, +13 armor, +5
Armor Class:
deflection), touch 23, flat-footed 33
Base AWGapple: +151+25
Flamestrike +36 melee (ld10+20/15Attack
201x2 and l d 6 Fire), or spell +30 melee
touch, or spell +28 ranged touch
Full Attack:
Flamestrike +361+311+26 melee
(ld10+20/15-20/x2 and l d 6 fire)
5 ft.15 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, high elf traits
Fort +25, Reflex +25, Will +26
Str 30, Dex 27, Con 24, Int 34, Wis 24,
Cha 23
Climb+24, Concentration +27, Craft (alSkills:
chemy) +30,Diplomacy +11, Gather Information+ll, Hide+26, Intimidate +20,
Jump +24, Knowledge (arcana) +32,
Knowledge (history) +22, Knowledge
(nature) +17, Knowledge(nobi1ity & royalty) +22, Knowledge (religion) +17,
Knowledge (the planes) +23, Listen +23,
Move Silently +26,Ride +22, Search
+12, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +32,
Spot +23, Swim +24
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat
Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard
sword), Expertise, Improved Critical
(bastard sword), Improved Disarm, lmproved Initiative, Leadership, Lightning
Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Quick
Draw, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spring
Attack, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialization
(bastard sword)
Any land or underground
Challenge Rating: 31
Hit Dice:



Level Adjustment:

Flamestrike, Black Plate of Kael, The
Verdant Sphere, Gauntlets of Might,
bracers ofhealth +6,periapt of wisdom
+6,ring of major Fire resistance, ring of
fire elemental command
Chaotic neutral


Covered in scarlet robes and ornate black armor, the
figure carries himself with the weight of a seasoned warrior. His shining blond hair and chiseled features mark
him as a high elf, but his dark, piercing eyes and wicked
poise brand his as something more. A sphere of green
magical fire levitates around him - reacting to his
movements and mood. In his hands, he holds a large
double-edgedwarblade,etchedwithelvenrunes ofpower.

Prince Kael’thas was once a respected member of
the Kirin Tor of Dalaran. He was an accomplished
wizard and a hero of the high elf kingdom of
Quel’Thalas. Yet when the elven kingdom was destroyed and the high elves pushed to the edge of
extinction, Kael’thas and his survivingbrethren grew
dark and brooding. Renaming his followers the blood
elves, Kael’thasled them to abandon the Alliance and
join forces with Illidan the Betrayer. In exchange for
their loyalty, Illidan taught the blood elves how to
siphon demonic energies from their enemies in exchange for magical power. Now Kael’thas and his
blood elves exist only to hunt demons and strip them
of their powers. Though his principles and honor have
been cast to the winds, the former elven hero finds his
new pursuit more than adequate revenge for the loss
of his beloved homeland.

Kael enjoys beginning a fight by summoning a
phoenix or two before laying down a few flame-based
attacks and then wading into melee.
Spells: As a 15th-level wizard.
Typical Arcane Spells Prepared (4/7/7/7/7/6/5/4/3;
save DC 22 + spell level; caster level 16th): O-detect
magic, light, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st-burning
hands, charm person, expeditious retreat, feather fall,
jump, true strike, unseen servant; 2nd--darkness,
darkvision, daylight, flaming sphere, invisibility, mna
burn* (x2); 3rd-dispel magic, explosive runes, fireball,
flame arrow, fly, protection from energy, tongues; 4thdimension door, fire shield,fire trap, rain of fire*, remove
curse, scrying, wall of fire; Sth-dispel magic (silent,
still), major creation, sending, stone shape, telekinesis,
wall of iron; 6th-disintegrate, summon phoenixf (x3),
true seeing;7th-banishment, delayedblastfirebal1,plane
shift, teleport without error; 8th-banish” (x2), mind
7 This is a unique spell that Kael developed to
summon fire elementals. Treat as a summon monster
VI spell, except it can only summon fire elementals.
Kael invariably uses it to summon phoenixes, hence
its name.
High Elf Traits (Ex):Can cast four 0-level spells
(cantrips) per day, chosen from the sorcerer and
wizard spell lists, as a 1st-level caster; has an effective

ancient nerubian spider-crownsof Northrend. His 7-foot
frame levitates ominously above the ground, trailing a
freezingcloudoffrost behind him. He is wrapped infrozen
chains that drag across the ground as he mowes.



30 ft. (6 squares)
33 (+8Dex, +5 natural, +5armor, +5
deflection), touch 23, flat-footed 25

Armor Class:

Base AWGrapple: +10/+12
Chains ofKel’Thuzad+2?/+2?/+2? melee and +2?/+2’? grapple (2d4+16 plus
ld6 cold), or spell +15 melee touch, or
spell +21 ranged touch
Chains ofKe1’Thuzad+2?/+2?/+2? melee and +2?/+2? grapple (2d4+16 plus
ld6 cold)

Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:

Challenge Rating:

5 ft./15 ft.
Rebuke living, drain mana, cold aura,
undead mastery, spells
Darkvision 80 ft., fast healing 4, immunity to cold and fire, DR 15/bludgeoning,
animate minions, undead traits
Fort +13, Reflex c21, Will +27
Str 15, Dex 27, Con -, lnt 39, Wis 26,
Cha 27
Bluff +13, Concentration +28, Craft (alchemy) +42, Diplomacy +15, Gather Information +15, Hide +13, Intimidate +13,
Knowledge (arcana) +42, Knowledge
(history) +24, Knowledge (nature) +19,
Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +21,
Knowledge (religion) +24, Knowledge
(the planes) +27, Listen +18, Move Silently +13, Search +24, Sense Motive
+18, Spellcraft +42, Spot +18
Alertness, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Improved Spell Capacity (x2), Lightning Reflexes, MaximizeSpell, Mobility, Quicken Spell, Scribe
Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Penetration, Still Spell
Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Any land or underground

Chains ofKel’Thuzad, crown of intellect,
gloves o f Dexterity +6

Level Adjustment: -

The imposing skektal figure is wreathed in frost-fire
and malice. Blue light shines out from his eye sockets and
hollow mouth. He is draped in black, rune encrusted robes
- with his ice-cowered ribcage exposed. He wears a
ceremonial headdress on his skull reminiscent of the

Kel’Thuzad was one of the greatest Archmagi of
Dalaran. His lust to delve into the dark arts of necromancy, however, made him an outcast among his
fellow wizards. Heeding the call of the god-like Lich
King, Kel’Thuzad traveled to Northrend and offered
his soul to Ner’zhul. The Lich King commanded the
dark wizard to help him unleash the undead Scourge
upon humanity. Though Kel’Thuzad was killed by the
hero Arthas, he was ultimately resurrected as a lich
after Arthas was corrupted by the Lich King.
Kel’Thuzad served as Arthas’ most trusted advisor as
the Scourge annihilated the last traces of humanity in
Lordaeron. When Arthas was called to Northrend to
defend the Frozen Throne, Kel’Thuzad was left to
oversee the Lich King’s army and the newly formed
Plaguelands of the Scourge.Kel’Thuzad is perhaps the
second most powerful undead entity in the world.

Kel’Thuzad attempts to confuse and harass his
enemies by first summoning mass undead. He blasts
away with frost-based attacks from afar, letting his
minions feast on the living. He raises slain enemies to
fight for his side whenever the opportunity presents
Rebuke Living (Su): Kel’Thuzad may channel
negative energy to rebuke (awe) creatures of non-evil
alignment as a 20th-level cleric rebukes undead (see
the PHB). Kel’Thuzad makes the equivalent of a turn
check. Living creatures of the appropriate level are
rebuked and must cower as if in awe (attack rolls
against such creatures are at a +2 bonus). The effect
last 10 rounds.
Drain Mana (Su): Kel’Thuzad can drain spell
levels or spell slots from a target as per the manu burn
spell 8 times per day (caster level 25th).
Cold Aura (Su): Kel’Thuzad is surrounded by an
aura of cold that deals 2d6 points of cold damage each
round to all creatures within 10 feet.
Undead Mastery (Sp): Kel’Thuzad has the ability
spontaneously to convert spell slots to animate dead,
create undead, and create greater undead spells just as a
cleric converts spell slots to cure/inflict wounds spells.
In addition, he casts these spells as quickened spells
rather than their normal casting times. He can still
only cast one quickened spell per round.
Spells: As a 25th-level wizard.
Typical Arcane Spells Prepared (5/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/
413; save DC 24 + spell level): O-detect magic ( ~ 2 ) ’
disrupt undead**, light, readmagic; lst-cause fear, chill

The Lich King

Challenge Rating:

Lord of t h e Undead Scourge
Medium Undead (Independent)

Hit Dice:
Armor Class:

Base AWGapple:

Full Attack:

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:




42d12 (504 hp)
60 ft. (12 squares)
49 (+7 Dex, +9 natural, +13armor, +8
deflection), touch 27, flat-Footed 40
Frostmourne +41melee (ld10+21/1720and wound),orspell+35meleetouch,
or +33ranged touch
Frostmourne +41/+41/+36/+31
(ld10+21/17-20 and wound), or spell
+35 melee touch, or +33ranged touch

5 Ft. / 5 ft.
Elementalmastery, undead mastery, rebuke living, harm touch, aura of despair,
mind blast, Frightful presence (DC 39),
spell-like abilities, spells
Darkvision 120 ft., +1 attack versus humans, spontaneous casting (inflict
wounds spells), evil touch, immunity to
cold, fire, and transmutation, resistance
to acid 20 and electricity 20, DR 15/
bludgeoning, fast healing 5,animateminions, detect undeadloutsiders, rebuke
undead/outsiders, spell resistance 32,
telepathy 100 ft., undead traits
Fort +38, Ref +40,Will +50
Str 32, Dex 28, Con -, Int 30, Wis 32,
Cha 27
Climb +19,Concentration +29,Craft (alchemy) +37,Diplomacy +22,Heal +15,
Hide +13, Intimidate +18,Jump +19,
Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge
(history) +20, Knowledge (military tactics) +20, Knowledge (the planes) +25,
Knowledge (religion) +27, Knowledge
(undead) +30,Listen +17,Move Silently
+13,Ride +29,Search+14,Sense Motive
+15,Spellcraft +48,Spot +17,Survival
+11,Swim +17
Bash, Battle Cry, Brew Potion, Combat
Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Craft Wondrous Item, Devoted Leadership, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(bastard sword), lmproved Initiative,
Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Quick Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent
Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell
Penetration, Still Spell, Trample, Weapon
Focus (bastard sword, battleaxe,
warhammer), Weapon Specialization
Any land or underground

Frostmourne, plate of the damned, helm
of domination, gauntlets of might, cloak
of resistance +5
Chaotic evil

Level Adjustment: -

The armored figure moves with a dark grace and
confidence. Fiery blue eyes glare out from the depths of a
heavy black iron helm. Tufts of long white hair stream out
from beneath the helm as well. The armoredfigure wears
a royal blue cloak trimmed with white fur and carries a
massive runeblade etched with glowing sigils of unholy
frost. His crooked grin implies untold power and endless
hatred for the living.

Kil’jaeden, one of the lords of the Burning Legion,
first created the Lich King to wreak havoc and terror
across Azeroth. To this end, the orc Ner’zhul was
transformed into a wraith-like being of unlimited
psionic and necromantic power. Though his spirit was
trapped inside the Frozen Throne of Icecrown,Ner’zhul
sent out a plague of undeath that nearly scoured
humanity from the world.
Mighty as he was, Ner’zhul searched for a pawn that
could free his spirit from the Frozen Throne and act as
a host body for his unbridled power. By masterminding the downfall of shining Lordaeron, Ner’zhul
succeededin corrupting the kingdom’s arrogant young
prince, Arthas Menethil. Ultimately, Arthas was lured
to the Frozen Throne and used the cursed runeblade
Frostmourne to shatter it forever. Ner’zhul’s vile spirit
took possession of the evil prince’s body. Now they
exist as a singular all-powerful entity: the Lich King.

The Lich King leads off with a mind blast and
quickened sound burst, then another mind blast and a
quickened telekinesis literally to throw his enemies
into disarray. While they struggle with the effects of
these attacks, the Lich King summonsvarious forms of
undead to send at them. Once the undeadseparate the
group sufficiently, the Lich King unloads all manner
of violent frost-based spells. Anyone left standing
must contend with the Lich King himself as he wields
Frostmourne into melee combat.
Elemental Mastery (Su): The Lich King rebukes
and controls elementals the same as a 20th-level evil
cleric rebukes or commands undead (see the PHB).
He may also bolster elementals he controls in the
same way that an evil cleric bolsters undead (see the
PHB). The Lich King may attempt to control
elementals 11 times per day.

UndeadMastery (Su): At will-anzmte dead, create

Spell-LkeAbilities:At will-cmse fear,deathknell,death
ward, deshu~tion,manadran, slay liting,s m n d b s t (quicklevelcleric. Inaddition, he casts these spellsas quickened
ened), telekinesis (quickened),teleport without error (self and
gearonly), wailofthe h h e e . These abilities are psionic in
only cast one quickened spell per round.
origin, but are otherwise as the spells cast by a 42nd-level
sorcerer (save Dc 18+ spell level).The Lich King canstill
Rebuke Living (Su): The Lich King may channel
only use one quickened spell per round.
negative energy to rebuke (awe) creatures of non-evil
alignment as a 20th-level cleric rebukes undead (see the
Spells: As a 14th-level healer, with access to the
PHB).TheLichKingmakestheequivalentofaturncheck. shaman spell list, and as a 20th-level wizard.
Living creatures of the appropriate level are rebuked and
TypkalDwineSpeUsPrepared (6/8/8/8/6/6/5/4/2;save Dc
must cower as if in awe (attack rolls against that creatureare
2 1 + spell level): u m t magic (x2), mending (x2),
at a +2 bonus). The effect last 10 rounds.
magic (x2); l s t h , w s e water, ditine favor, doom,
Ham Touch (Sp): Each day, the Lich King caninflict
entropicslueld,obxzningmist (x2),stasis trap*; 2nd--aupq,
upto80pintofnegativeenergydamagebymakingamelee frost armor*, holdperson (x2), ksserdeathcoil" (x2),si&,
touch attack (+35attack modifier).The Lich King doesn't
have to use all the negative energydamage at once. He can
death coil*, deeper darkness,&pel magic, en+ng
use some and save some for a later attack. Undead are
setpent ward"; 4th4tinatim1, divine power, greater death
instead cured an equal amount.
s t o m (xz), obsbngmist (quickened),ri&teous rmght, h ~ e
Aura of Despair (Su): The Lich King radiates a
seeing, u*;
6th-cham lighhg, cone of cold, harm,
malign aura that causes enemies within 10feet of him
stoneskin,wordofred; 7th-&pelmagic(quickened) (x2),
to suffer a -2 morale penalty on all saving throws.
Mind Blast (Su): At will, as a standard
Typical Arcane Spells Prepared (5/Sl8/7/7/7/7/6/6/6;
action, the Lich King can unleash a
save DC 20 + spell level):O-daze (x2),disrupt undead* *,
massive pionic attack in a cone 60
light ( ~ 2 ) lst+larm,
chill touch, endure elements, hold
feet long. Anyone aught in this
c missile (x3), ray of enfeeblement**; 2ndconemustsucceedata~~39 portal, m
detect thoughts, frost amor**, resist elements,
Will Save or suffer 2d8
seeinvisibility, spectralhand** (x2), unholyfrenzy*; 3rdpointsofC&ma&mfly, frost nova*, protection from elements, nondetection,
slow (x2), vampiric touch**; 4th--dimensional anchor,
enervation**, ice storm,greater death coil", detect scrying,
dimension door (x2), scrying; 5 th-carrion swam", cause
fear (quickened)**, cone of cold, dominate person, hold
nwnster, prying eyes, true strike (quickened); 6th-circle
of death**, disintegrate,forcefulh n d ,freezlngsphere ,gem/
quest, legend lore, true seeing; 7th-finger of death**,
forcecage, greater scrying, limited wish, phne shift (x2);
8th-dimension door (quickened), greater dispel magic
(silent, still), h o d wiltin?*, ice storm (quickened),
mass charm, waU ofice (quickened); 9th-energydrain**
(x2), soul bind, telepmt (quickened), wish (x2).
Evil Touch (Ex): The Lich King casts all spells
with the evil descriptor at + 1 caster level.
Animate Minions (Su):The Lich King's ability to
control undead is far greater than a normal lich's due
to his supreme mastery of undeath. He can control
2,100 HD worth of undead creatures. If he exceeds
this amount, any excess undead become uncontrolled,
but may not attack or impede him or his minions.
Detect Undead/Outsiders (Su): The Lich King continually detectsundead as thoughunderthe effectsof adetect
undead spell. He detects outsiders in the same way.
Rebuke Undead/Outsiders (Su): The Lich King
has the ability to command/rebuke undead and
outsiders as a 30th-level cleric (see the PHB).
undead, and create greater undead spells cast as a 42nd-

SylvanasWind runner
Hit Dice:

Armor Class:

Base AWGapple:

Full Attack

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:



Challenge Rating:

Level Adjustment:

Medium Undead (Independent)
30d12 (195 hp)
40 ft. (6 squares), fly 40 ft. (perfect)
40 (+13 Dex, +8 +5studdedleather arm,+?deflection), touch 32, flat-footed 27
Sunstrider’s Longbow +44 ranged
(2d8+13/18-20/~3plusld6 fire), or bow
strike +36 melee (ld6+11), or spell +31
melee touch, or spell +38 ranged touch
Sunstrider’s Longbow +42/+42/+37/
+32/+27 and +42 ranged (2d8+13/1820/x3 plus ld6 fire), or bow strike +36/
+31/+26/+21melee (ld6+11)

5 ft.15 ft.
Horrific appearance, banshee scream,
banshee curse, antimagicshell, extended
range, favored enemies, keen arrows,
bow strike, arrow cleave, spells
Darkvision 60 ft., Fast movement, rejuvenation, +4 turn resistance, woodland
stride, swift tracker, anticipation, high
elf traits
Fort +20, Reflex +28, Will +21
Str22,Dex37,Con -, Int25, Wis31,ChaZQ
Bluff +Q, Climb +21, Concentration +17,
Diplomacy +Q, Gather Information +Q,
Heal +lo, Hide +43, Intirnidate+lQ,Jump
+21, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (nature) +18,Knowledge(re1igion)
+7,Listen+37, MoveSilently+47, Search
+1Q, Sense Motive +lo, Spellcraft +19,
Spot +33, Survival +21, Swim +16
Blind-Fight, Close Shot, Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise, Far Shot, Improved Critical (longbow), Improved
Precise Shot, Manyshot, Mobility, Point
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot,
Shot on the Run, Track, Trick Shot,
Weapon Focus(longbow), Weapon Specialization (longbow)
Any land or underground

Sunstrider’sLongbow,silver arrows (30)
and cold iron arrows (30) and adamantine arrows (30) in a bottomless quiver,
+5studded leather, rod of undead mastery, robesofelvenkings,superiorboots
o f elvenkind, cloak o f writhing shadows,
girdle of giant strength c6
Lawful evil


Draped in dark, elaborate robes of the finest spider-silk,
the lithefemininefigure exudes deathandshadow. Though
hooded, her perfect features and almond shaped eyes
suggest an elven heritage. Yet her cold alabaster skin and
wicked, mournful stare betray the fact that she is an
undead creature of immense power. She carries an ornately carved elven bow in her right hand and wears a
sheathed magical rod on her belt. Though her fine garments show that she is royalty of some sort, her muddy
boots and travel-worn leather pants suggest that she is a
traveled adventurer as well.

Sylvanas was once the Ranger General of
Silvermoon and the leader of the high elf armies of
Quel’Thalas. During the undead Scourge’s invasion
of Quel’Thalas, Sylvanas was transformed into an
undead banshee and forced to serve the Death Knight
Arthas. Though she hated Arthas above all others,
she was forced to obey the commands of the insidious
Lich King. Sylvanaswon her freedom from the Scourge
when the Lich King’s control was disrupted during the
Frozen Throne Affair. She regained her physical form,
but is still cursed with undeath and unable to go back
to her former life. Sylvanas decided to free as many
undead from the Lich King’s yoke as she could. Creating a renegade army known as the Forsaken, Sylvanas
succeeded in liberating western Lordaeron from the
Scourge’s control. Based within the ruins beneath
Lordaeron’s former capital city, Sylvanas continues to
lead the Forsaken in their eternal war against the
“mindless” undead Scourge.

Sylvanas rarely uses her magic in direct combat.
She is a master archer. She favors her magical longbow
and employs hit-and-run tactics with her enemies just as she did in life as an elven ranger. She is a master
of woodland camouflage and uses this to her advantage in the wilds.
Horrific Appearance (Su): Any living creature
within 60 feet that views Sylvanas must succeed at a
DC 34 Fortitude save or immediately suffer ld4 points
of permanent Strength, ld4 points of permanent
Dexterity, and ld4 points of permanent Constitution
drain. A creature that successfully saves against this
mind-affecting attack cannot be affected by her horrific appearance for one day.
Banshee Scream (Su): Sylvanas can blast living
beings with a scream, at a range of up to 30 feet.
Creatures that hear the scream must succeed at a DC
34 Fortitude save or suffer 2d10 points of sonic damage and ld4 points of permanent Charisma drain.
Banshee Curse (Su): Sylvanas can shout a curse at
a target creature within30feet. Thevictimmust make
a DC 34 Will save or be permanently affected by a

curse that causes the target to miss 50% of all attacks
made. This is not a concealment or incorporeal penalty, so the Blind-Fight feat and ghost touch weapons
do not mitigate this curse. The curse cannot be
dispelled, but it can be removed with a beak enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell.
This ability can be used to counter remove curse.
Antimagic Shell (Sp): A t will, Sylvanas can use
this spell-like ability to target one creature within 30
feet with an antimagic
shell. The effect lasts
30 rounds. A faintly
shimmering magical
sphere surrounds the
target and excludesall
spell effects of up to
4th level, and grants
the target a +8 resistance bonus to saves
against all spells of 5th
level and higher. The
area of effect of any
such spells does not
include the area of the
antimagic shell. Such
spells fail to affect any
target located within
the antimagic shell, including spell-like
abilities and spells or
spell-like effects from
devices. Any type of
spell c a n be cast
through or out of the
antimagic shell, however, The antimagic
shell can be brought
down by a targeteddispel magic, but not by
an area dispel magic.
The antimagic shell
moves with the target.
Note that spell effects
are not disrupted unless their effects enter
theantimagicshell, and
even then they are
merely suppressed,not
dispelled. If a given spell has more than one level
depending on which character class is casting it, use
the level appropriate to the caster to determine whether
the antimagic shell stops it.
Extended Range (Ex): Sylvanascad add 100feet to
the range increment of any bow she wields. Her
composite longbow, with her Far Shot feat, therefore
has a range increment of 265 feet.

Favored Enemies (Ex): Sylvanas gains a bonus to

Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survivalchecks
when using these skills against her favored enemies.
Likewise, she gets a bonus to weapon damage rolls
against such creatures. This damage bonus with ranged
weapons applies only against targets within 30 feet
(the elven ranger cannot strike with deadly accuracy
beyond that range). The bonus does not apply to
damage against creatures that are immune to critical
hits. Her favored enemies and bonuses
against them are ab(+4),
animals ( + 2 ) , giants
(+2), monstrous humanoids ( + 4 ) , and
outsiders (+6).
(Ex): All arrows or
bolts Sylvanas fires
are considered keen
in addition to any
other properties they
might have.
Bow Strike (Ex):
Sylvanasmay use her
bow in melee combat like a quarterstaff
in a manner that does
not damage the bow.
A r r o w Cleave
Sylvanas deals a creature enough damage
with an arrow or bolt
to drop it (typically
by dropping it to below 0 h i t points,
killing i t , and so
forth), she receives a
second attack with
against another creature directly in the
path of the arrow.
The creature must be
in the same range increment as the
original target, and the second attack is at the same
bonus as the original attack that dropped the previous
Spells: As a 10th-level elven ranger and a 10thlevel sorcerer.
Typical Divine Spells Prepared (5/5/4/3; save DC 20
+ spell level): lst-ularm, detect magic, detect undeud,
entangle, resist energy; 2nd-hold animal, produce fire,

protection from energy (x2), speak with plants, wood
shape; 3rd-diminish plants, invisibility, plant growth,
see invisibility;4th-invisibility sphere,nondetection, tree
Arcane Spells Known (6/9/8/8/7/5; save DC 19 +
spell level): Odancing lights, daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, ghost sound, light, prestidigitation, read
magic, resistance; 1st-mge armor, magic missile, obscuring mist, shadow meld", true strike; Znd-cripple",
darkness, scare, whispering wind; 3rd--dispel magic, halt
undead, thorn shield"; 4th+harm
monster, scrying;
Rejuvenation (Su): As long as the Lich King
survives, it is impossible to destroy Sylvanas' spirit
completely. Her "destroyed" spirit restores itself in
2d4 days. The only way to get rid of her for sure is first
to destroy the Lich King and then destroy her. Her
existence became linked to his during her initial
creation as a banshee.
Woodland Stride (Ex):Sylvanas can move through
any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns,
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her
normal speed and without taking damage or suffering
any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown
areas enchanted or magically manipulated to impede
motion still affect her, however.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Sylvanas can move at her
normal speed while following tracks without taking
the standard -5 penalty. She takes only a -10 penalty
(instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to
twice her normal speed while tracking.
Anticipation (Ex): Sylvanas may select one target
to observe each round; for the remainder of that
round, this target cannot make attacks of opportunity
against her when she leaves or enters that opponent's
threat area. Finally, this opponent cannot flank
Sylvanas, although she may still be flanked by other
High Elf Traits (Ex): Can cast four 0-level spells
(cantrips) per day, chosen from the sorcerer and
wizard spell lists, as a 1st-levelcaster; has an effective
+1 caster level in all arcane spellcasting classes; once
per day, can apply the Empower Spell feat to any spell
as it is being cast, without the normal spell slot
penalty; magic addiction (see the high elf in the
Warcraft RPG or the blood elf in the Alliance &
Horde Compendium).

LadyVashj, 17th-Level
Healer/9th-Level Sorcerer
NagaSea Witch
Medium Monstrous Humanoid

17d8+?d4+182 (281 hp)
20 ft. (4 squares), swim 50 ft.
36 (+8 Dex, +5amulet ofnaturalarmor
Armor Class:
+5,+ 8 bracers ofarmor +8, +5ring of
protection +5),touch 23, flat-footed 28
Base AttIGrapple: +12/+22
Frostfathom+Z? ranged(1 d8+ 11119- 201
x3 plus l d 6 cold), or +5keen icy burst
scimitar+26 melee (ld8+11/15-20 plus
l d 6 cold), or spell +21 melee touch, or
spell +23 ranged touch
Full Attack:
Frostfathom+27/+27/+22/+17 and +27
ranged(ld8+11/1?-20/~3 plusld6cold),
or +5keen icy burst scimitars +24/+1?/
+14 and +24 melee (ld8+11 or ld8+8/
15-20 plus l d 6 cold)
5 Ft.15 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Darkvision 60 ft., spontaneous casting
(inflict woundsspells),evil touch, water
Fort +25, Reflex +22, Will +34
Str23, DexZ',Con24,lnt12, Wis36,Cha27
Bluff +13, Concentration +28,Diplomacy
+13, Gather lnformation +13, Heal +18,
Knowledge(arcana) +6, Knowledge(religion) +6,Listen +18, SenseMotive+18,
Spellcraft +22, Spot +18, Swim +14.
Brew Potion, Close Shot, Craft Wand,
Dodge, Far Shot, Maximize Spell,
Multiweapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the
Run, Spell Focus(evocation), Trick Shot,
Weapon Focus (longbow).
Any land or underground
Challenge Rating: 2 6
2 +5keenicyburstscimitars,Frostfathom
(+5 icyburst compositelongbow[+6 Str
bonus] ofspeed), +1 keen arrows (30),
Hit Dice:


bracersofarmor+8, witch's circlet, belt
ofmight, amulet ofnaturalarmor+5, ring
ofprotection+5,gloves ofdexterity +6,
cloak ofresistance +5, wand of earthquake (25 charges), wand o f control
weather (25 charges), wand o f control
water(25 charges), wandofchainlight-

Level Adjustment:

ning(25 charges)
Always lawful evil

The shadowy serpentine figure rears up on its massive
coiled tail. She carries an ornate bow in two of her arms
and brandishes gracefully curved scimitars in the remaining two hands. Her slanted eyes glow with a malefic
orangefire, and the snake-tendrilscoiled around her head
hiss and writhe with hatred. Her blue-scaled skin glistens
with moisture and heat. Her lithe body tenses like a
serpent preparing to strike.

Lady Vashj is an ancient naga priestess dedicated to
the service of her race’s queen, Azshara. Wicked and
brilliant, VaShl Served as one of AzShara’s favored
agents for many
planning the naga’s
return to the hated
Azshara finally decided to make the
naga’s existence
known, she sent
Lady Vashj to establish contact
with the surface
dwellers. Lady
Vashj met the demon-cursed Illidan
and they struck a
pact to aid each
other against their
night elf enemies.
To this day, Lady
Vashj still serves
her master Illidan
in the wastes of
Outland. Though
her heart and loyalties lie with her
Queen and her
race, Vashj enjoys
working with Illidan and sowing discord and terror
wherever she can.


does, whirlwinds, tsunamis, tidal waves, and so on. A
retinue of naga myrmidon bodyguards always accompanies her.
Spells: As a 9th-level sorcerer and a 19th-level

A~~~~~spellsK~~~~ (6/8/8/8/6;Save

openlclose, prestidigitation
sage, obscurin
blizzard, gust of wind, ske
ice storm.
Typical Divine Spells Prepared (6/9/8/8/8/7/6/5/4/3;
save DC 23 + spell
level): O-create wa_I

might, scryig, shy livmg, true seeing; 6th-peater dispel m g c , ham, heal,
mass bear’s endurance. mass bull’s strenath. word of
recall; 7 th- c(
__ __ -=
erate, resurrect.- ., ___
aura, whirlwind (x2);9th-kmen
Evil Touch (EX): La& Vashr mav nrenare spells
from the
domain a

Vashj leans on her combat abilities more than her
sorcery, but she is still a formidable sorceress. She is
peerless with her magic bow (Sylvanas 1s the only
archer who’s better). She favors wind and water
elemental powers when casting offensively -torna-

18 + spell

spells at +1



Appendix Three:
Other Monsters in
Creatures from other d20 sources can add an exciting new element to a Warcraft campaign. This
appendix details monsters from the MM v3.5, Creature Collection Revised, Creature Collection 11:
Dark Menagerie, and The Tome of Horrors.

MM(CoreRulebook Ill)
Animated Object: Uncontrolled magic often resides in physical objects, occasionally lending them
animate ability. These items are often possessions of
necromancers, occasionally animated specifically to
assist the spellcaster in his work. When necromancers
die, these objects usually lose their locomotion -but
not always. Some tales describe ancient guardians,
flying swords, and other items that still defend the
abandoned laboratories of dead necromancers.
Animated objects are never encountered ILwandering” Azeroth, but they are always created with purpose.
They can be found in cities, private residences, and
wizards’ laboratories. These creatures have no emotions, no “desires,” and no need to leave their homes
for hunting or other purposes. When not being used
by a necromancer, they do nothing except sit on their
proverbial “shelf.”
Ankheg: These monstrous, ant-like creatures bear
some distant resemblance to the Nerubian race.
Ankhegsnow monopolize the Nerubian wastes, building their cave-like homes beneath the ruins of the
Nerubian cities. They prey on those foolish enough to
travel to the Nerubian lands in search of lost treasure
or ancient knowledge. These desert-loving creatures
are extremely dangerous and have in the past been
incorrectly identified by the uneducated as giant crypt
These creatures have existed since the days of the
Nerubian cities. Murals on the walls of those ancient
cities imply that ankhegs were once captured for
gladiatorial matches. One ankheg would face five or
more Nerubian warriors, and it was considered a sign

of favor from the gods if the Ankheg fought well or was
difficult to destroy.
Bugbear: Formed by the tests and experiments of
the necromancers, these horrible, twisted creatures
are often used as guardians by more scientific necromancers. Some few were also released into the wilds
around mountainous regions, allowed to breed and
propagate their twisted mutated race. They are little
more than primitive beasts, attacking out ofhunger or
need - but they also have certain commands imprinted upon their very natures. They will occasionally
respond to directives given in a certain dark language,
unable to resist the imprinted need to fulfill a
necromancer’s will.
These creatures are, in many ways, to be pitied.
They are not completely unintelligent and can understand as well as a dog or other domestic animal. Some
scholars of Azeroth claim that bugbears could be
taught to read and understand language with time.
Few are willing to attempt this experiment, however,
and most of those who did try found themselves forced
to destroy the frustrated and enraged bugbear long
before the experiment could be termed a “success.”
Centaur: Centaurs on Azeroth are not the gentle,
peaceful beasts of Greek myth. Meat-eaters and occasionally cannibalistic, these ferocious creatures are
the bane of other forest dwellers. They claim a territory with bloody sacrifice, making it their own through
their martial prowess and dark ritual. Raising a centaur as a member of the undead is impossible.
Necromancers claim that this is because the horsebeasts sold their souls to a darker power long ago and
so cannot be claimed by another.
These creatures live in the deep forests near human
settlements, occasionally proving their prowess by
raiding human villages and carrying away women and
children for their feasts. Some human settlements
make war on centaur tribes, driving back the cruel
horsemen with fierce determination. If it were not for
centaur pride, they may have joined with the Scourge

when the plague struck the human settlements to the
north of the forests.
Celestials: Few tales discuss Celestials in Azeroth,
no person has openly claimed to see one in nearly
1,000years. It is said that angels and kind spirits once
roamed the orc and human lands, teaching peace and
cooperation and offering gifts to those who chose to
follow that path. Now, they are merely legend; some
even say they have been destroyed or subjugated by
evil spirits and so exist no more. Yet secret cults
throughout most nations still worship these beings some say, in vain.
Celestials are said to take many faces, depending on
which race is telling the story. Usually, they resemble
the individual with whom they are speaking,idealized
into perfect feature and form. They do not “live”
within the lands of Azerothper se, but instead exist on
some higher plane, called into being only when necessity demands it.
Demons: Demons, devils, and other infernal creatures most certainly take an active interest in the
workings of Azeroth. Sorcerers often claim that their
power comes directly from such dark sources and
occasionallyhave a patron beast of the Dark Below to
foster their magic. These creatures rarely walk the
land alone, but they have many worshippers on Azeroth
to do their work for them. These priests are often
indistinguishable from the Lich King’s necromancers,
though the two factions hate one another with a
vengeance born of jealousy and professional rivalry.
Demons are said to take many faces, depending on
which race is telling the story. Usually, they resemble
the individual with whom they are speaking,idealized
into hideous, wretched form- a creature of pain and
horror, capable of viciousness beyond mortal ken.
They do not “live” within the lands of Azeroth per se,
but instead exist on some higher plane, called into
being only when necessity demands it.
Dryad: Dryads are earth-loving tree spirits that live
within the forests and glens. They are extremely shy,
as their race has been driven nearly to extinction, and
are almost never seen even by those mortals who
dwell in their territories. These spirits live in mortal
fear of their tree being destroyed by the eager lumber
mills of the orcs and humans and will occasionally
resort to violence in order to lead those workers astray.
These creatures were once frivolous and fun-loving,
but the wars and the invasion of the Scourge has
driven those qualities from the dryad race. They are
now paranoid, suspicious, and willing to kill in order
to defend the last few dryad trees left in the world.
Anyone entering their territory is suspect; anyone
cutting live wood is an enemy.
Elementals: Air, earth, fire, and water elementals
exist in the primitive places of Azeroth, enjoying
those sites where their elements can shine through.

These creatures are powerful - and make for even
more powerful allies and servants. Therefore, necromancers and wizards hunt them for their magic and
their abilities. Most elementals will kill mortal creatures on sight, either to defend their territories or out
of pure spite and amusement. Very few elementals are
peaceful in any way.
Ettin: Ettins are two-headed giants who tower over
normal humans. These creatures were the necromancers’ first attempt at creating the feared abominations
(see Chapter One), but they proved too stupid and
dangerous to be used even as shock troops for the Lich
King’s soldiers. Some of them escaped annihilation
and have created a few villages. Their mud-and-dung
hovels clump together against ravines and in other
barren places, and ettins spend their time trying to
figure out the nature of fire. Because it seems so
difficult, they often prefer to eat their orc raw.
Ettins live in the mountains and valleys of Azeroth,
preferring to keep far from civilization. In order to do
so, they often inhabit the most desolate and barren
territories - literally, the land no one else wants.
Still, ettins make their living not only from hunting
but also from primitive agrarian efforts.
Gargoyle: Formed of stone and earth, these protogolems guard many of the Lich King’s cities. They are
most often used by his priests as fierce guardians of
sacred places, but can occasionally be found defending cities against invasion or expanding the territory
of a powerful priest.
These creatures are semi-sentient, linking their
intellect to the priest controlling their actions. If
directed by the priest, they act with the intelligence
that priest. If acting alone, their actions will be more
simplistic and straight-forward.
Giant Eagle: These magnificent birds roam the
wide plains of the human lands, feasting on the
occasional horse or cow as their natural food supply
diminishes. Many human animal trainers offer bounties on giant eagle chicks, hoping to train them as
steeds or beasts of burden. Although no such “hatcheries” exist, there have been a few successful attempts
- which only makes the trainers more eager to
capture the young beasts. Giant eagles do not breed in
captivity, so capturing the hatchlings is the only way
to get these creatures for training.
Gorgon: Legend says that the Gorgon are an escaped breed of creature from the Abyssal plane, possibly
the last remnants of a demon’s shattered soul. These
beasts are rare, living deep beneath the rugged mountain peaks of the far north and never venturing out
from their lairs except to eat and to breed.
Gorgons appear to be formed from stone, but they
are living creatures. They live in the coldest places in
Azeroth, enjoying the polar chill of high mountains
and distant snow-covered plains. Few of the races of

Azerothcancount many experiences with these beasts,
leaving them mainly shrouded in mystery.
Manticore: Hideous, mal-formed beasts, manticores
are creatures native to the wastelands. They hunt
anything that moves and are always hungry. They are
not particularly afraid of human cities and will occasionally venture over these locations if they sense easy
prey. Those who wander the street at night alone, or
those horses left outside in the darkness might vanish
away mysteriously -prey to the watchful manticore.
The agents of the Scourge have captured some of
these beasts, but they are not reliable. Manticores
cannot be trained and do not accept any system of
punishment or reward. They are vicious to a fault,
unintelligent, and eager to amuse themselveswith the
pain of others.
Nightshade: These undead creatures fit well into
the Azerothmilieu, though they duplicate some of the
beasts already working for the servants of the Lich
King. It is possible that nightshades are a primitive
variant of the true shade or that they are creatures
formed through some unusual and unduplicated experiment. Whatever their origin, they are a rare
addition to the armies of the Scourge.
The process by which nightshades are created is
unknown even to the most powerful necromancers.
Only the liches have the ability to create nightshades,
keeping the secret of their creation privy only to
Nymph: Unlike the dryads, nymphs and other
migratory spirits of nature are prospering in Azeroth.
They retire to distant places, avoiding the encroaching Scourge and ignoring the danger it represents.
These shallow, flighty creatures simply move on when
the land they enjoy is tainted by the plague or visited
by war -and they have little concept that there will
not always be another land, with greener pastures, just
over the next horizon.
Owlbear: Afreak of nature, the owlbear has existed
for as long as Azeroth. Although some misguided
necromancers claim that the owlbears, like the bugbears, are the productofgenetic and magical tampering,
it is not likely. Owlbears are more probably the result
of unusual natural selection. They roam all terrain,
feeding on anything they can catch, but prefer to live
near a settlement where they can steal goats, chickens, and other livestock to supplement their hunting.
Owlbears are nomadic creatures, keeping their
homes in fallen trees or shallow caves only long
enough to raise their chicks to the age when they can
keep up during the owlbears’ frequent moves. They
can be found all over Azeroth, occasionally in family
units but more often in groups of only one or two.
Most farmers in Azeroth call them a blight and will
gladly pay parties of adventurers to remove them.

Salamander: Flame-lovingcousins of fire elementals,
salamanders are more intelligent and less aggressive
than their distant relatives. Although they do not
appreciate visitors to their fiery nests, they do enjoy
the company of dragons and will often make their
homes within the territory of black or bronze dragons.
Often work for dragons, lending their services to a
dragon’s greater purpose, salamanderscan be a powerful ally - or a dangerous enemy. Most dragons with
salamanders in their employ use their retainers to
protect and guard their lairs, keeping the salamanders
close by in case enemies attack their most sacred
places. Salamanders are quite loyal and often maintain their relationship with a dragon for many
generations. Even when the dragon leaves, the salamanders will maintain their loyalty to the ideal,
keeping the dragon’smemory alive in their territories.
Shambling Mound: In the marshes of Azeroth,
these swampland creatures are responsible for thousands of innocent lives lost to the bitter waves. They
live in the darkest places, hiding beneath the murky
waters or sleepingwithin rotted logs. They are vicious,
though slow-moving, and have thus far protected
their territories from the Scourge and its minions.
Despite the plague’s effect on most plant life, the
shambling mounds seem immune to its incursion. It is
unknown if the shambling mounds on Azeroth have
any kind of internal structure or society; no other race
has ever been able to communicate with them.
Troglodyte: Primarily underwater creatures, troglodytes disdain contact with the “lesser beings” of the
land. They have watched the wars evolve on land,
hating these bloodthirsty creatures from a distance.
Troglodytes are vegetarian, scholarly creatures who
live in the deep waters of the oceans and refuse to
come onto land unless the situation is dire. Although
troglodytes are known to trade occasionally with
seaport cities, such occasions are rare. Troglodytesuse
pearls for currency and employ few weapons other
than their water magic.
Umber Hulk: Created to be underground burrowers, umber hulks are dangerous and vicious in the
extreme. Troll tribes first tamed the umber hulks and
used them to circumvent the walls around elven and
human cities. Although the umber hulks were a
success, they are also extremely difficult to train and
care for and often escape if not constantly maintained.
Some tribes of trolls still keep umber hulks to help
build and maintain underground tunnels the trolls use
for escape or construction.
Wyvern: The wyvern is a beast resembling the
dragon, but in reality the two creatures could not be
farther apart. Where the dragon is intelligent and
wise, a wyvern thinks of nothing beyond feeding its
belly. A wyvern will even eat its own young if the

season is bare of other prey, caring nothing for the
parental instinct. These creatures are voracious and
possess only enough intelligence to realize when their
prey is experiencing pain - in which the wyvern
takes pleasure. In the lands of Azeroth, wyverns are
hunted by every sentient race except the Scourge which uses the fearsome beasts as aerial mounts to
harry and destroy their opponents.

Creature Collection
Albadian Battle Dog: This animal can be found in
the cold northlands of Azeroth. With its loose folds of
flesh, it shrugs off most damage during combat (the
skin pulling away before it can be pierced), and once
it bites down on an opponent, its powerful jaws start
to bring its opponent down.
Alley Reaper: At night, these undead roam the
cities from which they were killed, thirsting for revenge. In Azeroth, these creatures serve the Burning
Legion under the Lich King and will go to any lengths
to destroy those who killed them in their former life.
Amalthean Goat: High on the mountain peaks of
Azerothroam the Amalthean goats. Coveted for their
healing abilities, they are protected by the orcs and are
hunted by the Lich King and his masters in the
Burning Legion.
Asaath: This ancient race of warrior-wizards fell
before the might of the Burning Legion and seek
nothing more than to destroy the demons. If the
humans, orcs, and night elves should fall during this
struggle.. . well, to the reptilians go the spoils.
Barrow Worm: Deep in the caverns of Azeroth lie
the barrow worms, huge vermin that lurk in caves and
crypts, waiting for the unwary to enter their lairs.
Bat Devil: These humanoids are sometime allies of
the orcs, as their ability to fly makes them excellent
Belsamaug: Creatures that hunt by the light of the
moon, these goblinoidswere corrupted by the infernal
powers of the Burning Legion and now seek to pursue
the weak, ill, and the elderly as their prey.
Blight Wolf: Another creature corrupted by the
demonic energies of the Burning Legion, blight wolves
roam the wastelands - areas consumed by the demons during their battles in Azeroth.
The Carnival of Shadows: Allied to neither the
Burning Legion nor the Alliance or the Horde, the
Jack of Tears and his Krewe arrived on Azeroth after
the Burning Legion. Feeding on the suffering left by
the demons, the Jack of Tears is ready to offer his
services to those who desire it ... at a price.

Celestian: Cursed by the gods into a incorporeal
form, the giantkin known as the celestian made a
bargain with the Burning Legion: in servitude to the
demons, they were granted the power of the storms of
Chardun-Slain: Warriors in service to the Lich
King find themselves unable to stay dead, rising from
their graves as undead soldiers with the purpose of
fulfilling their tasks, whether it is to carry on a battle
or to guard a fortress.
Coal Goblin: A race of goblins with a knack for
stealth, these creatures ply their trade of murder to get
by. Some have even made their way into the cities,
ready to waylay the citizens for their goods and fulfill
their own evil needs.
Dragon, Firewrack: Creations of the Burning Legion, these dragons are the elite warriors of the Burning
Legion. Composed of smoldering timbers and burnt
flesh, it is a blessing that very few remain on Azeroth.
Dragon, Mock: A creation of a dragon to better
fool the dragon hunters, this creature roams the hills
of Azeroth freely, and for every one slain, more time
is bought for the real dragons.
Dragon, Seawrack: Creations of the Burning Legion, these dragons roam the lakes, bayous, and inland
waters far from the settled lands of Azeroth. Of all the
wrack dragons, they are the most common sort found.
Dragon, Tar: A dragon with tarry skin (and thus
how it received its name), the tar dragon is usually
encountered while hunting and thus presents a danger to those who can fill its belly easily.
Dragon, Woodwrack: Creations of the Burning
Legion, these dragons were the assassins of the Burning Legion. Now lurking in the woodlands and marshes
of Azeroth, they pursue their own goals, as well as
possibly the goals of their demonic creators.
Fatling: Once human, these priests of the Burning
Legion were transformed into grotesque masses of
flesh. While they look helpless, they are servants of
the Burning Legion and thus should not be underestimated.
Feral: The Burning Legion, if anything, is inventive. By rendering one soul to create many, the demons
have created an army under their command. And
their command to the ferals is nothing more than
utter destruction of anything that gets in their way.
Firedrake: These wingless lizards lie near lava flows
and geysers -anywhere that is a source of geothermal
heat. Extremely territorial, they attack anyone who
gets near their terrain.
Fleshcrawler: Minions of the Lich King and his
undead forces, these undead were taken by the Buming Legion and transformed to serve as bounty hunters
for the demons.

Golem, Bone: Created by the Lich King’s necromancers, these golems are the necromancers’
Golem, Wood: Constructed by the druids of the
Moonglade, these golems are protectors of the night
elves’ homeland.
Gorgon, High: It is unknown whether the high
gorgon is a creation of the Burning Legion or simply
an aberration from some long-forgotten race. In any
case, these creatures often lurk in the cities, gathered
in small cabals for their own sinister reasons.
Gorgon, Low: Like their humanoid cousins, it is
unknown whether the low gorgon is a creation of the
Burning Legion or simply an aberration from some
long-forgottenrace. They tend to stay in the forests or
undergroundunless taken to the cities by high gorgons.
Hag, Brine: Corrupted by the demonic powers of
the Burning Legion, the brine hag dwells in Azeroth‘s
deep oceans, lurking in wait to catch the innocent
sailors who pass above their lairs.
Hag, Cavern: Corrupted by the demonic energies
of the Burning Legion, the cavern hag lurks in the
deep underground of Azeroth, plying her skills at
alchemy and capturing humans to torture and devour
from time to time.
Hag, Ice: Corrupted by the demonic energies of the
Burning Legion, ice hags haunt the northern lands of
Azeroth, feeling it is their duty to guard the wastelands left behind by the demons and preying on the
human settlements.
Hag, Moon: Corrupted by the demonic energies of
the Burning Legion,moon hags are the most powerful
of all hags and are dedicated to spreading the corruption left by their demonic creators.
Hag, Storm: Corrupted by the demonic energies of
the Burning Legion, these hags have thrown off the
shackles of gravity and stalk the air above the lands of
Azeroth, hunting their land-bound prey.
Hag, Swamp: Corrupted by the demonic energies
of the Burning Legion, swamp hags lurk in the swamplands of Azeroth and can be found as allies of the
Scourge and the high gorgons.
Hornsaw Unicorn: While the Burning Legion is
not directly responsible for the terrible change done
to these formerly peaceful unicorns, it is quite possible
the taint they left behind altered these savage creatures.
Ice Basilisk: Descended from the basilisks of
Azeroth, these creatures live on Azeroth‘s tundra,
waiting to lock its gaze on its prey and feast on the
frozen victim.
Ice Haunt: Travelers who starved to death in the
northern blizzardsof Azeroth and raised by the Scourge,
the ice haunt roams the frozen wastelands under the
full moon, searching for warm flesh on which to feed.

Manticora: Demonic creations of the Burning Legion, these leonine humanoids roam the savannas of
Azeroth, taking delight in the pain they cause their
Marrow Knights: Created from the bones of humans and horses, these centaur-like undead serve the
Lich King and his Scourge in various tasks, from
unholy steeds to simple patrols.
Mistwalker: While some mistwalkers are cruel,
wishing nothing more than to lure the unwary to their
doom, most are a result of being slain by the Scourge,
and their desire to fulfill their tasks brings them back
from the grave.
Murdersprite: Tiny fey corrupted by the demonic
energies of the Burning Legion, these vicious creatures roam both the forests and urban areas of Azeroth,
breeding rapidly and spreading terror to the places
they inhabit.
Narleth: A creation of the Burning Legion, the
narleth is a combination of human and spider and
plagues the Moonglade where the night elves dwell.
Orafaun: Granted the power to interpret dreams by
Cenarius, orafauns live in the hills of Mount Hyjal,
ready to interpret the meaning of dreams for those
who come to the temple and pay homage to the
The Proud: Nomadic cat-centaurs, these spawn of
the Burning Legion are ruthless savages who roam the
plains of Azeroth.
Ratman (Slitheren): When the rats fed on the
remains of demons in the Burning Legion, they found
themselves forever changed. Ratmen lurk in the dark
corners of Azeroth, waiting to ambush the unsuspecting.
Ratman, Brown Gorger: Raiders and pillagers,
these ratmen enslave entire villages to serve as cattle
for the Gorgers. And yet, they are always hungry.
Ratman, The Diseased: These ratmen lurk under
the cities of Azeroth, though some have formed communities on the surface of the world.
Ratman, Foamer: These ratmen are semi-aquatic
by nature, but rely on slaves to propel their boats.
They are by far the most vicious of the ratmen, living
on the blood and slaughter of their foes.
Ratman, Red Witch: The most powerful of the
ratmen and thankfully the fewest in number, the red
witches can be found as allies of the Scourge.
Savant Hydra: Creations of the Burning Legion,
these hydrae roam the land of Azeroth for the single
purpose of destroying the enemies of their masters,
which is everyone who does not serve the demons.
Skin Devil: Creatures of the Burning Legion, these
skinless terrors wander the land of Azeroth for new
skin to take from their victims

Skyquill: Allies of the night elves, the skyquills can
commonly be found in the Moonglade of Mount
Hyjal, cultivating the clouds in the area.
Sleet Devil: In the icy northlands of Azeroth lurks
a creature of the Burning Legion: the sleet devil.
These hateful creatures search for warm prey to kill for
Spider-Eye Goblin: Deep in the jungles and dark
caves of Azeroth dwell one of the first goblinoid races:
the spider-eye goblins. These goblinoidshave more in
common with arachnids, lurking in the canopy of the
jungles or in the caverns for their prey.
Steppe Troll: Steppe trolls can be found in the
steppes and grasslands of Azeroth and can be found as
allies of the Horde for their strength and regenerative
Trogodon: These crossbreeds of reptile and human
live in the swamps of Azeroth and can be frequently
found as guards for the asaatthi for their remaining
Vengaurak: Mutated by the demonic energies of
the Burning Legion, these vermin have a taste for the
night elves and those associated with the demigod
Willow Tree Warrior: Created by the demigod
Cenarius to defend the Moonglade of Mount Hyjal
against the Burning Legion, these creatures are stalwart defenders of the night elves and their allies.

Creature Collection 2:
Dark Menagerie
Abyssal Lamprey: Not all of the residents of the
Twisting Nether are powerful demons. Many minor
entities swarm between the worlds, seeking holes and
cracks into their brightness. These creatures are encountered primarily near the Maelstrom.
Acid Shambler: Though rare, these undead came
into use near the end of the Second War. They require
a bit less effort to make than other undead, though
they are short-lived. Acid shamblers are useful in
attacking buildings, armor, and other nonliving things.
They are found near old ruins where bane clouds lair.
Arcane Devourer: Attracted to the Well of Eternity, the first of these beings appeared early in history.
Elves were able to destroy them, but still, one by one,
arcane devourershave found gateways into the world.
Their origins are unknown, though some suspect that
they are agents of the Burning Legion.
Arcane Worm (Slarecian Worm): According to
demon lore, these arcane worms are actually parasites
of titans and other vast beings. Only a minor nuisance
for such entities, they are considerablymore deadly on
Azeroth. The first such worms dropped free of sum-

moned demons. Wizards have been able to wipe them
out when infestations occur, but there are rumors of
large nests in Northrend.
Bane Cloud: These corrupting elementals were
first encountered as creations of the Scourge. Roiling
forth under cover of darkness, their deadly vapors are
part of the process that creates acid shamblers.While
rare, they are rumored to lair in old wells and ruins,
waiting for new victims.
Demon Spider (Belsameth Spider, template):
Demon spiders are created to serve the Scourge,
though many have spread on their own. Nests of
demon spiders are rumored to exist in southern
Ashenvale. Some also serve black spider broods.
Bitter Tree: The corruption of the Scourge and the
powerful curses of the Burning Legion afflicted many
forests. While the night elves have helped bring
vitality back to them, several of the powers of the
forest have become deadly, evil beings. Harpies and
other evil races often serve bitter trees.
Blade Beast: The night elves say these beasts were
crafted by Azshara to prove a point regarding magic
and weapons. A few have been spotted south of the
Barrens and in several northern ruins.
Blood Barnacles: Ships passing through the sea
near the Maelstrom take many risks. Animals and
plants have been altered by dark powers. Blood barnacles often attach themselves to the hulls of ships
traveling through the central sea, bringing madness
and death.
Blood Crone: Blood crones are typically spellcasters
who devoted themselves to the Burning Legion with
blood sacrifices. Now, after the Second War, they plot
revenge from the wilds and wastes, gathering dominated followers.
Blood Maiden: These horrific creatures are highborne elves created in the same way as the nagawhile
there are far fewer blood maidens than naga, they are
more likely to be encountered, as they primarily
inhabit coastal regions.
Blood Moth: Also called “the Legion’s Joke,”these
demonic vermin are primarily found in Mulgore and
Ashenvale. It is believed that they were brought from
another world by the Legion.
Blood Reaper: Used as shock troops by the Burning
Legion, the blood reapers’ combination of armor and
deadly attacks struck terror into human armies. A few
remain in Ashenvale, slowly dwindling due to night
elf attacks.
Blood Sea Jellyfish: These jellyfish are one of many
examples of seemingly normal creatures twisted by
unknown powers of the Maelstrom. Some seafarers
claim that they are under the control of mur’gul, but
it is more likely that mur’gul simply congregate near
these jellyfish, waiting for victims.

EmBlood Sea Mutant (template): Maelstrom-touched
monsters abound in the central sea. It is unknown
whether this is one dark power or many. More disturbing, diverse bands of these creatures have been spotted
working together, attacking ships as a coordinated,
intelligent group.
Blood Sprite: These fey were cursed by the Burning
Legion and sent to harass the night elves. While no
match one-on-one, packs of blood sprites will prey on
lone travelers and scouts.
Blood Zombie: The product of blood barnacles,
these swollen mockeries of the living drift along the
sea lanes. Some are used as a distraction by mur’gul,
terrorizing the crew while the mur’gul drag victims
Bonewing: The Scourge made some use of these
undead. While not as powerful as gargoyles, these
skeletal creatures were employed in the Second War
as scouts and messengers. Now, they are dangerously
intelligent predators, occasionally serving undead
masters but often simply hunting for living flesh.
Burned Ones: These undead draw on the undying
flame of the Burning Legion. Holy men and women
who fought the Burning Legion were twisted by their
power, crafted into these abominations. Hordes of
burning ones followed in the wake of the infemals,
spreading destruction. Someremain, haunting temples
and looking to embrace others into their suffering.
Carnivorous Tree: The corrupting power of the
Burning Legion transformed many spirits of the forests into nightmarish mockeries. While carnivorous
trees lack the mobility of some demonic creations,
dark fey and other agents will occasionally assist in
their feeding.
Chaos Globe: First crafted by the high-borne, chaos
globes are still manufactured by wizards interested in
guarding towns or lairs. A few protect guilds in
Theramore Isle.
Demon Worms (Chern’s Children): These squirming monstrosities were brought by the Legion to
terrorize and clear out human settlements. Swarms are
still spotted from time to time in Dustwallow Marsh
and Mulgore. Tauren make a point of exterminating
these creatures whenever possible.
Cloudsting: Strange and enigmatic, scattered stories of these creatures suggest they came into being
sometime after the great Sundering. Dwarves have
constructed elaborate “sting scopes” to track these
beings, hoping to find their stash of gold.
Corpse Whisperer: Some mortal followers of the
Scourge were shaped into these beings. Not as powerful as death knights, a whisperer has the ability to
rouse an undead host. Since they are still mortal, they
do not share the limitations of the other members of
the Scourge.Whisperers bide their time in the wastelands, seeking to rule on their own.

Daemon, Gristly Minstrel: Singing tormented
paeans before the host of the Burning Legion, these
creatures were terrible foes in their own right. Now
they are rare, though they are occasionallysummoned
back into the world.
Daemon, Plague Angel: Other agents of the Burning Legion, plague angels wandered all over Azeroth.
While not as focused as the Scourge, they helped
weaken resolve in the Alliance. Some still exist,
occasionally laying waste to villages.
Dananshee: Not all fey are benign or merely capricious; some delight in torment and suffering. These
fey are found in Ashenvale Forest, but also many other
regions. A few live in Mulgore, sometimes ensnaring
kodo beasts.
Dark Womb: Created from high-borne elves on
land, dark wombs were the subject of rare tales of
horror until the Second War. These monsters helped
the Scourge, creating agents to infiltrate cities, and
were encouraged to multiply. Dark wombs can be
found in Ashenvale and the Barrens.
Demon, Abyssal Larva: These creatures essentially snuck into Azeroth. The gateways and long
plots of the Burning Legion left varying holes into the
world, allowing entry for a host of minor creatures of
the Great Dark. Abyssal larvae are found near settlements. They have no great discrimination in terms of
food, as likely to attack murlocs as night elves.
Demon, Blade: Flying, burning metallic demons,
these are scouts and low ranking tacticians in the
Burning Legion. A pack of blade demons could mount
a quick aerial strike, possibly luring an armed force
into an ambush. Blade demons are most often seen in
the service of powerful cults.
Demon, Blood Horror: Mortal servants of the
Burning Legion often suffer, as often from showing
competence as the converse. Rather than simply
discarded, mortals are cursed, twisted into new agents
of the Legion. Blood horrors are made from promising
mortals, sent out to disrupt the defenses of the mortal
races. They are often found near holy places, seeking
to bring ruin.
Demon, Leonine: These warriors are used by the
Legion in large numbers, sweeping over other armies.
They are disciplined and fervent, though not particularly bright - a valuable combination for demonic
troops. Some are found in Mulgore and Barrens,
having apparently reverted to a nomadic lifestyle.
Demon, Locust: These creatures are gifts from the
Burning Legion to the Scourge, enabling them to
spread blight quickly across an area. Though the
Scourge has other means, demon locusts also serve as
powerful agents in their own right. Despite the efforts
of the night elves, many wander Azeroth, spreading

Despair: First created by the Scourge, these creatures are a fusion of the corrupting power of undeath
and human flesh. They are not undead, but are fueled
by the power of the Great Dark. Despairs are sent out
alone to spread disease and suffering, waiting along
roads and isolated communities for victims.
Devil, Heartclutch: Used by the Legion as messengers and scouts, these tiny creatures are often left
behind to spread trouble. Loyal to their dark masters,
heartclutch devils stay near settlements, looking to
kill any leaders or holy men.
Elder Larva: Units of the Legion, these creatures
often serve as mounts. In some cases, they become
living explosives, wading into villages or armies and,
when finally slain, spraying destruction. Cults still
summon these creatures from time to time, bringing
ruin on enemies.
Face Stealer: Brought to Azeroth as infiltrators
from some far-off world, many face stealers avoided
their demonic masters. These creatures were more
interested in their own affairs. Though their use for
reconnaissance turned out to be limited, the disruption they spread with glee has proven useful.
Flailing Dreadnought: These unearthly creatures
are the results of ancient experiments with summoning. Their numbers have not spread significantly,
suggesting Azeroth is not entirely to their liking. As
dreadnoughts prefer to live in mines, dwarves have
developed special weapons to deal with them.
Forest Walker: Related to the ancients and treants,
forest walkers defend Ashenvale and other forests
from those who would do them harm. They often
work with the night elves in keeping the land secure,
but also take it upon themselves to defend their
Gallows Eye: Likely the result of summoning gone
awry, these aberrations can be found in ruins and
other isolated areas. They seek lore of ancient times
and sometimes try to steal moon wells from night
elves. Though powerful in the arts of necromancy,
gallows eyes did not noticeably assist in the Scourge.
Gallows Vine: Night elves use these deadly plants
as a living trap, carefully arranging them into borders.
The vines are tended to avoid rapid growth and
feeding, with calls and scents laid to discourage animals from blundering into them too often.
Gauntling: Found primarily in the Barrens, these
are ogres cursed by the power of the Burning Legion.
They hunger eternally, wandering the world looking
for victims.
Golem, Crystal: Encountered mostly inNorthrend,
these constructs were likely created by Ner’zhul, the
Lich King. They protect ruins and are occasionally
mobilized to attack enemy forces. Rumors suggest
some of the other liches can also create these golems.

Hope: Emissaries of the light, hopes prefer to guide
the paladin warriors and priests of Azeroth covertly. It
is not their way to lead or reveal any divine will, but
rather to aid followers of the light. When pressed, they
will combat evil, but it is not their purpose.
Howling Abomination: Minor entities of the Great
Dark, these abominations slide through the lesser
gates into the world. They will attack heroes, but their
true motives are unknown. They do not serve the
Burning Legion.
Leeching Willow: Another type of tree corrupted
by demonic energies, leeching willows are found primarily in northern Ashenvale. Night elves use these
trees as protective borders, and a few have understandings with the somewhat intelligent trees.
Lurker Below: Some believe these creatures to
have been corrupted by the Burning Legion or by the
power of the Maelstrom. Whatever their origins,
murlocs use them as guardians around their coastal
Maelstrom Leviathan (Kadum’s Leviathan):
Frightening mutations of whales, leviathans have
been spotted numerous times near the Maelstrom.
Most seafarers are thankfully unaware that these creatures are undead. Priests are aware that on at least one
occasion a leviathan beached itself, spewing out dozens of undead. They fear that leviathans may be under
the control of a dark power and beach en masse at
some future point.
Pilfer Sprite: These voracious fey gained a taste for
arcane power in ancient times, with the experiments
of the high-borne. Demonic power likely accentuated
this hunger, and to this day pilfer sprites seek out
wizards to slake it.
Sand Mummy: Necromancers discovered that the
dry sand of the deserts had a powerful resonance with
undeath. Sand mummies were created long ago, fusing the dark cold of undeath and the burning bright of
the desert into a terrible force. Nomads of the dry
plains and desert know that not all desiccated corpses
are natural occurrences.
Sand Wyvern: These large creatures beset desert
regions. The harpies of Kalimdor are known to treat
with these creatures, hunting with them and training
them as instruments of terror.
Seeker’s Bane: Unlike many undead, these ghosts
are not associated with the Scourge. They are instead
somewhat natural occurrences, most frequent in ruins
near magical phenomena. Ancient temples, magic
fortresses, and others give power and shape to the
bitter spirits of the dead.
Siege Undead: The Scourge is adept at weaving the
dead into varied shapes, knitting many bodies into
one or into completely new designs. One constant
problem is the availability of good materials. Siege

undead provide a useful way to ration corpses, crafting
three undead from each body.
Skull King: These undead served as tacticians and
officers in the Scourge. Their ability to cast multiple
spells proved useful in large conflicts. A skull king
considers combat beneath its abilities, however. Many
now seek to expand a power base through manipulation and politics.
Skullworm: Ancient cults of the Burning Legion
were given these creatures to help destroy Azeroth’s
defenses. Many breed freely in the marshes, infesting
murlocs and humans.
Sundered Woman: Embodying the horror of the
Burning Legion, these fey are despairingruins of what
they once were. Many wander the Barrens and
Ashenvale. Night elves attempt comfort, destroying
with great regret those who pose a significant danger.
Surged Giant: These creatures were once human,
warriors who sought power from the Burning Legion.
They received power, bodies bulging and hugely
muscled, tearing apart with distorted strength. Each
was driven mad with pain, becoming nothing more
than chaotic brutes. Surged giants are rare, but encountered in a wide variety of locations.
Swamp Fisher: A n occasional threat, these creatures are sometimes cultivated by murlocs as food and
protection. Orcs savor the taste of swamp fishers, and
some evidence suggests that these animals originate
from Draenor.
Swamp Tyrant: These beasts are thought to have
come from Draenor with the orcs. Thankfully rare,
murlocs are known to flee settlements due to the
encroachment of these horrors. Disturbing reports
speak of tyrants spotted near Theramore Isle, in the
Dustwallow Marsh.
Thought Drinker: Often mistaken for a demon of
some kind, these gaseous creatures are the creations of
the high-borne. The elves had experimented with
constructs and living forces, some seeking to transform themselves into powerful spirits. These nasty
parasites were an unforeseen result.
Touch Corrupter: Imbued with powers of disease
and undeath, these mortals proved valuable agents of
the Scourge.They could render down corpses quickly
for skeletal material or serve as agents of plague. A few
remain, hiding near cities or in graveyards, waiting
patiently for more sustenance.
Troll Abomination: The failures of trolls and orcs
to serve the Burning Legion resulted in many curses.
If they would not work properly, they would be made
into something that would. These giant trolls lack the
intelligence and civilization of proper trolls, serving
only to rampage through the land. Most trolls despise
these aberrations.

World Stalker (Ukrudan Stalker): The night
elves believe that the world stalkers were originally
created as defenders by the titans, crafted from stone
much as dwarves were. The Great Sundering drove
them mad, deciding that all races were a corruption on
the land. Since then, these powerful giants hunt elves,
humans, orcs, and any that wander through their
territory. Thankfully, they prefer desert regions and
are few in number.
Vermin Host: Originating from the powerful curses
of the Burning Legion, these hosts serve to spread
plague and corruption throughout Azeroth. The
Scourge has been known to work with vermin hosts.
Wickerman: These necromantic constructs are
created by cults of the Burning Legion, drawing on
demonic power and the life of those sacrificed.
Wickermen are given a single task, often to destroy a
village or military force. Often, however, the
wickermen turn on their creators once their task is

Tome ofHorrors
The Faerie Court (OtherBeasts 8. Fey)
The Kaldorei count many more allies than have
been documented so far. Among these allies are
several species from The Tome of Horrors by Necromancer Games. Some are ancient allies, others newly
recruited (or reclaimed) allies, befriended by the
night elves in the wake of their lost immortality.
Al-mi’raj: These aggressive lepus are in many ways
better suited for the war-torn world of Azeroth than
many others. Their combat and supernatural abilities
may have sprung from exposure to moon wells and
would have ensured their survival even in regions
where soldiers are stripping the land for food. Almi’raj on Kalimdor have no chance to be psionic.
Atomie, Sprite: These smallest of the elkin likely
share the lands once dominated by jungle trolls. Even
there, however, their numbers are limited, perhaps
only a few dozen trees across Kalimdor hosting sprite
or atomie clans. In other parts of Azeroth, they may be
more common. Prior to the destruction of the World
Tree, the night elves considered them no better than
lesser cousins. Though this slight has not been forgotten, atomies ally themselves with the Kaldorei.. . for
Blood Hawk: The aggression of these raptors, like
the al-mi’raj, has enabled blood hawks to survive
where other species have not. Their desire for human
flesh makes them ideal hunting birds for other humanoid species. O n Azeroth, blood hawks are bred
and trained to distainnight elf flesh, so are often found
in their company.

Brownie, Buckdawn: On Azeroth, buckdawn and
brownies are different clans of the same species. Like
atomies, brownies and buckdawn have not been previously encountered on Kalimdor for any other reason
than their rarity. During the great wars, they retreated
even further from civilized lands. In times of relative
peace, adventurous individual brownies may begin to
creep out into the lands controlled by other species.
When this occurs, buckdawn are likely to be the first
ones encountered.
Cooshie: These elven dogs are rare, previously bred
and trained by a single clan of high elves. Since the
great wars, they are becoming more common as the
clan begins trading with other groups of elves. So far,
none have been encountered in the company of any
type ofhumanoids other than high elves and their kin.
Forlarren: Forlarren are the result of night elf and
Burning Legion couplings, typically unwilling. Their
demonic parents raised most of them, either because
they were kidnapped at birth or because their elven
parents were themselves kidnap victims. Forlarren
raised in elven lands are treated with suspicion, but
are taught to suppress their evil tendencies. Forlarren
raised by the Burning Legion have their evil encouraged.
Hamster, Giant: Though potentially dangerous to
low-level heroes, giant hamsters might make valuable
comic relief in otherwise grim stories in elven lands.
Killmoulis: These small elfiin have only recently
started to be encountered on Kalimdor,and if the high
or night elves understand their origins, they are not
speaking. So far, they have only been encountered in
human residences.
Korred, Leprechaun: Leprechaunsand korred have
only recently arrived on the continent of Kalimdor.
They claim to come from a small island on the western
horizon, though no one has verified this assertion.
They arrived separately and appear to hold enmity for
one another.

The Undead Scourge
(OtherUndead &Aberrations)
The Lich King’s creations are far more numerous
than could have been predicted. The Tome of Horrors describes types of undead not previously
encountered. In addition, there have been side effects
that not evenNer’zhu1could predict. Lordaeron hosts
a vast variety of undead, so while many of the types
covered below may be uncommon on Kalimdor, nearly
any sort of undead may be discoveredstreaming out of
the north.
Barrow Wight, Blood Bones, Bog Mummy,
Demiurge, Shadow, Lesser Shadow, Zombie, Juju
Zombie: These undead are a direct result of the
Scourge, merely a variation of the undead previously
unknown on Kalimdor.

Bone Cobbler: The original bone cobblers were
thought to be humans who had somehow survived the
Scourge but who were driven mad. Scholars postulate
that Ner’zhul was so amused by their efforts that he
turned his attention to actively creating additional
bone cobblers to demoralize the living.
Coffer Corpse: Coffer corpses are independent
undead, with no connections to the Scourge.Tuskarr
legends tell many stories of coffer corpses, though
modern tuskarr death practices have made these occurrences rare.
Draug and Brine Zombie: Draug and brine zombies
spring up both as independents and as a result of
Scourge infection. They are found only on the seas of
Gargoyles, all - Four-Armed Gargoyle, Green
Gargoyle, Margoyle: Though significantly less common than the gargoyles encountered thus far in the
Lich King’s employ,these variations also do Ner’zhul’s
Haunt: Haunts most often spring up as the result of
the Scourge, but they are independent undead, not
under control of the Lich King or his minions.
Huecuva: Good healers who turn to the service of
the lich king will almost always rise after death as
Wolf - Ghoul Wolf, Shadow Wolf: The elves
have their hounds in the cooshie, the Burning Legion
have death dogs, the titans have moon dogs, and the
undead Scourge have ghoul wolves and shadow wolves
to run down their prey.

The Burning Legion (Other Fiends)
The minions of the Burning Legion are countless,
yet below is a list of shock troops, animal cohorts, and
generals alike. Cerberus is presented as an example of
how to adjust the backgrounds of unique individuals
to fit the meta-story of the Warcraft universe.
Cerberus: In the Warcraft universe, Cerberus does
not guard the gates of Hades. Instead, he herds the
spirits of those killed and promised to the Burning
Legion across the void of the universe. The threeheaded hound is unlikely to be encountered on
Azeroth, unless he is pursuing an escaped soul of
particular value to the Legion.
Daemons, all - Cacodaemon, C h a r o n ,
Charonadaemon, Derghodaemon, Hydrodaemon,
the Oinodaemon, Piscodaemon; Demodand, all Corruption (Azizou, Barizou, Geruzou), Uagon,
Darka, Fraz-Urb’Luu, T h e “Faceless Lord,’’
Gharros, Kostchtchie, Maphistal, Nabasu, Nerizo,
Orcus, Pazuzu, Shadow Demon, Sonechard, Stirge
Demon, Tsathogga; andDevil, all- Amon, Baaphel,
Bael, Geryon, Ghaddar, Gorson, Hutjin, Lucifer,

Moloch, Nupperibo, Titivilus, Tormentor of Souls:
These fiends are all possible minions of the Burning
Legion. The unique individuals are likely t o be in
leadership positions, while the rest act as shock troops
of various power levels. Unique individuals will almost definitely have personal agendas that they are
pursuing on Kalimdor. Members of the Burning Legion of different types are unlikely to associate with
one another. That is, heroes are unlikely to encounter
daemons or devils working with one another or with
demons or demodands, unless they are all under the
direct guidance of an extremelypowerful leader. Even
then, there is likely to be strife between the subgroups.
Death Dog: Death dogs are literally the hounds of
hell. Scholars describe them as the ancestral enemies
of moon dogs, and storytellers speak of the legendary
battles when hounds of the two species meet.
Demonic Knight, Shadow Demons: Demonic
knights are just one example of officers in the Burning
Legion that define description by common terms.
They are most likely to be encountered on a mission
by some more highly placed member of the Legion
Screaming Devilkin: Though not true members of
the Burning Legion, they have been linked irrevocably with their namesakes by ignorant townsfolk. It is
only a matter of time before some Legion general takes
advantage of this perceived link and turns a swarm of
devilkin to his will.

The Lost Tribes (Other Humanoid Species)
In addition to quilboar, tauren, elves, and orcs,
other sentient species populate the world of Azeroth.
Three of them are described in Tome of Horrors.
Crabman: The crabmen of Kalimdor are primarily
represented by a single small tribe living in cliff caves
on one of the temperate coasts of the continent. They
are smaller and slightly less combat worthy than those
listed in Tome of Horrors. They are human-sized,
with a +3 natural bonus to AC, and a +2 bonus to
Strength and Constitution. They have a Level Adjustment of + 1,
Grippli: This species of frogmenekes out a living on
the edges of the formerly powerful jungle troll kingdom. Their numbers have increased in recent years,
but they are still incredibly rare, to the point of being
described as legendary, even by troll scholars.
Mongrelman: Mongrelmen on Kalimdor hide from
the other sapient species for fear that they will be
mistaken for members of the Burning Legion, or
worse. They also tend to be weaker than those described i n t h e T o m e of H o r r o r s . Kalimdor
mongrelmen characters have +2 Str, + 1Dex, + 1Con,
+1 Wis, and -4 Cha, and they have a Level Adjustment of +l. Use the following random table to
determine the appearance of Kalimdor mongrelmen:




lronforge Dwarf
High elf or night elf (SO??chanceof each)
Missing body part



Other Goblinoids
Orcs and goblins are not the only goblinoids on
Azeroth. Some of the previously unknown species are
crossbreeds, while others seem to be races unto themselves. Three of these species are discussed briefly
Mite: Mites appear to be a species of goblinoid
native to Kalimdor - or at least they claim to be.
They have recently been stirred from their underground realms by the excavations of the dwarves.
Mites hold salamanders in high esteem. Whether
they will ally themselves with the Horde or with one
of the other political forces on Kalimdor is unclear.
Ogre, Half-Ogre: These half-breeds tend to roam
Kalimdor as solitary warriors. They do not have a
society as such on Azeroth, but as a general rule seem
to be seeking honor for themselves individually and
recognition as a true species as a whole.
Ogrillon: These half-breeds are almost exclusively
found in orc war camps. Originally bred as violent
shock troops for a war that ended too soon, now the
Horde seeks merely to control ogrillons until a worthy
opponent presents itself.

The diversity of animal life on Azeroth is limitless.
In addition to the creatures described elsewhere in
this book, several species described in the Tome of
Horrors can also be found on Kalimdor and throughout Azeroth.
Axe Beak, Clubnek: Both of these species are
clearly subspecies of tallstriders. They are much rarer
than tallstriders or bludgeonbeaks on Kalimdor, but
may be more common in other regions of Azeroth.

The Dwellers Underneath (Aquatics)
In addition to the diversity of life on the surface of
Kalimdor, the seas of Azeroth are also teeming with
life. Much of this life is mundane, if monstrously large,
though the sea has her secrets - and threats. The
following aquatic creatures listed in the Tome of
Horrors can be found in the rivers, lakes and oceans
in and around Kalimdor.

Barracuda; Bunyip; Caribe, Giant; Clam, Giant;
Crab, Monstrous; Crayfish, Monstrous; Dragonfish;
Eel, Electric; Floating Eye; Jellyfish, Monstrous;
Quipper; Tiger Barb, Giant.
Turtle, Giant Snapping: Having been largely ignored during the wars of Azeroth,these aquatic dwellers
tend to be larger and more aggressive than those of
other worlds. Then show little fear of ships and

The Others
Some creatures, some entities, are beyond classification; however, they are still possible encounters on
Kalimdor and beyond.
Clockworks: The clockworks of Azeroth are the
creations of an inspired, possibly demented, and likely
now deceased gnome tinker. The gnome designedand
built himself mechanical allies and the first brain gear
to control them. Now, they are rare, but their numbers
may be increasing - if they are clever enough to
gather parts and reproduce through construction.
Clockworks encountered on Kalimdor are possibly a
scouting force from another section of the world.
Dragonnel: Incredibly rare on Kalimdor, they are
sought out by unaffiliated species as possible aerial
mounts. Believed to be the equivalent of or even
superior to gryphons, hippogryphs, and wyverns in
aerial combat, dragonnel young are in great demand
on black markets.

Monsters Ranked bv Challenge Ratings





Carrion beetle
Forest spider
Zombie, human Bbn 4
Bane spider


Withered, half-elf Rog 2
Wyrm kin (dragonspawn) 3
Bog beast
Corrupted furbolg
Dark troll
Dire frost wolf
Fire revenant
Forsaken, human Ftr 3
Frost revenant
Frostsaber cat
Giant spider
Ice revenant
Kodo beast
Lesser spirit of vengeance 4
Lightning revenant
Death revenant
Dire gargoyle
Flametongue(dragompawn) 5
Ghoulof the S c a r p , orc Ftr 4 5
Giant wolf
Fel stalker
Giant frost wolf
Dire bear
Pandaren geomancer
Pandaren wardancer
Scalebane (dragonspawn) 7

Gnoll poacher
Jungle troll
Timber wolf
Venom spider
Forest troll
Gnoll assassin
Gnoll warden
Storm crow
Dire wolf
Gnoll brute
Ice troll
Nightsaber cat





Fel hunter
Ghost, human Sct 5
Obsidian destroyer
Shade, human Hlr 6
Tainted, nymph
Banshee, half-elf Rog 7
SkdetalT, half-~rcSOF 7
Corrupted Ancient
Skeletalwarrior, human Ftr 8
Dreadlord (nathrezim)
Keeper of the grove
Thunder lizard
Pandaren shodo-pan
Greater spirit of vengeance
Sea giant
Mana surge
Doom guard (tarshesite)
Lich, orc Sor 111Ncr 1
Mountain giant
Lightning lizard
Withered, frost wyrm
Crypt Fiend, nerubian
Ftr SlSor 5
Storm wyrm
Pit lord
Eredar warlock
Lady Vashj





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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Creature CollectionCopyright 2000, Clark Peterson.
Relics and Rituals Copyright 2001, Clark Peterson.
Creature Collection 2: Dark Menagerie Copyright 2001, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Mithril: City of the Golem Copyright 2001, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
Hollowfaust: City of NecromancersCopyright 2001, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
The Wise and the Wicked Copynght 2001, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
The Divine and the Defeated Copyright 2001, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
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Vigil Watch: Warrens of the Ratmen Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
secrets and Societies Copyright 2002, white Wolf Publishing,Inc.
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Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Ghelspad Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Relics and Rituals 2: Lost Lore Copyright 2002, white Wolf Publishinp,Inc.
Serpent in the Fold: Serpent Amphm Cycle, Book I Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
calastia:Throne of the Black Dragon copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
Scarred Lands Gazetteer: TermanaCopyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
The Serpent and the Scepter: Serpent Amphora Cycle, Book I1 Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
Hornsaw: Forest of Blood Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
The Penumbral Pentagon Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
S h e h : City of Si Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
The Serpent Citadel: Serpent Amphora Cycle, Book 111Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
Blood Bayou Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Creature Collection Revised Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Player’s Guide to Wizards, Bards and Sorcerers Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Player’s Guide to Fighters and Barbarians Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
Player’s Guide to Clerics and Druids Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Player’s Guide to Rangers and Rogues Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Player’s Guide to Monks and Paladins Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Termana Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaatthi Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing,Inc.
The Faithful and the Forsaken Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Manual of Monsters Copyright 2003, Blizzard Entertainment.


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