Web Viewer User Guide
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WebViewer User Guide version 3.1.0 © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 1 of 14 Table of Contents Introduction Desktop HTML5 Toolbar Menu Toolbar Buttons Page Navigation Display Modes Tool Modes Annotation Tools Other Items Side Panel Thumbnail Panel Bookmark Panel Full Text Search Panel Notes Panel Panel Options Save Annotations Toggle Annotations Order by Document Order by Time Search in comments Mobile HTML5 Main Menu Search Bookmarks Annotation Menu Annotation List Options Landscape Display High Resolution Show Annotations Save Annotations Offline Mode Annotation Menu Annotation Tools Text Select Back to Main Menu Annotation Create Popup Annotation Edit Popup Offline Mode Downloading a Document Viewing a Document Offline © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 2 of 14 Introduction The PDFTron WebViewer provides a consistent user interface across all browsers and allows a number of interactions with the document pages and its annotations. This document outlines how to use the various WebViewer buttons to exercise all of the features from a user’s perspective in the mobile and desktop viewers. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 3 of 14 Desktop HTML5 Toolbar Menu The main toolbar is where the user is presented different display mode options and various navigation options. Toolbar Buttons Page Navigation Allows the user to set the current page and to go to the previous and next page quickly Zoom Slidebar Allows the setting of zoom level Display Modes There are 6 display modes supported in the Display Mode dropdown menu: 1. Single Displays one page at a time; the document is treated as a series of pages that the user moves through. 2. Continuous Displays all pages in one continuous column and is scrollable, much like navigating a webpage. 3. Facing Displays two pages at a time, side by side as a spread. 4. Facing Continuous Displays pages in two continuous vertical columns. 5. Cover Displays two pages at a time, side by side as a spread. The first page always starts on the right column. 6. Cover Continuous Displays pages in two continuous vertical columns. The first page always starts on the right. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 4 of 14 Fit Zoom Allows the user to quickly zoom the viewer to fit the width or fit the page Rotate Pages Allows the user to rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise at a time. Tool Modes Pan Mode Allows the user to pan around the document Text Select Mode Allows the user to highlight and select text on the document Annotation Tools These tools allow the creation of many different types of annotations. By default there are four tools shown and more can be viewed by pressing the downward pointed arrow. The sticky note and signature can be created by simply clicking on the page. The rectangle, ellipse, free text, free hand, line and arrow can be created by clicking and dragging to change their size. Text annotations will appear when clicking and dragging over top of text on the page. The Polyline, Polygon and Callout annotations will have a point added on each click. The callout is completed automatically after three clicks while the polygon and polyline can be completed by double-clicking on the page. The annotation multi-select tool allows the selection of multiple annotations by clicking and dragging to create a rectangle which will select any annotations that fall within that region. Other Items Text Search Allows the user to enter text to search for, after which the viewer navigates to the first instance of the found text. Print Allows the user to print the document. Full Screen Expands the viewer space to take up the full screen Notes Panel Toggle Hides or shows the panel containing annotation notes. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 5 of 14 © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 6 of 14 Side Panel The Side Panel is shown initially when the user loads the document and users can hide or show it using the Toggle Side Panel button in the toolbar menu. It consists of three sub-panels: Thumbnail Panel, Bookmark Panel and Full Text Search Panel. Thumbnail Panel The Thumbnail Panel displays the thumbnail previews for each page of the document. Clicking on a thumbnail quickly navigates the viewer to the selected page. Bookmark Panel The Bookmark Panel displays all the bookmarks in the document and allows quick navigation to the bookmarks. Full Text Search Panel The Full Search Panel is where the user can perform text searches on the document. Unlike the quick search text box in the Toolbar Menu, more search options are presented to the user. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 7 of 14 Notes Panel The notes panel is located on the right side of the screen and is closed initially. It displays a note for each annotation and any text associated with it. By default each note tries to align itself vertically with its annotation on the page. If there are too many notes then lower notes will be pushed downwards. If the current user is the owner of the annotation then they can edit or delete their messages. Anyone can add a reply to an annotation. To add a reply to an existing note first select it by clicking on it and a box will appear allowing a reply to be entered. Panel Options Clicking the button in the top right corner of the panel opens up a menu with some options. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 8 of 14 Save Annotations When the user clicks on the Save button all the annotations currently on the document, as well as any form data, will be exported into an XFDF file and sent to the server URL. Toggle Annotations The Toggle Annotations button is a toggle button that toggles annotations on and off, where the button label also toggles between “Show” and “Hide” accordingly. While annotations are toggled off it does not mean that they are deleted. They are just hidden from the viewer and at any point the user can toggle annotations on again. Order by Document When notes are ordered by document they try to align themselves vertically with their associated annotation on the page. As the document is scrolled the notes scroll with it. Order by Time When notes are ordered by time then they are listed one after the other with the most recently added or replied to notes on top. When in this mode the notes panel can be scrolled independently of the document. Search in comments Typing in this box will cause the notes to display in a list with the search term selected on each note containing the term. Notes that don’t contain the search term will be hidden. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 9 of 14 Mobile HTML5 Main Menu From left to right: Search, Bookmarks, Annotation Menu, Annotation List, Options Search Tapping the Search button brings up a search box where the user can enter text to search through the document for matched text. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 10 of 14 Bookmarks The Bookmarks button brings out a panel listing all the bookmarks in the document and allows the user to navigate to them quickly. Annotation Menu When the user taps on the annotation menu button the annotation menu will be displayed and replace the main menu. In the annotation menu there are options to edit and create various annotation types and switch to text select mode. Annotation List In the annotation list every annotation is listed, ordered by page number. From the list the user can edit the notes of their own annotations as well as reply to or delete existing annotations. Tapping on the subject of the annotation will jump to the page the annotation is on and select the annotation. Options The options button brings out a panel listing various options for the viewer. The panel can be closed by tapping anywhere outside of it, making a swiping gesture to the right or pressing the x button. Landscape Display The page display mode to use when the mobile device is in landscape mode (width is larger than height). Single page will show one page at a time and double page will show two pages at a time. High Resolution Toggles whether the document is viewed at a higher resolution for devices that support it. Disabling high resolution will decrease page load times at the cost of quality. Show Annotations The Show Annotations checkbox toggles annotations on and off. While annotations are toggled off it does not mean that they are deleted. They are just hidden from the viewer and at any point the user can toggle annotations on again. Save Annotations When the Save Annotations buttons is pressed all the annotations currently on the document, as well as any form data, will be exported into an XFDF file and sent to the server URL. Offline Mode If offline mode is enabled then there will be a button that allows the user to download the document for offline viewing. If the document has been downloaded then a checkbox will be enabled to allow the user to switch into offline mode. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 11 of 14 Annotation Menu From left to right: Sticky Note, Text Highlight, Text Underline, Text Strikeout, Text Squiggly, Signature, Free Hand, Free Text, Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Text Select, Annotation Multi-select, Back to Main Menu Annotation Tools The sticky note and signature can be created by simply tapping on the page. The rectangle, ellipse, free text, free hand, line and arrow can be created by touching and dragging to change their size. Text annotations will appear when touching and dragging over top of text on the page. The annotation multi-select tool allows the selection of multiple annotations by touching and dragging to create a rectangle which will select any annotations that overlap. Text Select The Text Select button is a toggle button that toggles between panning and text select mode. When the user is in text select mode they cannot pan, zoom, or swipe. The view is fixed as long as the user is in text select mode. Back to Main Menu Tapping this button brings the Main Menu back and automatically sets the viewer in pan mode. Annotation Create Popup By long pressing on the page, the user can bring up a quick select menu that lists non-text related annotations. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 12 of 14 Annotation Edit Popup In the annotation edit popup, the user can modify the stroke color, fill color, text color, thickness, opacity and font size of the annotations. The appropriate editable properties will show up according to the selected annotation. The annotation edit popup will be displayed after tapping on an annotation to select it. An annotation can be selected while in any tool mode by tapping, except for the sticky note tool. The popup will disappear once the user deselects the annotation by tapping elsewhere on the viewer or when the user hits the Done button (indicating the editing is finished) or the Delete button (deleting the selected annotation, thus deselecting it as well). After selecting the Style button the user will be able to select different colors for the annotation and add or remove colors from their quick list. The advanced button gives the user more colors to select and finer control of the other annotation properties. The Note property represents the popup note of the annotation in the PDF. After pressing that button the options dialog will be opened and a textarea will allow the user to enter text. The message will be saved into XFDF as well when the user saves the annotations. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 13 of 14 Offline Mode The PDFTron WebViewer provides support for downloading documents for offline viewing. Once a document has been downloaded it will be able to viewed without an Internet connection. Downloading a Document In the desktop viewer there is a button with a downward pointing arrow. Pressing this button will begin downloading the current document. While the document is downloading the button will become a cancel button and if this button is pressed before the download has finished then the download will be cancelled. In the mobile viewer there is a button on the options panel that has the same functionality. Viewing a Document Offline In the desktop viewer to the right of the download button there is a button that toggles between viewing the document online or offline. Once the document has been downloaded then this button can be pressed to switch to offline viewing mode. This mode is exactly the same as normal viewing except that no Internet connection is required. In the mobile viewer this is a checkbox on the options panel that has the same functionality. © 2002-2017 PDFTron Systems, Inc. 14 of 14
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