Xspec Manual
User Manual:
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Page Count: 414 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- Introduction
- Spectral Fitting and XSPEC
- XSPEC Overview and Helpful Hints
- Syntax
- How to return to the XSPEC12>prompt
- Getting Help
- Commands
- Issuing Commands
- Control Commands
- Query, chatter and shutting XSPEC up (somewhat)
- Scripts and the Save command
- Miscellaneous
- Data Commands
- Model Commands
- Fitting Commands
- Binning and Grouping data
- Plotting Commands
- Setting Commands
- Breaking With Ctrl-C
- Customizing XSPEC
- Customizing system-wide
- Walks through XSPEC
- Introduction
- Brief Discussion of XSPEC Files
- Fitting Models to Data: An Old Example from EXOSAT
- Simultaneous Fitting
- Multiple Models: a Background Modeling Example
- Using XSPEC to Simulate Data: an Example for Chandra
- Producing Plots: Modifying the Defaults
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Example
- INTEGRAL/SPI: A Walk Through Example
- INTEGRAL Specific Command Line Scripts
- XSPEC Commands
- XSPEC Models
- Alphabetical Summary of Models
- Additive Model Components
- agauss, zagauss: gaussian line profile in wavelength space
- apec, vapec, vvapec: APEC emission spectrum
- atable: tabulated additive model
- bapec, bvapec, bvvapec: velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model
- bbody, zbbody: blackbody
- bbodyrad: blackbody spectrum, area normalized
- bexrav: reflected e-folded broken power law, neutral medium
- bexriv: reflected e-folded broken power law, ionized medium
- bknpower: broken power law
- bkn2pow: broken power law, 2 break energies
- bmc: Comptonization by relativistic matter
- bremss, vbremss, zbremss: thermal bremsstrahlung
- btapec, bvtapec, bvvtapec: velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures
- c6mekl, c6vmekl, c6pmekl, c6pvmkl: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal
- carbatm: Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a neutron star
- cemekl, cevmkl: plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal
- cflow: cooling flow
- compbb: Comptonization, black body
- compLS: Comptonization, Lamb & Sanford
- compmag: Thermal and bulk Comptonization for cylindrical accretion onto the polar cap of a magnetized neutron star
- compPS: Comptonization, Poutanen & Svenson
- compST: Comptonization, Sunyaev & Titarchuk
- comptb: Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed blackbody-like spectrum
- compTT: Comptonization, Titarchuk
- cplinear: a non-physical piecewise-linear model for low count background spectra.
- cutoffpl: power law, high energy exponential cutoff
- disk: accretion disk, black body
- diskbb: accretion disk, multi-black body components
- diskir: Irradiated inner and outer disk
- diskline: accretion disk line emission, relativistic
- diskm: accretion disk with gas pressure viscosity
- disko: accretion disk, inner, radiation pressure viscosity
- diskpbb: accretion disk, power-law dependence for T(r)
- diskpn: accretion disk, black hole, black body
- eplogpar: log-parabolic blazar model with F normalization
- Eqpair, eqtherm, compth: Paolo Coppi's hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models.
- equil, vequil: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium
- expdec: exponential decay
- ezdiskbb: multiple blackbody disk model with zero-torque inner boundary
- gadem, vgadem: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure.
- gauss, zgauss: gaussian line profile
- gnei, vgnei, vvgnei: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution
- grad: accretion disk, Schwarzschild black hole
- grbm: gamma-ray burst continuum
- hatm: Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star
- kerrbb: multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole
- kerrd: optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr black hole
- kerrdisk: accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free parameter
- laor: accretion disk, black hole emission line
- laor2: accretion disk with broken-power law emissivity profile, black hole emission line
- logpar: log-parabolic blazar model
- lorentz: lorentz line profile
- meka, vmeka: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild)
- mekal, vmekal: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild-Kaastra)
- mkcflow, vmcflow: cooling flow, mekal
- nei, vnei, vvnei: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature
- nlapec: continuum-only APEC emission spectrum
- npshock, vnpshock, vvnpshock: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures
- nsa: neutron star atmosphere
- nsagrav: NS H atmosphere model for different g
- nsatmos: NS Hydrogen Atmosphere model with electron conduction and self-irradiation
- nsmax: Neutron Star Magnetic Atmosphere
- nsmaxg: Neutron Star with a Magnetic Atmosphere
- nsx: neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere
- nteea: non-thermal pair plasma
- Nthcomp: Thermally comptonized continuum
- Optxagnf, optxagn: Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN.
- pegpwrlw: power law, pegged normalization
- pexmon: neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent Fe and Ni lines.
- pexrav: reflected powerlaw, neutral medium
- pexriv: reflected powerlaw, ionized medium
- plcabs: powerlaw observed through dense, cold matter
- posm: positronium continuum
- powerlaw, zpowerlw: power law photon spectrum
- pshock, vpshock, vvpshock: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature
- raymond, vraymond: emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-Smith
- redge: emission, recombination edge
- refsch: reflected power law from ionized accretion disk
- rnei, vrnei, vvrnei: non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma
- sedov, vsedov, vvsedov: sedov model, separate ion, electron temperatures
- sirf: self-irradiated funnel
- slimbh: Stationary slim accretion disk
- smaug: optically-thin, spherically-symmetric thermal plasma.
- snapec: galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields
- srcut: synchrotron spectrum, cutoff power law
- sresc: synchrotron spectrum, cut off by particle escape
- step: step function convolved with gaussian
- tapec, vtapec, vvtapec: APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures
- voigt: Voigt line profile
- Multiplicative Model Components
- absori: ionized absorber
- acisabs: Chandra ACIS q.e. decay
- cabs: Optically-thin Compton scattering.
- constant: energy-independent factor
- cyclabs: absorption line, cyclotron
- dust: dust scattering
- edge, zedge: absorption edge
- etable: exponential tabular model
- expabs: exponential roll-off at low E
- expfac: exponential modification
- gabs: gaussian absorption line
- heilin: Voigt absorption profiles for He I series
- highecut, zhighect: high-energy cutoff
- hrefl: reflection model
- ismabs: A high resolution ISM absorption model with variable columns for individual ions
- lyman: Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman series
- mtable: multiplicative tabular model
- notch: absorption line, notch
- pcfabs, zpcfabs: partial covering fraction absorption
- phabs, vphabs, zphabs, zvphabs: photoelectric absorption
- plabs: power law absorption
- pwab: power-law distribution of neutral absorbers
- recorn: change correction norm for a spectrum
- redden: interstellar extinction
- smedge: smeared edge
- spexpcut: super-exponential cutoff absorption
- spline: spline modification
- SSSice: Einstein SSS ice absorption
- swind1: absorption by partially ionized material with large velocity shear
- tbabs, ztbabs, tbfeo, tbgas, tbgrain, tbpcf, tbvarabs, tbrel: ISM grain absorption
- uvred: interstellar extinction, Seaton Law
- varabs, zvarabs: photoelectric absorption
- wabs, zwabs: photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-sections
- wndabs, zwndabs: photo-electric absorption, warm absorber
- xion: reflected spectrum of photo-ionized accretion disk/ring
- xscat: dust scattering
- zbabs: EUV ISM attenuation
- zdust: extinction by dust grains
- zigm: UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic medium
- zredden: redshifted version of redden
- zsmdust: extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies
- zvfeabs: photoelectric absorption with free Fe edge energy
- zxipcf: partial covering absorption by partially ionized material
- Convolution Model Components
- cflux: calculate flux
- clumin: calculate luminosity
- cpflux: calculate photon flux
- gsmooth: gaussian smoothing
- ireflect: reflection from ionized material
- kdblur: convolve with the laor model shape
- kdblur2: convolve with the laor2 model shape
- kerrconv: accretion disk line shape with BH spin as free parameter
- lsmooth: lorentzian smoothing
- partcov: partial covering
- rdblur: convolve with the diskline model shape
- reflect: reflection from neutral material
- rfxconv: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk
- simpl: comptonization of a seed spectrum
- xilconv: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk
- vashift: velocity shift an additive model
- vmshift: velocity shift a multiplicative model
- zashift: redshift an additive model
- zmshift: redshift a multiplicative model
- Pile-Up Model Components
- Mixing Model Components
- The User Interface
- Statistics in XSPEC
- Adding Models to XSPEC
- Overview of PLT
- Associated Programs
- Using the XSPEC Models Library in Other Programs
- Adding a Custom Chain Proposal Algorithm
- Changes between v11 and v12
- Older Release Notes
An X-Ray Spectral Fitting Package
Users’ Guide for version 12.9.1
Keith Arnaud, Craig Gordon & Ben Dorman
Astrophysics Science Division
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Jan 2017
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Newinv12.9.1 ............................ 2
1.2 How to find out more information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 History ................................ 5
1.4 Acknowledgements .......................... 5
1.5 References............................... 5
2 Spectral Fitting and XSPEC 7
2.1 Introduction.............................. 7
2.2 The Basics of Spectral Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 The XSPEC implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Fits and Confidence Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 A more abstract and generalized approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6 XSPECDataAnalysis........................ 14
2.7 References............................... 16
3 XSPEC Overview and Helpful Hints 17
3.1 Syntax................................. 17
3.2 How to return to the XSPEC12>prompt.............. 17
3.3 GettingHelp ............................. 18
3.4 Commands .............................. 18
3.5 IssuingCommands .......................... 19
3.6 ControlCommands.......................... 19
3.7 Query, chatter and shutting XSPEC up (somewhat) . . . . . . . 20
3.8 Scripts and the Save command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.9 Miscellaneous............................. 21
3.10DataCommands ........................... 21
3.11ModelCommands .......................... 23
3.12FittingCommands .......................... 25
3.13 Binning and Grouping data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.14PlottingCommands ......................... 26
3.15SettingCommands.......................... 27
3.16 Breaking With Ctrl-C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.17CustomizingXSPEC......................... 29
3.18 Customizing system-wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4 Walks through XSPEC 31
4.1 Introduction.............................. 31
4.2 Brief Discussion of XSPEC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.3 Fitting Models to Data: An Old Example from EXOSAT . . . . 32
4.4 Simultaneous Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.5 Multiple Models: a Background Modeling Example . . . . . . . . 62
4.6 Using XSPEC to Simulate Data: an Example for Chandra . . . . 65
4.7 Producing Plots: Modifying the Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.8 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.9 INTEGRAL/SPI: A Walk Through Example . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.10 INTEGRAL Specific Command Line Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5 XSPEC Commands 85
5.1 Summary of Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2 Description of Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.3 ControlCommands.......................... 90
5.3.1 autosave............................ 90
5.3.2 chatter............................. 90
5.3.3 exit,quit ........................... 91
5.3.4 help .............................. 91
5.3.5 log............................... 92
5.3.6 parallel ............................ 93
5.3.7 query ............................. 95
5.3.8 save .............................. 95
5.3.9 script ............................. 96
5.3.10 show.............................. 96
5.3.11 syscall............................. 98
5.3.12 tclout ............................. 98
5.3.13 tcloutr.............................104
5.3.14 time ..............................104
5.3.15 undo..............................104
5.3.16 version.............................105
5.4 DataCommands ...........................105
5.4.1 arf...............................105
5.4.2 backgrnd ...........................106
5.4.3 corfile .............................107
5.4.4 cornorm............................108
5.4.5 data ..............................109
5.4.6 diagrsp ............................113
5.4.7 fakeit .............................114
5.4.8 ignore .............................119
5.4.9 notice .............................120
5.4.10 response............................122
5.5 FitCommands ............................123
5.5.1 bayes .............................123
5.5.2 chain..............................124
5.5.3 error (and rerror) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5.5.4 fit ...............................129
5.5.5 freeze (and rfreeze) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
5.5.6 ftest ..............................131
5.5.7 goodness ...........................132
5.5.8 margin.............................132
5.5.9 renorm ............................133
5.5.10 steppar ............................134
5.5.11 thaw (and rthaw) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.5.12 weight.............................136
5.6 ModelCommands ..........................136
5.6.1 addcomp ...........................136
5.6.2 addline ............................138
5.6.3 delcomp............................139
5.6.4 dummyrsp...........................139
5.6.5 editmod............................142
5.6.6 energies ............................143
5.6.7 eqwidth ............................145
5.6.8 flux ..............................146
5.6.9 gain ..............................148
5.6.10 identify ............................151
5.6.11 initpackage ..........................152
5.6.12 lmod..............................153
5.6.13 lumin .............................154
5.6.14 mdefine ............................155
5.6.15 model (and rmodel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.6.16 modid.............................163
5.6.17 newpar (and rnewpar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
5.6.18 systematic...........................168
5.6.19 untie (and runtie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
5.7 PlotCommands............................169
5.7.1 cpd ..............................169
5.7.2 hardcopy ...........................171
5.7.3 iplot..............................171
5.7.4 plot ..............................171
5.7.5 setplot.............................176
5.8 SettingCommands..........................182
5.8.1 abund .............................182
5.8.2 cosmo .............................183
5.8.3 method ............................184
5.8.4 statistic ............................186
5.8.5 xsect..............................187
5.8.6 xset ..............................187
5.9 TclScripts ..............................190
5.9.1 lrt ...............................190
5.9.2 multifake ...........................191
5.9.3 rescalecov...........................191
5.9.4 simftest ............................191
5.9.5 writefits............................192
6 XSPEC Models 193
6.1 Alphabetical Summary of Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6.2 Additive Model Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.2.1 agauss, zagauss: gaussian line profile in wavelength space 197
6.2.2 apec, vapec, vvapec: APEC emission spectrum . . . . . . 198
6.2.3 atable: tabulated additive model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6.2.4 bapec, bvapec, bvvapec: velocity broadened APEC ther-
malplasmamodel ......................200
6.2.5 bbody, zbbody: blackbody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
6.2.6 bbodyrad: blackbody spectrum, area normalized . . . . . 203
6.2.7 bexrav: reflected e-folded broken power law, neutral medium203
6.2.8 bexriv: reflected e-folded broken power law, ionized medium204
6.2.9 bknpower: broken power law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
6.2.10 bkn2pow: broken power law, 2 break energies . . . . . . . 206
6.2.11 bmc: Comptonization by relativistic matter . . . . . . . . 206
6.2.12 bremss, vbremss, zbremss: thermal bremsstrahlung . . . . 207
6.2.13 btapec, bvtapec, bvvtapec: velocity broadened APEC
emission spectrum with separate continuum and line tem-
peratures ...........................208
6.2.14 c6mekl, c6vmekl, c6pmekl, c6pvmkl: differential emis-
sion measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-
6.2.15 carbatm: Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a neutron
star ..............................211
6.2.16 cemekl, cevmkl: plasma emission, multi-temperature us-
ingmekal ...........................211
6.2.17 cflow: cooling flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
6.2.18 compbb: Comptonization, black body . . . . . . . . . . . 213
6.2.19 compLS: Comptonization, Lamb & Sanford . . . . . . . . 213
6.2.20 compmag: Thermal and bulk Comptonization for cylin-
drical accretion onto the polar cap of a magnetized neu-
6.2.21 compPS: Comptonization, Poutanen & Svenson . . . . . . 214
6.2.22 compST: Comptonization, Sunyaev & Titarchuk . . . . . 218
6.2.23 comptb: Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed
blackbody-like spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
6.2.24 compTT: Comptonization, Titarchuk . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.2.25 cplinear: a non-physical piecewise-linear model for low
count background spectra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.2.26 cutoffpl: power law, high energy exponential cutoff . . . . 220
6.2.27 disk: accretion disk, black body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
6.2.28 diskbb: accretion disk, multi-black body components . . . 221
6.2.29 diskir: Irradiated inner and outer disk . . . . . . . . . . . 221
6.2.30 diskline: accretion disk line emission, relativistic . . . . . 222
6.2.31 diskm: accretion disk with gas pressure viscosity . . . . . 223
6.2.32 disko: accretion disk, inner, radiation pressure viscosity . 223
6.2.33 diskpbb: accretion disk, power-law dependence for T(r) . 223
6.2.34 diskpn: accretion disk, black hole, black body . . . . . . . 224
6.2.35 eplogpar: log-parabolic blazar model with νFνnormaliza-
tion ..............................224
6.2.36 Eqpair, eqtherm, compth: Paolo Coppi’s hybrid (thermal/non-
thermal) hot plasma emission models. . . . . . . . . . . . 225
6.2.37 equil, vequil: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium . . 226
6.2.38 expdec: exponential decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
6.2.39 ezdiskbb: multiple blackbody disk model with zero-torque
6.2.40 gadem, vgadem: plasma emission, multi-temperature with
gaussian distribution of emission measure. . . . . . . . . . 228
6.2.41 gauss, zgauss: gaussian line profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
6.2.42 gnei, vgnei, vvgnei: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium,
temperature evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
6.2.43 grad: accretion disk, Schwarzschild black hole . . . . . . . 232
6.2.44 grbm: gamma-ray burst continuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
6.2.45 hatm: Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star233
6.2.46 kerrbb: multi-temperature blackbody model for thin ac-
cretion disk around a Kerr black hole . . . . . . . . . . . 234
6.2.47 kerrd: optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr black
hole ..............................235
6.2.48 kerrdisk: accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free
6.2.49 laor: accretion disk, black hole emission line . . . . . . . . 236
6.2.50 laor2: accretion disk with broken-power law emissivity
profile, black hole emission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
6.2.51 logpar: log-parabolic blazar model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
6.2.52 lorentz: lorentz line profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
6.2.53 meka, vmeka: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild)237
6.2.54 mekal, vmekal: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild-
6.2.55 mkcflow, vmcflow: cooling flow, mekal . . . . . . . . . . . 239
6.2.56 nei, vnei, vvnei: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, con-
stanttemperature ......................240
6.2.57 nlapec: continuum-only APEC emission spectrum . . . . 242
6.2.58 npshock, vnpshock, vvnpshock: shocked plasma, plane
parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures . . . . . . . . 243
6.2.59 nsa: neutron star atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
6.2.60 nsagrav: NS H atmosphere model for different g . . . . . 246
6.2.61 nsatmos: NS Hydrogen Atmosphere model with electron
conduction and self-irradiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
6.2.62 nsmax: Neutron Star Magnetic Atmosphere . . . . . . . . 247
6.2.63 nsmaxg: Neutron Star with a Magnetic Atmosphere . . . 249
6.2.64 nsx: neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere . . . . 251
6.2.65 nteea: non-thermal pair plasma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
6.2.66 Nthcomp: Thermally comptonized continuum . . . . . . . 252
6.2.67 Optxagnf, optxagn: Colour temperature corrected disc
and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. 253
6.2.68 pegpwrlw: power law, pegged normalization . . . . . . . . 255
6.2.69 pexmon: neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent
6.2.70 pexrav: reflected powerlaw, neutral medium . . . . . . . . 257
6.2.71 pexriv: reflected powerlaw, ionized medium . . . . . . . . 257
6.2.72 plcabs: powerlaw observed through dense, cold matter . . 258
6.2.73 posm: positronium continuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
6.2.74 powerlaw, zpowerlw: power law photon spectrum . . . . . 259
6.2.75 pshock, vpshock, vvpshock: plane-parallel shocked plasma,
constant temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
6.2.76 raymond, vraymond: emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-
Smith .............................262
6.2.77 redge: emission, recombination edge . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
6.2.78 refsch: reflected power law from ionized accretion disk . . 263
6.2.79 rnei, vrnei, vvrnei: non-equilibrium recombining collisional
6.2.80 sedov, vsedov, vvsedov: sedov model, separate ion, elec-
trontemperatures ......................266
6.2.81 sirf: self-irradiated funnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
6.2.82 slimbh: Stationary slim accretion disk . . . . . . . . . . . 268
6.2.83 smaug: optically-thin, spherically-symmetric thermal plasma.269
6.2.84 snapec: galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields . . . . . 271
6.2.85 srcut: synchrotron spectrum, cutoff power law . . . . . . 274
6.2.86 sresc: synchrotron spectrum, cut off by particle escape . . 275
6.2.87 step: step function convolved with gaussian . . . . . . . . 275
6.2.88 tapec, vtapec, vvtapec: APEC emission spectrum with
separate continuum and line temperatures . . . . . . . . . 275
6.2.89 voigt: Voigt line profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
6.3 Multiplicative Model Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
6.3.1 absori: ionized absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
6.3.2 acisabs: Chandra ACIS q.e. decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
6.3.3 cabs: Optically-thin Compton scattering. . . . . . . . . . 280
6.3.4 constant: energy-independent factor . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
6.3.5 cyclabs: absorption line, cyclotron . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
6.3.6 dust: dust scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
6.3.7 edge, zedge: absorption edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
6.3.8 etable: exponential tabular model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
6.3.9 expabs: exponential roll-off at low E . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
6.3.10 expfac: exponential modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
6.3.11 gabs: gaussian absorption line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
6.3.12 heilin: Voigt absorption profiles for He I series . . . . . . 283
6.3.13 highecut, zhighect: high-energy cutoff . . . . . . . . . . . 283
6.3.14 hrefl: reflection model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
6.3.15 ismabs: A high resolution ISM absorption model with
variable columns for individual ions . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
6.3.16 lyman: Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman
series .............................287
6.3.17 mtable: multiplicative tabular model . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
6.3.18 notch: absorption line, notch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
6.3.19 pcfabs, zpcfabs: partial covering fraction absorption . . . 288
6.3.20 phabs, vphabs, zphabs, zvphabs: photoelectric absorption 288
6.3.21 plabs: power law absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
6.3.22 pwab: power-law distribution of neutral absorbers . . . . 290
6.3.23 recorn: change correction norm for a spectrum . . . . . . 290
6.3.24 redden: interstellar extinction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
6.3.25 smedge: smeared edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
6.3.26 spexpcut: super-exponential cutoff absorption . . . . . . . 291
6.3.27 spline: spline modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
6.3.28 SSSice: Einstein SSS ice absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
6.3.29 swind1: absorption by partially ionized material with large
6.3.30 tbabs, ztbabs, tbfeo, tbgas, tbgrain, tbpcf, tbvarabs, tbrel:
ISM grain absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
6.3.31 uvred: interstellar extinction, Seaton Law . . . . . . . . . 295
6.3.32 varabs, zvarabs: photoelectric absorption . . . . . . . . . 295
6.3.33 wabs, zwabs: photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-
sections ............................296
6.3.34 wndabs, zwndabs: photo-electric absorption, warm absorber296
6.3.35 xion: reflected spectrum of photo-ionized accretion disk/ring297
6.3.36 xscat: dust scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
6.3.37 zbabs: EUV ISM attenuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
6.3.38 zdust: extinction by dust grains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
6.3.39 zigm: UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic medium300
6.3.40 zredden: redshifted version of redden . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
6.3.41 zsmdust: extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies . 301
6.3.42 zvfeabs: photoelectric absorption with free Fe edge energy 301
6.3.43 zxipcf: partial covering absorption by partially ionized
6.4 Convolution Model Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
6.4.1 cflux: calculate flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
6.4.2 clumin: calculate luminosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
6.4.3 cpflux: calculate photon flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
6.4.4 gsmooth: gaussian smoothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
6.4.5 ireflect: reflection from ionized material . . . . . . . . . . 305
6.4.6 kdblur: convolve with the laor model shape . . . . . . . . 307
6.4.7 kdblur2: convolve with the laor2 model shape . . . . . . . 307
6.4.8 kerrconv: accretion disk line shape with BH spin as free
6.4.9 lsmooth: lorentzian smoothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
6.4.10 partcov: partial covering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
6.4.11 rdblur: convolve with the diskline model shape . . . . . . 309
6.4.12 reflect: reflection from neutral material . . . . . . . . . . 309
6.4.13 rfxconv: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk . 310
6.4.14 simpl: comptonization of a seed spectrum . . . . . . . . . 311
6.4.15 xilconv: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk . 312
6.4.16 vashift: velocity shift an additive model . . . . . . . . . . 313
6.4.17 vmshift: velocity shift a multiplicative model . . . . . . . 314
6.4.18 zashift: redshift an additive model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
6.4.19 zmshift: redshift a multiplicative model . . . . . . . . . . 315
6.5 Pile-Up Model Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
6.5.1 pileup: CCD pile-up model for Chandra . . . . . . . . . . 315
6.6 Mixing Model Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
6.6.1 ascac: ASCA surface brightness model . . . . . . . . . . . 317
6.6.2 projct: project 3-D ellipsoidal shells onto 2-D elliptical
annuli .............................317
6.6.3 suzpsf: suzaku surface brightness model . . . . . . . . . . 319
6.6.4 xmmpsf: xmm surface brightness model . . . . . . . . . . 320
A The User Interface 323
A.1 Introduction..............................323
A.2 XSPECandtcl/tk ..........................323
A.3 A note on command processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
A.4 Command Recall/Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
A.5 Logging ................................325
A.6 CommandCompletion........................326
A.7 UnknownProcedure .........................327
A.8 Aliases.................................327
A.9 Initialization Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
A.10 XSPEC Command Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
A.11ScriptFiles ..............................328
A.12UnixShellCommands ........................330
A.13 Writing Custom XSPEC commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
A.14 Scripting commands that prompt the user . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
B Statistics in XSPEC 337
B.1 Introduction..............................337
B.2 Parameter Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
B.3 Parameter confidence regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
B.4 Goodness-of-fit ............................346
C Adding Models to XSPEC 351
C.1 Tablemodels .............................351
C.2 Loading a new model function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
C.3 Writing a new model function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
C.4 Third-Party Libraries In Local Models Build . . . . . . . . . . . 358
C.5 Writing new mixing models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
D Overview of PLT 361
D.1 Getting started with PLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
D.2 PLT Command summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
E Associated Programs 365
E.1 Introduction..............................365
E.2 HEAsoft reading tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
E.3 HEAsoft manipulation tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
E.4 HEAsoft subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
F Using the XSPEC Models Library in Other Programs 367
F.1 Calling Model Functions From C And Fortran . . . . . . . . . . . 367
F.2 InterfaceRoutines ..........................368
F.3 Initializing the Models Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
F.4 Building with the Models Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
G Adding a Custom Chain Proposal Algorithm 371
G.1 The randomize.dat Initialization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
G.2 Writing a Chain Proposal Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
G.3 Building and Loading the Proposal Class Library . . . . . . . . . 375
H Changes between v11 and v12 377
H.1 Integral Spectrometer/Coded Mask Instrument Support . . . . . 379
H.2 CurrentExclusions..........................379
I Older Release Notes 381
I.1 v12.9.0Jul2015 ...........................381
I.2 V12.8.2Jul2014 ...........................384
I.3 V12.8.1Aug2013...........................385
I.4 v12.8.0Dec2012 ...........................387
I.5 v12.7.1March2012..........................389
I.6 v12.7.0May2011...........................391
I.7 v12.6.0March2010..........................393
I.8 v12.5.1Aug.2009 ..........................395
Chapter 1
XSPEC is a command-driven, interactive, X-ray spectral-fitting program, de-
signed to be completely detector-independent so that it can be used for any
spectrometer. XSPEC has been used to analyze data from HEAO-1 A2, Ein-
stein Observatory, EXOSAT, Ginga, ROSAT, BBXRT, ASCA, CGRO, IUE,
RXTE, Chandra, XMM-Newton, Integral/SPI, Swift and Suzaku. There now
almost 8000 papers listed on ADS which mention XSPEC.
This manual describes XSPEC v12, which is available on Linux (gcc 3.2.2 and
later), MacOSX/Darwin (gcc 3.3 and later) , Solaris (2.6-9; WS6.0 and later).
New users are advised to read Chapter 2, which introduces spectral fitting and
the XSPEC approach, Chapter 3, which gives an overview of the program com-
mands, and Chapter 4, which contains walkthroughs of XSPEC sessions. They
should then experiment with XSPEC and, if necessary, look up individual com-
mands in Chapter 5, or descriptions of the spectral models in use, in Chapter 6.
The user interface for XSPEC, which employs a tcl scripting shell and the
XSPEC parser are described in Appendix A. The statistical methods used within
XSPEC are described in Appendix B. Users interested in adding their own mod-
els can read how to do so in Appendix C. Appendix Ddescribes the PLT plotting
package which XSPEC currently uses for graphical output. Some of the tools
(FTOOLS, programs, scripts) that can operate on XSPEC files are listed in
Appendix E. The XSPEC model library can be linked into other programs fol-
lowing the instructions in Appendix F. Appendix Gdescribes how to use your
own proposal distribution for Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Appendix Hincludes
some notes on the changes between XSPEC v11 and v12. Finally, Appendix I
lists release notes for older versions of v12.
1.1 New in v12.9.1
New features
•New Models:
carbatm NS non-magnetic C atmosphere
clumin calculates luminosity
hatm NS non-magnetic H atmosphere
ismabs High-resolution ISM absorption
rfxconv reflection from ionized disk
slimbh slim accretion disk
snapec galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields
(b)(v)(v)tapec apec model with different temperatures for continuum and emission
tbfeo tbabs model with O and Fe only variable
tbgas tbabs model with no grains
tbpcf tbabs model with partial covering
tbrel tbabs model that allows negative columns
vashift velocity shift an additive component
vmshift velocity shift a multiplicative component
voigt emission line with a Voigt profile
xilconv reflection from ionized disk
xscat dust scattering out of the beam
•Updated Models:
–apec models updated to AtomDB 3.0.7
–nei models updated to AtomDB 3.0.4 eigen files
–The apec code now has the ability to add new line shapes for broad-
ening although at present only a single Gaussian line shape is oper-
–A new xset option APECMINFLUX can be used to specify a mini-
mum line flux below which lines are not broadened. Also the maxi-
mum flux in any line in the apec model is saved as apecmaxlineflux
and this can be recovered using tcloutr modkeyval apecmaxlineflux.
At the moment both this and APECMINFLUX do not include the
1e14 normalization factor and any time dilation correction.
–The code for the various CEI models was rationalized and there is a
new C++ routine calcMultiTempPlasma which can be used by other
models. The old Fortran sumdem routine remains as a wrapper for
old models.
–tbabs model code has been updated. The old version is available by
using xset TBABSVERSION 1.
1.1. NEW IN V12.9.1 3
–Updated nsmaxg model with new tabulated model files.
–Increased the speed for accessing values from table models.
–Modified table model code to support new keywords LOELIMIT and
HIELIMIT to specify model values to be taken below and above the
tabulated energies.
–Added low and high energy limits to setplot id so lines are only
shown for the specified energy range.
–Added setplot (no)contimage to turn on (off) the background im-
age in contour plots.
–The keV to Angstrom conversion value stored in Numerics.h has been
updated to that from CODATA 2014.
–Added parallelization to chain walker calculations and to the good-
ness simulations.
–The error command can now process parameters from more than 1
model in a single call.
–In the various cstat statistics any correction file spectrum is now
taken account. This does implicitly assume that the correction file
has Poisson statistics.
–The Tcl script lrt.tcl now uses the fakeit nowrite option so inter-
mediate faked files are not written out. Also, now works for multiple
data groups.
–Increased the precision of the reported output from the tclout com-
mand options.
–Increased the allowed flux (counts) to beyond the 4-byte limit when
running fakeit with counting statistics selected.
–New tclout option fileinfo writes the value of the keyword given
as the fileinfo argument. e.g. tclout fileinfo detnam returns the
value of the detnam keyword in the spectrum extension.
•Xspec.init file:
–Added PARALLEL to set default parallelization options
–Added NEI VERSION to set default version for NEI models
–Added CONTOUR IMAGE to set default for adding image to contour
–Changed default cross-sections from bcmc to vern
•The manual has now been rewritten in LaTeX. The appendix on statistics
has been expanded. Cross-referencing has been improved.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.9.0 released as patches are included in v12.9.1. In addition
the following problems have been corrected:
•A previous revision to the goodness command removed the requirement
that the fit must be in a valid state at the start, however it was incorrectly
marking the fit as being in a valid state at the end.
•When re-reading a previously loaded table model file, XSPEC was not
correctly recognizing whether or not parameter error values existed.
•A spectrum’s displayed net count rate variance needs to be updated when
the fit weighting method gets changed.
1.2 How to find out more information
XSPEC is distributed and maintained under the aegis of the GSFC High Energy
Astrophysics Science Archival Research Center (HEASARC). It can be down-
loaded as part of HEAsoft from
XSPEC is available either as binaries or source. We recommend downloading
the source and compiling locally to avoid potential system library conflicts and
allow installation of any patches we release. If you have any problems compiling
or running XSPEC please e-mail us at xspec12@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov
The XSPEC Web page comprises links to the anonymous ftp site, a Web version
of the manual, and several useful documents, including a list of known bugs.
The Web address is
with the list of issues and available patches at
and additional models which can be added at
Further useful information can be found on the XSPEC Wiki at
and via the XSPEC Facebook group.
1.3. HISTORY 5
1.3 History
The first version of XSPEC was written in 1983 at the Institute of Astron-
omy, Cambridge, under VAX/VMS by Rick Shafer. It was written to perform
spectral analysis of data from the ESA EXOSAT X-ray observatory, which was
launched that year. XSPEC is a descendant of a series of spectral-fitting pro-
grams written at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center for the OSO-8, HEAO-1
and EO missions. The initial design was the fruit of many discussions between
Rick Shafer and Andy Szymkowiak.
Rick Shafer subsequently joined the EXOSAT group, where he enhanced the
VAX/VMS version in collaboration with Frank Haberl. Meanwhile, Keith Ar-
naud ported XSPEC to a Sun/UNIX operating system. The two implementa-
tions of XSPEC diverged for several years until a determined and coordinated
effort was made to recover a single version. The results of that effort was
XSPECv6, described in the first edition of this manual. Subsequent editions
have covered later versions of the program.
An extensive re-engineering effort was started in the fall of 1998 to improve long-
term maintainability, allow significant new features to be added, and support
the analysis of spectra from coded-mask instruments.
1.4 Acknowledgements
This project would not have been possible without ignoring the advice of far
more people than can be mentioned here. We would like to thank all our col-
leagues for their suggestions, bug reports, and (especially) source code. The
GSFC X-ray astronomy group are particularly thanked for their patience exhib-
ited while functioning as the beta test site for new releases. The initial develop-
ment of XSPEC was funded by a Royal Society grant to Prof. Andy Fabian and
subsequent development was partially funded by the European Space Agency’s
EXOSAT project and is now funded by the HEASARC at NASA/GSFC.
1.5 References
•Arnaud, K.A., 1996, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
V, eds. G. Jacoby and J. Barnes,p17, ASP Conf. Series volume 101.
•Dorman, B., and Arnaud, K. A. 2001, Astronomical Data Analysis Soft-
ware and Systems X eds. F.R. Harnden, Jr., F.A. Primini, and H. E.
Payne, vol. 238, p. 415
•Dorman, B., Arnaud, K. A., and Gordon, C. A. XSPEC12: Object-
Oriented X-Ray Data Analysis, AAS HEAD meeting No. 35, #22.10
Chapter 2
Spectral Fitting and
2.1 Introduction
This chapter comprises a brief description of the basics of spectral fitting, their
application in XSPEC, and some helpful hints on how to approach particular
problems. We then provide more details on the way XSPEC provides flexibility
in its approach to the minimization problem. We also describe the data formats
2.2 The Basics of Spectral Fitting
Although we use a spectrometer to measure the spectrum of a source, what the
spectrometer obtains is not the actual spectrum, but rather photon counts (C)
within specific instrument channels, (I). This observed spectrum is related to
the actual spectrum of the source (f(E)) by:
C(I) = Zf(E)R(I, E)dE (2.1)
Where R(I, E) is the instrumental response and is proportional to the probabil-
ity that an incoming photon of energy Ewill be detected in channel I. Ideally,
then, we would like to determine the actual spectrum of a source, f(E), by
inverting this equation, thus deriving f(E) for a given set of C(I). Regrettably,
this is not possible in general, as such inversions tend to be non-unique and un-
stable to small changes in C(I). (For examples of attempts to circumvent these
problems see Blissett & Cruise 1979; Kahn & Blissett 1980; Loredo & Epstein
The usual alternative is to choose a model spectrum, f(E), that can be described
in terms of a few parameters (i.e., f(E, p1, p2, ...)), and match, or “fit” it to the
data obtained by the spectrometer. For each f(E), a predicted count spectrum
(Cp(I)) is calculated and compared to the observed data (C(I)). Then a “fit
statistic” is computed from the comparison and used to judge whether the model
spectrum “fits” the data obtained by the spectrometer.
The model parameters then are varied to find the parameter values that give
the most desirable fit statistic. These values are referred to as the best-fit
parameters. The model spectrum, fb(E), made up of the best-fit parameters is
considered to be the best-fit model.
The most common fit statistic in use for determining the “best-fit” model is χ2,
defined as follows:
where σ(I) is the (generally unknown) error for channel I(e.g., if C(I) are
counts then σ(I) is usually estimated by pC(I); see e.g. Wheaton et.al. 1995
for other possibilities).
Once a “best-fit” model is obtained, one must ask two questions:
1. How confident can one be that the observed C(I) can have been produced
by the best-fit model fb(E)? The answer to this question is known as the
“goodness-of-fit” of the model. The χ2statistic provides a well-known-
goodness-of-fit criterion for a given number of degrees of freedom (ν, which
is calculated as the number of channels minus the number of model pa-
rameters) and for a given confidence level. If χ2exceeds a critical value
(tabulated in many statistics texts) one can conclude that fb(E) is not
an adequate model for C(I). As a general rule, one wants the “reduced
χ2” (∼χ2/ν) to be approximately equal to one (i.e. χ2∼ν). A reduced
χ2that is much greater than one indicates a poor fit, while a reduced
χ2that is much less than one indicates that the errors on the data have
been over-estimated. Even if the best-fit model (fb(E)) does pass the
“goodness-of-fit” test, one still cannot say that fb(E) is the only accept-
able model. For example, if the data used in the fit are not particularly
good, one may be able to find many different models for which adequate
fits can be found. In such a case, the choice of the correct model to fit is
a matter of scientific judgment.
2. For a given best-fit parameter (p1), what is the range of values within
which one can be confident the true value of the parameter lies? The
answer to this question is the “confidence interval” for the parameter.
The confidence interval for a given parameter is computed by varying
the parameter value until the χ2increases by a particular amount above
the minimum, or “best-fit” value. The amount that the χ2is allowed to
increase (also referred to as the critical ∆χ2) depends on the confidence
level one requires, and on the number of parameters whose confidence
space is being calculated. The critical for common cases are given in the
following table (from Avni, 1976):
Confidence Parameters
1 2 3
0.68 1.00 2.30 3.50
0.90 2.71 4.61 6.25
0.99 6.63 9.21 11.30
2.3 The XSPEC implementation
To summarize the preceding section, the main components of spectral fitting
are as follows:
•A set of one or more observed spectra D(I) with background measure-
ments B(I) where available
•The corresponding instrumental responses R(I, E)
•A set of model spectra M(E)
These components are used in the following manner:
•Choose a parameterized model which is thought to represent the actual
spectrum of the source.
•Choose values for the model parameters.
•Based on the parameter values given, predict the count spectrum that
would be detected by the spectrometer in a given channel for such a model.
•Compare the predicted spectrum to the spectrum actually obtained by
the instrument.
•Manipulate the values of the parameters of the model until the best fit
between the theoretical model and the observed data is found.
•Then calculate the “goodness” of the fit to determine how well the model
explains the observed data, and calculate the confidence intervals for the
model’s parameters.
This section describes how XSPEC performs these tasks.
C(I): The Observed Spectrum
To obtain each observed spectrum, C(I), XSPEC uses two files: the data (spec-
trum) file, containing D(I), and the background file, containing B(I). The data
file tells XSPEC how many total photon counts were detected by the instru-
ment in a given channel. XSPEC then uses the background file to derive the
set of background-subtracted spectra C(I) in units of counts per second. The
background-subtracted count rate is given by, for each spectrum:
C(I) = D(I)
where D(I) and B(I) are the counts in the data and background files; tDand
tBare the exposure times in the data and background files; bD(I)and bB(I),
aD(I)and aB(I)are the background and area scaling values from the spectrum
and background respectively, which together refer the background flux to the
same area as the observation as necessary. When this is done, XSPEC has an
observed spectrum to which the model spectrum can be fit.
R(I,E): The Instrumental Response
Before XSPEC can take a set of parameter values and predict the spectrum
that would be detected by a given instrument, XSPEC must know the specific
characteristics of the instrument. This information is known as the detector
response. Recall that for each spectrum the response R(I, E) is proportional
to the probability that an incoming photon of energy Ewill be detected in
channel I. As such, the response is a continuous function of E. This continuous
function is converted to a discrete function by the creator of a response matrix
who defines the energy ranges Ejsuch that:
RD(I, J) = REJ
EJ−1R(I, E)dE
XSPEC reads both the energy ranges, EJ, and the response matrix RD(I, J)
from a response file in a compressed format that only stores non-zero elements.
XSPEC also includes an option to use an auxiliary response file, which contains
an array AD(J) that is multiplied into RD(I, J) as follows:
RD(I, J)→RD(I, J)×AD(J) (2.5)
This array is designed to represent the efficiency of the detector with the re-
sponse file representing a normalized Redistribution Matrix Function, or RMF.
Conventionally, the response is in units of cm2.
M(E): The Model Spectrum
The model spectrum, M(E), is calculated within XSPEC using the energy
ranges defined by the response file :
M(E)dE (2.6)
and is in units of photons/cm2/s. XSPEC allows the construction of compos-
ite models consisting of additive components representing X-ray sources (e.g.,
power-laws, blackbodies, and so forth), multiplicative components, which mod-
ify additive components by an energy-dependent factor (e.g., photoelectric ab-
sorption, edges, ...). Convolution and mixing models can then perform sophis-
ticated operations on the result. Models are defined in algebraic notation.
For example, the following expression:
phabs (power + phabs (bbody))
defines an absorbed blackbody, phabs(bbody), added to a power-law, power.
The result then is modified by another absorption component, phabs. For a list
of available models, see Chapter 6.
2.4 Fits and Confidence Intervals
Once data have been read in and a model defined, XSPEC uses a fitting al-
gorithm to find the best-fit values of the model parameter. The default is a
modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (based on CURFIT from Bevington,
1969). The algorithm used is local rather than global, so be aware that it is
possible for the fitting process to get stuck in a local minimum and not find the
global best-fit. The process also goes much faster (and is more likely to find the
true minimum) if the initial model parameters are set to sensible values.
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm relies on XSPEC calculating the 2nd deriva-
tives of the fit statistic with respect to the model parameters. By default
these are calculated analytically, with the assumption that the 2nd deriva-
tives of the model itself may be ignored. This can be changed by setting the
USE NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION flag to “true” in the Xspec.init ini-
tialization file, in which case XSPEC will perform numerical calculations of the
derivatives (which are slower).
At the end of a fit, XSPEC will write out the best-fit parameter values, along
with estimated confidence intervals. These confidence intervals are one sigma
and are calculated from the second derivatives of the fit statistic with respect to
the model parameters at the best-fit. These confidence intervals are not reliable
and should be used for indicative purposes only.
XSPEC has a separate command (error or uncertain) to derive confidence
intervals for one interesting parameter, which it does by fixing the parameter of
interest at a particular value and fitting for all the other parameters. New values
of the parameter of interest are chosen until the appropriate delta-statistic value
is obtained. XSPEC uses a bracketing algorithm followed by an iterative cubic
interpolation to find the parameter value at each end of the confidence interval.
To compute confidence regions for several parameters at a time, XSPEC can
run a grid on these parameters. XSPEC also will display a contour plot of the
confidence regions of any two parameters.
2.5 A more abstract and generalized approach
The sections above provide a simple characterization of the problem. XSPEC
actually operates at a more abstract level and considers the following:
Given a set of spectra C(I), each supplied as a function of detector channels, a
set of theoretical models {M(E)j}each expressed in terms of a vector of ener-
gies together with a set of functions {R(I, E)j}that map channels to energies,
minimize an objective function Sof C,{R(I, E)j},{M(E)j}using a fitting
algorithm, i.e.
S=S(C, X
Mj×Rj) (2.7)
In the default case, this reduces to the specific expression for χ2fitting of a single
where iruns over all of the channels in all of the spectra being fitted, and using
the Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm to perform the fitting.
This differs from the previous formulation in that the operations that control the
fitting process make fewer assumptions about how the data are formatted, what
function is being minimized, and which algorithm is being employed. At the
calculation level, XSPEC requires spectra, backgrounds, responses and models,
but places fewer constraints as to how they are represented on disk and how they
are combined to compute the objective function (statistic). This has immediate
implications for the extension of XSPEC analysis to future missions.
New data formats can be implemented independently of the existing code, so
that they may be loaded during program execution. The “data format” includes
the specification not only of the files on disk but how they combine with models.
Multiple sources may be extracted from a spectrum. For example, it generalizes
the fitting problem to minimizing, in the case of the χ2statistic,
Rij ×Mj)2(2.9)
and jruns over one or more models. This allows the analysis of, for instance,
coded aperture data where multiple sources may be spatially resolved.
Responses, which abstractly represent a mapping from the theoretical energy
space of the model to the detector channel space, may be represented in new
ways. For example, the INTEGRAL/SPI responses are implemented as a linear
superposition of 3 (fixed) components.
Instead of explicitly combining responses and models through convolution XSPEC
places no prior constraint on how this combination is implemented. For exam-
ple, analysis of data collected by future large detectors might take advantage of
the form of the instrumental response by decomposing the response into com-
ponents of different frequency.
Other differences of approach are in the selection of the statistic of the techniques
used for deriving the solution. Statistics and fitting methods may be added to
XSPEC at execution time rather than at installation time, so that the analysis
package as a whole may more easily keep apace of new techniques.
2.6 XSPEC Data Analysis
XSPEC is designed to support multiple input data formats. Support for the
earlier SF and Einstein FITS formats are removed. Support for ASCII data
is planned, which will allow XSPEC to analyze spectra from other wavelength
regions (optical, radio) transparently to the user.
The OGIP data format both for single spectrum files (Type I) and multiple
spectrum files (Type II) is fully supported. These files can be created and
manipulated with programs described in Appendix E and the provided links.
The programs are described more fully in George et al. 1992. (the directories
below refer to the HEAsoft distribution).
•Spectral Data: callib/src/gen/rdpha2.f, wtpha3.f
•Responses: callib/src/gen rdebd4.f, rdrmf5.f, wtebd4.f, wtrmf5.f. The
“rmf” programs read and write the RMF extension, while the “ebd” pro-
grams write an extension called EBOUNDS that contains nominal energies
for the detector channels.
•Auxiliary Responses: callib/src/gen rdarf1.f, and wtarf1.f
XSPEC also includes an add-in module to read and simulate INTEGRAL/SPI
data, which can be loaded by the user on demand. The INTEGRAL/SPI
datasets are similar to OGIP Type II, but contain an additional FITS extension
that stores information on the multiple files used to construct the responses.
The INTEGRAL Spectrometer (SPI) is a coded-mask telescope, with a 19-
element Germanium detector array. The Spectral resolution is 500, and the
angular resolution is 3deg. Unlike focusing instruments however, the detected
photons are not directionally tagged, and a statistical analysis procedure, using
for example cross-correlation techniques, must be employed to reconstruct an
image. The description of the XSPEC analysis approach which follows assumes
that an image reconstruction has already been performed; see the SPIROS util-
ity within the INTEGRAL offline software analysis package (OSA), OR, the
positions on the sky of all sources to be analyzed are already known (which is
often the case). Those unfamiliar with INTEGRAL data analysis should refer
to the OSA documentation. Thus, the INTEGRAL/SPI analysis chain must be
run up to the event binning level [if the field of view (FoV) source content is
known, e.g. from published catalogs, or from IBIS image analysis], or the image
reconstruction level. SPIHIST should be run selecting the “PHA” output op-
tion, and selecting detectors 0-18. This will produce an OGIP standard type-II
PHA spectral file, which contains multiple, detector count spectra. In addition,
the SPIARF procedure should be run once for each source to be analyzed, plus
one additional time to produce a special response for analysis of the instrumen-
tal background. If this is done correctly, and in the proper sequence, SPIARF
will create a table in the PHA-II spectral file, which will associate each spectrum
with the appropriate set of response matrices. The response matrices are then
automatically loaded into XSPEC upon execution of the data command in a
manner very transparent to the user. You will also need to run SPIRMF (un-
less you have opted to use the default energy bins of the template SPI RMFs).
Finally, you will need to run the FTOOL SPIBKG INIT. Each of these utilities
- SPIHIST, SPIARF, SPIRMF and SPIBKG INIT - are documented elsewhere,
either in the INTEGRAL or (for SPIBKG INIT the HEAsoft) software docu-
There are several complications regarding the spectral de-convolution of coded-
aperture data. One already mentioned is the source confusion issue; there may
be multiple sources in the FoV, which are lead to different degrees of shad-
owing on different detectors. Thus, a separate instrumental response must be
applied to a spectral model for each possible source, for each detector. This
is further compounded by the fact that INTEGRAL’s typical mode of obser-
vation is “dithering.” A single observation may consist of 10’s of individual
exposures at raster points separated by ∼2 deg. This further enumerates the
number of individual response matrices required for the analysis. If there are
multiple sources in the FoV, then additional spectral models can be applied to
an additional set of response matrices, enumerated as before over detector and
dither pointing. This capability - to model more than one source at a time in
a given χ2(or alternative) minimization procedure - did not exist in previous
versions of XSPEC. For an observation with the INTEGRAL/SPI instrument,
where the apparent detector efficiency is sensitive to the position of the source
on the sky relative to the axis of the instrument, the statistic is:
where p, d run over instrument pointings and detectors; Iruns over individual
detector channels; jenumerates the sources detected in the field at different
position (θ, φ); Eindexes the energies in the source model; xsare the parameters
of the source model, which is combined with the response; and xbare parameters
of the background model.
Examination of this equation reveals one more complication; the term Brep-
resents the background, which, unlike for chopping, scanning or imaging ex-
periments, must be solved for simultaneously with the desired source content.
The proportion of background-to-source counts for a bright source such as the
Crab is 1%. Furthermore, the background varies as a function of detector, and
time (dither-points), making simple subtraction implausible. Thus, a model of
the background is applied to a special response matrix, and included in the
de-convolution algorithm.
2.7 References
•Arnaud, K.A., George, I.M., Tennant, A.F., 1992. Legacy, 2, 65.
•Avni, Y., 1976. ApJ, 210, 642.
•Bevington, P.R., 2002, 3rd Edition. Data Reduction and Error Analysis
for the Physical Sciences, McGraw-Hill.
•Blissett, R.J., Cruise, A.M., 1979. MNRAS, 186, 45.
•George, I.M., Arnaud, K.A., Pence, W., Ruamsuwan, L., 1992. Legacy, 2,
•Kahn, S.M., Blissett, R.J., 1980. ApJ, 238, 417.
•Loredo, T.J., Epstein, R.I., 1989. ApJ, 336, 896.
•Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P., 1992. Nu-
merical Recipes (2nd edition), p687ff, CUP.
•Wheaton, W.A. et.al., 1995. ApJ, 438, 322.
Chapter 3
XSPEC Overview and
Helpful Hints
3.1 Syntax
XSPEC is a command-driven, interactive program. You will see a prompt
whenever input is required. Command recall and inline editing are available
using the arrow keys. XSPEC uses Tcl as its user interface, providing looping,
conditionals, file I/O and so on. For further details of the Tcl syntax, consult
the “Description of Syntax” section, appendix A, and links therein.
3.2 How to return to the XSPEC12>prompt
The string /* acts as an emergency escape back to the XSPEC prompt. This
string in answer to any question should bounce XSPEC out of whatever it is
doing and back to the command prompt.
3.3 Getting Help
Quick help: If you are uncertain about command syntax, typing a command
followed by a “?” will print a one-line summary. The help command:
XSPEC12> help
without arguments will bring up the full XSPEC manual in a PDF document
reader (e.g. AdobeTM Acrobat Reader), or will open a browser to the XSPEC
manual home page either locally or on the HEASARC site. See “Customizing
XSPEC” later in this chapter to see how to select between these options, and
how to assign a PDF reader and web browser to XSPEC. Typing
XSPEC12> help <command>
will display the manual section corresponding to ¡command¿. Help for individual
model components can be displayed by
XSPEC12> help model <modelName>
if all else fails you can e-mail your questions to the XSPEC team at
3.4 Commands
XSPEC commands can be divided into 6 categories: Control, Data, Model,
Fitting, Plotting and Setting, as follows:
•Control commands include items such as controlling logging, obtaining
help, executing scripts, and other miscellaneous items to do with the pro-
gram control rather than manipulating data or theoretical models.
•Data commands load spectral data and calibration data such as back-
grounds and responses, and specify channel ranges to be fit.
•Model commands define and manipulate theoretical models and their pa-
rameters, and compute additional information such as fluxes or line iden-
•Fit commands initiate the fitting routines, control the parameter set, per-
form statistical tests and compute confidence levels.
•Plot commands generate about 50 different kinds of 2-dimensional plots
•Setting commands change a variety of XSPEC internals which control
details of models, statistics, and fitting methods.
These command types are summarized below. For full details see Chapter 5.
3.5 Issuing Commands
In an interactive session, the command interpreter accepts the shortest unam-
biguous abbreviation for any command. Since the interpreter is built on the Tcl
language, some possible XSPEC command abbreviations might coincide with
both XSPEC and Tcl commands. In this case, the interpreter will print the
multiple possibilities and stop. Command abbreviations may be specified in a
start-up script ($HOME/.xspec/xspec.rc), see Appendix Afor details.
Inside a script, command abbreviations are not recognized. This behavior can
be overridden but we do not recommended it: however, specific abbreviations
can be defined in the custom startup script.
Operating-system commands can be given from within XSPEC simply by typing
the command, as at the shell prompt: however, if wild cards are needed (e.g. ls
*.pha) the operating system command must be preceded by syscall. Note that
an XSPEC abbreviation which corresponds to a system command will run the
3.6 Control Commands
Control commands include those for:
•controlling parallel operations: parallel
•writing program information: log, (save session to an ASCII file) script
(record a set of commands), save (save commands needed to restore the
current program state), autosave (automatically run the save command
at specified intervals);
•controlling program output: chatter (control the amount of program out-
put), query (give an automatic response to prompts), tclout and tcloutr
(create Tcl variables for manipulation in scripts)
•displaying status information: show,time, and version
•ending the session: exit (or quit)
•displaying online help help and ?. Help can be given either in summary,
in specific manual pages, a manual section, or the entire manual.
3.7 Query, chatter and shutting XSPEC up (some-
The fit command will run a certain number of iterations and then query the user
whether he or she wants to continue. While useful under most circumstances,
the constant questioning can be a pain if one leaves XSPEC running and expects
to find it finished when one gets back, or if one habitually runs scripts. One way
around this problem is to reset the number of iterations before the question is
asked by giving a single argument. For example,
XSPEC12> fit 100
will run 100 iterations before asking a question.
A more drastic solution is to use the query command.
XSPEC12> query yes
This will suppress all questions and assume that their answer is yes, while
XSPEC12> query no
will suppress all questions but assume that their answer is no.
The amount of output that XSPEC writes is set by the chatter command,
which takes two arguments applying to the terminal and to the log file.
3.8 Scripts and the Save command
XSPEC commands can be written into a file and then executed by entering
XSPEC12> @filename
Alternatively, from the shell prompt
% xspec - filename &
for batch execution (remember to end the script in file filename.xcm with exit
if you want the program to terminate after completion!). Note that the default
suffix for xspec scripts is .xcm
The save command writes the current XSPEC status to a command file, which
later can be run to reset XSPEC to the same configuration. XSPEC has a
mechanism to save the current status automatically. This is controlled through
the autosave command.
This command is very useful when reading a large number of data sets and/or
fitting complicated models. If autosaving is operating (the default) then the
equivalent of
XSPEC12> save all xautosav.xcm
is run after each command, so if a disaster occurs it is possible to recover.
3.9 Miscellaneous
Information on the current XSPEC status can be printed out using the show
command. The time command writes out system-timing information, and the
version command writes out the version number and the build time and date.
Finally, XSPEC can be terminated with the exit or quit commands.
3.10 Data Commands
XSPEC is designed to allow complicated, multi-instrument analysis, so most
commands can take arguments specifying more than one data set. Arguments
in XSPEC are separated by either blanks or commas. A single argument can
define a range. The ranges are delimited by a dash (-). A colon (:) is used to
separate ranges (e.g., the phrase 1-2:11-24 refers to channels 11-24 in files 1 and
Reading data and modifying calibration and auxiliary files
XSPEC reads in spectra from spectral files using the data command. Several
datasets may be specified in one command. Several datasets may be stored
in a single file and accessed separately. A particular dataset in use may be
replaced by another or dropped entirely. The input data file contains pointers
to background, redistribution and auxiliary response files, but these pointers
may be overridden by the backgrnd,response, and arf commands. All these
commands have the same syntax as data. An auxiliary background file, called
the correction file (an absolute subtraction with zero variance), also can be
included using the corfile command. Its use is described in the section on fitting.
The current response can be replaced by a diagonal version using diagrsp. A
dummy response for testing purposes can be defined using dummyrsp.
Controlling channels being fitted
PHA channels may be left out of fitting using the ignore command and included
again using the notice command. These commands have a syntax allowing the
same channels to be specified for more than one input file. The ignored and
noticed ranges can be specified either as channels or as energies. If the command
setplot wave has been entered, real ranges are interpreted as wavelengths.
The fakeit command is used to generate simulated data. The current response
matrix and model (a model must be defined prior to using the fakeit command)
are used to create fake data. The user is prompted for various options. To make
fake data when only a response matrix is available, give the command
XSPEC12> fakeit none.
XSPEC will prompt the user for the response and ancillary filenames from which
to build the simulated data. It is important to note that a model must be defined
prior to issuing this command.
Data groups
The most common use of XSPEC is to fit one or more data sets with responses
to a particular model. However, it is often useful to be able to fit simultaneously
several data sets with a model whose parameters can be different for each data
set. A simple example would be a number of data sets that we expect to have
the same model spectrum shape but different normalizations. XSPEC caters to
this need through the use of data groups. When files are read in they can be
labeled as belonging to a particular data group. When a model is defined a set
of model parameters is allocated for each data group. These parameters can all
vary freely or they can be linked together across data groups as required.
To set up data groups, the data command should be given as in the following
example :
XSPEC12> data 1:1 file1 1:2 file2 2:3 file3
which sets up two data groups. The first data group comprises data sets from
file1 and file2, and the second data group takes the data set from file3. Now
when a model is defined, XSPEC will give two sets of model parameters, one
for the first datagroup and one for the second.
3.11 Model Commands
XSPEC allows users to fit data with models constructed from individual com-
ponents. These components may be either additive, multiplicative, mixing,
or convolution. Multiplicative components simply multiply the model by an
energy-dependent factor. Convolutions apply a transformation to the model
component they operated on whereby the output can be affected by a range of
input energies, such as in smoothing operations. Mixing components are two
dimensional and designed to transform fluxes between different spatial regions
(such as in projection). Multiplicative, and convolution components can act
on individual components, on groups of components, or on the entire model,
whereas mixing transformations apply to the whole model.
The model command defines the model to be used and prompts for the start-
ing values of its parameters. The user also can set the allowed ranges of the
parameter. Parameters can be linked to an algebraic function of the other pa-
rameters, and unlinked using the untie command. The value of an individual
parameter can be changed with the command newpar (and the current setting
queried with newpar 0). Parameters can be fixed at their current value with the
freeze command and allowed to vary freely with the thaw command. Individ-
ual components can be added or subtracted from the model using addcomp,
delcomp, and editmod. The plasma emission and photoelectric absorption
models require an assumption about relative elemental abundances.
The flux command calculates the flux from the current model in the given
energy range. This energy range must be within that defined by the current
response matrix. If a larger energy range is required, then the energies com-
mand can be given to compute the model over the desired range. The lumin
command calculates the luminosity for the source redshift given. The eqwidth
command determines the equivalent width of a model component, usually a line.
The user of either of these last two commands should read the help descriptions
carefully. The Tcl script addline can be used to automatically add lines to a
model. These can be identified using identify and modid.
New model components which can be described by a simple algebraic formula
can be set up using mdefine and used in the same way as the standard models
except they will run slower being interpreted rather than compiled.
Models with multiple responses and background models
Multiple models and responses can be assigned to a single spectrum. This gen-
eralizes and replaces the “/b” technique of specifying background models in v11.
In the FITS file format, a single response file can be associated with a spectrum
either through a header keyword or a table column entry. XSPEC always as-
signs this response to a spectrum’s source number 1. The model command by
default also creates new models for source number 1. The response command
in tandem with model can be used to create additional sources. For example
to add a background model to loaded spectrum 1, first load a 2nd response:
XSPEC12> response 2:1 resp2.rsp
then define a background model to apply to source 2:
XSPEC12> model 2:my_background_model_name wa(po)
This model will now apply to spectrum 1 and any other spectrum that has a
response loaded for source 2. To apply a different background model to spectrum
2, load a response for source 3 rather than 2:
XSPEC12> response 3:2 another_response.rsp
XSPEC12> model 3:another_background_model ga
An arf can also be assigned to a particular source number and spectrum:
XSPEC12> arf 2:1 arf_file.pha
Source numbers do not need to be entered in consecutive order for a given
spectrum, and gaps in numbering are allowed. Please see the individual model
and response entries in the “XSPEC Commands” section for more information
and examples.
3.12 Fitting Commands
The basic fit command is called fit. This command performs a minimization us-
ing the currently selected algorithm (default: Levenberg-Marquardt). fit takes
arguments that are passed to the fitting method: by default, these are the num-
ber of iterations to execute before asking the user whether to continue, and the
numerical convergence criterion.
A systematic model uncertainty can be included using the systematic com-
mand. The error or uncertain command calculates error bounds for one
interesting parameter for the specified parameters and confidence levels. To
produce multi-dimensional errors the steppar command is used to generate
a fit-statistic grid. Two-dimensional grids may be expressed as contour plots
(using plot contour). The model normalization can be set using the renorm
command. The normalization of the correction file background can be set with
cornorm.ftest and the Tcl script simftest can be used to calculate F-test
Markov Chain Monte Carlo runs can be performed using the chain command.
The proposal distribution covariance can be rescaled using chain rescale if the
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is selected. If an MCMC chain has been loaded
then error uses this chain. The analog of steppar is the margin command
with the results being plotted using plot margin or plot integprob.
What to do when you have Poisson data
The χ2statistic assumes that all the spectral channels are Gaussian distributed
and that the estimate for the variance is uncorrelated with the observed counts.
If the data are Poisson then these are bad assumptions especially if there are
small numbers of counts in a channel. An alternative fit statistic, the C-statistic,
should be used in this case. The C-statistic can also provide confidence intervals
in exactly the same way as χ2. To use, give the command
XSPEC12> statistic cstat
and then use the fit and error commands as usual. An alternative (and depre-
cated) approach is to continue using the χ2statistic but change the weighting
to provide a better estimate of the variance in the small number limit. This
can be done using the weight gehrels or weight churazov commands. The
latter is to be preferred.
The goodness-of-fit statistic can be set using the command statistic test. There
are a number of options available. They can be interpreted using the goodness
command, which utilizes Monte Carlo methods.
3.13 Binning and Grouping data
Often one does not want to use the full resolution of a spectrum, either because
the channels over-sample the spectral resolution or because the S/N is low.
XSPEC and the associated programs provide a number of ways of handling
this. Firstly, the XSPEC command setplot rebin can be used to add channels
together in the plot. It is important to realize that this effects only the plot and
not the data being fitted.
Two FTOOLS are available to bin and group data for fitting purposes. RB-
NPHA bins up the data in a non-reversible manner and should only be used
to ensure that the number of bins in the spectrum is the same as that in the
response. GRPPHA is the tool of choice for grouping the data to get adequate
S/N or number of counts in each channel. GRPPHA does not actually add
together channels, but instead sets a flag which is read by XSPEC and causes
XSPEC to sum the appropriate channels. If a data file is read with some group-
ing then XSPEC will apply the same operation to any background or response
files used.
3.14 Plotting Commands
XSPEC plotting is currently performed using the PLT interface. There are two
basic commands: plot and iplot. The plot command makes a plot and returns
the user to the XSPEC prompt, while the iplot command leaves the user in
the interactive plotting interface, thus allowing the user to edit the plot. A va-
riety of different quantities may be plotted, including the data and the current
model; the integrated counts; the fit residuals; the ratio of data to model; the
contributions to the fit statistic; the theoretical model; the unfolded (incident)
spectrum; the detector efficiency; the results of the goodness command; and the
fit-statistic contours. All data plots can have an x-axis of channels, energy, or
wavelength, which are specified with setplot channel,setplot energy,set-
plot wave respectively. A number of different units are available for energy or
wavelength. The plotting device to be used is set using setplot device or cpd.
Separate spectra may be added together and channels binned up (for plotting
purposes only) using setplot group (and ungrouped with setplot ungroup)
and setplot rebin. There is an option to plot individual additive model com-
ponents on data plots, this option is enabled by setplot add and disabled by
setplot noadd. The effective area can be divided out of data plots using set-
plot area (which option can be turned off using setplot noarea). Line IDs can
be plotted using setplot id and turned off by setplot noid. A stack of PLT
commands can be created and manipulated with setplot command,setplot
delete, and setplot list. This command stack then is applied to every plot.
PLT is built on top of the PGPLOT package, which comes with a standard set
of device drivers. Any machine running X-windows should support /xs and /xw,
while xterm windows should support /xt. PGPLOT supports monochrome and
color postscript and both landscape and portrait orientation with the drivers
/ps, /cps, /vps, and /vcps. The easiest way to make a hardcopy of an XSPEC
plot is to use
XSPEC12> iplot
command and then at the PLT prompt to enter
PLT> hard /ps
This will make a file called pgplot.ps which can be printed. Alternatively, the
XSPEC12> cpd <filename>/ps
XSPEC12> ... plot commands ...
XSPEC12> cpd none
will place the plots in a PostScript file <filename>.
3.15 Setting Commands
The fit and goodness-of-fit test statistics are set using the statistic command.
Other fit-minimization algorithms are available, and can be selected using the
method command. The various fit methods require first and in some cases
second derivatives of the statistic with respect to the parameters. By default
XSPEC calculates these analytically, using an approximation for the second
derivatives. This may be changed by setting the USE NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION
flag in the user’s startup Xspec.init file. The weighting algorithm used to cal-
culate χ2can be altered by the weight command.
Other setting commands modify:
•cosmological parameters used to calculate luminosity (cosmo)
•solar abundances for 18 elements (abund)
•photoionization cross-sections (xsect)
The xset command can be used as an interface for abund,cosmo,method,
statistic, and xsect. Additionally, xset may set string expressions that are
used by models, for example the path to, and version number of AtomDB atomic
line calculations, or the coordinate system for surface brightness calculations
used in the xmmpsf mixing model.
3.16 Breaking With Ctrl-C
Ctrl-C can be used to break out of the data,chain,error,fit, and steppar
commands. If a Ctrl-C is entered elsewhere, it will have no effect.
When a break is entered during the fitting commands (error,fit, and steppar),
the fit will proceed until the end of the current fit iteration (ie. current lambda
value when using Levenberg-Marquardt) before breaking. This is to ensure the
program remains in a stable well-defined state. Therefore on slower machines,
a user may notice a slight delay before the program actually breaks. Ctrl-C
breaking is currently only implemented for the Levenberg-Marquardt fitting
Breaking is implemented for the data command primarily for users who load a
large number of Type-II spectra with one data command. So if you enter
XSPEC12> data my_data{1-1000}
and decide it is taking too long to load, you can break out at any time. However,
if you do choose to break, all spectra loaded from that particular data set will
be lost. For example, if the command below is entered and a Ctrl-C is sent
while the spectra from my data2 are loading, the 50 spectra from my data1 will
be retained while none will be from my data2:
XSPEC12> data my_data1{1-50} mydata2{1-50}
3.17 Customizing XSPEC
The XSPEC environment can be customized using two separate files, both of
which are searched for in the directory $HOME/.xspec
The first file, Xspec.init contains a number of settings that control items in
XSPEC. The settings available are as follows.
USE ONLINE HELP whether to use on-line or local help files
LOCAL HELP FORMAT local help format (html or pdf)
PDF COMMAND command to read pdf
HTML COMMAND command to read html
GUI whether to use GUI mode (false only)
DUMMY argument for dummyrsp command
CHAT terminal and log chatter levels
XSECT photoelectric cross-section table
ABUND solar abundance table
LEVEL fitting method
STATISTIC fit statistic
WEIGHT weighting for S2statistic
USE NUMERICAL DIFFER calculate parameter derivatives numerically
COSMO cosmology parameters (H0,q0,λ0)
GRAPH graphics package (plt only)
PLOTDEVICE plotting device
WAVE PLOT UNITS units for setplot wave mode
USER SCRIPT DIRECTORY directory for user scripts
FIT DELTAS choice for parameters’ fit delta values
ATOMDB VERSION the AtomDB version number
PARALLEL Parallel processing settings
CONTOUR IMAGE Put background image on contour plots
A copy of this file is placed in the $HOME/.xspec directory on XSPEC12’s
first start-up or when it is not found. After this users can modify settings such
as default cosmology or the energy range for dummy response for their own
This is also the place where users can select if they want to view PDF help files
from the XSPEC distribution or HTML either locally or from the HEASARC
site. Setting USE ONLINE HELP to true uses the remote HTML files while
false will use either PDF or HTML local files depending on the value of LO-
The PDF COMMAND and HTML COMMAND entries determine which ap-
plications are run for the two viewing cases. The HTML COMMAND value
should typically just be the name of a web browser, or “open” for Mac OS X
users. The default settings for the PDF COMMAND entry are what work best
for launching Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.x on Linux/Unix systems. For those
launching earlier versions, the “-openInNewWindow” flag should be replaced
with “-useFrontEndProgram”. For Mac users, again we recommend the entire
entry simply be replaced with “open”.
The second file that is searched for is the xspec.rc file. This contains users’ own
customizations, for example Tcl or XSPEC command abbreviations, packages
to be loaded on startup, or Tcl scripts containing procedures that are to be
executed as commands. Please consult Appendix A and references/links therein
for details of Tcl commands and scripting.
3.18 Customizing system-wide
When an XSPEC build is intended for many users across a system, it is also
possible for the installer (or whoever has write access to the distribution and
installation areas) to globally customize XSPEC. This is done through the
file global customize.tcl, located in the Xspec/src/scripts directory. (This was
done in the xspec.tcl file prior to v12.2.1) Any of the customizations men-
tioned above for the individual’s own xspec.rc file can also be placed in the
global customize.tcl file. After making the additions, run “hmake install” out of
the Xspec/src/scripts directory in order to copy the modified global customize.tcl
file to the installation area. This additional code will be executed for all users
upon startup, BEFORE any of their own customizations in their xspec.rc files.
Chapter 4
Walks through XSPEC
4.1 Introduction
This chapter demonstrates the use of XSPEC. The brief discussion of data and
response files is followed by fully worked examples using real data that include
all the screen input and output with a variety of plots. The topics covered are
as follows: defining models, fitting data, determining errors, fitting more than
one set of data simultaneously, simulating data, and producing plots.
4.2 Brief Discussion of XSPEC Files
At least two files are necessary for use with XSPEC: a data file and a response
file. In some cases, a file containing background may also be used, and, in rare
cases, a correction file is needed to adjust the background during fitting. If the
response is split between an rmf and an arf then an ancillary response file is also
required. However, most of the time the user need only specify the data file, as
the names and locations of the correct response and background files should be
written in the header of the data file by whatever program created the files.
4.3 Fitting Models to Data: An Old Example
Our first example uses very old data which is much simpler than more modern
observations and so can be used to better illustrate the basics of XSPEC analy-
sis. The 6s X-ray pulsar 1E1048.1-5937 was observed by EXOSAT in June 1985
for 20 ks. In this example, we’ll conduct a general investigation of the spectrum
from the Medium Energy (ME) instrument, i.e. follow the same sort of steps as
the original investigators (Seward, Charles & Smale, 1986). The ME spectrum
and corresponding response matrix were obtained from the HEASARC On-line
service. Once installed, XSPEC is invoked by typing
as in this example:
XSPEC version: 12.9.0
Build Date/Time: Sun Jun 28 17:58:18 2015
XSPEC12>data s54405.pha
1 spectrum in use
Spectral Data File: s54405.pha Spectrum 1
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 3.783e+00 +/- 1.367e-01
Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1
Noticed Channels: 1-125
Telescope: EXOSAT Instrument: ME Channel Type: PHA
Exposure Time: 2.358e+04 sec
Using fit statistic: chi
Using test statistic: chi
Using Response (RMF) File s54405.rsp for Source 1
The data command tells the program to read the data as well as the response file
that is named in the header of the data file. In general, XSPEC commands can
be truncated, provided they remain unambiguous. Since the default extension
of a data file is .pha, and the abbreviation of data to the first two letters is
unambiguous, the above command can be abbreviated to da s54405, if desired.
To obtain help on the data command, or on any other command, type help
command followed by the name of the command.
One of the first things most users will want to do at this stage – even before
fitting models – is to look at their data. The plotting device should be set
first, with the command cpd (change plotting device). Here, we use the pgplot
X-Window server, /xs.
XSPEC12> cpd /xs
There are more than 50 different things that can be plotted, all related in some
way to the data, the model, the fit and the instrument. To see them, type:
XSPEC12> plot ?
plot data/models/fits etc
Syntax: plot commands:
background chain chisq contour counts
data delchi dem emodel eemodel
efficiency eufspec eeufspec foldmodel goodness
icounts insensitivity lcounts ldata margin
model ratio residuals sensitivity sum
Multi-panel plots are created by entering multiple commands
e.g. "plot data chisq"
The most fundamental is the data plotted against instrument channel (data);
next most fundamental, and more informative, is the data plotted against chan-
nel energy. To do this plot, use the XSPEC command setplot energy. Figure
4.1 shows the result of the commands:
XSPEC12> setplot energy
XSPEC12> plot data
Note the label on the y-axis. The word “normalized” indicates that this plot
has been divided by the value of the EFFAREA keyword in the response file.
Usually this is unity so can be ignored. The label also has no cm-2 so the plot
is not corrected for the effective area of the detector.
We are now ready to fit the data with a model. Models in XSPEC are specified
using the model command, followed by an algebraic expression of a combination
of model components. There are two basic kinds of model components: addi-
tive, which represent X-Ray sources of different kinds. After being convolved
with the instrument response, the components prescribe the number of counts
per energy bin (e.g., a bremsstrahlung continuum); and multiplicative models
components, which represent phenomena that modify the observed X-Radiation
(e.g. reddening or an absorption edge). They apply an energy-dependent mul-
tiplicative factor to the source radiation before the result is convolved with the
instrumental response.
Figure 4.1: The result of the command plot data when the data file in question
is the EXOSAT ME spectrum of the 6s X-ray pulsar 1E1048.1–5937 available
from the HEASARC on-line service.
More generally, XSPEC allows three types of modifying components: convo-
lutions and mixing models in addition to the multiplicative type. Since there
must be a source, there must be least one additive component in a model, but
there is no restriction on the number of modifying components. To see what
components are available, just type model :
Additive Models:
agauss apec bapec bbody bbodyrad bexrav
bexriv bkn2pow bknpower bmc bremss bvapec
bvvapec c6mekl c6pmekl c6pvmkl c6vmekl cemekl
cevmkl cflow compLS compPS compST compTT
compbb compmag comptb compth cplinear cutoffpl
disk diskbb diskir diskline diskm disko
diskpbb diskpn eplogpar eqpair eqtherm equil
expdec ezdiskbb gadem gaussian gnei grad
grbm kerrbb kerrd kerrdisk laor laor2
logpar lorentz meka mekal mkcflow nei
nlapec npshock nsa nsagrav nsatmos nsmax
nsmaxg nsx nteea nthComp optxagn optxagnf
pegpwrlw pexmon pexrav pexriv plcabs posm
powerlaw pshock raymond redge refsch rnei
sedov sirf smaug srcut sresc step
vapec vbremss vequil vgadem vgnei vmcflow
vmeka vmekal vnei vnpshock vpshock vraymond
vrnei vsedov vvapec vvgnei vvnei vvnpshock
vvpshock vvrnei vvsedov zagauss zbbody zbremss
zgauss zpowerlw
Multiplicative Models:
SSS_ice TBabs TBgrain TBvarabs absori acisabs
cabs constant cyclabs dust edge expabs
expfac gabs heilin highecut hrefl lyman
notch pcfabs phabs plabs pwab recorn
redden smedge spexpcut spline swind1 uvred
varabs vphabs wabs wndabs xion zTBabs
zbabs zdust zedge zhighect zigm zpcfabs
zphabs zredden zsmdust zvarabs zvfeabs zvphabs
zwabs zwndabs zxipcf
Convolution Models:
cflux cpflux gsmooth ireflect kdblur kdblur2
kerrconv lsmooth partcov rdblur reflect rgsxsrc
simpl zashift zmshift
Mixing Models:
ascac projct suzpsf xmmpsf
Pile-up Models:
Additional models are available at :
For information about a specific component, type help model followed by the
name of the component):
XSPEC12>help model apec
Given the quality of our data, as shown by the plot, we’ll choose an absorbed
power law, specified as follows :
XSPEC12> model phabs(powerlaw)
Or, abbreviating unambiguously:
XSPEC12> mo pha(po)
The user is then prompted for the initial values of the parameters. Entering
¡return¿ or / in response to a prompt uses the default values. We could also
have set all parameters to their default values by entering /* at the first prompt.
As well as the parameter values themselves, users also may specify step sizes
and ranges (value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values), but here, we’ll enter
the defaults:
XSPEC12>mo pha(po)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.001( 0.01) 0 0 100000 1E+06
Model: phabs<1>*powerlaw<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 1.00000 +/- 0.0
2 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.00000 +/- 0.0
3 2 powerlaw norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 4.864244e+08 using 125 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 4.864244e+08 using 125 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 3.987085e+06 for 122 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00
Current data and model not fit yet.
The current statistic is χ2and is huge for the initial, default values – mostly
because the power law normalization is two orders of magnitude too large. This
is easily fixed using the renorm command.
XSPEC12> renorm
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 852.19 using 125 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 852.19 using 125 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 6.9852 for 122 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 7.320765e-110
Current data and model not fit yet.
We are not quite ready to fit the data (and obtain a better χ2), because not
all of the 125 PHA bins should be included in the fitting: some are below the
lower discriminator of the instrument and therefore do not contain valid data;
some have imperfect background subtraction at the margins of the pass band;
and some may not contain enough counts for χ2to be strictly meaningful. To
find out which channels to discard (ignore in XSPEC terminology), consult
mission-specific documentation that will include information about discrimina-
tor settings, background subtraction problems and other issues. For the mature
missions in the HEASARC archives, this information already has been encoded
in the headers of the spectral files as a list of “bad” channels. Simply issue the
XSPEC12> ignore bad
ignore: 40 channels ignored from source number 1
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 799.74 using 85 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 799.74 using 85 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 9.7529 for 82 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 3.545709e-118
Current data and model not fit yet.
XSPEC12> plot ldata chi
Giving two options for the plot command generates a plot with vertically stacked
windows. Up to six options can be given to the plot command at a time. Forty
channels were rejected because they were flagged as bad – but do we need to
ignore any more? Figure 4.2 shows the result of plotting the data and the model
Figure 4.2: The result of the command plot ldata chi after the command ignore
bad on the EXOSAT ME spectrum 1E1048.1-5937.
(in the upper window) and the contributions to χ2(in the lower window). We
see that above about 15 keV the S/N becomes small. We also see, comparing
Figure 4.2 with Figure 4.1, which bad channels were ignored. Although visual
inspection is not the most rigorous method for deciding which channels to ignore
(more on this subject later), it’s good enough for now, and will at least prevent
us from getting grossly misleading results from the fitting. To ignore energies
above 15 keV:
XSPEC12> ignore 15.0-**
78 channels (48-125) ignored in spectrum # 1
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 721.56 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 721.56 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 17.180 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 1.253044e-124
Current data and model not fit yet.
If the ignore command is handed a real number it assumes energy in keV while
if it is handed an integer it will assume channel number. The “**” just means
the highest energy. Starting a range with “**” means the lowest energy. The
inverse of ignore is notice, which has the same syntax.
We are now ready to fit the data. Fitting is initiated by the command fit. As
the fit proceeds, the screen displays the status of the fit for each iteration until
either the fit converges to the minimum χ2, or we are asked whether the fit is to
go through another set of iterations to find the minimum. The default number
of iterations before prompting is ten.
Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:nH 2:PhoIndex 3:norm
451.814 150.854 -3 0.0961968 1.60719 0.00386478
413.575 63220.2 -3 0.264111 2.30580 0.00908043
53.9398 28104.3 -4 0.517263 2.14118 0.0121356
43.816 4617.17 -5 0.551755 2.23947 0.0130926
43.802 139.682 -6 0.538816 2.23680 0.0130394
43.802 0.58082 -7 0.537846 2.23646 0.0130320
Variances and Principal Axes
4.7889E-08| -0.0025 -0.0151 0.9999
8.6827E-02| -0.9153 -0.4026 -0.0084
2.2916E-03| -0.4027 0.9153 0.0128
Covariance Matrix
7.312e-02 3.115e-02 6.565e-04
3.115e-02 1.599e-02 3.208e-04
6.565e-04 3.208e-04 6.562e-06
Model phabs<1>*powerlaw<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 0.537846 +/- 0.270409
2 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.23646 +/- 0.126458
3 2 powerlaw norm 1.30320E-02 +/- 2.56170E-03
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 43.80 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 43.80 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 1.043 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 3.949507e-01
There is a fair amount of information here so we will unpack it a bit at a time.
One line is written out after each fit iteration. The columns labeled Chi-Squared
and Parameters are obvious. The other two provide additional information on
fit convergence. At each step in the fit a numerical derivative of the statistic with
respect to the parameters is calculated. We call the vector of these derivatives
beta. At the best-fit the norm of beta should be zero so we write out —beta—
divided by the number of parameters as a check. The actual default convergence
criterion is when the fit statistic does not change significantly between iterations
so it is possible for the fit to end while —beta— is still significantly different
from zero. The —beta—/N column helps us spot this case. The Lvl column
also indicates how the fit is converging and should generally decrease. Note that
on the first iteration only the powerlaw norm is varied. While not necessary this
simple model, for more complicated models only varying the norms on the first
iteration helps the fit proper get started in a reasonable region of parameter
At the end of the fit XSPEC writes out the Variances and Principal Axes and
Covariance Matrix sections. These are both based on the second derivatives of
the statistic with respect to the parameters. Generally, the larger these sec-
ond derivatives, the better determined the parameter (think of the case of a
parabola in 1-D). The Covariance Matrix is the inverse of the matrix of second
derivatives. The Variances and Principal Axes section is based on an eigenvector
decomposition of the matrix of second derivatives and indicates which param-
eters are correlated. We can see in this case that the first eigenvector depends
almost entirely on the powerlaw norm while the other two are combinations of
the nH and powerlaw PhoIndex. This tells us that the norm is independent but
the other two parameters are correlated.
The next section shows the best-fit parameters and error estimates. The latter
are just the square roots of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix so
implicitly assume that the parameter space is multidimensional Gaussian with
all parameters independent. We already know in this case that the parameters
are not independent so these error estimates should only be considered guidelines
to help us determine the true errors later.
The final section shows the statistic values at the end of the fit. XSPEC defines
a fit statistic, used to determine the best-fit parameters and errors, and test
statistic, used to decide whether this model and parameters provide a good fit
to the data. By default, both statistics are χ2. When the test statistic is χ2
we can also calculate the reduced χ2and the null hypothesis probability. This
latter is the probability of getting a value of χ2as large or larger than observed
if the model is correct. If this probability is small then the model is not a good
fit. The null hypothesis probability can be calculated analytically for χ2but not
for some other test statistics so XSPEC provides another way of determining the
meaning of the statistic value. The goodness command performs simulations of
the data based on the current model and parameters and compares the statistic
values calculated with that for the real data. If the observed statistic is larger
than the values for the simulated data this implies that the real data do not
come from the model. To see how this works we will use the command for this
case (where it is not necessary)
XSPEC12>goodness 1000
50.40% of realizations are < best fit statistic 43.80 (nosim)
XSPEC12>plot goodness
Approximately half of the simulations give a statistic value less than that ob-
served, consistent with this being a good fit. Figure 4.3 shows a histogram of the
χ2values from the simulations with the observed value shown by the vertical
dotted line.
So the statistic implies the fit is good but it is still always a good idea to look
at the data and residuals to check for any systematic differences that may not
be caught by the test. To see the fit and the residuals, we produce figure 4.4
using the command
XSPEC12>plot data resid
Now that we think we have the correct model we need to determine how well the
parameters are determined. The screen output at the end of the fit shows the
Figure 4.3: The result of the command plot goodness. The histogram shows
the fraction of simulations with a given value of the statistic and the dotted line
marks that for the observed data. There is no reason to reject the model.
Figure 4.4: The result of the command plot data resid with: the ME data
file from 1E1048.1-5937; “bad” and negative channels ignored; the best-fitting
absorbed power-law model; the residuals of the fit.
best-fitting parameter values, as well as approximations to their errors. These
errors should be regarded as indications of the uncertainties in the parameters
and should not be quoted in publications. The true errors, i.e. the confi-
dence ranges, are obtained using the error command. We want to run error on
all three parameters which is an intrinsically parallel operation so we can use
XSPEC’s support for multiple cores and run the error estimations in parallel:
XSPEC12>parallel error 3
XSPEC12>error 1 2 3
Parameter Confidence Range (2.706)
1 0.107599 1.00722 (-0.430231,0.469393)
2 2.03775 2.44916 (-0.198718,0.212699)
3 0.00954178 0.0181617 (-0.00349016,0.00512979)
Here, the numbers 1, 2, 3 refer to the parameter numbers in the Model par
column of the output at the end of the fit. For the first parameter, the column
of absorbing hydrogen atoms, the 90% confidence range is . This corresponds
to an excursion in of 2.706. The reason these “better” errors are not given
automatically as part of the fit output is that they entail further fitting. When
the model is simple, this does not require much CPU, but for complicated
models the extra time can be considerable. The error for each parameter is
determined allowing the other two parameters to vary freely. If the parameters
are uncorrelated this is all the information we need to know. However, we have
an indication from the covariance matrix at the end of the fit that the column
and photon index are correlated. To investigate this further we can use the
command steppar to run a grid over these two parameters:
XSPEC12>steppar 1 0.0 1.5 25 2 1.5 3.0 25
Chi-Squared Delta nH PhoIndex
Chi-Squared 1 2
162.65 118.84 0 0 0 1.5
171.59 127.79 1 0.06 0 1.5
180.87 137.06 2 0.12 0 1.5
190.44 146.64 3 0.18 0 1.5
200.29 156.49 4 0.24 0 1.5
316.02 272.22 4 0.24 25 3
334.68 290.88 3 0.18 25 3
354.2 310.4 2 0.12 25 3
374.62 330.82 1 0.06 25 3
395.94 352.14 0 0 25 3
and make the contour plot shown in figure 4.5 using:
Figure 4.5: The result of the command plot contour. The contours shown are
for one, two and three sigma. The cross marks the best-fit position.
XSPEC12>plot contour
What else can we do with the fit? One thing is to derive the flux of the model.
The data by themselves only give the instrument-dependent count rate. The
model, on the other hand, is an estimate of the true spectrum emitted. In
XSPEC, the model is defined in physical units independent of the instrument.
The command flux integrates the current model over the range specified by the
XSPEC12> flux 2 10
Model Flux 0.003539 photons (2.2321e-11 ergs/cm^2/s) range (2.0000 - 10.000 keV)
Here we have chosen the standard X-ray range of 2–10 keV and find that the
energy flux is 2.2×10−11 ergs/cm2/s. Note that flux will integrate only within
the energy range of the current response matrix. If the model flux outside
this range is desired – in effect, an extrapolation beyond the data – then the
command energies should be used. This command defines a set of energies on
which the model will be calculated. The resulting model is then remapped onto
the response energies for convolution with the response matrix. For example, if
we want to know the flux of our model in the ROSAT PSPC band of 0.2–2 keV,
we enter:
XSPEC12>energies extend low 0.2 100
Models will use response energies extended to:
Low: 0.2 in 100 log bins
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 43.80 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 43.80 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 1.043 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 3.949507e-01
Current data and model not fit yet.
XSPEC12>flux 0.2 2.
Model Flux 0.0043484 photons (8.8419e-12 ergs/cm^2/s) range (0.20000 - 2.0000 keV)
The energy flux, at 8.8×10−12 ergs/cm2/s is lower in this band but the photon
flux is higher. The model energies can be reset to the response energies using
energies reset. Calculating the flux is not usually enough, we want its un-
certainty as well. The best way to do this is to use the cflux model. Suppose
further that what we really want is the flux without the absorption then we
include the new cflux model by:
XSPEC12>editmod pha*cflux(pow)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
0.5 -0.1( 0.005) 0 0 1e+06 1e+06
10 -0.1( 0.1) 0 0 1e+06 1e+06
-12 0.01( 0.12) -100 -100 100 100
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.01 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.01 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 1.268 for 41 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 1.163983e-01
Current data and model not fit yet.
Model phabs<1>*cflux<2>*powerlaw<3> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 0.537843 +/- 0.270399
2 2 cflux Emin keV 0.200000 frozen
3 2 cflux Emax keV 2.00000 frozen
4 2 cflux lg10Flux cgs -10.3000 +/- 0.0
5 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.23646 +/- 0.126455
6 3 powerlaw norm 1.30320E-02 +/- 2.56146E-03
The Emin and Emax parameters are set to the energy range over which we
want the flux to be calculated. We also have to fix the norm of the powerlaw
because the normalization of the model will now be determined by the lg10Flux
parameter. This is done using the freeze command:
XSPEC12>freeze 6
We now run fit to get the best-fit value of lg10Flux as -10.2903 then:
XSPEC12>error 4
Parameter Confidence Range (2.706)
4 -10.458 -10.0789 (-0.167672,0.211462)
for a 90% confidence range on the 0.2–2 keV unabsorbed flux of 3.49 ×10−11 –
8.33 ×10−11 ergs/cm2/s.
The fit, as we’ve remarked, is good, and the parameters are constrained. But
unless the purpose of our investigation is merely to measure a photon index, it’s
a good idea to check whether alternative models can fit the data just as well. We
also should derive upper limits to components such as iron emission lines and
additional continua, which, although not evident in the data nor required for a
good fit, are nevertheless important to constrain. First, let’s try an absorbed
black body:
XSPEC12>mo pha(bb)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.001( 0.01) 0 0 100000 1e+06
Model phabs<1>*bbody<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 1.00000 +/- 0.0
2 2 bbody kT keV 3.00000 +/- 0.0
3 2 bbody norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 3.377094e+09 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 3.377094e+09 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 8.040700e+07 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00
Current data and model not fit yet.
Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:nH 2:kT 3:norm
1535.61 63.3168 0 0.334306 3.01647 0.000673086
1523.48 112166 0 0.157480 2.96616 0.000613284
1491.73 170831 0 0.0668724 2.87680 0.000570109
1444.74 204638 0 0.0228530 2.76753 0.000535209
1387.84 226856 0 0.00206016 2.64901 0.000504576
1325.39 243767 0 0.000851460 2.52617 0.000476469
1256.03 258162 0 0.000299777 2.40098 0.000449911
1180.44 271941 0 4.82004e-05 2.27529 0.000425076
1093.77 284819 0 1.99048e-05 2.14630 0.000402842
976.95 291176 0 9.75848e-06 1.99181 0.000380678
Number of trials exceeded: continue fitting? Y
123.773 25.397 -8 1.87147e-08 0.890295 0.000278599
Number of trials exceeded: continue fitting?
***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 1
Parameter 1 is pegged at 1.87147e-08 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely
caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter.
123.773 1.92501 -3 1.87147e-08 0.890205 0.000278596
Variances and Principal Axes
2 3
2.8677E-04| -1.0000 -0.0000
2.2370E-11| 0.0000 -1.0000
Covariance Matrix
1 2
2.867e-04 9.315e-09
9.315e-09 2.267e-11
Model phabs<1>*bbody<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 2.24621E-09 +/- -1.00000
2 2 bbody kT keV 0.890178 +/- 1.69312E-02
3 2 bbody norm 2.78595E-04 +/- 4.76156E-06
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 123.77 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 123.77 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 2.9470 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 5.417154e-10
Note that after each set of 10 iterations you are asked whether you want to
continue. Replying no at these prompts is a good idea if the fit is not con-
verging quickly. Conversely, to avoid having to keep answering the question,
i.e., to increase the number of iterations before the prompting question appears,
begin the fit with, say fit 100. This command will put the fit through 100
iterations before pausing. To automatically answer yes to all such questions use
the command query yes.
Note that the fit has written out a warning about the first parameter and its
estimated error is written as -1. This indicates that the fit is unable to constrain
the parameter and it should be considered indeterminate. This usually indicates
that the model is not appropriate. One thing to check in this case is that the
model component has any contribution within the energy range being calculated.
Plotting the data and residuals again we obtain Figure 4.6.
The black body fit is obviously not a good one. Not only is χ2large, but the
best-fitting NHis indeterminate. Inspection of the residuals confirms this: the
pronounced wave-like shape is indicative of a bad choice of overall continuum.
Let’s try thermal bremsstrahlung next:
XSPEC12>mo pha(br)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.001( 0.01) 0 0 100000 1e+06
Model phabs<1>*bremss<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 1.00000 +/- 0.0
2 2 bremss kT keV 7.00000 +/- 0.0
3 2 bremss norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 4.534834e+07 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 4.534834e+07 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 1.079722e+06 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00
Current data and model not fit yet.
Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:nH 2:kT 3:norm
105.28 24.2507 -3 0.273734 6.18714 0.00724161
46.8022 16593.4 -4 0.0371200 5.59937 0.00785588
40.0373 270.662 0 7.62629e-05 5.28989 0.00830799
Variances and Principal Axes
1.9514E-08| -0.0016 0.0007 1.0000
1.1574E-02| 0.9736 0.2281 0.0014
5.3111E-01| 0.2281 -0.9736 0.0011
Covariance Matrix
3.862e-02 -1.148e-01 1.431e-04
-1.148e-01 5.015e-01 -5.379e-04
1.431e-04 -5.379e-04 6.290e-07
Model phabs<1>*bremss<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 7.62629E-05 +/- 0.196509
2 2 bremss kT keV 5.28989 +/- 0.708184
3 2 bremss norm 8.30799E-03 +/- 7.93082E-04
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 40.04 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 40.04 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 0.9533 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 5.574343e-01
Bremsstrahlung is a better fit than the black body – and is as good as the power
law – although it shares the low NH. With two good fits, the power law and the
bremsstrahlung, it’s time to scrutinize their parameters in more detail.
First, we reset our fit to the powerlaw (output omitted):
XSPEC12>mo pha(po)
From the EXOSAT database on HEASARC, we know that the target in ques-
tion, 1E1048.1–5937, has a Galactic latitude of , i.e., almost on the plane of the
Galaxy. In fact, the database also provides the value of the Galactic NHbased
on 21-cm radio observations. At 4 ×1022 cm−2, it is higher than the 90 percent-
confidence upper limit from the power-law fit. Perhaps, then, the power-law fit
is not so good after all. What we can do is fix (freeze in XSPEC terminology)
the value of NHat the Galactic value and refit the power law. Although we
won’t get a good fit, the shape of the residuals might give us a clue to what is
missing. To freeze a parameter in XSPEC, use the command freeze followed
by the parameter number, like this:
XSPEC12> freeze 1
The inverse of freeze is thaw:
XSPEC12> thaw 1
Alternatively, parameters can be frozen using the newpar command, which
allows all the quantities associated with a parameter to be changed. We can flip
between frozen and thawed states by entering 0 after the new parameter value.
In our case, we want NHfrozen at 4 ×1022 cm−2, so we go back to the power
law best fit and do the following :
XSPEC12>newpar 1
Current value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values
0.537843 0.001(0.00537843) 0 0 100000 1e+06
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 823.34 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 823.34 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 19.148 for 43 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 6.152922e-145
Current data and model not fit yet.
The same result can be obtained by putting everything onto the command line,
i.e., newpar 1 4, 0, or by issuing the two commands, newpar 1 4 followed by
freeze 1. Now, if we fit and plot again, we get the following model (Fig. 4.7).
Figure 4.7: As for Figure 4.4 &4.6, but the model is the best-fitting power law
with the absorption fixed at the Galactic value. Under the assumptions that the
absorption really is the same as the 21-cm value and that the continuum really
is a power law, this plot provides some indication of what other components
might be added to the model to improve the fit.
Model phabs<1>*powerlaw<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 4.00000 frozen
2 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.59784 +/- 6.76670E-02
3 2 powerlaw norm 0.116579 +/- 9.43208E-03
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 136.04 using 45 PHA bins.
The fit is not good. In Figure 4.7 we can see why: there appears to be a
surplus of softer photons, perhaps indicating a second continuum component.
To investigate this possibility we can add a component to our model. The
editmod command lets us do this without having to respecify the model from
scratch. Here, we’ll add a black body component.
XSPEC12>editmod pha(po+bb)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
3 0.01( 0.03) 0.0001 0.01 100 200
1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+24 1e+24
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 132.76 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 132.76 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 3.1610 for 42 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 2.387580e-11
Current data and model not fit yet.
Model phabs<1>(powerlaw<2> + bbody<3>) Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 4.00000 frozen
2 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 3.59784 +/- 6.76670E-02
3 2 powerlaw norm 0.116579 +/- 9.43208E-03
4 3 bbody kT keV 2.00000 frozen
5 3 bbody norm 1.00000E-05 +/- 0.0
Figure 4.8: The result of the command plot model in the case of the ME data file
from 1E1048.1-5937. Here, the model is the best-fitting combination of power
law, black body and fixed Galactic absorption. The three lines show the two
continuum components (absorbed to the same degree) and their sum.
Notice that in specifying the initial values of the black body, we have frozen
kT at 2 keV (the canonical temperature for nuclear burning on the surface of a
neutron star in a low-mass X-ray binary) and started the normalization small.
Without these measures, the fit might “lose its way”. Now, if we fit, we get (not
showing all the iterations this time):
Model phabs<1>(powerlaw<2> + bbody<3>) Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 4.00000 frozen
2 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 4.89633 +/- 0.158893
3 2 powerlaw norm 0.365391 +/- 5.26695E-02
4 3 bbody kT keV 2.00000 frozen
5 3 bbody norm 2.29745E-04 +/- 2.03915E-05
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 69.53 using 45 PHA bins.
The fit is better than the one with just a power law and the fixed Galactic
column, but it is still not good. Thawing the black body temperature and
fitting does of course improve the fit but the powerl law index becomes even
steeper. Looking at this odd model with the command
XSPEC12> plot model
We see, in Figure 4.8, that the black body and the power law have changed
places, in that the power law provides the soft photons required by the high ab-
sorption, while the black body provides the harder photons. We could continue
to search for a plausible, well-fitting model, but the data, with their limited
signal-to-noise and energy resolution, probably don’t warrant it (the original
investigators published only the power law fit).
There is, however, one final, useful thing to do with the data: derive an upper
limit to the presence of a fluorescent iron emission line. First we delete the black
body component using delcomp then thaw NHand refit to recover our original
best fit. Now, we add a gaussian emission line of fixed energy and width then
fit to get:
Model phabs<1>(powerlaw<2> + gaussian<3>) Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 0.753994 +/- 0.320347
2 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 2.38165 +/- 0.166974
3 2 powerlaw norm 1.59131E-02 +/- 3.94933E-03
4 3 gaussian LineE keV 6.40000 frozen
5 3 gaussian Sigma keV 0.100000 frozen
6 3 gaussian norm 7.47374E-05 +/- 4.74253E-05
The energy and width have to be frozen because, in the absence of an obvious
line in the data, the fit would be completely unable to converge on meaningful
values. Besides, our aim is to see how bright a line at 6.4 keV can be and still not
ruin the fit. To do this, we fit first and then use the error command to derive
the maximum allowable iron line normalization. We then set the normalization
at this maximum value with newpar and, finally, derive the equivalent width
using the eqwidth command. That is:
XSPEC12>err 6
Parameter Confidence Range (2.706)
***Warning: Parameter pegged at hard limit: 0
6 0 0.000151164 (-7.476e-05,7.64036e-05)
XSPEC12>new 6 0.000151164
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 46.03 using 45 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 46.03 using 45 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 1.123 for 41 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 2.717072e-01
Current data and model not fit yet.
XSPEC12>eqwidth 3
Data group number: 1
Additive group equiv width for Component 3: 0.784169 keV
Things to note:
•The true minimum value of the gaussian normalization is less than zero,
but the error command stopped searching for a ∆χ2of 2.706 when the
minimum value hit zero, the “hard” lower limit of the parameter. Hard
limits can be adjusted with the newpar command, and they correspond
to the quantities min and max associated with the parameter values.
•The command eqwidth takes the component number as its argument.
•The upper limit on the equivalent width of a 6.4 keV emission line is high
(784 eV)!
4.4 Simultaneous Fitting
XSPEC has the very useful facility of allowing models to be fitted simultaneously
to more than one data file. It is even possible to group files together and to fit
different models simultaneously. Reasons for fitting in this manner include:
•The same target is observed at several epochs but, although the source stays
constant, the response matrix has changed. When this happens, the data
files cannot be added together; they have to be fitted separately. Fitting
the data files simultaneously yields tighter constraints.
•The same target is observed with different instruments. All the instru-
ments on Suzaku, for example, observe in the same direction simultane-
ously. As far as XSPEC is concerned, this is just like the previous case: two
data files with two responses fitted simultaneously with the same model.
•Different targets are observed, but the user wants to fit the same model
to each data file with some parameters shared and some allowed to vary
separately. For example, if we have a series of spectra from a variable
AGN, we might want to fit them simultaneously with a model that has
the same, common photon index but separately vary the normalization
and absorption.
Other scenarios are possible—the important thing is to recognize the flexibility
of XSPEC in this regard.
As an example we will look at a case of fitting the same model to two different
data files but where not all the parameters are identical. Again, this is an
older dataset that provides a simpler illustration than more modern data. The
massive X-ray binary Centaurus X-3 was observed with the LAC on Ginga in
1989. Its flux level before eclipse was much lower than the level after eclipse.
Here, we’ll use XSPEC to see whether spectra from these two phases can be
fitted with the same model, which differs only in the amount of absorption.
This kind of fitting relies on introducing an extra dimension, the group, to the
indexing of the data files. The files in each group share the same model but
not necessarily the same parameter values, which may be shared as common to
all the groups or varied separately from group to group. Although each group
may contain more than one file, there is only one file in each of the two groups
in this example. Groups are specified with the data command, with the group
number preceding the file number, like this:
XSPEC12>data 1:1 losum 2:2 hisum
2 spectra in use
Spectral Data File: losum.pha Spectrum 1
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 1.401e+02 +/- 3.549e-01
Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1
Noticed Channels: 1-48
Telescope: GINGA Instrument: LAC Channel Type: PHA
Exposure Time: 1 sec
Using fit statistic: chi
Using test statistic: chi
Using Response (RMF) File ginga_lac.rsp for Source 1
Spectral Data File: hisum.pha Spectrum 2
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:2 1.371e+03 +/- 3.123e+00
Assigned to Data Group 2 and Plot Group 2
Noticed Channels: 1-48
Telescope: GINGA Instrument: LAC Channel Type: PHA
Exposure Time: 1 sec
Using fit statistic: chi
Using test statistic: chi
Using Response (RMF) File ginga_lac.rsp for Source 1
Here, the first group makes up the file losum.pha, which contains the spectrum
of all the low, pre-eclipse emission. The second group makes up the second
file, hisum.pha, which contains all the high, post-eclipse emission. Note that file
number is “absolute” in the sense that it is independent of group number. Thus,
if there were three files in each of the two groups (lo1.pha, lo2.pha, lo3.pha,
hi1.pha, hi2.pha, and hi3.pha, say), rather than one, the six files would be
specified as da 1:1 lo1 1:2 lo2 1:3 lo3 2:4 hi1 2:5 hi2 2:6 hi3. The ignore
command works on file number, and does not take group number into account.
So, to ignore channels 1–3 and 37–48 of both files:
XSPEC12> ignore 1-2:1-3 37-48
The model we’ll use at first to fit the two files is an absorbed power law with a
high-energy cut-off:
XSPEC12> mo phabs * highecut (po)
After defining the model, we will be prompted for two sets of parameter values,
one for the first group of data files (losum.pha), the other for the second group
(hisum.pha). Here, we’ll enter the absorption column of the first group as 1024
cm−2and enter the default values for all the other parameters in the first group.
Now, when it comes to the second group of parameters, we enter a column of 1022
cm−2 and then enter defaults for the other parameters. The rule being applied
here is as follows: to tie parameters in the second group to their equivalents in
the first group, take the default when entering the second-group parameters; to
allow parameters in the second group to vary independently of their equivalents
in the first group, enter different values explicitly:
XSPEC12>mo phabs*highecut(po)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
Current: 1 0.001 0 0 1E+05 1E+06
DataGroup 1:phabs:nH>100
Current: 10 0.01 0.0001 0.01 1E+06 1E+06
DataGroup 1:highecut:cutoffE>
Current: 15 0.01 0.0001 0.01 1E+06 1E+06
DataGroup 1:highecut:foldE>
Current: 1 0.01 -3 -2 9 10
DataGroup 1:powerlaw:PhoIndex>
Current: 1 0.01 0 0 1E+24 1E+24
DataGroup 1:powerlaw:norm>
Current: 100 0.001 0 0 1E+05 1E+06
DataGroup 2:phabs:nH>1
Current: 10 0.01 0.0001 0.01 1E+06 1E+06
DataGroup 2:highecut:cutoffE>/*
Model phabs<1>*highecut<2>*powerlaw<3> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
Data group: 1
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 100.000 +/- 0.0
2 2 highecut cutoffE keV 10.0000 +/- 0.0
3 2 highecut foldE keV 15.0000 +/- 0.0
4 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.00000 +/- 0.0
5 3 powerlaw norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0
Data group: 2
6 1 phabs nH 10^22 1.00000 +/- 0.0
7 2 highecut cutoffE keV 10.0000 = 2
8 2 highecut foldE keV 15.0000 = 3
9 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.00000 = 4
10 3 powerlaw norm 1.00000 = 5
Notice how the summary of the model, displayed immediately above, is different
now that we have two groups, as opposed to one (as in all the previous examples).
We can see that of the 10 model parameters, 6 are free (i.e., 4 of the second
group parameters are tied to their equivalents in the first group). Fitting this
model results in a huge χ2(not shown here), because our assumption that only
a change in absorption can account for the spectral variation before and after
eclipse is clearly wrong. Perhaps scattering also plays a role in reducing the
flux before eclipse. This could be modeled (simply at first) by allowing the
normalization of the power law to be smaller before eclipse than after eclipse.
To decouple tied parameters, we change the parameter value in the second group
to a value – any value – different from that in the first group (changing the value
in the first group has the effect of changing both without decoupling). As usual,
the newpar command is used:
XSPEC12>newpar 10 1
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 2.025975e+07 using 66 PHA bins.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 2.025975e+07 using 66 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 343385.7 for 59 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00
Current data and model not fit yet.
Model phabs<1>*highecut<2>*powerlaw<3> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
Data group: 1
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 20.1548 +/- 0.181919
2 2 highecut cutoffE keV 14.6847 +/- 5.59260E-02
3 2 highecut foldE keV 7.41661 +/- 8.99590E-02
4 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.18693 +/- 6.33041E-03
5 3 powerlaw norm 5.88350E-02 +/- 9.30517E-04
Data group: 2
6 1 phabs nH 10^22 1.27017 +/- 3.77710E-02
7 2 highecut cutoffE keV 14.6847 = p2
8 2 highecut foldE keV 7.41661 = p3
9 3 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.18693 = p4
10 3 powerlaw norm 0.312138 +/- 4.49104E-03
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 15423.79 using 66 PHA bins.
After fitting, this decoupling reduces χ2by a factor of six to 15,478, but this is
still too high. Indeed, this simple attempt to account for the spectral variability
in terms of “blanket” cold absorption and scattering does not work. More
sophisticated models, involving additional components and partial absorption,
should be tried.
4.5 Multiple Models: a Background Modeling
In the previous section we showed how to fit the same model to multiple datasets.
We now demonstrate how to fit multiple models, each with their own response,
to the same dataset. There are several reasons why this may be useful, for
•We are using data from a coded aperture mask. If there are multiple
sources in the field they will all contribute to the spectrum from each
detector. However, each source may have a different response due to its
•it We are observing an extended source using a telescope whose PSF is
large enough that the signal from different regions are mixed together. In
this case we will want to analyze spectra from all regions of the source
simultaneously with each spectrum having a contribution from the model
in other regions.
•We wish to model the background spectrum that includes a particle com-
ponent. The particle background will have a different response from the
X-ray background because the particles come from all directions, not just
down the telescope.
We will demonstrate the third example here. Suppose we have a model for the
background spectrum that requires a different response to that for the source
spectrum. Read in the source and background spectra as separate files:
XSPEC12>data 1:1 source.pha 2:2 back.pha
The source and background files have their own response matrices:
XSPEC12>response 1 source.rsp 2 back.rsp
Set up the model for the source. Here we will take the simple case of an absorbed
XSPEC12>model phabs(pow)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.001( 0.01) 0 0 100000 1e+06
1:data group 1::phabs:nH>
1 0.01( 0.01) -3 -2 9 10
2:data group 1::powerlaw:PhoIndex>
1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+24 1e+24
3:data group 1::powerlaw:norm>
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.001( 0.01) 0 0 100000 1e+06
4:data group 2::phabs:nH>
1 0.01( 0.01) -3 -2 9 10
5:data group 2::powerlaw:PhoIndex>
1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+24 1e+24
6:data group 2::powerlaw:norm>0 0
Note that we have fixed the normalization of the source model for the back-
ground dataset at zero so it doesn’t contribute. Now we need to set up the
background model for both datasets with the appropriate response matrices.
XSPEC12>response 2:1 source.rsp 2:2 back.rsp
This tells XSPEC that both these datasets have a second model which must be
multiplied by the source.rsp response matrix for its contribution to the source
region and back.rsp for its contribution to the background region. This is likely
to be the case for a standard imaging data where the response will only depend
on the extraction region. Note that for a coded-aperture mask the situation may
be more complicated with a different response for the source and the background
even if they are extracted from the same region of the detector. We now define
the background model to be used. In this case take the simple example of a
single power-law
XSPEC12>model 2:myback pow
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.01( 0.01) -3 -2 9 10
1:myback:data group 1::powerlaw:PhoIndex>
1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+24 1e+24
2:myback:data group 1::powerlaw:norm>
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.01( 0.01) -3 -2 9 10
3:myback:data group 2::powerlaw:PhoIndex>
1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+24 1e+24
4:myback:data group 2::powerlaw:norm>
We have now set up XSPEC so that the source data is compared to a source
model multiplied by the source response plus a background model multiplied
by the background response and the background data is compared to the back-
ground model multiplied by the background response. The background models
fitted to the source and background data are constrained to be the same.
XSPEC12>show param
Parameters defined:
Model phabs<1>*powerlaw<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
Data group: 1
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 1.00000 +/- 0.0
2 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.00000 +/- 0.0
3 2 powerlaw norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0
Data group: 2
4 1 phabs nH 10^22 1.00000 = 1
5 2 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.00000 = 2
6 2 powerlaw norm 0.00000 frozen
Model myback:powerlaw<1> Source No.: 2 Active/On
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
Data group: 1
1 1 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.00000 +/- 0.0
2 1 powerlaw norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0
Data group: 2
3 1 powerlaw PhoIndex 1.00000 = myback:1
4 1 powerlaw norm 1.00000 = myback:2
It is often the case that the response information is split into an RMF and ARF,
where the RMF describes the instrument response and the ARF the telescope
effective area. The particle background can then be included by using the RMF
but not the ARF:
XSPEC12>data 1:1 source.pha 2:2 back.pha
XSPEC12>response 1 source.rmf 2 source.rmf
XSPEC12>arf 1 source.arf
XSPEC12>response 2:1 source.rmf 2:2 source.rmf
4.6 Using XSPEC to Simulate Data: an Exam-
ple for Chandra
In several cases, analyzing simulated data is a powerful tool to demonstrate
feasibility. For example:
•To support an observing proposal. That is, to demonstrate what con-
straints a proposed observation would yield.
•To support a hardware proposal. If a response matrix is generated, it can
be used to demonstrate what kind of science could be done with a new
•To support a theoretical paper. A theorist could write a paper describing
a model, and then show how these model spectra would appear when
observed. This, of course, is very like the first case.
Here, we will illustrate the first example. The first step is to define a model on
which to base the simulation. The way XSPEC creates simulated data is to take
the current model, convolve it with the current response matrix, while adding
noise appropriate to the integration time specified. Once created, the simulated
data can be analyzed in the same way as real data to derive confidence limits.
Let us suppose that we want to measure the intrinsic absorption of a faint high-
redshift source using Chandra. Our model is thus a power-law absorbed both by
the local Galactic column and an intrinsic column. First, we set up the model.
From the literature we have the Galactic absorption column and redshift so:
XSPEC12>mo pha*zpha(zpo)
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 0.001( 0.01) 0 0 100000 1e+06
1 0.001( 0.01) 0 0 100000 1e+06
0 -0.01( 0.01) -0.999 -0.999 10 10
1 0.01( 0.01) -3 -2 9 10
0 -0.01( 0.01) -0.999 -0.999 10 10
1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+24 1e+24
Model phabs<1>*zphabs<2>*zpowerlw<3> Source No.: 1 Active/Off
Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value
par comp
1 1 phabs nH 10^22 8.00000E-02 +/- 0.0
2 2 zphabs nH 10^22 1.00000 +/- 0.0
3 2 zphabs Redshift 5.10000 frozen
4 3 zpowerlw PhoIndex 1.70000 +/- 0.0
5 3 zpowerlw Redshift 5.10000 frozen
6 3 zpowerlw norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0
Now suppose that we know that the observed 0.5–2.5 keV flux is 1.1×10−13
ergs/cm2/s. We now can derive the correct normalization by using the com-
mands energies,flux and newpar. That is, we’ll determine the flux of the
model with the normalization of unity. We then work out the new normalization
and reset it:
XSPEC12>energies 0.5 2.5 1000
XSPEC12>flux 0.5 2.5
Model Flux 0.052736 photons (1.0017e-10 ergs/cm^2/s) range (0.50000 - 2.5000 keV)
XSPEC12> newpar 6 1.1e-3
3 variable fit parameters
Model Flux 2.6368e-05 photons (5.0086e-14 ergs/cm^2/s) range (0.50000 - 2.5000 keV)
Here, we have changed the value of the normalization (the fifth parameter) from
1.0 to 1.1×10−13 / 1.00 ×10−10 = 1.1×10−3to give the required flux.
The simulation is initiated with the command fakeit. If the argument none is
given, we will be prompted for the name of the response matrix. If no argument
is given, the current response will be used. We also need to reset the energies
command before the fakeit to ensure that the model is calculated on the entire
energy range of the response:
XSPEC12>energies reset
XSPEC12>fakeit none
For fake data, file #1 needs response file: aciss_aimpt_cy15.rmf
... and ancillary response file: aciss_aimpt_cy15.arf
There then follows a series of prompts asking the user to specify whether he or
she wants counting statistics (yes!), the name of the fake data (file test.fak in
our example), and the integration time (40,000 seconds – the correction norm
and background exposure time can be left at their default values).
Use counting statistics in creating fake data? (y):
Input optional fake file prefix:
Fake data file name (aciss_aimpt_cy15.fak): test.fak
Exposure time, correction norm, bkg exposure time (1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000): 40000.0
No background will be applied to fake spectrum #1
1 spectrum in use
Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 350.95 using 1024 PHA bins.
***Warning: Chi-square may not be valid due to bins with zero variance
in spectrum number(s): 1
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 350.95 using 1024 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 0.34407 for 1020 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 1.000000e+00
***Warning: Chi-square may not be valid due to bins with zero variance
in spectrum number(s): 1
Current data and model not fit yet.
The first thing we should note is that the default statistics are not correct for
these data. For Poisson data and no background we should cstat for the fit
statistic and pchi for the test statistic:
XSPEC12>statistic cstat
Default fit statistic is set to: C-Statistic
This will apply to all current and newly loaded spectra.
Fit statistic : C-Statistic = 513.63 using 1024 PHA bins and 1020 degrees of freedom.
Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 350.95 using 1024 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 0.34407 for 1020 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 1.000000e+00
***Warning: Chi-square may not be valid due to bins with zero variance
in spectrum number(s): 1
Current data and model not fit yet.
XSPEC12>statistic test pchi
Default test statistic is set to: Pearson Chi-Squared
This will apply to all current and newly loaded spectra.
Fit statistic : C-Statistic = 513.63 using 1024 PHA bins and 1020 degrees of freedom.
Test statistic : Pearson Chi-Squared = 639.35 using 1024 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 0.62682 for 1020 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 1.000000e+00
***Warning: Pearson Chi-square may not be valid due to bins with zero model value
in spectrum number(s): 1
Current data and model not fit yet.
As we can see from the warning message we need to ignore some channels where
there is no effective response. Looking at a plot of the data and model indicates
we should ignore below 0.15 keV and above 10 keV so:
XSPEC12>ignore **-0.15 10.0-**
11 channels (1-11) ignored in spectrum # 1
340 channels (685-1024) ignored in spectrum # 1
Fit statistic : C-Statistic = 510.55 using 673 PHA bins and 669 degrees of freedom.
Test statistic : Pearson Chi-Squared = 635.19 using 673 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 0.94947 for 669 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 8.217205e-01
Current data and model not fit yet.
We assume that the Galactic column is known so freeze the first parameter.
We then perform a fit followed by the error command:
XSPEC12> freeze 1
XSPEC12>parallel error 3
XSPEC12>err 2 4 6
Parameter Confidence Range ( 2.706)
2 1.16302 5.64805 (-2.00255,2.48247)
4 1.73345 1.95111 (-0.106137,0.111521)
6 0.00126229 0.00221906 (-0.000397759,0.000559019)
Note that our input parameters do not lie within the 90% confidence errors
however since this will happen one times in ten (by definition) this should not
worry us unduly. For a real observing proposal we would likely repeat this
experiment with different input values of the intrinsic absorption to learn how
well we could constrain it given a range of possible actual values.
4.7 Producing Plots: Modifying the Defaults
The final results of using XSPEC are usually one or more tables containing
confidence ranges and fit statistics, and one or more plots showing the fits
themselves. So far, the plots shown have generally used the default settings,
but it is possible to edit plots to improve their appearance.
The plotting package used by XSPEC is PGPLOT, which is comprised of a
library of low-level tasks. At a higher level is QDP/PLT, the interactive program
that forms the interface between the XSPEC user and PGPLOT. QDP/PLT has
its own manual; it also comes with on-line help. Here, we show how to make
some of the most common modifications to plots.
In this example, we’ll take the simulated Chandra spectrum and make a better
plot. Figure 4.9 shows the basic data and folded model plot. The only additional
changes we have made to this plot are to increase the line widths to make them
print better. We made this plot as follows:
XSPEC12>setplot energy
XSPEC12>iplot data
PLT>lwidth 3
PLT>lwidth 3 on 1..2
PLT>time off
PLT>hard figi.png/ps
The first lwidth command increases the line widths on the frame while the
second increases it on the data and model. The time off command just removes
a username and time stamp from the bottom right of the plot. The hard
command makes a “hardcopy”, in this case a PostScript file. Before looking at
other PLT commands we can use to modify the plot there is one more thing we
can try at the XSPEC level. The current bin sizes are much smaller than the
resolution so we may as well combine bins in the plot (but not in the fitting) to
make it clearer.
XSPEC12>setplot rebin 100 4
Combines four spectral bins into one. The setplot rebin command combines
bins till either a S/N of the first argument is reached or the number of bins in
the second argument have been combined. We do an iplot again then do the
following modifications:
PLT> viewport 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.7
Figure 4.9: The data and folded model for the simulated Chandra ACIS-S
The first thing we’ll do is change the aspect ratio of the box that contains the
plot (viewport in QDP terminology). The viewport is defined as the coordinates
of the lower left and upper right corners of the page. The units are such that the
full width and height of the page are unity. The labels fall outside the viewport,
so if the full viewport were specified, only the plot would appear. The default
box has a viewport with corners at (0.1, 0.1) and (0.9, 0.9). For our purposes,
we want a viewport with corners at (0.2, 0.2) and (0.8, 0.7): with this size and
shape, the hardcopy will fit nicely on the page and not have to be reduced for
Next we want to change some of the labels:
PLT> label top Simulated Spectrum
PLT> label file Chandra ACIS-S
PLT> label y counts s\u-1\d keV\u-1\d
Note the change in the y-axis label is to remove the string “normalized”. The
normalization referred to is almost always unity so this label can generally be
changed. To get help on a PLT command, just type help followed by the
Figure 4.10: A simulated Chandra ACIS-S spectrum produced to show how a
plot can be modified by the user.
name of the command. Note that PLT commands can be abbreviated, just like
XSPEC commands. To see the results of changing the viewport and the labels,
just enter the command plot.
The two changes we want to make next are to rescale the axes and to change
the y-axis to a logarithmic scale. The commands for these changes also are
straightforward: the rescale command takes the minimum and maximum values
as its arguments, while the log command takes x or y as arguments:
PLT> rescale x 0.3 6.0
PLT> rescale y 1.0e-4 0.03
PLT> log y
PLT> plot
To revert to a linear scale, use the command log off y. The only remaining
extra change is to reduce the size of the characters. This is done using the
csize command, which takes the normalization as its argument. One (1) will
not change the size, a number less than one will reduce it and a number bigger
than one will increase it.
PLT> csize 0.8
PLT> plot
We make the PostScript file and also save the plot information using the wenv
command that, in this case, writes files figj.qdp and figj.pco containing the plot
data and commands, respectively.
PLT> hardcopy figj.png/ps
PLT> wenv figj
PLT> quit
The result of all this manipulation is shown proudly in Figure 4.10.
4.8 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Example
To illustrate MCMC methods we will use the same data as the first walkthrough.
XSPEC12> data s54405
XSPEC12> model phabs(pow)
XSPEC12> fit
XSPEC12> chain type gw
XSPEC12> chain walkers 8
XSPEC12> chain length 10000
We use the Goodman-Weare algorithm with 8 walkers and a total length of
10,000. For the G-W algorithm the actual number of steps are 10,000/8 but we
combine the results from all 8 walkers into a single output file. We start the
chain at the default model parameters except that we use the renorm command
to make sure that the model and the data have the same normalization. If we
had multiple additive parameters with their own norms then a good starting
place would be to use the fit 1command to initially set the normalizations to
something sensible.
XSPEC12> chain run test1.fits
The first thing to check is what happened to the fit statistic during the run.
XSPEC12> plot chain 0
Figure 4.11: The statistic from an MCMC run showing the initial burn-in phase.
The result is shown in Figure 4.11, which plots the statistic value against the
chain step. It is clear that after about 2000 steps the chain reached a steady
state. We would usually have told XSPEC to discard the first few thousand
steps but included them for illustrative purposes. Let us do this again but
specifying a burn-in phase that will not be stored.
XSPEC12> chain burn 5000
XSPEC12> chain run test1.fits
The output chain now comprises 10,000 steady-state samples of the parameter
probability distribution. Repeating plot chain 0will confirm that the chain is
in a steady state. The other parameter values can be plotted either singly using
eg plot chain 2for the power-law index or in pairs eg plot chain 1 2 giving
a scatter plot as shown in Figure 4.12.
Using the error command at this point will generate errors based on the chain
XSPEC12>error 1 2 3
Errors calculated from chains
Parameter Confidence Range (2.706)
1 0.264971 0.919546
2 2.1134 2.41307
3 0.0107304 0.0171814
The 90% confidence ranges are determined by ordering the parameter values in
the chain then finding the center 90%.
To make confidence regions in two dimensions the margin command takes the
same arguments as steppar.
XSPEC12>margin 1 0.0 1.5 25 2 1.5 3.0 25
Then use plot integprob to produce a plot of confidence regions.
4.9 INTEGRAL/SPI: A Walk Through Exam-
Consider an observation of the Crab, for which a (standard) 5 ×5 dithering
observation strategy was employed. Since the Crab (pulsar and nebular com-
ponents are of course un-resolvable at INTEGRAL’s spatial resolution) is by
Figure 4.12: The scatter plot from a 10,000 step MCMC run.
far the brightest source in it immediate region of the sky, and its position is
precisely known, we can opt not to perform SPI or IBIS imaging analysis prior
to XSPEC analysis. We thus run the standard INTEGRAL/SPI analysis chain
on detectors 0-18 up to the SPIHIST level for (or BIN I level in the terminology
of the INTEGRAL documentation), selecting the “PHA” output option.
We then run SPIARF, providing the name of the PHA-II file just created, and
selecting the “update” option in the spiarf.par parameter file (you should refer
to the SPIARF documentation prior to this step if it is unfamiliar). The celestial
coordinates for the Crab are provided in decimal degrees (RA,Dec = 83.63,22.01)
interactively or by editing the parameter file. This may take a few minutes,
depending on the speed of your computer and the length of your observation.
Once completed, SPIARF must be run one more time, setting the “bkg resp”
option to “y”; this creates the response matrices to be applied to the background
model, and updates the PHA-II response database table accordingly. Then
SPIRMF, which interpolates the template RMFs to the users desired spectral
binning, also writes information to the PHA response database table to be
used by XSPEC. Finally, you should run SPIBKG INIT, which will construct
a set of bbackground spectral templates to initialize the SPI background model
currently installed in XSPEC (read the FTOOLS help for that utility carefully
your first time). You are now ready to run XSPEC; a sample session might look
like this (some repetitive output has been suppressed):
% xspec
XSPEC version: 12.2.1
Build Date/Time: Wed Nov 2 17:14:21 2005
XSPEC12>package require Integral 1.0
XSPEC12>data ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{1-19}
19 spectra in use
RMF # 1
Using Response (RMF) File resp/comp1_100x100.rmf
RMF # 2
Using Response (RMF) File resp/comp2_100x100.rmf
RMF # 3
Using Response (RMF) File resp/comp3_100x100.rmf
Using Multiple Sources
For Source # 1
Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) Files
For Source # 2
Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) Files
Source File: ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{1}
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum No. 1 3.7011e+01 +/- 1.2119e-01
Assigned to Data Group No. : 1
Assigned to Plot Group No. : 1
Source File: ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{2}
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum No. 2 3.7309e+01 +/- 1.2167e-01
Assigned to Data Group No. : 1
Assigned to Plot Group No. : 2
Source File: ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{19}
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum No. 19 3.6913e+01 +/- 1.2103e-01
Assigned to Data Group No. : 1
Assigned to Plot Group No. : 19
XSPEC12>mo 1:crab po
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 PhoIndex 1.0000E+00 1.0000E-02 -3.0000E+00 -2.0000E+00 9.0000E+00 1.0000E+01
crab::powerlaw:PhoIndex>2.11 0.01 1.5 1.6 2.5 2.6
2 norm 1.0000E+00 1.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+24 1.0000E+24
crab::powerlaw:norm>8. 0.1 1. 2. 18. 20.
XSPEC12>mo 2:bkg spibkg5
Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...
1 Par_1 0.0000E+00 1.0000E-02 -2.0000E-01 -1.5000E-01 1.5000E-01 2.0000E-01
XSPEC12>ign 1-19:68-80
XSPEC12>ign 1-19:90-100
Number of trials and critical delta: 10 1.0000000E-02
Model bkg:spibkg5 Source No.: 2 Active/On
Model Component Name: spibkg5 Number: 1
N Name Unit Value Sigma
1 Par_1 9.0650E-03 +/- 2.8651E-03
2 Par_2 1.6174E-02 +/- 3.4778E-03
25 Par_25 -1.9537E-02 +/- 6.1429E-03
26 norm 9.7286E-01 +/- 1.3527E-03
Model crab:powerlaw Source No.: 1 Active/On
Model Component Name: powerlaw Number: 1
N Name Unit Value Sigma
1 PhoIndex 2.1163E+00 +/- 1.8946E-02
2 norm 1.1390E+01 +/- 8.1414E-01
Chi-Squared = 1.8993005E+03 using 1463 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 1.3235544E+00 for 1435 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 1.5268098E-15
Note that the syntax used for the data statement (appended curly bracket,
specifying use of spectra 1-19), and the separate model commands, which are
indexed and named (in this case simply “crab” for the source of interest and
“bkg” for the background model, “spibkg lo”. These commands are described
in detail elsewhere in this document, as are the the spibkg lo, spibkg med and
spibkg hi models. In this case, 100 logarithmically-spaced energy bins spanning
the nominal 20-8000 keV band of the SPI instrument were used.
In this example, only one dither-point was used to solve for the Crab spectrum,
and the background. The simple assumption of a single background spectrum
(i.e. no detector-to-detector variations) was assumed. In general, and partic-
ularly for fainter sources, a much larger number of spectra will be needed for
a solution (and even for the Crab, the quality of the fit, and the accuracy of
the inferred parameters can be improved). Also, detector-to-detector and/or
time (i.e. pointing-to-pointing) variations will need to be considered. This can
be accomplished using the data-grouping feature of XSPEC, which will be de-
scribed subsequently. Also notice that channels between about 70 and 80 were
ignored; this is because there are detector electronic effects contaminating the
single-event data for energies from 1250-1400 keV (refer to the SPI data anal-
ysis manual for additional discussion), and that there are a lot of (scientifically
uninteresting) background model parameters. Also, the highest energies were
ignored, since the source flux becomes insignificant relative to the background.
Some results are illustrated below. These plots were generated with the sequence
of commands:
XSPEC12> setplot group 1-19
XSPEC12> plot ldata res
XSPEC12> plot ufspec
Note that without the “setplot group” command, XSPEC would plot 19 sets
of spectral data, models and residuals. The can become confusing, especially
as the number of spectra included in an analysis becomes much larger than
19! On the other hand, it can be useful to divide the data into subsets for
plotting purposes, e.g. setplot group 1-6 7-12 13-19, to get an idea of relative
shadowing effects of the coded-mask. The left hand plot illustrates the source
model, the background model, the total model (i.e. source + background), and
the data (here in count rates per channel). The right hand plot illustrates the
“unfolded model” (blue, power-law curve), the summed model, and the data as
a photon flux. A possible source of confusion is the similarity of the background
model curves plotted in theses two separate representations. The explanation
is that the background, which is dominated by instrumental contributions, is
modeled in detector count space (i.e. the background response matrix has unit
effective area. Thus, to be strictly correct, the right-hand plot is a hybrid of
the photon source model and the detector-rate background model. We further
note that at the present time, XSPEC does not have the capability to plot (or
store and manipulate) the background subtracted data. This is a feature under
consideration for a future release.
If we had chosen a observation containing more than a single source, the pro-
cedure would have been similar, except that the sequence of model commands
would be extended, e.g.
XSPEC12>data ./MyDataDir/GCDE_aug_03.pha{1-475}
XSPEC12> model 1:1e1740 po
XSPEC12> model 2:gx1_4 po
XSPEC12> model 3:bkg spibkg_lo
Here data from the Galactic Center deep exposure campaign were loaded, and
two sources are sought. In this case, a much larger number of spectra were
loaded (475 spectra corresponds to one full 5 ×5 dither using all 19 detectors.
In this case, the simple approach of applying constant background (i.e. no
detector-to-detector or pointing-to-pointing variation) to the full data set is
likely to be a poor approximation. A more realistic approach would be to use
the XSPEC grouping capability to handle such variations in the background
solution. This can be accomplished in the usual manner (refer to the description
of the grouping command in this document), however, it can become tedious
in terms of the required command line inputs. For example, to establish a
separate data group for each detector for a long (e.g. 5 ×5 dither) observations,
a sequence of commands such as this would be required:
XSPEC12> data 1:1 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{1}
XSPEC12> data 2:2 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{2}
XSPEC12> data 3:3 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{3}
XSPEC12> data 19:19 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{19}
XSPEC12> data 1:20 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{20}
XSPEC12> data 2:21 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{21}
XSPEC12> data 3:22 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{22}
XSPEC12> data 19:38 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{38}
XSPEC12> data 1:39 /MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{39}
XSPEC12> data 2:40 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{40}
XSPEC12> data 3:41 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{41}
XSPEC12> data 18:474 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{474}
XSPEC12> data 19:475 ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{475}
One might then for example, make a first cut attempt by fitting a constant
background. Then, as a next step, one might allow the normalization terms of
the background model to vary over the groups (i.e. over the detector plane).
This is accomplished with the “untie” command, using the following sequence:
XSPEC12> untie bkg:52
XSPEC12> untie bkg:78
XSPEC12> untie bkg:104
XSPEC12> untie bkg:130
XSPEC12> untie bkg:156
XSPEC12> untie bkg:182
XSPEC12> untie bkg:208
XSPEC12> untie bkg:234
XSPEC12> untie bkg:260
XSPEC12> untie bkg:286
XSPEC12> untie bkg:312
XSPEC12> untie bkg:338
XSPEC12> untie bkg:364
XSPEC12> untie bkg:390
XSPEC12> untie bkg:416
XSPEC12> untie bkg:442
XSPEC12> untie bkg:468
XSPEC12> untie bkg:487
Note that use of the “bkg” identifier, which associates the parameters index
with the background model. The specific sequence of numbers use here requires
some explanation; the particular background model employed has 25 parameters
(which simply correspond in rank order to the 25 most variable individual bins),
and a normalization term, i.e. parameter 26. Thus, the normalization for the
second detector group is parameter 52, for the third parameter 78, and so on.
Similar command sequences can be used to untie additional background model
parameters. Supposing that we did this and refitted the data. We then might,
for example wish to go back and freeze the individual normalization terms with
the freeze command:
XSPEC12> freeze bkg:26
XSPEC12> freeze bkg:52
XSPEC12> freeze bkg:487
By now though, you probably get the idea that this all requires an unreasonable
amount of command-line input. To circumvent this problem, a number of IN-
TEGRAL/SPI specific “tcl” scripts are available which greatly streamline this
4.10 INTEGRAL Specific Command Line Scripts
The SPIdata procedure, which when installed can be treated as an XSPEC com-
mand, greatly facilitates the data initialization step. For example, the command
XSPEC12> SPIdata ./MyData/Dir/rev0044_crab.pha 475 det Y
Opens the Crab observation spectral data file, reads the 475 spectra into mem-
ory, grouping them by detector. The “Y” then indicates that, yes, I wish to
ignore the spectral data channels corresponding to the known detector-electronic
noise contamination (this is the default). Instead of “det” as the grouping option
I could have selected “time” to group by time (quantized into dither-pointing
intervals). A “-” lead to the data being initialzed into a single group. The
XSPEC12> SPIdata ./MyData/Dir/rev0044_crab.pha 475
Reads the 475 spectra into a single data group, and ignores the undesirable
channels. If you forget all this, the command
XSPEC12> SPIdata -h
will remind you. The scripts SPIuntie, and SPIfreeze have similar command-line
SPIuntie and SPIfreeze
XSPEC12> SPIuntie bkg 475 19 -1
The SPIuntie command script will accomplish the same result as the sequence of
“untie” commands in the INTEGRAL/SPI example presented in this document.
In that case, we had loaded 475 spectra associated with a single 5×5-dither pat-
tern centered on the Crab nebula. The spectra were grouped by detector, which
is a common approach to SPI analysis given the known detector-to-detector vari-
ations in the background rates. Suppose after an initial fitting pass, for which
we assumed a single background spectrum, we know wish to untie the individ-
ual data group (i.e. detector) background models. This can be accomplished by
issuing 25 “untie” commands as previously noted, or in a single command line
using the SPIuntie command:
XSPEC12> SPIuntie bkg 475 19 -1
untie bkg:52
Chi-Squared = 1.2030200E+04 using 1615 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 7.5852458E+00 for 1586 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.0000000E+00
untie bkg:78
Chi-Squared = 1.2030200E+04 using 1615 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 7.5900314E+00 for 1585 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.0000000E+00
untie bkg:104
renorm: no renormalization necessary
Chi-Squared = 1.2030200E+04 using 1615 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 7.5948231E+00 for 1584 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.0000000E+00
One might then make a second pass at fitting the data, hopefully leading to
improved statistics. Subsequently, additional background model parameters
could be untied using the SPIuntie procedure as well. For example, to untie
three additional parameters over the full data set, the command syntax is:
XSPEC12> SPIuntie bkg 475 19 1 3
This will untie the first 3 parameters of the background model identified by
“bkg”, i.e. equivalent to issuing (475 −1) ×3 individual untie commands. Note
that you can always be reminded of the command-line argument definitions by
typing “SPIuntie -h” at the XSPEC prompt.
Suppose now that you are satisfied with the relative background normalization
terms, and wish to freeze them at their current values for subsequent fitting
passes. This could be accomplished using the SPIfreeze command script:
XSPEC12> SPIfreeze bkg 475 -1
XSPEC12>SPIfreeze bkg 19 1 -1
freeze bkg:52 1
Chi-Squared = 6.6232600E+05 using 1805 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 3.7589444E+02 for 1762 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.0000000E+00
freeze bkg:78
Chi-Squared = 6.5791894E+05 using 1805 PHA bins.
Reduced chi-squared = 3.7318148E+02 for 1763 degrees of freedom
Null hypothesis probability = 0.0000000E+00
As with the SPIuntie command script, typing “SPIfreeze -h” at the XSPEC
prompt will scroll the command-line definitions to your screen.
Note that the current SPI background models, which are documented elsewhere,
are designed so that the parameter list is hierarchically ordered in terms of
decreasing criticality. Thus, freeing the first parameter is likely to have the
most significant impact on the statistics, the second parameter, the next most
significant, and so on.
Chapter 5
XSPEC Commands
5.1 Summary of Commands
The following is a list of the commands available in XSPEC, together with a
brief description of the purpose of each. The commands have been categorized
under six headings: Control, Data, Fit, Model, Plot, Script, and Setting. The
Control commands contain the interface with the operating system: they cause
commands to be executed, or user input written to disk, or control how much is
output. The Data commands manipulate the data being analyzed, by reading
data into the program or replacing spectra or their ancillary detector, back-
ground, correction, or efficiency (auxiliary response) arrays. Additionally data
commands control the channels under analysis. The fit commands invoke the
fitting routines, modify their behavior by interchanging fitting algorithms or
statistics in use, fixing parameters, or perform statistical testing. The Model
commands create or manipulate the model, adding or editing components, mod-
ifying parameters, or alternatively performing analytical calculations from a
model. The Plot commands deal with all aspects of plotting. The scripts are
auto-loaded Tcl scripts that can be used in the same ways as commands. Finally
the Setting commands sets variables that affect theoretical models.
Command Category Description
abund SETTING Set the abundance table.
addcomp MODEL Add a component to the model.
addline MODEL Add lines to a model
arf DATA Read an auxiliary response file.
autosave CONTROL Periodically save the XSPEC status.
backgrnd DATA Reset the files to be used for background subtraction.
bayes FIT Set up for Bayesian inference.
chain FIT Run a Monte Carlo Markov Chain.
chatter CONTROL Control the verbosity of XSPEC.
corfile DATA Reset the files to be used for background correction.
cornorm DATA Reset the normalization to be used in correcting the
cosmo SETTING Set H0,q0, and Λ0
cpd PLOT Alias for setplot device.
data DATA Input one or more PHA data files.
delcomp MODEL Delete a component from the model.
diagrsp DATA Diagonalize the current response for an ideal
dummyrsp MODEL Create a dummy response, covering a given energy
editmod MODEL Add, delete, or replace one component in the model.
energies MODEL Specify new energy binning for model fluxes.
eqwidth MODEL Calculate a model component˘
2019s equivalent width.
error (rerror)FIT Determine a single parameter confidence region.
rerror is for response parameters.
exec CONTROL Execute a shell command from within XSPEC.
exit CONTROL Wind up any hardcopy plots and exit from XSPEC.
extend MODEL This is now obsolete. See energies command.
fakeit DATA Produce simulated data files for sensitivity studies.
fit FIT Find the best fit model parameters.
flux MODEL Calculate the current model’s flux over an energy
freeze (rfreeze)FIT Do not allow a model parameter to vary during the
fit. rfreeze is for response parameters.
ftest FIT Calculate the F-statistic between two model fits
gain MODEL Perform a simple modification of the response gain.
goodness FIT Monte Carlo calculation of goodness-of-fit.
hardcopy PLOT Spool the current plot to the printer.
help CONTROL Obtain help on XSPEC commands.
identify MODEL List possible lines in the specified energy range.
ignore DATA Ignore a range of PHA channels in future fit
initpackage MODEL Compile, build, and initialize a package of local
iplot PLOT As plot command but interactive using PLT.
lmod MODEL Load a package of local models.
log CONTROL Open the log file to save output.
lrt SCRIPT Likelihood ratio test between two models.
lumin MODEL Calculate the current model’s luminosity over a given
rest frame energy range and redshift.
margin FIT MCMC probability distribution.
mdefine MODEL Define a simple model using an arithmetic
method SETTING Set the minimization method.
model (rmodel)MODEL Define the model to be used when fitting the data.
modid MODEL Guess line IDs in the model.
multifake SCRIPT Perform many iterations of fakeit and save the results
in a FITS file.
newpar (rnewpar)MODEL Modify the model parameters. rnewpar is for re-
sponse parameters
notice DATA Restore a range of PHA channels for future
parallel CONTROL Enable parallel processing for particular tasks in
plot PLOT Plot various information on the current plot device.
query CONTROL Switch on/off prompt to continue fitting.
quit CONTROL An alias for exit
renorm FIT Adjust the model norms, and/or control automatic
rescalecov SCRIPT Rescale the covariance matrix used in the proposal
chain command.
response DATA Reset the files used to determine the detector
save CONTROL Save aspects of the current state to a command file.
script CONTROL Open the script file to save all commands input.
setplot PLOT Modify the plot device and other values used by the
plot routines.
show CONTROL Display current file and model information.
simftest SCRIPT Generate simulated datasets to estimate the F-test
probability for adding a model component.
source CONTROL Execute a script file.
statistic SETTING Change the fit statistic in use.
steppar FIT Step through a range of parameter values; perform a
fit at each step.
syscall CONTROL Run a shell command.
systematic MODEL Set the model systematic error.
tclout CONTROL write xspec data to a tcl variable
tcloutr CONTROL tclout with return value
thaw (rthaw)FIT Allow a model parameter to vary during the fit.
rthaw is for response parameters
time CONTROL Display elapsed time and other statistical
uncertain FIT Alias for error
untie (runtie)MODEL Untie linked parameters. runtie is for response
version CONTROL Print XSPEC version and build date/time
weight FIT Change the weighting function used for chi-squared
writefits SCRIPT Write information about the current fit and errors to
a FITS file.
xsect SETTING Change the photoelectric absorption cross-sections in
xset SETTING Modify a number of XSPEC internal switches
5.2 Description of Syntax
The individual commands are treated in alphabetical order in the following sec-
tion. The novice would be well-served by reading the treatments of the data,
model,newpar, and fit commands, in t hat order, then the other commands
as needed. The write-up for each command includes a brief description of the
purpose, an outline of the correct syntax, a more detailed discussion of the com-
mand assumptions and purpose, and a series of examples. Some commands have
one or more subcommands that are similarly described following the command.
In the command description, the syntax uses the following conventions.
<arg>an argument to the command
<arg c>=::<arg a> <arg b>defines <arg c>as <arg a>followed by
<arg b>
<arg>... a repeated string of arguments of the same
[<arg>] is an optional argument
<arg a>|<arg b>indicates a choice between an argument of
<arg a>or <arg b>
Exceptional responses to the command prompt are :
empty line or line containing only spaces
and tab characters
nothing performed, prompt repeated
/ any remaining arguments will have the
values given on the last invocation of
the command
<EOF>(Ctrl-D on Unix) same as quit
/* skip input and return to prompt. Defaults
for prompted values will be used.
?, ?command, command ? Print list of commands, or summary help for
a single command
5.3 Control Commands
5.3.1 autosave
set frequency of saving commands
Set or disable autosave, which saves the XSPEC environment to a file periodi-
Syntax: autosave <option>
where <option>is either off or a non-zero positive integer N. If the option is
off, then auto-saving is disabled. If the option is N, the XSPEC environment
is saved every N commands. The saving of the environment is equivalent to the
XSPEC12>save all xautosav.xcm .,
i.e. both the file and model information is saved to the file xautosav.xcm, placed
in the directory /.xspec/cache. Thus in case of an unexpected crash, the state
of XSPEC before the crash can be restored by running @xautosav.xcm. The
default value for the auto-save option is 1.
5.3.2 chatter
set verboseness level
Control the verbosity of XSPEC.
Syntax: chatter <chatter level> <log chatter>
where <chatter level>and <log chatter>are integer values.The initial
value for each argument is 10. Higher values will encourage XSPEC to tell the
user more, lower values tell the user less, or make XSPEC “quieter” <chatter
level>applies to the terminal output, while <log chatter>controls the
verbosity in the log file. Currently, the maximum chattiness is 25.Values below
five should be avoided, as they tend to make XSPEC far too obscure.Some
commands may temporarily modify the chattiness, such as the error command.
A chattiness of 25 will generate a lot of debug output.
XSPEC12> chatter 10
// Set the terminal chattiness to 10, same as the initial value.
XSPEC12> chatter ,0
//Set the chattiness for the log file to very low.
//This setting essentially disables the log file output.
XSPEC12> chatter 5
//Make XSPEC very quiet.
XSPEC12> chatter 10 25
// Restore the terminal chattiness to the initial level,
// while in the log file XSPEC will tell all
// (particularly when new data files are read in)
5.3.3 exit, quit
exit program
The command to end the current XSPEC run.
Syntax: exit
After an exit, the current plot files are closed. An <EOF>will have an identical
5.3.4 help
display manual or help for a specific command/theoretical model com-
Obtain help on the XSPEC commands, their syntax, and examples of their use.
Syntax: help [<topic list>]
On the first invocation of the help command, an instance of a pdf file reader
(by default Adobe Acrobat Reader) is started (a shortly delay may ensue), or
the XSPEC manual is accessed online. Please see the subsection “Customizing
XSPEC” in the XSPEC Overview section for details on how to control this
behavior. The Acrobat reader must be in the user’s path. If this default is
used, then subsequent calls to help will use this instance to display other help
pages. help without arguments displays the XSPEC manual, with a bookmark
index that allows random access to the help system, or in the online mode will
open to the XSPEC manual homepage.
The design allows for users to add help files for local models and scripts to the
help system if they are placed in the help search path.
XSPEC12> help
//show the entire manual.
XSPEC12> help fit
//Go to the help text for the fit command.
XSPEC12> help model pow
//Go to the help text for the powerlaw model. (Entering just "XSPEC12> model" will produce a scrolled-text list of all available model components.)
XSPEC12> help appendices
//show the manual appendices (which document the user interface, the Cash statistic, how to add models to XSPEC, a summary of PLT commands, and associated FTOOLS and other programs for manipulating data).
XSPEC12>help appendix local
//show the appendix describing how to add local models
Help also displays the following information as scrolling text:
XSPEC12> help ?
//Show a list of all available commands.
XSPEC12> help ??
//Show a brief summary and usage syntax of all available commands.
XSPEC12> <command> ?
// Show brief summary and syntax of <command>.
5.3.5 log
log the session output
Open a log file.
Syntax: log [STAMP] <log file>
where <log file>is the name of the file to be opened (default extension is
.log).If no arguments are on the line, then the default file name is xspec.log.
If <log file>matches the string none, then the current log file is closed. If
the string STAMP is given as an argument then the log filename will include a
data and time stamp. If <log file>has no suffix then the stamp is appended
to the name and a .log suffix added. To change the chattiness level for the
log file (ie. the amount of information written to the log file) use the chatter
command. The default chatter level for the log file is 10.
XSPEC12> log
//Turn on the log file (default xspec.log).
XSPEC12> log none
//Close the log file.
XSPEC12> log mylog
//Open the log file (mylog.log)
XSPEC12> chatter ,, 12
//Set the log file chattiness to 12.
5.3.6 parallel
enable parallel processing for particular tasks in XSPEC.
Syntax: parallel <task> <max num of processes>
where <task>is currently limited to leven,error,steppar,goodness, or
walkers. For best results, it is recommended that you set <max num of processes>
to the number of CPU cores on your machine. Set <max num processes>back
to 1 to turn parallel processing off for the particular task. To display current
settings, type ’parallel’ with no arguments.
The leven option will spawn up to <max num>processes during the Levenberg-
Marquardt fitting, specifically to perform the N independent calculations of the
parameter first-order partial derivatives (N being the number of variable fit pa-
rameters). [This will not apply if the USE NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION
variable in the user’s Xspec.init file is changed from the default ’false’ to ’true’.]
The speed-up that one can expect is highly dependent upon the model in use.
For simpler models with quick calculation times, you will probably see little to
no speed gain with parallel leven. But with multi-core CPUs, gains should
be quite noticeable when the model calculation consumes a large fraction of
the overall fitting time. For example, with fits using the time-intensive sedov
model on a 4-core machine, we’ve typically seen about a 40% reduction in fit
time compared with the single processing case.
The error option is for running parallel computations within XSPEC’s error
command. This enables the error calculations for multiple parameters to be
performed simultaneously. The speed-up here should simply be proportional
to the number of cores available. However for cases where complications are
reported (such as a new minimum found, or a non-monotonicity in the statistic
space), it is recommended that you perform the error calculations in standard
single-process mode.
When the steppar option is set, XSPEC will divide the N-dimensional steppar
grid into <max num>sections of equal size, and spawn a separate process for
calculating each section.
If both parallel leven and error or steppar are in use, XSPEC will temporar-
ily disable the lower-levelleven parallelization when running the higher-level
parallel error or steppar command calculations.
The goodness option is for parallelizing the calculations of the simulated spectra
during a goodness command run. The walkers option may be used to speed
up the calculation of sets of walkers needed for Monte Carlo Markov Chain
runs using the Goodman-Weare algorithm (see chain).
XSPEC12> model cflow
// Using a model with 5 variable fit parameters.
XSPEC12> parallel leven 4
XSPEC12> fit
// Calculations for the 5 parameters will be divided amongst
// 4 processes during the fit.
XSPEC12> parallel leven 1
// Restores single-process calculation to the
// Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
XSPEC12> parallel error 3
// Allow up to 3 simultaneous ’error’ parameter calculations
// to be performed in parallel.
XSPEC12> error 2 3 6
// Perform error calculations on parameters 2, 3, and 6 in parallel.
XSPEC12> parallel steppar 4
// The following 20x30 steppar grid will be split amongst
// 4 parallel processes.
XSPEC12> steppar 1 10. 11. 20 2 .5 .8 30
// Display current settings:
XSPEC12> parallel
Maximum number of parallel processes:
error: 3
goodness: 1
leven: 1
steppar: 4
walkers: 1
5.3.7 query
set a default answer for prompts in scripts
Switch on/off the continue fitting questions.
Syntax: query <option>
where <option>is yes,no, or on. If on then the continue fitting question in
fit,steppar, and error will be asked when the number of trials is exceeded.
Also, when the number of trials to find the error is exceeded a question will be
asked. For either of the other two options the questions will not be asked but the
answer will be assumed to be yes or no depending on the value set. To ensure
that fitting continues without any questions being asked use the command:
XSPEC12> query yes
5.3.8 save
save the current session commands
Save aspects of the current state to a command file.
Syntax: save <option> <filename>
If no <filename>is given, then the file savexspec.xcm is created. If you don’t
give the extension to the file name the default is .xcm. The values of <option>
allowed are model,files, and all. The model option writes out commands
to recreate the current model and parameter values; the files option writes
out commands to read-in the current spectra, and the all option does both of
the above. The default option is model. To recover the saved context use the
XSPEC12> save model fname
// Write out model commands to the file fname.xcm
XSPEC12> save
// Same as above, but save into file savexspec.xcm.
XSPEC12> save files fname
// Write out data file commands.
5.3.9 script
write commands to a script file
Open a script file.
Syntax: script <script file>
where <script file>is the name of the file to be opened (default extension is
.xcm). If no arguments are on the line, then the default file name is xspec.xcm.
If <script file>matches the string none, then the current script file is closed.
The script file saves all commands that are input. This command is useful for
users who use the same set of commands repeatedly. Once a script file is written
and saved, the user then can re-run the same set of commands on other data
XSPEC12> source <script file>
XSPEC12> script
// Turn on the script file (default xspec.xcm)
XSPEC12> script none
// Close the script file.
XSPEC12> script myscript
// Open the script file (myscript.xcm)
5.3.10 show
output current program state
List selected information to the user’s terminal (and the log file, if open).
Syntax: show [<selection>]
where <selection>is a key word to select the information to be printed. If
omitted, it is the information last asked for. Initially, the default selection is
all. (Note: to better integrate the usage of OGIP type-II files, much of the
information given by show files in previous versions is now displayed by show
Selections are:
abund Show current solar abundance table.
all All the information.
allfile All file information = files + noticed + rates.
control XSPEC control information.
data File names, associated coefficients, and net countrates, displayed in order
of spectrum number. For higher chatter, also displays grouping map.
free Free parameters.
files Equivalent to show data but displayed in order of file name.
fit Fit information.
model The model specification.
noticed Channel ranges noticed for each file.
parameters All current parameter values (including gain parameters, if any).
Adding <par range>shows the subset of all model parameters given by
<par range>, e.g. show parameters 1,3,5-8.
pha Current data, error and model values for each channe.
plot Current plot settings from setplot command, include rebinning info.
rates Folded model, correction rates for each file.
response Show responses loaded.
rparameters All current gain (response) parameters. Adding <par range>
shows the subset of all response parameters given by <par range>.
version Show the XSPEC version number.
xsect Show description of cross-section table
5.3.11 syscall
execute a shell command
Execute command in a shell.
Syntax: syscall [<shell command>]
This command executes its arguments by passing them to the users current shell
for execution. Thus file name globbing (i.e. wildcard expansion) are performed
on the command before execution. This is in contrast to the exec command,
which executes commands directly, without first passing them on to a shell.
If no arguments are given, then the command will start an interactive subshell.
5.3.12 tclout
create tcl variables from current state
Write internal xspec data to a tcl variable. This facility allows the manipulation
of xspec data by tcl scripts, so that one can, for example, extract data from
xspec runs and store in output files, format xspec output data as desired, use
independent plotting software, etc.
Syntax: tclout <option>[<par1>] [<par2>] [<par3>]
tclout creates the tcl variable $xspec tclout, which can then of course be set
to any named variable. The allowed values of <option>are:
?Show the valid options. Does not set $xspec tclout.
areascal n <s|b>Writes a string of blank separated values giving the
AREASCAL values for spectrum n. If no second
argument is given or it is “s” then the values are
from the source file, if “b” from the background file.
arf n The auxiliary response filename(s) for spectrum n.
backgrnd n Background filename for spectrum n.
backscal n <s|b>Same as areascal option but for BACKSCAL value.
The best option returns the parameter values corre-
sponding to the smallest statistic value in the loaded
chains. The last option returns the final set of pa-
rameter values in the loaded chains. The proposal
option takes arguments distribution or matrix and
returns the name or covariance matrix for the pro-
posal distribution when using Metropolis-Hastings.
The stat option returns the output of the last chain
stat command.
chatter Current xspec chatter level.
compinfo [<mod>:]n
[<group n>]
Name, 1st parameter number and number of pa-
rameters of model component n, belonging to model
w/ optional name <mod>and optional datagroup
<group n>.
cosmo Writes a blank separated string containing the Hub-
ble constant (H0), the deceleration parameter (q0),
and the cosmological constant (Lambda0). Note that
if Lambda0 is non-zero the Universe is assumed to
be flat and the value of q0 should be ignored.
covariance [m,n] Element (m,n) from the covariance matrix of the
most recent fit. If no indices are specified, then entire
covariance matrix is retrieved.
datagrp [n] Data group number for spectrum n. If no n is given,
outputs the total number of data groups.
datasets Number of datasets.
dof Degrees of freedom in fit, and the number of
energies [n] Writes a string of blank separated values giving the
energies for spectrum n on which the model is calcu-
lated. If n is not specified or is 0, it will output the
energies of the default dummy response matrix.
eqwidth n [errsims] Last equivalent width calculated for spectrum n. If
errsims keyword is supplied, this will instead return
the complete sorted array of values generated for the
most recent eqwidth error simulation.
error [<mod>:]n (for
gain parameters use: rerror
Writes last confidence region calculated for param-
eter n of model with optional name <mod>, and a
string listing any errors that occurred during the cal-
culation. The string comprises nine letters, the letter
is T or F depending on whether or not an error oc-
curred. The 9 possible errors are:
1. new minimum found
2. non-monotonicity detected
3. minimization may have run into problem
4. hit hard lower limit
5. hit hard upper limit
6. parameter was frozen
7. search failed in -ve direction
8. search failed in +ve direction
9. reduced chi-squared too high
So for example an error string of “FFFFFFFFT”
indicates the calculation failed because the reduced
chi-squared was too high.
expos n <s|b>Same as areascal option but for EXPOSURE value.
filename n Filename corresponding to spectrum n.
fileinfo <keyword>nValue of keyword in the SPECTRUM extension of
the file corresponding to spectrum n.
flux [n][errsims] Last model flux or luminosity calculated for spec-
trum n. Writes a string of 6 values: val errLow er-
rHigh (in ergs/cm2) val errLow errHigh (in photons).
Error values are .0 if flux was not run with errsims
If the errsims keyword is supplied, this will instead
return the completed sorted array of values generated
during the most recent flux error calculation.
ftest The result of the last ftest command.
For gain fit parameters: value, delta, min, low, high,
max for the slope or offset parameter belonging to
the [<sourceNum>:]<specNum>response. For non-
fit gain parameters, only the value is returned.
goodness [sims] The percentage of realizations from the last goodness
command with statistic value less than the best-fit
statistic using the data. If optional sims keyword
is specified, this will instead give the full array of
simulation values from the last goodness command.
idline e d Possible line IDs within the range [e-d, e+d].
ignore [<n>]The range(s) of the ignored channels for spectrum n.
lumin [n] [errsims] Last model luminosity calculated for spectrum n.
Same output format as flux option, in units of
margin probabil-
The probability option returns the probability col-
umn respectively from the most recent margin com-
mand. Otherwise, the parameter column indicated
by <parNum>is returned. Note that for multi-
dimensional margin the returned parameter column
will contain duplicate values, in the same order as
they originally appeared on the screen during the
margin run.
model Description of current model(s).
modcomp [<mod>]Number of components in model (with optional
model name).
modpar [<mod>]Number of model parameters(with optional model
modval [<specNum>
Write to Tcl the last calculated model values for the
specified spectrum and optional model name. Writes
a string of blank separated numbers. Note that the
output is in units of photons/cm2/s/bin.
nchan [<n>]Total number of channels in spectrum n (including
ignored channels).
noticed [<n>]Range (low,high) of noticed channels for spectrum n.
noticed energy [<n>] The noticed energies for spectrum n.
nullhyp When using chi-square for fits, this will retrieve the
reported null hypothesis probability.
param [<mod>:]n (value, delta, min, low, high, max) for model param-
eter n.
peakrsid n [lo,hi] Energies and strengths of the peak residuals (+ve
and -ve) for the spectrum n. Optional arguments lo,
hi specify an energy range in which to search.
pinfo [<mod>:]n Parameter name and unit for parameter n of model
with optional name.
plink [<mod>:]n Information on parameter linking for parameter n.
This is in the form true/false (T or F) for linked/not
linked, followed by the multiplicative factor and ad-
ditive constants if linked.
plot <option> <array>
[<plot group n>]
Write a string of blank separated values for the array.
<option>is one of the valid arguments for the plot
or iplot commands. <array>is one of x, xerr, y, yerr,
or model. xerr and yerr output the 1-sigma error bars
generated for plots with errors. The model array is
for the convolved model in data and ldata plots. For
contour plots this command just dumps the steppar
results. The command does not work for genetic plot
plotgrp Number of plot groups.
query The setting of the query option.
rate <n|all>Count rate, uncertainty and the model rate for the
specified spectrum n, or for the sum over all spectra.
rerror [<sourceNumber>:]n Writes last confidence region calculated for response
parameter n of model with optional source number,
and a string listing any errors that occurred during
the calculation. See the help above on the error op-
tion for a description of the string.
response n Response filname(s) for the spectrum n.
sigma [<modelName>:]n The sigma uncertainty value for parameter n. If n is
not a variable parameter or fit was unable to calcu-
late sigma, -1.0 is returned.
simpars Creates a list of parameter values by drawing from
a multivariate Normal distribution based on the co-
variance matrix from the last fit. This is the same
mechanism that is used to get the errors on fluxes
and luminosities, and to run the goodness command.
solab Solar abundance table values.
stat [test] Value of statistic. If optional test argument is given,
this outputs the test statistic rather than the fit
statmethod [test] The name of the fit stat method currently in use. If
optional test argument is given, this will give the
name of the test stat method.
steppar statistic
The statistic and delstat options return the
statistic or delta-statistic column respectively from
the most recent steppar run. Otherwise, the param-
eter column indicated by <parNum>is returned.
Note that for multi-dimensional steppars the re-
turned parameter column will contain duplicate val-
ues, in the same order as they originally appeared on
the screen during the steppar run.
varpar Number of variable fit parameters.
version The XSPEC version string.
weight Name of the current weighting function.
xflt n XFLT#### keywords for spectrum n. The first
number written is the number of keywords and the
rest are the keyword values.
XSPEC12>data file1
XSPEC12> model pha(po)
XSPEC12> fit
XSPEC12>tclout stat
XSPEC12>scan $xspec_tclout "%f" chistat
XSPEC12>tclout param 1
XSPEC12>scan $xspec_tclout "%f"par2
XSPEC12>tclout param 2
XSPEC12>scan $xspec_tclout "%f"par3
XSPEC12>tclout param 3
In this example, scan is a tcl command that does a formatted read of the
variable $xspec tclout. It reads the first floating point number into the variable
given by the last argument on the line.This sequence creates a simple model,
fits it, and then writes the χ2statistic and the three parameters to tcl variables
$chistat, $par1, $par2, and $par3. These can now be manipulated in any way
permitted by tcl. Examples of using tclout and tcloutr can be found in the
Xspec/src/scripts directory.
5.3.13 tcloutr
tclout with return value
Syntax: tcloutr <option>[<par1>] [<par2>] [<par3>]
tcloutr is identical to the tclout command except that it also provides what is
stored in $xspec tclout as a return value. Therefore it can be used in tcl scripts
like this:
set var1 [tcloutr energies 1]
tcloutr may produce quite a lot of unwanted screen output, which can be
avoided by using tclout.
5.3.14 time
print execution time
Get some information about the program run time.
Syntax: time
The time command prints out elapses CPU time attributed to the user and to
the system. Two output lines are given, one for user/system time since the time
command was last called, and one for time elapsed since the program started.
5.3.15 undo
undo the previous command
Undo the affects of the previously entered xspec command.
Syntax: undo
New for xspec version 12, the undo command will restore the state of the xspec
session prior to the most recently entered command. The current implemen-
tation does not allow restoration to more than one command back, so calling
undo repeatedly will have no effect. Also, a plot command cannot be undone.
5.3.16 version
print the version string
Syntax: version
version prints out the information about version number and build date and
time (not current date, time) displayed when XSPEC is started.
5.4 Data Commands
5.4.1 arf
change the efficiency file for a given response
Read in one or more auxiliary response files (ARF). An ARF gives area versus
energy and is used to modify the response matrix for a spectrum. The file must
be in the OGIP standard format.
Syntax: arf [<filespec>...]
where <filespec>=:: [[<source #:>]<spectrum num>]<filename>[{ranges}]...
and where <spectrum num>is the spectrum number for the first <filename>
specified, <spectrum num>plus one is the spectrum number for the next file
(or next entry in ranges specifier for Type II multi-ARF files), and so on.
<filename>is the name of the auxiliary response file to be used with the
associated spectrum. The optional source number defaults to 1, and for ARFs
stored in OGIP Type II files, {ranges}specifies the row numbers of the desired
ARF(s). See the data command for allowed range specification.
If no <spectrum num>is given in the first <filespec>it is assumed to be
1. If no file specifications are entered, then none of the spectrum responses are
modified.An error message is printed if the spectrum number is greater than
the current number of spectra (as determined from the last use of the data
command). A file name none indicates that no auxiliary response is to be used
for that spectrum. If a file is not found or cannot be opened for input, then
the user is prompted for a replacement auxiliary response file. An <EOF>at
this point is equivalent to none. See the data command for ways to completely
remove the dataset from consideration.
Note: The arf command is currently not implemented for data formats which
use multiple RMFs per spectrum, such as Integral/SPI data.
It is assumed that there are currently three spectra:
XSPEC> arf a,b,c
// New files for the auxiliary response are given for all three spectra.
XSPEC> arf 2 none
// No auxiliary response will be used for the second spectrum.
XSPEC> arf ,d.fits
// d.fits becomes the auxiliary response for the second spectrum.
XSPEC> arf 2 e.fits{3-4}
// Rows 3 and 4 of multi-ARF file e.fits become the auxiliary responses for the second and third spectra.
XSPEC> arf 2:1 f.fits
// f.fits becomes the auxiliary response for the second source of spectrum 1.
5.4.2 backgrnd
change the background file for a given spectrum
Modify one or more of the files used in background subtraction.
Syntax: backgrnd [<filespec>...]
backgrnd <spectrum number>none
where <filespec>=:: [<spectrum num>]<filename>... and where <filename>
is the name of the PHA file to be used for background subtraction. The number-
ing scheme is as described for the data command, except that the <spectrum
num>must have previously been loaded.
An error message is printed if <spectrum num>is greater than the current
number of spectra (as determined from the last use of the data command).
backgrnd <n>none indicates that no background subtraction is to be per-
formed for that spectrum. If a file is not found or cannot be opened for input,
then the user is prompted for a replacement background file (an <EOF>at
this point is equivalent to backgrnd <spectrum number>none). The current
ignore status for channels is not affected by the backgrnd command. (See
the ignore and notice commands). Finally, any grouping specification will be
overridden by the grouping in the source spectral file so that the source and
background are binned in the same way.
The format of the background file must match that of the spectrum file: for this
purpose OGIP Type I and II are considered to be the same format.
For details of how to remove spectra see the data command documentation.
Suppose there are currently three spectra. Then:
XSPEC12> backgrnd a,b,c
// New files for background subtraction are given for all
// three spectra.
XSPEC12> backgrnd 2 none
// No background subtraction will be done for the second spectrum.
XSPEC12> backgrnd ,d
// d.pha becomes the background for the second spectrum.
XSPEC12> backgrnd 2 e{4-5}
// Rows 4 and 5 of Type II file e.pha become the background for
// the second and third spectrum respectively.
5.4.3 corfile
change the correction file for a given spectrum
Reset the files used for background correction.
Syntax: corfile [<filespec>...]
where <filespec>is the same as for the backgrnd command. The correction
file can be associated with a spectrum to further adjust the count rates. It is
a PHA file whose count rate is multiplied by the current associated correction
norm (see the cornorm command and recorn model) and then subtracted from
the input uncorrected data. The correction norm is not changed by running the
corfile command. Default values for the correction file and norm are included
in the data PHA file. Unlike the background file, the correction data does NOT
contribute to the measurement error. A file name of none is equivalent to no
correction file used. If an input file can not be opened or found, an error message
is printed and the user prompted for a replacement. As with the backgrnd
command, the correction file is checked against the associated spectrum for
number of channels, grouping status, and detector ID. The current ignore status
for channels is not affected by the corfile command. Note that correction files
have the same format as the PHA files used by the data command.
It is assumed that there are currently three spectra:
XSPEC12> corfile a,b,c
// New correction files are used for all three spectra.>
XSPEC12> corfile 2 none
// No correction will be done for the second spectrum.}
XSPEC12> corfile ,d
// The 2nd file now uses d.pha as its correction.
XSPEC12> corfile 2 e{4-5}
// Rows 4 and 5 of Type II file e.pha becom the correction files for the second
// and third spectrum respectively.
5.4.4 cornorm
change the normalization of the correction file
Reset the normalization used in correcting the background.
Syntax: cornorm [[<spectrum range>...] [<cornorm>]]...
where <spectrum range>=:: <first spectrum no.>-<last spectrum
no.>is a range of spectra to which the correction is to be applied and <cornorm>
is the value to be used for the normalization. A decimal point (.) is used to
distinguish a correction norm from a single spectrum <spectrum range>. If
no correction norm is given, then the last value input is used (the initial value
is one (1)). If no range is given, then the last single range input is modified.
(See the corfile command.)
Assume that there are four spectra, all with associated correction files already
defined, either by default in their PHA file, or explicitly by using the corfile
XSPEC12> cornorm 1-4 1.
//The correction norm for all four is set to 1.0
XSPEC12> cornorm 0. 1-2 0.3
//The correction norm for the last input range (which was 1-4)
// is set to 0., then files 1 and 2 are reset to 0.3.
XSPEC12> cornorm 4
//file 4 has the correction also set to 0.3.
XSPEC12> cornorm 1 4 -.3
//files 1 and 4 are set to -.3.
XSPEC12> cornorm .7
//file 4 (as the last input single range) is set to 0.7.
5.4.5 data
read data, background, and responses
Input one or more spectra, together with their associated (background, re-
sponse) files.
Syntax: data <file spec1>[,...] [<file spec2>...] [/]
data none
data <spectrum #>none
where the file specification is
<filespec>=:: [[<data group #>:] <spectrum #>]<filename>[{ranges}]
If a particular file is not found or cannot be opened for input for some reason,
then the user is prompted for a replacement file name. An <EOF>at this point
is equivalent to typing none. The default extension for all files is .pha, so all
other extensions, (e.g. .fak) must be entered explicitly. The default directory
is the current user directory when XSPEC is invoked. When a new file is input,
by default all its PHA channels are considered good channels for fitting and
plotting purposes (see the ignore and notice commands).
XSPEC’s “native” data format is the OGIP standard. The standard specifies
the representation of spectrum and all related datasets. XSPEC12 is explicitly
designed to be able to work with other data formats as required: for example,
the Integral/SPI spectral data format, although based on OGIP TypeII, devi-
ates slightly. This was necessary because 3 response/arf pairs are required per
spectrum. XSPEC12 has the ability to specify how response and other data
are stored on disk, composed, and combined within the spectral fitting problem
by adding new data modules at run-time. In XSPEC12, unlike XSPEC11, the
channels that are ignored are a property of the spectrum, and therefore must
be reset when the spectrum is replaced by another.
If the file contains multiple spectra, such as an OGIP Type II PHA file, then
the desired spectrum can be specified by appending {ranges}to the end of the
filename, where n is the row number of the spectrum in the file.
XSPEC12 allows any combination of multiple ranges in the parentheses delim-
ited by commas. The wildcard characters * and ** may also be used. A ** on
either side of a hyphen indicates either the first or last row in the file, based on
whether it is to the left or right of the hyphen. (If a * is entered on the left or
right side of a hyphen, it is substituted by the most recently entered left or right
value respectively.) All rows in the file may be selected simply with a single *
or ** between the brackets with no hyphen.
XSPEC12> data pha2data{1,3,5-8,14-26,75-**}
// In addition to the various specified rows between 1 and 26,
// also load rows 75 through the end of the file.
XSPEC12> data pha2data{*}
// Select all rows in the file.
For files with multiple spectra the data may either specify a header keyword
specifying the response, auxiliary response, background and correction files, or
these may be string-valued columns specifying a different filename per row.
Consult the http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/ftools package
documentation for details of how to modify the file.
The individual spectral data files are created outside of XSPEC by detector-
specific software. They are organized as XSPEC data files, but often referred
to as PHA files. Whatever its format, the PHA file contains such information
as integration time, detector effective area, and a scaling factor (BACKSCAL
in the OGIP standard) that estimates the expected size of the internal back-
ground. The data file also contains the names of the default files to be used for
background subtraction and for the detector sensitivity versus incident photon
energy (the response and arf files). A data file has the total observed counts for
a number of channels and a factor for the size of any systematic error. Each
channel is converted to a count rate per unit area (assumed cm−2). The default
background file is used for background subtraction. An error term is calculated
using Poisson statistics and any systematic error indicated in the file.1
spectrum numbering
Multiple <filespec>clauses can be input on a single data command, or also
on multiple data commands. Within XSPEC each set of data is referred to by
its associated spectrum number,<spectrum #>, as determined by the follow-
ing rules. For convenience, we denote the number of spectra that have been
previously read in by data command as Ns.
Spectra in XSPEC are numbered sequentially from 1.
If no spectrum number is specified by the user, the spectrum in the first filename
specified is assigned to 1. If spectra have already been loaded at this point, they
will be replaced, deleted, or added to depending on the command. For example,
if there are 3 spectra loaded (Ns= 3) and the user types:
1For OGIP files, any FITS NULL values will be converted to the value 1.E-32. This should
have no practical effect because any channels with NULL values will presumably be marked
as bad or otherwise ignored.
XSPEC12> data multidatafile{1-2}
then spectra 1 and 2 will be replaced and 3 deleted. The command
XSPEC12> data multidatafile{1-4}
will replace all three spectra and add the fourth.
If the user specifies a “load point”, i.e. the first spectrum number to be created
by the new command, i.e.
XSPEC12> data 3 multidatafile{1-4}
then that load point may not exceed Ns+ 1. If it does, XSPEC will correct the
number and issue a warning.
A skipped-over argument can be effected by a comma, for example
XSPEC12> data 3 spectrum1, , spectrum2
indicates that the spectrum for that position, as input in an earlier invocation
of data, will continue to be used (in this example, spectrum 3 is replaced, 4 is
left untouched, and 5 is either replaced or added. Any spectra with numbers
greater than 5 are removed.
If the filename input is none, that spectrum is removed, and so are any higher-
number spectra unless none is terminated with a / character. For example:
XSPEC12> data 3 none
removes all spectra numbered 3 or higher,
XSPEC12>data 3 none/
removes only spectrum 3 and renumbers the rest.
The data command determines the current total number NTof spectra: either
NTspectra are implied by the command line, or the highest spectrum number
added (after XSPEC has made corrections as mentioned above) is NTThis is
true UNLESS a / character terminates the data command.
If the line is terminated by a slash (/), then the current number of spectra is
the previous total number of datsets Nsor the number as determined from the
command line, whichever is greater.
The command
XSPEC12> data
by itself prints the one-line help summary, as does
XSPEC12> data ?
data groups
XSPEC allows the user to specify separate data groups for different spectra.
Each data group has its own set of parameters for the defined model. These
parameters can be either independent from data group to data group, or they
can be linked across data groups using the standard XSPEC syntax (see the
newpar command). This facility can be used for, say, analyzing extended
Note that the data group number precedes the spectrum number: in the example
XSPEC12> data 2:3 spectrum4
which assumes that at least two spectra are already present, the data group
number is 2 and the spectrum number is 3.
XSPEC will not allow the data group number to exceed the spectrum number:
for example
XSPEC12> data 3:2 spectrum4
is invalid. XSPEC will correct this and issue a warning.
More Examples:
XSPEC12> data a
//The file a.pha is read in as the first (and only) spectrum.
XSPEC12> data ,b
//b.pha becomes the second spectrum, the first spectrum is
// unmodified (i.e. it is still a.pha)
XSPEC12> data c 3 d,e,f
//c.pha replaces a.pha as the first spectrum;d.pha, e.pha, and
// f.pha provide the, third, fourth, and fifth spectra.
XSPEC12> data g/
//g.pha replaces c.pha as the first spectrum; the slash (/)
// indicates that the 2nd through the 5th spectra remain as before.
XSPEC12> data 2 none/
//the string none indicates that the 2nd spectrum (b.pha) is to be
// totally removed. The current total number of datasets thus becomes
// one less (4).The current spectra are g.pha,d.pha, e.pha,
// and f.pha.
XSPEC12> data h,,
//The current total number of spectra becomes 2, the current data
// sets are from h.pha and d.pha.
XSPEC12> data
//There is no change in the data status.
XSPEC12> data 1
//The number of spectra is set explicitly to one, that being from
// h.pha.
XSPEC12> data 1:1 a 2:2 b 3:3 c
//Read a.PHA into data group 1, b.pha into data group 2, and c.pha
//into data group 3
XSPEC12> data 1:1 a 1:2 b 2:3 c
//Read a.pha and b.pha into data group 1, and c.pha into data group 2
XSPEC12> data a{3}
// Read the third spectrum in the file a.pha.
5.4.6 diagrsp
set a ’perfect’ response for a spectrum
Diagonalize the current response matrix for ideal response.
Syntax: diagrsp
This command diagonalizes the current response matrix. The response matrix
is set so that the channel values are mapped directly into the corresponding
energy ranges, based on the channel energies and energy response range of the
current response matrix.
This command is very similar to running dummyrsp in mode 1, with two
important differences. Unlike dummyrsp, usage of this command requires that
an actual response is currently loaded. It takes its energy range and channel
binning information from this currently loaded response rather than user input
parameters. Secondly, this does not change the effeciency (ie. effective area)
as a function of energy stored for the current detector. Invoking this command
will simulate a detector with perfect spectral resolution. If you wish to simulate
a detector with perfect resolution AND perfect efficiency, use the dummyrsp
The previous response matrices can be reimplemented with the response com-
mand, with no arguments. Any use of the data and notice commands will
replace the dummy diagonal response with the correct set of matrices.
5.4.7 fakeit
simulate observations of theoretical models
Produce spectra with simulated data.
Syntax: fakeit [nowrite] [<file spec>...]
where <file spec>=:: [<file number>]<file name>[{ranges}]... is sim-
ilar to the syntax used in the backgrnd,corfile, and response command. The
fakeit command is used to create a number of spectrum files, where the cur-
rent model is multiplied by the response curves and then added to a realization
of any background. Statistical fluctuations can be included. The integration
time and correction norm are requested for each file. The file names input as
command line arguments are used as background. The number of faked spec-
tra produced is the maximum of the number of spectra currently loaded and
the number of file specifications in the command line arguments. The special
case fakeit none makes one fake spectrum for each spectrum loaded (or one
fake spectrum if there are none loaded). See the examples below for a clearer
If fakeit is immediately followed by the nowrite specifier, no actual output files
will be generated. In this case the fake spectra will exist just for the duration
of the Xspec session (or until they are unloaded).
If a faked spectrum is based on a currently loaded spectrum, then by default the
background, response, correction file, and numerical information are taken from
the currently-defined data, unless a background file is specified on the command
line in which case it becomes the background. The fakeit none case prompts
for the rmf and arf filenames and sets the default numerical data to 1.0, except
the correction norm, which is set to zero. If the output file is type II then the
exposure time and correction scale factor will be the same for all spectra in the
For each output file, the user will be prompted for an output file name. If a
background file is in use then fakeit will also simulate a new background for
each spectrum. Background files are given the same names as output spectrum
files but with bkg appended to the end of the stem.
The simulated spectra automatically become the current data files. The ignore
status is completely reset.
Statistical Issues:
The statistical fluctuations used to create the simulated spectra will depend on
whether the current spectra have Poisson or Gaussian errors. If a spectrum file
has a STAT ERR column and the POISSERR keyword is set to false then xspec
assumes Gaussian errors with sigma from the values in the column. Otherwise,
errors are assumed to be Poisson based on the number of counts. Note that it
is possible for the spectrum and background files to have different error types.
For fakeit cases when there is no current file to use, Poisson errors are assumed.
Type I vs. Type II Output:
Fakeit determines whether to place its fake spectra and background data into
type I or type II files based on the following rules.
If fake spectra are based on currently loaded spectra then the output files will
have the same format as those loaded. For example: Assume 3 spectra are
currently loaded, spectrum 1 from file typeIdata.pha and spectra 2 and 3 from
file typeIIdata.pha. Then,
XSPEC12> fakeit
will produce 3 fake spectra in 2 output files with names prompted from the user.
The first file will be type I, the second type II containing 2 spectra. The same
is true for any background files produced.
If the user asks for more fake spectra to be created than the number of spectra
currently loaded, for example by typing the following when the same 3 spectra
above described are loaded:
XSPEC12> fakeit 5
then fake spectra 1-3 will be placed in the two files as before. For the additional
fake spectra (4 and 5), fakeit uses the following rule: If any of the originally
loaded spectra were in a type II file, then all of the additional fake spectra will be
placed in 1 type II file. Otherwise, they will each be placed in a separate type I
file. In this example, since a type II file was originally loaded (typeIIdata.pha)
when fakeit was called, spectra 4 and 5 will be placed together in a type II output
file, in addition to the type I and type II files for the first 3 fake spectra.
If there are no currently loaded spectra all output files will be type I unless either
of the following situations exist: 1. Any of the background files entered on the
command line are type II, as indicated by row specifiers in brackets. 2. The
first response file used clearly belongs to a format associated with type II data,
such as SPI/Integral with its multiple RMF format (see section on SPI/Integral
Overall, though the method of determining output format for additional spectra
may seem quite complicated, it can be easily summed up: Fakeit will place all
additional spectra and backgrounds (ie. those not based on already loaded data)
in type I output files, unless it detects any evidence of type II file usage amongst
the command line input, in which case it will produce type II output.
Note on grouped spectra:
If an input spectrum has grouping information (ie a GROUPING column telling
XSPEC how to bin up the data) then fakeit will simulate the number of counts
in each of the grouped bins. However, the spectrum that is written out must
have the ungrouped number of channels (and a copy of the GROUPING column
from the original spectrum). The solution that XSPEC adopts is to place all the
counts from a grouped bin in the first channel which goes to make up that bin.
This is of no consequence for future uses of the simulated spectrum provided
that the GROUPING column is not changed. So, in this case grppha or similar
tools cannot be run on the simulated spectrum.
Note For SPI/Integral Format:
Since the SPI/Integral format builds its responses from a combination of multi-
ple RMFs and ARFs, it must use a different scheme than the OGIP type I and
II formats for storing RMF and ARF file location information. This information
is stored in a FITS extension, named “RESPFILE DB” ,added to the PHA file.
Therefore, when fakeit prompts the user for the location of the response file,
simply enter the name of a FITS file which contains a RESPFILE DB extension
pointing to the RMFs and ARFs to be applied. When prompted for an ARF
name, enter nothing.
The prompts will only appear for the first spectrum in the data set, and the
ARFs will be assigned row by row 1 to 1 with the spectra. For example, if no
data is currently loaded, to create 3 fake SPI spectra from the RMFs and ARFs
named in the RESPFILE DB extension of the file realSpiData.pha:
XSPEC12> fakeit 3
// ...(various prompts will follow)...
For fake spectrum #1 response file is needed: realSpiData.pha
// ...and ancillary file: <Ret>
// ...(more fakeit prompts)...
This will create 3 fake spectra, each making use of the same RMFs/ARFs,
spectrum 1 using the first row of the ARFs, spectrum 2 using the second etc.
*** CAUTION - SPI/Integral ***
As currently implemented, the RESPFILE DB method of storing ARF locations
does not retain specific row information. The assumption is that the rows in the
ARF correspond 1 to 1 with the rows in the spectral data extension. Therefore,
much confusion can arise when the row numbers of the loaded spectra do not
match that of the fake spectra. For example:
XSPEC12> data my_spi_data.pha{3-4}
// my_spi_data.pha contains a RESPFILE_DB table pointing to arf1.fits,
// arf2.fit, arf3.fits.
// ...(fit to some model(s))...
XSPEC12> fakeit
This will produce 2 fake spectra generated from the model*response operation,
where the model has parameters based on a fit to the original spectra in rows
3 and 4 of my spi data.pha, which used ROWS 3 AND 4 of the 3 arf files for
their own responses. However, the responses used above to generate the 2 fake
spectra will use ROWS 1 AND 2 of the 3 arf files. This is necessary since the
fake spectra will be placed in rows 1 and 2 of their fakeit output file.
Type I files:
For each of these examples, assume 3 spectra are currently loaded, each in its
own type I file, and that the second spectrum has a background file.
XSPEC12> fakeit
This will produce 3 fake spectra each in its own type I output file, and the user
will be prompted for the file names. The response file information will come
from each of the original spectra. If any response information is invalid, the
user will then be prompted. A fake background file will be produced for the
second spectrum.
XSPEC12> fakeit 4
Produces 4 fake spectra, the first 3 created as in the previous example. The
fourth will be created with no background spectrum, and this user is prompted
for response information.
XSPEC12> fakeit backa,,none 4
Produces 4 fake spectra. For the first spectrum, a fake background file will
be generated from the file backa. The second uses its own background file as
before. The third fake spectra will no longer use the response information from
loaded spectrum 3, the user will be prompted instead, and its default numerical
data will be reset to 1. The fourth spectrum will be created as in the previous
If no data is currently loaded:
XSPEC12> fakeit 2
Produces 2 fake spectra in separate type I files, unless the first user entered
response file belongs to a format that is explicitly type II (ie. SPI/Integral).
Type II files:
Assume four spectra with no backgrounds have been loaded from one type II
XSPEC12> data original_type2_data.pha{5-8}
Then, after model(s) have been entered and a fit:
XSPEC12> fakeit
This will produce 4 fake spectra in rows 1 to 4 of one type II output file, with
responses and arfs taken from the columns of original type2 data.pha.
XSPEC12> fakeit ,,backb{1-3}
This produces 5 fake spectra in two type II output files, and 3 fake background
spectra also placed in two type II output files:
The first 4 fake spectra are placed in one output file since that is how the 4
spectra they were based on were originally organized. The default numerical
data for this file are taken from the original spectra. Fake spectra 3 and 4 now
have backgrounds, based on backb{1}and backb{2}respectively. These will
generate 2 fake background spectra, placed in rows 3 and 4 of the first output
fake background file. Rows 1 and 2 of this file will just consist of zeros since the
first 2 spectra have no backgrounds.
The fifth fake spectrum will be placed in the second type II PHA file. Response
and numerical data will not be based on the existing loaded spectra. A fake
background will be generated from backb{3}and placed in row 1 of the second
type II fake background file.
Now assume no data is currently loaded:
XSPEC12> fakeit 2 backb{1}
2 fake spectra in one type II output file are produced, as is a corresponding
fake background file with 2 rows. The fact that the user has entered a type
II background file on the command line tells fakeit to produce type II output.
The first fake spectrum will have no associated background, so row 1 in the
fake background file will be all zeros. Row 2 will consist of the fake background
generated from backb{1}.
5.4.8 ignore
ignore detector channels
Ignore data channels. (See also notice.)
Syntax: ignore <range1>[<range2>] ... [<rangeN>]
ignore bad
where <rangeI>=:: <spectrum range>:<channel range>|<channel range>.
If no <spectrum range>is given, then the previous range is used (the initial
default range is file one (1) only). The form of <spectrum range>is
<spectrum range>=:: <initial spectrum>-<last spectrum>|<spectrum>
where <init spectrum>,<last spectrum>, and <spectrum>are spectrum
numbers, in the order that they were input with the data command. The form
of <channel range>is
<channel range>=:: <initial channel>-<last channel>|<channel>
If integers are given for the channel ranges then channels will be used while if
reals are given then energies (or wavelengths if setplot wave has been speci-
fied). Energy and wavelength units are determined by the setplot energy and
setplot wave settings. If only the last channel is indicated, then a default value
of one (1) is used for the initial channel. Channels remain ignored until they
are explicitly noticed with the notice command, or if a spectrum is replaced.
Assume that 4 spectra have been read in, the first 2 with 100 channels and the
last 2 with 50 channels.
XSPEC12> ignore **:1-10
//The first 10 channels of all 4 spectra are ignored
XSPEC12> ignore 80-**
//An attempt will be made to ignore channels in all four data
// sets (as that was the last spectrum range specified). As a result,
// only channels 80-100 will be ignored for spectra 1 and 2.
// No change will occur for spectra 3 and 4, as they have no
// channels greater than 50.
XSPEC12> ign 4:1-20 3:30-40 45-**
//Channels 11-20 for spectrum 4 are ignored (1-10 were ignored already)
// while channels 30-40 and 45-50 of spectrum 3 are ignored.
XSPEC12> ignore 1:1-5
//No channels are ignored, as these were ignored at the beginning.
XSPEC12> ignore 2:1.-5.
//Ignore all channels between 1 and 5 keV in the second dataset
5.4.9 notice
notice data channels
(See also ignore.)
Syntax: notice <range1>[<range2>] ... [<rangeN>]
notice all
where <rangeI>=:: <spectrum range>:<channel range>|<channel range>.
If no <spectrum range>is given, then the previous range is used (the initial
default range is file one (1) only). The form of <spectrum range>is
<spectrum range>=:: <initial spectrum>-<last spectrum>|<spectrum>
where <init spectrum>,<last spectrum>, and <spectrum>are spectrum
numbers, in the order that they were input with the data command. The form
of <channel range>is
<channel range>=:: <initial channel>-<last channel>|<channel>
If <channel range>are integers then channels will be used or if reals then
energies (or wavelengths if setplot wave has been specified). Energy and wave-
length units are determined by the setplot energy and setplot wave settings.
If only the last channel is indicated, then a default value of 1 is used for the
initial channel. Channels remain noticed until they are explicitly ignored with
the ignore command. When a spectrum is replaced by another spectrum, all
input channels automatically are noticed.
XSPEC12> notice all
resets all the channels to ’noticed’.
Assume that 4 spectra have been read in, the first 2 having 100 channels and
the last 2 having 50 channels. Assume also that channels 1-10 of all four spectra
are ignored and that channels 80-100 of spectra 1 and 2 are ignored.
In XSPEC12, notice does not force the detector response to be reread (see
response description).
XSPEC12> notice **:1-10
//The first 10 channels of all 4 spectra are noticed.
XSPEC12> notice 80-**
//an attempt will be made to notice channels in all 4 spectra
// (as that was the last spectrum range specified) but the result is that
// only channels 80-100 will be noticed for spectra 1 and 2, with no
// change for spectra 3 and 4 as they have no channels greater than 50.
XSPEC12> notice 1:1-5
//No channels are noticed, as these channels were noticed
//in the beginning.
5.4.10 response
change the detector response for a spectrum
Modify one or more of the matrices used to describe the response(s) of the
associated spectrum to incident X-rays.
Syntax: response [<filespec>...]
response [<source num>:]<spectrum num>none
where <filespec>=:: [[<source num>:]<spectrum num>]<file name>...,
and <file name>is the name of the response file to be used for the response of
the associated spectrum. If <file name>ends in a {n}specifier then the nth
response will be read from the file. <spectrum num>is the spectrum number
for the first file name in the specification, and follows similar rules as described
in the data command description. An important difference however is that the
response command may only be used to modify the response of a previously
loaded spectrum: an error message is printed if the <spectrum num>is greater
than the current number of spectra (as determined from the last use of the data
An optional <source num>may be specified to attach additional responses to
a spectrum, and should be paired with <spectrum num>separated by a ’:’.
This allows the user to assign multiple models, each with their own response
file, to a particular spectrum. See the model command for more information.
If no <source num>is specified, it always defaults to 1. Source numbers do
not need to be assigned consecutively to a spectrum, and gaps in numbering are
allowed. The additional response may be removed with a response <source
num>:<spectrum num>none command. Both the show data and show re-
sponse commands will display current information regarding the response(s)
to spectrum assignments.
A file name none indicates that no response is to be used for that spectrum.
This situation means that any incident spectrum will produce no counts for
those particular channels. If a file is not found or cannot be opened for input,
then the user is prompted for a replacement response file. An <EOF>at this
point is equivalent to using none as the response. See the data command
for ways to totally remove the spectrum from consideration. The user is also
prompted for a replacement if the response file has a different number of PHA
channels than the associated spectrum. A warning will be printed out if the
response detector ID is different from the associated spectrum’s. The current
ignore status for channels is not affected by the command. (See the ignore and
notice commands).
It is assumed that there are currently three spectra:
Single source usage:
XSPEC12> response a,b,c
// New files for the response are given for all three files.
XSPEC12> response 2 none
// No response will be used for the second file.
XSPEC12> response ,d{2}
// The second response in d becomes the response for
//the second file.
Multiple source usage:
XSPEC12> response 2:1 e
// A second source with response e.rsp is now added to
// the first spectrum. A second model can be assigned
// to this source.
XSPEC12> response 2:2 f 3:2 g
// A second and third source is assigned to spectrum 2.
XSPEC12> response 2:2 none
// The second source is now removed from spectrum 2.
5.5 Fit Commands
5.5.1 bayes
set up for Bayesian inference
Syntax: bayes <option>
bayes <mod par #> <prior type>[<hyperparameters>]
where <option>=:: [off |on |cons]. If a parameter number is given as the
first argument then this command sets up the prior for the specified model
parameter but does not turn Bayesian inference on. If the first argument to the
bayes command is not a parameter number then one of the options off,on, or
cons is used. The first two turn Bayesian inference off or on, while cons turns
Bayesian inference on and gives all parameters a constant prior. The options
for prior types are as follows:
Prior type Log(prior)
cons 0
exp −par/hpar1−log(hpar1)
jeffreys −log(par)
gauss −0.5log(2πhpar2) −0.5(hpar1−par)2/hpar22
Where par is the parameter value and hpar# the hyperparameter values. jeff
is an abbreviation for the Jeffreys prior, which is 1/x for an assumed Gaussian
distribution of the parameter.
5.5.2 chain
run a Monte Carlo Markov Chain
Syntax: chain [burn <length>] [clear] [filetype fits|ascii] [info]
[length <length>] [load <filename>] [proposal [<distr> <source>]
|[<user-defined>]] [rand on|off] [run [>]<filename>] [stat <par num>]
[temperature <value>] [type mh|gw] [unload <range>] [walkers <value>]
If the proposal source is set to use the fit correlation matrix (the default), you
must perform a fit before running any chains.
When chains are loaded (and their parameters correspond to the currently
loaded model), they will be used by the various XSPEC commands that require
distributions of parameter values, such as eqwidth or flux when calculating
error estimations. The error command itself will also use the loaded chains,
determining the error range from a central percentage of the sorted chain values.
This is likely to be faster than the error command’s standard algorithm when
not using chains.
burn <length>Specifies that the first <length>steps should be thrown away
prior to storing the chain.
clear Does a reset and removes all chains from the list.
filetype fits|ascii Chooses the format of the output chain file. fits (the
default) writes the chain to a binary table in a FITS file. ascii writes
the chain to a simple text file. Either format is readable when using the
chain load command.
info Prints out information on the current chains.
length <length>Sets the length for new chains.
load <filename>Loads a chain which has been run earlier, stored in file given
by <filename>.
proposal <distr> <source>Selects the proposal distribution and source of
covariance information to be used when running new chains. The default is
proposal gaussian fit. Currently implemented <distr>options are:
gaussian and cauchy.<source>options are:
chain Covariance is taken from the currently loaded chains.
diagonal <values>The values of a diagonal covariance matrix are en-
tered directly on the command line, separated by commas and/or
spaces: C 11 C 22 ... C nn.
<filename>Covariance is read in from a user-specified text file. The
file must contain the values of an NxN matrix where N is the current
number of freely varying parameters. The values of each matrix row
should be entered on one line with whitespace separation. Since
this matrix is always symmetrical, values above the diagonal may be
omitted. For example a 2x2 matrix could be entered as:
0.15 0.96
fit Covariance is taken from the correlation information produced by the
current fit.
matrix <values>The lower half and diagonal of a symmetrical square
covariance matrix are entered directly on the command line, sepa-
rated by commas and/or spaces: C 11 C 21 C 22 C 31 C 32 C 33
... C nn
chain proposal with no other arguments will show a list of all available
proposal options. For an alternative to XSPEC’s <distr> <source>
proposal options, the user may instead want to provide their own custom
randomization algorithm. This can be done by writing their own C++
class(es) derived from an XSPEC randomizer base class. The custom class
is added at runtime using the same initpackage or lmod command se-
quence as for local models, and is specified by proposal <name>where
<name>is the unique name attribute the user provides for their class.
Please see Appendix Gfor more information on writing a custom ran-
domizing class, and initpackage for building and loading it.
rand on|off Specifies whether the chain start point will be randomized, or
taken from the current parameters.
recalc A deprecated option that performs the equivalent of proposal gaussian
rescale <range>Rescale the covariance matrix used in the proposal distri-
bution by the factor given.
run [>]<filename>Runs a new chain written to the specified file, or append
to an already loaded file if the ’>’ character preceeds the filename. The
chain is written to the file as it runs so its performance can be monitored
by examining the file. For high-chatter settings, additional information is
printed to the screen. A long run may be interrupted with Ctrl-C, in which
case the chain file will still exist but will not be automatically loaded. If
appending to a file, the current filetype setting must match the format
of the file or XSPEC will prevent it.
stat [<modName>:]<parIdx>Writes out statistical information on a partic-
ular parameter of the chain, specified by the parameter index number
(with optional model name). The information displayed is:
line1: The mean of the parameter over each chain file.
line2: The parameter mean over all chain files and the variance between
chain means.
line3: The variance within the chains.
line4: The Rubin-Gelman convergence criterion.
line5: The fraction of repeats, defined as the number of lines in the chain
file for which all parameter values are identical to the previous line, divided
by the number of lines in the file.
temperature <value>Sets the temperature parameter used in the Metropolis-
Hastings algorithm for the proposal acceptance or rejection. The default
value is 1.0 and zero or negative values are forbidden. By using the run
append option, it is possible for different sections of the chain file to use
different temperatures. The temperatures and the line numbers to which
they apply are stored in the header of the FITS format chain files, or in
the metadata section at the top of the ASCII text format files.
type mh|gw Determines the algorithm used to generate the chain. Choices are
mh (Metropolis-Hastings) or gw (Goodman-Weare, the default). If using
Goodman-Weare, must also set the walkers parameter. Also note for
Goodman-Weare that the calculation of walkers sets may be sped up by
adjusting the parallel command’s walkers option to perform the calcula-
tions over multiple processes. The walkers are initialized in two different
ways depending on whether a fit has previously been run. If a fit has
been run and a covariance matrix is available then walkers are initialized
by drawing from a multi-Normal distribution whose variance matrix is
based on the covariance matrix. If a covariance matrix is not available
then parameters in each walker are initialized by drawing from a uniform
distribution centered on the current fit parameters with width ten times
that of the parameter delta.
unload <range>Removes the chains specified by <range>from the list in
xspec. Note that this does NOT delete the chain files.
walkers <value>Sets the walkers parameter for the Goodman-Weare chain
algorithm (see chain type). This must be an even integer, and both the
chain length and burn length should be divisible by it (XSPEC will adjust
the lengths to make them so if necessary).
All loaded chains must contain the same fit parameters. xspec will prevent the
loading of a chain with a different number of parameters from the currently
loaded chains.
XSPEC12>chain length 100
//Sets length of chains produced by the run command to 100.
XSPEC12>chain run chain_file1.out
//Runs a chain based on current valid fit parameters, output to
XSPEC12>chain run >chain_file1.out
//Appends another run of length 100 to the end of chain_file1.out
XSPEC12>chain load chain_old.out
//Loads a pre-existing chain file, the result of an earlier run
//command. Warning is issued if not the same length as
XSPEC12>chain stat 3
//Prints statistical information on the 3rd parameter of the chain.
XSPEC12>chain proposal gaussian myfile.txt
//New chain proposals will be a normal distribution using
//covariance values stored in myfile.txt rather than fit
//correlation matrix.
XSPEC12>chain prop gauss diag .1 .001 .0001
// New chain proposals will be a normal distribution using a 3x3
// diagonal covariance matrix with the values from the
// command line.
XSPEC12>chain temperature .8
// Sets the Metropolis-Hastings temperature value to .8 for
// future chain runs, replacing the default 1.0.
XSPEC12>chain clear
//Removes the 2 loaded chains from xspec’s chain list.
5.5.3 error (and rerror)
determine confidence intervals of a fit
Determine the confidence region for a model parameter.
Syntax: error [[stopat <ntrial> <toler>] [maximum <redchi>] [nonew]
[<delta fit statistic>] [<model param range>...]]
where <model param range>=:: [<modelName>:]<first param>-<last
determines the ranges of parameters to be examined, and <delta fit statistic>
(distinguished from the model parameter indices by the inclusion of a decimal
point), is the change in fit statistic used.
For response parameters (see gain command), use rerror with identical
syntax except:
<response param range>=:: [<sourceNum>:]<first param>-<last param>
The error command uses one of two algorithms. If Monte Carlo Markov Chains
are loaded (see chain command) the error range is determined by sorting the
chain values, and then taking a central percentage of the values corresponding
to the confidence level as indicated by <delta fit statistic>. This is likely
to be the faster of the two algorithms.
When chains are not loaded, error’s algorithm is as follows:
Each indicated parameter is varied, within its allowed hard limits, until the value
of the fit statistic, minimized by allowing all the other non-frozen parameters to
vary, is equal to the last value of fit statistic determined by the fit command plus
the indicated <delta fit statistic>, to within an absolute (not fractional)
tolerance of <toler>. Note that before the error command is executed, the
data must be fitted. The initial default values are the range 1-1 and the <delta
fit statistic>of 2.706, equivalent to the 90% confidence region for a single
interesting parameter. The number of trials and the tolerance for determining
when the critical fit statistic is reached can be modified by preceeding them
with the stopat keyword. Initially, the values are 20 trials with a tolerance of
0.01 in fit statistic.
If a new minimum is found in the course of finding the error, the default behavior
is to abort the calculation and then automatically rerun it using the new best
fit parameters. If you prefer not to automatically rerun the error calculation,
then enter nonew at the start of the command string. The maximum keyword
ensures that error will not be run if the reduced chi-squared of the best fit
exceeds <redchi>. The default value for <redchi>is 2.0.
Since there are very many scenarios which may cause an error calculation to
fail, it is highly recommended that you check the results by viewing the 9-letter
error string, which is part of the output from the tclout error command (see
tclout for a description of the error string). If everything went well, the error
string should be “FFFFFFFFF”.
//Assume that the current model has four model parameters.
XSPEC12> error 1-4
//Estimate the 90% confidence ranges for each parameter.
XSPEC12> error 9.0
//Estimate the confidence range for parameters 1-4 with delta fit
// statistic = 9.0, equivalent to the 3 sigma range.
XSPEC12> error 2.706 1 3 1. 2
//Estimate the 90% ranges for parameters 1 and 3, and the 1. sigma
// range for parameter 2.
XSPEC12> error 4
//Estimate the 1. sigma range for parameter 4.
XSPEC12> error nonew 4
//Same as before, but calculation will NOT automatically restart if a new minimum is found.
XSPEC12> error stop 20,,3
//Estimate the 1-sigma range for parameter 3 after resetting the number
// of trials to 20.Note that the tolerance field had to be included
//(or at least skipped over).
5.5.4 fit
fit data
Find the best fit model parameters for the current data by minimizing the
current statistic.
Syntax: fit <fit method parameters>
The arguments to fit depend on the fitting method currently in use. See the
method command for details (and for the usage of the USE NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION
option in the user’s startup Xspec.init file). Output from the fit command also
depends on the fitting method currently in use.
Using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, the parameters accepted are the
maximum <number of iterations>before the user is prompted, the <critical
delta>, which is the (absolute, not fractional) change in the statistic between
iterations less than which the fit is deemed to have converged, and <critical
The <critical beta>provides an optional second stopping criterion, and it
refers to the |beta|/N value reported during a Levenberg-Marquardt fit. This is
the norm of the vector derivatives of the statistic with respect to the parameters
divided by the number of parameters. At the best fit this should be zero, and so
provides another measure of how well the fit is converging. <critical beta>
is set to a negative value by default, which renders it inactive.
Including the string delay as an argument to fit turns on delayed gratification.
It is turned off by nodelay. Delayed gratification modifies the way the damping
parameter is set and has been shown in many cases to speed up convergence.
The default is nodelay.
If <number of iterations>,<critical delta>,<critical beta>,delay,
or nodelay is entered through the fit command, it also becomes the future de-
fault value for the currently loaded fit method (ie. Levenberg-Marquardt).
XSPEC12> fit
// Fit with the default number of iterations and critical delta
// chi-squared.
XSPEC12> fit 60
// Fit with 60 as the number of iterations.
XSPEC12> fit 50 1.e-3
// Fit with 1.e-3 as the critical delta.
XSPEC12> fit 50 1.e-3 20.
// Same fit, but will now use |beta|/N = 20.0 as another stopping criterion in addition
// to that of the critical delta.
XSPEC12> fit delay
// Same fit, but will now use delayed gratification.
5.5.5 freeze (and rfreeze)
set parameters as fixed
Do not allow indicated model parameters to vary. (See also thaw)
Syntax: freeze [<param range>...]
where <param range>=:: [<modelName>:]<param#>|<param#>-<param#>.
For response parameters (see gain command):
Syntax: rfreeze [<param range>...]
where <param range>=:: [<source number>:]<param#>|<param#>-<param#>.
The indicated model parameter or range of model parameters will be marked
so they cannot be varied by the fit command. By default,the range will be the
last range input by either a freeze or thaw command.
Currently there are six parameters, initially all unfrozen.
XSPEC12> freeze 2
//Parameter 2 is frozen
XSPEC12> freeze 4-6
//Parameters 4, 5, and 6 are frozen.
XSPEC12> thaw 2 3-5
//Parameters 2, 4, and 5 are thawed, parameter 3 is unaffected.
XSPEC12> freeze
//Parameters 3,4,5 are frozen (the last range input by a freeze
//or thaw command).
XSPEC12> rfreeze 4-6
//Response parameters 4, 5, and 6 are frozen.
5.5.6 ftest
calculate the F-statistic from two chi-square values
Calculate the F-statistic and its probability given new and old values of χ2and
number of degrees of freedom (DOF).
Syntax: ftest chisq2 dof2 chisq1 dof1
The new χ2and DOF, chisq2 and dof2, should come from adding an extra model
component to (or thawing a frozen parameter of) the model which gave chisq1
and dof1. If the F-test probability is low then it is reasonable to add the extra
model component. WARNING : it is not correct to use the F-test statistic to test
for the presence of a line (see Protassov et al 2002, ApJ 571, 545). WARNING:
this command can only be used if the extra model component is additive, this
does not give the correct result if the component is multiplicative (see Orlandini
et al. 2012, ApJ 748, 86).
5.5.7 goodness
perform a goodness of fit Monte-Carlo simulation
Perform a Monte Carlo calculation of the goodness-of-fit.
Syntax: goodness [<# of realizations>] [sim|nosim]
This command simulates <# of realizations>spectra based on the model
and writes out the percentage of these simulations with the fit statistic less
than that for the data. If the observed spectrum was produced by the model
then this number should be around 50%. This command only works if the
sole source of variance in the data is counting statistics. The sim|nosim switch
determines whether each simulation will use parameter values drawn from a
Gaussian distribution centered on the best fit with sigma from the covariance
matrix. The sim switch turns on this option, nosim turns it off in which case
all simulations are drawn from the best-fit model. The default starting setting
is nosim. The goodness calculation may be sped up by setting the parallel
command’s goodness option to run multiple processes.
5.5.8 margin
MCMC probability distribution
Use the currently loaded MCMC chains to calculate a multi-dimensional prob-
ability distribution.
Syntax: margin <step spec.>[<step spec.>...]
where <step spec.>::= [log|nolog] [<model name>:]<fit param index>
<low value> <high value> <no. steps>.
The indicated fit parameter is stepped from <low value>to <high value>
in <no. steps>+1 trials. The stepping is either linear or log. Initially, the
stepping is linear but this can be changed by the optional string log before
the fit parameter index. nolog will force the stepping to be returned to the
linear form. The number of steps is set initially to ten. The results of the most
recently run margin command may be examined with plot margin (for 1-D
and 2-D distributions only). This command does not require that spectral data
files are loaded, or that a valid fit must exist.
Assuming chain(s) are loaded consisting of 4 parameters.
XSPEC12>margin 1 10.0 12.0 20 log 3 1.0 10.0 5
//Calculate a 2-D probability distribution of parameter 1 from 10.0-12.0 in 20 linear bins, and parameter 3 from 1.0-10.0 in 5 logarithmic bins.
XSPEC12>margin 2 10.0 100.0 10 nolog 4 20. 30. 10
//Now calculate for parameter 2 in 10 log bins and parameter 4 in 10 linear bins.
5.5.9 renorm
renormalize model to minimize statistic with current parameters
Renormalize model, or change renorm conditions.
Syntax: renorm [auto|none|prefit]
The renorm command will adjust the normalizations of the model by a single
multiplication factor, which is chosen to minimize the fit statistic. Such a renorm
will be performed explicitly whenever the command is used without a key-word,
or during certain XSPEC commands, as determined by the following key-words:
auto Renormalize after a model or newpar command,
and at the beginning of a fit.
prefit Renormalize only at the beginning of a fit.
none Perform no automatic renormalizations, i.e., only
perform them when a renorm command is given
This command works by doing an analytic calculation to change the normaliza-
tions of all additive components in the model to minimize the fit statistic. The
relative normalizations of the components will not be changed. This analytic
calculation cannot be performed for all the fit statistics, in particular it will not
work for cstat if there is a background file. If the analytic calculation is not
possible this command will have no effect.
5.5.10 steppar
generate the statistic “surface” for 1 or more parameters
Perform a fit while stepping the value of a parameter through a given range.
Useful for determining confidence ranges in situations where greater control is
needed than given with the error command.
Syntax: steppar [current|best] <step spec>[<step spec>...]
where <step spec>::= [log|nolog] [<modelName>:]<param index> <low
value> <high value> <# steps>
or <step spec>::= [log|nolog] [<modelName>:]<param index>delta
<step size> <# steps>
In the first case the parameter is stepped from <low value>to <high value>
in <# steps>plus one trials. In the second case the parameter is stepped
from <best fit value>-<step size>*<# steps>to <best fit value>>
+<step size>*<# steps>, ie a total of 2<# steps>+1 trials. The stepping
is either linear or log. Initially, the stepping is linear but it can be changed by the
optional string log before the parameter index. nolog will force the stepping to
be returned to the linear form. If more than one parameter is entered, then <#
steps>must be entered for each one except the last. Note that every variable
parameter whose <param index>is NOT entered in the command will still be
allowed to vary freely during each steppar iteration.
To perform a steppar run on gain (or response) parameters, the optional
[<modelName>:] specifier is replaced by an optional [<sourceNumber>:]
specifier, and the letter ’r’ needs to be attached as a prefix to the <parameter
index>. For example:
steppar 2:r3 1.5 2. 10
will step the third response parameter belonging to source number 2.
The number of steps is set initially to 10. At each value, the parameter is frozen,
a fit performed, and the resulting value of chi-squared given. If best is given
as an argument then the non-stepped parameters are reset to the best-fit values
at each grid point. Alternatively, if current is given as an argument then the
non-stepped parameters are started at their values after the last grid point (the
If multiple <step spec>are given for different parameters, then a raster scan
of the parameter ranges is performed. At the end of the set, the parameters and
chi-squared are restored to the values they had initially.
If the model is in a best-fit state when a steppar run is started and a new best
fit is found during the run, the user will be prompted at the end of the run to
determine if they wish to accept the new best-fit values for their parameters.
This prompting can be disabled by the setting of the query flag.
Depending on the machine, a steppar run may be sped up significantly by
assigning it to multiple processes. See the parallel command with the steppar
option for more details.
Assume that the current model has four parameters:
XSPEC12> steppar 3 1.5 2.5
//Step parameter 3 from 1.5 to 2.5 in steps of .1.
XSPEC12> steppar log
//Repeat the above, only use multiplicative steps of 1.0524.
XSPEC12> step nolog 2 -.2 .2 20
//Step parameter 2 linearly from -.2 to .2 in steps of 0.02.
XSPEC12> step 2 delta 0.02 5
//Step parameter 2 linearly from the best-fit value-0.1 to
//the best-fit value+0.1 in a total of 11 steps.
5.5.11 thaw (and rthaw)
allow fixed parameters to vary
Allow indicated parameters to vary. (See also freeze)
Syntax: thaw [<param range>...]
where <param range>=:: [<modelName>:]<param#>|<param#>-<param#>.
For response parameters (see gain command):
Syntax: rthaw [<param range>...]
where <param range>=:: [<source number>:]<param#>|<param#>-<param#>.
The indicated parameter, or range of parameters, will be marked as variable
by the fitting commands and treated as a fitting parameter in subsequent fits.
By default, the range will be the last range input by either a freeze or thaw
command. See the freeze examples for an example of the use of the thaw
5.5.12 weight
change weighting used in computing statistic
Change the weighting function used in the calculation of chi-squared.
Syntax: weight [standard |gehrels |churazov |model]
standard weighting uses √Nor the statistical error given in the input spectrum.
gehrels weighting uses 1+ √N+ 0.75, a better approximation when N is small
(Gehrels, N. 1986, ApJ 303, 336). churazov weighting uses the suggestion of
Churazov et al. (1996, ApJ 471, 673) to estimate the weight for a given channel
by averaging the counts in surrounding channels. model weighting uses the value
of the model, not the data, to estimate the weight.
5.6 Model Commands
5.6.1 addcomp
add component to a model
Add a component to the model.
Syntax: addcomp [<modeName>:]<n> <comp>
where <n>is the component number before which the new component is to
be inserted, and <comp>is the name of the new component. Components are
numbered in sequence in order of appearance in the expression entered. The
new component is regarded as an operator on the component added if it is not
The optional <modelName>qualifier allows the user to address a named model.
The user is prompted for parameter values for the component. If there are m
components in the current model, then acceptable values for the component
number added are 1to m+1.
XSPEC detects the type of the model (additive, multiplicative etc), checks the
correctness of the syntax of the output model, and adds the component if the
resulting models obeys the syntax rules documented in the model command.
XSPEC12> mo wa(po)
Followed by
XSPEC12> addcomp 2 bb
Yields the model achieved by
XSPEC12> mo wa(bb + po)
See also delcomp (delete component by number).
Other examples will serve to clarify addcomp’s behavior. Suppose that the
current model specification is
which using the show command would yield the description
model = gaussian[1] + powerlaw[2]
The comments give the model expression following the entry of addcomp and
delcomp commands:
XSPEC12> addcomp 2 wab
XSPEC12> addcomp 4 pha
XSPEC12> delcomp 1
XSPEC12> addcomp 2 zg
XSPEC12> delcomp 3
XSPEC12> mo wa(po)
XSPEC12> addcomp 1 ga
// gauss[1] + wabs[2]*powerlaw[3]
XSPEC12> delcomp 1
XSPEC12> addcomp 1 pha
// phabs[1]*wabs[2]*powerlaw[3]
XSPEC12>mo wabs(po)
XSPEC12> addcomp 3 bb
// wabs[1]*powerlaw[2] + bbody[3]
XSPEC12> delcomp 1
XSPEC12> addcomp 3 pha
// wabs[1]*powerlaw[2]*pha[3]
XSPEC12> addcomp 3 po
// ERROR: po (additive) is interpreted as being added to the multiplicative
// model pha[3], which is a context error.
For multiply nested models?
XSPEC12> mo wa(po + pha(bb + ga))
XSPEC12> addcomp 6 po
// wabs[1](powerlaw[2] + phabs[3](bbody[4] + ga[5]) + powerlaw[6])
XSPEC12> addcomp 5 peg
// wabs[1](powerlaw[2] + phabs[3](bbody[4] + pegpwlw[5] ga[6]) + powerlaw[7])
XSPEC12> addcomp 7 wa
// wabs[1](powerlaw[2] + phabs[3](bbody[4] + pegpwlw[5] ga[6]) + wabs[7]*powerlaw[8])
5.6.2 addline
add spectral lines to a model
Tcl script to add one or more lines to the current model in an optimum fashion.
Syntax: addline [<nlines>] [<modeltype>] [fit|nofit]
<nlines>additional lines are added one at a time. Line energies are set to
that of the largest residual between the data and the model. For each line a fit
is performed with the line width and normalization as the only free parameters.
The default option is one gaussian line. The other <modeltype>that can be
used is lorentz. If no third argument is given then the sigma and normalization
of each line are fit. If nofit is specified then the fit is not performed but if fit
is specified then all free parameters are fit.
addline currently will only work with the default model (i.e. not for named
5.6.3 delcomp
delete a model component
Delete one or more components from the current model.
Syntax: delcomp [<modelName>:]<comp num range>
where <comp num range>is a range of positions in the model specification of
the components to be deleted.
Suppose that the current model specification is
XSPEC12> delcomp 3-4
//Changes the model to wa(po)
XSPEC12> delcomp 1
//Changes the model to po
5.6.4 dummyrsp
create and assign dummy response
Create a “dummy” response, covering a given energy range.
Syntax: dummyrsp[<low energy>[<high energy>[<# of ranges>[log|linear
[<channel offset>[<channel width>[<sourceNun>:<specNum>]]]]]]]
This command creates a dummy response matrix based on the given command
line arguments, which will either temporarily supersede the current response
matrix, or create a response matrix if one is not currently present. There are two
main uses for this command: to do a ”quick and dirty” analysis of uncalibrated
data (mode 1), and to examine the behaviour of the current model outside the
range of the data’s energy response (mode 2). Note that mode 2 usage has now
been rendered redundant by the more flexible energies command.
All parameters are optional. The initial default values for the arguments are
0.01 keV, 100 keV, 200 logarithmic energy steps, 0.0 channel offset, and 0.0
channel width. The default values of the first 5 parameters will be modified
each time the parameter is explicitly entered. The channel width parameter
however always defaults to 0.0 which indicates mode 2 operation, described
In addition to the 6 optional parameters allowed for versions 11.x and earlier,
a seventh optional parameter has been added allowing the user to apply the
dummy response to just one particular source of a spectrum. It consists of
two integers for (1-based) source number and spectrum number, separated by a
colon. Either both integers should be entered, or they should be left out entirely.
ie. A dummy response is either made for EVERY source in every spectrum, or
just 1 source in 1 spectrum. This parameter always defaults to all sources and
all spectra.
For mode 1 usage, simply enter a non-zero value for the channel width. In
this instance, one has a spectrum for which typically no response matrix is cur-
rently available. This command will create a diagonal response matrix with
perfect efficiency, allowing for the differences in binning between the photon
energies and the detector channel energies (see example below). The response
matrix will range in energy from <low energy>to <high energy>, using <#
of ranges>as the number of steps into which the range is logarithmically or
linearly divided. The detector channels are assigned to have widths of energy
<channel width>(specified in keV), the lower bound of the first channel start-
ing at an energy of <channel offset>. Then the data can be fit to models,
etc., under conditions that assume a perfect detector response.
For mode 2 usage (channel width = 0.0), one can use this command to examine
the current model outside the range of the energy response of the detector.
When examining several aspects of the current model, such as plotting it or
determining flux, XSPEC uses the current evaluation array. This, in turn, is
defined by the current response files being used, which depend on the various
detectors. For example, low energy datasets (such as those from the EXOSAT
LEs) may have responses covering 0.05 to 2 keV, while non-imaging proportional
counters can span the range from 1 to 30 keV. If the user wishes to examine the
behavior of the model outside of the current range, then he or she temporarily
must create a dummy response file that will cause the model to be evaluated
from <low energy>to <high energy>, using <# of ranges>as the number
of steps into which the range is logarithmically or linearly divided. If one wishes
only to set the energy response range, than the <channel width>argument
may be omitted. In this case, or in the case where no data file has been read
in, all entries of the dummy response matrix are set to zero. Under these
circumstances the dummyrsp has no physically correct way of mapping the
model into the data PHA channels, so the user should not try to fit-or plot-the
data while the dummyrsp is active in this mode. Also, data need not even be
loaded when calling this command in mode 2.
The previous response matrices can be reimplemented with the response com-
mand, with no arguments. Any use of the data and notice commands will
replace the dummy response with a correct set of matrices, or with no response
matrix if none was originally present.
XSPEC12> dummyrsp
//Create the dummy response for all spectra and sources with the
//default limits, initially .01, 100, and 200 bins.
XSPEC12> dummyrsp .001 1
//Create a dummy response with 200 bins that cover the range from
//0.001 to 1 keV.
XSPEC12> dummyrsp ,,,500
//The same range, but now with 500 bins.
XSPEC12> dummyrsp ,,,,lin
//The same range, but now with linearly spaced bins.
XSPEC12> dummyrsp ,,,,,0.1
//The same range, but now create a diagonal response matrix, with
//channel widths of 0.1 keV.
XSPEC12> response
//Restore any previous correct responses.
Example dummy response matrix:
Assume a spectrum with 4 channels, then
XSPEC12> dummyrsp .0 30.0 3 lin 5.0 8.0
will produce the following response:
Detector channel energies
Energies 5.0-13.0 13.0-21.0 21.0-29.0 29.0-37.0
0.0-10.0 0.5 0 0 0
10.0-20.0 0.3 0.7 0 0
20.0-30.0 0 0.1 0.8 0.1
5.6.5 editmod
edit a model component
Add, delete, or replace one component in the current model.
Syntax: editmod[<delimiter>]<component1> <delimiter> <component2>
<delimiter>... <componentN>[<delimiter>]
where <delimiter>is some combination of (,+,*,and), and <componentJ>is
one of the models known to XSPEC.
The arguments for this command should specify a new model, with the same
syntax as the previous model, except for one component which may be either
added, deleted, or changed to a different component type. XSPEC then com-
pares the entered model with the current model, determines which component is
to be modified (prompting the user if necessary to resolve ambiguities) and then
modifies the model, prompting the user for any new parameter values which may
be needed.
XSPEC12> mo wabs(po)
XSPEC12> ed wabs(po+ga)
//This command will add the component gauss to model
// in the specified place and prompt the user for its initial
// parameters.
XSPEC12> mo wabs(po+zg)
XSPEC12> ed po+zg
//This command will delete the component wabs from the
//model, leaving the other components and their current
//parameter values unchanged
XSPEC12> mo wabs(po+po)
XSPEC12> ed wabs(po)
//Here an ambiguity exists as to which component to delete.
//In this case XSPEC will print out the current model,
//showing the component number for each component, and then
//prompt the user for which component he wants deleted.
XSPEC12> mo wabs(po+ga)
XSPEC12> ed wabs(po+zg)
//The component gauss will be replaced by the component zgauss,
//and the user will be prompted for parameter values for the new
// component
5.6.6 energies
specify new energy binning for model fluxes
Supply an energy-binning array to be used in model evaluations in place of their
associated response energies. The calculated model spectra are then interpo-
lated onto the response energy arrays before multiplying by the response matrix.
This command replaces and enhances the extend command from earlier ver-
Syntax: energies <range specifier>[<additional range specifiers>...]
energies <input ascii file>
energies extend <extension specifier>
energies reset
where the first <range specifier>::= <low E> <high E> <nBins>log|lin
<additional range specifiers>::= <high E> <nBins>log|lin
<extension specifier>::= low|high <energy> <nBins>log|lin
All energies are in keV. Multiple ranges may be specified to allow for varied
binning in different segments of the array, but note that no gaps are allowed in
the overall array. Therefore only the first range specifier accepts a <low E>
parameter. Additional ranges will automatically begin at the <high E>value
of the previous range.
The extend option provides the same behavior as the old extend command.
Models will use associated response energy arrays, with an additional low and/or
high array extension. <energy>is the value to which the array is extended,
using <nBins>additional log or linear bins.
With the <input ascii file>option, the user can instead supply a cus-
tomized energy array from a text file. The format requirements are simply that
the bin values must appear 1 to a line and in ascending sorted order. Blank
lines are allowed and so are comments, which must be preceded by a ’#’. A
simple example:
# myEnergyBinning.txt
10. # now some linear bins
which would actually produce the same energy array as:
energies .1 10. 2 log 25. 3 lin
Once an energy array is specified, it will apply to all models, and will be used
in place of any response energy array (from actual or dummy responses) for
calculating and binning the model flux. It will also apply to any models that
are created after it is specified. To turn off this behavior and return all models
back to using their response energies, simply type energies reset.
Similarly, an array extension created by the extend option will continue to be
applied to all models until it is either overwritten by another extension, replaced
by a new energies array, or removed with the reset option. This allows both
low and high extensions to exist together.
When a custom-energy binned model flux array needs to be multiplied by a
response matrix, xspec will temporarily rebin the flux array to match up with
the response energy binning. This is done by simply scaling the flux by the
fractional overlap between the custom and response bins. If there is no overlap
between the custom and response energies, then the response will be multiplied
by zero.
The energies command saves the most recently entered range and extension
specifiers to be used as default values the next time it is called. The initial de-
fault range specifier is 1 range with <low E>= .1, <high E>= 10., <nBins>
= 1000, and lin. The initial default extension specifier is high with <energy>
= 100., <nBins>= 200, and log.
XSPEC12> energies ,50,,log
// Creates an array from .1 to 50. of 1000 logarithmic bins.
XSPEC12> energies ,,,,100. 5 lin
// Modifies previous array by adding 5 linear bins from 50. to 100.
XSPEC12> energies ,,,,200.
// The 2nd range is now 50. to 200. in 5 linear bins.
XSPEC12> energies 1.,,100
// Array is now just 1 range, 1. to 50. in 100 logarithmic bins.
XSPEC12> energies myFile.txt
// Array is replaced with values stored in myFile.txt
XSPEC12> energies extend ,75.,,lin
// Models will go back to using response energies, but with an
// extension of the high end to 75. keV in 100 additional linear bins.
XSPEC12> energies extend low .01
// Add a low-end extension to .01 keV with 100 new linear bins.
XSPEC12> energies reset
// All models will go back to using the original energy arrays
// from responses.
5.6.7 eqwidth
determine equivalent width
Determine the equivalent width of a model component.
Syntax: eqwidth [[range <frac range>] [<model name>:]<model component
number>] [err <number> <level>|noerr]
The command calculates the integrated photon flux produced by an additive
model component (combined with its multiplicative and/or convolution pre-
factors) (FLUX), the location of the peak of the photon spectrum (E), and
the flux (photons per keV) at that energy of the continuum (CONTIN). The
equivalent width is then defined as {EW = FLUX / CONTIN}in units of keV.
New for XSPEC12: the continuum is defined to be the contribution from all
other components of the model.
There are certain models with a lot of structure where, were they the continuum,
it might be inappropriate to estimate the continuum flux at a single energy.
The continuum model is integrated (from E(1−< fracrange >) to E(1+ <
fracrange >). The initial value of <frac range>is 0.05 and it can changed
using the range keyword.
The err/noerr switch sets whether errors will be estimated on the equivalent
width. The error algorithm is to draw parameter values from the distribution
and calculate an equivalent width. <number>of sets of parameter values will be
drawn. The resulting equivalent widths are ordered and the central <level>
percent selected to give the error range. You can get the full array of simulated
equivalent width values by calling tclout eqwidth with the errsims option
(see tclout command).
When Monte Carlo Markov Chains are loaded (see chain command), they will
provide the distribution of parameter values for the error estimate. Otherwise
the parameter values distribution is assumed to be a multivariate Gaussian
centered on the best-fit parameters with sigmas from the covariance matrix.
This is only an approximation in the case that fit statistic space is not quadratic.
The current model is assumed to be M1(A1+A2+A3+A4+M2(A5)), where
the Mxmodels are multiplicative and the Axmodels are additive.
XSPEC12> eqwidth 3
// Calculate the total flux of component M1A2 (the third
// component of the model with its multiplicative pre-factor)
// and find its peak energy (E). The continuum flux is
// found by the integral flux of M1(A1+A3+A4+M2(A5)), using the
// range of 0.95E to 1.05E to estimate the flux.
XSPEC12> eqwidth range .1 3
// As before, but now the continuum is estimated from
// its behavior over the range 0.9E to 1.1E.
XSPEC12> eqwidth range 0 3
// Now the continuum at the single energy range (E)
// will be used.
XSPEC12> eqwidth range .05 2
// Now the component M1A1 is used as the feature, and
// M1(A2+A3+A4+M2(A5)) are used for the continuum. The range
// has been reset to the original value.
XSPEC12> eqwidth 1
// Illegal, as M1 is not an additive component.
5.6.8 flux
calculate fluxes
Calculate the flux of the current model between certain limits.
Syntax: flux [<lowEnergy>[<hiEnergy>]] [err <number> <level>|noerr]
where <lowEnergy>and <hiEnergy>are the values over which the flux is
calculated. Initial default values are 2 to 10 keV.
The flux is given in units of photons cm−2s−1and ergs cm−2s−1. The energy
range must be contained by the range covered by the current spectra (which
determine the range over which the model is evaluated). Values outside this
range will be reset automatically to the extremes. Note that the energy values
are two separate arguments, and are NOT connected by a dash. (see parameter
ranges in the freeze command).
The flux will be calculated for all loaded spectra. If no spectra are loaded (or
none of the loaded spectra have a response), the model is evaluated over the
energy range determined by its dummy response. (In XSPEC12, models are
automatically assigned default dummy responses when there is no data, so the
dummyrsp command need not be given.) If more than 1 model has been loaded,
whichever model the user has specified to be the active one for a given source
is the one used for the flux calculation.
The results of a flux command may be retrieved by the tclout flux <n>com-
mand where n is the particular spectrum of interest. If the flux was calculated
for the case of no loaded spectra, the results can be retrieved by tclout flux
with the <n>argument omitted.
The err/noerr switch sets whether errors will be estimated on the flux. The
error algorithm is to draw parameter values from the distribution and calculate
a flux. <number>of sets of parameter values will be drawn. The resulting
fluxes are ordered and the central <level>percent selected to give the error
range. You can get the full array of simulated flux values by calling tclout flux
with the errsims option (see tclout command).
When Monte Carlo Markov Chains are loaded (see chain command), they will
provide the distribution of parameter values for the error estimate. Otherwise
the parameter values distribution is assumed to be a multivariate Gaussian
centered on the best-fit parameters with sigmas from the covariance matrix.
This is only an approximation in the case that fit statistic space is not quadratic.
There is also a model component cflux which can be used to estimate fluxes
and errors for part of the model. For instance, defining the model as wabs(pow
+ cflux(ga)) provides a fit parameter which gives the flux in the gaussian line.
The current data have significant responses to data within 1.5 to 18 keV.
XSPEC12> flux
//Calculate the current model flux over the default range.
XSPEC12> flux 6.4 7.0
//Calculate the current flux over 6.4 to 7 keV
XSPEC12> flux 1 10
//The flux is calculated from 1.5 keV (the lower limit of the
//current response’s sensitivity) to 10 keV.
5.6.9 gain
modify a response file gain
Modify a response file gain, in a particularly simple way. *CAUTION* This
command is to be used with extreme care for investigation of the response
properties. To properly fit data, the response matrix should be recalculated
explicitly (outside of XSPEC) using any modified gain information derived.
The gain command shifts the energies on which the response matrix is defined
and shifts the effective area curve to match. The effective area curve stored by
XSPEC is either the ARF, if one was in use, or is calculated from the RSP file as
the total area in each energy range. This means that if there are sharp features
in the response then these will only be handled correctly by the gain command
if they are in the ARF or if no ARF is input. The new energy is calculated by
E’ = E/<slope>-<intercept>
where <intercept>is in units of keV.
Syntax: gain [<sourceNum>:]<specNum> <slope> <intercept>
gain fit [[<sourceNum>:]<specNum>]
gain nofit {[[<sourceNum>:]<specNum>]|all}
gain off
The first variant of the gain command shown above will apply the gain shift
specified by the <slope>and <intercept>parameters to the response be-
longing to spectrum <specNum>, and optionally specified <sourceNum>if the
data is analyzed with multiple models. The initial default <specNum>is 1;
later, the default is the number of the spectrum last modified. Initially, all re-
sponses are assumed to have nominal gains, determined implicitly by the data
in the response files. This is equivalent to a <slope>of 1 and an <intercept>
of zero. All responses can be reset back to this original state by entering gain
off. Note that in this mode of usage, the slope and intercept values do NOT
become variable fit parameters. They are simply fixed values used to modify
the response.
The gain fit mode is used when the user wishes to have the slope and intercept
parameters determined by the results of a fit. The <specNum>and optional
<sourceNum>parameters specify to which response the fit gain values are to
be applied. These may be omitted only if a single spectrum is loaded, with a
single model source. Otherwise at least a spectrum number is required. The
user will then be prompted for slope and intercept parameter information in
the same way as model parameters are normally entered. These values are then
immediately applied to the response, and will be adjusted the next time a fit is
Gain fit parameters belong to the more general category of response param-
eters in XSPEC, and may be modified using an equivalent set of commands to
those used for regular model parameters. The command names are the same
except prefixed by the letter ’r’:
XSPEC commands for edit-
ing/viewing model parameters
Equivalent commands for gain
(or response) parameters)
newpar rnewpar
freeze rfreeze
thaw rthaw
untie runtie
error rerror
model rmodel
show par show par, show rpar
For example after assigning gain fit parameters to source 1 of spectrum 1 (with
gain fit 1):
XSPEC12> rfreeze 1
XSPEC12> rnewpar 2 .05
XSPEC12> show rpar
Response parameters defined:
Source No.: 1
Rpar Spectrum Rmodel Rpar_name Unit Value
1 1 gain slope 1.00000 frozen
2 1 gain offset 5.00000E-02 +/- 0.0
Rnewpar can also link gain parameters to one another and can adjust the hard
and soft parameter limits, as newpar does for model parameters. The default
gain parameter hard limits are hardcoded in XSPEC, but these can be overrid-
keywords in the matrix extension of your response file.
The gain operation itself belongs to the category of response functions, which
in future versions of XSPEC may be defined with rmodel just as regular XSPEC
model functions are defined with model. Though gain is currently the only
available response function, the following command will work:
// Apply gain to the response belonging to source 2 of spectrum 1
XSPEC12>rmodel 2:1 gain
which is equivalent to:
XSPEC12>gain fit 2:1
The nofit argument switches off the fitting and leaves the gain at the current
values of the parameters. Unless the argument all is given, it is applied to a
single response specified by <specNum>and optional <sourceNum>. As with
gain fit, both arguments may be omitted if only a single spectrum with 1 source
is loaded. When all is specified, fitting is switched off for the gain parameters
of all responses. gain off will switch off fitting for all gain parameters, and will
reset all of them to their nominal value.
Whenever a new response file is defined for a spectrum, the response will return
to the nofit state with nominal value. The ignore and notice commands how-
ever will not affect the current gain of the response. THE GAIN COMMAND
XSPEC12>gain 1 0.98
// The response belonging to spectrum 1 is adjusted with a slope of 0.98.
// The 1 may be omitted if only 1 spectrum (with 1 source) is loaded.
XSPEC12>gain 1,,.03
// The offset also is moved now by 0.03 keV.
XSPEC12>gain 2:4 1.1 0.1
// The response belonging to source number 2, spectrum 4, is adjusted with slope 1.1
// and offset 0.1 keV.
XSPEC12>gain off
// The above 2 responses, and any others that have been adjusted, are reset to slope
// 1.0, offset 0.0.
XSPEC12> gain fit 3
// Variable fit parameters are created for spectrum 3 response. User will be prompted
// for starting fit parameter values of slope and offset.
XSPEC12> fit
// Best fit gain values will now be determined for and applied to spectrum 3 response.
XSPEC12> gain nofit 3
// Spectrum 3 response will retain its current gain values, but values will not be
// adjusted during future fits.
NOTE: Current gain information may be easily viewed with the show response
command. Gain fit parameters may also be viewed with the show par or show
rpar commands.
Historical Notes:
The gain command has been slightly revised for XSPEC12. Previously when a
user entered a gain command, it was generally interpreted to apply to an entire
model. This new implementation clearly defines an applied gain as belonging to
a particular response. It also offers less ambiguity for dealing with XSPEC12’s
multiple models scheme. So for example if 2 spectra are loaded, each in its own
data group, and the user enters a gain fit command, under the old system
they would be prompted for 2 sets of parameters since the model is applied to 2
data groups. With the new system, the user specifies which particular response
(belonging to either spectrum 1 or 2) they wish to apply the gain fit to, and are
then prompted for just the 1 set of gain parameters for that response. This is
more clearly demonstrated with the examples above. The new command options
gain nofit all and gain off are also described above.
*** NOTE: Backwards incompatible syntax change ***
Beginning with XSPEC 12.5.1, gain parameters must be specified as [<sourceNum>:]<specNum>
and NOT <specNum>[:<sourceNum>]. This reversal was made so that the
gain command conforms to the [<sourceNum>:]<specNum>usage in other
XSPEC commands, such as response and arf.
5.6.10 identify
identify spectral lines
List possible lines in the specified energy range.
Syntax: identify <energy> <delta energy> <redshift> <line list>
The energy range searched is <energy>±∆<energy>(keV) in the rest frame
of the source. If working in wavelength mode, as set by the setplot command,
then the <energy>and <delta energy>parameters should be entered as
wavelengths (in Angstroms). <line list>specifies the list of lines to be
searched. The options are bearden, which searches the Bearden compilation of
fluorescence lines (Bearden, J.A., 1967, Rev.Mod.Phys. 39, 78), mekal, which
uses the lines from the mekal model (q.v.) and apec, which uses the APEC
http://cxc.harvard.edu/atomdb line list. The apec option takes an additional
two arguments: the temperature of the plasma (keV) and a minimum emissivity
of lines to be shown. If the command xset has been used to set APECROOT
then identify uses the APECROOT value to define the new atomic physics
data files. See the help on the apec model for details.
5.6.11 initpackage
initialize a package of local models
The initpackage command initializes a package of local models from their
source code and from a model component description file in model.dat format
which defines the component’s name, type, function call, and its parameter
names and initial settings. Further details of the file format, function and
parameter specifications are given in Appendix C, Adding Local Models To
XSPEC [Note: initpackage is now also supported on Cygwin. The former
Cygwin-only static initpackage command has been removed.]
Syntax: initpackage <name> <description file>[<directory>] [-udmget
The <name>argument names the package. For internal reasons package names
must be lowercase: the initpackage command will force lower case and warn
the user if the argument contains uppercase letters. Also there should be no
numerals in the package name.
The <description file>argument specifies the model component descrip-
tion file. The third argument <directory>is optional and specifies the lo-
cation of the source code. If it is not given, the value of the setting LO-
CAL MODEL DIRECTORY given in the user’s Xspec.init file will be used.
Finally, the <description file>, if not specified as an absolute pathname,
will be read from the same directory as the source code.
Another optional argument is -udmget, for local model libraries containing For-
tran code which makes use of XSPEC’s now-obsolete udmget function for dy-
namic memory allocation. None of the functions in XSPEC’s built-in models
library use udmget anymore, and the necessary xsudmget.cxx file no longer
resides there. If a user still requires this code for their own local models, they
should add -udmget at the end of the comamnd line. initpackage will then
copy the files xsudmget.cxx and xspec.h into the user’s local model directory.
initpackage performs the following tasks:
•reads the model description file
•writes code that will load the new component calculation functions
•writes a makefile that will drive the compilation and installation of the
new code
•invokes the compiler and builds the library.
A separate command, lmod, actually loads the library. This two step process
makes it easier to determine where the user is during the process if compilation
failures arise. Further, if the model is complete and working correctly, only the
lmod command need be invoked.
initpackage can also be run as a stand-alone program outside of XSPEC. When
used like this however, after initpackage has finished the user must manually
run hmake to build their library. XSPEC performs this part automatically using
a script file.
5.6.12 lmod
load a package of local models
The lmod command loads a user model package Further details are given in
Appendix C. [Note: This command is now also supported on Cygwin.]
Syntax: lmod <name>[<directory>]
As with initpackage, the <name>argument is the name of the model package
being loaded, and the <directory>is the its location, defaulting to the setting
of LOCAL MODEL DIRECTORY given in the user’s Xspec.init file.
lmod performs the following tasks:
•loads the library corresponding to the package named <name>
•reads the model description file supplied by the initpackage command
for the library
•adds the new model components to the list of models recognized by the
model command
Note that lmod requires that the user has write-access to <directory>(please
see Appendix C for details).
5.6.13 lumin
calculate luminosities
Calculate the luminosity of the current model for a given redshift and rest frame
energy range.
Syntax: lumin [<lowEnergy>] [<hiEnergy>] [<redshift>] [err <number>
where <lowEnergy>and <hiEnergy>are the rest frame energies over which
the luminosity is calculated and <redshift>is the source redshift. Initial
default values are 2 to 10 keV for 0 redshift. The luminosity is given in units of
ergs/s. The energy range redshifted to the observed range must be contained
by the range covered by the current spectra (which determine the range over
which the model is evaluated). Values outside this range will be automatically
reset to the extremes. Note that the energy values are two separate arguments
and are NOT connected by a dash (see parameter ranges in the freeze command
The lumin will be calculated for all loaded spectra. If no spectra are loaded
(or none of the loaded spectra have a response), the model is evaluated over
the energy range determined by its dummy response. (In XSPEC12, models
are automatically assigned default dummy responses when there is no data, so
the dummyrsp command need not be given.) If more than 1 model has been
loaded, whichever model the user has specified to be the active one for a given
source is the one used for the lumin calculation.
The results of a lumin command may be retrieved by the tclout lumin <n>
command where <n>is the particular spectrum of interest. If lumin was
calculated for the case of no loaded spectra, the results can be retrieved by
tclout lumin with the <n>argument omitted.
The err/noerr switch sets whether errors will be estimated on the luminosity.
The error algorithm is to draw parameter values from the distribution and
calculate a luminosity. <number>of sets of parameter values will be drawn.
The resulting luminosities are ordered and the central <level>percent selected
to give the error range. You can get the full array of simulated lumin values by
calling tclout lumin with the errsims option (see tclout command).
The parameter values distribution is assumed to be a multivariate Gaussian
centered on the best-fit parameters with sigmas from the covariance matrix.
This is only an approximation in the case that fit statistic space is not quadratic.
There is also a model component clumin which can be used to estimate lumi-
nosities and errors for part of the model. For instance, defining the model as
wabs(pow + clumin(ga)) provides a fit parameter which gives the luminosity
in the gaussian line.
The current data have significant response to data within 1 to 18 keV.
XSPEC> lumin,,,0.5
//Calculate the current model luminosity over the default range for z=0.5
XSPEC> lumin 6.4 7.0
//Calculate the current luminosity over 6.4 to 7 keV.
5.6.14 mdefine
define a simple model using an arithmetic expression
Syntax: mdefine[<name>[<expression>[: [<type>] [<emin> <emax>]]]
where <name>= the name of the model. If <name>is a previously defined
model with mdefine, the current definition will overwrite the old one, and the
user is warned; if it is a built-in model, however, the user will be asked to use a
different name.
<expression>= a string of arithmetic expression. Simple rules for expression:
1. The energy term, must be ’e’ or ’E’ in the expression. Other words, which
are not numerical constants nor internal functions, are assumed to be
model parameters.
2. If a convolution model varies with the location on the spectrum to be
convolved, the special variable ’.e’ or ’.E’ may be used to refer to the
convolution point.
3. The expression may contain spaces for better readability.
<type>= user may optionally specify the type of the model, the valid types
are add, mul, con. (Mix models are not yet implemented as of v12.5.0) Please
note that the character ’:’ must be used to separate the options from the
<expression>. If <type>is not given default is add.
<emin> <emax>= user may also specify the minimum and maximum energy
values for the model, the default values are 1.e-20 and 1.e+20, respectively.
Note that mdefine can also be used to display and delete previously defined
1. To display the name, type and expression of all previously defined models:
2. To display the name, type and expression of a previously defined model
by the name, MNAME:
XSPEC12> mdefine MNAME
3. To delete a previously defined model by the name, MNAME:
XSPEC12> mdefine MNAME :
The following operators are recognized in an expression:
+ = plus operator
- = minus operator
∗= multiplying operator
/ = dividing operator
∗∗ = exponentiation operator
ˆ = exponentiation operator
The following internal functions are supported:
unary functions
EXP (expr) = exp of a vector expression
SIN (expr) = sine of vector expression in rad
SIND (expr) = sine of a vector expression in degree
COS (expr) = cosine of a vector expression in rad
COSD (expr) = cosine of a vector expression in degree
TAN (expr) = tangent of a vector expression in rad
TAND (expr) = tangent of a vector expression in degree
LOG (expr) = base 10 log of a vector expression
LN (expr) = natural log of a vector expression
SQRT (expr) = sqrt of a vector expression
ABS (expr) = absolute value of a vector expression
INT (expr) = integer part of a vector expression
ASIN (expr) = sinˆ-1 of a vector expression in rad
ACOS (expr) = cosˆ-1 of a vector expression in rad
MEAN (expr) = mean value of a vector expression
DIM (expr) = dimension of a vector expression
SMIN (expr) = minimum value of a vector expression
SMAX (expr) = maximum value of a vector expression
binary functions
MAX (expr1, expr2) = maximum of the two vector expressions
MIN (expr1, expr2) = minimum of the two vector expressions
// define a model named "dplaw" with 3 parameters, p1, p2, f
XSPEC12> mdef dplaw E**p1 + f*E**p2
// define a model named "junk" with 2 parameters (a, b)
XSPEC12> mdef junk a*e+b*log(e)/sin(e)
// define a model named "junk2" with 1 parameter, a; the option
// following ":" says that it will be a multiplicative model.
XSPEC12> mdef junk2 exp(-a*e) : mul
// define a model named "junk3" with 1 parameter, B, options
// following ":" says that this will be a multiplicative model
XSPEC12> mdef junk3 0.2+B*e : mul
// try to define a blackbody model with name "bb", you get warning:
XSPEC12> mdef bb E**2/T**4/(exp(E/T)-1)
***Warning: bb is a pre-defined model
Please use a different name for your model.
// this defines a Gaussian convolution model with sigma varying with
// square root of energy.
XSPEC12> mdef sg exp(-E^2/(2*A*.E)) / sqrt(6.283*A*sqrt(.E)) : con
// delete junk2
XSPEC12> mdef junk2 :
// display all user-defined models
XSPEC12> mdef
-- Name ---- Type ------ Expression -----
dplaw add E**p1+f*E**p2
junk add a*E+b*LOG(E)/SIN(E)
junk3 mul a+b*E
sg con EXP(-E^2/(2*A*.E))/SQRT(6.283*A*SQRT(.E))
5.6.15 model (and rmodel)
define a theoretical model
Define the form of the theoretical model to be fit to the data.
Syntax: model[<source num>:<name>] [<delimiter>]<component1>
<delimiter> <component2> <delimiter>...<componentN>[<delimiter>]
model [?]
model [<name>|unnamed] none
model clear
model <name>|unnamed active|inactive
rmodel [<source num>:]<spec num> <response function>|none
where <delimiter>is some combination of (, +, ∗, ), and <componentJ>is
one of the model components known to XSPEC. The optional name must be
preceded by a source number followed by a colon. To specifically refer to the
default model use the string unnamed. Descriptions of these models may be
accessed by typing help model <componentJ>at the prompt.
The source argument and name, if present, assign that model to be used with one
of the sources found to be in the spectrum during the data pipelining. These 2
parameters allow one to simultaneously analyze multiple models, each assigned
to their own responses. The model will be referred to the channel space using a
response corresponding to that source number. To create a model for a source
number higher than 1, a detector response must first exist for that number. See
the examples below and the response command for more information about
using multiple sources. This ability to assign multiple models both generalizes
and replaces the XSPEC11 method of using ’/b’ to specify background models.
After the model is loaded, if there are data present the model is attached through
the instrumental response to the spectra to be fitted, as in XSPEC11. Unlike
XSPEC11, however, if there are no data loaded the model will be attached to
a default diagonal dummy response. The parameters of that dummy response
(energy range, number of flux points, linear/logarithmic intervals) can be set
by the user in the Xspec.init file using the DUMMY setting. Thus any model
can be plotted in energy or wavelength space as soon as it has been defined.
Component Types
The model components are of various types depending on what they represent
and how they combine with other models additive, multiplicative, convolution,
pile-up, and mixing models. Each component may have one or more parameters
that can be varied during the fit (see the newpar command writeup).
Additive model components are those directly associated with sources, such as
power laws, thermal models, emission lines, etc. The net effect of two indepen-
dent additive models is just the sum of their individual emissivities.
Multiplicative model components do not directly produce photons, but in-
stead modify (by an energy-dependent multiplicative parameter) the spectrum
produced by one or more additive components. Examples of multiplicative mod-
els are photoelectric absorption models, edges, absorption lines, etc.
Convolution models components modify the spectrum as a whole, acting like
operators rather than simply applying bin by bin multiplication factors. An
example of a convolution model is a gaussian smoothing with energy dependent
width. Thus, when using convolution models, the ordering of components is in
general significant (see below under syntax rules).
The pile-up model is similar to the operation of the convolution models. The
only difference is that the flux is multiplied by the effective area on input and
divided by the same factors on output.
Mixing model components implement two-dimensional transformations of model
spectra. The data are divided into regions by assigning them to 2 or more
datagroups, and the transformation “mixes” the flux among the regions. An
example is the projct (projection) model, which assumes that the regions are
3-dimensional ellipsoidal shells in space, and projects the flux computed from
the other components onto 2-dimensional elliptical annuli.
A list of all the currently installed models is given in response to the command
XSPEC12> model ?
\\ The ’?’ is not actually required.
\\ This will leave the current model in use.
The new command variants have the following uses:
model [<name>] none
removes the model of name <name>if given. Without the <name>ar-
gument, the command removes the unnamed “default” model, which is of
course the XSPEC11 behavior.
model clear
removes all models
model <name>|unnamed active|inactive
makes the model named <name>active (fit to data) or inactive. Inactive
models are tied to a dummy (unit diagonal) response. Making a model
assigned to a given source active makes any previous model assigned to
that source inactive. Note that to make the default unnamed model active
or inactive refer to it by the string unnamed.
See the commands delcomp,addcomp and editmod for details on how
to modify the current model without having to enter a completely new
rmodel [<source num>:]<spec num> <response function>|none
assigns or removes a response function to the response belonging to <source
num>of spectrum <spec num>. Currently the only available <response
function>in XSPEC is gain, which makes rmodel redundant with the
gain command usage:
gain fit [<source num>:]<spec num>
The rmodel none option removes the response function and restores the
response to its initial state.
Syntax Rules
Model components are combined in the obvious algebraic way, with + separating
additive models, ∗separating multiplicative models, and parentheses to show
which additive models the multiplicative models act on. The ∗need not be
included next to parentheses, where it is redundant. Also, if only one additive
model is being modified by one or more multiplicative models, the required
brackets may be replaced by a ∗. In this case the additive model must be the
last component in the grouping. Thus
M1*(A1+A2) + M2*M3(A3) + M4*A4 + A5
is a valid model, where the M’s signify multiplicative models and the A’s additive
The old style syntax for entering models (versions 9.02 and earlier) is not sup-
ported in version 12 and will return a syntax error.
XSPEC12’s recursive lexical analyzer and expression parser allows, in principle,
infinite nesting depth. It has been tested to 3 levels of parentheses, although it
should be said that this new behavior is a by-product of the design rather than
fulfilling an important need. Thus, expressions such as
M1*(A1 + A2*(A3 + M2*M3*(A4 + A5))) + C1*(A6 + M4*(A7 + M5*A8))
are supported.
The model expression is analyzed on entry and syntax errors, or undefined
models, will return control to the prompt with an error message. XSPEC12’s
model definition algorithm treats expressions delimited by ’+’ signs that are not
within parentheses as separate “Component Groups”. The Component Group
comprises a list of components of the different types, and these are in turn
calculated and then combined to produce an internal “Sum Component”. These
Sum Components from each such component group are then added to produce
the output model (note that if there is an overall component - for example, a
convolution or mixing component - then all of the model will be contained inside
one Component Group).
The syntax rules that are checked for are as follows:
•A ’*’ must be preceded and followed by words or a brace (redundant braces
are removed).
•A standalone component must be additive. A standalone component is
defined as a single component model or a single component at the begin-
ning (end) of the expression followed (preceded) by a ’+’, or in the middle
of the expression delimited by 2 ’+’ signs.
•A convolution or mixing component must not appear at the end, or fol-
lowed by a closing brace.
When using convolution or mixing components, the order in which they are
applied is in general significant.For example, the two models
C1*M1(A1+A2) and M1* C1 (A1+A2)
are not necessarily equivalent (here the C’s represent convolution models). The
way XSPEC handles the ordering of components is by first computing the spec-
trum for the additive components of a given additive group (A1+A2 in the
above example). It then applies all multiplicative or convolution components
in the additive group from right to left in the order they appear in the model
N.B. Beginning with v12.5.0, convolutions no longer have to precede the source.
Parentheses may also be used to specify convolution precedence, so the following
two examples are not equivalent:
C1*M1(A1+A2) and (C1*M1) (A1+A2)
Note that po (= powerlaw) and ga (= gauss) are additive models, and that
wabs and phabs (different photoelectric absorption screens) are multiplicative
XSPEC12> model po
// The single component po (powerlaw) is the model.
XSPEC12> model po+ga
XSPEC12> model (po+ga)wabs
XSPEC12> model phabs(po+ga)
XSPEC12> model wa(phabs(po)+ga)
XSPEC12> model wa po phabs ga //error: old syntax
XSPEC12> model wa*phabs*po
XSPEC12> model (po+po)phabs
//Note that though the first and second components are the same
// form, their parameters are varied separately.
XSPEC12> model phabs*wa(po)
A complex (and almost certainly unphysical) example is the following:
XSPEC12>model wa(po+pha(peg+edge(disk+bbod)))const + pla(pos+hr*step) + not*gau
Applying multiple models:
Assume 3 spectra are loaded, each with a single response (source 1 by default).
XSPEC12> model wa(po)
// The unnamed model wa(po) will apply to all 3 spectra, accordingly
// multiplied by each spectrum’s response.
XSPEC12> response 2:2 new_resp.pha 2:3 another_new_resp.pha
// Additional responses assigned to source number 2 for spectra 2 and 3.
XSPEC12> model 2:second_mod ga
// The model "second_mod" will now apply to source 2, and is therefore
// multiplied by new_resp.pha and another_new_resp.pha for spectra 2
// and 3 respectively.
XSPEC12> model second_mod inactive
// "second_mod" will no longer apply to spectra 2 and 3, though they
// retain responses for source 2.
XSPEC12> response 2:2 none
XSPEC12> response 2:3 none
// No responses exist for source number 2, second_mod is
// rendered inactive.
5.6.16 modid
write out possible IDs for lines in the model
Tcl script to write out possible IDs for gaussian or lorentzian lines in the current
Syntax: modid [<delta>|conf]
This script runs the identify command for every gaussian or lorentzian line
included in the current model. If a number is given as an argument then that is
used as the delta energy for identify. If the string conf is given as the argument
then the last calculated confidence regions are searched for possible line IDs. If
no argument is given then conf is assumed.
5.6.17 newpar (and rnewpar)
change parameter values
Adjust one or more of the model parameters.
Syntax: newpar [<modelName>:]<index range>[<param spec list>]
Syntax: newpar [<modelName>:]<index>=<coupling expression>
Syntax: newpar 0
<param spec list>=:: <param value> <delta> <param range spec>
<param range spec>=:: <hard min> <soft min> <soft max> <hard max>
For response parameters (created with the gain or rmodel command):
Syntax: rnewpar [<sourceNum>:]<idx range>[<param spec list>]
Syntax: rnewpar [<sourceNum>:]<index>=<coupling expression>
The model parameters are accessed through their model parameter indices. For
example, the first parameter of the first model component generally is model
parameter 1, etc. The first command line argument, <index range>, gives the
indices’ parameters to be modified by the newpar command. The default value
is the range from the previous invocation of newpar. The remaining arguments
can be used to update the parameter specification. If the parameter specification
is omitted from the command line, then the user is explicitly prompted for it.
The first two arguments of the parameter specification are:
<param value>The trial value of the parameter used initially in the
<delta>The step size used in the numerical determination of
the derivatives used during the fitting process. When
delta is set to zero, the parameter is not adjustable
during the fit. This value may be overriden for all pa-
rameters by the xset delta command option, which
will apply a proportional rather than a fixed delta.
The four arguments of the range specification determine the range of acceptable
values for the parameter. The soft limits should include the range of expected
parameter behavior. Between the hard and soft limits, the parameter is made
stiffer to adjustment by the minimization routine invoked by the fit command.
The parameter is never allowed to have a value at or outside the hard limits.
A slash (/) will set all the six parameter specification values (value, delta, range
specification) to the previous value (default for a new model, current value if
the parameter has previously been set or fit).
The sequence /* leaves all parameters unchanged (in the case of a new model,
to be set to the default).
newpar 0prints the current parameter settings.
Parameter Links
Coupling of parameters allows parameters in a model to always have the same
value or to be related by an expression. The expression is a function of the other
parameters (XSPEC will reject attempts to link parameters to themselves!).
Scale parameters (i.e. never variable during a fit), and s witch parameters (i.e.
that change the mode in which a component is calculated) can only be linked
to other scale and switch parameters, respectively. Details of parameter types
are explained in more detail in Appendix C.
The syntax for linking parameters is
XSPEC12>newpar <par>= f(<par>)
where fis a function in the (other) parameters. Parameters can be specified
either by the character ’p’ followed by the parameter number ( preferred) or by
the parameter number. Integers appearing in fthat are within the range of ex-
isting parameter numbers will be interpreted as parameters: to avoid confusion,
if a real number is intended it should include a decimal point. Integers larger
than the last parameter number will be interpreted as integers. Parameters of
named models must be prefixed by <modelName:>.
The following operators and functions can be used in f:
+ = plus operator
- = minus operator
∗= multiplying operator
/ = dividing operator
∗∗ = exponentiation operator
ˆ = exponentiation operator
unary functions
EXP (expr) = exponential
SIN (expr) = sine in radians
SIND (expr) = sine in degrees
COS (expr) = cosine in radians
COSD (expr) = cosine in degrees
TAN (expr) = tangent in radians
TAND (expr) = tangent in degrees
LOG (expr) = base 10 log
LN (expr) = natural log
SQRT (expr) = square root
ABS (expr) = absolute value
INT (expr) = integer part
ASIN (expr) = inverse sine in radians
ACOS (expr) = inverse cosine in radians
MEAN (expr) = mean value
binary functions
MAX (expr1, expr2) = maximum of the two expressions
MIN (expr1, expr2) = minimum of the two expressions
If there are multiple data groups present, then the parameters of models as-
sociated with datagroups greater than 1 (“secondary models”) are coupled by
default to their “primary” counterparts. For example, if there are 5 parameters
in the model and 3 datagroups present, then the model command will prompt
for 15 parameters. If the user types
XSPEC12> model <expression>
Then parameters 1-5 will be set to their values specified in the initialization
(model.dat) file. Parameters 6-15 will be linked to their counterparts, i.e. as if
the user had typed
XSPEC12> newpar 6 = p1
XSPEC12> newpar 7 = p2
XSPEC12> newpar 11 = p1
And so on.
The total number of model parameters for the example is four.
XSPEC12> newpar 2 0.1
// The value of the second parameter is set to 0.1.
XSPEC12> newpar 3-4
// The program will prompt for a specification for the 3rd
// parameter (comp gives the name of the corresponding model
// component)
comp:param3>0.001, 0
// which has its value set to 0.001 and its delta set to zero, fixing
// it in later fits.The program now prompts for a specification for
// the 4th parameter
// which is set to 21.As there is no 5th parameter, the program
// displays a summary and returns to command level.
XSPEC12> newpar ,,.001
// The value of the delta of the 3rd parameter (which is the default
// index as it was the first parameter modified in the previous
// newpar invocation) is set to 0.001, allowing it to be adjusted
// during any fits.
The total number of parameters for this example is eight.
XSPEC12> newpar 4 = 1
// The value of parameter 4 is set to the value of parameter 1.
// This has the consequence of model parameter 4 being frozen at the
// value of parameter 1 during subsequent fitting procedures.
// If model parameter 1 is a free parameter, then both parameters
// 1 and 4 change their values simultaneously in the fit procedure.
XSPEC12> newpar 4 = p3/5 + 6.7
// The value of parameter 4 is set to the value of
// (parameter 3/ parameter 5) plus 6.7
XSPEC12> newpar 6 = p3 * 0.1 - 9.5
// The value of parameter 6 is set to 0.1 times the
// value of parameter 3 minus 9.5
XSPEC12> newpar 5 = 2 + 5.
// The value of parameter 5 is set to the value
// of parameter 2 plus 5.
XSPEC12> newpar 8 = p1 / 4.6
// parameter 8 is set to parameter 1 divided by 4.6
XSPEC12> newpar 8 = abs(p1^3) / 2.0
// parameter 8 is set to the absolute value of the cube of
// parameter 1 divided by 2.0
XSPEC12> newpar 5 = cos(p1) + sin(p3)
// parameter 5 is set to the cosine of parameter 1 plus the sine
// of parameter 3
XSPEC12> newpar 3 = log(mymodel:p1)
// parameter 3 is set to the log (base 10) of parameter 1 in the
// mymodel model
XSPEC12> untie 6
// Makes parameter 6 independent of parameter 3 and a free
// parameter.
5.6.18 systematic
add a model-dependent systematic term to the variance
Syntax: systematic[<model systematic error>]
Set a systematic error term on the model to be added in quadrature to that on
the data when evaluating chi-squared. The default value is zero.
5.6.19 untie (and runtie)
unlink previously linked parameters
Untie the specified parameter from any links to other parameters.
Syntax: untie <param range>
where <param range>is of the form
<param range>=:: [<modelName>:]<param #>
For response parameters (see gain command):
runtie <param range>
where <param range>is of the form
<param range>=:: [<sourceNum>:]<param #>
Parameters previously linked together with commands such as
XSPEC12>newpar <param spec>
are unlinked. The parameter will retain its current value for the next fit.
5.7 Plot Commands
5.7.1 cpd
set current plotting device
Syntax: cpd <plot device>
cpd <filename>
cpd <filename>/{ps,cps,vps,vcps}
cpd none
Set current plot device. The same can be achieved with the setplot device
command, which takes the same options. In XSPEC12 as in previous versions,
the plot device options are those allowed by the PGPLOT library.
When plotting to the screen, the most commonly used devices are /xs (/xserve)
and /xw (/xwindow). If you select /xs, the plot window is persistent: it remains
visible and in the selected position even after the XSPEC session is finished.
With /xw the plot window closes at the end of the XSPEC session. Also note
that on some platforms, when using /xs in multiple desktops, you might not
see the window appear in a second desktop if it is still open in the first.
If the second argument does not start with a ’/’ character, which indicates
that the string represents a PGPLOT device, it is taken to be a filename for
Postscript output, and the default postscript driver will be used. The default
postscript driver produces a monochrome plot in landscape orientation.
The filename argument can be followed by a ’/’ that specifies a particular
postscript driver variant. Allowable variants are: cps (color postscript), vps
(monochrome portrait orientation), and vcps (color portrait orientation), as
well as the default, ps.
PGPLOT devices
A number of plot device types are supported in XSPEC. PGPLOT devices
available on Unix machines are:
/GIF Graphics Interchange Format file, landscape orientation
/VGIF Graphics Interchange Format file, portrait orientation
/NULL Null device, no output
/PPM Portable Pixel Map file, landscape orientation
/VPPM Portable Pixel Map file, portrait orientation
/PS PostScript file, landscape orientation
/VPS PostScript file, portrait orientation
/CPS Colour PostScript file, landscape orientation
/VCPS Colour PostScript file, portrait orientation
/TEK4010 Tektronix 4010 terminal
/GF GraphOn Tek terminal emulator
/RETRO Retrographics VT640 Tek emulator
/GTERM Color gterm terminal emulator
/XTERM XTERM Tek terminal emulator
/ZSTEM ZSTEM Tek terminal emulator
/V603 Visual 603 terminal
/KRM3 Kermit 3 IBM-PC terminal emulator
/TK4100 Tektronix 4100 terminals
/VT125DEC VT125 and other REGIS terminals
/XDISP pgdisp or figdisp server
/XWINDOW X window window@node:display.screen/xw
/XSERVE An /XWINDOW window that persists for re-use
cpd none closes the device. For Postscript output, it flushes the write buffer
into the file and closes the file. Note that in XSPEC12, each plot command
produces a separate page in the postscript file, unlike previously where each
plot overwrote the previous plot.
Produce a set of color postscript plots in landscape orientation
// ... commands to produce a plot.
XSPEC12> cpd dataplot.ps/cps
XSPEC12> plot data chi
XSPEC12> plot ufspec
XSPEC12> plot efficiency
XSPEC12> cpd none
Will produce 3 plots in the file dataplot.ps
Note, in contrast, that the hardcopy command will print only the plot that is
currently in a graphics frame.
5.7.2 hardcopy
print plot
Spool the current plot to the printer.
Syntax: hardcopy [<filename>] [mono|color]
This command takes whatever is the current display in you plot window, writes
it to a postscript file, and then sends it to a printer using the unix lpr com-
mand. It will thus be printed on whatever printer lpr uses as your default
printer. If a filename is specified, the postscript file will be saved (e.g. hardcopy
dataplot.ps color will produce a color plot saved in the file dataplot.ps).
If mono or color is not given, the hardcopy will be monochrome.
5.7.3 iplot
make a plot, and leave XSPEC in interactive plotting mode
Interactive plotting on the current plot device.
Syntax: iplot <plot type>
This command works like the plot command (see the plot command descrip-
tion), but allows the user to change the plot and to add text to the plot inter-
actively using the PLT package. See the Overview of PLT in the Appendices
for more information.
5.7.4 plot
make a plot
Make one or more plots to the current plot device (see cpd or setplot device).
Syntax: plot <plot type>[<plot type>] [<plot type>] ...
<plot type>is a keyword describing the various plots allowed. Up to six plot
panes can be put on a single page by combining multiple <plot type>options.
For example:
XSPEC12> plot data resid ratio model
will produce a 4-pane plot. However contour plots may not be combined with
other plots in this manner. When a certain plot type takes additional arguments
(eg. chain,model), simply list them in order prior to specifying the next plot
XSPEC12> plot chain 3 4 data ufspec
In multi-pane plots, XSPEC will determine if two consecutive plot types may
share a common X-axis (e.g. plot data delchi, or plot counts ratio). If
so, the first pane will be stacked directly on top of the second. (Note that the
small subset of multi-pane plots that were allowed in earlier versions of XSPEC
all belonged in this category.)
For changing plot units, see setplot energy and setplot wave. Also see iplot
for performing interactive plots.
Plot only the background spectra (with folded model, if defined). To plot
both the data and background spectra, use plot data with the setplot
background option.
Plot a Monte Carlo Markov chain.
plot chain [thin <n>]<par1>[<par2>]
Chains must be currently loaded (see chain command), and <par1>
and <par2>are parameter identifiers of the form [<model name>:]<n>
where <n>is an integer, specifying the parameter columns in the chain
file to serve as the X and Y axes respectively. To select the fit-statistic
column, enter ’0’ for the <par>value. If <par2>is omitted, <par1>is
simply plotted against row number.
Use the thin <n>option to display only 1 out of every <n>chain points.
# plot one in five chain points,
# using parameters 1 and 4 for (X,Y)
plot chain thin 5 1 4
The thin value will be retained for future chain plots until it is reset.
Enter thin 1 to remove thinning.
Plot contributions to chisq. The contribution is plotted +ve or -ve de-
pending on whether the residual is +ve or -ve.
Plot the results of the last steppar run. If this was over one parameter
then a plot of statistic versus parameter value is produced while a steppar
over two parameters results in a fit-statistic contour plot.
plot contour [<min fit stat>[<# levels>[<levels>]]]
where <min fit stat>is the minimum fit statistic relative to which the
delta fit statistic is calculated, <# levels>is the number of contour
levels to use and <levels>:= <level1>... <levelN>are the contour
levels in the delta fit statistic. contour will plot the fit statistic grid
calculated by the last steppar command (which should have gridded on
two parameters). A small plus sign ’+’ will be drawn on the plot at the
parameter values corresponding to the minimum found by the most recent
The fit statistic confidence contours are often drawn based on a relatively
small grid (i.e., 5x5). To understand fully what these plots are telling
you, it is useful to know a couple of points concerning how the software
chooses the location of the contour lines. The contour plot is drawn based
only on the information contained in the sample grid. For example, if the
minimum fit statistic occurs when parameter 1 equals 2.25 and you use
steppar 1 1.0 5.0 4, then the grid values closest to the minimum are
2.0 and 3.0. This could mean that there are no grid points where delta-fit
statistic is less than your lowest level (which defaults to 1.0). As a result,
the lowest contour will not be drawn. This effect can be minimized by
always selecting a steppar range that causes XSPEC to step very close
to the true minima.
For the above example, using steppar 1 1.25 5.25 4, would have been
a better selection. The location of a contour line between grid points is
designated using a linear interpolation. Since the fit statistic surface is
often quadratic, a linear interpolation will result in the lines being drawn
inside the true location of the contour. The combination of this and the
previous effect sometimes will result in the minimum found by the fit
command lying outside the region enclosed by the lowest contour level.
A grey-scale image of the data being contoured is also plotted. This can
be removed by using the PLT command image off.
XSPEC12> steppar 2 0.5 1. 4 3 1. 2. 4
// create a grid for parameters 2 and 3
XSPEC12> plot contour
// Plot out a grid with three contours with
// delta fit statistic of 2.3, 4.61 and 9.21
XSPEC12> plot cont,,4,1.,2.3,4.61,9.21
// same as above, but with a delta fit statistic = 1 contour.
Plot the data (with the folded model, if defined) with the y-axis being
numbers of counts in each bin.
Plot the data (with the folded model, if defined).
Plot the residuals in terms of sigmas with error bars of size one. In the
case of the cstat and related statistics this plots (data-model)/error where
error is calculated as the square root of the model predicted number of
counts. Note that in this case this is not the same as contributions to the
Plot a histogram of the relative contributions of plasma at different tem-
peratures for multi-temperature models. This is not very clever at the
moment and only plots the last model calculated.
See model.
See ufspec.
Plot the total response efficiency versus incident photon energy.
See model.
Plot the probability density of the most recently run eqwidth calculation
with error estimate.
See ufspec.
Plot a histogram of the statistics calculated for each simulation of the
most recent goodness command run.
Integrated counts and folded model. The integrated counts are normalized
to unity.
Plot the insensitivity of the current spectrum to changes in the incident
spectra (experimental).
Plot the integrated probability distribution from the results of the most
recently run margin command (must be a 1-D or 2-D distribution). The
integrated probability is calculated by summing bins in decreasing order
of probability. A grey-scale image of the data being contoured is also
plotted. This can be removed by using the PLT command image off.
Plot the data (with the folded model, if defined) with a logarithmic y-axis
indicating the count spectrum
Plot the data (with the folded model, if defined) with a logarithmic y-axis.
Plot the probability distribution from the results of the most recently run
margin command (must be a 1-D or 2-D distribution). A grey-scale image
of the data being contoured is also plotted. This can be removed by using
the PLT command image off.
model, emodel, eemodel
Plot the current incident model spectrum (Note: This is NOT the same as
an unfolded spectrum.) The contributions of the various additive compo-
nents are also plotted. If using a named model, the model name should be
given as an additional argument. emodel plots Ef(E) or, if plotting wave-
length, λf(λ). eemodel plots E2f(E), or if plotting wavelength, λ2f(λ).
The E(or λ) used in the multiplicative factor is taken to be the geometric
mean of the lower and upper energies of the plot bin.
Plot the data divided by the folded model.
Plot the data minus the folded model.
Plot the sensitivity of the current spectrum to changes in the incident
spectra (experimental).
sum A pretty plot of the data and residuals against both channels and energy.
ufspec, eufspec, eeufspec
Plot the unfolded spectrum and the model. The contributions to the
model of the various additive components also are plotted. WARNING !
This plot is not model-independent and your unfolded model points will
move if the model is changed. The data points plotted are calculated
by D*(unfolded model)/(folded model), where D is the observed data,
(unfolded model) is the theoretical model integrated over the plot bin,
and (folded model) is the model times the response as seen in the standard
plot data.eufspec plots the unfolded spectrum and model in Ef (E),
or if plotting wavelength, λf (λ). eeufspec plots the unfolded spectrum
and model in E2f(E), or if plotting wavelength, λ2f(λ). The E (or λ)
used in the multiplicative factor is taken to be the geometric mean of the
lower and upper energies of the plot bin.
5.7.5 setplot
modify plotting parameters
Set one of the various plot options.
Syntax: setplot <subcommand string>
where <subcommand string>is a keyword followed in some cases by argu-
ments. Current settings of all setplot items can be viewed with show plot.
add, noadd
Switch on (add) and off (noadd) individual additive model components on
data plots.
area, noarea
After setplot area is entered, plot data and plot ldata will show the
data divided by the response effective area for each particular channel.
plot residuals will necessarily also be affected by this. Usual plotting
is restored by setplot noarea. If data is associated with more than 1
response, the response effective area is calculated by simply summing the
contributions from each response.
background, nobackground
When running plot data or plot ldata, also show associated back-
ground spectra (if any).
Change the x-axis on data and residual plots to channels.
Add a PLT command to the command list.
setplot command <PLT command>
where <PLT command>is any valid PLT command. Every time you use
setplot command, that command is added to the list that is passed
to PLT when you use plot or iplot. The most common use of setplot
command is to add a common label to all plots produced. You should
be careful when using this command, because XSPEC does not check
to see if you have entered a valid PLT command.These commands are
appended to the list that XSPEC creates to generate the plot and so
setplot command will override these values (this can either be a bug or
a feature, depending on what you have done!) See also setplot delete
and setplot list.
XSPEC12> setp co LA OT Crab #Add the label "Crab" to future plots.
contimage, nocontimage
Switch on (contimage) and off (nocontimage) the background image on
contour plots.
Delete a PLT command from the command list.
setplot delete [all|<command #>-<command #>|<command #>]
where <command #>is the number of a PLT command that had been
entered previously using setplot command. This command is used to
delete commands from the list passed to PLT when you use the XSPEC
plot or iplot commands.
Set current plot device.
XSPEC12>setplot device <plot device>
XSPEC12>setplot device <filename>
XSPEC12>setplot device <filename>/{ps,cps,vps,vcps}
XSPEC12>setplot device none
If the second argument does not start with a ’/’ character, which indicates
that the string represents a PGPLOT device, it is taken to be a filename
for Postscript output, and the default postscript driver will be used. The
default postscript driver produces a monochrome plot in landscape orien-
The filename argument can be followed by a ’/’ that specifies a particular
postscript driver variant. Allowable variants are: cps (color postscript),
vps (monochrome portrait orientation), and vcps (color portrait orienta-
tion), as well as the default, ps.
A number of plot device types are supported in XSPEC. PGPLOT devices
available on Unix machines are :
/GIF Graphics Interchange Format file, landscape orientation
/VGIF Graphics Interchange Format file, portrait orientation
/NULL Null device, no output
/PPM Portable Pixel Map file, landscape orientation
/VPPM Portable Pixel Map file, portrait orientation
/PS PostScript file, landscape orientation
/VPS PostScript file, portrait orientation
/CPS Colour PostScript file, landscape orientation
/VCPS Colour PostScript file, portrait orientation
/TEK4010 Tektronix 4010 terminal
/GF GraphOn Tek terminal emulator
/RETRO Retrographics VT640 Tek emulator
/GTERM Color gterm terminal emulator
/XTERM XTERM Tek terminal emulator
/ZSTEM ZSTEM Tek terminal emulator
/V603 Visual 603 terminal
/KRM3 Kermit 3 IBM-PC terminal emulator
/TK4100 Tektronix 4100 terminals
/VT125DEC VT125 and other REGIS terminals
/XDISP pgdisp or figdisp server
/XWINDOW X window window@node:display.screen/xw
/XSERVE An /XWINDOW window that persists for re-use
XSPEC12> setplot device /xt
// sets the device to the xterm.
XSPEC12> setplot device none
// closes the plot file.
Change the X-axis on plots to energies, and optionally change the units.
setplot energy [<units>]
where <units>is an optional string for modifying X-axis energy units.
Valid choices currently are: keV, MeV, GeV, and Hz, which are case-
insensitive and can be abbreviated. Energy units initially default to keV.
The selection made here also determines the units in the ignore and no-
tice energy range specifiers.
Where applicable, Y-axis units will be modified to match the X-axis se-
lection. The exception is for the choice of Hz when emodel/eufspec is in
Jy and eemodel/eeufspec in ergs/cmˆ2/s.
Define a range of spectra to be in the same group for plotting purposes
setplot group <spectrum range>...
where <spectrum range>is a range of contiguous spectra to be treated
as a single spectrum for plotting purposes. The spectra still are fit in-
dividually. If multiple ranges are given, each range becomes a single
group. Initially, all spectra read in are treated as single spectra. (See
also ungroup.)
Assume that there are five spectra currently read in, all of them ungrouped
XSPEC12> setplot group 1-4
//The first four spectra are treated as one group, with the fifth
// spectra on its own. Thus all plots will appear to have two spectra.
XSPEC12> setplot group 1 2 3 4
//The spectra are reset to each be in their own group.
XSPEC12> setplot group 2-3 4-5
//Now there are three plot groups, being spectrum 1, by itself, and
// spectra 2-3 and 4-5 as groups.
XSPEC12> setplot group 1-**
//All the spectra are placed in a single plot group.
id, noid
Switch on (id) and off (noid) plotting of line IDs.
setplot id <temperature> <emissivity limit> <redshift> <lowEng>
The IDs are taken from the APEC line list for the temperature given
by the first argument. The plot only shows those lines with emissivities
above the limit set and the lines are redshifted by the amount specified.
Only lines between the low and high energy values will be shown. If both
the low and high energy values are zero then energy range used is that
plotted. When plotting with a wavelength x-axis the low and high values
given are assumed to be in wavelength units. The APEC version is the
current default unless xset apecroot has been used to reset the APEC
files then setplot id uses a filename based on the value of apecroot as
described in the documentation for the apec model.
List all the PLT commands in the command list.
setplot list
See setplot delete for an example of use.
Define characteristics used in rebinning the data (for plotting purposes
setplot rebin <min significance> <max # bins> <plot group> <error
In plotting the data from a spectrum (or group of spectra, see setplot
group), adjacent bins are combined until they have a significant detection
at least as large as <min significance>(in σ).However, no more than
<max # bins>may be so combined. Initial values are 0. and 1, respec-
tively. This argument effects only the presentation of the data in plots.
It does not change the fitting, in particular the number of degrees of free-
dom. The values given are applied to all the plotted data in the plot group
specified as the final argument. To change the rebinning simultaneously
for all the plot groups give a negative value of the plot group.
The <error type>argument specifies how to calculate the error bars on
the new bins. The default is quad which sums in quadrature the errors
on the original bins. sqrt uses √Nwhere N is the number of counts
in the new bin, poiss-1 uses 1 + √N+ 0.75, poiss-2 uses √N−0.25,
and poiss-3 is the arithmetic mean of poiss-1 and poiss-2. If back-
ground is present its error is calculated by the same method then added
in quadrature to the source error.
XSPEC12> setplot rebin 3 5 1
//Bins in plot group 1 are plotted that have at least 3 sigma,
// or are grouped in sets of 5 bins.
XSPEC12> setplot rebin 5 5
//The significance is increased to 5 sigma.
XSPEC12> setplot rebin,,10,-1
//All plotted bins can be grouped into up to 10 bins in reaching the
// 5 sigma significance criterion.
XSPEC12> setplot rebin ,,,sqrt}
//Uses sqrt(N) to calculate error bars.
Apply a redshift to the X-axis energy and wavelength values.
setplot redshift <z>
This will multiply X-axis energies by a factor of (1+z) to allow for viewing
in the source frame. Y-axis values will be equally affected in plots which
are normalized by energy or wavelength. Note that this is not connected in
any way to redshift parameters in the model (or the setplot id redshift
parameter) and should only be used for illustrative purposes.
splashpage (on|off)
When set to off, the usual XSPEC version and build date information will
not be printed to the screen when the first plot window is initially opened.
This is intended primarily for the HERA installation of XSPEC.
Remove previous grouping set up by setplot group, resetting all spectra
to be in a distinct plot group.
Change the x-axis on plots to wavelength, and optionally change the units.
setplot wave [<units>]
setplot wave perhz [off]
where <units>is an optional string for modifying X-axis wavelength
units. Valid choices currently are: angstom, cm, micron, and nm, which
are case-insensitive and can be abbreviated. Wavelength units initially
default to angstrom.
Where applicable, Y-axis units will be modified to match the X-axis se-
lection. However this behavior can be changed by the command setplot
wave perhz, which will cause Y-axis units to be in 1/Hz. This feature is
turned off by setplot wave perhz off, and its initial setting is deter-
mined by the WAVE PLOT UNITS setting in the user’s ∼/.xspec/Xspec.init
file. Also note that when perhz is selected, emodel/eufspec and eemodel/eeufspec
will have the same Y-axis units as for setplot energy hz.
This command makes ignore and notice operate in terms of wavelength
rather than energies. The units setting here also determines the units in
the ignore and notice range specifiers.
xlog (on|off)
Set the x-axis to logarithmic or linear respectively for energy or wave-
length plots. xlog has no effect on plots in channel space (recall that the
default for energy plots is logarithmic: xlog allows the user to override
this setting). xlog and ylog will not work for model-related plots (eg.
model, ufspec, and their variants) as their axes are always set to log scale.
ylog (on|off)
Set the y-axis to logarithmic or linear respectively for energy or wavelength
plots. For plot instructions that are explicitly logarithmic (plot ldata,
plot lcounts) the state of the ylog setting is ignored. xlog and ylog will
not work for model-related plots (eg. model, ufspec, and their variants)
as their axes are always set to log scale.
5.8 Setting Commands
5.8.1 abund
set the solar abundances
Set the abundance table used in the plasma emission and photoelectric absorp-
tion models.
Syntax: abund <option>
where <option>is:
angr from Anders E. & Grevesse N. (1989, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 197)
aspl from Asplund M., Grevesse N., Sauval A.J. & Scott P. (2009, ARAA, 47, 481)
feld from Feldman U.(1992, Physica Scripta 46, 202 except for elements not listed which
are given grsa abundances)
aneb from Anders E. & Ebihara (1982, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46, 2363)
grsa from Grevesse, N. & Sauval, A.J. (1998, Space Science Reviews 85, 161)
wilm from Wilms, Allen & McCray (2000, ApJ 542, 914 except for elements not listed
which are given zero abundance)
lodd from Lodders, K (2003, ApJ 591, 1220)
file filename where filename is an ASCII file containing 30 lines with one number on each line.
All abundances are number relative to H.
The tables are:
Element angr aspl feld aneb grsa wilm lodd
H 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.00e+00
He 9.77e-02 8.51e-02 9.77e-02 8.01e-02 8.51e-02 9.77e-02 7.92e-02
Li 1.45e-11 1.12e-11 1.26e-11 2.19e-09 1.26e-11 0.00 1.90e-09
Be 1.41e-11 2.40e-11 2.51e-11 2.87e-11 2.51e-11 0.00 2.57e-11
B 3.98e-10 5.01e-10 3.55e-10 8.82e-10 3.55e-10 0.00 6.03e-10
C 3.63e-04 2.69e-04 3.98e-04 4.45e-04 3.31e-04 2.40e-04 2.45e-04
N 1.12e-04 6.76e-05 1.00e-04 9.12e-05 8.32e-05 7.59e-05 6.76e-05
O 8.51e-04 4.90e-04 8.51e-04 7.39e-04 6.76e-04 4.90e-04 4.90e-04
F 3.63e-08 3.63e-08 3.63e-08 3.10e-08 3.63e-08 0.00 2.88e-08
Ne 1.23e-04 8.51e-05 1.29e-04 1.38e-04 1.20e-04 8.71e-05 7.41e-05
Na 2.14e-06 1.74e-06 2.14e-06 2.10e-06 2.14e-06 1.45e-06 1.99e-06
Mg 3.80e-05 3.98e-05 3.80e-05 3.95e-05 3.80e-05 2.51e-05 3.55e-05
Al 2.95e-06 2.82e-06 2.95e-06 3.12e-06 2.95e-06 2.14e-06 2.88e-06
Si 3.55e-05 3.24e-05 3.55e-05 3.68e-05 3.55e-05 1.86e-05 3.47e-05
P 2.82e-07 2.57e-07 2.82e-07 3.82e-07 2.82e-07 2.63e-07 2.88e-07
S 1.62e-05 1.32e-05 1.62e-05 1.89e-05 2.14e-05 1.23e-05 1.55e-05
Cl 3.16e-07 3.16e-07 3.16e-07 1.93e-07 3.16e-07 1.32e-07 1.82e-07
Ar 3.63e-06 2.51e-06 4.47e-06 3.82e-06 2.51e-06 2.57e-06 3.55e-06
K 1.32e-07 1.07e-07 1.32e-07 1.39e-07 1.32e-07 0.00 1.29e-07
Ca 2.29e-06 2.19e-06 2.29e-06 2.25e-06 2.29e-06 1.58e-06 2.19e-06
Sc 1.26e-09 1.41e-09 1.48e-09 1.24e-09 1.48e-09 0.00 1.17e-09
Ti 9.77e-08 8.91e-08 1.05e-07 8.82e-08 1.05e-07 6.46e-08 8.32e-08
V 1.00e-08 8.51e-09 1.00e-08 1.08e-08 1.00e-08 0.00 1.00e-08
Cr 4.68e-07 4.37e-07 4.68e-07 4.93e-07 4.68e-07 3.24e-07 4.47e-07
Mn 2.45e-07 2.69e-07 2.45e-07 3.50e-07 2.45e-07 2.19e-07 3.16e-07
Fe 4.68e-05 3.16e-05 3.24e-05 3.31e-05 3.16e-05 2.69e-05 2.95e-05
Co 8.32e-08 9.77e-08 8.32e-08 8.27e-08 8.32e-08 8.32e-08 8.13e-08
Ni 1.78e-06 1.66e-06 1.78e-06 1.81e-06 1.78e-06 1.12e-06 1.66e-06
Cu 1.62e-08 1.55e-08 1.62e-08 1.89e-08 1.62e-08 0.00 1.82e-08
Zn 3.98e-08 3.63e-08 3.98e-08 4.63e-08 3.98e-08 0.00 4.27e-08
5.8.2 cosmo
set the cosmology
Set the cosmology used (i.e., H0,q0, and Λ0).
Syntax: cosmo <H0> <q0> <Λ0>
where <H0>is the Hubble constant in km/s/Mpc, <q0>is the deceleration
parameter, and <Λ0>is the cosmological constant. If the cosmological constant
is non-zero then at present XSPEC requires that the universe is flat. In this case
the value of <q0>will be ignored and XSPEC will assume that Ωmatter ≥1−Λ0.
The default values are <H0>= 70, <q0>= 0.0, and <Λ0>= 0.73
XSPEC12>cosmo 100
// Set <H0>= 100 km/s/Mpc
XSPEC12>cosmo ,0
// Set <q0>= 0
XSPEC12>cosmo ,,0.7
// Set a flat universe with <Λ0>= 0.7
5.8.3 method
change the fitting method
Set the minimization method.
Syntax: method<algorithm>[<# of trials/evaluations>[<critical
delta>] [<method-specific options>]]
where <algorithm>is the method in use and the other arguments are control
values for the minimization. Their meanings are explained under the individual
methods. The migrad and simplex methods are taken from the CERN Minuit2
package, with documentation located at
http://seal.web.cern.ch/seal/MathLibs/Minuit2/html/index.html. If either of
these are used, then the error command will use the Minuit2 minos method to
find the confidence regions.
method leven [<# of eval>[<crit delta>] [<crit beta>]] [delay
The default XSPEC minimization method using the modified Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm based on the CURFIT routine from Bevington. <# of eval>is the
number of trial vectors before the user is prompted to say whether they want
to continue fitting. <crit delta>is the convergence criterion, which is the
(absolute, not fractional) difference in fit statistic between successive iterations,
less than which the fit is determined to have converged.
<crit beta>refers to the |beta|/N value reported during a fit. This is the
norm of the vector of derivatives of the statistic with respect to the parameters
divided by the number of parameters. At the best fit this should be zero, and
so provides another measure of how well the fit is converging. When this is set
to a positive value, it will provide another fit stopping criterion in addition to
that of the <crit delta>setting.
Including the string delay as an argument turns on delayed gratification. It
is turned off by nodelay. Delayed gratification modifies the way the damping
parameter is set and has been shown in many cases to speed up convergence.
The default is nodelay.
<# of eval>,<crit delta>,<crit beta>,delay, and nodelay may also
be set through the fit command.
This method requires an estimate of the second derivative of the statistic with
respect to the parameters. By default, XSPEC calculates these using an ana-
lytic expression which assumes that partial 2nd derivatives of the model with
respect to its parameters may be ignored. This may be changed by setting the
USE NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION flag to “true” in the user’s startup
Xspec.init initialization file. XSPEC will then calculate all second derivatives
numerically, which can be noticeably slower.
method migrad [<# of eval>]
The Minuit2 migrad method. <# of eval>is the number of function evalua-
tions to perform before giving up. Migrad uses an internal convergence criterion.
The current version of Minuit2 included is that from ROOT v5.34. Documenta-
tion on Minuit2 can be found at http://seal.web.cern.ch/seal/MathLibs/Minuit2/html/.
If migrad is not working well try experimenting with different hard and soft
limits on parameters.
method simplex [<# of evaluations>]
The Minuit2 simplex method. <# of evaluations>is the number of function
evaluations to perform before giving up. Simplex uses an internal convergence
criterion. This method is included for historical interest and is almost always
outperformed by migrad.
5.8.4 statistic
change the objective function (statistic) for the fit
Change the fit or test statistic in use, for one or more spectra.
Syntax: statistic [chi |cstat |lstat |pgstat |pstat |whittle[#]] [<spectrum range>]
statistic test [ad |chi |cvm |ks |pchi |runs] [<spectrum range>]
The fit statistic options are chi-squared (chi), C statistic (cstat), Loredo
statistic (lstat), a statistic for Poisson data with assumed known background
(pstat), a statistic for Poisson data with Gaussian background (pgstat), and
the Whittle statistic (whittle) for power density functions. If the statistic is
given as whittle with a number appended (e.g. whittle5) then the statistic is
appropriate for that number of power density functions averaged together.
The test statistic options are Anderson-Darling (ad), chi-squared (chi), Cramer-
von Mises (cvm), Kolmogorov-Smirnov (ks), Pearson chi-square (pchi) and
Runs (runs). These statistics are described in the appendix on Statistics in
If a spectrum number or spectrum range is given, the chosen statistic will only
apply to those spectra. It is therefore possible for a multi-spectrum fit to use
more than one fit or test statistic. If no spectrum number or range is given, the
chosen statistic will apply to all loaded spectra and will be the default statistic
for any future loaded spectra.
Note that if the chosen statistic is not compatible with the currently used
weight method, the weight method will be changed to standard weighting
until the conflict is removed.
Assume 3 spectra are currently loaded, all using the chi-squared statistic, and
that chi-squared is the default statistic.
XSPEC12>statistic cstat 2-3
// Spectrum 1 continues to use chi-sq, 2 and 3 use cstat.
XSPEC12>data 4 spec4.pha
// New spectrum 4 will use chi-sq.
XSPEC12>statistic cstat
// All 4 spectra now use cstat, cstat is the new default.
XSPEC12>data 5 spec5.pha
// New spectrum 5 will use cstat.
XSPEC12>statistic test ks
// All 4 spectra now use ks as the test statistic.
5.8.5 xsect
set the photoionization cross-sections
Change the photoelectric absorption cross-sections in use.
Syntax: xsect [bcmc|obcm|vern]
The three options are: bcmc, from Balucinska-Church & McCammon (1992;
Ap.J.400, 699) with a new He cross-section based on (1998; Ap.J. 496, 1044);
obcm, as bcmc but with the old He cross-section, and, vern, from Verneret. al.
(1996 Ap.J.). This changes the cross-sections in use for all absorption models
with the exception of wabs and tbabs.
5.8.6 xset
set variables for XSPEC models
Modify a number of XSPEC internal switches.
Syntax: xset [abund |cosmo |delta |mdatadir |method |seed |statistic
|weight |xsect |<string name>] [ <options>|<string value>]
The arguments abund, cosmo, method, statistic, weight, and xsect just
run the appropriate XSPEC commands. mdatadir changes the directory in
which XSPEC searches for model data files. You probably don’t want to change
this. The seed option requires an integer argument, which will then be used to
immediately re-seed and re-initialize XSPEC’s random-number generator.
The delta option is for setting fit delta values (see the newpar command)
which are proportional to the current parameter value rather than fixed. For
XSPEC12> xset delta .15
will set each parameter fit delta to .15 * parVal. To turn proportional deltas off
and restore the original fixed deltas, set delta to a negative value or 0.0. The
current proportional delta setting can be seen with show control.
The <string name>option can be used to pass string values to models. XSPEC
maintains a database of <string name>,<string value>pairs created using
this command. Individual model functions can then access this database. Note
that xset does no checking on whether the <string name>is used by any
model so spelling errors will not be trapped.
To access the <string name>,<string value>database from within a model
function use the fortran function fgmstr. This is defined as character*128
and takes a single argument, the string name as a character*128. If the
<string name>has not been set then a blank string will be returned.
The current <string name>options, models to which they apply and brief
descriptions are given in the following table :
APECROOT apec, vapec, bapec, bvapec,
equil, vequil, npshock, vnpshock,
pshock, vpshock, sedov, vse-
dov, c6mekl, c6vmekl, c6pmekl,
c6pvmekl, cemkl, cevmkl, mekal,
vmekal, mkcflow, vmclow
Switch from default APEC input
APECTHERMAL apec, vapec, bapec, bvapec,
equil, vequil, npshock, vnpshock,
pshock, vpshock, sedov, vse-
dov, c6mekl, c6vmekl, c6pmekl,
c6pvmekl, cemkl, cevmkl, mekal,
vmekal, mkcflow, vmclow
Thermally broaden emission
lines in APEC input files.
APECVELOCITY apec, vapec, bapec, bvapec,
equil, vequil, npshock, vnpshock,
pshock, vpshock, sedov, vse-
dov, c6mekl, c6vmekl, c6pmekl,
c6pvmekl, cemkl, cevmkl, mekal,
vmekal, mkcflow, vmclow
Velocity broaden emission lines
in APEC input files.
NEIAPECROOT gnei, nei, vgnei, nvei, equil, ve-
quil, npshock, vnpshock, pshock,
vpshock, sedov, vsedov
Switch from default NEIAPEC
input files.
POW EMIN, POW EMAX powerlaw, bknpower, bkn2pow,
Switch to normalize to a flux cal-
culated over an energy range.
NEIVERS gnei, nei, vgnei, vnei, equil, ve-
quil, npshock, vnpshock, pshock,
vpshock, sedov, vsedov
Switch NEIAPEC version num-
CFLOW VERSION mkcflow, vmclow Switch CFLOW version number.
CFLOW NTEMPS mkcflow, vmclow Switch number of temperature
bins used in CFLOW model.
SUZPSF-IMAGE suzpsf Set image file to be used for sur-
face brightness.
SUZPSF-RA suzpsf Set RA for center surface bright-
ness map which is taken from the
SUZPSF-DEC suzpsf Set Dec for center surface bright-
ness map which is taken from the
SUZPSF-MIXFACT-IFILE# suzpsf Set filename to read mixing fac-
SUZSF-MIXFACT-OFILE# suzpsf Set filename to write mixing fac-
XMMPSF-IMAGE xmmpsf Set image file to be used for sur-
face brightness.
XMMPSF-RA xmmpsf Set RA for center surface bright-
ness map which is taken from the
XMMPSF-DEC xmmpsf Set Dec for center surface bright-
ness map which is taken from the
XMMPSF-MIXFACT-IFILE# xmmpsf Set filename to read mixing fac-
XMMPSF-MIXFACT-OFILE# xmmpsf Set filename to write mixing fac-
NSA FILE nsa Change filename used for model
NSAGRAV DIR nsagrav Change directory used for model
data files.
NSMAX DIR nsmax Change directory used for model
data files.
ZXIPCF DIR zxipcf Change directory used for model
data files.
XSPEC12> xset neivers 2.0
// Set the NEIVERS variable to 2.0
XSPEC12> xset
// List the current string variables
XSPEC12> xset apecroot /foo/bar/apec_v1.01
// Set the APECROOT variable
XSPEC12> xset seed 1515151
// Re-initialize the pseudo random-number generator
// with the seed value 1515151
5.9 Tcl Scripts
5.9.1 lrt
likelihood ratio test between two models
Tcl script to perform a likelihood ratio test between two models.
Syntax: lrt <niter> <model0 name> <model1 name>[<filename>]
Runs <niter>simulations of datasets based on <model0 name>, calculates
the likelihood ratio for <model1 name>relative to <model0 name>(calculated
by the statistic for <model0 name>minus the statistic for <model1 name>),
and outputs the fraction of iterations with the likelihood ratio smaller than that
for the data. If the optional filename is given then the simulation results are
written to the file. The first line of the file contains the results for the data,
the other lines the simulations. Each line comprises the statistic values for
<model0 name>, the statistic value for <model1 name>, and the difference.
Before running this procedure you must have created command files called
<model0 name>.xcm and <model1 name>.xcm which define the two models.
A good way to do this is to set up the model then use save model to make the
command file.
5.9. TCL SCRIPTS 191
5.9.2 multifake
perform multiple fakeit iterations and save to file
Tcl script to perform many iterations of fakeit and save the results in a FITS
Syntax: multifake <time> <niter> <outfile>
This script runs <niter>iterations of fakeit with an exposure of <time>and
writes the results to <outfile>. Before running this procedure you have read
in one (and only one) dataset along with its response and optional background
and arf files. You must also have defined the model.
The output file is a FITS binary table with the columns being the value fit for
each parameter in each iteration. The final column is the statistic value for that
Note that if an error occurs during the fit of a faked spectrum then -999 is
written for all parameters and the statistic value for that iteration.
5.9.3 rescalecov
rescale the covariance matrix
Tcl script to rescale the entire covariance matrix used in the proposal chain
Syntax: rescalecov <scale>
Rescales the chain proposal distribution covariance matrix by the factor input
as <scale>.
5.9.4 simftest
estimate the F-test probability for adding a component
Tcl script to generate simulated datasets and use these to estimate the F-test
probability for adding a model component.
Syntax: simftest <model comp> <niter>[<filename>]
This script runs <niter>sets of simulated datasets to estimate the F-test prob-
ability for adding the additional model component number <model comp>. If
<filename>is specified then passes this to lrt.tcl to save likelihood ratio sim-
ulation information. The first line of the file written contains the results for the
data, the other lines for the simulations. Each line comprises the statistic value
for the model without <model comp>, that for the model with <model comp>,
and the difference.
Before running this script the model should be set up including the additional
component to be tested. The script will create temporary files model with comp.xcm
and model without comp.xcm.
5.9.5 writefits
write information about the current fit and errors to a FITS file
Tcl script to dump a lot of useful information to a FITS file.
Syntax: writefits <FITS filename>
This script writes filenames, free parameter values and errors to one row of a
FITS file. The error command should have been run on all the free parameters
before running this script. If the FITS file already exists then a new row is
Chapter 6
XSPEC Models
6.1 Alphabetical Summary of Models
Table 6.1: Summary of Models
Model Description
absori Ionized absorber.
acisabs Extra absorption due to contamination on the ACIS filters.
agauss, zagauss Gaussian line profile in wavelength space.
ascac ASCA PSF mixing model.
apec,vapec,vvapec APEC thermal plasma model.
atable Additive table model.
Velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model.
bbody,zbbody Blackbody spectrum, with redshift variant
bbodyrad Blackbody spectrum with norm proportional to surface area.
bexrav E-folded broken power-law reflected from neutral matter
bexriv E-folded broken power-law reflected from ionized matter
bknpower Broken powerlaw.
bkn2pow Three-segment broken powerlaw.
bmc Comptonization by relativistically moving matter.
Thermal bremsstrahlung, with redshift variant.
Broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and
line temperatures.
6th-order Chebyshev polynomial DEM using mekal and variants
cabs Compton scattering (non-relativistic)
carbatm Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a neutron star
cemekl,cevmkl Multi-temperature mekal.
cflow Cooling flow model.
cflux Calculate flux of other model components.
clumin Calculate luminosityof other model components.
compbb Comptonized blackbody spectrum after Nishimura et al. 1986.
compLS Comptonization spectrum after Lamb and Sanford 1979.
compmag Thermal and bulk Comptonization for cylindrical accretion onto
the polar cap of a magnetized neutron star.
compPS Comptonization spectrum after Poutanen and Svenson 1986.
compST Comptonization spectrum after Sunyaev and Titarchuk 1980.
comptb Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed blackbody-like spec-
compTT Comptonization spectrum after Titarchuk 1994.
constant Energy-independent multiplicative factor.
cpflux Convolution model to calculate photon flux.
cplinear Non-physical model for low count background spectra.
cutoffpl Powerlaw with high energy exponential rolloff.
cyclabs Cyclotron absorption line.
disk Disk model.
diskbb Multiple blackbody disk model.
diskir Irradiated inner and outer disk.
diskline Line emission from relativistic accretion disk.
diskm Disk model with gas pressure viscosity.
disko Modified blackbody disk model.
diskpbb Accretion disk with power-law T(r)
diskpn Accretion disk around a black hole.
dust Dust scattering out of the beam.
edge,zedge Absorption edge.
eplogpar Log-parabolic blazar model with vFv normalization.
Paolo Coppi’s hybrid hot plasma emission models.
equil,vequil Equilibrium ionization collisional plasma model from Borkowski.
etable Table model for exponential of -1 times the input.
expabs Low-energy exponential rolloff.
expdec Exponential decay
expfac Exponential factor.
ezdiskbb Multiple blackbody disk model with zero-torque inner boundary.
gabs Gaussian absorption line.
gadem,vgadem Plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of
emission measure.
gauss,zgauss Simple gaussian line profile.
gnei,vgnei Generalized single ionization NEI plasma model.
grad GR accretion disk around a black hole.
grbm Gamma-ray burst model.
gsmooth Gaussian smoothing with an energy dependent sigma.
hatm Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star.
heilin Voigt absorption profiles for He I series.
highecut,zhighect High energy cutoff.
hrefl Simple reflection model good up to 15 keV.
ireflect Reflection from ionized material.
ismabs High resolution ISM absorption model.
kdblur Convolve with the Laor model shape.
kdblur2 Convolve with the Laor2 model shape.
kerrbb Multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around
a Kerr black hole.
kerrconv Accretion disk line shape with BH spin as free parameter.
kerrd Optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr black hole.
kerrdisk Accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free parameter.
laor Line from accretion disk around a black hole.
laor2 Line from accretion disk with broken power-law emissivity around
a black hole.
logpar Log-parabolic blazar model.
lorentz Lorentzian line profile.
lsmooth Lorentzian smoothing with an energy dependent sigma.
lyman Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman series.
meka,vmeka Mewe-Gronenschild-Kaastra thermal plasma (1992).
mekal,vmekal Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl thermal plasma (1995).
mkcflow,vmcflow Cooling flow model based on mekal.
mtable Multiplicative table model.
nei,vnei Simple nonequilibrium ionization plasma model.
nlapec Continuum-only APEC emission spectrum.
notch Notch line absorption.
npshock,vnpshock Plane-parallel shock with ion and electron temperatures.
nsa Neutron star with hydrogen atmosphere
nsagrav Neutron star with hydrogen atmosphere for different g.
nsatmos Neutron star H atmosphere with e- conduction and self-irradiation
nsmax Neutron star magnetic atmosphere.
nsmaxg Neutron star with a magnetic atmosphere.
nsx Neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere.
nteea Pair plasma model.
nthcomp Thermally comptonized continuum.
optxagnf,optxagn Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled
Comptonisation model for AGN.
partcov Convert absorption model into a partial covering absorption.
pcfabs,zpcfabs Partial covering fraction absorption.
pegpwrlw Powerlaw with pegged normalization.
pexmon Neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent Fe and Ni lines.
pexrav Exponentially cut-off power-law reflected from neutral matter.
pexriv Exponentially cut-off power-law reflected from ionized matter.
Photo-electric absorption
pileup CCD pile-up model for Chandra
plabs Absorption model with power-law dependence on energy.
plcabs Cut-off powerlaw observed through dense, cold matter.
posm Positronium continuum.
powerlaw,zpowerlw Simple photon power law.
projct 3-D to 2-D projection mixing model.
pshock,vpshock Constant temperature, plane-parallel shock plasma model.
pwab Power-law distribution of neutral absorbers.
raymond,vraymond Raymond-Smith thermal plasma.
rdblur Convolve with the diskline model shape.
recorn Change correction norm for a spectrum (replaces old recornrm com-
redden IR/optical/UV extinction from Cardelli et al. (1989)
redge Recombination edge.
reflect reflection from neutral matter
refsch E-folded power-law reflected from an ionized relativistic disk.
rfxconv angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk
rnei,vrnei,vvrnei Non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma.
sedov,vsedov Sedov model with electron and ion temperatures.
sirf Multi-blackbody self-irradiated funnel model.
simpl Comptonization of a seed spectrum.
slimbh Stationary slim accretion disk.
smaug Model for an optically-thin, spherically-symmetric thermal plasma.
smedge Smoothed absorption edge.
snapec Galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields.
spexpcut Super-exponential cutoff absorption.
spline Spline multiplicative factor.
srcut Synchrotron radiation from cut-off electron distribution.
sresc Synchrotron radiation from escape-limited electron distribution.
SSSice Einstein Observatory SSS ice absorption.
step Step function convolved with gaussian.
suzpsf Suzaku PSF mixing model.
swind1 Absorption by partially ionized material with large velocity shear.
APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line tem-
Absorption due to the ISM including molecules and grains.
uvred UV reddening.
varabs,zvarabs Photoelectric absorption with variable abundances.
vashift Velocity shifts an additive model.
vmshift Velocity shifts a multiplicative model.
voigt A simple Voigt line profile.
wabs,zwabs Photoelectric absorption (Morrison & McCammon).
wndabs,zwndabs Photoelectric absorption with low energy window.
xion The reflected spectrum from a photo-ionized accretion disk.
xilconv angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk
xmmpsf XMM PSF model
xscat dust scattering
zashift Redshift an additive model.
zbabs EUV ISM attenuation.
zdust Extinction by dust grains (Pei, 1992).
zigm UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic medium.
zmshift Redshift a multiplicative model.
zredden Redshifted IR/optical/UV extinction from Cardelli et al. (1989)
zsmdust Extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies.
zvfeabs Redshifted absorption with variable iron abundance.
zxipcf Partial covering absorption by partially ionized material.
6.2 Additive Model Components
This and the following sections contain information on specific, installed XSPEC
models. The parameters are given as par1,par2, ..., and norm, which is the
normalization. Additive models represent sources of emission.
6.2.1 agauss, zagauss: gaussian line profile in wavelength
A simple gaussian line profile. If the width is ≤0 then it is treated as a delta
function. The zagauss variant computes a redshifted gaussian.
A(λ) = K1
par1 = λlline wavelength in Angstrom
par2 = σline width in Angstrom
Norm = K total photons/cm2/s in the line
For zagauss the corresponding formula is:
A(λ) = K(1 + z)
σ√2πexp(−(λ/(1 + z)−λl)2/2σ2)
and the parameters are:
par1 = λlline wavelength in Angstrom
par2 = σline width in Angstrom
par3 = z redshift
Norm = K total photons/cm2/s in the line
6.2.2 apec, vapec, vvapec: APEC emission spectrum
An emission spectrum from collisionally-ionized diffuse gas calculated from the
AtomDB atomic database. More information can be found at http://atomdb.
org/ which should be consulted by anyone running this model. This default
version number can be changed by modifying the ATOMDB VERSION string
in your Xspec.init file.
By default this model reads atomic physics continuum and line data from the
files apec v[version] coco.fits and apec v[version] line.fits in the $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData
directory. Different files can be specified by using the command xset APEC-
ROOT. There are several options. APECROOT can be set to a version number
(eg 1.10, 1.2.0, 1.3.1, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 3.0.2, 3.0.3). In this case the value of APEC-
ROOT will be used to replace the default version number in the name of the
standard files and the resulting files will be assumed to be in the modelData
directory. Alternatively, a filename root (eg apec v1.2.0) can be given. This
root will be used as a prefix for the coco.fits and line.fits files. Finally,
if neither of these work then the model will assume that the APECROOT value
gives the complete directory path, e.g.
XSPEC12> xset APECROOT /foo/bar/apec_v1.2.0
will use the input files
Thermal broadening of lines can be included by using: xset APECTHER-
MAL yes. This runs significantly slower than the option without thermal
broadening so you should only use this when necessary. Velocity broadening of
lines can be included by using: xset APECVELOCITY <velocity>, where
<velocity>is sigma in km/s. This is added in Gaussian quadrature with any
thermal broadening in use.
A continuum-only spectrum can be obtained by using xset APECNOLINES yes.
This will turn off lines for all models using the apec files. To get a line-free ver-
sion of a single apec model use nlapec.
The apec model uses abundances set by the abund command. The vapec
and vvapec variants allow the user to set the abundance using additional pa-
rameters. For apec and vapec the abundances of the trace elements (ie Li,
Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Note
that this means that the apec and vapec models will show emission lines even
if the abundance parameters are set to zero.
For the apec model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command. The trace element abundances are
from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is 1.0.
par3 Redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the vapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2–par14 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg,Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command). The trace element abun-
dances are from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is
par15 redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the vvapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2–par31 Abundances for H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si,
P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
Par32 redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
6.2.3 atable: tabulated additive model
An additive table model component. The filename to be used must be given
immediately after atable in the model command. For example:
XSPEC12> model atable{mymod.mod}
uses mymod.mod as the input for the model. For specifications of the table model
file, see the OGIP memo 92-009 on the FITS file format for table model files
(available on the WWW or by anonymous ftp from ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.
gov/caldb/docs/memos . Example additive table model files are mekal.mod
and raysmith.mod in $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData and testpo.mod in
Any number of tabulated model components (additive, multiplicative or expo-
nential) may be used simultaneously.
The model value is assumed zero outside the tabulated energies unless the key-
words LOELIMIT and HIELIMIT are given in the primary extension of the
FITS file. In the latter case the value given in LOELIMIT will be used for ener-
gies below those tabulated and HIELIMIT for energies above those tabulated.
6.2.4 bapec, bvapec, bvvapec: velocity broadened APEC
thermal plasma model
A velocity- and thermally-broadened emission spectrum from collisionally-ionized
diffuse gas calculated from the AtomDB atomic database. More information
can be found at http://atomdb.org/ which should be consulted by anyone
running this model. This default version number can be changed by modifiying
the ATOMDB VERSION string in your Xspec.init file.
By default this model reads atomic physics continuum and line data from the
files apec v[version] coco.fits and apec v[version] line.fits in the $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData
directory. Different files can be specified by using the command xset APEC-
ROOT. There are three options. APECROOT can be set to a version number
(eg 1.10, 1.2.0, 1.3.1, 2.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3). In this case the value of APECROOT
will be used to replace the default version number in the name of the standard
files and the resulting files will be assumed to be in the modelData directory.
Alternatively, a filename root (eg apec v1.2.0) can be given. This root will be
used as a prefix for the coco.fits and line.fits files. Finally, if neither of
these work then the model will assume that the APECROOT value gives the
complete directory path, e.g.
XSPEC12> xset APECROOT /foo/bar/apec_v1.2.0
will use the input files
The bapec model uses abundances set by the abund command. The bvapec
and bvvapec variants allow the user to set the abundance using additional
parameters. For bapec and bvapec the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar.
For the bapec model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command. The trace element abundances are
from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is 1.0.
par3 Redshift, z
par4 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the bvapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2–par14 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg,Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command). The trace element abun-
dances are from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is
par15 redshift, z
par16 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the bvvapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2–par31 Abundances for H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si,
P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
Par32 redshift, z
Par33 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
6.2.5 bbody, zbbody: blackbody
A blackbody spectrum.
A(E) = K×8.0525E2dE
(kT )4[exp(E/kT )−1]
par1= kT temperature keV
norm= K L39/D2
10, where L39 is the source luminosity in units of 1039 erg/s
and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc.
The zbbody variant allows an additional redshift parameter
A(E) = K×8.0525[E(1 + z)]2dE
(1 + z)(kT )4[exp[E(1 + z)/kT ]−1]
par1= kT temperature keV
z redshift
norm= K L39/[D10(1 + z)]2, where L39 is the source luminosity in units of
1039 erg/s and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc.
6.2.6 bbodyrad: blackbody spectrum, area normalized
A blackbody spectrum with normalization proportional to the surface area.
A(E) = K×1.0344 ×10−3E2dE
exp(E/kT )−1
par1= kT temperature keV
norm= K R2
10, where Rkm is the source radius in km and D10 is the
distance to the source in units of 10 kpc.
6.2.7 bexrav: reflected e-folded broken power law, neutral
A broken power-law spectrum multiplied by exponential high-energy cutoff,
exp(-E/Ec), and reflected from neutral material. See Magdziarz & Zdziarski
1995, MNRAS, 273, 837 for details.
The output spectrum is the sum of an e-folded broken power law and the
reflection component. The reflection component alone can be obtained for
|relrefl|<0. Then the actual reflection normalization is |relrefl|. Note that
you need to change then the limits of |relrefl|excluding zero (as then the direct
component appears). If Ec= 0, there is no cutoff in the power law. The metal
and iron abundance are variable with respect to those set by the command
abund. The opacities are those set by the command xsect. As expected in
AGNs, H and He are assumed to be fully ionized.
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting BEXRAV PRECISION eg
xset BEXRAV PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
par1 Γ1, first power law photon index
par2 Ebreak , break energy (keV)
par3 Γ2, second power law photon index
par4 Ec, the e-folding energy in keV (if Ec= 0 there is no cutoff)
par5 relrefl, reflection scaling factor (1 for isotropic source above disk)
par6 cosine of inclination angle
par7 abundance of elements heavier than He relative to the solar abun-
par8 iron abundance relative to the above
par9 z, redshift
norm photon flux at 1 keV of the cutoff broken power-law only (no re-
flection) in the observed frame.
6.2.8 bexriv: reflected e-folded broken power law, ionized
A broken power-law spectrum multiplied by exponential high-energy cutoff,
exp(-E/Ec), and reflected from ionized material. See Magdziarz & Zdziarski
1995, MNRAS, 273, 837 for details.
The output spectrum is the sum of an e-folded broken power law and the
reflection component. The reflection component alone can be obtained for
|relrefl|<0. Then the actual reflection normalization is |relrefl|. Note that
you need to change then the limits of |relrefl|excluding zero (as then the direct
component appears). If Ec= 0, there is no cutoff in the power law. The metal
and iron abundance are variable with respect to those set by the command
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting BEXRIV PRECISION eg
xset BEXRIV PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
par1 Γ1, first power law photon index
par2 Ebreak , break energy (keV)
par3 Γ2, second power law photon index
par4 Ec, the e-folding energy in keV (if Ec= 0 there is no cutoff)
par5 relrefl, reflection scaling factor (1 for isotropic source above disk)
par6 z, redshift
par7 abundance of elements heavier than He relative to the solar abun-
par8 iron abundance relative to the above
par9 cosine of inclination angle
par10 disk temperature (K)
par11 disk ionization parameter, ξ= 4πFion/n, where Fion is the 5eV–
20keV irradiating flux and nis the density of the reflector; see Done
et al. 1992, ApJ 395, 275.
norm photon flux at 1 keV of the cutoff broken power-law only (no re-
flection) in the observed frame.
6.2.9 bknpower: broken power law
A broken power law.
A(E) = KE−Γ1if E≤Ebreak
break (E/1keV )−Γ2if E > Ebreak
par1 = Γ1power law photon index for E < Ebreak
par2 = Ebreak break point for the energy in keV
par3 = Γ2power law photon index for E > Ebreak
norm = K photons/keV/cm2/s at 1 keV
If POW EMIN and POW EMAX have been defined by the xset command then
the norm becomes the flux in units of 10−12 ergs/cm2/s over the energy range
(POW EMIN, POW EMAX) keV unless POW EMIN = POW EMAX in which
case the norm becomes the flux density in micro-Jansky at POW EMIN keV.
In these cases it is important that POW EMIN and POW EMAX lie within the
energy range on which the model is being evaluated.
6.2.10 bkn2pow: broken power law, 2 break energies
A three-segment broken power law (i.e. with two break energies).
A(E) =
KE−Γ1if E≤Ebreak,1
break,1(E/1keV )−Γ2if Ebreak,1≤E≤Ebreak,2
break,2(E/1keV )−Γ3if Ebreak,2≤E
par1 = Γ1power law photon index for E≤Ebreak,1
par2 = Ebreak,1first break point for the energy in keV
par3 = Γ2power law photon index for Ebreak,1≤E≤Ebreak,2
par4 = Ebreak,2second break point for the energy in keV
par5 = Γ3power law photon index for E > Ebreak,2
norm = K photons/keV/cm2/s at 1 keV
If POW EMIN and POW EMAX have been defined by the xset command then
the norm becomes the flux in units of 10−12 ergs/cm2/s over the energy range
(POW EMIN, POW EMAX) keV unless POW EMIN = POW EMAX in which
case the norm becomes the flux density in micro-Jansky at POW EMIN keV.
In these cases it is important that POW EMIN and POW EMAX lie within the
energy range on which the model is being evaluated.
6.2.11 bmc: Comptonization by relativistic matter
This is an analytic model describing Comptonization of soft photons by matter
undergoing relativistic bulk-motion. The typical scenario involves thermal X-
rays from the inner region of an accretion disk in a black-hole binary illuminating
in-falling matter in close proximity to the black-hole event horizon.
For a detailed description of the model, refer to Titarchuk, Mastichiadis &
Kylafis 1997, ApJ, 487, 834; Titarchuk & Zannias, 1998, ApJ, 493, 863; Laurent
& Titarchuk 1999, ApJ, 511, 289; Zannias, Borozdin, Revnivtsev, Trudolyubov,
Shrader, & Titarchuk, 1999, ApJ, 517, 367; or Shrader & Titarchuk 1999, ApJ
521, L21.
The model parameters are the characteristic black-body temperature of the soft
photon source, a spectral (energy) index, and an illumination parameter char-
acterizing the fractional illumination of the bulk-motion flow by the thermal
photon source. It must be emphasized that this model is not an additive com-
bination of power law and thermal sources, rather it represents a self-consistent
convolution. The bulk-motion up-scattering and Compton recoil combine to
produce the hard spectral tail, which combined with the thermal source results
in the canonical high-soft-state spectrum of black hole accretion. The position
of the sharp high energy cutoff (due to recoil) can be determined using the theta
function θ(Ec−E). The model can also be used for the general Comptonization
case when the energy range is limited from above by the plasma temperature
(see compTT and compST).
par1 Temperature of thermal photon source in keV.
par2 Energy spectral index alpha.
par3 Log of the Aparameter. Note that f in Borozdin et al. 1999 and
Shrader & Titarchuk 1999 is 10par3
norm ANdefined in Borozdin et al 1999 and Shrader & Titarchuk (1999)
6.2.12 bremss, vbremss, zbremss: thermal bremsstrahlung
A thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum based on the Kellogg, Baldwin & Koch
(ApJ 199, 299) polynomial fits to the Karzas & Latter (ApJS 6, 167) numerical
values. A routine from Kurucz (private communication) is used at the low
temperature end. The He abundance is assumed to be 8.5 % of H by number.
The zbremss variant includes a choice of redshift and vbremss allows the H
to He abundance ratio to be varied.
For bremss:
par1 plasma temperature in keV
norm 3.02×10−15
4πD2RnenIdV , where Dis the distance to the source (cm)
and ne,nIare the electron and ion densities (cm−3)
For zbremss:
par1 plasma temperature in keV
par2 z, redshift
norm 3.02×10−15
4πD2RnenIdV , where Dis the distance to the source (cm)
and ne,nIare the electron and ion densities (cm−3)
For vbremss:
par1 plasma temperature in keV
par2 n(He)/n(H) ((note that the Solar ratio is 0.085)
norm 3.02×10−15
4πD2RnenIdV , where Dis the distance to the source (cm)
and ne,nIare the electron and ion densities (cm−3)
6.2.13 btapec, bvtapec, bvvtapec: velocity broadened APEC
emission spectrum with separate continuum and
line temperatures
A velocity- and thermally-broadened emission spectrum from collisionally-ionized
diffuse gas calculated from the AtomDB atomic database. More information can
be found at http://atomdb.org/ which should be consulted by anyone running
this model. This version of the model allows different temperatures for the con-
tinuum and lines. This default version number can be changed by modifiying
the ATOMDB VERSION string in your Xspec.init file.
By default this model reads atomic physics continuum and line data from the
files apec v[version] coco.fits and apec v[version] line.fits in the $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData
directory. Different files can be specified by using the command xset APEC-
ROOT. There are three options. APECROOT can be set to a version number
(eg 1.10, 1.2.0, 1.3.1, 2.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3). In this case the value of APECROOT
will be used to replace the default version number in the name of the standard
files and the resulting files will be assumed to be in the modelData directory.
Alternatively, a filename root (eg apec v1.2.0) can be given. This root will be
used as a prefix for the coco.fits and line.fits files. Finally, if neither of
these work then the model will assume that the APECROOT value gives the
complete directory path, e.g.
XSPEC12> xset APECROOT /foo/bar/apec_v1.2.0
will use the input files
The btapec model uses abundances set by the abund command. The bvtapec
and bvvtapec variants allow the user to set the abundance using additional
parameters. For btapec and bvtapec the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar.
For the btapec model the parameters are:
par1=kT continuum temperature, keV
par2=kT i line temperature, keV
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command. The trace element abundances are
from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is 1.0.
par4 Redshift, z
par5 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the bvtapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1=kT continuum temperature, keV
par2=kT i line temperature, keV
par3–par15 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg,Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command). The trace element abun-
dances are from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is
par16 redshift, z
par17 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the bvvtapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1=kT continuum temperature, keV
par2=kT i line temperature, keV
par3–par32 Abundances for H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si,
P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
Par33 redshift, z
Par34 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
6.2.14 c6mekl, c6vmekl, c6pmekl, c6pvmkl: differential
emission measure using Chebyshev representations
with multi-temperature mekal
c6mekl is a multi-temperature mekal or apec model using sixth-order Cheby-
shev polynomial for the differential emission measure. The DEM is not con-
strained to be positive.. The switch parameter determines whether spectrum
is calculated by running the mekal code, by interpolating on a pre-calculated
mekal table, or using the apec model. The final option is now preferred. The
reference for this model is Singh et al. (1996, ApJ, 456, 766).
c6pmekl differs by using the exponential of the 6th order Chebyshev polynomial
c6mekl and c6pmekl use abundances relative to the Solar abundances set by
the abund command.
The variants c6vmekl and c6pvmkl with polynomial and exponential polyno-
mial respectively allow the user to specify 14 elemental abundance.
For c6mekl and c6pmekl the parameters are:
par1–6 Chebyshev polynomial coefficients
par7 H density (cm−3)
par8 abundance wrt to Solar
par9 Redshift
par10 Switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = interpolate using APEC
norm Normalization
While for c6vmekl and c6pvmkl the parameters are:
par1–6 Chebyshev polynomial coefficients
par7 H density (cm−3)
par8–21 Abundances of He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni
wrt Solar (defined by the abund command)
par22 Redshift
par23 Switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = interpolate using APEC
norm Normalization
6.2.15 carbatm: Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a
neutron star
The model provides the spectra emitted from a nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere
of a neutron star. The model spectra in a 0 - 20 keV range of (unredshifted)
photon energy are computed on a grid of surface gravity accelerations log(g) =
13.7 - 14.9 (in cgs units) and effective temperatures T = 1 - 4 MK. For a given
set of the fitting parameters, the surface gravity g and the gravitational redshift
z are derived from the mass M and radius R of the star. The trial spectra are
computed using a linear interpolation between the nearest model spectra on the
T-log(g) grid, and the boundaries of the energy bins. The number of photons
in each bin are divided by (1+z). This is an updated version of the models
presented in Suleimanov et al. (2014). The details can be found in Suleimanov
et al. (2016; A&A, submitted).
The directory used for the files required by this model can be changed by using
the xset command to set CARBATM.
The parameters are:
par1 Effective temperature T (MK)
par2 Neutron star mass M (Msol)
par3 Neutron star radius R (km)
par4 Normalization K = A/(d10kpc)2where d10kpc is the distance to
the source in units of 10 kpc and A characterizes the fraction of the
surface emitting the radiation (A=1 corresponds to the case when
the radiation is emitted from the entire surface).
Please send any questions and comments about this model to suleimanov@astro.uni-
tuebingen.de or klochkov@astro.uni-tuebingen.de.
6.2.16 cemekl, cevmkl: plasma emission, multi-temperature
using mekal
A multi-temperature plasma emission model. Emission measures follow a power-
law in temperature (dEM = (T /Tmax)α−1dT /Tmax).The switch parameter
determines whether spectrum is calculated by running the mekal code, by in-
terpolating on a pre-calculated mekal table, or using the apec model. The final
option is now preferred.
For the cemekl version, the abundance ratios are set by the abund command.
The cevmkl variant allows the user to define the abundances.
For cemekl the parameters are:
par1 α, index for power-law emissivity function
par2 Tmax, maximum temperature
par3 nH(cm−3
par4 Abundance relative to Solar
par5 z, redshift
par6 Switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = interpolate using APEC
norm Normalization
For the cevmkl variant the parameters are:
par1 α, index for power-law emissivity function
par2 Tmax, maximum temperature
par3 nH(cm−3
par4–17 Abundances of He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni
wrt Solar (defined by the abund command)
par18 z, redshift
par19 Switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = interpolate using APEC
norm Normalization
6.2.17 cflow: cooling flow
A cooling flow model after Mushotzky & Szymkowiak (Cooling Flows in Clusters
and Galaxies, ed. Fabian, 1988). An index of zero for the power-law emissivity
function corresponds to emission measure weighted by the inverse of the bolo-
metric luminosity at that temperature. The abundance ratios are set by the
abund command. Redshift is converted to distance using the cosmology set by
the cosmo command.
par1 index for power-law emissivity function
par2 low temperature (keV)
par3 high temperature (keV)
par4 abundance relative Solar
par5 redshift, z
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)
6.2.18 compbb: Comptonization, black body
Comptonized blackbody model by Nishimura, Mitsuda and Itoh, 1986, PASJ,
38, 819. The electron temperature should normally be kept fixed since the
Compton yparameter is the product of the electron temperature and optical
par1 blackbody temperature (keV)
par2 electron temperature of the hot plasma (keV)
par3 optical depth of the plasma
norm (L39/D10)2, where L39 is the source luminosity in units of 1039
erg/s and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc (the
same definition used for the bbodyrad model)
6.2.19 compLS: Comptonization, Lamb & Sanford
A Comptonization spectrum after Lamb and Sanford, 1979, MNRAS, 288, 555.
This model calculates the self-Comptonization of a bremsstrahlung emission
from an optically thick spherical plasma cloud with a given optical depth and
temperature. It was popular for Sco X-1.
par1 temperature in keV
par2 optical depth
norm normalization
6.2.20 compmag: Thermal and bulk Comptonization for
cylindrical accretion onto the polar cap of a mag-
netized neutron star
This model describes the spectral formation in the accretion column onto the
polar cap of a magnetized neutron star, with both thermal and bulk Comp-
tonization processes taken into account. The details for the method adopted for
the numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation are reported in Farinelli
et al. (2012, A&A, 538, A67).
This model can be used for spectral fitting of both accreting X-ray pulsars and
Supergiant Fast X-ray Trasients.
par1 kTbb, temperature of the seed blackbody spectrum (keV).
par2 kTe, electron temperature of the accretion column (keV).
par3 τ, vertical optical depth of the accretion column, with electron
cross-section equal to 10−3of the Thomson cross-section.
par4 η, index of the velocity profile when the accretion velocity increases
towards the neutron star (valid when par8=1).
par5 β0, terminal velocity of the accreting matter at the neutron star
surface (valid when par8=1).
par6 r0, radius of the accretion column in units of the neutron star
Schwarzschild radius.
par7 A, albedo at the neutron star surface.
par8 Flag for setting the velocity profile of the accretion column (1 ⇒
β(z) = A(Zs/Z)−η, where A=β0(Z0/Zs)β, 2 ⇒β(τ) = −ατ)
norm (R2
10, where Rkm and D10 are the accretion column radius in
km and the source distance in units of 10 kpc, respectively.
6.2.21 compPS: Comptonization, Poutanen & Svenson
Comptonization spectra computed for different geometries using exact numer-
ical solution of the radiative transfer equation. The computational “iterative
scattering method” is similar to the standard Lambda-iteration and is described
in Poutanen J., Svensson R., 1996, ApJ, 470, 249 (PS96). The Compton scat-
tering kernel is the exact one as derived by Jones F. C., 1968, Phys. Rev., 167,
1159 (see PS96 for references).
Comptonization spectra depend on the geometry (slab, sphere, hemisphere,
cylinder), Thomson optical depth tau, parameters of the electron distribution,
spectral distribution of soft seed photons, the way seed soft photons are injected
to the electron cloud, and the inclination angle of the observer.
The resulting spectrum is reflected from the cool medium according to the
computational method of Magdziarz & Zdziarski (1995) (see reflect,pexrav,
pexriv models). relref l is the solid angle of the cold material visible from the
Comptonizing source (in units of 2π), other parameters determine the abun-
dances and ionization state of reflecting material (Fe ab re, Me ab, xi, Tdisk).
The reflected spectrum is smeared out by rotation of the disk due to special
and general relativistic effects using “diskline”-type kernel (with parameters
Betor10, Rin, Rout).
Electron distribution function can be Maxwellian, power-law, cutoff Maxwellian,
or hybrid (with low temperature Maxwellian plus a power-law tail).
Possible geometries include plane-parallel slab, cylinder (described by the height-
to-radius ratio H/R), sphere, or hemisphere. By default the lower boundary of
the “cloud” (not for spherical geometry) is fully absorbive (e.g. cold disk). How-
ever, by varying covering factor parameter cov fac, it may be made transparent
for radiation. In that case, photons from the “upper” cloud can also be upscat-
tered in the “lower” cloud below the disk. This geometry is that for an accretion
disk with cold cloudlets in the central plane (Zdziarski, Poutanen, et al. 1998,
MNRAS, 301, 435). For cylinder and hemisphere geometries, an approximate
solution is obtained by averaging specific intensities over horizontal layers (see
PS96). For slab and sphere geometries, no approximation is made.
The seed photons can be injected to the electron cloud either isotropically and
homogeneously through out the cloud, or at the bottom of the slab, cylinder,
hemisphere or center of the sphere (or from the central plane of the slab if
cov frac is not 1). For the sphere, there exist a possibility (IGEOM=-5) for
photon injection according to the eigenfunction of the diffusion equation sin(π∗
τ0/τ)/(π∗τ0/τ), where τ0is the optical depth measured from the center (see
Sunyaev & Titarchuk 1980).
Seed photons can be black body (bbodyrad) for Tbb positive or multicolor disk
(diskbb) for Tbb negative. The normalization of the model also follows those
models: (1) Tbb positive, K = (RKM)**2 /(D10)**2, where D10 is the distance
in units of 10 kpc and RKM is the source radius in km; (2) Tbb negative, K =
(RKM)**2 /(D10)**2 cos(theta), where theta is the inclination angle.
Thomson optical depth of the cloud is not always good parameter to fit. Instead
the Compton parameter y=4 * tau * Theta (where Theta= Te (keV) / 511 )
can be used. Parameter y is directly related to the spectral index and therefore
is much more stable in fitting procedure. The fitting can be done taking 6th
parameter negative, and optical depth then can be obtained via tau= y/(4* Te
/ 511).
The region of parameter space where the numerical method produces reason-
able results is constrained as follows : 1) Electron temperature Te >10 keV;
2) Thomson optical depth tau <1.5 for slab geometry and tau <3, for other
In versions 4.0 and above the Compton reflection is done by a call to the ireflect
model code and the relativistic blurring by a call to rdblur. This does introduce
some changes in the spectrum from earlier versions. For the case of a neutral
reflector (i.e. the ionization parameter is zero) more accurate opacities are
calculated. For the case of an ionized reflector the old version assumed that for
the purposes of calculating opacities the input spectrum was a power-law (with
index based on the 2–10 keV spectrum). The new version uses the actual input
spectrum, which is usually not a power law, giving different opacities for a given
ionization parameter and disk temperature. The Greens’ function integration
required for the Compton reflection calculation is performed to an accuracy of
par1 Te, electron temperature in keV
par2 p, electron power-law index [ N(gamma)=gamma−p]
par3 gmin, minimum Lorentz factor gamma
par4 gmax, maximum Lorentz factor gamma
•if any of gmin or gmax <1 then Maxwellian electron distri-
bution with parameter Te
•if Te=0 then power-law electrons with parameters p, gmin,
•if both gmin,gmax>=1 but gmax<gmin then cutoff
Maxwellian with Te, p, gmin (cutoff Lorentz factor) as pa-
•if Te is non-zero, gmin, gmax >= 1 then hybrid electron
distribution with parameters Te, p, gmin, gmax
par5 Tbb, temperature of soft photons. If Tbb is positive then black-
body, if Tbb negative then multicolor disk with inner disk temper-
ature —Tbb—
par6 if >0 : tau, vertical optical depth of the corona; if <0 : y =
4*Theta*tau. limits: for the slab geometry - tau <1, if say tau∼2
increase MAXTAU to 50, for sphere - tau <3
par7 geom, 0 - approximate treatment of radiative transfer using escape
probability for a sphere (very fast method); 1 - slab; 2 - cylin-
der; 3 - hemisphere; 4,5 - sphere input photons at the bottom of
the slab, cylinder, hemisphere or center of the sphere (or from the
central plane of the slab if cov fact not 1). if <0 then geometry
defined by —geom— and sources of incident photons are isotropic
and homogeneous. -5 - sphere with the source of photons dis-
tributed according to the eigenfunction of the diffusion equation
f(tau’)=sin(pi*tau’/tau)/(pi*tau’/tau) where tau’ varies between
0 and tau.
par8 H/R for cylinder geometry only
par9 cosIncl, cosine of inclination angle (if <0 then only black body)
par10 cov fac, covering factor of cold clouds. if geom =+/- 4,5 then
cov fac is dummy
par11 R, amount of reflection Omega/(2*pi) (if R <0 then only reflection
par12 FeAb, iron abundance in units of solar
par13 MeAb, abundance of heavy elements in units of solar
par14 xi, disk ionization parameter L/(nR2)
par15 temp, disk temperature for reflection in K
par16 beta, reflection emissivity law (rbeta, if beta=-10 then non-rotating
disk, if beta=10 then 1.-sqrt(6./rg))/rg**3
par17 Rin/Rg, inner radius of the disk (Schwarzschild units)
par18 Rout/Rg, outer radius of the disk
par19 redshift
6.2.22 compST: Comptonization, Sunyaev & Titarchuk
A Comptonization spectrum after Sunyaev and Titarchuk 1980, A&A, 86, 121.
This model is the Comptonization of cool photons on hot electrons.
par1 temperature in keV
par2 optical depth
norm Nf /4πd2, where Nis the total number of photons from the source,
dis the distance to the source, f is the factor f=z(z+3)yz/Γ(2z+
4)/Γ(z), zis the spectral index, yis the injected photon energy in
units of the temperature, and Γ is the incomplete gamma function.
6.2.23 comptb: Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a
seed blackbody-like spectrum
This model describes the Comptonization spectrum of soft photons off electrons
which are either purely thermal or additionally subjected to an inward bulk
motion. It consists of two components: one is the direct seed photon spectrum
and the other one is the Comptonized spectrum. The latter is obtained as a
self-consistent convolution of the seed photon spectrum with the system Green’s
The model is not specific to bulk Comptonization but it includes in a coherent
way different spectral shapes such as simple blackbody (i.e. neither thermal nor
bulk Comptonization), thermal Comptonization (equivalent to compTT) and
thermal plus bulk Comptonization. In the latter case, it can be considered a
completion and update of the bmc model, as it includes the cut-off term in the
All mathematical details of the model and its validity limits for applications are
reported in Farinelli et al. (2008, ApJ, 680, 602).
par1 kTs, temperature of the seed photons (keV).
par2 gamma, index of the seed photon spectrum (default gamma=3).
par3 alpha, energy index of the Comptonization spectrum.
par4 delta, bulk parameter, efficiency of bulk over thermal Comptoniza-
par5 kTe, temperature of the electrons (keV).
par6 log(A), log of the illuminating factor parameter (A).
norm Normalization of the seed photon spectrum, defined in the same
way as the bbody model.
6.2.24 compTT: Comptonization, Titarchuk
This is an analytic model describing Comptonization of soft photons in a hot
plasma, developed by L. Titarchuk (see ApJ, 434, 313). This replaces the
Sunyaev-Titarchuk Comptonization model in the sense that the theory is ex-
tended to include relativistic effects. Also, the approximations used in the model
work well for both the optically thin and thick regimes. The Comptonized spec-
trum is determined completely by the plasma temperature and the so-called β
parameter which is independent of geometry. The optical depth is then deter-
mined as a function of βfor a given geometry. Thus par5 switches between
spherical and disk geometries so that βis not a direct input here. This param-
eter MUST be frozen. If par5 ≥0, βis obtained from the optical depth using
analytic approximation (e.g. Titarchuk 1994). If par5 <0 and 0.1< τ < 10, β
is obtained by interpolation from a set of accurately calculated pairs of βand
τfrom Sunyaev & Titarchuk 1985 (A&A 143, 374).
In this incarnation of the model, the soft photon input spectrum is a Wien law
[x2e−xphotons] because this lends itself to a particularly simple analytical form
of the model. For present X-ray detectors this should be adequate. Note that
in energy flux space the peak of the Wien law occurs at 3kT as opposed to
2.8kT for a blackbody. The plasma temperature may range from 2–500 keV,
but the model is not valid for simultaneously low temperatures and low optical
depth, or for high temperatures and high optical depth. The user is strongly
urged to read the following references (esp. HT95 Fig 7) before and after using
this model in order to fully understand and appreciate the physical assumptions
made: Titarchuk, L., 1994, ApJ, 434, 313; Hua, X-M., Titarchuk, L., 1995, ApJ,
449, 188; Titarchuk, L., Lyubarskij, Y., 1995, ApJ, 450, 876.
par1 Redshift
par2 Input soft photon (Wien) temperature (keV)
par3 Plasma temperature (keV)
par4 Plasma optical depth
par5 Geometry switch. (sign denotes approximation technique, magni-
tude determines geometry). ≤1 disk, >1 sphere, 0 use analytic
approximation for βvs. τ,<0βvs. τfrom interpolation.
norm normalization
6.2.25 cplinear: a non-physical piecewise-linear model for
low count background spectra.
This is a simple non-physical model for low-count background spectra, used by
fitting scripts in the ACIS Extract (AE) package. Using this model outside the
context of the AE package should be done with extreme caution since it requires
a choice on vertex energies and number of segments. AE places the first and last
vertices at the lowest and highest energy of the background counts. Intermediate
vertices are placed at energies where a background count exists such that each
segment covers a similar number of background counts. Any results using this
model should cite Broos et al. (2010).
Note that if all the rate parameters in use are thawed then the norm parameter
is degenerate and must be frozen. Freezing one of the rate parameters will not
work because if that vertex is driven to zero in the fit then the norm will be
zero and the other rate parameters infinite.
par1 energy00 (keV)
par2 energy01 (keV)
par3 energy02 (keV)
par4 energy03 (keV)
par5 energy04 (keV)
par6 energy05 (keV)
par7 energy06 (keV)
par8 energy07 (keV)
par9 energy08 (keV)
par10 energy09 (keV)
par11 log rate00
par12 log rate01
par13 log rate02
par14 log rate03
par15 log rate04
par16 log rate05
par17 log rate06
par18 log rate07
par19 log rate08
par10 log rate09
6.2.26 cutoffpl: power law, high energy exponential cutoff
A power law with high energy exponential rolloff.
A(E) = KE−αexp(−E/β)
par1 α, power law photon index
par2 β, e-folding energy of exponential rolloff (in keV)
norm K in photons/keV/cm2/s at 1 keV
If POW EMIN and POW EMAX have been defined by the xset command then
the norm becomes the flux in units of 10−12 ergs/cm2/s over the energy range
(POW EMIN, POW EMAX) keV unless POW EMIN = POW EMAX in which
case the norm becomes the flux density in micro-Jansky at POW EMIN keV.
In these cases it is important that POW EMIN and POW EMAX lie within the
energy range on which the model is being evaluated.
6.2.27 disk: accretion disk, black body
The spectrum from an accretion disk, where the opacities are dominated by
free-free absorption, i.e., the so-called blackbody disk model. Not correct for a
disk around a neutron star.
par1 accretion rate in Eddington Luminosities
par2 central mass in solar mass units
par3 inner disk radius in gravitational (= 3 Schwarzschild radii)
norm 2 cos(i)/d2where iis the inclination of the disk and dis the distance
in units of 10 kpc
6.2.28 diskbb: accretion disk, multi-black body compo-
The spectrum from an accretion disk consisting of multiple blackbody compo-
nents. For example, see Mitsuda et al., PASJ, 36, 741, (1984), Makishima et
al., ApJ 308, 635, (1986).
par1 temperature at inner disk radius (keV)
norm (Rin/D10)2cos θ, where where Rin is “an apparent” inner disk ra-
dius in km, D10 the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc, and
θthe angle of the disk (θ= 0 is face-on). On the correction factor
between the apparent inner disk radius and the realistic radius, see
e.g., Kubota et al. 1998, PASJ, 50, 667.
6.2.29 diskir: Irradiated inner and outer disk
The inner disk can be irradiated by the Compton tail. This can substantially
change the inner disk temperature structure from that expected from an unillu-
minated disk in the limit where the ratio of luminosity in the tail to that in the
disk, Lc/Ld>> 1. This is generally the case in the low/hard state of accreting
black holes, and neglecting this effect leads to an underestimate of the inner
disk radius (Gierlinski, Done & Page 2008a MNRAS, 388, 753).
The irradiated inner disk and Compton tail can illuminate the rest of the disk,
and a fraction fout of the bolometric flux is thermalized to the local blackbody
temperature at each radius. This reprocessed flux generally dominates the op-
tical and UV bandpass of LMXBs (Gierlinski, Done & Page 2009 MNRAS, 392,
par1 kT disk, innermost temperature of the UNILLUMINATED disk
par2 Gamma, asymptotic power-law photon index
par3 kT e, electon temperature (high energy rollover)
par4 Lc/Ld, ratio of luminosity in the Compton tail to that of the UNIL-
par5 fin, fraction of luminosity in the Compton tail which is thermalized
in the inner disk (generally fix at 0.1 as appropriate for an albedo
of 0.3 and solid angle of 0.3)
par6 rirr, radius of the Compton illuminated disk in terms of the inner
disk radius
par7 fout, fraction of bolometric flux which is thermalized in the outer
par8 logrout, log10 of the outer disk radius in terms of the inner disk
radius K = normalization, as in diskbb
6.2.30 diskline: accretion disk line emission, relativistic
A line emission from a relativistic accretion disk. See Fabian et al., MNRAS
238, 729. Setting par2 to 10 is the special case of the accretion disk emissivity
law (1 −p6/R)/R3.
par1 line energy
par2 power law dependence of emissivity. If this parameter is 10 or
greater then the accretion disk emissivity law (1 −p6/R)/R3is
used. Otherwise the emissivity scales as Rpar2
par3 inner radius (units of GM/c2)
par4 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
par5 inclination (degrees)
norm photon/cm2/s in the spectrum
6.2.31 diskm: accretion disk with gas pressure viscosity
A disk model with gas pressure viscosity. The spectrum from an accretion disk
where the viscosity scales as the gas pressure. From Stella and Rosner 1984,
ApJ, 277, 312.
par1 accretion rate in Eddington Luminosities
par2 central mass in solar mass units
par3 inner disk radius in gravitational (= 3 Schwarzschild radii)
par4 viscosity
norm 2 cos(i)/d2where iis the inclination of the disk and dis the distance
in units of 10 kpc
6.2.32 disko: accretion disk, inner, radiation pressure vis-
A modified blackbody disk model. The spectrum from the inner region of an
accretion disk where the viscosity is dominated by radiation pressure.
par1 accretion rate in Eddington Luminosities
par2 central mass in solar mass units
par3 inner disk radius in gravitational (= 3 Schwarzschild radii)
par4 viscosity
norm 2 cos(i)/d2where iis the inclination of the disk and dis the distance
in units of 10 kpc
6.2.33 diskpbb: accretion disk, power-law dependence for
A multiple blackbody disk model where local disk temperature T(r) is propor-
tional to r−p, where pis a free parameter. The standard disk model, diskbb, is
recovered if p= 0.75. If radial advection is important then p < 0.75. See the
discussion and examples in, e.g., Mineshige et al. 1994, ApJ, 426, 308; Hirano
et al. 1995, ApJ, 446, 350; Watarai et al. 2000, PASJ, 52, 133; Kubota and
Makishima 2004, ApJ, 601, 428; Kubota et al. 2005, ApJ, 631, 1062.
par1 Tin, temperature at inner disk radius (keV)
par2 p, exponent of the radial dependence of the disk temperature
norm (Rin/D10)2cos θ, where where Rin is “an apparent” inner disk ra-
dius in km, D10 the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc, and
θthe angle of the disk (θ= 0 is face-on). On the correction factor
between the apparent inner disk radius and the realistic radius, see
e.g., Kubota et al. 1998, PASJ, 50, 667.
6.2.34 diskpn: accretion disk, black hole, black body
Blackbody spectrum of an accretion disk. This is an extension of the diskbb
model, including corrections for temperature distribution near the black hole.
The temperature distribution was calculated in Paczynski-Wiita pseudo-Newtonian
potential. An accretion rate can be computed from the maximum temperature
found. For details see Gierlinski et al., 1999, MNRAS, 309, 496. Please note
that the inner disk radius (par2) can be a free parameter only close to par2 =
6; otherwise par2 is strongly correlated with K.
par1 maximum temperature in the disk (keV)
par2 inner disk radius in Rg = GM/c2units, 6 ≤par2 ≤1000
norm M2cos(i)/(D2∗β4), where M= central mass (solar masses),
Ddistance to the source (kpc), iinclination of the disk, and b
color/effective temperature ratio.
6.2.35 eplogpar: log-parabolic blazar model with νFνnor-
eplogpar is a power-law with an index which varies with energy as a log parabola.
A(E) = 10−β(log(E/Ep))2/E2
par1 Ep, the peak energy in νFν
par2 β, curvature term
norm K, the flux in νFνunits at energy EpkeV
See for instance Tramacere et al., 2007 and Tramacere et al., 2009.
6.2.36 Eqpair, eqtherm, compth: Paolo Coppi’s hybrid
(thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission mod-
These models are based on Paolo Coppi’s hybrid thermal/non-thermal hot
plasma emission model for X-ray binaries. The underlying physics and a de-
tailed description of the code are included in the draft paper http://www.
Do not use these models without reading and understanding this paper. Sim-
plified models eqtherm and compth are provided for cases where non-thermal
processes are not important and photon-photon pair production can be ignored.
These should only be used if lbb <10.
The temperature of the thermal component of the electron distribution and the
total electron optical depth (for both ionization electrons and electron-positron
pairs) are written out if the chatter level is set to 15. This information is
important for checking self-consistency.
In versions 1.10 and above the Compton reflection is done by a call to the ire-
flect model code and the relativistic blurring by a call to rdblur. This does
introduce some changes in the spectrum from earlier versions. For the case of a
neutral reflector (i.e. the ionization parameter is zero) more accurate opacities
are calculated. For the case of an ionized reflector the old version assumed that
for the purposes of calculating opacities the input spectrum was a power-law
(with index based on the 2–10 keV spectrum). The new version uses the actual
input spectrum, which is usually not a power law, giving different opacities for a
given ionization parameter and disk temperature. The Greens’ function integra-
tion required for the Compton reflection calculation is performed to an accuracy
of 0.01 (i.e. 1%). This can be changed using e.g. xset EQPAIR PRECISION
The parameters for all three models are:
par1 lh/ls, ratio of the hard to soft compactnesses
par2 lbb, the soft photon compactness
par3 kTbb, if >0 then temperature of a blackbody; if <0 then abs(kTbb)
is the Tmax parameter for the diskpn model
par4 lnt/lh, fraction of power supplied to energetic particles which goes
into accelerating non-thermal particles
par5 tp, the Thomson scattering depth
par6 radius, the size of the scattering region (cm)
par7 gmin, minimum Lorentz factor of the pairs
par8 gmax, maximum Lorentz factor of the pairs
par9 Ginj, if <0 then non-thermal spectrum is assumed mono-energetic
at gmax; if >0 then a power-law from gmin to gmax
par10 pairinj, if = 0 then accelerated particles are electrons from thermal
pool; if = 1 then accelerated particles are electrons and positrons
par11 cosIncl, inclination of reflecting material wrt line-of-sight
par12 Refl, fraction of scattering region’s emission intercepted by reflect-
ing material
par13 Fe abund, relative abundance of iron
par14 Ab>He, relative abundance of other metals
par15 Tdisk, temperature of reflecting disk
par16 x, ionization parameter of reflector
par17 b, power-law index with radius of disk reflection emissivity
par18 Rin, inner radius of reflecting material (GM/c2)
par19 Rout, outer radius of reflecting material (GM/c2)
par20 Redshift, z
6.2.37 equil, vequil: collisional plasma, ionization equilib-
Ionization equilibrium collisional plasma model. This is the equilibrium version
of Kazik Borkowski’s NEI models. Several versions are available. To switch
between them use the xset neivers command. The versions available are:
1.0 the version from xspec v11.1
1.1 as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using
dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et
al (1998)
2.0 same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB
v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum
3.0 ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses
AtomDB v3
Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. The default is version 3.0. The
vequil variant allows the user to set the abundances for the model. For versions
3 and above the abundances of the trace elements (ie Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K,
Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using xset APEC TRACE ABUND.
These trace element abundances can be set either to the abundance of one of
the main elements or to a numerical value (relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0.
For the equil model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by
the abund command
par3 redshift
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
For the vequil model, the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2–par13 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
par14 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
The references for this model are as follows:
Borkowski, Lyerly & Reynolds, 2001, ApJ, 548, 820
Hamilton, A.J.S., Sarazin, C. L. & Chevalier, R. A. , 1983,ApJS, 51,115
Borkowski, K.J., Sarazin, C.L. & Blondin, J.M. 1994, ApJ, 429, 710
Liedahl, D.A., Osterheld, A.L. Goldstein, W.H. 1995, ApJ, 438, L11
6.2.38 expdec: exponential decay
An exponential decay.
A(E) = Kexp(−αE)
par1 α, exponential factor
norm normalization
6.2.39 ezdiskbb: multiple blackbody disk model with zero-
torque inner boundary
A multi-temperature blackbody model for a thin, steady-state, Newtonian ac-
cretion disk, assuming zero torque at the inner boundary for the disk at radius
Rin. The temperature of the disk as a function of radius is assumed to be T(r) =
T∗r−3/4(1 −r−1/2)1/4, where r=R/Rin and T∗=f(3GM ˙
inσ)1/4. The
maximum temperature in the disk is given by Tmax = 0.488T∗.
This model is an alternative to diskbb, which assumes a non-zero torque at the
inner edge and a temperature profile T(r) = T∗r−3/4, and it should be used to fit
spectra of disks when the zero-torque inner boundary condition is appropriate.
For details see Zimmerman et al. (2004) astro-ph/0408209.
par1 maximum temperature in the disk (keV)
par2 (1/f4)(Rin/D)2cosi, where Rin is the inner radius of the disk in
km, Dis the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc, iis the
inclination, and fis the color to effective temperature ratio.
norm normalization
6.2.40 gadem, vgadem: plasma emission, multi-temperature
with gaussian distribution of emission measure.
A multi-temperature plasma emission model built on top of the apec or mekal
codes. The emission measure distribution is a gaussian with mean and sigma
given by the first two model parameters. The switch parameter determines
whether the apec or mekal codes will be used. For the mekal code there are
also the options to run the code for each temperature or interpolate from a
pre-calculated table. The former is slower but more accurate. See the doc-
umentation on the apec model for additional information on using different
AtomDB versions or applying thermal or velocity broadening.
For the gadem version, the abundance ratios are set by the abund command.
The vgadem variant allows the user to define abundances for the more common
elements. See the documentation on the apec model for information on using
additional elements included in AtomDB.
The parameters for gadem are:
par1 mean temperature for gaussian emission measure distribution
par2 sigma temperature for gaussian emission measure distribution
par3 nH (cm−3)
par4 abundance relative to Solar
par5 redshift z
par6 switch (0 = calculate using MEKAL model; 1 = interpolate using
MEKAL model; 2 = interpolate using APEC model)
norm Normalization
For the vgadem variant the parameters are:
par1 mean temperature for gaussian emission measure distribution
par2 sigma temperature for gaussian emission measure distribution
par3 nH (cm−3)
par4–17 abundance relative to solar Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na,
Mg, Al, Si, S,Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar (defined by the abund
par18 redshift z
par19 switch (0 = calculate using MEKAL model; 1 = interpolate using
MEKAL model; 2 = interpolate using APEC model)
norm Normalization
6.2.41 gauss, zgauss: gaussian line profile
A simple gaussian line profile. If the width is ≤0 then it is treated as a delta
function. The zgauss variant computes a redshifted gaussian.
A(E) = K1
σ∗√2∗πexp −(E−El)2
par1 El, line energy in keV
par2 σ, line width in keV
Norm K, total photons/cm−2/s in the line
For zgauss the corresponding formula is:
A(E) = K1
(1 + z)σ∗√2∗πexp −(E(1 + z)−El)2
and parameter settings are:
par1 El, source frame line energy in keV
par2 σ, source frame line width in keV
par3 z, redshift
Norm K, source frame total photons/cm−2/s in the line
6.2.42 gnei, vgnei, vvgnei: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium,
temperature evolution
Non-equilibrium ionization collisional plasma model. This is a generalization of
the nei model where the temperature is allowed to have been different in the
past i.e. the ionization timescale averaged temperature is not necessarily equal
to the current temperature. For example, in a standard Sedov model with equal
electron and ion temperatures, the ionization timescale averaged temperature
is always higher than the current temperature for each fluid element. The
references for this model can be found under the description of the equil model.
Several versions are available. To switch between them use the xset neivers
command. The versions available are:
1.0 the version from xspec v11.1
1.1 as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using
dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et
al (1998)
2.0 same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB
v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum
3.0 ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses
AtomDB v3
Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. The default is version 3.0.
The vgnei variant allows the user to set the abundances for the more common
elements. For versions 3 and above the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Full
control over all the elemental abundances is available in the vvgnei model.
For the gnei model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by
the abund command
par3 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par4 Ionization timescale averaged plasma temperature (keV)
par5 redshift
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
For the vgnei model, the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par3–par14 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
par15 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par16 Ionization timescale averaged plasma temperature (keV)
par17 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
Finally, for the vvgnei model, the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par3–par31 Abundances for all elements with 2 ≤Z≤30 wrt Solar (defined
by the abund command)
par32 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par33 Ionization timescale averaged plasma temperature (keV)
par34 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
6.2.43 grad: accretion disk, Schwarzschild black hole
General Relativistic Accretion Disk model around a Schwarzschild black hole.
Inner radius is fixed to be 3 Schwarzschild radii, thus the energy conversion
efficiency is 0.057. See Hanawa, T., 1989, ApJ, 341, 948 and Ebisawa, K.
Mitsuda, K. and Hanawa, T. 1991, ApJ, 367, 213. Several bugs were found
in the old GRAD model which was included in xspec 11.0.1ae and before. Due
to these bugs, it turned out that the mass obtained by fitting the old GRAD
model to the observation was 1.4 times over-estimated. These bugs were fixed,
and a new parameter (par6) was added to make the distinction between the old
and new codes clear.
par1 distance (kpc)
par2 disk inclination angle (deg; 0 for face-on)
par3 mass of the central object (solar units)
par4 mass accretion rate 1018 gm/s
par5 spectral hardening factor, Tcol/Tef f . Should be greater than 1.0,
and considered to be 1.5–1.9 for accretion disks around a stellar-
mass black hole. See, e.g., Shimura and Takahara, 1995, ApJ, 445,
par6 A flag to switch on/off the relativistic effects (never allowed to be
free). If positive, relativistic calculation; if negative or zero, New-
tonian calculation (the inner radius is still fixed at 3 Schwarzschild
radii, and the efficiency is 1/12).
norm Should be fixed to 1.
6.2.44 grbm: gamma-ray burst continuum
A model for gamma-ray burst continuum spectra developed by D. Band, et. al.,
1993 (ApJ 413, 281).
A(E) = K(E/100.)α1exp(−E/Ec) if E < Ec(α1−α2)
K[(α1−α2)Ec/100](α1−α2)(E/100)α2exp(−(α1−α2)) if E > Ec(α1−α2)
where Eis in units of keV and the parameters are:
par1 α1, first power law index
par2 α2, second power law index
par3 Ec, characteristic energy in keV
norm K, normalization constant
6.2.45 hatm: Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neu-
tron star
This model provides the spectra emitted from a nonmagnetic hydrogen atmo-
sphere of a neutron star. The model spectra in a 0 - 20 keV range of (unred-
shifted) photon energy are computed on a grid of surface gravity accelerations
log(g)=13.7 - 14.9 (in cgs units) and effective temperatures T = 0.5 - 10 MK. For
a given set of the fitting parameters, the surface gravity g and the gravitational
redshift z are derived from the mass M and radius R of the star. The trial
spectra are computed using a linear interpolation between the nearest model
spectra on the T-log(g) grid, and the boundaries of the energy bins and the
number of photons in each bin are divided by (1+z). The details of the model
can be found in Suleimanov et al. (2016; A&A, submitted) and Klochkov et al.
The directory used for the files required by this model can be changed by using
the xset command to set HATM.
The parameters are:
par1 Effective temperature T (MK)
par2 Neutron star mass M (Msol)
par3 Neutron star radius R (km)
par4 Normalization K = A/(d10kpc)2where d10kpc is the distance to
the source in units of 10 kpc and A characterizes the fraction of the
surface emitting the radiation (A=1 corresponds to the case when
the radiation is emitted from the entire surface).
6.2.46 kerrbb: multi-temperature blackbody model for
thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole
A multi-temperature blackbody model for a thin, steady state, general relativis-
tic accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. The effect of self-irradiation of the
disk is considered, and the torque at the inner boundary of the disk is allowed
to be non-zero. This model is intended as an extension to grad, which assumes
that the black hole is non-rotating. For details see Li et al., ApJSuppl, 157,
335, 2005.
par1 eta, ratio of the disk power produced by a torque at the disk inner
boundary to the disk power arising from accretion. It must be ≥0
and ≤1. When eta = 0, the solution corresponds to that of a
standard Keplerian disk with zero torque at the inner boundary.
par2 specific angular momentum of the black hole in units of the black
hole mass M (geometrized units G=c=1). Should be ≥ −1 and <1.
par3 disk’s inclination angle (the angle between the axis of the disk and
the line of sight). It is expressed in degrees. i=0 is for a ”face-on”
accretion disk. i should be ≤85 degree.
par4 the mass of the black hole in units of the solar mass.
par5 the “effective” mass accretion rate of the disk in units of 1018 g/s.
When eta = 0 (zero torque at the inner boundary), this is just the
mass accretion rate of the disk. When eta is nonzero, the effective
mass accretion rate = (1+eta) times the true mass accretion rate
of the disk. The total disk luminosity is then “epsilon” times “the
effective mass accretion rate” times c2, where epsilon is the radia-
tion efficiency of a standard accretion disk around the Kerr black
par6 the distance from the observer to the black hole in units of kpc.
par7 spectral hardening factor, Tcol/Teff . It should be greater than 1.0,
and considered to be 1.5–1.9 for accretion disks around a stellar-
mass black hole. See, e.g., Shimura and Takahara 1995, ApJ, 445,
par8 a flag to switch on/off the effect of self-irradiation (never allowed
to be free). Self-irradiation is included when >0. Self-irradiation
is not included when ≤0.
par9 a flag to switch on/off the effect of limb-darkening (never allowed to
be free). The disk emission is assumed to be limb-darkened when
>0. The disk emission is assumed to be isotropic when lflag is ≤0.
K normalization. Should be set to 1 if the inclination, mass and
distance are frozen.
6.2.47 kerrd: optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr
black hole
Optically thick extreme-Kerr disk model based on the same tranfer-function
used in the laor Kerr disk-line model. Local emission is simply assumed to be
the diluted blackbody. See Laor 1991, ApJ, 376, L90 for explanation of the
transfer function. See Ebisawa et al. 2003, ApJ, 597, 780 for examples of using
this model.
par1 distance (kpc)
par2 spectral hardening factor, Tcol/Teff. Should be greater than 1.0,
and considered to be 1.5–1.9 for accretion disks around a stellar-
mass black hole. See, e.g., Shimura and Takahara, 1995, ApJ, 445,
par3 mass of the central object (solar unit)
par4 mass accretion rate (1018 g/s)
par5 disk inclination angle (deg; 0 for face-on)
par6 inner radius (units of GM/c2). 1.235 is the last stable orbit.
par7 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
K normalization factor. should be fixed to 1.
6.2.48 kerrdisk: accretion disk line emission with BH spin
as free parameter
Model for an accretion disk broad emission line with the black hole spin allowed
to be a free parameter. A detailed description can be found in Brenneman &
Reynolds (2006ApJ...652.1028B).
This model is quite slow so is best used after models such as laor or diskline
have been employed to get an estimate of the best-fit parameters.
par1 rest frame line energy (keV)
par2 emissivity index for the inner disk
par3 emissivity index for the outer disk
par4 break radius separating the inner and outer portions of the disk
(gravitational radii)
par5 dimensionless black hole spin
par6 disk inclination angle to the line of sight (degrees)
par7 inner radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability
par8 outer radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability
par9 redshift z
norm flux in line (photons/cm2/s)
6.2.49 laor: accretion disk, black hole emission line
An emission line from an accreti on disk around a black hole. Ari Laor’s calcu-
lation including GR effects (ApJ 376, 90).
par1 Line energy in keV
par2 a, power law dependence of emissivity (scales as R−a)
par3 inner radius (units of GM/c2)
par4 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
par5 inclination (degrees)
norm photons/cm2/s in the line
6.2.50 laor2: accretion disk with broken-power law emis-
sivity profile, black hole emission line
An emission line from an accreti on disk with a broken power-law emissivity
profile around a black hole. Uses Ari Laor’s calculation including GR effects
(ApJ 376, 90). Modified from laor model by Andy Fabian.
par1 Line energy in keV
par2 Index: power law dependence of emissivity (scales as R−Index)
par3 inner radius (units of GM/c2)
par4 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
par5 inclination (degrees)
par6 radius at which emissivity power-law index changes
par7 Emissivity power-law index for radii >par6
norm photons/cm2/s in the line
6.2.51 logpar: log-parabolic blazar model
logpar is a power-law with an index which varies with energy as a log parabola.
par1 a, slope at the pivot energy
par2 b, curvature term
par3 pivotE, fixed pivot energy (best near low end of energy range).
norm= K
See for instance Massaro et al., 2004.
6.2.52 lorentz: lorentz line profile
A Lorentzian line profile.
A(E) = K(EL/(2π))/[(E−EL)2+ (σ/2)2]
par1 EL, line energy in keV
par2 σ, FWHM line width in keV
norm K, photons/cm2/s in the line
6.2.53 meka, vmeka: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-
An emission spectrum from hot diffuse gas based on the model calculations of
Mewe and Gronenschild (as amended by Kaastra). The model includes line
emissions from several elements. Abundances are the number of nuclei per
Hydrogen nucleus relative to the Solar abundances set by the abund command.
For the meka model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature in keV
par2 H density (cm−3
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command.
par4 Redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the vmeka variant the parameters are as follows.
par1 plasma temperature in keV
par2 H density (cm−3
par3–par14 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command).
par15 redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
The references for the meka model are as follows :
Mewe, R., Gronenschild, E.H.B.M., and van den Oord, G.H.J. 1985 A&AS, 62,
Mewe, R., Lemen, J.R., and van den Oord, G.H.J. 1986, A&AS, 65, 511
Kaastra, J.S. 1992, An X-Ray Spectral Code for Optically Thin Plasmas (In-
ternal SRON-Leiden Report, updated version 2.0)
Similar credit may also be given for the adopted ionization balance:
Arnaud, M., and Rothenflug, M. 1985, A& AS, 60, 425
Arnaud, M., and Raymond, J. 1992, ApJ, 398, 394
6.2.54 mekal, vmekal: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-
An emission spectrum from hot diffuse gas based on the model calculations of
Mewe and Kaastra with Fe L calculations by Liedahl. The model includes line
emissions from several elements. The switch parameter determines whether
spectrum is calculated by running the mekal code, by interpolating on a pre-
calculated mekal table, or using the AtomDB data. Relative abundances are set
by the abund command for the mekal model. The vmekal variant allows the
user to set the individual abundances for the model.
For the mekal model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature in keV
par2 H density (cm−3
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command.
par4 Redshift, z
par5 Switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = interpolate using
AtomDB data)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the vmekal variant the parameters are as follows.
par1 plasma temperature in keV
par2 H density (cm−3
par3–par16 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni
wrt Solar (defined by the abund command).
par17 redshift, z
par18 Switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = interpolate using
AtomDB data)
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
The references for the meka model are as follows :
Mewe, R., Gronenschild, E.H.B.M., and van den Oord, G.H.J. 1985 A&AS, 62,
Mewe, R., Lemen, J.R., and van den Oord, G.H.J. 1986, A&AS, 65, 511
Kaastra, J.S. 1992, An X-Ray Spectral Code for Optically Thin Plasmas (In-
ternal SRON-Leiden Report, updated version 2.0)
Liedahl, D.A., Osterheld, A.L., and Goldstein, W.H. 1995, ApJL, 438, 115
Similar credit may also be given for the adopted ionization balance:
Arnaud, M., and Rothenflug, M. 1985, A& AS, 60, 425
Arnaud, M., and Raymond, J. 1992, ApJ, 398, 394
6.2.55 mkcflow, vmcflow: cooling flow, mekal
A cooling flow model after Mushotzky & Szymkowiak (Cooling Flows in Clusters
and Galaxies ed. A. C. Fabian, 1988). This one differs from cflow in setting the
emissivity function to be the inverse of the bolometric luminosity. Abundance
ratios are set by the abund command. Redshift is converted to distance using
the cosmology set by the cosmo command. The switch parameter determines
whether spectrum is calculated by running the mekal code, by interpolating on
a pre-calculated mekal table, or using the AtomDB data.
For the mkcflow model the parameters are:
par1 low temperature (keV)
par2 high temperature (keV)
par3 abundance relative to Solar
par4 redshift
par5 switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)
While for the vmcflow variant the parameters are:
par1 low temperature (keV)
par2 high temperature (keV)
par3–par16 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni
wrt Solar
par17 Redshift
par18 switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)
6.2.56 nei, vnei, vvnei: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium,
constant temperature
Non-equilibrium ionization collisional plasma model. This assumes a constant
temperature and single ionization parameter. It provides a characterization of
the spectrum but is not a physical model. The references for this model can be
found under the description of the equil model. Several versions are available.
To switch between them use the xset neivers command. The versions available
1.0 the version from xspec v11.1
1.1 as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using
dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et
al (1998)
2.0 same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB
v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum
3.0 ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses
AtomDB v3
Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. The default is version 3.0.
The vnei variant allows the user to set the abundances for the more common
elements. For versions 3 and above the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Full
control over all the elemental abundances is available in the vvnei model.
For the nei model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by
the abund command
par3 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par4 redshift
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
For the vnei model, the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par3–par14 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
par15 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par16 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
Finally, for the vvnei model, the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature (keV)
par2 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par3–par31 Abundances for all elements with 2 ≤Z≤30 wrt Solar (defined
by the abund command)
par32 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par33 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
6.2.57 nlapec: continuum-only APEC emission spectrum
A continuum-only emission spectrum from collisionally-ionized diffuse gas cal-
culated using the ATOMDB code. More information can be found at http:
//atomdb.org/ which should be consulted by anyone running this model. This
default version number can be changed by modifiying the ATOMDB VERSION
string in your Xspec.init file.
By default this model reads atomic physics continuum data from the file apec v[version] coco.fits
in the $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData directory. Different files can be speci-
fied by using the command xset APECROOT. There are three options. APEC-
ROOT can be set to a version number (eg 1.10, 1.2.0, 1.3.1, 2.0.1). In this case
the value of APECROOT will be used to replace 2.0.2 in the name of the
standard files and the resulting files will be assumed to be in the modelData
directory. Alternatively, a filename root (eg apec v1.2.0) can be given. This
root will be used as a prefix for the coco.fits . Finally, if neither of these
work then the model will assume that the APECROOT value gives the complete
directory path, e.g.
XSPEC12> xset APECROOT /foo/bar/apec_v1.2.0
will use the input file /foo/bar/apec v1.2.0 coco.fits.
The nlapec model uses abundances set by the abund command. The abun-
dances of the trace elements (ie Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co,
Cu, Zn) can be set using xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element
abundances can be set either to the abundance of one of the main elements or
to a numerical value (relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Note
that this means that the apec and vapec models will show emission lines even
if the abundance parameters are set to zero.
The parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command. The trace element abundances
are from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is 1.0.
par3 Redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RηeηHdV, where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), ηeand ηHare the electron and H densities
6.2.58 npshock, vnpshock, vvnpshock: shocked plasma,
plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures
Plane-parallel shock plasma model with separate ion and electron temperatures.
This model is slow. par1 provides a measure of the average energy per particle
(ions+electrons) and is constant throughout the postshock flow in plane shock
models (Borkowski et al., 2001, ApJ, 548, 820). par2 should always be less than
par1. If par2 exceeds par1 then their interpretations are switched (ie the larger
of par1 and par2 is always the mean temperature). Additional references can
be found under the help for the equil model. Several versions are available. To
switch between them use the xset neivers command. The versions available
1.0 the version from xspec v11.1
1.1 as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using
dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et
al (1998)
2.0 same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB
v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum
3.0 ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses
AtomDB v3
Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. The default is version 3.0. The
vnpshock variant allows the user to set the abundances for the more common
elements. For versions 3 and above the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Full
control over all the elemental abundances is available in the vvnpshock model.
For the npshock model the parameters are:
par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by
the abund command
par4 Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par5 Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par6 redshift
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
For the vnpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par4–par15 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
par16 Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par17 Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par18 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
Finally, for the vvnpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par4–par32 Abundances for all elements with 2 ≤Z≤30 wrt Solar (defined
by the abund command)
par33 Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par34 Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par35 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
6.2.59 nsa: neutron star atmosphere
This model provides the spectra in the X-ray range (0.05–10 keV) emitted from
a hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star. There are three options : nonmag-
netized (B <108−109G) with a uniform surface (effective) temperature in
the range of log Teff (K)=5.0−7.0; a field B = 1012 G with a uniform sur-
face (effective) temperature in the range of log Teff (K) = 5.5−6.8; a field
B = 1013 G with a uniform surface (effective) temperature in the range of
log Teff (K) = 5.5−6.8. The atmosphere is in radiative and hydrostatic equi-
librium; sources of heat are well below the atmosphere. The Comptonization
effects (significant at Tef f >3×106K) are taken into account. The model
spectra are provided as seen by a distant observer, with allowance for the GR
effects. The user is advised to keep Mns and Rns fixed and fit the temperature
and the normalization. MagField must be fixed at one of 0, 1012, or 1013.
The values of the effective temperature and radius as measured by a distant
observer (“values at infinity”) are :
eff =Teff ×grRinf
ns =Rns/gr
gr=p1−2.952 ×Mns/Rns
is the gravitational redshift parameter.
Please send your comments/questions to Slava Zavlin (VYACHESLAV.ZAVLIN@msfc.nasa.gov)
and/or George Pavlov (pavlov@astro.psu.edu). If you publish results obtained
using these models, please reference Zavlin, V.E., Pavlov, G.G., & Shibanov,
Yu.A. 1996, A&A, 315, 141 for nonmagnetic models, and Pavlov, G.G., Shibanov,
Yu.A., Zavlin, V.E., & Meyer, R.D. 1995, in “The Lives of the Neutron Stars,”
ed. M.A. Alpar, U. Kiziloglu, & J. van Paradijs (NATO ASI Ser. C, 450;
Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 71 for magnetic models.
par1 log Teff , (unredshifted) effective temperature
par2 Mns, neutron star gravitational mass (in units of solar mass)
par3 Rns, neutron star radius (in km)
par4 neutron star magnetic field strength (0, 1012, or 1013 G)
norm 1/D2, where Dis the distance of the object in pc.
6.2.60 nsagrav: NS H atmosphere model for different g
This model provides the spectra emitted from a nonmagnetic hydrogen atmo-
sphere of a neutron star with surface gravitational acceleration granging from
1013 to 1015 cm/s2, allowed by equations of state for the neutron star matter
(the nsa model gives the spectra calculated for g= 2.43×1014 cm/s2). The uni-
form surface (effective) temperature is in the range of log Teff (K)=5.5−6.5.
The atmosphere is in radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium; sources of heat are
well below the atmosphere. The radiative force and electron heat conduction
are included in the models, but they are of no importance in the specified ranges
of Teff and g. The model spectra are provided as seen by a distant observer,
with allowance for the GR effects.
The neutron star mass Mand radius Rdetermine the redshift parameter,
gr=sqrt1−2.952 ×M/R
and the gravitational acceleration at the surface,
g= 1.33 ×1016 ×M/R2/gr
cm/s2, where Mis in units of solar mass, and Ris in km.
The allowed domain in the M–Rplane corresponds to g2
r>1/3 and 1013 <
g < 1015 cm/s2. (This domain is restricted by the solid curves in the figure).
If chosen Mand Rvalues correspond to gror/and gvalues outside the allowed
domain, then the code sets the latter to be the closest limiting values (e.g.,
if one chooses M= 2, R= 8, then the code will use gr= 3 −1/2 = 0.578
instead of gr= 0.512 corresponding to the Mand Rchosen), which would lead
to unphysical results.
The values of the effective temperature and radius as measured by a distant
observer (“values at infinity”) are:
Tinf =gr×Teff , Rinf =R/gr
The nsagrav model may be useful for putting constraints on Mand Rfrom
spectral fits to thermal emission detected from neutron stars, provided the qual-
ity of the observational data are good enough to warrant a detailed analysis. The
parameters Mand Rcan be fixed at specific values or allowed to vary within
a reasonable range (see the note above). For example, one can run spectral fits
on a M–Rgrid (using the steppar command) within the allowed parameter
domain (see above).
Please send your comments/questions (if any) to Slava Zavlin (vyacheslav.zavlin@msfc.nasa.gov)
and/or George Pavlov (pavlov@astro.psu.edu). If you publish results obtained
using this model please reference Zavlin et al. (1996, A&A 315, 141).
par1 log Teff : (unredshifted) effective temperature
par2 Mns : neutron star gravitational mass (in units of Solar mass)
par3 Rns : “true” neutron star radius (km)
norm 1/D2where Dis the distance to the object in pc
6.2.61 nsatmos: NS Hydrogen Atmosphere model with
electron conduction and self-irradiation
This model interpolates from a grid of NS atmosphere calculations provided by
George Rybicki and Ramesh Narayan to output a NS atmosphere spectrum. The
model grids cover a wide range of surface gravity and effective temperature, and
incorporate thermal electron conduction and self-irradiation by photons from
the compact object. This code assumes negligible (less than 109G) magnetic
fields and a pure hydrogen atmosphere. A detailed description of the model is
given in Heinke et al. (2006), ApJ 644, 1090 (see also McClintock et al. 2004,
ApJ, 615, 402).
par1 log Teff : (unredshifted) effective temperature
par2 Mns : neutron star gravitational mass (in units of Solar mass)
par3 Rns : “true” neutron star radius (km)
par4 dist : distance to the neutron star (in kpc)
norm fraction of the neutron star surface emitting
6.2.62 nsmax: Neutron Star Magnetic Atmosphere
This model has been superseded by nsmaxg.
This model interpolates from a grid of neutron star (NS) atmosphere spectra
to produce a final spectrum that depends on the parameters listed below. The
atmosphere spectra are obtained using the latest equation of state and opacity
results for a partially ionized, strongly magnetized hydrogen or mid-Z element
plasma. The models are constructed by solving the coupled radiative transfer
equations for the two photon polarization modes in a magnetized medium, and
the atmosphere is in radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium. The atmosphere
models mainly depend on the surface effective temperature Teff and magnetic
field strength Band inclination ΘB; there is also a dependence on the surface
gravity g= (1 + zg)GM/R2, where 1 + zg=p1−2GM/R is the gravitational
redshift and Mand Rare the NS mass and radius, respectively.
Two sets of models are given: one set with a single surface Band Teff and a set
which is constructed with Band Tef f varying across the surface according to the
magnetic dipole model (for the latter, θmis the angle between the direction to
the observer and the magnetic axis). The effective temperatures span the range
log Teff = 5.5−6.8 for hydrogen and log Tef f = 5.8−6.9 for mid-Z elements.
The models with single (B,Teff ) cover the energy range 0.05–10 keV, while the
models with (B,Teff )-distributions cover the range 0.09–5 keV.
par1 log Teff , surface (unredshifted) effective temperature
par2 1 + zg, gravitational redshift
par3 switch indicating model to use
norm A= (Rem/d)2, normalization, where Rem is the size (in km) of the
emission region and dis the distance (kpc) to the object Note: A
is added automatically by XSPEC.
The models available by setting par3 are:
Switch Element B(1012 G) ΘBθmlog g(cm/s2) log Teff E(keV)
1000 H 0.01 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 - 10
1060 H 0.04 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 - 10
1085 H 0.07 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 - 10
1100 H 0.1 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 - 10
1200 H 1.0 0 N/A 0.4 – 2.5 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 - 10
1230 H 2.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 - 10
1260 H 4.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 - 10
1280 H 7.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 - 10
1300 H 10.0 0 N/A 0.4 – 2.5 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 - 10
1330 H 20.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.6 – 6.8 0.05 - 10
1350 H 30.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.7 – 6.8 0.05 - 10
1211 H 1.26 0 N/A 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 - 10
1281 H 7.0 0 N/A 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 - 10
12006 C 1.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 - 10
13006 C 10.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 - 10
12008 O 1.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 - 10
13008 O 10.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 - 10
12010 Ne 1.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 - 10
13010 Ne 10.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 - 10
123100 H 1.0 – 1.82 0-90 0 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 - 5
123190 H 1.0 – 1.82 0-90 90 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 - 5
130100 H 5.5 – 10.0 0-90 0 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 - 5
130190 H 5.5 – 10.0 0-90 90 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 - 5
If you publish results obtained using nsmax, please reference Ho, W.C.G.,
Potekhin, A.Y., & Chabrier, G. (2008, ApJS, 178, 102) and also Mori, K. & Ho,
W.C.G. (2007, MNRAS, 377, 905) if using the mid-Z models. See Ho, W.C.G.
(2014, Proc. of IAUS 302, submitted) for discussion of nsmaxg and nsmax.
6.2.63 nsmaxg: Neutron Star with a Magnetic Atmosphere
The nsmaxg model interpolates from a grid of neutron star (NS) atmosphere
spectra to produce a final spectrum that depends on the parameters listed be-
low. Atmosphere spectra are obtained using the latest equation of state and
opacity results for a partially ionized, strongly magnetized hydrogen or mid-Z
element plasma. Models are constructed by solving the coupled radiative trans-
fer equations for the two photon polarization modes in a magnetized medium,
and the atmosphere is in radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium. Atmosphere
models mainly depend on the surface effective temperature Teff and magnetic
field strength Band inclination ΘB; there is also a dependence on the surface
gravity g= (1 + zg)GM/R2, where 1 + zg=p1−2GM/R is the gravitational
redshift and Mand Rare the NS mass and radius, respectively.
Two sets of models are available: one set with a single surface Band Teff [some
models allow for varying g, in the range log g(cm/s2) = 13.6–15.4] and a set
which is constructed with Band Tef f varying across the surface according to
the magnetic dipole model (θmis the angle between the direction to the observer
and the magnetic axis). Effective temperatures span the range log Teff (K) =
5.5–6.8. Models with single (B,Teff ) cover the energy range 0.05–10 keV, while
models with (B,Teff )-distributions cover the range 0.09–5 keV.
par1 log Teff , surface (unredshifted) effective temperature
par2 M, neutron star gravitational mass
par3 R, neutron star radius
par4 d, distance to neutron star
par5 switch indicating model to use
norm 1, normalization (though not strictly correct, can be varied to
change the size of the emission region, (Rem/R)2)
The models available by setting par5 are:
Switch Element B(1012 G) ΘBθmlog g(cm/s2) log Teff E(keV)
1000 H 0.01 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 – 10
1060 H 0.04 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 – 10
1085 H 0.07 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 – 10
1100 H 0.1 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.7 0.05 – 10
1200 H 1.0 0 N/A 0.4 – 2.5 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1230 H 2.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1260 H 4.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1280 H 7.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1300 H 10.0 0 N/A 0.4 – 2.5 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1330 H 20.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.6 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1350 H 30.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.7 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1211 H 1.26 0 N/A 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
1281 H 7.0 0 N/A 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.05 – 10
12006 C 1.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 – 10
13006 C 10.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 – 10
12008 O 1.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 – 10
13008 O 10.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 – 10
12010 Ne 1.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 – 10
13010 Ne 10.0 0 N/A 2.4 5.8 – 6.9 0.05 – 10
123100 H 1.0 – 1.82 0-90 0 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 – 5
123190 H 1.0 – 1.82 0-90 90 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 – 5
130100 H 5.5 – 10.0 0-90 0 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 – 5
130190 H 5.5 – 10.0 0-90 90 1.6 5.5 – 6.8 0.09 – 5
If you publish results obtained using nsmaxg, please reference Ho, W.C.G.,
Potekhin, A.Y., & Chabrier, G. (2008, ApJS, 178, 102) and also Mori, K. &
Ho, W.C.G. (2007, MNRAS, 377, 905) if using mid-Z models. See Ho, W.C.G.
(2014, Proc. of IAUS 302, 435) for discussion of nsmaxg and nsmax.
6.2.64 nsx: neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere
The nsx model interpolates from a grid of neutron star (NS) atmosphere spec-
tra to produce a final spectrum that depends on the parameters listed below.
Atmosphere spectra are obtained using opacity tables computed by The Opacity
Project and are for non-magnetic atmospheres (note that nsx is fully compat-
ible with the magnetic atmosphere spectral tables of nsmaxg, and both nsx
and nsmaxg spectral tables can easily be made compatible with other XSPEC
NS fitting models). Atmosphere models are constructed by solving the radiative
transfer equation, and the atmosphere is assumed to be in radiative and hydro-
static equilibrium. Atmosphere models depend on the surface effective tempera-
ture Teff and surface gravity g= (1+zg)GM/R2, where 1+zg=p1−2GM/R
is the gravitational redshift and Mand Rare the NS mass and radius, respec-
tively. The parameters are:
par1 log Teff , surface (unredshifted) effective temperature
par2 M, neutron star gravitation mass (in units of Solar mass)
par3 R, neutron star radius (in km)
par4 d, distance to neutron star (in kpc)
par5 Switch indicating model to use
norm 1, normalization (though not strictly correct, can be varied to
change the size of the emission region, (Rem/R)2)
The models available by setting par5 are:
Switch Element log g(cm/s2) log Teff E (keV)
2 He 13.6 - 14.9 5.5 - 6.7 0.03 - 15
6 C 13.6 - 15.3 5.9 - 6.6 0.01 - 15
If you publish results obtained using nsx, please reference Ho, W.C.G. & Heinke,
C.O. (2009, Nature, 462, 71).
6.2.65 nteea: non-thermal pair plasma
A nonthermal pair plasma model based on that of Lightman & Zdziarski (1987,
ApJ 319, 643) from Magdziarz and Zdziarski. It includes angle-dependent re-
flection from Magdziarz & Zdziarski (1995, MNRAS 273, 837). In versions 1.1
and above the Compton reflection is done through an internal call to the reflect
model. The Greens’ function integration required for the Compton reflection
calculation is performed to an accuracy of 0.01 (i.e. 1%). This can be changed
using e.g. xset NTEEA PRECISION 0.05.The abundances are set up by
the command abund. Send questions or comments to aaz@camk.edu.pl
par1 nonthermal electron compactness
par2 blackbody compactness
par3 scaling factor for reflection (1 for isotropic source above disk)
par4 blackbody temperature in eV
par5 the maximum Lorentz factor
par6 thermal compactness (0 for pure nonthermal plasma)
par7 Thomson optical depth of ionization electrons (e.g., 0)
par8 electron injection index (0 for monoenergetic injection)
par9 minimum Lorentz factor of the power law injection (not used for
monoenergetic injection)
par10 minimum Lorentz factor for nonthermal reprocessing
par11 radius in cm (for Coulomb/bremsstrahlung only)
par12 pair escape rate in c (0-1, see Zdziarski 1985, ApJ, 289, 514)
par13 cosine of inclination angle
par14 iron abundance relative to that defined by abund
par15 redshift z
norm photon flux of the direct component (w/o reflection) at 1 keV in
the observer’s frame.
6.2.66 Nthcomp: Thermally comptonized continuum
Nthcomp is a much better description of the continuum shape from thermal
comptonisation than an exponentially cutoff power law, but is not that much
more complicated in terms of parameters. The high energy cutoff is sharper
than an exponential, and is parameterized by the electron temperature (kTe).
VERY roughly, an exponential rollover energy Ec= 2 −3kTebut the shape is
very different, so it impacts on the reflected fraction as well. Another major ef-
fect (especially for X-ray binaries) is that it incorporates the low energy rollover.
The hot electrons Compton UPscatter seed photons so there are few photons
in the scattered spectrum at energies below the typical seed photon energies,
making it significantly different to a power law below this energy. Typically the
physical picture is that these seed photons are (quasi)blackbody (eg neutron
star boundary layer) or disk blackbody in shape. Either of these shapes can be
selected (input type), both being parameterized by a seed photon temperature
(kTbb). Between the low and high energy rollovers the shape of the spectrum
is set by the combination of electron scattering optical depth and electron tem-
perature. It is not necessarily a power law, but can be parameterized by an
asymptotic power law index (Γ). Details of this are given in Zycki, Done &
Smith (1999), including a self-consistent reflection component which is NOT
released here as it was written using non-FITS standard files so has significant
issues with portability.
This is the thermally comptonized continuum model of Zdziarski, Johnson &
Magdziarz 1996, MNRAS, 283, 193, as extended by Zycki, Done & Smith 1999,
MNRAS 309, 561. Please reference these papers if you use it.
par1 Γ, asymptotic power-law photon index.
par2 kTe, electron temperature (high energy rollover)
par3 kTbb, seed photon temperature (low energy rollover)
par4 inp type, 0 or 1 for blackbody or disk-blackbody seed photons,
par5 redshift
norm normalization, unity at 1 keV for a norm of 1.
6.2.67 Optxagnf, optxagn: Colour temperature corrected
disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model
for AGN.
AGN spectral energy distributions are complex, but can be phenomenologically
fit by a disc, optically thick, low temperature thermal Comptonisation (to pro-
duce the soft X-ray excess) and an optically thin, high temperature themal
Comptonisation (to produce the power law emission which dominates above 2
keV). Here we combine these three components together assuming that they are
all ultimately powered by gravitational energy released in accretion. We assume
that the gravitational energy released in the disc at each radius is emitted as a
(colour temperature corrected) blackbody only down to a given radius, Rcorona.
Below this radius, we further assume that the energy can no longer completely
thermalise, and is distributed between powering the soft excess component and
the high energy tail. This imposes an important energetic self consistency on the
model. The key aspect of this model is that the optical luminosity constrains the
mass accretion rate through the outer disc, ˙
M, provided there is an independent
estimate of the black hole mass (from e.g. the Hβemission line profile). The
total luminosity available to power the entire SED is Ltot =eff ˙
Mc2, where the
efficiency is set by black hole spin assuming Novikov-Thorne emissivity.
There are two versions of the model. optxagnf is the one recommended for
most purposes, and has the colour temperature correction calculated for each
temperature from the approximations given in Done et al. (2011). optxagn
instead allows the user to define their own colour temperature correction, fcol,
which is then applied to annuli with effective temperature > Tscatt. In both
models the flux is set by the physical parameters of mass, L/L)Edd, spin and
distance, hence the model normalisations MUST be frozen at unity.
Parameters in optxagnf :
par1 mass, black hole mass in solar masses
par2 dist, comoving (proper) distance in Mpc
par3 log L/Ledd, Eddington ratio
par4 astar, dimensionless black hole spin
par5 rcor, coronal radius in Rg=GM/c2marking the transition from
(colour temperature corrected) blackbody emission to a Comp-
tonised spectrum. If this parameter is negative then only the black-
body component is used.
par6 log rout, log of the outer radius of the disc in units of Rg; if this is
-ve the code will use the self gravity radius as calculated from Laor
& Netzer (1989)
par7 kTe, electron temperature for the soft Comptonisation component
(soft excess) in keV
par8 τ, pptical depth of the soft Comptonisation component. If this
parameter is negative then only the soft Compton component is
par9 Γ, spectral index of the hard Comptonisation component (“power
law”) which has temperature fixed to 100 keV.
par10 fpl, fraction of the power below rcor which is emitted in the hard
comptonisation component. If this parameter is negative then only
the hard Compton component is used.
par11 Redshift
norm K, must be frozen
Parameters in optxagn:
par1 mass, black hole mass in solar masses
par2 dist, comoving (proper) distance in Mpc
par3 log L/Ledd, Eddington ratio
par4 astar, dimensionless black hole spin
par5 rcor, coronal radius in Rg=GM/c2marking the transition from
(colour temperature corrected) blackbody emission to a Comp-
tonised spectrum. If this parameter is negative then only the black-
body component is used.
par6 log rout, log of the outer radius of the disc in units of Rg; if this is
-ve the code will use the self gravity radius as calculated from Laor
& Netzer (1989)
par7 kTe, electron temperature for the soft Comptonisation component
(soft excess) in keV
par8 τ, pptical depth of the soft Comptonisation component. If this
parameter is negative then only the soft Compton component is
par9 Γ, spectral index of the hard Comptonisation component (“power
law”) which has temperature fixed to 100 keV.
par10 fpl, fraction of the power below rcor which is emitted in the hard
comptonisation component. If this parameter is negative then only
the hard Compton component is used.
par11 fcol, colour temperature correction to apply to the disc blackbody
emission for radii below rcor with effective temperature > Tscatt
par12 Tscatt, effective temperature criterion used as described above (in
par13 Redshift
norm K, must be frozen
6.2.68 pegpwrlw: power law, pegged normalization
A power law with pegged normalization.
A(E) = KE−α
where :
par1 α, photon index of power law (dimensionless)
par2 lower peg energy range (keV)
par3 upper peg energy range (keV)
norm flux (in units of 10−12 ergs/cm2/s over the energy par2–par3). If
par2 =par3, it is the flux in micro-Jy at par2.
6.2.69 pexmon: neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent
Fe and Ni lines.
This model from Nandra et al. (2007; MNRAS 382, 194) combines pexrav
with self-consistently generated Fe Kα, Fe Kβ, Ni Kαand the Fe KαCompton
shoulder. Line strengths are based on Monte Carlo calculations by George and
Fabian (1991; MNRAS 249, 352) which are parametrized for 1.1< γ < 2.5 by :
EW = 9.66EW0(γ−2.8−0.56)
with inclination dependence for i < 85 degrees :
EW =EW0(2.20 cos i−1.749(cos i)2+ 0.541(cos i)3)
and abundance dependence :
log EW = log EW0(0.0641 log AF e −0.172(log AF e)2)
The Fe Kβand Ni Kαline fluxes are 11.3% and 5% respectively of that for Fe
Kα. The Fe KαCompton shoulder is approximated as a gaussian with E =
6.315 keV and σ= 0.035 keV. The inclination dependence is taken from Matt
(2002; MNRAS 337, 147) such that :
EWshoulder =EWF eKα(0.1+0.1 cos i)
The model parameters are :
par1 γ, power-law photon index, NE∝E−γ.
par2 Ec, cutoff energy in keV (if Ec= 0 there is no cutoff).
par3 scale, the scaling factor for reflection; <0 = no direct component,
1 = isotropic source above the disk
par4 z, redshift
par5 A, abundance of elements heavier than He relative to Solar.
par6 Afe, iron abundance relative to Solar.
par7 the inclination angle (degrees).
norm normalization is the photon flux at 1 keV (photons/keV/cm2/s)
of the cutoff power law only (without reflection) and in the Earth
6.2.70 pexrav: reflected powerlaw, neutral medium
Exponentially cut off power law spectrum reflected from neutral material (Magdziarz
& Zdziarski 1995, MNRAS, 273, 837). The output spectrum is the sum of the
cut-off power law and the reflection component. The reflection component alone
can be obtained for relrefl <0. Then the actual reflection normalization is
|relrefl|. Note that you need to then change the limits of relrefl to exclude zero
(as then the direct component appears). If Ec= 0 there is no cutoff in the
power law. The metal and iron abundance are variable with respect to those
defined by the command abund. The opacities are those set by the command
xsect. As expected in AGNs, H and He are assumed to be fully ionized
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting PEXRAV PRECISION eg
xset PEXRAV PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
par1 Γ, first power law photon index, NE∝EΓ
par2 Ec, cutoff energy (keV) (if Ec= 0 there is no cutoff)
par3 relrefl, reflection scaling factor (0 = no reflected component, <0
reflection component only)
par4 redshift, z
par5 abundance of elements heavier than He relative to the solar abun-
par6 iron abundance relative to that defined by abund
par7 cosine of inclination angle
norm photon flux at 1 keV (photons/keV/cm2/s) of the cutoff broken
power-law only (no reflection) in the observed frame.
6.2.71 pexriv: reflected powerlaw, ionized medium
Exponentially cut off power law spectrum reflected from ionized material (Magdziarz
& Zdziarski 1995, MNRAS, 273, 837). Ionization and opacities of the reflecting
medium is computed as in the absori model. The output spectrum is the sum of
the cut-off power law and the reflection component. The reflection component
alone can be obtained for relrefl <0. Then the actual reflection normalization
is |relrefl|. Note that you need to then change the limits of relrefl to exclude
zero (as then the direct component appears). If Ec= 0 there is no cutoff in the
power law. The metal and iron abundance are variable with respect to those
defined by the command abund.
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting PEXRIV PRECISION eg
xset PEXRIV PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
par1 Γ, first power law photon index, NE∝EΓ
par2 Ec, cutoff energy (keV) (if Ec= 0 there is no cutoff)
par3 relrefl, reflection scaling factor (0 = no reflected component, <0
reflection component only)
par4 redshift, z
par5 abundance of elements heavier than He relative to the solar abun-
par6 iron abundance relative to that defined by abund
par7 cosine of inclination angle
par8 disk temperature in K
par9 disk ionization parameter, ξ= 4πFion/n, where Fion is the 5eV –
20keV irradiating flux, nis the density of the reflector; see Done
et al., 1992, ApJ, 395, 275.
norm photon flux at 1 keV (photons/keV/cm2/s) of the cutoff broken
power-law only (no reflection) in the observed frame.
6.2.72 plcabs: powerlaw observed through dense, cold mat-
This model describes X-ray transmission of an isotropic source of photons lo-
cated at the center of a uniform, spherical distribution of matter, correctly
taking into account Compton scattering. The model can be used for radial col-
umn densities up to 5 ×10−24 cm−2. The valid energy range for which data
can be modeled is between 10 and 18.5 keV, depending on the column density.
Details of the physics of the model, the approximations used and further details
on the regimes of validity can be found in Yaqoob (1997; ApJ, 479, 184). In
this particular incarnation, the initial spectrum is a power law modified by a
high-energy exponential cut-off above a certain threshold energy.
Also, to improve the speed, a FAST option is available in which a full integration
over the input spectrum is replaced by a simple mean energy shift for each bin.
This option is obtained by setting par9 to a value of 1 or greater and cannot
be made variable. Further, for single-scattering albedos less than the critical
albedo (i.e. par8) energy shifts are neglected altogether. The recommended
value for par8 is 0.1 which corresponds to about 4 keV for cosmic abundances
and is more than adequate for ASCA data.
Note that for column densities in the range 1023 – 1024 cm−2, the maximum
number of scatterings which need be considered for convergence of the spectrum
of better than 1% is between 1 and 5. For column densities as high as 5 ×1024
cm−2, the maximum number of scatterings which need be considered for the
same level of convergence is 12. This parameter cannot be made variable.
par1 Column density in units 1022 cm−2
par2 Maximum number of scatterings to consider.
par3 Iron abundance.
par4 Iron K edge energy.
par5 Power-law photon index.
par6 High-energy cut-off threshold energy.
par7 High-energy cut-off e-folding energy.
par8 Critical albedo for switching to elastic scattering.
par9 If par9 >1, function uses mean energy shift, not integration.
par10 Source redshift, z
norm Normalization factor
6.2.73 posm: positronium continuum
Positronium continuum (Brown & Leventhal 1987 ApJ 319, 637)
A(E) = K2
E2log( Ec−E
(2Ec−E)3log( Ec−E
for E < Ec= 511 keV, where:
norm K, normalization
6.2.74 powerlaw, zpowerlw: power law photon spectrum
powerlaw is a simple photon power law. The zpowerlw variant computes a
redshifted spectrum.
A(E) = KE−α
par1 α, photon index of power law (dimensionless)
norm K, photons/keV/cm2/s at 1 keV
For zpowerlw the formula and corresponding parameters are:
A(E) = K[E(1 + z)]−α
par1 α, photon index of power law (dimensionless)
par2 z, redshift
norm K, photons/keV/cm2/s at 1 keV
If POW EMIN and POW EMAX have been defined by the xset command then
the norm becomes the flux in units of 10−12 ergs/cm2/s over the energy range
(POW EMIN, POW EMAX) keV unless POW EMIN = POW EMAX in which
case the norm becomes the flux density in micro-Jansky at POW EMIN keV.
In these cases it is important that POW EMIN and POW EMAX lie within the
energy range on which the model is being evaluated.
6.2.75 pshock, vpshock, vvpshock: plane-parallel shocked
plasma, constant temperature
Constant temperature plane-parallel shock plasma model. The references for
this model can be found under the description of the equil model. Several
versions are available. To switch between them use the xset neivers command.
The versions available are:
1.0 the version from xspec v11.1
1.1 as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using
dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et
al (1998)
2.0 same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB
v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum
3.0 ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses
AtomDB v3
Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. The default is version 3.0. The
vpshock variant allows the user to set the abundances for the more common
elements. For versions 3 and above the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Full
control over all the elemental abundances is available in the vvpshock model.
For the pshock model the parameters are:
par1 Plasma temperature (keV)
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by
the abund command
par3 Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par4 Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par5 redshift
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
For the vpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 Plasma temperature (keV)
par2 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par3–par14 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
par15 Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par16 Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par17 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
Finally, for the vvpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 Plasma temperature (keV)
par2 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par3–par31 Abundances for all elements with 2 ≤Z≤30 wrt Solar (defined
by the abund command)
par32 Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par33 Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par34 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
6.2.76 raymond, vraymond: emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-
An emission spectrum from hot, diffuse gas based on the model calculations
of Raymond and Smith (ApJS 35, 419 and additions) including line emissions
from several elements. This model interpolates on a grid of spectra for different
temperatures. The grid is logarithmically spaced with 80 temperatures ranging
from 0.008 to 80 keV.
The vraymond variant allows independent parameters to set the abundances.
Abundances are the number of nuclei per Hydrogen nucleus relative to the Solar
abundances as set by the abund command.
For the raymond model the parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances are
set by the abund command.
par3 Redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the vraymond variant the parameters are as follows.
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2–par13 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command).
par14 redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
6.2.77 redge: emission, recombination edge
Recombination edge emission.
A(E) = (0 if E < Ec
K(1/Tp) exp[−(E−Ec)
Tp] if E >=Ec
par1 Ec, threshold energy
par2 Tp, plasma temperature (keV)
norm K, photons/cm2/s in the line
6.2.78 refsch: reflected power law from ionized accretion
Exponentially cut-off power-law spectrum reflected from an ionized relativistic
accretion disk. In this model, spectrum of pexriv is convolved with a relativistic
disk line profile diskline. See Magdziarz & Zdziarski 1995 MNRAS, 273, 837
for details of Compton reflection. See Fabian et al. 1989, MNRAS, 238, 729 for
details of the disk line profile.
par1 Γ, power law photon index, NE∝E−Γ
par2 Ec, cutoff energy (keV) (if Ec= 0 there is no cutoff)
par3 relrefl, reflection scaling factor (0 = no direct component, 1 corre-
sponds to an isotropic source above disk)
par4 redshift, z
par5 abundance of elements heavier than He relative to the solar abun-
par6 iron abundance relative to that defined by abund
par7 inclination angle (degrees)
par8 disk temperature in K
par9 disk ionization parameter, ξ= 4πFion
n, where Fion is the 5eV –
20keV irradiating flux, nis the density of the reflector; see Done
et al., 1992, ApJ, 395, 275.
par10 e, power law dependence of emissivity. the emissivity ∝Re
par11 inner radius (units of GM/c2)
par12 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
par13 internal model accuracy - points of spectrum per energy decade
norm photon flux at 1 keV (photons/keV/cm2/s) of the cutoff broken
power-law only (no reflection) in the observed frame.
6.2.79 rnei, vrnei, vvrnei: non-equilibrium recombining
collisional plasma
Non-equilibrium ionization collisional plasma model. This is a beta test version
of a model for a recombining plasma where the plasma is assumed to have started
in collisional equilibrium with the initial temperature given by the relevant input
parameter. This model will only work for xset neivers 3.0 and above. The
default is 3.0.
The vrnei variant allows the user to set the abundances of the most common
elements. The abundances of the trace elements (ie Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc,
Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using xset APEC TRACE ABUND.
These trace element abundances can be set either to the abundance of one of
the main elements or to a numerical value (relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Full
control over all the elemental abundances is available in the vvrnei model.
For the rnei model the parameters are:
par1 Plasma temperature (keV)
par2 Initial plasma temperature (keV)
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by
the abund command
par4 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par5 redshift
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
For the vrnei model, the parameters are:
par1 Plasma temperature (keV)
par2 Initial plasma temperature (keV)
par3 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par4–par15 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
par16 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par17 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
Finally, for the vvrnei model, the parameters are:
par1 Plasma temperature (keV)
par2 Initial plasma temperature (keV)
par3 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par4–par32 Abundances for all elements with 2 ≤Z≤30 wrt Solar (defined
by the abund command)
par33 Ionization timescale in units of s/cm3.
par34 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
6.2.80 sedov, vsedov, vvsedov: sedov model, separate ion,
electron temperatures
Sedov model model with separate ion and electron temperatures. This model is
slow. par1 provides a measure of the average energy per particle (ions+electrons)
and is constant throughout the postshock flow in plane shock models (Borkowski
et al., 2001, ApJ, 548, 820). par2 should always be less than par1. If par2
exceeds par1 then their interpretations are switched (ie the larger of par1 and
par2 is always the mean temperature). Additional references can be found un-
der the help for the equil model. Several versions are available. To switch
between them use the xset neivers command. The versions available are:
1.0 the version from xspec v11.1
1.1 as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using
dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et
al (1998)
2.0 same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB
v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum
3.0 ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses
AtomDB v3
Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. The default is version 3.0.
The vsedov variant allows the user to set the abundances for the more common
elements. For versions 3 and above the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Full
control over all the elemental abundances is available in the vvsedov model.
For the sedov model the parameters are:
par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by
the abund command
par4 Ionization age (s/cm3) of the remnant (= electron density immedi-
ately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par5 redshift
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
For the vsedov model, the parameters are:
par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par4–par15 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
par16 Ionization age (s/cm3) of the remnant (= electron density immedi-
ately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par17 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
Finally, for the vvsedov model, the parameters are:
par1 Mean shock temperature (keV)
par2 Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV)
par3 H abundance (should take values of 0 or 1 to switch on and off
free-free continuum)
par4–par32 Abundances for all elements with 2 ≤Z≤30 wrt Solar (defined
by the abund command)
par33 Ionization age (s/cm3) of the remnant (= electron density immedi-
ately behind the shock front multiplied by the age of the remnant).
par34 Redshift, z
norm (10−14/(4π[DA(1 + z)]2)) RnenHdV , where DAis the angular di-
ameter distance to the source (cm), neis the electron density
(cm−3), and nHis the hydrogen density (cm−3).
6.2.81 sirf: self-irradiated funnel
The multi-blackbody “Self-IrRadiated Funnel” model is designed to model optically-
thick outflow-dominated accretion. The basic idea is simple: you just assume a
lot of matter, angular momentum and energy emerges in a limited volume. Mo-
mentum conservation leads to non-sphericity of the flow that has subsequently
conical (funnel-like) shape. The model calculates temperature distribution at
the funnel walls (taking into account irradiation by iterative process) and the
outer photosphere. We also assume that inside the cone there is a deep pseudo-
photosphere. Relativistic boosts are taken into account for high velocities. For
a comprehensive description of the physical model, see: Abolmasov, P., Karpov,
S. and Kotani, T. PASJ, 61, 2, 213.
par1 tin, inner temperature (at the inner, inside-the-funnel photo-
par2 rin, inner (inside-the-funnel photosphere) radius in “spherisation
radius” units (the latter is defined as 3K˙
par3 rout, outer photosphere radius in “spherisation radius” units.
par4 θ, half-opening angle of the cone.
par5 incl, inclination angle of the funnel. Affects mainly self-occultation
and relativistic boost effects.
par6 vα, velocity law exponent, v∝rvα.
par7 γ, adiabatic index. It affects the inner, hotter parts of the flow,
therefore we set is to 4/3 by default.
par8 ˙m, mass ejection rate in Eddington (critical) units.
par9 irrad, number of iterations for irradiation.
6.2.82 slimbh: Stationary slim accretion disk
This is a relativistic model for X-ray continuum of stationary slim accretion disks
around stallar mass black holes. This model is based on disk radial structure
solutions presented in Sadowski et al. (2010) combined with vertical structure
computed using TLUSTY code to make the best model for X-ray continuum
for a wide range of luminosities up to Eddington limit. See also Straub et al.
Using the xset command to set SLIMBB DEBUG to 1 will cause debug infor-
mation to be written to a log file. The table file used by this model can be
replaced by setting SLIMBB DIR and SLIMBB TABLE to the directory and
name of the file, respectively.
The parameters are:
par1 M: mass of the black hole (in solar units)
par2 a: black hole spin parameter (dimensionless; 0¡a¡0.999)
par3 L: luminosity (total disk luminosity in Eddington units)
par4 alpha: alpha-viscosity
par5 i: inclination (in degrees; 0¡=i¡=85)
par6 D: distance to the source (in kpc)
par7 f: hardening factor; negative value means to use TLUSTY spectra
par8 lflag: a flag to switch on/off the effect of limb-darkening (not al-
lowed to be free). If positive, disk emission is limb-darkened; if
¡=0, disk emission is assumed to be isotropic
par9 vflag: switch on/off surface profile; if positive, raytracing is done
from the actual photosphere; if ¡=0, spectrum is raytraced from
the equatorial plane ignoring the height profile of the disk
par10 normalization (should be fixed to 1)
6.2.83 smaug: optically-thin, spherically-symmetric ther-
mal plasma.
This model performs an analytical deprojection of an extended, optically-thin
and spherically-symmetric source. A thorough description of the model is given
in Pizzolato et al. (ApJ 592, 62, 2003). In this model the 3D distributions
of hydrogen, metals and temperature throughout the source are given specific
functional forms dependent on a number of parameters, whose values are deter-
mined by the fitting procedure. The user has to extract the spectra in annular
sectors, concentric about the emission peak. The inner boundary (in arcmin),
the outer by the fitting procedure. The user has to extract the spectra in an-
nular sectors, concentric about the emission peak. Three additional XFLTnnnn
keywords must be added (e.g. with the ftools fkeypar). These should take the
values “inner: x”, “outer: y”, “width: z” where x, y, z are the inner boundary
(in arcmin), the outer boundary (also in arcmin), and the width (in degrees),
respectively, of each annular sector. Some parameters of smaug define the
redshift and other options (see below). The other, “relevant” ones define the
3D distributions of hydrogen density, temperature and metal abundance, deter-
mined by a simultaneous fit of the spectra. The cosmological parameters can
be set using the cosmo command.
par1 central temperature [keV]
par2 max difference of temperature [keV]
par3 exponent of the inner temperature
par4 radius of the inner temperature [Mpc]
par5 exponent of the middle temperature
par6 radius of the middle temperature [Mpc]
par7 exponent of the outer temperature
par8 radius of the outer temperature [Mpc]
par9 central hydrogen density [cm−3]
par10 fraction of nH.cc relative to the 1st beta component
par11 exponent of the first beta component
par12 radius of the 1st beta component [Mpc]
par13 exponent of the 2nd beta component
par14 radius of the 2nd beta component [Mpc]
par15 central metallicity [solar units]
par16 exponent of the metal distribution
par17 radius of the metal distribution [Mpc]
par18 redshift of the source
par19 number of mesh-points of the dem summation grid
par20 cutoff radius for the calculation [Mpc]
par21 mode of spectral evaluation: 0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 =
APEC interpolate
par22 type of plasma emission code, 1 = Raymond-Smith, 2 = Mekal, 3
= Meka, 4 = APEC
K model normalisation (nH.cc squared [cm−6] )
Note that if the interactive chattiness level in XSPEC is set to a value >10,
smaug also prints on screen the following quantities:
H0Hubble constant [km/s/Mpc]
q0deceleration parameter
L0cosmological constant
DA source angular distance [Mpc]
DSET dataset no. to which the quantities listed below
IN inner rim of the projected annular sector [Mpc]
OUT outer rim of the projected annular sector [Mpc]
WID width of the projected annular sector [deg]
EVOL emitting volume within the integration radius cut-
off [Mpc3]
EINT emission integral within the integration radius cut-
off [ Mpc3/cm6]. If nH.cc is frozen to 1, the actual
EI is obtained by multiplying this figure by the
square root of the model normalisation
6.2.84 snapec: galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields
This model calculates the spectrum for a galaxy cluster using the apec model
with relative abundances based on SN yields. The relative amounts of SNIa and
SNII can be set and there are a wide variety of different SN yield calculations
available. It is straightforward to add the results of new yield calculations as
they become available in the literature. This model is described in Bulbul, Smith
and Loewenstein 2012 (ApJ 753, 54). All the standard apec xset options can
be used.
The parameters are:
par1 plasma temperature, keV
par2 number of SNe (in units of 109)
par3 percentage of SNIa
par4 SNIa yield model
par5 SNII yield model
par6 Redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
The yield models available are as followed:
Number Model Reference
1 SN Type Ia, W7 R1, Table 2, Z=1.0
2 SN Type II, mu=13 R1, Table 1
3 SN Type II, mu=15 R1, Table 1
4 SN Type II, mu=18 R1, Table 1
5 SN Type II, mu=20 R1, Table 1
6 SN Type II, mu=25 R1, Table 1
7 SN Type II, mu=40 R1, Table 1
8 SN Type II, mu=70 R1, Table 1
9 SN Type II, mu=average (0-50) R1, Table 2
10 SN Type II, mu=average (0-70) R1, Table 2
11 SN Type II, mu=11, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
12 SN Type II, mu=12, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
13 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
14 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
15 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
16 SN Type II, mu=19, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
17 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
18 SN Type II, mu=22, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
19 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5a
20 SN Type II, mu=30A, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
21 SN Type II, mu=30B, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
22 SN Type II, mu=35A, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
23 SN Type II, mu=35B, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
24 SN Type II, mu=35C, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
25 SN Type II, mu=40A, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
26 SN Type II, mu=40B, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
27 SN Type II, mu=40C, Z=1.0 R2, Table 5b
28 SN Type II, mu=12, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10a (P12A)
29 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10a (P13A)
30 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10a (P15A)
31 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10a (P18A)
32 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10a (P20A)
33 SN Type II, mu=22, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10a (P22A)
34 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10a (P25A)
35 SN Type II, mu=30A, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P30A)
36 SN Type II, mu=30B, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P30B)
37 SN Type II, mu=35A, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P35A)
38 SN Type II, mu=35B, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P35B)
39 SN Type II, mu=35C, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P35C)
40 SN Type II, mu=40A, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P40A)
41 SN Type II, mu=40B, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P40B)
42 SN Type II, mu=40C, Z=0.1 R2, Table 10b (P40C)
43 SN Type II, mu=11, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12a (P12A)
44 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12a (P13A)
45 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12a (P15A)
46 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12a (P18A)
47 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12a (P20A)
48 SN Type II, mu=22, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12a (P22A)
49 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12a (P25A)
50 SN Type II, mu=30A, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T30A)
51 SN Type II, mu=30B, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T30B)
52 SN Type II, mu=35A, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T35A)
53 SN Type II, mu=35B, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T35B)
54 SN Type II, mu=35C, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T35C)
55 SN Type II, mu=40A, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T40A)
56 SN Type II, mu=40B, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T40B)
57 SN Type II, mu=40C, Z=0.01 R2, Table 12b (T40C)
58 SN Type II, mu=12, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14a (U12A)
59 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14a (U13A)
60 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14a (U15A)
61 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14a (U18A)
62 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14a (U20A)
63 SN Type II, mu=22, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14a (U22A)
64 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14a (U25A)
65 SN Type II, mu=12, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U30A)
66 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U30B)
67 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U35A)
68 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U35B)
69 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U35C)
70 SN Type II, mu=22, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U40A)
71 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U40B)
72 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.0001 R2, Table 14b (U40C)
73 SN Type II, mu=12, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z12A)
74 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z13A)
75 SN Type II, mu=15A, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z15A)
76 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z18A)
77 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z20A)
78 SN Type II, mu=22, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z22A)
79 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z25A)
80 SN Type II, mu=15B, Z=0 R2, Table 16a (Z15B)
81 SN Type II, mu=30A, Z=0 R2, Table 16b (Z30A)
82 SN Type II, mu=30B, Z=0 R2, Table 16b (Z30B)
83 SN Type II, mu=10-50 R3, Table 3
84 SN Type I, W7 R3, Table 3
85 SN Type I, W70 R3, Table 3
86 SN Type I, WDD1 R3, Table 3
87 SN Type I, WDD2 R3, Table 3
88 SN Type I, WDD3 R3, Table 3
89 SN Type I, CDD1 R3, Table 3
90 SN Type I, CDD3 R3, Table 3
91 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0 R4, Table 2
92 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0 R4, Table 2
93 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0 R4, Table 2
94 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0 R4, Table 2
95 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0 R4, Table 2
96 SN Type II, mu=30, Z=0 R4, Table 2
97 SN Type II, mu=40, Z=0 R4, Table 2
98 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0.001 R4, Table 2
99 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0.001 R4, Table 2
100 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0.001 R4, Table 2
101 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0.001 R4, Table 2
102 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.001 R4, Table 2
103 SN Type II, mu=30, Z=0.001 R4, Table 2
104 SN Type II, mu=40, Z=0.001 R4, Table 2
105 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0.004 R4, Table 2
106 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0.004 R4, Table 2
107 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0.004 R4, Table 2
108 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0.004 R4, Table 2
109 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.004 R4, Table 2
110 SN Type II, mu=30, Z=0.004 R4, Table 2
111 SN Type II, mu=40, Z=0.004 R4, Table 2
112 SN Type II, mu=13, Z=0.02 R4, Table 2
113 SN Type II, mu=15, Z=0.02 R4, Table 2
114 SN Type II, mu=18, Z=0.02 R4, Table 2
115 SN Type II, mu=20, Z=0.02 R4, Table 2
116 SN Type II, mu=25, Z=0.02 R4, Table 2
117 SN Type II, mu=30, Z=0.02 R4, Table 2
118 SN Type II, mu=40, Z=0.02 R4, Table 2
119 SN Type Ia, W7 R5
120 SN Type Ia, cDEF R5
121 SN Type Ia, CDDT R5
122 SN Type Ia, ODDT R5
The references are
R1 Tsujimoto, T., et al. 1995, MNRAS, 277, 945
R2 Woosley, S.E. & Weaver, T.A. 1995, ApJS, 101, 181
R3 Iwamoto, K., et al. 1999, ApJ, 125, 439
R4 Nomoto, K., et al. 2006, Nuclear Physics A, 777, 424
R5 Maeda, K., et al. 2010, ApJ, 708, 1703
6.2.85 srcut: synchrotron spectrum, cutoff power law
srcut describes the synchrotron spectrum from an exponentially cut off power-
law distribution of electrons in a homogeneous magnetic field. This spectrum is
itself a power-law, rolling off more slowly than exponential in photon energies.
Though more realistic than a power-law, it is highly oversimplified, but does
give the maximally curved physically plausible spectrum and can be used to
set limits on maximum accelerated-electron energies even in remnants whose
X-rays are thermal. See Reynolds, S.P. & Keohane, J.W. 1999, ApJ, 525, 368
and Reynolds, S.P., 1998 ApJ 493, 357. Note that the radio spectral index and
flux can be obtained from Green’s Catalogue at http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/
surveys/snrs for galactic SNRs.
par1 alpha: radio spectral index
par2 break Hz: approximately the frequency at which the flux has
dropped by a factor of 10 from a straight power law.
norm 1 GHz flux (Jy)
6.2.86 sresc: synchrotron spectrum, cut off by particle
The synchrotron spectrum from an electron distribution limited by particle es-
cape above some energy. The electrons are shock-accelerated in a Sedov blast
wave encountering a constant-density medium containing a uniform magnetic
field. The model includes variations in electron acceleration efficiency with
shock obliquity, and post-shock radiative and adiabatic losses, as described in
Reynolds, S.P., ApJ 493, 357 1998. This is a highly specific, detailed model
for a fairly narrow set of conditions. See also Reynolds, S.P., ApJL 459, L13
1996. Note that the radio spectral index and flux can be obtained from Green’s
Catalogue at http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/surveys/snrs for galactic SNRs.
par1 alpha: radio spectral index (flux proportional to frequency f−α)
par2 break Hz: approximately the frequency at which the flux has
dropped by a factor of 6 below a straight power law extrapola-
tion from radio frequencies. This frequency is 5.3 times the peak
frequency radiated by electrons with energy Em3in a magnetic
field of 4B1, in the notation of Reynolds (1998), Eq. (19).
norm 1 GHz flux (Jy)
6.2.87 step: step function convolved with gaussian
A step function convolved with a gaussian.
A(E) = K
2[1 −erf((E−Es)
par1 Es, start energy (keV)
par2 σ, gaussian sigma (keV)
norm K, step amplitude
6.2.88 tapec, vtapec, vvtapec: APEC emission spectrum
with separate continuum and line temperatures
An emission spectrum from collisionally-ionized diffuse gas calculated from the
AtomDB atomic database. More information can be found at http://atomdb.
org/ which should be consulted by anyone running this model. This version
of the model allows different temperatures for the continuum and lines. This
default version number can be changed by modifying the ATOMDB VERSION
string in your Xspec.init file.
By default this model reads atomic physics continuum and line data from the
files apec v[version] coco.fits and apec v[version] line.fits in the $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData
directory. Different files can be specified by using the command xset APEC-
ROOT. There are several options. APECROOT can be set to a version number
(eg 1.10, 1.2.0, 1.3.1, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 3.0.2, 3.0.3). In this case the value of APEC-
ROOT will be used to replace the default version number in the name of the
standard files and the resulting files will be assumed to be in the modelData
directory. Alternatively, a filename root (eg apec v1.2.0) can be given. This
root will be used as a prefix for the coco.fits and line.fits files. Finally,
if neither of these work then the model will assume that the APECROOT value
gives the complete directory path, e.g.
XSPEC12> xset APECROOT /foo/bar/apec_v1.2.0
will use the input files
Thermal broadening of lines can be included by using: xset APECTHER-
MAL yes. This runs significantly slower than the option without thermal
broadening so you should only use this when necessary. Velocity broadening of
lines can be included by using: xset APECVELOCITY <velocity>, where
<velocity>is sigma in km/s. This is added in Gaussian quadrature with any
thermal broadening in use.
A continuum-only spectrum can be obtained by using xset APECNOLINES yes.
This will turn off lines for all models using the APEC files. To get a line-free
version of a single APEC model use nlapec.
The tapec model uses abundances set by the abund command. The vtapec
and vvtapec variants allow the user to set the abundance using additional
parameters. For tapec and vtapec the abundances of the trace elements (ie
Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn) can be set using
xset APEC TRACE ABUND. These trace element abundances can be set
either to the abundance of one of the main elements or to a numerical value
(relative to Solar). For instance,
sets trace element abundances to that of iron while
sets them to Solar. The default value for APEC TRACE ABUND is 1.0. Note
that this means that the tapec and vtapec models will show emission lines
even if the abundance parameters are set to zero.
For the tapec model the parameters are:
par1=kT continuum temperature, keV
par2=kT i line temperature, keV
par3 Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are
C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command. The trace element abundances are
from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is 1.0.
par4 Redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the vtapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1=kT continuum temperature, keV
par2=kT i line temperature, keV
par3–par15 Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg,Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command). The trace element abun-
dances are from xset APEC TRACE ABUND, the default is
par16 redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
For the vvtapec variant the parameters are as follows.
par1=kT continuum temperature, keV
par2=kT i line temperature, keV
par3–par32 Abundances for H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si,
P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn wrt
Solar (defined by the abund command)
Par33 redshift, z
norm 10−14
4π[DA(1+z)]2RnenHdV , where DAis the angular diameter distance
to the source (cm), neand nHare the electron and H densities
(cm−3), respectively
6.2.89 voigt: Voigt line profile
A simple Voigt line profile. The Voigt profile is the convolution of a Gaussian and
a Lorentzian. This model uses a pseudo-Voigt approximation which is good to
1% and is due to Ida, Ando & Toraya 2000, Journal of Applied Crystallography
33 (6), 1311.
The parameters are:
par1 El, line energy in keV
par2 σ, gaussian line width in keV
par3 γ, lorentzian FWHM line width in keV
Norm K, total photons/cm−2/s in the line
6.3 Multiplicative Model Components
6.3.1 absori: ionized absorber
An ionized absorber based on that of Done et al. (1992, ApJ 395, 275) and
developed by Magdziarz & Zdziarski. See also Zdziarski et al. (1995, ApJ
438, L63). Photoionization rates are from Reilman & Manson (1979, ApJS 40,
815), who employ the Hartree-Slater approximation (accurate to about 5%),
and recombination rates are from Shull & Steenburg (1982, ApJS 48, 95). The
cross sections are extrapolated with E−3above 5 keV. The abundances are set
up by the command abund. Send questions or comments to aaz@camk.edu.pl
par1 power-law photon index.
par2 Hydrogen column in units of 1022cm−2
par3 Absorber temperature in K.
par4 Absorber ionization state (L/nR2), see Done et al. (1992)
par5=z redshift.
par6 Iron abundance relative to that defined by the command abund
6.3.2 acisabs: Chandra ACIS q.e. decay
This model accounts for the decay in the ACIS quantum efficiency most likely
caused by molecular contamination of the ACIS filters. The user needs to supply
the number of days between Chandra launch and observation. The acisabs
parameters related to the composition of the hydrocarbon and the rate of decay
should be frozen and not modified. The present version of acisabs is to be
used for the analysis of bare ACIS I and ACIS S data. For the present version
of acisabs one must use the standard qe file vN0003 instead of the optional
vN0004 file.
Because of the present large uncertainty in the ACIS gain at energies below
350eV we recommend that events in the 0-350eV range be ignored in the spectral
analysis until the gain issue is resolved.
acisabs calculates the mass absorption coefficients of the contaminant from
atomic scattering factor files provided at
http://henke.lbl.gov/optical constants/asf.html
par1 Days between Chandra launch and ACIS observation
par2 Slope of linear quantum efficiency decay
par3 Offset of linear quantum efficiency decay
par4 Number of carbon atoms in hydrocarbon
par5 Number of hydrogen atoms in hydrocarbon
par6 Number of oxygen atoms in hydrocarbon
par7 Number of nitrogen atoms in hydrocarbon
6.3.3 cabs: Optically-thin Compton scattering.
Optically-thin Compton scattering.
M(E) = exp(−ηHσT(E))
where σT(E) is the Thomson cross-section with Klein-Nishina corrections at
high energies. Note that this model does not do frequency downshifting so is
only valid for scattering out of the beam.
par1=ηHhydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
6.3.4 constant: energy-independent factor
An energy-independent multiplicative factor.
par1 = factor
6.3.5 cyclabs: absorption line, cyclotron
A cyclotron absorption line as used in pulsar spectra. See Mihara et al., Nature,
1990 or Makishima et al. PASJ, 1990.
M(E) = exp "−Df
par1=Dfdepth of the fundamental
par2=Ecycl cyclotron energy
par3=Wfwidth of the fundamental
par4=D2hdepth 2nd harmonic
par5=W2hwidth of the 2nd harmonic
6.3.6 dust: dust scattering
A modification of a spectrum due to scattering off dust on the line-of-sight. The
model assumes that the scattered flux goes into a uniform disk whose size has
a 1/E dependence and whose total flux has a 1/E2dependence.
par1 scattering fraction at 1 keV
par2 size of halo at 1 keV in units of the detector beamsize
6.3.7 edge, zedge: absorption edge
The edge model is absorption edge, given by
M(E) = 1E≤Ec
exp −D(E/Ec)−3E≥Ec
par1=Ecthreshold energy
par2=Dabsorption depth at the threshold
The zedge model given by
M(E) =
1E < Ec
exp −D[E(1 + z)/Ec]3E > Ec
allows a redshift z where:
par1=Ecthreshold energy
par2=Dabsorption depth at the threshold
par3=z redshift
6.3.8 etable: exponential tabular model
An exponential table model. The filename to be used should be given immedi-
ately after etable in the model command. For example:
XSPEC12> model etable{mymod.mod}
uses mymod.mod as the input for the model. XSPEC will multiply the contents
of the model by -1 then take the exponential i.e. this model is for calculating ab-
sorption functions. For specifications of the table model file, see the OGIP memo
92-009 on the FITS file format for table model files (available on the WWW or
by anonymous ftp from ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/caldb/docs/memos).
The model value is assumed unity outside the tabulated energies unless the
keywords LOELIMIT and HIELIMIT are given in the primary extension of the
FITS file. In the latter case the value given in LOELIMIT will be used for ener-
gies below those tabulated and HIELIMIT for energies above those tabulated.
6.3.9 expabs: exponential roll-off at low E
A low-energy exponential rolloff.
M(E) = exp(−Ec/E)
par1=Ece-folding energy for the absorption
6.3.10 expfac: exponential modification
An exponential modification of a spectrum.
M(E) = 1 + Aexp(−fE)E > Ec
1E < Ec
par1=Aamplitude of effect
par2=fexponential factor
par3=Ecstart energy of modification
6.3.11 gabs: gaussian absorption line
M(E) = exp −par3/(√2πpar2)exp −.5 ((E−par1) /par2)2
par1 = line energy in keV.
par2 = line width (sigma) in keV.
par3 = line depth. The optical depth at line center is par3/par2/√2π.
6.3.12 heilin: Voigt absorption profiles for He I series
This model calculates the Voigt absorption profiles for the He I series.
par1=nHeI He I column density (1022 atoms/cm2)
par2=b b value (km/s)
par3=z Redshift
6.3.13 highecut, zhighect: high-energy cutoff
A high energy cutoff.
M(E) = exp [(Ec−E)/Ef]E≥Ec
par1=Eccutoff energy in keV
par2=Efe-folding energy in keV
The redshifted version zhighect has
M(E) = exp [(Ec−E[1 + z])/Ef]E≥Ec
par1=Eccutoff energy in keV
par2=Efe-folding energy in keV
par3=z redshift
6.3.14 hrefl: reflection model
A simple multiplicative reflection model due to Tahir Yaqoob. This model gives
the reflected X-ray spectrum from a cold, optically thick, circular slab with inner
and outer radii (Ri & Ro, respectively) illuminated by a point source a height H
above the center of the slab. The main difference between this model and other
reflection models is that analytic approximations are used for the Chandrasekar
H functions (and their integrals) and ELASTIC SCATTERING is assumed (see
Basko 1978, ApJ, 223, 268). The elastic-scattering approximation means that
the model is ONLY VALID UP TO ≈15 keV in the source frame. Future
enhancements will include fudge factors that will allow extension up to 100
keV. The fact that no integration is involved at any point makes the routine
very fast and particularly suitable for generating error contours, especially when
fitting a large number of data channels. The model is multiplicative, and so can
be used with ANY incident continuum.
Parameters are as follows:
par1 minimum angle (degrees) between source photons incident on the
slab and the slab normal [= tan−1(Ri/H)]
par2 maximum angle (degrees) between source photons incident on the
slab and the slab normal [= tan−1(Ro/H)]
par3 Angle (degrees) between the observer’s line of sight and the slab
par4 Iron abundance relative to Solar
par5 Iron K-edge energy
par6 Fraction of the direct flux seen by the observer
par7 Normalization of the reflected continuum
par8 redshift
Suppose the incident photon spectrum is N(E) photons cm−2s−1keV−1and that
the incident continuum is steady in time, and suppose further that the reflected
continuum from the slab is R(E). When you multiply the incident spectrum
with hrefl, what you actually get is the following:
M(E) = par6∗N(E) + par7∗R(E)
Thus, the actual physical situation described above corresponds to
par6 = 1.0
par7 = 1.0
You may decide to float par6 and/or par7. In that case, you must decide what
the best-fitting values of these parameters mean physically for your case. It may
imply time-lags between the direct and reflected components, different source
and/or disk geometries to those assumed, or something else.
6.3.15 ismabs: A high resolution ISM absorption model
with variable columns for individual ions
This is an X-ray photoabsorption model for the interstellar medium that takes
into account both neutral and ionized species from H, He, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si,
S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni and Zn. This model has been developed by Efrain Gatuzz
in collaboration with Javier Garcia, Tim Kallman, Claudio Mendoza, and Tom
Gorczyca. A complete description of the science behind the model is described
in Gatuzz et al. (2014b).
Note that the He I column density is not included as a free parameter in the
model, due to an inherent degeneracy between the relative columns of H, He
I, He II. Instead, the He I column is assumed to be one tenth that of the H
The sources of the cross-sections are as follows:
•Neutral states of Si, S, Ar and Ca from Verner et al. (1995)
•Singly and doubly ionized states of Si, S, Ar and Ca from Witthoeft et al.
(2009) and Witthoeft et al. (2011)
•Neutral, singly and doubly ionized states of N from Garcia et al. (2009)
•Neutral states of O from Gorczyca et al. (2013)
•Singly and doubly ionized states of O from Garcia et al. (2005), including
corrections applied by Gatuzz et al. (2013)
•Neutral state of Ne from Gorczyca et al. (2000)
•Singly and doubly ionized states of Ne from Gorczyca et al. (2005)
•For the Fe-L edge region we use the measurement of metallic iron by
Kortright & Kim (2000)
•Neutral, singly and doubly ionized states of Mg from Hasoglu et al. (2014).
The parameters are:
par1 H column (in units of 1022 cm−2)
par2 He II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par3 C I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par4 C II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par5 C III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par6 N I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par7 N II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par8 N III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par9 O I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par10 O II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par11 O III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par12 Ne I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par13 Ne II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par14 Ne III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par15 Mg I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par16 Mg II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par17 Mg III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par18 Si I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par19 Si II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par20 Si III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par21 S I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par22 S II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par23 S III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par24 Ar I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par25 Ar II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par26 Ar III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par27 Ca I column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par28 Ca II column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par29 Ca III column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par30 Fe column (in units of 1016 cm−2)
par31 Redshift, z
6.3.16 lyman: Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II
Lyman series
This model calculates the Voigt absorption profiles for the H I and He II Lyman
par1 n: H I or He II column density (1022 atoms/cm2)
par2 b: b value (km/s)
par3 z: Redshift
par4 ZA: Atomic number of species being calculated.
6.3.17 mtable: multiplicative tabular model
A multiplicative table model. The filename to be used should be given imme-
diately after mtable in the model command. For example:
XSPEC12>model mtable{mymod.mod}*powerlaw
uses mymod.mod as the input for the model. For specifications of the table model
file, see the OGIP memo 92-009 on the FITS file format for table model files
(available on the WWW or by anonymous ftp from ftp://legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/caldb/docs/memos.
A sample multiplicative table model file is testpcfabs.mod in $HEADAS/../ftools/spectral/session.
The model value is assumed unity outside the tabulated energies unless the
keywords LOELIMIT and HIELIMIT are given in the primary extension of the
FITS file. In the latter case the value given in LOELIMIT will be used for ener-
gies below those tabulated and HIELIMIT for energies above those tabulated.
6.3.18 notch: absorption line, notch
A notch line absorption. This is model is equivalent to a very saturated absorp-
tion line.
M(E) = (1 −f)EL−W/2< E < EL+W/2
1 elsewhere
par1=ELline energy (keV)
par2=W line width (keV)
par3=f covering fraction
6.3.19 pcfabs, zpcfabs: partial covering fraction absorp-
A partial covering fraction absorption. The relative abundances are set by the
abund command.
M(E) = fexp[−ηHσ(E)] + (1 −f)
where σ(E) is the photo-electric cross-section (NOT including Thomson scat-
tering) (see phabs) and:
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=f dimensionless covering fraction (0 < f ≤1)
The redshifted variant zpcfabs is given by:
M(E) = fexp [−ηHσ(E[1 + z])] + 1 −f
where σ(E) is the photo-electric cross-section (NOT including Thomson scat-
tering) (see phabs). Relative abundances are as for pcfabs. Parameters are:
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=f dimensionless covering fraction (0 < f ≤1)
par3=z redshift
6.3.20 phabs, vphabs, zphabs, zvphabs: photoelectric ab-
A photoelectric absorption using cross-sections set by the xsect command. The
relative abundances are set by the abund command.
M(E) = exp[−ηHσ(E)]
where σ(E) is the photo-electric cross-section (NOT including Thomson scat-
tering). Note that the default He cross-section changed in v11. The old version
can be recovered using the command
XSPEC12>xsect obcm
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
The redshifted variant, zphabs, uses the formula
M(E) = exp[−ηHσ(E[1 + z])]
and has parameters
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=z redshift
The variants vphabs,zvphabs allow the user to set fixed abundance parame-
ters with respect to the solar composition, as defined by the abund command.
For vphabs (rest-frame) the parameters are
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2-par18 abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, Ar, Ca, Cr,
Fe, Co, Ni wrt to Solar
While the corresponding redshifted variant zvphabs has parameters
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2-par18 abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, Ar, Ca, Cr,
Fe, Co, Ni wrt to Solar (defined by the abund command)
par19=z redshift
6.3.21 plabs: power law absorption
Absorption as a power-law in energy. Useful for things like dust.
M(E) = KE−α
par2=K coefficient
6.3.22 pwab: power-law distribution of neutral absorbers
An extension of partial covering fraction absorption into a power-law distribu-
tion of covering fraction as a function of column density, built from the wabs
code. See Done & Magdziarz 1998 (MNRAS 298, 737) for details.
par1 minimum equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms
par2 maximum equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms
par3 power law index for covering fraction
6.3.23 recorn: change correction norm for a spectrum
This model is a replacement for and improvement on the old xspec command
recornrm. If a correction file is in use for a spectrum then its normalization can
be fitted for using this model. The first parameter, which is not variable, is the
spectrum number and the second the correction file normalization. The starting
value of the second parameter should be set to the current value of the correction
file norm (this can be independently set using the cornorm command).
Note that in order to fit the cornorm parameter, the USE NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION
setting in the user’s Xspec.init start-up file must be set to true. This causes
XSPEC to use a slower full numerical differentiation algorithm when calculating
parameter derivatives during a fit, and therefore is not recommended for general
par1 specnum: spectrum number
par2 cornorm: correction file normalization
6.3.24 redden: interstellar extinction
IR/optical/UV extinction from Cardelli et al. (1989, ApJ, 345, 245). The
transmission is set to unity shortward of the Lyman limit. This is incorrect
physically but does allow the model to be used in combination with an X-ray
photoelectric absorption model such as phabs.
par1 E(B-V)
6.3.25 smedge: smeared edge
A smeared edge (Ebisawa PhD thesis, implemented by Frank Marshall).
M(E) = 1E < Ec
exp [−f(E/Ec)α] [1 −exp((Ec−E)/W )] E≥Ec
par1=Ecthe threshold energy (keV)
par2=f the maximum absorption factor at threshold
par3=αindex for photo-electric cross-section (normally -2.67)
par4=W smearing width (keV)
6.3.26 spexpcut: super-exponential cutoff absorption
A high-energy super-exponential roll-off.
M(E) = exp (−(E/Ec)α)
useful for fitting gamma-ray spectra of pulsars (see eg Nel & de Jager 1995),
par1=Ece-folding energy for the absorption
par2=αexponent index
Caveat : the absorption for an energy bin is calculated as the arithmetic mean
of the function value at the start and end energies of the bin. If the energy bins
are large this can be inaccurate and the energies command should be used to
define a finer energy grid on which to calculate the model.
6.3.27 spline: spline modification
A cubic spline modification.
par1 start x-value
par2 start y-value
par3 end y-value
par4 start dy/dx
par5 end dy/dx
par6 end x-value
6.3.28 SSSice: Einstein SSS ice absorption
The Einstein Observatory SSS ice absorption.
par1 ice thickness parameter
6.3.29 swind1: absorption by partially ionized material
with large velocity shear
A model to fit the soft excess in AGN by partially ionized absorbing material
with large velocity shear. It approximates this by using XSTAR kn5 photoion-
ization absorption model grids (calculated assuming a microturbulent velocity
of 100km/s), and then convolving this with Gaussian smearing. This is the
model used by Gierlinski & Done 2006, Sobolewska & Done 2006 and Done et
al 2006. It is an update (uses a newer version of XSTAR) of the original model
of Gierlinski & Done 2004.
par1 column density (1022 cm−2)
par2 log(xi) where xi = L/nr2
par3 sigma : Gaussian sigma for velocity smearing (v/c)
par4 redshift
6.3.30 tbabs, ztbabs, tbfeo, tbgas, tbgrain, tbpcf, tbvarabs,
tbrel: ISM grain absorption
The Tuebingen-Boulder ISM absorption model. This model calculates the cross
section for X-ray absorption by the ISM as the sum of the cross sections for X-ray
absorption due to the gas-phase ISM, the grain-phase ISM, and the molecules
in the ISM. In the grain-phase ISM, the effect of shielding by the grains is
accounted for, but is extremely small. In the molecular contribution to the ISM
cross section, only molecular hydrogen is considered. In the gas-phase ISM,
the cross section is the sum of the photoionization cross sections of the different
elements, weighted by abundance and taking into account depletion onto grains.
In addition to the updates to the photoionization cross sections, the gas-phase
cross section differs from previous values as a result of updates to the ISM
abundances. These updated abundances are available through the abund wilm
command. Details of updates to the photoionization cross sections as well as to
abundances can be found in Wilms, Allen and McCray (2000, ApJ 542, 914).
Two versions of this model are available depending on the setting of TBAB-
SVERSION. The newer version (the default) dates from 2016 and includes high
resolution edge structures for the K-edges of oxygen and neon and the L-edges
of iron. The newer version is 25 times faster than the older version or the phabs
model. To recover the older version use xset TBABSVERSION 1.
tbabs allows the user to vary just the hydrogen column.
par1=nH equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
ztbabs is similar, but allows the user to set a fixed redshift parameter
par1=nH equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
tbfeo is similar, but allows the user to vary the oxygen and iron abundances
par1=nH equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=Ooxygen abundance relative to Solar
par3=F e iron abundance relative to Solar
tbgas is similar to ztbabs but with no grain absorption
par1=nH equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
tbgrain allows the user to vary the molecular hydrogen column and the grain
distribution parameters.
par1 equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2 molecular hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par3 grain density (in gm cm−3
par4 grain minimum size (in mm)
par5 grain maximum size (in mm)
par6 power-law index of grain sizes
tbpcf is similar to ztbabs but a partial covering fraction parameter
par1=nH equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=pcf partial covering fraction
tbvarabs additionally allows the user to vary the elemental abundances and
the redshift
par1 equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2 -par18 abundance (relative to Solar) of He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si,
S, Cl, Ar, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni
par19 molecular hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par20 grain density (in gm cm−3)
par21 grain minimum size (in mm)
par22 grain maximum size (in mm)
par23 power-law index of grain sizes
par24-par41 grain depletion fractions of He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl,
Ar, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni
par42 redshift
tbrel is similar to tbvarabs but the interpretation of the abundances is different
in that this model also allows “negative” nH. Use this, e.g., if you want to
measure changes in column relative to an average column. For example, you
can fit a model such as tbrel*tbabs*continuum, where all values of tbabs are
frozen at the average column of the source. If the fit results in a negative column
for nH during that observation, then the total column of the source is less than
the average.
par1 equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2 -par18 abundance (relative to Solar) of He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si,
S, Cl, Ar, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni
par19 molecular hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par20 grain density (in gm cm−3)
par21 grain minimum size (in mm)
par22 grain maximum size (in mm)
par23 power-law index of grain sizes
par24-par41 grain depletion fractions of He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl,
Ar, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni
par42 redshift
6.3.31 uvred: interstellar extinction, Seaton Law
A UV reddening using Seaton’s law (MNRAS 187, 75p). Valid from 1000-3704˚
The transmission is set to unity shortward of the Lyman limit. This is incorrect
physically but does allow the model to be used in combination with an X-ray
photoelectric absorption model such as phabs.
par1 E(B-V)
6.3.32 varabs, zvarabs: photoelectric absorption
A photoelectric absorption with variable abundances using cross-sections set by
the xsect command. The column for each element is in units of the column in a
solar abundance column of an equivalent hydrogen column density of 1022cm−2.
The Solar abundance table used is set by the abund command. These models
differ from the models vphabs and zvphabs only by the units in which the
abundances are expressed (vphabs and zvphabs define these relative to the
solar abundance, not in terms of column density).
par1-par18 equivalent columns for H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl,
Ar, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni
The zvarabs variant allows the user to specify a (fixed) redshift, i.e. the pa-
rameters are:
par1-par18 equivalent columns for H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl,
Ar, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, Co
par19 redshift
6.3.33 wabs, zwabs: photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin
A photo-electric absorption using Wisconsin (Morrison and McCammon; ApJ
270, 119) cross-sections.
M(E) = exp[−ηHσ(E)]
where σ(E) is the photo-electric cross-section (NOT including Thomson scat-
tering). Note that this model uses the Anders & Ebihara relative abundances
(1982, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46, 2363) regardless of the abund
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
The zwabs variant allows the user to specify a (fixed) redshift parameter, and
uses the corresponding formula
M(E) = exp[−ηHσ(E[1 + z])]
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=z redshift
6.3.34 wndabs, zwndabs: photo-electric absorption, warm
Photo-electric absorption from approximation to a warm absorber using Balucinska,-
Church, and McCammon (ApJ 400, 699) cross-sections. Relative abundances
are set by the abund command.
M(E) = 1E > Ew
exp[−ηHσ(E)] E≤Ew
where σ(E) is the photo-electric cross-section (NOT including Thomson scat-
tering) and
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=Ewwindow energy (keV)
The zwndabs variant allows the user to specify a (fixed) redshift and uses the
corresponding formula:
M(E) = 1E > Ew
exp[−ηHσ(E[1 + z])] E≤Ew
with parameters:
par1=ηHequivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2=Ewwindow energy (keV)
par3=z redshift
6.3.35 xion: reflected spectrum of photo-ionized accretion
This model describes the reflected spectra of a photo-ionized accretion disk or
a ring if one so chooses. The approach is similar to the one used for tables with
stellar spectra. Namely, a large number of models are computed for a range of
values of the spectral index, the incident X-ray flux, disk gravity, the thermal
disk flux and iron abundance. Each model’s output is an un-smeared reflected
spectrum for 5 different inclination angles ranging from nearly pole-on to nearly
face on, stored in a look-up table. The default geometry is that of a lamppost,
with free parameters of the model being the height of the X-ray source above the
disk, hX, the dimensionless accretion rate through the disk, ˙m, the luminosity
of the X-ray source, LX, the inner and outer disk radii, and the spectral index.
This defines the gravity parameter, the ratio of X-ray to thermal fluxes, etc., for
each radius, which allows the use of a look-up table to approximate the reflected
spectrum. This procedure is repeated for about 30 different radii. The total
disk spectrum is then obtained by integrating over the disk surface, including
relativistic smearing of the spectrum for a non-rotating black hole (e.g., Fabian
In addition, the geometry of a central sphere (with power-law optically thin
emissivity inside it) plus an outer cold disk, and the geometry of magnetic flares
are available (par13 = 2 and 3, respectively). One can also turn off relativistic
smearing to see what the local disk spectrum looks like (par12 = 2 in this case;
otherwise leave it at 4). In addition, par11 = 1 produces reflected plus direct
spectrum/direct; par11 =2 produces (incident + reflected)/incident [note that
normalization of incident and direct are different because of solid angles covered
by the disk; 2 should be used for magnetic flare model]; and par11 =3 produces
reflected/incident. Abundance is controlled by par9 and varies between 1 and 4
at the present. A much more complete description of the model will be presented
in Nayakshin et al. 2001 (currently available at http://adsabs.harvard.edu/
par1 height of the source above the disk (in Schwarzschild radii)
par2 ratio of the X-ray source luminosity to that of the disk
par3 accretion rate (in Eddington units)
par4 cos ithe inclination angle (1 = face-on)
par5 inner radius of the disk (in Schwarzschild radii)
par6 outer radius of the disk (in Schwarzschild radii)
par7 photon index of the source
par8 redshift z
par9 Fe abundance relative to Solar (which is defined as 3.16 ×10−5by
number relative to H)
par10 Exponential high energy cut-off energy for the source
par11 1 ⇒(reflected+direct)/direct
par12 2 ⇒no relativistic smearing
4⇒relativistic smearing
par13 1 ⇒lamppost
2⇒central hot sphere with outer cold disk
3⇒magnetic flares above a cold disk
Note that setting par13 to 2 gives a central hot sphere with luminosity law
dL/dR = 4πR2R−10y. The inner radius of the sphere is 3 Schwarzschild radii
and the outer radius is equal to par1. Only the case with par5 ≥par1 has been
tested so far.
6.3.36 xscat: dust scattering
This model calculates the X-ray scattering cross section of a population of dust
grains as a function of energy, given a specific dust grain position and an ex-
traction region. As the grain position gets closer to the source of the X-rays
for a constant extraction region, the cross section drops as more X-rays remain
within the extraction circle. For constant dust grain position, the cross section
decreases with increasing extraction region size because more photons remain
within it.
A detailed description of the model can be found in Smith, Valencic & Corrales
The model parameters are as follows.
par1 = NH interstellar hydrogen column density (1022 cm−2).
par2 = Xpos the relative position of the dust along the line of sight. This varies
between 0 for dust at the observer and 1 for dust at the source.
par3 = Rext the radius of the circular extraction region (arcsec).
par4 =
the dust model used (see Smith et al. 2016).
The third and fourth parameters must be frozen.
6.3.37 zbabs: EUV ISM attenuation
The ISM attenuation due to neutral H, neutral He and once ionized He. This is
a modified version of the Rumph, et al. 1994 model, using the ismatten program
by Pat Jelinsky, and allows the user to set the model redshift.
par1=ηHH column density (1022 atoms/cm2)
par2=ηHeI HeI column density (1022 atoms/cm2)
par3=ηHeII HeII column density (1022 atoms/cm2)
par4=z redshift
6.3.38 zdust: extinction by dust grains
Extinction by dust grains from Pei (1992, ApJ 395, 130), suitable for IR, optical
and UV energy bands, including the full energy ranges of the Swift UVOT and
XMM-Newton OM detectors. Three models are included which characterize
the extinction curves of (1) the Milky Way, (2) the LMC and (3) the SMC. The
models can be modified by redshift and can therefore be applied to extragalactic
sources. The transmission is set to unity shortward of 912 Angstroms in the
rest frame of the dust. This is incorrect physically but does allow the model
to be used in combination with an X-ray photoelectric absorption model such
as phabs. Parameter 1 (method) describes which extinction curve (MW, LMC
or SMC) will be constructed and should never be allowed to float during a fit.
The extinction at V, A(V) = E(B-V) x Rv. Rv should typically remain frozen
for a fit. Standard values for Rv are MW = 3.08, LMC = 3.16 and SMC =
2.93 (from table 2 of Pei 1992), although these may not be applicable to more
distant dusty sources.
par1 method: 1 = Milky Way, 2 = LMC, 3 = SMC
par2 E(B-V): color excess
par3 Rv: ratio of total to selective extinction
par4 z: redshift
6.3.39 zigm: UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic
This multiplicative model computes the mean attenuation of the optical/UV
spectrum of an object at redshift z at a random position on the sky due to
intergalactic medium (IGM) clouds following either Madau (1995, ApJ 441, 18)
or Meiksin (2006, MNRAS, 365, 807). The model calculates the mean expected
attenuation due to resonant scattering by Lyman transitions and photoelectric
absorption shortward of the Lyman limit. Attenuation by Helium and metals
are not included in the Meiksin model, but are expected to be small. The total
attenuation is set to zero for wavelengths less than 900 Angstroms. The user
chooses whether to include attenuation due to photoelectric absorption.
par1 z: redshift
par2 model: use Madau(0) or Meiksin(1)
par3 include photoelectric absorption(1) or not(0)
6.3.40 zredden: redshifted version of redden
IR/optical/UV extinction from Cardelli et al. (1989, ApJ, 345, 245). The
transmission is set to unity shortward of 900 Angstroms. This is incorrect
physically but does allow the model to be used in combination with an X-ray
photoelectric absorption model such as phabs.
par1 E(B-V)
par2 redshift
6.3.41 zsmdust: extinction by dust grains in starburst
Extinction by dust grains suited to starburst galaxies and the hosts of gamma
ray bursts. The model can be applied over the IR, optical and UV energy
bands, including the full energy ranges of the Swift UVOT and XMM-Newton
OM detectors. The transmission is set to unity shortward of 912 Angstroms in
the rest frame of the dust. This is incorrect physically but does allow the model
to be used in combination with an X-ray photoelectric absorption model such as
phabs. The extinction curve contains no spectral features and is characterized
by a powerlaw slope over spectral wavelength. This model has been justified by
e.g. Savaglio & Fall (2004, ApJ, 614, 293) because the apparent low metallicities
within GRB hosts result in no significant spectral features within the extinction
curve, unlike those found in local galaxies. The extinction at V, A(V) = E(B-V)
x Rv. Standard values for Rv are Milky Way = 3.08, LMC = 3.16 and SMC
= 2.93 (from table 2 of Pei 1992, ApJ, 395, 130), although these may not be
applicable to more distant dusty sources.
par1 E(B-V): color excess
par2 ExtIndex: spectral index of the extinction curve
par3 Rv: ratio of total to selective extinction
par4 z: redshift
6.3.42 zvfeabs: photoelectric absorption with free Fe edge
Redshifted photoelectric absorption with all abundances tied to Solar except for
iron. The Fe K edge energy is a free parameter.
par1 equivalent hydrogen column (in units of 1022 atoms cm−2)
par2 abundance relative to Solar
par3 iron abundance relative to Solar
par4 Fe K edge energy
par5 redshift z
6.3.43 zxipcf: partial covering absorption by partially ion-
ized material
This model uses a grid of XSTAR photionized absorption models (calculated as-
suming a microturbulent velocity of 200km/s) for the absorption, then assumes
that this only covers some fraction f of the source, while the remaining (1-f) of
the spectrum is seen directly. This is the model used by Reeves et al (2008)
’On why the iron K-shell absorption in AGN is not the signature of the local
warm-hot intergalactic medium’, and may also be more generally applicable to
the spectral complexity seen in Narrow Line Seyfert 1 AGN (Miller et al 2007,
A&A, 463, 13).
par1 column density (1022 cm−2)
par2 log(xi) where xi=L/nr2
par3 covering fraction
par4 redshift
6.4 Convolution Model Components
Convolution components apply a convolution operator to an input model calcu-
lated from another model. They differ from multiplicative components, which
only apply a bin-wise multiplicative factor, by allowing transformations of the
model across energy bins.
6.4.1 cflux: calculate flux
A convolution model to calculate the flux of other model components. For
cflux*phabs*(pow + gauss)
with the normalization of the power-law model fixed to a non-zero value gives
the flux and error on the entire model.
phabs*cflux*(pow + gauss)
again with the normalization of the power-law fixed to a non-zero value gives
the unabsorbed flux and error. Finally,
phabs*(pow + cflux*gauss)
with the normalizaton of the gaussian fixed to a non-zero value gives the flux and
error on the gaussian component. Note that when the cflux model is used the
normalization of one of the additive models must be fixed to a non-zero value.
It is also important to ensure that the energy range over which the model is
calculated (which is determined by the response matrix in use) covers the energy
range for which the flux is calculated. If the model to which the cflux is applied
integrates to zero then a divide-by-zero error will occur resulting in NaN values
for the fit statistic.
Parameters are:
par1=Emin Minimum energy over which flux is calculated.
par2=Emax Maximum energy over which flux is calculated.
par3=lg10Flux log (base 10) flux in erg/cm2/s
6.4.2 clumin: calculate luminosity
A convolution model to calculate the luminosity of other model components.
For example:
clumin*phabs*(pow + gauss)
with the normalization of the power-law model fixed to a non-zero value gives
the luminosity and error on the entire model.
phabs*clumin*(pow + gauss)
again with the normalization of the power-law fixed to a non-zero value gives
the unabsorbed luminosity and error. Finally,
phabs*(pow + clumin*gauss)
with the normalizaton of the gaussian fixed to a non-zero value gives the lu-
minosity and error on the gaussian component. Note that when the clumin
model is used the normalization of one of the additive models must be fixed
to a non-zero value. It is also important to ensure that the energy range over
which the model is calculated (which is determined by the response matrix in
use) covers the energy range for which the luminosity is calculated. If the model
to which the clumin is applied integrates to zero then a divide-by-zero error
will occur resulting in NaN values for the fit statistic.
Parameters are:
par1=Emin Minimum source frame energy over which luminosity is calculated.
par2=Emax Maximum source frame energy over which luminosity is calculated.
par3=Redshift Redshift of the source.
par4=lg10Lum log (base 10) luminosity in units of erg/s.
6.4.3 cpflux: calculate photon flux
A convolution model to calculate the photon flux of other model components.
For example :
cpflux*phabs*(pow + gauss)
with the normalization of the power-law model fixed to a non-zero value gives
the photon flux and error on the entire model.
phabs*cpflux*(pow + gauss)
again with the normalization of the power-law fixed to a non-zero value gives
the unabsorbed photon flux and error. Finally,
phabs*(pow + cpflux*gauss)
with the normalizaton of the gaussian fixed to a non-zero value gives the photon
flux and error on the gaussian component. Note that when the cpflux model
is used the normalization of one of the additive models must be fixed to a non-
zero value. It is also important to ensure that the energy range over which the
model is calculated (which is determined by the response matrix in use) covers
the energy range for which the photon flux is calculated. If the model to which
the cpflux is applied integrates to zero then a divide-by-zero error will occur
resulting in NaN values for the fit statistic.
Parameters are:
par1=Emin Minimum energy over which photon flux is calculated.
par2=Emax Maximum energy over which photon flux is calculated.
par3=Flux Photon flux in ph/cm2/s
6.4.4 gsmooth: gaussian smoothing
Gaussian smoothing with a variable width Σ(E), which varies as the par2 power
of the energy. The width at 6 keV is set with par1. Note that the energy binning
must be uniform. If the response energies are not uniformly spaced then the
energies command should be used to set uniform energy binning.
dC(E) = 1
p2πΣ(E)2exp "−1
Σ(E) = σ(E/6)α
par1=σgaussian sigma at 6 keV
par2=αpower of energy for sigma variation
6.4.5 ireflect: reflection from ionized material
Convolution model for reflection from ionized material according to the method
of Magdziarz & Zdziarski (1995, MNRAS, 273, 837). This is a generalization
of the pexriv and bexriv models. Ionization and opacities of the reflecting
medium is computed as in the absori model. The reflection component alone
can be obtained for |relrefl|<0. Then the actual reflection normalization is
|relrefl|. Note that you need to change then the limits of |relrefl|excluding
zero (as then the direct component appears). If Ec= 0, there is no cutoff in the
power law. The metal and iron abundance are variable with respect to those
set by the command abund.
When using this model it is essential to extend the energy range over which the
model is calculated both on the high and low end. The high end extension is
required because photons at higher energies are Compton down-scattered into
the target energy range. The low energy extension may be required to calculate
ionization fractions correctly. The energy range can be extended using the
energies extend command. The upper limit on the energies should be set
above that for which the input spectrum has significant flux. To speed up the
model, calculation of the output spectrum can be limited to energies below a
given value by using xset to define IREFLECT MAX E (in units of keV). For
instance, suppose that the original data extends up to 100 keV. To accurately
determine the reflection it may be necessary to extend the energy range up to
500 keV. Now to avoid calculating the output spectrum between 100 and 500
keV use the command xset IREFLECT MAX E 100.0.
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting IREFLECT PRECISION
eg xset IREFLECT PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
par1 reflection scaling factor (1 for isotropic source above disk)
par2=z redshift
par3 abundance of elements heavier than He relative to the solar
par4 iron abundance relative to the above
par5 cos i, the inclination angle
par6 disk temperature in K
par7 disk ionization parameter, ξ= 4πFion
n, where Fion is the 5eV -
20keV irradiating flux, n is the density of the reflector; see Done et
al., 1992, ApJ, 395, 275.
6.4.6 kdblur: convolve with the laor model shape
A convolution model to smooth a spectrum by relativistic effects from an accre-
tion disk around a rotating black hole. Uses Ari Laor’s calculation including GR
effects (ApJ 376, 90). Modified from laor model by Andy Fabian and Roderick
par1 Index: power law dependence of emissivity (scales as R−par1)
par2 inner radius (units of GM/c2)
par3 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
par4 inclination (degrees)
6.4.7 kdblur2: convolve with the laor2 model shape
A convolution model to smooth a spectrum by relativistic effects from an accre-
tion disk around a rotating black hole. The accretion disk has a broken-power
law emissivity profile. Uses Ari Laor’s calculation including GR effects (ApJ
376, 90). Modified from laor2 model by Andy Fabian and Roderick Johnstone.
par1 Index: power law dependence of emissivity (scales as R−par1)
par2 inner radius (units of GM/c2)
par3 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
par4 inclination (degrees)
par5 radius at which emissivity power-law index changes
par6 Emissivity power-law index for radii >par6
6.4.8 kerrconv: accretion disk line shape with BH spin as
free parameter
Convolves the current spectrum with the line shape from the kerrdisk model. A
detailed description can be found in Brenneman & Reynolds (2006ApJ...652.1028B).
This model is quite slow so is best used after models such as laor or diskline
have been employed to get an estimate of the best-fit parameters.
par1 emissivity index for the inner disk
par2 emissivity index for the outer disk
par3 break radius separating the inner and outer portions of the disk
(gravitational radii)
par4 dimensionless black hole spin
par5 disk inclination angle to the line of sight (degrees)
par6 inner radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability
par7 outer radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability
6.4.9 lsmooth: lorentzian smoothing
Lorentzian smoothing with a variable width, which varies as the par2 power of
the energy. The width at 6 keV is set with par1.
dC(E) = Σ(E)
Σ(E) = σ(E/6)α
par1=σlorentzian sigma at 6 keV
par2=αpower of energy for sigma variation
6.4.10 partcov: partial covering
A convolution model to convert some absorption model into a partial cover-
ing absorption. If the absorption model is M(E) then this is converted to
(1-CvrFract) + Cvrfact * M(E). Note that when specifying the model it is
important to put parentheses in the right place. Let this model be P(E) which
we want to apply to an absorption model M(E) then use the result to multiply
an additive model A(E). The combined model should be specified as (P*M)*A,
not P*M*A or P*(M*A).
The parameters are:
par1=CvrFract Covering fraction (0 <par1 <1).
6.4.11 rdblur: convolve with the diskline model shape
A convolution model to smooth a spectrum by relativistic effects from an ac-
cretion disk around a non-rotating black hole. Modified from diskline model
(Fabian et al., MNRAS 238, 729) by Andy Fabian and Roderick Johnstone.
par1 Index: power law dependence of emissivity (scales as Rpar1). If
this parameter is 10 or greater then the accretion disk emissivity
law (1 −p6/R)/R3is used.
par2 inner radius (units of GM/c2)
par3 outer radius (units of GM/c2)
par4 inclination (degrees)
6.4.12 reflect: reflection from neutral material
Convolution model for reflection from neutral material according to the method
of Magdziarz & Zdziarski (1995, MNRAS, 273, 837). This is a generalization
of the pexrav and bexrav models. The reflection component alone can be
obtained for |relrefl|<0. Then the actual reflection normalization is |relrefl|
. Note that you need to change then the limits of |relref l|excluding zero (as
then the direct component appears). If Ec= 0, there is no cutoff in the power
law. The metal and iron abundance are variable with respect to those set by
the command abund. The opacities are those set by the command xsect. As
expected in AGNs, H and He are assumed to be fully ionized.
When using this model it is essential to extend the energy range over which
the model is calculated because photons at higher energies are Compton down-
scattered into the target energy range. The energy range can be extended using
the energies extend command. The upper limit on the energies should be set
above that for which the input spectrum has significant flux. To speed up the
model, calculation of the output spectrum can be limited to energies below a
given value by using xset to define REFLECT MAX E (in units of keV). For
instance, suppose that the original data extends up to 100 keV. To accurately
determine the reflection it may be necessary to extend the energy range up to
500 keV. Now to avoid calculating the output spectrum between 100 and 500
keV use the command xset REFLECT MAX E 100.0.
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting REFLECT PRECISION
eg xset REFLECT PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
par1 reflection scaling factor (1 for isotropic source above disk)
par2=z redshift
par3 abundance of elements heavier than He relative to the solar
par4 iron abundance relative to the above
par5 cos i, the inclination angle
6.4.13 rfxconv: angle-dependent reflection from an ion-
ized disk
This convolution model from Chris Done combines the ionized disk table model
from Ross and Fabian with the Magdziarz & Zdziarski Compton reflection code.
It is described in Kolehmainen, Done & Diaz Trigo (2011) and is a modification
of the model first described in Done & Gierlinski (2006).
The algorithm used is as follows.
1. Determine the average power-law index of the input spectrum between 2
and 10 keV. For this index and the other input parameters interpolate on
the table models to generate the reflected spectrum from the ionized disk.
2. Estimate the average power-law index of the reflected spectrum over the
range 12 - 14 keV.
3. Iterate over the Compton reflection models changing the cross-section at
10 keV until a match is found with the index calculated in the previous
4. Renormalize the reflection spectrum calculated in step 1 to match the
Compton reflection calculated in step 3 at 14 keV.
5. Calculate the final reflection spectrum by using the renormalized ionized
disk spectrum below 14 keV and the Compton reflection spectrum above
14 keV.
When using this model it is essential to extend the energy range over which
the model is calculated because photons at higher energies are Compton down-
scattered into the target energy range. The energy range can be extended
using the extend command. The upper limit on the energies should be set
above that for which the input spectrum has significant flux. To speed up the
model, calculation of the output spectrum can be limited to energies below a
given value by using xset to define RFXCONV MAX E (in units of keV). For
instance, suppose that the original data extends up to 100 keV. To accurately
determine the reflection it may be necessary to extend the energy range up to
500 keV. Now to avoid calculating the output spectrum between 100 and 500
keV use the command xset RFXCONV MAX E 100.0.
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting RFXCONV PRECISION
eg xset RFXCONV PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
To use different ionized disk table model files than those installed change the
directory searched for these files using xset RFXCONV DIR.
The model parameters are as follows.
par1 = relrefl the relative reflection normalization. If relref l is negative then only
the reflected component is returned.
par2 = redshift
par3 = F eabund the iron abundance relative to Solar. All other elements are as-
sumed to have Solar abundance.
par4 = cosIncl cosine of the inclination angle (degrees).
par5 = log(xi) the ionization parameter used by the table models.
6.4.14 simpl: comptonization of a seed spectrum
The SIMple Power Law model: An empirical model of Comptonization in which
a fraction of the photons in an input seed spectrum is scattered into a power-law
component (Steiner et al. 2009, PASP, 121, 1279). It is designed for use with
soft thermal spectra that are not Compton thick and that have a photon index
Gamma >1. simpl offers the advantage of operating in a self consistent manner,
linking the seed spectrum to the generated power law. Compared to powerlaw,
simpl gives equally good fits while also employing just two parameters, and
simpl has the virtue of eliminating the divergence of powerlaw at low energies.
Because simpl redistributes input photons to higher (and lower energies), for
detectors with limited response matrices (at high or low energies), or with poor
resolution, the sampled energies should be extended to adequately cover the
relevant energy range (for details and an example, see the appendix in Steiner
et al. 2009).
par1 Gamma, the photon power law index.
par2 The scattered fraction (between 0 and 1).
par3 A flag to switch between up-scattering only (>0) and both up-
and down-scattering (≤0)
6.4.15 xilconv: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized
This convolution model from Chris Done combines an ionized disk table model
from the XILLVER model of Garcia et al. (2013) with the Magdziarz &
Zdziarski Compton reflection code. It is a modification of the rfxconv model
described in Kolehmainen, Done & Diaz Trigo (2011) which is a modification of
the model first described in Done & Gierlinski (2006).
The algorithm used is as follows.
1. Determine the average power-law index of the input spectrum between 2
and 10 keV. For this index and the other input parameters interpolate on
the table models to generate the reflected spectrum from the ionized disk.
2. Estimate the average power-law index of the reflected spectrum over the
range 12 - 14 keV.
3. Iterate over the Compton reflection models changing the cross-section at
10 keV until a match is found with the index calculated in the previous
4. Renormalize the reflection spectrum calculated in step 1 to match the
Compton reflection calculated in step 3 at 14 keV.
5. Calculate the final reflection spectrum by using the renormalized ionized
disk spectrum below 14 keV and the Compton reflection spectrum above
14 keV.
When using this model it is essential to extend the energy range over which
the model is calculated because photons at higher energies are Compton down-
scattered into the target energy range. The energy range can be extended using
the extend command. The upper limit on the energies should be set above
that for which the input spectrum has significant flux. To speed up the model,
calculation of the output spectrum can be limited to energies below a given
value by using xset to define XILCONV MAX E (in units of keV). For instance,
suppose that the original data extends up to 100 keV. To accurately determine
the reflection it may be necessary to extend the energy range up to 500 keV.
Now to avoid calculating the output spectrum between 100 and 500 keV use the
command xset XILCONV MAX E 100.0.
The core of this model is a Greens’ function integration with one numerical inte-
gral performed for each model energy. The numerical integration is done using
an adaptive method which continues until a given estimated fractional precision
is reached. The precision can be changed by setting XILCONV PRECISION
eg xset XILCONV PRECISION 0.05. The default precision is 0.01 (ie 1%).
To use different ionized disk table model files than those installed change the
directory searched for these files using xset XILCONV DIR.
The model parameters are as follows.
par1 = relrefl the relative reflection normalization. If relref l is negative then only
the reflected component is returned.
par2 = redshift
par3 = F eabund the iron abundance relative to Solar. All other elements are as-
sumed to have Solar abundance.
par4 = cosIncl cosine of the inclination angle (degrees).
par5 = log(xi) the ionization parameter used by the table models.
par6 = cutoff the exponential cut-off energy (keV).
6.4.16 vashift: velocity shift an additive model
This convolution model velocity shifts an additive model. It takes the calculated
model and shifts energies −Ev/c.
The energies command must be to used to extend the energy range over which
the model.
The parameter is:
par1=vvelocity (km/s)
An example model use is:
XSPEC>model phabs*vashift*(pow+ga)
which velocity shifts the power-law and gaussian then multiplies by local ab-
6.4.17 vmshift: velocity shift a multiplicative model
This convolution model velocity shifts a multiplicative model. It takes the
calculated model and shifts energies by −Ev/c.
The energies command must be to used to extend the energy range over which
the model is being calculated.
The parameter is:
par1=vvelocity (km/s)
An example model use is:
XSPEC>model phabs*(vmshift*phabs)*pow
which multiplies the power-law by both a velocity shifted and local absorption.
6.4.18 zashift: redshift an additive model
This convolution model redshifts an additive model. It takes the calculated
model and shifts energies by 1/(1+z) then applies an additional 1/(1+z) factor
to the model values.
The energies command must be to used to extend the maximum energy over
which the model is being calculated to (1+z) times the maximum energy in the
The parameter is:
par1 redshift
An example model use is:
XSPEC>model phabs*zashift*(pow+ga)
which redshifts the power-law and gaussian then multiplies by local absorption.
6.4.19 zmshift: redshift a multiplicative model
This convolution model redshifts a multiplicative model. It takes the calculated
model and shifts energies by 1/(1+z).
The energies command must be to used to extend the maximum energy over
which the model is being calculated to (1+z) times the maximum energy in the
The parameter is:
par1 redshift
An example model use is:
XSPEC>model phabs*(zmshift*phabs)*pow
which multiplies the power-law by both a redshifted and local absorption.
6.5 Pile-Up Model Components
6.5.1 pileup: CCD pile-up model for Chandra
CCD pile-up model used for brightish point sources observed by Chandra. This
is an implementation of the fast pile-up algorithm proposed by John Davis (see
http://space.mit.edu/~davis/papers/pileup2001.pdf). The frame time
and maximum number of photons to pile up should be fixed. The grade morph-
ing is expressed through a single parameter, alpha, which should be left as a free
parameter. This model should be considered in beta test. Note that to calculate
fluxes etc. for the model you must remove the pileup component. The pile-up
model is similar to the operation of the convolution models, differing only in the
treatment of the detector efficiency during the convolution. Note that renorm
will not work with pileup since increasing the normalization does not linearly
increase the predicted count rate. Therefore you should set renorm none prior
to doing a fit with pileup.
par1 frame time (in seconds)
par2 maximum number of photons to pile up
par3 grade correction for single photon detection
par4 grade morphing parameter (good grade fraction is assumed pro-
portional to par4(p−1) where p is the number of piled photons)
par5 PSF fraction. Only this fraction will be treated for pile-up. Note
that this is not the fraction of the PSF included in the extraction
region but is the fraction of counts in the region which are from
the point source whose pile-up is being modeled. For this model to
work well the extraction region should be large enough to contain
essentially all the PSF.
par6 Number of regions. The counts to be piled-up will be distributed
among par6 regions, which will be piled-up independently.
par7 Value of FRACEXPO keyword in ARF.
6.6 Mixing Model Components
Mixing models perform transformations on the available spectra. The spectra
must be assigned to more than one data group in order have any effect. Each
data group is a “region” of the observation, and the “mixing transformation”
allows the model flux from one such “region” to influence another region. Thus,
these models, unlike all the others, can be two-dimensional in effect. It follows
that they differ from all the other models in that the data must be read before
the model can be defined. In most cases also, the input data must contain
additional information in order to use the model. This additional information
can be in the form of the OGIP standard XFLT keys, which allow a set of
scalar real values, or in some cases additional files to be read containing spatial
XSPEC will return error messages if the data are not loaded, not compatible
with the model (i.e. do not contain the required additional information), loaded
inconsistently with the use of the model (the division of data into regions is
incorrect, or data within a given region fail consistency checks). It will also
return error messages if the data are subsequently changed to a set that violates
these consistency checks, and additionally remove the model definition.
6.6.1 ascac: ASCA surface brightness model
Mixing model for ASCA data. Written for cluster data so uses beta or two
power-law surface brightness models. Includes a calculation of the telescope
effective area so no arf should be applied to input files. Note that this model is
very slow if any of the parameters are free.
The model is used by reading spectra in as separate datagroups. Each input
file requires an XFLTnnnn keyword set to “region: N” where N is a different
number for each file (eg if concentric annuli are in use then number outwards).
The normalizations for each datagroup should be linked since the ascac model
takes care of the relative normalizations based on the surface brightness model
used. A maximum of five different spatial regions is allowed. The absolute
normalization is not reliable so this model should not be used to derive fluxes.
par1 Alpha
par2 Beta
par3 Core (arcmin)
par4 0 ⇒beta model,
6.6.2 projct: project 3-D ellipsoidal shells onto 2-D ellip-
tical annuli
This model performs a 3-D to 2-D projection of prolate ellipsoidal shells onto
elliptical annuli. The annuli can have varying ellipticities and position angles
but must have the same center. The user should extract spectra in a series
of annuli. Each spectrum needs three additional keywords (as XFLTnnnn) in
the spectrum extension. These should be “major: x”, “minor: y”, “orient: z”
where x, y, z are the semi-major axis, semi-minor axis, and position angle (in
degrees), respectively, for the outer boundary of the annulus. It is assumed that
the inner boundary is specified by the outer boundary of the previous annulus.
The lengths can be in any consistent units although for numerical accuracy they
should have reasonable values. Optional pairs of extra XFLTnnnn keywords can
be used to specify start and end angles for a partial annulus. These have keys
angleNl and angleNu so typical keyword values might be “angle1l: 30.0” and
“angle1u: 45.0”. These angles should be given relative to the same zero as the
position angle.
The user reads in the spectra as separate datagroups and sets model parameters
for each datagroup. The model for datagroup J will be the model in the shell
whose outer boundary is a prolate ellipsoid of semi-major and semi-minor axes
given by the semi-major and semi-minor axes in the XFLT keywords for dataset
J. The projct model sums up the appropriate fractions of each ellipsoid model
to make the projected spectrum.
For example, suppose we extract spectrum from three elliptical regions defined
by (1,0.5,0), (2,1,0), (3,1.5,0). That is the first region is in an ellipse of semi-
major axis 1 and semi-minor axis 0.5. The second region is an elliptical annulus
whose inner boundary has semi-major axis 1 and semi-minor axes 0.5 and whose
outer boundary has semi-major axis 2 and semi-minor axis 1. The third region
is defined similarly. The model fit has a temperature of 2 keV for the first
datagroup, 3 keV for the second, and 4 keV for the third. The actual model fit
to the first dataset has contributions from all three temperatures, the second
only from the 3 and 4 keV components, and the third only from the 4 keV
component. The weighting is the fraction of the ellipsoidal volume intersected
by the elliptical annular cross-section. Thus the normalizations correspond to
the emission measure in each ellipsoidal shell.
If multiple observations are to be analyzed, data sets from different observations
corresponding to the same annulus should be part of the same data group. For
example, given the following 4 data files:
Data sets for obs 1: obs1 an1, obs1 an2
Data sets for obs 2: obs2 an1, obs2 an2
The proper data loading command is:
XSPEC12>data 1:1 obs1_an1 1:2 obs2_an1 2:3 obs1_an2 2:4 obs2_an2
The projct model has 3 (fixed) parameters, which can be used to define the
inner ellipse of the region being analyzed. For instance, in the example above
we could have only read in spectra for the outer two regions but then set the
projct parameters to (1.0,0.5,0.0). This would have allowed us to determine
the temperatures and emission measures of the outer two annuli without having
to worry about fitting a model to the central region.
par1 semi-major axis of inner boundary ellipse
par2 semi-minor axis of inner boundary ellipse
par3 position angle of inner boundary ellipse
6.6.3 suzpsf: suzaku surface brightness model
Mixing model for Suzaku data. Mixes the spectra between datagroups based
on the PSF overlap between selected regions. A surface brightness model is
required to calculate the mixing and this can be supplied in several ways. If
SUZPSF-IMAGE has been set to some image file (using xset) then this image
will be used for the surface brightness distribution. If SUZPSF-IMAGE has not
been set then either a beta or two power-law model is used. In this case the
model parameters determine the shape of the surface brightness distribution.
If SUZPSF-RA and SUZPSF-DEC are set they are used as the center of the
distribution. They should be specified either in decimal degrees or as hh:mm:ss.s
and dd:mm:ss.s. If SUZPSF-RA and SUZPSF-DEC are not set then the centroid
of the wmap will be used as the center of the surface brightness distribution.
The PSF used is an empirical model of a sum of two exponentials and a Gaussian
with coefficients determined from an observation of MCG-6-30-15 performed
early in the mission.
The model works by calculating the mixing factors. It will recalculate these
factors if any of the SUZPSF-* or any of the model parameters are changed.
Calculating the mixing factors is very slow so should be avoided as much as
possible. To speed things up, it is possible to save the mixing factor array to
a FITS file and re-use it during a later calculation. To save a mixing factor
calculation, prior to loading the mixing model (using the model command),
use xset to set the variable SUZPSF-MIXFACT-OFILEn to the name of the
output FITS file, and where n is an integer corresponding to the observation
XSPEC12> xset SUZPSF-MIXFACT-OFILE1 fact_obs1.fits
Conversely, a saved factor array can be read in by setting SUZPSF-MIXFACT-
XSPEC12> xset SUZPSF-MIXFACT-IFILE1 fact_obs1.fits
Multiple observations can be fit simultaneously. In this case the observations
should be read in each datagroup in the same order, e.g.
XSPEC12> data 1:1 obs1reg1 1:2 obs2reg1 1:3 obs3reg1 2:4 obs1reg2 2:5 obs2reg2
par1 Alpha (not used if Switch=0)
par2 Beta
par3 Core (arcmin)
par4 Switch (0 = beta model, 1 = 2-power-law)
6.6.4 xmmpsf: xmm surface brightness model
Mixing model for XMM data. Mixes the spectra between datagroups based
on the PSF overlap between selected regions. A surface brightness model is
required to calculate the mixing and this can be supplied in several ways. If
XMMPSF-IMAGE has been set to some image file (using xset) then this image
will be used for the surface brightness distribution. If XMMPSF-IMAGE has
not been set then either a beta or two power-law model is used. In this case
the model parameters determine the shape of the surface brightness distribu-
tion. If XMMPSF-RA and XMMPSF-DEC are set they are used as the center
of the distribution. They should be specified either in decimal degrees or as
hh:mm:ss.s and dd:mm:ss.s. If XMMPSF-RA and XMMPSF-DEC are not set
then the centroid of the wmap will be used as the center of the surface brightness
The model works by calculating the mixing factors. It will recalculate these
factors if any of the XMMPSF-* or any of the model parameters are changed.
Calculating the mixing factors is very slow so should be avoided as much as
possible. To speed things up, it is possible to save the mixing factor array to
a FITS file and re-use it during a later calculation. To save a mixing factor
calculation, prior to loading the mixing model (using the model command),
use xset to set the variable XMMPSF-MIXFACT-OFILEn to the name of the
output FITS file, and where n is an integer corresponding to the observation
XSPEC12> xset XMMPSF-MIXFACT-OFILE1 fact_obs1.fits
Conversely, a saved factor array can be read in by setting XMMPSF-MIXFACT-
XSPEC12> xset XMMPSF-MIXFACT-IFILE1 fact_obs1.fits
Multiple observations can be fit simultaneously. In this case the observations
should be read in each datagroup in the same order, e.g.
XSPEC12> data 1:1 obs1reg1 1:2 obs2reg1 1:3 obs3reg1 2:4 obs1reg2 2:5 obs2reg2
par1 Alpha (not used if Switch=0)
par2 Beta
par3 Core (arcmin)
par4 Switch (0 = beta model, 1 = 2-power-law)
Appendix A
The User Interface
A.1 Introduction
All communication with the user in XSPEC is performed through the tcl user
interface. When XSPEC starts, a tcl interpreter is initialized, and the XSPEC
commands are added to it so that the tcl interpreter understands them. The
XSPEC commands, which are C++ functions, define the syntax through a new
built-in library of utility functions. The parser used in earlier versions of XSPEC
has been discontinued: however the syntax understood by XSPEC12 is much
the same as before.
A.2 XSPEC and tcl/tk
Because tcl is a full scripting language, users can write complex scripts with
loops, branching, etc., which utilize XSPEC commands. Here we describe how
to use those features of tcl necessary to give the user similar functionality to
that available in previous versions of XSPEC, and to give information on the
details of our tcl implementation that may be useful to experienced tcl users.
For a description of tcl, see, for example, Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk,
B. Welch, (1997, Prentice Hall).
Tk, tcl’s companion graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit, is also loaded by
XSPEC on startup. It is planned that future versions of XSPEC will provide
an optional GUI side-by-side with the command line interface (CLI). Although
XSPEC does not currently use tk, its presence allows users to write XSPEC
scripts with graphical interfaces using Tk commands.
A.3 A note on command processing
To emulate the performance of the former XSPEC parser, the command func-
tions are programmed to react similarly to some of its features.
The #sign is used for comments in tcl, but may appear only at the beginning
of a command. tcl and XSPEC both ignore carriage returns on a new line, but
XSPEC also ignores the skip character /. The character sequence /* entered
during a command exits that command, sets any responses to the default re-
sponse, and returns the user to the prompt. The \character is used in tcl for
continuing a command onto the next line.
Additionally, note that in tcl, commands and their arguments are delimited by
white space. They are terminated by a newline or semicolon, unless there is an
open set of parentheses “ ” constituting a loop or test structure. In other words,
in tcl the following starts a loop:
while { condition } {
while { condition }
is incorrect, since in the latter case the while command terminates at the end
of the first line.
A.4 Command Recall/Editing
The XSPEC/tcl interface also uses gnu readline for command input, which al-
lows command line editing and interactive command recall. On most systems,
the left and right arrow keys and the backspace/delete key can be used to nav-
igate and edit the command line. The up and down arrow keys can be used
to step thru the command history list. Gnu readline is highly customizable,
A.5. LOGGING 325
and many more editing/recall functions are available. Readline documenta-
tion can be generated in either postscript or html format from the files in the
xanadu/readline/doc directory distributed with the source.
The default implementation of tcl also supports a C-shell like command recall
mechanism. The history command gives a numbered list of the most recently
entered commands. Any command in the list can be re-executed by entering
!n, where n is the number of the command in the history list. The previous
command can be re-executed by entering !!. The most recent command that
begins with a string can be re-executed by entering !prefix, where prefix is the
string the command begins with.
Note that command recall is implemented using the tcl unknown procedure,
part of which is a script file loaded by tcl at run time. See the section on the
unknown command for more details on how it is implemented in XSPEC.
A.5 Logging
The log command can be used to open a log file to which all input and and output
to tcl will be written. Reading these log files can potentially be confusing when
logging tcl flow control commands such as while or for. This is because tcl treats
the body of these commands as an argument of the command. Thus when the
command is echoed to the log file, the entire body of the command is echoed
with it.
In order to make this situation less confusing, before commands are echoed to
the command file, all newline characters are replaced by semicolons, and the
resulting command line is truncated to 80 characters. Then any commands
executed with in the body of a flow control command are echoed as they are
Consider the following sequence of tcl commands within XSPEC:
XSPEC12> log
Logging to file: xspec.log
XSPEC12> set i 1 ; set product 1
XSPEC12> while {$i <= 5} {
XSPEC12> set product [expr $product * $i]
XSPEC12> incr i
XSPEC12> }
XSPEC12> set product
This would produce the following output in the file xspec.log:
Logging to file: xspec.log
XSPEC12> set i 1
set product 1
XSPEC12> while {$i <= 5} {;set product [expr $product * $i];incr i;}
expr $product * $i
set product [expr $product * $i]
incr i
expr $product * $i
set product [expr $product * $i]
incr i
expr $product * $i
set product [expr $product * $i]
incr i
expr $product * $i
set product [expr $product * $i]
incr i
expr $product * $i
set product [expr $product * $i]
incr i
XSPEC12> set product
A.6 Command Completion
tcl attempts to match the name of any entered command as an abbreviation of
a valid command (either a tcl or XSPEC command). If the entered command
matches more than one valid command, tcl then lists the possible choices, but
does not execute the command. For XSPEC commands, aliases have been
constructed matching the command to its minimum abbreviation, as listed when
typing ?at the XSPEC prompt (see under Aliases).
For example, the minimum abbreviation for the plot command is pl. Thus,
typing pl will execute the plot command, even though this would otherwise be
ambiguous with the tk command place. Command completion is also imple-
mented using the tcl unknown procedure, part of which is a script file loaded
by tcl at run time, and may be different or not exist on your system. See the
section in this help file on the unknown command for more details on how it
is implemented in XSPEC.
N.B. tcl explicitly switches off command completion for scripts. Because of
the way scripts are implemented in XSPEC, however, command abbreviations
nevertheless do work in scripts entered with the @command, but not when
entered from the command line or using the source command. See below for
more details about tcl scripting.
A.7 Unknown Procedure
tcl provides a facility whereby if it cannot match an entered command to its
list of known commands, it calls the unknown procedure, with the unmatched
command (along with its arguments) as its argument. The version of init.tcl
distributed with tcl contains a version of the unknown procedure. When tcl
initializes, it looks in several standard places for a script file named init.tcl,
which it executes if found. The unknown procedure is where tcl does command
completion and automatic shell command execution.
At start up time, XSPEC loads its own unknown procedure, which it uses to
intercept script processing requests of the form
and renames the previously defined unknown procedure to tclunknown. If
XSPEC is not doing any special processing, it simply passes any unmatched
commands on to tclunknown, which then processes them as usual. XSPEC
has its own special version of the unknown procedure
These factors need to be taken into consideration for programmers writing tcl
scripts for use within XSPEC. For example, if after initialization, users wishing
to load a different version of the standard tcl unknown procedure should name
that procedure tclunknown, rather than unknown.
A.8 Aliases
Command name aliases can be constructed using the tcl interp command:
interp alias {} <command_alias> {} <xspec_command>
where <xspec command>is the name of the command you wish to make an
alias for, and <command alias>is the name of the alias you wish to set for the
command. The {} are required syntax.
To delete the alias <command alias>, simply nullify it with:
interp alias {} <command_alias> {}
A.9 Initialization Script
When running interactively, the user has the option of providing an initialization
script, which will be executed after XSPEC completes its startup procedure,
ie. just before it begins prompting for commands. The file should be named
xspec.rc and located in the directory $HOME/.xspec. If one runs XSPEC in
batch mode, by specifying a script on the command line, this initialization script
is not executed. When multiple users are accessing a single system-wide XSPEC
build, the installer can also provide additional initialization that will apply to
all users. See the section “XSPEC Overview and Helpful Hints: Customizing
XSPEC” for more details.
A.10 XSPEC Command Result
After being executed, many tcl commands return a result string, which is echoed
to the terminal when the command is entered on the command line. When
writing complex tcl scripts, this result can be stored and/or used as a test in
loops, etc. When XSPEC commands are executed, they write information to the
terminal by writing directly to the appropriate output channel. However, when
running interactively, the tcl result string is also written to the terminal after
the command is executed. The tclout command (see command description)
creates tcl variables from XSPEC calculations.
A.11 Script Files
XSPEC/tcl script files can be executed in three different ways, as follows:
xspec - <script>
executing script on initialization
XSPEC12>@ <script>
executing script from within the program
XSPEC12>source tclscript
use tcl’s source command from within the program.
Each of these usages does something slightly different. In the first form, XSPEC
will execute a file called <script>. One may execute a series of script files at
startup with the following command syntax:
unix> xspec - file1 file2 file3 ...
Note that the space following the “-” is required.
The second form is @<name>, where <name>is the name of the script file to
be executed. Here the default extension of .xcm is assumed. Scripts containing
valid tcl or XSPEC commands will be executed using this form, and (unless
the script ends in quit or exit) will return to the interactive prompt after
The final form, using tcl’s source command, is intended for the special case
where the script contains the implementation of a new command written in
tcl/tk. See the section on writing custom commands for more details. In cur-
rent tcl versions it compiles the script into bytecode representation for more
efficient execution, and adds any procedures defined in the script to the set of
commands understood by the interpreter. It will not work for general scripts
containing XSPEC/tcl commands, for example those produced by XSPEC’s
save command. These should rather be executed using the @form.
Note that only in the second case (@) is there a default filename suffix (i.e.
.xcm), for both the other methods of script execution the filename must be
given in full.
tcl internally switches off the mechanism that expands command abbreviations
when scripts are executed. If this were not done, the user could specify command
abbreviations that change the behavior of the tcl command set (e.g. set for
the setplot command would redefine tcl’s command for setting variables). This
behavior can be overridden with the statement
set tcl_interactive 1
near the beginning of the script, but it is not recommended to do so. Instead, we
strongly recommend spelling out command names in full within XSPEC scripts.
By default, when XSPEC is executing a script file, it echoes each command
to the terminal before it is executed. This can be controlled using the tcl
variable xs echo script, whose default value is 1. If this variable is set to 0,
the commands from the script file will not be echoed to the terminal.
In summary, we suggest the following convention:
•Running an xspec script from the unix command prompt is intended to be
used for background processing or overnight batch jobs. Using the unix
at command, one can arrange to receive the log file by e-mail.
•The @usage is intended for processing previously run xspec command
sequences, such as are produced by the save command.
•The source usage, as well as executing the commands in the script, per-
forms the equivalent of pre-compiling the script for later invocation. Its
most appropriate use is in preparing new custom XSPEC command pro-
cedures. Once the script is working correctly, it can be placed in the user
script directory and become part of the user’s standard command set. For
examples, see the scripts addline.tcl and modid.tcl in the directory
$SPECTRAL/scripts that implement the commands addline and modid.
These also show how to make commands self-documenting.
A.12 Unix Shell Commands
Shell commands can be executed within XSPEC using the tcl exec command.
When running interactively, if Tcl cannot find a command that matches that
entered on the command line, it will search for a shell command that matches
the entered command. If it finds a match, it automatically executes the shell
command via exec. Note that this feature is implemented using the tcl un-
known procedure, part of which is a script file loaded by tcl at run time, and
may be different or not exist on your system. See Section A.7 for more details
on how unknown is implemented in XSPEC.
Note that the tcl exec command executes the given command directly, without
first passing it on to the shell. Thus no globbing (ie. expansion of wildcards
such as *.pha) is performed. If you wish to pass your command through a shell
for wildcard expansion, etc, use the syscall command.
If you want to start a subshell from within XSPEC, simple type the command
for starting that shell, ie. type
in order to start a C-shell. Note that typing
XSPEC12>exec csh
will not work properly. Giving the
command with no arguments will start a subshell using your current shell (csh,
tcsh, bash, sh, etc).
A.13 Writing Custom XSPEC commands
XSPEC commands can be written by users as tcl procedures, which have sim-
ilarities with fortran or C/C++ subroutines. Within XSPEC, tcl procedures
can take arguments and execute XSPEC and tcl commands. The syntax for
specifying arguments to a tcl procedure is as follows:
proc my_proc {arg1 arg2}{
data 1:1 ${arg1}_s0_20
data 2:2 ${arg2}_s1_20
Here, <arg1>,<arg2>are values supplied by the user (here, part of a filename)
from the command line, and substituted wherever <${arg1}>,<${arg2}>
appear within the script. One may also give an argument a default value, so
that the command so created may be invoked even without needing to specify
the argument:
proc my_proc {arg1 {arg2 file2} } {
Note that the parentheses enclosing both <arg2>and <file2>in this expres-
sion distinguish this from the case where 3 arguments are required for my proc.
Once this file is created, it needs to be source’d once, which compiles the script
into an internal bytecode representation (this is similar to the way Java oper-
ates). Alternatively, one may place it in the user script directory and create
an index in that directory, after which case it will be found automatically and
compiled the first time it is invoked.
The user script directory is given by the line
in the Xspec.init file that is copied into $HOME/.xspec when the user starts
XSPEC for the first time (the supplied default value for this directory is the
$HOME/.xspec directory itself). After the script is placed there, perform the
following command
XSPEC12>auto_mkindex .
This will instruct XSPEC to build an index of scripts to be loaded on xspec
startup. On the next invocation of XSPEC, the script will be sourced on startup
and will appear in the list of commands XSPEC understands.
The my proc procedure is then defined such that one may type:
XSPEC12>my_proc eso103 eso104
and the data statement in the above example will be executed as if the following
had been entered:
data 1:1 eso103_s0_20
data 2:2 eso104_s1_20
The tcl info command can be used to show which procedures have been defined:
XSPEC12>info commands <procedure name>
This will return <procedure name>if that procedure has been compiled (source’d)
already or is a built-in command, or nothing if it has not (yet) been invoked or
A.14 Scripting commands that prompt the user
The commands model,editmod,addcomp,newpar, and fakeit may prompt
the user for more information when used interactively. In order to write scripts
that use these commands, one must know how to force XSPEC to enter the
information that would be prompted for. The technique is exemplified as fol-
lows. Suppose we defined a procedure xmodel that makes a model with certain
predefined parameter values:
set p1 {1.5 0.001 0 0 1.E05 1.E06}
set p2 {1 0.001 0 0 1.E05 1.E06}
proc xmodel {modelString param1 param2 args} {
model $modelString & $param1 & param2 & /*
Here the &character is taken by XSPEC as a carriage return, delimiting the
model string and parameter arguments into separate input lines.
The procedure xmodel may be compiled with the command
XSPEC12> source xmodel.tcl
This creates xmodel as a command with two arguments which sets subsequent
parameters to their default values. It can be invoked e.g. by
XSPEC12>xmodel {wa(po + peg)} $p1 $p2
Note that the model string, which contains spaces, needs to be entered within
{} or double quotes. Note also that tcl understands a single string argument,
args, as in
proc tclscript { args } {
to mean a variable number of arguments to a procedure (it is supplied as a tcl
list, which can be split within the procedure into separate strings for digestion
by xspec if present).
A.15 Script Example
In the directory $HEADAS/../spectral/session is a script file called tclex.xcm.
This script gives an example of how one might use the power of tcl’s scripting
language in an XSPEC session. This script should be executed with
XSPEC12> @tclex
# This script gives an example of how one might use the power of tcl’s
# scripting language in an XSPEC session. In this example, XSPEC loops
# thru 3 data files (file1, file2 and file3) and fits them each to the
# same model ‘wabs(po+ga)’. After the fit the value of parameter 4 (the
# line energy for the gaussian) for each data set is saved to a file.
# Keep going until fit converges.
query yes
# Open the file to put the results in.
set fileid [open fit_result.dat w]
for {set i 1} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
# Set up the model.
model wabs(po+ga) & /*
# Get the file.
data file$i
# Fit it to the model.
# Get the values specified for parameter 4.
tclout param 4
set par4 [string trim $xspec_tclout]
# Turn it into a Tcl list.
regsub -all { +} $par4 { } cpar4
set lpar4 [split $cpar4]
# Print out the result to the file. Parameter value is
# the 0th element of the list ‘lpar4’.
puts $fileid "$i [lindex $lpar4 0]"
# Close the file.
close $fileid
The user is encouraged to read the voluminous on-line documentation and liter-
ature available about tcl in order to benefit fully its flexible command process-
ing, graphical interfacing, and scripting capabilities. See http://www.tcl.tk
for much more information and extensive bibliography.
Appendix B
Statistics in XSPEC
B.1 Introduction
There are two operations performed in XSPEC that require statistics. The first
is parameter estimation, which comprises finding the parameters for a given
model that provide the best fit to the data and then estimating uncertainties
on these parameters. The second operation is testing whether the model and
its best-fit parameters actually match the data. This is usually referred to as
determining the goodness-of-fit.
Which statistics should be used for these two operations depends on the proba-
bility distributions underlying the data. Almost all astronomical data are drawn
from one of two distributions: Gaussian (or normal) and Poisson. The Poisson
distribution is the familiar case of counting statistics and is valid whenever the
only source of experimental noise is due to the number of events arriving at the
detector. This is a good approximation for modern CCD instruments. If some
other sort of noise is dominant then it is usually described by the Gaussian
distribution. A common example of this is detectors that require background
to be modeled in some way, rather than directly measured. The uncertainty in
the background modeling is assumed to be Gaussian.
In the limit of large numbers of counts the Poisson distribution can be well
approximated by a Gaussian so the latter is often used for detectors with high
counting rates. In most cases this will cause no errors and does simplify the
handling of background uncertainties however care should be exercised that no
systematic offsets are introduced.
A fuller discussion of many of the issues discussed in this appendix can be found
in Siemiginowska (2011).
B.2 Parameter Estimation
The standard statistic used in parameter estimation is the maximum likelihood.
This is based on the intuitive idea that the best values of the parameters are
those that maximize the probability of the observed data given the model. The
likelihood is defined as the total probability of observing the data given the
model and current parameters. In practice, the statistic used is twice the nega-
tive log likelihood.
Gaussian data (chi)
The likelihood for Gaussian data is
σi√2πexp −(yi−mi)2
where yiare the observed data rates, itheir errors, and mithe values of the
predicted data rates based on the model (with current parameters) and instru-
mental response. Taking twice the negative natural log of L and ignoring terms
which depend only on the data (and will thus not change as parameters are
varied) gives the familiar statistic :
commonly referred to as χ2and used for the statistic chi option.
Gaussian data with background (chi)
The previous section assumed that the only contribution to the observed data
was from the model. In practice, there is usually background. This can either
be included in the model or taken from another spectrum file (read in using
the back command). In the latter case the yibecome observed data rates from
the source spectrum subtracted by the background spectrum and the σiare the
source and background errors added in quadrature. Since the difference of two
Gaussians variables is another Gaussian variable, the S2statistic can still be
used in this case.
Poisson data (cstat)
The likelihood for Poisson distributed data is:
(tmi)Sie−tmi/Si! (B.3)
where Siare the observed counts, tthe exposure time, and mithe predicted
count rates based on the current model and instrumental response. The maxi-
mum likelihood-based statistic for Poisson data, given in Cash (1979), is :
C= 2
(tmi)−Siln (tmi) + ln (Si!) (B.4)
The final term depends only on the data (and hence makes no difference to the
best-fit parameters) so can be replaced by Stirling’s approximation to give :
C= 2
(tmi)−Si+Si(ln (Si)−ln (tmi)) (B.5)
which provides a statistic which asymptotes to S2in the limit of large number
of counts (Castor, priv. comm.). This is what is used for the statistic cstat
option. Note that using the S2statistic instead of Cis not recommended since
it can produce biassed results even when the number of counts is quite large
(see e.g. Humphrey et al. 2009).
Poisson data with Poisson background (cstat)
This case is more difficult than that of Gaussian data because the difference
between two Poisson variables is not another Poisson variable so the background
data cannot be subtracted from the source and used within the C statistic. The
combined likelihood for the source and background observations can be written
where tsand tbare the exposure times for the source and background spectra,
respectively, Biare the background data and bithe predicted rates from a model
for the expected background. If there is a physically motivated model for the
background then this likelihood can be used to derive a statistic which can be
minimized while varying the parameters for both the source and background
As a simple illustration suppose the source spectrum is source.pha and the
background spectrum back.pha. The source model is an absorbed apec and the
background model is a power-law. Further suppose that the background model
requires a different response matrix to the source, backmod.rsp say. The fit is
set up by:
XSPEC12> data 1:1 source.pha 2:2 background.pha
XSPEC12> resp 2:1 backmod.rsp 2:2 backmod.rsp
XSPEC12> model phabs(apec)
XSPEC12> model 2:backmodel pow
where the normalization of the apec model is fixed to zero for the second data
group (i.e. the background spectrum) and the parameters of the background
model are linked between the data groups.
If there is no appropriate model for the background it is still possible to proceed.
Suppose that each bin in the background spectrum is given its own parameter
so that the background model is bi=fi. A standard XSPEC fit for all these
parameters would be impractical however there is an analytical solution for the
best-fit fiin terms of the other variables which can be derived by using the
fact that the derivative of Lwill be zero at the best fit. Solving for the fiand
substituting gives the profile likelihood:
W= 2
tsmi+(ts+tb)fi−Siln (tsmi+tsfi)−Biln (tbfi)−Si(1−ln Si)−Bi(1−ln Bi)
di=p[(ts+tb)mi−Si−Bi]2+ 4(ts+tb)Bimi(B.9)
If any bin has Siand/or Bizero then its contribution to W(Wi) is calculated
as a special case. So, if Siis zero then:
Wi=tsmi−Biln (tb/(ts+tb)) (B.10)
If Biis zero then there are two special cases. If mi< Si/(ts+tb) then:
Wi=−tbmi−Siln (ts/(ts+tb)) (B.11)
Wi=tsmi+Si(ln Si−ln (tsmi)−1) (B.12)
This W statistic is used for statistic cstat if a background spectrum with
Poisson statistics has been read in. In practice, it works well for many cases but
for weak sources can generate an obviously wrong best fit. It is not clear why
this happens although binning to ensure that every bin contains at least one
count often seems to fix the problem. In the limit of large numbers of counts
per spectrum bin a second-order Taylor expansion shows that Wtends to :
i=1 [Si−tsmi−tsfi]2
which is distributed as χ2with N −M degrees of freedom, where the model mi
has M parameters (include the normalization).
Poisson data with Gaussian background (pgstat)
Another possible background option is if the background spectrum is not Pois-
son. For instance, it may have been generated by some model based on corre-
lations between the background counts and spacecraft orbital position. In this
case there may be an uncertainty associated with the background which is as-
sumed to be Gaussian. In this case the same technique as above can be used to
derive a profile likelihood statistic :
P G = 2
ts(mi+fi)−Siln (tsmi+tsfi) + 1
(Bi−tbfi)2−Si(1 −ln Si)
i−tbBimi] (B.16)
There is a special case for any bin with Siequal to zero:
P Gi=tsmi+Bi(ts/tb)−σi(ts/tb)2/2 (B.17)
This is what is used for the statistic pgstat option.
Poisson data with known background (pstat)
Another possible background option is if the background spectrum is known.
Again the same technique as above can be used to derive a profile likelihood
statistic :
P= 2
ts(mi+Bi/tb)−Siln [ts(mi+Bi/tb]−Si(1 −ln Si) (B.18)
This is what is used for the statistic pstat option.
Bayesian analysis of Poisson data with Poisson background (lstat)
An alternative approach to fitting Poisson data with background is to use
Bayesian methods. In this case instead of solving for the background rate pa-
rameters we marginalize over them writing the joint probability distribution of
the source parameters as :
P=p({θj}|{Si},{Bi}, I) = Z... Z{dbk}p({θj},{bk}|{Si},{Bi}, I) (B.19)
where {θj}are the source parameters, {bk}the background rate parameters and
Iany prior information. Using Bayes theorem, that the {θj}and independent
of the {bk}, that the {bk}are individually independent and that the observed
counts are Poisson gives :
where :
To calculate Jkwe need to make an assumption about the prior background
probability distribution, p(bk|I). We follow Loredo (1992) and assume a uniform
prior between 0 and bmax
i. Expanding the binomial gives :
γ(Sk+Bk−j+ 1, bmax
(ts+tb)Sk+Bk−j+1 (B.22)
where :
γ(α, β) = Zβ
x(α−1)e−xdx (B.23)
Again, following Loredo we assume that (ts+tb)bmax
k>> Bkand using the
approximation γ(α, β)∼(α−1)! when α >> β gives :
j!(Sk−j)! (ts+tb)j(B.24)
Note that for mk= 0 only the j= 0 term in the summation is non-zero. Now,
we define lstat by calculating −2 ln Pand ignoring all additive terms which are
independent of the model parameters :
lstat = −2 ln p({θj}|I)+2
j!(Sk−j)! (ts+tb)k
Power spectra from time series data (whittle)
XSPEC has been used by a number of researchers to fit models to power spectra
from time series data. In this case the x-axis is frequency (in Hz) and not keV
so plots have to be modified appropriately. The correct fit statistic is that due
to Whittle as discussed in Vaughan (2010) and Barret & Vaughan (2012) :
S= 2
i=1 yi
+ ln mi(B.26)
B.3 Parameter confidence regions
Fisher Matrix
XSPEC provides several different methods to estimate the precision with which
parameters are determined. The simplest, and least reliable, is based on the
inverse of the second derivative of the statistic with respect to the parameter
at the best fit. The first derivative must be zero by construction and the sec-
ond derivative provides a measure of how rapidly the statistic increases away
from the best-fit. The faster the statistic increases, i.e. the larger the second
derivative, the more precisely the parameter is determined. The matrix of sec-
ond derivatives is often referred to as the Fisher information. Its inverse is the
covariance matrix, written out at the end of an XSPEC fit.
The +/- numbers provided for each parameter in the standard fit output are
estimates of the one-sigma uncertainty, calculated as the square root of the di-
agonal elements of the covariance matrix. As such, these ignore any correlations
between parameters. Whether correlations are important can be seen by com-
paring with the off-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. In general, these
estimates should be considered lower limits to the true uncertainty.
Correlation information is also given in the table of variances and principal axes
which also appears at the end of a fit. Each row in this table is an eigenvalue and
associated eigenvector of the Fisher matrix. If the parameters are independent
then each eigenvector will have a contribution from only one parameter. For
instance, if there are three independent parameters then the eigenvectors will
be (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1). If the parameters are not independent then each
eigenvector will show contributions from more than one parameter.
Delta Statistic
The next most reliable method for deriving parameter confidence regions is to
find surfaces of constant delta statistic from the best-fit value, i.e. where :
Statistic = Statisticbest−fit + ∆ (B.27)
This is the method used by the error command, which searches for the param-
eter value where the statistic differs from that at the best fit by a value (∆)
specified in the command. For each value of the parameter being tested all other
free parameters are allowed to vary. The results of the error command can be
checked using steppar, which can also be used to find simultaneous confidence
regions of multiple parameters. The specific values of ∆ which generate partic-
ular confidence regions are calculated by assuming that it is distributed as χ2
with the number of degrees of freedom equal to the number of parameters being
tested (e.g. when using the error command there is one degree of freedom,
when using steppar for two parameters followed by plot contour there are
two degrees of freedom). This assumption is correct for the S2statistic and is
asymptotically correct for other statistic choices.
Monte Carlo
The best but most computationally expensive methods for estimating param-
eter confidence regions are using two different Monte Carlo techniques. The
first technique is to start with the best fit model and parameters and simulate
datasets with identical properties (responses, exposure times, etc.) to those ob-
served. For each simulation, perform a fit and record the best-fit parameters.
The sets of best-fit parameters now map out the multi-dimensional probability
distribution for the parameters assuming that the original best-fit parameters
are the true ones. While this is unlikely to be true, the relative distribution
should still be accurate so can be used to estimate confidence regions. There
is no explicit command in XSPEC to use this technique however it is easy to
construct scripts to perform the simulations and store the results.
The second technique is Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and is of much
wider applicability. In MCMC a chain of sets of parameter values is generated
which describe the parameter probability distribution. This determines both
the best-fit (the mode) and the confidence regions. The chain command runs
MCMC chains which can be converted to probability distributions using margin
(which takes the same arguments as steppar). The results can be plotted in 1-
or 2-D using plot margin and plot integprob to plot the probability density
and integrated probability. If MCMC chains are in use then the error command
will use them to estimate the parameter uncertainty.
B.4 Goodness-of-fit
Parameter values and confidence regions only mean anything if the model actual
fits the data. The standard way of assessing this is to perform a test to reject
the null hypothesis that the observed data are drawn from the model. Thus we
calculate some statistic Tand if Tobs > Tcritical then we reject the model at
the confidence level corresponding to Tcritical. Ideally, Tcritical is independent
of the model so all that is required to evaluate the test is a table giving Tcritical
values for different confidence levels. This is the case for χ2which is one of the
reasons why it is used so widely. However, for other test statistics this may not
be true and the distribution of Tmust be estimated for the model in use then
the observed value compared to that distribution. This is done in XSPEC using
the goodness command. The model is simulated many times and a value of
Tcalculated for each fake dataset. These are then ordered and a distribution
constructed. This distribution can be plotted using plot goodness. Now
suppose that Tobs obs exceeds 90% of the simulated Tvalues we can reject the
model at 90% confidence.
It is worth emphasizing that goodness-of-fit testing only allows us to reject a
model with a certain level of confidence, it never provides us with a probability
that this is the correct model.
Chi-square (chi)
The standard goodness-of-fit test for Gaussian data is χ2(as defined above).
At the end of a fit, XSPEC writes out the reduced χ2(= χ2/ν, where νis
the number of degrees of freedom = number of data bins minus number of
free parameters). A rough rule of thumb is that the reduced χ2should be
approximately one. If the reduced χ2is much greater than one then the observed
data are likely not drawn from the model. If the reduced χ2is much less than
one then the Gaussian sigma associated with the data are likely over-estimated.
XSPEC also writes out the null hypothesis probability, which is the probability
of the observed data being drawn from the model given the value of χ2and the
number of degrees of freedom.
Pearson chi-square (pchi)
Pearson’s original (1900) chi-square test was not for Gaussian data but for the
case of dividing counts up between cells. This corresponds to the case of Poisson
data with no background.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (ks)
There are a number of test statistics based on the empirical distribution function
(EDF). The EDF is the cumulative spectrum :
for the data and
for the model.
The EDF can be plotted using plot icounts. The best known of these tests
is Kolmogorov-Smirnov whose statistic is simply the largest difference between
the observed and model EDFs :
The XSPEC statistic test ks option returns log D. The significance of the ks
value can be determined using the goodness command.
Cramer-von Mises (cvm)
The Cramer-von Mises statistic is the sum of the squared differences of the
EDFs :
The XSPEC statistic test cvm option returns log w2and its significance
should be determined using the goodness command.
Anderson-Darling (ad)
Anderson-Darling is a modification of Cramer-von Mises which places more
weight on the tails of distribution :
Mi(1 −Mi)(B.33)
Runs (runs)
The Runs (or Wald-Wolfowitz) test checks that residuals are randomly dis-
tributed above and below zero and do not cluster. Suppose Npis the number of
channels with +ve residuals, Nnthe number of channels with negative residuals,
and Rthe number of runs then the Runs statistic is :
Runs = (R−µ)/p[(µ−1)(µ−2)/(N−1)] (B.34)
where :
N+ 1 (B.36)
The hypothesis that the residuals are randomly distributed can be rejected if
abs(Runs) exceeds a critical value. For large sample runs (where Npand Nn
both exceed 10) the critical value is drawn from the Normal distribution. For
instance, for a test at the 5% significance level, the hypothesis can be rejected
if abs(Runs) exceeds 1.96.
•Barret, D. & Vaughan, S., 2012. “Maximum likelihood fitting of X-ray
power density spectra: application to high-frequency quasi-periodic oscil-
lation from the neutron star X-ray binary 4U1608-522”, ApJ 746, 131.
•Cash, W., 1979. “Parameter estimation in astronomy through application
of the likelihood ratio”, ApJ 228, 939.
•Humphrey, P.J., Liu, W. and Buote, D.A., “χ2and Poissonian Data:
Biases Even in the High-Count Regime and How to Avoid Them.”, ApJ
693, 822.
•Loredo, T., 1992. In “Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy”, eds.
Feigelson, E.D. and Babu, G.J., pp 275-297.
•Siemiginowska, A., 2011. In “Handbook of X-ray Astronomy” eds. Ar-
naud, K.A., Smith, R.K. and Siemiginowska, A., Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge.
•Vaughan, S. 2010, “A Bayesian test for periodic signals in red noise”,
MNRAS 402, 307.
Appendix C
Adding Models to XSPEC
XSPEC includes a large collection of standard models that can be fit to data.
However, sometimes these are not enough and a new model might be required.
In order of increasing complexity the ways to do this are: use the mdefine
command; create a table model; load a model function created by someone else;
create and load your own model function. The mdefine command can be used
for a model which can be described using a simple formula and is documented
under the commands section of the manual so we do not discuss it further. This
appendix describes the other three methods then finishes with a note about the
more complex issue of mixing models.
C.1 Table models
A very simple way of fitting with user-defined models is available for a particular
class of models. These are models that can be defined by a grid of spectra,
with the elements of the grid covering the range of values of the parameters
of the model. For instance, for a one-parameter model, a set of model spectra
can be tabulated for different values of the parameter (P1, P2, P3, etc.) The
correct model spectrum for a value P is calculated by interpolation on the grid.
The generalization to more parameters works in the obvious way. The table
is specified in the model command by the special strings atable,mtable, or
etable with the filename following in brackets – see the entries in the models
section of the manual. Any number of table model components can be used
Table model components can be much slower than most standard models if there
are significant numbers of parameters. The memory requirements increase as
2nwhere n is the number of parameters in the model. A table model with
more than 3 or 4 fitting parameters is not recommended. Additionally, the
interpolation is linear, which implies that the second derivatives used by the
default Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm may not be accurate. If the fit does not
work well it may be worth trying the migrad (minuit library) algorithm which
makes no assumptions about the second derivative.
As with standard models, the spectra should be in terms of flux-per-bin and
not flux-per-keV. Any set of energy bins can be used, and XSPEC will inter-
polate the model spectra onto the appropriate energy bins for the detectors in
use. It is therefore a good idea to choose energy bins such that the spectrum is
well-sampled over the range of interest. The file structure for these models is a
FITS format described at :
The HEASP C++ library and Python module available in HEAsoft can be used
to make table model files. The documentation at :
includes examples for both C++ and Python.
C.2 Loading a new model function
New model functions either downloaded from the XSPEC additional models
webpage at :
or acquired privately are added using the two commands initpackage, which
prepares and compiles a library module containing them, and lmod, which
actually loads them into the program. These commands are described in the
XSPEC commands section of the manual, to which the user is referred. Any
number of different user model packages may be added to XSPEC from the
user prompt, and the user has control over the directory from which models are
Note that the lmod command requires write-access to the particular directory
specified. This is because lmod uses the Tcl make package and package
require mechanisms for automatic library loads and these require Tcl write an
index file (pkgIndex.tcl) to the directory. Consequently we recommend using
the Tcl load command instead of lmod if the library is being used by a number
of users on a local network. Note that such a library can be loaded automatically
by placing the command in the global customize.tcl script (see the section
“Customizing XSPEC” in the Overview (Chapter 3)).
C.3 Writing a new model function
A model function is a subroutine that calculates the model spectrum given an
input array of energy bins and an array of parameter values. The input array
of energy bins gives the boundaries of the energy bins and hence has one more
entry than the output flux arrays. The energy bins are assumed to be contiguous
and will be determined by the response matrix in use. The subroutine should
thus make no assumptions about the energy range and bin sizes. The output
flux array for an additive model should be in terms of photons/cm2/s (not
photons/cm2/s/keV) i.e. it is the model spectrum integrated over the energy
bin. The output array for a multiplicative model is the multiplicative factor
for that bin. Convolution models are operators on the output from additive or
multiplicative models. Model subroutines can be written in fortran, either in
single or double precision, in C++ using either C++-style arguments or C style
arguments, and in C.
The model.dat entry
In addition to the subroutine, XSPEC requires a text file describing the model
and its parameters. The standard models are specified in the model.dat file so
we usually refer to this text file by that name. A sample model.dat entry has
the following form:
modelentry 5 0. 1.e20 modelfunc add 0 0
lowT keV 0.1 0.0808 0.0808 79.9 79.9 0.001
highT keV 4. 0.0808 0.0808 79.9 79.9 0.001
Abundanc " " 1. 0. 0. 5. 5. 0.01
*redshift " " 0.0
The first line for each model gives the model name, the number of parameters,
the low and high energies for which the model is valid, the name of the subroutine
to be called and the type of model (add, mul, mix, or con, or acn). The final two
arguments are flags: the first should be set to 1 if model variances are calculated
by modelfunc and the second should be set to 1 if the model should be forced to
perform a calculation for each spectrum. This final flag is necessary because if
multiple spectra have the same energy bins, the default behavior is to perform
the model calculation for just one spectrum and copy the results for each of
the others. However if a model depends on information about the spectrum in
addition to its energy ranges, it must be forced to perform a calculation for each
The remaining lines in the text file specify each parameter in the model. For
regular model parameters the first two fields are the parameter name followed
by an optional units label. If there is no units label then there must be a quoted
blank (“ ”) placeholder. The remaining 6 numerical entries are the default
parameter value, hard min, soft min, soft max, hard max, and fit delta, which
are described in the newpar command section.
There are three special types of parameter which can be used. If the name of
the parameter is prefixed with a “*” the parameter is a “scale” parameter and
cannot be made variable or linked to any kind of parameter other than another
scale parameter. Since the parameter value can never vary only the initial value
need be given. If the name of the parameter is prefixed with a “$” the parameter
is a “switch” parameter which is not used directly as part of the calculation,
but switches the model component function’s mode of operation (i.e. calculate
or interpolate). Switch parameters only have 2 fields: the parameter name and
an integer value.
Finally, If a P is added at the end of the line for a parameter then the parameter
is defined to be periodic. During a fit, a periodic parameter will not be pegged
if it tries to exceed its hard limits. Instead it will be assigned a value within its
limits: f(max + delta) = f(min + delta), f(min-delta) = f(max-delta). The soft
min and max settings are irrelevant for period parameters and will be ignored.
The model subroutine function
The following table lists the function arguments required for the different lan-
guage options. The second column is the way the function name should be
included in the model.dat entry.
Call Type and
Arguments and Type Meaning
Single precision
real*4 ear(0:ne) Energy array
integer ne Size of flux array
real*4 param(*) Parameter values. (Di-
mension must be speci-
fied inside the function)
funcName integer ifl The spectrum number
being calculated
real*4 photar(ne) Output flux array
real*4 photer(ne) Output flux error array
Double precision
real*8 ear(0:ne) As above
integer ne As above
real*8 param() As above
F funcName integer ifl As above
real*8 photar(ne) As above
real*8 photer(ne) As above
C/C++, C-style const Real* energy Energy array (size
int Nflux Size of flux array
const Real* parameter Parameter values
c funcName int spectrum Spectrum number of
model component being
Real* flux Output flux array
Real* fluxError Output flux error array
const char* init Initialization string (see
C++, C++
const RealArray& energy Energy array
const RealArray& parameter Parameter values
int spectrum Spectrum number of
model component being
C funcName RealArray& flux Output flux array
RealArray& fluxError Output flux error array
const string& init Initialization string (see
For example, a model component in double precision fortran is specified by:
modelentry 5 0. 1.e20 F_funcName add 0 0
XSPEC then picks out the right function definition, and calls the Fortran func-
tion funcName which expects double precision arguments. The C-style call can
clearly be compiled and implemented by either a C or a C++ compiler: how-
ever we recommend using the C++ call if the model is written in C++ as
it will reduce overhead in copying C arrays in and out the XSPEC internal
data structures. To prevent unresolved symbol linkage errors, we also recom-
mend prefacing C++ local model function definitions with the extern ‘‘C’’
Example C/C++ function definitions:
/* C -style */
extern ‘‘C’’
void modelfunc(const Real* energy, int Nflux, const Real* parameter,
int spectrum, Real* flux, Real* fluxError,
const char* init)
/* Model code: Do not allocate memory for flux and fluxError arrays.
XSPEC’s C-function wrapper will allocate arrays prior to calling the
function (and will free them afterwards). */
// C++
extern ‘‘C’’
void modelfunc(const RealArray& energy, const RealArray& parameter,
int spectrum, RealArray& flux, RealArray& fluxError,
const string& init)
// Model code: Should resize flux RealArray to energy.size()-1.
// Do the same for fluxError array if calculating errors, otherwise
// leave it at size 0.
Note on type definitions for (C and C++): XSPEC provides a typedef for Real,
in the xsTypes.h header file. The distributed code has
typedef Real double;
i.e. all calculations are performed in double precision. This is used for C models
and C++ models with C-style arguments.
The type RealArray is a dynamic (resizeable) array of Real. XSPEC uses the
std::valarray template class to implement RealArray. The internal details of
XSPEC require that the RealArray typedef supports vectorized assignments
and mathematical operations, and indirect addressing (see C++ documenta-
tion for details). However, we do not recommend using specific features of the
std::valarray class, such as array slicing, in case the typedef is changed in future.
The input energies are set by the response matrices of the detectors in use. IFL
is an integer which specifies to which response (and therefore which spectrum)
these energies correspond. It exists to allow multi-dimensional models where
the function might also depend on eg pulse-phase in a variable source. The
output flux array should not be assumed to have any particular values on input.
It is assumed to contain previously calculated values only by convolution/pileup
models, which have the nature of operators. The output flux error array allows
the function to return model variances.
The C and C++ call types allow one extra argument, which is a character string
that can be appended to the top line of the model component description. This
string is read on initialization and available to the model during execution. An
example of its use might be the name of a file with specific data used in the
model calculation: this allows different models to be implemented the same way
except for different input data by specifying different names and input strings.
Function utility routines
There are a number of internal XSPEC routines which may be useful for local
models written in either C++ or Fortran. These are defined in FunctionUtility.h
and xsFortran.cxx, respectively, in the directory Xspec/src/XSUtil/FunctionUtils.
Documentation is available in the file XSUtil guide.pdf in Xspec/src/help.
These functions allow the model to find out the Solar abundances in use, get any
information defined using the xset command, find the cosmological parameters
currently set, get the contents of the XFLT#### keywords in the spectrum
files, and load information into an internal database which can be accessed using
There are also C++ classes and associated methods for equilibrium and non-
equilibrium collisional plasmas, photo-electric opacity from neutral and ion-
ized materials, and Compton scattering. Descriptions of these can be found in
XSFunctions guide.pdf in Xspec/src/help.
Multi-dimensional models
Typically an XSPEC model depends only on the energy (and the model param-
eters) but more complicated models are sometimes required. The model might
depend on energy and, for a variable source, the time at which the spectrum was
obtained or, for an extended source, its spatial position. The extra information
about the spectrum must be stored in the XFLT#### keywords in the spec-
trum files. For instance, if the model has a dependence on time then for one
spectrum XFLT0001 could be set to “start: 1345.54” and XFLT0002 to “end:
1356.43” and another have XFLT0001 set to “start: 1356.43” and XFLT0002
to “end: 1368.21”. An example C++ routine might then include the code
#include <XSUtil/FunctionUtils/FunctionUtility.h>
extern ‘‘C’’
void mymodel(const RealArray& energyArray, const RealArray& params,
int spectrum, RealArray& flux, RealArray& fluxErr,
const string& initString)
Real tstart = FunctionUtility::getXFLT(spectrum,‘‘start’’);
Real tend = FunctionUtility::getXFLT(spectrum,‘‘end’’);
C.4 Third-Party Libraries In Local Models Build
The Makefile that initpackage creates for building your local models library is
based on the template file
If you need to add a path to a third-party library’s header files, add:
to the HD CXXFLAGS setting. Then type hmake and hmake install from
To make sure the linker pulls in the library on Mac OS X further edit the
xspackage.tmpl file by adding a “-l” flag for the library (e.g. -lgsl) in the
HD SHLIB LIBS settings. Then reinstall xspackage.tmpl as mentioned above.
On Linux/Unix the XSPEC executable itself should be relinked with the new
library included. So, edit the file
by adding a “-l” flag for the library to the HD CXXLIBS setting. Then from
the same directory do:
rm xspec
hmake local
hmake publish
hmake install
After these modifications, you should be able to use initpackage and lmod in
the normal way to build and load your local models library.
C.5 Writing new mixing models
Mixing models are fundamentally different from the other kinds of models since
they apply a transformation to a set of modeled fluxes (as enumerated by the
spectra in the fit), rather than modify the flux designed to fit a single spec-
trum. The need to store temporary results, as well as the requirements of the
model calculation, lead to many workspace arrays: further, the transformations
applied are often fixed during a fit, or can be split to avoid redundant calcula-
tions into parts that are fixed and parts that change during iteration in order.
XSPEC’s internal organization (data structures) can be mapped straightfor-
wardly to the requirements of these models so to implement them efficiently
and handle memory allocation, we recommend that mixing models be written
in C++ or C. At present only a C++ implementation is available. Users consid-
ering adding new mixing model types should contact the developers of XSPEC
at xspec12@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov.
Appendix D
Overview of PLT
XSPEC uses the PLT library, which is in turn based on PGPLOT1, to implement
its plotting capabilities.
Extensive documentation for the PLT graphics routine is available in the The
QDP/PLT Users’s Guide and from PLT’s interactive help. This appendix is
intended to provide information to assist in using PLT from within the XSPEC
Within XSPEC, it is possible to set your graphics device using the cpd com-
mand. Any PGPLOT device supported by your local version of PGPLOT is
accepted. The cpd command can also be used to display a list of all PGPLOT
devices. If you fail to enter a device name, you will be prompted for a PGPLOT
device every time you generate a new plot.
From XSPEC, there are two ways to call the PLT routine. Both have the same
syntax which is described in the corresponding manual section.
The plot <plot mode>command will produce a graph and control will return
immediately to XSPEC.
The iplot <plot mode>command will put XSPEC into interactive plot mode.
The prompt
1PGPLOT is the name of a Graphics Subroutine Library written by T. J. Pearson at the
California Institute of Technology
will appear after XSPEC has finished producing the graph. At this point, you
can enter PLT commands to inspect interesting parts of the graph, add labels,
or make a hardcopy file for later printing.
D.1 Getting started with PLT
In the following description of PLT commands, the full command is described.
Capital letters denote the shortest abbreviation of the command that will be
recognized. Here is a brief guide to some of the PLT commands that can be
entered when iplot is invoked.
•HElp will provide you with descriptions of the PLT commands.
•Plot redraws the display using all of the commands that change the graph
entered since the last plot.
•Rescale followed by two numbers, will set the minimum and maximum of
the plotted x-range to the numbers specified. Without further arguments,
Rescale X or Rescale Y will reset the minimum and maximum values to
their default values. Rescale also updates the screen immediately. Other
commands allow you to make several changes to the the graph without
having to wait for the screen to be updated after every change.
•LAbel <Top,X,Y>[<string>] adds labels to various locations on the
graph. For example, typing LA Top EXOSAT was great will cause
the message “EXOSAT was great” to appear at the top of the graph the
next time the display is redrawn. Without the string argument the current
label for Top, X, or Y is set to the empty string.
•Hardcopy [?, PGPLOT plot device creates a file that can later be
printed. Since it redraws the graph and sends it to a file, it does not
reproduce what currently is visible on the graphics display, but rather
what you would see if you re-issued the Plot command. With the optional
“?” argument, Hardcopy returns the current hardcopy plotting device.
This can be overridden with Hardcopy [PGPLOT device name].
•EXit returns control to XSPEC. Any changes you have made to the plot
will be lost.
D.2 PLT Command summary
CLear Immediately clear the graphics device
COlor Change the default colour index
CONtour Produce a contour plot
CPD Change the plotting device
CQuit Clear the graphics device and return control to
CSize Change the default character size
Error Control whether errors are displayed and used in
EXit Exit PLT and return control to XSPEC
Fit Fit the PLT model to the data
FNy Evaluate the model at the specified location
FOnt Change the default text font
Freeze Freeze a parameter value
GAp Change the default gap size between the data and
the edge
Grid Control the location of the major and minor tic
Hardcopy Make a file that can later be printed
HElp Obtain help on any PLT command
Imodel Numerically integrate the model over specified
LAbel Add or remove labels from the plot
LIne Control whether a line is used to connect data
LOg Control whether data is plotted using a log10 scale
LStyle Change the default style of the line connecting the
data points
LWidth Change the default line width
MArker Control whether the data points are plotted with
MOdel Define a PLT model
Newpar Change a parameter value associated with the
PLot Immediately re-plot the data
PRompt Change the PLTiprompt
Rescale Reset the minimum and maximum plot range
SCr Change the color representation of the specified
color index
SHow Display the values of PLT internal variables
SKip Control how PLT divides data into vectors
STatistics Compute various statistical properties of the data
THaw Allow a parameter value to vary during a fit
Time Control whether the time stamp is plotted
Uncertainty Compute the uncertainty in a parameter value
VErsion Display date of the most recent modification to
Viewport Control the size of the viewport plotting area
WData Write a QDP data file to disk
WEnviron Write both QDP data and header files to disk
WHead Write a QDP header file to disk
WModel Write a model file to disk
Xaxis Define the method used to calculate the x-variable
Yaxis Define the y-axis scale for a contour plot
$ Execute operating system commands
@filename Read commands from a PLT command (.pco) file
Appendix E
Associated Programs
E.1 Introduction
The HEAsoft package provides a number of programs and subroutine libraries
to manipulate the FITS files used by XSPEC. A description of most tasks can
be obtained by typing fhelp taskname or to get a complete list fhelp ftools.
E.2 HEAsoft reading tasks
ftlist Prints the contents of a FITS file to the screen or to
a file
dmprmf Prints the contents of a FITS RMF file to the screen
or to a file.This tool prints the RMF file in a more
legible fashion than ftlist
E.3 HEAsoft manipulation tasks
fparkey Changes the value of a keyword in a FITS extension
grppha Defines (or redefines) and/or displays the grouping
and quality flags, the important keywords, and the
fractional systematic errors.
rbnpha Compresses a FITS PHA file to a user-defined num-
ber of channels. The output is a new file containing
the revised PHA extension plus a direct copy of any
other extensions in the original file.
mathpha Performs arithmetical operations on PHA files.
cmppha Convert a type II pha file to a type I pha file.
rbnrmf Bins a FITS RMF file (the detector response matrix)
in channel or energy space.
cmprmf Compress an RMF by removing all response below a
threshold value.
addarf Adds together ARFs.
addrmf Adds together RMFs.
marfrmf Multiplies an RMF file by an ARF file.
genrsp A generic spectral response generator.
fv A general GUI for manipulating FITS files.
E.4 HEAsoft subroutines
The heasp library in heacore/heasp is a C++ class library for manipulating all
the filetypes used by XSPEC. This provides both C++ and C routines as well
as a Python package. A complete description is available at: http://heasarc.
Appendix F
Using the XSPEC Models
Library in Other Programs
For those who wish to incorporate the standard XSPEC model functions library
into their own programs, XSPEC provides a set of functions and wrappers that
can be called from external C, C++ or Fortran programs.
F.1 Calling Model Functions From C And For-
An increasing number of XSPEC model functions are written in C++, and
have the C++-style function interface described in Appendix C. XSPEC pro-
vides function wrappers for each of these to make them callable from Fortran
or C programs. The wrappers are stored in the files funcWrappers.h and
funcWrappers.cxx in the XSFunctions directory.
For each C++ model function there are 2 wrappers: one for passing single
precision arrays and one for double precision, with the interfaces as shown in
Appendix C for single precision Fortran-style and C-style respectively. The
single precision wrapper function name will be the original C++ function name
appended with a “f “ prefix, while the double precision wrapper will have a “C ”
For example, XSPEC’s model.dat entry for the power law model lists the
function name C powerLaw. This shows that the actual function name is
“powerLaw” and the “C ” indicates it has a C++ interface inside XSPEC.
funcWrappers.cxx defines the following 2 wrappers:
void f_powerLaw(const float* energy, int nFlux, const float* params,
int spectrumNumber, float* flux, float* fluxError)
void C_powerLaw(const double* energy, int nFlux, const double* params,
int spectrumNumber, double* flux, double* fluxError,
const char* initStr)
The second function is intended to be called from C programs, while Fortran pro-
grams may call either (funcWrappers.cxx also includes CERN <cfortran.h>
definitions to make these accessible to Fortran).
F.2 Interface Routines
XSPEC also provides a set of functions for accessing some of the model functions’
internal data. The C++ functions are listed in the file FunctionUtility.h
in the XSUtil/FunctionUtils directory. For C and Fortran access, equivalent
wrapper functions are listed in the same directory in xsFortran.h. The wrapper
functions have C-style function declarations, and are also made available to
Fortran calling routines via the CERN <cfortran.h>interface.
The currently provided C/Fortran wrapper functions are (see xsFortran.h for
the function signatures):
FNINIT Initializes data directory locations needed by the
models. See below for a fuller description.
FGABND Get an element abundance.
FGCHAT Get current chatter level setting for model functions’
output verbosity.
FPCHAT Set the chatter level. Default is 10, higher chatter
levels produce more output.
FGDATD Get the model .dat files path.
FPDATD Set the model .dat files path.
FGMODF Get the model ion data path.
FGMSTR Get a model string value (see XSPEC xset com-
FPMSTR Set a model string value.
FPSLFL Load values of a file solar abundance table (see
abund command).
FGSOLR Get the solar abundance table setting.
FPSOLR Set the solar abundance table.
FGXSCT Get the cross section table setting.
FPXSCT Set the cross section table.
RFLABD Read abundance data from a file, then load and set
this to be the current abundance table. (Essentially
this combines a file read with the FPSLFL and FP-
SOLR functions.)
csmgh0 Get the cosmology H0setting (see the cosmo com-
csmph0 Set H0.
csmgl0 Get Λ0.
csmpl0 Set Λ0.
csmgq0 Get q0.
csmpq0 Put q0.
fzsq Computes the luminosity distance, (c/H0)*fzsq. The
function is valid for small values of q0*z for the case
of no cosmological constant and uses the approxima-
tion of Pen (1999 ApJS 120, 49) for the case of a
cosmological constant and a flat Universe. The func-
tion is not valid for non-zero cosmological constant
if the Universe is not flat.
DGFILT Get a particular XFLT keyword value from a data
DGNFLT Get the number of XFLT keywords in a data file.
xs getVersion (or xgvers) Retrieve XSPEC’s version string.
F.3 Initializing the Models Library
The external program should always call the FNINIT routine prior to any other
call into the models library. This initializes the locations of the various data
files needed by the models, and also sets the abundance and cross-section tables.
Unless the user has overridden the model ion data directory location with the
XSPEC MDATA DIR environment variable, the initial settings are:
Model ion data location $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData
Abundance .dat files location $HEADAS/../spectral/manager
Cross-section .dat files location $HEADAS/../spectral/manager
Solar abundance table angr
Photoelectric cross-section table bcmc
F.4 Building with the Models Library
The XSFunctions library depends on three lower-level XSPEC libraries, XS,
XSUtil, and XSModel, and also the CCfits and cfitsio libraries distributed
with HEASOFT. A Makefile for a small Fortran program linking with the models
library therefore may look like this on Linux:
myprog : myprog.o
g77 -g myprog.o -o myprog \
-L/path/to/headas/installed/location/lib \
-lXSFunctions -lXSModel -lXSUtil -lXS -lCCfits_2.1 -lcfitsio_3.11
myprog.o: myprog.f
g77 -g -c myprog.f
Appendix G
Adding a Custom Chain
Proposal Algorithm
When running a Monte Carlo Markov Chain with the chain command, XSPEC
provides several built-in proposal options from which to draw trial parameter
values for the next step in the chain. A built-in proposal is selected prior to the
chain run with the command:
chain proposal <distribution> <source>
where <distribution>is the statistical distribution used to randomize the
parameter values (e.g. gaussian, cauchy), and <source>refers to the source of
the applied covariance information (see the chain command for details).
It is also possible for the user to create an arbitrary new proposal scheme and
add it to the options available under the chain proposal command. This is done
in a way similar to the adding of local models described in Appendix C, though
in this case the code can only be written in C++. Essentially three steps are
involved, each described in greater detail below:
•Create a small text file named randomize.dat.
•Write a class which inherits from XSPEC’s abstract base class Random-
•Run XSPEC’s initpackage and lmod commands to build and load the
shared library containing the new proposal class(es).
G.1 The randomize.dat Initialization File
This file must be placed in the same directory as the user’s proposal code files,
and plays a role similar to the local models’ .dat initialization files, though it
has a much simpler structure. It also MUST be named randomize.dat, for this
name is the only clue initpackage has to distinguish between creating a chain
proposal or local models library.
All that needs to be entered into this file is a line of the form:
<class name> [<opt string arg1> <opt string arg2> ... <opt string argN>]
for each proposal class that will go in the library. <class name>must be a
case-sensitive match to the actual C++ class name, and is the only required
entry on the line. The class should also be stored in code files <class name>.h
and <class name>.cxx.
Any additional arguments on the line will be placed in a single C++ string
(including any separating whitespace), and passed to the class constructor. This
is to allow the option of setting initialization parameters at the class construction
stage. Therefore if optional arguments are included, the class must have a
constructor which takes a single string argument. Otherwise, the constructor
should contain no arguments.
For example, a randomize.dat file declaring two classes might contain:
MyProposal2 1.4773 on false
In the code files, the constructor declarations corresponding to this would then
class MyProposal1 : public RandomizerBase
// ...
// ...
class MyProposal2 : public RandomizerBase
// ...
MyProposal2(const string& initArgs);
// ...
G.2 Writing a Chain Proposal Class
All user proposal classes must inherit from XSPEC’s abstract class Random-
izerBase, whose interface is defined in the file:
The proposal class must declare a constructor as described in the previous sec-
tion, and which explicitly calls the RandomizerBase constructor, passing it a
lower-case name string. This name will become the proposal identifier when
making a selection using the chain proposal option during an XSPEC session.
For example:
: RandomizerBase(‘‘myprop1’’)
XSPEC12> chain proposal myprop1 [<optional initializing args>]
The RandomizerBase class contains 5 private virtual functions: doRandomize,
doInitializeLoad, doInitializeRun, doAcceptedRejected, and getCovariance.
doRandomize is the only pure virtual function and therefore is the only one
which must be overridden in the inheriting class. Its signature is:
virtual void doRandomize(RealArray& parameterValues, const Fit* fit)
where RealArray is a typedef for std::valarray¡double¿ and is defined in src/main/xsTypes.h.
This function is called by XSPEC for each chain iteration, and XSPEC passes
in the current variable model parameter values. The overridden doRandomize
function performs the necessary parameter modifications and sends them back
in the same array.
The function’s second argument is a const pointer to XSPEC’s global Fit class
object. For those willing to further explore XSPEC’s internals, this pointer pro-
vides access to various fit and chain information (such as covariance matrices),
which may be necessary for the user’s proposal scheme.
doInitializeLoad and doInitializeRun
doInitializeLoad and doInitializeRun may be optionally overridden to perform
initialization tasks at different stages during runtime. The default versions of
these functions in RandomizerBase do nothing. doInitializeLoad is called by
XSPEC immediately after the proposal is selected with the chain proposal
command. Therefore one may find it useful to have this function process any
additional arguments which may be entered on the command line:
chain proposal myprop [<optional initializing args>]
XSPEC automatically bundles [<optional initializing args>] into a single
string and places it in the m initString data member of RandomizerBase, to
which the inheriting class has access. doInitializeRun is called once at the start
of a chain run, and is useful for any tasks which must be performed one time
immediately after the chain run command is entered.
doAcceptedRejected is called after each iteration in the chain. Its first argument
is an array filled with the most recently attempted model parameter values, and
its second argument is a boolean true or false indicating whether the attempt
was accepted or rejected. The base class function does nothing with this, but
an inherited class may want to use this information in an overriden function.
In its simplest form, a proposal class may be declared and defined as in the
following example. This doesn’t actually do anything since the doRandomize
function is empty and the parameterValues array is left unchanged.
#include <xsTypes.h>
#include <XSFit/Randomizer/RandomizerBase.h>
class Fit; // only a forward declaration is required for Fit
class MyProposal : public RandomizerBase
virtual ~MyProposal();
virtual void doRandomize(RealArray& parameterValues, const Fit* fit);
#include ‘‘MyProposal.h’’
#include <XSFit/Fit/Fit.h>
: RandomizerBase(‘‘myprop’’)
void MyProposal::doRandomize(RealArray& parameterValues, const Fit* fit)
// This is where the proposal algorithm should modify the variable
// model parameters in the parameterValues array.
G.3 Building and Loading the Proposal Class
Once the randomize.dat file and the class(es) have been written, the library
can be built and loaded during an XSPEC session using the same initpackage
and lmod sequence that is used for local model libraries. To create a Makefile
and build the library:
XSPEC12> initpackage <name> randomize.dat <directory>
To load the new proposal(s) into XSPEC:
XSPEC12> lmod <name> <directory>
where <name>is the name you choose for the package collection of proposal
classes. It will also become the library file name. The only differences from the
local models case are that here the initializer file MUST be named randomize.dat,
and that the directory path to the proposal classes (either relative or absolute)
must be provided on the command line. If this is left off XSPEC will default
to looking in the directory set by LOCAL MODEL DIRECTORY, and these
classes should NOT be stored in the same directory as local models. If the
building and loading has successfully completed, you should see the proposal
name (the same name string that was passed to the RandomizerBase construc-
tor) appear in the chain proposal list displayed by typing chain proposal with
no other arguments.
Appendix H
Changes between v11 and
In 1998 we decided to re-engineer XSPEC using modern computer science meth-
ods so it could continue fulfilling its role as a mission-independent X-ray spectral
fitting program.
The program’s internal design, layout, and data structures have largely been
rewritten in ANSI C++ using object oriented design techniques, generic pro-
gramming techniques, and design patterns. The thoroughgoing reanalysis has
also allowed a number of improvements in overall design and, at robustness, as
well as maintainability, without changing the familiar syntax. With a few excep-
tions here and there, the new program syntax is fully backward-compatible with
that of v11: most of the exceptions support new features that are enhancements
(and can be ignored if not relevant to the user’s problems). Some features of
v11 previously declared to be deprecated have been removed.
At the same time, the core of the XSPEC calculation scheme has been retained,
in particular the models library, written almost exclusively in fortran77.
Model implementation has been rewritten to support models written not only
in single precision fortran, but double precision fortran, C, and C++. Further,
XSPEC can now be used as a development environment for local models by
allowing recompilation from the command prompt.
In v12, spectra can be fit with more than one distinct model simultaneously, pro-
vided separate model components can be assigned distinct response functions.
This is particularly useful for spectra from coded aperture masks.
A new internal dynamic expression implementation allows more complex (multiply-
nested) models, and also allows parameter links to be polynomial functions of
one or more parameters.
Great care has been taken to optimize the program for memory usage and
execution speed. A revision of the numerical derivative algorithm has reduced
the number of convolution operations required during fitting. On the other
hand, v12 performs its calculations in double precision (apart from the models
library), and this with the more complex model expression evaluations reduces
execution speed. Taken together, v12 should outperform v11 when the number
of channels is large and the model to be fitted is relatively simple and should
be comparable in other circumstances.
The default fitting algorithm (Levenberg-Marquadt) has been retained intact.
New fitting algorithms and objective functions (statistics) may be added to
the program at runtime. The CERN Minuit/migrad algorithm has been better
integrated into the code and its documentation is now directly accessible during
XSPEC sessions.
Type II (multi-spectrum) OGIP files are now fully supported. Multiple ranges
can be selected in the data command, and support is present for Type II back-
ground and arf files. Observation simulations (the fakeit command) now oper-
ate on Type II inputs.
The online documentation scheme is now implemented using pdf or html files,
replacing the older VMS-style help system. The help scheme can be configured
to use external applications such as Adobe Acrobat or the xpdf readers as well
as web browsers. Users can document their own local models and tcl-scripted
procedures in pdf and html files and add them to the help system.
Plotting within v12 is backward compatible with a few small extensions. Al-
though it is currently implemented using PLT, explicit dependence on the plot
library has been removed. This will allow alternative plotting libraries to be
used in future. The PLT plotting package is described briefly in Appendix D
and in more detail in the “QDP/PLT User’s Guide” (Tennant, 1989).
v12 communicates with the user through the familiar command line interface.
The input/output streams, however, can in future be easily redirected to com-
municate with the user through a graphical user interface (GUI).
Finally, the design implements a new error handling system can return the
program safely to the user prompt when an error occurs and leave the program
in a state from which the user can continue working. Also, for the first time
there is now an undo command.
H.1 Integral Spectrometer/Coded Mask Instru-
ment Support
The INTEGRAL Spectrometer (SPI) is a coded-mask telescope, with a 19-
element Germanium detector array. There are several complications regarding
the spectral analysis of coded-aperture data. For XSPEC the most obvious
problem is the source confusion issue; as there may be multiple sources in the
FoV leading to different degrees of shadowing on different detectors. Thus, a
separate instrumental response must be applied to a spectral model for each
possible source, for each detector. If there are multiple sources in the FoV, then
additional spectral models can be applied to an additional set of response matri-
ces, enumerated as before over detector and dither pointing. This capability – to
model more than one source at a time in a given minimization procedure – did
not exist in XSPEC prior to v12. The other unique aspect of the INTEGRAL
analysis is that the background is modeled along with the source(s).
XSPEC analysis of INTEGRAL/SPI data is very different from other instru-
ments is the manner in which the response matrices are handled. Since there
are a large number of responses involved in the de-convolution problem, mem-
ory use becomes a concern. To load the required response matrices (as XSPEC
normally does), would require ∼(Nch)2×Np×Ndfloating-point memory lo-
cations per source. This could become quite large for high-spectral resolution
and/or long observation scenarios. To address this problem, a methodology has
been developed to reconstruct the required 2-D response matrices from a basis
set, consisting of a small number (3) of 2-D objects (template RMFs), and a
larger number of 1-D objects (component ARFs). The full matrices can then
be reconstructed “on the fly” at the minimization step of the calculation, and
discarded after each use. This, in principle, occurs all very transparently to the
A fuller description of Integral data analysis appears in section 2 of this manual
and a walkthrough example is given in 4.6.
H.2 Current Exclusions
The v11 commands and features not provided in v12 are:
Feature Rationale for exclusion
recornorm With version 12.5.0, this has been replaced and
improved upon by the recorn mixing model.
thleqw Rarely used command not yet implemented.
extend Beginning with version 12.3.0, this has been re-
placed by the more flexible energies command.
background models This has been replaced by v12’s multiple source
modeling techniques
Additionally, we have withdrawn seldom-used fitting methods anneal and genetic.
Future development will add new techniques.
Appendix I
Older Release Notes
I.1 v12.9.0 Jul 2015
New features
•Mix model components are no longer heavily restricted in their usage.
Previously mix components could only be placed at the start of a model
expression, to operate on the results of the rest of the expression. Now
they can be inserted throughout the expression in the same manner as
convolution components.
•Models with mix components can also be assigned to source numbers other
than 1. A corollary of this is that a mix model is no longer required to
operate on all currently loaded spectra.
•To allow more than one mix model at a time the syntax for XFLT####
keywords has been generalized. These keywords are now strings of form
”key: value” with xspec maintaining an internal database of key, value
pairs which mixing model code can access. Backward compatibility with
the old version of XFLT#### containing only a value is maintained.
•Expanded the types of expressions allowed in parameter linking. It can
now handle the same mathematical functionality supported in mdefine
equations. Related to this, parameters can also be specified as p# and
modelName:p# in link expressions, as well as the old #and model-
Name:#. The link expressions are now displayed using the p# format.
•The output of the plot margin command is now independent of the grid
size. There is a new plot integprob command which also must be run
after the margin command and which plots the integrated probability
within the contours shown.
•The data and back commands now handle files with multiple SPECTRUM
extensions. There are a number of ways of specifying a particular exten-
sion: filenameN will use the Nth SPECTRUM extension; filenameSPEC-
TRUM2 will look for an extension called SPECTRUM2; filenameback will
use the first SPECTRUM extension with the HDUCLAS2 keyword set to
“BKG”; filenamename=value will look for a SPECTRUM extension with
keyword name set to value (in this case there must be no spaces within
the ). If the BACKFILE keyword in a source filename is set to the file-
name itself then XSPEC will get the background from the extension with
HDUCLAS2 set to “BKG” (this, finally, makes Chandra level 3 files work
seemlessly in XSPEC).
•The error command now has a nonew option. This determines whether
to repeat the calculation when a new minimum is found. Previously it
was relying on the query setting to make this decision.
•Added grey-scale image as background to to contour plots (to remove
them use the image off command in PLT. plot dem now displays a
histogram. The new plot eqw option shows the distribution of equivalent
width values after running the eqwidth command with the err option.
•New model nlapec. There is also an APECNOLINES xset option which
will turn off lines for all apec models.
•The models using AtomDB files now require the line files to be sorted
in increasing order of energy within each element and ion. This allows a
speed-up in the model calculation.
•Replaced the rescalecov script with the chain rescale command.
•The plot delc command now works for cstat, plotting (obs-mod)/error,
however it is important to remember that this is not plotting contributions
to the statistic.
Enhancements previously released as patches to 12.8.2
•A new -udmget64 option has been added to initpackage. This is intended
for Mac platform users with local Fortran models which still make use of
the udmget memory allocation function.
•tclout steppar can now retrieve values of the variable parameters as well
has the fixed parameters which are being stepped through.
I.1. V12.9.0 JUL 2015 383
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.8.2 released as patches are included in v12.9.0. In addition
the following problems have been corrected:
•For the case where counting statistics are not applied, fakeit now outputs
the spectrum in a RATE column rather than COUNTS. This is to remove
bias caused by truncation errors. It also now outputs a STAT ERR column
and sets the POISSERR flag to false.
•Special characters have been removed from all model parameter names
and (generally) replaced with underscores. This is to make their name
strings more easily accessible in PyXspec.
•When calculating tclout peakrsid with Cstat, it should not make use of
correction files.
•Redundant model fold calculations have been removed during certain up-
date contexts.
•Fix to vequil model array assignment error.
•The default filenames for fakeit output should always be in the current
run directory, even when the response file is in a different directory.
•A file-write race condition has been eliminated for the case of running
lmod in parallel XSPEC sessions.
•the vvnei model had the tau and meankT parameters flipped.
•the AtomDB input files were being reopened unnecessarily often.
Changes to PyXSpec
New Features:
•Local models may now be written in Python and inserted into XSPEC’s
models library with new AllModels.addPyMod() function.
•The plot array retrieval interface (ie. Plot.x(), Plot.y()) has been ex-
panded to allow retrieval from secondary plot panels in a mulit-panel plot.
•New Parameter.index attribute.
•New backscale attribute for Spectrum and Background classes.
•Added new function Fit.stepparResults() for retrieving results of most
recent steppar run. (Previously available as a patch)
•New noWrite option added to AllData.fakeit (Previously available as patch)
•The Model. call function now returns Parameter objects by reference
rather than by value. This is to allow the returned object to retain any
custom attributes the user may have added.
•Improved handling of Ctrl-c breaking in several prompting contexts.
I.2 V12.8.2 Jul 2014
New features
•The code underlying the NEI models has been rewritten to accommodate
the new AtomDB 3.0 files, the beta version of which are included as the
default when using any of the NEI models. Older versions can be recovered
using xset NEIVERS. The CEI models (apec etc) use some of the same
code but there should be no change in their behavior except for a slight
•New models:
–agauss – Gaussian model with units in Angstrom and a Gaussian
shape in wavelength space.
–nsx – Neutron star non-magnetic atmosphere model from Wynn Ho
and collaborators.
–nsmaxg – Neutron star magnetic atmosphere model.
–rnei – NEI recombination model assuming an initial temperature.
–vrnei – rnei with variable abundances for the common elements.
–vvrnei – rnei with variable abundances for all elements (Z ¡= 30).
–zagauss – The agauss model with a redshift parameter.
•The goodness command has added options fit—nofit. The fit option runs
a fit on each simulation before calculating the test statistic.
•The cstat fit statistic can be modified by appending an integer eg. statistic
cstat5. In this case the statistic will be evaluated as if the group min N
had been used in grppha. This is not as efficient because the rebinning
has to be done every statistic evaluation however it is useful for testing
using simulations.
I.3. V12.8.1 AUG 2013 385
•The model command now checks that parameters are all within a rea-
sonable order of magnitude (∼1010) of each other, and issues a warning
if they are not.
•Improved the handling of new-best-fit cases when running the error com-
mand on parallel processes. The global new-best-fit is now automatically
retained. Previously the user was prompted to re-run error in a single
•Models can now store (keyword,value) pairs using loadDbValue (C++)or
PDBVAL (Fortran). These values can be recovered using the tclout <modkeyval>
option. This provides a way to get internal information from the last
invocation of a model. There is a manual XSFunctions guide.pdf in
Xspec/src/help describing some of the C++ classes used in the XSFunc-
tions library. This is intended to make it easier to use these classes in
other models.
Enhancements previously released as patches to 12.8.1
•PyXspec: added Fit.testStatistic attribute for retrieving the test statistic
value from the most recent fit.
•PyXspec: added compiler macros for switching to ¡Python/Python.h¿ in-
clude paths when building on Mac platforms.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.8.1 released as patches are included in v12.8.2. In addition
the following problems have been corrected:
•Fix for a particular case of non-associative expression evaluation. Mod-
els of the form C((M1*A)M2) or C(M1*A)M2, where C is a convolution
component, were being wrongly evaluated as (C(M1*A))M2.
•For users with external programs linking to the XSPEC model library, the
FNINIT function now properly initializes the AtomDB version to v2.0.2.
•Fix for an ignore command syntax evaluation that was causing a crash
on OS X Mavericks.
I.3 V12.8.1 Aug 2013
New features
•New models:
–cpflux - a variant of cflux for photon flux.
–heilin - Voigt absorption profiles for the HeI series
–lyman - Voigt absorption profiles for the HI or HeII series
–zbabs - EUV ISM attenuation
•A new statistic, pgstat, has been added for the case of Poisson-distributed
data with a Gaussian-distributed background. The whittle statistic can
now be used when fitting averaged power density functions by append-
ing an integer (so eg whittle5 is the statistic to use when fitting a pdf
constructed by averaging those from 5 observations).
•The old CERN Minuit library, which is used for the migrad,minim,
monte, and simplex fitting methods and the improve command, has
been replaced by the new version. The minim and monte methods are
no longer supported and the new version does not include an improve
command. The output from the migrad and simplex fitting methods
now looks the same as that from the leven method. Note however that the
rules for when to write intermediate fit results are not directly comparable
so do not provide a measure of the relative speed of the methods.
•fakeit now has a <nowrite>option to generate fake spectra without
producing output files. This is also now available in the multifake.tcl
script command.
•Parallel processing capability has been added to the steppar command
and can be invoked using the parallel command.
•Markov Chain Monte Carlo (the chain command) now uses the Goodman-
Weare algorithm by default. Previously the default was Metropolis-Hastings.
•After a chain run, the best-fit parameters and statistic are now displayed
with chain info, and are available through the tclout chain option.
•The default AtomDB version used in apec models may now be modified
with the ATOMDB VERSION keyword in the user’s Xspec.init file.
•steppar now has a <delta>option for performing grids centered on the
best-fit parameters.
•The setplot delete option has been enhanced to allow removal of all or
a range of commands.
•For external programs calling XSPEC, new wrapper functions have been
added for retrieving XFLT keywords from data files.
•Norm parameters are now set with a default “soft” upper limit below their
“hard” upper limit.
I.4. V12.8.0 DEC 2012 387
•In PyXspec, the Fit.statMethod and statTest attributes can now be set
for individual spectra.
Enhancements previously released as patches to 12.8.0
•AtomDB has been upgraded to version 2.0.2.
•The tclout <stat>and <statmethod>options can now retrieve the test
statistic as well as the fit statistic.
•The simftest Tcl script command now takes an optional filename argu-
ment for output.
•Attributes added to PyXspec classes: Xset.parallel, Fit.statTest.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.8.0 released as patches are included in v12.8.1. In addition
the following problems have been corrected:
•The command history file xspec.hty (in the user’s ∼/.xspec directory)
is now updated when exiting XSPEC with the quit command. Previously
it was only updated when exiting with exit.
•The chain command can now read/write files in ASCII format when run-
ning in the default Goodman-Weare mode. Previously this feature was
only available for Metropolis-Hastings chains.
•Fix to an array access error in the nthcomp model.
•PyXspec fix removes error messages generated when accessing response
parameters in Python versions 2.6.x.
I.4 v12.8.0 Dec 2012
New features
•Parallel-processing capability for specific tasks has been added by way
of the new parallel command. This allows the user to set a maximum
number of processes to spawn when running certain XSPEC commands.
Currently the options for parallel-processing are limited to use with the
fit and error and commands, though we plan to implement more in the
near future. This first implementation is considered to be a BETA release,
and we look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.
•XSPEC now distinguishes between the fit statistic and the test statistic.
The fit statistic is used to find the best-fit parameter values and errors
while the test statistic is used to provide a goodness-of-fit. Consequently,
the goodness command now uses the test statistic. Separating these two
classes of statistic has allowed us to add a number of new test statistics.
These include Kolmogorov-Smirnov and the related Anderson-Darling and
Cramer-von Mises. Also new are the runs statistic, based on the number
of runs of consecutive positive (or negative) residuals, and the Pearson
Chi-Square (pchi) statistic, Pearson’s original test statistic.
•The basic Levenberg-Marquardt fit algorithm has undergone a number of
changes. The most visible is an additional column in the output during
the fit. —beta—/N is the norm of the vector of derivatives of the statistic
with respect to the parameters divided by the number of parameters. At
the best fit this should be zero so provides another measure of how well
the fit is converging. —beta—/N can also be used as the criterion to
stop the fit instead of the statistic delta although this is still considered
•Other internal changes to the fit algorithm are to treat the first iteration as
a special case where only normalizations are allowed to change and to add
the option of using delayed gratification, which can speed up convergence.
•New models: compmag, comptb, rgsxsrc. The latter is reinstated from it
use in XSPEC v11.
•New plotting command plot goodness, for plotting a histogram of the
most recent goodness simulation.
•New tclout option <goodness sims>.
•Added the option of using the Goodman-Weare algorithm instead of Metropolis-
Hastings when using the chains command to run MCMC.
•Added the Whittle statistic for fitting models to power density spectra.
•If a data file is read which has RESPFILE=”[]” then the response exten-
sions (MATRIX, EBOUNDS) are read from the same file.
•Added support for a new type of model component: a mixing component
which operates on the model pre-multiplied by the effective area. This is
similar to the pile-up model type but allows for a models which require
mixing between multiple spectra.
I.5. V12.7.1 MARCH 2012 389
•Table model files can now have interpolated and additional parameters in-
termixed provided that additional parameters are indicated by METHOD=-
1 in the PARAMETERS extension.
Enhancements previously released as patches to 12.7.1
•The ”plot chain” has a new ”thin” option for thinning the display of chain
•Added a ”tclout ignore” option for easy retrieval of currently ignored
channels. Similar capability added to PyXspec’s Spectrum class.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.7.1 released as patches are included in v12.8.0. In addition
the following problems have been corrected:
•The eqpair model used wrongly-sized arrays when multiple spectra were
used with RMFs having varying numbers of photon energy bins. Eqpair
(plus eqtherm and compth) also needed a new default value for its optical
depth parameter, which fixes the problem if parameter 4 is zero.
•A fit parameter which started close to the minimum/maximum could un-
der some circumstances be incorrectly pegged at the maximum/minimum.
•When the error command was run on a model with soft limits (ie. soft
limits for some parameters set to a narrower range than hard limits), and
the best fit value fell within the soft limit region, the displayed differences
(in parentheses) were not consistent with the reported ±limits.
•Problem occurred in apec model when zero width lines were in the final
energy bin.
•Fix to a potential normalization problem occurring in lorentz model with
low-energy large-width lines.
•When running initpackage and lmod from PyXspec on certain Linux
builds, local models calling functions in XSPEC’s xslib library producing
unresolved symbol link errors.
I.5 v12.7.1 March 2012
New features
•New models: gadem, vgadem, eplogpar, logpar, optxagn, optxagnf, and
•The convolution models rdblur, rdblur2, kdblur and kerrconv have been
sped up. They are now O(N) instead of O(N2) where N is the number of
energy bins in the response.
•Continued rationalization of Compton reflection routines. eqpair, eqtherm,
compth, compps, ntee now all use the same routines as reflect and ireflct.
For models with ionized reflector there may be changes in results because
the new code uses the actual input spectrum to calculate the ionization
fractions while the old code assumed a power-law.
•The parameter simulation arrays used for the calculation of eqwidth and
flux error are now accessible through tclout.
•initpackage now works on Cygwin. The static initpackage work-around
is no longer needed and has been removed.
•New Fortran interface wrapper function RFLABD, for reading new abun-
dance tables into external programs using the XSPEC models library.
•Added an xsetbl function for use in external programs. This provides
access to XSPEC’s internal exponential table model routines, similar to
what xsatbl and xsmtbl do for additive and multiplicative table models.
•bayes command is now supported for response parameters (ie. gain).
•New show version option.
•Improved error command output messaging. The error results now have
lower chatter level (5) than most of the warning messages (10), thus mak-
ing it easier to filter out the warnings.
•PyXspec beta version upgraded to v1.0. See the PyXspec release notes
for details.
Enhancements previously released as patches to 12.7.0
•New tclout options: <nullhyp>,<rerror>.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.7.0 released as patches a-u are included in v12.7.1. In
addition the following problems have been corrected:
I.6. V12.7.0 MAY 2011 391
•Program aborted when attempting to fit with gain parameters attched to
dummy responses.
•Program aborted when removing a spectrum with a response containing
gain parameters, AND while that response was temporarily replaced with
a dummy response.
•The save command did not add the default .xcm extension for file names
that included a path.
•A crash could occur if the EBOUNDS array wasn’t the right size.
•It was not possible to plot 2 or more models in a multi-panel plot model
I.6 v12.7.0 May 2011
New features
•The primary new feature of 12.7.0 is the addition of the Python module,
PyXspec v0.9 beta. PyXspec is built and installed by default on most
platforms along with the regular XSPEC build, and simply requires an
import xspec statement to load into Python. XSPEC can now be run
from object-oriented Python scripts, or interactively from a Python shell
prompt. Detailed instructions can be found in PyXspec.pdf. While most
features of standard XSPEC are already supported in this beta release,
some still remain to be implemented. Please let us know if any missing
feature is of particular importance to you, or if you have suggestions and
ideas for improvement.
•New models:
–cplinear: Piecewise linear non-physical background model for low-
count spectra developed for Chandra by Patrick Broos.
–eqpair, eqtherm, compth: Paolo Coppi’s hybrid hot plasma emission
–vvapec, bvvapec: APEC models allowing all 30 elemental abundances
to vary (for use with AtomDB 2.0).
–zigm: Multiplicative model, computes the mean attenuation of the
optical/UV spectrum by the intergalactic medium.
–zashift, zmshift: Convolution models for applying redshifts to addi-
tive and multiplicative models respectively.
•Also note that the default APEC model data files have been updated to
AtomDB 2.0. This version of AtomDB includes contributions from more
elements than earlier versions. When using the apec and vapec models
these extra elements have Solar abundance by default. To change this use
•The statistic command may now be applied to individual spectra. This
makes it possible to simultaneously fit spectra which require different fit
•Added the pgstat option to the statistic command. This is similar to
using cstat with a background file except that the background is assumed
to have Gaussian statistics (not Poisson) read from a STAT ERR (and
optionally SYS ERR) column.
•Modified the pileup model for consistency with Sherpa and ISIS. A new
parameter fracexpo is added which should be set to the FRACEXPO
keyword value in the ARF.
•It is now possible to choose proportional or fixed fit deltas from the startup
Xspec.init file. The initial default setting is now proportional deltas
rather than fixed deltas.
•Improvements made to the output generated during a fit. The parameter
names are listed at the top of columns, not just their numbers. Column
alignment has been improved, and is no longer limited to a maximum
width of 5 columns.
•Added reporting of the Bayesian contribution (if any) to the fit statistic
Enhancements previously released as patches to 12.6.0
•Initpackage now recognizes and builds files with .f03 extensions for Fortran
2003, and .f90 extensions for Fortran 90.
•Added a new fakeit option for setting the fake background exposure time.
•Added a new tclout version option for returning the XSPEC version
•Improved XSPEC’s internal update mechanism to reduce the number of
model calculations.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.6.0 released as patches a - ab are included in v12.7.0. In
addition the following problems have been corrected:
I.7. V12.6.0 MARCH 2010 393
•A crash occurred if tclout notice energies was performed on a spectrum
containing only a dummy response with no channels.
•The 5 redundant xset options (those which merely duplicate other exist-
ing XSPEC commands) weren’t passing their arguments to the command
handlers correctly.
•Fit error messages were misleading for the case where the data was missing
a suitable response, or when the only existing models were inactive.
•A fatal error could occur in fakeit when attempting to generate a back-
ground file while only a dummy was used for the response.
•The bayes command handler was not properly handling the case where
the prior type option string was abbreviated.
•A crash occurred when flux was run in error mode and the specified energy
was entirely outside the range of one or more spectra.
I.7 v12.6.0 March 2010
New features
•The main improvements in version 12.6.0 are to XSPEC’s plotting capa-
–Multi-panel plotting is now supported for all combinations except
contour plots. For example, plot data model resid ratio will
produce a 4-panel plot on a single page. Up to 6 panels can be
plotted in this manner.
–There are many choices for axis units. These can be selected using
the setplot energy and setplot wave commands. For example,
setplot energy GeV uses GeV on the x- and y-axes. setplot wave
also has a new perhz option for displaying the Y-axis in 1/Hz units.
–The setplot command has a new redshift <z>option for shifting
displayed energies to the source frame.
•New models: ireflect is a convolution model based on the pexriv code. sirf
is a multiblackbody self-irradiated funnel
•The normalizations on all power-law models (ie. powerlaw, bknpow,
bkn2pow, cutoffpl)can be changed to a flux over an energy range by setting
POW EMIN and POW EMAX keywords in xset. The powerlaw model
then becomes equivalent to the pegpwlw model.
•The Compton reflection models (b/p)exr(a/i)v and (i)reflect have been
restructured to use adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature for the Greens’
function integrals. The precision to which the integrals are calculated can
be set allowing a trade-off between speed and precision.
•The wrapper functions additiveTable and multiplicativeTable give exter-
nal C++ models access to XSPEC’s table model interpolation routines
(equivalent to the xsatbl and xsmtbl functions for Fortran models).
•The display of link expressions has been simplified to show only the pa-
rameter numbers and not the extraneous component information. Also
show model will now only display the model components and not the
individual parameters. The parameters can be seen with show parame-
Additional enhancements previously released as patches to 12.5.1
•Added the solar abundance data set of Asplund, Grevesse, and Sauval
(2006) to the list of available tables accessed with the abund command.
•New tclout nchan option for returning the number of channels in a spec-
trum. The save command now stores relative rather than absolute paths
to allow easier porting to other machines.
•The recorn model component has been converted from a mixing to a multi-
plicative type. This allows a model to define multiple recorn components.
•A warning message is now issued if a user attempts to load a response for
a source n when there are still slots to fill for source n-1. This is intended
to catch cases where a user mistakenly reverses the source and spectrum
number input to the response command.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.5.1 released as patches a - o are included in v12.6.0. In
addition the following problems have been corrected:
•It was possible for the addition of a systematic model error to actually
decrease the overall variance, when it was applied to a zero-variance bin
that was artificially increased by XSPEC for chi-square fitting.
•Bug in plot ratio when using setplot wave with Hz units. Y-axis model
values h10−20 were not displayed in plot.
•The comptt model no longer stops and prompts the user when it fails
during its incomplete gamma calculation.
I.8. V12.5.1 AUG. 2009 395
•The powerlaw model has been modified to avoid a numerical instability
that could occur if the index were within 10−12 to 10−15 of 1.0.
I.8 v12.5.1 Aug. 2009
New features
•Gain parameters can now be used in the error,freeze,newpar,thaw,
and untie commands by prefixing the command name with the letter
“r” (for “response parameter”, the more general category to which gain
parameters belong). steppar can now also handle gain parameters. Gain
parameters can be displayed either with show parameters or the new
show rparameters option.
•The gain command syntax has changed when using multiple sources.
To better conform with the rest of XSPEC, it now requires <source
number>:<spectrum number>rather than the reverse.
•Gain parameter limit values can be stored in response files, using the
•All input and output data filenames can now include CFITSIO/FTOOLS
extended-syntax for specifying particular HDUs. As a result, XSPEC
can now handle files which contain spectra, ARFs and RMFs in multiple
•Partial derivative calculations during fitting can now be performed nu-
merically rather than with an approximated analytical expression. This
option is chosen in the Xspec.init initialization file.
•If a new minimum is found during a steppar run, steppar now prompts
the user for acceptance of the new values. Also the delta statistic column
of a steppar run is now obtainable with the tclout steppar delstat
•The output warning message has been improved in the case where Levenberg-
Marquardt fitting runs into a zero diagonal element in the second deriva-
tive matrix. Similarly, the more frequent pegged-parameter messages (due
to running into hard limits) is now output at higher chatter levels only.
•All calls to the xanlib dynamic memory allocation function udmget have
been removed from the Fortran models in XSPEC’s models library. The
relevant code has been converted to C++. If a user’s local models library
still requires the udmget code, they’ll need to run initpackage with the
new -udmget option.
Additional enhancements previously released as patches to 12.5.0
•Setplot wave x-axis units can be toggled from Hz to angstroms through
WAVE PLOT UNITS entry in Xspec.init file.
•New tclout gain and tclout sigma options.
•New xs getVersion function available for those linking their own programs
to the XSPEC models library.
•The show parameters option can now take a range of parameters for
displaying subsets.
Bug fixes
All bug fixes to v12.5.0 released as patches a - an are included in v12.5.1. In
addition the following problems have been corrected.
•After running the arf command, any gain previously applied to the asso-
ciated RMF will be removed. Previously it was erroneously applying the
gain to the new ARF.
•Additional header file inclusions needed in code files to compile with g++-
•Extra line-feed characters removed from Ascii text files in the modelData
directory. These were causing problems on Solaris 10 w/f90.
•The nthcomp model’s internal arrays were hardcoded to a maximum size
of 5000 energy bins. The size is now dynamically allocated. (This also
affects the diskir model.)
•A Levenberg-Marquardt fit now immediately stops if the fit statistic be-
comes NaN due to an erroneous model calculation.
•C++-style comments have been removed from xsFortran.h for the benefit
of users compiling their own C programs with the models library.
•Plotting fix for case where setplot area is selected and no models are
currently loaded.
•Model parsing fix for case of nested parentheses with no ’+’ operator, ie.