2000 YS Survey Questionnaire WORKCENTER 5225 YAquex2000
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This Survey is Authorized by Title 29 USC 2 OMB 1220-0109 Expires 12/31/2000 National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience NLSY79 Young Adult Survey QUESTIONNAIRE Round Nineteen 2000 April 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... i I. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................i II. Types and Formats of Question Blocks .......................................................................................................ii ROUND 19 QUESTIONNAIRE ...................................................................................................... 1 Section 1: Household Record ..........................................................................................................................3 Section 2: Family Background ...................................................................................................................... 17 Section 3: Dating and Relationship History ................................................................................................... 43 Section 4: Regular Schooling ........................................................................................................................ 77 Section 5: Military ...................................................................................................................................... 109 Section 7: Jobs/Employer Supplement......................................................................................................... 117 Section 9: Last Job Lasting 2 Weeks or More .............................................................................................. 141 Section 10: First Significant Job after Leaving High School......................................................................... 143 Section 11: Other Training .......................................................................................................................... 149 Section 12: Fertility .................................................................................................................................... 155 Section 13: Child Care ................................................................................................................................ 189 Section 14: Health....................................................................................................................................... 197 Section 15: Income and Assets .................................................................................................................... 207 Section 16: Attitudes................................................................................................................................... 221 Young Adult Self-Report Section................................................................................................................. 229 Section 17: Interviewer Remarks................................................................................................................. 275 NLSY79 YOUNG ADULT ATTACHMENTS.............................................................................. 281 Attachment 3: 1970 Census Occupation/Industry Codes .............................................................................. 283 1970 Census Occupation Codes .............................................................................................................. 285 1970 Census Industry Codes................................................................................................................... 296 Attachment 4: 1990 Census Occupation/Industry Codes .............................................................................. 303 1990 Census Occupation Codes .............................................................................................................. 305 1990 Census Industry Codes................................................................................................................... 319 Changes between 1980 and 1990 Industry Classification Systems ........................................................... 326 Changes between 1980 and 1990 Occupational Classification System ..................................................... 328 Attachment 5: Electronic Question by Question Specifications for the NLSY79 YA CAPI Questionnaire..... 329 This document is a preliminary version of the NLSY97 round 19 young adult questionnaire. It contains few explanatory notes and is mainly intended for the use of survey staff and experienced NLS researchers. This version of the questionnaire represents the content of the interview as written at the beginning of the field period. Instrument testing and use in the field may necessitate some adjustments, which will be reflected in the final version of the questionnaire released in conjunction with the data set. For more information about any aspect of the NLS program, contact: NLS User Services Center for Human Resource Research 921 Chatham Lane, Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43221-2418 (614) 442-7366 usersvc@postoffice.chrr.ohio-state.edu NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Introduction i I. INTRODUCTION This document contains the paper version of the 2000 questionnaire of the NLSY79 Young Adult cohort. The dominant interview mode for the Young Adult portion of the NLSY79 was Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI), with a smaller percentage of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) than in past NLSY79 Young Adult (YA) rounds. Using information gathered in previous interviews, text fills and skips, we have tried to minimize error while presenting detailed questions personally tailored to each respondent. Our goal in this document is to make the content of the interview schedule as comprehensible as possible by producing a clear, complete, and compact paper copy of all possible questionnaire paths. With this in mind, the paper version of the 2000 Young Adult CATI/CAPI questionnaire has been formatted as similarly as possible to a traditional paper questionnaire (PAPI). Additional information is included to make the computer-driven choices and paths as clear as possible for data users. The resulting document accurately summarizes the “conversation” between the interviewer and respondent. We use the term “conversation” to emphasize the difference between the questionnaire and the codebook. The codebook contains the data released as a result of the interview, but some information collected during the interview is not present in the codebook. For example, the questionnaire includes questions that collect names of household members, employers, etc. Such items are not released, so the questions that collect them are not present in the codebook. Conversely, the codebook contains some information not directly collected in the interview. For example, while created variables are documented in the codebook, there is no reference to them in the questionnaire as they are not part of the conversation between interviewer and respondent. In order to simplify the questionnaire and the public use data file, we have dropped a number of time variables from which elapsed time can be calculated (time stamps). A time stamp appears at the beginning of each major section of the questionnaire. Other time stamps have been placed around various sets of questions. Elapsed time may be very useful for a variety of methodological studies. If you are interested in these data, please contact CHRR for additional information. Suggestions for improving the questionnaire or comments on irregularities should also be directed to CHRR User Services. To aid researchers in using the questionnaire, this introduction provides information on several topics. Typical question blocks are described and key terms such as “Distribution Code Block,” “Lead in Questions,” and “Save Arrays.” are defined. The section below explains how to follow the flow of the interview through the questionnaire, and clarifies the instrument compression techniques that have helped us to produce a concise questionnaire ii NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Types and Formats of Question Blocks II. TYPES AND FORMATS OF QUESTION BLOCKS Question records are the building blocks of the CAPI questionnaire, with various types of records performing different data collection and/or manipulation functions. Loosely grouped, CAPI question records will: (a) provide administrative information that assists the interviewer or provides an introduction to the next question; (b) provide question text and control for data entry of the response; or (c) perform internal operations and calculations to guide the interview and maintain the internal data storage during the interview. All question records essential to understanding either the content of the survey or the flow of respondents through the interview will appear within the 2000 NLSY79 Young Adult paper questionnaire. In order to provide a more succinct questionnaire, the instrument was compressed by eliminating question records that contained information that was nonessential to understanding the skip patterns in the questionnaire. Examples of the type of dropped questions include internal time stamps, questions establishing appropriate text fills, and questions saving a text version of a numeric answer for use later in the questionnaire. The 2000 Young Adult CAPI instrument included over 2000 numbered question records, only some of which are essential to understanding the action content and conversational flow of the survey. The process of dropping nonessential records and then changing the lead in and next question specifications so that the skip pattern does not have any gaps is referred to as “skip pattern compression.” The resulting questionnaire still contains all relevant information about skip patterns and universes and is easier for researchers to use. Two types of question blocks appear in the paper version of the CATI/CAPI questionnaire: (1) question blocks that appear on the computer screen for the interviewer to respond to [ all of record types (a) and (b) above] and (2) question blocks that do not appear but direct respondents down particular survey paths [some but not all of record type (c) above]. Figure 1 shows an example of a typical question block that might appear to the interviewer. Figure 2 shows an example of a typical question block that governs a skip internally but does not appear. Each question block contains a question name as well as some question text, either for the interviewer to read aloud or silently or to instruct the computer as to what actions to perform. The question text may contain “save arrays” which appear as bracketed text. Because of the importance of save arrays to the functionality of the CATI/CAPI survey, they are discussed at length below. Each question block also includes an indication of the lead-in questions and any subsequent branching involved if an answer sends a respondent to a question other than the very next one. Question blocks that appear to the interviewer and require an answer from the respondent also contain either a distribution code block showing available answer choices or a graphic indicating the type of answer entered. These components are explained in the following paragraphs. Figure 1. CAPI Question Block Appearing to Interviewer NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Types and Formats of Question Blocks iii Figure 2. CAPI Question Block Not Appearing to Interviewer A. QUESTION NAME The question name appears on the first line of each question block. Question names are the unique identifiers assigned to identical questions across CAPI survey years. Question names provide information on: (a) the section of the instrument from which each question was derived— e.g., question names beginning with Q2- come from the “Family Background” section of the questionnaire, while Q11- questions come from the “Training” section; and (b) the order in which the question was administered within each section. Previous and subsequent NLSY79 Young Adult CAPI surveys that field this exact question will use the same question name to help identify comparable questions across years. Example: Q3-2 This question comes from the “Dating and Relationship History” section of the questionnaire, which is usually the third section. As modules are added or dropped the number of sections in an interview changes; however, the original section number is maintained to make finding comparable questions across rounds easier. The “2” only suggests its original position; sometimes questions 1a, 1b, 1c, etc. may be inserted between 1 and 2, and sometimes questions are dropped or reordered. In many sections of the questionnaire, a series of questions is asked more than once but about a different target; for example, the same set of questions is asked about each household member or about each employer the respondent has had since the date of last interview. We refer to this kind of question series as a “loop.” In the 1994 and 1996 Young Adult CAPI surveys, loops were hard coded, and loop extensions were part of the actual question name. Beginning in 1998 and continuing in the 2000 questionnaire, loops were programmed to be dynamic with only one set of original question records created. The CATI/CAPI survey system continues to ask a set of questions in a looped series until a specified condition is met, appending an incremented loop counter to the question name each time the series is looped through. These loop counters are present as part of the question name in the codebook; however, the questionnaire contains no loop counters in question names. Looped sections begin with a “REPEAT” command and end with an “UNTIL” command. Most “REPEAT” commands occur in questions containing the words “LOOP-BEGIN” as part of the question name, and most “UNTIL” commands occur in questions containing the words “LOOP-END” as part of the question name. The information in parentheses after the “REPEAT” and “UNTIL” commands provides the user with information concerning the purpose of the loop and the criteria for exiting the loop. For example, the question Q3-LOOP-BEGIN contains the question text “REPEAT ([loop collection information about spouse/partners]).” Question Q3-LOOPEND contains the question text “UNTIL ([loop collection information about spouse/partners]=[number of members on the partner roster]).” Together these questions instruct the survey program to ask all necessary questions between these two questions for as many spouse/partners as were listed on the roster collected in question Q3-5-A. If the same question was asked in 1994, and again in 1996, it will have the same question name. Similarly, if the same question was asked in 1998, and again in 2000, it will have the same question name. However, the conversion from a DOS-based survey program to a Windows-based survey program for 1998 made maintaining exact question names possible only in non-looped areas. Items repeated in 1994, 1996, 1998 and 2000 in non-looped areas continue to have the same question names in most sections, although the transition was imperfect. In looped areas, as much of iv NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Types and Formats of Question Blocks the original question name as possible was retained. For example, in the Employer Supplements, what was QES171A in 1994 and 1996 becomes QES-71A.01 in 1998 and 2000. Remember that in the questionnaire, QES-71A appears as the question name, with the loop extension .01 appearing in the codebook. Maintaining question names as much as possible makes it easier for the user to link identical items across these rounds. B. QUESTION TEXT This field contains the text of the question that the interviewer asked the respondent or other information used to direct the flow of the interview. The following types of text may appear: Question text? Text that is asked of the respondent appears in a conventional mixture of upper and lowercase letters. This kind of question text is present in Figure 1. (COMMENTS TO INTERVIEWER:) Text in all uppercase is either an instruction to the interviewer or a clarifying comment. NORC interviewers do not read these items to the respondent. This kind of question text is present in Figure 1. Internal Code; When a question record contains a machine instruction, that instruction is printed in this field. Such instructions end with a semi-colon. These instructions are accompanied by internal comments as described below. This kind of question text is present in Figure 2. /* comments */ Internal comments that explain what a machine instruction does are set off by a leading “/*” and a trailing “*/.” These comments explain the function being performed by the internal code so that persons unfamiliar with the command syntax can follow the interview protocol. This kind of question text is present in Figure 2. C. SAVE ARRAYS “Save arrays” are fields in which information is stored. Each such field, or save array, is assigned a name. For example, the name of the respondent’s current employer would be stored in the “EMPLOYER.NAME(1)” save array for use during the interview. This “save array name” is then used to reference and access the data in the save array field during the actual operation of the survey. Each time a question refers to the current employer, the computer automatically inserts the name of the employer into the question. Information stored in save arrays is used: a) as part of the actual text of survey questions (e.g. the name of a given household member, child, employer, types of training programs, different sources of income for household members); b) to govern paths through the questionnaire. The save array field is accessed, and the content (or absence of content) is checked. The path through the questionnaire is determined based upon the information in the save array field; c) as elements in equations and calculations which are used to produce new pieces of information which may be used later in the instrument. When used in a question text, save arrays are similar to the text fills used in the PAPI NLS interviews. These text fills indicated that the interviewer should substitute a given word or phrase into the question at the time of the interview so it read correctly. For example, in a printed PAPI questionnaire one would often see “Since (DATE OF LAST INTERVIEW) have you… ”; this phrase would instruct the interviewer to insert the actual date for a given respondent. However, correctly inserting such text fills was the job of the interviewer and often involved flipping between pages. One immediate difference in the CATI/CAPI questionnaire is that there are far more text fills, and most of them are automated or handled by the computer. Some CATI/CAPI text fills are identical to those used in the PAPI interviews, such as “he/she” to handle gender fills. The major new feature is the automation of the text fills through NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Types and Formats of Question Blocks v the save arrays. In the date of last interview example, the computer code in the CAPI questionnaire would automatically insert that date into the question. The interviewer never actually sees the text “[Date of last interview]” on the screen, only the date stored in that location. In this questionnaire, text fills which refer to a save array are represented by bracketed text describing what piece of information is substituted in the interview. Question blocks governing internal skips also contain save arrays with a verbal description of the content of each save array in bracketed text. Although neither the text fills nor these internal questions are ever seen by an interviewer, researchers can use this information to follow the flow of the interview. D. DISTRIBUTION CODE BLOCK When a question requires the choice of one or more items from a predefined list, that list, or distribution code block, is shown in the question block. This type of question is used as the example in Figure 1. Each item in the distribution code block has three components: Code: The numeric code associated with each possible response is listed first. All data in the NLSY79 Young Adult public use data file are numeric, so each possible item that could be selected is associated with an integer. Text: Next is the item text or description of the code, such as Yes or No. As a general rule, if the descriptions are in all capital letters, the interviewer codes without reading the categories out loud. If the descriptions are mixed case, the interviewer generally reads the categories aloud. However, in 2000, some questions have additional interviewer instructions telling the interviewer to read the categories only if necessary. This approach was taken to facilitate the telephone interview mode. Skip: When the selection of a specific response determines which question will be asked next, a (GO TO QK-nn) notation follows the response text, where K refers to the section number and nn refers to the question number within that section. If no explicit skip is given for a category, then that answer goes to the next physical question listed in the questionnaire. E. DATA ENTRY GRAPHICS When a question requires the interviewer to record a text or numeric answer provided by the respondent, the paper version indicates some information about the entry required. For example, on questions asking about specific dates, the graphic in the paper questionnaire lets the user quickly determine whether month, day and year are asked or month and year only. Similarly, for questions where the numeric answer is continuous, the graphic provided will indicate how many digits are allowed and whether or not a decimal answer is allowed. For some questions that collect numeric data (hours, weeks, dollar amounts, etc.), the question block contains additional information below the graphic indicating ranges of answers. This is present whenever the next question to be asked depends upon the numeric value falling in some range. However, the interviewer would actually enter the exact number provided by the respondent and this exact number would be recorded in the data set. vi NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Types and Formats of Question Blocks F. LEAD IN QUESTIONS When using PAPI questionnaires, researchers needed to study the instrument in detail to determine under what circumstances a particular question was asked. The CAPI questionnaire simplifies this process somewhat by including a “Lead in(s)” field in the question block. This field lists the questions that lead into each particular item. Examples: Q2-31b:[default] This means that the default path from question Q2-31b leads to the current question, but there may be conditions under which a different path would be taken. Q2-31b:[all] This means that all cases in which Q2-31b is asked will lead to the current question. Please note this does not imply all respondents are asked question Q2-31b. Q2-31b:[1:4] This means that whenever the response category for question Q2-31b takes on the values one to four (inclusive), the next question will be the current question record. If the response to Q2-31b is some other value, the respondent may next be asked a different question. Q2-31b When the lead in question is shown without a qualifier such as [Default], [All], or [1.4], this is a sign that the “skip pattern compression” algorithm dropped intervening records that could be suppressed (see “Instrument Compression” below). In such cases, if the user refers back to the lead in question, this earlier question will clarify the flow of the interview. By tracing the skip pattern backward, one may determine the universe of respondents asked a given question. This universe information is a new feature not present in the documentation for paper and pencil interviews. ROUND 19 QUESTIONNAIRE 1 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record 3 SECTION 1: HOUSEHOLD RECORD INTRO We'd like to talk to you once again about your recent work experiences, education, family life and attitudes. Many of our questions will ask you about your experiences since [date of last interview], the last time we talked to you. [This time you/You] will receive $20 in appreciation of your time. (READ IF PERSONAL INTERVIEW: In order that your answers to our questions are not biased by anyone else's presence, it is necessary that we conduct the interview in private.) This study is sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, under authority of USC Title 29, Section 2. Your participation is vital to the success of the study and is voluntary. Information collected will be used in conducting labor force research. All the information you give will be protected under the Privacy Act of 1974, which is printed on the back of the letter you received in advance of this year's survey. If you would like another copy of the Privacy Act, I will be glad to provide one for you. Results of the study will be made public only in summary or statistical form, so that individuals who participate cannot be identified. Go To: INTRO_a Lead-In: Q1-A [Default], Q1-H-LOOP-END [Default], Q1-D [1:1] INTRO_a ..... If you have any comments regarding any aspect of the survey, including suggestions for reducing the time needed to respond, you may send them to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Longitudinal Survey Office (1220-0109), Washington, D.C. 20212. NOTICE: All information that would permit identification of respondents or their households will be regarded as confidential, will be used only for research purposes and will not be disclosed or released for any other purpose without consent, except as required by law. Go To: Q-1A Lead-In: INTRO [Default] Q-2 We have the spelling of your name as ... (REPEAT NAME AND SPELL AS SHOWN BELOW.) [R's first name] [R's middle name] [R's last name] Is that correct? 1 2 INFORMATION CORRECT...(Go to HH1-1aa) INFORMATION INCORRECT Go To: Q-3 Lead-In: Q-1Da [Default], Q-1Daa [Default], Q-1Daa [1:1] Q-3 We have your first name spelled...(INTERVIEWER: SPELL OUT:) [R's first name]. Is that correct? 1 2 INFORMATION CORRECT INFORMATION INCORRECT...(Go to Q-3A) Go To: Q-4 Lead-In: Q-2 [Default] Q-3A How do you spell your first name? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD NAME EXACTLY AS RESPONDENT SPELLS IT. PRESSTO CONTINUE.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q-4 Lead-In: Q-3 [2:2] 4 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record Q-4 We have your middle name spelled...(INTERVIEWER: SPELL OUT:) [R's middle name]. Is that correct? 1 2 INFORMATION CORRECT INFORMATION INCORRECT...(Go to Q-4A) Go To: Q-5 Lead-In: Q-3 [Default], Q-3A [Default] Q-4A How do you spell your middle name? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD NAME EXACTLY AS RESPONDENT SPELLS IT. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q-5 Lead-In: Q-4 [2:2] Q-5 We have your last name spelled...(INTERVIEWER: SPELL OUT:) [R's last name]. Is that correct? 1 2 INFORMATION CORRECT INFORMATION INCORRECT...(Go to Q-5A) Go To: HH1-1aa Lead-In: Q-4 [Default], Q-4A [Default] Q-5A How do you spell your last name? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD NAME EXACTLY AS RESPONDENT SPELLS IT. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: HH1-1aa Lead-In: Q-5 [2:2] HH1-1aa ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1); /*Machine Check: Is R's mother dead?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH1-1bb) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH1-1A Lead-In: Q-5 [Default], Q-5A [Default], Q-2 [1:1] HH1-1A Do you live with your biological mother? 1 0 2 Yes No IF VOLUNTEERED, MOTHER IS DEAD Go To: HH1-1bb Lead-In: HH1-1aa [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record 5 HH1-1bb ([check item for whether R reported father as deceased as of DLI]=1); /* Machine Check: Is R's father dead? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH1-1C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH1-1B Lead-In: HH1-1A [Default], HH1-1aa [1:1] HH1-1B Do you live with your biological father? 1 0 2 Yes No IF VOLUNTEERED, FATHER IS DEAD Go To: HH1-1C Lead-In: HH1-1bb [Default] HH1-1C ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=1 AND [flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=1); /*Machine check: Does R live with both parents?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH1-1-b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH1-1E Lead-In: HH1-1B [Default], HH1-1bb [1:1] HH1-1E ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=1 and ([flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=0 or [flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=2)); /*Machine check: Does R live with mother only?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH1-1-b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH1-1G Lead-In: HH1-1C [Default] HH1-1G (([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=0 or [flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2) and [flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=1); /*Machine check: Does R live with father only?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH1-1-b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH1-1I Lead-In: HH1-1E [Default] 6 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record HH1-1I In what kind of residence are you currently living? (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROVIDE EXAMPLES SUCH AS OWN APARTMENT OR HOUSE, DORMITORY, BARRACKS, ETC.) 11 22 15 13 12 16 1 2 3 5 4 6 OWN DWELLING UNIT RESPONDENT IN OTHER RELATIVE'S HOUSEHOLD CONVENT, MONASTERY, OTHER RELIGIOUS INSTITUTE OFF-BASE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING ON-BASE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING OTHER INDIVIDUAL QUARTERS (SPECIFY) OPEN BAY OR TROOP BARRACKS, ABOARD SHIP BACHELOR ENLISTED OR OFFICER QUARTERS DORMITORY, FRATERNITY OR SORORITY JAIL HOSPITAL OTHER TEMPORARY INDIVIDUAL QUARTERS (SPECIFY) Go To: HH1-1-b Lead-In: HH1-1G [Default] HH1-1-b ([living arrangement of R]); /* JUMP ACCORDING TO VALUE OF DWELLING */ 11 22 15 13 12 16 1 2 3 5 4 6 OWN DWELLING UNIT...(Go to HH1-3) RESPONDENT IN OTHER RELATIVE'S HOUSEHOLD...(Go to HH1-3) CONVENT, MONASTERY, OTHER RELIGIOUS INSTITUTE...(Go to HH3-1) OFF-BASE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING...(Go to HH1-3) ON-BASE MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING...(Go to HH1-3) OTHER INDIVIDUAL QUARTERS (SPECIFY) ...(Go to HH3-1) OPEN BAY OR TROOP BARRACKS, ABOARD SHIP...(Go to HH1-4) BACHELOR ENLISTED OR OFFICER QUARTERS...(Go to HH1-4) DORMITORY, FRATERNITY OR SORORITY...(Go to Q12-H1) JAIL...(Go to Q12-H1) HOSPITAL...(Go to Q12-H1) OTHER TEMPORARY INDIVIDUAL QUARTERS (SPECIFY)...(Go to Q12-H1) Go To: HH1-3 Lead-In: HH1-1I [Default], HH1-1C [1:1], HH1-1E [1:1], HH1-1G [1:1] Q12-H1 (Now, I would like to be certain that we have your correct PERMANENT address and phone number. (VERIFY ADDRESS, HOUSEHOLDER NAME AND RELATIONSHIP INFORMATION.) (IF CITY OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE IS MISSING, ASK:) What city is your permanent address in? (INTERVIEWER: MOVE BETWEEN FIELDS USING THE KEY. PRESS ON FIELD TO SELECT STATE. PRESS WHEN FINISHED.) FIRST NAME: ___________________________ MIDDLE NAME OR INITIAL: _____________________ LAST NAME: _________________________________ STREET: _________________________ CITY: _________________________ STATE: ____________________ Go To: Q12-H1_001 Lead-In: HH1-1-b [3:6] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record 7 Q12-H1_001 (IF ZIPCODE MISSING, ASK:) Do you happen to know what the zip code at your permanent address in [R's city of residence] is? (IF COUNTY OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE MISSING, ASK:) What county is your address in [R's city of residence] located in? (INTERVIEWER: VERIFY COUNTY OF RESIDENCE IF NECESSARY.) (IF PHONE NUMBER MISSING, ASK:) In whose name is the phone at your address in [R's city of residence] listed? (NAME OF HOUSEHOLDER IS: [First name of the householder at R's permanent residence] [Middle name of the householder at R's permanent residence] [Last name of the householder at R's permanent residence]) (INTERVIEWER: PRESS TO MOVE THROUGH ADDRESS FIELDS, PRESS WHEN FINISHED.) ZIPCODE: _________________________________ COUNTY: _________________________________ AREA CODE: ______________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________ Go To: HH1-3 Lead-In: Q12-H1 [Default] HH1-3 I'd like to ask you a few questions about the members of your household. Things change from year to year, and we need to be sure that we have accurate information for this year. Go To: HH2-1 Lead-In: HH1-1-b [Default], Q12-H1_001 [Default], HH1-1-b [11:13], HH1-1-b [19:22] HH1-4 I'd like to ask you a few questions about the members of your household. Things change from year to year, and we need to be sure that we have accurate information for this household. Go To: HH1-5 Lead-In: HH1-1-b [1:1], HH1-1-b [2:2] HH1-5 First, I'd like to ask you ... Are you currently married, widowed, divorced, legally separated, or have you never been married? 1 2 3 4 5 Married...(Go to HH2-1) Widowed Divorced Legally Separated Never Married Go To: HH3-2 Lead-In: HH1-4 [Default] 8 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record HH2-1 First, may I please have the full name of the person who rents or owns your home in [R's city of residence]? (Are you/is PERSON) currently living or staying (here/there)? (INTERVIEWER: IF YES, ENTER ONLY FULL NAME OF ONE HOUSEHOLDER OTHER THAN RESPONDENT ON FIRST LINE OF HOUSEHOLD ENUMERATION IN THIS SCREEN. IF RESPONDENT IS THE HOUSEHOLDER, HIT ENTER TO CONTINUE. ADD OTHER PERSONS TO AVAILABLE LINES AS PROMPTED IN NEXT QUESTIONS.) Refer to Roster: HHI Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-1B Lead-In: HH1-3 [Default], HH1-5 [1:1] HH2-1B Next, [does (name of householder)/do you] have a (husband/wife) living in this household? 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-1C) No Go To: HH2-1D Lead-In: HH2-1 [Default] HH2-1C May I please have (his/her) full name? (ADD SPOUSE ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINE OF THE ROSTER. USE THE AND KEYS TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-1D Lead-In: HH2-1B [1:1] HH2-1D Next, [does (name of householder)/do you] have any children who live (here/there)? (OTHER THAN RESPONDENT) 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-1E) No Go To: HH2-1F Lead-In: HH2-1B [Default], HH2-1C [Default] HH2-1E May I please have their full names? (ADD CHILDREN ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINES OF THE ROSTER. USE THE AND KEYS TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-1F Lead-In: HH2-1D [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record HH2-1F Now, are any other persons living (here/there) who are related to you? 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-1G) No Go To: HH2-2 Lead-In: HH2-1D [Default], HH2-1E [Default] HH2-1G May I have their full names? (ADD OTHER PERSONS ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINES OF THE ROSTER. USE THE AND KEYS TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-2 Lead-In: HH2-1F [1:1] HH2-2 Are there any persons who usually stay (here/there) who are not related to you? 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-3) No Go To: HH2-4 Lead-In: HH2-1F [Default], HH2-1G [Default] HH2-3 May I please have their full names? (ADD OTHER PERSONS ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINES AS THEY ARE NAMED BY RESPONDENT. USE THE AND KEYS TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-4 Lead-In: HH2-2 [1:1] HH2-4 Have I missed anyone, such as new babies or small children, roomers, or boarders, or other relatives staying (here/there)? 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-5) No Go To: HH2-6 Lead-In: HH2-2 [Default], HH2-3 [Default] 9 10 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record H2-5 May I please have their full names? (ADD OTHER PERSONS ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINES AS THEY ARE NAMED BY RESPONDENT. USE THE AND KEYS TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-6 Lead-In: HH2-4 [1:1] HH2-6 Are there any other persons who usually stay (here/there) but who are away now on vacation or a business trip, at school or in a hospital? 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-7) No Go To: HH2-8 Lead-In: HH2-4 [Default], HH2-5 [Default] HH2-7 May I please have their full names? (ADD OTHER PERSONS ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINES AS THEY ARE NAMED BY RESPONDENT. USE THE AND KEYS TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-8 Lead-In: HH2-6 [1:1] HH2-8 Have I missed anyone else staying (here/there)? 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-9) No Go To: HH2-10 Lead-In: HH2-6 [Default], HH2-7 [Default] HH2-9 May I please have their full names? (ADD OTHER PERSONS ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINES AS THEY ARE NAMED BY RESPONDENT. USE THE AND KEYS TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-10 Lead-In: HH2-8 [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record 11 H2-10 RECCOUNT (HHI,[flag to indicate if there are any household members appearing in the HHI roster so far]); /* ARE THERE ANY HHI MEMBERS LISTED SO FAR? */ If Answer =0 Then Go To: FIX-HH-ROSTER Go To: HH2-10A Lead-In: HH2-8 [Default], HH2-9 [Default] H2-10A (Besides yourself,) I have (READ NAMES BELOW) listed as living (here/there) (PRESS TO CONTINUE) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH2-11 Lead-In: HH2-10 [Default] HH2-11 Do any of these persons have a usual residence somewhere else? (INTERVIEWER: IF NO ONE LISTED, SELECT "NO" AND PRESS TO CONTINUE.) 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH2-12) No Go To: FIX-HH-ROSTER Lead-In: HH2-10A [Default] H2-12 Who is that? Who else? (HIGHLIGHT NAME TO BE DELETED BY MOVING THE HIGHLIGHT BAR TO THE LINE USING THE AND KEYS. DELETE THE HIGHLIGHTED LINE OF THE HOUSEHOLD ROSTER BY PRESSING THE KEY. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: FIX-HH-ROSTER Lead-In: HH2-11 [1:1] H3-1 INTERVIEWER: RESPONDENT IS LIVING IN A RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION OR OTHER INDIVIDUAL QUARTERS: (DELETE ALL NAMES IN LIST USING THE AND KEYS TO HIGHLIGHT A LINE, AND TO DELETE THE LINE. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: FIX-HH-ROSTER Lead-In: HH1-1-b [15:16] H3-2 INTERVIEWER: RESPONDENT IS LIVING IN OPEN BAY OR TROOP BARRACKS, ABOARD SHIP, OR IN BACHELOR OR OFFICER QUARTERS. (DELETE ALL NAMES IN LIST USING THE AND KEYS TO HIGHLIGHT A LINE, AND TO DELETE THE LINE. PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: HHI ;Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: FIX-HH-ROSTER Lead-In: HH1-5 [Default] 12 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record FIX-HH-ROSTER INTERVIEWER: BELOW IS YOUR HOUSEHOLD ROSTER. PLEASE MAKE ANY FURTHER CORRECTIONS TO THE NAMES ON THE ROSTER AT THIS QUESTION. DELETE NAMES USING THE AND KEYS TO HIGHLIGHT A LINE, AND TO DELETE THE LINE. ADD NAMES TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINES. THEN, PRESS . IF NO CHANGES, INITIALIZE THE SCREEN WITH AND PRESS TO CONTINUE. Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH4-3 Lead-In: HH2-11 [Default], HH2-12 [Default], HH3-1 [Default], HH3-2 [Default], HH2-10 [0:0] H4-3 ([living arrangement of R]=15) or ([living arrangement of R]=16) or ((([living arrangement of R]=1) or ([living arrangement of R]=2)) and ([Answer to HH1-5] !=1)); /* CHECK THE LIVING ARRANGEMENTS FOR R. IF IN RELIGIOUS QUARTERS, OR TROOP BARRACKS, ETC, THEN SKIP OVER SECTIONS OF THE HH.*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH4-28Y) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH4-3A Lead-In: FIX-HH-ROSTER [Default] H4-3A ([household member count] > 0); /* Is there at least one household member listed? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to HH4-28Y) Go To: HHMEM-LOOP2-BEGIN Lead-In: HH4-3 [Default] HHMEM-LOOP2-BEGIN REPEAT ([loop collection information about individual household members]); /* Begin loop collecting information about individual household members */ Go To: HH4-9 Lead-In: HH4-3A [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record 13 HH4-9 What is [Name of household member()]'s relationship to you? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) 1 2 3 33 70 71 72 73 74 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SPOUSE SON DAUGHTER PARTNER...(Go to HH4-11A1) PARTNER'S SON PARTNER'S ADOPTIVE/STEP SON PARTNER'S DAUGHTER PARTNER'S ADOPTIVE/STEP DAUGHTER PARTNER'S BLOOD/IN-LAW RELATIVE...(Go to HH4-11A1) FATHER MOTHER BROTHER SISTER GRANDFATHER GRANDMOTHER GRANDSON GRANDDAUGHTER UNCLE ETC. AUNT ETC. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 GREAT-UNCLE GREAT-AUNT COUSIN...(Go to HH4-11A1) NEPHEW NIECE OTHER BLOOD RELATIVE... (Go to HH4-11A1) ADOPTED OR STEP-SON ADOPTED OR STEP-DAUGHTER SON-IN-LAW DAUGHTER-IN-LAW FATHER-IN-LAW MOTHER-IN-LAW BROTHER-IN-LAW SISTER-IN-LAW GRANDFATHER-IN-LAW GRANDMOTHER-IN-LAW GRANDSON-IN-LAW GRANDDAUGHTER-IN-LAW OTHER IN-LAW RELATIVE... (Go to HH4-11A1) BOARDER...(Go to HH4-11A1) 35 FOSTER CHILD...(Go to HH4-11A1) 36 OTHER NON-RELATIVE... (Go to HH4-11A1) 37 STEP-FATHER 38 STEP-MOTHER 39 STEP-BROTHER 40 STEP-SISTER 41 GREAT GRANDSON 42 GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER 43 STEP GRANDSON 44 STEP GRANDDAUGHTER 45 FOSTER SON 46 FOSTER DAUGHTER 50 FOSTER FATHER 51 FOSTER MOTHER 52 FOSTER BROTHER 53 FOSTER SISTER 54 GUARDIAN...(Go to HH4-11A1) 59 ADOPTED OR STEP-BROTHER 60 ADOPTED OR STEP-SISTER 66 SIBLING OR IN-LAW'S SPOUSE...(Go to HH4-11A1) Go To: HH4-17 Lead-In: HHMEM-LOOP2-BEGIN [Default] HH4-11A1 INTERVIEWER: IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK: What sex is [Name of household member()]? 1 2 Male Female Go To: HH4-17 Lead-In: HH4-9 [19:19], HH4-9 [54:54], HH4-9 [32:36], HH4-9 [74:74], HH4-9 [66:66], HH4-9 [16:16] HH4-17 What was [Name of household member()]'s age on (his/her) last birthday? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: HHMEM-LOOP2-END Lead-In: HH4-9 [Default], HH4-11A1 [Default] HHMEM-LOOP2-END UNTIL ([loop collection information about individual household members],(([loop collection information about individual household members]=[household member count]) or ([household member count]=0) or ([number of people in R's household]=0))); /* End loop collecting information on individual household members */ Go To: HH4-33 Lead-In: HH4-17 [Default] 14 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record HH4-33 INTERVIEWER: BELOW IS YOUR CORRECTED HOUSEHOLD ROSTER. REVIEW THE ROSTER TO BE SURE THAT IT IS CORRECT. IF THE ROSTER IS NOT CORRECT, RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS QUESTIONS OR TO "FIX-HH-ROSTER" BY PRESSING THE KEY AND CORRECT AS NEEDED. PRESS TO CONTINUE IF THE ROSTER IS CORRECT. Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH5-1 Lead-In: HHMEM-LOOP2-END [Default] HH5-1 ([living arrangement of R] = 15) or ([living arrangement of R] = 16) or ((([living arrangement of R] = 1) or ([living arrangement of R] = 2)) and ([Answer to HH1-5] != 1)); /* check the living arrangements for R. if in religious quarters, or troop barracks, etc, then skip over sections of the HH. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH5-14A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH5-2 Lead-In: HH4-33 [Default] HH5-2 ([flag indicating presence/absence of spouse/partner in hh] = 1); /*Is there a spouse listed on the household roster */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH5-9) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH5-2A Lead-In: HH5-1 [Default] HH5-2A ([flag indicating presence/absence of partner in household] = 1); /* Is there a partner listed on the household roster */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH5-8) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH5-4D Lead-In: HH5-2 [Default] HH5-4D ([flag indicating presence of at least 1 opposite sex member] >= 1); /*Is there at least 1 person unrelated to R in hh*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH5-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH5-9 Lead-In: HH5-2A [Default] HH5-5 Are you currently living as a partner with someone of the opposite sex? (INTERVIEWER: ASK ONLY IF ANY OPPOSITE SEX ADULTS, WHO ARE NOT RELATED TO THE RESPONDENT, ARE CURRENTLY LIVING IN THE HOUSEHOLD. OTHERWISE, SELECT NO AND PRESS TO CONTINUE.) 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH5-6) No Go To: HH5-9 Lead-In: HH5-4D [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record 15 HH5-6 INTERVIEWER: MOVE THE CURSOR TO THE LINE OF THE RESPONDENT'S PARTNER USING THE AND KEYS. WHEN THE LINE IS HIGHLIGHTED, PRESS THE KEY TO SELECT THAT HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AS THE RESPONDENT'S PARTNER. Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH5-7 Lead-In: HH5-5 [1:1] HH5-7 INTERVIEWER: YOU HAVE SELECTED THE NAME LISTED BELOW AS THE RESPONDENT'S PARTNER. IF THIS IS NOT CORRECT, PLEASE RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS QUESTION BY PRESSING THE KEY AND SELECT THE CORRECT NAME. PARTNER'S NAME: [partner's name]. Go To: HH5-8 Lead-In: HH5-6 [Default] HH5-8 INTERVIEWER: IF ANY OTHER RELATIVE LISTED ON HOUSEHOLD ROSTER, ASK IF ANY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE RELATED TO PARTNER. IF YES, BACK UP AND CORRECT THE RELATIONSHIPS OF THESE HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS. IF NO PRESS TO CONTINUE. Refer to Roster: HHI; Items Listed: FAMILY UNIT, NAME, GENDER, RELATION, AGE Go To: HH5-9 Lead-In: HH5-7 [Default], HH5-2A [1:1] HH5-9 (([living arrangement of R] > 0) and ([living arrangement of R] < 7)); /* INTERVIEWER: IS RESPONDENT IS LIVING IN TEMPORARY QUARTERS HH1-1 BETWEEN 1 AND 6.*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH5-10) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH5-11 Lead-In: HH5-4D [Default], HH5-5 [Default], HH5-8 [Default], HH5-2 [1:1] HH5-10 Is your home (in [R's city of residence]) located on a farm? 1 0 Yes...(Go to HH5-12) No Go To: HH5-15 Lead-In: HH5-9 [1:1] HH5-11 (INTERVIEWER: IS THIS PLACE LOCATED IN A RURAL AREA?) (IF PHONE INTERVIEW, ASK:) Is your home (in [R's city of residence]) located on a farm? 1 0 YES...(Go to HH5-12) NO Go To: HH5-15 Lead-In: HH5-9 [Default] 16 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Household Record HH5-12 ([living arrangement of R]=19 or [living arr. of R]=20 or [flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to HH5-14A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: HH5-13 Lead-In: HH5-10 [1:1], HH5-11 [1:1] HH5-13 How many acres do you or your family own or rent (here/there)? (INTERVIEWER: LESS THAN ONE ACRE = 0) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: HH5-15 Go To: HH5-14 Lead-In: HH5-12 [Default] HH5-14 During 1999, how much did the sale of crops, livestock, or other farm products amount to--that is, total sales before expenses? (INTERVIEWER: CODE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY WITHOUT READING THE LIST). 1 2 3 4 5 a. Nothing b. $1 - $49 c. $50 - $249 d. $250 - $999 e. $1,000 - $2,500 6 7 8 9 f. $2,501 - $5,000 g. $5,001 - $10,000 h. $10,001 - $20,000 i. $20,001 - $40,000 10 11 12 13 j. $40,001 - $60,000 k. $60,001 - $80,000 l. $80,001 - $100,000 m. $100,001 or more Go To: HH5-15 Lead-In: HH5-13 [Default] HH5-15 These are all the questions in this short first part of the interview. Now let's begin the main questionnaire. Go To: Q1-2 Lead-In: HH5-10 [Default], HH5-11 [Default], HH5-13 [0:0], HH5-14 [Default] Q1-2 INTERVIEWER: ENTER TIME INTERVIEW BEGINS BELOW. Go To: Q2-0 Lead-In: HH5-15 [Default] Enter Time: |__|__||__|__| AM/PM Hr :: Min NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background SECTION 2: FAMILY BACKGROUND Q2-0 We would like to begin the interview by asking you a few questions about your family background. Go To: Q2-1 Lead-In: Q1-2 [Default] Q2-1 ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1); /* check to see if R was interviewed as YA in 1994 or 1996 OR 1998 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-4) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-1a Lead-In: Q2-0 [Default] Q2-1a Our records indicate that your birthdate is [R's date of birth]. Is that correct? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q2-1d) No Go To: Q2-1b Lead-In: Q2-1 [Default] Q2-1b What is your correct birthdate? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Day Year Go To: Q2-1d Lead-In: Q2-1a [Default] Q2-1d And your age is [R's age]. Is that correct? (INTERVIEWER: IF AGE IS INCORRECT PRESS TO PREVIOUS QUESTION AND ENTER THE CORRECT BIRTHDATE). 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q2-4 Lead-In: Q2-1b [Default], Q2-1a [1:1] Q2-4 SYMBOLEXIST([R's city of residence]); /* CHECK FOR CITY TO ASK ABOUT */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-4a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4ba Lead-In: Q2-1d [Default], Q2-1 [1:1] 17 18 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-4a EMPTY ([R's city of residence]); /* CHECK FOR CITY TO ASK ABOUT */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-4ba) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4b1 Lead-In: Q2-4 [1:1] Q2-4b1 When did you most recently begin living in this (city/town)? 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER DATE LIVED HERE ALL MY LIFE...(Go to Q2-5) If Answer =-2 Then Go To: Q2-4ca-7 Go To: Q2-4b Lead-In: Q2-4a [Default] Q2-4b (When did you most recently begin living in this (city/town)?) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q2-4ca-5 Lead-In: Q2-4b1 [Default] Q2-4ba SYMBOLEXIST([R's county of residence]); 1 0 /* CHECK FOR COUNTY TO ASK ABOUT */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-4bb) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4ca1 Lead-In: Q2-4 [Default], Q2-4a [1:1] Q2-4bb EMPTY ([R's county of residence]); /* CHECK FOR COUNTY TO ASK ABOUT */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-4ca1) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4c1 Lead-In: Q2-4ba [1:1] Q2-4c1 When did you most recently begin living in this county? 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER DATE LIVED HERE ALL MY LIFE...(Go to Q2-5) If Answer =-2 Then Go To: Q2-4ca-7 Go To: Q2-4c Lead-In: Q2-4bb [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-4c (When did you most recently begin living in this county?) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q2-4ca-5 Lead-In: Q2-4c1 [Default] Q2-4ca1 When did you most recently begin living here? 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER DATE LIVED HERE ALL MY LIFE...(Go to Q2-5) If Answer =-2 Then Go To: Q2-4ca-7 Go To: Q2-4ca Lead-In: Q2-4ba [Default], Q2-4bb [1:1] Q2-4ca (When did you most recently begin living here?) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q2-4ca-5 Lead-In: Q2-4ca1 [Default] Q2-4ca-5 ([check if R indicated DK or refusal for month of first move]); /* Machine Check: Did R indicate DK or refusal of month of first move?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-4ca-7 Go To: Q2-4ca-6 Lead-In: Q2-4b [Default], Q2-4c [Default], Q2-4ca [Default] Q2-4ca-6 ([check if R indicated DK or refusal for year of first move]); /* Machine Check: Did R indicate DK or refusal of year of first move? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-4ca-7 Go To: Q2-4d Lead-In: Q2-4ca-5 [Default] Q2-4ca-7 About how long ago did you move there/here? 1 2 3 SELECT TO ENTER WEEKS SELECT TO ENTER MONTHS...(Go to Q2-4ca-9) SELECT TO ENTER YEARS...(Go to Q2-4ca-10) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-4e Go To: Q2-4ca-8 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-5 [-2:-1], Q2-4ca-6 [-2:-1], Q2-4b1 [-2:-2], Q2-4c1 [-2:-2], Q2-4ca1 [-2:-2] 19 20 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-4ca-8 ENTER NUMBER OF WEEKS AGO R MOVED: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q2-4e Lead-In: Q2-4ca-7 [Default] Q2-4ca-9 ENTER NUMBER OF MONTHS AGO R MOVED: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q2-4e Lead-In: Q2-4ca-7 [2:2] Q2-4ca-10 ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS AGO R MOVED: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q2-4ca-11 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-7 [3:3] Q2-4ca-11 ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1); /* Was R interviewed in 1998*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-4ca-12) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4ca-13 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-10 [Default] Q2-4ca-12 ([Q2-4ca-10]>2);/* Did R move more than 2 years ago?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4e) Go To: Q2-5 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-11 [1:1] Q2-4ca-13 ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1); /* Was R interviewed in 1996?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4ca-15) Go To: Q2-4ca-14 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-11 [Default] Q2-4ca-14 ([Q2-4ca-10]>4); /*Did R move more than 4 years ago?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4e) Go To: Q2-5 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-13 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 21 Q2-4ca-15 ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1 AND [Q2-4ca-10]>6); /*Was R Interviewed in 1994 and moved more than 6 years ago?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4e) Go To: Q2-5 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-13 [0:0] Q2-4d CTOD(SUBSTR ([month and year R began living in city of residence],01,02) + "/15/" + SUBSTR([month and year R began living in city of residence],04,04)) < [date of last interview]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ /*Check to see if move date is before DLI*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4e Lead-In: Q2-4ca-6 [Default] Q2-4e What is the main reason you moved here? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES. RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONE ANSWER) 1 2 3 4 MOVED WITH FAMILY MOVED TO ATTEND SCHOOL MOVED TO TAKE A JOB MOVED FOR SPOUSE/PARTNER'S WORK 5 6 7 8 MOVED FOR SPOUSE/PARTNER'S SCHOOL MOVED TO BE WITH BOY/GIRLFRIEND MOVED TO LOOK FOR A JOB MOVED FOR OTHER REASONS Go To: Q2-4ea Lead-In: Q2-4ca-8 [Default], Q2-4ca-9 [Default], Q2-4d [Default], Q2-4ca-7 [-2:1], Q2-4ca-12 [0:0], Q2-4ca-14 [0:0], Q2-4ca-15 [0:0] Q2-4ea Where did you live JUST BEFORE moving here? 1 SELECT TO ENTER PLACE If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-4i Go To: Q2-4f Lead-In: Q2-4e [Default] Q2-4f Where did you live JUST BEFORE moving here? VERIFY ADDRESS: CITY, COUNTY, STATE AND COUNTRY. (INTERVIEWER: MOVE BETWEEN FIELDS USING THE KEY. PRESS ON FIELD TO SELECT STATE.) CITY: _________________________________ COUNTY: _________________________________ STATE: _________________________________ COUNTRY: _________________________________ If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Go To: Q2-4g Lead-In: Q2-4ea [Default] Then Go To: Q2-4i 22 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-4g When did you last move to [City R lived in before current city], [State R lived in before current state]? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q2-4g-5 Lead-In: Q2-4f [Default] Q2-4g-5 ([check if R indicated DK or refusal for month of last move]); /* Machine Check: Did R indicate DK or refusal of month of last move?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-4g-7 Go To: Q2-4g-6 Lead-In: Q2-4g [Default] Q2-4g-6 ([check if R indicated DK or refusal for year of last move]); /* Machine Check: Did R indicate DK or refusal of year of last move? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-4g-7 Go To: Q2-4h Lead-In: Q2-4g-5 [Default] Q2-4g-7 About how long ago did you move there/here? 1 2 3 SELECT TO ENTER WEEKS SELECT TO ENTER MONTHS...(Go to Q2-4g-9) SELECT TO ENTER YEARS...(Go to Q2-4g-10) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-4i Go To: Q2-4g-8 Lead-In: Q2-4g-5 [-2:-1], Q2-4g-6 [-2:-1] Q2-4g-8 ENTER NUMBER OF WEEKS AGO R MOVED: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q2-4i Lead-In: Q2-4g-7 [Default] Q2-4g-9 ENTER NUMBER OF MONTHS AGO R MOVED: Go To: Q2-4i Lead-In: Q2-4g-7 [2:2] Enter Answer: |__|__| NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-4g-10 ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS AGO R MOVED: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q2-4g-11 Lead-In: Q2-4g-7 [3:3] Q2-4g-11 ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1); 1 0 /* Was R interviewed in 1998*/ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-4g-12) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4g-13 Lead-In: Q2-4g-10 [Default] Q2-4g-12 ([Q2-4g-10]>2); /* Did R move more than 2 years ago?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4i) Go To: Q2-5 Lead-In: Q2-4g-11 [1:1] Q2-4g-13 ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1); /* Was R interviewed in 1996?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4g-15) Go To: Q2-4g-14 Lead-In: Q2-4g-11 [Default] Q2-4g-14 ([Q2-4g-10]>4); /*Did R move more than 4 years ago?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4i) Go To: Q2-5 Lead-In: Q2-4g-13 [Default] Q2-4g-15 ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1 AND [Q2-4g-10]>6); /*Was R Interviewed in 1994 and moved more than 6 years ago?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-4i) Go To: Q2-5 Lead-In: Q2-4g-13 [0:0] 23 24 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-4h CTOD(SUBSTR ([month and year R last moved to previous city of residence],01,02) + "/15/" + SUBSTR([month and year R last moved to previous city of residence],04,04)) < [date of last interview]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ 1 0 /*Check to see if 2nd move date is before DLI*/ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-4i Lead-In: Q2-4g-6 [Default] Q2-4i Altogether, how many times have you moved since [date of last interview]? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q2-5 Lead-In: Q2-4g-8 [Default], Q2-4g-9 [Default], Q2-4h [Default], Q2-4f [-2:-1], Q2-4g-7 [-2:-1], Q2-4g-12 [0:0], Q2-4g-14 [0:0], Q2-4g-15 [0:0], Q2-4ea [-2:-1] Q2-5 ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /* Machine check to see if R will be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5aa) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-13 Lead-In: Q2-4ca-12 [Default], Q2-4ca-14 [Default], Q2-4ca-15 [Default], Q2-4g-12 [Default], Q2-4g-14 [Default], Q2-4g-15 [Default], Q2-4i [Default], Q2-4d [1:1], Q2-4h [1:1], Q2-4b1 [2:2], Q2-4c1 [2:2], Q2-4ca1 [2:2] Q2-5aa ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /* Only grant YAs not previously skipped enter this check item for whether R's mother was not interviewed in past Youth rounds due to death or YA reported mother dead in HHR */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5g) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5a Lead-In: Q2-5 [1:1] Q2-5a ([flag indicating if R lives in mother's household]=1) and ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=1); /* Machine check to see if R was in Mom's household at DLI and lives in Mom's HH now */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5c Lead-In: Q2-5aa [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 25 Q2-5b Have there been any times between [date of last interview] and [2000 interview date (current date)] when you did not live with your mother for at least one month or more? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q2-5g Lead-In: Q2-5a [1:1] Q2-5c ([flag indicating if R lives in mother's household]=0) and ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=0); /* Machine check to see if R was not in Mom's household at DLI and is not in Mom's HH now */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5d) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5e Lead-In: Q2-5a [Default] Q2-5d Have there been any times between [date of last interview] and [2000 interview date (current date)] when you lived with your mother for at least one month or more? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q2-5g Lead-In: Q2-5c [1:1] Q2-5e ([flag indicating if R lives in mother's household]=1) and ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=0); /* Machine check to see if R was in Mom's household at DLI and does not live in Mom's HH now */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5f) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5g Lead-In: Q2-5c [Default] Q2-5f Have there been any times between the first time you left your mother's house and [2000 interview date (current date)] when you lived with your mother for at least one month or more? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q2-5g Lead-In: Q2-5e [1:1] 26 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-5g Since [date of last interview], have you ever been homeless -- that is, without regular housing that was yours or you could count on as a regular place to stay? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q2-5h Lead-In: Q2-5b [Default], Q2-5d [Default], Q2-5e [Default], Q2-5f [Default], Q25aa [1:1] Q2-5h ([living arrangement of R]=19) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0); /*Only Grant YAs enter this skip: IS R IN HOUSEHOLD WITH BOTH PARENTS? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-40) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5i Lead-In: Q2-5g [Default] Q2-5i ([living arrangement of R]=20) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0); /* Only grant YAs not already branched out on Q2-5h enter this skip: IS R IN HH WITH MOTHER ONLY? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5k) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5ia Lead-In: Q2-5h [Default] Q2-5ia ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /* only grant YAs not already branched on Q2-5h and Q2-5i enter this skip: Is R's mother dead?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-5k) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5j Lead-In: Q2-5i [Default] Q2-5j ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=0); /* Only grant YAs not already branched out on Q2-5h, Q2-5i, or Q2-5ia enter this skip: IS R IN HH WITHOUT MOTHER? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-23b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-40 Lead-In: Q2-5ia [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 27 Q2-5k ([check item for whether R reported father as deceased as of DLI]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=2); /* Only grant YAs not previously skipped enter this check item for whether R reprted father as deceased prior to 2000 fielding */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-40) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-5l Lead-In: Q2-5i [1:1], Q2-5ia [1:1] Q2-5l ([living arrangement of R]=21) or ([flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0); /* Only grant YAs not previously skipped enter this check item for whether R lives with father */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-36a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-26 Lead-In: Q2-5k [Default] Q2-13 ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /* Non-grant YAs enter this check item for whether R's mother was not interviewed in past Youth rounds due to death or reported mother dead in HHR */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-25-a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-14 Lead-In: Q2-5 [Default] Q2-14 ([living arrangement of R]=3) or ([living arrangement of R]=4) or ([living arrangement of R]=5) or ([living arrangement of R]=6); /* IS R IN SOME KIND OF TEMPORARY (INDIVIDUAL) LIVING QUARTERS? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-17) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-15 Lead-In: Q2-13 [Default] Q2-15 ([living arrangement of R]=19) or ([living arrangement of R]=20) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0); /* IS R IN HH WITH BOTH PARENTS OR MOTHER ONLY? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-16) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-17 Lead-In: Q2-14 [Default] 28 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-16 ([living arrangement of R]=19) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0); /* IS R IN HOUSEHOLD WITH BOTH PARENTS? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-36a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-25b Lead-In: Q2-15 [1:1] Q2-17 In what month and year did you most recently stop living in your mother's household? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q2-18 Lead-In: Q2-15 [Default], Q2-14 [1:1] Q2-18 What was the reason you stopped living with her? (You may choose more than one) (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES. CODE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WENT TO COLLEGE WENT TO (OTHER) SCHOOL GOT PREGNANT GOT MARRIED MOVED IN WITH (BOY/GIRL) FRIEND MOVED IN WITH FATHER MOVED IN WITH GRANDPARENT MOVED IN WITH OTHER RELATIVE Go To: Q2-18A Lead-In: Q2-17 [Default] Q2-18A INLIST([Q2-18],15); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-25-a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-19 Lead-In: Q2-18 [Default] Q2-19 Is this the first time you stopped living with your mother? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q2-23b) No If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Go To: Q2-20 Lead-In: Q2-18A [Default] Then Go To: Q2-23b 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 MOVED INTO OWN APARTMENT/RESIDENCE ENTERED MILITARY TOOK JOB IN OTHER LOCATION GOT KICKED OUT FAMILY CONFLICT MOTHER DIED OTHER (SPECIFY) NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-20 How many times have you lived away from your mother? If Answer =0 Enter Answer: |__|__| Then Go To: Q2-24 Go To: Q2-21 Lead-In: Q2-19 [Default] Q2-21 Now please tell me about the first time. In what month and year did you stop living with your mother? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q2-22 Lead-In: Q2-20 [Default] Q2-22 What (was/were) your reason(s) for leaving your mother's household at that time? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES. CODE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WENT TO COLLEGE WENT TO (OTHER) SCHOOL GOT PREGNANT GOT MARRIED MOVED IN WITH (BOY/GIRL) FRIEND MOVED IN WITH FATHER MOVED IN WITH GRANDPARENT MOVED IN WITH OTHER RELATIVE 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 MOVED INTO OWN APARTMENT/RESIDENCE ENTERED MILITARY TOOK JOB IN OTHER LOCATION GOT KICKED OUT FAMILY CONFLICT MOTHER DIED OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q2-22A Lead-In: Q2-21 [Default] Q2-22A INLIST([Q2-18],15); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-25-a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-23 Lead-In: Q2-22 [Default] Q2-23 For how long did you live away from her that first time? (INTERVIEWER: THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT) Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q2-24 If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-23b Go To: Q2-23a Lead-In: Q2-22A [Default] 29 30 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-23a (SELECT TIME UNIT.) 1 2 3 4 DAYS WEEKS MONTHS YEARS Go To: Q2-23b Lead-In: Q2-23 [Default] Q2-23b About how many miles from you does your biological mother live? Is it... 1 2 3 Within 1 mile 1-10 Miles 11-100 Miles 4 5 15 101-200 Miles More than 200 Miles MOTHER DECEASED...(Go to Q2-25-a) Go To: Q2-24 Lead-In: Q2-23a [Default], Q2-19 [1:1], Q2-19 [-2:-1], Q2-23 [-2:-1], Q2-5j [1:1] Q2-24 About how often do you see your mother? Would you say... (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not at all...(Go to Q2-24A) About once a year...(Go to Q2-24A) Several times a year About once a month 5 6 7 8 Two or three times a month Once a week Several times a week Every day Go To: Q2-24C Lead-In: Q2-23b [Default], Q2-20 [0:0], Q2-23 [0:0] Q2-24A How long ago did you last see your mother? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER TIME UNIT ON NEXT SCREEN) Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Go To: Q2-24B Lead-In: Q2-24 [1:2] Q2-24B (ENTER TIME UNIT:) 1 2 3 4 DAYS WEEKS MONTHS YEARS Go To: Q2-24C Lead-In: Q2-24A [Default] Then Go To: Q2-24C NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 31 Q2-24C How often in the past year have you had contact with your mother, either by card, letter, e-mail message, or phone call? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not at all About once a year Several times a year About once a month 5 6 7 8 Two or three times a month Once a week Several times a week Every day Go To: Q2-25-a Lead-In: Q2-24 [Default], Q2-24B [Default], Q2-24A [-2:-1] Q2-25-a ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /* Machine check to see if R will be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-25-b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-25a Lead-In: Q2-24C [Default], Q2-23b [15:15], Q2-18A [1:1], Q2-22A [1:1], Q2-13 [1:1] Q2-25-b ([check item for whether R reported father as deceased as of DLI]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=2) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=1); /* Machine check for grant YAs with no mom in HH only: did R report father as deceased prior to 2000 fielding, during 2000 fielding, or is R currently living with father? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-40) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-26 Lead-In: Q2-25-a [1:1] Q2-25a ([living arrangement of R]=21) or ([flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=0); /* IS R IN HH WITH FATHER ONLY? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-25a-1) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-25aa Lead-In: Q2-25-a [Default] Q2-25a-1 ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-23b]=15) or ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /* Machine Check: Is R's mother dead? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-33) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-30 Lead-In: Q2-25a [1:1] 32 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-25aa ([Is R in temporary quarters?]=1 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0); /* IS R IN TEMP LIVING QUARTERS BUT HAS FATHER LIVING IN HH? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-35) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-25b Lead-In: Q2-25a [Default] Q2-25b ([check item for whether R reported father as deceased as of DLI]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=2); /* Machine check: Did R report father as deceased in previous or current interview or is R not living with father? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-37B) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-26 Lead-In: Q2-16 [Default], Q2-25aa [Default] Q2-26 Is your father living at this time? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q2-26-a) No If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-26-c Go To: Q2-26-b Lead-In: Q2-5l [Default], Q2-25-b [Default], Q2-25b [Default] Q2-26-a ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /* Machine check for YAs who said their father was living at this time in Q2-26: see if R will be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-34a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-26a Lead-In: Q2-26 [1:1] Q2-26-b ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /* Machine check for YAs who said their father was not living at this time in Q2-26: see if R will be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-40) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-27a Lead-In: Q2-26 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 33 Q2-26-c ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /* Machine check for YAs who said they did not know if or refused to say whether their father was living at this time in Q2-26: see if R will be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-40) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-27b Lead-In: Q2-26 [-2:-1] Q2-26a ([living arrangement of R]=19) or ([living arrangement of R]=20) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0); /* IS R IN HH WITH BOTH PARENTS OR WITH MOTHER ONLY? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-29) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-27e Lead-In: Q2-26-a [Default] Q2-27a When did he pass away? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q2-27b Lead-In: Q2-26-b [Default] Q2-27b How long ago did you last live with your father? (INTERVIEWER : THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT. IF R VOLUNTEERS "WHEN I LEFT MOTHER'S HOUSE" OR "FATHER LEFT BEFORE I WAS BORN" OR "NEVER LIVED WITH US" CODE '0') Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q2-27d If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-36a Go To: Q2-27c Lead-In: Q2-26-c [Default], Q2-27a [Default] Q2-27c (ENTER TIME UNIT:) 1 2 3 Years ago Months ago Weeks ago Go To: Q2-36a Lead-In: Q2-27b [Default] 34 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-27d (INTERVIEWER: MAKE SELECTION WITHOUT ASKING R) 1 2 3 When I left my mother's house He left before I was born He never lived with us Go To: Q2-36a Lead-In: Q2-27b [0:0] Q2-27e ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-23b]=15) or ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /* Machine Check: Is R's mother dead? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-29) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-28 Lead-In: Q2-26a [Default] Q2-28 Do your mother and father live together? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q2-35) No Go To: Q2-29 Lead-In: Q2-27e [Default] Q2-29 When did you last live with your father? (INTERVIEWER : THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT. IF R VOLUNTEERS "WHEN I LEFT MOTHER'S HOUSE" OR "FATHER LEFT BEFORE I WAS BORN" OR "NEVER LIVED WITH US" CODE '0') Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q2-29b If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-29c Go To: Q2-29a Lead-In: Q2-28 [Default], Q2-26a [1:1], Q2-27e [1:1] Q2-29a (ENTER TIME UNIT:) 1 2 3 Years ago Months ago Weeks ago Go To: Q2-29c Lead-In: Q2-29 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 35 Q2-29b (INTERVIEWER: MAKE SELECTION WITHOUT ASKING R) 1 2 3 When I left my mother's house...(Go to Q2-29c) He left before I was born...(Go to Q2-29c) He never lived with us...(Go to Q2-33) Go To: Q2-29c Lead-In: Q2-29 [0:0] Q2-29c ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-23b]=15) or ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /*Machine Check: Is R's mother dead? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-33) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-30 Lead-In: Q2-29a [Default], Q2-29b [Default], Q2-29b [1:2], Q2-29 [-2:-1] Q2-30 ([living arrangement of R]=20) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0); /* IS R IN HH WITH MOTHER ONLY? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-31) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-31a Lead-In: Q2-25a-1 [Default], Q2-29c [Default] Q2-31 How long ago did your father leave this household? (INTERVIEWER : THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT) Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q2-33 If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-33 Go To: Q2-31b Lead-In: Q2-30 [1:1] Q2-31a How long ago did your father leave your mother's household? (INTERVIEWER : THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT) If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q2-33 If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q2-33 Go To: Q2-31b Lead-In: Q2-30 [Default] Enter Answer: |__|__| 36 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-31b (ENTER TIME UNIT:) 1 2 3 Years ago Months ago Weeks ago Go To: Q2-33 Lead-In: Q2-31 [Default], Q2-31a [Default] Q2-33 Last year, that is during 1999, did your father work for pay all of the year, part of the year, or not at all? 1 2 3 All of the year Part of the Year Not at all...(Go to Q2-33AA) Go To: Q2-33a Lead-In: Q2-31b [Default], Q2-29b [3:3], Q2-31 [0:0], Q2-31a [0:0], Q2-29c [1:1], Q2-31 [-2:-1], Q2-31a [-2:-1], Q2-25a-1 [1:1] Q2-33a What kind of work was he doing? (IF MORE THAN ONE KIND OF WORK, PROBE:) During 1999, what kind of work did he do the longest? (RECORD VERBATIM:) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q2-33B Lead-In: Q2-33 [Default] Q2-33AA What kind of work was he most recently doing? (IF MORE THAN ONE KIND OF WORK, PROBE:) The last time he was working, what kind of work did he do the longest? (RECORD VERBATIM:) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q2-33B Lead-In: Q2-33 [3:3] Q2-33B What were some of his main activities or duties? (PROBE FOR TWO MAIN DUTIES AND RECORD VERBATIM) Go To: Q2-33BA Lead-In: Q2-33a [Default], Q2-33AA [Default] Q2-33BA ([Q2-33]=3); /* was Q2-33 answered 3 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-33cc) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-33c Lead-In: Q2-33B [Default] Enter Answer: _____________________ NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 37 Q2-33c In the weeks that your father worked, how many hours per week did he work ... 35 hours or more or less than 35 hours? 1 2 Less than 35 hours (1-34 hours) 35 hours or more Go To: Q2-33dd Lead-In: Q2-33BA [Default] Q2-33cc When your father last worked, how many hours per week did he work... 35 hours or more or less than 35 hours? 1 2 Less than 35 hours (1-34 hours) 35 hours or more Go To: Q2-33dd Lead-In: Q2-33BA [1:1] Q2-33dd ([living arrangement of R]=21) or ([flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=0); /* IS R IN HH WITH FATHER ONLY? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-37) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-34 Lead-In: Q2-33c [Default], Q2-33cc [Default] Q2-34 What is the highest level of schooling that your father ever completed? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Did not finish high school High school Some college Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Ph.D J.D M.D Go To: Q2-34a Lead-In: Q2-33dd [Default] Q2-34a About how many miles from you does your biological father live? Is it... 1 2 3 Within 1 mile 1-10 Miles 11-100 Miles Go To: Q2-35 Lead-In: Q2-34 [Default], Q2-26-a [1:1] 4 5 101-200 Miles More than 200 Miles 38 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-35 About how often do you see your father? Would you say...(INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not at all About once a year Several times a year About once a month 5 6 7 8 Two or three times a month Once a week Several times a week Every day Go To: Q2-35A Lead-In: Q2-34a [Default], Q2-28 [1:1], Q2-25aa [1:1] Q2-35A How often in the past year have you had contact with your father, either by card, letter, e-mail message, or phone call? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not at all About once a year Several times a year About once a month 5 6 7 8 Two or three times a month Once a week Several times a week Every day Go To: Q2-36a Lead-In: Q2-35 [Default] Q2-36a ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1); /* check to see if R was interviewed as YA in 1994 or 1996 or 1998 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-40) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-37 Lead-In: Q2-27c [Default], Q2-27d [Default], Q2-35A [Default], Q2-16 [1:1], Q227b [-2:-1], Q2-5l [1:1] Q2-37 Is your father Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q2-37A Lead-In: Q2-36a [Default], Q2-33dd [1:1] Q2-37A Which of these groups describes your father? Is he... 1 2 3 White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Go To: Q2-37B Lead-In: Q2-37 [Default] 4 5 6 Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other (SPECIFY) NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background 39 Q2-37B ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1); /* check to see if R was interviewed as YA in 1994 or 1996 or 1998 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-40) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-38 Lead-In: Q2-37A [Default], Q2-25b [1:1] Q2-38 Are you Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?... 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q2-38A Lead-In: Q2-37B [Default] Q2-38A Which of these groups best describes you? Are you... 1 2 3 White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native 4 5 6 Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q2-39 Lead-In: Q2-38 [Default] Q2-39 What is your origin or descent? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) (CODE ALL THAT APPLY) (1) African or African-American (2) Chinese (3) English (4) Filipino or Philipino (5) French (6) German (7) Greek (8) Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (9) American Indian (10) Asian Indian (11) Irish (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) Italian Japanese Korean Cuban or Cubano Chicano Mexican or Mexicano Mexican-American Puerto Rican, Puertorriqueno, or Borincano (20) Other Latino, Hispano or Latin American (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) Other Spanish Descent Polish Portuguese Russian Scottish Vietnamese Welsh Other (SPECIFY) American (if volunteered) None Go To: Q2-39-b Lead-In: Q2-38A [Default] Q2-39-b ([number of race/ethnic origins selected by R] > 1); /* was more than one race selected? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q2-40) Go To: Q2-39b Lead-In: Q2-39 [Default] 40 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-39b You said that your origin or descent included... (INTERVIEWER ORIGINS ARE LISTED ON ROSTER BELOW) Which ONE do you feel closest to? (IF R SAYS "NONE" PRESS AND RE-SELECT CHOICE.) Refer to Roster: RACE; Items Listed: NAME OF RACE/ETHNICITY, ID Go To: Q2-40 Lead-In: Q2-39-b [Default] Q2-40 ([flag indicating if R is living with at least one sibling]=1); /* Machine check to see if R is living with at least one sibling */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-42c) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-40a Lead-In: Q2-5j [Default], Q2-39b [Default], Q2-36a [1:1], Q2-39-b [0:0], Q2-5h [1:1], Q2-5k [1:1], Q2-25-b [1:1], Q2-26-b [1:1], Q2-26-c [1:1], Q2-37B [1:1] Q2-40a ([number of siblings R has]=0); 1 0 /* Machine check to see if R has no siblings */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q2-42c) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q2-40c Lead-In: Q2-40 [Default] Q2-40c About how many miles from you does [your sibling/the sibling you feel closest to] live? Is it... 1 2 3 Within 1 mile 1-10 Miles 11-100 Miles 4 5 101-200 Miles More than 200 Miles Go To: Q2-40d Lead-In: Q2-40a [Default] Q2-40d About how often do you see [your sibling/the sibling you feel closest to]? Would you say... (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not at all About once a year Several times a year About once a month Go To: Q2-40e Lead-In: Q2-40c [Default] 5 6 7 8 Two or three times a month Once a week Several times a week Every day NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Family Background Q2-40e How often in the past year have you had contact with [your sibling/the sibling you feel closest to], either by card, letter, e-mail message, or phone call? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not at all About once a year Several times a year About once a month 5 6 7 8 Two or three times a month Once a week Several times a week Every day Go To: Q2-42c Lead-In: Q2-40d [Default] Q2-42c What is your present religion, if any? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Roman Catholic Jewish Baptist Lutheran Methodist Presbyterian Episcopalian Mormon 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Unitarian Quaker Non-Denominational Other Protestant (SPECIFY) Muslim, Moslem Buddhist Other (SPECIFY) None Go To: Q2-43 Lead-In: Q2-40e [Default], Q2-40 [1:1], Q2-40a [1:1] Q2-43 In the past year about how often have you attended religious services? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 More than once a week About once a week Two or three times a month Go To: Q2-44 Lead-In: Q2-42c [Default] Q2-44 How important would you say religion is to you? 1 2 3 4 Very important Fairly important Fairly unimportant Not important at all Go To: Q3-0 Lead-In: Q2-43 [Default] 4 5 6 About once a month Several times a year or less Not at all 41 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 43 SECTION 3: DATING AND RELATIONSHIP HISTORY Q3-0 The next few questions are about dating and relationships. Go To: Q3-1 Lead-In: Q2-44 [Default] Q3-0d ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /* Machine check to see if R is in grant sample */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-1g) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-0e Lead-In: none Q3-0e ([flag indicating if R has reported ever dating]=1); /* Machine check to see if R has ever reported beginning to date */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-1c) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-1 Lead-In: Q3-0d [Default] Q3-1 At what age, if any, did you first start going out with a member of the opposite sex? 1 0 99 SELECT TO ENTER AGE Never started...(Go to Q3-1c) Volunteered same-sex dating If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3-1c Go To: Q3-1a Lead-In: Q3-0 [Default], Q3-0e [Default] Q3-1a ENTER AGE IN YEARS: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q3-1c Lead-In: Q3-1 [Default] Q3-1c ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=1) or ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /* Machine check to see if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult or is a member of the grant sample */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-1g) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-1d Lead-In: Q3-1a [Default], Q3-1 [0:0], Q3-0e [1:1], Q3-1 [-2:-1] 44 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-1d How many close friends do you have who are boys? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q3-1e Lead-In: Q3-1c [Default] Q3-1e How many close friends do you have who are girls? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q3-1f Lead-In: Q3-1d [Default] Q3-1f Are most of your close friends younger than you are, about the same age as you are or older than you are? 1 2 3 YOUNGER THAN YOU ARE ABOUT THE SAME AGE AS YOU ARE OLDER THAN YOU ARE Go To: Q3-1u Lead-In: Q3-1e [Default] Q3-1g ([marital status as of the date of last interview (code)]); 7 1 2 /* Machine check to branch on marital status at DLI */ Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to Q3-1i) Married...(Go to Q3-1i) Separated...(Go to Q3-1q) 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married Go To: Q3-1u Lead-In: Q3-0d [1:1], Q3-1c [1:1] Q3-1i When we last spoke to you on [date of last interview], you were [married to/living with] [name of R's spouse or partner as of date of last interview]. Are you still [married to/living with] [name of R's spouse or partner as of date of last interview]? 1 0 2 Yes No...(Go to Q3-1o) INFORMATION INCORRECT...(Go to Q3-1u) If Answer >=-1 and Answer <=-2 Then Go To: Q3-1u Go To: Q3-1k Lead-In: Q3-1g [1:1], Q3-1g [7:7] Q3-1k Have there been any periods of one month or more between [date of last interview] and today when you did not live with [name of R's spouse or partner as of date of last interview]? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q3-1l Lead-In: Q3-1i [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 45 Q3-1l ([marital status as of the date of last interview (code)]=7); /* Machine check: Is old marital status living with a partner? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-1m) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-1na Lead-In: Q3-1k [Default] Q3-1m Did you ever marry [name of R's spouse or partner as of date of last interview]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q3-1n) No Go To: Q3-1na Lead-In: Q3-1l [1:1] Q3-1n In what month and year did you marry [name of R's spouse or partner as of date of last interview]? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q3-1na Lead-In: Q3-1m [1:1] Q3-1na What is the highest grade or year of school that [name of R's spouse or partner as of date of last interview] has ever completed? 0 93 94 1 2 3 4 5 NONE PRE-KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 95 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE UNGRADED Go To: Q3-1nb Lead-In: Q3-1l [Default], Q3-1m [Default], Q3-1n [Default] Q3-1nb What is [name of R's spouse or partner as of date of last interview]'s religion? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Roman Catholic Jewish Baptist Lutheran Methodist Presbyterian Episcopalian Mormon Go To: Q3-49a Lead-In: Q3-1na [Default] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Unitarian Quaker Non-Denominational Other Protestant (SPECIFY) Muslim, Moslem Buddhist Other (SPECIFY) None 46 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-1o How did this relationship end? 1 2 3 4 Separation Divorce or Annulment Death of a spouse/partner Break Up Go To: Q3-1p Lead-In: Q3-1i [0:0] Q3-1p In what month and year did this relationship end? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q3-1u Lead-In: Q3-1o [Default] Q3-1q When we last spoke to you on [date of last interview], you were separated. Did you ever get a legal divorce? 1 0 2 Yes No...(Go to Q3-1s) INFORMATION INCORRECT...(Go to Q3-1u) If Answer >=-1 and Answer <=-2 Then Go To: Q3-1u Go To: Q3-1r Lead-In: Q3-1g [2:2] Q3-1r In what month and year did this relationship end? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q3-1u Lead-In: Q3-1q [Default] Q3-1s Are you still separated, or did you reunite? 1 2 3 STILL SEPARATED...(Go to Q3-1u) REUNITED LESS THAN ONE MONTH Go To: Q3-1t Lead-In: Q3-1q [0:0] Q3-1t In what month and year did you reunite? Go To: Q3-1u Lead-In: Q3-1s [Default] Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 47 Q3-1u ([flag indicating presence/absence of partner in household]=1); /* Machine check: Did R report a partner in the household record? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-2b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-2 Lead-In: Q3-1f [Default], Q3-1g [Default], Q3-1p [Default], Q3-1r [Default], Q3-1t [Default], Q3-1s [1:1], Q3-1i [2:2], Q3-1i [-1:-2], Q3-1q [2:2], Q3-1q [-1:-2] Q3-2 What is your current marital status? Are you... 7 1 2 Living with a partner (not married) Married Separated 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married Go To: Q3-2b Lead-In: Q3-1u [Default] Q3-2b ([flag indicating if R has reported ever dating]=0) AND ([marital status code]=0); /* check if never started dating and never married */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-57A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-2c Lead-In: Q3-2 [Default], Q3-1u [1:1] Q3-2c ([marital status code]); /* skip according to marital status */ 7 1 2 Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to Q3-2d) Married...(Go to Q3-4A) Separated...(Go to Q3-4A) 3 6 0 Divorced...(Go to Q3-4A) Widowed...(Go to Q3-4A) Never married...(Go to Q3-3b) Go To: Q3-4A Lead-In: Q3-2b [Default] Q3-2d ([marital status as of the date of last interview (code)]); 7 1 2 Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to Q3-3) Married Separated Go To: Q3-3a Lead-In: Q3-2c [7:7] Q3-3 Have you ever been officially married? 1 0 /* Machine check to branch on marital status at DLI */ Yes No...(Go to Q3-4A) Go To: Q3-3a Lead-In: Q3-2d [0:0], Q3-2d [7:7] 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married...(Go to Q3-3) 48 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-3a What (then) is your official marital status? 0 1 2 Never Married Married Separated 3 6 Divorced Widowed Go To: Q3-4A Lead-In: Q3-2d [Default], Q3-3 [Default] Q3-3b ([marital status as of the date of last interview (code)]); /*Machine check to branch on previous marital status at DLI*/ 7 1 2 Living with a partner (not married) Married Separated 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married...(Go to Q3-4) Go To: Q3-4A Lead-In: Q3-2c [0:0] Q3-4 Nowadays, many unmarried couples live together; sometimes they eventually marry and sometimes they don't. [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] lived with an opposite sex partner, to whom you were not married, for more than one month? 1 0 3 Yes No...(Go to Q3-49d) Volunteered same-sex partner Go To: Q3-5-A Lead-In: Q3-3b [0:0] Q3-4A EMPTY ([name of R's spouse]); /* Machine Check: Is the symbol for spouse's name from the HHR blank? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-4C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-4F Lead-In: Q3-2c [Default], Q3-3a [Default], Q3-3b [Default], Q3-2c [2:3], Q3-2c [1:1], Q3-2c [6:6], Q3-3 [0:0] Q3-4C EMPTY ([partner's name]); /* Machine check: Is the symbol for partner's name from the HHR blank? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-4G) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-4F Lead-In: Q3-4A [1:1] Q3-4F [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] been married to someone else or lived with someone else for more than one month in a marriage-like relationship other than [name of R's partner()(1)]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q3-5-A) No Go To: Q3-5-D Lead-In: Q3-4A [Default], Q3-4C [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 49 Q3-4G ([marital status code]=1) OR ([marital status code]=7); /* check if married , or not married but living with partner and no sp or ptr name from hhr /* 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-5-A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-4H Lead-In: Q3-4C [1:1] Q3-4H [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] been married to someone or lived with someone of the opposite sex for more than one month in a marriage-like relationship [other than old spouse or partner/blank]? 1 0 3 Yes...(Go to Q3-5-A) No Volunteered same-sex partner Go To: Q3-49a Lead-In: Q3-4G [Default] Q3-5-A May I please have the name (or initials) of anyone with whom you were in a marriage or marriage-like relationship since [date of last interview]? (INTERVIEWER: ADD NAME(S) TO BLANK ROSTER LINE(S). IF R REPORTED A SPOUSE OR PARTNER IN THE HOUSEHOLD INTERVIEW, THAT NAME SHOULD APPEAR ON THE FIRST LINE OF THE ROSTER.) Refer to Roster: PARTNERS; Items Listed: NAME Go To: Q3-5-D Lead-In: Q3-4 [Default], Q3-4F [1:1], Q3-4H [1:1], Q3-4G [1:1] Q3-5-D ([number of members on the partner roster]=0); /* Machine check to see if partner roster has no members */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-49a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-LOOP-BEGIN Lead-In: Q3-4F [Default], Q3-5-A [Default] Q3-LOOP-BEGIN REPEAT ([loop collection information about spouses/partners]); /* Begin loop collecting information about spouse/partners */ Go To: Q3-6 Lead-In: Q3-5-D [Default] Q3-6 Now I would like to ask you some questions about your relationship with [name of R's partner()()]. When did you begin living with [name of R's partner()()]? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q3-7 Lead-In: Q3-LOOP-BEGIN [Default] 50 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-7 How old was [name of R's partner()()] when you began to live together? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q3-7-a Lead-In: Q3-6 [Default] Q3-7-a ([loop collection information about spouses/partners]=1); /* Is this the first loop? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-7-aa) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-7c Lead-In: Q3-7 [Default] Q3-7-aa ([marital status code]); 7 1 2 /* skip based on marcode */ Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to Q3-7a) Married...(Go to Q3-7a) Separated 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married...(Go to Q3-11) Go To: Q3-8 Lead-In: Q3-7-a [1:1] Q3-7a What is [name of R's partner()()]'s birthdate? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q3-7b Lead-In: Q3-7-aa [1:1], Q3-7-aa [7:7] Q3-7b ([marital status code]); 7 1 2 /* skip based on marcode */ Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to Q3-11) Married...(Go to Q3-8) Separated 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married...(Go to Q3-11) Go To: Q3-7c Lead-In: Q3-7a [Default] Q3-7c ([marital status code]=0) OR ([flag indicating if R has ever been officially married]=0); /* skip based on marcode */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-11) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-8a Lead-In: Q3-7-a [Default], Q3-7b [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-8 Were you married to [name of R's partner()()] when you started living together? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q3-10) Go To: Q3-11 Lead-In: Q3-7-aa [Default], Q3-7b [1:1] Q3-8a Were you married to [name of R's partner()()] when you started living together? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q3-9) Go To: Q3-10 Lead-In: Q3-7c [Default] Q3-9 Did you ever marry [name of R's partner()()]? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q3-11) Go To: Q3-10 Lead-In: Q3-8a [0:0] Q3-10 In what month and year did you marry [name of R's partner()()]? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q3-11 Lead-In: Q3-8a [Default], Q3-9 [Default], Q3-8 [0:0] Q3-11 Which of these groups best describes [name of R's partner()()]? [Is/Was] [name of R's partner()()]... 1 2 3 4 5 Black White (non-Hispanic) Mexican American, Chicano, Mexicano Puerto Rican Cuban 6 7 8 9 Other Hispanic (SPECIFY) American Indian or Native American Asian or Pacific Islander Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q3-12 Lead-In: Q3-8 [Default], Q3-10 [Default], Q3-7b [7:7], Q3-7b [0:0], Q3-7c [1:1], Q3-9 [0:0], Q3-7-aa [0:0] 51 52 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-12 What [is/was] the highest grade or year of school that [name of R's partner()()] [has ever completed/had completed by the end of your relationship]? 0 93 94 1 2 3 4 5 NONE PRE-KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 95 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE UNGRADED Go To: Q3-13 Lead-In: Q3-11 [Default] Q3-13 What [is/was] [name of R's partner()()]'s religion? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Roman Catholic Jewish Baptist Lutheran Methodist Presbyterian Episcopalian Mormon 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Unitarian Quaker Non-Denominational Other Protestant (SPECIFY) Muslim, Moslem Buddhist Other (SPECIFY) None Go To: Q3-13a Lead-In: Q3-12 [Default] Q3-13a ([loop collection information about spouses/partners]=1); /* Is this the first loop? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-13b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-14 Lead-In: Q3-13 [Default] Q3-13b ([marital status code]); /* skip based on marcode */ 7 1 2 Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to Q3-LOOP-END) Married...(Go to Q3-LOOP-END) Separated Go To: Q3-14 Lead-In: Q3-13a [1:1] Q3-14 How did this relationship end? 1 2 Separation Divorce or Annulment Go To: Q3-15 Lead-In: Q3-13a [Default], Q3-13b [Default] 3 4 Death of a spouse/partner Break Up 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-15 In what month and year did it end? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q3-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q3-14 [Default] Q3-LOOP-END UNTIL([loop collection information about spouses/partners],[loop collection information about spouses/partners]=[number of members on the partner roster]); /* End loop asking details about each spouse/partner */ Go To: Q3-49a Lead-In: Q3-15 [Default], Q3-13b [1:1], Q3-13b [7:7] Q3-49a ([marital status code]); /* translate marital status and skip accordingly*/ 7 1 2 Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to OCCSP-D) Married...(Go to OCCSP-D) Separated 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married Go To: Q3-49d Lead-In: Q3-1nb [Default], Q3-4H [Default], Q3-LOOP-END [Default], Q3-5-D [1:1] Q3-49d About how many different persons have you dated in the past twelve months? ENTER NUMBER OF PERSONS: If Answer =0 Enter Answer: |__|__| Then Go To: Q3-57A Go To: Q3-49e Lead-In: Q3-49a [Default], Q3-4 [0:0] Q3-49e About how often do you usually go out on a date? 4 3 2 Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Less than once or twice a month 1 0 Almost never DO NOT DATE/HAVEN'T STARTED DATING Go To: Q3-50A Lead-In: Q3-49d [Default] Q3-50A Are you going out with one particular person, or are you dating more than one person? 1 2 3 DATING ONLY ONE PERSON...(Go to Q3-51A) DATING MORE THAN ONE PERSON DATING NO ONE RIGHT NOW Go To: Q3-57A Lead-In: Q3-49e [Default] 53 54 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-51A How long have you been dating this person? 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER MONTHS SELECT TO ENTER YEARS...(Go to Q3-51C) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3-57A Go To: Q3-51B Lead-In: Q3-50A [1:1] Q3-51B ENTER MONTHS: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q3-52A Lead-In: Q3-51A [Default] Q3-51C ENTER YEARS: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q3-52A Lead-In: Q3-51A [2:2] Q3-52A How frequently do you and your [boy/girl]friend have arguments about... Showing affection toward each other? 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-53A Lead-In: Q3-51B [Default], Q3-51C [Default] Q3-53A (How frequently do you and your [boy/girl]friend have arguments about...) ...how much time you spend together? 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-54A Lead-In: Q3-52A [Default] Q3-54A (How frequently do you and your [boy/girl]friend have arguments about...) ...dating other people? 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-55A Lead-In: Q3-53A [Default] Q3-55A (How frequently do you and your [boy/girl]friend have arguments about...) ...friends? 1 2 Often Sometimes Go To: Q3-56A Lead-In: Q3-54A [Default] 3 4 Hardly Ever Never NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 55 Q3-56A How happy are you with your [boy/girl]friend? Would you say... 1 2 Very happy Somewhat happy 3 4 Somewhat unhappy Very unhappy Go To: Q3-57A Lead-In: Q3-55A [Default] Q3-57A The next several questions are on your ideas about romantic relationships in general, not necessarily about any of your specific relationships. In your ideal world, what kind of relationship would you be in right now? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not dating Dating several people Dating one person exclusively Living together 5 6 7 Married Married, but seeing other people Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q3-58A Lead-In: Q3-50A [Default], Q3-56A [Default], Q3-2b [1:1], Q3-51A [-2:-1], Q3-49d [0:0] Q3-58A In your ideal world, what would your relationship status be ten years from now? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Not dating Dating several people Dating one person exclusively Living together 5 6 7 Married Married, but seeing other people Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q4-TIME Lead-In: Q3-57A [Default] OCCSP-D Now I have some questions about your [spouse/partner]'s employment. Go To: OCCSP-55H Lead-In: Q3-49a [7:7], Q3-49a [1:1] OCCSP-55H What kind of work did [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] do at [his/her] main job in the past 12 months? That is, what was [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s occupation? (For example: plumber, typist, farmer...) (IF NECESSARY: 12 months is the past 52 weeks.) (INTERVIEWER: INITIALIZE SCREEN AND PRESS TO ENTER TEXT. PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW.) 1 2 SELECT TO RECORD VERBATIM SPOUSE/PARTNER DID NOT WORK DURING THIS PERIOD...(Go to q3-62) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Go To: OCCSP-55I Lead-In: OCCSP-D [Default] Then Go To: OCCSP-55J 56 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History OCCSP-55I (What kind of work did [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] do at [his/her] main job in the past 12 months? That is, what was [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s occupation? ) (For example: plumber, typist, farmer.) (IF NECESSARY: 12 months is the past 52 weeks.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: OCCSP-55J Lead-In: OCCSP-55H [Default] OCCSP-55J What were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual duties or activities at [his/her] main job in the past 12 months? (For example: types, keeps account books, files, sells cars, teaches, lays bricks, etc..) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q3YA-12 Lead-In: OCCSP-55I [Default], OCCSP-55H [-2:-1] Q3YA-12 Now we would like to ask you a few questions concerning [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s earnings at [his/her] main job during the past 12 months. Please include any tips, overtime, and bonuses and give me the amount [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] earned before deductions like taxes and Social Security were taken out. (IF NECESSARY: 12 months is the past 52 weeks.) Go To: WGSP-71A Lead-In: OCCSP-55J [Default] WGSP-71A For [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s main job in 1999 what is the easiest way for you to report [his/her] total earnings BEFORE taxes or other deductions: hourly, weekly, annually, or on some other basis? (READ IF NECESSARY:) We use this information to compare the amount that people earn in different types of jobs. (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 If Answer =-1 Per hour Per day Per week Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks) 8 5 6 7 Bi-monthly (twice a month) Per month Per year Other (SPECIFY) Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-71B Lead-In: Q3YA-12 [Default] WGSP-71B Did [he/she] usually receive overtime pay, tips or commissions at [his/her] main job in 1999? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to WGSP-71G) Go To: WGSP-71G Lead-In: WGSP-71A [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 57 WGSP-71G [time unit for rate of pay for spouse/partner's job (code)]; /* Branch according the time unit for rate of pay R reported. */ 1 2 3 4 Per hour...(Go to WGSP-71H) Per day Per week Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks)...(Go to WGSP-75X) If Answer =-1 8 5 6 7 Bi-monthly (twice a month)...(Go to WGSP-74T) Per month...(Go to WGSP-74T) Per year...(Go to WGSP-75I) Other (SPECIFY) Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-74C Lead-In: WGSP-71B [Default], WGSP-71B [0:0] WGSP-71H ([WGSP-71B] = 1); /* Did R receive overtime pay, tips or commissions? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-71I) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-71J Lead-In: WGSP-71G [1:1] WGSP-71I EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what was [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s hourly rate of pay, on [his/her] job? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=0 and Answer <=0.99 Then Go To: WGSP-71K If Answer >=30.01 and Answer <=999999.99 Then Go To: WGSP-71K If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-71P If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-71K Lead-In: WGSP-71H [1:1] WGSP-71J What was [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s hourly rate of pay, on [his/her] job? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=30.01 and Answer <=999999.99 Then Go To: WGSP-71K If Answer >=0 and Answer <=0.99 Then Go To: WGSP-71K If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-71P Go To: WGSP-71U Lead-In: WGSP-71H [Default] 58 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History WGSP-71K ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] >= [default minimum value of R 's reported hourly wages]) AND ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] <= [default maximum value of R's reported hourly wages]); /* Is the reported hourly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-71U) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-71Q Lead-In: WGSP-71I [Default], WGSP-71I [0:0.99], WGSP-71I [30.01:999999.99], WGSP-71J [30.01:999999.99], WGSP-71J [0:0.99] WGSP-71P What is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s hourly rate of pay? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=30 If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: WGSP-71Pa Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-71Pa Lead-In: WGSP-71I [-2:-2], WGSP-71J [-2:-2] WGSP-71Pa ([R's estimate of spouse's/partner's hourly rate of pay] >= [default minimum value of R 's reported hourly wages]) AND ([R's estimate of spouse's/partner's hourly rate of pay] <= [default maximum value of R's reported hourly wages]); /* Is the reported hourly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-71U) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-71Q Lead-In: WGSP-71P [Default], WGSP-71P [1:30] WGSP-71Q INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner's hourly earnings value to be verified] HOURLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to WGSP-71R) Go To: WGSP-71U Lead-In: WGSP-71K [Default], WGSP-71Pa [Default] WGSP-71R INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner's hourly earnings value to be verified] HOURLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| Go To: WGSP-71U Lead-In: WGSP-71Q [0:0] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 59 WGSP-71U How many hours did [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] usually work per week at this rate? (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: WGSP-71W Lead-In: WGSP-71J [Default], WGSP-71Q [Default], WGSP-71R [Default], WGSP-71K [1:1], WGSP-71Pa [1:1] WGSP-71W ([WGSP-71B] =1); /* Did R's spouse/partner receive overtime pay, tips or commissions? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-71X) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-71U [Default] WGSP-71X At [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s main job, how much did [he/she] usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER TIME UNIT FOR OVERTIME PAY FIRST. PRESS TO ENTER AMOUNT.) 1 2 3 HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY 5 6 7 MONTHLY ANNUAL OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: WGSP-71XB Lead-In: WGSP-71W [1:1] WGSP-71XB [WGSP-71X]; /* Translate time unit for rate of overtime pay */ 1 2 3 5 6 7 HOURLY...(Go to WGSP-71XBB) DAILY WEEKLY...(Go to WGSP-71Xc) If Answer =-1 MONTHLY...(Go to WGSP-71Xd) ANNUAL...(Go to WGSP-71Xe) OTHER (SPECIFY) Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-71XBA Lead-In: WGSP-71X [Default] WGSP-71XBA [WGSP-71X]; /* Branch remaining answers from WGSP-71X. */ 1 2 3 HOURLY DAILY...(Go to WGSP-71Xf) WEEKLY Go To: WGSP-72C Lead-In: WGSP-71XB [Default] 5 6 7 MONTHLY ANNUAL OTHER (SPECIFY)...(Go to WGSP-71Xg) 60 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History WGSP-71XBB (At [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] main job, how much did [he/she] usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER HOURLY AMOUNT) If Answer =-1 Enter Answer: |__|.|__|__| Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-72G Lead-In: WGSP-71XB [1:1] WGSP-71Xc (At [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s job how much did [he/she] usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER WEEKLY AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-71XB [3:3] WGSP-71Xd (At [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s main job, how much did [he/she] usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER MONTHLY AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-72C Lead-In: WGSP-71XB [5:5] WGSP-71Xe (At [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s main job, how much did [he/she] usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER ANNUAL AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-72C Lead-In: WGSP-71XB [6:6] WGSP-71Xf (At [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s main job, how much did [he/she] usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=240 Then Go To: WGSP-72C If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-72C Lead-In: WGSP-71XBA [2:2] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 61 WGSP-71Xg (At [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s main job, how much did [he/she] usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-71XBA [7:7] WGSP-72C What is your best estimate of how much [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] usually (earn/earned) WEEKLY, JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=1500 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-72D Lead-In: WGSP-71XBA [Default], WGSP-71Xd [Default], WGSP-71Xe [Default], WGSP71Xf [Default], WGSP-71Xf [1:240] WGSP-72D INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. USUAL [time unit for overtime pay] EARNINGS IN OVERTIME PAY, TIPS OR COMMISSIONS IS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner's overtime earnings value to be verified] IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to WGSP-72E) Go To: WGSP-72F Lead-In: WGSP-72C [Default] WGSP-72E INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner's overtime earnings value to be verified] [time unit for overtime pay] ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: WGSP-72F Lead-In: WGSP-72D [0:0] WGSP-72F [numeric value for time unit for overtime pay]; /* What time unit of overtime pay did R report? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-72G) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-72D [Default], WGSP-72E [Default] WGSP-72G How many hours did [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] usually work per week at this rate? (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-71XBB [Default], WGSP-72F [1:1] 62 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History WGSP-74C ([WGSP-71B] = 1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for daily/weekly/other time unit ROP - see WGSP-71G */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-74E) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-74D Lead-In: WGSP-71G [Default] WGSP-74D What were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual weekly earnings on [his/her] main job before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=1500 Then Go To: WGSP-74Ka If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-74K-1 Go To: WGSP-74Ka Lead-In: WGSP-74C [Default] WGSP-74K-1 What is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual weekly earnings on [his/her] main job before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-74Ka Lead-In: WGSP-74D [-2:-2] WGSP-74E Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual weekly earnings on [his/her] main job, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=1500 Then Go To: WGSP-74Ka If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-74K-2 Go To: WGSP-74Ka Lead-In: WGSP-74C [1:1] WGSP-74K-2 Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual weekly earnings on [his/her] main job, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Go To: WGSP-74Ka Lead-In: WGSP-74E [-2:-2] Then Go To: Q3YA-15A NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 63 WGSP-74Ka ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] >= [default minimum value of R 's reported weekly wages]) AND ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] <= [default maximum value of R 's reported weekly wages]); /* Is the reported weekly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-76O) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-74L Lead-In: WGSP-74D [Default], WGSP-74K-1 [Default], WGSP-74E [Default], WGSP-74K2 [Default], WGSP-74D [1:1500], WGSP-74E [1:1500] WGSP-74L INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner weekly/daily/other earnings value to be verified] WEEKLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to WGSP-74M) Go To: WGSP-76O Lead-In: WGSP-74Ka [Default] WGSP-74M INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner weekly/daily/other earnings value to be verified] WEEKLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: WGSP-76O Lead-In: WGSP-74L [0:0] WGSP-74T ([WGSP-71B] = 1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for monthly and bi-monthly time units for ROP */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-74V) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-74U Lead-In: WGSP-71G [8:8], WGSP-71G [5:5] WGSP-74U What were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual monthly earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Ba If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-75B-1 Go To: WGSP-75Ba Lead-In: WGSP-74T [Default] 64 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History WGSP-75B-1 What is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual monthly earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Ba If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-75Ba Lead-In: WGSP-74U [-2:-2] WGSP-74V Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual monthly earnings on [his/her] main job before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Ba If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-75B-2 Go To: WGSP-75Ba Lead-In: WGSP-74T [1:1] WGSP-75B-2 Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual monthly earnings on [his/her] main job before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Ba If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-75Ba Lead-In: WGSP-74V [-2:-2] WGSP-75Ba ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] >= [default minimum value of R 's monthly wages]) AND ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] <= [default maximum value of R 's monthly wages]); /* Is the reported monthly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-75I) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-75C Lead-In: WGSP-74U [Default], WGSP-75B-1 [Default], WGSP-74V [Default], WGSP-75B-2 [Default], WGSP-74U [1:6000], WGSP-74V [1:6000], WGSP-75B-1 [1:6000], WGSP-75B-2 [1:6000] WGSP-75C INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner monthly/bi-monthly earnings value to be verified] MONTHLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to WGSP-75D) Go To: WGSP-75I Lead-In: WGSP-75Ba [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 65 WGSP-75D INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS $[spouse/partner monthly/bimonthly earnings value to be verified] MONTHLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: WGSP-75I Lead-In: WGSP-75C [0:0] WGSP-75I ([WGSP-71B] = 1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for those reporting annual ROP. See WGSP-71G */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-75K) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-75J Lead-In: WGSP-75C [Default], WGSP-75D [Default], WGSP-71G [6:6], WGSP-75Ba [1:1] WGSP-75J What were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual annual earnings on [his/her] job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Qa If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-75Q-1 Go To: WGSP-75Qa Lead-In: WGSP-75I [Default] WGSP-75Q-1 What is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual annual earnings on [his/her] job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Qa If Answer =-2 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-75Qa Lead-In: WGSP-75J [-2:-2] WGSP-75K Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what are [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual annual earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Qa If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-75Q-2 Go To: WGSP-75Qa Lead-In: WGSP-75I [1:1] 66 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History WGSP-75Q-2 Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual annual earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: WGSP-75Qa If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-75Qa Lead-In: WGSP-75K [-2:-2] WGSP-75Qa ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] >= [default minimum value of R 's annual wages]) AND ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] <= [default maximum value of R 's annual wages]); /* Is the reported annual wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-76M) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-75R Lead-In: WGSP-75J [Default], WGSP-75Q-1 [Default], WGSP-75K [Default], WGSP-75Q-2 [Default], WGSP-75J [1:72000], WGSP-75K [1:72000], WGSP-75Q-1 [1:72000], WGSP-75Q-2 [1:72000] WGSP-75R INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner annual earnings value to be verified] ANNUALLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to WGSP-75S) Go To: WGSP-75X Lead-In: WGSP-75Qa [Default] WGSP-75S INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner annual earnings value to be verified] ANNUALLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: WGSP-75X Lead-In: WGSP-75R [0:0] WGSP-75X ([WGSP-71B] = 1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for R's that reported bi-weekly ROP in WGSP-71G */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-75Z) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-75Y Lead-In: WGSP-75R [Default], WGSP-75S [Default], WGSP-71G [4:4] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 67 WGSP-75Y What were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual bi-weekly earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=3000 Then Go To: WGSP-76Fa If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-76F-1 Go To: WGSP-76Fa Lead-In: WGSP-75X [Default] WGSP-76F-1 What is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual bi-weekly earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=3000 Then Go To: WGSP-76Fa If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-76Fa Lead-In: WGSP-75Y [-2:-2] WGSP-75Z Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what were [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual bi-weekly earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=3000 Then Go To: WGSP-76Fa If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A If Answer =-2 Then Go To: WGSP-76F-2 Go To: WGSP-76Fa Lead-In: WGSP-75X [1:1] WGSP-76F-2 Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what is your best estimate of [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s usual bi-weekly earnings on [his/her] main job in 1999, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=3000 Then Go To: WGSP-76Fa If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q3YA-15A Go To: WGSP-76Fa Lead-In: WGSP-75Z [-2:-2] WGSP-76Fa ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] >= [default minimum value of R 's bi-weekly wages]) AND ([spouse/partner's hourly rate of pay] <= [default maximum value of R 's bi-weekly wages]); /* Is the reported biweekly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-76M) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-76G Lead-In: WGSP-75Y [Default], WGSP-76F-1 [Default], WGSP-75Z [Default], WGSP-76F-2 [Default], WGSP-75Y [1:3000], WGSP-75Z [1:3000], WGSP-76F-1 [1:3000], WGSP-76F-2 [1:3000] 68 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History WGSP-76G INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner bi-weekly earnings value to be verified] BI-WEEKLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to WGSP-76H) Go To: WGSP-76M Lead-In: WGSP-76Fa [Default] WGSP-76H INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[spouse/partner bi-weekly earnings value to be verified] BI-WEEKLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: WGSP-76M Lead-In: WGSP-76G [0:0] WGSP-76M INPATH ([WGSP-75I]); /* Is there an entry in WGSP-75I? Did R report ROP in annual time unit? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-76N) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-76O Lead-In: WGSP-76G [Default], WGSP-76H [Default], WGSP-75Qa [1:1], WGSP-76Fa [1:1] WGSP-76N How many weeks a year did [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] get paid for in [his/her] main job in 1999? (ENTER NUMBER OF WEEKS) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: WGSP-76O Lead-In: WGSP-76M [1:1] WGSP-76O ([time unit for rate of pay for spouse/partner's job (code)] = 7) OR ([time unit for rate of pay for spouse/partner's job (code)] = -2); /* Did R report "other" time unit for rate of pay, or R didn't know or refused to report time unit for rate of pay? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-76P) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-76Q Lead-In: WGSP-74L [Default], WGSP-74M [Default], WGSP-76M [Default], WGSP-76N [Default], WGSP-74Ka [1:1] WGSP-76P Was [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] PAID AT AN HOURLY RATE on [his/her] main job in 1999? 1 0 Yes...(Go to WGSP-76R) No Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-76O [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 69 WGSP-76Q Even though you told me it is easier to report [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] earnings [time unit for rate of pay for spouse/partner's job], was [he/she] PAID AT AN HOURLY RATE on [his/her] job in 1999? 1 0 Yes...(Go to WGSP-76R) No Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-76O [Default] WGSP-76R ([WGSP-71B] = 1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to WGSP-76S) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: WGSP-76T Lead-In: WGSP-76P [1:1], WGSP-76Q [1:1] WGSP-76S EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what was [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s hourly rate of pay on [his/her] main job in 1999? (INTERVIEWER: IF MORE THAN $30.00 OR LESS THAN $1.00, PLEASE VERIFY AMOUNT.) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-76R [1:1] WGSP-76T What was [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner]'s hourly rate of pay on [his/her] main job in 1999? (INTERVIEWER: IF MORE THAN $30.00 OR LESS THAN $1.00, PLEASE VERIFY AMOUNT.) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| Go To: Q3YA-15A Lead-In: WGSP-76R [Default] Q3YA-15A During the past 12 months (or 52 weeks), how many weeks did [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] work at all jobs, either full-time or part-time, not counting work around the house? Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q3-62 Go To: Q3YA-15B Lead-In: WGSP-71W [Default], WGSP-71Xc [Default], WGSP-71Xg [Default], WGSP-72F [Default], WGSP-72G [Default], WGSP-76P [Default], WGSP-76Q [Default], WGSP-76S [Default], WGSP-76T [Default], WGSP-71Xd [1:6000], WGSP-71Xe [1:72000], WGSP-72C [1:1500], WGSP-71A [-1:-1], WGSP-71G [-1:-1], WGSP-71I [-1:-1], WGSP-71J [-1:-1], WGSP-71P [-2:-1], WGSP-71XB [-1:-1], WGSP-71XBB [-1:-1], WGSP-71Xd [-1:-1], WGSP71Xe [-1:-1], WGSP-71Xf [-1:-1], WGSP-72C [-2:-1], WGSP-74D [-1:-1], WGSP-74K-1 [-2:-1], WGSP-74E [-1:1], WGSP-74K-2 [-2:-1], WGSP-74U [-1:-1], WGSP-74V [-1:-1], WGSP-75B-1 [-2:-1], WGSP-75B-2 [-2:-1], WGSP-75J [-1:-1], WGSP-75K [-1:-1], WGSP-75Q-1 [-2:-2], WGSP-75Q-2 [-2:-1], WGSP-75Y [-1:-1], WGSP-75Z [-1:-1], WGSP-76F-1 [-2:-1], WGSP-76F-2 [-2:-1] 70 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3YA-15B In the weeks [Name of (most recent) spouse/partner] worked how many hours did [he/she] USUALLY work per week? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q3-62 Lead-In: Q3YA-15A [Default] Q3-62 ([marital status code]); /* skip according to marcode */ 7 1 2 Living with a partner (not married)...(Go to Q3-63) Married...(Go to Q3-72) Separated 3 6 0 Divorced Widowed Never married Go To: Q3-63 Lead-In: Q3YA-15B [Default], OCCSP-55H [2:2], Q3YA-15A [0:0] Q3-63 Now, I have some additional questions about your CURRENT relationship. Would you say your current relationship is... 1 2 3 Very happy Fairly happy Not too happy Go To: Q3-64a Lead-In: Q3-62 [Default], Q3-62 [7:7] Q3-64a How often do you and your partner.... Calmly discuss something? Would you say... 1 2 Almost Every Day Once or Twice a Week 3 4 Once or Twice a Month Less Than Once a Month Go To: Q3-64b Lead-In: Q3-63 [Default] Q3-64b (How often do you and your partner....) ....Laugh together? (Would you say...) 1 2 Almost Every Day Once or Twice a Week 3 4 Once or Twice a Month Less Than Once a Month Go To: Q3-64c Lead-In: Q3-64a [Default] Q3-64c (How often do you and your partner....) ....Tell each other about your day? (Would you say...) 1 2 Almost Every Day Once or Twice a Week Go To: Q3-65a Lead-In: Q3-64b [Default] 3 4 Once or Twice a Month Less Than Once a Month NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 71 Q3-65a How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about.... Chores and responsibilities? Would you say... 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65b Lead-In: Q3-64c [Default] Q3-65b (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about...) Your children, if you have any? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65c Lead-In: Q3-65a [Default] Q3-65c (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) ....Money? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65d Lead-In: Q3-65b [Default] Q3-65d (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) Showing affection toward each other? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65e Lead-In: Q3-65c [Default] Q3-65e (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) Religion? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65f Lead-In: Q3-65d [Default] Q3-65f (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) Leisure or free time? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes Go To: Q3-65g Lead-In: Q3-65e [Default] 3 4 Hardly Ever Never 72 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-65g (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) Drinking? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65h Lead-In: Q3-65f [Default] Q3-65h (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) Affairs with other people? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65i Lead-In: Q3-65g [Default] Q3-65i (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) [his/her] relatives? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65j Lead-In: Q3-65h [Default] Q3-65j (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) Your relatives? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65k Lead-In: Q3-65i [Default] Q3-65k (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) [his/her] friends? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-65l Lead-In: Q3-65j [Default] Q3-65l (How frequently do you and your partner have arguments about....) Your friends? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes Go To: Q3-65m Lead-In: Q3-65k [Default] 3 4 Hardly Ever Never NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-65m ([flag indicating R has indicated a same-sex partner on the household roster]=1); /* Machine check: Did R report a same-sex partner? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q3-65n) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q3-66 Lead-In: Q3-65l [Default] Q3-65n Do you and your partner have definite plans to stay together? 1 0 2 3 Yes No IF VOLUNTEERED, CONSIDER OURSELVES MARRIED IF VOLUNTEERED, HAVE HAD COMMITMENT CEREMONY Go To: Q4-0 Lead-In: Q3-65m [1:1] Q3-66 Do you and your partner have definite plans to get married? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q3-69a) No Go To: Q3-67 Lead-In: Q3-65m [Default] Q3-67 Do you think you will eventually marry [him/her]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q3-69) No Go To: Q3-68 Lead-In: Q3-66 [Default] Q3-68 Do you think you will ever marry? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q3-69) No Go To: Q4-0 Lead-In: Q3-67 [Default] Q3-69 At what age would you like to get married? Go To: Q4-0 Lead-In: Q3-67 [1:1], Q3-68 [1:1] Enter Answer: |__|__| 73 74 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-69a At what age do you plan to get married? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q4-0 Lead-In: Q3-66 [1:1] Q3-72 Now, I have some additional questions about your current relationship. Would you say that your marriage is ..... 1 2 3 Very happy Fairly happy Not too happy Go To: Q3-73a Lead-In: Q3-62 [1:1] Q3-73a How often do you and your [husband/wife]... Calmly discuss something? Would you say... 1 2 Almost Every Day Once or Twice a Week 3 4 Once or Twice a Month Less Than Once a Month Go To: Q3-73b Lead-In: Q3-72 [Default] Q3-73b (How often do you and your [husband/wife]...) ....Laugh together? (Would you say...) 1 2 Almost Every Day Once or Twice a Week 3 4 Once or Twice a Month Less Than Once a Month Go To: Q3-73c Lead-In: Q3-73a [Default] Q3-73c (How often do you and your [husband/wife]...) Tell each other about your day? (Would you say...) 1 2 Almost Every Day Once or Twice a Week 3 4 Once or Twice a Month Less Than Once a Month Go To: Q3-74a Lead-In: Q3-73b [Default] Q3-74a How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about.... Chores and responsibilities? Would you say... 1 2 Almost Every Day Once or Twice a Week Go To: Q3-74b Lead-In: Q3-73c [Default] 3 4 Once or Twice a Month Less Than Once a Month NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History 75 Q3-74b (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Your children, if you have any? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74c Lead-In: Q3-74a [Default] Q3-74c (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Money? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74d Lead-In: Q3-74b [Default] Q3-74d (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Showing affection toward each other? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74e Lead-In: Q3-74c [Default] Q3-74e (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Religion? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74f Lead-In: Q3-74d [Default] Q3-74f (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Leisure or free time? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74g Lead-In: Q3-74e [Default] Q3-74g (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Drinking? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes Go To: Q3-74h Lead-In: Q3-74f [Default] 3 4 Hardly Ever Never 76 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Dating and Relationship History Q3-74h (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Affairs with other people? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74i Lead-In: Q3-74g [Default] Q3-74i (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) [his/her] relatives? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74j Lead-In: Q3-74h [Default] Q3-74j (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Your relatives? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74k Lead-In: Q3-74i [Default] Q3-74k (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) [his/her] friends? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes 3 4 Hardly Ever Never Go To: Q3-74l Lead-In: Q3-74j [Default] Q3-74l (How frequently do you and your [husband/wife] have arguments about....) Your friends? (Would you say...) 1 2 Often Sometimes Go To: Q4-0 Lead-In: Q3-74k [Default] 3 4 Hardly Ever Never NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 77 SECTION 4: REGULAR SCHOOLING Q4-0 Now I would like to ask you some questions about school. Go To: Q4-1 Lead-In: Q3-58A [Default], Q3-65n [Default], Q3-68 [Default], Q3-69 [Default], Q3-69a [Default], Q3-74l [Default] Q4-1 Are you CURRENTLY attending or enrolled in REGULAR school, that is in an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, a college, or graduate school? (INTERVIEWER: DURING SUMMER, R IS ENROLLED IF R WAS IN SCHOOL IN THE SPRING AND WILL BE IN SCHOOL IN THE FALL) 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q4-2) No Go To: Q4-5B Lead-In: Q4-0 [Default] Q4-2 What grade or year of school is that? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 16 17 18 19 20 95 0 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE UNGRADED None Go To: Q4-3 Lead-In: Q4-1 [1:1] Q4-3 ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=1 ) and ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=12); /* CURRENTLY in grade between 1 and 12 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q4-7A) Go To: Q4-3A Lead-In: Q4-2 [Default] Q4-3A ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=0); /* Check: ever been interviewed? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-4) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-5 Lead-In: Q4-3 [Default] 78 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-4 There are many things that people might say to describe their schools. I am going to read some statements that other people have made about their schools, and I would like to know how well you think these statements describe your school.... Go To: Q4-4a Lead-In: Q4-3A [1:1] Q4-4a ...... As I read each statement, tell me whether you think the statement is very true, somewhat true, not too true, or not at all true for your school. It's easy to make friends at this school. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True Go To: Q4-4b ead-In: Q4-4 [Default] Q4-4b .......Most of the teachers are willing to help with personal problems. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True Go To: Q4-4c Lead-In: Q4-4a [Default] Q4-4c .......Most of my classes are boring. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True Go To: Q4-4d Lead-In: Q4-4b [Default] Q4-4d .......I don't feel safe at this school. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True Go To: Q4-4e Lead-In: Q4-4c [Default] Q4-4e .......Most of my teachers really know their subjects well. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True Go To: Q4-4f Lead-In: Q4-4d [Default] 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-4f ......You can get away with almost anything at this school. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True Go To: Q4-4g Lead-In: Q4-4e [Default] Q4-4g .......My schoolwork requires me to think to the best of my ability. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True Go To: Q4-4h Lead-In: Q4-4f [Default] Q4-4h .......At this school, a person has the freedom to learn what interests him or her. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True Go To: Q4-4i Lead-In: Q4-4g [Default] Q4-4i .......This school offers good job counseling. 1 2 Very True Somewhat True 3 4 Not Too True Not at All True Go To: Q4-5 Lead-In: Q4-4h [Default] Q4-5 How satisfied are you with your school -- very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? 1 2 Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied 3 4 Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Go To: Q4-7A Lead-In: Q4-3A [Default], Q4-4i [Default] Q4-5B ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=1); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-5C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-6 Lead-In: Q4-1 [Default] /* Check: ever been interviewed? */ 79 80 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-5C Since [text version of date of last interview], have you ever been enrolled in REGULAR school, that is in an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, a college or university, or graduate school? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q4-6) No Go To: Q4-5D Lead-In: Q4-5B [1:1] Q4-5D ([flag indicating if R had high school diploma as of DLI] =1); /* did R have HS diploma as of 1998 interview? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-31jja) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-28 Lead-In: Q4-5C [Default] Q4-6 When were you last enrolled in regular school -- What was the month and year? 1 0 SELECT TO ENTER MONTH AND YEAR Never enrolled...(Go to Q4-75) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q4-7 Go To: Q4-6a Lead-In: Q4-5B [Default], Q4-5C [1:1] Q4-6a (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-7 Lead-In: Q4-6 [Default] Q4-7 What is the main reason you left at that time? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) (IF MORE THAN ONE REASON GIVEN, PROBE: What is the main reason?) 1 10 2 3 11 5 4 RECEIVED DEGREE, COMPLETED COURSE WORK EXPELLED OR SUSPENDED GETTING MARRIED PREGNANCY SCHOOL TOO DANGEROUS LACK OF ABILITY, POOR GRADES OTHER REASONS DIDN'T LIKE SCHOOL Go To: Q4-7A Lead-In: Q4-6a [Default], Q4-6 [-2:-1] 6 7 8 9 12 13 HOME RESPONSIBILITIES OFFERED GOOD JOB, CHOSE TO WORK FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES, COULDN'T AFFORD TO GO ENTERED MILITARY MOVED AWAY FROM SCHOOL OTHER (SPECIFY) NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 81 Q4-7A ([flag indicating if R had high school diploma as of DLI] =1); /* did R have HS diploma as of 1998 interview? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-17a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-7B Lead-In: Q4-5 [Default], Q4-7 [Default], Q4-3 [0:0] Q4-7B ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); 1 0 /* Check: Is R 21 or over on 12/31/2000? */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-17a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-8 Lead-In: Q4-7A [Default] Q4-8 [Since the date of last interview how/How] many high schools have you attended? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q4-9 Lead-In: Q4-7B [Default] Q4-9 [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q4-14) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q4-14 Go To: Q4-10 Lead-In: Q4-8 [Default] Q4-10 How many times did you drop out of regular school and then return? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) If Answer =0 Enter Answer: |__|__| Then Go To: Q4-14 Go To: Q4-11 Lead-In: Q4-9 [Default] Q4-11 Thinking about the last time you dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned... In what month and year did you (last) drop out? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Go To: Q4-11a Lead-In: Q4-10 [Default] Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year 82 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-11a ("-"$[month and year (last) dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned]); /* Machine check: Does either the month or the year contain a minus sign? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-11d) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-12 Lead-In: Q4-11 [Default] 4-11d What grade in school were you in when you last dropped out? 1 2 3 4 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5 6 7 8 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9 10 11 12 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE Go To: Q4-12 Lead-In: Q4-11a [1:1] Q4-12 Thinking about the last time you dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned... In what month and year did you (last) return? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-13 Lead-In: Q4-11a [Default], Q4-11d [Default] Q4-13 What is the main reason for this (last) interruption? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) (IF MORE THAN ONE REASON GIVEN, PROBE: What is the MAIN reason?) 1 10 2 3 11 5 4 RECEIVED DEGREE, COMPLETED COURSE WORK EXPELLED OR SUSPENDED GETTING MARRIED PREGNANCY SCHOOL TOO DANGEROUS LACK OF ABILITY, POOR GRADES OTHER REASONS DIDN'T LIKE SCHOOL 6 7 8 9 12 13 HOME RESPONSIBILITIES OFFERED GOOD JOB, CHOSE TO WORK FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES, COULDN'T AFFORD TO GO ENTERED MILITARY MOVED AWAY FROM SCHOOL OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q4-14 Lead-In: Q4-12 [Default] Q4-14 [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] repeated a grade in school? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q4-16) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q4-16 Go To: Q4-15 Lead-In: Q4-13 [Default], Q4-9 [0:0], Q4-10 [0:0], Q4-9 [-1:-1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 83 Q4-15 What grade(s) did you repeat? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9 10 11 12 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE Go To: Q4-16 Lead-In: Q4-14 [Default] Q4-16 [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] skipped ahead a grade? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q4-17a) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q4-17a Go To: Q4-17 Lead-In: Q4-15 [Default], Q4-14 [0:0], Q4-14 [-1:-1] Q4-17 What grade(s) did you skip? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 9 10 11 12 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE Go To: Q4-17a Lead-In: Q4-16 [Default] Q4-17a ([is R currently enrolled]); /* is YA currently enrolled */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q4-18a) Go To: Q4-19 Lead-In: Q4-17 [Default], Q4-7A [1:1], Q4-7B [1:1], Q4-16 [0:0], Q4-16 [-1:-1] Q4-18a What is the highest grade of regular school you have ever attended? (INTERVIEWER: YOUNG ADULT IS NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE Go To: Q4-19 Lead-In: Q4-17a [0:0] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 16 17 18 19 20 95 0 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE UNGRADED None 84 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-19 What is the highest grade of regular school that you have completed and gotten credit for? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 2ND YEAR COLLEGE 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 16 17 18 19 20 95 0 4TH YEAR COLLEGE 5TH YEAR COLLEGE 6TH YEAR COLLEGE 7TH YEAR COLLEGE 8TH YEAR COLLEGE OR MORE UNGRADED None Go To: Q4-19AA Lead-In: Q4-17a [Default], Q4-18a [Default] Q4-19AA ([flag indicating if R had high school diploma as of DLI]=1); /* did R have HS diploma as of 1998 interview? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-56a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-19-a Lead-In: Q4-19 [Default] Q4-19-a ([highest grade R completed] > 12) OR ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2000]=1); /*Branch Rs who have completed one or more years of college but whom we don't know diploma status into diploma question. Also Branch Rs from grant sample for whom we do not know diploma status. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-28) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: SCHLFIND-A Lead-In: Q4-19AA [Default] SCHLFIND-A EMPTY ([name of school R attended at date of last interview]); /* machine check to see if name of school attending at DL1 is in information sheet*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to SCHLFIND-11) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: SCHLFIND-B Lead-In: Q4-19-a [Default] SCHLFIND-B Our records indicate that you were attending [name of school R attended at date of last interview] when we interviewed you on [date of last interview]. Is this the school [you are currently attending/you last attended]? 1 0 2 Yes...(Go to Q4-26a) No R SAYS DID NOT ATTEND THIS SCHOOL Go To: SCHLFIND-11 Lead-In: SCHLFIND-A [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling SCHLFIND-11 In what state is the (regular/high) school [you are currently attending/you last attended]? ENTER THE STATE: (1) ALABAMA (2) ALASKA (4) ARIZONA (5) ARKANSAS (6) CALIFORNIA (8) COLORADO (9) CONNECTICUT (10) DELAWARE (11) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (12) FLORIDA (13) GEORGIA (15) HAWAII (16) IDAHO (17) ILLINOIS (18) INDIANA (19) IOWA (20) KANSAS (21) KENTUCKY If Answer =-2 If Answer =-1 (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA Then Go To: SCHLFIND-18 Then Go To: Q4-25A Go To: SCHLFIND-13 Lead-In: SCHLFIND-B [Default], SCHLFIND-A [1:1] (39) (40) (41) (42) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING (99) NOT IN THE UNITED STATES 85 86 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling SCHLFIND-11A In which country? (300) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) UNITED STATES AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANTIGUA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BAHAMAS BANGLADESH (EAST PAKISTAN) BARBADOS BELGIUM BENIN BERMUDA BOLIVIA BRAZIL BULGARIA BURMA CAMBODIA CANADA QUEBEC CEYLON (SRI LANKA) CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COSTA RICA CUBA CURACAO CYPRUS CZECHOSLOVAKIA DENMARK DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR ENGLAND ETHIOPIA FINLAND FRANCE FRENCH GUIANA GAMBIA GERMANY If Answer =-2 If Answer =-1 (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156) (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (170) (171) (172) (173) (175) (176) (177) (178) (179) (180) (181) (182) (183) (184) (185) (186) (187) GHANA GREECE GUADELOUPE GUATEMALA GUINEA GIUNEA-BISSEAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HONG KONG HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN IRAQ IRELAND (EIRE) ISRAEL ITALY IVORY COAST JAMAICA JAPAN JORDAN KOREA LAOS LEBANON LIBERIA LIBYA LIECHTENSTEIN LUXEMBOURG MALAYSIA MALTA MARTINIQUE MEXICO MONACO MOROCCO NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA (PAPUA) NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGERIA NORTHERN IRELAND (ULSTER) (188) NORWAY (189) PAKISTAN (190) PANAMA (191) PARAGUAY (192) PHILIPPINES (193) PERU (194) POLAND (195) PORTUGAL (196) RHODESIA (197) ROMANIA (200) SAUDI ARABIA (201) SCANDINAVIA (202) SCOTLAND (203) SENEGAL (204) SIERRA LEONE (205) SINGAPORE (206) SOUTH AFRICA (207) SPAIN (208) SURINAM (199) SWEDEN (209) SWITZERLAND (210) SYRIA (211) TAIWAN (212) THAILAND (213) TOGO (214) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO (215) TUNISIA (216) TURKEY (218) UGANDA (219) URUGUAY (220) U.S.S.R. (221) VENEZUELA (222) VIETNAM (223) VIRGIN ISLANDS (not U.S.) (224) WALES (225) YUGOSLAVIA (45) OTHER-IN ASIA (47) OTHER-IN THE CARIBBEAN (48) OTHER-IN EUROPE (49) OTHER-IN THE MIDDLE EAST (50) OTHER-IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS (400) OTHER (SPECIFY) Then Go To: SCHLFIND-18 Then Go To: Q4-25A Go To: SCHLFIND-18 Lead-In: SCHLFIND-11 [99:99] SCHLFIND-13 PLEASE SELECT THE CITY: INTERVIEWER: IF CITY IS NOT ON LIST, SELECT "OTHER CITY" (LAST OPTION). If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=0 Go To: SCHLFIND-15 Lead-In: SCHLFIND-11 [Default] Then Go To: SCHLFIND-18 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 87 SCHLFIND-15 PLEASE SELECT THE SCHOOL: INTERVIEWER: IF SCHOOL IS NOT ON LIST, SELECT "OTHER SCHOOL" (LAST OPTION). PLEASE BE PATIENT, THIS MAY TAKE A MOMENT TO LOAD. If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=0 Then Go To: SCHLFIND-18 Go To: SCHLFIND-18 Lead-In: SCHLFIND-13 [Default] SCHLFIND-18 Verification Screen: Pin Number:: _________________________________ School Name:: _________________________________ Address:: ___________________________ City:: __________________________ State::_____________________ Go To: Q4-25A Lead-In: SCHLFIND-11A [Default], SCHLFIND-15 [Default], SCHLFIND-11 [-2:-2], SCHLFIND-15 [-2:0], SCHLFIND-13 [-2:0], SCHLFIND-11A [-2:-2] Q4-25A [Is/Was] that school a public or private school? 1 2 PUBLIC PRIVATE...(Go to Q4-25B) Go To: Q4-26 Lead-In: SCHLFIND-18 [Default], SCHLFIND-11 [-1:-1], SCHLFIND-11A [-1:-1] Q4-25B [Does/Did] that school have a religious affiliation or [Does/Did] it have no religious affiliation? 1 2 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION NO RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION Go To: Q4-26 Lead-In: Q4-25A [2:2] Q4-26 When did you start going to [this/that] school -- In what month and year? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-26a Lead-In: Q4-25A [Default], Q4-25B [Default] Q4-26a (([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=1) and ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=12)) and ([is R currently enrolled]=1); /* CURRENTLY ATTENDING is grade between 1 and 12 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-31) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-27b Lead-In: Q4-26 [Default], SCHLFIND-B [1:1] 88 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-27b When did you stop going to school there or graduate? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-28 Lead-In: Q4-26a [Default], Q4-26a [0:0] Q4-28 Do you have a high school diploma or have you ever passed a high school equivalency or G.E.D test? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q4-31jja) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q4-31jja Go To: Q4-29 Lead-In: Q4-5D [Default], Q4-27b [Default], Q4-19-a [1:1] Q4-29 Which do you have- a high school diploma or G.E.D? 1 2 3 High school diploma...(Go to Q4-30a) GED...(Go to Q4-30b) (IF VOLUNTEERED:) BOTH...(Go to Q4-30a) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q4-31jja Go To: Q4-30a Lead-In: Q4-28 [Default] Q4-30a When did you receive your high school diploma? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-31jja Lead-In: Q4-29 [Default], Q4-29 [3:3], Q4-29 [1:1] Q4-30b When did you receive your G.E.D? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-31jja Lead-In: Q4-29 [2:2] Q4-31 ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=0); /* Machine Check: Is R new to YA sample?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-31a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-31q Lead-In: Q4-26a [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 89 Q4-31a While in school, about how much time do you spend on homework each week? (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS. IF LESS THAN ONE HOUR PER WEEK, ENTER 00.) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q4-31b Lead-In: Q4-31 [1:1] Q4-31b Outside of school, about how much time do you spend on homework each week? (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS. IF LESS THAN ONE HOUR PER WEEK, ENTER 00.) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q4-31c Lead-In: Q4-31a [Default] Q4-31c How much additional reading do you do each week on your own outside of school not in connection to schoolwork? (Do not count any school-assigned reading.) (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS. IF LESS THAN ONE HOUR PER WEEK, ENTER 00.) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q4-31d Lead-In: Q4-31b [Default] Q4-31d In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher.... review the work from the previous day? Would you say never/rarely, 1-2 times a month, 1-2 times a week, almost every day, or every day? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31e Lead-In: Q4-31c [Default] Q4-31e (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) lecture to the whole class? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week Go To: Q4-31f Lead-In: Q4-31d [Default] 3 4 Almost every day Every day 90 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-31f (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) use a textbook or workbook? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31g Lead-In: Q4-31e [Default] Q4-31g (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) have you make a presentation in front of the class? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31h Lead-In: Q4-31f [Default] Q4-31h (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) have you work in small groups? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31i Lead-In: Q4-31g [Default] Q4-31i In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) read to you in class? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31j Lead-In: Q4-31h [Default] Q4-31j (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) have you read books in class? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week Go To: Q4-31k Lead-In: Q4-31i [Default] 3 4 Almost every day Every day NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 91 Q4-31k (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) give you a writing assignment to be graded? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31l Lead-In: Q4-31j [Default] Q4-31l (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) assign you worksheets or workbook pages in class? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31m Lead-In: Q4-31k [Default] Q4-31m (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) have you use a computer? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31n Lead-In: Q4-31l [Default] Q4-31n (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) give you a quiz or test? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31o Lead-In: Q4-31m [Default] Q4-31o (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) give you homework? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week Go To: Q4-31p Lead-In: Q4-31n [Default] 3 4 Almost every day Every day 92 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-31p (In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....) grade your homework and pass it back? 0 1 2 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a month 1-2 times a week 3 4 Almost every day Every day Go To: Q4-31q Lead-In: Q4-31o [Default] Q4-31q In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never? Check on whether you have done your homework? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31r Lead-In: Q4-31 [Default], Q4-31p [Default] Q4-31r (In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) Help you with your homework? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31s Lead-In: Q4-31q [Default] Q4-31s (In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) Give you special privileges because of good grades? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31t Lead-In: Q4-31r [Default] Q4-31t (In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) Limit privileges because of poor grades? 3 2 Often Sometimes Go To: Q4-31u Lead-In: Q4-31s [Default] 1 0 Rarely Never NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 93 Q4-31u How often do your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never? Require you to do work or chores around the home? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31v Lead-In: Q4-31t [Default] Q4-31v (How often do your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ...Limit the amount of time you can spend watching TV or playing video games? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31w Lead-In: Q4-31u [Default] Q4-31w (How often do your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ...Limit the amount of time you go out with friends on school nights? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31x Lead-In: Q4-31v [Default] Q4-31x In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never? ...Selecting courses or programs at school? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31y Lead-In: Q4-31w [Default] Q4-31y (In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ....School activities or events of particular interest to you? 3 2 Often Sometimes Go To: Q4-31aa Lead-In: Q4-31x [Default] 1 0 Rarely Never 94 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-31aa (In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ...Your grades or report card? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31cc Lead-In: Q4-31y [Default] Q4-31cc (In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ...Going to college? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31dd Lead-In: Q4-31aa [Default] Q4-31dd (In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ...Community, national or world events? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31ee Lead-In: Q4-31cc [Default] Q4-31ee (In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ...Things that are troubling you? 3 2 Often Sometimes 1 0 Rarely Never Go To: Q4-31ee-a Lead-In: Q4-31dd [Default] Q4-31ee-a ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=0); /* Machine Check: Is R new to YA sample?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-31ff) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-31jj Lead-In: Q4-31ee [Default] Q4-31ff In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month? ....Attend a school meeting? 0 1 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a term Go To: Q4-31gg Lead-In: Q4-31ee-a [1:1] 2 5 Once a month More than once a month NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 95 Q4-31gg (In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month?) ....Phone or speak to your teacher or counselor? 0 1 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a term 2 5 Once a month More than once a month Go To: Q4-31hh Lead-In: Q4-31ff [Default] Q4-31hh (In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month?) ....Attend a school event in which you participated? 0 1 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a term 2 5 Once a month More than once a month Go To: Q4-31ii Lead-In: Q4-31gg [Default] Q4-31ii (In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month?) ....Act as a volunteer at your school? 0 1 Never/Almost never 1-2 times a term 2 5 Once a month More than once a month Go To: Q4-31jj Lead-In: Q4-31hh [Default] Q4-31jja ([flag indicating if R has been enrolled in school since the date of last interview]<=0); /* check if not in school */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-31jjb) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-31jj Lead-In: Q4-30a [Default], Q4-30b [Default], Q4-28 [0:0], Q4-5D [1:1], Q4-28 [1:-1], Q4-29 [-1:-1] Q4-31jjb ([flag indicating if R has ever attended college]=1) AND ([flag indicating R has not reported receiving a college degree]=1); /* Machine check: Did R report no school since DLI, but at last interview had been attending college but had received no degree? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-56ra) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q5-1 Lead-In: Q4-31jja [1:1] Q4-31jj ([highest grade R completed] <=8 ); /* check if in grade 8 or less */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-74d) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-31kk Lead-In: Q4-31ee-a [Default], Q4-31ii [Default], Q4-31jja [Default] 96 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-31kk ([highest grade R completed] >12 ); /* check if R has completed at least one year of college */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-55B) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-34 Lead-In: Q4-31jj [Default] Q4-34 What was the average grade you got in your classes in your last year of high school? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) 1 2 3 4 A AB+ B 5 6 7 8 BC+ C C- 9 10 11 12 D+ D DE or F Go To: Q4-43a Lead-In: Q4-31kk [Default] Q4-43a Do you feel that your high school program [Is/Was] largely vocational, commercial, college preparatory, a general program, or some kind of specialized program? 1 2 3 Vocational Commercial College Preparatory 4 5 General Program Other Specialized program, ie, fine arts (SPECIFY) Go To: Q4-53 Lead-In: Q4-34 [Default] Q4-53 ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=11) and ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=12) and ([is R currently enrolled] >=1); /* Machine check: Is R currently enrolled in grades 11 or 12? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-53a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-55B Lead-In: Q4-43a [Default] Q4-53a [Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school? ....Interest Inventories (a checklist of student interests to determine future job interests) 1 2 3 I have used I have not used SCHOOL DOES NOT OFFER Go To: Q4-53b Lead-In: Q4-53 [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 97 Q4-53b ([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?) ....Job listings or other information about available jobs. 1 2 3 I have used I have not used SCHOOL DOES NOT OFFER Go To: Q4-53c Lead-In: Q4-53a [Default] Q4-53c ([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?) ....Job fairs where employers or the military describe available jobs. 1 2 3 I have used I have not used SCHOOL DOES NOT OFFER Go To: Q4-53d Lead-In: Q4-53b [Default] Q4-53d ([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?) ....Career placement counseling. 1 2 3 I have used I have not used SCHOOL DOES NOT OFFER Go To: Q4-53e Lead-In: Q4-53c [Default] Q4-53e ([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?) ....Letters of recommendation. 1 2 3 I have used I have not used SCHOOL DOES NOT OFFER Go To: Q4-53f Lead-In: Q4-53d [Default] Q4-53f ([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?) ....School arranged job interviews. 1 2 3 I have used I have not used SCHOOL DOES NOT OFFER Go To: Q4-54 Lead-In: Q4-53e [Default] 98 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-54 At your high school, [did/have] you [receive/received] any help in applying for vocational/technical school or college? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q4-54B) No Go To: Q4-55 Lead-In: Q4-53f [Default] Q4-54B Did you receive help with filling out vocational/technical school or college applications? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-54C Lead-In: Q4-54 [1:1] Q4-54C Did you receive help with filling out financial aid forms? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-54D Lead-In: Q4-54B [Default] Q4-54D Did you receive assistance in writing essays for the vocational/technical school or college applications? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-55 Lead-In: Q4-54C [Default] Q4-55 Many people may need financial aid for college or job training after high school. Have you or your parents ever received any information or help in finding out about this type of financial aid? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q4-55Aa) No Go To: Q4-55B Lead-In: Q4-54 [Default], Q4-54D [Default] Q4-55Aa Did you receive this help or information from your high school, either from a teacher or guidance counselor or from a financial aid meeting? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-55Ab Lead-In: Q4-55 [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 99 Q4-55Ab Did you receive this help or information directly from a vocational/technical school, or a college or university? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-55Ac Lead-In: Q4-55Aa [Default] Q4-55Ac Did you receive this help or information from any other source, such as a loan officer at a bank, the U.S. Department of Education, or the military? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-55B Lead-In: Q4-55Ab [Default] Q4-55B ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=12) and ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=13) and ([is R currently enrolled] >=1); /* Machine check: Is R currently enrolled in grade 12 or first year of college?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-55C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-56a Lead-In: Q4-53 [Default], Q4-55 [Default], Q4-55Ac [Default], Q4-31kk [1:1] Q4-55C Now I have a few questions about applying to college. Please tell me the name of each college, university, or other institutes of higher education that you applied to, if any. 1 0 SELECT TO ENTER COLLEGE NAMES...(Go to Q4-55D-LOOP-BEGIN) HAVE NOT APPLIED TO COLLEGE Go To: Q4-56a Lead-In: Q4-55B [1:1] Q4-55D-LOOP-BEGIN REPEAT ([loop to collect information about colleges R has applied to]); /* Begin loop to collect information about colleges R has applied to */ Go To: Q4-55E Lead-In: Q4-55C [1:1] Q4-55E Please tell me the name of the [first/next()] college, university, or other institute of higher education that you applied to. Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q4-55F Lead-In: Q4-55D-LOOP-BEGIN [Default] 100 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-55F Were you accepted to [name of college that R applied to()]? 1 0 2 Yes No DO NOT KNOW YET Go To: Q4-55G Lead-In: Q4-55E [Default] Q4-55G Did you apply to any other college, university, or other institute of higher education? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-55H-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q4-55F [Default] Q4-55H-LOOP-END UNTIL ([loop to collect information about colleges R has applied to], [flag indicating if R has applied to any more colleges, universities, etc. ()]=0); /* End loop about colleges */ Go To: Q4-56a Lead-In: Q4-55G [Default] Q4-56a ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)]>12); /* R ever attended college? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-56ra) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-74d Lead-In: Q4-55B [Default], Q4-55C [Default], Q4-55H-LOOP-END [Default], Q4-19AA [1:1] Q4-56ra ([flag indicating that R was attending college at last interview, but since the date of last interview has not attended college and has never received a degree]=1); /* Machine check: Did R report no college since DLI but we need to check for degree completion? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-61) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-56s Lead-In: Q4-56a [1:1], Q4-31jjb [1:1] Q4-56s ([is R currently enrolled]=1); 1 0 /* Machine check: Is R currently enrolled? */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-57) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-56t Lead-In: Q4-56ra [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 101 Q4-56t ([flag indicating if R has been enrolled in school since the date of last interview]=1); /* Machine check: Has R reported attening school since DLI? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-57) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-61 Lead-In: Q4-56s [Default] Q4-57 [When/After you completed high school when] did you [most recently begin to/first] attend college -- In what month and year? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-58 Lead-In: Q4-56s [1:1], Q4-56t [1:1] Q4-58 Now I would like to ask you about the degree-granting college or university you [(last)] [attending/attended] What is the name of the college or university you [(last)] [presently/blank] [attending/attended]? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q4-58a Lead-In: Q4-57 [Default] Q4-58a (INTERVIEWER: FOR COLLEGE LOCATOR SCREEN, ENTER COUNTY ONLY IF CITY OR TOWN IS NOT APPLICABLE, ENTER COUNTRY IF HIGH SCHOOL OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. (INTERVIEWER: MOVE BETWEEN FIELDS USING THE KEY. PRESS ON FIELD TO SELECT STATE. PRESS WHEN FINISHED.) SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________ CITY: _________________________________ COUNTY: _______________________ STATE: _____________________ COUNTRY: ____________________ Go To: Q4-61 Lead-In: Q4-58 [Default] Q4-61 [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] obtained any kind of academic degree, for example, an Associate's degree or any kind of college degree? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q4-63) No Go To: Q4-61A Lead-In: Q4-56t [Default], Q4-58a [Default], Q4-56ra [1:1] 102 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-61A ([flag indicating that R was attending college at last interview, but since the date of last interview has not attended college and has never received a degree]=1); /* Machine check: Did R enter this sequence only to verify whether a degree had been obtained? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q5-1) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-61B Lead-In: Q4-61 [Default] Q4-61B ([is R currently enrolled]=1); 1 0 /* Is YA currently enrolled */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-63a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-62 Lead-In: Q4-61A [Default] Q4-62 When did you stop attending college -- In what month and year? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-63a Lead-In: Q4-61B [Default] Q4-63 What is the name of the most recent college degree you received? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 4 5 Associate/Junior College (AA) Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) Bachelor of Science (BS) Master's Degree (MA, MBA, MS, MSW) 6 7 3 Doctoral Degree (PhD) Professional Degree (MD, LLD, DDS) Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q4-63-A Lead-In: Q4-61 [1:1] Q4-63-A When did you receive that degree -- In what month and year? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q4-63a Lead-In: Q4-63 [Default] Q4-63a What [Is/Was] your field of study? PROBE IF NECESSARY: What [Are/Were] you majoring in? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD VERBATIM THEN CODE ONLY ONE ON NEXT SCREEN.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q4-64 Lead-In: Q4-62 [Default], Q4-63-A [Default], Q4-61B [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-64 (What [Is/Was] your field of study?) (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES PROBE IF NECESSARY: What [Are/Were] you majoring in?) CODE ONLY ONE. (0) None, no major yet (didn't/don't) have to declare yet; (hadn't/haven't) decided (1) Agriculture/Natural resources (2) Anthropology (3) Archaeology (4) Architecture/Environmental design (5) Area studies (6) Biological sciences (7) Business management (8) Communications (9) Computer/Information science (10) Criminology (11) Economics (12) Education (13) Engineering (14) English (15) Ethnic studies (16) Fine and applied arts (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (99) Foreign languages History Home economics Interdisciplinary studies Mathematics Nursing Other health professions Philosophy Physical sciences Political science and government Pre-dental Pre-law Pre-med Pre-vet Psychology Sociology Theology/religious studies Other field (specify) Go To: Q4-64A Lead-In: Q4-63a [Default] Q4-64A ([flag indicating if R has an academic degree]=1); 1 0 /* Did YA indicate receiving a degree? */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-64B) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-65 Lead-In: Q4-64 [Default] Q4-64B Have you obtained any other academic degree? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q4-64C) No Go To: Q4-65 Lead-In: Q4-64A [1:1] Q4-64C What other college degree(s) have you received? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 4 5 Associate/Junior College (AA) Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) Bachelor of Science (BS) Master's Degree (MA, MBA, MS, MSW) Go To: Q4-64D Lead-In: Q4-64B [1:1] 6 7 3 Doctoral Degree (PhD) Professional Degree (MD, LLD, DDS) Other (SPECIFY) 103 104 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-64D ([flag indicating that R was attending college at last interview, but since the date of last interview has not attended college and has never received a degree]=1); /* Machine check: Did R enter this sequence only to determine degree attainment? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q5-1) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-65 Lead-In: Q4-64C [Default] Q4-65 ([is R currently enrolled]=1); /* Is YA currently enrolled */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-67) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-74d Lead-In: Q4-64A [Default], Q4-64B [Default], Q4-64D [Default] Q4-67 [Does/Did] the school you [attending/attended] consider you a full or part-time student? IF DON'T KNOW, PROBE: What do you consider yourself to be? 1 2 Full-Time Part-Time Go To: Q4-68 Lead-In: Q4-65 [1:1] Q4-68 What [Are/Were] the full-time tuition and fees for this academic year at the school where you [Are/Were] [currently/blank] enrolled? Please include the full amount even though you may [blank/have] [obtain/obtained] some of the money from scholarships or other sources. Do not include charges for room and board....... Go To: Q4-68a Lead-In: Q4-67 [Default] Q4-68a ([flag indicating if R is enrolled in college full-time]=1); /* check if r is full-time in college */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-68c) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-68b Lead-In: Q4-68 [Default] Q4-68b (IF YOUNG ADULT IS ENROLLED PART-TIME, PROBE:) Even though you [Are/Were] not enrolled full-time, please tell me what the tuition and fees would [blank/have] [be/been] if you WERE going full-time? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q4-69 Lead-In: Q4-68a [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 105 Q4-68c (INTERVIEWER: ENTER AMOUNT OF FULL-TIME TUITION AND FEES INDICATED BY R) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q4-69 Lead-In: Q4-68a [1:1] Q4-69 Did you receive a loan to cover any of the costs for this year's college expenses? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q4-72) Go To: Q4-70 Lead-In: Q4-68b [Default], Q4-68c [Default] Q4-70 What was the amount of the loan? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q4-71 Lead-In: Q4-69 [Default] Q4-71 About how much of the year's expenses did this loan cover? Was it.... 1 2 Less than 1/4 At least 1/4 but less than 1/2 3 4 At least 1/2 but less than 3/4 3/4 or more Go To: Q4-72 Lead-In: Q4-70 [Default] Q4-72 [Are/Were] you receiving any (other) form of financial aid for the academic year, such as a scholarship, a grant, a fellowship, an assistantship, tuition waiver, or veteran's educational benefits under the G.I. Bill or V.E.A.P.? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q4-74a) Go To: Q4-73a Lead-In: Q4-71 [Default], Q4-69 [0:0] Q4-73a We would like to know which forms of financial aid you [Have/Had] received. First, [do/did] you have.... Work study? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73b Lead-In: Q4-72 [Default] 106 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-73b (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) A scholarship? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73c Lead-In: Q4-73a [Default] Q4-73c (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) A grant? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73d Lead-In: Q4-73b [Default] Q4-73d (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) A fellowship? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73e Lead-In: Q4-73c [Default] Q4-73e (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) An assistantship? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73f Lead-In: Q4-73d [Default] Q4-73f (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) A tuition waiver? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73g Lead-In: Q4-73e [Default] Q4-73g (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) Any veterans educational benefits or V.E.A.P.? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73h Lead-In: Q4-73f [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling 107 Q4-73h (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) Any aid from the military educational assistance program? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-73i Lead-In: Q4-73g [Default] Q4-73i (Next, [do/did] you (also) have....) Any OTHER form of financial aid? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-74a Lead-In: Q4-73h [Default] Q4-74a ([is R currently enrolled]= 1); /* check if currently attending */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-74b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q4-74c Lead-In: Q4-73i [Default], Q4-72 [0:0] Q4-74b During this school year, have any relatives or friends (other than your [spouse/partner]) helped pay for your schooling or your living expenses? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-74d Lead-In: Q4-74a [1:1] Q4-74c In the last school year you attended college, did any relatives or friends (other than your [spouse/partner]) help pay for your schooling or your living expenses? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q4-74d Lead-In: Q4-74a [Default] Q4-74d ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=0); /* Machine check: Is R new to YA sample?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q4-75) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q5-1 Lead-In: Q4-56a [Default], Q4-65 [Default], Q4-74b [Default], Q4-74c [Default], Q4-31jj [1:1] 108 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Regular Schooling Q4-75 What is the highest grade or year of REGULAR school, that is elementary school, high school, college, or graduate school that you would LIKE to complete? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 2ND YEAR COLLEGE (ASSOCIATE'S DEGREE) 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 4TH YEAR COLLEGE (BACHELOR'S DEGREE) 5TH YEAR COLLEGE (MASTER'S DEGREE) MORE THAN 5 YEARS OF COLLEGE (LAW DEGREE, Ph.D., M.D, LLD, DDS, JD) Go To: Q4-76 Lead-In: Q4-6 [0:0], Q4-74d [1:1] Q4-76 As things now stand, what is the highest grade or year you think you will ACTUALLY complete? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE Go To: Q5-1 Lead-In: Q4-75 [Default] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR COLLEGE 2ND YEAR COLLEGE (ASSOCIATE'S DEGREE) 3RD YEAR COLLEGE 4TH YEAR COLLEGE (BACHELOR'S DEGREE) 5TH YEAR COLLEGE (MASTER'S DEGREE) MORE THAN 5 YEARS OF COLLEGE (LAW DEGREE, Ph.D., M.D, LLD, DDS, JD) NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Military 109 SECTION 5: MILITARY Q5-1 [R's age]; /* check value of age which was calculated in section 2 If Answer >=14 and Answer <=16 */ Then Go To: Q5-3-LOOP-BEGIN Go To: Q5-1A Lead-In: Q4-31jjb [Default], Q4-74d [Default], Q4-76 [Default], Q4-61A [1:1], Q4-64D [1:1] Q5-1A The next few questions are about service in the military. Go To: Q5-2 Lead-In: Q5-1 [Default] Q5-2 [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] enlisted or been sworn into any branch of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard or Reserves? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q5-3-LOOP-BEGIN Lead-In: Q5-1A [Default] Q5-3-LOOP-BEGIN REPEAT ([loop about military branches]); /*Start loop about military branches*/ Go To: Q5-3-c Lead-In: Q5-2 [Default], Q5-1 [14:16] Q5-3-c ([R's age] <= 16); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q5-11-LOOP-END) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q5-3-d Lead-In: Q5-3-LOOP-BEGIN [Default] Q5-3-d ([Has R ever enlisted in military?]); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q5-11-LOOP-END) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q5-11-LOOP-END Go To: Q5-3 Lead-In: Q5-3-c [Default] 110 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Military Q5-3 What is the [most recent/next()] branch that you have been sworn into? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES. FOR THE BRANCH CHOSEN, BE SURE TO ASK SPECIFICALLY IF R SERVED IN THE REGULAR BRANCH, THE RESERVES OR GUARD, OR BOTH. IF BOTH, ASK WHICH BRANCH R SERVED IN FIRST AND R WILL BE ASKED ABOUT THE SECOND BRANCH LATER. CODE ONE) 1 2 3 4 11 ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE MARINES COAST GUARD 5 6 7 8 ARMY RESERVES NAVY RESERVES AIR FORCE RESERVES MARINE RESERVES 12 9 10 13 COAST GUARD RESERVES AIR NATIONAL GUARD ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q5-3AB Lead-In: Q5-3-d [Default] Q5-3AB ([code for branch()]); /* get text for branch name */ 1 2 3 4 11 5 6 ARMY...(Go to Q5-3AC) NAVY...(Go to Q5-3AD) AIR FORCE...(Go to Q5-3AC) MARINES...(Go to Q5-3AD) COAST GUARD...(Go to Q5-3AD) ARMY RESERVES NAVY RESERVES 7 8 12 9 10 13 AIR FORCE RESERVES MARINE RESERVES COAST GUARD RESERVES AIR NATIONAL GUARD ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q5-3B Lead-In: Q5-3 [Default] Q5-3AC Was that the regular [branch of military service()], the [branch of military service()] Reserves, or the [branch of military service()] National Guard? (INTERVIEWER: IF R SERVED IN BOTH REGULAR BRANCH AND THE RESERVES OR GUARD, PLEASE SELECT MOST RECENT BRANCH) 1 2 3 Regular branch Reserves ...(Go to Q5-3B) National Guard...(Go to Q5-3B) Go To: Q5-3B Lead-In: Q5-3AB [1:1], Q5-3AB [3:3] Q5-3AD Was that the regular [branch of military service()], the [branch of military service()] Reserves? (INTERVIEWER: IF R SERVED IN BOTH REGULAR BRANCH AND THE RESERVES OR GUARD, PLEASE SELECT MOST RECENT BRANCH) 1 2 3 Regular branch Reserves ...(Go to Q5-3B) National Guard...(Go to Q5-3B) Go To: Q5-3B Lead-In: Q5-3AB [4:4], Q5-3AB [2:2], Q5-3AB [11:11] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Military 111 Q5-3B We would like to ask you about your service in the [branch of military service()]. Go To: Q5-3C Lead-In: Q5-3AB [Default], Q5-3AC [Default], Q5-3AD [Default], Q5-3AC [2:2], Q53AC [3:3], Q5-3AD [2:2], Q5-3AD [3:3] Q5-3C (([code for branch()]=1) or ([code for branch()]=2) or ([code for branch()]=3) or ([code for branch()]=4) or ([code for branch()]=11)); /*check to see if R served in an active branch*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q5-3E) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q5-3D Lead-In: Q5-3B [Default] Q5-3D What month and year did you first enter the [branch of military service()]? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q5-3F Lead-In: Q5-3C [Default] Q5-3E What month and year did you first enter into active duty in the [branch of military service()]? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER DATE ON NEXT SCREEN) 1 2 DELAYED ENTRY PROGRAM...(Go to Q5-3Ef) PAST ENTRY Go To: Q5-3Ee Lead-In: Q5-3C [1:1] Q5-3Ee What month and year did you first enter into active duty in the [branch of military service()]? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q5-3G Lead-In: Q5-3E [Default] Q5-3Ef What month and year will you first enter into active duty in the [branch of military service()]? (INTERVIEWER: DELAYED ENTRY PROGRAM SELECTED) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q5-11-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q5-3E [1:1] 112 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Military Q5-3F Are you currently serving in the [branch of military service()]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q5-3K) No Go To: Q5-3H Lead-In: Q5-3D [Default] Q5-3G Are you currently serving on active duty in the [branch of military service()]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q5-3K) No Go To: Q5-3K Lead-In: Q5-3Ee [Default] Q5-3H Are you still actively participating in the [branch of military service()]? (IF NECESSARY, PROBE: Do you still attend weekend drills and/or summer camp?) 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q5-3K Lead-In: Q5-3F [Default] Q5-3K ([flag indicating if R is currently active in any branch of armed forces()]); /*check to see if R is currently active in any branch of armed forces*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q5-4) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q5-5bc Lead-In: Q5-3G [Default], Q5-3H [Default], Q5-3F [1:1], Q5-3G [1:1] Q5-4 In what month and year will your current enlistment end? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q5-5c Lead-In: Q5-3K [1:1] Q5-5bc In what month and year did you separate from [branch of military service()]? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q5-5c Lead-In: Q5-3K [Default] Q5-5c Now I would like to ask you about your military jobs and training [in the time you left the/in the()] [branch of military service()]. Go To: Q5-9-b Lead-In: Q5-4 [Default], Q5-5bc [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Military 113 Q5-9-b What [Is/Was()] your [current/blank()] Primary [job in the Armed Forces()]? (IF NECESSARY, PROBE:) What [Is/Was()] the name of the job you were trained for? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q5-9a Lead-In: Q5-5c [Default] Q5-9a What [Are/Were()] your main activities or duties? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q5-9B Lead-In: Q5-9-b [Default] Q5-9B What is the code associated with your primary [job in the Armed Forces()]? Enter Answer: __________________ Go To: Q5-9bb Lead-In: Q5-9a [Default] Q5-9bb Did you receive any formal school training for [this/that()] [job in the Armed Forces()]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q5-10) No Go To: Q5-10b Lead-In: Q5-9B [Default] Q5-10 In all, how many weeks of formal school or training did you complete? (ENTER WEEKS) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q5-10b Lead-In: Q5-9bb [1:1] Q5-10b Did you receive any on the job training for [this/that()] [job in the Armed Forces()]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q5-10ba) No Go To: Q5-10c Lead-In: Q5-9bb [Default], Q5-10 [Default] Q5-10ba In all, how many weeks of on the job training for [this/that()] [job in the Armed Forces()] did you receive? (ENTER WEEKS) Go To: Q5-10c Lead-In: Q5-10b [1:1] Enter Answer: |__|__|__| 114 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Military Q5-10c Excluding on the job training and formal school, [since/after()] you completed training, how many months [have/did()] you actually [work/worked()] in [your/that()] [current/blank()] [job in the Armed Forces()]? (ENTER MONTHS) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q5-11 Lead-In: Q5-10b [Default], Q5-10ba [Default] Q5-11 ([flag indicating if R is currently active in any branch of armed forces()]); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q5-11c) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q5-11a Lead-In: Q5-10c [Default] Q5-11a Since you left the [branch of military service()] have you used any skills from that [job in the Armed Forces()] in a civilian job? 1 0 3 Yes No...(Go to Q5-11c) IF VOLUNTEERED :No civilian job...(Go to Q5-11c) Go To: Q5-11b Lead-In: Q5-11 [Default] Q5-11b Does your CURRENT civilian job use any skills from your [job in the Armed Forces()]? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q5-11c Lead-In: Q5-11a [Default] Q5-11c In addition to [your/the()] [current/blank()] Primary [job in the Armed Forces()] [have/did()] you [receive/received()] training in any other [job in the Armed Forces()]? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q5-11d Lead-In: Q5-11b [Default], Q5-11 [1:1], Q5-11a [0:0], Q5-11a [3:3] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Military 115 Q5-11d At the time you entered the [branch of military service()] how many years of regular school had you completed and got credit for? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE 5TH GRADE 6TH GRADE 7TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 11TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 1ST YEAR OF COLLEGE 2ND YEAR OF COLLEGE 3RD YEAR OF COLLEGE 16 17 18 19 20 95 0 4TH YEAR OF COLLEGE 5TH YEAR OF COLLEGE 6TH YEAR OF COLLEGE 7TH YEAR OF COLLEGE 8TH YEAR OF COLLEGE OR MORE UNGRADED NONE Go To: Q5-11e Lead-In: Q5-11c [Default] Q5-11e During your service in the [branch of military service()], [did/have()] you [take/taken()] any courses for which you received high school or college credit? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q5-11aa Lead-In: Q5-11d [Default] Q5-11aa Now taking all these things together, how satisfied [Are/Were()] you with the [branch of military service()]?— 1 2 Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied 3 4 Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Go To: Q5-11bb Lead-In: Q5-11e [Default] Q5-11bb Have you been sworn into any other branches? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q5-11-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q5-11aa [Default] Q5-11-LOOP-END UNTIL ([loop about military branches], [flag indicating if R has been sworn into any other branch of the armed services()]=0 or [loop about military branches]=2); /* End loop about military branches */ Go To: Q7-0 Lead-In: Q5-3Ef [Default], Q5-11bb [Default], Q5-3-c [1:1], Q5-3-d [0:0], Q5-3-d [-1:-1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 117 SECTION 7: JOBS/EMPLOYER SUPPLEMENT Q7-0 We would now like to ask you about your employment experiences since [date of last interview]. Go To: Q7-1 Lead-In: Q5-11-LOOP-END [Default] Q7-1 [Besides your military service, have/Have] you done any [other/blank] work for pay since [date of last interview]? 1 0 YES NO...(Go to Q7-1A) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q9-1 Go To: Q7-LOOP-BEGIN Lead-In: Q7-0 [Default] Q7-1A (READ TO RESPONDENT:) You have reported no work for pay (besides your military service) since [date of last interview]. Is that correct? (INTERVIEWER: IMPORTANT: DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL THE RESPONDENT CONFIRMS REPORTS OF EMPLOYERS SINCE [date of last interview]. IF RESPONSE IS "NO", RETURN TO QUESTION "Q7-1" AND ENTER YES. IF RESPONSE IS "YES", PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Go To: Q9-1 Lead-In: Q7-1 [0:0] Q7-LOOP-BEGIN REPEAT ([loop to gather information on employers since the date of last interview]); /* BEGIN LOOPS TO GATHER INFORMATION ON EMPLOYERS SINCE DATE OF LAST INTERVIEW */ Go To: Q7-2E Lead-In: Q7-1 [Default] Q7-2E ([loop to gather information on employers since the date of last interview]=1); /* Machine Check: Is this the first time through? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q7-3) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q7-26 Lead-In: Q7-LOOP-BEGIN [Default] Q7-3 Beginning with your current or most recent job, we'd like to ask you some questions about the employers you have had for pay since [date of last interview]. If you (are/were) working more than one job at the same time, please tell me about the job that you work(ed) the most hours for first. Go To: Q7-26 Lead-In: Q7-2E [1:1] 118 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement Q7-26 What is the name of the [first/next()] employer you've had since [date of last interview]? 1 2 SELECT TO RECORD EMPLOYER NAME (IF VOLUNTEERED:) MORE THAN ONE EMPLOYER FOR A JOB...(Go to Q7-26A) Go To: Q7-27 Lead-In: Q7-2E [Default], Q7-3 [Default] Q7-26A During a single month, (do/did) you generally work for ONE employer or MORE THAN ONE employer for this job? 1 2 One employer More than one employer...(Go to Q7-27A) Go To: Q7-26C Lead-In: Q7-26 [2:2] Q7-26C Please tell me about EACH employer you have worked for on this job SEPARATELY, starting with the most recent employer. Go To: Q7-27 Lead-In: Q7-26A [Default] Q7-27 (INTERVIEWER: ENTER EMPLOYER NAME VERBATIM.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q7-27A Lead-In: Q7-26 [Default], Q7-26C [Default] Q7-27A When did you first start working for [Name of new employers()] [(on that job)()]? (INTERVIEWER: YOU MUST ENTER A VALID YEAR IN THIS QUESTION. REPORT ANY UNUSUAL ANSWERS IN A COMMENT.) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q7-27C Lead-In: Q7-27 [Default], Q7-26A [2:2] Q7-27C Are you currently working for [Name of new employers()] [(on that job)()]? (INTERVIEWER: IF R IS UNDECIDED, CONTINUE WITH PROBING QUESTION BY PRESSING FOR DON'T KNOW. ) 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q7-27Ka) No...(Go to Q7-27K) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q7-27K Go To: Q7-27D Lead-In: Q7-27A [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 119 Q7-27D (PROBE:) IS RESPONDENT ON MATERNITY LEAVE? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q7-27E) No Go To: Q7-27F Lead-In: Q7-27C [Default] Q7-27E (PROBE:) WILL RESPONDENT BE ON MATERNITY LEAVE FOR LESS THAN 90 DAYS, TOTAL? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q7-27Ka) No Go To: Q7-27K Lead-In: Q7-27D [1:1] Q7-27F (PROBE:) DOES R RECEIVE WAGES FROM EMPLOYER FOR TIME NOT WORKING THERE? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q7-27Ka) No Go To: Q7-27G Lead-In: Q7-27D [Default] Q7-27G (PROBE:) IS THERE A COMMITMENT ON THE EMPLOYER'S AND RESPONDENT'S PART TO RETURN TO WORK IN THE FUTURE? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW.) 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q7-27K) Go To: Q7-27H Lead-In: Q7-27F [Default] Q7-27H (PROBE:) IS THE RESPONDENT CURRENTLY ON LAYOFF? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q7-27Ka) Go To: Q7-27K Lead-In: Q7-27G [Default] Q7-27K When did you last stop working for [Name of new employers()] [after start date for new employer()/after you began working there]? (INTERVIEWER: R IS NOT CURRENTLY WORKING FOR [Name of new employers()].) (INTERVIEWER: YOU MUST ENTER A VALID YEAR IN THIS QUESTION. REPORT ANY UNUSUAL ANSWERS IN A COMMENT.) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q7-27Ka Lead-In: Q7-27E [Default], Q7-27H [Default], Q7-27C [0:0], Q7-27G [0:0], Q7-27C [-1:-1] 120 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement Q7-27Ka ([flag indicating if R gave DK or refusal for month began job()]>0); /* Machine Check: Did R already give a DK/REF on start date? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q7-27Kh) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q7-27Kf Lead-In: Q7-27K [Default], Q7-27C [1:1], Q7-27E [1:1], Q7-27F [1:1], Q7-27H [0:0] Q7-27Kf ([month R stopped working for new employer()()]); /* Machine Check: Did R indicate DK or refusal of month ended job? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q7-27Kh Go To: Q7-27Kg Lead-In: Q7-27Ka [Default] Q7-27Kg ([year R stopped working for new employer()()]); /* Machine Check: Did R indicate DK or refusal of year ended job? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q7-27Kh Go To: Q7-28 Lead-In: Q7-27Kf [Default] Q7-27Kh About how long [have you been working/did you work] for [Name of new employers()]? 1 2 3 SELECT TO ENTER WEEKS SELECT TO ENTER MONTHS...(Go to Q7-27Kj) SELECT TO ENTER YEARS...(Go to Q7-27Kl) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q7-27Kma Go To: Q7-27Ki Lead-In: Q7-27Ka [1:1], Q7-27Kf [-2:-1], Q7-27Kg [-2:-1] Q7-27Ki ENTER WEEKS WORKED FOR [Name of new employers()]: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q7-28 Lead-In: Q7-27Kh [Default] Q7-27Kj ENTER MONTHS WORKED FOR [Name of new employers()]: Go To: Q7-28 Lead-In: Q7-27Kh [2:2] Enter Answer: |__|__| NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 121 Q7-27Kl ENTER YEARS WORKED FOR [Name of new employers()]: Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q7-28 Lead-In: Q7-27Kh [3:3] Q7-27Kma [Have you been working/Did you work] for [Name of new employers()] for two months or more? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q7-28 Lead-In: Q7-27Kh [-2:-1] Q7-28 How many hours per week [do/did] you USUALLY work at this job? (PROBE: DURING WEEKS WHEN YOU [are/were] WORKING). If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Then Go To: Q7-28A Go To: Q7-28B Lead-In: Q7-27Kg [Default], Q7-27Ki [Default], Q7-27Kj [Default], Q7-27Kl [Default], Q7-27Kma [Default] Q7-28A Did you work for [Name of new employers()] 10 or more hours per week or less than 10 hours per week? 1 2 10 HOURS PER WEEK OR MORE LESS THAN 10 HOURS PER WEEK Go To: Q7-28B Lead-In: Q7-28 [-2:-1] Q7-28B ([loop to gather information on employers since the date of last interview]=1); /* Machine Check: Is this the first time through? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q7-29 Lead-In: Q7-28 [Default], Q7-28A [Default] Q7-29 ([hours per week usually worked for employer()]); 1 0 /* Machine Check: Did R say DK/REF on hours per week? */ CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Go To: Q7-29A Lead-In: Q7-28B [Default] Then Go To: Q7-29B 122 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement Q7-29A ([hours per week usually worked for employer()]>9); /* Machine Check: Did R work 10 or more hours per week? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q7-30) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-100 Lead-In: Q7-29 [Default] Q7-29B ([flag indicating if R worked 10 or more hours per week for new employer()()]=1); /* Machine Check: Did R work 10 or more hours per week? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q7-30) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-100 Lead-In: Q7-29 [-2:-1] Q7-30 ([flag indicating if R gave DK or refusal for how long they have worked/worked for new employer()()]); /* Machine check: Branch on whether R gave a bad date */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q7-32) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q7-31A Go To: Q7-31 Lead-In: Q7-29A [1:1], Q7-29B [1:1] Q7-31 ([number of weeks R has been working/worked for new employer()()]>9); /* Machine Check: Did R report working more than 9 weeks (DK or REF on dates)? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-100 Lead-In: Q7-30 [Default] Q7-31A ([flag indicating if R has been working or worked for new employer() for two months or more()]=1); /* Machine Check: Did R report working more than two months (DK or REF on dates/probe)? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-100 Lead-In: Q7-30 [-2:-1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 123 Q7-32 CTOD(SUBSTR ([stop date for new employer()()],01,02) + "/15/" + SUBSTR([stop date for new employer()()],04,04)) < [date of last interview]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ /* Machine Check: Is ending date of job before date of last interview? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-100) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q7-34 Lead-In: Q7-30 [0:0] Q7-34 ([number of months worked()]>2); 1 0 /* Machine check: Did R work more than two months for employer? */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-100 Lead-In: Q7-32 [Default] QES-5 [Since you began working for new employer()/During the time you worked for new emlpoyer()], were there any periods of one week or more during which you were NOT working for [Name of new employers()], not counting PAID vacation or PAID sick leave? 1 0 2 Yes...(Go to QES-6A) No JOB IS IRREGULAR OR SEASONAL Go To: QES-55E Lead-In: Q7-28B [1:1], Q7-31 [1:1], Q7-34 [1:1], Q7-31A [1:1] QES-6A What is the total number of weeks you DID NOT work for [Name of new employers()]? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: QES-55E Lead-In: QES-5 [1:1] QES-55E What kind of business or industry [is/was] this? (READ IF NECESSARY:) What do they make or where do you [work/worked]? Enter Answer: _____________________ If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: QES-55G Go To: QES-55H Lead-In: QES-5 [Default], QES-6A [Default] QES-55G [Is/Was] this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else? 1 2 3 Manufacturing Retail trade Wholesale trade Go To: QES-55H Lead-In: QES-55E [-2:-1] 5 4 Service OTHER (SPECIFY) - Something else 124 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-55H What kind of work [do/did] you do. That is, what [is/was] your occupation? (For example: plumber, typist, farmer..) (INTERVIEWER: INITIALIZE SCREEN AND PRESS TO ENTER TEXT. PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: QES-55J Lead-In: QES-55E [Default], QES-55G [Default] QES-55J What [are/were] your usual activities or duties at this job? (For example: types, keeps account books, files, sells cars, operates printing press, lays brick...) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: QES-56C Lead-In: QES-55H [Default] QES-56C [Are/Were] you employed by government, by a private company, a non-profit organization, or [are/were] you self employed or working in a family business? 1 2 3 Government...(Go to QES-56D) Private for profit company Non-profit organization (incl tax exempt and charitable) 4 5 Self-employed...(Go to QES-56E) Working in family business...(Go to QES-56E) Go To: QES-70 Lead-In: QES-55J [Default] QES-56D Would that be the federal, state, or local government? 1 2 3 Federal government employee State government employee Local government employee Go To: QES-70 Lead-In: QES-56C [1:1] QES-56E [Is/Was] this business incorporated? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-70 Lead-In: QES-56C [4:5] QES-70 Now, we would like to ask you a few questions concerning your [current/last] earnings at your job with [Name of new employers()]. Go To: QES-71A Lead-In: QES-56C [Default], QES-56D [Default], QES-56E [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-71A For your job with [Name of new employers()], what is the easiest way for you to report your [current/last] total earnings BEFORE taxes or other deductions: hourly, weekly, annually, or on some other basis? (READ IF NECESSARY:) We use this information to compare the amount that people earn in different types of jobs. (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Per hour Per day Per week Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks) 8 5 6 7 Bi-monthly (twice a month) Per month Per year Other (SPECIFY) Go To: QES-71B Lead-In: QES-70 [Default] QES-71B [Do/did] you usually receive overtime pay, tips or commissions at your job with [Name of new employers()]? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-71G) Go To: QES-71G Lead-In: QES-71A [Default] QES-71G [time unit for rate of pay for R's job (code)()]; /* Branch according the time unit for rate of pay R reported. */ 1 2 3 4 Per hour...(Go to QES-71H) Per day Per week Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks)...(Go to QES-75X) 8 5 6 7 Bi-monthly (twice a month) Per month...(Go to QES-74T) Per year...(Go to QES-75I) Other (SPECIFY) Go To: QES-71GA Lead-In: QES-71B [Default], QES-71B [0:0] QES-71GA [time unit for rate of pay for R's job (code)()]; /* Branch according the time unit for rate of pay R reported. */ 1 2 3 4 Per hour Per day Per week Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks) 8 5 6 7 Bi-monthly (twice a month)...(Go to QES-74T) Per month Per year Other (SPECIFY) Go To: QES-74C Lead-In: QES-71G [Default] QES-71H ([QES-71B()]=1); /* Did R receive overtime pay, tips or commissions? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-71I) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-71J Lead-In: QES-71G [1:1] 125 126 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-71I EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what [is/was] your hourly rate of pay, on this job? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-71P If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=0 and Answer <=0.99 Then Go To: QES-71K If Answer >=30.01 and Answer <=999999.99 Then Go To: QES-71K Go To: QES-71K Lead-In: QES-71H [1:1] QES-71J What [is/was] your hourly rate of pay, on this job? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-71P If Answer >=0 and Answer <=0.99 Then Go To: QES-71K If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=30.01 and Answer <=999999.99 Then Go To: QES-71K Go To: QES-71Q Lead-In: QES-71H [Default] QES-71K ([hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's reported hourly wages()]) AND ([hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R's reported hourly wages()]); /* Is the reported hourly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-71W) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-71Q Lead-In: QES-71I [Default], QES-71I [0:0.99], QES-71I [30.01:999999.99], QES-71J [0:0.99], QES-71J [30.01:999999.99] QES-71P What is your best estimate of your hourly rate of pay? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=1 and Answer <=30 Then Go To: QES-71Pa If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-71Pa Lead-In: QES-71I [-2:-2], QES-71J [-2:-2] QES-71Pa ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's reported hourly wages()]) AND ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R's reported hourly wages()]); /* Is the reported hourly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-71W) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-71Q Lead-In: QES-71P [Default], QES-71P [1:30] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 127 QES-71Q INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[hourly earnings value to be verified()] HOURLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-71R) Go To: QES-71W Lead-In: QES-71J [Default], QES-71K [Default], QES-71Pa [Default] QES-71R INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[hourly earnings value to be verified()] HOURLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| Go To: QES-71W Lead-In: QES-71Q [0:0] QES-71W ([QES-71B()]=1); /* Did R receive overtime pay, tips or commissions? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-71X) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-71Q [Default], QES-71R [Default], QES-71K [1:1], QES-71Pa [1:1] QES-71X At your job with [Name of new employers()], how much [do/did] you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER TIME UNIT FOR OVERTIME PAY FIRST. PRESS TO ENTER AMOUNT.) 1 2 3 HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY 5 6 7 MONTHLY ANNUAL OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: QES-71XB Lead-In: QES-71W [1:1] QES-71XB ([time unit for rate of overtime pay (code)()]); /* Translate time unit for rate of overtime pay */ 1 2 3 HOURLY...(Go to QES-71XBB) DAILY...(Go to QES-71Xf) WEEKLY...(Go to QES-71Xc) Go To: QES-72C Lead-In: QES-71X [Default] 5 6 7 MONTHLY...(Go to QES-71Xd) ANNUAL...(Go to QES-71Xe) OTHER (SPECIFY)...(Go to QES-71Xg) 128 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-71XBB (At your job with [Name of new employers()], how much [do/did] you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER HOURLY AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|.|__|__| If Answer >=30 and Answer <=1 Then Go To: QES-72G Go To: QES-72D Lead-In: QES-71XB [1:1] QES-71Xc (At your job with [Name of new employers()], how much [do/did] you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER WEEKLY AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1500 and Answer <=1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-72D Lead-In: QES-71XB [3:3] QES-71Xd (At your job with [Name of new employers()], how much [do/did] you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER MONTHLY AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-72D Lead-In: QES-71XB [5:5] QES-71Xe (At your job with [Name of new employers()], how much [do/did] you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER ANNUAL AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-72D Lead-In: QES-71XB [6:6] QES-71Xf (At your job with [Name of new employers()], how much [do/did] you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=240 Go To: QES-72D Lead-In: QES-71XB [2:2] Then Go To: QES-72C NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 129 QES-71Xg (At your job with [Name of new employers()], how much [do/did] you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?) (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: QES-72C Lead-In: QES-71XB [7:7] QES-72C What is your best estimate of how much you usually [earn/earned] WEEKLY, JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=1500 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-72D Lead-In: QES-71XB [Default], QES-71Xg [Default], QES-71Xf [1:240] QES-72D INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. USUAL [time unit for rate of overtime pay (text)()] EARNINGS IN OVERTIME PAY, TIPS OR COMMISSIONS RECORDED AS: $[overtime earnings value to be verified()] IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-72E) Go To: QES-72F Lead-In: QES-71XBB [Default], QES-71Xc [Default], QES-71Xd [Default], QES-71Xe [Default], QES-71Xf [Default], QES-72C [Default] QES-72E INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[overtime earnings value to be verified()] [time unit for rate of overtime pay (text)()]. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: QES-72F Lead-In: QES-72D [0:0] QES-72F [time unit for rate of overtime pay (code)()]; /* What time unit of overtime pay did R report? */ 1 2 3 HOURLY...(Go to QES-72G) DAILY...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) WEEKLY Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-72D [Default], QES-72E [Default] 5 6 7 MONTHLY ANNUAL OTHER (SPECIFY)...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) 130 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-72G How many hours [do/did] you usually work per week at this rate? (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS) If Answer =-2 If Answer =-1 Enter Answer: |__|__| Then Go To: QES-72H Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-71XBB [30:1], QES-72F [1:1] QES-72H What is your best estimate of the number of hours per week you usually [work/worked] at this rate? (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS) Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-72G [-2:-2] QES-74C ([QES-71B()]=1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for daily/weekly/other time unit ROP - see QES-71G */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-74E) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-74D Lead-In: QES-71GA [Default] QES-74D What [are/were] your usual weekly earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-74K If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=1 and Answer <=1500 Then Go To: QES-74Ka Go To: QES-74Ka Lead-In: QES-74C [Default] QES-74E Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what [are/were] your usual weekly earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-74K If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=1 and Answer <=1500 Then Go To: QES-74Ka Go To: QES-74Ka Lead-In: QES-74C [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 131 QES-74K What is your best estimate of your usual weekly earnings before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=1 and Answer <=1500 Then Go To: QES-74Kb Go To: QES-74Kb Lead-In: QES-74D [-2:-2], QES-74E [-2:-2] QES-74Ka ([hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's reported weekly wages()]) AND ([hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's reported weekly wages()]); /* Is the reported weekly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-74L Lead-In: QES-74D [Default], QES-74E [Default], QES-74D [1:1500], QES-74E [1:1500] QES-74Kb ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's reported weekly wages()]) AND ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's reported weekly wages()]); /* Is the reported weekly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-74L Lead-In: QES-74K [Default], QES-74K [1:1500] QES-74L INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[weekly/daily/other earnings value to be verified()] WEEKLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-74M) Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-74Ka [Default], QES-74Kb [Default] QES-74M INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[weekly/daily/other earnings value to be verified()] WEEKLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-74L [0:0] 132 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-74T ([QES-71B()]=1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for monthly and bi-monthly time units for ROP */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-74V) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-74U Lead-In: QES-71G [5:5], QES-71GA [8:8] QES-74U What [are/were] your usual monthly earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) If Answer =-1 If Answer =-2 Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Then Go To: QES-75B Go To: QES-75Ba Lead-In: QES-74T [Default] QES-74V Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what [are/were] your usual monthly earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-75B If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: QES-75Ba Go To: QES-75Ba Lead-In: QES-74T [1:1] QES-75B What is your best estimate of your usual monthly earnings before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6000 Then Go To: QES-75Bb Go To: QES-75Bb Lead-In: QES-74U [-2:-2], QES-74V [-2:-2] QES-75Ba ([hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's monthly wages()]) AND ([hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's monthly wages()]); /* Is the reported monthly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-75C Lead-In: QES-74U [Default], QES-74V [Default], QES-74V [1:6000] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 133 QES-75Bb ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's monthly wages()]) AND ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's monthly wages()]); /* Is the reported monthly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-75C Lead-In: QES-75B [Default], QES-75B [1:6000] QES-75C INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[monthly/bi-monthly earnings value to be verified()] MONTHLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-75D) Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-75Ba [Default], QES-75Bb [Default] QES-75D INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[monthly/bi-monthly earnings value to be verified()] MONTHLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-75C [0:0] QES-75I ([QES-71B()]=1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for those reporting annual ROP. See QES-71G */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-75K) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-75J Lead-In: QES-71G [6:6] QES-75J What [are/were] your usual annual earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: QES-75Qa If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-75Q If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-75Qa Lead-In: QES-75I [Default] 134 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-75K Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what [are/were] your usual annual earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-75Q If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: QES-75Qa Go To: QES-75Qa Lead-In: QES-75I [1:1] QES-75Q What is your best estimate of your usual annual earnings before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=72000 Then Go To: QES-75Qb If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-75Qb Lead-In: QES-75J [-2:-2], QES-75K [-2:-2] QES-75Qa ([hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's annual wages()]) AND ([hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's annual wages()]); /* Is the reported annual wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-75R Lead-In: QES-75J [Default], QES-75K [Default], QES-75J [1:72000], QES-75K [1:72000] QES-75Qb ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's annual wages()]) AND ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's annual wages()]); /* Is the reported annual wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-75R Lead-In: QES-75Q [Default], QES-75Q [1:72000] QES-75R INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[annual earnings value to be verified()] ANNUALLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-75S) Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-75Qa [Default], QES-75Qb [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 135 QES-75S INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[annual earnings value to be verified()] ANNUALLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-75R [0:0] QES-75X ([QES-71B()]=1); /* Did R report overtime, tips and/or commissions? */ /* Beginning series for R's that reported bi-weekly ROP in QES-71G */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-75Z) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-75Y Lead-In: QES-71G [4:4] QES-75Y What [are/were] your usual bi-weekly earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=1 and Answer <=3000 Then Go To: QES-76Fa If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-76F Go To: QES-76Fa Lead-In: QES-75X [Default] QES-75Z Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what [are/were] your usual bi-weekly earnings on your job with [Name of new employers()], before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer >=1 and Answer <=3000 Then Go To: QES-76Fa If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-76F If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-76Fa Lead-In: QES-75X [1:1] QES-76F What is your best estimate of your usual bi-weekly earnings before taxes or other deductions? (ENTER AMOUNT) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP If Answer >=1 and Answer <=3000 Then Go To: QES-76Fb If Answer =-2 Then Go To: QES-84-JUMP Go To: QES-76Fb Lead-In: QES-75Y [-2:-2], QES-75Z [-2:-2] 136 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-76Fa ([hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's bi-weekly wages()]) AND ([hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's bi-weekly wages()]); /* Is the reported biweekly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-76G Lead-In: QES-75Y [Default], QES-75Z [Default], QES-75Y [1:3000], QES-75Z [1:3000] QES-76Fb ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]>=[default minimum value of R 's bi-weekly wages()]) AND ([estimated hourly rate of pay()]<=[default maximum value of R 's bi-weekly wages()]); /* Is the reported biweekly wage within the accepted range? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-JUMP) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-76G Lead-In: QES-76F [Default], QES-76F [1:3000] QES-76G INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. EARNINGS RECORDED AS: $[bi-weekly earnings value to be verified()] BIWEEKLY. IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-76H) Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-76Fa [Default], QES-76Fb [Default] QES-76H INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. INCORRECT ENTRY IS RECORDED AS: $[bi-weekly earnings value to be verified()] BI-WEEKLY. ENTER CORRECT AMOUNT: Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: QES-84-JUMP Lead-In: QES-76G [0:0] QES-84-JUMP ([loop to gather information on employers since the date of last interview]=1); /*THE FIRST EMPLOYER ONLY GOES THROUGH BENEFITS SERIES*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-84-A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-100 Lead-In: QES-71I [-1:-1], QES-71J [-1:-1], QES-71P [-1:-2], QES-71W [Default], QES-71Xc [1500:1], QES-71Xd [1:6000], QES-71Xe [1:72000], QES-72C [1500:1], QES-72F [Default], QES-72G [Default], QES-72H [Default], QES-74D [-1:-1], QES-74E [-1:-1], QES-74K [-1:-2], QES-74Ka [1:1], QES-74Kb [1:1], QES-74L [Default], QES74M [Default], QES-74U [-1:-1], QES-74V [-1:-1], QES-75B [-1:-2], QES-75Ba [1:1], QES-75Bb [1:1], QES-75C [Default], QES-75D [Default], QES-75R [Default], QES-75S [Default], QES-76G [Default], QES-76H [Default], QES-71I [-1:-1], QES-71J [-1:-1], QES-71P [-1:-1], QES-71P [-2:-2], QES-72G [-1:-1], QES-72H [-2:-1], QES-74D [-1:-1], QES-74E [-1:-1], QES-74K [-2:-2], QES-74K [-1:-1], QES-74Ka [1:1], QES-74Kb [1:1], QES-74U [-1:-1], QES-74V [-1:-1], QES-75B [-1:-1], QES-75B [-2:-2], QES-75Ba [1:1], QES-75Bb [1:1], QES-75J [-1:-1], QES-75K [-1:-1], QES-75Q [-1:-1], QES-75Q [-2:-2], QES-75Qa [1:1], QES-75Qb [1:1], QES-75Y [-1:-1], QES-75Z [-1:-1], QES-76F [-1:-1], QES-76F [-2:-2], QES-76Fa [1:1], QES-76Fb [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 137 QES-84-A ([class of worker]=4); /*THE FIRST EMPLOYER ONLY GOES THROUGH BENEFITS SERIES*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to QES-89) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: QES-84D Lead-In: QES-84-JUMP [1:1] QES-84D [Does/Did] your employer make any benefits available to you at all? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to QES-89) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: QES-84N Go To: QES-84E Lead-In: QES-84-A [Default] QES-84E [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... Medical, surgical, or hospital insurance that covers injuries or major illnesses off the job? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-84F Lead-In: QES-84D [Default] QES-84F [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... Life insurance that would cover your death for reasons not connected with your job? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-84G Lead-In: QES-84E [Default] QES-84G [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... 1 0 Dental benefits? Yes No Go To: QES-84H Lead-In: QES-84F [Default] QES-84H [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... (Maternity/Paternity) leave that will allow you to go back to your old job or one that pays the same as your old one? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-84I Lead-In: QES-84G [Default] 138 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement QES-84I [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... 1 0 A retirement plan other than social security? Yes No Go To: QES-84J Lead-In: QES-84H [Default] QES-84J [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... Flexible hours or work schedule? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-84K Lead-In: QES-84I [Default] QES-84K [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... Profit sharing? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-84L Lead-In: QES-84J [Default] QES-84L [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... Training or educational opportunities including tuition reimbursement? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-84M Lead-In: QES-84K [Default] QES-84M [Does/Did] your employer MAKE AVAILABLE to you ... Company provided or subsidized childcare? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-84N Lead-In: QES-84L [Default] QES-84N How many sick days with full pay [are/were] you entitled to each year? (INTERVIEWER: IF VOLUNTEERED "UNLIMITED SICK DAYS", ENTER "365". IF VOLUNTEERED "SICK AND VACATION DAYS COMBINED", ENTER "995".) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| If Answer =995 Then Go To: QES-84NA Go To: QES-84O Lead-In: QES-84M [Default], QES-84D [-1:-1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Jobs/Employer Supplement 139 QES-84NA How many days of paid sick and vacation days combined [are/were] you entitled to each year? Enter Answer: |_|_|_| Go To: QES-89 Lead-In: QES-84N [995:995] QES-84O How many days of paid vacation [are/were] you entitled to each year? Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: QES-89 Lead-In: QES-84N [Default] QES-89 How [do/did] you feel about your job with [Name of new employers()]? [do/did] you like it very much, like it fairly well, dislike it somewhat, or dislike it very much? (CODE ONE ONLY.) 1 2 Like it very much Like it fairly well 3 4 Dislike it somewhat Dislike it very much Go To: QES-100 Lead-In: QES-84NA [Default], QES-84O [Default], QES-84D [0:0], QES-84-A [1:1] QES-100 Have you had any other employer since [date of last interview]? 1 0 Yes No Go To: QES-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q7-29A [Default], Q7-29B [Default], Q7-31 [Default], Q7-31A [Default], Q7-34 [Default], QES-84-JUMP [Default], QES-89 [Default], Q7-32 [1:1] QES-LOOP-END UNTIL([loop to gather information on employers since the date of last interview],[flag indicating if R has had any more employers since date of last interview()]=0); /* End loop for Sec7/Employer Supplement */ Go To: Q9-1 Lead-In: QES-100 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Last Job Lasting 2 Weeks or More SECTION 9: LAST JOB LASTING 2 WEEKS OR MORE Q9-1 ([flag indicating whether R sworn into active military since date of last interview(1)]=1); /* is R on active duty in active forces */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q10-00) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q9-2b Lead-In: Q7-1A [Default], QES-LOOP-END [Default], Q7-1 [-1:-1] Q9-2b ([flag indicating if R has done any work for pay since date of last interview] = 1); /* Machine Check: Did R report any employers in Section 7? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q10-00) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q9-3 Lead-In: Q9-1 [Default] Q9-3 Have you ever worked at a job or business lasting 2 consecutive weeks or more, either full-time or part-time? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q9-4) No Go To: Q11-0 Lead-In: Q9-2b [Default] Q9-4 When did you LAST work at this sort of job? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q9-5 Lead-In: Q9-3 [1:1] Q9-5 For whom did you last work? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q9-6 Lead-In: Q9-4 [Default] Q9-6 What kind of business or industry was this? Go To: Q9-7 Lead-In: Q9-5 [Default] Enter Answer: _____________________ 141 142 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Last Job Lasting 2 Weeks or More Q9-7 What kind of work were you doing at this job? (RECORD VERBATIM. IF MORE THAN ONE KIND OF WORK, PROBE: What kind of work did you do the longest for [employer that R last worked for]?) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q9-8 Lead-In: Q9-6 [Default] Q9-8 What were your most important activities or duties? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q9-9 Lead-In: Q9-7 [Default] Q9-9 Were you...An employee of a PRIVATE COMPANY, business, or individual for wages,salary, or commission; a GOVERNMENT employee; self employed in OWN business, professional practice or farm; or working WITHOUT pay in a family business or farm. 1 2 3 4 An employee of a PRIVATE company A GOVERNMENT employee...(Go to Q9-9a) Self-Employed in OWN business...(Go to Q9-9b) Working WITHOUT PAY in a family business or farm Go To: Q10-00 Lead-In: Q9-8 [Default] Q9-9a Were you...An employee of the federal government, state government or local government? 1 2 3 Federal government employee State government employee Local government employee Go To: Q10-00 Lead-In: Q9-9 [2:2] Q9-9b Was your business incorporated or unincorporated? 1 2 Business Incorporated Business Unincorporated Go To: Q10-00 Lead-In: Q9-9 [3:3] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? First Significant Job after Leaving High School 143 SECTION 10: FIRST SIGNIFICANT JOB AFTER LEAVING HIGH SCHOOL Q10-00 ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=1); /* Check: ever been interviewed? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-0) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q10-0aa Lead-In: Q9-9 [Default], Q9-9a [Default], Q9-9b [Default], Q9-1 [1:1], Q9-2b [1:1] Q10-0aa ([is R currently enrolled]=1); /* check enrollment status of R */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q10-0aaa) Go To: Q11-0 Lead-In: Q10-00 [Default] Q10-0aaa ([flag indicating if R has been enrolled in school since the date of last interview]=0) or ([flag indicating if R was ever enrolled in school]=0); /* Machine check: Did R report no school since DLI? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-0) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q10-0b Lead-In: Q10-0aa [0:0] Q10-0b SYMBOLEXIST([date R dropped out of school]); /* check if there is a dropout date from sect 4 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q10-0c-a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q10-0g Lead-In: Q10-0aaa [Default] Q10-0c-a CTOD(SUBSTR ([date R dropped out of school],01,02) + "/15/" + SUBSTR([date R dropped out of school],04,04)) < [date of last interview]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ /* Machine Check: Is drop out date before the date of last interview? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q10-0f) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q11-0 Lead-In: Q10-0b [1:1] 144 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? First Significant Job after Leaving High School Q10-0f I have the date of your last enrollment as [date R dropped out of school]. Is that correct? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q10-2) No Go To: Q10-0g Lead-In: Q10-0c-a [Default] Q10-0g When were you last enrolled in school? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q10-0h Lead-In: Q10-0b [Default], Q10-0f [Default] Q10-0h CTOD(SUBSTR ([date R dropped out of school],01,02) + "/15/" + SUBSTR([date R dropped out of school],04,04)) < [date of last interview]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ /* Machine Check: Is drop out date before the date of last interview? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q10-2) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q11-0 Lead-In: Q10-0g [Default] Q10-2 Now I'd like to know about the first job at which you worked for at least two months after you stopped going to school in [date R dropped out of school]. This may include a job we have already talked about. For whom did you work at this job? 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER EMPLOYER NAME NEVER WORKED FOR AT LEAST TWO MONTHS...(Go to Q11-0) Go To: Q10-2a Lead-In: Q10-0f [1:1], Q10-0h [1:1] Q10-2a For whom did you work at this job? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q10-2b Lead-In: Q10-2 [Default] Q10-2b How many hours a week did you usually work at this job with [employer of first job at which R worked for at least two months after stopped going to school]? --less than 20 hours a week, or 20 hours a week or more? 1 2 Less than 20 hours per week 20 hours a week or more...(Go to Q10-3) Go To: Q10-2d Lead-In: Q10-2a [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? First Significant Job after Leaving High School 145 Q10-2d Since you left regular school, what was the first job at which you worked for at least 2 months and at least 20 hours a week? 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER EMPLOYER NAME NEVER WORKED AT SUCH A JOB...(Go to Q11-0) Go To: Q10-2e Lead-In: Q10-2b [Default] Q10-2e For whom did you work at this job? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q10-3 Lead-In: Q10-2d [Default] Q10-3 Now I'd like to ask a few questions about your job with [since R left regular school, first job at which worked for at least 2 months and at least 20 hours a week]. When did you first start working for [since R left regular school, first job at which worked for at least 2 months and at least 20 hours a week]? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q10-4 Lead-In: Q10-2e [Default], Q10-2b [2:2] Q10-4 When did you last stop working for [since R left regular school, first job at which worked for at least 2 months and at least 20 hours a week]? 0 1 CURRENTLY WORKING FOR THIS EMPLOYER...(Go to Q11-0) SELECT TO ENTER DATE Go To: Q10-4a Lead-In: Q10-3 [Default] Q10-4a (INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR STOPPED WORKING FOR [since R left regular school, first job at which worked for at least 2 months and at least 20 hours a week]?) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q10-4b Lead-In: Q10-4 [Default] Q10-4b CTOD (SUBSTR ([date R began working at job],01,02) + "/15/" + SUBSTR([date R began working at job],04,04)) > [date of last interview]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-0) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q10-4e Lead-In: Q10-4a [Default] 146 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? First Significant Job after Leaving High School Q10-4e CTOD (SUBSTR ([date R stopped working at job],01,02) +"/15/" + SUBSTR([date R stopped working at job],04,04)) > [date of last interview]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-0) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q10-6 Lead-In: Q10-4b [Default] Q10-6 What kind of business or industry was this? PROBE: What did they make or do? (RECORD VERBATIM) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q10-7a Lead-In: Q10-4e [Default] Q10-7a What kind of work did you do for [since R left regular school, first job at which worked for at least 2 months and at least 20 hours a week]? IF MORE THAN ONE KIND OF WORK, PROBE: What kind of work did you do the longest for [since R left regular school, first job at which worked for at least 2 months and at least 20 hours a week]? (RECORD VERBATIM) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q10-7b Lead-In: Q10-6 [Default] Q10-7b What were some of your main activities or duties? (RECORD VERBATIM) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q10-8 Lead-In: Q10-7a [Default] Q10-8 How many hours per week did you USUALLY work at this job? (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q10-10 Lead-In: Q10-7b [Default] Q10-10 Altogether, including tips, overtime, and bonuses, how much did you USUALLY earn at that job? Please give me the amount you earned BEFORE DEDUCTIONS like taxes and social security were taken out. ENTER IN APPROPRIATE BOXES. PROBE IF NECESSARY: What was that per hour, per day, per week or what? (Enter answer on next screen) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q10-10a Lead-In: Q10-8 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? First Significant Job after Leaving High School Q10-10a What was that per hour, per day, per week or what? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Per hour Per day Per week Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks) Go To: Q11-0 Lead-In: Q10-10 [Default] 8 5 6 7 Bi-monthly (twice a month) Per month Per year Other (SPECIFY) 147 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Other Training 149 SECTION 11: OTHER TRAINING Q11-0 ([R's age]<18) and ([is R currently enrolled]=1); /* check to see if R is younger than 18 and enrolled in school */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-1) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q11-1 Lead-In: Q9-3 [Default], Q10-0aa [Default], Q10-0c-a [Default], Q10-0h [Default], Q10-10a [Default], Q10-4 [0:0], Q10-2 [2:2], Q10-00 [1:1], Q10-0aaa [1:1], Q10-4b [1:1], Q10-4e [1:1], Q10-2d [2:2] Q11-1 I would now like to ask you about OTHER TYPES of schooling and training you may have had, excluding regular schooling we have already talked about... Go To: Q11-1A Lead-In: Q11-0 [Default] Q11-1A ([type of high school program]=1); /* check if vocational or commercial, formal schooling or on the job training */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-1b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q11-1Aa Lead-In: Q11-1 [Default] Q11-1Aa SYMBOLEXIST([flag indicating if R received any special training from the military]); If Answer =1 Then Go To: Q11-1Ab Go To: Q11-1c Lead-In: Q11-1A [Default] Q11-1Ab ([flag indicating if R received any special training from the military]=1); /* check if while in military any schooling or on the job training */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-1b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q11-1c Lead-In: Q11-1Aa [1:1] Q11-1b Besides the training we've already talked about, since [date of last interview] have you attended another training program or any on-the-job training designed to help people find a job, improve job skills, or learn a new job? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q11-22) Go To: Q11-1-a Lead-In: Q11-1A [1:1], Q11-1Ab [1:1] 150 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Other Training Q11-1c Since [date of last interview], have you attended a training program or any on-the-job training designed to help people find a job, improve job skills, or learn a new job? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q11-22) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q11-22 Go To: Q11-1-a Lead-In: Q11-1Aa [Default], Q11-1Ab [Default] Q11-1-a Are you CURRENTLY enrolled in a training program or receiving on-the-job training? 1 0 Yes No If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q11-22 Go To: Q11-2b Lead-In: Q11-1b [Default], Q11-1c [Default] Q11-2b [Are you receiving/Did you receive] this training at a vocational or technical institute, or a college or university? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q11-3) No Go To: Q11-2c Lead-In: Q11-1-a [Default] Q11-2c [Are you receiving/Did you receive] this training through a formal program run by an employer or the military? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q11-3) No Go To: Q11-2d Lead-In: Q11-2b [Default] Q11-2d Where [are you receiving/did you receive] this training? (RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONE) (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 3 7 9 Business school Apprenticeship program A correspondence course Seminars or training programs at work run by someone other than employer Go To: Q11-3 Lead-In: Q11-2c [Default] 10 11 12 13 Seminars or training programs outside of work Vocational rehabilitation center Government training programs Other (SPECIFY) NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Other Training Q11-3 Who paid for this training? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 10 Self or family Employer Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q11-9 Lead-In: Q11-2d [Default], Q11-2b [1:1], Q11-2c [1:1] Q11-9 When did you start this training program? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q11-9A Lead-In: Q11-3 [Default] Q11-9A ([flag indicating if R is currently enrolled in a training program]=1); /* Machine check: has R already reported being in a current training */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-10b) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q11-10 Lead-In: Q11-9 [Default] Q11-10 Are you still enrolled, or have you finished or left this program? 0 1 SELECT TO ENTER DATE WHEN R FINISHED OR LEFT STILL ENROLLED Go To: Q11-10b Lead-In: Q11-9A [Default] Q11-10b ([flag indicating if R is currently enrolled in a training program]); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q11-17) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q11-10c Lead-In: Q11-10 [Default], Q11-9A [1:1] Q11-10c When did you finish or leave this program? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER DATE R FINISHED OR LEFT THIS TRAINING PROGRAM.) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q11-11 Lead-In: Q11-10b [Default] 151 152 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Other Training Q11-11 Altogether, how many weeks did you attend this training? (ENTER '00' IF LESS THAN ONE WEEK.) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q11-12 Lead-In: Q11-10c [Default] Q11-12 Did you complete this training or not? 1 0 Completed Did not complete Go To: Q11-17 Lead-In: Q11-11 [Default] Q11-17 How many hours per week [do/did] you usually spend in this training? Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q11-20a Lead-In: Q11-12 [Default], Q11-10b [1:1] Q11-20a We would like to know more about the kinds of services this training program [provides/provided] you. [Are you receiving/Did you receive] any services that [will better enable/better enabled] you to continue your education? (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE:) [Are you receiving/Did you receive] help preparing for a GED or for college, or help with English, math, or computer skills? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q11-20b Lead-In: Q11-17 [Default] Q11-20b [Are you receiving/Did you receive] any services that [will better enable/better enabled] you to get or keep a job? (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE:) [Are you receiving/Did you receive] work experience, on-the-job training, help in finding a job or job counseling? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q11-21a Lead-In: Q11-20a [Default] Q11-21a How many other times have you attended training programs or on the job training [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever]? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q11-22 Lead-In: Q11-20b [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Other Training 153 Q11-22 [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] obtained any kind of certificate, for example, a license or journeyman's card for practicing a profession or trade? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q11-22-LOOP-BEGIN) No Go To: Q12-1 Lead-In: Q11-21a [Default], Q11-1b [0:0], Q11-1c [0:0], Q11-1c [-1:-1], Q11-1-a [-1:-1] Q11-22-LOOP-BEGIN REPEAT ([loop about certificates, etc. that R has received]); /*start loop about certificates, etc. that R has received*/ Go To: Q11-23 Lead-In: Q11-22 [1:1] Q11-23 Is that a certificate, a license or a journeyman's card? 1 2 3 4 Certificate License Journeyman's card Other (SPECIFY)...(Go to Q11-26) Go To: Q11-24 Lead-In: Q11-22-LOOP-BEGIN [Default] Q11-24 Is it still valid? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q11-25 Lead-In: Q11-23 [Default] Q11-25 For what profession or trade is that [whether R obtained certificate, a license or journeyman's card for practicing a profession or trade()]? Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q11-26 Lead-In: Q11-24 [Default] Q11-26 In what month and year did you receive it? Go To: Q11-27 Lead-In: Q11-25 [Default], Q11-23 [4:4] Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year 154 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Other Training Q11-27 Have you ever obtained any other certificates, licenses or journeyman's cards? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q11-27-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q11-26 [Default] Q11-27-LOOP-END UNTIL ([loop about certificates, etc. that R has received], [flag indicating if R has obtained any more certificates, licenses or journeyman's cards()]=0); /*loop until all certificates, etc. have been asked about*/ Go To: Q12-1 Lead-In: Q11-27 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 155 SECTION 12: FERTILITY Q12-1 The next few questions are about fertility. We know that some of these questions may not apply to you, but we need to ask the same questions of all our respondents in order to be complete. Go To: Q12-1-A Lead-In: Q11-22 [Default], Q11-27-LOOP-END [Default], Q11-0 [1:1] Q12-1-A ([gender of the R]=1); /* Machine check: Is R male? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-1A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-1-B Lead-In: Q12-1 [Default] Q12-1-B ([flag indicating if R has ever reported being pregnant]=1); /* Machine check: Has R reported being pregnant in previous surveys? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-1A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-1-C Lead-In: Q12-1-A [Default] Q12-1-C Have you ever been pregnant? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q12-172) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q12-172 Go To: Q12-1-D Lead-In: Q12-1-B [Default] Q12-1-D How old were you the first time you became pregnant? ENTER AGE IN YEARS: If Answer =-1 Enter Answer: |__|__| Then Go To: Q12-1A Go To: Q12-1-E Lead-In: Q12-1-C [Default] Q12-1-E In what month and year did you get pregnant for the first time? If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q12-1A Go To: Q12-1A Lead-In: Q12-1-D [Default] Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year 156 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-1A ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1); /* WAS R INTERVIEWED IN 1998 or 1996 or 1994? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-5b) Go To: Q12-2A Lead-In: Q12-1-E [Default], Q12-1-A [1:1], Q12-1-B [1:1], Q12-1-D [-1:-1], Q121-E [-1:-1] Q12-2A We are first going to VERIFY our records of BIOLOGICAL children that you have had, if any, PRIOR TO [date of last interview] (the date of your LAST interview). Go To: Q12-5b Lead-In: Q12-1A [Default] Q12-5b ([total number of biological children listed in BIOCHILD roster]>0); /* Check if there are any children on the info sheet */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-14Ba) Go To: Q12-6aa-loop-begin Lead-In: Q12-2A [Default], Q12-1A [0:0] Q12-6aa-loop-begin REPEAT([Fertility LOOP1 counter]); /* start loop to correct missing names or bdates of biochildren */ Go To: Q12-6B Lead-In: Q12-5b [Default] Q12-6B STRCMP ([Name of biological child()],"(MISSING NAME)",14); /* Is the child's name missing? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-6C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-6D Lead-In: Q12-6aa-loop-begin [Default] Q12-6C INTERVIEWER: THIS CHILD'S NAME IS MISSING. ENTER THE CORRECT FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL (IF A NAME EXISTS) AND LAST NAME. CHILD'S BIRTHDATE: [birthdate of biological child()] CHILD'S ID NUMBER: [biological child ID()] Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q12-6D Lead-In: Q12-6B [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 157 Q12-6D ISBLANK([birthdate of biological child()]); /* Is there child's birthdate recorded? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-6E) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-6F-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-6B [Default], Q12-6C [Default] Q12-6E INTERVIEWER: THIS CHILD'S BIRTHDATE IS MISSING. ENTER THE CORRECT BIRTHDATE. YOU MUST ENTER A VALID YEAR IN THIS QUESTION. REPORT ANY UNUSUAL ANSWERS IN A COMMENT. CHILD'S NAME: [Name of biological child()] CHILD'S ID NUMBER: [biological child ID()] Enter Date: |__|__||__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Day Year Go To: Q12-6F-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-6D [1:1] Q12-6F-loop-end UNTIL([Fertility LOOP1 counter],([Fertility LOOP1 counter]=[total number of biological children listed in BIOCHILD roster])); /* loop end to fix names and bdates of biochildren */ Go To: Q12-8A Lead-In: Q12-6D [Default], Q12-6E [Default] Q12-8A Our records from our interview on [date of last interview] show that you have (had/given birth to) (a child/children) named (READ FULL NAMES OF CHILDREN BELOW) as of [date of last interview] ... (PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: BIOCHILD; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS Go To: Q12-8B Lead-In: Q12-6F-loop-end [Default] Q12-8B Is that correct? 1 0 YES--INFORMATION CORRECT NO--INFORMATION INCORRECT...(Go to Q12-11) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q12-22Ab Go To: Q12-16nc Lead-In: Q12-8A [Default] 158 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-11 INTERVIEWER: DOES R HAVE CHILDREN ON THE BIOLOGICAL CHILD ROSTER THAT SHOULD NOT BE LISTED THERE? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-13aa-Loop-Begin) No Go To: Q12-14Ac Lead-In: Q12-8B [0:0] Q12-13aa-Loop-Begin REPEAT([Fertility LOOP2 counter]); /* LOOP Begin to delete biochildren who don't belong on roster*/ Go To: Q12-13A Lead-In: Q12-11 [1:1] Q12-13A ([status of biological child (code)()]=97); /* Is this child a new child? If so, skip out. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-13B) Go To: Q12-13I-Loop-End Lead-In: Q12-13aa-Loop-Begin [Default] Q12-13B ([status of biological child (code)()]=99); /* Is this child a deleted child? If so, skip. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-13C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-13D Lead-In: Q12-13A [0:0] Q12-13C INTERVIEWER: [Name of biological child()] IS DELETED. IS THIS CORRECT? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q12-13I-Loop-End) Go To: Q12-13I-Loop-End Lead-In: Q12-13B [1:1] Q12-13D INTERVIEWER: DOES [Name of biological child()] NEED TO BE DELETED? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-13I-Loop-End) No Go To: Q12-13I-Loop-End Lead-In: Q12-13B [Default] Q12-13I-Loop-End UNTIL([Fertility LOOP2 counter],([Fertility LOOP2 counter]=[total number of biological children listed in BIOCHILD roster])); /* Loop end for deleting children currently on biochild roster*/ Go To: Q12-14Ac Lead-In: Q12-13A [Default], Q12-13C [Default], Q12-13D [Default], Q12-13C [0:0], Q12-13D [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 159 Q12-14Ac INTERVIEWER: DOES R HAVE ANY CHILDREN WHO WERE BORN BEFORE [date of last interview] WHO ARE NOT LISTED ON THE BIOLOGICAL CHILD ROSTER, THAT SHOULD BE LISTED THERE? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-15B-LOOP-BEGIN) No Go To: Q12-16nc Lead-In: Q12-11 [Default], Q12-13I-Loop-End [Default] Q12-14Ba ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1); /* WAS R INTERVIEWED IN 1998 or 1996 or 1994? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-16nc) Go To: Q12-14Bc Lead-In: Q12-5b [0:0] Q12-14Bc Our records show that you had NOT (had/given birth to) any children of your own as of [date of last interview]. Is that correct? 1 0 YES--INFORMATION CORRECT NO--INFORMATION INCORRECT...(Go to Q12-15B-LOOP-BEGIN) Go To: Q12-20 Lead-In: Q12-14Ba [Default] Q12-15B-LOOP-BEGIN REPEAT([Fertility LOOP3 counter]); /* Loop begin to add missing biochildren */ Go To: Q12-16 Lead-In: Q12-14Ac [1:1], Q12-14Bc [0:0] Q12-16 What is the name of the [first/next] child that you have (had/given birth to) as of [date of last interview] who we do not have listed? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST NAME.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q12-16A Lead-In: Q12-15B-LOOP-BEGIN [Default] Q12-16A Is [Name of bio children improperly missing from roster()] a boy or a girl? 1 2 Boy Girl Go To: Q12-16B Lead-In: Q12-16 [Default] 160 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-16B When was [Name of bio children improperly missing from roster()] born? (INTERVIEWER: IN CASE OF INVALID DATE, VERIFY CHILD'S BIRTH DATE WITH R. EXPLAIN TO RESPONDENT THAT RIGHT NOW, WE ARE ONLY COLLECTING INFORMATION ABOUT CHILDREN BORN PRIOR TO [date of last interview]. WE WILL ASK ABOUT CHILDREN BORN SINCE [date of last interview] IN A FEW MOMENTS.) (INTERVIEWER: YOU MUST ENTER A VALID YEAR IN THIS QUESTION. REPORT ANY UNUSUAL ANSWERS IN A COMMENT.) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Day Year Go To: Q12-16L Lead-In: Q12-16A [Default] Q12-16L Did you have another child that was born PRIOR to [date of last interview] who we do not have listed? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q12-16P-Loop-End Lead-In: Q12-16B [Default] Q12-16P-Loop-End UNTIL([Fertility LOOP3 counter],[Q12-16L()]=0); /* Loop end for entering missing bio children */ Go To: Q12-16nc Lead-In: Q12-16L [Default] Q12-16nc ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1); /* WAS R INTERVIEWED IN 1998 or 1996 or 1994? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-22Ab) Go To: Q12-18D Lead-In: Q12-8B [Default], Q12-14Ac [Default], Q12-16P-Loop-End [Default], Q1214Ba [0:0] Q12-18D I'd like to read the information about your children from our records. Go To: Q12-18E-loop-begin Lead-In: Q12-16nc [Default] Q12-18E-loop-begin REPEAT([Fertility LOOP4 counter]); /* Start loop to verify final bio Roster. */ Go To: Q12-19 Lead-In: Q12-18D [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 161 Q12-19 (FOR EACH CHILD, READ:) Our records show that (CHILD) is a (SEX) and was born on (BIRTHDATE). Is that correct? (INTERVIEWER: IF ALL INFO CORRECT, HIGHLIGHT FIRST LINE USING CURSOR KEYS AND PRESS . IF ANY INCORRECT INFO, HIGHLIGHT FIRST CHILD RECORD MENTIONED AND PRESS TO CORRECT INFO FOR THAT CHILD.) Refer to Roster: BIOTMP; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS If Answer =1 Then Go To: Q12-19Je-loop-end Go To: Q12-19C Lead-In: Q12-18E-loop-begin [Default] Q12-19C (INTERVIEWER: MARK INFORMATION THAT IS INCORRECT. IF NECESSARY PROBE:) Is [correction to biological child's name([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]'s name correct? Is [correction to biological child's name([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]'s sex correct? (GENDER=[correction to biological child's gender (text)([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]) Is [correction to biological child's name([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]'s birthdate correct? (BIRTHDATE=[correction to biological child's birthdate([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]) (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) 1 4 5 6 BIRTHDATE NAME SEX OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q12-19D Lead-In: Q12-19 [Default] Q12-19D INLIST([Q12-19C()],4); /*Check if answered name was incorrect. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-19F) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-19G Lead-In: Q12-19C [Default] Q12-19F What is the correct name and spelling for [correction to biological child's name([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD CORRECT NAME AND/OR SPELLING.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q12-19G Lead-In: Q12-19D [1:1] 162 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-19G INLIST([Q12-19C()],1); /*Check if answered birthdate was incorrect. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-19H) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-19I Lead-In: Q12-19D [Default], Q12-19F [Default] Q12-19H What is the correct birthdate for [correction to biological child's name([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD CORRECTED BIRTHDATE.) (INTERVIEWER: YOU MUST ENTER A VALID YEAR IN THIS QUESTION. REPORT ANY UNUSUAL ANSWERS IN A COMMENT.) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Day Year Go To: Q12-19I Lead-In: Q12-19G [1:1] Q12-19I INLIST([Q12-19C()],5); /* Check if answered sex was incorrect. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-19J) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-19Je-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-19G [Default], Q12-19H [Default] Q12-19J (INTERVIEWER: IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK:) What is the correct sex of [correction to biological child's name([name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()])]? (INTERVIEWER: RECORD CORRECTED GENDER.) 1 2 Boy Girl Go To: Q12-19Je-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-19I [1:1] Q12-19Je-loop-end UNTIL([Fertility LOOP4 counter],[name of child with incorrect information on biological child roster()]=1); /* End loop to verify final bio roster */ Go To: Q12-20 Lead-In: Q12-19I [Default], Q12-19J [Default], Q12-19 [1:1] Q12-20 INTERVIEWER: BELOW IS YOUR CORRECTED BIOLOGICAL CHILD ROSTER AS OF[date of last interview]. REVIEW THE ROSTER TO BE SURE THAT IT IS CORRECT. IF THE ROSTER IS NOT CORRECT, RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS QUESTIONS BY PRESSING THE KEY AND CORRECT AS NEEDED. PRESS TO CONTINUE IF ROSTER IS CORRECT. Refer to Roster: BIOCHILD3; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS Go To: Q12-22Ab Lead-In: Q12-14Bc [Default], Q12-19Je-loop-end [Default] 163 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-22Ab ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1996] = 1) or ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1994]=1); /* WAS R INTERVIEWED IN 1998 or 1996 or 1994? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-22Ad) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-27A Lead-In: Q12-20 [Default], Q12-16nc [0:0], Q12-8B [-1:-1] Q12-22Ad Now I would like to ask you about any BIOLOGICAL children you have had, if any, SINCE [date of last interview], (the date of your LAST interview). Go To: Q12-22B Lead-In: Q12-22Ab [1:1] Q12-22B Please tell me if you have had any biological children since [date of last interview]? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-22Ba) No Go To: Q12-29Gd Lead-In: Q12-22Ad [Default] Q12-22Ba How many children have you had since [date of last interview], not counting any babies who were stillborn? (IF NECESSARY READ: ....or dead at birth)? Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q12-29Gd Go To: Q12-23-loop-begin Lead-In: Q12-22B [1:1] Q12-27A Please tell me if you have had any biological children? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-27B) No Go To: Q12-29Gd Lead-In: Q12-22Ab [Default] Q12-27B How many children have you had not counting any babies who were dead at birth? If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Go To: Q12-23-loop-begin Lead-In: Q12-27A [1:1] Then Go To: Q12-29Gd Enter Answer: |__|__| 164 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-23-loop-begin REPEAT([Fertility LOOP11 counter]); /* Begin Loop for adding new bio children. */ Go To: Q12-28 Lead-In: Q12-22Ba [Default], Q12-27B [Default] Q12-28 What did you name your [first/next] [baby born since date of last interview/oldest baby]? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL AND LAST NAME.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q12-28A Lead-In: Q12-23-loop-begin [Default] Q12-28A Was the baby a boy or a girl? 1 2 Boy Girl Go To: Q12-28B Lead-In: Q12-28 [Default] Q12-28B When was your child born? (INTERVIEWER: YOU MUST ENTER A VALID YEAR IN THIS QUESTION. REPORT ANY UNUSUAL ANSWERS IN A COMMENT.) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Day Year Go To: Q12-28T-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q12-28A [Default] Q12-28T-LOOP-END UNTIL([Fertility LOOP11 counter],[Fertility LOOP11 counter]=[number of biological children R had since date of last interview]); /* loop end about new bio children */ Go To: Q12-29Gd Lead-In: Q12-28B [Default] Q12-29Gd ([current number of bio children on roster] > 1); /* Are there at least two kids? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-29Hb-loop-begin) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-29Rb Lead-In: Q12-22B [Default], Q12-27A [Default], Q12-28T-LOOP-END [Default], Q1227B [-2:-1], Q12-22Ba [-2:-1] Q12-29Hb-loop-begin REPEAT([Fertility LOOP15 counter]); /*Start loop to check for twins/triplets/etc. */ Go To: Q12-29I Lead-In: Q12-29Gd [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 165 Q12-29I (INTERVIEWER: CHECK FOR CHILDREN WITH THE SAME BIRTHDATE. FOR EACH PAIR OR GROUP OF NON-DELETED CHILDREN WITH THE SAME BIRTHDATE, ASK:) Is it correct that (READ NAMES OF CHILDREN WITH SAME BIRTHDATES) are (twins/triplets/etc.)? (ENTER R'S RESPONSE ON NEXT SCREEN. IF NO CHILDREN HAVE SAME BIRTHDATE, ENTER NO ON NEXT SCREEN.) Refer to Roster: BIOCHILD4; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS Go To: Q12-29J Lead-In: Q12-29Hb-loop-begin [Default] Q12-29J INTERVIEWER: ARE THERE ANY TWINS/TRIPLETS/ETC. LISTED ON THE ROSTER OF BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN ON PREVIOUS SCREEN? ENTER R'S RESPONSE BELOW. 0 1 2 3 NO (MORE) TWINS/TRIPLETS/ETC. ON CHILD ROSTER...(Go to Q12-29Qaa-loop-end) ONE SET OF TWINS ON CHILD ROSTER...(Go to Q12-29L) ONE SET OF TRIPLETS ON CHILD ROSTER...(Go to Q12-29O) INCORRECT TWINS/TRIPLETS/ETC. ON CHILD ROSTER Go To: Q12-29K Lead-In: Q12-29I [Default] Q12-29K INTERVIEWER: VERIFY THE BIRTHDATE INFORMATION FOR THE CHILDREN INCORRECTLY LISTED AS TWINS/TRIPLETS/ETC. AS NECESSARY TO CORRECT CHILD INFORMATION. IF RESPONDENT CONFIRMS BIRTHDATES LISTED, EXPLAIN IN AN INTERVIEWER COMMENT. Refer to Roster: BIOCHILD4; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS Go To: Q12-29Qaa-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-29J [Default] Q12-29L (INTERVIEWER: TO VERIFY, HIGHLIGHT THE NAME OF THE FIRST TWIN CHILD IDENTIFIED ON THE CHILD ROSTER BELOW, AND IF SAME SEX, ASK: Are (CHILD NAME 1) and (CHILD NAME 2) identical twins or are they fraternal twins? (IF NOT SAME SEX, CODE FRATERNAL.) (PRESS RESPONSE ON NEXT SCREEN) Refer to Roster: BIOCHILD4; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS Go To: Q12-29M Lead-In: Q12-29J [1:1] Q12-29M (Are (CHILD NAME 1) and (CHILD NAME 2) identical twins or are they fraternal twins?) (INTERVIEWER: IF TWINS NOT THE SAME SEX, THEY ARE FRATERNAL.) 1 2 IDENTICAL...(Go to Q12-29Qaa-loop-end) FRATERNAL...(Go to Q12-29Qaa-loop-end) Go To: Q12-29N Lead-In: Q12-29L [Default] 166 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-29N Are they (REPEAT CHILDREN'S NAMES IF NECESSARY) often mistaken for each other, or are they different enough to tell apart? 1 2 Often mistaken for one another Different enough to tell apart Go To: Q12-29Qaa-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-29M [Default] Q12-29O (INTERVIEWER: TO VERIFY, HIGHLIGHT THE NAME OF THE FIRST TRIPLET CHILD IDENTIFIED ON THE CHILD ROSTER BELOW, AND IF SAME SEX, ASK:) Are (CHILD NAME 1), (CHILD NAME 2) and (CHILD NAME 3) identical triplets or are they fraternal triplets? (IF NOT SAME SEX, CODE FRATERNAL.) (PRESS RESPONSE ON NEXT SCREEN) Refer to Roster: BIOCHILD4; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS Go To: Q12-29P Lead-In: Q12-29J [2:2] Q12-29P (Are (CHILD NAME 1), (CHILD NAME 2) and (CHILD NAME 3) identical triplets or are they fraternal triplets?) (INTERVIEWER: IF TRIPLETS NOT THE SAME SEX, THEY ARE FRATERNAL.) 1 2 IDENTICAL...(Go to Q12-29Qaa-loop-end) FRATERNAL...(Go to Q12-29Qaa-loop-end) Go To: Q12-29Q Lead-In: Q12-29O [Default] Q12-29Q Are they (REPEAT CHILDREN'S NAMES IF NECESSARY) often mistaken for each other, or are they different enough to tell apart? 1 2 Often mistaken for one another Different enough to tell apart Go To: Q12-29Qaa-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-29P [Default] Q12-29Qaa-loop-end UNTIL([Fertility LOOP15 counter],[Q12-29J()]=0); /* End loop when no more twins,triplets,etc.. */ Go To: Q12-29Rb Lead-In: Q12-29K [Default], Q12-29N [Default], Q12-29Q [Default], Q12-29J [0:0], Q12-29M [1:2], Q12-29P [1:2] Q12-29Rb ([current number of bio children on roster] > 0); /* Is there at least one child on BIOCHILD roster? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-29Sa-loop-begin) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-72 Lead-In: Q12-29Gd [Default], Q12-29Qaa-loop-end [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 167 Q12-29Sa-loop-begin REPEAT([Fertility LOOP12 counter]); /* Start loop for future text substitutions */ Go To: Q12-29x-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-29Rb [1:1] Q12-29x-loop-end UNTIL([Fertility LOOP12 counter],[Fertility LOOP12 counter]=[current number of bio children on roster]); /* Start loop for future text substitutions */ Go To: Q12-30 Lead-In: Q12-29Sa-loop-begin [Default] Q12-30 REPEAT([Fertility LOOP14 counter]); /* Begin loop to ask about new kids situations */ Go To: Q12-30C Lead-In: Q12-29x-loop-end [Default] Q12-30C [status of biological child (code)()]; /* Check the status of the child. if deceased or deleted, or adopted out skip to the next child. If the child is added, skip to appropriate question */ If Answer =8 If Answer =5 If Answer =99 Then Go To: Q12-44 Then Go To: Q12-44 Then Go To: Q12-60-loop-end Go To: Q12-30D Lead-In: Q12-30 [Default] Q12-30D Where does [Name of biological child()] usually live? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IN THIS HOUSEHOLD WITH (HIS/HER) (FATHER/MOTHER) WITH OTHER RELATIVES (SPECIFY) WITH FOSTER CARE WITH ADOPTIVE PARENTS LONG TERM CARE INSTITUTION AWAY AT SCHOOL 8 9 10 11 DECEASED PART-TIME WITH R, PART-TIME WITH OTHER PARENT PART-TIME WITH R, PART-TIME WITH OTHER PERSON OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q12-30D-b Lead-In: Q12-30C [Default] Q12-30D-b [usual residence of biological child()]; /* Enter code for hhiflag. */ If Answer >=2 and Answer <=4 Then Go To: Q12-44 If Answer =11 Then Go To: Q12-44 If Answer =5 Then Go To: Q12-44 If Answer =8 Then Go To: Q12-30E If Answer >=6 and Answer <=7 Then Go To: Q12-44 Go To: Q12-44 Lead-In: Q12-30D [Default] 168 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-30E When did [Name of biological child()] die? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q12-44 Lead-In: Q12-30D-b [8:8] Q12-44 [usual residence of biological child()]; /* Does first biological child live in household or with another person part time? */ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IN THIS HOUSEHOLD...(Go to Q12-45) WITH (HIS/HER) (FATHER/MOTHER) WITH OTHER RELATIVES (SPECIFY) WITH FOSTER CARE WITH ADOPTIVE PARENTS...(Go to Q12-60-LOOP-END) LONG TERM CARE INSTITUTION AWAY AT SCHOOL DECEASED...(Go to Q12-60-LOOP-END) PART-TIME WITH R, PART-TIME WITH OTHER PARENT...(Go to Q12-47) PART-TIME WITH R, PART-TIME WITH OTHER PERSON...(Go to Q12-45) OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q12-53 Lead-In: Q12-30D-b [Default], Q12-30E [Default], Q12-30C [8:8], Q12-30C [5:5], Q12-30D-b [2:4], Q12-30D-b [11:11], Q12-30D-b [5:5], Q12-30D-b [6:7] Q12-45 Does [Name of biological child()]'s natural [mother/father] live in this household? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-60-LOOP-END) No Go To: Q12-46 Lead-In: Q12-44 [1:1], Q12-44 [10:10] Q12-46 Is [Name of biological child()]'s [mother/father] living? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-47) No If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q12-47 Go To: Q12-48 Lead-In: Q12-45 [Default] Q12-47 When did [Name of biological child()]'s natural [mother/father] leave the household? 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER DATE NATURAL (MOTHER/FATHER) NEVER LIVED IN THIS HOUSEHOLD...(Go to Q12-50) Go To: Q12-47A Lead-In: Q12-44 [9:9], Q12-46 [1:1], Q12-46 [-2:-1] 169 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-47A INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR [Name of biological child()]'S NATURAL [mother/father] LEFT THE HOUSEHOLD. Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q12-50 Lead-In: Q12-47 [Default] Q12-48 When did [Name of biological child()]'s natural [mother/father] die? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTH AND YEAR.) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q12-60-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q12-46 [Default] Q12-50 About how many miles from you does [Name of biological child()]'s [mother/father] live? Is it... 1 2 3 Within 1 mile 1-10 Miles 11-100 Miles 4 5 101-200 Miles More than 200 Miles Go To: Q12-51 Lead-In: Q12-47A [Default], Q12-47 [2:2] Q12-51 In the past 12 months, about how often has [Name of biological child()] seen [his/her()] %mom/dad%? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) (IF SEPARATION IS MORE RECENT THAN PAST12 MONTHS, ASK:) Since [Name of biological child()] has been separated from[his/her()] %mom/dad%, about how often has [Name of biological child()] seen [his/her()] %mom/dad%? 1 2 3 4 Almost every day 2-5 times a week About once a week 1-3 times a month 5 6 7 0 7-11 times in past 12 months 2-6 times in past 12 months Once in past 12 months Never...(Go to Q12-60-LOOP-END) Go To: Q12-52 Lead-In: Q12-50 [Default] Q12-52 How long do these visits usually last? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER NUMBER OF DAYS. IF LESS THAN 1 DAY, ENTER 0.) Go To: Q12-60-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q12-51 [Default] Enter Answer: |__|__|__| 170 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-53 About how many miles from you does [Name of biological child()] live? Is it.... 1 2 3 Within 1 mile 1-10 Miles 11-100 Miles 4 5 101-200 Miles More than 200 Miles Go To: Q12-54 Lead-In: Q12-44 [Default] Q12-54 In the past 12 months, about how often have you seen [Name of biological child()]? (IF SEPARATION IS MORE RECENT THAN PAST 12 MONTHS, ASK:) Since [Name of biological child()] has not been living with you, about how often have you seen [Name of biological child()]? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Almost every day 2-5 times a week About once a week 1-3 times a month 5 6 7 0 7-11 times in past 12 months 2-6 times in past 12 months Once in past 12 months Never...(Go to Q12-55A) Go To: Q12-55 Lead-In: Q12-53 [Default] Q12-55 How long do these visits usually last? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER NUMBER OF DAYS. IF LESS THAN 1 DAY, ENTER 00.) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q12-55A Lead-In: Q12-54 [Default] Q12-55A Are you contributing money for the child's upbringing now? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q12-56) Go To: Q12-55B Lead-In: Q12-55 [Default], Q12-54 [0:0] Q12-55B Do you do this on a regular basis or once in a while? 1 2 Regular Once in a while Go To: Q12-55C Lead-In: Q12-55A [Default] Q12-55C How much do you give? (INTERVIEWER: NEXT QUESTION ASKS FOR UNIT) (ENTER DOLLAR AMOUNT:) Go To: Q12-55D Lead-In: Q12-55B [Default] Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|.|__|__| NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 171 Q12-55D Is that per week, per month or per year? 4 1 2 3 Per Week Per month Per year OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q12-56 Lead-In: Q12-55C [Default] Q12-56 When did [Name of biological child()] last live with you? 1 0 SELECT TO ENTER DATE...(Go to Q12-57) NEVER LIVED WITH R Go To: Q12-60-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q12-55D [Default], Q12-55A [0:0] Q12-57 (When did [Name of biological child()] last live with you?) (ENTER DATE) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q12-58 Lead-In: Q12-56 [1:1] Q12-58 (Were/Was) there any period(s) of more than three consecutive months when [Name of biological child()] did not live with you before that time? 1 0 2 Yes No CHILD IS LESS THAN THREE MONTHS OLD Go To: Q12-60-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q12-57 [Default] Q12-60-LOOP-END UNTIL([Fertility LOOP14 counter],[Fertility LOOP14 counter]=[current number of bio children on roster]); /* end loop. */ Go To: Q12-72 Lead-In: Q12-48 [Default], Q12-52 [Default], Q12-56 [Default], Q12-58 [Default], Q12-30C [99:99], Q12-44 [8:8], Q12-44 [5:5], Q12-45 [1:1], Q12-51 [0:0] Q12-72 ([current number of bio children on roster] > 0); /* Has R ever had any children? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-72A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-170 Lead-In: Q12-29Rb [Default], Q12-60-LOOP-END [Default] 172 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-72A Think now about yourself in the job of being a parent. Please tell me whether you consider each of the following statements to be very important, somewhat important, or not important to your job of being a parent. Providing my child with emotional support. Is that ....... 1 2 3 Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Go To: Q12-72B Lead-In: Q12-72 [1:1] Q12-72B (Please tell me whether you consider each of the following statements as very important, somewhat important, or not important to your job of being a parent.) Taking care of my child financially. Is that ....... 1 2 3 Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Go To: Q12-72C Lead-In: Q12-72A [Default] Q12-72C (Please tell me whether you consider each of the following statements as very important, somewhat important, or not important to your job of being a parent.) Taking care of my child's everyday needs. Is that ....... 1 2 3 Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Go To: Q12-72D Lead-In: Q12-72B [Default] Q12-72D (Please tell me whether you consider each of the following statements as very important, somewhat important, or not important to your job of being a parent.) Giving my child's [mother/father] encouragement and emotional support. Is that ....... 1 2 3 Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Go To: Q12-72E Lead-In: Q12-72C [Default] Q12-72E (Please tell me whether you consider each of the following statements as very important, somewhat important, or not important to your job of being a parent.) Giving my child moral and ethical guidance when appropriate. Is that ....... 1 2 3 Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Go To: Q12-72F Lead-In: Q12-72D [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 173 Q12-72F (Please tell me whether you consider each of the following statements as very important, somewhat important, or not important to your job of being a parent.) Making sure my child is safe and protected. Is that ....... 1 2 3 Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Go To: Q12-72G Lead-In: Q12-72E [Default] Q12-72G Some parents spend time teaching their children new skills while other parents believe children learn best on their own. Which of the following best describes your attitude? 1 2 3 4 Parents should always spend time teaching their children Parents should usually spend time teaching their children Parents should usually allow their children to learn on their own Parents should always allow their children to learn on their own Go To: Q12-73 Lead-In: Q12-72F [Default] Q12-73 ([number of live births to R since R's last interview] >= 1) OR ([number of biological children R had since date of last interview] >= 1); /* Has R had any live births since 1998 or prior interview? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-73z-loop-begin) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-158E Lead-In: Q12-72G [Default] Q12-73z-loop-begin REPEAT([Fertility LOOP16 counter]); /* Copy name of child resulting from first pregnancy since date of 1998 or prior interview. */ Go To: Q12-74 Lead-In: Q12-73 [1:1] Q12-74 Now I'd like to ask you some questions about [your/the] %Q12-loop16_text% pregnancy(ies) [that led to the birth of your child/since DLI that ended in a live birth()]. (INTERVIEWER: HIGHLIGHT NAME OF THE [count of pregnancies since last interview] CHILD [" "/born since()]. IF CHILD IS A TWIN, HIGHLIGHT NAME LISTED AND PRESS TO CONTINUE.) Refer to Roster: BIOCHILD4; Items Listed: ID, NAME, GENDER, BDATE, STATUS Go To: Q12-74Aa Lead-In: Q12-73z-loop-begin [Default] 174 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-74Aa ([status of biological child (code)([Is child a twin?()])]=97); /* DID R CORRECTLY IDENTIFY A CHILD BORN SINCE DATE OF LAST INTERVIEW? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-74Ab) Go To: Q12-74A1 Lead-In: Q12-74 [Default] Q12-74Ab INTERVIEWER: [Name of biological child([Is child a twin?()])] WAS NOT BORN SINCE DATE OF LAST INTERVIEW. PLEASE BACK-UP TO Q12-74, CHECK BIRTHDATES AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT CHILD RESULTING FROM THIS PREGNANCY. Go To: Q12-158D-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q12-74Aa [0:0] Q12-74A1 ([Fertility LOOP16 counter] = 1); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-74A2) Go To: Q12-74B Lead-In: Q12-74Aa [Default] Q12-74A2 ([flag indicating if live-birth pregnancy resulted in multiple births([flag indicating if item appeared in previous loop])] >= 1); /* WAS THIS A MULTIPLE BIRTH - REPORTED IN LAST LOOP? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-74B) Go To: Q12-76E Lead-In: Q12-74A1 [0:0] Q12-74B INTERVIEWER: DID THIS PREGNANCY RESULT IN THE BIRTH OF TWINS? USE IF NECESSARY TO CHECK THE ROSTER. 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q12-76E Lead-In: Q12-74A1 [Default], Q12-74A2 [0:0] Q12-76E ([Fertility LOOP16 counter] = 1); /* IS THIS THE FIRST TIME THROUGH THE LOOP? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q12-76F) Go To: Q12-76G Lead-In: Q12-74A2 [Default], Q12-74B [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 175 Q12-76F ([flag indicating if live-birth pregnancy resulted in multiple births([flag indicating if item appeared in previous loop])] >= 1); /* WAS THIS REPORTED AS A MULTIPLE BIRTH IN LAST LOOP? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-76F1) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-76G Lead-In: Q12-76E [0:0] Q12-76F1 ([gender of the R]); /* SKIP ACCORDING TO RESPONDENT GENDER - MULTIPLE BIRTH */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-157BB) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-118A Lead-In: Q12-76F [1:1] Q12-76G ([gender of the R]); /* SKIP ACCORDING TO RESPONDENT GENDER */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12M-78) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12F-77 Lead-In: Q12-76E [Default], Q12-76F [Default] Q12F-77 When did you become pregnant with [Name of child from pregnancy]? What month and year? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q12F-78 Lead-In: Q12-76G [Default] Q12F-78 Just before you became pregnant with [Name of child from pregnancy], did you or your partner use any methods to keep from getting pregnant? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q12F-80) Go To: Q12F-79 Lead-In: Q12F-77 [Default] Q12F-79 Had you stopped all methods before you became pregnant? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12F-80) No Go To: Q12F-81 Lead-In: Q12F-78 [Default] 176 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12F-80 Was the reason you [blank/were not/stopped] using any methods because youyourself wanted to become pregnant? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12F-82) No Go To: Q12F-81 Lead-In: Q12F-78 [0:0], Q12F-79 [1:1] Q12F-81 Just before you became pregnant that time, did you want to become pregnant when you did? (IF NO, PROBE:) Did you want (a/another) baby but not at that time, or did you want (none/no more) at all? 1 2 3 4 Yes Didn't matter No--not at that time No--(none/no more) at all Go To: Q12F-82 Lead-In: Q12F-79 [Default], Q12F-80 [Default] Q12F-82 And what about your spouse or partner when you became pregnant that time -- did he want you to have (a/another) baby? (IF NO, PROBE:) Did he want you to have (a/another) baby but not at that time, or did he want you to have (none/no more) at all? 1 2 3 4 Yes Didn't matter No--not at that time No--(none/no more) at all Go To: Q12-83 Lead-In: Q12F-81 [Default], Q12F-80 [1:1] Q12M-78 Just before [Name of child from pregnancy]'s mother became pregnant with [Name of child from pregnancy], did you or she use any methods to keep from getting pregnant? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q12M-80) Go To: Q12M-79 Lead-In: Q12-76G [1:1] Q12M-79 Had you stopped all methods before [Name of child from pregnancy]'s mother became pregnant? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12M-80) No Go To: Q12M-81 Lead-In: Q12M-78 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 177 Q12M-80 Was the reason you [blank/were not/stopped] using any methods because you yourself wanted [Name of child from pregnancy]'s mother to become pregnant? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12M-82) No Go To: Q12M-81 Lead-In: Q12M-78 [0:0], Q12M-79 [1:1] Q12M-81 Just before [Name of child from pregnancy]'s mother became pregnant that time, did you want her to become pregnant when she did? (IF NO, PROBE:) Did you want (a/another) baby but not at that time, or did you want (none/no more) at all? 1 2 3 4 Yes Didn't matter No--not at that time No--(none/no more) at all Go To: Q12M-82 Lead-In: Q12M-79 [Default], Q12M-80 [Default] Q12M-82 And what about [Name of child from pregnancy]'s mother when she became pregnant that time -- did she want to have (a/another) baby? (IF NO, PROBE:) Did she want to have (a/another) baby but not at that time, or did she want to have (none/no more) at all? 1 2 3 4 Yes Didn't matter No--not at that time No--(none/no more) at all Go To: Q12-157BB Lead-In: Q12M-81 [Default], Q12M-80 [1:1] Q12-83 During your pregnancy with [Name of child from pregnancy], did you make any visits to a doctor or nurse for prenatal care, that is, to be examined or talk about your pregnancy? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-84) No Go To: Q12-85 Lead-In: Q12F-82 [Default] Q12-84 When did you first visit a doctor or nurse for prenatal care -- during which month of your pregnancy? (ENTER MONTH NUMBER) Go To: Q12-85 Lead-In: Q12-83 [1:1] Enter Answer: |__|__| 178 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-85 Did you drink any alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, or liquor, during the 12 months before [Name of child from pregnancy] was born? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-86) No Go To: Q12-87 Lead-In: Q12-83 [Default], Q12-84 [Default] Q12-86 How often did you usually drink alcoholic beverages after you found out that you were pregnant? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) Did you drink... 7 6 5 4 Every day Nearly every day 3 or 4 days a week 1 or 2 days a week 3 2 1 0 3 or 4 days a month About once a month Less than once a month Never Go To: Q12-87 Lead-In: Q12-85 [1:1] Q12-87 Did you smoke tobacco cigarettes at all during the 12 months before [Name of child from pregnancy] was born? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-88) No Go To: Q12-105 Lead-In: Q12-85 [Default], Q12-86 [Default] Q12-88 On the average, how many cigarettes did you smoke after you found out you were pregnant? Did you smoke 2 or more packs a day? Did you smoke 1 pack or more but less than 2 packs a day, or less than 1 pack a day? 3 2 1 0 2 or more packs a day 1 or more but less than 2 Less than 1 pack a day (IF VOLUNTEERED:) DID NOT SMOKE DURING THAT PERIOD Go To: Q12-105 Lead-In: Q12-87 [1:1] Q12-105 Based on either your last menstrual period date or your doctor's or clinic's information, was [Name of child from pregnancy] born within one week of the expected (due) date? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q12-106A) Go To: Q12-107 Lead-In: Q12-87 [Default], Q12-88 [Default] 179 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-106A Was the baby born early or late? 1 2 early late Go To: Q12-106B Lead-In: Q12-105 [0:0] Q12-106B How many weeks [early/late] was the baby? (IF "1 1/2 WEEKS" ROUND UP TO "2".) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q12-107 Lead-In: Q12-106A [Default] Q12-107 Was a cesarean section done? (IF NECESSARY, PROBE:) Was the baby delivered by an incision in your abdomen? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-108) No Go To: Q12-118A Lead-In: Q12-105 [Default], Q12-106B [Default] Q12-108 Was this your first cesarean section, or did you have one before? 1 0 First cesarean Had cesarean(s) before Go To: Q12-118A Lead-In: Q12-107 [1:1] Q12-118A How much did [Name of child from pregnancy] weigh at birth? (ENTER NUMBER OF POUNDS AND PRESS TO ENTER OUNCES.) Go To: Q12-118B Lead-In: Q12-76F1 [Default], Q12-107 [Default], Q12-108 [Default] Q12-118B (How much did [Name of child from pregnancy] weigh at birth?) (ENTER NUMBER OF OUNCES.) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q12-119 Lead-In: Q12-118A [Default] Q12-119 What was [Name of child from pregnancy]'s length at birth? (ENTER INCHES) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q12-119A Lead-In: Q12-118B [Default] Enter Answer: |__|__| 180 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-119A INTERVIEWER: DID R INDICATE THAT THE LENGTH OF THE BABY WAS AN ESTIMATE? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q12-120 Lead-In: Q12-119 [Default] Q12-120 How long did your baby stay in the hospital? 1 0 SELECT TO ENTER NUMBER OF DAYS BABY/RESPONDENT DID NOT STAY IN HOSPITAL...(Go to Q12-123) Go To: Q12-120A Lead-In: Q12-119A [Default] Q12-120A (How long did your baby stay in the hospital?) (ENTER NUMBER OF DAYS) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q12-121 Lead-In: Q12-120 [Default] Q12-121 Did you leave the hospital at the same time as your baby or did you leave earlier or later? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Same time Earlier...(Go to Q12-122A) Later...(Go to Q12-122B) BABY STILL IN HOSPITAL...(Go to Q12-158D-LOOP-END) BABY DIED IN HOSPITAL...(Go to Q12-158D-LOOP-END) BABY ADOPTED OUT IN HOSPITAL...(Q12-158D-LOOP-END) Go To: Q12-123 Lead-In: Q12-120A [Default] Q12-122A How many days earlier? Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q12-123 Lead-In: Q12-121 [2:2] Q12-122B How many days later? Go To: Q12-123 Lead-In: Q12-121 [3:3] Enter Answer: |__|__|__| NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 181 Q12-123 In [Name of child from pregnancy]'s first year, did you take [him/her] to a clinic, hospital, or doctor because [he/she] was sick or injured? (IF BABY "ADOPTED OUT"/"DECEASED" AND R IS RELUCTANT, SAY:) We appreciate how difficult this is, but [Name of child from pregnancy]'s experiences are important in helping us understand the health of other children like [him/her]. 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q12-124) No Go To: Q12-143 Lead-In: Q12-121 [Default], Q12-122A [Default], Q12-122B [Default], Q12-120 [0:0] Q12-124 When you took [Name of child from pregnancy] to a clinic, hospital, or doctor the first time because [he/she] was sick or injured, what was the nature of [his/her] illness or injury? (INTERVIEWER: RECODE VERBATIM. PRESS TO CONTINUE FOR CODING OF ILLNESS OR INJURY DESCRIBED HERE.) Enter Answer: _____________________ Go To: Q12-124A Lead-In: Q12-123 [1:1] Q12-124A (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES. CODE FOR MAIN ILLNESS OR INJURY. PRESS TO CODE OTHER SYMPTOMS MENTIONED FOR THIS ILLNESSES OR INJURIES. IF MORE THAN ONE ILLNESS OR INJURY MENTIONED, PROBE:) What was the main illness or injury? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 16 FEVER COLD SORE THROAT PNEUMONIA EAR INFECTION VOMITING, DIARRHEA, OR DEHYDRATION RASH BROKEN BONE BURN 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 OTHER ACCIDENT OR POISONING CONVULSIONS JAUNDICE FEEDING PROBLEMS (FOOD ALLERGY, FORMULA TOLERANCE, ETC.) MENINGITIS ASTHMA OR BRONCHITIS OTHER (SPECIFY) NONE Go To: Q12-126 Lead-In: Q12-124 [Default] Q12-126 How many months old was [Name of child from pregnancy] when you took [him/her] to a clinic, hospital or doctor the first time for (this) [main illness, child's first visit to clinic]? (INTERVIEWER: 1 DAY TO 4 WKS = 1 MONTH. MORE THAN 4 WEEKS -- DIVIDE BY 4 AND ROUND UP. EX: 35 WEEKS = 9 MONTHS.) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q12-127 Lead-In: Q12-124A [Default] 182 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-127 In [Name of child from pregnancy]'s first year, altogether how many visits were made to a clinic, hospital, or doctor because [he/she] had (that) [main illness, child's first visit to clinic]? Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =1 Then Go To: Q12-129 Go To: Q12-128 Lead-In: Q12-126 [Default] Q12-128 In [Name of child from pregnancy]'s first year, how many months old was [he/she] the last time you took [him/her] to a clinic or doctor for (that) [main illness, child's first visit to clinic]? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q12-129 Lead-In: Q12-127 [Default] Q12-129 In [Name of child from pregnancy]'s first year, when you took [him/her] to a clinic, hospital, or doctor because [he/she] had (that) [main illness, child's first visit to clinic], where did you take [him/her]? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 5 Private doctor's office Public clinic Private clinic Health maintenance organization (HMO) Hospital clinic, walk-in clinic 6 7 8 9 Community health center Emergency room out-patient Other (SPECIFY) Hospital admission Go To: Q12-130B Lead-In: Q12-128 [Default], Q12-127 [1:1] Q12-130B INLIST([Q12-129()],9); /* Was child from first pregnancy admitted to hospital for first illness in first year of life? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-131) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-143 Lead-In: Q12-129 [Default] Q12-131 When [Name of child from pregnancy] was admitted to the hospital, was surgery necessary? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q12-132 Lead-In: Q12-130B [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 183 Q12-132 Did you have to take time off from work? 1 0 3 Yes No Not working Go To: Q12-143 Lead-In: Q12-131 [Default] Q12-143 Now we are going to discuss well baby care. In [Name of child from pregnancy]'s first year, did you take [him/her] to a clinic or doctor for well baby care when [he/she] was not sick? 1 0 99 2 3 Yes...(Go to Q12-144) No Unknown Code BABY DIED IN FIRST YEAR BABY ADOPTED OUT IN FIRST YEAR Go To: Q12-157BB Lead-In: Q12-123 [Default], Q12-130B [Default], Q12-132 [Default] Q12-144 How many months old was [Name of child from pregnancy] when you took [him/her] to a clinic or doctor for well baby care the first time?..... (INTERVIEWER: ENCOURAGE THE RESPONDENT TO ESTIMATE MONTHS OF AGE IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.) 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER MONTHS...(Go to Q12-144A) TOOK CHILD TO WELL CARE, BUT DOES NOT KNOW ANY MONTHS OF AGE Go To: Q12-157BB Lead-In: Q12-143 [1:1] Q12-144A (How many months old was [Name of child from pregnancy] when you took [him/her] to a clinic or doctor for well baby care the first time?.....) How old was [he/she] the next time? (INTERVIEWER: CONTINUE TO ASK UNTIL THE LAST TIME IS CODED.) (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 1 month old 2 months old 3 months old 4 months old 5 6 7 8 5 months old 6 months old 7 months old 8 months old 9 10 11 12 9 months old 10 months old 11 months old 12 months old Go To: Q12-157BB Lead-In: Q12-144 [1:1] Q12-157BB ([HHI flag of child from pregnancy]=5) or ([HHI flag of child from pregnancy]=8); /* IS CHILD ADOPTED OUT OR DECEASED? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-158D-LOOP-END) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-157C Lead-In: Q12M-82 [Default], Q12-143 [Default], Q12-144 [Default], Q12-144A [Default], Q12-76F1 [1:1] 184 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-157C Now, we have a few questions about health care plans. First, is [Name of child from pregnancy]'s health insurance provided either by an employer or by an individual plan that pays part or all of a hospital bill? (PROBE IF NECESSARY) Examples of health and hospitalization insurance plan include Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HMO. (INTERVIEWER: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS.) 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q12-157E) Go To: Q12-157D Lead-In: Q12-157BB [Default] Q12-157D What is the source of [Name of child from pregnancy]'s health plan? Is it your own policy brought directly from a medical insurance company, your parent's policy, an employer policy, or something else? 1 2 3 4 5 Respondent's Parent's policy Respondent/spouse/partner policy bought directly from insurance company Respondent's employer policy Spouse/partner employer policy Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q12-157E Lead-In: Q12-157C [Default] Q12-157E There is a national program called Medicaid (Medi-Cal/Medical Assistance/Welfare/Medical Services) that pays for health care for persons in need. Is [Name of child from pregnancy]'s health care now covered by Medicaid or one of these public assistance health care programs? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q12-158D-LOOP-END Lead-In: Q12-157D [Default], Q12-157C [0:0] Q12-158D-LOOP-END UNTIL([Fertility LOOP16 counter],([Fertility LOOP16 counter]>=[number of biological children R had since date of last interview] and [Did R identify a child born since date of last interview?()]!=0)); /* END LOOP WHEN ALL CHILDREN CHECKED FOR NEW STATUS */ Go To: Q12-158E Lead-In: Q12-74Ab [Default], Q12-157E [Default], Q12-157BB [1:1], Q12-121 [4:6] Q12-158E ([gender of the R]); /*IS THE RESPONDENT A MALE OR FEMALE? */ 1 2 MALE...(Go to Q12-170) FEMALE Go To: Q12-159B Lead-In: Q12-73 [Default], Q12-158D-LOOP-END [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 185 Q12-159B ([flag #1 for feeding questions]>0) or ([flag #2 for feeding questions]>0) or ([number of biological children R had since date of last interview] > 0); /* Are there any new children to ask feeding questions for? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-160-LOOP-BEGIN) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-159C Lead-In: Q12-158E [Default] Q12-159C ([Any children born since DLI?]=1) or ([Has R had any children?]=1); /* R HAVE ANY CHILDREN OR ANY NEW CHILDREN SINCE DLI? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-160-LOOP-BEGIN) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-170 Lead-In: Q12-159B [Default] Q12-160-LOOP-BEGIN REPEAT([Fertility LOOP18 counter]); /* Begin loop about feeding */ Go To: Q12-161 Lead-In: Q12-159B [1:1], Q12-159C [1:1] Q12-161 ([status of biological child (code)()] = 99); /* Has this child been deleted? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-165bb-loop-end) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-162 Lead-In: Q12-160-LOOP-BEGIN [Default] Q12-162 ([status of biological child (code)()] = 97); /* Is this a new child (since last interview)? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q12-164) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q12-165bb-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-161 [Default] Q12-164 When [Name of biological child()] was an infant, did you breast feed [him/her()] at all? (IF BABY "ADOPTED OUT"/"DECEASED" AND R IS RELUCTANT, SAY:) We appreciate how difficult this is, but [Name of biological child()]'s experiences are important in helping us understand the health of other children like [him/her()]. 1 0 2 3 Yes...(Go to Q12-165) No BABY DIED IN HOSPITAL BABY ADOPTED OUT IN HOSPITAL Go To: Q12-165bb-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-162 [1:1] 186 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility Q12-165 How many weeks old was [Name of biological child()] when you quit breast feeding [him/her()] altogether? (INTERVIEWER: DETERMINE WHETHER R IS ANSWERING IN WEEKS OR MONTHS OLD, AND SELECT THE APPROPRIATE ANSWER BELOW.) 1 2 0 SELECT TO ENTER NUMBER OF WEEKS OLD...(Go to Q12-165A) SELECT TO ENTER NUMBER OF MONTHS OLD...(Go to Q12-165B) STILL BREAST FEEDING Go To: Q12-165bb-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-164 [1:1] Q12-165A (How many weeks old was [Name of biological child()] when you quit breast feeding [him/her()] altogether?) (INTERVIEWER: R HAS ANSWERED IN NUMBER OF WEEKS.) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q12-165bb-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-165 [1:1] Q12-165B (How many months old was [Name of biological child()] when you quit breast feeding [him/her()] altogether?) (INTERVIEWER: R HAS ANSWERED IN NUMBER OF MONTHS. PLEASE ENTER ONLY FULL OR HALF MONTHS.) Enter Answer: |__|.|__| Go To: Q12-165bb-loop-end Lead-In: Q12-165 [2:2] Q12-165bb-loop-end UNTIL([Fertility LOOP18 counter],[Fertility LOOP18 counter]=[current number of bio children on roster]); /* End loop about feeding */ Go To: Q12-170 Lead-In: Q12-162 [Default], Q12-164 [Default], Q12-165 [Default], Q12-165A [Default], Q12-165B [Default], Q12-161 [1:1] Q12-170 ([gender of the R]); /*IS THE RESPONDENT A MALE OR FEMALE? */ 1 2 Male...(Go to Q12-172) Female Go To: Q12-171 Lead-In: Q12-72 [Default], Q12-159C [Default], Q12-165bb-loop-end [Default], Q12-158E [1:1] Q12-171 Are you currently pregnant? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q12-172 Lead-In: Q12-170 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Fertility 187 Q12-172 Altogether, how many [blank/more] children do you EXPECT to have? (INCLUDE ANY CURRENT PREGNANCY OF RESPONDENT OR [spouse/partner].) (INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT SAYS NONE, ENTER "0".) 1 2 SELECT TO ENTER NUMBER OF CHILDREN NONE...(Go to Q13-0) If Answer =-2 Then Go To: Q13-0 If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q13-0 Go To: Q12-174 Lead-In: Q12-171 [Default], Q12-1-C [0:0], Q12-170 [1:1], Q12-1-C [-1:-1] Q12-174 (Altogether, how many [blank/more] children do you EXPECT to have?) ENTER NUMBER OF CHILDREN: If Answer =0 Enter Answer: |__|__| Then Go To: Q13-0 Go To: Q12-175 Lead-In: Q12-172 [Default] Q12-175 In how many months or years do you expect to have your [first/next] child? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER MONTHS OR YEARS BELOW. PRESS TO ENTER LENGTH OF TIME.) 1 2 MONTHS...(Go to Q12-175A) YEARS If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q13-0 If Answer =-2 Then Go To: Q13-0 Go To: Q12-175B Lead-In: Q12-174 [Default] Q12-175A (In how many months do you expect to have your [first/next] child?) (ENTER NUMBER OF MONTHS.) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q13-0 Lead-In: Q12-175 [1:1] Q12-175B (In how many years do you expect to have your [first/next] child? (ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS.) Go To: Q13-0 Lead-In: Q12-175 [Default] Enter Answer: |__|__| NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Child Care 189 SECTION 13: CHILD CARE Q13-0 ([number of children in household]); /* SKIP ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN HOUSEHOLD */ >=1 0 (Go to Q13-1) Go To: Q14-1-a Lead-In: Q12-175A [Default], Q12-175B [Default], Q12-172 [2:2], Q12-174 [0:0], Q12-172 [-2:-2], Q12-172 [-1:-1], Q12-175 [-1:-1], Q12-175 [-2:-2] Q13-1 Now I have some questions about the youngest child living in your household. Go To: Q13-2A Lead-In: Q13-0 [2:99], Q13-0 [1:1] Q13-2A How often do you get a chance to read stories to [name of youngest child in household]? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 6 5 4 Every day About 3 times a week Once a week 3 2 1 Several times a month Several times a year Never Go To: Q13-2B Lead-In: Q13-1 [Default] Q13-2B Sometimes kids mind pretty well and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they do things that make you feel good. How many times in the past week have you ... had to spank [name of youngest child in household]? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q13-2C Lead-In: Q13-2A [Default] Q13-2C ([age of youngest child in household]<=3); /* IS CHILD AGED THREE OR YOUNGER? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q13-2G) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q13-2D Lead-In: Q13-2B [Default] Q13-2D (How many times in the past week have you ...) grounded [name of youngest child in household]? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Go To: Q13-2E Lead-In: Q13-2C [Default] Enter Answer: |__|__| 190 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Child Care Q13-2E (How many times in the past week have you ...) taken away [name of youngest child in household]'s TV or other privileges? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q13-2F Lead-In: Q13-2D [Default] Q13-2F (How many times in the past week have you ...) taken away [name of youngest child in household]'s allowance? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q13-2G Lead-In: Q13-2E [Default] Q13-2G (How many times in the past week have you ...) praised [name of youngest child in household] for doing something worthwhile? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q13-2H Lead-In: Q13-2F [Default], Q13-2C [1:1] Q13-2H (How many times in the past week have you ...) shown [name of youngest child in household] physical affection (kiss, hug, stroke hair, etc.)? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q13-2I Lead-In: Q13-2G [Default] Q13-2I ([age of youngest child in household]<=1); 1 0 /* IS CHILD AGED ONE OR YOUNGER? */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q13-2K) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q13-2J Lead-In: Q13-2H [Default] Q13-2J (How many times in the past week have you ...) sent [name of youngest child in household] to his/her room or put him/her in a time out? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Go To: Q13-2K Lead-In: Q13-2I [Default] Enter Answer: |__|__| NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Child Care 191 Q13-2K (How many times in the past week have you ...) told another adult (spouse, friend, co-worker, visitor, relative) something positive about [name of youngest child in household]? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q13-4a Lead-In: Q13-2J [Default], Q13-2I [1:1] Q13-4a (Not counting regular school) In the past four weeks has [name of youngest child in household] been cared for in any regular arrangement such as a day care, nursery school play group, babysitter, relative, or some other child care arrangement? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q13-5d) No Go To: Q13-16 Lead-In: Q13-2K [Default] Q13-5d During the last 4 weeks, what was [name of youngest child in household] usually doing or how was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for during MOST OF THE HOURS that [name of youngest child in household] was in a child care arrangement. (RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONE ONLY) (CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CHILD'S OTHER PARENT OR STEPPARENT CHILD'S GRANDPARENT CHILD'S SIBLING UNDER AGE 15 CHILD'S SIBLING AGE 15 OR OVER OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15 OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER NONRELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15 NONRELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER CHILD IN DAY CARE CENTER OR GROUP CARE CENTER CHILD IN NURSERY SCHOOL OR PRESCHOOL CHILD IN DAY CAMP CHILD IN OVERNIGHT RESIDENCE CAMP CHILD IN KINDERGARTEN, ELEMENTARY, OR SECONDAY SCHOOL...(Go to Q13-7) CHILD CARES FOR SELF R'S WORK OR ACTIVITY AT HOME R CARES FOR CHILD AT WORK OR PLACE OF ACTIVITY OTHER ARRANGEMENT (SPECIFY) Go To: Q13-5e Lead-In: Q13-4a [1:1] 192 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Child Care Q13-5e [Q13-5d]; /* JUMP ACCORDING TO ANSWER IN Q13-5d */ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CHILD'S OTHER PARENT OR STEPPARENT...(Go to Q13-5f) CHILD'S GRANDPARENT...(Go to Q13-5f) CHILD'S SIBLING UNDER AGE 15...(Go to Q13-5f) CHILD'S SIBLING AGE 15 OR OVER...(Go to Q13-5f) OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15...(Go to Q13-5f) OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER...(Go to Q13-5f) NONRELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15...(Go to Q13-5f) NONRELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER...(Go to Q13-5f) CHILD IN DAY CARE CENTER OR GROUP CARE CENTER...(Go to Q13-5g) CHILD IN NURSERY SCHOOL OR PRESCHOOL...(Go to Q13-5g) CHILD IN DAY CAMP...(Go to Q13-5g) CHILD IN OVERNIGHT RESIDENCE CAMP...(Go to Q13-5g) CHILD IN KINDERGARTEN, ELEMENTARY, OR SECONDAY SCHOOL CHILD CARES FOR SELF...(Go to Q13-5g) R'S WORK OR ACTIVITY AT HOME...(Go to Q13-5g) R CARES FOR CHILD AT WORK OR PLACE OF ACTIVITY...(Go to Q13-5g) OTHER ARRANGEMENT (SPECIFY)...(Go to Q13-5g) If Answer >=1 and Answer <=8 Then Go To: Q13-5f If Answer >=9 and Answer <=12 Then Go To: Q13-5g If Answer >=14 and Answer <=17 Then Go To: Q13-5g Go To: Q13-5f Lead-In: Q13-5d [Default] Q13-5f Where was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for under this arrangement? (RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONLY ONE) 1 2 3 CHILD'S HOME OTHER PRIVATE HOME OTHER PLACE (SPECIFY) Go To: Q13-5g Lead-In: Q13-5e [Default], Q13-5e [1:8] Q13-5g ([Q13-5d]=12); /* IS CHILD IN A RESIDENCE CAMP? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q13-10a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q13-5h Lead-In: Q13-5f [Default], Q13-5e [9:12], Q13-5e [14:17] Q13-5h About how many hours per week was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for under this arrangement? 1 996 SELECT TO ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS...(Go to Q13-6A) OVERNIGHT RESIDENCE CAMP...(Go to Q13-10a) Go To: Q13-7 Lead-In: Q13-5g [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Child Care 193 Q13-6A (About how many hours per week was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for under this arrangement?) (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS:) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q13-7 Lead-In: Q13-5h [1:1] Q13-7 Was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for this way during all of the hours that [name of youngest child in household] was in a child care arrangement during the last four weeks? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q13-10a) No Go To: Q13-8 Lead-In: Q13-5h [Default], Q13-6A [Default], Q13-5d [13:13] Q13-8 During the last 4 weeks, what was [name of youngest child in household] usually doing or how was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for during the OTHER hours that [name of youngest child in household] was in a child care arrangement during the last four weeks? (RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONLY ONE) (CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CHILD'S OTHER PARENT OR STEPPARENT CHILD'S GRANDPARENT CHILD'S SIBLING UNDER AGE 15 CHILD'S SIBLING AGE 15 OR OVER OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15 OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER NONRELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15 NONRELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER CHILD IN DAY CARE CENTER OR GROUP CARE CENTER CHILD IN NURSERY SCHOOL OR PRESCHOOL CHILD IN DAY CAMP CHILD IN OVERNIGHT RESIDENCE CAMP CHILD IN KINDERGARTEN, ELEMENTARY, OR SECONDAY SCHOOL...(Go to Q13-10a) CHILD CARES FOR SELF R'S WORK OR ACTIVITY AT HOME R CARES FOR CHILD AT WORK OR PLACE OF ACTIVITY OTHER ARRANGEMENT (SPECIFY) Go To: Q13-8A Lead-In: Q13-7 [Default] 194 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Child Care Q13-8A [Q13-8]; /* SKIP ACCORDING TO TYPE OF CHILD CARE ARRANGEMENT REPORTED */ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CHILD'S OTHER PARENT OR STEPPARENT...(Go to Q13-8B) CHILD'S GRANDPARENT...(Go to Q13-8B) CHILD'S SIBLING UNDER AGE 15...(Go to Q13-8B) CHILD'S SIBLING AGE 15 OR OVER...(Go to Q13-8B) OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15...(Go to Q13-8B) OTHER RELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER...(Go to Q13-8B) NONRELATIVE OF CHILD UNDER AGE 15...(Go to Q13-8B) NONRELATIVE OF CHILD AGE 15 OR OVER...(Go to Q13-8B) CHILD IN DAY CARE CENTER OR GROUP CARE CENTER...(Go to Q13-8C) CHILD IN NURSERY SCHOOL OR PRESCHOOL...(Go to Q13-8C) CHILD IN DAY CAMP...(Go to Q13-8C) CHILD IN OVERNIGHT RESIDENCE CAMP...(Go to Q13-8C) CHILD IN KINDERGARTEN, ELEMENTARY, OR SECONDAY SCHOOL...(Go to Q13-8C) CHILD CARES FOR SELF...(Go to Q13-8C) R'S WORK OR ACTIVITY AT HOME...(Go to Q13-8C) R CARES FOR CHILD AT WORK OR PLACE OF ACTIVITY...(Go to Q13-8C) OTHER ARRANGEMENT (SPECIFY)...(Go to Q13-8C) If Answer >=1 and Answer <=8 Then Go To: Q13-8B If Answer >=9 and Answer <=17 Then Go To: Q13-8C Go To: Q13-8B Lead-In: Q13-8 [Default] Q13-8B Where was [name of youngest child in household] usually care for under this arangement? (RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONLY ONE) 1 2 3 CHILD'S HOME OTHER PRIVATE HOME OTHER PLACE (SPECIFY) Go To: Q13-8C Lead-In: Q13-8A [Default], Q13-8A [1:8] Q13-8C ([Q13-8]=12); /* WAS RESIDENCE CAMP REPORTED IN Q13-8? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q13-10a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q13-8D Lead-In: Q13-8B [Default], Q13-8A [9:17] Q13-8D About how many hours per week was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for under this arrangement? 1 996 SELECT TO ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS...(Go to Q13-8F) OVERNIGHT RESIDENCE CAMP...(Go to Q13-10a) Go To: Q13-10a Lead-In: Q13-8C [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Child Care 195 Q13-8F (About how many hours per week was [name of youngest child in household] usually cared for under this arrangement?) (ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS:) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q13-10a Lead-In: Q13-8D [1:1] Q13-10a (Not counting tuition for kindergarten, elementary, or secondary school, or overnight camp), did [your or your spouse /you or your partner] usually pay for ANY of the child care that your [child/children] received in the last four weeks? (INTERVIEWER: RESPONDENTS SHOULD INCLUDE EXPENSES FOR ALL CHILDREN.) 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q13-10b) No Go To: Q13-11 Lead-In: Q13-8D [Default], Q13-8F [Default], Q13-5g [1:1], Q13-5h [996:996], Q13-7 [1:1], Q13-8 [13:13], Q13-8C [1:1], Q13-8D [996:996] Q13-10b (Not counting tuition for kindergarten, elementary, or secondary school, or overnight camp), how much do [your or your spouse/you or your partner] usually pay, per week, for child care? (INTERVIEWER: RESPONDENTS SHOULD INCLUDE EXPENSES FOR ALL CHILDREN.) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: Q13-11 Lead-In: Q13-10a [1:1] Q13-11 During the last four weeks, did [your or your spouse/you or your partner] lose any time from work because the person who usually took care of the [child/children] was not available? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q13-16 Lead-In: Q13-10a [Default], Q13-10b [Default] Q13-16 Have you had to turn down a job offer in the last four weeks because of difficulties in arranging child care for your [child/children]? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q14-1-a Lead-In: Q13-4a [Default], Q13-11 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health 197 SECTION 14: HEALTH Q14-1-a Now I would like to ask you some questions about your general state of health. Go To: Q14-1 Lead-In: Q13-0 [Default], Q13-16 [Default] Q14-1 ([flag indicating whether R sworn into active military since date of last interview(1)]=1) or ([flag indicating if R has done any work for pay since date of last interview] = 1); /* Machine check: Is R on active duty or reported at least one employer in Section 7? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q14-1a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-1b Lead-In: Q14-1-a [Default] Q14-1a Are you limited in the kind of work you do on a job for pay because of your health? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-6b) No Go To: Q14-2a Lead-In: Q14-1 [1:1] Q14-1b Would you be limited in the kind or amount of work you could do on a job for pay because of your health? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-6b) No Go To: Q14-2a Lead-In: Q14-1 [Default] Q14-2a Do you have any physical, emotional, or mental conditions that limit your ability to attend school regularly or do regular school work? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-6b) No Go To: Q14-5a Lead-In: Q14-1a [Default], Q14-1b [Default] Q14-5a Do you have any physical, emotional, or mental conditions that require frequent medical attention, regular use of medication, or the use of special equipment such as a brace, crutches, a wheelchair, special shoes, an air filter, a catheter and so on? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-6b) No Go To: Q14-10g Lead-In: Q14-2a [Default] 198 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health Q14-6b ([gender of the R]=1); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q14-8a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-6c Lead-In: Q14-1a [1:1], Q14-1b [1:1], Q14-2a [1:1], Q14-5a [1:1] Q14-6c ([flag indicating if R is pregnant]=1); /*check if YA is preg from sect 12*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q14-7) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-8a Lead-In: Q14-6b [Default] Q14-7 Is your limitation entirely due to your current pregnancy? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-10g) No Go To: Q14-8a Lead-In: Q14-6c [1:1] Q14-8a What is/are your health condition(s) or limitation(s)? (PROBE IF NECESSARY:) What is it called? (INTERVIEWER: CONDITIONS ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. CHOICE NUMBER 34 IS 'OTHER (SPECIFY)'- MAKE SURE TO USE THIS CHOICE IF R'S APPROPRIATE CONDITION IS NOT ON LIST.) (CODE ALL THAT APPLY WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES.) (1) Allergic condition(s) NOT including asthma or hay fever (2) Asthma (3) Anemia (4) Appendicitis (5) Blood disorder or immune deficiency (other than anemia) (6) Bronchitis (7) Bunions,calluses, corns, foot problems (8) Cancer, tumor (9) Crippled, orthopedic handicap (10) Diabetes (11) Ear infections (12) Epilepsy/seizures (13) Gallstones (14) Hay fever (15) Hearing differculty or deafness (16) Heart trouble (17) Hemorrhoids or piles Go To: Q14-8c Lead-In: Q14-6c [Default], Q14-7 [Default], Q14-6b [1:1] (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) Hernia Hyperkinesis, hyperactivity Kidney stones Laryngitis Learning disability (i.e. dyslexia) Mental Retardation Migraine Minimal brain dysfunction, minimal cerebral dysfunction, Attention deficit disorder Nervous Disorder Phlebitis Respiratory disorder Sciatica Sinus Speech Impairment Ulcer Veneral Disease Other (SPECIFY) 199 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health Q14-8c ([number of R's illnesses] >1); 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to Q14-10Ea) Go To: Q14-10B Lead-In: Q14-8a [Default] Q14-10B Which ONE of these health conditions would you say is the main cause of your limitation? INTERVIEWER: IF R CHOSE ONLY ONE IN Q14-8b, SELECT IT AND CONTINUE Refer to Roster: SICK; Items Listed: NAME, ID Go To: Q14-10Ea Lead-In: Q14-8c [Default] Q14-10Ea For how long have you had this limitation, [illness name] (other than a pregnancy)? 1 2 0 SELECT TO ENTER MONTHS...(Go to Q14-10Fa) SELECT TO ENTER YEARS...(Go to Q14-10Fb) IF VOLUNTEERED: "ALL MY LIFE" Go To: Q14-10g Lead-In: Q14-10B [Default], Q14-8c [0:0] Q14-10Fa (How long have you had this limitation, [illness name] (other than pregnancy)?) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q14-10g Lead-In: Q14-10Ea [1:1] Q14-10Fb (How long have you had this limitation, [illness name] (other than pregnancy)?) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q14-10g Lead-In: Q14-10Ea [2:2] Q14-10g How would you describe your present health? Is it... 1 2 3 Poor Fair Good 4 5 Very Good Excellent Go To: Q14-11 Lead-In: Q14-5a [Default], Q14-10Ea [Default], Q14-10Fa [Default], Q14-10Fb [Default], Q14-7 [1:1] Q14-11 During the past 12 months have you had any accidents or injuries that required medical attention? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-11-aa) No Go To: Q14-13 Lead-In: Q14-10g [Default] 200 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health Q14-11-aa How many such accidents or injuries requiring medical attention have you had in the past 12 months? Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q14-13 Go To: Q14-11-b Lead-In: Q14-11 [1:1] Q14-11-b Did any of these accidents or injuries require hospitalization? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-11-Loop-Begin) No Go To: Q14-13 Lead-In: Q14-11-aa [Default] Q14-11-Loop-Begin Repeat([Loop counter for accidents/injuries]); /*start loop about accidents*/ Go To: Q14-11-ab Lead-In: Q14-11-b [1:1] Q14-11-ab ([Loop counter for accidents/injuries]); /*check to see if this is the first loop through*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q14-11a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-11b Lead-In: Q14-11-Loop-Begin [Default] Q14-11a How many such accidents or injuries requiring hospitalization have you had in the past 12 months? Enter Answer: |__|__| If Answer =0 Then Go To: Q14-11-Loop-End If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q14-11-Loop-End Go To: Q14-11b Lead-In: Q14-11-ab [1:1] Q14-11b Thinking of your [label to differentiate between R's most recent accident and any previous accidents()] accident or injury in what month and year did it occur? Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q14-11c Lead-In: Q14-11-ab [Default], Q14-11a [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health 201 Q14-11c What was the cause of the [label to differentiate between R's most recent accident and any previous accidents()] accident or injury? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES) (RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONLY ONE) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (22) (21) (23) (24) (25) (26) (15) MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT AS OCCUPANT MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT AS PEDESTRIAN CYCLING FALL UNRELATED TO ATHLETICS OR SPORTS ACTIVITY FALL/CONTACT RELATED TO ATHLETICS/SPORTS ACTIVITY FIRE OR SMOKE HOT LIQUID TOY OR ITEM INTENDED FOR CHILD USE EQUIPMENT OR DEVICE NOT INTENDED FOR A CHILD POISONING SMASHED BODY PART: CAR/DOOR/WINDOW BRUISE/CONTUSION ADULT INJURED CHILD ACCIDENTLY (PULL/LIFT INJURY) INTENTIONAL VIOLENT INJURY "ROUGH HOUSING,"/IMPACT INJURY: WRESTLING, ETC. FIGHTING: BROKE BONE/NOSE, HIT IN FACE, SHOT, STABBED, ETC. STRUCK BY OBJECT FROM OTHER PERSON (INTENT UNKNOWN) INSECT STING OR BITE STEPPED ON SHARP OBJECT, I.E. GLASS/NAILS/METAL RAN INTO STATIONARY OBJECT (NOT IN HOME ENVIRONMENT) RAN INTO STATIONARY OBJECT (HOME ENVIRONMENT) ANIMAL BITE CUT BY SHARP OBJECT, I.E. KNIFE/GLASS/TOOL BURN, I.E. FROM HEATER/CIGARRETTE/OVEN/STOVE JUMP/FALL ACCIDENT, I.E. OFF FURNITURE/OTHER OBJECT "TEMPER" INJURIES, I.E. FELL, KICKED FURNITURE, ETC. OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q14-11d Lead-In: Q14-11b [Default] Q14-11d What specific injury or conditions resulted from this accident or injury? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) (CODE ALL THAT APPLY) 1 2 3 4 Broken or dislocated bones Sprain, strain or pulled muscle Wound: cuts, scrape, puncture Head injury, concussion Go To: Q14-11e Lead-In: Q14-11c [Default] 5 6 7 8 Bruise, contusion or internal bleeding Burn, Scald Illness or effect from poisons, medicine (drugs), etc.. Other (SPECIFY) 202 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health Q14-11e Where did the accident or injury happen? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 At home (any, not necessarily respondent's) School (including grounds and athletic areas) Place of work Street or highway 5 6 7 8 Public building or space (other than streets or schools) Place of recreation and sports except school Farm or agricultural area, except farm house Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q14-11-Loop-End Lead-In: Q14-11d [Default] Q14-11-Loop-End UNTIL ([Loop counter for accidents/injuries], ([Loop counter for accidents/injuries]=[accident_num]) or ([accident_num]<=0)); Go To: Q14-13 Lead-In: Q14-11e [Default], Q14-11a [0:0], Q14-11a [-2:-1] Q14-13 ([gender of the R]=1); /* Check to see if R is male; if so branch over menses */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q14-14d) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-13a Lead-In: Q14-11 [Default], Q14-11-b [Default], Q14-11-Loop-End [Default], Q1411-aa [0:0] Q14-13a SYMBOLEXIST ([whether R has had menses]); /* set symbol for next question */ If Answer =1 Then Go To: Q14-13b Go To: Q14-14a Lead-In: Q14-13 [Default] Q14-13b ([whether R has had menses]=1); /* Check to see if menses information has already been collected. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q14-14d) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-14a Lead-In: Q14-13a [1:1] Q14-14a Have you ever had a menstrual period? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q14-14d) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: Q14-14d Go To: Q14-14b Lead-In: Q14-13a [Default], Q14-13b [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health 203 Q14-14b How old were you when you had your first menstrual period. (ENTER AGE:) If Answer =-1 Enter Answer: |__|__| Then Go To: Q14-14d Go To: Q14-14c Lead-In: Q14-14a [Default] Q14-14c In what month and year did you have your first period? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) Enter Date: |__|__||__|__|__|__| Mon Year Go To: Q14-14d Lead-In: Q14-14b [Default] Q14-14d ([living arrangement of R]=19) or ([living arrangement of R]=20) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0); /* IS R IN HH WITH BOTH PARENTS OR WITH MOTHER ONLY? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q14-20) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-15 Lead-In: Q14-14c [Default], Q14-13 [1:1], Q14-13b [1:1], Q14-14a [0:0], Q14-14a [-1:-1], Q14-14b [-1:-1] Q14-15 In the past 12 months have you had any illnesses that required medical attention or treatment? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q14-15a) No Go To: Q14-16 Lead-In: Q14-14d [Default] Q14-15a How many such illnesses have you had in the past 12 months? (ENTER NUMBER OF ILLNESSES:) Go To: Q14-16 Lead-In: Q14-15 [1:1] Enter Answer: |__|__| 204 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health Q14-16 When did you last see a doctor for treatment of an illness? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Less than 1 month ago 1 - 3 months ago 4 - 6 months ago 7 - 11 months ago 5 6 7 1 year - 23 month ago (less than 2 years) ago 2 or more years ago Never Go To: Q14-17 Lead-In: Q14-15 [Default], Q14-15a [Default] Q14-17 When did you last see a doctor for a routine health check-up? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) 1 2 3 4 Less than 1 month ago 1 - 3 months ago 4 - 6 months ago 7 - 11 months ago 5 6 7 1 year - 23 month ago (less than 2 years) ago 2 or more years ago Never Go To: Q14-20 Lead-In: Q14-16 [Default] Q14-20 How tall are you? (ENTER NUMBER OF FEET:) (INTERVIEWER: ENTER NUMBER OF INCHES ON NEXT SCREEN) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q14-20a Lead-In: Q14-17 [Default], Q14-14d [1:1] Q14-20a (How tall are you?) (ENTER NUMBER OF INCHES:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q14-21 Lead-In: Q14-20 [Default] Q14-21 How much do you weigh? (ENTER NUMBER OF POUNDS) Enter Answer: |__|__|__| Go To: Q14-21a Lead-In: Q14-20a [Default] Q14-21a (([living arrangement of R]=19) or ([living arrangement of R]=20) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0) or ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0)) and ([R's age]<21); /* IS R IN HH WITH BOTH PARENTS OR WITH MOTHER ONLY AND UNDER AGE 21? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-1A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q14-22 Lead-In: Q14-21 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Health 205 Q14-22 Now we have a couple of questions about health care plans. First, is your health care now covered by health insurance provided either by an employer or by an individual plan that pays part or all of a hospital or doctor's bill? (PROBE IF NECESSARY:) Examples of health and hospitalization insurance plans include Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HMO. (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS.) 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q14-24) Go To: Q14-23 Lead-In: Q14-21a [Default] Q14-23 What is the source of your health plan? Is it your own policy bought directly from a medical insurance company, your parent's policy, an employer policy, or something else? 1 2 Respondent's Parent's policy Respondent/spouse/partner policy bought directly from insurance company 3 4 5 Respondent's employer policy Spouse/partner employer policy Other (SPECIFY) Go To: Q14-24 Lead-In: Q14-22 [Default] Q14-24 There is a national program called Medicaid (or Medi-Cal/Medical Assistance/Welfare/Medical Servies) that pays for health care for persons in need. Is your health care now covered by Medicaid or one of these public assistance health care programs? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-1A Lead-In: Q14-23 [Default], Q14-22 [0:0] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets 207 SECTION 15: INCOME AND ASSETS Q15-1A We now have some questions about your and your family's income. We appreciate that our questions are difficult to answer and sometimes seem intrusive; however, we want to reassure you that the information you provide to us is kept confidential. Go To: Q15-5 Lead-In: Q14-24 [Default], Q14-21a [1:1] Q15-5 During 1999, how much did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all (other) jobs [military or civilian/--] before deductions for taxes or anything else? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| If Answer =-2 Then Go To: Q15-5-a Go To: Q15-5A Lead-In: Q15-1A [Default] Q15-5-a What is your best estimate of this amount? Please listen to these categories, and stop me on the category that is best. 1 2 3 4 $1-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 5 6 7 $50,001 - $100,000 $100,001 $250,000 More than $250,000 Go To: Q15-5A Lead-In: Q15-5 [-2:-2] Q15-5A ([amount of farm sales R earned in 1999] >1); /* Check if any farm income is greater than 1 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-6) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-7 Lead-In: Q15-5 [Default], Q15-5-a [Default] Q15-6 (Excluding any income you already have mentioned) During 1999, did you receive any money in income from ... ........your own farm? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-7 Lead-In: Q15-5A [1:1] 208 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets Q15-7 (Excluding any income you already have mentioned) During 1999, did you receive any money in income from ... your own non-farm business, partnership, or professional practice? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15-9) No Go To: Q15-8 Lead-In: Q15-5A [Default], Q15-6 [Default] Q15-8 ([flag indicating if R has received income from own farm in 1999]=1); /* check if received farm income in previous year */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-9) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-9A Lead-In: Q15-7 [Default] Q15-9 How much did you receive AFTER EXPENSES? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-9A Lead-In: Q15-8 [1:1], Q15-7 [1:1] Q15-9A ([flag indicating that R is under 18, living with at least one parent, not married, not living with a partner, and has no children]=1); /* check if R is unemancipated as defined in Q15-1B */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-133) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-9B Lead-In: Q15-8 [Default], Q15-9 [Default] Q15-9B ([flag indicating if R has done any work for pay since date of last interview]=0); /* check if R reported no employers since DLI */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-10) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15U-3 Lead-In: Q15-9A [Default] Q15U-3 Did you receive any money from unemployment compensation in any months in 1999? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15U-4A) No Go To: Q15-10 Lead-In: Q15-9B [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets 209 Q15U-4A For how many months during 1999 did you receive unemployment compensation? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: q15u-5a Lead-In: Q15U-3 [1:1] q15u-5a How much did you receive per week in the last month you received unemployment? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-10 Lead-In: Q15U-4A [Default] Q15-10 (([marital status code]=1) or ([marital status code]=7) or ([flag indicating presence/absence of spouse/partner in household]=1) or ([flag indicating presence/absence of partner in household]=1)); /* Is R currently married with a spouse or has a partner */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-18) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-32 Lead-In: Q15U-3 [Default], q15u-5a [Default], Q15-9B [1:1] Q15-18 During 1999, how much did your [R's spouse or partner] receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs -- military or civilian -- before deductions for taxes or anything else? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-20 Lead-In: Q15-10 [1:1] Q15-20 (Now, please EXCLUDE any income you already have mentioned earned by your [R's spouse or partner].) (In addition to the income YOU received from your farm business, partnership, or professional practice,) During 1999, did your [R's spouse or partner] receive any money in income ... .. from [her] own farm? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-22 Lead-In: Q15-18 [Default] Q15-22 ... or from [his/her] own non-farm business, partnership, or professional practice? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-23 Lead-In: Q15-20 [Default] 210 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets Q15-23 ([Q15-20]=1) OR ([Q15-22]=1); /* Did R's spouse receive any income from own farm, or non-farm business, partnership or professional practice? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-24) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15S-3 Lead-In: Q15-22 [Default] Q15-24 How much did [he/she] receive AFTER EXPENSES? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15S-3 Lead-In: Q15-23 [1:1] Q15S-3 Did your [R's spouse or partner] receive any money from unemployment compensation in any month in 1999? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15S-4A) No Go To: Q15-32 Lead-In: Q15-23 [Default], Q15-24 [Default] Q15S-4A For how many months during 1999 did your [R's spouse or partner] receive unemployment compensation? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q15S-5A Lead-In: Q15S-3 [1:1] Q15S-5A How much did your [R's spouse or partner] receive per week in the last month she/he received unemployment compensation in 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-32 Lead-In: Q15S-4A [Default] Q15-32 ([flag indicating if a non-biological child in R's household]>=1); /*CHECK IF ANY NONBIO KIDS IN HH*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-33a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-32a Lead-In: Q15-10 [Default], Q15S-3 [Default], Q15S-5A [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets 211 Q15-32a ([current number of bio children on roster]>=1); /*CHECK IF ANY BIOLOGICAL KIDS*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-33a) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15F-3 Lead-In: Q15-32 [Default] Q15-33a Are [R or R's spouse or partner] currently legally entitled to receive child support payments through a court order or any other type of legal agreement? 1 0 Yes No...(Go to Q15A-3) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=0 Then Go To: Q15A-3 Go To: Q15-33BA Lead-In: Q15-32 [1:1], Q15-32a [1:1] Q15-33BA ([marital status code]=1) or ([marital status code]=7); /* married and spouse or partner is in household. */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-33C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-33FA Lead-In: Q15-33a [Default] Q15-33C Who is legally entitled to receive child support - [R or R's spouse or partner] or both of you? 1 2 3 Respondent only Respondent's spouse/partner only...(Go to Q15-33KC) Respondent and spouse/partner Go To: Q15-33FA Lead-In: Q15-33BA [1:1] Q15-33FA What amount of child support for your children are you entitled to now? (ENTER AMOUNT:) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__| If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: Q15-33FB Go To: Q15-33FAB Lead-In: Q15-33BA [Default], Q15-33C [Default] Q15-33FAB ((IF NECESSARY PROBE: (Is/Was) that per month, per year, or what?) (ENTER TIME UNIT OF AMOUNT:) 4 1 2 3 Per Week Per month Per year OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q15-33FB Lead-In: Q15-33FA [Default] 212 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets Q15-33FB How did you reach agreement on your most recent child support amount? Did you...(READ CATEGORIES)...? 1 2 3 4 Settle the amount without assistance Settle the amount with assistance from attorneys Settle the amount by court order OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q15-33FC Lead-In: Q15-33FAB [Default], Q15-33FA [-2:-1] Q15-33FC In what state was the court order or agreement filed? (1) ALABAMA (2) ALASKA (4) ARIZONA (5) ARKANSAS (6) CALIFORNIA (8) COLORADO (9) CONNECTICUT (10) DELAWARE (11) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (12) FLORIDA (13) GEORGIA (15) HAWAII (16) IDAHO (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (44) NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING (0) NONE (999) OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: Q15-33FD Lead-In: Q15-33FB [Default] Q15-33FD Were any type of STATE or COUNTY child support guidelines or schedule used to decide on the amount of child support? 1 0 2 YES NO (IF VOLUNTEERED): IN PART Go To: Q15-33G Lead-In: Q15-33FC [Default] Q15-33G How many of YOUR children are legally entitled to child support under the current court order or agreement? (ENTER NUMBER:) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q15-33H Lead-In: Q15-33FD [Default] Q15-33H In total how much in child support were YOU SUPPOSED to receive during 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-33I Lead-In: Q15-33G [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets 213 Q15-33I In total, how much in child support did YOU ACTUALLY receive during 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-33KC Lead-In: Q15-33H [Default] Q15-33KC ([Who is legally entitled to child support?]); /* Check to see if R's spouse is also legally entitled to child support ([Q15-33C]=2 or 3) */ 1 2 3 Respondent only Respondent's spouse/partner only...(Go to Q15-33L) Respondent and spouse/partner...(Go to Q15-33L) Go To: Q15A-3 Lead-In: Q15-33I [Default], Q15-33C [2:2] Q15-33L How many of your [R's spouse or partner]'s children are legally entitled to child support under [her] current court order or agreement? (ENTER NUMBER) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q15-33LA Lead-In: Q15-33KC [2:3] Q15-33LA In total how much in child support was your [R's spouse or partner] SUPPOSED to receive during 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-33M Lead-In: Q15-33L [Default] Q15-33M In total, how much in child support did your [R's spouse or partner] ACTUALLY receive during 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15A-3 Lead-In: Q15-33LA [Default] Q15A-3 Did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any general cash assistance to needy families, such as TANF or AFDC, in any months in 1999? (INTERVIEWER : TANF, AFDC OR OTHER GENERAL CASH ASSISTANCE TO NEEDY FAMILIES DOES NOT INCLUDE FOOD STAMPS, SSI OR OTHER PAYMENTS BASED ON DISABILITY, OR TARGETED CASH PAYMENTS OR IN-KIND/NON-CASH RELIEF. INFORMATION ON FOOD STAMPS AND SSI WILL BE COLLECTED LATER.) 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15A-4A) No Go To: Q15F-3 Lead-In: Q15-33KC [Default], Q15-33M [Default], Q15-33a [-2:0] 214 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets Q15A-4A For how many months during 1999 did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive TANF, AFDC, or any other general cash assistance to needy families? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q15A-5A Lead-In: Q15A-3 [1:1] Q15A-5A How much did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive per month in the last month [R or R's spouse or partner] received TANF, AFDC, or any other general cash assistance in 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15F-3 Lead-In: Q15A-4A [Default] Q15F-3 Did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive government food stamps in any month in 1999? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15F-4A) No Go To: Q15W-3 Lead-In: Q15-32a [Default], Q15A-3 [Default], Q15A-5A [Default] Q15F-4A For how many months did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive government food stamps in 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q15F-5A Lead-In: Q15F-3 [1:1] Q15F-5A How much did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive per month in the last month [R or R's spouse or partner] received government food stamps in 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15W-3 Lead-In: Q15F-4A [Default] Q15W-3 Did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive supplemental security income or public assistance, or welfare payments from local, state or federal government in 1999? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15W-4A) No Go To: Q15-57A Lead-In: Q15F-3 [Default], Q15F-5A [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets 215 Q15W-4A For how many months during 1999 did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive supplemental security income, public assistance, or welfare payments from local, state or federal government? Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: Q15W-5A Lead-In: Q15W-3 [1:1] Q15W-5A How much did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive per month in the last month [R or R's spouse or partner] received supplemental security income, public assistance, or welfare payments from local, state or federal government in 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-57A Lead-In: Q15W-4A [Default] Q15-57A ([flag indicating if a non-biological child in R's household]>=1); /*CHECK IF ANY NONBIO KIDS IN HH*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-58) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-57B Lead-In: Q15W-3 [Default], Q15W-5A [Default] Q15-57B ([current number of bio children on roster]>=1); /*CHECK IF ANY BIOLOGICAL KIDS*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-58) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-58A Lead-In: Q15-57A [Default] Q15-58 Did [R or R's spouse or partner] (or your children) receive any WIC benefits in 1999? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-58A Lead-In: Q15-57A [1:1], Q15-57B [1:1] Q15-58A ([flag indicating if R has been enrolled in school since the date of last interview]<1) or ([flag indicating if R was ever enrolled in school]=0); /* Machine check: Did R report no school since DLI? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-69) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-58B Lead-In: Q15-57B [Default], Q15-58 [Default] 216 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets Q15-58B ([is R currently enrolled]=1 and [grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)]<13); /* Machine check: R is enrolled in 12th grade or less */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-69) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-58C Lead-In: Q15-58A [Default] Q15-58C ([is R currently enrolled]=1 and [grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)]>=13); /* Machine check: R is enrolled in college */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-58F) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-58D Lead-In: Q15-58B [Default] Q15-58D ([highest grade R completed]>=13); /* Machine check: Has R attended college? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-58E) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-69 Lead-In: Q15-58C [Default] Q15-58E CTOD(SUBSTR ([month and year R stopped attending college],01,02) + "/15/" + SUBSTR([month and year R stopped attending college],04,04)) < [1/1/99]; /* break up string from d4 to include day */ /* Machine Check: Is ending date of college before 1/1/1999? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-69) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-58F Lead-In: Q15-58D [1:1] Q15-58F ([Has R ever enlisted in military?]=1); /* Machine check: R has been in military */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-59) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-60 Lead-In: Q15-58E [Default], Q15-58C [1:1] Q15-59 During 1999, did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any educational benefits for veterans under the G.I. Bill or V.E.A.P.? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-60 Lead-In: Q15-58F [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets 217 Q15-60 During 1999, did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any (other kinds of) scholarships, fellowships, or grants? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-69 Lead-In: Q15-58F [Default], Q15-59 [Default] Q15-69 During 1999, did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any (other) veterans benefits, worker's compensation, disability payments, or payments from Social Security? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15-70) No Go To: Q15-73 Lead-In: Q15-58D [Default], Q15-60 [Default], Q15-58A [1:1], Q15-58B [1:1], Q15-58E [1:1] Q15-70 What was the total amount of these (other) veterans benefits, worker's compensation, disability payments, or payments from Social Security [R or R's spouse or partner] received during 1999? Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|.|__|__| Go To: Q15-73 Lead-In: Q15-69 [1:1] Q15-73 ([living arrangement of R]=11 and [flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=0 and [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0); /* R LIVING IN OWN DWELLING UNIT? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-116) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-133 Lead-In: Q15-69 [Default], Q15-70 [Default] Q15-116 During any part of 1999, did you live in public housing or did you (IF R LIVES WITH RELATIVES: and your family) receive a rent subsidy or pay a lower rent because the federal, state, or local government was paying part of the cost? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-117 Lead-In: Q15-73 [1:1] Q15-117 Is this (house/apartment) owned or being bought by [R or R's spouse or partner]? 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-133 Lead-In: Q15-116 [Default] 218 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets Q15-133 Do [R or R's spouse or partner] own any motor vehicles that are primarily for personal use, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, a motor home or trailer? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15-134) No Go To: Q15-134A Lead-In: Q15-73 [Default], Q15-117 [Default], Q15-9A [1:1] Q15-134 Do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe any money on (this/these) motor vehicles? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) 1 0 Yes No Go To: Q15-134A Lead-In: Q15-133 [1:1] Q15-134A ([flag indicating that R is under 18, living with at least one parent, not married, not living with a partner, and has no children]=1); /* check if R is unemancipated as defined in Q15-1B */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-141) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-138A Lead-In: Q15-133 [Default], Q15-134 [Default] Q15-138A (Aside from any debts you have already mentioned), Do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe any money on credit cards? 1 0 Yes...(Go to Q15-138B) No Go To: Q15-140J Lead-In: Q15-134A [Default] Q15-138B Rounding to the nearest hundred dollars, how much do you owe altogether on your credit cards? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Go To: Q15-140J Lead-In: Q15-138A [1:1] Q15-140J ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=0) and ([flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=0) and ([flag indicating presence/absence of household members related to the R, other than spouse or children]=0); /* Machine check: Is R in HH with no adult family members (except possibly spouse/partner)? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-143) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q15-140K Lead-In: Q15-138A [Default], Q15-138B [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets 219 Q15-140K ([living arrangement of R]); /* Machine Check: Branch on dwelling*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q15-143) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY If Answer >=1 and Answer <=6 Then Go To: Q15-143 If Answer >=15 and Answer <=16 Then Go To: Q15-143 Go To: Q15-141 Lead-In: Q15-140J [Default] Q15-141 During 1999, how much income did your family have from all sources? Please indicate income from any full or parttime jobs, temporary or seasonal work and services in the military, the military reserves or the National Guard, a farm, a business or professional partnership, Social Security, pensions, welfare, interest, gifts of anything else. (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW) If Answer =-2 Enter Answer: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Then Go To: Q15-142 Go To: Q15-143 Lead-In: Q15-140K [Default], Q15-134A [1:1] Q15-142 What is your best estimate of this amount? Please listen to these categories, and stop me on the category that is best. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $1-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $100,001 $250,000 More than $250,000 Go To: Q15-143 Lead-In: Q15-141 [-2:-2] Q15-143 How often [do you/does your household] put off buying something you need - such as food, clothing, medical care, or housing - because you don't have money? Would you say... 1 2 3 Never Rarely Occasionally 4 5 Frequently All the time Go To: Q15-144 Lead-In: Q15-141 [Default], Q15-142 [Default], Q15-140K [1:6], Q15-140K [15:16], Q15-140J [1:1] Q15-144 During the past 12 months, how much difficulty [did you/did your household] have paying bills? Would you say... 1 2 3 no difficulty at all a little difficulty some difficulty Go To: Q15-145 Lead-In: Q15-143 [Default] 4 5 quite a bit of difficulty a great deal of difficulty 220 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Income and Assets Q15-145 Thinking about the end of each month over the past 12 months, [did you/did your household] generally end up with... 1 2 more than enough money left over some money left over 3 4 just enough to make ends meet not enough to make ends meet Go To: Q16-0a Lead-In: Q15-144 [Default] Q16-0a ([flag indicating whether R was interviewed as YA in 1998]=0); /*Machine check: Was R not interviewed in 1998?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q16-5) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: Q16-6h Lead-In: Q15-145 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Attitudes 221 SECTION 16: ATTITUDES Q16-5 The next series of sentences describes the way some people feel about how much control they have over their lives. After each statement, please tell me whether you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree..... Go To: Q16-5a Lead-In: Q16-0a [1:1] Q16-5a There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5b Lead-In: Q16-5 [Default] Q16-5b Sometimes I feel that I'm being pushed around in life. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5c Lead-In: Q16-5a [Default] Q16-5c I have little control over the things that happen to me. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5d Lead-In: Q16-5b [Default] Q16-5d I can do just about anything I really set my mind to. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5e Lead-In: Q16-5c [Default] Q16-5e I often feel helpless in dealing with the problems of life. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5f Lead-In: Q16-5d [Default] 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 222 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Attitudes Q16-5f What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5g Lead-In: Q16-5e [Default] Q16-5g There is little I can do to change many of the important things in my life. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5h Lead-In: Q16-5f [Default] Q16-5h The following statements describe the way some people may feel about themselves. After each statement, please tell me whether you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree.... Go To: Q16-5h-a Lead-In: Q16-5g [Default] Q16-5h-a I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal basis with others. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5h-b Lead-In: Q16-5h [Default] Q16-5h-b I feel that I have a number of good qualities. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5h-c Lead-In: Q16-5h-a [Default] Q16-5h-c All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5h-d Lead-In: Q16-5h-b [Default] 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Attitudes Q16-5h-d I am able to do things as well as most people. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5h-e Lead-In: Q16-5h-c [Default] Q16-5h-e I feel that I do not have much to be proud of. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5h-f Lead-In: Q16-5h-d [Default] Q16-5h-f I take a positive attitude toward myself. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5h-g Lead-In: Q16-5h-e [Default] Q16-5h-g On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5h-h Lead-In: Q16-5h-f [Default] Q16-5h-h I wish I could have more respect for myself. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5h-i Lead-In: Q16-5h-g [Default] Q16-5h-i I certainly feel useless at times. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5h-j Lead-In: Q16-5h-h [Default] 223 224 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Attitudes Q16-5h-j At times I think I am no good at all. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5i-a Lead-In: Q16-5h-i [Default] Q16-5i-a I often get in a jam because I do things without thinking. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5i-b Lead-In: Q16-5h-j [Default] Q16-5i-b I think that planning takes the fun out of things. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5i-c Lead-In: Q16-5i-a [Default] Q16-5i-c I have to use a lot of self-control to keep out of trouble. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-5i-d Lead-In: Q16-5i-b [Default] Q16-5i-d I enjoy taking risks. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5i-e Lead-In: Q16-5i-c [Default] Q16-5i-e I enjoy new and exciting experiences, even if they are a little frightening or unusual. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-5i-f Lead-In: Q16-5i-d [Default] 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Attitudes 225 Q16-5i-f Life with no danger in it would be too dull for me. 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-6 Lead-In: Q16-5i-e [Default] Q16-6 Now I am going to read a list of the ways you might have felt or behaved recently. After each statement, please tell me how often you felt this way during the past week..... Go To: Q16-6a Lead-In: Q16-5i-f [Default] Q16-6a I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. 0 1 Rarely, None of the time, 1 Day Some, A little of the time, 1-2 days 2 3 Occasionally, Moderate Amt. of the time, 3-4 days Most, All of the time, 5-7 days 2 3 Occasionally, Moderate Amt. of the time, 3-4 days Most, All of the time, 5-7 days 2 3 Occasionally, Moderate Amt. of the time, 3-4 days Most, All of the time, 5-7 days 2 3 Occasionally, Moderate Amt. of the time, 3-4 days Most, All of the time, 5-7 days Go To: Q16-6b Lead-In: Q16-6 [Default] Q16-6b I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. 0 1 Rarely, None of the time, 1 Day Some, A little of the time, 1-2 days Go To: Q16-6c Lead-In: Q16-6a [Default] Q16-6c I felt depressed. 0 1 Rarely, None of the time, 1 Day Some, A little of the time, 1-2 days Go To: Q16-6d Lead-In: Q16-6b [Default] Q16-6d I felt that everything I did was an effort. 0 1 Rarely, None of the time, 1 Day Some, A little of the time, 1-2 days Go To: Q16-6e Lead-In: Q16-6c [Default] 226 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Attitudes Q16-6e My sleep was restless. 0 1 Rarely, None of the time, 1 Day Some, A little of the time, 1-2 days 2 3 Occasionally, Moderate Amt. of the time, 3-4 days Most, All of the time, 5-7 days 2 3 Occasionally, Moderate Amt. of the time, 3-4 days Most, All of the time, 5-7 days 2 3 Occasionally, Moderate Amt. of the time, 3-4 days Most, All of the time, 5-7 days Go To: Q16-6f Lead-In: Q16-6d [Default] Q16-6f I felt sad. 0 1 Rarely, None of the time, 1 Day Some, A little of the time, 1-2 days Go To: Q16-6g Lead-In: Q16-6e [Default] Q16-6g I could not get "going." 0 1 Rarely, None of the time, 1 Day Some, A little of the time, 1-2 days Go To: Q16-6h Lead-In: Q16-6f [Default] Q16-6h ([flag indicating if this is R's 2nd time in the grant sample]=1); /*Machine check:Is this R's 2nd time in grant sample?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to Q16-7) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-0 Lead-In: Q16-0a [Default], Q16-6g [Default] Q16-7 We are interested in your opinion about the employment of wives. I will read a series of statements and after each one I would like to know whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. Go To: Q16-7a Lead-In: Q16-6h [1:1] Q16-7a A woman's place is in the home, not the office or shop. Do you.... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-7b Lead-In: Q16-7 [Default] Q16-7b A wife who carries out her full family responsibilities doesn't have time for outside employment. Do you.... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: Q16-7c Lead-In: Q16-7a [Default] 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Attitudes 227 Q16-7c A working wife feels more useful than one who doesn't hold a job. Do you.... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-7d Lead-In: Q16-7b [Default] Q16-7d Employment of wives leads to more juvenile delinquency. Do you.... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-7e Lead-In: Q16-7c [Default] Q16-7e Employment of both parents is necessary to keep up with the high cost of living. Do you.... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-7f Lead-In: Q16-7d [Default] Q16-7f It is much better for everyone concerned if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family. Do you... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-7g Lead-In: Q16-7e [Default] Q16-7g Men should share the work around the house with women, such as doing dishes, cleaning and so forth. Do you... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree Go To: Q16-7h Lead-In: Q16-7f [Default] Q16-7h Women are much happier if they stay at home and take care of their children. Do you... 1 2 Strongly Disagree Disagree Go To: YASR-0 Lead-In: Q16-7g [Default] 3 4 Agree Strongly Agree NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 229 YOUNG ADULT SELF-REPORT SECTION YASR-0 INTERVIEWER: IS THIS A TELEPHONE INTERVIEW OR AN IN-PERSON INTERVIEW? 1 2 TELEPHONE INTERVIEW...(Go to YASR-1) PERSONAL INTERVIEW Go To: YASR-A Lead-In: Q16-6h [Default], Q16-7h [Default] YASR-A (INTERVIEWER: READ TO THE RESPONDENT:) Finally, we have some questions concerning your experiences as a young adult. Remember the answers you give will remain strictly confidential and will not be associated with your name in any way. Go To: YASR-B Lead-In: YASR-0 [Default] YASR-B INTERVIEWER: TURN THE COMPUTER AROUND AND INSTRUCT R HOW TO PROCEED BY FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF EACH SCREEN. PLEASE ASSIST R IF ASKED TO DO SO. R HAS FINISHED THE SELF REPORT WHEN HE/SHE IS ON THE SCREEN SAYING "YOU ARE NOW DONE WITH THIS SECTION OF THE SURVEY. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION." Go To: YASR-INTRO1 Lead-In: YASR-A [Default] YASR-INTRO1 The questions in this short section are to be completed by you without the interviewer, unless you have questions. Please read the instructions in the following screens before you begin to answer the questions. There are three types of questions in this section... Go To: YASR-INTRO5 Lead-In: YASR-B [Default] YASR-INTRO5 QUESTION TYPE #1: ENTER AN ANSWER IN THE SPACE PROVIDED: EXAMPLE: How many more children do you expect to have? If your answer is "3", you would type "3" in the space provided. Then press TWICE to continue to the next screen. Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: YASR-INTRO6 Lead-In: YASR-INTRO1 [Default] 230 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-INTRO6 QUESTION TYPE #2: CHOOSE ONE ANSWER ONLY: EXAMPLE: What did you do most often for entertainment last year? If your answer is "WENT TO A PLAY," you would highlight "WENT TO A PLAY" using the "DOWN ARROW" key on the lower right hand corner of the keyboard. Then press TWICE to continue to the next screen. 1 2 3 WENT TO A MOVIE WENT TO A CONCERT WENT TO A PLAY 4 5 WENT TO A SPORTING EVENT NONE OF THE ABOVE Go To: YASR-INTRO7 Lead-In: YASR-INTRO5 [Default] YASR-INTRO7 QUESTION TYPE #3: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY: EXAMPLE: What are your favorite colors? If your answers are "Blue, Green, and Yellow," you would first highlight "Blue" by selecting it with the "DOWN ARROW" key. Then check the box next to "Blue" by pressing the Do the same for "Green" and "Yellow." Then press TWICE to continue to the next screen. 1 2 3 Red Blue Pink 4 5 6 Green Yellow OTHER (SPECIFY) Go To: YASR-INTRO8 Lead-In: YASR-INTRO6 [Default] YASR-INTRO8 If you do not know an answer or do not wish to answer a question, press for DON'T KNOW or for DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER. These keys are at the top of the keyboard. EXAMPLE: How often do you go shopping? If your answer is "DON'T KNOW," you would press the key to highlight "DON'T KNOW" on the list. Then press TWICE to continue to the next screen. 2 4 Once a year Once a month 6 8 Once a week Every day Go To: YASR-INTRO9 Lead-In: YASR-INTRO7 [Default] YASR-INTRO9 You are now ready to begin this short section of the questionnaire. You are free to complete this section of the questionnaire without your interviewer, but please don't hesitate to ask your interviewer questions at any time. Go To: YASR-1 Lead-In: YASR-INTRO8 [Default] YASR-1 ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=0); /* Machine check: Is R new to YA survey? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-1A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-3G Lead-In: YASR-INTRO9 [Default], YASR-0 [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 231 YASR-1A ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-23b]=15) or ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /* Machine check: Is R's mother dead? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-3G) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-1B Lead-In: YASR-1 [1:1] YASR-1B ([check item for whether R reported father as deceased as of DLI]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=2) or ([flag indicating if R's father is alive]=0); /* Machine check: Did R indicate his/her father was deceased? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-3) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-2A Lead-In: YASR-1A [Default] YASR-2A The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your biological father. How often do your biological parents get along well together? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE FAIRLY OFTEN 4 5 VERY OFTEN THEY HAVE NO CONTACT...(Go to YASR-2D) Go To: YASR-2B Lead-In: YASR-1B [Default] YASR-2B (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your biological father.) How often do your biological parents agree about rules about you? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE FAIRLY OFTEN Go To: YASR-2C Lead-In: YASR-2A [Default] 4 5 VERY OFTEN THEY HAVE NO CONTACT 232 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-2C (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your biological father.) How often do your biological parents argue? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE FAIRLY OFTEN 4 5 VERY OFTEN THEY HAVE NO CONTACT. Go To: YASR-2D Lead-In: YASR-2B [Default] YASR-2D (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your biological father.) How often do you hesitate to talk about your father in front of your mother? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-2E Lead-In: YASR-2C [Default], YASR-2A [5:5] YASR-2E (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your biological father.) How often do you hesitate to talk about your mother in front of your biological father? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-2F Lead-In: YASR-2D [Default] YASR-2F (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your biological father.) How often do you feel caught in the middle of your biological parents? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE Go To: YASR-2G Lead-In: YASR-2E [Default] 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 233 YASR-2G ([flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]=1 and [flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]=1); /* IS R IN HH WITH BOTH PARENTS? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-3G) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-3 Lead-In: YASR-2F [Default] YASR-3 Do you have a step-father? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 0 Yes...(Go to YASR-3A) No Go To: YASR-4A Lead-In: YASR-2G [Default], YASR-1B [1:1] YASR-3A The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your step-father. How often do your mother and step-father get along well together? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-3B Lead-In: YASR-3 [1:1] YASR-3B (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your step-father.) How often do your mother and step-father agree about rules about you? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE Go To: YASR-3C Lead-In: YASR-3A [Default] 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN 234 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-3C (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your step-father.) How often do your mother and step-father argue? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-3D Lead-In: YASR-3B [Default] YASR-3D (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your step-father.) How often do you hesitate to talk about your step-father in front of your mother? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-3E Lead-In: YASR-3C [Default] YASR-3E (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your step-father.) How often do you hesitate to talk about your mother in front of your step-father? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-3F Lead-In: YASR-3D [Default] YASR-3F (The following questions deal with relations between your mother and your step-father.) How often do you feel caught in the middle of your mother and step-father? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE Go To: YASR-3G Lead-In: YASR-3E [Default] 3 4 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 235 YASR-3G ([R's age]<19) and ([living arrangement of R]=19 or [living arrangement of R]=20 or [flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]>0 or [flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]>0); /* Machine check: Is R age 18 or under AND mom or dad is in the household? */ If Answer =1 Then Go To: YASR-3H Go To: YASR-4 Lead-In: YASR-1 [Default], YASR-3F [Default], YASR-2G [1:1], YASR-1A [1:1] YASR-3H Who sets the rules and limits for what you can and can not do (relating to: money, cars, phone, social life, family responsibilities?) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 4 5 Set all my limits/rules Set most of my limits/rules Parent(s) set some, I set some Parent(s) set most of my limits/rules Parent(s) set all of my limits/rules Go To: YASR-4 Lead-In: YASR-3G [1:1] YASR-4 ([flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of Dec. 31, 2000]=1); /*Machine check to see if R is in grant sample*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-4A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-5A Lead-In: YASR-3G [Default], YASR-3H [Default] YASR-4A ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-18]=1) or ([flag indicating that R reported mother deceased in Q2-23b]=15) or ([flag indicating if R's mother is deceased]=1) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological mother]=2); /* Machine check to see if R's mother is deceased */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-4C) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-4B Lead-In: YASR-3 [Default], YASR-4 [1:1] YASR-4B How close do you feel to your mother? Would you say... (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 Extremely close Quite close Go To: YASR-4C Lead-In: YASR-4A [Default] 3 4 Fairly close Not very close 236 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-4C ([check item for whether R reported father as deceased as of DLI]=1) or ([flag indicating if R's father is alive]=0) or ([flag indicating if R lives with biological father]=2); /* Machine check to see if R had previously reported father was dead or reported it for the first time in 2000 */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-4E) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-4D Lead-In: YASR-4B [Default], YASR-4A [1:1] YASR-4D How close do you feel to your father? Would you say... (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 Extremely close Quite close 3 4 Fairly close Not very close Go To: YASR-4E Lead-In: YASR-4C [Default] YASR-4E ([number of siblings R has]=0); 1 0 /* Machine check to see if R has no siblings */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-5A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-4G Lead-In: YASR-4D [Default], YASR-4C [1:1] YASR-4G How close do you feel to [your sibling/the sibling who is closest in age to you]? Would you say... (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 Extremely close Quite close Go To: YASR-5A Lead-In: YASR-4E [Default] 3 4 Fairly close Not very close NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 237 YASR-5A About how old were you the first time you had a glass of beer or wine or a drink of liquor, such as whiskey, gin, scotch, etc.? Do not include childhood sips that you might have had from an older person's drink. (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 95 SELECT TO ENTER AGE NEVER HAD A DRINK...(Go to YASR-10) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: YASR-6A Go To: YASR-5B Lead-In: YASR-4 [Default], YASR-4G [Default], YASR-4E [1:1] YASR-5B ENTER AGE AT FIRST DRINK (ENTER YOUR ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN) (PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW AND FOR DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: YASR-6 Lead-In: YASR-5A [Default] YASR-6 ([flag indicating if R has reported age at which they began drinking once a month]=1); /* Machine check: Has R already reported age at which R drank once a month or more in previous surveys? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-7) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-6A Lead-In: YASR-5B [Default] YASR-6A About how old were you when you first began to drink alcoholic beverages once a month or more often? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 95 SELECT TO ENTER AGE NEVER DRANK ONCE A MONTH OR MORE...(Go to YASR-7) If Answer >=-2 and Answer <=-1 Then Go To: YASR-7 Go To: YASR-6B Lead-In: YASR-6 [Default], YASR-5A [-2:-1] 238 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-6B ENTER AGE WHEN FIRST DRANK ONCE A MONTH OR MORE (ENTER YOUR ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN) (PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW AND FOR DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: YASR-7 Lead-In: YASR-6A [Default] YASR-7 On the average, how often in the last 12 months have you had any alcoholic beverage, that is, beer, wine, or liquor? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 9 8 7 6 5 Daily Almost daily or 3 to 6 days a week About 1 or 2 days a week Several times a month (25 to 51days a year) 1 to 2 times a month (12 to 24 days a year) 4 3 2 1 Every other month or so (6 to 11 days a year) 3 to 5 days in the past 12 months 1 to 2 days in the past 12 months Did not drink alcohol in the past 12 months...(Go to YASR-10) Go To: YASR-8 Lead-In: YASR-6B [Default], YASR-6 [1:1], YASR-6A [95:95], YASR-6A [-2:-1] YASR-8 About how many drinks did you usually have in a day on the days that you drank during the past 30 days? (IF NONE IN THE PAST 30 DAYS, ENTER ZERO) (ENTER YOUR ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN) (PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW AND FOR DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: YASR-9-1 Lead-In: YASR-7 [Default] YASR-9-1 ([YASR-7]>5 AND [YASR-8]>2); /* Machine check: Is R classified as a heavy drinker?*/ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to YASR-10) Go To: YASR-9A Lead-In: YASR-8 [Default] YASR-9A During or after drinking, in the past 12 months, how often have you gotten into an argument or fight? Would you say very often, fairly often, once in a while, or never? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE Go To: YASR-9B Lead-In: YASR-9-1 [Default] 2 3 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 239 YASR-9B (During or after drinking, in the past 12 months,) how often have you had problems with friends, family or neighbors? (Would you say very often, fairly often, once in a while, or never?) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 2 3 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-9C Lead-In: YASR-9A [Default] YASR-9C (During or after drinking, in the past 12 months,) how often have you had problems with the police? (Would you say very often, fairly often, once in a while, or never?) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 2 3 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-9D Lead-In: YASR-9B [Default] YASR-9D (During or after drinking, in the past 12 months,) how often have you stayed home from school, or gone late to school because you were drunk or hungover ? (Would you say very often, fairly often, once in a while, or never?) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE 2 3 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN Go To: YASR-9E Lead-In: YASR-9C [Default] YASR-9E (During or after drinking, in the past 12 months, how often have you stayed home from work, or gone late to work because you were drunk or hungover? (Would you say very often, fairly often, once in a while, or never?) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 NEVER ONCE IN AWHILE Go To: YASR-10 Lead-In: YASR-9D [Default] 2 3 FAIRLY OFTEN VERY OFTEN 240 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-10 ([flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]=0) and ([R's age]<=18); /* Machine check: Is R new to YA survey? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-10A) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-10-1 Lead-In: YASR-9E [Default], YASR-5A [95:95], YASR-7 [1:1], YASR-9-1 [0:0] YASR-10A About how many of the students in your grade at school drink at least sometimes? Would you say none of them, a few of them, half of the, most of them, or all of them? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 2 NONE A FEW HALF OF THEM 3 4 MOST OF THEM ALL OF THEM Go To: YASR-10B Lead-In: YASR-10 [1:1] YASR-10B About how many of the people your age that you hang around with drink at least sometimes? (Would you say none of them, a few of them, half of the, most of them, or all of them?) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 2 NONE A FEW HALF OF THEM 3 4 MOST OF THEM ALL OF THEM Go To: YASR-10C Lead-In: YASR-10A [Default] YASR-10C About how many of the people your age in your neighborhood drink at least sometimes? (Would you say none of them, a few of them, half of the, most of them, or all of them?) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 0 1 2 NONE A FEW HALF OF THEM Go To: YASR-10-1 Lead-In: YASR-10B [Default] 3 4 MOST OF THEM ALL OF THEM NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 241 YASR-10-1 About how many hours do you watch TV in a typical week? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 None Less than 5 hours per week 5 to 9 hours per week 10 to 14 hours per week 15 to 19 hours per week 20 to 24 hours per week 25 to 29 hours per week 30 to 24 hours per week 35 or more hours per week Go To: YASR-11 Lead-In: YASR-10 [Default], YASR-10C [Default] YASR-11 Do you have access to a computer? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 0 Yes No...(Go to YASR-19) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: YASR-19 Go To: YASR-12 Lead-In: YASR-10-1 [Default] YASR-12 Where do you have access to a computer? Is it in your home, at school, on your job or somewhere else? (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY) (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS THE TO CHECK THAT ANSWER. AFTER CHECKING ALL THE ANSWERS THAT APPLY, PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 AT HOME AT SCHOOL 3 4 AT WORK OTHER PLACE (SPECIFY) Go To: YASR-12A Lead-In: YASR-11 [Default] YASR-12A ([is R currently enrolled]=1); 1 0 /* Machine check: Is R currently enrolled in school? */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-13) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-13A Lead-In: YASR-12 [Default] 242 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-13 About how often do you use any computer to do activities related to school? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 4 3 2 Almost every day Several times a week About once a week 1 0 Less than once a week Never Go To: YASR-13A Lead-In: YASR-12A [1:1] YASR-13A ([flag indicating if R has done any work for pay since date of last interview]=1); /* Machine check: Did R report any employers? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-13B) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-15 Lead-In: YASR-12A [Default], YASR-13 [Default] YASR-13B ([flag indicating if R is currently working(1)]=1); 1 0 /* Machine check: Is R currently employed? */ CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-14) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-15 Lead-In: YASR-13A [1:1] YASR-14 About how often do you use any computer to do activities related to work? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 4 3 2 Almost every day Several times a week About once a week 1 0 Less than once a week Never Go To: YASR-15 Lead-In: YASR-13B [1:1] YASR-15 About how often do you use any computer to read or send electronic mail (e-mail)? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 4 3 2 Almost every day Several times a week About once a week 1 0 Less than once a week Never Go To: YASR-16 Lead-In: YASR-13A [Default], YASR-13B [Default], YASR-14 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 243 YASR-16 About how often do you use any computer to access the internet or other on-line networks/services? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 4 3 2 Almost every day Several times a week About once a week 1 0 Less than once a week Never Go To: YASR-17 Lead-In: YASR-15 [Default] YASR-17 About how often do you use any computer to create or write computer programs? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 4 3 2 Almost every day Several times a week About once a week 1 0 Less than once a week Never Go To: YASR-18 Lead-In: YASR-16 [Default] YASR-18 About how often do you use any computer to play games? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 4 3 2 Almost every day Several times a week About once a week 1 0 Less than once a week Never Go To: YASR-19 Lead-In: YASR-17 [Default] YASR-19 ([flag indicating if R has ever reported using cigarettes]=1); /* Machine check: Has R reported cigarette smoking in past surveys? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-19B) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-19A Lead-In: YASR-18 [Default], YASR-11 [0:0], YASR-11 [-1:-1] 244 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-19A Have you ever smoked a cigarette? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 0 Yes No...(Go to YASR-24A) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: YASR-24A Go To: YASR-19B Lead-In: YASR-19 [Default] YASR-19B ([flag indicating R has reported age at first use of cigarettes]=1); /* Machine check: Has R reported age when first smoked in previous surveys? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-21) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-20 Lead-In: YASR-19A [Default], YASR-19 [1:1] YASR-20 How old were you the first time you smoked cigarettes? ENTER AGE IN YEARS: (ENTER YOUR ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN) (PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW AND FOR DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: YASR-21 Lead-In: YASR-19B [Default] YASR-21 When was the most recent time you smoked cigarettes? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WITHIN THE PAST MONTH (30 DAYS)...(Go to YASR-22) 1 TO 3 MONTHS AGO 4 OR MORE MONTHS AGO BUT LESS THAN 6 MONTHS AGO 6 OR MORE MONTHS AGO BUT LESS THAN 1 YEAR AGO 1 OR MORE YEARS AGO BUT LESS THAN 3 YEARS AGO 3 OR MORE YEARS AGO NEVER SMOKED A CIGARETTE Go To: YASR-24A Lead-In: YASR-20 [Default], YASR-19B [1:1] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 245 YASR-22 During the last 30 days, how often, if ever, have you smoked cigarettes on average? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 LESS THAN ONCE A WEEK 1 OR 2 DAYS PER WEEK 3 OR 4 DAYS PER WEEK If Answer =-1 4 5 0 5 OR 6 DAYS PER WEEK EVERY DAY NEVER IN THE LAST 30 DAYS...(Go to YASR-24A) Then Go To: YASR-24A Go To: YASR-23 Lead-In: YASR-21 [1:1] YASR-23 On the days that you smoked in the last 30 days, how many cigarettes per day did you smoke? ENTER NUMBER OF CIGARETTES PER DAY: (ENTER YOUR ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN) (PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW AND FOR DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: YASR-24A Lead-In: YASR-22 [Default] YASR-24 ([flag indicating if R has ever reported using marijuana]=1); /* Machine check: Has R reported using marijuana in past surveys? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-25) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-24A Lead-In: none YASR-24A Have you ever used marijuana? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 0 Yes No...(Go to YASR-27-1) If Answer =-1 Then Go To: YASR-27-1 Go To: YASR-25 Lead-In: YASR-21 [Default], YASR-23 [Default], YASR-24 [Default], YASR-19A [0:0], YASR-22 [0:0], YASR-19A [-1:-1], YASR-22 [-1:-1] 246 NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section YASR-24B ([flag indicating R has reported age at first use of marijuana]=1); /* Machine check: Has R reported age at first marijuana use in past surveys? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES...(Go to YASR-26) CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY Go To: YASR-25 Lead-In: none YASR-25 How old were you the first time you used marijuana? ENTER AGE IN YEARS: (ENTER YOUR ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN) (PRESS FOR DON'T KNOW AND FOR DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER) Enter Answer: |__|__| Go To: YASR-26 Lead-In: YASR-24A [Default], YASR-24B [Default], YASR-24 [1:1] YASR-26 When was the most recent time you used marijuana? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WITHIN THE PAST MONTH (30 DAYS) 1 TO 3 MONTHS AGO 4 OR MORE MONTHS AGO BUT LESS THAN 6 MONTHS AGO 6 OR MORE MONTHS AGO BUT LESS THAN 1 YEAR AGO 1 OR MORE YEARS AGO BUT LESS THAN 3 YEARS AGO 3 OR MORE YEARS AGO NEVER USED MARIJUANA Go To: YASR-26-1 Lead-In: YASR-25 [Default], YASR-24B [1:1] YASR-26-1 ([YASR-26]>0 AND [YASR-26] <5); /* Machine check: Is R classified as heavy marijuana user? */ 1 0 CONDITION APPLIES CONDITION DOES NOT APPLY...(Go to YASR-27-1) Go To: YASR-26A Lead-In: YASR-26 [Default] NLSY79 Young Adult Round 19? Young Adult Self-Report Section 247 YASR-26A During the past twelve months, did you have a period of a month or more when you spent a great deal of time getting, using, or getting over the effects of marijuana? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SCREEN.) (PRESS FOR "DON'T KNOW" AND FOR "DO NOT WISH TO ANSWER".) 1 0 Yes No Go To: YASR-26B Lead-In: YASR-26-1 [Default] YASR-26B During the past twelve months, have you used marijuana more often or in larger amounts than you intended? (PRESS THE "DOWN ARROW" KEY TO HIGHLIGHT AN ANSWER. THEN PRESS