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Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Deployment Guide
Release 9.0.2
January 2002
Part No. A92175-01
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide, Release 9.0.2 for Windows and Solaris
Part No. A92175-01
Contributing Authors: Orlando Cordero, Tom Pfaeffle, Dean Ho, Duncan Mills, Frank Nimphius, Cathy
Godwin, Bryan Roberts
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 1993, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
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The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of
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Reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems
in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this
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Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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If the Programs are delivered to the US Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf
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Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are "commercial computer software" and use,
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The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently
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trademarks of their respective owners.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Send Us Your Comments.................................................................................................................. xiii
Preface........................................................................................................................................................... xv
Intended Audience............................................................................................................................... xv
Structure................................................................................................................................................. xv
Related Documents............................................................................................................................. xvii
1 Introduction
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
The Oracle Internet Platform............................................................................................................ 1-1
Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS)................................................................................ 1-2
Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS) ..................................................................................... 1-2
Oracle9i Database......................................................................................................................... 1-2
Oracle 9iAS Forms Services.............................................................................................................. 1-3
What’s New in Oracle9iAS Forms Services?............................................................................ 1-3
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Architecture....................................................................................... 1-4
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Components....................................................................................... 1-5
Forms Listener Servlet................................................................................................................. 1-6
Forms Runtime Process............................................................................................................... 1-6
Forms Listener Servlet....................................................................................................................... 1-6
2 Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Configuration Files............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Oracle 9i Forms Configuration Files.......................................................................................... 2-2
formsweb.cfg.......................................................................................................................... 2-2
base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm....................................................... 2-2
ftrace.cfg.................................................................................................................................. 2-3
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Configuration Files ................................................. 2-3
web.xml................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Directory structure for Oracle9i Forms OC4J files............................................................ 2-4
Oracle HTTP Listener Configuration Files................................................................................ 2-4
forms90.conf........................................................................................................................... 2-4
Standard Fonts and Icons File..................................................................................................... 2-5
registry.dat.............................................................................................................................. 2-5
Environment Variables................................................................................................................ 2-5
default.env.............................................................................................................................. 2-5
Application Deployment................................................................................................................... 2-5
Deploying Your Application................................................................................................ 2-6
Specifying Parameters........................................................................................................... 2-7
Oracle9iAS Forms Services in Action ........................................................................................... 2-10
Client Browser Support................................................................................................................... 2-12
Oracle JInitiator........................................................................................................................... 2-12
How Configuration Parameters and BaseHTML Files are Tied to Client Browsers........ 2-13
3 Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Customizing Configuration Files.................................................................................................... 3-1
formsweb.cfg................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Parameters Naming Files ..................................................................................................... 3-2
Creating specific named configurations in formsweb.cfg............................................... 3-2
Parameters in the formsweb.cfg File................................................................................... 3-3
Default formsweb.cfg File.................................................................................................... 3-7
base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm ............................................................ 3-12
Parameters and variables in the baseHTML file............................................................. 3-13
Usage Notes.......................................................................................................................... 3-14
Default base.htm File .......................................................................................................... 3-14
Default basejini.htm File..................................................................................................... 3-15
Default basejpi.htm File...................................................................................................... 3-17
Default baseie.htm File....................................................................................................... 3-19
web.xml........................................................................................................................................ 3-20
Default web.xml File........................................................................................................... 3-21
forms90.conf................................................................................................................................ 3-23
Default forms90.conf........................................................................................................... 3-23
registry.dat................................................................................................................................... 3-25
Default registry.dat............................................................................................................. 3-25
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings.................................................... 3-28
default.env................................................................................................................................... 3-28
Default default.env File for Windows.............................................................................. 3-31
Default default.env File for UNIX..................................................................................... 3-33
Creating Your Own Template HTML Files.................................................................................. 3-34
Including Graphics in Your Oracle9i Forms Application......................................................... 3-35
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services........................................ 3-35
Icons.............................................................................................................................................. 3-35
Storing Icons in a Java Archive ......................................................................................... 3-36
Adding Icon Changes to Registry.dat.............................................................................. 3-36
SplashScreen and Background Images.................................................................................... 3-38
Custom JAR Files Containing Icons and Images................................................................... 3-38
Creating a JAR File.............................................................................................................. 3-38
Using Files Within the JAR File......................................................................................... 3-38
Search Path for Icons and Images ............................................................................................ 3-39
DocumentBase..................................................................................................................... 3-39
CodeBase .............................................................................................................................. 3-40
Using HTTPS with the Forms Listener Servlet........................................................................... 3-41
Server Requirements........................................................................................................... 3-41
Client Requirements: Using HTTPS with Oracle JInitiator........................................... 3-41
Using the Hide User ID/Password Feature.................................................................................. 3-41
Using an Authenticating Proxy to Run Oracle9i Forms Applications ................................... 3-42
Enabling Language Detection........................................................................................................ 3-42
How Language Detection Works...................................................................................... 3-43
Multi-Level Inheritance...................................................................................................... 3-43
4 Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with the HTTP Listener and OC4J
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4-1
OC4J Server Process ........................................................................................................................... 4-1
Performance/Scalability Tuning....................................................................................................... 4-2
Limit the number of HTTPD processes.............................................................................. 4-2
Set the maxClient directive to a High value...................................................................... 4-3
Load Balancing OC4J ......................................................................................................................... 4-3
Case 1: Multiple OC4J engines on the same host as the Oracle HTTP Listener........... 4-4
Case 2: Multiple OC4J engines on a different host to the Oracle HTTP Listener. ....... 4-4
Case 3: Multiple OC4J engines and multiple Oracle HTTP Listeners on different hosts....
Case 4: Multiple Oracle HTTP Listeners on different hosts with multiple OC4J engines
on one host 4-6
5 Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO and OID
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Single Sign-On (SSO)........................................................................................................................ 5-1
Authentication Flow........................................................................................................................... 5-2
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others................................................................. 5-4
Create a second stand alone server instance..................................................................... 5-5
Add an alias name for the Forms Servlet........................................................................... 5-5
Register the Oracle9i Forms alias name with mod_oc4j.................................................. 5-6
6 Enterprise Manager and Oracle9i Forms
7 Tracing and Diagnostics
Forms Trace........................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Configuring Forms Trace............................................................................................................. 7-2
ftrace.cfg.................................................................................................................................. 7-2
URL Parameter Options....................................................................................................... 7-3
Starting the Trace.......................................................................................................................... 7-5
Viewing Forms Trace Output..................................................................................................... 7-5
Running the Upload/Translate Utility .............................................................................. 7-5
Creating Database Tables for the Trace Data.................................................................... 7-6
List of Traceable Events............................................................................................................... 7-8
List of Event Details................................................................................................................... 7-11
Errors..................................................................................................................................... 7-12
User Action Events.............................................................................................................. 7-12
Forms Services Events........................................................................................................ 7-12
Detailed Events.................................................................................................................... 7-13
Three-Tier Events................................................................................................................ 7-13
Miscellaneous....................................................................................................................... 7-14
Servlet Logging Tools ...................................................................................................................... 7-14
Turning on Logging................................................................................................................... 7-15
Specifying Logging in the URL......................................................................................... 7-15
Specifying Logging in the formsweb.cfg File.................................................................. 7-16
Specifying Full Diagnostics in the URL Used to Invoke the Forms Servlet ............... 7-16
Location of Log Files.................................................................................................................. 7-16
Example Output for Each Level of Servlet Logging.............................................................. 7-16
(none) .................................................................................................................................... 7-17
/session................................................................................................................................. 7-17
/sessionperf.......................................................................................................................... 7-17
/perf...................................................................................................................................... 7-17
/debug.................................................................................................................................. 7-18
Oracle Trace........................................................................................................................................ 7-19
8 Performance Tuning Considerations
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 8-1
Built-in Optimization Features of Forms Services....................................................................... 8-1
Minimizing Client Resource Requirements.............................................................................. 8-2
Minimizing Forms Services Resource Requirements.............................................................. 8-2
Minimizing Network Usage ....................................................................................................... 8-3
Maximizing the Efficiency of Packets Sent Over the Network.............................................. 8-3
Rendering Application Displays Efficiently on the Client..................................................... 8-4
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications ........................................................................ 8-4
Location of the Oracle9iAS Forms Services with Respect to the Data Server ..................... 8-5
Minimizing the Application Startup Time................................................................................ 8-6
Using Java Files...................................................................................................................... 8-6
Oracle JInitiator.............................................................................................................. 8-7
IE Native JVM................................................................................................................. 8-8
All other cases (for example, Suns Java Plug-in)...................................................... 8-8
Using Caching........................................................................................................................ 8-8
Reducing the Required Network Bandwidth........................................................................... 8-9
Other Techniques to Improve Performance............................................................................ 8-11
A JInitiator
Oracle JInitiator................................................................................................................................... A-1
Why Use Oracle JInitiator?.......................................................................................................... A-1
Benefits of Oracle JInitiator ......................................................................................................... A-2
Using Oracle JInitiator ................................................................................................................. A-2
Supported Configurations........................................................................................................... A-2
Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP:........................................................................................... A-2
System Requirements................................................................................................................... A-3
Using Oracle JInitiator with Netscape Navigator.................................................................... A-3
Using Oracle JInitiator with Microsoft Internet Explorer....................................................... A-3
Setting up the Oracle JInitator Plug-in ...................................................................................... A-4
Adding Oracle JInitiator Markup to Your Base HTML File............................................ A-4
Customizing the Oracle JInitiator Download File............................................................ A-4
Making Oracle JInitiator available for download............................................................. A-4
Modifying the Oracle JInitiator plug-in..................................................................................... A-5
Modifying the cache size for Oracle JInitiator................................................................... A-5
Modifying the heap size for Oracle JInitiator.................................................................... A-5
Check and modify the proxy server setting for Oracle JInitiator................................... A-6
Viewing Oracle JInitiator output......................................................................................... A-6
Modifying the base HTML file ................................................................................................... A-6
List of Figures
1–1 Oracle 9iAS Forms Services architecture ........................................................................... 1-4
1–2 Three-tier configuration for running a form...................................................................... 1-5
1–3 Architecture using the Forms Listener Servlet.................................................................. 1-7
8–1 Co-Locating the Oracle9iAS Forms Services and Database Server................................ 8-5
List of Tables
3–1 forms90.conf Virtual Paths and Servlet Mappings......................................................... 3-23
3–2 Icon Location Guide............................................................................................................ 3-37
3–3 Search Paths for Icons and Images.................................................................................... 3-39
3–4 Icons and Images Search Paths Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services ........................ 3-40
7–1 Forms Trace Command Line Parameters.......................................................................... 7-3
7–2 Translate Utility Command Line Options......................................................................... 7-6
7–3 Database Schema for Forms Trace Data............................................................................. 7-6
7–4 List of Traceable Events........................................................................................................ 7-9
7–5 User Action Event Details.................................................................................................. 7-12
7–6 Forms Services Event Details............................................................................................. 7-12
7–7 Detailed Events.................................................................................................................... 7-13
7–8 Three-Tier Event Details..................................................................................................... 7-13
7–9 Miscellaneous Event Details.............................................................................................. 7-14
7–10 Supported logging capabilities.......................................................................................... 7-15
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide, Release 9.0.2
Part No. A92175-01
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Oracle9i Forms Developer and Oracle9iAS Forms Services Documentation
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If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, telephone number, and (optionally) elec-
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If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support Services.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for software developers who are interested in deploying
Oracle9i Forms applications to the Web with the Oracle9i Application Server.
Structure This manual contains the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Introduces you to deploying applications on the Oracle Internet
Platform and provides an overview of the Forms Services
architecture and components.
Chapter 2 Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications
Introduces you to the basic files you need to configure Oracle9iAS
Forms Services and describes the steps for deploying applications.
Chapter 3 Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Describes advanced topics in configuring Oracle9iAS Forms
Services and provides guidelines and tips for designing Oracle9i
Forms applications for Web deployment.
Chapter 4 Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with the HTTP Listener and
Describes how Oracle9iAS Forms Services works using Oracle
HTTP Listener and OC4J.
Chapter 5 Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO and OID
Describes using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with single sign-on and
Oracle Internet Directory.
Chapter 6 Enterprise Manager and Oracle9i Forms
Describes the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) system
management tool.
Chapter 7 Tracing and Diagnostics
Describes tracing and diagnostic tools that are available with
Forms allow you to analyze the performance and resource
consumption of your Oracle9i Forms applications at runtime.
Chapter 8 Performance Tuning Considerations
Describes the tuning considerations when you deploy an
application using Oracle9iAS Forms Services.
Appendix A JInitiator
Describes the benefits of using Oracle JInitiator and how to set up
the Oracle JInitiator plug-in.
Related Documents
For more information, see the following manuals:
Oracle9i Forms Developer and Forms Services: Release Notes for Windows (Part No.
Oracle9i Forms Developer and Forms Services: Release Notes for Solaris (Part No.
Oracle9i Forms Developer and Forms Services: Migrating Forms Applications from
Forms6i (Part No. A92183-01)
Forms Developer Online Help, available from the Help menu in Forms
Introduction 1-1
IntroductionThis guide is intended to provide information about deploying applications with
Oracle9iAS Forms Services. When you choose to deploy applications to the Internet,
there are many decisions to be made as to how you will go about it. This guide
provides information about those decisions and offers suggestions and methods for
configuring your system for Web deployment of your applications. For a
description of each chapter in this guide see the Preface.
This chapter contains the following sections:
The Oracle Internet Platform
Oracle 9iAS Forms Services
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Architecture
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Components
Forms Listener Servlet
The Oracle Internet Platform
With Oracle9i database to manage data, Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS) to
build applications, and Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) to run them, the
Oracle Internet Platform is a complete solution for building any type of application
and deploying it to the Web. These Oracle tools provide a scalable and highly
available infrastructure that enables customers to easily accommodate growing user
The Oracle Internet Platform
1-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Oracle offers a simple, complete, and integrated Internet platform composed of
three core products:
Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS)
Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS)
Oracle9i Database
Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS)
Oracle9iAS is a scalable, secure, middle-tier aplication server. It enables you to
deliver Web content, host Web applications, and connect to to back-office
applications. Forms Services are an integral part of the Oracle9i Application Server
bundle, which provides the technology to fully realize the benefits of Internet
Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS)
Oracle9iDS combines the power of Oracle Application Development tools, Oracle
Business Intelligence tools, the award-winning XML Developer's Kit (XDK) and the
Portlet Development Kit (PDK) in one product.
Oracle9iDS is based on Internet standards including J2EE, XML, SOAP, UDDI, and
UML, and provides a highly productive environment to build applications for
Oracle9iAS and the Oracle9i Database.
Oracle9i Database
Oracle9i Database is the latest generation of the world's most popular RDBMS.
Among the numerous new capabilities are unlimited scalability and
industry-leading reliability with Oracle9i Real Application Clusters; new high
availability technology including advancements in standby database technology
(Oracle Data Guard); and built-in OLAP, data mining and ETL functions.
Oracle9i Application Server is the best application server for the Oracle9i Database
and applications built with Oracle development tools. By leveraging a common
technology stack, Oracle9i Application Server can transparently scale an Oracle
database by caching data and application logic on the middle tier.
Oracle 9iAS Forms Services
Introduction 1-3
Oracle 9iAS Forms Services
As part of Oracle9iAS, Oracle9iAS Forms Services is a new generation of tools that
enable you to deploy new and existing Oracle9i Forms applications on the World
Wide Web.
Oracle9iAS Forms Services is a comprehensive application framework optimized to
deploy Oracle9i Forms applications in a multi-tiered environment. It takes
advantage of the ease and accessibility of the Web and elevates it from a static
information-publishing mechanism to an environment capable of supporting
complex applications.
What’s New in Oracle9iAS Forms Services?
Much of the functionality that was handled by the Web Server in Web6i has been
assumed by components that are delivered with Oracle9iAS. For example, load
balancing, security, scalability, HTTP/S communication handling, and deployment
of Java servlets are all performed by various components delivered with
Oracle9iAS, such as the Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE
The Oracle9iAS Forms Services component of Oracle9iAS handles all processing
that is specific to Oracle9i Forms applications, such as running the business logic
defined in the Oracle9i Forms application and providing the connection to the
Oracle database. A Java applet provides the client user interface.
New features for Oracle9iAS Forms Services include:
Support for deployment on the Web using the Forms Listener Servlet.
Integration with OC4J (see Chapter 4, "Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with
the HTTP Listener and OC4J")
Single Sign-On (see Chapter 5, "Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO and
Integration with OID (see Chapter 5, "Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with
SSO and OID")
Integration with Enterprise Manager for easier administration and
manageability (see Chapter 6, "Enterprise Manager and Oracle9i Forms")
Tracing and logging improvements (see Chapter 7, "Tracing and Diagnostics")
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Architecture
1-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Architecture
Oracle9iAS Forms Services use a three-tier architecture to deploy database
applications. Figure 11 shows the three tiers that make up the Oracle9iAS Forms
Services architecture:
The client tier contains the Web browser, where the application is displayed.
The middle tier is the application server, where application logic and server
software are stored.
The database tier is the database server, where enterprise data is stored
Figure 1–1 Oracle 9iAS Forms Services architecture
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Components
Introduction 1-5
Oracle9iAS Forms Services Components
Oracle9iAS Forms Services is a middle-tier application framework for deploying
complex, transactional forms applications to the Internet. Developers can build new
applications with Oracle9i Forms Developer and deploy them to the Internet with
Oracle9iAS Forms Services. Developers can also take current applications that were
previously deployed in client/server and move them to a three-tier architecture
without changing the application code.
Oracle9iAS Forms Services consists of three major components, as shown in
Figure 12:
The Client, which resides on the client tier.
The Forms Listener Servlet, which resides on the middle tier
The Forms Runtime Process, which also resides on the middle tier
Figure 1–2 Three-tier configuration for running a form
Forms Listener Servlet
1-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Forms Listener Servlet
The Forms Listener Servlet acts as a broker between the Java client and the Forms
runtime process. It takes connection requests from Java client processes and initiates
a Forms runtime process on their behalf.
For more information, see Forms Listener Servlet.
Forms Runtime Process
The Forms runtime process manages application logic and processing. It maintains
a connection to the database on behalf of the Java client. It uses the same forms,
menus, and library files that were used for running in client/server mode.
The Forms runtime process plays two roles: when it communicates with the client
browser, it acts as a server by managing requests from client browsers and it sends
metadata to the client to describe the user interface; when it is communicating with
the database server, it acts as a client by querying the database server for requested
Forms Listener Servlet
Oracle9iAS Forms Services uses the Forms Listener Servlet (a Java servlet) to start,
stop, and communicate with the Forms runtime process. The Forms runtime is what
executes the code contained in a particular Oracle9i Forms application. The Forms
Listener Servlet manages the creation of a Forms runtime process for each client and
manages the network communications between the client and its associated Forms
runtime process. The Forms Listener Servlet replaces the Forms Listener provided
in previous releases of Oracle9i Forms.
Note: You do not need to configure the Forms Listener Servlet as it is already set up for you in the
Oracle9iAS installation process.
Figure 13 illustrates how the client sends HTTP requests and receives HTTP
responses from the Forms Server process. The HTTP Listener acts as the network
endpoint for the client, keeping the other server machines and ports from being
exposed at the firewall.
Forms Listener Servlet
Introduction 1-7
Figure 1–3 Architecture using the Forms Listener Servlet
Forms Listener Servlet
1-8 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications 2-1
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms
IntroductionThis chapter describes the basic files you need to configure Oracle9iAS Forms
Services, provides an overview of how Oracle9iAS Forms Services runs in
Oracle9iAS, and describes the steps you need to follow to deploy Oracle9i Forms
applications. After installation is complete, you can use the information in this
chapter to change your initial configuration or make modifications as your needs
This chapter contains the following sections:
Configuration Files
Application Deployment
Oracle9iAS Forms Services in Action
Client Browser Support
Configuration Files
This section introduces the basic files you need to configure Oracle9i Forms
applications. For more advanced configuration topics, see Chapter 3, "Configuring
Oracle9iAS Forms Services".
This section contains the following sub-sections:
Oracle 9i Forms Configuration Files
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Configuration Files
Oracle HTTP Listener Configuration Files
Configuration Files
2-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Standard Fonts and Icons File
Environment Variables
Oracle 9i Forms Configuration Files
Oracle 9i Forms configuration files allow you to specify parameters for your forms.
This section contains the following sub-sections:
base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm
Location: forms90/server.
This is the Forms Servlet configuration file that contains the following:
Values for Forms applet and runtime command line parameters, as well as
the name of the environment file to use (envFile setting).
Most of the servlet configuration parameter settings that you set during
installation. You can modify these parameters, if needed.
Variables (%variablename%) in the baseHTML file are replaced with the appropriate
parameter values specified in the formsweb.cfg file and from query parameters in
the URL request (if any).
For more information about formsweb.cfg, see Chapter 3, formsweb.cfg.
base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm
Location: forms90/server.
The baseHTML files (base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm) are used
as templates by the Forms Servlet when generating the HTML page used to start up
an Oracle9i Forms application.
We recommend that you make configuration changes in the formsweb.cfg file and
avoid editing the baseHTML files. If you need to change the baseHTML files, create
Note: Location of files are given relative to the ORACLE_HOME
directory. Forward slashes should be replaced by back slashes on
Configuration Files
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications 2-3
your own versions and reference them from the formsweb.cfg file by changing the
appropriate settings.
For more information about baseHTML files, see Chapter 3, base.htm, basejini.htm,
basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm.
Location: forms90/server.
This file allows you to configure Forms Trace. Forms Trace allows you to replace the
functionality that was provided with Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) and
Performance Event Collection Services (PECS), which were available in earlier
releases of Oracle 9i Forms. Forms Trace allows you to trace the execution path
through a form (for example, steps the user took while using the form).
For more information about ftrace.cfg, see Chapter 7, ftrace.cfg.
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Configuration Files
By default Oracle9i Forms is configured for OC4J by deploying it as a J2EE
compliant application packaged in an EAR (Enterprise Archive) file called
forms90app.ear. This EAR file is deployed during the Oracle9iAS installation
process (if you choose to configure Oracle 9i Forms). During deployment, the EAR
file is unpacked into the applications directory of the OC4J instance.
This section describes:
Directory structure for Oracle9i Forms OC4J files
Location: j2ee/ProductGroup2/applications/forms90app/forms90web/WEB-INF/web.xml.
Once Oracle9i Forms has been installed and configured, the web.xml file is located
in the directory
underneath ORACLE_HOME. It defines the aliases "f90servlet" and "l90servlet" for
the Forms Servlet and the Forms Listener Servlet.
For more information about web.xml, see Chapter 3, web.xml.
Configuration Files
2-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Directory structure for Oracle9i Forms OC4J files
During Oracle9iAS installation and configuration, the Forms EAR file
(forms90app.ear) is deployed to the "ProductGroup2" OC4J instance. This results in
the following directory structure.
Names with a + sign are directories:
-application.xml (defines the structure of the ear file)
-web.xml (forms & listener servlet definitions, including servlet param-
-orion-web.xml (virtual directory mappings and context parameter,
only used in iDS)
-f90srv.jar (contains the Forms Servlet and Listener Servlet code)
Oracle HTTP Listener Configuration Files
This section describes the file used to configure Oracle HTTP Listener for Oracle9i
Location: forms90/server.
This is the Oracle HTTP listener configuration file for Oracle9i Forms. It is included
into oracle_apache.conf, which in turn is included into httpd.conf (the master HTTP
listener configuration file). Forms90.conf defines virtual directors (aliases) and
servlet mount points to map URL requests to the Forms Servlets running in the
OC4J servlet engine.
For more information about forms90.conf, see Chapter 3, forms90.conf.
Application Deployment
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications 2-5
Standard Fonts and Icons File
This section describes the file used to configure font and icon settings for Oracle9i
Location: forms90/java/oracle/forms/registry
This file allows you to change the default font, font mappings, and icons that
Oracle9iAS Forms Services uses.
For more information about registry.dat, see Chapter 3, registry.dat.
Environment Variables
This section describes the default environment variable containing environment
settings for the Forms runtime process.
For a full list of customizable environment variables, see Chapter 3, Customizing
Environment Variables and Registry Settings.
Location: forms90/server.
This file contains environment settings for Forms runtime and can be found in the
same directory as the formsweb.cfg file. On UNIX, default.env should include the
For more information about default.env, see Chapter 3, default.env.
Application Deployment
Once you have created your application in Oracle9i Forms Developer , you are
ready for application Web deployment. Oracle9i Forms accesses an application in
Oracle9iAS through a specified URL. The URL then accesses the HTTP Listener,
which communicates with the Listener Servlet. The Listener Servlet starts up
ifweb90.exe for each new Oracle9i Forms module.
For more information about how Oracle9iAS Forms Services runs, see Oracle9iAS
Forms Services in Action.
Application Deployment
2-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Deploying Your Application
To deploy a basic form with the default parameters set up by the installer:
1. Create your application in Oracle9i Forms Developer and save it.
.fmb is a design time file that can only be opened in Oracle9i Forms Developer.
.fmx is the runtime file created when you compile the .fmb and is used for Web
For more information about Oracle9i Forms Developer, go to the Help menu in
Oracle9i Forms Developer.
2. Create a configuration section in formsweb.cfg so that Oracle9i Forms can
access your application module. You can do this at the end of formsweb.cfg in
any open space. The syntax for creating a configuration file is as follows:
For example,
In the previous example, Oracle9i Forms is running the application
"application" and calling the file "hrapp.fmx".
This means the Oracle9i Forms module hrapp.fmx will be callable on the Web
by entering "...?config=application" in the Browser URL.
3. Make sure the .fmx file location is specified in the forms90_path environment
variable. For example, if your .fmx file is located in d:/my_files/applications, in
the forms90_path you would include d:/my_files/applications (separated by
semi-colons if listing more than one location).
Forms90_Path is an environment variable that can be set using an Oracle9i
Forms environment file, an ASCII file referenced by envFile=<name of the file>
in formsweb.cfg. The deault environment file used is default.env located in the
Forms90\Server directory.
Note: You can name the configuration section anything you want,
as long as it does not include spaces.
Application Deployment
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications 2-7
To create your own environment file copy default.env and modify it as needed
by your application. In the application configuration section in formsweb.cfg,
add the following parameter:
envFile=<your file name>.env
4. Enter the name of your application into the following URL:
where "mymachine" is the name of your machine and "7777" is the port used by
your HTTP Listener.
Since you specified a configuration file, you will need to add "config=" and the
name of the configuration section. So, using the example in step 2, the URL to
access hrapp.fmx would be:
Specifying Parameters
There are three ways to predefine paramter values for your Oracle9i Forms
applications. You can define parameters by:
Editing your application settings in the default section of formsweb.cfg.
The default configuration section displays the default values that will be used
by Oracle9i Forms. The default configuration section contains two parts: System
Parameters and User Parameters. While you can edit the existing default
configuration section, you cannot create new ones.
For example, the default value of the system parameter that specifies how
to execute the Forms applet under Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x is defined
as follows:
If you want the Forms applet to run in the browser's native JVM, edit the
parameter in the formsweb.cfg file to read:
You can override the system and user parameter values in the named
application configuration section (see Creating configuration sections in
formsweb.cfg.). For example:
Application Deployment
2-8 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Override system parameter settings if your application requires modifications
to the underlying HTML templates or another value set for the Internet
Explorer virtual machine. Change the system parameter setting only if the
modification must be adopted by all applications run by the server.
Creating configuration sections in formsweb.cfg.
Under the configuration sections you created in step 2 of Deploying Your
Application, you can specify parameters for your Oracle9i Forms applications.
You can specify any application and system parameters that are in
For example, you can make the look and feel of the application to be the Oracle
look and feel:
[Human Resources]
envFile=<your file name>.env
Note: Parameters specified in the named configuration section of
formsweb.cfg will override the system parameter settings.
Note: System Parameters cannot be overridden in the URL, while
User Parameters can.
Application Deployment
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications 2-9
lookandfeel= oracle
You can also override the default parameter values in the named configuration
section. For example, to predefine the connect information of an application to
scott/tiger@orcl, the parameter value for userid must be set in the named
configuration section:
[Human Resources]
envFile=<your file name>.env
For other parameters you can edit, see Parameters in the formsweb.cfg File.
Editing the URL you use to access Oracle9i Forms applications.
You can directly type parameters into the URL that accesses your Oracle9i
Forms application. Using the previous example, instead of specifying the
pageTitle parameter in your configuration file, you could also type it into the
URL as follows:"My
You can use the ampersand (&) to call a combination of a form and named
configuration parameters. For example, in the following URL:
you are calling the form "hrapp" with the parameter settings you specified in
Note: Parameters specified in the configuration section will
override your application default settings.
Note: Parameters specified in the URL will override parameters
set in the configuration section.
Oracle9iAS Forms Services in Action
2-10 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Oracle9iAS Forms Services in Action
This sections describes how an Oracle9i Forms application runs in Oracle9iAS, and
how the configuration files are used, assuming that the Forms Servlet is used to
generate the initial HTML page. For simplicity, we assume the Web server is
running on port 7777 on a machine called "". We also assume no
modifications have been made to the standard configuration created during the
Oracle9iAS installation process.
When a user runs an Oracle9i Forms application, the following sequence of events
1. The user starts up their Web browser and goes to a URL like the following:
In this case, the (top level) form module to be run is called "hrapp" using the
configuration section called "ienative"
2. Oracle HTTP listener receives the request. It forwards the request to OC4J, since
the path "/forms90/f90servlet" matches one of the OC4J mount directives in the
forms90.conf file (the one for the Forms Servlet).
3. OC4J maps the request to the Oracle9i Forms application (whose context root is
/forms90). It maps the request to the Forms Servlet (using the f90servlet servlet
mapping specified in the web.xml file).
4. The Forms Servlet (running in OC4J) processes the request as follows:
Opens the servlet configuration file (formsweb.cfg by default). If that
parameter is not set, the default configuration file (<ORACLE_
HOME>/forms90/server/formsweb.cfg) is used.
Determines which configuration section to use in the formsweb.cfg file.
Since the URL contains the query parameter "config=ienative", the
[ienative] section will be used.
Determines which baseHTML file to use, based on (a) what browser made
the request, (b) what platform the browser is running on, and (c) the
settings of various parameters in the formsweb.cfg file (specifically,
baseHTMLie, baseHTMLjinitiator, baseHTMLjpi, baseHTML, and IE).
Reads the baseHTML file, and sends the contents back as an HTML page to
the user's Web browser, after doing variable substutions as follows:
Whenever a variable (like %myParam%) is encountered, the Forms
Servlet looks for a matching URL query parameter (for example,
&myParam=xxx), or, failing that, looks for a matching parameter in the
Oracle9iAS Forms Services in Action
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications 2-11
formsweb.cfg file. If a matching parameter is found, the variable
(%myParam%) is replaced with the parameter value.
For example, the baseHTML file contains the text %form%. In our
example, this is replaced with the value "hrapp".
5. Depending on which baseHTML file the Forms Servlet selected, the HTML
page sent back to the Web browser will contain an Applet, Object or Embed tag
to start up the Forms applet (thin client). The Forms applet runs in a JVM
(either the Web browser's native JVM, or a "plugged in" JVM like Oracle
JInitiator or Sun's Java plug-in).
6. If the baseHTML file selected was for a plug-in (Oracle JInitiator or Sun's JDK
Java plug-in), and if the user does not already have that plug-in installed on
their machine, they are prompted to install the plug-in. In the case of JInitiator,
the download location is under the virtual path /forms90/jinitiator (a virtual
path defined in the forms90.conf file).
7. In order to start up the Forms applet, its Java code must first be loaded. The
location of the applet is specified by the applet codebase and archive
parameters. For example, if the user is running with Oracle JInitiator, the applet
code is loaded from the file
The virtual path definition in the forms90.conf file for "/forms90/java" allows
the applet code to be loaded from the Web server.
Note: The Forms applet code (for example, f90all_jinit.jar) is only to be loaded
over the network the first time the user runs an Oracle9i Forms application (or
if a newer version of Oracle9i Forms is installed on the Web server). Otherwise,
it is to be loaded from the Web browser's (or the Java plug-in's) cache on the
local disk.
8. Once the Forms applet is running, it starts up a Forms session by contacting the
Forms Listener Servlet at URL
9. The Oracle HTTP listener receives the request. It forwards the request to OC4J,
since the path "/forms90/l90servlet" matches one of the OC4J mount directives
in the forms90.conf file (the one for the Forms Listener Servlet).
10. The Forms Listener Servlet (l90servlet) starts up a Forms runtime process
(ifweb90.exe or f90webm) for the Forms session.
Client Browser Support
2-12 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
11. Communication continues between the Forms applet (running in the user's Web
browser) and the Forms runtime process, via the Listener Servlet, until the
Forms session ends.
12. The command line (such as giving the name of the form to run) is passed to the
Forms runtime process. It is given as the applet parameter "serverArgs". Part
of the serverArgs value in the baseHTML file was %form%, which was replaced
by "hrapp". Therefore the runtime process actually runs the form in the file
This file must either be present in the workingDirectory (which is specified in
the formsweb.cfg file), or in one of the directories named in the FORMS90_
PATH environment setting, which is defined in the environment file
(default.env by default). You can also specify the directory in the formsweb.cfg
file (for example, form=c:\temp\myform).
13. The Forms sessions ends when one of the following occurs:
The top level form is exited (for example, by PL/SQL trigger code which
calls the "exit_form" built-in function). In this case, the user is prompted to
save changes if there are unsaved changes. "exit_form(no_validate)" exits
the form without prompting.
The user quits their Web browser (in this case, any pending updates are
Client Browser Support
Users can view Oracle9i Forms applications on the Web using Oracle JInitiator
plug-in (using Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer). In future patch releases
other virtual machines will be supported.
For more information about client browser support, including the latest supported
platforms, go to the Oracle9i Forms Developer menu and choose Help | Forms on
Oracle JInitiator
Oracle JInitiator runs within a Web browser and is based on Suns JDK/JRE 1.3. It
provides the ability to specify a specific Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the client
rather than using the browser's (native) default JVM. Oracle JInitiator does not
replace or modify the default JVM provided by the browser. Rather, it provides an
alternative JVM in the form of a plug-in for Netscape Navigator and as an ActiveX
component for Internet Explorer.
Client Browser Support
Basics of Deploying Oracle9i Forms Applications 2-13
Oracle provides two JAR files (f90all.jar and f90all_jinit.jar) that group and zip
classes together for efficient delivery across the network to the client. f90all_jinit.jar
is an extra-compressed JAR file that can be used only with Oracle JInitiator to
provide increased performance at download time. Once on the client, the files are
cached for future use.
For more information about Oracle JInitiator, see Appendix A, "JInitiator".
How Configuration Parameters and BaseHTML Files are Tied to Client Browsers
When an user starts a Web-enabled application (by clicking a link to the
applications URL), the Forms Servlet:
1. Detects which browser is being used;
2. Reads the formsweb.cfg file to determine the Internet Explorer parameter
setting if the user is using Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher;
3. Selects the appropriate baseHTML file using the following table:
* Internet Explorer 6 that has been upgraded from 5.5 only (IE 6 is not certified in the base release)
** Internet Explorer running on Windows with the Microsoft Native VM.
4. Replaces variables (%variablename%) in the baseHTML file with the appropriate
parameter values specified in the Forms Servlet .initArgs file, formsweb.cfg file,
and from query parameters in the URL request (if any).
5. Sends the HTML file to the users browser.
Browser detected IE parameter
setting Base HTML file used
Internet Explorer 5.x or 6* native VM baseie.htm
Internet Explorer 5.x or 6* jinitiator basejini.htm
Netscape Navigator or
Internet Explorer version
preceding version 5
not applicable basejini.htm
All other browsers not applicable base.htm
Client Browser Support
2-14 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-1
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services
IntroductionThis chapter contains the following sections:
Customizing Configuration Files
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
Creating Your Own Template HTML Files
Including Graphics in Your Oracle9i Forms Application
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Using HTTPS with the Forms Listener Servlet
Using the Hide User ID/Password Feature
Using an Authenticating Proxy to Run Oracle9i Forms Applications
Enabling Language Detection
Customizing Configuration Files
During the installation, the following configuration files were installed onto your
base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm
Customizing Configuration Files
3-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
When a user first starts an Oracle9iAS Forms application (by clicking a link to the
applications URL), the baseHTML file is read by Forms Servlet. Any variables
(%variablename%) in the baseHTML file are replaced with the appropriate parameter
values specified in the formsweb.cfg file, and from query parameters in the URL
request (if any).
You can modify the configuration files as your needs change.
formsweb.cfg For a description and the location of the Forms Servlet configuration file
(formsweb.cfg), see Chapter 2, formsweb.cfg.
Parameters Naming Files
Make sure the EnvFile parameter specifies the physical path to the environment file
that contains the environment variable settings you want to use.
The four baseHTML parameters should also be set to point to appropriate files.
Typically, lines like the following should appear in the default section at the start of
the formsweb.cfg file:
All of these parameters give file names. If no paths are given (as in this example),
the files are assumed to be in the same directory as the Forms Servlet configuration
file (formsweb.cfg), that is <ORACLE_HOME>/forms90/servlet.
Creating specific named configurations in formsweb.cfg
You can create specific named configurations in the formsweb.cfg file. These
configurations can be requested in the end-users query string of the URL used to
run a form.
Create special configurations by adding the name of the configuration in brackets at
the end of the formsweb.cfg file. Then, specify the parameters (only those you want
to change) for this special configuration.
For example, to create a configuration to run forms in a separate browser window
with a "generic" look and feel, add the following code to the formsweb.cfg file:
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-3
The end-user would type the following URL to launch a form that uses the "sepwin"
You can also use Enterprise Manager to create named configuration sections (see
Chapter 6, "Enterprise Manager and Oracle9i Forms").
See Default formsweb.cfg File for other examples of special configurations.
Parameters in the formsweb.cfg File
Parameter Required /
Optional Parameter Value
System parameters
These parameters control the behavior of the Forms Servlet. They can only be specified in the servlet
configuration file (formsweb.cfg) and cannot be specified as URL query parameters.
baseHTML optional Physical path to HTML file that contains applet tags.
baseHTMLJInitiator required Physical path to HTML file that contains JInitiator tags.
baseHTMLjpi optional Physical path to HTML file that contains Java Plug-in tags. Used as
the baseHTML file if the client browser is not on Windows and the
client browser is either Netscape or IE without the IE native settings.
baseHTMLie optional Physical path to the HTML file that contains Internet Explorer 5
tags, for example the CABBASE tag. The default path is
This is required when using the Internet Explorer native JVM.
HTML delimiter required Delimiter for variable names. Defaults to %.
workingDirectory required Defaults to <ORACLE_HOME>/forms90 if not set.
envFile required This is set to default.env in the formsweb.cfg file.
Customizing Configuration Files
3-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
IE recommended if
there are users
with Internet
Explorer 5.0 or
above browsers
Specifies how to execute the Forms applet under Microsoft
Internet Explorer 5.0 or above. If the client is using an Internet
Explorer 5.0 or above browser, either the native JVM or
JInitiator can be used. A setting of "JInitiator" uses the
basejini.htm file and JInitiator. A setting of "Native" uses the
browser's native JVM.
Runform parameters (serverArgs parameters)
All parameters from here on match variables (%parameterName%) in the baseHTML file. These variables are
replaced with the parameter values specified in the URL query string, or failing that, in the formsweb.cfg file.
form required Specifies the name of the top level Forms module (fmx file) to
userid optional Login string. For example: scott/tiger@ORA8.
otherparams optional This setting specifies command line parameters to pass to the
Forms runtime process in addtion to form and userid.
Default is:
debug=%debug% buffer_records=%buffer% debug_
messages=%debug_messages% array=%array% query_
only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render%
host=%host% port=%port%
HTML page title, attributes for the BODY tag and HTML to add before and after the form
For security reasons these may not be set using URL query parameters.
pageTitle optional Oracle Forms Server
HTMLbodyAttrs optional Attributes for the <BODY> tag of the HTML page.
HTMLbeforeForm optional HTML content to add to the page above the area where the
Forms application will be displayed.
HTMLafterForm optional HTML content to add to the page below the area where the
Forms application will be displayed.
Applet or object Parameters
All of the following are specified in the baseHTML file as values for object or applet parameters. For example:
<PARAM NAME="serverURL" VALUE="%serverURL%">
serverURL required /forms90/l90servlet (see Chapter 1, Forms Listener Servlet)
Parameter Required /
Optional Parameter Value
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-5
codebase required Virtual directory you defined to point to the physical directory
<ORACLE_HOME>/forms90/java, where, by default, the
applet JAR files are downloaded from.
The default value is /forms90/java.
width required Specifies the width of the form applet, in pixels. Default is 650.
height required Specifies the height of the form applet, in pixels.Default is 500.
separateFrame optional Determines whether the applet appears within a separate
window. Legal values: True or False.
splashScreen optional Specifies the .GIF file that should appear before the applet
appears. Set to NO for no splash. Leave empty to use the
default splash image.
To set the parameter include the file name (for example,
myfile.gif) or the virutal path and file name (for example,
background optional Specifies the .GIF file that should appear in the background. Set
to NO for no background. Leave empty to use the default
lookAndFeel optional Determines the applications look-and-feel. Legal values: Oracle
or Generic (Windows look-and-feel).
colorScheme optional Determines the applications color scheme. Legal values: Teal,
Titanium, Red, Khaki, Blue, Olive, or Purple.
Note: colorScheme is ignored if lookAndFeel is set to Generic.
serverApp optional Replace default with the name of your application file (if any).
Use application classes for creating application-specific font
mapping and icon path settings.
To set the parameter include the file name if file is in
OracleHome\forms90\java\oracle\forms\registry or include
the virtual path and file name.
archive optional Comma-separated list of archive files that are used when the
browser detected is neither Internet Explorer using native JVM
nor JInitiator. (The default is f90all.jar.)
To set the parameter include the file name if the file is in the
codebase directory or include the virtual path and file name.
Parameter Required /
Optional Parameter Value
Customizing Configuration Files
3-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
archive_jinit optional Comma-separated list of JAR file(s) that is used when the
browser detected is JInitiator. (The default is f90all_jinit.jar.)
To set the parameter include the file name if the file is in the
codebase directory or include the virtual path and file name.
archive_ie optional Comma-separated list of CAB file(s) that is used when the
browser detected is Internet Explorer using native JVM. (The
default is
networkRetries optional In situations of high load or network failures, you can specify
the number of times (up to 10) the client will attempt to send a
request to the intended servlet engine. The default setting is 0,
in which case the Forms session will terminate after one try.
mapFonts optional <PARAM NAME = "mapFonts" VALUE = "yes" > to trigger font
As a result of some font rendering code changes in JDK 1.3, the
font heights set in JDK 1.1 increased in JDK 1.3. As this may
cause display issues, you can map the JDK 1.3 fonts so that the
font sizes are the same as they were in JDK 1.1.
Parameters for JInitiator
jinit_download_page required
(Netscape only) If you create your own version of the Jinitiator download page,
set this parameter to point to it. Default is
jinit_classid required (IE only) Default is clsid:CAFECAFE-0013-0001-0002-ABCDEFABCDEF
jinit_exename required Default is jinit.exe#Version=
jinit_mimetype required
(Netscape only) Default is application/x-jinit-applet;version=
Parameters for Sun’s Java Plug-in
jpi_codebase required Suns Java Plug-in codebase setting
jpi_classid required Suns Java Plug-in class id
jpi_download_page required Suns Java Plug-in download page
Enterprise Manager configuration parameters
Parameter Required /
Optional Parameter Value
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-7
Default formsweb.cfg File
The default formsweb.cfg file contains the following:
# formsweb.cfg - Forms Servlet default configuration file
# -------------------------------------------------------
# This file defines parameter values used by the FormsServlet (f90servlet)
# ********************************
# ********************************
# These are the default settings. Any of them may be overridden in the
# Named Configurations section. If they are not overridden, then the
# values here will be used.
# System Paremeters cannot be overridden in the URL. User Parameters can.
# -----------------
# These have fixed names and give information required by the Forms
# Servlet in order to function. They cannot be specified in the URL query
# string. But they can be overriden in a named configuration (see below).
# Some parameters specify file names: if the full path is not given,
# they are assumed to be in the same directory as this file. If a path
# is given, then it should be a physical path, not a URL.
em_mode required 1 is to enable. 0 is to disable.
Applies only to the HTML-based version of the Enterprise
Manager. TRUE indicates that all Enterprise Manager
information is available, including metrics and servlet status.
FALSE indicates that only configuration information is
OID (Oracle Internet Directory) configuration parameters
oid_formsid required Configured during the Oracle9iAS installation, so you do not
need to change this.
oracle_home required Configured during the Oracle9iAS installation, so you do not
need to change this.
Parameter Required /
Optional Parameter Value
Customizing Configuration Files
3-8 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# WorkingDirectory defaults to <oracle_home>/forms90 if unset.
# The next parameter specifies how to execute the Forms applet under
# Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x. Put IE=native if you want the
# Forms applet to run in the browser's native JVM.
# ---------------
# These match variables (e.g. %form%) in the baseHTML file. Their values
# may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
# (e.g. "")
# or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
# 1) Runform arguments:
# These settings support running and debugging a form from the Builder:
otherparams=debug=%debug% buffer_records=%buffer% debug_messages=%debug_
messages% array=%array% query_only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render%
host=%host% port=%port% play=%play% record=%record%
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-9
# 2) HTML page title, attributes for the BODY tag, and HTML to add before and
# after the form:
pageTitle=Oracle9iAS Forms Services
# 3) Values for the Forms applet parameters:
# The following archive settings are for
# archive_jini - settings for JInitiator
# archive_ie - settings for IE native JVM
# archive - settings for all other cases (Java Plugin, Appletviewer, etc)
Customizing Configuration Files
3-10 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# Number of times client should retry if a network failure occurs. Only
# change after having read the documentation.
# 4) Parameters for JInitiator (used with Windows clients)
# Page displayed to Netscape users to allow them to download JInitiator.
# If you create your own page, you should set this parameter to point to it.
# Parameters related to the version of JInitiator.
# 5) Parameters for the Java Plugin (used with non-Windows clients)
# Page displayed to users to allow them to download the JPI
# (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
# Parameters related to the version of the Java Plugin
# 6) EM config parameter
# Set this to "1" to enable Enterprise Manager to track Forms processes
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-11
# 6) OID Config parameters (for Single Sign-On)
# ********************************
# ********************************
# You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
# by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
# Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
# default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
# Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
# "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
# a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
# a URL like "".
# Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
# "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
# Example 2: configuration affecting users of MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5.x.
# Forms applet will run under the browser's native JVM rather than
# using Oracle JInitiator.
# Example 3: configuration forcing use of the Java Plugin in all cases
# (even if the client browser is on Windows)
Customizing Configuration Files
3-12 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# Example 4: configuration running the Forms ListenerServlet in debug mode
# (debug messages will be written to the servlet engine's log file)
base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm
For a brief description and the locations of base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and
baseie.htm, see Chapter 2, base.htm, basejini.htm, basejpi.htm, and baseie.htm.
Four baseHTML files are created for your system by the Oracle Universal Installer
during Oracle9iAS installation and configuration. In most cases, you will not need
to modify these files. If you do need to modify these files, you should create your
own versions and reference them from the formsweb.cfg file. The default files may
be overridden by a patch installation.
When a user first starts an Oracle9i Forms application (by clicking a link to the
applications URL), a baseHTML file is read by Forms Servlet.
Any variables (%variablename%) in the baseHTML file are replaced with the
appropriate parameter values specified in the formsweb.cfg file described in
formsweb.cfg, and from query parameters in the URL request (if any). Query
parameter values override the values in the formsweb.cfg file.
Then, the baseHTML file is downloaded to the users Web browser.
The following baseHTML starter files are available in the <ORACLE_
HOME>/forms90/server directory:
basejini.htm: This is a baseHTML file containing the tags required to run the
Forms applet using Oracle JInitiator. It is suitable for browsers (only on
Windows platforms) certified by Oracle to work in this manner (and which do
not work using standard APPLET tags). See Default basejini.htm File for an
basejpi.htm: This is the baseHTML file for Java Plug-in. The Forms Servlet uses
this file if the client browser is not on Windows and the client browser is either
Netscape or IE without the IE native setting.
Note: baseHTML variables can be changed by modifying the
corresponding parameter values in the formsweb.cfg file.
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-13
base.htm: This is a baseHTML file containing the APPLET tags required to run
the Forms applet in the AppletViewer, or in any Web browser certified by
Oracle whose native JVM is certified with Oracle9i Forms. See Default base.htm
File for an example.
baseie.htm: This is a baseHTML file containing the Internet Explorer 5 tags
required to use native JVM in Internet Explorer 5. See Default baseie.htm File
for an example.
To create a new baseHTML file:
1. Place the new baseHTML file in any directory. Update the basejini.htm,
baseie.htm, basejpi.htm, or base.htm parameter in the formsweb.cfg file to
contain the baseHTML files full physical path location.
2. Copy the basejini.htm, baseie.htm, basejpi.htm, or base.htm starter file, which is
located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/forms90/server directory.
3. Rename the file (for example, order.htm).
4. Add or modify any text that is visible to the user (for example, text contained
within <TITLE> and <BODY> tags).
5. Modify the parameters as needed. It is recommended that you use variables in
the baseHTML file, and specify the actual values in the formsweb.cfg file, as
described in formsweb.cfg.
The baseHTML and baseHTMLJInitiator tags can also be set in the specific
named configuration section, overwriting the system default value. This is
recommended if an individual custom baseHTML template needs to be used.
However, if a custom template is used for all applications, then it is
recommended you change the default configuration section in the formsweb.cfg
Parameters and variables in the baseHTML file
If you do not want to use a parameter tag that is provided in the base.htm or
basejini.htm file, delete it from the file.
We recommend that you specify the rest of the parameter values as variables
(%variablename%) in the baseHTML file. For example:
<PARAM NAME="logo" VALUE="%logo%">
Then, specify the actual parameter values in the formsweb.cfg file, which are
defined in Parameters in the formsweb.cfg File. All variables are replaced with the
appropriate parameter values at runtime.
Customizing Configuration Files
3-14 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Usage Notes
You can use a variable value anywhere in the baseHTML file. Variables are
specified as a name enclosed in a special delimiter (the default delimiter is %).
For example, you could have the following line in your HTML file:
You must then assign a value to %Archive% either in the formsweb.cfg file or in
the URL query string.
All variables must receive values at runtime. If a variable does not receive a
value, Oracle9iAS Forms Services cannot build a proper HTML file to pass back
to the users Web browser, resulting in an error.
To streamline performance, use only one Web server as a source for JAR file
downloads. This will prevent multiple downloads of the same files from
different servers.
Default base.htm File
<!-- FILE: base.htm (Oracle Forms) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This is the default baseHTML file for running a form on the -->
<!-- web using a generic APPLET tag to include Forms applet. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default values for all the variables which appear below -->
<!-- (enclosed in percent characters) are defined in the servlet -->
<!-- configuration file (formsweb.cfg). It is preferable to make -->
<!-- changes in that file where possible, rather than this one. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall Oracle Forms, so -->
<!-- you are advised to make your own version if you want to make -->
<!-- want to make any modifications. You should then set the -->
<!-- baseHTML parameter in the Forms Servlet configuration file -->
<!-- (formsweb.cfg) to point to your new file instead of this one. -->
<BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%>
<!-- Forms applet definition (start) -->
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-15
<APPLET CODEBASE="%codebase%"
<PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="%networkRetries%">
<PARAM NAME="serverArgs"
VALUE="module=%form% userid=%userid% sso_userid=%sso_userid%
<PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="%separateFrame%">
<PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="%splashScreen%">
<PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="%background%">
<PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="%lookAndFeel%">
<PARAM NAME="colorScheme" VALUE="%colorScheme%">
<PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="%serverApp%">
<PARAM NAME="logo" VALUE="%logo%">
<PARAM NAME="imageBase" VALUE="%imageBase%">
<!-- Forms applet definition (end) -->
Default basejini.htm File
<!-- FILE: basejini.htm (Oracle Forms) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This is the default baseHTML file for running a form on the -->
<!-- web using JInitiator-style tags to include the Forms applet. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default values for all the variables which appear below -->
<!-- (enclosed in percent characters) are defined in the servlet -->
<!-- configuration file (formsweb.cfg). It is preferable to make -->
<!-- changes in that file where possible, rather than this one. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall Oracle Forms, so -->
<!-- you are advised to make your own version if you want to make -->
<!-- want to make any modifications. You should then set the -->
Customizing Configuration Files
3-16 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
<!-- baseHTMLJinitiator parameter in the Forms Servlet configuration -->
<!-- file (formsweb.cfg) to point to your new file instead of this. -->
<BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%>
<!-- Forms applet definition (start) -->
<OBJECT classid="%jinit_classid%"
<PARAM NAME="TYPE" VALUE="%jinit_mimetype%">
<PARAM NAME="CODE" VALUE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" >
<PARAM NAME="ARCHIVE" VALUE="%archive_jini%" >
<PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="%networkRetries%">
<PARAM NAME="serverArgs"
VALUE="module=%form% userid=%userid% sso_userid=%sso_userid%
<PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="%separateFrame%">
<PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="%splashScreen%">
<PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="%background%">
<PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="%lookAndFeel%">
<PARAM NAME="colorScheme" VALUE="%colorScheme%">
<PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="%serverApp%">
<PARAM NAME="logo" VALUE="%logo%">
<PARAM NAME="imageBase" VALUE="%imageBase%">
<EMBED SRC="" PLUGINSPAGE="%jinit_download_page%"
serverArgs="module=%form% userid=%userid% sso_userid=%sso_userid%
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-17
<!-- Forms applet definition (end) -->
Default basejpi.htm File
<!-- FILE: basejpi.htm (Oracle Forms) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This is the default baseHTML file for running a form on the -->
<!-- web using the JDK Java Plugin. This is used for example when -->
<!-- running with Netscape on Unix. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default values for all the variables which appear below -->
<!-- (enclosed in percent characters) are defined in the servlet -->
<!-- configuration file (formsweb.cfg). It is preferable to make -->
<!-- changes in that file where possible, rather than this one. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall Oracle Forms, so -->
<!-- you are advised to create your own version if you want to make -->
<!-- any modifications. You should then set the baseHTMLjpi -->
<!-- parameter in the Forms Servlet configuration file (formsweb.cfg) -->
<!-- to point to your new file instead of this one. -->
<BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%>
Customizing Configuration Files
3-18 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
<!-- Forms applet definition (start) -->
<OBJECT classid="%jpi_classid%"
<PARAM NAME="TYPE" VALUE="%jpi_mimetype%">
<PARAM NAME="CODE" VALUE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" >
<PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="%networkRetries%">
<PARAM NAME="serverArgs"
VALUE="module=%form% userid=%userid% sso_userid=%sso_userid%
<PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="%separateFrame%">
<PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="%splashScreen%">
<PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="%background%">
<PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="%lookAndFeel%">
<PARAM NAME="colorScheme" VALUE="%colorScheme%">
<PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="%serverApp%">
<PARAM NAME="logo" VALUE="%logo%">
<PARAM NAME="imageBase" VALUE="%imageBase%">
<EMBED SRC="" PLUGINSPAGE="%jpi_download_page%"
serverArgs="module=%form% userid=%userid% sso_userid=%sso_userid%
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-19
<!-- Forms applet definition (end) -->
Default baseie.htm File
<!-- FILE: baseie.htm (Oracle Forms) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This is the default baseHTML file for running a form on the -->
<!-- web with Internet Explorer version 5.0 or above, using that -->
<!-- browser's native JVM. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default values for all the variables which appear below -->
<!-- (enclosed in percent characters) are defined in the servlet -->
<!-- configuration file (formsweb.cfg). It is preferable to make -->
<!-- changes in that file where possible, rather than this one. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall Oracle Forms, so -->
<!-- you are advised to make your own version if you want to make -->
<!-- want to make any modifications. You should then set the -->
<!-- baseHTMLie parameter in the Forms Servlet configuration file -->
<!-- (formsweb.cfg) to point to your new file instead of this one. -->
<BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%>
<!-- Forms applet definition (start) -->
<APPLET CODEBASE="%codebase%"
Customizing Configuration Files
3-20 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
<PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="%networkRetries%">
<PARAM NAME="serverArgs"
VALUE="module=%form% userid=%userid% sso_userid=%sso_userid%
<PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="%separateFrame%">
<PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="%splashScreen%">
<PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="%background%">
<PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="%lookAndFeel%">
<PARAM NAME="colorScheme" VALUE="%colorScheme%">
<PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="%serverApp%">
<PARAM NAME="logo" VALUE="%logo%">
<PARAM NAME="imageBase" VALUE="%imageBase%">
<!-- Forms applet definition (end) -->
web.xml For a description and the location of web.xml, see Chapter 2, web.xml.
Advanced users might want to edit the web.xml file to:
Enable extra testing options.
If you are having difficulty running Oracle9i Forms in your Oracle9iDS or
Oracle9iAS installation, it can be useful to enable certain test options which are
not usually enabled for security reasons. To use these options, edit the web.xml
file to set the testMode f90servlet parameter to true. Then restart the Web
server (or OC4J). The additional options are then visible on the Forms Servlet
adminstration page (which can be accessed at a URL like http://<your_web_
Use a Forms Servlet configuration file other than the standard one (which is
This can be done by uncommenting and changing the f90servlet's
"configFileName" servlet parameter.
Run Oracle9i Forms using static HTML pages (rather than the Forms Servlet).
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-21
When Oracle9i Forms applications are run using a method other than the
Forms Servlet (for example, static HTML pages, or JSPs), parameter settings in
the formsweb.cfg file are not used. You may therefore need to define servlet
parameters for the Listener Servlet, such as workingDirectory and envFile
(specifying the current working directory for the Forms runtime processes, and
the file containing environment settings to be used).
Default web.xml File
- <web-app>
<display-name>Forms 9i Services</display-name>
<description>Oracle 9iAS: Forms 9i Services</description>
- <welcome-file-list>
- <!-- Forms 9i page generator servlet
- <servlet>
- <!--
During product installation the configFileName parameter is
specified in the orion-web.xml file as a context parameter
override (in iDS), or as a Java system property (in iAS).
It is set to <oracle_home>/forms90/server/formsweb.cfg.
You can override that value here by editing and uncommenting the
following servlet parameter setting:
- <!--
<param-value><your configuration file name goes here></param-value>
- <init-param>
- <!--
Turn on or off sensitive options on the f90servlet/admin page.
For security reasons this should be set to false for
production sites.
Customizing Configuration Files
3-22 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
- <!-- Forms 9i listener servlet
- <servlet>
- <!--
Forms 9i servlet mappings. Allow these paths to the servlets:
/forms90/f90servlet or /forms90/f90servlet/*: FormsServlet
/forms90/l90servlet or /forms90/l90servlet/*: ListenerServlet
- <servlet-mapping>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <!--
The following context parameter is only defined here so it can be
overriden by the (site-specific) value in the orion-web.xml file.
- <context-param>
<param-value />
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-23
forms90.conf For a description and the location of forms90.conf, see Chapter 2, forms90.conf.
The following table describes the virtual paths and servlet mappings:
Default forms90.conf
# $Id: forms90.conf,v 1.6 2001/10/26 00:52:16 cbarrow Exp $
# Name
# forms90.conf
# Purpose
# Apache mod_oc4j and mod_jserv configuration file for Forms 9i Services.
# This file should be included into the Oracle Apache HTTP Listener
# configuration file (typically by adding an include statement to the
# oracle_apache.conf file)
# Remarks
# If Forms is to be used with JServ, the file needs editing
# to add the "forms90" servlet zone with properties file
# Notes
# Virtual paths: We use AliasMatch when defining virtual paths for
# security reasons (prevents directory browsing).
# Virtual path mapping for Forms Java jar and class files (codebase)
AliasMatch ^/forms90/java/(..*) "%FORMS_ORACLE_HOME%/forms90/java/$1"
Table 31 forms90.conf Virtual Paths and Servlet Mappings
URL Path Type Maps to Purpose
/forms90/java Alias <ORACLE_
HOME>/forms90/java codebase for Forms applet.
Used to download the
applet code to the user's
web browser.
/forms90/html Alias <ORACLE_
HOME>/forms90/html Access runform.htm (used
to run any form for testing)
/forms90/jinitiator Alias <ORACLE_
HOME>/jinit Oracle JInitiator download
et Servlet
Forms Servlet Generate HTML page to run
a form
et Servlet
Forms Listener Servlet Handles message traffic
from the Forms applet
Customizing Configuration Files
3-24 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# Virtual path for JInitiator downloadable executable and download page
AliasMatch ^/forms90/jinitiator/(..*) "%FORMS_ORACLE_HOME%/jinit/$1"
# Virtual path for runform.htm (used to run a form for testing purposes)
AliasMatch ^/forms90/html/(..*) "%FORMS_ORACLE_HOME%/forms90/html/$1"
# Configuration for JServ (if mod_jserv.c is available and not mod_oc4j.c)
<IfModule mod_jserv.c>
# Only configure for JServ if mod_oc4j is NOT available:
<IfModule !mod_oc4j.c>
# Virtual path mapping for FormsServlet and ListenerServlet.
# Purpose: paths to invoke the servlets should be /forms90/f90servlet
# and /forms90/l90servlet respectively.
# We map f90servlet to servlet.if90, and l90servlet to servlet.ifl90.
# The apJServAction directives (below) will then remap those.
AliasMatch ^/forms90/f90servlet(.*) "/servlet.if90"
AliasMatch ^/forms90/l90servlet(.*) "/servlet.ifl90"
ApJServMount /forms90/servlet /forms90
# Let the servlets be called by file extension (e.g /servlet.if90)
ApJServAction .if90 /forms90/servlet/f90servlet
ApJServAction .ifl90 /forms90/servlet/l90servlet
# Prevent access to the Forms Servlets by paths other than
# /forms90/f90servlet and /forms90/l90servlet.
# 1. Prevent access via the .if90 and .ifl90 file extensions:
<LocationMatch ^.*\.if.*90>
order deny,allow
deny from all
# 2. Stop access by class (by paths like
# /forms90/servlet/oracle.forms.servlet.FormsServlet)
<LocationMatch ^/forms90/servlet/oracle\.forms.*>
order deny,allow
deny from all
# Config. for OC4J
<IfModule mod_oc4j.c>
Oc4jMount /forms90 ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet ProductGroup2
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-25
Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet/* ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet/* ProductGroup2
registry.dat For a description and the location of registry.dat, see Chapter 2, registry.dat.
The main reason you would want to edit this file is to change the icon settings (see
Icons). You can also change the default font and font settings by changing the
following section in the registry.dat file:
Change any of the settings above to reflect your desired font setting. For example, if
you want to change your default font to Times New Roman, replace Dialog with
Times New Roman.
You can change the default font face mappings:
New,Courier,courier,System,Terminal,Fixed,Fixedsys,Times,Times New Roman,MS Sans
Some fonts on NT are not supported in Java. For this reason you can specify (map)
Java-supported fonts that will appear when a non-supported font is encountered. In
the previous sample, each font in
corresponds to a font in
For more samples, see Default registry.dat.
Default registry.dat
# This is the Registry file.
# This file contains the logical [Java] Class name and an associated
# [numerical] identifier that will be used to refer to objects of the
# class in order to reduce the amount of information that needs to be
# repeatedly transmitted to the client.
Customizing Configuration Files
3-26 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# This file is of the Form understood by java.util.Properties (for now)
# The System Level sound file is relative to the CODEBASE
# oracle.classById.14=UNUSED
# Defaults for the Font details, all names are Java Font names. Each of
# these parameters represents the default property to use when none is
# specified.
Customizing Configuration Files
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-27
# defaultFontname represents the default Java fontName.
# defaultSize represents the default fontSize. Note that the size is
# multiplied by 100 (e.g. a 10pt font has a size of 1000).
# defaultStyle represents the default fontStyle, PLAIN or ITALIC.
# defaultWeight represents the default fontWeight, PLAIN or BOLD.
# Default Font Face mapping.
# appFontname represents a comma delimited list of Application Font Names.
# javaFontname represents a comma delimited list of Java Font Names.
# The number of entries in the appFontname list should match the number in
# the javaFontname list. The elements of the list are comma separated and
# *all* characters are taken literally, leading and trailing spaces are
# stripped from Face names.
# Note that this file uses the Java 1.1 Font names in order to be able to
# handle the NLS Plane (BUG #431051)
New,Courier,courier,System,Terminal,Fixed,Fixedsys,Times,Times New Roman,MS Sans
# The Application Level icon files are relative to the DOCUMENTBASE
# example: icons/
# or an absolute URL.
# example:
# Application level settings to control UI features
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
3-28 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# The background color is specified as an RGB triple.
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
The environment variables for Forms runtime are required by the ifweb90.exe
executable. The Listener Servlet calls the executable and initializes it with the
variable values provided in the environment file, which is <ORACLE_
HOME>\forms90\server\default.env by default.
default.env The environment variables required for a Forms runtime process (for example,
PATH, ORACLE_HOME, FORMS90_PATH) can be defined in an environment file.
Any environment variables not defined in that file are inherited from the servlet
engine (OC4J). The environment file must be named in the envFile parameter in
A few things to keep in mind when customizing environment variables are:
Environment variables may also be specified in the Windows registry. Values in
the environment file override settings in the registry. If a variable is not set in
the environment file, the registry value is used.
You will need administrator privileges to alter registry values.
You do not need to restart the server for configuration changes to take effect.
Environment variables not set in the environment file or Windows registry are
inherited from the environment of the parent process, which is the servlet
engine (OC4J).
Important environment variables specified in default.env.
Envirionment Variable Valid Values Purpose
ORACLE_HOME %ORACLE_HOME% (default) Points to the base installation directory of
any Oracle product.
PATH %ORACLE_HOME%\bin (default) Contains the executables of Oracle
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-29
FORM90_PATH %ORACLE_HOME%\forms90 (default) Specifies the path that Oracle9i Forms
searches when looking for a form, menu,
or library to run.
For Windows, separate paths with a
semi-colon (;).
For UNIX, separate paths with a colon (:).
NLS_LANG Defaults to language, territory, and charset
specified by the database.
For more information about NLS_LANG,
see your Oracle Server Reference Manual.
Specifies language-dependent operation
of applications (for example, French,
Japanese, or German). NLS_LANG has
three components:
language - specifies supported languages
used for conventions such as Oracle
messages, day names, and month names.
The language argument specifies default
values for the territory or charset
arguments, so either (or both) territory or
charset can be omitted.
territory - Specifies territory-dependent
operation of applications (for example,
America, Brazil, or Canada).
charset - Specifies the character set used
by the client application (for example,
For more information about NLS_LANG,
see your Oracle Server Reference
DE_PREFS_TABSIZE Any positive integer Defines the size of a Tab (in characters) in
the PL/SQL editor. Default value is 2
CATCHTERM FALSE, TRUE (default) Bypasses the normal Oracle9iAS Forms
Services crash handling, and enables an
operating system crash file (e.g. a Core
Dump on Unix) to be generated.
Normally this variable should not be set
unless requested by Oracle Support.
Envirionment Variable Valid Values Purpose
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
3-30 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
PATH Valid writable O/S Path The FORMS90_TRACE_PATH
environment variable specifies the
location of dump files produced as the
result of a crash of any of the Oracle9iAS
Forms Services executables. The dump
files contain diagnostic information
about events at the time the process
If FORMS90_TRACE_PATH is not set
and a crash occurs, Oracle9iAS Forms
Services will attempt to place the dump
file in the directory from which the
executable was called.
Set this environment variable in the file or the default.env file.
FORMS90_MMAP FALSE, TRUE (default) FORMS90_MMAP configures Oracle9iAS
Forms Services to use memory mapped
file i/o when running Oracle9i Forms
applications. This reduces the amount of
memory required on a system when
more than one user is running the same
Form. By default FORMS90_MMAP is
set on.
Switching Memory mapping to off
(FALSE) may be desirable in a
development environment as memory
mapped file i/o has the side effect of
locking the forms in use preventing a
developers from replacing them with a
new version. However, be aware that
doing so may increase memory usage
and reduce performance. For production
systems, FORMS90_MMAP should be
unset or set to a value of TRUE
GO_DISABLED_ITEM FALSE, TRUE (default) In Oracle9i Forms the Go_Item() built-in
is not allowed to navigate the cursor to
an item that is currently disabled. Setting
this variable to False will restore the
behavior found in earlier versions of
Oracle9i Forms where this was possible.
This variable should only be used for
backwards compatibility and may be
removed in a future version of the
Envirionment Variable Valid Values Purpose
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-31
Note: On NT, Oracle9i Forms reads Oracle environment settings from the registry unless they are set
as environment variables.
Default default.env File for Windows
# default.env - default Forms environment file, Windows version
# This file is used to set the Forms runtime environment parameters.
# If a parameter is not defined here, the value in the Windows registry
# will be used. If no value is found in the registry, the value used will
# be that defined in the environment in which the servlet engine (OC4J
# or JServ) was started.
# 1/ The Forms installation process should replace all occurrences of
# <percent>FORMS_ORACLE_HOME<percent> with the correct ORACLE_HOME
# setting, and all occurrences of <percent>O_JDK_HOME<percent> with
# the location of the JDK (usually $ORACLE_HOME/jdk).
# Please make these changes manually if not.
JAVA_EVENTS FALSE (default), TRUE This variable is used to change the
way in which Oracle9i Forms queues
up and handles events from
embedded JavaBeans. Normally this
variable should not be set unless
requested by Oracle Support
FALSE (default), TRUE This variable effects the way that the
Forms Builder displays the windows
created by the Forms Debugger.
Setting this variable to TRUE will
create the Debugger windows
externally from the main Forms MDI
interface. Use this setting if you
need to use screen reader software
such as JAWS with the debugger.
FORMS90_CLAF <NULL> (default), TRUE Setting FORMS90_CLAF to TRUE
will restore the Forms Builder User
interface to the "Classic" (6i) Forms
look and feel. This may be suitable
for users who require high contrast
color schemes
Envirionment Variable Valid Values Purpose
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
3-32 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# 2/ Some of the variables below may need to be changed to suite your needs.
# Please refer to the Forms documentation for details.
# Search path for Forms applications (.fmx files, PL/SQL libraries)
# If you need to include more than one directory, they should be semi-colon
# separated (e.g. /private/dir1;/private/dir2)
# The PATH setting is not required, if the Forms executables and dll's are
# in %ORACLE_HOME%\bin:
# Settings for Graphics
# -------------------------------
# NOTE: These settings are only needed if Graphics applications
# are called from Forms applications
# Please uncomment the following and put the correct 9i
# oracle_home value to use Graphics applications.
#FORMS90_ORACLE9i_HOME=<your Graphics 9i oracle_home here>
# Search path for Graphics applications
# System settings
# ---------------
# You should not normally need to modify these settings
Customizing Environment Variables and Registry Settings
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-33
Default default.env File for UNIX
# default.env - default Forms environment file, Solaris version
# This file is used to set the Forms runtime environment parameters.
# If a parameter is not defined here, the value used will be that defined
# in the environment in which the servlet engine (OC4J or JServ) was started.
# 1/ The Forms installation process should replace all occurrences of
# <percent>FORMS_ORACLE_HOME<percent> with the correct ORACLE_HOME
# setting, and all occurrences of <percent>O_JDK_HOME<percent> with
# the location of the JDK (usually $ORACLE_HOME/jdk).
# Please make these changes manually if not.
# 2/ Some of the variables below may need to be changed to suite your needs.
# Please refer to the Forms documentation for details.
# Search path for Forms applications (.fmx files, PL/SQL libraries)
# Java class path
# This is required for the Forms debugger
# You can append your own Java code here)
# The PATH setting is not required if the Forms executables are
# in <ORACLE_HOME>/bin:
# Settings for Graphics
# -------------------------------
# NOTE: These settings are only needed if Graphics applications
# are called from Forms applications
Creating Your Own Template HTML Files
3-34 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
# Please uncomment the following and put the correct 6i
# oracle_home value to use Graphics applications.
#FORMS90_ORACLE6i_HOME=<your Graphics 6i oracle_home here>
# Search path for Graphics applications
# System settings
# ---------------
# You should not normally need to modify these settings
# Path for shared library objects
# This is highly platform (if not machine) specific ! At install time
# <percent>LD_LIBRARY_PATH<percent> should be replaced with the
# actual value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (at install
# time). That should ensure we have the paths for such necessities as
# the motif and X11 libraries.
# Explanations:
# - Reports needs the path for
# (/cdm/solaris/o_jdk/1_2_2_0_0/jre/lib/sparc)
# - Forms needs two paths to the jre, for and
# - In ojdk 1.3.1 the location of is lib/sparc (there is no
# classic directory) so we do not include the .../classic directory
# below. There are other versions of (in directories server,
# client and hotspot) but we will use the version in lib/sparc for now.
Creating Your Own Template HTML Files
Consider creating your own HTML file templates (by modifying the templates
provided by Oracle). By doing this, you can hard-code standard Forms parameters
and parameter values into the template. Your template can include standard text, a
browser window title, or images (such as a company logo) that would appear on
the first Web page users see when they run Web-enabled forms. Adding standard
parameters, values, and additional text or images reduces the amount of work
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-35
required to customize the template for a specific application. To add text, images, or
a window title, simply include the appropriate tags in the template HTML file.
Including Graphics in Your Oracle9i Forms Application
In order to integrate graphics applications with your Oracle9i Forms applications,
you must set the path definition in the Forms Servlet environment to include
graphics as follows:
The path definition of the Forms Servlet environment, is taken from the path
definition of the servlet container. The file or location where the path will be defined
is different for different servlet containers.
For more information about graphics, see Oracle9i Forms Developer and Forms
Services: Migrating Forms Applications from Forms6i.
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
This section explains how to specify the default location and search paths for icons
and images.
Icons When deploying an Oracle9iAS Forms Services application, the icon files used must
be in a Web-enabled format, such as JPG or GIF (GIF is the default format).
By default, the icons are found relative to the DocumentBase directory. That is,
DocumentBase looks for images in the directory relative to the base directory of the
application start HTML file. As the start HTML file is dynamically rendered by the
Forms Servlet, the forms90 directory becomes the document base.
For example, if an application defines the icon location for a button with
myapp/<iconname>, then the icon is looked up in the directory forms90/myapp.
To change the default location, you can set the imageBase parameter to codebase in
the formsweb.cfg configuration file. Alternatively, you can change the
default.icons.iconpath value of the registry.dat file in the
forms90/java/oracle/forms/regsitry directory.
Setting the imageBase parameter to codebase enables Oracle9i Forms to search the
forms90/java directory for the icon files. Use this setting if your images are stored
in a Java archive file. Changing the image location in the registry.dat configuration
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
3-36 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
file is useful if you want to store images in a central location independent of any
application and independent of the Oracle9i Forms installation.
Storing Icons in a Java Archive
If an application uses a lot of custom icon images, it is recommended you store
icons in a Java archive file and set the imageBase value to codebase. The icon files
can be zipped to a Java archive via the Jar command of any Java Development Kit
For example, the command
Jar -cvf myjar.jar *.gif
zips all files with the extension .gif into
an archive file with the name myico.jar.
In order for Oracle9i Forms to access the icon files stored in this archive, the archive
needs to be stored into the forms90/java directory. Also, the name of the archive file
must be part of the archive tag used in the custom application section of the
formsweb.cfg file (for example, archive_jini=f90all_jinit.jar, myico.jar). Now, when
the initial application starts, the icon files are downloaded to and permanently
stored on the client until the archive file is changed.
Adding Icon Changes to Registry.dat
If you want to add icon changes to the registry.dat file used by your application, it is
recommended that you make a copy of the existing registry.dat file and edit the
copied file.
To create a copy of the registry.dat file:
1. Copy the registry.dat text file found in the <ORACLE_
HOME>/forms90/java/oracle/forms/registry directory to another directory.
This directory must be mapped to a virtual directory for your Web server (for
example, /appfile).
2. Rename this new file (for example, myapp.dat).
3. Modify the iconpath parameter specifying your icon location:
default.icons.iconpath=/mydir or
(for an absolute path)
Note: You do not need to deploy Oracle9i Forms default icons (for
example, icons present in the default smart icon bar), as they are
part of the f90all.jsr file,
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-37
(for a relative path, starting from the DocumentBase Directory)
4. Modify the iconextension parameter:
To reference the application file:
In a specific named configuration section in the formsweb.cfg file, modify the value
of the serverApp parameter and set the value to the location and name of your
application file.
For example:
(for an absolute path)
(for a relative path, relative to the CodeBase directory)
Table 32 Icon Location Guide
Icon Location When How
DocumentBase Default. Applications with few
or no custom icons. Store icons in forms90 directory
or in a directory relative to
Java Archives Applications that use many
custom icons Set ImageBase to "codebase",
create Java archive file for icons,
and add archive file to the
archive parameter in
Registry.dat Applications with custom icons
that are stored in a different
location as the Oracle9i Forms
install (can be another server).
Useful if you need to make other
changes to the registry.dat file
like font mapping.
Copy registry.dat and change
ServerApp parameter in
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
3-38 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
SplashScreen and Background Images
When you deploy your applications, you have the ability to specify a splash screen
image (displayed during the connection) and a background image file.
Those images are defined in the HTML file or in the formsweb.cfg file:
<PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="splash.gif">
<PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="back.gif">
The default location for the splash screen and background image files is in the
DocumentBase directory containing the baseHTML file.
Custom JAR Files Containing Icons and Images
Each time you use an icon or an image (for a splash screen or background), an
HTTP request is sent to the Web server. To reduce the HTTP roundtrips between the
client and the server, you have the ability to store your icons and images in a Java
archive (JAR) file. Using this technique, only one HTTP roundtrip is necessary to
download the JAR file.
Creating a JAR File
The SunSoft JDK comes with an executable called jar. This utility enables you to
store files inside a Java archive. For more information, see
For example:
jar -cvf myjar.jar Splash.gif Back.gif icon1.gif
This command store three files (Splash.gif, Back.gif, icon1.gif) in a single JAR file
called myjar.jar.
Using Files Within the JAR File
The default search path for the icons and images is relative to the DocumentBase.
However, when you want to use a JAR file to store those files, the search path must
be relative to the CodeBase directory, the directory which contains the Java applet.
If you want to use a JAR file to store icons and images, you must specify that the
search path is relative to CodeBase using the imageBase parameter in the
formsweb.cfg file or HTML file.
This parameter accepts two different values:
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-39
DocumentBase The search path is relative to the DocumentBase directory. It is
the default behavior.
CodeBase The search path is relative to the CodeBase directory, which gives
the ability to use JAR files.
In this example, we use a JAR file containing the icons and we specify that the
search should be relative to CodeBase. If the parameter "imageBase" is not set, the
search is relative to DocumentBase and the icons are not retrieved from the JAR file.
For example (formsweb.cfg):
archive=f90all.jar, icons.jar
Search Path for Icons and Images
The icons and images search path depends on:
What you specify in your custom application file (for the icons).
What you specified in the SplashScreen and Background parameters of your
formsweb.cfg file or HTML file (for the images).
What you specify in the imageBase parameter in your formsweb.cfg file or
HTML file (for both icons and images).
Forms Services searches for the icons depending on what you specify. This example
assumes :
host is the host name.
documentbase is the URL pointing to the HTML file.
codebase is the URL pointing to the location of the starting class file (as specified
in the formsweb.cfg file or HTML file).
mydir is the URL pointing to your icons or images directory.
The default search path is relative to the DocumentBase. In this case, you do not
need to specify the imageBase parameter:
Table 33 Search Paths for Icons and Images
Location specified Search path used by Forms Services
Icons default http://host/documentbase
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
3-40 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Use the imageBase=CodeBase parameter in the formsweb.cfg file to enable the
search of the icons and images in a JAR file:
(specified in your application file) http://host/documentbase/mydir
(relative path)
(specified in your application file) http://host/mydir
(absolute path)
Images file.gif
(specified, for example, in
formsweb.cfg as
mydir/file.gif http://host/documentbase/mydir/file.gif
(relative path)
/mydir/file.gif http://host/mydir/file.gif
(absolute path)
Table 34 Icons and Images Search Paths Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Location specified Search path used by Forms Services
Icons default http://host/codebase or root of the JAR file
(specified in your application file) http://host/codebase/mydir or in the mydir directory
in the JAR file
(relative path)
(specified in your application file) http://host/mydir
(absolute path)
No JAR file is used
Images file.gif http://host/codebase/file.gif or root of the JAR file
(specified in your HTML file) http://host/codebase/mydir/file.gif or in the mydir
directory in the JAR file
(relative path)
Table 33 Search Paths for Icons and Images
Location specified Search path used by Forms Services
Using the Hide User ID/Password Feature
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-41
Using HTTPS with the Forms Listener Servlet
Using HTTPS with Oracle 9i Forms is no different than using HTTPS with any other
Web-based application.
Server Requirements
HTTPS requires the use of digital certificates. Because Oracle9iAS Forms Services
servlets are accessed via your Web server, you do not need to purchase special
certificates for communications between the Oracle9i Forms client and the server.
You only need to purchase a certificate for your Web server from a recognized
Certificate Authority.
Client Requirements: Using HTTPS with Oracle JInitiator
If your end users are running Oracle JInitiator as the Web browser JVM, then you
need to check that the Root Certificate Authority of your Web sites SSL certificate is
one of those defined in the JInitiator certdb.txt file.
The certdb.txt file is usually found under c:\program files\oracle\jinitiator
<version>\lib\security on the machine where JInitiator was installed.
Note: If you are using the test certificate supplied with Oracle9iAS for test
purposes, you must edit the JInitiator certdb.txt file and append the contents of the
demo root certificate, which is located in <9iAS oracle_
home/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crt/demoCAcert.txt. Otherwise, you will get the
following error when attempting to run a form: SSL
handshake failed:X509CertChainInvalidErr.
For more information about Oracle JInitiator, see Appendix A, "JInitiator".
Using the Hide User ID/Password Feature
With Oracle9iAS Forms Services, the userid parameter value is not included in the
HTML generated by the Forms Servlet.
(specified in your HTML file) http://host/mydir/file.gif
(absolute path)
No JAR file is used.
Table 34 Icons and Images Search Paths Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Location specified Search path used by Forms Services
Using an Authenticating Proxy to Run Oracle9i Forms Applications
3-42 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
By default, this feature enables Oracle9iAS Forms Services to:
Specify the user/password@database using a parameter called userid (not
case-sensitive). This is already done if you are using the default baseHTML
files, which are provided when Oracle9i Forms is installed. They contain syntax
like "userid=%userid%".
Use the Forms Servlet rather than static HTML files.
Using an Authenticating Proxy to Run Oracle9i Forms Applications
The default configuration as set up by the Oracle9iAS installation process supports
authenticating proxies. An authenticating proxy is one that requires the user to
supply a username and password in order to access the destination server where
the application is running. Typically, authenticating proxies set a cookie to detect
whether the user has logged on (or been authenticated). The cookie is sent in all
subsequent network requests to avoid further logon prompts.
If users are running Netscape with JInitiator, there are certain configuration
requirements necessary to ensure that the proxys authentication cookie gets sent
with all requests to the server. The basic requirement is that every URL that
JInitiator has to access (for the JAR files AND for the Forms Listener Servlet) MUST
be under the document base of the HTML page. This is achieved by using the
Forms Servlet to generate the page, invoking it using a URL under "/forms90," such
The codebase and server URL values set up by the Oracle9iAS installation process
are /forms90/java and /forms90/l90servlet. As these are under the document base
of the page (/forms90), authenticating proxies will work.
Enabling Language Detection
Oracle9i Forms architecture supports deployment in multiple languages. The
purpose of this feature is to automatically select the appropriate configuration to
match a user's preferred language. In this way, all users can run Oracle9i Forms
applications using the same URL, yet have the application run in their preferred
language. As we do not provide an integrated translation tool, you must have
translated application source files.
To specify language detection:
For each configuration section in formsweb.cfg, you can create
language-specific sections with names like <config_name>.<language-code>.
For example, if you created a configuration section "hr", and wanted to create
Enabling Language Detection
Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services 3-43
French and Chinese languages, your configuration section might look like the
How Language Detection Works
When the Forms Servlet receives a request for a particular configuration (for
example, http://myserv/servlet/f60servlet?config=hr) it gets the client language
setting from the request header "accept-language". This gives a list of languages in
order of preference. For example, accept-language: de, fr, en_us means the order of
preference is German, French, then US English. The servlet will look for a
language-specific configuration section matching the first language. If one is not
found, it will look for the next and so on. If no language-specific configuration is
found, it will use the base configuration.
When the Forms Servlet receives a request with no particular configuration
specified (with no "config=" URL parameter, for example,
http://myserv/servlet/f60servlet), it will look for a language-specific section in the
default section matching the first language (for example, [.fr]).
Multi-Level Inheritance
For ease of use, to avoid duplication of common values across all language-specific
variants of a given base configuration, we allow only parameters which are
language-specific to be defined in the language-specific sections. So we now
support four levels of inheritance:
1) If a particular configuration is requested, using a URL query parameter like
config=myconfig, the value for each parameter is looked for in the
langage-specific configuration section which best matches the user's browser
language settings (for example in section []),
Enabling Language Detection
3-44 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
2) then, if not found, the value is looked for in the base configuration section
3) then, failing that, in the language-specific default section (for example, [.fr]),
4) and finally in the default section.
Typically, the parameters which are most likely to vary from one language to
another are "workingDirectory" and "envFile". Using a different envFile setting for
each language lets you have different values of NLS_LANG (to allow for different
character sets, date and number formats) and FORMS90_PATH (to pick up
language-specific fmx files). Using different workingDirectory settings provides
another way to pick up language-specific .fmx files.
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with the HTTP Listener and OC4J 4-1
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with the
HTTP Listener and OC4J
IntroductionOracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) is a complete J2EE (Java 2 Platform
Enterprise Edition) server written entirely in Java that executes in a standard Java
Runtime Environment (JRE). It provides a complete J2EE environment that
contains, among other things, an OC4J Web container.
This chapter contains the following sections:
OC4J Server Process
Performance/Scalability Tuning
Load Balancing OC4J
OC4J Server Process
In a simple scenario, the Forms Servlet renders the start HTML file and provides the
information about the Forms Listener Servlet to the client. An HTTP request is then
received by the Oracle HTTP Listener, which passes it off to the Forms Listener
Servlet running inside OC4J. The Forms Listener Servlet establishes a Forms Server
runtime process and is responsible for on-going communication between the client
browser and the runtime process. As more users request Oracle9i Forms sessions,
the requests are received by the HTTP Listener. The HTTP Listener again passes
them off to the Forms Listener Servlet, which will establish more runtime processes.
The Forms Listener Servlet can handle many Forms runtime sessions
simultaneously. While there is, of course, a limit to the number of concurrent users,
the architecture presents a number of opportunities for tuning and configuration to
achieve better performance (see Performance/Scalability Tuning).
Performance/Scalability Tuning
4-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
OC4J runs using the following architecture:
Performance/Scalability Tuning
The steps for tuning the Forms Listener Servlet are similar to steps for tuning any
high throughput servlet application.
Limit the number of HTTPD processes
To avoid spawning too many HTTPD processes (which is memory consuming) set
the following directive in the Oracle HTTP Listener configuration file (httpd.conf):
KeepAlive Off
If you must use KeepAlive On (for example, for another application), make sure
that KeepAliveTimeout is set to a low number (for example, 15 seconds, which is
the default).
Load Balancing OC4J
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with the HTTP Listener and OC4J 4-3
Set the maxClient directive to a High value
It is best to let the HTTP Listener determine when to create more HTTPD daemons.
Therefore, set the maxClient directive to a high value in the configuration file
(httpd.conf). However, you need to consider the memory available on the system
when setting this parameter.
MaxClient=256 means that the listener can create up to 256 HTTPD processes to
handle concurrent requests.
If your HTTP requests come in bursts, and you want to reduce the time to start the
necessary HTTPD processes, you can set MinSpareServers and MaxSpareServers (in
httpd.conf) to have an appropriate number of processes ready. However, the default
values of 5 and 10 respectively are sufficient for most sites.
Load Balancing OC4J
The Forms Listener Servlet architecture allows you to load balance the system using
any of the standard HTTP load balancing techniques available.
The Oracle HTTP Listener provides a load balancing mechanism that allows you to
run multiple OC4J instances on the same host as the HTTP process, on multiple,
different hosts, or on any combination of hosts. The HTTP Listener then routes
HTTP requests to the OC4J instances.
The following scenarios are just a few of the possible combinations available and
are intended to show you some of the possibilities. The best choice for your site will
depend on many factors.
For a complete description of this feature, refer to the OC4J chapter in the Oracle9i
Application Server Performance Guide (available on Oracle9iAS Disk 1 CD or OTN at
For more Forms-specific information, see the Oracle9i Forms Developer and Forms
Services release notes.
In this section we take a look at four scenarios:
How to balance incoming requests between multiple OC4J engines on the same
host as the Oracle HTTP Listener.
How to balance incoming requests between multiple OC4J engines on a
different host to the Oracle HTTP Listener.
Load Balancing OC4J
4-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
How to balance incoming requests between multiple OC4J engines on multiple
different hosts and multiple different hosts each running an Oracle HTTP
How to balance incoming requests between multiple OC4J engines on a single
host but with multiple different hosts each running an Oracle HTTP Listener.
Case 1: Multiple OC4J engines on the same host as the Oracle HTTP Listener.
Case 2: Multiple OC4J engines on a different host to the Oracle HTTP Listener.
Load Balancing OC4J
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with the HTTP Listener and OC4J 4-5
Case 3: Multiple OC4J engines and multiple Oracle HTTP Listeners on different
Load Balancing OC4J
4-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Case 4: Multiple Oracle HTTP Listeners on different hosts with multiple OC4J
engines on one host
Host 1
HTTP Listener Host 2
Forms Server
Forms Server
Host 3
HTTP Listener
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO and OID 5-1
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO
and OID
IntroductionOracle9iAS Forms Services applications can be run in a single sign-on (SSO)
environment using Oracle Login Server (Single Sign-On Server) and Oracle Internet
Directory (OID) to store user name and password information. SSO is designed to
work in a portal environment such as that provided by Oracle9i Application Server,
where multiple Web-based applications are accessible through the portal . Without
SSO, each user must maintain a separate identity and password for each application
they access. Maintaining multiple accounts and passwords for each user is insecure
and expensive.
You can also use
This chapter contains the following sections:
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Authentication Flow
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others
Single Sign-On (SSO)
A detailed description of SSO is available from the Oracle9i Application Server
Security Guide (Chapter 6 - "Configuring Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On"). This section
will explore the features which are relevant to Oracle9i Forms development.
To use single sign-on support:
Authentication Flow
5-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
1. The URL must be protected. Creating alias names for the Forms Listener
Servlet will allow you to use SSO for selected applications. Protect the Forms
URL by adding the following section to the mod_osso.conf file:
<Location forms90/f90servlet>
require valid-user
authType Basic
The default Forms URL is "forms90/f90servlet".
2. Create users using OID, Delegated Administration Services (DAS), and
assign/create resource information to these users. The resource information
contains the DB credentials, and the resource name must match the name of the
named user configurations for the SSO-enabled application defined in the
formsweb.cfg file. The resource name is passed with the Oracle9iAS Forms
Services URL as the value of the "config" query parameter.
3. Create a configuration section corresponding to the resource name used for
Oracle9i Forms applications. For example:
4. Choose a resource name. For example, the URL might be
This will cause the request to be authenticated as shown below.
If a different configuration parameter (for example,
http://.../forms90/f90servlet?config=orders) is used, the DB credentials
configured for this user with resource name "orders" will be used by the Forms
Server to login to the DB.
5. Session cookies are used to track SSO logins - these are only available to the SSO
server and are lost when the browser session ends.
Authentication Flow
The following is the authentication flow of SSO support in Oracle9i Forms the first
time the user requests an Oracle9iAS Forms Services URL:
Authentication Flow
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO and OID 5-3
1. The user requests a Forms URL.
2. The Forms Servlet redirects the user to the SSO server.
3. The user provides user name and password through Login form.
4. The password is verified through OID (LDAP Server).
5. The user gets redirected to the URL with sso_userid information.
6. Forms Servlet gets the database credentials from OID.
7. Forms Servlet sets the userid parameter in the Runform session and the applet
connects to the Forms Listener Servlet.
8. Forms Servlet starts the Forms Server.
The following is the authentication flow of SSO support in Oracle9i Forms when a
user, authenticated through another Partner Application, requests an Oracle9iAS
Forms Services URL.
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others
5-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
1. The user requests Forms URL.
2. Forms Servlet redirects the user to the SSO server.
3. The user gets redirected to the URL with sso_userid information.
4. Forms Servlet gets the database credentials from OID.
5. Forms Servlet sets the userid parameter in the Runform session and the applet
connects to the Forms Listener Servlet.
6. Forms Servlet starts the Forms Server.
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others
Oracle 9iAS Forms Services allows you to run both single sign-on and publicy
viewed applications simultaneously. In order to enable this functionality, you need
to add a second alias name for the Forms Servlet. This second Forms Servlet name is
required to build a second Forms Services instance.
For security reason it is not recommended you have two Forms Servlet names
sharing the same formsweb.cfg file when one of them is registered with SSO. For
example: If applicationA is protected by Single Sign-On authentication while
applicationB is not, then it must be guaranteed that applicationA cannot be run by
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO and OID 5-5
the second Forms Services instance , which is not using SSO. The only way to
distinguish SSO-protected applications from those being publicly available is to use
separate configuration files. ApplicationA will not share the same formsweb.cfg file
with applicationB.
The following steps will allow you to run single sign-on and publicly viewed
Create a second stand alone server instance
Add an alias name for the Forms Servlet
Register the Oracle9i Forms alias name with mod_oc4j
Create a second stand alone server instance
1.Add another alias name for the Forms Servlet to the OC4J web.xml file.
2.Register the aliased Forms Servlet with mod_oc4j.
Add an alias name for the Forms Servlet
Navigate to the \applications\forms90app\forms90web\WEB-INF\ directory of
your Oracle9iAS Forms Services OC4J installation. Open the web.xml configuration
file in a text editor and add the following lines to the appropriate location:
<param-value><your configuration file name goes
In this example the new Forms Servlet name is f90, but you can give it any name.
The servlet initialization parameter configFileName takes the name and location of
the formsweb.cfg file to be used with this servlet. The best way to create the new
configuration file is to copy the formsweb.cfg file from the forms90/server
directory and to rename the copy. Edit the copied configuration file and remove all
the application configurations that should not be accessible without SSO. Replace
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others
5-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
<your configuration file name goes here> in above example with the location and
the name of the formsweb.cfg copy you created.
Register the Oracle9i Forms alias name with mod_oc4j
For the new Forms Servlet name to be recognized by Oracle9iAS and served by
OC4J, you need to register the servlet with mod_oc4j. This registration is done using
the forms90.conf file located in the forms90/server directory of your Oracle9iAS
Forms Services installation.
The following entry for the f90servlet and l90servlet alias names (in regular type) is
at the end forms90.conf. Add the lines in bold type:
# Config. for OC4J
<IfModule mod_oc4j.c>
Oc4jMount /forms90 ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet/* ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/f90 ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/f90/* ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet ProductGroup2
Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet/* ProductGroup2
After stopping and restarting the Oracle HTTP Server, the Forms Servlet will be
accessible by using:
http://<hostname>:<port>/forms90/f90servlet and
The difference is that the forms90/f90servlet root might be protected by single
sign-on and the forms90/f90 path uses a different Forms configuration file (other
than formsweb.cfg).
Note: The Forms Listener Servlet l90servlet can be used with both configurations,
so there is no need to create an alias name for this servlet too. The Forms Listener
Servlet does not directly read from the formsweb.cfg file and thus, security is not
affected when using the same Listener Servlet for both instances.
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others
Using Oracle9iAS Forms Services with SSO and OID 5-7
You can test the configuration by typing
http://<hostname>:<port>/forms90/f90/admin which should bring up the
Listener Servlet test page.
Single Sign-On with Some Applications, Not Others
5-8 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Enterprise Manager and Oracle9i Forms 6-1
Enterprise Manager and Oracle9i Forms
There are two Enterprise Manager user interfaces that are shipped with Oracle9iAS:
An HTML-based tool that you launch from your default browser
A Java-based console that you launch from the command line
For Oracle9iAS Forms Services, use the HTML-based Enterprise Manager to:
Monitor metrics for an Oracle9iAS Forms Services instance
Monitor metrics for user sessions
Terminate user sessions
Configure parameters for an Oracle9iAS Forms Services instance
For Oracle9iAS Forms Services, use the Java-based Enterprise Manager console to:
Access metrics for multiple Oracle9iAS Forms Services instances
Monitor CPU usage and memory usage events for Oracle9iAS Forms Services
Note: For information on how to launch Enterprise Manager, see
the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide.
Note: For more information on Oracle Enterprise Manager, see
Oracle9i Application Server Administrator’s Guide.
6-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Also, online help is available when you launch Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-1
Tracing and Diagnostics
When you develop and deploy Oracle9i Forms applications, it is helpful to have
information that allows you to optimize your applications. Tracing and diagnostic
tools that are available with Oracle9i Forms allow you to analyze the performance
and resource consumption of your Oracle9i Forms applications at runtime. You can
use trace output to diagnose performance and other problems with Oracle9i Forms
The following tools are available to collect trace information for Oracle9i Forms:
Forms Trace: Replaces the functionality that was provided with Forms Runtime
Diagnostics (FRD) and Performance Event Collection Services (PECS), which
were available in earlier releases of Oracle9i Forms. Forms Trace allows you to
trace the execution path through a form, for example, the steps the user took
while using the form.
Servlet Logging Tools: Enables site administrators to keep a record of all
Oracle9i Forms sessions, monitor Oracle9i Forms-related network traffic, and
debug site configuration problems.
Oracle Trace: A tool to gather and analyze the performance of the Oracle
Database, Oracle9iAS Forms Services, and other products which implement the
Oracle Trace API for tracing.
This chapter describes the tracing tools and contains the following sections:
Forms Trace
Servlet Logging Tools
Oracle Trace
Forms Trace
7-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Forms TraceForms Trace allows you to record information about a precisely defined part of
forms functionality or a class of user actions. This is accomplished by defining
events for which you want to collect trace information. For example, you can record
information about trigger execution, mouse-clicks, or both.
This section on Forms Trace contains the following information:
Configuring Forms Trace
Starting the Trace
Viewing Forms Trace Output
List of Traceable Events
List of Event Details
Configuring Forms Trace
You define the events that you want to trace in the ftrace.cfg file or in the URL when
you start the trace. An event is something that happens inside Oracle9i Forms as a
direct or indirect result of a user action. See "List of Traceable Events" for a list of
events and their corresponding event numbers.
The ftrace.cfg file is installed in the %forms_home%/forms90/server directory by
default, and the FORMS90_TRACE_PATH environment variable is set in the default.env
file. (The FORMS90_TRACE_PATH environment variable specifies the location of the
ftrace.cfg file and the location of trace output files.)
In a text editor, edit the ftrace.cfg configuration file to specify named event sets. An
event set specifies a set of events that you can trace simply by specifying the event
set name rather than each event number individually when you start the trace.
The following is a sample ftrace.cfg configuration file where two event sets have
been specified.
// example ftrace.cfg file
// This file is used to specify event groups for use with Forms Trace
// The file format is
// name1: event1, event2, ... , event_n
// name2: event1-event_m
Forms Trace
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-3
all: 0-199
errors: 0-3
custom1: 32-46, 65, 66, 96, 194
Note the following:
There must be a blank line between keyword entries.
Keywords can be any name as long as they do not contain spaces. For example,
a_b_c is an acceptable keyword.
There must be a comma between each event number.
When you start the trace, you can specify tracegroup = "custom1" on the command
line, which is equivalent to specifying tracegroup = "32-46, 65, 66, 96, 194"
URL Parameter Options
The following command line parameters are used to configure Forms Trace:
Record = forms | otrace
Tracegroup =
Log = <filename>
Table 71 Forms Trace Command Line Parameters
Parameter Values Description
Record forms Enables Forms Trace.
otrace Enables Oracle Trace integration
Forms Trace
7-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Tracegroup Indicates which events should be recorded
and logged.
If Tracegroup is not specified, only
error messages are collected.
Tracegroup is ignored if Forms Trace is
not switched on at the command line.
You can create a named set of events
using the Tracegroup keyword, for
Tracegroup=<keyword>, where
<keyword> is specified in ftrace.cfg (for
example, Tracegroup=MyEvents).
This lets you log the events in the
named set SQLInfo.
You can log all events in a specified
range using the Tracegroup keyword,
for example
Tracegroup = 0-3
This lets you log all events in the range
defined by 0 <= event <=3.
You can log individual events using
the Tracegroup keyword, for example
Tracegroup = 34,67
You can combine event sets using the
Tracegroup keyword, for example
Tracegroup = 0-3,34,67,SQLInfo
Log Specifies where trace information is saved.
If a directory is not specified, the file is
saved in the directory specified by the
FORMS90_TRACE_PATH environment
variable. (If this variable is not set, the
output is written to the current working
If a log file is not specified, the process id
(pid) of the user process is used as the
name of the trace file, for example, forms_
Table 71 Forms Trace Command Line Parameters
Parameter Values Description
Forms Trace
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-5
Starting the Trace
You start a trace by specifying trace entries in the URL or formsweb.cfg file. Entries
should include the grouping of events to collect and the trace file name. Trace
collection starts when the form executes.
The following are sample URLs to start a trace:
A later release of Oracle9i Forms will implement a method for starting a trace via a
built-in. The most recent information regarding Oracle9i Forms, including updated
documentation, whitepapers, and viewlet demonstrations, is available on OTN at
Viewing Forms Trace Output
Trace data is stored in a binary file with a *.trc extension. To view trace data, you
must either:
Use the Upload/Translate utility to convert the data in the *.trc file to XML
format, and then view the data using an XML viewer.
Use the Upload/Translate utility to upload the data in the *.trc file to database
tables. (See "Creating Database Tables for the Trace Data" for information about
scripts that will create the tables for you.)
Running the Upload/Translate Utility
The Upload/Translate utility performs two functions:
Converts trace data to XML format.
Uploads trace data to database tables.
To convert trace data to XML format, on the command line, type
java oracle.forms.diagnostics.Xlate datafile=a.trc xmlfile=myfile.xml
to create myfile.xml.
To upload trace data to database tables, on the command line, type
java oracle.forms.diagnostics.Xlate datafile=a.trc userid=[password]=pw
Forms Trace
7-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
to upload the trace data to the tables.
The following are valid command line options for the utility:
Creating Database Tables for the Trace Data
Scripts are provided to create tables for trace data.
Run the frmtrc.sql script on the binary trace file to create the database tables,
indexes, and views. The frmtrc.sql script calls the script (to create tables),
the frmtrc.con script (to create constraints), and the frmtrc.vw script (to create
The scripts create the following database schema for your trace data:
Table 72 Translate Utility Command Line Options
Parameter Description
DataFile Specifies the name of the binary trace data collection file.
XMLFile Specifies the name of the XML output file, if required.
Url Specifies the database connection of the form --
UserName Specifies the database username.
Password Specifies the database password.
CollectionId Specifies a unique identifier for the trace. If one is not provided,
the default of "0" is used.
Regressflag Specifies whether the output file is going to be used for testing
or not.
If set to TRUE, the timestamp information is suppressed so that
collected details can be compared across runs.
Table 73 Database Schema for Forms Trace Data
Table Column Attribute Description
Collections Collection_Id Unique ID to identify the collection
Collection_Name Name of the trace collection file
Forms Trace
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-7
Upload_Date Date on which the data is uploaded
Trace_Date Date on which the data is Collected
User_IP_Address IP address from which the connection
was made
PID Process id for the runform process.
User_Actions Action_Id Sequence no. to identify the actions
within a collection
Module_Module_Id Module Id used as a foreign key to Module.
Collection_Id The collection to which the Action
Corresponds. Used as a foreign key to
correlate the data
Action_Context Context in which the Action took place
Action_Name The UserAction
TimeStamp Time of Occurrence of the Action
Details Usr_Action_Id The action to which the attributes
correspond to. Used as a foreign key to
correlate the data.
Collection_Id The collection to which the Action
Corresponds. Used as a foreign key to
correlate the data
Attribute_Name Action Detail Attribute Name
Attribute_Value Action Detail Attribute Value
Events Event_ID Event Identifier, to identify the sequence
of collection events
Collection_Id The collection to which the Event
corresponds to
Usr_Action_Id Foreign key to User_Actions
Event_Event_Id To identify the associated event. This is
useful for duration events.
Event_Context Context in which the event took place
Table 73 Database Schema for Forms Trace Data
Table Column Attribute Description
Forms Trace
7-8 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
List of Traceable Events
The following table lists the events that can be defined for tracing. In future releases
of Forms, more events will be added to this list.
Event types are as follows:
Point event: An event that happens in Oracle9i Forms as the result of a user
action or internal signal for which there is no discernible duration, for example,
displaying an error message on the status line. Each instance of this event type
creates one entry in the log file.
Event_Name Name of the event
Event_Number The number assigned to a particular
event, for example, 0-3 are errors.
Timestamp Timestamp indicating when the event
Duration How long the event took to complete. Only
valid for duration events.
Event_Details Detail_Id The Detail ID
Collection_ID The collection to which the Event
corresponds to
Event_Event_Id The EventID to which the Detail
Corresponds to
Attribute Name Name of the Attribute
AttributeValue Value of the Attribute
Modules Module_Id The internal id of the module. Primary key.
Id Foreign key to Collection.
Module_Name Name of the module, for example, my.fmx.
Physical_Path Physical path to the form, for example,
Attached_Libraries Names of libraries attached to the form.
Attached_Menus Menu attached to the form.
Table 73 Database Schema for Forms Trace Data
Table Column Attribute Description
Forms Trace
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-9
Duration event: An event with a start and end, for example, a trigger. Each
instance of this event type creates a pair of entries in the log file (a start and end
Built-in event: An event associated with a built-in. Each instance of this event
type creates a greater quantity of information about the event (for example,
argument values).
Table 74 List of Traceable Events
Number Definition Type
0Abnormal Error point
1Error during open form point
2Forms Died Error point
3Error messages on the
status bar point
4-31 Reserved
32 Startup point
33 Menu point
34 Key point
35 Click point
36 Double-click point
37 Value point
38 Scroll point
39 LOV Selection point
40 not used not used
41 Window Close point
42 Window Activate point
43 Window Deactivate point
44 Window Resize point
45 Tab Page point
Forms Trace
7-10 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
46 Timer point
47 Reserved for future use
48 Reserved for future use
49-63 Reserved
64 Form (Start & End) duration
65 Procedure (Start & End) duration
66 Trigger (Start & End) duration
67 LOV (Start & End) duration
68 Opening a Editor point
69 Canvas point
70 Alert duration
71 GetFile point
72-95 Reserved
96 Builtin (Start & End) builtin
97 User Exit (Start & End) duration
98 SQL (Start & End) duration
99 MenuCreate (Start &
End) duration
100 PLSQL (Start & End) duration
101 Execute Query duration
102-127 Reserved
128 Client Connect point
129 Client Handshake point
130 Heartbeat point
131 HTTP Reconnect point
132 Socket (Start & End) duration
Table 74 List of Traceable Events
Number Definition Type
Forms Trace
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-11
* These event numbers do not have a TYPE because they are not really events, but
rather details for events. For example, the State Delta is something you can choose
to see - it is triggered by a real action or event.
List of Event Details
The following tables list event details that can be defined for tracing:
User Action Events
Forms Services Events
133 HTTP (Start & End) duration
134 SSL (Start & End) duration
135 DB Processing (Start &
End) duration
136 DB Logon (Start & End) duration
137 DB Logoff (Start & End) duration
138-159 Reserved
160-191 Reserved
192* Environment Dump N/A
193* State Delta N/A
194* Builtin Arguments N/A
195* UserExit Arguments N/A
196* Procedure Arguments N/A
197* Function Arguments N/A
256 and
higher User defined
1024 an
higher Reserved for internal use
Table 74 List of Traceable Events
Number Definition Type
Forms Trace
7-12 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Detailed Events
Three-Tier Events
Lists the error type and the details describing the error.
User Action Events
Forms Services Events
Table 75 User Action Event Details
Action Details Number
Menu Selection Menu Name, Selection 33
Key Key Pressed, Form, Block, Item 34
Click Mouse/Key, Form, Block, Item 35
DoubleClick Form, Block, Item 36
Value Form, Block, Item 37
Scroll Form, Up, Down, Page, Row 38
LOV Selection LOV Name, Selection Item 39
Alert AlertName, Selection 40
Tab Form 45
Window Activate,
Deactivate,Close, Resize WindowName, FormName, Size 41,42,43,44
Table 76 Forms Services Event Details
Event Name Details Number
Form Form ID, Name, Path, Attached
Libraries, Attached Menus 64
Procedure Procedure Name, FormID 65
Forms Trace
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-13
Detailed Events
Three-Tier Events
Trigger TriggerName, FormName,
BlockName, ItemName, FormID 66
LOV LOV name, FormId 67
Editor FormId , Editor Name 68
Canvas FormId , Canvas Name 69
Table 77 Detailed Events
Event Name Details Number
Builtin BuiltinName, FormId 96
User Exit UserExitName, FormId 97
MenuCreate MenuName, FormID 99
ExecQuery Block Name 101
Table 78 Three-Tier Event Details
Event Name Details Number
Client Connect Timestamp 128
Client Handshake Timestamp 129
Heartbeat Timestamp 130
HTTP Reconnect 131
Socket FormId, Packets, Bytes 132
HTTP FormId, Packets, Bytes 133
HTTPS FormId, Packets, Bytes 134
Table 76 Forms Services Event Details
Event Name Details Number
Servlet Logging Tools
7-14 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Servlet Logging Tools
The servlet logging tools available with Oracle9iAS Forms Services provides the
A record of all Oracle9i Forms sessions, including session start and end times,
and the users IP address and host name (session-level logging)
Monitoring of Oracle9i Forms-related network traffic and performance
(session-performance and request-performance-level logging)
Information for debugging site configuration problems (debug-level logging)
This section on servlet logging tools contains the following information:
Turning on Logging
DB Processing FormId, Statement 135
DB Logon FormId 136
DB Logoff FormId 137
Table 79 Miscellaneous Event Details
Event Name Details Number
Environment Dump Selected environment
information 192
State Delta Changes to internal state caused
by last action/event 193
Builtin Args Argument values to a builtin 194
Userexit args Arguments passed to a userexit 195
Procedure Args Arguments (in|out) passed to a
procedure 196
Function Args Arguments (in|out) passed to a
procedure 197
Table 78 Three-Tier Event Details
Event Name Details Number
Servlet Logging Tools
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-15
Location of Log Files
Example Output for Each Level of Servlet Logging
Turning on Logging
Turn on logging by:
Appending one of the strings in Table 710, "Supported logging capabilities" to
the serverURL parameter in the URL that starts the form.
Appending one of the strings in Table 710, "Supported logging capabilities" to
the serverURL client parameter in the formsweb.cfg file
When you turn on logging, the Listener Servlet writes log messages to the servlet
log file. Examples of output for the various levels of logging are in Example Output
for Each Level of Servlet Logging.
Specifying Logging in the URL
As an example, to start a performance-level trace, you would start the Oracle9i
Forms application using a URL as follows:
Table 710 Supported logging capabilities
String appended
to serverURL
client parameter Description of logging
(none) No log messages are produced. However, during Forms Servlet
initialization, a message is written to the log file stating the name and
path of the configuration file being used.
/session Log messages are written whenever a Forms session starts or ends.
These give the host name and IP address of the client (the machine on
which the user's web browser is running), the runtime process id, and
a unique internal session id number.
/sessionperf Performance summary statistics are included with the session end
/perf A performance message is written for every request from the client.
/debug Full debug messages. Other debug messages are written in addition to
the messages mentioned above. This logging level is very verbose and
is intended mainly for debugging and support purposes.
Servlet Logging Tools
7-16 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Specifying Logging in the formsweb.cfg File
As an example, to start session-level logging for all users, you would change the
serverURL entry in the default section of the formsweb.cfg file to the following:
Specifying Full Diagnostics in the URL Used to Invoke the Forms Servlet
As an example, to start full diagnostics, you would start the Oracle9i Forms
application using a URL as follows. Note that if you append /debug to the URL
used to invoke the Forms Servlet that servlet will output debug messages to the log
file too.
Location of Log Files
The servlet log file is application.log. It is written to the
application-deployments/forms90app directory of the OC4J instance to which
Forms is deployed.
In Oracle9iAS, the full path is:
In Oracle9iDS, it is:
Example Output for Each Level of Servlet Logging
The following are examples of the type of output you will get when you use the
following levels of logging:
Servlet Logging Tools
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-17
FormsServlet init():
configFileName: d:\orant9i/forms90/server/formsweb.cfg
Session start messages (example):
Forms session <10> started for ( )
Forms session <10> runtime process id = 373
Session end message (example):
Forms session <10> ended
Forms session <3> started for ( )
Forms session <3> runtime process id = 460
Forms session <3> ended
Total duration of network exchanges: 1.041
Total number of network exchanges: 2 (1 "long" ones over 1.000 sec)
Average time for one network exchange (excluding long ones): 0.030
Total bytes: sent 1,110, received 316
Forms session <3> started for ( )
Forms session <3> runtime process id = 460
Forms session <3>: request processed in 1.011 sec. Received 8 bytes,returned 8
Forms session <3>: request processed in 0.030 sec. Received 308 bytes, returned
1,102 bytes.
Forms session <3> ended
Total duration of network exchanges: 1.041
Total number of network exchanges: 2 (1 "long" ones over 1.000 sec)
Average time for one network exchange (excluding long ones): 0.030
Total bytes: sent 1,110, received 316
Servlet Logging Tools
7-18 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Here is an example run by going to a URL like
=============== FormsServlet ===============
GET request received, cmd=debug,
No current servlet session
File baseie.htm not found, looking in d:\orant9i/forms90/server
The SSO_USERID is: null
=============== FormsServlet ===============
GET request received, cmd=startsession, qstring=config=ienative&serverURL=
No current servlet session
New servlet session started
SSO_USERID in startSession: null
SSO_AuthType in startSession: null
User DN: null
Subscriber DN: null
EM mode in the config file: 0
File default.env not found, looking in d:\orant9i/forms90/server
envFile = d:\orant9i\forms90\server\default.env
serverURL: /forms90/l90servlet/debug
rewrittenURL: /forms90/l90servlet/debug;jsessionid=27f6412da05c
=============== ListenerServlet ===============
GET request received, cmd=getinfo,
Existing servlet session, id = 27f6412da05c426ab47db4ae77636113, not from cookie
Creating new Runtime Process using default executable
Starting Forms Server in EM mode
startProcess: executing ifweb90 server webfile=HTTP-0,0,1
Getting stdin, stdout and stderr of child process
Writing working directory to stdin: d:\orant9i\forms90
New server process created
Forms session <4> started for ( )
Got POST request, length = 8
HTTP request headers:
CONTENT-TYPE: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
ACCEPT: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
USER-AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Win32)
Oracle Trace
Tracing and Diagnostics 7-19
Existing servlet session, id = 27f6412da05c426ab47db4ae77636113, not from cookie
Forms session <4> runtime process id = 474
Port number is 2791
RunformProcess.connect(): connected after 1 attempts
Connected to ifweb process at port 2791
Forms session <4>: request processed in 1.032 sec. Received 8 bytes,
returned 8 bytes.
Oracle TraceOracle Trace is part of Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM). Oracle Trace is the Oracle
tool to gather and analyze the performance of the Oracle9i Database, Oracle9iAS
Forms Services, and other products which implement the Oracle Trace API for
tracing. To take full advantage of Oracle Trace, you must install Diagnostics Pack,
one of the optional packs provided in the Oracle Enterprise Manager product suite.
The Diagnostics Pack contains a set of tools to administer the Oracle Trace
collections remotely through a GUI interface and to efficiently view the Oracle Trace
See the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation for details.
Oracle Trace
7-20 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Performance Tuning Considerations 8-1
Performance Tuning Considerations
IntroductionThis chapter describes the tuning considerations that arise when you use
Oracle9iAS Forms Services to deploy an application. This chapter looks at the
network and resources on the application server and includes the following
Built-in Optimization Features of Forms Services
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
Tuning the connection between Oracle9iAS Forms Services and the database server
is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Built-in Optimization Features of Forms Services
The Oracle9iAS Forms Services and Java client include several optimizations that fit
broadly into the following categories:
Minimizing Client Resource Requirements
Minimizing Forms Services Resource Requirements
Minimizing Network Usage
Maximizing the Efficiency of Packets Sent Over the Network
Rendering Application Displays Efficiently on the Client
Built-in Optimization Features of Forms Services
8-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Minimizing Client Resource Requirements
The Java client is primarily responsible for rendering the application display. It has
no embedded application logic. Once loaded, a Java client can display multiple
forms simultaneously. Using a generic Java client for all Oracle9i Forms applications
requires fewer resources on the client when compared to having a customized Java
client for each application.
The Java client is structured around many Java classes. These are grouped into
functional subcomponents, such as displaying the splash screen, communicating
with the network, and changing the look-and-feel. Functional subcomponents allow
the Oracle9i Forms Developer and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to load
functionality as it is needed, rather than downloading all of the functionality classes
at once.
Minimizing Forms Services Resource Requirements
When a form definition is loaded from an FMX file, the profile of the executing
process can be summarized as:
Encoded Program Units
Boilerplate Objects/Images
Data Segments
Of these, only the Data Segments section is unique to a given instance of an
application. The Encoded Program Units and Boilerplate Objects/Images are
common to all application users. Oracle9iAS Forms Services maps the shared
components into physical memory, and then shares them between all processes
accessing the same FMX file.
The first user to load a given FMX file will use the full memory requirement for that
form. However, subsequent users will have a greatly reduced memory requirement,
which is dependent only on the extent of local data. This method of mapping
shared components reduces the average memory required per user for a given
Built-in Optimization Features of Forms Services
Performance Tuning Considerations 8-3
Minimizing Network Usage
Bandwidth is a valuable resource, and the general growth of Internet computing
puts an ever increasing strain on the infrastructure. Therefore, it is critical that
applications use the network's capacity sparingly.
Oracle9iAS Forms Services communicates with the Java client using meta data
messages. Meta data messages are a collection of name-value pairs that tell the
client which object to act upon and how. By sending only parameters to generic
objects on the Java client, there is approximately 90-percent less traffic (when
compared to sending new code to achieve the same effect).
Oracle9iAS Forms Services intelligently condenses the data stream in three ways:
When sets of similar messages (collections of name-value pairs) are sent, the
second and subsequent messages include only the differences from the previous
message. This results in significant reductions in network traffic. This process is
called message diff-ing.
When the same string is to be repeated on the client display (for example, when
displaying multiple rows of data with the same company name), Oracle9iAS
Forms Services sends the string only once, and then references the string in
subsequent messages. Passing strings by reference increases bandwidth
Data types are transmitted in the lowest number of bytes required for their
Maximizing the Efficiency of Packets Sent Over the Network
Latency can be the most significant factor that influences the responsiveness of an
application. One of the best ways to reduce the effects of latency is to minimize the
number of network packets sent during a conversation between the Java client and
the Forms Server.
The extensive use of triggers within the Oracle9i Forms Developer model is a
strength, but they can increase the effect of latency by requiring a network round
trip for each trigger. One way to avoid the latency concerns adhering to triggers is
by grouping them together through Event Bundling. For example, when a user
navigates from item A to item B (such as when tabbing from one entry field to
another), a range of pre- and post-triggers may fire, each of which requires
processing on the Forms Server.
Event Bundling gathers all of the events triggered while navigating between the
two objects, and delivers them as a single packet to Oracle9iAS Forms Services for
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
8-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
processing. When navigation involves traversing many objects (such as when a
mouse click is on a distant object), Event Bundling gathers all events from all of the
objects that were traversed, and delivers the group to Oracle9iAS Forms Services as
a single network message.
Rendering Application Displays Efficiently on the Client
All boilerplate objects in a given form are part of a Virtual Graphics System (VGS)
tree. VGS is the graphical subcomponent that is common to all Oracle9i Forms
Developer products. VGS tree objects are described using attributes such as
coordinates, colors, line width, and font. When sending a VGS tree for an object to
the Java client, the only attributes that are sent are those that differ from the defaults
for the given object type.
Images are transmitted and stored as compressed JPEG images. This reduces both
network overhead and client memory requirements.
Minimizing resources includes minimizing the memory overhead of the client and
server processes. Optimal use of the network requires that bandwidth be kept to a
minimum and that the number of packets used to communicate between the client
and Oracle9iAS Forms Services be minimized in order to contain the latency effects
of the network.
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
An application developer can take steps to ensure that maximum benefits are
gained from Forms Servers built-in architectural optimizations. The remainder of
this chapter discusses key performance issues that affect many applications and
how developers can improve performance by tuning applications to exploit Forms
Server features.
Issues discussed are:
Location of the Oracle9iAS Forms Services with Respect to the Data Server
Minimizing the Application Startup Time
Reducing the Required Network Bandwidth
Other Techniques to Improve Performance
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
Performance Tuning Considerations 8-5
Location of the Oracle9iAS Forms Services with Respect to the Data Server
The Forms Java client is only responsible to displaying the GUI objects. All of the
Oracle9i Forms logic runs in Oracle9iAS Forms Services, on the middle tier. This
includes inserting or updating the data to the database, querying data from the
database, executing stored procedures on the database, and so on. Therefore, it is
important to have a high-speed connection between the application server and the
database server.
All of this interaction takes place without any communication to the Forms Java
client. Only when there is a change on the screen is there any traffic between the
client and Oracle9iAS Forms Services. This allows Oracle9i Forms applications to
run across slower networks, such as with modems or satellites.
The configuration in Figure 81, displays how Oracle9iAS Forms Services and the
database server are co-located in a Data Center.
Figure 81 Co-Locating the Oracle9iAS Forms Services and Database Server
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
8-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Minimizing the Application Startup Time
First impressions are important, and a key criterion for any user is the time it takes
to load an application. Startup time is regarded as overhead. It also sets an
expectation of future performance. When a business uses thin-client technologies,
the required additional overhead of loading client code may have a negative impact
on users. Therefore, it is important to minimize load time wherever possible.
After requesting an Oracle9i Forms application, several steps must be completed
before the application is ready for use:
1. Invoke Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
2. Load all initial Java client classes, and authenticate security of classes.
3. Display splash screen.
4. Initialize form:
a. Load additional Java classes, as required.
b. Authenticate security of classes.
c. Render boilerplate objects and images.
d. Render all elements on the initial screen.
5. Remove splash screen.
6. Form is ready for use.
An application developer has little influence on the time it takes to launch the JVM.
However, the Java deployment model and the structure of the Oracle9i Forms
Developer Java client allow the developer to decide which Java classes to load and
how. This, in turn, minimizes the load time required for Java classes.
The Java client requires a core set of classes for basic functionality (such as opening
a window) and additional classes for specific display objects (such as LOV items).
These classes must initially reside on the server, but the following techniques can be
used to improve the time it takes to load these classes into the client's JVM:
Using Java Files
Using Caching
Using Java Files
Java provides the Java Archive (JAR) mechanism to create files that allow classes to
be grouped together and then compressed (zipped) for efficient delivery across the
network to the client. Once used on the client, the files are cached for future use.
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
Performance Tuning Considerations 8-7
Oracle9iAS Forms Services provides the following pre-configured JAR files to
support typical deployment scenarios.
Oracle JInitiator The following are the JAR files provided for use with Oracle
f90all.jar - includes all required classes
f90all_jinit.jar - same as f90all.jar but is optimized for use with Oracle JInitiator
(this is the default)
f90main.jar - contains fewer classes than f90all.jar. The other classes are
downloaded as needed using a deferred mechanism. This gives a smaller
download and a faster startup time.
To specify one or more JAR files, use the archive_jini setting in the named
configuration section of the Forms Configuration file (formsweb.cfg). For example,
archive_jini=f90all_jinit.jar, icons.jar
Your archive_jini setting must use only one of the three JAR files listed, above. It
may also contain any additional custom JAR files that your application uses (for
example, icons.jar, as shown in the previous example). Each application can use its
own archive_jini setting.
The following JAR files contain the deferred classes that are missing from
f90main.jar. They will be downloaded automatically as they are needed, so there is
no need to reference them in the archive_jini setting. They are already present in
f90all.jar and f90all_jinit.jar, so they are only used if you use f90main.jar.
90oracle_laf.jar classes for the Oracle Look-And-Feel
90generic_laf.jar classes for the generic (standard) Look-And-Feel
90resources.jar resource classes for languages other than US English.
The English resource classes are contained in f90all.jar, f90all_jinit.jar, and
f90main.jar. f90resources.jar will be loaded if a language other than US English
is used. Note that this JAR file contains the resources for all languages other
than English. Therefore you will have either the US English resource classes, or
all of the language resource classes.
For more information about Oracle JInitiator, see Appendix A, "JInitiator".
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
8-8 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
IE Native JVM Since IE does not support JAR signing, you will need to use a CAB file.
The following CAB file is provided for use with IE: - includes all required classes
While is the only file provided for use with IE, it is significantly smaller
than f90all.jar.
To specify one or more JAR files, use the archive_ie setting in the named
configuration section of the Forms Configuration file (formsweb.cfg). For example,
All other cases (for example, Suns Java Plug-in) The following JAR file is provided for
Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) other than Jinitiator or the IE native JVM:
f90all.jar - includes all required classes
To specify one or more JAR files, use the archive setting in the named configuration
section of the Forms Configuration file (formsweb.cfg). For example,
Using Caching
Both of the supported JVMs for Oracle9iAS Forms Services (Oracle JInitiator and
Oracle JDK) support the caching of JAR files. When the JVM references a class, it
first checks the local client cache to see if the class exists in a pre-cached JAR file. If
the class exists in cache, JVM checks the server to see if there is a more current
version of the JAR file. If there isn't, the class is loaded from the local cache rather
than from across the network.
Be sure that the cache is of proper size to maximize its effectiveness. Too small a
cache size may cause valid JAR files to be overwritten, thereby requiring that
another JAR file be downloaded when the application is run again. The default
cache size is 20MB. This size should be compared with the size of the cache contents
after successfully running the application.
JAR files are cached relative to the host from which they were loaded. This has
implications in a load-balancing architecture where identical JAR files from
different servers can fill the cache. By having JAR files in a central location and by
having them referenced for each server in the load-balancing configuration, the
developer can ensure that only one copy of each JAR file is maintained in the
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
Performance Tuning Considerations 8-9
client's cache. A consequence of this technique is that certain classes within the JAR
file must be signed to enable connections back to servers other than the one from
which they were loaded. The Oracle-supplied JAR files already pre-sign the classes.
Reducing the Required Network Bandwidth
The developer can design the application to maximize data stream compression by
using message diff-ing, which sends along only the information that differs from one
message to another. The following steps can be taken to reduce the differences
between messages:
Control the order in which messages are sent. The order in which messages
are sent is governed by two criteria:
For the initial display, the display order in the Object Navigator
During execution, the order of program changes to item properties
Where the result does not impact usability, you should strive to place similar
objects that are on the same canvas after each other in the Object Navigator. For
example, place buttons with buttons, text items with text items, and so on. (If
you use the item property Next Navigation Item, the same order of navigation
will be used for the items in the Form.) By ordering similar items together on
the Object Navigator, the item properties sent to the client to display the first
Form will include many similar items in consecutive order, which allows the
message diff-ing algorithm to function efficiently.
In addition, when triggers or other logic are used to alter item properties, then
you should group properties of similar items together before altering the item
properties of another display type. For example:
set_item_property(text_item1_id, FONT_WEIGHT, FONT_BOLD);
set_item_property(text_item2_id, FONT_WEIGHT, FONT_BOLD);
set_item_property(text_item3_id, FONT_WEIGHT, FONT_BOLD);
set_item_property(button_item1_id, LABEL, ’Exit’);
Promote similarities between objects. Using similar objects improves message
diff-ing effectiveness (in addition to being more visually appealing to the user).
The following steps encourage consistency between objects:
Accept default values for properties, and change only those attributes
needed for the object.
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
8-10 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Use Smart Classes to describe groups of objects.
Lock the look-and-feel into a small number of visual attributes.
Reduce the use of boilerplate text. As a developer, you should use the
PROMPT item property rather than boilerplate text wherever applicable. Forms
Developer 6.0 and higher includes the Associate Prompt feature, which allows
boilerplate text to be re-designated as the prompt for a given item.
Reduce the use of boilerplate items (such as arcs, circles, and polygons). All
boilerplate items for a given Form are loaded at Form initialization. Boilerplate
items take time to load and use resources on the client whether they are
displayed or not. Common boilerplate items, namely rectangles and lines, are
optimized. Therefore, restricting the application to these basic boilerplate items
reduces network bandwidth and client resources while improving startup
Keep navigation to a minimum. An Event Bundle is sent each time a
navigation event finishes, whether the navigation extends over two objects or
many more. Design Forms that do not require the user to navigate through
fields when default values are being accepted. A Form should encourage the
user to quickly exit once the Form is complete, which causes all additional
navigation events to fire as one Event Bundle.
Reduce the time to draw the initial screen. Once the Java client has loaded the
required classes, it must load and initialize all of the objects to be displayed
before it can display the initial screen. By keeping the number of items to a
minimum, the initial screen is populated and displayed to the user more
promptly. Techniques that reduce the time to draw the initial screen include:
Providing a login screen for the application with a restricted set of objects
(such as a title, small logo, username, and password).
On the Form's initial display, hiding elements not immediately required.
Use the canvas properties:
RAISE ON ENTRY = YES (Canvas only)
Pay attention to TAB canvases that consist of several sheets where only one will
ever be displayed. For responsive switching between tabs, all items for all
sheets on the canvas are loaded, including those that are hidden behind the
initial tab. Consequently, the time taken to load and initialize a TAB canvas is
related to all objects on the canvas and not just to those initially visible.
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
Performance Tuning Considerations 8-11
Tip: When using Tab canvases, use stacked canvases and display the right
canvas in the when-tab-page-changed trigger. Remember to set the properties
RAISE ON ENTRY = YES and VISIBLE = NO for all the canvases not
displayed in the first screen.
Disable MENU_BUFFERING. By default, MENU_BUFFERING is set to True.
This means that changes to a menu are buffered for a future "synchronize" event
when the altered menu is re-transmitted in full. (Most applications make either
many simultaneous changes to a menu or none at all. Therefore, sending the
entire menu at once is the most efficient method of updating the menu on the
client.) However, a given application may make only minimal changes to a
menu. In this case, it may be more efficient to send each change as it happens.
You can achieve this using the statement:
Set_Application_Property (MENU_BUFFERING, false);
Menu buffering applies only to the menu properties of LABEL, ICON, VISIBLE,
and CHECKED. An ENABLE/DISABLE event is always sent and does not
entail the retransmission of an entire menu.
Other Techniques to Improve Performance
The following techniques may further reduce the resources required to execute an
Examine timers and replace with JavaBeans. When a timer fires, an
asynchronous event is generated. There may not be other events in the queue to
bundle with this event. Although a timer is only a few bytes in size, a timer
firing every second generates 60 network trips a minute and almost 30,000
packets in a typical working day. Many timers are used to provide clocks or
animation. Replace these components with self-contained JavaBeans that
achieve the same effect without requiring the intervention of Forms Services
and the network.
Consider localizing the validation of input items. It is common practice to
process input to an item using a When-Validate-Item trigger. The trigger itself is
processed on the Forms Services. You should consider using pluggable Java
components to replace the default functionality of standard client items, such as
text boxes. Then, validation of items, such as date or max/min values, are
contained within the item. This technique opens up opportunities for more
complex, application-specific validation like automatic formatting of input,
such as telephone numbers with the format (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Tuning Oracle9iAS Forms Services Applications
8-12 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Reduce the application to many smaller forms, rather than one large form. By
providing a fine-grained application, the user's navigation defines which
objects are loaded and initialized from the Forms Services. With large Forms,
the danger is that the application is delayed while objects are initialized, many
of which may never be referenced. When chaining Forms together, consider
using the built-ins OPEN_FORM and NEW_FORM:
With OPEN_FORM, the calling Form is left open on the client and the
server, so that the additional Form on both the client and the server
consumes more memory. However, if the Form is already in use by another
user, then the increase in server memory is limited to just the data
segments. When the user returns to the initial Form, it already resides in
local memory and requires no additional network traffic to redisplay.
With NEW_FORM, the calling Form is closed on the client and the server,
and all object properties are destroyed. Consequently, it consumes less
memory on the server and client. Returning to the initial Form requires that
it be downloaded again to the client, which requires network resources and
startup time delays. Use OPEN_FORM to display the next Form in an
application unless it is unlikely that the initial form will be called again
(such as a login form).
Avoid Unnecessary Graphics and Images. Wherever possible, reduce the
number of image items and background images displayed in your applications.
Each time an image is displayed to application users, the image must be
downloaded from the application server to the user's Web browser. To display a
company logo with your Web application, include the image in the HTML file
that downloads at application startup. Do this instead of including it as a
background image in the application. As a background image, it must be
retrieved from the database or filesystem and downloaded repeatedly to users'
JInitiator A-1
Oracle JInitiator
This section describes the benefits of using Oracle JInitiator as a Web browser
plug-in. Oracle JInitiator enables users to run Oracle9i Forms applications using
Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. It provides the ability to specify the use of
a specific Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the client, rather than using the browser's
default JVM.
Oracle JInitiator runs as a plug-in for Netscape Navigator and as an ActiveX
component for Internet Explorer. Oracle JInitiator does not replace or modify the
default JVM provided by the browser. Rather, it provides an alternative JVM in the
form of a plug-in.
Oracle provides two JAR files (f90all.jar and f90all_jinit.jar). f90all.jar is a standard
JAR file, and f90all_jinit.jar is a JAR file with extra compression that can only be
used with Oracle JInitiator.
Why Use Oracle JInitiator?
Oracle JInitiator delivers a certified, supportable, Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
to client desktops, which can be launched transparently through a Web browser.
Oracle JInitiator is Oracle's version of JavaSofts Java Plug-in. The JavaSoft Plug-in
is a delivery mechanism for a JavaSoft JRE, which can be launched from within a
browser. Likewise, Oracle JInitiator is providing a delivery mechanism for an Oracle
certified JRE, which enables Oracle9i Forms applications to be run from within a
browser in a stable and supported manner.
In addition to providing a certified platform for the execution of Oracle9i Forms
applications, Oracle JInitiator provides a number of additional features over and
above the standard JavaSoft Java Plug-in. These include JAR file caching,
Oracle JInitiator
A-2 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
incremental JAR file loading, and applet caching (see Chapter 8, Minimizing the
Application Startup Time).
Benefits of Oracle JInitiator
Oracle JInitiator provides these benefits:
It allows the latest Oracle-certified JVM to run in older browser releases.
It ensures a consistent JVM between different browsers.
It is a reliable deployment platform. JInitiator has been thoroughly tested and
certified for use with Oracle9iAS Forms Services.
It is a high-performance deployment environment. Application class files are
automatically cached by JInitiator, which provides fast application start-up.
It is a self-installing, self-maintaining deployment environment. JInitiator
automatically installs and updates itself like a plug-in or an Active-X
component. Locally cached application class files are automatically updated
from the application server.
Using Oracle JInitiator
The first time the client browser encounters an HTML file that specifies the use of
Oracle JInitiator, it is automatically downloaded to a client machine from the
application server. It enables users to run Oracle9i Forms and Graphics applications
directly within Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer on the Windows 98, NT,
2000, and XP platforms.
The installation and updating of Oracle JInitiator is performed using the standard
plug-in mechanism provided by the browser. Oracle JInitiator installation performs
the required steps to run Oracle9i Forms applications as trusted applets in the
Oracle JInitiator environment.
Supported Configurations
Oracle JInitiator supports the following configurations:
Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP:
Navigator 4.7.3
Navigator 4.7.8
Internet Explorer 5.x
Oracle JInitiator
JInitiator A-3
System Requirements
The minimum system requirements for Oracle JInitiator are:
Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP
Pentium 90 MHz or better processor
25MB free hard disk space (recommended 30MB)
16MB system RAM (recommended 32MB)
Using Oracle JInitiator with Netscape Navigator
Oracle JInitiator leverages the Netscape Navigator plug-in architecture in order to
run inside the browser in the same way other plug-ins, such as QuickTime movies
or Shockwave animations operate. Using the Netscape HTML <EMBED> tag, Web
application developers can specify that plug-ins run as part of a Web page. This is
what makes it possible for Oracle JInitiator to run inside the Web browser with
minimal user intervention.
When Navigator first encounters an HTML page that specifies the use of Oracle
JInitiator, users will see a "Plug-in Not Loaded" dialog on the HTML page, which
directs the user to the Oracle JInitiator download page. Users can then download
the version of Oracle JInitiator for their operating system and install it.
Once Oracle JInitiator is installed, users must shut down Navigator, restart it, and
then revisit the original HTML page. Oracle JInitiator will then run and use the
parameters in the <EMBED> tag to render the applet. The next time Navigator
encounters a Web page that specifies Oracle JInitiator, Navigator will seamlessly
load and run the plug-in from the local disk, without user intervention.
Using Oracle JInitiator with Microsoft Internet Explorer
Oracle JInitiator leverages the Microsoft Internet Explorer extension mechanism for
downloading and caching ActiveX controls and COM components. Using the
HTML <OBJECT> tag, Web application developers can specify that ActiveX
controls or COM components should run as part of a Web page. Such components
include Oracle JInitiator.
When Internet Explorer first encounters an HTML file that has been modified to
specify the use of Oracle JInitiator, Internet Explorer will ask the user if it is okay to
download an ActiveX control signed with a VeriSign digital signature by Oracle
Corporation. If the user clicks "Yes," Internet Explorer will begin downloading
Oracle JInitiator. Oracle JInitiator will then run and use its parameters in the
Oracle JInitiator
A-4 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
<OBJECT> tag to render the applet. The next time Internet Explorer encounters a
Web page modified to support Oracle JInitiator, it will seamlessly load and run
Oracle JInitiator from the local disk, without user intervention.
Setting up the Oracle JInitator Plug-in
To set up the Oracle JInitiator plug-in:
Add Oracle JInitiator HTML markup to your base HTML file.
Install Oracle JInitiator on your server (for server-based testing purposes only).
Customize the Oracle JInitiator download file.
Make Oracle JInitiator available for download.
Adding Oracle JInitiator Markup to Your Base HTML File
To add Oracle JInitiator markup to your base HTML file:
1. Open your base HTML file within a text editor.
2. Add the OBJECT and EMBED tags.
For examples of added markup, refer to Chapter 3, Default basejini.htm File.
Customizing the Oracle JInitiator Download File
The Oracle JInitiator download file (JINIT_DOWNLOAD.HTM) is the template
HTML file that allows your users to download the Oracle JInitiator file.
To customize the Oracle JInitiator download file:
1. Open the JINIT_DOWNLOAD.HTM file within an HTML or text editor.
2. Modify the text as desired.
3. Save your changes.
Making Oracle JInitiator available for download
To make Oracle JInitiator available for download:
1. Copy jinit13x.EXE to your Web server.
You must copy jinit13x.EXE to the location that was specified within the base
HTML file.
2. Copy JINIT_DOWNLOAD.HTM to your Web server.
Oracle JInitiator
JInitiator A-5
You must copy JINIT_DOWNLOAD.HTM to the location that was specified
within the base HTML file.
Modifying the Oracle JInitiator plug-in
To modify the Oracle JInitiator plug-in:
Modify the cache size for Oracle JInitiator.
Modify the heap size for Oracle JInitiator.
Check and modify the proxy server setting for Oracle JInitiator.
View Oracle JInitiator output.
Modifying the cache size for Oracle JInitiator
To modify the cache size for Oracle JInitiator:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Start|Settings|Control Panel|Oracle
2. Click the Basic tab.
3. In the Java Run Time Parameters field, specify the Dcache size. For example,
specifying Dcache.size=20000000 sets the cache size to 20MB.
The default cache size for Oracle JInitiator is 20000000. This is set for you when you
install Oracle JInitiator.
Modifying the heap size for Oracle JInitiator
To modify the heap size for Oracle JInitiator:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Start|Settings|Control Panel|Oracle
2. Click the Basic tab.
3. In the Java Run Time Parameters field, specify the mx size. For example,
specifying mx64m means setting maximum heap size to 64MB.
The default maximum heap size for Oracle JInitiator is 64MB. This has been set for
you when you install Oracle JInitiator.
Oracle JInitiator
A-6 Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide
Check and modify the proxy server setting for Oracle JInitiator
To check and modify the proxy server setting for Oracle JInitiator:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Start|Settings|Control Panel|Oracle
2. Click the Proxies tab.
3. Select the Use Browser Settings checkbox to allow Oracle JInitiator to use the
settings in your browsers configuration dialog box. If you want to use another
proxy server setting, be sure the box is not checked. Then, enter the host name
for the proxy server in the Proxy Address field.
Viewing Oracle JInitiator output
To view Oracle JInitiator output:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Start|Settings|Control Panel|Oracle
2. Click the Basic tab.
3. Check the Show Java Console check box to enable debug output.
Modifying the base HTML file
When you run an Oracle9i Forms application with the help of JInitiator, JIinitiator
reads parameter values from the formsweb.cfg file and passes these values into the
baseHTML file. If you want to create a static baseHTML file so that the same values
are read all the time, you need to manually place them in the baseHTML file.
For an example of the Oracle JInitiator markup for both Microsoft Internet Explorer
and Netscape Navigator, see Chapter 3 Default basejini.htm File. Adding these tags
to your baseHTML file will enable your applications to run within both Netscape
and Microsoft browsers.
parameters, 3-4
server, 1-4
Form Services, 1-4
archive parameter, 3-5
archive_ie parameter, 3-6
archive_jinit parameter, 3-6
Background, 3-38
background parameter, 3-5
base HTML file
creating, 3-12
base.htm, 2-2, 3-12
description, 3-13
example, 3-14
baseHTML, 2-13
baseHTML files, 2-2
baseHTML parameter, 3-3
baseHTMLIE parameter, 3-3
baseHTMLJInitiator parameter, 3-3
baseHTMLjpi, 3-3
baseie.htm, 2-2
description, 3-13
example, 3-19
basejini.htm, 2-2, 3-12
description, 3-12
example, 3-15
basejpi.htm, 2-2
boilerplate objects/images, 8-2
browser, 1-4
built-in event, 7-9
CAB files, 8-8
client resource requirements, 8-2
client tier, 1-4
CodeBase, 3-40
codebase parameter, 3-5
CollectionId command, 7-6
colorScheme parameter, 3-5
Configuration Files, 2-1
Customizing, 3-1
configuration files, 2-2
data segments, 8-2
data stream compression, 8-9
database schema for trace data, 7-6
database tier, 1-4
DataFile command, 7-6
default.env, 2-5, 3-28
default.env file, 7-2
Deploying, 2-5
Deploying Icons and Images Used by Forms
Services, 3-35
Forms to the Web, 2-1
diagnostic tools, 7-1
disable MENU_BUFFERING, 8-11
related manuals, xvii
duration event, 7-9
EAR, 2-3
EM (see Enterprise Manager), 6-1
em_mode, 3-7
encoded program units, 8-2
Enterprise Manager, 6-1
envFile, 3-3
Environment Variables, 2-5
event bundling, 8-3
event details, tracing, 7-11
events, tracing, 7-8
description, 2-13
description, 2-13
Feature Restrictions for Forms Applications on the
Web, 3-41
form, 3-4
FORM90_PATH, 3-29
configuration files, 2-2
Forms Listener, 1-5, 1-6
Forms Listener Servlet, 1-6
HTTPS, 3-41
Forms Runtime Diagnostics, 7-1
Forms Runtime Engine, 1-5, 1-6
Forms runtime process, 1-6
Forms Services
architecture, 1-4
Forms Services resource requirements, 8-2
Forms Servlet, 4-1
Forms Trace, 2-3, 7-1, 7-2
FORMS90_CLAF, 3-31
FORMS90_MMAP, 3-30
FORMS90_TRACE_PATH, 3-30, 7-2
forms90.conf, 2-4, 3-23
FormsServlet.initArgs, 3-2
formsweb.cfg, 2-2, 3-2
example, 3-7
FRD, 7-1
ftrace.cfg, 2-3, 7-2
Graphics, 3-35
height parameter, 3-5
HTML delimiter parameter, 3-3
HTMLafterForm, 3-4
HTML-based Enterprise Manager, 6-1
HTMLbeforeForm, 3-4
HTMLbodyAttrs, 3-4
HTTP Listener, 4-1
Configuration Files, 2-4
HTTPD, 4-2
Forms Listener Servlet, 3-41
Icons, 3-35
Deploying, 3-35
ie50 parameter, 3-4
Images, 3-35
Background, 3-38
SplashScreen, 3-38
Internet Explorer and JInitiator, A-3
J2EE, 4-1
JAR files, 8-7
JAR files, caching, 8-8
Java client resource requirements, 8-2
Java plug-in, 8-8
Java-based Enterprise Manager, 6-1
jinit_classid, 3-6
jinit_download_page, 3-6
jinit_exename, 3-6
jinit_mimetype, 3-6
JInitiator, 8-7
description, 2-12
JInitiator cache size, A-5
JInitiator configuration, A-4
JInitiator description, A-1
JInitiator heap size, A-5
JInitiator proxy server, A-6
JInitiator supported configurations, A-2
JInitiator system requirements, A-3
jpi_classid, 3-6
jpi_codebase, 3-6
jpi_download_page, 3-6
Language Detection, 3-42
Load Balancing OC4J, 4-1
log file location, 7-16
log parameter for tracing, 7-3
logging capabilities, 7-15
logging tools, 7-1
lookAndFeel parameter, 3-5
mapFonts, 3-6
middle tier, 1-4
Netscape Navigator and JInitiator, A-3
reducing bandwidth, 8-9
network latency, 8-3
network packets, 8-3
network usage, 8-3
networkRetries, 3-6
NLS_LANG, 3-29
OC4J, 4-1
Configuration Files, 2-3
Load Balancing, 4-3
OC4J Server Process, 4-1
OEM (see Enterprise Manager), 6-1
OID, 5-1
oid_formsid, 3-7
optimizing Forms Services, 8-1
Oracle HTTP Listener, 4-1
Oracle HTTP Listener Configuration Files, 2-4
Oracle Internet Directory, 5-1
Oracle Internet Platform, 1-1
Oracle JInitiator, 8-7, A-1
Oracle Login Server, 5-1
Oracle Trace, 7-1, 7-19
oracle_home, 3-7
Oracle9i Application Server, 1-2
Oracle9i Database, 1-2
Oracle9i Developer Suite, 1-2
Oracle9i Real Application Clusters, 1-2
Oracle9iAS, 1-2
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J), 4-1
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
Configuration Files, 2-3
Oracle9iAS Forms Services, 1-3
Oracle9iDS, 1-2
otherparams, 3-4
Password command, 7-6
PATH, 3-28
PECS, 7-1
Performance Event Collection Services, 7-1
performance tools, 7-1
Performance/Scalability Tuning, 4-1
point event, 7-8
Portlet Development Kit, 1-2
record parameter for tracing, 7-3
Registry Settings
Customizing, 3-28
registry.dat, 2-5, 3-25
Regressflag command, 7-6
resources, minimizing
boilerplate objects, 8-2
data segments, 8-2
encoded program units, 8-2
network usage, 8-3
rendering displays, 8-4
sending packets, 8-3
Runform parameters, 3-4
sample file
base.htm, 3-14, 3-19
basejinit.htm, 3-15
separateFrame parameter, 3-5
serverApp parameter, 3-5
serverArgs parameters, 3-4
serverURL, 3-4
servlet logging tools, 7-1, 7-14
single sign-on, 5-1
SplashScreen, 3-38
splashScreen parameter, 3-5
SSO, 5-1
startup time, 8-6
Suns Java Plug-in, 8-8
Template HTML Files
Create, 3-34
three-tier architecture, 1-4
timers, tuning, 8-11
trace event details, 7-11
traceable events, 7-8
tracegroup parameter for tracing, 7-3
tracing tools, 7-1
translate utility for tracing, 7-5
tuning, 8-1
application size, 8-12
boilerplate items, 8-10
disable MENU_BUFFERING, 8-11
message order, 8-9
promote similarities, 8-9
reduce boilerplate objects, 8-10
reduce navigation, 8-10
reducing network bandwidth, 8-9
screen draws, 8-10
timers, 8-11
using JAR files, 8-6
upload utility for tracing, 7-5
Url command, 7-6
URL paramater option for tracing, 7-3
USERID parameter, 3-4
UserName command, 7-6
VGS tree, 8-4
Virtual Graphics System (VGS) tree, 8-4
web.xml, 2-3, 3-20
width parameter, 3-5
workingDirectory, 3-3
XML Developer's Kit, 1-2
XMLFile command, 7-6

Navigation menu