Alt Code
User Manual: alt-code
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Author: Keynote Support
This chart displays the ALT and ASCII (HTML) codes for
numbers, including superscripts and fractions. The chart
also shows math symbols such as greater than or equal to
and not equal to, plus percent, square root, per million,
innity, therefore, and more.
Also provided is a list of symbols for different currencies around the world.
The ASCII or ALT codes allow the user to enter the character directly in
programs, such as Word and Photoshop. Not all codes work in all programs.
To enter a code, make sure Num Lock is on, use the numeric keypad, and
press the ALT key as you type the number. As you will notice, some characters
have two ALT code numbers.
The HTML codes are used in web pages.
Char ALT Code HTML Name
Code Description
Math Symbols
ALT + 43
+ plus sign
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-ALT + 45 − - minus
±ALT + 241
(0177) ± ± plus or minus
×ALT + 0215 × × multiplication
÷ALT + 246
(0247) ÷ ÷ division
≠ALT + 8800 ≠ ≠ not equal to
∼ALT + 126
(8764) ∼ ∼ similar (tilde)
≈ALT + 247
(8776) ≈ ≈ approximately, almost
=ALT + 0061 = equal sign
≅ALT + 8773 ≅ ≅ congruent
∫ALT + 8747 ∫ ∫ integral
≡ALT + 240
(8801) ≡ ≡ equivalent to
%ALT + 37 % percent
<ALT + 60 < < less than
≤ALT + 243
(8804) ≤ ≤ less-than or equal to
>ALT + 62 > > greater than
≥ALT + 242
(8805) ≥ ≥ greater-than or equal to
‰ALT + 0137 ‰ ‰ per million
√ALT + 251
√ √ square root sign
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∝ALT + 8733 ∝ ∝ proportional to
∞ALT + 236
(8734) &inn; ∞ innity
∠ALT + 8736 ∠ ∠ angle
∴ALT + 8756 ∴ ∴ therefore
∑ALT + 228
(8721) ∑ ∑ summation sign
πALT + 227 π π pi
½ALT + 171
(0189) ½ ½ one half
⅓ALT + 8531 ⅓ one third
⅔ALT + 8532 ⅔ two thirds
¼ALT + 172
(0188) ¼ ¼ one fourth
¾ALT + 0190 ¾ ¾ three fourths
⅕ALT + 8533 ⅕ one fth
⅖ALT + 8534 ⅖ two fths
⅗ALT + 8535 ⅗ three fths
⅘ALT + 8536 ⅘ four fths
⅙ALT + 8537 ⅙ one sixth
⅚ALT + 8538 ⅚ ve sixths
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⅛ALT + 8539 ⅛ one eighth
⅜ALT + 8540 ⅜ three eighths
⅝ALT + 8541 ⅝ ve eighths
⅞ALT + 8542 ⅞ seven eighths
⁰ALT + 8304 ⁰ superscript 0
¹ALT + 0185 ¹ ¹ superscript 1
²ALT + 0178 ² ² superscript 2
³ALT + 0179 ³ ³ superscript 3
⁴ALT + 8308 ⁴ superscript 4
⁵ALT + 8309 ⁵ superscript 5
⁶ALT + 8310 ⁶ superscript 6
⁷ALT + 8311 ⁷ superscript 7
⁸ALT + 8312 ⁸ superscript 8
⁹ALT + 8313 ⁹ superscript 9
₀ALT + 8320 ₀ subscript 0
₁ALT + 8321 ₁ subscript 1
₂ALT + 8322 ₂ subscript 2
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₃ALT + 8323 ₃ subscript 3
₄ALT + 8324 ₄ subscript 4
₅ALT + 8325 ₅ subscript 5
₆ALT + 8326 ₆ subscript 6
₇ALT + 8327 ₇ subscript 7
ALT + 8328 ₈ subscript 8
₉ALT + 8329 ₉ subscript 9
$ALT + 36 $ dollar
¢ALT + 0162 ¢ ¢ cent
€ALT + 8364 € € euro
£ALT + 0163 £ £ pound sterling
¤ALT + 0164 ¤ ¤ general currency
¥ALT + 0165 ¥ ¥ yen
₨ALT + 8360 ₨ rupee
₪ALT + 8362 ₪ new shequl
₫ALT + 8363 ₫ dong
₣ALT + 8355 ₣ franc
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₤ALT + 8356 ₤ lira
ƒALT + 0131 ƒ ƒ Dutch orin (Aruba)
₧ALT + 158
(8359) ₧ peseta
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