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Users Manual
All boards produced by Olimex are ROHS compliant
Rev.B, January 2009
Copyright(c) 2009, OLIMEX Ltd, All rights reserved
AVR-ISP500-ISO is professional serial in-system programmer for AVR
microcontrollers, featuring optoisolation between PC and target AVR board.
It implements the STK500v2 protocol as defined by Atmel which makes it
compatible with a range of tools, including AvrStudio and avrdude.
It is distinguished from other programmers by its support for autonomous
operation. AVR-ISP500-ISO contains a 2Mb FLASH memory where it can
store entire programming sessions, including FUSE, LOCK, EEPROM and
FLASH write and verification, as well as signature checking. Just hold the
button, perform all the necessary steps with AvrStudio, and disconnect the
programmer from the PC. Next time button is pressed the programmer will
invoke all previously recorded steps without the need for connection to the
PC. We believe this feature makes AVR-ISP500-ISO the perfect tool for
firmware upgrades in remote places.
- Fully STK500v2 compatible;
- Works with AvrStudio, WinAVR, Avrdude and every other software
compatible with STK500v2;
- USB port for connection to PC;
- Opto-isolation 1000VDC between PC and target AVR board allows
programming of targets under high voltages;
- Stand alone operation without the need for PC connection, allowing
firmware mass programming on many devices with single button press;
- One bi-color LED for current operation status;
- One bi-color LED for last autonomous operation status;
- Supports both standard ICSP10 and ICSP6 connectors;
- Button for initiating autonomous operations and command logging;
- Powered either by USB or external AC/DC power supply;
- External clock output on ICSP10 pin 3 for rescuing AVRs with enabled
external clock fuse;
- Supports target voltages ranging from 1.8V to 5.5V.
- ISP clock frequencies ranging from 5kHz to 1.843MHz.
The AVR-ISP500-ISO board is shipped in protective anti-static packaging.
The board must not be subject to high electrostatic potentials. General
practice for working with static sensitive devices should be applied when
working with this board.
Cables: 1.8 meter USB A-B cable. Ten- or six-wire ribbon cable for
connection to target AVR chip.
Power: External 9-12V DC or 6-9V AC power supply (needed only for
autonomous operation when USB is not plugged).
Software: Software with support for STK500v2 protocol:
- AvrStudio, available from Atmel.
- avrdude, included in the WinAVR distribution.
The following AVR microcontrollers are supported for programming:
- Classic 8-bit AVRs.
- megaAVR
- tinyAVR
The following AVR microcontrollers are not supported:
- AVR32
The following programming methods are not supported:
- debugWire
- Parallel High Voltage Programming
- Serial High Voltage Programming
Download drivers for your Operating System from our website. Windows
installation steps are the following:
1. Download and unzip the file “AVR-STK500-ISO-drivers.zip” in a
temporary directory.
2. Plug the programmer in the USB port.
3. Point the Device Wizard to the temporary directory.
4. Click finish.
Screenshots of the steps are shown below:
pin Abbrev. description
1 MOSI Serial Output
2 V_TAR Target VCC
3 CLKO Clock output
4 GND Ground
6 GND Ground
7 SCK Serial Clock
8 GND Ground
9 MISO Serial Input
10 GND Ground
pin Abbrev. description
1 MISO Serial Input
2 V_TAR Target VCC
3 SCK Serial Clock
4 MOSI Serial Output
6 GND Ground
WARNING: The COM port number assigned by Windows to AVR-ISP500-
ISO must be COM4 or below. Otherwise AvrStudio might not be able to
detect the programmer. Here are the steps to change it:
1. Go to Device Manager.
2. Unfold “Ports (COM&LPT)” and right-click on “USB Serial Port
(COMxx)” where COMxx can be anything between COM1 and
COM255. Select properties.
3. Go to the “Port Settings” tab and click the “Advanced” button.
4. Change the “COM Port Number” to COM3 or COM4.
5. Click OK.
6. If a warning message pops up and complains about COM port being
used by another device, click “Yes”.
7. Click OK to close the device properties.
WARNING: The COM port number assigned by Windows to AVR-ISP500-
ISO must be COM4 or below. Otherwise AvrStudio might not be able to
detect the programmer. See the section for PC Drivers Installation for more
Usage under AvrStudio is straightforward. First open the Programmer
Connect dialog:
Then select “STK500 or AVRISP option” with automatic port detection:
After pressing “Connect” the programming dialog should appear:
Target AVR now can be erased, flashed with a provided HEX file, FUSES
and LOCK bits can be written and/or verified. For more information please
consult the AvrStudio documentation.
CAVEAT: Although the programmer will happily accept setting VTARGET
and ARef in the “HW SETTINGS” tab, these actions will have no effect. The
programmer hardware can only read target VCC and show it
simultaneously in the VTARGET and ARef sliders.
When the button is held pressed for 5 seconds programmer enters
command logging state. In this state it will execute and log all commands
received from the PC software in its internal FLASH memory. When the
button is pressed again, programmer will enter its normal state where
commands will be executed but not logged.
Logged commands can be executed again without the presence of a
connected PC by simply pressing quickly the programmer button while in
normal state. The bi-color LED will glow yellow while operation is in
progress. After operation finishes successfully the GREEN LED will blink
for a while, otherwise on error the RED LED will blink for a while. After that
the programmer will enter normal state where only the GREEN LED is on
The right LED of AVR-ISP500-ISO is a bi-color LED which shows the last
autonomous operation status for indefinite time. Again, RED is for error,
GREEN is for success, off if no status is available due to ongoing operation.
This LED is also off after power up to signal that no autonomous operation
has taken place so far. This LED is helpful for long autonomous
programming sessions where user is not required to look for the end of a
programming session.
If programmer button is pressed and held for more than 1 second but less
then 5 seconds, it will show the current log status. A blinking GREEN
indicates a valid log, and blinking RED indicates invalid/erased log.
The formal definition of the programmer states is given below.
In case of autonomous operation error, the RED LED will blink for a while.
The number of flashes indicates the error that caused the failure. Error
codes are given in the table below.
5 seconds passed or
button pressed
Button pressed
Button held
for 1 second
LED0=on; LED1=off
else if(empty)
LED0=blink_fast; LED1=off
LED0=off; LED1=blink_fast
Button pressed
Button held
for 5 seconds
NOTE: LED0 is RED, and LED1 is GREEN. If both are on, the result is Yellow glow.
Number of
Action that failed
1 Enter programming mode.
1 Signature read mismatch.
2 FLASH read mismatch.
2 EEPROM read mismatch.
2 FUSE read mismatch
2 LOCK read mismatch
3 Corrupted log
3 Empty log
4 Other command/answer error.
CAVEAT: RC calibration in autonomous mode is not supported. The reason
is that the programmer has no way to distinguish RC value writes to FLASH
from normal data ones.
TIP: Sometimes AvrStudio will issue FUSE/LOCK reads when the
corresponding tabs are selected. This, however, will be recorded by the
programmer if it is in command logging state. So for best results it is
recommended to issue all commands in a predefined order. This is achieved
by the “Auto” feature of AvrStudio Programming Dialog. After setting the
FLASH and EEPROM files, FUSE and LOCK settings, and selecting the
target AVR device, switch to the “Auto” tab of the programming dialog.
Error code: 2 flashes –
mem read mismatch
End of error code. LED0
lights constantly.
Select the operations that should be performed and hold the programmer
button for 5 seconds to activate command logging. Then hit the “Start”
button to initiate a programming operation. After “Auto” operation finishes
successfully, turn off command logging.
TIP: If target signature must be verified during autonomous operation,
READ SIGNATURE command must be issued while in command logging
Pin 3 of the ICSP10 connector is normally left unconnected by other ISP
programmers. Not ours. In normal programmer state this pin is tri-stated.
During programming operation, however, this pin is made output and a
square-wave clock is generated. Clock frequency can be adjusted with the
AvrStudio Programmer Dialog:
After programming operation finishes, this pin is again tri-stated in order
not to interfere with the target circuit.
This clock output can be really helpful when target AVR is accidentally
programmed with External Clock FUSE option. To resurrect it just wire
ICSP10 pin 3 to XTAL1 pin of the target AVR chip and initiate a
programming session to fix the FUSE values.
CAVEAT: If an error occurs in standalone mode, the “Leave Programming
Mode” command will not be executed, so the external clock output will stay
active. Due to the AVR-ISP500 hardware implementation, this can cause
target VCC to be incorrectly read as Vtarget=5V.
TIP: If clock output is needed when target is not being programmed then
the following steps must be followed. Make sure that programmer contains
a valid log, no matter its contents. Disconnect the programmer, then press
the button, and wait for RED LED to blink for error. After that the clock
output will stay activated.
All AVR-ISP500 devices contain a built-in boot loader for easy firmware
upgrade. Device enters boot loader mode if the application FLASH section is
corrupted. To force the device to enter boot loader mode for manual
firmware update do the following:
1. Disconnect the programmer from any power source (external
2. Press and hold the button.
3. Power up the device by connecting it to USB.
4. Device now must be in boot loader mode, indicated by the LED light
a. RED on, GREEN off.
b. RED off, GREEN on.
c. RED off, GREEN off.
Button can now be released. The device will stay in boot loader mode until
it is power cycled.
All boot loaders implement the standard protocol XMODEM with CRC16 for
firmware update. User is free to use his favorite terminal client
(HyperTerminal, minicom, etc) to upload the firmware images taken from
our website. The serial port settings for the AVR-ISP500-ISO boot loader
are: 9600 baud/sec, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. The AVR-ISP500-
TINY/MASS/NANO boot loaders implement a USB virtual serial port that is
baudrate agnostic.
As an alternative we provide a simple Windows GUI application for users
who don’t want to or cannot use terminal software.
After the firmware image is uploaded the target will blink the GREEN LED if
update was successful, otherwise it will blink RED LED if firmware image
was invalid or update was unsuccessful. Device stays in this state until it is
power cycled.
Problem: AVR Studio cannot find my programmer.
Probable causes and solutions:
-Look whether the programmer is listed in Device Manager under the
“Ports (COM & LPT)” section. If it's not there then check your USB
cables and hubs. Reinstall the driver.
-Check that the green LED is constantly on. If not then the
programmer might be in firmware upgrade mode. Go to the firmware
upgrade section for more details.
-Your serial port number might be too high. Check the manual
section “Installing drivers” for more information on assigning serial
port numbers. Also go to AVR Studio menu “Tools->Options” and set
the “Number of COM ports to try” field to at least 20.
-Remove all applications that might be using or scanning your
computer's serial ports, including any serial port monitors. They
might mess up the STK500v2 communication between AVR Studio
and the programmer.
Problem: Programming fails. Target AVR chip cannot enter programming
Probable causes and solutions:
-ISP frequency might be too high. Set the ISP frequency to well below
¼ of target MCU clock. Please note that the AVR MCU clock depends
on its fuses configuration.
-Target power might not be stable enough or supply voltage might be
too low. Check your target board circuit Ensure that the used AVR
chip specifications match your supply voltage.
-Target power supply VCC might not be connected to pin 2 of
ICSP6/10. Check your target board circuit.
-The target AVR MCU might have fuses programmed for disabling SPI
ISP or selecting another programming method. In such case you'll
need a High Voltage Parallel programmer to unlock the chip.
-The reset line cannot be pulled low by the programmer. Check your
schematic and ensure that only a weak pull-up (and possibly a
small capacitor) are connected to RESET. Otherwise, if the pull-up
is too small or there is another output driving RESET, the
programmer won't be able to pull it down.
-Another circuit is driving the ISP lines (MISO, MOSI, SCK or RESET)
resulting in a contention with the programmer. The solution is to
remove all such circuits (LEDs, RS232 drivers, resistors below 2k,
etc) from the four ISP lines during programming. AVR-ISP500 is
more susceptible to this kind of fault than other programmers on
the market because it has 560 ohm resistors in series with all its
outputs. This protects both the target MCU and the target board
Description Condition Min Typ Max Uni
VTARG Target Supply Voltage. 1.8 5.5 V
FISP ISP Frequency on SCK
SPI pin.
5 1843 kHz
VCC Programmer Power
Supply Voltage.
5 V
ICC Programmer Power
Supply Current.
Idle 92 mA
Autonomous operation,
VTARG=1.8V, FISP=1.843MHz,
powered from USB
110 160 mA
Programming with AvrStudio,
logging enabled, VTARG=1.8V,
FISP=1.843MHz, powered from
110 mA
Time for a full
programming and
verification of
ATmega128 (128k
Signature check)
Autonomous operation,
51 s
Programming with AvrStudio,
logging enabled, VTARG=5V,
105 s
Programming with AvrStudio,
logging disabled, VTARG=5V,
94 s
Time for a FLASH
programming and
verification of
ATmega128 (128k
Autonomous operation,
15 s
Programming with AvrStudio,
logging enabled, VTARG=5V,
67 s
Programming with AvrStudio,
logging disabled, VTARG=5V,
58 s
AVR-ISP500-ISO – assembled and tested (no kit, no soldering required)
How to order?
You can order to us directly or by any of our distributors.
Check our web www.olimex.com/dev for more info.
Revision history:
REV.A - create April 2008
REV.B - modify January 2009
Added a troubleshooting guide
© 2008-2009 Olimex Ltd. All rights reserved. Olimex®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks
of Olimex Ltd. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.
The information in this document is provided in connection with Olimex products. No license, express or implied
or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Olimex
Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in or the product described in this document may be
adapted or reproduced in any material from except with the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of
the product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties
implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are
This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for
any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such
information or any incorrect use of the product.

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