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Curriculum Vitae


James Bell

April 2009–Present

Consultant Physician
South london and maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, (United Kingdom)
patient care, management, research, teaching
Related document(s):

March 1996–April 2009

Director, The Langton Centre
South eastern Sydney Area Health Service, (Australia)
Addiction medicine
Leadership and management of service
Related document(s):

January 1988–December 2001

University of New South Wales, (Australia)
Opioid Substitution treatment
Related document(s):

January 1982–March 1985

Royal Australasian college of Physicians, (Australia)
Internal medicine
Related document(s):


Opioid Substitution treatment
management of Addiction


Read R, Bell J, Batey R (1984) Cardiac function assessed by gated heart pool studies in an alcohol
clinic population: a preliminary study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 8; 5: 467-469
Bell J, Seres V, Bowran P, et al (1988) The use of serum methadone levels in patients on methadone
maintenance. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 43; 6: 623-630
Bell J, The E, Patel A, et al (1988) The identification of at-risk drinking in a teaching hospital. Medical
Journal of Australia, 149; 351-355
Bell J, Cumming R (1989) Drinking habits in Sydney's western suburbs. Australian Drug & Alcohol
Review, 8; 1: 9-14
Dwyer D, Bell J, Batey R, et al (1989) Low prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection in
methadone programme attenders and pregnant intravenous drug users in the western metropolitan
region of Sydney. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 19; 407-408.
Bell J, Fernandes D, Batey R (1990) Heroin users seeking methadone treatment. Medical Journal of


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Curriculum Vitae

James Bell

Australia, 152; 361-364
Bell J, Bowran P, Lewis J, Batey R (1990) Serum methadone levels in maintenance patients who
persist in illicit drug use. British Journal of Addiction, 85; 12: 1599-1602
Bell J, Batey R, Crewe E, Cunningham A, Farrell G, Byth K (1990) Hepatitis C in intravenous drug
users. Medical Journal of Australia, 153; 274-276
Caplehorn J, Bell J (1991) Methadone dosage and retention in maintenance treatment. Medical
Journal of Australia, 154; 195-199
Bell J (1991) Pain and addiction. Drug and Alcohol Review 1991, 10; 247-252
Bell J (1991) The prevalence of at-risk drinking in general hospitals. Clinical Biochemist Monograph
No. 5, 31-33
Bell J, Wyndham L, (eds). Screening for drug abuse - a community challenge. Clinical Biochemist
Monograph No. 5, 1991.
Bell J, Batey R (1992) Medicine and the addictions. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine,
22; 202-203
Bell J, DiGiusto E, Byth K (1992) Who should receive methadone maintenance? British Journal of
Addiction, 87; 689-694
Bell J, Hall W, Byth K (1992). Changes in criminal activity after entering methadone maintenance.
British Journal of Addiction, 87; 251-258
Bell J (1992) Treatment dependence: preliminary description of yet another syndrome. British Journal
of Addiction, 87; 1049-1054
Caplehorn J, Bell J, Kleinbaum A, Gebski V (1993) Methadone dose and heroin use during
maintenance treatment. Addiction, 88; 119-124
Hall W, Bell J, Carless J (1993) Crime and drug use among applicants for methadone maintenance.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 31; 123-129
Robertson M, Bell J (1993) Are rapid benzodiazepine detoxifications unsafe? (letter to the editor)
Medical Journal of Australia, 158; 578-579
Bell J, Caplehorn J, McNeil D (1994) The effect of intake procedures on performance in methadone
maintenance. Addiction, 463-472
Bell J, Chan J, Kuk A (1995) Investigating the effect of treatment philosophy on outcome of
methadone maintenance. Addiction, 90; 823-830
Bell J (1995) Lessons from a training programme for methadone prescribers. Medical Journal of
Australia, 162; 143-144
Howard K, Bell J, & Christie M (1995) Measuring drug use in methadone maintenance programmes.
Drug and Alcohol Review, 14; 27-34
Bell, J (1995) Codependency (letter) Drug and Alcohol Review, 14; 240-241
Bell J, Ward J, Mattick RP, Hay A, Chan J, and Hall W (1995) An evaluation of private methadone
clinics. National Drug Strategy Research Report No 4, Australian Government Publishing Service,
Bell J (1996) Alternatives to non-clinical regulation; training doctors to prescribe methadone. Addiction
Research, 3; 4: 315-322
Bell J (1996) Why do people use drugs? in, Wilkinson, C., and Saunders, B. (eds) Perspectives On
Addiction. William Montgomery Press, Perth
Ward J, Bell J, Mattick P, and Hall W (1996) Methadone maintenance therapy for opioid dependence;
a guide to appropriate use. CNS Drugs, 6: 6; 440-449
Bell, J (1997) Australian trends in opioid prescribing for chronic, non-cancer pain, 1986-1996. Medical
Journal of Australia 167; 26-29
Bell J, Mattick RP, Chan J, Hay A, Hall W (1997) Methadone maintenance and drug related crime.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 9; 15-25
Chan JSK, Kuk AYC & Bell J (1997) A likelihood approach to analysing longitudinal bivariate binary
data. Biometrical Journal 39 (4), 409-421
Bell, J (1998) Delivering effective methadone treatment. In Ward, J., Mattick, R.P., and Hall, W. (eds)
Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Other Opioid Replacement Therapies Harwood Academic
Publishers, Amsterdam
Bell J (1998) Staff training in methadone clinics. In Ward, J., Mattick, R.P., and Hall, W. (eds)
Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Other Opioid Replacement Therapies Harwood Academic


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Curriculum Vitae

James Bell

Publishers, Amsterdam
Chan JSK, Kuk AYC, Bell J, & McGilchrist C (1998) The analysis of methadone clinic data using
marginal and conditional logistic models with mixture or random effects. The Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Statistics, 40 (1): 1-10
Bell J (1998) Self report among injecting drug users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 51; 267-268
Cadman M & Bell J (1998) Doctors detected self-administering opioids in New South Wales, 19851994; characteristics and outcomes. Medical Journal of Australia 169; 419-421
Mattick RP, Bell J, Daws LC, White JM, O’Brien S, & Harris S (1998) Review of the effectiveness of
antagonists in managing opioid dependence. NDARC Monograph #34, National Drug and Alcohol
Research Centre, Sydney
Bell J, Young M, Masterman S, Morris A, Mattick RP, & Bammer G (1999) A pilot study of naltrexoneaccelerated detoxification in opioid dependence. Medical Journal of Australia, 171; 26-30
McKetin R, Ward PB, Catts SV, Mattick RP, Bell J (1999) Changes in Auditory Selective Attention and
Even-Related Potentials Following Oral Administration of D-amphetamine in Humans.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 21 (3); 380-390
Bell J & Zador D (2000) A risk-benefit analysis of methadone maintenance treatment. Drug Safety 22
(3); 179-190
Bell J (2000) Quality improvement for methadone maintenance treatment. Substance Use and
Misuse 35; 1735-1756
Glasgow NJ, Taylor J, Bell J, Young M, & Bammer G (2001) Accelerated withdrawal from methadone
maintenance therapy using naltrexone and minimal sedation: a case series analysis. Drug and
Alcohol Review, 20 (2) 213-222
Nilssen O, Parker G, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Bell J (2001) Assessing depression in drug and alcoholdependent patients; the utility of a cognitive-based approach. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 55(6); 409412
Bell J, Dru A, Fischer B, Levit S, & Sarfraz, MA (2002) Substitution therapy for heroin addiction
Substance Use and Misuse 37 (8-10); 1145-1174
Dean AJ, Bell J, Mascord DJ, Parker G, & Christie MJ. (2002) A randomised, controlled trial of
fluoxetine in methadone maintenance patients with depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective
Disorders, 72; 85-90
Lintzeris N, Bell J, Bammer G, Jolly D, & Rushworth L (2002) A randomised, controlled trial of
buprenorphine in the management of short-term ambulatory heroin withdrawal. Addiction, 97; 13951404
Breen CL, Harris SJ, Lintzeris N, Mattick RP, Hawken L, Bell J, Ritter AJ, Lenne M, & Mendoza E
(2003) Cessation of methadone maintenance treatment using buprenorphine: transfer from
methadone to buprenorphine and subsequent buprenorphine reductions. Drug and Alcohol
Dependence 71; 49-55
Gibson AE, Doran CM, Bell JR, Ryan A, & Lintzeris M (2003) A comparison of buprenorphine
treatment in specialist and primary care settings: a randomised trial. Medical Journal of Australia179;
Doran CM, Shanahan M, Mattick RP, Ali R, White J, Bell J (2003). Buprenorphine versus methadone
maintenance: a cost-effectiveness analysis Drug and Alcohol Dependence 71; 3: 295-302
Sue Henry-Edwards, Linda Gowing, Jason White, Robert Ali, James Bell, Rodger Brough, Nick
Lintzeris, Alison Ritter, Allan Quigley (2003) Clinical Guidelines and Procedures for the
Use of Methadone in the Maintenance Treatment of Opioid Dependence Australian Government
Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra
Bell J, Kimber J, Lintzeris N, White J, Monheit B, Henry-Edwards S, Mattick R, Ali R, Ritter A, Quigley
A (2003) Clinical Guidelines and Procedures for the Use of Naltrexone in the Management of Opioid
Dependence Commonwealth department of Health and Aging, Canberra
Rea F, Bell J, Young M, & Mattick R (2004). A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of different dose
levels of naltrexone for the treatment of opioid dependence Drug and Alcohol Dependence 75; 79-88
Doran CM, Shanahan M, Bell J, et al. (2004) A cost-effectiveness analysis of buprenorphine-assisted
heroin withdrawal DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW 23; 2: 171-175
Bell J, Byron G, Gibson A, & Morris A (2004) A pilot study of buprenorphine-naloxone combination
tablet (Suboxone) in treatment of opioid dependence. Drug and Alcohol Review 23; 311-317
Dean AJ, Bell JR, Christie M, & Mattick RP (2004) Depressive symptoms during buprenorphine


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Curriculum Vitae

James Bell

versus methadone maintenance: Findings from a randomized, controlled trial in opioid dependence.
European Psychiatry 19; 510-513
Digiusto E, Lintzeris N, Breen C, Kimber J, Mattick RP, Bell J, Ali R, Saunders JB, the NEPOD
Research Group. (2005). Short-term outcomes of five heroin detoxification methods in the Australian
NEPOD Project. Addictive Behaviors, 2005, 30, 443-456
Bell J, Burrell T, Indig D, & Gilmour S (2006) Cycling in and out of treatment; participation in
methadone treatment in NSW, 1990-2002 Drug and Alcohol Dependence 81; 55-61
Bell J & Burrell T (2006) Retention and attendance with Supervised Buprenorphine Treatment; a case
note review Drug and Alcohol Review 25; 161-165
Bell J & Mutch C (2006) Treatment retention in adolescent patients treated with methadone or
buprenorphine for opioid dependence; a file review Drug and Alcohol Review 25; 167-171
Shanahan, M.D., Doran, C.M., Digiusto, E., Bell, J., Lintzeris, N., White, J.M., Ali, R., Saunders, J.B.,
Mattick, R.P. and Gilmour, S. (2005). A cost-effectiveness analysis of heroin detoxification methods in
the Australian National Evaluation of Pharmacotherapies for Opioid Dependence (NEPOD). Addictive
Behaviors, 31, 371-387.
Bell J & Dunlop A (2006) Managing opioid dependence in pregnant women. In, NSW Dept of Health
Managing opioid dependence in pregnant women Background papers to the National clinical
guidelines for the management of drug use during pregnancy, birth, and the early development years
of the newborn. NSW Dept of Health, Sydney
Morley K, Teesson M, Reid S, Sannibale C, Thomson C, Phung Nghi, Weltman M, Bell J, Richardson
K, Haber P (2006) Naltrexone versus acamprosate in the treatment of alcohol dependence; a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Addiction 101 (10); 1451-1462
Winstock A.R., Bell J. Clinical Guidelines, Assessing suitability for unsupervised medication
doses in the treatment of opioid dependency. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Adult
Medicine Division, Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine 2006 . Available at:
Milne B, Bell J, Lampropoulos B and Towns S (2007) Alcohol, drugs and Australian young people.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health 19 (3):245-53
Ryan G, Lyon P, Kumar K, Bell J, Barnet S, Shaw T (2007) Online CME: An effective alternative to
face-to-face delivery. Medical Teacher 29(8):e251-7, Oct.
Bell J, Shanahan M, Mutch C, Rea F, Ryan A, Batey R, Dunlop A, Winstock A (2007) A randomised
trial of effectiveness and cost effectiveness of observed versus unobserved administration of
buprenorphine-naloxone for heroin dependence Addiction 102; 1899-1907
Bell J (2007) Commentary on Geppert et al.: ‘Development of a bibliography on
religion, spirituality and addictions Drug and Alcohol Review 26; 435-36
Bell J and Zador D (2007) Dihydrocodeine as effective as methadone for maintenance of treatment for
opiate dependence? Commentary on Robertson et al. Evidence-Based Mental Health 10; 88
Bell, J. (2007). The role of supervision of dosing in opioid maintenance treatment. Paper presented at
the Background document prepared for 3rd meeting of Technical Development Group, for the WHO
Guidelines for Psycho-socially Assisted Pharmacotherapy of Opioid Dependence . Geneva, 17-21
September 2007.
Bell J & Harvey-Dodds L (2008) Pregnancy and injecting drug use BMJ 336; 1303-1305
Bell J, Ryan A, Mutch C, Batey R, Rea F (2008) Optimising the benefits of unobserved dose
administration for stable opioid maintenance patients: Follow-up of a randomised trial, Drug Alcohol
Dependence 96:1/2, 183-186
Bell J (2008) Speciality Recognition of Addiction Medicine in Australia (editorial) Addiction, 103, 701–
Bell J & Butler B (2008) Health care utilization and morbidity associated with methadone and
buprenorphine treatment Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 10(2);
Bell J, Trinh L, Butler B, Randall D, Rubin G (2009) Comparing retention in treatment and mortality in
people after initial entry to methadone and buprenorphine treatment Addiction
104; 1193-1200
Burns, L Randall DA, Hall WD, Law MG, Butler AG, Bell JR, Degenhardt L (2009) Opioid agonist
pharmacotherapy in New South Wales from 1985 to 2006: Patient characteristics and patterns and
predictors of treatment retention Addiction. 104(8):1363-72
Bell J, Butler B, Lawrance A, Batey R, Salmelainen P (2009) Comparing overdose mortality


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Curriculum Vitae

James Bell

associated with methadone and buprenorphine treatment Drug and Alcohol Dependence 104; 1-2:7377
Bell J (2009) Politics, Practice and Research into the Treatment of Heroin Addiction, in Mattick, Ali and
Lintzeris (eds) Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Informa Health care, New York, pp330-353
Lintzeris N, Gowing L, and Bell J (2009) Services for heroin withdrawal, in Mattick, Ali and Lintzeris
(eds) Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Informa Health Care, New York, pp54-106
Jason White, James Bell, John B. Saunders, Paul Williamson, Maria Makowskac, Aaron
Farquharson, Katherine L. Beebe (2009) Open-label Dose-Finding Trial of Buprenorphine Implants
(Probuphine)® for Treatment of Heroin Dependence Drug and Alcohol Dependence 103; 37-43
Bell, J., Shearer, J., Ryan, A., Graham, R., Korompay, K., Rizzo, S., Sindhusake, D., & Somogyi, AA
(2009) The acceptability, safety and tolerability of methadone/naloxone in a 50:1 ratio Experimental
and Clinical Psychopharmacology 17:3; 146153
Degenhardt, L., Larance, B., Bell, J., Winstock, A., Lintzeris, N., Ali, R., Scheuer, N., & Mattick, R.
(2009). Injection of OST in Australia following the introduction of a mixed partial agonist-antagonist
opioid medication Med J Aust 191 (3): 161-165
Mammen K and Bell J (2009) The clinical efficacy and abuse potential of combination buprenorphine–
naloxone in the treatment of opioid dependence Expert Opinion in Pharmacotherapy 2009, Vol. 10,
No. 15, Pages 2537-2544
Larance B, Degenhardt L, Mattick R, O’Brien S, Lintzeris N, Bell J, Winstock A and Ali R (2009) The
diversion and injection of the pharmaceutical opioids used in opioid substitution treatment: Findings
from the Australian post-marketing surveillance studies of buprenorphine-naloxone, 2006-2008
Technical report no. National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney
Bell, J (2010) Culture, treatment, and the culture of treatment (Commentary), Addiction 105; 16-17
Shearer, J., Mammen, K., & Bell, J. (2010) The acceptability of combined methadone-naloxone
treatment: consumer and provider views on the potential utility of methadone-naloxone Drug and
Alcohol Review 29; 138-143
Bell J (2010) The global diversion of pharmaceutical drugs. Opiate treatment and the diversion of
pharmaceutical opiates: a clinician’s perspective. Addiction 105(9):1531-7
Bell J & Collins R (2011) Gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) dependence and withdrawal Addiction 106(2);
Butler B, Bell J, Rubin G, Lawrance A, Batey R (2010) Estimating the risk of fatal arrhythmia in
patients in methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction Drug and Alcohol Review DOI:
Larance B, Degenhardt L, O’Brien S, Lintzeris N, Winstock A, Mattick RP, Bell J, and Ali R (2011)
Prescribers' perceptions of the diversion and injection of medication by opioid substitution treatment
patients D&A Review 30; 6: 613-20
Bell J (2011) Your guide to today's mental health issues. Managing drug problems.
Mental Health Today: 25-7
Dean AJ. Saunders JB. Bell J (2011) Heroin use, dependence, and attitudes to treatment in nontreatment-seeking heroin users: a pilot study Substance Use & Misuse. 46(4):417-25
Webzell I, Ball D, Bell J, Sherwood RA, Marsh A, O'Grady JG, Heaton ND (2011)
Substance use by liver transplant candidates: an anonymous urinalysis study.
Liver Transplantation Oct;17(10):1200-4. doi: 10.1002/lt.22370
Bell, J., Reed, K., Ashcroft, R., Witton, J. and Strang J. Treating opioid dependence with opioids:
exploring the ethics Chapter 3, pp 57-74. In: Addiction Neuroethics, Carter, A., Hall, W. and Illes, J.
(Eds). Academic Press, 2012
Bell J, Bowler S, Lyons J (2012) Urgent Issues of Alcohol Overload Health Services Journal 5th
January, pp26-27
Frewen A, Molan J, Ritter A, Bell J (in press) Uncovering a new approach to developing clinical based
guidelines: the experience of developing guidelines for management of drug dependent women and
neonates and for cannabis dependence Journal of Person Centred Medicine
Bell J, Kilic C, Prabakaran R, Wang Y, Wilson R, Broadbent M, Kumar A, Curtis V (2013) Can use of
the electronic health record improve identification of drug and alcohol misuse among psychiatric
inpatients? The Psychiatrist 37; 15-20


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James Bell

Bell J (2012) Buprenorphine in the treatment of heroin addiction Düşünen Adam The Journal of
Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 25; 93-100
Bell J (2012) Alcohol Use Disorders Medicine 40; 637-639
Bell J (2012) Opioid Substitution treatment and its effectiveness; review of the evidence National
Treatment Agency, London
Bell J (2012) Maintenance Pharmacological Treatment of Opiate Dependence British Journal of
Clinical Pharmacology DOI: 10.1111/bcp.12051
Bell J, Reed K, Gross S, Witton J (2013) The Management of Pain in people with a past or current
history of addiction Action on Addiction, London
Bell J, Healey C, Kennedy F, Shah A, Faizal M (2013) Evidence and recovery; improving outcomes in
opiate substitution treatment British journal of Medical practice 6:1; a601
Reed K and Bell J Reducing secondary health harms and social problems in Drugs of addiction: what
can the medical profession do? British Medical Association, London
Bell J and Reed K (2013) Doctor’s role in managing heroin addiction, in Drugs of addiction: what can
the medical profession do? British Medical Association, London
Winstock, A., Bell, J., Borschmann, R. (2013). Friends, doctors and tramadol: We might have a
problem BMJ 347:doi:10.1136/bmj.f5586 http://www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f5108?tab=responses
Winstock, A., Bell, J., Borschmann, R. (2014) The non-medical use of tramadol in the UK: findings
from a large community sample International Journal of drug Policy in press

Consultant, UNODC/WHO, Albania 2012 Review of OST Program
Consultant, UNODC, Bulgaria 2013 Review of OST Program
Consultant, UNODC/WHO Evaluation of OST Project, Pakistan

Other Relevant Information


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