376\377\000c\000o\000p\000 \0001\000 \0002\000.\000p\000d\000f SC6010 Catalogue 09

User Manual: SC6010

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The mission of SENTINEL DIAGNOSTICS is the constant commitment
to the research and development of innovative in-vitro diagnostics
medical devices aimed at rendering clinical diagnostics more reliable
as well as being a safe point of reference for laboratory medicine.
REV 2009/1.2
Ref. DPL 601
VALID FROM 01/01/2009
Index LAB
Diagnostic Systems SENT i FOB- automatic system for fecal occult blood (FOB)
Instruments 5
Reagents -
FOB Gold™
Calibrators 5
Controls 6
Accessories 6
Consumables 6
SENT iLAB - automatic system for clinical chemistry
Instruments 7
Reagents 7
Calibrators and Controls 30
ISE Module 10
Accessories 10
Consumables 11
Application List 12
SENT iCLOT - automatic system for coagulation tests
Instruments 14
Reagents 14
Controls 14
Consumables and Accessories 15
Index LAB
Clinical Chemistry Reagents 16
Calibrators 27
Controls 28
Clinical Chemistry automation Reagents - Calibrators - Controls 30
Clinical Chemistry Fecal occult blood 32
Immunology Plasmaproteins 33
Rheumatology 37
Other proteins 38
Calibrators 40
Controls 42
Immunology automation Reagents - Calibrators - Controls 43
Immunology Rapid tests 45
Hematology Coagulation 46
Analyte Index 48
Alphabetical Index 53
Code Index 56
General Conditions of Sale 59
Notes 60
REV 2009/1.2
VALID FROM 01/01/2009
A real progress
for the Clinical Chemistry
Two reagents
liquid stable
ISO 9001:2000 - ISO 13485:2003
ISO 13485:2003 CMDCAS
Compliant with the 21CFR820 “Code of Federal Regulations” FDA
Further technical information is available through
the Sentinel Diagnostics website
where customers can navigate and download
more specific product information such as:
• IFU (Instructions For Use)
• MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
• CE Certificates (Declarations of Conformity)
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
580000 SENT i FOB™ System 1 pcs
Fully automated photometric analyzer for Fecal Occult Blood determination - To be used
together with the FOB Gold TM kit (REF 11560) and the collection FOB Gold TM tube (REF
11561) for feces sampling and as primary tubes on the analyzer -Throughput around 100
test/hr - System supplied with Computer, Monitor and Printer - Manual Bar Code reader
available separately.
580001 SENT i FOB™ 1 pcs
SentiFob™ Analyzer Unit.
580002 Computer for Analyzer Unit 1 pcs
580003 Monitor for Analyzer Unit 1 pcs
580004 Printer for Analyzer Unit 1 pcs
580005 Manual Bar Code Reader 1 pcs
11560 FOB Gold™ 1x20; 1x20 mL 170
Latex turbidimetric quantitative determination of human hemoglobin in feces - Liquid
reagents, ready to use: a buffer (R1) and a stable suspension of latex particles coated
with a specific polyclonal antibody (R2). The number of tests indicated refers to SentiFob
System - Wavelength 570 nm - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10.4/10.4 - Fixed
Time reaction - Total reading time: 8 min - Measuring range: 15-1000 ng/mL.
11561 FOB Gold™ tube 100
Collection tube for feces sampling to be used as primary tube (13x100 mm) for automatic
11561N FOB Gold™ tube NG 100
Collection tube for feces sampling to be used as primary tube (13x100 mm - guarantee
seal) for automatic analyzers.
11573 FOB Gold™ Calibrator 2x2 mL
Lyophilized calibrator of human hemoglobin, stable after reconstitution 8 hours at 2-8 °C
or 60 days at -20 °C - To be used with the product REF 11560.
Diagnostic Systems SENT iFOB™ SYSTEM
Ref. Product Kit size
11570 FOB Gold™ Control 2x (2x2) mL
Lyophilized control set (2 levels) of human hemoglobin - Stable after reconstitution 8 hours
at 2-8 °C or 60 days at -20 °C - To be used with the product REF 11560.
SD8005 Reagent Rack 1 pcs
SD8003 Sample Tube Rack 1 pcs
SD8006 A4 Printer paper 5x500 pcs
SD8002 Concentrated System Liquid 1000 mL
SD8001 Concentrated Washing Solution 100 mL
11561P FOB Gold™ Pack 500 pcs
500 plastic patient envelopes for the FOB Gold™ collection tube - 500 Italian/English IFU
to be given out to the patient.
SD8007 Printer cartridge C703 1 pcs
SD8000 Reaction Rotors 10x120 pcs
SD6007 Sample cups - 3 mL 6000 pcs
SR8003 Lamp 1 pcs
SR8002 Probe 1 pcs
Diagnostic Systems SENT iFOB™ SYSTEM
570000 Biolis 24i ISE
571000 Biolis 24i
Discrete, random access Clinical Chemistry automatic analyzer for end-point, fixed-time,
kinetic and homogeneous immuno-assay determinations - 55 sampes/tray, various size
sample primary tubes and cups - Reusable plastic reaction cuvettes with automatic
washing system - 36 positions reagent tray - Sample ID and reagent bar codes - Westgard
multi-rule Quality Control - Windows user interface - Bi-directional host communication
(ASTM) - Throughput 240 tests/hr (400 tests/hr with ISE) - System supplied with Computer,
Monitor and Printer.
580002 Computer for Analyzer Unit 1 pcs
580003 Monitor for Analyzer Unit 1 pcs
580004 Printer for Analyzer Unit 1 pcs
SC6017 ALP Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
Kinetic method according to DGKC
SC6005 ALT UV Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
IFCC Optimized method
SC6004 AST UV Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
IFCC Optimized method
SC6018 Amylase Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
Protected pNP-G7 colorimetric method according to IFCC recommendations
SC6011 Bilirubin Direct Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL 432
Colorimetric Malloy Method
SC6010 Bilirubin Total Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 432
Colorimetric Malloy Method
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Diagnostic Systems SENT iLAB SYSTEM
The following reagents and kits are for dedicated use on the Biolis 24i
and Prestige 24i analyzers.
For calibrators and controls refer to page 31.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
SC6012 Calcium Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
Direct colorimetric method CPC (Cresolphtalein complexone)
SC6019 Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 6x25; 6x9 mL 582
Direct method ( “elimination technique") in homogeneous phase without precipitation
SC6020 Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 3x25; 3x9 mL 291
Direct method ( “elimination technique") in homogeneous phase without precipitation
SC6006 Cholesterol Liquid 10x25 mL 920
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder Method
SC6021 Cholinesterase Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL 456
Kinetic colorimetric optimized method according to DGKC recommendations
SC6014 CK-NAC Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL 432
Kinetic method according to IFCC (with starter)
SC6002 Creatinine Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
Kinetic method alkaline picrate (Jaffè mod.)
SC6022 Dibucaine CHE Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL 456
Kinetic colorimetric method for the determination of the Dibucaine number (DN)
SC6009 Gamma GT Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
Kinetic colorimetric according to Szasz mod./IFCC mod. method
SC6001 Glucose Liquid 10x25 mL 920
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method
SC6015 Iron Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 912
Direct colorimetric Ferene method without deproteinization
SC6016 LDH Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL 432
Kinetic method according to DGKC
SC6028 Lipase Color Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL 328
Colorimetric direct method with long chain substrate (dilauryl-glycerolglutaric-methylresorufine
Diagnostic Systems SENT iLAB SYSTEM
SC6007 Total Proteins 10x25 mL 920
Direct colorimetric Biuret method
SC6008 Triglycerides Liquid 10x25 mL 770
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder Method (TOOS)
SC6003 Urea Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL 864
Kinetic UV method Ureasi-GLDH
SC6013 Uric Acid Liquid 10x25 mL 920
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method (TOOS)
SC6025 ASO Latex Autom 3x9; 3x12 mL 186
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Anti-streptolysin O
SC6026 CRP Ultra 3x13; 3x13 mL 225
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of CRP
SC6027 RF Latex Autom 3x25; 3x9 mL 276
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Rheumathoid Factor (RF)
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Diagnostic Systems SENT iLAB SYSTEM
Note: other applications for the SENT iLAB System are available
(please refer to pag. 12-13).
Ref. Product Kit size
ISE Module
570135 ISE Module with accessories 1 pcs
SD7011 Calibrator 1 1x420 mL
SD7012 Calibrator 2 2x20 mL
SD7013 Cleaning Solution 1x25 mL
SD7016 Dialysis Liquid Calibrator 1x20 pcs
SD7009 Electrode Cl 1 pcs
SD7010 Electrode K 1 pcs
SD7008 Electrode Na 1 pcs
SD7017 Pinch Tube ISE 1x2 pcs
SD7018 Pinch Valve Tube ISE 1x2 pcs
SD7007 Reference Electrode 1 pcs
SD7014 Urine Calibrator 1 e 2 10x2 pcs
SD7015 Urine Diluent 1x500 mL
570133 Reagent Cover Tray 1 pcs
570134 Reagent Tray 36 1 pcs
570132 Sample Cover 1 Nr
570124 Sample Tray 3 1 pcs
570125 Sample Tray 4 1 pcs
Diagnostic Systems SENT iLAB SYSTEM
Ref. Product Kit size
570126 Sample Tray 5 1 pcs
570127 Sample Tray 6 1 pcs
570128 Sample Tray 7 1 pcs
570129 Sample Tray 8 1 pcs
570130 Sample Tray 9 1 pcs
570131 Sample Tray 10 1 pcs
SD7022 Acid solution (conc) 5x500 mL
SD7021 Alkaline solution (conc) 5x500 mL
SD7006 Bottle caps 20 pcs
S00088 Printing paper 1x5 pcs
SD7003 Reaction cuvettes 60 pcs
SD7005 Reagent bottle 13 mL + cap 20 pcs
SD7004 Reagent bottle 25 mL + cap 20 pcs
SD7019 Reagent bottle 43 mL + cap 20 pcs
SD7029 Reagent bottle kit 3x43 mL; 7x25 mL; 7x13 mL 17 pcs
SD6007 Sample cups - 3 mL 6000 pcs
SD7020 Lamp 1 pcs
SD7002 Reagent probe 1 pcs
SD7001 Sample probe 1 pcs
Diagnostic Systems SENT iLAB SYSTEM
Diagnostic Systems automation SENT iLAB SYSTEM
Ref. Product N° of Tests
11003D Albumin 162
17600 Albumin liquid 1667
SC6017 ALP Liquid 864
11135D alpha1- Acid Glycoprotein 164
11012N alpha1- Antitrypsin 164
SC6005 ALT UV Liquid 864
SC6018 Amylase Liquid 864
SC6025 ASO Latex Autom 186
SC6004 AST UV Liquid 864
17002B Bile acids TBA 166
SC6011 Bilirubin Direct Liquid 432
SC6010 Bilirubin Total Liquid 432
11060D C3 164
11062D C4 164
SC6012 Calcium Liquid 864
SC6019 Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 582
SC6020 Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 291
SC6006 Cholesterol Liquid 920
SC6021 Cholinesterase Liquid 456
17649 CK-MB Liquid 308
SC6014 CK-NAC Liquid 432
SC6002 Creatinine Liquid 864
SC6026 CRP Ultra 225
SC6022 Dibucain CHE Liquid 456
11560 FOB Gold™ 144
17350 Fructosamine 170
SC6009 Gamma GT Liquid 864
SC6001 Glucose Liquid 920
11050D Haptoglobin 164
17415A Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex 118
11100D IgA 164
11102D IgG 164
11106D IgM 164
SC6015 Iron Liquid 912
SC6016 LDH Liquid 432
Application list for Biolis 24i and Prestige 24i
The codes SCxxxx indicate kits for use on Biolis 24i analyzer in dedicated vials and barcoded labels. For all the other codes,
the reagents must be filled into dedicated vials.
Diagnostic Systems automation SENT iLAB SYSTEM
Ref. Product N° of Tests
SC6028 Lipase Color Liquid 328
11504D Lp(a) ultra 92
17637 Magnesium Liquid 704
17182 Phosphorus enzymatic 148
SC6027 RF Latex Autom 276
SC6007 Total Proteins 920
11130D Transferrin 164
SC6008 Triglycerides Liquid 770
SC6003 Urea Liquid 864
SC6013 Uric Acid Liquid 920
17275 Urine Proteins 592
Calibrators and Controls
NOTE: please refer to page 31.
Diagnostic Systems SENT iCLOT SYSTEM
55051 SENT i CLOT 50 # 1 pcs
Turbodensitometric analyser for the automatic coagulation test of PT, APTT, Fibrinogen
and TT - Automatic calibration and dilution for PT and Fibrinogen - 32 positions for samples
and reaction cuvettes - 6 positions reagent vials compartment - Throughput 50 PT,
25 APTT and 50 Fibrinogen.
SR1020 HEMOPLASTIN SP 6x4 mL 120
Prothrombin Time (PT) determination reagent is sensitive to phase II and III factors (VII,
II, V, X, I) - For manual and automatic analyzers - Used for monitoring the oral anticoagulant
therapy from dicumarols through the inhibition of Vitamin K dependent factors to which
PT is sensitive (II, VII, X) - The kit contains lyophilized calcic thromboplastin obtained from
rabbit brain (ISI =1.1-1.3) - An accurate ISI value is assigned for each lot.
Control Plasma Normal (REF SR1100) and Abnormal (REF SR1200) are available separately.
SR1030 HEMOS PTT 3x10 mL 300
Determination of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), is sensitive to phase I
factors: (VIII, IX, XI, XII) - For manual and automatic analyzers - Used for heparin determination
in heparinic therapy monitoring, through the inhibition of activated forms of factors (XII,
XI, IX) - The kit contains liquid rabbit brain cephalin with Ellagic Acid as surface activator
- CaCl2 0.02M is included in the kit.
Control Plasma Normal (REF SR1100) and Abnormal (REF SR1200) are available separately.
SR1045 HEMOFIBRIN 5x2 mL 100
Fibrinogen determination assay - Determination of plasma coagulation time with Clauss
method - Used for fibrinogen functional anomalies diagnosis - For manual and automated
analyzers - The kit contains lyophilized bovine thrombin and lyophilized Normal Control
Plasma as calibrator and 125 mL Imidazole Buffer.
SR1100 HEMOTROL N 6x1 mL
Lyophilized human plasma with normal values for PT, APTT, Fibrinogen.
SR1200 HEMOTROL P 6x1 mL
Lyophilized human plasma with abnormal values for PT, APTT, Fibrinogen.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
KEY: # Available by 1st Quarter
Consumables and Accessories
SR0500 Reaction cuvettes with magnetic stirrer 800 pcs
SR0501 Reaction cuvettes 1000 pcs
SR0502 Sample cups 1000 pcs
SR0503 Magnetic stirrers 1000 pcs
SR0504 Printer paper roll 6 pcs
SR0505 Forceps 5 pcs
SR0600 Concentrated cleaning solution 6x100 mL
SR0601 Deproteinizant solution 11x25 mL
Diagnostic Systems SENT iCLOT SYSTEM
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
KEY: § To be discontinued
Acid Phosphatase
17617 Acid Phosphatase 6x20 mL 120
17304 Acid Phosphatase § 14x3 mL 42
(TOTAL AND PROSTATIC) Kinetic colorimetric method - Wavelength 405 nm - stable 7
days at 2-8 °C from the preparation date - Temp. 37 °C - Citrate buffer - Substrate
chromogen: alpha-naphtylphosphate-Fast Red TR salt - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/10 -
Kinetic reading - Lag phase 4 min - Reading time 2 min - Linearity 75 U/L.
17600 Albumin Liquid 6x90 mL 150
17261A Albumin Liquid § 4x250 mL 280
Bromcresol green method - Wavelength 625 nm - SINGLE LIQUID REAGENT- Ratio:
Sample/Reagent 1/175 - Immediate reading; color stable 1 hour - Linearity 7 g/dL - Human
based standard included in the kit.
17003 Aldolase 5x20 mL 40
Enzymatic UV method with TPI-GDH - Wavelength 340 nm - THREE REAGENTS with min
stability of 14 days from the preparation date - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2/
Reagent 3: 1/12.5/0.25/0.05 - Kinetic reading with reaction time 25 min - Linearity 30 U/L
- Sensitivity 1 U/L.
Alkaline Phosphatase
17308 ALP Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL 80
17618 ALP Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 200
DGKC optimized kinetic method - Wavelength 405 nm - Temperature 25-30-37 °C - DEA
buffer and starter PNPP Liquid - Kinetic reading - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Ratio:
Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/50/12.5 - Lag phase 1 min - Reading time 3 min - Linearity
700 U/L.
17660 Ammonia Ultra 3x20 mL 60
Enzymatic UV method (GLDH) - SINGLE LIQUID REAGENT - Wavelength 340 nm - Ratio:
Sample/Reagent 1/11 - Linearity 1700 µg/dL - Standard included in the kit - Three levels
Ammonia Controls (REF 16635) are available separately - The number of tests refers to
a R1 volume of 330 µL.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
For calibrators and controls refer to page 31.
The number of tests indicated in this catalogue is related to the reagent volumes
reported in the Instructions For Use (IFU) inside the kit.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
17632A Amylase Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL 80
17632 Amylase Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 200
Protected pNPG7 (EPS) colorimetric method according to IFCC recommendations -
Wavelength 405 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2:
1/25/6.25 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 1 min - Reading time 3 min - Linearity 1500 U/L.
17631 Pancreatic Amylase 2x40; 1x20 mL 80
Blocked pNPG7 (EPS) kinetic method according to IFCC recommendations - Inhibition
of salivary amylase with double monoclonal antibodies- Wavelength 405 nm - TWO LIQUID
REAGENTS - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/25/6.25 - the same R2 as in the
alpha Amylase Liquid kit is used - Kinetic reading - Reaction time 8 min - Linearity 1500
17238M ALT Microwell Autom 2x96 192
Enzymatic colorimetric test on microwell - to be used for the determination of ALT on
automatic EIA analyzers. - POX/POD/ESHPT method - End-point Wavelength 550 nm -
Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/5/5/2.5 - Reaction time 60 min - Linearity 300 U/L
- Good correlation with IFCC method - Lyophilized Calibrator (2x1 mL) included in the kit.
17234E ALT UV Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL 200
IFCC optimized UV method - Wavelength 340 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS with substrate
starter - Ratio: Sample/Reagent1 /Reagent 2: 1/10/1 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 1 min
- Reading time 3 min - Linearity 260 U/L.
Upon request: auxiliary reagent Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 40 tablets REF 16226, to conform
with IFCC recommendations. Each tablet must be dissolved in 50 mL of Reagent 1.
17613 ALT UV Liquid 6x80 ; 4x21 mL 480
IFCC optimized UV method - Wavelength 340 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS with substrate
starter - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10/1 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 1 min
- Reading time 3 min - Linearity 260 U/L. Volumes R1 and R2 are balanced for automatic
Upon request: auxiliary reagent Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 40 tablets REF 16226, to conform
with IFCC recommendations - Each tablet must be dissolved in 50 mL of Reagent 1.
17224E AST UV Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL 200
IFCC optimized UV method - Wavelength 340 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS with substrate
starter - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10/1 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 1 min
- Reading time 3 min - Linearity 200 U/L.
Upon request: auxiliary reagent Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 40 tablets REF 16226, to conform
with IFCC recommendations. Each tablet must be dissolved in 50 mL of Reagent 1.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
17612 AST UV Liquid 6x80; 4x21 mL 480
IFCC optimized UV method - Wavelength 340 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS with substrate
starter - Ratio Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10/1 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 1 min
- Reading time 3 min - Linearity 200 U/L. Volumes R1 and R2 are balanced for automatic
Upon request: auxiliary reagent Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 40 tablets REF 16226, to conform
with IFCC recommendations - Each tablet must be dissolved in 50 mL of Reagent 1.
16226 Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 40
Auxiliary reagent for ALT/AST method IFCC; each tablet must be dissolved in 50 mL of
Reagent 1- Ready for use with REF 17224E and REF 17234E.
17634 Bicarbonates Liquid 4x50 mL 200
Enzymatic UV method with PEPC-MDH and use of NADH analogues (US patent n. 5801006)
- Bicromatic measurement 405/505 mn - SINGLE LIQUID REAGENT - Ratio: Sample/Reagent
1/100 - End-Point reaction in 8 min - Linearity 50 mmol/L - Bicarbonates calibrator (REF
16634A) and Controls (REF 16634B and REF 16634C) available separately.
Bile Acids
17002B Bile Acids TBA 5x10; 1x13 mL 125
Enzymatic colorimetric method with NBT - Wavelength 546 nm - Minimum stability of
reagents 7 days after preparation - TWO REAGENTS (fixed time reaction in 5 min) - Ratio:
Sample/Solution R1/Reagent 2: 1/2/0.5 - Linearity 200 µmol/L - Calibrator included, Bile
Acids Controls (REF 16002A) available separately.
Bilirubin Direct
17643 Bilirubin Direct Liquid 4x45; 1x20 mL 120
17602N Bilirubin Direct Liquid § 6x90; 2x20 mL 360
Colorimetric Jendrassik and Grof method - Wavelength 570 nm - Two analytical procedures:
TWO REAGENTS with sample blank, n. tests (60-180) - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent
2: 1/15/0.5 and single reagent without sample blank n. tests (120-360) - Ratio: Sample/Reagent:
1/15 - Reaction time 2 min - Linearity 20 mg/dL.
Bilirubin Total
17642 Bilirubin Total Liquid 8x45; 1x20 mL 240
17603N Bilirubin Total Liquid § 6x90; 2x20 mL 360
Colorimetric Jendrassik and Grof method - Wavelength 570 nm - Two analytical procedures:
TWO REAGENTS with sample blank, n. tests (120-180) - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent
2: 1/15/0.5 and single reagent without sample blank, n. tests (240-360) Ratio: Sample/Reagent
1/15 - Reaction time 5 min - Linearity 30 mg/dL.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
KEY: § To be discontinued
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
17667 Calcium Liquid 5x50; 2x50 mL 250
Direct colorimetric method CPC (Cresolphtalein complexone) - Wavelength 570 nm - TWO
REAGENTS LIQUID READY TO USE - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/25/10 -
Reaction time 10 min at 37 °C - Linearity 20 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17170 Chlorides 2x100 mL 200
Direct colorimetric method according to Schoenfeld - Wavelength 480 nm - LIQUID SINGLE
REAGENT - Without sample blank - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction
5 min - color stable 120 min - Linearity 120 mEq/L - Standard included in the kit.
17644 Cholesterol Liquid 5x50 mL 250
17627 Cholesterol Liquid 6x90 mL 540
17627M Cholesterol Liquid § 4x250 mL 1000
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method - Wavelength 510 nm - SINGLE LIQUID REAGENT
- Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction 5 min - color stable 60 min - Linearity
700 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
Cholesterol HDL
17201P Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 1x60; 1x20 mL 200
17201R Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 6x90; 4x45 mL 1800
Direct method (“elimination technique”) in homogeneous phase - Without precipitation
(US Patent N° 6,479,249 B2) - Wavelength 600 nm - TWO REAGENTS - LIQUID, READY
TO USE - Improved performance - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Regent 2: 1/75/25 - Reaction
time 8 min - Linearity 200 mg/dL - Calibrator (REF 11202H, REF 16203S and REF 16550)
and Controls (REF 34Q021, REF 16150 and REF 16250) available separately.
Cholesterol LDL
17203D Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 1x30; 1x10 mL 100
17203E Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 1x60; 1x20 mL 200
Direct method ("elimination technique") in homogeneous phase without precipitation (US
Patent N° 6,194,164,B1) - Wavelength 600 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - READY TO
USE - Improved performance - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/75/25 - Reaction
time 10 min - Linearity 1000 mg/dL - Calibrator (REF 16203S or REF 16550) and Controls
(REF 34Q021, REF 16150 and REF 16250) available separately.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
KEY: § To be discontinued
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
17019A Cholinesterase Liquid 2x50; 1x20 mL 100
17606 Cholinesterase Liquid § 6x90; 6x20 mL 540
Kinetic-colorimetric optimized method according to DGKC recommendations - Substrate
Butyryltiocholine - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Wavelength 405 nm - Ratio: Sample/Reagent
1/Reagent 2: 1/50/10 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 90 sec - Reading time 90 sec - Linearity
25.000 U/L.- FDA 510 (K) number: K981800.
17296 CK-NAC Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 200
Kinetic method according to IFCC recommendations - Wavelength 340 nm - Temperature
37 °C - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS with substrate starter - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent
2: 1/20/5 at 37 °C - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 2 min - Reading time 3 min - Linearity
1000 U/L.
17649 CK-MB Liquid 2x44; 2x12 mL 110
Immunological test method for the determination of CK-MB sub-units by inhibitor antibodies
- Wavelength 340 nm - Temperature 37 °C TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Ratio: Sample/Reagent
1/ Reagent 2: 1/20/5 - Measuring range up to 1000 U/L – Calibrator (REF 16299C) and
Control (REF 16299S) available separately.
17106 Copper 5x10; 1x3 mL 50
17638 Copper 5x20; 1x21 mL 100
Direct colorimetric DiBr-PAESA method - Wavelength 582 nm - Without deproteinization
on serum and plasma - TWO REAGENTS stable 30 days at 2-8 °C after reconstitutions-
End-Point reaction in 5 min at 37 °C - Color stable 60 min - Ratio: Sample/Reagent
1/Reagent 2: 1/20/4 - Linearity 500 µg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17109 Copper Urine 4x3 mL 60
Direct colorimetric method DiBr-PAESA - Wavelength 582 nm - Without deproteinization
on urine - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 10/1/1 - End-Point reaction in 5 min at
room temperature.- Linearity 20 µg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
KEY: § To be discontinued
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
17654 Creatinine Enz Liquid 3x50; 3x18 mL 480
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method (SOX-POD-ESPMT) without deproteinization with
starter reagent - Wavelength 546 nm - Fixed time reaction: reaction time 5 min after starter
with blank sample subtraction - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/ Reagent 2: 1/45/15 - Linearity
50 mg/dL - The N° of Tests is referred to automatic analyzer Hitachi 911-912.
17654A Creatinine Enz Liquid # 4x50; 4x18 mL 940
The N° of Tests is referred to automatic analyzer Hitachi 917- Modular.
17609 Creatinine Liquid 3x90; 3x90 mL 540
Kinetic method with alkaline picrate (Jaffe' mod.) - Wavelength 510 nm - Without
deproteinization - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/5/5
- Fixed time reaction - Lag phase 60 sec - Reading time 1 min - Linearity 15 mg/dL -
Standard included in the kit.
17018 Dibucaine CHE Liquid 6x50 mL 300
Auxiliary reagent for the determination of the dibucaine number (DN); to be used with
Cholinesterase Liquid REF 17019A and REF 17606 - Stable 30 days at 2-8 °C - Reaction
time 3 min.
17350 Fructosamine 8x6 mL 48
Colorimetric method with NBT - SINGLE REAGENT stable 15 days after reconstitution -
Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/10 - Wavelength 550 nm - Fixed time reaction from 9 to 10 min
- Calibrator is included in the kit, Controls (REF 16352 and REF 16353) available separately.
Gamma - GT
17336 Gamma GT Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL 80
17335 Gamma GT Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 200
17335B Gamma GT Liquid § 8x90; 4x50 mL 720
Kinetic colorimetric according to Szaz mod/IFCC mod. method. - Buffer and substrate
liquid Carboxy-Glupa - Wavelength 405 nm - Temperature 25-30-37 °C - TWO LIQUID
REAGENTS - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10/2.5 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase
30-60 sec - Reading time 3 min - Linearity 600 U/L.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
KEY: § To be discontinued # Available by 1st Quarter
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
KEY: § To be discontinued
17630 Glucose Liquid 6x90 mL 540
17133 Glucose Liquid § 4x250 mL 1000
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method - Wavelength 500 nm - SINGLE LIQUID REAGENT
- Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction 10 min - Color stable 60 min - Linearity
400 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
17005 G6P-DH 100 mL 40
Enzymatic UV method with NADP on serum, plasma or erythrocytes - Wavelength 340
nm - THREE REAGENTS, stable at least 4 weeks after preparation - Kinetic reading - Lag
phase 0 sec - Reading 3 min - Linearity 50 U/L - Total reaction time 8 min (erythrocytes).
Recommended controls: (REF G5888 Control Deficit, REF G5029 Control Intermediate
and REF G6888 Control Normal) – Available through Trinity Biotech - Ireland.
WARNING: for reconstitution volume see Important Notice FA 0048.
17636 HBDH Liquid 2x50; 1x12 mL 66
α-hydroxybutirate deydrogenase DGKC optimized UV method - LIQUID REAGENTS -
Wavelength 340 nm - Temp. 30-37 °C - TWO REAGENTS - Ratio: Sample/Reagent
1/Reagent 2: 1/30/3 - Kinetic reading - Lag phase 60 sec. - Reading time 3 min - Linearity
500 U/L at 37 °C.
Hemoglobin A1c
17411B Hemoglobin A1c Column § 20
Method on mini chromatographic column - Not influenced by temperature in the range
of 21-26 °C (for temperatures of <21 °C or >26 °C use a correction factor) - The reagents
are ready to use, already dispensed in the column - Chromatographic elution time 60 min
- The kit does not require a Calibrator - HbA1c Control (REF 17412B) available separately.
17415A Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex 1x30; 1x9.5; 1x0.5 mL 120
Hemoglobin Direct immuno-turbidimetric latex determination - Wavelength 600 nm- TWO
REAGENTS: 1 month stability on board after R2 preparation - Ratio: Sample/Reagent
1/Reagent 2: 1/40/13.3 - Linearity 2 - 16% HbA1c - Calibrator (REF 17418) and Control
(REF 17419) available separately - N° of Tests is referred to automatic analyzer on Hitachi
17416 Hemolysis Reagent HbA1c 3x90 mL 1150
Auxiliary reagent to be used with the kit Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex (REF 17415A) for
sample hemolysis.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
17370A Homocysteine Assay 1x30; 1x4.7 mL 100
Enzymatic Homocysteine assay in serum and heparinised plasma using a new Liquid
Stable (LS) 2-part homocysteine reagent for quantitative determination - The concentration
of HCY in the sample is directly proportional to the conversion rate of NADH at 340 nm
TWO REAGENTS – Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1 / 15.1 / 1.5 – Linearity 1-
50 umol/L Sensitivity 1 umol/L - Calibrator included in the kit Controls (REF
FHCY200) available separately.
17648 Iron Liquid 4x45; 1x17 mL 90
Direct colorimetric Ferene method without deproteinization on Serum and Plasma - Ratio:
Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/5/0.25 - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Wavelength 590 nm
- Linearity 1000 µg/dL - End-Point reaction in 5 min at 37 °C - Sample blank required -
Standard included in the kit - Volumes R1 and R2 are balanced for automated analyzer.
17101G Iron Liquid 2x100; 1x10 mL 100
Manual, direct colorimetric Ferene method without deproteinization on Serum and Plasma
- Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/5/0.25 - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Wavelength
590 nm - Linearity 1000 µg/dL - End-Point reaction in 5 min at 37 °C - Sample blank
required - Standard included in the kit.
Iron Binding Capacity
17639 UIBC Liquid 2x40; 1x11 mL 80
Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity - Determination with direct Ferene method in homogeneous
phase with liquid reagents - Wavelength 590 nm - TWO REAGENTS - Reagents stable
60 days at 2-8 °C - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10/1 - Standard included in
the kit - Reaction time 10 min.
17285 Lactate Dry-Fast 5x10 mL 50
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method - Serum, Plasma or Liquor - Without sample blank
- Wavelength 550 nm - SINGLE REAGENT stable 30 days at 2-8 °C after reconstitution
- Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction 5 min - color stable 60 min - Linearity
150 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17294 LDH Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL 200
17615 LDH Liquid § 6x80; 3x21 mL 480
Optimized SFBC UV method (pyruvate-lactate) Wavelength 340 nm - TWO LIQUID
REAGENTS with substrate starter - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/50/5 - Kinetic
reading - Lag phase 60 sec - Reading time 3 min - Linearity 1200 U/L - Volumes R1 and
R2 are balanced for automated analyzer.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
KEY: § To be discontinued
17401B Lipase Color Liquid 4x10; 1x8 mL 40
17616 Lipase Color Liquid 4x50; 2x21 mL 200
Colorimetric direct method with long chain substrate (dilauryl-glyceroglutaric-methylresorufineester)
specific for lipase - Liquid emulsion - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS - Temperature 37 °C -
Wavelength 580 nm - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/100/20 - Kinetic reading -
Lag phase 1 min - Reading 2 min - Linearity 250 U/L (methylresorufine units) - Calibrator
included in the kit - FDA 510 (K) number: K961179.
17281 Magnesium Enzymatic UV § 5x20 mL 100
Enzymatic UV kinetic method - Measure of activation of Hexokinase in the reaction of
glucose phosphorilation - Wavelength 340 nm - TWO REAGENTS - stable 7 days at
2-8 °C after reconstitution - Temperature 37 °C - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2:
1/100/10 - Lag phase 2 min - Reading 2 min - Linearity 6 mg/dL - Calibrator available
separately (REF 16550).
17637 Magnesium Liquid 4x50 mL 200
Direct colorimetric method Xilidil Blue-1 - Wavelength 510 nm - LIQUID SINGLE REAGENT
- Without sample blank - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - Immediate reading - Color stable
30 min - Linearity 10 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17320 Phospholipids 5x10 mL 50
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method - Wavelength 520 nm - SINGLE REAGENT stable
15 days at 2-8 °C after reconstitution - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction
in 10 min - Color stable 30 min - Linearity 1000 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17619 Phosphorus 6x90 mL 540
Molybdenum blue direct method - Wavelength 650 nm - SINGLE REAGENT stable 60
days at 2-8 °C after reconstitutions - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/30 - End-Point reaction 3
min - color stable 60 min - Linearity 10 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17182 Phosphorus Enzymatic 5x10 mL 50
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method - Wavelength 520 nm - SINGLE REAGENT stable
15 days at 2-8 °C after reconstitution - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction
5 min - Color stable 30 min - Linearity 20 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
KEY: § To be discontinued
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
17620 Total Proteins 6x90 mL 540
17271 Total Proteins § 4x250 mL 1000
Direct colorimetric Biuret method - Wavelength 540 nm - LIQUID SINGLE REAGENT -
Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction 15 min - Color stable 60 min - Linearity
12 g/dL - Standard (6 g/dL) included in the kit.
17275 Urine Proteins 2x100 mL 200
Direct colorimetric method with Pyrogallol Red at high sensitivity - Wavelength 600 nm -
Without sample blank - SINGLE LIQUID REAGENT - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/20 - End-
point reaction 1 min - color stable 30 min - Linearity 100 mg/dL (Extended to 500 mg/dL
by using a Sample/Reagent Ratio: 1/100) - Sensitivity 2 mg/dL - 2 levels of human albumin
included in the kit to be used separately for high sensitivity or high linearity procedure.
Recommended controls: (REF 143131 CTRL1 Urine Chemistry and REF 143231 CTRL2
Urine Chemistry) - Quantimetrix Corp., CA - USA.
17624 Triglycerides Liquid 5x50 mL 250
17628 Triglycerides Liquid 6x90 mL 540
17625 Triglycerides Liquid § 4x250 mL 1000
Enzymatic colorimetric Trinder method (TOOS) - Wavelength 546 nm - SINGLE LIQUID
REAGENT - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/100 - End-Point reaction 5 min - color stable 30
min - Linearity 1000 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17629A Urea Liquid 2x50; 1x21 mL 100
17629 Urea Liquid 8x50; 3x21 mL 400
Kinetic UV method Urease-GLDH - Wavelength 340 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS -
Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/100/10 - Fixed time reading - Lag phase 30 sec
- Reading 30 sec. - Linearity 350 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit - Volumes R1 and
R2 are balanced for automated analyzer.
17629M Urea Liquid § 4x250; 2x100 mL 1000
Kinetic UV method Urease-GLDH - Wavelength 340 nm - TWO LIQUID REAGENTS -
Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/100/10 - Fixed time reading - Lag phase 30 sec.
- Reading 30 sec. - Linearity 350 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
KEY: § To be discontinued
Clinical Chemistry REAGENTS
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Uric Acid
17658 Uric Acid Liquid 5x50 mL 250
17626 Uric Acid Liquid 6x90 mL 540
17656 Uric Acid Liquid § 4x250 mL 1000
Enzymatic Trinder method (TOOS) on serum - Wavelength 546nm - SINGLE LIQUID
REAGENT - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/40 - End-Point reaction 5 min - Color stable 10 min
- Linearity 25 mg/dL - Standard included in the kit.
17255 Zinc 5x10; 1x5 mL 50
17640 Zinc 5x20; 1x11 mL 100
Direct colorimetric method with 5-Br-PAPS - Wavelength 560 nm - Without deproteinization
on Serum, Plasma and Seminal fluid - TWO REAGENTS: one liquid ready to use, the other
stable 10 days at 2-8 °C after reconstitution - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/20/2
- End-Point reaction 30 sec at 37 °C - Color stable 60 min - Linearity 2000 µg/dL - Standard
included in the kit.
KEY: § To be discontinued
Ref. Product Kit size
Clinical Chemistry CALIBRATORS
11202H Apo-A1/Apo-B/HDL Cal 3x2 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Stable 30 days at -20 °C or 7 days at 2-8 °C after
reconstitution - For Kits Apolipoprotein A-1 (REF 11040D), Apolipoprotein B (REF 11042D)
and Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG (REF 17201P, REF 17201R).
16550 Clin Chem Cal 4x3 mL
Lyophilized human based serum for the following calibration of clinical chemistry
16203S HDL/LDL Calibrator 2x1 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Stable 7 days at 2-8 °C after reconstitution or 30 days
at -20 °C; Calibration for the kits Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG (REF 17201P, REF 17201R),
Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG (REF 17203D, REF 17203E), Apolipoprotein A-1 Liquid
(REF 11040N) and Apolipoprotein B Liquid (REF 11042N).
Specific test
16634A Bicarbonates Calibrator 4x3 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Stable 60 days at -20 °C after reconstitution - Calibrator
for Bicarbonates Liquid (REF 17634).
16299C CK-MB Calibrator 2x1 mL
Lyophilized human based serum, stable 30 days at -20°C after reconstitution - Calibrator
for CK-MB Liquid (REF 17649).
11573 FOB Gold™ Calibrator 2x2 mL
Lyophilized calibrator of human hemoglobin, stable after reconstitution 8 hours at 2-8 °C
or 60 days at -20 °C - To be used with the product REF 11560.
17418 Hemoglobin A1c Cal Set (4 levels) 4x0.5 mL
Lyophilized calibrator set (4 levels) to be used with the kit Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex
(REF 17415A) - Approx. range from 5,3 to 14,5% HbA1c.
16401 Lipase Calibrator 4x1 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Substrate methylresorufine - Stable 7 days at 2-8 °C
after reconstitution - Calibrator for Lipase Color Liquid (REF 17401B, REF 17616).
Ref. Product Kit size
Clinical Chemistry CONTROLS
16150 Clin Chem Control 1 6x5 mL
16250 Clin Chem Control 2 6x5 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Value ranges normal (REF 16150) and abnormal
(REF 16250) for:..............................................................................................................
L, LDL-C, Li, LPS, Mg, Na, PHOS, PL, TG, TP, UA, UIBC, UREA, Zn.
34Q021 Lipids Control 3x2 mL
Lyophilized human based control serum - 3 levels with values for Cholesterol and Triglycerides
(enzymatic methods), Cholesterol HDL and LDL (direct methods), Apo A-1 and Apo B
(immunoturbidimetric methods) and Lp(a) (latex-enhanced method).
Specific test
16635 Ammonia Controls 3x (1x5) mL
3 level liquid controls, bovine albumin based - Stable 30 days after opening at 2-8 °C -
To be used with the product REF 17660.
16634B Bicarbonates Ctrl 1 4x3 mL
16634C Bicarbonates Ctrl 2 4x3 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Stable 60 days at -20 °C after reconstitution -
To be used with the product REF 17634.
16002A Bile Acids Controls (2 levels) 2x (2x3) mL
To be used with the product REF 17002B.
16299S CK-MB Control 2x1 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Stable 30 days at -20 °C after reconstitution -
To be used with the product (REF 17649).
11570 FOB Gold™ Control 2x (2x2) mL
Lyophilized control set (2 levels) of human hemoglobin - Stable after reconstitution 8 hours
at 2-8 °C or 60 days at -20 °C - To be used with the product REF 11560.
Ref. Product Kit size
Clinical Chemistry CONTROLS
16352 Fructosamine Ctrl 1 4x1 mL
16353 Fructosamine Ctrl 2 4x1 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Stable 30 days at 2-8 °C or 90 days at -20 °C after
reconstitution - To be used with the product REF 17350.
17412B Hb A1c Control - Column § 1x0.5 mL
Lyophilized human blood control with assigned values for HbA1c Column Kit (REF 17411B).
17419 Hemoglobin A1c Control Set (2 levels) 2x (2x0.5) mL
Lyophilized control set (2 levels) to be used with the kit Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex
(REF 17415A).
FHCY200 Homocysteine Control Kit 3x (1x1.5) mL
Homocysteine quality control material (3 levels) to be used with the product REF 17370A.
KEY: § To be discontinued
Clinical Chemistry automation REAGENTS - CALIBRATORS - CONTROLS
Ref. Product R1-R2 Tests on HITACHI 911-
912 N° of Tests
17617 Acid Phosphatase 6x20 mL 414
17600 Albumin Liquid 6x90 mL 1398
17618 ALP Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 792
17308 ALP Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL 301
17234E ALT UV Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL ° 478
17613 ALT UV Liquid 6x80; 4x21 mL ° 1910
17660 Ammonia Ultra 3x20 mL 173
17632 Amylase Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 776
17632A Amylase Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL 301
17224E AST UV Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL ° 478
17612 AST UV Liquid 6x80; 4x21 mL ° 1910
17002B Bile Acids TBA 5x10; 1x13 mL 137
17634 Bicarbonates Liquid 4x50 mL 596
17643 Bilirubin Direct Liquid 4x45; 1x20 mL 675
17602N Bilirubin Direct Liquid 6x90; 3x20 mL § 2046
17642 Bilirubin Total Liquid 8x45; 1x20 mL 1350
17603N Bilirubin Total Liquid 6x90; 3x20 mL § 2046
17667 Calcium Liquid 5x50; 2x50 mL 843
17201R Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 6x90; 4x45 mL 1962
17201P Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 1x60; 1x20 mL 212
17203D Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 1x30; 1x10 mL 77
17203E Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 1x60; 1x20 mL 163
17644 Cholesterol Liquid 5x50 mL 745
17627 Cholesterol Liquid 6x90 mL 1624
17019A Cholinesterase Liquid 2x50; 1x20 mL 381
17606 Cholinesterase Liquid 6x90; 6x20 mL § 2286
17649 CK-MB Liquid 2x44; 2x12 mL 350
17296 CK-NAC Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 776
17638 Copper 5x20; 1x21 mL 289
17654 Creatinine Enz Liquid 3x50; 3x18 mL 480
17609 Creatinine Liquid 3x90; 3x90 mL 1870
17018 Dibucaine CHE Liquid 6x50 mL 1321
11560 FOB Gold™ 1x20; 1x20 mL 133
17335 Gamma GT Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL 776
17336 Gamma GT Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL 301
17335B Gamma GT Liquid 8x90; 4x50 mL § 3105
17630 Glucose Liquid 6x90 mL 1624
17636 HBDH Liquid 2x50; 1x12 mL 263
17415A Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex 1x30; 1x9.5; 1x0.5 mL °° 120
17370A Homocysteine Assay 1x30; 1x4.7 mL 100
17648 Iron liquid 4x45; 1x17 mL 544
Reagents for Hitachi 911- 912
Every kit contains reagents in dedicated vials with barcoded labels for use on Hitachi 911 and 912 analyzers.
Applications for open channels are available on request.
Validated applications on Hitachi series and the most common analyzers are available on request.
Ref. Product Reagents Tests
Clinical Chemistry automation REAGENTS - CALIBRATORS - CONTROLS
Calibrators and Controls
Ref. Product mL Form
Calibrators Multiparametric 16550 Clin Chem Cal 4x3 Lyophilized
Multiparametric 11202H Apo-A1/Apo-B/HDL Cal 3x2 Lyophilized
Specific 16634A Bicarbonates Calibrator 4x3 Lyophilized
Specific 16299C CK-MB Calibrator 2x1 Lyophilized
Specific 11573 FOB Gold™ Calibrator 2x2 Lyophilized
Specific 17418 Hemoglobin A1c Cal Set 4x0.5 Lyophilized
Specific 16203S HDL/LDL Calibrator 2x1 Lyophilized
Specific 16401 Lipase Calibrator 4x1 Lyophilized
Controls Multiparametric 16150 Clin Chem Control 1 6x5 Lyophilized
Multiparametric 16250 Clin Chem Control 2 6x5 Lyophilized
Multiparametric 34Q021 Lipids Control 3x2 Lyophilized
Specific 16635 Ammonia Controls 3x5 Liquid
Specific 16634B Bicarbonates Ctrl 1 4x3 Lyophilized
Specific 16634C Bicarbonates Ctrl 2 4x3 Lyophilized
Specific 16002A Bile Acid Control 2x (2x3) Lyophilized
Specific 16299S CK-MB Control 2x1 Lyophilized
Specific 11570 FOB Gold™ Control 2x (2x2) Lyophilized
Specific 16352 Fructosamine Ctrl 1 4x1 Lyophilized
Specific 16353 Fructosamine Ctrl 2 4x1 Lyophilized
Specific FHCY200 Homocysteine Control Kit 3x (1x1.5) Liquid
Specific 17419 Hemoglobin A1c Control Set 2x (1x1) Lyophilized
Ref. Product R1-R2 Test on HITACHI 911-912
N° of Tests
17294 LDH Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL 561
17615 LDH Liquid 6x80; 3x21 mL § 1682
17616 Lipase Color Liquid 4x50; 2x21 mL 542
17637 Magnesium Liquid 4x50 mL 596
17631 Pancreatic Amylase 2x40; 1x20 mL 301
17619 Phosphorus 6x90 mL 1937
17620 Total Proteins 6x90 mL 1624
17628 Triglycerides Liquid 6x90 mL 1624
17624 Triglycerides Liquid 5x50 mL 745
17639 UIBC liquid 2x40; 1x11 mL 239
17629 Urea Liquid 8x50; 3x21 mL 1217
17629A Urea Liquid 2x50; 1x21 mL 304
17658 Uric Acid Liquid 5x50 mL 889
17626 Uric Acid Liquid 6x90 mL 1937
17640 Zinc 5x20; 1x11 mL 239
NOTE: ° auxiliary reagent Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) REF 16226 to conform with IFCC recommendations
°° auxiliary reagent Hemolysis Reagent HbA1c (REF 17416) for sample hemolysis
§ to be discontinued
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Clinical Chemistry FECAL OCCULT BLOOD
Automated FOB Test
11560 FOB Gold™ 1x20; 1x20 mL 160
Latex turbidimetric quantitative determination of human hemoglobin in feces - Liquid
reagents, ready to use: a buffer (R1) and a stable suspension of latex particles coated
with a specific polyclonal antibody (R2). The number of tests indicated refers to Hitachi
717 - Wavelength 570 nm - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10.4/10.4 - Fixed
Time reaction - Total reading time: 8 min - Measuring range: 15-1000 ng/mL.
11561 FOB Gold™ tube 100
Collection tube for feces sampling to be used as primary tube (13x100 mm) for automatic
11561N FOB Gold™ tube NG 100
Collection tube for feces sampling to be used as primary tube (13x100 mm - guarantee
seal) for automatic analyzers.
Automated FOB Calibrator
11573 FOB Gold™ Calibrator 2x2 mL
Lyophilized calibrator of human hemoglobin, stable after reconstitution 8 hours at 2-8 °C
or 60 days at -20 °C - To be used with the product REF 11560.
Automated FOB Control
11570 FOB Gold™ Control 2x (2x2) mL
Lyophilized control set (2 levels) of human hemoglobin - Stable after reconstitution 8
hours at 2-8 °C or 60 days at -20 °C - To be used with the product REF 11560.
FOB rapid test
14800 Easy-Card Occult Blood 25
Rapid "one step" immunochromatographic method on membrane - Combination of
monoclonal/polyclonal antibodies anti-human hemoglobin - Internal control system - No
meat free diet required - Kit contains a practical and hygienic sample collection system:
short extraction tube with applicator stick for sample collection - Easy test procedure:
dispense 4 drops of buffer/sample in the device well - Wait 5 min before reading - Sensitivity
200 ng/mL.
Auxiliary Automated FOB Test
11561P FOB Gold™ Pack 500 pcs
500 plastic patient envelopes for the FOB Gold™ collection tube (REF 11561) to be given
out to the patient.
FOB rapid test single component
14805 FOB Cards 400
The kit contains 400 membrane devices (cassettes) of the Occult blood test.
14804F FOB Collection Long Tube 400
The kit contains 400 vials (LONG TUBE) with extraction buffer for sample collection.
11003D Albumin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of human Albumin - The kit contains specific anti
Albumin polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer
(2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Urine or diluted serum sample/Reagent
A/Solution BC 1/18/2 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrators (serum: REF 11200D; REF
11206D and urine: REF 11207A) and the Controls (serum: REF 11210; REF 11212, REF
11211A 2 levels and urine: REF 125001** Microalbumin 2 level Set) are available separately
- Measuring range: Serum 700-14000 mg/dL, Urine 20-520 mg/dL.
**REF 125001 Microalbumin Control 2 level Set : Urine based - 2 levels with values for
microalbumin in urine - Manufactured by Quantimetrix Corp., CA - USA (available directly
or from the local authorized distributor).
11135D alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein - The kit contains
specific anti alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent
buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio:
Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/18/2 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF
11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A 2 levels)
are available separately - Measuring range: 20-600 mg/dL.
11012N alpha 1-Antitrypsin (2x50; 1x8) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of human alpha 1-Antitripsin - The kit contains
specific anti-alpha 1-antitripsine polyclonal antiserum (1x8 mL) liquid ready to use, reaction
buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Reagent
B 1/45/5 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the
Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately -
Measuring range: 45-900 mg/dL.
11018D alpha 2-Macroglobulin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of alpha 2-Macroglobulin - The kit contains specific
anti alpha 2-Macroglobulin polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10
mL), reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent
A/Solution BC 1/9/1 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D)
and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately
- Measuring range: 70-1500 mg/dL.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
For calibrators and controls refer to page 44.
The number of tests indicated in this catalogue is related to the reagent volumes
reported in the Instructions For Use (IFU) inside the kit.
- Immuno-turbidimetric determination - Wavelength 340 nm - Each kit contains a
reaction buffer (2x50 mL), a specific polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL) and an
antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL).
For the kits Kappa light chains (Ref. 11004D), Lambda light chains (Ref. 11005D),
alpha 1-Antitrypsin (Ref. 11012N), Ceruloplasmin (Ref. 11065N), Apolipoprotein
A-1 Liquid (Ref. 11040N), Apolipoprotein B Liquid (Ref. 11042N) the antiserum is
supplied ready to use.
The size of each kit reported below refers to the total volume (e.g. 108 mL),
which is calculated by adding the total volume of the buffers (e.g. 2x50 mL)
to that of the antiserum (e.g. 2x4 mL).
- An empty 20 mL vial is supplied in the kit for the preparation of the reaction
antiserum and like the 50 ml vials, they can be used directly on Hitachi 704,
717, 911- 912 and other compatible analyzers.
- Applications for the most commonly used automated analyzers are available
upon request.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
11030D Antithrombin III (2x50; 2x3) 106 mL 60
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of human Antithrombin III - The kit contains specific
anti Antithrombin III polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL),
reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent
A/Solution BC 1/9/1 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D)
and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately
- Measuring range: 5 -120 mg/dL.
11040D Apolipoprotein A-1 § (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Apolipoprotein A-1 - The kit contains specific anti
Apolipoprotein A-1 polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL),
reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil. Sample/Reagent
A/Solution BC 1/45/5 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11202H) and the Controls
(REF 34Q021) are available separately - Measuring range: 30-270 mg/dL.
11040N Apolipoprotein A-1 Liquid ## (1x55; 1x12) 67 mL 195
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Apolipoprotein A-1 in serum or plasma -
The kit contains specific anti human Apolipoprotein A-1 polyclonal antiserum (1x12 mL)
and reaction buffer in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil. Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent
2: 1/50/8 - Wavelength 340 nm - Calibrator (REF 16203S) and Controls (REF 34Q021) are
available separately - Measuring range: 30-270 mg/dL - The N° of test is referred to
automatic analyzer Hitachi 917- Modular.
11042D Apolipoprotein B § (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Apolipoprotein B - The kit contains specific anti
Apolipoprotein B polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL),
reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent
A/Solution BC 1/9/1 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11202H) and the Control
(REF 34Q021) are available separately - Measuring range: 40-800 mg/dL.
11042N Apolipoprotein B Liquid ## (1x63; 1x8) 71 mL 190
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Apolipoprotein B in serum or plasma - The kit
contains specific anti human Apolipoprotein B polyclonal antiserum (1x8 mL) and reaction
buffer in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil. Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/50/5
- Wavelength 340 nm - Calibrator (REF 16203S) and Controls (REF 34Q021) are available
separately - Measuring range: 40-800 mg/dL - The of test is referred to automatic
analyzer Hitachi 917-Modular.
11052D C1 Esterase Inhibitor (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of C1 Esterase Inhibitor - The kit contains specific
anti C1 Esterase Inhibitor polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10
mL), reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent
A/Solution BC 1/18/2 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D)
and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately
- Measuring range: 5-120 mg/dL.
11060D C3 (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of C3 factor - The kit contains specific anti C3
polyclonal antiserum (2x1mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50
mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/9/1 -
Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
20-500 mg/dL.
11062D C4 (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of C4 factor - The kit contains specific anti C4
polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50
mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/4.5/0.5
- Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
5-200 mg/dL.
KEY: § To be discontinued # Available by 2nd Quarter
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
11065N Ceruloplasmin (2x50; 1x8) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Ceruloplasmin - The kit contains specific anti
Ceruloplasmin polyclonal antiserum (1x8 mL) liquid ready to use, reaction buffer (2x50
mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Sample/Reagent A/Reagent B 1/100/12.5
- Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
5-90 mg/dL.
11050D Haptoglobin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Haptoglobin - The kit contains specific anti
Haptoglobin polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction
buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution
BC 1/18/2 - Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrators (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the
Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately -
Measuring range: 35-700 mg/dL.
11100D IgA (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of human IgA - The kit contains specific anti IgA
polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50
mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/18/2
- Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
20-1600 mg/dL.
11102D IgG (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of IgG - The kit contains specific anti IgG polyclonal
antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in
dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/45/5 -
Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
200-7000 mg/dL.
11106D IgM (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of IgM - The kit contains specific anti IgM polyclonal
antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50 mL) in
dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/4.5/0.5 -
Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
20-700 mg/dL.
11004D Kappa light chains (2x50; 2x10) 120 mL 130
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Kappa light chains - The kit contains: reaction
buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation and a specific anti Kappa light chains
polyclonal antiserum (2x10 mL) - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Reagent B 1/35/7.5 -
Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
70-1600 mg/dL.
11005D Lambda light chains (2x50; 2x10) 120 mL 130
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Lambda light chains - The kit contains: reaction
buffer (2x50 mL) in dedicated vials for automation and specific anti Lambda light chains
polyclonal antiserum (2x10 mL) - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Reagent B 1/23.3/5 -
Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
40-1000 mg/dL.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
11110D Prealbumin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Prealbumin - The kit contains specific anti Prealbumin
polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50
mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/18/2
- Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls
(REF 11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring
range: 9-180 mg/dL.
11130D Transferrin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Transferrin - The kit contains specific anti Transferrin
polyclonal antiserum (2x1 mL), antiserum diluent buffer (1x10 mL), reaction buffer (2x50
mL) in dedicated vials for automation - Ratio: Dil.Sample/Reagent A/Solution BC 1/45/5
- Wavelength 340 nm - The Calibrator ((REF 11200D; REF 11206D) and the Controls (REF
11210; REF 11212 or REF 11211A, 2 levels) are available separately - Measuring range:
100-1800 mg/dL.
Latex Turbidimetry
11501D ASO Latex Autom 2x15; 2x20 mL 80
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Anti-streptolysin O in serum or plasma - The kit
contains specific streptolysin O antigen - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/23.3/40
- Wavelength 570 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11520D) and the Controls (REF 11210; REF
11212; REF 11211A) are available separately - Measuring range: 20-1200 IU/mL.
11502D CRP Latex Autom 2x20; 2x20 mL 110
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of CRP in serum or plasma - The kit contains specific
anti CRP - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/70/70 - Wavelength 570 nm - The
Calibrator (REF 11521D) and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212, REF 11211A) are
available separately - Measuring range: 0.08 -18 mg/dL.
11508 CRP Ultra 2x20; 2x20 mL 100
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of CRP in serum or plasma - The kit contains specific
anti CRP - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/50/50 e 1/25/25 (Ultra) - Wavelength 570
nm - It is possible to work using either a Standard Method with the CRP Calibrator Set (REF
11532), measuring range: 0.01-32 mg/dL or a Ultrasensitive Method adding the CRP
Calibrator US (REF 11533) to the Calibration Set, measuring range: 0.005-16 mg/dL.
The Calibrators (REF 11532; REF 11533) and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212; REF
11211A, 2 levels; REF 11540) are available separately.
11506D RF Latex Autom § 2x20; 1x14 mL 66
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) in serum or plasma - The
kit contains human IgG - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/30/10 - Wavelength 660
nm - The Calibrator (REF 11523D) and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212; REF 11211A)
are available separately - Measuring range: 4 - 120 IU/mL.
11506H RF Latex Autom NG ## 1x42; 1x16 mL 200
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) in serum or plasma -
The kit contains human IgG - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/30/10 - Wavelength
570 nm - The Calibrator (REF 11523D) and the Controls ( REF 11210; REF 11212; REF
11211A ) are available separately - Measuring range: 4-120 IU/mL - The of test is
referred to automatic analyzer Hitachi 917-Modular.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
For calibrators and controls refer to page 44.
The number of tests indicated in this catalogue is related to the reagent volumes
reported in the Instructions For Use (IFU) inside the kit.
Latex: Quantitative immuno-turbidimetric assays - Each product contains a buffer
(R1) and a suspension of latex particles coated with a specific antibody (R2) -
Applications on most common automatic analyzers are available upon request -
Sample dilution is not required
KEY: § To be discontinued ## Available by 2nd Quarter
Latex Turbidimetry
11505H Beta-2 Micro Latex CN # 2x20; 2x10 mL 194
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Beta-2-microglobulin in serum, plasma or urine -
The kit contains specific anti BMG - Plasma-serum, Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent
2: 2/180/80 - Urine, Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 9/135/60 - Wavelenght 570 nm
- The Calibrator (REF 11524H) and the Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212; REF 11211A )
are available separately - Measuring range: 0.2-80 mg/L (Serum) - Measuring range: 30-
8000 µg/L (Urine) - The N° of test is referred to automatic analyzer Hitachi 917-Modular.
Note: REAGENT 1 and REAGENT 2 are filled in a universal trapezoidal vial.
11510A Cystatin C ## 1x46; 1x13 mL 250
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Cystatin C in serum or plasma - The kit contains
specific anti human Cystatin C - Wavelength 540 nm - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/
Reagent 2: 1/75/17 - Calibrator (REF 11527S) and Controls (REF 11527C) are available
separately - Measuring range from 0.05 to 8.00 mg/L - The of test is referred to automatic
analyzer Hitachi 917-Modular.
Note: REAGENT 1 and REAGENT 2 are filled in a universal trapezoidal vial.
11509A Ferritin Ultra CN 1x19; 1x10 mL 94
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Ferritin in serum or plasma - The kit contains
specific anti-Ferritin antibodies - Ratio Sample/Reagent 1/ Reagent 2: 1/20/10 - Wavelength
570 nm - Calibrator (REF 11525A) and Controls (REF 11210; REF 11212; REF 11211A)
are available separately - Measuring range from 4 to 1000 ng/mL - The N° of tests is
referred to automatic analyzer Hitachi 911-912.
Note: REAGENT 1 and REAGENT 2 are filled in a universal trapezoidal vial.
11504D Lp(a) Ultra 1x18; 1x9 mL 30
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of Lp(a) in serum or plasma - The kit contains specific
anti Lp(a) - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/40/20 - Wavelength 700 nm - The
Calibrator (REF 11522D) and the Control (REF 34Q021) are available separately - Measuring
range: 3 -130 mg/dL.
Note: REAGENT 1 and REAGENT 2 are filled in a universal trapezoidal vial.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
For calibrators and controls refer to page 44.
The number of tests indicated in this catalogue is related to the reagent volumes
reported in the Instructions For Use (IFU) inside the kit.
Latex: Quantitative immuno-turbidimetric assays - Each product contains a buffer
(R1) and a suspension of latex particles coated with a specific antibody (R2) -
Applications on most common automatic analyzers are available upon request -
Sample dilution is not required.
KEY: # Available by 1st Quarter ## Available by 2nd Quarter
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
11507D Myo Latex Autom § 1x36; 1x20 mL 160
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of blood Myoglobin in serum or plasma - The kit
contains specific anti-myoglobin - Ratio: Sample/Reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/10/7.5 -
Wavelength 570 nm - Calibrator (REF 11526D) available separately - Measuring range:
3-560 ng/mL - The N° of test refers to automatic analyzer Hitachi 911-912.
Note: Barcode number, if printed on reagent labels, refers to the use of the product on
Advia Series Analyzers.....................................................................................................
REAGENT 1 and REAGENT 2 are filled in Advia vials.
11507H Myo Latex Autom CN ## 1x20; 1x7 mL 97
Immuno-turbidimetric determination of blood Myoglobin in serum or plasma - The kit
contains specific anti human Myoglobin - Ratio: Sample/reagent 1/Reagent 2: 1/30/10 -
Wavelength 570 nm - Calibrator (REF 11526D) available separately - Measuring range:
3-560ng/mL - The N° of test refers to automatic analyzer Hitachi 917-Modular.
Note: Barcode number, if printed on reagent labels, refers to the use of the product on
Advia Series Analyzers.....................................................................................................
REAGENT 1 and REAGENT 2 are filled in Advia/Hitachi 917-Modular vials.
KEY: § To be discontinued ## Available by 2nd Quarter
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Multiparameter Plasmaproteins
11200D Plasmaproteins Cal 3x1 mL
Liquid calibrator for plasmaproteins AAT, AGP, A2M, ALB, AT3, C1, CER, C3, C4, HPT,
IgA, IgG, IgM, Kappa, Lambda, PAL, TRF determination with sample dilution procedure.
11206D Plasmaproteins Cal 3x 4x1 mL
Liquid concentrated calibrator to be used on the instruments that work without sample
dilution procedure for plasmaproteins AAT, AGP, A2M, ALB, AT3, C1, CER, C3, C4, HPT,
IgA, IgG, IgM, Kappa, Lambda, PAL, TRF determination.
Multiparameter Lipoproteins
11202H Apo-A1/Apo-B/HDL Cal 3x2 mL
Lyophilized human based serum - Stable 30 days at -20 °C or 7 days at 2-8 °C after
reconstitution - For Kits Apolipoprotein A-1 (REF 11040D), Apolipoprotein B (REF 11042D)
and Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG (REF 17201P and REF 17201R).
Specific test
11520D ASO Calibrator 1x5 mL
Concentration: 500 UI/mL - To be used with the product REF 11501D.
11524H Beta-2 Micro Cal Set (4 levels) # 4x (1x2) mL
Calibrator concentrations: 1.5 - 10 - 50 - 80 mg/dL - To be used with the product REF 11505H
for serum, plasma and urine.
11521D CRP Calibrator 1x5 mL
Concentration: 5 mg/dL - To be used with the product REF 11502D.
11532 CRP Calibrator Set 7x2 mL
Calibrator concentrations: 0.5-1.0-2.0-4.0-8.0-16.0-32.0 mg/dL - To be used with the
product REF 11508.
11533 CRP Calibrator US 1x2 mL
Concentration: 0.25 mg/dL - To be used in combination with CRP Calibrator Set REF
11532 for Ultrasensitive CRP method REF 11508.
KEY: # Available by 1st Quarter
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
11527S Cystatin C Calibrator ## 1x1 mL
Human based liquid calibrator - Calibrator concentration: from 7 to 9 mg/L - To be used
with REF 11510A - In house standardisation against highly purified material.
11525A Ferritin Cal Set 4x2 mL
Calibrator set concentration: 100-200-500-1000 ng/mL - To be used with the product
REF 11509A.
11522D Lp(a) Cal Set 5x1 mL
Calibrator set ( 5 levels) approx.range 5-100 mg/dL - To be used with the product REF
11207A Microalbumin Cal Urine (4x1 mL) 4x1 mL
Calibrator concentration: about 100 mg/dL - To be used with the product REF 11003D.
11526D Myo Cal Set 4x1 mL
Calibrator set concentration: 70/140/280/560 ng/mL - To be used with the product REF
11507D and REF 11507H.
11523D RF Cal Set 5x1 mL
Calibrator set concentration: 10/20/40/80/120 IU/mL - To be used with the product REF
11506D and REF 11506H.
KEY: ## Available by 2nd Quarter
Immunology CONTROLS
Turbidimetry and Latex Turbidimetry
11540 CRP Control US 3x2 mL
Liquid control serum at very low CRP concentration - To be used with the product REF
11527C Cystatin C Control Set ## 2x (1x1) mL
Human based liquid control (2 levels) to be used to verify Cystatin C REF 11510A test
performances - Concentrations assigned under standardized conditions.
11210 Immuno Control 1 1x5 mL
11212 Immuno Control 2 1x5 mL
11211A Immuno Control Set (2 levels) 2x (2x1) mL
Liquid, ready to use - Values in normal and abnormal range for: alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein;
alpha 1-Antitrypsin; alpha 2-Macroglobulin; beta 2-Microglobulin; Albumin; Anti-streptolysin
O; Antithrombin III; C1 Esterase Inhibitor; Ceruloplasmin; C-Reactive Protein; C3; C4;
Ferritin; Haptoglobin; IgA; IgG; IgM; Kappa light chains; Lambda light chains; Prealbumin;
Rheumatoid Factor; Transferrin.
34Q021 Lipids Control 3x2 mL
Lyophilized human based control serum - 3 levels with values for Cholesterol and Triglycerides
(enzymatic methods), Cholesterol HDL and LDL (direct methods), Apo A-1 and Apo B
(immunoturbidimetric methods) and Lp(a) (latex-enhanced method).
125001 Microalbumin Control 2 level Set 2x (5x7) mL
Prepared in urine - Two levels with values for microalbumin in urine
Manufactured by Quantimetrix Inc. USA
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
KEY: ## Available by 2nd Quarter
Reagents for Hitachi 911-912
Every kit contains reagents in dedicated vials for use on open channels of Hitachi 911 and 912 analyzers.
Validated applications on Hitachi series and the most common analyzers are available on request.
Ref. Product R1-R2-R3 N° Tests on
mL 911-912
11003D Albumin 2x50;2x4 191
11135D alpha1-Acid Glycoprotein 2x50;2x4 191
11012N alpha1-Antitrypsin 2x50;2x4 191
11018D alpha2-Macroglobulin 2x50;2x4 191
11030D Antithrombin III 2x50;2x3 191
11040D Apolipoprotein A-1 2x50;2x4 § 191
11040N Apolipoprotein A-1 Liquid 1x55;1x12 -
11042D Apolipoprotein B 2x50;2x4 § 191
11042N Apolipoprotein B Liquid 1x63;1x8 -
11501D ASO Latex Autom 2x15;2x20 199
11505H Beta 2-Micro Latex CN 2x20;2x10 -
11052D C1 Esterase Inhibitor 2x50;2x4 191
11060D C3 2x50;2x4 191
11062D C4 2x50;2x4 191
11065N Ceruloplasmin 2x50;2x4 191
11502D CRP Latex Autom 2x20;2x20 170
11508 CRP Ultra 2x20;2x20 224
11510A Cystatin C 1x46;1x13 -
11509A Ferritin Ultra CN ° 1x19;1x10 94
11050D Haptoglobin 2x50;2x4 191
11100D IgA 2x50;2x4 191
11102D IgG 2x50;2x4 191
11106D IgM 2x50;2x4 191
11004D Kappa light chains 2x50;2x10 154
11005D Lambda light chains 2x50;2x10 179
11504D Lp(a) Ultra ° 1x18;1x9 68
11507D Myo Latex Autom ° 1x36;1x20 § 160
11507H Myo Latex Autom CN ° 1x20;1x7 -
11110D Prealbumin 2x50;2x4 191
11506D RF Latex Autom 2x20;1x14 § 136
11506H RF Latex Autom NG 1x42;1x16 -
11130D Transferrin 2x50;2x4 191
NOTE: °For more details about vials, please see pag. 33
§ To be discontinued
Immunology automation REAGENTS
Immunology automation CALIBRATORS - CONTROLS
Calibrators and Controls
Ref. Product mL Form
Calibrators Multiparametric 11200D Plasmaproteins Cal 3x1 Liquid
Multiparametric 11206D Plasmaproteins Cal 3x 4x1 Liquid
Multiparametric 11202H Apo-A1/Apo-B/HDL Cal 3x2 Lyophilized
Specific 11520D ASO Calibrator 1x5 Liquid
Specific 11524H Beta-2 Micro Cal Set (4 levels) 4x (1x2) Liquid
Specific 11521D CRP Calibrator 1x5 Liquid
Specific 11532 CRP Calibrator Set 7x2 Liquid
Specific 11533 CRP Calibrator US 1x2 Liquid
Specific 11527S Cystatin C Calibrator 1x1 Liquid
Specific 11525A Ferritin Cal Set 4x2 Liquid
Specific 11522D Lp(a) Cal Set 5x1 Lyophilized
Specific 11207A Microalbumin Cal Urine 4x1 Lyophilized
Specific 11526D Myo Cal Set 4x1 Lyophilized
Specific 11523D RF Cal Set 5x1 Liquid
Controls Multiparametric 11210 Immuno Control 1 1x5 Liquid
Multiparametric 11212 Immuno Control 2 1x5 Liquid
Multiparametric 11211A Immuno Control Set 2 lev. 2x (2x1) Liquid
Multiparametric 34Q021 Lipids Control 3x2 Lyophilized
Specific 11540 CRP Control US 3x2 Liquid
Specific 11527C Cystatin C Control Set 2x (1x1) Liquid
Specific 125001 Microalb. Control 2 lev. Set 2x (5x7) Liquid
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
Immunology RAPID TEST
Cardiac Markers
14710 Easy-Card CK-MB 20
Rapid "one-step" method on membrane for the screening of isoenzyme MB of Creatin
kinase (CK-MB) on serum - Simply dispense 5 drops of sample in the device well and
wait 15-20 minutes before reading - One colored band: negative result; two colored bands:
positive result - Cut-off 7 ng/mL
14711 Easy-Card Myoglobin 20
Rapid “one step” method on membrane for screening of myoglobin on serum, plasma
and whole blood - Only one liquid reagent in a dropper vial - Easy manual procedure:
dispense one drop of the sample (serum or plasma) or 2 drops (whole blood) and 5 drops
(6 drops for whole blood) of the diluent solution in the device well- Wait 5-10 minutes
before reading - One colored band: negative result;two colored bands: positive result -
Cut-off: 100 ng/mL.
14684A Easy-Card Troponin I 20
Rapid “one step” method on membrane for the screening of Troponin I in serum - No
liquid reagents required - Just dispense 6 drops of the sample (200 µl) in the device well
and wait 15-20 min before reading - One colored band: negative result; two colored bands:
positive result - Cut-off 1 ng/mL.
Ref. Product Kit size Tests
SR1020 HEMOPLASTIN SP 6x4 mL 120
Prothrombin Time (PT) determination reagent is sensitive to phase II and III factors (VII,
II, V, X, I) - For manual and automatic analyzers - Used for monitoring the oral anticoagulant
therapy from dicumarols through the inhibition of Vitamin K dependent factors to which
PT is sensitive (II, VII, X) - The kit contains lyophilized calcic thromboplastin obtained from
rabbit brain (ISI =1.1-1.3) - An accurate ISI value is assigned for each lot.
Control Plasma Normal (REF SR1100) and Abnormal (REF SR1200) are available separately.
SR1030 HEMOS PTT 3x10 mL 300
Determination of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), is sensitive to phase I
factors: (VIII, IX, XI, XII) - For manual and automatic analyzers - Used for heparin determination
in heparinic therapy monitoring, through the inhibition of activated forms of factors (XII,
XI, IX) - The kit contains liquid rabbit brain cephalin with Ellagic Acid as surface activator
- CaCl2 0.02M is included in the kit.
Control Plasma Normal (REF SR1100) and Abnormal (REF SR1200) are available separately.
SR1045 HEMOFIBRIN 5x2 mL 100
Fibrinogen determination assay - Determination of plasma coagulation time with Clauss
method - Used for fibrinogen functional anomalies diagnosis - For manual and automated
analyzers - The kit contains lyophilized bovine thrombin and lyophilized Normal Control
Plasma as calibrator and 125 mL Imidazole Buffer.
SR1100 HEMOTROL N 6x1 mL
Lyophilized human plasma with normal values for PT, APTT, Fibrinogen.
SR1200 HEMOTROL P 6x1 mL
Lyophilized human plasma with abnormal values for PT, APTT, Fibrinogen.
Automated system
for the detection
of fecal occult blood
Acid Phoshatase Acid Phosphatase 14x3 mL Colorimetric 17304 16
Acid Phosphatase 6x20 mL Colorimetric 17617 16-30
Albumin Albumin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11003D 12-33-43
Albumin Liquid 4x250 mL Colorimetric 17261A 16
Albumin Liquid 6x90 mL Colorimetric 17600 12-16-30
Microalbumin Cal Urine (4x1 mL) 4x1 mL Turbidimetry 11207A 41-44
Aldolase Aldolase 5x20 mL Colorimetric 17003 16
Alkaline Phoshatase ALP Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6017 7-12
ALP Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17308 16-30
ALP Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL Colorimetric 17618 16-30
Alpha I Antitrypsin alpha 1-Antitrypsin (2x50; 1x8) 108 mL Colorimetric 11012N 12-33-43
Alpha I Glycoprotein alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11135D 12-33-43
Alpha II Macroglobulin alpha 2-Macroglobulin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11018D 33-43
Ammonia Ammonia Controls 3x (1x5) mL Colorimetric 16635 28-31
Ammonia Ultra 3x20 mL Colorimetric 17660 16-30
Amylase Amylase Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6018 7-12
Amylase Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL Colorimetric 17632 17-30
Amylase Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17632A 17-30
Pancreatic Amylase 2x40; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17631 17-31
Antithrombin III Antithrombin III (2x50; 2x3) 106 mL Turbidimetry 11030D 34-43
Apolipoproteins Apolipoprotein A-1 (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11040D 34-43
Apolipoprotein A-1 Liquid (1x55; 1x12) 67 mL Turbidimetry 11040N 34-43
Apolipoprotein B (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11042D 34-43
Apolipoprotein B Liquid (1x63; 1x8) 71 mL Turbidimetry 11042N 34-43
ASO ASO Calibrator 1x5 mL Turbidimetry 11520D 40-44
ASO Latex Autom 3x9; 3x12 mL Turbidimetry SC6025 9-12
ASO Latex Autom 2x15; 2x20 mL Turbidimetry 11501D 37-43
AST/ALT ALT Microwell Autom 2x96 Colorimetric 17238M 17
ALT UV Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6005 7-12
ALT UV Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL Colorimetric 17234E 17-30
ALT UV Liquid 6x80 ; 4x21 mL Colorimetric 17613 17-30
AST UV Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6004 7-12
AST UV Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL Colorimetric 17224E 17-30
AST UV Liquid 6x80; 4x21 mL Colorimetric 17612 18-30
Beta-2 Micro Beta-2 Micro Cal Set (4 levels) 4x(1x2) mL Turbidimetry 11524H 40-44
Beta-2 Micro Latex CN 2x20; 2x10 mL Turbidimetry 11505H 38-43
Bicarbonates Bicarbonates Calibrator 4x3 mL Colorimetric 16634A 27-31
Bicarbonates Ctrl 1 4x3 mL Colorimetric 16634B 28-31
Bicarbonates Ctrl 2 4x3 mL Colorimetric 16634C 28-31
Bicarbonates Liquid 4x50 mL Colorimetric 17634 18-30
Bile Acids Bile Acids Controls (2 levels) 2x (2x3) mL Colorimetric 16002A 28-31
Bile Acids TBA 5x10; 1x13 mL Colorimetric 17002B 12-18-30
Analyte Index
Analyte Product Kit size Method Ref. Pag.
Analyte Index
Analyte Product Kit size Method Ref. Pag.
Bilirubin Bilirubin Direct Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6011 7-12
Bilirubin Direct Liquid 6x90; 2x20 mL Colorimetric 17602N 18-30
Bilirubin Direct Liquid 4x45; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17643 18-30
Bilirubin Total Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6010 7-12
Bilirubin Total Liquid 6x90; 2x20 mL Colorimetric 17603N 18-30
Bilirubin Total Liquid 8x45; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17642 18-30
C1 Esterase C1 Esterase Inhibitor (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11052D 34-43
C3 C3 (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11060D 12-34-43
C4 C4 (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11062D 12-34-43
Calcium Calcium Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6012 8-12
Calcium Liquid 5x50; 2x50 mL Colorimetric 17667 19-30
Ceruloplasmin Ceruloplasmin (2x50; 1x8) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11065N 35-43
Chlorides Chlorides 2x100 mL Colorimetric 17170 19
Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 6x25; 6x9 mL Colorimetric SC6019 8-12
Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 1x60; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17201P 19-30
Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 6x90; 4x45 mL Colorimetric 17201R 19-30
Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 3x25; 3x9 mL Colorimetric SC6020 8-12
Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 1x30; 1x10 mL Colorimetric 17203D 19-30
Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 1x60; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17203E 19-30
Cholesterol Total Cholesterol Liquid 10x25 mL Colorimetric SC6006 8-12
Cholesterol Liquid 6x90 mL Colorimetric 17627 19-30
Cholesterol Liquid 4x250 mL Colorimetric 17627M 19
Cholesterol Liquid 5x50 mL Colorimetric 17644 19-30
Cholinesterase Cholinesterase Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6021 8-12
Cholinesterase Liquid 2x50; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17019A 20-30
Cholinesterase Liquid 6x90; 6x20 mL Colorimetric 17606 20-30
CK CK-NAC Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6014 8-12
CK-NAC Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL Colorimetric 17296 20-30
CK - MB CK-MB Calibrator 2x1 mL Colorimetric 16299C 27-31
CK-MB Control 2x1 mL Colorimetric 16299S 28-31
CK-MB Liquid 2x44; 2x12 mL Colorimetric 17649 12-20-30
Easy-Card CK-MB Card 14710 45
Copper Copper 5x10; 1x3 mL Colorimetric 17106 20
Copper 5x20; 1x21 mL Colorimetric 17638 20-30
Copper Urine 4x3 mL Colorimetric 17109 20
Creatinine Creatinine Enz Liquid 3x50; 3x18 mL Colorimetric 17654 21-30
Creatinine Enz Liquid 4x50; 4x18 mL Colorimetric 17654A 21
Creatinine Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6002 8-12
Creatinine Liquid 3x90; 3x90 mL Colorimetric 17609 21-30
CRP CRP Calibrator 1x5 mL Turbidimetry 11521D 40-44
CRP Calibrator Set 7x2 mL Turbidimetry 11532 40-44
CRP Calibrator US 1x2 mL Turbidimetry 11533 40-44
CRP Control US 3x2 mL Turbidimetry 11540 42-44
CRP Latex Autom 2x20; 2x20 mL Turbidimetry 11502D 37-43
CRP Ultra 3x13; 3x13 mL Turbidimetry SC6026 9-12
CRP Ultra 2x20; 2x20 mL Turbidimetry 11508 37-43
Analyte Index
Analyte Product Kit size Method Ref. Pag.
Cystatin Cystatin C 1x46; 1x13 mL Turbidimetry 11510A 38-43
Cystatin C Control Set 2x (1x1) mL Turbidimetry 11527C 42-44
Cystatin C Calibrator 1x1 mL Turbidimetry 11527S 41-44
Dibucaine Dibucaine CHE Liquid 8x25 mL Colorimetric SC6022 8-12
Dibucaine CHE Liquid 6x50 mL Colorimetric 17018 21-30
Ferritin Ferritin Cal Set 4x2 mL Turbidimetry 11525A 41-44
Ferritin Ultra CN 1x19; 1x10 mL Turbidimetry 11509A 38-43
Fibrinogen HEMOFIBRIN 5x2 mL Coagulation SR1045 14-46
FOB Easy-Card Occult Blood Card 14800 32
FOB Cards Card 14805 32
FOB Collection Long Tube Card 14804F 32
FOB Gold™ 1x20; 1x20 mL Turbidimetry 11560 5-12-
FOB Gold™ Calibrator 2x2 mL Turbidimetry 11573 5-27-
FOB Gold™ Control 2x (2x2) mL Turbidimetry 11570 6-28-
FOB Gold™ tube Turbidimetry 11561 5-32
FOB Gold™ tube NG Turbidimetry 11561N 5-32
Fructosamine Fructosamine 8x6 mL Colorimetric 17350 12-21
Fructosamine Ctrl 1 4x1 mL Colorimetric 16352 29-31
Fructosamine Ctrl 2 4x1 mL Colorimetric 16353 29-31
G6P-DH G6P-DH 100 mL Colorimetric 17005 22
Gamma GT Gamma GT Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6009 8-12
Gamma GT Liquid 4x50; 1x50 mL Colorimetric 17335 21-30
Gamma GT Liquid 8x90; 4x50 mL Colorimetric 17335B 21-30
Gamma GT Liquid 4x20; 1x20 mL Colorimetric 17336 21-30
Glucose Glucose Liquid 10x25 mL Colorimetric SC6001 8-12
Glucose Liquid 4x250 mL Colorimetric 17133 22
Glucose Liquid 6x90 mL Colorimetric 17630 22-30
Haptoglobin Haptoglobin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11050D 12-35-43
Hemoglobin Hb A1c Control - Column 1x0.5 mL Cromatography 17412B 29
Hemoglobin A1c Cal Set (4 levels) 4x0.5 mL Colorimetric 17418 27-31
Hemoglobin A1c Column Cromatography 17411B 22
Hemoglobin A1c Control Set (2 levels)
2x (2x0.5) mL Colorimetric 17419 29-31
Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex 1x30; 1x9.5; 1x0.5 mL Colorimetric 17415A 12-22-30
Hemolysis Reagent HbA1c 3x90 mL Colorimetric 17416 22
HBDH HBDH Liquid 2x50; 1x12 mL Colorimetric 17636 22-30
Homocysteine Homocysteine Assay 1x30; 1x4.7 mL Colorimetric 17370A 23-30
Homocysteine Control Kit 3x (1x1.5) mL Colorimetric
IgA IgA (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11100D 12-35-43
IgG IgG (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11102D 12-35-43
IgM IgM (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11106D 12-35-43
Analyte Index
Analyte Product Kit size Method Ref. Pag.
Iron Iron Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6015 8-12
Iron Liquid 2x100; 1x10 mL Colorimetric 17101G 23
Iron Liquid 4x45; 1x17 mL Colorimetric 17648 23-30
Kappa Kappa light chains (2x50; 2x10) 120 mL Turbidimetry 11004D 35-43
Lactate Lactate Dry-Fast 5x10 mL Colorimetric 17285 23
Lambda Lambda light chains (2x50; 2x10) 120 mL Turbidimetry 11005D 35-43
LDH LDH Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6016 8-12
LDH Liquid 4x50; 1x21 mL Colorimetric 17294 23-31
LDH Liquid 6x80; 3x21 mL Colorimetric 17615 23-31
Lipase Lipase Calibrator 4x1 mL Colorimetric 16401 27-31
Lipase Color Liquid 4x25; 4x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6028 8-13
Lipase Color Liquid 4x10; 1x8 mL Colorimetric 17401B 24
Lipase Color Liquid 4x50; 2x21 mL Colorimetric 17616 24-31
Lp(a) Lp(a) Cal Set 5x1 mL Turbidimetry 11522D 41-44
Lp(a) Ultra 1x18; 1x9 mL Turbidimetry 11504D 13-38-43
Magnesium Magnesium Enzymatic UV 5x20 mL Colorimetric 17281 24
Magnesium Liquid 4x50 mL Colorimetric 17637 13-24-31
Multiparametric Calibrator Apo-A1/Apo-B/HDL Cal 3x2 mL Turbidimetry 11202H 27-31-
Clin Chem Cal 4x3 mL Colorimetric 16550 27-31
HDL/LDL Calibrator 2x1 mL Colorimetric 16203S 27-31
Plasmaproteins Cal 3x1 mL Turbidimetry 11200D 40-44
Plasmaproteins Cal 3x 4x1 mL Turbidimetry 11206D 40-44
Multiparametric Control Clin Chem Control 1 6x5 mL Colorimetric 16150 28-31
Clin Chem Control 2 6x5 mL Colorimetric 16250 28-31
Immuno Control 1 1x5 mL Turbidimetry 11210 42-44
Immuno Control 2 1x5 mL Turbidimetry 11212 42-44
Immuno Control Set (2 levels) 2x (2x1) mL Turbidimetry 11211A 42-44
Lipids Control 3x2 mL Turbidimetry 34Q021 28-31-
Microalbumin Control 2 level Set 2x (5x7) mL Colorimetric 125001 42-44
Myoglobin Easy-Card Myoglobin Card 14711 45
Myo Cal Set 4x1 mL Turbidimetry 11526D 41-44
Myo Latex Autom 1x36; 1x20 mL Turbidimetry 11507D 39-43
Myo Latex Autom CN 1x20; 1x7 mL Turbidimetry 11507H 39-43
Phospholipids Phospholipids 5x10 mL Colorimetric 17320 24
Phosphorus Phosphorus 6x90 mL Colorimetric 17619 24-31
Phosphorus Enzymatic 5x10 mL Colorimetric 17182 13-24
Piridossalfosfato Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 40 Tab Colorimetric 16226 18
Plasma Control HEMOTROL N 6x1 mL Coagulation SR1100 14-46
HEMOTROL P 6x1 mL Coagulation SR1200 14-46
Prealbumin Prealbumin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11110D 36-43
PT HEMOPLASTIN SP 24 mL Coagulation SR1020 14-46
PTT HEMOS PTT 3x10 mL Coagulation SR1030 14-46
Analyte Index
Analyte Product Kit size Method Ref. Pag.
RF RF Cal Set 5x1 mL Turbidimetry 11523D 41-44
RF Latex Autom 3x25; 3x9 mL Turbidimetry SC6027 9-13
RF Latex Autom 2x20; 1x14 mL Turbidimetry 11506D 37-43
RF Latex Autom NG 1x42; 1x16 mL Turbidimetry 11506H 37-43
Total Protein Total Proteins 10x25 mL Colorimetric SC6007 9
Total Proteins 4x250 mL Colorimetric 17271 25
Total Proteins 6x90 mL Colorimetric 17620 25-31
Urine Proteins 2x100 mL Colorimetric 17275 13-25
Tranferrin Transferrin (2x50; 2x4) 108 mL Turbidimetry 11130D 13-36-43
Triglycerides Triglycerides Liquid 10x25 mL Colorimetric SC6008 9-13
Triglycerides Liquid 5x50 mL Colorimetric 17624 25-31
Triglycerides Liquid 4x250 mL Colorimetric 17625 25
Triglycerides Liquid 6x90 mL Colorimetric 17628 25-31
Troponin Easy-Card Troponin I Card 14684A 45
UIBC UIBC Liquid 2x40; 1x11 mL Colorimetric 17639 23-31
Urea Urea Liquid 8x25; 8x7.2 mL Colorimetric SC6003 9-13
Urea Liquid 8x50; 3x21 mL Colorimetric 17629 25-31
Urea Liquid 2x50; 1x21 mL Colorimetric 17629A 25-31
Urea Liquid 4x250; 2x100 mL Colorimetric 17629M 25
Uric Acid Uric Acid Liquid 10x25 mL Colorimetric SC6013 9-13
Uric Acid Liquid 6x90 mL Colorimetric 17626 26-31
Uric Acid Liquid 4x250 mL Colorimetric 17656 26
Uric Acid Liquid 5x50 mL Colorimetric 17658 26-31
Zinc Zinc 5x10; 1x5 mL Colorimetric 17255 26
Zinc 5x20; 1x11 mL Colorimetric 17640 26-31
Alphabetical Index
Product Ref. Pag.
A4 Printer paper SD80066 6
Acid Phosphatase 17304 16
Acid Phosphatase 17617 16-30
Acid Solution (conc) SD7022 11
Albumin 11003D 12-33-43
Albumin Liquid 17261A 16
Albumin Liquid 17600 12-16-30
Aldolase 17003 16
Alkaline solution (conc) SD7021 11
ALP Liquid SC6017 7-12
ALP Liquid 17308 16-30
ALP Liquid 17618 16-30
alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein 11135D 12-33-43
alpha 1-Antitrypsin 11012N 12-33-43
alpha 2-Macroglobulin 11018D 33-43
ALT Microwell Autom 17238M 17
ALT UV Liquid SC6005 7-12
ALT UV Liquid 17234E 17-30
ALT UV Liquid 17613 17-30
Ammonia Controls 16635 28-31
Ammonia Ultra 17660 16-30
Amylase Liquid SC6018 7-12
Amylase Liquid 17632 17-30
Amylase Liquid 17632A 17-30
Antithrombin III 11030D 34-43
Apo-A1/Apo-B/HDL Cal 11202H 27-31-
Apolipoprotein A-1 Liquid 11040N 34-43
Apolipoprotein A-1 11040D 34-43
Apolipoprotein B 11042D 34-43
Apolipoprotein B Liquid 11042N 34-43
ASO Calibrator 11520D 40-44
ASO Latex Autom SC6025 9-12
ASO Latex Autom 11501D 37-43
AST UV Liquid SC6004 7-12
AST UV Liquid 17224E 17-30
AST UV Liquid 17612 18-30
Beta-2 Micro Cal Set (4 levels) 11524H 40-44
Beta-2 Micro Latex CN 11505H 38-43
Bicarbonates Calibrator 16634A 27-31
Bicarbonates Ctrl 1 16634B 28-31
Bicarbonates Ctrl 2 16634C 28-31
Bicarbonates Liquid 17634 18-30
Bile Acids Controls (2 levels) 16002A 28-31
Bile Acids TBA 17002B 12-18-30
Bilirubin Direct Liquid SC6011 7-12
Bilirubin Direct Liquid 17602N 18-30
Bilirubin Direct Liquid 17643 18-30
Bilirubin Total Liquid SC6010 7-12
Bilirubin Total Liquid 17603N 18-30
Bilirubin Total Liquid 17642 18-30
Biolis 24i 571000 7
Biolis 24i ISE 570000 7
Bottle caps SD7006 11
C1 Esterase Inhibitor 11052D 34-43
C3 11060D 12-34-43
C4 11062D 12-34-43
Calcium Liquid SC6012 8-12
Calcium Liquid 17667 19-30
Calibrator 1 SD7011 10
Calibrator 2 SD7012 10
Ceruloplasmin 11065N 35-43
Chlorides 17170 19
Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG SC6019 8-12
Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 17201P 19-30
Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 17201R 19-30
Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG SC6020 8-12
Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 17203D 19-30
Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 17203E 19-30
Cholesterol Liquid SC6006 8-12
Cholesterol Liquid 17627 19-30
Cholesterol Liquid 17627M 19
Cholesterol Liquid 17644 19-30
Cholinesterase Liquid SC6021 8-12
Cholinesterase Liquid 17019A 20-30
Cholinesterase Liquid 17606 20-30
CK-MB Calibrator 16299C 27-31
CK-MB Control 16299S 28-31
CK-MB Liquid 17649 12-20-30
CK-NAC Liquid SC6014 8-12
CK-NAC Liquid 17296 20-30
Cleaning solution SD7013 10
Clin Chem Cal 16550 27-31
Clin Chem Control 1 16150 28-31
Clin Chem Control 2 16250 28-31
Computer for Analyzer Unit 580002 5
Computer for Analyzer Unit 580002 7
Concentrated cleaning solution SR0600 15
Concentrated System Liquid SD8002 6
Concentrated Washing Solution SD8001 6
Copper 17106 20
Copper 17638 20-30
Copper Urine 17109 20
Creatinine Enz Liquid 17654A 21
Creatinine Enz Liquid 17654 21-30
Creatinine Liquid SC6002 8-12
Creatinine Liquid 17609 21-30
CRP Calibrator 11521D 40-44
CRP Calibrator Set 11532 40-44
CRP Calibrator US 11533 40-44
CRP Control US 11540 42-44
CRP Latex Autom 11502D 37-43
CRP Ultra SC6026 9-12
CRP Ultra 11508 37-43
Cystatin C 11510A 38-43
Cystatin C Control Set 11527C 42-44
Cystatin C Calibrator 11527S 41-44
Product Ref. Pag.
Deproteinizant solution SR0601 15
Dialysis Liquid Calibrator SD7016 10
Dibucaine CHE Liquid SC6022 8-12
Dibucaine CHE Liquid 17018 21-30
Easy-Card CK-MB 14710 45
Easy-Card Myoglobin 14711 45
Easy-Card Occult Blood 14800 32
Easy-Card Troponin I 14684A 45
Electrode Cl SD7009 10
Electrode K SD7010 10
Electrode Na SD7008 10
Ferritin Cal Set 11525A 41-44
Ferritin Ultra CN 11509A 38-43
FOB Cards 14805 32
FOB Collection Long Tube 14804F 32
FOB Gold™ 11560 5-12-
FOB Gold™ Calibrator 11573 5-27-
FOB Gold™ Control 11570 6-28-
FOB Gold™ Pack 11561P 6-32
FOB Gold™ tube 11561 5-32
FOB Gold™ tube NG 11561N 5-32
Forceps SR0505 15
Fructosamine 17350 12-21
Fructosamine Ctrl 1 16352 29-31
Fructosamine Ctrl 2 16353 29-31
G6P-DH 17005 22
Gamma GT Liquid SC6009 8-12
Gamma GT Liquid 17335 21-30
Gamma GT Liquid 17335B 21-30
Gamma GT Liquid 17336 21-30
Glucose Liquid SC6001 8-12
Glucose Liquid 17133 22
Glucose Liquid 17630 22-30
Haptoglobin 11050D 12-35-43
Hb A1c Control - Column 17412B 29
HBDH Liquid 17636 22-30
HDL/LDL Calibrator 16203S 27-31
Hemoglobin A1c Cal Set (4 levels) 17418 27-31
Hemoglobin A1c Column 17411B 22
Hemoglobin A1c Control Set (2 levels) 17419 29-31
Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex 17415A 12-22-30
Hemolysis Reagent HbA1c 17416 22
HEMOS PTT SR1030 14-46
HEMOTROL N SR1100 14-46
HEMOTROL P SR1200 14-46
Homocysteine Assay 17370A 23-30
Homocysteine Control Kit
IgA 11100D 12-35-43
IgG 11102D 12-35-43
IgM 11106D 12-35-43
Immuno Control 1 11210 42-44
Immuno Control 2 11212 42-44
Immuno Control Set (2 levels) 11211A 42-44
Iron Liquid SC6015 8-12
Iron Liquid 17101G 23
Iron Liquid 17648 23-30
Ise Module with accessories 570135 10
Kappa light chains 11004D 35-43
Lactate Dry-Fast 17285 23
Lambda light chains 11005D 35-43
Lamp SD7020 11
Lamp SR8003 6
LDH Liquid SC6016 8-12
LDH Liquid 17294 23-31
LDH Liquid 17615 23-31
Lipase Calibrator 16401 27-31
Lipase Color Liquid SC6028 8-13
Lipase Color Liquid 17401B 24
Lipase Color Liquid 17616 24-31
Lipids Control 34Q021 28-31-
Lp(a) Cal Set 11522D 41-44
Lp(a) Ultra 11504D 13-38-43
Magnesium Enzymatic UV 17281 24
Magnesium Liquid 17637 13-24-31
Magnetic stirrers SR0503 15
Manual Bar Code Reader 580005 5
Microalbumin Cal Urine (4x1 mL) 11207A 41-44
Microalbumin Control 2 level Set 125001 42-44
Monitor for Analyzer Unit 580003 5-7
Myo Cal Set 11526D 41-44
Myo Latex Autom 11507D 39-43
Myo Latex Autom CN 11507H 39-43
Product Ref. Pag. Product Ref. Pag.
Alphabetical Index
Product Ref. Pag.
Pancreatic Amylase 17631 17-31
Phospholipids 17320 24
Phosphorus 17619 24-31
Phosphorus Enzymatic 17182 13-24
Pinch Tube ISE SD7017 10
Pinch valve tube ISE SD7018 10
Plasmaproteins Cal 11200D 40-44
Plasmaproteins Cal 3x 11206D 40-44
Prealbumin 11110D 36-43
Printer cartridge C703 SD8007 6
Printer for Analyzer Unit 580004 5-7
Printer paper roll SR0504 15
Printing Paper S00088 11
Probe SR8002 6
Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 16226 18
Reaction cuvettes SR0501 15
Reaction cuvettes SD7003 11
Reaction cuvettes with magnetic stirrer SR0500 15
Reaction Rotors SD8000 6
Reagent bottle 13 mL + cap SD7005 11
Reagent bottle 25 mL + cap SD7004 11
Reagent bottle 43 mL + cap SD7019 11
Reagent bottle kit SD7029 11
Reagent Cover tray 570133 10
Reagent probe SD7002 11
Reagent Rack SD8005 6
Reagent tray 36 570134 10
Reference Electrode SD7007 10
RF Cal Set 11523D 41-44
RF Latex Autom SC6027 9-13
RF Latex Autom 11506D 37-43
RF Latex Autom NG 11506H 37-43
Sample Cover 570132 10
Sample cups SR0502 15
Sample cups - 3 mL SD6007 6-11
Sample probe SD7001 11
Sample Tray 10 570131 11
Sample Tray 3 570124 10
Sample Tray 4 570125 10
Sample Tray 5 570126 11
Sample Tray 6 570127 11
Sample Tray 7 570128 11
Sample Tray 8 570129 11
Sample Tray 9 570130 11
Sample Tube Rack SD8003 6
SENT i CLOT 50 55051 14
SENT i FOB™ 580001 5
Product Ref. Pag.
Alphabetical Index
Total Proteins SC6007 9-13
Total Proteins 17271 25
Total Proteins 17620 25-31
Transferrin 11130D 13-36-43
Triglycerides Liquid SC6008 9-13
Triglycerides Liquid 17624 25-31
Triglycerides Liquid 17625 25
Triglycerides Liquid 17628 25-31
UIBC Liquid 17639 23-31
Urea Liquid SC6003 9-13
Urea Liquid 17629 25-31
Urea Liquid 17629A 25-31
Urea Liquid 17629M 25
Uric Acid Liquid SC6013 9-13
Uric Acid Liquid 17626 26-31
Uric Acid Liquid 17656 26
Uric Acid Liquid 17658 26-31
Urine calibrator 1 e 2 SD7014 10
Urine Diluent SD7015 10
Urine Proteins 17275 13-25
Zinc 17255 26
Zinc 17640 26-31
Code Index
Ref. Product Pag.
11003D Albumin 12-33-43
11004D Kappa light chains 35-43
11005D Lambda light chains 35-43
11012N alpha 1-Antitrypsin 12-33-43
11018D alpha 2-Macroglobulin 33-43
11030D Antithrombin III 34-43
11040D Apolipoprotein A-1 34-43
11040N Apolipoprotein A-1 Liquid 34-43
11042D Apolipoprotein B 34-43
11042N Apolipoprotein B Liquid 34-43
11050D Haptoglobin 12-35-43
11052D C1 Esterase Inhibitor 34-43
11060D C3 12-34-43
11062D C4 12-34-43
11065N Ceruloplasmin 35-43
11100D IgA 12-35-43
11102D IgG 12-35-43
11106D IgM 12-35-43
11110D Prealbumin 36-43
11130D Transferrin 13-36-43
11135D alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein 12-33-43
11200D Plasmaproteins Cal 40-44
11202H Apo-A1/Apo-B/HDL Cal 27-31-
11206D Plasmaproteins Cal 3x 40-44
11207A Microalbumin Cal Urine (4x1 mL) 41-44
11210 Immuno Control 1 42-44
11211A Immuno Control Set (2 levels) 42-44
11212 Immuno Control 2 42-44
11501D ASO Latex Autom 37-43
11502D CRP Latex Autom 37-43
11504D Lp(a) Ultra 13-38-43
11505H Beta-2 Micro Latex CN 38-43
11506D RF Latex Autom 37-43
11506H RF Latex Autom NG 37-43
11507D Myo Latex Autom 39-43
11507H Myo Latex Autom CN 39-43
11508 CRP Ultra 37-43
11509A Ferritin Ultra CN 38-43
11510A Cystatin C 38-43
11520D ASO Calibrator 40-44
11521D CRP Calibrator 40-44
11522D Lp(a) Cal Set 41-44
11523D RF Cal Set 41-44
11524H Beta-2 Micro Cal Set (4 levels) 40-44
11525A Ferritin Cal Set 41-44
11526D Myo Cal Set 41-44
11527C Cystatin C Control Set 42-44
11527S Cystatin C Calibrator 41-44
11532 CRP Calibrator Set 40-44
11533 CRP Calibrator US 40-44
11540 CRP Control US 42-44
11560 FOB Gold™ 5-12-
11561 FOB Gold™ tube 5-32
11561N FOB Gold™ tube NG 5-32
11561P FOB Gold™ Pack 6-32
11570 FOB Gold™ Control 6-28-
11573 FOB Gold™ Calibrator 5-27-
125001 Microalbumin Control 2 level Set 42-44
14684A Easy-Card Troponin I 45
14710 Easy-Card CK-MB 45
14711 Easy-Card Myoglobin 45
14800 Easy-Card Occult Blood 32
14804F FOB Collection Long Tube 32
14805 FOB Cards 32
16002A Bile Acids Controls (2 levels) 28-31
16150 Clin Chem Control 1 28-31
16203S HDL/LDL Calibrator 27-31
16226 Pyridoxalphosphate (P5P) 18
16250 Clin Chem Control 2 28-31
16299C CK-MB Calibrator 27-31
16299S CK-MB Control 28-31
16352 Fructosamine Ctrl 1 29-31
16353 Fructosamine Ctrl 2 29-31
16401 Lipase Calibrator 27-31
16550 Clin Chem Cal 27-31
16634A Bicarbonates Calibrator 27-31
16634B Bicarbonates Ctrl 1 28-31
16634C Bicarbonates Ctrl 2 28-31
16635 Ammonia Controls 28-31
17002B Bile Acids TBA 12-18-30
17003 Aldolase 16
17005 G6P-DH 22
17018 Dibucaine CHE Liquid 21-30
17019A Cholinesterase Liquid 20-30
17101G Iron Liquid 23
17106 Copper 20
17109 Copper Urine 20
17133 Glucose Liquid 22
17170 Chlorides 19
17182 Phosphorus Enzymatic 13-24
17201P Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 19-30
17201R Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 19-30
Ref. Product Pag.
17203D Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 19-30
17203E Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 19-30
17224E AST UV Liquid 17-30
17234E ALT UV Liquid 17-30
17238M ALT Microwell Autom 17
17255 Zinc 26
17261A Albumin Liquid 16
17271 Total Proteins 25
17275 Urine Proteins 13-25
17281 Magnesium Enzymatic UV 24
17285 Lactate Dry-Fast 23
17294 LDH Liquid 23-31
17296 CK-NAC Liquid 20-30
17304 Acid Phosphatase 16
17308 ALP Liquid 16-30
17320 Phospholipids 24
17335 Gamma GT Liquid 21-30
17335B Gamma GT Liquid 21-30
17336 Gamma GT Liquid 21-30
17350 Fructosamine 12-21
17370A Homocysteine Assay 23-30
17401B Lipase Color Liquid 24
17411B Hemoglobin A1c Column 22
17412B Hb A1c Control - Column 29
17415A Hemoglobin A1c Direct Latex 12-22-30
17416 Hemolysis Reagent HbA1c 22
17418 Hemoglobin A1c Cal Set (4 levels) 27-31
17419 Hemoglobin A1c Control Set (2 levels) 29-31
17600 Albumin Liquid 12-16-30
17602N Bilirubin Direct Liquid 18-30
17603N Bilirubin Total Liquid 18-30
17606 Cholinesterase Liquid 20-30
17609 Creatinine Liquid 21-30
17612 AST UV Liquid 18-30
17613 ALT UV Liquid 17-30
17615 LDH Liquid 23-31
17616 Lipase Color Liquid 24-31
17617 Acid Phosphatase 16-30
17618 ALP Liquid 16-30
17619 Phosphorus 24-31
17620 Total Proteins 25-31
17624 Triglycerides Liquid 25-31
17625 Triglycerides Liquid 25
17626 Uric Acid Liquid 26-31
17627 Cholesterol Liquid 19-30
17627M Cholesterol Liquid 19
17628 Triglycerides Liquid 25-31
17629 Urea Liquid 25-31
17629A Urea Liquid 25-31
17629M Urea Liquid 25
17630 Glucose Liquid 22-30
17631 Pancreatic Amylase 17-31
17632 Amylase Liquid 17-30
17632A Amylase Liquid 17-30
17634 Bicarbonates Liquid 18-30
17636 HBDH Liquid 22-30
17637 Magnesium Liquid 13-24-31
17638 Copper 20-30
17639 UIBC Liquid 23-31
17640 Zinc 26-31
17642 Bilirubin Total Liquid 18-30
17643 Bilirubin Direct Liquid 18-30
17644 Cholesterol Liquid 19-30
17648 Iron Liquid 23-30
17649 CK-MB Liquid 12-20-30
17654A Creatinine Enz Liquid 21
17654 Creatinine Enz Liquid 21-30
17656 Uric Acid Liquid 26
17658 Uric Acid Liquid 26-31
17660 Ammonia Ultra 16-30
17667 Calcium Liquid 19-30
34Q021 Lipids Control 28-31-
55051 SENT i CLOT 50 14
570000 Biolis 24i ISE 7
570124 Sample Tray 3 10
570125 Sample Tray 4 10
570126 Sample Tray 5 11
570127 Sample Tray 6 11
570128 Sample Tray 7 11
570129 Sample Tray 8 11
570130 Sample Tray 9 11
570131 Sample Tray 10 11
570132 Sample Cover 10
570133 Reagent Cover tray 10
570134 Reagent tray 36 10
570135 Ise Module with accessories 10
571000 Biolis 24i 7
580000 SENT i FOB™ System 5
580001 SENT i FOB™ 5
580002 Computer for Analyzer Unit 5-7
580003 Monitor for Analyzer Unit 5-7
580004 Printer for Analyzer Unit 5-7
580005 Manual Bar Code Reader 5
FHCY200 Homocysteine Control Kit 29-31
S00088 Printing Paper 11
Code Index
Ref. Product Pag.Ref. Product Pag.
SC6001 Glucose Liquid 8-12
SC6002 Creatinine Liquid 8-12
SC6003 Urea Liquid 9-13
SC6004 AST UV Liquid 7-12
SC6005 ALT UV Liquid 7-12
SC6006 Cholesterol Liquid 8-12
SC6007 Total Proteins 9
SC6008 Triglycerides Liquid 9-13
SC6009 Gamma GT Liquid 8-12
SC6010 Bilirubin Total Liquid 7-12
SC6011 Bilirubin Direct Liquid 7-12
SC6012 Calcium Liquid 8-12
SC6013 Uric Acid Liquid 9-13
SC6014 CK-NAC Liquid 8-12
SC6015 Iron Liquid 8-12
SC6016 LDH Liquid 8-12
SC6017 ALP Liquid 7-12
SC6018 Amylase Liquid 7-12
SC6019 Cholesterol HDL Liquid NG 8-12
SC6020 Cholesterol LDL Liquid NG 8-12
SC6021 Cholinesterase Liquid 8-12
SC6022 Dibucaine CHE Liquid 8-12
SC6025 ASO Latex Autom 9-12
SC6026 CRP Ultra 9-12
SC6027 RF Latex Autom 9-13
SC6028 Lipase Color Liquid 8-13
SD6007 Sample cups - 3 mL 6
SD6007 Sample cups - 3 mL 11
SD7001 Sample probe 11
SD7002 Reagent probe 11
SD7003 Reaction cuvettes 11
SD7004 Reagent bottle 25 mL + cap 11
SD7005 Reagent bottle 13 mL + cap 11
SD7006 Bottle caps 11
SD7007 Reference Electrode 10
SD7008 Electrode Na 10
SD7009 Electrode Cl 10
SD7010 Electrode K 10
SD7011 Calibrator 1 10
SD7012 Calibrator 2 10
SD7013 Cleaning solution 10
SD7014 Urine calibrator 1 e 2 10
SD7015 Urine Diluent 10
SD7016 Dialysis Liquid Calibrator 10
SD7017 Pinch Tube ISE 10
SD7018 Pinch valve tube ISE 10
SD7019 Reagent bottle 43 mL + cap 11
SD7020 Lamp 11
SD7021 Alkaline solution (conc) 11
SD7022 Acid Solution (conc) 11
SD7029 Reagent bottle kit 11
SD8000 Reaction Rotors 6
SD8001 Concentrated Washing Solution 6
SD8002 Concentrated System Liquid 6
SD8003 Sample Tube Rack 6
SD8005 Reagent Rack 6
SD8006 A4 Printer paper 6
SD8007 Printer cartridge C703 6
SR0500 Reaction cuvettes with magnetic stirrer 15
SR0501 Reaction cuvettes 15
SR0502 Sample cups 15
SR0503 Magnetic stirrers 15
SR0504 Printer paper roll 15
SR0505 Forceps 15
SR0600 Concentrated cleaning solution 15
SR0601 Deproteinizant solution 15
SR1030 HEMOS PTT 14-46
SR1100 HEMOTROL N 14-46
SR1200 HEMOTROL P 14-46
SR8002 Probe 6
SR8003 Lamp 6
Ref. Product Pag.
Code Index
Ref. Product Pag.
General Conditions of Sale
REV 2009/1.2
VALID FROM 01/01/2009
Ref. DPL 601
WHEN ORDERING Please indicate all necessary information such as product name,
product description, reference number, quantity required and shipping
instructions. Orders should be placed by fax or by E-mail (export@sentinel.it)
MINIMUM PURCHASE The minimum value of consignment is 500,00 for EC countries,
and 2.000,00 for non EC countries.
PRICES Please refer to our International Distributor Net Price List. All prices have
to be understood as ex-works. Special offers are valid 3 months from the
date of quotation. We reserve the right to change prices without notice.
CONSIGNMENTS The shipping date is mentioned on the order confirmation and has to be
considered indicative. The company reserves the right to apply a handling charge
of 25,00 for each invoice.
PAYMENT TERMS Payment terms are always indicated in the order confirmation and the
invoice. If the regular invoice has not been contested within 8 days upon
receipt, it is to be considered accepted.
COMPLAINTS Complaints must be reported in writing within 8 days from the receipt
of the goods.........................................................................................
In this case: 1) Notify carrier when signing receipt for goods. 2) Inform us as
soon as possible by fax or E-mail (customerservice@sentinel.it).
HEALTH AND SAFETY All products sold by Sentinel CH. should be handled by qualified personnel,
exercising care during usage and disposal.
For further information, contact us at the address below.
TECHNICAL SERVICES All questions or inquiries concerning the use of our products will be answered.
Should you need any assistance, please contact our Customer Service.
In the event of dispute the case shall be settled by the Court of Milan.
ISO 9001:2000 - ISO 13485:2003
SENTINEL CH. SpA - Via Robert Koch, 2 - 20152 Milan - Italy - Ph +39.02.345514.1 - Fax +39.02.34551464
Sales Office: Ph +39.02.34551463 - +39.02.34551465
Website: www.sentineldiagnostics.com
e-mail: export@sentinel.it
Sentinel CH. SpA
Via Robert Koch, 2 - 20152 Milano - Italy
Ph. +39 02 3455141 - Fax +39 02 34551464
Mod. DPL 601
A.D. S&M

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