ANZ Transactive File Formats Web Only_07 2013 MM I Pyramid Docking Station Clientfileformats
User Manual: i-Pyramid Docking Station
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ANZ TRANSACTIVE FILE FORMATS WEB ONLY 07.2013 Page 1 of 118 ANZ Transactive and ANZ Transactive - Mobile are provided by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ACN 005 357 522). References to “Australia(n)” or “AU” with respect to any payments, products and/or accounts means payment made by, accounts held with and products provided by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited / ANZ Australia from or within Australia. References to “New Zealand” or “NZ” with respect to any payments, products and/or accounts means payment made by, accounts held with and products provided by ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited from or within New Zealand. Page 2 of 118 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. Introduction 1.1.1.Purpose 6 1.1.2.Scope 6 1.1.3.File Formats Overview (Payables) 7 AU Domestic Payments File Formats 8 2.1. Introduction 8 2.2. ABA File Format 8 2.2.1.Overview 8 2.2.2.Import Methods 8 2.2.3.ABA File Layout and Character Set 8 2.3. 3. - Descriptive Record 10 – Detail Record 10 – Batch Control Record 13 AU Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import 14 2.3.1.Overview 14 2.3.2.CSV File Layout and Character Set 14 2.3.3.Detail Record 15 NZ Domestic Payments File Formats 16 3.1. Introduction 16 3.2. NZ Domestic Payment CSV (Full File Import) 16 3.2.1.Overview 16 3.2.2.File Layout and Character Set 16 3.2.3.Descriptive Record 16 3.2.4.Detail Record 17 3.2.5.Batch Control Record 18 NZ Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import (with Control Record) 19 3.3.1.Overview 19 3.3.2.NZ Domestic Payments CSV (with Control Record) File Layout and Character Set 19 3.3.3.Descriptive Record 20 3.3.4.Detail Record 21 3.3.5.Batch Control Record 22 NZ Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import (without Control Record) 23 3.4.1.Overview 23 3.4.2.NZ Domestic Payments CSV (without Control Record) File Layout and Character Set 23 3.4.3.Detail Record 24 3.3. 3.4. 4. 6 Single Payments File Formats 25 4.1. Introduction 25 4.2. MT101 File Format (Australia & New Zealand) 25 4.2.1.Overview 25 4.2.2.File Naming Convention 25 4.2.3.MT101 File Layout and Character Set 25 4.2.4.Sequence A – General Information 27 4.2.5.Sequence B – Transaction Detail Record 28 Page 3 of 118 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 5. 4.2.6.Clearing System Codes 32 WIRS file format (Australia only) 33 4.3.1.Overview 33 4.3.2.File Naming Convention 33 4.3.3.WIRS File Layout and Character Set 33 4.3.4.Detail Record 34 4.3.5.Miscellaneous Field Format Specifications 35 4.3.6.Account with Institution Country ISO Code 36 NZ International Payment CSV file format (New Zealand only) 37 4.4.1.Overview 37 4.4.2.File Naming Convention 37 4.4.3.NZ International CSV File Layout and Character Set 37 BPAY File format (Australia only) 42 4.5.1.Overview 42 4.5.2.BPAY File Layout and Character Set 42 4.5.3.File Header Record 42 4.5.4.Payment Instruction Record 43 4.5.5.File Trailer Record 45 BTR and Returned Items File Formats 46 5.1. Introduction 46 5.2. BAI File 46 5.3. Introduction 46 5.3.1.Reserved Characters 46 5.3.2.BAI File Layout 47 5.3.3.File Header Record 48 5.3.4.Group Header Record 49 – Account Identifier and Summary Status Record 49 – Transaction Detail Record 51 – Continuation Record 52 – Account Trailer Record 52 – Group Trailer Record 53 – File Trailer Record 53 5.4. Statement Files 54 5.5. Introduction 54 5.5.1.Statement Balance File Format 54 5.5.2.Statement Transaction File Format 56 5.6. SAP/Multi-cash Files 59 5.7. Introduction 59 5.7.1.SAP/Multi-cash Balance File Format 60 5.7.2.SAP/Multi-cash Transaction File Format 62 5.8. Returned Item Files (Australia only) 65 5.9. Introduction 65 5.9.1.Returned Items File Layout 65 5.9.2.Header Record – Returned Direct Debits and Credits 66 5.9.3.Detail Record – Returned Direct Debits and Credits 66 5.9.4.Trailer Record – Returned Direct Credits and Debits 67 5.9.5.Header Record – Returned Cheques 68 5.9.6.Detail Record – Returned Cheques 69 Page 4 of 118 6. 5.9.7.Trailer Record – Returned Cheques 70 5.9.8.Return Reason Codes – Returned Direct Debits/Credits 70 5.9.9.Return Reason Codes – Returned Cheques 71 5.10. NZ Statement Files (New Zealand Domestic Accounts only) 72 5.11. Introduction 72 5.11.1.NZ Statement File(s) – Balance File 73 5.11.2.NZ Statement File(s) – Transaction File 75 5.11.3.Type 3 (Transaction Record) 75 5.11.4.Type 5 (Opening Balance Record) 76 5.11.5.Type 6 (Closing Balance Record) 77 5.11.6.Type 8 (Total Debits/Credits Record) 78 5.11.7.Type 9 (Grand Total Debits/Credits Record) 79 Appendices 80 6.1. Appendix A – BAI/Transaction Codes 80 6.1.1.BAI Status and Summary Level Items 80 6.1.2.Retail, Corporate/Institutional and V2 Plus accounts (CAP, CMM and V2P sources) 86 6.1.3.MANTEC accounts, MIDANZ accounts (local & offshore), other ANZ offshore accounts and other bank accounts 101 Page 5 of 118 6.1.4.New Zealand ANZ Bank (SYS account source) 106 6.1.5.New Zealand Cross Bank accounts (Westpac & Bank of New Zealand) 116 6.1.6.Appendix B - Use of Auxdom/Trancode 118 1. Introduction 1.1.1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to collate the various file formats for ANZ Transactive in a single document. This document is intended to be a file format specification only, and as such does not include any training in how to use the different file formats. 1.1.2. Scope This document applies to: The following ANZ Transactive web-interface file formats: AU Domestic Payments import file formats: o ABA file format. o CSV file format. NZ Domestic Payments import file formats: o NZ Domestic Payment CSV (Full File Import). o NZ Domestic Payment CSV Detail Import (with Control Record). o NZ Domestic Payment CSV Detail Import (Without Control Record). Single Payments import file formats: o MT101 file format. o WIRS file format. o NZ International Payment CSV file format. o BPAY file format. Reporting export file formats: o BAI export format. o Statement export format. o SAP/Multi-cash export format. o Returned Items export format. o NZ Statement files. This document does NOT address: Host-to-Host file formats Instructions for importing/exporting files. Examples of correctly formatted import/export files. Page 6 of 118 1.1.3. File Formats Overview (Payables) The Table below is a summary of the Payable File Formats for Australian and New Zealand customers File Type BPAY Single Payments MT101 WIRS Australian Customers New Zealand Customers NZ International Payment CSV ABA Domestic Payments AU Domestic Payments CSV NZ Domestic Payments CSV (Full File) NZ ANZ Domestic Payments CSV Note: File formats shown in italics are supported by Transactive, but are not preferred file formats. Page 7 of 118 2. AU Domestic Payments File Formats 2.1. Introduction This section details the types of Australian Domestic Payments import file formats available in ANZ Transactive. 2.2. ABA File Format 2.2.1. Overview The ABA File format allows a user to import an ABA formatted file into ANZ Transactive as one or more batches of payment instructions. Note: The ABA file conforms to the Australian Payments Clearing Associations (APCA) file specifications. 2.2.2. Import Methods There are two methods for importing ABA files in ANZ Transactive: Direct Entry ABA Detail Import method (Importing into an existing Batch or Template). This method only allows one batch of payment instructions per ABA file. ABA File Import method (Importing creates batches). This method allows one or more batches of payment instructions per ABA file. 2.2.3. ABA File Layout and Character Set An ABA file can contain one or more batches of payment instructions. The records in the ABA file to be imported must follow a defined order. Each batch must: Start with a Descriptive Record. Contain one or more Details Record(s). End with a Batch Control Record. The format specifications for each of these record types are outlined in detail further in this document. The following character set is allowed in an ABA file: Fields that are marked ‘Alpha’ (Alphanumeric) in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Letters: A-Z, a-z o Numbers: 0-9 o The following Characters: spaces ( ) , ampersands (&), apostrophes (‘), commas (,) , hyphens (-), full stops (.), forward slashes (/), plus sign (+), dollar sign ($), exclamation mark (!), percentage sign (%), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), number sign (#), equal sign (=), colon (:), question mark (?), left square bracket ([), right square bracket (]), underscore (_), circumflex (^) and the at symbol (@) o ‘Optional’ Alphanumeric fields must be filled with spaces if no data exists. Fields that are marked ‘Numeric’ in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: Page 8 of 118 o o Numbers: 0-9. ‘Optional’ Numeric fields must be filled with zeros if no data exists. ANZ Transactive requires ABA files to be prepared as 120 byte fixed length records and must be separated by CRLF (carriage-return/line feed, Hex 0D0A). This must be consistent for the whole file. Page 9 of 118 2.2.4. 0 - Descriptive Record The Descriptive Record contains Direct Entry payment batch header details. The following table describes the format of the Descriptive Record: Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Record type Numeric Must be ‘0’. 1 1 1 Mandatory BSB Alpha Bank/State/Branch number of the funds account with a hyphen in the 4th character position. 2 8 7 Optional e.g. 013-999. Account Alpha Funds account number. 9 17 9 Optional Reserved Alpha Blank filled. 18 18 1 Optional Sequence number Alpha Must be ‘01’. 19 20 2 Mandatory Name of User Financial Institution Alpha Must contain the bank mnemonic that is associated with the BSB of the funds account. 21 23 3 Mandatory e.g. ‘ANZ’. Reserved Alpha Blank filled. 24 30 7 Optional Name of User supplying File Alpha User Preferred Name as registered with ANZ’ 31 56 26 Mandatory User Identification number Numeric Direct Entry User ID. 57 62 6 Mandatory Description of entries on File Alpha 63 74 12 Mandatory 75 80 6 Mandatory 81 84 4 Optional 85 120 36 Optional Right-justified, zero-filled. Description of payments in the file (e.g. Payroll, Creditors etc.). Can be used to match existing domestic payments template. Date to be processed Alpha Date on which the payment is to be processed. DDMMYY (e.g. 010111). Time Alpha Time on which the payment is to be processed. 24 hour format - HHmm. Reserved 2.2.5. Alpha Blank filled. 1 – Detail Record Each Detail Record contains one Direct Entry payment instruction. One or more Detail Items can be included in a single ABA file. The following table describes the format of the Detail Record: Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Record type Numeric Must be ‘1’. 1 1 1 Mandatory BSB of account to be CREDITED or DEBITED Alpha Bank/State/Branch number with a hyphen in the 4th character position. 2 8 7 Mandatory Page 10 of 118 e.g. 013-999. Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Account number to be CREDITED or DEBITED Alpha Numeric, alpha, hyphens & blanks are valid. Right justified, blank filled. 9 17 9 Mandatory Withholding Tax Indicator Alpha 18 18 1 Optional 19 20 2 Mandatory Leading zeros that are part of an Account Number must be included. One of the following values, if applicable: W – Dividend paid to a resident of a country where a double tax agreement is in force. X – Dividend paid to a resident of any other country. Y – Interest paid to all nonresidence. The amount of withholding tax is to appear in the Amount of Withholding Tax field. Transaction Code Numeric Select from the following options as appropriate: 50 General Credit. 53 Payroll. 54 Pension. 56 Dividend. 57 Debenture Interest. 13 General Debit. Amount to be CREDITED or DEBITED Numeric Right justified, zero filled, unsigned, two decimal places are implied (e.g. $10.21 is recorded as 0000001021). 21 30 10 Mandatory Title of account to be CREDITED or DEBITED Alpha Preferred format is: Surname followed by given names with one blank between each name. 31 62 32 Mandatory 63 80 18 Mandatory 81 87 7 Mandatory 88 96 9 Mandatory e.g. SMITH John Alan. Left justified, blank filled. Lodgement Reference Alpha Produced on the recipient’s Account Statement. Trace BSB Number Payment reference indicating details of the origin of the entry (e.g. payroll number, policy number). Left justified, blank filled. Numeric Bank/State/Branch number of the trace account with a hyphen in the 4th character position. e.g. 013-999 Trace Account Number Alpha Numeric, alpha, hyphens & blanks are valid. Right justified, blank filled. Leading zeros that are part of an Account Number must be included. Page 11 of 118 Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Name of Remitter Alpha Name of originator of the entry. This may vary from Name of User. 97 112 16 Mandatory 113 120 8 Optional Produced on the recipient’s Account Statement. Withholding amount Left justified, blank filled. Numeric Must be zero filled or contain a withholding tax amount. If it contains a withholding tax amount, two decimal placed are implied (e.g. $10.21 is recorded as 0000001021). Page 12 of 118 2.2.6. 7 – Batch Control Record The Batch Control Record contains details relating to the total number of items as well as debit/credit totals for a batch within the ABA import file. The following table describes the format of the Batch Control Record: Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Record type Numeric Must be ‘7’. 1 1 1 Mandatory Reserved Alpha Must be ‘999-999’. 2 8 7 Mandatory Reserved Alpha Blank filled. 9 20 12 Optional Batch Net Total Amount Numeric Batch Credit Total Amount minus Batch Debit Total Amount. 21 30 10 Mandatory 31 40 10 Optional 41 50 10 Optional Right justified, zero filled, unsigned, two decimal places are implied (e.g. $1001.21 is stored as ‘0000100121’). Batch Credit Total Amount Numeric Must be zero filled or contain the total value of all Record Type 1 CREDIT transactions on the batch. Right justified, zero filled, unsigned, two decimal places are implied. Batch Debit Total Amount Numeric Must be zero filled or contain the total value of all Record Type 1 DEBIT transactions on the batch. Shown in cents without punctuation (e.g. $1001.21 is stored as ‘0000100121’). Right justified, zero filled, unsigned, two decimal places are implied. Reserved Alpha Blank filled. 51 74 24 Optional Batch Total Item Count Numeric Total count of Type 1 records in the batch. 75 80 6 Mandatory 81 120 40 Optional Right justified, zero filled. Reserved Alpha Page 13 of 118 Blank filled. 2.3. AU Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import 2.3.1. Overview The Direct Entry CSV Detail Import file format allows a user to import a CSV file containing payment details into an existing Domestic Payments batch or template. 2.3.2. CSV File Layout and Character Set A valid CSV file consists of only one record type - Detail Record. Direct Entry detail items will be created for each Detail Record in the CSV file. The format specifications for the Detail Record is are outlined in detail further in this document. The following character set is allowed in a CSV file: Fields that are marked ‘Alpha’ (Alphanumeric) in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Letters: A-Z, a-z o Numbers: 0-9 o The following Characters: spaces ( ) , ampersands (&), apostrophes (‘), commas (,) , hyphens (-), full stops (.), forward slashes (/), plus sign (+), dollar sign ($), exclamation mark (!), percentage sign (%), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), number sign (#), equal sign (=), colon (:), question mark (?), left square bracket ([), right square bracket (]), underscore (_), circumflex (^) and the at symbol (@) Fields that are marked ‘Numeric’ in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Numbers: 0-9. Page 14 of 118 2.3.3. Detail Record Each Detail Record contains information used to create one payment instruction (Detail Item). There may be many Detail Records in one CSV file. Other required detail item fields are inherited from the Batch/Template Header and can subsequently be changed. All fields must be separated by a comma (,) and may be enclosed in double-quotes (“”) if required. Each record will end with CRLF (carriage-return/line feed). The following table describes the format of the Detail Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Reserved Alpha Not used by ANZ Transactive. 1 NA Optional Title of account to be CREDITED or DEBITED Alpha Preferred format is: Surname followed by given names with one blank between each name. 2 32 Mandatory 3 6 Mandatory 4 9 Mandatory 5 11 (8 if no decimal is used) Mandatory 6 18 Mandatory e.g. SMITH John Alan. BSB of account to be CREDITED or DEBITED Numeric Account number to be CREDITED or DEBITED Alpha Amount to be CREDITED or DEBITED Numeric Lodgement Reference Alpha Produced on the recipient’s Account Statement. Page 15 of 118 Bank/State/Branch number of the payee account. e.g. 013999. Numeric, alpha, hyphens & blanks are valid. Right justified, blank filled. Leading zeros that are part of an Account Number must be included. Payment amount. Decimal point optional and not implied. Payment reference indicating details of the origin of the entry (e.g. payroll number, policy number). 3. NZ Domestic Payments File Formats 3.1. Introduction This section details the 3 types of New Zealand Domestic Payments import file formats available in ANZ Transactive: 1. NZ Domestic Payment CSV (Full File Import), 2. NZ Domestic Payment CSV Detail Import (with Control Record), 3. NZ Domestic Payment CSV Detail Import (Without Control Record). 3.2. NZ Domestic Payment CSV (Full File Import) 3.2.1. Overview The NZ Domestic Payments import file format allows a user to import a Domestic Payment file into ANZ Transactive as one or more batches of payment instructions. 3.2.2. File Layout and Character Set An NZ Domestic Payments file can contain one or more batches of payment instructions. The records in the file to be imported must follow a defined order. Each batch must: Start with a Descriptive Record. Contain one or more Detail Record(s). End with a Batch Control Record. The format specifications for each of these record types are outlined in detail further in this document. The following character set is allowed in an NZ Domestic Payment file: Character fields can contain both alpha and numeric values Numeric fields should only have digit values (0-9) The delimiter between fields is a comma, so text fields such as Other Party Name should not contain commas. There may optionally be a comma after the final field. 3.2.3. Descriptive Record The Descriptive Record contains Domestic Payment batch header details. The following table describes the format of the Descriptive Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric Must be "1" 1 1 Mandatory Batch Type Numeric "D" = Debit Batch / "C" = Credit Batch 2 1 Mandatory Payment Date Numeric In The Form YYYYMMDD (e.g. 20100130) 3 8 Mandatory Payment Time Numeric HHMM (e.g. 1330 is 1.30pm) 4 4 Optional Page 16 of 118 Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Batch Creation Date Numeric Value may be omitted or a YYYYMMDD format value will be ignored by Transactive 5 8 Optional Funds Account Numeric In Form BBbbbbAAAAAAASS (2, 4, 7, 2). No hyphens 6 15 Mandatory DD Code Numeric Mandatory for Debit Batches 7 7 Conditional Reporting Method Numeric "S" = Single / "M" = Multiple. The Multiple Reporting Method has a threshold of 4999 transaction items. If the threshold is exceeded Transactive will update the Reporting Method to ‘Single’ upon validation of the file. Customers will not be notified via the front-end. 8 1 Mandatory Dishonour Account Numeric In Form BBbbbbAAAAAAASS (2, 4, 7, 2). No hyphens 9 15 Mandatory Batch Name Alphanumeric The name given to the batch being created. 10 12 Mandatory Can be used to match an existing NZ domestic payments template (including Restricted Templates). This only applies to payments requiring web authorisation. Originator Particulars Alphanumeric Reference details which are captured by the originator. 11 12 Optional Originator Analysis Code Alphanumeric Reference details which are captured by the originator. 12 12 Optional Originator Reference Alphanumeric Reference details which are captured by the originator. 13 12 Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 14 - Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 15 - Optional - Field reserved for future use. 16 - Optional Reserved 3.2.4. Detail Record One or more Detail Items can be included in a single NZ Domestic Payment batch. Page 17 of 118 The following table describes the format of the Detail Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric Must be "2" 1 1 Mandatory Account Number to be CREDITED or DEBITED Numeric In Form BBbbbbAAAAAAASS (2, 4, 7, 2), BBbbbbAAAAAAASSS (2, 4, 7, 3) or BBbbbbAAAAAAAASSS (2, 4, 8, 3). No hyphens 2 17 Transaction Code Numeric The transaction code for the item. 3 Mandatory 2 The following codes are available: 50 – Credit 52 - Credit 00 - Debit Amount Numeric Amount must be less than or equal to 99999999.99 Mandatory 4 10 2 decimal places are implied (e.g. $10.21 is recorded as 1021) Other Party Name Alphanumeric Other Party Particulars Alphanumeric Other Party Analysis Code Alphanumeric Other Party Reference Alphanumeric Originator Particulars Alphanumeric Party Receiving Payment Mandatory 5 32 Mandatory Other Party Statement Details 6 12 Optional Other Party Statement Details 7 12 Optional Other Party Statement Details 8 12 Optional Originator Analysis Code Originator Reference Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Only applicable if Reporting Method is "M". If blank, will populate with Originator Particulars in Batch Header. 9 Only applicable if Reporting Method is "M". If blank, will populate with Originator Code in Batch Header. 10 Only applicable if Reporting Method is "M". If blank, will populate with Originator Reference in Batch Header. 11 12 Optional 12 Optional 12 Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 12 - Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 13 - Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 14 - Optional 3.2.5. Batch Control Record The Control Record contains details relating to the Hash Total, the total number of items and the debit/credit totals for a batch. The following table describes the format of the Control Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric Must be "3" 1 1 Mandatory Batch Debit Total Amount Numeric Value of all Debit transactions in the batch. 2 decimal places are implied (e.g. $10.21 is recorded as 1021) 2 10 Mandatory Page 18 of 118 Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Batch Credit Total Amount Numeric Value of all Credit transactions in the batch. 2 decimal places are implied (e.g. $10.21 is recorded as 1021) 3 10 Mandatory Batch Total Item Count Numeric Total number of Transactions in the batch 4 6 Mandatory Hash Total Numeric Sum of Branch/Account Numbers. 5 11 Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 6 - Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 7 - Optional Reserved - Field reserved for future use. 8 - Optional Note: The hash total is calculated using the branch and account numbers in each transaction record. The bank number and account suffix are not used when calculating the hash total. If the account number is 8 digits then the left most digit is excluded from the calculations. Example: 01 0123 0456789 00 06 0475 0123456 02 11 6100 1234567 040 03 0321 00987654 030 7019 2802466 The hash total is therefore 70192802466. If the hash total is more than 11 characters, exclude the characters on the left. 3.3. NZ Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import (with Control Record) 3.3.1. Overview The NZ Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import (with Control Record) file format allows a user to import a CSV file containing payment details into an existing Domestic Payments batch or template. 3.3.2. NZ Domestic Payments CSV (with Control Record) File Layout and Character Set A valid NZ Domestic Payments CSV file (with Control Record) consists of the following record types: A Descriptive Record One or more Detail Record(s) A Batch Control Record. The format specifications for each of these record types are outlined in detail further in this document. The following character set is allowed in a CSV file: Character fields can contain both alpha and numeric values Numeric fields should only have digit values (0-9) Page 19 of 118 The delimiter between fields is a comma, so text fields such as Other Party Name should not contain commas. There may optionally be a comma after the final field of each record 3.3.3. Descriptive Record The Descriptive Record contains Domestic Payment batch header details The following table describes the format of the Descriptive Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric Must be ‘1’ 1 1 Mandatory Subscriber ID Numeric Contents will be ignored 2 16 Optional Batch Number Numeric Contents will be ignored 3 2 Optional Null Numeric Contents will be ignored 4 4 Optional Subscriber’s Account Number Numeric Contents will be ignored 5 15 Optional Batch Type Numeric Contents will be ignored 6 1 Optional Batch Due Date Numeric Contents will be ignored 7 8 Optional Batch Creation Date Numeric Contents will be ignored 8 8 Optional Page 20 of 118 3.3.4. Detail Record Each Detail Record contains information used to create one payment instruction (Detail Item) There may be many Detail Records in one CSV file. Other required detail item fields are inherited from the Batch/Template Header and can subsequently be changed. All fields must be separated by a comma (,) and each record will end with CRLF (carriagereturn/line feed). The following table describes the format of the Detail Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric Must be ‘2’ 1 1 Mandatory Account Number Numeric In Form BBbbbbAAAAAAASS (2, 4, 7, 2), or BBbbbbAAAAAAASSS (2, 4, 7, 3) or BBbbbbAAAAAAAASSS (2, 4, 8, 3). No hyphens. 2 17 Mandatory Transaction Code Numeric The transaction code for the item. 3 2 Mandatory The following codes are available: 50 – Credit 52 - Credit 00 - Debit Amount Numeric The amount is in cents. No Dollar Signs, Commas or Decimal Points. 4 10 Mandatory Other Party Name Alphanumeric Party Receiving Payment 5 32 Mandatory Other Party Reference Alphanumeric Other Party Statement Details 6 12 Optional Other Party Analysis Code Alphanumeric 7 12 Optional Other Party Alpha Reference Alphanumeric 8 12 Optional Other Party Particulars Alphanumeric 9 12 Optional Originator Name Alphanumeric Name of Party Making Payment. Contents will be ignored (since the payer's name will be the 'Funds Account Name' from the batch header details). 10 20 Optional Originator Analysis Code Alphanumeric Details on customer's Statement 11 12 Optional Originator Reference Alphanumeric Details on customer's Statement 12 12 Optional Originator Alphanumeric Details on customer's Statement 13 12 Optional Other Party Statement Details Not Used (but must be allowed for) Particulars Page 21 of 118 Other Party Statement Details 3.3.5. Batch Control Record The Batch Control Record contains details relating to the total number of items, the Hash Total and debit or credit totals. The following table describes the format of the Batch Control Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric Must be ‘3’ 1 1 Mandatory Batch Total Amount Numeric The amount is in cents. No dollar signs, commas or decimal points 2 11 Mandatory Number of Transactions Numeric Total number of Transactions 3 5 Mandatory Hash Total Numeric Sum of Branch / Account Numbers, overflow Ignored. 4 11 Mandatory Note: The hash total is calculated using the branch and account numbers in each transaction record. The bank number and account suffix are not used when calculating the hash total. If the account number is 8 digits then the left most digit is excluded from the calculations. Example: 01 0123 0456789 00 06 0475 0123456 02 11 6100 1234567 040 03 0321 00987654 030 7019 2802466 The hash total is therefore 70192802466. If the hash total is more than 11 characters, exclude the additional characters on the left. Page 22 of 118 3.4. NZ Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import (without Control Record) 3.4.1. Overview The NZ Domestic Payments CSV Detail Import (without Control Record) file format allows a user to import a CSV file containing payment details into an existing Domestic Payments batch or template. 3.4.2. NZ Domestic Payments CSV (without Control Record) File Layout and Character Set A valid NZ Domestic Payments CSV file (without Control Record) consists of only one record type - Detail Record. NZ Domestic Payment detail items will be created for each Detail Record in the CSV file. The format specifications for the Detail Record are outlined in detail further in this document. The following character set is allowed in a CSV file: Alphanumeric fields support: o A..Z, 0..9, spaces and other keyboard characters (except commas which are treated as field separators) o Numeric fields should only have digit values (0-9) Page 23 of 118 3.4.3. Detail Record Each Detail Record contains information used to create one payment instruction (Detail Item). There may be many Detail Records in one CSV file. Other required detail item fields are inherited from the Batch/Template Header and can subsequently be changed. All fields must be separated by a comma (,) and each record will end with CRLF (carriagereturn/line feed). The following table describes the format of the Detail Record: Field Description Type Notes Record Position Max Length Mandatory/ Optional Transaction Amount Numeric The dollar amount of the transaction. This can be expressed either in whole dollars or in dollars and cents, e.g. 12 is read as 12.00 12. is read as 12.00 12.3 is read as 12.30 12.34 is read as 12.34 Commas cannot be used to separate '000s. The maximum allowable value is $99,999,999.99. 1 10 (or 11 if decimal point is included) Mandatory Account Number Alphanumeric The account number of the other party. The account number must contain 17 digits, in the 2-4-8-3 format with optional hyphens, e.g. 2 20 Mandatory 06-0501-00123456-000 or 06050100123456000 bank-branch-account base- account suffix The base number and suffix portions should be RIGHT JUSTIFIED (i.e. zerofilled to the left), e.g. 06-0501-0123456-02 (in 2-4-7-2 format) must be represented as 06-050100123456-002 (in 2-4-8-3 format). Other Party Name Alphanumeric The name of the other party. Free format alphanumeric text. 3 32 Mandatory Originator Reference Alphanumeric The Reference that will appear on the customer's bank statement. Free format alphanumeric text. 4 12 Optional Originator Analysis Code Alphanumeric The Analysis Code that will appear on the customer's bank statement. Free format alphanumeric text. 5 12 Optional Originator Particulars Alphanumeric The Particulars that will appear on the customer's bank statement. Free format alphanumeric text. 6 12 Optional Other Party Reference Alphanumeric The Reference that will appear on the other party's bank statement. Free format alphanumeric text. 7 12 Optional Other Party Analysis Code Alphanumeric The Analysis Code that will appear on the other party's bank statement. Free format alphanumeric text. 8 12 Optional Other Party Particulars Alphanumeric The Particulars that will appear on the other party's bank statement. Free format alphanumeric text. 9 12 Optional Page 24 of 118 4. Single Payments File Formats 4.1. Introduction This section details the Single Payments import format available in ANZ Transactive. 4.2. MT101 File Format (Australia & New Zealand) 4.2.1. Overview The MT101 File Import allows a user to import an MT101 file into ANZ Transactive as one or more Single Payment instructions. The supported payment types include RTGS, International and Multi Bank. The MT101 file format is the ANZ preferred file format for the aforementioned payment types. 4.2.2. File Naming Convention Not applicable. 4.2.3. MT101 File Layout and Character Set The MT101 message contains four (4) blocks of information. One or more transactions can be presented in the file; each payment instruction will begin with a block 1 and end with a block 4. The file may contain any of the supported Single Payments payment types. The following table displays a summary of the MT101 message format: Block Title Mandatory / Optional 1 Sending financial institution Mandatory Comments Block 1 is mandatory and must begin with “{1: F01” and end with “}” Example for ANZ Australia: {1: F01 ANZBAU3MXXX} 2 Message Type/Receiving financial institution Mandatory Block 2 is mandatory and for International and RTGS payments must contain the SWIFT BIC of the Bank that owns the funding account. Example for ANZ Australia: {2: I 101 ANZBAU3MXXX} Example for ANZ New Zealand: {2: I 101 ANZBNZ22XXX} For Multibank payments, enter either the Australian or New Zealand ANZ SWIFT BIC as per the examples above. 3 Additional Tag Information Optional Block 3 is optional. If present must begin with “{3:” and end with “}”. Not used by ANZ Transactive 4 Sequence A and Sequence B Mandatory Block 4 is mandatory and must begin with “{4:” and end with “-}”. This block contains Sequence A and Sequence B – see below for further details. Page 25 of 118 Character Set The following character set is allowed in an MT101 import file: Fields that are marked ‘Alpha’ (Alphanumeric) in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Letters: A-Z, a-z o Numbers: 0-9 o The following Characters: spaces ( ) , ampersands (&), apostrophes (‘), commas (,) , hyphens (-), full stops (.), forward slashes (/), plus sign (+), dollar sign ($), exclamation mark (!), percentage sign (%), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), number sign (#), equal sign (=), colon (:), question mark (?), left square bracket ([), right square bracket (]), underscore (_), circumflex (^) and the at symbol (@) Fields that are marked ‘Numeric’ in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Numbers: 0-9. Note: Braces (‘{’ and ‘}’) are used to identify the beginning and end of each block as outlined previously, but they cannot be used anywhere else in an MT101 file. As such they have not been included in the character set above. Page 26 of 118 4.2.4. Sequence A – General Information Tag Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional :20: Sender’s Reference Alpha 16 Reference number to link payment to originating system. Mandatory :21R: Customer reference Alpha 16 The customer reference associated with the payment. If 21R is not supplied then tag 21 in sequence B will be used as the customer reference. Optional :28D: Message Index/Total Numeric 5n/5n Always ‘00001/00001’. ANZ supports a single sequence B. Mandatory :50L: Instructing Party Alpha 35 Identifies the customer authorised by the account owner to order the payment. Used for Multibank payments only. Optional Must be provided in either sequence A or B (but not in both) for Multibank payments. :50H: Ordering Customer Alpha 34 Funding account preceded by ‘/’. BSB should be included where applicable. Name and address need not be entered. Optional Must be provided in either sequence A or B but not in both. Optional for BSB to be included in either tag 50H or 52A but mandatory to be provided in either 50H or 52A. :52A: Account Servicing Institution Alpha 11 SWIFT code pertaining to the funding account of the payment. Optional May be provided in either sequence A or B but not in both. Must be provided in either sequence A or B for Multibank payments. If populating then provide: • Optional national clearing system code preceded by a double slash (‘//’). Eg, for Australia, populate with “//AU” and the six number funding account BSB. • Mandatory 11 character SWIFT code pertaining to the funding account of the payment. If only 8 characters known then pad with trailing “XXX”, eg “ANZBAU3MXXX” Optional for BSB to be included in either tag 50H or 52A but mandatory to be provided in either 50H or 52A. :30: Requested Execution Date Page 27 of 118 Numeric 6 The payment date in format YYMMDD (e.g. 110101) Mandatory 4.2.5. Sequence B – Transaction Detail Record The following table describes the format of Sequence B of an MT101 file: Tag Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional :21: Transaction Reference Alpha 16 Customer reference associated with the payment. Mandatory :21F: F/X Deal Reference Alpha 16 Forward Exchange Contract or BID reference if an international payment. Optional Applicable exchange reference if a Multibank payment. Mandatory if tag 36 is populated. :23E: Instruction Code Alpha – 4 x 30 Numeric Specific instructions provided by the ordering customer to the account servicing institution. Conditional The system will only accept up to four instruction codes. For RTGS NZ the instruction code ‘OTHR’ followed by ‘/FAX’ or ‘/ATT’ can be provided to enter the beneficiaries fax number and Attention. E.g. :23E: OTHR/FAX/64-02-1234567 :23E: OTHR/ATT/Mr Smith Note: Country Code, Area Code, and Phone Number must be separated by a hyphen as per example.. :32B: Currency and Transaction amount Alpha – 3– Payment currency and amount. Numeric 15 E.g. USD1234,56 (note ‘,’ convention) Mandatory Amount can be 0 if 33B is specified. For payments in Currencies with no decimal place, no values should be provided after the decimal place (E.g. JPY100,) :50L: Instructing Party AlphaNumeric 35 Identifies the customer authorised by the account owner to order the payment. Optional Used for Multibank payments only. Must be provided in either sequence A or B (but not in both) for Multibank payments. :50H: Ordering Customer Alpha 34 Funding account preceded by ‘/’. BSB should be included where applicable. Name and address need not be entered. Must be provided in either sequence A or B but not in both Optional for BSB to be included in either tag 50H or 52A but mandatory to be provided in either 50H or 52A. Page 28 of 118 Optional Tag Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional :52A: Account Servicing Institution Alpha 11 SWIFT code pertaining to the funding account of the payment. Optional May be provided in either sequence A or B but not in both. If populating then provide: • Optional national clearing system code preceded by a double slash (‘//’). Eg, for Australia, populate with “//AU” and the six number funding account BSB. • Mandatory 11 character SWIFT code pertaining to the funding account of the payment. If only 8 characters known then pad with trailing “XXX”, eg “ANZBAU3MXXX” Optional for BSB to be included in either tag 50H or 52A but mandatory to be provided in either 50H or 52A. :56A: Intermediary Institution Alpha 11 Bank code of Intermediary bank. Can be one of the following: SWIFT BIC OR Alpha :56C: 15 Domestic Clearing Code of Intermediary bank, // followed by a two letter clearing system code and party identifier Eg. //XXnn..nn Where XX is the country Clearing System Code (See section 4.2.6) OR :56D: Intermediary Institution (continued) Alpha 5 x 35 Line 1: Bank code of Intermediary bank. Can be one of the following: ▪ Clearing code (format //XXnnn…nn) Line 2: Intermediary Bank name. Line 3: Intermediary Bank address line 1. Line 4: Intermediary Bank address line 2. Line 5: Intermediary Bank country (must be ISO compliant format). Lines 1, 2, 3 and 5 are mandatory. Note: Tag :56D: should only be used if bank code of Intermediary Bank is unknown to ANZ Transactive. Page 29 of 118 Optional Tag Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional :57A: Account With Institution Alpha 11 Bank code of beneficiary bank. Can be one of the following: Mandatory SWIFT BIC The following clearing codes are accepted in 57A, however it is preferable that they are used in field 57C: BSB for RTGS AU (format //AUnnnnnn) BB for RTGS NZ (format //NZnnnnnn) OR :57C: Alpha 15 Domestic Clearing Code of beneficiary bank, // followed by a two letter clearing system code and party identifier Eg. //XXnn..nn Where XX is the country Clearing System Code (See section 4.2.6) OR :57D: Alpha 5 x 35 Line 1: Bank code of beneficiary bank. Can be one of the following: BSB for RTGS AU (format //AUnnnnnn) BB for RTGS NZ (format //NZnnnnnn) Clearing code (format //XXnnn…nn) Line 2: Beneficiary Bank name. Line 3: Beneficiary Bank address line 1. Line 4: Beneficiary Bank address line 2. Line 5: Beneficiary Bank country (must be ISO compliant format). Lines 1, 2, 3 and 5 are mandatory. Note: Tag :57D: should only be used if bank code of Beneficiary Bank is unknown to ANZ Transactive. :59: Beneficiary Alpha 5x35 Line 1: Account of the payment Beneficiary preceded by a ‘/’. Mandatory Lines 2-5: Name and address of the payment beneficiary. :70: Remittance Information Page 30 of 118 Alpha 4x35 Details of payment. Optional Tag Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional :33B: Funding currency and amount Alpha – 3– Funding currency and amount. Optional Numeric 15 E.g. AUD1234,56 (note ‘,’ convention). Currency should match that of funding account. Amount can be 0 if 32B is specified. :71A: Details of Charges Alpha 3 Must be ‘SHA’ for RTGS payments. Mandatory Must be ’SHA’ or ‘OUR’ for International payments. Must be ‘SHA’, ‘OUR’ or ‘BEN’ for Multibank payments. :36: Exchange Rate Numeric 12 Forward Exchange Contract or BID rate if an international payment. Applicable exchange rate if a Multibank payment. Optional Must be populated if 21F is populated. If 33B is present and 32B is non zero then this tag must be present. Note: Some standard SWIFT MT101 file format fields that are not used by ANZ Transactive have been omitted from this document. Page 31 of 118 4.2.6. Clearing System Codes The table below lists the valid Clearing System Codes. Clearing System Code Length Comments AT 5 Austrian Bankleitzahl AU 6 Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code BL 8 German Bankleitzahl CC 9 Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number CH 6 CHIPS Universal Identifier CP 4 CHIPS Participant Identifier ES 8 or 9 Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code FW 9 Fedwire Routing Number GR 7 HEBIC (Hellenic Bank Identification Code) HK 3 Bank Code of Hong Kong IE 6 Irish National Clearing Code (NSC) IN 11 Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) IT 10 Italian Domestic Identification Code NZ 6 New Zealand National Clearing Code PL 8 Polish National Clearing Code (KNR) PT 8 Portuguese National Clearing Code RU 9 Russian Central Bank Identification Code SC 6 UK Domestic Sort Code SW 3 or 5 Swiss Clearing Code (BC code) SW 6 Swiss Clearing Code (SIC code) ZA 6 South African National Clearing Code Page 32 of 118 4.3. WIRS file format (Australia only) 4.3.1. Overview The WIRS File Import allows a user to import a WIRS file into ANZ Transactive as one or more Single Payment instructions. The supported payment types include RTGS and International. Although WIRS files are supported by ANZ Transactive, MT101 files are the preferred file format for these payment types. WIRS files can only be used for payments funded from ANZ Australian domiciled accounts. The file format also does not allow users to specify an Intermediary Bank. Note: Multibank Payments cannot be created using WIRS formatted files. 4.3.2. File Naming Convention Not Applicable. 4.3.3. WIRS File Layout and Character Set ANZ WIRS operates on a combination of an MT101 and MT103 message formats. The file consists of one record - the Detail Record Each line of incoming data is to terminate with a Carriage Return, Line feed. Multiple payment instructions can be included in a single WIRS formatted file. Each payment instruction must be separated by a hyphen “-” followed by a Carriage Return, Line Feed. Character Set The following character set is allowed in a WIRS import file: Fields that are marked ‘Alpha’ (Alphanumeric) in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Letters: A-Z, a-z o Numbers: 0-9 o The following Characters: spaces ( ) , ampersands (&), apostrophes (‘), commas (,) , hyphens (-), full stops (.), forward slashes (/), plus sign (+), dollar sign ($), exclamation mark (!), percentage sign (%), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), number sign (#), equal sign (=), colon (:), question mark (?), left square bracket ([), right square bracket (]), underscore (_), circumflex (^) and the at symbol (@) Fields that are marked ‘Numeric’ in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: Numbers: 0-9. Page 33 of 118 4.3.4. Detail Record The following table outlines the Detail Record: TAG Field Description Type Length Notes Optional/ Mandatory :20: Transaction Reference Number Alpha 16 This reference must be unique per payment per day. Mandatory :32A: Value Date, Currency Code, Amount Numeric 24 This field contains the Value Date (6 Characters) as YYMMDD, Currency Code (3 Characters) and Amount (15 Characters) with comma separated decimal. Mandatory :50: Ordering Customer Alpha 4 x 35 Company Identifier as agreed with ANZ Implementation Mandatory :53B: Sender’s Correspondent Alpha/ Numeric 34 Must start with “/” followed by the BSB and Account Number for Transaction funding Optional :57: Account With Institution Country ISO Alpha 2 :57A: Account With Institution Alpha 11 Bank code of beneficiary bank. Can be one of the following: Where field :57D: specified, it is mandatory to provide the International Organization for Standardizati on (ISO) Country code. SWIFT BIC BSB for RTGS (format //AUnnnnnn) OR :57C: Alpha 15 Domestic Clearing Code of beneficiary bank, // followed by a two letter clearing system code and party identifier Eg. //XXnn..nn Where XX is the country Clearing System Code (See section 4.2.6) OR Page 34 of 118 Optional Mandatory :57D: Alpha 5 x 35 Line 1: Bank code of beneficiary bank. Can be one of the following: ▪ BSB for RTGS (format //AUnnnnnn) ▪ Clearing code (format //XXnnn…nn) Line 2: Beneficiary Bank name. Line 3: Beneficiary Bank address line 1. Line 4: Beneficiary Bank address line 2. Line 5: Beneficiary Bank country (must be ISO compliant format). Lines 1, 2, 3 and 5 are mandatory. Note: Tag :57D: should only be used if bank code of Beneficiary Bank is unknown to ANZ Transactive. :59: Beneficiary Customer Alpha 5 x 35 Line 1: Account of the payment Beneficiary preceded by a ‘/’. Mandatory Lines 2-5: Name and address of the payment beneficiary. :70: Details of Payment Alpha 4 x 35 Four lines of information Optional OR First Line RFB maximum of 16 characters and 3 lines thereafter a maximum of 35 characters each) E.g. :70:/RFB/Invoice 123 :71A: Details of Charges Alpha 3 Must be ‘SHA’ for RTGS payments. Optional Must be ’SHA’ or ‘OUR’ for International payments. 4.3.5. Miscellaneous Field Format Specifications Optional Fields from SWIFT Message Type 101 may be utilised when creating a payment. The following Table outlines the format of miscellaneous fields: TAG Field Description Type Length Optional/ Mandatory Notes :21F: F/X Deal Reference Alpha 16 Foreign exchange instrument reference (Deal/Bid/FEC). Optional For example: :21F:123456789 Page 35 of 118 :33B: Currency Original/Ordered Amount Numeric 15 Used in conjunction with field :21F: this value is the sell currency amount with comma separated decimal Optional For example: :33B:5438,10 :36: Exchange Rate Numeric 12 Used in conjunction with field :21F: this value is the F/X rate supplied by ANZ with comma separated decimal Optional For example: :36:0,42 4.3.6. Account with Institution Country ISO Code ANZ must be provided a Country ISO code within SWIFT field 57 whenever a “D” format option is utilised at Field :57: Conditional field rules: Field: 57: Account With Institution Country ISO Code Definition: International Standards Association country code for domicile of Beneficiary Bank. Format: 2 alpha Presence: Mandatory when field: 57D: is present Non-standard SWIFT field for Bank Country ISO Code: TAG Field Description Type Length Notes Optional/ Mandatory :57: Account With Institution Country ISO Alpha 2 Where field :57D: specified, it is mandatory to provide the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Country code. Optional Page 36 of 118 4.4. NZ International Payment CSV file format (New Zealand only) 4.4.1. Overview The NZ International Payment CSV File format allows a user to import an International Payment into ANZ Transactive as one or more Single Payment instructions. ANZ NZ accounts and ANZ foreign currency accounts located in New Zealand can be used to fund these payments Although NZ International Payment CSV files are supported by ANZ Transactive, MT101 files are the preferred file format for International payments. 4.4.2. File Naming Convention Not applicable 4.4.3. NZ International CSV File Layout and Character Set The NZ International Payment CSV file format contains one record per transaction and can contain multiple transactions in a single file. A valid CSV file must adhere to the following rules: All specified fields of type ‘alphanumeric’ must be enclosed in inverted commas (“”). The Beneficiary Account number / IBAN field must also be enclosed in inverted commas. There must be a minimum of 1 record and it is recommended the file does not exceed a maximum of 1250 records. Field Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional 1 Payment Currency (Code) Characters A..Z a..z 3 Currency in which the international payment is being made. Mandatory 2 Payment Amount Characters 0..9 and decimal, maximum 3 digits allowed after decimal 14 + decimal This is the amount in the payment currency that the beneficiary will receive. Decimal point is optional. Mandatory 3 Value Date Characters 0..9 8 The Payment Date for the international payment transaction. • Format: DDMMYYYY • Must be greater than or equal to the present date. Mandatory 4 Beneficiary Bank Country (Code) Characters A..Z a..z 2 Country where the international payment is being sent. Mandatory 5 Debit Account Number Characters A..Z a..z 0..9 – 20 The Account Number from which the international payment is to be made. Mandatory Page 37 of 118 Field Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional 6 Your Reference Characters A..Z a..z 0..9 () - + 16 The reference that is displayed on your statement. If this is not provided, ANZ Transactive will default this to the first 16 characters of the Beneficiary Account Name (field 9). Optional 7 Charges Account Number Characters A..Z a..z 0..9 - 20 This field will be ignored since charges will be applied to your nominated billing account. Optional 8 Beneficiary Account Number or IBAN Alphanumeric, but no spaces allowed 34 Account number that will receive the international payment. Optional 9 Beneficiary Account Name Alphanumeric 35 Account Name for the receiving end of the international payment. Mandatory 10 Beneficiary Address 1 Alphanumeric 35 First line of the address of the person / organization to whom the payment is being sent. The address must not be a P.O. Box address. Mandatory 11 Beneficiary Address 2 Alphanumeric 35 Second line of the address of the person / organization to whom the payment is being sent. The address must not be a P.O. Box address. Optional 12 Beneficiary Address 3 Alphanumeric 35 Third line of the address of the person / organization to whom the payment is being sent. The address must not be a P.O. Box address. Optional 13 Message to Beneficiary 1 Alphanumeric 35 First line of any transaction related details sent to the beneficiary. Optional 14 Message to Beneficiary 2 Alphanumeric 35 Second line of any transaction related details sent to the beneficiary. Optional 15 Message to Beneficiary 3 Alphanumeric 35 Third line of any transaction related details sent to the beneficiary. Optional 16 Message to Beneficiary 4 Alphanumeric 35 Fourth line of any transaction related details sent to the beneficiary. Optional 17 SWIFT / BIC Alphanumeric 11 An international standard to uniquely identify a financial institution. (also known as BIC Bank Identifier Code). One of fields 17 or 22 must be populated If the SWIFT / BIC is unknown to ANZ Transactive, this field should be left blank, and beneficiary bank details should instead be provided in fields 18 – 22. (An unrecognised SWIFT / BIC cannot be imported by Transactive.) 18 Bank Name Page 38 of 118 Alphanumeric 35 Name of the bank to which the Optional Field Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional international payment is being sent. 19 Bank Branch Alphanumeric 35 Name of the bank branch to which the international payment is being sent. Optional 20 Bank Address 1 Alphanumeric 35 First line of the address of the bank to which the international payment is being sent. Optional 21 Bank Address 2 Alphanumeric 35 Second line of the address of the bank to which the international payment is being sent. Optional 22 Sort Code / BSB Alphanumeric 12 Unique identifier to the particular office (branch) of a bank which holds bank accounts. One of fields 17 or 22 must be populated If the SWIFT / BIC (field 17) or Sort Code / BSB (field 22) are unknown to ANZ Transactive, field 22 should be used rather than field 17, and as much information as possible should be provided about additional details of the beneficiary bank (fields 18 – 21). 23 Intermediary Bank BIC or Sort Code Alphanumeric 12 Bank nominated to receive payments on behalf of those banks that cannot have payments sent directly to them Optional 24 Overseas Bank Charges Alphabets only 3 Who will pay the overseas bank charges. Possible values are SHA, OUR, or BEN. Mandatory 25 Currency Conversion Alphabets only 4 Enable users to select currency conversion options. Possible values are: Optional • EXCH (value date exchange rate only) • DEAL (existing deals/cover only) • BOTH (deals/cover for part payment and value date exchange rate for the shortfall) This field will be ignored; if either field 26 or 28 are present, the payment is assumed to be a DEAL, otherwise it is assumed to be EXCH. 26 Deal Number Page 39 of 118 Alphanumeric 8 Reference of an agreement that requires the customer to buy a certain amount of foreign currency at an agreed rate and on an agreed date. Optional Field Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional If a deal is entered it needs to be more than or equal to the amount of the payment. Deals for amounts less than the payment cannot be utilised. If field 26 is populated, field 28 must also be populated; if only one of fields 26 or 28 is populated, the deal cannot be processed automatically. Deal details must be entered in fields 26 and 28, since fields 29 – 34 will always be ignored. 27 28 29 Credit Amount Exchange Rate Deal Numbers Characters 0..9 and decimal, maximum 3 digits allowed after decimal 14 + decimal Characters 0..9 and decimal. There must not be more than 5 digits before the decimal and 4 digits after the decimal. 9+ decimal Alphanumeric 8 Amount of payment to be utilized per deal. Optional Not used by ANZ Transactive. For future use. The rate at which the foreign currency was purchased from the bank, as a part of the deal. Optional If field 26 is populated, field 28 must also be populated; if only one of fields 26 or 28 is populated, the deal cannot be processed automatically. Deal details must be entered in fields 26 and 28, since fields 29 – 34 will always be ignored. Only one deal is allowed to be used. Optional Not used by ANZ Transactive. For future use. 30 31 Credit Amount Exchange Rate Page 40 of 118 Characters 0..9 and decimal, maximum 3 digits allowed after decimal 14 + decimal Characters 0..9 and decimal. There must not be more than 5 digits before the 9+ decimal Amount of payment to be utilized per deal. Optional Not used by ANZ Transactive. For future use. The rate at which the foreign currency was purchased from the bank, as a part of the deal. Not used by ANZ Transactive. For future use. Optional Field Field Description Type Length Notes Mandatory /Optional 8 Only one deal is allowed to be used. Optional decimal and 4 digits after the decimal. 32 Deal Numbers Alphanumeric Not used by ANZ Transactive. For future use. 33 34 Credit Amount Exchange Rate Page 41 of 118 Characters 0..9 and decimal, maximum 3 digits allowed after decimal 14 + decimal Characters 0..9 and decimal. There must not be more than 5 digits before the decimal and 4 digits after the decimal. 9+ decimal Amount of payment to be utilized per deal. Optional Not used by ANZ Transactive. For future use. The rate at which the foreign currency was purchased from the bank, as a part of the deal. Not used by ANZ Transactive. For future use. Optional 4.5. BPAY File format (Australia only) 4.5.1. Overview The file format for importing BPAY payments is the Batch Entry Method (BEM) format. This format allows a user to submit multiple BPAY payments to one or more billers in a single file. Only Australian domiciled CAP and CACHE accounts can be used to fund these payments. 4.5.2. BPAY File Layout and Character Set A valid BPAY file consists of the following record types: A File Header Record Payment Instruction Record(s) A File Trailer Record The following character set is allowed in a BPAY file: Fields that are marked ‘Alpha’ (Alphanumeric) in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Letters: A-Z, a-z o Numbers: 0-9 o The following Characters: spaces ( ) , ampersands (&), apostrophes (‘), commas (,) , hyphens (-), full stops (.), forward slashes (/), plus sign (+), dollar sign ($), exclamation mark (!), percentage sign (%), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), number sign (#), equal sign (=), colon (:), question mark (?), left square bracket ([), right square bracket (]), underscore (_), circumflex (^) and the at symbol (@) o ‘Optional’ Alphanumeric fields must be filled with spaces if no data exists. Fields that are marked ‘Numeric’ in the ‘Type’ column are limited to: o Numbers: 0-9. o ‘Optional’ Numeric fields must be filled with zeros if no data exists. o Unless otherwise indicated, numeric fields should be right justified and blank filled ANZ Transactive requires BPAY Import files to be prepared as 201 byte fixed length records and must be separated by CRLF (carriage-return/line feed, Hex 0D0A). This must be consistent for the whole file. 4.5.3. File Header Record The File Header Record contains BPAY Payment header details The following table describes the format of the File Header Record: Page 42 of 118 Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric A code ‘00’ indicating the Header record. 1 2 2 Mandatory Payer Institution Code Alpha Numeric The Institution Code that is to receive the file. For example ANZ, 114, C02, etc. 3 5 3 Mandatory File Creation Date Numeric Format YYYYMMDD. The local date of file creation. 6 13 8 Mandatory File Creation Time Numeric Format HHMMSS. The local time of file creation. 14 19 6 Mandatory File Number Numeric The unique file number for the file creation date. 20 22 3 Mandatory Filler Alpha Spaces 23 201 179 Mandatory 4.5.4. Payment Instruction Record The Payment Instruction Record contains information used to create the BPAY Payment. The following table describes the format of the Payment Instruction Record: Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric A code ‘50’ indicating a Payment Instruction record. 1 2 2 Mandatory Payer Institution Code Alphanumeric The Code representing the Payer Institution. For example ANZ, 114, C02, etc. 3 5 3 Mandatory Payment Account Detail Alphanumeric The relevant account number of the payer (BSB and account number), left justified with trailing spaces. 6 25 20 Mandatory Country of Payment Alpha The ISO alphabetic country code in which the Payer’s Account resides. This will be the code for Australia. 26 28 3 Optional State of Payment Alpha The alphanumeric state in which the Payer’s account resides, if the country has state codes. 29 31 3 Optional Page 43 of 118 Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Currency Code of Payment Alpha The ISO alphabetic code denoting the currency of Payment. This should be the code for Australian Dollars (AUD). 32 34 3 Mandatory Biller Code Numeric The CIP assigned number denoting the Biller. 35 44 10 Mandatory Service Code Numeric Reserved for future use. Currently zero filled. e.g. “0000000” 45 51 7 Mandatory Customer Reference Number Alphanumeric The number by which the Biller identifies the account that is being paid. Left Justified, filled with trailing spaces. The leading non-space part must be all numeric. 52 71 20 Mandatory Amount Numeric The amount of the Payment, 2 digits of cents implied. 72 83 12 Mandatory BPAY Settlement Date Numeric The date is used for forward dating files, in YYYYMMDD format. If left blank, the date will default to the current business day. 84 91 8 Optional Payer Name Alphanumeric The name of the Batch Payer. 92 131 40 Optional Additional Reference Code Alphanumeric Not required. 132 151 20 Optional Discretionary Data Alphanumeric Not required. 152 201 50 Optional Page 44 of 118 4.5.5. File Trailer Record The following table describes the format of the File Trailer Record: Field Description Type Notes Start Position End Position Length Mandatory/ Optional Record Type Numeric A code ‘99’ indicating the Trailer record. 1 2 2 Mandatory Payer Institution Code Alphanumeric Same value as Header record. 3 5 3 Mandatory File Creation Date Numeric Same value as Header record. 6 13 8 Mandatory File Creation Time Numeric Same value as Header record. 14 19 6 Mandatory File Number Numeric Same value as Header record. 20 22 3 Mandatory Number of Payments Numeric The total number of Payment Instructions in the file. 23 31 9 Mandatory Amount of Payments Numeric The total amount of Payment Instructions in the file, 2 digits of cents implied. 32 46 15 Mandatory Filler Alpha Spaces 47 201 155 Mandatory Page 45 of 118 5. BTR and Returned Items File Formats 5.1. Introduction This section defines the export file formats available through the Reporting product in ANZ Transactive. 5.2. BAI File 5.3. Introduction A BAI formatted file will be generated using the BAI 2.0 standard. If a file is manually generated and there are no account or transaction details available an empty file will be created. An empty BAI file will only contain a 01 (Header) and a 99 (Trailer) record. If the file is system generated: No file(s) will be created if no balance and/or transaction details are available. Each line in a BAI formatted file has a maximum length of 80 characters. 5.3.1. Reserved Characters Commas (,) and slashes (/) are used only as delimiters in the BAI Export format: Comma (,) delimits fields. Slash (/) delimits the end of the logical record. Adjacent delimiters such as comma-comma (,,) or comma-slash (,/) identify defaulted or unspecified fields. Where records contain commas or slashes, they will be replaced so as not to confuse the characters with delimiters as follows: If a field value contains a comma (,) it will be replaced with a space ( ) If a record contains a slash (/) it will be replaced with a hyphen (-) Page 46 of 118 5.3.2. BAI File Layout The following table describes the layout of a BAI formatted file Record type Record name 01 File Header Description/Notes Mandatory/ Optional Indicates the beginning of the file. Mandatory There is only one File Header record per BAI file 02 Group Header Identifies a group of accounts for each originating financial institution per post date in the file. Optional There may be more than one Group Header record per file. Additional Group Header records will follow the Group Trailer (98) record of the previous group in the file. 03 Account Identifier and Summary Status Identifies each account number and reports account summary and account balance status items. Optional There will be one Account Identifier and Summary Status record for each account number requested. There may be many Account Identifier and Summary Status records for each Group Header (02) record in the file. 16 Transaction Detail Reports transaction detail. Optional There may be many Transaction Detail records for each Account Identifier and Summary Status (03) record in the file 88 Continuation Record Used if the data in any record exceeds the physical record size (80 characters) or needs to be divided for any reason. Optional There may be many continuation records in a BAI file. Note: A continuation (88) record can follow any record type, including another continuation (88) record. It will not necessarily follow a transaction (16) record – it has been included in here to illustrate a possible BAI file layout only. 49 Account Trailer Provides account level control totals. Optional There will be one Account Trailer per Account Identifier and Summary Status (03) record. 98 Group Trailer Provides group level control totals. Optional There will be one Group Trailer record per Group Header (02) record. 99 File Trailer Indicates the end of the logical file. Mandatory There is only one File Trailer (99) record per BAI file. Important: The above table depicts a simple BAI file layout with only one instance of each record type. Some records may appear multiple times in a single BAI export – please refer to Description/Notes above and the record formats that follow. Page 47 of 118 5.3.3. File Header Record The file header record marks the beginning of the file, identifies the sender and receiver of the transmission and describes the file’s structure. Only one ‘01 - File Header record’ will be written per BAI file. The following table describes the format of the File Header Record. Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘01’ Mandatory 2 Sender Identification Default value ‘ANZ’ Mandatory 3 Receiver Identification Your ANZ Transactive User Group ID Mandatory 4 File Creation Date Sender date. Mandatory YYMMDD. 5 File Creation Time Server time and time-zone. Mandatory HHMM 24 hour format. 6 File Identification Number Identification number defined by the sender. The number will be new for each file with the same file creation date. Used to identify uniquely those files transmitted between a sender and a receiver on a given date. Mandatory 7 Reserved Not used by ANZ Transactive Optional 8 Reserved Not used by ANZ Transactive Optional 9 Version Number Always ‘2’. Mandatory 10 Delimiters Always ‘/’. Mandatory Page 48 of 118 5.3.4. Group Header Record The Group Header identifies a group of accounts, all of which are from the same originator on the same date. Only one ‘02 - Group Header Record’ will be written for each Bank Code per Post Date in the BAI file. The following table describes the format of the Group Header Record. Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘02’. Mandatory 2 Ultimate Receiver Identification Always blank Optional 3 Original Identification Originating Bank BIC. Mandatory 4 Group Status Always ‘1’. Mandatory 5 As-of-Date The post date of items included in this Group. Mandatory YYMMDD 6 As-of-Time HHmm – set to 0000 Mandatory 7 Reserved Not Used by ANZ Transactive – Always blank Optional 8 As-of-Date Modifier Always ‘2’. Optional 9 Delimiters Always ‘/’. Mandatory 5.3.5. 03 – Account Identifier and Summary Status Record This record identifies the account number and/or reports account summary and account balance status items. Summary information may be accompanied by an item count. At least one 03 Account Identifier and Summary Status record will be written for each account number requested. Type 03 records may report several different status and/or summary amounts for the same account. For example, a single 03 record might report ledger balance and available balance as well as the amount, item count and funds type for total credits and total debits. The ‘Type Code’, ‘Amount’, ‘Item Count’ and ‘Funds Type’ fields are repeated to identify each status or summary type. The following table describes the format of the Account Identifier and Summary Record: Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘03’ Mandatory 2 Account Number Account number at originator financial institution. Mandatory The field is alphanumeric and includes significant leading zeroes. 3 Currency Code Page 49 of 118 Currency code from the item. Mandatory Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 4 Type Code Identifies the type of summary of status data. Default indicates that no status or summary data are being reported. Optional Type Code Ranges: 010-099: Account status type codes 100: Total credits summary type code 101-399: Credit summary and detail type codes 400: Total debits summary type code 401-699: Debit summary and detail type codes 900-999: Customized type codes Refer to Appendix A for full list of BAI codes 5 Amount Decimal places are implied based on Currency Code. Optional Status amounts are signed positive + or negative -. Default of sign is positive. Summary amounts may only be positive or unsigned. Default of field indicates that no amount is being reported. 6 Item Count Integer field. Default is ‘unknown’. Optional For summary type codes only; will be defaulted for status type codes. 7 Funds Type Always null Optional 8 Reserved Not used by ANZ Transactive Optional 9 Reserved Not used by ANZ Transactive Optional 10 Reserved Not used by ANZ Transactive Optional 11 Delimiters Always ‘/’. Mandatory Page 50 of 118 5.3.6. 16 – Transaction Detail Record This record reports transaction details with the accompanying text and reference numbers. Only one ‘16 - Transaction Detail Record’ will be written for each item available for each requested account. The following table describes the format of the Transaction Detail Record: Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘16’. Mandatory 2 Type Code Identifies the type of detail data (e.g. 399, 699, etc.) Mandatory Refer to Appendix A for full list of BAI codes 3 Amount Decimal places are implied based on the Currency Code in the Group Header (02) or Account Identifier (03) record. Optional Always positive (unsigned) and expressed without a decimal. Default indicates that no amount is being reported. 4 Reserved Not Used by ANZ Transactive Optional 5 Bank Reference Number Alphanumeric field defined by the originator. Will not contain a comma (,) or slash (/). Optional 6 Customer Reference Number Alphanumeric field defined by the originator. Will not contain a comma (,) or slash (/). Optional 7 Text Alphanumeric field defined by the originator. Will not begin with a slash (/), but may contain a comma (,) or a slash (/) after the first character. Optional 8 Delimiters Always ‘/’. Mandatory Page 51 of 118 5.3.7. 88 – Continuation Record If the data in any type of record exceeds the physical record size (80 characters), or if dividing the record is desirable for any other reason, an 88 Continuation Record allows the data to continue in the same format. A Continuation Record may follow any type of record, including another continuation (88). The following table describes the format of the Continuation Record: Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘88’ Mandatory 2 (Next Field) The Record Code field is followed by a continuation of the preceding record. The format is exactly the same as in the preceding record. Optional If the preceding record ended within a text field, the text continues in the 88 record. If the preceding record did not end within a text field, the 88 record continues with whatever field follows the final field in the preceding physical record. If a non-text field begins in one record, it will be completed in that record. The following 88 record may continue with the next field. 3 Delimiters 5.3.8. Delimiters are the same as for the preceding record. If the preceding physical record does not end within a text field, it will end with the delimiter slash (/), even if the following continuation (88) includes or begins with text. If the preceding physical record ends within text that is to be continued, no delimiter will be placed at the end of that record. Mandatory 49 – Account Trailer Record The Account Trailer Record provides account level control totals. There will be a 49 Account Trailer Record for each 03 record. All 16 and 88 records between the 03 record and the 49 record refer to the account identified in the 03 record. One ‘49 - Account Trailer Record’ will be written for each requested account. The following table describes the format of the Account Trailer Record: Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘49’ Mandatory 2 Account Control Total Sum of all Amount fields in the preceding type 03 records and all type 16 and 88 records associated with that account. Mandatory The total does not include amounts reported in Funds Type or Item Count fields. This field includes the sign + or - for the total. If no sign precedes the total, the default is positive. 3 Number of Records Page 52 of 118 Integer. The total number of records in the account, including the 03 records and all 16 and 88 records, and including this account trailer 49 record. Mandatory Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 4 Delimiters Always ‘/’. Mandatory 5.3.9. 98 – Group Trailer Record The Group Trailer Record provides group level control totals. There will be a 98 Group Trailer Record for each 02 record. One ‘98 - Group Trailer Record’ will be written for each Bank Code per Post Date. The following table describes the format of the Group Trailer Record: Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘98’. Mandatory 2 Group Control Total Sum of account control totals from the BAI 49 records. This field includes the sign (+ or -) for the total. If no sign precedes the total, the default is positive Mandatory 3 Number of Accounts Integer. The total number of 03 records in this group. Mandatory 4 Number of Records Integer. The total number of all records written for this group, including 02, 03, 16, 88, 49 and this 98 record. Mandatory 5 Delimiters Always ‘/’. Mandatory 5.3.10. 99 – File Trailer Record The File Trailer Record indicates the end of the logical file. One ‘99 - File Trailer Record’ will be written per BAI file. The following table describes the format of the File Trailer Record: Field Description Comments Mandatory / Optional 1 Record Code Always ‘99’. Mandatory 2 File Control Total Sum of group control totals from the BAI 98 records. This field includes the sign (+ or -) for the total. If no sign precedes the total, the default is positive Mandatory 3 Number of Groups Integer. The total number of 02 records in this file. Mandatory 4 Number of Records Integer. The total number of all records written for this file, including 02, 03, 16, 88, 49, 98 and this 99 record. Mandatory 5 Delimiters Always ‘/’. Mandatory Page 53 of 118 5.4. Statement Files 5.5. Introduction The Statement File format consists of 2 separate files, a balance file that contains balance records for accounts and a transaction file that contains transaction records for accounts. Two files will be created per export: Balance file, and Transaction file. The files will not contain any header or trailer records. All fields will be enclosed in doublequotes (“) and separated by a comma (,). Each record will end with CRLF (carriagereturn/line feed). Any fields containing null database values will contain double quotes as placeholders. If the file is manually generated: It will contain balance and/or transaction records based in the selection criteria chosen by the user An empty file(s) containing no records will be created if no balances and/or transactions are available for the selection criteria chosen by the user. If the file is system generated: It will contain balance and/or transaction records for all accounts entitled to the reporting product No file(s) will be created if no balance and/or transaction records are available. 5.5.1. Statement Balance File Format The following table describes the format of the Statement Balance file. Field Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size 1 Balance Date Alpha Mandatory 11 Alpha Mandatory 20 Format DD-Mmm-YYYY (e.g. 01-Jan-2011) 2 Account Number BSB and Account Number Page 54 of 118 Field Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size 3 Source of Account: Alpha Mandatory 8 Alpha Mandatory 1 ANZ Australia Retail accounts: HFR ANZ Australia Corporate/Institutional accounts: CMM ANZ MIDANZ accounts: ACCOUNTING SYSTEM + COUNTRY + LEDGER INSTANCE* (e.g. MDZAUA) ANZ Australia V2 plus accounts: V2P ANZ New Zealand Retail/Corporate/Institutional accounts: NZC ANZ NZ accounts: SYS NZ Crossbank accounts (Westpac & Bank of New Zealand) : XBK ANZ New Zealand foreign currency accounts: NZM Other ANZ accounts: INT Non ANZ accounts: EXT *The ledger instance represents the ledger instance number of the accounting system of the account. It can be alpha-numeric or blank. 4 Account Format Indicates if there is a BSB present: ‘B’ if account has BSB ‘A’ if not 5 Client defined account name. In Transactive the Client defined account name is the Client Account Name in Transactive. The Client Account Name can be modified by Transactive users. As a result, the account name that displays on the report may not be the legal account name. Alpha Optional 16 6 ISO Currency Code Alpha Mandatory 3 Numeric Mandatory 24 Numeric Mandatory 24 Numeric Mandatory 24 Numeric Mandatory 5 e.g. AUD 7 Opening Balance Signed, decimal point present 8 Closing Balance Signed, decimal point present 9 Debit Total Unsigned, decimal point present 10 Number of Debits Page 55 of 118 Field Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size 11 Credit Total Numeric Mandatory 24 Unsigned, decimal point present 12 Number of Credits Numeric Mandatory 5 13 Debit Interest Rate Numeric Optional 7 Numeric Optional 7 Numeric Optional 20 Numeric Optional 20 Numeric Optional 20 Numeric Optional 20 Numeric Optional 20 Alpha Optional 11 Always to 4 decimal places 14 Credit Interest Rate Always to 4 decimal places 15 Overdraft Limit Unsigned, decimal point present 16 Debit Interest Accrued Unsigned, decimal point present 17 Credit Interest Accrued Unsigned, decimal point present 18 CR Duty Always ‘0’ 19 Dr Tax Accrued Not used – Always ‘0’ 20 Next processing date Format DD-Mmm-YYYY (e.g. 01-Jan-2011) 5.5.2. Statement Transaction File Format The following table describes the format of the Statement Transaction file. Field Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size 1 Transaction Date Alpha Mandatory 11 Alpha Mandatory 20 Format DD-Mmm-YYYY (e.g. 01-Jan-2011) 2 Account Number BSB and Account Number Page 56 of 118 Field Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size 3 Source of Account: Alpha Mandatory 8 Alpha Mandatory 1 ANZ Australia Retail accounts: HFR ANZ Australia Corporate/Institutional accounts: CMM ANZ MIDANZ accounts: ACCOUNTING SYSTEM + COUNTRY + LEDGER INSTANCE* (e.g. MDZAUA) ANZ Australia V2 plus accounts: V2P ANZ New Zealand Retail/Corporate/Institutional accounts: NZC ANZ NZ accounts: SYS NZ Crossbank accounts (Westpac & Bank of New Zealand) : XBK ANZ New Zealand foreign currency accounts: NZM Other ANZ accounts: INT Non ANZ accounts: EXT *The ledger instance represents the ledger instance number of the accounting system of the account. It can be alpha-numeric or blank. 4 Account Format Indicates if there is a BSB present in account number in field 2: ‘B’ if account has BSB ‘A’ if not 5 Client defined account name. In Transactive the Client defined account name is the Client Account Name in Transactive. The Client Account Name can be modified by Transactive users. As a result, the account name that displays on the report may not be the legal account name. Alpha Optional 16 6 ISO Currency Code Alpha Mandatory 3 Alpha Optional 16 Alpha Mandatory 10 Alpha Optional 18 E.g. AUD 7 Sub Account Name Not used – Always NULL 8 Short Description of transaction E.g. Cheque, Payment, Transfer etc. Refer to Appendix A for full list 9 Reference E.g. Cheque Number, Invoice Number etc. Page 57 of 118 Field Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size 10 Transaction Amount Numeric Mandatory 22 Alpha Optional 160 Alpha Mandatory 11 Alpha Mandatory 20 Alpha Mandatory 3 Alpha Optional 10 Signed, decimal point present 11 Narrative 160 character narrative. If no narrative is available this will be set to literal “” 12 Value Date Format DD-Mmm-YYYY. (e.g. 01-Jan-2011) Can be different to transaction date if backdated 13 Trace ID ANZ Internal trace line If no Trace ID is available this will be set to literal “” 14 Tran Code 3-digit transaction code. See Appendix A for list of transaction codes If no transaction code is available this will be set to literal “” 15 Aux Dom This carries additional information about the transaction. See Appendix A for full list of Aux Doms If no Aux Dom is available this will be set to literal “” Page 58 of 118 5.6. SAP/Multi-cash Files 5.7. Introduction The SAP/Multi-cash File format consists of 2 separate files, a balance file that contains balance records for accounts and a transaction file that contains transaction records for accounts. Two files will be created per export: Balance file Transaction file The files will not contain any header or trailer records. All fields will be separated by a semi-colon (;). If a field contains a semi-colon it will be replaced with a space. Each record will end with CRLF (carriage-return/line feed, Hex 0D0A). If the file is manually generated: It will contain balance and/or transaction records based on the selection criteria chosen by the user An empty file containing no records will be created if no balances or transactions are available for the selection criteria chosen by the user. If the file is system generated: It will contain balance and/or transaction records for all accounts entitled to the reporting product No file(s) will be created if no balance and/or transaction records are available. Page 59 of 118 5.7.1. SAP/Multi-cash Balance File Format The following table describes the format of the Sap/Multi-cash Balance file. Field Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size 1 For AU Retail, Corporate/Institutional and V2 Plus accounts, this will be the BSB of the account. Alpha Mandatory 12 Numeric/Alpha Mandatory 24 Numeric Mandatory 5 Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 8 Alpha Mandatory 3 Numeric Mandatory 18 Numeric Mandatory 18 Numeric Mandatory 18 BSBs will contain a hyphen (-) after the 3rd character. Format (NNN-NNN) For NZ Retail, Corporate/Institutional Accounts, the bank code is the Bank Branch (BB), which are the first 6 digits of the account number with a hyphen (-) after the 3rd character. Format (NNN-NNN) Other account types are as follows: ANZ MIDANZ accounts COUNTRY + ACCOUNTING SYSTEM + LEDGER INSTANCE* (E.g. AUMDZA) NZ Crossbank accounts Westpac: NZWPAC Bank of New Zealand: NZBKNZ ANZ New Zealand foreign currency accounts: NZNZM For Other ANZ Accounts or Non-ANZ accounts please contact your ANZ representative *The ledger instance represents the ledger instance number of the accounting system of the account. It can be alpha-numeric or blank. 2 Account number Note: For NZ Domestic Account Numbers, system will display account number less the first 6 digits which refer to the Bank Branch number. 3 Statement Number Consecutive number starting with 1 and reset at the start of a new year. 4 Statement Date Date transactions were posted to the account. DD.MM.YY format (e.g. 01.01.11) 5 ISO Currency Code E.g. AUD for Australian Dollar Accounts 6 Beginning Balance Signed, Opening Balance of this file. Decimal point present 7 Sum of Debits Unsigned, total value of debits in this file. Decimal point present 8 Sum of Credits Unsigned, Total value of credits in this file. Decimal point present Page 60 of 118 Field 9 Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size Balance bought forward Numeric Mandatory 18 Alpha Mandatory 16 Signed, closing balance of this file. Decimal point present 10 Account Name Client defined account name. In Transactive the Client defined account name is the Client Account Name in Transactive. By default the Client Account Name in Transactive is the Legal Account Name. 11 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 35 12 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 8 13 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 8 14 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 9 15 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 23 16 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 2 17 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 8 18 Number of records in the transaction file for this account Numeric Mandatory 5 Page 61 of 118 5.7.2. SAP/Multi-cash Transaction File Format The following table describes the format of the SAP/Multi-cash Transaction file. Field 1 Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size For AU Retail, Corporate/Institutional and V2 Plus accounts, this will be the BSB of the account. Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 12 Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 24 Numeric Optional 5 Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 8 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 10 Note to Payee 1 Alpha Optional 27 BSBs will contain a hyphen (-) after the 3rd character. Format (NNN-NNN) For NZ Retail, Corporate/Institutional Accounts, the bank code is the Bank Branch (BB), which are the first 6 digits of the account number with a hyphen (-) after the 3rd character. Format (NNN-NNN) Other account types are as follows: ANZ MIDANZ accounts COUNTRY + ACCOUNTING SYSTEM + LEDGER INSTANCE* (E.g. AUMDZA) NZ Crossbank accounts Westpac: NZWPAC Bank of New Zealand: NZBKNZ ANZ New Zealand foreign currency accounts: NZNZM For Other ANZ Accounts or Non-ANZ accounts please contact your ANZ representative *The ledger instance represents the ledger instance number of the accounting system of the account. It can be alpha-numeric or blank. 2 Account number Note: For NZ Domestic Account Numbers, system will display account number less the first 6 digits which refer to the Bank Branch number. 3 Statement Number Consecutive number starting with 1 and reset at the start of a new year 4 Statement Date Date transactions were posted to the account. Format DD.MM.YY (e.g. 01.01.11) 5 6 Transaction Type. Please refer to Appendix A for full list of transaction types 7 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 27 8 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 4 9 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 3 10 Cheque Number\Note to Payee 2 Alpha/Numeric Optional 16 11 Transaction Amount Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 18 Alpha Optional 5 Signed, decimal point present 12 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Page 62 of 118 Field 13 Description Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Size Sequence Number Numeric Mandatory 1 Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 8 Always ‘0’ 14 Booking date Date of transaction. Format DD.MM.YY (e.g. 01.01.11) 15 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 15 16 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 15 Note to Payee 2 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 Alpha Optional 27 17 18 character reference 18 Note to Payee 3 st 1 27 characters of the Long Statement Narrative 19 Note to Payee 4 2nd 27 characters of the Long Statement Narrative 20 Note to Payee 5 3rd 27 characters of the Long Statement Narrative 21 Note to Payee 6 4th 27 characters of the Long Statement Narrative 22 Note to Payee 7 5th 27 characters of the Long Statement Narrative 23 Note to Payee 8 6th 27 characters of the Long Statement Narrative 24 Note to Payee 9 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL 25 Note to Payee 10 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL 26 Note to Payee 11 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL 27 Note to Payee 12 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL 28 Note to Payee 13 10 character Aux Dom. 29 Note to Payee 14 Trace ID of the transaction 30 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 27 31 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 27 32 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 12 33 Not used by ANZ Transactive – Always NULL Alpha Optional 24 34 Contains Transaction codes for all accounts Numeric Optional 3 Alpha Optional 3 See Appendix A for full list of transaction codes Note: In some cases Transaction codes can be NULL. 35 For legacy purposes this field will contain the Transaction codes for: ANZ MIDANZ accounts ANZ New Zealand foreign currency accounts Other ANZ Accounts Non-ANZ accounts NULL for other account types See Appendix A for full list of transaction codes Page 63 of 118 Page 64 of 118 5.8. Returned Item Files (Australia only) 5.9. Introduction The Returned Item File export consists of 3 separate files: Returned Cheques deposited to accounts that have not been paid by the Drawer's bank. Returned Direct Payments — Debits that have been initiated electronically to draw funds from your clients, and which could not be effected by the receiving bank. Returned Direct Payments — Credits that have been initiated electronically to send funds to your Payees, and which could not be effected by the receiving bank. If the file is manually generated: It will contain transaction records based on the selection criteria chosen by the user An empty file containing no records will be created if no transactions are available for the selection criteria chosen by the user. If the file is system generated: It will contain transaction records for all accounts entitled to the reporting product No file will be created if no transaction records are available. The files will not contain any header or trailer records. All fields will be separated by a semi-colon (;). If a field contains a semi-colon, replace that character with a space. Each record will end with CRLF (carriage-return/line feed, Hex 0D0A). Note: Returned items enhanced narrative is available in the BTR BAI, CSV and SAP/Multicash file formats for customers with returned items and are not a BULK user. 5.9.1. Returned Items File Layout Each Returned Items file will contain the following fixed length records: Header Record Detail Record for each returned item Trailer Record All fields are left justified right space filled unless indicated otherwise. Page 65 of 118 5.9.2. Header Record – Returned Direct Debits and Credits The following table describes the format of the Header Record for Returned Direct Debits and Direct Credits. Field Description Identifier Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Size Position Header Numeric Mandatory 1 1 Alpha Mandatory 30 2–31 Alpha Mandatory 12 32–43 Mandatory 4 44–47 Always ‘1’ Description Description of items Always ‘Returned Items’ Left-justified, blank-filled Item Type Always ‘Direct Entry’ Version Date Version No. of file format Numeric Always ‘0001’ ‘0001’ Right-justified, zero-filled. Right-justified, zero-filled. Date returned item(s) processed Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 10 48–57 Alpha Mandatory 257 58–314 DD-MM-YYYY format. (e.g.0101-2011) Reserved 5.9.3. Blank Filled Detail Record – Returned Direct Debits and Credits The following table describes the format of the Detail Record for Returned Direct Debits and Credits. Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Identifier Item Type identifier Numeric Mandatory / Optional Size Position Mandatory 1 1 Numeric Mandatory 10 2–11 Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 16 12–27 ‘2’ = Returned Credit ‘3’ = Returned Debit Return Date Date item was returned by Account Holder’s Financial Institution DD-MM-YYYY format. (01-01-2011) Account Name Client-defined name of account to which Returned Items are directed. Left-justified, blank-filled BSB Number Bank/State/Branch No. of account to which Returned Items are directed Numeric Mandatory 6 28–33 Account Number Account No. of account to which Returned Items are directed Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 21 34–54 Alpha Mandatory 14 55–68 Right-justified, blank-filled Reserved Page 66 of 118 Blank-filled Field Lodgement Date Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Date the item was initially submitted Numeric Mandatory / Optional Size Position Optional 10 69–78 Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 18 79–96 Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 16 97–112 Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 32 113–144 DD-MM-YYYY format. (01-01-2011) Lodgement Reference Lodgement Reference Field data as initially submitted Right-justified, blank-filled Remitter Name of Remitter Field data as initially submitted Left-justified, blank-filled Target Account Name Account Name as initially submitted Target Account BSB BSB of returned transaction as initially submitted Numeric Mandatory 6 145–150 Target Account Number Account No. of returned transaction as initially submitted Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 21 151–171 Numeric, unsigned Mandatory 14 172–185 Left-justified, blank-filled Right-justified, blank-filled Amount Amount of item with decimal point Right-justified, zero-filled Return Reason Text Reason for the returned item Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 60 186–245 Return Reason Code Code to identify the reason for the return Alpha or Numeric Mandatory 3 246–248 Numeric Mandatory 6 249–254 Refer to 5.9.8 for full list of return reason codes User Identification Number User Identification Number under which returned item was lodged Reserved Blank filled Alpha Mandatory 6 255–260 Reserved Blank filled Alpha Mandatory 21 261–281 Transaction Identifier System Identification No. allocated to returned item Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 12 282–293 Alpha Mandatory 21 294–314 Right-justified, zero-filled Zero-filled Reserved 5.9.4. Blank-space filled Trailer Record – Returned Direct Credits and Debits The following table describes the format of the Trailer Record for Returned Direct Credits and Debits. Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Size Position Identifier Totals Numeric Mandatory 1 1 Numeric Mandatory 9 2–10 Always ‘9’ Item count Sum of Detail Records Right-justified, zero-filled Page 67 of 118 Value Total Sum of value of Detail Records with decimal point Numeric Mandatory 16 11–26 Alpha Mandatory 288 27–314 Right-justified, zero-filled Reserved 5.9.5. Blank-space filled Header Record – Returned Cheques The following table describes the format of the Header Record for returned cheques Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Identifier Header Numeric Mandatory / Optional Size Position Mandatory 1 1 Optional 30 2–31 Optional 12 32–43 Always ‘1’ Description Item Type Version Description of items Alpha Always ‘Returned Items’ Left-justified, blankfilled Always ‘CHEQUE’ Left-justified, blank-filled Alpha Version no. of file format Numeric Mandatory 4 44–47 Numeric Mandatory 10 48–57 Mandatory 257 58–314 Always ‘0001’ Right-justified, zero-filled Date Date returned item processed DD-MM-YYYY format. (e.g. 01-012011) Reserved Blank-space filled Page 68 of 118 Alpha 5.9.6. Detail Record – Returned Cheques The following table describes the format of the Detail Record for returned cheques: Field Identifier Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Size Position Item Type identifier Numeric Mandatory 1 1 Numeric Mandatory 10 2–11 Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 16 12–27 Always ‘4’ (Cheque) Return Date Date item was returned by Drawer’s financial institution DD-MM-YYYY format. (e.g. 0101-2011) Deposit Account Short Name Name of account to which returned cheques were deposited. Left-justified, blank-filled Deposit BSB Number BSB No. of account to which returned cheque were deposited Numeric Mandatory 6 28–33 Deposit Account Number Account no. of account to which returned cheques was deposited Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 21 34–54 Deposit Amount Total amount of deposit with decimal point Numeric, unsigned Mandatory 14 55–68 Right-justified, zero-filled Right-justified, zerofilled Agent no. specified on deposit [if present] Numeric Optional 13 69–81 Numeric Mandatory 10 82–91 Mandatory 9 92–100 Deposit Serial No. Right-justified, blank-filled Decimal point Right-justified, blank-filled Deposit Date Cheque number Date the item was initially deposited. Cheque serial no DD-MM-YYYY format. Hyphens are a fixed component Numeric Right-justified, zerofilled Reserved Blank filled Alpha Mandatory 11 101–111 Drawer Account name Account name linked to returning cheque Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 60 112–171 Left-justified, blank-filled Drawer Account BSB BSB of returned cheque Numeric Mandatory 6 172–177 Drawer Account number Account number of the returned cheque Alpha/numeric Mandatory 21 178–198 Numeric, Mandatory 14 199–212 Alpha / Numeric Mandatory 60 213–272 Alpha or Numeric Mandatory 3 273–275 Right-justified, blank-filled Amount Amount of cheque with decimal point Right-justified, zero-filled, unsigned Return Reason Text Reason for the returned item Return Reason Code Code to identify the reason for the return Left-justified, blank-filled Refer to 5.9.9 for full list of return reason codes Page 69 of 118 Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Size Position Reversal Account BSB BSB of account to which the returned cheque value was placed Numeric Mandatory 6 276–281 Reversal Account Number Account no. of account to which returned cheque value was placed Alpha/Numeric Mandatory 21 282–302 Mandatory 12 303–314 Right-justified, blank-filled Transaction ID Number System identification number allocated to returned cheque Alpha/Numeric Right-justified, blank-filled 5.9.7. Trailer Record – Returned Cheques The following table describes the format of the Trailer Record for returned cheques. Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Identifier Always ‘9’ Numeric Item count Sum of Detail Records Value Total Sum of value of Detail Records with decimal point Mandatory / Optional Size Position Mandatory 1 1 Numeric Mandatory 9 2–10 Numeric Mandatory 16 11–26 Alpha Mandatory 288 27–314 Right-justified, zero-filled Right-justified, zero-filled Reserved 5.9.8. Blank-space filled Return Reason Codes – Returned Direct Debits/Credits Each returned Direct Debit and Direct Credit will contain a 3-digit code identifying the reason for the return. Codes and their related narrative are as follows: Return Code Return Reason 001 Invalid BSB Number 002 Payment Stopped 003 Account Closed 004 Customer Deceased 005 No account or incorrect account number 006 Refer to customer 008 Invalid User ID Number 009 Technically invalid Page 70 of 118 5.9.9. Return Reason Codes – Returned Cheques Each Returned Cheque will contain a three digit code identifying the reason for the return. Codes and their related narrative are as follows: Return Code Return Reason 914 Account Closed 915 Account transferred 916 Alteration requires Drawer’s initials 917 Alteration requires Drawer’s signature 918 Another signature mandatory 919 Arrangements incomplete 920 Drawer deceased 923 Drawer’s signature mandatory 924 Effects not clear 926 Item not yet to hand 927 Mutilated 928 Not signed in accordance with authority held 929 Payment stopped 930 Payment stopped—awaiting confirmation 931 Post-dated 932 Refer to Drawer [Insufficient funds] 933 Refer to Drawer [Legal requirement] 936 Signature unknown 937 Signature unlike specimen held 938 Stale [over 15 months old] 939 Turned-back item [Failure to settle] 940 Duplicate Item 941 Un-processable Item 942 No Account 943 Not Authorised Page 71 of 118 Return Code Return Reason 944 Drawers confirmation mandatory, please represent 951 Forged or counterfeit instrument 952 Instrument materially altered 953 Instrument lost or stolen 954 Court order restraining payment 955 Failure of consideration for the issue of a bank cheque 957 AUD instrument not payable in Australia 958 Photocopied Item 5.10. NZ Statement Files (New Zealand Domestic Accounts only) 5.11. Introduction Transactive will allow you to export information into another application such as a spreadsheet or accounting software. The exported files are produced in one order only in CSV format. The files can then be manipulated to sort the row of information into any order Microsoft Excel allows. The extract is made up of two different files: Balance file, containing one or more balance records Transaction file. For each account, the Transaction File contains the following within each date: o ‘3’ (Transaction Record) (one or more) o ‘5’ (Opening Balance Record) o ‘6’ (Closing Balance Record) o ‘8’ (Total Debits/Credits Record) The Transaction file also contains: o ‘9’ (Grand Total Debits/Credits Record) o There are two of these records for each date, one for debit transactions and one for credit transactions. These records are the total of all the accounts for the date. NZ Statement Files are in standard comma delimited format. All fields are separated by commas and alphanumeric fields are delimited by double quotes (“”). All records are separated by a carriage return / line feed character. If the file is manually generated: It will contain balance and transaction records based on the selection criteria chosen by the user Page 72 of 118 An empty file(s) containing no records will be created if no balances and transactions are available for the selection criteria chosen by the user. If the file is system generated: It will contain balance and transaction records for all accounts entitled to the reporting product No file(s) will be created if no balance and transaction records are available. 5.11.1. NZ Statement File(s) – Balance File There is one Balance Record for each account within each date. Field Description/Notes Page 73 of 118 Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Length Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Length Corporate ID CMS ID (Account Group identifier for Bank Use Only) Numeric Mandatory 6 Alphanumeric Mandatory 25 Numeric Mandatory 13 Numeric Optional 13 Numeric Optional 13 Numeric Mandatory 13 Alphanumeric Mandatory 10 Alphanumeric Mandatory 20 If account number begins with 06, populate with 666666 else, populate with 111111. Account Number Identifies the account. If account is 20 digits, export in format “BB-BBBB-AAAAAAAAAASSSS” (with quotes). Otherwise, export in format “BBBBBB-AAAAAAA-SS” (with quotes) Opening Balance Opening Balance amount for the account Preceded by sign (- for debit, blank for credit) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Total Debit Transactions The total amount of all the debit transactions on the account Preceded by sign (- ) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Total Credit Transactions The total amount of all the credit transactions on the account 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Closing Balance Closing Balance amount for the account Preceded by sign (- for debit, blank for credit) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Transaction Date Date transaction occurred Short Name The client account name. In Transactive the Client defined account name is the Client Account Name in Transactive. The Client Account Name can be modified by Transactive users. As a result, the account name that displays on the report may not be the legal account name. (with quotes) In format DD/MM/YYYY (with quotes) Page 74 of 118 5.11.2. NZ Statement File(s) – Transaction File One transaction record will be created for each transaction associated with each account, within each date. 5.11.3. Type 3 (Transaction Record) Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Length Record Type Identifies the record type Numeric Mandatory 1 Numeric Mandatory 6 Alphanumeric Mandatory 25 Populate with 3 Corporate ID CMS ID (Account Group identifier for Bank Use Only) If account number begins with 06, populate with 666666 else, populate with 111111. Account Number Identifies the account. If account is 20 digits, export in format “BB-BBBB-AAAAAAAAAASSSS” (with quotes). Otherwise, export in format “BBBBBB-AAAAAAA-SS” (with quotes) Transaction Amount Preceded by sign (- for debit, blank for credit) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Numeric Mandatory 13 Serial Number Serial Number Numeric Optional 12 Transaction Code The Code given to the transaction as identification Numeric Mandatory 3 Alphanumeric Optional 2 e.g. 000 = debit Source Code The Type of transaction e.g. AP = Automatic Payment (with quotes) Particulars Statement Details (with quotes) Alphanumeric Optional 17 Analysis Code Statement Details (with quotes) Alphanumeric Optional 12 Reference Statement Details (with quotes) Alphanumeric Optional 12 Other Party Name Name of the Other Party to the transaction (with quotes) Alphanumeric Optional 20 Transaction Date Date transaction occurred. Alphanumeric Mandatory 10 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 In format DD/MM/YYYY (with quotes) Page 75 of 118 5.11.4. Type 5 (Opening Balance Record) There is one opening balance record for each account within each date. Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Length Record Type Identifies the record type Numeric Mandatory 1 Numeric Mandatory 6 Alphanumeric Mandatory 25 Numeric Mandatory 13 Populate with 5 Corporate ID CMS ID (Account Group identifier for Bank Use Only) If account number begins with 06, populate with 666666 else, populate with 111111. Account Number Identifies the account. If account is 20 digits, export in format “BB-BBBB-AAAAAAAAAASSSS” (with quotes). Otherwise, export in format “BBBBBB-AAAAAAA-SS” (with quotes) Opening Balance Opening Balance amount for the account Preceded by sign (- for debit, blank for credit) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Particulars Populate with “OPENING BALANCE” (with quotes) Alphanumeric Mandatory 17 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Short Name The client account name. In Transactive the Client defined account name is the Client Account Name in Transactive. The Client Account Name can be modified by Transactive users. As a result, the account name that displays on the report may not be the legal account name. (with quotes) Alphanumeric Mandatory 20 Transaction Date Date transaction occurred. Alphanumeric Mandatory 10 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 In format DD/MM/YYYY (with quotes) Page 76 of 118 5.11.5. Type 6 (Closing Balance Record) There is one closing balance record for each account within each date. Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Length Record Type Identifies the record type Numeric Mandatory 1 Numeric Mandatory 6 Alphanumeric Mandatory 25 Numeric Mandatory 13 Populate with 6 Corporate ID CMS ID (Account Group identifier for Bank Use Only) If account number begins with 06, populate with 666666 else, populate with 111111. Account Number Identifies the account. If account is 20 digits, export in format “BB-BBBB-AAAAAAAAAASSSS” (with quotes). Otherwise, export in format “BBBBBB-AAAAAAA-SS” (with quotes) Closing Balance Closing Balance amount for the account Preceded by sign (- for debit, blank for credit) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Statement Details Alphanumeric Mandatory 17 Particulars Populate with “CLOSING BALANCE” (with quotes) Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Short Name The client account name. In Transactive the Client defined account name is the Client Account Name in Transactive. The Client Account Name can be modified by Transactive users. As a result, the account name that displays on the report may not be the legal account name. (with quotes) Alphanumeric Mandatory 20 Transaction Date Date transaction occurred. Alphanumeric Mandatory 10 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 In format DD/MM/YYYY (with quotes) Page 77 of 118 5.11.6. Type 8 (Total Debits/Credits Record) There are two of these records for each account within each date, one for debit and one for credit transactions. Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Length Record Type Identifies the record type Numeric Mandatory 1 Numeric Mandatory 6 Alphanumeric Mandatory 25 Populate with 8. Corporate ID CMS ID (Account Group identifier for Bank Use Only) If account number begins with 06, populate with 666666 else, populate with 111111. Account Number Identifies the account. If account is 20 digits, export in format “BB-BBBB-AAAAAAAAAASSSS” (with quotes). Otherwise, export in format “BBBBBB-AAAAAAA-SS” (with quotes) Total Amount of Transactions for the account Preceded by sign (- for debit, blank for credit) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Numeric Mandatory 13 Number of transactions The total number of (Cr and Dr) transactions for the account and date. Numeric Mandatory 6 Transaction Code The Code given to the transaction as identification. Numeric Mandatory 3 Alphanumeric Mandatory 17 Populate with 000 for Debits and 050 for Credits. This field should correspond to the field below. Particulars Populate with either “DEBITS” or “CREDITS” (with quotes). This field should correspond to the field above. Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Transaction Date Date transaction occurred. Alphanumeric Mandatory 10 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 In format DD/MM/YYYY (with quotes) Page 78 of 118 5.11.7. Type 9 (Grand Total Debits/Credits Record) There are two of these records for each date, one for debit transactions and one for credit transactions. These records are the total of all the accounts for the date. Field Description/Notes Alpha / Numeric Mandatory / Optional Max Length Record Type Identifies the record type Numeric Mandatory 1 Numeric Mandatory 6 Alphanumeric Mandatory 25 Populate with 9 Corporate ID CMS ID (Account Group identifier for Bank Use Only) Populate with 999999 Account Number In format BB-BBBB-AAAAAAA-SS Total Amount of Transactions for All Accounts for the date Preceded by sign (- for debit, blank for credit) + 9 numeric + Decimal Point + 2 Decimal Places Numeric Mandatory 13 Number of transactions Total number of (Cr or Dr) transactions for all accounts for the date. Numeric Mandatory 6 Transaction Code The Code given to the transaction as identification. Numeric Mandatory 3 Alphanumeric Mandatory 17 Populate with “99-9999-999999999” (with quotes) Populate with 000 for Debits and 050 for Credits. This field should correspond to the field below. Particulars Statement Details Populate with either “DEBITS” or “CREDITS” (with quotes). This field should correspond to the field above. Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Null Empty Field (with quotes) N/A Mandatory 0 Transaction Date Date transactions occurred. Alphanumeric Mandatory 10 Null Empty Field N/A Mandatory 0 In format DD/MM/YYYY (with quotes) Page 79 of 118 6. Appendices 6.1. Appendix A – BAI/Transaction Codes The following tables provide a sample of transaction identifying codes within BAI, CSV and SAP/Multicash formats. 6.1.1. BAI Status and Summary Level Items BAI Code BAI Type BAI Level Description 10 NA STATUS OPENING LEDGER 11 NA STATUS AVERAGE OPENING LEDGER MTD 12 NA STATUS AVERAGE OPENING LEDGER YTD 15 NA STATUS CLOSING LEDGER 20 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING LEDGER MTD 21 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING LEDGER - PREVIOUS MONTH 22 NA STATUS AGGREGATE BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS 24 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING LEDGER YTD - PREVIOUS MONTH 25 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING LEDGER YTD 30 NA STATUS CURRENT LEDGER 37 NA STATUS ACH NET POSITION 39 NA STATUS OPENING AVAILABLE + TOTAL SAME-DAY ACH DTC DEPOSIT 40 NA STATUS OPENING AVAILABLE 41 NA STATUS AVERAGE OPENING AVAILABLE MTD 42 NA STATUS AVERAGE OPENING AVAILABLE YTD 43 NA STATUS AVERAGE AVAILABLE - PREVIOUS MONTH 44 NA STATUS DISBURSING OPENING AVAILABLE BALANCE 45 NA STATUS CLOSING AVAILABLE 50 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING AVAILABLE MTD 51 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING AVAILABLE - LAST MONTH 54 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING AVAILABLE YTD - LAST MONTH 55 NA STATUS AVERAGE CLOSING AVAILABLE YTD 56 NA STATUS LOAN BALANCE 57 NA STATUS TOTAL INVESTMENT POSITION 59 NA STATUS CURRENT AVAILABLE (CRS SUPPRESSED) 60 NA STATUS CURRENT AVAILABLE 61 NA STATUS AVERAGE CURRENT AVAILABLE MTD 62 NA STATUS AVERAGE CURRENT AVAILABLE YTD 63 NA STATUS TOTAL FLOAT 65 NA STATUS TARGET BALANCE 66 NA STATUS ADJUSTED BALANCE 67 NA STATUS ADJUSTED BALANCE MTD 68 NA STATUS ADJUSTED BALANCE YTD 70 NA STATUS 0-DAY FLOAT 72 NA STATUS 1-DAY FLOAT Page 80 of 118 BAI Code BAI Type BAI Level Description 73 NA STATUS FLOAT ADJUSTMENT 74 NA STATUS 2 OR MORE DAYS FLOAT 75 NA STATUS 3 OR MORE DAYS FLOAT 76 NA STATUS ADJUSTMENT TO BALANCE 77 NA STATUS AVERAGE ADJUSTMENT TO BALANCE MTD 78 NA STATUS AVERAGE ADJUSTMENT TO BALANCE YTD 79 NA STATUS 4-DAY FLOAT 80 NA STATUS 5-DAY FLOAT 81 NA STATUS 6-DAY FLOAT 82 NA STATUS AVERAGE 1-DAY FLOAT MTD 83 NA STATUS AVERAGE 1-DAY FLOAT YTD 84 NA STATUS AVERAGE 2-DAY FLOAT MTD 85 NA STATUS AVERAGE 2-DAY FLOAT YTD 86 NA STATUS TRANSFER CALCULATION 87 NA STATUS TARGET BALANCE DEFICIENCY 88 NA STATUS TOTAL FUNDING REQUIREMENT 101 CR STATUS TOTAL CREDIT AMOUNT MTD 701 NA STATUS PRINCIPAL LOAN BALANCE 703 NA STATUS AVAILABLE COMMITMENT AMOUNT 705 NA STATUS PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE 707 NA STATUS PRINCIPAL AMOUNT PAST DUE 709 NA STATUS INTEREST AMOUNT PAST DUE 900 NA STATUS ACCRUED (UNPOSTED) CREDIT INTEREST 901 NA STATUS ACCRUED (UNPOSTED) DEBIT INTEREST 902 NA STATUS OVERDRAFT LIMIT 904 NA STATUS CREDIT INTEREST RATE 905 NA STATUS DEBIT INTEREST RATE 906 NA STATUS DOMESTIC EQUIVALENT 907 NA STATUS RESTRAINED (AMOUNT HOLD) 100 CR SUMMARY TOTAL NUMBER OF CREDIT TRANSACTIONS 105 CR SUMMARY CREDITS NOT DETAILED 106 CR SUMMARY DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO FLOAT 107 CR SUMMARY TOTAL ADJUSTMENT CREDITS YTD 109 CR SUMMARY CURRENT DAY TOTAL LOCKBOX DEPOSITS 110 CR SUMMARY TOTAL LOCKBOX DEPOSITS 120 CR SUMMARY EDI TRANSACTION CREDITS 130 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CONCENTRATION CREDITS 131 CR SUMMARY TOTAL DTC CREDITS 140 CR SUMMARY TOTAL ACH CREDITS 146 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BANK CARD DEPOSIT 150 CR SUMMARY TOTAL PREAUTHORISED PAYMENT CREDITS 160 CR SUMMARY TOTAL ACH DISBURSING FUNDING CREDIT Page 81 of 118 BAI Code BAI Type BAI Level Description 162 CR SUMMARY CORPORATE TRADE PAYMENT SETTLEMENT 163 CR SUMMARY CORPORATE TRADE PAYMENT CREDITS 167 CR SUMMARY ACH SETTLEMENT CREDITS 170 CR SUMMARY TOTAL OTHER CHEQUE DEPOSITS 178 CR SUMMARY LIST POST CREDITS 180 CR SUMMARY TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 182 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BANK- PREPARED DEPOSITS 185 CR SUMMARY TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSITS 186 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CASH LETTER CREDITS 188 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CASH LETTER ADJUSTMENTS 190 CR SUMMARY TOTAL INCOMING MONEY TRANSFERS 200 CR SUMMARY TOTAL AUTOMATIC TRANSFER CREDITS 205 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BOOK TRANFER CREDITS 207 CR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL MONEY TRANSFER CREDITS 210 CR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL CREDITS 215 CR SUMMARY TOTAL LETTERS OF CREDIT 230 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITY CREDITS 231 CR SUMMARY TOTAL COLLECTION CREDITS 239 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BANKERS' ACCEPTANCE CREDITS 245 CR SUMMARY MONTHLY DIVIDENDS 250 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CHEQUES POSTED AND RETURNED 251 CR SUMMARY TOTAL DEBIT REVERSALS 256 CR SUMMARY TOTAL ACH RETURN ITEMS 260 CR SUMMARY TOTAL REJECTED CREDITS 270 CR SUMMARY TOTAL ZBA CREDITS 271 CR SUMMARY NET ZERO-BALANCE AMOUNT 280 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CONTROLLED DISBURSING CREDITS 285 CR SUMMARY TOTAL DTC DISBURSING CREDITS 294 CR SUMMARY TOTAL ATM CREDITS 302 CR SUMMARY CORRESPONDENT BANK DEPOSIT 303 CR SUMMARY TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS IN - FF 304 CR SUMMARY TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS IN - CHF 305 CR SUMMARY TOTAL FED FUNDS SOLD 307 CR SUMMARY TOTAL TRUST CREDITS 309 CR SUMMARY TOTAL VALUE- DATED FUNDS 310 CR SUMMARY TOTAL COMMERCIAL DEPOSITS 315 CR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL CREDITS - FF 316 CR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL CREDITS – CHF 318 CR SUMMARY TOTAL FOREIGN CHEQUE PURCHASED 319 CR SUMMARY LATE DEPOSIT 320 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES SOLD - FF 321 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES SOLD - CHF Page 82 of 118 BAI Code BAI Type BAI Level Description 324 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES MATURED - FF 325 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES MATURED - CHF 326 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES INTEREST 327 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES MATURED 328 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES INTEREST - FF 329 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES INTEREST - CHF 330 CR SUMMARY TOTAL ESCROW CREDITS 332 CR SUMMARY TOTAL MISC SECURITIES CREDITS-FF 336 CR SUMMARY TOTAL MISC SECURITIES CREDITS-CHF 338 CR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES SOLD 340 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BROKER DEPOSITS 341 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BROKER DEPOSITS-FF 343 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BROKER DEPOSITS-CHF 350 CR SUMMARY INVESTMENT SOLD 352 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CASH CENTER CREDITS 355 CR SUMMARY INVESTMENT INTEREST 356 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CREDIT ADJUSTMENT 360 CR SUMMARY TOTAL CREDITS LESS WIRE TRANSFR AND RETURNED CHKS 361 CR SUMMARY GRAND TOTAL CREDITS LESS GRAND TOTAL DEBITS 370 CR SUMMARY TOTAL BACK VALUE CREDITS 385 CR SUMMARY TOTAL UNIVERSAL CREDITS 389 CR SUMMARY TOTAL FREIGHT PAYMENT CREDITS 390 CR SUMMARY TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS CREDITS 400 DR SUMMARY TOTAL NUMBER OF DEBIT TRANSACTIONS 401 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DEBIT AMOUNT MTD 403 DR SUMMARY TODAY'S TOTAL DEBITS 405 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DEBIT LESS WIRE TRANSFER AND CHARGE-BACKS 406 DR SUMMARY DEBITS NOT DETAILED 410 DR SUMMARY TOTAL YTD ADJUSTMENT 412 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DEBITS (EXCLUDING RETURNED ITEMS) 416 DR SUMMARY TOTAL LOCKBOX DEBITS 420 DR SUMMARY EDI TRANSACTION DEBITS 430 DR SUMMARY TOTAL PAYABLE - THROUGH DRAFTS 446 DR SUMMARY TOTAL ACH DISBURSEMENT FUNDING DEBITS 450 DR SUMMARY TOTAL ACH DEBITS 463 DR SUMMARY CORPORATE TRADE PAYMENT DEBITS 465 DR SUMMARY CORPORATE TRADE PAYMENT SETTLEMENT 467 DR SUMMARY ACH SETTLEMENT DEBITS 470 DR SUMMARY TOTAL CHEQUES PAID 471 DR SUMMARY TOTAL CHEQUES PAID - CUMULATIVE MTD 480 DR SUMMARY TOTAL LOAN PAYMENTS 482 DR SUMMARY TOTAL BANK-ORIGINATED DEBITS Page 83 of 118 BAI Code BAI Type BAI Level Description 486 DR SUMMARY TOTAL CASH LETTER DEBITS 490 DR SUMMARY TOTAL OUTGOING MONEY TRANSFERS 500 DR SUMMARY TOTAL AUTOMATIC TRANSFER DEBITS 505 DR SUMMARY TOTAL BOOK TRANFER DEBITS 507 DR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL MONEY TRANSFER DEBITS 510 DR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL DEBITS 515 DR SUMMARY TOTAL LETTERS OF CREDIT 530 DR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITY DEBITS 532 DR SUMMARY TOTAL AMOUNT OF SECURITIES PURCHASED 534 DR SUMMARY TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES DB-FF 536 DR SUMMARY TOTAL MISC SECURITIES DEBIT - CHF 537 DR SUMMARY TOTAL COLLECTION DEBIT 539 DR SUMMARY TOTAL BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES DEBIT 550 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DEPOSITED ITEMS RETURNED 551 DR SUMMARY TOTAL CREDIT REVERSALS 556 DR SUMMARY TOTAL ACH RETURN ITEMS 560 DR SUMMARY TOTAL REJECTED DEBITS 561 DR SUMMARY INDIVIDUAL REJECTED DEBIT 570 DR SUMMARY TOTAL ZBA DEBITS 580 DR SUMMARY TOTAL CONTROLLED DISBURSING DEBITS 583 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DISBURSING CHEQUES PAID-EARLY AMOUNT 584 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DISBURSING CHEQUES PAID-LATER AMOUNT 585 DR SUMMARY DISBURSING FUNDING REQUIREMENT 586 DR SUMMARY FRB PRESENTMENT ESTIMATE (FED ESTIMATE) 587 DR SUMMARY LATE DEBITS (AFTER NOTIFICATION) 588 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DISBURSING CHEQUES PAID-LAST AMOUNT 590 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DTC DEBITS 594 DR SUMMARY TOTAL ATM DEBITS 596 DR SUMMARY TOTAL ARP DEBITS 601 DR SUMMARY ESTIMATED TOTAL DISBURSEMENT 602 DR SUMMARY ADJUSTED TOTAL DISBURSEMENT 610 DR SUMMARY TOTAL FUNDS REQUIRED 611 DR SUMMARY TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT - CHF 612 DR SUMMARY TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT - FF 613 DR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL DEBIT - CHF 614 DR SUMMARY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL DEBIT - FF 615 DR SUMMARY TOTAL FED RESERVE BANK-COMMERCIAL BANK DEBIT 617 DR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES PURCHASED - CHF 618 DR SUMMARY TOTAL SECURITIES PURCHASED - FF 623 DR SUMMARY TOTAL BROKER DEBIT - FF 625 DR SUMMARY TOTAL BROKER DEBITS 626 DR SUMMARY TOTAL FED FUNDS PURCHASED Page 84 of 118 BAI Code BAI Type BAI Level Description 628 DR SUMMARY TOTAL CASH CENTER DEBITS 630 DR SUMMARY TOTAL DEBIT ADJUSTMENTS 632 DR SUMMARY TOTAL TRUST DEBITS 640 DR SUMMARY TOTAL ESCROW DEBITS 646 DR SUMMARY TRANSFER CALCULATION DEBIT 650 DR SUMMARY INVESTMENTS PURCHASED 655 DR SUMMARY TOTAL INVESTMENT INTEREST DEBITS 665 DR SUMMARY INTERCEPT DEBITS 670 DR SUMMARY TOTAL BACK VALUE ADJUSTMENT 685 DR SUMMARY TOTAL UNIVERSAL DEBITS 689 DR SUMMARY TOTAL FREIGHT PAYMENT DEBITS 690 DR SUMMARY TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEBITS 720 CR SUMMARY TOTAL LOAN PAYMENT 760 DR SUMMARY LOAN DISBURSEMENT 908 NA STATUS CUSTOMER LIMIT Page 85 of 118 6.1.2. Retail, Corporate/Institutional and V2 Plus accounts (CAP, CMM and V2P sources) BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 142 051 155 CWTH L INT COMMONWEALTH LOAN INTEREST 142 053 155 PAY/SALARY PAY/SALARY 142 056 155 DIVIDEND DIVIDEND 142 098 155 PAYMENT PERIODIC TRANSFER 142 * * CREDIT AP – CREDIT 146 * * INTL POS REFUND MAESTRO EFTPOS CR 146 * * POS CR POINT OF SALE DEPOSIT 146 * * POS CR POINT OF SALE MERCHANT CREDIT 147 * * INTL POS REFUND MAESTRO EFTPOS CR 147 * * POS CR POINT OF SALE DEPOSIT 147 * * POS CR POINT OF SALE MERCHANT CREDIT 166 008 * PAYMENT CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 169 050 15884 PENSION PENSION/SUPERANNUATION (FID ONLY IN TAS) 169 050 17342 TRANSFER TRANSFER CREDIT 169 050 79583 FHOG TFR FIRST HOME OWNERS GRANT 169 050 * TRANSFER TRANSFER CREDIT 169 052 15884 FAM PAY FAMILY ALLOW/CHILD END (FID ONLY IN TAS) 169 052 * FAM PAY FAMILY ALLOWANCE/CHILD ENDOWMENT 169 053 9046 PHONE BANK ANZ PHONE BANKING 169 053 9064 PHONE BANK ANZ PHONE BANKING 169 053 * PAY/SALARY PAY/SALARY 169 099 75 TRANSFER ANZ MTS FUNDS CREDIT 169 * * PHONE BPAY PHONE BANKING BILL PAY CREDIT 169 * * TRANSFER ANZ MTS - CREDIT (Default) 169 * * TRANSFER ANZ MTS FUNDS CREDIT 169 * * TRANSFER INTERNET BANKING CREDIT TRANSFER 169 * * TRANSFER PHONE BANKING CREDIT TRANSFER 172 064 * DEP ERR CR ERROR IN DEPOSIT (LESS THAN $2.00) 172 064 * ERROR CR ERROR IN DEPOSIT (LESS THAN $2.00) 175 053 75 CARD ENTRY CARD ENTRY AT BRANCH 175 053 * PAY/SALARY PAY/SALARY 175 060 * AGT AGENT NUMBER - COLLECTION ITEMS 175 060 * BP AGT AGENT NUMBER - COLLECTION ITEMS 175 070 * DEPOSIT PERSONAL DEP TO NEW SSA / CUSTOMER DEP 175 070 * DEPOSIT PERSONAL DEP TO NEW SSA/CUSTOMER DEP 175 099 * DEPOSIT CASH/CHEQUE DEPOSIT 175 * * DEPOSIT BRANCH - CHEQUE ONLY DEPOSIT 175 * * DEPOSIT BRANCH - CASH/CHEQUE DEPOSIT 175 * * DEPOSIT PROOF DEPOSIT 192 000 9998 POS HOME BANKING Page 86 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 195 060 * AGT AGENT NUMBER - COLLECTION ITEMS 195 070 4060 RTGS PMT RTGS PAYMENT 195 070 4110 RTGS PMT DOMESTIC TT RECEIVED 195 070 4130 RTGS SENT DOMESTIC TT REMITTED 195 070 4150 TRANSFER TRANSFER REFERENCE 195 089 4060 RTGS PMT RTGS PAYMENT 195 089 4110 RTGS PMT DOMESTIC TT RECEIVED 195 089 4130 RTGS SENT DOMESTIC TT REMITTED 195 * * CREDIT PAY PLUS CREDIT 195 * * DEPOSIT ELECTRONIC EXCHANGES - CREDIT 206 089 4150 BOOK TFR TRANSFER REFERENCE 206 * * TRANSFER Cash Management Online - CR 208 070 4100 OS REMIT OFFSHORE TT RECEIVED 208 070 4120 OS TT SENT OFFSHORE TT REMITTED 208 089 100 OB CR OVERSEAS BILL 208 089 2010 OS REMIT OVERSEAS REMITTANCE 208 089 4100 OS REMIT OFFSHORE TT RECEIVED 208 089 4120 OS TT SENT OFFSHORE TT REMITTED 208 089 EBDFLT EB CREDIT PEFT PAYMENT 252 034 4100 REV OS DR REV OFF SHORE TELEGRAPHIC TFR RECEIVED 252 034 4110 REV RTGS REV DOMESTIC TELEGRAPHIC TFR RECEIVED 252 034 4120 REV OS DR REV OFF SHORE TELEGRAPHIC TFR REMITTED 252 034 4130 REV RTGS REV DOMESTIC TELEGRAPHIC TFR REMITTED 252 034 4150 TRANSFER REVERSAL OF TRANSFER REFERENCE 252 093 4100 REV OS DR REV OFF SHORE TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER RCVD 252 093 4110 REV OS DR REVR DOMESTIC TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER RECD 252 093 4120 REV OS DR REVERSAL OF DEBIT 252 093 4130 REV RTGS REV DOMESTIC TELEGRAPHIC TFR REMITTED 252 093 4140 REV PMT FE REVERSAL OF DEBIT 252 093 4150 REV OWNTFR REVERSAL OF TRANSFER REFERENCE 252 093 * REVERSAL REVERSAL OF DEBIT 252 093 * REVERSL CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 255 * * DISHONOUR DISHONOUR INWARD APCS - CR 257 093 * REVERSAL REVERSAL OF DEBIT 257 093 * REVERSL CR REVERSAL OF DEBIT 257 * * REVERSAL DISHONOUR INWARD BECS CR 257 * * REVERSL CR DISHONOUR INWARD BECS CR 266 093 * REVERSAL REVERSAL OF DEBIT 266 * * DISHONOUR ELECTRONIC DISHONOURS - DEBIT 266 * * REVERSAL DISHONOUR OUTWARD BECS DR 275 062 * AFT PRI CR AUTOMATIC FUNDS TRANSFER Page 87 of 118 Funds Transfer (SDSC) BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 275 063 * AFT CR AUTOMATIC FUNDS TRANSFER 295 * * ANZ ATM ANZ ATM CREDIT 295 * * ANZ ATM ANZ ATM CREDIT TRANSFER 354 051 * CWTH L INT Cash Management Online CR 354 057 155 DEB INT DEBENTURE/NOTE INTEREST 354 057 * DEB INT Cash Management Online CR 354 057 * DEB INT DEBENTURE/NOTE INTEREST 354 097 * INT EARNED INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS 354 097 * INT EARNED UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 354 097 * INTEREST INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS 357 089 * REVERSL CR Reversal Credit 366 053 75 CARD ENTRY CARD ENTRY AT BRANCH 366 060 * AGT AGENT NUMBER - COLLECTION ITEMS 366 070 * CREDIT PERSONAL DEP TO NEW SSA/CUSTOMER DEP 366 070 * DEPOSIT PERSONAL DEP TO NEW SSA/CUSTOMER DEP 366 * * DEPOSIT BRANCH - CASH DEPOSIT 373 053 * PAY/SALARY Cash Management Online CR 399 000 9990 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9991 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9992 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9993 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9994 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9995 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9996 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9997 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9998 POS HOME BANKING 399 000 9999 TRANSFER HOME BANKING TRANSFER 399 049 * ADVICE CUSTOMER ADVISED DEBIT 399 050 5 CREDIT CREDIT REPOST 399 050 41 DRAWDWN CR PROCEEDS OF LOAN DRAWDOWN 399 050 43 HARVEST CR TRANSFER FROM HARVEST ACCOUNT 399 050 44 BAL TFR BALANCE TRANSFERRED 399 050 47 SETTLE CR SETTLEMENT 399 050 48 TRANSFER TRANSFER FROM CASH MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT 399 050 49 D/DOWN TFR TRANSFER FROM LOAN ACCOUNT 399 050 9047 REVERSAL REVERSAL OF ANZ PC BANKING 399 050 9990 POS HOME BANKING 399 050 9991 POS HOME BANKING 399 050 9993 POS HOME BANKING 399 050 9994 POS HOME BANKING Page 88 of 118 Direct Credit (SDMC) - Direct Credit (SDMC) - Direct Credit (SDMC) - BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 050 9995 POS HOME BANKING 399 050 9996 POS HOME BANKING 399 050 9997 POS HOME BANKING 399 050 9998 POS HOME BANKING 399 050 9999 TFR CREDIT HOME BANKING TRANSFER 399 050 9999 TRANSFER HOME BANKING TRANSFER 399 050 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 050 * TRANSFER HOME BANKING TYPE 8 399 050 * TRANSFER HOME BANKING TYPE 9 399 050 * TRANSFER TRANSFER CREDIT 399 051 * CWTH L INT COMMONWEALTH LOAN INTEREST 399 051 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 052 * FAM PAY Cash Management Online CR 399 052 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 053 9047 INTERNET ANZ PC BANKING 399 053 9050 INTERNET SHARE TRADE DEP/FUNDS TFR 399 053 9050 TRANSFER SHARE TRADE DEP/FUNDS TFR 399 053 9051 INTERNET ANZ INTERNET BANKING TRANSFER 399 053 9051 TRANSFER ANZ INTERNET BANKING TRANSFER 399 053 9052 INTERNET ANZ INTERNET BANKING TRANSFER 399 053 9052 TRANSFER ANZ INTERNET BANKING TRANSFER 399 053 9062 INTERNET ONLINE FUNDS TRANSFER 399 053 9063 INTERNET ANZ PC BANKING 399 053 9064 PHONE BANK ANZ PHONE BANKING 399 053 * ATMDeposit ANZ ATM Deposit 399 053 * ATMFundsTr ANZ ATM Funds Transfer(CR) 399 053 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 053 * POSDeposit Point of Sale (POS) Deposit 399 053 * VisaCredit Visa Credit 399 054 253 PENSION PENSION/SUPERANNUATION (FID ONLY IN TAS) 399 054 1248 PENSION PENSION/SUPERANNUATION DEPOSIT 399 054 15884 PENSION PENSION/SUPERANNUATION (FID ONLY IN TAS) 399 054 24507 PENSION PENSION/SUPER (FID EXEMPT SA, VIC & WA) 399 054 90181 PENSION PENSION/SUPER (FID EXEMPT SA, VIC & WA) 399 054 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 054 * PENSION Cash Management Online CR 399 054 * PENSION PENSION/SUPERANNUATION 399 055 * ALLOTMENT Cash Management Online CR 399 055 * ALLOTMENT SERVICE ALLOTMENT 399 055 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" Page 89 of 118 Direct Credit (SDMC) - Direct Credit (SDMC) - Direct Credit (SDMC) - BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 056 * DIVIDEND Cash Management Online CR 399 056 * DIVIDEND DIVIDEND 399 056 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 057 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 058 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 059 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 060 1 TERM DEP TERM DEPOSIT 399 060 2 T/D INT TERM DEPOSIT INTEREST 399 060 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 060 * TRANSFER RE-DIRECTED CR FROM TDA 399 061 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 064 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 065 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 066 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 067 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 068 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 069 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 070 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 071 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 072 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 073 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 074 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 075 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 076 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 077 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 078 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 079 91 SETTLE CR SETTLEMENT CREDIT 399 079 * CREDIT CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 079 * DEPOSIT CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 079 * MISC CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 079 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 079 * MISC CREDI CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 080 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 081 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 082 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 083 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 084 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 085 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 086 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 087 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 088 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" Page 90 of 118 Direct Credit (SDMC) - BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 088 * TELE TRF PROCEEDS OF TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER 399 089 100 OB CR OVERSEAS BILL 399 089 1500 ERROR CR CREDIT UNRECONCILED 399 089 1800 FT CR FAST TRACK 399 089 2060 ED CR EXPORT COLLECTION 399 089 2070 ED CR EXPORT COLLECTION 399 089 2080 E CR EXPORT CREDIT 399 089 2080 ED CR EXPORT CREDIT 399 089 2200 CBILL ROLL NET SETTLMNT OF COMM BILL FACILITY ROLLVR 399 089 2200 CBILL ROLL NET SETTLMNT OF COMM BILL FACILTY ROLLVR 399 089 2300 CBILL DISC PROCEEDS OF DISC OF COMM BILL 399 089 2500 NET CBILL NET SETTLMNT - ROLLOVER COMM BILL INVEST 399 089 2600 MAT CBILL MATURITY OF COMMERCIAL BILL INVESTMENT 399 089 3010 ADJ CUSDEP ADJUSTMENT TO CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 089 3030 ADJ EMPDEP ADJUSTMENT TO EMPLOYER DEPOSIT 399 089 3040 DEP TFR DEPOSIT OF TRANSFERRED FUNDS 399 089 3190 SUPER GTEE SUPERANNUATION GUARANTEE CHARGE 399 089 4010 BPAY CASH BPAY CASH PAYMENT 399 089 4020 BPAY CARD BPAY CARD PAYMENT 399 089 4050 CHESS SETL CHESS SETTLEMENT 399 089 9000 TRANSFER TRANSFER 399 089 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 089 EBDFLT EB CREDIT PEFT PAYMENT 399 090 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 091 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 092 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 093 1 S/D REFUND STAMP DUTY REFUND 399 093 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 094 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 095 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 096 * ADVISED CR CUSTOMER ADVISED CREDIT 399 096 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 097 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 098 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 098 * PAYMENT PERMANENT ENTRY (P/P) 399 099 70 TAPE CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 099 71 DISK CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 099 72 DIAL UP CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 099 74 ANZ CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 099 75 ONLINE CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 099 76 HOST CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 099 77 BUREAU CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT Page 91 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 099 78 GROUP CR CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 399 099 * CREDIT CASH/CHEQUE DEPOSIT 399 099 * DEPOSIT CASH/CHEQUE DEPOSIT 399 099 * MISC CR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 399 * * BAL ITEM Cash Management Online CR Direct Debit (SCMD) - 399 * * BPAY Cash Management Online Bill Pay (SDSC) -CR 399 * * BPAY Cash Management Online (SDMC) - CR Multiple Bill Pay 399 * * BPAY CR INTERNET BANKING MULTIPLE BILL PAY CREDIT 399 * * CARD ENTRY BRANCH CARDHOLDER TRANSFER CR 399 * * CHESS SETL CHESS 399 * * CREDIT BRANCH FOREIGN EXCHANGE CR 399 * * CREDIT CAP CREDIT 399 * * CREDIT CSL BILL PAY CREDIT 399 * * CREDIT ESANDA CREDIT 399 * * CREDIT MONEY MARKET CREDIT 399 * * CREDIT NOMINEES CREDIT 399 * * CREDIT SUPENANNUATION CREDIT 399 * * CREDIT SUPERANNUATION CREDIT 399 * * CREDIT SWIFT CREDIT 399 * * DEPOSIT DISTRIBUTION CREDIT 399 * * DEPOSIT VISION PLUS CREDIT 399 * * EB CREDIT VIPA CREDIT 399 * * INTERNET INTERNET BANKING CREDIT MULTIPLE TRANSFER 399 * * INTERNET INTERNET BANKING MULTIPLE PAY ANYONE CREDIT 399 * * INTERNET INTERNET BANKING PAY ANYONE CREDIT 399 * * INTNETBPAY INTERNET BANKING BILL PAY CREDIT 399 * * PAYANYONE Cash Management Online – CR 399 * * PAYANYONE Cash Management Online (SDMC) - CR 399 * * PAYMENT Cash Management Online CR 399 * * PHONE BANK PHONE BANKING CREDIT MULTIPLE TRANSFER 399 * * PHONE BPAY PHONE BANKING MULTIPLE BILL PAY CREDIT 399 * * POS ANZ ONLINE CREDIT 399 * * POS ANZ ONLINE DEBIT 399 * * TRANSFER ANZ ONLINE FUNDS TRANSFER CREDIT TRANSFER 399 * * TRANSFER CAP BUREAU OTHER BANK (CREDIT DE) 399 * * TRANSFER Cash Management Online CR Direct Credit (SDMC) – 399 * * TRANSFER Cash Management Online CR Direct Debit (SCMD) - Page 92 of 118 Pay anyone (SDSC) Multiple Pay anyone Direct Credit (SCMD) – BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 * * TRANSFER Cash Management Online – CR 466 008 * PAYMENT CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 466 008 * PAYMENT PERIODIC PAYMENT 466 * * PAYMENT AP DEBIT 466 * * PAYMENT CAP BUREAU OTHER BANK (DEBIT DE) 466 * * PAYMENT NOMINEES DEBIT 467 008 * PAYMENT CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 467 008 * PAYMENT PERIODIC PAYMENT 467 * * PAYMENT AP DEBIT 467 * * PAYMENT CAP BUREAU OTHER BANK (DEBIT DE) 467 * * PAYMENT NOMINEES DEBIT 469 008 93 LEASE DUTY LEASE DUTY 469 008 94 LEASE LEASE RENTAL 469 008 3764 PAYMENT MORTGAGE PROTECTION INSURANCE 469 008 79012 S/TDE WDL SHARE TRADER WITHDRAWAL 469 008 144177 S/TDE WDL SHARE TRADER WITHDRAWAL 469 008 * PAYMENT CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 469 037 74 ANZ FEE MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 469 037 75 ONLINE DR MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 469 037 * DEBIT MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 469 * * PAYMENT ANZ MTS DIRECT DEBIT 469 * * PAYMENT ANZ MTS FUNDS DEBIT 475 000 * CHEQUE DR BY CHEQUE/WARRANT 475 009 * CHEQUE CHEQUE FOR OUTSORTING 475 * * CHEQUE BRANCH - CASHED CHEQUE 475 * * CHEQUE ELECTRONIC EXCHANGES - DEBIT 475 * * DEBIT PROOF CHEQUE WITHDRAWAL 477 008 302 P PAYMENT INTRA-BANK PP 477 008 302 PAYMENT INTRA-BANK PP 495 029 4110 RTGS PMT DOMESTIC TT 495 029 4130 RTGS SENT DOMESTIC TT REMITTED 495 049 4110 RTGS PMT DOMESTIC TT RECEIVED 506 029 4150 OWN AC TFR TRANSFER 506 * * TRANSFER Cash Management Online - DR 508 000 9074 INT/RTGS Cash Management Online -International/RTGS 508 008 9074 INT/RTGS Cash Management Online -International/RTGS 508 029 4100 OS REMIT OFFSHORE TT RECEIVED 508 029 4120 OS TT SENT OFFSHORE TT REMITTED 508 049 4100 OS REMIT OFFSHORE TT RECEIVED 508 049 4120 OS TT SENT OFFSHORE TT REMITTED 512 029 100 LC DR DRAWING OR CHARGE UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT Page 93 of 118 Multiple Funds Transfer Funds Transfer (SDSC) BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 544 011 * DEP ERR DR ERROR IN DEPOSIT UNDER $2.00 544 011 * ERROR DR ERROR IN DEPOSIT UNDER $2.00 552 034 * REVERSAL REVERSAL OF CREDIT 552 034 * REVERSL DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 555 034 * REVERSAL REVERSAL OF CREDIT 555 034 * REVERSL DR REVERSAL OF CREDIT 555 043 * DISHONOUR DISHONOUR OF CHEQUE LODGED FOR CREDIT 555 043 * DISHONOUR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 555 * * DISHONOUR DISHONOUR INWARD APCS - DR 555 * * DISHONOUR DISHONOUR OUTWARD APCS DR 555 * * DISHONOUR DISHONOUR OUTWARD BECS - DR 555 * * DISHONOUR ELECTRONIC DISHONOURS - CREDIT 555 * * REVERSAL DISHONOUR INWARD BECS DR 555 * * REVERSL DR DISHONOUR INWARD BECS DR 575 022 * AFT PRI DR AUTOMATIC FUNDS TRANSFER 575 023 * AFT DR AUTOMATIC FUNDS TRANSFER 595 008 9011 INTL ATM CIRRUS INTERNATIONAL ATM WITHDRAWAL 595 008 9012 INTL ATM PLUS INTERNATIONAL ATM WITHDRAWAL 595 * * ANZ ATM ANZ ATM DEBIT 595 * * ANZ ATM ANZ ATM DEBIT TRANSFER 595 * * INTL ATM INTERNATIONAL ATM 595 * * NONANZ ATM NON-ANZ ATM DEBIT TRANSFER 595 * * NONANZ ATM NON-ANZ ATM WITHDRAWAL 698 008 71 L/FEE C/BI LINE FEE - COMMERCIAL BILL 698 008 77 CL CR FEE ARRANGEMENTS TO CASH CHEQUES FEE 698 008 92 PP NON FEE FAILED FUNDS FEE 698 008 92 PP NON FEE PERIODICAL PAYMENT 698 008 96 GTEE FEE GUARANTEE FEES 698 008 97 D/PKT FEE DEED BOXES/PACKETS 698 008 98 NGT SF FEE NIGHT SAFE FEE 698 029 1000 FEC CHG CHARGES ON FORWARD EXCHANGE CONTRACT 698 029 2010 OS CHARGE OVERSEAS REMITTANCE CHARGE 698 029 4060 RTGS FEE RTGS PAYMENT CHARGE 698 029 4140 PTY FEE PAYMENT PROCESSING FEE 698 030 1 MISC FEE MISCELLANEOUS FEE 698 030 2 CA FEE ACCOUNT KEEPING FEE 698 030 3 ADMIN FEE LOAN ADMINISTRATION FEE 698 030 4 L A FEE LIMIT/LOAN APPROVAL FEE 698 030 6 DSR FEE DISHONOUR FEE 698 030 10 T/O SEARCH TITLES OFFICE SEARCH FEE 698 030 11 REG FEE REGISTRATION FEE 698 030 12 STAMP DUTY STAMP DUTY Page 94 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 698 030 13 GUARANTEE GUARANTEE FEE 698 030 15 STATMT FEE ADDITIONAL STATEMENT FEE 698 030 16 TT FEE TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER FEE 698 030 17 C/BILL FEE COMMERCIAL BILL FEE 698 030 18 CR DUTY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS DUTY 698 030 19 DEBIT TAX FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEBITS TAX 698 030 20 LIST FEE PAYMENT FROM LIST FEE 698 030 21 S CLR FEE SPECIAL CLEARANCE FEE 698 030 22 T CHQ FEE TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES 698 030 22 T CHQ FEE TRAVELLER'S CHEQUES FEE 698 030 24 ERROR DR DEBIT UNRECONCILED/ERROR IN DEPOSITS 698 030 25 BK CHQ FEE BANK CHEQUE FEE 698 030 26 OPINION BANK OPINION FEE 698 030 27 SETTLE FEE SETTLEMENT FEE 698 030 28 T/O FEE TITLES OFFICE REGISTRATION FEE 698 030 30 CLCR FEE ARRANGMNT TO CASH CHEQUES EST/RENEW FEE 698 030 31 S/D FEE GOVT STAMP DUTY ON SECURITY DOCUMENTS 698 030 32 S/D TFR GOVT STAMP DUTY ON TRANSFER OF LAND 698 030 35 PRO/LOD PROD/LODGMNT OF SECURITY DOCS FEE 698 030 38 LE FEE C/B COMMERCIAL BILL LINE FEE 698 030 39 ANZCASH FE CASH HANDLING FEE 698 030 42 EXCESS FEE OVERDRAWN ACCOUNT FEE 698 030 44 RECON FEE RECONCILIATION FEE 698 030 44 RECON FEE RECONCILLIATION FEE 698 030 45 TRANS FEE EXCESS TRANSACTIONS FEE 698 030 46 ATM FEE NON-ANZ ATM FEE 698 030 47 MAINT FEE ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE FEE 698 030 48 DEBIT FEE EXCESS DEBIT TRANSACTIONS (CMA) 698 030 49 CR FEE CREDIT FACILITY LINE 698 030 50 DEBIT DUTY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS DEBITS DUTY 698 030 51 EFTDD EFT DEBITS DUTY (GOVT - NT) 698 030 52 SEARCH FEE SEARCH FEE 698 030 53 RES W/TAX RESIDENT WITHHOLDING TAX 698 030 54 SLCTR FEE SOLICITOR'S FEE 698 030 56 EPT TAX ETP TAX 698 030 57 SUPER TAX SUPERANNUATION TAXES 698 030 58 AC SER FEE ACCOUNT SERVICING FEE 698 030 59 W/DRWL FEE WITHDRAWAL FEE 698 030 62 LK BOX FEE LOCKED BOX FEE - PERMANENT 698 030 63 LK BOX FEE LOCKED BOX FEE - TEMPORARY 698 030 64 PKT FEE STANDARD PKT FEE - UNSEALED 698 030 65 PKT FEE SEALED PKT FEE - PERMANENT Page 95 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 698 030 66 PKT FEE SEALED PKT FEE - TEMPORARY 698 030 67 NGHT FEE NIGHT SAFE FEE - TEMPORARY 698 030 68 LKBOX RENT LOCKED RENTAL BOX FEE 698 030 69 NGHT FEE NIGHT SAFE FEE - PERMANENT 698 030 70 TAPE FEE BANK OFFICER INITIATED FEES 698 030 71 DISK FEE BANK OFFICER INITIATED FEES 698 030 75 ONLINE FEE BANK OFFICER INITIATED FEES 698 030 76 HOST FEE BANK OFFICER INITIATED FEES 698 030 77 BUREAU FEE BANK OFFICER INITIATED FEES 698 030 83 SUPER FEE ACCOUNT SERVICING FEE (PRO RATA) 698 030 86 CARD FEE BANK OFFICER INITIATED FEES 698 030 88 DOC PREP SECURITY DOCUMENT PREPARATION FEE 698 030 90 F/DEP FEE FAST DEPOSIT BAG FEE 698 030 90 F/DEP FEE FAST DEPOSIT BAG FEE FROM ALT ACCT 698 030 92 DEP BK FEE DEPOSIT BOOK FEE 698 030 92 DEP BK FEE DEPOSIT BOOK FEE FROM ALT ACCT 698 030 93 OTC CH FEE OTC CASH HANDLING FEE 698 030 93 OTC CH FEE OTC CASH HANDLING FEE FROM ALT ACCT 698 030 94 FDC FEE FAST DEP CASH HANDLING FEE FROM ALT ACCT 698 030 94 FDC FEE FAST DEPOSIT CASH HANDLING FEE 698 030 95 P/BK FEE DUPLICATE/TRIPLICATE PAY IN BOOK 698 030 96 PKGE FEE ANZ BREAKFREE PACKAGE FEE 698 030 97 BUS CH FEE ANZ BUSINESS CHOICE FEE 698 030 101 Card Fee Card Servicing Fee Transferred 698 030 110 TFR FEE TRANSFER OTHER BANK TRANSFER FEE 698 030 9051 IDM FEE TF SDMC FEE - INTERNET MULTI PAYMENT 698 030 9052 INT FEE SDMC FEE - INTERNET PAY ANYONE 698 030 * FEE UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 698 037 70 TAPE FEE MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 698 037 71 DISK FEE MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 698 037 77 BUREAU FEE MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 698 042 * CHQ BOOK STAMP DUTY ON CHEQUE BOOK 698 049 4060 RTGS FEE RTGS PAYMENT CHARGE 698 049 4140 PMT FEE PAYMENT PROCESSING FEE 698 * * CARD FEE PCM - FEE (new card) 698 * * CHQ BK ABOS 698 * * FEE BRANCH - FEE DEBIT 698 * * PP NON FEE AP FAILED FEE 699 000 8 DEBIT DEBIT REPOST 699 000 9990 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9991 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9992 POS HOME BANKING Page 96 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 000 9993 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9994 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9995 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9996 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9997 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9998 POS HOME BANKING 699 000 9999 TFR DEBIT HOME BANKING TRANSFER 699 001 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 002 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 003 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 004 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 005 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 006 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 007 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 008 36 BUS CARD CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 699 008 37 BANK CARD CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 699 008 38 VISA CARD CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 699 008 39 MASTRCARD CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL (PERIODICAL PAYMENT) 699 008 41 DRAWDWN DR TRANSFER TO LOAN ACCOUNT 699 008 43 TRANSFER TRANSFER TO HARVEST ACCOUNT 699 008 44 TRANSFER TRANSFER 699 008 45 WITHDRAWAL WITHDRAWAL 699 008 46 FHOG DR FIRST HOME OWNERS GRANT DEBIT 699 008 47 SETTLE DR SETTLEMENT 699 008 48 TRANSFER TRANSFER TO CASH MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT 699 008 75 CARD ENTRY CARD ENTRY AT BRANCH 699 008 93 LEASE DUTY LEASE DUTY 699 008 94 LEASE LEASE RENTAL 699 008 9046 PHONE BANK ANZ PHONE BANKING 699 008 9047 INTERNET ANZ PC BANKING 699 008 9048 PHONE BPAY ANZ PHONE BANKING BILL PAYMENT 699 008 9049 INTNETBPAY ANZ PC BANKING BILL PAYMENT 699 008 9050 S/TDE WDL SHARE TRADE W/DRAWAL/FUNDS TFR 699 008 9051 INTERNET IB SDMC MULTI-TRANSFER 699 008 9052 INTERNET IB SDMC PAY-ANYONE 699 008 9061 INTERNET IB SDMC BILLPAY 699 008 9062 INTER BANK ONLINE FUNDS TRANSFER 699 008 * ATMFundsTr ANZ ATM Funds Transfer(DR) 699 008 * ATMWithdwl ANZ ATM Withdrawal 699 008 * Intl ATM Plus International ATM Withdrawals 699 008 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 008 * Non ANZATM Non-ANZ ATM Withdrawal Page 97 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 008 * Non ANZATM Non-ANZ Branch Withdrawal 699 008 * VISA Debit VISA Debit Purchase 699 008 * Withdrawal Intern Branch Withdrawal 699 009 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 010 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 011 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 012 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 013 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 014 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 015 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 016 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 017 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 018 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 019 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 020 53 W/HOLD TAX WITHHOLDING TAX COLLECTION 699 020 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 021 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 024 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 025 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 026 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 027 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 028 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 029 1900 REV INS DR REVERSAL OF TRANSFER OF INSURANCE/FEES 699 029 1950 REFUND REVERSAL OF LOAN OVERPAYMENT 699 029 1960 PRE PAY LOAN PREPAYMENT 699 029 2030 IC DR IMPORT COLLECTION 699 029 2040 ID DR IMPORT COLLECTION 699 029 2060 ED DR EXPORT COLLECTION 699 029 2070 EC CR EXPORT COLLECTION 699 029 2080 E DR EXPORT CREDIT 699 029 2200 CBILL ROLL NET SETTL. OF COMM. BILL FACILITY ROLLOV 699 029 2400 CBILL INV COMMERCIAL BILL INVESTMENT 699 029 2500 CBILL INV NET SETTLMNT - ROLLOVER COMM BILL INVEST 699 029 2700 MAT CBILL MATURITY OF COMMERCIAL BILL LOAN 699 029 3010 ADJ CDP DR ADJUSTMENT TO CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 699 029 3030 ADJ TAX DR ADJUSTMENT TO EMPLOYER DEPOSIT 699 029 3060 DEBIT ANZSAS WITHDRAWAL 699 029 3080 DEBIT PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL 699 029 3100 ADJ STX DR SUPERANNUATION TAX ADJUSTMENT 699 029 4050 CHESS SETL CHESS SETTLEMENT 699 029 9040 LN FEE TFR RE-DIRECTED FEE FROM LOAN ACCOUNT 699 029 9050 INT TFR RE-DIRECT DR INT CHGD DEC FROM LOAN ACC Page 98 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 029 9060 DRAWDWN TRADE FINANCE LOAN - AUD 699 029 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 029 EBDFLT EB DEBIT PEFT PAYMENT 699 030 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 031 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 032 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 033 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 034 76 REVERSAL REVERSAL OF CARD ENTRY 699 034 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 034 * REVERSAL REVERSAL OF CREDIT 699 035 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 036 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 037 75 ONLINE DR MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 699 037 * DEBIT MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 699 037 * MISC DEBIT MISCELLANEOUS DEBIT 699 037 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 038 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 039 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 040 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 041 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 042 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 043 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 044 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 045 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 046 * INT INTEREST ON OVERDRAFT/LOAN 699 046 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 047 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 048 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 049 4130 RTGS SENT DOMESTIC TT REMITTED 699 049 4150 TRANSFER TRANSFER 699 049 * ADVICE CUSTOMER ADVISED DEBIT 699 049 * ADVISED DR CUSTOMER ADVISED DEBIT 699 049 * MISC DR UNIDENTIFIED CHANNEL CODE - "wildcard" 699 053 75 CARD ENTRY CARD ENTRY AT BRANCH 699 079 * CREDIT CUSTOMER DEPOSIT 699 * * BAL ITEM Cash Management Online DR 699 * * BPAY Cash Management Online 699 * * BPAY Cash Management Online (SDMC) - DR 699 * * CARD ENTRY BRANCH CARD DEPOSIT 699 * * CARD ENTRY BRANCH CARD WITHDRAWAL 699 * * CARD ENTRY BRANCH CARDHOLDER TRANSFER DR Page 99 of 118 Direct Credit (SDMC) Bill Pay(SDSC) DR Multiple Bill Pay BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 * * CHEQUE BRANCH - CASH WITHDRAWAL 699 * * CHESS SETL CHESS 699 * * DEBIT BRANCH FOREIGN EXCHANGE DR 699 * * DEBIT CAP DEBIT 699 * * DEBIT DISTRIBUTION DEBIT 699 * * DEBIT MONEY MARKET DEBIT 699 * * DEBIT SUPERANNUATION DEBIT 699 * * EB DEBIT SWIFT DEBIT 699 * * EB DEBIT VIPA DEBIT 699 * * INTERNET INTERNET BANKING DEBIT MULTIPLE TRANSFER 699 * * INTERNET INTERNET BANKING MULTIPLE BILL PAY DEBIT 699 * * INTERNET INTERNET BANKING MULTIPLE PAY ANYONE DEBIT 699 * * INTERNET INTERNET BANKING PAY ANYONE DEBIT 699 * * INTL POS MAESTRO INTERNATIONAL EFTPOS W/DRWL 699 * * INTNETBPAY INTERNET BANKING BILL PAY DEBIT 699 * * PAYANYONE Cash Management Online DR 699 * * PAYANYONE Cash Management Online (SDMC) - DR 699 * * PAYMENT Cash Management Online DR Direct Credit (SDMC) - 699 * * PAYMENT Cash Management Online DR Direct Debit (SCMD) 699 * * PAYMENT PAYPLUS DEBIT 699 * * PAYMENT VISION PLUS DEBIT 699 * * PHONE BANK PHONE BANKING DEBIT TRANSFER 699 * * PHONE BPAY PHONE BANKING BILL PAY DEBIT 699 * * PHONE BPAY PHONE BANKING MULTIPLE BILL PAY DEBIT 699 * * POS ANZ ONLINE DEBIT 699 * * POS DR POINT OF SALE (POS) WITHDRAWAL 699 * * POS DR POINT OF SALE MERCHANT DEBIT 699 * * TRANSFER ANZ ONLINE FUNDS TRANSFER DEBIT TRANSFER 699 * * TRANSFER Cash Management Online - DR 699 * * TRANSFER INTERNET BANKING DEBIT TRANSFER 699 * * WITHDRAWAL BRANCH - CASH WITHDRAWAL Note: * indicates a wild-card Page 100 of 118 Pay anyone (SDSC)Multiple Pay anyone Multiple Funds Transfer 6.1.3. MANTEC accounts, MIDANZ accounts (local & offshore), other ANZ offshore accounts and other bank accounts BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 171 LDP NA LOAN Loan Deposit 175 CHK NA CHEQUE CHEQUE 187 CLR NA CASH CASH 195 TRF NA TX/AIR Telex / Airmail 208 TT NA INT PYMT INTL PAYMENT 213 DCR NA DOC CREDIT DOC CREDIT 214 FEX NA FX TRANS Foreign Exchange 224 COM NA COMMISSION COMMISSION 227 STO NA S/ORDER S/ORDER 237 COL NA COLLECTION COLLECTION 238 DIV NA DIVIDEND DIVIDEND 266 RTI NA RETURNED RETURNED 354 INT NA INTEREST INTEREST 357 VDA NA VAL DATE VAL DATE 399 100 NA SC CR TFR Credit Transfer 399 103 NA SC CR TFR Credit Transfer 399 200 NA FI TFR OA FI Transfer 399 201 NA MFI TFR OA Multiple FI Tfrs 399 202 NA GFI TFR General FI Tfrs 399 203 NA MGFI TFR Multiple FI Tfrs 399 204 NA FMDD MSG FI Direct Debit 399 205 NA FI TFR EXE FI Transfer 399 300 NA FE CONF FX Confirmation 399 350 NA AOL/ DIP Advice of Loan 399 400 NA AOP Advice Of Payment 399 * NA CREDIT CREDIT 399 BKT NA Bank Trans Bank Trans 399 BNK NA SRI-BF SRI-Bank Fees 399 BOE NA BILL OF EX BILL OF EX 399 BRF NA BROKER FEE BROKER FEE 399 CAR NA SRI-CAR SRI-Corp Actions 399 CAS NA SRI-CIL SRI-Cash in Lieu 399 CBP NA CASH POST CASH POST 399 CHG NA CHARGES CHARGES 399 CMI NA CMI-ND SRI-No detail 399 CMN NA CMI-NP SRI-Notional pool 399 CMP NA CC Compensation claims 399 CMS NA CMI-S CMI-Sweeping 399 CMT NA CMI-T CMI-Topping 399 CMZ NA CMI-ZB CMI-Zero bal Page 101 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 COW NA OB COMM Outward Bill Commission 399 CPN NA SRI-CP SRI-Coupon payments 399 DDA NA LODGE FEE Lodgement Fee 399 DDT NA DDI Direct Debit Item 399 DIR NA DIR DEB DIR DEB 399 DIS NA SRI-GD SRI-Gains 399 ECK NA EUROCHEQUE EUROCHEQUE 399 EQA NA EQUIVSUM EQUIVSUM 399 EXT NA SRI-ETOA SRI-Ext transfer 399 FCA NA DOC CRDR W Doc Credit Drawing 399 FDL NA FX DEAL FX DEAL 399 LBX NA Lock box Lock box 399 MAR NA SRI-MP/R SRI-Margin pymts 399 MAT NA SRI-M SRI-Maturity 399 MGT NA SRI-MF SRI-Mgt Fees 399 MSC NA MISC CR MISC CR 399 MSP NA MORT SUBS MORT SUBS 399 MT NA MAIL TRANS MAIL TRANS 399 NWI NA SRI-NID SRI-New Issues 399 ODC NA OC Overdraft charge 399 OPT NA SRI-O SRI-Options 399 PCH NA SRI-P SRI-Purchase 399 POP NA SRI-POP SRI-Pair-off 399 PRN NA SRI-PPDU SRI-Principal 399 PYN NA PAY IN PAY IN 399 REC NA SRI-TR SRI-Tax reclaim 399 RED NA SRI-RW SRI-Redemption 399 REV NA REVERSAL REVERSAL 399 RIG NA SRI-R SRI-Rights 399 SAL NA SRI-SALE SRI-Sale 399 SDL NA STG DEAL STG DEAL 399 SEC NA SECURITIES Securities 399 SLE NA SRI-SLR SRI-Sec lending 399 STP NA SRI-SD SRI-Stamp duty 399 SUB NA SRI-SUBS SRI-Subscription 399 SWP NA SRI-SWAP SRI-SWAP payment 399 TAX NA SRI-WTP SRI-Witholding tax 399 TCK NA TVL CHEQUE TVL CHEQUE 399 TCM NA SRI-TCM SRI-Tripartite mgt 399 TRA NA SRI-ITFOA SRI-Internal Tfrs 399 TRN NA SRI-TF SRI-Trans Fee 399 UWC NA SRI-UC SRI-Underwriting Page 102 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 WAG NA WAGES WAGES 399 WAR NA SRI-W SRI-Warrant 475 CHK NA CHEQUE CHEQUE 481 LDP NA LOAN Loan Deposit 487 CLR NA CASH CASH 487 COL NA COLLECTION COLLECTION 495 TRF NA TX/AIR Telex / Airmail 508 TT NA INT PYMT INTL PAYMENT 513 DCR NA DOC CREDIT DOC CREDIT 514 FEX NA FX TRANS Foreign Exchange 524 COM NA COMMISSION COMMISSION 527 STO NA S/ORDER S/ORDER 549 DIV NA DIVIDEND DIVIDEND 566 RTI NA RETURNED RETURNED 631 VDA NA VAL DATE VAL DATE 654 INT NA INTEREST INTEREST 698 BRF NA BROKER FEE BROKER FEE 698 CHG NA CHARGES CHARGES 698 DDA NA LODGE FEE Lodgement Fee 699 100 NA SC CR TFR Credit Transfer 699 103 NA SC CR TFR Credit Transfer 699 200 NA FI TFR OA FI Transfer 699 201 NA MFI TFR OA Multiple FI Tfrs 699 202 NA GFI TFR General FI Tfrs 699 203 NA MGFI TFR Multiple FI Tfrs 699 204 NA FMDD MSG FI Direct Debit 699 205 NA FI TFR EXE FI Transfer 699 300 NA FE CONF FX Confirmation 699 350 NA AOL/ DIP Advice Of Loan 699 400 NA AOP Advice Of Payment 699 * NA DEBIT DEBIT 699 BKT NA BANK TRANS BANK TRANS 699 BNK NA SRI-BF SRI-Bank Fees 699 BOE NA BILL OF EX BILL OF EX 699 CAR NA SRI-CAR SRI-Corp Actions 699 CAS NA SRI-CIL SRI-Cash in Lieu 699 CBP NA CASH POST CASH POST 699 CMI NA CMI-ND SRI-No detail 699 CMN NA CMI-NP SRI-Notional pool 699 CMP NA CC Compensation claims 699 CMS NA CMI-S CMI-Sweeping 699 CMT NA CMI-T CMI-Topping Page 103 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 CMZ NA CMI-ZB CMI-Zero bal 699 COW NA OB COMM Outward Bill Commission 699 CPN NA SRI-CP SRI-Coupon payments 699 DDT NA DDI Direct Debit Item 699 DIR NA DIR DEB DIR DEB 699 DIS NA SRI-GD SRI-Gains 699 ECK NA EUROCHEQUE EUROCHEQUE 699 EQA NA EQUIVSUM EQUIVSUM 699 EXT NA SRI-ETOA SRI-Ext transfer 699 FCA NA DOC CRDR W Doc Credit Drawing 699 FDL NA FX DEAL FX DEAL 699 LBX NA Lock box Lock box 699 MAR NA SRI-MP/R SRI-Margin pymts 699 MAT NA SRI-M SRI-Maturity 699 MGT NA SRI-MF SRI-Mgt Fees 699 MSC NA MISC DR MISC DR 699 MSP NA MORT SUBS MORT SUBS 699 MT NA MAIL TRANS MAIL TRANS 699 NWI NA SRI-NID SRI-New Issues 699 ODC NA OC Overdraft charge 699 OPT NA SRI-O SRI-Options 699 PCH NA SRI-P SRI-Purchase 699 PNS NA PENSION PENSION 699 POP NA SRI-POP SRI-Pair-off 699 PRN NA SRI-PPDU SRI-Principal 699 PYN NA PAY IN PAY IN 699 REC NA SRI-TR SRI-Tax reclaim 699 RED NA SRI-RW SRI-Redemption 699 REV NA REVERSAL REVERSAL 699 RIG NA SRI-R SRI-Rights 699 SAL NA SRI-SALE SRI-Sale 699 SDL NA STG DEAL STG DEAL 699 SEC NA SECURITIES Securities 699 SLE NA SRI-SLR SRI-Sec lending 699 STP NA SRI-SD SRI-Stamp duty 699 SUB NA SRI-SUBS SRI-Subscription 699 SWP NA SRI-SWAP SRI-SWAP payment 699 TAX NA SRI-WTP SRI-Witholding tax 699 TCK NA TVL CHEQUE TVL CHEQUE 699 TCM NA SRI-TCM SRI-Tripartite mgt 699 TRA NA SRI-ITFOA SRI-Internal Tfrs 699 TRN NA SRI-TF SRI-Trans Fee Page 104 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 UWC NA SRI-UC SRI-Underwriting 699 WAG NA WAGES WAGES 699 WAR NA SRI-W SRI-Warrant Page 105 of 118 6.1.4. New Zealand ANZ Bank (SYS account source) BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 146 50 43 EFT-POS CR EFT-POS CREDIT 206 51 * TFR CREDIT Cash Management Online - CR 299 23 * TELCAB CST TELEPHONE/CABLE COST 354 67 * INTEREST INTEREST 373 52 * PAY/SALARY Cash Management Online CR 398 80 000150 AP FEE REV AUTOMATIC PAYMENT FEE REVERSAL 398 80 000200 AM FEE REV ACCOUNT MAINT FEE REVERSAL 398 80 41 ATM REV ATM REVERSAL 398 80 000350 BILLFEEREV BILL PAY FEE REVERSAL 398 80 001000 CHQDUTRFND CHEQUE DUTY REFUND 398 71 * CREDIT CREDIT 398 51 * CR TRF CREDIT TRANSFER 398 80 000400 DSRFEE REV DISHONOUR FEE REVERSAL 398 80 43 EFT-POS RV EFT-POS REVERSAL 398 80 001050 FEE REVERS FEE REVERSAL 398 80 000100 NON-NZDREV NON-NZD SALE FEE REVERSAL 398 80 001100 ICASH REF ICASH CARD REFUND 398 71 006500 PHOTO REV MYPHOTO FEE REVERSAL 398 165 * OD MGT FEE OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE 398 80 000450 OMF REV OMF REVERSAL 398 165 002404 OMF FEEAPR OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-APRIL 398 165 002408 OMF FEEAUG OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-AUGUST 398 165 002412 OMF FEEDEC OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-DECEMBER 398 165 002402 OMF FEEFEB OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-FEBRUARY 398 165 002401 OMF FEEJAN OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE -JANUARY 398 165 002407 OMF FEEJUL OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-JULY 398 165 002406 OMF FEEJUN OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-JUNE 398 165 002403 OMF FEEMAR OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-MARCH 398 165 002405 OMF FEEMAY OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-MAY 398 165 002411 OMF FEENOV OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-NOVEMBER 398 165 002410 OMF FEEOCT OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-OCTOBER 398 165 002409 OMF FEESEP OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE-SEPTEMBER 398 80 006950 REVCARDREV REPLACEMENT CARD FEE REVERSAL 398 80 * REV DEBIT REVERSAL OF DEBIT 398 71 002100 SP ANS DEP SPECIAL ANSWER DEPOSIT 398 80 000250 TXNFEE REV MANUAL TRANS FEE REVERSAL 398 80 000300 TXNFEE REV AUTOMATIC TRANS FEE REVERSAL 398 81 * UNPD REV UNPAID ITEM REV 398 165 002413 UO FEE UNARRANGED OVERDRAFT FEE Page 106 of 118 Funds Transfer (SDSC) Direct Credit (SDMC) - BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 398 80 007000 URGFEEREV URGENT CARD FEE REVERSAL 398 80 006900 VDBTFEEREV VISA DEBIT CARD FEE REVERSAL 399 65 * THIRDPTYDP 3RD PARTY DEP 399 166 * ADJ TO TAX ADJUSTMENT TO TAX 399 167 * ADJ TO TAX ADJUSTMENT TO TAX 399 156 * AMFNOMACT AMF TRANSFER TO NOMINATED ACCOUNT 399 157 * AMTFEE REV AMOUNT FEE REV 399 56 * CHCK DIGIT ANALYSIS CODE WITH CHECK DIGIT 399 57 * NONCHK DIG ANALYSIS CODE NON CHECK DIGIT 399 50 41 ATMDeposit ATM DEPOSIT 399 139 * ATM DEP ATM DEPOSIT 399 171 * ATM DEP ATM DEPOSIT 399 172 * ATM SETTLE ATM SETTLEMENT 399 173 * ATM SETTLE ATM SETTLEMENT 399 170 * ATM TRF ATM TRANSFER 399 191 * BALLOT PMT BALLOT CASH PAYMENT 399 50 59 BILL PYMNT BILL PAYMENT 399 83 * BILL PYMNT BILL PAYMENT 399 83 0B BILL PYMNT BILL PAYMENT 399 83 59 BILL PYMNT BILL PAYMENT 399 79 * CHQDTYRFND CHQ DUTY REFUND 399 158 * CRCHQPRNTS CREDIT TO CHEQUE PRINTERS 399 168 * CR TRANSFR CREDIT TRANSFER 399 51 41 CR TRF ATM CR TRF ATM 399 73 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 74 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 76 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 78 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 84 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 85 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 86 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 87 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 88 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 89 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 90 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 91 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 92 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 94 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 95 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 97 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 98 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 99 * CREDIT CREDIT Page 107 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 128 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 137 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 146 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 147 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 250 * CREDIT SAV CREDIT - SAVINGS 399 75 * DEPOSIT DEPOSIT 399 64 * DEPOSIT DEPOSIT WITH SERIAL NUMBER 399 50 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 50 06 DEPOSIT DEPOSIT 399 50 08 DEPOSIT DEPOSIT 399 50 15 DEPOSIT DEPOSIT 399 50 0A DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 50 0B DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 50 0D DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 50 07 DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 50 09 DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 50 2A DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 50 27 DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 50 29 DIR CRE DIRECT CREDIT 399 53 * DIRECT CR SPECIAL DIRECT CREDIT 399 260 * DIRECT CR DIRECT CREDIT 399 55 * DIRINP TXN DIRECT INPUT TRANSACTION 399 61 * DIVIDEND DIVIDEND 399 50 55 FOREX FOREIGN EXCHANGE 399 77 * FOREXITEM FOREIGN ITEM WITH NINE DIGIT SERIAL 399 193 * FORFEITURE FORFEITURE 399 60 * GovtSalary GOVT SALARY 399 60 06 GovtSalary GOVT SALARY 399 72 * INTGOV STK INTEREST GOVERNMENT STOCK 399 174 * INT ADJ INTEREST ADJUSTMENT 399 175 * INT ADJ INTEREST ADJUSTMENT 399 185 * INT ADJ INTEREST ADJUSTMENT 399 186 * INT ADJ INTEREST ADJUSTMENT 399 252 * INT ADJ INTEREST ADJUSTMENT 399 153 * INWDIS REV INWARD DISHONOUR REVERSAL 399 50 76 KITS KITS 399 58 * DEPOSIT MODULES 10 CHECK 399 59 * DEPOSIT MODULES 9 CHECK 399 66 * MIN OF DEF MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 399 253 * MISC LN CR MISC LOAN CREDIT 399 50 60 MoneyMkt MONEY MARKET 399 50 17 MTSDirEnt MTS DIRECT ENTRY Page 108 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 254 * MYTEL CR MYTEL CREDIT CONTRA 399 60 01 NZGovtPmnt NZ GOVT PAYMENT 399 60 21 NZGovtPmnt NZ GOVT PAYMENT 399 161 * OAF REV OAF REVERSAL 399 54 * OFF ENTRY OFFICE ENTRY 399 159 * OMF ADJ OMF ADJUSTMENT 399 160 * OMF ADJ OMF ADJUSTMENT 399 154 * OMFACC TRF OMF TRANSFER TO NOMINATED ACCOUNT 399 155 * OMFACC TRF OMF TRANSFER TO NOMINATED ACCOUNT 399 189 * PROFIT PMT PROFIT PAYMENT 399 69 * PUBAC RAIL PUBLIC AC RAIL 399 68 * PUBLIC AC PUBLIC ACCOUNT 399 70 * PUBLIC AC PUBLIC ACCOUNT 399 96 * RPAT TO RB REPATRIATION TO RESERVE BANK 399 52 * SALARY SALARY 399 180 * SO AC TXN SETOFF MONTHLY ACCOUNT AND TRANSACTION FEE 399 182 * SO CR INT SETOFF CREDIT INTEREST 399 179 * SO OAFFEES SETOFF OAF FEES 399 181 * SO OD INT SETOFF OVERDRAFT INTEREST 399 178 * SO OMFFEES SETOFF OMF FEES 399 183 * SOTAXWHELD SETOFF TAX WITHHELD 399 82 * STOP MTS STOPPED MTS PYMT 399 100 * TRGETBALDR TARGET BAL DR 399 192 * TAXONBALOT TAX ON CASH BALLOT PAYMENT 399 190 * TAXONPRFIT TAX ON PROFIT 399 62 * TT TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER 399 151 * TRF CR INT TRANSFER CREDIT INTEREST 399 152 * TRF CR INT TRANSFER CREDIT INTEREST 399 169 * TRF CR INT TRANSFER CREDIT INTEREST 399 93 * TRST MGMT TRUST MGMT 399 63 * UNAPP FNDS UNAPPLIED FUNDS 399 176 * WHOLDTXADJ WITHHOLDING TAX ADJUSTMENT 399 177 * WHOLDTXADJ WITHHOLDING TAX ADJUSTMENT 399 187 * WHOLDTXADJ WITHHOLDING TAX ADJUSTMENT 399 188 * WHOLDTXADJ WITHHOLDING TAX ADJUSTMENT 399 251 * WHOLDTXADJ WITHOLDING TAX ADJUSTMENT 50 * PAYMENT Cash Management Online CR Direct Credit (SDMC) - 399 50 * FUNDS CR Cash Management Online CR Direct Debit (SCMD) - 399 50 * FUNDS CR Cash Management Online CR Direct Debit (SCMD) - 399 475 18 * TRAVRS CHQ TRAVELLERS CHQS Page 109 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 506 36 * TFR DEBIT Cash Management Online (SDSC) - DR 508 27 * INT Cash Management Online -International 698 101 AM MNTHLY FEE MONTHLY ACCOUNT AND TRANSACTION FEE 698 162 001616 AC TXN FEE MONTHLY ACCOUNT AND TRANSACTION FEE 698 101 AS ACCSER FEE ACCOUNT SERVICE FEE 698 101 AP AP GEN FEE AUTOMATIC PAYMENT GENERATION FEE 698 140 003610 AP GEN FEE AUTOMATIC PAYMENT GENERATION FEE 698 140 003600 AP LD FEE AUTOMATIC PAYMENT LOAD AND AMEND FEE 698 13 000350 ACPT END ACCEPT END FEE 698 13 006750 ALTAMD FEE ALERT AMEND FEE 698 13 006700 ALRTLD FEE ALERT LOAD FEE 698 13 006800 ALTSRV FEE ALERT SERV FEE 698 26 000150 ATMWTHDRWL ATM WITHDRAWAL 698 13 000100 AUDRPTFee AUD CONF REPORT 698 101 TA AUTOTXNFEE AUTOMATED TRANSACTION FEE 698 26 003700 BCARD CHRG BCARD CHARGES 698 26 003800 BCDCHG ADJ BCARD CHG ADJ 698 13 000200 B CHQ FEE BCHQ FEE 698 13 * BNK CHRG BANK CHARGE 698 26 * BNK CHRG BANK CHARGE 698 22 * BNKCHG GST BANK CHGS (INC GST) 698 13 000130 BILLPMTPEN BILL PMT PENALTY 698 162 001675 BILLPMTMT BILL PAYMENT MAINTENANCE FEE 698 162 001670 BILLPMTFEE BILL PAYMENT LOAD FEEE 698 22 000200 BUSFCS CHG BUSINESS FOCUS CHARGE (INC GST) 698 22 000500 BUSFCS CHG BUSINESS FOCUS CHARGE (INC GST) 698 22 000100 BUSPLS CHG BUSINESS PLUS CHARGE (INC GST) 698 22 000400 BUSPLS CHG BUSINESS PLUS CHARGE (INC GST) 698 13 000750 CASHHNDFEE CASH HANDLING FEE 698 26 001564 CSHPNT DEP CASH POINT DEP 698 13 005200 CASHSRVFEE CASH SERVICE FEE 698 26 001562 CSHPNT FC CASHPOINT FAST CASH 698 26 001563 CSHPNT TNF CASHPOINT TRANSFER 698 26 001561 CSHPNT FEE CASHPOINT CARD WITHDRAWAL 698 13 000270 CERTINCHGD CERT IN CHRGED FEE 698 13 004000 CERTMRGINT CERT MRTGAGE INT 698 13 003300 CERTBALFEE CERT OF BAL FEE 698 13 000250 CERTINTFEE CERT OF INT FEE 698 13 002750 CT TLE FEE CERT OF TITLE FEE 698 13 000260 CRTWTAXFEE CERT WTAX FEE 698 26 003000 CHRG BACK CHARGE BACK Page 110 of 118 Funds Transfer BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 698 163 001641 CHQTXNFEE CHEQUE TRANSACTION FEE 698 02 * CLCR FEE CLEARANCE FEE 698 13 006550 FEE REVERS NON-NZD SALE FEE REVERSAL 698 13 000450 COINHNDFEE COIN HANDLING FEE 698 13 000400 COMAMENDLC COMM AMEND LC FEE 698 13 000300 CR TRF FEE CREDIT TRF FEE 698 21 * DATABNKCHG DATABANK CHARGE 698 13 006300 DSCHDOCFEE DISCHARGE SECURITY DOC FEE 698 107 * DSRFEE REV DISHON FEE REV 698 13 000500 DISHNR FEE DISHONOUR FEE 698 106 * DISHNR FEE DISHONOUR FEE 698 13 000600 DOCHDL FEE DOC HANDLING FEE 698 13 000700 D STMT FEE DUP STMT FEE 698 49 * EDS CHARGE EDS (CICS) CHG 698 13 003400 EXESECDOC EXECUTION OF SEC DOCS 698 162 001635 ACC FEE ACCOUNT FEES AT CLOSURE 698 13 000751 FEC FEE FOREX CNTRCT FEE 698 101 * GEN FEE GENERATED FEE 698 22 000800 GUARANTEE INDEMNITY GUARANTEE FEE (INC GST) 698 13 006850 ICSHPURFEE ICASH CARD PURCH 698 13 005400 INVEST FEE INVESTMENT FEE 698 26 006400 IWSREN FEE IWS RENEWAL FEE 698 13 000900 LC ADV COM LC ADVISE COMM 698 13 001000 LC COMM LC COMMISSION 698 13 001001 LC EST FEE LC EST FEE 698 13 001100 LINE FEE LINE FEE 698 13 001200 LOAN FEE LOAN FEE 698 13 001300 LN HLD FEE LOAN HOLDING FEE 698 101 LV LOWWD CHRG LOW WITHDRAWAL CHARGE 698 13 002700 LTDCO SRCH LTD CO SEARCH FEE 698 101 TM MANTXNFEE MANUAL TRANSACTION FEE 698 13 006650 MNTHLY FEE MONTHLY BANKING FEE 698 13 006400 MRCHSVCCHG MERCHANT SVC CHG 698 206 * MISC LN DR MISC LOAN DEBIT 698 13 005600 MONTRG FEE MONITORING FEE 698 101 AF MNTHLY FEE MONTHLY ACCOUNT FEE 698 162 * MTH AC FEE MONTHLY ACCOUNT FEE 698 26 003900 MTSERR FEE MTS ERROR FEE 698 13 006500 PHOTO FEE MYPHOTO FEE 698 207 * MYTEL DR MYTEL DEBIT CONTRA 698 26 004200 NONRES LEV NON RESIDENT LEVY 698 26 004100 NONRES WT NON RESIDENT WITHHOLDING TAX Page 111 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 698 101 OA OD APP FEE OVERDRAFT APPLICATION FEE 698 164 * OD APP FEE OVERDRAFT APPLICATION FEE 698 13 006200 OL MTH FEE ONLINE BANK MTH FEE 698 13 006100 OL REG FEE ONLINE BANK REG FEE 698 26 001600 OS BK CHG OSEAS BK CHGS 698 13 001700 OS TXN COM OSEAS TXN COMM 698 208 * OAFACCTRF OAF TRANSFER FROM NOMINATED ACCOUNT 698 209 * OAFACCTRF OAF TRANSFER TO NOMINATED ACCOUNT 698 101 OM OM FEE OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE 698 210 * ONEOFF PMT ONE-OFF PAYMENT 698 13 000800 ONEOFF FEE ONE-OFF PYMT FEE 698 211 * ONLINE DC ONLINE DC 698 13 006210 OL CDE FEE ONLINE CODE FEE 698 22 001400 OPTION FEE OPTION FEE (INC GST) 698 13 001450 ORDERS FEE ORDERS FEE 698 204 * OBKATM FEE OTHER BANK ATM FEE 698 13 001500 CHQBK FEE OVERPRINT CHQBK 698 205 * OS ATM FEE OVERSEAS ATM FEE 698 26 001800 POSTAGE POSTAGE 698 13 005500 PVT BK FEE PRIVATE BANKING 698 13 003500 PRDSECDOC PRODUCTION OF SEC DOCS 698 26 002800 REG FEE REG FEES - RELEASE MTGE/CHATTEL SECS 698 13 006950 REPCRD FEE REPLACEMENT CARD FEE 698 13 006450 REP FEE REPRESENT FEE 698 22 001850 SAFCUS FEE SAFE CUSTODY FEE (INC GST) 698 13 002050 SCRIP FEE SCRIPT FEE 698 13 005800 SDCP FEE SAME DAY CL PMT FEE 698 13 002000 SCINSP FEE SECURITY INSPECTION FEE 698 13 006250 SHOEBOX AC SHOEBOX ACCOUNTS 698 13 002100 SP ANS FEE SPECIAL ANSWER FEE 698 26 002900 STAMP DUTY STAMP DUTY 698 22 000300 STRTUP CHG START UP CHARGE (INC GST) 698 13 002200 ST CPY FEE STMT COPY FEE 698 13 003200 STPPMT FEE STOP PAYMENT FEE 698 104 * STPPMT FEE STOP PYMT FEE 698 26 003100 CR CRD ADJ SUNDRY CREDIT CARD ADJ 698 13 002250 PD CHQ FEE SURRENDER PAID CHQ FEE 698 13 002500 TVLCHQ COM TRAVELLERS CHQS COMM 698 105 * TRGETBALCR TARGET BALANCE CREDIT 698 13 005700 TTONE FEE TOUCH TONE FEE 698 101 TN TXN FEE TRANSACTION FEE 698 163 * TXN FEE TRANSACTION FEE Page 112 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 698 13 002400 TVL BK FEE TRAVEL BOOKINGS 698 13 002350 TRFFND FEE TRF OF FUNDS FEE 698 13 006600 TXTREQ FEE TXT-REQUEST FEE 698 01 * UNPD ITEM UNPAID ITEM 698 101 OX UO FEE UNARRANGED OVERDRAFT FEE 698 13 007000 URGCRD FEE URGENT CARD FEE 698 13 006900 VDBT FEE VISA DEBIT CARD FEE 698 13 002600 VR SCH FEE VOUCHER SEARCH 698 26 002650 W HOLD TAX WHOLDING TAX 698 13 005900 W DRWL FEE WITHDRAWAL FEE 698 13 * BNKCHG Bank Charges 699 122 * AC EX CHG ACCOUNT EXCESS CHARGE 699 141 * AP FEE REV AUTOMATIC PAYMENT FEE REVERSAL 699 123 * AECREVRSAL ACCOUNT EXCESS CHARGE REVERSAL 699 125 * AM FEE REV ACCOUNT MAINT FEE REVERSAL 699 06 * CHCK DIGIT ANALYSIS CODE WITH CHECK DIGIT 699 07 * NONCHK DIG ANALYSIS CODE NON CHECK DIGIT 699 00 41 ATM DEBIT ATM DEBIT 699 131 * ATM DEBIT ATM DEBIT 699 138 * ATM DEBIT ATM DEBIT 699 138 41 ATM DEBIT ATM DEBIT 699 132 * ATM DEP ATM DEPOSIT 699 707 * AUTODDABCR AUTO LN DDA CREDIT 699 808 * AUTOLN DR AUTO LN LN DEBIT 699 606 * AUTOTF DDA AUTO TRANSFER DDA 699 15 * AUTO PYMNT AUTOMATIC PAYMENT 699 15 06 AUTO PYMNT AUTOMATIC PAYMENT 699 909 * AUTPAY DR AUTPAY DDA DEBIT 699 33 * BILL PYMNT BILL PAYMENT 699 33 0B BILL PYMNT BILL PAYMENT 699 12 * BILL DRFT BILL DRAFT 699 202 LC BlkngTXNCr BULKING TXN CR 699 202 LD BlkngTXNDr BULKING TXN DR 699 124 * CLRFEE REV CLEARANCE FEE REVERSAL 699 00 15 CHQ WITHDL CHEQUE WITHDRAWAL 699 35 * CHQ WITHDL CHEQUE WITHDRAWAL 699 03 * COUNTERCHQ COUNTER CHEQUE 699 00 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 00 01 DEBIT DEBIT 699 00 06 DEBIT DEBIT 699 00 07 DEBIT DEBIT 699 05 * DEBIT DEBIT Page 113 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 10 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 16 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 17 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 19 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 20 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 24 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 28 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 29 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 31 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 34 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 37 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 39 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 40 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 41 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 42 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 44 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 45 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 47 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 48 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 129 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 135 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 136 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 145 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 150 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 200 * DEBIT SAV DEBIT - SAVINGS 699 121 * DR INT DEBIT INTEREST 699 36 * DEBIT TRF DEBIT TRANSFER 699 25 * DEP ERROR DEPOSIT CORRECTION 699 00 0A DIRECT DR DIRECT DEBIT 699 00 0B DIRECT DR DIRECT DEBIT 699 00 0C DIRECT DR DIRECT DEBIT 699 00 0D DIRECT DR DIRECT DEBIT 699 120 * DR INT REV DEBIT INTEREST REVERSAL 699 102 * DR INT TRF DEBIT INTEREST TRANSFER 699 00 43 EFT-POS EFT-POS 699 138 02 EFT-POS EFT-POS 699 130 * FEE REVERS FEE REVERSAL 699 00 55 FOREX FOREIGN EXCHANGE 699 27 * FOREXITEM FOREIGN ITEM WITH NINE DIGIT S/N 699 11 * GVTCHQ DUT GOVT CHEQUE DUTY 699 14 * INSURANCE INSURANCE 699 103 * INTTRANSFR INTEREST TRANSFER Page 114 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 38 * EXCHQDEPBK KEY FORM EXEMPT CHEQUE AND DEPOSIT BOOK 699 108 * LOAN DDOWN LOAN DRAW DOWN 699 142 * LNDRWNREV LOAN DRAWDOWN REVERSAL 699 112 * LOAN FEE LOAN FEE 699 144 * LOANFEEREV LOAN FEE REVERSAL 699 143 * LOANINTREV LOAN INTEREST REVERSAL 699 111 * LOAN INT LOAN INTEREST 699 109 * LOANPMTREV LOAN PAYMENT REVERSAL 699 110 * LOAN PMT LOAN PAYMENT 699 08 * CHEQUE MODULES 10 CHECK ON SERIAL 699 09 * CHEQUE MODULES 9 CHECK ON SERIAL 699 04 * OFF ENTRY OFFICE ENTRY 699 202 * OFF ENTRY OFFICE ENTRY 699 127 * OMFREVRSAL OVERDRAFT MANAGEMENT FEE REVERSAL 699 00 2A ONEOFF PMT ON LINE ONE-OFF PAYMENT 699 15 2A ONLINE DC ONLINE DIRECT CREDIT 699 119 * PMTPRTCOST PAYMENT FOR PRINT COSTS 699 46 * RPAT TO RB REPATRIATION TO RESERVE BANK 699 30 * REVERSALCR REVERSAL OF CR 699 32 * STPMTS PMT STOPPED MTS PYMT 699 117 * TD BREAK TERM DEPOSIT BREAK 699 116 * TDINTEREST TERM DEPOSIT INTEREST 699 115 * TD PRINCPL TERM DEPOSIT PRINCIPAL 699 133 * TELLERDR TELLER DEBIT 699 134 * TELLERDR TELLER DEBIT 699 118 * TRNS TO TD TRANSFER TO TERM DEPOSIT 699 203 * TRF CR INT TRANSFER CREDIT INTEREST 699 113 * TR UNCLAIM TRANSFER TO UNCLAIMED MONIES 699 114 * TR UNCLAIM TRANSFER TO UNCLAIMED MONIES 699 43 * TRUST MGMT TRUST MGMT 699 126 * TXNFEEREV TRANSACTION FEE REVERSAL 699 201 * WHOLDTXADJ WITHHOLDING TAX ADJUSTMENT 00 * FUNDS DR Cash Management Online DR Direct Credit (SDMC) - 699 00 * PAYMENT Cash Management Online DR Direct Debit (SCMD) 699 Page 115 of 118 6.1.5. New Zealand Cross Bank accounts (Westpac & Bank of New Zealand) BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 399 50 * CREDIT CREDIT 399 52 * SALARY SALARY 399 56 * ANL CDE CR ANALYSIS CODE CREDIT 399 57 * ANL CDE CR ANALYSIS CODE CREDIT 399 61 * DIVIDEND DIVIDEND 399 67 * CR INT CREDIT INTEREST 399 75 * BKADJ MICR BANK ADJUSTMENT MICR DEPOSIT 399 80 * CR(REV DR) CREDIT (REVERSED DEBIT) 399 51 * TFR CREDIT Credit Transfer 399 53 * SPECIAL DC Special Direct Credit 399 54 * OFF ENTRY Office Entry 399 55 * DIRECT TXN Direct Input Transaction 399 58 * CHEQUE Modulus 10 Cheque Serial Number 399 59 * CHEQUE Modulus 9 Cheque Serial Number 399 60 * GOVTSALARY Government Salaries 399 62 * TT Telegraphic Transfers 399 63 * UNAPP FNDS Unapplied Funds 399 64 * DEPOSIT Deposits with Serial Number 399 65 * THIRDPARTY Third Party Deposits 399 66 * MIN OF DEF Ministry of Defence 399 68 * PUBLIC AC Public Account 399 69 * PUBLIC AC Public Account Railway 399 70 * PUBLIC AC Public Account 399 72 * INTGOV STK Interest Government Stock 399 77 * FX ITEM Foreign Item with 9 Digit Serial Number 399 79 * CHQDUTRFND Cheque Duty Refund 399 81 * REVERSAL Unpaid Item Reversal 399 82 * STOPMTS Stopped MTS Payment 399 83 * BILL PYMNT Bill Payment 399 93 * CR TRUST Credit Trust Management 399 96 * REP RESBNK Repatriation to Reserve Bank 698 13 * BNK CHRG BANK CHARGES 698 2 * CLEAR FEE Clearance Fee 698 16 * ACC MNTFEE Account Maintenance Fee 698 19 * OD APP FEE Overdraft Application Fee 698 20 * AC TXN FEE Account Transaction Fee 698 24 * OD MGT FEE Overdraft Management Fee 699 0 * DEBIT DEBIT 699 1 * UNPD ITEM UNPAID ITEM 699 6 * ANL CDE DR ANALYSIS CODE DEBIT Page 116 of 118 BAI Code Transaction Code AUXDOM Transaction Type Description 699 7 * ANL CDE DR ANALYSIS CODE DEBIT 699 25 * BKADJ MICR BANK ADJUSTMENT MICR DEPOSIT 699 30 * DR(REV CR) DEBIT (REVERSED CREDIT) 699 35 * REPRES CHQ REPRESENTED CHEQUE 699 3 * COUNT CHQ Counter Cheque 699 4 * OFF ENTRY Office Entry 699 8 * CHEQUE Modulus 10 Cheque Serial Number 699 9 * CHEQUE Modulus 9 Cheque Serial Number 699 11 * GOVCHQ DTY Government Cheque Duty 699 12 * BILL DRAFT Bill/Draft 699 14 * INSURANCE Insurance 699 15 * AUTO PAY Automatic Payment 699 17 * DEBIT INT Debit Interest 699 22 * BNKCHG GST Bank Charges - GST inclusive 699 23 * TEL CABLE Telephone/Cable Cost 699 26 * CHARGES Charges (non Fees) with Statement Description 699 27 * FX ITEM Foreign Item with 9 Digit Serial Number 699 32 * STOPMTSREV Stopped MTS Payment Reversal 699 33 * BILL PYMNT Bill Payment 699 36 * TFR DEBIT Debit Transfer 699 38 * EXEMPT Key From Exempt Cheque or Deposit Book 699 43 * DEBITTRUST Debit Trust Management 699 46 * REP RESBNK Repatriation to Reserve Bank Page 117 of 118 6.1.6. Appendix B - Use of Auxdom/Trancode This section offers advice on the use of Trancode/Auxdom in recognising transactions. Care should be exercised in using these codes as there are many ambiguities. These codes exist for a number of internal bank and interbank processing system uses rather than as a customer reporting tool, however they are reasonably indicative. The things to be careful of are as follows: 1. The Trancode has 3 digits but only the last 2 are significant to define the transaction, the leading digit is mostly 0 but can be 9 or any other number that reflects the way it was processed. 2. TC 0-49 are debits and 50-99 are credits. This is the only absolutely consistent rule. Some transaction have ranges of Auxdoms rather than one specific Auxdom per TC. TC 00 (Cheque) the Auxdom is the cheque number. TC 60, 70, 80 the Auxdom is the number of collection items deposited. TC 8, 50-56 where the transaction came via Direct Entry the Auxdom is the DE User ID of the submitter. 3. New transaction codes and Auxdoms are occasionally added or discontinued without notice and a way of handling these exceptions must be accommodated. 4. Some Trancodes are ambiguous, in which case the underlying transaction is distinguished by other processing data not in the TC/Auxdom. In particular TC 00 applies to Cheques or OnLine Transfer (debit) or EDI debit. 5. Similarly TC50 or 70 can also apply to OnLine TRF, EDI Credit as well as the Direct Entry “Transfer” (TC50) and Agent Deposit (TC 70). 6. TC 70 also has a specific TC/Auxdom combination indicating certain Point of sale credits. The way these exceptions are recognised is by triggering characters in the Traceline and exauxdom. If Bytes 9-10 is CX then the transaction originated from Direct Entry and that Trancode rule applies. If the second last byte of the exauxdom is H then the transaction will be OnLine TRF or EDI: EDI where the last character of the exauxdom is 8; TRF where the last character is 9. 7. Manual entries can have any Trancode but are usually 00 (debit) or 99 (credit). A manual entry will not consistently obey any code rules. The entering officer keys in the appropriate statement narrative and this is what appears on the statement whatever codes are used. Alternatively the Tran Type has these anomalies removed and should be considered as a key to indicate the transaction type for automatic reconciliation. Page 118 of 118
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