Coast User Guide
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COAST User Guide
Matthew Bohman, BYU
April 13, 2018
1 Introduction 2
2.1 BuildingthePasses.......................................... 2
2.2 GuidetothePasses ......................................... 2
2.3 UsingthePasses ........................................... 3
3 Customization 4
3.1 CommandLineOptions ....................................... 4
3.1.1 ReplicationRules....................................... 4
3.1.2 ReplicationScope ...................................... 5
3.1.3 OtherOptions ........................................ 5
3.2 ConfigurationFile .......................................... 7
3.3 In-codeDirectives .......................................... 7
4 Troubleshooting 8
1 Introduction
This document serves to introduce the user to the COAST (COmpiler-Assisted Software fault Tolerance) tool.
This tool leverages the LLVM compiler infrastructure to harden software against upsets in the compilation
phase. For questions please email Jeff Goeders at who has supervised this project. It
is assumed that the user has read and set up the LLVM repository as outlined in the document “Getting
Started with LLVM”. This guide was developed using Ubuntu 16.04. For a more detailed explanation of
COAST, as well as the reliability measurements of the different passes, please consult Matthew Bohman’s
Master’s thesis (specific link coming soon, it will be posted at
COAST consists of a series of LLVM passes. The source code for these passes is found in the “llvm/projects”
folder. This section covers the different passes available and their functions.
2.1 Building the Passes
Navigate to the “llvm/projects/build” folder and run cmake .. (note the two periods at the end of the
command). This generates makefiles for each pass. Running make in this directory now builds all of the
passes. They are represented as *.so files in this subdirectory.
2.2 Guide to the Passes
There are a number of different passes available. These are discussed more in detail below.
CFCSS This implements a form of Control Flow Checking via Software Signatures [1]. Basic blocks are
assigned static signatures in compilation. When the code is executing it compares the current signature
to the known static signature. This allows it to detect errors in the control flow of the program.
dataflowProtection This is the underlying pass behind the DWC and TMR passes.
debugStatements On occasion programs will compile properly, but the passes will introduce runtime
errors. Use this pass to insert print statements into every basic block in the program. When the
program is then run, it is easy to find the point in the LLVM IR where things went awry. Note that
this incurs a very large penalty in both code size and runtime.
DWC This pass implements duplication with compare (DWC) as a form of data flow protection. DWC is
also known as dual modular redundancy (DMR). It is based on EDDI [2]. Behind the scenes, this pass
simply calls the dataflowProtection pass with the proper arguments.
exitMarker For software fault injection we found it helpful to have known breakpoints at the different
places that main() can return. This pass places a function call to a dummy function, EXIT MARKER,
immediately before these return statements. Breakpoints placed at this function allow debuggers to
access the final processor state.
TMR This pass implements triple modular redundancy (TMR) as a form of data flow protection. It is based
on SWIFT-R [3] and Trikaya [4]. Behind the scenes, this pass simply calls the dataflowProtection pass
with the proper arguments.
2.3 Using the Passes
Modifying source code in compilation requires a few steps. These steps refer to clang,opt,llc, and lld. These
are found in the “llvm/build/bin” subdirectory. The commands below assume that this folder has been
added to the user path. If you do not wish to do this, you must update the call to the program with the
appropriate path. We recommend automating these steps using a Makefile.
1. Build LLVM
2. Build the passes as described in Section 2.1.
3. Compile your pass into LLVM IR (intermediate representation). If you are using C or C++ base files,
this is done using Clang.
clang -emit-llvm inFile.c -c -o outfile.clang.bc
4. Modify the IR using the desired passes. They must be loaded into opt before they can be used using
the -load flag. Each pass must be loaded before it is used. Note that dataflowProtection must be
included before DWC or TMR.
opt -load <Necessary *.so file> <COAST flags> sourceFile.bc -o protectedFile.bc
5. Optional: turn the LLVM bytecode (.bc) into human-readable IR (.ll). This works for code pre- and
post- modification.
llvm-dis -f outFile.bc
6. Optional: Run the IR. This works for both IR files (.ll) and bytecode (.bc).
lli inFile.ll
7. Compile the LLVM IR into assembly using llc. This can be passed into your favorite assembler.
Alternately, the utility lld has recently been introduced to compile directly to common architectures.
It is not included in this version of LLVM, but is a potential resource.
llc -march=<target arch> <target options> protectedFile.bc -o outFile.s
Table 1: Pass command line configuration options.
Command line option Effect
-noMemReplication Don’t replicate variables in memory (ie. use rule D2 instead of D1).
-noLoadSync Don’t synchronize on data loads (C3).
-noStoreDataSync Don’t synchronize the data on data stores (C4).
-noStoreAddrSync Don’t synchronize the address on data stores (C5).
-ignoreFns=<X> <X>is a comma separated list of the functions that should not be
-ignoreGlbls=<X> <X>is a comma separated list of the global variables that should not
be replicated.
-skipLibCalls=<X> <X>is a comma separated list of library functions that should only
be called once.
-replicateFnCalls=<X> <X>is a comma separated list of user functions where the body of
the function should not be modified, but the call should be replicated
-configFile=<X> <X>is the path to the configuration file that has these options saved.
-countErrors Enable TMR to track the number of errors corrected.
-runtimeInitGlbls=<X> <X>is a comma separated list of the replicated global variables that
should be initialized at runtime using memcpy.
-i or -s Interleave (-i) the instruction replicas with the original instructions
or group them together and place them immediately before the syn-
chronization logic (-s). COAST defaults to -s.
-dumpModule At the end of execution dump out the contents of the module to the
command line. Mainly helpful for debugging purposes.
-verbose Print out more information about what the pass is modifying.
3 Customization
In order to make COAST more flexible and useful, we have implemented a number of different options for
the pass configurations. These can be called using the command line, included in a configuration file, or
implemented using in-code directives. These options currently only modify DWC and TMR.
3.1 Command Line Options
The different options are listed and explained in Table 1. The first section of options in the table describes
different options for instruction replication and synchronization, as used in previous work [5]. The next
section allows for more fine-grained control of what should and should not be replicated. The final section
describes a few other options available. These are described more in detail in this section.
3.1.1 Replication Rules
VAR3+, the set of replication rules introduced by Chielle et al. [5], instructs that all registers and instructions,
except store instructions, should be duplicated. The data used in branches, the addresses before stores and
jumps, and the data used in stores are all synchronized and checked against their duplicates. VAR3+ claims
to catch 95% of data errors, so we used it as a starting point for automated mitigation. However, we
removed rule D2, which does not replicate store instructions, in favor of D1, which does. This results in
replication of all variables in memory, and is desirable as microcontrollers have no guarantee of protected
memory. The synchronization rules are included in both DWC and TMR protection. Rules C1 and C2,
synchronizing before each read and write on the register, respectively, are not included in our pass because
these were shown to provide an excessive amount of synchronization. G1, replicating all registers, and C6,
synchronizing before branch or store instructions, cannot be disabled as these are necessary for the protection
to function properly.
The first option, -noMemReplication, should be used whenever memory has a separate form of protection,
such as error correcting codes (ECC). The option specifies that neither store instructions nor variables should
be replicated. This can dramatically speed up the program because there are fewer memory accesses. Loads
are still executed repeatedly from the same address to ensure no corruption occurs while processing the data.
The option -noStoreAddrSync corresponds to C5. In EDDI [2] memory was simply duplicated and each
duplicate was offset from the original value by a constant. However, COAST runs before the linker, and thus
has no notion of an address space. We implement rules C3 and C5, checking addresses before stores and
loads, for data structures such as arrays and structs that have an offset from a base address. These offsets,
instead of the base addresses, are compared in the synchronization logic.
3.1.2 Replication Scope
The user can specify any functions and global variables that should not be protected using -ignoreFns
and -ignoreGlbls. At minimum, these options should be used to exclude code that interacts with hard-
ware devices (GPIO, UART) from the SoR. Replicating this code is likely to lead to errors. The option
-replicateFnCalls causes user functions to be called in a coarse grained way, meaning the call is replicated
instead of fine-grained instruction replication within the function body. Library function calls can also be
excluded from replication via the flag -skipLibCalls, which causes those calls to only be executed once.
These two options should be used when multiple independent copies of a return value should be generated,
instead of a single return value propagating through all replicated instructions. Changing the scope of
replication can cause problems across function calls. Table 2 shows the proper use of these options.
3.1.3 Other Options
Error Logging This option was developed for tests in a radiation beam, where upsets are stochastically
distributed, unlike fault injection tests where one upset is guaranteed for each run. COAST can be instructed
to keep track of the number of corrected faults via the flag -countErrors. This flag allows the program to
detect corrected upsets, which yields more precise results on the number of radiation-induced SEUs. This
option is only applicable to TMR because DWC halts on the first error. A global variable, TMR ERROR CNT,
is incremented each time that all three copies of the datum do not agree. If this global is not present in the
source code then the pass creates it. The user can print this value at the end of program execution, or read
Table 2: When to use replication command line options
Desired Behavior Function Type Option Use Case
called function
User Default Standard behavior, use for
most cases.
Library N/A Cannot modify library calls.
Instead, see the case below.
Replicate call
User -replicateFnCalls=<X>
When the return value needs to
be unique to each instruction
replica, e.g. pointers.
Library Default
By default the library calls are
performed repeatedly. Use for
most calls.
Call once,
User -ignoreFns=<X>
Interrupt service routines and
synchronization logic, such as
polling on an external pin.
Library -skipLibCalls=<X>
Whenever the call should not
be repeated, such as calls inter-
facing with I/O.
it using a debugging tool.
Error Handlers The user has the choice of how to handle DWC and CFCSS errors because these are
uncorrectable. The default behavior is to create abort() function calls if errors are detected. However, user
functions can be called in place of abort(). In order to do so, the source code needs a definition for the
function void FAULT DETECTED DWC() or void FAULT DETECTED CFCSS for DWC and CFCSS, respectively.
Input Initialization Global variables with initial values provide an interesting problem for testing. By
default, these initial values are assigned to each replicate at compile time. This models the scenario where the
SoR expands into the source of the data. However, this does not accurately model the case when code inputs
need to be replicated at runtime. This could happen, for instance, if a UART was feeding data into a program
and storing the result in a global variable. When global variables are listed using -runtimeInitGlbls the
pass inserts memcpy calls to copy global variable data into the replicates at runtime. This supports scalar
values as well as aggregate data types, such as arrays and structures.
Interleaving In previous work [2] replicated instructions have all been placed immediately after the original
instructions. Interleaving instructions in this manner effectively reduces the number of available registers
because each load statement executes repeatedly, causing each original value to occupy more registers. For
TMR, this means that a single load instruction in the initial code uses three registers in the protected
program. As a result, the processor may start using the stack as extra storage. This introduces additional
memory accesses, increasing both the code size and execution time. Placing each set of replicated instructions
immediately before the next synchronization point lessens the pressure on the register file by eliminating the
need for multiple copies of data to be live simultaneously.
By default, COAST groups copies of instructions before synchronization points, effectively partitioning
regions of code into segments where each copy of the program runs uninterrupted. Alternately, the user can
specify that instructions should be interleaved using -i.
Printing Status Messages Using the -verbose flag will print more information about what the pass
is doing. This includes removing unused functions and unused global strings. These are mainly helpful for
examining when your code is not behaving exactly as expected.
If you are developing passes, then on occasion you might need to include more printing statements. Using
-dumpModule causes the pass to print out the entirety of the LLVM module to the command line in a format
that can be tested using lli. This is mainly helpful if the pass is not cleaning up after itself properly. The
function dumpModule() can also be placed in different places in the code for additional debugging capabilities.
3.2 Configuration File
Alternately, instead of repeating the same command line options across several compilations, we have
created a configuration file, “functions.config” that can capture the same behavior. It is found in the
dataflowProtection pass folder. The location of this file can be specified using the -configFile=<...>
option. The options are the same as the command line alternatives.
3.3 In-code Directives
Table 3: In-line code directives.
Directive Effect
DEFAULT xMR Include at the top of the code. Set the default processing to be to
replicate every piece of code except those specifically tagged. This is
the default behavior.
NO xMR Set the default behavior of COAST to not replicate anything except
what is specifically tagged.
NO xMR Used to tag functions and variables that should not be replicated.
Functions tagged in this manner behave as if they were passed to
xMR Designate functions and variables that should be cloned. This repli-
cates function bodies and modifies the function signature.
xMR FN CALL Available for functions only. The same as replicateFnCalls above.
Repeat function calls instead of modifying the function body.
As an alternative to the configuration file or the command line option, COAST also supports in-code
annotations of the same options. These are implemented as compiler annotations to prevent CLANG from
optimizing them away. Macros which encapsulate these annotations are available in “COAST.h” located in
the “dataflowProtection” folder. Including this header file enables the use of the directives. The available
options are shown in Table 3. The first two entries describe the default behavior of the pass. The remainder
are specific directives for variables and functions.
As before, these instructions only apply to data flow protection. The protections are equally applicable
for both DWC/DMR and TMR. Figure 1 contains an example of how these directives can be used.
1#include ‘‘ CO AS T . h ’’
3// By default , apply xMR to eve rythi ng
6// g loba lCnt is not r eplic ated
7int __N O_xMR globalCnt ;
9// The body of initial ize is re plicated
10 void __ xM R i ni ti al ize () {
11 // l ocalVa riable is ex cluded from the repli catio n
12 int __NO_ xMR loc alVari a ble ;
13 ...
14 }
16 // print Status is only execute d once and not mod ified
17 int _ _N O_ xM R p ri nt St at us () {
18 ...
19 }
21 // useM allo c is called repeatedly , but the fu nction is not modifi ed
22 int* _ _x MR _F N_ CA LL u seM al lo c () {
23 ...
24 }
26 void mai n () {
27 in it ia li ze () ;
28 us eM al lo c () ;
29 printStatus();
30 }
Figure 1: Example of how to use in-code directives.
4 Troubleshooting
Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that COAST could cause user code to crash. This is most often
due to complications over what should be replicated, as described in Section 3.1.2. If the crash occurs during
compilation, please submit a report to If the code compiles but does not run properly,
here are several steps we have found helpful. Note that running with DWC often exposes these errors, but
TMR silently masks incorrect execution, which can make debugging difficult.
•Check to see if the program runs using lli before and after the optimizer, then test if the generated
binary runs on your platform. This allows you to test that llc is operating properly.
•You cannot replicate functions that are passed by reference into library calls. This may or may not be
possible in user calls. Use -ignoreFns for these.
•For systems with limited resources, duplicating or triplicating code can take up too much RAM or
ROM and cause the processor to halt. Test if a smaller program can run.
•The majority of bugs that we have encountered have stemmed from incorrect usage of customization.
Please refer to Table 2 and ensure that each function call behaves properly. Many of these bugs have
stemmed from user wrappers to malloc and free. The call was not replicated, so all of the instructions
operated on a single piece of data, which caused multiple free calls on the same memory address.
•Another point of customization to be aware of is how to handle hardware interactions. Calls to hardware
resources, such as a UART, should be marked so they are not replicated unless specifically required.
•Be aware of synchronization logic. If a variable changes between accesses of instruction copies, then
the copies will fail when compared.
•Use the -debugStatements flag to explore the IR and find the exact point of failure.
[1] N. Oh, P. P. Shirvani, and E. J. McCluskey, “Control-flow checking by software signatures,” IEEE
Transactions on Reliability, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 111–122, Mar. 2002.
[2] ——, “Error detection by duplicated instructions in super-scalar processors,” IEEE Transactions on
Reliability, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 63–75, Mar. 2002.
[3] J. Chang, G. Reis, and D. August, “Automatic Instruction-Level Software-Only Recovery,” in Interna-
tional Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’06). IEEE, 2006, pp. 83–92.
[4] H. Quinn, Z. Baker, T. Fairbanks, J. L. Tripp, and G. Duran, “Software Resilience and the Effectiveness
of Software Mitigation in Microcontrollers,” in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 62, no. 6,
Dec. 2015, pp. 2532–2538.
[5] E. Chielle, F. L. Kastensmidt, and S. Cuenca-Asensi, “Overhead reduction in data-flow software-based
fault tolerance techniques,” in FPGAs and Parallel Architectures for Aerospace Applications: Soft Errors
and Fault-Tolerant Design. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 279–291.