Codeigniter Guide

User Manual:

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How to use CodeIgniter : The Basics
By Alan Lin
Installing Codeigniter
1. Download the file from the Codeigniter website or clone it from the github repository
2. Save the file in the folder htdocs in your XAMP/WAMP/MAMP folder
3. Go to the directory and you should see a welcome page.
This is where we configure the applications default settings. You are allowed to define constants, set
database information, and load various other features such as helpers and classes.
Here are the basic configuration steps to get your app up.
In the config folder:
1. Input your database information into the database.php file in the config folder located in
2. Change your default controller to point to your own controller in routes.php (Assuming you
already created a controller of course)
3. If you don’t wish to call your libraries manually, set them to autoload in the autoload.php file.
Now, the 3 folders containing the guts of your application will be Controllers, Models, and Views.
Controller: This contains your application logic such as input handling and form sanitization.
Input Class :
Model: This contains your business logic. Pretty much anything pertaining to CRUD(Create, Read,
Update, Delete) operations. It will hold your database queries.
Active Record Manual:
View: This will contain your html files (headers, footers, content, etc) and internal CSS/JavaScript.
Form Helper:
URL Helper:
Assets folder: You will have to create this yourself in the application(AKA root) folder, but it’s generally
good practice to have an assets folder devoted to external stylesheets and javascript. A warning: you
cannot link to your external stylesheets by specifying the path because codeigniter does not allow direct
access to any of its files. To get around this open the .htaccess file in the root and clear it (it should read
deny from all”).
CodeIgniter is one of the most well documented PHP frameworks. To learn more, check out the guide.

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