Consultant Manual
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AKDN Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Consultant Database Manual for Consultants Version 1.0 – June 2016 1. Purpose of this Manual The purpose of this manual is to assist consultants in registering with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) Consultant Database, as well as assisting consultants who wish to edit, maintain or delete their profile. Should you experience any problems in working with this database that are not discussed in this manual, please contact 2. Registering with the Database This section will guide you through registering yourself with the MER Consultant Database for the first time and describe the fields contained in the registration form. Please remember that you can Save the information you have entered at any point during the registration process and finish at a later time. Do so by clicking on the Save button ( ) at the bottom of the registration screen. Personal Details Surname Required Field * Description Enter your surname (family name). Given Name(s) Enter your given or first name(s). Title Enter the title by which you would like to be referred. Gender Enter your gender. Enter your affiliation status as a consultant: as an independent consultant, affiliated with an institution (university, company, etc.), or both. Consultant Type Institution Name Nationality(ies) * If you noted that you are a consultant affiliated with an institution, provide the name of the institution. Select the country or countries of which you are a citizen or permanent resident. Required fields are marked with asterisk (*) Contact Details Email Required Field * Description Enter the email address at which you would like to receive messages from AKDN. Alternative email You may also provide an additional email address at which AKDN staff members may contact you. Tel. (inc. country code) Provide the primary telephone number, including the country code, at which you would like to be contacted by AKDN. Alternative Tel. (inc. country code) You may also provide an additional telephone number at which you would like to be contacted by AKDN. * Required fields are marked with asterisk (*) Manual for Consultants – AKDN Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Consultant Database – 1 Skills and Competencies Language(s) In this section you will be able to list all of the languages which you speak, read, write and understand, including your native language (mother tongue). To add additional languages, click on the green square ( ) to the right of the last column. To delete additional language rows you have added, click on the red square ( ) that appears next to the green square. For each language, you are asked to rate your ability in each of the following four ability areas: Speaking: the ability to produce speech in the language and to be understood by its speakers Reading: the ability to read and understand texts written in the language Writing: the ability to formulate written text in the language Understanding: The ability to follow and understand speech in the language You should rate each of these four ability areas at one of the following four levels: Beginner: Basic proficiency equivalent to the A1 or A2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) * Intermediate: Intermediate proficiency equivalent to the B1 or B2 CEFR levels Fluent: Advanced proficiency equivalent to the C1 or C2 CEFR levels Mother Tongue: First or native language * For more information about the CEFR, see Thematic Area(s) Select the relevant area or areas in which you have expertise and in which you are interested in consulting Skill(s) Select the applicable area or areas in which you have skills relevant to your consulting work International Experience Select the country or countries in which you have work experience on a fulltime, part-time or consulting basis AKDN Agency Experience Select the AKDN agency or agencies with which you have had work experience on a full-time, part-time or consulting basis Professional History In order to register, please note that it is required for you to complete at least one of these three fields: entering a LinkedIn profile (or link to another professional networking site), a personal website or weblog, or a recent copy of a resume or CV. LinkedIn Profile Provide the URL for your LinkedIn profile Personal Website/Blog Provide a link to any personal website or weblog that you maintain Upload Resume/CV You may upload a recent copy of your CV or resume in either PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format Manual for Consultants – AKDN Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Consultant Database – 2 Once you have entered information into the registration form, please read the Terms and Conditions by clicking on the phrase “Terms and Conditions”. This will open a pop-up window which displays the Terms and Conditions of the Consultant Database. Accept them by clicking on the box to the left ( ). Once you have entered information in all of the required fields (denoted by *), click on the light-blue Save button or the Register button ( ) at the bottom of the screen. The Save button allows you to save the information you have entered and finish your registration at a later time. Clicking the Cancel button ( ) will clear all of the unsaved entries to the registration form. Once you click on the Register button ( ), one of two things will happen. If you have not completed all of the required fields, a red error message will appear. The required fields that you have omitted will be labelled with a description in red lettering. If you correctly completed the registration form, a green message will appear letting you know that your registration was successful. You will then receive an email (at the account which was used to register your profile) from with the subject line “Welcome to AKDN’s MER Consultant Database”. If you do not receive the email within a few minutes, please check that the email has not been routed to your junk/spam/bulk folder. You will be asked to click on the link contained in the email in order to verify your profile in the consultant database and to change your system-generated password to that of a password of your choice. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter, one digit and one special character (e.g. ! & $ #). Confirm your password by entering it a second time in the field marked Confirm Password. Once you have done this, click the Submit ( ) button in order to change your password. 3. Editing, Maintaining and Deleting Your Profile This section will guide you through the process of editing, maintaining and deleting your existing profile with the MER Consultant Database. You will start by logging in to the database ( using your registered email address and password. Editing Your Profile Once you are logged in to your profile, you can make edits to your profile in one of two ways: 1) Click on the Edit Profile button ( ) at the bottom of the page, or 2) Select the Edit Profile option from the Welcome drop-down menu ( ) at the upper-right corner of the screen. Once you have performed on of these two functions, you will be able to edit all of the fields in your profile. Please refer to the preceding section, Registering with the Database, if you would like further information about any of the fields. Once you are finished editing your profile, click on the blue Update button at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on the Cancel button ( ) will undo any unsaved edits you have made to your profile. Changing Your Password You can change your password by selecting the Change Password option from the Welcome drop-down menu ( ) at the upper-right corner of the screen. Enter your current password, and then select a new password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one upper-case letter, one lower- Manual for Consultants – AKDN Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Consultant Database – 3 case letter, one digit and one special character (e.g. ! & $ #). Confirm your password by entering it a second time in the field marked Confirm Password. Once you have done this, click the Edit ( ) button. Deleting Your Profile You can delete your profile by selecting the Delete Profile option from the Welcome drop-down menu at the upper-right corner of the screen. A pop-up message will then appear asking you if you are sure you want to delete your profile. Once you select the option of deleting your profile, your request will be sent to the database administrators. Should you experience any problems or have any questions that are not discussed in this manual, please contact Manual for Consultants – AKDN Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Consultant Database – 4
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 4 Language : en-US Tagged PDF : Yes Author : Nency Creator : Microsoft® Word 2010 Create Date : 2016:06:10 16:06:21+02:00 Modify Date : 2016:06:10 16:06:21+02:00 Producer : Microsoft® Word 2010EXIF Metadata provided by