DHIS2 Implementation Guide En Part23

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DHIS 2 Documentation Guide

DHIS 2 Documentation System Overview

Appendix A. DHIS 2 Documentation
A.1. DHIS 2 Documentation System Overview
DHIS 2 is a web-based aggregate information management system under very active development. Given the modular
nature of the system, its wide user base and distributed, global nature of development, a comprehensive documentation
system is required. An in-depth discussion of the need for documentation of DHIS 2 has been considered previously.
[Store2007] DocBook is a comprehensive XML based system for creation of books, papers and other technical
documents maintained by OASIS .

A.2. Introduction
One of the main advantages of DocBook is that there is complete separation between the content and presentation.
DocBook is a pure XML format, and is well documented. It is believed that only a very small subset of its features
will be required in order to achieve much higher quality documentation for DHIS. There are some 400 separate markup elements that cater to almost any level of technical documentation needs, but in reality, only a few dozen of these
element will probably need to be employed to achieve high-quality documentation for DHIS 2, both for printed as well
as on-line formats such as HTML or integrated help systems within the application itself. Therefore, there are wide
range of possibilities in terms of which editor can be used for the creation of DocBook files. A fairly complete list
of possibilities is located here. It is currently recommended to use WYSIWYG Syntext Serna Free editor for editing
DocBook source files. In principle, any text editing program or XML editor can be used to author DocBook files.

It is not recommended to use the editor XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition (also known as XXE Personal),
as the editor "silently" places unneeded whitespace and other ornamentation to the DocBook source which
makes collaborative editing of documents very difficult.
One of the key concepts to keep in mind when authoring documentation in DocBook, or other presentation neutral
formats, is that the content of the document should be considered in the first instance. The presentation of the
document will take place in a separate step, where it will be rendered into different formats, such as HTML and PDF. It
is therefore important that the document is will organised and structured, with appropriate DocBook tags and structural
elements being considered.
It is good practice to break your document in to various sections using the "sect", or section element. Section elements
can also be nested within each other, such as "Section 1" and "Section 2". This concept is essentially the same as
Microsoft Word™ or other word processing programs. DocBook will automatically take care of numbering the sections
for you when the document is produced. Two other important elements are the "itemizedlist" and "numberedlist".
These are quite similar, but an itemised list corresponds to a bulleted list, which a numbered list will be rendered with
each element being numbered sequentially. Other key elements are "screenshot" and "table" which should be selfexplanatory.

A.3. Getting started with GitHub
Currently, the documentation system is part of the source code housed at GitHub. GitHub is a collaborative platform
that enables multiple people to work on software projects collaboratively. In order for this to be possible, a version
control system is necessary in order to manage all the changes that multiple users may make. GitHub uses the git
source control system. While it is beyond the scope of this document to describe the functionality of git, users who
wish to create documentation will need to gain at least a basic understanding of how the system works. A basic guide
is provided in the next section.

DHIS 2 Documentation Guide

Getting the document source

In order to start adding or editing the documentation, you should first perform a checkout of the source code. If you do
not already have a GitHub account, you will need to get one. This can be done here. Once you register with GitHub,
you will need to request access to the dhis2-documenters group. Login to GitHub, and then file an issue here. Your
request will need to be approved by the group administrators. Once you have been granted access to the group, you
can commit changes to the documentation branch and send and receive notifications if you wish.

A.4. Getting the document source
In order to edit the documentation, you will need to download the source pages of the documentation to your computer.
GitHub uses a version control system known as git . There are different methods for getting Git working on your
system, depending on which operating system you are using. A good step-by-step guide for Microsoft™ operating
systems can be viewed here. Alternatively, if you are comfortable using the command line, you can download git from
this pageIf you are using Linux, you will need to install git on your system through your package manager, or from
source code. A very thorough reference for how git is used is available in a number of different formats here.
Once you have installed git on your system, you will need to download the document source. Just follow this procedure:
1. Make sure you have git installed.
2. On Windows systems, visit https://github.com/dhis2/dhis2docs and press "Clone in Desktop". If you are using the
command line, just type git clone git@github.com:dhis2/dhis2docs.git
3. The download process should start and all the documentation source files will be downloaded to the folder that
you specified.
4. The DHIS2 documents depend on other branches for their documentation. Be sure to keep these these up to date
as well. When you build the documentation, the necessary submodules will be downloaded automatically as part
of the build process ,if you have not already done so.

A.5. Editing the documentation
Once you have downloaded the source, you should have a series of folders inside of the dhis2docs directory. All
documents should be placed in the dhis2docs/src/docbkx/XX folder. Note that the XX represents the ISO 639-1
(two-letter) language code of the documentation. If you are developing English language documentation, place it
inside the /dhis2docs/src/docbkx/en/ folder. Place any image files that may be linked to your document in the
/dhis2docs/src/docbkx/XX/resources/images folder and link these inside your DocBook document using a
relative file link. When the documentation is built, in a separate step, the images will be automatically copied over to
the correct directory during the build process.

A.6. Using images
Screen shots are very useful for providing information to users on how particular actions should be performed. DocBook
has no intrinsic mechanisms to know exactly how an image should be rendered in the final document. Therefore, it is
necessary to provide instructions through element attributes. The following XML code fragment demonstrates how an
image can be specified to occupy 80% of the available page width. For screen shots in landscape format, this seems to
be an appropriate amount. You may need to experiment a bit to obtain a proper width for your image. Alternatively,
you can edit the resolution of the image itself, in order to obtain a proper size during rendering.

DHIS2 Login screen


DHIS 2 Documentation Guide

Linking documents together

For other images, depending on their size, a different value may be necessary. If you do not specify a width for you
image, and its intrinsic size is larger than the available screen width, the image may overflow in certain document
types with a fixed width, such as PDF.

A.7. Linking documents together
DocBook provides a modular framework where many separate documents can be linked together into a master
document. Fragments from different documents can also be reused in different contexts. It is therefore important to
consider whether your document should be constructed as an article or a chapter. Chapters are essentially portions of
a book, and can therefore be linked together into a larger document very easily. Articles are essentially standalone
documents, but they can also be assembled together into a larger document at the component level.
Should you wish to link several articles together into a book, DocBook provides a mechanism to assign an id to a
section. In the example below, a section has been assigned an id. This id must be unique within the document.
Getting started with DHIS2 .... In order to include an article into a book, an Xinclude statement must be used. The following example shows how. Getting started with DHIS2 ... Note that the file name and id have been assigned in the parent document, referring to the actual file (href) and particular fragment of the child document that should be referenced in the parent document (xpointer). Including chapters in a book is very simple. The example below illustrates how: In this case, there is no need to explicitly reference a part of the document, unless you only want to include a portion of the chapter. If you want to use a section of the chapter, you can assign an id to that section, and then reference that section through an xpointer. A.8. Handling multilingual documentation The directory structure of the documentation has been created in order to facilitate the creation of documents in any language. If you want to create a new set of documents in a given language, simply create a new directory in the dhis2-docbook-docs/src/docbkx/ directory. Be sure to use the ISO 639-1 code for the language you are going to create documents in. A complete list of these codes can be found here. Add a new folder for images in a sub-directory , replacing XX with the actual ISO 639-1 code for the language you will create documents in. You will also need to edit the pom.xml file in the main dhis2docs directory. If you are unsure of what changes need to be made to this file, ask on the mailing list first, as this file controls the generation of all the documentation. A.9. Building the documentation One of the key advantages of the DocBook format is that the source documentation can be transformed into a wide variety of formats, including HTML, chunked HTML, XHTML, PDF, and a number of other formats. There are a wide variety of tools that are capable of performing this task. Basically the XML source of the document is transformed using the standard DocBook XSL style sheets into the desired format. The complete list of tools capable of transforming DocBook will not be listed here, but a few examples are provided below. 89 DHIS 2 Documentation Guide Building the documentation with Apache maven Latest builds of the documentation are available from the DHIS2 website. The latest snapshot builds are available through the continuous integration server located here. A.9.1. Building the documentation with Apache maven In order to transform the documentation source files to different formats, such as HTML or PDF, you will need to install the Apache Maven program. You can get a copy here or by installing it through your package manager if you are using Linux. Just execute the command mvn clean package on Windows or on Linux from the /dhis2-docbookdocs directory. Maven will start to download the necessary components to transform the documents into HMTL,PDF and RTF. Once the process has completed (be patient the first time, as there are a number of components that must be downloaded), all of the target document types will be generated in the /dhis2docs/target/docbkx directory in respective sub-directories. A.9.2. Building with xmlto xmlto is a useful utility available on Linux platforms for transforming DocBook documents into many different formats. More information on the package can be found here. If you do not want to use Apache Maven for some reason, you can install xmlto through your package manager. Once you have installed xmlto you can just execute xmlto htmlfile_to_transform where the file_to_transform parameter is the name of the file you wish to transform. There are many other formats available, such as PDF, PS, JavaHelp and others. A.10. Committing your changes back to GitHub Once you have finished editing your document, you will need to commit your changes back to GitHub. Open up a command prompt on Windows or a shell on Linux, and navigate to the folder where you have placed your documentation. If you have added any new files or folders to your local repository, you will need to add them to the source tree with the git add command, followed by the folder or file name(s) that you have added. After that you need to commit your changes. Be sure to include a descriptive comment with your commit. git commit -m "Created Amharic translation of documentation" Finally, you should push the changes back to the repository with git push origin master If you have any questions, or cannot find that you can get started, just send an email with your problem to . 90

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