Asbestos Removal Procedures For Home Owners* Exercise Bike 95CXL E4fe5e6232a84018aa0ec0333d5fc0df Proceduresfor Owners Siding1

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Asbestos Removal Procedures for Home Owners*

How to Properly
Remove Cement
Asbestos Board Siding
IMPORTANT: Read these procedures from start to finish,
making sure you thoroughly understand them,
before any asbestos abatement is undertaken.

Delaware Department of
Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Air Quality Management Section
156 South State Street
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 739-9402
(302) 739-3106 fax

*Note: Home owner removal procedures apply
to an owner-occupied, single-family residence in
which the owner of the home lives, both prior to
and after renovation activities.
The term does not include rental property,
multiple-family units, mixed-use structures that
contain a residential unit, and structures
involved in commercial/ government-related
activities (i.e. commercial development,
property management, real-estate transactions,
ordered demolition, etc.). For these properties,
you must notify DNREC-AQM prior to any
renovation project.

This publication is limited to the removal of cement
asbestos board siding, one of the three most
common asbestos abatement projects attempted by
DNREC-AQM has available two other guides in this
series, “Spray-on Pop-Corn Ceiling” and “Sheet Vinyl
Flooring with Asbestos Backing”. For more
information contact DNREC-AQM.

Before You Begin
Are you sure that the siding contains

If your siding contains asbestos, are you sure
you really want to remove it?

Submit a small sample for laboratory analysis. Cost
is minimal. Laboratories are listed in the yellow
pages under “Environmental Services” and
“Laboratories-Testing.” To take a sample, wet and
break off a small piece of siding (about one square
inch) and place it inside a zip lock plastic bag.

Remember, asbestos is a problem only if fibers are
released to the air. Unless cement asbestos board siding is
being disturbed, it will not release asbestos fibers. Hence,
the safest, easiest and least expensive option may be to
leave it alone.

If for some reason, you decide not to check your
siding for asbestos content, assume it contains
asbestos and treat it accordingly.

Sometimes, it is possible to work around asbestos without
removing it. However, if asbestos- containing siding must
be disturbed as part of a remodeling project, then removal
may be your only option.

Words of Caution
You are liable.
Your only legal options in having asbestos removed
from your home are to hire a certified asbestos
abatement contractor or do the work yourself. The
law prohibits you from hiring anyone other than a
certified asbestos abatement contractor to perform
asbestos removal work. Family members and friends
may participate, provided they do so on a voluntary,
no-pay basis.
Be advised that the removal procedures described in
this publication are intended to help homeowners
minimize health risks associated with “do-it-yourself”
asbestos removals. However, it should be understood
that removing asbestos from your home can be
dangerous. Some release of asbestos fibers into the
air is unavoidable and there are no known safe levels
of asbestos exposure.
Be aware that no set of instructions can address all
possible situations and variables that a homeowner
may encounter in an asbestos removal project. In this
publication, we have tried to address the more
common and most important issues involved in
removing cement asbestos board siding.

However, common sense dictates that unique and
particularly challenging asbestos projects should not be
undertaken by the home owner. In such cases, it would be
prudent to avoid the possibility of asbestos contamination
by abandoning the “do-it-yourself” approach and hiring a
certified asbestos abatement contractor.
The work will be difficult.
It is important to note that even under the best of
circumstances, homeowner-performed asbestos projects
can be physically demanding and potentially dangerous.



Breathing through a respirator is more difficult
than normal breathing and places an additional
stress on your heart and lungs.
Protective clothing can become hot and
Work can involve ladders and high spaces.
Eye protection often results in reduced visibility.
Caution must be taken with wiring and electrical
power because of all the water being used to wet
the asbestos.

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
assumes no liability or responsibility for injuries, illnesses or related health
problems arising from you performing an asbestos removal project. You
assume all risks involved.

Removal Procedures
Basic Rules

• Worker protection. During removal, you will need to
protect yourself from breathing or spreading asbestos
fibers by wearing an appropriate respirator, disposable
coveralls, goggles, disposable gloves, and rubber boots
(or shoes that may need to be thrown out after the

• Containment. You will need to contain your asbestos debris
and minimize the release of asbestos fibers. The ground at
the base of walls from which siding is removed must be
covered with plastic sheeting to ensure all debris is captured
and remains on plastic sheeting pending packaging for

• Wetting. Wetting is critical to asbestos fiber control.
Before, during and after removal, asbestos siding
should be thoroughly wetted with water in order to keep
asbestos fibers out of the air. Once removed, asbestos
debris should be kept wet until packaged and sealed for

• Avoiding breakage. Minimizing the breakage of asbestos
siding during removal and handling will help keep asbestos
fibers from being released into the air.

Personnel & Supplies
Although it is possible for one person to do a siding
removal job, the task can be more effectively carried out
by two workers. With two workers, one can concentrate
on carefully removing pieces of siding while the other
keeps materials wet and packages debris as it is
 Note: It is illegal to hire anyone other than a
Delaware Licensed asbestos abatement contractor to
perform, or assist in, the removal of asbestos.

Protective equipment and clothing

• Durable rubber gloves. Several pairs of durable,
disposable rubber gloves should be purchased—enough to
supply a pair to each worker per work shift. Every time a
worker leaves the work area during a removal project, these
gloves should be disposed of in properly sealed asbestos
disposal bags. A new pair of gloves should be donned with
each re-entry.


• Garden hose. A hose, equipped with an automatic shut-off
spray nozzle, will be needed to supply water at the entrance
to the work area.

Before beginning your project, you’ll need to obtain the
following items:

• Water sprayer. A pint spray bottle or garden pump sprayer
will be used to wet asbestos containing materials.

• Respirators. Half-face dual-cartridge respirators, each
equipped with a pair of HEPA filters (color coded
purple). Request a fit test from the vendor to ensure a
proper fit. Respirators provide little protection if they do
not fit properly. One respirator is recommended for
each person working with the siding material.

• Liquid dish washing detergent. Mix a little with water to
produce the best results when wetting asbestos.

 Note: Persons with beards cannot be adequately
fitted with this type of respirator, therefore should not
partake in asbestos abatement work.
• Coveralls. Several pairs of disposable coveralls with
built-in booties should be purchased. Oversized
coveralls make it easier for workers to move around.
Every time a worker leaves the removal area, coveralls
should first be removed and disposed of in properly
sealed asbestos disposal bags. A new pair of coveralls
should be put on prior to each re-entry.
• Rubber boots. These are recommended so that
coverall booties do not wear through. Rubber boots can
be washed off later.
• Eye protection. Each person removing asbestos
shingles should wear non-fogging goggles or safety

Removal tools

• A pry bar for lifting nails. A bar equipped with a blade at
least two inches wide is best.
• A nail puller or nail-head cutter.
• A knife or scissors to cut polyethylene sheeting.
• Six mil polyethylene sheeting to cover a six-foot strip of
ground at the base of walls from which siding is being
removed and a transition zone for entering and exiting the
work area. Other uses may include wrapping containers of
removed siding if pre-marked asbestos waste bags are not
used for this purpose.
• Asbestos waste disposal bags for bagging the removed
siding. You’ll need about a dozen bags per 100 square feet
of siding removed. If siding is to be wrapped rather than
bagged, these disposal bags may be needed only for daily
disposal of sheet plastic ground cover, disposable coveralls,
gloves, etc.

continued on next page

Personnel & Supplies continued
Duct tape. Several rolls should be purchased for sealing
plastic around windows, etc., in work area, and for sealing
disposal bags or wrapped debris.

 Note: Safety equipment and other supplies can be obtained
from local safety equipment and industrial supply stores. (See
the yellow pages for a complete listing.)

Prep Work
As you prepare to remove the siding, remember that your
safety objectives are to keep asbestos fibers out of the air
by minimizing breakage, keeping the siding wet and
containing all debris.

3. Create an entrance/exit “transition” zone to the work area by
laying down an additional six-by-six foot piece of sheet plastic in
a convenient location next to the plastic strip along the wall.
Keep a plastic disposal bag at this point.

1. Post signs warning any “drop-in” friends, family and other
visitors of the work taking place.

4. Thoroughly hose down about 50 square feet of siding.

2. To the extent that landscaping and terrain will allow, lay a
sixfoot wide strip of 6 mil sheet plastic along the side of the
house where removal is to occur. Try to work in the shade
so wetted siding will remain wet.

5. Mix approximately 1 tsp. of liquid dish-washing detergent with
water in the pint spray bottle or about a half cup of detergent in a
garden pump sprayer.
6. Removal workers should now put on a pair of disposable
coveralls. They should then put on gloves, goggles, boots and
respirators equipped with HEPA filters.

Removing the Siding
1. Remove pieces of siding by pulling nails or cutting nail
heads so as to minimize breakage. If necessary, carefully lift
siding pieces with pry tool to expose nail heads.
2. If siding should begin to crack or crumble, immediately
wet the cracked or broken areas with the pint spray bottle or
garden pump sprayer.

5. Keep all debris on the plastic strip at the base of the wall and
keep it wet until packaged and sealed.
 Note: Once removal work begins, do not leave the
plastic/work area without first removing disposable coveralls
and other protective equipment at the “transition zone.” Each
re-entry into the plastic lined work area will require a new pair
of coveralls and gloves.

3. Wet the back side of each piece of siding as it is removed.
4. Carefully lower removed siding to the ground. Do not
throw or drop it. Breakage releases asbestos fibers.

Cleaning Up
1. Load wetted debris and other contaminated materials
into “sturdy containers” like steel drums/ barrels, cardboard
boxes or burlap sacks. Line containers with 6 mil
polyethylene bags or sheets and leave enough excess plastic
to cover the debris and seal with duct tape. Boxes should
then be wrapped in one more layer of 6 mil plastic or
inserted into a single pre-marked asbestos waste disposal
2. Double bag or double wrap asbestos in pre-marked 6 mil
asbestos waste disposal bags. Twist top of each filled bag,
bend twisted part in half, and seal it closed with duct tape.

Ensure all seams are sealed with duct tape. Affix an asbestos
warning label to each sealed package.
3. At the end of each work shift, re-wet any debris on the strip of
plastic next to the wall. While standing on plastic in the work
area, double bag or wrap all debris as described above. Then
wrap or roll up the strip of plastic along the wall, working your
way back to the entrance/exit “transition zone” strip of plastic.
Step onto the transition zone plastic and double bag or wrap the
last of the strip plastic.

1. Stay on last piece of plastic and spray yourself (or
each other) with water to wet down any asbestos
debris/fibers on the outside of your respirator and
disposable coveralls.
2. Remove boots, coveralls, and gloves by peeling them
off and turning them inside out as you remove them. Step
off the last plastic sheet.
3. Take off respirators and remove their filters for
4. Wash off and wipe down the tools, respirators,
goggles and boots. Move each item off the plastic as it is

Tightly seal each bag or package with duct tape. Immediately
after sealing, each leak-tight container shall be permanently
marked with the following information:
• the date that the material was collected for disposal
• the name of the waste generator
• the address where the waste was generated
6. Use wet rags for any further clean-up. Never attempt to
vacuum or sweep asbestos debris. This will cause any fibers
present to become airborne in your house.
7. Take a shower.

5. Double bag remaining debris and disposal items in
properly labeled asbestos disposal bags or double wrap them
in 6 mil plastic sheets.

1. Asbestos debris from an asbestos project may be
disposed of only at disposal sites or transfer stations
licensed to receive such waste. A list of such sites may be
obtained by calling Delaware Solid Waste Authority at
(800) 404-7080. Call sites for disposal fees.
2. A waste manifest is required for disposal at DSWA
facilities. Waste manifest forms are available from DSWA, by
calling DSWA at (800) 404-7080, or download them from
their website at
3. All debris must be sealed in two layers of 6 mil
polyethylene plastic. Remember, siding pieces have sharp
edges that can perforate this plastic material. Packaged
debris in punctured plastic will not be accepted by waste
disposal sites. Wrap and seal the debris with two layers of 6
mil plastic and duct tape. DSWA must be able to clearly see
through your packaging to confirm that the material is

4. You must write your last name, address, and date of removal
on each packaged and wrapped bundle of asbestos.

Asbestos Generator’s Label
[street/development/suburb/city/state/zip code]

Date material generated/disposed of
5. Debris must be legally disposed of within 45 calendar days of
being generated. If you must store the packaged debris prior to
disposal, ensure it is stored in a secured area, such as a locked
basement or garage.
6. All double bagged or wrapped debris must be hauled to a
disposal site or transfer station in a covered vehicle.

After reading this booklet, if you have any hesitations about performing the work
yourself, you should reconsider. Specially-trained and certified asbestos abatement
contractors are always an option. If you have any questions, please contact the
DNREC Air Quality Management (DNREC-AQM).

Prying to expose nail heads

Pulling out nails

Removing siding


Delaware Department of Natural Resources and
Environmental Control
Air Quality Management Section
156 South State Street
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 739-9402
(302) 739-3106 fax


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