Ece252 Manual
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Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Systems Programming and Concurrency ECE252 Laboratory Manual by Yiqing Huang Jeff Zarnett Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, June 18, 2019 c Y. Huang and J. Zarnett 2019 Contents List of Tables v List of Figures vi Preface 1 I 1 II 1 Lab Administration Lab Projects 6 Introduction to Systems Programming in Linux Computing Environment 7 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1.2 Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Starter Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.3 Pre-lab Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4 Basic Linux Commands Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.5 Lab Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.6 1.7 1.5.1 Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.5.2 The findpng command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.5.3 The catpng command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.6.1 Pre-lab deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.6.2 Post-lab Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Marking Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ii 2 Multi-threaded Programming with Blocking I/O 2.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2 Starter Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3 Pre-lab Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4 Lab Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.5 2.6 2.7 3 18 2.4.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4.2 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.4.3 Man page of paster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Programming Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.5.1 The libcurl API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.5.2 The pthreads API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.6.1 Pre-lab deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.6.2 Post-lab Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Marking Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Interprocess Communication and Concurrency 24 3.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2 Starter Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.3 Pre-lab Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.4 Lab Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.5 3.6 3.4.1 The Producer Consumer Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.4.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.5.1 Pre-lab Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.5.2 Post-lab Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Marking Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 III Software Development Environment Quick Reference Guide 31 1 Introduction to ECE Linux Programming Environment 32 1.1 ECE Linux Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1.2 Connecting to Linux servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 iii 1.3 1.4 1.5 Basic Software Development Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 1.3.1 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 1.3.2 C Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 1.3.3 Debugger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 More on Development Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1.4.1 How to Automate Build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1.4.2 Version Control Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1.4.3 Integrated Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Man Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 A Forms 41 References 43 iv List of Tables 0.1 Project Deliverable Weight of the Lab Grade, Scheduled Lab Sessions and Deadlines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 IHDR data field and value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.2 Lab1 Marking Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.1 Lab2 Marking Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.1 Timing measurement data table for given (B, P, C, X) values. . . . . . 30 3.2 Lab2 Marking Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 C1 Programming Steps and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 v List of Figures 1.1 Image Concatenation Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 C1 MobaXterm Path on ECE Nexus Windows 10 Machines. C2 MobaXterm Welcome Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 C3 MobaXterm Welcome Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 C4 Linux files on P drive, a network mapped drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 vi . . . . . . . . 33 Preface Who Should Read This Lab Manual? This lab manual is written for students who are taking Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Systems Programming and Concurrency course ECE252 in the University of Waterloo. What is in This Lab Manual? The first purpose of this document is to provide the descriptions of each laboratory project. The second purpose of this document is a quick reference guide of the relevant development tools for completing laboratory projects. This manual is divided into three parts. Part I describes the lab administration policies Part II is a set of course laboratory projects as follows. • Lab1: Introduction to systems programming in Linux computing environment • Lab2: Multi-threaded concurrency programming with blocking I/O • Lab3: Inter-process communication and concurrency control • Lab4: Parallel web crawling • Lab5: Single-threaded concurrency programming with asynchronous I/O Part III is a quick reference guide of the Linux software development tools. We will be using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS operating system. Materials in this part needs to be self-studied before lab starts. The main topics are as follows. • Linux hardware environment • Editors • Compiler • Debugger 1 • Utility to automate build • Utility for version control Acknowledgments We are grateful that Professor Patrick Lam shared his ECE459 projects with us. Eric praetzel has provided continuous IT support, which makes the Linux computing environment available to our students. We would like to sincerely thank our students who took ECE254 and ECE459 courses in the past few years. They provided constructive feedback every term to make the manual more useful to address problems that students would encounter when working on each lab assignment. 2 Part I Lab Administration 1 Lab Administration Policy Group Lab Policy • Group Size. All labs are done in groups of two. A size of three is only considered in a lab section that has an odd number of students and only one group is allowed to have a size of three. All group of three requests are processed on a first-come first-served basis. A group size of one is not permitted except that your group is split up. There is no workload reduction if you do the labs individually. Everyone in the group normally gets the same mark. The Learn at URL is used to signup for groups. The lab group signup is due by 10:00pm on the Second Friday of the academic term. Late group sign-up is not accepted and will result in losing the entire lab sign-up mark, which is 2% of the total lab grade. • Group Split-up. If you notice workload imbalance, try to solve it as soon as possible within your group or split-up the group as the last resort. Group splitup is only allowed once. You are allowed to join a one member group after the split-up. But you are not allowed to split up from the newly formed group again. There is one grace day deduction penalty to be applied to each member in the old group. We highly recommend everyone to stay with your group members as much as possible, for the ability to do team work will be an important skill in your future career. Please choose your lab partners carefully. A copy of the code and documentation completed before the group split-up will be given to each individual in the group. • Group Split-up Deadline. To split from your group for a particular lab, you need to notify the lab instructor in writing and sign the group slip-up form (see Appendix). Labn (n=1,2,3,4) group split-up form needs to be submitted to the lab instructor by 4:30pm Thursday in the week that Labn has scheduled lab sessions. If you are late to submit the split-up form, then you need to finish Labn as a group and submit your split-up form during the week where Lab(n+1) has scheduled sessions and split starting from Lab(n+1). 2 Deliverable Group Sign-up LAB 1 LAB 2 LAB 3 LAB 4 LAB 5 Weight 2% 18% 20% 20% 20% 20% Lab Session Week N/A Week 3 Week 5 Weeks 8 Week 10 Week 12 Deadline 10:00 pm Friday in Week 2 10:00 pm Wednesday in Week 4 10:00 pm Friday in Week 6 10:00 pm Wednesday in Week 9 10:00 pm Wednesday in Week 11 10:00 pm Last day of lecture Table 0.1: Project Deliverable Weight of the Lab Grade, Scheduled Lab Sessions and Deadlines. Lab Assignments Grading and Deadline Policy Labs are graded by lab TAs based on the rubric listed in each lab. The weight of each lab towards your final lab grade is listed in Table 0.1. • Lab Assignment Preparation and Due Dates. Students are required to prepare the lab well before they come to the schedule lab session. Pre-lab deliverable for each lab is due before the scheduled lab session starts. During the scheduled lab session, we either provide in lab help or conduct lab assignment evaluation or do both at the same time. The detailed deadlines of post-lab deliverables are displayed in Table 0.1. • Lab Assignment Late Submissions. Late submission is accepted within five days after the deadline of the lab. No late submission is accepted five days after the lab deadline. There are five grace days 1 that can be used for some post-lab deliverables late submissions 2 . A group split-up will consume one grace day. After all grace days are consumed, a 10% per day late submission penalty will be applied. However if it is five days after the lab deadline, no late submission is accepted. • Lab Re-grading. To initiate a re-grading process, contact the grading TA in charge first. The re-grading is a rigid process. The entire lab will be re-graded. Your new grades may be lower, unchanged or higher than the original grade received. If you are still not satisfied with the grades received after the regrading, escalate your case to the lab instructor to request a review and the lab instructor will finalize the case. 1 Grace days are calendar days. Days in weekends are counted. A post-lab deliverable that does not accept a late submission will be clearly stated in the lab assignment description. Normally grace days are for lab reports. Labs whose evaluation involves demonstrations do not accept late submissions of the code. 2 3 Lab Repeating Policy For a student who repeats the course, labs need to be re-done with a new lab partner. Simply turning in the old lab code is not allowed. We understand that the student may choose a similar route to the solution chosen last time the course was taken. However it should not be identical. The labs will be done a second time, we expect that the student will improve the older solutions. Also the new lab partner should be contributing equally, which will also lead to differences in the solutions. Note that the policy is course specific to the discretion of the course instructor and the lab instructor. Lab Assignments Solution Internet Policy It is not permitted to post your lab assignment solution source code or lab report on the internet freely for public to access. For example, it is not acceptable to host a public repository on GitHub that contains your lab assignment solutions. A warning with instructions to take the lab assignment solutions off the internet will be sent out upon the first offence. If no action is taken from the offender within twenty-four hours, then a lab grade zero will automatically be assigned to the offender. Seeking Help Outside Scheduled Lab Hours • Discussion Forum. We recommend students to use the Piazza discussion forum to ask the teaching team questions instead of sending individual emails to lab teaching staff. For questions related to lab projects, our target response time is one business day before the deadline of the particular lab in question 3 . There is no guarantee on the response time to questions of a lab that passes the submission deadline. • Office Hours. The Learn system calendar gives the office hour details. • Appointments. Students can also make appointments with lab teaching staff should their problems are not resolved by discussion forum or during office hours. The appointment booking is by email. To make the appointment efficient and effective, when requesting an appointment, please specify three preferred times and roughly how long the appointment needs to be. On average, an appointment is fifteen minutes per project group. Please also summarize the main questions to be asked in your appointment requesting email. If a question requires teaching staff to look at a 3 Our past experiences show that the number of questions spike when deadline is close.The teaching staff will not be able to guarantee one business day response time when workload is above average, though we always try our best to provide timely response. 4 code fragment, please bring a laptop with necessary development software installed. Please note that teaching staff will not debug student’s program for the student. Debugging is part of the exercise of finishing a programming assignment. Teaching staff will be able to demonstrate how to use the debugger and provide case specific debugging tips. Teaching staff will not give direct solution to a lab assignment. Guidances and hints will be provided to help students to find the solution by themselves. Lab Facility After Hour Access Policy After hour access to the lab will be given to the class when we start to use the Keil boards in lab. However please be advised that the after hour access is a privilege. Students are required to keep the lab equipment and furniture in good conditions to maintain this privilege. No food or drink is allowed in the lab. Please be informed that you may share the lab with other classes. When resources become too tight, certain cooperation is required such as taking turns to use the stations in the lab. 5 Part II Lab Projects 6 Lab 1 Introduction to Systems Programming in Linux Computing Environment 1.1 1.1.1 Introduction Objectives This lab is to introduce system programming in a general Linux Development Environment at ECE Department. After finishing this lab, students will be able to • apply basic Linux commands to interact with the Linux system through shell; • apply standard Linux C programming tools for system programming and • create a program to interact with Linux file systems by applying the relevant system and libray calls. 1.1.2 Topics Concretely, the lab will cover the following topics: • Basic Linux commands • C programming toolchain including gcc, make, and ddd • Linux manual pages • Linux system calls and file I/O library calls to traverse a directory and perform read/write operations on selected files. 7 1.2 Starter Files The starter files are on GitHub at url: lab1/starter. It contains the following sub-directories where we have example code and image files to help you get started: • the cmd arg demonstrates how to capture command line input arguments; • the images contains some image files; • the ls demonstrates how to list all files under a directory and obtain file types; • the png util provides a set of utility functions to process a PNG image file; and • the pointer demonstrates how to use pointers to access a C structure. Using the code in the starter files is permitted and will not be considered as plagiarism. 1.3 Pre-lab Preparation Read the Introduction to ECE Linux Programming Environment supplementary material in Part III Chapter 1. 1.4 Basic Linux Commands Exercises These in-lab exercises are to practice some basic commands on Linux. 1. Use the MobaXterm to login onto . You are now inside the Linux shell and in your home directory. The home directory usually has a path name in the format of /home/username, where username normally is your UWID. For example, a user with UWID of jsmith has a home directory of /home/jsmith. 2. Use the pwd command to print the full filename of the current working directory. You should see your home directory name printed on the screen. For example: /home/jsmith. 3. Use the echo $HOME command to print your home directory path name. You will notice that the output matches the pwd output of exercise 2. 4. Use the env command to list all the environment variables and their values. Note that HOME is one of the many environment variables. 5. One important environment variable is PATH. It specifies a set of directories the system searches for executible programs. Use echo $PATH to see your PATH environment variable setting. 8 6. Execute command which ls to locate the directory the ls command is in. You will notice the directory is listed in PATH environment variable. When you issue a command and get an error message of “command not found”, it means the command cannot be found after searching all the directories listed in PATH environment variable. A commonly seen error is that a command in your current working directory gives you “command not found“ error. This is normally due to the fact that the current working directory . or ./ is not in the PATH. Consequently you need to add the path to the command name for the system to know where the command is. For example ./a.out tells the system to run the command a.out located in the current working directory. 7. Use the ls command to list all files in your current working directory. 8. Read the online manual of the ls command by issuing man ls command to the shell. Find out from the manual what options -l, -a and -la do. Execute the ls command with these three options and see the execution results. 9. Create a directory as the work space of labs under your home directory. Name the newly created directory as labs. Read the man page of the command mkdir to see how to do it. 10. Change directory to the newly create directory of labs. Read the man page of command cd to find out how to change directory. 11. Clone the ece252 lab repository by using the command: git clone . A new directory named ece252 will be created. It has lab manual and starter code of ECE252 labs. 12. Read the man page of the find command by issuing man find command to the shell. Read what the -name option does. Use find with the -name option to find all the files with .png file extension in the $HOME/labs/ece252 directory. 13. Change directory to where the WEEF_1.png is. Use file WEEF 1.png command to obtain the file type and image properties such as dimensions and bit depth. 14. Use file command to obtain the file type information of Disguise.png. You should see that this is not an image file though the file exension is .png. Use a text editor to open the file and see the contents. This exercise is to show you that the file command does not obtain the file type information based on the file extension. It looks into the contents of file to extract the file type information 1 . 1 A file has a magic number to indicate its type. The magic number is a sequence of bytes usually appearing near the beginning of the file. The file command checks the magic number. The PNG file’s magic number is 89 50 4E 47 in hexadecimal, which is .PNG in ASCII. 9 1.5 Lab Assignment 1.5.1 Problem statement You are given a directory under which some files are PNG images and some files are not. The directory may contain nested sub-directories2 . All valid PNG images under the given directory are horizontal strips of a bigger whole image. They all have the same width. The height of each image might be different. The PNG images have the naming convention of *_N.png, where N is the image strip sequence number and N=0, 1, 2, .... However a file with .png or .PNG extension may not be a real PNG image file. You need to located all the real PNG image files under the given directory first. Then you will concatenate these horizontal strip images sequentially based on the sequence numFigure 1.1: Image Concatenation ber in the file name to restore the original whole Illustration image. The sequence number indicates the order the image should be concatenated from top to bottom. For example, file img_1.png is the first horizontal strip and img_2.png is the second horizontal strip. To concatenate these two strips, the pixel data in img_1.png should be followed immediately by the pixel data in img_2.png file. Figure 1.1 illustrates the concatenation order. To solve the problem, first you will create a tool named findpng to search the given directory hierarchy to find all the real PNG files under it. Secondly you will create an image data concatenation tool named catpng to concatenate pixel data of a set of PNG files to form a single PNG image file. The catpng only processes PNG images with the same width in dimension. 1.5.2 The findpng command The expected behaviour of the findpng is given in the following manual page of the command. 2 A nested sub-directory is a sub-directory that may contain many layers of sub-directories. 10 Man page of findpng NAME findpng - search for PNG files in a directory hierarchy SYNOPSIS findpng DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION Search for PNG files under the directory tree rooted at DIRECTORY and return the search results to the standard output. The command does not follow symbolic links. OUTPUT FORMAT The output of search results is a list of PNG file relative path names, one file pathname per line. The order of listing the search results is not specified. If the search result is empty, then output “findpng: No PNG file found”. EXAMPLES findpng . Find PNG of the current working directory. A non-empty search results might look like the following: ./lab1/sandbox/new_bak.png ./lab1/sandbox/t1.png ./png_img/rgba_scanline.png ./png_img/v1.png An empty search result will look like the following: findpng: No PNG file found 11 Searching PNG files under a given directory UNIX file system is organized as a tree. A file has a type. Three file types that this assignment will deal with are regular, directory and symbolic link. A PNG file is a regular file. A directory is a directory file. A link created by ls -n is a symblic link. Read the section 2 of stat family system calls man page for information about other file types. The ls/ls_ftype.c in the starter code gives a sample program to determine the file type of a given file. To search all the files under a given directory and its subdirectories, one need to traverse the given directory tree to its leaf nodes. The library call of opendir returns a directory stream for readdir to read each entry in a directory. One need to call closedir to close the directory stream once operations on it is completed. The control flow is to go through each entry in a directory and check the file type. If it is a regular file, then further check whether it is a PNG file by comparing the first 8 bytes with the PNG file header bytes (see Section 1.5.3). If it is a directory file, then you need to check files under the sub-directory and repeat what you did in the parent directory. The ls/ls_fname.c in the starter code gives a sample program that lists all file entries of a given directory. Always check the man page of the systems calls and library calls for detailed information. 1.5.3 The catpng command The expected behaviour of the catpng is given in the following manual page of the command. Man page of the catpng NAME catpng - concatenate PNG images vertically to a new PNG named all.png SYNOPSIS catpng [PNG FILE]... DESCRIPTION Concatenate PNG FILE(s) vertically to all.png, a new PNG file. 12 OUTPUT FORMAT The concatenated image is output to a new PNG file with the name of all.png. EXAMPLES catpng ./img1.png ./png/img2.png Concatenate the listed PNG images vertically to all.png. File I/O There are two sets of functions for file I/O operations under Linux. At system call level, we have the unbufferred I/O functions: open , read , write , lseek and close . At library call level, we have standard I/O functions: fopen , fread , fwrite , fseek and fclose . The library is built on top of unbufferred I/O functions. It handles details such as buffer allocation and performing I/O in optimal sized chunks to minimize the number of read and write usage, hence is recommended to be used for this lab. The fopen returns a FILE pointer given a file name and the mode. A PNG image file is a binary file, hence when you call fopen , use mode ” rb ” for reading and ” wb+ ” for reading and writing, where the ”b” indicates it is a binary file that we are opening. Read the man page of fopen for more mode options. After the file is opened, use fread to read the number of bytes from the stream pointed by the FILE pointer returned by fopen . Each opened file has an internal state of file position indicator. The file position indicator sets to the beginning of the file when it is just opened. The fread operation will advance the file position indicator by the number of bytes that has been read from the file. The fseek sets the file position indicator to the user specified location. The fwrite writes user specified number of bytes to the stream pointed by the FILE pointer. The file position indicator also advances by the number of bytes that has been written. It is important to call fclose to close the file stream when I/O operations are finished. Failure to do so may result in incomplete files. The man pages of the standard I/O library is the main reference for details including function prototypes and how to use them. PNG File Format In order to finish this assignment, one need to have some understanding of the png file format and how an image is represented in the file. One way to store an image is to use an array of coloured dots referred to as pixels. A row of pixels within an image is called a scanline. Pixels are ordered from left-to-right within each scanline. 13 Scanlines appear top-to-bottom in the pixel array. In this assignment, each pixel is represented as four 8-bit 3 unsigned integers (ranging from 0 to 255) that specify the red, green, blue and alpha intensity values. This encoding is often referred to as the RGBA encoding. RGB values specify the colour and the alpha value specifies the opacity of the pixel. The size of each pixel is determined by the number of bits per pixel. The dimensions of an image is described in terms of horizontal and vertical pixels. (a) PNG File Format (b) PNG Chunk Format PNG stands for “Portable Network Graphics”. It is a computer file format for storing, transmitting and displaying images[1]. A PNG file is a binary file. It starts with an 8-byte header followed by a series of chunks. You will notice the second, third and fourth bytes are the ASCII code of ’P’, ’N’ and ’G’ respectively (see Figure 1.2(a)). The first chunk is the IHDR chunk, which contains meta information of the image such as the dimensions of the pixels. The last chunk is always the IEND chunk, which marks the end of the image datastream. In between there is at least one IDAT chunk which contains the compressed filtered pixel array of the image. There are other types chunks that may appear between IHDR chunk and IEND chunk. For all the PNG files we are dealing with in this assignment, we use the format that only has one IHDR chunk, one IDAT chunk and one IEND chunk (see Figure 1.2(a)). Each chunk consists of four parts. A four byte length field, a four byte chunk type code field, the chunk data field whose length is specified in the chunk length field, and a four byte CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) field (see Figure 1.2(b)). The length field stores the length of the data field in bytes. PNG file uses big endian byte order, which is the network byte order. When we process any PNG data that is more than one byte such as the length field, we need to convert the network byte order to host order before doing arithmetic. The ntohl and htonl library 3 Formally, we say the image has a bit depth of 8 bits per sample. 14 calls convert a 32 bit unsigned integer from network order to host order and vice versa respectively. The chunk type code consists four ASCII character. IHDR, IDAT and IEND are the three chunk type code that this assignment involves with. The data field contains the data bytes appropriate to the chunk type. This field can be of zero length. The CRC field calculates on the proceeding bytes in the type and data fields of the chunk. Note that the length field is not included in the CRC calculation. The crc function under the png_util starter code can be used to calculate the CRC value. The IHDR chunk data field has a fixed length of 13 bytes and they appear in the order as shown in Table 1.1. Width and Name Length Value height are four-byte unsigned integers 4 bytes N/A giving the image dimensions in pixels. Width You will need these two values to com- Height 4 bytes N/A plete this assignment. Bit depth gives the 1 byte 8 number of bits per sample. In this as- Bit depth signment, all images have a bit depth of Colour type 1 byte 6 8. Colour type defines the PNG image Compression method 1 byte 0 type. All png images in this assignment 1 byte 0 have a colour type of 6, which is truecolor Filter method with alpha (i.e. RGBA image). The image Interlace method 1 byte 0 pixel array data are filtered to prepare for the next step of compression. The Table 1.1: IHDR data field and value Compression method and Filter method bytes encode the methods used. Both only have 0 values defined in the current standard. The Interlace method indicates the transmission order of the image data. 0 (no interlace) and 1 (Adam7 interlace) are the only two defined. In this assignment, all PNG images are non-interlaced. Table 1.1 Value column gives the typical IHDR values the PNG images you will be processing. The IDAT chunk data field contains compressed filtered pixel data. For each scanline, first an extra byte is added at the very beginning of the pixel array to indicate the filter method used. Filtering is for preparing the next step of compression. For example, if the raw pixel scanline is 4 bytes long, then the scanline after applying filter will be 5 bytes long. This added one byte per scanline will help to achieve better compression result. After all scanlines have be filtered, then the data are compressed according to the compression method encoded in IHDR chunk. The compressed data stream conforms to the zlib 1.0 format. The IEND chunk marks the end of the PNG datastream. It has an empty data field. 15 Concatenate the pixel data To concatenate two horizontal image strips, the natural way of thinking is to start with the pixel array of each image and then concatenate the two pixel arrays vertically. Then we apply the filter to each scanline. Lastly we compress the filtered pixel array to fill the data field of the new IDAT chunk of the concatenated image. However a simpler way exists. We can start with the filtered pixel data of each image and then concatenate the two chunks of filtered pixel data arrays vertically, then apply the compression method to generate the data field of the new IDAT chunk. How do we get filtered pixel data from a PNG IDAT chunk? Recall that the data field in IDAT chunk is compressed data that conforms to zlib format 1.0. We can use zlib functions to uncompress(i.e. inflate) the data. The mem inf in the starter code takes in memory compressed(i.e. deflated) data as input and returns the uncompressed data to a another memory location. For each IDAT chunk you want to concatenate, call this function and stack the returned data in the order you wish and then you have the concatenated filtered pixel array. To create an IDAT chunk, we need to compress the filtered pixel data. The mem def function in the starter code uses the zlib to compress (i.e. deflate) the input in memory data and returns the deflated data. The png_util directory in the starter code demos how to use the aforementioned two functions. To create a new PNG for the concatenated images, IHDR chunk also needs to have the new dimension information of the new PNG file. The rest of the fields of IHDR chunk can be kept the same as one of the PNG files to be concatenated. In this assignment, we assume that catpng can only process PNG files whose IHDR chunks only differ in the height field. So the new image will have a different height field, the rest of fields are the same as the input images. 1.6 1.6.1 Deliverables Pre-lab deliverables There is no pre-lab deliverable. 1.6.2 Post-lab Deliverables The following are the steps to create your post-lab deliverable submission. • Create a directory and name it lab1. • Put the entire source code with a Makefile under the directory lab lab1. The Makefile default target includes catpng and findpng. That is command make should generate the aforementioned two executable files. We also ex- 16 pect that command make clean will remove the object code and the default target. That is the .o files and the two executable files should be removed. • Use zip command to zip up the contents of lab1 directory and name it We expect unzip will produce a lab1 sub-directory in the current working directory and under the lab1 sub-directory is your source code and the Makefile. Submit the file to Lab1 Dropbox in Learn. 1.7 Marking Rubric Points 10 35 55 Description Makefile correctly builds and cleans Implementation of findpng Implementation of catpng Table 1.2: Lab1 Marking Rubric Table 1.2 shows the rubric for marking the lab. 17 Lab 2 Multi-threaded Programming with Blocking I/O 2.1 Objectives This lab is to learn about and gain practical experience in multi-threaded programming in a general Linux environment. A single-thread implementation using blocking I/O to request a resource across the network is provided. Students are asked to reduce the latency of this operation by sending out multiple requests simultaneously to different machines by using the pthreads library. After this lab, students will have a good understanding of • how to design and implement a multi-threaded program by using the pthreads library; and • the role mutli-threading plays in reducing the latency of a program. 2.2 Starter Files The starter files are on GitHub at url: lab2/starter. It contains the following sub-directories where we have example code to help you get started: • the cURL demonstrates how to use cURL to fetch an image segment from the lab web server; • the fn ptr demonstrates how C function pointers work; • the getopt demonstrates how to parse command line options; • the pthreads demonstrates how to create two threads where each thread takes multiple input parameters and return multiple values; and 18 • the times provides helper functions to profile program execution times. Using the code in the starter files is permitted and will not be considered as plagiarism. 2.3 Pre-lab Preparation Build the starter code and run the executables. Work through the code and understand what they do and how they work. Create a single-threaded implementation of the paster command. 2.4 Lab Assignment 2.4.1 Problem Statement In the previous lab, a set of horizontal strips of a whole PNG image file were stored on a disk and you were asked to restore the whole image from these strips. In this lab, the horizontal image segments are on the web. I have three 400 × 300 pictures (whole images) on three web servers. When you ask a web server to send you a picture, the web server crops the picture into fifty 400 × 6 equally sized horizontal strips 1 . The web server assigns a sequence number to each strip from top to bottom starting from 0 and increments by 1 2 . Then the web server sleeps for a random time and then sends out a random strip in a simple PNG format that we assumed in lab1. That is the horizontal strip PNG image segment consists one IHDR chunk, one IDAT chunk and one IEND chunk (see Figure 1.2(a)). The PNG segment is an 8-bit RGBA/color image (see Table 1.1 for details). The web server uses an HTTP response header that includes the sequence number to tell you which strip it sends to you. The HTTP response header has the format of “X-Ece252-Fragment: M ” where M ∈ [0, 49]. To request a random horizontal strip of picture N , where N ∈ [1, 3], use the following URL: http://machine:2520/image?img=N, where machine is one of the following: •, •, and • . For example, when you request data from the following URL:, 1 Each image segment will have a size less than 8KB. The first horizontal strip has a sequence number of 0, the second strip has a sequence number of 1. The sequence number increments by 1 from top to bottom and the last strip has a sequence number of 49. 2 19 you may receive a random horizontal strip of picture 1. Assume this random strip you receive is the third horizontal strip (from top to bottom of the original picture), the received HTTP header will contain “X-Ece52-Fragment: 2“. The received data will be the image segment in PNG format. You may use the browser to view a random horizontal strip of the PNG image the server sends. You will notice the same URL displays a different image strip every time you hit enter to refresh the page. Each strip has the same dimensions of 400 × 6 pixels and is in PNG format. Your objective is to request all horizontal strips of a picture from the server and then concatenate these strips to restore the original picture. Because every time the server sends a random strip, if you use a loop to keep requesting a random strip from a server, you may receive the same strip multiple times before you receive all the fifty distinct strips. Due to the randomness, it will take a variable amount of time to get all the strips you need to restore the original picture. 2.4.2 Requirements Use the pthreads library, design and implement a threaded program to request all image segments from a web server by using blocking I/O and concatenate these segments together to form the whole image. The provided starter code main_write_header_cb.c under cURL directory is a single-threaded implementation which uses libcurl blocking I/O function curl_easy_peform()to fetch one random horizontal strip of picure 1 from one of the web servers into memory and then output the received image segment to a PNG file. Your program should repeatedly fetch the image strips until you have them all. Recall because every time you get a random strip, the amount of time to get all the fifty distinct strips of a picture varies. A very inefficient approach is to use a single-threaded loop to keep fetching until you get all fifty distinct strips of a picture and paste them together. You will notice the blocking I/O operation is the main cause of the latency. Your program will be blocked while each time waiting for the curl_easy_perform() to finish. One way to reduce the latency of this operation is to send out multiple blocking I/O requests simultaneously (to different machines) by using pthreads. You will use this approach to reduce the latency in this lab 3 . Your program should create as many threads as specified by the user command line input, and distribute the work among the three provided servers. Make sure all of your library (standard glibc and libcurl) calls are thread-safe (for glibc, e.g. man 3 printf to look at the documentation). Name your executable as paster. The behaviour of the command paster is given in the following section. The provided three pictures on the server are for you to test your program. Your program should work for all these pictures. You may want to reuse part of your lab1 code to paste the received image segments together. 3 Asynchronous I/O is another method to reduce the latency and we will explore it in lab5. 20 2.4.3 Man page of paster NAME paster - pasting downloaded png files together by using multiple threads and blocking I/O through libcurl. SYNOPSIS paster [OPTION]... DESCRIPTION With no options, the command retrieves all horizontal image segments of picture 1 from and paste all distinct segments received from top to bottom in the order of the image segment sequence number. Output the pasted image to disk and name it output.png. -t=NUM create NUM threads simultaneously requesting random image segments from multiple lab web servers. When this option is not specified, assumes a single-threaded implementation. -n=NUM request a random image segment of picture NUM from the web server. Valid values are 1, 2 and 3. Default value is set to 1. OUTPUT FORMAT The concated image is output to a PNG file with the name of output.png. EXAMPLES paster -t 6 -n 2 Use 6 threads to simultaneously download all image segments of picture 2 from multiple web servers and concatenate these segments to restore picture 2. Output the concatenated picture to disk and name it output.png. 21 2.5 2.5.1 Programming Tips The libcurl API Though the image segment download code using libcurl is provided, familiarize yourself with the libcurl API will help you understand the provided code. The libcurl documentation URL is The man page of each function in the libcurl API can be found at URL allfuncs.html. Note the provided example cURL code downloads the received image segment to memory and then output the data in memory to a PNG file. The output to a PNG file is just to make it easier for you to view the downloaded image segment to help you understand the example code. However your paster program does not need to output each segment received to a file. An efficient way (i.e. without unnecessary file I/O) is to directly use the received image segment data in memory instead of outputting the data to a file first and then reading the data back from file into memory. Thread Safety Libcurl is thread safe but there are a few exceptions. The man page of libcurlthread(3) (see is the ultimate reference. We re-iterate key points from libcurl manual that are relevant to this lab as follows: • The same libcurl handle should not be shared in multiple threads. • The libcurl is thread safe but does not have internal thread synchronization mechanism. You will need to take care of the thread synchronization. 2.5.2 The pthreads API The pthreads(7) man page gives an overview of POSIX threads and should be read. The SEE ALSO section near the bottom of the man page lists functions in the API. The man pages of pthread_create(3), pthread_join(3) and pthread_exit(3) provide detailed information of how to create, join and terminate a thread. The pthread Memory Leak Bug There is a known memory leak bug related to pthread_exit(). Please refer to bug.cgi?id=483821 for details. Using return() instead of pthread_exit() will avoid the memory leak bug. 22 2.6 2.6.1 Deliverables Pre-lab deliverables None. 2.6.2 Post-lab Deliverables Create a multi-threaded implementation of the paster command. The following are the steps to create your post-lab deliverable submission. • Create a directory and name it lab2. • Put the entire source code with a Makefile under the directory lab lab2. The Makefile default target is paster. That is command make should generate the paster executable file. We also expect that command make clean will remove the object code and the default target. That is the .o files and the executable file should be removed. • Use zip command to zip up the contents of lab2 directory and name it We expect unzip will produce a lab2 sub-directory in the current working directory and under the lab2 sub-directory is your source code and the Makefile. Submit the file to Lab2 Dropbox in Learn. 2.7 Marking Rubric Points 10 25 65 Description Makefile correctly builds and cleans paster Implementation of single-threaded paster Implementation of multi-threaded paster Table 2.1: Lab2 Marking Rubric Table 2.1 shows the rubric for marking the lab. 23 Lab 3 Interprocess Communication and Concurrency 3.1 Objectives This lab is to learn about, and gain practical experience in interprocess communication and concurrency control in a general Linux environment. Shared memory allows multiple processes to share a given region of memory. It is the fastest form for different processes to communicate. Processes need to take care of the shared memory conflicting operations. The operating system provides concurrency control facility such as semaphore API. After this lab, students will be able to • design and implement a multi-processes concurrent program by using the producerconsumer pattern; • program with – the fork() system call to create a new child process; – the wait() family system calls to obtain the status-change information of a child process; – the Linux shared memory API to allow processes to communicate; and – the Linux semaphore facility to synchronize processes. 3.2 Starter Files The starter files are on GitHub at url: lab3/starter.It contains the following sub-directories where we have example code to help you get started: 24 • the fork has example code of creating multiple processes and time the total execution time; it also demonstrate how a zombie process is created when the parent process does not call wait family calls; • the sem has example code of using POSIX semaphore shared between processes; • the shm has example code of using System V shared memory; and • the cURL IPC has example code of using a shared memory region as a cURL call back function buffer to download one image segment from a lab server by the child process and writing the downloaded image segment to a file by the parent process. 3.3 Pre-lab Preparation Build and run the starter code to see what they do. You should work through the provided starter code to understand how they work. The following activities will help you to understand the code. 1. Execute man fork to read the man page of fork(2). 2. Execute man 2 wait to read the man page of wait(2) family system calls. 3. Execute man ps to read the man page of the ps command. 4. Execute man shm overview to read Linux man page of POSIX shared memory API overview. At the bottom of the man page, it talks about system V shared memory facilities. Read the corresponding man pages of the system V shared memory API. 5. Execute man sem overview to read Linux man page of POSIX semaphore API overview. Linux man pages are also available on line at Circular queue is the main data structure that we will be using in the lab. You may want to create it or use one from an existing library. 3.4 3.4.1 Lab Assignment The Producer Consumer Problem A producer-consumer problem is a classic multi-tasking problem. There are one or more tasks that create data and they are referred to as producers. There are one or 25 more tasks that use the data and they are referred to as consumers. We will have a system of P producers and C consumers. Producers and consumers do not necessarily complete their tasks at the same speed. How many producers should be created and how many consumers should be created to achieve maximum latency improvement1 ? What if the buffer receiving the produced data has a fixed size? Another problem to think about is that when we fix the number of producers and consumers, how big the bounded buffer size should be? Is it true the bigger the buffer size is, the more latency improvement we will get, or there is a limit beyond which the bigger buffer size will not bring any further latency improvement? We will do some experiments to answer these questions by solving a similar problem that we solved in lab2 with some additional assumptions. In lab2 we used multi-threading to download image segments from the web server and then paste all the segments together. This falls into the unbounded buffer producer consumer problem pattern. We can let producers download the image segments (i.e. creating data) and let consumers extract the image pixel data information (i.e. processing data) for future processing. One easy solution to lab 2 (also commonly seen) is to have one thread that does both the producer and the consumer jobs. This implicitly assumes that the number of producers and consumers are equal. But what if data creation and data processing are running at different speeds2 ? It may take more time to download data than to process data or vice versa. Then having the same number of producers and consumers are not optimal. In addition, in lab2, we did not restrict the receiving data buffer size. In a real world, resources are limited and the situation that a fixed size of buffer space to receive the incoming data is more realistic. In this lab, we have the additional constraint that the buffer to receive the image segments from the web server has a fixed size. So the problem we are solving is a bounded buffer producer-consumer problem3 . 3.4.2 Problem Statement We are still solving an image concatenation problem. The image strips are the same ones that you have seen in lab2. In lab2, the lab web server sleeps a random seconds before it sends a random horizontal strip of an image to the client. In this lab, we have a different server running at port 2530 which sleeps for a fixed time before it sends a specific image strip requested by the client. The deterministic 1 You probably have already noticed in lab2 that once the number of threads reaches a certain number, you reach the maximum performance improvement. 2 For example, the data processing part could be more involved such as doing some image transformation. It could also be that the network bandwidth is tight or the lab server is slow so that it takes long to download the image segment. 3 Here is another producer consumer problem example: you can think of the producer as a keyboard device driver and the consumer as the application wishing to read keystrokes from the keyboard; in such a scenario the person typing at the keyboard may enter more data than the consuming program wants, or conversely, the consuming program may have to wait for the person to type in characters. This is, however, only one of many cases where producer/consumer scenarios occur, so do not get too tied to this particular usage scenario. 26 sleep time in the server is to simulate the time to produce the data. The image format sent by the server is still the simple PNG format (see Figure 1.2(a)). The PNG segment is still an 8-bit RGBA/color image (see Table 1.1 for details). The web server still uses an HTTP response header that includes the sequence number to tell you which strip it sends to you. The HTTP response header has the format of “X-Ece252-Fragment: M ” where M ∈ [0, 49]. To request a horizontal strip with sequence number M of picture N , where N ∈ [1, 3], use the following URL: http://machine:2530/image?img=N&part=M, where machine is one of the following: •, •, and • . For example, when you request data from image?img=1&part=2, you will receive a horizontal image strip with sequence number 2 of picture 1 . The received HTTP header will contain “X-Ece52-Fragment: 2“. The received data will be the image segment in PNG format. You may use the browser to view a horizontal strip of the PNG image the server sends. Each strip has the same dimensions of 400 × 6 pixels and is in PNG format. Your objective is to request all horizontal strips of a picture from the server and then concatenate these strips in the order of the image sequence number from top to bottom to restore the original picture as quickly as possible for a given set of given input arguments specified by the user command. You should name the concatenated image as all.png and output it to the current working directory. There are three types of work involved. The first is to download the image segments. The second is to process downloaded image data and copy the processed data to a global data structure for generating the concatenated image. The third is to generate the concatenated all.png file once the global data structure that holds the concatenated image data is filled. The producers will make requests to the lab web server and together they will fetch all 50 distinct image segments. Each time an image segment arrives, it gets placed into a fixed-size buffer of size B, shared with the consumer tasks. When there are B image segments in the buffer, producers stop producing. When all 50 distinct image segments have been downloaded from the server, all producers will terminate. That is the buffer can take maximum B items, where each item is an image segment. The horizontal image strips sent out by the lab servers are all less than 10, 000 bytes. Each consumer reads image segments out of the buffer, one at a time, and then sleeps for X milliseconds specified by the user in the command line4 . Then the consumer will process the received data. The main work is to validate the received 4 This is to simulate data processing takes time. 27 image segment and then inflate the received IDAT data and copy the inflated data into a proper place inside the memory. Given that the buffer has a fixed size, B, and assuming that B < 50, it is possible for the producers to have produced enough image segments that the buffer is filled before any consumer has read any data. If this happens, the producer is blocked, and must wait till there is at least one free spot in the buffer. Similarly, it is possible for the consumers to read all of the data from the buffer, and yet more data is expected from the producers. In such a case, the consumer is blocked, and must wait for the producers to deposit one or more additional image segments into the buffer. Further, if any given producer or consumer is using the buffer, all other consumers and producers must wait, pending that usage being finished. That is, all access to the buffer represents a critical section, and must be protected as such. The program terminates when it finishes outputting the concatenated image segments in the order of the image segment sequence number to a file named all.png. Note that there is a subtle but complex issue to solve. Multiple producers are writing to the buffer, thus a mechanism needs to be established to determine whether or not some producer has placed the last image segment into the buffer. Similarly, multiple consumers are reading from the buffer, thus a mechanism needs to be established to determine whether or not some consumer has read out the last image segment from the buffer 5 . Requirements Let B be the buffer size, P be the number of producers, C be the number of consumers and X be the number of milliseconds that a consumer sleeps before it starts to process the image data. The producer consumer system is called with the execution command syntax of: ./paster2
The command will execute per the above description and will then print out the time it took to execute. You should measure the time before you create the first process and the time after the last image segment is consumed and the concatenated all.png image is generated. Use the timing starter code in lab2 for time measurement and terminal screen for display. Thus your last line of output should be something like: 5 Due to network transmission has randomness, the order of image segments placed in the buffer may not necessarily be the same order that they have been requested by the producers. The last image segment in the buffer may not necessarily be the image segment with the biggest sequence number. We do not want to request the same image segment twice since this will bring down the performance, so both producers and consumers know the buffer in total will serve 50 image segments. 28 paster2 execution time:
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