Economics Of Custody Transfer White Paper Technical

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Prepared By: Ken A. Steward, P.E.
Linco-Electromatic Inc.
4580 West Wall
Midland, Texas 79703
Prepared For: The American Oil & Gas Reporter
January 1992
Revised: June 2005, price of oil per barrel
The two most common methods of measuring the volume of petroleum liquids are tank gauging and liquid
metering. The problems associated with tank gauging are (1) it requires that an operator make an accurate liquid
level determination by climbing to the top of the tank to be gauged, (2) that an operator make an accurate
average liquid temperature determination, (3) that an operator make an accurate sediment and water content
analysis and (4) that the tank be static, which means that no liquid can enter or leave the tank during gauging.
Once the contents of the tank are removed, it is necessary to regauge the tank.
Since crude oil is sold on the basis of temperature, API Gravity and the amount of Basic Sediment and Waste
(BS&W), it is very important to make accurate measurements. The greatest effect on volume is temperature —
typical crude oil will expand and contract at the rate of 2% per 40º F temperature change. The accumulation of
errors present in the tank gauging may be as high as 1%. The potential annual losses in revenue, based on daily
lease production and on $50.00 USD per barrel oil, would be as follows:
500 Barrels
1000 Barrels $182,500.00
2000 Barrels $273,750.00
3000 Barrels $547,500.00
The simplest and most effective way to transfer the ownership of liquid hydrocarbons between a buyer
and a seller is through the use of an accurate liquid meter. With the aid of additional components, the
liquid meter is capable of unattended measurement with maintained accuracy’s of 0.25%, or better. This
measurement system is commonly referred to as a Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Unit when
ownership is transferred at a production lease. When ownership is transferred away from a production
lease, such as a transfer between Pipeline Companies, a measurement system may be referred to as an
Automatic Custody Transfer (ACT) Unit.
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Typical LACT Unit
A typical LACT Unit would include the following major components:
1. Charge Pump and Motor — The pump is the primary energy source for the entire system.
2. Strainer — The strainer is a device that houses a removable perforated basket that is designed to
collect solid materials that may be present in the flowing stream.
3. Air Eliminator - An air eliminator is a device that is used to remove entrained air or vapor from the
fluid stream before it enters the meter. Should air be allowed to enter the meter it would be
measured as part of the flowing stream, resulting in meter inaccuracy.
4. BS&W Probe and Monitor - An electronic device that is capable of determining the amount of
Basic Sediment and Water (BS&W) is an integral part of most LACT Units. The system consists of
an inline “BS&W Probe” that monitors the entire flowing stream and communicates to an
electronic device, called a “BS&W Monitor” that produces an electrical control signal based on the
amount of BS&W present in the flowing stream. The ability of this system to signal the LACT Unit
on excess BS&W content insures that only the highest quality of “Merchantable Oil” is delivered to
the Transport Carrier or the Pipeline Company. The electrical control signal feature of the BS&W
Monitor is used to control a diverting valve that diverts the fluid stream back to a retreating facility
whenever the BS&W content exceeds the Monitor setting.
5. Diverter Valve — The diverter valve is a three—way, two— position valve that is installed
upstream of the meter and used to direct total fluid flow to either the meter or to the retreating
facilities. The valve position is dependent upon the amount of BS&W in the flowing stream. When
the Unit
is shutdown or an excess amount of BS&W is detected, the valve is positioned for a normal divert
or “fail closed” position. When the LACT Unit is running and the BS&W content is below the
BS&W Monitor setting, the valve is positioned to a “run” position to allow total fluid flow through
the meter.
6. Sampler System — The sampler system consists of a probe that is used to retrieve a
representative sample of the flowing stream and a sampler container that is used to store
the collected samples over a specified time period. The contents of the sample container
are used to determine the true representative value of the entire metered stream during the
custody transfer. The representative sample contents will determine composite API Gravity
and the total percentage of BS&W.
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The sample container is a storage vessel that is used to collect the contents of all the samples taken
and is sized to allow adequate storage during the total custody transfer period, usually 30 days. It is
important that the container be vapor tight to prevent the evaporation and loss of entrained vapors
that could affect the composite API Gravity -thus affecting the total value of the product.
7. Meter — The meter is used to accurately and precisely measure the total fluid stream and to
accumulate the total throughput. The most accurate meter used is the positive displacement meter.
The positive displacement meter uses the energy of the flowing stream and divides the stream into
small segments through rotation of an inner unit. This precise rotation is connected through a
mechanical gear train to a mechanical counter to develop the total throughput of the LACT Unit. In
order to provide the many functions required, the following meter accessories may be used:
a. Automatic Temperature Compensator — used to mechanically correct meter registration to a
base of 60 degrees F.
b. Low Resolution Transmitter — used to electrically actuate the sampling system.
c. Right Angle Drive - used to mechanically connect the gear train of the meter to a portable
high resolution photoelectric transmitter that is used for meter proving and calibration.
d. Counter — a non—resettable type mechanical counter used to accumulate the total
throughput of the LACT Unit.
e. Meter Monitor Pulser — an electrical transmitter that is mechanically attached to the counter
to alarm the LACT Control Panel anytime the meter is not turning and the LACT Unit has
been signaled to operate.
Other meter accessories may be employed on a LACT Unit depending on the application. In some
cases, electronic Temperature Averagers may be used in lieu of the mechanical temperature
8. Meter Prover Loop — The meter prover loop is a manifold using three valves connected to two
tees. The typical arrangement is to install the valves and tees so that two of the valves are side
mounted and one valve is inline. This arrangement allows another meter or “prover system” to be
connected to the side mounted valves. By closing the inline valve, all fluid going through the meter
would also go through the prover system. The inline valve becomes the “inline prover valve” and
since every drop that goes through the meter must go through the prover system, it is necessary
that this valve have special internal seats and seals so that any seal leakage can be detected.
The tees that make up the meter prover loop are furnished with thermowells and pressure gauges
that are used to compare flowing temperatures and pressures with the prover system during meter
9. Back Pressure Valve — The back pressure valve is an automatic valve that is used to hold a
minimum pressure against the entire LACT Unit. This valve is required to ensure that the meter
always operates against a pressure above the vapor pressure of the fluid being metered. Vapor
pressure is the minimum pressure and temperature required to maintain the product in the liquid
state. When a centrifugal charge pump is used, the back pressure valve holds a constant pressure
against the rump that maintains a constant flow rate on the meter. Provided the back pressure
setting is always above the vapor pressure of the fluid, it is possible to adjust flow rate through the
meter by adjusting the valve.
10. Check Valve - A check valve is used to prevent backflow of metered fluid from the Transport
Carrier or pipeline back through the LACT Unit. The check valve is installed as the last device in
the piping system. The check valve is a two-way type valve with a hinged flapper that allows fluid
to pass through the valve in one direction only.
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11. LACT Control Panel - The LACT Control Panel is the electrical brains of the LACT Unit and
controls the entire operation of the system. The basic system operates on liquid level switches
installed on the “run tank” or “surge tank”. When a high level is signaled in the run tank the LACT
Control Panel will start the charge pump. Provided there are no problems during operation, the
system will run until a low liquid level is signaled and the unit will shut down until the next high
level signal is received. In addition to starting and stopping the LACT unit from level switches, the
following features are also provided;
a. Main Power On—Off — a circuit breaker or fused disconnect switch to be used to remove
power from all electrical devices on the LACT Unit.
b. Hand-Off-Automatic Switch - used to run the LACT charge pump in a manual or automatic
c. Lightning Arrestor - used to help absorb the electrical surges from lightning.
d. Divert Controls — used to position the diverter valve based on signals received from the
BS&W Monitor.
e. Monitor Failure control — used to shutdown the system in the event of a failure of the
BS&W Monitor.
f. Meter Malfunction Control - used to shutdown the system in the event the meter does not
register when the LACT Unit is in operation.
g. Set Stop Allowable Control - sometimes used to shutdown the LACT Unit if a preset
quantity of product has been delivered through the system.
h. Alarm Beacon — used to alarm an operator anytime there is a failure on the LACT Unit.
12. Sealing - Any device that affects the quality or quantity of the measurement of the LACT Unit
must have a means of security sealing. Such items would include the BS&W Monitor, the Sampler
Probe and Sample Container valves and components, Meter and Meter Accessories, Prover Valves,
Back Pressure Valves and the LACT Control Panel.
Meter Proving And Calibrations
In order to insure accurate custody transfer, through liquid measurement, it is necessary to maintain the
metering equipment and to perform periodic meter calibrations. Liquid meters are capable of a high
degree of accuracy, but must be calibrated using a known standard. Meter calibrations are performed in
place under near operating conditions and are usually performed on a monthly basis and provided by the
purchaser or as agreed upon by a third party. The periodic meter calibrations are provided to compare the
actual meter throughput to a known volumetric standard such as a bi-directional meter prover. Because
the total throughput through the meter since the last meter calibration will be adjusted, based on data
obtained from field calibration tests, it is recommended and suggested that the seller provide a qualified
witness to be present to observe and verify all data and field tests.
The established volume of a bi-directional meter prover system is determined from a precise calibration
using volumetric measures that are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST). Accurate displacement of the liquid is accomplished by forcing a spheroid through the calibrated
section of pipe using fluid energy from the stream being metered and recording the metered volume.
Since the entire stream of fluid being metered flows through both the meter and the prover, a ratio known,
as “meter factor” can be determined between the known volume and the volume registered by the meter.
This meter factor is used as a multiplier and applied to the volume shown on the meter register to
determine true quantity of fluid passing through the meter.
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The advantages of the bi-directional meter prover system are that proving is done under actual operating
conditions and the meter runs continuously. This procedure eliminates errors resulting from starting and
stopping and also reduces proving time. Another advantage is that proving temperatures are stabilized
during continuous proving.
A typical 2” LACT Unit has a nominal capacity of 2000 barrels per day with an installed price of
approximately $45,000.00. Assuming an improved accuracy between tank gauging (1%) and LACT
Measurement (0.25%), the following tabulation would favor the use of LACT Measurement:
500 Barrels $ 91,250.00 $ 22,812.50 $ 68,437.50
1000 Barrels $182,500.00 $ 45,625.00 $136,875.00
2000 Barrels $365,000.00 $ 91,250.00 $273,750.00
3000 Barrels $547,500.00 $136,875.00 $410,625.00
Based on the “Adjusted Lost Revenue Per Year”, the payout on a 2” LACT unit would run between a
maximum of one year and a minimum of four months depending upon total lease production.
Accurate Custody Transfer requires precise measurement functions. In the case of tank gauging four
functions are required — level, temperature, API Gravity and BS&W. All these measurement functions
must be manually performed by an operator. The accuracy of these functions are dependent upon the
technical ability of the operator and upon the equipment available to him. Another area of concern is the
growing number of environmental regulations being imposed upon lease operators. One such regulation is
the new Occupational Safety Act (OSHA) that now requires two men be available for gauging due to the
potential hazards of Hydrogen Sulfide Gas.
The economic advantages of LACT Measurement would include the following:
1. Improved accuracy through the use of more precise measurements of volumes, temperature, API
Gravity and BS&W.
2. Unattended operation by eliminating an operator being on hand during delivery. An operator only
needs to be on hand to witness meter proving or provide routine maintenance.
3. Reduced installation cost through the use of smaller run tanks.
4. Cost saving by consolidation of tank batteries where practical.
These economic advantages should be taken into consideration when evaluating a lease as a potential
candidate for Lease Automatic Custody Transfer.

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