Egs Brachy User Manual

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User manual for egs_brachy
A versatile and fast EGSnrc application for brachytherapy
Rowan M. Thomson, Randle E. P. Taylor, Marc J. P. Chamberland,
and D. W. O. Rogers
Carleton Laboratory for Radiotherapy Physics, Department of Physics,
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada
Last edited 2017/10/02 at 19:54:01
Latest version available at
Report CLRP-17-02


Pd breast implant


I prostate implant


I eye plaque

Electronic brachytherapy

1. Introduction


2. Licence


3. Installation
3.1. Installing egs_brachy with a new EGSnrc install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2. Installing when EGSnrc already present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3. Updating egs_brachy when it has been installed previously . . . . . . . . .


4. Running egs_brachy


5. Brief description of egs_brachy input files
5.1. run control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2. run mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3. media definition . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4. geometry definition . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.1. egs_autoenvelope . . . . . . . . .
5.5. source definition . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6. volume correction . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.7. scoring options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.8. variance reduction . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.9. MC transport parameters . . . . . . . .



6. Brief description of egs_brachy outputs
6.1. The .egslog output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2. .3ddose and other outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7. Description of egs_brachy
7.1. Radiation transport modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2. Geometry and source modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3. Run modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4. Scoring options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4.1. Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4.2. Calculation of absolute dose from doses output by
7.4.3. Phase space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4.4. Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.5. Features to enhance simulation efficiency . . . . . . . . .
7.5.1. Recycling of photons emitted from sources . . . .
7.5.2. Use of phase-space source . . . . . . . . . . . . .

















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7.5.3. Features for electronic brachytherapy sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


8. Data distributed with egs_brachy
8.1. Material data definitions distributed with egs_brachy . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2. Initial radionuclide spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9. Geometries distributed
9.1. Sources . . . . . . . .
9.2. Phantoms . . . . . .
9.3. Eye plaques . . . . .
9.4. Applicators . . . . .


with egs_brachy
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10.Example input files distributed with egs_brachy
10.1. ex_single_source.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
10.2. ex_single_source_phase_space_and_spectrum_scoring.egsinp . . . . . 30
10.3. ex_single_source_from_phase_space.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
10.4. ex_prostate_permanent_implant.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
10.5. ex_prostate_permanent_implant_pegs4.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
10.6. ex_prostate_permanent_implant_TG43.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10.7. ex_mbdca-wg_center.egsinp, ex_mbdca-wg_center_water_only.egsinp,
and ex_mbdca-wg_x7cm.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10.8. ex_hdr_source_with_applicator.egsinp
and ex_hdr_source_with_applicator_create_volume_correction.egsinp 31
10.9. ex_PeppaBreastHDR192Ir.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10.10.ex_xray_sph.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
10.11.ex_brem_cyl.egsinp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
11.Helpful hints for egs_brachy simulations
11.1. Geometry preview . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2. Use of a wrapper geometry about sources
11.3. nbatch and nchunk options . . . . . . .
11.4. Source orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . .


























User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)


page 1


egs_brachy is a versatile and fast EGSnrc application designed for brachytherapy, employing
the egs++ library for modelling geometries and sources, developed by members of the Carleton Laboratory for Radiotherapy Physics (CLRP) within the Department of Physics at Carleton University. The current document serves as a user manual for egs_brachy to complement the original 2016 egs_brachy paper [1] which provides a general overview of the code,
details on egs_brachy benchmarking and characterization of simulation efficiency, and some
sample calculation times for clinical scenarios. This user manual frequently refers to the html
technical reference documentation (which accompanies the egs_brachy code distribution or
which can be found on-line at or
the pdf version of the same technical reference manual (>500 pages) at https://clrp-code. ) for details regarding input
file specifications etc.
An overview of this user manual is as follows: Section 2. describes egs_brachy licence
and copyright. Installation of egs_brachy is described in section 3., either with a new
EGSnrc installation (simplest – section 3.1.) or when EGSnrc is already present (section
3.2.), as well as updating egs_brachy (section 3.3.). Running egs_brachy is described in
section 4., followed by an overview of egs_brachy input and output files in sections 5. and
6., respectively. A more detailed description of egs_brachy, to complement our initial paper
[1], appears in section 7., including radiation transport modelling (section 7.1.), geometry
and source modelling (section 7.2.), run modes (section 7.3.), scoring options (section 7.4.;
includes a description in section 7.4.2. of the calculation of absolute doses from doses output by egs_brachy ), and features to enhance simulation efficiency (section 7.5.). Data
and geometries distributed with egs_brachy are described in sections 8. and 9., respectively. Section 10. provides an overview of a suite of example input files distributed with
egs_brachy, and these provide a good starting point for egs_brachy users. Finally, section
11. provides a collection of helpful hints for egs_brachy simulations.
The initial release of egs_brachy is v2017.09.15 beta. We will continue to update and
maintain egs_brachy, as well as this manual and the html documentation. If you are
familiar with git, bug fixes and additional features are welcomed via pull requests on GitHub.
Please refer to the EGSnrc Wiki Developers section at
EGSnrc/wiki for general recommendations about making pull requests.
Links shown in blue in the pdf file are linked and you will be taken to the link (either a
url or section or whatever). Text in magenta is code and only shown to draw attention to it.
When egs_brachy is used for publications, please cite our paper [1]: M. J. P. Chamberland, R. E. P. Taylor, D. W. O. Rogers, and R. M. Thomson, egs_brachy: a versatile and
fast Monte Carlo code for brachytherapy, Phys. Med. Biol. 61, 8214–8231 (2016).

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The egs_brachy code (all pieces of code associated with the egs_brachy code system)
is copyrighted Rowan Thomson, Dave Rogers, Randle Taylor, and Marc Chamberland.
egs_brachy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty;
without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
egs_brachy is distributed as free software according to the terms of the GNU Affero
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option), any later version. See the GNU Affero General Public License
for more details, available at
The EGSnrc Code System is needed for egs_brachy, and is distributed at by NRC independently of egs_brachy under its
own separate licence, however it too follows the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation.


Installing egs_brachy with a new EGSnrc install

Installing and running egs_brachy currently requires the CLRP fork of the EGSnrc source
code due to the inclusion of additional egs++ geometries and sources. The CLRP fork of
the EGSnrc source code is based off the develop branch of EGSnrc. This fork may or may
not represent the current develop branch but depends on when CLRP last updated the
fork. The goal is eventually to integrate these CLRP developments directly into the EGSnrc
Even if you already have EGSnrc installed, it is more straightforward to do a fresh install.
This will not affect your old install, but to switch between the different versions (if you need
to) requires changing back your EGS_CONFIG, HEN_HOUSE, EGS_HOME environment variables
which will be set during this installation.
To check that you have git installed on your system you can run the following command
in a terminal:
git –-version
If you do not have git installed, you can download it from or
install it using your operating systems package manager.
Following these instructions, a version of the EGSnrc system with egs_brachy included will be installed in a new subdirectory created on whatever directory you start from
(‘start_directory’ indicated below). It is EGSnrc_with_egs_brachy and can be created
on your home directory. To start installation:
cd start_directory
git clone
at which point you should see something like:
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Cloning into ’EGSnrc_with_egs_brachy’...
remote: Counting objects: 8812, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (220/220), done.
remote: Total 8812 (delta 264), reused 313 (delta 211), pack-reused 8380
Receiving objects: 100% (8812/8812), 32.38 MiB | 2.33 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5391/5391), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Once this is complete (there was some pause after the ‘done.’ on a Carleton system) your
system has the EGSnrc source codes. Change to the directory containing the source code:
cd EGSnrc_with_egs_brachy
Now you must get the CLRP version of EGSnrc which includes some extra libraries required
for egs_brachy. These are on the ‘egs_brachy‘ branch of this repository. Check out that
branch by issuing:
git checkout egs_brachy
which should result in output like:
Checking out files: 100% (907/907), done.
Branch egs_brachy set up to track remote branch egs_brachy from origin.
Switched to a new branch ’egs_brachy’
To download the egs_brachy source code enter:
git submodule update –-init –-recursive
which should result in output like this:
Submodule ’HEN_HOUSE/user_codes/egs_brachy’ (
/egs_brachy.git) registered for path ’HEN_HOUSE/user_codes/egs_brachy’
Cloning into ’HEN_HOUSE/user_codes/egs_brachy’...
remote: Counting objects: 3788, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (254/254), done.
remote: Total 3788 (delta 548), reused 412 (delta 351), pack-reused 3146
Receiving objects: 100% (3788/3788), 24.03 MiB | 2.54 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3061/3061), done.
Submodule path ’HEN_HOUSE/user_codes/egs_brachy’: checked out
The final step is to configure EGSnrc by using the configuration shell script. To do this you
must establish the values of 3 environment variables as empty. If using the bash shell, this
or if using the tcsh shell:
unsetenv HEN_HOUSE
From the EGSnrc_with_egs_brachy directory, issue the command
and follow the instructions given (default values should work). You will need to provide the
complete path to the directory where you want to have your applications (i.e., $EGS_HOME)
and something like $HOME/egsnrc is convenient, but anything can be used.
Note the final instructions in the finalize_egs_foruser script which is an option at
the end of the configure script. These require that the 3 environment variables set above

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3.1. Installing egs_brachy with a new EGSnrc install

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 4

to being empty ($EGS_HOME etc) must now be properly set, either in your .cshrc chain if
using tcsh or csh shells, or in your .profile if using bash shell.
With this done, you should have everything required to run egs_brachy (or any other
EGSnrc application). If you have executed the finalize_egs_foruser script as part of the
configure script, then the following is not needed. But if not, or if you have just updated
the system, one must copy the egs_brachy files from the $HEN_HOUSE to your $EGS_HOME
mkdir -p egs_brachy
cd egs_brachy
cp -pr $HEN_HOUSE/user_codes/egs_brachy/egs_brachy/* .
#note final .
To compile the egs_brachy application:
After compiling egs_brachy, if you have python 2.7 or 3.4+ installed, you can run an
extensive set of tests by:
cd $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy
or equivalently
make test
These take several minutes and test many aspects of the code. Note that the timing comparisons are highly variable/machine dependent and so one can safely ignore Timing: FAIL
messages but Results: FAIL messages must be investigated.


Installing when EGSnrc already present

If the prior installation of EGSnrc was done using the zipped archive, then one must essentially install a new version using git. But if you already have a recent EGSnrc git install
of the develop branch (or even the master branch), then the following should work:
git remote add clrp
git fetch clrp
and then follow the instructions in the previous section starting at
git checkout egs_brachy


Updating egs_brachy when it has been installed previously

On occasion you may want to update to the latest version of egs_brachy . The following will
update files on your $HEN_HOUSE without touching the files on your $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy
area. The assumption is that you have not changed anything on the $HEN_HOUSE. Unless you
are comfortable with git it is recommended that you not change any files in the $HEN_HOUSE
area to ensure you are able to easily update to the latest official CLRP version of EGSnrc
and egs_brachy.

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3.2. Installing when EGSnrc already present

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 5

The commands up to the first make command update the EGSnrc part of the system
including extensions to the egs++ classes (egs_autoenvelope, egs_glib etc).
cd ..
#assumes HEN_HOUSE is just below EGSnrc_with_egs_brachy
git status
#reports changes made on your EGSnrc system
#please commit them or revert before continuing
git checkout egs_brachy
#make sure on egs_brachy branch
git pull origin egs_brachy #gets latest version of the CLRP EGSnrc fork
git log
#this step not essential but informative
#reports changes on GitHub/CLRP repository
#for EGSnrc system since previous update
cd $HEN_HOUSE/egs++
#to compile any changes
Next the egs_brachy files need to be updated.
cd $HEN_HOUSE/user_codes/egs_brachy/
git status
#reports changes on users egs_brachy repository
#please commit them or revert before continuing
git pull origin master
#gets latest version of egs_brachy code
git log
#reports changes on GitHub/CLRP repository
#for egs_brachy since previous update
The following command will overwrite any changes you have made to files anywhere on
your $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy area. If you want to save them, rename those files now. This
command is also tedious because you must individually allow files to be overwritten. Remove
the -i to let overwriting occur silently, but be careful. To copy the updated files from the
$HEN_HOUSE to your $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy area and compile them:
cd $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy
cp -pri $HEN_HOUSE/user_codes/egs_brachy/egs_brachy/* .
#Note final dot
# p means preserve the time stamp
# r means recursively descend the subdirectories
# i means ask when old files are to be overwritten
If you want to confirm everything is working, you may run the test suite again:
make test


Running egs_brachy

Once EGSnrc and egs_brachy are fully installed, specific simulations can be run as follows, assuming that an appropriate input file, e.g., my_input.egsinp is available on
$EGS_HOME/egs_brachy. The assumption is that the .egsinp file is designed to run in
pegsless mode.
egs_brachy -i my_input
ex egs_brachy my_input pegsless
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To capture the extensive output to the terminal in either of the above cases, at the end of
the command pipe the output to a file by adding > my_input.egslog.
egs_brachy runs in parallel in batch mode but only if a batch submission process is
available and set up (controlled via
$HEN_HOUSE/scripts/batch_options.$EGS_BATCH_SYSTEM). The user must define
EGS_BATCH_SYSTEM as appropriate for their system.
There are 5 examples on
$HEN_HOUSE/scripts/). Once this is set up, to run in batch use:
exb egs_brachy my_input pegsless
If the input file is designed to be run using a PEGS4 datafile, then any one of the following
methods work:
egs_brachy -i my_input -p pegsfile
ex egs_brachy my_input pegsfile
exb egs_brachy my_input pegsfile


Brief description of egs_brachy input files

This section presents a brief overview of the different sections of the input files required by
egs_brachy. For egs_brachy details see the on-line html reference manual at
For general information related to egs++, see its manual[2] available on-line at .
For convenience, in the following the input filename is considered to be filename.egsinp
since the outputs(see below) are linked to filename.
egs_brachy input files have a similar look and feel to many other egs++ applications. The
following describes the different input blocks of the input file which are typically required.
In all cases the input blocks start and end with :start and:stop delimiter statements e.g.,
:start some input:
my_inputs (one or more lines)
:stop some input:
The individual parameters are generally input using input keys with format
some variable name = input value(s)
If there is more than one input value, they are separated by spaces or commas and if they
continue on the next line, there must be a comma at the end of the line to be continued.
Any text on a line after a # symbol is a comment.
The order of the input blocks is generally unimportant. However, certain nested input blocks can appear multiple times within another relevant input block. For example,
a :start media input: nested input block may appear multiple times within different
:start geometry: input blocks and similarly multiple :start geometry: nested input
blocks can appear within the :start geometry definition: input block.

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User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)


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run control

The :start run mode: block of the input file specifies how many histories to run
(ncase) and optionally, if needed, nbatch, nchunk, egsdat file format, geometry
error limit. nbatch, nchunk are discussed in section 11.3., p 33.


run mode

The :start run mode: block specifies which of the 3 possible run modes are to be used:
normal, superposition, volume correction only. These are discussed in section 7.3.
on p 17.


media definition

It is generally expected that users will run egs_brachy in pegsless mode and this requires
a :start media definition: input block which inputs the values of AE,UE,AP and UP. To
facilitate the use of pegsless mode, many materials are defined in the material.dat file
distributed with the code (see section 8.1. p 23 and a list of available materials in Table 2).
The material data file = input key should point to the local copy of the material.dat
In contrast, to run using a .pegs4dat file as input, submit the job using one of the
methods shown in section 4. using the pegsfile input. In this mode, no :start media
definition: input block is needed but the media names used must match those in the
.pegs4dat file.


geometry definition

Section 7.2. has a general discussion of geometry modelling in egs_brachy. For details about the inputs for specific geometry classes, refer to the EGSnrc C++ class
library Report PIRS-898 (2017)[2] available at
doc/pirs898/index.html The :start geometry definition: block can be the most complex part of the input file for egs_brachy. It must define the following three egs_brachy
specific input keys that are required for the geometry definition input block (in addition
to the standard egs++ simulation geometry key):
source geometries = this key specifies which geometries define the actual brachytherapy source object. This may be a single geometry name (e.g., when using the egs_glib
shim to load one of the seed geometries suppled with egs_brachy, see section 9.1.) or
a series of sub-geometry definitions used to compose a single source geometry when
defining geometries inline.
phantom geometries = this tells egs_brachy which geometries to score dose in (1 or
more phantom geometries are required). Currently 3 geometry types are allowed as
phantoms(and many pre-defined phantoms are supplied, see section 9.2.):
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5.1. run control

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 8

EGS_XYZGeometry (library egs_ndgeometry)
EGS_RZGeometry (library egs_rz)
EGS_cSpheres (library egs_spheres)
source envelope geometry: this input is only required for superposition run mode and
must name the EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope geometry that contains the sources. Note
that the output .3ddose files associated with these libraries have formats described in
section 6.2..
In general the :start geometry definition: input block consists of a series of :start
geometry: nested blocks. Individual components of the geometry can be specified in
separate :start geometry: blocks and then these can be combined in a further :start
geometry: block using composite geometries (e.g., egs_genvelope).
egs_brachy has extended the egs++ package with the egs_glib geometry class which
allows the user to insert the contents of an externally defined geometry into an input file,
thereby allowing e.g., models for seeds to be distributed and used in multiple input files.
There are many geometry components which are already defined and found
in seed_name.geom or phantom_name.geom files on individual subdirectories under
Examples of such supplied geometries are
sources/OncoSeed_6711.geom, phantoms/2.0cmx2.0cmx2.0cm_1mm_xyz_water.geom.
For more discussion of the pre-defined and distributed geometries see section 9. These components can have their own :start geometry definition: blocks which are then nested
inside a :start geometry: block. These components can be quite complex and hence one
should always use as many pre-defined geometries as possible, and also develop a local group
of geometry files, either for re-use or to share with the user community. These predefined geometries use the materials from the material.dat file so it is important to use the pegsless
option or ensure that all the materials used are defined in the .pegs4dat file being used..
A typical :start geometry: block will have a name = input key (so it can be referenced
elsewhere in the input file) and a library = input key which specifies which type of geometry block this will be, e.g., egs_spheres, egs_cylinders, egs_planes, egs_cones,
egs_box, egs_rz and then a series of input keys specific to each library class. Users are
urged to carefully check that geometry names, including the ones defined in external files,
are unique because there is currently no check in egs++ if geometries are unique (and thus
unexpected results may occur if the same name is used for two different geometries).
Within many :start geometry: blocks there will be a further nested block, :start
media input: which is used to define the media in each of the local regions. The first input
key, media = is used to define, in order from 0 to as many as needed, the materials for this
geometry. This is then followed by as many set medium = input keys as needed. There
are two input formats possible:
(i) set medium = ireg, imed means ireg is the local region which is assigned medium
(ii) set medium = ireg1, ireg2, imed assigns medium imed to all regions between ireg1
and ireg2.
If there is no explicit assignment for any region, it is then assigned medium 0, i.e., if there
is no set medium = input key, every region is assigned medium 0 (the first one listed). (Note
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5.4. geometry definition

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 9

that any statement set medium = 0 0 is redundant but harmless.) Final region numbers
depend on the overall geometry and how the different elements are combined. It is advisable
to check things are as expected using the egs_view code.
As an aside: for the egs_rz geometries, the region numbering starts with regions 0 to
nz-1 down the central axis of the cylinder, and nz to 2nz-1 down the next radial ring, etc.
Note that for nz depth regions one needs to specify nz+1 depths but only nr for the radial
regions since the assumption is that r = 0 is included.. For example, for nz=2,nr=2:
A phantom in the egsphant file format, e.g., derived from DICOM-CT data, may be
included in the geometry definition via the egs_glib library, as follows:
:start geometry:
name = phantom
library = egs_glib
type = egsphant
egsphant file = lib/geometry/phantoms/egsphant/fileName.egsphant.gz
density file = lib/media/material.dat
:stop geometry:
The density file indicates to egs_brachy the nominal density of each medium in the
egsphant, and currently egs_brachy can read these data from a (a) material.dat file, (b)
pegs4 data file, or (c) a simple text file of the format:
Note that voxel-by-voxel densities, defined in the egsphant file, may vary from the nominal
To combine various geometry components there are several classes. For example, the
egs_genvelope class (see documentation at
pirs898/classEGS__EnvelopeGeometry.html) allows the insertion of the object specified by the inscribed geometries = input key into another object specified by the base
geometry = input key where these keys must be names of one or more of the other geometries
specified in the input file. For example:
:start geometry:
name = phantom_with_seed
library = egs_genvelope
base geometry = phantom
inscribed geometries = seed
:stop geometry:
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5.4. geometry definition

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)


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A powerful geometry extension developed for egs_brachy is the egs_autoenvelope library.
It automatically detects which voxels of the base geometry contain inscribed geometries,
e.g., seeds, thereby allowing faster transport (see section 7.2.). This requires a nested block
:start region discovery: to define how to do this step.
:start region discovery:
action = discover # discover (default -- ALWAYS use for egs_brachy),
# other options for use in other codes are
# discover and correct volume,
# discover and zero volume
density of random points (cm^-3) = 1E6 #default is 1E8
:start shape:
type = cylinder
radius = 0.04
height = 0.45
:stop shape:
:stop region discovery:
For egs_brachy, always use action = discover because volume correction inputs are
handled separately with their own inputs. The other options of
action=discover and correct volume
or action=discover and zero volume
are not needed for egs_brachy and are included in the egs_autoenvelope class for its
potential use in other applications. Note that the density of random points = input key
can be lower than that required for accurate volume correction (for which there is a separate
input density of random points) – section 5.6..
The egs_autoenvelope library has two geometry types EGS_AEnvelope (default) and
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope. The egs_autoenvelope library must be used with type =
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope for simulations employing run mode = superposition so only
one source is modelled at a time (e.g., for TG-43-like and HDR simulations with example
egsinp files described in sections 10.6. and 10.9., respectively).


source definition

The :start source definition: input block specifies the required info about the radioactivity in the seeds/sources (the geometry of the seed itself is handled in the geometry
definition input block – section 5.4.). Within this input block there is a nested input
block :start source: which specifies the charge (0, -1, 1) via an input key charge =
and must specify the shape of the radioactivity. This can be quite complex and will usually bear considerable similarity to at least part of the geometry specification of the source.
For the distributed sources, the relevant files are named seed_name.shape as opposed to
seed_name.geom which defines the overall seed geometry. See lib/geometry/sources/ for
distributed sources which can be used as examples if you need to create your own.
The energy spectrum of the source must be specified in a :start spectrum: nested
block. Most often, one of 2 types of spectral inputs is used, either a tabulated spectrum
or monoenergetic. The former uses a spectrum file = input key to specify the required
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spectrum (see section 8.2. for a list of those available on lib/spectra/). The latter uses a
simple energy = input key (in MeV).
Next one needs to specify the location of the source(s). This is done in the :start
transformations: nested block. This can specify many replications of the source via
:start transformation: blocks. One :start transformation: block is required for
each seed; lib/geometry/transformations gives examples of various arrangements. Note
that at least one :start transformation: block is needed, even if a null transformation,
to tell there is a single source (by default there are no sources). If none is specified, it is
assumed there is a single source at the origin but there is a warning message printed. Note
that these transformations must be identical to those indicated for geometry specification
of the source locations in the in the geometry block associated with the sources; see section
10.4. for a relevant example egsinp.
The :start source definition: block must also explicitly specify the simulation
source = input key which normally corresponds to the name = key in the :start source:


volume correction

The :start volume correction: input block gives the information required to do a volume
correction which basically subtracts the volume of a seed or source from the phantom voxel
it is in so that the dose is properly determined. The correction type = input key specifies
which type is used, correct, none, zero dose. The volume is determined using Monte
Carlo and the density of random points (cmˆ -3) = input key specifies the density of
points to use. Values between 1E6 and 1E8 are common, but it depends on the size of the
seed/source and the accuracy required. Recall that the dose immediately adjacent to any
seed will be very high and is not often of much interest. Within this input block there is a
nested block, :start shape: which specifies the outer boundary of the seed/source (e.g.,
using the boundary.shape files found in the seed/source definition subdirectories). This
shape is then transformed to each of the locations specified for the sources (see previous
Alternatively, the simulation can make use of a predetermined set of volume corrections
in a file.volcor file (see section 5.7. for how to create it). Using this file is controlled by a
:start volume correction from file: nested block with an input key phantom file =
phantom_name oldfile.volcor where phantom_name is the name of the phantom described
in this input and oldfile.volcor is the previously calculated corrections file appropriate
to this phantom and seed combination.


scoring options

The :start scoring options: input block specifies different scoring options. Scoring
options in general are discussed in section 7.4.. For a detailed listing of scoring options,
see the on-line html Technical Reference Manual for egs_brachy at https://clrp-code.
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For scoring dose using the tracklength estimator, only the input keys muen file = and
muen for media = are needed. The former specifies where the µen /ρ data are stored for
the medium the dose is to be scored in (the file lib/muen/brachy_xcom_1.5MeV.muendat
contains a large selection, see Table 3 for a list). Any medium which you wish to score dose
in needs to be listed in the ‘muen for media’ key (order unimportant).
If a volume correction output is desired, this is specified in this block (as well as in
the :start volume correction: input block). Use (a) the input key output volume
correction files for phantoms = to specify the name of the phantom for which the
corrections are required (phantom and name specified elsewhere in the input file) and (b)
the key volume correction file format = to specify whether text or gzip format is
desired. This output also required the :start volume correction: input block.
If phase space output is required, a nested :start phsp scoring: block is required
where the input keys phsp output directory =, access mode =, print header =,
kill after scoring = are input. The access mode can be write or append where the
former is for a new file and the latter for appending. The print header should always be
yes for a new file. If the kill after scoring input is ‘yes’, there is no transport done in
the phantom, which is efficient for just scoring the phase space for later use, but it could be
‘no’ to score the dose as well as saving the phase space. Note that phase space scoring does
not work for parallel jobs.
Another scoring option is specified in the :start spectrum scoring: nested block. The
inputs are explained in ex_single_source_phase_space_and_spectrum_scoring.egsinp.
:start spectrum scoring:
type = surface count

# options are surface count,
# energy weighted surface,
# energy fluence in region
particle type = photon
# photon, electron, positron;
# note ’energy fluence in region’ type is
only compatible with photons
minimum energy = 0.001
# defaults to 0.001 MeV
maximum energy = 1.00
# defaults to max energy of initial source
number of bins = 1000
# defaults to 100
output format = egsnrc
# xmgr (default), csv, egsnrc
# egsnrc => format to use as input
# spectrum
file extension =
# (optional)
# for ’egsnrc’ output format only
egsnrc format mode = 2
# 0, 1, 2 standard EGSnrc options. 2=>line
:stop spectrum scoring:
Another useful input key is dose scaling factor = which can be used to scale the
output dose results, e.g., to being dose in Gy, rather than the dose per effective number of histories, Nef f (see discussion related to Table 1 below). An example is in
ex_PeppaBreastHDR192Ir.egsinp (see section 10.9. below).
The two input keys score tracklength dose = and score energy deposition = are
only needed if their defaults (yes and no respectively) need to be changed. Both options can be used at the same time. The latter scores energy deposited by electrons,
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so if the source is photons, this is only when a photon interaction occurs and hence is
much less efficient. This is referred to as ‘interaction scoring’ in section 7.4.1.. The
outputs are found in the files filename.phantom.3ddose for the tracklength scoring and
filename.phantom.edep.3ddose for the energy deposition scoring.


variance reduction

The :start variance reduction: is used to turn on some of the variance reduction techniques which are not inbuilt (such as pathlength scoring, see section 7.4.1.).
As discussed in section 7.5.1., it is often advantageous to reuse a particle which escapes
from the seed/source for run mode = normal. For cases with more than one seed, this should
always be done using a :start particle recycling: nested block which by default just
uses the recycled particles once for each seed. But it is further possible to recycle that
particle nr times. The :start variance reduction: input block looks like:
:start variance reduction:
:start particle recycling:
times to reuse recycled particles = 2
rotate recycled particles = yes
:stop particle recycling:
:stop variance reduction:
Note that recycling is not compatible with run mode = superposition.
Another type of variance reduction is splitting brems photons when modelling an x-ray
source, to split each brems photon uniformly 50 times and optionally to also enhance the
brems cross section by a factor of 100 (i.e., use BCSE) e.g.,
:start variance reduction:
split bremsstrahlung photons = 50 # uniform bremsstrahlung splitting
bcse medium = W 100
# brems cross-section enhancement factor
# of 100 in the tungsten target
:stop variance reduction:
Range rejection is automatically on outside sources and off inside sources (if electrons
are being transported at all). This can be controlled within the variance reduction block


MC transport parameters

EGSnrc requires a series of transport parameters to be defined. These are specified in a
:start MC transport parameter: input block. The easiest approach is to use one of the
distributed files found at lib/transport/ by using an include file = input key. These
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Brief description of egs_brachy outputs


The .egslog output

The user is encouraged to carefully examine the output to the screen (interactive runs) or to
filename.egslog when run in batch. Even in interactive mode it is useful to pipe the screen
output to filename.egslog, i.e., add “> filename.egslog” to the end of the execution
command. Carefully examining the output is to ensure that the code is calculating what
is intended. The output is quite extensive but worth examining. Note that when running
interactively, there can be error messages right after the submit statement.
The initial output repeats much of what is in the input file, including a specification
of the materials used and the cross sections used. Eventually it gets to a summary of the
geometry information which must be very carefully analyzed to ensure no mistakes were
made since the required inputs are complex.
There is an explicit list of all the files that were read in as required by the input file.
The starting and incremental time for each batch along with the dose and uncertainty
in region 0 are presented as the run progresses. The region the dose is specified in can
be changed using the current result phantom region = phantom_name ireg
key in
the :start scoring options: input block. This allows the choice of which phantom result
to monitor. If the ireg entry is not present, it is taken as 0.
Note that the CPU time reported is that for simulating the transport only, the total
times are listed later.
When the simulations are finished, egs_brachy outputs some summary times and statistics on how many steps etc. It also reports how many geometry errors were encountered.
There are some summary statistics on the energy initiated, escaping the sources and
escaping the geometry. Make sure these make sense since they can be a good diagnostic
If a phase space file has been requested, there is a detailed summary of the data in that
file. The number of particles in the file is listed. The file size will be 29 bytes per particle so
be careful not to run too many histories.
The 20 highest doses are reported along with the volumes they were recorded in. Note
that in simulations with seeds, the 20 highest doses will be in those regions immediately
surrounding the seeds and have smaller uncertainties than many other doses. The average
doses and their uncertainties are reported next.
The next section reports the amount of time spent in various parts of the run. For short
runs, the initialization for the run, including creating the cross section data and correcting
the volumes can dominate the total time.
To repeat, it is critically important to study the output log file carefully to ensure that
the inputs were done properly.

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.3ddose and other outputs

In addition to the .egslog outputs, the main output is in the .3ddose files. The pathlength
doses are found in filename.phantom.3ddose and if requested, the energy deposition doses
are in filename.phantom.edep.3ddose. This file format is used in other EGSnrc applications such as DOSXYZnrc and there are various tools distributed with EGSnrc for manipulating them (e.g., statdose and dosxyz_show). The format of .3ddose files (from section
12 of the DOSXYZnrc Manual[3]) is:
Row/Block 1: number of voxels in x,y,z directions (e.g., nx, ny, nz)
Row/Block 2: voxel boundaries (cm) in x direction(nx +1 values)
Row/Block 3: voxel boundaries (cm) in y direction (ny +1 values)
Row/Block 4: voxel boundaries (cm) in z direction(nz +1 values)
Row/Block 5: dose values array ( values)
Row/Block 6: error values array (fractional errors, values)
The above format assumes an xyz rectilinear phantom. If the egs_rz cylindrical RZ
geometry has been specified (section 5.4.), then the .3ddose file reports the z coordinates
in the x slots, the radial coordinates in the y slots and the z slots are unused and shown as
one region from -999 to +999. If the egs_spheres spherical geometry has been specified,
then the .3ddose file reports the radial component in the x slots and the y and z slots are
unused and shown as two regions, each from -999 to +999.
There is also a filename.egsdat file output which contains the information needed to
do a restart. This can be a large file and should be discarded once the final run has been
done/analyzed. In the :start run control: block one could specify
egsdat file format = gzip in which case these large files will be output in compressed
format. This can be important when many parallel runs are being done.
Finally, there is a filename.mederr output file which summarizes the inputs for cross
section data.


Description of egs_brachy
Radiation transport modelling

egs_brachy is an EGSnrc [4, 5] application, allowing for both photon and electron transport
to be modelled. This means that both electronic sources (e.g., miniature x-ray tubes and
beta-emitting eye plaques) and photon (radionuclide) brachytherapy sources may be modelled. While electron transport may be modelled, the relatively low energy of photons from
brachytherapy sources means that dose is often well approximated by collision kerma for
many brachytherapy scenarios (section 7.4.1.). Thus, often only the simulation of photon
transport is necessary and electron transport is not modelled via appropriate choice of the
electron cutoff energy (ECUT). All the physics underlying EGSnrc may be modelled, e.g.,
Rayleigh scattering, bound Compton scattering, photoelectric absorption, and fluorescent
photons from atomic relaxations (K, L, M, N shells). As with other EGSnrc applications,

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the user may select the photon cross section dataset to use in calculations and specify the
raw source spectrum.


Geometry and source modelling

Geometry modelling is handled by egs++ [6] (manual available at Using the built-in elementary and composite geometries of egs++, complex phantom, source, and applicator
geometries can be modelled. egs_brachy is distributed with a library of pre-defined phantom, applicator, and source model geometries to facilitate ease of use (section 9.) and to
give working examples.
egs_brachy supports scoring in rectilinear voxels (through the use of the
EGS_XYZGeometry class) and in cylindrical and spherical shells using the EGS_rz
and EGS_cSpheres classes, which are additions to the egs++ library developed for
egs_brachy. These and other additions (further described below - EGS_AEnvelope,
EGS_ConicalShellStackShape, EGS_SphericalShellShape) to egs++ are available as part
of the egs_brachy distribution. They will eventually be part of the core EGSnrc distribution
but may currently be found at Documentation for
be found in the class listing of PIRS-898 included with EGSnrc_with_egs_brachy, located
at $HEN_HOUSE/doc/src/pirs898-egs++/html/annotated.html.
As brachytherapy treatments may involve many sources, a new egs++ geometry class
has been implemented, egs_autoenvelope. This class is a fast envelope geometry used to
inscribe one or more copies of another geometry inside a base geometry, such as multiple
source geometries inside a phantom. During the geometry initialization, voxels within the
phantom containing part of a source geometry are identified (‘region discovery’): points
inside each source geometry are randomly selected and the phantom regions containing
these points are determined, thus generating a list of phantom regions containing part of
a source. The time for this process depends on, e.g., the number of sources, voxel sizes,
number of voxels, phantom size, density of random points [1]. The list of phantom voxels
containing sources is used during particle transport to determine whether the current voxel
contains a source; if it does not, then there is no check of the boundaries of source geometries
since not checking reduces computation time. See section 10.4. for an example egsinp file
demonstrating the use of egs_autoenvelope for a prostate LDR simulation involving 100
A subtype of egs_autoenvelope, EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope, is a ‘switched’
egs_autoenvelope which activates and deactivates inscribed geometries (either in a sequential or arbitrary order) in custom egs++ applications. This geometry class was developed
for egs_brachy to investigate the effects of interseed attenuation and scatter, as well as to
simulate a source stepping through dwell positions in an HDR treatment. It must be used
in conjunction with the ‘superposition’ run mode (section 7.3.). See section 10.9. for an
egsinp example.
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Within a source, the distribution of radioactivity is specified by sampling random
points from a user-specified shape. Two new egs++ shape classes were developed for
egs_brachy and can be used by other egs++ applications. EGS_ConicalShellStackShape
and EGS_SphericalShellShape sample random points within a stack of conical shells and
within spherical shells, respectively. EGS_SphericalShellShape can also sample points
within hemispherical shells and in shells truncated by a conical section, which is useful when
defining, e.g., the activity distribution within a beta-emitting eye plaque.
The egsphant file format (also used with the EGSnrc application DOSXYZnrc [3])
may be used to model a a rectilinear phantom derived from CT data; note that ‘gzipping’
egsphant files can result in compression of these potentially large files by ∼ 99% and these
files can be directly used in egs_brachy. CT data in the DICOM format may be converted
to the egsphant format using ctcreate (distributed with the EGSnrc code) or similar tools.


Run modes

egs_brachy has three run modes: normal, superposition, and volume correction only.
The default run mode for simulations is normal, in which one or more brachytherapy
sources are modelled. Particles may be initiated within the source with a user-defined
spectrum or using phase-space data as a source of particles initialized on the surface of
the source (referred to as a ‘phase-space source’).
The superposition run mode may be used with more than one brachytherapy source
and requires the use of the EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope geometry class (section 7.2.). In this
mode, one source is ‘active’ at a time; while particles from this source are being transported
through the geometry, all other sources are ‘virtual’, i.e., photons are transported through
the material in which the source is embedded. This run mode is suitable for simulating
HDR treatments in which there is only one source present in the geometry at a time and the
source steps through dwell positions (example egsinp – section 10.9.). This feature can be
applied to LDR simulations to remove interseed effects and investigate interseed attenuation
or mock-up TG-43 calculations (example egsinp – section 10.6.).
For simulations using multiple instances of the same source model with either the normal
or superposition run modes, sources may be assigned different statistical weights; emitted
photons will be weighted accordingly. This feature may be used to model sources of differing
air-kerma strengths for LDR treatments or varying dwell times at different source positions
for HDR treatments (example egsinp – section 10.9.). The overall normalization for userspecified weights is arbitrary as egs_brachy will divide all weights by the highest weight
value such that all weights are ≤ 1. See also section 7.4.1. for details regarding weights and
dose calculation.
Dose calculations in egs_brachy typically require the volume (or mass) of the voxel in
which energy is deposited (section 7.4.1.). The volume correction only run mode may be
used to run the volume correction routines of egs_brachy (see section 7.4.1.), output the
results, then quit; no radiation transport is done. The output of a volume correction only
run may be used as a pre-calculated volume correction file. This is especially useful for re-

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peated simulations or simulations being run on multiple cores in parallel with lengthy volume
corrections to perform, e.g., in the case of large applicators: a single volume correction
only job is run to calculate the volume corrections. Subsequent simulations use the volume
correction file, eliminating the redundant, potentially time-consuming calculation of volume
corrections. See section 10.8. for a relevant example egsinp file.


Scoring options

Although egs_brachy can model both electron and photon transport (section 7.1.), the
low energy of photons from most brachytherapy sources means that the range of secondary
electrons is very short [7, 8]. Charged particle equilibrium can often be assumed and collision kerma can be considered equal to absorbed dose for many applications of interest in
brachytherapy. By default, collision kerma in voxels is scored using a tracklength estimator
(see, e.g., ref [9]):
D = Kcol =
where Dj and Kcol
are the dose and collision kerma in the j th voxel, Ei is the energy
  of the
i photon crossing the voxel, ti is the tracklength of that photon in the voxel, µρen is the
mass energy absorption coefficient for energy Ei , and Vj is the volume of the voxel. When
a voxel in a scoring phantom is partially occupied by another geometry (source, applicator,
etc.), energy deposition is only scored in a portion of the voxel, the volume of which must
be used to calculate dose. Voxel volume corrections are performed using a Monte Carlo
technique to estimate the volume of the voxel occupied by another geometry.

Scoring collision kerma efficiently using equation (1) requires rapid access to mass energy
absorption coefficients. Mass energy absorption coefficients for phantom media in which
dose is scored are supplied in a specified external file for a given simulation; these data
may be calculated using the EGSnrc application g. Data are stored on the same energy
grid as used by the EGSnrc system for materials data and the same lookup algorithms
are used as for the cross section data. For accurate calculations, mass energy absorption
data must be provided for a reasonable grid of energies; the current default is 2000 points.
A file containing mass-energy absorption coefficients for various media is distributed with
egs_brachy (egs_brachy/lib/muen/brachy_xcom_1.5MeV.muendat) and these coefficients
were calculated using the XCOM photon cross section dataset. For consistency the user of
egs_brachy should use the same data set for photon cross sections. The user may consult
the file egs_brachy/lib/media/material.dat for the list of elemental compositions. As
of September 2017 the .muendat file contains the materials listed below in Table 3 for an
energy range from 1 keV to 1.5 MeV.
The user may also choose to employ interaction scoring to compute absorbed dose or
collision kerma, depending on the cutoff energy chosen for electron transport. Computation
of absorbed dose may be necessary for situations in which the collision kerma approximation
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is inadequate, e.g., for distances less than 2 mm from the central axis of an 192 Ir source (see
[10] and references therein) or near other higher-energy brachytherapy sources; in situations
where there are significant media heterogeneities; or if the dimensions of scoring voxels are
not significantly longer than the secondary electron range.
Whether dose is approximated as collision kerma or absorbed dose is calculated, statistical
uncertainties on dose are evaluated using history-by-history statistics [11]
!2 
j 2
(Di )
Di 
u 1 
sD j = t
Nh − 1 i=1 Nh
Here, sDj is the statistical uncertainty per history on the dose Dj deposited in voxel j, while
the summation is over the Nh statistically independent starting particles (histories); Dij is
the dose deposited in voxel j from all particles originating from history i. When particle
recycling is used, recycled particles are considered part of the same history as the original
Doses and statistical uncertainties are output within the phantoms specified by the user
in the 3ddose format developed for the BEAMnrc system [3](see section sec-3ddose). The
statistical uncertainty on dose in each voxel is output as a fractional uncertainty. Dose in
voxel j is output normalized as dose (in Gray) per effective number of histories per source
(or source positions, for superposition run mode):



Nef f /ns


The effective number of histories, Nef f , is defined in Table 1. In simulations for which Table 1
starting particles are initiated within the radioactivity distribution within the source (herein
referred to as ‘ab initio’), Nef f is just the number of histories, Nh . When a phase-space
source or the particle recycling feature are used (see section 7.5.), Nef f is the number of
independent histories that would have to be simulated in an ab initio simulation to obtain
the same number of scoring particles.
Dose may be scored separately for primary, single-scattered, and multiple-scattered particles according to the Primary Scatter Separated (PSS) dose formalism [12] at the user’s
request. Any particle escaping the source encapsulation is considered a primary until it
interacts outside the source. The primary and scatter separated doses are normalized to the
source’s total radiant energy, which is the sum of the energies of all particles escaping source

Calculation of absolute dose from doses output by egs_brachy

Calculations of absolute dose for photon sources require values of air-kerma strength. In the
following, the initial or starting (time t = 0) air-kerma strength of source i, i = 1, ..., ns , is
denoted SK (i); the air-kerma strength per history is denoted SK
(units: Gy·cm2 /history)
- see Table 5 (section 9.1.) for values corresponding to source models distributed with
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Table 1: Effective number of independent histories, Nef f , used for dose normalization
(equation (3)), where Nh is the number of initial histories, ns is the number of sources
in the simulation, nr is the number of times to recycle particles at each source location,
N1 is the number of particles to initialize from the phase-space source, and Nemit is the
the number of photons emitted from the source from simulation of Nh (initial) histories
when generating the phase space data.
(1) Ab initio (default)

All particles initialized within each source

Nef f

(2) Ab initio with recycling

Particles initialized within one source;
particles escaping that source are recycled
nr times at each of the ns source locations

Nh ns nr

(3) Phase-space source

Initialize N1 ≤ Nemit particles from a
file containing data for Nemit particles
from simulation of Nh (initial) histories

(4) Phase-space source
and recycling

Phase-space source as in (3) with
recycling as in (2)

N1 Nh
N1 ns nr Nh

Low-dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy with photon sources:
As described in section 7.3., doses scored by egs_brachy are weighted by the statistical
weight of the photon from the particular source. For LDR treatments, source weights should
be based on the starting (t = 0) air-kerma strength of each source, e.g., weights will be input
as SK (i). Then, with the maximum starting (t = 0) air-kerma strength amongst the ns
sources denoted [SK ]max , egs_brachy normalizes weights internally as wi = SK (i)/[SK ]max
such that the source with the highest air-kerma strength has weight unity. If all sources
have the same air-kerma strength then there is no need to input weights (all sources equally
weighted). Then taking t = 0 and tend as the treatment start and end times, respectively,
the total dose in voxel j is:
= [SK ]max



where τ is the radionuclide mean lifetime with τ = 1/λ = t1/2 / ln 2 where standard notation
is used for the decay constant, λ, and half-life, t1/2 . For a permanent implant, taking
tend → ∞,
= [Sk ]max hist τ .
For clarity, egs_brachy (by default) outputs the values of D̄j and it is up to the user to
apply the relevant equations for their case either as a post-processing step or using the dose
scaling factor input.
High dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy with photon sources:
Assuming the source air-kerma strength is constant over the treatment and that the dwell
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times are much shorter than the mean (radionuclide) lifetime, then internally the weights
are taken as ∆ti /∆tmax where i = 1, ..., ns enumerate the source dwell positions, ∆ti is the
dwell time for source position i, and ∆tmax is the maximum individual dwell time. However,
the user is free to input the dwell times directly as the weights, or the fractional dwell times
at each position and egs_brachy internally calculates the required weights. Given these
weights, the total dose in voxel j is:
= [SK ]max

∆tmax ,


where [SK ]max is the starting (t = 0) source air-kerma strength and the user will
need to know ∆tmax to use the outputs. As the half-life of 192 Ir is 73.8 days and
dwell times are often on the order of seconds, these approximations may well be adequate for many applications. However, without
these assumptions, the (un-normalized)

/λ (where ti,1 and ti,2 are the start and
weights should be SK (ti,1 ) e
end times, respectively, for dwell position i, i = 1, ..., ns ) which will be normalized by egs_brachy via division
by the maximum weight over all the source positions,

max SK (ti,1 ) e
/λ | i = 1, ...ns . The total dose in voxel j is then:


max SK (t1i )(e−λti,1 − e−λti,2 )/λ | i = 1, ...ns .


Phase space

A particle’s position, charge, and energy, as well as the direction of its trajectory comprise its
phase-space data. egs_brachy can tabulate phase-space data on the surface of a source for all
particles emitted from the source. Optionally, particles can be discarded immediately after
having been scored to the phase space to increase the speed of the generation of the phasespace data. Phase-space data are written in the IAEA format [13] which is a generalization
of the original BEAMnrc phase space format since it also allows the z position to be included.


egs_brachy has three spectrum scoring options:
1. an absolute count, on the surface of the source, of the particles (photons or charged
particles) escaping a source;
2. an energy-weighted spectrum of particles (photons or charged particles) scored on the
surface of a source; and
3. a photon energy fluence spectrum scored in a voxel.
For the second option, energy is scored when particles are emitted from the surface. For the
third option, the photon fluence in a user-specified voxel is calculated as the total photon
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7.4. Scoring options

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 22

pathlength in a given energy bin divided by the volume of the region, which is equivalent to
the fluence averaged over the voxel volume [14, 15].
Scored spectra may be output in a file formatted for plotting with xmgrace, or in the
three possible EGSnrc input spectrum ‘modes’ enumerated as: 0 (histogram in counts per
bin); 1 (histogram in counts per MeV); and 2 (line spectrum).
Further details at .


Features to enhance simulation efficiency

egs_brachy was designed to be a fast MC code for brachytherapy. Geometry handling
is designed to be efficient, e.g., by identifying phantom voxels containing part of a source
during geometry initialization (section 7.2.). By default, dose is approximated as collision
kerma scored using a tracklength estimator (section 7.4.1.), and hence electron transport is
not typically needed. Other features to enhance simulation efficiency are discussed in the
current section.

Recycling of photons emitted from sources

For simulations of ns > 1 sources of the same model with the normal run mode, the simulation of photons within sources need not be repeated for every history. Using the particle
recycling feature, the first source in the simulation acts as a particle generator such that
particles initiated in this source are tracked until they are either absorbed within it or they
escape the source encapsulation. If the particle does not escape the source, the history
counter is incremented by one and another particle is initiated in the first source. This
process is repeated until a particle escapes the first source. The escaping particle is then
translated and initiated for each source at the same relative position as it escaped the first
source or rotated by a random angle about the source axis before being re-initiated at each
source location. This is called recycling. Each generated particle may be recycled more than
once (nr times) at each source location; in this case, the rotation is not optional and particles
are rotated by a random angle about the source axis before each reuse so they don’t both
go through the same voxels.
Recycled particles from the same primary history are not statistically independent. The
computation of statistical uncertainties accounts for correlations between particles: the history counter is incremented by one for each set (i.e., ns nr ) of recycled particles to preserve
the history-by-history statistics (Table 1, p20).
In general when using particle recycling with nr = 1 (i.e., when using multiple sources),
rotating leads to slightly less efficient simulations than recycling particles without rotation
since photons are less likely to be in the same voxel if they all start in the same direction from
different seeds. The COMS eye plaque simulations are more efficient even when nr = 1 if
particles are rotated prior to being recycled at each source location because of the particular

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7.5. Features to enhance simulation efficiency

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 23

spatial arrangement of seeds within the plaque; as the statistical uncertainty accounts for
correlations between recycled particles from the same primary history, when the rotation
option is not on, several of these photons deposit dose in the same voxels, resulting in an
increase in computing time with little improvement in statistical uncertainty. Prostate and
breast LDR simulations are generally more efficient when rotation is off as photons from the
same history are less likely to deposit dose in the same voxels. In general, recycling particles
more than once at each source location does not lead to further efficiency gains. See Table
6 of ref[1] for specific examples.

Use of phase-space source

The user specifies the number of particles, N1 , to be initiated from the phase-space data.
If this number exceeds the number of particles for which data exist in the phase-space file
(Nemit ), then egs_brachy generates a warning that the phase-space file is being used more
than once. This situation may lead to biasing as the calculation of statistical uncertainties
will not account for the fact that particles are not all independent. If the user wishes to
simulate more starting particles than there are data for in the phase space (i.e., N1 > Nemit ),
particle recycling should be used in conjunction with the phase-space source since this will
properly account for correlations between particles from the same primary history (Table 1).

Features for electronic brachytherapy sources

In miniature x-ray tube sources, electrons set in motion impinge on a bremsstrahlung target.
As discussed by Ref. [16], the probability of bremsstrahlung emission from low-energy electrons decelerating in target material is very small, resulting in a large fraction of CPU time
spent tracking electrons which stop without giving off photons and hence create inefficient
simulations. egs_brachy users have the option to use bremsstrahlung cross section enhancement (BCSE), uniform bremsstrahlung splitting (UBS), and Russian roulette to enhance
simulation efficiency. With the BCSE feature, the user specifies a factor fenh by which to
scale up the bremsstrahlung production cross section in the target material. Using UBS, the
user specifies Nsplit and each generated bremsstrahlung photon is split into Nsplit photons.
Russian roulette is automatically activated if BCSE or UBS are used, and then secondary
charged particles produced have a survival probability of 1/(fenh Nsplit ). The original BCSE
paper [16] suggests optimal values for the required parameters, fenh = 500 and Nsplit = 100,
for the (1 mm)3 array of voxels they considered (note that optimal values will depend on the
simulation under consideration) [1].


Data distributed with egs_brachy
Material data definitions distributed with egs_brachy

The user may opt to run the egs_brachy application using the traditional .pegs4dat data
file or in pegsless mode. For the latter, the materials’ properties are defined in the file
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User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 24

egs_brachy/lib/media/material.dat. The user can easily add any material needed to
the egs_brachy/lib/media/material.dat file. Two typical definitions are:
medium = AIR_TG43
rho = 0.0012
elements = H, C, N, O, AR
mass fractions = 0.0732, 0.0123, 75.0325, 23.6077, 1.2743
gas pressure = 1.0
bremsstrahlung correction = NRC
---------------------------------------------------------------------medium = WATER_0.998
rho = 0.998
elements = H, O
number of atoms = 2, 1
bremsstrahlung correction = NRC
Note that, in our experience, using the traditional .pegs4dat data file results in slightly
faster total calculation times for simulations involving many media. For simulations with
many histories and relatively long calculation times, the time saved using the traditional
.pegs4dat data file is probably negligible, however, it may be beneficial to run with the
.pegs4dat data file for sub-minute calculation times of simulations involving many media.
As distributed, the file egs_brachy/lib/media/material.dat contains the definitions of
the materials in Table 2. A material definition is required for all materials being transported
in. In addition to the information in these files, the .egsinp file must contain information
on the upper and lower energy thresholds for creation of charged particles (AE,UE) and photons (AP,UP) in the :start media definition: block of the .egsinp file (see section 5.3.
above). Note that the photon cross sections by default are the defaults used by EGSnrc,
in particular the xcom-based cross sections. This can be changed in the input file but care
must be taken to then match the mass energy absorption coefficients used by egs_brachy.
As distributed the file egs_brachy/lib/muen/brachy_xcom_1.5MeV.muendat contains
the mass energy absorption coefficients for those media in which the dose is typically scored
using pathlength scoring. Table 3 lists the available materials in this file. They were created
using the XCOM photon cross sections. Not all materials in the material.dat file are included here and there are some additional materials (usually tissues) which are not included
in the material.dat file.

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Index p 38 8.1. Material data definitions distributed with egs_brachy

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 25

Table 2: As distributed, the file egs_brachy /lib/media/material.dat contains
the following materials definitions. The compositions of each material can be seen in
this file and are given in the reference manual (

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Index p 38 8.1. Material data definitions distributed with egs_brachy

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 26

Table 3: The file egs_brachy/lib/muen/brachy_xcom_1.5MeV.muendat contains
the mass energy absorption coefficients of the following materials iand more. Complete
current list at

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Index p 38 8.1. Material data definitions distributed with egs_brachy

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)


page 27

Initial radionuclide spectra

egs_brachy is distributed with initial spectra for a variety of radionuclides as shown in
Table 4. They are read in via a spectrum file = input key in the :start spectrum: nested
block. These spectra are in the standard ensrc format used by many EGSnrc applications,
spectrum title (80 char)
NENSRC, ENMIN, MODE (on 1 line)
NENSRC # energy bins in spec. histogram
lower energy of first bin
=0 => cts/bin; =1 => cts/MeV; =2 => line spectra
-modes 0 & 1: top of energy bin and probability of initial particle being
in this bin. Probability does not need to be normalised.
-mode 2: energy of spectral line and its probability.
Table 4: Spectra files available in the egs_brachy distribution for different radionuclides. Found on $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy/lib/spectra. Photon only spectra unless
otherwise stated. If there are more than two spectra for a radionuclide, the recommended
spectrum is indicated by an asterix (∗) after the file name.
Nuclide Label(.spectrum)
Pd Pd103_NNDC_2.6_line ∗
Based on NNDC 2000 evaluation
Pd Pd103_TG43
Spectrum above fits meas. better.
Rh Rh106_ICRU72_line
β spectrum
I125_NCRP_line ∗
[20, 17] Fits meas. better than TG43a) ; used by BIPM.
Above spectrum is better.
Khazov et al. (2006).
Browne & Tuli, Nucl Data Sh. 108(2007)2173.
Yb Yb169_NNDC_2.6_line
Baglin (2008)
Photons only.
Ir192_NNDC_2.6_line ∗
Baglin (2012) beta- and EC decays.
Duchemin and Coursol (1993)
Only significant difference from TG-43 spectrum is 31 keV peak(s).


Geometries distributed with egs_brachy

This section provides some brief details regarding some source, phantom, and applicator
geometries distributed with egs_brachy. To get a complete list of available geometries,
cd $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy/lib/geometry and explore or issue ls -l * . The file names
should be self-explanatory. For some geometries, the use of egs_view is useful for seeing the
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8.2. Initial radionuclide spectra

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)


page 28


The initial (beta) release of egs_brachy includes the three sources benchmarked in the
egs_brachy paper [1]: 103 Pd TheraSeed 200 (Theragenics), 125 I OncoSeed 6711 (Amersham), and 192 Ir microSelectron-v2 HDR (Nucletron), in addition to the generic 192 Ir source
developed by the joint AAPM-ASTRO-ABG Working Group on MBDCA (MBDCA-WG)[23].
Note that we have modelled many other seeds/sources which will be included once we have
completed a paper describing them (23 125 I, 11 103 Pd, 12 192 Ir HDR, 2 192 Ir LDR, 5 192 Ir
PDR, 1 169 Yb HDR, 1 137 Cs LDR, 1 131 Cs131 LDR and 2 60 Co HDR sources).
Note that there are two versions of some seed geometries. This occurs when there is a
‘hole’ at the end of the seed (e.g., TheraSeed 200). In one model this region is filled with air
and should be used for in-air calculations. In the other model, this region is filled with water
for use when doing calculations in a water phantom. If used in another phantom material,
strictly speaking the region should be filled with that material, but since these regions are
so small, little difference should be found by leaving them filled with water.
A summary of dose-rate constants and air-kerma strengths per history for the distributed
source models are given in table 5. egs_brachy calculates in the WAFAC geometry and then Table 5
we correct to what the SK value would be on-axis assuming the source were isotropic using
equation 9 in Ref. [24] or the closed form expression in equation 3 of Ref. [17] (with L=0).
Table 5: Source models, dose-rate constants (DRCs), and air-kerma strengths per history for source models distributed with egs_brachy. For the low-energy sources, values
of DRC and air-kerma strength per history were determined using the scoring geometry approximating the WAFAC at NIST. For the high-energy sources, the DRC values
use the 10×10×0.05 cm3 scoring voxel, corrected to a point. Please cite the original
egs_brachy paper [1] if using the 125 I OncoSeed 6711, 103 Pd TheraSeed 200, and 192 Ir
microSelectron-v2 HDR source models.


(Gy cm2 /hist )
Source model
DRC (cGy h−1 U−1 )
TheraSeed 200
0.6840 ± 0.0009
(6.4255 ± 0.0017) × 10−14
OncoSeed 6711
0.931 ± 0.001
(3.7651 ± 0.0010) × 10−14
1.1085 ± 0.0006
(1.1517 ± 0.0002) × 10−13
1.1109 ± 0.0009
(1.1592 ± 0.0007) × 10−13


Diverse phantoms are distributed with egs_brachy (see /lib/geometry/phantoms/); a
small subset include:
• lib/geometry/10.0cmx10.0cmx10.0cm_2mm_xyz_water.geom: all-water cubic phantom spanning -5.0 cm< x, y, z <5.0 cm consisting of a 50 × 50 × 50 array of (0.2 cm)3
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9.1. Sources

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page 29

• lib/geometry/10.1cmx10.1cmx10.1cm_1mm_xyz_water.geom: all-water cubic phantom spanning -5.05 cm< x, y, z <5.05 cm consisting of (0.1 cm)3 voxels.
• lib/geometry/30cm_0.1mm_sph_water.geom: all-water spherical phantom with outer
radius 15 cm with 0.01 cm thick shells for radii≤ 1.015 cm.
• lib/geometry/30cmx30cm_r101xz203_0.1mm_rz_water.geom: all-water cylindrical
phantom with total length 30 cm and outer radius 30 cm with 0.01 cm thick cylindrical
shells for 0 ≤ r ≤ 1.015 cm and −1.015 cm ≤ z ≤ 1.015 cm.
• PeppaBreastHDR192Ir_MBDCA-WG.egsphant.gz: Derived from DICOM-CT data for
the breast phantom in case 3 of Peppa et al. [25].


Eye plaques

Note that we have modelled many eye plaques (all COMS; many Ru-106 beta plaques) and
these will be distributed once we have completed a paper describing them.



Applicators included in the egs_brachy distribution are found in the directory
• lib/geometry/applicators/TG186
Generic TG-186 Ir-192 shielded applicator[26] developed by members of the joint
AAPM-ESTRO-ABG working group on MBDCA, design based on three commercially
available gynecological applicators. See section 10.8..


Example input files distributed with egs_brachy

A suite of example input files is distributed with egs_brachy (found in lib/examples).
These provide a good starting point for users new to egs_brachy and are described in the
following subsections. Note that the input files (plus results) in the test suite (found in
egs_brachy/tests) are also useful.
In these input files, various references to other files are given relative to
$EGS_HOME/egs_brachy. This will work when the examples are being run interactively.
However, when running in batch mode, the complete path to these files must be used, so wherever you see lib/geometry(etc) in the example input files, insert $EGS_HOME/egs_brachy/
immediately before lib where you insert the full path on your system for $EGS_HOME.
These examples almost all use the pegsless form of input for cross section data. The
example in section 10.5. uses a .pegs4dat file for input.

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9.3. Eye plaques

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 30

When starting to learn egs_brachy, the examples should be studied in the order presented here in the sense that the earlier examples have somewhat more in-line commenting
which is not repeated in the later examples.



A single LDR Pd-103 TheraSeed200 seed in a 30x30x30 cm3 water phantom; dose is scored
in a 2x2x2 cm3 volume made up of (1 mm)3 voxels.



A single Pd-103 TheraSeed200 seed is modelled in a water phantom; the phase space and
spectrum of photons emitted from the source are scored.



Same simulation as ex_single_source.egsinp (section 10.1.)
except that particles are initialized on the source surface using the phase space generated using
ex_single_source_phase_space_scoring.egsinp (section 10.2.) – note that that the
phase space file must be copied into the directory lib/phsp/ (that the user must create
if it does not already exist). This example also makes use of recycling and rotating the
recycled particles.



A phantom of prostate-tissue material contains 100 Amersham OncoSeed 6711 seeds; dose
is scored in a rectangular ‘PTV’ 3.4x2.8x3.8 cm3 in (2 mm)3 voxels. Includes use of
egs_autoenvelope involving multiple copies of the same source in different locations, as
well as particle recycling.



Same simulation as ex_prostate_permanent_implant.egsinp (section 10.4.) except
that it uses an input .pegs4dat file rather than the input for a pegsless run normally found in a :start media definition: block. The specified .pegs4dat file
must contain all the media used by the inserted (geometry) files, in this case
Ti, AIR_TG43, AgBrAgI_6.20, Ag, PROSTATE_WW86. The .pegs4dat file is found in:

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10.1. ex_single_source.egsinp

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)


page 31


A ‘TG43’ version of the simulation defined in ex_prostate_permanent_implant.egsinp
(section 10.4.): 100 LDR Amersham OncoSeed 6711 seeds; dose is scored in a rectangular
‘PTV’ 3.4x2.8x3.8 cm3 in (2 mm)3 voxels. The phantom and scoring voxels are water,
and there are no interseed effects through the use of the run mode = superposition and
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope option for the egs_autoenvelope geometry. Note that there is
no particle recycling for this file as it is not compatible with run mode = superposition.



Test cases of the MBDCA-WG: single MBDCA-WG generic
described by Ballester et al. [23]:


Ir source in phantoms as

• ex_mbdca-wg_center.egsinp:
20.1 cmx20.1 cmx20.1 cm water phantom comprised of (1 mm) voxels, surrounded
by air
• ex_mbdca-wg_center_water_only.egsinp: Single source at the centre of a water
phantom (no surrounding air): (1 mm)3 scoring voxels span 20.1 cmx20.1 cmx20.1 cm
and total phantom is (50 cm)3 .
• ex_mbdca-wg_x7cm.egsinp: Same as previous but source is displaced 7 cm in the



These examples model the generic MBDCA working group Ir-192 source with generic
shielded applicator [23, 26]. As the volume occupied by the applicator is relatively
large, the volume correction can take several minutes; for parallel runs, the initialization time can be greatly reduced by pre-computing volume correction data using
ex_hdr_source_with_applicator_create_volume_correction.egsinp and then, in subsequent computations using ex_hdr_source_with_applicator.egsinp. See discussion at
end of section 7.3..



Simulates ‘case 3’ of Peppa et al [25] using an egsphant file giving the patient geometry
(derived from distributed DICOM-CT data [25]) with MBDCA-WG generic 192 Ir source

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10.6. ex_prostate_permanent_implant_TG43.egsinp

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 32

stepping through multiple positions with varying dwell times. The dose scaling factor included normalizes output doses (3ddose file) in units of Gy. The source angles are specified.



A simple x-ray source consisting of an isotropic, monoenergetic, electron point source impinging on a thin target tungsten. Electron transport is enabled within the source geometry.
Variance reduction techniques are used.



This is an egs_brachy input file for benchmarking against a DOSRZnrc x-ray source calculations, i.e., it uses the egs_rz geometry. It is a 1 cm2 parallel beam passing through 1 cm of
air and then incident on a 0.0001 cm target of Ti10W90. Tracklength and energy deposition
doses are scored in r = 5.0 cm / ∆z = 0.1 cm slabs of water extending 4 mm. There is no
electron transport in the water so electrons coming from the target deposit all their energy
in the first water slab. Note that the tracklength dose in the z = 0.0 to 0.1 cm voxel scored
by egs_brachy will significantly underestimate this dose since it is not captured. The dose
in the air will also be significantly underestimated since only photon dose is captured by
tracklength scoring.


Helpful hints for egs_brachy simulations
Geometry preview

It is good practice to preview simulation geometries using egs_view. For simulations with
run mode = superposition and employing the type = EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope geometry
option, only the first source listed will be shown in the preview. If the user wishes to
view all source positions simultaneously, then temporarily comment out the entry type =
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope to view all sources or source dwell positions. Note, however, that
for HDR treatments with source dwell locations in close proximity, it is possible that there
may be overlap of sources previewed. Ensure that the type = EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope
geometry option is then uncommented for egs_brachy simulations.


Use of a wrapper geometry about sources

A wrapper is an RZ geometry, made of water (or other material of choice appropriate for the
simulation/phantom), that is slightly larger than the seed in diameter and in length (e.g.,
1 µm larger). A wrapper may be used to prevent geometry errors which may occur, e.g.,
when seed and voxel boundaries end up overlapping. Thus, while not generally necessary,
if the user finds that there are many geometry errors due to overlapping boundaries, then

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10.10. ex_xray_sph.egsinp

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 33

wrappers may be defined directly in the input file (see example egsinp file described in
section 10.9.).


nbatch and nchunk options

EGSnrc applications break simulations into nchunk ‘chunks’ which are useful during parallel
runs since it allows for balancing the computing time taken on each computer, even if they
have very different speeds. For simple runs with no parallel processing, by default nchunk=1
whereas for parallel runs, by default nchunk=10. For parallel runs the job is divided into
ncase/(npar*nchunk) ‘chunks’ of histories where ncase is the total number of histories
to be done on npar machines in parallel. These ‘chunks’ are then allocated to the various
machines when the previous ‘chunk’ on that machine is completed. This way faster machines
do more ‘chunks’.
Within each ‘chunk’ there are, by default, nbatch=10 ‘batches’ which are not required
for statistical analysis, but are checkpoints at which time the current results are written to
a data file. This can be very useful since these data files can be used to restart or to analyze
partial results if the system stops for any reason during the run. However, for shorter runs
with a large number of dose scoring regions, writing these intermediate files can represent a
significant part of the run time and setting nbatch=1 can save considerable time.
If all computers being used have the same processing speed, then even if nbatch=1,
setting nchunk=1 can also save some time since the data are written to disk at the end of
each chunk( i.e., at the end of its last batch) and having only 1 chunk saves time.


Source orientation

By default, egs_brachy source models are aligned in the positive z-direction, k̂, however,
the user may wish to model sources with a particular orientation. Supposing that the user
knows the source orientation in terms of its direction cosines, e.g., the source orientation is
described by a (unit) vector ~v = cos a ı̂ + cos b ̂ + cos c k̂, one method for specifying source
orientation is via three angles (α, β, γ) which are used by egs++ to determine the rotation
matrix. These three angles may be determined from the direction cosines as described in
the following. Following the convention used in egs++, the rotation matrix is
cos β 0 − sin β
cos γ sin γ 0
  − sin γ cos γ 0 
R = Rx (α)Ry (β)Rz (γ) =  0 cos α sin α   0
0 − sin α cos α
sin β 0 cos β
With sources aligned along the z-axis and models generally symmetric under rotations about
the z-axis, we take γ = 0 and Rz (γ = 0) is the identity matrix. Applying the resulting
rotation matrix to the unit vector in the z-direction and setting equal to ~v , we obtain:
 
  
 
− sin β
cos a
R  0  = Rx (α)Ry (β)  0  =  sin α cos β  =  cos b 
cos α cos β
cos c
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11.3. nbatch and nchunk options

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

Hence the angles α, β may be solved via the equations:


α = cos−1
= cos−1
cos β
cos sin−1 (− cos a)

page 34

β = sin−1 (− cos a) .


The third equation, cos b = sin α cos β, may serve as a check of results. The user is encouraged
to verify that rotations are as expected via visualization in egs_view.
See section 10.9. for an example egsinp file involving rotated sources.



This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada, Canada Research Chairs program, and Ministry of Research and Innovation of
Ontario. The authors thank Compute/Calcul Canada and the Shared Hierarchical Academic
Research Computing Network (SHARCNET) for access to computing resources. Thanks to
individuals who contributed to egs_brachy testing and development: Christian H. Allen,
Stephen Deering, Gavin Hurd and Martin Martinov.

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Index p 38

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 35

[1] M. Chamberland, R. E. P. Taylor, D. W. O. Rogers, and R. M. Thomson, egs_brachy:
a versatile and fast Monte Carlo code for brachytherapy, Phys. Med. Biol. 61, 8214 –
8231 (2016).
[2] I. Kawrakow, E. Mainegra-Hing, F. Tessier, R. Townson, and B. R. B.
The EGSnrc C++ class library,
Technical Report PIRS–
898(2017), National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada., 2017.
[3] B. R. B. Walters, I. Kawrakow, and D. W. O. Rogers,
NRC Report PIRS 794 (rev B) (2005).

DOSXYZnrc Users Manual,

[4] I. Kawrakow, Accurate condensed history Monte Carlo simulation of electron transport.
I. EGSnrc, the new EGS4 version, Med. Phys. 27, 485 – 498 (2000).
[5] I. Kawrakow, E. Mainegra-Hing, D. W. O. Rogers, F. Tessier, and B. R. B. Walters,
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[7] L. Beaulieu, A. C. Tedgren, J.-F. Carrier, S. D. Davis, F. Mourtada, M. J. Rivard,
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[10] R. E. P. Taylor and D. W. O. Rogers, EGSnrc Monte Carlo calculated dosimetry
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page 36

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Index p 38

page 38

SK (i), 20
D̄j , 20, 21
µen /ρ, 11
ns , 19, 22
Nh , 19
Nef f , 12, 19
nr , 23
.geom files, 10
phantom_name, 8
seed_name, 8
.shape files
boundary, 11
seed_name, 10
:start geometry definition:, 7, 8
:start geometry:, 8
:start phsp scoring:, 12
:start region discovery:, 10
:start scoring options:, 11, 14
:start shape:, 11
:start source definition:, 11
:start spectrum scoring:, 12
:start transformation:, 11
:start transformations:, 11
:start variance reduction:, 13
:start volume correction from file:, 11
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope, 16
egs_autoenvelope , 10, 16, 31–33
egs_glib, 7, 8
3ddose files, 13, 15, 19
access mode
append, 12
write, 12
action =, 10
AE, 7
air-kerma strength, 17
per history, 20
AP, 7

applicators distributed, 30
auto envelope, 10
base geometry, 9
base geometry =, 9
batch mode, 5
BCSE, 13, 23
boundary.shape, 11
brachy_xcom_1.5MeV.muendat, 11
brems cross section enhancement, 23
charge =, 10
collision kerma scoring, 22
COMS plaque, 23
correction type =, 11
current result phantom region =, 14
cylindrical geometry
region numbering, 9
data distributed, 24
density file, 9
density file =, 9
density of random points, 11
density of random points (cmˆ -3) =, 11
density of random points =, 10
description of egs_brachy , 15
develop branch, 2
discover, 10
discover and correct volume, 10
absolute, 20, 21
dose scaling factor, 33
dose scaling factor =, 12
dose scoring, 18
dose-rate constants, 29
dwell time, 21
efficiency enhancement, 22
egs++, 8
manual, 6, 16

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

EGS_AEnvelope, 10, 16
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope, 10, 32
egs_aswitchedenvelope, 16
egs_autoenvelope, 10, 16
EGS_ConicalShellStackShape, 16
EGS_cSpheres, 16
egs_genvelope, 9
egs_glib, 7, 8
egs_rz, 9, 15
example, 33
egs_spheres, 15
EGS_SphericalShellShape, 16
egs_view, 33
EGS_XYZGeometry, 16
egsdat file, 15
format, 7
egsdat file format =, 15
egslog file, 14
egsnrc format mode =, 12
egsphant, 17
egsphant file, 9
egsphant file =, 9
electron transport
example, 33
electronic brachytherapy sources, 23
energy =, 10
input files, 30
x-ray source, 33
file extension =, 12
geometries distributed, 28
geometry error limit, 7
geometry modelling, 16, 28
geometry preview, 33
glib, 7, 8
gzip, 17
HDR, 33
height =, 10
Contents p iii

Index p 38

page 40

helpful hints, 33
initial spectra, 10, 11, 28
input blocks, 6
input file examples, 30
input files
overview, 6
input spectrum
formats, 22
inscribed geometries, 9
inscribed geometries =, 9
EGSnrc already present, 4
new install of EGSnrc, 2
update, 4
interaction scoring, 19
introduction, 1
kerma scoring, 18
kill after scoring =, 12
LDR, 31, 32
lib/geometry, 8
library =, 8, 9
licence, 2
material data, 24
file key, 7
material data file =, 7
material.dat, 7, 9
file format, 24
material.dat file
contents, 25
MBDCA, 29, 32
mederr file, 15
media =, 8
media definition, 7
minimum energy =, 12
muen file =, 11
muen for media =, 11
muendat file
contents, 25

User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

name =, 8, 9, 11
nbatch, 7
definition, 34
nchunk, 7
definition, 34
nested input blocks, 6
normal run mode, 7, 17
definition, 34
nr, 9
nz, 9

page 41

radiation transport modelling, 15
radionuclide initial spectra, 28
radius =, 10
range rejection inputs, 13
recycle, 31
recycling, 19, 23
definition, 23
input, 13
recycling source particles, 22
rotation matrix, 34
run control, 7
run mode
description, 17
input, 7
volume correction only, 32
running egs_brachy , 5
Russian Roulette, 23

source, 34
output format
spectra, 12
output format input key re spectrum, 12
output units, 12
output volume correction files for phantoms scoring dose, 18
=, 12
scoring options, 11, 18
outputs, 14
seeds with ‘holes’, 29
set medium, 8
particle type =, 12
set medium =, 8
simulation source =, 11
using, 6
source definition inputs, 10
pegs4dat file, 8, 24
source geometries =, 7
example of use, 31
source modelling, 16, 28
pegsless, 5, 7, 8, 24
source orientation, 34
material.dat file, 24
sources available, 29
peppa, 34
permanent implant, 21
initial, 11
scoring, 21, 31
breast, 33
spectrum file =, 10
phantom geometries =, 7
superposition, 32
phantom.3ddose, 13, 15
superposition mode, 33
phantom.edep.3ddose, 13, 15
superposition run mode, 7, 17
phantoms, 30
phase space, 21, 31
TG43, 32
phase space output, 12
TheraSeed 200, 29
phase-space sources, 23
phsp output directory =, 12
summary, 14
print header =, 12
tracklength estimator, 18
Contents p iii

Index p 38


User Manual for egs_brachy (version of 2017/10/02)

page 42

transport parameter input, 13
type =, 9, 10, 12
UBS, 23
UE, 7
uniform brems splitting, 13, 23
UP, 7
update installation, 4
variance reduction inputs, 13
volcor file, 11
volume correction, 32
input, 11
volume correction input file, 12
volume correction only run mode, 7, 17, 18
volume correction file format =, 12
VRT inputs, 13
weight, 20
weights, 17, 21
seed strengths, 20
wrapper geometry, 33
x-ray source example, 33

Contents p iii

Index p 38



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