Fdapace Manual

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Package ‘fdapace’
April 24, 2019
Type Package
Title Functional Data Analysis and Empirical Dynamics
URL https://github.com/functionaldata/tPACE
BugReports https://github.com/functionaldata/tPACE/issues
Version 0.5.0
Date 2019-03-20,
Maintainer Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis <pantelis@ucdavis.edu>
Description Provides implementation of various methods of Functional Data
Analysis (FDA) and Empirical Dynamics. The core of this package is Functional
Principal Component Analysis (FPCA), a key technique for functional data
analysis, for sparsely or densely sampled random trajectories and time courses,
via the Principal Analysis by Conditional Estimation (PACE) algorithm or
numerical integration. PACE is useful for the analysis of data that have been
generated by a sample of underlying (but usually not fully observed) random
trajectories. It does not rely on pre-smoothing of trajectories, which is
problematic if functional data are sparsely sampled. PACE provides options
for functional regression and correlation, for Longitudinal Data Analysis,
the analysis of stochastic processes from samples of realized trajectories,
and for the analysis of underlying dynamics. The core computational algorithms
are implemented using the 'Eigen' C++ library for numerical linear algebra and
'RcppEigen' ``glue''.
License BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
LazyData false
Imports Rcpp (>= 0.11.5), Hmisc, MASS, Matrix, pracma, numDeriv
LinkingTo Rcpp, RcppEigen
Suggests plot3D, rgl, aplpack, mgcv, ks, gtools, knitr, EMCluster,
minqa, testthat
NeedsCompilation yes
RoxygenNote 6.1.1
VignetteBuilder knitr
Author Xiongtao Dai [aut],
Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis [aut, cre],
Kynghee Han [aut],
Hao Ji [aut],
2Rtopics documented:
Shu-Chin Lin [ctb],
Hans-Georg Mueller [cph, ths],
Jane-Ling Wang [cph, ths]
Rtopics documented:
BwNN............................................ 3
CheckData.......................................... 4
CheckOptions........................................ 4
ConvertSupport ....................................... 5
CreateBasis ......................................... 5
CreateBWPlot........................................ 6
CreateCovPlot........................................ 6
CreateDesignPlot ...................................... 7
CreateDiagnosticsPlot.................................... 8
CreateFuncBoxPlot..................................... 9
CreateModeOfVarPlot ................................... 10
CreateOutliersPlot...................................... 11
CreatePathPlot ....................................... 12
CreateScreePlot....................................... 13
CreateStringingPlot..................................... 14
cumtrapzRcpp........................................ 14
DynCorr........................................... 15
Dyn_test........................................... 16
FAM............................................. 17
FCCor............................................ 20
FClust............................................ 21
FCReg............................................ 23
fdapace ........................................... 24
tted.FPCA ......................................... 25
tted.FPCAder ....................................... 27
FOptDes........................................... 28
FPCA ............................................ 29
FPCAder .......................................... 32
FPCquantile......................................... 34
FPCReg........................................... 35
FSVD ............................................ 38
FVPA ............................................ 40
GetCrCorYX ........................................ 41
GetCrCorYZ ........................................ 42
GetCrCovYX ........................................ 42
GetCrCovYZ ........................................ 43
GetNormalisedSample ................................... 45
kCFC ............................................ 46
Lwls1D ........................................... 47
Lwls2D ........................................... 47
Lwls2DDeriv ........................................ 48
MakeBWtoZscore02y.................................... 49
MakeFPCAInputs...................................... 50
MakeGPFunctionalData .................................. 50
MakeHCtoZscore02y.................................... 51
MakeLNtoZscore02y.................................... 51
BwNN 3
MakeSparseGP ....................................... 52
medy25 .......................................... 52
MultiFAM.......................................... 53
NormCurvToArea...................................... 57
predict.FPCA ........................................ 57
print.FPCA ......................................... 58
print.FSVD ......................................... 59
print.WFDA......................................... 59
SBFitting .......................................... 59
SelectK ........................................... 62
SetOptions.......................................... 63
Sparsify........................................... 63
str.FPCA........................................... 64
Stringing .......................................... 64
trapzRcpp.......................................... 65
TVAM............................................ 66
VCAM ........................................... 68
WFDA............................................ 70
Wiener............................................ 72
Index 73
BwNN Minimum bandwidth based on kNN criterion.
Input a list of time points Lt, and the number of unique neighbors k and get the minimum bandwidth
garanteeing k unique neighbours.
BwNN(Lt, k = 3, onlyMean = FALSE, onlyCov = FALSE)
Lt n-by-1 list of vectors
knumber of unique neighbors for cov and mu (default = 3)
onlyMean Indicator to return only the minimum bandwidth for the mean
onlyCov Indicator to return only the minium bandwidth for the covariance
tinyGrid = list(c(1,7), c(2,3), 6, c(2,4), c(4,5))
BwNN(tinyGrid, k = 2) # c(3,2)
CheckData Check data format
Check if there are problems with the form and basic structure of the functional data ’y’ and the
recorded times ’t’.
CheckData(y, t)
yis a n-by-1 list of vectors
tis a n-by-1 list of vectors
CheckOptions Check option format
Check if the options structure is valid and set the ones that are NULL
CheckOptions(t, optns, n)
tis a n-by-1 list of vectors
optns is an initialized option list
nis a total number of sample curves
ConvertSupport 5
ConvertSupport Convert support of a mu/phi/cov etc. to and from obsGrid and work-
Convert the support of a given function 1-D or 2-D function from ’fromGrd’ to ’toGrid’. Both grids
need to be sorted. This is a interpolation/convenience function.
ConvertSupport(fromGrid, toGrid, mu = NULL, Cov = NULL, phi = NULL,
isCrossCov = FALSE)
fromGrid vector of points with input grid to interpolate from
toGrid vector of points with the target grid to interpolate on
mu any vector of function to be interpolated
Cov a square matrix supported on fromGrid * fromGrid, to be interpolated to toGrid
* toGrid.
phi any matrix, each column containing a function to be interpolated
isCrossCov logical, indicating whether the input covariance is a cross-covariance. If so then
the output is not made symmetric.
CreateBasis Create an orthogonal basis of K functions in [0, 1], with nGrid points.
Create an orthogonal basis of K functions in [0, 1], with nGrid points.
CreateBasis(K, pts = seq(0, 1, length.out = 50), type = c("cos", "sin",
"fourier", "legendre01", "poly"))
KA positive integer specifying the number of eigenfunctions to generate.
pts A vector specifying the time points to evaluate the basis functions.
type A string for the type of orthogonal basis.
A K by nGrid matrix, each column containing an basis function.
basis <- CreateBasis(3, type='fourier')
CreateBWPlot Functional Principal Component Analysis Bandwidth Diagnostics
This function by default creates the mean and first principal modes of variation plots for 50 If
provided with a derivative options object (?FPCAder) it will return the differentiated mean and first
two principal modes of variations for 50
CreateBWPlot(fpcaObj, derOptns = NULL, bwMultipliers = NULL)
fpcaObj An FPCA class object returned by FPCA().
derOptns A list of options to control the derivation parameters; see ?FPCAder. If NULL
standard diagnostics are returned
bwMultipliers A vector of multipliers that the original ’bwMu’ and ’bwCov’ will be multiplied
by. (default: c(0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50)) - default: NULL
n <- 25
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res1 <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=FALSE))
CreateCovPlot Create the covariance surface plot based on the results from FPCA()
or FPCder().
This function will open a new device if not instructed otherwise.
CreateCovPlot(fpcaObj, covPlotType = "Fitted", isInteractive = FALSE,
colSpectrum = NULL, ...)
CreateDesignPlot 7
fpcaObj returned object from FPCA().
covPlotType a string specifying the type of covariance surface to be plotted: ’Smoothed’: plot
the smoothed cov surface ’Fitted’: plot the fitted cov surface
isInteractive an option for interactive plot: TRUE: interactive plot; FALSE: printable plot
colSpectrum character vector to be use as input in the ’colorRampPalette’ function defining
the colouring scheme (default: c(’blue’,red’))
... other arguments passed into persp3d, persp3D, plot3d or points3D for plotting
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=TRUE))
CreateDesignPlot Create the design plot of the functional data.
Display the scatter plot of {(Tij , Til}in, j,lni, which is used to diagnose whether the design time
points are sufficiently dense in the domain of interest so that the 2D smoothed covariance estimate
is feasible. See Figure 2 of Yao et al (2005). This function will open a new device if not instructed
CreateDesignPlot(Lt, obsGrid = NULL, isColorPlot = TRUE,
noDiagonal = TRUE, addLegend = TRUE, ...)
Lt a list of observed time points for functional data
obsGrid a vector of sorted observed time points. Default to the unique time points in Lt.
isColorPlot an option for colorful plot: TRUE: create color plot with color indicating counts
FALSE: create black and white plot with dots indicating observed time pairs
noDiagonal an option specifying plotting the diagonal design points: TRUE: remove diago-
nal time pairs FALSE: do not remove diagonal time pairs
addLegend Logical, default TRUE
... Other arguments passed into plot().
Yao, Fang, Hans-Georg Mueller, and Jane-Ling Wang. "Functional data analysis for sparse longi-
tudinal data." Journal of the American Statistical Association 100, no. 470 (2005): 577-590.
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
CreateDesignPlot(sampWiener$Lt, sort(unique(unlist(sampWiener$Lt))))
CreateDiagnosticsPlot Functional Principal Component Analysis Diagnostics plot
Deprecated. Use plot.FPCA instead.
This function plot the results for an FPCA. It prints the design plot, mean function, scree-plot and
the first three eigenfunctions of a sample. If provided with a derivative options object (?FPCAder) it
will return the differentiated mean and first two principal modes of variations for 50%, 75%, 100%,
125% and 150% of the defined bandwidth choice.
## S3 method for class 'FPCA'
plot(x, openNewDev = FALSE, addLegend = TRUE, ...)
... passed into plot.FPCA.
xAn FPCA class object returned by FPCA().
openNewDev A logical specifying if a new device should be opened - default: FALSE
addLegend A logical specifying whether to add legend.
The black, red, and green curves stand for the first, second, and third eigenfunctions, respectively.
plot.FPCA is currently implemented only for the original function, but not a derivative FPCA ob-
CreateFuncBoxPlot 9
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res1 <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=FALSE))
CreateFuncBoxPlot Create functional boxplot using ’bagplot’, ’KDE’ or ’pointwise’
Using an FPCA object create a functional box-plot based on the function scores. The green line
corresponds to the functional median, the dark grey area to the area spanned by the curves within
the 25th and 75-th percentile and the light gret to the area spanned by the curves within the 2.5th
and 97.5-th percentile.
CreateFuncBoxPlot(fpcaObj, optns = list(), ...)
fpcaObj An object of class FPCA returned by the function FPCA().
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value). See ‘De-
... Additional arguments for the ’plot’ function.
Available control options are
ifactor inflation ifactor for the bag-plot defining the loop of bag-plot or multiplying ifactor the
KDE pilot bandwidth matrix. (see ?aplpack::compute.bagplot; ?ks::Hpi respectively; default:
2.58; 2 respectively).
variant string defining the method used (’KDE’, ’pointwise’ or ’bagplot’) (default: ’bagplot’)
unimodal logical specifying if the KDE estimate should be unimodal (default: FALSE, relavant
only for variant=’KDE’)
addIndx vector of indeces corresponding to which samples one should overlay (Default: NULL)
Kinteger number of the first K components used for the representation. (default: length(fpcaObj$lambda
P. J. Rousseeuw, I. Ruts, J. W. Tukey (1999): The bagplot: a bivariate boxplot, The American
Statistician, vol. 53, no. 4, 382-387
10 CreateModeOfVarPlot
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=TRUE))
CreateFuncBoxPlot(res, list(addIndx=c(1:3)) )
CreateModeOfVarPlot Functional Principal Component Analysis mode of variation plot
Create the k-th mode of variation plot around the mean. The red-line is the functional mean, the
grey shaded areas show the range of variations around the mean: ±Qλkφkfor the dark grey area
Q = 1, and for the light grey are Q = 2. In the case of ’rainbow’ plot the blue edge corresponds to
Q = -3, the green edge to Q = +3 and the red-line to Q = 0 (the mean). In the case of ’minimal’ the
blue line corresponds to Q = -2 and green line to Q = 2.
CreateModeOfVarPlot(fpcaObj, k = 1, plotType = "standard",
colSpectrum = NULL, ...)
fpcaObj An FPCA class object returned by FPCA().
kThe k-th mode of variation to plot (default k = 1)
plotType Character indicating the creation of "standard" shaded plot, a "rainbow"-plot or
a "minimal" sketch plot (default: "standard")
colSpectrum Character vector to be use as input in the ’colorRampPalette’ function defining
the outliers colours (default: c("blue","red", "green"), relavant only for rainbow-
... Additional arguments for the plot function.
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=TRUE))
CreateOutliersPlot 11
CreateOutliersPlot Functional Principal Component or Functional Singular Value De-
composition Scores Plot using ’bagplot’ or ’KDE’ methodology
This function will create, using the first components scores, a set of convex hulls of the scores based
on ’bagplot’ or ’KDE’ methodology.
CreateOutliersPlot(fObj, optns = NULL, ...)
fObj A class object returned by FPCA() or FSVD().
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value). See ‘De-
... Additional arguments for the ’plot’ function.
Available control options are
ifactor inflation ifactor for the bag-plot defining the loop of bag-plot or multiplying ifactor the
KDE pilot bandwidth matrix. (see ?aplpack::compute.bagplot; ?ks::Hpi respectively; default:
2.58; 2 respectively).
variant string defining the outlier method used (’KDE’, ’NN’ or ’bagplot’) (default: ’KDE’)
unimodal logical specifying if the KDE estimate should be unimodal (default: FALSE, relavant
only for variant=’KDE’)
maxVar logical specifying if during slicing we should used the directions of maximum variance
(default: FALSE for FPCA, TRUE for FSVD)
nSlices integer between 3 and 16, denoting the number of slices to be used (default: 4, relavant
only for groupingType=’slice’)
showSlices logical specifying if during slicing we should show the outline of the slice (default:
colSpectrum character vector to be use as input in the ’colorRampPalette’ function defining the
outliers colours (default: c("red", "yellow", ’blue’), relavant only for groupingType=’slice’)
groupingType string specifying if a slice grouping (’slice’) or a standard percentile/bagplot group-
ing (’standard’) should be returned (default: standard’)
fIndeces a two-component vector with the index of the mode of variation to consider (default:
c(1,2) for FPCA and c(1,1) for FSVD)
An (temporarily) invisible copy of a list containing the labels associated with each of sample curves.
12 CreatePathPlot
P. J. Rousseeuw, I. Ruts, J. W. Tukey (1999): The bagplot: a bivariate boxplot, The American
Statistician, vol. 53, no. 4, 382-387 R. J. Hyndman and H. L. Shang. (2010) Rainbow plots,
bagplots, and boxplots for functional data, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 19(1),
## Not run:
n <- 420
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=TRUE))
## End(Not run)
CreatePathPlot Create the fitted sample path plot based on the results from FPCA().
Create the fitted sample path plot based on the results from FPCA().
CreatePathPlot(fpcaObj, subset, K = NULL,
inputData = fpcaObj[["inputData"]], showObs = !is.null(inputData),
obsOnly = FALSE, showMean = FALSE, derOptns = list(p = 0), ...)
fpcaObj Returned object from FPCA().
subset A vector of indices or a logical vector for subsetting the observations.
KThe number of components to reconstruct the fitted sample paths.
inputData A list of length 2 containing the sparse/dense (unsupported yet) observations.
inputData needs to contain two fields: Lt for a list of time points and Ly for a
list of observations. Default to the ‘inputData‘ field within ‘fpcaObj‘.
showObs Whether to plot the original observations for each subject.
obsOnly Whether to show only the original curves.
showMean Whether to plot the mean function as a bold solid curve.
derOptns A list of options to control derivation parameters; see ‘fitted.FPCA’. (default =
... other arguments passed into matplot for plotting options
CreateScreePlot 13
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan',
CreatePathPlot(res, subset=1:5)
# CreatePathPlot has a lot of usages:
## Not run:
CreatePathPlot(res, 1:20)
CreatePathPlot(res, 1:20, showObs=FALSE)
CreatePathPlot(res, 1:20, showMean=TRUE, showObs=FALSE)
CreatePathPlot(res, 1:20, obsOnly=TRUE)
CreatePathPlot(res, 1:20, obsOnly=TRUE, showObs=FALSE)
CreatePathPlot(inputData=sampWiener, subset=1:20, obsOnly=TRUE)
## End(Not run)
CreateScreePlot Create the scree plot for the fitted eigenvalues
This function will open a new device if not instructed otherwise.
CreateScreePlot(fpcaObj, ...)
fpcaObj A object of class FPCA returned by the function FPCA().
... Additional arguments for the ’plot’ function.
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=TRUE))
14 cumtrapzRcpp
CreateStringingPlot Create plots for observed and stringed high dimensional data
The function produces the following three plots: 1) A plot of predictors (standardized if specified
so during stringing) in original order for a subset of observations; 2) A plot of predictors in stringed
order for the same subset of observations; 3) A plot of the stringing function, which is the stringed
order vs. the original order.
CreateStringingPlot(stringingObj, subset, ...)
stringingObj A stringing object of class "Stringing", returned by the function Stringing.
subset A vector of indices or a logical vector for subsetting the observations. If missing,
first min(n,50) observations will be plotted where n is the sample size.
... Other arguments passed into matplot for plotting options
n <- 50
wiener = Wiener(n = n)[,-1]
p = ncol(wiener)
rdmorder = sample(size = p, x=1:p, replace = FALSE)
stringingfit = Stringing(X = wiener[,rdmorder], disOptns = "correlation")
diff_norev = sum(abs(rdmorder[stringingfit$StringingOrder] - 1:p))
diff_rev = sum(abs(rdmorder[stringingfit$StringingOrder] - p:1))
if(diff_rev <= diff_norev){
stringingfit$StringingOrder = rev(stringingfit$StringingOrder)
stringingfit$Ly = lapply(stringingfit$Ly, rev)
CreateStringingPlot(stringingfit, 1:20)
cumtrapzRcpp Cumulative Trapezoid Rule Numerical Integration
Cumulative Trapezoid Rule Numerical Integration using Rcpp
cumtrapzRcpp(X, Y)
DynCorr 15
XSorted vector of X values
YVector of Y values.
DynCorr Dynamical Correlation
Calculate Dynamical Correlation for 2 paired dense regular functional data observed on the same
DynCorr(x, y, t)
xa n by m matrix where rows representing subjects and columns representing
measurements, missings are allowed.
ya n by m matrix where rows representing subjects and columns representing
measurements, missings are allowed.
ta length m vector of time points where x,y are observed.
A length m vector of individual dynamic correlations
Dubin J A, M\"uller H G. Dynamical correlation for multivariate longitudinal data[J]. Journal of
the American Statistical Association, 2005, 100(471): 872-881. Liu S, Zhou Y, Palumbo R, et
al. Dynamical correlation: A new method for quantifying synchrony with multivariate intensive
longitudinal data[J]. Psychological methods, 2016, 21(3): 291.
n=200 # sample size
t=seq(0,1,length.out=100) # length of data
for (i in 1:n){
y1_quad_error[i,]=mu_quad_y+2*z1[i,]%*%fun +rnorm(length(t),0,0.01)
16 Dyn_test
Dyn_test Bootstrap test of Dynamic correlation
Perform one sample (H0: Dynamic correlation = 0) or two sample (H0:Dynamic_correlation_1 =
Dynamic_correlation_2) bootstrap test of Dynamical Correlation.
Dyn_test(x1, y1, t1, x2, y2, t2, B = 1000)
x1 a n by m matrix where rows representing subjects and columns representing
measurements, missings are allowed.
y1 a n by m matrix where rows representing subjects and columns representing
measurements, missings are allowed.
t1 a vector of time points where x1,y1 are observed.
x2 (optional if missing will be one sample test) a n by m matrix where rows repre-
senting subjects and columns representing measurements, missings are allowed.
y2 (optional if missing will be one sample test) a n by m matrix where rows repre-
senting subjects and columns representing measurements, missings are allowed.
t2 (optional if missing will be one sample test) a vector of time points where x2,y2
are observed.
Bnumber of bootstrap samples.
a list of the following
stats: test statistics.
pval: p-value of the test.
Dubin J A, M\"uller H G. Dynamical correlation for multivariate longitudinal data[J]. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 2005, 100(471): 872-881.
Liu S, Zhou Y, Palumbo R, et al. Dynamical correlation: A new method for quantifying synchrony
with multivariate intensive longitudinal data[J]. Psychological methods, 2016, 21(3): 291.
n=200 # sample size
t=seq(0,1,length.out=100) # length of data
FAM 17
z1[,3]=rnorm(n,0,4) # covariance matrix of random effects
for (i in 1:n){
y1_quad_error[i,]=mu_quad_y+2*z1[i,]%*%fun +rnorm(length(t),0,0.01)
FAM Functional Additive Models
Functional additive models with a single predictor process
FAM(Y, Lx, Lt, nEval = 51, newLx = NULL, newLt = NULL,
bwMethod = 0, alpha = 0.7, supp = c(-2, 2), optns = NULL)
YAn n-dimensional vector whose elements consist of scalar responses.
Lx A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. See FPCA
for detail.
Lt A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual.
Each vector should be sorted in ascending order. See FPCA for detail.
nEval The number of evaluation grid points for kernel smoothing (default is 51. If
it is specified as 0, then estimated FPC scores in the training set are used for
evaluation grid instead of equal grid).
newLx A list of the observed values for test set. See predict.FPCA for detail.
newLt A list of the observed time points for test set. See predict.FPCA for detail.
bwMethod The method of bandwidth selection for kernel smoothing, a positive value for
designating K-fold cross-validtaion and zero for GCV (default is 50)
alpha The shrinkage factor (positive number) for bandwidth selection. See Han et al.
(2016) (default is 0.7).
supp The lower and upper limits of kernel smoothing domain for studentized FPC
scores, which FPC scores are divided by the square roots of eigenvalues (default
is [-2,2]).
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value). See FPCA.
FAM fits functional additive models for a scalar response and single predictor process proposed by
Mueller and Yao (2007) that
E(Y|X) =
where ξkstand for the k-th FPC score of the the predictor process.
18 FAM
A list containing the following fields:
mu Mean estimator of EY
fam ANby Kmatrix whose column vectors consist of the component function esti-
mators at the given estimation points.
xi An Nby Kmatrix whose column vectors consist of Nvectors of estimation
points for each component function.
bw AK-dimensional bandwidth vector.
lambda AK-dimensional vector containing eigenvalues.
phi An nWorkGrid by Kmatrix containing eigenfunctions, supported by WorkGrid.
workGrid An nWorkGrid by K_j working grid, the internal regular grid on which the eigen
analysis is carried on. See FPCA.
Mueller, H.-G. and Yao, F. (2005), "Functional additive models", JASA, Vol.103, No.484, p.1534-
f1 <- function(t) 0.5*t
f2 <- function(t) 2*cos(2*pi*t/4)
f3 <- function(t) 1.5*sin(2*pi*t/4)
f4 <- function(t) 2*atan(2*pi*t/4)
sig <- diag(c(4.0,2.0,1.5,1.2))
scoreX <- mvrnorm(n,mu=rep(0,4),Sigma=sig)
scoreXTest <- mvrnorm(N,mu=rep(0,4),Sigma=sig)
Y <- f1(scoreX[,1]) + f2(scoreX[,2]) + f3(scoreX[,3]) + f4(scoreX[,4]) + rnorm(n,0,0.1)
YTest <- f1(scoreXTest[,1]) + f2(scoreXTest[,2]) +
f3(scoreXTest[,3]) + f4(scoreXTest[,4]) + rnorm(N,0,0.1)
phi1 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*sin(2*pi*t)
phi2 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*sin(4*pi*t)
phi3 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi*t)
phi4 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*cos(4*pi*t)
grid <- seq(0,1,length.out=21)
Lt <- Lx <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
Lt[[i]] <- grid
Lx[[i]] <- scoreX[i,1]*phi1(grid) + scoreX[i,2]*phi2(grid) +
scoreX[i,3]*phi3(grid) + scoreX[i,4]*phi4(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
FAM 19
LtTest <- LxTest <- list()
for (i in 1:N) {
LtTest[[i]] <- grid
LxTest[[i]] <- scoreXTest[i,1]*phi1(grid) + scoreXTest[i,2]*phi2(grid) +
scoreXTest[i,3]*phi3(grid) + scoreXTest[i,4]*phi4(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
# estimation
fit <- FAM(Y=Y,Lx=Lx,Lt=Lt)
xi <- fit$xi
j <- 1
g1 <- f1(sort(xi[,j]))
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g1*fit$fam[,j]))
j <- 2
g2 <- f2(sort(xi[,j]))
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g2*fit$fam[,j]))
j <- 3
g3 <- f3(sort(xi[,j]))
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g3*fit$fam[,j]))
j <- 4
g4 <- f4(sort(xi[,j]))
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g4*fit$fam[,j]))
# fitting
fit <- FAM(Y=Y,Lx=Lx,Lt=Lt,nEval=0)
yHat <- fit$mu+apply(fit$fam,1,'sum')
# R^2
R2 <- 1-sum((Y-yHat)^2)/sum((Y-mean(Y))^2)
# prediction
fit <- FAM(Y=Y,Lx=Lx,Lt=Lt,newLx=LxTest,newLt=LtTest)
yHat <- fit$mu+apply(fit$fam,1,'sum')
20 FCCor
FCCor Calculate functional correlation between two simultaneously observed
Calculate functional correlation between two simultaneously observed processes.
FCCor(x, y, Lt, bw = stop("bw missing"), kern = "epan",
Tout = sort(unique(unlist(Lt))))
xA list of function values corresponding to the first process.
yA list of function values corresponding to the second process.
Lt A list of time points for both xand y.
bw A numeric vector for bandwidth of length either 5 or 1, specifying the band-
widths for E(X), E(Y), var(X), var(Y), and cov(X, Y). If bw is a scalar then all
five bandwidths are chosen to be the same.
kern Smoothing kernel for mu and covariance; "rect", "gauss", "epan", "gausvar",
"quar" (default: "gauss")
Tout Output time points. Default to the sorted unique time points.
FCCor calculate only the concurrent correlation corr(X(t), Y(t)) (note that the time points t are the
same). It assumes no measurement error in the observed values.
A list with the following components:
corr A vector of the correlation corr(X(t), Y(t)) evaluated at Tout.
Tout Same as the input Tout.
bw The bandwidths used for E(X), E(Y), var(X), var(Y), and cov(X, Y).
FClust 21
n <- 200
nGridIn <- 50
sparsity <- 1:5 # must have length > 1
bw <- 0.2
kern <- 'epan'
T <- matrix(seq(0.5, 1, length.out=nGridIn))
## Corr(X(t), Y(t)) = 1/2
A <- Wiener(n, T)
B <- Wiener(n, T)
C <- Wiener(n, T) + matrix((1:nGridIn) , n, nGridIn, byrow=TRUE)
indEach <- lapply(1:n, function(x) sort(sample(nGridIn, sample(sparsity, 1))))
tAll <- lapply(1:n, function(i) T[indEach[[i]]])
Xsp <- lapply(1:n, function(i) X[i, indEach[[i]]])
Ysp <- lapply(1:n, function(i) Y[i, indEach[[i]]])
plot(T, FCCor(Xsp, Ysp, tAll, bw)[['corr']], ylim=c(-1, 1))
FClust Functional clustering and identifying substructures of longitudinal
By default the function will cluster the data using the functional principal component (FPC) scores
from the data’s FPC analysis using EMCluster (Chen and Maitra, 2015) or directly clustering the
functional data using kCFC (Chiou and Li, 2007).
FClust(Ly, Lt, k = 3, cmethod = "EMCluster", optnsFPCA = NULL,
optnsCS = NULL)
Ly A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing
values specified by NAs are supported for dense case (dataType='dense').
Lt A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y.
kA scalar defining the number of clusters to define; default 3.
cmethod A string specifying the clusterig method to use (’EMCluster’ or ’kCFC’); de-
fault: ’EMCluster’.
optnsFPCA A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) to be used
for by FPCA on the sample y; by default: "list( methodMuCovEst =’smooth’,
FVEthreshold= 0.90, methodBwCov = ’GCV’, methodBwMu = ’GCV’ )". See
‘Details in ?FPCA’.
22 FClust
optnsCS A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) to be used
for cluster-specific FPCA from kCFC; by default: "list( methodMuCovEst =’smooth’,
FVEthreshold= 0.70, methodBwCov = ’GCV’, methodBwMu = ’GCV’ )". See
‘Details in ?FPCA’ and ’?kCFC’.
Within EMCluster we examine the model initiated "EMCluster::em.EM" and return the optimal
model based on ’EMCluster::emcluster’. See ?EMCluster::emcluster for details.
A list containing the following fields:
cluster A vector of levels 1:k, indicating the cluster to which each curve is allocated.
fpca An FPCA object derived from the sample used by Rmixmod, otherwise NULL.
clusterObj Either a EMCluster object or kCFC object.
Wei-Chen Chen and Ranjan Maitra, "EMCluster: EM Algorithm for Model-Based Clusttering of
Finite Mixture Gaussian Distribution". (2015)
Julien Jacques and Cristian Preda, "Funclust: A curves clustering method using functional random
variables density approximation". Neurocomputing 112 (2013): 164-171
Jeng-Min Chiou and Pai-Ling Li, "Functional clustering and identifying substructures of longitudi-
nal data". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 69 (2007): 679-699
## Not run:
Flies <- MakeFPCAInputs(medfly25$ID, medfly25$Days, medfly25$nEggs)
newClust <- FClust(Flies$Ly, Flies$Lt, k = 2, optnsFPCA =
list(methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', userBwCov = 2, FVEthreshold = 0.90))
# We denote as 'veryLowCount'the group of flies that lay less
# than twenty-five eggs during the 25-day period examined.
veryLowCount = ifelse( sapply( unique(medfly25$ID), function(u)
sum( medfly25$nEggs[medfly25$ID == u] )) < 25, 0, 1)
N <- length(unique(medfly25$ID))
(correctRate <- sum( (1 + veryLowCount) == newClust$cluster) / N) # 99.6%
## End(Not run)
FCReg 23
FCReg Functional Concurrent Regression by 2D smoothing method.
Functional concurrent regression with dense or sparse functional data for scalar or functional de-
pendent variable.
FCReg(vars, userBwMu, userBwCov, outGrid, kern = "gauss",
measurementError = TRUE, diag1D = "none", useGAM = FALSE,
returnCov = TRUE)
vars A list of input functional/scalar covariates. Each field corresponds to a func-
tional (a list) or scalar (a vector) covariate. The last entry is assumed to be the
response if no entry is names ’Y’. If a field corresponds to a functional covariate,
it should have two fields: ’Lt’, a list of time points, and ’Ly’, a list of function
userBwMu A scalar with bandwidth used for smoothing the mean
userBwCov A scalar with bandwidth used for smoothing the auto- and cross-covariances
outGrid A vector with the output time points
kern Smoothing kernel choice, common for mu and covariance; "rect", "gauss", "epan",
"gausvar", "quar" (default: "gauss")
Indicator measurement errors on the functional observations should be assumed.
If TRUE the diagonal raw covariance will be removed when smoothing. (de-
fault: TRUE)
diag1D A string specifying whether to use 1D smoothing for the diagonal line of the
covariance. ’none’: don’t use 1D smoothing; ’cross’: use 1D only for cross-
covariances; ’all’: use 1D for both auto- and cross-covariances. (default : ’none’)
useGAM Indicator to use gam smoothing instead of local-linear smoothing (semi-parametric
option) (default: FALSE)
returnCov Indicator to return the covariance surfaces, which is a four dimensional array.
The first two dimensions correspond to outGrid and the last two correspond to
the covariates and the response, i.e. (i, j, k, l) entry being Cov(X_k(t_i), X_l(t_j))
(default: FALSE)
... Additional arguments
If measurement error is assumed, the diagonal elements of the raw covariance will be removed. This
could result in highly unstable estimate if the design is very sparse, or strong seasonality presents.
24 fdapace
Yao, F., Mueller, H.G., Wang, J.L. "Functional Linear Regression Analysis for Longitudinal Data."
Annals of Statistics 33, (2005): 2873-2903.(Dense data)
Senturk, D., Nguyen, D.V. "Varying Coefficient Models for Sparse Noise-contaminated Longitudi-
nal Data", Statistica Sinica 21(4), (2011): 1831-1856. (Sparse data)
# Y(t) = \beta_0(t) + \beta_1(t) X_1(t) + \beta_2(t) Z_2 + \epsilon
# Settings
n <- 75
nGridIn <- 150
sparsity <- 5:10 # Sparse data sparsity
T <- round(seq(0, 1, length.out=nGridIn), 4) # Functional data support
bw <- 0.1
outGrid <- round(seq(min(T), 1, by=0.05), 2)
# Simulate functional data
mu <- T * 2 # mean function for X_1
sigma <- 1
beta_0 <- 0
beta_1 <- 1
beta_2 <- 1
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, rep(0, 2), diag(2))
X_1 <- Z[, 1, drop=FALSE] %*% matrix(1, 1, nGridIn) + matrix(mu, n, nGridIn, byrow=TRUE)
epsilon <- rnorm(n, sd=sigma)
Y <- matrix(NA, n, nGridIn)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
Y[i, ] <- beta_0 + beta_1 * X_1[i, ] + beta_2 * Z[i, 2] + epsilon[i]
# Sparsify functional data
X_1sp <- Sparsify(X_1, T, sparsity)
Ysp <- Sparsify(Y, T, sparsity)
vars <- list(X_1=X_1sp, Z_2=Z[, 2], Y=Ysp)
withError2D <- FCReg(vars, bw, bw, outGrid)
fdapace PACE: Principal Analysis by Conditional Expectation
PACE package for Functional Data Analysis and Empirical Dynamics.
fitted.FPCA 25
PACE is a versatile package that provides implementation of various methods of Functional Data
Analysis (FDA) and Empirical Dynamics. The core of this package is Functional Principal Compo-
nent Analysis (FPCA), a key technique for functional data analysis, for sparsely or densely sampled
random trajectories and time courses, via the Principal Analysis by Conditional Estimation (PACE)
algorithm. PACE is useful for the analysis of data that have been generated by a sample of un-
derlying (but usually not fully observed) random trajectories. It does not rely on pre-smoothing of
trajectories, which is problematic if functional data are sparsely sampled. PACE provides options
for functional regression and correlation, for Longitudinal Data Analysis, the analysis of stochastic
processes from samples of realized trajectories, and for the analysis of underlying dynamics.
Xiongtao Dai <dai@ucdavis.edu>, Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis <pantelis@ucdavis.edu>, Hao Ji
<haoji@ucdavis.edu> Hans-Georg Mueller <hgmueller@ucdavis.edu> Jane-Ling Wang <janelwang@ucdavis.edu>
Maintainer: Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis <pantelis@ucdavis.edu>
fitted.FPCA Fitted functional sample from FPCA object
Combine the zero-meaned fitted values and the interpolated mean to get the fitted values for the tra-
jectories or the derivatives of these trajectories. Estimates are given on the work-grid, not on the ob-
servation grid. Use ConvertSupport to map the estimates to your desired domain. 100*(1-alpha)-
percentage coverage intervals, or bands, for trajectory estimates (not derivatives) are provided. See
details in example.
## S3 method for class 'FPCA'
fitted(object, K = NULL, derOptns = list(p = 0),
ciOptns = list(alpha = NULL, cvgMethod = NULL), ...)
object A object of class FPCA returned by the function FPCA().
KThe integer number of the first K components used for the representation. (de-
fault: length(fpcaObj$lambda ))
derOptns A list of options to control the derivation parameters specified by list(name=value).
See ‘Details’. (default = NULL)
ciOptns A list of options to control the confidence interval/band specified by list(name=value).
See ‘Details’. (default = NULL)
... Additional arguments
26 fitted.FPCA
Available derivation control options are
pThe order of the derivatives returned (default: 0, max: 2)
method The method used to produce the sample of derivatives (’FPC’ (default) or ’QUO’). See
Liu and Mueller (2009) for more details
bw Bandwidth for smoothing the derivatives (default: p * 0.10 * S)
kernelType Smoothing kernel choice; same available types are FPCA(). default(’epan’)
Available confidence interval/band control options are
alpha Significant level for confidence interval/band for trajectory coverage. default=0.05 (cur-
rently only work when p=0)
cvgMethod Option for trajectory coverage method beween ’interval’ and ’band’. default=’band’
If alpha is NULL,p>1 or functional observations are dense, an nby length(workGrid) matrix, each
row of which contains a sample. Otherwise, it returns a list which consists of the following items:
workGrid An evaluation grid for fitted values.
fitted An n by length(workGrid) matrix, each row of which contains a sample.
cvgUpper An n by length(workGrid) matrix, each row of which contains the upper alpha-
coverage limit
cvgLower An n by length(workGrid) matrix, each row of which contains the lower alpha-
coverage limit
Yao, F., Mueller, H.-G. and Wang, J.-L. "Functional data analysis for sparse longitudinal data",
Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol.100, No. 470 (2005): 577-590.
Liu, Bitao, and Hans-Georg Mueller. "Estimating derivatives for samples of sparsely observed func-
tions, with application to online auction dynamics." Journal of the American Statistical Association
104, no. 486 (2009): 704-717. (Sparse data FPCA)
n <- 100
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 5:10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=TRUE))
fittedY <- fitted(res, ciOptns = list(alpha=0.05))
workGrid <- res$workGrid
cvgUpper <- fittedY$cvgUpper
cvgLower <- fittedY$cvgLower
ind <- sample(1:n,6)
for (i in 1:6) {
fitted.FPCAder 27
j <- ind[i]
xlab='t', ylab='X(t)', main=paste(j,'-th subject',sep=''))
fitted.FPCAder Fitted functional sample from FPCAder object
Combine the zero-meaned fitted values and the mean derivative to get the fitted values for the
derivatives trajectories Estimates are given on the work-grid, not on the observation grid. Use
ConvertSupport to map the estimates to your desired domain.
## S3 method for class 'FPCAder'
fitted(object, K = NULL, ...)
object A object of class FPCA returned by the function FPCA().
KThe integer number of the first K components used for the representation. (de-
fault: length(derObj$lambda ))
... Additional arguments
An nby length(workGrid) matrix, each row of which contains a sample.
Liu, Bitao, and Hans-Georg Mueller. "Estimating derivatives for samples of sparsely observed func-
tions, with application to online auction dynamics." Journal of the American Statistical Association
104, no. 486 (2009): 704-717. (Sparse data FPCA)
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
28 FOptDes
FOptDes Optimal Designs for Functional and Longitudinal Data for Trajectory
Recovery or Scalar Response Prediction
Optimal Designs for Functional and Longitudinal Data for Trajectory Recovery or Scalar Response
FOptDes(Ly, Lt, Resp, p = 3, optns = list(),
isRegression = !missing(Resp), isSequential = FALSE,
RidgeCand = NULL)
Ly A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing
values specified by NAs are supported for dense case (dataType='dense').
Lt A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y. Each vector should be sorted in ascending order.
Resp A vector of response values, keep void for trajectory recovery, only necessary
for scalar response prediction task.
pA fixed positive integer indicating the number of optimal design points requested,
with default: 3.
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) for FPCA,
with default: list().
isRegression A logical argument, indicating the purpose of the optimal designs: TRUE for
scalar response prediction, FALSE for trajectory recovery, with default value
isSequential A logical argument, indicating whether to use the sequential optimization proce-
dure for faster computation, recommended for relatively large p (default: FALSE).
RidgeCand A vector of positive numbers as ridge penalty candidates for regularization. The
final value is selected via cross validation. If only 1 ridge parameter is specified,
CV procedure is skipped.
To select a proper RidgeCand, check with the returned optimal ridge parameter. If the selected
parameter is the maximum/minimum values in the candidates, it is possible that the selected one is
too small/big.
A list containing the following fields:
OptDes The vector of optimal design points of the regular time grid of the observed data.
R2 Coefficient of determination. (Check the paper for details.)
R2adj Adjusted coefficient of determination.
OptRidge The selected ridge parameter.
Ji, H., Mueller, H.G. (2016) "Optimal Designs for Longitudinal and Functional Data" Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)
n <- 50
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- MakeFPCAInputs(IDs = rep(1:n, each=length(pts)),
tVec = rep(pts, times = n),
yVec = t(sampWiener))
res <- FOptDes(Ly=sampWiener$Ly, Lt=sampWiener$Lt, p=2,
isSequential=FALSE, RidgeCand = seq(0.02,0.2,0.02))
FPCA Functional Principal Component Analysis
FPCA for dense or sparse functional data.
FPCA(Ly, Lt, optns = list())
Ly A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing
values specified by NAs are supported for dense case (dataType='dense').
Lt A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y. Each vector should be sorted in ascending order.
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value). See ‘De-
If the input is sparse data, make sure you check the design plot is dense and the 2D domain is well
covered, using plot or CreateDesignPlot. Some study design such as snippet data (each subject
is observed only on a sub-interval of the period of study) will have an ill-covered design plot, for
which the covariance estimate will be unreliable.
Available control options are
userBwCov The bandwidth value for the smoothed covariance function; positive numeric - default:
determine automatically based on ’methodBwCov’
methodBwCov The bandwidth choice method for the smoothed covariance function; ’GMeanAndGCV’
(the geometric mean of the GCV bandwidth and the minimum bandwidth),’CV’,’GCV’ - de-
fault: 10% of the support
userBwMu The bandwidth value for the smoothed mean function (using ’CV’ or ’GCV’); positive
numeric - default: determine automatically based on ’methodBwMu’
methodBwMu The bandwidth choice method for the mean function; ’GMeanAndGCV’ (the geo-
metric mean of the GCV bandwidth and the minimum bandwidth),’CV’,’GCV’ - default: 5%
of the support
dataType The type of design we have (usually distinguishing between sparse or dense functional
data); ’Sparse’, ’Dense’, ’DenseWithMV’, ’p»n’ - default: determine automatically based on
diagnosticsPlot Deprecated. Same as the option ’plot’
plot Plot FPCA results (design plot, mean, scree plot and first K (<=3) eigenfunctions); logical -
default: FALSE
error Assume measurement error in the dataset; logical - default: TRUE
fitEigenValues Whether also to obtain a regression fit of the eigenvalues - default: FALSE
FVEthreshold Fraction-of-Variance-Explained threshold used during the SVD of the fitted covar.
function; numeric (0,1] - default: 0.9999
kernel Smoothing kernel choice, common for mu and covariance; "rect", "gauss", "epan", "gaus-
var", "quar" - default: "gauss"; dense data are assumed noise-less so no smoothing is per-
kFoldMuCov The number of folds to be used for mean and covariance smoothing. Default: 10
lean If TRUE the ’inputData’ field in the output list is empty. Default: FALSE
maxK The maximum number of principal components to consider - default: min(20, N-1), N:# of
methodXi The method to estimate the PC scores; ’CE’ (Condit. Expectation), ’IN’ (Numerical
Integration) - default: ’CE’ for sparse data and dense data with missing values, ’IN’ for dense
methodMuCovEst The method to estimate the mean and covariance in the case of dense functional
data; ’cross-sectional’, ’smooth’ - default: ’cross-sectional’
nRegGrid The number of support points in each direction of covariance surface; numeric - default:
numBins The number of bins to bin the data into; positive integer > 10, default: NULL
methodSelectK The method of choosing the number of principal components K; ’FVE’,’AIC’,’BIC’,
or a positive integer as specified number of components: default ’FVE’)
shrink Whether to use shrinkage method to estimate the scores in the dense case (see Yao et al
2003) - default FALSE
outPercent A 2-element vector in [0,1] indicating the outPercent data in the boundary - default
rho The truncation threshold for the iterative residual. ’cv’: choose rho by leave-one-observation
out cross-validation; ’no’: no regularization - default "cv" if error == TRUE, and "no" if error
rotationCut The 2-element vector in [0,1] indicating the percent of data truncated during sigma^2
estimation; default (0.25, 0.75))
useBinnedData Should the data be binned? ’FORCE’ (Enforce the # of bins), ’AUTO’ (Select the
# of bins automatically), ’OFF’ (Do not bin) - default: ’AUTO’
useBinnedCov Whether to use the binned raw covariance for smoothing; logical - default:TRUE
userCov The user-defined smoothed covariance function; list of two elements: numerical vector
’t’ and matrix ’cov’, ’t’ must cover the support defined by ’Ly’ - default: NULL
userMu The user-defined smoothed mean function; list of two numerical vector ’t’ and ’mu’ of
equal size, ’t’ must cover the support defined ’Ly’ - default: NULL
userSigma2 The user-defined measurement error variance. A positive scalar. If specified then no
regularization is used (rho is set to ’no’, unless specified otherwise). Default to ‘NULL‘
userRho The user-defined measurement truncation threshold used for the calculation of functional
principal components scores. A positive scalar. Default to ‘NULL‘
useBW1SE Pick the largest bandwidth such that CV-error is within one Standard Error from the
minimum CV-error, relevant only if methodBwMu =’CV’ and/or methodBwCov =’CV’; log-
ical - default: FALSE
verbose Display diagnostic messages; logical - default: FALSE
A list containing the following fields:
sigma2 Variance for measure error.
lambda A vector of length Kcontaining eigenvalues.
phi An nWorkGrid by Kmatrix containing eigenfunctions, supported on workGrid.
xiEst Anby Kmatrix containing the FPC estimates.
xiVar A list of length n, each entry containing the variance estimates for the FPC
obsGrid The (sorted) grid points where all observation points are pooled.
mu A vector of length nWorkGrid containing the mean function estimate.
workGrid A vector of length nWorkGrid. The internal regular grid on which the eigen
analysis is carried on.
smoothedCov A nWorkGrid by nWorkGrid matrix of the smoothed covariance surface.
fittedCov A nWorkGrid by nWorkGrid matrix of the fitted covariance surface, which is
guaranteed to be non-negative definite.
optns A list of actually used options.
timings A vector with execution times for the basic parts of the FPCA call.
bwMu The selected (or user specified) bandwidth for smoothing the mean function.
bwCov The selected (or user specified) bandwidth for smoothing the covariance func-
rho A regularizing scalar for the measurement error variance estimate.
cumFVE A vector with the percentages of the total variance explained by each FPC. In-
crease to almost 1.
FVE A percentage indicating the total variance explained by chosen FPCs with cor-
responding ’FVEthreshold’.
criterionValue A scalar specifying the criterion value obtained by the selected number of com-
ponents with specific methodSelectK: FVE,AIC,BIC values or NULL for fixedK.
inputData A list containting the original ’Ly’ and ’Lt’ lists used as inputs to FPCA. NULL
if ’lean’ was specified to be TRUE.
32 FPCAder
Yao, F., Mueller, H.G., Clifford, A.J., Dueker, S.R., Follett, J., Lin, Y., Buchholz, B., Vogel, J.S.
(2003). "Shrinkage estimation for functional principal component scores, with application to the
population kinetics of plasma folate." Biometrics 59, 676-685. (Shrinkage estimates for dense data)
Yao, Fang, Hans-Georg Mueller, and Jane-Ling Wang. "Functional data analysis for sparse longitu-
dinal data." Journal of the American Statistical Association 100, no. 470 (2005): 577-590. (Sparse
data FPCA)
Liu, Bitao, and Hans-Georg Mueller. "Estimating derivatives for samples of sparsely observed func-
tions, with application to online auction dynamics." Journal of the American Statistical Association
104, no. 486 (2009): 704-717. (Sparse data FPCA)
Castro, P. E., W. H. Lawton, and E. A. Sylvestre. "Principal modes of variation for processes with
continuous sample curves." Technometrics 28, no. 4 (1986): 329-337. (Dense data FPCA)
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt,
list(dataType='Sparse', error=FALSE, kernel='epan', verbose=TRUE))
plot(res) # The design plot covers [0, 1] * [0, 1] well.
CreateCovPlot(res, 'Fitted')
FPCAder Take derivative of an FPCA object
Take derivative of an FPCA object
FPCAder(fpcaObj, derOptns = list(p = 1))
fpcaObj A object of class FPCA returned by the function FPCA().
derOptns A list of options to control the derivation parameters specified by list(name=value).
See ‘Details’. (default = NULL)
Available derivation control options are
method The method used for obtaining the derivatives (default: ’FPC’). ’DPC’: derivatives prin-
cipal component, with G^(1,1) estimated by first kernel local smoothing G^(1,0), and then
apply a 1D smoother on the second direction; ’FPC’: functional principal component, based
on smoothing the eigenfunctions; ’FPC1’: functional principal component, based on smooth-
ing G^(1,0). May produce better estimate than ’FPC’ but is slower.
FPCAder 33
pThe order of the derivatives returned (default: 1, max: 2).
bw Bandwidth for the 1D and the 2D smoothers (default: p * 0.1 * S).
kernelType Smoothing kernel choice; same available types are FPCA(). default(’epan’)
Dai, Xiongtao, Hans-Georg Mueller, and Wenwen Tao. "Derivative Principal Component Analysis
for Representing the Time Dynamics of Longitudinal and Functional Data." Submitted (DPC) Liu,
Bitao, and Hans-Georg Mueller. "Estimating derivatives for samples of sparsely observed functions,
with application to online auction dynamics." Journal of the American Statistical Association 104,
no. 486 (2009): 704-717. (FPC)
bw <- 0.2
kern <- 'epan'
n <- 100
M <- 40
pts <- seq(0, 1, length.out=M)
lambdaTrue <- c(1, 0.8, 0.1)^2
sigma2 <- 0.1
samp2 <- MakeGPFunctionalData(n, M, pts, K=length(lambdaTrue),
lambda=lambdaTrue, sigma=sqrt(sigma2), basisType='legendre01')
samp2 <- c(samp2, MakeFPCAInputs(tVec=pts, yVec=samp2$Yn))
fpcaObj <- FPCA(samp2$Ly, samp2$Lt, list(methodMuCovEst='smooth',
userBwCov=bw, userBwMu=bw, kernel=kern, error=TRUE))
CreatePathPlot(fpcaObj, showObs=FALSE)
FPCoptn <- list(bw=bw, kernelType=kern, method='FPC')
DPCoptn <- list(bw=bw, kernelType=kern, method='DPC')
FPC <- FPCAder(fpcaObj, FPCoptn)
DPC <- FPCAder(fpcaObj, DPCoptn)
CreatePathPlot(FPC, ylim=c(-5, 10))
CreatePathPlot(DPC, ylim=c(-5, 10))
# Get the true derivatives
phi <- CreateBasis(K=3, type='legendre01', pts=pts)
basisDerMat <- apply(phi, 2, function(x)
ConvertSupport(seq(0, 1, length.out=M - 1), pts, diff(x) * (M - 1)))
trueDer <- matrix(1, n, M, byrow=TRUE) + tcrossprod(samp2$xi, basisDerMat)
matplot(t(trueDer), type='l', ylim=c(-5, 10))
# DPC is slightly better in terms of RMSE
mean((fitted(FPC) - trueDer)^2)
mean((fitted(DPC) - trueDer)^2)
34 FPCquantile
FPCquantile Conditional Quantile estimation with functional covariates
Main function to implement conditional Quantile estimation with functional covariates and scalar
response. The method includes 3 steps: 1) FPCA using the PACE method for X(t_x) 2) Computation
of the conditional distribution function through a functional generalized linear model. 3) Prediction
of quantiles for given predictor values
FPCquantile(Lx, Lt_x, y, outQ = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9),
optns_x = NULL, isNewsub = NULL)
Lx A length n list of predictor function where x[[i]] is the row vector of measure-
ments for ith subject, i=1,...,n
Lt_x A length n list where the observations of x are taken, t_x[[i]] is a row vector of
time points where x[[i]] are observed, i=1,...,n
yA 1*n vector for scalar response y. y[i] is the response value for the ith subject,
i = 1,...,n.
outQ A vector of desired quantile levels with default value outQ = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75, 0.9).
optns_x A list of options for predictor x with control parameters specified by list(name=value)
with default NA. See function FPCA for details.
isNewSub A 1*n vector of 0s or 1s, where n is the total count of subjects. 0 denotes the
corresponding subject is only used for training and 1 denotes the corresponding
subject is only used for prediction. (default: 0’s)
A list of the following
pred_quantile: a matrix of n*length(outQ) where the the first nn (number of 0s in isNewSub) rows containing fitted conditional quantiles of Y corresponding to the trainning subjects, and the last n-nn rows containing predicted conditional quantiles of Y corresponding to the subjects isNewSub ==1.
pred_CDF: a matrix of n*100. The ith row contains the fitted or predicted conditional distribution function F(y|Xi), evaluated at an equally spaced grid of 100 points.
b: a matrix of 50*(K+1) contains the coefficient functions, defined as F(y|X) = g(P(k= 0)Kbk(y)ξk), see equation (5) in the paper for details, where K is the number of components selected to expand the predictor functions X, and ξkis the kth principal component score.
Chen, K., M\"uller, H.G. (2011). Conditional quantile analysis when covariates are functions, with
application to growth data. J. Royal Statistical Society B.
FPCReg 35
n = 200
npred = 50
m = 50
xi <- Wiener(n, 0:m/m)
for(i in 1:n){
t_x = c(t_x,list(0:m/m))
x = c(x,list(xi[i,]))
y[i] = 5*rnorm(1)+2*sum(xi[i,])
outQ = c(0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9,0.95)
isNewsub = c(rep(0,150),rep(1,50))
qtreg = FPCquantile(x, t_x, y, outQ,optns_x = NULL,isNewsub)
FPCReg Function for performing functonal linear regression where the co-
variates are functions X1(t1),X2(t2),.. and the response is a function
Function for performing functonal linear regression where the covariates are functions X1(t1),X2(t2),..
and the response is a function Y(t_y).
FPCReg(vars, varsOptns = NULL, isNewSub = NULL, method = "AIC",
FVEthreshold = 0.99, alpha = 0.05, Kx = NULL)
vars A list of input functional covariates with name of "X1", "X2",.. and a functional
response with name "Y". Each field should have two fields: ’Lt’, a list (sparse)
or a matrix (Dense) specifying the time of observations, and ’Ly’, a list (Sparse)
or a matrix (Dense) of the observations.
varsOptns A list of options named by "X1", "X2",..."Y". Each filed specify the paramaters
that control the corresponding variables. (default: see details of FPCA())
isNewSub A 1*n vector of 0s or 1s, where n is the total count of subjects. 0 denotes the cor-
responding subject is only used for estimation and 1 denotes the corresponding
subject is only used for prediction. (default: 0’s)
method The method used for selecting the number of principal components of functional
predictors X’s used in functional regression , including ’AIC’, ’BIC’ and ’FVE’.
(default: "AIC")
36 FPCReg
FVEthreshold A scalar specifying the proportion used for ’FVE’. (default: 0.99)
alpha A scalar specifying the level of the confidence bands. (default: 0.05)
Kx The number of principal components of functional predictors X’s used in func-
tional regression.
A list containing the following fields:
estiBeta A list with fields of estimated beta_XiY(s,t) defiend on [range(Xi),range(Y)]
predictY A list containing fitted or predicted (when is NewSub is true) functions for
cbandY A list with confidence bands of E(Y|X).
QQuasi R-square
r2 Functional R-square.
varsMean A list with mean function of covariates and response.
Kx The number of principal components of functional predictors X’s used in func-
tional regression.
Yao, F., Mueller, H.G., Wang, J.L. "Functional Linear Regression Analysis for Longitudinal Data."
Annals of Statistics 33, (2005): 2873-2903.
#Model: E(Y(t)|X) = int(beta(s,t)*X(s))
n <- 200 #number of subjects
ngrids <- 51 #number of grids in [0,1] for X(s)
ngridt <- 101 #number of grids in [0,1] for Y(t)
grids <- seq(0, 1, length.out=ngrids) #regular grids in [0,1] for X(s)
gridt <- seq(0, 1, length.out=ngridt) #regular grids in [0,1] for Y(t)
#generate X
#{1, sqrt(2)*sin(2*pi*s), sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi*t)} are used to generate X.
eigenFun <- list( function(s){1 + 0 * s},
function(s){sqrt(2) * sin(2*pi*s)},
function(s){sqrt(2) * cos(2*pi*s)})
sig <- matrix(c(1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9, -.5, 0.1,
0.0, 1.2, 0.0, -.3, 0.8, 0.4,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4, -.3, 0.7,
0.9, -.3, 0.4, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-.5, 0.8, -.3, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0,
0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
scoreX <- MASS::mvrnorm(n,mu=rep(0,6),Sigma=sig)
scoreX1 <- scoreX[,1:3]
scoreX2 <- scoreX[,4:6]
basisX1 <- sapply(eigenFun,function(x){x(grids)})
FPCReg 37
latentX1 <- scoreX1 %*% t(basisX1)
measErrX1 <- sqrt(0.03) * matrix(rnorm(n * ngrids), n, ngrids) #0.01 is sigma^2.
denseX1 <- latentX1 + measErrX1
basisX2 <- sapply(eigenFun,function(x){x(grids)})
latentX2 <- scoreX2 %*% t(basisX2)
measErrX2 <- sqrt(0.03) * matrix(rnorm(n * ngrids), n, ngrids) #0.01 is sigma^2.
denseX2 <- latentX2 + measErrX2
#generate Y
#beta(s, t) <- sin(2 * pi * s)*cos(2 * pi * t)
betaEigen1 <- function(t){f <- function(s){
sin(2*pi*s) * cos(2*pi*t) * (1+0*s)}; return(f)}
betaEigen2 <- function(t){f <- function(s){
sin(2*pi*s) * cos(2*pi*t) * (sqrt(2)*sin(2*pi*s))}; return(f)}
betaEigen3 <- function(t){f <- function(s){
sin(2*pi*s) * cos(2*pi*t) * (sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi*s))}; return(f)}
betaEigen <- list(betaEigen1, betaEigen2, betaEigen3)
basisY <- array(0,c(ngridt, 3))
for(i in 1:3){
intbetaEigen <- function (t) {integrate(betaEigen[[i]](t), lower = 0, upper = 1)$value}
basisY[, i] <- sapply(1:ngridt, function(x){intbetaEigen(gridt[x])})
latentY <- scoreX1 %*% t(basisY) - scoreX2 %*% t(basisY)
measErrY <- sqrt(0.01) * matrix(rnorm(n*ngridt), n, ngridt) #0.01 is sigma^2
denseY <- latentY + measErrY
#======Dense data===============================================
timeX <- t(matrix(rep(grids, n),length(grids), n))
timeY <- t(matrix(rep(gridt, n),length(gridt), n))
denseVars <- list(X1 = list(Ly = denseX1, Lt = timeX),
X2 = list(Ly = denseX2, Lt = timeX),
Y=list(Ly = denseY,Lt = timeY))
resuDense <- FPCReg(denseVars, method="FVE")
estiBetaX1Y_Dense <- resuDense$estiBeta$betaX1Y
args1 <- list(xlab = 's', ylab = 't', zlab = 'estiBetaX1Y_Dense(s, t)',
lighting = FALSE, phi = 45, theta = 45)
args2 <- list(x = 1:ngrids, y = 1:ngridt, z = estiBetaX1Y_Dense[1:ngrids, 1:ngridt])
do.call(plot3D::persp3D,c(args2, args1))
estiBetaX2Y_Dense <- resuDense$estiBeta$betaX2Y
args1 <- list(xlab = 's', ylab = 't', zlab = 'estiBetaX2Y_Dense(s, t)',
lighting = FALSE, phi = 45, theta = 45)
args2 <- list(x = 1:ngrids, y = 1:ngridt, z = estiBetaX2Y_Dense[1:ngrids, 1:ngridt])
# do.call(plot3D::persp3D,c(args2, args1))
#======Sparse data===============================================
## Not run:
sparsity = 5:8
sparseX1 <- Sparsify(denseX1, grids, sparsity)
sparseX2 <- Sparsify(denseX2, grids, sparsity)
sparseY <- Sparsify(denseY, gridt, sparsity)
sparseVars <- list(X1 = sparseX1, X2 = sparseX2, Y = sparseY)
resuSparse <- FPCReg(sparseVars, method="FVE", FVEthreshold=0.98)
#or resuSparse <- FPCReg(vars = sparseVars,
# varsOptns = list(X1=list(userBwCov = 0.03)))
estiBetaX1Y_Sparse = resuSparse$estiBeta$betaX1Y
args1 = list(xlab = 's', ylab = 't', zlab = 'estiBetaX1Y_Sparse(s,t)',
lighting = FALSE, phi = 45,theta = 45)
args2 = list(x = 1:51, y = 1:51, z = estiBetaX1Y_Sparse[1:51, 1:51])
do.call(plot3D::persp3D, c(args2, args1))
estiBetaX2Y_Sparse = resuSparse$estiBeta$betaX2Y
args1 = list(xlab = 's', ylab = 't', zlab = 'estiBetaX2Y_Sparse(s,t)',
lighting = FALSE, phi = 45,theta = 45)
args2 = list(x = 1:51, y = 1:51, z = estiBetaX2Y_Sparse[1:51, 1:51])
do.call(plot3D::persp3D, c(args2, args1))
for(i in 1:6){
plot(sparseVars[['Y']]$Lt[[i]], sparseVars[['Y']]$Ly[[i]],
xlab = 'time', ylab = 'observations', ylim = c(-1.5, 1.5))
lines(seq(0, 1, length.out = 51), resuSparse$predictY[[i]])
lines(seq(0, 1, length.out = 51), resuSparse$cbandY[[i]][,2], lty = 2)
lines(seq(0, 1, length.out = 51), resuSparse$cbandY[[i]][,1], lty = 2)
## End(Not run)
FSVD Functional Singular Value Decomposition
FSVD for a pair of dense or sparse functional data.
FSVD(Ly1, Lt1, Ly2, Lt2, FPCAoptns1 = NULL, FPCAoptns2 = NULL,
SVDoptns = list())
Ly1 A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing
values specified by NAs are supported for dense case (dataType='dense').
Lt1 A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y. Each vector should be sorted in ascending order.
Ly2 A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing
values specified by NAs are supported for dense case (dataType='dense').
Lt2 A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y. Each vector should be sorted in ascending order.
FPCAoptns1 A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) for the FPC
analysis of sample 1. See ‘?FPCA’.
FPCAoptns2 A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) for the FPC
analysis of sample 2. See ‘?FPCA’.
SVDoptns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) for the
FSVD analysis of samples 1 & 2. See ‘Details‘.
Available control options for SVDoptns are:
bw1 The bandwidth value for the smoothed cross-covariance function across the direction of sam-
ple 1; positive numeric - default: determine automatically based on ’methodBwCov’
bw2 The bandwidth value for the smoothed cross-covariance function across the direction of sam-
ple 2; positive numeric - default: determine automatically based on ’methodBwCov’
methodBwCov The bandwidth choice method for the smoothed covariance function; ’GMeanAndGCV’
(the geometric mean of the GCV bandwidth and the minimum bandwidth),’CV’,’GCV’ - de-
fault: 10% of the support
userMu1 The user defined mean of sample 1 used to centre it prior to the cross-covariance estima-
tion. - default: determine automatically based by the FPCA of sample 1
userMu2 The user defined mean of sample 2 used to centre it prior to the cross-covariance estima-
tion. - default: determine automatically based by the FPCA of sample 2
maxK The maximum number of singular components to consider; default: min(20, N-1), N:# of
kernel Smoothing kernel choice, common for mu and covariance; "rect", "gauss", "epan", "gaus-
var", "quar" - default: "gauss"; dense data are assumed noise-less so no smoothing is per-
rmDiag Logical describing if the routine should remove diagonal raw cov for cross cov estimation
(default: FALSE)
noScores Logical describing if the routine should return functional singular scores or not (default:
regulRS String describing if the regularisation of the compositie cross-covariance matrix should
be done using ’sigma1’ or ’rho’ (see ?FPCA for details) (default: sigma2’)
bwRoutine String specifying the routine used to find the optimal bandwidth ’grid-search’, ’bobyqa’,
’l-bfgs-b’ (default: ’l-bfgs-b’)
flip Logical describing if the routine should flip the sign of the singular components functions or
not after the SVD of the cross-covariance matrix. (default: FALSE)
useGAM Indicator to use gam smoothing instead of local-linear smoothing (semi-parametric op-
tion) (default: FALSE)
dataType1 The type of design we have for sample 1 (usually distinguishing between sparse or
dense functional data); ’Sparse’, ’Dense’, ’DenseWithMV’ - default: determine automatically
based on ’IsRegular’
dataType2 The type of design we have for sample 2 (usually distinguishing between sparse or
dense functional data); ’Sparse’, ’Dense’, ’DenseWithMV’ - default: determine automatically
based on ’IsRegular’
A list containing the following fields:
bw1 The selected (or user specified) bandwidth for smoothing the cross-covariance
function across the support of sample 1.
bw2 The selected (or user specified) bandwidth for smoothing the cross-covariance
function across the support of sample 2.
CrCov The smoothed cross-covariance between samples 1 & 2.
sValues A list of length nsvd, each entry containing the singuar value estimates for the
FSC estimates.
nsvd The number of singular componentes used.
canCorr The canonical correlations for each dimension.
FVE A percentage indicating the total variance explained by chosen FSCs with cor-
responding ’FVEthreshold’.
sFun1 An nWorkGrid by Kmatrix containing the estimated singular functions for sam-
ple 1.
sFun2 An nWorkGrid by Kmatrix containing the estimated singular functions for sam-
ple 2.
grid1 A vector of length nWorkGrid1. The internal regular grid on which the singular
analysis is carried on the support of sample 1.
grid2 A vector of length nWorkGrid2. The internal regular grid on which the singular
analysis is carried on the support of sample 2.
sScores1 Anby Kmatrix containing the singular scores for sample 1.
sScores2 Anby Kmatrix containing the singular scores for sample 2.
optns A list of options used by the SVD and the FPCAs procedures.
FVPA Functional Variance Process Analysis for dense functional data
Functional Variance Process Analysis for dense functional data
FVPA(y, t, q = 0.1, optns = list(error = TRUE, FVEthreshold = 0.9))
yA list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing
values specified by NAs are supported for dense case (dataType='dense').
tA list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y.
qA scalar defining the percentile of the pooled sample residual sample used for
adjustment before taking log (default: 0.1).
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value); by default:
’error’ has to be TRUE, ’FVEthreshold’ is set to 0.90. See ‘Details in ?FPCA’.
GetCrCorYX 41
A list containing the following fields:
sigma2 Variance estimator of the functional variance process.
fpcaObjY FPCA object for the original data.
fpcaObjR FPCA object for the functional variance process associated with the original
Hans-Georg Mueller, Ulrich Stadtmuller and Fang Yao, "Functional variance processes." Journal of
the American Statistical Association 101 (2006): 1007-1018
n <- 25
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.01)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
# Data have to dense for FVPA to be relevant!
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 101)
fvpaObj <- FVPA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt)
GetCrCorYX Make cross-correlation matrix from auto- and cross-covariance matrix
Make cross-correlation matrix from auto- andcross-covariance matrix
GetCrCorYX(ccXY, ccXX, ccYY)
ccXY The cross-covariance matrix between variables X and Y.
ccXX The auto-covariance matrix of variable X or the diagonal of that matrix.
ccYY The auto-covariance matrix of variable Y or the diagonal of that matrix.
A cross-correlation matrix between variables X and Y.
42 GetCrCovYX
GetCrCorYZ Make cross-correlation matrix from auto- and cross-covariance matrix
Make cross-correlation matrix from auto- andcross-covariance matrix
GetCrCorYZ(ccYZ, acYY, covZ)
ccYZ The cross-covariance vector between variables Y and Z (n-by-1).
acYY The auto-covariance n-by-n matrix of variable Y or the (n-by-1) diagonal of that
covZ The (scalar) covariance of variable Z.
A cross-correlation matrix between variables Y (functional) and Z (scalar).
GetCrCovYX Functional Cross Covariance between longitudinal variable Y and
longitudinal variable X
Calculate the raw and the smoothed cross-covariance between functional predictors using band-
width bw or estimate that bw using GCV.
GetCrCovYX(bw1 = NULL, bw2 = NULL, Ly1, Lt1 = NULL, Ymu1 = NULL,
Ly2, Lt2 = NULL, Ymu2 = NULL, useGAM = FALSE, rmDiag = FALSE,
kern = "gauss", bwRoutine = "l-bfgs-b")
bw1 Scalar bandwidth for smoothing the cross-covariance function (if NULL it will
be automatically estimated) (Y)
bw2 Scalar bandwidth for smoothing the cross-covariance function (if NULL it will
be automatically estimated) (X)
Ly1 List of N vectors with amplitude information (Y)
Lt1 List of N vectors with timing information (Y)
Ymu1 Vector Q-1 Vector of length nObsGrid containing the mean function estimate
Ly2 List of N vectors with amplitude information (X)
GetCrCovYZ 43
Lt2 List of N vectors with timing information (X)
Ymu2 Vector Q-1 Vector of length nObsGrid containing the mean function estimate
useGAM Indicator to use gam smoothing instead of local-linear smoothing (semi-parametric
option) (default: FALSE)
rmDiag Indicator to remove the diagonal element when smoothing (default: FALSE)
kern String specifying the kernel type (default: FALSE; see ?FPCA for details)
bwRoutine String specifying the routine used to find the optimal bandwidth ’grid-search’,
’bobyqa’, ’l-bfgs-b’ (default: ’l-bfgs-b’) If the variables Ly1 and Ly2 are in
matrix form the data are assumed dense and only the raw cross-covariance is
returned. One can obtain Ymu1 and Ymu2 from FPCA and ConvertSupport.
A list containing:
smoothedCC The smoothed cross-covariance as a matrix (currently only 51 by 51)
rawCC The raw cross-covariance as a list
bw The bandwidth used for smoohting as a vector of lengh 2
score The GCV score associated with the scalar used
smoothGrid The grid over which the smoothed cross-covariance is evaluated
Yang, Wenjing, Hans-Georg Mueller, and Ulrich Stadtmueller. "Functional singular component
analysis." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 73.3 (2011):
Ly1= list( rep(2.1,7), rep(2.1,3),2.1 );
Lt1 = list(1:7,1:3, 1);
Ly2 = list( rep(1.1,7), rep(1.1,3),1.1);
Lt2 = list(1:7,1:3, 1);
Ymu1 = rep(55,7);
Ymu2 = rep(1.1,7);
AA<-GetCrCovYX(Ly1 = Ly1, Ly2= Ly2, Lt1=Lt1, Lt2=Lt2, Ymu1=Ymu1, Ymu2=Ymu2)
GetCrCovYZ Functional Cross Covariance between longitudinal variable Y and
scalar variable Z
Calculate the raw and the smoothed cross-covariance between functional and scalar predictors using
bandwidth bw or estimate that bw using GCV
44 GetCrCovYZ
GetCrCovYZ(bw = NULL, Z, Zmu = NULL, Ly, Lt = NULL, Ymu = NULL,
support = NULL, kern = "gauss")
bw Scalar bandwidth for smoothing the cross-covariance function (if NULL it will
be automatically estimated)
ZVector N-1 Vector of length N with the scalar function values
Zmu Scalar with the mean of Z (if NULL it will be automaticall estimated)
Ly List of N vectors with amplitude information
Lt List of N vectors with timing information
Ymu Vector Q-1 Vector of length nObsGrid containing the mean function estimate
support Vector of unique and sorted values for the support of the smoothed cross-covariance
function (if NULL it will be automatically estimated)
kern Kernel type to be used. See ?FPCA for more details. (defult: ’gauss’) If the vari-
ables Ly1 is in matrix form the data are assumed dense and only the raw cross-
covariance is returned. One can obtain Ymu1 from FPCA and ConvertSupport.
A list containing:
smoothedCC The smoothed cross-covariance as a vector
rawCC The raw cross-covariance as a vector
bw The bandwidth used for smoohting as a scalar
score The GCV score associated with the scalar used
Yang, Wenjing, Hans-Georg Mueller, and Ulrich Stadtmueller. "Functional singular component
analysis." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 73.3 (2011):
Ly <- list( runif(5), c(1:3), c(2:4), c(4))
Lt <- list( c(1:5), c(1:3), c(1:3), 4)
Z = rep(4,4) # Constant vector so the covariance has to be zero.
sccObj = GetCrCovYZ(bw=1, Z= Z, Ly=Ly, Lt=Lt, Ymu=rep(4,5))
GetNormalisedSample 45
GetNormalisedSample Normalise sparse functional sample
Normalise sparse functional sample given in an FPCA object
GetNormalisedSample(fpcaObj, errorSigma = FALSE)
fpcaObj An FPCA object.
errorSigma Indicator to use sigma^2 error variance when normalising the data (default:
... Passed into GetNormalisedSample
A list containing the normalised sample ’y’ at times ’t’
Chiou, Jeng-Min and Chen, Yu-Ting and Yang, Ya-Fang. "Multivariate Functional Principal Com-
ponent Analysis: A Normalization Approach" Statistica Sinica 24 (2014): 1571-1596
n <- 100
M <- 51
pts <- seq(0, 1, length.out=M)
mu <- rep(0, length(pts))
sampDense <- MakeGPFunctionalData(n, M, mu, K=1, basisType='sin', sigma=0.01)
samp4 <- MakeFPCAInputs(tVec=sampDense$pts, yVec=sampDense$Yn)
res4E <- FPCA(samp4$Ly, samp4$Lt, list(error=TRUE))
sampN <- GetNormalisedSample(res4E, errorSigma=TRUE)
CreatePathPlot(subset=1:20, inputData=samp4, obsOnly=TRUE, showObs=FALSE)
CreatePathPlot(subset=1:20, inputData=sampN, obsOnly=TRUE, showObs=FALSE)
46 kCFC
kCFC Functional clustering and identifying substructures of longitudinal
data using kCFC.
Functional clustering and identifying substructures of longitudinal data using kCFC.
kCFC(y, t, k = 3, kSeed = 123, maxIter = 125,
optnsSW = list(methodMuCovEst = "smooth", FVEthreshold = 0.9,
methodBwCov = "GCV", methodBwMu = "GCV"), optnsCS = list(methodMuCovEst
= "smooth", FVEthreshold = 0.7, methodBwCov = "GCV", methodBwMu = "GCV"))
yA list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual. Missing
values specified by NAs are supported for dense case (dataType='dense').
tA list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y.
kA scalar defining the number of clusters to define; default 3. Values that define
very small clusters (eg.cluster size <=3) will potentiall err.
kSeed A scalar valid seed number to ensure replication; default: 123
maxIter A scalar defining the maximum number of iterations allowed; default 20, com-
mon for both the simple kmeans initially and the subsequent k-centres
optnsSW A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) to be used
for sample-wide FPCA; by default: "list( methodMuCovEst =’smooth’, FVEthresh-
old= 0.90, methodBwCov = ’GCV’, methodBwMu = ’GCV’ )". See ‘Details in
optnsCS A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value) to be used
for cluster-specific FPCA; by default: "list( methodMuCovEst =’smooth’, FVEthresh-
old= 0.70, methodBwCov = ’GCV’, methodBwMu = ’GCV’ )". See ‘Details in
A list containing the following fields:
cluster A vector of levels 1:k, indicating the cluster to which each curve is allocated.
fpcaList A list with the fpcaObj for each separate cluster.
iterToConv A number indicating how many iterations where required until convergence.
Jeng-Min Chiou, Pai-Ling Li, "Functional clustering and identifying substructures of longitudinal
data." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 69 (2007): 679-699
Lwls1D 47
Flies <- MakeFPCAInputs(medfly25$ID, medfly25$Days, medfly25$nEggs)
kcfcObj <- kCFC(Flies$Ly[1:250], Flies$Lt[1:250], # using only 250 for speed consideration
optnsSW = list(methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', userBwCov = 2, FVEthreshold = 0.90),
optnsCS = list(methodMuCovEst = 'smooth', userBwCov = 2, FVEthreshold = 0.70))
Lwls1D One dimensional local linear kernel smoother
One dimensional local linear kernel smoother for longitudinal data.
Lwls1D(bw, kernel_type, win = rep(1L, length(xin)), xin, yin, xout,
npoly = 1L, nder = 0L)
bw Scalar holding the bandwidth
kernel_type Character holding the kernel type (see ?FPCA for supported kernels)
win Vector of length N with weights
xin Vector of length N with measurement points
yin Vector of length N with measurement values
xout Vector of length M with output measurement points
npoly Scalar (integer) degree of polynomial fitted (default 1)
nder Scalar (integer) degree of derivative fitted (default 0)
Vector of length M with measurement values at the the point speficied by ’xout’
Lwls2D Two dimensional local linear kernel smoother.
Two dimensional local weighted least squares smoother. Only local linear smoother for estimating
the original curve is available (no higher order, no derivative).
Lwls2D(bw, kern = "epan", xin, yin, win = NULL, xout1 = NULL,
xout2 = NULL, xout = NULL, subset = NULL, crosscov = FALSE,
method = ifelse(kern == "gauss", "plain", "sort2"))
48 Lwls2DDeriv
bw A scalar or a vector of length 2 specifying the bandwidth.
kern Kernel used: ’gauss’, ’rect’, ’gausvar’, ’epan’ (default), ’quar’.
xin An n by 2 data frame or matrix of x-coordinate.
yin A vector of y-coordinate.
win A vector of weights on the observations.
xout1 a p1-vector of first output coordinate grid. Defaults to the input gridpoints if left
xout2 a p2-vector of second output coordinate grid. Defaults to the input gridpoints if
left unspecified.
xout alternative to xout1 and xout2. A matrix of p by 2 specifying the output points
(may be inefficient if the size of xout is small).
subset a vector with the indices of x-/y-/w-in to be used (Default: NULL)
crosscov using function for cross-covariance estimation (Default: FALSE)
method should one try to sort the values xin and yin before using the lwls smoother? if
yes (’sort2’ - default for non-Gaussian kernels), if no (’plain’ - fully stable; de)
a p1 by p2 matrix of fitted values if xout is not specified. Otherwise a vector of length p correspond-
ing to the rows of xout.
Lwls2DDeriv Two dimensional local linear kernel smoother with derivatives.
Two dimensional local weighted least squares smoother. Only local linear smoother for estimating
the original curve is available (no higher order, no derivative).
Lwls2DDeriv(bw, kern = "epan", xin, yin, win = NULL, xout1 = NULL,
xout2 = NULL, xout = NULL, npoly = 1L, nder1 = 0L, nder2 = 0L,
subset = NULL, crosscov = TRUE, method = "sort2")
bw A scalar or a vector of length 2 specifying the bandwidth.
kern Kernel used: ’gauss’, ’rect’, ’gausvar’, ’epan’ (default), ’quar’.
xin An n by 2 data frame or matrix of x-coordinate.
yin A vector of y-coordinate.
win A vector of weights on the observations.
xout1 a p1-vector of first output coordinate grid. Defaults to the input gridpoints if left
MakeBWtoZscore02y 49
xout2 a p2-vector of second output coordinate grid. Defaults to the input gridpoints if
left unspecified.
xout alternative to xout1 and xout2. A matrix of p by 2 specifying the output points
(may be inefficient if the size of xout is small).
npoly The degree of polynomials (include all xaybterms where a+b <=npoly)
nder1 Order of derivative in the first direction
nder2 Order of derivative in the second direction
subset a vector with the indices of x-/y-/w-in to be used (Default: NULL)
crosscov using function for cross-covariance estimation (Default: TRUE)
method should one try to sort the values xin and yin before using the lwls smoother? if
yes (’sort2’ - default for non-Gaussian kernels), if no (’plain’ - fully stable; de)
a p1 by p2 matrix of fitted values if xout is not specified. Otherwise a vector of length p correspond-
ing to the rows of xout.
MakeBWtoZscore02y Z-score body-weight for age 0 to 24 months based on WHO standards
Make vector of age and body-weight to z-scores based on WHO standards using LMS
MakeBWtoZscore02y(sex, age, bw)
sex A character ’M’ or ’F’ indicating the sex of the child.
age A vector of time points of size Q.
bw A vector of body-weight readings of size Q.
A vector of Z-scores of size Q.
50 MakeGPFunctionalData
MakeFPCAInputs Format FPCA input
Turn vector inputs to the list so they can be used in FPCA
MakeFPCAInputs(IDs = NULL, tVec, yVec, na.rm = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
IDs n-by-1 vector of subject IDs (Default: NULL)
tVec Either an n-by-1 vector of measurement times, or a p-by-1 vector corresponding
to the common time support
yVec n-by-1 vector of measurements from the variable of interest, or a n-by-p matrix
with each row corresponding to the dense observations.
na.rm logical indicating if NA should be omitted (Default: FALSE)
sort logical indicating if the returned lists Lt and Ly should be ensured to be sorted
(Default: FALSE)
L list containing 3 lists each of length ’m’, ’m’ being the number of unique subject IDs
MakeGPFunctionalData Make Gaussian Process Dense Functional Data sample
Make a Gaussian process dense functional data sample of size n over a [0,1] support.
MakeGPFunctionalData(n, M = 100, mu = rep(0, M), K = 2,
lambda = rep(1, K), sigma = 0, basisType = "cos")
nnumber of samples to generate
Mnumber of equidistant readings per sample (default: 100)
mu vector of size M specifying the mean (default: rep(0,M))
Kscalar specifying the number of basis to be used (default: 2)
lambda vector of size K specifying the variance of each components (default: rep(1,K))
sigma The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise added to each observation points.
basisType string specifiying the basis type used; possible options are: sin’, ’cos’ and
’fourier’ (default: ’cos’) (See code of ’CreateBasis’ for implementation details.)
MakeHCtoZscore02y 51
Y: X(t_j), Yn: noisy observations
MakeHCtoZscore02y Z-score head-circumference for age 0 to 24 months based on WHO
Make vector of age and height measurement to z-scores based on WHO standards using mu and
sigma (not LMS)
MakeHCtoZscore02y(sex, age, hc)
sex A character ’M’ or ’F’ indicating the sex of the child.
age A vector of time points of size Q.
hc A vector of head circumference readings of size Q (in cm).
A vector of Z-scores of size Q.
MakeLNtoZscore02y Z-score height for age 0 to 24 months based on WHO standards
Make vector of age and height measurement to z-scores based on WHO standards using mu and
sigma (not LMS)
MakeLNtoZscore02y(sex, age, ln)
sex A character ’M’ or ’F’ indicating the sex of the child.
age A vector of time points of size Q.
ln A vector of body-length readings of size Q (in cm).
A vector of Z-scores of size Q.
52 medfly25
MakeSparseGP Make Gaussian Process Sparse Functional Data sample
Make a Gaussian process sparse functional data sample of size n
MakeSparseGP(n, rdist = runif, sparsity = 2:9, muFun = function(x)
rep(0, length(x)), K = 2, lambda = rep(1, K), sigma = 0,
basisType = "cos", CovFun = NULL)
nnumber of samples to generate.
rdist a sampler for generating the random design time points within [0, 1].
sparsity A vector of integers. The number of observation per sample is chosen to be one
of the elements in sparsity with equal chance.
muFun a function that takes a vector input and output a vector of the corresponding
mean (default: zero function).
Kscalar specifying the number of basis to be used (default: 2).
lambda vector of size K specifying the variance of each components (default: rep(1,K)).
sigma The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise added to each observation points.
basisType string specifiying the basis type used; possible options are: sin’, ’cos’ and
’fourier’ (default: ’cos’) (See code of ’CreateBasis’ for implementation details.)
CovFun an alternative specification of the covariance structure.
medfly25 Number of eggs laid daily from medflies
A dataset containing the eggs laid from 789 medflies (Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata)
during the first 25 days of their lives. This is a subset of the dataset used by Carey at al. (1998);
only flies having lived at least 25 days are shown. At the end of the recording period all flies were
still alive.
A data frame with 19725 rows and 3 variables:
ID : Medfly ID according to the orignal dataset
Days : Day of measurement
nEggs : Number of eggs laid at that particular day
nEggsRemain : Remaining total number of eggs laid
MultiFAM 53
Carey, J.R., Liedo, P., Mueller, H.G., Wang, J.L., Chiou, J.M. (1998). Relationship of age patterns
of fecundity to mortality, longevity, and lifetime reproduction in a large cohort of Mediterranean
fruit fly females. J. of Gerontology –Biological Sciences 53, 245-251.
MultiFAM Functional Additive Models with Multiple Predictor Processes
Smooth backfitting procedure for functional additive models with multiple predictor processes
MultiFAM(Y, X, ker = "epan", nEval = 51, XTest = NULL,
bwMethod = 0, alpha = 0.7, supp = c(-2, 2), optnsList = NULL)
YAn n-dimensional vector whose elements consist of scalar responses.
XAd-dimensional list whose components consist of two lists of Ly and Lt con-
taining obervation times and functional covariate values for each predictor com-
ponent, respectively. For details of Ly and Lt, see FPCA for detail.
ker Afunction object representing the base kernel to be used in the smooth back-
fitting algorithm (default is ’epan’ which is the only option supported currently).
nEval The number of evaluation grid points for kernel smoothing (default is 51. If
it is specified as 0, then estimated FPC scores in the training set are used for
evaluation grid instead of equal grid).
XTest Ad-dimensional list for test set of functional predictors (default is NULL). If
XTest is specified, then estimated FPC scores in the test set are used for evalu-
tion grid.
bwMethod The method of initial bandwidth selection for kernel smoothing, a positive value
for designating K-fold cross-validtaion and zero for GCV (default is 0)
alpha The shrinkage factor (positive number) for bandwidth selection. See Han et al.
(2016) (default is 0.7).
supp The lower and upper limits of kernel smoothing domain for studentized FPC
scores, which FPC scores are divided by the square roots of eigenvalues (default
is [-2,2]).
optnsList Ad-dimensional list whose components consist of optns for each predictor
component, respectively. (default is NULL which assigns the same default
optns for all components as in FPCA).
54 MultiFAM
MultiFAM fits functional additive models for a scalar response and multiple predictor processes
based on the smooth backfitting algorithm proposed by Han et al. (2016) that
E(Y|X) =
gjk(ξjk ),
where ξjk stand for the k-th FPC score of the j-th predictor process. MultiFAM only focuses on
mutiple predictor processes case. In fact, the case of univariate predictor is the same with functional
additive model proposed by Mueller and Yao (2008). Especially in this development, one can
designate an estimation support of additive models when the additive modeling is only allowed
over restricted intervals or one is interested in the modeling over the support (see Han et al., 2016).
A list containing the following fields:
mu A scalar of centered part of the regression model.
SBFit An Nby (K1+... +Kd)matrix whose column vectors consist of the smooth
backfitting component function estimators at the given Nestimation points.
xi An Nby (K1+... +Kd)matrix whose column vectors consist of FPC score
grid vectors that each additive component functional is evluated.
bw A(K1+... +Kd)-dimensional bandwidth vector.
lambda A(K1+... +Kd)-dimensional vector containing eigenvalues.
phi Ad-dimensional list whose components consist of an nWorkGrid by K_j matrix
containing eigenfunctions, supported by WorkGrid. See FPCA.
workGrid Ad-dimensional list whose components consist of an nWorkGrid by K_j work-
ing grid, the internal regular grid on which the eigen analysis is carried on. See
Mammen, E., Linton, O. and Nielsen, J. (1999), "The existence and asymptotic properties of a
backfitting projection algorithm under weak conditions", Annals of Statistics, Vol.27, No.5, p.1443-
Mammen, E. and Park, B. U. (2006), "A simple smooth backfitting method for additive models",
Annals of Statistics, Vol.34, No.5, p.2252-2271.
Mueller, H.-G. and Yao, F. (2008), "Functional additive models", Journal of the Americal Statistical
Association, Vol.103, No.484, p.1534-1544.
Han, K., Mueller, H.-G. and Park, B. U. (2016), "Smooth backfitting for additive modeling with
small errors-in-variables, with an application to additive functional regression for multiple predictor
functions", Bernoulli (accepted).
f11 <- function(t) t
MultiFAM 55
f12 <- function(t) 2*cos(2*pi*t/4)
f21 <- function(t) 1.5*sin(2*pi*t/4)
f22 <- function(t) 1.5*atan(2*pi*t/4)
sig <- matrix(c(2.0, 0.0, 0.5, -.2,
0.0, 1.2, -.2, 0.3,
0.5, -.2, 1.7, 0.0,
-.2, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0),
scoreX <- mvrnorm(n,mu=rep(0,4),Sigma=sig)
scoreXTest <- mvrnorm(N,mu=rep(0,4),Sigma=sig)
Y <- f11(scoreX[,1]) + f12(scoreX[,2]) + f21(scoreX[,3]) + f22(scoreX[,4]) + rnorm(n,0,0.5)
YTest <- f11(scoreXTest[,1]) + f12(scoreXTest[,2]) +
f21(scoreXTest[,3]) + f22(scoreXTest[,4]) + rnorm(N,0,0.5)
phi11 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*sin(2*pi*t)
phi12 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*sin(4*pi*t)
phi21 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi*t)
phi22 <- function(t) sqrt(2)*cos(4*pi*t)
grid <- seq(0,1,length.out=21)
Lt <- Lx1 <- Lx2 <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
Lt[[i]] <- grid
Lx1[[i]] <- scoreX[i,1]*phi11(grid) + scoreX[i,2]*phi12(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
Lx2[[i]] <- scoreX[i,3]*phi21(grid) + scoreX[i,4]*phi22(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
LtTest <- Lx1Test <- Lx2Test <- list()
for (i in 1:N) {
LtTest[[i]] <- grid
Lx1Test[[i]] <- scoreXTest[i,1]*phi11(grid) + scoreXTest[i,2]*phi12(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
Lx2Test[[i]] <- scoreXTest[i,3]*phi21(grid) + scoreXTest[i,4]*phi22(grid) + rnorm(1,0,0.01)
X1 <- list(Ly=Lx1, Lt=Lt)
X2 <- list(Ly=Lx2, Lt=Lt)
X1Test <- list(Ly=Lx1Test, Lt=LtTest)
X2Test <- list(Ly=Lx2Test, Lt=LtTest)
X <- list(X1, X2)
XTest <- list(X1Test, X2Test)
# estimation
sbf <- MultiFAM(Y=Y,X=X)
xi <- sbf$xi
j <- 1
p0 <- trapzRcpp(sort(xi[,j]),dnorm(sort(xi[,j]),0,sqrt(sig[j,j])))
56 MultiFAM
g11 <- f11(sort(xi[,j])) -
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g11*sbf$SBFit[,j]))
j <- 2
p0 <- trapzRcpp(sort(xi[,j]),dnorm(sort(xi[,j]),0,sqrt(sig[j,j])))
g12 <- f12(sort(xi[,j])) -
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g12*sbf$SBFit[,j]))
j <- 3
p0 <- trapzRcpp(sort(xi[,j]),dnorm(sort(xi[,j]),0,sqrt(sig[j,j])))
g21 <- f21(sort(xi[,j])) -
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g21*sbf$SBFit[,j]))
j <- 4
p0 <- trapzRcpp(sort(xi[,j]),dnorm(sort(xi[,j]),0,sqrt(sig[j,j])))
g22 <- f22(sort(xi[,j])) -
tmpSgn <- sign(sum(g22*sbf$SBFit[,j]))
## Not run:
# fitting
sbf <- MultiFAM(Y=Y,X=X,nEval=0)
yHat <- sbf$mu+apply(sbf$SBFit,1,'sum')
# R^2
R2 <- 1-sum((Y-yHat)^2)/sum((Y-mean(Y))^2)
# prediction
sbf <- MultiFAM(Y=Y,X=X,XTest=XTest)
yHat <- sbf$mu+apply(sbf$SBFit,1,'sum')
## End(Not run)
NormCurvToArea 57
NormCurvToArea Normalise a curve to a particular area.
Normalise a curve such that \intyNewdx = area (according to trapezoid integration)
NormCurvToArea(y, x = seq(0, 1, length.out = length(y)), area = 1)
yvalues of curve at time-points x
xdesign time-points (default: seq(0,1, length.out=length(y)))
area value to normalise the curve onto (default: 1)
yNew values of curve at times x such that [\intyNewdx = area]
predict.FPCA Predict FPC scores for a new sample given an FPCA object
Return a matrix with the first K FPC scores according to conditional expectation or numerical
## S3 method for class 'FPCA'
predict(object, newLy, newLt, sigma2 = NULL, K = 1,
xiMethod = "CE", ...)
object An FPCA object.
newLy A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual.
newLt A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y.
sigma2 The user-defined measurement error variance. A positive scalar. (default: rho if
applicable, otherwise sigma2 if applicable, otherwise 0 if no error. )
KThe scalar defining the number of clusters to define; (default: 1).
xiMethod The integration method used to calculate the functional principal component
scores ( standard numerical integration ’IN’ or conditional expectation ’CE’);
default: ’CE’.
... Not used.
58 print.FPCA
A matrix of size n-by-K
n <- 50
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
# The first n samples are for training and the rest testing
sampWiener <- Wiener(2 * n, pts)
sparsity <- 2:5
train <- Sparsify(sampWiener[seq_len(n), , drop=FALSE], pts, sparsity)
test <- Sparsify(sampWiener[seq(n + 1, 2 * n), , drop=FALSE], pts, sparsity)
res <- FPCA(train$Ly, train$Lt)
pred <- predict(res, test$Ly, test$Lt, K=5)
plot(pred[, 1], pred[, 2])
print.FPCA Print an FPCA object
Print a simple description of an FPCA object
## S3 method for class 'FPCA'
print(x, ...)
xAn FPCA object.
... Not used.
n <- 20
pts <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05)
sampWiener <- Wiener(n, pts)
sampWiener <- Sparsify(sampWiener, pts, 10)
res <- FPCA(sampWiener$Ly, sampWiener$Lt)
print.FSVD 59
print.FSVD Print an FSVD object
Print a simple description of an FSVD object
## S3 method for class 'FSVD'
print(x, ...)
xAn FSVD object.
... Not used.
print.WFDA Print a WFDA object
Print a simple description of a WFDA object
## S3 method for class 'WFDA'
print(x, ...)
xA WFDA object.
... Not used.
SBFitting Iterative Smooth Backfitting Algorithm
Smooth backfitting procedure for nonparametric additive models
SBFitting(Y, x, X, h = NULL, K = "epan", supp = NULL)
60 SBFitting
YAn n-dimensional vector whose elements consist of scalar responses.
xAn Nby dmatrix whose column vectors consist of Nvectors of estimation
points for each component function.
XAn nby dmatrix whose row vectors consist of multivariate predictors.
hAdvector of bandwidths for kernel smoothing to estimate each component
KAfunction object representing the kernel to be used in the smooth backfitting
(default is ’epan’, the the Epanechnikov kernel.).
supp Adby 2 matrix whose row vectors consist of the lower and upper limits of
estimation intervals for each component function (default is the d-dimensional
unit rectangle of [0,1]).
SBFitting fits component functions of additive models for a scalar response and a multivariate
predictor based on the smooth backfitting algorithm proposed by Mammen et al. (1999) and in-
tensively studied by Mammen and Park (2006), Yu et al. (2008), Lee et al. (2010, 2012) and so
on. SBFitting only focuses on the local constant smooth backfitting estimator with multivariate
predictor case. In fact, the case of univariate predictor is the same with the local constant kernel re-
gression estimator (Nadaraya-Watson estimator) and the local polynomial version can be extended
similarly, so that those are omitted in the development. Support of the multivariate predictor is
assumed to be a product of closed intervals. Especially in this development, one can designate an
estimation support of additive models when the additive modeling is only allowed over restricted
intervals or one is interested in the modeling over the support (see Han et al., 2016). If one puts
Xon the argument of estimation points x,SBFitting returns estimated values of conditional mean
responses given observed predictors.
A list containing the following fields:
SBFit An Nby dmatrix whose column vectors consist of the smooth backfitting com-
ponent function estimators at the given estimation points.
mY A scalar of centered part of the regression model.
NW An Nby dmatrix whose column vectors consist of the Nadaraya-Watson marginal
regression function estimators for each predictor component at the given estima-
tion points.
mgnDens An Nby dmatrix whose column vectors consist of the marginal kernel density
estimators for each predictor component at the given estimation points.
jntDens An Nby Nby dby darray representing the 2-dimensional joint kernel density
estimators for all pairs of predictor components at the given estimation grid. For
example, [,,j,k] of the object provides the 2-dimensional joint kernel density
estimator of the (j,k)-component of predictor components at the corresponding
Nby Nmatrix of estimation grid.
itemNum The iteration number that the smooth backfitting algorithm has stopped.
itemErr The iteration error of the smooth backfitting algorithm that represents the maxi-
mum L2 distance among component functions in the last successive updates.
SBFitting 61
Mammen, E., Linton, O. and Nielsen, J. (1999), "The existence and asymptotic properties of a
backfitting projection algorithm under weak conditions", Annals of Statistics, Vol.27, No.5, p.1443-
Mammen, E. and Park, B. U. (2006), "A simple smooth backfitting method for additive models",
Annals of Statistics, Vol.34, No.5, p.2252-2271.
Yu, K., Park, B. U. and Mammen, E. (2008), "Smooth backfitting in generalized additive models",
Annals of Statistics, Vol.36, No.1, p.228-260.
Lee, Y. K., Mammen, E. and Park., B. U. (2010), "backfitting and smooth backfitting for additive
quantile models", Vol.38, No.5, p.2857-2883.
Lee, Y. K., Mammen, E. and Park., B. U. (2012), "Flexible generalized varying coefficient regres-
sion models", Annals of Statistics, Vol.40, No.3, p.1906-1933.
Han, K., Mueller, H.-G. and Park, B. U. (2016), "Smooth backfitting for additive modeling with
small errors-in-variables, with an application to additive functional regression for multiple predictor
functions", Bernoulli (accepted).
n <- 100
d <- 2
X <- pnorm(matrix(rnorm(n*d),nrow=n,ncol=d)%*%matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,1),nrow=2,ncol=2))
f1 <- function(t) 2*(t-0.5)
f2 <- function(t) sin(2*pi*t)
Y <- f1(X[,1])+f2(X[,2])+rnorm(n,0,0.1)
# component function estimation
N <- 101
x <- matrix(rep(seq(0,1,length.out=N),d),nrow=N,ncol=d)
h <- c(0.12,0.08)
sbfEst <- SBFitting(Y,x,X,h)
fFit <- sbfEst$SBFit
# prediction
x <- X
h <- c(0.12,0.08)
62 SelectK
sbfPred <- SBFitting(Y,X,X,h)
fPred <- sbfPred$mY+apply(sbfPred$SBFit,1,'sum')
plot(fPred,Y,cex=0.5,xlab='SBFitted values',ylab='Y')
SelectK Selects number of functional principal components for given FPCA
output and selection criteria
Selects number of functional principal components for given FPCA output and selection criteria
SelectK(fpcaObj, criterion = "FVE", FVEthreshold = 0.95, Ly = NULL,
Lt = NULL)
fpcaObj A list containing FPCA related subjects returned by MakeFPCAResults().
criterion A string or positive integer specifying selection criterion for number of func-
tional principal components, available options: ’FVE’, ’AIC’, ’BIC’, or the
specified number of components - default: ’FVE’
FVEthreshold A threshold percentage specified by user when using "FVE" as selection crite-
rion: (0,1] - default: NULL
Ly A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual - default:
Lt A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to Ly - default: NULL
A list including the following two fields:
KAn integer indicating the selected number of components based on given crite-
criterion The calculated criterion value for the selected number of components, i.e. FVE,
AIC or BIC value, NULL for fixedK criterion.
SetOptions 63
SetOptions Set the PCA option list
Set the PCA option list
SetOptions(y, t, optns)
yA list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual.
tA list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y.
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value). See ‘De-
See ’?FPCAfor more details. Usually users are not supposed to use this function
Sparsify Sparsify densely observed functional data
Given a matrix of densely observed functional data, make a sparsified sample.
Sparsify(samp, pts, sparsity, aggressive = FALSE, fragment = FALSE)
samp A matrix of densely observed functional data, with each row containing one
pts A vector of grid points corresponding to the columns of samp.
sparsity A vector of integers. The number of observation per sample is chosen to be one
of the elements in sparsity with equal chance.
aggressive Sparsify in an "aggressive" manner making sure that near-by readings are ex-
fragment Sparsify the observations into fragments, which are (almost) uniformly dis-
tributed in the time domain. Default to FALSE as not fragmenting. Otherwise a
positive number specifying the approximate length of each fragment.
A list of length 2, containing the following fields:
Lt A list of observation time points for each sample.
Ly A list of values for each sample, corresponding to the time points.
64 Stringing
str.FPCA Compactly display the structure of an FPCA object
Compactly display the structure of an FPCA object
## S3 method for class 'FPCA'
str(object, ...)
object An FPCA object
... Not used
Stringing Stringing for High-Dimensional data
Stringing for High-Dimensional data
Stringing(X, Y = NULL, standardize = FALSE, disOptns = "euclidean",
disMat = NA)
XA matrix (n by p) of data, where X[i,] is the row vector of measurements for the
ith subject.
YA vector (n by 1), where Y[i] is the reponse associated with X[i,]
standardize A logical variable indicating whether standardization of the input data matrix is
required, with default: FALSE.
disOptns A distance metric to be used, one of the following: "euclidean" (default), "max-
imum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "correlation", "spear-
man", "hamming", "xycor", or "user". If specified as "xycor", the absolute dif-
ference of correlation between predictor and response is used. If specified as
"user", a dissimilarity matrix for the argument "disMat" must be provided.
disMat A user-specified dissimilarity matrix, only necessary when "disOptns" is "user".
trapzRcpp 65
A list containing the following fields:
Ly A list of n vectors, which are the random trajectories for all subjects identified
by the Stringing method.
Lt A list of n time points vectors, at which corresponding measurements Ly are
StringingOrder A vector representing the order of the stringing, s.t. using as column index on X
yields recovery of the underlying process.
Xin A matrix, corresponding to the input data matrix.
Xstd A matrix, corresponding to the standardized input data matrix. It is NULL if
standardize is FALSE.
Chen, K., Chen, K., Mueller, H. G., and Wang, J. L. (2011). "Stringing high-dimensional data for
functional analysis." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106(493), 275-284.
n <- 50
wiener = Wiener(n = n)[,-1]
p = ncol(wiener)
rdmorder = sample(size = p, x=1:p, replace = FALSE)
stringingfit = Stringing(X = wiener[,rdmorder], disOptns = "correlation")
diff_norev = sum(abs(rdmorder[stringingfit$StringingOrder] - 1:p))
diff_rev = sum(abs(rdmorder[stringingfit$StringedOrder] - p:1))
if(diff_rev <= diff_norev){
stringingfit$StringingOrder = rev(stringingfit$StringingOrder)
stringingfit$Ly = lapply(stringingfit$Ly, rev)
plot(1:p, rdmorder[stringingfit$StringingOrder], pch=18); abline(a=0,b=1)
trapzRcpp Trapezoid Rule Numerical Integration
Trapezoid Rule Numerical Integration using Rcpp
trapzRcpp(X, Y)
XSorted vector of X values
YVector of Y values.
TVAM Iterative Smooth Backfitting Algorithm
Smooth backfitting procedure for time-varying additive models
TVAM(Lt, Ly, LLx, gridT = NULL, x = NULL, ht = NULL, hx = NULL,
K = "epan", suppT = NULL, suppX = NULL)
Lt An n-dimensional list of N_i-dimensional vector whose elements consist of lon-
gitudial time points for each i-th subject.
Ly An n-dimensional list of N_i-dimensional vector whose elements consist of lon-
gitudial response observations of each i-subject corresponding to Lt.
LLx A tuple of d-lists, where each list respresents longitudinal covariate observations
of the j-th component corresponding to Lt and Ly.
gridT An M-dimensional sequence of evaluation time points for additive surface esti-
mators. (Must be sorted in increasing orders.)
xAn Nby dmatrix whose column vectors consist of Nvectors of evaluation
points for additive surface component estimators at each covariate value.
ht A bandwidth for kernel smoothing in time component.
hx Advector of bandwidths for kernel smoothing covariate components, respec-
KAfunction object representing the kernel to be used in the smooth backfitting
(default is ’epan’, the the Epanechnikov kernel.).
suppT A 2-dimensional vector consists of the lower and upper limits of estimation
intervals for time component (default is [0,1]).
suppX Adby 2 matrix whose row vectors consist of the lower and upper limits of
estimation intervals for each component function (default is the d-dimensional
unit rectangle of [0,1]).
TVAM estimates component surfaces of time-varying additive models for londitudinal observations
based on the smooth backfitting algorithm proposed by Zhang et al. (2013). TVAM only focuses
on the local constant smooth backfitting in contrast to the original development as in Zhang et al.
(2013). However, the local polynomial version can be extended similarly, so that those are omitted
in the development. Especially in this development, one can designate an estimation support of
additive surfaces when the additive modeling is only allowed over restricted intervals or one is
interested in the modeling over the support (see Han et al., 2016).
A list containing the following fields:
tvamComp A tuple of d-lists, where each list is given by Mby Nmatrix whose elements
represents the smooth backfitting surface estimator of the j-component evaluated
at gridT and the j-th column of x.
tvamMean An M-dimensional vector whose elelments consist of the marginal time regres-
sion function estimated at gridT.
Zhang, X., Park, B. U. and Wang, J.-L. (2013), "Time-varying additive models for longitudinal
data", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol.108, No.503, p.983-998.
Han, K., Mueller, H.-G. and Park, B. U. (2018), "Smooth backfitting for additive modeling with
small errors-in-variables, with an application to additive functional regression for multiple predictor
functions", Bernoulli, Vol.24, No.2, p.1233-1265.
n <- 100
Lt <- list()
Ly <- list()
Lx1 <- list()
Lx2 <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
Ni <- sample(10:15,1)
Lt[[i]] <- sort(runif(Ni,0,1))
Lx1[[i]] <- runif(Ni,0,1)
Lx2[[i]] <- runif(Ni,0,1)
Ly[[i]] <- Lt[[i]]*(cos(2*pi*Lx1[[i]]) + sin(2*pi*Lx2[[i]])) + rnorm(Ni,0,0.1)
LLx <- list(Lx1,Lx2)
gridT <- seq(0,1,length.out=41)
x0 <- seq(0,1,length.out=51)
x <- cbind(x0,x0)
ht <- 0.1
hx <- c(0.1,0.1)
tvam <- TVAM(Lt,Ly,LLx,gridT=gridT,x=x,ht=ht,hx=hx,K='epan')
g0Sbf <- tvam$tvamMean
gjSbf <- tvam$tvamComp
xlab='time',ylab='x1',zlab='g1(t, x1)')
xlab='time',ylab='x2',zlab='g1(t, x2)')
VCAM Sieve estimation
B-spline based estimation procedure for time-varying additive models.
VCAM(Lt, Ly, X, optnAdd = list(), optnVc = list())
Lt An n-dimensional list of N_i-dimensional vectors whose elements consist of
longitudial time points for each i-th subject.
Ly An n-dimensional list of N_i-dimensional vectors whose elements consist of
longitudial response observations of each i-subject corresponding to Lt.
XAn nby dmatrix whose row vectors consist of covariate vector of additive com-
ponents for each subject.
optnAdd A list of options controls B-spline parameters for additive components, specified
by list(name=value). See ’Details’.
optnVc A list of options controls B-spline parameters for varying-coefficient compo-
nents, specified by list(name=value). See ’Details’.
VCAM provides a simple algorithm based on B-spline basis to estimate its nonparametric additive
and varying-coefficient components.
Available control options for optnAdd are
nKnot Ad-dimensional vector which designates the number of knots for each additive component
function estimation (default=10).
order Ad-dimensional vector which designates the order of B-spline basis for each additive com-
ponent function estimation (default=3).
grid ANby dmatrix whose column vector consist of evaluation grid points for each component
function estimation.
and control options for optnVc are
nKnot A(d+1)-dimensional vector which designates the number of knots for overall mean func-
tion and each varying-coefficient component function estimation (default=10).
order A(d+1)-dimensional vector which designates the order of B-spline basis for overall mean
function and each varying-coefficient component function estimation (default=3).
grid AMby (d+1) matrix whose column vectors consist of evaluation grid points for overall mean
function and each varying-coefficient component function estimation.
A list containing the following fields:
Lt The same with input given by Lt
LyHat Fitted values corresponding to Ly
phiEst An Nby dmatrix whose column vectors consist of esimates for each additive
component function evaluated at gridX.
beta0Est An M-dimensional vector for overall mean function estimates evalueated at
betaEst An Mby dmatrix whose column vectors consist of esimates for each varying-
coefficient components evalueated at gridT.
gridX The same with input given by optnAdd$grid
gridT The same with input given by optnVc$grid
Zhang, X. and Wang, J.-L. (2015), "Varying-coefficient additive models for functional data", Biometrika,
Vol.102, No.1, p.15-32.
n <- 100
d <- 2
Lt <- list()
Ly <- list()
m <- rep(0,2)
S <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1),nrow=2,ncol=2)
X <- pnorm(mvrnorm(n,m,S))
beta0 <- function(t) 1.5*sin(3*pi*(t+0.5))
beta1 <- function(t) 3*(1-t)^2
beta2 <- function(t) 4*t^3
phi1 <- function(x) sin(2*pi*x)
phi2 <- function(x) 4*x^3-1
for (i in 1:n) {
Ni <- sample(10:20,1)
Lt[[i]] <- sort(runif(Ni,0,1))
Ly[[i]] <- beta0(Lt[[i]]) + beta1(Lt[[i]])*phi1(X[i,1]) + beta2(Lt[[i]])*phi2(X[i,2]) + rnorm(Ni,0,0.1)
vcam <- VCAM(Lt,Ly,X)
plot(unlist(vcam$LyHat),unlist(Ly),xlab='observed Y',ylab='fitted Y')
WFDA Warped Functional Data Analysis
Pairwise curve synchronization for functional data
WFDA(Ly, Lt, optns = list())
Ly A list of nvectors containing the observed values for each individual.
Lt A list of nvectors containing the observation time points for each individual
corresponding to y. Each vector should be sorted in ascending order.
optns A list of options control parameters specified by list(name=value). See ’De-
WFDA uses a pairwise warping method to obtain the desired alignment (registration) of the random
trajectories. The data has to be regular. The routine returns the aligned curves and the associated
warping function.
Available control options are
choice Choice of estimating the warping functions (’weighted’ or ’truncated’). If ’weighted’ then
weighted averages of pairwise warping functions are computed; the weighting is based on
the inverse pairwise distances. If ’truncated’ the pairs with the top 10% largest distances
are truncated and the simple average of the remaining pairwise distances are used - default:
subsetProp Pairwise warping functions are determined by using a subset of the whole sample;
numeric (0,1] - default: 0.50
lambda Penalty parameter used for estimating pairwise warping functions; numeric - default :
V*10^-4, where V is the average L2 norm of y-mean(y).
nknots Number of knots used for estimating the piece-wise linear pairwise warping functions;
numeric - default: 2
isPWL Indicator if the resulting warping functions should piece-wise linear, if FALSE ’nknots’ is
ignored and the resulting warping functions are simply monotonic; logical - default: TRUE
(significantly larger computation time.)
seed Random seed for the selection of the subset of warping functions; numeric - default: 666
verbose Indicator if the progress of the pairwise warping procedure should be displayed; logical -
default: FALSE
A list containing the following fields:
optns Control options used.
lambda Penalty parameter used.
aligned Aligned curves evaluated at time ’t’
hWarping functions for ’t’
hInv Inverse warping functions evaluated at ’t’
costs The mean cost associated with each curve
timing The time required by time-warping.
Tang, R. and Mueller, H.G. (2008). "Pairwise curve synchronization for functional data." Biometrika
95, 875-889
Tang, R. and Mueller, H.G. (2009) "Time-synchronized clustering of gene expression trajectories."
Biostatistics 10, 32-45
N = 44;
eps = 0.123;
M = 41;
Tfinal = 3
me <- function(t) exp(-Tfinal*(((t/Tfinal^2)-0.5))^2);
T = seq(0,Tfinal,length.out = M)
recondingTimesMat = matrix(nrow = N, ncol = M)
yMat = matrix(nrow = N, ncol = M)
for (i in 1:N){
72 Wiener
peak = runif(min = 0.2,max = 0.8,1) * Tfinal
recondingTimesMat[i,] = sort( unique(c( seq(0.0 , peak, length.out = round((M+1)/2)),
seq( peak, Tfinal, length.out = round((M+1)/2))))) * Tfinal
yMat[i,] = me(recondingTimesMat[i,]) * rnorm(1, mean=4.0, sd= eps)
+ rnorm(M, mean=0.0, sd= eps)
Y = as.list(as.data.frame(t(yMat)))
X = rep(list(T),N)
sss = WFDA(Ly = Y, Lt = X, list( choice = 'weighted'))
matplot(x= T, t(yMat), t='l', main = 'Raw', ylab = 'Y'); grid()
matplot(x= T, t(sss$aligned), t='l', main = 'Aligned', ylab='Y'); grid()
Wiener Simulate standard Wiener processes (Brownian motions)
Simulate nstandard Wiener processes on [0, 1], possibly sparsifying the results.
Wiener(n = 1, pts = seq(0, 1, length = 50), sparsify = NULL,
K = 50)
nSample size.
pts A vector of points in [0, 1] specifying the support of the processes.
sparsify A vector of integers. The number of observations per curve will be uniform
distribution on sparsify.
KThe number of components.
The algorithm is based on Karhunen-Loeve expansion.
If sparsify is not specified, a matrix with nrows corresponding to the samples are returned. Oth-
erwise the sparsified sample is returned.
See Also
fdapace-package (fdapace),24
plot.FPCA (CreateDiagnosticsPlot),8

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