Fend Project Restaurants Stage 1 Instructions

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Project Rubric
Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity code reviewer according to the Restaurant
Reviews project rubric. Please review for detailed project requirements. The rubric
should be a resource you refer to periodically to make sure your project meets

Get the Starter Code
To begin, go ahead and clone the starter code from this repository. The code provided
will serve as your baseline to begin development.

Development Strategy
1. Get a MapBox API key
If you do not already have a MapBox account, go ahead and create one
MapBox API is free to use (no need to provide any payment information). If you would
like to use Google Maps, there is a google-mapsbranch of the starter code. You'll
need your own Google Maps API key
2. Get the map on the screen
Head over to your account and create a token. Replace the text
inside of main.js with your key
Using Google Maps instead? Replace the text YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEYin
index.htmland restaurant.htmlwith your own key
Now, what about rendering the map for individual restaurants? Check out
restaurant_info.js. Where would be a good spot to place your API key?
3. Convert the provided site to use a responsive design. All responsiveness should be
done with CSS (Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks should not be used)
Use appropriate document type declaration and viewport tags. Where would you add
these tags in the index.htmland restaurant.htmlfiles?
How does everything look after adding the appropriate tags? Are there any existing
style values in styles.cssthat we can immediately fix to make things more
dynamic? Hint: how does using a % value differ from using a strict px value?

Create a responsive grid-based layout using CSS. Items such as the
restaurants-listwould be a great place to start. What attributes can you add to
make sure these items fit a mobile screen (i.e., a smaller viewport)?
Use media queries that provide fluid breakpoints across different screen sizes
Use responsive images that adjust for the dimensions and resolution of any mobile
device. For a more in-depth look at responsive images, check out our Responsive
Images course
4. Implement accessibility features in the site HTML
How can you use attributes like tabindex to indicate if (or where) an element sits in
keyboard navigation order (e.g., by pressing the Tab key on the keyboard)? What will
be your first element? Your next?
Note that most of this HTML is generated by JavaScript functions (e.g., restaurant item
HTML). How can we use JavaScript directly to create a tab index for each element
What about semantics? Which attributes can we add (and to which page elements) to
reflect the element's role?
Be sure to make both your main page andrestaurant detail page accessible for users
5. Add a ServiceWorker script to cache requests to all of the site’s assets (so that any page
that has been visited by a user will be accessible when the user is offline)
Only caching needs to be implemented, no other ServiceWorker features
Which file(s) would you need to register a service worker? Be sure to have a file ready
to handle the service worker
After the service worker is properly registered, which event(s) are you listening for?
What is/are the response(s)?
6. You may use external JavaScript libraries, but UI frameworks may not be used. This
includes (but is not limited to) jQuery, React, Angular, Vue, etc.

Before Submitting
Make sure your code adheres to our HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git style guidelines.
HTML Style Guide
CSS Style Guide
JavaScript Style Guide
Git Style Guide

Version Control
We recommend using Git from the very beginning. Make sure to commit often and to use
well-formatted commit messages that conform to our guidelines.

Submission Instructions
1. Push your project to GitHub (be sure to push the masterbranch)
2. On the project submission page choose the option 'Submit with GitHub'
3. Select the repository for this project
You may need to connect your GitHub account first

Still Not Sure How to Begin?
You are welcome to check out these student-curated resources in Knowledge!


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