FH5_5ADPAC FHX3 Fh5 5p8ag
User Manual: FHX3
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Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide Version 5.5 February 2005 Revised September 2007 for FH*5.5*8 Department of Veterans Affairs VistA Health System Design and Development Revision History Date Patch Page Description Author September 2007 FH*5.5*8 9 Added new options to the FP Food Preference Management menu. Chris Beynon 12 Modified information for the option: EP Enter/Edit Food Preferences. Chris Beynon 15 Modified the information for option: LP List Food Preferences. Chris Beynon 18 Added information on the new option: MP Allergy/Food Preference Map. Chris Beynon 19 Added information on the new option: CP Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies. Chris Beynon 21 Added information for the new option: UP Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs. Chris Beynon 120 Modified the PT option to remove allergy-type food preferences from the tray tickets. Chris Beynon 145 Added a column, Recipes Embedded? to the List Recipes report. Chris Beynon 213 Expanded the Drug Classification field in the Clinical Site Parameters option. Chris Beynon 291 Changed the Clinician field to Clinician(s) in the Enter/Edit Nutrition Locations option. Chris Beynon 113 Enter/Edit Diet Patterns [FHMTKS] Revised the descriptions columns for this option. Marge Norris The ENTER/EDIT DIETS [FHORD6] option provides functionality to automatically update Diet Pattern names when a Diet is modified. Diet Pattern names are built by using the Abbreviated Label field of each Diet in the pattern. If the Abbreviated Label is changed it will now automatically update all Diet Pattern names that contain the modified Diet. Marge Norris 226 In the Enter/Edit Tubefeeding Products [FHORTF1], the AMT/UNIT field of the TUBEFEEDING file (#118.2) allows the entry of values less than 10. Marge Norris 288 In the Modify Site Parameters [FHSITE] option, ten more Authorizer fields have been added to the Marge Norris FH SITE PARAMETERS (#119.9) file, a total of 15. May 2007 FH*5.5*5 220 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 iii Date November 2006 Patch FH*5.5*4 January 2006 January 2006 January 2006 iv FH*5.5*3 FH*5.5*2 Page Description Author 291 The Enter/Edit Nutrition Locations [FHPRO2] option must be used to set up Room-Beds for Outpatient Locations. Once Room-Beds are set up for outpatient locations, then the Recurring, Special, and Guest meal order options can be used to select a Room-Bed when ordering outpatient meals. The outpatient Room-Bed will then be displayed on Tray Tickets and Diet Cards as well as other reports and display options. Marge Norris 298 The "Also Send Alert To" column added to lists the names of any other clinicians who are also assigned to this Nutrition Location. Marge Norris 299 Added Implementation for Outpatient Meals section to the ADPAC Guide. 271 The PRODUCTION FACILITY: REMOTE KITCHEN// prompt was added to enter/edit a Production Facility. To print a specific Communication Office report, a link must be established between a specific Production Facility and a Communication Office. Florence Ingram Marge Norris 301 Ten more Outpatient Meals Diets have been added to the FH SITE PARAMETERS (#119.9) file, a total of 15. Also, the fields OUTPATIENT MEALS DIET2 through OUTPATIENT MEALS DIET15 are deleted if the OUTPATIENT MEALS DIET1 field is deleted and no data entry is allowed for the 2-15 DIET fields if there is no data in the OUTPATIENT MEALS DIET1 field. This fixes a discrepancy in functionality between the VISTA/server side and the GUI. Marge Norris Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 February 2005 Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................... 1 Notice of Service Name Change ................................................................................................. 1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Audience...................................................................................................................................... 1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Security Key................................................................................................................................ 2 Menu Option Assignment ........................................................................................................... 2 Patch FH*5.5*8 Functionality Changes/Enhancements ........................................................... 5 DM Dietetics Management [FHMGR]........................................................................................ 7 AD Dietetic Administration [FHMGRA] ................................................................................... 8 FP Food Preference Management [FHSELX] ........................................................................ 9 Managing Food Preferences ............................................................................................... 9 EP Enter/Edit Food Preferences [FHSEL1]...................................................................... 12 LP List Food Preferences [FHSEL2]................................................................................ 15 MP Allergy/Food Preference Map [FHSELF].................................................................. 18 CP Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies [FHSELA] .............................................. 19 UP Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs [FHSELU]................................................... 21 SO Standing Order Management [FHSPX].......................................................................... 22 Managing Standing Orders ............................................................................................... 22 LS List Standing Order File [FHSP2]............................................................................... 25 SE Enter/Edit Standing Order File [FHSP1] .................................................................... 26 XI Ingredient Management [FHINGM]................................................................................ 28 IE Enter/Edit Ingredients [FHING3] ................................................................................ 30 IN List Ingredients - Nutrient Data [FHING52] ............................................................... 38 IP List Ingredients - Purchasing Data [FHING51] ........................................................... 40 IR List Ingredients - Recipe Data [FHING5] ................................................................... 41 LE Enter/Edit Storage Locations [FHING4] .................................................................... 45 LL List Storage Locations [FHING8]............................................................................... 46 QE Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH [FHING12]........................................................ 47 QW Display Ingredient Inventory List [FHING13] ......................................................... 51 RL List Recipes Containing an Ingredient [FHING11].................................................... 53 UE Enter/Edit Units [FHING1] ........................................................................................ 55 UL List Units [FHING6] .................................................................................................. 56 VE Enter/Edit Vendor File [FHING2].............................................................................. 57 VL List Vendors [FHING7].............................................................................................. 58 XM Menu Cycle Management [FHPRCM].......................................................................... 59 Managing Menu Cycles .................................................................................................... 59 CD Menu Cycle Effective Dates [FHPRC2] .................................................................... 63 CE Enter/Edit Menu Cycle [FHPRC1] ............................................................................. 64 CL List Menu Cycle [FHPRC8] ....................................................................................... 66 CQ Menu Cycle Query [FHPRC3] ................................................................................... 67 CR Input Recipe Menu [FHPRC14] ................................................................................. 68 DM Display Meal Analysis [FHPRC13] .......................................................................... 70 DP Print Daily Diet Menus [FHPRC11]........................................................................... 71 HE Enter/Edit Holiday Meals [FHPRC5]......................................................................... 73 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 v ME Enter/Edit Meals [FHPRC4] ...................................................................................... 74 ML List Meal [FHPRC6].................................................................................................. 80 MP Edit Meal Production Diets [FHPRC9]...................................................................... 81 WP Print Weekly Menu [FHPRC7].................................................................................. 83 WR Print Weekly Menu Blocks [FHPRC12] ................................................................... 84 XP Production Management [FHPROM]............................................................................. 85 Managing Production........................................................................................................ 85 DP List Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF4].............................................................. 89 OE Enter/Edit Other Meals [FHPRF5] ............................................................................. 90 OL List Other Meals [FHPRF6] ....................................................................................... 92 PE Enter/Edit Production Diets [FHPRO3]...................................................................... 93 PL List Production Diets [FHPRO4] .............................................................................. 100 PP Enter/Edit Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF1] .................................................. 102 SL List Production/Service/Communication Facilities [FHPRO10].............................. 104 TM Tray Tickets/Diet Cards Management [FHMTKMM] ............................................ 108 WL List Nutrition Locations [FHPRO6] ........................................................................ 122 XR Recipe Management [FHRECM]................................................................................. 123 Managing Recipes........................................................................................................... 123 CE Enter/Edit Recipe Categories [FHREC4] ................................................................. 128 CL List Recipe Categories [FHREC5] ........................................................................... 129 EE Enter/Edit Equipment [FHREC8] ............................................................................. 130 EL List Equipment [FHREC9] ....................................................................................... 131 NA Analyze All Recipes [FHREC11] ............................................................................ 132 ND Display Recipe Analysis [FHREC12]...................................................................... 133 NL Display Analyzed Recipes List [FHREC13] ............................................................ 135 PE Enter/Edit Preparation Areas [FHING9]................................................................... 136 PL List Preparation Areas [FHING10] ........................................................................... 137 RC Re-cost Recipes [FHREC10].................................................................................... 138 RE Enter/Edit Recipes [FHREC1].................................................................................. 139 RL List Recipes [FHREC3] ............................................................................................ 145 RP Print Adjusted Recipe [FHREC2]............................................................................. 147 RU List Recipe Usage in Meals/Cycles [FHPRC10] ..................................................... 149 SE Enter/Edit Serving Utensils [FHREC6] .................................................................... 151 SL List Serving Utensils [FHREC7]............................................................................... 152 XX Annual Report Management [FHADRR] .................................................................... 153 Managing Annual Reports .............................................................................................. 153 EA Enter/Edit Facility Profile [FHADR1] ..................................................................... 155 EB Enter/Edit Hospital Outpatient Visits [FHADR3] .................................................... 157 EC Enter/Edit Type of Service [FHADR2] .................................................................... 158 ED Enter/Edit Staffing FTEE [FHADR4] ...................................................................... 159 EE Enter the Snapshot date for Modified Diets [FHADR5]........................................... 161 EF Enter/Edit Cost Per Diem [FHADR6]....................................................................... 162 EG Enter/Edit Nutrition Satisfaction Survey [FHADR7]............................................... 163 EH Enter/Edit Nutrition Service Equipment [FHADR8] ............................................... 166 EI Enter/Edit Nutritive Analysis Average [FHADR9] ................................................... 168 PR Print Annual Nutrition Report [FHADRP] ............................................................... 169 vi Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 February 2005 PU Purge Old Annual Nutrition Data [FHADRS].......................................................... 175 CM Clinical Management [FHMGRC] .................................................................................. 177 DM Patient Data Log [FHDMP]............................................................................................. 178 XC Clinical Management Menu [FHASCX] .......................................................................... 183 CR Clinical Management Report [FHASNRR].................................................................. 185 MI Nutrition Monitor Inquiry [FHMNINQ]................................................................... 186 MR Nutrition Monitor Statistics Report [FHMNREP]................................................... 187 NA Nutrition Status Average [FHASNR5] .................................................................... 189 NS Nutrition Status Summary [FHASNR] ..................................................................... 191 NZ Nutrition Status Matrix [FHASNR2] ....................................................................... 192 SE Encounter Statistics [FHASE4]................................................................................. 194 EC Enter/Edit Nutrition Classifications [FHASC1] ........................................................... 197 EP Enter/Edit Nutrition Plans [FHASC9]........................................................................... 198 ET Enter/Edit Encounter Types [FHASE1]........................................................................ 199 LC List Nutrition Classifications [FHASC2] ..................................................................... 204 LP List Nutrition Plans [FHASC10]................................................................................... 205 LS List Nutrition Statuses [FHASC4] ................................................................................ 206 LT List Encounter Types [FHASE2].................................................................................. 207 XD Display Selected Drug Classifications [FHSYP2]....................................................... 208 XL Display Selected Lab Tests [FHSYP1] ........................................................................ 209 XP Enter/Edit Clinical Site Parameters [FHASC8]............................................................ 210 XD Diet Order Management [FHORDX]........................................................................... 215 Managing Diet Orders..................................................................................................... 215 DE Enter/Edit Diets [FHORD6] ..................................................................................... 218 DL List Diets [FHORD7] ............................................................................................... 222 IE Enter/Edit Isolation/Precautions [FHORI1]............................................................... 224 IL List Isolation/Precaution Types [FHORI2]................................................................ 225 TE Enter/Edit Tubefeeding Products [FHORTF1] ......................................................... 226 TL List Tubefeeding Products [FHORTF2] ................................................................... 228 XE Energy/Nutrient Management [FHNUX] ......................................................................... 230 Managing Energy and Nutrients ......................................................................................... 230 ML List User Menus [FHNU3] .......................................................................................... 233 NE Enter/Edit Nutrients [FHNU6] ..................................................................................... 234 NG Enter Nutrients (Common Units) [FHNU12] .............................................................. 238 NL List Nutrient File [FHNU7].......................................................................................... 240 RE Recipe Analysis [FHNU11].......................................................................................... 243 RL List DRI Values [FHNU9]............................................................................................ 246 XM Consult Management [FHORCX] ................................................................................... 249 Managing Consults ............................................................................................................. 249 CE Enter/Edit Consult Types [FHORC7]........................................................................... 250 CL List Consult Types [FHORC8] ..................................................................................... 252 CR Re-Assign Active Consults [FHORC9]........................................................................ 253 CX Consult Statistics [FHORC10] ..................................................................................... 254 WE Enter/Edit Location Assignments [FHORC5] ............................................................. 255 WL List Location Assignments [FHORC6] ....................................................................... 256 XS Supplemental Feeding Management [FHNOX]................................................................ 257 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 vii Managing Supplemental Feeding ....................................................................................... 257 BE Enter/Edit Bulk Location Feedings [FHNO8] .............................................................. 260 ME Enter/Edit Supplemental Feeding Menus [FHNO6].................................................... 261 ML List Supplemental Feeding Menus [FHNO7] .............................................................. 263 SE Enter/Edit Supplemental Feedings [FHNO4] ............................................................... 265 SL List Supplemental Feedings [FHNO5].......................................................................... 267 DF Dietetic Facilities [FHPRG] ............................................................................................... 269 Managing Dietetic Facilities ................................................................................................... 269 CE Enter/Edit Communication Offices [FHPRO9] ................................................................ 271 FE Enter/Edit Production Facilities [FHPRO7] ...................................................................... 274 NE Enter/Edit Supplemental Fdg. Sites [FHPRO11].............................................................. 276 SE Enter/Edit Service Points [FHPRO8] ................................................................................ 278 SL List Production/Service/Communications Facilities [FHPRO10]..................................... 280 SP Modify Site Parameters [FHSITE] .................................................................................... 288 WE Enter/Edit Nutrition Locations [FHPRO2] ...................................................................... 290 WL List Nutrition Locations [FHPRO6] ................................................................................ 298 OM Outpatient Meals [FHMGROM]..................................................................................... 299 Implementation for Outpatient Meals ..................................................................................... 299 SM Special Meals Menu [FHOMSMGR]............................................................................... 303 RO Request a Meal [FHOMSR] ......................................................................................... 304 RM Recurring Meals Menu [FHOMRMGR].......................................................................... 305 GM Guest Meals Menu [FHOMGMGR]................................................................................ 306 SM System Management [FHSYSM]...................................................................................... 307 Managing the System .............................................................................................................. 307 DF Create Nutrition File entry for all Inpatients [FHX4] ....................................................... 309 DL Update Patient Nutrition Location [FHX5] ...................................................................... 310 FP Check File Pointers [FHX3] .............................................................................................. 311 PD Purge Nutrition Data [FHPURGE] ................................................................................... 312 RD Recode Diets for all Inpatients [FHX2]............................................................................ 313 RI Check Integrity of Routines [FHX1].................................................................................. 314 XF File Manager [FHFILM].................................................................................................... 315 FD File Dictionaries [FHFIL4] ............................................................................................... 316 IE Inquire to Files [FHFIL3]................................................................................................... 319 PE Print File Entries [FHFIL1] ............................................................................................... 320 SE Search File Entries [FHFIL2] ............................................................................................ 322 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 325 Acronyms and Definitions ...................................................................................................... 325 Terms and Definitions............................................................................................................. 327 viii Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 February 2005 Introduction In the past, all Nutrition information was classified according to inpatient Medical Administration Service (MAS) defined ward location and Delivery Points. These two categories functioned very well for some reports for many facilities but did not reflect the needs of all production areas and diet offices in all facilities. It also did not account for the changing needs of many facilities to track outpatient meal ordering data. Notice of Service Name Change Pursuant to Department of Veterans Affairs VHA Directive 10-05-031, Nutrition and Food Service (N&FS) will be the official nomenclature used as the new service name for Dietetic Service in VHA Central Office and at Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare facilities. Therefore, all supporting documentation and customer education materials will use the Nutrition and Food Service nomenclature in place of the former Dietetic Service in all contexts. The change aligns this program more closely with the nomenclature recognized by national accrediting bodies, professional organizations, and other healthcare agencies. Additionally, the change is appropriate for the program that functions most directly in support of the nutrition and food services. Purpose The Nutrition and Food Service Outpatient Meals Manager/ADPAC Manual is designed as a reference guide for all Administrative and Clinical Nutrition Managers and/or the Nutrition and Food Service Application Coordinators who build, implement, and maintain Nutrition VistA files. This manual provides information necessary for the establishment and implementation of all Nutrition program files, including the Outpatient Meals enhancement. The Outpatient Meals software enhancement integrates the automation of the Outpatient Meals ordering process and many Clinical Nutrition and Food Management functions. Audience This manual is intended for use by the Nutrition and Food Service Clinical and Administrative Chiefs, and the Nutrition and Food Service Application Coordinators. Scope The Nutrition and Food Service (NFS) Manager/ADPAC Manual is a guide designed to support the VistA Nutrition and Food Service, Version 5.5 program. This version includes the Outpatient Meals enhancement, which automates outpatient functions, adds new functionality and Clinical Quality Care monitoring activities to the existing NFS application. This manual provides complete documentation for previous and new functionality used by the Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 1 The NFS software integrates the automation of many Clinical Nutrition and Food Service and Food Management functions. The Clinical Nutrition and Food Service activities of Nutrition and Food Service Screening, Nutrition and Food Service Assessment, Diet Order Entry, Tubefeeding and Supplemental Feeding Orders, Patient Food Preferences, Specific Diet Pattern Calculations, Nutrient Analysis of meals, Consult Reporting, Encounter Tracking, and Quality Care Monitoring are all available in this program. Complete automation of food production activities, service and distribution, inventory and cost management, recipe expansion, menu and recipe nutrient analysis, meal and diet pattern development and implementation, diet card and tray ticket printing, quality service tracking, and annual management reports are also available. The new functionality contained in this software includes the following capabilities: • Provides electronic order entry of meals to authorized outpatients when they are kept over mealtimes. • Enables electronic order entry of meals for other authorized users such as residents, without compensation employees and volunteers. • Facilitates and tracks the number of meals for each Enhanced Sharing Agreement (selling of meal services), such as a childcare center, or a Meals-on Wheels program. • Provide tracking, reporting and projection features currently for Inpatients Nutrition and Food Service Package will also include Outpatient. • Ability to request, authorize, print, cancel, and view status of Outpatient Special Meals. • Ability to request and print Guest Meals. • Ability to request Recurring Meals for a regularly scheduled outpatient including a patient profile, meal status, early/late trays, and tubefeeding. • Creation of new reports and modification of some existing Nutrition options to include Outpatient data. Functionality and activity processing for this software is divided into two major areas: • Manager/ADPAC options used to build files, set parameters, review data, and generate reports. • General user options used for normal day-to-day automated Nutrition functions. The Nutrition Manager/ADPAC is responsible for the coordination of all aspects of the VistA Nutrition and Food Service program. Therefore, all file building options are included in this manual. All or parts or all of the menus/modules can be assigned to selected users. Security Key A FHAUTH key has been created for the Outpatient Meals portion. The Manager/ADPAC is the only person who should hold the Nutrition and Food Service security key. The FHMGR key allows for Nutrition package files deletions but does not automatically protect the program from errors. The key holder must know the file inter-relationships in order to avoid system errors. Menu Option Assignment Modify menu assignments to suit your needs. You can select a primary menu and enhance it by adding a secondary menu to it or you can modify a primary menu by removing or adding options as needed. Customize through the Site Manager. 2 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 February 2005 The menu options included in this manual are tailored to a variety of nutrition functions. Information about the options is located in both the User Manual and Manager/ADPAC Guide. • External names of the options display first (the names that display at sign on to VistA). • Internal names display within brackets "[ ]". • Series of three periods following a menu/option, means the menu/option displays a list of additional options. Note: It is recommended that you establish user groups for each Nutrition function and create lists of the main menus/options for those functions. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 3 4 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 February 2005 Patch FH*5.5*8 Functionality Changes/Enhancements • • • • • • • • • Mapped GMR ALLERGIES (#120.82) file entries to specific allergy-type FOOD PREFERENCES (#115.2) file entries. You automatically add specific allergy-type food preferences to a patient's nutrition record as specific GMRA food-type allergies are added to the patient's medical record. Updated nutrition reports and ordering options, in order to display allergy data and to display the *ALG indication on labels for patients with allergies. Resolved the issue in which Recipes with Embedded Recipes was not removed when printing tray tickets. A patient has an allergy or food preference; exclude the recipe from the tray ticket. Because the excluded recipe is embedded, the tray ticket code was not removing or replacing the food item. Expanded the Clinician field in the NUTRITION LOCATION (#119.6) file to a multiple to allow diet, tubefeeding, and consult bulletins to go to multiple RD's rather than one single individual. Updated and expanded the Nutrition Assessment option to allow the editing of the Work in Progress Assessment. Also, added additional necessary fields and new calculations to the option. Added Body Mass Index (BMI) to the Nutrition Profile and Screening Report. Made the inpatient Nutrition Assessment available as a Progress Note to TIU. When a Nutrition Assessment is marked as Complete, the assessment is created as a Progress Note in TIU. Added new fields to the API provided to Health Summary: Patient Allergies, Nutrition Assessment Patient Follow-up Date, and Comments. This is for inpatients only. The new fields are viewable in the Health Summary with patch GMTS*2.7*83; patch 8 only passes the new fields to Health Summary. Added new alerts for Nutrition Assessment Follow-up Date and Food/Drug Classification. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 5 6 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 DM Dietetics Management [FHMGR] AD Dietetic Administration… [FHMGRA] CM Clinical Management… [FHMGRC] DF Dietetic Facilities… [FHPRG] OM Outpatient Meals… [FHMGROM] SM System Management… [FHSYSM] XF File Manager… [FHFILM] Dietetics Management provides access to all options within the Nutrition and Food Service System, both administrative and clinical, plus access to all maintenance and system management options. Package ADPACs and/or managers are the users of this menu. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 7 AD Dietetic Administration [FHMGRA] AM Administrative Menu… [FHADMR] (User Manual) FP Food Preference Management… [FHSELX] PR Production Reports… [FHADMR] (User Manual) SO Standing Order Management… [FHSPX] XF File Manager… [FHFILM] XI Ingredient Management… [FHINGM] XM Menu Cycle Management… [FHPRCM] XP Production Management… [FHPROM] XR Recipe Management… [FHRECM] XX Annual Report Management… [FHADRR] Dietetics Administration provides access to all administrative management functions. Administrative Section Chiefs and Administrative Dietitians are the users of this menu. Reports for dietetic administration include outpatient meals and locations based on the type of information requested. 8 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 FP Food Preference Management [FHSELX] 1 EP Enter/Edit Food Preferences [FHSEL1] LP List Food Preferences [FHSEL2] MP Allergy/Food Preference Map [FHSELF] CP Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies [FHSELA] UP Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs [FHSELU] Food Preference Management allows you to build a site-specific listing of honored patient food preferences. You order preferences for specific patients. Recipes are associated with each dislike food preference, allowing for the automation of food preferences in Menu Management. Once the list is established, you can tabulate food preferences for use in meal production calculations; as well as appropriately substitute preferences within the printed diet card and tray ticket options. Managing Food Preferences The Food Preference options are used at different levels. The simplest level is to order a preference for a patient to store in the computer. Ordering the preference in the computer alerts the diet office through the Diet Activity Report/Labels (DA). The next level is to use information from the program to adjust the tally when forecasting production needs. The program does not automatically adjust the Meal Production Report (Meal Production Reports (MR) option). However, it does tally preferences by meal, using the Tabulate Patient Meal Preferences (TP) option within the Production Reports (PR) menu. This list can be printed menu-specific or non-menu specific. The most complex level is using food preferences in the Diet Card and Tray Ticket programs. • If you choose to use the computer generated Diet Card, under the Print Diet Cards (PD) option of the Tray Tickets (TT) menu, food preferences automatically print on the Diet Card. • If you choose to use the Print Tray Tickets (PT) option in the same menu, food preferences automatically delete the “Dislike” recipes, add the “Like” recipes, and substitute the acceptable alternate recipes. (See Tray Tickets (TT) in the User Manual.) Food Preference changes when tray tickets are implemented. Only bread and beverage likes and all dislikes are handled under food preference. All other likes served, regardless of restrictions, must be entered as standing orders. Diet restrictions are stored as dislikes in the FOOD PREFERENCES file. Once you create the diet patterns, add the restrictions to each inpatient’s food preference entries if the diet applies. You can do this by answering YES to the question “Update All Diet Restrictions?”. The program only adds the entry if none exists and deletes it if the diet order is changed and the restrictions no longer apply. If you modify the preference through the Food Preference menu, the restriction stays with the patient after the diet order is changed. 1 Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Added new options to the FP Food Preference Management menu. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 9 Food preferences are stored in the computer even after the patient is discharged. When the patient is re-admitted, the following actions occur: • All of the patient's past food preferences are viewed using the Patient Profile (PP) option under the Diet Orders (DO) menu, Print Nutrition Profile (PP) under the Nutrition Patient Management (NM) menu, Display Patient Preferences (DP) under the Food Preferences (FP) menu, or Patient Data Log (DM). • “Dislike” food preferences only print on the Diet Activity Report/Labels with the patient's first diet order. • If the automated Print Diet Cards (PD) option is used, all the patient's preferences in the file print on the Diet Card. • If the automated Print Tray Tickets (PT) option is used, all the patient's preferences in the file are used to determine what food items print on a ticket for each meal. Data for the Food Preference Program is stored in the FOOD PREFERENCES file (#115.2). It uses data in the RECIPE file (#114). Make sure the RECIPE file (#114) is complete before using the Enter/Edit Food Preferences (EP) option. Diagram of the Relationship FILE (#) POINTER (#) FILE POINTER FIELD TYPE POINTER FIELD FILE POINTED TO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUTRITION PERSON (#115.09) FOOD PREFERENCES ..... (N )-> --------------------| | | 115.2 FOOD PREFERENCES | RECIPE |-> RECIPE | m EXCLUD:EXCLUD* |-> RECIPE --------------------- Steps to follow 1. Review the contents of the FOOD PREFERENCES file using the List Food Preferences (LP) option. 2. Determine food preference needs. 3. Enter all recipes to exclude for dislikes in the FOOD PREFERENCES file using the Enter/Edit Food Preference (EP) option. 4. Add to the FOOD PREFERENCES file as needed. 5. 10 To have the patient's bread and beverage replace the bread and beverage in the meal use the two fields, BREAD/BEVERAGE DEFAULT? and MEALS in the FOOD PREFERENCES file. Create a food preference for each bread and beverage you serve to replace with the inpatient’s bread and beverage. Specify the food preferences are bread and beverage defaults and the meal (B, N, E, or A) in which they belong. Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Example If whole wheat bread, white bread, white toast, and decaf coffee are served in the meal for breakfast, add a food preference for each of them. 6. Create a food preference for the inpatient and assign it. Example Inpatient prefers rye bread and tea for breakfast, instead of the usual whole wheat bread and decaf coffee. Add rye bread and tea, and assign them to the patient. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 11 EP Enter/Edit Food Preferences [FHSEL1] The Enter/Edit Food Preferences option allows you to enter data in the FOOD PREFERENCES file (#115.2) to accommodate all patients food likes and dislikes that the facility honors. It is not necessary to add a food item that your facility does not serve. All item entries are classified as “Like” or “Dislike” food preferences, which you associate with corresponding recipes for accurate tallies and/or tray ticket substitutions. You use this option to rename any existing allergy-type food preferences. 1 Because each site may use different naming conventions, it is very important that allergy-type food preferences be renamed using the specified convention. ALLERGY – [name] Example There is an allergy-type food preference called "NO FISH - ALLERGY". You must change it to "ALLERGY - FISH". You can also use this option to create a SYNONYM for allergy-type food preferences with old names, such as "NO FISH - ALLERGY". This allows you to look up and display the food preferences by the old names. A preference is a “Like” when a patient wants a food item daily for a specific meal or for all meals. You must create all “Like” food items that your facility wants to honor. You must assign a single corresponding recipe to each “Like”. If you use automated diet cards or tray tickets, you need to identify the default Bread and Beverage “Like” that is served at your facility. A preference is a “Dislike” when a patient does not want a food item on the tray. When using this option, all foods included for that “Dislike” are linked with the preference by listing those recipes. Example “No Fish” includes baked fish, fish almondine, tuna salad, diet tuna salad, and so on. Whenever the computer finds one of these items to serve to a patient who has a “No Fish” preference, it is listed on the Tabulate Patient Meal Preferences (TP) report. The field “Food Preferences” uses food preferences when entering data for a patient. In turn, the Food Preferences “Recipe:” and “Excluded Recipe:” fields use data from the RECIPE file (#114). Food Preferences Name: This field is 3 - 30 characters in length, not numeric, and not starting with punctuation. The name is descriptive of the food preference. Dislikes are prefaced with “NO” in the name field. 1 Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Modified information for the option: EP Enter/Edit Food Preferences. 12 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Examples o No Orange Juice o No Fish o Choc Milk o Tea Like or Dislike: This is a required field and indicates whether the preference is a “Like” or a Dislike”. If you enter “Dislike”, a prompt displays, “Select EXCLUDED RECIPES:”. You can enter multiple recipes that contain the food item for the selected dislike. Excluded Recipe: This field points to the RECIPE file (#114) and only displays when “Dislike” is entered. You can enter multiple recipes that contain the disliked food item. To illustrate, if the dislike is “No Potatoes”, enter all recipes that contain any kind of potatoes as excluded recipes. “No Mashed Potatoes” excludes only recipes containing Mashed Potatoes, such as LS Mashed Potatoes, Duchess Potatoes, LS Duchess Potatoes, Snowflake Potatoes, and so on. Recipe: This field points to the RECIPE file (#114) and only displays when “Like” is entered. Select one recipe from the file to display on the Diet Card or Tray Ticket to provide the preference. Bread/Beverage Default: This prompt displays only when you select “Like”. A “Yes” entry indicates this is the normally served item. A “No” entry indicates it is not a normally served “Like”, but one that can be entered specifically for a patient. Meals: This prompt displays only when you enter “Yes” under the Bread/Beverage Default field. This allows the food item to be the default preference for only certain meals or all meals. Meal letter identifiers (B, N, E) can be entered in multiples, such as “BN”, “BE”, “BNE”, or “A” for all meals. Inactive Field: This field indicates whether the Food Preference is currently inactive. For various reasons, a facility may not be able to accommodate certain Food Preferences on a permanent or temporary basis. Selecting “Yes” inactivates a Food Preference without deleting it from the file. If an inactive Food Preference is entered for a patient, “** INACTIVE **” displays in the name of the selected item, indicating that this Food Preference will not be honored at this time. The manager can re-activate a food preference by entering “No” at this prompt. Select Dietetic Administration Option: EP LP MP CP UP Food Preference Management Enter/Edit Food Preferences List Food Preferences Allergy/Food Preference Map Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs Select Food Preference Management Option: EP Enter/Edit Food Preferences Select FOOD PREFERENCES NAME: NO ONION,ALLERGY NAME: NO ONION,ALLERGY// ALLERGY – ONIONS February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 13 SYNONYM: NO ONION - ALLERGY LIKE OR DISLIKE: DISLIKE// Do you want to import Recipes from another Food Preference? N // Select EXCLUDED RECIPES: INACTIVE?: Note: To view a list of the existing Food Preferences, enter ?? at the ‘Select FOOD PREFERENCES NAME:’ prompt. Enter data in the FOOD PREFERENCES file (#115.2) to accommodate all patients' food likes and dislikes Select FOOD PREFERENCES NAME: BREAD, WHOLE-WHEAT Are you adding 'BREAD, WHOLE-WHEAT' as a new FOOD PREFERENCES (the 59TH)? Y (Yes) FOOD PREFERENCES NAME: BREAD, WHOLE-WHEAT//NAME: BREAD, WHOLE-WHEAT// LIKE OR DISLIKE: L LIKE RECIPE: BREAD 1 BREADED PORK STEAK 2 BREAD, LS LS BREAD 3 BREAD, RYE RYE BREAD 4 BREAD, WHITE WHITE BREAD 5 BREAD, WHOLE WHEAT WHOLE WHEAT BREAD CHOOSE 1-5: 5 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD BREAD/BEVERAGE DEFAULT?: Y YES MEALS: A Enter B, N, E, or A for All. INACTIVE?: Select FOOD PREFERENCES NAME: Note: For a Yes or No answer, when there is no default, pressing is the same as No. 14 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 LP List Food Preferences [FHSEL2] The List Food Preferences option is an 80-column report that lists all the data in the FOOD PREFERENCES file (#115.2) and entered using the Enter/Edit Food Preferences (EP) option. Provided you have renamed any existing allergy-type Food Preferences with the new naming convention, your allergy-type food preferences display in alphabetical order. 1 Example of LP with renamed allergy-type food preferences Select Food Preference Management Option: LP List Food Preferences DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// PATIENT PREFERENCES NAME TYPE JUN 26, 2007 14:42 PAGE 1 MEAL RECIPE EXCLUDED RECIPES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------INA DEF ALLERGY – BEANS, LENTILS PINEAPPLE PIE ALLERGY – ALCOHOL, WINE DIS ALLERGY – ALFALFA SPROUTS DIS ALLERGY – APPLES DIS BNE Example of the LP List Food Preferences option DEVICE: PATIENT PREFERENCES NAME TYPE INA DEF MAR MEAL 8,2005 14:14 PAGE 1 RECIPE EXCLUDED RECIPES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------NO APPLE JUICE DIS APPLE JUICE NO APPLESAUCE DIS APPLESAUCE CINNAMON APPLESAUCE DB APPLESAUCE NO APRICOTS DIS PUREED APRICOTS APRICOT PRUNE SALAD APRICOT SALAD APRICOT NECTAR NO ASPARAGUS 1 DIS Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Modified the information for option: LP List Food Preferences February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 15 ASPARAGUS, CANNED LS ASPARAGUS NO BACON DIS BACON NO BAKED FISH DIS BAKED FISH FILLETS BAKED FISH PARISIENNE LS BAKED FISH FILLETS NO BAKED POTATO DIS BAKED POTATO LS BAKED POTATO NO CHICKEN DIS FRIED CHICKEN OVEN FRIED CHICKEN CHICKEN TETRAZINI GROUND PULLED CHICKEN CHICKEN ALA KING CHICKEN ALA MARYLAND CHICKEN DRUMSTICK PATIENT PREFERENCES NAME TYPE INA DEF MAR MEAL 8,2005 14:14 PAGE 2 RECIPE EXCLUDED RECIPES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------CHICKEN PATTY ON BUN CHICKEN POT PIE LS FRIED CHICKEN LS OVEN FRIED CHICKEN LS CHICKEN ALA KING LS CHICKEN DRUMSTICK LS CHICKEN TETRAZINI COUNTRY CREAMED CHICKEN CHICKEN CACCIATORE BREAD,RYE LIK RYE BREAD - 1 SLICE BREAD,WG LIK NATURAL WW BREAD - 2 SL BREAD,WHITE LIK YES BNE WHITE BREAD BROTH LIK BROTH, VARIETY CANNED FRUIT,DB LIK DB APPLESAUCE CANNED FRUIT,REG LIK APPLESAUCE 16 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 CEREAL,VARIETY LIK YES BNE CEREAL, VARIETY COCOA LIK COCOA, INDIVIDUAL COFFEE LIK YES BNE COFFEE/DRY CRM SUB February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 17 MP Allergy/Food Preference Map [FHSELF] 1 The Allergy/Food Preference Map option provides two lists. 1. Enter A to view the food-type GMR ALLERGIES (#120.82) file entries with corresponding allergy-type FOOD PREFERENCES (#115.2) file entries. 2. Enter F to view the allergy-type FOOD PREFERENCES (#115.2) file entries with corresponding food-type GMR ALLERGIES (#120.82) file entries. Select Dietetic Administration Option: EP LP MP CP UP Food Preference Management Enter/Edit Food Preferences List Food Preferences Allergy/Food Preference Map Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs Select Food Preference Management Option: MP Allergy/Food Preference Map This option can be used to display the standard GMR Allergy entries and the Food Preferences they map to. Display Map by Allergies or by Food Preferences (A/F): Display Map by Allergies or by Food Preferences (A/F): A DEVICE: HOME// Allergies TELNET GMRA STANDARD FOOD ALLERGY MAP GMRA Allergy Name Corresponding NFS Food Preference ============================ ============================================ WINE ... MAPS TO: ALLERGY – ALCOHOL, WINE YAMS ... MAPS TO: ALLERGY – POTATOES, SWEET/YAMS YEAST ... MAPS TO: ALLERGY – YEAST YOGURT ... MAPS TO: ALLERGY – MILK, YOGURT ZUCCHINI ... MAPS TO: ALLERGY – ZUCCHINI Display Map by Allergies or by Food Preferences (A/F): F DEVICE: HOME// Food Preferences TELNET ALLERGY TYPE FOOD PREFERENCE MAP NFS Food Preference Title ============================ ALLERGY - WHEAT ALLERGY – WHEY ALLERGY – WINE, RED ALLERGY – YEAST ALLERGY – ZUCCHINI 1 GMRA Standard Allergy(s) ============================================ FLOUR, WHEAT WHEY RED WINE YEAST ZUCCHINI Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Added information on the new option: MP Allergy/Food Preference Map 18 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 CP Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies [FHSELA] 1 The Create/Map Food Preference to Allergies option allows you to create or map food preferences to allergies automatically. • Use the CP option to display an alphabetical listing of the allergy-type Food Preferences that do not yet exist at your site. • Select any food preference from the list and add it to the FOOD PREFERENCES file, like adding a new food preference with the EP option. Note: Do not use CP, when an item in the list already exists and was not renamed or was not renamed correctly; rather use EP. Do not duplicate food preferences names. Example When the "ALLERGY - FISH" Food Preference shows up on the allergytype Food Preferences list and you know that it already exists as a Food Preference, return to the EP option and rename it "ALLERGY - FISH". It probably was not yet renamed or there is a typo in the name, such as "AALERGY - FISH". The naming convention must be exact, "ALLERGY - [TYPE]". Select Dietetic Administration Option: EP LP MP CP UP Food Preference Management Enter/Edit Food Preferences List Food Preferences Allergy/Food Preference Map Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs Select Food Preference Management Option: Allergies CP Create/Map Food Preferences to The following Allergy Food Preference titles are not on file. You may use this option to create these Food Preference entries: 1 2 3 4 5 MISSING FOOD PREFERENCE LIST ============================ ALLERGY - ALCOHOL ALLERGY - ALCOHOL, BEER ALLERGY - ALCOHOL, GIN ALLERGY - ALCOHOL, RUM ALLERGY - ALCOHOL, SCOTCH Select Food Preference or 'M' to see more ('^' to EXIT): M// 6 ALLERGY - ALCOHOL, TEQUILA 7 ALLERGY - ALCOHOL, VODKA 8 ALLERGY - ALCOHOL, WINE, WHITE 9 ALLERGY - ANISE OIL 10 ALLERGY - ARTICHOKES Select Food Preference or 'M' to see more ('^' to EXIT): M// 11 ALLERGY - ASPARAGUS 1 Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Added information on the new option: CP Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 19 12 13 14 15 ALLERGY ALLERGY ALLERGY ALLERGY - BARLEY BEANS BEANS, BAKED BEANS, FAVA Select Food Preference or 'M' to see more ('^' to EXIT): M// 11 ALLERGY - ASPARAGUS Add to Food Preference file? YES NAME: ALLERGY - ASPARAGUS// SYNONYM: NO ASPARAGUS LIKE OR DISLIKE: DISLIKE// DISLIKE Do you want to import Recipes from another Food Preference? N // Select EXCLUDED RECIPES: WHEATIES Are you adding ‘WHEATIES’ as a new excluded recipes (the 1st for this FOOD PREFERENCES)? No// y (Yes) Select EXCLUDED RECIPES: VANULLA PUDDING Are you adding ‘VANILLA PUDDING’ as a new excluded recipes (the 2nd for this FOOD PREFERENCES)? No// (No) Select EXCLUDED RECIPES: BUTTERED ASPARAGUS Are you adding ‘BUTTERED ASPARAGUS’ as a new excluded recipes (the 3RD for this FOOD PREFERENCES)? No// Y (Yes) Select EXCLUDED RECIPES: EXCLUDE EMBEDDED RECIPES: ?? Set this field to YES if recipes embedded in the excluded recipes for This food preference should be removed from tray tickets. Choose from: Y YES N NO EXCLUDE EMBEDDED RECIPES: y YES INACTIVE?: ?? This field, if answered YES, will prohibit further selection of this preference unless the FHMGR key is held. Choose from: Y YES N NO INACTIVE?: ...done. 20 ALLERGY - ASPARAGUS Food Preference has been added! Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 UP Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs [FHSELU] 1 The Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs option allows you to update food preferences to allergies automatically, provided you have renamed any existing allergy-type Food Preferences with the new naming convention. When you run this option, all inpatients are checked for any existing GMR Allergies without corresponding Food Preferences. If any food preferences are missing, but the link between GMR Allergies and the Food Preferences exists, this option adds the necessary food preferences. Select Dietetic Administration Option: EP LP MP CP UP Food Preference Management Enter/Edit Food Preferences List Food Preferences Allergy/Food Preference Map Create/Map Food Preferences to Allergies Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs Select Food Preference Management Option: Prefs UP Update All Patients Allergy/Food ... Updating Patient Food Preferences based on Food-Type Allergies...Done The following entries need to be mapped in order to automatically update the Patient Food Preferences: ‘FISH, CATFISH’ Patient: DRG,TEST GROUPER NUM ‘KIWI’ Patient: INPATIENT,VISIT ‘MODIFIED FOOD STARCH’ Patient: NFSPATIENT,ONE ‘PHEASANT’ Patient: NFSPATIENT,TWO Patient: NFSPATIENT,THREE ‘SQUID’ Patient: NFSPATIENT,FOUR Allergy: CATFISH Allergy: KIWI FRUIT Allergy: FOOD STARCH, MODIFIED Allergy: PHEASANT Allergy: PHEASANT Allergy: SQUID ... DONE 1 Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Added information for the new option: UP Update All Patients Allergy/Food Prefs. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 21 SO Standing Order Management [FHSPX] LS List Standing Order File [FHSP2] SE Enter/Edit Standing Order File [FHSP1] Standing Order Management allows you to create a listing that honors patients' requests or dietary requirements for specific food items or utensils. You can select standing orders for any patient for any meal or quantity. You can generate labels for each item and patient, as well as a consolidated listing for production purposes of items necessary for each service point and meal. Managing Standing Orders Standing orders are separated into two types, individual and diet-associated. Individual standing orders are orders ordered through the Standing Order menu. These orders are not cancelled when the diet order is changed. All individual standing orders are denoted by an “(I)” on the Location Diet Order List, Diet Activity, etc. The diet-associated standing orders are tied to the diet pattern, which is added to any newly admitted patient when the diet is ordered. This also applies to the current inpatients that have diet order changes. When a diet order changes, the old diet-associated standing orders are cancelled and the new diet order becomes effective. Only current inpatients that already have the existing diet order before the pattern is created will not have the standing orders added to the file. You need to reorder the diet order for the inpatient, if you want the standing orders to become effective. Otherwise, consider modifying the patient’s standing orders, so that the patient does not have duplicates or more standing orders than needed when a diet order is changed. The reason behind this is that right after installation, existing inpatients already have existing standing orders. We cannot update existing inpatient standing order files after a pattern is created, because it might cause duplicates that need to be cancelled. Therefore, before automatically adding more standing orders to an inpatient, review the difference between individual standing orders and diet-associated standing orders. Determine if there is any need to modify the inpatient’s standing orders. When an inpatient has diet order changes, there will be fewer orders to modify. On the tray ticket, both types of standing orders are considered standing orders. Once an associated standing order is added to an inpatient’s file and modified through the option Enter/Edit Standing Orders (SE), it becomes an individual standing order and remains with the inpatient. Standing Orders are tabulated for each Service Point per meal, using the Tabulate Standing Orders (SO) option under the Production Reports (PR) or the Nutrition Lists/Reports menu. This list is used by the production staff for preparation and distribution. The option to print a label for each standing order identifies which patient receives the Standing Order item. The option to print labels is Print Standing Order Labels (SL) of the Production Reports (PR) and the Nutrition Lists/Reports (DR) menus. 22 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 The STANDING ORDERS file (#118.3) does not use data from other files, but its data is used when setting up the DIET PATTERNS file. Diagram of the Relationship FILE (#) POINTER (#) FILE POINTER FIELD TYPE POINTER FIELD FILE POINTED TO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIET PATTERNS (#111.11) ASSOCIATED STANDING OR* (N )-> ASSOCIATED STANDING OR* (N )-> ASSOCIATED STANDING OR* (N )-> NUTRITION PERSON (#115.08) ADMIS:STANDIN:ORDER* . (N C )-> • • • • • • • • --------------------| | | 118.3 STANDING ORDERS | | | | | | | | --------------------- Standing Orders automatically generated as part of the diet pattern are deleted if the diet order changes. Diet-Associated Standing Orders do not have any parantheses after the name. Changing a diet does not affect the Standing Order that is individualized for a patient. It displays as a Standing Order (I). An existing entry on the list of Standing Orders cannot be deleted. Use the Inactive field. To accommodate items not served daily, the Standing Order name can include the time or days, such as “Cold Sandwich (MWF only)”. This displays each day for the meal. The production employees need to ignore this on the “other” days or diet office personnel can line through this before taking it to the production areas. Try to enter the item the same way it is ordered. For example, it is probably best to list “Soup, Reg” and “Soup, LS” instead of “Reg Soup” and “LS Soup”. The order in which the standing orders display on lists are planned, e.g., cold foods can be preceded with “Cold” or “C”, so that they are grouped together. Entries with numbers display first, followed by letters in alphabetical order. There is some overlap in the functionality of the Standing Orders Program and the Food Preference Program. Consider the functions of each program before building the files. Standing Orders print on the automated Tray Ticket and/or Diet Card. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 23 There are steps necessary to build the data in the STANDING ORDERS file (#118.3) that supports the Standing Orders Program. A Standing Order is a special request for an item that is not normally produced or available at a given meal. It is similar to a Food Preference, but Food Preferences generally refer to patient likes and dislikes, and requests for items that are routinely available. Standing Orders are entered for a patient by the clinician or automatically generated as part of the diet pattern, and created under the Enter/Edit Patient Diet Pattern (DP) option. Steps to Follow 1. Review the STANDING ORDERS file using the List Standing Order File (LS) option. 2. Review diet card/manual system for needs. 3. Determine the need for individualized standing orders versus the automated diet-associated standing orders. The automated associated standing orders go away when diet order is changed. 4. Assign needed (if necessary) individual standing order to inpatients. 24 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 LS List Standing Order File [FHSP2] The List Standing Order File option is an 80-column report that lists all items in the STANDING ORDERS file (#118.3) and is created using the Enter/Edit Standing Order File (SE) option. DEVICE: (Printer name) STANDING ORDERS MAR 8,2005 11:23 PAGE 1 NAME INACTIVE? LABEL? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------C-4 OZ NDC C-APPLESAUCE, DIABETIC C-APPLESAUCE, REG C-COTTAGE CHEESE C-CRANBERRY JUICE C-DB CANNED FRUIT C-FRESH APPLE ONLY C-FRESH FRUIT C-FRESH ORANGE ONLY C-FRUIT ICE C-GELATIN, DB C-GELATIN, REG C-GRAPE JUICE C-HALF AND HALF - 4OZ C-ICE CREAM C-ICE CREAM, VANILLA ONLY C-JUICE OF DAY C-LEMONADE C-LETTUCE SALAD C-PUDDING, REGULAR C-PUREED FRUIT C-REG CND FRUIT H-BAKED FISH M-W-F ONLY H-BEEF PATTY H-BROTH, LS H-BROTH, REGULAR H-CHEESE, REG. 1 OZ H-CREAM SOUP H-EGG, HARD BOILED H-EGG, SCRAMBLED H-GRAVY H-GRAVY, LS H-LS CREAM SOUP H-LS HOT CEREAL-NO OATMEAL H-LS SOUP-NO CREAM H-MASHED POTATOES H-NO BEEF-NO CHEESE H-NO GRND BEEF-GIVE CHEESE H-NO GRND BEEF-GIVE COTT CHEZ H-NO GRND BEEF-GIVE LS CHEZ H-NO RST BEEF-GIVE CHEESE H-NO RST BEEF-GIVE COTT CHEZ H-NO RST BEEF-GIVE LS CHEESE H-OATMEAL, REGULAR H-PEANUT BUTTER - 2 TBSP H-PLAIN GRND MEAT H-PLAIN MEAT H-POTATO H-SAND COLD MEAT W/CONDIMENTS February 2005 YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO YES NO NO YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO YES Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 25 SE Enter/Edit Standing Order File [FHSP1] The Enter/Edit Standing Order File option allows you to enter and edit data in the STANDING ORDERS file (#118.3). The file contains the names of food items/preferences and produces a selection list when a standing order is entered for a patient, using the Enter/Edit Standing Orders (SE) option. It is also used when a standing order is created as part of a diet pattern under the Enter/Edit Diet Patterns option in Tray Tickets/Diet Cards Management. Standing Orders Name: Item names must be 3-30 characters in length. There is no limit to the number of food items you can enter. To accommodate items not served daily, the Standing Order name can include the time or days, such as “Cold Sandwich (MWF only)”. This displays each day for the meal designated. You can view Standing Orders on the Location Diet List (WL), Patient Profile (PP), and Nutrition and Food Service Profile (NP). A Standing Order displays by name only if it is part of the diet pattern. If it is a Standing Order individualized for a patient, that is not part of the diet pattern, it displays with (I) following the name. This is to indicate that the clinician entered a Standing Order for the patient. This nomenclature is similar to that used for Supplemental Feedings. Examples o Applesauce, DB o Broth, LS o Cold Meat Sandwich (M W F) o Cottage Cheese o Cottage Cheese o Egg, Hard boiled o Grilled Cheese sandwich o No Fish o No Liver In order to handle non-routine requests needed for patient care, you can create a “Specials” entry as part of this file. Use it for the occasional order allowed for a particular patient, but is not a routinely approved standing order. Manually write the name of the item on the Tabulated Standing Orders List. Label: This field identifies whether a computer-generated label for the item prints. The appropriate response is “YES” (Y) or “NO” (N). The label includes all patient identification and location, as well as the Standing Order item name and meal. Inactive: This field indicates whether the Standing Order is currently inactive. For various reasons, a facility may not be able to accommodate certain Standing Orders on a permanent or temporary basis. Selecting “YES” inactivates a Standing Order without deleting it from the file. A “NO” reactivates the Standing Order. If anyone holding the key FHMGR enters an inactive 26 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Standing Order for a patient, “** INACTIVE **” displays in the name of the selected item, indicating that this Standing Order is not honored. This warning does not display without this level of access, without which you could not select an inactive Standing Order. Select STANDING ORDERS NAME: PLAIN MEAT Are you adding ‘PLAIN MEAT’ as a new STANDING ORDERS (the 64th) Y (Yes) STANDING ORDERS NAME: PLAIN MEAT// NAME: PLAIN MEAT// LABEL?: Y YES INACTIVE?: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 27 XI Ingredient Management [FHINGM] IE Enter/Edit Ingredients [FHING3] IN List Ingredients - Nutrient Data [FHING52] IP List Ingredients - Purchasing Data [FHING51] IR List Ingredients - Recipe Data [FHING5] LE Enter/Edit Storage Locations [FHING4] LL List Storage Locations [FHING8] QE Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH [FHING12] QW Display Ingredient Inventory List [FHING13] RL List Recipes Containing an Ingredient [FHING11] UE Enter/Edit Units [FHING1] UL List Units [FHING6] VE Enter/Edit Vendor File [FHING2] VL List Vendors [FHING7] Ingredient Management allows you to enter data that controls all aspects of ingredient usage within the Nutrition and Food Service program. Each ingredient is associated with its vendor, storage location, purchasing data (cost and unit), issuing and recipe unit conversions, nutrient references and weight conversions. Lists are generated containing all data fields, as well as listing of all recipes containing a particular ingredient. An ingredient inventory module exists to allow for tracking, recording, and calculating physical inventory on hand on a monthly basis. The Ingredient Management Program is the foundation of Food Management. The program consists of an extensive INGREDIENT file (#113) and three smaller data files: UNITS file (#119.1). STORAGE LOCATION file (#113.1) and VENDOR file (#113.2). Approximately 1000 ingredients, common to most VA medical centers, come with the program in the INGREDIENT file (#113). In addition, some basic data comes in the UNITS file (#119.1). Both of these files can have additional information entered and can be edited. The STORAGE LOCATION file (#113.1) and VENDOR file (#113.2) come without data. It is highly recommended that the data in all Ingredient Management files be carefully reviewed and data entered or edited before proceeding on to other options. Every ingredient in a recipe and every single food item required to prepare and serve a meal, e.g., creamer, sugar substitute, bread and milk, must be contained in the INGREDIENT file (#113). The Inventory Management Program and Energy Nutrient data links for Nutritional analysis are new to the INGREDIENT file (#113) in this version. The Inventory Management Program generates worksheets by food groups or storage locations for ease of data collection when doing physical inventories. Current costs and quantities on hand can be updated easily as the program loops through the INGREDIENT file (#113). Finally, an Inventory Cost Report is generated with subtotals by food groups. 28 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 The new nutrient-ingredient link was added to facilitate recipe and meal analysis. All recipes and meals can now be quickly analyzed with a minimal effort. Each ingredient must be linked to a nutrient from the FOOD NUTRIENTS file (#112); this then becomes the default nutrient in the recipe analysis program. This nutrient can be edited for any recipe as needed. A field for IFCAP Master Items Number (MINS) was added to the INGREDIENT file (#113) for better item identification and to facilitate future links with IFCAP. The RECIPE file (#114) to the left uses data from the INGREDIENT file (#113) and the INGREDIENT file (#113) uses data in those files listed on the right (VENDOR, UNITS, STORAGE LOCATION, FOOD NUTRIENTS, and ITEM MASTER). Diagram of the Relationship FILE (#) POINTER (#) FILE POINTER FIELD TYPE POINTER FIELD FILE POINTED TO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECIPE (#114.01) INGREDIENT ........... (N )-> February 2005 --------------------| | | 113 INGREDIENT | | VENDOR |-> | NUTRITION UNIT* |-> | STORAGE LOCATI* |-> | NUTRIENT DATA * |-> | MASTER ITEM # |-> --------------------- Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 VENDOR UNITS STORAGE LOCATION FOOD NUTRIENTS ITEM MASTER 29 IE Enter/Edit Ingredients [FHING3] The Enter/Edit Ingredients option allows you to create new ingredients or edit existing ingredients in the INGREDIENT file (#113) to correspond to the facility needs. You can add or delete ingredients from the file at anytime. Warning: Before deleting an ingredient, make sure it is not used in a recipe. Use the List Recipes Containing an Ingredient (RL) option to check every ingredient you want to delete. If it is not in a recipe, delete the ingredient immediately. If it is in a recipe(s), you must delete the ingredient from the recipe(s) before deleting the ingredient. Failure to delete an ingredient from a recipe before deletion from the INGREDIENT file (#113) results in program errors. Before any changes are made to INGREDIENT file (#113), review all data pertinent to each ingredient and identify any changes or additions needed to make this file appropriate to the facility. Because there are 21 data fields associated with each ingredient, this file must be printed in three separate lists: • List Ingredients - Nutrient Data (IN), • List Ingredients - Purchasing Data (IP), and • List Ingredients - Recipe Data (IR). Combined, these lists provide all the data relevant to each ingredient. Review all data fields carefully. Nine of the fields are required for the Food Production Program. Other fields are utilized for optional reports and analysis, such as inventory and nutrient analysis. Other fields in the file are there in preparation for future program routines, such as thaw days, and linking to IFCAP. The INGREDIENT file (#113) points to/uses data from four other files: UNITS, VENDOR, STORAGE LOCATION and FOOD NUTRIENTS. The Units and Vendor names can be entered under Enter/Edit Units (UE) and Enter/Edit Vendor File (VE) options or entered in the fields “VENDOR:” and “Nutrition Unit of Issue:” using the option Enter/Edit Ingredients. You can add and edit the basic data sent with the UNITS file (#119.1). Print a List Units (UL) as a reference tool when editing the INGREDIENT file (#113). Data for the STORAGE LOCATION file (#113.1) must be created under Enter/Edit Storage Locations (LE) prior to building the INGREDIENT file (#113). Data is sent with the FOOD NUTRIENTS file (#112) and is updated with each new Nutrition VistA version. (See the Energy/Nutrient Management Section.) The validity and completeness of the INGREDIENT file (#113) is essential in generating accurate adjusted recipes, storeroom requisitions, and meal production reports. Any change in an ingredient name, type, or unit of purchase or issue will drastically affect other ingredient data, such as recipe unit, nutrient reference, etc. Therefore, if you change any data for an ingredient, be sure to check all other fields for accuracy. 30 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Ingredient Name: The name must be 3-50 characters in length. Write ingredient names in the same terminology as stated in recipes. This enables the person entering recipes to find ingredients more easily. You can edit the name field of an ingredient that is already in the INGREDIENT file (#113). Master Item #: This 4-digit number is the IFCAP Master Item Number (MIN) for this ingredient at the facility. This number prints on the inventory worksheet and report for item identification. Ingredient MINs are unique to each facility. This field accepts a short item name, NSN, NDC or Vendor stock number as a cross reference to IFCAP to facilitate data entry. If a name or other number is entered, the MIN is displayed and only the MIN is stored with the ingredient in the file. Supply Description: The supply description is a required entry and must be 3-21 characters in length. Descriptive names on national stock numbered ingredients in the file are derived from approved Federal Item Identifications, which you cannot change. The supply description should include details about the item in an appropriate format. Descriptions of new items added to the file should include product information such as, can size (No. 303), frozen (frz), etc. This field is not used at this time but is for the future for food ordering and inventory. Vendor: The vendor is not a required entry. Vendor entries must be 3-30 characters in length. A vendor is the source that supplies an ingredient. Each ingredient can have only one vendor. If more than one vendor supplies an item, such as is with bid items, you can create a “Bid” vendor. Add new vendors to the VENDOR file (#113.2) through this field or through Enter/Edit Vendor (VE). You can sort many reports by vendor, when this field is completed for all ingredients. Stock Number: The stock number is not a required entry. It may be 1-16 characters in length. Federal Stock Numbers are on DLA and Depot Federal supply items in the file. Enter a stock number, if available, on any added ingredients. This field is currently not used, but is for a future version for food ordering and inventory. This field also accepts alphabetical characters to use to enter a specific brand name as an added identifier for an ingredient. Unit of Purchase (U/P): The Unit of Purchase (U/P) is a required entry that must be two characters in length. The U/P is the unit in which an ingredient is purchased from the vendor. This unit is the same as the “Unit of Purchase” on each item in the Nutrition Cost Report. It is the unit received by the stock employee. Note: Any changes to purchase units may affect issue and recipe units. Examples o BG – bag o CN – can o JR - jar o BT – bottle o CO – container o QT - quart February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 31 Date Cost Last Updated: This field contains the date the cost of the ingredient was last updated. • If the cost is updated through the Enter/Edit Ingredient option, you must enter a new date. • If cost is updated through Inventory, the Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH option, this date is automatically updated. • When adding a new ingredient, today's date displays. • When editing cost through this option, enter a new date. Price/Unit of Purchase: The Price/Unit of Purchase is not a required entry. Enter a cost 0-9999, to 3 decimals, for a purchase unit of this ingredient. However, if entered, it is used in computing Total Ingredient Cost as listed on the Projected Usage (PU) production report, Recipe (portion) Cost as displayed under List Recipes (RL), and Inventory On Hand cost as listed on the Inventory Worksheet/Report (PW). Remember to edit the “Date Cost Last Updated:” field if cost is edited. Ordering Multiple (of U/P): The ordering multiple is the number of purchase units by which you must order an item. Enter vendor-required ordering multiple, 0-9999 with no decimals. This is not a required entry but may be used in the future when linked to IFCAP. Example If purchasing chocolate syrup in #10 cans from a local vendor, you normally have to purchase a case of six #10 cans. If the purchase unit is CN, the ordering multiple entered is 6 (six). If the purchase unit is CS, the ordering multiple is 1 (one). Nutrition Unit of Issue: The Nutrition Unit of Issue is a required entry that must be 2-12 characters in length. The unit of issue designates the unit in which an ingredient is requisitioned from the Nutrition Storeroom or the way the Ingredient Control Unit employee removes items from the shelf. Approximately 180 entries are provided with the UNITS file (#119.1). Create new issue units through this field or through the Enter/Edit Units (UE) option. Examples o CS – 1000 o 2# CAN o 12-oz PKG o 1# BOX o 20 oz BTL o 16-oz CAN The Nutrition Unit of Issue may be the same unit as the Unit of Purchase, but is usually described in more detail. No. of Issue Units in a U/P: This field is a required entry that designates how many Nutrition Units of Issue are in a Unit of Purchase (U/P). Enter a number between 0 and 9999 for issue units in a unit of purchase for this ingredient. 32 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Examples o If the Nutrition Unit of Issue is a 50 oz can of soup and the Unit of Purchase is a CN, then the number of Issue Units in a U/P is 1. o If the Nutrition Unit of Issue is PKG (package) for sugar substitute and the Unit of Purchase is a CS (that contains 1000 pkgs), then the number of Issue Units in a U/P is 1000. o If the Nutrition Unit of Issue is LB for sugar and the Unit of Purchase is a BG (that contains 25# of sugar), then the number of Issue Units in a U/P is 25. o If the Nutrition Unit of Issue is LB for frozen beef stew and the Unit of Purchase is LB, then the number of Issue Units in a U/P is 1. It is recommended that if a food item is received in different package weights each time it is ordered, e.g., Frozen Beef Stew, then it is best to enter the Nutrition Unit of Issue in LBs and the Unit of Purchase in LBs so that the database does not continuously need changing. This field is also used to generate purchase order amounts on Projected Usage (PU). Recipe Unit: This is a required field. Recipe unit specifies the types of measure that you can apply to an ingredient in a recipe. There are three types of measures: GAL (volume), LB (weight) or Each. Each ingredient in the INGREDIENT file (#113) has one corresponding Recipe Unit. The Recipe Unit restricts that ingredient to the one type of measure for all recipes. If a recipe requires the same ingredient measured in a different way, create a new ingredient with a different recipe unit. Example The Recipe Unit for bulk soy sauce is GAL (gallon). This establishes volume as the type of measure. All recipes containing soy sauce must be written in one of the various volumetric units, e.g., gallons, quarts, pints, cups, ounces. Recipes requiring soy sauce in any other measure would require a separate soy sauce ingredient with a different Recipe Unit, e.g., EACH for individually packaged soy sauce. TYPE OF MEASURE: VOLUME WEIGHT EACH Recipe Unit GAL LB EACH Do not change the recipe units for ingredients sent with the Nutrition and Food Service package without considering the impact on the RECIPE file (#114). Whenever a Recipe Unit is entered or changed, an audible “beep” is sounded and a warning prompt displays. Warning: A change in the Recipe Unit impacts the RECIPE data considerably! # of Rec Units/Issue Unit: This a required entry that represents the number of recipe units (LB, GAL, EACH) per Nutrition Issue Unit. It is a number between .001 and 9999. Examples February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 33 o o o o If the recipe unit for oatmeal is LB (pound) and the Nutrition Storeroom Clerk issues (pulls) a 2 LB carton of oatmeal from the shelf, the # of Recipe Units/Issue Unit is 2. If the Recipe Unit for Ketchup is EACH and the Nutrition Storeroom Clerk issues a CS of 2000, then the # of Recipe Units/Issue Unit is 2000. If the Recipe Unit for milk is GAL (gallon) and the Nutrition Storeroom Clerk issues in QT containers, then the # of Recipe Units/Issue Unit is .25. If the Nutrition issue unit is changed, also adjust the # of Recipe Units/Issue Unit. This field is very important because it describes the relationship between ingredient quantities in recipes and total quantities pulled from storerooms. Note: Quantity errors on storeroom reports may be due to errors in this field. Weight of Recipe Unit in Lbs.: The data in this field is required to perform nutrient analysis of recipes. It is not a required field but you may want to automate recipe and meal analysis. Enter a weight of 0-999 with up to 3 decimals. For each ingredient, enter the actual weight in pounds. Examples o If the recipe unit is pound, enter 1 for weight. o If recipe unit is gallon, enter 8 (eight pounds per gallon). This is the standard for water; if the ingredient is heavier or lighter than water, a different weight is entered. o If the recipe unit is Each, such as 1-each 4 oz juice, or 1-each 1 oz syrup, or 1-each 1/2 oz catsup, enter the weight as follows, .25 for juice, .062 for syrup or .031 for catsup. When Each units are expressed as volume, again consider whether the item is heavier or lighter than water, and weigh if necessary. Nutrient Data Reference: The Nutrient Data Reference field uses data in the FOOD NUTRIENTS file (#112). Enter the Food Nutrient item that most closely approximates this cooked ingredient. This entry is the default nutrient when performing a nutrient analysis of a recipe containing this ingredient. If this ingredient is always served as a raw ingredient, enter a raw food nutrient item rather than a cooked one. The nutrient program automatically makes adjustments for edible portion. Edit the default nutrient as necessary. Storage Location: The storage location is not a required entry. This field represents the location where ingredients are stored. It must be a location already created in the STORAGE LOCATION file (#113.1). If this field is completed for all ingredients, you can sort many reports by Storage Location, such as the inventory worksheet. Create new storage areas only through the Enter/Edit Storage Locations (LE) option. Thaw Days: This field is not a required entry and is currently not functional. A list of items to thaw prior to production days is planned for the future, including the number of days required to thaw the ingredient. The Thaw Days field is a number, 0-3 with no decimals. Food Group: The Food Group is a required entry. It designates the Nutrition Food Group number and must be a whole number between 1 and 6 with no decimals. It is used to sort ingredients in reports, such as the Inventory Report. 34 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Inventory: This field is not a required entry but must be completed to use the Nutrition Inventory options. Enter YES if this ingredient is an inventoried item and you want it to display on the Inventory Worksheet. If answered YES, the On - Hand Issue units field displays. A NO entry or entering a return indicates that this item will not be inventoried and the prompt sequence ends. Seasonal items, or one time use items purchased and used within the same month, may be items you do not want inventoried. Date QOH Last Updated: This field contains the date the quantity-on-hand was last updated. To update the quantity through this option, you must enter a new date. If you update the quantity using the Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH (QE) option, this date is automatically updated. On Hand (In U/P): This field contains the number of units of purchase that are currently in inventory for this ingredient. Enter a quantity 0-99999 with two decimals. Do you want to re-cost recipes?: It is a required field. This prompt displays each time an ingredient or group of ingredients is added or edited. This is a reminder to keep the RECIPE file (#114) updated with the most current ingredient costs. • If YES is entered, the program automatically re-costs all recipes. “Done ...” displays when re-costing is complete. • If cost or unit fields are not changed, enter NO to skip re-costing recipes. Select INGREDIENT NAME: BEEF 1 BEEF LIVER 2 BEEF PUREE, W/ BEEF BROTH, ... 3 BEEF STEW, CND, R-T-S 4 BEEF, BONELESS, FROZEN, ... 5 BEEF, CORNED, FRZ TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 6 BEEF, CUBED STEAKS, FRZN 7 BEEF, GROUND, FROZEN 8 BEEF, PATTIES, FRZ 9 BEEF, STEWING, FRZN RAW, DICED 10 BEEF, TOP RND, FRESH CHOOSE 1-10: 6 NAME: BEEF, CUBED STEAKS, FRZN Replace MASTER ITEM #: 1342 Are you adding '1342' as a new ITEM MASTER (the 4TH)? Y (Yes) ITEM MASTER SHORT DESCRIPTION: ? ANSWER MUST BE 3-60 UPPER CASE CHARACTERS OR NUMERICS IN LENGTH, CANNOT BEGIN WITH THE LETTERS 'NEW' ITEM MASTER SHORT DESCRIPTION: BEEFCUBE/STEAK/FZN-4OZ/EA/LBS SUPPLY DESCRIPTION: BEEF CUBESTEAKSPEC Replace VENDOR: ? Answer with VENDOR NAME Do you want the entire 39-Entry VENDOR List? Y Choose from: February 2005 (Yes) Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 35 AMERICAN BAKERIES AMERICAN HOSPITAL SUPPLY .... FLAVO-O-RICH MARIO'S DISTRIBUTORS MILIANI '^' TO STOP: ^ You may enter a new VENDOR NAME MUST BE 3-30 CHARACTERS, NOT NUMERIC OR STARTING WITH PUNCTUATION VENDOR: NFSMEAL,One DISTRIBUTORS STOCK NUMBER: UNIT OF PURCHASE (U/P): LB// DATE COST LAST UPDATED: MAR 23,2005// (MAR 23, 2005) PRICE/UNIT OF PURCHASE: 2.39 ORDERING MULTIPLE (OF U/P): 1 NUTRITION UNIT OF ISSUE: LB// NO. OF ISSUE UNITS IN A U/P: 1// RECIPE UNIT: LB// # OF REC UNITS/ISSUE UNIT: 1// WEIGHT OF RECIPE UNIT IN LBS.: 1// NUTRIENT DATA REFERENCE: BEEF, COMPOSITE OF TRIMMED CUTS, ALL GRADES, COOKED// STORAGE LOCATION: FREEZER 1 THAW DAYS: FOOD GROUP: 1// INVENTORY?: Y YES DATE QOH LAST UPDATED: MAR 23,2005// (MAR 23, 2005) ON HAND (IN U/P): 10 Select INGREDIENT NAME: 36 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Do you want to re-cost recipes? (Y/N): Y Beginning re-costing of all recipes ............................................ ......... Done ... February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 37 IN List Ingredients - Nutrient Data [FHING52] The List Ingredients – Nutrient Data option is a 132-column report that lists the nutrient data from the INGREDIENT file (#113). Data from the following fields are included: Ingredient Name, Nutrient Data Reference, and its associated Recipe Unit and Weight of Recipe Unit in Lbs. You can sort this list A (Alphabetically), F (Food Group), or V (Vendor). Example - alphabetical Select OPTION NAME: FHING52 List Ingredients - Nutrient Data List Ingredients - Nutrient Data Sort: (A=Alphabetically F=Food Group V=Vendor) F// A The list requires a 132 column printer. Select LIST Printer: HOME// TELNET 3-Feb-05 1 8:13am I N G R E D I E N T N U T R I E N T D A T A Page NAME NUTRIENT DATA REFERENCE REC UNIT WT IN LBS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALLSPICE LB 1.000 AMIN-AID, ORANGE EACH 0.325 AMIN-AID, STRAWBERRY EACH 0.325 ANTIOXIDANT COMPOUND LB APPLE RINGS, SPICED, UNPEELED, SYRUP PAK EACH APPLES, BKD SPICED, CND, WHOLE CORED W/SYRUP EA APPLES, CND, SLICED, PEELED LB 1.000 APPLES, DEHYD, SLICED LB 1.000 APPLES, FRESH EACH 0.304 APPLESAUCE, CND, DIET LB 1.000 APPLESAUCE, CND, SWEETENED WO/SALT LB 1.000 APRICOT HALVES, CND, SYRUP PAK W/SKIN LB 1.000 APRICOT HALVES, CND, WATER PAK W/SKIN LB 1.000 APRICOT PUREE, DIETETIC LB 1.000 APRICOTS, WHOLE, CND, SYRUP PAK W/SKIN LB 1.000 ASPARAGUS PUREE, GREEN, DIET LB 1.000 38 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 ALLSPICE, GROUND AMIN AID AMIN AID APPLES, CND, SWEETENED APPLES, DRIED, UNCKD APPLES, RAW APPLESAUCE, CND, UNSW, WO/VIT C APPLESAUCE, CND, SWEETENED, APRICOTS, CND, HEAVY SIRUP, APRICOTS, CND, WATER PACK, APRICOTS, PUREED APRICOTS, CND, HEAVY SIRUP, ASPARAGUS, PUREED February 2005 ASPARAGUS SPEARS, CND, GREEN, DIET LB 1.000 ASPARAGUS SPEARS, FROZEN GREEN LB 1.000 ASPARAGUS, CUT SPEARS, CND, GREEN LB 1.000 BACON BITS, COOKED LB BACON, PREFRIED ROASTED LB 1.000 BACON, RAW, FRZ LB 1.000 BACON, SLICED, CND, OVEN BROILED ROASTED EACH 0.062 BAKING MIX, DIET, LO PRO, LO NA (PAYGEL) LB BAKING POWDER, DIET, LO NA LB 1.000 BAKING POWDER, REG LB 1.000 BAKING SODA, REG LB 1.000 BAMBOO SHOOTS, CND LB 1.000 BANANA PULP, MASHED LB 1.000 BANANA PUREE LB BANANAS, FRESH EACH 0.251 BARBECUE SAUCE, HICKORY SMOKE FLAVOR GAL 8.530 BARBECUE SAUCE, REGULAR FLAVOR GAL 8.819 BARLEY, PEARL, WHITE LB 1.000 BASIL, DRIED LB 1.000 BAY LEAVES, WHOLE EACH BEAN SALAD (3 BEAN), CND LB BEAN SALAD (4 BEAN), CND LB BEAN SPROUTS, CND LB 1.000 BEANS, BLACK-EYED, DRY LB 1.000 BEANS, BUTTER, FZN WO/SALT LB 1.000 BEANS, CND, W/PORK IN MOLASSES, BROWN SUGAR SAUCE LB 1.000 BEANS, CND, W/PORK IN TOM SAUCE SAUCE LB 1.000 BEANS, CUT GREEN, CND LB 1.000 February 2005 ASPARAGUS, CND, DIET PK, LO NA ASPARAGUS, FRZ, CKD WO/SALT ASPARAGUS, CND, REG PACK BACON, BROILED, FRIED, OR BACON, RAW BACON, BROILED, FRIED, OR BAKING POWDER, LO NA COMMERCIAL BAKING POWDER, NA AL SO4 BAKING SODA BAMBOO SHOOTS, CND BANANAS, RAW BANANAS, RAW SAUCE, BARBECUE SAUCE SAUCE, BARBECUE SAUCE BARLEY, PEARLED, COOKED BASIL, GROUND BAY LEAF, CRUMBLED BEAN SPROUTS, MUNG, CND BEANS, BLACK, BOILED, WO/SALT BEANS, LIMA, LARGE, BOILED, BEANS, WHITE, CND, W/PORK&SWEET BEANS, WHITE, CND, W/PORK&TOM BEANS, GREEN, CND, REG PK Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 39 IP List Ingredients - Purchasing Data [FHING51] The List Ingredients – Purchasing Data option is a 132-column report that lists data from the INGREDIENT file (#113) associated with purchasing the item: Stock Number, Price/Unit of Purchase, Vendor, Unit of Purchase, etc. You can sort this list A (Alphabetically), F (Food Group), or V (Vendor). Sort: (A=Alphabetically F=Food Group V=Vendor) F// The list requires a 132 column printer. Select LIST Printer: HOME// 40 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 IR List Ingredients - Recipe Data [FHING5] The List Ingredients – Recipe Data option is a 132-column report that lists all the data related to recipes in the INGREDIENT file (#113). The following fields are included: Ingredient Name, Supply Description, Stock Number, Storage Location (LOC'N), Thaw Days, Unit of Purchase (U/P), No. of Issue Unit in U/P (Iss/UP), Nutrition Unit of Issue (Issue), # of Recipe Units/Issue Unit (REC/ISS) and Recipe Unit (REC). You can sort this list A (Alphabetically), F (Food Group), or V (Vendor). Example – Food Group Sort: (A=Alphabetically F=Food Group V=Vendor) F// The list requires a 132 column printer. Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer name) 3-Feb-05 9:14am I N G R E D I E N T N U T R I E N T D A T A Page 1 Food Group: MEAT PRODUCTS NAME NUTRIENT DATA REFERENCE REC UNIT WT IN LBS. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BEEF LIVER LB 1.000 BEEF PUREE, W/ BEEF BROTH, DIET, LO NA LB 1.000 BEEF STEW, CND, R-T-S LB 1.000 BEEF, BONELESS, FROZEN, TOP ROUND TRIMMED, B LB 1.000 BEEF, CORNED, FRZ LB 1.000 BEEF, CUBED STEAKS, FRZN CUTS, ALL GRA LB 1.000 BEEF, GROUND, FROZEN WELL DONE LB 1.000 BEEF, PATTIES, FRZ BROILED, EACH 0.187 BEEF, STEWING, FRZN RAW, DICED CUTS, ALL GRA LB 1.000 BEEF, TOP RND, FRESH TRIMMED, B LB 1.000 BOLOGNA LB 1.000 CABBAGE AND BEEF ROLLS W/TOM SCE, FZN, HEAT AND SE LB CHICKEN ALA KING, CND, HEAT AND SERVE LB 1.000 CHICKEN ALA KING, FROZEN LB CHICKEN BREAST, FROZEN, READY-TO-COOK ROASTED LB 1.000 February 2005 BEEF, LIVER, FRIED BEEF, PUREED BEEF AND VEGETABLE STEW, CND BEEF, ROUND, TOP ROUND, GOOD, BEEF, CORNED, BONELESS, CKD BEEF, COMPOSITE OF TRIMMED BEEF, GROUND, REGULAR, BAKED, BEEF, GROUND, PATTIES, FROZEN, BEEF, COMPOSITE OF TRIMMED BEEF, ROUND, TOP ROUND, GOOD, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, BEEF & PORK CHICKEN, BREAST, MEAT&SKIN, Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 41 CHICKEN LEG, FROZEN, READY-TO-COOK CHICKEN, LEG, MEAT&SKIN, ROASTED LB 1.000 CHICKEN PUREE, W/CHICKEN BROTH, DIET LO NA CHICKEN, PUREED LB 1.000 CHICKEN THIGHS, FZN CHICKEN, THIGH, MEAT&SKIN, ROASTED LB 1.000 CHICKEN, CND, BONED, DICED CHICKEN, CND, MEAT ONLY, BONED, W/BROTH LB 1.000 CHICKEN, CND, BONED, DICED, DIET LB CHICKEN, DRUMS, FZN LB CHICKEN, FROZEN, BROILER OR FRYER, READY TO COOK CHICKEN, MEAT&SKIN, ROASTED LB 1.000 CHICKEN, FROZEN, QUARTERED, READY-TO-COOK CHICKEN, MEAT&SKIN, ROASTED LB 1.000 CHICKEN, PULLED, UNSALTED CHICKEN, MEAT ONLY, ROASTED LB 1.000 CHICKEN/VEGETABLES, CND, CHOW MEIN CHOW MEIN, CHICKEN, WO/NOODLES, CND LB 1.000 CHILI CON CARNE, CND, W/BEANS CHICKEN POTPIE, FRZ, COMMERCIAL, UNHEATE LB 1.000 CHILI CON CARNE, CND, W/O BEANS CHILI CON CARNE, CND, WO/BEANS LB 1.000 CHIPPED BEEF W/WHITE SAUCE, CND, R-T-S BEEF, CHIPPED BEEF, DRIED, CREAMED LB 1.000 CLAM CHOWDER, COND, MANHATTAN STYLE SOUP, CLAM CHOWDER, MANHATTAN, W/TOMATO GAL 8.854 CLAM CHOWDER, COND, NEW ENGLAND STYLE SOUP, CLAM CHOWDER, NEW ENGLAND, W/MILK, GAL 8.854 CLAMS, CND, MINCED CLAMS, CND, DRAINED SOLIDS LB 1.000 COD RAW BREADED FISH STICKS, FRZ, CKD LB 1.000 CORNED BEEF, CND BEEF, CORNED, BONELESS, CND LB 1.000 EGG MIX, FROZEN, WHOLE EGGS EGGS, WHOLE, LARGE, RAW, FRESH, AND FRZ LB 1.000 EGG MIX, POWDER FORM EGGS, WHOLE, DRIED LB 1.000 EGG SUBSTITUTE EGG SUBSTITUTE, FRZ GAL 8.466 EGGS, SHELL, FRESH EGGS, WHOLE, MED, RAW, FRESH, AND FRZ EACH 0.097 FARINA-DM LB FRANKFURTERS, FRESH FRANKFURTERS, CKD LB 1.000 HAM PUREE, SALTED LB HAM SMKD, BONELESS HAM, BONELESS, REGULAR, ROASTED LB 1.000 HAM, COOKED, FRZ HAM, BONELESS, REGULAR, ROASTED LB 1.000 HASH, CORNED BEEF, CND, COOKED BEEF, CORNED BEEF HASH, CND, W/POTATO LB 1.000 KNOCKWURST SAUSAGE, KNOCKWURST LB 1.000 LAMB LEG ROAST, BONELESS, FRESH LAMB, LEG, CHOICE, TRIMMED, ROASTED LB 1.000 LAMB PUREE, DIET, LOW NA LB 42 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 LASAGNA WITH MEAT SAUCE, FROZEN, COOKED LB 1.000 LIVER PUREE, DIET, LOW SODIUM LB 1.000 LIVER, BEEF, FRESH FROZEN B 1.000 MACARONI AND CHEESE, FROZEN HOME RECIP LB 1.000 MACARONI WITH CHEESE SAUCE, CND LB 1.000 OYSTERS, CND LB 1.000 PORK CHOPS, BONELESS ROASTED LB 1.000 PORK PUREE, DIET, LO NA LB PORK PUREE, W/SALT ADDED LB PORK SLICES EACH 0.265 PORK, BOSTON BUTT, BONELESS ROASTED LB 1.000 PORK, CUTLETS, FROZEN, PREFAB, BREADED, RAW LB PORK, GROUND FROZEN LB 1.000 PORK, HAM, FROZEN, UNCURED LB 1.000 PORK, LOIN ROAST ROASTED LB 1.000 RAVIOLI WITH CHEESE SAUCE, CND LB RAVIOLI WITH MEAT SAUCE, CND LB SALAMI CKD LB 1.000 SALMON, CANNED W/SALT LB 1.000 SALMON, CND, DIET, WATER-PAK LO SODIUM WO/SALT LB 1.000 SARDINES, CND SOLIDS LB 1.000 SAUSAGE PATTIES, RAW FZN CKD LB 1.000 SAUSAGE, ITALIAN LB 1.000 SAUSAGE, SMOKED PORK & BEE LB 1.000 STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS IN SAUCE, CND, HEAT AND SERV LB 1.000 TAMALES, BEEF, CND, W/CHILI GRAVY LB TUNA, CND, DIET WATER, WO/SA LB 1.000 TUNA, CND, LIGHT, CHUNK STYLE LB 1.000 TURKEY BREAST, UNSALTED MEAT&SKIN, ROA LB 1.000 TURKEY PUREE, DIET LB 1.000 TURKEY PUREE, W/SALT LB 1.000 February 2005 LIVER, PUREED BEEF, LIVER, FRIED MACARONI AND CHEESE, BAKED FR MACARONI AND CHEESE, CND OYSTERS, CND PORK, CENTER LOIN, TOT ED, PORK, COMPOSITE CUTS, ROASTED PORK, BLADE, BOSTON, TRIMMED, PORK, COMPOSITE CUTS, ROASTED PORK, COMPOSITE CUTS, ROASTED PORK, CENTER LOIN, TRIMMED, SAUSAGE, SALAMI, BEEF & PORK, SALMON, PINK, CND, SOL+LIQ, SALMON, PINK, CND, SOL+LIQ, SARDINES, CND, IN OIL, DRAINED SAUSAGE, PORK, LINKS OR BULK, SAUSAGE, ITALIAN, CKD SAUSAGE, SMOKED LINK SAUSAGE, STUFFED PEPPERS W/ TOM SAUCE TUNA, LIGHT MEAT, CANNED IN TUNA, LIGHT MEAT, CANNED IN OIL TURKEY BREAST, PREBASTED, TURKEY, PUREED TURKEY, PUREED Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 43 TURKEY, BONELESS, FROZEN, RAW, UNSEASONED SEASONED, L LB 1.000 TURKEY, CND, BONED, DICED LB 1.000 VEAL PUREE, DIET LB 1.000 VEGETABLE PROTEIN MEAT SUBSTITUTE LB 44 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 TURKEY ROAST, BONELESS, FRZ, TURKEY, CND, MEAT ONLY, W/BROTH VEAL, PUREED February 2005 LE Enter/Edit Storage Locations [FHING4] The Enter/Edit Storage Locations option allows you to add and modify storage locations in the STORAGE LOCATION file. The STORAGE LOCATION file (#113.1) contains a list of locations within Nutrition and Food Service where perishable and non-perishable food items are stored, e.g., refrigerators, freezers, storerooms, etc. Locations include areas where you do inventory. The Storage Location field discussed under Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE) uses the data in the STORAGE LOCATION file (#113.1). Each facility must create a site-specific list of Storage Locations. Storage Location Name: Enter unique names 3-15 characters in length. Data in this file is not required; however, if each ingredient is assigned a storage location, you can sort specific reports by storage area. This is very useful when completing Inventory Worksheets. Code: This is a required field. Enter the abbreviated name for this location. Print Order: This is a required field. Enter a number 1-49, no decimals. This number determines the print order of reports when sorted by storage location. Select STORAGE LOCATION NAME: ? Answer with STORAGE LOCATION NAME, or CODE Choose from: DAIRY PRODUCTS DRY GOODS FREEZER 1 FRUITS & VEGS REFRIGERATOR 1 THAW BOX You may enter a new STORAGE LOCATION ANSWER MUST BE 3-15 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH Select STORAGE LOCATION NAME: RF#1 MEAT FRZR Are you adding 'RF#1 MEAT FRZR' as a new STORAGE LOCATION (the 7TH)? Y (Yes) STORAGE LOCATION NAME: RF#1 MEAT FRZR// NAME: RF#1 MEAT FRZR// CODE: RF#1 PRINT ORDER: 9 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 45 LL List Storage Locations [FHING8] The List Storage Locations option is an 80-column report that lists all storage location names, codes, and print orders created using the Enter/Edit Storage Locations (LE) option. DEVICE: (Printer name) STORAGE LOCATIONS FEB 3,2005 10:40 PAGE 1 PRINT NAME CODE ORDER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRY STORAGE FREEZER PRODUCE BX A125 THAW BOX A-127 DAIRY BOX A126 KITCHEN MEAT FRZR VEG FRZR 46 DRY FR PROD THAW DAIRY KIT MEAT VF 1 2 5 5 6 7 10 11 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 QE Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH [FHING12] The Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH option allows you to build the data for the Inventory program for Nutrition Food Production. You use the Display Ingredient Inventory List (QW) option along with it to build the inventory data. The first step in using the Inventory program is to review the data in the INGREDIENT file(#113) using the option List Ingredients - Purchasing Data (IP) and identify all ingredients that are to be inventoried. Then use the Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE) option to enter a YES or NO at the “Inventory?” prompt. Ingredients only display on the worksheet or report if YES is entered in the Inventory field. You are now ready to generate the Inventory Worksheet (QW Display Ingredient Inventory List) to use for the physical inventory. This worksheet is generated by storage location to facilitate data collection. The data is entered through the Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH (QE) option. While entering quantity, you are also prompted to update cost for each ingredient if you elect to do both functions at one time. Once all data is entered, select the report prompt to generate a costed inventory report by Food Group through the Display Ingredient Inventory List (QW) option. Recommended Inventory Procedure: 1. Print the Inventory Worksheet by Storage Location. 2. Record the price changes during month in red. 3. Use the worksheets for the physical inventory at end of the month. 4. Select sort by Storage Location when entering current inventory on hand. Ingredients are listed in same sequence as the worksheet so data entry is quick. 5. Edit the cost while entering quantity as needed. 6. Print the Inventory report, sorted by Food Groups to obtain costed inventory. The Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH option provides an easy mechanism for entering inventory quantities for all ingredients. Each ingredient is displayed separately with the date the last quantity was entered. Ingredients display alphabetically, sorted by storage location or food group. You can elect to enter data for one food group or storage location at a time or loop through all groups and/or locations. Cost is updated while entering quantity if a YES is entered at the first prompt for this option. The cost per unit of purchase displays, as well as the Inventory Quantity on Hand field. Any data entered in this option automatically updates the corresponding fields in the INGREDIENT file (#113). Note: Data is stored in the Inventory Program only until the next update. Anytime data is entered or edited, you need to print an Inventory Report for the files. Subsequent changes delete all previous data. Cost with QOH: Enter YES to update price while entering quantities. Answer NO and you are not prompted for cost/price information. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 47 Current QOH by Individual Ingredient: This is a required field. Answer YES to enter quantity by individual ingredient. Answer NO to enter quantity by looping through all ingredients sorted by food group or storage area. Ingredient Name: Enter an ingredient name. The ingredient name and the date the quantity was last entered, display. Price/Unit of Purchase: Enter the price per purchase unit with up to 3 decimals. the last price entered displays As a default, Note: This prompt only displays if Y is selected at the first prompt. On Hand (in U/P): Enter the quantity on hand, with up to 2 decimals. The last QOH displays as the default. Example entry #1: Want to enter Cost along with QOH (Y/N)? YES Enter Current QOH by INDIVIDUAL Ingredient (Y/N)? YES Select INGREDIENT NAME: BEEF 1 BEEF LIVER 2 BEEF PUREE, W/ BEEF BRO ... 3 BEEF STEW, CND, R-T-S 4 BEEF, BONELESS, FROZEN, ... 5 BEEF, CORNED, FRZ TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 4 QOH LAST UPDATED ON 22-Mar-05 PRICE/UNIT OF PURCHASE: 8.34 ON HAND (IN U/P): 4 Select INGREDIENT NAME: Do you want to re-cost recipes? (Y/N):Y Beginning re-costing of all recipes ............................................ Done ... Example entry #2: Want to enter Cost along with QOH (Y/N)? NO Enter Current QOH by INDIVIDUAL Ingredient (Y/N)? NO Select by F=FOOD GROUPS or S=STORAGE: F// Select Food Group (or ALL): 2 Ingredient: CHEESE AND CRACKERS, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 48 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 ON HAND (IN U/P): 11// Ingredient: CHEESE, AMER/SWISS QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 15// Ingredient: CHEESE, AMERICAN QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 200// Ingredient: CHEESE, CHEDDAR AGED, HARD, BRICK QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 03// Ingredient: CHEESE, COTTAGE QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 5// Ingredient: CHEESE,CHEDAR, MODIFIED FAT & NA QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 50// Ingredient: CHEESECAKE QOH LAST UPDATED ON 9-Dec-04 ON HAND (IN U/P): 0// Ingredient: CREAM, HALF & HALF, QUART QOH LAST UPDATED ON 2-Feb-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 2// Ingredient: DESSERT CUP, BOSTON CREAM QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 6// Ingredient: ICE CREAM, CHOCOLATE, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 140// Ingredient: ICE CREAM, STRAWBERRY, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 180// Ingredient: ICE CREAM, SUNDAE, CHOCOLATE, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 24// Ingredient: ICE CREAM, SUNDAE, STRAWBERRY, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 0// Ingredient: ICE CREAM, VANILLA, IND February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 49 QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 322// Ingredient: MILK, 2%, LOWFAT, BULK QOH LAST UPDATED ON 2-Feb-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 1// Ingredient: MILK, 2%, LOWFAT, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 2500// Ingredient: MILK, BUTTERMILK, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 35// Ingredient: MILK, CHOCOLATE, IND QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 100// Ingredient: MILK, DRY, NONFAT, 50LB QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 1// Ingredient: MILK, EVAPORATED, UNSW QOH LAST UPDATED ON 21-Mar-05 ON HAND (IN U/P): 1.17// 50 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 QW Display Ingredient Inventory List [FHING13] The Display Ingredient Inventory List option allows you to create an 80-column worksheet for taking physical inventories and generating a costed inventory report. This is the Inventory Worksheet. You can sort the ingredients by Food Group or Storage Area. For taking physical inventory, sorting by storage area is most useful. The worksheet consists of the IFCAP Master Item Number (MIN), name of ingredient, unit of purchase, item cost, date last updated, QOH last month, and a blank line for input of current inventory quantity on hand. All data on the worksheet comes from information stored in the INGREDIENT file (#113). The Inventory Report displays ingredients alphabetically, sorted and subtotaled by Food Group. The report creates columns accordingly: MIN, name of ingredient, unit of purchase, item cost, current quantity on hand and total cost. You can print this report for one food group or ALL. Total cost for all food groups only prints if ALL is used. The data from this report is used to complete the Cost of Meals Served Report (SP) and AMIS 224. Always print this report after the ingredients are updated, because quantities are not stored. Whenever any data is changed, previous data is deleted. Select Food Group: This is a required field. Enter a food group number or ALL. Each group prints on a separate sheet. Select W=Worksheet or R=Report: W Enter Mth/Yr: 2/05// Select by F=FOOD GROUPS or S=STORAGE: F// Select Food Group (or ALL): ALL DEVICE: HOME// (Printer name) 3-Feb-05 10:52am Page 1 I N V E N T O R Y W O R K S H E E T February 05 FOOD GROUP: MEAT PRODUCTS DATE LAST UPDATE U/P ITEM COST CS 28.000 19-Mar-99 0.00 _____ 2111 BEEF, CUBED STEAKS, FROZ CS 29.030 19-Mar-99 0.00 _____ 2351 BEEF, GROUND, FROZ CS 22.303 19-Mar-99 05.00 _____ 2350 BEEF, PATTIES, FROZ CS 11.630 19-Mar-99 35.00 _____ ITEM# NAME BEEF TIPS, FROZ February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 QOH QOH LAST MTH CURRENT 51 52 2110 BEEF, ROAST CS 78.520 19-Mar-99 131.00 _____ 2224 CHICKEN, FROZEN, FRYER, IQF CS 30.700 19-Mar-99 1.50 _____ 6587 EGG MIX, WHOLE EGGS* CS 27.003 19-Mar-99 1.75 _____ TOTAL: 3153.05 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 RL List Recipes Containing an Ingredient [FHING11] The List Recipes Containing an Ingredient option is an 80-column report that identifies all recipes in the RECIPE file (#114) containing a specific ingredient. The option first asks you to select the ingredient name and then lists all recipes containing that ingredient, the number of portions, the amount, the meals, and the menu cycle. Use the RE Enter/Edit Recipes option in Recipe Management to remove ingredients before deleting any ingredient from the INGREDIENT file (#113). Use the Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE) option to delete ingredients. Example Some rice recipes are entered using “instant rice”. The facility decides to use only “long grain rice”. This option helps identify all recipes that have the ingredient “instant rice” which then can be replaced with a “long grain rice” ingredient. Note: Always print the recipe list before deleting any ingredient and refer to it when removing deleted ingredients from recipes. Select INGREDIENT NAME: PORK CHOPS, BONELESS Select LIST Printer: HOME// 5-Feb-05 10:16am HYPER SPACE I N G R E D I E N T RIGHT MARGIN: 80// U S A G E Page 1 PORK CHOPS, BONELESS Recipe # Portions Amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------BAKED/GRILLED PORK CHOPS - 1 100 31 LB, 8 OZ Meal: WK1 SU LU RST BEEF Cycle: TEST BLK, Day 10, Noon Cycle: TEST BLK, Day 13, Noon Cycle: TEST BLK, Day 17, Noon Cycle: TEST BLK, Day 26, Evening Cycle: TEST INA, Day 3, Noon Cycle: CYCLE TEST, Day 1, Noon Cycle: TTRAY, Day 6, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 1, Day 1, Noon Cycle: CYCLE 2, Day 1, Noon BAKED/GRILLED PORK CHOP - 2 100 36 LB Meal: WK1 SU LU RST BEEF Cycle: TEST INA, Day 3, Noon Cycle: CYCLE TEST, Day 1, Noon Cycle: TTRAY, Day 6, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 1, Day 1, Noon Cycle: CYCLE 2, Day 1, Noon Meal: WK1 SU SP CUBAN SAND Cycle: MY CYCLE, Day 22, Evening Cycle: MY CYCLE, Day 24, Evening Cycle: CYCLE TEST, Day 1, Evening Cycle: CYCLE TEST, Day 5, Evening Cycle: TTRAY, Day 3, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 1, Day 1, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 2, Day 1, Evening Cycle: XMAS, Day 3, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 3, Day 2, Evening LO SOD/LO PRO PORK CHOPS/SYRUP 9 2 LB February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 53 Meal: WK1 SU LU RST BEEF Cycle: TEST INA, Day 3, Noon Cycle: CYCLE TEST, Day 1, Noon Cycle: TTRAY, Day 6, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 1, Day 1, Noon Cycle: CYCLE 2, Day 1, Noon Meal: WK1 SU SP CUBAN SAND Cycle: MY CYCLE, Day 22, Evening Cycle: CYCLE TEST, Day 5, Evening Cycle: TTRAY, Day 3, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 1, Day 1, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 2, Day 1, Evening Cycle: XMAS, Day 3, Evening Cycle: CYCLE 3, Day 2, Evening 54 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 UE Enter/Edit Units [FHING1] The Enter/Edit Units option allows you to add and modify food items handled by an ingredient control employee in a storeroom location. The UNITS file (#119.1) contains all of the different ways food items are pulled by an ingredient control employee from a storeroom location. Approximately 180 unit entries come with the file. Use the List Units (UL) option to obtain a printout of the contents of the file. Any unit unique to the facility is added to the already existing Units data. The Nutrition Unit of Issue field, discussed under Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE), uses the data in the UNITS file. Unit name should indicate the measurement, count, and container type used by Nutrition and Food Service when issuing for production or service. Select UNITS NAME: Enter the name of the units with 2-12 characters in length. Examples o #10 CN o 6# BX o GAL-JR o CASE - 200 o CASE - 24 Select UNITS NAME: #10 CN Are you adding ‘#10 CN’ as a new UNITS (the 97th)? Y UNITS NAME: #10 CN// NAME: #10 CN// Select UNITS NAME: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 55 UL List Units [FHING6] The List Units option is an 80-column report that lists all units in the INGREDIENT file (#113). Many units are included with the package; however, you can add units using the Enter/Edit Units (UE) option or by the field Nutrition Unit of Issue using the Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE) option. DEVICE: HOME RIGHT MARGIN: 80// UNITS FEB 5,2005 10:29 PAGE 1 NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#10 CN #2 CN #2-1/2 CN #3 CN #300 CN #303 CN #5 CN 1 CK 1# BX 1# CK 1# CN 1# CO 1# CT 1# JR 1# LF 1# PG 1-2-GL JR 1-OZ PG 1.25#-BG 1.5 # CN 1.5# LF 1.5#-BG 1.75# CK 1.9-OZ PG 1/2-GL BT 1/2-GL CO 1/2-GL JR 10# BG 10# BX 10# CO 10# CS 10-OZ BG 10-OZ BT 10-OZ CN 10-OZ JR 56 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 VE Enter/Edit Vendor File [FHING2] The Enter/Edit Vendor File option allows you to add or modify the VENDOR file. The VENDOR file (#113.2) contains a list of vendors' names, addresses, telephone numbers, and contact people for the service. Each facility must create their vendor listing in the file. The Vendor field, discussed under Enter/Edit Ingredient (IE), uses the listing in the VENDOR file (#113.2). Data in this file is not required; however, if each ingredient is assigned a vendor, you can sort specific reports by vendor. This is very useful when printing Projected Usage (PU) for ordering. Note: Include government sources and contracts as vendors, because food items on bid are acquired from more than one vendor, such as a Frozen Meat Bid Contract or Frozen Vegetable Bid Contract. Name: 3-30 characters in length, not numeric or starting with punctuation. 1st Address Line: 1-30 characters in length. 2nd Address Line: 1-30 characters in length. 3rd Address Line: 1-30 characters in length. City, State, Zip: 1-30 characters in length. Contact: 1-30 characters in length. Telephone: 1-20 characters in length. Select VENDOR NAME: MARIO’S DISTRIBUTORS NAME: MARIO’S DISTRIBUTORS Replace 1ST ADDRESS LINE: 27 NAVY CIRCLES 2ND ADDRESS LINE: 3RD ADDRESS LINE: CITY, STATE, ZIP: NEW YORK, NY 34503 CONTACT: TELEPHONE: 414-111-0000 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 57 VL List Vendors [FHING7] The List Vendors option is an 80-column report that lists all data in the VENDOR file (#113.2) created under the Enter/Edit Vendor File (VE) and Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE) options. Enter a printer name or press to print it to the screen. Select LIST Printer: HOME// 5-Feb-05 10:10am HYPER SPACE V E N D O R RIGHT MARGIN: 80// L I S T Page 1 NAME ADDRESS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------AMERICAN BAKERIES N. 56 ST NFSMEAL,One TAMPA, FL 33618 000-0000 AMERICAN HOSPITAL SUPPLY NFSMEAL,One 000-0000 ARCHWAY NFSMEAL,One 000-0000 B & R NFSMEAL,One 000-0000 W. 34 ST TAMPA, FL 33161 E. 13 AVE BRANDON, FL 33567 N. BIRD ST ST PETE , FL 45623 BREAD CONTRACT CFS CONTINENTAL SALLY HOUSEN 000-0000 DANISH BAKERY NFSMEAL,One 000-0000 W. BURGER DR NEW PORT RICHIE, FL 22345 DOWN ST CLEARWATER, FL 43389 DEPOT DIETARY SPECIALITIES NFSMEAL,One 000-0000 58 SUNSET SARASOTA, FL 45200 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 XM Menu Cycle Management [FHPRCM] CD Menu Cycle Effective Dates [FHPRC2] CE Enter/Edit Menu Cycle [FHPRC1] CL List Menu Cycle [FHPRC8] CQ Menu Cycle Query [FHPRC3] CR Input Recipe Menu [FHPRC14] DM Display Meal Analysis [FHPRC13] DP Print Daily Diet Menus [FHPRC11] HE Enter/Edit Holiday Meals [FHPRC5] ME Enter/Edit Meals [FHPRC4] ML List Meal [FHPRC6] MP Edit Meal Production Diets [FHPRC9] WP Print Weekly Menu [FHPRC7] WR Print Weekly Menu Blocks [FHPRC12] Menu Cycle Management provides the ability to create multiple meals and menu cycles. Meals are used in different patterns by creating different menu cycles or by creating special holiday dates within a cycle. A holiday meal overrides a specified date in a normal cycle for that date only. The cycle returns to normal after that date. Meals are created using established recipes, recipe categories, service points, and production diets. Quantities produced for a meal are manipulated by adjusting the production diet code string or service point table. Other adjustments to the meal data provide food preference automation for the tray ticket program. You can print lists of meals or menu cycles, as well as daily/weekly menus and menu blocks. Once nutrients are entered in the RECIPE and INGREDIENT files, automated meal or daily/weekly menu analysis is possible. Managing Menu Cycles The Menu Cycle Management (XM) program is the final link in the creation of the Food Management Program. You use three options in this section to create/build the data in the MENU CYCLE file (#116), MEAL file (#116.1), and HOLIDAY MEALS file (#116.3). The three options are Enter/Edit Meals (ME), Enter/Edit Menu Cycle (CE), and Enter/Edit Holiday Meals (HE). Data is not shipped with these files, which means you must create meals, menu cycles, and holiday meals. When a field points to a file, it uses the data in that file for selections. • Files listed to the left use data in the Menu Cycle Management Program files. • Files listed to the right supply the data for fields in the Menu Cycle Management options. • Files that are incomplete, you need to populate (create the needed data for them) before beginning this section. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 59 Diagram of the Relationship FILE (#) POINTER (#) FILE POINTER FIELD TYPE POINTER FIELD FILE POINTED TO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 116 MENU CYCLE | | DAY:BREAKF* |-> MEAL | DAY:NOON MEAL |-> MEAL | DAY:EVENIN* |-> MEAL ----------------------------------------USER MENU (#112.62) | | DAY N:MEAL NU:MEAL* .. (N )-> | 116.1 MEAL | MENU CYCLE (#116.01) | | DAY:BREAKFAST MEAL ... (N )-> | m RECIPE:RECIPE |-> RECIPE DAY:NOON MEAL ........ (N )-> | RECIPE:CATEGORY |-> RECIPE CATEGORY DAY:EVENING MEAL ..... (N )-> | m RECI:POPU:SERV* |-> SERVICE POINT HOLIDAY MEALS (#116.3) | | BREAKFAST MEAL ....... (N )-> | m RECI:RECI:RECI* |-> RECIPE CATEGORY NOON MEAL ............ (N )-> | | EVENING MEAL ......... (N )-> | | ----------------------------------------| 116.3 HOLIDAY MEALS | BREAKFAST MEAL |-> MEAL | NOON MEAL |-> MEAL | EVENING MEAL |-> MEAL --------------------- • • • Daily menus for each day of a menu cycle are created by entering all recipes needed for a meal and assigning production diet codes and popularity percentages to each recipe. Menu cycles are created by designating starting date, number of days in cycle, and specific meal to be served for each day in the cycle. Holiday and/or special meals are created as regular meals, but are given a specific date and meal to be served. The holiday meal feature automatically substitutes a holiday meal at the proper time and all the production reports reflect it. The normal menu cycle resumes after the holiday. Once the MEAL and MENU CYCLE files are built, the Food Management Program is fully operational. You can generate the reports required to run the food production units. You can print the Daily Diet and Weekly Menus according to date and production diet. Energy Nutrient Analysis of a meal, a day, or a week is formulated by the Input Recipe Menu (CR) option. You can do analysis by production now. You can edit quantities and recipes that you added or deleted, to provide a complete automated analysis for a meal, a day, or a week. 7. Create a meal worksheet for entering meals. • Meal Name • Recipe Names • Production Diet Codes • Service Points 60 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. List all recipes for the designated meal. Indicate in each production diet column whether or not to serve the recipe to that production diet. Shorthand symbols are suggested on the worksheet. When entering production diet codes, it is helpful to enter them in the same sequence all the time. This allows you to quickly review the code string for accuracy and completeness, and makes data entry easier. After entry, all codes are reordered to the print order of the production diets for easy reference. Enter all meals before creating complete Menu Cycles and printing menus. Once all meals are completely entered, print the Daily Diet Menu (DP). This menu can help you quickly identify wrong or missing entries. Create a hard copy master file of menus for easy reference. This is helpful if production problems occur. If the Daily Diet Menu does not work, check to be sure that: • The printer can print in compressed mode. • The file pointer fields (those fields that use data in other files) are answered correctly: i.e., print order. • The Production Facilities (FE) option “FULL NAMES ON DAILY MENU?:” is properly set. Print the List Meal (ML) to check for notes on production problems. This allows you to quickly check production codes and popularity percentages for each recipe. Use the Holiday Meals (HE) option to create meals for one-time changes. This does not alter the original menu cycle permanently and avoids the work of editing a cycle for one change and remembering to go back and return to the original meals. Because menu cycle effective dates can be entered far into the future it is best to review Menu Cycle Effective Dates (CD) prior to an anticipated menu cycle change to verify implementation date. Add-On Meals – Create standard meals with items routinely served at certain meals. You can easily add this grouping of food to other meals with minimal data entry. Example Standard Breakfast Meal This meal includes recipes such as toast, margarine, jelly, milk, coffee, condiments, etc. Each recipe has a production diet code string and popularity percentages. This meal is added at the Add-On Meal prompt for all breakfast meals created. This Add-On feature eliminates the need to enter each of these food items separately for every breakfast meal created. The Add-On Meal concept is used to create new meals easily. An established meal is renamed by entering the new name, bypassing the recipe prompt, and entering an existing meal at the Add-On prompt. This new meal is edited for minor recipe changes. This method greatly reduces data entry time. The only file you need to modify in Menu Cycle Management is the MEAL file. The Recipe Category field is in the MEAL file. This multiple allows you to characterize a recipe with a list of different recipe categories. The field contains the production diets to which the category applies. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 61 After installation, the field is populated with the DEFAULT CATEGORY field of the recipe in the RECIPE file and the existing production diets in the MEAL file. You can modify each recipe category and the production diets, as well as add the alternate and diabetic recipe categories, ENTREE II, ENTREE I AND II DB-X, and associate the production diet codes with them. The Diabetic exchanges only apply to tray tickets. Steps to Follow 1. Use the option Enter/Edit Meals (ME) to modify existing meals or create new meals. 2. Add additional Recipe Categories (if needed). Include alternate, different characterization, and Diabetic categories. 3. Associate production diets to each. 4. Use the option List Meal (ML) to review for accuracy. 5. Review and modify. 62 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 CD Menu Cycle Effective Dates [FHPRC2] The Menu Cycle Effective Dates option is for viewing effective dates only. When selected, the option displays all effective dates and menu cycle names. Be sure to check these dates, prior to beginning any cycle. Example Effective Date Menu Cycle 1-May-02 3-May-02 6-Sep-02 24-Jul-05 14-Mar-99 5-Apr-99 6-Nov-00 7-Nov-00 2-Feb-01 SUMMER 02 SUMMER 02 FALL 02 ONE SUMMER 02 SUMMER 02 FALL 2000 FALL 2000 WINTER 2001 Note: You should check Effective Dates periodically. In the absence of another effective date for any of the cycles, the Fall cycle continues through Winter, Summer and Fall 2004, 2005, and so on. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 63 CE Enter/Edit Menu Cycle [FHPRC1] The Enter/Edit Menu Cycle option allows you to edit the data in the MENU CYCLE file (#116). The file contains the names of menu cycles, the effective date each cycle begins, the number of days in each cycle and the pre-established meals for breakfast, noon, and evening. Meals for each day of a menu must be in the MEAL file (#116.1) (Enter/Edit Meals (ME) option) before you can create a menu cycle.. Menu Cycle Name: The name must be 3-30 characters long and not starting with punctuation. The menu name may be descriptive to identify when the cycle is used. Each facility should determine menu cycle names to correspond with its own menu cycle system. Examples o Winter Cycle 05 o Spring/Summer Cycle II o Cycle I No. Days in Cycle: This is a required field and refers to the number of days that make up a menu cycle. It must be a whole number, 1-365. Therefore, a menu cycle cannot be less than 1 day or more than 365 days in length. Example A four week menu cycle would have 28 entered in this field. Effective Date: This date refers to the date that a menu cycle begins and is required. The menu cycle continues to repeat until a new menu cycle with a new effective date occurs. Day: This refers to the Day number in a menu cycle. The first day of a menu cycle should be numbered 1, the second day should be numbered 2 and so on. The last day number in a menu cycle should match the number of days in the menu cycle (see above, No. of Days in Cycle field). Meal fields: Breakfast Meal, Noon Meal, and Evening Meal fields are three required fields. These fields use data in the MEAL file (#116.1). Use the same Meal names you entered in the Enter/Edit Meals (ME) option. Enter the meal name that corresponds to the meal you want to serve. Example BREAKFAST MEAL: CYI-WKI-SU-FRD EGG Select MENU CYCLE NAME: WINTER CYCLE 05 Are you adding 'WINTER CYCLE 05' as a new MENU CYCLE (the 19TH)? Y (Yes) MENU CYCLE NAME: WINTER CYCLE 05// NAME: WINTER CYCLE 05// NO. DAYS IN CYCLE: 31 64 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Select EFFECTIVE DATE: JAN 1 05 JAN 01, 2005 Are you adding ‘JAN 01, 2005’ as a new EFFECTIVE DATE (the 1st for this MENU CYCLE)? Y (YES) Select EFFECTIVE DATE: Select DAY: 1 Are you adding '1' as a new DAY (the 1ST for this MENU CYCLE)? Y (Yes) BREAKFAST MEAL: CYI 1 CYI-TRAY-BRK 2 CYI-TRAY-EVEN 3 CYI-TRAY-NOON 4 CYI-WK1-MON-BBQSHRIMP 5 CYI-WK1-TUE-LAMBCHOP TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 NOON MEAL: CYI-TRAY-NOON EVENING MEAL: CYI-TRAY-EVEN Select DAY: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 65 CL List Menu Cycle [FHPRC8] The List Menu Cycle option allows you to print an 80-column report that lists all data entered under the Enter/Edit Menu Cycle (CE) option, except the effective date; view effective dates under the Menu Cycle Effective Dates (CD) option. This list is a quick reference for verifying meals data for each day of the menu cycle. Meal names are shortened to 23 characters to allow the list to print in 80-column format. You can send this report to a printer by entering a printer name or bring it to the screen by pressing . Select MENU CYCLE NAME: CYCLE I - 05 Select LIST Printer: HOME// 3-Feb-05 11:00am HOME M E N U RIGHT MARGIN: 80// C Y C L E Page 1 CYCLE 1 Day Breakfast Noon Evening ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 66 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THR FRI SAT OMELET OJ PANCK GJ EGG AJ EGG OJ FR OJ PAN AJ EGG HARD WOMELT GJ BIS AJ FR OJ EGG AJ PK OJ FR OJ EGG AJ WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THR FRI SAT OMELET OJ PANCK GJ EGG AJ EGG OJ FR OJ PAN AJ EGG HARD WOMELT GJ BIS AJ FR OJ EGG AJ PK OJ FR OJ EGG AJ Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK1 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 WK2 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THR FRI SAT OMELET OJ PANCK GJ EGG AJ EGG OJ FR OJ PAN AJ EGG HARD WOMELT GJ BIS AJ FR OJ EGG AJ PK OJ FR OJ EGG AJ February 2005 CQ Menu Cycle Query [FHPRC3] The Menu Cycle Query option is used for viewing only. It allows you to quickly identify which cycle, day, and meals were created for any given date, and can verify data is correctly entered. Once a date is entered, the following displays: Menu Cycle Name, Cycle Day, and Meal Names for Breakfast, Noon, and Evening. Select Date: Menu Cycle: Winter Cycle - 05 Cycle Day: 1 Breakfast Menu:CYI-WKI-SU-FRD EGG Noon Menu: CYI-WKI-SU-RST BF Evening Menu: CYI-WKI-SU-LASAGNA February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 67 CR Input Recipe Menu [FHPRC14] The Input Recipe Menu option allows you to create and edit a menu for the USER MENU file (#112.6) that is used for meal analysis. A Recipe Menu covers seven days. Within each day, there can be six meals entered with a list of recipes along with their portions for each meal. Note: To view a list of choices, after a prompt enter ?? and press . User Menu Name: Enter a name for a menu of up to 30 characters in length. Day #: This is a required field. Enter a day number, 1-7, for the recipe menu. Meal #: This is a required field. Enter a meal number, 1-6, for which food items are entered. Meal: The selections for this field come from the MEAL file (#116.1) that you populated using the Enter/Edit Meals option. This meal name is a collection of all recipes that are served at a given breakfast, noon, or evening meal. Production Diet: This is a required field. It uses data in the PRODUCTION DIET file (#116.2) and refers to desired Production Diet to be printed. Recipe: This field uses data in the RECIPE file (#114). All recipes for a meal should be in this field. If a recipe is not pre-established in the RECIPE file (#114), it is not found and must be entered under the Enter/Edit Recipes (RE) option before you enter in the meal. After a portion is entered, you are prompted for more recipes until all for this meal are defined. You are asked for the next meal number, and so on, until all meals for that Day # are defined. You are asked for the next Day # and so on. After you finish each level, press to move up to the next or to exit. Select Day #: Press and the program lists all of the entries. OK to Save the Menu: Enter Yes to save the menu and No to edit the menu. Select USER MENU NAME: MYMENU 05 Are you adding 'MYMENU 05' as a new USER MENU? Y USER MENU NAME: MYMENU 05// (Yes) Select Day #: 1 Are you adding '1' as a new DAY NUMBER (the 1ST for this USER MENU)? Y (Yes) Select Meal #: 1 Are you adding '1' as a new MEAL NUMBER (the 1ST for this DAY NUMBER)? Y (Yes) Select Meal: CYI 1 CYI-TRAY-BRK 2 CYI-TRAY-EVEN 3 CYI-TRAY-NOON 4 CYI-WK1-MON-BBQSHRIMP 5 CYI-WK1-TUE-LAMBCHOP TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 68 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 6 CYI-WKI-MON-FRD EGG 7 CYI-WKI-SUN-RST PORK 8 CYI-WKI-SUN-SCR EGG/DANISH 9 CYI-WKI-TUE-MEAT LOAF 10 CYI-WKI-TUE-PANCAKES TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-10: 6 Select Production Diet: ? Answer with PRODUCTION DIET NAME, or CODE Do you want the entire PRODUCTION DIET List? Y (Yes) Choose from: 87-130/CHOL REST 87-130/CHOL/DIAB 87-130/CHOL/HF 87-130/DIAB 87-130/HF 87-130/MECH-DYS 87-130/MOD BLAND CHOL/DIAB CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED CLEAR LIQUID ... '^' TO STOP: ^ You may enter a new PRODUCTION DIET NAME MUST BE 3-30 CHARACTERS, NOT NUMERIC OR STARTING WITH PUNCTUATION Select Production Diet: REGULAR Select Recipe: ?? BEEF RICE SOUP BLAND CREAM OF PEA SOUP BRANFLAKES 40%, IND ... WHITE BREAD WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Select Recipe: WHOLE 1 WHOLE GRAIN 2 WHOLE WHEAT 3 WHOLE WHEAT CHOOSE 1-3: 2 Serving Portion: 1// CORN, FROZEN BREAD MEAL 2 Select Recipe: WHITE BREAD Serving Portion: 1// 0 Select Recipe: Select Meal #: Select Day #: Day 1 Meal 1 Meal 2 Meal 3 RG RG RG CYI-WKI-MON-FRD EGG WK1 MON SP SW STK WK1 SU SP CUBAN SAND MEAL # PROD DIET MEAL NAME Okay to Save the Menu? YES// ...Storing Recipes and Food Nutrient ...Done February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 69 DM Display Meal Analysis [FHPRC13] The Display Meal Analysis option allows you to produce a nutrient analysis for a selected meal from the MEAL file( #116).1 using the nutrient analysis of the recipes. User Menu Name: Enter the name of the menu whose meals you want to analyze. User Menus are built using the Input Recipe Menu (CR) option. You can edit the menu at the “Do you wish to EDIT this menu?” prompt. Answer Yes or No. RDA Category: Meals are analyzed for a specific RDA category of patient. Enter a category or bypass the prompt. Patient: If you want the analysis for a specific patient, enter the patient's name. A patient name is not required. Detailed Analysis: You can select a detailed nutritional analysis or a summary analysis. Enter Yes or No. Select USER MENU MANE: MYMENU 05 Do you wish to EDIT this menu? NO Select RDA Category: Select Patient (Name or SSN): Do you wish a detailed analysis? Y// The analysis requires a 132- column printer. Print on DEVICE: HOME//(Printer name) 70 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 DP Print Daily Diet Menus [FHPRC11] The Print Daily Diet Menus option allows you to print a report of the regular diet, recipes, portion size, and five modified diet menus for the day printed on one page. Additional modified diets are printed on successive pages. This menu requires a 132-column paper and a printer capable of producing 16 c.p.i. (compressed) print. If you try to use a printer that does not meet these criteria, an error message displays, the menu overlaps, or data is cut off. Data for Print Daily Diet Menus come from the following files: • MENU CYCLE file (#116) • PRODUCTION DIET file (#116.2) • PRODUCTION FACILITY file (#119.71) • RECIPE file (#114) • RECIPE CATEGORY file (#114.1) Before running this report, make sure the files are complete. If they are not, use their corresponding options to enter and or edit the data: • Enter/Edit Menu Cycle (CE) • Enter/Edit Production Diets (PE) • Enter/Edit Production Facilities (FE) • Enter/Edit Recipes (RE) • Enter/Edit Recipe Categories (CE) A production facility can print this report, if the site has more than one area of production. If you have more than one production facility, the first prompt in this option asks you to specify a production facility. If there is only one production area, the first prompt asks you to select a date to print. There are two formats for this menu. One format prints full recipe names in every production diet column. The second format prints full recipe names in the regular diet column and prints corresponding numbers wherever the regular recipes are acceptable on a modified diet. Where the regular recipes are not acceptable on a diet, the second format prints the full name of the diet recipe. Choose your format in the Enter/Edit Production Facilities (FE) option at the “FULL NAMES ON DAILY MENU?” prompt and store it in the PRODUCTION FACILITY file (#119.71). Recipe names or numbers print according to the Recipe Category print order designated in the RECIPE CATEGORY file (114.1). Within the recipe category, recipes display alphabetically. The content of the Daily Diet Menu is also a matter of choice. You can determine which production diets display across the top of the menu and the order in which they display. Use the Enter/Edit Production Diets (PE) option, enter “YES” or “NO” at the “PRINT ON DAILY MENU?” prompt, and enter a number at the “PRINT ORDER” prompt. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 71 Example A facility has 18 Production Diets. Sixteen (including regular) of these production diets have a “YES” in the “PRINT ON DAILY MENU?” field in the PRODUCTION DIET (#116.2). Once all meals are entered and a day is selected to be printed, 3 pages of a Daily Diet Menu, with the 16 Production Diets selected to be printed, are generated. Production Facility: This field refers to the production facility that prepares the desired menu to be printed. This prompt displays only if there is more than one Production Facility entered in the PRODUCTION FACILITY file (#119.71) in the Nutrition Facilities (DF) program. Date: This is a required field and refers to the date for which the daily menu is to be printed. If there is only one production facility, this prompt displays first. Select PRODUCTION FACILITY: MAIN KITCHEN Select DATE: 2/1/05 This menu requires a 132-column compressed printer. Select LIST Printer: HOME//(Printer name) Note: No example of this report is provided, because of its size. 72 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 HE Enter/Edit Holiday Meals [FHPRC5] The Enter/Edit Holiday Meals option allows you to create a holiday (or special) meal and temporarily substitute it into the everyday menu cycle without having to delete and reenter large amounts of data. The HOLIDAY MEALS file #116.3 contains a list of meals for a holiday, special occasion or one time meal change. A holiday meal with its recipes must first be pre-established using the Enter/Edit Meals (ME) option. Once entered, the holiday meal is then given the date of the holiday. The program automatically inserts the holiday meal into the menu cycle on that date. After the holiday the everyday menu cycle automatically returns to normal. This option is also useful when meal changes are required due to shortages or excesses of ingredients, deletion of high cost meat/entrees, or equipment breakdowns. Holiday Meal Date: This entry refers to the date of the holiday or special event (meal change). Holiday Meal Name: This is a required field and the name is 1-30 characters, not starting with punctuation. For ease of identification, the Holiday Meal Name should be descriptive of when the holiday or special event meal is served. Examples o Halloween 03 o Veterans Day-04-E Meal: Breakfast Meal, Noon Meal, and Evening Meal fields are the choices for when the holiday meal is served. The meals must be from the MEAL file. If a Holiday Meal is not entered at any of the Meal prompts, no menu substitution occurs and the usual meal for the day is served. Select HOLIDAY MEALS DATE: 1-1-05 DATE: JAN 01,2005// JAN 01, 2005 HOLIDAY NAME: NEW YEARS 05 BREAKFAST MEAL: NOON MEAL: NEW YEARS 05-NOON EVENING MEAL: Note: Meal Fields (B, N, E,) are not required entries. If no meals are entered, the normal meals for the menu cycle display as usual. You must enter a meal name for a substitution to occur. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 73 ME Enter/Edit Meals [FHPRC4] The Enter/Edit Meals option allows you to create a meal by giving it a specific identification (meal name) and by entering all recipes contained in that meal. The MEAL file #116.1 contains separate listings of all recipes for each meal of a menu cycle. The meal is stored and retrieved by using the meal name. A meal is like a block of recipes that you review, change or move from one day to another at any time. Each recipe within a meal is assigned a string of production diet codes. Production diets and codes must be pre-established using the Enter/Edit Production Diets (PE) option before creating meals in the MEAL file. These production diet codes represent the diets that receive these recipes. This coding of recipes results in appropriate daily/weekly diet menus and production reports. Once a meal is entered, it is stored indefinitely, unless deliberately deleted from the file. Meal Name: The Meal Name may be 3-30 characters, not starting with punctuation. The name selected should reflect the meal to make future reference easier. You can use cycle, week, day, meal and first choice food item, e.g., CYI WK1 SU LU SWISS STK (Cycle I Week 1 Sunday Lunch Swiss Steak) to identify the meal. If the same meal is used more than once in a cycle(s), you cannot use specifics in the meal name. Example The Swiss Steak meal is in Week 1 of Cycle 1, as well as Week 3 of Cycle 2, so the name of the meal is SWISS STEAK and is entered twice in the cycle without reference to the week or cycle. Recipe: Recipes in this multiple field must be from the RECIPE file. All recipes for a meal should be in this field. If a recipe is not in the RECIPE file, it is not found and must be entered using the Enter/Edit Recipes (RE) option before entering this recipe for the meal. All recipes entered in this field are listed on all meal production reports and menus. As all ingredients are listed on production reports, this may be desirable for issuing items from stock and for projected usage. However, it may be undesirable for printing daily and weekly menus because all recipes are listed and menus can become long and cumbersome. (If Tray Tickets are used, you must enter and code all recipes for each meal for accurate meal lists per patient.) Evaluate the facility's needs and practices to decide if you need to list all food items (recipes) served in a meal on all documents for that meal. 74 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Examples of why not to enter all recipes in a meal: o Items delivered only once daily, e.g., bulk coffee or bulk milk to a cafeteria. o Items issued to a trayline on a par stock basis, e.g., crackers, supplements. o Items you need but are not on the menu, e.g., “plain” meat or other food preference items. o Tray Tickets are not used. Frequently-used items like bread, beverages, and condiments can be combined in an “Add-On” meal to minimize data entry. Service Point: This field uses the service points from the SERVICE POINT file. It allows you to assign each recipe (one for each recipe) a popularity percentage specific to a service point. A service point may be either tray or cafeteria service, but not both. This concept is used to accommodate different patient preferences at different service points. The percentages are estimates and you may need to adjust them as populations vary. If no service points are designated, the Popularity % prompt does not display. The popularity percentages entered with the production diet codes are assumed for all service points. Popularity %: This field displays when you enter a specific Service Point. You enter an estimated percentage between 0 and 120% for a recipe at a specified service point. This is the estimated percentage of servings of the recipe needed for this service point. It is applied to all production diet codes in the string without designated percentages. Example A hospital has 3 different service points: tray service, cafeteria service, and a nursing home with tray service. Approximately 30% of the hospital patients on selective menu tray service select chocolate cake for dessert, 60% of the patients in the cafeteria select chocolate cake, and 03% of the nursing home patients select chocolate cake. The popularity percentages for chocolate cake are: • Hospital Tray Service 30% • Hospital Cafeteria Service 60% • Nursing Home Tray Service 03% This popularity percentage field can also be useful in non-select menu settings to provide different recipe items to the same production diets and different service points. Example Tossed Salad Gelatin Salad Hospital Tray Service: No entry = 100% 0% Hospital Cafeteria Service: No entry = 100% 0% Nursing Home Tray Service: No entry = 100% 0% In this example, the Nursing Home Tray Service is getting gelatin salad. The other service points are getting tossed salad. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 75 Production Diets: The Production Diets field is a required entry. For every recipe entered when building a meal, you must assign an associated production diet code (or string of codes). This string of production diet codes is the key that lets the program know which production diets receive a particular recipe. • The code string for each production diet code must be separated by a single space. • The field is limited to 200 characters; production diet names with greater than 200 characters are not stored. • To view all production diets, enter ALL+. • To edit Production Diets when using ALL+, reenter the same recipe name at the next "Select RECIPE" prompt. • Percentages are entered to a maximum of one decimal point. Example On the menu for a lunch meal, Diet Swiss Steak is given to these production diets: o Low Sodium (LS) o Cardiac (CD) o Calorie (CA) o Calorie Sodium (CS) The string of production diet codes that are entered for the Diet Swiss Steak recipe are as follows: LS CD CA CS (each separated by a single space). Percentages for each production diet are entered for each meal service type (T or C). This allows facilities to have different percentages of a production diet for different meal service types. The format for entering these percentages is the production diet code followed by a semicolon followed by meal service type and the percent (a number from 0-999) with no spaces. Note: Each Service Point has only one meal service type. Thus, percentages entered with a “T” only apply to Tray Service Points and percentages entered with a “C” only apply to Cafeteria Service Points. Each production diet code and percent must be separated from any other production diet code by a space. Production diets listed without specified percentages are assumed 100% of the census for both meal service types. Example o Diet Swiss Steak LS CD CA;T50 CS;T50;C10 o Production Diets: LS (Low Sodium) and CD (Cardiac). All (100%) LS and CD production diets are served Diet Swiss Steak, no matter if the food is served from a Trayline or Cafeteria Service Point. o Production Diet: CA (Calorie). Fifty percent of the CA production diets served from the trayline will receive the Diet Swiss Steak. All (100%) of the CA production diets served from the Cafeteria will receive the Diet Swiss Steak. 76 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 o Production Diet: CS (Calorie Sodium). Fifty percent of the CS production diets served from the Trayline and 10% of the CS production diets served from the Cafeteria will receive the Diet Swiss Steak. If a production diet code is entered with no percentages, the program reverts to the service point percentages. If there are no service point percentages, the program assumes 100% for that production diet. This is true for each production diet in the code string. Use Edit Meal Production Diets or this option to edit the code string, such as to delete the few codes that do not apply or to add T or C percentages as needed. To edit under this field use the VA FileMan convention of “Replace... With”. Use only a minus sign (-) for non-sequential editing under the MP Edit Meal Production Diets option. Note: When the majority of production diets apply for a recipe, enter “ALL+”. All production diets, single-spaced and without any T or C percentages, are added to the recipe. Recipe Category: This field uses recipe categories from the RECIPE CATEGORY file. Enter the different recipe categories that may characterize this recipe, such as, appetizer, soup, entree. Your first entry should be the category from the previous entry and the PRODUCTION DIET are added with it. Refer to the Enter/Edit Recipe Categories option in the Recipe Management (XR) program for further explanation. A recipe may be a potato in one meal and a salad recipe in another meal. Recipe categories play an important role in item substitution for food preferences on the Tray Ticket program. See Print Tray Ticket for further explanation. Add-On Meal: This field allows you to add on an entire pre-established list of recipes to this meal. It is a quick way to create new meals that may have only two or three recipes that differ from an already created meal. This allows changes to an existing meal without losing it from the file. Once renamed, the meal is edited for the few differing recipes. If a recipe is already entered for the meal, the screen displays the recipe name and indicates it already exists for the meal. The original entry remains intact; the Add-On entry does not change the first recipe. Select MEAL NAME: CYI-05-MON-SP Are you adding 'CYI-05-MON-SP' as a new MEAL (the 32ND)? Y MEAL NAME: CYI-05-MON-SP// (Yes) NAME: CYI-05-MON-SP// Select RECIPE: BEEF 1 BEEF BARLEY SOUP 2 BEEF CUBES AU JUS 3 BEEF NOODLE SOUP 4 BEEF PATTIE, FROZEN, IND 5 BEEF RICE SOUP TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 5 Are you adding 'BEEF RICE SOUP' as a new RECIPE (the 1ST for this MEAL)? Y (Yes) February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 77 Select SERVICE POINT: PRODUCTION DIETS: ALL+ CATEGORY: SOUP// 1 SOUP 2 SOUP II CHOOSE 1-2: 1 Select RECIPE CATEGORY: SOUP 1 SOUP 2 SOUP II CHOOSE 1-2: 1 PRODUCTION DIETS: HP RG DB ME FL CL PU HP D1 D2// Select RECIPE CATEGORY: APPETIZER PRODUCTION DIETS: CA Select RECIPE CATEGORY: Select RECIPE: BEEF RICE SOUP ...OK? Yes// N (No) 1 BEEF BARLEY SOUP 2 BEEF CUBES AU JUS 3 BEEF NOODLE SOUP 4 BEEF PATTIE, FROZEN, IND 5 BEEF STROGANOFF TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 5 Are you adding 'BEEF STROGANOFF' as a new RECIPE (the 2ND for this MEAL)? Y (Yes) Select SERVICE POINT: PRODUCTION DIETS: RG CL FL HP ME CATEGORY: ENTREE I// 1 ENTREE I 2 ENTREE II 3 ENTREE III CHOOSE 1-3: 2 Select RECIPE CATEGORY: ENTREE I 1 ENTREE I 2 ENTREE II 3 ENTREE III CHOOSE 1-3: 2 PRODUCTION DIETS: RG CL FL HP// Select RECIPE CATEGORY: Select RECIPE: PUR 1 PUREE MONGOL SOUP 2 PUREED APRICOTS 3 PUREED ASPARAGUS 4 PUREED BEEF 5 PUREED BEETS TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 4 Are you adding 'PUREED BEEF' as a new RECIPE (the 3RD for this MEAL)? Y (Yes) Select SERVICE POINT: HOSPITAL TL SERVICE POINT: HOSPITAL TL// POPULARITY %: 15// Select SERVICE POINT: PRODUCTION DIETS: PU CATEGORY: ENTREE I// 78 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 1 ENTREE I 2 ENTREE II 3 ENTREE III CHOOSE 1-3: 2 Select RECIPE CATEGORY: ENTREE I 1 ENTREE I 2 ENTREE II 3 ENTREE III CHOOSE 1-3: 2 PRODUCTION DIETS: PU// Select RECIPE CATEGORY: Select RECIPE: Select ADD-ON Meal: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 79 ML List Meal [FHPRC6] The List Meal option is an 80-column report that lists all recipes and their categories and associated production diet codes for any selected meal. Select MEAL NAME: 94 MLK FE Select Listing Device: HOME// HOME RIGHT MARGIN: 80// Meal: 94 MLK FE Recipe 80 Cat. Production Diets CHICKEN BROTH - 6 OZ SO1 CL SPLIT PEA SOUP, CND SO1 ME;T50 STR CREAM OF GREEN PEA SOUP SO1 PU FL COLD LUNCH MEAT SANDWICH EE1 SR;T10 GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH EE1 SR;T10 LS MEATLOAF EE1 DD DI MEATLOAF EE1 RG HP;T150 HF MS NF CH NC HD DB;T135 ND;T135 CD;T135 ED;T135 FD;T135 N3;T135 N2;T135 N4;T135 LP EC ME NM PIZZA EE1 SR;T10 PUREED MEATLOAF EE1 PU SPEC MEATLOAF EE1 AR MB GB BROWN GRAVY SGG RG HP HF MS NF CH NC HD DB ND CD ED FD N3 N2 N4 LP AR EC ME NM MB GB PU SE DE LS BROWN GRAVY SGG DD DI BAKED POTATO PS1 HF NF HD FD;T110 DUCHESS POTATOES PS1 RG HP MS DB;T110 ND;T110 ED;T110 N3 AR EC ME NM MB GB PU DP SR SE SD DE LS DUCHESS POTATOES PS1 DD DI MACARONI, PLAIN PS1 DD;T50 DI;T50 MASHED POTATOES PS1 CH NC CD N2 N4 LP Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 MP Edit Meal Production Diets [FHPRC9] The Edit Meal Production Diets option allows you to alter production diet codes and popularity percentages in pre-established meals. Production diet codes are added or deleted and/or popularity percentages are modified for any recipe in a meal without having to retype the entire production diet code string. This option is useful when a facility decides to add or delete a production diet after the MEAL file is populated. Codes no longer have to be adjacent to each other to be deleted. Meal Name: Only meals created under Enter/Edit Meals (ME) of the MEAL file are entered in this field. Recipe: Only recipes entered for the selected meal through the Enter/Edit Meals (ME) option may be entered in this field. Action: You can take three actions on the production diet code string without re-typing the entire string. However, each action must be entered separately. 1. Add – Enter a plus “+” sign in front of the production diet code. Example +MS – Multiple production diet codes are added at one time provided a space is placed between codes: Example: +MS HF DB. 2. Delete – Enter a minus “-” sign in front of the production diet code. Example -RG – Multiple Production Diet Codes are deleted at one time. They must be separated by a space, but do not need to be in sequential order. Example - HF DB RG 3. Modify Popularity Percentages – Enter the production diet code and the new percentage. Example HP;C50 – Only one production diet can be modified at a time. Whenever any one of these actions is used, the program checks that the action can be taken and displays an OK. If you cannot perform an entered action, the program beeps and displays the reason. Example Action: -RG “Beep!” RG Not a valid Production Diet code! Note: The program may not accept a long string of additions. Always check the display of the production diet code string that all additions are accepted. Select MEAL NAME: WK 1 WK1 FRI LU CH SP 2 WK1 MON SP SW STK February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 81 3 WK1 SU LU RST BEEF 4 WK1 SU SP CUBAN SAND 5 WK1-CYI-1 TYPE '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 2 Select RECIPE: BREADED PORK STEAK Select RECIPE CATEGORY: ENTREE Enter + to add (example: +RG;C50) Enter -Production Diet to delete (example: -RG) Enter new code to modify (example: LS;C30) Production Diets: CL Action: +RG FL ME HP Production Diets: ok HP RG ME FL CL Action: Select RECIPE: APPLE JELLY DIET, IND Select RECIPE CATEGORY: DESSERT Enter + to add (example: +RG;C50) Enter -Production Diet to delete (example: -RG) Enter new code to modify (example: LS;C30) Production Diets: RG Action: +ME CL FL HP LS PU LS Not a valid Production Diet code! Production Diets: HP RG ME FL CL PU Action: +ND ok Production Diets: HP RG ND ME FL CL PU Action: Select RECIPE: Select MEAL NAME: 82 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 WP Print Weekly Menu [FHPRC7] The Print Weekly Menu option allows you to print a Weekly Menu report for any specified production diet or all production diets. When ALL is selected, the production diets print according to the print order specified in the PRODUCTION DIET file (Enter/Edit Production Diets (PE) option). One production diet is printed per page; however, if a production diet such as the Regular Diet contains numerous recipe names, the menu continues on a second page. This report requires a 132-column paper and a printing device that is capable of producing (16 c.p.i.) compressed print. Recipe names print according to recipe category print order as specified in the RECIPE CATEGORY file #114.1. Within recipe categories, the recipes print in alphabetical order. This report is useful for verifying the accuracy of the menus and for menu revisions. Because each production diet is printed separately, this weekly menu readily identifies frequency of items on modified diets. In facilities that display menus in long term care areas or in dining rooms, the weekly menu are posted to inform patients of the current meals. This report is not a usable document, unless an entire week of menus is entered into the MENU CYCLE file using the Enter/Edit Menu Cycle (CE) option. Production Diet: This field uses data from the PRODUCTION DIET file and refers to the Production Diet to print. You can select all production diets. Enter a production diet name, code, or ALL. Sunday Date: This is a required field. Sunday is the first day that prints on the weekly menus. Enter the date of the Sunday for the requested week. The entire menu for the week prints beginning with that date. Select PRODUCTION DIET (or ALL): REGULAR Select SUNDAY Date: 3/5/05 The menu requires a 132 column compressed printer. Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer name) Note: No example of this report is provided, because of its size. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 83 WR Print Weekly Menu Blocks [FHPRC12] The Print Weekly Menu Blocks option allows you to print a cycle of weekly menus for any Recipe Category of any specified Production Diet or all Production Diets. It prints all recipe names in the order specified by the meal print order for the Recipe Category. It prints by recipe category and production diets in weekly sequence. This list is very useful in identifying the number of times a particular recipe is used in a menu cycle. Usually, a four-week cycle menu of one recipe category for one production diet prints on one sheet. You can print all production diets at one time. The list prints the cycle menu for the designated recipe category for each production diet in the print order established in the PRODUCTION DIET file. Recipes within each category print in alphabetical order. Production Diet: This is a required field. Sunday Date: This is a required field. Enter the date of the Sunday that begins the cycle. This report requires a 132-column paper and a printing device that is capable of producing compressed (16 c.p.i.) print. Select RECIPE CATEGORY: ENTREE Select PRODUCTION DIET (or ALL): REGULAR Select SUNDAY Date: 3/5/05 Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer name) Note: No example of this report is provided, because of its size. 84 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 XP Production Management [FHPROM] DP List Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF4] OE Enter/Edit Other Meals [FHPRF5] OL List Other Meals [FHPRF6] PE Enter/Edit Production Diets [FHPRO3] PL List Production Diets [FHPRO4] PP Enter/Edit Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF1] SL List Production/Service/Communication Facilities [FHPRO10] TM Tray Tickets/Diet Cards Management… [FHMTKMM] WL List Nutrition Locations [FHPRO6] Production Management controls quantities produced in the Food Management program as defined by the Diet Order program. Diet orders, food preferences, and information contained in the INGREDIENT file, help generate a forecasting tool that allows the manager to anticipate, by percentage of total census, the type and quantity of various production diets, which will be needed by any selected service point. These percentages along with the specific additional meals required for outpatients, volunteers, students, and residents help to better define the production needs of the facility. Managing Production Information in the DIET PATTERNS file that supports this section allows you to enter the standard meal patterns for all diets and combinations of diets used at a facility. • Each pattern has an associated production diet and groupings of recipe categories defined by meal. • Each pattern may also have associated standing orders specific to any or all meals and an associated supplemental feeding menu. • All associated standing orders and the associated supplemental feeding menu automatically go into effect whenever a patient diet order matches the designated diet pattern. The diet card generated from these patterns lists all patient identification as shown on the diet order label, any patient allergies, all recipe categories defined for each meal and standing orders or food preferences associated with the diet pattern and this patient. The tray ticket generated displays the same patient identification and allergy data, but lists specific food items (recipes) to be served to the patient based on the meal, diet pattern, and food preferences. Substitutions for food dislikes are automatic if alternate choices for a category are entered for that meal. This section generates lists of all data entered into the production files. The Production Management Program consists of four file building options with list capabilities that you use as integral parts of the Food Management Program. • Enter/Edit Production Diets - PRODUCTION DIET file #116.2 • Enter/Edit Recipe Categories - RECIPE CATEGORY file #114.1 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 85 • • Enter/Edit Diet Patterns - DIET PATTERNS file #111.1 Enter/Edit Meals - MEAL file #116.1 Production diets are diets (as ordered) grouped by the way the food is produced and is served. You build two tables: Production Diet Percentages and Other Meals to enhance the reports generated by the Food Management Program. Production Diet Percentages: This is the percentage of the total census for each production diet for each delivery point each day. Other Meals: This is the average number of meals served to anyone other than inpatients by production diet, delivery point, and day of week. There is a relationship between the four major files of the Production Management program and other Nutrition and Food Service files. Note: The files pointed to, need to contain data before you edit the four files in Production Management. Diagram of the Relationship FILE (#) POINTER (#) FILE POINTER FIELD TYPE POINTER FIELD FILE POINTED TO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 111.1 DIET PATTERNS | DIET1 |-> DIETS | DIET2 |-> DIETS | DIET3 |-> DIETS | DIET4 |-> DIETS | DIET5 |-> DIETS | PRODUCTION DIET |-> PRODUCTION DI* | ASSOCIATED SF * |-> SUPPLEMENTAL | m ASSOCI:ASSOCI* |-> STANDING ORDE* | m BREAKF:BREAKF* |-> RECIPE CATEGO* | m NOON M:NOON M* |-> RECIPE CATEGO* | m EVENIN:EVENIN* |-> RECIPE CATEGO* | m ASSOCI:ASSOCI* |-> STANDING ORDE* | m ASSOCI:ASSOCI* |-> STANDING ORDE* ----------------------------------------DIET PATTERNS (#111.115) | | BREAKFAST MODIFICATIONS (N C )-> | 114.1 RECIPE CATEGORY NOON MODIFICATIONS ... (N C )-> | | EVENING MODIFICATIONS (N C )-> | | RECIPE (#114) | | DEFAULT CATEGORY ..... (N )-> | | MEAL (#116.11) | | RECIPE:CATEGORY ...... (N )-> | | ----------------------------------------USER MENU (#112.62) | | DAY N:MEAL NU:MEAL* .. (N )-> | 116.1 MEAL | MENU CYCLE (#116.01) | | DAY:BREAKFAST MEAL ... (N )-> | m RECIPE:RECIPE |-> RECIPE 86 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 DAY:NOON MEAL ........ DAY:EVENING MEAL ..... HOLIDAY MEALS (#116.3) BREAKFAST MEAL ....... NOON MEAL ............ EVENING MEAL ......... (N )-> (N )-> (N )-> (N )-> (N )-> DIETS (#111) PRODUCTION DIET ...... (N )-> DIET PATTERNS (#111.1) PRODUCTION DIET ...... (N )-> USER MENU (#112.62) DAY N:MEAL NU:PRODUCT* (N L)-> NUTRITION PERSON (#115.02) ADMIS:DIET:PRODUCT* .. (N )-> PRODUCTION DIET (#116.211) SINGULAR PRODUCTION DI* (N C )-> SERVICE POINT (#119.721) ADDITIONA:ADD. MEALS * (N C )-> PRODUCTIO:FORECAST % * (N C )-> | RECIPE:CATEGORY |-> RECIPE CATEGO* | m RECI:POPU:SERV* |-> SERVICE POINT | | | m RECI:RECI:RECI* |-> RECIPE CATEGORY | | | | ----------------------------------------| | | 116.2 PRODUCTION DIET | | | m SINGUL:SINGUL* |-> PRODUCTION DI* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------- • Before creating production diets, review existing production tallies at the facility and determine which diets and/or combination diets are most important for food production purposes. By doing this, you can limit the number of production diets you need and thus lessen the time required to build the MEAL file. • The “NPO” and “No Order” percentages on the Diet Census are automatically calculated by the program. If these categories were ignored, the production diet percentages would be falsely elevated and could result in excess food production. The “NPO” and “No Order” percentages may not match the “Not Eating” category on the Production Diet Percentages Table. This may result from rounding or padding percentages. Remember, the “Not Eating” category is figured by the computer as the difference of the production diet percentages (for that day and service point) total sum subtracted from 100%. • When determining the figures to be entered in the Other Meals Table, you can refer to the data compiled for the Additional Meals (AR) report. If combination diets exist in the DIETS file and the census projections are inaccurate, it may be necessary to completely revise the DIETS file, eliminating the combinations. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 87 Production Reports [FHADM] The Production Reports menu allows access to all lists and reports used for production by first line supervisors, diet office personnel, and the ingredient control person. Supplemental Feeding labels and consolidated listings are printed by Supplemental Feeding site or selected Nutrition location, including outpatient locations. BW Print Bulk Feedings/Cost Report [FHNO10] DP Print Daily Diet Menus [FHPRC11] FM Forecasting… [FHPRFM] LA Run SF Labels/Consolid Ingredient List [FHNO2] MR Meal Production Reports [FHPRO5] PU Projected Usage [FHPRR1] RP Print Adjusted Recipe [FHREC2] SL Print Standing Orders Labels [FHSP8] SO Tabulate Standing Orders [FHSP5] SP Consolidate Standing Orders [FHSP7] TP Tabulate Patient Meal Preferences [FHSEL5] TR Print Tabulated Recipe List [FHMTKTR] WL Ward Supplemental Feeding Lists [FHN03] WP Print Weekly Menu [FHPRC7] WR Print Weekly Menu Blocks [FHPRC12] Food Production [FHPRO] The Food Production menu provides access to all frequently used production options and reports. It is intended for Nutrition users who need to access all recipe and menu functions plus run routine reports and lists. Suggested users are Food Production and Service Chiefs, Supervisory Cook Foremen or other supervisory Nutrition users in need of this information. PR Production Reports [FHADM] XM Menu Cycle Management [FHPRCM] XR Recipe Management [FHRECM] 88 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 DP List Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF4] The List Production Diet Percentages option is an 80-column report that produces a table for each delivery/service point and shows each production diet and its percentage by day of the week. It can also show a percentage for “Not Eating”. For each production diet, a percentage, 0110 is permitted. There is no minimum or maximum total for all production diets. If the total percentage is less than 100%, the difference is shown as “Not Eating”. If the total is greater than 100%, there is no percentage for “Not Eating”. Enter a Service Point or All and printer name. To print the report to the screen, accept the printer defaults. Select SERVICE POINT (or ALL): T200 Select LIST Printer: HOME// HOME P R O D U C T I O N RIGHT MARGIN: 80// D I E T P E R C E N T A G E S T200 9-Mar-05 Diet REGULAR HPHC HIGH FIBER MODERATE SODIUM (87 -13 CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED 87/CHOL CARDIAC (87NA,LOCHOL,HI DIABETIC/LO CAL 87/DIAB CHOL/DIAB DIAB/MECH DIAB/HF 87/CHOL/DIAB DIAL/DIAB LOW PROTEIN DIALYSIS/LOW NA (43-22) ASPIRATION RISK REDUCTI MECHANICAL/DYSPHAGIA 87/MECH-DYS MODIFIED BLAND GROUND MODIFIED BLAND PUREED FULL LIQUID CLEAR LIQUID STANDING ORDER SELECT-REGULAR Not Eating Total Sum February 2005 2:41pm Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 22.5 3.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 3.0 22.5 3.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 3.0 20.0 3.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 4.5 20.0 3.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 4.5 20.0 3.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 4.5 22.5 3.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 3.0 22.5 3.0 0.5 3.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 3.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 89 OE Enter/Edit Other Meals [FHPRF5] The Enter/Edit Other Meals option allows you to create an information table (Other Meals) that is associated with the SERVICE POINT file. The enter/edit process is similar to that of file building. This Other Meals Table is created by each facility to account for meals served to people other than inpatients, e.g., gratuitous, volunteer, O.D., paid meals. This option allows you to assign an average number of meals to a service point by day, meal, and production diet type. These numbers are automatically added into the designated production diet total on the Forecasted Diet Census (FC) and/or Actual Diet Census (DC) of the Forecasting menu when the Meal Production Reports (MR) under Production Reports menu are generated. In this way, you account for the other meals in the production process and appropriate types and quantities of meal items are planned for each service point. Entering additional meals in this routine eliminates the need for the cooks to “pad” meals while producing the recipes. Note: The number of meals entered, reflect constant numbers, not percentages of Service Point census. Therefore, periodic audits of other meals served may indicate a need to adjust these numbers. Service Point Name: Enter one Service Point; each Service Point can have other meals designated. Add, Meals Production Diet: Enter one Production Diet. All Other Meals must be assigned to production diets. You must enter each production diet. ADD. : Enter a whole number between 0 and 1000. The same prompt sequence is used for each day of the week and each meal. Select SERVICE POINT NAME: DR200 Select ADD. MEALS PRODUCTION DIET: DIABETIC/LO CAL ARE YOU ADDING ‘DIABETIC/LO CAL’ AS A NEW ADDITIONAL MEALS (THE 1ST FOR THIS SERVICE POINT)? Y ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. 90 (YES) SUNDAY BREAKFAST: 0 SUNDAY NOON: 0 SUNDAY EVENING: 0 MONDAY BREAKFAST: 10 MONDAY NOON: 10 MONDAY EVENING: 0 TUESDAY BREAKFAST: 10 TUESDAY NOON: 10 TUESDAY EVENING: 0 WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST: 10 WEDNESDAY NOON: 10 WEDNESDAY EVENING: 0 THURSDAY BREAKFAST: 20 THURSDAY NOON: 10 THURSDAY EVENING: 0 FRIDAY BREAKFAST: 10 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. FRIDAY NOON: 10 FRIDAY EVENING: 0 SATURDAY BREAKFAST: 0 SATURDAY NOON: 0 SATURDAY EVENING: 0 Select ADD. MEALS PRODUCTION DIET: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 91 OL List Other Meals [FHPRF6] The List Other Meals option is an 80-column report that lists all the data entered under the Enter/Edit Other Meals (OE) option. Enter a printer name or to bring the report to the screen. Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer Name) O T H E R M E A L S 9-Mar-05 2:42pm DR200 92 Diet Meal Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat REGULAR Brk Noon Even 35 33 20 43 50 31 39 50 36 44 50 35 47 60 35 32 50 31 25 35 22 DIABETIC/LO CAL Brk Noon Even 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 PE Enter/Edit Production Diets [FHPRO3] The Enter/Edit Production Diets option allows you to add and edit production diets. The PRODUCTION DIET file #116.2 is created in Diet Order Entry as a requirement for the building of data in the DIETS file #111. It provides a general estimate for food production based on the diets ordered through Diet Order Entry. You need to group diets ordered into specific production diets that best represent both the hot and the cold foods to produce. The Enter/Edit Production Diets option allows for combination production diets, i.e., Calorie Sodium, Cholesterol Sodium, Mechanical Diabetic Sodium. Diet census now tallies diets that have more than one diet modification directly from Diet Order Entry. This tally of production diets is used to link diet census to menus and recipes, so that food is produced and distributed in appropriate quantities. Combination production diets are referred to as “Combo” diets. Production Diet Name: The Production Diets Name field (3-30 characters in length) should represent the types of foods prepared at the facility. Although clinically there are numerous diet combinations, the actual number of production diets or types of food prepared is more limited. Production diets can represent from one to five diet modifications. When entering a “Combo” production diet, the singular production diets must already be in the file. A facility should consider establishing a “Combo” production diet when a diet with more than one modification receives different hot and cold foods than the singular diet modifications that make up the combination diet. A good guide for determining combination production diets is any tally sheet presently used for manual production counts. Examples Diet Hot Food Served Sodium Roast Beef Calorie Ham *Calorie Sodium Roast Beef Mechanical Ground Ham **Mechanical Sodium Ground **Mechanical Calorie Sodium Cold Food Served Cheese Cake Diet Peaches Diet Peaches Cheese Cake Roast Beef Ground Roast Beef Cheese Cake Diet Peaches *The “Calorie Sodium” combination diet does not receive the same hot and cold foods as the singular diet modifications “Calorie” and “Sodium”; therefore, a combination production diet of “Calorie Sodium” is established. **These two combination diets also do not receive the same hot and cold foods as their respective singular diets; therefore, these two combination diets are established as production diets. If these combination production diets are not established prior to the run of production reports, inaccurate quantities of each of the foods to be served are listed resulting in over or under production. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 93 When trying to determine which production diets are to be established, review therapeutic/modified menus and census data. The number of production diets is not limited; however, each of these diets will require input for every recipe in the MEAL file. A large number of production diets increases the data entry time significantly. Also, if some diets occur infrequently in very small numbers or vary in only one or two easily adjustable food items (i.e., milk, bread, condiments), it may not be worth the trouble of establishing a separate production diet. Code: This is a unique two-character code, which must be either two upper case letters or a letter followed by a number. A code cannot be assigned to more than one Production Diet. Determine a logical naming method so that the code is recognizable, i.e., LS for Low Sodium, C4 for Calorie 4 gm Sodium. This code is used extensively in the Production summary. # Days to Review: Enter the number of days after which a patient on this production diet should be reviewed. Cafeteria %: Each production diet may have a Cafeteria Percentage assigned to indicate the usual number of patients on that production diet who eat in the cafeteria. Use this percentage only in the forecasting process to determine, on any selected day, the number of portions of the production diet served in the cafeteria. Enter any percentage up to 100%. If the facility does not have cafeteria service or if you are not planning to forecast servings for the cafeteria, ignore this field. Print Order: The number assigned in this field to each production diet controls the order in which production diets are listed on the diet census, forecast census and daily diet menu, from low print orders to high. This option enables the facility to determine how the reports display. Only a singular print order is assigned. Therefore, production diets print in the same order on all reports. It is suggested, when assigning numbers, that some be skipped to allow for future additions or adjustments to the print order. Enter a number, 1-99, with no decimals. Print On Daily Menu?: A “Y” (yes) or “N” (no) response is required for each production diet. A positive response lists the Production Diet on the Daily Diet Menu printout. Note: Only six production diets include the regular print on each page; however, unlimited pages are allowed. Is This A Combo Diet?: A “Y” (yes) or “N” (no) response is required for each production diet. If the production diet has only one diet modification, i.e., “Sodium” or “Calorie”, an “N” is entered. If the production diet has more than one diet modification, i.e., “Calorie Sodium” or “Mechanical Sodium Calorie,” a “Y” is entered. Answering Yes to this prompt, means the diet is a combination of other production diets (e.g., both low sodium and calorie restricted). Because all production diets in a combo must match the default production diets of a clinical order, such combo production diets should have a tally order less than any individual production diets contained in the combo. 94 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Select Singular Production Diets: This field only displays if “Y” is entered in the Combo Diet field. This is an instance where a field points to/uses data in its own file. When this field displays, select a singular, not a combo, production diet. All production diets with more than one diet modification must consist of the singular production diets that make up the combination diet. These singular production diets are already established in the PRODUCTION DIET file. Therefore, all singular production diets are established before creating combination production diets. A production diet can have a maximum of five singular production diets. Example Production Diet Name Mech Sodium Calorie Singular Production Diets Mechanical Sodium Calorie Tally Order: The tally order represents a priority numbering system and establishes the sequence in which diets are tallied for the diet census. This was previously a function of Diet Precedence, but it is now specific to the PRODUCTION DIET file. Diet Precedence still functions as a numbering system that prevents the ordering of contradictory diets and determines the label print order. In Tally Order, each production diet is assigned a tally order number (1-99) that represents its order of importance. The lowest number has the greatest priority and is tallied first. Each Location ordered diet is tallied once for the production diet that has the lowest tally order number, regardless of the number of diet modifications. Example A facility assigns the following tally orders to these production diets. Production Diets Mech Calorie Sodium Mech Sodium Mechanical Tally Number 5 l0 40 The program tallies all Location ordered diets that have the combined “Mechanical Calorie Sodium” modifications before it tallies diets that have “Mechanical Sodium” modifications. Also the “Mechanical Sodium” combination is counted before a singular “Mechanical” diet. When assigning tally numbers to production diets, it is recommended that you assign lower tally numbers to production diets with the greatest number of diet modifications. This prevents production diets with similar diet modifications are not tallied incorrectly. For example: If the tally order for the above example was changed to “Mech Calorie Sodium” “l0” and “Mech Sodium” “5” all the Mech Calorie Sodium diets would be counted only as “Mech Sodium”. The Calorie modification would be ignored. Inactive: If you answer Yes at this prompt, the diet is removed from selection lists. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 95 How the Program Searches and Tallies A diet is ordered through Diet Order Entry. Production diet codes are assigned for each modification, thereby creating a “string” of codes. That code string is stored with that diet order. When an Actual Diet Census (DC) is requested, the program starts with the production diet with the lowest tally order number. The program searches all diet orders for the order containing that string, finds it, and counts it. That particular order is not counted again. The process starts all over with the next lowest tally order number. The process is the same whether the production diet is a single or a combo. For the combo production diet, the program searches for the combination of codes that represents all the different modifications. The following is an example from a PRODUCTION DIET file that demonstrates the steps from diet order to diet census. Example Tally Order Code (Singular) (Singular Diet Combo Tallied Prod Diets 5 SC Mech Sodium Calorie Sodium SO Calorie CA Y Mechanical 10 MS Mech Sodium Y Sodium SO Mechanical ME 12 MC Mech Calorie Y Mechanical Calorie CA ME 14 CS Calorie Sodium Sodium SO CA 40 50 55 70 ME SO CA HP Y Calorie Diet Codes) ME Mechanical N Sodium N Calorie N High Protein N Diets are ordered. The program assigns production diet codes for each order. 1800 ADA, 2g Na, Mech, Hi Pro = (CA SO ME HP) 2g Na, 1500 ADA = (SO CA) 2g Na, Mech = (SO ME) The program starts with the production diet with the lowest tally number. Five (5) is the lowest number in our example file. Note: The two-letter code for the combo diet is not used. The program uses the list of singular diet codes. 5 Mech Sodium Calorie = (ME 96 SO CA) Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 It searches for codes that are contained in the list of codes for the diet order. The 1800 ADA, 2g Na, Mech, Hi Pro diet order is counted as a Mech Sodium Calorie. It is not counted again. Note: The HP modification is ignored. The program moves to the next lowest tally number. 10 Mech Sodium (ME SO) 5It searches for codes contained in the order, and counts it. It bypasses the 1800 ADA, 2g Na Mech, Hi Pro because it was counted. It finds a match in the 2g Na, Mech and counts it as a Mech Sodium. It moves to the next tally number. 12 Mech Calorie (ME CA) There are no orders. It moves to the next tally number. 14 Calorie Sodium (CA SO) It finds 2g Na; 1500 ADA and counts it as a Calorie Sodium. The program presents the tally totals in the Actual Diet Census (DC) by production diet according to printing order (not shown in the example). PRODUCTION DIETS Mech Sodium 1 Calorie Sodium 1 Mech Sodium Calorie 1 MODIFICATIONS Hi Pro 1 The Actual Diet Census still includes a separate tally of minor modifications as determined by diet precedence. This separate minor modification tally has no effect on the above search and tally process. It is presented as additional useful information. See also Diet Precedence under Enter/Edit Diets, Diet Order Management. When Combination Diets Pre-Exist in the DIETS File For facilities that entered combination diets into the DIETS file, corresponding production diets with two letter codes and appropriate tally orders are created. However, do not answer YES to the “Combo” prompt. The program treats these diets as if they are singular production diets and tallies them according to tally order. The search and tally procedure is less complex but the result should be the same: an accurate diet census that reflects modified diets. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 97 The diet order program is designed to allow location users to order diets in any manner. In the following example, two combination modified diets are put together to form a patient diet. PRODUCTION LOCATION ORDERS 1500 CAL ADA 2g Na Mechanical Bland DIET CODE TALLY ORDER DS 6 MB 3 This diet is tallied as a Mechanical Bland and the diabetic/sodium part is ignored. To avoid this, a "Combo" production diet called "Mechanical Bland Diabetic Sodium" is created, consisting of the two "single" diets 1500 CAL ADA 2g Na (code DS) and Mechanical Bland (Code MB). This "Combo" diet has a code MS, tally order 1, and a "code string" DS MB. The program uses the more complex search process as described previously, and tallies this as an MS production diet (Mechanical Bland Diabetic Sodium) because of its tally order (1). Recode Production Diets For facilities that are using Diet Order Entry, there are two steps to take every time changes are made to the PRODUCTION DIET file. These steps are: 1. Review the Production Diets field of the DIETS file. 2. Recode diets for all inpatients. New production diets added to the file may make the information in the Production Diet field of the DIETS file obsolete. The Actual Diet Census (DC) is incorrect. The information in this field is reviewed and updated any time changes are made to the PRODUCTION DIET file. Because the production diet for a diet order is designated at the time the diet is ordered and counted when the census is requested, changes to the data in the PRODUCTION DIET file are not reflected in Actual Diet Census (DC), unless all the production diets for inpatients are recoded. Do this by using option Recode Diets for all Inpatients (RD) found under System Management (SM). Select PRODUCTION DIET NAME: CLEAR LIQUID Are you adding ‘CLEAR LIQUID’ as a new PRODUCTION DIET (the 12th)? Y (YES) NAME: CLEAR LIQUID// CODE: CL # DAYS TO REVIEW: 3 PRINT ORDER: 76 PRINT ON DAILY MENU?: Y YES IS THIS A COMBO DIET?: N NO TALLY ORDER: 1 INACTIVE?: 98 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Example Select PRODUCTION DIET NAME: 87/DB/CHOL Are you adding ‘87/DB/CHOL’ as a new PRODUCTION DIET (the 12th)? Y (YES) NAME: 87/DB/CHOL// CODE: N2 # DAYS TO REVIEW: PRINT ORDER: 48 PRINT ON DAILY MENU?: Y YES IS THIS A COMBO DIET?: Y YES Select SINGULAR PRODUCTION DIETS: DIABETIC/LO CAL Are you adding ‘DIABETIC/LO CAL’ as a new SINGULAR PRODUCTION DIETS (the 1st for this PRODUCTION DIET)? Y YES Select SINGULAR PRODUCTION DIETS: MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) Are you adding ‘MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130)’ as a new SINGULAR PRODUCTION DIETS (the 1st for this PRODUCTION DIET)? Y YES Select SINGULAR PRODUCTION DIETS: CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED Are you adding ‘CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED’ as a new SINGULAR PRODUCTION DIETS (the 1st for this PRODUCTION DIET)? Y YES TALLY ORDER: 15 INACTIVE?: Select PRODUCTION DIET NAME: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 99 PL List Production Diets [FHPRO4] The List Production Diets option is a 132-column report that prints the data in the PRODUCTION DIET file entered under Enter/Edit Production Diets (PE). DEVICE: (Printer Name) PRODUCTION DIETS MAR 9,2005 14:46 PAGE 1 TALLY PRINT DAILY ORDER CODE DIET INACT REV ORDER MENU COMBO TALLIED PROD. DIETS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 CL CLEAR LIQUID 3 76 YES NO 3 FL FULL LIQUID 74 YES NO 5 PU PUREED 72 YES NO 6 AR ASPIRATION RISK REDUCTION 5 59 YES NO 7 SD SELECT-DIABETIC 86 YES NO 9 N4 87/CHOL/DIAB/MECH 50 YES YES MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED DIABETIC/LO CAL MECHANICAL/DYSPHAGIA 10 N6 87/CHOL/DIAB/HF MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) 52 YES YES 84 26 YES YES NO YES 28 NO YES 48 YES YES 44 YES YES DIABETIC/LO CAL CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED HIGH FIBER 11 SE SELECT-ECC 12 CM 87/CHOL/MECH MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED MECHANICAL/DYSPHASIA 13 N1 87/CHOL/HF MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED HIGH FIBER 15 N2 87/CHOL/DIAB MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) CHOLESTEROL RESTRICTED DIABETIC/LO CAL 17 N3 87/DIAB/MECH MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) DIABETIC/LO CAL MECHANICAL/DYSPHAGIA 100 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 19 N5 87/DIAB/HF MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) 46 NO YES 32 YES YES DIABETIC/LO CAL HIGH FIBER 20 ND 87/DIAB MODERATE SODIUM (87 -130) DIABETIC/LO CAL February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 101 PP Enter/Edit Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF1] Production Diet Percentage Table The Production Diet Percentage fields contain a percentage of the total census for each production diet for each day and delivery/service point. Production diet percentages are an integral part of the Forecasting (FM) menu of Production Reports (PR). These percentages are applied to the Medical Administration Service (MAS) census figures for each service point and are used to project the number of servings needed for each menu item. Before completing these fields, all production diets are established and the inpatient database is recoded. You need to conduct a data collection period of two to three weeks to gather the diet percentages. The following procedure is used to collect data. 1. 2. Print Actual Diet Census (DC) daily for two or three weeks for all service points. The percent column on the Actual Diet Census indicates the percentage of the total census at a specific service point for that production diet for that day. Using the two or three weeks of data, average the percent of each production diet, each day of the week for each service point. The resulting number can be used as the average percentage of that production diet for that day and service point. Enter this number under this option, Enter/Edit Production Diet Percentages (PP). Example 3. Service Point: Production Diet Regular Regular Regular Hospital - Actual Diet Census Percent 2l.3 20.8 2l.6 Avg.21.2 Day Week Thursday Thursday Thursday Week l Week 2 Week 3 The average percentage for the Regular production diet for Thursday in the hospital service point is 21.2%. Although the Actual Diet Census always indicates the percent of each diet for each service point, this information is not automatically transferred to the field. Each facility may want to review these percentages on a quarterly basis and update as needed. Service Point Name: Service points are pre-established under the Enter/Edit Service Points (SE) option. Each service point must have separately established production diet percentages. Production Diet: Production diets are pre-established under the Enter/Edit Production Diets (PE) option. Each production diet are listed separately for each delivery point. Select the production diet for which you are entering daily forecast percentages. 102 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Census Percentage: The number entered into this field represents the percentage of the total census representing this production diet for this delivery point. Enter greater than 100% (to 110%) if a facility increases (pad) the census of a production diet at a specific delivery point. This is one mechanism for accommodating double portions. Each day is entered separately. Enter a number between 0-110 for each day of the week. This is the forecasted percentage of total census for each day. Note: It is recommended that the percentage for each day be derived from an average of three or more of those days. Select FORECAST % PRODUCTION DIET: This prompt redisplays after the Saturday Census Percentage prompt. It allows you to enter additional production diets for the same service point. Select SERVICE POINT NAME: T200 Select FORECAST % PRODUCTION DIET: SELECT-REGULAR ARE YOU ADDING 'CLEAR LIQUID' AS A NEW PRODUCTION DIET PERCENTAGE (THE 1ST FOR THIS SERVICE POINT)? Y Sunday Census Percentage: 10 MONDAY CENSUS PERCENTAGE: 10 TUESDAY CENSUS PERCENTAGE: 10 WEDNESDAY CENSUS PERCENTAGE: 10 THURSDAY CENSUS PERCENTAGE: 10 FRIDAY CENSUS PERCENTAGE: 10 SATURDAY CENSUS PERCENTAGE: 10 Select FORECAST % PRODUCTION DIET: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 (YES) 103 SL List Production/Service/Communication Facilities [FHPRO10] The List Production/Service/Communication Facilities option is allow you to produce a series of reports for each of the Production Facilities, Service Points, Communication Offices, and Supplemental Feeding Sites. The reports show all parameters associated with each facility. Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer Name) 9-Mar-05 P R O D U C T I O N F A C I L I T Y Page 1 MAIN KITCHEN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Full Names on Daily Menu: Print Meal Distribution: Separate Production Summary Pages: Separate Recipe Preparation Pages: Separate Storeroom Pages: YES YES YES YES YES Associated Tray Lines: B217 TL Associated Cafeterias: DR200 Associated Supplemental Fdg. Sites: NUPPER SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDINGS 9-Mar-05 S E R V I C E P O I N T Page 2 B217 TL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Type of Service: Short Name: Production Facility: Tray Line B217 MAIN KITCHEN Associated Nutrition Locations: 221 ECC 1-B ECC 1-C Production Diet %: REGULAR MECHANICAL/DYSPHAG PUREED FULL LIQUID CLEAR LIQUID GROUND MODIFIED BL MODIFIED BLAND HIGH FIBER DIALYSIS/LOW NA (4 MODERATE SODIUM (8 HPHC DIABETIC/LO CAL 104 ECC 2-B ECC 2-C Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3.5 8.0 10.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 3.5 8.0 10.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 3.5 8.0 10.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 3.5 8.0 10.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 3.5 8.0 10.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 3.5 8.0 10.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 3.5 8.0 10.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 GERIATRIC/ECC LOW PROTEIN 87/CHOL/DIAB 87/MECH-DYS 87/CHOL 87/DIAB DIAL/DIAB STANDING ORDER 87/CHOL/DIAB/MECH DIAB/MECH DIAB/HF ASPIRATION RISK RE SELECT-ECC SELECT-REGULAR SELECT-DIABETIC ECC-DIABETIC Not Eating Total Sum 9-Mar-05 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.5 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.5 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.5 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.5 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.5 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.5 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.5 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.5 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.5 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.5 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.5 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.5 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 10.0 0.4 1.5 0.5 0.5 15.0 10.0 8.0 4.5 109.4 109.4 109.4 109.4 109.4 109.4 109.4 S E R V I C E P O I N T Page 3 DR200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of Service: Short Name: Production Facility: Cafeteria DR200 MAIN KITCHEN Associated Nutrition Locations: 4E 4W Production Diet %: REGULAR MECHANICAL/DYSPHAG GROUND MODIFIED BL MODIFIED BLAND HIGH FIBER MODERATE SODIUM (8 HPHC DIABETIC/LO CAL CHOLESTEROL RESTRI LOW PROTEIN 87/CHOL 87/HF 87/DIAB CHOL/DIAB Not Eating Total Sum Additional Meals: 8E BRS Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 45.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 45.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 45.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 45.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 45.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 45.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 45.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 15.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 Meal Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat REGULAR Brk Noon Even 35 33 20 43 50 31 39 50 36 44 50 35 47 60 35 32 50 31 25 35 22 DIABETIC/LO CAL Brk Noon Even 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 105 9-Mar-05 C O M M U N I C A T I O N O F F I C E Page 4 COMMUNICATION OFFICE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Provide Bagged Meals: NO Breakfast Meal Time: 8:00A Noon Evening 12:00P 6:00P Early Time 1: Early Time 2: Early Time 3: Late Time 1: Late Time 2: Late Time 3: Late Alarm Begin: Late Alarm End: Associated Nutrition Locations: 9-Mar-05 C O M M U N I C A T I O N O F F I C E Page 5 C1-TCC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Provide Bagged Meals: NO Breakfast Noon Evening Meal Time: 6:20A 11:20A 4:20P Early Time 1: Early Time 2: Early Time 3: 6:20A 11:20A 4:20P Late Time 1: Late Time 2: Late Time 3: 7:30A 8:15A 10:00A 12:30P 1:15P 2:30P 5:30P 6:15P 7:00P 6:20A 9:58A 11:20A 2:28P 4:20P 6:58P Late Alarm Begin: Late Alarm End: Associated Nutrition Locations: 12E 12W 2A 2B 2D 3E 3W 4E 4W 5E 9-Mar-05 5W 6E 6W 7E 7W 8E 9EI 9E BRS S U P P L E M E N T A L F E E D I N G S I T E Page 6 SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 106 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Short Name: S FDGS Separate Labels: YES Items on Location Lists: YES Production Facility: MAIN KITCHEN Associated Nutrition Locations: 9-Mar-05 S U P P L E M E N T A L F E E D I N G S I T E Page 7 NUPPER -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Short Name: NUP Separate Labels: NO Items on Location Lists: YES Production Facility: MAIN KITCHEN Associated Nutrition Locations: 10ET 10E 10WC 10W 11E 11W 12E February 2005 12W 13EI 13E 13W 15E 15WR 15W Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 107 TM Tray Tickets/Diet Cards Management [FHMTKMM] CE Enter/Edit Recipe Categories [FHREC4] CL List Recipe Categories [FHREC5] DP Enter/Edit Diet Patterns [FHMTKS] LP List Diet Patterns [FHMTKT] ME Enter/Edit Meals [FHPRC4] ML List Meal [FHPRC6] PD Print Diet Cards [FHDCRP] PT Print Tray Tickets [FHMTKP] Tray Tickets/Diet Card Management option allows you to print a list of individual food items to place on the tray (tray tickets) and a list of recipe categories to serve for a given diet (diet cards). You can run them concurrently if the site does not have complicated diet modifications; otherwise, use one or the other. Tray Tickets and Diet Cards are diet pattern driven. • A diet pattern consists of recipe categories and automatic nourishment, associated standing orders, and an associated supplemental feeding menu. • Diet restrictions are specified along with the diet pattern. • The diet restrictions are stored as dislikes in the FOOD PREFERENCES file. The Diet Cards/Tray Tickets display for outpatients. There are major differences between tray tickets and diet cards: Tray Tickets: 1. Replace the bread and beverage on the MEAL file with the patient’s bread and beverage 2. Incorporate the dislike food preferences by listing an alternate recipe in the MEAL file 3. Print the recipe along with the category item that is omitted for recipes with diabetic exchanges 4. Print all the standing orders for that meal Diet Cards: 1. Print if there is no menu or meal established 2. Print two or three cards per page 3. Two prints: Diet patterns consisting of recipe categories for all three meals Standing orders for all three meals All dislike food preferences for all three meals 4. Three (format like tray tickets) prints: Bread and beverage replaced by patient’s bread and beverage 108 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Standing orders for a meal Dislike food preferences meal-specific. If site has no menu or meal established, all dislikes print. Print tray tickets and diet cards on regular letter style paper 8-1/2x11. Print them on a laser printer in landscape mode. The parameter settings for Kyocera and Hewlett Packard LaserJet III are in the installation guide. You can print them on other printers, but you need to set up the landscape setting or have IRM do it. A diet pattern has no more than 15 recipe categories per meal. Although both diet card and tray ticket can print at least 17 items per page, they print to a second page if a patient has more items. Nutrition personnel need to understand that the use of tray tickets and diet cards places additional printing burdens on the service. Both require a detailed implementation process relating to food preferences, standing orders, recipe categories, and meals, etc. Note: Recipe categories are essential in processing the tray tickets. Do not duplicate them or delete them. Be consistent with the recipe category that you are using. This also applies to the bread and beverage default. The associated recipe’s category should match the pattern’s category. MEAL, RECIPE, and DIET PATTERNS files point to the RECIPE CATEGORY file. Create a pattern for every combination you have. You are prompted to import recipe categories from another pattern under the Enter/Edit Diet Patterns (DP) option. If you use an existing pattern in the file, import it to the pattern you are creating. Modify the needs of the diet as necessary. Note: When you do an import, the recipe categories, standing orders, supplemental feeding menu, and diet restrictions are all imported. Therefore, check everything and edit accordingly. Steps to Follow 1. Review the manual system pattern. 2. Determine the pattern format and terminology. (Keep the recipe categories consistent with the recipe categories of the recipes in the meal. No need to put alternates in the diabetic exchanges.) 3. Create single patterns (use Diet List to help) using the Enter/Edit Diet Patterns (DP) option. 4. Determine associated standing orders, supplemental feeding, and diet restrictions. 5. Review your entries. 6. Establish known combo diets and create a pattern for each diet combination. 7. Review and modify. 8. Print a test run for a small, stable Location for one meal. 9. Review and modify. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 109 Diet Card Implementation Diet Cards are diet pattern driven with automatic nourishment just like tray tickets. But Diet Cards can be run for a site that does not have a menu or meal set up. Implementation is not as complex as that for tray tickets. 110 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 CE Enter/Edit Recipe Categories [FHREC4] The Enter/Edit Recipe Categories option allows you to add or edit recipe categories in the RECIPE CATEGORY file #114.1. For more information, refer to the Enter/Edit Recipe Categories option under Recipe Management. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 111 CL List Recipe Categories [FHREC5] The List Recipe Categories option allows you to list all of the recipe categories in the RECIPE CATEGORY file #114.1 and their associated data elements. In the Device field, enter a printer name. DEVICE: (Printer Name) RECIPE CATEGORIES NAME MAR 16,2005 11:21 PAGE 1 CODE PRINT ORDER INACTIVE? -----------------------------------------------------------------------JUICE I JUICE II JUICE III APPETIZER BEEF FRUIT I FRUIT II FRUIT III PORK SOUP CEREAL CEREAL II CEREAL III 112 J1 J2 J3 A1 BF1 FR1 FR2 FR3 PK1 SP1 C1 C2 C3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 9 9 9 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 DP Enter/Edit Diet Patterns [FHMTKS] The Enter/Edit Diet Patterns option allows you to develop diet patterns for each of the diets in the file. These patterns consist of Recipe Categories with quantities you use during the printing of both diet cards and tray tickets. The selection of breakfast, noon, and evening associated standing orders is available. Prompts exist for diet restrictions for all meals and inactive diets, as well as for updating all diet related information for patients. Diet Pattern for Single Diet Diets Name: This is a pointer to the DIETS file (#116.2). 1 Import Recipe Categories from another Diet Pattern: You can import any existing diet pattern into the current pattern and edit it for your needs. Production Diet: This is a pointer to the PRODUCTION DIET file (#116.2). The existing production diet displays as the default. You can change only this pattern to any other production diet. Breakfast Modifications: This is a multiple field. Enter all recipe Categories and the quantity to serve at each meal. Enter the quantity as whole or decimal numbers. Standing Orders: The identified standing orders are automatically added to the patient record and printed on the diet card or tray ticket. SF Menu: This field points to the SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDING MENU file (#118.1). The SF menu entered, is automatically implemented for the patient when the diet is ordered. Diet Restrictions: This field is a pointer to the FOOD PREFERENCES (#115.2) file. Enter any dislike food preferences to use as a Diet Restriction for the Diet Pattern. The MEALS prompt entry determines to which meals (B, N, E, or ALL) this Diet Restriction applies. Inactive: To update the patient information, answer YES. Corrections are applied to any diet patterns you edited/added, provided the y do not contain individual diet patterns. Select DIETS NAME: Clear Liquid Select DIETS NAME: You have selected the following Diet: Clear Liquid Is this Correct? Y// 1 Patch FH*5.5*5 May 2007 Updated the descriptions columns of this option. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 113 Do you want to import Recipe Categories from another Diet Pattern? N // PRODUCTION DIET: CALORIE CONTROLLED// Select BREAKFAST MODIFICATIONS: Select ASSOCIATED STANDING ORDERS (B): Select NOON MODIFICATIONS: SOUP// NOON MODIFICATIONS: SOUP// QUANTITY: 1// Select NOON MODIFICATIONS: Select ASSOCIATED STANDING ORDERS (N): Select EVENING MODIFICATIONS: Select ASSOCIATED STANDING ORDERS (E): ASSOCIATED SF MENU: MORE PIES// Select DIET RESTRICTION: NO PINEAPPLES ------------DIET RESTRICTION: NO PINEAPPLES -------------// MEALS: BNE// Select DIET RESTRICTION: // INACTIVE?: YES Select DIETS NAME: ^ 114 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Diet Patterns for Combination Diets Diet patterns for combination diets are created by selecting a combo diet name or by entering multiple diets at the sequential prompts "Select DIETS NAME:". Select DIETS NAME: Full Liquid Select DIETS NAME: Low Sodium Select DIETS NAME: You have selected the following Diet: FULL LIQUID LOW SODIUM Is this Correct? Y// Do you want to import Recipe Categories from another Diet Pattern? N // Do you want to import Recipe Categories from another Diet Pattern? N // Y Select DIET PATTERNS NAME: FL 1 FL 2 FL, 1.8L=1080TR 3 FL, 1000 CALORIE 4 FL, 1000ML=600tr 5 FL, 1200 CALORIE Press to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 FL ..Done PRODUCTION DIET: SODIUM REST// Select BREAKFAST MODIFICATIONS: Select ASSOCIATED STANDING ORDERS (B): Select NOON MODIFICATIONS: Select ASSOCIATED STANDING ORDERS (N): Select EVENING MODIFICATIONS: Select ASSOCIATED STANDING ORDERS (E): ASSOCIATED SF MENU: ? Cannot enter INDIVIDUALIZED Supplemental Menu Answer with SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDING MENU NAME, or SYNONYM Choose from: HUNGRY THING JUICE THERAPY MORE PIES TESTDE ASSOCIATED SF MENU: Hungry thing Select DIET RESTRICTION: ? You may enter a new DIET RESTRICTION This is the dislike food preference from File #115.2 Answer with FOOD PREFERENCES NAME ALLERGIES Do you want the entire FOOD PREFERENCES List? N Select DIET RESTRICTION: INACTIVE?: February 2005 (No) Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 115 LP List Diet Patterns [FHMTKT] The List Diet Patterns option allows you to list one selected Diet Pattern or all the Diet Patterns entered through Enter/Edit Diet Patterns. It is a useful tool for reviewing the work. Print ALL Diet Patterns? Y// Select LIST Printer: HOME// 16-Mar-05 1:42pm D I E T P A T T E R N L I S T Page 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BREAKFAST NOON EVENING Production Diet: CLEAR LIQUID Diet Order: CLEAR LIQ Associated Supp. Fdgs. Menu: CLEAR LIQUID 1 2 1 1 1 CONDIMENT II JUICE SOUP BEVERAGE CITROTEIN 1 CONDIMENT II 1 JUICE 1 SOUP 1 BEVERAGE 1 CITROTEIN 1 CONDIMENT II 1 JUICE 1 SOUP 1 BEVERAGE 1 CITROTEIN Note: The standing order for citrotein is included as part of the Diet Pattern. If you use any standing order designators, such as C or H, they also display. 116 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 ME Enter/Edit Meals [FHPRC4] The Enter/Edit Meals option allows you to create or edit meals, including the associated recipes and production diets. For more information, refer to Menu Cycle Management. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 117 ML List Meal [FHPRC6] The List Meal option allows you to select a meal from the MEAL file (#116.1) and to print its associated recipes and production diets. Select MEAL NAME: BREAKFAST Select Listing Device: HOME// TERMINAL Meal: BREAKFAST Recipe Cat. Production Diets ORANGE JUICE, 6OZ IND HOSPITAL T Tray 100% BACON HOSPITAL T Tray 05% EGG, FRESH HOSPITAL T Tray 98% DECAF 118 A1 CC RG CH CL BI1 FL CL EG1 RG BV1 CC RG CH Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 PD Print Diet Cards [FHDCRP] The Print Diet Cards option allows you to print Diet Cards that consist of patients' diet patterns. The Diet Cards can be printed two patients per page or three per page for a selected patient, Location, Communication Office, or for all. The Diet Card requires a 132-column printer. Print by PATIENT OR COMMUNICATION OFFICE or LOCATION or ALL? COMM// W Select NUTRITION LOCATION: NEW 3 NORTH Sort Patients: (A=Alphabetically R=Room-Bed) R// a Select Date: TODAY// (MAR 09, 2005) Print Three Per Page? N// Print Only Ones With Order Changes related to the Diet Card? N// Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer Name) February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 119 PT Print Tray Tickets [FHMTKP] The Print Tray Tickets option allows you to print tray tickets for each meal, three patients per page, for a selected patient, Location, Communication Office, or for all three meals. When a food allergy is entered for a patient, it is automatically added to Food Preferences (Dislike), and Tray Tickets Management removes the relevant items from the ticket. 1 Example of a tray ticket with ALLGS Print by PATIENT, COMMUNICATION OFFICE, LOCATION or ALL? COMM// Patient Select PATIENT (Name or SSN): PATIENT1,FH Sort Patients: (A=Alphabetically R=Room-Bed) R// a Select Date: TODAY// (JUN 25, 2007) Select MEAL (B,N,E,or ALL): ALL Consolidated List? Y// Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer name) 25-Jun-07 11:40am Breakfast 25-Jun-07 25-Jun-07 11:40am Noon 25-Jun-07 25-Jun-07 11:40am Evening 25-Jun-07 REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR ALLGS.: NONE ON FILE ALLGS.: NONE ON FILE 1 ORANGE JUICE 1 1 BISCUIT 1 SCRAMBLED EGG PKG 1 GRILLED HAM 1 DRY CEREAL,ASSORTED 2 2 MARGARINE 1 1 HONEY,IND 1 1 COFFEE 1 2% MILK 2 C-CEREAL,DRY 1 C-MILK,2% PATIENT1,FH(0000) P P3T 3T106-1P ALLGS.: NONE ON FILE LASAGNA 1 BREADED PORK CHOP 1 CAPRI VEGETABLES 1 BLACKEYED PEAS 1 CHEFS SALAD+ITALIAN DRESSING 1 SEAS MIXED GREENS+VIN 1 DINNER ROLL MARGARINE CHEESECAKE COFFEE 1 ICED TEA 1 ICED TEA PATIENT1,FH(0000) P P3T 3T106-1P 1 RELISH PLATE #1 1 CORNBREAD 2 MARGARINE 1 CHERRY PIE 1 COFFEE 1 2% MILK PATIENT1,FH(0000) P P3T 3T106-1P Example of a tray ticket tabulated recipe list Print by PATIENT or COMMUNICATION OFFICE or LOCATION or ALL? COMM// w Select NUTRITION LOCATION: NEW 3 NORTH Sort Patients: (A=Alphabetically R=Room-Bed) R// a 1 Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Modified the PT option to remove allergy-type food preferences from the tray tickets. 120 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Select Date: TODAY//3/9/ (MAR 09, 1996) Select MEAL (B,N,E,or ALL): a Consolidated List? Y// Print Only Ones With Order Changes related to the Tray Ticket? N // Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer name) T A B U L A T E D Noon R E C I P E L I S T Page 1 9-Mar-05 NEW 3 NORTH R E C I P E S HOSP T Total DECAF 6 6 TEA 1 1 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 9 9 WHITE BREAD 1 1 BEEF RICE SOUP 6 6 BLAND CREAM OF PEA SOUP 2 2 CANNED BEEF BARLEY SOUP 2 2 LS SWISS STEAK 1 1 PLANTATION SHORTCAKE 4 4 SALISBURY STEAK 3 3 STUFFED GREEN PEPPER #1 1 1 SLICED BEETS, CND 1 1 BUTTERSCOTCH PUDDING 7.7 7.7 CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 7.7 7.7 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, IND 7.7 7.7 PUREED APRICOTS 7.7 7.7 67.8 67.8 TOTAL RECIPES February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 121 WL List Nutrition Locations [FHPRO6] The List Nutrition Locations is an 80-column report that lists all Nutrition Locations in sequential print order by Delivery/Service Point. In addition, it shows any bulk nourishments ordered under Supplemental Feeding Management, the dietitians or technicians assigned, the default admission diet, pertinent clinical review information, and pertinent facility geography. Select LOCATION (or ALL): 2A Select LIST Printer: HOME// 9-Mar-05 D I E T E T I C HOME RIGHT MARGIN: 80// W A R D P R O F I L E Page 1 2A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Print Order: Assigned Clinician: Tray Assembly: Cafeteria: Dining Room: Supplemental Fdgs.: Diet Communication: 3 MARIBELL,KATHERINE T200 (100%) NLOWER C1-TCC Admission Diet: Review Frequencies: NPO's: Tubefeedings: Status I: Status II: 3 days 7 days Admit Status: Supp. Fdgs.: 30 days 30 days 3 days 14 days Status III: Status IV: 7 days 7 days Bulk Nourishment Orders: 1 JUICE,CRANBERRY,46CN 1 JUICE,ORANGE,46CN 1 JUICE,ORANGE Room-Beds Assigned: 220A-1 220A-2 220A-3 220A-4 222A-1 222A-2 222A-3 222A-4 224A-1 224A-2 224A-3 224A-4 229A-1 229A-2 229A-3 229A-4 230A-1 230A-2 230A-3 230A-4 232A-1 232A-2 232A-3 232A-4 233A-1 234A-1 235A-1 235A-2 235A-3 235A-4 237A-1 237A-2 237A-3 237A-4 Default MAS Locations: 2A Print Cafeteria on Tray Tickets: NO 122 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 XR Recipe Management [FHRECM] CE Enter/Edit Recipe Categories [FHREC4] CL List Recipe Categories [FHREC5] EE Enter/Edit Equipment [FHREC8] EL List Equipment [FHREC9] NA Analyze All Recipes [FHREC11] ND Display Recipe Analysis [FHREC12] NL Display Analyzed Recipes List [FHREC13] PE Enter/Edit Preparation Areas [FHING9] PL List Preparation Areas [FHING10] RC Re-cost Recipes [FHREC10] RE Enter/Edit Recipes [FHREC1] RL List Recipes [FHREC3] RP Print Adjusted Recipe [FHREC2] RU List Recipe Usage in Meals/Cycles [FHPRC10] SE Enter/Edit Serving Utensils [FHREC6] SL List Serving Utensils [FHREC7] Recipe Management allows you to create site-specific recipes. Recipe data include portion size, preparation area and time, equipment and serving utensils required, recipe category, ingredients and directions for preparation. Recipes are embedded in other recipes for easy preparation. Lists containing all recipe information are generated, as well as a per portion recipe cost. Nutrients for each ingredient are edited in each recipe to more accurately reflect the food item produced. All recipes are analyzed for nutrients once this information is established. Managing Recipes The Recipe Management Program allows you to build recipes from groups of ingredients. The recipes are used to create meals. Every food item on a menu is considered a recipe and must have a corresponding recipe entered into the program. This includes all single ingredient recipes such as milk, sugar packages, bread, frozen convenience foods, etc. A master RECIPE file containing approximately 500 commonly used VA Standardized Recipes is provided. Review this file carefully and revise accordingly. The Recipe Management Program also consists of four other data files: RECIPE CATEGORY, EQUIPMENT, PREPARATION AREA and SERVING UTENSIL. Each recipe entered is assigned a recipe category, a preparation area, types of equipment for preparation and a utensil for serving. Note: The files point to (used by) the files of the Recipe Management Program. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 123 Diagram of the Relationship FILE (#) POINTER (#) FILE POINTER FIELD TYPE POINTER FIELD FILE POINTED TO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------USER MENU (#112.64) | | DAY N:MEAL NU:RECIPE* (N )-> | 114 RECIPE | RECIPE (#114.03) | | EMBEDDED RECIPE ...... (N )-> | SERVING UTENSIL |-> SERVING UTEN* FOOD PREFERENCES (#115.2) | | RECIPE ............... (N )-> | DEFAULT CATEGO* |-> RECIPE CATEG* EXCLUDED RECIPES ..... (N )-> | PREPARATION AR* |-> PREPARATION * MEAL (#116.11) | | RECIPE ............... (N )-> | ASSOCIATED NUT* |-> FOOD NUTRIEN* SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDING (#118) | | CORRESPONDING RECIPE . (N )-> | m INGRED:INGRED* |-> INGREDIENT TUBEFEEDING (#118.2) | | CORRESPONDING RECIPE . (N )-> | INGRED:ASSOCI* |-> FOOD NUTRIEN* | m DIABET:DIABET* |-> RECIPE CATEGORY | m EMBEDD:EMBEDD* |-> RECIPE | m EQUIPM:EQUIPM* |-> EQUIPMENT ----------------------------------------DIET PATTERNS (#111.115) | | BREAKFAST MODIFICATIONS (N C )-> | 114.1 RECIPE CATEGORY NOON MODIFICATIONS ... (N C )-> | | EVENING MODIFICATIONS (N C )-> | | RECIPE (#114) | | DEFAULT CATEGORY ..... (N )-> | | MEAL (#116.11) | | RECIPE:CATEGORY ...... (N )-> | | ----------------------------------------RECIPE (#114) | | PREPARATION AREA ..... (N )-> | 114.2 PREPARATION AREA ----------------------------------------RECIPE (#114) | | SERVING UTENSIL ...... (N )-> | 114.3 SERVING UTENSIL ----------------------------------------RECIPE (#114.05) | | EQUIPMENT ............ (N L)-> | 114.4 EQUIPMENT | --------------------- Note: A master file for each Recipe Management files (shown in the boxes), except the PREPARATION AREA file, is provided with enter and edit capability. Each facility must create a PREPARATION AREA file. It is recommended all Recipe Management files be reviewed and developed before proceeding to other routines. After the installation, list the recipe categories, review the diet-card system patterns in the User Manual, and determine if you need to add any more recipe categories. Consider all the alternates you might need for each category. Use the Enter/Edit Recipe Categories (CE) option to populate the file and fill in the category code. The code consists of one to two characters and a number. If you have recipes with exchanges, create a separate category for them. 124 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Example An entree, Chili Con Carne, has one bread, margarine, and vegetable exchanges. If you do not have these three categories, you need to add them to the RECIPE CATEGORY file. The total entries should look as follows: Name Code ENTREE I E1 ENTREE II(an alternate) E2 BREAD BR1 MARGARINE MG1 VEGETABLE VG1 ENTREE I DB-X E1X ENTREE II DB-X E2X Print Order 5 5 2 8 3 5 5 Keep the codes consistent. If you use V1 for VEGETABLE I, use V2 for VEGETABLE II. The print order should be the same for both. It is essential to keep the codes consistent. You create the last two categories (Entrée I DB-X and Entrée II DB-X) to use in the MEAL file to specify which production diets print with the exchanges. Next, modify the recipes. A new multiple in the RECIPE file, called the Diabetic Exchange, points to the RECIPE CATEGORY file. Use the Enter/Edit Recipes (RE) option and add to it the categories created (bread, margarine, and vegetable) in the recipe category file and the quantities. The names assigned to the exchanges in the RECIPE CATEGORY file print on the tray ticket. You can view the Diabetic Exchanges entered through the Print Adjusted Recipes (RP) option. Steps to Follow 1. Review the manual diet-card system pattern. 2. Review the diabetic exchange list. 3. Use the option List Recipe Categories (CL). 4. Populate the RECIPE CATEGORY file and use the Enter/Edit Recipe Categories (CE) option to establish the code and print order. Take into account exchanges and alternates you will need. 5. The Diabetic Exchange field in the RECIPE file is associated with the RECIPE CATEGORY file. Use the Enter/Edit Recipes (RE) option to populate the diabetic exchanges that you want to display on the tray ticket. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 125 • Enter all recipes into the RECIPE file prior to building the MEAL file. This prevents switching back and forth between files. • Enter fields in the RECIPE file that are not currently in use, when first building the file. This prevents backtracking when the field becomes functional. • The Ingredient field of the RECIPE file is not required; a recipe may contain only embedded recipes. Example Ground meatloaf is created by using the meatloaf recipe as an embedded recipe with no other ingredients. The directions explain how to grind the meatloaf. • Recipes should have Ingredients or embedded recipes; it is not recommended that you leave both of these fields empty. An empty recipe prints on the menu, but there are no food items on any Meal production reports. When deciding how to answer the Print Recipe field under Enter/Edit Recipes (RE), consider answering NO to those recipes that always need readjustment once printed, because of food preferences or standing orders. When assigning a recipe to a Recipe Category under Enter/Edit Recipes (RE), consider creating a variety of Recipe Categories just for condiments, such as Entree Condiment, Salad Condiment, Bread Condiment, Breakfast Condiment, etc. This insures that all condiments are listed with associated recipes or food items on the daily/weekly menus. Examples o Ketchup assigned to Entree Condiment Category so that Ketchup is listed with Hamburger. o Maple Syrup assigned to Breakfast Condiment Category so that Syrup is listed with Pancakes. o Jelly assigned to Bread Condiment Category so that Jelly is listed with Toast. You can use VA FileMan to customize recipe reports, such as, print a list of recipes sorted by recipe category. There is an unusual prompt sequence for both the Ingredient and Embedded Recipe fields of the RECIPE file. It is important to understand how this prompt sequence functions in order to avoid unexpected errors in recipes. Once entries are made in these fields, any attempt to edit the entries, interrupts a prompt that shows the last entry made and requests confirmation. Select Ingredient: When editing a recipe, after the ingredient/embedded recipe prompts, you see a default ingredient. Enter NO to view a list of ingredients with similar names. If there are several, pick one and proceed. Ingredient: You can overwrite or delete this entry using VA FileMan conventions. Select INGREDIENT:(Ingredient name)// 126 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 INGREDIENT: PREVIOUSLY ENTERED INGREDIENT// Caution: If there is only one ingredient of that type in the file, VA FileMan assumes it is the item and automatically adds it to the list of ingredients in the recipe. Note: When entering ingredients in a recipe, the program does not allow duplicate entries of the same ingredient. Examples A. Gelatin Recipe B. Soup Recipe 1 GAL boiling water 1 GAL cold water 1 QT water to reconstitute milk 2 GALS water to reconstitute soup base In both examples, a different amount of water is needed for different functions within the same recipe. The INGREDIENT file contains only one listing, Water, and the program only allows for one entry of each ingredient. The need for duplicating an ingredient entry is accomplished by creating multiple listings in the INGREDIENT file of the same ingredient with slightly different names. Ex. Water - 1, Water - 2, Water - Cold, Water - Boiling Using this technique, multiple listings of similar ingredients are made in the recipe. Example A: Gelatin Recipe Water - Boiling 1 GAL Water - Cold 1 GAL February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 127 CE Enter/Edit Recipe Categories [FHREC4] The Enter/Edit Recipe Categories option allows you to enter and edit data in the RECIPE CATEGORY file #114.1. The file categorizes recipes, e.g., appetizer, soup, beverage, entree, starch, etc. Each recipe category is given a code. A master file is provided with the package, which you can print it using the List Recipe Categories (CL) option. You can enter additional recipe categories. The Recipe Category field in the RECIPE file uses the data in the RECIPE CATEGORY file and is a mandatory entry. A Recipe Category prompt also displays under the Enter/Edit Meals (ME) option. This recipe category prompt determines the way recipes print on diet cards and tray tickets. The recipe category allows for substitute food items to display on tray tickets. For example, if Entree 1 is Roast Pork and the patient has a No Pork food preference, the program automatically substitutes next appropriate entree. Information on production reports can be sorted by recipe categories making it easier for production personnel to follow. Recipe Category Name: The entry in this field should be 3-15 characters in length. It is the category to which the recipe is assigned. Code: This is a required field, and must be 1- 2 characters and a number or 1-2 characters, a number and an “X”. Code with an “X” means the recipe with this category has diabetic exchanges. This code is the abbreviated version of the recipe category, displays on reports, and is used on tray assembly tickets. Meal Print Order: This is a required field. This field establishes the print sequence in which recipes display on the weekly and daily menus. Enter a number between 1 and 99, which is the relative print order, from low to high, of recipes in this category. Example If the meal print order for the recipe category “Entree” is 4, and the meal print order for the recipe category “Starch” is 6, all recipes with a category of Entree print before Starches on the weekly and daily menus. Inactive: This entry indicates whether the recipe category is inactive. A “YES” at this prompt inactivates the recipe, removing it from selection lists. Entering a Yes removes this recipe category from selection lists. Select RECIPE CATEGORY NAME: ENTREE I ARE YOU ADDING 'ENTREE I' AS A NEW RECIPE CATEGORY (THE 57TH)? Y RECIPE CATEGORY NAME: ENTREE I// NAME: ENTREE I// (YES) CODE: E1 MEAL PRINT ORDER: 15 INACTIVE?: 128 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 CL List Recipe Categories [FHREC5] The List Recipe Categories option allows you to print a list of all recipe category names, codes, and meal print orders created using Enter/Edit Recipe Categories (CE). DEVICE: HYPER SPACE RECIPE CATEGORIES NAME RIGHT MARGIN: 80// MAR 8,2005 12:19 PAGE 1 CODE PRINT ORDER -----------------------------------------------------------------------BEVERAGE BREAD JUICE I JUICE II JUICE III APPETIZER FRUIT I FRUIT II FRUIT III SOUP SOUP II CEREAL CEREAL II CEREAL III NEW ONE BREAKFAST ITEM BRK ITEM III BRK. ENTREE BRK. ENTREE II BRKFAST ITEM II ENTREE ENTREE I ENTREE II ENTREE III SAUCE/GRAVY STARCH STARCH II STARCH III VEGETABLE VEGETABLE I VEGETABLE II VEGETABLE III SALAD SALAD II February 2005 BV1 BR1 J1 J2 J3 A1 FR1 FR2 FR3 SP1 SP2 C1 C2 C3 NO1 BI1 BI3 BE1 BE2 BI2 E1 E1 E2 E3 SG1 ST1 ST2 ST3 V1 V1 V2 VG3 SA1 SA2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 6 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 18 21 21 21 24 24 24 24 27 27 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 129 EE Enter/Edit Equipment [FHREC8] The Enter/Edit Equipment option allows you to enter and edit data in the EQUIPMENT file #114.4. It contains the names of large equipment used in food preparation, e.g., steam kettle, convection oven, mixer. A master EQUIPMENT file #114.4 9 is provided by the software and is printed using the List Equipment (EL) option. You can add additional types of equipment as needed. The Equipment field of the RECIPE file #114 uses the data in this file. It is not a required field but if completed, the equipment display on the printed recipe. New equipment is entered into the EQUIPMENT file using the Enter/Edit Recipes (RE) option. Note: Always check to see if the piece of equipment is already in the file. Select EQUIPMENT NAME: ?? CHOOSE FROM: BAIN MARIE BAKING SHEET BLENDER BROILER CHOPPER COFFEE URN COMPARTMENT STEAMER CONVECTION OVEN .... This is the name of an equipment item (large kettle, convection oven, etc.) and is used by the recipe file to indicate the usual preparation equipment needed. Select EQUIPMENT NAME: MEAT GRINDER ARE YOU ADDING 'MEAT GRINDER' AS A NEW EQUIPMENT (THE 39TH)? Y EQUIPMENT NAME: MEAT GRINDER// NAME: MEAT GRINDER// 130 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 (YES) February 2005 EL List Equipment [FHREC9] The List Equipment option allows you to print a list of all equipment in the EQUIPMENT file #114.4. DEVICE: HYPER SPACE RIGHT MARGIN: 80// EQUIPMENT MAR 8,2005 12:20 PAGE 1 NAME -----------------------------------------------------------------------BAIN MARIE BAKING SHEET BLENDER BROILER CHOPPER COFFEE URN COMPARTMENT STEAMER CONVECTION OVEN DECK OVEN FRYER FULL PAN GRILL HALF PAN MICROWAVE OVEN MIXER, LARGE MIXER, SMALL MIXING BOWL ONE-FOURTH PAN ONE-THIRD PAN OVEN PRESSURE STEAMER RANGE ROASTING PAN ROTARY OVEN SLICER STEAM KETTLE, LARGE STEAM KETTLE, MEDIUM STEAM KETTLE, SMALL STOCK POT TILTING BRAISING PAN TOASTER TRUNNION KETTLE VERTICAL CUTTER WARMER February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 131 NA Analyze All Recipes [FHREC11] The Analyze All Recipes option allows you to analyze all existing recipes. If the recipe has no associated nutrients, it is not analyzed. If a recipe has multiple ingredients, but not all ingredients have associated nutrients, the recipe is analyzed, but is not accurate. The analysis takes place by selecting the option. For more information, refer to Recipe Analysis under Energy/Nutrient Management. 132 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 ND Display Recipe Analysis [FHREC12] The Display Recipe Analysis option displays the nutrient analysis of one recipe. The analysis uses the associated nutrient for each ingredient in the recipe. This option is used to check if ingredients in a recipe have associated nutrients and amounts in LBS. Recipe Name: This recipe is a previously analyzed recipe from the RECIPE file #114. RDA Category: This is an optional entry that displays the %RDAs of the recipe, if an RDA category is selected. It points to the preset RDA Category table. Select RECIPE NAME: CHILI MAC Select RDA Category: M25 MALES 25-50 YR. Print on Device: HOME// HOME RIGHT MARGIN: 80// --- Recipe Ingredient List --CHILI MAC Number of Portions: 100 Ingredient Amt In Lbs BEEF, GROUND, FRZN CAYENNE PEPPER, GROUND, 1# CN CHILI POWDER, GROUND, 1# CN GARLIC POWDER, GROUND, 1# CN ONIONS, DICED, FRESH SALT, BULK SOUP AND GRAVY BASE, BEEF TOMATO PASTE TOMATO PUREE TOMATOES, CND, DICED WATER, TAP 7.100 0.010 0.125 0.015 6.480 0.188 0.266 4.313 6.750 6.750 6.000 Associated Nutrient BEEF, GROUND, LEAN, BROILED, WELL PEPPER, RED OR CAYENNE CHILI POWDER GARLIC POWDER ONIONS, YEL, CKD WO/SALT SALT, TABLE SOUP, BEEF BROTH, CUBED, DRY TOMATO PASTE, CND, WO/SALT ADDED, TOMATO PUREE, CND, REG PK TOMATOES, CND, REG PK, ALL STYLES WATER Embedded Recipe: MACARONI, PLAIN Ingredient Amt In LBS MACARONI, ELBOW FORM WATER, TAP 16.625 *** Associated Nutrient MACARONI, ENR, FIRM STAGE, 8-10 M WATER --- Analysis of Recipe Portion --CHILI MAC % % RDA Kcal Calories (13) Protein (13) Carbohydrate (13) Fat (13) Sodium (13) Potassium (13) February 2005 249 14.9 33.0 6.7 841.7 581.2 K Gms 24 Gms Gms Mg 168 Mg 29 Vitamin A (12) 24 Ascorbic Acid (12) 52 Vitamin E (0) 24 Riboflavin (13) Thiamin (13) Niacin (13) Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 % RDA 130 RE 25.7 Mg 0.2 Mg 0.3 Mg 4.7 Mg 13 43 0 13 17 25 133 Calcium (13) Phosphorus (13) Iron (13) Zinc (12) Magnesium (12) Manganese (12) Copper (12) Selenium (2) 38.4 148.1 3.1 2.8 47.5 0.5 0.3 16.3 Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mcg Water (13) Ash (13) Alcohol (0) Caffeine (0) Total Diet Fiber (12) Total Tocopherol (0) Capric Acid (4) Lauric Acid (5) Myristic Acid (10) Palmitic Acid (10) Palmitoleic Acid (8) Stearic Acid (10) Oleic Acid (11) Arachidonic Acid (3) 103.0 Ml 3.4 Gms 3.4 Gms 0.01 0.01 0.16 1.40 0.22 0.70 2.30 0.02 Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms 5 19 31 18 14 14 14 23 Vitamin B6 (9) Vitamin B12 (12) Vitamin K (2) Folate (9) Pantothenic Ac (9) Cholesterol (13) Linoleic Acid (11) Linolenic Acid (10) Monounsat. Fat (10) Polyunsat. Fat (10) Saturated Fat (11) Tryptophan (9) Threonine (9) Isoleucine (9) Leucine (9) Lysine (9) Methionine (9) Cystine (9) Phenylalanine (9) Tyrosine (9) Valine (9) Arginine (9) Histidine (9) Alanine (9) Aspartic Acid (9) Glutamic Acid (9) Glycine (9) Proline (9) Serine (9) 0.3 0.9 0.0 23.8 0.6 32.6 0.5 0.0 2.6 0.6 2.4 0.16 0.54 0.59 1.02 0.89 0.30 0.22 0.57 0.43 0.64 0.79 0.41 0.71 1.20 3.34 0.66 0.84 0.57 Mg Mcg Mcg Mcg Mg Mg Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms Gms 16 44 0 12 11 Grams/Portion: 248 134 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 NL Display Analyzed Recipes List [FHREC13] The Display Analyzed Recipes List option provides a list of all recipes analyzed. The ** preceding a recipe name indicates the recipe is nor analyzed. Select LIST Printer: HOME// 10-Mar-05 7:53am HYPER SPACE A N A L Y Z E D R E C I P E RIGHT MARGIN: 80// L I S T Page 1 RECIPE NAME -----------------------------------------------------------------------** ALL BRAN SHREDDED, IND ** ANGEL FOOD CAKE APPLE JELLY DIET, IND ** APPLE JELLY, IND APPLE JUICE, 4OZ IND ** APPLE JUICE, 6OZ IND APPLE JUICE, BULK APPLE PIE APPLESAUCE ** APRICOT DIET JELLY, IND APRICOT HALVES APRICOT NECTAR, BULK APRICOT/ORANGE JUICE, BULK ASPARAGUS SPEARS, FROZEN ASPARAGUS, CUTS OR SPEARS, CND ** ASSORTED DIET JELLY, IND BACON BACON SEASONED SPINACH ** BAKED APPLES ** BAKED POTATO BAKED POTATO SUPREME BAKED SWEET POTATOES BAKED WINTER SQUASH BAKED/GRILLED PORK CHOP - 2 BAKED/GRILLED PORK CHOPS - 1 BAKING POWDER BISCUITS ** BANANA IND BANANA PUDDING BARBECUED CHICKEN BARBECUED SLICED BEEF ON BUN BEEF BARLEY SOUP BEEF CUBES AU JUS BEEF NOODLE SOUP ** BEEF PATTIE, FROZEN, IND BEEF RICE SOUP BEEF STROGANOFF '**' preceding a recipe name indicates recipe not analyzed. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 135 PE Enter/Edit Preparation Areas [FHING9] The Enter/Edit Preparation Areas option allows you to enter and edit data in the PREPARATION AREA file #114.2. It contains the names of all areas in the kitchen where food preparation takes place, e.g., cooks area, salad area, desserts area, etc. Facilities need to create their own preparation areas using this option and assign a preparation area to each recipe. Recipes on the production sheets are sorted and printed according to preparation area, and given to the appropriate production personnel. The Preparation Area field discussed under Enter/Edit Recipes (RE) uses the preparation areas from this file. This is not a mandatory field, but is highly recommended. Preparation Area Name: Enter ?? to view a list of preparation areas already defined. This field is 3-15 characters in length. Code: Enter a code 2-5 characters in length. This code displays on reports. Print Order: Enter a numeric value indicating the print order (from low to high) of various preparation areas for sorting by preparation area. Select PREPARATION AREA NAME: ?? CHOOSE FROM: KITCHEN SALAD AREA This is the name of an area where recipes are prepared (e.g., salad area, bakery, etc.). Select PREPARATION AREA NAME: DESSERTS AREA ARE YOU ADDING 'DESSERTS AREA' AS A NEW PREPARATION AREA (THE 8TH)? Y PREPARATION AREA NAME: DESSERTS AREA// NAME: DESSERTS AREA// (YES) CODE: DESS PRINT ORDER: 30 136 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 PL List Preparation Areas [FHING10] The List Preparation Areas option gives you a listing of all preparation area names, codes and print orders in the PREPARATION AREA file #114.2. DEVICE: HYPER SPACE RIGHT MARGIN: 80// PREPARATION AREAS MAR 9,2005 14:05 PAGE 1 PRINT NAME CODE ORDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------SALAD COLD FOODS COOKS DESSERT February 2005 SALAD COLD COOKS DESS 1 5 22 30 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 137 RC Re-cost Recipes [FHREC10] The Re-cost Recipes option allows you to recalculate all recipe costs. Recipe costs are calculated from ingredient costs. After ingredient costs are updated, use this routine to recalculate the recipe costs. Ingredient costs are updated by answering YES to the prompt “Do you want to re-cost recipes? (Y/N)” in each of the following options: Edit Ingredient Cost (IC) located within the Budget Asst. Menu [FHBUD] Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE) within the Ingredient Management menu. Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH (QE) A “YES” entry initiates the updating. The running time of this routine depends on the number of cost changes, and the size of the RECIPE and INGREDIENT files. This is how it looks when recosting is done: Do you want to re-cost recipes? (Y/N): Y Beginning re-costing of all recipes ............................................ ......... Done ... 138 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 RE Enter/Edit Recipes [FHREC1] The Enter/Edit Recipes option allows you to enter and edit data in the RECIPE file #114. It contains every item found on a menu. Approximately 500 VA Standardized Recipes are already in the file and you can print them using the List Recipes (RL) option. Recipes unique to a facility are added to the file. Recipes already in the file are modified to suit local practice. It is recommended that an initial review of recipes in the RECIPE file be conducted to identify any changes needed on those already entered. VA Recipe numbers are entered under the Synonym field for easy identification when reviewed. This field is changed to a synonym more familiar to the facility. Note: Every food item on a menu must have a corresponding recipe in the computer. Recipes are required to complete the MEAL and MENU CYCLE files. Recipe Name: The name is 3-30 characters in length. Recipe Names are entered in the same way as printed on a menu. The Synonym Name is used for an alternate description. Example Recipe Name: Synonym Name: Split Pea Soup Pea Soup Synonym: The Synonym is not a required entry. It can be 3-25 characters in length. Number of Portions: The Number of Portions is a required entry that indicates the number of portions per recipe. It should be a whole number between 1 and 1000. It is recommended that you enter the number of portions according to the amount usually produced. This does not have to be 100 portions. Portion Size: The Portion Size is a required field that must be a number followed by OZ, FLOZ, or EACH. Examples o 4 OZ o 6 FLOZ o 1 EACH Portion sizes multiplied by the number of recipe portions required for a meal are used to generate meal distribution weights, volumes, or quantities (each) for each recipe. If the Meal Distribution report is used, portion sizes must be accurate for type of distribution. This field is especially important for individual proportioned items, e.g., Milk, Diet Supplements, Bread Slices, Individual 4 oz Juice, etc. This concept is discussed further under Meal Production Reports (MR). February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 139 Example A facility uses individual 8 oz containers of Milk. Production Reports indicate 100 servings are needed. o If Milk recipe portion size is 1 - EACH, the Meal Distribution Report lists 100 EACH. o If Milk recipe portion size is 8 - FLOZ, the Meal Distribution Report lists 6.2 gal. Preparation Time: The Preparation Time is not required and is free text up to 10 characters in length. Preparation time does not adjust for the number of portions being prepared. Equipment: Equipment is not a required entry. Multiple equipment names can be entered; each name 3-21 characters in length. This field points to the EQUIPMENT file (114.4) and designates all types of equipment used in preparation of a recipe. You select a piece of equipment for this field already in the EQUIPMENT file or enter a new one. Entering a new one in this field automatically adds that piece of equipment to the EQUIPMENT file. Serving Utensil: Serving utensil is not a required field. This field points to the SERVING UTENSIL file that designates all types of utensils required for serving a recipe by tray line personnel or cafeteria line personnel. If the utensil is not in the list, add it using the Enter/Edit Serving Utensils (SE) option. Default Category: The Default Category is a required entry. This field points to the RECIPE CATEGORY file that designates categories to which recipes are assigned. New recipe categories are created through Enter/Edit Recipe Categories (CE). Only one category is entered for each recipe. The recipe category determines the order in which recipes are listed on the Print Diet Menus (DP), Print Weekly Menu (WP), Print Diet Cards (PD) and Print Tray Tickets (PT). If there is no recipe category assigned to a recipe in the MEAL file (Enter/Edit Meals (ME) option), the recipe category defaults back to the category entered in this field. Pre-Prep State: The Pre-Prep State is not a required entry. It designates the preparation state of a recipe. A master listing, which cannot be edited, comes with the program and can be viewed by entering a question mark (?) after this field. M D F C X S I P R Mix Dehydrated Frozen Canned Concentrated Scratch Ind/R-T-S Partially Prep R-T-S (Ready-To-Serve) The Pre-Prep State prints on the recipe list and can be helpful when reviewing the recipes in the RECIPE file. If a facility uses both convenience and conventional food items such as Beef Stew, the Pre-Prep State can identify which items are added to the RECIPE file. Preparation Area: The Preparation Area is not a required entry. New preparation areas are created through the Enter/Edit Preparation Area (PE) option. Preparation areas are used to sort 140 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 recipes that are listed on the Meal Production Reports (MR). Each recipe may only have one preparation area. Some recipes are needed in two prep areas; the area assigned to a recipe needs to reflect the best way reports are used. Example When preparing Bean Salad, first the beans are cooked in the Cooks Prep area and then the salad is mixed and portioned in the Salad Prep area. In this example, the Bean Salad recipe is assigned to the Cooks Prep area and is shared with the Salad Prep area, as it only displays on the Cooks Prep list. # Days Pre-Prep: The Number of Days Pre-Prep is not a required entry. Enter a whole number, 0-3. If the recipe contains an ingredient or partially prepared item that requires advance preparation, this field should contain the number of advance days needed for preparation. Example o Potatoes may be cooked and diced the day before making potato salad: therefore, the # Days o Pre-Prep would be 1. Although data in this field is not currently functional, it will be used in future programs to identify items needing advance preparation. To prevent extensive file review and back-entry of data in the future. It is recommended that this field be completed during initial data entry. Print Recipe: This field specifies which recipes automatically print with Meal Production Reports (MR). The Meal Production Reports (MR) routine is designed to automatically print all recipes needed for production of a meal. You can print some recipes and not others or print none at all. These different printing runs are controlled through different mechanisms. The selection of individual recipes to print is controlled by this field. A “YES” in this field causes the recipe to print automatically with the reports. A “NO” in this field permanently suspends printing of this recipe as an automatic part of production reports. The “NO” does not affect printing of adjusted recipes. Automatic printing of recipes can be temporarily suspended, if desired, at the time the Meal Production Reports are requested by answering “NO” at the prompt “Do you want printed recipes?”. Example These recipes have the following Print field entries: Beef Stew Yes Mashed Potatoes No Milk, Ind. No Beet Salad Yes At the prompt “Do you want printed recipes?”, a “YES” causes printing of recipes for Beef Stew and Beet Salad; a “NO” suspends printing of all recipes. All four items will always list on the February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 141 Production Summary with preparation quantities, but there will not be hard-copy recipes for all of them. Ingredient: The Ingredient field is not required and points to/uses the ingredients from the INGREDIENT file. Enter all ingredients and quantities in a recipe in the same recipe unit as listed in the master INGREDIENT file. The appropriate recipe unit is displayed after entering the ingredient name. In order to obtain a nutritional analysis of a recipe, each ingredient must also be associated with a Nutrient and the Nutrient Amount in LBS. The Associated Nutrient field uses nutrients from the FOOD NUTRIENTS file #112. Example Select Ingredient: Flour Units should be WEIGHT (automatically displayed) Quantity: 18 oz Associated Nutrient: Flour, Wheat, All Purpose, Enr Nutrient Amount in LBS: 1.13 Using the above example when entering quantities, the program automatically converts the quantity of 18 oz to 1 lb 2 oz. Quantity: Enter a quantity with a unit of measure. If the ingredient quantity is changed, manually recalculate and enter the Nutrient Amount in LBS. Associated Nutrient: and Nutrient Amount in LBS: When entering the ingredient, the program automatically enters the Associated Nutrient and the Nutrient Amount in LBS, if the Nutrient Data Reference and Weight of Recipe Unit in LBS fields are previously entered in the master INGREDIENT file. There is no limit to the number of ingredients, you can enter for each recipe. It is suggested that ingredients be entered in the order of appearance in the recipe. Although neither the Ingredient field nor the Embedded Recipe field (below) is required, at least one or the other must be present for reports to print properly. Embedded Recipe: The Embedded Recipe is not required. Recipes for this field are selected from the RECIPE file. An embedded recipe is a recipe within a recipe. Example Cream Sauce within Delmonico Potatoes When an embedded recipe is entered, the portion size for the recipe is displayed and a prompt displays asking for the number of portions required. Embedded recipes usually follow the original recipe when printing only if “YES” is answered to the Print Recipe field when you created the recipe under the Enter/Edit Recipe (RE) option. The exception to this is when the embedded recipe is not only part of another recipe, but is also on the menu. 142 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Example Chicken Broth is used as an embedded recipe in Chicken Gravy, but is also used as a recipe for Clear Liquid diets. In this example, the Chicken Broth recipe does not print following the Chicken Gravy recipe, but the program prints a Chicken Broth recipe with the sum of the quantities needed for the entire meal. The Chicken Gravy recipe states the number of portions of Chicken Broth required with an asterisk next to the Chicken Broth indicating that it is an embedded recipe. There is no limit to the number of embedded recipes that you can enter. Directions: Directions are not required. This is a free text field. All recipe directions are entered under this field. Directions do not include quantitative information, because it is free text and is not adjusted when recipe quantities are increased and/or decreased. Diabetic Exchange: This multiple contains the Diabetic exchanges associated with this recipe. Select RECIPE NAME: RICE, BROWN ARE YOU ADDING 'RICE, BROWN' AS A NEW RECIPE (THE 510TH)? Y RECIPE NAME: RICE, BROWN// NAME: RICE, BROWN// (YES) SYNONYM: RICE, BR NUMBER OF PORTIONS: 100 PORTION SIZE: 2 OZ PREPARATION TIME: 1 Select EQUIPMENT: ?? CHOOSE FROM: BAIN MARIE BAKING SHEET BLENDER ... Select EQUIPMENT: STEAM KE 1 STEAM KETTLE, LARGE 2 STEAM KETTLE, MEDIUM 3 STEAM KETTLE, SMALL CHOOSE 1-3: 1 ARE YOU ADDING 'STEAM KETTLE, LARGE' AS A NEW EQUIPMENT (THE 1ST FOR THIS RECIPE)? Y (YES) Select EQUIPMENT: SERVING UTENSIL: ?? CHOOSE FROM: #10 SCOOP #12 SCOOP ... SERVING UTENSIL: 2-OZ LADLE February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 143 DEFAULT CATEGORY: RICE PRE-PREP STATE: ? CHOOSE FROM: M MIX D DEHYDRATED F FROZEN C CANNED X CONCENTRATED S SCRATCH I IND/R-T-S P PARTIALLY PREP R R-T-S PRE-PREP STATE: SCRATCH PREPARATION AREA: COOK’S AREA # DAYS PRE-PREP: PRINT RECIPE: NO// Select INGREDIENT: RICE 1 RICE 2 RICE, INSTANT 3 RICE, LONG GRAIN AND WILD CHOOSE 1-3: 1 Units should be WEIGHTS QUANTITY: 4 LBS ASSOCIATED NUTRIENT: RICE, WHITE, LONG-GRAIN, REGULAR, COOKED, UNENR WO/ SALT// NUTRIENT AMOUNT IN LBS.: 12.8// Select INGREDIENT: Select EMBEDDED RECIPE: DIRECTIONS: 1>Add rice to water and bring to boil. 2>Cook for 45-50 minutes until water 3>absorbed. 4> EDIT Option: Select DIABETIC EXCHANGE: 144 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 RL List Recipes [FHREC3] The List Recipes option prints a list of all recipes in the RECIPE file #114. It includes data from the following fields: Recipe Name, Synonym, Category, Pre-Prep State, E-Prep (Early Prep), Print and Cost. The cost per portion is calculated from the entries made in the Ingredient Cost field under Enter/Edit Ingredients (IE) or Edit Ingredient Cost (IC) in the Budget Asst. Menu. This list is sorted by recipe category and alphabetized. The List Recipes report includes a column indicating whether or not a recipe contains an embedded recipe. 1 The list requires a 132-column printer. Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer Name) 25-Jun-07 Page 1 11:33am R E C I P E L I S T NAME SYNONYM CATEGORY PRE-PREP STATE E-PREP PRINT COST RECIPES EMBEDDED? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEAS WITH PEARL ONIONS 0.167 V-70 PUREED SEAS MIXED GREENS SAUTED CABBAGE 1 VEGETABLE 1 FROZEN VEGETABLE 1 1 NO SAUT CABBAGE VEGETABLE 1 0.011 SEAS CORN=VEG 0.081 YES EMBEDDED RECIPES: SEAS CORN VEGETABLE 1 NO SEASONED YELLOW SQUASH VEGETABLE 1 FROZEN NO SEASONED YELLOW SQUASH,LS VEGETABLE 1 FROZEN NO SUCCOTASH,LS 2 OZ=1VEG VEGETABLE 1 0.151 YES EMBEDDED RECIPES: BUTTERED SUCCOTASH,LS NO Pureed carrots,cnd NO VEGETABLE 1 Patch FH*5.5*8 September 2007 Added a column, Recipes Embedded? to the List Recipes report. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 145 Budget Asst. [FHBUD] The Budget Asst. menu allows access to the administrative report function and functions requiring the cost input. Suggested users of this menu are Budget Clerks. AM Administrative Menu [FHADMR] IC Edit Ingredient Cost [FHADMR8] PU Projected Usage [FHPRR1] WP Print Weekly Menu [FHPR7] XI Ingredient Management[FHINGM] 146 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 RP Print Adjusted Recipe [FHREC2] The Print Adjusted Recipe option allows you to print an adjusted recipe for the exact number of portions requested. It is useful for printing a recipe that is not automatically printed or for reprinting one that needs further adjustment. All quantities of ingredients in a recipe are automatically adjusted for the desired yield. The units of measure for Volume, Weight and Each are as follows: VOLUME: WEIGHT: EACH: GAL, QT, PT, CUP, FLOZ, TBSP, TSP LB, OZ, TBSP, TSP EACH Standard conversion measures are used to adjust ingredients in recipes e.g., 1 GAL = 4 QTS. The program also uses a conversion of 2 TBSP = 1 OZ in both volume and weight adjustments. Fractional quantities are adjusted down to the next two smaller measures. The smallest measure that prints is 1/8 TSP. This 1/8 TSP prints even if the recipe quantity is less than 1/8 TSP. Recipe Name: Enter a recipe from the RECIPE file. Number of Portions: This is a required field. This is the number, 1-5000, of portions to which you adjust the recipe. Select RECIPE NAME: BAKED POTATO SUPREME Number of Portions: 50 Select Printer: HOME// A D J U S T E D R E C I P E 16-Mar-05 BAKED POTATO SUPREME Portion Size: 3.75-OZ Prep. Time: 30 Equipment: FULL PAN - - - - - - - - No. Portions: 50 Srv. Utensil: Category: STARCH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - POTATOES, PREPEELED, WHOLE 12 LB, 8 OZ MARGARINE, SALTED, BULK 12 OZ SALT 1 OZ BREADCRUMBS 12 OZ - - - 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) DRAIN POTATOES AND DRY. MELT MARGARINE; ADD SALT AND MIX TO DISTRIBUTE. DIP WHOLE POTATOES TO COAT. ROLL POTATOES IN CRUMBS; SHAKE OFF EXCESS. POUR REMAINING MARGARINE OVER POTATOES. February 2005 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 - - - - - - - - - - 147 6) BAKE UNTIL DONE. - - - Diabetic - 148 - - - - - - Exchange: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 BREAD, 1 MARGARINE - - - - - - - Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 RU List Recipe Usage in Meals/Cycles [FHPRC10] The List Recipe Usage in Meals/Cycles option gives you the ability to identify all meals/cycles in which a specific recipe is located. The Meal Name, Cycle, Day of Cycle and Meal (B, N, or E) is listed for the designated recipe. The data generated can be used to determine the frequency of a recipe in a cycle as well as its specified location. This information is also useful if you need to delete a recipe from the RECIPE file #114. This option helps you identify which meals to alter before a recipe is deleted. If a recipe is deleted from the RECIPE file (Enter/Edit Recipes option) and not from the MEAL file (Enter/Edit Meals option) in which it is entered, a system error occurs when Production Reports are run. The program searches for a recipe that no longer exists. This is the principle source of unidentified errors. Using this option, all meals are listed for the designated recipe and therefore you can accurately adjust it. Select RECIPE NAME: RASPBERRY GELATIN Select LIST Printer: HOME// (Printer Name) 10-Mar-05 8:07am R E C I P E U S A G E Page 1 RASPBERRY GELATIN Meal Cycle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------CYII-WKI-SUN-TURKEY CYCLE II - 88, Day 1, Noon CYIII-WKI-TUE-PORK CHP/MUSHGRY CYCLE III - 88, Day 3, Evening CYI-89-WKII-THR-BF CHOP SUEY CYCLE I - 89, Day 12, Noon CYII-89-WKI-TUE-PORKCHOP CYCLE II - 89, Day 3, Evening CYI-03-WKII-THR-BF CHOP SUEY 03 DAY B4 HALLOWEEN MERRY XMAS SUPPER 1903 1991 XMAS EVE SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 02 CI-03-1-TE-SPAG/MTBALLS CYCLE I - 03, Day 12, Noon CI-03-1-RE-FR FISH CYCLE I - 93, Day 5, Evening CI-03-1-FN-HOT TURK SAND CYCLE I - 93, Day 6, Noon CI-03-3-SE-STUFFEDPEPPER CYCLE I - 93, Day 15, Evening CI-03-2-ME-SAUERBRATEN CYCLE I - 93, Day 9, Evening CI-03-2-WB-SCR EGGS CYCLE I - 93, Day 11, Breakfast CI-03-2-FN-PIZZA BURGER CYCLE I - 93, Day 13, Noon CI-03-3-RN-SPAGHETTI CYCLE I - 93, Day 19, Noon CI-03-4-MN-TURK SAND CYCLE I - 93, Day 23, Noon February 2005 CYCLE I - 93, Day 3, Evening Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 149 CII-03-4-WB-SCR E CYCLE I - 93, Day 25, Breakfast CYCLE II - 93, Day 25, Breakfast CI-03-4-RE-FRIED CHIX CYCLE I - 93, Day 26, Evening CII-03-4-AB-WAFFLES/SYRUP CYCLE I - 93, Day 28, Breakfast CYCLE II - 93, Day 28, Breakfast LABOR DAY SUPPER '93 VETERAN'S DAY '93 CII-03-1-SE-STFD GRN PEPPER CYCLE II - 93, Day 1, Evening CII-03-1-TB-PANCAKE/SAUS CYCLE II - 93, Day 3, Breakfast 150 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 SE Enter/Edit Serving Utensils [FHREC6] The Enter/Edit Serving Utensils option allows you to enter and edit data in the SERVING UTENSIL file #114.3, which is a listing of the types of utensils used in food service. You can add additional utensils The Serving Utensil field of the RECIPE file points to the SERVING UTENSIL file. It is not mandatory but if completed, the serving utensil display on the printed recipe. Example 6 OZ. LADLE, #8 SCOOP, SPOON, etc. You can view the contents of this file using List Serving Utensils (SL). Serving Utensil Name: This field is 1-10 characters in length and refers to the types of serving utensils used in recipes. Select SERVING UTENSIL NAME: PIE SERVER ARE YOU ADDING 'PIE SERVER' AS A NEW SERVING UTENSIL (THE 22ND)? Y SERVING UTENSIL NAME: PIE SERVER// NAME: PIE SERVER// February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 (YES) 151 SL List Serving Utensils [FHREC7] The List Serving Utensils option produces a list of all serving utensils stored in the SERVING UTENSIL file #114.3. DEVICE: HYPER SPACE RIGHT MARGIN: 80// SERVING UTENSILS MAR 8,2005 12:23 PAGE 1 NAME -----------------------------------------------------------------------#10 SCOOP #12 SCOOP #16 SCOOP #20 SCOOP #8 SCOOP 1-OZ LADLE 2-OZ LADLE 3-OZ LADLE 4-OZ LADLE 5-OZ LADLE 6-OZ LADLE 8-OZ LADLE SLOT SPOON SPATULA SPOODLE SRV. SPOON TONGS 152 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 XX Annual Report Management [FHADRR] EA Enter/Edit Facility Profile [FHADR1] EB Enter/Edit Hospital Outpatient Visits [FHADR3] EC Enter/Edit Type of Service [FHADR2] ED Enter/Edit Staffing FTEE [FHADR4] EE Enter the Snapshot date for Modified Diets [FHADR5] EF Enter/Edit Cost Per Diem [FHADR6] EG Enter/Edit Nutrition Satisfaction Survey [FHADR7] EH Enter/Edit Nutrition Service Equipment [FHADR8] EI Enter/Edit Nutritive Analysis Average [FHADR9] PR Print Annual Nutrition Report [FHADRP] PU Purge Old Annual Nutrition Data [FHADRS] Annual Report Management allows you to enter the information required in the Annual Report that is not automatically retrieved from other Nutrition programs. Data is aggregated quarterly and annually, printing all information entered. This report is useful in tracking quarterly meals, costs, workload statistics, clinical activities, and patient satisfaction. Managing Annual Reports This program automates the Nutrition Annual Report. The standardization of data allows for future ability to sort and retrieve data from comparable groups of facilities. A report compiles a combination of electronic data captured from VistA and manual data collection from readily available reports. A report contains aggregate data of the four quarters of the fiscal year, but is generated quarterly. This program allows you to enter, edit, and review the Facility Profile, Facility Workload Statistics, Nutrition Workload Statistics, Staffing, Nutrition Cost, Patient Satisfaction, and Service Equipment. Sources of Data The following data is automatically retrieved/calculated from VistA records: • Inpatient Days of Care and Total Served Meals from the VistA Nutrition Served Meal Report (RR) • Staffing FTEE using the VistA Nutrition Staffing Data Report (PR) • The percent modified diets using the VistA Diet Order Census at 5:55 PM • The Nutrition Status and Clinical Encounter Categories data from the VistA Nutrition Status Summary (NS) and Nutrition Encounter Statistics (SE) programs If the facility is not using the options that automatically calculate data, certain parts of the Annual Report is not complete. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 153 The following data must be manually entered from paper records: 1. Outpatient visits are acquired from Medical Administration Service Statistical Unit AMIS reports. 2. The RPM classification and complexity level for the facility profile are obtained from the RPM coordinator and from Personnel Service. 3. The Cost Per Diem data is retrieved from Nutrition and Food Service 830 Report of Costs. 4. The Patient Satisfaction data is obtained from the VA 10-5387 Nutrition Satisfaction Surveys. 154 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 EA Enter/Edit Facility Profile [FHADR1] The Enter/Edit Facility Profile option allows you to enter and edit facility profile data. After the initial entry of this data, only changes to the facility profile, specialized medical programs, primary delivery, or primary production systems require editing the facility profile. The profile identifies facilities with like scope for comparison of Nutrition data. Facility Data: Management data required under these fields, includes facility region number, multi-division designation, RPM classification, and complexity level. The information defines the scope of the facility. The RPM number classifies facilities by size. The complexity level is determined by VACO criteria: size, complexity, and the grade on which structure is based. Nutrition training program data required in this profile identifies specific authorized training programs at the facility, such as VA sponsored or affiliated Nutrition Internships, affiliated or VA sponsored AP4 programs, CUPs, or Nutrition Technician programs. Food Management data required here identifies the primary food delivery systems used at the facility and whether or not Cook-Chill food items are served. Specialized Medical Programs: This data identifies the specialized medical programs authorized at the facility and the number of Clinical Nutrition FTEE assigned to each program. Nutrition Research Programs, if conducted at the facility, must be identified as funded or unfunded status. Clinical Nutrition FTEE assigned to research must also be identified. YR: Enter the year, not in the future. Station Number: Enter a station number or ? to display a list. Facility Data?: This is a required field. Region: Enter a region number, 1-7. RPM Classification: Enter a classification number, 1-6. Complexity Level: Enter a level number, 1-4. Primary Delivery System: Enter ? to view a list from which to select a site-specific system. Select 1 or 2: Enter ? to view a list of options. Specialized Medical Programs: Enter ? to view a list from which to select site-specific programs. Assigned Clinical FTEE: Enter an FTEE, a number 0-99.9. Areas of Research: Enter ? to view a list from which to select site-specific areas. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 155 Enter YR: 02 Enter Station Number: (Station #) Enter/Edit Facility Data? YES REGION #: 2// MULTI DIVISION FACILITY?: NO// RPM CLASSIFICATION: 1// COMPLEXITY LEVEL: 1// VA SPON NUTRITION INTERNSHIP: YES// AFFILIATED AP4?: NO// AFFILIATED NUTRITION INTERN?: NO// AFFILIATED CUP?: NO// VA SPONSORED AP4?: NO// AFFILIATED NUTRITION TECH?: NO// Select PRIMARY DELIVERY SYSTEM: Pellet// DO YOU USE COOK CHILL FOODS?: Y// YES SELECT 1 OR 2: ? Choose from: 1 LESS AND EQUAL 25% OF MENU ITEMS 2 GREATER THAN 25% OF MENU ITEMS SELECT 1 OR 2: Enter/Edit Specialized Medical Programs? YES Select SPECIALIZED MEDICAL PROGRAMS: Substance Abuse Program // SPECIALIZED MEDICAL PROGRAMS: Substance Abuse Program // ASSIGNED CLINICAL FTEE: .5// Select SPECIALIZED MEDICAL PROGRAMS: FUNDED NUTRITION RESEARCH?: Y// ASSIGNED CLINICAL FTEE: UNFUNDED NUTRITION RESEARCH?: Y// Select AREAS OF RESEARCH: ?? Answer with AREAS OF RESEARCH Choose from: 1 CLINICAL 2 COMMUNITY 3 COST/BENEFIT 4 EDUCATION 5 MANAGEMENT Select AREAS OF RESEARCH: 1 ASSIGNED TOTAL CLINICAL FTEE: .7 156 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 EB Enter/Edit Hospital Outpatient Visits [FHADR3] The Enter/Edit Hospital Outpatient Visits option allows you to enter a total number of hospital outpatient visits, including any satellite clinic visits. Satellite clinics are those operated away from the hospital. Hospital outpatient data is obtained from the Medical Administration Service Statistical Unit AMIS reports. Note: These outpatient visits refer to all hospital outpatient visits, not only nutrition visits. This data identifies facilities of comparable scope. Qtr/Yr: Default is the previous year. Outpatients Visit Hosp: Enter a number, 0-999999999. Number of Satellites: Enter a number, 1-5 Satellite Loc: Enter a location, 3-20 characters in length. Total # of Sat Outpat Visits: Enter a number, 0-999999999. Enter Qtr/Yr: 2/05// OUTPATIENTS VISIT HOSP: 56000 NUMBER OF SATELLITES: 1 Select SATELLITE LOC: MARLIN// SATELLITE LOC: MARLIN// TOTAL # OF SAT OUPAT VISITS: 2340 Select SATELLITE LOC: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 157 EC Enter/Edit Type of Service [FHADR2] The Enter/Edit Type of Service option allows you to identify the number (0-9999) of patient meals (average daily meals) currently served at bedside, in a cafeteria, and in a dining room area for a specified year. The dining room area is defined as a congregate eating area where trays are delivered to patients. This information is obtained from the VistA Served Meals Report (RR) option or the Location Diet Lists (WD) option. If the facility has only tray and cafeteria service, the information is found on the Served Meals Report. If the facility has dining room service, the data is tallied from the Location Diet Lists. Print the Location lists for all types of service and tally the number of bedside trays, dining room trays, and cafeteria trays. Enter YR: 02 BEDSIDE TRAY: 780 CAFETERIA: 35 DINING ROOM TRAY: 158 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 ED Enter/Edit Staffing FTEE [FHADR4] The Enter/Edit Staffing FTEE option allows you to enter the Staffing FTEE data. You retrieve the FTEE data stored when the Staffing Worksheet is used and calculate the total FTEE for the quarter. The retrieved data displays as the defaults for the prompt sequence. Note: If you do not use the Staffing Worksheet, you need to enter the FTEE manually. You must use these options when entering data for each quarter to verify the defaults; otherwise, the data displays on the report. For the FTEE field definitions, refer to the Enter/Edit Staffing Data under Administrative reports. Qtr/Yr: Enter the quarter and year or accept the default. Total Daily FTEE, Clinical FTEE, Administrative FTEE, and Support Staff FTEE: Enter a number, 0-999 with up to three decimals or accept the default. Supervisory FTEE: Enter a number, 0-999 with up to 2 decimals. Staff Cert Diab: This field represents the number (0-99 with no decimals) of Nutrition staff Certified Diabetes Educators at the facility. Only those officially certified should be listed, not Nutrition Diabetes Specialists. Staff Cert in Nutr Supp: This field represents the number (0-99 with no decimals) of Nutrition staff officially certified in Nutrition and Food Service Support at the facility. Staff Reg Clin Diet Tech: This field represents the number (0-99 with no decimals) of clinical Registered Nutrition Technicians on staff at the facility. Staff W/Clin Privileges: This field represents the number (0-99 with no decimals) f Nutrition Staff with Clinical Privileges, such as writes diet orders, orders lab test, at the facility. Enter Qtr/Yr: 1 05 TOTAL DAILY FTEE: 146.9 CLINICAL FTEE: 17.9 ADMINISTRATIVE FTEE: 9.3 SUPPORT STAFF FTEE: 5 SUPERVISORY FTEE: 16.3 UNS/INT HOURS: 35.2 Change the number of Specialty Staffing? NO// YES STAFF CERT DIAB ED (CDE): 10 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 159 STAFF CERT IN NUTR SUPP: 20 STAFF REG CLIN DIE TECH: 30 STAFF W/CLIN PRIVILEGES: 40 160 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 EE Enter the Snapshot date for Modified Diets [FHADR5] The Enter the Snapshot date for Modified Diets option allows you to automatically calculate a weekly average of modified diets per quarter. A tasked (set to run at a specific time) routine captures the number of regular diets each day at 5:55 PM. The program subtracts the regular diets from the total daily diets and the remainder are considered modified diets. The modified diet number includes NPOs, tubefeedings and passes. You select a Sunday date that specifies which week to use for the calculation of the weekly, modified diet average. This Sunday date can be a past date or a future date. If a future date is entered, the weekly, modified diet average does not print on the Annual Report until a week after the future date. Sunday dates are entered for each quarter and are entered in advance. Qtr/Yr: Enter the quarter and year or accept the default. Note: Past dates work only up to the date when this version of the software was loaded into the live account, because prior to this time, no data was stored. Enter Qtr/Yr: 1 94 Select SUNDAY Date: 10/17/93 (OCT 17, 1993) OCT 17,1993 - OCT 23,1993 | X | M | T | W | R | F | S | | Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Total _____________________________________________________________________________ # Mod. Diets| 505| 505| 612| 606| 503| 594| 583| 4175 Total Diets | 793| 809| 822| 832| 808| 705| 779| 5638 Change Numbers of Modified Diets and Total Diets for that week? Y// Y Sun X Mon M Tues T Wed W Thur R Fri F Sat S Enter string of characters for desired days of week: e.g., MWF Select the Day of Week you wish to change the data on: X Change # of Modified Diets for Sun from 505 Change # of Total Diets for Sun from 793 to: to: 505 793 OCT 17,1993 - OCT 23,1993 | X | M | T | W | R | F | S | | Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Total _____________________________________________________________________________ # Mod. Diets| 505| 505| 612| 606| 503| 594| 583| 4175 Total Diets | 793| 809| 822| 832| 808| 705| 779| 5638 Change Numbers of Modified Diets and Total Diets for that week? Y// N February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 161 EF Enter/Edit Cost Per Diem [FHADR6] The Enter/Edit Cost Per Diem option allows you to enter or edit cost per diem per patient. Use the 830 Report of Costs for the cumulative fiscal year totals and the personal costs. This data is used to calculate the quarterly cumulative and year-to-date Cost Per Diem. Use the 830 Report List of Costs and FTEE Report to obtain the Nutrition cumulative fiscal year totals and the personnel costs. The Other Personnel cost is automatically calculated by subtracting the sum of personnel service, subsistence and operating supplies accounts from the total dollars. Qtr/Yr: Enter the quarter and year or take the default. Cumulative Total: Enter the cumulative fiscal year totals for the 830 report of costs. Personal Service: Enter total Personal Service cost. Personal Service-Tech: Enter the Technician's 1019 cost of Personal Service. Personal Service-Dietitian: Enter the Dietitian's 1018 cost of Personal Service. Personal Service-Wagebrd: Enter the Wageboard 1008 cost of Personal Service. Personal Service-Clerical: Enter the Clerical 1002 cost of Personal Service. Subsistence: Enter the Subsistence 2610 cost of Personal Service. Operating Supplies: Enter the Operating Supplies 2660 cost of Personal Service. Enter Qtr/Yr: 3 93 Enter the Cumulative Total on the 830 Report of Costs: 1642302 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE: 1233013 PERSONAL SERVICE-TECH 1019: 47337 PERSONAL SERVICE-DIETITIONS 1018: 289681 PERSONAL SERVICE-WAGEBRD 1008: 850289 PERSONAL SERVICE-CLERICAL 1002: 28944 SUBSISTENCE 2610: 338394 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2660: 70805 162 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 EG Enter/Edit Nutrition Satisfaction Survey [FHADR7] The Enter/Edit Nutrition Satisfaction Survey option allows you to enter or edit results from a Nutrition survey on a quarterly or annual basis. For those facilities that have service initiated satisfaction data, (VA 10-5387), input the number of responses for each rating, i.e., Very Good, Good, Average, Fair, and Poor. Only one set of data per quarter is stored. Those facilities who conduct monthly Nutrition patient surveys need to manually consolidate and enter results on a quarterly basis. The total number of responses and the percentage for each rating are automatically calculated on the report. Nutrition Survey: There are 9 Nutrition Survey categories which must have data entered in these fields. They are: • Appetizing Food • Taste • Temperature • Variety • Cleanliness • Courteous • Time • Diet Information • Overall Rating of Nutrition Service Each category is rated by the following factors: • V = Very Good • G = Good • A = Average • F = Fair • P = Poor Ratings are further categorized by patient population types, i.e., GM&S (General Medicine and Surgery units), NHCU ( Nursing Home Care Units), PSYCH (Psychiatry units), DOM (Domicilliary care unit), SCI (Spinal Cord Injury Unit), and Other (represents any other subgroup of patients which a facility may want to designate for satisfaction survey purposes). Survey responses are manually tallied with the appropriate rating data entered for each category and type. Survey ratings are entered by first selecting one of the 9 survey categories, and then selecting the appropriate patient population type. You are prompted to select these fields. Ratings are entered as a string in the following format: Type the first letter of the rating followed by the number of responses for that rating, type a space, and type the first letter of the next rating followed by the number of responses for that rating, and so forth. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 163 Qtr/Yr: Enter the quarter and year or accept the default. Survey Category: Enter the number of the survey category for which you want to record results. Service: Enter the service for which you want to record data. Rating string: Enter the first letter of the rating followed by the number of responses for that rating. Type a space and enter the first letter of the next rating, followed by the number of responses for that rating, and so on. Example V20 G40 A3 P1 This example indicates that for Very Good (V), there are 20 responses, for Good (G), there are 40 responses, for Average (A), there are 3 responses, and for Poor (P), there is 1 response. Enter Qtr/Yr: 3/02// Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. APPETIZING TASTE TEMP VARIETY CLEANLINESS COURTEOUS TIME DIET INFO OVERALL Select SURVEY CATEGORY: 3 TEMP Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GM&S NHCU PSYCH DOM SCI OTHER Select SERVICE: 1 GM&S Enter Rating String: V25 G5 F5 Enter More Rating String for another service? YES// NO Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 164 APPETIZING TASTE TEMP VARIETY CLEANLINESS COURTEOUS TIME DIET INFO Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 9. OVERALL Select SURVEY CATEGORY: 9 OVERALL Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GM&S NHCU PSYCH DOM SCI OTHER Select SERVICE: 1 GM&S Enter Rating String: V46 G130 F23 P4 Enter More Rating String for another service? YES// NO Select one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. APPETIZING TASTE TEMP VARIETY CLEANLINESS COURTEOUS TIME DIET INFO OVERALL Select SURVEY CATEGORY: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 165 EH Enter/Edit Nutrition Service Equipment [FHADR8] The Enter/Edit Nutrition Service Equipment option allows you to track specialized pieces of equipment in use throughout the system. It is used to determine the location where equipment is in use and to track the progress of technology. You enter data for each piece of equipment that the facility has on the Service Equipment list. This option also requires data entry on the total CMR equipment cost for the department. If a facility has more than one CMR, all CMRs are consolidated for the total inventory cost. Yr: Enter a year, but not a future year. Nutrition Equipment: The Nutrition Equipment field contains the pointer to the NUTRITION REPORT CATEGORY file. Enter ? to view a list of Nutrition Service Equipment. Select one that the facility has. Brand: Enter the brand of the Service Equipment with a name 3-45 characters in length. Nutrition Equipment: Enter another piece of equipment, or press to continue. CMR Equipment Inv Cost: Enter the department’s total equipment cost as stated on CMR(s) with a number, 0-999,999,999, with no decimal points. Enter YR: 05 Select NUTRITION EQUIPMENT: Blast Chiller// ?? CHOOSE FROM: Advanced Delivery Blast Chiller Circular Trayline Cook Tank Ice Builder Pump Fill Station Vacuum Packer Pulper/Waste Disposal Dishmachine-Flight This field contains the pointer to The Nutrition Report Category file. CHOOSE FROM: Advanced Delivery Agitating Kettle Automatic Transport Blast Chiller Circular Trayline Comb. Conv Oven/Stmr Cook Tank Dishmachine-Circular Dishmachine-Flight Ice Builder Pulper/Waste Disposal Pump Fill Station Rethermalization Oven Vacuum Packer 166 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Select NUTRITION EQUIPMENT: Blast Chiller// NUTRITION EQUIPMENT: Blast Chiller// BRAND: ANARCTICA INC.// Select NUTRITION EQUIPMENT: TOTAL CMR EQUIPMENT INV COST: 100000// February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 167 EI Enter/Edit Nutritive Analysis Average [FHADR9] The Enter/Edit Nutritive Analysis Average option requires you to enter data on the average nutritive analysis for a regular diet. Data is calculated by using the Energy Nutrient Analysis (EA) options. Yr: Enter the year. Nutritive Analysis Date: This is a required entry. Enter the date the Nutritive Analysis was done. Calories: Type a number, 0-9999 with no decimals. % CHO: Type a number, 0-99 with no decimals. % PRO: Type a number, 0-99 with no decimals. % FAT: Type a number, 0-99 with no decimals. MG CHOL: Type a number, 0-99999 with no decimals. MG NA: Type a number, 0-99999 with no decimals. Enter YR: 05 (2005) Enter Date Nutritive Analysis was taken: JAN 31,2005// (JAN 31, 2005) CALORIES: 7980// % CHO: 99// % PRO: 5// % FAT: 2// MG CHOL: 650// MG NA: 3000// 168 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 PR Print Annual Nutrition Report [FHADRP] Nutrition Reports Existing reports include outpatient meals information and allow you to select single, multiple, or all for each communication office. If the report is a census, it automatically calculates and populates tabulated fields. The reports are listed in the Dietetics Lists/Reports option [FHCDLST]. The Print Annual Nutrition Report option allows you to print the final report after all the data is put in for the year. Data for each section of the report is retrieved several sources. Section I Facility Profile: The information printed in this section comes directly from the Enter/Edit Facility Profile (EA) option. Section II Facility Workload Statistics: The inpatient data is retrieved from the Enter/Edit Served Meals Report (RE) option. The outpatient data comes from the Enter/Edit Hospital Outpatient Visits (EB) option. Section III Nutrition Workload Statistics: The Served Meals information is obtained from the Enter/Edit Served Meals Report (RE) option, and the Type of Service from the Enter/Edit Type of Service (EC) option. The Nutrition Status Summary information is retrieved automatically from the Enter Patient Nutrition Status (ES) option. The Clinical Encounter Category Summary is automatically calculated from the Enter/Edit Encounters (EE) option. However, in order for the program to categorize all encounters entered on a daily basis, the Clinical Manager must enter a clinical category on each encounter in the ENCOUNTER TYPES file #115.6. This is done through the Enter/Edit Encounter Types (ET) option under the Clinical Management Menu. The Modified Diet Summary information is automatically calculated by entering a date under the Enter The Snapshot Dates For Modified Diets (EE) option. The program then calculates a weekly average of modified diets per quarter. The Nutritive Analysis is an average of a Regular diet for one week, which is entered under the Enter/Edit Nutritive Analysis Average (EI) option. Section IV Staffing: The FTEE and specialty staff information is retrieved from the Enter/Edit Staffing FTEE (ED) option. Measured FTEE is whatever is left over after subtracting each area from the total average FTEE for the quarter. Section V Nutrition Cost: The Cost Per Meal and the Cost Per Diem information is retrieved from the Enter/Edit Served Meals Report (RE) option and the Enter/Edit Cost Per Diem (EF) option. Section VI Patient Satisfaction: Information in this section is retrieved from the Enter/Edit Nutrition Survey (EG) option. Section VII Equipment: Equipment and CMR information in this section is retrieved from the Enter/Edit Equipment (EE) option. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 169 Station Number: Enter the station number or type ? to view a list. Yr: Enter the last two digits of the year, such as 94. Device: Enter the name of the printer, which can print 132 columns. This report must be queued, because it is a time consuming process. Enter Station Number: (Station #) Enter YR: 94 QUEUE TO PRINT ON DEVICE: 9-Mar-05 Page 1 1 - 4 Qtr 3:14pm D I E T E T I C R E P O R T FY 02 S E C T I O N I F A C I L I T Y NAME: STATION NUMBER: 578 LOCATION: REGION: 2 RPM CLASSIFICATION: COMPLEXITY LEVEL: 1 MULTI DIVISION FACILITY: P R O F I L E HINES, IL ILLINOIS 1 NO PRIMARY DELIVERY SYSTEM: Pellet COOK CHILL FOODS: NO SPECIALIZED MEDICAL PROGRAMS: ASSIGNED CLINICAL FTEE AIDS (Medicine) Cardiac Rehabilitation Nutrition Support Team Wellness for Employees HBHC Program Renal Dialysis Spinal Cord Injury Substance Abuse Program 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 NUTRITION INTERNSHIP/PROGRAMS: VA SPONSORED NUTRITION INTERNSHIP AFFILIATED AP4 AFFILIATED NUTRITION INTERNSHIP AFFILIATED CUP VA SPONSORED AP4 AFFILIATED NUTRITION TECHNICIAN FUNDED NUTRITION RESEARCH 170 YES NO NO NO NO NO NO Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 UNFUNDED NUTRITION RESEARCH S E C T I O N II NO F A C I L I T Y W O R K L O A D INPATIENT DAYS OF CARE 4th Qtr YTD Total Hospital 55,699 222,505 Nursing Home 21,262 83,809 Domicillary 0 0 Total Inpatient Days 76,961 306,314 S T A T I S T I C S 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 55,864 56,752 54,103 20,728 21,040 20,779 0 0 0 76,502 77,702 74,969 0 0 30,000 0 0 30,000 OUTPATIENTS TREATED Hospital Clinic 0 30,000 Total Outpatients Treated 0 30,000 9-Mar-05 Page 2 1 - 4 Qtr 3:14pm D I E T E T I C R E P O R T FY 02 S E C T I O N III D I E T E T I C W O R K L O A D S T A T I S T I C S SERVED MEALS SUMMARY 4th Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 239,291 243,046 234,838 2,601 2,671 2,581 Yearly Total Served Meals 239,899 057,074 Average Daily Meals 2,608 2,615 TYPE OF SERVICE SUMMARY Average Daily Meals Served By Type of Service Workload Bedside Tray 96 Cafeteria 4 Dining Room Tray 0 Total % of 780 35 815 NUTRITION STATUS SUMMARY February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 171 Avg Status 4th Qtr I NORMAL 343 % 40.3 Avg Avg Avg 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 256 309 332 30.5 35.5 39.1 154 185 268 18.3 21.2 31.6 160 152 81 19.0 17.5 9.5 74 56 26 8.8 6.4 3.1 196 169 142 23.3 19.4 16.7 840 871 849 YTD Tot Avg 1240 36.4 II MILDLY COMPROMISED 243 850 % 28.6 24.9 III MODERATELY COMPROMISED 85 478 % 10.0 14.0 IV SEVERELY COMPROMISED 24 180 % 2.8 5.3 UNC UNCLASSIFIED 156 663 % 18.3 19.4 TOTAL 851 3411 9-Mar-05 Page 5 1 - 4 Qtr 3:14pm VI P A T I E N T NUTRITION SURVEY Qtr YTD Rtng GM&S 4.12 NHCU 3.73 PSYCH 3.81 DOM 3.91 SCI 3.78 OTHER 4.55 172 R E P O R T FY 02 S E C T I O N Rtng Temperature D I E T E T I C ToT S A T I S F A C T I O N 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Num Rtng Num Rtng Num Rtng Num 05 3.89 208 100 3.70 116 Avg 303 4.01 216 3.72 106 106 3.81 22 22 3.91 32 32 3.78 22 22 4.55 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Total 701 105 506 Variety GM&S NHCU PSYCH DOM SCI OTHER Total Cleanliness GM&S NHCU PSYCH DOM SCI OTHER Total Courteous GM&S NHCU PSYCH DOM SCI OTHER Total 9-Mar-05 3:14pm D I E T E T I C R E P O R T Page 6 1 - 4 Qtr FY 02 S E C T I O N VI NUTRITION SURVEY Qtr YTD Rtng Rtng ToT Time P A T I E N T S A T I S F A C T I O N 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr Num Rtng Num Rtng Num Rtng 4th Num Avg GM&S NHCU PSYCH DOM SCI OTHER Total Diet Info GM&S NHCU February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 173 PSYCH DOM SCI OTHER Total Overall GM&S 3.94 303 3.86 NHCU 3.42 203 3.71 PSYCH 3.82 210 3.60 DOM 3.50 32 3.50 OTHER 4.50 22 4.50 Total 793 S E C T I O N 203 03 4.00 113 105 3.38 105 32 22 205 VII 498 E Q U I P M E N T EQUIPMENT BRAND Circular Trayline Pump Fill Station AVTEC WELBILT 174 100 3.77 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 PU Purge Old Annual Nutrition Data [FHADRS] The Purge Old Annual Nutrition Data option allows you to purge entries older than three years. When you select this option, the program calculates the year that is three years ago and displays the default. You can select a different year. Caution: Select the year with care. This program purges/removes all the entries prior to the year selected. If you are unsure, accept the default. Purge to the Year: 93// ...Done February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 175 176 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 CM Clinical Management [FHMGRC] CD Clinical Dietetics… [FHDIET] (User Manual) DM Patient Data Log [FHDMP] XC Clinical Management Menu… [FHASCX] XD Diet Order Management… [FHORDX] XE Energy/Nutrient Management… [FHNUX] XF File Manager… [FHFILM] XM Consult Management… [FHORCX] XS Supplemental Feeding Management… [FHNOX] Clinical Management focuses on site-specific parameters that the Nutrition and Food Service uses for assessment and screening programs, and for the Nutrition Encounters program. Parameters are set to each facility's specific patient population-type. The Encounters program automatically captures nutrition status, assessment events, and other designated encounter data in a statistical report used in quality management and clinical decision-making. Clinical Management provides access to all options pertaining to clinical Dietetics. Suggested users of this menu are Clinical Supervisors. Clinical Dietetics [FHDIET] Clinical Dietetics contains all of the various options that Clinical Nutrition and Food Service staff require. Suggested users of this menu are Clinical Dietitians. DC Dietetic Consults [FHORCM] DO Diet Orders [FHORDM] DR Dietetic Lists/Reports [FHCDLST] EA Energy/Nutrient Analysis [FHNUM] FP Food Preferences [FHSELM] LE List Encounters [FHASE7] NM Nutrition Patient Management [FHASCM] PE List Patient Events [FHORX2] PM Patient Movements [FHPATM] SF Supplemental Feedings [FHNOM] SO Standing Orders [FHSPM] TF Tickler File [FHCTF] Clinical Dietetics [FHTECH] The Clinical Dietetics menu is the same as the Clinical Dietetics [FHDIET] menu only the options are arranged in a different order. Suggested users of this menu are the Nutrition Technicians. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 177 DM Patient Data Log [FHDMP] The Patient Data Log option allows you to print all of the Nutrition data for an admission or an outpatient visit. It is a patient-specific record containing all diet order-entry information for a specified date range. The log contains the activity, the exact date and time of data entry, and the name of the person who entered the order, which are used for tracking diet order-entry activity and facilitate accountability for entry. This is especially helpful for long term care patients who may have many months of data and the user is only interested in information from the last few days. All fields display data since the date specified or the last occurrence. Also, if an NPO is canceled, the user who canceled the NPO and the date it was canceled, are saved and display in the data log. Select Patient (Name or SSN): COLLATERAL Choose from: 1 NFS,PATIENT ONE 01-12-41 000000001 12-11-1903 @ 08:54:15 Select ADMISSION (or C for CURRENT): 1 2031211.085415 Starting Date: FIRST// DEVICE: HOME// 000-00-0001 HYPER SPACE RIGHT MARGIN: 80// NFS,PATIENT ONE Female Age 54 Page 1 8-Mar-05 12:43pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------P A T I E N T D A T A Allergies: STRAWBERRIES, CHOCOLATE Food Preferences Currently on file: Likes All Meals Break Noon Noon,Even Even 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 GELATIN ORANGE JUICE, 2 MILK PIZZA PUFFS WHOLE-WHEAT BREAD POTATO CHIPS, 1 WHITE BREAD TANGERINE TACO Dislikes NO LIVER, NO SHRIMPS NO GREEN FOODS NO PORK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A D M I S S I O N D A T A Admitted: 11-Dec-03 8:54am Discharged: 24-May-04 12:09pm Current Diet Order: 9 Current Service: Tray Current Isolation: Last Label Location: NEW 3 NORTH Last Label Room: 103-02 Expires: Current Tubefeed Order: Current Supp. Fdg. Order: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 D I E T O R D E R S Order: Ordered by: Diet: Prod. Diet: 1 Effective: 17-Sep-03 12:25pm NFSDOCTOR,ONE REGULAR REGULAR Expires: Ordered: 17-Sep-03 12:25pm Order: Ordered by: Diet: Prod. Diet: 2 Effective: 18-Sep-03 11:52am NFSDOCTOR,ONE 100gm PRO LOW PROTEIN Expires: Ordered: 18-Sep-03 11:53am 000-00-0001 NFS,PATIENT ONE Service: Tray Female Order: 3 Effective: 15-Oct-03 10:39am Ordered by: Diet: NO ORDER Comment: Hold Tray due to Tubefeeding Prod. Diet: Order: 4 Effective: 13-Nov-03 Ordered by: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Diet: NPO Prod. Diet: 8:31am Order: Ordered by: Diet: Prod. Diet: 5 Effective: 21-Nov-03 NFSDOCTOR,ONE REGULAR REGULAR 9:51am Order: Ordered by: Diet: Prod. Diet: 6 Effective: 16-Dec-03 NFSDOCTOR,ONE REGULAR REGULAR Order: 7 Effective: 14-Dec-03 Ordered by: DIET,DIET Diet: NO ORDER Comment: Hold Tray due to Tubefeeding Prod. Diet: Service: Tray Age 54 Page 2 8-Mar-05 12:43pm Expires: Ordered: 15-Oct-03 10:40am Service: Expires: 13-Nov-03 8:32am Ordered: 13-Nov-03 8:32am Service: Expires: Ordered: 21-Nov-03 9:52am Service: Tray Expires: Ordered: 13-Dec-03 8:51am Service: Tray 2:36pm Order: 8 Effective: 19-Dec-03 12:50pm Ordered by: Diet: NO ORDER Comment: Hold Tray due to Tubefeeding Prod. Diet: Order: 9 Effective: 19-Dec-03 12:52pm Ordered by: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Diet: NO ORDER Comment: Hold Tray due to Tubefeeding Prod. Diet: Expires: Ordered: 14-Dec-03 2:37pm Service: Expires: Ordered: 19-Dec-03 12:51pm Service: Expires: Ordered: 19-Dec-03 12:53pm Service: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------D I E T O R D E R S E Q U E N C E 17-Sep-03 12:25pm 18-Sep-03 11:52am 15-Oct-03 10:39am 13-Nov-03 8:31am 13-Nov-03 8:32am February 2005 Order: Order: Order: Order: Order: 1 2 3 4 3 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 179 21-Nov-03 9:51am Order: 5 13-Dec-03 8:51am Order: 6 14-Dec-03 2:36pm Order: 7 19-Dec-03 12:52pm Order: 8 19-Dec-03 12:53pm Order: 9 000-00-0001 NFS,PATIENT ONE Female Age 54 Page 3 8-Mar-05 12:43pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------S U P P L E M E N T A L F E E D I N G S Order: 1 Menu: INDIVIDUALIZED Ordered: 10-Dec-03 10:50am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Reviewed: 10-Dec-03 10:50am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Cancelled: 14-Dec-03 10:03am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Type: Dietary Diet Associated: No 10 Am 1 CEREAL II/BOWL/SPOON; 1 MILK, SKIM 2 Pm 1 CRAX PEANUT BUTTER; 1 JUICE, ORANGE 4OZ 8 Pm 1 SANDWICH DB HALF Order: 2 Ordered: 14-Dec-03 10:03am Reviewed: 14-Dec-03 10:03am Cancelled: 14-Dec-03 10:04am Type: Dietary 10 Am 1 MILKSHAKE VANILLA 2 Pm 1 MILKSHAKE CHOC 8 Pm 1 SUSTACAL P.O. Menu: FULL LIQUID DIAB 500 By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Diet Associated: No Order: 3 Menu: ANTI-DUMPING Ordered: 14-Dec-03 10:04am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Reviewed: 14-Dec-03 1:56pm By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Cancelled: 14-Dec-03 2:37pm By: DIET,DIET Type: Dietary Diet Associated: No 10 Am 1 CEREAL II/BOWL/SPOON; 1 MILK, SKIM 2 Pm 1 CRAX PEANUT BUTTER; 1 JUICE, ORANGE 4OZ 8 Pm 1 SANDWICH DB HALF Order: 4 Menu: ANTI-DUMPING Ordered: 2-Dec-03 2:52pm By: A NFSDOCTOR,ONE Reviewed: 2-Dec-03 2:52pm By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Cancelled: 24-May-04 12:09pm By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Type: Dietary Diet Associated: No 10 Am 1 CEREAL II/BOWL/SPOON; 1 MILK, SKIM; 2 CRAX PEANUT 2 Pm 1 CRAX PEANUT BUTTER; 1 JUICE, ORANGE 4OZ 8 Pm 1 SANDWICH DB HALF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------T U B E F E E D I N G S Order # 1 Product: SUSTACAL, Full Str., 2000 KCAL/per Day Product CC's: 2000 Water CC's: 0 Daily CC's: Daily KCals: 2000 Ordered: 15-Oct-03 11:50am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Cancelled: 21-Nov-03 12:37pm By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Order # 2 Product: OSMOLITE HN, 1/2 Str., 100 CC/per Hour Product CC's: 1200 Water CC's: 1200 Daily CC's: Daily KCals: 1272 Comment: ADMINISTER OVER 18 HOUR PER DAY THRU J-TUBE 180 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 000-00-0001 Ordered: Cancelled: NFS,PATIENT ONE 14-Dec-03 2:36pm 19-Dec-03 12:50pm Female Age 54 Page 4 8-Mar-05 12:43pm By: DIET,DIET By: DIET,DIET Order # 3 Product: SUSTACAL, Full Str., 2000 KCAL/per Day Product CC's: 2000 Water CC's: 0 Product: ISOCAL HCN, 1/2 Str., 1000 CC per Day Product CC's: 500 Water CC's: 500 Product: 1 CAL/CC,LS, 3/4 Str., 100 CC Every 4 Hours X (5) hours Product CC's: 75 Water CC's: 25 Daily CC's: Daily KCals: 3075 Comment: NFSPAT... Ordered: 19-Dec-03 12:50am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Cancelled: 19-Dec-03 12:52am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Order # 4 Product: 1 CAL/CC,LS, 3/4 Str., 100 CC Every 4 Hours X (5) hours Product CC's: 75 Water CC's: 25 Daily CC's: Daily KCals: 3075 Comment: NFSPAT... Ordered: 19-Dec-03 1:28pm By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Cancelled: 20-Dec-03 11:19am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------D I E T E T I C C O N S U L T S Request: DIET INSTRUCTION: PATIENT OR FAMILY Status: Complete Clinician: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Type: Initial Ordered: 18-Sep-03 11:51am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Cleared: 9-Jun-02 3:46pm By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Request: Comment: Clinician: Ordered: Cleared: EVALUATE FOR DINING ROOM TEST CASE NFSDOCTOR,ONE 30-Apr-01 8:11am 30-Apr-01 10:06am Request: Comment: Clinician: Ordered: Cleared: DIET INSTRUCTION: PATIENT OR FAMILY Status: Complete TEST DIET,DIET Type: 30-Apr-01 9:58am By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE By: DIET,DIET Request: Clinician: Ordered: Cleared: BULIMIA DISORDER TREATMENT NFSDOCTOR,ONE 28-Oct-02 11:12am 21-Apr-03 11:29am Status: Complete Type: Initial By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Request: Clinician: Ordered: Cleared: BULIMIA DISORDER TREATMENT NFSDOCTOR,ONE 28-Oct-02 11:15am 13-Apr-03 9:11am Status: Complete Type: Initial By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE 000-00-0001 NFS,PATIENT ONE Status: Complete Type: By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Female Age 54 Page 5 8-Mar-05 12:43pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 181 E A R L Y / L A T E T R A Y S Order: 10-Nov-03 11:00am Ordered: 6-Nov-03 8:18am Meal: Noon Bagged: No By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Time: 11:00A Order: 11-Nov-03 11:00am Ordered: 6-Nov-03 8:18am Meal: Noon Bagged: No By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Time: 11:00A Order: 13-Dec-03 12:50pm Ordered: 13-Dec-03 9:19am Meal: Noon Bagged: No By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Time: 12:50P Order: 14-Dec-03 12:50pm Ordered: 13-Dec-03 9:19am Meal: Noon Bagged: No By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Time: 12:50P Order: 19-Aug-01 4:30pm Ordered: 19-Aug-01 12:10pm Meal: Evening By: DIET,DIET Bagged: No Time: 4:30P Order: 25-Nov-02 5:00pm Ordered: 24-Nov-02 12:31pm Meal: Evening Bagged: No By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Time: 5:00P Order: 26-Nov-02 5:00pm Ordered: 24-Nov-02 12:31pm Meal: Evening Bagged: No By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Time: 5:00P Order: 1-Mar-04 11:00am Ordered: 28-Feb-04 9:13am Meal: Noon Bagged: No By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE Time: 11:00A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------S T A N D I N G O R D E R S Order #: 1 Order: 2 DOUBLE PORTIONS Ordered: 6-Nov-03 8:17am Cancelled: 14-Dec-03 2:39pm Diet Associated: No Meals: All Meals Order #: 2 Order: 2 ORANGE JUICE Ordered: 6-Nov-03 8:17am Cancelled: 14-Dec-03 2:39pm Diet Associated: No Meals: Break By: By: By: By: DIET,DIET DIET,DIET DIET,DIET DIET,DIET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A D D I T I O N A L O R D E R S Order #: Order: Ordered: Cleared: 182 1 Double portions of dessert 11-Apr-01 1:28pm 30-Nov-01 2:58pm Status: Cancelled By: By: NFSDOCTOR,ONE NFSDOCTOR,ONE Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 XC Clinical Management Menu [FHASCX] CR Clinical Management Report… [FHASNRR] EC Enter/Edit Nutrition Classifications [FHASC1] EP Enter/Edit Nutrition Plans [FHASC9] ET Enter/Edit Encounter Types [FHASE1] LC List Nutrition Classifications [FHASC2] LP List Nutrition Plans [FHASC10] LS List Nutrition Statuses [FHASC4] LT List Encounter Types [FHASE2] NM Nutrition Patient Management… (See User Manual) XD Display Selected Drug Classifications [FHSYP2] XL Display Selected Lab Tests [FHSYP1] XP Enter/Edit Clinical Site Parameters [FHASC8] Clinical Management Menu allows each facility the greatest amount of flexibility in individualizing the Clinical Nutrition and Food Service functions. There are 4 files and 5 site parameters within this program which allow for individualization. There are established guidelines for the data in the NUTRITION STATUS file #115.4, so the data is exported with the software and cannot be edited. The data in the DIETETIC NUTRITION PLAN file #115.5, NUTRITION CLASSIFICATION file #115.3, and the FH SITE PARAMETERS file #119.9 are entered and/or edited according to the facility's needs. These files are populated with data in order for the Nutrition Screening, Nutrition Profile, and Nutrition Assessment programs to function properly. The ENCOUNTER TYPES file #115.6 allows you to record a variety of patient encounters, as well as recall and tabulate for statistical purposes. The Encounters program has two defined encounter types: Nutrition Assessment and Nutrition Status. These are pre-defined, so that activity in either of these programs is automatically tallied under Encounter Statistics. Each facility defines any number of encounter types which reflect the kind of clinical services they provide and the degree of documentation needed. This Encounters program replaces the statistical management section previously included in Consult Management. Before building the data in the files and completing the site parameters, closely review the sample forms and the explanations for each program. There is a relationship between the files in this program and other Nutrition and Food Service files. Note: The files NUTRITION CLASSIFICATION, NUTRITION STATUS, and ENCOUNTER TYPES are not dependent on data in other files. February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 183 Diagram of the Relationship FILE (#) POINTER (#) FILE POINTER FIELD TYPE POINTER FIELD FILE POINTED TO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NUTRITION PERSON (#115.011) | | NUTRITION:NUTRITION P* (N )-> | 115.3 NUTRITION CLASSIFICATION ----------------------------------------NUTRITION PERSON (#115.011) | | NUTRITION:RISK CATEGO* (N )-> | 115.4 NUTRITION STATUS NUTRITION STATUS:STATUS (N )-> | | ----------------------------------------NUTRITION ENCOUNTERS (#115.7) | | ENCOUNTER TYPE ....... (N )-> | 115.6 ENCOUNTER TYPES --------------------- The Nutrition Patient Management menu is also found in the Clinical Dietetics User menu. It has its own menu of sub-options, and is explained in the User Manual. Dietetic User [FHUSR] The Dietetic User menu provides access for non-nutrition personnel to the nutrition assessment option, the energy/nutrient abbreviated analysis, the nutrition patient profile, and the ability to review diet orders. AA Abbreviated Analysis [FHNU5] DA Display Assessment [FHASMR] PH Review Diet Orders [FHORD2] PP Patient Profile [FHORD9] 184 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 CR Clinical Management Report [FHASNRR] MA Nutrition Admission/Discharge Monitor Report [FHMNADM] MI Nutrition Patient Monitor Inquiry [FHMNINQ] MM Nutrition Monitor Brief Report [FHMNBRPT] MR Nutrition Monitor Statistics Report [FHMNREP] NA Nutrition Status Average [FHASNR5] NS Nutrition Status Summary FHASNR] NZ Nutrition Status Matrix [FHASNR2] SE Encounter Statistics [FHASE4] February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 185 MI Nutrition Monitor Inquiry [FHMNINQ] The Nutrition Monitor Inquiry option allows you to select a patient, and an admission date for that patient. The report displays any applicable monitors, as well as the Date Entered and, if applicable, the Date Cleared. Admission: Select the number of the admission date to use. Device: Select a printer or display a device. This patient has the following admissions: 1 2 APR 04, 1996@16:40:28 DEC 05, 2000@09:00:38 Select Admission Date for this Patient: DEVICE: HOME// (Printer name) 2 SEP 05, 2001 Page: 1 NFSPATIENT,One 000-00-0000 Admission Date: DEC 5, 2000@09:38 ============================================================================ Monitor: BMI < 21 Entered: MAY 15,2001@08:18:46 Monitor: Albumin < 3.2 Entered: DEC 5,2000@09:00 Monitor: BMI < 21 Entered: JUL 20,2001@10:17:46 Monitor: On Hyperals Entered: JUL 18,2001 Cleared: JUL 25,2001 Monitor: BMI < 21 Entered: AUG 23,2001@09:19:59 186 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 MR Nutrition Monitor Statistics Report [FHMNREP] The Nutrition Monitor Statistics Report option allows you to select an admissions date range for the report. The report displays a list of patients who had an admission in that date range, and whether or not they had any monitor(s). At the end of the report, it will also display the Total Number of Admissions, Total Number with Monitors and a Percentage of Admissions with Monitors. Begin Date: Enter a date prior to the current date (today’s date). End Date: Enter a date after the begin date. Device: Select a printer or display a device. Enter beginning date: T-365 Enter ending date: T (SEP 05, 2000) (SEP 05, 2001) DEVICE: HOME// (Printer name) SEP 05, 2001 Page: 1 Admission Patient SSN Monitor? Discharge ============================================================================ SEP 18,2000 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 SEP 18,2000 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 SEP 19,2000 SEP 19,2000 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAY 21,2001 DEC 4,2000 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 DEC 4,2000 DEC 4,2000 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 DEC 4,2000 DEC 4,2000 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 Yes FEB 1,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAR 22,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAR 22,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAR 22,2001 MAR 22,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 Yes MAR 22,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAR 22,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAR 22,2001 MAR 28,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 APR 9,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 APR 9,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 JUL 10,2001 APR 9,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 APR 9,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 SEP 05, 2001 Page: 2 Admission Patient SSN Monitor? Discharge ============================================================================ APR 9,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAY 7,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAY 15,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAY 21,2001 MAY 18,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAY 18,2001 MAY 18,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 Yes MAY 21,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 MAY 21,2001 JUN 6,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 JUN 6,2001 JUN 13,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 JUL 24,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 AUG 13,2001 NFSPATIENT,One 0000 TOTAL ADMISSIONS: February 2005 27 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 187 TOTAL WITH MONITORS: 3 Percentage of Admissions with Monitors: 11.11% 188 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 NA Nutrition Status Average [FHASNR5] The Nutrition Status Average option allows you to view calculated inpatient, nutritional status averages from a start date to the end date. The program calculates the average under each level and the percentage of the workload for each Location or each clinician. The grand total is the total of the total average for each level for the designated time period for all Locations or clinicians. The grand total percentage is the average percentage of workload for each level for all Locations or clinicians for the time period. Print by Clinician or Location: Select the report data to be categorized by Location (W) or Clinician (C). Starting Date: Date the report begins to search for inpatient status levels. Ending Date: Date the report ends the search for inpatient status levels. Device: Enter the name of the printer. This report must be queued, because it is a time consuming process. Print by CLINICIAN or LOCATION? LOCATION// Starting Date: T-7 (APR 02, 2005) Ending Date: T (APR 09, 2005 QUEUE TO PRINT ON DEVICE: (Printer name) 10-Mar-05 8:58am N U T R I T I O N S T A T U S A V E R A G E Page 1 1-Jan-05 to 31-Jan-05 LOCATION I % II % III % IV % UNC % TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10E 1 25 10WC 1 10W 1 50 11E 1 13EI 13W 6 15E 2 15WR 2 February 2005 1 25 1 100 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 17 1 50 4 2 1 100 3 50 2 33 1 50 1 50 1 50 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 189 221 14 78 3 17 1 6 18 2A 4 33 6 50 2 17 12 2D 2 29 5 71 7 2N 5 83 1 17 6 3E 2 67 1 33 3 3N 1 50 1 50 2 3S 3 100 3 4E 1 33 1 33 1 33 3 4N 1 100 1 4S 1 100 1 5E 1 100 1 6W 1 50 1 50 2 7E 1 33 1 33 1 33 3 7W 2 100 2 9EI 9E 1 100 1 BRS 1 100 1 ECC 1-B 2 67 1 33 3 ECC 1-C 5 56 1 11 3 33 9 ECC 2-B 4 80 1 20 5 ECC 2-C 5 45 4 36 2 18 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grand Total 58 52 33 29 10 9 1 1 10 9 112 190 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 NS Nutrition Status Summary [FHASNR] The Nutrition Status Summary option displays or prints the current Nutrition Status Levels (I-IV) of inpatients by Location or Clinician. This report indicates at the time it prints how many patients on a Location are screened and entered the Nutrition Status into the computer. The summary also includes a column for "Unclassified" patients. This report assists Clinical Managers in determining daily workload requirements based on patients' Nutrition status levels. Location is the automatic default for printing. Select C (Clinician) for a report of the number of patients with their statuses entered by each clinician. Print by CLINICIAN or LOCATION? LOCATION// DEVICE: HOME// (Printer name) N U T R I T I O N S T A T U S 11-Apr-05 S U M M A R Y Page 1 8:55am LOCATION I II III IV UNC ----------------------------------------------------------------10E 12E ...... February 2005 5 4 6 2 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 3 3 4 6 6 5 191 NZ Nutrition Status Matrix [FHASNR2] The Nutrition Status Matrix option displays the Nutrition Status levels I to IV of inpatients. Data is viewed as either Status Change Over a period of time where specific start and end dates are entered, or Status Change from Admission. These reports show the change of the status from the time of admission or during specific dates. Status Change: Select a timeframe for viewing nutrition status changes: Status Change Over a period of time or Status Change from Admission. • If you choose 2, the following prompts display: • Select LOCATION (or ALL): all • Enter # of Days from Admission: 100 • Response must be no greater than 99. • Enter # of Days from Admission: 99 • If you choose 1, the prompts in the example display. Location: Enter a Location name or ALL. Starting Date: Date the report begins to search for inpatient status levels. Ending Date: Date the report ends the search for inpatient status levels. Device: Select a printer or display device. Example Select one of the following: 1. Status Change Over a period of time 2. Status Change from Admission Select one to Display: 1 Status Change Over a period of time Select LOCATION (or All): ALL Starting Date: T-7 (APR 02, 2005) Ending Date: T (APR 09, 2005) Print on Device: 11-Apr-05 8:53am Page 1 N U T R I T I O N S T A T U S LOCATION 3E C H A N G E 2-Apr-05 to 9-Apr-05 BEG STATUS 192 M A T R I X Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 END STATUS STATUS February 2005 STATUS TOTAL I II III IV UNC SAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNC 31 1 1 29 29 3243 NFSPATIENT,One * 5432 NFSPATIENT,One * 9812 NFSPATIENT,One * 6512 NFSPATIENT,One * 0304 NFSPATIENT,One * 8410 NFSPATIENT,One * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 31 1 0 1 0 29 29 February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 193 SE Encounter Statistics [FHASE4] The Encounter Statistics option provides a tool to enter and record specific encounters and aggregate data for statistical reports. The option tallies automatic encounters from computer entries, such as Nutritional status and Nutritional assessments, as well as the site-determined encounters entered. This report can be generated for any specified time period in three ways: 1. An Encounter Statistics Summary which includes: • Number of each Encounter type • Number of inpatients, collaterals, and workload units (minutes) involved in each Encounter type • Number of outpatients, collaterals, and workload units involved in each encounter type • Number of other persons and workload units involved in each encounter type • Total persons and units for each encounter type • Grand total of encounters, patients, and units 2. Breakdown by Clinicians, which includes all encounter data as listed in Summary for each clinician. Accept the default, because a “Yes” response provides a breakdown of encounters for all clinicians by clinician. 3. List Individual Patient Encounters which includes: • All encounter data as listed in Summary • Breakdown of data by clinician • List of each patient entered for each encounter by date • Event comments for each encounter • List totals for each encounter type List Individual Patient Encounters displays only if the response to Breakdown by Clinicians is YES. NO is the default for List Individual Patient Encounters. If you enter YES, the report lists each clinician name and the types of encounters with the individual patient identification under each. Starting Date: 1/1/02 Ending Date: 5/3/02 Statistics for ALL Clinicians? Y// Break-down by Clinician? Y// List Individual Patient Encounters? N// Print on Device: HOME// (Printer name) D I E T E T I C E N C O U N T E R S T A T I S T I Page 1 1-Jan-02 to 3-May-02 Number Inpatients Others 194 Outpatients Total Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Pat Persn Units Persn Screening STATUS/SCREENING 13 345.0 Subtotal 0 0.0 13 Units Pat Pat. Education INSTRUCTION - DIABETIC 4 125.0 INSTRUCTION - DIABETIC (F) 3 150.0 INSTRUCTION - NORMAL NUTR 1 35.0 INSERVICE INSTRUCTION 102 612.5 408 2450.0 CONTINUING EDUC PROG ATTENDED 8 60.0 Subtotal 102 612.5 421 2670.0 496 13 10 265.4 3 79.6 13 10 265.4 3 79.6 51 40 8 1835.3 11 51 40 8 1835.3 11 504.7 4 4 125.0 1 2 100.0 1 50.0 1 1 35.0 3 204 1225.0 102 612.5 1 8 7.5 9 219 1402.5 103 662.5 74 269 5493.2 116 1246.8 8 E N C O U N T E R 504.7 S T A T I S T I C S 1-Jan-02 to 31-Jan-02 Number Inpatients Page 2 Outpatients Total Pat Persn Units 3205.0 D I E T E T I C Others Col 345.0 Assessment NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT 59 2340.0 Subtotal 59 2340.0 T O T A L 102 612.5 Col Units Units Persn Col Units Pat Col 72.0 Units Units CLINICIAN, NUTRITION Assessment NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT 5 0.0 5 180.0 18-Jan-02 4966 PATIENT, NUTRITION. 19-Jan-02 2020 CASE, CLINICAL 24-Jan-02 1300 CONSULT, NEW 25-Jan-02 2345 TEST, PAT 25-Jan-02 2098 ADMIT, ONE Subtotal 5 0.0 5 180.0 Pat. Educatio INSTRUCTION - DIABETIC (F) 0.0 3 150.0 25-Jan-02 6623 PATIENT, FOLLOWUP 25-Jan-02 3341 ADMIT, FOLL 25-Jan-02 7803 FOLLOWUP, PAT Subtotal 0.0 3 150.0 3 108.0 2 3 108.0 2 72.0 1 2 100.0 1 50.0 1 2 100.0 1 50.0 INTERN, NUTRITION M February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 195 Assessment NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT 0.0 2 03.0 26-Jan-02 3333 CASE, TEST 26-Jan-02 5642 OUTPATIENT, NEW Subtotal 0.0 2 03.0 2 2 03.0 0.0 2 2 03.0 0.0 2 2 60.0 0.0 2 2 60.0 0.0 1 1 45.0 1 1 45.0 11 10 403.0 DIETITIAN, LOCATION Screening STATUS/SCREENING 0.0 2 60.0 24-Jan-02 3240 24-Jan-02 5685 Subtotal 0.0 2 60.0 INPATIENT, NEW INPATIENT, OLD Assessment NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT 0.0 1 45.0 24-Jan-02 2121 NFSPATIENT,One. Subtotal 0.0 1 45.0 TOTAL ENCOUNTERS 0.0 13 425.0 196 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 0.0 0.0 3 122.0 February 2005 EC Enter/Edit Nutrition Classifications [FHASC1] The Enter/Edit Nutrition Classification option allows you to add and modify nutrition classifications. The NUTRITION CLASSIFICATION file #115.3 stores universally recognized Nutritional diagnoses, such as DRG Codes, ICD-9-CM Codes, Marasmus, Kwashiorkor, etc. These classifications are used during the nutritional assessment of a patient. A nutritional classification emphasizes the importance of Nutrition and Food Service as part of the problem list. The name field is free text, 3-60 characters in length. There is no limit on the number of classifications entered in the file; however, only one classification is selected for each assessment. Select NUTRITION CLASSIFICATION NAME: Vitamin D Deficiency ARE YOU ADDING 'Vitamin D Deficiency' AS A NEW NUTRITION CLASSIFICATION (THE 4TH)? y (YES) NUTRITION CLASSIFICATION NAME: Vitamin D Deficiency Replace NAME: Vitamin D Deficiency Replace INACTIVE?: ?? This field, if answered YES, will prohibit further selection of this classification unless the FHMGR key is held. CHOOSE FROM: Y YES N NO INACTIVE?: February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 197 EP Enter/Edit Nutrition Plans [FHASC9] The Enter/Edit Nutrition Plans option allows Clinical Managers to individualize, as well as standardize within their facility the Nutrition Plans section on the Screening form. Specific needs of the facility are listed, as well as providing a standardized form of recognizable planning factors. The plan name is 3-60 characters. There is a limit of six plans, which you can include to keep the length of the form to one page. The lines before each plan, which provide a check off capability, are automatically included in the program. Enter the information in upper and lower case letters for readability and enter it in the order in which you want the plans to print on the screening form. Example ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Screening data not available: Please order ________________ Provide basic Nutrition and Food Service care services Nutrition and Food Service education Recommend change diet to ____________________ Further Nutrition and Food Service assessment to follow Recommendations: Select NUTRITION PLAN NAME: Recommend Nutritional Education ARE YOU ADDING 'Recommend Nutritional Education' AS A NEW NUTRITION PLAN (THE 12TH)? y (YES) NUTRITION PLAN NAME: Recommend Nutritional Education Replace NAME: Recommend Nutritional Education Replace 198 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 ET Enter/Edit Encounter Types [FHASE1] The Enter/Edit Encounter Types option allows you to create and/or edit data in the ENCOUNTER TYPES file #115.6. The establishment of data in this file is necessary to use the Encounters Program. This file allows for the collection of information on the numerous patient care activities performed by the clinical dietitians and clinical diet technicians. It also allows for data collection on activities performed by administrative dietitians. Each station can decide if they require encounters be collected from the administrative dietitians. Due to the innumerable clinical services provided, these clinical products are grouped into seven major Clinical Categories. In a cooperative effort the Clinical Staffing Study Group, Regional Coordinators, VACO, and the Clinical Ad Hoc Group developed these categories. The Clinical Categories are management tools that utilize the encounters as a data source. Individual encounters point to a specific Clinical Category. Data are generated for the seven established Clinical Categories. Definitions for the seven Clinical Categories are provided to serve as guidelines in creating the ENCOUNTER TYPES file. The definitions do not imply that you have to create encounters for all of the specific categories mentioned. If you do not create any encounters for a specific Category, data is not tallied for that Clinical Category. You can establish very broad or very specific encounters. The establishment of this file is totally dependent upon the facility's needs and desires. If you create encounters for administrative Nutrition staff, do not point the encounters to a specific Clinical Category. It is not necessary to have a clinician account for an entire period of duty. Clinical Category Definitions Screening is a process of gathering pre-established data pertaining to the patient, in order to determine the patient's nutrition status or if the patient has obvious nutritional problems, including the documentation of such. For patients who are found not at risk, further assessment may not be required. Those patients are re-screened within the timeframe by the facility's policy and procedure. Patients, who are nutritionally compromised, may require further assessment. Assessment is a process that includes further review, investigation and evaluation of the patient's data including documentation of such. There are varying degrees of assessments performed. The results of an initial assessment determine whether further or more complex evaluation and/or intervention is needed. Patient Education is a category that includes the provision of Nutrition and Food Service education to patients and/or their caregivers as individuals or in a group setting. Instructions are further categorized by disease entities, individual instructions and group classes, utilizing the individual encounters. Examples o Instruction: Diabetic o Class: Diabetic February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 199 Community is a category that includes activities, such as gathering information, travel time, screening, assessment, patient education, Nutritional intervention, documentation, etc., that are associated with locations outside of the medical center setting. Examples include HBHC visits, community nursing home inspections, halfway house inspections, residential care home inspections, and community lectures. Nutrition and Food Service Intervention consists of all aspects of patient care other than screening, assessment, and patient education. Examples o Meal rounds o Communication with the health care team o Calorie counts o Discharge planning o Follow-up documentation o Food preferences o Diet card adjustments Food Service Operations is a category that includes the duties performed to assure that food service operations continue according to established policies and procedures. Activities may include menu writing/meal planning, daily taste panel, formal taste panel, product evaluation, energy nutrient analysis of medical center menus and plate waste studies. 200 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Administrative Duties is a category that consists of indirect Nutrition and Food Service care activities performed by the clinician. Examples o Quality assessment and improvement functions o Goal planning o Peer review o Training of students, interns, food service employees o Continuing education activities o In-services o Administrative reports, research, proposal writing, collection of data, publications, writing policies and procedures o ADP coordinating activities o Special assignments, participation in health fairs o Daily organizational activities involved in planning duties/services for the day, record keeping, checking patient census, correspondence, telephone calls, compiling forms, filing o Developing education materials o Staff meetings Note: The examples are possible types of encounters that might point to a specific Clinical Category. You do not need to establish encounters for all of the examples. You can establish broad or specific encounters based upon the need of the facility. The Enter/Edit Encounter Types option allows you to collect information on numerous patient care activities performed by the clinical dietitians and clinical diet technicians. Select Encounter Types Name: Enter the name of the encounter. The encounter name must be 3-30 characters. There is no limit to the number of encounter types you can enter. Encounters are applicable to outpatients as well as inpatients. To determine the types of encounters to enter, each Clinical Manager should review manually kept records, definitions of the 7 Clinical Categories, and the information reported on the Annual Nutrition Report. In addition to Nutrition Assessments and Status/Screening encounters, there are other encounters appropriate to record and track. Examples o Instruction: Diabetic (etc.) o Calorie Counts o Class: Wt Reduction (etc.) o Team Meetings o HBHC Activities o Menu Writing o Nursing Home Inspections February 2005 Nutrition and Food Service Manager/ADPAC Guide V5.5 201 o o o Peer Review Meal Rounds Research Proposal Writing This program is used to record and track a wide variety of educational and administrative activities, such as, in-service training for food service workers, continuing education programs attended, and so on. Again, review of current records aids in determining the encounter type needs. Initial Time: Enter the average time, in minutes, required to conduct an activity/encounter on an initial basis. This value becomes the automatic default in the Enter/Edit Encounter (EE) option and is changed at the time of entry. Type a whole number between 0 and 999. (This information is used to complete the RCS 10-0141 or conduct time studies.) Follow-Up Time: Enter the average time, in minutes, required to conduct an activity/encounter on a follow-up basis. This value becomes the automatic default in the Enter/Edit Encounter option and is changed at the time of entry. Type a whole number between 0 and 999. Ask Event Location: Enter "YES" or "NO". A "YES" response generates a prompt to enter the event location whenever this type of encounter is entered in the DIETETIC ENCOUNTERS file (115.7). You can only be able to select locations, which exist in the facility’s HOSPITAL LOCATION file. This file includes all Locations, outpatient clinics, and other hospital-wide locations of interest. Category: Connect the encounter to a specific Clinical Category. You can choose one of the seven Clinical Categories. Individual/Group/Both: This is pertinent to educational encounters. Enter either "I" for individual patient instructions, "G" for group patient classes, or "B" for both as appropriate. Ask Patient Name(s): Enter "YES" or "NO". A "YES" response results in the clinician is prompted to enter each patient's name whenever this type of encounter is entered into the DIETETIC ENCOUNTERS file (115.7). Ask # Collaterals: This prompt displays when a "YES" response is entered under "Ask Patient Name(s)". Enter "YES" or "NO". A "YES" response generates a prompt to enter the number (09) of collaterals associated with each patient when this type of encounter is entered into the DIETETIC ENCOUNTERS file (115.7). This field allows the service to keep track of the number of collaterals seen according to Encounter type. Ask for Patient Comment: This prompt displays only when a "YES" response is entered under "Ask Patient Name". Enter "YES" or "NO". A "YES" response prompts you to enter a patient comment, or any other information associated with this encounter when this type of encounter is entered into the DIETETIC ENCOUNTERS file (115.7).. It is free text 3-60 characters in length. This information displays in the Patient Inquiry option. 202 Nutrition and Food Service ADPAC/Manager Guide V5.5 February 2005 Inactive: The only way to remove an entry from the ENCOUNTER TYPES file is to inactivate it by a "YES" in this field. Simple deletion of the entry would cause "Undefined Errors" throughout other parts of the program. Once an entry is inactivated, a non-manager cannot use it. Select ENCOUNTER TYPES NAME: ?? CHOOSE FROM: Class - Diabetic FOOD-DRUG INSTRUCTION NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT STATUS/SCREENING (** INACTIVE **) Select ENCOUNTER TYPES NAME: Class - Overeaters ARE YOU ADDING 'Class - Overeaters' AS A NEW ENCOUNTER TYPES (THE 5TH)? y (YES) ENCOUNTER TYPES NAME: Class - Overeaters// NAME: Class - Overeaters//