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With thanks to...
Following two exhaustive rounds of scoring by 100 or so inde-
pendent industry judges, the results are in for the MM&M
Awards 2014. The nalists for each category are revealed on
the following pages—but you’ll have to wait for the spectacular
dinner and ceremony at Cipriani 42nd Street on October 2 to nd
out who will take home the gold and silver awards.
The MM&M Awards are judged with the utmost independence
and authority, using an esteemed panel of leaders and thinkers rep-
resenting a wide variety of disciplines and backgrounds within the
healthcare marketing community. This year, we again incorporated
a preliminary round of online reviews into the judging process. We
also expanded the size of the panel to increase the number of judges
reviewing each submission, allow more exibility in matching judges’
expertise with category disciplines, and enable an extended review
of the leading contenders in the nal round.
Make no mistake. Judging the MM&M Awards is a serious busi-
ness. It’s not enough for a submission simply to look good—it must
also be effective. That’s why, in addition to seasoned creatives, we
recruited more than 30 marketing and branding execs from the
pharma industry to extend the authority and credibility of the judging
process. We would like to
thank all of our judges
for their efforts.
Not even the judges
will know who the win-
ners are until they are
called to the stage; the
elation of claiming gold in front of hundreds of peers is second to none.
Not to mention the following celebration. We hope to see you there.
For further information about the MM&M Awards, including dinner
tickets, sponsorship opportunities, key dates and past winners, please
visit our dedicated Awards website at awards.mmm-online.com.
More than 100 esteemed industry leaders and thinkers spent several hours
discussing, reviewing and scoring around 700 entries to the MM&M Awards.
Here are the results of their eorts—the 2014 finalists
44 MM&M x AUGUST 2014 x mmm-online.com
mmm-online.com x AUGUST 2014 x MM&M 45
Best Healthcare Consumer
Media Brand
n Digitas Health LifeBrands and EMD Serono, Inc.
and Pfizer Inc for MS Lifeline Magazine
n HealthiNation
n Maricich Healthcare Communication and L.A.
Care Health Plan for L.A. Care Covered
n Remedy Health Media for Berkeley Wellness
n Smart & Strong for POZ
Best Healthcare Professional
Media Brand
n Everyday Health for MedPage Today
n HMP Communications for Consultant - Primary
Care Journal
n M3 USA CORPORATION for The Smartest Doc
from MDLinx
n WebMD and Medscape for Medscape, enabling
healthcare professionals to stay up-to-date on the
latest medical news and expert perspectives
Best Use of Direct Marketing
n Digitas Health LifeBrands and Rebif® (interferon
beta-1a) by EMD Serono, Inc. and Pfizer Inc for
Rebif Information Kit
n Dudnyk and Nicox for Drying Sunflowers (Sjog-
rens Disease State)
n Heartbeat West and Sientra for Feel So Good
n Maricich Healthcare Communication and L.A.
Care Health Plan for L.A. Care Covered
n The Response Shop, Inc. and Humana for Humana
Medicare SEP DRTV
Best Use of Public Relations
n FleishmanHillard and AbbVie for Uncover Your
Confidence: AbbVie & Stacy London Empower
People Living With Psoriasis
n Hill+Knowlton and Aflac for Educating Americans
about Consumer-Driven Healthcare
n Makovsky and Duchesnay USA for Introducing
Diclegis: Overcoming an Unfortunate Legacy to
Begin a New Dawn for Morning Sickness
n PadillaCRT and Children’s Hospital of Richmond
at VCU (CHoR) for 12 Days of Cheer for Children
Sparks Locally, Spreads Nationally
n Ruder Finn, Inc. and Novartis Vaccines for Protect-
ing Our Tomorrows: Portraits of Meningococcal
Best Branded Website
for Consumers
n FCB Health and Novartis Pharmaceuticals for HEY
MS, Take This!
n GSW and Biogen Idec. for Tecfidera Website
n Havas Lynx and Actavis for Rapaflo.com
n Intouch Solutions and Given Imaging, Ltd. for
n LDR Spine and LDR for Cervicaldisc.com
Best Branded Website
for Healthcare Professionals
n Boston Scientific for Redesign of bostonscientific.
n Intouch Solutions and Alkermes for VIVITROL.
n The Navicor Group, LLC and NanoString Technolo-
gies for Prosigna.com Website
n Publicis Life Brands Medicus and Chattem—a
Sanofi company for Nasacort Allergy 24HR
n Sentrix Health Communications and Boehringer
Ingelheim for COMBIVENT Respimat HCP Website
Best Disease/Education Website
n Borsho and Pauline Coderre Lilly USA, LLC for
Lilly For Better Health
n Digitas Health LifeBrands and Gilead Sciences for
HIV Answers Program and Awareness Campaign
n Digitas Health LifeBrands and Pfizer Oncology for
Lung Cancer Profiles “United We Test”
n CDMiConnect and Genentech for Genentech
Rheumatoid Arthritis Franchise Website – Rheu-
n CDMiConnect and Genentech for “Act FAST”
Unbranded Stroke Awareness Campaign from
Top far left: PulseCX’s Jay Bolling,
Artcraft’s Marc Sirockman and EMD
Serono’s Andrea Ashford pore over a sales
aid. Bottom far left: Judges consider a
digital entry. Left: Remedy Health Media’s
Jim Curtis assesses multimedia material.
Above: Founder, Cretegic, Jessica
Seilheimer studies a submission
Best Use of Social Media
n FCB Health and Novartis Pharmaceuticals/GILE-
NYA for HEY MS, Take This!
n Heartbeat Ideas and Corcept Therapeutics for
Cushing’s Connection
n PadillaCRT and Children’s Hospital of Richmond at
VCU (CHoR) for CHoR’s ‘Roar’ Heard Nationwide
n W2O Group and Genomic Health, Inc. for Ask for
n Wunderman and Novartis for “Who Deserves
Excedrin The Most?”
Best Medical Digital Initiative for
n CDMiConnect and Genentech for Genentech
Rheumatoid Arthritis Franchise Website – Rheu-
n FCB Health and Novartis Pharmaceuticals/GILE-
NYA for HEY MS, Take This!
n Heartbeat Ideas and Corcept Therapeutics for
Cushing’s Connection
n Intouch Solutions and Sanofi for KidneyAPPetite™
- Providing Value Beyond the Pill
n Langland for Aiir
Best Health & Wellness Digital
Initiative for Consumers
n CDM New York and Novartis for Podhaler Pro
n Chandler Chicco Agency and Novartis Pharma-
ceuticals Corporation for CFurther: Planning for
College and Beyond Webcast
n FCB Health and Novartis Pharmaceuticals/GILE-
NYA for HEY MS, Take This!
n Kaiser Permanente and Thomas Rigler, Rigler
Creative for Every Body Walk!
n Razorfish Healthware and Videum Health Inc. for
Videum.com | Health in Any Language
Best Digital Initiative for
Healthcare Professionals
n Area 23 and BI/Lilly for Glucose Perspectives
n CDM New York and Quest Diagnostics for Quest
n Havas Lynx and Eisai for Belviqhcp.com - Making
Weight Loss Matter
n ICC Lowe and Orexo for Zubsolv-iDetail Aid
n JUICE Pharma Worldwide and Merck & Co. for
Merck Adult Vaccination Program
Best App for Healthcare
n AbelsonTaylor and AbbVie for Kaletra Patient
Journey App
n Epocrates, an athenahealth service, for Epocrates
Bugs + Drugs
n Harrison and Star and Genentech for Genentech
Oncology Pipeline App for iPad
n Infuse Media Group and Medtronic for Medtronic
CATALYST Procedural Simulation Library
n Liberate Ideas, Inc. for Liberate Health
Best Consumer Print Campaign
n AbelsonTaylor and Allergan for Aczone “Mirror
Images” Campaign
n CDMiConnect and Quest Diagnostics for Quest
Diagnostics “Faces of Celiac” Newspaper Ad
n CDMiConnect and Genentech for “Act FAST”
Unbranded Stroke Awareness Campaign from
n H4B Chelsea and Alcon for Bedtime Stories
n Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide and Bayer
HealthCare for Betaseron “I Don’t MS Around”
Best Single Professional Print
n Area 23 and AbbVie for Master of Elusion
n Area 23 and BI/Lilly for Going Nowhere
n Dudnyk and Nicox for Drying Sunflowers (Sjog-
rens Disease State)
n ICC Lowe and Celldex Therapeutics for Celldex-
Hidden Danger
n The Navicor Group, LLC and OncoGenex Phar-
maceuticals, Inc. for OncoGenex Have You Met
Resistance? ASCO Ad
Best Professional Print Campaign
n Area 23 and BD for Real Dierence
n Calcium and Lundbeck for Xenazine® (tetrabena-
n GSW and Amgen for The Eye of the Storm in
n GSW and Salix for Relistor Print Campaign
n H4B Chelsea and Pfizer for Too Big to Handle
Top far left: Publishing mavens Alan
Imho and Barbara Pritchard peruse
some print pieces. Bottom far left:
Jay Bolling and Marc Sirockman. Left:
Jennifer Rinaldo of Forest Labs focuses on
a campaign. Above: JUICE Pharma’s Alec
Pollak and Novartis’s Stephen Calabrese
score digital work
46 MM&M x AUGUST 2014 x mmm-online.com
Best Professional Sales Aid
n Area 23 and AbbVie for Master of Elusion Disease
State Awarness iDetail
n Artcraft Health for Diabetes Print on Demand
Patient Education Program
n The CementBloc and Ranbaxy for Kenalog Print
Sales Aid
n Centron and Shionogi for Osphena Sales Aid
n Lawrence & Company and Smith & Nephew
Biotherapeutics for REGRANEX® Gel ‘Energize the
Healing’ Sales Aid
Best Corporate Marketing
n The CementBloc and Celgene: Marketing—
Michael Amoroso, Michael Parry for “Consider
Yourself Warned” Pancreatic Cancer Awareness
n ConMed for 50 Year Anniversary Campaign
n GSW for JDRF: Type None Campaign
n Langland and Idis for Idis MAPs
n República for Boehringer Ingelheim & Sabado
Gigante Collaboration
Best Philanthropic Campaign
n Anderson DDB Health & Lifestyle and FASWORLD
for Baby Bump
n CDM New York and American Heart Association
for AHA Heart Ball
n CDMiConnect and Brooklyn Free Clinic for The
Brooklyn Free Clinic (BFC) “Women’s Night”
n GSW for Type None: Campaign for a World without
Type One Diabetes
n Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and Crossroads Com-
munity for Crossroads Community Street Fare
Best Multicultural Campaign
n 2e Creative and Siemens Healthcare for Siemens
Breast Cancer Density/Destiny Campaign
n Biosector 2 and Novo Nordisk for Ask.Screen.
Know. Multicultural Diabetes Awareness Cam-
n Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and
Lisa Valtierra, Assoc. Dir. Cross Cultural Marketing
for Boehringer Ingelheim & Sabado Gigante Col-
n GCI Health and Merck for Cuida Tu Diabetes, Cuida
Tu Corazón
n XL Alliance and Valeant Pharmaceuticals Interna-
tional, Inc. for Besito: How a Little Kiss Rekindled
the Love for Caladryl Among Latina Moms in the
Best Agency Self-Promotion
n Fingerpaint for Fingerpaint Self-Promotion
n GSW for Speak People Campaign
n Klick Health for Katalyst
n McCann Managed Markets and Bob Woodru
Foundation for Helping Heroes on the Homefront:
Bob Woodru Foundation
n Vogel Farina for Vogel Farina Self-Promotion
Best TV Advertising Campaign
n AbelsonTaylor and Allergan for Aczone ‘Mirror
Images’ Campaign
n CDMiConnect and Quest Diagnostics for Quest
Diagnostics “Faces of Celiac” :30 TV
n H4B Chelsea and Alcon for Bedtime Stories
n PulseCX and Astellas for Astellas Myrbetriq TV
n Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and AbbVie (Humira)
for Inside The Circle
Best Multichannel Campaign
(Small Clients)
n FCB Health and Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. for Question
n Grey Healthcare Group and Think About Your Eyes
for Think About Your Eyes Campaign
n Klick Health and Lundbeck for LGS Together
Integrated Multichannel Campaign
n Langland and Idis for Idis MAPs
n Paragraphs and SAGENT Pharmaceuticals for
SAGENT’s PreventIV Measures Packaging and
Top far left: ICC Lowe Creative Director
Chet Moss scrutinizes a campaign.
Bottom far left: A TV ad gets a critique
from the judges. Left: RTC Wunderman’s
Je Ross is all smiles. Above: Medtronic’s
Susan Baranowski records her comments
48 MM&M x AUGUST 2014 x mmm-online.com
Best Multichannel Campaign
(Mid-Size Organizations)
n CDM Princeton and MedImmune for Synagis
“Cradle With Care” Program
n CDMiConnect and Quest Diagnostics for Quest
Diagnostics “Faces of Celiac” Campaign
n Havas Lynx and Eisai for Belviq® Bundle Campaign
n Mylan Specialty and Mylan Inc. for EpiPen: “Life
Happens. Be Prepared.”
n Zeno Group and Merck Vaccines for Lifetime of
Best Multichannel Campaign
(Large Organizations)
n Area 23 and AbbVie for Master of Elusion
n CDMiConnect and Genentech for “Act FAST”
Unbranded Stroke Awareness Campaign from
n FCB Health and Novartis Pharmaceuticals/GILE-
NYA for HEY MS, Take This!
n Havas Worldwide and GSK for Asthma.com
n Publicis Kaplan Thaler and AbbVie for “The culprit
behind your back pain may not be what you think”
Integrated Campaign
Industry Marketer of the Year
n Aaron Deves, Senior Director of Neuroscience
Marketing, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.
n Nancy Gillen, Vice President, Marketing, Toshiba
America Medical Systems, Inc.
n Robert Greif, Vice President, Commercial Opera-
tions, rEVO Biologics, Inc.
n Jon Huber, Vice President, Global Marketing, Given
n Adelle Walker, Sr. Director, Medical Dermatology
Marketing, Allergan Pharmaceuticals
Agency Marketer of the Year
n Wendy Blackburn, Executive Vice President,
Intouch Solutions
n Didi Discar, Principal, Carling Communications,
n Matt McNally, President, Publicis Health Media
n Leerom Segal, CEO, Klick Health
n Susan Stein, MPH, President & CEO, Connexion
Innovative Marketer of the Year
n Jay Appel, Director, HCP Multi-Channel Marketing,
Commerical Centers of Excellence, Amgen
n Faruk Capan, CEO, Intouch Solutions
n Greg Foster, Co-founder, CEO and Chairman of the
Board of Directors, BrightWhistle
n Jeanne Martel, General Manager, ClinicalMind
n Michael Zuna, CMO, Aflac
Young Marketer of the Year
n Ronnie Abel, Account Executive, Evoke Health
n David BenBassett, Experience Strategist, RTC
n Allyson Mariani, Media Planner, Publicis Health
n Hattie Stearns, Art Director, Intouch Solutions
Small Healthcare Agency
of the Year
n ClinicalMind
n Dudnyk
n Havas Lynx
n ICC Lowe Trio
n Solstice HealthCommunication
Mid-Size Healthcare Agency
of the Year
n Area 23
n The CementBloc
n Flashpoint Medica
n McCann Echo Torre Lazur
Large Healthcare Agency
of the Year
n FCB Health
n ICC Lowe
n Intouch Solutions
n Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide
Top far left: John Hosier, executive
director, commercial operations, Eisai,
looks over a direct-marketing piece.
Bottom far left: AstraZeneca’s John Fish,
Mint Collective’s Marc Monseau and J&J’s
Craig Rothenberg like what they see. Left:
Teri Young of Bristol-Myers Squibb makes
her point. Above: Remedy’s Curtis and
Novartis’s Henry Anderson note scores
50 MM&M x AUGUST 2014 x mmm-online.com