Ggby Volunteer Guide

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Volunteer Guide
1 What is ggby?
2 volunteers
3 Rigging & Safety
4 Space Net
5 Transportation
6 Nourishment
7 Medical
8 Leave No trace
9 intelligence
10 media
11 workshops
What is GGBY?
GGBY is an annual gathering of the international highline community over the canyons
of Moab, Utah . GGBY, which stands for Gobble Gobble Bitches Yeah, takes place during
Thanksgiving week each year and was conceived over a decade ago by a group of
highliners who gathered informally to celebrate and have fun. The gathering has grown
to include hundreds of participants and spectators and has received international
recognition for the visually striking aesthetics of the canyons and the shenanigans. 2018
marks the 11th year of GGBY and the second year of official organization
GGBY Highline Gathering is first and foremost a community gathering with a mission of
service. Slackline U.S., a 501(c)(3) non-profit that works to serve the US slackline
community at the national level, is the official organizing body of GGBY and seeks to
maintain an organic feel while helping maintain access for the community. Slackline US
and local GGBY facilitators are working with local land managers and officials to keep
an stewards to the Fruit Bowl Highline Area.
Our mission is to facilitate adventurous experiences and meaningful connections with
friends, our community, the environment, and ourselves through highlining, workshops
and other flow activities.
Empowering, supporting, and inspiring others
Treating all individuals with respect, honesty, and integrity
Stewardship in the protection and service of the planet
What’s a Volunteer?
Core Team Concepts
(Courtesy of the Northern Arizona Highline Gathering)
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work - Feel the cog, be the cog.
Care for Each Other! - To keep our badass volunteer team strong over the
course of the gathering, we will need to take amazing care of each other! If you
notice that someone needs something, make sure they get it.
See Something Say Something - Yes, the 4 S’s! Whether you notice
inappropriate sexual advances, rigging errors, or a noob not checking their knot
properly, please speak up and encourage a safe space to share concerns and
raise awareness!
Stay Balanced - Remember to take personal time, rest and have fun! If us
volunteersdon’t appear to be having fun, it will affect everyone at the gathering.
If you are overly stressed and are in the middle of a shift, holler out on the radio
and we will help you out!. Please do not abuse this.
Volunteers are to remain sober on shift.
Yes, it’s a volunteer role, but
be on time.
Emergency preparedness (see emergency protocol below)
The food prep team will be feeding
over 70 people
. We want everyone to feel
nourished and provided for, but please be mindful when going for seconds.
Please do not walk from the parking lot to the Fruit Bowl empty-handed if there
are things to be carried (e.g. food, equipment, fire wood, water, etc.)
To relieve pressure on the LNT team, please make every effort to poo in the
parking lot porta potties, and spread the word to other festival-goers to do the
Everyone should be receiving buddy checks before getting on the highlines!
This is incredibly important, so please lead by example. If you need a refresher,
check out this ISA post.
Volunteers will have ticket fee waived. At checkout, use coupon code
Workshop teachers will receive one free day pass for each workshop taught. At
checkout, use ‘REESES’
Volunteers will receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner (courtesy of the Food Prep
Our Promise to You
It’s a huge priority for the organizational team that you feel safe, appreciated and supported
throughout the gathering.
Remember that your organizers are here for YOU as much as anyone else. Please never
hesitate to speak up or reach out for any reason at all--before, during and even after the
Yes, we will all be exhausted together by the end of this--but if we do things right, we’ll also
feel deeply nourished and walk back into the world standing tall and overflowing with
Closing sentence? Get stoked!
Welcome to this
massive team of
76 humans
The Nylon Ninjas
Your team is your lifeline. Where one maybe fall short, the rest will carry. We will carry
each other through the toughest of breaks, and we will glide with one another on the
highest of cliffs. We
recommend familiarizing yourself with your fellow team
members before the gathering. Use this information to benefit your own experience
and the experience of everyone at the gathering. With a concerted effort from each of
you, we will leave the fruit bowl empty, and the hearts of us and all of our friends
Team Members
Dan Walsh, President, Slackline U.S., 
Mr. President
Jerry Miszewski, Team Coordinator
These humans get the rope across. Love them.
Rafael Bridi
Dani Schmidt
Friedi Kuhne
Mia Noblet
Greg Fishell
Mauro Poletti
Dakota Collins
Zac Timmons
Josh Rovder
Gerald Situ
Bryan Sipe
Will Primrose
Jacob Adamson
Pablo Signoret
Nick Dean
Space Net
Ryan Jenks, Team Coordinator
These humans build the spider web. Love them.
River Echeverria
Garrison Rowland
Michael Melner
Kiley Hartigan
Kimberly Weglin
Ethan Arkin, Team Coordinator
These humans are basically Doctor Who. Love them.
Wade Desai
Alli Gordon
Justin Smestad
Scooter Finney
Sarah Hill
Kate Hives
Josef Saunders
Scott Rogers, Team Coordinator
These humans record community into history. Love them.
Katrin Bell
Aidan Williams
Michael Madsen
Information Desk
Maddie Mckenzie, Team Coordinator
These humans record community into history. Love them.
Bianca Brzezinski
RJ Roush
Steven Milov
Feagann Harlow
Taylor Virginia
Philip Queen
Matt Dunkleberger
Food Preparation
Tiffany Jade, Team Coordinator
These humans nourish you. Love them.
Alexandra Reynaldo
Josh Richardson
Dalton Snow
Josh Beaudoin
Michelle Griffith
Eric Z
Mia Kerry
Debb Ashby
Rachel Anne
Jacque Garcia
Stephen Burns
Nick Olson, Team Coordinator
These humans transport you. Love them.
Marshall Leaver
Savannah Steamer
Nick DeTone
Breann Bassler
Leave No Trace
Jesse Faircloth, Team Coordinator
These humans take care of the land. Love them.
Ashley Meyer
Sean Hawkins
Jenny O’Neil
Alex Wallace
Ben Judson
Alex Patton
Kat Nebrida
Athena Gilliam
Heather Larsen
Lorenzo DeMuro
Workshop Teachers
Rachel Dobos, Team Coordinator
These humans share their knowledge with you. Love them.
Louie Wray
Alexandra Reynaldo
Michelle Griffith
Tiffany Jade
Dani Schmidt
Liz Thomas
Josh Beaudoin
Brian Mosbaugh
Bianca B.
RJ Roush
Anna Littleton
Sara Kokkelenberg
Will Primrose
Leila Noone
Kali Turner
Sarah Hill
Damon Hill
Ashley Meyer
Jeramiah Morgan
Maddie Mckenzie
Jess Joy
Liz Galloway
Dany Bouchard
Zac Timmons
Andrew Gasparis
You can find the Detailed, current event schedule
and descriptions in the GGBY app!
Rigging & Safety
All rigging modifications must go through the lead rigger on shift. Rigs will be
standardized as much as anchors and equipment allow. If you see something odd and
aren't sure about it, run it by a rigger before changing it. Use a radio!
At this year’s GGBY, all anchor points will be either old “Terry-style” wedge bolts or new
glue-in eye bolts. Every anchor will use a Hang-Frame and a custom-designed crash pad to
ensure that soft materials like rope and webbing will never touch the cliff edge in any way If
you are not a rigger but are curious to learn more, ask someone on the rigging team to explain
the basic framework of the rigging at GGBY.
Rigs will be checked every day before lines open at 8 AM, and again around mid-day. A
standardized rig-checking protocol will be employed. Lines close at 6 PM, unless we are night
Standard Bolt Rigging Protocol
3-4 Point BFK to Hang-Frame
All tree wrap main anchors will be formed with a spanset, using a “bgebz” knot with an
integrated weblock. Integrating the weblock will help us save steel connectors for other
purposes, like connecting backup lines. All main anchors, even spansets, will be backed-up.
Webbing connections
All main lines will be connected using either sewn loops or weblocks. Backup lines will use
either sewn loops or sleeved frost knots. Webbing connectors that stand any chance of
vibrating loose (I’m looking at you, shackle pins) will be zip-tied closed after being tightened
with a wrench.
Will be secured to the anchor using several ratchet straps to prevent any slippage either
forwards or backwards. Each Hang-Frame will have a true SRENE (Strong, Redundant,
Equalized, Non-Extending) master point incorporated into it.
Abrasion protection
The combination of the new Hang-Frames and customized crash pads will prevent all
possibility of abrasion for both the main and backup line on almost every single rig. In the
event that a crash pad doesn’t completely cover the cliff edge, Sidewinder webbing sleeves
will be used.
Buddy Checks!
Please familiarize yourself with a figure 8 knot to the point of insanity. Ensure your waist
harness fits and can be double backed. Become comfortable asking for buddy checks for
yourself and for those around you. While it does not need to be something we enforce, we
should as a team, be extremely aware of the individual level of awareness of each participant
in the moment. Most accidents in the climbing / highlining world happen because of comfort
and complacency to simple, seemingly-obvious issues like failure to complete a knot.
Awareness, alive, lack of awareness, dead. Stay aware, stay alive
General Procedures
We are aiming to have 15 spacenets all interwoven this year into “Netropolis”. That is a lot of
surface area so don’t be an idiot and think we can fill it up with monkeys. Please help us limit
the # of slackers who get on the system and please help us keep everyone tied in while they
get their selfies and do their yoga. Did you know having lots of different space net legs is NOT
redundant? It is a liability! IF just 1 leg goes then the whole system will go limp and anyone
not attached could fly off. Let’s keep this slack art project fun and safe!
Stay calm. Call for help. Remain with the patient.
GGBY will have 8 volunteer medics, including 2 supervisors. The team is made up of nurses, a
doctor, WFRs and a chiropractor with various levels of experience and training in outdoor
medicine and critical care.
From 9am-6pm, 2 medics and 1 supervising medic will be on radio at all times. During off hours
a supervising medic will carry a radio.
On call medics can be identified by reflective “MEDIC” armbands:
The Med tent is prominently located at the opening of the Fruit Bowl, and will have the
following 2 flags hung on it:
Last year we learned the majority of incidents that required our services were minor wounds.
However, the medical team will have tools to respond to a variety of threats to life and limb,
Backboard (spine injuries & loss of mobility)
Automated External Defibrillator (Cardiac Arrest)
Epi-pen(s) (Allergic Reaction)
Narcan (Opioid reversal agent for overdose)
Tourniquet (serious extremity bleedingk)
Satellite phone for rapid evacuation.
As a volunteer and participant you may witness an event that becomes an emergency. If you
find yourself in a situation that you are not 100% certain you can handle do not hesitate to
Here are few helpful guidelines to follow if you encounter an emergency:
1. Stay calm and take a deep breath. It is normal to feel panicked or scared during an
emergency. Tactical breathing is an effective practice for maintaining your cool:
2. Take another deep breath! Yup, it’s that important.
3. Assess the scene--is it safe? Are you putting yourself in any danger? If there is
any risk to yourself, hold back and get help. Saving two people is 100% more
effort than saving one.
4. If you find someone unresponsive, first try to wake them up, then see if they
are breathing or have a pulse. To check for breathing, watch their chest for rise
and fall, or feels for breath from the nose and mouth. Feel for a pulse between
the throat and neck muscles:
If there is no pulse, begin chest compressions.
*Even if you are not CPR certified, any compressions are better than no
5. Call for help (YELL if you have to) and do not leave the patient unless
absolutely necessary.
Emergency Protocols
First, find someone with a radio and raise the On-Call Organizer.
While we all so earnestly hope everything goes smoothly as planned, shit does happen. Here
are some things to keep in mind during an “emergency”. At least one of us organizers will be
on call during all line-open hours. That means one of us will always be on radio, be sober, and
have a line grip, rescue kit and medical kit within arm’s reach. This person will be ready to
respond for anything you might need.
Highline Emergencies
A comprehensive highline rescue kit will be on hand during all line-open hours. Us organizers
are well-versed in the rescue protocol; volunteers should only be needed for assistance with
hauling victims.
Medical Emergencies
Several team members have emergency medical training. At least one comprehensive medical
kit appropriate for WFR scope of practice will be on hand at all times. A detailed emergency
medical plan has been filed with the Forest Service.
Check-in Procedure
Overview - The information desk will serve as a single point of information for participants,
coordinators, organizers, and volunteers during the festival. With that being the case, there is a
likelihood that volunteers will be asked questions that they don’t have the answers to.
Volunteers should always feel comfortable communicating with the coordinator/assistant that
the question pertains to or using the resources provided at the check-in desk to answer
questions. Online ticket sales will close and final ticket sales information will be printed and
added to a check-in booklet along with other resources such as workshop schedule, and
highline information. The records for ticket sales are kept in the check-in booklet AT ALL TIMES.
Check In - Upon a participants arrival to the gathering, the volunteer on schedule will confirm
if the participant has purchased a ticket using the printed records of ticket sales. If the
participant has purchased a ticket they should be given the appropriate wrist band and confirm
information in booklet is correct/filled out by the volunteer. The volunteer will highlight the
participants name to indicate they have checked in. In case of lost wristband participant can
obtain a new wrist band at any time according to the records in the check in booklet.
Before entering the gathering the participant must sign all waivers. The volunteers on schedule
should confirm if the participant has signed waivers during online ticket purchases. If they have
not, they can fill out a physical form which will be stored in the check-in booklet.
If the participant has not purchased a ticket they can purchase a ticket upon arrival with cash or
credit and then issued the appropriate wristband. The volunteer on schedule will document the
participants info according to the check-in booklet before the participant may enter the
gathering. In the event that the card reader does not work properly, the volunteer on schedule
should document participants credit card information according to the check in sheet for post
gathering purchases. Hi Maddie I love you <3 Heeeeyyyy <3 great work :) Is this the kind of info
youre looking for? Everything I’m adding is in blue
Thanks so much it looks great.youre great no you are we are <3 <3 <3
Add to list if not on it. Line mounting exercise. Give correct wristband, write last day paid on
wristband and list. Give handout card, Huppies, T-shirt.
Attendee orientation - The volunteers on schedule should give the participant entering the
festival a rundown of festival protocol, including bathrooms (which and how to use), LNT, open
hours for lines, where to direct questions/how to identify/contact volunteers, line mount and
leash climb test. Upon arrival volunteers should encourage participants to sign up for a
Slackline U.S membership to receive discounts, purchase t-shirts, download the GGBY mobile
app, and how to read the map of the Fruit Bowl.
Bathrooms (which to use and how), LNT, Open hours for lines, Who to ask questions
(Volunteers in purple shirts), Line mount test for highline access, BEGINNER Orientation-Please
don’t get on until you can mount the line and leash climb, please stay on the two beginner
lines until you send one.
Medical - Use radio to contact person on call. First aid kit at table.
Forest service - Use radio to contact person on call.
Give praise to the team who feeds you!
Give praise to the team who feeds you!
Breakfast 8-10 AM
Lunch 1230-2 PM
Dinner 6-7 PM
Bring your own utensils! Bowl, Fork, Spoon, Cup! :) <3
A comprehensive highline rescue kit will be on hand during all line-open hours. Us organizers
are well-versed in the rescue protocol; volunteers should only be needed for assistance with
hauling victims.
Thanksgiving Potluck!
A comprehensive highline rescue kit will be on hand during all line-open hours. Us organizers
are well-versed in the rescue protocol; volunteers should only be needed for assistance with
hauling victims.
Shuttle Drivers. You are responsible for traveling back and forth between the Fruitbowl,
Parking Lot A, and Parking Lot B. You will be transporting attendees, volunteers, gear, and
whatever else needs moving. We have set up designated hours, and have helped make
participants aware of these hours.
Sunday 3pm - 6pm
Monday 8am - Noon & 2pm - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - Noon & 2pm - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - Noon & 2pm - 8pm
Thursday 8am - Noon & 2pm - 8pm
Friday 8am - Noon & 2pm - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 1pm
Volunteers. You are responsible for checking up on each of the three areas (Fruitbowl, Parking
Lot A, and Parking Lot B) three times each day, while riding along with the Shuttle Drivers. We
need to ensure that people are parking in the correct areas (only in Parking Lots A & B unless
they have a pass for the Fruitbowl lot), and parking in the correct way, so that they’re not
damaging the environment. You will have Warning Tickets to put on any cars that are parked
in the wrong lot or parked improperly, and if needed we can try to track people down.
Volunteers will also be helping setup on Sunday (11/18) afternoon, and tear-down on Saturday
(11/24) morning.
Leave no trace
Leave No Trace, Pack-In Pack-Out (100%) and Zero Waste are some of the most
common programs for promoting sustainability and protecting our beautiful outdoors.
Unfortunately, these practices are nearly impossible to achieve because they require a
communal awareness and simply put, humans create waste. When we camp and play outside,
we leave footprints, urine spots, ashes and create trash … not to mention where all our fancy
gear come from. Even when we buy food from the grocery store chances are we are create a
byproduct. Now to add insult to injury, due to limited resources and the remoteness of Moab
most of the trash and many recyclable products that are “Properly Disposed” of will likely end
up ONLY 10 miles North of the Fruit Bowl in the Klondike Landfill!
However, NOT ALL IS LOST, the traces we leave can range from long-term to short
term and from negative to positive. The cool part about sustainability is we can choose how we
would like to impact the areas around us. By educating ourselves, working as a community and
giving an honest effort we could possibly even leave places better than we found them.
Below are some of ways we can work together to protect the Fruit Bowl and the surrounding
DESERT. Do not be afraid to share this information or afraid to hold others to these standards.
Keep in mind that sustainability practices are often strongly based on the environment in
which we are currently occupying and can change dramatically from place to place. More
detailed information about local ecosystems can be found on the Canyonlands National Park
Service website:
- Please use wood provided by GGBY
- Packing-In wood for yourself and friends is always a way to insure a warm night
- The average campfire can be one of our largest impacts
- Bigger isn’t always better
- Using community fire pits saves wood and is a great way to make new friends
We all love and enjoy the classic campfire when we are spending time outside, it
provides a cozziness to the camp, heat to keep us warm, a way to prepare food, and in some
cases a sense of safety from the wilderness.
However, in the Moab DESERT trees, shrubs and other plant life struggle to survive
with less 9 inches of rain a year and little to no soil . As a result of these extreme conditions
many plants grow very slow. Please DO NOT sling hammocks or rig slacklines off the trees in
the Fruit Bowl area. Also be sure to remove all string and cordage tied around trees because
over time it can restrict growth and physically “Choke” or “Strangle” a tree. More information
can be found on Canyonlands National Park Services website:
Mixed stands of Pinyon Pine and Utah Juniper cover millions of acres in the southwest. In
Canyonlands, pinyon-juniper woodlands thrive on mesa tops like the Island in the Sky and the Orange
Cliffs west of the Maze. As elevation decreases, trees become more scattered.
Pinyon pines have crooked trunks, reddish bark and are very slow growing. Trees 4 to 6 inches
in diameter and 10 feet tall may be 80 to 100 years old. Their root systems are extensive and often mirror
the size of the above ground tree.
The Utah juniper is the classic desert tree. Its twisting, often-dead branches seem to epitomize
the struggle of life with little water. When moisture is scarce, a juniper will actually stop the flow of fluids
to some outer branches so that the tree has a better chance for survival.
Private Compost (GGBY STAFF)
#1 plastics ( Clamshells )
Aluminum Cans
Food Scraps(No Meat/Oil)
#2 plastic (Frosted and Colored Containers )
Steel Cans
Coffee Grounds
#3-#7 plastics (Mainly Food Containers )
Corrugated Brown Cardboard
Coffee Filter
Plastic Film, Bags, and Wrappers
#1 Plastic Water Bottles
Tea Bags
#2 Plastic (Milk Jugs Only)
Egg shells
Mix Fiber, Wax or Painted Cardboard
Brown Paper Towels
Brown Paper Napkins
Aerosol cans
REMINDER: All other residential and commercial waste goes to the 80 acre
Klondike Landfill (Class 1 facility), less than 10 miles North of the Fruit Bowl,
where it is BURIED!!
Thank You!
Thank you everyone for being a part of this beautiful gathering!
This guide is courtesy of Louie Wray, Zac Timmons, & Greg Fishell of the Northern Arizona
Highline Gathering. If you find them, tell them thank you and ask to hug them!!!

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