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The Computer Nonsense Guide
Or the influence of chaos on reason! 31.08.2018
"My aim is: to teach you to pass from disguised nonsense to something that is patent nonsense." Ludwig Wittgenstein
This guide is product of the efforts of many people too numerous to list here and of the unique environment of the Space Beam.
The software environment and operating-system-like parts contain many things which are still in a state of flux. This work confines
itself primarily to the stabler parts of the system, and does not address the window system, user interface or application programming
interfaces at all.
We are an open-source research & development community that conducts multidisciplinary work on distributed systems, artificial
intelligence and high-performance computing.
Our Mission: is provide tools inside a simple workspace for play, work and science through observation and action.
Our Goal: a distributed AI toolkit and workspace environment for machines of all ages!
We make a custom Debian workspace that anyone can use today, these things work together with native support for Python 3,
LuaLang and BEAM ecosystems.
Core ideas
Functions are a form of objects.
Message passing and function calling are analogous.
Asynchronous message passing is necessary for non-blocking systems.
Selective receive allow to ignore messages uninteresting now.
It is assumed that the reader has done some programming and is familiar with data types and programming language syntax.
"An object is really a function that has no name and that gets its argument a message and then look at that message and decide what
to do next." — Richard P. Gabriel
About 100 years ago there were two schools of thought a clash between two paradigms for how to make an intelligent system, one
paradigm was mathematical logic if I give you some true premises and some valid rules of inference you can derive some truth
conclusions and people who believe in logic thought that's the way the mind must work and somehow the mind is using some funny
kind of logic that can cope with the paradox of the liar or the fact that sometimes you discover things you believed were false.
Classical logic has problems with that and the paradigm said we have these symbolic expressions in our head and we have rules from
repairing them and the essence of intelligence is reasoning and it works by moving around symbols in symbolic expressions.
There was a completely different paradigm that wasn't called artificial intelligence it was called neural networks that said we known
about an intelligent system it's the mammalian brain and the way that works is you have lots of little processes with lots of connections
between them and you change the strengths of the connections and that's how you learn things so they thought the essence of
intelligence was learning and in particular how you change the connection strengths so that your neural network will do new things and
they would argue that everything you know comes from changing those connection strengths and those changes have to somehow be
driven by data you're not programmed you somehow absorb information from data, well for 100 years this battle has gone on and
fortunately today we can tell you recently it was won.
Lua in Erlang
"Scripting is a relevant technique for any programmer's toolbox." Roberto Ierusalimschy
Luerl is an implementation of standard Lua 5.2 written in Erlang/OTP.
Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language common in games, IoT devices, machine learning and scientific
computing research.
It supports procedural, object-oriented, functional, data-driven, reactive, organizational programming and data description.
Being an extension language, Lua has no notion of a "main" program: it works as a library embedded in a host. The host program can
invoke functions to execute a piece of Lua code, can write and read Lua variables, and call Erlang functions by Lua code.
Luerl is a library, written in clean Erlang/OTP. For more information, check out the get started tutorial. You may want to browse the
examples source code.
Luerl goal
A proper implementation of the Lua language
It SHOULD look and behave the same as Lua 5.2
It SHOULD include the Lua standard libraries
It MUST interface well with Erlang
Embedded language
Lua is an embeddable language implemented as a library that offers a clear API for applications inside a register-based virtual machine.
This ability to be used as a library to extend an application is what makes Lua an extension language.
At the same time, a program that uses Lua can register new functions in the Luerl environment; such functions are implemented in
Erlang (or another language) and can add facilities that cannot be written directly in Lua. This is what makes any Lua implementation an
extensible language.
These two views of Lua (as extension language and as extensible language) correspond of two kinds of interaction between Erlang and
Lua. In the first kind, Erlang has the control and Lua is the library. The Erlang code in this kind of interaction is what we call application
In the second kind, Lua has the control and Erlang is the library. Here, the Erlang code is called library code. Both application code and
library code use the same API to communicate with Lua, the so called Luerl API.
Modules, Object Oriented programming and iterators need no extra features in the Lua API. They are all done with standard
mechanisms for tables and first-class functions with lexical scope.
Exception handling and code load go the opposite way: primitives in the API are exported to Lua from the base system C, JIT, BEAM.
Lua implementations are based on the idea of closures, a closure represents the code of a function plus the environment where the
function was defined.
Like with tables, Luerl itself uses functions for several important constructs in the language. The use of constructors based on
functions helps to make the API simple and general.
The result
Luerl is a native Erlang implementation of standard Lua 5.2 written for the BEAM ecosystem.
Easy for Erlang to call
Easy for Lua to call Erlang
Erlang concurrency model and error handling
Through the use of the BEAM languages, Luerl can be augmented to cope with a wide range of different domains, creating a
customized language sharing a syntactical framework.
Lisp Flavoured Erlang
"Lisp: Good News Bad News How to Win Big ™." Richard P. Gabriel
LFE is a proper Lisp based on the features and limitations of Erlang's virtual machine, attuned to vanilla Erlang and OTP it coexists
seamlessly with the rest of the BEAM ecosystem.
Some history: Robert Virding tried Lisp 1 but it didn't really work, Lisp 2 fits the BEAM better so LFE is Lisp 2+, or rather Lisp 3?
For all of us in general the bad news is that almost everything that what we have been using is WORNG! no one can denied the respect
that Black Mesa Research deserves but even with it's limited concurrency implemented by a CSP model with monads or static types
have yet it classical boundaries; the λ-calculus low concurrent ceiling. [T. Church]
We were not that into Lisp until reading some tweets from certain no-horn viking, the short story is that Scheme is Lisp 2, the goal of
Scheme was to implement a Lisp following the actor model but they discover closures instead got hyped with them and forget about
Erlang was born to the world on Stockholm Sweden in 1998, Jane Walerud, Bjarne Däcker, Mike Williams, Joe Armstrong and Robert
Virding open-source a language that implement this model of universal computation based in physics without even know or care much
about it, just pure engineering powers and a great problem to solve.
It's a language out of a language out of Sweden that can be used to build web scale, asynchronous, non-blocking, event driven,
message passing, NoSQL, reliable, highly available, high performance, real time, clusterable, bad ass, rock star, get the girls, get the
boys, impress your mom, impress your cat, be the hero of your dog, AI applications.
It's Lisp, you can blast it in the face with a shotgun and it keeps on coming.
LFE goal
An efficient implementation of a "proper" Lisp on the BEAM with seamless integration for the Erlang/OTP ecosystem.
The result
A New Skin for the Old Ceremony where the thickness of the skin affects how efficiently the new language can be implemented and
how seamlessly it can interact.
Why Lisp 3?
"Lisp is the greatest single programming language ever designed." Alan Kay
A lot has changed since 1958, even for Lisp it now has even more to offer.
It's a programmable programming language
As such, it's excellent language for exploratory programming.
Due to it's venerable age, there is an enormous corpus of code and ideas to draw from.
Overall, the evolution of Lisp has been, guided more by institutional rivalry, one-upmanship, and the glee born of technical cleverness
characteristic of the hacker culture than by sober assessment of technical requirements.
Lisp 1
Early thoughts about a language that eventually became Lisp started in 1956 when John McCarty attended the Dartmouth Summer
Research Project on Artificial Intelligence.
The original idea was to produce a compiler, but in the 50's this was considered a major undertaking, and McCarthy and his team
needed some experimenting in order to get good conventions for subroutine linking, stack handling and erasure.
They started by hand-compiling various functions into assembly language and writing subroutines to provide a LISP environment.
They decided on garbage collection in which storage is abandoned until the free storage list is exhausted, the storage accessible from
program variables and the stack is marked, so the unmarked storage is made into a new free storage list.
At the time was also decided to use SAVE and UNSAVE routines that use a single contiguous public stack array to save the values of
variables and subroutine return addresses in the implementation of recursive subroutines.
Another decision was to give up the prefix and tag parts of the message, this left us with a single type an 15 bit address, so that the
language didn't require declarations.
These simplifications made Lisp into a way of describing computable functions much neater than the Turing machines or the general
recursive definitions used in recursive function theory.
The fact that Turing machines constitute an awkward programming language doesn't much bother recursive function theorists, because
they almost never have any reason to write particular recursive definitions since the theory concerns recursive functions in general.
Another way to show that Lisp was neater than Turing machines was to write a universal LISP function and show that it is briefer and
more comprehensible than the description of a universal Turing Machine.
This refers to the Lisp function eval(e,a) which computes the value of a Lisp expression e, the second argument a being a list of
assignments of values to variables, a is needed to make the recursion work.
Lisp 2
The Lisp 2 project was a concerted language that represented a radical departure from Lisp 1.5.
In contrast to most languages in which the language is first designed and then implemented Lisp 2 was an implementation in search of
a language, in retrospect we can point out that was searching from one out of Sweden.
The earliest known LISP 2 document is a one-page agenda for a Lisp 2 Specifications Conference held by the Artificial Intelligence
Group at Standford. Section 2 of this agenda was:
Proposals for Lisp 2.0
Linear Free Storage
Numbers and other full words
Auxiliary Storage
Input language, infix notation.
Freer output format
Sequence of implementation
Documentation and maintenance
Hash Coding
Sobroutine linkage
Storage conventions
Effect of various I/O apparatus
Interaction with programs in other languages
Expressions having property lists
The Actor Model
Actors are the universal primitive of concurrent digital computation. In response to a message that it receives, an actor can make local
decisions, create more Actors, send more messages, and designate how to respond to the next message received.
Unbounded nondeterminism is the property that the amount of delay in servicing a request can become unbounded as a result of
arbitration of contention for shared resources while still guaranteeing that the request will eventually be serviced.
Arguments for unbounded nondeterminism include the following:
There is no bound that can be placed on how long it takes a computational circuit called an Arbiter to settle.
Arbiters are used in computers to deal with the circumstance that computer clocks operate asychoronously with input from
outside, "e.g, keyboard input, disk access, network input, etc..."
So it could take an unbounded time for a message to sent to a computer to be received and in the meantime the computer could
traverse an unbounded number of states.
The following were the main influences on the development of the actor model of
The suggestion by Alan Kay that procedural embedding be extended to cover
data structures in the context of our previous attempts to generalize the work by
Church, Landin, Evans, and Reynolds on "functional data structures."
The context of our previous attempts to clean up and generalize the work on coroutine control structures of Landin, Mitchell,
Krutar, Balzer, Reynolds, Bobrow-Wegbreit, and Sussman.
The influence of Seymour Papert's "little man" metaphor for computation in LOGO.
The limitations and complexities of capability-based protection schemes. Every actor transmission is in effect an inter-domain
call efficiently providing an intrinsic protection on actor machines.
The experience developing previous generations of PLANNER. Essentially the
whole PLANNER-71 language (together with some extensions) was implemented by Julian Davies in POP-2 at the University of
In terms of the actor model of computation, control structure is simply a pattern of passing messages.
We have quoted Hewitt at length because the passage illustrates the many connections among different ideas floating around in the AI,
Lisp, and other programming language communities; and because this particular
point in the evolution of ideas represented a distillation that soon fed back quickly and powerfully into the evolution of Lisp itself.
Logic and λ-calculus
Logic programming is the proposal to implement systems using mathematical logic.
Perhaps the first published proposal to use mathematical logic for programming was John McCarthy's Advice Taker paper.
Planner was the first language to feature "procedural plans" that were called by "pattern-directed invocation" using "goals" and
"assertions". A subset called Micro Planner was implemented by Gerry Sussman, Eugene Chariak and Terry Winograd and was used in
Winograd's natural language understanding program SHRDLU, and some other projects.
This generated a great deal of excitement in the field of AI. It also generated controversy because it proposed an alternative to the logic
approach one of the mainstay paradigms for AI.
The upshot is that the procedural approach has a different mathematical semantics based on the denotation semantics of the Actor
model from the semantics of mathematical logic.
There were some surprising results from this research including that mathematical logic is incapable of implementing general
concurrent computation even though it can implement sequential computation and some kinds of parallel computation including the
lambda calculus.
Classical logic blows up in the face of inconsistent information that is kind of ubiquitous with the growth of the internet.
This change enables a new generation of systems that incorporate ideas from mathematical logic in their implementation, resulting on
some reincarnation of logic programming. But something is often transformed when reincarnated!
A limitation of logic programming
In his 1988 paper on early history of Prolog, Bob Kowalski published the thesis that "computation is controlled deduction" which he
attributed to Pat Hayes.
Contrary to Kowalski and Hayes, Hewitt's thesis was that logical deduction was incapable of carrying out concurrent computation in
open systems because of indeterminacy in the arrival order of messages.
Indeterminacy in concurrent computation
Hewitt and Agha [1991] argued that: The Actor model makes use of arbitration for determining which message is next in the arrival
ordering of an Actor that is sent multiple messages concurrently.
For example Arbiters can be used in the implementation of the arrival ordering of an Actor which is subject to physical indeterminacy in
the arrival order.
In concrete terms for Actor systems typically we cannot observe the details by which the arrival order of messages for an Actor is
determined. Attempting to do so affects the results and can even push the indeterminacy elsewhere.
Instead of observing the internals of arbitration processes of Actor computations, we await outcomes.
Physical indeterminacy in arbiters produces indeterminacy in Actors. The reason that we await outcomes is that we have no alternative
because of indeterminacy.
According to Chris Fuchs [2004], quantum physics is a theory whose terms refer predominately to our interface with the world. It is a
theory not about observables, not beables, but about 'dingables' we tap a bell with our gentle touch and listen for its beautiful ring.
It is important to distinguish between indeterminacy in which factors outside the control of an information system are making decision
and choice in which the information system has some control.
It is not sufficient to say that indeterminacy in Actor systems is due to unknown/unmodeled properties of the network infrastructure.
The whole point of the appeal to quantum indeterminacy is to show that aspects of Actor systems can be unknowable and the
participants can be entangled.
The concept that quantum mechanics forces us to give up is: the description of a system independent from the observer providing
such a description; that is the concept of the absolute state of a system. I.e, there is no observer independent data at all.
According to Zurek [1982], "Properties of quantum systems have no absolute meaning. Rather they must always characterized with
respect to other physical systems."
Does this mean that there is no relation whatsoever between views of different observers? Certainly not. According to Rovelli [1996] "It
is possible to compare different views, but the process of comparison is always a physical interaction (and all physical interactions are
quantum mechanical in nature)".
Lisp 3
Lisp Flavored Erlang (LFE) is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language and Lisp dialect built on top of Core
Erlang and the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM).
What isn't
It isn't an implementation of Maclisp
It isn't an implementation of Scheme
It isn't an implementation of Common Lisp
It isn't an implementation of Clojure
What is
LFE is a proper Lisp based on the features and limitations of the Erlang VM (BEAM).
LFE coexists seamlessly with vanilla Erlang/OTP and the rest of the BEAM ecosystem.
LFE runs on the standard Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM).
The object-oriented programming style used in the Smalltalk and Actor families of languages is available in LFE and used by the
Monteverde HPC package system. Its purpose is to perform generic operations on objects. Part of its implementation is simply a
convention in procedural-calling style: part is a powerful language feature, called flavors, for defining abstract objects.
Lisp Machine flavors
When writing a program, it is often convenient to model what the program does in term of objects, conceptual entities that can be
likened to real-world things.
Choosing what objects to provide in a program is very important to the proper organization of the program.
In an object-oriented design, specifying what objects exist is the first task in designing the system.
In an electrical design system, the objects might be "resistors", "capacitors", "transistors", "wires", and "display windows".
After specifying what objects there are, the next task of the design is to figure out what operations can be performed on each object.
In this model, we think of the program as being built around a set of objects, each of which has a set of operations that can be
performed on it.
More rigorously, the program defines several types of object, and it can create many instances of each type.
The program defines a set of types of object and, for each type, a set of operations that can be performed on any object of that type.
The new types may exist only in the programmer's mind. For example, it is possible to think of a disembodied property list as an
abstract data type on which certain operations such as get and put are defined.
This type can be instantiated by evaluating this form you can create a new disembodied property lists are really implemented as lists,
indistinguishable from any other lists, does not invalidate this point of view.
However, such conceptual data types cannot be distinguished automatically be the system; one cannot ask "is this object a
disembodied property list, as opposed to an ordinary list".
We represent our conceptual object by one structure.
The LFE flavors we use for the representation has structure and refers to other Lisp objects.
The object keeps track of an internal state which can be examined and altered by the operations available for that type of object, get
examines the state of a property list, and put alters it.
We have seen the essence of object-oriented programming. A conceptual object is modeled by a single Lisp object, which bundles up
some state information. For every type there is a set of operations that can be performed to examine or alter the object state.
Application containers
"Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright."The Overmind
Singularity: Application containers for Linux enables full control of the environment on whatever host you are on. This include
distributed systems, your favorite blockchain, HPC centers, microservices, GPU's, IoT devices, docker containers and the whole
computing enchilada.
Containers are used to package entire scientific workflows, software libraries, and datasets.
Did you already invest in Docker? The Singularity software can import your Docker images without having Docker installed or being a
As the user, you are in control of the extent to which your container interacts with its host. There can be seamless integration, or little
to no communication at all.
Reproducible software stacks: These must be easible verifiable via cheksum or cryptographic signature in such a manner that
does not change formats. By default Singularity uses a container image file which can be checksummed, signed and easily
Mobility of compute: Singularity must be able to transfer (and store) containers in a manner that works with stadandard data
mobility tools and protocols.
Compatibility with complicated architectures: The runtime must be compatible with existing HPC, scientific, compute farm and
enterprise architectures maybe running legacy vintage systems which do not support advanced namespace features.
Linux containers
A Unix operating system is broken into two primary components, the kernel space, and the user space. The kernel supports the user
space by interfacing with the hardware, providing core system features and creating the software compatible layers for the user space.
The user space on the other hand is the environment that most people are most familiar with interfacing with. It is where applications,
libraries and system services run.
Containers shift the emphasis away from the run-time environment by commoditizing the user space into swappable components. This
means that the entire user space portion of a Linux operating system, including programs, custom configuration, and environment can
be interchangeable at run-time.
Software developers can now build their stack onto whatever operating system base fits their needs bets, and create distributable run-
time encapsulated environments and the users never have to worry about dependencies, requirements, or anything else from the user
Singularity provides the functionality of a virtual machine, without the heavyweight implementation and performance costs of emulation
and redundancy!
Container instances
Singularity "container instances" allow you to run services (e.g. Nginx, Riak, PostgreSQL, etc...) a container instance, simply put, is a
persistent and isolated version of the container image that runs in the background.
Important notes
The instances are linked with your user. So if you start an instance with sudo, that is going to go under root, you will need to call sudo
singularity instance.list in order to see it.
Live for the swarm!
"Send colonies to one or two places, which may be as keys to that state, for it is necessary either to do this or else to keep there a
great number of lings and hydras."Sarah Kerrigan
We present Blueberry a TorchCraft bot system build for online competition and AI research on the real-time strategy game of StarCraft;
ours is a message-passing, asynchronous system that exploits the hot swap loading and parallelism of Luerl and the concurrency of
the BEAM VM.
StarCraft serve as an interesting domain for Artificial Intelligence (AI), since represent a well defined complex adversarial environment
which pose a number of interesting challenges in areas of information gathering, planning, dealing with uncertainty, domain knowledge
exploitation, task decomposition, spatial reasoning, and machine learning research.
Unlike synchronous turn-based games like chess and go, StarCraft games are played in real-time, the state continue to progress even
if no action is taken, actions must decided in fractions of a second, game frames issue simultaneous actions to hundreds of units at
any given time, players only get the information about what they units observe, there is a fog of information present in the environment
and hidden units that require additional detection.
Core ideas
StarCraft is about information, the smoke of rare weeds and silver for tools.
Strong units vs mobile units.
Defense units are powerful but immobile, offense units are mobile but weak.
Efficiency is not the number one goal.
Stages of a game
Early, Make/defend a play & send colonies to one or two bases.
Middle, Core units, make/defend pressure & take a base.
Late, Matured core units, multi-pronged tactics & take many bases.
Final, The watcher observes, the fog collapses an event resolves.
Information, colonies, improved economy for better tools.
What is an organization?
"ORGs is a paradigm in which people are tightly integrated with information technology that enables them to function with an
organizationally relevant task or problem." Carl Hewitt
A monkey, a building, a drone: each is a concrete object and can be easily identified. One difficulty attending the study of organizations
is that an organization is not as readily visible or describable.
Exactly what is an organization such as a business concern? It is a building? A collection of machinery? A legal document containing a
statement of incorporation? It is hardly likely to be any of these by itself. Rather, to describe an organization requires the consideration
of a number of properties it possesses, thus gradually making clear, or at least clearer, that it is.
The purposes of the organization, whether it is formal or informal, are accomplished by a collection of members whose efforts or to use
a term to be employed throughout this work, behavior are so directed that they become coordinated and integrated in order to attain
sub-goals and objectives.
Perception and behavior
All of us at some point or another have had the experience of watching another person do something or behave in a certain way, saying
to ourselves, "She/he acts as if she/he thought, ... " and then filling in some supposition about the way the other person looked at
Simple as the statement "He acts as if he thought ... " may be, it illustrates two important points.
First, what the person thinks he sees may not actually exist. They could act as if changes in methods as an attempt by management
to exploit them.
As long as they had this attitude or belief, any action by management to change any work method would be met, at the very least, with
suspicion and probably with hostility.
The second point is that people act on the basis of what they see. In understanding behavior, we must recognize that facts people do
not perceive as meaningful usually will not influence their behavior, whereas the things they believe to be real, even though factually
incorrect or nonexistent, will influence it.
Organizations are intended to bring about integrated behavior. Similar, or at least compatible, perceptions on the part of organizational
members are therefore a matter of prime consideration.
One of the first things we must recognize is that in learning about things we not only learn what they are, that is, that the round white
object is for football, but we also learn what these things mean, that is, football is a sport that the USA men's team don't get and their
woman counterpart have master perfectly.
Upon receiving a signal (sight of football) we perform an interpretative step by which a meaning is attached to it.
Many of these "meanings" are so common and fundamental in our understanding of the world that we fail to note them except under
unusual circumstances.
One way these meanings are brought home to us is by meeting people from countries different from our own; many of the meanings
which things have come from our culture, they are things all people within the culture share.
These common interpretations of things help enormously in communicating, but they sometimes make it difficult to set factors in
perspective so that we can really understand the reasons for behavior.
Threshold of perception
We all, have certain things (stimuli) to which we are sensitized and that when these appear we are instantly alert and eager to examine
There are other stimuli of relative unimportant to us to which we do not pay as much attention and may, in effect, actually block out.
One way of viewing this subject is to suggest that we have thresholds or barriers which regulate what information from the outside world
reaches our consciousness.
On some matters the barriers are high and we remain oblivious to them, but on others which are quite important to us we are sensitized
and, in effect, we lower the barrier, permitting all the information possible concerning these matters to reach our consciousness.
Related to this idea of sensitivity and selectivity is a phenomenon that might be called resonance.
Through experience and what we see ourselves to be, the understanding of a particular item of information may be very similar to that
of others.
It is explained this way: since all the people inside a group look upon themselves as peers, they know what a change on the individual
means in annoyance and inconvenience.
They can easily put themselves into his shows and, once having done so, probably feel almost as disturbed as he might be.
Internal consistency
One property of the images formed of the world around us is that they are reasonable, or internally consistent.
For instance, we may look at some draw on a page and see a rabbit. One portion along these lines might suggest a duck, but we do not
have an image of something half rabbit and half duck.
In fact, if our first impression is of a duck, we may never notice that a portion looks like a rabbit.
We seem to tune out the elements that do not fit.
Dealing with conflict
Organizations that posses the capacity to deal adequately with conflict have been described as follows:
1. They posses the machinery to deal constructively with conflict. They have an structure which facilitates constructive interaction
between individuals and work groups.
2. The personnel of the organization is skilled in the process of effective interaction and mutual influence (skills in group ledership
and membership roles in group building and maintenance functions).
3. There is a high confidence and trust in one another among members of the organization, loyalty to the work group and to the
organization, and high motivation to achieve the organization's objectives.
Confidence, loyalty, and cooperative motivation produce earnest, sincere, and determined efforts to find solutions to conflict. There is
greater motivation to find constructive solution that to maintain an irreconcilable conflict. The solutions reached are often highly creative
and represent a far better solution than any initially proposed by the conflicting interests.
The essence here is that out of conflict will come a new synthesis superior to what existed before and perhaps superior to any
individual point of view existent in conflict.
Conflict, resting in part on different perspectives of what "ought" to be, is one of the avenues for opening new directions for the
organization or one of the ways of moving in new directions. This is not only useful but also vital for organizational survival. The
question, therefore, as we view conflict is not, "How to eliminate it?" but, "Is it conflict of such a type and within circumstances where it
will contribute to rather than detract from organizational interest?"
Whether a conflict is good or bad for an organization, whether a conflict can be made useful for an organization, depends not so much
on manipulating the conflict itself as on the underlying conditions of the overall organization. In this sense, conflict can be seen as;
1. a symptom of more basic problems which requires attention
2. an intervening variable in the overall organization to be considered, used, and maintained within certain useful boundaries.
Organizational adaptation frequently proceeds through a new arrangement developing informally, which, after proving its worth and
becoming accepted, is formally adopted. The first informal development, however, may be contrary to previously established
procedures and in a sense a violation or a subversion of them; or the informal procedures may be an extension of a function for internal
political purposes.
Programmed links
If the process had given instruction to report immediately on completion of the task, this instruction facilitates linking the completed act
with the next one. Through an information transfer, we call this a programmed link.
The supervisor node, of course may detect that something is wrong through another control cycle. It can then take corrective action by
including or adding into this programmed link or perhaps by attacking on the more difficult problem of human apathetic attitudes and
motivation his units could display.
Progression of goals
Organizations have progression of goals which result from a division of work.
A subdivide goal becomes the task of a process contained within a specialized organizational unit.
This nesting of goals is contained as part of the core organizational means-ends chain.
Needless to say, the hierarchy of control loops which are connected with the progression of goals may be handle in number of ways,
regardless of how the elements are allocated, the important factor is that all elements must be provided for in some way. Hence, our
model supplies an extremely useful tool in analyzing complex control situations by telling us what basic functions bust occur and in
what sequence, even though initially we have no idea as to where or how they are executed in the organization.
Goals and feedback
The feedback loop containing information about organizational performance and conditions leads to definition of subunit goals or
standards. It's important to show how a situation in one area could lead to modifications in a number of organizational units at higher
This even result in reformulating the basic goals of organizations. Feedback is essential to adequate goal formation.
Iterative programming
"Programming is an iterative process, iterative is another name for intelligent trial and error."
Michael C Williams
In cybernetics, the word "trial" usually implies random-or-arbitrary, without any deliberate choice.
Programming is an iterative process with a large amount of trial and error to find out:
What needs to be implemented,
Why does it need to be implemented,
How should be implemented.
Trial and error is also a heuristic method of problem solving, repair, tuning, or obtaining knowledge.
In the field of computer science, the method is called generate and test. In elementary algebra, when solving equations, it is "guess
and check".
Cumulative adaptation
The existence of different available strategies allows us to consider a separate superior domain of processing, a "meta-level" above the
mechanics of switch handling from where the various available strategies can be randomly chosen.
Suppose N events each have a probability p of success, and the probabilities are independent. An example would occur if N wheels
bore letters A and B on the rim, with A's occupying the spun and allowed to come to rest; those that stop at an A count as successes.
Let us compare three ways of compounding these minor successes to a Grand Success, which we assume, occurs only when every
wheel is stopped at an A.
Case 1: All N wheels are spun; if all show an A, Success is recorded and the trials ended; otherwise all are spun again, and so on till
'all A's' come up at one spin.
Case 2: The first wheel is spun; if it stops at an A it is left there; otherwise it is spun again. When it eventually stops at an A the
second wheel is spun similarly; and so on down the line of N wheels, one at a time, till all show A's.
Case 3: All N wheels are spun; those that show an A are left to continue showing it, and those that show a B are spun again. When
further A's occur they also are left alone. So the number spun gets fewer and fewer, until all are at A's.
The conclusion that Case 1 is very different from Cases 2 and 3, does not depend closely on the particular values of p and N.
Comparison of the three Cases soon shows why Cases 2 and 3 can arrive at Success so much sooner than Case 1: they can benefit
by partial successes, which 1 cannot. Suppose, for instance, that, under Case 1, a spin gave 999 A's and 1 B. This is very near
complete Success; yet it counts for nothing, and all the A's have to be thrown back into the melting-pot. In Case 3, however, only one
wheel would remain to be spun; while Case 2 would perhaps get a good run of A's at the left-hand end and could thus benefit from it.
The examples show the great, the very great, reduction in time taken that occurs when the final Success can be reached by stages, in
which partial successes can be conserved and accumulated.
We can draw, then, the following conclusion. A compound event that is impossible if the components have to occur simultaneously
may be readily achievable if they can occur in sequence or independently.
Dynamic optimization
Dynamic optimization (also known as dynamic programming) is a method for solving a complex problem by breaking it down into a
collection of simpler subproblems, solving each of those subproblems just once, and storing their solutions. The next time the same
subproblem occurs, instead of recomputing its solution, one simply looks up the previously computed result, saving computation time
at the expense of (it is hoped) a modest expenditure in storage space.
Dynamic programming is both a mathematical optimization method and a computer programming method. In both contexts it refers to
simplifying a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems in a recursive manner.
If sub-problems can be nested recursively inside larger problems, so that dynamic programming methods are applicable, then there is a
relation between the value of the larger problem and the values of the sub-problems. In the optimization literature this is called the
Bellman equation.
Overlapping subproblems
Like Divide and Conquer, Dynamic optimization combines solutions to sub-problems mainly used when they are needed again and
again. In dynamic programming, computed solutions to subproblems are stored in a table so that these don’t have to recomputed. So
Dynamic Programming is not useful when there are no common subproblems because there is no point storing the solutions if they are
not needed again.
Optimal substructure
A problem is said to have optimal substructure if an optimal solution can be constructed from optimal solutions of its subproblems. This
property is used to determine the usefulness of dynamic programming.
The application of dynamic programming is based on the idea that in order to solve a dynamic optimization problem from some starting
period t to some ending period T, one implicitly has to solve subproblems starting from later dates s, where t<s<T. This is an example
of optimal substructure. The Principle of Optimality is used to derive the Bellman equation, which shows how the value of the problem
starting from t is related to the value of the problem starting from s.
Bellman's principle
The dynamic programming method breaks this decision problem into smaller subproblems.
In the context of dynamic game theory, this principle is analogous to the concept of subgame perfect equilibrium, although what
constitutes an optimal policy in this case is conditioned on the decision-maker's opponents choosing similarly optimal policies from
their points of view.
Analytical concepts
To understand the Bellman's principle, several underlying concepts must be understood. First, any optimization problem has some
objective: minimizing travel time, minimizing cost, maximizing profits, maximizing utility, etcetera.
The mathematical function that describes this objective is called the objective function.
Dynamic programming breaks a multi-period planning problem into simpler steps at different points in time. Therefore, it requires
keeping track of how the decision situation is evolving over time. The information about the current event that is needed to make a
correct decision is called the "state".
Process of abstraction
In trying to understand what is happening around us we are faced with a fundamental problem. In approaching any situation, the system
trying to understand it, does not attempt to gather all information. Instead it selects certain facts and searchers for others.
This selection of some items and ignoring of others is a process of abstraction.
It is the abstracting form a real or if you will empirical situation the things seemingly most important to deal with.
In this process of abstraction and model building we deliberately select a few items, ignore may others, and then place the items
chosen in a particular relationship to one another.
In doing so we are intentionally ignoring facts or relationships that can influence the type of situation under study.
The problem it to select the most meaningful elements and relationships and dropout the rest.
Those who use abstraction skillfully know well that they neither have all the facts nor have considered all the relationships bearing on
the outcome of what they are analysing.
We do not use the abstractions from one situation in another setting without carefully examining the fit. Neither do we expect a model
to handle all aspects of a situation.
We shall be dealing with many abstractions and models, not with the intention of exactly mirroring the real world but with the objective
of clarifying our perception of its most essential features.
Abstractions and models are mechanisms for economizing both time and effort, but like any tool they must be used within their limits.
Model your goals
Taking the abstracted elements, a character with the flat tire begins to connect them into a pattern.
Better yet, he weaves them into a model of the confronting situation, which we can use both to understand his plight and figure out
what to do about it.
The parts of this model would probably include, among other things, the flat tire, the image of the spare in the trunk, the telephone, the
service station, a forthcoming business meting, etc.
A second model would contain the telephone, the service station, and the repairman there.
Finally, it concludes that it will call a cab and leave his wife to deal with the flat tire as best as she can.
These are extraordinarily elementary models, but they serve a very practical purpose.
With them the main character in our illustration can see the likely consequences of various courses of action.
We can find out these things by doing them directly by actually handling the tire and observing that we get dirty, or by calling the
repairmen and waiting for him and learning that it takes too long.
In the age of big data; big models are good.
For any given size of data, the bigger the model, the better it generalizes, provided you regularize well.
This is obviously true if your model is an ensemble of smaller models.
Adding extra models to the ensemble always helps.
It is a good idea to try to make the data look small by using a big model.
By using the model, however, we can make some reasonable predictions about what will occur and therby accept or reject the choices
open to us.
Predictive modeling
Our emphasis is on people in organizations where managers have to make decisions even through their knowledge and concepts may
be wrong or inadequate.
As generalizations are made about what takes place in organizations, we shall often be talking about the decision processes that
organizational members engage in or the sequence of factors which lead to a particular behavior.
We talk about the possible actions a person may take on recepipt of an order from his superior, which he thinks is improper and
We talk about choossing amount the courses of accepting the order competly, protesting, protesting and raiisng an alternative, or
leavng the organization.
It sometimes appers as if there were a basic assumption that people consicosly bring our all these possibilities and rationally weigh the
pros and cons of each.
Does the individual at times carry on the same process unconsicusly that on other occasions he perhaps conducts consciously? We
hardly know...
We are faced with the fact that people sometimes do things and later say, I never thougth that I would act like that under those
In saying this the individual indicates that he saw other opportunities and that, through some process unobservable to him he decided
among them and chose on that came from elsewhere that his own conscious thought.
The distinction between conscious and unconscious thought are by no means easy to determine, and for our purposes, it is not usually
necessary to make them.
Considering the development of the field of Artificial Intelligence at the moment, it seems reasonable to conduct our analysis at the
level at which both machines and humans do make decisions, without taking into account whether the choices and decisions
processes are conscious or not.
Several references have been made with the intent of this guide to provide conceptual tools for analysis. As with any other tool models,
abstractions and generalizations are useful only when within their limitations.
Why Erlang helps?
"Any sufficiently complicated concurrent program in another language contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow
implementation of half of Erlang."Robert Virding
Erlang suits iterative development perfectly, the ecosystem offers a variety of languages with different focus all build in top of the
BEAM and the OTP framework.
Let it crash!
Robust systems must always be aware of errors but avoid the need of error checking code everywhere.
We want to be able to handle processes crashes among cooperative processes.
If one process crashes all cooperating processes should crash
Cooperating processes are linked together
Process crashes propagate along links
System processes can monitor them and rest them when necessary but sometimes we do need to handle errors locally.
Pattern matching
Functions use pattern matching to select clauses, this is a BIG WIN™
Process groups
Each message can be sent to one, some, or all group members.
Supervision trees
Too often, developers try to implement their own error-handling and recovery strategies in their code, with the result that they increase
the complexity of the code and the cost of maintaining it, how many times have you seen catch statements with nothing more than
TODO comments to remind some future, better smarted developer to finish the job on the error handling.
This is where the supervisor process makes it entrance. It takes over the responsibility for the unexpected-error-handling and recovery
strategies from the developer.
The behavior, in a deterministic and consistent manner, handles monitoring, restart strategies, race conditions, and borderline cases
most developers would not think of.
A supervisor has a standard set of interface functions and include functionality for tracing and error reporting. Supervisors are used to
build a hierarchical process structure called a supervision tree, a nice way to structure a fault-tolerant application.
Supervisors will monitor their processes through links and trapping exists.
Supervisors can restart the workers when they terminate.
On production, this usually means a fairly straight-forward combination of external process management, overload monitoring and
A supervisor is responsible for starting, stopping, and monitoring external processes. The basic idea of a supervisor is that it is to keep
its processes alive by restarting them when necessary.
Fault-tolerance is achieved by creating supervision trees, where the supervisors are the nodes and the workers are the leaves of this
analogy. Supervisors on a particular level monitor and handle children in the subtrees they have started.
If any worker terminates abnormally, the simple supervisor immediately restart it. If the process instead terminate normally, they are
removed from the supervision tree and no further action is taken.
Stopping the supervisor results in all the processes in the tree being unconditionally terminated. When the supervisor terminates, the
run-time ensures that all processes linked to it receive an EXIT signal.
It is a valid assumption that nothing abnormal should happen when starting your system. If a supervisor is unable to correctly start a
process, it terminates all of its processes and aborts the startup procedure. While we are all for a resilient system that tries to recover
from errors, startup failures is where we draw the line.
BEAM virtual machine
"Links were invented by Mike Williams and based on the idea of a C-wire a form of electrical circuit breaker." — Joe Armstrong
The virtual machine runs as one OS process. By default it runs one OS thread per core to achieve maximum utilization of the machine.
The number of threads and on which cores they run can be set when the BEAM is started.
Erlang processes are implemented entirely by the VM and have no connection to either OS processes or OS threads. So even if you
are running a BEAM system of over one million processes it is still only one OS process and one thread per core, in this sense the
BEAM is a "process virtual machine" while the Erlang system itself very much behaves like an OS and Erlang processes have very
similar properties to OS processes.
Process isolation
Asynchronous communication
Error handling, introspection and monitoring
Predefined set of datatypes
Immutable data
Pattern matching
Functional, soft real-time, reactive, message-passing system
Modules as function containers and the only way of handle code
Inside the BEAM ecosystem, we just worry about receiving messages.
Load balancing
The goal is to not overload any scheduler while using as little CPU as possible.
Compacting the load to fewer schedulers is usually better for memory locality, specially on hyperthreads, the primary process is in
charge of balance the rest of the schedulers.
Process stealing
Process stealing is used by artists of all types and computers alike, on the BEAM is the primary mechanism to load balance and
spread processes.
A scheduler with nothing runnable will try to "steal processes" from adjacent schedulers, then next beyond that.
We only steal from run-queues, never running or suspended processes.
Schedulers changes on other schedulers run-queues.
Each scheduler has its own run-queue.
Processes suspend when waiting for messages, this is NOT a busy wait.
Suspended processes become runnable when a message arrives.
By this mechanism the BEAM suspend unneeded schedulers. Once every period of 20k function calls is reach a new primary process
inside a node scheduler is chosen.
Functions and modules
Modules contain functions, its a flat module space with just functions they only exist in modules there are no dependencies between
running modules they can come and go as they please.
Functions cannot have a variable number of arguments! Erlang/OTP assumes functions with same name but different arities, each
function has only a fixed number of arguments.
Modules can have functions with the same name and different number of arguments (arity), inside the virtual machine they are different
Modules can consist of
Function definitions
Macro definitions
Compile time function definitions
Macros can be defined anywhere, but must be defined before used.
The system only has compile code there is no build-in interpreter just compile code in modules. Everything is in modules the module is
the unit of code handling, you compile modules, load modules, delete modules, update modules, everything run though modules there
are no living functions outside modules.
We can have multiple versions of modules in the system at the same time, all functions belong to a module, this handle of modules
means there is no inter-module dependency of modules at all, they just come and go when the system is running.
In this sense a running BEAM instance has no notion of a system, and can be described more like a collection of running modules.
McIlroy garden hose
"Streams means something different when shouted." — Dennis Ritchie
The pipe location in your home is important for proper maintenance and water flow. Many pipes are located in walls, floors and ceilings
and are hard to locate.
One of the most widely admired contributions of Unix to the culture of operating systems and command languages is the pipe, as used
in a pipeline of commands.
The fundamental idea was by no means new; the pipeline is merely a specific form of coroutine.
Pipes appeared in Unix in 1972, well after the PDP-11 version of the system was in operation, at the insistence of M.D McIlroy, a long
advocate of the non-hierarchical control flow that characterizes coroutines.
Some years before pipes, were implemented, he suggested that commands should be thought of as binary operators, whose left and
right operand specified the input and output files. Thus a 'copy' utility would be commanded by inputfile copy outputfile.
Multics provided a mechanism by which I/O Streams could be directed through processing modules on the way to (or from) the device
or file serving as source or sink.
Thus it might seem that stream-splicing in Multics was the direct precursor of UNIX pipes.
We don't think this is true, or is true only in a weak sense. Not only were coroutines well-known already, but their embodiment as
Multics I/O modules required to be specially coded in such a way that they could be used for no other purpose.
The genius of the Unix pipeline is precisely that it is constructed from the very same commands used constantly in simplex fashion.
The mental leap needed to see this possibility and to invent the notation is large indeed.
Are computer-program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking by allowing multiple entry points for
suspending and resuming execution at certain locations.
At the same time that assembly languages were being developed, programmers were gaining experience with subroutines.
Subroutines are short programs that perform functions of a general nature that can occur in various types of computation.
A branch sequence of instructions is executed, which jumps the program to the subroutine, the set of instructions in the subroutine is
executed using the specified number, and, at completion, the computer goes back to the problem program for its continuation.
A sequence of program instructions that perform a specific task, packaged as a unit. This unit can then be used in programs wherever
that particular task should be performed.
The experience with assemblers and subroutines helped to generate the ideas for the next step, that of a higher level language that
would require the programmer to understand the problem he wishes to solve and not the machine that will be used to solve it.
Subprograms may be defined within programs, or separately in libraries that can be used by multiple programs.
In different programming languages, a subroutine may be called a procedure, a function, a routine, a method, or a subprogram.
Difference with processes
Processes are independent units of execution instead of a subroutine that lives inside a process.
Cooperative multitasking
Also known as non-preemptive multitasking, is a style of computer multitasking in which the operating system never initiates a context
switch from a running process to another process.
Instead, processes voluntarily yield control periodically or when idle in order to enable multiple applications to be run concurrently.
A stream is a full-duplex connection between a process and a device or another process. It consists of several linearly connected
processing modules, and is analogous to a Shell pipeline, except that data flows in both directions.
In essence, the stream I/O provides a framework for making file descriptors act in the standard way most programs already expect,
while providing a richer underlying behavior, for handling network protocols, or processing the appropriate messages.
Stream Mechanisms
When things wish to communicate, they must first establish communication. The stream mechanism provide a flexible way for
processes to conduct an already-begun conversation with devices and with each other: an existing stream connection is named by a
file descriptor, and the usual read, write, and I/O control request apply. Processing modules may be inserted dynamically into a stream
connection, so network protocols, terminal processing, and device drivers are independent and separate cleanly.
However, these mechanisms, by themselves, do not provide a general way to create channels between them.
Simple extensions provide new ways of establishing communication. In our system, the traditional UNIX pipe is a cross-connected
stream. A generalization of file-system mounting associates a stream with a named file. When the file is opened, operations on the file
are operations on the stream. Open files may be passed from one process to another over a pipe.
These low-level mechanisms allow construction of flexible and general routines for connecting local and remote processes.
The work reported on STREAMS describes convenient ways for programs to establish communication with unrelated processes, on the
same or different machines.
Unix System V
STREAMS in this framework, a stream is a chain of coroutines that pass messages between a program and a device driver (or
between a pair of programs).
An important concept is the ability to push custom code modules which can modify the functionality of a network interface or other
device – together to form a stack. Several of these drivers can be chained together in order.
Research Unix 8th
A modified 4.1cBSD with a System V shell and sockets replaced by Streams. Added a network file system that allowed accessing
remote computers' files as /n/hostname/path, and a regular expression library that introduced an API later mimicked by Henry
Spencer's reimplementation. First version with no assembly in the documentation.
Starting with the 8th Edition, versions of Research Unix had a close relationship to BSD. This began by using 4.1cBSD as the basis for
the 8th Edition.
Research Unix 8th Edition started from BSD 4.1c, but with enormous amounts scooped out and replaced by our own stuff. This
continued with 9th and 10th. The ordinary user command-set was, a bit more BSD-flavored than SysVish, but it was pretty eclectic.
Why ZeroMQ helps?
"Diversity is not a political slogan. It's the basis for collective intelligence." Pieter Hintjens
ZeroMQ is a community of projects focused on decentralized message passing. They agree on protocols (RFCs) for connecting to
each other and exchanging messages. Messages are blobs of useful data of any reasonable size.
You can use this power to queue, route, and filter messages according to various "patterns."
ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) looks like an embeddable networking library but acts like a concurrency framework. It
gives you sockets that carry atomic messages across various transports like inter-process and TCP.
Multilingual Distributed Messaging thanks to the ZeroMQ Community.
Carries messages across inproc, IPC, TCP, multicast.
Smart patterns like pub-sub, push-pull, and request-reply.
Backed by a large and active open source community.
Its asynchronous I/O model gives you scalable multicore applications, built as asynchronous message-processing subroutines. Read
the guide and learn the basics.
The ZeroMQ protocols live as RFCs on The main one would be RFC 23, the ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol
(ZMTP), which describes how two pieces talk, over TCP or IPC. RFC 23 provides backwards compatibility to all older stable releases
of ZeroMQ.
ZMTP defines rules for backward interoperability, extensible security mechanisms, command and message framing, connection
metadata, and other transport-level functionality.
Message patterns
Let's recap briefly what ZeroMQ does for you. It delivers blobs of data (messages) to nodes, quickly and efficiently. You can map
nodes to threads, processes, or nodes. ZeroMQ gives your applications a single socket API to work with, no matter what the actual
transport (like in-process, inter-process, TCP, or multicast). It automatically reconnects to peers as they come and go. It queues
messages at both sender and receiver, as needed. It limits these queues to guard processes against running out of memory. It handles
socket errors. It does all I/O in background threads. It uses lock-free techniques for talking between nodes, so there are never locks,
waits, semaphores, or deadlocks.
But cutting through that, it routes and queues messages according to precise recipes called patterns.
The built-in core ZeroMQ patterns are:
Request-reply, which connects a set of clients to a set of services. This is a remote procedure call and task distribution pattern.
Pub-sub, which connects a set of publishers to a set of subscribers. This is a data distribution pattern.
Pipeline, which connects nodes in a fan-out/fan-in pattern that can have multiple steps and loops. This is a parallel task
distribution and collection pattern.
There is a wire-level protocol called ZMTP that defines how ZeroMQ reads and writes frames on a TCP connection. If you're interested
in how this works, the spec is quite short.
Device patterns
"To cope with blind spots we have to make use of another vocabulary or system outside the one in which the doubt exists." — Joseph.
A Litterer
You must have noticed that you can bind a port to any of the ZeroMQ Socket types. In theory, most stable part of the network (the
server) will bind on a specific port and have the more dynamic parts (the client) connect to that.
ZMQ provides certain basic proxy processes to build a more complex topology with basic device patterns our work this guide focus on
Forwarder and Streamer.
Forwarder device is like the pub-sub proxy server. It allows both publishers and subscribers to be moving parts and it self becomes the
stable hub for interconnecting them.
This device collects messages from a set of publishers and forwards these to a set of subscribers.
Streamer is a device for parallelized pipeline messaging. Acts as a broker that collects tasks from task feeders and supplies them to
task workers.
The ZeroMQ community uses a collaboration contract, C4.1. This is an RFC (of course), at It defines
how the community works together and has been the main factor for the happy growth and stability of the community.

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