Guide 1st Grade

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Dear teachers
This Teacher´s Guide has been developed to provide English teachers of first grade with the guidelines on how to effectively use various resources and pedagogical strategies
with the intention of helping learners develop the knowledge, skills and habilities set in the new English syllabus for this level. As a result, learners can achieve an expected
level of performance in the target language according to the CEFR. We believe that you know your students best and therefore we encourage you to freely adapt what you find
here so that it responds to the needs and context of your learners.
This guide consists of six units. Each unit lesson plan comes along with the learner´s exit profile for the level, the scenarios and themes for the cycle and the scope and sequence
of each unit within a timeline of six weeks. The scope and sequence provides a systematic scaffolding of the general and linguistic competences required for the development
of the communicative competence.
The special features of this Teacher’s Guide are:
A. Assessment Strategies and Evidences of Learning: Each goal has a specific assessment indicator for each linguistic competence which requires the elaboration of
assessment instruments.
B. Goals: Each lesson has specific and clear learning goals connected to a domain, scenario, theme and language function.
C. Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence: subdivided in the following stages;
Pre-Teaching: (Warm-up, Activation of Prior Knowledge, Modeling, Clarifying)
Pre-task: Introductory activity for activation of students’ prior knowledge to carry out a specific task connected to a goal. It places emphasis on the linguistic, cognitive
resources needed by the leaner.
Task rehearsal: Class work where students practice the language in a meaningful way for successful task completion.
Task completion: A task that learners perform to demonstrate that the goal has been successfully achieved.
Task assessment: An activity for self and/or peer assessment and teacher feedback and/ or repair in relation to the achievement of a goal. Evaluation tools to evaluate
performance tasks, of what students know and can do.
D. Time: Each phase of the didactic sequence includes a suggestion for the time that may be needed.
E. Integrated Mini Project: The project is a creative opportunity for students to integrate knowledge, abilities and skills.
F. Reflective Teaching: Suggestions for you to assess your own progress in teaching the material.
G. Enduring Understanding Reflection: Space to record how students grasped new undestandings and ideas in connection with the essential question of the unit.
We hope that this Teacher´s Guide will provide you as teachers with all you need to customize your teaching in an effective, creative, engaging, and interactive way in response
to your students´needs. This guide will be up-dated and modified during the year to respond to the teachers´ needs.
Each unit offers a variety of activities for each phase of the lesson plan, the teacher selects those that are appropriate for achiving the learning goals, the context and learners
needs, and also the numbers of lesson available for teaching English in the school.
Table of contents
Presentation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
The Learner as a New Citizen .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
What are the legal underpinnings and how are they related to language teaching and learning? ...................................................... 8
Language Learning Considerations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Which pedagogical trends influence the teaching practices? ................................................................................................................... 10
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) ............................................................................................................................ 11
Costa Rican general descriptors according to CEFR English proficiency bands ................................................................................... 12
The Action-Oriented Approach ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
General competences.................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Competence .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Basic Principles of the Action-Oriented Approach ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Communicative competence .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Communication ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Tasks ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
How are lessons planned? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Guidelines for the Pedagogic Mediation ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
First and Second Cycles ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Summary for the Pedagogic Mediation for First and Second Cycles ............................................................................................................. 26
How is learning assessed? ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Integrated Mini-Project ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Classroom Setting in the Action Oriented Approach ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Learner Exit profiles for First Cycle .......................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Scope and Sequence First Cycle .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Unit 1 Scope and Sequence .................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Unit 1 All about me .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Unit 2 Scope and Sequence .................................................................................................................................................................................. 67
Unit 2 This is our Classroom ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Unit 3 Scope and Sequence ................................................................................................................................................................................ 101
Unit 3 We are all different ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Unit 4 Scope and Sequence ................................................................................................................................................................................ 129
Unit 4 Going to school, so cool! ........................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Unit 5 Scope and Sequence ................................................................................................................................................................................ 174
Unit 5 My Neighborhood ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 178
Unit 6 Scope and Sequence ................................................................................................................................................................................ 206
Unit 6 Playtime ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 210
Teaching Resources .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 240
Resources Unit 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 240
Annexes .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 246
Annex 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 246
Fly Swatter Game .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 246
Annex 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 247
Hot Potato Game .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 247
Annex 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 248
Learning names game ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 248
Annex 4 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 249
Four corners Game ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 249
Annex 5 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 251
"Memory Game" ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 251
Resources Unit 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 252
Resources Unit 5 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 257
Resources Unit 6 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 291
The Learner as a New Citizen
Education for a new citizenship reinforces the need of 21st century learners who integrate
proactively in a globalized world while strengthening their national and global identity.
Education for a new citizenship envisions learners as active agents of change able to:
Use knowledge, skills, and abilities beyond school contexts.
Express their own points of view.
Practice peaceful conflict resolution and search for democratic solutions.
Harmonize social and economic development and environmental sustainability.
Take action in favor of sustainability of local, national and global resources.
Be aware of a global world where national borders have become more diffused.
Use ICTs and access to knowledge networks as tools for communication, innovation, and proactive social service.
Be compassionate national and global citizens.
Practice democratic principles such as freedom of expression and religion, respect for plurality and cultural diversity (sexual, linguistic,
and ethnic) as stated in the Costa Rican Constitution.
Defend and protect Human Rights and be against all forms of discrimination.
As the chart below shows, the concept of New Citizenship is sustained by three main pillars:
Figure 2: Dimension for Educating for a New Citizenship
What are the legal underpinnings and how are they related to language teaching and learning?
Policy for the 21th Century highlights three philosophical trends:
Development of
complex, challenging,
creative and critical
thinking skills,
Full realization of the
human being, as a
person with rights
and responsibilities.
Construction and
reconstruction of
understandings and
Implications for
Cooperative learning
and pedagogical
Sensitiveness and
awareness of
learning styles and
affective variables
Problem solving, inductive
and deductive teaching
and experiential learning
The policy The School as the Core of the Quality of Costa Rican Education recognizes three dimensions of learning:
Language Learning Considerations
Implications for Language
It focuses on the learner as a social
agent is active, independent, critical,
reflective, creative, innovative,
inquisitive, and respectful of human
Learning environments and
experiences should promote
dialogue and creative
responses to solve real-life
It seeks the whole development of
the person and is associated with the
person´s affective dispositions.
Pedagogic mediation is
flexible, inclusive, and
culturally relevant, respecting
the individual differences.
to do
Learning to
be and live in
to know
It is related to the brain’s architecture
and how maturational processes
influence language development.
Underscores the importance
of starting the learning of
foreign languages early in
It is related to the brain’s architecture
(attention, short-, working- and long-
term memory) and how it functions to
process information (metacognition)
related to learning and
Connects to the complexity
and cognitive load of tasks
presented to students.
It includes the notions of diversity,
interdependence, and
interconnection among others.
Addresses learning new
behaviors, values, and social
skills in line with a human
rights approach and through
democratic participation.
Which pedagogical trends influence the teaching practices?
The learner as a
responsible member
of a world community
Reality as a set of
systems, a network
of connections;
everything is affected
and interdependent.
Critical Pedagogy
Learners become
producers of
knowledge, not just
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
CEFR describes proficiency
levels based on accumulated
evidence gathered over time
from learner activities, tasks, or
Standard Terminology
Track student progress
Descriptors teaching, learning and
Students monitor and take responsibility
Transferability across settings
Parent communication
Costa Rican general descriptors according to CEFR English proficiency bands
Basic User
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of
needs of a concrete type.
Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as
where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Can show limited ability to use simple grammatical structures and conventions such as punctuation, and
Can use A1 level, grade level and age appropriate linguistic (e.g. present verb forms), socio-cognitive (e.g.,
associating strategies) and socio-affective (e.g., cooperating or coping strategies) resources to integrate
topical content from oral and written text to perform a goal-oriented product (mini-project) based on an
integrated sequence of activities within a domain, scenario and theme. Linguistic resources include
grammatical forms and meanings; socio-cognitive resources include a range of meta-cognitive strategies
(planning) and cognitive strategies (revising); and socio-affective resources consist of strategies such as
cooperating and coping.
Can use A1 level, grade level and age appropriate digital and telecommunication resources to research,
plan, and implement the mini-project.
Can give, receive, and respond to feedback at critical stages of the creative process.
Can use level and age appropriate linguistic resources to integrate information from a reading or a listening
or other inputs to perform from one skill modality to another (e.g., listening to speak, read to write) to achieve
the goal of the scenario.
Can display awareness and development of non-cognitive dispositions (such as effort, perseverance,
engagement, empathy, and focus).
Basic User
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance
(e.g., very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on
familiar and routine matters.
Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment, and matters in areas
of immediate need.
Can use some simple structures accurately but continues to systematically exhibit basic errors (such as
verbs tenses, use of prepositions, articles).
Can use A2 level, grade level and age appropriate linguistic (e.g. past verb forms), socio-cognitive (e.g.,
grouping strategies) and socio-affective (e.g., cooperating or questioning for clarification strategies)
resources to integrate topical content from oral and written text to perform a goal-oriented product (mini-
project) based on an integrated sequence of activities within a domain, scenario and theme. Linguistic
resources include grammatical forms and meanings; socio-cognitive resources include a range of meta-
cognitive strategies (monitoring) and cognitive strategies (resourcing); and socio-affective resources consist
of strategies such as cooperating and coping.
Can use A2 level, grade level and age appropriate digital and telecommunication resources to research,
plan, and implement the mini-project.
Can give, receive, and respond to feedback at critical stages of the creative process.
Can use level and age appropriate linguistic resources to integrate information from a reading or a listening
input or other inputs to perform from one skill modality to another (e.g., listening to speak, read to write) to
achieve the goal of the scenario.
Can display awareness and development of non-cognitive dispositions (such as effort, perseverance,
engagement, empathy, and focus).
The Action-Oriented Approach
An agent/performer with intercultural awareness skills.
Autonomous, works cooperatively, interacts with
others, investigates and solves problems using the
tools at his/her disposal (general and specific
Develops metacognitive, reflective and critical thinking
strategies for successful completion of the task.
Facilitator, coach, resource person, guide, advisor,
and observer.
Helps the learner become autonomous and be
successful in the completion of the task.
Provides effective feedback in the process of learning.
Shows expert role, but shares this responsibility with
the learner.
Learning Resources
Oral or written authentic texts: business cards, bus
tickets, newspaper articles, book excerpts, wikis, bus
schedules, city maps, bulletin boards, voice
messages, and announcements.
Appropriate to the learner´s needs and competence
Intercultural perspective
Aims of communicative activities/tasks
Communicative activities become actions that the
learner/social agent performs in order to build up
general competences and communicative language
The goal is successful action and accomplishment of
tasks in a particular scenario and domain aligned to
the learner’s life experience and personality.
Learning Environment
Real-world contexts (personal, public, educational
and vocational domain) collaborative, stimulating,
mediated by ICTs.
Assessment is based on what the social agent is able
to do in real-life situations or scenarios and the
process he/she requires to develop the competences.
Authentic assessment is favored.
The acquisition and refinement of general and
communicative competences is a continuous process,
both at school and in the world beyond the school.
Basic Principles of the Action-Oriented Approach
1. The students are social agents that use the target language to perform specific actions
in real life contexts meaningfully.
2. Language performances, in oral or written form, respond to language functions and are
carried out in specific scenarios.
3. Enabling and communicative activities are task-based and real-life.
4. Learners use authentic materials as comprehensible input, as much as possible.
5. The ICT become an important tool to create meaningful learning experiences.
6. A great degree of autonomy is placed on the learner; therefore, the teacher works in the
development of learners’ meta-cognitive, meta-affective, and meta-social strategies.
7. Intercultural awareness plays an important role for getting meaning across and facilitating
communication among cultures.
8. Vocabulary, syntax, cohesive forms, and phonology are taught with the purpose of
facilitating communication
The CEFR defines competences as the sum of knowledge, skills
and characteristics that allow a person to perform actions in
General competences
Consist of knowledge, skills, and abilities to learn and existential competence that are not
language-specific but learners use them when performing all kinds of actions including
language activities.
Communicative competence
The communicative language competences involve knowledge, skills, and know-how for each
of the following three components:
Linguistic Component: Deals with the knowledge of phonology, morphology,
lexicon and syntax.
Sociolinguistic Component: Refers to the socio-cultural conditions of language use
such as social group repertoires or politeness rules.
Pragmatic Component: Covers, among others, speaker´s and receptor´s attitudes
and beliefs, their understanding of the context of an utterance and the functional use
of language; for example the use in specific scenarios of how to act in a given social
event or how to participate in a job interview.
The CEFR defines communication as a social act, where learners are social agents,
developing a range of general and specific communicative language competences, moving
from learning about the language to learning to communicate in the language in active,
spontaneous, and authentic language interaction.
Task accomplishment by an individual involves the strategic activation of specific linguistic
competences (linguistic, pragmatic and socio-linguistic) along with a range of socio-cognitive
competences in order to carry out a set of purposeful actions in a particular domain
(interpersonal, transactional, academic and professional) with a clearly defined goal and a
specific outcome.
Defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to
achieve a given result in the context of a problem to be solved, an obligation to fulfill, or an
objective to be achieved. This product may be a brochure for tourists, a blog entry, or a fund
raising project for a humanitarian cause.
How are lessons planned?
Lesson planning will be developed covering a complete unit which includes six weeks. This plan can be distributed weekly. Here is an example
of how it can be done.
Week 1
Essential question
Theme 1
Language function 1
3-4 goals
Three learning pillars
3-4 assessment
Week 2
Theme 2
Language function 2
3-4 goals
Three learning pillars
3-4 assessment
Week 3
Theme 3
Language function 3
3-4 goals
Three learning pillars
3-4 assessment
Week 4
Theme 4
Language function 4
3-4 goals
Three learning pillars
3-4 assessment indicators
Integrated mini-
project for
assessment of unit
Reinforcement and
What is the teacher´s profile to implement this new curriculum?
Teacher’s Profile
Guidelines for the Pedagogic Mediation
First and Second Cycles
English language teaching first places priority on oral comprehension while simultaneously exposing students to oral production and
concepts of print. Reading and writing will be introduced progressively.
Lessons can follow a task-based sequence that will focus on linguistic and nonlinguistic items such as: phonemic awareness, language
forms, vocabulary, oral or written comprehension and oral or written production, development of cognitive or socio-affective strategies,
Tasks follow a sequence: pre-task, task planning/ rehearsal, task completion and task assessment.
During the Second Cycle, students are exposed to more complex tasks that gradually demand them to produce longer chunks of language
in oral and written form within sentence frames until they begin to write more words and sentences on their own. They can also engage
in the writing process, revising, editing, and finally producing polished texts on their own.
Teachers can select three or four goals per week from the units. They can combine oral or written comprehension goals with oral and
written production ones, depending on the stage of the lesson, so that an integrated skills approach is developed.
Teachers can take one lesson per week for phonemic awareness development when it is possible.
Teachers start each theme and class with a warm-up activity, which is part of the pre-teaching phase. After that, he/she introduces
the sentence frames, vocabulary, sounds or sociocultural aspects of the unit, which are the focus of the lesson. Then, teachers
share the learning goals and essential question with the students for that day or week.
The enduring understanding and essential question are central to articulate the three learnings: learn to know, learn to do and learn to be
and live in community.
The enduring understanding is shared by the teacher at the beginning of each unit to connect students with the core ideas that
have lasting value beyond the classroom.
Teachers facilitate pre-task activities for activation of students’ prior knowledge to carry out a specific task, placing emphasis on the
forms, sounds and vocabulary words needed by repeating, rephrasing, writing on the board or drawing.
Pre-task activities in listening, reading, speaking and writing are developed to help students recall, internalize and pronounce useful words
and phrases demanded by the task that they will perform. In first grade, tasks can be very simple to let children adjust linguistically,
socially, and cognitively to the target language, but they can become more complex progressively and include pre-task activities, task
planning, reporting, and assessment.
During the pre-task phase, the teacher introduces the task goal and outcome. Teacher activates students’ background knowledge to
perform the task. The language and sentence frames needed are reviewed or introduced as well as phonological elements.
As communicative competence develops, controlled scaffolded activities in listening, reading, speaking and writing are developed to
help students recall, internalize and pronounce useful words and phrases demanded by the task that they will perform.
Assigning learners meaningful tasks that resemble real language use where reading and writing or listening and speaking are integrated
is recommended.
Presenting and explaining learning objectives and expected outcomes of the task and assuring that learners understand task
instructions is important.
It is advisable to provide learners with enough time for task preparation and clarification.
The students will move from dependency on the teacher when solving a task to more autonomous work.
It is important to support, monitor, and encourage the students while solving a task
Learners will have at their disposal useful words, phrases and idioms that they need to perform the task. It could be an audio
recording with the instructions and the pronunciation of the words and phrases needed.
The students solve the task together using all resources they have. They rehearse their presentation or revise their written report. Then,
they present their spoken reports or display their written reports.
Provide rubrics for assessing students’ task performance and move progressively to self- assessment and peer assessment.
Provide feedback and further practice on areas that need more work, listening, and writing, speaking, reading, vocabulary work, phonemic
awareness, and the like.
At the end of each unit, the students elaborate a mini- project to demonstrate achievement of unit goals within a domain,
scenario and theme.
The mini-project is an opportunity for students to integrate these three learnings and linguistic skills in a single task. For example, writing
a class book based on a story with each student producing one page of the book with drawings and sentence frames. Students` products
can begin with a simple drawing and a label written by the teacher.
As proficiency develops, provide learners with more complex tasks, which involve the use of words, phrases and later sentences on a
more elaborate level.
Teach English in English and make learners be socially and cognitively engaged.
Summary for the Pedagogic Mediation for First and Second Cycles
There are four domains of language use. We are going to work with the socio Interpersonal domain in
First Cycle and the transactional domain in Second Cycle.
A real-life situation providing authenticity of situations to tasks, activities and texts. There are 6 scenarios in each grade level, one per unit.
There are FOUR themes per unit. Use ONE theme per week.
Enduring Understanding
It is introduced at the beginning of each unit and it is reviewed at the end of the unit as part of the integrated mini-project assessment.
Essential Question:
It is introduced at the beginning of each unit.
Learn to Know: Grammar & Sentence Frame Vocabulary Phonemic Awareness
The scope and sequence provided for lesson planning correlates this element of the curriculum with each of the goals and themes per week.
Learn to Do: Function Discourse Markers
Take them from the syllabus. There is one function per theme.
Learn to Be and Live in Community: Psycho-social Sociocultural
It is taken from the curriculum and it is integrated in the pedagogical mediation.
Assessment Strategies & Instruments:
Use indicators from the syllabus. There is one assessment indicator for each goal.
There is going to be a guide for classroom assessment.
Learner can
Select three or four goals per week for each unit theme.
Pedagogic Mediation
Pre-teaching: It prepares learners for the achievement of weekly goals within a specific theme and scenario.
Warm up:
Fun activity to motivate learners. It can be connected to the theme and goal of the lesson.
Activation of prior knowledge includes:
Goal of the unit ( Listening, reading, spoken production, spoken interaction, writing)
Enduring Understanding
Essential Question
Connection of new language and sentences frames to students ‘back ground knowledge.
Teacher centered. Teacher models pronunciation and meanings of the new sounds-vocabulary- sentence frames of a specific theme
connected to a scenario.
Teacher asks questions to leaners to get feedback from them and clarifies meanings, forms or pronunciation if it is need it.
The task cycle: it provides learners with the scaffolding needed to reach a goal within a theme and scenario.
Activation of students’ prior knowledge to carry out a specific task and to reach a specific goal (listening, reading, spoken production, spoken
interaction, writing) placing emphasis on the forms, sounds and vocabulary words within a theme and scenario.
An activity that provides students with language practice for successful task completion. It is student-centered. Students practice with
Teacher´s help.
Task completion
Learners perform in oral, written comprehension, oral or in written production tasks. The purpose of this task is for students to demonstrate if
they have reached the goal.
Task Assessment
Teacher´s assessment of the task, self and peer assessment for feedback on task performance.
It could require repair and reinforcement by a supplementary task if the goal has not been reached by most of the students.
A task connected to the main task for skill integration.
Note: There is a lesson of phonemic awareness each week. The phonemic awareness lesson follows all the stages: Pre-teaching, pre-task-
task rehearsal, task completion and task assessment.
The pre-teaching phase is developed at the beginning of each theme, each week, and during the phonemic awareness lesson.
How is learning assessed?
Assessment is a purposeful, continuous, contextualized, authentic, reflective, investigative, systematic and multi-phase process, which responds
to these four fundamental questions: Why assessing learning? What to assess? How to assess it? Which are the pedagogical implications?
The purpose of assessment is to serve each learner’s learning and growth. To prevent student’s failure and allow timely intervention, assessment
allows teachers to detect learning gaps, so that learners can receive the support needed to be successful. The “what” of assessment involves
having clarity about the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes (learn to know, learn to do, learn to be and live in community) that learners have
to develop as established in the curriculum goals or “can do performance descriptors”. This implies that assessment will mainly be performance-
based. Learners are required to demonstrate through integrated-skills tasks within a domain, scenario and theme, specified knowledge, skills
and abilities using the target language. Assessment can also be a discrete point, which means the use of selected response tasks to isolate and
measure discrete units of grammatical knowledge, which encompasses grammatical, semantic and pragmatic knowledge -- form, meaning and
use (Purpura, 2014, p 9). Assessment will also be authentic which means that the assessment task will simulate real-life situations within domains
and scenarios beyond the classroom setting, and the socio-cognitive, socio-affective, socio-cultural and linguistic demands upon the learner will
be similar to the one of a speaker in a target language setting.
Classroom assessment mirrors the learning goals, content of instruction and instructional practices, therefore, curriculum, teaching, and
assessment must be coherent for learning goals to be achieved and learners’ communicative competence to be developed.
Task design, task performance, and assessment become a fundamental unit of instructed learning; tools such as analytic and/or holistic scales,
rubrics, progress indicators and checklists play an important role for obtaining valid and reliable qualitative and quantitative data about students´
learning and performance.
Integrated Mini-Project
A more complex “learn to do” classroom task for each unit.
Learners (as social agents) integrate knowledge, skills and abilities
(KSA), within the domain, scenario, themes, the enduring
understanding and essential questions of the unit.
Proactive (not reactive)
Interconnected with classroom activities
Formative, skill-integrated performance
Collective actions (social dimension)
Promotes the democratic citizenship. (CEFR p.12)
Integrates skills and unit’s goals and leads to a final product.
AOA Task Oriented to a ProductKeep the end in mind!
Phases of the Integrated-Mini-Project
Phase 1: Planning: In the first grade, different alternatives are offered for the integrated mini-project in the syllabus. Teachers and
students can propose others based on the interests and linguistic resources. As they develop more independence autonomy and
become more proficient, the learner takes an active role deciding what and how of the project.
Phase 2. Creating collaborative: Students activate their prior knowledge, do research, share, negotiate, search for materials and
collaboratively elaborate the integrated- mini project applying the knowledge skills, skills and attitudes developed in the unit.
Phase 3. Preparation: Once the integrated mini-project is completed, the students will rehearse, evaluate and adjust their integrated
Phase 4: Participation: Students depending on the nature of the integrated mini-project, present their integrated mini-project
individually, in pairs or groups to the class, parents or school community. They can answer questions, participate in self-assessment,
and peer assessment experiences. The teacher also assesses the integrated mini-project and provide feedback to learners.
Classroom Setting in the Action Oriented Approach
When implementing the action oriented lessons in your English class; remember to:
a) Consider learners interets and needs.
b) Offer opportunities to work in pairs, in small groups, and as a whole class.
c) Create a context for learning and reflecting.
d) Provide multiple opportunities to develop communicative competence.
e) Use different classroom layouts: the horseshoe, chairs in a circle, traditional rows and nested tables in groups.
Learner Exit profiles for First Cycle
Types of knowledge
Orientations to
Learn to know
What the learner needs to know
Learner …
Learn to do
What the learner needs to do
Learn to be and live in
How the learner needs to be
A Global Citizenship with
Local Belonging
extracts explicit information
from visual and simple texts.
uses oral and written codes
for communicating simple
and familiar ideas.
identifies time and space
data in sequential order by
using visuals.
Understands the purpose of
given instructions .
recognizes meaningful
information gradually.
recognizes gradually different
styles when working in groups
according to skills and
practices assertive
communications skills.
Recognizes gradually own
abilities for team work gradually.
recognizes his/her own rights
and responsibilities and the
ones of others gradually.
values positively diversity in
his/her family, school, society
and context.
judges positively daily actions
that contribute for wellbeing.
participates in peaceful conflict
Education for Sustainable
recognizes gradually
different social and
environmental risks affecting
initiates valuing the implication
of efforts over the achievement
of goals.
initiates differentiating beliefs,
attitudes, actions over
sustainable development.
Scope and Sequence First Cycle
Scope and Sequence First Cycle
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
First Grade
Scenario: All About
Saying hello! Saying
Good Bye!
Introducing Myself
The Way I Look and
Making New Friends
Scenario: This is our
Stand up! Sit down!
Things in My
My School Supplies
Where is my Pencil?
Scenario: We Are All
Meet my Family
What my Family
Looks Like
Different Things my
Family Likes to Do
I Like…
Scenario: Going to
School, so Cool!
This Is my School.
Helpers at my
Going around
A Week at my
Scenario: My
This Is my
Where is the School?
How can I Get to
the Supermarket?
Community Helpers
Scenario: Playtime
Fun Games and
I need a Rope to
My Favorite Game
and Activities
Show me How to
Second Grade
Scenario: Learning Is
Hi! How are you
My Learning
What Do I do at
What I Like about
Scenario: Healthy
I Love my Body!
Healthy Habits make
me Feel Great!
Yummy and Good
for my Tummy
I Can Be Healthy and
Scenario: Home Sweet
A Visit from my
A Home Tour
What We Do
around the House
Cleaning the House
Scenario: Loving and
Caring Animals
Barn or House?
Moo, Meow, and
Living with Animals
and Pets around me
Walk the Dog...and
Other Ways to Care
for Animals
Scenario: Fabulous
Flora and Fauna
A Nature Walk
Animals A to Z
Green Kingdom
Protecting Nature
Scenario: A change of
Rain, Rain Go Away
Try This on
May I Have a Bite?
Please Tell me
What´s Fun
Third Grade
Scenario: Our Family
“to Do” List
Family Chores
Things I Like to Do to
Help my Family
Can you help me?
Where is the Broom?
Scenario: Families
Celebrate Together!
What isthere to
My Family`s
Special Dates
When is your
Sharing Family
Scenario: May I Help
Is This the Cashier
or the Clerk?
Going to a Store!
Where do I Get
some Fresh
How Much does it
Scenario: Getting
around Town!
A Day in my
Help! I Need a
Pair of Shoes.
Walk this Way
Step by step
Scenario: Fun Places
and Spaces
Let´s Go Outside
Indoor fun on a
rainy day
Come on! Make-
up your Mind.
Are you ready to
Have Fun?
Scenario: Welcome to
Costa Rica
Costa Rica: a
Diverse Country
Where Can I Go?
How will I Get
Exploring Costa
Rica: no Better
Place to Be
Unit 1 Scope and Sequence
Scenario: All about me
Enduring Understanding
Our names, the way we look, and the way we feel make us special.
Essential Question
What makes us special?
Assessment and Goals
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
1. Saying Hello! Saying
2. Introducing
3. The Way I Look and
4. Making New Friends
L.4.Recognizes one or
two forms of greetings
farewells (Hello, Good-
bye) expressions of
politeness and personal
feelings expressed
slowly and clearly.
R.1. Participates in choral
reading to identify
greetings and leave-
R.PA2. Identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
L.3. Recognizes simple
questions, which
directly concern them
such as their name and
where they are from.
R.PA2. Identify the
initial phoneme of a
spoken word.
SI.1.Asks for something
when pointing or
gesturing to support the
SP.1. Describes
personal appearance
L.2.Recognizes simple
personal information
(, age, country
of origin, personal traits)
R.PA2. Identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
SI.2. Uses one or two
forms of greetings and
farewells (Hello, Good-
SI.3.Expresses a lack of
L.1.Recognizes simple
personal information
(, age, country
of origin, personal traits)
R.PA2. Identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
SI.4.Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things.
Instruments for
Sticky notes
anecdotal note
Inside and outside
Week 6
Suggested Integrated Mini
a poster,
a mobile,
SP.1. Recognizes how
he/she or other person is
feeling using simple,
standard expressions.
L.4. understand basic
greetings, farewells,
expressions of
politeness and feelings
(e.g., hello, good-bye,
sorry, pardon?).
R.1.Participates in choral
reading (clapping and
chanting) in response to
the rhyme and rhythm of
a predictable patterned
song or picture story that
is read aloud. Can repeat
key words after the
R.PA2. identify sounds
of letters /m/ /e/ of the
alphabet in order with a
concrete item or picture
representing the sound.
and feelings with
simple words.
L.3. understand simple
questions, which
directly concern them
such as their name and
where they are from.
R.PA.2. identify sounds
of letters /s/ /a/ of the
alphabet in order with a
concrete item or picture
representing the sound.
SI.1. ask for something
when pointing or
gesturing to support the
W.1. Says words for the
teacher to write.
L.2. recognize often
spoken words similar to the
languages with which they
are familiar (e.g., Pay
attention, silence,
R.PA.2. identify sounds of
letters /t//e/ of the alphabet
in order with a concrete
item or picture
representing the sound.
SI.2. use one or two
learned expressions of
greeting, farewell, and
politeness (e.g., hello,
good-bye, please, you are
welcome and thank you).
SI.3. express a lack of
W.1. dictate words for the
teacher to write.
W.2. Represents an event
or character from a picture
story or one main idea.
L.1. Recognize simple
information such as name,
age, and perhaps country
of origin when that
information is given slowly
and clearly.
R.PA.2. identify sounds of
letters /l//a/ of the alphabet
in order with a concrete
item or picture
representing the sound.
SI.4. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
questions about familiar
things and if the other
person speaks slowly and
W.2. draw pictures of an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
magic box or
booklet using
cardboard or technology
for introducing oneself
SP.1. Express how I look
and feel using simple,
standard expressions.
Greeting and saying
good bye in proper
Introducing myself
Identifying personal
traits and feelings
Getting to know others
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Grammar & Sentence
Personal and
Possessive pronouns I,
I am Amanda.
Mynameis Juan.
What is your name?
How are you? Fine.
Howold are you? 6
Grammar &Sentence
Personal and
Possessive pronouns
I, my
I am Amanda.
My name is Juan.
Question/Answers with
What is your name?
How are you? Fine.
How old are you? 6
Grammar & Sentence
Yes/No Questions
Are you a student? Yes
Are you in first grade?
Are you tall? Yes/No
(use appropriate)
(S-V-C) sentences
I am______ (name,
age, country, physical
I feel _____
Grammar & Sentence
Wh- questions in Simple
Where do you live?
Where are you from?
Clarifying Questions
Repeat, please.
Phonemic Awareness
/m/ /e/ (me, meet; eight,
Phonemic Awareness
/s/ /a/ (sad, sound,
are, am )
Phonemic Awareness
/t/ /e/ (ten, tall, egg,
Phonemic Awareness
/l/ /a/ (love, live, am,
1. Saying Hello! Saying
good bye!
Hi! Hello! Good
morning, Good
afternoon, Good
evening, How are
Good-bye, bye, see
you, see you later.
2.Introducing myself
My name is…
I am from… / 7
years old.
‘I live in…
Expressions of
Excuse me, pardon,
thank you, you are
Nice to meet you.
Cardinal Numbers
Costa Rica,
3.The way I look and I feel
Physical Appearance
short, tall, handsome,
red, blue, green,yellow
4.Making new friends
Information questions
What´s your name?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
Nice to meet you/too.
Showing self-esteem,
idioms/ phrases
Greeting people
Showing self-
esteem, self-
Showing self-awareness
by describing self
See you later alligator!
Stimulating creativity
through the arts
(drawing, acting, body
After a while crocodile!
kissing and some
others depending on
the community or
See ya
Unit 1 All about me
Term: 1
Level: First
Unit: 1
Week: 1
Domain: Socio-Interpersonal
Scenario: All about me
Theme: Saying Hello! Saying Good-bye!
Enduring Understanding: Our names, the way we look, and the way we feel make us special.
Essential Question: What makes us special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Personal and Possessive pronouns I, my
I am Amanda.
My name is Juan.
Question/Answers with BE
What is your name? My…
How are you? Fine.
How old are you? 6
1. Saying Hello! Saying good bye!
Greeting and saying good bye in proper contexts
Discourse Markers
Hello and goodbye!
Showing self-esteem, self-confidence
idioms/ phrases
Greeting people (handshaking, kissing and
some others depending on the community or
Hi! Hello! Good morning, Good afternoon,
Good evening, How are you?
Good-bye, bye, see you, see you later.
Phonemic Awareness
/m/ /e/ (me, meet; end, egg
Strategies &
Evidences of
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
- Teacher greets students and introduces Essential Question and goals for
the day.
Warm up
Listening to a song, “Hello, Hello! Kids Song
Activation of Prior Knowledge
Teacher introduces greetings and leave-takings, vocabulary and sentence
frames using a power point presentation/puppets.
Teacher uses flashcards to model pronunciation of greetings and leave-takings
and students participate in choral repetition.
L.4.Recognizes one or
two forms of greetings
farewells (Hello, Good-
bye) expressions of
politeness and
personal feelings
expressed slowly and
L.4. understand basic
greetings, farewells,
expressions of
politeness and feelings
(e.g., hello, good-bye,
sorry, pardon?).
Teacher clarifies vocabulary and expressions by asking questions.
Oral Comprehension (Listening)
Pre-task: Identification of personal information
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Students repeat words and sentence frames related to greetings and leave-
takings after modeling by the teacher chorally and individually using visual aids
(power point) or puppets.
Task rehearsal
Learners act out greetings and leave-takings as they are heard.
Learners identify the greetings and leave-takings in pictures shown by the
teacher. Task completion
Students identify greetings and leave-takings from pictures by pointing,
drawing, circling, matching or using body language after a slow and clear oral
Task assessment
Students play the flyswatter game (Annex 1) to correct students´ work.
The teacher provides feedback and/or repair. Whole group assesses their
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
R.1. Participates in
choral reading to
identify greetings and
R.1.Participates in choral
reading (clapping and
chanting) in response to
the rhyme and rhythm of
a predictable patterned
song or picture story that
is read aloud. Can repeat
key words after the
Participation in choral Reading
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Students listen to the song, “Hello” as they watch the video at
Teacher can also create a short conversation using pictures of greetings and
leave-takings for students to read.
Students read chorally the song´s lyrics and/or a short conversation after the
teacher as they are written and/or projected on the board.
Students clap and chant the song and/or short conversation as it is read aloud
by the teacher.
Students perform the actions expressed in the song/ short conversation related
to greetings/ leave-takings and/or personal introductions as they are heard.
Task- completion
Learners read chorally short phrases and key words related to greetings, leave
takings and short personal introductions while listening to a song and/ or short
conversation using body language and after observing visual stimuli.
Example: Hello!, I am Anna. What´s your name.
Hello! My name is Mark.
Good- bye
Good. Bye
Task Assessment
Teacher asks individuals to say key words of the chant as he/she stops the
video or shows a picture.
Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
R.PA2. Identify the
initial phoneme of a
spoken word.
R.PA2. identify sounds
of letters /m/ /e/ of the
alphabet in order with a
concrete item or picture
representing the sound.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Teacher introduces sounds of nature to activate students ‘prior knowledge
(drops of rain, the ocean, a river, a bird).
Teacher shows pictures that express meanings with the target sounds.
Teacher models the initial sound of three words beginning with /m/ and /e/ and
shows the pictures.
Teacher exaggerates the sounds.
At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal
is to make the students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the
words when they are heard.
Teacher clarifies understanding by showing pictures of words with the two
sounds to see if they recognize the difference between them.
As a complement, learners can listen to the videos ¨Letter M Phonics Song by
Little Fox¨ and ¨Letter E Phonics Song¨ with sounds /m/ and /e/ with
exaggerated gestures and pictures associated with the sounds.
Task rehearsal
Learners hear, notice and repeat the sound /m/ and /e/ with words that contain
the sound at the beginning of the word.
Task completion
Learners sing and chant words and phrases that contain the target sound using
pictures and/or the video ¨Phonics Letter M song¨ and ¨Phonics Letter E
Students match each of the sounds with correct pictures while listening to the
teacher saying the sound and the word three times.
SI.2. Uses one or two
forms of greetings and
farewells (Hello, Good-
SI.2. use one or two
learned expressions of
greeting, farewell, and
politeness (e.g., hello,
good-bye, please, you
are welcome and thank
Task assessment
Learners identify the initial phoneme /m/ /e/ of familiar words by reacting with
body language after aural stimuli. When students listen to words beginning with
the sound /m/ they stand up and as they listen to a word beginning with sound
/e/ they sit down.
Learners recognize the sound heard /m/ /e/ by playing ¨Hot potato game¨
(Annex 2).
Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Oral Production
Pre-task: Interaction using greetings and leave-takings
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Students repeat words and sentence frames related to greetings and leave-
takings using pictures, puppets or a power-point presentation ( see
Students listen to the teacher while shows flashcards with greetings and leave-
Task rehearsal
Students use puppets to greet/say good-bye to each other.
Students sing the song, “Good morning”
( and greet their classmates.
Students role-play greetings and leave-takings using finger puppets or a toy.
Students use the appropriate greeting or leave taking with their partner as they
see the picture of the greeting or leave-taking shown by the teacher or another
Task assessment
Students role-play short conversations in pairs by using mini flashcards with
greetings, leave-takings.
The teacher provides feedback or repair. Whole group assesses their
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: 1
Level: First
Unit: 1
Week: 2
Domain: Socio-Interpersonal
Scenario: All about me
Theme: Introducing Myself
Enduring Understanding: Our names, the way we look, and the way we feel make us special.
Essential Question: What makes us special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Personal and Possessive pronouns I, my
I am Amanda.
My name is Juan.
Question/Answers with BE
What is your name? My…
How are you? Fine.
How old are you? 6
2.Introducing myself
My name is…
I am from… / 7 years old.
‘I live in…
Introducing myself
Discourse Markers
My name is …. and I live in Costa Rica.
Showing self-esteem, self-confidence
idioms/ phrases
See ya
Expressions of Politeness
Excuse me, pardon, thank you, you are
Nice to meet you.
Cardinal Numbers
Costa Rica, Nicaragua…
Phonemic Awareness
/s/ /a/ (sad, sound, are, am)
Strategies &
Evidences of
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
- Teacher greets students and introduces Essential Question and goals for
the day.
Warm up
Teacher uses the video, “Counting from 1 to 10“”
Activation of Prior Knowledge
L.3. Recognizes
simple questions,
which directly concern
them such as their
name and where they
are from.
L.3. understand simple
questions, which directly
concern them such as
their name and where
they are from.
Teacher uses video “My name ´s Gogo. What´s your name?”
Teacher uses the video and finger puppets to introduce vocabulary and sentence
Students participate in choral repetition and use body language.
Teacher asks questions to students to clarify the new meanings and phrases using
Oral Comprehension
Pre-task: Recognition of questions and basic personal information
Introduces the goal for the lesson and reviews words and sentence frames
using visual aids (power point) or/and puppets and video.
Task Rehearsal
Learners listen to the video ¨What's your name, Self-introduction Lesson¨,
Learners make pairs and practice in a rotating circle the vocabulary and the
sentence frames related to name and nationality.
Students play Learning names game ( See Annex 3)
Task Completion
Learners respond to personal information questions saying their name and
nationality as the teacher asks the questions to them by throwing a ball..
Task assessment
R.PA2. Identify the
initial phoneme of a
spoken word.
R.PA.2. identify sounds
of letters /s/ /a/ of the
alphabet in order with a
concrete item or picture
representing the sound.
Teacher provides feedback to students´ answer using puppets or realia.
Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Post Task
Students ask and answer questions related with name and nationality to each
other within a circle using a toy. As they pass the toy to the elbow partner, they
ask the question and the elbow partner answers and continues the chain.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Warm-up ”Numbers´ song” with clapping and chanting
Teacher introduces sounds of nature to activate students ‘prior knowledge (the
wind, a bird, a bell, an animal).
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words beginning
with /s/ and /a/. Teacher exaggerates the sounds. At this point, it is not
recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the
students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
To reinforce the sounds, teacher can show the videos ¨Letter S Phonics Song
by Little Fox¨ and ¨Letter A Phonics Song¨ with sounds /s/ and /a/ with
exaggerated gestures and pictures associated with the sounds.
Teacher asks questions to students for clarification of understandings.
Task rehearsal
Learners repeat the sound /s/ and /a/ with words that contain the sound at the
beginning of the word using flascards.
SI.1. Asks for
something when
pointing or gesturing
to support the request.
SI.1. ask for something
when pointing or
gesturing to support the
Learners sing and chant words and phrases that contain the target sound using
the video ¨Phonics Letter S song¨ and ¨Phonics Letter A song¨.
Task completion
Students match the target sounds with the correct picture while listening to the
teacher as she/he says the words three times.
Task assessment
Identifying the initial phoneme /s/ /a/of familiar words by circling the picture of the
word they hear that contains the sound heard.
Recognizing the sound heard /s/ /a/ by playing ¨Four corners game¨ (Annex 4).
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and as
teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the word heard.
Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Oral Production
Pre-task: Asking for basic information
Teacher shares goal with the students.
Teacher uses video to introduce basic forms of greetings in context
RW46LSz8ydMEXbOTEj9). Some short sections of this video can be used to
introduce personal information questions in context. ( see
Students listen to the video.
Students repeat the dialogue with the teacher.
Task rehearsal
Students clap and chant the conversations within a whole group with the teacher
Students interact in oral form with a partner using greetings and 2 information
questions in a rotating circle.
Students in pairs and with the teacher´s help, role play the situation of meeting
a new friend at the playground. They greet, introduce themselves and ask for
their friend´s name.
Task assessment
Self and peer assessment. Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Met Excelled
Teacher provides feedback by chanting the short conversations as a whole
Teacher works on repair if necessary.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: 1
Level: First
Unit: 1
Week: 3
Domain: Socio-Interpersonal
Scenario: All about me
Theme: The Way I Look and Feel
Enduring Understanding: Our names, the way we look, and the way we feel make us special.
Essential Question: What makes us special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Yes/No Questions
Are you a student? Yes
Are you in first grade? Yes
Are you tall? Yes/No (use appropriate)
(S-V-C) sentences
I am______ (name, age, country, physical
I feel _____ (happy/sad).
3.The way I look and I feel
Physical Appearance
short, tall, handsome, pretty
Identifying personal traits and feelings
Discourse Markers
I feel happy and you.
Showing self-awareness by describing self
idioms/ phrases
See you later alligator!
red, blue, green, yellow
Phonemic Awareness
/t/ /e/ (ten, tall,egg, elephant)
Strategies &
Evidences of
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
- Teacher greets students and introduces Essential Question and goals for
the day.
Warm up
Teacher uses the video, “Counting from 1 to 10
Activation of Prior Knowledge
Teacher activates students ‘prior knowledge about colors using the video, “The
Rainbow Colors Song”
Teacher uses puppets to introduce vocabulary and sentence frames.
Students participate in choral repetition.
L.2.Recognizes simple
personal information
(, age,
country of origin,
personal traits)
L.2. recognize often
spoken words similar to
the languages with which
they are familiar
Teacher asks questions to students to clarify the new meanings and phrases
using flashcards.
Oral Comprehension
Pre-task: Identification of personal information
Teacher introduces the goal of the lesson.
Teacher introduces to learners toys and puppets including name, age, country
of origin and personal traits. ( see
Teacher models and learners listen and repeat.
Teacher asks questions to learners about the characters to check
comprehension and understanding.
Task rehearsal
Students listen to people introducing themselves and identify each person by
pointing or circling.
Task completion
Students listen to personal information related to their classmates or imaginary
people and point to the person being described. (Example: She is tall. She is
seven years old. She´s from the Costa Rica. She is Lucia).
Task assessment
Students do a matching game with Learn Colors Preschool Chant Colors Song
for Preschool by ELF Learning ELF Kids Videos
Teacher provides feedback to students´ answer using puppets or realia.
Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
R.PA2. Identify the
initial phoneme of a
spoken word.
R.PA.2. identify sounds
of letters /t/ /e/ of the
alphabet in order with a
concrete item or picture
representing the sound.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Teachers uses brain gym as a warm-up activity.
Teacher activates students ‘prior knowledge by reviewing past lesson sounds
using pictures.
Teacher introduces the new sounds using the videos ¨Letter T Phonics Song
by Little Fox¨ and ¨Letter E Phonics Song¨ with sounds /t/ and /e/ with
exaggerated gestures and pictures associated with the sounds.
Teacher models the pronunciation of the sounds.
Teacher exaggerates the sounds.
At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on the pictures shown.
The goal is to make the students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds
of the words when they are heard.
Teacher asks questions to students using pictures to confirm understanding.
Task rehearsal
Learners repeat the sound /t/ and /e/ with three words that contain each of the
sounds in initial position.
Learners play hot potato. The learner who gets the pototo has to identify the
word in the picture and identify the initial sound.
Learners sing and chant words and phrases that contain the target sound using
flashcards. Task completion
Students match each sound with correct picture while listening to the teacher
saying the word and emphasizing the sound three times.
Task assessment
SP.1. Recognizes how
he/she or other person
is feeling using simple,
standard expressions.
SP.1. Express how I look
and feel using simple,
standard expressions.
Identifying the initial phoneme /t/ /e/of familiar words by listening and circling the
sound you hear.
Recognizing the sound heard by playing ¨Memory game¨ (Annex 5) going
with the sound heard /t/ /e/.
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and as
teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the word heard.
Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Oral Production
Responding to personal information, descriptions and feelings
Teacher shares goal with the learner.
Students repeat learned expressions by teacher modeling supported with
Students watch videos related with feelings and physical appearance. (see
Students listen and repeat using gestures.
Task rehearsal
Students practice in small groups expressing feelings using flashcards and
saying, today I feel… (happy/sad) or I am… (happy / sad) as a response to the
question: how do you feel today?
Students practice the lyrics of the ELS Song, She is Tall”, with the help of the
SI.3.Expresses a lack
of understanding.
SI.3. express a lack of
Task completion
Students draw themselves or take a selfie. They describe themselves using
two adjectives. One is for feelings and the other for physical appearance.
Learners describe their feelings and physical appearance to their partner using
a visual aid or gestures with short sentences.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students ‘performance to provide feedback or repair.
Self-assessment. Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Teacher shows pictures of two feelings for students to identify them. Teacher
includes two feelings students do not know and wait for their reaction….
Teacher explains that when this happens, students can say. “I don´t understand”.
Teacher shows a picture or draws on the wall the symbol /?/ and then repeat… I
don´t understand….
Students repeat after the teacher… I don´t understand…
Teacher says two questions related with feelings that students do not know for
them to answer, yes or no (example, Are you mad?, then, teacher says a new
one… wait… and say with the students … I don´t understand and shows the
symbol /?/.
Teacher introduces two questions like: Are you hungry? Yes/No, and Are you tall?
Yes/No. Students can answer… “what… I don´t understand
Task Rehearsal
Students practice with their partner the question drill and the answer, Yes/ No or I
don´t understand. They take turns.
W.1. Says words for
the teacher to write.
W.1. dictate words for
the teacher to write.
Task completion
Teacher distributes a ? to all students. When they do not understand a question
said by the teacher, they hold up the sign and say, “I do not understand.” They
perform asking questions in pairs and responding… I don´t understand.
Task assessment
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Pre-task: Expression of ideas through pre-writing
- Teacher shares goal with students.
- Teacher review greetings, leave-takings and sentence frames with students
using flashcards or a guessing game.
- Teacher shows students the way some vocabulary words are written in
Task rehearsal
- New elbow partners are formed.
- Elbow partners identify colors, numbers, feelings, and adjectives for physical
traits, then select two. They prepare to dictate to the Teacher.
Task completion
- Students dictate words using native language for the teacher to repeat and
write in English.
- Option: Play “I Spy” as a way to do dictation. Students say I spy something
(age, size, etc.) and other students guess who the person is. Teacher then
writes the two descriptive words on the board as all say aloud in English.
Task assessment
- Students draw three pictures related to themselves in their notebooks and
write the words following the model given by the teacher on the board.
Teacher observes students ‘performance to provide feedback or repair.
Self-assessment. Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: 1
Level: First
Unit: 1
Week: 4
Domain: Socio-Interpersonal
Scenario: All about me
Theme: Making New Friends
Enduring Understanding: Our names, the way we look, and the way we feel make us special.
Essential Question: What makes us special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Wh- questions in Simple Present
Where do you live?
Where are you from?
Clarifying Questions
Repeat, please.
4.Making new friends
Information questions
What´s your name? Where are you from?
Getting to know others
Discourse Markers
Amanda and Nicole are friends.
Stimulating creativity through the arts
(drawing, acting, body language)
idioms/ phrases
After a while crocodile!
How old are you?
Nice to meet you/too.
Phonemic Awareness
/l/ /a/ (love, live, am, ant)
Strategies &
Evidences of
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
L.1.Recognizes simple
personal information
(, age,
country of origin,
personal traits)
Learner can
L.1. Recognize simple
information such as
name, age, and perhaps
country of origin when
that information is given
slowly and clearly.
- Teacher greets students and introduces Essential Question and goals for
the day.
Warm up
Teacher uses the video, “Counting from 1 to 10“
Activation of Prior Knowledge
Teacher reviews with students simple information such as name, age,
country, greetings and leave-takings, vocabulary and sentence frames using
Teacher uses flashcards to model pronunciation of vocabulary.
Students participate in choral repetition to review vocabulary.
Oral Comprehension
Pre-task: Identification of personal information
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Students repeat words and sentence frames related to name, age, country
and personal traits using visual aids (power point) or puppets.
Task rehearsal
Students listen to short personal introductions using puppets, videos or
pictures and students identify main details in oral form by responding to
teacher´s questions (name, age, nationality).
Task completion
Students listen to short conversations of personal introductions and identify
people´s personal details by circling or matching pictures with numbers.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students ‘performance to provide feedback or repair.
Self-assessment. Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Post task
Students role-play short conversations and basic personal information
exchanges with the help of the teacher.
R.PA2. Identify the
initial phoneme of a
spoken word.
R.PA.2. identify sounds
of letters /l/ /a/ of the
alphabet in order with a
concrete item or picture
representing the sound.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.
Teacher uses brain gym as a warm-up activity.
Teacher activates students ‘prior knowledge by reviewing past lesson
sounds using pictures.
Learners listen to the videos ¨Letter L Phonics Song by Little Fox¨ and
Letter A Phonics Song with sounds /l/ and /a/ with exaggerated gestures
and pictures associated with the sounds.
Teacher introduces the new sounds using the videos “Letter A Phonics
Song by Little Fox¨ and “Letter l Phonics Song” with sounds /l/ and /a/
with exaggerated gestures and pictures associated with the sounds.
Teacher models the pronunciation of the sounds.
Teacher exaggerates the sounds.
At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on the pictures. The
goal is to make the students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds
of the words when they are heard.
Teacher asks questions to students using pictures to confirm
Task rehearsal
Learners repeat the sound /l/ and /a/ with words that contain the sound at the
beginning of the word.
Learners sing and chant words and phrases that contain the target sound
using the video ¨Phonics Letter L song¨ and ¨Phonics Letter A song¨.
Task completion
Students match sounds with correct picture while listening to the teacher
saying the word and emphasizing initial sounds three times.
Task assessment
Learners identify the initial phoneme /l /a/of familiar words by listening and
circling the sound they hear.
SI.4.Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions
about familiar things.
W.2. Represents an
event or character
from a picture story or
one main idea.
SI.4. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
questions about familiar
things and if the other
person speaks slowly
and clearly.
W.2. draw pictures of an
event or character from
a picture story or one
main idea.
Recognizing the sound heard by playing ¨Memory game¨ (Annex 5) going
with the sound heard /l/ /a/.
Oral Production
Pre-task: Responding to simple questions
Teacher shares goal with the learners.
Teachers uses the video: If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands
Students repeat key phrases like; where are you from? Where do you live?
and respond to the drill with the teacher´s help.
Task rehearsal
With study buddies, students repeat personal information questions in a
chain drill modeled by the teacher with slow and clear pronunciation in a
rotating circle.
Task completion
Students ask and answer personal information questions as they stand in
circle. Turns are taken by tossing a lightweight classroom object like an
eraser to the student who must ask the question and the entire circle
responds. Task assessment
Once activity begins, Teacher can note areas that need to be clarified or
corrected in his or her notes.
Teacher observes students ‘performance to provide feedback or repair.
Self-assessment. Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Pre-Task: Expression of ideas through pre-writing
Teacher shares the goal with the student.
Teacher describes two people in the form of a story.
Students listen to the story as they look at the pictures.
Task rehearsal
Teacher writes and students copy one or two words related to people´s
feelings and descriptions.
Task completion
Students create a drawing that represents one main idea from the story.
Teacher writes and students copy one or two words for describing people
and expressing feelings.
Task assessment
Students share their drawing as they exit the classroom.
Teacher observes students ‘performance to provide feedback or repair.
Self-assessment. Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Students plan and create collaborative a (poster, a mobile, magic box or mini-book) using cardboard or technology for introducing
oneself (age, birthday, and physical appearance and feelings).
Students rehearse and briefly describe her/his self-using the poster, a mobile, magic box or mini-book to their partners in a rotating
Students participate in individual or group assessment.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Unit 2 Scope and Sequence
Scenario: This is our Classroom
Enduring Understanding
The things in our classroom help make learning easier.
Essential Question
What makes our classroom special?
Assessment and Goals
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
1. Stand up! Sit
2. Things in my
3. My School Supplies
4. Where is my Pencil?
L.1. Recognizes simple
classroom instructions,
when expressed slowly
and clearly.
R.1. Identifies one or two-
step directions.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in
spoken word.
SI.2. Expresses a lack of
L.3.Recognizes spoken
words similar to the
native language.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in
spoken word.
S.P.1. Names some
common objects in
familiar environments
W.1. Says words for
teacher to write.
L.2. Identifies simple
information about an
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in spoken
SI.1. Asks what the object
W.2. Identifies one main
idea from an event or
character in a picture story.
R.2 Participates in choral
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in spoken
SI.3. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions.
Instruments for
Sticky notes
anecdotal note
Inside and outside
Week 6
Suggested Integrated Mini
L.1. understand simple
classroom instructions,
such as «Stand up,
please», «Come here»,
or «Close the door,
please» when expressed
slowly and clearly,
possibly with
accompanying gestures
and pictures.
R.1. follow one or two-
step directions
accompanied by
demonstrations to
complete classroom
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme /o/ in spoken
word if attached to a
SI.2. express a lack of
L.3. understand simple
information about an
object (for example, the
size and color of a
book, and where it is) if
the person speaks
slowly and clearly,
possibly with
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /g/,
/b/, / in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
S.P.1. name some
common objects in
familiar environments,
for example (e.g., It is a
ruler. It is a book.)
W.1. dictate words for
teacher to write.
L.2. recognize spoken
words similar to the
languages with which they
are familiar (e.g., class,
map, repeat).
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of / /n/, /h/ in
spoken word if attached to
a picture.
SI.1. ask what the object is
using learned expressions
of language by pointing to
W.2. draw pictures of an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
W.3. Classifies drawings or
pictures within a graphic
R.2. participate in choral
reading (clapping and
chanting) in response to
the rhyme and rhythm of a
predictably patterned song
or picture story that is read
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of / /r/ in spoken
word if attached to a
SI.3. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
questions about familiar
things if the other person
speaks slowly and clearly
W.3. organize drawings or
pictures within a graphic
organizer (sequence).
Mistery box,
Giving and following
Identifying classroom
Identifying school
Locating classroom
objects and people
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Grammar & Sentence
Imperative sentences
Stand up.
Sit down.
Look at me.
Grammar &Sentence
(S-V-C) sentences with
This is my
This is a table.
This is a book.
Adjectives (quantity/
size/color) with nouns
This table is brown.
The book is red.
The two desks are
Grammar & Sentence
Single word questions
Can I borrow your pen?
Singular personal
possessive pronoun
I, my
I love my classroom.
This is my classroom.
This is my book.
Grammar & Sentence
Prepositions of location
I see a book on the
The pencil is in the
The ruler is under the
Yes/No question using
verb “to be”
Is this a pen?
Is this a desk?
Is this my pen?
Phonemic Awareness
/o/ (object, office, on)
Phonemic Awareness
/g/ /b/ (glue, girl,
book, boy)
Phonemic Awareness
/n/ /h/ (nine, number,
house, hand)
Phonemic Awareness
/r/ (ruler, red)
1. Stand up! Sit down!
2. Things in my
3. My school supplies
4. Where is your pencil?
Classroom language:
Stand up, Sit down.
Open / close your
Listen, Repeat, Be
Quiet, Draw.
Teacher’s desk, desks,
tables, chairs, fan,
whiteboard, lights, door,
windows, marker,
eraser, plants.
brown, black, blue,
green, red, yellow,
soft, hard, big, small
notebook, pen, pencil,
color pencils, ruler,
glue, scissors, eraser,
book, backpack
Cardinal numbers:
in, on, under
Showing self-respect
idioms/ phrases
Sharing personal
Study buddies
Showing respect
for classmates’,
teacher’s and
other´s belongings
Taking turns when
working in groups
Elbow partners
shows willingness to
work cooperatively
Taking turns when
working in groups
Classroom helper
shows willingness to
work cooperatively
Asking for permission
to leave the room
Unit 2 This is our Classroom
Term: I
Level: First Grade
Unit: 2
Week: 1
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: This is our Classroom
Theme: Stand up! Sit Down!
Enduring Understanding: The things in our classroom help make learning easier.
Essential Question: What makes our classroom special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Imperative sentences
Stand up.
Sit down.
Look at me.
Classroom language:
Stand up, Sit down.
Open / close your book.
Listen, Repeat, Be Quiet, Draw.
Phonemic Awareness
Giving and following directions
Discourse Markers
Showing self-respect
Sharing personal belongings
Idioms/ phrases
Study buddies
/o/ (object, office, on)
Assessment Strategies &
Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
L.1. Recognizes simple
classroom instructions,
Learner can
L.1. understand
simple classroom
instructions, such as
«Stand up, please»,
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by saying Hello! To the
whole class. Teacher shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Dancing video that teaches Stand Up, Turn Around, and Sit Down.
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by showing picture of troll and bridge and
demonstrating actions with the video.
Introduces classroom instructions with physical actions/ video/flashcards or
drawings. Modeling
Models and repeats as needed.
when expressed slowly
and clearly.
R.1. Identifies one or two-
step directions.
«Come here», or
«Close the door,
please» when
expressed slowly
and clearly, possibly
with accompanying
gestures and
R.1. follow one or
two-step directions
accompanied by
demonstrations to
complete classroom
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied with gestures without
using video.
Oral Comprehension (Listening)
Pre-task: Recognition of classroom instructions
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
classroom instructions after modeling by the teacher who uses actions,
symbols and flashcards to make meaning clear.
Task rehearsal
Teacher introduces “study buddies” and pairs students together to practice
repeating instructions using flashcards. Students respond physically by
pointing to correct card when Teacher says the instruction aloud.
Task completion
Students perform classroom instructions as they are heard using body
Task assessment
Teacher provides feedback to students using the flashcards again and
reinforces classroom instructions if need it.
Students assess as a group their performance in achieving the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Written Comprehension ( Reading)
Pre-Task: Identification of classroom routines from a combination of print and
visual stimuli.
Teacher shares the reading goal with learners and presents the classroom
routines and commands (adding any that are relevant to the specific classroom
as signs or projections on the board.
Students read aloud a classroom command after the teacher, which is supported
by a picture, or drawing.
o Stand up.
o Sit down.
o Open your book. <>
o Close your book. II
o Listen.
o Repeat. 
o Be Quiet.
o Draw.
o Look at me.
Task rehearsal
Teacher shows a bag that includes written instructions with symbols printed on
strips of paper.
Students play the following game and recognize the meaning of classroom
commands in print when a picture accompanies them.
Game: I am the teacher and you are the student.
The teacher begins by modeling -- selecting a strip of paper, selecting a
student, then reading the instruction. That student then carries out the activity.
If the student does the instruction correctly, he becomes the teacher and
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in spoken
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of
/o/ in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
selects another student, selects an instruction, and says it aloud. If the student
does not know the answer, the “teacher” must move to another student.
Task completion
Students participate in choral reading of classroom instructions following the
printed signs pasted on the board or shown by the teacher and using body
language to show understanding of meanings.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students participation and responses to assess their
achievement of the goal.
Teachers reads the signs chorally with the students again using body language
and pictures to reinforce the meanings.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Teacher works on repair if necessary.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background knowledge.
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words beginning
with /Ɔ/, on, office, open. Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is
not recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the
students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
SI.2. Expresses a lack of
SI.2. express a lack
of understanding.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below. Teacher can also
use the sentence: I open the door of my office and see what is on the desk.
-Teacher asks questions to students for clarification of understandings.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the teacher.
Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s help.
Students practice the chant with their study buddy, as shown below:
o I open the door (mime opening a door)
o Of my office (sit down and touch desk)
o And see what is on my desk. (mime patting the top of the desk)
Task Completion
Students stand up as they listen to a word beginning with the sound /Ɔ/.
The teacher can use the chant above for students identifying the target
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and as
teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the word heard.
Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Post- task
Teacher shows the picture of either, open door, the office or on the desk and
students say the correct word, pronouncing it correctly.
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Teacher repeats classroom instructions for students to follow.
Teacher says one instruction that students don´t know and wait for their reaction….
Teacher explains that when this happens, students can say. “I don´t understand”.
Teacher shows a picture or draws on the wall the symbol /?/ and then repeat… I
don´t understand….
Students repeat after the teacher… I don´t understand…
Teacher says two instructions students know for them to perform, then, teacher
says a new one… wait… and say with the students … I don´t understand and
shows the symbol /?/.
Task Rehearsal
Students practice with their study buddy classroom instructions. One student says an
instruction, and the study buddy says … I don´t understand … and they take turns.
Task completion
Teacher distributes a ? to all students. When they do not understand an instruction
said by the teacher, they hold up the sign and say, “I do not understand.” They
perform giving classroom instructions in pairs and responding… I don´t understand.
Task assessment
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: I
Level: First Grade
Unit: 2
Week: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: This is our Classroom
Theme: Things in My Classroom
Enduring Understanding: The things in our classroom help make learning easier.
Essential Question: What makes our classroom special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
(S-V-C) sentences with BE
* This is my classroom.
* This is a table.
* This is a book.
Adjectives (quantity/ size/color) with nouns
* This table is brown.
* The book is red.
* The two desks are small.
Teacher’s desk, desks, tables, chairs, fan,
whiteboard, lights, door, windows, marker,
Identifying classroom objects
Discourse Markers
Showing respect for classmates’,
teacher’s and other´s belongings
Taking turns when working in groups
Elbow partners
eraser, plants.
Adjectives: * brown, black, blue, green, red,
yellow, orange, soft, hard, big, small
Phonemic Awareness
/g/ /b/ (glue, girl, book, boy)
Assessment Strategies &
Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
- Teacher greets the students, checking attendance by saying Hello/ Good
morning and name of students. Teacher shows Essential Question and
goals for the day. Warm up
- Teacher sings the song with students, what is this?. Look at the song in
- Teacher uses all three sets of flashcards from http://esl- You can also look at this classroom
items chant:
Activation of prior knowledge
- Teacher activates students´ prior knowledge by saying: This is ______ and
waits before saying the vocabulary word. Introduce no more than seven
words for classroom objects.
- Teacher models and students repeat the new sentence frames and words.
L.3.Recognizes spoken
words similar to the
native language.
L.3. understand
simple information
about an object (for
example, the size
and color of a book,
and where it is) if
the person speaks
slowly and clearly,
possibly with
- Teacher clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Oral Comprehension
Pre- task: Identification of classroom objects
- Teacher shares the goal.
- Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
classroom objects after modeling by the teacher.
- Teacher introduces four colors and 2 sizes using flashcards with words printed
on them.
- Teacher models: This is a desk. The desk is green and small.
- Students repeat chorally.
- Teacher ends with This is an elbow partner and explains that the person sitting
next to the student becomes his elbow partner for the next activity.
Task rehearsal
- Teacher distributes a set of the flashcards or a worksheet made by making the
classroom items smaller to fit on one page.
- Students color five classroom items following teacher´s instructions like…color
the pencil blue.
- Students listen to teacher´s description of classroom objects or audio
recordings and circle the school item being described. For example, the blue
pencil is on the desk.
Task completion
- Students are given a worksheet with four classroom object with two different
- Students have to number each of the school items using numbers from 1 to 4
as they listen to the teacher´s description or the audio recording.
S.P.1. Names some
common objects in
familiar environments
S.P.1. name some
common objects in
environments, for
example (e.g., It is
a ruler. It is a book.)
Task assessment
- Teacher checks students ‘answers for feedback on the board.
- Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Met Excelled
- Teacher checks assessment to analyze if repair is needed.
Oral and Written Production
Pre-Task: Identification of classroom objects
- Teacher shares goal with learners.
- Students repeat a key word right after it is modeled (e.g., ruler, book) with
slow and clear pronunciation.
Task rehearsal
- Teacher writes colors and sizes on the board as a word bank and the phrase…
this is….
- Elbow partners practice This is ________ using a descriptor. (This is an
eraser. The eraser is small.)
Task completion
- Students identify classroom objects from pictures by playing a guessing
Two teams are formed as elbow partners are now split up. The two teams compete for
points. Points are obtained as Teacher shows an object without words printed on the
W.1. Says words for
teacher to write.
W.1. dictate words
for teacher to write.
flashcard and the member of the first team addressed must say This is _____. If the
response is only the object, the team receives one point. If the response is the object
and a description, (This is a book. The book is red or the book is small.) The team
receives two points.
- Another possibility is to form a circle. Each student chooses a favorite
classroom object. Each student has to say … this is a… and the ____ is ___
color or size.
Task assessment
- Teacher shows classroom objects for students to name them using complete
sentences like: this is a… or it is a (n)…
- Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Pre-task: Expression of ideas through pre-writing
- Teacher shares goal with students.
- Teacher review classroom vocabulary and sentence frames with students
using flashcards or a guessing game.
- Teacher shows students the way some vocabulary words are written in
Task rehearsal
- New elbow partners are formed as students come from the previous game.
- Elbow partners identify classroom objects they see in the classroom and select
two. They prepare to dictate to the Teacher.
Task completion
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in
spoken word.
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of
/g/, /b/ in spoken
word if attached to
a picture.
- Students dictate words using native language for the teacher to repeat and
write in English.
- Option: Play “I Spy” as a way to do dictation. Students say I spy something
(color, size, etc.) and other students guess what the object is. Teacher then
writes the object on the board as all say aloud in English.
Task assessment
- Students draw three classroom objects in their notebooks and write the words
following the model given by the teacher on the board.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
- Teacher shares the goal with the learners.
- Teacher activates students background knowledge by reviewing past week
- Teacher introduces the sounds using videos like this:
- Teacher models for repetition suggested sounds and shows items in pictures
that contains the phoneme in initial position. /g/ / b/
o Girl
o Glue
o Gum
o Book
o Boy
o Bell
Teacher asks questions to students for clarification of understanding.
Task rehearsal
- Elbow partners repeat each letter sound right after the teacher and point to
where the object is as they heard the word and the sound in initial position.
- Elbow partners stand up or sit down as they listen to the sound of words
beginning with /g/ and sit down when they hear words beginning with the
sound /b/
Task completion
- Elbow partners match sounds with pictures as they listen to the chant
o This is a /g. g/ girl.
o This is the / g. g. g/ glue.
o This is the gum.
o This is the / b, b, b / boy.
o This is the book.
o This is the bell.
Task assessment
- Students say the word as teacher shows the pictures.
- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation.
- Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: I
Level: First Grade
Unit: 2
Week: 3
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: This is our Classroom
Theme: My School Supplies
Enduring Understanding: The things in our classroom help make learning easier.
Essential Question: What makes our classroom special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Single word questions
Can I borrow your pen?
Singular personal possessive pronoun
I, my
I love my classroom.
This is my classroom.
This is my book.
Identifying school supplies
Discourse Markers
shows willingness to work cooperatively
Taking turns when working in groups
Classroom helper
My school supplies
notebook, pen, pencil, color pencils, ruler,
glue, scissors, eraser, book, backpack
Cardinal numbers:
Phonemic Awareness
/n/ /h/ (nine, number, house, hand)
Assessment Strategies &
Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
Teacher greets the students, checking attendance by saying Hello, Good
morning/ afternoon and how are you today? To whole group and some of the
Teacher shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Teacher sings the song in
as using body movements.
Activation of prior knowledge
Teacher uses the video to
activate students’ background knowledge.
Teacher introduces and reviews key vocabulary and sentence frames using
realia of the objects mentioned in the video.
L.2. Identifies simple
information about an
L.2. recognize
spoken words similar
to the languages
with which they are
familiar (e.g., class,
map, repeat).
Teacher models and students repeat.
Teacher clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition as realia is shown.
Oral and Written Comprehension
Pre- task: Identification of classroom objects
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
classroom objects after modeling by the teacher who uses realia to illustrate
the objects.
Task rehearsal
Students listen to classroom objects` descriptions and identify them by showing
them to the teacher. For example, I cut with the scissors.
Task completion
Students identify classroom objects by finding the objects in the classroom as
part of the game (see below).
The teacher describes the object… It is red, it is small. I write on it.
The students find out what object it is and show it to the teacher.
Task assessment
Teachers place a mark by the student’s name or a post-it note on their desk
when they successfully identify the classroom object.
Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in spoken
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of
/n/, /h/ in spoken
word if attached to a
Post task
Students work with elbow partners to practice This is ______. The _____ is
_______. (This is a stapler. The stapler is black.)
Game: Stand up and Find
Teacher calls on a student and ask them to find a certain object in the classroom.
Once the student has found the object, the students says This is _______. The
________ is ______. The student then calls on another student and asks them
to find another object.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares the goal with the learners.
Teacher activates students background knowledge by reviewing past week
sounds. Warm-up
Teacher shows a video for letter /n/ as.
/, and letter /h/, Here, you can choose and
edit the video to make it shorter.
Teacher introduces and models suggested sounds of /n/, /h/ with a concrete
item or picture representing the word that contains the phoneme in initial position.
/n/ -- nine, number, next
/h/ -- house, hand, hard
Students repeat sounds and words as teacher shows the pictures.
Teacher asks questions for clarification.
Task rehearsal
Repeating each letter sound right after the teacher.
Identifying the pictures that contain sound /n/ at the beginning of the word.
Identifying the pictures that contain sound /h/ at the beginning of the word.
Task completion
Matching sounds with initial letter sound using pictures.
Nine 9
Number 1,2,3,4,5 /h/
House /n/
Task assessment
Students stand up as they listen to words with sound /h/ and sit down when
they listen words with sound /n/
Teacher checks students’ pronunciation when chanting.
o Nine is a number and the next one is ten.
o A house is hard to build by hand.
Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Oral and Written Production
Pre-task: Asking yes/ no questions about classroom objects
Teacher shares goal with the learner.
SI.1. Asks what the object
SI.1. ask what the
object is using
learned expressions
of language by
pointing to it.
Students repeat expressions right after they are modeled (e.g., Is this a pencil?
Repeat, please?).
Task rehearsal
Students stand in a circle and participate in short drillings of yes/no questions.
Teacher shares a bag of objects with one student in the circle and after the
student draws an item from the bag (could be strip of paper or picture of larger
items), Teacher models, book? And student answers. Yes/No. It can become
more complex or risky for students like this. Teacher asks. Is this a ______?
and student responds Yes/No.. Student then does the same with another
student who draws a different item. Students can play hot potato.
Task completion
All items in the bag are put on a table or floor. Teacher models asking for an
object by pointing and raising inflection as a question, Is this an eraser? The
student answers, yes or no. This can be done easier depending on the group. It
can be … glue? And the student answers… Yes/No.
Study bodies put their schools items on the table and practice… Is this a Book?
The partner answers… Yes/No.
Task assessment
Teacher observes above and notes those who can ask the question and
answer it.
PAIR assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Pre-Task: Expression of ideas through pre-writing
Teacher shares the goal with the student.
Teacher describes the following picture in simple form as a story.
Students listen to the story as they look at this picture.
W.2. Identifies one main
idea from an event or
character in a picture story.
W.2. draw pictures of
an event or character
from a picture story
or one main idea.
Task rehearsal
Teacher writes and students copy one or two words identifying classroom
objects in the classroom picture.
Task completion
Students create a drawing that represents one main idea from the story.
Teacher writes and students copy one or two words identifying classroom
objects in the drawing.
Task assessment
Students share their drawing as they exit the classroom.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: I
Level: First Grade
Unit: 2
Week: 4
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: This is our Classroom
Theme: Where is my Pencil?
Enduring Understanding: The things in our classroom help make learning easier.
Essential Question: What makes our classroom special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Prepositions of location
I see a book on the table.
The pencil is in the desk.
The ruler is under the chair.
Yes/No question using verb “to be”
Is this a pen?
Is this a desk?
Is this my pen?
in, on, under
Locating classroom objects and people
Discourse Markers
shows willingness to work cooperatively
Asking for permission to leave the room
Phonemic Awareness
/r/ (ruler, red)
Assessment Strategies &
Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
Teacher greets the students, checking attendance by saying Hello, Good
morning/ afternoon and how are you today? To whole group and some of
the students.
Teacher shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Teacher does brain gym.
Uses “Where is my
pencil/music book?” Models dialogue as an opportunity for role-play.
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge after first viewing and ask what else could they
look for in a classroom.
Introduces the role play by having students attempt to play the parts in the
video. Modeling
Models and repeats the video and role play several times.
Clarify vocabulary and expression.
R.2 Participates in choral
R.2. participate in
choral reading
(clapping and
chanting) in
response to the
rhyme and rhythm of
a predictably
patterned song or
picture story that is
read aloud.
Oral and Written Comprehension
Pre- task: Participation in choral reading
Teacher models clapping and chanting the following.
Where is…?
Teacher can write the lyrics on the board or use a projector.
Task rehearsal
Students practice the chant within a whole group with teacher modeling.
Task completion
The class is divided in two groups. Students in one group chant the
question and the other half of the class answer the question using
prepositions of location.
Students see the video without the sound as a resource to do the whole
class choral reading.
Students point to the objects to show understanding of meanings.
Task assessment
Teacher asks individuals to point to objects as he/she says them aloud.
Whole group assesses achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Oral and Written Production
Pre-task: Responding to simple questions
Teacher shares goal with the learners.
SI.3. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions.
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of /r/ in spoken
word if attached to a
SI.3. understand and
respond in a
predictable pattern
to simple questions
about familiar things
if the other person
speaks slowly and
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme /r/ in
spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Students repeat a key word (pencil, book, notebook, and desk) in the
model question: Is this a _____? Is this a (same word) on my desk/in the
room/under the chair? Teacher nods yes when it is and shakes head no
when it is not. (Objects will need to be placed around the room in obvious
positions and on items students already know as vocabulary.)
Task rehearsal
With study buddies, students repeat yes/no questions related to classroom
objects modeled by the teacher with slow clear pronunciation.
Task completion
Students ask and answer questions about classroom objects as they stand
in circle. Turns are taken by tossing a light weight classroom object like an
eraser to the student who must ask the question and the entire circle
Task assessment
Once activity begins, Teacher can note areas that need to be clarified or
corrected in his or her notes.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares the goal with the learners.
Teacher activates students background knowledge by reviewing past week
Teacher introduces and models suggested sounds with a concrete item or
picture representing the word that contains the phoneme in initial position.
o /r/ - red, read, ruler
Students listen to the song for sound and letter /r/. look at
Students repeat the words and sounds after the teacher.
Teacher asks questions for clarification.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound right after the teacher and repeat the
following sentences:
o I read a book.
o I read a red book.
o I use a red ruler.
Task completion
Students match sound /r/ in initial position of words with pictures that
contain that word.
Task assessment
Teacher checks students’ answers to the task for providing feedback or repair.
Teacher models the pronunciation of the words to the students and they repeat
for a second time.
W.3. Classifies drawings or
pictures within a graphic
W.3. organize
drawings or pictures
within a graphic
Oral and Written Production
Pre-task: Expression of ideas through pre-writing
Teacher shares the goal with the learners.
Teacher reviews classroom objects with learners using the following story.
o This is my classroom.
o My classroom has a ______, _____, and _____ in it.
o This is my backpack.
o I have a _____, _____, and ______ in my backpack.
o I love my classroom!
Task Rehearsal
Students complete the blanks of the story using drawings.
Task completion
Students order pictures of classroom items by category in a graphic
organizer with step-by-step teacher modeling. The graphic organizer can be
a T-chart with Classroom and Backpack as the two columns. Items must be
listed in order. Or the organizer can be placing the flashcards in the correct
Task assessment
Students report on completed pair work using
3 pencils = Excellent, no errors
2 pencils = Good, 1-2 errors
1 pencil = We need to keep trying.
Integrated Mini-Project
Students plan and create collaboratively a (mystery box, poster, Pictionary) with classroom objects and school items.
Students rehearse and briefly describe classroom items and routines to the class using the (poster, mystery box, Pictionary).
Students participate in individual and group assessment.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Unit 3 Scope and Sequence
Scenario: We all are different
Enduring Understanding
Families come in all shapes and sizes with different likes and dislikes. All families are special.
Essential Question
What makes families special?
Assessment and Goals
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
1.Meet my Family
2.What my Family Looks
5. Different Things my
Family Likes to Do
6. I Like…
L.1. Identifies
nuclear family
members from aural stimuli
when it is
spoken slowly and
R.1. Participates in
choral reading to
identify family
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final
phoneme of a
spoken word.
SI.2. Expresses a
lack of understanding.
L.2. Recognizes simple
information about family
members if the person
speaks slowly and clearly.
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final
phoneme of a
spoken word.
SI.1. Responds in a
predictable pattern
to simple questions.
SP.1. Recognizes
how he/she or other
person is feeling
using simple,
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final
phoneme of a
spoken word.
SP.2. Recognizes basic
family activities using
expressions like “My father
likes cooking”.
W.1. Represents an
event or character
from a picture story
or one main idea.
W.2. Organizes
drawings or pictures
within a graphic
L.3. Recognizes
words, names, and
numbers when
heard in a short,
simple recording
delivered at a slow
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final
phoneme of a
spoken word.
SP.2. Recognizes basic
family activities using
expressions like “I like ice
cream and popcorn”.
W.3. Says words for
the teacher to write.
Instruments for
Sticky notes and
anecdotal note cards
Self-assessment rubrics
Week 6
Suggested Integrated Mini
1. Family Alphabet Book or
family- mini-book Album
L.1. Recognize the words
for people around them
(e.g. father, mother, brother,
sister, baby).
R.PA2. identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken word
if these words have been
previously encountered and
they are attached to a
SI.2. express a lack of
W.1. draw pictures of an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
L.2. Understand simple
information about a
person (for example,
appearance and feelings)
if the person speaks slowly
and clearly, possibly with
accompanying gestures.
R.PA2. identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
word if these words have
been previously
encountered and they are
attached to a picture.
SI.1. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
SP.1. recognizes how
he/she or other person is
feeling using simple,
standard expressions.
(Happy, sad, mad)
R.1. participate in choral
reading (clapping and
chanting) in response to the
rhyme and rhythm of a
predictably patterned song or
picture story that is read
R.PA2. identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken word if
these words have been
previously encountered and
they are attached to a
SP.2. recognizes basic family
activities using expressions
like “My father likes running”.
W.2. organize drawings or
pictures within a graphic
organizer (sequence or Venn
L.3. understand words,
names, and numbers
previously learned when
heard in a short,
simple recording delivered at
a slow pace.
R.PA2. identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken word if
these words have been
previously encountered and
they are attached to a
SP.2. recognizes basic family
activities using expressions
like “I like ice cream and my
mother likes popcorn”.
W.3. dictate words for
teacher to write.
Identifying family
nuclear family
physical traits
Naming hobbies
and activities
practiced with
the family
Talking about
likes and dislikes
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Grammar & Sentence
(S-V-C) Sentences
Grammar &Sentence
Singular personal
Grammar & Sentence
Simple present tense
Grammar & Sentence
Simple present tense
with verb (to be)
This/she is my
This/he is my
possessive Pronoun
My mother is tall
Yes-no question
using verb “to be”
Is your mom tall?
Is your family big?
Is David your
father? Yes
I have _____ (two
sisters and a brother).
regular verbs
My family watches
regular verbs
I like ice cream.
Phonemic Awareness
/d/ /i/ (dad, dog, iguana,
Phonemic Awareness
/p/ /u/ (Pop, party,
uniform, United States)
Phonemic Awareness
/f/ /i/ (father, family, ice,
ice cream, island)
Phonemic Awareness
/c/ /u/ (car, cake,
umbrella, uncle)
1. Meet my family
Family members:
Father, mother, sister,
2. What my family looks
Personal Descriptions and
Tall, short, little,
pretty, happy, sad
Cardinal numbers: 1-10
3. Different things my family
likes to do
Action Verbs:
Plays, eats, watches,
talks, likes, cooks,
4. I like…
Video games
Playing with my family
and friends
Reading a book
others in my
idioms/ phrases
family members
senior citizens
and gender
- Helping others
at home
Motivating good
and self esteem
Using positive
Motivating good
and self esteem
Using positive
in celebrations
and family
(Mother’s day,
Father's day,
family birthday
leisure activities)
Little brother
Big brother
and affectionate
familiar address
forms (dear,
Like father like
and affectionate
familiar address
forms (dear,
Like father like
Unit 3 We are all different
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 3
Week: 1
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: We are all different
Theme: Meet my family
Enduring Understanding: Families come in all shapes and sizes with different likes and dislikes. All families are special.
Essential Question: What makes families special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
How are you? I am fine. (verb to be)
(S-V-C) Sentences with verb (to be)
This/she is my mother/sister.
This/he is my father/brother.
Meet my family
Family members: Father, mother, sister, brother
Phonemic Awareness
d/ /i/ (dad, dog, dinosaur) ( iguana, Indian, igloo)
Identifying family members
Discourse Markers
Respecting others in my family
Introducing family members in
celebrations and family reunions
(Mother’s day, Father's day, family
birthday celebrations, leisure activities)
Mommy, mom
Daddy, dad
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
L.1. Identifies nuclear
family members from
aural stimuli when it is
spoken slowly and
Learner can
L.1. Recognize the
words for people
around them (e.g.
father, mother, brother,
sister, baby).
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by asking
students to respond to their name with the word “family.” Teacher
shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Warm up
Uses a family song as a warm-up.
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by asking question
o Do you have a mother? a father? a brother? a sister? a baby?
Introduces key vocabulary and sentence frames by using a power
point presentation, visual aids, or puppets
Models vocabulary and sentence frames through choral repetition,
body language and flashcards
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions using questions and flashcards.
3 minutes
Oral Comprehension (Listening)
Pre-task: Recognition of family members
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
family to make meaning clear.
Task rehearsal
Teacher shows picture and students guess who some of the people in
the picture might be using vocabulary. Teacher shares the rhyme
below while placing word strips for family members near the matching
person in the picture. (If students are prepared to go beyond
immediate family members, story can be adjusted to include those in a
second verse.) Students listen the first time.
Hooray! Hooray! Today is a holiday!
Today my family cooks and plays.
There is my mom. There is my dad.
My big brother helps and no one is mad.
I like to watch with my uncle at the door.
My little sister plays with things on the floor.
So many people in my family.
There is no other place I want to be.
W.1. Represents an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
SI.1. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions.
W.1. draw pictures of an
event or character from
a picture story or one
main idea.
SI.1. understand and
respond in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions.
Task completion
When the Teacher reads the rhyming story the second time, the
students clap each time they hear the word family or a member of the
Task assessment
Teacher listens, assesses and repairs by pointing at different people in
the picture and students saying who they are.
Students assess themselves by standing if they know all the words for
family or raising their hands if they know some.
Written and Spoken Production (writing to speak)
Pre-task: Explaining a picture and answering questions
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Students draw a similar holiday picture of their family.
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final phoneme
of a spoken word.
R.PA2. identify the
initial phoneme of a
spoken word if these
words have been
previously encountered
and they are attached
to a picture.
Task rehearsal
When students finish drawing their pictures, Teacher introduces
gapped sentences: This is my ______.
Teacher models for students pointing to pictures and asking Who is
Task completion
In pairs, students ask and answer Who is this? as they share who is in
their pictures.
Task assessment
Teacher walks around room as pairs are asking and responding and
notes where repairs or clarifications are needed.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words
beginning with d/ (dad, dog, dinosaur) and /i/ (iguana, Indian, igloo).
Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is not recommended
to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the students
hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below.
Teacher can also use fun sentences such as:
The words dinosaur, dog and dad begin with the letter d.
These three words are fun but only two are family.
An iguana likes it hot.
An igloo is for the cold.
An Indian is has many stories
Because his family is very old.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
Students practice the sentences.
Task Completion
Students listen as Teacher says list of vocabulary words and stand
when they hear one of the words starting with d or I. When they stand,
Teacher calls on individuals to say the word aloud.
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the pictures on the board and as
teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the word
heard. Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 3
Week: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: We all are different
Theme: What my family looks like
Enduring Understanding: Families come in all shapes and sizes with different likes and dislikes. All families are special.
Essential Question: What makes families special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Singular personal possessive pronoun
My mother is tall
Yes-no question using verb “to be”
Is your mom tall?
Is your family big?
Is David your father? Yes
I have _____ (two sisters and a brother).
What my family looks like
Personal Descriptions and feelings:
Tall, short, little, handsome,
pretty, happy, sad
Cardinal numbers: 1-10
Phonemic Awareness
/p/ /u/ (Pop, party, uniform, United States)
- Identifying nuclear family members`
physical traits
Discourse Markers
- Respecting senior citizens and gender roles
- Helping others
at home
Little brother/sister
Big brother/sister
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
L.2. Recognizes simple
information about family
members if the person
speaks slowly and clearly.
SI.1. Responds in a
predictable pattern
to simple questions.
SP.1. Recognizes
how he/she or other
Learner can…
L.2. Understand simple
information about a
person (for example,
appearance and feelings)
if the person speaks
slowly and clearly,
possibly with
accompanying gestures.
SI.1. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
SP.1. recognizes how
he/she or other person is
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by saying the full
name of each student and pointing out “__________ is your family
name.” Teacher shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Warm up
Uses one of the following videos about family:
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by having students stand or raise their hand
as they hear a family member on the video that they know.
Introduces new vocabulary for describing family members by
illustrating with photos of his/her own family or using students dressed
in outfits that would match their role (hat for father, purse for mother,
toy for baby sister, etc.)
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied with gestures
Oral Comprehension & Production
Pre-task: Answering questions about family members
3 minutes
person is feeling
using simple,
standard expressions.
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final
phoneme of a
spoken word.
feeling using simple,
standard expressions.
(Happy, sad, mad)
R.PA2. identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
word if these words have
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Teacher reviews the numbers 1-10 by showing pictures of families
(searching images for families on the Internet or using pictures of
families he/she knows) and asking students to count the family
Teacher shares videos using adjectives such as one of these:
o This video is good but too long for first graders. Select a
portion that includes seven or less adjectives.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
family members, numbers and descriptions after modeling by the
teacher who uses actions, symbols and flashcards to make meaning
Task rehearsal
Teacher uses the various costumes used earlier to create a family in
front of the class. He/she then asks questions using the descriptions
chosen from the videos or introduced via flashcards. For instance,
1. This is my mother. Is my mother short? Is my mother pretty?
2. This is my father. Is my father tall? Is my father handsome?
3. This is my brother. Is my brother young?
4. This is my sister Is my sister old?
5. This is my family. Is my family big? Is my family happy?
6. This is my little sister. Is my little sister old?
Students respond chorally to each of the questions.
Task completion
Students take turns answering questions by rolling a dice and the
number that appears is the number of the question the Teacher will
previously encountered
and they are attached to
a picture.
Task assessment
Teacher draws a happy face and a sad face on the board. Teacher
asks Are you happy or sad about your English today? Students say I
am happy or I am sad and point at the correct face.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows realia and models the initial sound of words beginning
with /p/ (pop, party) and /u/ (uniform, United States). Realia could be:
o Pop balloon, firecracker, toy that makes a popping sound
o Party party hat
o Uniform school uniform
o United States map of U.S.
Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is not recommended
to print the words. The goal is to make the students hear, notice and
distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the realia. Teacher can also
using sentences such as:
o Peter, please don’t forget to pop the popcorn for the party!
o He lives in the United States and wears a uniform to work.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
Task Completion
Students stand in a circle. The teacher begins by tossing a ball to one
of the students and saying either /p/ or /u/. When the student catches
the ball, they must say a word that begins with that sound. Then the
student throws the ball to another student and says a sound.
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher shows the realia and as teachers says the
words, the students point to object that is the word they heard. Whole
group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 3
Week: 3
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: We all are different
Theme: Different things families like to do
Enduring Understanding: Families come in all shapes and sizes with different likes and dislikes. All families are special.
Essential Question: What makes families special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Simple present tense regular verbs
My family watches TV.
Different things my family likes to do
Action Verbs:
Plays, eats, watches, talks, likes, cooks,
Phonemic Awareness
/f/ /i/ (father, family, ice, ice cream, island)
Naming hobbies and activities practiced
with the family
Discourse Markers
Motivating good communication,
collaboration, and self esteem
Using positive and affectionate expression
familiar address forms (dear, darling)
- Like father like son
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
Learner can…
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by asking each
student to answer with how many people are in their family. Teacher
shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
3 minutes
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final
phoneme of a
spoken word.
R.PA2. identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
word if these words have
previously encountered
and they are attached to
a picture.
Warm up
Uses videos like the ones below which show families doing things
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by miming the action verbs in the vocabulary
and asking students to repeat the actions.
Introduces sentence frame My family ________ and asks students to
stand if it is true of their family.
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied with gestures.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words
beginning with /f/ and /i/ (finger, father, family, ice, ice cream, island).
Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is not recommended
to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the students
hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below. Teacher
can also use the sentences below with actions:
o (Show thumb) This is the father of the finger family.
o (Wipe brow and then shiver) After a hot day on an island in the
sun, I want ice and ice cream when I am done.
SP.2. Recognizes basic
family activities using
expressions like “My father
likes cooking”.
SP.2. recognizes basic
family activities using
expressions like “My
father likes running”.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
Students practice sentences.
Task Completion
Students draw from a “deck” made with the pictures facing downward
and say the sound and the word when they reveal the car they have
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and
as teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the
word heard. Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Post- task
Students draw ice cream cones using directions here: Or Teacher
distributes three circles and a triangle to each student and as they say
the three words correctly for both /i/ an /f/, they build their ice cream
Oral Production (Speaking)
Pre-task: Telling what families do together
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
family activities after modeling by the teacher who uses actions,
symbols and flashcards to make meaning clear.
W.1. Represents an
event or character
from a picture story
or one main idea.
W.2. Organizes
drawings or pictures
within a graphic
W.1. draw pictures of an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
W.2. organize drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer
(sequence or Venn
Task rehearsal
Students again watch one of the videos about what families like to do
together and stand if their family likes to do those things.
Task completion
Students play a game where all children except one are sitting in a
circle. Student in middle uses one of the sentences My family _____. If
the statement is true for other students they must switch chairs. Play
continues until all have been in the middle of the circle.
Task assessment
Teacher stops video or holds up pictures and students respond.
Teacher notes where repair or clarification is needed.
Students stand if they like their progress and sit if they think they need
to practice more.
Written Production
Pre-task: My family and me
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Teacher shows and models drawing stick figure family members.
Task rehearsal
Students uses circles and lines to draw stick figures representing their
family. Each member should be on separate piece of paper
Task completion
Students put their family members in order from oldest to youngest.
Task assessment
Teacher checks for understanding and need for repair.
Students stand if they like their progress and sit if they think they need
to practice more.
Post Task
Teacher shares social language of “little brother” and “big sister” etc.
Students identify who is the little brother/sister and/or big brother/sister
in their pictures.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 3
Week: 4
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: We all are different
Theme: I like…
Enduring Understanding: Families come in all shapes and sizes with different likes and dislikes. All families are special.
Essential Question: What makes families special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Simple present tense regular verbs
I like ice cream.
I like…
Video games
Playing with my family and friends
Reading a book
Phonemic Awareness
/c/ /u/ (car, cake, umbrella, uncle)
Talking about likes and dislikes
Discourse Markers
Respecting others in my family
Using positive and affectionate
expression familiar address forms
(dear, darling)
Big brother/sister, little brother/sister
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
L.3. Recognizes
words, names, and
numbers when
heard in a short,
simple recording
delivered at a slow pace.
Learner can…
L.3. understand words,
names, and numbers
previously learned when
heard in a short,
simple recording
delivered at a slow pace.
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by asking
students to respond with one thing their family does together. Teacher
shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Warm up
Uses the video with family members “and me” featured:
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by showing happy face and sad face on the
board. Asks students to use prior vocabulary to tell things that make
them happy and things that make them sad. (happy = play, sad = no ice
Introduces “I like” by referencing the things that students said make
them happy and using realia or pantomime to illustrate new
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied with gestures.
Oral Comprehension
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Teacher shares one of the following videos about things students like
to do:
3 minutes
SP.2. Recognizes basic
family activities using
expressions like “I like ice
cream and popcorn”.
SP.2. recognizes basic
family activities using
expressions like “I like ice
cream and my mother
likes popcorn”.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
likes after modeling by the teacher who uses actions, symbols and
flashcards to make meaning clear.
Task rehearsal
Students draw a happy face on one piece of paper and a sad face on
another. When the Teacher says things they like they hold up a happy
face. When they do not like it, they hold up a sad face.
Task completion
Students play the game they played in a previous lesson where one
student is in the middle of a circle of seated students and now says I
like ___ and all students who like that thing must find a new seat.
Task assessment
Students hold up happy or sad face to assessment their progress
toward goal.
Oral Production (Speaking)
Pre-task: Telling family likes
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Teacher models I like _____ and my _____ likes ______.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
classroom instructions after modeling by the teacher who uses
actions, symbols and flashcards to make meaning clear.
Task rehearsal
Using flash cards of things and actions from throughout the unit,
Teacher creates a “deck” of cards for likes and another deck for family
Teacher models drawing from both decks in order to complete the
sentence I like ______ and my _______ likes _______. If the family
member does NOT like the item drawn then students draw a second
W.3. Says words for
the teacher to write.
R.PA2. Identifies the
initial and final phoneme of
a spoken word.
W.3. dictate words for
teacher to write.
R.PA2. identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
word if these words have
been previously
encountered and they are
attached to a picture.
time and use the first for their like and the second for the family member.
For instance, I like ice cream and my mother likes popcorn.
Task completion
Students take turns playing the card game.
Task assessment
Students show a happy face if they like their progress toward goal and
a sad face if they think they need more practice.
Written Production
Pre-task: Listing likes
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Teacher returns to the happy and sad face drawn on the board at the
first of the lesson. And asks students to tell her things to write beneath
each one, adding to the list based on the additional words used after
the initial brainstorming by students.
Task rehearsal
Students talk in pairs to think of words.
Task completion
Students dictate likes and dislikes.
Task assessment
Teacher notes need for clarity and repair.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of words
beginning with /c/ and /u/ (car, cake, umbrella, uncle).
Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is not recommended
to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the students
hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below.
Teacher can also use the sentences:
o Can you put the cake in the car?
o Uncle Sam is a cartoon from the U.S.
o My umbrella is not ugly.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
Students practice the sentences.
Task Completion
The teacher passes an umbrella to a student and the student must say
the /u/ words. The teacher passes a toy car to a student and the student
must say the /c/ words.
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and
as teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the
word heard. Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Planning, creating a Family Alphabet Book for the unit.
Rehearsing and briefly describing it to the rest of the class, following teacher’s instructions.
Participating in individual assessment.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Unit 4 Scope and Sequence
Scenario: Going to school, so cool!
Our school is special because of the people, the places, and the things we do there.
Essential Question
What makes our school special?
Assessment and Goals
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
This is my School
Helpers at my School
Going around School
A Week at my School
L.2. Recognizes simple
information about a
place if the person
speaks slowly and
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in
spoken word.
SP.1. Names some
common places and
people in familiar
L.1.Recognizes the
words for people around
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in
spoken word.
S.I.1. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things.
W.1.Says words for
teacher to write.
R.1.Identifies main
characters from a picture
R.PA3. Identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
S.I.2. Asks for something
when pointing or
W.2. Represents an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
R.2.Sequences pictures to
show understanding of a
text heard or read.
R.PA3. Identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
S.I.3. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things
W.3.Organizes drawings
or pictures within a graphic
Instruments for
Sticky notes
Anecdotal note
Inside and outside
Week 6
Suggested Integrated Mini
a storybook
identifying and
describing places in
the school using
L.2.understand simple
information about a
place (e.g., where it is)
and instructions, such as
«Go to the library»,
«Come inside», if the
person speaks slowly
and clearly, possibly with
accompanying gestures.
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of /j/, in
spoken word if attached
to a picture.
SP.1. name some
common places and
people in familiar
L.1.recognize and
understand the words for
people around them
(e.g., teacher, students,
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of / /k/ in
spoken word if attached
to a picture.
SI.1. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
questions about familiar
things (e.g., Where is the
principal’s office? Next to
the library) if the other
person speaks slowly
and clearly.
W.1.dictate words for
teacher to write.
R.1. identify main
characters by pointing,
naming or labeling from
a picture story that is
read aloud.
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of /w/ in
spoken word if attached
to a picture.
SI.2.ask for something
when pointing or
gesturing to support the
W.2.draw pictures of an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
R.2.sequence pictures to
show understanding of a
text heard or read that is
supported by pictures in a
heavily patterned book to
include a clear beginning,
middle and end.
SI.3. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
questions about familiar
things if the other person
speaks slowly and clearly.
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of /y/ in spoken
word if attached to a
W.3.organize drawings or
pictures within a graphic
organizer (sequence).
play dough,
drawings or
recyclable materials
Identifying places in
the school
Naming helpers at
the school
location (in front of,
near, behind)
Describing basic
school routines
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Grammar & Sentence
Grammar &Sentence
Grammar & Sentence
Grammar & Sentence
(S-V)- (S-V-C) sentences
This is the principal’s
office/computer lab…
This is the
(principal, teacher,
janitor, cook, security
guard, secretary)
Imperative sentences
Go to the library.
(principal’s office,
Come to class (the
Line up.
Question/Answers with
Is she the principal?
Is she the janitor?
Where is the gym? It’s
next to the computer
Adverbs (first, then, next)
First I go to school.
Then I study.
Next I go home.
Prepositions (in front of,
near, behind)
The security guard is
in front of the gate.
The principal’s office
is near the library.
The kitchen is behind
the cafeteria.
Prepositional phrases of
time and place IN, ON,
I go to school on
Thursday, Friday)
They study English at
I live in Costa Rica.
(S-V-C) Sentences
I do my homework.
I eat lunch.
I play soccer.
(S-V-C) sentences (Simple
present verbs)
I study English.
I play games.
I eat lunch.
Phonemic Awareness
/j/ (janitor, jump,
Phonemic Awareness
/k/(key, kick, kitchen)
Phonemic Awareness
/w/ (water, walk,
Phonemic Awareness
/y/ (you, year, yellow,
This Is My School
(Places in my school)
Helpers at My School
(People at school)
teacher, students,
principal, janitor, cook,
security guard,
Going around school
in front of, behind,
A Week at My School
(School activities)
Walk to class
Study at school/ at
Dining room
Principal’s office
Computer lab
Cardinal numbers
1 15
Listen and practice
Line up at the cafeteria
teachers and other
helpers and other´s
idioms/ phrases
Addressing people
of different ages and
conditions according
the degree of
formality and
informality when
(Mrs., Mr.)
So cool!
teachers and
other helpers and
Turn taking
So cool!
collaboration, and
critical thinking
through working
in projects
Politeness --
avoiding negative
What´s up?
Inspiring creativity,
collaboration, and
critical thinking
through working in
Politeness --
avoiding negative
behavior (bullying)
We are number
Unit 4 Going to school, so cool!
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 4
Week: 1
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Going to school, so cool!
Theme: This is my School
Enduring Understanding: Our school is special because of the people, the places, and the things we do there.
Essential Question: What makes our school special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
(S-V)- (S-V-C) sentences
This is the principal’s office/computer lab…
This is the __________. (principal, teacher,
janitor, cook, security guard, secretary)
Imperative sentences
Go to the library. (principal’s office, restroom)
Come to class (the board).
Line up.
This Is My School (Places in my school)
Identifying places in the school
Discourse Markers
Respecting classmates, teachers and other
helpers and other´s belongings
idioms/ phrases
Addressing people of different ages and
conditions according the degree of formality
and informality when (Mrs., Mr.)
So cool!
Dining room
Principal’s office
Computer lab
Phonemic Awareness
/j/ (janitor, jump, jacket)
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by asking students to
respond when he/she says “Going to school…” with “So cool!” Students can
use the thumbs up signal when saying the phrase. Class can follow this routine
throughout this unit.
Warm up
Uses the vocabulary on a tour of the school and models:
o This is the (place)_.
o This is Mr./Mrs./Miss ___________.
o He/she is the __________.
3 minutes
17 minutes
L.2. Recognizes simple
information about a place
if the person speaks
slowly and clearly.
simple information
about a place (e.g.,
where it is) and
instructions, such as
«Go to the library»,
«Come inside», if
the person speaks
slowly and clearly,
possibly with
NOTE: If a real tour of the school is not possible, create a layout of the
school inside the classroom using visuals such as tables, brooms, etc. to
designate the areas. Or use a drawing of the school.
Activation of Prior Knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by pointing out the different locations and miming an
action that is done there (eating in dining room, typing in computer lab, etc.).
Models and repeats as needed.
30 minutes
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition …
Oral Comprehension (Listening)
Pre-task: Performance of classroom instructions and location of people and
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to the
school and instructions after modeling by the teacher who uses actions and a
large drawing of the school to make meaning clear.
Task rehearsal
Teacher introduces game using dice, coins or rocks to be used as playing
pieces, and small versions of the large drawing of the school. Students are in
groups of four, sharing the drawing and each has a playing piece. Teacher
models throwing one die and tracing with his/her finger on the map or doing the
action that corresponds with the visible number of the die.
o 1. Go to the cafeteria.
o 2. Go to the restroom.
o 3. Come to the classroom.
o 4. Come to the board.
o 5. Line up at the door.
o 6. Go to the principal’s office.
Students respond physically by completing the action with their playing pieces
on their mini-drawings of the school.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in spoken
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /j/,
in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Task completion
Students form two teams and stand in front of the large drawing of the school.
The first student on each team is told a specific action and must perform that
action on the drawing using their hand as though they are walking through the
Task assessment
Teacher provides feedback to students using thumbs up when the student
responds correctly, thumbs down when the student responds incorrectly, and
hand toggling from side to side (similar to mas o menos action) when student is
close but not correct.
Students assess as a group their performance in achieving the goal using the
same motions.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background knowledge.
Teacher shows pictures (see below) and models the initial sound of words with
/j/ sound: janitor, jump, jacket. Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point,
it is not recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make
the students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when
they are heard. Teacher can use part of the video featuring the /j/ sound found
40 minutes
Task rehearsal
Students repeat the letter sound and the three words right after the teacher. .
Teacher also uses the sentence: See the janitor jump for his jacket.
Then students repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s help.
Students practice the chant with their study buddy, as shown below:
o See (hands on eyes, looking)
o The janitor (sweeping with broom)
o Jump (jumping)
o For his jacket. (putting on a jacket)
Task Completion
Students perform the actions and say the words aloud with their study buddies
as Teacher walks around the classroom and repairs as needed. Teacher asks
questions to students for clarification of understandings.
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and as
teacher says the words, the students point to the picture of the word heard.
SP.1. Names some
common places and
people in familiar
SP.1. name some
common places and
people in familiar
Whole group assesses their performance using thumbs up, down or sideways.
Note: For other words with the /j/ sound see the worksheet found at
Oral Production (Speaking)
Pre-Task: Responding to simple questions related to location
Teacher shares the speaking goal with learners.
Teacher enlists 7 students to role play based on the objects they receive from
him/her. First the 7 students stand at the front of the classroom with their backs
to the other students and holding the objects (see italics below for suggested
objects to represent roles). One by one the teacher says: This is the _____.
Teacher then models with the student the action of taking the object and
placing it in the correct location on the drawing of the school that has been
used throughout the class period. Teacher says the imperative sentence aloud
as student goes to the appropriate spot.
This is the principal. (set of keys)
Go to the principal’s office.
This is the teacher. (eraser or
something that the teacher wears
like a sweater or glasses)
Go to the classroom.
Go to the computer lab.
This is the janitor. (broom)
Go to the restroom.
This is the cook. (spoon or pot)
Go to the cafeteria.
Go to the dining room.
This is the security guard. (lock)
Go to the playground.
This is the secretary. (clipboard or
Go to the office.
25 minutes
This is the librarian. (book)
Go to the library.
Task rehearsal
Students return to the line and Teacher stands behind each and models with
entire class repeating each of the statements as the 7 each time take the object
to the correct spot.
Task completion
The 7 then take their objects to others in the classroom and a new group of 7
line up before the class. The student who was holding the object now says This
is the _______. And waits for class to say Go to the _______.
This step is repeated until all have had a chance to hold and place an object.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess their
achievement of the goal using sticky notes on students’ desks when he/she
observes the student participating by saying one or more of the sentences.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Teacher works on repair if necessary.
Using words and questions to ask for names of people or confirm meaning,
Teacher asks Students to give thumbs up for yes or thumbs down for no and
stands behind the 7 standing students and asks Is this the ________? Teacher
5 minutes
sometimes says correct and sometimes incorrect word and students respond
with appropriate motion.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 4
Week: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Going to school, so cool!
Theme: Helpers at my School
Enduring Understanding: Our school is special because of the people, the places, and the things we do there.
Essential Question: What makes our school special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Question/Answers with BE
Is she the principal? Yes/No
Is she the janitor? Yes/No
Where is the gym? It’s next to the computer
Adverbs (first, then, next)
First I go to school.
Then I study.
Next I go home.
Naming helpers at the school
Discourse Markers
Respecting classmates, teachers and
other helpers and other´s belongings
Turn taking
So cool!
Helpers at My School (People at school)
teacher, students, principal, janitor, cook,
security guard, secretary
Phonemic Awareness
/k/(key, kick, kitchen)
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by asking students to
respond when he/she says “Going to school…” with “So cool!” Students can
use the thumbs up signal when saying the phrase.
Uses the online picture book about School Helpers found here
Activates prior knowledge by asking the name of the person as he/she shows
picture book. Note: Students should be reminded to use follow the socio
cultural emphasis of using Mr., Mrs., etc. with names.
Introduces new vocabulary found in picture book not previously used in week 1.
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition of the sentences with the discourse
marker and.
3 minutes
L.1.Recognizes the words
for people around them.
L.1.recognize and
understand the
words for people
around them (e.g.,
teacher, students,
Oral Comprehension (Listening)
Pre-task: Recognition of people in school
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Teacher shows pictures he/she has taken of the real school helpers at the
Teacher models This is Mr. ______ and he is the ________.
Task rehearsal
As Teacher shows photos, students repeat chorally and individually the
gapped sentence after modeling by the teacher who uses photos to make
meaning clear.
Task completion
In pairs, students watch to see what photo the Teacher is showing and then
listen to what the Teacher says. Sometimes the teacher will say the correct role
and sometimes the incorrect one. Students will turn their heads back and forth
for no if the statement is incorrect and up and down for yes if the role is correct.
Task assessment
Teacher shows a photo and says This is Mr. ________. Is he the ________?
Students respond physically with yes or no.
Teacher provides feedback to students nodding for yes when students are
correct and shaking head for no when they are not correct.
Students assess as a group their performance in achieving the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in spoken
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /
/k/ in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background knowledge.
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of words with the /k/
sound: key, kick, kitchen. Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is not
recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the
students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the teacher.
Then they repeat the chant below chorally with the teacher´s help and using
the pictures as prompts. Students practice the chant with their study buddy:
o Pedro kkkk kicks the ball.
o Ana kkk kicks too.
o The kkk key hangs on the kkkitchen wall.
o What other k words can you do?
Task Completion
Teacher reads aloud a list of words and students stand up and kick when they
hear a word beginning with the /k/ sound.
Task assessment
S.I.1. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things.
SI.1. understand and
respond in a
predictable pattern
to simple questions
about familiar things
(e.g., Where is the
principal’s office?
Next to the library) if
the other person
speaks slowly and
For feedback, the teacher pastes the pictures on the board and as the teacher
says the words, the students point to the picture of the word heard. Whole
group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
For other words with the /k/ sound see the worksheet found at
Oral and Written Production (Speaking and Writing)
Pre-Task: Responds to questions
Teacher shares the speaking and writing goals with learners.
Teacher uses the large drawing of the school previously used in order to show
the meaning of “next to”. She points out prior vocabulary like cafeteria and
classroom and completes the sentence correctly The __________ is next to
the ___________.
The teacher then models: Where is the ___________? The _______ is next to
the _________.
Task rehearsal
The teacher models the question and response for every room on the drawing
and the students respond chorally.
Task completion
Students form two lines. One line is the question line. The other is the answer
line. The two lines face each other so that partners are formed. The partner in
the question line says Where is the ____? (choosing what to ask about) and
the partner in the answer line responds. Then the question line shifts one spot
to the right and the questions continue. After all have asked a question, the two
lines switch roles with the answer line now asking the questions.
W.1.Says words for
teacher to write.
W.1.dictate words
for teacher to write.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess their
achievement of the goal.
Teacher asks each student individually Where is the ____? and makes note of
where repair will be needed.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Teacher works on repair if necessary.
Post- task
Teacher asks students to ask where a room is. As individual students respond
with Where is the _____? Teacher writes “next to the __________.”
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 4
Week: 3
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Going to school, so cool!
Theme: Going around School
Enduring Understanding: Our school is special because of the people, the places, and the things we do there.
Essential Question: What makes our school special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Prepositions (in front of, near, behind)
The security guard is in front of the gate.
The principal’s office is near the library.
The kitchen is behind the cafeteria.
Prepositional phrases of time and place IN, ON,
I go to school on Monday.(Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
They study English at school.
I live in Costa Rica.
Recognizing location (in front of, near,
Discourse Markers
Inspiring creativity, communication,
collaboration, and critical thinking
through working in projects
Politeness -- avoiding negative behavior
What´s up?
Going around school (Prepositions)
in front of, behind, near
Cardinal numbers
1 15
Phonemic Awareness
/w/ (water, walk, week)
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by asking students to
respond when he/she says “Going to school…” with “So cool!” Students can
use the thumbs up signal when saying the phrase.
Warm up
Uses “How Many Friends Can You Count” online book
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by reviewing numbers using this poster:
3 minutes
Introduces new vocabulary of 11-15 by counting students in the room and
asking numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 to stand.
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition of numbers as teacher points to poster.
Written Comprehension (Reading)
R.1.Identifies main
characters from a picture
R.1. identify main
characters by
pointing, naming or
labeling from a
picture story that is
read aloud.
Pre-task: Identifying main characters
Teacher shares the reading goal with students.
Teacher reviews the meanings of in front of, near and behind using the pictures
from the book used during pre-teaching.
The orange basket is near the three friends.
The boy is in front of the chalkboard.
The chalkboard is behind the boy.
The three boys are in front of the books.
The books are behind the three boys.
The boy in blue is behind two boys.
The boy in white is in front of two boys.
The boys are near the door.
The food is in front of the two boys.
The four girls are near the wall.
The four girls are in front of the wall.
The boy is near the goal.
The ball is in front of the boy.
The tree is behind the goal.
The seven friends are in front of the books.
Students repeat chorally and individually in front of, near and behind after
modeling by the teacher who points to positions in pictures to make meaning
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of
/w/ in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Task rehearsal
Teacher introduces three questions:
o Who is in front of the ____?
o Who is behind the ____?
o Who is near the ____?
In pairs, students point to the appropriate answer when the teacher shows a
picture and asks a question.
Task completion
Students play a game with two teams facing the pictures that are either
projected or printed. The teacher asks the first student in each line to point to
the answer to the question as he/she asks Who is …. Teams get a point when
the student points to the correct person or thing.
Task assessment
Teacher notes the scores as part of the assessment of the task.
Teacher asks “Who is in front of/behind/or near” various students in the room
and assesses if students have an understanding of the phrases.
Students assess as a group their performance in achieving the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background knowledge.
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of words with the /w/
sound: water, walk, week. Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is
not recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the
R.PA3. Identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas
Students repeat suggested sounds. Teacher can also use the sentence: Each
week I walk my dog and then I drink a glass of water. Or teacher can introduce
the chant that follows the pictures.
-Teacher asks questions to students for clarification of understandings.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the teacher.
Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s help.
Students practice the following chant with motions with their study buddy, as
shown below:
o Seven days make a week. (hold up 7 fingers)
o Too much water makes a ceiling leak. (look up to the ceiling and wipe
top of head as though water has dripped on it)
o I walk my dog each day for fun. (walk in place)
o And sometimes our walk becomes a run. (run in place)
Task Completion
S.I.2. Asks for something
when pointing or
SI.2.ask for
something when
pointing or gesturing
to support the
Teacher reads from a list of several words or repeats the chant and students
stand up as they listen to a word beginning with the sound.
The teacher can use the chant above for students identifying the target sounds.
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and as
teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the word heard.
Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
For other words with the /w/ sound see the worksheet found at
Oral and Written Production
Pre-Task: Asking for something
Teacher shares the speaking goal with learners and presents the map of the
school. He/ she then presents two cups with strips of paper inside. One cup
has the phrases in front of, near, and behind written on individual strips of
paper. The other cup has the rooms of the school printed on the strips. The
teacher models drawing one strip from each cup. The teacher then says What
room is __(in front of, near, behind)______ the ___(name of room on strip)__?
The teacher models going to the map and pointing at the correct room.
Task rehearsal
At least seven students draw from the cups and the Teacher frames the
question. All students respond by pointing at the map.
W.2. Represents an event
or character from a picture
story or one main idea.
W.2.draw pictures of
an event or
character from a
picture story or one
main idea.
Task completion
Each student is given a turn to draw and respond to the question.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess their
achievement of the goal.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Post- task
Teacher refers to the pictures from the picture book and then asks students to
draw a similar picture that includes 10-15 different objects in the picture.
Students draw and then show the picture to the Teacher, counting the items
and pointing when the teacher asks What is near, in front of or behind
something in the picture.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: II
Level: First Grade
Unit: 4
Week: 4
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Going to school, so cool!
Theme: A Week at my School
Enduring Understanding: Our school is special because of the people, the places, and the things we do there.
Essential Question: What makes our school special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
(S-V-C) Sentences
I do my homework.
I eat lunch.
I play soccer.
(S-V-C) sentences (Simple present verbs)
I study English.
I play games.
I eat lunch.
A Week at My School (School activities)
Describing basic school routines
Discourse Markers
Inspiring creativity, communication,
collaboration, and critical thinking
through working in projects
Politeness -- avoiding negative behavior
We are number one
Walk to class
Study at school/ at home
Listen and practice
Line up at the cafeteria
Phonemic Awareness
/y/ (you, year, yellow, yes)
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of learning
(Diagnostic, formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner can
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by asking students to
respond when he/she says “Going to school…” with “So cool!” Students can
use the thumbs up signal when saying the phrase.
Warm up
Uses the online picture book “Are You Ready for School?” to introduce actions
that students do at school. The first time the Teacher reads the book aloud.
The second time he/she turns the question into a response that students
repeat. For example the page that says Are you ready to listen…? Has the
response of: I listen at school.
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by pointing to rooms on the school map and saying I
eat in the cafeteria. I play in the gym. I go to the principal’s office. I read in the
library, etc.
Models and repeats as needed.
R.2.Sequences pictures to
show understanding of a
text heard or read.
pictures to show
understanding of a
text heard or read
that is supported by
pictures in a heavily
patterned book to
include a clear
beginning, middle
and end.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition of action sentences.
Written Comprehension (Reading)
Pre-task: Identify main ideas in a short story
Teacher shares the reading goal with students.
Students listen to the video “Back to School Rules” and say aloud the places in
the video that they know as places at school.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to bullying
after modeling by the teacher who uses actions and pictures (see below) to
make meaning clear.
Task rehearsal
Listening for a second time, students repeat when the teacher stops the video
and says aloud the rules related to bullying.
Task completion
Students in pairs arrange the 3 pictures of the bullying story.
Task assessment
Teacher provides feedback to students using the “We’re number one!” signal of
the index finger raised to indicate students’ successful arranging of pictures.
Students assess as a group their performance in achieving the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
R.PA3. Identify the initial
phoneme of a spoken
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /y/
in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background knowledge.
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of words with /y/ sound:
you, year, yellow, yes. Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is not
recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the
students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they
are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas
Students repeat suggested sounds as Teacher uses the pictures below.
-Teacher asks questions to students for clarification of understandings using realia
and actions such as pointing to me/pointing to you, a week calendar/a year
calendar, a yellow crayon/a black crayon, nodding head for yes/nodding head for
Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the words right after the teacher. Then
they repeat the words chorally with the teacher´s help as he/she does action or
shows realia.
Students practice the chant with their study buddy, as shown below:
o You
o Year
o Yellow
o Yes
o Begin with Y and are the best!
Task Completion
Students stand up as they listen to a word beginning with the sound.
The teacher can use the chant above for students identifying the target sounds.
Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the pictures on the board and as teachers
says the words, the students point to the picture of the word heard. Whole
group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
For other words with the /y/ sound see the worksheet found at
Oral and Written Production (Speaking and Writing)
Pre-Task: Answering questions then expressing ideas through pre-writing
Teacher shares the speaking and writing goals with learners and presents first,
next, then placing the pictures in order as the sentences are said.
S.I.3. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things
SI.3. understand and
respond in a
predictable pattern
to simple questions
about familiar things
if the other person
speaks slowly and
o First, I walk to class.
o Then I listen and practice English.
o Next I study at home.
Students repeat steps in order after teacher models.
Task rehearsal
Teacher asks what do you do first and then points to picture modeling First I
walk to class. He/she continues with each step.
Students repeat.
W.3.Organizes drawings
or pictures within a graphic
drawings or pictures
within a graphic
Task completion
In pairs, students ask and answer What do you do first? What do you do next?
And then?
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess their
achievement of the goal.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Teacher works on repair if necessary.
Post- task
Teacher models ordering pictures by word category in a graphic organizer
such as a sequence page.
Create a sequence page for a simple activity around the house or at school.
Use any blank sheet of paper. Fold the paper into squares. Start with 4 large
squares. Students then draw the steps they know in the order in which the
steps occur. For example, draw each step it takes to make a peanut butter and
jelly sandwich or to brush their teeth.
Option: Students can show the picture and say First, Then, Next as they reveal
the order.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _______
Planning and creating collaboratively a storybook identifying and describing places in the school using play dough, drawings or
recyclable materials available.
Rehearsing and briefly describing the mini-project to the class.
Participating in individual assessment.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Unit 5 Scope and Sequence
Scenario: My Neighborhood
Enduring Understanding
Our neighborhood is special because of the people, the places, and how we help each other.
Essential Question
What makes our neighborhood special?
Assessment and Goals
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
1. This is my
2. Where is the
3. How can I Get to the
4. Community Helpers
L.1. Recognizes simple
questions which directly
concern them such as
their name and where
they are from.
R.1. Participates in
choral reading.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
SI.1. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things.
L.2. Recognizes names
of community helpers.
R.2. Sequences
pictures to show
understanding of text
heard or read aloud.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
W.1. Organizes
drawings or pictures
within a graphic
SI.2. Asks for something
when pointing or
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
SP.1. Names some
common words or objects
in familiar environments.
W.2. Represents an event
or character from a picture
story or one main idea.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
SP.2. Uses one or two
learned expressions
greeting, farewell, and
W.3. Says words for
teacher to write.
Instruments for
Sticky notes
anecdotal note
Inside and outside
Week 6
Suggested Integrated Mini
storybook about your
L.1. understand simple
questions which directly
concern them such as
their name and where
they are from.
R.1. participate in choral
reading (clapping and
chanting) in response to
the rhyme and rhythm of
a predictably patterned
song or picture story that
is read aloud.
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of /v/, /x/, /z/,
/qu/ in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
SI.1. understand and
respond in a predictable
pattern to simple
questions about familiar
things if the other person
speaks slowly and
L.2. recognize and
understand the words
for people around them
(e.g., firefighter, shop
owner, doctor).
R.2. sequence pictures
to show understanding
of text heard or read
that is supported by
pictures in a heavily
patterned book to
include a clear
beginning, middle, and
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /v/,
/x/, /z/, /qu/ in spoken
word if attached to a
W.1. organize drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer
SI.2. ask for something
when pointing or gesturing
to support the request.
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of /v/, /x/, /z/,
/qu/ in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
SP.1. name some common
words or objects in familiar
W.2. draw pictures of an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
R.PA.3. identify the initial
phoneme of /v/, /x/, /z/,
/qu/ in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
SP.2. use one or two
learned expressions:
greeting, farewell, and
W.3. dictate words for
teacher to write.
Identifying places in
my community
Asking for and
giving information
for locating places
Giving and following
directions to get
around town
Identifying community
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Grammar & Sentence
(S-V-C) Sentences
My name is (name). I
live in (name of town).
I (live, play, study)
My neighborhood has
a ____ (park, church,
He/she is a ______
(teacher, police
officer, doctor, nurse)
Grammar &Sentence
Question/Answers with
Is he the teacher?
Is she the shop
owner? Yes/No
Where is the
church? It in front of
the park.
Grammar & Sentence
Prepositions of place (in
front of, near, behind, up,
The church is in front of
the park.
The school is near the
The park is behind the
Imperative sentences
Cross the street.
Go to the corner (store,
Turn right/left
Grammar & Sentence
(S-V-C) Sentences
My name is (name). I
live in (name of town). I
(live, play, study) here.
My neighborhood has a
____ (park, church,
He/she is a ______
(teacher, police officer,
doctor, nurse)
Phonemic Awareness
visitor, vegetable)
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
/z/ (zoo, zipper, zebra)
Phonemic Awareness
/qu/ (Queen street,
question, quiz)
1. This is my
Places of my community
2. Where is the school?
Prepositions of place:
in front of, near,
behind, up, down…
3. How can I get to the
Go straight.
Turn left/right
4. Community Helpers
Teacher, priest, pastor,
firefighter, farmer, shop
owner, police officer,
doctor, nurse, engineer,
neighborhood, town,
church, park, school,
hospital, gas station,
restaurant, bank,
police station, bus
station, supermarket,
right, left
Subject Pronouns:
it, they
Cardinal numbers:
1 20
lawyer, police officer,
He, she
Greetings/phrases of
hello, good-bye,
please, you are
welcome and thank you
idioms/ phrases
Expressing gratitude
with appropriate use
of “please” and “thank
Home is where the
heart is.
Showing respect
and courtesy when
meeting other
Using different
choices of formal
greetings with
community helpers
(Mr., Mrs., Miss,
“Thank you very
Showing respect and
courtesy when meeting
other people.
Using different choices
of formal greetings with
community helpers
(Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms.)
There is no place like
collaborative skills.
Showing interest in
Unit 5 My Neighborhood
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 5
Week: 1
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: My Neighborhood
Theme: This is my Neighborhood
Enduring Understanding: Our neighborhood is special because of the people, the places, and how we help each other.
Essential Question: What makes our neighborhood special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
(S-V-C) Sentences
My name is (name). I live in (name of town). I
(live, play, study) here.
My neighborhood has a ____ (park, church,
1. This is my neighborhood
Places of my community
neighborhood, town, church, park, school,
hospital, gas station, restaurant, bank, police
station, bus station, supermarket, bookstore
Phonemic Awareness
/v/(veterinarian, visitor, vegetable)
Identifying places in my community
Discourse Markers
Appreciating neighborhood
Expressing gratitude with appropriate
use of “please” and “thank you”
Home is where the heart is.
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
L.1. Recognizes simple
questions which directly
concern them such as
their name and where
they are from.
Learner can
L.1. understand simple
questions which
directly concern them
such as their name and
where they are from.
Teacher greets the Learners and checks attendance by asking
Learners to respond when he/she asks “Where are you?” with “I’m
here!” Learners can point at the ground emphatically when saying the
phrase. Class can follow this routine throughout this unit.
Teacher shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Uses pictures of neighborhood locations to present the new vocabulary
to the class, starting with only a few locations and gradually adding
Models and repeats as needed. Gestures can be taught to Learners
representing the different locations of a neighborhood, to be made
after saying the name of that place. Some ideas for gestures are:
-Church: Hands clasped together in prayer.
-Soccer field: A kick.
-School: Writing in the air, or touching chin/head in thought.
-Hospital: Pretending to cough.
-Restaurant: Gesture for eating.
-Police station: Putting hands together for handcuffs.
-Bus station: Turning “wheel” back and forth and humming the sound a
bus makes.
-Supermarket: Pushing a shopping cart in the air.
-Fire station: Shooting an air fire hose.
Learners participate in choral repetition accompanied with gestures
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Oral Comprehension (Listening to Speak)
Pre-task: Identifying neighborhood locations
Teacher shares the listening goal with Learners.
Teacher reviews Q&A structure by asking “Where is the ____?” and
then pointing at its picture and saying “This is the _____!” Pictures of
the neighborhood locations should be hung on the board in a grid as
L1 L2 L3
L4 L5 L6
L7 L8 L9
Task rehearsal
- Tic tac toe: The locations on the board are divided into a “tic tac toe” board,
with each location being numbered (as above) and learners are divided into
two teams. Teams take turns choosing a location by saying it’s number
(example: “one”), and then its name (example: “police station”). If they are
correct, they get to make their symbol on that section of the grid. The first
team to get 3 boxes in a row with their symbol wins.
-Flyswatter: Learners are organized into 2 or more teams, with each team
lined up in front of the board. Learners take turns being at front of their line
and participating with a flyswatter in their hand. When the teacher asks
“Where is the _____?”, the participating learners must run up to the board and
point to/hit the location with their fly swatter. The first learner to successfully
touch the correct location and respond “This is the ____!” gets a point for
his/her team.
Task completion
-Police Station! : Pictures of neighborhood locations are stuck to the
wall/chairs in a circle around the room, with the exception of the police station
and school, which are stuck in two corners outside of the circle. As the rest of
the class waits in the “school” corner, groups of 5-6 students take turns
entering the circle to play. While playing, learners listen for the teacher to ask
“Where is the ____?” and then must run to that location and give the proper
response. At the teacher’s discretion, learners who make too many
mistakes/are too slow can be sent to the police station for a couple of rounds.
Task assessment
Teacher provides feedback to students using thumbs up when the
student responds correctly, thumbs down when the student responds
incorrectly, and hand toggling from side to side (similar to mas o
menos action) when student is close but not correct.
Students assess as a group their performance in achieving the goal
using the same motions.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /v/ in
spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the Learners.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate Learners´ background
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words
beginning with <v>: vegetable, visitor, vet. Teacher exaggerates the
sound. At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on the
pictures. The goal is to make the Learners hear, notice and distinguish
the initial sounds of the words when they are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Learners repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below. Teacher
can also use the sentence: Visitors and vets, vegetables they get.
Task rehearsal
Learners repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
Learners practice the chant with a study buddy, as shown below:
o Visitors (hold up left hand)
o And vets (hold up right hand)
o Vegetables (point at picture of vegetables)
o They get. (grab the air and pull it towards them)
Task Completion
Students hear six different words which include the three targeted
words with /v/ sound at the beginning. Students identify the words
beginning with the /v/ sound by performing the actions as the words
are heard. Students can say the words aloud with their study buddies
as Teacher walks around the classroom and repairs as needed.
Teacher asks questions to students for clarification of understandings.
Task assessment
SP.1. Names some
common words or
objects in familiar
SP.1. name some
common words or
objects in familiar
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board along
with other three pictures of a different sound already studied. As
teacher says the words, the students point to the picture of the word
with the /V/ sound in initial position.
Whole group assesses their performance using thumbs up, down or
Note: For other words with the /v/ sound see the worksheet found at:
Oral Production (Writing to Speak)
Pre-task: Neighborhood presentation
Teacher shares the speaking goal with Learners.
Teacher shows example of completed “My Neighborhood” sheet and
goes through it with the learners.
Task rehearsal
- Learners cut and paste the printed name of their neighborhood at the
top of the sheet. Teacher checks by asking “Where do you live?” as
learners respond with the name of their neighborhood.
- Learners complete the rest of the sheet by cutting out the pictures of
two locations they have in their neighborhood and pasting them on
their sheet.
- As learners finish their sheets, they stand up and take their sheets to
the front of the room, and look for a partner. In pairs, learners practice
giving their presentations.
Task completion
- Learners take turns giving their presentations following this format:
-Hello, my name is _______.
- This is [name of neighborhood], (as they say this they should
make a circular gesture indicating their complete picture)
-This is the _____, and this is the _____ (the two locations, pointing
at them each as they say their names).
-Thank you, goodbye!
Optional: Worksheets and presentations could be done in pairs.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess
their achievement of the goal using sticky notes on students’ desks
when he/she observes the student participating by saying one or more
of the sentences.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Teacher works on repair if necessary.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 5
Week: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: My Neighborhood
Theme: Where is the School?
Enduring Understanding: Our neighborhood is special because of the people, the places, and how we help each other.
Essential Question: What makes our neighborhood special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Question/Answers with BE
Is he the teacher? Yes/No
Is she the shop owner? Yes/No
Where is the church? It in front of the park.
2. Where is the school?
Prepositions of place:
in front of, near, behind, up, down…
right, left
Subject Pronouns:
it, they
Phonemic Awareness
/x/(x-ray OR eXcellent, eXam, and eXercise)
Asking for and giving information for
locating places
Discourse Markers
Showing respect and courtesy when
meeting other people.
Using different choices of formal
greetings with community helpers (Mr.,
Mrs., Miss, Ms.)
“Thank you very much.”
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Learner …
R.1. Participates in
choral reading.
Learner can
R.1. participate in
choral reading
(clapping and chanting)
in response to the
rhyme and rhythm of a
predictably patterned
song or picture story
that is read aloud.
Teacher greets the Learners and checks attendance by asking
Learners to respond when he/she asks “Where are you?” with “I’m
here!” Learners can point at the ground emphatically when saying the
phrase. Class can follow this routine throughout this unit.
Teacher shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
- Performs the prepositions song as learners listen
Introduces prepositions “up, down, behind” using hand gestures,
puppets or video. Practices by asking students “where’s the teacher?”
and positioning either him/herself or a puppet/picture of a teacher on a
stick in different positions relative to chair. Learners respond with the
preposition and gesture.
Repeats the process above by first adding “in front of” and then “left of,
right of”
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Teacher and learners perform prepositions together with gestures and
accompanying music.
Written Comprehension (Reading)
Pre-task: “Where’s the School?” Choral Reading
Teacher shares the reading goal with Learners.
Learners receive a picture of a school and a picture of a soccer field
(optional: taped to a stick/ruler for more fun)
Task rehearsal
- Teacher reads the story “Where’s the School?” to the class (see
annexes). As learners listen, they should hold their soccer field and
school pictures in the correct position based on what is said (and in
such a way so that both the learner and teacher can easily see the
Task completion
15 to 20
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /x/
in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
- The class repeats the activity, but this time learners should chorally
repeat what the teacher reads.
Task assessment
- Teacher holds his/her two pictures in different positions and asks
“where is the school?” Learners try to respond correctly and teacher
gives them oral feedback.
- Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the Learners.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate Learners´ background
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words
beginning with <x>: excellent, exam, and exercise. Teacher
exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is not recommended to print
the words on the pictures. The goal is to make the Learners hear,
notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they are
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Learners repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below. Teacher
can also use the sentence: Exercise before an exam? Excellent idea!
Task rehearsal
Learners repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
Learners practice the chant with their study buddy as shown below:
o Exercise. (run in place)
o Before an exam? (gesture with the thumb over your shoulder
for “before”, and point to your hand or write in the air for
o Excellent (Two thumbs up)
o Idea! (Point to your head)
SI.1. Responds in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things.
SI.1. understand and
respond in a
predictable pattern to
simple questions about
familiar things if the
other person speaks
slowly and clearly.
Task Completion
Teacher reads from a list of several words or repeats the chant and
students stand up as they listen to a word beginning with the sound.
The teacher can use the chant above for students identifying the target
sounds. Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and
as teachers says the words, the Learners point to the picture of the
word heard. Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Oral Production (Spoken Interaction)
Pre-task: Arrange and Ask
Teacher shares the speaking goal with Learners.
Learners take turns coming to the front and taking a picture of a
location in the community out of a bag and sayings “This is the ____”.
If they are unable to remember the name, the class can help them.
Task rehearsal
- Teacher holds up two locations and asks the learners “where is the
_____?” Learners should respond by saying: [preposition] + the + [2nd
location]. After a little practice, a volunteer learner can come to the
front and take the role of the teacher.
Task completion
- Learners are grouped in pairs or trios, and each group receives a set
of pictures of locations. Learners take turns being the asker and the
answerer. Askers position two pictures relative to each other and ask
“where is the ____?” while answerers respond using the correct
Task assessment
W.1. Organizes drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer.
W.1. organize drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess
their achievement of the goal.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Written Production
Pre-task: “Match My Town”
Teacher shares the goal with Learners.
Learners receive blank town boards and a set of cut-out pictures of
town locations.
Task rehearsal
- The class practices for the activity by using a large town grid on the
board and large pictures of the community locations. Volunteer
learners take turns listening to one instruction from the teacher and
taping a location correctly on the board.
Task completion
- Learners listen to instructions from the teacher about where to put
each location in their community, and tape it to their board. Each
board should come with one location (ex: soccer field) already taped
onto the board, and the first 4 directions should all use that central
location as a reference. Learners should hold up their boards for the
teacher to see after each instruction to check.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess
their achievement of the goal.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 5
Week: 3
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: My Neighborhood
Theme: How can I Get to the Supermarket?
Enduring Understanding: Our neighborhood is special because of the people, the places, and how we help each other.
Essential Question: What makes our neighborhood special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Prepositions of place (in front of, near, behind, up,
The church is in front of the park.
The school is near the church.
The park is behind the church.
Imperative sentences
Cross the street.
Go to the corner (store, bank)
Turn right/left
3. How can I get to the supermarket?
Go straight.
Turn left/right
Cardinal numbers:
1 20
Phonemic Awareness
/z/ (zoo, zipper, zebra)
Giving and following directions to get
around town
Discourse Markers
Showing respect and courtesy when
meeting other people.
Using different choices of formal
greetings with community helpers (Mr.,
Mrs., Miss, Ms.)
There is no place like home.
-There is no place like home.
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
Learner can
Teacher greets the Learners and checks attendance by asking
learners “where are you?” This time, learners can use a preposition of
place to answer the question. Pictures/labels of neighborhood
locations should be stuck to the desks so that learners can respond to
this question using the new vocabulary. Teacher shows Essential
Question and goals for the day.
Reviews previous material by playing “School, School, Soccer Field”
(duck duck goose variant): Learners sit in a circle in the middle of the
classroom. At the center of the circle, put a desk with a picture of a
school on it- while outside of the circle of learners another larger circle
should be made of desks with pictures of neighborhood locations that
the teacher wants to review stuck to them. Make sure to leave enough
space between the students and desks for safe running!
One learner (“the talker”) walks around the outside of the circle of
learners, stopping at each learner and saying the name of a
neighborhood location. If the talker says “school”, then nothing
happens and the he/she continues to the next person in the circle. If
the talker says the name of one of the locations OUTSIDE of the
circle, however, then the talker and the person he/she was talking to
must race to that location. The last one to reach the location becomes
the new talker.
Activates prior knowledge and introduces terms for giving directions by
singing/acting out “Directions Song for Kids”
Reviews directions with learners, teaching them to say “go” instead of
“move”. Make sure that learners practice the following directions: Go
straight, go left, go right, go back, stop. It is recommended that the
teacher use “TPR” and that the students physically respond to the
instructions as they hear them.
R.2. Sequences pictures
to show understanding of
text heard or read aloud.
R.2. sequence pictures
to show understanding
of text heard or read
that is supported by
pictures in a heavily
patterned book to
include a clear
beginning, middle, and
Written Comprehension (Reading)
Pre-task: “Where’s the Hospital?” Story
Teacher shares the reading goal with students.
Learners play “Follow Me!”: Learners stand in a line in an empty
space. The first learner in the line must follow the directions of the
teacher, while the others should follow his/her lead. The result should
be that the learners move around the classroom like a train or a snake,
taking turns being the leader.
Task rehearsal
- Sign check: Learners each receive a set of printed pictures signifying
the different directions. The teacher should review what each sign
represents by calling out each command and having the learners hold
up the correct sign.
- Teams and sentences: Now the learners will break up into teams and
repeat the previous activity with a few changes: It will be a competition
to see which team can have ALL of its members hold up the correct
sign corresponding to the directions given by the teacher. Warm up
with a couple of rounds of simply saying the direction word, then say
short sentences using the directions (ex: At the light, go right!).
Task completion
- Learners sit down with their story boards, direction cards, and tape. As
they listen to the teacher read/show the “Where’s the Hospital?” story,
they should tape the pictures in the right order on their storyboard
(Only 4 directions will be used)
Task assessment
- After allowing the learners to hear the story twice and monitoring their
results, the teacher can lead a self/teacher assessment by reading the
story a third time- but this time, holding up the correct picture for each
step and putting it on the board.
Oral Production (Speaking)
SI.2. Asks for something
when pointing or
SI.2. ask for something
when pointing or
gesturing to support
the request.
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /v/,
Pre-task: Group Cat Hunt
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
classroom instructions after modeling by the teacher who uses
actions, symbols and flashcards to review and make meaning clear
Task rehearsal
- Teacher guided practice: Pictures of neighborhood locations are
arranged in a grid on the floor, with at least a meter separating them.
Volunteer learners (“seekers”) stand outside of the grid, blindfolded, as
the teacher hides a picture of a cat beneath one of the buildings.
- The seeker removes his/her blindfold and asks “Where is my cat?”
- The seeker follows the teacher’s instructions until reaching the correct
location, where the teacher will tell them to stop and ask them “So,
where is your cat?”
- The learner should respond “behind the _____”
- OPTIONAL: Seekers can work in pairs, and the audience can assist
them by repeating directions and gesturing in what direction they
should go.
Task completion
- The game is repeated, but this time one learner hides the cat and
gives instructions to his/her study buddy as he/she asks, where is my
cat? This can be done in a rotating circle.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess
their achievement of the goal.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
/x/, /z/, /qu/ in spoken
word if attached to a
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words
beginning with /z/ (zoo, zipper, zebra). Teacher exaggerates the
sound. At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on the
pictures. The goal is to make the students hear, notice and distinguish
the initial sounds of the words when they are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below. Teacher
can also use the sentence:
Where’s the zebra’s zipper?
In the zoo!
In the zoo! Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
Learners practice the chant with their study buddy as shown below:
o Where’s… (shrugs to express doubt)
o The zebra’s… (draws lines with finger on torso)
o Zipper? (makes the motion of opening a zipper)
o In the zoo! (Point to picture of zoo)
o In the zoo! (Point to picture of zoo)
Task Completion
Teacher reads from a list of several words or repeats the chant and
students stand up as they listen to a word beginning with the sound.
The teacher can use the chant above for students identifying the target
sounds. Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and
as teachers says the words, the Learners point to the picture of the
word heard. Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Written Production
W.2. Represents an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
W.2. draw pictures of an
event or character from
a picture story or one
main idea.
Pre-task: “Speed Eraser”
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Students break down into two or three teams and stand by the board.
Each team must choose a “bus driver” who will wear a blind fold, hold
a marker, and stand directly in front of his/her team’s section of the
board. Each section should have a full grid of neighborhood location
pictures arranged on it.
Task rehearsal
- Playing the game as a class: The teacher will call out the name of a
location, then allow the learners 5 seconds to find the location before
saying “go!”
- The bus driver will move their marker on the board according to the
instructions of their team mates (“go straight” = up, “go back” = down).
The first bus driver to reach their destination and stop on it (by marking
an “X”) earns a point for their team. Make sure that bus drivers move
their markers at a reasonable speed to avoid confusion.
- Then, the next bus driver erases the old trail before beginning the next
round (optional: the first team to erase its trail gets a half point).
Task completion
- Learners sit at their desks individually with a neighborhood/community
map and picture of a “walker”. Learners listen to the teacher as
he/she describes the different locations the walker visits..
- Learners follow the teacher’s directions and draw the walker´s path
around their neighborhood until reaching the final destination.
- When finished, the teacher can ask the class “Where is the cat?” and
the learners should respond “In the [name of the location where they
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess
their achievement of the goal.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 5
Week: 4
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: My Neighborhood
Theme: Community Helpers
Enduring Understanding: Our neighborhood is special because of the people, the places, and how we help each other.
Essential Question: What makes our neighborhood special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
S-V-C) Sentences
My name is (name). I live in (name of town). I
(live, play, study) here.
My neighborhood has a ____ (park, church,
He/she is a ______ (teacher, police officer,
doctor, nurse)
4. Community Helpers
Teacher, priest, pastor, firefighter, farmer,
shop owner, police officer, doctor, nurse,
engineer, lawyer, police officer, secretary
He, she
Greetings/phrases of politeness:
hello, good-bye, please, you are welcome and
thank you
Identifying community helpers
Discourse Markers
Developing collaborative skills.
Showing interest in others
-There is no place like home.
Phonemic Awareness
/qu/ (Queen, question, quiz)
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
Learner can
Teacher greets the Learners and checks attendance by asking
learners “where are you?” This time, learners can use a preposition of
place to answer the question. Pictures/labels of neighborhood
locations should be stuck to the desks so that learners can respond to
this question using the new vocabulary. Teacher shows Essential
Question and goals for the day.
Activates prior knowledge by leading learners in a brainstorm of the
community helpers they already know
Introduces community helpers using picture flashcards and gestures
related to their work. Community helpers should be introduced
following the structure of “This is a _____.” Possible gestures include:
-Priest: Hands clasped together in prayer.
-Soccer player: A kick.
-Teacher Writing in the air, or touching chin/head in thought.
-Doctor: Showing an air stethoscope.
-Chef: Dropping ingredients in an invisible pot and stiring
-Police officer: Holding up hand for attention/to stop someone.
-Bus driver: Turning “wheel” back and forth and humming the sound a
bus makes.
-Cashier: Handling a cash register, or scanning items.
-Fire station: Shooting an air fire hose.
L.2. Recognizes names
of community helpers.
L.2. recognize and
understand the words
for people around them
(e.g., firefighter, shop
owner, doctor).
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied with gestures.
Oral Comprehension (Listening)
Pre-task: Go to Work!
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Teacher posts pictures of neighborhood locations on the board. Then,
they take the picture of a community helper and ask the learners ex:
“Where is the doctor?” and prompt them to say “The hospital”. Then,
post the picture of the community helper next to the correct location.
Repeat with the rest of the community helpers, allowing learners to
come up to the board and place the community helper when they have
Task rehearsal
- Play: “What am I?”: Learners line up or make a circle and each place a
piece of masking tape on their forehead and stick a picture of a
community helper there, facing outwards, without seeing what the
profession was.
- When each learner has a profession, they have 30 seconds to
circulate the room looking at the pictures of their classmates and
making gestures/sounds that will help them to guess what their
profession is.
- When the time is up, the teacher calls “stop!”. Then, students stand up
or sit down as they listen to their occupation being called up.
- After, the teacher says all doctors and the learners return to their initial
line/circle and take turns announcing their community helpers by
pointing to the profession card and saying “this is a ____.” After
making their guess, the learners can remove the picture from their
forehead and check it.
R.PA.3. Identifies the
initial phoneme in a
spoken word.
R.PA.3. identify the
initial phoneme of /v/,
/x/, /z/, /qu/ in spoken
word if attached to a
Task completion
- Post pictures of the community locations on the wall or on a series of
desks in a circle.
- Play: “Go to work!”: Learners form a circle, and the teacher walks
around it giving each of them a name tag and telling them the name of
the community member it represents/reinforcing it with a gesture.
- When all of the learners know their professions, the teacher declares
“Teachers, go to work !” and the learners must walk to the correct
- When the learners have reached their locations, the teacher can ask
each group at each location “Where is the ____?” to which they can
respond with the name of the location.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess
their achievement of the goal.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words
beginning with /qu/ (Queen, question, quiz). Teacher exaggerates
the sound. At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on
the pictures. The goal is to make the students hear, notice and
distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
SP.2. Uses one or two
learned expressions
SP.2. use one or two
learned expressions:
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures below. Teacher
can also use the sentence: “The queen questions the quality of the
quiz” Task rehearsal
Students repeat each letter sound and the three words right after the
teacher. Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s
- Students practice the chant with a study buddy as shown below:
o The queen. (Position body regally and form a crown on your
o questions (Make an expression of doubt while putting a hand
on your chin)
o the quality (Move your thumb up and down in the “mas o
menos” pattern)
o of the quiz (Tap on your palm, pretending it is a quiz)
Task Completion
Teacher reads from a list of several words or repeats the chant and
students stand up as they listen to a word beginning with the sound.
The teacher can use the chant above for students identifying the target
sounds. Task assessment
For feedback, the teacher pastes the three pictures on the board and
as teachers says the words, the students point to the picture of the
word heard. Whole group assesses their performance.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
greeting, farewell, and
greeting, farewell, and
Oral Production (Speaking)
Pre-task: Neighborhood presentations part II
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Learners take out their neighborhood presentation papers from week 1
and cut out pictures of neighborhood helpers to paste next to
Task rehearsal
- In pairs, learners check their neighborhood location/community helper
combinations to make sure they go together (ex: hospital and doctor).
- Learners practice giving their presentations to their partners.
Task completion
- Learners take turns giving their presentations following this format:
-Hello, my name is _______.
- This is [name of neighborhood], (as they say this they should
make a circular gesture indicating their complete picture)
-This is the _____, and this is the _____ (the first location and the
first community helper).
-This is the _____, and this is the _____ (the second location and the
second community helper).
-Thank you, goodbye!
Optional: Worksheets and presentations could be done in pairs.
Task assessment
Teacher observes students’ participation and responses to assess
their achievement of the goal using sticky notes on students’ desks
when he/she observes the student participating by saying one or more
of the sentences.
W.3. Says words for
teacher to write.
W.3. dictate words for
teacher to write.
Whole class assesses their achievement of the goal.
Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
Teacher works on repair if necessary.
Written Production
Pre-task: The teacher needs help!
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Task rehearsal
Learners play “Who is lost?”: The teacher shows a group of 4 or 5
pictures of community helpers, and the learners help to identify them.
Then, the teacher takes the pictures away for a moment, and shows
them to the learners again- this time hiding one. The teacher then asks
the learners “who is lost?” and the learners can respond with either
“the firefighter!” or “where is the firefighter?”
This game should be played a few times, first increasing/changing the
pictures that are shown, and then changing to “What is lost” and
playing with neighborhood locations instead of professions.
Task completion
- Now, the teacher will give a presentation about their community to the
class, following a similar format to the presentations the learners did in
their oral production task this week but with two important differences:
It is expanded, and the teacher can’t remember some of the words.
- As the teacher gives the presentation, they should periodically forget
an important word (one of the vocabulary words from this unit) as they
point at a picture representing that word, and prompt the learners to
help them remember it. When the learners help the teacher to
remember a word, the teacher should write that word on the board so
that they don’t forget it!
- Here’s an example of how a teacher presentation might flow:
Teacher: Good morning everyone! My name is Nira and I live in
Purriscal. This is Purriscal. This is the school, the hospital, the church,
and the….the…. hmmmmmm…. (points at picture)
Learners: The supermarket!
Teacher: Ahhhh yes, the supermarket- thank you! (writes
“supermarket” on the board).
Teacher: The hospital it right of the fire station, and the church is….
Hmmmmmm…. (holds up directional picture)
Learners: Behind!
Teacher: Right! Behind the fire station.
Task assessment
Teacher provides feedback to students using thumbs up when the
student responds correctly, thumbs down when the student responds
incorrectly, and hand toggling from side to side (similar to mas o
menos action) when student is close but not correct.
Students assess as a group their performance in achieving the goal
using the same motions.
Post task
- Learners play “memory” using pictures of community helpers and
locations and trying to match each community helper with the place
where they work. They need to practice so they don’t become like the
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: Integrated Mini-Project
Planning and creating collaboratively a (mural or storybook) about your neighborhood and present it to the class orally.
Rehearsing and briefly describing the mini-project to the class.
Participating in individual and peer assessment.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Unit 6 Scope and Sequence
Scenario: Playtime
Our playtime is filled with fun games and activities played with people we like.
Essential Question
What makes playtime special?
Assessment and Goals
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Fun Games and
I Need a Rope to Play
My Favorite Game and
Show Me How to Play
L.1.Recognizes spoken
words similar to the
language with which they
are familiar.
R.1.Participates in choral
R.PA.3 Identifies the
short vowels in spoken
S.P.1. Names some
common activities in
familiar environments.
L.3. Recognizes words,
names, and numbers
when heard in a short,
simple recording
delivered at a slow pace.
SI.1. Asks for something
when pointing or
R.PA.3 Identifies the
short vowels in spoken
W.1. Organizes drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer.
R.2. Sequences pictures
to show understanding of
text heard or read.
R.PA.3 Identifies the
short vowels in spoken
S.P.2. Expresses likes
and dislikes using
simple, standard
W.2. Represents an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
L.2. Recognizes simple
instructions when
expressed slowly and
R.PA.3 Identifies the short
vowels in spoken word.
S.P.1. Names some
common activities in
familiar environments.
W.3. Says words for
teacher to write.
Instruments for
Sticky notes
Anecdotal note cards
Inside and outside
Week 6
Suggested Integrated Mini
Mini-book with pictures
and sentences about their
favorite games and
activities using recyclable
L.1. recognize spoken
words similar to the
languages with which
they are familiar (e.g.,
ball, music).
R.1. participate in choral
reading (clapping and
chanting) in response to
the rhyme and rhythm of
a predictably patterned
song or picture story that
is read aloud
R.PA.3. identify the short
vowels /a/ in spoken
word if attached to a
S.P.1. name some
common objects in
familiar environments
(e.g., ball, doll, bike).
L.3. understand words,
names, and numbers
previously learned when
heard in a short, simple
recording delivered at a
slow pace.
R.PA.3. identify the short
vowels / /e/, in spoken
word if attached to a
SI.1. ask for something
when pointing or
gesturing supports the
request. (e.g., kick, run,
W.1. organize drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer
R.2. sequence pictures
to show understanding of
text heard or read that is
supported by pictures in
a heavily patterned book
to include a clear
beginning, middle, and
R.PA.3. identify the short
vowels /o/ in spoken
word if attached to a
SP.2. express likes and
dislikes using simple,
standard expressions.
W.2. draw pictures of an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
L.2. understand simple
instructions, such as «turn
left», «turn right», or «turn
off» when expressed
slowly and clearly,
possibly with
accompanying gestures
and pictures.
R.PA.3. identify the short
vowels /u/ in spoken word
if attached to a picture.
S.P.1. name some
common activities in
familiar environments.
W.3. dictate words for
teacher to write.
Naming and labeling
games and fun
Asking for and
giving information
about games and
Talking about likes
and dislikes
Giving and following
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers
Grammar & Sentence
Grammar &Sentence
Grammar & Sentence
Grammar & Sentence
S-V)- (S-V-C) sentences
I play _______. (ball,
I _____ the ball.
(catch, throw)
She likes _______. ,
doll, jacks, jump rope)
Question/Answers with
What is this? (Ball,
bike, doll)
He has ___ cars.
They have___ dolls.
I have ___ jacks.
(S-V)- (S-V-C) sentences
I play _______. (ball,
I _____ the ball.
(catch, throw)
She likes _______. ,
doll, jacks, jump rope)
Question/Answers with
Is _________ fun/
boring? Yes/No (using
vocabulary list)
Is _________ difficult/
easy to play? Yes/No
(using vocabulary list)
Prepositions (on, in,
under, in front of, near,
behind, up, down)
Throw the jacks on the
Kick the ball in the net.
Stand in front of the
Imperative sentences
Turn right/left.
Stand up., Sit down.
Look at me.
Frequency adverbs:
(always, sometimes,
I _____ play soccer
on Monday
She ____ walks to
He _____ stand up.
Phonemic Awareness
/a/ (apple, arm)
Phonemic Awareness
/e/ (egg, elephant)
Phonemic Awareness
/i/ (iguana, ice cream)
/o/ (on, off)
Phonemic Awareness
/u/ (umbrella, uniform)
Fun Games and
I need a rope to play.
Dolls, rope, jacks,
ball, bike, cards,
My favorite game and
Show me how to play
Actions Verbs:
Multimedia, Cards,
Memory games
Treasure hunt
Jump rope
Ride a bike
Play with
Play jacks
Sing a song
Cardinal numbers:
I like…
I don´t like…
difficult, easy, fun,
Days of the week
play, throw, kick, catch,
run, ride, jump, turn,
start, stop
Move to the right, move to
the left
Respecting rules of
the games,
idioms/ phrases
Expressing gratitude,
appropriate use of
please and thank
Showing intercultural
awareness (games in
other cultures)
Showing social
interaction manners
and politeness when
taking turns and
following rules
I pass.
Showing intercultural
awareness (games in
other cultures)
Expressing likes and
He/she is the MVP
(most valuable
Developing teamwork
skills, persistence,
Showing social
interaction manners and
politeness when taking
turns and following rules
If at first you don’t
succeed, try, try again.
Unit 6 Playtime
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 6
Week: 1
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Playtime
Theme: Fun Games and Activities
Enduring Understanding: Our playtime is filled with fun games and activities played with people we like.
Essential Question: What makes playtime special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
S-V)- (S-V-C) sentences
I play _______. (ball, soccer)
I _____ the ball. (catch, throw)
She likes _______. (doll, jacks, jump rope)
Multimedia, Cards,
Memory games
Treasure hunt
Jump rope
Ride a bike
Play with dolls/balls/cars
Play jacks
Sing a song
Naming and labeling games and fun
Discourse Markers
Respecting rules of the games,
Expressing gratitude, appropriate use of
please and thank you.
Phonemic Awareness
/a/ (apple, arm)
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
L.1.Recognizes spoken
words similar to the
language with which they
are familiar.
Learner can
L.1. recognize spoken
words similar to the
languages with which
they are familiar (e.g.,
ball, music).
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by calling out
names and asking students to respond with “I like games.” Teacher
shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Warm up
Uses the following table of cognates written in two columns on the
board. (Or teachers can watch the video on making foldables and
create foldable learning tools for the students.) As the students enter,
only the English words are visible. Teacher explains that some words
sound similar in English and in Spanish.
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by playing a Guessing Game with students.
Teacher says the word in English and students stand up when they
have a guess as to what the word in Spanish is.
3 minutes
R.1.Participates in choral
R.PA.3 Identifies the
short vowels in spoken
R.1. participate in
choral reading
(clapping and chanting)
in response to the
rhyme and rhythm of a
predictably patterned
song or picture story
that is read aloud
Introduces any words the students did not guess with physical actions/
video/flashcards or drawings and adds the words: games, cards,
hopscotch, treasure hunt and jump rope. (Pictures can be found at
conclusion of Lesson Plans.)
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied with gestures.
Oral and Written Comprehension (Listening and Reading)
Pre-task: Recognizing Words
Teacher shares the listening and reading goals with students.
Teacher introduces a jump rope and shows the students how to jump.
If resources are available, all students can have a jump rope or a large
one can be used for three students to use at one time.
Teacher introduces the jump rope chant written on the board and
reads aloud in the chant rhythm:
I play games and that’s a fact
Football, baseball,
volleyball, and jacks
Cards and hopscotch
Treasure hunts too.
And I can
jump rope with you.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases after
modeling by the teacher who models jumping and chanting.
Task rehearsal
With elbow partners, students practice the chant and jumping rope.
Teacher listens to pairs and repairs as needed.
S.P.1. Names some
common activities in
familiar environments.
R.PA.3. identify the
short vowels /a/ in
spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Task completion
As Teacher points to words of chant on the board and using a longer
rope, students jump and chant. If no rope is available, students can
simply jump up and down. If a student is unable to physically jump
rope, he/she can beat the rhythm on the desk and chant.
Task assessment
Teacher shows pictures (see below) at random to random students
and records whether responses are accurate.
Students assess their work by either cheering (hands raised in air as
they say Rah! Rah! Rah! Or running in place because the class needs
more practice)
Post task
Option if time allows. Use the following table of more cognates written
in two columns on the board. Teacher explains that some words sound
similar in English and in Spanish. Follow the instructions from Pre-
teaching for a guessing game.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
S.P.1. name some
common objects in
familiar environments
(e.g., ball, doll, bike).
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of the example
words beginning with the /a/ sound: apple, arm. Teacher exaggerates
the sound. At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on
the pictures. The goal is to make the students hear, notice and
distinguish the initial sounds of the words when they are heard.
Teacher can use a video to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the picture that can be found
at the end of the lesson plans. Teacher can also mime and say the
sentence: I stretch my arm to grab the apple.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat the letter sound and the words right after the teacher.
Then they repeat the sentence chorally with the teacher´s help.
Students practice listening for the /a/ sound as the Teacher says
words from previous lessons and includes words with the A sound
including apple, arm, activities, answers. When they hear the /a/ sound
they raise their arm.
Task Completion
Students line up in front of the picture of the arm and the apple tree.
As each comes to the picture they point to the arm and say arm and
point to the apple and say apple.
Task Completion
Teacher then says (emphasizing the /a/ sound: We are going to
assess this activity. Raise your arm if you think you were excellent.
Raise your arm if you think you need to practice.
Post Task
Use the worksheet found at for additional ideas.
Or show the video again from this link and focus on repeating section
featuring the sentence: The ants are always angry.
Oral Production (Speaking)
Pre-task: Name that Game
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Teacher introduces the sentence frames and the familiar objects
(using realia or photos):
o I play _______.
o I don’t play ______.
Students repeat chorally and individually words and phrases related to
games after modeling by the teacher.
Task rehearsal
Teacher shows a picture or realia and stands at the left side of the
room saying one sentence frame and then moves to the right side of
the room to say another. For instance, the image is of a ball. At the left
side of the room the teacher says “I play ball.” Moving to the right side
of the room, the teacher says “I don’t play ball.” Students then move to
the side of the room that is right for them and says the sentence aloud.
Task completion
Teacher shows a picture or realia and students name the item in the
Task assessment
Students assess their work by either cheering (hands raised in air as
they say Rah! Rah! Rah!) or running in place because the class needs
more practice).
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 6
Week: 2
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Playtime
Theme: I need a rope to play
Enduring Understanding: Our playtime is filled with fun games and activities played with people we like.
Essential Question: What makes playtime special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Question/Answers with BE
What is this? (Ball, bike, doll)
He has ___ cars.
They have___ dolls.
I have ___ jacks.
I need a rope to play.
Dolls, rope, jacks, ball, bike, cards
Cardinal numbers:
Phonemic Awareness
/e/ (egg, elephant)
Asking for and giving information
about games and activities
Discourse Markers
Showing intercultural awareness (games
in other cultures)
Showing social interaction manners and
politeness when taking turns and
following rules
I pass.
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Learner …
Learner can
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by calling out
names and asking students to respond with “I like games.” Teacher
shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Warm up
Uses the video that shows learning to count to 30 on a playground:
Activation prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by playing a matching game with students
using the “I see ___ dolls” worksheet that can be found at the
conclusion of the lesson plans.
Introduces numbers the students do not know using the picture of 30
3 minutes
L.3. Recognizes words,
names, and numbers
when heard in a short,
simple recording
delivered at a slow pace.
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary and expressions.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied by Teacher
pointing and counting out the balls, first with numbers printed and then
Oral Comprehension and Production (Listening to Speak)
Pre-task: Recognizing games and numbers
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Teacher uses the following online storybooks.
On the following pages, Teacher counts out and models:
A They have 6 helmets. What do they have? They have 6 helmets.
B They have 4 helmets. What do they have? They have 4 helmets.
SI.1. Asks for something
when pointing or
R.PA.3 Identifies the
short vowels in spoken
L.3. understand words,
names, and numbers
previously learned
when heard in a short,
simple recording
delivered at a slow
C He has 1 bat and 1 ball. What does he have? He has 1 bat and 1
E They have 4 horses. What do they have? They have 4 horses.
F They have 2 uniforms. What do they have? They have 2 uniforms.
H They have 7 hockey sticks. What do they have? They have 7
hockey sticks.
P They have 3 horses. What do they have? They have 3 horses.
R They have 1 ball. What do they have? They have 1 ball.
V The cycle has 1 wheel. What does it have? The cycle has 1 wheel.
V They have 1 ball and 1 net. What do they have? They have 1 ball
and 1 net.
W They have 1 ball and 1 net. What do they have? They have 1 ball
and 1 net.
Z She has 2 gloves. What does she have? She has 2 gloves.
Students repeat chorally and individually the questions and answers
related to each picture of sports from around the world.
Task rehearsal
In pairs, as the Teacher moves through the pages of the book, the
students practice pointing to the picture and asking and answering the
Task completion
With students standing in a circle, the Teacher models throwing a ball
to another student and asking What do they/he/she have? While
pointing to a picture from the book. Student answers and then throws
ball to another student and asks the question. Teacher continues to
move to different pages in the book. Play continues until all have
asked and answered the question.
Task assessment
Teacher explains that 10 fingers equals needs practice, 20 fingers
(flashing all fingers twice) equals good and 30 fingers equals excellent.
Teacher asks class to assess themselves.
SI.1. ask for something
when pointing or
gesturing supports the
request. (e.g., kick, run,
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows pictures and models the initial sound of three words
beginning with /e/ sound: egg, elephant. Teacher exaggerates the
sound. At this point, it is not recommended to print the words on the
pictures. The goal is to make the students hear, notice and distinguish
the initial sounds of the words when they are heard.
Teacher can use this video to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures that follow the
lesson plans and the sentence: The elephant eats an egg.
Teacher (having previously reviewed the rules for hopscotch here shows the video
( for hopscotch with the sound down.
Three hopscotch diagrams are either drawn on the sidewalk outside or
taped on the floor in the room. He/she models how to play using the
number and either elephant or egg as she/lands on each spot. (1
elephant, 2 eggs, 3 elephants, 4 eggs, etc.)
W.1. Organizes drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer.
R.PA.3. identify the
short vowels / /e/, in
spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat the letter sound and the words right after the teacher.
Then they play the game of hopscotch. Group can be divided into
three groups with each getting a turn at playing at each hopscotch
Task Completion
As students conclude their time at the game they come to the teacher
who shows the picture of the elephant and the egg and students point
to each and say the word.
Task assessment
Teacher then says (emphasizing the /e/ sound in “excellent”: We are
going to assess this activity. Raise your arm if you think you were
excellent. Raise your arm if you think you need to practice.
W.1. organize drawings
or pictures within a
graphic organizer
Post Task
Use the worksheet found at for additional ideas.
Written Production
Pre-task: Organizing
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Teacher then distributes the cut boxes of the two hopscotch tables
number 11-20 and 21-30 in separate envelopes to each student.
Teacher models putting the boxes in the correct order.
Task rehearsal
Students work in pairs to complete the graphic organizers.
Task completion
Students select one envelope and individually place the pieces in the
correct order. Then they select the other and complete the same
Task assessment
Teacher reminds students that 10 fingers equals needs practice, 20
fingers (flashing all fingers twice) equals good and 30 fingers equals
excellent. Teacher asks class to assess themselves.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 6
Week: 3
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Playtime
Theme: My Favorite Games and Activities
Enduring Understanding: Our playtime is filled with fun games and activities played with people we like.
Essential Question: What makes playtime special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
(S-V)- (S-V-C) sentences
I play _______. (ball, soccer)
I _____ the ball. (catch, throw)
She likes _______. , doll, jacks, jump rope)
Question/Answers with BE
Is _________ fun/ boring? Yes/No (using
vocabulary list)
Is _________ difficult/ easy to play? Yes/No
(using vocabulary list)
I like…
I don´t like…
difficult, easy, fun, boring
Days of the week
Phonemic Awareness
/i/ (iguana, ice cream)
/o/ (on, off)
Talking about likes and dislikes
Discourse Markers
Showing intercultural awareness (games
in other cultures)
Expressing likes and dislikes
He/she is the MVP (most valuable
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
R.2. Sequences pictures
to show understanding of
text heard or read.
Learner can
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by calling out
names and asking students to respond with “I like games.” Teacher
shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Warm up
Uses the video found here that that introduces the days of the week
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by using a folded page where “day” is
visible and Teacher reveals the specific day of the week:
Introduces days of the week using the folded page. Distributes copies
to students for them to fold and follow Teacher’s example.
3 minutes
R.PA.3 Identifies the
short vowels in spoken
R.2. sequence pictures
to show understanding
of text heard or read
that is supported by
pictures in a heavily
patterned book to
include a clear
beginning, middle, and
Models and repeats as needed.
Clarifies vocabulary.
Students participate in choral repetition accompanied by Teacher and
using the folded page.
Option: Teacher can use Total Physical Response method similar to
what is used by teacher in the video found here
Written Comprehension (Reading)
Teacher shares the reading goal with students.
Teacher uses the following online storybook.
Busy-Week -
Students repeat chorally and individually the days of the week as the
Teacher reads the book aloud for the first time and models pointing to
the days on the folded paper from the first activity.
Task rehearsal
As the Teacher reads the book, teams of students (4 to each team)
place the pictures in the correct order. (See pictures in the resource
section following the lesson plans.)
Task completion
Students individually place the pictures in the appropriate order when
the Teacher says the day of the week aloud.
Task assessment
S.P.2. Expresses likes
and dislikes using
simple, standard
R.PA.3. identify the
short vowels /i/ and /o/
in spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Teacher explains that 10 fingers equals needs practice, 20 fingers
(flashing all fingers twice) equals good and 30 fingers equals excellent.
Teacher asks class to assess themselves.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows pictures (see resource section following lesson plans)
and models the initial sound of words beginning with /i/ (iguana, ice
cream) and /o/ (on, off). Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this
point, it is not recommended to print the words on the pictures. The
goal is to make the students hear, notice and distinguish the initial
sounds of the words when they are heard.
Teacher can use these videos to get additional ideas.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures that follow the
lesson plans and the sentence: I eat ice cream and watch the iguana
turn the light on and off.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat the letter sound and the words right after the teacher.
Students form two circles, one inside the other. The two circles face
one another so that pairs are formed. The teacher shows the picture
and the students in the inside circle repeat the word for 30 seconds
and then the students on the outside circle repeat the word for 30
seconds. The inside circle shifts to the next person and the next word
is practiced.
W.2. Represents an
event or character from a
picture story or one main
SP.2. express likes and
dislikes using simple,
standard expressions.
Task Completion
Students stand when they hear the word in a list of words beginning with
other letters. They then repeat the word aloud and point at the
appropriate picture.
Task assessment
Teacher then says: We are going to assess this activity. Raise your
arm if you think you were excellent. Raise your arm if you think you
need to practice.
Post Task
Use the worksheets found at and for additional ideas.
Oral Production (Speaking)
Pre-task: Talking about favorites
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Teacher introduces vocabulary (easy, difficult, boring and fun) using
mime and the following graphic organizer.
Teacher writes a large ? mark on one side of the board and a
__________ (blank line) on the other side of the board. He/she then
models asking the question as he/she stands by the ? and then
answering when he/she moves to the _______
o Q: Is baseball easy to play?
W.2. draw pictures of
an event or character
from a picture story or
one main idea.
A: Yes. (uses green sheet of paper from previous
activity and nods head up and down while smiling.)
A: No. (uses red sheet of paper from previous activity
and shakes head from side to side while frowning.)
o Q: Is baseball fun?
A: Yes. (uses green sheet of paper from previous
activity and nods head up and down while smiling.)
A: No. (uses red sheet of paper from previous activity
and shakes head from side to side while frowning.)
o Q: Is baseball difficult to play?
A: Yes. (uses green sheet of paper from previous
activity and nods head up and down while frowning.)
A: No. (uses red sheet of paper from previous activity
and shakes head from side to side while smiling.)
o Q: Is baseball boring?
A: Yes. (uses green sheet of paper from previous
activity and nods head up and down while frowning.)
A: No. (uses red sheet of paper from previous activity
and shakes head from side to side while smiling.)
o Q: Do you like baseball?
A: Yes. I like baseball.
A: No. I don’t like baseball.
Teacher continues to model with other sports using photos of sports to
Task rehearsal
Students work in pairs and answer to each other using the appropriate
TPR as the Teacher asks the question aloud.
Task completion
Teacher shows two envelopes to each student. One envelope has the
name of sports and the other has the vocabulary. Each student
chooses a slip of paper from each of the envelope. The teacher then
asks the question and the student responds appropriately.
Task assessment
Teacher asks students to hold up the green sheet if they believe the
class succeeded at the goal and the red sheet if they need more work.
Written Production
Pre-task: Sharing the main idea
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Teacher returns to the book found at
and reads it again. Prior to reading, the Teacher asks the students to
listen and pick the one activity that Super Sam does that they like the
most, their favorite activity.
Task rehearsal
Teacher reads the book and asks students use a green or red piece of
paper that has previously been distributed to each and say yes with
green and no with red to the question: Is this your favorite activity?
Task completion
Students draw the answer to the question: What is your favorite
Task assessment
Teacher has the days of the week posted on the board. Students tape
their drawings under the day of the week that Sam does their favorite
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Term: III
Level: First Grade
Unit: 6
Week: 4
Domain: Socio-interpersonal
Scenario: Playtime
Theme: Show Me How to Play
Enduring Understanding: Our playtime is filled with fun games and activities played with people we like.
Essential Question: What makes playtime special?
Learn to Know
Learn to Do
Learn to Be and Live in Community
Grammar & Sentence Frames
Prepositions (on, in, under, in front of, near,
behind, up, down)
Throw the jacks on the table.
Kick the ball in the net.
Stand in front of the net.
Imperative sentences
Turn right/left.
Stand up., Sit down.
Look at me.
Frequency adverbs:
(always, sometimes, never)
I _____ play soccer on Monday
She ____ walks to school.
He _____ stand up.
Actions Verbs:
play, throw, kick, catch, run, ride, jump, turn,
start, stop
Giving and following instructions
Discourse Markers
Developing teamwork skills, persistence,
Showing social interaction manners and
politeness when taking turns and
following rules
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
Move to the right, move to the left
Phonemic Awareness
/u/ (umbrella, uniform)
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of
(Diagnostic, Formative,
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
Learner …
L.2. Recognizes simple
instructions when
expressed slowly and
Learner can
L.2. understand simple
instructions, such as
«turn left», «turn right»,
or «turn off» when
expressed slowly and
clearly, possibly with
gestures and pictures.
Teacher greets the students and checks attendance by calling out
names and asking students to respond with “I like games.” Teacher
shows Essential Question and goals for the day.
Warm up
Uses the video found here that that introduces actions and imperatives .
Activation of prior knowledge
Activates prior knowledge by using an adaptation of the game Mother,
May I? and calling it “Teacher, May I?” Rules are that all students are
seated. Teacher calls on student for an action like Stand up. Student
must say “Teacher, May I stand up?” and do the action after the
Teacher responds with “Yes, please.”. If student does not say the
polite phrase or does the wrong action, student goes to side of room
and is out of the play.
Introduces actions with Total Physical Response and then plays game.
Models and repeats as needed.
3 minutes
Clarifies vocabulary.
Students participate in individual repetition accompanied by Teacher
as they play the game.
Oral Comprehension (Listening)
Teacher shares the listening goal with students.
Teacher uses the following illustrations on separate sheets of paper:
R.PA.3 Identifies the
short vowels in spoken
R.PA.3. identify the
short vowels /u/ in
spoken word if
attached to a picture.
Students repeat chorally and individually turn left, turn right, go
straight, stop as teacher models the commands and shows the
appropriate sign.
Task rehearsal
Students form teams of four and practice observing the directions by
using toy cars on a map (if toys are available). If toys are not available,
teams can use the illustrations of cars and the map found in the
resource section following the lesson plans.
Task completion
Students individually follow the instructions given by the teacher and
the team watches and assesses.
Task assessment
Teacher gives out green and red pieces of paper (or flags if possible)
and students use green to indicate that he/she succeeded or red to
indicate that he/she will need to try again.
Phonemic Awareness
Pre-task: Identification of sounds
Teacher shares goals with the students.
Teacher reviews past unit sounds to activate students´ background
Teacher shows pictures (see resource section following lesson plans)
and/or realia and models the initial sound of words beginning with /u/ --
umbrella, uniform. Teacher exaggerates the sound. At this point, it is
not recommended to print the words on the pictures. The goal is to
make the students hear, notice and distinguish the initial sounds of the
words when they are heard.
Teacher can use these videos to get additional ideas.
S.P.1. Names some
common activities in
familiar environments.
S.P.1. name some
common activities in
familiar environments.
Students repeat suggested sounds using the pictures that follow the
lesson plans and the sentence: Use your umbrella and keep your
uniform dry.
Task rehearsal
Students repeat the letter sound and the words right after the teacher.
Students form two circles, one inside the other. The two circles face
one another so that pairs are formed. The teacher shows the picture
and the students in the inside circle repeat the word for 30 seconds
and then the students on the outside circle repeat the word for 30
seconds. The inside circle shifts to the next person and the next word
is practiced.
Task Completion
Students stand when they hear the word in a list of words beginning with
other letters. They then repeat the word aloud and point at the
appropriate picture.
Task assessment
Teacher then says: We are going to assess this activity. Raise your
arm if you think you were excellent. Raise your arm if you think you
need to practice.
Post Task
Use the worksheets found at
Oral Production (Speaking)
Pre-task: Talking about rules of games
Teacher shares the speaking goal with students.
Teacher introduces vocabulary using the book from the previous
lesson about sports around the world and pointing to the photos where
the following rules are applicable.
W.3. Says words for
teacher to write.
W.3. dictate words for
teacher to write.
o Keep your helmet on your head.
o Kick the ball in the net.
o Stand in front of the net..
Teacher models on by tapping top of head, in by placing fingers of one
hand inside cup formed by other hand, and in front of by placing one
hand in front of the other.
Task rehearsal
Students work in pairs and say the appropriate rule and demonstrate
the Total Physical Response action as the Teacher shows the photos
from the book.
Task completion
Teacher shows pages of book and tosses a ball to individual students
who say the rule. Student then tosses the ball to another student.
Task assessment
Teacher asks students Nod for yes and Shake head for no if they feel
that the class succeeded at the goal.
Written Production
Pre-task: Pre-writing
Teacher shares the goal with students.
Teacher displays pictures used throughout the unit and says the word
as each is placed on the wall.
Students repeat the words.
Task rehearsal
Students work in pairs and identify 3 words for teacher to write.
Task completion
As teacher calls on each student, students dictate a word for the
teacher to write.
Task assessment
Teacher writes the words Needs work, Good, or Excellent on the
board and tells the class his/her assessment of their work.
Integrated Mini-Project
Phase: _________
Planning and creating collaboratively a mini-book with pictures and sentences about their favorite games and activities
using recyclable materials.
Rehearsing and briefly describing the mini-book to the class in a poster exhibition.
Participating in individual assessment.
Reflective Teaching
What worked well
What didn’t work well
How to Improve
Enduring Understanding Reflection
Teaching Resources
Resources Unit 1
Greetings and leave-taking, introductions
1. The Greetings Song, Maple Leaf Learning
2. What´s your name? Song
3. Hello How Are You Song
4. What's Your Name? Song for Kids
5. Greetings and leave-taking worksheets
6. Bye Bye Goodbye | Goodbye Song for Kids | Super Simple Songs
7. Hello Hello! | Kids Song | Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs
8. 1st grade dialogue (hello, How are you?)
9. Greeting song - Hi. Hello. How are you? | ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids
10. My name's Gogo, What's your name?, We Love English
11. How old are you?, We Love English
12. How are you? or How old are you? - Song for kids. (Grade 1)♫
13. How old are you? I'm five years old. - Easy Dialogue - English cartoon with subtitles, English Singsing
14. Song How old are you?
15. Use Polite Words - Animated Lesson with Sign Language
16. Please and Thank You | Little Mandy Manners | TinyGrads | Children's Videos | Character Songs, TinyGrads
17. Understand the Basic School Rules, Signing Savvy
18. The Rules of the Classroom (song for kids about the 6 rules of the classroom), Harry Kindergarten Music
19. The Thank You Song, KidsTV123
20. Children's Song. Manners and Character. Sung to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.TinyGrads
21. Hello Friends.wmv
22. Classroom Manners Can You Teach My Alligator Manners WMV V9
23. Hello Song. Dave Moran - Kids Songs
24. See You Later, Alligator | Goodbye Song | Super Simple Songs
Phonemic Awareness
NEW* ABC Phonics - Semi Slow Version
Phonics Song with TWO Words - A For Apple - ABC Alphabet Songs with Sounds for Children, ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Phonics Song 2
Phonological Awareness, Help for Reading
Phonics Letter- M song, Kids TV - Nursery Rhymes And Children’s Songs
Phonics Letter- E song
Phonics Letter- S song
Phonics Letter- A song
Phonics Letter- T song
Phonics Letter- L song
Letter E | Phonics Song by Little Fox
Letter A | Phonics Song by Little Fox
Letter T | Phonics Song by Little Fox
Letter L | Phonics Song by Little Fox
Letter M | Phonics Song by Little Fox
Letter S | Phonics Song by Little Fox
Alphabet Phonics with Urple the Purple Puppet and David
"Fun Kids Songs" ABC Phonics Chant
Learn Question Words For Kids | Grammar Grade 1 | Periwinkle
Question Words for kids
05 'Question Words?' Song (Who, Why, What, When, Where, How) English on Tour, Cambridge English Online
Learn Opposites - Tall Short
Adjectives Words for Kids - Adjectives to Descriptive Vocabulary - Elf Kids Videos
Let's Learn The Colors! - Cartoon Animation Color Songs for Children by ChuChuTV
The Rainbow Colors Song
FUNNY SONG: The Color Song
Learn Colors - Preschool Chant - Colors Song for Preschool by ELF Learning - ELF Kids Videos
Fun Numbers Chant (1-10) - Learning Numbers by ELF Learning - ELF Kids Videos
Counting the Numbers Let's Count from 1 to 10 - Let's learn!
Annex 1
Fly Swatter Game
Level: Any Level
Divide your class into 2 groups.
Choose 2 ss. and ask them to go to the back part of the classroom and turn back.
Display on the blackboard/floor vocabulary words and over 10 of them paste "flies"
made of cardboard paper with a piece of velcro on them.
Give both ss. a fly swatter with the other side of velcro on them.
The objective on the game is that you will say a word and ss. will turn back and run to "fly swat" the word that has the bug over it.
The ss. who "kills" the fly has to spell the word and then he will score a point for his team.
With the fly swatter and the velcro flies, you can invent many different games. Try it!!!
Annex 2
Hot Potato Game
How to play the game of Hot Potato
Object of the Game: Don’t get caught holding the hot potato when the music stops playing.
Need: Bean bag or ball for the hot potato, something to play music. Anything can be used for a hot potato - a doll, toy car or piece of
Set up the game: Sit children in a circle facing towards the center with one of them holding the “hot potato”.
How to Play and Rules: Start the music and have the children start to pass the hot potato around the circle. When the music stops
the person holding the hot potato is out. Continue the game until there is only one person left in the circle. They are the winner.
Variation of Hot Potato: For children's parties the "potato" can be any item - it make the game even better if an object from the party
theme is used.
Annex 3
Learning names game
Learning names is a very important part of building community among learners! There are many, many activities for learning names.
Remember that each name is like a vocabulary word and students need time to encounter and clarify them and the practice them a
lot!! These are a few we have done:
1. Self- assessment: ask people to think about how many names they already know and how many they would like to learn.
2. Pair practice- check with a partner to see which names you know between the two of you.
3. Students are sitting or standing in a circle. Pass an object (a stone, a stick, a pen). The person holding the object says the
name they would like to be called three times slowly. After 5 or 6 people, pass a second object. This time the person holding
the object says nothing and everyone else in the class says their name 3 times slowly.
4. Pair practice- check with a partner to practice the names you know between the two of you.
5. Ball toss. Stand in a circle and toss a ball. Say your own name and the name of the person you are tossing it to. Once this has
gotten started, start a second and/or third ball.
6. Partner quiz quiz each other!
Annex 4
Four corners Game
What it is: Four corners is a classroom game (posted in honor of all my readers who are teachers!) that I remember playing in grade school as a
reward for good behavior or at parties. It’s simple, there’s not really any skill involved, and it’s fun. The best type of classroom game there is.
Best for: A classroom full of students! I would say you need about 10 people at a minimum, to however many can fit comfortably in your room.
What you need: Just players and a room with four corners! Ooh, actually, if you were in a hexagon-shaped room, you could play six corners…but
that’s beyond the point.
How to play: First assign each corner of your room a number one through four, like this:
The numbers will stay the same and everyone will need to remember them.
Then select one player to be It, like Melanie. Melanie stands in the middle of the room, closes her eyes, and counts to ten (or another specified
number). While she’s counting, all of the other players silently move to a corner of the room. Each player can pick whichever corner they want.
When Melanie is done counting, she keeps her eyes closed and then tries to guess which corner has the most people, based on the sounds she might
have heard when she was counting. Say she heard a lot of rustling and banging over by the door in corner number 4. She would say out loud,
“Four!” Then all of the players in corner 4 would be out and would go sit down at their desks. Then Melanie begins another round, counting to ten
again while players move to whichever corner they want. Then Melanie picks a corner, the players in that corner are out, and a new round starts.
Play continues until one player is left the new It.
Strategies: You obviously want to be quiet when picking a corner. You don’t want Melanie to know that your corner is occupied! But, if you have
time and if you move fast, maybe you could throw her off make a noise over by corner 3 before hurrying silently back to corner 2. (The corner
3 people wouldn’t like it much, though.) When I’ve played, we’ve mostly tried to move as silently as possible and avoided too much “strategy.”
There’s just something about this simple game that’s fun enough on its own: the countdown, hurrying to pick a corner, moving silently with
everyone else, making eye contact and trying not to giggle, the suspense, the last-minute mind changes where you dart across the room. Ah, good
times in Mrs. Pritchard’sthird grade class.
Annex 5
"Memory Game"
Rules for playing
1. Mix up the cards.
2. Lay them in rows, face down.
3. Turn over any two cards.
4. If the two cards match, keep them.
5. If they don't match, turn them back over.
6. Remember what was on each card and where it was.
7. Watch and remember during the other player's turn.
8. The game is over when all the cards have been matched.
9. The player with the most matches wins.
Resources Unit 2
Theme 1: Stand Up! Sit Down
Theme 1: Commands
Video that teaches command through TPR.
Video that teaches commands through simple phrase repetition.
Theme 2: Things in the Classroom
Page with things found in the classroom. (Better.)
Page with things found in the classroom.
Theme 3: School Supplies
Things in a classroom chant.
Things in a classroom: Talking Flashcards.
Theme 4: Where is my Pencil?
For TEACHERS. Idea for teaching possessives. This method could be used for your, mine, his, her, their, etc.
Simple video for possessive adjectives in the classroom.
Game: Items on My Desk
A student is asked to place three (or more) items on their desk. The teacher would do the same. The teacher would begin by modeling:
Teacher: On my desk is my pencil, my marker, and my eraser.
Maria, what is on your desk?
Maria: On my desk is my book, my crayon, and my scissors.
Juan, what is on your desk?
Other examples are: What is on his desk? What is in our locker? What is on our door? Etc.
- This game serves to teach possessives (my, your, our).
- This also reinforces classroom supplies.
- Use of repetition, modeling, and student engagement/interaction.
Game: Around the World/Around the Classroom
This activity works well in a room of about 15-20 students.
Basic set-up: The teacher would need to have a box of school supplies or a set of paper-sized flashcards with images of school supplies on
them (or whatever the item being taught is.)
To begin, the teacher chooses a student to start, and that student goes to the desk/chair of the student next to him/her. When the two students
are ready, the teacher pulls an item out of the box/shows a flashcard, and the first student to say the correct answer moves on to the next
person. The person who is slower or gets the word wrong has to sit down in that seat.
The winner moves on to the next person and the same thing happens. When/if the student gets bested, he/she has to sit down where they lose.
If the student makes it back to his/her seat and gets a final word correct there, he/she is declared the winner.
Game: Flyswatter
This game is simple. The class is divided into 2 groups, and they have to form lines. Photos of the items the students have been learning are
taped on the whiteboard/blackboard or a wall. The person in the front of each line is given a flyswatter, and the entire team is asked to stand
behind a certain line or a piece of tape. The teacher will call out an object and the students will race to the wall/board and ‘swat’ the item the
teacher has called. The student who swats the right object earns a point for his/her team.
Integrated Mini Project #1: What’s In Your Backpack?
Make Printouts of a backpack vector image such as this one:
Each student will be given one of these and asked to color it.
Next, the students will be asked to flip the backpack over to the blank side and there, they can draw what is in their backpack.
When they are done, a student will present their backpack to the class.
(Has the potential to reinforce numbers, colors, school supplies as well as the preposition ‘in’.)
Integrated Mini Project #2: Our Classroom
Students will be given a blank sheet of paper and asked to create a drawing of the classroom. Instructions will be given that require them to
draw items from a specific list of classroom items. (5-10 items) Students will present their classroom to the class and tell where the specific
objects are located within the classroom.
Integrated Mini Project #3: The Daily Routine
For this project, students could be given graphic sequences or comic strips that show the following:
Students coming into the classroom.
Students walking to their desk.
Students sitting down.
Teacher greeting the class. (“Hello Class.”)
Class responding. (“Hello Teacher.”)
Teacher teaching class.
Class ending. (Teacher says “Class is finished. You may leave.”)
Student stand up.
Students leave class.
These items would be out of order, and the student would cut out the squares and be given a separate sheet of paper to paste them in order.
The option would also be given for students to be able to color these images before beginning to cut and paste.
This activity would incorporate fine motor skills with the cutting and pasting. Additionally, it would focus on classroom commands and
Resources Unit 5
(Paste neighborhood
name here)
(Paste location picture
(Paste location picture
Sing the following words to the music below:
Up down behind x 2
In front of x 2
Left of, right of x2
In front of x2
Make the following gestures each time you sing one of the words:
Up (point up with two hands)
Down (point down with two hands)
Behind (point back with two thumbs)
In front of (hands held out flat in front)
Left of (hold hand out to the left)
Right of (hold hand out to the right)
Hello friend- nice to
meet you! Want to
see our
Hello! I live in
Rainbowville. Here,
the CHURCH is IN
FRONT OF the soccer
Hello! I live in In
Cloudy Town. In
Cloudy Town the
the soccer field.
Good morning! I live in
In Two Palms. In Two
Palms the CHURCH is
BEHIND the soccer
Hi! I live in Sun City.
Here, the school is LEFT
OF the soccer field.
My Neighborhood
Excuse me, where
is the hospital?
From the school
entrance, GO LEFT
past the restaurant
At the police
station, GO RIGHT.
STOP when you see
the big white
building. That is the
Bus Driver
Soccer Player
Police Officer
Resources Unit 6
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
I see ___ dolls.
Sonia Marta Mora Escalante
Ministra de Educación Pública
Alicia E. Vargas Porras
Viceministra Académica
Rosa Carranza Rojas
Director Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular
Anabelle Venegas Fernández
Jefa, Departamento de Primero y Segundo Ciclos
Rocío Torres Arias
Jefa, Departamento de Evaluación de los Aprendizajes
Comisión redactora
Ana Isabel Campos Centeno
Yaudy Ramírez Vásquez
Asesoras Nacionales de Inglés Primero y Segundo Ciclos
Karen Campbell, Peace Corps volunteer
Chelsea Geier, Peace Corps volunteer
Colleen Hewitt, Peace Corps volunteer
James Lucas, Peace Corps volunteer
Evan Patton, Peace Corps volunteer
Nira Penn, Peace Corps volunteer
Darrell Potter, Peace Corps volunteer
Jeremy Schmidt, Peace Corps volunteer
Douglas Tyler, Peace Corps volunteer
Diseño de Portada
Christian Vargas Rojas, Dirección de Recursos Tecnológicos en Educación
Listening goal one
Reading goal one
Reading Phonemic Awareness goal one
SI. 1
Spoken Interaction goal one
Spoken Production goal one
Writing goal one
Integrated Mini Project

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