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Can machines sense irony?
Exploring automatic irony detection on social media
Automatische ironiedetectie op sociale media
Proefschrift voorgelegd tot het behalen van de graad van
Doctor in de Taalkunde aan de Universiteit Gent te verdedigen door
Cynthia Van Hee
Dit onderzoek werd gefinancierd door het
AMiCA IWT SBO-project 120007.
Gent, 2017
Prof. dr. Véronique Hoste
Prof. dr. Els Lefever
2017 Cynthia Van Hee
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or
any other means without written permission from the author.
to my parents
to Bert
The development of the social web has stimulated creative language use like
irony. As a result, research in automatic irony detection has thrived in the past
few years, to improve our understanding of ironic language on the one hand,
and to enhance text mining applications that suffer from irony (e.g. automatic
sentiment analysis) on the other. In this thesis, we present a comprehensive
approach to modelling irony, including the development of a new fine-grained
annotation scheme, a varied set of experiments to detect irony automatically,
and an extrinsic evaluation of the irony detection system by means of a sentiment
analysis use case. An important contribution of this research includes a new
approach to model implicit or prototypical sentiment, which is crucial in irony
We assembled a gold-standard corpus of English tweets using irony-related hash-
tags (i.e. #irony, #sarcasm, #not), which was manually annotated according
to a new annotation scheme. The scheme is grounded in irony literature and
provides for a fine-grained annotation, including the identification of different
forms of irony and the specific text spans that realise the irony in a tweet. This
manually annotated dataset allowed us to investigate two things: the linguis-
tic realisation of irony in online text, and the viability of our machine learning
approach to irony detection.
Analysis of the annotated corpus analysis revealed that one in five instances in
the corpus are not ironic despite containing an irony hashtag, which confirms
that manual annotations are instrumental for this task. We also observed that
in 70% of the ironic tweets, a polarity contrast takes place between the literal
and the implied message (i.e. ironic by clash), whereas situational irony and
other irony only represent 30% of the ironic tweets.
Experiments using a support vector machine showed that irony detection ben-
efits from a variety of information sources. While related research is often
based on lexical features, we found that syntactic and semantic features are im-
portant predictors for irony as well. Combining the three information sources
outperformed a strong character n-gram baseline and yielded a state-of-the-art
F-score of 70.11% showing a good balance between precision and recall.
A qualitative analysis revealed that polarity contrasts which include implicit
sentiment (e.g. ‘I love going to the dentist’) present a critical bottleneck in
irony detection. An important contribution of this thesis is that we took the
first steps to automatically define the prototypical sentiment related to par-
ticular situations (e.g. ‘going to the dentist’). We compared a knowledge base
(SenticNet) and data driven (Twitter) approach and found that the latter allows
to infer prototypical sentiment with high accuracy (>70%). Using such pro-
totypical sentiment information to inform the irony detection system increased
recall of the latter considerably (>83%).
In the last part of this thesis, we present a sentiment analysis use case as the
extrinsic evaluation of our irony detection system. We investigated the effect of
irony on automatic sentiment analysis at the tweet level and observed that the
latter shows an important drop in performance when applied to ironic text. By
informing the sentiment analysis system with the output of our irony detection
system, we were able to augment its performance considerably (20% to 40%).
Can machines sense irony? We found they show at least good performance by
using a support vector machine exploiting a varied feature set. Informing the
classifier with implicit or prototypical sentiment further enhances its perfor-
mance and present promising directions for future research.
Steeds meer communicatie verloopt via sociale media, die bijgevolg vaker geken-
merkt worden door figuurlijk en creatief taalgebruik. Een voorbeeld van zulk
creatief taalgebruik is ironie, een stijlfiguur die de jongste jaren vaak onderzocht
wordt om een beter inzicht te krijgen in de manieren waarop we communiceren,
maar ook om onderzoek naar automatische tekstanalyse (bv. automatische sen-
timentanalyse) te verbeteren. In dit proefschrift beschrijven we een uitgebreide
aanpak om ironie te modelleren, inclusief een theoretisch kader met nieuwe anno-
tatierichtlijnen voor ironie, experimenten om ironie automatisch te detecteren en
een use case als extrinsieke evaluatie van het detectiesysteem. Een belangrijke
bijdrage van dit proefschrift zijn onze experimenten om automatisch impliciet of
prototypisch sentiment te herkennen, wat een belangrijke rol speelt in ironisch
We stelden een corpus samen van Engelstalige tweets met behulp van ironie-
gerelateerde hashtags (i.e. #irony, #sarcasm, #not). Al deze tweets werden
manueel geannoteerd aan de hand van een nieuw annotatieschema. Het schema
is gebaseerd op literatuur over ironie en laat niet alleen toe om aan te duiden
of een tweet al dan niet ironisch is, maar stelt ook een meer fijnmazige aanpak
voor waarbij het type ironie kan aangeduid worden. Dit manueel geannoteerde
corpus liet ons toe om te onderzoeken i) wat de tekstuele kenmerken zijn van
ironie in dit type data en ii) hoe goed een lerend systeem in staat is ironie te
Een analyse van het geannoteerde corpus toonde aan dat één op de vijf tweets
in het corpus niet ironisch is, hoewel een ironie-gerelateerde hashtag aanwezig
is. Dit toont aan dat manuele annotaties noodzakelijk zijn voor deze taak.
De analyse toonde verder aan dat in 70% van de ironische tweets een ander
sentiment wordt uitgedrukt dan eigenlijk wordt bedoeld (i.e. iets positiefs zeggen
om een negatief sentiment of negative opinie uit te drukken); de resterende 30%
bevat voorbeelden van situationele en andere vormen van ironie.
Experimenten met een support vector machine algoritme toonden aan dat ironie-
detectie baat heeft bij een gevarieerde groep informatiebronnen of features.
Hoewel vergelijkbare studies vaak gebruik maken van lexicale features, stelden
we vast dat syntactische en semantische features ook belangrijke indicatoren
zijn voor ironie op Twitter. Met een combinatie van de drie bovenvermelde
featuregroepen behaalt het systeem een betere score dan de baseline (i.e. een
referentiescore van een doorgaans eenvoudiger systeem) met een F-score van
Een kwalitatieve analyse toonde aan dat ironische tweets die impliciet sentiment
bevatten (bv. ‘Joepie, straks naar de tandarts!’) vaak moeilijker te detecteren
zijn. Daarom hebben we in dit proefschrift de eerste stappen gezet om het impli-
ciet sentiment van bepaalde situaties (bv. ‘naar de tandarts gaan’) automatisch
te detecteren. We vergeleken twee aanpakken (SenticNet en Twitter) en toonden
aan dat de Twittergebaseerde aanpak een goede methode is om impliciet senti-
ment automatisch te bepalen (i.e. accuraatheid van 70%). Door informatie over
impliciet sentiment toe te voegen aan het systeem voor ironiedetectie verbetert
de performantie van het systeem duidelijk (>88%).
In het laatste deel van dit proefschrift beschrijven we een use case als extrin-
sieke evaluatie van het detectiesysteem voor ironie. We onderzochten het effect
van ironie op automatische sentimentanalyse en toonden aan dat de perfor-
mantie van dat laatste sterk vermindert als ironie aanwezig is in de tweet. Bi-
jgevolg stelden we vast dat, als het systeem voor sentimentanalyse geïnformeerd
wordt door automatische ironiedetectie, de performantie opnieuw sterk verbetert
(+ 20% tot 40%).
Kunnen computers ironie herkennen? We tonen in dit proefschrift aan dat
ze in ieder geval goede accuraatheden behalen met behulp van support vector
machines en een gevarieerde set features. Door informatie over impliciet of
prototypisch sentiment toe te voegen, verbetert de performantie nog verder.
As a colleague and friend would have it, “you don’t write a thesis on your own”.
I am happy to look back at the past four years, which have been an enjoyable
and challenging experience, and to thank the people who have supported me in
one way or another during this period.
First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Véronique Hoste and
copromotor Prof. Dr. Els Lefever, who have been instrumental to this work.
Véronique, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in the stimulating
environment LT3 is. Thank you for your trust and ambitious goals, which have
made me achieve things that I would not have imagined possible a few years
ago. Els, thank you for your help with many struggles, and for your ability to
make the biggest obstacles seem surmountable. Your optimism and kindness
are exceptional. Thank you both for your scientific input and warm personality.
To Prof. Dr. Walter Daelemans, I want to express my sincere gratitude for
being in my thesis committee and jury. Thank you Walter, for your critical in-
sights and support, for giving me the opportunity to collaborate on the AMiCA
project, and for, on occasion, offering me an office ‘across the water’. I am also
grateful to Dr. Alexandra Balahur, Dr. Iris Hendrickx, Prof. Dr. Bernard De
Clerck and Dr. Orphée De Clercq, who kindly agreed to be in my jury.
I warmly thank Gitte for doing the cover layout of this thesis and Kristien for
proofreading the text.
Over the past four years, I have had the opportunity to work with wonderful
colleagues, not only in Ghent. Thank you Walter, Ben, Guy, Chris, Janneke and
many other colleagues, for the productive AMiCA cooperation, which allowed
me to take my first steps into research. Thank you Anneleen, for trusting me
as your internship co-supervisor. Thank you Frederic, Laura and Olivier, for
bravely annotating thousands of tweets, and for the interesting discussions when
annotating irony and (not so) common sense. I am also grateful to all depart-
ment colleagues, for interesting research talks and joyous lunch conversations.
A special thank you goes to the colleagues of LT3, whose talent and contagious
enthusiasm turn our offices into a stimulating and enjoyable workplace. Thank
you Peter, Nils and Gilles, for sharing an office with me and for your sense
of humor, especially on Friday afternoon, reminding us that the weekend was
just around the corner. Thank you Lieve, for assisting me in my first teaching
experience. Thank you Arda, Ayla, Bram, Claudia, Joke, Julie, Laura and
Stef, for being such kind and helpful colleagues livening up many lunch breaks,
hackathons and teambuildings. Thank you Orphée and Bart, for teaching me
so much and for sharing experiences, from guiding students to writing theses
and even building homes. You have been more than ‘just’ colleagues during
these past months, and your encouragements have been crucial to finishing this
thesis on time. Of course, thank you Véronique and Els. A big thank you is
also addressed to some former colleagues and office mates. Marjan, thank you
for the fruitful and pleasant collaboration on sentiment analysis, and Sarah,
for your (much needed) help with coding and the enjoyable office talks in the
morning. Thank you Isabelle, Klaar and Mariya for being there, always kind
and caring.
A heartfelt thank you goes to my dearest friends, who have been there for many
years: Annelies, Lisa and Heleen. I am grateful for so many joyful moments
together and look forward to sharing many more. Thank you for being such
strong and loving people, and for sharing good and bad. Thank you Leen,
Selome, Ellen and Tine, for your support and friendship in the past years, and
for the joyful talks, even when it has been a while.
My final words of gratitude are reserved for my family. Kristine, Luc and Bert,
thank you for being such a wonderful family-in-law, for your support and the
delicious meals on Wednesdays. Thank you Dennis, for being the brother I
never had, for your contagious enthusiasm and big heart. Kelsey, thank you for
being such a wonderful sister and friend, and the most passionate teacher I have
known. I am so proud of what you already have and still will achieve. Thank
you, mama en papa, for your unconditional love and support, and for raising us
to be independent and loving people. Thank you for always being there when
we need you, and for teaching us to never give up.
Bert, thank you for your tremendous love and support -especially in the past
months, for letting me share my drama and staying calm when I was not. Thank
you, for sharing so much happiness and for being the most important part of
my life.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and research motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Researchobjectives.......................... 5
1.3 Thesisoutline............................. 6
2 Related research 9
2.1 Deningirony............................. 11
2.2 Verbal irony versus sarcasm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Computational approaches to verbal irony . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3 Resources 21
3.1 Corpora................................ 21
3.2 Annotation .............................. 23
3.2.1 Annotation scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.2 Inter-annotator agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.3 Corpusanalysis........................ 29
3.3 Summary ............................... 33
4 Automatic irony detection 35
4.1 Introduction.............................. 35
4.2 Experimental corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3 Preprocessing and feature engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3.1 Lexical features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.3.2 Syntactic features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3.3 Sentiment lexicon features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3.4 Semantic features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.3.5 Feature statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.4 Experimentalsetup.......................... 44
4.4.1 Machine learning method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.4.2 Classifier evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5 Baselines and experimental results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5.1 Baseline classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5.2 Experimental results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.5.3 Analysis............................ 54
4.6 Summary ............................... 57
5 Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection 59
5.1 Introduction.............................. 60
5.2 Approach ............................... 63
5.2.1 Using SenticNet to infer implicit sentiment . . . . . . . . 65
5.2.2 Crawling Twitter to infer implicit sentiment . . . . . . . . 70
5.3 Summary ............................... 82
6 Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast 85
6.1 Introduction.............................. 85
6.2 A polarity clash-based approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.2.1 Gold-standard implicit sentiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.2.2 Automatic implicit sentiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3 Combining an SVM with polarity contrast information . . . . . . 94
6.3.1 SVM exploiting a polarity contrast feature . . . . . . . . 94
6.3.2 Ahybridsystem ....................... 97
6.4 Summary ............................... 99
7 Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case 101
7.1 Automatic sentiment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.1.1 Background..........................102
7.1.2 System description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.1.3 Experimental setup and model optimisation . . . . . . . . 107
7.1.4 Results ............................108
7.2 Irony-sensitive sentiment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.2.1 Dataset ............................110
7.2.2 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.2.3 Results ............................111
7.3 Summary ...............................114
8 Conclusion 117
8.1 Annotating irony in social media text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
8.2 Detecting irony in social media text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8.3 Modelling implicit sentiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8.4 Sentiment analysis use case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
A Publications 143
B Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text 147
References 162
The development of the social web has stimulated the use of figurative and cre-
ative language, including irony, in public. From a philosophical/psychological
perspective, discerning the mechanisms that underlie ironic speech improves our
understanding of human reasoning and communication, but more and more,
this interest in understanding irony emerges from the machine learning com-
munity (Wallace 2015). In fact, the frequent use of irony on social media has
important implications for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, which aim
to understand and produce human language (Turing 1950). Although various
definitions of irony co-exist, it is often identified as a trope or figurative language
use whose actual meaning is different from what is literally enunciated. As such,
modelling irony has a large potential for applications in various research areas,
including text mining, author profiling, detecting online harassment and, per-
haps one of the most investigated applications at present, automatic sentiment
State-of-the-art systems for irony detection mostly rely on bag-of-words and syn-
tactic information like part-of-speech tags. However, the use of such ‘shallow’
information for a subjective task like irony detection has been questioned (Wal-
lace 2015). Moreover, to facilitate data collection and annotation, many su-
pervised learning approaches rely on hashtag-labelled Twitter data, although it
Chapter 1 : Introduction
has been shown to increase data noise (Kunneman et al. 2015). In this thesis,
we aim to model irony in social media data by combining lexical and syntactic
information with sentiment and semantic features. To minimise the noise in our
dataset, all tweets are manually annotated based on a set of newly developed
coding principles to mark irony in social media text.
A crucial step before modelling irony is to recognise it and understand how it is
linguistically realised. We therefore propose a theoretic framework that benefits
automatic irony detection and present one of the first fine-grained annotation
schemes for irony in social media text. We explore to what extent irony is
susceptible to computational modelling and adopt machine learning techniques
to develop a system for automatic irony recognition in social media text. In a
next step, we valorise the potential of automatic irony detection to enhance the
state of the art in sentiment analysis by means of a use case.
1.1 Background and research motivation
Irony has always played an important role in human communication, although
its functions may vary. Vlastos (1987) described it as the instrument of a moral
lesson (i.e. ‘Socratic irony’), while recent studies mostly agree that it is used to
express ridicule or scorn (Wilson and Sperber 1992). In the framework of po-
liteness theory (Brown and Levinson 1987), irony is considered a face-protecting
strategy when uttering criticism or refuting someone’s idea. More recently, Veale
and Hao (2009) revealed that, when used on social media, irony may function as
a way to stand out or to express creativity in writing, as illustrated in Figure 1.1.
The extensive use of social media we have witnessed in the past decade has
increased researchers’ interest in analysing this new type of text to better un-
derstand human thoughts and communication. Not only individuals, but more
and more companies and organisations have a keen interest in understanding
how consumers evaluate their goods and services, knowing that online opinions
are likely to influence the decisions made by others. The study of such opinions,
attitudes and beliefs is known as automatic sentiment analysis or opinion mining
(Pang and Lee 2008) and has become one of the main research domains in nat-
ural language processing at present. State-of-the-art sentiment classifiers have
been developed in the context of specialised shared tasks like SemEval (Nakov
et al. 2013, Rosenthal et al. 2014, 2015, Nakov et al. 2016, Rosenthal et al. 2017)
and have flourished in industry through commercial applications (Liu 2012).
Nevertheless, many applications struggle to maintain high performance when
applied to ironic text (Liu 2012, Maynard and Greenwood 2014, Ghosh and
1.1 Background and research motivation
Figure 1.1: Example of an ironic tweet.
Veale 2016). Like other types of figurative language, ironic text should not be
interpreted in its literal sense; it requires a more complex understanding based
on associations with context or world knowledge. As such, modelling ironic text
as an example of the complexity of human communication has a large potential
for applications in diverse research areas: literary science, language psychology,
sociolinguistics, and computational linguistics.
Previous work in the latter field has proven that irony undermines the per-
formance of text analysis tools (Liu 2012) and hereby influences NLP tasks
including sentiment analysis, which is illustrated by the following examples:
(1) I love how my mom says she can count on Rion more than me. #not
Regular sentiment analysis systems would probably classify example 1 as pos-
itive, whereas the intended sentiment is undeniably negative. In this sentence,
the hashtag #not hints at the presence of irony, but many other ironic utter-
ances, like sentence 2 are devoid of such explicit indications.
(2) I feel so blessed to get ocular migraines.
Chapter 1 : Introduction
For human readers, it is clear that the author of sentence 2 does not feel blessed
at all, but wants to communicate the opposite. This can be inferred from the
contrast between the positive sentiment expression ‘I feel so blessed’, and the
negative connotation associated with getting ocular migraines. Although such
connotative information is easily understood by most people, it is difficult to
access by machines.
Cyberbullying detection would be another text mining application the perfor-
mance of which may be undermined by the presence of irony. Studies on auto-
matic cyberbullying detection have shown that implicit instances of cyberbully-
ing are often overlooked by the classifier (i.e. false negatives) (e.g. Dadvar 2014,
Van Hee et al. 2015). Such instances typically lack explicit profane words, and
the offense is often made through irony, as shown in example 3.
(3) Go ahead drop me hate, I’m looking forward to it.
In sum, to enhance the performance of similar tasks, and more generally “any
model that hopes to make sense of human communication or expression”(Wallace
2015, p. 468), building computational models for detecting irony is of key im-
portance. To be able to do so, it is important to understand how irony is
linguistically realised and to identify aspects and forms of irony that are sus-
ceptible to computational analysis.
In this thesis, we explore the feasibility of automatic irony detection using ma-
chine learning techniques. More specifically, we aim to understand how irony is
realised in social media text and look to elaborate a theoretic framework that
benefits its automatic detection. To this end, we establish a working definition
that is grounded in irony literature and present a new set of annotation guide-
lines for the textual annotation of irony in an English social media corpus. The
scheme allows for a fine-grained annotation below instance level to mark text
spans that realise the irony.
In a next step, the manually annotated corpus is used to develop and evaluate
an automatic system for irony detection. For this purpose, a series of binary
classification experiments are conducted where we explore the predictive power
of a varied set of information sources, including lexical, shallow syntactic, sen-
timent and semantic information. Furthermore, we hypothesise that implicit
sentiment (also referred to as connotative knowledge or prototypical sentiment)
information may benefit automatic irony detection. To this end, we explore how
it can be derived automatically, starting from manually annotated prototypical
sentiment situations (e.g. ‘going to the dentist’), and investigate its conditional
added value for irony recognition.
To valorise the potential of accurate irony detection in the domain, a final
1.2 Research objectives
step consists in an extrinsic evaluation of our classifier. In this use case, we
will explore the extent to which automatic irony recognition benefits automatic
sentiment analysis in social media text.
The current approach focusses on English Twitter data, but the applied method
is language independent, provided that training data are available.
1.2 Research objectives
In accordance with the research motivation in the previous paragraphs, our main
research questions can be formulated as follows:
1a. How is irony realised in social media text like tweets?
1b. Can ironic instances be automatically detected in English tweets?
If so, which information sources contribute most to classification
This thesis also aims to provide answers to two related, more specific research
2. Is it feasible to automatically detect implicit or prototypical sentiment
related to particular situations and does our approach benefit automatic
irony detection?
3. Can our automatic irony detection approach enhance state-of-the-art sen-
timent classification?
To answer these questions, the following research objectives can be defined:
-Providing a theoretical framework of irony.
To be able to model irony, it is key to understand how it is realised in text
and to find out which characteristics are susceptible to computational
analysis. An overview of irony literature in linguistics and computational
linguistics should provide valuable insights into this complex rhetorical
-Constructing a manually annotated irony dataset.
Previous research has shown the potential of Twitter data for training
automatic text classification algorithms. However, relying on hashtags as
Chapter 1 : Introduction
gold labels to collect ironic tweets has shown to generate data noise and
provides little insight into the linguistic realisation of irony on social media.
We therefore construct a manually annotated corpus of English ironic
tweets, for which we developed one of the first fine-grained annotation
schemes for irony.
-Developing a model for irony detection based on varied NLP
We explore to what extent automatic irony detection is feasible and in-
vestigate the potential of a varied set of features for this task.
-Developing a method to infer implicit or prototypical sentiment
related to particular situations.
Related work in irony literature has underlined the importance of im-
plicit or prototypical sentiment information for irony detection. Based
on manually annotated prototypical sentiment situations (e.g. ‘going to
the dentist’), we aim to devise a method to infer such implicit sentiment
-Investigating the benefits of automatic irony detection for sen-
timent classification.
Related research has underlined the potential of irony detection to improve
sentiment analysis. We therefore evaluate our irony detection system by
means of a sentiment analysis use case.
1.3 Thesis outline
This thesis consists of eight chapters, which are structured as follows. Chapter
2provides an introduction into irony research, in both linguistics and natural
language processing. It presents some of the main theories on irony and discusses
related work on machine learning approaches to irony detection. Attention is
paid to definitions of irony that have been applied in previous research, as well
as data collection methods and feature engineering.
Chapter 3 presents the corpus of English tweets that was created for this
research. A great part of this chapter is dedicated to the development of a new
fine-grained annotation scheme for irony and discusses how it was validated and
applied to our corpus.
Chapter 4 focusses on the irony detection experiments conducted in this thesis.
It describes the cleaning and preprocessing of the experimental corpus prior to
feature extraction. Next, it presents a set of binary classification experiments
1.3 Thesis outline
using support vector machines (SVM) and exploiting various feature groups
combining lexical, sentiment, semantic and syntactic information. A qualitative
analysis provides insights into the strenghts and bottlenecks of the approach.
In Chapter 5, we take the first steps to modelling implicit (or prototypical)
sentiment related to a set of concepts and situations. For this purpose, we
explore the use of the lexico-semantic knowledge base SenticNet 4, and a data-
driven method using Twitter.
Assessing the added value of implicit sentiment information for irony detection
is the topic of Chapter 6. We apply the techniques described in Chapter 5
to detect prototypical sentiment and evaluate the performance of our irony
detection system when provided with information about prototypical sentiment
in a tweet.
Chapter 7 describes the use case where we investigate the impact of our irony
detection system on an optimised sentiment classifier.
Finally, Chapter 8 concludes this thesis with our main findings, some limita-
tions of the present research, and perspectives for future work.
Related research
While irony is ubiquitous in human interactions and presents a widely-covered
research topic, defining it is an arduous task, and differentiating irony from
related terms like sarcasm might be even more challenging. Various definitions
of irony have been proposed in the literature, and as many have been criticised
or refuted. Until today, a uniform definition is still lacking in the field, and the
relation between irony and associated concepts is subject to an ongoing debate.
In what follows, we present an overview of irony literature by highlighting sem-
inal work in linguistics and computational linguistics or natural language pro-
cessing. Based on these insights, we propose a working definition of irony that
represents the main guideline for the corpus annotation as detailed in Chapter 3.
The Oxford Dictionary provides three definitions of irony:
-the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signi-
fies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect (synonyms:
sarcasm, bitterness, cynicism,...);
-a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what
one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result (synonyms: paradox,
Chapter 2 : Related research
-a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full
significance of a character’s words or actions is clear to the audience or
reader although unknown to the character.
The above definitions refer to what is in irony literature known as verbal
irony,situational irony and dramatic irony, respectively. According to
the Merriam-Webster dictionary for English, the following should also be con-
sidered irony:
-a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed
in order to make the other’s false conceptions conspicuous by adroit ques-
tioning –called also Socratic irony.
Kreuz and Roberts (1993) distinguish four types of irony: i) Socratic irony and
ii) dramatic irony, both explained as a tension between what the hearer knows
and what the speaker pretends to know (with the latter entailing a performance
aspect), iii) irony of fate/situational irony, which involves an incongruence
between two situations, and iv) verbal irony, which implies a speaker who
intentionally says the opposite of what he or she believes.
While Socratic irony and dramatic irony find their origin in Ancient Greek com-
edy, nowadays, a taxonomy of irony generally consists of situational and verbal
irony. Situational irony, or irony of fate as described by Kreuz and Roberts
(1993), refers to situations that fail to meet some expectations (Lucariello 1994,
Shelley 2001). An example tweet that describes situational irony is presented
in example 4.
(4) “The irony is that despite all our crews and help from the MWRA [Mas-
sachusetts Water Resource Authority] with all sorts of detection crews,
it was a Town Meeting member who discovered the break and reported
it to officials.” (Shelley 2001, p. 787)
Verbal irony is traditionally identified as a trope or figurative language use where
enunciated words imply something other than their principal signification. In
other words, their literal meaning has to be inferred through interpretation. As
described in Burgers (2010), the classical definition of verbal irony is attributed
to the author Quintiliano (1959) and states that verbal irony implies saying the
opposite of what is meant. Until today, this traditional account has influenced
many conceptualisations of irony, one of the most well-known probably being
Grice’s in his theory of conversational implicature (1975, 1978). Although this
2.1 Defining irony
standard definition is commonly used in research on irony detection (Kunne-
man et al. 2015), it has faced criticism (e.g. Giora 1995, Sperber and Wilson
1981), and a number of adjustments and alternatives to this approach have been
In what follows, we highlight seminal work in irony literature and describe the
state of the art in automatic irony detection. While we discuss the most rele-
vant studies for the present research, we refer to the overview papers by Wallace
(2015) and Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman (2016) for a comprehensive anal-
ysis of linguistic and computational approaches to irony. Important to note
is that when discussing related research, we refer to irony using the terminol-
ogy employed by the corresponding researchers (i.e. ‘sarcasm’, ‘irony’ or ‘verbal
2.1 Defining irony
In this section, we discuss a number of definitions and theories of irony. We start
with the seminal work by Grice (1975), who introduces irony in the framework
of his conversational implicature theory. The theory explains four principles
(i.e. conversational maxims) that govern human communication by defining
mutual expectations related to:
-Quantity: make your contribution as informative as required, but not
more than required;
-Quality: make a contribution that is true;
-Relation: be relevant;
-Manner: be orderly and brief, and avoid obscurity and ambiguity.
Within this framework, Grice (1975) defines irony, like other forms of figurative
language, as a violation of the maxim of Quality. By violating one of the maxims,
the speaker aims to attract the hearer’s attention and to encourage him to ‘dig
deeper’ to understand that irony is being used. As such, the speaker of an ironic
utterance implicates some other thing than (i.e. generally the opposite of) what
they literally say. To respond to some critiques (e.g. Sperber and Wilson 1981),
Grice later adds subjectivity to falsity as a requirement for irony. As such, to
be ironic, an utterance is “intimately connected with the expression of a feeling,
attitude or evaluation” (1978, p. 53).
Chapter 2 : Related research
Although Grice’s theory of conversation (1975) has impacted widely on language
philosophy and semantics, his view on verbal irony has been questioned (e.g.
Sperber and Wilson 1981, Giora 1995). In what follows, we highlight some
critiques towards and alternatives to his approach. The latter come from dif-
ferent directions, including irony as an echoic mention (Sperber and Wilson
1981), irony as an (allusional) pretense (e.g. Clark and Gerrig 1984, Currie 2006,
Kumon-Nakamura et al. 1995), and irony as a form of indirect negation (Giora
According to Sperber and Wilson (1981), Grice’s (1975) account of irony is
not necessary (e.g. it does not cover ironic questions or understatements), nor
sufficient (i.e. not all utterances that are false are ironic). The researchers
state that Grice’s theory (1975) fails to explain more subtle variants of irony,
including understatements, allusions, and exclamations (examples 5, 6 and 7,
(5) (When a customer is complaining in a shop, blind with rage)
You can tell he’s upset. (Wilson and Sperber 1992, p. 54)
(6) (When said in a rainy rush-hour traffic jam in London)
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. (Wilson and Sperber
1992, p. 55)
(7) (After arriving in Tuscany, where it is windy and rainy at that moment)
Ah, Tuscany in May! (Wilson and Sperber 1992, p. 55)
As an alternative, they propose the Echoic Mention Theory, involving that
in speaking ironically, “a speaker echoes a remark in such a way as to suggest
that he finds it untrue, inappropriate, or irrelevant” (Sperber and Wilson 1981,
p. 307). According to this theory, ironic statements implicitly allude to a
previous (explicit or implicit) proposition, and thereby express the speaker’s
negative attitude towards it. As such, the irony in examples 6 and 7 targets the
speaker’s negative attitude towards the hearer’s previously uttered claim that
London is a fantastic city and that the weather in Tuscany is always beautiful.
One may debate, however, the ironic character of example 5, the difference of
which compared to a mere understatement is not made clear.
Another post-Gricean approach to verbal irony that is worth mentioning here, is
the Pretense Theory by among others Clark and Gerrig (1984), Currie (2006)
and Kumon-Nakamura et al. (1995). They consider irony allusive, implying
that the speaker pretends to say something other than they mean to draw the
hearer’s attention to some failed expectation or norm. Unlike Grice’s (1975)
approach, the theory claims that irony involves pragmatic rather than semantic
insincerity or falsehood. What mainly distinguishes the theory from the Echoic
2.1 Defining irony
Mention Theory, is that the latter assumes the presence of an initial utterance,
whereas the Pretense Theory does not. As such, the theory would explain
ironic utterances where it is hard to infer the hearer’s initial utterance, such
as insincere compliments (e.g. “You sure know a lot”), questions (e.g. “How old
did you say you were?”), and over-polite requests (e.g. “Would you mind very
much if I asked you to consider cleaning up your room some time this year?”)1.
Similarly to ironic understatements mentioned by Sperber and Wilson (1981),
one may doubt the ironic character of the latter two examples, as the difference
compared to (non-ironic) rhetorical questions and exaggerations or hyperboles
remains unexplained.
Giora (1995), finally, describes irony as an indirect negation strategy. This
theory of verbal irony seems to reconcile elements from both the traditional
or Gricean approach (i.e. irony implies violation of a norm through meaning
inversion) and so-called ‘post-Gricean’ approaches (i.e. explaining why irony
is used, while attenuating the notion of meaning inversion). The researcher
describes irony as an indirect negation strategy where a broad interpretation
of negation is assumed, including understatements and exaggerations. Giora
(1995) also states that, unlike the traditional, pretense, and echoic approaches
to irony, the indirect negation theory assumes that the ironic interpretation of an
utterance does not replace the literal one, but that both meanings are activated
to underline the discrepancy or contrast between them. For instance, when
uttering the ironic phrase “what a lovely party”, the hearer both understands
the literal meaning as the expectation of the speaker, as well as the implied
one (i.e. the party is rather boring) as its true opinion. Interestingly, this co-
existence of the literal and intended meaning is described as the distinguishing
factor between irony and humor, as in the latter only the literal expression,
which causes the humorous effect, is understood. In the why of using irony,
Giora (1995) (similarly to Brown and Levinson 1987) sees a politeness strategy
enabling its users to negate or criticise something in a face-protecting way.
While the above paragraphs present only a small proportion of linguistic ap-
proaches to irony, they demonstrate that many theories and different concep-
tualisations of the phenomenon exist. Both the Gricean and post-Gricean ap-
proaches to irony have been widely discussed and alternative approaches have
been suggested (e.g. Coulson 2005, Kihara 2005, Ritchie 2005, Utsumi 2000).
Burgers (2010) presents a comprehensive overview of different theories on the
subject and identifies a number of characteristics that are shared by many irony
theories (e.g. its implicit and subjective character, the presence of an opposition
between what is said and what is intended). Similarly, Camp (2012) combines
crucial elements of the so-called semantic and pragmatic approaches to sarcasm
and defines propositional, lexical, like-prefixed and illocutionary sarcasm as four
1Examples by Kumon-Nakamura et al. (1995).
Chapter 2 : Related research
subtypes of the phenomenon that are each based on another interpretation of
meaning inversion.
While Grice’s (1975) theory has been criticised from different directions, we
believe that his approach, if taking into account his note about a necessarily
related sentiment expression (Grice 1978), covers a substantial number of ironic
instances. In fact, the main criticism towards Grice’s approach is that it fails
to explain i) more subtle variants of irony, and ii) why irony would be preferred
over a sincere utterance. However, as mentioned earlier in this section, many
of these critics often fail to provide a clear explanation of such subtler forms
of irony (e.g. how ironic hyperboles differ from non-ironic ones). Moreover,
although it does not focus on the pragmatics of irony, the theory suggests that
it is a form of pretense, a view that is later extended by the Pretense Theory.
Consequently, our working definition of verbal irony (i.e. irony that is realised in
text) is based on this traditional approach and describes irony as an evaluative
expression whose polarity (i.e. positive, negative) is inverted between the literal
and the intended evaluation, resulting in an incongruence between the literal
evaluation and its context. This definition is comparable to that of Burgers’
(2010), since it has shown to cover most written forms of irony as identified in
the literature.
2.2 Verbal irony versus sarcasm
When describing how irony works, many studies have also struggled to distin-
guish between irony, in particular verbal irony, and sarcasm. To date, opinion on
the definition of verbal irony and how it relates to sarcasm is very much divided.
Some theorists consider sarcasm and irony to be the same or consistently refer
to one term without specifying whether and how the two phenomena differ (e.g.
Burgers 2010, Clark and Gerrig 1984, Davidov et al. 2010, Grice 1975), whereas
others posit that they are significantly different (Haiman 1998, Lee and Katz
1998a) or only partially overlap (e.g. Attardo 2000, Barbieri and Saggion 2014,
Clift 1999, Kreuz and Roberts 1993).
According to the differentiating view, sarcasm is a form of verbal irony which
has a more aggressive tone (Attardo 2000), is directed at someone or some-
thing (Kreuz and Roberts 1993, Sperber and Wilson 1981), and is used inten-
tionally (Barbieri and Saggion 2014, Gibbs et al. 1995, Haiman 1998). Further-
more, sarcasm is often considered as a way to express ridicule (Clift 1999, Joshi,
Bhattacharyya and Carman 2016, Lee and Katz 1998a) and negativity (Camp
2012, Clift 1999). Some researchers have also pointed to vocal aspects that dif-
2.3 Computational approaches to verbal irony
ferentiate sarcasm and verbal irony, showing that cues such as nasality (Haiman
1998), a slower tempo, a lower pitch level and greater intensity (Rockwell 2000)
are significant indicators of sarcasm.
The above-mentioned theories point out a number of differences between verbal
irony and sarcasm, such as the level of aggressiveness, the presence of a target,
the intention to hurt, and even some vocal clues (e.g. nasality). It is unclear,
however, whether these features provide sufficient evidence of a clear-cut dis-
tinction between irony and sarcasm, since not all of them are easy to recognise.
In fact, among others, Tsur et al. (2010) and Eisterhold et al. (2006) claim
that there is no way of formally distinguishing between the terms, and many
researchers consequently consider sarcasm and irony as strongly related (Hall-
mann et al. 2016b). Another reason why researchers do not differentiate between
irony and sarcasm is the observation of a shift in meaning between the two terms.
Over time, the term ‘sarcasm’ seems to have gradually replaced what was previ-
ously designed by ‘irony’ (Nunberg 2001). In their experimental study, Bryant
and Fox Tree (2002) and (Gibbs 1986) both found evidence for this meaning
shift, observing that student respondents understood the term ‘sarcasm’ better
than ‘verbal irony’. Moreover, Bryant and Fox Tree revealed that while student
respondents were able to identify and define sarcasm, they were “unable to pro-
vide a reasonable definition of irony” (2002, p. 15). Consequently, they often
considered instances of verbal irony to be sarcastic.
It is clear from the above paragraphs that, while research efforts on irony and
sarcasm are expanding, a formal definition of both phenomena is still lacking in
the literature. As a response to this ongoing debate, most computational ap-
proaches on this subject do not distinguish between either. Indeed, Kunneman
et al. (2015) employ the term ‘sarcasm’ although ‘verbal irony’ would be the
more appropriate term in some cases, and Filatova uses both terms to refer to
the same phenomenon, stating that “it is not possible to create a definition of
irony or sarcasm to identify ironic utterances following a set of formal criteria”
(2012, p. 392). For these reasons, we do not distinguish between the terms
either, and we will consistently use the term ‘irony’ throughout this thesis.
2.3 Computational approaches to verbal irony
Analysing subjective text has attracted a great deal of research interest in the
past decade. As the amount of opinionated data has grown thanks to social
media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, so has research on text mining. As
a result, the past years have witnessed important advances in the field of senti-
ment analysis. Nevertheless, being trained on ‘regular’ texts (i.e. the majority of
Chapter 2 : Related research
which is non-figurative), such systems suffer from decreased performance when
applied to figurative language like irony. As a result, research in natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) has seen various attempts to tackle this problem by
exploring automatic irony detection. Although comparison between different
approaches is hard due to a number of variables (e.g. corpus size, definition of
irony, class distribution, evaluation method), we present a brief overview of the
state of the art in Table 2.1.
Research Corpus Balanced?Approach Features Results
Davidov et al.
7SASI punctuation,
syntactic pat-
et al. (2011)
3SMO, n-grams, LIWC
matches, punc-
tuation, emoti-
cons, ToUser
Reyes et al. (2013) Twitter
style, emot.
Riloff et al. (2013) Twitter
(RBF) +
n-grams, polar-
ity contrast
F= 0.51
Barbieri and Sag-
gion (2014)
frequency, style,
structure, inten-
sity, synonyms,
ambiguity, sen-
Kunneman et al.
word n-grams AUC= 0.85,
Recall= 0.87
Bouazizi and Oht-
suki (2016)
lexical, senti-
ment, syntactic,
F= 0.81%
Ghosh and Veale
n-grams, PoS,
Van Hee et al.
3SVM lexical, syntac-
tic, sentiment,
Poria et al. (2016) Twitter
3CNN-SVM Word2Vec,
sentiment, emo-
tion, personality
F= 0.77
Table 2.1: State-of-the-art approaches to irony detection.
As described by Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman (2016), recent approaches
to irony can roughly be classified into rule-based and (supervised and unsuper-
2.3 Computational approaches to verbal irony
vised) machine learning-based methods. While rule-based approaches mostly
rely upon lexical information and require no training, machine learning invari-
ably makes use of training data and exploits different types of information
sources (or features), including bags of words, syntactic patterns, sentiment
information or semantic relatedness. Recently, deep learning techniques have
gained increasing popularity for this task as they allow to integrate semantic
relatedness by making use of, for instance, word embeddings.
Regardless of the method used, irony detection often involves a binary classifi-
cation task where irony is defined as instances that express the opposite of what
is meant (e.g. Bouazizi and Ohtsuki 2015, Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman
2016, Riloff et al. 2013). Twitter has been a popular data genre for this task,
as it is easily accessible and contains self-describing hashtags like #irony and
#sarcasm which allow to collect much data in a rapid way. Moreover, when used
as class labels, such hashtags can reduce manual annotation efforts, although
this is often at the cost of annotation quality (see Chapter 3). While most
approaches have been focussing on English data, irony detection has also been
investigated in other languages, including Italian (Barbieri et al. 2014), French
(Karoui et al. 2017), Czech (Ptáček et al. 2014), Portuguese (Carvalho et al.
2009) and Dutch (Kunneman et al. 2015). Van Hee et al. (2016c) have been the
first to construct a fine-grained annotated dataset of English and Dutch ironic
Early studies on irony detection include the work of Davidov et al. (2010)
and González-Ibáñez et al. (2011). Davidov et al. (2010) focussed on tweets
and Amazon product reviews and made use of the semi-supervised algorithm
SASI (Tsur et al. 2010) exploiting punctuation information and syntactic pat-
terns. Their sarcasm classifier was trained on manually annotated Amazon and
Twitter data and obtained F-scores of respectively 0.79 and 0.83 on a held-out
evaluation set. It is not entirely clear, however, whether sarcasm hashtags were
removed from the data prior to training. Similarly, Bouazizi and Ohtsuki (2016)
made use of part-of-speech tags to extract patterns from the training data that
characterise sarcastic and non-sarcastic tweets. In addition to sentiment, lexi-
cal and syntactic features, they extracted more than 300,000 patterns from the
(extended) training data. By combining all features, their sarcasm classifier
yielded an F-score of 0.81.
Reyes et al. (2013) focussed on distinguishing ironic tweets from tweets about
education, politics, and humorous tweets. The ironic data were collected with
the #irony hashtags, while the non-ironic corpus was created using the hashtags
#education, #humor and #politics. They introduced different feature types ex-
ploiting lexical (e.g. punctuation marks, emoticons, character n-grams, polarity
n-grams), syntactic (e.g. contrasting verb tenses) and semantic information (se-
mantic similarity and the relation to emotional contexts such as pleasantness).
Chapter 2 : Related research
Performing pairwise binary classification experiments, their approach yielded
F-scores of up to 0.76. Barbieri and Saggion (2014) conducted a similar experi-
ment using the same dataset and a wide variety of features (i.e. word frequency,
written versus spoken style, adjective/adverb intensity, synonym use, degree of
ambiguity, sentence length, punctuation/emoticon use, and sentiments). Com-
pared with Reyes et al. (2013), they achieved slightly better results for distin-
guishing irony from the education and politics topics, but not for the humour
Kunneman et al. (2015) collected Dutch tweets with sarcasm-related hashtags
(e.g. #sarcasme, #ironie, #not, #cynisme) and trained a classifier by con-
trasting the tweets against a background corpus devoid of such hashtags. Their
system obtained an AUC-score of 0.85 and recall of 0.87 by making use of word
n-gram features. The researchers demonstrated, however, that sarcasm recogni-
tion is a hard task in an open setting; manual inspection of the tweets that were
classified as sarcastic in the background corpus (i.e. without sarcasm-related
hashtags) revealed that 35% of the top-250 ranked tweets were indeed sarcastic.
This demonstrates that i) evidently, not all sarcastic tweets are marked with a
hashtag, and ii) sarcasm is realised in different ways on Twitter. Riloff et al.
(2013) worked with a manually-labelled corpus and applied a hybrid approach
combining a supervised SVM exploiting n-gram features with a rule-based con-
trast approach. Suggesting that sarcasm emerges from a contrast between a pos-
itive sentiment phrase and a negative situation phrase, the researchers created
lists of seed terms for both categories (e.g. ‘love’ and ‘being ignored’), which were
expanded through bootstrapping. The experimental results revealed that the
approaches are complementary as the contrast method identified ironic tweets
that were overlooked by the SVM classifier. Also using manually annotated
data, Van Hee et al. (2016c) developed a pipeline extracting four types of fea-
tures for irony detection in English tweets, including lexical (n-grams, punctu-
ation, capitalisation), syntactic (named entity and part-of-speech information),
sentiment (number of positive, negative sentiment words + tweet polarity score),
and semantic (distributional cluster information based on Word2Vec word em-
beddings) information sources. By means of binary classification experiments
using SVM, they showed that combining all feature groups benefits classification
performance, reaching an F-score of 0.68.
In line with Wallace’s (2015) claim that text-based features are too shallow
and that context and semantics are required for reliable irony detection, deep
learning techniques introducing semantic information have recently gained pop-
ularity. A recent study by Ghosh and Veale (2016) describes sarcasm detec-
tion using neural networks. The researchers compared the performance of an
SVM model exploiting lexical features based on word frequency, syntactic fea-
tures based on part-of-speech information and sentiment features to that of a
2.3 Computational approaches to verbal irony
combined neural network model exploiting word embedding information. They
demonstrated that the latter outperformed the SVM-model (F= 0.73), yielding
an F-score of 0.92 when hashtag information (e.g. #sarcasm) was included in
the data. Joshi, Tripathi, Patel, Bhattacharyya and Carman (2016) expanded
their set of lexical (e.g. unigrams, quotation marks, laughter expressions) and
sentiment (positive/negative sentiment words, LIWC categories2) features with
word embedding information. They made use of hashtag-labelled book reviews
as training data and obtained an F-score of 0.80 using Word2Vec to construct
word embeddings. Similarly, Van Hee et al. (2016b) made use of Word2Vec
word embeddings to create semantic clusters from a large background corpus
containing ironic and non-ironic text, and showed that the features achieve simi-
lar performance to lexical features exploiting bags of words, while not relying on
the training data. Finally, Poria et al. (2016) made use of deep learning tech-
niques for sarcasm detection on Twitter. Their convolutional neural network
(CNN) includes local features from pretrained CNNs that provide information
about sentiment, emotion and personality, and combined them with Word2Vec
features initialised using a large background corpus and extended using the
training data. By feeding the resulting feature vectors to an SVM-classifier,
their approach yielded an F-score of 0.77.
As mentioned earlier, irony detection has a large potential for natural language
processing tasks like sentiment analysis. Bouazizi and Ohtsuki (2015) and May-
nard and Greenwood (2014) demonstrated its importance for sentiment analysis
by showing performance increases between 3% and 50% when the system is in-
formed about irony presence. The SemEval-2015 task on ‘Sentiment Analysis of
Figurative Language in Twitter’ incited researchers to develop a system that cor-
rectly determines the sentiment expressed in figurative content (i.e. containing
irony, sarcasm and metaphor) (Ghosh et al. 2015). The training data consisting
of merely figurative (mostly ironic) tweets, however, the results on the test data
showed that most participating systems either performed well on ironic tweets
or on metaphorical or regular (i.e. non-ironic) tweets, but not on both (e.g.
Van Hee, Lefever and Hoste 2015).
The above paragraphs provide insights into related work on irony detection. It
is noteworthy, however, that many of the discussed papers make use of much
larger training corpora (up to 812K tweets), whereas the current corpus is lim-
ited to 5K tweets (see Chapter 3). Moreover, in the above-described studies
(except Davidov et al. 2010, Maynard and Greenwood 2014, Riloff et al. 2013,
Van Hee et al. 2016b), training data is often obtained by collecting tweets us-
ing the hashtags #sarcasm,#irony and #not and labelling them accordingly
(i.e. tweets containing such a hashtag are labelled as ironic, while others are
considered non-ironic). In fact, Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman (2016) state
2Pennebaker et al. (2001)
Chapter 2 : Related research
that most Twitter-based approaches to irony detection make use of hashtag-
labelled corpora. An important contribution of the present research is that,
after collecting data based on irony-related hashtags, all tweets were manually
labelled based on a newly developed annotation scheme for irony (Van Hee et al.
2016a). Manual annotations were preferred to hashtag labelling for several rea-
sons. First, manual annotations limit noise in the corpus caused by hashtag
labelling (Kunneman et al. 2015, Van Hee et al. 2016c). Second, the develop-
ment of a fine-grained annotation scheme allowed to distinguish different forms
of irony (see Chapter 3 for details on the annotation process), and hence pro-
vided insights into the realisation of irony on social media. Third, and most
importantly, during the annotation process, annotators indicated text spans
that realise polarity contrasts in ironic tweets, providing us with valuable in-
formation about the use of explicit and implicit sentiment expressions in ironic
In the previous chapters, we introduced the challenges of automatic irony de-
tection and found that a manually annotated dataset is instrumental to the
task. For this research, ironic data were collected using Twitter, a widely used
microblogging service and a popular genre for similar tasks.
In this chapter, we aim to answer the first part of our main research question,
namely ‘how is irony realised in social media text?’. We describe the
construction and annotation of an English Twitter corpus and we introduce a
new fine-grained annotation scheme for irony on social media. Next, we discuss
the results of an inter-annotator agreement study to assess the validity of our
guidelines and we conclude the chapter with a detailed corpus analysis.
3.1 Corpora
To be able to train an irony detection system, a large set of irony examples is
necessary. In this section, we describe the construction of an English corpus of
tweets and the development of fine-grained annotation guidelines for irony.
Chapter 3 : Resources
To operationalise the task of irony detection, we constructed a dataset of 3,000
English tweets. Since ironic tweets are far less common than regular tweets,
we searched the social network for the hashtags #irony, #sarcasm and #not.
For this purpose, we made use of Tweepy1, a Python library to access the of-
ficial Twitter API, which provides programmatic access to read Twitter data.
This way, we collected approximately 15,000 tweets between 01/12/2014 and
04/01/2015, 3,000 of which were randomly selected as our corpus and manually
annotated. The tweets have an average length of 15 tokens and represent 2,676
unique Twitter users. An example tweet is presented in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: Corpus example.
Using hashtags as class labels could, however, affect the quality of the dataset.
In fact, Kunneman et al. (2015) demonstrated that hashtags used as gold labels
introduce approximately 10% noise into the dataset. To overcome this problem
and hence minimise the noise in our corpus, all tweets were manually labelled
using a fine-grained annotation scheme for irony. This way, tweets whose irony-
related hashtag was considered groundless given the restricted context of the
tweet itself, could be identified. Given the absence of fine-grained coding prin-
ciples for this task, we developed a new annotation scheme that is described in
Section 3.2.1.
Prior to data annotation, the entire corpus was cleaned by removing retweets,
duplicates and non-English tweets, as well as handling slash- and XML-escaped
characters (e.g. &). For practical reasons related to data annotation, all
emoji were replaced by their name or description using the Python emoji mod-
ule2, which provides the entire set of emoji codes as defined by the unicode
consortium, in addition to a number of aliases. An example of this replacement
is shown in Figure 3.2.
After cleaning the corpus, we proceeded to its annotation, which is explained in
the following sections.
3.2 Annotation
Figure 3.2: Example of the emoji replacement.
3.2 Annotation
Prior to building computational models for recognising irony, it is key to under-
stand how irony is linguistically realised and to identify characteristics of the
phenomenon that could be modelled. Moreover, a supervised machine learning
approach requires labelled training data. It has been demonstrated (supra) that
hashtag labels are insufficient for accurate irony detection. Hence, we propose
manual annotation based on a set of newly developed coding principles. The
guidelines are described in great detail by Van Hee et al. (2016c) and present a
methodology to annotate irony in social media text. They can be consulted in
Appendix B. To assess the validity of our guidelines, an inter-annotator agree-
ment study was carried out in two rounds, each with time different annotators.
Finally, this section presents some corpus statistics based on the annotations
(see Section 3.2.3).
3.2.1 Annotation scheme
Compared to computational approaches to irony detection, corpus-based lin-
guistic studies on irony are rather scarce. Recently, a number of annotation
schemes have been developed (e.g. Bosco et al. 2013, Riloff et al. 2013, Stranisci
et al. 2016), although most of them describe a binary distinction (i.e. ironic
versus not ironic) without distinguishing between different types of irony or
combine its annotation with that of sentiment and opinions.
Nevertheless, to be able to understand how irony is realised in text, a more fine-
grained annotation is required. In this section, we describe the construction of
a fine-grained annotation scheme for irony in social media text. The scheme
allows to distinguish between different types of irony and to indicate the text
spans that realise the irony, in order to understand how irony is realised in text.
As far as we know, only Karoui et al. (2017) have done similar work.
Literature shows that irony is often realised by means of a polarity contrast
(see Chapter 2). As the starting point of the annotation process, we therefore
define irony as an evaluative expression whose polarity (i.e. positive, negative) is
Chapter 3 : Resources
inverted between the literal and the intended evaluation, resulting in an incon-
gruity between the literal evaluation and its context (Van Hee et al. 2016a). Such
evaluations can be explicit (i.e. evaluative expressions), or implicit (i.e. irony tar-
gets). The latter are text spans that contain no subjective words, but implicitly
convey a positive or negative sentiment (e.g. ‘I love not being able to sleep!’).
The guidelines therefore describe ironic by means of a polarity clash as a form
of verbal irony (i.e. realised in text) that arises from two contrasting sentiment
expressions. The scheme further distinguishes the categories other type irony
and not ironic. While the latter is meant for instances that are clearly not ironic,
the former can be used for instances that do not contain a polarity contrast,
but that are nevertheless considered ironic. This category is further divided
into situational irony (i.e. situations where the outcome is opposite to the ex-
pectations) and (other) verbal irony. The three main annotation categories we
distinguish are presented below.
Ironic by means of a polarity clash: in accordance with our definition,
the text expresses an evaluation whose literal polarity is opposite to the
intended polarity.
Other type of verbal irony: there is no contrast between the literal and
the intended evaluation, but the text is still ironic. Within this category,
a further distinction is drawn between instances describing situational
irony and other forms of verbal irony.
Not ironic: the text is not ironic.
In case of irony resulting from a polarity clash or contrast, the annotators made
two supplementary annotations to gain insight into the linguistic realisation of
this type of irony. Firstly, they indicated the harshness of an instance on a
two-point scale (i.e. zero meaning that the tweet is not harsh, one indicating that
it is), indicating to what extent the irony is meant to ridicule or hurt someone.
The intuition underlying this annotation is grounded in irony literature, stating
that harshness could be a distinguishing factor between irony and sarcasm (e.g.
Attardo 2000, Clift 1999). Example 8 presents such a harsh tweet.
(8) Thanks mom for all those lovely words, you just love to let me know
how proud you are of me #not #wordshurt
Secondly, the annotators also indicated whether an irony-related hashtag (e.g. #sar-
casm, #irony, #not) was required to recognise the irony, as is the case in ex-
ample 9. As opposed to example 8, the tweet is not considered harsh.
3.2 Annotation
(9) This should be fun next spring. #not
In short, at the tweet level, annotators indicated whether an instance was ironic
(either by means of a polarity contrast or by another type of irony) or not. Next
and below tweet level, the annotators marked:
Evaluative expressions: text spans (e.g. verb phrases, predicative ex-
pressions, emoticons) that express an explicit evaluation. Additionally, a
polarity (i.e. positive or negative) had to be indicated for each evaluative
Modifiers: (if present) words that alter the prior polarity of the evalua-
tion (e.g. ‘unbelievably thoughtful’).
Targets: text spans whose implicit sentiment (i.e. connotation) contrasts
with that of the literally expressed evaluation.
We are aware that identifying such targets and attributing an implicit sentiment
to them is not trivial, this is also why an extensive inter-annotator agreement
experiment was set up. In fact, defining whether a concept evokes a positive or
negative sentiment is subjective and may vary because of cultural or personal
differences. As such, ‘winter weather’ may for instance have a positive conno-
tation for someone who is fond of the holidays, skiing, Christmas, and so on,
whereas it might evoke a negative sentiment for people who relate it to extreme
cold, rain, icy roads, etc. In the same way, being touched during conversation
can evoke annoyance in some people, while it is accepted by or natural to oth-
ers. Bearing in mind that there is no true or false answer to the question ‘which
sentiment induces action X or state Y for you?’, we asked the annotators to
judge as generally as possible (e.g. by prioritising commonly held opinions over
their own) but to rely, in the first place, on the context provided by the tweet.
All annotation steps were done using brat, a web-based annotation tool (Stene-
torp et al. 2012), some visualisations of which are shown in examples 10 to
7/11/2016 brat 1/1
¶ I justlove whenyoutestmypatience! :white_smiling_face:#Not
Iro_clash [High] Mod [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Target [Negative]
Mod [Intensifier]
Modifier [Intensifier]
Modifies Modifies
3/5/2017 brat 1/1
¶ Sittinginthishall isfun!!:unamused_face: #not
Iro_clash [High] Evaluation [Negative]
Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier]
Chapter 3 : Resources
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ @chris Yeah,makesperfectlysense! #not
Iro_clash [1_high_confidence][High]##Modifier [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier] Mod [Intensifier]
Could not write statistics cache file to directory /var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: u'/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/.stats_cache'
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
All three present examples of irony by means of a polarity clash. Example
10 contains a polarity clash between the literal evaluations ‘just love’ and ‘[i]s
the best’ and the target ‘you test my patience’, which has been assigned a
negative connotation. Like the smiling-face emoticon, the words ‘Just’ and ‘!’
are modifiers or elements that intensify the expressed sentiment. In example
11, the polarity opposition takes place between two literal evaluations, namely
‘is fun!!’ and a negative emoticon, hence no implicit sentiment information is
required. Sentence 12 is another example of an ironic tweet presenting a polarity
contrast, but unlike the two previous examples, the irony cannot be understood
from the main text, and no additional context was available to the annotators.
In this case, the hashtag #not is required, otherwise the evaluation might as
well be genuine. Like examples 10 and 11, the sentence also contains modifiers
of intensification: ‘yeah’, ‘perfectly’ and ‘!’.
Examples 13 and 14 illustrate other types of irony. While example 14 describes
situational irony, example 13 is considered verbal irony, but as opposed to 10,
11 and 12, no polarity contrast is perceived. Finally, 15 is an example of a tweet
that is not ironic, the hashtag #not does not function as an irony indicator, but
is part of the main message.
7/11/2016 brat 1/1
¶ EventtechnologysessionishavingInternetproblems.#irony#HSC2024
Situational_irony [High]
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ HOWamIsupposedtogetoverthis?!#Not
Non_iro [High]
Could not write statistics cache file to directory /var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: u'/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/.stats_cache'
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
As shown in the examples above, annotators indicated a confidence score
(i.e. low, medium or high) for each irony annotation to indicate their certainty
about the annotation. Whenever low or medium was indicated for an instance,
its annotation received an additional check by one of the experts.
3.2 Annotation
Figure 3.3: Screenshot of the annotation scheme in brat.
Figure 3.3 shows a brat visualisation of the main annotation steps as explained
in the above paragraphs.
3.2.2 Inter-annotator agreement
The corpus was entirely annotated by three students in linguistics and second-
language speakers of English, with each student annotating one third of the
entire corpus. All annotations were done using the brat rapid annotation
tool (Stenetorp et al. 2012), providing a convenient way to pause and resume
the annotation process from whichever machine. To assess the reliability of
the annotations, and whether the guidelines allowed to carry out the task con-
sistently, an inter-annotator agreement study was set up in two rounds.
Firstly, inter-rater agreement was calculated between the authors of the guide-
lines. The aim of this first study was to test the guidelines for usability and to
assess whether changes or additional clarifications were recommended prior to
annotation of the entire corpus. For this purpose, a subset of 100 instances from
the SemEval-2015 Task Sentiment Analysis of Figurative Language in Twitter
(Ghosh et al. 2015) dataset were annotated. Based on the results (see Table 3.1),
some clarifications and refinements were added to the annotation scheme, in-
- a refinement of the category other irony (i.e. subdividing it into situational
irony and other verbal irony);
Chapter 3 : Resources
- a clarification of the concept ‘(irony) target’ to better explain the difference
with for instance sentiment targets (e.g. ‘I like you’);
- a redefinition of the harshness range from a three-point to a two-point
scale (i.e. ‘harsh’ versus ‘not harsh’), hence discarding ‘slightly harsh’.
After applying the modifications to the annotation scheme, a second agreement
study was carried out on a subset of the corpus. It is worth to note that the
annotators in this round were three Master’s students in linguistics. Each of
them annotated the same set of 100 instances to calculate agreement, after
which they annotated one third of the entire corpus each.
In both rounds, inter-annotator agreement was calculated at different steps in
the annotation process. As metric, we used Fleiss’ kappa (Fleiss 1971), a
widespread statistical measure in the field of computational linguistics for as-
sessing agreement between annotators on categorical ratings (Carletta 1996).
Generally, Fleiss’ kappa is preferred over Cohen’s kappa when assessing the
agreement between more than two raters. The measure calculates the degree
of agreement in classification over the agreement which would be expected by
chance (i.e. when annotators would randomly assign classification labels). In
concrete terms, if there is perfect agreement between the annotators, kappa (κ)
is one, but if the agreement between annotators is not better than the agreement
expected by chance, kappa (κ) is zero.
annotation kappa κkappa κ
round 1 round 2
ironic by clash / other / not ironic 0.55 0.72
hashtag indication 0.60 0.69
harshness 0.32 0.31
polarity contrast (general) 0.62 0.66
polarity contrast (target-evaluation) 0.66 0.55
Table 3.1: Inter-annotator agreement (Kappa scores) obtained in two annotation
The results of the inter-annotator agreement study are presented in table 3.1.
Inter-annotator agreement was calculated for different steps in the annotation
process, including the irony type annotation, the indication whether an irony
hashtag is required to understand the irony, and the level of harshness in case the
tweet is ironic. The last two rows in the table present agreement on the polarity
contrast annotation. ‘General’ refers to the ability of the annotators to indicate
two contrasting polarities, regardless of the way the polarity is expressed (i.e. ex-
plicit or implicit), while ‘target-evaluation’ measures the annotators’ ability to
3.2 Annotation
identify a contrast between explicit and implicit polarities. With the excep-
tion of harshness, which proves to be difficult to judge on, kappa scores show
a moderate to substantial agreement between the annotators at all annotation
Overall, we see that similar or better inter-annotator agreement is obtained after
the refinement of the annotation scheme, which has had the largest effect on the
irony annotation (i.e. ironic by clash versus other irony versus not ironic). An
exception, however, is the annotation of a polarity contrast between targets and
evaluations, where the agreement drops from 0.66 to 0.55 between the first and
second inter-annotator agreement rounds. An explanation for this drop is that
one out of the three annotators in the second round performed less well than
the others on this particular annotation. An additional training was therefore
given to take away doubts that remained at that point.
Given the difficulty of the task, a kappa score of 0.72 for recognising irony can be
interpreted as good reliability. Identifying polarity contrasts between implicit
and explicit evaluations, on the other hand, seems to be more difficult, resulting
in a moderate kappa of 0.55. A qualitative analysis revealed that identifying
polarity contrasts, and especially indicating implicit sentiment (i.e. targets) is
rather difficult. As mentioned earlier, such judgements are subjective and vary
from one person to another, even when public opinion is taken into account.
Consequently, cases of doubt were discussed between the annotators or with the
experts until a consensus had been found. Once the annotation of the entire
corpus was completed, all annotations, including that of implicit sentiment were
checked for consistency by one of the experts.
3.2.3 Corpus analysis
In this section, we report the results of a qualitative corpus analysis and present
a number of statistics of the annotated data. In total, 3,000 tweets with the
hashtags #irony, #sarcasm and #not were annotated for English based on our
fine-grained annotation guidelines (supra).
Table 3.2 presents some annotation statistics. As can be inferred from the
table, most instances that were labelled as ironic belong to the category ironic
by means of a clash. When we zoom in on the category other type of irony, we
see that the subcategory situational irony (which encompasses descriptions of
ironic situations) constitutes the majority of this annotation class, as compared
to other forms of verbal irony.
3According to magnitude guidelines by Landis and Koch (1977).
Chapter 3 : Resources
Ironic by means of a clash Other type of irony Not ironic Total
Situational irony Other verbal irony
1,728 401 267 604 3,000
Table 3.2: Statistics of the annotated corpus: number of instances per annota-
tion category.
Out of the total of 3,000 tweets, no less than 604 were considered not ironic.
This would mean that an irony corpus based on hashtag information as gold
labels would contain about 20% of noise. Interestingly, this is twice the number
that has been observed by Kunneman et al. (2015). We see three possible
explanations for this noise. First, analysis of the data reveals that more than
half of the non-ironic tweets contain the hashtag #not, which does not always
function as an irony indicator since the word has also a grammatical function.
In fact, the word ‘not’ in our corpus is often preceded by a hash-sign, even
when used as a negation word (e.g. ‘Had no sleep and have got school now
#not happy’). Evidently, since #not is much less used as a negation word in
Dutch, the number of non-ironic tweets mentioning this hashtag is lower. In fact,
analysis of a Dutch dataset that is currently under construction shows that 33%
of all non-ironic tweets carry the hashtag #not, whereas the proportion amounts
to 56% in the English corpus. Second, manual analysis showed that irony-related
hashtags were sometimes used to refer to the phenomenon (e.g. ‘I love that his
humor is filled with #irony’). Third, people sometimes added an irony-related
hashtag to their tweet which appeared groundless to the annotators, at least
given the available context.
Other corpus observations include that given the 1,728 tweets that were anno-
tated as ironic by means of a polarity contrast, almost half of them (i.e. 839)
required an irony-related hashtag to recognise the irony. In other terms, with-
out such a hashtag, annotators deemed it impossible to recognise the irony (see
example 12 in Section 3.2.1). Moreover, more than one third of the instances
(i.e. 592 or 34%) were considered harsh, meaning that the text was meant to
ridicule someone or something or to cause harm. This is an interesting obser-
vation, given that irony literature states that harshness or ridicule, scorn and
sharpness could be distinguishing factors between irony and sarcasm, the latter
of which is often considered the meaner form of the two (e.g. Attardo 2000, Clift
In effect, analysis of the harshness annotation revealed that there is a stronger
correlation between harshness and the presence of the #sarcasm hashtag than
compared to the #irony and #not hashtags. Out of the tweets that were con-
sidered harsh, 50% carried the hashtag #sarcasm, while this is 38% in the tweets
that were not considered harsh. By contrast, the frequency of the other hash-
3.2 Annotation
tags is more balanced between the harsh and not harsh tweets. Furthermore,
tweets that were considered harsh seemed to contain more second-person pro-
nouns (i.e. ‘you’, ‘your’), whereas non-harsh tweets contained more first-person
pronouns (i.e. ‘my’, ‘I’). This would suggest that ironic tweets that are harsh
and hence directed at a person tend to be signalled by the #sarcasm hashtag,
whereas other ironic tweets more often refer to the author of the tweet and are
more often tagged with the hashtags #not and #irony. Another observation
when looking at harsh tweets in our corpus, is the high frequency of the word
‘thanks’, which was often used to express indignation or disapproval (example 8).
Below tweet level, annotators marked evaluative expressions and targets, or
implicit sentiment expressions. Confirming our hypothesis, the annotations
revealed that most instances of irony showed a polarity contrast between an
uttered and implied sentiment, as shown in example 16.
(16) Waking up with a pounding headache is just what I need for this final.
We also observed, however, that sometimes Twitter users make this implied
sentiment explicit through a hashtag, an emoji, or words that are syntactically
‘isolated’ from the core text through punctuation. In example 17 for instance, a
polarity contrast can be perceived between the explicit ‘I literally love’ and the
implicit polarity expression ‘someone throw me in at the deep end’. However,
the literal expression ‘#though life’ also reflects the author’s implied sentiment
in the first part of the tweet.
(17) I literally love when someone throw me in at the deep end... #though
In examples 18 and 19 the implied sentiment is expressed in a separate sentence
or an emoticon at the end of the main text.
(18) Yeah that’s always the solution... Doesn’t fix anything!
(19) Picked an excellent day to get my hair done
Although similar realisations of irony are not common in classic examples of
irony, they might be typical for Twitter data. In contrast to spoken conver-
sations or genres, including larger text instances (e.g. reviews, blogs), Twitter
provides only limited context, as a result of which users, risking to be misun-
derstood (i.e. the irony is not captured), add extra information to their tweet.
Examples like 17 where an implied sentiment is made explicit through the use
Chapter 3 : Resources
of a (non-ironic) hashtag may also be considered an idiosyncrasy to express
subjectivity (Page 2012).
In sum, the annotations reveal that, when no hashtag is required to recognise
the irony in tweets, the polarity contrast is generally realised through an ex-
plicit sentiment expression and an implied polarity contained by a target (e.g. ‘a
pounding headache’). Also, in most cases the explicit sentiment is positive, while
the implied one is negative, which is in line with literature stating that irony
is used as an indirect or face-protecting strategy to criticise or to mock (e.g.
Brown and Levinson 1987, Giora 1995).
3/17/2017 Word Cloud Generator 1/1
just love
can't wait
gotta love
thank you
good thing
so glad
is fun
yay for
thank god
so helpful
should be fun
absolutely love
so excited
makes perfect sense
are always fun
s great
thanks to
was fun
loving life
is so great
what a surprise
merry christmas
my favorite thing
's nice
is off to a great start
perfect timing
have fun
well done
loving cool
are always a fun thing
how nice
feel great
is awesome
sounds great
is exactly what i want to be d
great start
nothing like
is great
perfect time
s a great day
's my favorite
're a classy one
's always nice
was the joke
just on a hot streak ...
wow !!! really ???
gunna have a blast!
nothing says nature like
truly inspiring
nice gifts
is through the roof
such a fun day
easiest final of my life
's gonna be a good one...
get ready for
feel super healthy
wow, classy
is just so funny
will be a blast
sensitive, friendly community
really, thanks
that count
will do the rest
is so funny
what i love more
will end well.
immense comedy
will probably get to write mor
'll be much easier to deal wit
#deeprespect ...
am extremely excited
lovely conversation
is much more logical
'm okay with
didnt suck at all...
nothing is better then
sure missed
are some winners
m glad
is just what i need
a real hive of activity
can count on
great piece
does alot of good
few things are more amazingly
'm so funny
way to prove
is such a beauty
thanks 4been friends
chrstman spirit
outdoing themselves
s so honest :)
should be great
is the greatest giants player
is so rewarding
haha cannot wait for
one could hope
i think i can make it
will do it
lets gooooo!
pretty excited about
feeling awesome
is a fabulous day
big shocker
's no better way to start the
m so glad
l's a hit
still nice joke
want to read it
on a good note
can't wait!
top pick
so awesome
want to
yep, true patriots all
the good thing about
will be a run
is delightful
is a great feeling
showed you!
seems like fun
is the best
welcome back
sounds legit
great service
's great
ma thing
love my job
it's okay
is calm and peaceful
bodes well for next season
try to contain your jealousy
is more than twice the man
dont you just love
drive verrrry safely
makes me really excited
how did i miss
trust worthy
how creative
Number of words:
One word per line
Download: SVG
Spiral: Archimedean Rectangular
Scale: log n √n n
How the Word Cloud Generator Works.Copyright © Jason Davies | Privacy Policy. The generated word clouds may be used for any purpose.
Paste your text below!
'm shocked
best idea ever
always nice
oh man, big surprise...
is my favorite
nailed it
orientations from
° to
Figure 3.4: Word cloud of explicit positive sentiment expressions in the corpus.
As shown by, among others, Kunneman et al. (2015) and Riloff et al. (2013),
ironic utterances are likely to contain ‘sarcasm (or irony) markers’ , includ-
ing modifiers (e.g. intensifiers, diminishers) to express hyperbole or understate-
ments, interjections (e.g. ‘yeah right’, ‘well’) and highly subjective expressions
or words (e.g. ‘I love’, ‘wonderful’). It was also observed in the same studies
that positive sentiment expressions to communicate a negative opinion occur
much more frequently than inversely. With respect to the latter, analysis of our
corpus indeed revealed that, out of a total of 2,090 literal sentiment expressions,
1,614 (77%) were positive and 737 (98%) out of 749 implicit evaluations were
3.3 Summary
negative (see Figure 3.4 for corpus examples of the former category).
This would support the claim that irony is often used as a face-protecting strat-
egy to express negative emotions or venture criticism, as stated by Brown and
Levinson (1987) and Giora et al. (2005). Regarding the use of modifiers, we ob-
served that 40% of the ironic instances contained an intensifier, while only 8%
contained a diminisher (e.g. ‘...’, ‘kinda’, ‘presumably’). A part-of-speech-based
analysis of the corpus revealed that twice the number of interjections were found
in the ironic tweets, as compared to the non-ironic ones. The above observations
seem to corroborate that modifiers like hyperbole, and interjections are markers
of irony in tweets (Hallmann et al. 2016a). However, a more detailed analysis
should be conducted to verify whether all observed irony markers apply to our
3.3 Summary
In this chapter, we introduced our manually annotated irony corpus, which is
indispensable for a supervised machine learning approach to irony detection.
We collected a set of 3,000 English tweets using the Twitter Search API and
irony-related hashtags including #not,#irony and #sarcasm. We established
a working definition that is grounded in irony literature and developed a set of
coding principles for the fine-grained annotation of irony in social media text.
The usability of the scheme was tested and confirmed by conducting a two-
staged inter-annotator agreement study. The annotation scheme was applied to
the entire corpus so as to create a gold standard dataset for modelling irony.
A qualitative analysis of the annotated corpus revealed that, despite containing
an irony hashtag, 20% of the tweets were not ironic, which demonstrates the
importance of manual annotations for this task. We found that 72% of the
ironic tweets were realised by a polarity contrast, and that the presence of an
irony hashtag appeared a necessary clue to discover irony in about half of the
tweets. The remaining 30% of ironic tweets consisted of situational irony and
other verbal irony. While situational irony contains tweets where an ironic
situation is described (see earlier), we observed that other verbal irony often
contained tweets in which irony is realised by means of a factual opposition or
‘false assertion’ (Karoui et al. 2015, p. 265).
Although no distinction is drawn between irony and sarcasm in this thesis,
we observed that tweets that were annotated as harsh were more frequently
tagged with the hashtag #sarcasm than with #irony and #not. They also
showed a more frequent use of second person pronouns than tweets that were
Chapter 3 : Resources
not considered harsh.
The most interesting observations might, however, concern the text span (or
below tweet level) annotations. It was observed that in the category ironic by
means of a clash, the polarity contrast was in half of the cases realised through
an irony-related hashtag causing a negation of the literally expressed sentiment
(e.g. ‘Yeah, makes perfectly sense! #not’). However, when no such hashtag
was required to recognise the irony, the contrast mostly involved an opposition
between an explicit sentiment and a phrase carrying implicit sentiment (i.e. tar-
get). As the potential of such targets or implicit sentiment expressions for irony
detection has also been confirmed in previous work, we will explore how they
can be recognised automatically, and to what extent they benefit classification
performance (when combined with other information sources). Both research
questions will be addressed in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, respectively.
Prior to investigating how implicit sentiment can be identified automatically, the
following chapter presents a series of binary classification experiments to detect
irony. For constructing the model, we relied on some of the important insights
into the realisation of irony on Twitter that were described in this chapter.
Automatic irony detection
In this chapter, we describe our methodology for automatic irony detection on
Twitter. The following sections address the second part of our main research
question, namely ‘can ironic instances be automatically detected in En-
glish tweets and if so, which information sources contribute most to
classification performance?’. To this purpose, we take a supervised machine-
learning approach and investigate the informativeness of a varied feature set.
We start this chapter by presenting the experimental corpus, after which we
elaborate on the development of our irony detection pipeline and explore the
benefits of combining different feature groups for the task.
4.1 Introduction
In the past few years, research in natural language processing (NLP) has seen
various attempts to tackle automatic irony detection (see Chapter 2). As de-
scribed in the survey by Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman (2016), recent ap-
proaches to irony can be roughly classified into rule-based, and (supervised and
unsupervised) machine-learning-based. While rule-based approaches often rely
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
on lexicons and word-based information, popular information sources in ma-
chine learning are bags of words, syntactic patterns, polarity information and
semantic information provided by word embeddings. Twitter has been a popu-
lar data genre for this task, as it is easily accessible and contains self-describing
hashtags or meta-communicative irony clues (e.g. #irony), which facilitate data
In this research, we explore automatic irony detection based on supervised
learning, meaning that a machine learning algorithm is trained with a set of
manually labelled instances. The algorithm analyses these training data and
produces a function that allows to compare an unseen instance against the
training data and predict a relevant class label for this new instance. Depending
on the task, such class labels are numeric values (e.g. a sentiment score between
-5 and 5), or categorical labels from a predefined set (e.g. positive,negative,
neutral). In binary classification tasks including the present, there are only
two such categorical labels (generally presented by 0and 1), indicating for each
instance whether it belongs to a certain category (1) or not (0).
For the experiments, we make use of a support vector machine (SVM) as im-
plemented in the LIBSVM library (Chang and Lin 2011). We chose an SVM
as the classification algorithm, since support vector machines have proven their
suitability for similar tasks and have been successfully implemented with large
feature sets (Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman 2016).
4.2 Experimental corpus
As we described in Chapter 3, our corpus comprises 3,000 tweets that were
manually annotated. About 20% of them were considered non-ironic and were
added to the negative class for our binary classification experiments, which
leaves 2,396 ironic and 604 non-ironic tweets. To balance the class distribution in
our experimental corpus, we expanded the latter with a set of non-ironic tweets
(1,792 to be precise) from a background corpus. As such, the experimental
corpus contains 4,792 English tweets and shows a balanced class distribution
(i.e. ironic versus not ironic). Next, the corpus was randomly split into a training
and test set of respectively 80% (3,834 tweets) and 20% (958 tweets), each
showing a balanced class distribution. While the former was used for feature
engineering and classifier optimisation purposes, the latter functioned as a held-
out test set to evaluate and report classification performance.
In Chapter 3, we elaborated on the construction and fine-grained annotation of
our irony corpus. It is important to remind the reader that the data were col-
4.3 Preprocessing and feature engineering
lected using the hashtags #irony, #sarcasm and #not (we refer to this corpus
as ‘the hashtag corpus’ throughout this chapter). Manual annotations revealed
that 80% of the tweets were actually ironic (i.e. 58% ironic by clash, 13% sit-
uational irony, 9% other irony), whereas 20% were not (see Chapter 3 for an
explanation of this percentage). To balance the class distribution in our experi-
mental corpus, a set of non-ironic tweets were added from a background corpus.
The tweets in this corpus were collected from the same set of Twitter users as in
the hashtag corpus, and within the same time span. It is important to note that
these tweets do not contain irony-related hashtags (as opposed to the non-ironic
tweets in the hashtag corpus), and were manually filtered from ironic tweets.
ironic by clash other type of irony not ironic not ironic
situational irony other verbal irony (hashtag corpus) (backgr. corpus)
1,728 401 267 604 1,792
total 2,396 2,396
Table 4.1: Experimental corpus statistics: number of instances per annotation
category plus non-ironic tweets from a background corpus.
Table 4.1 presents the experimental corpus comprising different irony categories
as annotated in the hashtag corpus (see Chapter 3), and 1,792 non-ironic tweets
from a background corpus that were included to obtain a balanced class distri-
bution. This allows us to compare the experimental results with related work
on automatic irony detection, which mostly work with balanced irony datasets.
4.3 Preprocessing and feature engineering
Data preprocessing is an important step in machine learning. It includes the
steps that are required to extract text characteristics that might benefit a classi-
fier. Standard preprocessing steps in natural language processing include tokeni-
sation (i.e. segmentation of a text into words), part-of-speech tagging (i.e. as-
signing grammatical categories to the tokens), lemmatisation (i.e. converting
words to their canonical form), dependency parsing (i.e. syntactic decomposi-
tion), and named entity recognition (i.e. location and classification of persons,
locations, organisations, etc. in text).
Prior to feature extraction, a number of preprocessing steps were taken. Pre-
processing refers to all steps that are needed for formatting and cleaning the
collected tweets and enriching the data with the linguistic information required
for feature engineering, including the following:
-Tokenisation: lexical analysis that divides a text into a sequence of
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
meaningful elements (or tokens), which roughly correspond to words.
-Part-of-Speech tagging: lexical analysis that assigns part-of-speech
categories to each token, such as N (noun), and A (adjective), but also
Twitter-specific categories such as # (hashtag) and E (emoticon).
-Lemmatisation: determining the lemma or dictionary form of a word
based on its intended meaning (i.e. part-of-speech tag)
-Named entity recognition (NER): linguistic process that labels se-
quences of words that are the names of entities including people, compa-
nies, events, countries, etc.
Tokenisation and PoS-tagging were done using the Carnegie Mellon University
Twitter NLP Tool (Gimpel et al. 2011), which was trained on user-generated
content. For lack of a reliable Twitter-specific lemmatiser, we made use of the
LeTs Preprocess (Van de Kauter et al. 2013). Finally, named entity recognition
was performed using the Twitter named entity recogniser by Ritter et al. (2011).
Additionally, all tweets were cleaned (e.g. replacement of HTML-escaped char-
acters and multiple white spaces) and a number of (shallow) normalisation
steps were introduced to decrease feature sparseness. In concrete terms, all
hyperlinks and @-replies in the tweets were normalised to ‘http://someurl’ and
‘@someuser’, respectively, and abbreviations were replaced by their full form
based on an English abbreviation dictionary1(e.g. ‘w/e’ ‘whatever’). Fur-
thermore, variations in suspension dots were normalised to thee dots (e.g. ‘.....’
‘. . . ’), multiple white spaces were reduced to a single space, and vertical bars
or pipes were discarded. Finally, we removed irony-related hashtags that were
used to collect the data (i.e. #irony, #sarcasm, #not).
Following preprocessing, another crucial step in machine learning is feature en-
gineering. Machine learning algorithms represent each instance (i.e. a text in
the training corpus or a text for which a prediction has to be made) by means
of a set of features. Features are pieces of information that (are expected to)
suit a particular task. They can be numeric (e.g. the number of tokens in an
instance), or categorical (e.g. birth place of the author). The latter are called
binary features if they have only two possible values, mostly 1(i.e. the feature
is present) or 0(i.e. the feature is absent). An example of a binary feature
would be whether or not an exclamation mark is present in the instance under
To train our irony detection system, all tweets were represented by a num-
ber of features that potentially capture ironic text. Based on the information
4.3 Preprocessing and feature engineering
they provide, they can be divided into four groups, namely lexical features,
syntactic features, sentiment lexicon features, and semantic features. The
feature groups bring together a varied set of information sources, some of which
have proven their relevance for this type of tasks, including bags of words (e.g.
Liebrecht et al. 2013, Reyes et al. 2013), part-of-speech information (e.g. Reyes
and Rosso 2012), punctuation and word-shape features (e.g. Tsur et al. 2010),
interjections and polarity imbalance (e.g. Buschmeier et al. 2014), sentiment
lexicon features (e.g. Bouazizi and Ohtsuki 2016, Riloff et al. 2013, Van Hee
et al. 2016b), and semantic similarity based on Word2Vec embeddings (Joshi,
Tripathi, Patel, Bhattacharyya and Carman 2016). The following paragraphs
present a detailed overview of all features contained by the different feature
groups we defined.
4.3.1 Lexical features
A first set of lexical features are bags of words (bow). Bow features present a
tweet as a ‘bag’ of lexical units or sequences (called n-grams), formed by words
or characters. The usefulness of n-gram features for similar tasks has been
demonstrated in the past (e.g. Jasso López and Meza Ruiz 2016). We included
token-, as well as character-based n-grams, since user-generated content is often
noisy (i.e. containing grammatical errors, creative spelling, etc.) and the latter
provide some abstraction from the word level. For instance, character-based
n-grams capture the common sequence ‘ever’ in different (i.e. erronic) spellings
of the word ‘forever’ (e.g. ‘4-ever’, ‘foreverrr’, ‘forever’). By contrast, word
n-grams would consider them as three different tokens.
Based on preliminary experiments on our dataset, the following n-grams were
extracted as binary, sparse (i.e. only features with feature value 1 are included
in the feature vector) features:
- word unigrams and bigrams (w1g, w2g)
- character trigrams and fourgrams, including token boundaries (ch3g, ch4g)
The n-grams were created using raw words rather than lemmas or canonical
forms to retain morphological information, and punctuation marks and emoti-
cons were included as well. N-grams that occurred only once in the training
corpus were discarded to reduce sparsity, resulting in a total of 8,680 token and
27,171 character n-gram features.
Secondly, the lexical features contain a set of shape or word form features,
some of which are binary (*), while others are numeric (-). The binary fea-
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
tures have either 1or 0as feature value, whereas numeric features represent
normalised floats which are divided by the tweet length in tokens (except for
the tweet length feature). The following word shape features were exploited:
* character flooding (i.e. 2 or more repetitions of the same character)
* punctuation flooding (i.e. 1 or more repetition of the same punctuation
* punctuation last token
- number of punctuation marks
- number of capitalised words
- number of hashtag words
- number of interjections
- hashtag-to-word ratio
- emoticon frequency
- tweet length
A third set of lexical features include conditional n-gram probabilities based
on language models that were constructed from two (i.e. ironic and non-ironic)
background corpora. Although often exploited in machine translation research
(e.g. Bojar et al. 2016), language model information as features is, to our knowl-
edge, novel in irony detection. The language models were created with KENLM
(Heafield et al. 2013) and are trained on an ironic and a non-ironic background
corpus. Data for both corpora were collected using the Twitter Search API2.
To retrieve ironic tweets, we searched with the hashtags #irony, #sarcasm and
#not. Non-ironic tweets were collected without any specific search query so as
to obtain a set that is as general as possible. Tweets containing irony-related
hashtags were removed. The corpora were cleaned and preprocessed in the same
way as the experimental corpus, which resulted in 204,237 ironic and 921,891
non-ironic tweets. Prior to constructing language models, all tweets were split
into sentences, and two equally sized corpora (i.e. 354,565 ironic and 354,565
non-ironic sentences) were created. As features we extracted two log proba-
bilities between source and target sentences, indicating how probable a tweet
(i.e. all sentences in that tweet) is to appear in either an ironic or non-ironic cor-
pus. Two additional features include the number of out-of-vocabulary (OOV)
2The data were collected between April 2016 and January 2017 by crawling Twitter at
regular intervals.
4.3 Preprocessing and feature engineering
words a tweet contains based on each language model. OOV-words are words
that appear in the tweet, but that were not seen yet in the training corpus of
the language model.
4.3.2 Syntactic features
Two numerical and one binary feature were included to incorporate syntactic in-
formation. Part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition were performed
as preprocessing steps.
- Part-of-speech features: four features for each of the 25 tags used by the
Twitter part-of-speech tagger by Gimpel et al. (2011). These indicate for
each pos-tag (i) whether it occurs in the tweet or not, (ii) whether the
tag occurs 0, 1, or 2 times, (iii) the frequency of the tag in absolute
numbers and as a percentage (iv).
* Temporal clash: a binary feature indicating a clash or contrast between
verb tenses in the tweet (following the example of Reyes et al. 2013). We
used the LeTs Preprocess part-of-speech tagger (Van de Kauter et al. 2013)
since it provides verb tense information, as opposed to the Twitter tagger
by Gimpel et al. (2011).
- Named entity features: four features indicating the presence of named
entities in a tweet: one binary feature indicating the presence of a named
entity in the tweet, and three numeric features, indicating (i) the number
of named entities in the text, (ii) the number and (iii) frequency of tokens
that are part of a named entity.
4.3.3 Sentiment lexicon features
Six sentiment-lexicon-based features were included to investigate whether sen-
timent clues provide valuable information for automatic irony detection. For this
purpose, we made use of existing sentiment lexicons for English: AFINN (Nielsen
2011), General Inquirer (Stone et al. 1966), the MPQA subjectivity lexicon
(Wilson et al. 2005), the NRC emotion lexicon (Mohammad and Turney 2013),
and Bing Liu’s opinion lexicon (Liu et al. 2005). All of the above lexicons are
commonly used in sentiment analysis research (Cambria et al. 2017), and their
validity was confirmed in earlier experiments (Van Hee et al. 2014) where a pre-
liminary study revealed that, by using merely the above lexicons as information
sources, about 60% of the training data could be assigned the correct sentiment
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
In addition to these well-known sentiment resources, we included Hogenboom’s
emoticon lexicon (Hogenboom et al. 2015), and Kralj Novak’s emoji lexicon
(Kralj Novak et al. 2015), both tailored to social media data.
For each of the above lexicons, five numeric and one binary feature were derived,
- the number of positive, negative and neutral lexicon words averaged over
text length;
- the overall tweet polarity (i.e. the sum of the values of the identified sen-
timent words);
- the difference between the highest positive and lowest negative sentiment
* a binary feature indicating the presence of a polarity contrast between two
lexicon words (i.e. at least one positive and one negative lexicon word are
With the latter feature, we aim to capture an explicit polarity contrast in a
tweet, as the annotations (see Chapter 3) revealed that about 70% of ironic
tweets show a clash between two (explicit or implicit) polarities in the text.
It is important to note, however, that the feature will not be able to signal
implicit polarity contrasts, which would require world knowledge in addition to
sentiment lexicon information.
The sentiment lexicon features were extracted in two ways: (i) by considering
all tokens in the instance and (ii) by taking into account only hashtag tokens,
without the hashtag (e.g. lovely from #lovely). We took negation clues into
account by flipping the polarity of a sentiment word when occurring within a
window of one word to the right of a negation word (not, never, don’t, etc.)
4.3.4 Semantic features
The last feature group includes semantic features. Our hypothesis is that
ironic tweets might differ semantically from their non-ironic counterparts (e.g.
some topics or themes are more prone to irony use than others). To verify this
assumption, we utilised semantic word clusters created from a large background
corpus. The clusters were defined based on word embeddings generated with
Word2Vec (Mikolov et al. 2013) and were implemented as one binary feature
per cluster, indicating whether a word contained in that cluster occurred in the
tweet. The following are two examples of such clusters:
4.3 Preprocessing and feature engineering
(20) college, degree, classes, dissertation, essay, headache,
insomnia, midterm, migraine, monday, motivation, mood,
papers, revision, presentation
(21) headaches, health, hormones, ibuprofen, illness, infected,
lung, medication, organs, pain, rash, recovery, suffer,
therapy, trauma
The word embeddings were generated from an English background corpus com-
prising 1,126,128 (ironic + non-ironic) tweets (see details on the language model
features). We ran the Word2Vec algorithm on this corpus, applying the contin-
uous bag-of-words model, a context size of 5, a word vector dimensionality of
100 features, and a cluster size (k) of 200. For each parameter of the algorithm,
different values were tested and evaluated by means of 10-fold cross validation
experiments on the training data.
4.3.5 Feature statistics
In summary, four feature groups were defined for the experiments. All groups
and the number of individual features they contain are presented in Table 4.2.
The combined feature vectors consist of 36,270 individual features, the majority
of which (>98%) are part of the binary bag-of-words features within the lexical
feature group. In Section 4.5, we evaluate the predictive power of the individual
feature groups and test a series of feature group combinations by means of
binary classification experiments.
feature group
lexical sentiment semantic syntactic
# features 35,869 96 200 105
Table 4.2: Number of features per feature group.
Before constructing models, we first scaled our feature vectors (which is consid-
ered good practice when working with SVM (Hsu et al. 2003)), which means
that all features were linearly mapped to the range [0,1]. As stated by Hsu
et al. (2003), two important advantages of scaling before applying SVM include
i) avoiding feature values in greater numeric ranges dominating those in smaller
ranges, and ii) reducing numerical complexity during the construction of the
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
4.4 Experimental setup
The following paragraphs describe a set of binary classification experiments
for automatic irony detection in tweets. Our training corpus consists of 3,834
English Tweets, while the held-out test corpus contains 958 tweets (supra). Fea-
ture extraction was done after removal of irony-related hashtags (e.g. #sarcasm,
#irony, #not) in both corpora.
The feature types (i.e. feature groups) were tested individually and in combina-
tion to see whether they provide the classifier with complementary information.
The results presented in this section are obtained through cross-validation on
the training data to obtain suitable parameter settings for the classifier, and by
evaluating the resulting model on a held-out test set comprising 958 tweets.
4.4.1 Machine learning method
For our experiments, we made use of a support vector machine (SVM), a ma-
chine learning classifier for binary classification tasks. It can also be used for
multiclass classification problems when applied as a one-against-the-rest clas-
sifier per class, or a binary classifier for every pair of classes. We opted for
an SVM because of its acknowledged robust generalisation ability (Cortes and
Vapnik 1995) and because its performance for similar tasks has been recognised
(e.g. Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman 2016, Reyes et al. 2013, Riloff et al.
In essence, a SVM classifies data by finding the linear decision boundary (or
hyperplane) that separates the data points of two classes in a training set. To
this end, all training instances are represented as a vector in the feature space.
Such a vector is a sequence of features or textual characteristics of an instance
that are indicative of the class label (e.g. words like ‘sure’ and ‘soo’ in the
current task). New (i.e. unseen) instances are classified by mapping them to
this feature space and assigning a label depending on their position with respect
to the hyperplane (e.g. if it is below the hyperplane, it receives the class label
0, if it is above, the label is 1). The implementation used in our experiments is
LIBSVM, a popular SVM-library by Chang and Lin (2011) that supports various
formulations for tasks including classification and regression.
We performed binary SVM classification using the default radial basis function
(i.e. RBF or Gaussian) kernel, the performance of which equals that of a linear
kernel if it is properly tuned (Keerthi and Lin 2003). Preliminary experiments
on our dataset showed even better results using RBF. We optimised the SVM’s
4.4 Experimental setup
cost value Cand RBF’s single parameter γ. Defining an appropriate cost value
is essential for building the model, as it trades off misclassification of the training
examples against complexity of the decision hyperplane. This means that, when
Cis high, the decision boundary is supposed to fit most if not all training
instances, whereas low Caims for a maximum separating distance between the
two classes, and allows for some misclassifications on the training data to serve
more generalisation as the higher purpose. The gamma parameter γdefines
the impact or influence of a single training example on the decision boundary.
Small gamma implies a kernel with a large variance, so the decision boundary
will depend on many training instances (which might cause overfitting).
Given the importance of parameter optimisation to obtain good SVM mod-
els (Chang and Lin 2011), optimal Cand γvalues were defined for each exper-
iment exploiting a different feature group or feature group combination. For
this purpose, a cross-validated grid search was performed across the complete
training data. During the parametrisation, γwas varied between 2-15 and 23
(stepping by factor 4), while Cwas varied between 2–5 and 215 (stepping by
factor 4). The optimal parameter settings were used to build a model for each
feature setup using all the training data, which was evaluated on the held-out
test set.
4.4.2 Classifier evaluation
For each experiment, we report the classifier’s cross-validated performance on
the training data and its performance on the held-out test set. As evaluation
metrics, we report accuracy, precision, recall and F-score, indicating how
well the classifier detects irony. Accuracy is the proportion of correctly classified
instances considering all labels, i.e. the correct positive and negative predictions
(equation 4.1).
accuracy =true positives +true negatives
total number of instances (4.1)
Although being a popular evaluation metric, accuracy might be misleading if the
dataset is imbalanced or skewed (which is known as the ‘accuracy paradox’ (Fer-
nandes et al. 2010)) as it weighs class labels proportionally to their frequency.
For instance, when applied to a test set comprising 80% negative and 20%
positive data, a classifier that predicts all instances as negative would achieve
an accuracy of 80%, while it actually performs poorly on the positive class.
Whether or not the metric is preferred, however, depends on the dataset and
task at hand. In case it is preferable to report scores per class label (e.g. for the
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
positive label in a binary classification tasks), precision, recall and F-measure
can be used as evaluation metrics. While precision indicates how accurately a
system works, recall gives an idea of its sensitivity. More specifically, precision
is calculated by dividing the number of correct predictions (i.e. true positives)
by the total number of instances that were predicted to be positive by the clas-
sifier, including those that were wrongly considered positive (i.e. false positives)
(equation 4.2). Recall is the ratio of correct predictions (i.e. true positives)
to the total of positive instances in the test set, including the ones that were
ignored by the classifier (i.e. false negatives) (equation 4.3).
precision =true positives
true positives +false positives (4.2)
recall =true positives
true positives +false negatives (4.3)
F= 2 ·precision ·recall
precision +recall (4.4)
Finally, F-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall (equation 4.4). In
multi-class or multi-label classification tasks, it is an average of the F-scores
per class (see Chapter 7). In binary classification or detection tasks like the
present, F-score is calculated on the positive (i.e. ironic) instances only.
4.5 Baselines and experimental results
In this section, we describe our experiments to explore the feasibility of auto-
matic irony detection in English tweets. The experimental setup can be broken
down into three parts, starting with the implementation of three baselines to
evaluate the performance of our models, followed by the development of a bi-
nary classifier for i) each individual feature group, and ii) a set of feature group
combinations (see Section 4.5.2). A summary of our findings is presented in
Section 4.5.3.
4.5.1 Baseline classifiers
Three straightforward baselines were implemented against which the perfor-
mance of our irony detection model can be compared: a random class baseline
4.5 Baselines and experimental results
and two n-gram baselines. The random class baseline is a classifier which ran-
domly assigns a class label (i.e. ironic or not ironic) to each instance. Next,
we calculated the performance of two classifiers based on token unigram (w1g)
and bigram (w2g) features (i.e. single words and combinations of two words,
respectively), and character trigram (ch3g) and fourgran (ch4g) features (i.e.
combinations of three and four characters). Despite their simplicity and uni-
versal character, n-gram features have proven to work well for this task (e.g.
Liebrecht et al. 2013, Reyes et al. 2013). Hyperparameter optimisation is cru-
cial to the good functioning of the algorithm, hence it was also applied in the
baseline experiments, except for random class.
baseline optimised cross-validated
parameters accuracy
random class n.a. n.a.
w1g + w2g C=21,γ=2-5 65.60%
ch3g + ch4g C=21,γ=2-7 66.25%
Table 4.3: Cross-validated accuracy and optimised parameters of the baselines.
baseline accuracy precision recall F
random class 50.52% 51.14% 50.72% 50.93%
w1g + w2g 66.60% 67.30% 66.19% 66.74%
ch3g + ch4g 68.37% 69.20% 67.63% 68.40%
Table 4.4: Classification results of the baselines (obtained on the test set).
Tables 4.3 and 4.4 display the baseline scores by cross-validation on the training
and testing on the held-out test set, respectively. As mentioned earlier, three
baselines were implemented, including random class, word n-grams (unigrams
+ bigrams), and character n-grams. While the random class baseline clearly
benefits from the balanced class distribution in the test set, we find that the
n-gram classifiers already present strong baselines that show a good balance
between precision and recall.
4.5.2 Experimental results
Varied feature types (or groups) for automatic irony detection were exploited
and evaluated for this section: evaluation was done on the groups in isolation,
as well as in different combined setups.
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
Individual feature groups
We first tested the importance of the individual feature groups. For this purpose,
four models were built on the basis of lexical, syntactic, sentiment and semantic
features. Table 4.5 presents cross-validated results obtained for each feature
group, together with the optimised Cand γ-values for that setup, while Table
4.6 displays the scores of the individual feature groups on the held-out test set.
To facilitate comparison, the baseline scores are included in grey. The best
results are indicated in bold.
feature optimised cross-validated
group parameters accuracy
lexical C=23,γ=2-11 66.69
sentiment C=211,γ=2-5 61.01%
semantic C=21,γ=2-5 63.56%
syntactic C=215 ,γ=2-13 63.62%
Table 4.5: Cross-validated accuracy and optimised parameters of the individual
feature groups.
feature group accuracy precision recall F
lexical 66.81% 67.43% 66.60% 67.01%
sentiment 58.77% 61.54% 49.48% 54.86%
semantic 63.05% 63.67% 62.89% 63.28%
syntactic 64.82% 64.18% 69.07% 66.53 %
random class 50.52% 51.14% 50.72% 50.93%
w1g + w2g 66.60% 67.30% 66.19% 66.74%
ch3g + ch4g 68.37% 69.20% 67.63% 68.40%
Table 4.6: Experimental results of the individual feature groups (obtained on
the test set).
Table 4.6 confirms the strong baseline that present n-gram features, given that
none of the feature groups outperforms the character n-gram baseline. Char-
acter n-gram features outperforming the lexical feature group (which contains
a fair number of other lexical clues in addition to character n-grams) might
suggest that the former work better for irony detection. This seems counter-
intuitive, since the lexical feature group includes information which has proven
its usefulness for irony detection in related research (e.g. punctuation, flooding).
An explanation would be that the strength of a number of individual features in
the lexical feature group (potentially the most informative ones) is undermined
4.5 Baselines and experimental results
by the abundance of features in the group.
The lexical features group does, however, outperform the token n-gram baseline.
While this would suggest that lexical features are more informative for irony
detection than the other feature groups, it is noteworthy that all other feature
groups (i.e. syntactic, sentiment and semantic) contain much less features than
the lexical group, and that the features are not directly derived from the training
data, as opposed to the bag-of-words features in the lexical group.
Recall being less than 50% for the sentiment lexicon-based features shows that,
when using merely explicit sentiment clues, about half of the ironic tweets are
missed by the classifier. This confirms our hypothesis that explicit sentiment
information is insufficient to distinguish between ironic and non-ironic text, and
this observation is in line with the findings of Riloff et al. (2013), reporting
F-scores between 14% and 47% when using merely sentiment lexicons for irony
detection. Interestingly, Barbieri and Saggion (2014) and Farías et al. (2016) ob-
served that sentiment features do perform well in irony detection. However, both
distinguished ironic tweets from particular genres in non-ironic tweets, based on
specific topics, namely humor, education, newspaper and politics. Given that
the topics, especially the latter three, are less likely to contain highly subjec-
tive words, sentiment lexicon feature might indeed be helpful to distinguish
them from ironic text, which is typically strongly subjective (Grice 1978). By
contrast, the non-ironic tweets in our dataset were randomly collected and are
therefore as likely to be subjective (see examples 22 and 23) as ironic tweets.
(22) Why didn’t I start watching the tudors earlier? #iloveit
(23) Sad that when someone drinks they treat you like shit and won’t talk to
A more general observation is that classification performance on the test set
does not differ much from that on the training data, showing sometimes even
slightly less error than the latter. This could suggest that, albeit being randomly
split, the test set might better fit the model than the training set.
Based on the raw results, we can conclude that overall, lexical features perform
best for the task (F= 67%). However, the best recall (69%) is obtained using
syntactic features, a score that even outperforms the naïve, yet strong baselines.
A qualitative analysis of the classifiers’ output indeed revealed that lexical fea-
tures are not the holy grail to irony detection, and that each feature group has
its own strength, by identifying a particular type or realisation of irony. We
observed for instance that lexical features are strong predictors of irony (espe-
cially ironic by clash) in short tweets and tweets containing clues of exaggeration
(e.g. character repetition, see example 24), while sentiment features often cap-
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
ture ironic by clash instances that are very subjective or expressive (example
25). As opposed to lexical features, syntactic features seem better at predicting
irony in (rather) long tweets and tweets containing other verbal irony (example
26). Finally, semantic features contribute most to the detection of situational
irony (example 27).
(24) Loooovvveeee when my phone gets wiped -.-
(25) Me and my dad watch that bangla channel for bants.. loool we try to
figure out what theyr saying.. this is the life.
(26) Cards and Panthers? or watch my own team play a better sport......
hmmm touch choice LOL
(27) SO there used to be a crossfire place here ...#pizzawins
In sum, the experiments show that although only lexical features outperform
the word n-gram baseline, semantic, syntactic and (to a lesser extent) sentiment
features show to be good indicators for irony as well. This is why, in the next
section, we investigate the potential of combining the aforementioned feature
groups for this task. The individual feature groups we exploited in this section
may provide us with insights into the type of information that is important
for irony detection. It would be interesting, however, to extend this work by
performing individual feature selection and investigate the informativeness of
individual features in each feature group (e.g. particular part-of-speech tags,
n-grams or semantic clusters). This could also provide better insights into the
performance of the sentiment lexicon features (e.g. which lexicons provide the
best features?), which scored least well in these experiments. This is beyond the
scope of the current thesis, however, and will constitute an important direction
for future research.
Feature group combinations
While performance of the individual feature groups for irony detection was eval-
uated in the previous section, the following paragraphs shed light on the added
value of combined feature groups for this task.
Tables 4.7 and 4.8 present the results of a binary irony classifier exploiting a
combination of feature groups. While the former displays the optimal param-
eters and accuracies obtained through cross validation on the training set, the
latter presents the results obtained on the held-out test set. The best individual
feature group (i.e. lexical) and the character n-gram baselines were also included
in the table for the purpose of comparison.
4.5 Baselines and experimental results
feature group optimised cross-validated
combination parameters accuracy
lex + sent C=21,γ=2-7 67.03%
lex + sem C=21,γ=2-7 67.45%
lex + synt C=23,γ=2-7 67.48%
sent + sem C=21,γ=2-5 64.84%
sent + synt C=25,γ=2-7 64.96%
sem + synt C=21,γ=2-5 66.17%
lex + sent + sem C=23,γ=2-7 67.63%
lex + sent + synt C=21,γ=2-7 67.74%
lex + sem + synt C=21,γ=2-7 67.81%
sent + sem + synt C=21,γ=2-5 66.82%
lex + sent + sem + synt C=21,γ=2-7 68.00%
Table 4.7: Cross-validated accuracy and optimised parameters of the combined
feature groups: lexical (lex), sentiment (sent), semantic (sem), and syntactic
feature group accuracy precision recall F
lex + sent 69.21% 69.79% 69.07% 67.43%
lex + sem 69.21% 69.31% 70.31% 69.81%
lex + synt 69.42% 69.43% 70.72% 70.07%
sent + sem 66.08% 67.94% 62.47% 65.09%
sent + synt 64.72% 64.97% 65.77% 65.37%
sem + synt 66.70% 67.22% 66.80% 67.01%
lex + sent + sem 69.52% 69.52% 69.52% 69.52%
lex + sent + synt 69.10% 69.33% 69.90% 69.61%
lex + sem + synt 69.21% 68.92% 71.34% 70.11%
sent + sem + synt 66.39% 67.45% 64.95% 66.18%
lex + sent + sem + synt 69.00% 68.95% 70.52% 69.72%
lexical 66.81% 67.43% 66.60% 67.01%
ch3g + ch4g 68.37% 69.20% 67.63% 68.40%
Table 4.8: Experimental results of the combined feature groups.
From the results in the table, we can deduce that combining feature types im-
proves classification performance, given that more than half of the combinations
present an improvement over the character n-gram baseline and lexical features
alone. In particular, combining lexical with semantic and syntactic features
seems to work well for irony detection, yielding a top F-score of 70.11%, al-
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
though a similar score is achieved when combining lexical with syntactic features
(i.e. F= 70.07%). Like the individual feature group experiments (see Table 4.6),
the error rate on the test set compares to the error rate on the training data.
Judging from the raw performance results, it proves beneficial to combine lex-
ical with semantic and syntactic features for the classifier when compared to
character n-grams. By making use of the bootstrap resampling test (Noreen
1989), we investigated whether the results of the two systems show a signifi-
cant difference. To this purpose, bootstrap samples (n= 958) with replacement
were randomly drawn from the output of both systems (i.e. the character n-
gram baseline and the best combined system). This was done 10,000 times and
F-score was calculated for each sample.
Figure 4.1: Box plots displaying variation in the bootstrap samples for both
systems (Y-axis: F-score on the positive class).
We subsequently applied a paired samples t-test to compare the mean scores and
standard error over all sample scores (see Figure 4.1) and observed a significant
difference (p<0.05) between the two systems.
4.5 Baselines and experimental results
Combining classifier outputs
Table 4.8 shows that generally, combined feature groups only slightly outperform
lexical features alone, although they provide totally different types of informa-
tion. We wanted to verify whether combining the output of two systems proves
more beneficial to the classification performance than combining features into
one model.
To this purpose, we evaluated classification performance when the classifier
would be informed by the output (i.e. predicted class labels) of two different
models. Not considering the character baseline, the lexical system performs best,
hence we considered its output the starting point and investigated whether other
systems would provide supplementary information, that is, by finding ironic
tweets that the lexical system overlooks. For each instance, we looked at the
predictions made by the lexical system and informed it with the prediction for
that instance by one of the other systems (i.e. sentiment, semantic or syntactic).
More precisely, whenever the lexical system predicted an instance as non-ironic
(i.e. a negative class label was assigned), the instance was processed by one of
the other systems to see whether a positive label was assigned by it. If so, the
final label for the instance was positive (i.e. ironic).
Finally, we combined the output of all classifiers; only when all systems predicted
an instance as ironic, it was classified as such.
setup accuracy precision recall F
lex & sent 62.94% 60.32% 78.35% 68.16%
lex & sem 67.12% 63.58% 82.06% 71.65%
lex & synt 66.08% 62.82% 80.82% 70.69%
lex & sent, sem, synt 59.08% 78.18% 26.60% 39.69%
Table 4.9: Results obtained when combining the output of the lexical system
with that of the other feature groups.
As can be deduced from Table 4.9, informing the lexical system with the output
of the semantic features classifier yields an improvement of 1.5 points over the
best combined feature groups system (F= 71.65% versus 70.11%). This could
indicate that different types of features are likely to provide complementary
information for irony detection, on the condition, however, that small feature
groups are not overshadowed by large ones (e.g. bag-of-words features). Taking
into account the predictions of all systems results, logically, in a very high
precision, but at the expense of recall.
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
4.5.3 Analysis
To sum up, for the experiments described in this section, the positive class
encompasses different types of irony as distinguished in our annotation scheme,
namely ironic by clash, situational irony, and other verbal irony. Also important
to note is that the non-ironic data comprises tweets from the hashtag corpus
(i.e. whose instances originally carried an irony-related hashtag), and non-ironic
tweets from a background corpus (i.e. devoid of such hashtags).
In the annotations section (see Chapter 3), we found that most ironic tweets in
our corpus (i.e. 72%) show a contrast between a positive and a negative polarity.
In the following paragraphs, we aim to verify whether this category is also the
most likely to be recognised automatically, as compared to other types of irony.
Another observation that results from the annotations is that 11% of all ironic
tweets were labelled as other verbal irony. The category assimilates examples
of irony that could not be categorised into ironic by clash, nor into situational
irony and is therefore expected to contain more ambiguous and heterogeneous
expressions of irony, which might be more challenging to detect automatically.
To verify the validity of our assumptions, and to get a better understanding
of the bottlenecks in irony detection (i.e. whether classification performance
depends on the linguistic realisation of irony), we analysed the classification
output for the different types of irony in our corpus. Figure 4.2 visualises the
accuracy of the classifier for each type of irony and the performance on the two
sorts of non-ironic instances (i.e. hashtag corpus versus background corpus).
The scores are based on the output of the best-performing combined system
(lexical + semantic + syntactic features) and present its recall for the different
types of irony in our corpus.
The graph seems to confirm our intuition, showing that the system performs best
when detecting ironic tweets that are realised by means of a polarity contrast
(i.e. 78% are classified correctly), followed by instances describing situational
irony. On the other hand, detecting other type of irony appears much more
challenging (i.e. recall is 45%). A closer look at other types of irony revealed
that the instances are often ambiguous and realised in diverse ways, as shown
in the following examples. It is important to recall that, prior to classification,
the hashtags #irony, #sarcasm and #not were removed from the tweets.
(28) Trying to eat crackers on the quiet floor likeee.. Maybe if I chew slower
no one will notice.. #not
(29) @username hold on a minute. Are you saying All blonde white women
look the same?? #sarcasm
4.5 Baselines and experimental results
ironic clash other verbal
not ironic
not ironic
accuracy (%)
Figure 4.2: Classification accuracy of the best system for the different types of
(30) ‘I like to think of myself as a broken down Justin Bieber’ - my philosophy
professor, everyone #sarcasm
Analysis further revealed that they were, as well as instances of situational irony,
more often wrongly classified (i.e. false negatives) when containing (multiple)
hyperlinks and @-replies or mentions. In both cases, information that is crucial
to notice irony may be included in an image (inserted with a hyperlink), or in a
previous post to which the tweet under investigation is a reply (e.g. example 25).
When looking at the non-ironic instances, we see that the system scores better
on non-ironic tweets from the hashtag corpus (i.e. originally containing an irony-
related hashtag) than on that from the background corpus (i.e. without such a
hashtag). In fact, non-ironic instances from the background corpus were some-
times (very) similar to ironic tweets (example 31), while non-ironic instances
from the hashtag corpus often showed larger differences with ironic tweets (ex-
amples 32 and 33).
(31) Corny jokes are my absolute favorite
(32) @username Talking to yourself again Mo #Irony
(33) i hate waking up in the mornings #basicbrianna #not #an #early
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
This might suggest that tweets that were (erroneously) tagged as ironic by
their author differ even more from ironic tweets than non-ironic tweets without
such an irony hashtag. This would support the claim that irony hashtags are
often used erroneously by the Twitter community (e.g. Hallmann et al. 2016b),
implying that irony research imposes manually annotated data. Consequently,
an interesting direction for further research would be to explore the classifier’s
ability to predict such tweets (i.e. non-ironic, although labelled as ironic by the
author) correctly if they are not part of the training data.
Finally, classification errors on the ironic by clash category include tweets where
the irony results from a polarity contrast which cannot be identified using senti-
ment lexicon features alone (supra). We see two possible explanations for this.
First, we observed that in the majority (i.e. 77%) of the misclassified tweets,
the only clue for a polarity contrast is an irony-related hashtag (i.e. #not),
which was removed from the data prior to training. In fact, noticing the irony
in examples 34 and 35 without such a meta-hashtag would be impossible.
(34) New computer stickers xD The top left one is the best HAHA #irony
(35) Lots of goals tonight in the A League #not
Second, tweets that do not require a meta-hashtag to perceive a polarity con-
trast, but that were nevertheless missed by the classifier (i.e. 23%), include an
implicit evaluation or an evaluation as part of a hashtag (e.g. ‘#ionlygetbet-
ter’). As explained in Chapter 3, understanding such implicit sentiment requires
world knowledge rather than sentiment lexicon information (see examples 36 and
(36) Spending the majority of my day in and out of the doctor[neg] has been
awesome. #sarcasm
(37) @username yeah I do. But you know there’s this thing called an all
nighter[neg] and apparently I wanna pull one #not
While the oppositions in examples 34 and 35 would be impossible -even for
humans- to recognise without such hashtag information, polarity contrast as
included in examples 36 and 37 are likely to be identified, on the condition
that the system could access common sense or connotative knowledge. As such,
it would ideally recognise phrases like ‘spending (...) day in and out of the
doctor’ and ‘pulling an all nighter’ as related to negative sentiment, and find
the contrast with positive opinion expressions such as ‘I want’ and ‘awesome’.
4.6 Summary
4.6 Summary
In this chapter, we explored the viability of automatic irony detection on Twit-
ter. To this end, a series of binary classification experiments were conducted
using a corpus of manually annotated tweets for training and testing. We de-
veloped a pipeline to extract different feature types, which enabled us to gain
insight into the most contributing information sources for this task. As the
classification algorithm we made use of a SVM applied in its default kernel con-
figuration, but we optimised the Cand γhyperparameters in each experimental
In short, our system exploits lexical, sentiment, syntactic, and semantic features,
several combinations of which were experimentally tested. While similar features
are commonly used in the state of the art, we expanded our lexical and semantic
feature sets with respectively n-gram probabilities and word cluster information,
two features that have insufficiently been explored for this task. To calculate
n-gram probabilities, two n-gram (n= 3) models were trained on large (ironic
and non-ironic) background corpora. Semantic clusters were generated based
on word embeddings generated using the Word2Vec algorithm.
Our binary classification experiments exploiting different feature groups revealed
that, although lexical, semantic and syntactic features achieved state-of-the-art
performance (i.e. yielding F-scores between 63% and 67%), none of these fea-
ture groups outperformed the character n-gram baseline (68%). This observa-
tion is in line with that of Buschmeier et al. (2014) and Riloff et al. (2013),
who also reported strong n-gram baselines for irony detection. An explana-
tion might be that the most discriminative features in the lexical feature group
are ‘undersnowed’ by the large number of n-gram and language model prob-
ability features. Combining the feature groups, however, results beneficial to
the classification performance. Combining lexical with syntactic and semantic
information sources yielded an F-score of 70.11%, hereby outperforming the
character baseline and lexical features alone with respectively 2 and 3 points.
The experiments also demonstrated that combining the output of different mod-
els further enhances classification performance by 1.5 point.
Analysis of the system performance on the different types of irony revealed that
tweets where the irony results from a polarity contrast are more likely to be
detected than other types of irony. An important challenge, however, will be
the identification of implicit sentiment, i.e. situations that have a prototypical
sentiment, such as ‘not being able to sleep’, ‘being ignored’, and so on. Further-
more, the analysis also provided insights into the system performance on two
types of non-ironic data in our corpus (i) originally carrying an irony hashtag,
but annotated as non-ironic and ii) non-ironic tweets from a background corpus)
Chapter 4 : Automatic irony detection
and showed that performance on the former category was better compared to
non-ironic tweets from the background corpus.
Although research into irony detection has thrived in recent years, comparison
with related research is not trivial, given that many of the discussed papers make
use of much larger training corpora (up to 812K tweets), whereas the present
study is based on a relatively small dataset (5K). Also important to note when
comparing systems is the labelling method of the training data. Many studies
make use of hashtag labels (e.g. Bamman and Smith 2015, Davidov et al. 2010,
González-Ibáñez et al. 2011), whereas for this study, both training and test
corpus were manually annotated according to a fine-grained annotation scheme
for irony. Taking into account these nuances, we see that our system compares
favourably to the work published by González-Ibáñez et al. (2011) and Riloff
et al. (2013), whose experimental setups are the most comparable to that of the
present research.
The current experiments are based on information sources that group features
according to their nature (e.g. syntactic-, lexical-, semantic- and sentiment-
based). In further research, however, it will be interesting to perform feature
selection to gain insights into the informativeness of individual features (e.g.
specific n-grams, or part-of-speech tags) for this task.
As stated by Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman (2016), an important bottleneck
in irony detection are situations that carry implicit or prototypical sentiment
(i.e. affective information commonly associated with real-world entities or sit-
uations, like going to the dentist). While people have access to such world
knowledge, machines do not. Analysis of our experiments revealed that, when
looking at wrongly classified instances of ironic by clash, approximately 20% of
the misclassified instances involved implicit sentiment. In the next chapter, we
therefore take a closer look at the implicit sentiment expressions (or targets)
that were annotated in the irony corpus (see Chapter 3), and we take the first
steps to detect such implicit or prototypical sentiment automatically.
Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
In accordance with irony literature, manual annotations revealed that the irony
in our corpus is often realised through a polarity contrast between an explicit
and implicit sentiment expression (see Chapter 3). While the former are likely
to be recognised using sentiment lexicons, implicit sentiment refers to connota-
tive information associated with natural language concepts, information that is
typically not accessible by machines.
In this chapter, we confront the challenge of automatically recognising such
implicit sentiment in tweets and hereby provide an answer to (the first part
of) our second research question: ‘is it feasible to automatically detect
implicit or prototypical sentiment related to particular situations?’.
Having at our disposal manually annotated phrases that are linked to their
implicit sentiment (e.g. ‘working during the weekend’, ‘feeling sick’), our goal is
to develop and evaluate a method to define this implicit sentiment automatically.
We propose two methods to tackle this problem, i) by making use of an existing
knowledge base and ii) by performing automatic sentiment analysis on crawled
tweets (i.e. a data-driven approach).
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
5.1 Introduction
With Web 2.0, the concept of sharing has acquired a new dimension. Gifted with
the ability to contribute actively to web content, people constantly share their
ideas and opinions using services like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. Sim-
ilarly to face-to-face interactions, web users strive for efficient communication,
limiting the amount of conversation to what is necessarily required to under-
stand the message, hence leaving obvious things unstated (Cambria et al. 2009).
These obvious things can be part of common sense: knowledge that people
have of the world they live in, and that serves as a basis to form judgements
and ideas (Cambria et al. 2009).
While common sense and connotative knowledge come natural to most people,
this type of information is not accessible by computers. Perhaps the most salient
example of this are sentiment analysis systems, which show good performance on
expressions that address sentiments explicitly (e.g. Deriu et al. 2016, Mohammad
et al. 2016, Van Hee et al. 2014) like example 38 (‘brilliant’), but struggle with
implicit sentiment expressions (e.g. ‘drains so fast’ in example 39).
(38) 3000th tweet dedicated to Andy Carroll and West Ham, brilliant start
to the season!
(39) iPhone 6 battery drains so fast since last update and shuts down at 40%.
Such implicit sentiment expressions are devoid of subjective words (e.g. ‘bril-
liant’, ‘fine’, ‘overpriced’) and rely on commonsense and connotative knowledge
shared by the speaker and receiver in an interaction. To be able to grasp such
implicit sentiment, sentiment analysers require additional knowledge that pro-
vides insights into the world we live in and into the semantics associated with
natural language concepts and human behaviour.
While modelling implicit sentiment is still in its infancy (Cambria et al. 2016),
such linking of concepts and situations to implicit sentiment will open new per-
spectives in NLP applications, not only sentiment analysis and irony detection,
but also other tasks involving semantic text processing, for instance cyberbul-
lying detection (Dinakar et al. 2012, Van Hee et al. 2015).
State-of-the-art knowledge bases
Although a number of research efforts have been undertaken to transfer com-
monsense knowledge to machines since the introduction of the concept (e.g. Tur-
5.1 Introduction
ing 1950), studies are still scratching the surface of ‘common[-]sense comput-
ing’ (Cambria and Hussain 2015, p. 3). There has been a vast research interest
in building semantic and commonsense knowledge bases and exploiting them to
develop intelligent systems, including Cyc (Lenat 1995), WordNet (Miller 1995),
FrameNet (Fillmore et al. 2003) and DBPedia (Lehmann et al. 2015). The above
knowledge bases present structured objective information (e.g. ‘the sun is very
hot’, ‘a coat is used for keeping warm’) or add semantic links between entries
in the form of triples, like <dentist>is_a <doctor>.
For sentiment analysis, however, there is an additional need for knowledge about
the typical sentiments people hold towards specific concepts or entities and situ-
ations. Initiatives to represent such information include the OMCS (Open Mind
Common Sense) knowledge base, containing neutral and subjective statements
entered by volunteer web users and through a GWAP1.ConceptNet (Speer and
Havasi 2013) was developed as a framework to represent the statements in OMCS
so that they can be computationally processed. Another example is SentiWord-
Net, in which each WordNet synset (i.e. a set of synonyms) is associated with
three numerical scores describing how objective, positive, and negative the terms
in the synset are. Finally, SenticNet is a knowledge and sentics database (Cam-
bria et al. 2010) aiming to make conceptual and affective information as known
by humans more easily accessible to machines. Mainly built upon ConceptNet,
the knowledge base contains common sense information for 50,000 concepts and
outperforms comparable resources for tasks like sentiment analysis (Cambria
et al. 2010).
Research objectives
As the ultimate goal of this thesis is automatic irony detection on Twitter, we
investigate the added value of connotative knowledge for this task. The object
of study in this chapter are manually annotated phrases that carry implicit
sentiment or connotative knowledge (i.e. the feeling a concept generally invokes
for a person or a group of people), also referred to as prototypical sentiment
(Hoste et al. 2016).
In Chapter 3, we observed that many ironic tweets show a polarity contrast
between what is said and what is implied, or more specifically: a literal positive
evaluation is contrasted by an implicit negative evaluation, or vice versa. In our
annotation scheme, such phrases that contain implicit or prototypical sentiment
are called irony targets. An example is shown in sentence 40, where the explicit
positive statement ‘I love’ is contrasted with the negatively connoted phrases
1Game With a Purpose: a computer game which integrates human intervention in a com-
putational process in an entertaining way.
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
‘cold winter mornings’ and ‘my car decides not to start’.
(40) I love[exp-pos] cold winter mornings[imp-neg] when
my car decides not to start[imp-neg].
To recognise the irony in such tweets, it is key to identify the words that realise
the polarity contrast. As such, two challenges have to be faced. First, one
needs to identify sentiment expressions (both implicit and implicit) at various
levels of text granularity (words, terms, phrases, etc.). While explicit sentiment
expressions (e.g. ‘what a terrific meal’) mostly contain adjectives, adverbs and
verbs, implicit sentiment expressions (e.g. ‘my car decides not to start’) are much
harder to identify. They can be single nouns or verbs, multiword expressions,
subordinate clauses (e.g. subject-verb-object sequences), and so on. Second, the
polarity of the expressed (or implied) sentiment has to be determined. Explicit
sentiment expressions are mostly traceable using a lexicon-based approach. As
such, their polarity can be determined using existing sentiment lexicons, which
contain a polarity value for each entry (e.g. ‘good’ positive). A bigger
challenge, however, resides in defining the implicit polarity of natural language
concepts (e.g. ‘school’, ‘rain’), which are either not contained by such lexicon
dictionaries, or are tagged with an ‘objective’ or ‘neutral’ label.
To tackle this problem, Riloff et al. (2013) take a bootstrapping approach to
learn positive and negative situation phrases (as verb phrases) in the vicinity
of seed words like ‘love’, ‘enjoy’, ‘hate’, etc. They showed that seed words are
useful to find prototypically positive and negative concepts (e.g. ‘working’ was
learned as a negative situation since it often follows ‘I love’ in ironic text). They
found that recognising polarity contrasts using such prototypical sentiment ben-
efits irony detection, but pointed to an important restriction of their approach,
namely that only verb phrases were considered as negative situation phrases,
and that attached prepositional phrases were not captured. For instance, only
‘working’ was considered a negative situation in the phrases ‘working on my last
day of summer’ and ‘working late 2 days in a row’.
More recent work on the automatic recognition of implicit sentiment has been
done by Balahur and Tanev (2016). In fact, the researchers went further than
Riloff et al. (2013) in that they tried to model implicit emotions (e.g. joy, disgust,
anger, fear) rather than sentiments (i.e. positive or negative). The researchers
built EmotiNet, a knowledge base containing ‘emotion triggers’, or situations
that trigger certain emotions based on commonsense knowledge. They made
use of Twitter to extract connotative information (e.g. ‘failure’, ‘disease’), and
used ConceptNet (Speer and Havasi 2013) to obtain properties of the concepts,
with which they subsequently started a new iteration. Although the ultimate
goal was to gain insights into implicit emotions in journalistic text (e.g. news
5.2 Approach
reports that are likely to evoke certain emotions in people), by making use of
domain-independent resources (i.e. Twitter, ConceptNet), the resulting database
could be useful in a broad range of applications.
Both of the above studies take a bootstrapping approach to model implicit
sentiment and make use of polar patterns (e.g. ‘I love [...]’, ‘[...] makes me sick’)
to extract an initial set of connoted concepts and situation phrases. In this
study, we work the other way around. By starting from manually annotated
implicit sentiment phrases (i.e. describing concepts and situations), we avoid
having to identify them automatically in text, and we will focus on defining
the polarity of these concepts in an automated way. In the present chapter, we
therefore aim to answer the following research questions:
- How can we automatically define the implicit sentiment in phrases related
to specific concepts and situations?
- How do the results compare to manually annotated implicit sentiment (or
connotative knowledge)?
- Could this study lead to a viable method to construct a connotative knowl-
edge base that can be used to enhance automatic irony detection?
While several studies have underlined the importance of implicit sentiment for
irony detection (e.g. Giora 1995, Grice 1975, Riloff et al. 2013, Wallace 2015),
we present, to our knowledge, the first attempt to model implicit sentiment by
using a lexico-semantic knowledge base and a data-driven approach that makes
use of real-time Twitter information. Moreover, manual annotations of our irony
dataset (see Chapter 3) allowed us to evaluate our approach using gold-standard
prototypical sentiment situations (e.g. ‘going to the dentist’).
5.2 Approach
In the following paragraphs, we explore two methods to tackle this problem.
Starting from our manually annotated targets conveying implicit sentiment, we
aim to infer this sentiment in an automated way by relying on two different
information sources. Firstly, we explore SenticNet, a state-of-the-art common-
sense knowledge database which has proven to outperform lexical resources like
SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani 2006) for sentiment analysis tasks (Cam-
bria et al. 2010). Secondly, we make use of Twitter as a primary source of
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
commonsense knowledge. With 328 million active users as of August 20172,
the microblogging service still ranks among the most popular social networking
sites anno 2017, and may therefore provide valuable insights into the general
sentiment towards particular events, concepts and situations.
In concrete terms, for each annotated target in our corpus, we aim to infer its
implicit sentiment automatically by making use of i) SenticNet polarity values,
and ii) by crawling tweets to infer the public opinion related to that target.
Both methods will be evaluated against the gold-standard annotations.
As mentioned earlier, the objects of study are the manually annotated targets
in our irony corpus (see Chapter 3). Table 5.1 presents a number of example
targets and the implicit sentiment that was related to them. In total, 671
unique targets were annotated, 665 of which have a negative connotation, while
6 are positive. This imbalance between positive and negative targets in the
dataset is also reflected in the table and confirms earlier findings that irony is
more frequently realised by saying something positive while meaning something
negative than the other way around (Riloff et al. 2013, Van Hee et al. 2016c).
target implicit sentiment
- working on Christmas negative
- mondays negative
- people who lie negative
- people exercise their freedom of speech positive
- computer has frozen again negative
- up all night two nights in a row negative
- 8 am classes negative
- when my hair is frozen negative
- 10/10 score positive
- long 130km #cycle tomorrow, negative
in the minus degree weather
Table 5.1: Manually annotated implicit sentiment phrases or targets.
Thus, the targets describe events, concepts or situations that are considered to
have a negative (or positive) connotation. Whether a concept evokes a posi-
tive or negative sentiment is a 100% subjective judgment defined by cultural or
personal differences. Hence, we are aware that the annotated implicit polari-
ties will not necessarily match the judgment of each individual. Nevertheless,
during the annotation procedure, annotators could rely on the context of the
tweet to get an impression of the intended sentiment. In case the available
context was insufficient, they were asked to judge as generally as possible by
5.2 Approach
searching additional information when necessary and by prioritising commonly
held opinions over their own. For instance, while some people might like, or
do not mind, to work on festive days, ‘working on Christmas’ was attributed a
negative connotation, assuming that the majority of the public would not like
it. An inter-annotator experiment (see Chapter 3) confirmed that, despite the
subjective nature of such a task, fairly good agreement (i.e. κ= 0.66 (round 1)
and κ= 0.55 (round 2)) was obtained.
5.2.1 Using SenticNet to infer implicit sentiment
Our first approach to define the implicit sentiment of the targets is a knowledge
base approach making use of SenticNet 4 (Cambria et al. 2016). The knowl-
edge base contains denotative (or semantics) and connotative (or sentics) infor-
mation associated with 50,000 real-world objects, people, actions, and events.
Unlike many other sentiment analysis resources, it contains information about
commonsense concepts, instantiated by single words and multiword expressions,
such as ‘miss flight’, ‘bake cake’, and ‘celebrate special occasion’. Furthermore,
SenticNet was not built by manual labelling of existing resources (e.g. WordNet),
but is automatically generated via graph-mining and dimensionality reduction
techniques applied to multiple commonsense knowledge sources (Cambria et al.
The knowledge base is structurally encoded in XML-based RDF-triples and is
mainly built upon ConceptNet, the graphic representation of the Open Mind
corpus (Speer and Havasi 2013). Its ability to represent polarity values for mul-
tiword expressions and implicit sentiment or commonsense knowledge concepts
(e.g. ‘exam’, ‘lose temper’) allows it to outperform SentiWordNet for polarity
classification tasks (Cambria et al. 2010). Within the framework, polarity
is defined based on the Hourglass of Emotions (Cambria et al. 2010), a clas-
sification of emotions into four dimensions, being pleasantness, attention,
sensitivity and aptitude. Activation values for each one of the dimensions
relate to a positive or negative polarity for a concept. Semantic information for
an entry comprises related concepts or words. Mood tags related to an entry
are preceded with a hash sign (‘#’) and were extracted from a large corpus of
blog posts that are self-tagged with particular moods and emotions. The tags
thus describe a SenticNet concept’s correlation with an emotional state. Figure
5.1 presents an example of SenticNet output for two concepts.
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
aptitude: 0.718, attention: 0.939, pleasantness: 0.701, sensitivity: 0
exercise, keep_fit, healthy_life, sport, bicycle_riding
#interest, #admiration
aptitude: -0.27, attention: -0.09, pleasantness: -0.25, sensitivity: -0.09
loss_ofawareness, serious_accident, broken_limb, concussion, brain_damage
#sadness, #disgust
Figure 5.1: Two examples of SenticNet entries.
For this experiment, we make use of SenticNet 4 and consider its polarity re-
turned for each target as the implicit sentiment related to that target. The
knowledge base mainly contains unigrams, bigrams and trigrams, so most tar-
gets contain more words than would fit in a single query to the database (see
Table 5.1). Consequently, in case the target is a multiword expression or a
phrase, we calculated its overall polarity based on the polarities of the individ-
ual words or concepts (e.g. ‘get_sick’) contained by that target. The following
paragraphs zoom in on our approach to implicit sentiment modelling using Sen-
ticNet 4. Similar approaches have been described by Cambria et al. (2016, 2017)
for regular sentiment classification (i.e. finding the polarity of both implicit and
explicit sentiment concepts).
As content words, we considered nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs, based
on the part-of-speech output of the LeTs Preprocess (Van de Kauter et al. 2013)
toolkit. This way, polarity values for function words like prepositions and nu-
merals were not taken into account for the global target polarity. In fact, Sen-
ticNet provides polarity values associated with words like ‘for’ (positive) and
‘two’ (negative), whose polarity values apply in very specific contexts and are,
hence, preferably not taken into account for the global target polarity. To look
up multiword expressions, we made use of Rajagopal’s concept parser (2013),
which makes use of SenticNet as its knowledge base and decomposes the input
5.2 Approach
phrase into commonsense concepts contained by the knowledge base (e.g. ‘stom-
ach_flu’, ‘wear_running_shoes’). The parser breaks sentences into chunks, cre-
ates combinations of verb and noun phrases, and searches the best match from a
parse graph that maps all the multiword expressions in SenticNet 4. Figure 5.2
visualises such a multiword lookup by means of a flowchart depicting the process
from input query to the global target polarity.
Prior to the actual lookup, a number of preprocessing steps were undertaken.
Firstly, URLs and @-replies were discarded, since they have no coverage in Sen-
ticNet. For the same reason, hash signs (‘#’) were stripped from hashtag words
and punctuation marks were removed. Secondly, concatenated words were split
if they were written in camel case (e.g. ‘noThanks’ ‘no thanks’). Thirdly,
common abbreviations were replaced based on an existing dictionary3, and con-
tractions were expanded (e.g. “would’nt” would not), since only full forms are
included in SenticNet. A next step involved the identification of negation clues
and modifiers (Polanyi and Zaenen 2006), as shown in the following examples:
(41) not[neg] getting any sleep
(42) shouting instructions repeatedly and being completely[intens] ignored
The polarity of a sentiment word was flipped when it was preceded by a nega-
tion marker (example 41). Whenever a sentiment-bearing word was found in a
window of one token to the right of a modifier (i.e. intensifiers or diminishers,
see Chapter 3), its polarity was increased (*2) or decreased (*0.5). Next, all
targets were tokenised, part-of-speech-tagged, and lemmatised using LeTs pre-
process (Van de Kauter et al. 2013) so that lemmas instead of words could be
considered for lookup. In a final preprocessing step, all SenticNet queries were
Figure 5.2 visualises the automatic sentiment-determining process, starting with
the targets as input queries. The queries were preprocessed and broken down
into single words or concepts, which were looked up in the knowledge base. In
a final step, individual sentiment scores for words or concepts were summed to
generate an overall sentiment score for the target.
Analysis and results
After defining the polarity of each target, our method was validated by com-
paring the labels with the gold-standard annotations. Table 5.2 presents the
accuracy of our SenticNet-based polarity assignment by respectively looking at
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
ppl that talk extra loud when I am trying to watch TV
!handling Twitter-specific tokens and punctuation
!splitting concatenated words
!normalising common abbreviations and contractions
!detecting negation cues and modifiers
!tokenisation, PoS-tagging, lemmatisation
people extra loudtalk try watch tv
overall polarity: -0.45
+ 0.105
- 0.85
+ 0.104
+ 0.045 + 0.043
+ 0.052
Figure 5.2: Flowchart visualising concept lookup using SenticNet 4.
all words in the target, only content words, or multiword expressions contained
by the target. The same preprocessing steps were each time applied.
all words content words multiwords
accuracy 33.77% 33.33% 37.25%
Table 5.2: Automatically assigned implicit sentiment using SenticNet 4
Table 5.2 shows that, although connotative knowledge is natural for people,
automatically inferring such knowledge is not a trivial task. We observe that
searching content words results in a slightly lower score than looking at all words
in a target. An explanation would be that the latter takes into account polarity
values related to function words, which sometimes might have had a positive
effect on the total target polarity. An example is presented below.
(43) target: to feel this hangover
polarity all words: feel (0.72) + this (-0.76) + hangover (-0.26) = -0.3
5.2 Approach
polarity content words: feel (0.72) + hangover (-0.26) = 0.46
Furthermore, we see that the multiword approach yields better results than all
words and content words. This makes intuitive sense, as the former approach
protects some ‘semantic atoms’ (Cambria and Hussain 2015) (if found by the
concept parser) which lose their original meaning when broken down into single
words. (e.g. ‘bang_head’).
Effectively, defining a target’s valence by summing the polarities of its con-
stituent words or concepts is a rather naive approach, given that the meaning
(and hence the associated polarity) of the target depends on the combination of
words it contains. Moreover, such an approach cannot resolve contextual ambi-
guities. Cambria et al. (2017) present an in-depth discussion of this challenge,
a clear illustration of which are multiword terms with contrasting constituent
words (e.g. ‘happy accident’ and ‘dark chocolate’).
Furthermore, specifications can also modify the prior polarity of the word,
‘wind’, for instance, has a neutral connotation an sich, but when combined
with ‘110km/hour’, its connotation shifts to negative. Similarly, while ‘Decem-
ber’ may have a positive connotation for most people, when combined with ‘icy
roads’ or ‘electric bills’, it becomes negative. Such very specific multiword terms
are, however, not contained in SenticNet. In effect, based on the knowledge base,
the overall polarity of the latter example would be positive (december (+0.799)
+electric_bill (0.04)), although most people would probably agree that the
concept evokes a negative sentiment.
Other challenges when using SenticNet to assign a polarity to particular concepts
are the lack of coverage of some words (e.g. ‘rancid’), and the limited number
of inflected forms in the database, since SenticNet stores mainly lemmas and
other base forms. Related to the latter, we observed that deriving such base
forms from tweets is challenging, given that they often contain misspelled words
(e.g. ‘your’ instead of “you’re”), and non-standard abbreviations (e.g. ‘fammm’
for ‘family’). Although we restricted normalisation to the replacement of com-
mon abbreviations and normalising contractions to their full form, including a
more complex approach to orthographic normalisation (e.g. Schulz et al. 2016)
as a preprocessing step could further reduce noise. This is, however, beyond the
scope of the current thesis.
Although there is room for optimisation of our SenticNet approach, lack of
context, lexical ambiguity, and the inability to perform ‘human-like’ reasoning
with separate concepts will remain an important drawback of this approach. In
fact, some phrases or concepts have a negative connotation, although most of
the individual words are positively connoted in SenticNet:
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
(44) Work[-] a double[+] on New[+] Year’s[+] Eve[+] and then most of New[+]
Year’s[+] day[+])
(45) Attending[+] a full-day workshop[+] on 2 hours[+] sleep[-]
In summary, while knowledge bases like SenticNet present a convenient resource
for word- and concept-level sentiment analysis, a more complex approach would
be required to define the implicit sentiment of longer sequences or phrases, which
often require reasoning or context interpreting. Such understanding of semantic
composition involves knowing that people do not like working a double shift,
especially not on holidays, and that even the most pleasant activity may become
dreadful after a short night’s sleep. Still, such a knowledge base would suffer
the drawback of its static nature, since even when containing a massive amount
of information, it could probably not keep pace with the rapidly evolving world
around us, causing commonsense knowledge to be continuously updated.
5.2.2 Crawling Twitter to infer implicit sentiment
Collecting myriads of ideas and opinions held by the online community, social
media platforms like Twitter present an ideal medium for crowdsourcing or
consulting the public opinion. In the following paragraphs, we explore the use of
Twitter to automatically define implicit sentiment linked to specific situations
and concepts that are subject to irony (or targets). In the previous section,
we made use of SenticNet 4 to infer implicit sentiment related to particular
concepts. We concluded that an important drawback of the method is that
polarity information is generally stored at the word (and ocassionally at the
multiword) level, while implicit sentiment linked to concepts or situations cannot
always be derived from the sentiment linked to their components in isolation.
In this section, we take a machine learning approach to define implicit senti-
ment based on crawled Twitter data. To be precise, we verify the hypothesis
that Twitter provides insights into affective knowledge and investigate whether
a large number of explicit opinions about a particular concept or situation are a
good indication of the prototypical sentiment related to that concept or situa-
tion. In contrast to a knowledge base approach, Twitter imposes few restrictions
related to input data. The platform allows the lookup of longer text units and
phrases, rather than single- or multiword entries in knowledge bases. Moreover,
the medium allows to collect real time opinions held by a large and varied group
of people, whereas knowledge bases are generally static and rely on knowledge
that has been derived automatically or that has been inserted by experts.
5.2 Approach
An important first step to infer implicit sentiment using Twitter involves the
collection of sufficient tweets for each target, so that a reliable estimation can be
made of its prototypical sentiment. We recall that targets are phrases describing
connoted situations or concepts (e.g. ‘working in the weekend‘, ‘my car won’t
start’). We made use of the Twitter Search API to collect for each target a set
of tweets mentioning that target, determined the prevailing sentiment in these
tweets by making use of supervised machine learning (Van Hee et al. 2014).
In concrete terms, we applied a state-of-the-art sentiment classifier the architec-
ture of which is described in Chapter 7. In two words, the sentiment analyser is
built on a model that was trained on data distributed in the framework of the
SemEval-2014 shared task on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter (Rosenthal et al.
2014). The sentiment analyser predicts the overall polarity of a tweet as one
out of three classes, being positive,negative and neutral. For each target, a
Twitter crawl was run to collect the 500 most recent tweets mentioning that
target, and sentiment analysis was subsequently applied to predict a sentiment
label for each tweet. Next, we calculated the prevailing sentiment in the entire
set and considered this the prototypical sentiment associated with that target.
As mentioned earlier, the intuition behind this approach is that subjective text
(e.g. tweets) about a concept or situation would provide insights into the typi-
cal sentiment that this concept evokes, or its connotation. For instance, when
a large group of people complain about having to attend lectures at 8 a.m., one
could assume it is generally considered an unpleasant activity. Consequently,
utterances like ‘looking forward to tomorrow’s class at 8 am!’ are more likely to
be ironic. We started with the originally annotated targets as Twitter queries,
but explored a number of abstraction methods to see whether these are likely
to improve the coverage (see further).
Original annotations as Twitter queries
Each target was used as a Twitter search query. As a first step, all targets
were preprocessed to make lookup as effective as possible. The preprocessing
steps we describe here are similar to the SenticNet approach (see Section 5.2.1)
and include i) handling of Twitter-specific tokens (i.e. URLs and @-replies
were removed and hash-signs were stripped off to augment coverage), ii) re-
moval of punctuation marks, iii) splitting of concatenated words in camel case
(e.g. ‘noThanks’ ‘no thanks’), iv) replacement of ampersands (as they have
a syntactic function in a search query), and v) lowercasing.
Next, the preprocessed targets were crawled using the Twitter Search API. After
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
collecting a set of tweets for each target, three postprocessing steps involved
the removal of duplicates, tweets in which the target did not occur as a con-
secutive chain, and tweets containing an irony-related hashtag, since we aim to
get insights into sincere (i.e. non-ironic) opinions and sentiment related to the
Once a number of tweets for each target were collected and cleaned, we used
our sentiment analysis pipeline to define for each tweet whether it was positive,
negative or neutral. Based on these predictions, we defined the prototypical sen-
timent related to each target as the most prevailing sentiment among its tweets.
For instance, if 80% of all tweets talking about missing a connecting flight were
classified as negative, we considered the prototypical sentiment related to this
situation to be negative. The automatically defined implicit sentiment values
were then evaluated against the gold-standard labels from the manual annota-
Not being able to #sleep..
!handling Twitter-specific tokens and punctuation
!splitting concatenated words
!replacing ampersands
Not being able to sleep is awful
RT @someuser: Not being able to sleep is the worst.. !
Noth worse than not being able to sleep, just been sick instead
How annoying is it not being able to sleep man "
not being able to sleep
polarity: negative
Figure 5.3: Defining the implicit sentiment of a target using Twitter.
Figure 5.3 visualises the process from preprocessing the target as input query
to defining its implicit sentiment based on a set of tweets.
It should be noted that we were only able to crawl tweets for approximately
one third of the targets (namely 239 out of 671, 238 of which were negative
and 1 positive) when they were looked up in their original form. A possible
explanation for the limited coverage is that many targets were too specific to
5.2 Approach
yield many tweets due to containing numbers, personal pronouns, or being vey
long (see examples 46 to 48). In fact, analysis revealed that the average length
of targets in tokens for which at least one tweet had been found was three,
whereas it was nine for targets yielding no tweets.
(46) 7:30 finals on a friday
(47) be the 5th wheel for another New Year’s eve
(48) when someone accidentally deletes everything on your phone
3 hours sleep
haven't been to sleep
to go to the dentist
it's freezing
no reply
school on monday
yellow pages
we don't talk
being made fun of
being ignored
being unappreciated
flare ups
working on my birthday
9am lectures
walking to school
people who lie to me
smacking her lips
urgent care tomorrow
its really dark
my f ami ly l ea vi ng
when adults act like children
being treated horribly
no clue what you were talking about
mis sed con nect ing f li ghts
just got my tonsils out
getting my midterm back
platoon strategy
working on boxing day
another 6+ page paper
grown women acting like children
can tweet all day but not text me back
spend the next 12 hours at school
Number of collected tweets per target
Figure 5.4: Visualisation of the number of tweets crawled for the targets.
Another explanation for the limited coverage of the targets is methodology-
related. Using the Twitter Search API does not allow to retrieve historical tweets,
but only returns tweets matching the input query from the past seven days. As
a consequence, some targets yielded very few or even no results. Figure 5.4
illustrates the number of tweets found for the targets (due to space constraints,
only a subset is visible on the x-axis), with the maximum set to 500. After
removing duplicates, between 0 and 479 tweets were retrieved per target. The
graph shows that the longer and more specific the target, the fewer tweets were
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
allergic reaction
less than 5 hours sleep
screaming into the phone
slow internet
finals week
waking up with migraines
Figure 5.5: Proportion of positive (green), negative (red) and neutral (blue)
tweets for a set of targets.
After collecting the tweets, automatic sentiment analysis was applied to de-
termine the prototypical sentiment related to each target. For details on the
sentiment analysis pipeline we refer to Chapter 7. Figure 5.5 visualises the
sentiment analysis output for a set of example targets: each bar indicates the
proportion of positive, negative and neutral tweets for the corresponding target
on the y-axis. It can be observed that the opinions expressed towards ‘allergic
reaction’ were mostly negative, whereas they were mostly neutral for ‘traffic’.
The graph shows that many neutral tweets were retrieved. In such tweets, either
no sentiment, or both positive and negative sentiment are expressed. However,
as will be described in the following paragraphs, as we aim to infer connotative
information, which is either positive or negative, such tweets are less informative
for this task. For this reason, we also defined the overall polarity of a concept
without taking neutral tweets into account.
accuracy accuracy
targets coverage (pos/neg/neu) (pos/neg)
original 36% 26.78% 71.97%
Table 5.3: Sentiment analysis accuracy after crawling Twitter using the original
Table 5.3 shows the coverage of the original (i.e. as annotated) targets on Twit-
ter and presents the accuracy of the method to define the implicit sentiment for
the targets. As can be deduced from the second and third column, when con-
5.2 Approach
sidering all tweet predictions for a given target, the most prevalent sentiment is
often neutral, hence resulting in a low accuracy compared to the gold-standard
implicit sentiment, which is either positive or negative.
(49) Expert Views: India consumer inflation climbs[neg] up in March via
(50) I took a 3 hour nap after school which means no sleep[neg] for me...
(51) I had an epiphany. What if I took my energy and put it on all the joyful
and positive things in life, rather than on people who lie[neg] to me?
(52) Working on my birthday[neg]... guess this is what adulting feels like
As shown in the examples, negative concepts like ‘people who lie’ and ‘no sleep’
may occur in neutral tweets (examples 49, 50, 52), or tweets expressing both
positive and negative sentiment (example 51).
Re-evaluating our system after discarding such neutral tweets, however, resulted
in much better accuracy, namely 72%. This means that for 72% of the targets,
we were able to define their implicit sentiment by performing sentiment analysis
on a set of tweets mentioning that target. This accuracy also means, however,
that for 28% of the targets, the automatically defined sentiment did not cor-
respond to the gold standard. A qualitative analysis revealed that this is due
to several causes: i) not all tweets mentioning a negative target (e.g. ‘9 a.m.
lectures’) were actually negative (e.g. ‘last day of uni but hey no more 9 a.m.
lectures!’), and ii) tweets were sometimes misclassified as they were ironic or
ambiguous (e.g. ‘yeah I bet you already miss the 9 a.m. lectures’).
In sum, Table 5.3 confirms our hypothesis that Twitter data offers insights
into the prototypical sentiment related to particular concepts or targets. It
is important to underline, however, that the results apply to merely 36% of
the targets, as we were unable to collect tweets for the remaining 64%. To
tackle this problem, the following paragraphs describe a number of strategies to
increase the coverage of our targets on Twitter. As shown in Table 5.1, the 671
targets vary greatly in structure and a number of them are very specific. We
therefore attempted to convert them into a more abstract and homogeneous list
by automatically extracting i) content words, ii) syntactic heads, and iii)
verb-object (V-O) patterns.
Content words as Twitter queries
Firstly, we reduced the targets to content words only. Based on Part-of-Speech
information obtained using the LeTs Preprocess (Van de Kauter et al. 2013)
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
toolkit, we discarded all words but nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. Other
words were replaced by a wildcard (i.e. ‘*’), meaning that any word could occur
at that position, hence allowing a more flexible Twitter lookup.
original target content words target
write psychology papers write psychology papers
you test my patience * test * patience
monday mornings monday mornings
when you say hi to someone in the
hallway and they completely ignore
* * say * * someone * * hallway
* * completely ignore *
I work a double on New Year’s Eve
and then most of New Year’s Day
* work * double * new year * eve
* then most * new year * day
I have pink eye * have pink eye
when someone accidentally deletes
everything on your phone
* someone accidentally deletes
everything * * phone
9 am lectures * lectures
Table 5.4: Original targets versus content word targets. Function words are
replaced by a wildcard.
As shown in Table 5.4, keeping only content words discards pronouns, deter-
miners, etc., and make the targets more likely to yield many tweets. However,
it also discards elements that are crucial for the semantics of a target, such as
numbers and figures. For instance, keeping only content words, ‘9 am lectures’
becomes ‘* lectures’, which could generate a number of irrelevant tweets as well
when used as a search query.
Overall, using content words instead of the original targets provides some ab-
straction, allowing to collect tweets for 277 out of 671 targets. This is 5% more
than when using the original targets as queries. On the downside, more noise is
contained in the crawled tweets. Below, some example tweets are presented that
correspond to the query ‘* hour car ride’, derived from the target ‘10 hour car
ride’. When comparing examples 53 and 54 to 55 and 56, we see that even de-
tailed information like numerals (e.g. ‘10 (hours)’) is essential for the semantics
of a phrase, and hence to its implicit sentiment or connotation.
(53) Glad that my friend who used to live 4 hours away is shortly goin’ to be
at 1 hour car ride from here
(54) Happy birthday to the only person I could enjoy an 8 hour car ride with!
(55) 4 hour car ride and I forgot my headphones
(56) Well, time for a 10 hour car ride back home... kill me
5.2 Approach
The above examples not only demonstrate that implicit or prototypical senti-
ment applies to very specific concepts, but also underline its strongly cultural
and personal character.
Table 5.5 shows the coverage and sentiment analysis results for the targets based
on content words, again before and after discarding neutral tweets.
accuracy accuracy
targets coverage (pos/neg/neu) (pos/neg)
content words 41% 20.94% 72.20%
Table 5.5: Sentiment analysis accuracy based on a Twitter crawl using content
word targets.
Although more noise could have been introduced through the use of wildcards,
72.20% of the targets were assigned the correct implicit sentiment, which is
slightly better than the accuracy obtained using the original targets (cf. Table
Dependency heads as queries
As a second method to make abstraction from the original targets, we made
use of dependency information for that target. We considered the head of a
dependency relation in a phrase or compound, as it is known to define the
core syntactic and semantic properties of its dependents (Poria et al. 2014). A
dependency head (e.g. a noun) has generally one or several dependents (e.g. ad-
jectives, possessives, relative clauses) which modify it. We made use of the
statistical dependency parser implemented in the Python library spaCy4, as it
has shown to achieve a state-of-the-art performance (Choi et al. 2015). It uses
the terms ‘head’ and ‘child’ to describe the words connected by a single arc in
the dependency tree, representing a syntactic relation that connects the child
to its head.
It is important to note that, after extracting the dependency heads of each tar-
get, we decided to re-insert two elements to reduce the loss of crucial semantic
information: i) negation words (i.e. ‘not’) and ii) words that form a compound
with a head (e.g. ‘psychology papers’ was tagged as a compound by the de-
pendency parser, hence ‘psychology’ was preserved, in addition to ‘papers’).
Table 5.6 presents some example targets for which we extracted dependency
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
heads. Similarly to the content-words approach (cf. Table 5.4), words that had
been discarded were replaced by wildcards (‘*’).
original target dependency heads
write psychology papers write psychology papers
you test my patience * test * patience
monday mornings monday mornings
when you say hi to someone in the
hallway and they completely ignore
* * say * to someone in * hallway *
* * ignore *
I work a double on New Year’s Eve
and then most of New Year’s Day
* work * double on * year * eve * *
most of * year * day
I have pink eye * have * eye
when someone accidentally deletes
everything on your phone
* * * deletes everything on * phone
9 am lectures * am lectures
Table 5.6: Original targets versus dependency heads in the targets.
Using dependency heads instead of the original targets allowed to collect tweets
for 347 out of the 671 targets (i.e. 52%). Hence with this approach, Twitter
coverage is higher compared to the original targets or content word targets.
However, making the targets more abstract also means information loss and a
potential change in semantics (e.g. ‘* am lectures’ instead of ‘9 am lectures’ and
‘have * eye’ instead of ‘have pink eye’).
Table 5.7 shows the sentiment analysis results for the tweets that were crawled
using dependency heads in our targets as queries.
accuracy accuracy
targets coverage (pos/neg/neu) (pos/neg)
content words 52% 19.22% 72.07%
Table 5.7: Sentiment analysis accuracy based on a Twitter crawl using depen-
dency heads as queries.
Similarly to the two other approaches, most of the targets were predicted as
neutral, yielding an accuracy of 19%. This is similar to the score obtained
with content words and would suggest that, the more general the query, the
higher the likelihood of retrieving neutral tweets, or tweets with a combination of
positive and negative sentiment. When discarding the neutral tweets, however,
sentiment analysis accuracy increased to 72.07%.
5.2 Approach
Verb-object patterns as queries
Finally, we made abstraction by extracting verb-object (VO) patterns from
the targets. As stated by Riloff et al. (2013), verb phrases are typical structures
for negative situation phrases that are common in ironic tweets. Table 5.8
presents some example targets and the verb-object patterns that were extracted.
Evidently, no such patterns could be derived for targets consisting of a noun
phrase, for instance, which are indicated by ‘n.a.’ in the table.
original target V-O pattern
write psychology papers write papers
you test my patience test patience
monday mornings n.a.
when you say hi to someone in the
hallway and they completely ignore
say hi, ignore you
I work a double on New Year’s Eve
and then most of New Year’s Day
work double
I have pink eye have eye
when someone accidentally deletes
everything on your phone
deletes everything
9 am lectures n.a.
Christmas shopping on 2hrs sleep n.a.
8.30am conference calls n.a.
DC rush hour n.a.
Table 5.8: Verb-object patterns of targets.
As illustrated in Table 5.8, negative situation phrases are not exclusively com-
posed by verb-object sequences. In fact, the method allowed to collect tweets
for 312 out of the 671 targets (i.e. 47%), which is more than obtained with the
original targets and content word targets, but less than the dependency heads
Table 5.9 presents the coverage and sentiment analysis results obtained using
verb-object sequences in our targets as queries. If more than one verb-object
phrase had been extracted from a target, we considered the predicted sentiment
of all phrases in that target (i.e. ‘positive’ if all V-O strings were positive, ‘neg-
ative’ if all were negative, ‘neutral’ if one or more were positive and one or more
others were negative).
As can be deduced from the table, sentiment analysis performance is slightly
lower compared to the other approaches (i.e. original targets, content words,
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
accuracy accuracy
targets coverage (pos/neg/neu) (pos/neg)
V-O patterns 46.50% 17.68% 68.17%
Table 5.9: Sentiment analysis accuracy based on a Twitter crawl using depen-
dency heads as queries.
dependency heads). An explanation is that extracting verb-object patterns
from concepts or situation phrases implies loss of information. In cases where
this does not affect the semantics too much, such abstraction may be desirable
(e.g. ‘write papers’, ‘test patience’, ‘ignore you’), but in other cases, the dis-
carded information might be essential to the target’s semantics and therefore,
to its implicit sentiment. For instance, reducing the phrase ‘taking the subway
alone at 2:40 a.m.’ to ‘taking subway’ discards the element that gives it a neg-
ative connotation (i.e. ‘alone at 2:40 a.m.’). In other examples, keeping only
verb-object patterns implies that the implicit sentiment of the original target
becomes less strong (e.g. “work a double on New Year’s Eve” ‘work double’).
Also, Table 5.8 suggests that considering V-O patterns alone as expressions of
implicit sentiment (cf. Riloff et al. 2013) is a too restricted approach, since many
implicit sentiment expressions contain noun phrases as well (e.g. ‘9am lectures’,
‘DC rush hour’, etc.).
Results and analysis
In the previous paragraphs, we explored four methods to crawl tweets for a
set of implicit sentiment phrases (or targets) that were manually annotated.
We automatically determined the prototypical sentiment related to a target by
applying sentiment analysis to a set of crawled tweets and to define the prevailing
sentiment in this set of tweets.
We can conclude that applying sentiment analysis to relevant tweets is a viable
method to define the prototypical sentiment related to a particular concept
(yielding an accuracy of up to 72.20%). However, our targets being very specific
and restricted by the limited search space when using the Twitter Search API, we
were only able to collect tweets for 36% of the targets. Extracting content words,
dependency heads and verb-object patterns from the targets as strategies to
improve coverage allowed to collect tweets for respectively 43%, 52% and 47% of
the targets, hereby outperforming the coverage of the original targets. Analysis
of these approaches revealed that, while some information can be discarded
without meaning loss (e.g. pronouns, determiners), removing other elements
(e.g. numerals) does imply a loss of or change in meaning (e.g. ‘10 hour car
5.2 Approach
drive’ versus ‘hour car drive’).
When looking at the sentiment analysis results, we see that the methods perform
comparably, although it should be noted that the original targets yielded less
neutral tweets, probably because the tweets are more specific and hence more
likely to reveal an unambiguous sentiment. This was confirmed by a qualitative
analysis, showing that the content word, dependency head and V-O queries
resulted in a noisier set of tweets than the original targets.
As such, although coverage is rather low (36%) when using the original targets
as Twitter queries, these yielded tweets that are semantically the closest to the
original targets and are therefore more likely to reflect the prototypical sentiment
related to these targets.
For practical motivations, we defined a maximum of 500 search results when
crawling the targets using the Twitter API. Given that most targets were very
specific, and the API restrictions imply that no historical results can be returned,
most targets did not even yield this maximum of 500 tweets. We wanted to
investigate, however, whether sentiment accuracy increases with the number of
tweets returned for a target. One could hypothesise that, the larger a set of
tweets available for a particular target, the more likely it is that the tweets form
a good representation of the public opinion and hence, prototypical sentiment
related to the target.
We tested this hypothesis with 34 targets for which we were able to collect
2,000 tweets. We automatically determined the implicit sentiment using an
incremental number of tweets and plotted the results, as shown in Figure 5.6.
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
performance (%)
number of tweets
Figure 5.6: Sentiment analysis results by gradually incrementing the number of
Chapter 5 : Modelling connotative knowledge for irony detection
As can be inferred from the above figure, collecting more tweets seems to have
a moderate effect on the overall sentiment analysis performance (91% versus
94%). However, the increase seems to stagnate at 750 tweets and the scores
even diminish as the number of tweets further increases. This would suggest that
using more tweets to determine the prototypical sentiment related to a concept
does not necessarily give a better indication of that prototypical sentiment. One
reason could be that collecting more tweets also could mean more irrelevant
tweets or noise. The effect is, however, measured on a very small sample (i.e. 34
targets), so the results should be interpreted carefully.
5.3 Summary
In this section, we investigated the feasibility to automatically define implicit
or prototypical sentiment related to particular concepts and situations (i.e. tar-
gets). We started from the manually annotated targets in our corpus and inves-
tigated the feasibility to infer implicit sentiment automatically by making use
of SenticNet 4 and Twitter. The following two paragraphs provide an answer to
our first two research questions in the introduction of the chapter.
Experiments using SenticNet 4 revealed that prototypical sentiment seldom
applies to words or phrases in isolation. In fact, many concepts are non-
compositional, hence, their meaning cannot be derived from the meaning of
their components in isolation. In effect, looking up individual words or even
multiwords contained by a target turned out in being too naive an approach
to define the implicit sentiment for that target, as the approach breaks seman-
tic atoms down into single words that consequently lose their prior meaning.
Moreover, the semantics of a word, and its connotation, often depend on the
combination of words it is surrounded by, which is not taken into account by a
knowledge base approach either. Finally, we concluded that even a very large
knowledge base would probably not be able to keep up with the rapidly evolving
world in which commonsense and affective knowledge are constantly updated.
Our second approach underscored that user-generated content such as tweets
provides valuable insights into the general or prototypical sentiment related to
particular concepts or situations. Our experiments demonstrated that collecting
and automatically determining the sentiment of a collection of tweets about a
concept or situation proves a viable method to determine its prototypical senti-
ment. Using the original targets, as well as a more abstract version of the targets
(i.e. based on content words, dependency heads and V-O-patterns) both proved
to be good methods to collect Twitter data for sentiment analysis, although
the latter abstraction method would benefit from including noun phrases and
5.3 Summary
numerals. In effect, the experiments revealed that only half of the targets show
a verb-object pattern.
An important advantage of using Twitter to infer connotative knowledge, as
compared to SenticNet, is that it allows to look up longer phrases and hence
integrate context when defining implicit sentiment. Moreover, it presents a
method to consult the public opinion in real time about topical concepts before
these could even be inserted in knowledge bases. Two drawbacks of the method
are, firstly, that it is more complex than a knowledge base lookup as it requires a
(sufficiently large) set of relevant tweets about a particular concept, and a well-
performing sentiment classifier to determine the prevailing sentiment in this set
of tweets. Secondly, the prototypical sentiment of a situation being based on
real-time opinions, it might be influenced by crises or trends, which can cause
fluctuations in the public opinion towards a specific concept or situation.
To answer our third research question in this chapter, namely ‘Could this study
lead to a viable method for constructing a connotative knowledge base?’, we
conclude that the proposed method provides valuable insights into the implicit
sentiment related to a set of concepts. We subsequently showed that choosing
one method to convert the implicit sentiment phrases into more abstract or more
general Twitter queries is not trivial, given that the semantically important in-
formation depends from one concept to another (e.g. ‘10’ is crucial information
in ‘10 hours car ride’, whereas it is not in ‘not being able to sleep 10 nights in
a row’. In the latter example, not being able to sleep one night may already
be considered negative). An interesting direction for future research will there-
fore be to explore more specific patterns of implicit sentiment expressions, for
instance by analysing Part-of-Speech sequences.
Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
In the previous chapter, we explored two methods to automatically define the
implicit or prototypical sentiment related to connoted concepts and situations,
which is an essential step to identifying polarity contrasts in ironic text. For this
purpose, we made use of the common sense information stored in SenticNet 4
and automatically derived sentiment from crawled Twitter data.
In this chapter, we aim to answer the second part of our second research ques-
tion, being “does our approach [to recognise implicit sentiment auto-
matically] benefit automatic irony detection?”. To this purpose, we will
evaluate the performance of a clash detection system for irony recognition, and
investigate its added value for the irony detection system described in Chapter 4.
6.1 Introduction
As mentioned earlier in this thesis, manual annotations revealed that about
70% of all ironic tweets in our corpus contain a polarity contrast (see Chapter
3). Also, in about half of these tweets, the contrast between the literal and the
intended polarity can only be perceived through the presence of an irony-related
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
hashtag. In example 57, the hashtag #not inverts the polarity of the expression
‘we all enjoyed’.
(57) We all enjoyed today’s workshop #not
Other ironic tweets, however, do not require such a hashtag. The polarity
contrast is realised in the text itself, either by two explicit evaluations, or by
an explicit and implicit evaluation (i.e. a phrase with prototypical sentiment).
Below, we recapitulate examples 11 and 12 (see Chapter 3) to illustrate this:
(58) I just love[exp-pos] when you test my patience[imp-neg]! #Not
(59) Sitting in this hall is fun!![exp-pos] [exp-neg]
In Chapter 5, we showed that analysing opinions expressed by the ‘Twitter
crowd’ is a good strategy to infer implicit sentiment or connotative knowledge
related to specific concepts or situations. In short, we applied automatic senti-
ment analysis to a set of crawled tweets about connoted concepts or situations
(e.g. ‘going to the dentist’, ‘finals week’), and considered the prevailing senti-
ment in this set of tweets as the prototypical sentiment related to that concept
or situation, with succes.
In this chapter, we will combine this method with the identification of explicit
subjective words to define whether a polarity contrast is present in a tweet.
Previous work on irony detection has investigated the added value of explicit or
implicit sentiment contrast information (e.g. Barbieri and Saggion 2014, Peng
et al. 2015, Riloff et al. 2013). Other studies have focussed on modelling implicit
sentiment or building connotative knowledge bases (Balahur et al. 2011, Balahur
and Tanev 2016, Cambria et al. 2016, Riloff et al. 2013, Singh et al. 2002).
However, we present, to our knowledge, the first approach to include explicit
and implicit polarity contrast information for irony detection based on real time
prototypical sentiment that is automatically extracted from Twitter.
First, it should be noted that a contrast feature (taking only explicit polarity
information into account) was already included as part of the sentiment lexi-
con features (see Chapter 4). However, as experiments revealed that combining
lexical, semantic and syntactic features obtained the best results in our irony
detection experiments, the feature was not included in the SVM-based approach
we refer to in the current chapter. In this chapter, we aim to re-evaluate our
SVM-based irony classifier (see Chapter 4 for a thorough description) after tak-
ing polarity contrast information into account.
6.1 Introduction
In short, the SVM classifier is informed with polarity contrast information in
two ways:
1. by means of a binary feature indicating the presence of a polarity con-
trast (i.e. between explicit and explicit and/or explicit and implicit polar-
ities) in a tweet (with 1meaning ‘yes’, 0meaning ‘no’);
2. as a class label for irony (i.e. if a polarity contrast is present, the tweet
is ironic, otherwise it is not) besides the SVM classifier. Both predictions
are combined for the final irony prediction of a tweet.
The latter (combined) system is applied in two ways: a tweet is predicted as
ironic if i) the SVM and clash-based system agree that it is ironic and ii) if one of
the two systems predicts it as ironic. As we have at our disposal gold-standard
(i.e. manually annotated) implicit sentiment information, we will evaluate the
performance of the polarity clash system based on gold-standard and automat-
ically defined implicit sentiment.
System evaluation
To facilitate reading, all results in this chapter are reported on the testdata
(see Chapter 4 for details on the experimental corpus), while the experimental
setups and evaluation methods were defined by experimenting on the training
data. The contrast-based approach to irony detection will be implemented and
evaluated in different ways throughout this chapter. Firstly, in ironic tweets,
an explicit evaluation can be contrasted with i) another explicit evaluation as
shown in example 59 (it is denoted as [exp-exp] in the tables) or ii) an implied
evaluation as in example 58 ([imp-exp] in the tables). The system is evaluated
in two flavours: firstly, a polarity contrast is identified in either one of the
two situations and secondly, only polarity contrasts as in the latter situation
(i.e. an explicit evaluation is contrasted with an implied evaluation) are taken
into account. We do this for two reasons. As irony is mostly realised implicitly
(e.g. Giora 1995), it may be a stronger indicator for irony than explicit polarity
contrasts. Furthermore, given the subjective nature of Twitter, considering
contrasting polarities in a tweet as a clue for irony might cause overgeneration.
Finally, in case of an [imp-exp] clash, the polarity contrast will be defined using
both gold-standard and automatically recognised implicit sentiment.
After including the polarity contrast feature, we evaluated the SVM classifier in
the same way, namely by looking at two different realisations of a polarity con-
trast, and taking into account gold-standard and automatically defined implicit
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
When interpreting the results, it is important to recall, however, that not all
ironic instances in our corpus are realised through such a polarity contrast. We
review the distribution of the test data in Figure 6.1. Out of the 958 instances,
485 are ironic, while 473 are not. The ironic category is composed by ironic
by clash, situational irony and other irony. From the first category, 171 (51%)
require an irony-related hashtag to perceive the polarity contrast.
ironic by clash
other irony
situational irony
not ironic
Figure 6.1: Distribution of the test data.
As such, besides calculating the overall system performance (i.e. including all
types of irony in our corpus), which allows to compare the results with our SVM
classifier described in Chapter 4, we also investigate its performance on ironic
by clash instances. Moreover, since half of these ironic by clash tweets cannot
be recognised as such without the presence of an irony-related hashtag, it also
makes sense to calculate the performance of the system for the instances where
no such a hashtag is required (see examples 58 and 59).
Furthermore, we will compare the performance of our approach to that of
Riloff et al. (2013), as they adopted a very similar method. By making use
of bootstrapped learning, they extracted positive sentiment and negative situa-
tion phrases from hashtag-labelled ironic tweets and used the resulting lexicons
in a contrast-based method to irony detection. In a next step, the system was
combined with an n-gram based SVM classifier to evaluate how both systems
complement each other.
6.2 A polarity clash-based approach
6.2 A polarity clash-based approach
As a first step, we explore the potential of an automatic contrast detection
method to recognise irony, without combining it with our SVM classifier (cf.
Chapter 4). The design is straightforward: if the system identifies a polarity
contrast, the corresponding tweet is predicted as ironic, otherwise, it is consid-
ered non-ironic. We employ the Twitter-based method (using content words as
search queries) as described in Chapter 5 to define the implicit sentiment related
to specific situations and phrases, and make use of the sentiment lexicons de-
scribed in Chapter 4 to identify explicit sentiment expressions. More precisely,
to search for explicit polarity words that contrast with the implicit sentiment
expressed in the tweet, we search for explicit polarity clues in the remainder
of the tweet (i.e. text that is not part of the implicit sentiment expression) by
using the sentiment lexicons described in Chapter 4. Negation cues are taken
into account by flipping the polarity of a sentiment-lexicon match if the word is
preceded by a negation word (e.g. not, no, none, etc.).
As such, a polarity contrast was found if the tweet contains a contrast between
either two explicit evaluations (e.g. ‘Lovely morning ... #hate rain’) , or a
contrast between an explicit and implicit evaluation (e.g. ‘Cannot wait to go to
the dentist tomorrow!’).
6.2.1 Gold-standard implicit sentiment
We start by evaluating the performance of the clash-based system when incorpo-
rating gold-standard implicit sentiment information. This will provide insights
into the practical feasibility of the approach, while leaving aside the challenge
of automatically identifying implicit sentiment.
The system automatically identifies explicit sentiment expressions in each tweet
and predicts the tweet as ironic if the explicit sentiment contrasts with that of
the implicit sentiment. In concrete terms, given the tweet in example 60 (note
that the hashtag #not is left out), the system is provided with the negative
implicit sentiment related to ‘you test my patience’.
(60) I just love when you test my patience! #Not
By making use of existing sentiment lexicons, it will then look for explicit po-
larity expressions that contrast with the negative implicit sentiment (e.g. ‘I just
love’ and ‘ ’). More precisely, by relying on the sentiment lexicons as described
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
in Chapter 4, the system identifies positive (e.g. ‘tolerant’, ‘funny’) and negative
(e.g. ‘worthless’, ‘painful’) polarity words.
Table 6.1 presents the performance of the system on the testdata (see Chapter 4).
As explained earlier, two implementations of a polarity contrast were evaluated:
i) an explicit sentiment contrasted with either an implicit or another explicit
sentiment ([imp-exp] or [exp-exp]), and ii) an explicit sentiment contrasted with
an implied sentiment ([imp-exp]). Recall, precision and F-score are calculated
on the positive class instances.
positive class clash accuracy precision recall F
1 ironic by clash +
situational + other
[imp-exp] or [exp-exp] 56.99% 57.78% 55.88% 56.81%
2 ironic by clash +
situational + other
[imp-exp] 61.80% 100% 24.54% 39.40%
Table 6.1: Performance of the clash-based system for irony detection using gold-
standard implicit sentiment information.
When evaluating the system on the entire positive class (i.e. ironic by clash +sit-
uational irony +other irony), we observe that the clash-based system does not
outperform the optimal SVM classifier as described in Chapter 4 (F= 56.81%
and F= 39.40% versus F= 70.11%, respectively). This can be explained by the
fact that the former is targeted towards instances where the irony results from
a polarity contrast, which constitute ‘only’ 70% of the irony class (see Figure
6.1). Moreover, it has been shown that, in about 50% of the ironic instances, an
irony-related hashtag is required to notice the irony, as shown in the following
(61) wtf my english.. so perf in the morning #not
(62) I’m sure i aced this quiz ... lol #sarcasm
Such instances are missed by the clash-based system, while the SVM classifier
might pick up other clues that are indicative of irony (e.g. punctuation, interjec-
tions, etc.). A qualitative analysis further revealed that the system in setup 1
tends to overgenerate, as it also predicts non-ironic instances as ironic whenever
several polarity words are identified in the tweet (see examples 63 and 64).
(63) one of my favorite(+) things to do is to make people wonder(+) was
6.2 A polarity clash-based approach
completely unintentional()but buying bogs mud()boots in a dress
will do it
(64) work hard()in silence ; let success(+) make the noise().
This supports the hypothesis we formulated in the introduction of this chapter
that, due to the subjective nature of Twitter, the presence of an explicit polarity
contrast as an indicator for irony might cause overgeneration of the model.
Although the clash-based system does not outperform the SVM classifier on
all ironic instances (i.e. ironic by clash, other irony, situational irony), it is
worthwhile to note that the former is able to recognise ironic instances (i.e. 58
to be precise) that the SVM classifier overlooks, including examples 65 and 66,
where a polarity contrast is realised between explicit and implicit sentiment
(setup 2):
(65) Spending the majority of my day in and out of the doctor()has been
awesome(+) .
(66) Literally half of the finals i have this semester are today(), and that’s
totally not stressful(+) at all!
Given that the contrast-based method is targeted towards instances of irony that
include a polarity clash, it makes sense to calculate its performance on these
specific instances in the test corpus. Moreover, we evaluate its performance on
instances where the polarity clash should be clear from the text (i.e. no irony
hashtag is required). Table 6.2 presents the recall of the system (i.e. how many
instances of ironic by clash were correctly labelled by the system) for both cat-
egories. It is important to note that only recall can be reported here. Because
the system only outputs binary labels, we cannot distinguish the different sub-
categories. As a result, we cannot count the number of false positives for one
subcategory. We can, however, count the number of false negatives per subcat-
egory and calculate recall. We then assume that each positive prediction is also
a true positive for the subcategory in question.
positive class clash recall
3 ironic by clash [imp-exp] or [exp-exp] 56.51%
4 ironic by clash [imp-exp] 35.21%
5 ironic by clash (no hashtag required) [imp-exp] or [exp-exp] 83.23%
6 ironic by clash (no hashtag required) [imp-exp] 71.26%
Table 6.2: Performance of the clash-based system for irony detection on ironic
by clash using gold-standard implicit sentiment information.
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
While Table 6.2 shows results of the system for the task it would actually be
designed for (i.e. identifying ironic instances that are realised through a polarity
contrast), we see that recall is still not very high. However, it can be deduced
from the table that many false negatives include instances where an irony hash-
tag is required to understand the irony, as recall increases considerably in 5
and 6, compared to setups 3 and 4. These are, in fact, instances that require
additional context to understand the irony. Without such additional context, it
is impossible -even for humans- to detect irony in examples like sentence 67:
(67) @username Yes it was a GREAT party!
A qualitative analysis revealed that false negatives in 5 and 6 include instances
for which the system was unable to identify the explicit sentiment expres-
sion that contrasts the implicit sentiment information in the tweet. Exam-
ples of the difficulties here include concatenated (e.g. ‘#excitingtimes’) or noisy
(e.g. ‘yaayyyyy’) sentiment expressions, and phrases like ‘[...] is exactly what
I need’, (example 68), whose polarity cannot be inferred using a sentiment
lexicon-based approach.
(68) Because a field trip two days before finals is exactly what i need
In sum, the results demonstrate that the presence of a polarity contrast is a
strong indicator for irony, at least if no hashtag is required to notice the irony.
As shown in Tables 6.1 and 6.2, identifying a polarity contrast between [imp-exp]
or [exp-exp] benefits recall of the system, although it is prone to overgeneration,
as subjective words are not exclusively present in ironic tweets. Less prone to
overgeneration are polarity contrasts between explicit and implicit sentiment,
which have shown to yield very high precision (see Table 6.1) if the system
is informed with perfect (i.e. gold standard) implicit sentiment information.
Overall, the clash-based system does not outperform the SVM-based approach
to detect irony, but it does, however, detect a number of ironic tweets (i.e. 58)
that contain a polarity contrast and that were overlooked by the latter approach.
6.2.2 Automatic implicit sentiment
In the previous section, we investigated the performance of a clash-based irony
detection system when gold-standard implicit sentiment information was used.
In this section, we explore the performance of the system when such implicit
sentiment is defined automatically. In concrete terms, for each tweet where an
implicit sentiment or connoted situation phrase (e.g. ‘being a light sleeper’) was
6.2 A polarity clash-based approach
annotated (see Chapter 3), we inferred the polarity of this implied sentiment
automatically by making use of Twitter (see Chapter 5).
In concrete terms, for each tweet containing a connoted sentiment phrase, we
extracted content-word patterns (since they would have more coverage on Twit-
ter than the original phrases, without much meaning loss (see Chapter 5)), for
instance ‘being a light sleeper’ ‘being * light sleeper’. As a next step, we
collected tweets for the content-words patterns, and subsequently applied auto-
matic sentiment analysis to infer the overall sentiment in the tweets, and hence
the prototypical sentiment related to the phrase. Once this had been done, sim-
ilar steps were taken as in the previous section to recognise explicit sentiment
expressions and determine whether a polarity contrast was present in a tweet.
As can be deduced from Table 6.3, the system performance shows a substan-
tial drop compared to the system based on gold-standard implicit sentiment,
especially in the second setup. A qualitative analysis revealed that the main
reason for this drop is that we were unable to collect tweets for about half of
the implicit sentiment expressions, hence their implicit sentiment could not be
positive class clash accuracy precision recall F
1 ironic by clash +
situational + other
[imp-exp] or [exp-exp] 51.88% 52.86% 45.77% 49.06%
2 ironic by clash +
situational + other
[imp-exp] 55.11% 100% 11.34% 20.37%
Table 6.3: Performance of the clash-based system for irony detection using
automatic implicit sentiment information.
The same tendency can be observed when looking at the results for the category
ironic by clash in Table 6.4.
positive class clash recall
3 ironic by clash [imp-exp] or [exp-exp] 42.01%
4 ironic by clash [imp-exp] 16.27%
5 ironic by clash (no hashtag required) [imp-exp] or [exp-exp] 53.89%
6 ironic by clash (no hashtag required) [imp-exp] 32.93%
Table 6.4: Performance of the clash-based system for irony detection on ironic
by clash using automatic implicit sentiment information.
The scores are much lower in setup 4 and 6 compared to 3 and 5. An explanation
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
for this observation is that instances that were missed by the systems 2 and
4 were found by the systems 1 and 3 if they contained words with opposite
polarities, as illustrated in example 69:
(69) so ill it actually hurts to breathe. still that nice long walk to the station
did me the world of good #not
In the tweet, the implicit sentiment related to ‘so ill it actually hurts to breathe’
could not be defined automatically. An explicit polarity contrast was perceived,
however, between the words ‘hurts’ and ‘long’, and ‘nice’ and ‘good’. As a result,
the tweet was predicted as ironic.
Overall, we can conclude that the presence of a polarity contrast is a strong
indicator for irony, on the condition that implicit sentiment expressions can
accurately be detected. To determine implicit or prototypical sentiment, we
made use of Twitter, as it has shown to provide for a reliable method for this
task (cf. Chapter 5).
6.3 Combining an SVM with polarity contrast in-
In this section, we evaluate the performance of the clash-based system for irony
detection when combined with our SVM-based approach (see Chapter 4). As
explained in the introduction of this chapter, we combined the information pro-
vided by the two classifiers in two ways, firstly by including the output of the
contrast-based method as a feature for the SVM classifier, and secondly by
combining the output of both systems.
6.3.1 SVM exploiting a polarity contrast feature
In short, the output of the polarity-contrast system was added as a binary value
(i.e. 1/0 if a polarity contrast was present/absent in the tweet) to the feature
space of the SVM classifier. Next, the model was retrained and evaluated on
the test corpus. Like in the previous section, evaluation of the system is done
by considering gold-standard and automatically defined implicit sentiment. It
is important to note that, based on the results on our training corpus, the
contrast feature was activated if either a polarity contrast between two explicit
evaluations or between an explicit and implicit evaluation was observed ([imp-
exp] or [exp-exp]).
6.3 Combining an SVM with polarity contrast information
The results of the experiments are presented in Tables 6.5 and 6.6, the former of
which presents the results of a cross-validated grid search on the training data
to define optimised hyperparameter settings for our SVM classifier.
system positive class implicit optimised cross-validated
sentiment parameters accuracy
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash +
situational + other
gold-standard C=23,γ=2-7 67.76%
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash +
situational + other
automatic C=21,γ=2-7 67.92%
Table 6.5: Optimisation scores of the SVM+clash system for irony detection on
the training data.
Next, the optimised model was applied to the test set, the results of which are
shown in Table 6.6. In grey we added the baseline, which is the best SVM
score obtained through our combined feature group experiments (i.e. lexical +
semantic + syntactic features, see Chapter 4).
system positive class implicit accuracy precision recall F
ironic by clash +
situational + other
- 69.21 68.92 71.34% 70.11%
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash +
situational + other
gold-standard 69.83% 70.25% 70.10% 70.18%
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash +
situational + other
automatic 69.21% 68.92% 71.34% 70.11%
Table 6.6: Performance of the SVM+clash system for irony detection using
gold-standard and automatic implicit sentiment information.
As can be deduced from Table 6.6, adding a contrast feature based on automati-
cally derived implicit sentiment does not enhance the classification performance
of the original SVM (70.11%). The scores being equal to the baseline, the feature
seems to add no information to the model. When using gold-standard implicit
sentiment information, however, F-score is slightly better (70.18%). Although
the overall system performance does not show a substantial improvement over
the baseline, it is worth to note that precision increases by 1.3 point. Taking
into account that the feature space is large (i.e. 36,175 features), this might
indicate the feature’s importance to the classifier.
Based on the raw results, we can conclude that adding a polarity contrast feature
enhances the performance of our SVM classifier. In a next step, we investigated
whether the results of the clash-based system (based on gold-standard implicit
sentiment) are significantly better than that of the original SVM classifier. In
the same way as explained in Chapter 4, ten thousand bootstrap samples (n=
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
958) with replacement were randomly drawn from the output of the two systems
and evaluated by means of F-score. Subsequently, a paired samples t-test was
applied to compare the mean scores and standard error over all sample scores
for both systems, which showed a significant (p<0.05) difference.
To continue the evaluation of our system, and similarly to Section 6.2, it makes
sense to report recall obtained for the ironic by clash category, and instances
from that category for which no hashtag is required to understand the irony.
system positive class implicit recall
SVM (lex+sem+synt) ironic by clash - 78.11%
SVM (lex+sem+synt) ironic by clash (no hashtag required) - 89.82%
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash gold-standard 76.04%
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash (no hashtag required) gold-standard 88.62%
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash automatic 78.11%
SVM+clash feat. ironic by clash (no hashtag required) automatic 89.82%
Table 6.7: Performance of the SVM+clash system for irony detection on ironic
by clash using gold-standard and automatic implicit sentiment information.
We can observe from the table that the scores obtained by SVM+clash using au-
tomatic implicit sentiment do not differ from the original SVM classifier (supra).
In effect, as we explained earlier, adding a contrast feature based on automat-
ically derived implicit sentiment does not affect the classification performance
(see Table 6.6).
In sum, the experiments revealed that the original SVM is hard to outperform
using a polarity contrast method. In effect, adding a polarity contrast feature
only causes a slight improvement, as precision goes up by 1.3 points, but recall
of the system decreases by 1.2 points. It is worth noting however, that the
original SVM classifier exploits a rich (and optimised) feature set including
lexical, word- and character-based n-grams, which both have shown to work
very well for irony detection (e.g. Jasso López and Meza Ruiz 2016), and a
number of syntactic and semantic features. Moreover, one should bear in mind
that, with over 36,000 information sources, the feature space is very large. This
might limit the effect of adding one single feature to the space. Consequently,
to better assess the importance of the contrast feature for this task, we believe
that an essential direction for future research involves feature selection or feature
weighing techniques, or the design of a meta-learning approach.
6.3 Combining an SVM with polarity contrast information
6.3.2 A hybrid system
While Section 6.3.1 describes the inclusion of a polarity contrast feature to
enhance irony detection, in the following paragraphs we implement a hybrid
system for irony detection by combining the output of the polarity contrast-
detection system with that of our SVM classifier (see Chapter 4). In short, the
output of both classifiers (i.e. one prediction per tweet) is considered for the
final irony prediction of a tweet. Two conditions are implemented in the system
to define whether an instance is ironic: i) both systems agree that a tweet is
ironic (AND-combination), and ii) one of the two systems predicts the tweet as
ironic (OR-combination). Similarly to the previous sections, evaluation of the
contrast-based system is done using gold-standard and automatically derived
implicit sentiment information.
Table 6.8 presents the results of the combined classifier output. As the baseline,
we added the SVM approach as described in Chapter 4, the results of which are
in grey. Finally, Table 6.9 presents the results of the system on the ironic by
clash category.
system positive class implicit accuracy precision recall F
ironic by clash +
situational + other
-69.21% 68.92% 71.34% 70.11
1 AND-
ironic by clash +
situational + other
gold-standard 63.78% 73.96% 43.92% 55.11%
2 OR-combination ironic by clash +
situational + other
gold-standard 62.42% 59.15% 83.30% 69.18%
3 AND-
ironic by clash +
situational + other
automatic 58.98% 69.01% 34.43% 45.94%
4 OR-combination ironic by clash +
situational + other
automatic 62.11% 58.97% 82.68% 68.84%
Table 6.8: Performance of the hybrid approach to irony detection using auto-
matic and gold-standard implicit sentiment information.
Table 6.8 reveals that, when looking at the combined setups, systems 1 and
2 outperform 3 and 4, as the former rely on gold-standard implicit sentiment
information. Although the baseline scores best in terms of F-score, showing
also a good balance between precision and recall, system 2 achieves a comparable
result, but yields much higher recall. Logically, as shown by system 1, requiring
both systems to predict an instance as ironic enhances precision of the system,
but at the expense of recall.
When comparing the results to Table 6.6, we observe that, depending on how the
two systems are combined (i.e. AND/OR), respectively precision and recall are
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
better than including polarity contrast information as a feature for the SVM
classifier. This demonstrates that polarity contrast information has a strong
potential for improving irony detection, on the condition that the information
provided by both systems is properly combined. The results in Table 6.8 also
suggest that other methods besides a hybrid approach might enhance the perfor-
mance of the SVM classifier based on polarity contrast information, for instance
cascaded or ensemble-learning techniques.
system positive class implicit recall
SVM (lex+sem+synt) ironic by clash - 78.11
SVM (lex+sem+synt) ironic by clash (no hashtag required) - 89.82
5 AND-combination ironic by clash gold-standard 47.04
6 AND-combination ironic by clash (no hashtag required) gold-standard 75.45
7 OR-combination ironic by clash gold-standard 87.57
8 OR-combination ironic by clash (no hashtag required) gold-standard 97.60
9 AND-combination ironic by clash automatic 33.43
10 AND-combination ironic by clash (no hashtag required) automatic 47.90
11 OR-combination ironic by clash automatic 86.69
12 OR-combination ironic by clash (no hashtag required) automatic 95.81
Table 6.9: Performance of the hybrid approach to irony detection on ironic by
clash using automatic and gold-standard implicit sentiment information.
Finally, Table 6.9 presents the results of the combined systems on the ironic by
clash category. Recall in setups 7, 8 and 11, 12 being very high shows that i)
when combining our original SVM with a polarity contrast based system (OR-
combination), we were able to recognise almost all ironic by clash instances, and
about 85% of the instances where in fact a hashtag is required.
Interestingly, while Tables 6.1 and 6.3 showed a clear drop in performance when
automatic implicit sentiment information was used versus gold-standard, the
effect wore off from the moment the clash-based system was combined with
the original SVM classifier (see Tables 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9), showing that the
latter covered for mistakes made by the SVM+clash system. Recall for the
AND-combinations (i.e. setups 5, 6, 9 and 10) being much lower underlines that
the SVM and contrast-based systems for irony detection are complementary,
each being able to capture specific realisations of ironic by clash instances.
Most likely, as the SVM-based approach exploits lexical, syntactic and semantic
features, it is able to recognise instances of irony where no polarity contrast could
be detected thanks to other clues such as punctuation, interjections, Part-of-
Speech tags, and so on.
The results further demonstrate that our approach compares favourably with
Riloff et al. (2013). They make use of a bootstrapping approach to collect
6.4 Summary
explicit positive phrases (e.g. ‘I love’) and negative verb phrases (e.g. ‘being
ignored’) to model an [imp-exp] polarity contrast and report a recall of 44%
when their SVM classifier (exploiting bag-of-words features) is combined with
the contrast method they implemented.
6.4 Summary
In this chapter, we explored to what extent irony detection benefits from polarity
contrast information, the potential of which has recently been suggested in irony
literature. In concrete terms, we compared the performance of a state-of-the-art
SVM classifier for irony (see Chapter 4) before and after it was informed with
polarity contrast information.
As a first step, a polarity contrast-based irony detection system was devel-
oped. A key challenge in recognising polarity contrasts is recognising implicit
sentiment or connotative knowledge (i.e. stereotypical sentiment related to par-
ticular situations). To tackle this problem, we made use of the Twitter method
described in Chapter 5. Existing sentiment lexicons were used to identify ex-
plicit sentiment expressions. The evaluation of the system was done in different
setups (e.g. by making use of gold-standard and automatically defined implicit
sentiment) and on different types of irony (i.e. all types versus ironic by clash)
and revealed that, although the contrast-based system does not outperform our
original SVM classifier, it proves to be a strong indicator for irony, as it achieves
high precision when a contrast between explicit and implicit sentiment is de-
tected. Moreover, the system is able to identify a number of ironic instances
that the SVM classifier overlooks. The system is prone to overgeneration, how-
ever, when also explicit polarity contrasts are taken into account, as these are
likely to occur in non-ironic tweets as well.
Secondly, we combined the output of the contrast-based approach to irony de-
tection with the SVM classifier by i) including the former as a feature in the
SVM model and by ii) combining the output of the two systems into a hybrid
system for irony detection. The experiments showed that including polarity con-
trast information (based on gold-standard implicit sentiment) as a feature yields
a small improvement in precision over the original SVM classifier (i.e. 70.25%
versus 68.92%), but recall drops slightly. Finally, combining the two classifiers
into a hybrid system resulted in higher precision (AND-combination) and higher
recall (OR-combination) than the SVM classifier, depending on the implemen-
tation. When evaluated on the ironic by clash category, the system achieved a
recall of up to 88% and even 98% on instances of this class where no irony-related
hashtag is required to notice the irony.
Chapter 6 : Automatic irony detection based on a polarity contrast
Although the original SVM classifier appears hard to beat when performing
irony detection, a number of interesting observations were made throughout this
chapter. To begin with, the experiments revealed that irony detection clearly
benefits from polarity contrast information. Finding such polarity contrasts
is, however, a challenging task due to several reasons. First, as we concluded
in Chapter 5, defining implicit sentiment is challenging and studies are still
scratching the surface of this task. We made use of crawled Twitter data to de-
fine implicit sentiment (or connotative knowledge) and concluded that finding
(sufficient) tweets, especially for very specific situation phrases, constitutes the
main challenge in this approach. Second, our experiments revealed that relying
on a lexicon-based approach to find explicit sentiment expressions on Twitter
also appeared challenging sometimes, as sentiment expressions often contain
concatenated hashtags (e.g. ‘#ilovethis’), creative spelling (e.g. ‘yaaaaayyy’)
and slang (e.g. ‘swag’), and other expressions which could not be recognised
using sentiment lexicons (e.g. ‘[...] is exactly what I need’). Third, our corpus
analysis (see Chapter 3) revealed that a substantial part of ironic contrasts are
realised through an irony-related hashtag (e.g. ‘Bieber’s concert was so awesome
yesterday #not’), hence they are difficult if not impossible to identify without
such hashtags. Fourth, detecting explicit sentiment contrasts as a clue for irony
is prone to overgeneration, as non-ironic tweets may also contain words with
contrasting polarities (e.g. when talking about the advantages and drawbacks
of something, or discussing positive and negative aspects of an object). As such,
optimising the sentiment lexicon-based approach or adopting supervised senti-
ment analysis to recognise explicit sentiment constitutes an important direction
for future work.
In conclusion, exploiting implicit sentiment or connotative knowledge is a rel-
atively new research direction in automatic irony detection. However, similar
work has been done by (Riloff et al. 2013), who made use of bootstrapped learn-
ing to extract positive sentiment and negative situation phrases from hashtag-
labelled ironic tweets (see Chapter 2). Their combined method (i.e. contrast-
based system + SVM classifier) yielded an F-score of 51% and recall of 44%, so
we can conclude that the results of our hybrid approach compare favourably to
their approach. Moreover, while their method requires a large irony corpus to
extract implicit sentiment phrases, we were able to recognise implicit sentiment
based on real-time Twitter data, without requiring any training data. As op-
posed to the researchers, however, we did not address the problem of identifying
text spans carrying implicit sentiment. Instead, we relied on manually anno-
tated situation phrases and their related implicit sentiment (or connotation).
Identifying such phrases automatically in tweets will, however, be an interesting
direction for further research.
Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
Irony detection has been stated to have a large potential for improving sentiment
analysis (Barthi et al. 2016, Gupta and Yang 2017, Lunando and Purwarianti
2013, Maynard and Greenwood 2014). With the present use case, we aim to
provide an answer to our third research question “can our automatic irony
detection approach enhance state-of-the-art sentiment classification?”
In Chapter 4, we developed an automatic system for irony detection exploiting
lexical, semantic and (shallow) syntactic features, which was extended by a
polarity contrast feature in Chapter 6. To provide an extrinsic evaluation of
the system, this chapter explores to what extent sentiment analysis benefits
from automatic irony detection. In concrete terms, we test the performance of
an optimised sentiment classifier on a set of ironic tweets before and after the
sentiment classifier is informed with irony information.
We start this chapter with a detailed description of our sentiment analysis
pipeline, and then present the results of a hybrid system that combines sen-
timent and irony information to provide a final sentiment label for a set of
Chapter 7 : Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
7.1 Automatic sentiment analysis
The following paragraphs provide a brief introduction into the active research
domain of sentiment analysis, after which we detail the development of our
optimised sentiment pipeline.
7.1.1 Background
Finding its origin in the early 2000’s, sentiment analysis has rapidly evolved
towards one of the most dynamic research areas in natural language process-
ing (Liu 2012). It is not by chance that its expansion coincided with the growth
of social media, providing the machine learning community with an unseen
amount of subjective, user-generated content. Sentiment analysis is concerned
with modelling subjective information (i.e. sentiments, attitudes, opinions) in
online text. Due to its importance in both research (e.g. natural language pro-
cessing, sociology) and industry (i.e. large companies, as well as specialised
startups), studies in the domain are numerous and significant progress has been
made in recent years.
Among the most visible results of this active research area are the specialised
shared tasks organised in the framework of SemEval (Workshop on Semantic
Evaluation)1, an international ongoing series of evaluations of semantic analysis
systems. Within the framework of such tasks, participating teams can develop
and submit a computational system based on data provided by the organisers.
All teams making use of the same dataset and being evaluated equally allows to
compare the performance of participating systems. As such, a lot of benchmark
datasets and results have recently been provided to the research community.
Although continuous progress is being made in the field, an important bottleneck
of sentiment analysis remains the frequent use of irony in social media data. The
SemEval-2014 shared task Sentiment Analysis in Twitter (Rosenthal et al. 2014)
demonstrated the impact of irony on automatic sentiment analysis by including
a set of ironic tweets as an additional test set for the participating systems. The
task results showed that, while sentiment classification performance on regular
tweets reached up to F= 70.96%, scores on the irony test set varied between
28.96% and 56.50%. This considerable drop in performance demonstrates that
sentiment classifiers require modifications when applied to ironic text.
We already raised the challenge of irony in sentiment analysis in Chapter 1 by
presenting the following examples:
7.1 Automatic sentiment analysis
(70) I love how my mom says she can count on Rion more than me. #not
(71) I feel so blessed to get ocular migraines.
(72) Go ahead drop me hate, I’m looking forward to it.
The benefits of irony detection for sentiment analysis on Twitter have already
been explored in previous work (e.g. Barthi et al. 2016, Gupta and Yang 2017,
Lunando and Purwarianti 2013, Maynard and Greenwood 2014). However, while
most of these studies take a rather basic approach (i.e. using sentiment lexicons
or n-grams) to sentiment and irony classification, the contribution of the present
research is the combination of a complex feature-based irony detection system
with an optimised sentiment classifier. Moreover, we present an extensive qual-
itative analysis that provides insights into the system performance on the dif-
ferent sentiment classes (i.e. positive, negative, neutral), and on the different
types of irony (see Chapter 3).
7.1.2 System description
The system we present has been developed in the framework of the SemEval-
2014 task on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter where it ranked sixteenth among
fifty submissions (Van Hee et al. 2014). In a series of follow-up experiments,
we optimised the model by means of feature selection and optimisation of the
algorithm’s hyperparameters, the results of which are presented in Section 7.1.3.
It is worth noting that the sentiment classifier was already briefly introduced in
Chapter 5, where it was used to automatically define the prevailing sentiment
about a specific phrase or situation in a set of crawled tweets. However, no
detailed description nor evaluation of the pipeline has been presented yet.
Dataset and preprocessing
The train and test corpus for the system were distributed in the framework of
the shared task. While the training corpus contains merely Twitter data, the
test corpus is composed by a variety of user-generated content, including tweets
(i.e. regular and ironic), text messages (SMS), and blog posts (i.e. retrieved from
LiveJournal). Table 7.1 presents the corpus statistics.
Both the training and test corpus contain three class labels expressing the sen-
timent of each instance, namely positive, negative, and neutral, which represent
Chapter 7 : Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
training corpus held-out test corpus
Twitter Twitter (reg.) Twitter (sarc.) SMS blog
11,338 5,666 86 2,093 1,142
total 11,338 8,987
Table 7.1: Distribution of the training and test corpus of the sentiment classifier.
37%, 16% and 47% of the dataset, respectively. Below are presented some corpus
examples and the corresponding sentiment label.
(73) @username nice piece if exciting news that may make you happy... Wiz-
ards of waverly place is coming back! (positive)
(74) @username lmao i sat here for five minutes like what the fuck did i do
to courtney???? Ha damn........ -_- (negative)
(75) Yearbook pictures for Jr.Larc’s will be next Tuesday, the 6th at lunch
at the library parking lot side (neutral)
As explained in Chapter 4, a number of preprocessing steps have to be taken
prior to feature extraction based on the experimental corpus. To recapitulate,
preprocessing refers to all steps that are needed for formatting and cleaning the
collected tweets and enriching the data with the linguistic information required
for feature engineering. With the exception of dependency parsing, the same
preprocessing steps were undertaken as described in Chapter 4. We therefore
explain the dependency parsing step here, and refer to Chapter 4 for more details
about the other preprocessing steps.
The following preprocessing steps were taken:
- Data cleaning
- Tokenisation
- Part-of-Speech tagging
- Named entity recognition (NER)
-Dependency parsing: linguistic analysis process that identifies gram-
matical relations between words in a sentence. We made use of the caseless
parsing model of the Stanford parser (de Marneffe et al. 2006). Depen-
dency relations are represented by the name of the relation and the rela-
tion’s governor and dependent. In what follows, we show the output of
the dependency parser for example sentence 76.
7.1 Automatic sentiment analysis
(76) My dog also likes eating sausage2.
Typed dependencies: poss (dog-2, My-1), nsubj (likes-4, dog- 2),
advmod (likes-4, also-3), root (ROOT-0, likes-4), xcomp (likes-4,
eating-5), dobj (eating-5, sausage-6) .
- (Shallow) normalisation
Information sources
Before creating the sentiment model, a number of information sources (i.e. fea-
tures) were extracted to provide the model with relevant information for the
-Bag-of-words features (BoW): token unigrams, bigrams and trigrams,
as well as character trigrams and fourgrams (without crossing token bound-
aries). N-grams that occurred only once in the training corpus were dis-
carded to reduce feature sparseness.
-Post length: numeric feature indicating the number of tokens contained
in each tweet.
-Word-shape features: set of numeric and binary features including
character and punctuation flooding, punctuation tokens, the number of
upper cased tokens in the tweet, and the number of hashtags in the tweet.
-Part-of-Speech (PoS) features: four features for each one of the 25
tags in the PoS-tagset, indicating i) whether the tag occurs in the tweet
or not, ii) whether the tag occurs zero, one, or two or more times, iii) the
absolute and iv) relative frequency of the tag.
-Dependency relation features: four binary features for every depen-
dency relation found in the training data (cf. example 77). The first
feature indicates the presence of the lexicalised dependency relations in
the test data (hm-lex). For the remaining features, the dependency re-
lation features are generalised in three ways, as proposed by Joshi and
Penstein-Rosé (2009): by backing off the head word to its pos-tag (h-bo),
the modifier word to its pos-tag (m-bo), and both the head and modifier
word (hm-bo).
(77) I had such a great time tonight that I’ve decided to keep celebrat-
hm-lex: amod (time, great), h-bo: amod (N, great), m-bo:
amod (time, A), hm-bo: amod (N, A)
2Example taken from
Chapter 7 : Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
-Named entity features: four features indicating the presence of named
entities in a tweet: one binary feature (the tweet contains a NE or not)
and three numeric features, indicating i) the number of NEs in the tweet,
ii) the number of tokens that are part of a NE, and iii) the frequency of
NE tokens in the tweet.
-PMI features: two numeric features based on PMI (pointwise mutual
information) obtained from i) word-sentiment associations found in the
training data, and ii) an existing PMI lexicon (Mohammad and Turney
2013). A positive PMI value indicates positive sentiment whereas a neg-
ative score indicates negative sentiment. The higher the absolute value,
the stronger the degree of association with the sentiment. PMI values
were calculated by subtracting a word’s association score with a negative
sentiment from the word’s association score with a positive sentiment, as
shown in the following equation:
P MI(w) = P M I(w, positive)P M I(w, negative)(7.1)
-Sentiment lexicon features: four sentiment lexicon features (i.e. the
number of positive, negative and neutral words, and the overall tweet
polarity) based on existing resources: AFINN (Nielsen 2011), General In-
quirer (GI) (Stone et al. 1966), MPQA (Wilson et al. 2005), the NRC Emo-
tion Lexicon (Mohammad and Turney 2013), Liu’s opinion lexicon (Liu
et al. 2005), Bounce (Kökciyan et al. 2013), and our own emoticon lexicon
derived from the training corpus. The sentiment lexicon features were
extracted by looking at all the tokens in the instance and hashtag tokens
only (e.g. win from #win). Negation cues were taken into account by
flipping the polarity of a sentiment word if it occurred within a window
of three tokens at the left or right of a negation word (e.g. ‘never’, ‘not’).
It is noteworthy that we took a window of only one word for negation
cues in Chapter 4, since we noticed that the irony dataset, as compared to
the sentiment tweets that were distributed in 2014, are more fragmented
(i.e. by hashtags, punctuation, emoji, etc.).
Comparison with other participating teams reveals that similar features were
exploited by the top-performing systems for the task (e.g. Günther et al. 2014,
Miura et al. 2014, Tang et al. 2014), except that some of them also included
word-embeddings and cluster features.
7.1 Automatic sentiment analysis
7.1.3 Experimental setup and model optimisation
The main objective was to build a sentiment classifier that makes optimal use
of the information explained in the above section. We made use of support
vector machines (as implemented in the LIBSVM library (Chang and Lin 2011))
as they have shown to outperform other classifiers for this task (e.g. Al-Mannai
et al. 2014, Bin Wasi et al. 2014, Zhu et al. 2014). Following the best practices
as described in Hsu et al. (2003), all datasets for the experiments were scaled
to the range [0, 1] before building models using LIBSVM to avoid large feature
values being given more weight in the model than smaller values.
Given that SVMs can take a varied set of hyperparameter values (Chang and
Lin 2011), and that we chose to extract a rich set of features that are poten-
tially informative for this task, we chose to optimised our model by means of
hyperparameter tuning and feature (group) selection. To this end, we made
use of the Gallop toolbox (Genetic Algorithms for Linguistic Learner Optimisa-
tion) Desmet et al. (2013). The algorithm allows for joint optimisation, meaning
that feature selection and hyperparameter optimisation are performed simulta-
neously so that heir mutual influence can be evaluated. This way, optimal
hyperparameter settings could be defined for the algorithm and the most infor-
mative features were selected.
To reduce experimental complexity when using Gallop, the original feature space
(>400,000 features) was first filtered using information gain (IG) (Daelemans
et al. 2009), which measures the difference in entropy (i.e. the uncertainty about
a class label given a set of variables) when the feature is present or absent in a
feature vector representation. All features with an information gain below 0.001
were discarded, which resulted in a new feature space of 1,850 features. The
threshold was empirically defined so as to keep a (rather) limited set of features.
After feature filtering using IG, the remaining features were grouped into 36 fea-
ture groups for the wrapped feature selection with Gallop (Desmet et al. 2013).
Out of the variety of hyperparameters that can be set for a LIBSVM classifier,
we chose to optimise kernel-specific settings including t(the kernel type), d(the
kernel function degree), γ(the kernel function gamma), and the classification
cost value C. We do not go into the details of the optimisation process here,
but refer to (Van Hee et al. Submitted) for a comprehensive overview of the
optimisation experiments and results.
Optimisation of the classifier was done by means of cross-validation on the
training data. During this optimisation process, both the feature groups and
hyperparameters were defined so as to maximise macro-averaged F-score. As
explained earlier (see Section 4.4.2), when performing multiclass classification,
one is generally interested in the system performance of different class labels, as
Chapter 7 : Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
opposed to binary classification or detection tasks with only one label of interest.
To have an idea of the general performance of our sentiment classifier, F-scores
for the different class labels are averaged. There exist two methods for doing
this: i) by macro-averaging, where metrics are calculated for each label, after
which an unweighted average is computed and ii) by micro-averaging, which
calculates metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives
and false positives over all class labels (Manning et al. 2008). Macro-averaging
was preferred to micro-averaging to avoid the system being biased towards the
majority sentiment class (Sokolova and Lapalme 2009).
7.1.4 Results
This section presents the results of the classification experiments. Accuracy and
(macro-averaged) precision, recall and F-score are reported as the evaluation
metrics. Table 7.2 shows the cross-validated results of our sentiment classifier
in three steps of the experimental setup. The first and second setup describe
the classifier being applied in its default hyperparameter settings and exploiting
the full and IG-filtered feature set, respectively. In the third setup, we describe
the results of the joint optimisation experiment (i.e. hyperparameter optimisa-
tion and wrapped feature (group) selection), after the feature groups had been
filtered using information gain.
setup accuracy precision recall F
1 full feature set 46.97% 15.66% 33.33% 21.30%
2 filtered feature set (IG) 67.25% 76.90% 52.11% 48.67%
3 filtered (IG + Gallop) 79.63% 77.64% 74.68% 75.84%
Table 7.2: Cross-validated results obtained with the full and filtered feature sets
applying the sentiment classifier in its default hyperparameter settings (1+2)
and after joint optimisation (3).
As can be deduced from the table, applying feature selection results beneficial to
the classification performance, as it decreases sparseness and removes redundant
information. Analysis of the optimisation experiment revealed that the linear
kernel (t= 0) was always selected, and that the optimal cost value (C) for the
five best individuals was 0.25. No optimal values were defined for dand γas
the parameters are irrelevant when using a linear kernel. The analysis further
revealed that important features for the task include bags-of-words, flooding,
named entity features, sentiment lexicon features, and PMI features.
Having in place an optimised sentiment model, in a next step we tested the
Twitter model on the held-out corpus containing a variety of genres, the results
7.2 Irony-sensitive sentiment analysis
of which are presented in Table 7.3. It should be noted, however, that we report
scores obtained by evaluating the systems on the three classes, being positive,
negative and neutral. For the competition, evaluation was based only on the
positive and negative class.
SMS2013 TWE2013 TWE2014 TWE2014Sarcasm LiveJour.2014 full test
2.093 inst. 3.813 inst. 1.853 inst. 86 inst. 76 inst. 1.142 inst. 8.987 inst.
(ori) (corrected)
70.53% 66.36% 64.83% 40.90% 16.58% 68.00% 67.28%
Table 7.3: Sentiment classification performance (macro-averaged F-score) on
different genres in the SemEval-2014 test set.
As can be deduced from this table, the model performs well on different social
media genres, even genres that were not included in the training set (i.e. SMS,
blog), which indicates its robustness to data genres other than Twitter. When
comparing the results for the full test set, we observe that our system now com-
pares favourably to the winning system by Miura et al. (2014), which obtained
an F-score of 65.40%. This clearly shows that optimisation of the classifier by
means of feature selection and hyperparameter tuning pays off.
Finally, it is worth to note that we report two scores for the TWE2014Sarcasm
set, namely ori and corrected. While ori presents the result of our system
obtained on the original TWE2014Sarcasm set, corrected presents the system
performance after the gold-standard labels of the test set were corrected. In
fact, a qualitative analysis of the system output revealed that the labels showed
a number of inconsistencies that needed correction. We therefore decided to
re-annotate the Twitter2014Sarcasm set according to our irony guidelines (see
Chapter 3). As such, approximately half of the instances received a new gold-
standard sentiment label and ten instances were removed as we considered them
non-ironic. As a result of this correction, the scores of our system dropped con-
siderably. When discussing the results of our irony-sensitive sentiment analyser
in the next section, we will compare the results to the corrected score.
7.2 Irony-sensitive sentiment analysis
As our optimised sentiment classifier struggles to define the correct sentiment
in ironic tweets, we explored the potential of automatic irony detection for
this task. The following paragraphs describe the development of a hybrid sys-
tem combining the sentiment classifier with the irony detection system (i.e.
SVM+clash) we described in Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 : Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
7.2.1 Dataset
To test our hypothesis, we made use of the ironic instances as part of the
SemEval-2014 test data (TWE2014Sarcasm). The corpus is named ‘TWE2014-
Sarcasm’, but like in the remainder of this thesis, we will refer to the instances
as ‘ironic’. As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, we corrected a number of
instances in the dataset that we considered incorrect, as exemplified in sentences
78 and 79.
(78) And the boss just posted the schedule, and I work this saturday. Yay
OT. (positive)
(79) More snow tomorrow... fantastic. #ihatesnow (positive)
The examples show two ironic tweets whose sentiment label we modified to
negative, since both clearly use irony to express a negative sentiment.
Given that the dataset only contains ironic tweets, we created a second test set
to properly evaluate the performance of our irony classifier in a balanced distri-
bution. For this purpose, we expanded Twitter2014Sarcasm with 76 instances
from TWE2014, the regular (i.e. non-ironic) Twitter test set that was provided
for the shared task. Hence, we will report results of our system on two corpora,
namely Twitter2014Sarcasm and Twitter2014Sarcasm-balanced.
Table 7.4 provides insights into the class distribution in both datasets, showing
that the majority of the tweets carry a negative sentiment, which is also shown
in our irony corpus (see Chapter 3).
positive negative neutral
dataset class class class
Twitter2014Sarcasm 1% 91% 8%
Twitter2014Sarcasm-balanced 23% 53% 24%
Table 7.4: Class distribution in Twitter2014Sarcasm and Twitter2014Sarcasm-
7.2.2 Experimental setup
To predict irony in both datasets, we made use of the SVM+clash system as de-
scribed in Chapter 6. To recapitulate, the system exploits lexical, semantic and
syntactic features, as well as a polarity contrast feature. To define this polar-
ity contrast in the current experiments, we made use of gold-standard implicit
7.2 Irony-sensitive sentiment analysis
sentiment information to limit errors percolating from this step. In a second
step, irony detection was applied to the two corpora, and the irony predictions
were subsequently used to inform the sentiment classifier. In concrete terms, a
post-processing implied that the predicted sentiment for a particular instance
was inverted if it had been predicted as ironic. As such, a positive sentiment
label became a negative one, and vice versa. Neutral instances remained neutral
if irony was detected.
To evaluate the performance of this hybrid system, we report accuracy, preci-
sion, recall and F-score. While in the irony detection experiments (see Chapters
4 and 6), the latter three metrics were calculated on the positive class instances
only, they are macro-averaged over the different class labels in the present chap-
ter. We refer to Section 7.1.3 for more details about macro-averaged perfor-
mance metrics. We also report accuracy, which equals micro-averaged scores
(Sokolova and Lapalme 2009) in this case, as it weighs class labels proportion-
ally to their frequency and therefore favours larger classes. As explained in
Chapter 4, on the one hand, accuracy may be misleading when the distribution
is unbalanced, as frequent class labels get more weight in the global score. On
the other hand, the strong effect of minority classes on macro-averaged F-score
makes that it does not fully reflect the overall performance on a typical (skewed)
distribution. Taking into account the unbalanced (sentiment) class distribution
in the Twitter2014Sarcasm datasets (see Table 7.4), we choose to report both
7.2.3 Results
Tables 7.5 and 7.6 present the results of our sentiment classifier respectively
before and after irony information was taken into account for the final sentiment
dataset accuracy precision recall F
Twitter2014Sarcasm 17.11% 30.76% 54.35% 16.58%
Twitter2014Sarcasm-balanced 42.11% 49.57% 51.32% 41.80%
Table 7.5: Performance of the sentiment classifier without taking irony infor-
mation into account.
Table 7.5 reveals that the performance without irony information is low. As
discussed earlier in this section (see Table 7.3), we report scores on a corrected
version of the Twitter2014Sarcasm dataset, because part of the original data
were labelled incorrectly and this inflated classification performance. The low
performance obtained after correcting the gold labels confirms that sentiment
Chapter 7 : Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
analysis is strongly affected by irony presence (e.g. Liu 2012, Maynard and
Greenwood 2014). Unsurprisingly, performance on the balanced corpus is better,
since the extra difficulty that irony presents to a sentiment classifier is present
in only half of the instances. As can be noticed, F-scores are clearly lower than
precision and recall. This can be explained by the fact that precision and recall
are largely unbalanced for the different class labels. More precisely, we observe
that precision is very low for the positive and neutral class because the sentiment
classifier tends to overgenerate both classes due to their low frequency in the
dataset (see Table 7.4). By contrast, recall for both classes is high. The opposite
is observed for the negative class, where recall is low (i.e. many of the ironic
instances contain overtly positive language and are consequently predicted as
positive), and precision high. As such, the severe imbalance between precision
and recall results in low F-scores for all classes. However, macro-averaging
precision and recall results in less dramatic scores, because low recall for one
class (e.g. negative) is compensated by high recall for another (e.g. positive).
To provide the sentiment classifier with irony information, we made use of the
SVM+clash system described in Chapter 6 to predict ironic instances in both
datasets. Having at hand a sentiment and irony prediction for each instance,
we subsequently implemented a hybrid system that combined both pieces of
information: if irony had been detected in an instance, the sentiment prediction
for that instance was inverted (except for the neutral class).
dataset accuracy precision recall F
Twitter2014Sarcasm 59.21% 40.56% 69.81% 36.71%
Twitter2014Sarcasm-balanced 53.95% 50.32% 53.46% 49.23%
Table 7.6: Performance of the sentiment classifier with automatically derived
irony information.
Table 7.6 presents the results of this hybrid sentiment classifier and clearly
shows that incorporating irony information enhances sentiment classification
performance. In effect, F-score rose by no less than 20% for the Twitter2014-
Sarcasm set, and by 7% for the balanced set. Performance increases for accuracy
were even more outspoken, with 42 and 11 points, respectively. These results
clearly demonstrate the usefulness of automatic irony detection for sentiment
F-scores are considerably lower than accuracy. As discussed in Section 4.4.2,
this can be explained by the behaviour of macro-averaged F-score, which weighs
each class equally, regardless of the class distribution. To understand this better,
we present the scores per class in Table 7.7, which reveals that performance on
the positive class, which is strongly underrepresented in Twitter2014Sarcasm,
is considerably lower than the performance on the negative and neutral classes.
7.2 Irony-sensitive sentiment analysis
With macro-averaging, the overall score is affected much more by the low per-
formance on positive instances than accuracy is, as the latter weighs each class
proportional to its distribution.
dataset positive class negative class neutral class
Twitter2014Sarcasm 12.50% 74.55% 23.08%
Twitter2014Sarcasm-balanced 25.40% 63.24% 59.05%
Table 7.7: Performance (macro-averaged F-score) of the sentiment classifier
with irony information on the different sentiment classes.
The results in Table 7.6 demonstrate the benefits of irony detection for auto-
matic sentiment analysis, but still show a dip in sentiment analysis performance
on ironic datasets as compared to regular, non-ironic datasets (cf. Table 7.3).
This can be explained by two observations. Firstly, it appears that the senti-
ment classifier suffers from the skewed class distribution in both datasets. As
shown in Table 7.4, both datasets are heavily biased towards the negative class.
As the classifier is trained on a differently distributed and more balanced Twit-
ter corpus, it tends to overgenerate positive and neutral class instances, which
negatively affects precision for both classes. Moreover, given that ironic tweets
often contain strongly positive language, negative instances were often predicted
as positive, which negatively affected recall for the negative class. Secondly, part
of the classification mistakes can be explained by errors percolating from the
irony detection step. In Twitter2014Sarcasm and Twitter2014Sarcasm-balanced
respectively 29% and 50% of the classification errors percolate from an erroneous
irony prediction.
To get a sense of the potential sentiment classification performance improvement
with 100% accurate irony detection, we show the results of our classifier with
access to gold-standard irony information in Table 7.8.
dataset accuracy precision recall F
Twitter2014Sarcasm 60.53% 37.58% 37.44% 33.06%
Twitter2014Sarcasm-balanced 63.82% 64.31% 64.54% 61.35%
Table 7.8: Performance of the sentiment classifier with gold-standard irony in-
As shown in the table, accuracy goes up by 1.3 point on Twitter2014Sarcasm
and by 10 points on the balanced dataset, as compared to Table 7.6. In other
words, the performance with automatic irony prediction comes quite close to
this performance ceiling. Surprisingly, F-score on Twitter2014Sarcasm is lower
when gold-standard irony information is used to inform the sentiment classifier.
This can be explained by 12 negative instances that are wrongly predicted as
Chapter 7 : Using irony detection for sentiment analysis: a use case
positive, which affects precision for the positive class and recall for the negative
class. For these tweets (e.g. example 80), the original sentiment prediction was
correct, but an erroneous irony prediction for these instances caused the final
sentiment label to be inverted.
(80) Spring pictures tomorrow = drama drama drama.... Can’t wait til morn-
Most likely, the error occurs because the explicitly negative words in the target
(‘drama drama drama’) influence the sentiment classifier more than the seem-
ingly positive evaluation (“can’t wait til morning”) that is inverted by irony.
In order to avoid such errors, irony detection and sentiment classification sys-
tems would have to be more tightly integrated and take the scope of irony into
Finally, like in the previous chapters, we looked into the system performance
for the specific subcategories of irony, namely ironic by clash and other irony
(no realisations of situational irony were present in the Twitter2014Sarcasm
test set). Not surprisingly, analysis revealed that when looking at the category
ironic by clash, the sentiment classifier benefits much more from irony detection
(i.e. accuracy + 50%) than for the category other irony (i.e. accuracy + 11%). In
effect, while inverting the literal polarity is essential to understand the intended
message in the former category, it is not for the category other irony. For an
irony-sensitive sentiment classifier to perform well on this category, fine-grained
irony detection would be required, allowing to define the type of irony and
invert the original sentiment of an instance depending on the type of irony that
is detected.
7.3 Summary
With the present use case, our goal was to conduct an extrinsic evaluation of
our irony detection system. As sentiment classifiers have shown to struggle
with ironic text (e.g. Barthi et al. 2016, Gupta and Yang 2017, Lunando and
Purwarianti 2013, Maynard and Greenwood 2014), we explored to what extent
our sentiment classifier benefits from automatic irony detection. To this end,
we developed a hybrid system that takes irony information into account when
defining the sentiment label for an instance. The system makes use of our
automatic irony detection system (SVM+clash) as described in Chapter 6 and
uses its output to inform the optimised sentiment classifier.
This classifier makes use of a support vector machine (SVM) and is trained on
7.3 Summary
English tweets provided in the framework of the SemEval-2014 task Sentiment
Analysis in Twitter (Rosenthal et al. 2014). By making use of a varied set of
features, the system ranked sixteenth among fifty submissions. Follow-up exper-
iments involved optimisation of the classifier by means of feature filtering and
hyperparameter optimisation using the genetic algorithm Gallop (Desmet et al.
2013). We observed that the results of the optimised classifier outperformed the
winning system of the shared task, which demonstrates that optimisation pays
Having in place an optimised entiment classifier, we applied it to a test sets con-
taining ironic tweets (Rosenthal et al. 2014) in a balanced and unbalanced distri-
bution and inverted the predicted sentiment label of an instance if irony had been
detected. The results of these experiments revealed that sentiment classification
clearly benefits from automatic irony detection, showing a performance increase
of 20% to 40% (F-score versus accuracy) on the SemEval2014Sarcasm (i.e. un-
balanced) corpus, and of 7% to 12% on the SemEval2014Sarcasm-balanced set.
A qualitative analysis revealed that classification errors are due to i) the skewed
class imbalance in both corpora, which mainly affects the classifier’s perfor-
mance on the positive and negative class, and ii) errors percolating from the
irony detection step. Indeed, testing the classification performance with perfect
(i.e. gold standard) irony detection revealed that the performance with auto-
matic irony prediction comes relatively close to this performance ceiling, and
that the performance of the sentiment classifier is comparable to performance
on regular (i.e. non-ironic) data (cf. TWE2014 in Table 7.3).
Finally, the analysis revealed that the system performs best on ironic by clash
instances, as other instances of irony do not necessarily require the explicit po-
larity being inverted (e.g. “Who wants to work for me tomorrow? Don’t all
stand up at once now"). To tackle this problem, fine-grained irony detection is
required to inform the sentiment classifier about the type of irony being used
(i.e. ironic by clash, or situational irony or other irony). This way, whether
the sentiment prediction should be inverted or not would depend on the type
of irony that is recognised. Another important direction for future work in-
volves optimisation of the irony detection system, as similar experiments for the
sentiment classifier have shown to pay off (Van Hee et al. Submitted).
This thesis set out to explore automatic irony detection on social media, a topic
that has attracted much research interest recently. Irony presents an impor-
tant bottleneck to text mining systems that are traditionally trained on regular
(i.e. non-ironic) data, one of the best known probably being sentiment analysis
(Liu 2012). Although various systems and resources have been developed for
different languages in the past few years, most studies have focussed on irony
detection itself by using lexical clues, while studies on the mechanisms that un-
derlie irony are scarcer (e.g. Karoui et al. 2015, Stranisci et al. 2016). Moreover,
while irony detection is considered crucial to enhance sentiment analysis (e.g.
Joshi, Bhattacharyya and Carman 2016, Maynard and Greenwood 2014), its
actual effect on state-of-the-art sentiment classification has not sufficiently been
The main contribution of the current thesis is therefore a comprehensive ap-
proach to irony detection, starting with a manual annotation providing insights
into the realisation of the phenomenon, varied sets of experiments for automatic
irony detection, and finally an extrinsic evaluation of the system by means of a
sentiment analysis use case. Moreover, as manually annotated corpora for irony
detection are scarce, the dataset that has been developed in the current thesis
will certainly be useful for further research. Another important contribution of
Chapter 8 : Conclusion
this thesis are the exploratory experiments to automatically detect the implicit
or prototypical sentiment related to particular situations. To this end, we com-
pared a knowledge based and data-driven approach using respectively SenticNet
4and Twitter. While SenticNet is a well-known lexico-semantics knowledge base,
using real-time Twitter information to gain insights into the prototypical sen-
timent of particular phrases and situations has, to our knowledge, not been
explored before.
We started this thesis by stipulating three main research questions for which
a number of research objectives were defined (see Section 1.2). A series of
experiments and analyses were conducted throughout this thesis to provide an
answer to our research questions. In the following sections, we summarise our
experimental findings, after which we discuss the limitations of this research
and suggest some directions for future work.
8.1 Annotating irony in social media text
Research question 1a: how is irony realised in social media text?
To answer this research question, we collected and annotated a set of 3,000
English tweets using irony-related hashtags (i.e. #irony, #sarcasm, #not). A
new annotation scheme was developed for this purpose, which is grounded in
irony literature and allows for a fine-grained annotation. The scheme indicates
different types of irony (i.e. ironic by clash,situational irony and other irony)
and specific text spans within a tweet that realise the irony. We also provided the
following working definition of irony; “[verbal irony is] an evaluative expression
whose polarity (i.e. positive, negative) is inverted between the literal and the
intended evaluation, resulting in an incongruence between the literal evaluation
and its context”.
While related work often relies on hashtag labels to collect irony data, the
annotation of our corpus revealed that 20% of the tweets containing an irony-
hashtag were not ironic, which confirms our claim that manual annotations are
critical to the current task. The fine-grained annotation scheme distinguishes
instances of irony by means of a polarity clash, situational irony, and other
irony. We observed that the majority of ironic tweets in our corpus (i.e. 72%)
were realised by means of a polarity contrast, while situational and other irony
account for 17% and 11% of the ironic instances, respectively. This observation
confirms that irony generally involves saying the contrary of what is meant (e.g.
Attardo 2000, Giora et al. 2005, Grice 1975).
8.2 Detecting irony in social media text
No distinction between irony and sarcasm is made in this thesis, but it was
observed that tweets that were considered harsh (i.e. carrying a mocking or
criticising tone) more frequently contained the hashtag #sarcasm than #irony
or #not. This would suggest that, when targeting entities, the phenomenon
is more likely to be defined as ‘sarcasm’. However, we do not consider this
sufficient evidence that the two terms refer to distinct phenomena, and further
research (e.g. using a larger corpus, multilingual data, etc.) would be necessary
to confirm our findings.
Annotations below the tweet level revealed that in about half of the ironic by
clash instances (i.e. 47%), an irony-related hashtag was required to perceive a
polarity contrast. In the other half of these tweets, the polarity contrast mostly
involved an explicit and implicit sentiment (so-called target) (e.g. ‘Not being
able to sleep is just excellent’).
8.2 Detecting irony in social media text
Research question 1b: can ironic instances be automatically de-
tected in English tweets? If so, which information sources contribute
most to classification performance?
To answer the second part of our first research question, a series of binary
classification experiments were carried out to detect irony automatically. In
Chapter 4, we developed an irony detection system based on support vector
machines (SVM). The algorithm was applied in its default kernel configuration,
but optimal Cand γvalues were defined by means of a grid search in each
experimental setup. As the experimental corpus, we made use of the manually
annotated irony dataset described in Chapter 3, which was extended with non-
ironic tweets from a background corpus until a balanced class distribution had
been obtained. The final corpus (i.e. 4,792 tweets) was then divided into a set
for training and a held-out test set to evaluate classification performance.
Irony detection using a rich feature set
We explored the potential of lexical, (shallow) syntactic, sentiment and semantic
features as individual feature groups and combined. While similar features are
commonly used in the state of the art, we expanded our lexical and semantic
feature sets with respectively n-gram probabilities and word cluster information,
two features that have, to our knowledge, not been sufficiently explored for this
Chapter 8 : Conclusion
task. To this end, n-gram probabilities were derived from KENLM language
models trained on an ironic and non-ironic background corpus. To provide the
model with distributional semantics information, word embedding clusters were
created using the Word2Vec algorithm.
Using the above-mentioned feature groups, a series of binary classification ex-
periments were carried out and evaluated against three baselines: random class,
word n-grams and character n-grams. The latter two proved to be very strong
baselines, yielding an F-score of 66.74% and 68.40%, respectively, an obser-
vation that is in line with that of Buschmeier et al. (2014) and Riloff et al.
(2013). The results showed that only the lexical feature group (F= 67.01%)
outperformed the word n-gram baseline, but not the character baseline. An ex-
planation for this could be that the former is mainly composed of bag-of-word
features carrying information that is directly derived from the training data,
while the other feature groups rely on external information (e.g. sentiment lexi-
cons, background corpora). Nevertheless, all feature groups performed relatively
well and therefore showed potential for irony detection.
Combining the feature groups showed that they are likely to provide comple-
mentary information, as combining the lexical with the syntactic and semantic
feature groups caused a (statistically) significant performance increase. Yield-
ing an F-score of 70.11%, this combined feature set outperformed the strong
character baseline as well. In a final experimental round, classifiers of the indi-
vidual feature groups were combined into a hybrid system (i.e. the output of one
classifier is used to inform another) which benefitted recall, but at the expense
of precision.
To get a better understanding of the bottlenecks in irony detection, a qualitative
analysis of the classification output was done for the different types of irony. This
showed that the classifier (exploiting lexical, semantic and syntactic features)
performs best on ironic by clash and situational irony instances. It should not
surprise, however, that performance is much lower on instances of the other
type of irony, as the category assimilates realisations of irony that show neither
a polarity contrast, nor situational irony, or that are ambiguous due to the lack
of conversational context.
In sum, we developed a binary irony detection system using support vector
machines and exploiting lexical, semantic and syntactic information sources.
We found that the system performs best on ironic instances showing a polarity
contrast, although the category presents some challenges as well (see further).
Yielding an F-score of 70.11%, the system compares favourably to the work
by González-Ibáñez et al. (2011) and Riloff et al. (2013).
8.2 Detecting irony in social media text
Irony detection using polarity contrast information
In Chapter 6, we investigated to what extent irony detection benefits from
polarity contrast information, the potential of which has often been underlined
in irony literature, including the present thesis. Concretely, we explored the
performance of a classifier exploiting merely polarity contrast information, and
the added value of this information for our original SVM classifier.
A key challenge in recognising polarity contrasts is detecting implicit sentiment,
for which we made use of the Twitter method described in Chapter 5 (see fur-
ther). To define explicit sentiment, we made use of existing sentiment lexicons
for English. The polarity contrast method for irony detection was implemented
in two ways, i.e. by making use of gold-standard and automatically detected
implicit sentiment.
The experiments revealed that, although the contrast-based system does not
outperform our original SVM classifier, polarity contrast information appears
to be a strong indicator for irony as it yields high precision when a contrast
between explicit and implicit sentiment is found. Moreover, the system is able
to identify a number of ironic instances that the SVM classifier overlooks.
We combined the output of the contrast-based system with that of the SVM
i) by means of a polarity contrast feature and ii) in a hybrid system for irony
detection. The results revealed that the contrast feature yields a small im-
provement in precision (i.e. 70.25% versus 68.92%), while recall shows a minor
drop. Combining the classifiers into a hybrid system resulted in higher preci-
sion (AND-combination) and higher recall (OR-combination) than the original
SVM classifier. Interestingly, when evaluated on the ironic by clash category,
the hybrid system achieves a recall of 88%. On ironic by clash instances where
no hashtag is required to sense the irony, recall even reached 98%.
Limitations and future work
While our experiments describe manual feature group selection, applying indi-
vidual feature selection will be a crucial direction for future work to i) optimise
the classifier by removing redundant information and ii) gain more insights into
the most contributive features for this task.
Analysis of our experimental results revealed that the SVM system performs best
on ironic instances where a polarity contrast takes place. However, important
bottlenecks here are instances where a hashtag is required to understand the
irony (and which will, consequently always be impossible to recognise without
additionnal context), and polarity contrasts that involve implicit sentiment.
Chapter 8 : Conclusion
Indeed, experiments with a contrast-based system for irony revealed that, even
when implicit sentiment is identified, finding the contrasting explicit sentiment
using a lexicon-based approach is sometimes challenging (e.g.‘[...] is exactly
what I need’). Moreover, detecting explicit sentiment contrasts as a clue for
irony is prone to overgeneration, as non-ironic tweets are also likely to contain
contrastive evaluations (e.g. when discussing positive and negative aspects of
something). Here as well, improving the sentiment lexicon-based approach or
adopting supervised sentiment analysis might enhance the results, hence this
will constitute an important direction for future work.
While our annotation guidelines distinguish between different types of irony on
Twitter, in the current experiments we approach irony detection as a binary
classification task. This way, this thesis provides insights into the feasibility
of irony detection in general. Moreover, not distinguishing between different
types of irony also allows to compare our approach with the state of the art.
When applied for specific purposes (e.g. improving automatic sentiment analy-
sis), however, a fine-grained classification might be worthwhile to detect cases of
irony where a polarity inversion takes place. Nevertheless, we believe more data
would be necessary to do such fine-grained classification, but also to enhance
performance of the binary classifier, as related work often obtains similar results
with a less complex model, but much more data.
Finally, the presented approach is language-independent, provided that anno-
tated data are available. As such, we aim to perform similar experiments on a
Dutch dataset that is currently under construction.
8.3 Modelling implicit sentiment
Research question 2: Is it feasible to automatically detect implicit
or prototypical sentiment related to particular situations and does it
benefit automatic irony detection?
Our second research question addresses the automatic definition of implicit sen-
timent, also referred to as prototypical sentiment (Hoste et al. 2016) and con-
notative knowledge or sentics (Cambria et al. 2016).
The annotation of our irony corpus revealed that many instances of irony are
realised through a polarity contrast between explicit sentiment expressions and
targets carrying implicit sentiment (e.g. ‘Gawd! I love 9am lectures’). Our irony
detection experiments in Chapter 4 revealed that false negatives of the system
often include such implicit polarity contrasts, suggesting that implicit sentiment
8.3 Modelling implicit sentiment
recognition has the potential to improve classification performance.
We investigated how implicit or prototypical sentiment can be inferred automat-
ically. As the result of our manual irony annotations, we have at our disposal a
set of 671 concepts (or targets) linked to their implicit sentiment. Using these
manual annotations as gold standard, we automatically determined the implicit
sentiment linked to these targets. For this purpose, we explored two methods:
i) SenticNet 4, a state-of-the-art knowledge base (Cambria et al. 2016), and ii)
a data-driven approach based on real time Twitter data.
Related work by Riloff et al. (2013) involves a bootstrapping approach to learn
positive and negative situation (i.e. verb) phrases in the vicinity of positive seed
words like ‘love’, ‘enjoy’ and ‘hate’. The researchers showed that using implicit
sentiment information benefits irony detection, however, the learned implicit
sentiment phrases were restricted to verb phrases. In this research, we worked
the other way around and started with manually annotated prototypical situ-
ations and concepts like ‘9am lectures’, ‘working in the weekend’, ‘up all night
2 nights in a row’ and tried to infer their prototypical sentiment automatically.
As such, while Riloff’s (2013) main challenge was to extract more specific situ-
ations than verb phrases, ours was to find a good abstraction method to enable
an efficient look-up of the phrases in SenticNet and by using Twitter.
Using a knowledge base to infer implicit sentiment, we looked up the SenticNet
polarity of the target or calculated its overall polarity based on the scores of
its individual words. We compared the suitability of the approach when look-
ing up the original tokens in the targets, content word tokens and semantic
concepts (Rajagopal et al. 2013) (e.g. ‘feeling ill, banging head...’ ‘feel_ill’,
‘bang_head’). The experiments revealed that the third method is the most ef-
fective, as it protects some semantic atoms (Cambria and Hussain 2015) which
lose their original meaning when broken down into single words.
Overall, the experiments revealed that implicit sentiment seldom applies to
words or phrases in isolation. In fact, many concepts are non-compositional,
meaning that their meaning cannot merely be derived from the meaning of their
constituent words in isolation. Although we were able to correctly determine
the implicit sentiment related to 37% of the targets using a multiword-based
lookup, the current method is perhaps too naive an approach to model implicit
sentiment linked to a concept, as it often breaks the latter down into single
words, which consequently lose their prior meaning.
Chapter 8 : Conclusion
For our second approach to modelling implicit sentiment, we made use of Twit-
ter, hypothesising that it provides valuable insights into people’s opinions and
hence allows to infer implicit sentiment related to particular concepts and situ-
To test this hypothesis, we investigated whether a large number of explicit
opinions about a concept or situation is a reliable indication for the implicit
or connotative sentiment related to that situation. Concretely, for each of the
targets, a maximum of 500 related tweets were crawled using the Twitter API.
Next, supervised sentiment analysis was applied to determine the overall senti-
ment in these tweets. As collecting sufficient tweets is crucial and some concepts
are very specific (e.g. ‘Christmas shopping on 2hrs sleep’), we explored a num-
ber of strategies to increase coverage, including looking for i) content words, ii)
dependency heads and iii) verb-object patterns in the concepts, rather than the
original tokens.
The experiments revealed that analysing tweets about a concept or situation
is a viable method to determine the implicit sentiment related to that concept
or situation. In effect, approximately 70% of all targets were assigned a cor-
rect implicit sentiment, which is a considerable improvement compared to the
SenticNet-based approach. Experimenting with different abstraction methods
revealed that, although more tweets were found when searching concepts based
on content words or dependency heads, this had no substantial effect on the
system’s performance on defining implicit sentiment.
In sum, using Twitter to find the implicit sentiment related to particular con-
cepts certainly has a number of advantages compared to the SenticNet-based
approach. First, the former approach allows to derive sentiment for the entire
concept, instead of breaking it down into individual words or multiwords. Sec-
ond, by applying sentiment to an entire tweet, the approach takes context into
account. Third, the method allows to collect real time data, making it possible
to analyse opinions on topical concepts even before they could be inserted into
knowledge bases.
Limitations and future work
Some challenges we observed when using SenticNet to determine implicit senti-
ment are the lack of coverage of some words in the database on the one hand,
and confusing polarity values in the database (e.g. ‘talk’: -0.85) on the other
hand. While including complex normalisation (Schulz et al. 2016) as a prepro-
8.4 Sentiment analysis use case
cessing step could increase coverage, we believe that the major drawbacks of the
approach in general are its inability to preserve semantic atoms (unless they are
included as multiword terms in the knowledge base), the lack of context, which
is crucial in sentiment analysis, and its static character compared to Twitter.
While using Twitter to infer implicit sentiment clearly shows some advantages
compared to the knowledge base approach, a number of important limitations
were identified. First, modelling prototypical sentiment based on Twitter re-
quires an automatic sentiment analysis system and imposes the collection of
sufficient data. This brings us to the second drawback of the approach, namely
the collection of tweets, which is hindered by the search constraints of the Twitter
API and depends on the complexity of the search query.
While Riloff et al. (2013) concluded that most situation phrases carrying im-
plicit sentiment are verb phrases, we observed that only 40% of the targets
contained a verb-object pattern, suggesting that by focussing on verb phrases
only, many other implicit sentiment concepts (e.g. ‘8.30 a.m. conference calls’,
‘no sleep 2 days in a row’) are not taken into account, although these are com-
mon realisations of implicit sentiment as well. It will therefore be interesting to
explore the coverage of our targets on Twitter when reducing them to verb and
noun phrases, and to examine whether they are still specific enough (i.e. without
losing much semantic information).
8.4 Sentiment analysis use case
Research question 3: Can automatic irony detection enhance
state-of-the-art sentiment analysis?
As mentioned several times throughout this thesis, sentiment classifiers have
proven to struggle with ironic text (Maynard and Greenwood 2014). Hence, to
address the last research question, Chapter 7 presents an extrinsic evaluation of
our irony classifier by testing its potential to improve state-of-the-art sentiment
The sentiment classifier we described in the chapter uses a support vector ma-
chine (SVM) and was trained on English tweets provided within the framework
of the SemEval-2014 task Sentiment analysis in Twitter 9 (Rosenthal et al.
2014). The system exploits a rich and varied feature set and the model was
optimised using feature selection and hyperparameter optimisation. No specific
irony features were included in the model. To investigate the impact of irony, the
optimised sentiment model was validated on two SemEval test sets containing
Chapter 8 : Conclusion
100% (SemEval2014Sarcasm) and 50% (SemEval2015Sarcasm-balanced) ironic
tweets, before and after the classifier was informed by our irony detection system
The results of the experiments showed that sentiment classification clearly ben-
efits from automatic irony detection, showing a performance increase of 20%
to 40% on the SemEval2014Sarcasm (i.e. 100% ironic) corpus, and 7% to 12%
on the balanced corpus. Analysis revealed that the sentiment classifier suffers
from the class imbalance in the ironic datasets (i.e. containing mostly negative
tweets), which caused it to overgenerate positive and neutral class instances. It
was also observed that respectively 29% and 50% of the classification errors in
the non-balanced and balanced corpus are due to errors percolation from the
irony detection step.
Limitations and future work
A qualitative analysis revealed that the hybrid sentiment analyser performs best
on ironic by clash instances, given that other instances of irony do not require
the explicit polarity to be inverted. In effect, when identified as ironic, their
polarity was also inverted, although this was mostly unnecessary. Fine-grained
irony detection might be helpful to tackle this problem. This way, whether a
sentiment prediction should be inverted or not would depend on the type of
irony that is detected (i.e. ironic by clash).
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, other important research directions include
optimisation of the irony detection system by means of feature filtering and
hyperparameter tuning, as similar experiments on the sentiment classifier have
proven worthwhile. Moreover, orthographic normalisation of noisy text as a
preprocessing step could further enhance the sentiment classifier we currently
have in place (see Chapter 7).
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This appendix contains a list of all peer-reviewed journal and conference pro-
ceedings publications from the period 2014-2017.
Van Hee, C., Jacobs, G., Emmery, C., Desmet, B., Lefever, E., Ver-
hoeven, B., De Pauw, G., Daelemans, W. & Hoste, V. Automatic
Detection of Cyberbullying in Social Media Text. PLOS ONE. Sub-
mitted on 06/02/2017.
Van Hee, C., Van de Kauter, M., De Clercq, O., Lefever, E., Desmet,
B. & Hoste, V. Noise or Music? Investigating the Usefulness of
Normalisation for Robust Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Data.
Traitement Automatique des Langues. Accepted for publication with
Van Hee, C., Lefever, E. & Hoste, V. Exploring the Fine-grained
Analysis and Automatic Detection of Irony on Twitter. Language
Resources and Evaluation. Accepted for publication with revisions.
Chapter A : Publications
Van Hee, C., Lefever, E. & Hoste, V. Monday mornings are my fave:
#not exploring the automatic recognition of Irony in English tweets.
In N. Calzolari, Y. Matsumoto, & R. Prasad (Eds.), Proceedings
of COLING 2016, 26th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics, 2730–2739, ACL.
Van Hee, C., Verleye, C. & Lefever, E. Analysing emotions in social
media coverage on Paris terror attacks: a pilot study. In E. Lefever
& D. J. Folds (Eds.), Proceedings of HUSO 2016, The Second Inter-
national Conference on Human and Social Analytics, 33–37, IARIA.
Hoste, V., Van Hee, C. & Poels, K. Towards a framework for the
automatic detection of crisis emotions on social media : a corpus
analysis of the tweets posted after the crash of Germanwings flight
9525. Proceedings of HUSO 2016, The Second International Confer-
ence on Human and Social Analytics, 29–32, IARIA.
Van Hee, C., Lefever, E. & Hoste, V. Exploring the realization of irony
in Twitter data. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), 1795–1799,
European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Van Hee, C., Lefever, E. & Hoste, V. Guidelines for Annotating Irony
in Social Media Text, version 2.0. LT3 Technical Report Series.
Van Hee, C., Lefever, E., Verhoeven, B., Mennes, J., Desmet, B.,
De Pauw, G., Daelemans, W. & Hoste, V. Automatic detection and
prevention of cyberbullying. In P. Lorenz & C. Bourret (Eds.), Inter-
national Conference on Human and Social Analytics (HUSO 2015),
13–18, IARIA.
Van Hee, C., Lefever, E., Verhoeven, B., Mennes, J., Desmet, B., De
Pauw, G., Daelemans, W. & Hoste, V. Detection and fine-grained
classification of cyberbullying events. In G. Angelova, K. Bontcheva,
& R. Mitkov (Eds.), Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Lan-
guage Processing (RANLP 2015), 672–680.
Van Hee, C., Lefever, E. & Hoste, V. LT3: sentiment analysis of
figurative tweets: piece of cake #NotReally. Proceedings of SemEval-
2015, the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, 684–
688, Association for Computational Linguistics.
Van Hee, C., Verhoeven, B., Lefever, E., De Pauw, G., Daelemans,
W. & Hoste, V. Guidelines for the fine-grained analysis of cyberbul-
lying, version 1.0. LT3 Technical Report Series.
Van Hee, C., Van de Kauter, M., De Clercq, O., Lefever, E. & Hoste,
V. LT3: sentiment classification in user-generated content using a
rich feature set. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on
Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2014), 406–410, Association for Com-
putational Linguistics.
Desmet, B., De Clercq, O., Van de Kauter, M., Schulz, S., Van
Hee, C. & Hoste, V. Taaltechnologie 2.0: sentimentanalyse en nor-
malisatie. In Stefaan Evenepoel, P. Goethals, & L. Jooken (Eds.),
Beschouwingen uit een talenhuis : opstellen over onderwijs en onder-
zoek in de vakgroep Vertalen, Tolken en Communicatie aangeboden
aan Rita Godyns, 157–161, Ghent, Belgium: Academia Press.
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
With the emergence of web 2.0, a large part of our daily communication has
moved online. As a consequence, social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) have be-
come a valuable source of information about the public’s opinion for politicians,
companies, researchers, trend watchers, and so on (Pang and Lee 2008). The
past decade has seen an increased research interest in text mining on social me-
dia data. The frequent use of irony in this genre has important implications for
tasks such as sentiment analysis and opinion mining (Maynard and Greenwood
2014, Reyes et al. 2013), which aim to extract positive and negative opinions
automatically from online text. To develop or enhance sentiment analysis sys-
tems, or more broadly any task involving text interpretation (e.g. cyberbullying
detection), it is of key importance to understand the linguistic realisation of
irony, and to explore its automatic detection. Most computational approaches
to date model irony by relying solely on categorical labels like irony hashtags
(e.g. ‘#irony’, ‘#sarcasm’) assigned by the author of the text. To our knowl-
edge, no guidelines presently exist for the more fine-grained annotation of
irony in social media content without exploiting this hashtag information.
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
When describing how irony works, theorists traditionally distinguish between
situational irony and verbal irony. Situational irony is often referred to as
situations that fail to meet some expectations (Lucariello 1994, Shelley 2001).
Shelley (2001) illustrates this with firefighters who have a fire in their kitchen
while they are out to answer a fire alarm. Verbal irony is traditionally defined
as expressions that convey an opposite meaning (e.g. Grice 1975, McQuarrie
and Mick 1996, Quintiliano and Butler 1959) and implies the expression of a
feeling, attitude or evaluation (Grice 1978, Wilson and Sperber 1992). There
has been a large body of research in the past involving the definition of irony
and the distinction between irony and sarcasm (Barbieri and Saggion 2014,
Grice 1975, Kreuz and Glucksberg 1989, Wilson and Sperber 1992). To date,
however, experts do not formally agree on the distinction between irony and
sarcasm. For this reason, we elaborate a working definition that can cover both
expressions described as verbal irony, and expressions described as sarcasm. In
the definition, as well as in the remainder of this paper, we refer to this linguistic
form as irony. In accordance with the traditional definition and that of Burgers
(2010), we define irony as an evaluative expression whose polarity (i.e., positive,
negative) is inverted between the literal and the intended evaluation, resulting in
an incongruence between the literal evaluation and its context. More concretely,
when speaking ironically, one expresses a positive sentiment whereas the implied
sentiment is negative, or inversely.
In our working definition, no distinction is made between irony and sarcasm.
However, the present annotation scheme allows to signal variants of verbal irony
that are particularly harsh (i.e., carrying a mocking or ridiculing tone with the
intention to hurt someone), since it has been considered a useful feature for
distinguishing between irony and sarcasm (Barbieri and Saggion 2014, Lee and
Katz 1998b).
In what follows, we present the different steps in the annotation of verbal irony
in online text. All annotation steps can be executed using the brat rapid an-
notation tool (Stenetorp et al. 2012). The example sentences in the following
sections are taken from a corpus of English tweets collected using the hashtags
‘#sarcasm’, ‘#irony’ and ‘#not’. It should be noted that not every element of
the examples is annotated and discussed. We refer to Section B for detailed
annotation examples.
Evaluative expressions
The present definition of irony is based on a polarity inversion between two
evaluations. Annotators therefore look for expressions of an evaluation in the
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
text under investigation. By an evaluation, we understand the entire text span
by which someone or something (e.g. a product, an event, an organisation) is
evaluated, including modifiers (see further). There are no restrictions as to
which forms evaluations take; they can be verb phrases, predicative (adjective
or nominal) expressions, emoticons, and so on. Nevertheless, when possible,
annotators should include the verb and its apposition in the annotated text
span of the evaluation, as well as modifiers (if present). Evaluative expressions
can be found in examples 1 to 4.
(1) Oh how I love working in Baltimore #not
‘Oh how I love’ = evaluation
(2) What a shock. Duke Johnson is hurt in an important game.
#sarcasm #canes
‘What a shock’ = evaluation
(3) So glad you’d rather read a book than acknowledge your own kid
‘So glad’ = evaluation
(4) Interesting visit with Terra Nova yesterday at Stoneleigh, class
‘Interesting’ = evaluation
‘class’ = evaluation
As shown in example 4, a text can include more than one evaluation.
Brat howto
In brat, if an evaluative expression consists of several non-consecutive parts
(e.g. ‘I love this band so much!’), the parts should be linked by means of drag
and drop.
Evaluation polarity
An important subtask of annotating evaluations is polarity assignment, which
involves determining whether the expressed evaluation is positive (e.g. ‘love it!’)
or negative (e.g. ‘it’s a real nightmare’). It is possible that, due to ambiguity or
a restricted context, it is not entirely clear whether an evaluation is positive or
negative. Such evaluations receive the polarity label ‘unknown’. Nevertheless,
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
annotators should indicate a concrete polarity (i.e., positive or negative) as much
as possible.
(5) I hate it when my mind keeps drifting to someone who no longer
matters in life. #irony #dislike
‘hate’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
‘no longer matters in life’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
‘#dislike’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
(6) First day off for wake up at 6:01. Love them but
not Awesome. #sleepisfortheweak #not.
‘Love’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘not Awesome’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
‘#sleepisfortheweak’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
(7) I’m surprised you haven’t been recruited by some undercover
agency. #sarcasm
‘’m surprised’ = evaluation [unknown polarity]
Like example 4, sentences 5 and 6 contain more than one evaluative expression.
In Twitter data, hashtags may also contain evaluations. In this case, annotators
are supposed to annotate the hashtag as an entire unit (including the hash sign
‘#’), even if it is a multiword expression (e.g. ‘#sleepisfortheweak’).
Like words, all hashtags can be annotated, except ‘#sarcasm’, ‘#irony’ and
‘#not’. They were used to collect the data and are supposed to be left unanno-
Sometimes, evaluative expressions are modified. This means that their polarity
is changed by an element (i.e., a modifier ) in the text. Modifiers are lexi-
cal items that cause a “shift in the prior polarity of other nearby lexical
items” (Van de Kauter et al. 2015). They can be left out without losing the
sentiment expression.
Two types of modifiers are distinguished in our annotation scheme: (i) inten-
sifiers, which increase the intensity of the expressed sentiment and (ii) dimin-
ishers, which decrease the intensity of the expressed sentiment (Kennedy and
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
Inkpen 2006, Polanyi and Zaenen 2006). The evaluation polarity can be modi-
fied by adverbs (e.g. ‘absolutely’), interjections (e.g. ‘wow‘), punctuation marks
(e.g. ??!!’), emoticons, and so on. The modifiers in the sentences 8 and 9 are
(8) The most annoying kid lives next to my door!!!
‘most annoying’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
‘most’ = intensifier of annoying
!!!’ = intensifier of most annoying
(9) Throwing up at 6:00 am is always fun #not
‘is always fun’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘always’ = intensifier of is fun
Modifiers can, but are not necessarily, syntactically close to the evaluation.
When possible, however, they should be included in the annotation span of the
evaluation. As shown in example 37, modifiers that are part of an evaluative
expression should be included in the evaluation span. Modifiers that are not
included in the evaluation span (e.g. punctuation marks, emoticons) can be
linked to the evaluation they alter by means of drag and drop.
Brat howto
In brat, modifiers should be linked to the evaluative expression they alter by
means of drag and drop.
Irony presence
According to our definition, verbal irony arises from a clash between two eval-
uation polarities. This can be illustrated with the following example:
(10) I really love this year’s summer; weeks and weeks of awful
In sentence 10, the irony results from a polarity inversion between the literal
evaluation (‘I really love this year’s summer’), which is positive, and the intended
one (‘I hate this year’s summer’), which is implied by the context (‘weeks and
weeks of awful weather’).
Irony involves a polarity clash between what is literally said and what is actually
meant. What is actually meant can be explicitly mentioned, or it can be implicit.
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
In the former situation, the literal (ironic) evaluation is opposite to another
literal evaluation in the text (e.g. ‘Yay for school today! hate it...’). In the
latter situation, the literal evaluation is opposite to an implied evaluation that
can be inferred by common sense or world knowledge, for instance ‘I appreciate
you sneezing in my face’. Although ‘sneezing in my face’ is not an evaluation, it
evokes a negative sentiment that contrasts with the literally positive statement
‘I appreciate’. Section B elaborates on the annotation of implicit evaluations,
or evaluation targets.
Annotators should carefully analyse the evaluation(s) expressed in each text
and define whether the text under investigation is ironic by means of a clash or
not. Additionally, a confidence score (low, medium or high) should be given for
this annotation. It is possible, however, that an instance contains another form
of irony: there is no polarity clash between what is said and what is meant,
but the text is ironic nevertheless (e.g. descriptions of situational irony). These
instances should be included in the category other types of irony. Instances
that are not ironic should be annotated likewise. The three main annotation
categories are listed below:
-Ironic by means of a clash: the text expresses an evaluation whose
literal polarity is opposite to the intended polarity.
-Other type of irony: there is no clash between the literal and the
intended evaluation, but the text is still ironic.
-Not ironic: the text is not ironic.
Sentences 11 and 12 are examples of ironic texts in which the literally expressed
evaluation is opposite to the intended one. In example 11, the irony results from
a clash between the literally positive ‘Yay can’t wait!’ and ‘Exams start tomor-
row’, which implicitly conveys a negative sentiment. In contrast to sentence 11,
the irony in example 12 can only be understood by the presence of the hashtag
#not. Without this hashtag, it is not possible to perceive a clash between what
is literally said and what is implied (i.e. ‘my little brother is not awesome’). For
similar cases, annotators indicate that a hashtag is required to understand the
(11) Exams start tomorrow. Yay, can’t wait! #sarcasm
the message is ironic by means of a clash: the polarity
of the literally expressed evaluation ‘Yay, can’t wait!’ is posi-
tive, whereas the intended evaluation is negative (having exams
is generally experienced as unpleasant).
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
(12) My little brother is absolutely awesome! #not.
the message is ironic by means of a clash: the polarity of
the literal evaluation ‘is absolutely awesome!’ is positive, whereas
the intended evaluation is negative.
Brat howto
In brat, if an irony-related hashtag (i.e. ‘#sarcasm’, ‘#irony’ or ‘#not’) is re-
quired to understand that the text is ironic by means of a clash, annotators
should check the tick box ‘hashtag indication needed’.
Instances that are ironic but not by means of a clash, should be annotated as
other types of irony. Sentences 13 to 15 are examples that belong to this
category. Sentences 14 and 15 present descriptions of situational irony.
(13) “@Buchinator_: Be sure you get in all those sunset instagrams
before the sun explodes in 4.5 billion years.” Look at your next
tweet #irony
(14) Just saw a non-smoking sign in the lobby of a tobacco company
(15) My little sister ran away from me throwing a water balloon at
her and fell into the pool... #irony.
Examples of non-ironic messages are presented in examples 16 to 19. As
non-ironic, we consider instances that do not contain any indication of irony
(example 16) or instances that contain insufficient context to understand the
irony (example 17). Additionally, the category encompasses tweets in which an
irony-related hashtag is used in a self-referential meta-sentence (example 18),
or functions as a negator (example 19).
(16) Drinking a cup of tea in the morning sun, lovely!
(17) @GulfNewsTabloid Wonder why she decided to cover her head
though! #Irony
(18) @TheSunNewspaper Missed off the #irony hashtag?
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
(19) Those that are #Not #BritishRoyalty should Not presume #Ti-
tles or do any #PublicDuties
Brat howto
Whether an instance i) is ironic by means of a clash, ii) contains another type
of irony or iii) is not ironic at all, should be annotated on the dummy to-
ken preceding each text. The category other type of irony is separated
into instances describing situational irony (category situational irony ) and
instances expressing other forms of verbal irony (category other ).
Irony harshness
Sarcasm is sometimes considered a bitter or sharp form of irony that is meant to
ridicule or hurt a specific target (Attardo 2000, Barbieri and Saggion 2014, Lee
and Katz 1998b). If a tweet is considered ironic by means of a clash, annotators
should indicate the harshness of the expressed evaluation (i.e., whether the
irony is used to ridicule or hurt a person/a company,...). This can be done on
atwo-point scale from 0 to 1, where 0 means that the evaluation is not
harsh and 1 that the evaluation is harsh. Additionally, a confidence score (low,
medium or high) should be given for this annotation.
(20) Well this exam tomorrow is gonna be a bunch of laughs #not
the message is ironic by means of a clash: the polarity of the
literal evaluation is opposite to that of the intended evaluation
the ironic evaluation is not harsh (score 0)
(21) Yeah you sure have great communication skills #not
the message is ironic by means of a clash
the ironic evaluation is harsh (score 1), the evaluation is
aimed at a person and is ridiculing
Practical remark
For convenience and to speed up the annotation, a harshness score of 0 need
not be annotated explicitly. When there is no harshness score indicated, the
message is considered not harsh.
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
Evaluation target
As mentioned in Section B, irony often tends to be realised implicitly (Burgers
2010). This means that one of the opposite evaluations may be expressed in
an implicit way; its polarity has to be inferred from the context or by world
knowledge/common sense. Such text spans are referred to as the evaluation
target; their implicit sentiment contrasts with the literal evaluation. In brat,
targets should always be linked to the evaluative expression(s) they contrasts
Like evaluative expressions, the implicit polarity of an evaluation target can
be positive, negative or unknown. It can also be neutral when the target
corefers to another (the actual) target. In example 22 for instance, ‘you’ is
a neutral target that refers to ‘7 a.m. bedtimes’, whose implicit polarity is
negative given the context. There are no restrictions as to what forms evaluation
targets can take: they can be expressed by a complement to a verb phrase
(i.e., verb + verb, verb + adverb, verb + noun) (example 23), or by a noun
phrase (e.g. ‘Christmas Day‘, ‘school’), etc. Two targets that are connected by
a conjunction should be annotated separately (example 24).
(22) Ahh 7 a.m. bedtimes, how I’ve missed you #not #examprob-
‘’ve missed = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘you = target of ‘’ve missed’, which refers to the actual target
‘7 a.m. bedtimes’
(23) I did so well on my history test that I got an F-!
‘did so well’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘got an F-’ = target of ‘did so well’
(24) I just love when the dog of the neighbours barks unstoppably and
I can’t sleep #not
‘just love’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘just’ = intensifier of ‘love’
‘the dog of the neighbours barks unstoppably’ = target of
‘just love’
‘can’t sleep’ = target of ‘just love’
Brat howto
In brat, evaluation targets should always be linked to the evaluation they con-
trasts with by means of drag and drop. They cannot cross sentence boundaries.
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
A coreferential relation between two evaluation targets can also be added by
means of drag and drop.
Embedded evaluations
Sometimes, an evaluation is contained by another evaluation (e.g. sentence 25).
This is called an embedded evaluation and needs to be annotated as well. Sim-
ilarly to evaluative expressions, the polarity of embedded evaluations can be
positive, negative (or unknown in the case there is not sufficient context),
and its prior polarity may be changed by modifiers.
(25) I’m really looking forward to the awful stormy weather that’s
coming this week.
‘i’m really looking forward to’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘really’ = intensifier of ‘looking forward to’
‘the awful stormy weather that’s coming this week’ = target
of ‘really looking forward to’
‘awful’ = (embedded) evaluation [negative polarity]
Annotation procedure
In what follows, we present the different steps in the annotation procedure. It
should be noted that, even if a message is not ironic or contains another type
of irony than the one based on a polarity clash, annotators should annotate
all evaluations that are expressed in the text under investigation. We refer to
Section B for detailed annotation examples in brat.
1. Based on the definition, indicate for each text whether it: i) is
ironic by means of a clash, ii) contains another type of irony or
iii) is not ironic and indicate a confidence score for this annotation.
-Ironic by means of a clash: the text expresses an evaluation whose
literal polarity is the opposite of the intended polarity.
-Other type of irony: there is no contrast between the literal and
the intended evaluation, however, the text is still ironic (e.g. descrip-
tions of situational irony).
-Not ironic: the text is not ironic.
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
2. If the text is ironic by means of a clash:
- In the case of tweets, indicate whether an irony-related hashtag
(#sarcasm,#irony,#not) is required to recognise the irony.
- Indicate the harshness of the irony on a two-point scale (0-1) and
indicate a confidence score for this annotation.
3. Annotate all evaluations contained by the text
- Indicate the polarity of each evaluation.
- If present, annotate modifiers and link them to the corresponding
- If present, annotate the evaluation target(s) and link it/them to the
evaluation it is in contrast with.
* If the target refers to another target, link them by means of a
coreferential relation.
* Indicate the implicit polarity of the target based on context,
world knowledge or common sense.
4. If present, annotate embedded evaluations.
5. Proceed with the next text.
Brat annotation examples
6/21/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Themosthideousspider, that makesmefeelsooomuchbetter.#not
Iro_clash [High] Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier]
Target [Negative]
Tgt [Neutral] Modifier [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Coreference Targets
the message is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is not harsh
‘makes me feel so much better’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘sooo much’ = intensifier of ‘makes me feel better’
‘that’ = target that refers to ‘the most hideous spider’
‘the most hideous spider’ = target of ‘makes me feel sooo much better’
[implicit polarity = negative]
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
‘most hideous’ = (embedded) evaluation [negative polarity]
‘most’ = intensifier of ‘hideous’
10/10/2016 brat 1/1
¶ I justlove beingignored it'sthebest!
Iro_clash [High] Mod [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Target [Negative] Mod [Intensifier]
Tgt [Neutral]
Evaluation [Positive]
Modifies Targets
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is not harsh
‘just love’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘just’ = intensifier of ‘love’
‘it’ = target that refers to ‘being ignored’
‘being ignored’ = target of ‘just love’ [implicit polarity = negative]
‘’s the best!’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
!’ = intensifier of ‘’s the best’
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Toobad thenewsagencycan'tconceiveitsownstory.#irony
Situational_irony [High] Eval [Negative] Evaluation [Negative]
the text contains another type of irony, it describes an ironic situation
‘Too bad ... can’t conceive its own story’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Omgwhataclassylady. SOproudtoberelatedtoher.#sarcasm
Iro_clash [1_high_confidence][High]##Mod [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier]
Modifies Modifies
Could not write
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is harsh
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
‘Omg what a classy’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘Omg’ = intensifier of ‘what a classy’
‘what a’ = intensifier of ‘classy’
‘SO proud to be related to’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘SO’ = intensifier of ‘proud to be related to’
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ probably goingtofail tomorrow yayy #sarcasm#GlobalArtistHMA
Iro_clash [High] Target [Negative] Eval [Positive]
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
Could not write statistics cache file to directory
/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is not harsh
‘yayy’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘going to fail’ = target of ‘yayy’ [implicit polarity = negative]
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ HOWamIsupposedtogetoverthis?!#Not
Non_iro [High]
Could not write statistics cache file to directory /var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: u'/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/.stats_cache'
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
the text is not ironic
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Suchawisemovebeingwithoutmyallergymedicinesfor2days... #NOT #feelinglikecrap
Iro_clash [High] Mod [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Target [Negative] Mod [Intensifier] Evaluation [Negative]
Could not write statistics cache file to directory /var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: u'/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/.stats_cache'
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is not harsh
‘Such a wise move’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘Such a’ = intensifier of ‘wise move
‘...’ = intensifier of Such a wise move
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
‘being without my allergy medicines for 2 days’ = target of ‘Such a wise
‘#feelinglikecrap’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
Here, the irony is made obvious in two ways: i) a clash between an
explicit and implicit sentiment expression (‘Such a wise move’ vs. ‘being
without my allergy medicines for 2 days’), and ii) a clash between two
explicit sentiment expressions (‘Such a wise move’ vs. ‘#feelinglikecrap’).
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Nowiofficiallylooksingle.Hathe#irony
Non_iro [High]
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
Could not write statistics cache file to directory /var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: u'/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/.stats_cache'
the text is not ironic.
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Classtodaywasabsolutelygreat! #sarcasm
Iro_clash [High]##Modifier [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier]
Could not write statistics cache file to directory /var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: u'/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/.stats_cache'
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is not harsh
the hashtag ‘#sarcasm’ is required to understand the irony
‘was absolutely great!’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘absolutely’ = intensifier of ‘was ... great!’
!’ = intensifier of ‘was absolutely great’
6/17/2016 brat 1/1
¶ @chris Yeah,makesperfectlysense! #not
Iro_clash [1_high_confidence][High]##Modifier [Intensifier]
Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier] Mod [Intensifier]
Could not write statistics cache file to directory /var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: u'/var/www/brat_sarcasm/data/jobstudenten2016/irony_with_emoji/voorbeeldjes/.stats_cache'
Welcome back, user "cynthia"
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is harsh
the hashtag ‘#sarcasm’ is required to understand the irony
Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
‘Yeah, makes perfectly sense!’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘Yeah’ = intensifier of ‘makes perfectly sense!’
‘perfectly’ = intensifier of ‘makes ... sense!’
!’ = intensifier of ‘makes perfectly sense’
6/21/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Wakingupcongested/notbeingabletobreathe isagreatfeeling. #not _
Iro_clash [High] Target [Negative]Target [Negative] Evaluation [Positive] Eval [Negative]
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is not harsh
‘is a great feeling’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘Waking up congested’ = target of ‘is a great feeling’ [implicit polarity =
‘not being able to breathe’ = target of ‘is a great feeling’ [implicit polarity
= negative]
‘-_-’ = evaluation [negative polarity]
6/21/2016 brat 1/1
¶ Wow I reallyhavethebestluckknowntoman #not :'D
Iro_clash [High]##Eval [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier]
Modifier [Intensifier]
Modifier [Intensifier]
Mod [Intensifier] Evaluation [Positive]
Mod [Intensifier]
the text is ironic by means of a clash
the irony is not harsh
the hashtag ‘#not’ is required to understand the irony
‘really have the best luck known to man’ = evaluation [positive polarity]
‘Wow’ = intensifier of ‘really have the best luck known to man’
‘really’ = intensifier of ‘Wow ... have the best luck known to man’
Chapter B : Guidelines for annotating irony in social media text
‘the best ... known to man’ = intensifier of ‘Wow ... really have luck’
‘:’D’ = intensifier of ‘Wow ... really have the best luck known to man’

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