Guildmasters Guide To Ravnica
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GUILDMASTERS' GUIDE TDRAVNICA CREDITS Lead Designers: James Wyatt, Jeremy Crawford Designers: Ari Levitch, Ben Petrisor, Mike Mearls, Robert J. Schwalb, Chris Tulach Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford Editors: Christopher Perkins, Kim Mohan, Michele Carter, Phil Athans, Kate Welch Art Direction: Shauna Narciso. Ari Levitch Graphic Designer: Trish Yochum Additional Graphic Design: Emi Tanji Additional Art Direction: Jeremy Jarvis, Jeremy Cranford, Pamela Ansman-Wolfe, Taylor lngvarsson, Dawn Muri n, Cynthia Sheppard, Andrew Vallas, Mark Winters Cover Illustrator: Magali Villeneuve Interior Illustrators: Deruchenko Alexander, Even Amundsen, Steve Argyle, Volkan Baga, Ryan Barger, Steven Belledin, Mike Bierek, Jo han n Bodin, Zoltan Boros, Noah Bradley, John Severin Brassell, Filip Burburan, Dmitry Burmak, Wesley Burt, Clint Cea rley, Mi livoj Ceran, Jason Chan, Sidharth Chaturvedi, Zezhou Chen, Jedd Chevrier, Chippy, Cliff Childs, Sung Choi, Yongjae Choi, Jehan Choo, Daarken, Florian De Gesincourt, Eric Deschamps, Simon Dominic, Scott M. Fischer, Randy Gallegos, Lars Grant-West, Yeong-Hao Han, Josh Hass, Michael C. Hayes, Izzy, Tomasz Jedruszek, Jaime Jo nes, Igor Kieryluk, Mathias Kollros, Alex Konstad, Karl Kopinski, Lius Lasahido, Daniel Ljunggren, Todd Loc kwood, Titus Lu nter, Howard Lyon, Slawomir Man iak, Seb McKinnon, Aaron Miller, Victor Adame Minguez, Peter Mohrbacher, Willian Murai, Scott ON THE COVER A wizard of the lzzet League exults in the success of her latest experiment, whil e the draconic master of her guild looks on- and a detachment of Boros Legion angels hu rries to ensure no in nocents are harmed. Artist Magali Villeneuve has been painting MAciccards since 2013. Murphy, Wino na Nelson, Terese Nielsen, Ka rla Ortiz, James Paick, David Palumbo, Ryan Pancoast, Adam Paquette, Jung Pa rk, Martina Pilcerova, rk post, Livia Prima , Chris Rahn , Jason Ra inville, Chris Rallis, David Rapoza, Jenn Ravenna, Wayne Reynolds , Grzegorz Rutkowski, James Ryma n, Dan Scott, Bram Sels, Craig J Spearing, Anna Steinbauer, Zack Stella, Matt Stewart, Chase Stone, Raymond Swan land, Wisnu Tan, Viktor Titov, Randy Vargas, Svetlin Veli nov, Maga li Villeneuve, Johann es Voss, Kev Walker, Tyler Walpole, Jack Wang, Mark Winters, Richard Wright, Da rek Zabrocki, Eytan Za na, Kirsten Zirngibl, Mark Zug Cartographers: Jo nas De Ro, Dyson Logos Ravnica World Design: Doug Beyer, Sam Burley, Jeremy Cranfo rd, Kel ly Digges, Brady Dommermuth, Jenna Helland, Cory H. Herndon, Jeremy Jarvis, Kimberly Kreines, Chris L'etoile, Adam Lee, Ari Levitch, Alison Luhrs, Shawn Main, Dawn Murin, Richa rd Whitters, Mark Winters, James Wyatt Producer: Dan Tovar Project Manager: Matt Warren Product Engineer: Cynda Callaway Imaging Technicians: Kevin Yee Art Administration: David Gershman Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunl ap Other D&D Team Members: Bart Carroll, Kate Irwin, Chris topher Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross, Liz Schuh, Nathan Stewart, Greg Tito Playtesters: Adrian Farmer, Alea Scheldel, Alex Loney. Alex R Clough, Alexandra Williams. Allen King, Amy Anne Scott, Andrew Epps, Andrew Oliver, Andrey Sarafanov, Andy Baker, Andy Xu, Angel Michelli, Arthur Saucier. Arthur Wright. Austin Field, Austin HafflS 01 R·\\ i-;IC \ prominent people in the guild. After doing so for a total number of days equal to your current renown score multiplied by 10, your renown score increases by 1. At your DM's discretion, you might also have a renown score in a guild you don't belong to. You can't ever formally advance in rank within another guild, but a high renown score can earn you additional contacts. favors, and other benefits. This option can be useful in an intrigue-heavy campaign where the adventurers spend a lot of time trying to influence the leaders of various guilds. BENEFITS OF RENOWN As you gain renown in a guild, you gain certain benefits. Most benefits are guild-specific, but there are general benefits that apply no matter which guild you belong to: Renown 3 or Higher. When you have a renown score of at least 3 with your own guild, you are an established and respected member of the guild. Other members of the guild have a friend ly attitude toward you by default. (Individual members of the guild might have reasons to dislike you despite you r renown.) They provide you with lodging and food in dire circumstances and pay for your funeral if needed. If you are accused of a crime, your guild offers legal support, as long as a good case can be made for your innocence or the crime was justifiable. Renown 5 or Higher. When your renown score with any guild reaches 5, you gain an additional contact within the guild. This contact might be a character you met during your adventures or someone who seeks you out because of your fame. Your DM will assign you a contact or have you roll on the Contacts table for the appropriate guild. Some guilds- notably Azorius, Orzhov, and Boroshave well-defined hierarchies that characters can ascend through as they improve their renown scores. Other guilds have positions of honor that characters can apply for if their renown score is high enough. Not every member of the Selesnya Conclave aspires to be a sagittar (an archer assigned to guard an important guild location), but any character who meets the prerequisites can apply for the position. Ultimately, the DM decides whether a character qualifies for such a role, with acertain renown score as a minimum requirement. Several guilds provide a salary among the benefits of renown within the guild. The salary is described as sufficient to maintain a lifestyle of a certain level. If you earn a salary, you can live at the specified lifestyle without paying the normal daily expenditure. See chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook for more information on lifestyle expenses. A prominent position in a guild often allows you to call on the services of lower-ranking members to assist you in your work. When you do, they are assumed to be loyal followers who help you to the best of their ability. Some of them are assigned to help you for the duration of a single task or mission, while others are under your permanent command, staffing a laboratory, workshop, or garrison where you are in charge. Depending on their role, they might help you in dangerous situations (like combat) or fl ee from them. You might assign them to perform tasks in your absence, which could include unde rtaking research. looking for witnesses to a c rime, or carrying out a small-scale raid, for example, depending on their role and capabilities. You carry the respons ibility for their lives and welfare, ultimately, and if the guild decides that you are abus ing your authority and mistreating the members beneath you. you mig ht lose renown. lose your rank or status in the guild, or even be cast out of the guild. A vedalken paladin in the Boros Legion, or an Ordruun minotaur in the Orzhov Syndicate, would fall into this category. MEM BERSHIP A N D I NDEPENDEN CE Some adventurers do exactly what they're told, spending their careers doing the bidding of their guild s uperiors. Most adventuring characters, though, prefer more independence. You can roll a d6 or choose from the options in the table below to establis h a reason for the freedom enjoyed by your character. LOSI NG R ENOWN If you commit a serious offense against your guild or its members, you might lose renown within the guild. The extent of the loss depends on the in fra ction and is left to the DM's discretion. A character's renown score with a guild can never drop below 0. If your renown score drops below the threshold for a rank or privilege you have attained, you lose that benefit. Even if you regain the lost renown, you might find it more difficult to again secure a position or rank you have previously lost. STYLES OF MEMBER SHIP As you're playing a character associated with one of the guilds, think about your character's relationship with the guild. Guild members can be grouped into four categories, depending on their motivations and priorities: loyalists, opportunists , rebels, and anomalies. Which one of these descriptions best fits your characte r? Loyalists join a guild because they firmly believe in the guild's ideals and want to advance its goals. Their membership in the guild is a badge of identity for them. They're typically of the races and classes most strongly associated with the guild, and their personality traits and ideals fall in line with the suggestions in this chapter. An idealistic human or a minotaur paladin in the Boros Legion is an example of a loyalist. Opportunis ts join a guild based on what they can gain from becoming members. Every guild offers its members something-w hether concrete benefits such as opportunities for wealth or more subtle, intangible rewa rds such as social status- and getting that something is the primary motivation for this type of character. Opportunists often pay lip service to the ideals and goals of the guild, looking out for themselves first and the guild second (at best). A selfis h human fighter who uses membership in the Boros Legion as an excuse to bully and steal from others would be a n opportunist. Rebels love the guilds they're in but don't conform to gu ild expectations . They might be good-hearted idealists trying to bend a shady guild toward nobler pursuits, or they might be selfish egotists hoping to direct the guild's actions toward promoting their own interests. Most re bels are typica l members of the guild in terms of race and class, but they vary from type when it comes to p ersonalities and ideals. A Boros legionnaire with tyrannical tendencies who thinks the Boros should enforce justice with an iron fist would be a rebel. Anomalies a re individua ls who join guilds contrary to a ll expectations. Their race or class (or both) is outside the norm for their guild, but their personalities and ideals fall perfectly in line; that's why they joined. d6 2 Reason for Independence I've been around long enough that my guild lets me do what I want. I've been chosen for special assignments because I'm just that good. 4 I've been singled out for special assignments because somebody up the ranks hates me. I'm moonlighting, and I'd get in trouble if my 5 superiors knew what I was up to. I've been put at the disposal of another guild because 3 6 my superiors want to help them. I've been put at the disposal of another guild because my superiors hope I'll fail. CHANGIN G GUILDS If events in your character's adventuring career warrant it, you can abandon membership in one guild and join a different one. Once you leave a guild, you can ra rely go back. Your DM decides what requirements you must meet to join a new guild. Some guilds welcome new recruits and make the process as simple as possible, while others requi re a demonstratio n of loyalty. When you change guilds, you lose a ll the privileges of membership in your original guild, including the background feature granted to you by your original guild and any rank or position you have achieved in that guild. You a lso lose access to your old guild spells, unless they are already on your class's spell list, among your spells known. or in your spellbook. Except in exceptional circumstances, your renown score with your original guild becomes 0. Your old guild expects you to return your guild insignia, and your new guild gives you one to replace it. You gain the privileges of membership in your new guild. These include the background feature granted by your new guild, a lthough your DM might decide that it takes you a while to gain the full benefit. For example, a character who leaves another guild to join the Gruul Clans doesn't immediately know the ways of the rubblebelts, but has to gain that familiarity over time. You a lso gain access to your new guild spells. Your new guild doesn't give you any benefits that assume prior knowledge or experience, including proficiencies. starti ng equipme nt (except your guild insignia), and contacts. CHAPTER Ull OS OJ RA\ NJCA 11 AzoRIUS SENATE OFFICER LAVINIA STOOD BEFORE THE ENORMOUS double doors that led into the highest spire of New Prahv. the lair of the guildmaster. To look at her, nothing would seem out of place: her cape spilled elegant!Y from her officer 's armor, her sword shone like a decorative piece one would hang above a mantel, and her three-sided medals displayed her district-spanning rank. - Doug Beyer, Return to Ravnica: The Secretist Bringing order from chaos- that is the mission of the Azorius Senate. Without the extensive legal code crafted and enforced by the Azorius, society would crumble, transforming Ravnica into a field of rubble where the Gruul and the Rakdos do whatever they please. The Azorius carry tnis weighty responsibility with stoic pride, and they perform their work of legislation, investigation, and enforcement with steely determination. The first guild master of the Azorius Senate was a sphinx named Azor. He was the author of the original Guildpact, as well as the creator of the elaborate contingency plan that resulted in the creation of the Living Guildpact. The Azorius Senate was meant to carry on his legacy by serving as the legislative body of Ravnica. INSIDE THE SENATE The Azorius Senate is supported by three branches, called columns, each led by an arbiter (also called a capital). The capitals of the three columns form the Triumvirate, which advises the guildmaster, Supreme Judge Isperia, an ancient and wise sphinx. The Sova Column consists of judges and the extensive legal apparatus surrounding them. It is tasked with adjudicating and arbitrating the effects of the law. The column employs legal aides, pages, librarians, experts on precedent, advocates for the accused, public prosecutors, and judges. 32 CHAPTf.R 2 I GUILDS OF RAV"l ICA The j elenn Column writes and enacts the laws of Ravnica, involving the efforts not just of the designated legislators but also a network of bureaucrats: aides, writers, researchers, lobbyists, clerks, and so on. The Lyev Column enforces the law as Ravnica's police force. The many-leveled hierarchy of the Lyev Column includes arresters, investigators, officers, and lawmages. The Lyev Column is also venturing into the work of managing surveillance and precognition. Most adventuring characters, by their nature and because of their capabilities, are associated with the active work of the Lyev Column rather than the behind-the-scenes activity of the other columns. GOALS OF T H E A ZORIUS The Azorius Senate's ultimate goal is the perfection of society. They want to protect the people of Ravnica and foster a community of peace and harmony. A society's values, they contend, are reflected in the laws it creates. Something is good if it is lawful. To the Azorius, the highest virtue is a society built on stability and order, and the guild's elaborate system of laws is structured to prevent wrongdoing first and foremost, even at the expense of certain liberties. The Azorius can act as a benevolent proactive force that keeps evildoers in check, but it can also act as an oppressive bureaucratic force that stifles freedom and expression. In the absence of the Living Guildpact, the Azorius are uncertain who is supposed to maintain balance among the guilds. As a group, they are convinced that the system can't be disrupted, but they are challenged by the reality that the one person who is meant to hold their world together never seems to be around. The Azorius Senate is invoking emergency powers with increasing frequency, and the Lyev Column's enforcers are wielding an ever-growing amount of influence. The Azorius guild embraces the belief that Ravnican society has come too far to succumb to chaos. Civilization can be saved only through the guidance of a strong, safety-focused government. In the mind of the Azorius, the threat of chaos is imminent. They believe it is time to face facts and do whatever is necessary to protect the people and preserve the force of law. The Azorius, as always, see agents of disorder as their greatest enemies. They have cracked down on the Gruul Clans and imposed a variety of creatively written laws outlawing that guild's presence in as many public places as possible. The Azorius also abhor the satirical shows of the Rakdos (in part because the Azorius are frequently ridiculed by Rakdos performers) and attempt to curb them with new decrees about public performances. In response to attempts by other guilds to edge their way around the system, the Azorius routinely create new laws to support or countermand old ones. A ZORIUS CHARACTERS Alignment: Usually lawful, often neutral Suggested Races : Human, vedalken Suggested Classes: Bard, cleric, fighter. paladin, wizard Arresters. As a martial character, you can serve as an arrester in the Azorius Senate. You might be a fighter (of any martial archetype) or a paladin who has sworn the Oath of Vengeance, for example. Arresters maintain the peace by removing threats-both actual and potentialidentified through regular patrols, citizen reports, and occasionally alerts from the precognitive mages. As you gain the respect of your superiors, you can be promoted to the rank of officer or imperator. BUREAUCRACY As a recruit to the Azorius Senate, you were quickly immersed in the law. You might have clerked for a judge or a legislator, been an apprentice to a practitioner of law magic, studied rhetoric with diplomats, or trained to patrol the streets and enforce the law. As your training comes to an end and your adventuring career begins, you must decide whether to focus on law enforcement or to operate primarily within the bureaucracy of the senate. Bureaucracy might seem like the opposite of adventure, but it is possible to immerse yourself in the life of a civil servant in the Azorius Senate and still live an adventurous life. You might be a mild-mannered judge's clerk or scribe who got caught up in a whirlwind chain of events beyond your control, or you might moonlight as a vigilante in defiance of the law you are supposed to uphold. Or you could serve a diplomatic function as an elocutor. Elocutors. As a skilled orator and diplomat (perhaps a bard of the College of Lore), you can put your talents to use in the guild as an elocutor. The Azorius are known for their measured, patient speech, and the elocutors are the primary voice through which the senate communicates with the other guilds and the people of Ravnica. Thus, you might serve as an emissary from the Azorius to another guild, working to settle trade or territorial agreements, temporary alliances, and the like. You might have the task of securing the support of key senators for a particular piece of legislation or treaty. Well-established elocutors can be rewarded with the rank of scribe or emissary. LAW ENFORCEMENT BACKGROUND: AZORIUS You might enjoy playing a character who belongs to the Azorius Senate if one or more of the following statements are true: • You're drawn to the idea of a hard-bitten police officer trying to impose order on a chaotic world. • You like the idea of using magic to control enemies. • You like playing enchanter wizards, clerics of law, or unbending paladins. j OINING THE AZORIUS SENATE Most Azorius adventurers belong to the gu ild's police force. They are soldiers or spellcasters who patrol the city in teams or singly, preventing crimes or stopping them in progress. If you want to pursue a career in law enforcement, choose the path of the Iawmage, the precognitive mage, or the arrester. Lawmages. As a spellcaster in the Azorius Senate, you use your magic to compel or restrain malefactors and scofflaws (perhaps as a wizard specialized in the School of Enchantment). You might also use your magic to protect Azorius soldiers and innocent bystanders from harm (perhaps as a wizard specialized in the School of Abjuration or as a cleric of the Order Domain, which is described in chapter 1). In any case, you're called a lawmage, and you can aspire to the title of justiciar and then deputy as your standing within the guild increases. Precognitive Mages. If you are a spellcaster with some ability to glimpse the future (perhaps a wizard specialized in the School of Divination or a cleric of the Knowledge Domain), you can use this ability to try to prevent crime before it occurs, serving as a precognitive mage. These mages occupy a small niche on the periphery of the guild, and the guild hasn't developed a bureaucratic structure to accommodate them, so they advance through the same ranks as lawmages. FUNCTIONARY The brutes are at the gate, chaos is looming, and the only thing standing in the way of disaster is the foundation of law and order- as embodied in the Azorius Senate. You're a proud member of the Azorius guild, which both enacts and enforces the laws that make Ravnican society function smoothly and safely. Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation Languages: Two of your choice Equipment: An Azorius insignia, a scroll containing the text of a law important to you, a bottle of blue ink, a pen, a set of fine clothes. and a belt pouch containing 10 gp (Azorius-minted 1-zino coins) FEATURE: LEGAL AUTHORITY You have the authority to enforce the laws of Ravnica, and that status inspires a certain amount of respect and even fear in the populace. People mind their manners in your presence and avoid drawing your attention; they assume you have the right to be wherever you are. Showing your Azorius insignia gets you an audience with anyone you want to talk to (though it might cause more problems than it solves when you're dealing with incorrigible lawbreakers). lf you abuse this privilege, though, you can get in serious trouble with your superiors and even be stripped of your position. CU\PlER~ <,UILDSOI R\\NIC,\ 33 SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS Members of the Azorius Senate tend toward a demeanor of cold dignity and a pragmatic, orderly nature. Steeped in the law as they are. their ideals and priorities revolve around legal issues. PERSONALITY TRAITS d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Trait I try never to let my judgment become clouded by emotion. I have infinite patience with the dolts and boors I'm forced to deal with every day. When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed. I just want things the way I like them: neat, orderly, and clean. No wrongdoing can escape my watchful gaze. I always say exactly what I mean, no matter how many words it takes to communicate the particular nuance I am attempting to convey. I'm very literal and don't appreciate metaphor or sarcasm. I never change my mind once it's made up. IDEALS d6 2 3 4 AZORlUS GUILD SPELLS 5 Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature For you, the spells on the Azorius Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) 6 BONDS d6 AZORIUS GUILD SPELLS Spell Level Can trip 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Spells friends, message command, ensnaring strike arcane lock, calm emotions, hold person clairvoyance. counterspell compulsion, divination dominate person Your magic often takes the form of blue or golden runes Aoating and glowing in the air in circular patterns or of shimmering azure barriers of magical energy. If you cast ensnaring strike, for example, the vines created by the spell might appear as rune-inscribed glowing bands that wrap around the target and hold it in place. '34 ( f l \1'11 R 2 I l·Ul l I>~ 01 R1\\ NIC'A Ideal Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any) Order. The law is meant to ensure that the gears of society turn smoothly and quietly. (Lawful) Peace. The ultimate object of the law is to remove violence from society. (Good) Compliance. Coercion is a fine way of ensuring that the laws are obeyed. (Lawful) Legislation. The law embodies excellence in its precision and detail. (Lawful) Punishment. A public display of consequences is an excellent deterrent for other criminals. (Evil) 2 3 4 5 6 Bond I am beholden to an Azorius arrester who captured the criminal who killed my parents, saving me from the same fate. I hope one day to write the laws, not just enforce them. I tried and failed to prevent a murder, and I have sworn to find and arrest the perpetrator. I successfully prevented a murder, and the would-be perpetrator wants me dead. One of my parents was prominent in the guild, and I resent constantly being compared to that standard. I've modeled my career after a highly respected law· mage or arrester, but I fear that my role model might be involved in something illegal. FLAWS d6 d8 Flaw 3 I'm unable to distinguish between the letter and the spirit of the law. 2 whom I admire. 4 I seem like a harsh judge to others, but I judge myself most harshly of all. 3 I have a secret, illegal vice. 4 I was traumatized by witnessing a crime as a ch ild. 5 I'm incapable of deception. 6 I wis h I had joined the Boros, but I fea r they'd never accept me. Contact I joined the Azorius hoping to impress an arrester My former mentor is now a warden at Udzec, the new Azorius prison. 5 I was second best at everything in my legal t raining, and now I work with the person who was always j ust a little bit better. 6 A good friend was promoted into work they can't tell me about. 7 I kn ow a homunculus in the halls of New Prahv who can get thi ngs done behind the scenes. CONTACTS The Azorius Senate is a sprawling bureaucracy, and people in a variety of positions throughout the guild can pull strings to make things happen. Because of the guild's role in making and enforcing laws for the entire city, your place in the Azorius can easily bring you into contact with members of other guilds, for good or ill. Roll twice on the Azorius Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Azorius Contacts table. 8 complimented me on my work. NoN-AZORIUS CONTACTS dlO the contact is an ally or a rival. 2 Contact One of my childhood friends is now a precognitive mage in service of the guild. The person who recruited me into the Azorius left and joined the Boros. 3 As a teenager, I was a page for a prominent judge. 2 Contact Roll an additional Azorius contact; you can decide if AZORIUS CONTACTS d8 I was once summoned to the presence of Supreme judge l speria, the guildmaster of the Azorius, who I have a friendship with a Dimir agent who sometimes funnels me secrets about Azorius activities. 4 A Golgari spore druid would love to see me slip up and break the law. <'HAP!T.R 2 GUILDS Of RA\ S'IC:>. '~5 dlO S 6 7 8 9 10 THREE CAPITA L S Contact A lesser Gruul chieftain seems to think I could be useful. The black sheep of my family is putting their maniacal genius to use in the lzzet. I'm friends with an Orzhov advokist; we compare notes on different forms of law magic. I was ridiculed once in a Rakdos performance; the performer was impressed with my good humor about it and now does me occasional favors. I have a fanatical Selesnya cousin who keeps trying to recruit me and everyone else in the family. While growing up, I was bullied by a brat who's now a hybrid in the Simic Combine. How Do I FIT IN? As a member of the Azorius Senate, you are probably engaged in the work of law enforcement (even if your background involved the legislative or judicial aspects of the senate's activities). Legislative aides and judges' clerks find little reason to venture beyond the Azorius guildhalls. but soldiers and lawmages patrol the streets daily. An Azorius soldier or lawmage is a force for order, c harged with fighting crime on the streets-and in the hal Is of power. You might spend your time foiling thefts, putting a stop to Orzhov extortion, rooting out Dimir spies, or hunting down Golgari assassins. Perhaps you take your orders from a precognitive mage (or you are one yourself) who receives unpredictable and cryptic visions of future crimes that you and your allies must try to prevent. AN AZORIUS PARTY An adventuring party made up entirely of Azorius members could be a specialized team dedicated to law enforcement. A soldier (a fighter or paladin) and a lawmage (wizard) would form the core of the party, supported by a precognitive mage (cleric) who helps direct their missions. An elocutor (bard) could round out the party, serving as the group's negotiator and spokesperson. R AN K AN D R ENOWN By gaining renown as a member of the Azorius Senate, you can advance within the guild. Promotion through the ranks requires the approval of a superior officer. Advancement is a reward for services rendered to the guild, rather than an automatic consequence of increased re nown. R ANK 1: O FFICIAL Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Azorius Senate Your specific title depends on your role in the guild: • If you are a Jawmage or a precognitive mage, you assume the title of justiciar. If you are an arrester. you become an officer. If you are a bureaucrat (including an elocutor). you become a scribe. 3G <'llAl'l f R 2 Gt.II DS Of RA\ 'Iii A The heads of the three columns of the Azorius Senate are called arbiters or capitals. The arbiter of the Sova Column (the judiciary) is Leonos II, a wise and kind human judge and lawmage who takes pains to consider all perspectives before issuing a judg· ment-even the perspectives of the spirits of the dead, with whom he can communicate. He is patient and utterly loyal to the guild. The )elenn Column (the legislature) is led by a vedalken lawmage named Uzana, renowned for a nearly perfect memory. She has memorized every statute of Azorius law, and much of her speech is quotations from those statutes. The hussar commander Agmand Sarvis the arbiter of the Lyev Column, the senate's law enforcement branch. Despite the fact that he has never been in combat, he has earned a reputation as a brilliant military strategist. His tactical genius is unquestioned, but his lack of battle experience did cause some controversy among the soldiers and lawmages of the Lyev Column when he was appointed to be its head. As an Azorius official. you can call on recruits (use the soldie r stat block in chapter 6) to perform mundane tasks and errands for you, but they will not accompany you into dangerous circumstances. No Azorius official lives in poverty. Between adven· tures, you earn a salary that supports you at a modest lifestyle. RANK 2: AUTHORITY Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Azorius Senate Your new title depends on your previous role as an official in the Azorius Senate: • If you are a justiciar, you become a deputy with a specific title. such as Deputy of Acquittals. Deputy of Indictment, Deputy of Deposition. Deputy of Arraignment, or Deputy of Arbitration. • If you are an officer, you become an imperator. If you are a scribe, you become an emissary. You are recognized as an authority in your field. You gain an Azorius charm (described in chapter 5) at the start of each mission you undertake on the guild's behalf. At the start of any such mission, you can secure the assistance of a squad of ld4 arresters (use the sold ier stat block in chapter 6) plus one lawm age (also in chapter 6). These individuals remain with you until the mission ends. Between adventures, you earn enough money pur· suing your duties to support yourself at a comfortable lifestyle. RANK 3: MINIST ER, jUDCE , OR SENATOR Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Azorius Senate Your new title depends on your broader interests as they relate to one of the three columns of the Azorius Senate, not on the titles you bore as an official and an authority: • If your interests lie in law enforcement, you become a minister within the Lyev Column. You receive a specific title, such as Minister of Impediments or Minister of Fallacies. • If your interests concern the judiciary, you become a judge within the Sova Column. • If you want a position on the legislative body of the jelenn Column, you become a senator. Regardless of your specific title, you can secure the aid of up to 3d4 s oldiers and one or two lawmages (see chapter 6 fo r these stat blocks) whenever you set out on a guild-approved mission. Between adventures, your responsibilities to the guild-including supervising arresters, judging legal cases, or writing laws- earns you enough money to support yourself at a wealthy lifestyle. RANK 4 : ARBITER Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Azorius Senate As an a rbiter (or capital), you serve as the head of your column. Only Isperia, the Supreme judge, can appoint you to this position, and only if one of the three existing arbiters leaves her service. As an arbiter, all the resources of your column are at your disposal, and you have the ear of lsperia as a member of her advisory Triumvirate. You also keep the salary you earned as a minister, judge, or senator, sustaining a wealthy lifestyle between adventures. ENEMI ES AND ALLIES As fa r as the Azorius a re concerned, every other guild in Ravnica is hastening along the road to anarchy. Even other guilds that are inclined toward order (such as the Boros, Orzhov, and Selesnya) are ignoring or exploiting the law. You participate in missions to thwart the criminals of other guilds, from overzealous Boros vigilantes to insidious Golgari assassins. Dimir spies, Orzhov extortionists, and bloodthirsty Rakdos performers keep Azor ius peacekeepers busy enough, without the added complications of reckless Izzet and Simic experiments putting the citizenry in danger. Of course, whenever the members of another guild decide to operate within the law, they are potential allies for the Azorius. Even some members of the Cult of Rakdos can be pragmatic enough to stifle their impu lses for a time in order to join forces against a common enemy. TH E A ZORIU S V I EW O N O THER GUI LDS Because of its authoritari an, overreaching grasp, the Azorius Senate 's relation ships with other guilds are rarely positive. Azorius members tend to view members of other guilds as dangerous threats to order, while other guild members see the Azorius as rigid and tyrannical. Boros. "Their vigilantism is tremendously dangerous without a hand to control it." Dimir. "A perenn ial thorn in our side. Though they were once our greatest foes, not even the masters of espionage can hide from our watchful eyes." Golgari. "Their underground structures break numerous building regu lations, but at least they fulfi ll thei r duties as garbage collectors." Gruul. "The Gruul are dangerous anarchists with no interest in furtheri ng the development of civilization. They serve no useful purpose." lzzet. "Eccentri c and occasionally explosive, but generally harmless, for now. In their paranoia they have enlarged their weapon stockpiles, but they lack the clarity of vision to put them to use." Orzhov. "Their brazen exploitation of our laws wi ll be thei r downfall. They are an insidious threat that could tear soci ety apart from the inside." Rakdos. "An absolute blight on Ravnica. They are clowns who know nothing of cu lture and exist only to torment the function ing m em bers of society." Selesnya. "The Conclave plays by the rules and keeps to itself. Until its members become too numerous, they are of little threat to us." Simic. "The Simic experiment with matters that disobey the laws of nature and the laws of Ravnica. We must not let them gain influence." CH \l''I f R 2 GUii ns OF RA\ Nl('A :n BOROS LEGION A BROWN - BEARDED, BROAD-CHESTED MAN CLAD IN massive-shouldered plate armor led a battalion of soldiers, the symbol of the Boros Legion emblazoned on white cloth draped over their armor. Their soldiers were a variety of races. including humans, a minotaur with a permanent scowl on her face, an impatient-looking goblin. and even some kind of elemental. whose Boros armor floated in protective positions over its animate flame. - Doug Beyer, Return to Ravnica: The Secretist Clad in shining armor and fueled by righteous zeal, the soldiers of the Boros Legion take up steel against the corruption and lawlessness that gnaw at the soul of Ravnica. Combining the force of law with the military strength to back it up, the Boros work to forge Ravnica into a just society, a safe and hea lthy community for all. From garrisons throughout the sprawling city, disciplined, stalwart soldie rs a re dispatched to stand fi rm against Cruul ra ids, Dimir infiltration, Golgari corruption, and the subtle influence of more nefarious foes. The archangel Razia was the original guild.master of the Boros Legion, which was established to serve as Ravnica's standing army. Razia served as its guildmaster for almost ten thousand years. Legend says that all the other a ngels of Ravnica were created in the image of this semidivine figure, and her death was devastating to the guild. Aurelia, the current angelic guildmaster, is the third to hold that title. I N SIDE T H E L EGION Angels occupy the highest tier of the Boros hierarchy, from the guildmaster Aurelia down to the hosts of holy warriors and advisors in leadership roles. Their opinions and advice a re deeply respected in the guild, though the angels aren't above engaging in the machinations of mortal politics. The angels include the wise, 38 GllAP"JIR2 GUllUSOI R,\\SICA strategic warleaders; the holy champions and paragons of war known as firemanes; and battleforce angels, who form the bulk of the legion's angelic warriors. From the pers pective of the average Boros soldier, the angels embody the ideals the Boros hold dear. Few mortal soldiers gain admission into the presence of the warleade rs a nd other powerful angels, but battleforce angels fi ght at the forefront of the legion's ranks, and they form strong fri ends hips with mortals under such life-and-death circums tances. Boros paladins are the members most likely to converse with the angels and be charged with implementing their plans. The garrison commanders who convey the angels' commands a re accessible to the ordinary soldier. In addition to Sun home, the Boros ma intain smaller garrisons throughout the Tenth District, at least one in each of the s ix precincts. G OALS OF T H E B ORO S Wherever criminals exploit others, petty tyrants make grabs for power, or violence erupts and leaves devastation in its wake, Boros soldiers are there fighting to make things right. The Boros Legion is defined by the tension between its goal of establis hing order and harmony and the fiery zeal that drives many of its members. The guild stands for peace and justice, which can be established only through the rule of law. Its moral stance is fundamentally good, as it strives to protect the innocent and powerless from oppression and exploitation. At the same time, members of the legion are passionate about their pursuit of justice, spurred by their righteous wrath into action against evil a nd injustice. lronicaJly, this means that individual members sometimes break the rules they are charged with enforcing, cleaving to the spirit of the law when the letter no longer serves justice. Because the Guildpact- the one force on Ravnica that can keep the guilds from destroying each other- is now embodied in a single, unreliable person who vanishes A PROUD MARTIAL T RADITION M inotaurs have a reputation for being both fierce warriors and clever strategists. Thick of muscle, stout of heart, and possessing a burning love of justice and the battlefield, they have become the steel spine of the Boros Legion. Generations of minotaurs of the Ordruun fami ly line have served with honor and distinction, claiming more than fifteen generals to their lineage. for weeks or months at a time, the legion is in a heightened state of vigilance. In this time of uncertainty, the Boros are on constant alert for military threats. They work to maintain their fortifications to ensure that they aren't overrun by Gruul marauders. Construction proceeds on new strongholds near Gruul territories, but in general the Boros prepare for a military threat the same way they always have- by fielding the stronger army. The angels are also bracing for a subtler threat: the danger of infiltration by House Dimir. The Boros are becoming increasingly aware of the possibility that their guild could be undermined from within. Security at garrison buildings is vigilant, with angels watching the entrances at all times for spies. BOROS CHARACTERS Alignment: Usually good, often lawful Suggested Races: Human, goblin, minotaur Suggested Classes: Cleric, fighter, paladin, ranger, wi zard Consider the Boros Legion for your character if one or more of the following sentences ring true: You are drawn to the ideal of the knight in shining armor. You like playing clerics, paladins, or disciplined fighters. • Smiting foes with holy radiance fills you with righteous joy. You want to protect the innocent and fight for justice. JOINING THE BOROS LEGION As a new recruit to the Boros L egion, you were sent to the prestigious Horizon Military Academy for training. Your life ther e was tempered in the forge of B oros discipline, devotion, and zeal. Your training regimen was deliberately harsh, to weed out the uncommitted. You lasted to the end. and now you begin your adventuring career ready to put everything you have learned to use in the legion's service. Depending on whether you fo. cused on martial training, studied magic, or pursued both courses, your path will look somewhat different. MARTIAL TRAINING The bulk of the Boros Legion consists of human, minotaur, and goblin soldiers. If you ar e a fighter, ranger, or even a barbarian, you'll fit right in among the ranks, with a promising career path ahead of you- promotion through the ranks, with opportunities for special assignments. Another option is to join the swiftblades, the vanguard of the Boros L egion. They specialize in assault and occupation, and their squads often function as commandos or guerrillas. They pick off enemy archers and mages, softening the enemy's front lines before the rest of the legion marches in. MAGICAL STUDY If you are spellcaster (perhaps a wizard specialized in the School of Evocation or a cleric of the Light Domain), you can find a place as a combat mage in the Boros Legion, called an embermage. These mages use spells of fire and light to clear the way for the legion's combat troops. If you prefer healing magic over the explosive magic of the embermages (perhaps as a cleric of the Life or the Light Domain), you can become a medic. These combat healers are an essential part of Boros operations, using a combination of magic and mundane medicine to close wounds and restore strength. MILITARY MAGIC If you are a paladin who swears the Oath of Devotion, a fighter of the Eldritch Knight archetype, or a cleric of the War Domain, you can combine the martial training of a soldier with magic and call yourself a firefist. Fueled by a healthy dose of righteous zeal, firefists command a great deal of respect in the Boros Legion. BACKGROUND: BOROS LEGIONNAIRE As a member of the Boros Legion, your life is devoted to the service of angels and consecrated to the work of establishing justice and peace on the streets of Ravnica. You might be a true believer, inspired by the example of the angels, moved by the plight of the downtrodden, and devoted to the cause of justice. Or you could be a cynic in the ranks, perhaps because you reluctantly followed in the footsteps of a Boros parent, succumbed to the persuasion of a charismatic recruiter's lofty promises, or were drawn in by the prospect of a life of action. Skill Proficien cies: Athletics, Intimidation Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set Languages: Choose one of Celestial, Draconic, Goblin, or Minotaur Equipment: A Boros insignia, a feather from an angel's wing, a tattered piece of a Boros banner (a souvenir from a famous battle), a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 2 gp (Boros-minted 1-zino coins) BOROS GUILD SPELLS Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature For you, the spells on the Boros Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) BOROS GUILD SPELLS Spell Level FEATURE: LEGION STATION You have an established place in the hierarchy of the Boros Legion. You can requisition simple equipment for temporary use, and you can gain access to any Boros garrison in Ravnica, where you can rest in safety and receive the attention of medics. You are also paid a salary of 1 gp (a Boros-minted 1-zino coin) per week, which (combined with free lodging in your garrison) enables you to maintain a poor lifestyle between adventures. .:,o CHAPTER '2 I GUILDS OF RAVNICA Cantrip l st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Spells fire bolt, sacred flame guiding bolt, heroism aid, scorching ray beacon of hope, blinding smite death ward, wall offire flame strike Your magic often features dramatic bursts of flame or radiance. When you cast beneficial spells on your a llies, they appear momentarily surrounded with halos of bright fire . SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS The Boros Legion is a zealous army, full of righteous energy tempered with military discipline. Its members share its leadership's devotion to the ideals of justice, or they find satisfaction in the more warfare-oriented aspects of the legion's work. P ERSO N A LI TY T RAITS d8 2 I am always the first into the fray. 3 4 I bear any injury or indignity with stoic discipline. 6 My righteous wrath is easily inflamed by the slightest iniquity. My honor is more important to me than my life. Dangerous work is best accomplished by an orderly group working with common purpose. 7 I treat my weapons, uniform, and insignia with reverence, for they are gifts of the angels. 8 I pace when standing and fidget incessantly when forced to sit. IDEALS d6 Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any) 2 justice. Ach ieving justice requires establishing fai r, equitable, and compassionate relationships within a communit y. (Good) 3 Protection. It isn't right for innocents to suffer because of the arrogance of the powerful. (Good) 4 Solidarity. It is most crucial to act with a single will, marching side by side in perfect accord. (Lawful) 5 Order. Society functions only if people do their duty and respect the chain of command. (Lawful) Conviction. Anything worth doing is worth doing with your whole heart. (Lawful) B O NDS d6 Bond I would lay down my life for Au relia and the angels. 2 I owe my life to the Boros captain who took me in wh en I was living on the streets. 3 4 My fel low legionnaires are my fami ly. I wield the same Boros weapon my grandparent did, for the honor of our fam ily. 5 I ran with the Rakdos in my youth, and I'm striving to atone fo r my past misdeeds. 6 I do what I can to help out the spouse of a comrade who died in battle. Flaw I act bravely when I'm in a group. but I'm a coward when I'm alone. 2 I see everything in clear-cut black and white. 3 I'm just a little fascinated by the ways of the Gruul. 4 I trust the chain of command more t han anythingmore even than my closest friends. 5 I'm slow to t rust members of other guilds. 6 I've been known to turn a blind eye to injustice, with the help of a modest bribe. CONTACTS The ordered structure of the Boros Legion offers abundant opportunities to make friends- and rivals- in higher places. You might have close friends in other guilds that share the Boros emphasis on order and community, or bitter enemies among the guilds that represent chaos and destruction. Roll twice on the Boros Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Boros Contacts table. BOROS CONTACTS d8 Contact A forme r comrade in arms was promoted into the Ideal 1 6 d6 Personality Trait I approach every task with the same high degree of military precision. 5 FLAWS prestigious Sunhome Guard. 2 3 One of my parents is a ranking Boros officer. A close friend serves aboard the Parhelion 11, a flying fortress . 4 I had a tangled affair with a Boros garrison captain. 5 I have maintained a relationship with one of my 6 I competed with a fel low student for the attention of a mentor at Horizon Military Academy. 7 The person who recruited me into the legion changed the course of my life. 8 A Boros angel knows my name. instructors at Horizon Military Academy. NO N - B O RO S C ONTACTS dlO Contact One of my siblings is an Azorius arrester. 2 Roll an additional Boros contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival. 3 I showed mercy to an injured, now-grateful Dimir spy. 4 I suspect someone I know is a Golgari assassin, but I can't prove it. 5 An adolescent relative ran off to join the Gruul in an act of rebellion and has not yet returned. 6 I once befriended an lzzet scientist, and we're still cordial though the relationship ended messily. 7 I owe a monetary debt to an Orzhov syndic. 8 A Rakdos blood witch seems to enjoy harassing me. 9 I tried to recruit a friend who ended up joining the Selesnya. 10 I keep runn ing into a particular Simic biomancer, and I enjoy the arguments that inevitably result. CHAPfl' R 2 I GUILDS OF RA\ NICA .p How Do I FIT IN? As a member of the Boros Legion, you are subject to the orders of your superior officers. You go where the angels tell you to go, and you do what they command you to do, to the best of your ability. If you enjoy some measure of independence, it's either because you have proven yourself capable of working without close supervision or because you're a rebellious sort who is willing to disobey orders now and face the consequences later. As a soldier on the street, you a re tasked with bringing dangerous threats like the Rakdos and the Gru ul in line. You might contend with Rakdos performances gone horribly out of control, Gruul raids on outlying neighborhoods, s hipments of rot-infested vegetation from the Golgari undercity, and violent uprisings among the guildless. At the same time, you might have to worry about Dimir spies infiltrating your leadership, overzealous or corrupt Azorius senators abusing the law at the expense of justice. Izzet experiments leveling city blocks, and Simic creations that break out of laboratories and wreak havoc through the Tenth District. A BOROS PARTY An adventuring party drawn entirely from the ranks of the Boros Legion would be a small military strike force, probably focused on combat but also strong on social interaction. One or two soldiers (fighters), a medic (cleric), and an embermage (wizard) would form the core of 12 f!lt,\l'IFl<'l f,Ullll'>OI R~\'Jll..\ Tajic is a firefist who carries the exalted title of Blade of the Legion, putting him just below the angels in rank. He maintains close communication with Aurelia, though recent events in the city have set them at odds. Tajic believes that the Boros can trust only the Boros. He is convinced that any effort at peace among the guilds is doomed to failure without the Guildpact. The Boros, he argues, would be better off spending their energy to make themselves stronger so they can uphold the fragile balance that exists now-and protect the innocent when the balance tilts. Aurelia feels that his negative attitude runs the risk of poisoning the hearts of the other Boros and undermining any peace efforts. For the most part, in deference to the angel, Tajic keeps his views to himself. that strike force. A firefist (paladin) would be a strong addition, or might replace a fighter or a cleric. A lightly armored swiftblade (ranger) could help the group in situations involving s tealth or exploration. RANK AND RENOWN By gaining renown as a member of the Boros Legion. you can ascend through an ordered series of ranks within the guild. Promotion always requires the approval of a superior officer. It is a reward for services rendered to the guild, rather than an automatic consequence of increased renown. In addition, certain positions become available to you when both your renown and your character level reach certain thresholds. RANK 1: SERGEANT Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Boros Legion At this rank, you gain some authority over lower-ranking soldiers. When you undertake a mission on the guild's behalf that requires military strength, a squad of ld4 soldiers (see chapter 6 for the stat block) accompanies and assists you for the du ration of the mission. Your salary at this rank is enough to maintain a modest lifestyle, including private quarters in the garrison. SKYKNIGHT (SPECIAL RoLE) Prerequisite: Renown 5 or higher in the Boros Legion, 5th level or higher Skyknights mounted on Skyjek roes patrol the skies above Ravnica-a regular reminder of the Boros and their concern for justice. If you meet the prerequisites, you can become a skyknight, assuming no official objects. You are assigned a Skyjek roe (see chapter 6 for the stat block) to use as a mount when carrying out your guild responsibilities. Using the roe for personal matters is a significant violation of regulations. WOJEK (SPECIAL ROLE) Prerequisite: Renown 5 or higher in the Boros Legion, 5th level or higher If you meet the prerequisites, you can apply to join the elite soldiers of the Wojek League. This special order serves as a combination of military police and military intelligence, giving it a fair degree of independence within the guild. Its members scout the activities of other guilds to assess their military strength and predict potential threats, and they sometimes activate squads to defuse threats before they grow more serious. The Wojeks also help the angels root out spies and leaks within the legion. Secondarily, the Wojek League is responsible for policing the ranks of the legion. When members get carried away by their zeal and break the law or abuse their authority, the Wojeks take on the tasks of investigating, apprehending, and punishing the malefactors. Similarly, if members of the legion disappear (involuntarily or otherwise), Wojek agents are typically the ones called to investigate. You can be both a skyknight and a member of the Wojek League, gaining the title of S kyjek. RANK 2: BRIGADIER Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Boros Legion As a brigadier, you are responsible for missions and strategies that you can't execute entirely on your own or with the aid of a handfu l of soldiers. After receiving goals handed down from the captain above you, it's your job to figure out the tactics needed to accomplish those goals. You lead a brigade that consists of six squads, each made up of fou r soldiers commanded by a sergeant (use the soldier stat block in chapter 6 to represent them). If you are also a skyknight, at least one of these squads is made up of other skyknights, which are s oldiers mounted on Skyjek roes (see chapter 6 for these stat blocks). You can assign these squads to tasks of your choosing with in the area of the city where you have authority. You can also lead these soldiers into battle yourself, or bring one squad a nd its sergeant with you on a guild mission. At this rank, you gain a Boros charm (described in chapter 5) at the start of each mission you undertake on the guild's behalf. You continue to receive a salary sufficient to maintain a modest lifestyle, but your quarters in the garrison are more spacious. SUNHOME GUARD (SPECIAL R OLE) THE BOROS VIEW ON OTHER GUI LDS Prerequisite: Renown JO or higher in the Boros Legion. 7th level or higher The Boros are committed to justice and order, and they are convinced that virtually every other guild is just as committed to undermining both. Therefore, the Boros rely only on their comrades for support and view everyone else with suspicion or disdain. Members of the Sun home Guard are responsible for the defense of Sun home, the Boros guildhall in the Tenth District. Only those who have proven themselves in combat are selected to join this force. If you are accepted into the S u nhome Guard, your missions will be primarily defensive in nature. You might receive orders to find new ways to fortify the guildhall or to detect Dimir agents and other spies who try to gain access. Of course, given these chaotic times, you could end up defending Sunhome from an all-out attack by the Gruul or some other enemy force. RANK 3: CAPTAIN Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Boros Legion As a captain in the Boros Legion, you gain command of a small garrison and the responsibility for maintaining order and protecting people in part of a city district. You have four brigades unde r your command. As described for rank 3, each brigade has six squads of five soldiers (including a sergeant) reporting to them. One additional squad of 2d4 soldiers is your personal retinue. You regularly receive communications from warleader angels who coordinate the efforts of the smaller garrisons. They keep you informed of the goals and concerns of the legion's mortal and angelic leaders and can help you address them. You are then responsible for giving orders to your brigadiers, and you must answer to your commander for the troops' success or failure in achieving the guild's strategic goals. As a captain. your salary allows you to maintain a comfortable lifestyle between adventures. RANK 4: COMMANDER Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Boros Legion As a commander, you assume the leadership of one of the major garrisons of the Boros Legion: Kamen Fortress, Horizon Military Academy, or the great flying garrison called Parhelion Il, which moves from place to place to deploy reinforcements to Boros troops around Ravnica. lf you are already a member of the Sunhome Guard, you could instead be placed in command of that elite force, leading all the non-angelic forces ofSunhome. In this role, you are advised- and ordered around- by angels. You are in regular communication with Guildmaster Aurelia, who places you in charge of a major guild in itiative. You might be tasked with improving recruitment, developing a plan for dealing with Dimir infiltration, or collaborating with the Izzet to develop new weaponry for Boros soldiers. You continue to draw a salary sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. 41 Cll \l'TI'R 2 GUILDS UF RA\ NI< A Azorius. "Legalism. Arrogance. Hot air. The law in their hands is a bludgeon, and they use it to seize more power than they deserve." Dimir. "Snakes lurking in the shadows. They should be rooted out so they can shrivel in the light." Golgari. "lfthey limited themselves to their intended purpose, repulsive as it is, they could be allowed to survive. But they are growing into a dangerous menace, and we need to Au sh them out of the sewers while we still can." Gruul. "They are lost in violence and savagery. Only occasionally can their energy be channeled in directions that benefit the greater good." lzzet. "They don't understand the concept of limits. If they kept their spellcraft under control, they could tru ly ben· efit society." Orzhov. "The Orzhov care only about the Orzhov. lfit were up to them, all of Ravnica would follow an orderly process designed to funnel wealth into their grasping hands.'' Rakdos. "They make destruction into a spectacle, but they're more than blood and fire. They're termites gnawing away at the heart and soul of Ravnica." Selesnya. "I almost envy the naivete that leads them to retreat into their little communes and pretend they've built a just society." Simic. "They have stepped out of their place, with all their experiments, their tinkering with the nature of life. They're a waste, a drain on Ravnica, and a danger to the public good." ENEMIES AND ALLIES In general, the Boros find some common ground with other guilds that value order and structure: Azorius, Selensya, and (to a lesser extent) Orzhov. The Rakdos, Gruul, and Jzzet might share the zeal and energy of the Boros, but they represent the more chaotic aspect of those qualities, which threatens the stability of all Ravnica. The legion is dedicated to combating the influence of Oimir spies and infiltrators, containing the brutal chaos of the Rakdos. and halting the schemes of the Golgari. But any guild can become an enemy of Boros if its aims and activities lead to crime, chaos, injustice, or harm to the innocent citizens of Ravnica. Even the Azorius can become so obsessive in creating and enforcing laws that they overreach the bounds of justice. Conversely, any guild can offer you allies in your quest for justice. Distasteful as they might be, even the Gruul and the Rakdos can play a part in curtailing threats to the city that also impede their own incerests. HOUSE DIMIR A VAMPIRE APPEARED OUT OF THE DARKNESS, AS Q.UIET as a breeze. He was stripped to the waist despite the chill underground. and his eyes reflected light like a cat's. He floated effortlessly down from the upper reaches of the chamber. and alighted on the chamberfloor near the two of them. - Doug Beyer, Return to Ravnica: The Secretist House Dimir is Ravnica's dark secret: behind a facade of respectable messengers and reporters lurks an association of spies and assassins whose existence is barely suspected by the populace at large. Secrecy is both House Dimir's best weapon and its best defense, and much of the guild's work is hidden even from other members. Oimir agents leave no trace of their covert activities, warping the memories of witnesses to their crimes and even wiping their own minds to remove any evidence of their completed assignments. The first guild master of House Dimir was a vampire named Szadek, whose organization agreed to serve as Ravnica's couriers, information brokers, and librarians. But Szadek also used his guild's expertise at gathering information to build a vast spy network, and before long, the secret operations of the guild vastly outweighed its overt ones. Eventually the guild disappeared into the shadows, and most Ravnicans came to doubt its existence. An immortal entity, Szadek ruled the guild for ten thousand years until he was arrested and kHled in the turmoil of the Decamillennial Celebration. INSIDE THE HOUSE House Dimir has a clandestine aspect hidden from all but its most important members. The guild master, Lazav. and his direct contacts guide and manipulate the covert operations of the guild. Members of House Dimir ultimately receive their orders from this source without having any idea of who issued the order or why. Messages to agents are funneled through thought strands (see '"Spell: Encode Thoughts" later in this section) and telepathic couriers. By design, you don't have much interaction with other members of your guild. You might never meet your primary guild contact face to face, instead receiving assignments and sending reports by way of secret message drops and codes. GOALS OF THE D IMIR House Dimir is all about secrets and misinformation, even where its own members are concerned. Any given Dimir agent knows of no more than a handful of alleyway contacts and dossier drop spots. One agent knows another only by a code name, or receives communications only at a particular meeting spot at a specific place and time. Every self-proclaim ed expert with an opinion on the matter has a theory about the guild's intentions, and all those guesses about Dimir's motivations and pursuits contradict each other, frustrating any attempt to get to the truth of things. The public face of Dimir remains inscrutable, which some interpret as the best evidence that the guild's true plans mean something dire for the Ravnican populace. To House Oimir, knowledge is power. The guild hungers to learn everything it doesn't already know, especially the weaknesses of its adversaries, and to exploit those weaknesses for its own gain. Conversely, the house holds its own secrets tightly, because it doesn't want its enemies to turn the tables. The Dimir lurk in the shadows, methodically gathering the knowledge they need to remake Ravnica to their advantage. House Dimir's progress toward its goals depends on a web woven from meticulously gathered intelligence. Unpredictable behavior by other guilds can destabilize that web. When the Boros take sudden. forceful action inspired by an unexpected burst of zeal, the Dimir can be caught off guard. The Selesnya behave predictably on the whole, but the members of the conclave are so numerous that it can be hard for the Oimir to keep track of their activities. Of all the other guilds, the Izzet and the Gruul concern the Dimir the most; thei r erratic methods of decision-making, combined with their unflinching approach to danger, can quickly undermine any Dimir strategy designed to contain them. CllAPTf R 2 GU I U>S OF RA\~ ICA 1-5 DIMIR CHARACTERS Alignment: Usually neutral, sometimes evil Suggested Races: Half-elf, human Suggested Classes: Monk, rogue, wizard If the following sentences describe you, you might enjoy playing a character who belongs to House Dimir: • You love subterfuge, intrigue, and deception. • You like to play rogues, spies, and assassins. • The idea of stealing thoughts instead of treasure bas a special appeal to you. • You want to deceive your fellow players without necessarily betraying them. j OINING HOUSE DI MIR You began your career in House Dimir as part of the legion of shopkeepers, librarians, couriers, and traders who maintain the deception that the guild has become civil and tame. Without any exposure to the guild's more covert activities, you helped to discredit those who believe that the Dimir are plotting to control the city, painting them as delusional conspiracy theorists. But at some point your gifts were recognized and you were invited into the deeper mysteries of the guild. Your training focused on stealth, espionage, and infiltration. As a Dimir spy, you might bring a variety of talents to your work. In your guild role, you engage in surveillance, theft, sabotage, infiltration, and other kinds of espionage. You work in a pocket or sleeper cell. unaware of the identities of most other agents or the guild's leadership. You might be a rogue of the Thief, Assassin, or Arcane Trickster archetype, a monk of the Way of Shadow, or even a cleric of the Trickery Domain. If you are a spellcaster (perhaps a wizard specialized in the School of Divination, Enchantment, or Illusion), you have the s kills needed to join the ranks of the most feared spellcasters on Ravnica: House Dimir"s mind mages. Your basic work and role is the same as any other spy's, but you can learn to pu ll thoughts and memories from a person's mind, use a target's own thoughts against them, attack your foes' psyches directly to create delusions, or scour enemy minds clean. BACKGROUND: DIMIR OPERATIVE You're a spy. Secrets and misinformation are your stock in trade. You s kulk in the shadows, infiltrate other guilds. and steal the most precious secrets, whether they're written in locked journals or hidden away in someone's mind. Even you might not be aware of all the reasons behind the missions you carry out. Sometimes a mission's sole purpose is to conceal the motivatjon behind another strike performed in a different part of the city, or simply to spread fear. As part of your covert work for House Dimir, you maintain a false identity as a member of another guild. You can choose your secondary guild or roll to determine it randomly. This secondary guild membership determines a portion of your starting equipment and is also where most of your contacts come from. You infiltrate your secondary guild to learn its secrets, keep tabs on its activities, or perhaps undermine it from within. ~h < lf,\p·1 EK 'l I <:U 11 DS Ot RA\ N f( \ Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit Languages: One of your choice Equipment: A Dimir insignia, three small knives, a set of dark-colored common clothes, and the starting equipment of the background described in this chapter for your secondary guild FEATU RE: FALSE IDENTITY You have more than one identity. The one you wear most of the time makes you appear to be a member of a guild other than House Dimir. You have documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona and fit into the secondary gwld. Whenever you choose, you can drop this identity and blend into the guild less masses of the city. Conside r why you're embedded in the secondary guild. Create a story with your OM , inspired by rolling on the following table or choosing a reason that suits you. d8 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 Reason for Infiltration My parents belong to this guild, and I let them think I'm following in their footsteps. I've been assigned to track this guild's activities. I've been assigned to get close to an individual in this guild and learn their secrets. I've been assigned to recruit a new Dimir spy from the ranks of this guild. I was a member of this guild before the Dimir recruited me. I don't like what this guild stands for and want to destroy it from within. I secretly wish I could leave the Dimir and join this guild, but there is no escaping the Dimir. I chose this guild at random or on a lark. DIMI R G UIL D SPELLS Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature For you, the s pells on the Dimir Guild Spells table are added to the s pell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass characte r with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) DIMIR GUILD SPELLS Spell Level Cantrip 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Spells encode thoughts, mage hand disguise self. sleep detect thoughts, pass without trace gaseous form, meld into stone, nondetection arcane eye, freedom of movement modify memory Your magic is meant to be subtle and undetectable, but it might pull shadows or clouds of mist around you as you cast your spells. Using the encode thoughts cantrip described below, you can turn a creature's thoughts (i ncluding your own) into a thought strand that others can potentially read . share, or steal. These thought strands are treated as valuable currency among the Dimir. SPELL: ENCODE THOUGHTS Enchantment cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: S Duration: Up to 8 hours Putting a finger to your head, you pull a memory, an idea, or a message from your mind and transform it into a tangible string of glowing energy called a thought strand, which persists for the duration or until you cast this spell again. The thought strand appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you as a Tiny, weightless, semisolid object that can be held and carried like a ribbon. It is otherwise stationary. If you cast this spell while concentrating on a spell or an ability that allows you to read or manipulate the thoughts of others (such as detect thoughts or modify memory), you can transform the thoughts or memories you read, rather than your own, into a thought strand. Casting this spell while holding a thought strand allows you to instantly receive whatever memory. idea, or message the thought strand contains. (Casting detect thoughts on the strand has the same effect.) SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS Skilled at infiltration, disguise, and deception, members of House Dimir appear inscrutable. Your true personality and ideals might never manifest, or they might mark you as a quirky member of your secondary guild. PERSONALITY TRAITS d8 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Personality Trait I'm good at hiding my true thoughts and feelings. When I'm in doubt about revealing something, I assume it's a secret, and I don't share it. I like to sound mysterious, because wisdom hidden grows deeper with time. I have no patience with people who get in my way. I love hearing about other people's nightmares. Combat is meant to be quick, clean, and one-sided. I like to stick to the shadows. I never show my anger. I just plot my revenge. BONDS d6 2 3 4 5 6 FLAWS d6 ID EA LS d6 2 3 4 5 6 Ideal Guild. My true guild is all that really matters. (Any) Control. I like pulling the strings. (lawful) Secrets. I collect secrets and never reveal them. (Any) Knowledge. I want to know as much as I can about this city and how it works. (Any) Independence. I value the freedom to pursue my own goals without interference. (Chaotic) Nihilism. I don't believe in anything, and anyone who does is a fool. (Neutral) Bond I discovered a secret I can't let anyone else uncoverincluding my guild superiors. I formed a close friendship or romance with someone in the guild I'm infiltrating. The Dimir agent who recruited me was unmasked and killed. My revenge on the killers will be thorough and painful. I spend as much time as I can in the lsmeri Library because I'm certain an informatio n hub operates behind its facade. I want its secrets! I'm utterly loyal to my superior in the guild, more than to the guild or its guildmaster. Someone has discovered my true identity. 2 3 4 5 6 Flaw I like secrets so much that I'm reluctant to share details of a plan even with those who need to know. I would let my friends d ie rather than reveal my true identity. I have trouble trusting anyone but myself. I have a particular vice that puts all my secrets at risk if I'm not careful. I'm pretty sure I've done something horrible that I can't remember because of the guild's mind magic. I put too much trust in the people who give me orders. C.H\P-l~R C.UILIJ<; or RA\ 1\11 I\ CONTACTS R ANK AND RENOWN As an agent of House Dimir working undercover, you have limited contacts within your guild. Your relationships within your secondary guild, in the guise of your false identity, are usually more extensive. Roll once on the Dimir Contacts table, giving you an ally who serves as your contact in Dimir. Then roll twice on the table for your secondary guild. The first roll gives you an ally there, and the second roll gives you a rival. DI MIR C ONTACTS d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contact I know a Dimir courier who relays messages to me from someone higher up the chain of command. I get orders from a shapeshifter I recognize only through a series of code phrases we exchange. An ostentatiously wealthy vampire is my secret guild superior, summoning me to a luxurious estate by means of coded messages. I have never met my guild contact, but I receive telepathic messages, usually in my dreams. 1've never met my guild contact, but I get coded messages from a pattern of street lights and graffiti. I didn't discover the identity of my guild contact until after we had begun a romantic relationship. My superior maintains an elaborate identity as a young street urchin ... unless it's all a lie, and I'm being sent on ridiculous missions by a twisted child. My sibling and I both get telepathic orders from a mysterious contact, and I'm starting to question the authenticity of my sibling's orders. How Do I FIT IN? As a Dimir adventurer, you are a member of the guild's network of spies, thieves, assassins, and mi nd mages that lurks behind the facade of the public guild. On the surface, House Dimir presents the appearance of a network of cou riers, investigators, media reporters, and archivists, dealing in information and spreading news. But you and your peers trade in secrets. You use secret symbols. run es. and signals to su rreptitiously communicate with other Dimir agents, often in plai n sight. Like any good spy, you have multiple identities: your true face as an agent of House Dimir; a guildless identity; and a role as a member of another guild. Within that secondary guild, you might already be on a mission for House Dimir, assigned to spy on the guild, collect information about a person, or recruit another spy from the ranks of the guild. Or that guild could be a launching point for your r eal mission. Perhaps. for example, you were ordered to infiltrate the Azorius in hopes of gaining access to a notorious inmate in an Azorius prison. A D IMIR PARTY House Dimir might send an adventuring party on missions focused on stealth and subterfuge. Such a team might be made up mostly of rogues and perhaps monks, with a mind mage (wizard) providing magical support. Potions help to offset the group's lack of heal ing ability. 18 CJi,\l'H R 2 I Gl 11 l><; OF RA\ Nie \ As you gain renown within House Dimir, you will be rewarded with missions of increasing importance. No formal ranks exist for you to progress through. but certain thresholds of renown indicate improvements in your standing within the guild. Perhaps most important. according to the philosophy of House Dimir. higher standing brings greater knowledge of the inner workings of Ravnica and the guild. At the start of your career, your orders include step-bystep instructions or they consist of just a single task. You receive these instructions from your guild contact. INDEPENDENT AGENT Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in House Dimir As an independent agent, you have considerable latitude in the way you choose to implement your mission goals. You acquire a spies' murmur (described in chapter 5)-a magic device that allows you to communicate telepathically with other Dimir agents who wear similar items. If this item is lost or destroyed, it's up to you to secure a r eplacement. COLLECTOR OF SECRETS INNER CIRCLE Prerequisite: Renown JO or higher in House Dimir Prerequisite: Renown 25 or higher in House Dimir By the time you reach this level of renown in House Dimir, you are amassing a significant collection of secrets about the people and places around you. You know the location of a hidden safe house where you can take shelter in case of dire need. At the DM's discretion, you might also know (or be able to find out) a secret about a person or group who lives or operates in a neighborhood you're familiar with. The secret is typically a person's flaw or details about a dark episode in a group's past. Whatever it is. the secret is a weakness that can be used to manipulate the person or group to assist you or your associates. In addition, you gain a Dimir charm (described in chapter 5) at the start of each mission you undertake on the guild's behalf. At this level of renown, you are responsible for coordinating the activities of several other Dimir agents. You still receive orders from the usual source, but you're given broad goals and wide latitude in how to carry them out, including delegating specific tasks to other Dimir agents of lesser renown. You are also increasingly trusted with important secrets. GUILDMASTER'S CONFIDANT Prerequisite: Renown 50 or higher in House Dimir Few members of House Dimir ever encounter Lazav, and those who do are often unaware that they are dealing with the guildmaster. You have been admitted to his circle of confidants. He has entrusted you with a wide network of Dimir agents under your command, but you also bear tremendous responsibility for the success of the missions they undertake. THE DIMIR VIEW ON OTHER GUILDS To House Dimir, every other guild is a potential source of information, its members all potential foils and patsies. Azorius. "They can't be allowed to monopolize the flow of knowledge. Clog their networks with misinformation. To stop someone from discerning the truth, drown them in plausible untruths." Boros. "Not inherently dangerous. The true danger is that they'll drag down all we've worked for while chasing some romantic crusade. Continue to direct their righteous fury toward our strongest enemy-until the Boros threaten to become the strongest." Golgari. "We once appreciated them for their ability to make a corpse disappear, but we found that too many of our victims rose up to face us again. Now we use the city's fear of the swarm to keep them in their place. The more the Golgari try to rise from the mire of their reputation, the more we make them wallow in it." Gruul. "They've always been convenient scapegoats, but their recent aggressiveness threatens to become a larger problem. We must thin their numbers-selectively and without confrontation. Catch them alone in the dark, and take them out one by one." lzzet. "Even an overloaded, sizzled clock is still right twice a day. When lzzet experiments succeed, they can have unpredictable consequences for active missions. Their activities must be monitored at all times." Orzhov. "We're amused at how well they've used their hierarchy to mask the corruption of their organization, but their need for the public's trust gives us an edge. They can be manipulated by playing on their fear of the people discovering their ruse." Rakdos. "They've turned pointless activity into an art form, but their performances nevertheless make very useful distractions. Let them be bright and loud, drawing all attention, while we slip quietly through the dark." Selesnya. "Strength without guile is perhaps the most dangerous kind. One can't bluff the player who can't conceive of bluffing. Currently, the covert war plays to our strengths; we must ensure that the conclave never becomes conscious of the advantages they possess." Simic. "They are never short of intriguing surprises, so we know they are gearing up for something. Keep eyes inside their organization to see what their efforts are leading to-but don't be tempted to partake of their enhancements." 0 ENEMIES AND ALLIES It's hard for a guild built on stealth and secrecy to maintain a positive relationship with any other guild. ALI guilds are monitored with suspicion, and they assessed for their current and prospective levels of threat, as well as for their usefulness to House Dimir's schemes. Each cell may foster its own relationships with the other guilds, but it ultimately defers to Oimir's enigmatic leaders to steer overarching strategy. Your missions might put you at odds with any other guild by calling on you to infiltrate that guild and gain insight into its plans, steal proprietary information from its guildhall, or subvert its leadership. For instance, you could be tasked to steal the transcript of an Azorius interrogation, the memories of Golgari spy, or the contents of an Orzhov ledger. You might cooperate with members of other guilds, openly or in disguise, insofar as their goals don't conflict with yours. Sometimes, the easiest way to assassinate one of your enemies is to put the forces of law on their trai 1, so joining forces with the Azorius and Boros, for example, can be a beneficial arrangement for everyone concerned. GOLGAR I SWARM A S!vlALL CROWD OF PALE ELVES AND HUMANS STEPPED into the light. Bits of bone and detritus woven into their matted hair clicked lightly. Their chitinous armor swarmed with tiny, riotous insects that moved in and out of the sheen of moss growing on their shoulders-a bed for sprouting fungi. Whether it was the Golgari themselves who had made the chittering sound or their bugs. Ra/ could not be sure. -Doug Beyer, Return to Ravnica: The Secretist The teeming masses that compose the Golgari Swarm see themselves as pragmatic above all else, uncowed by the simple fact that death is part of the cycle of life. They believe the idea of life and death as opposing forces to be nothing more than naive sentimentality. They know everything crumbles and rots in the end, and then new life springs from that rot. Time inevitably passes, bringing both destruction and new creation to all things. The original mandate of the Golgari Swarm under the leaders hip of Svogthir, its Devkarin founder, was to maintain Ravnica's agriculture and manage its waste. But Svogthir's interest in necromancy, and his eventual transformation into a lich, shaped the course of the guild's activities and gave birth to its philosophy of embracing death as part of nature's cycle. I N SIDE T H E SWARM The leadership of the Golgari has undergone several major changes, but the nature of the swarm makes it easily adaptable to the churn of continuous cycles. Being alive isn't a prerequisite for leaders hip, as demonstrated by the ru le of the current guild master, the elf lichJarad Yod Savo. Assassination is seen as a perfectly valid means of effecting political change, which is how Jarad's s ister, Savra, took control of the guild before him. Various groups of people and monsters coexist within the swarm, their relative power waxing and waning with the years, and through it all, the guild goes on. The three most important power groups within the Golgari are the Devkarin elves, the medusas (also called gorgons in Ravnica), and the insectile kraul. Jarad is an undead representative of the Devkarin, so the elves claim a privileged position within the guild for the moment. Members of the Golgari Swarm live in the shadow of Jarad and the leaders of the individual factions. The machinations among elves, medusas, kraul, and other creatures rarely bring any significant improvement to the lives of the swarm's countless members, but often cause dis ruption and occasiona lly disaster. Most guild members believe it's best to keep their heads down and stay out of the political conflict and to avoid attracting the disfavor of the Och ran, the guild's order of assassins. More adventurous members might enjoy intrigue and politics, or might unwittingly become tangled up in the schemes of the guild's leaders. Jarad maintains a council of shamans and rogues to serve as a combination of advisory parliament and spy agency. These high chancellors rarely convene publicly, preferring to disperse themselves throughout the swarm to keep information flowing from the nucleus to every part of the organism. GOALS OF THE GOLGAR I The Golgari Swarm celebrates the growth and vibrancy of the natural world, but gives equa l attention to nature's facets of destruction, decay, and death. It finds allies and agents in the form of fungi , oozes, insects, diseases, and D ARK ELVES OF THE G O LGARI Also called the elves of shadow, the Devkarin are one of the three branches of Ravnica's elf race. Like other elves, the Devkarin are adept spellcasters, counting most of the Golgari's shamans among their number. After being cast out of the nascent Selesnya Conclave millennia ago, the Devkarin found a home amid the corrupted and overgrown places of Ravnica, and the Devkarin necromancer Svogthir became the founder of the Golgari Swarm. Since then, the Devkarin have been a major influence in the guild, even during the times when they didn't hold absolute power. Regardless of who rules the guild, the Devkarin follow the guidance of a high priest, called the matka. The matka's spiritual leadership usually aligns with the guildmaster's temporal commands, but during times when the guild is ruled by a non-elf faction, the matka can be a significant dissenting voice. t'H·\1'1 f.R 2 GUILDS OJ RA\NIC \ 51 other unsavory aspects of nature, and it uses the power of nature actively toward the goal of advancing its own place in the world. But the Golgari have also learned patience from nature; they are content to work from the shadows, harnessing the energy that comes from decay while the civilization of Ravnica slowly erodes and destroys itself. The teeming hordes of the Golgari Swarm believe it is finally their time to s hine. They have dwelled under the streets and under the sway of the other guilds for too long. They are convinced that Ravnica's institutions are now on the verge of collapse and that the absence of the Living Guildpact proves it. However, the Golgari are neither surprised nor panicked by this, for they believe that all things eve ntually rot and die, and from this decay, new life blooms. As such, the Golgari see the looming interguild conflict as a necessary final push to bring about a new era- their era. The Golgari are preparing for upheaval. They have sealed many of the passages leading into the underc ity, making their territory seem like an impregnable subterranean fortress. Within it, the Golgari domain retains its grandeur, a mysterious and wondrous kingdom. The rare visitors who stumble into it are awed by its beauty and its aura of ancient power. Palatial architecture fills cavernous sewer chambers, and luminescent spores float through the air to shed a n otherworldJy light on the moss-covered masonry. Ente ring Golgari territory feels like stepping into a secret world of dangerous beauty. 52 ( llAPrt R 2 I t.LJll OS or RA\'Nlt:\ GOLGARI CHARACTERS Alignment: Usually neutral, often evil Suggested Races: Human, elf (dark) Suggested Classes: Druid, fighter, ranger, rogue. wizard The Golgari Swarm might suit your character if one or more of the following statements are true: • You're drawn to the darker side of nature or the greener s ide of necromancy. • You are drawn to sinister, creepy, or grim characters. You like e lves and druids but want to explore an unusual direction. JOINING THE GOLGARI SWARM Similar to a swarm of insects, the Golgari collectively behave more like a single organism than a scattering of individuals. New members aren't recruited or initiated into the Golgari Swarm; you have been absorbed and incorporated, and the biological system of the swarm funneled you to where your talents a re most needed to contribute to the health of the guild. Your position within the guild is defined by your capabilities. You might act as a shaman of the Golgari if you are a spellcaster- perhaps a wizard s pecialized in the School of Necromancy, a druid of the Circle of the Land, or a druid of the Circle of Spores (described in chapter 1). In this revered position, you teach and advise other members of the swarm , keeping them attuned to the natural cycle of death and regrowth. You might manipulate that natural cycle by wielding the magic of death, snuffing out life and reanimating the dead. Or you might wield your magic to spread fungal rot and noxious gases, preparing parts of the city for annexation. If you aren't adept at magic, the swarm still needs you. Golgari warriors both defend the guild's territory and, when necessary, take offensive action. If you are a fighter (typically of the Champion archetype), you can serve as a shock trooper, perhaps fighting alongside kraul and trolls on behalf of the swarm. If you are a ranger (likely of the Beast Master archetype) or a rogue (of the Thief or Assassin archetype), you are more of a skirmisher. Golgari rangers favor insects and reptiles as compan ions. BACKGROUND: GOLGARIAGENT You are a member of a teeming horde-one small part of a sprawling organism.Just as you are part of the swarm, the swarm is part of a larger ecosystem, a never-ending cycle of life, death, rot, and rebirth. You have spent your life in the slow churn of that ecosystem, in the dark places of the city where the messy parts of existence are on display. There is little squeamishness among the Golgari, no fear of death or taboo about the dead, just a fierce affirmation of the cycle. S kill Proficiencies : Nature, Survival Tool Proficiencies : Poisoner's kit Lan guages : Choose one of Elvish, Giant, or Kraut Equipment: A Golgari insignia, a poisoner's kit, a pet beetle or spider, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp worth of mixed coins FEATURE: UND ERCIT Y PATHS You know hidden, underground pathways that you can use to bypass crowds, obstacles, and observation as you move through the city. When you aren't in combat, you and companions you lead can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow. The paths of the undercity are haunted by dangers that rarely brave the light of the surface world, so your journey isn't guaranteed to be safe. GOLGARI GUILD SPELLS S UGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS Members of the Golgari Swarm are unmistakably products of the undercity, ill at ease amid the comforts of civilization. They bring about the same discomfort in others by reminding them of death's inevitable approach. Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature For you, the spells on the Golgari Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) GOLGARI GU ILD SPELLS Spell Level Cantrip l st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Spells dancing lights, spare the dying entangle, ray of sickness protection from poison, ray ofenfeeblement, spider climb animate dead, plant growth giant insect, grasping vine cloudkill, insect plague Golgari magic is often accompanied by a sickly green glow and a rotting stench. PERSO NALITY TRAI TS d8 Personality Trait Remember, I could ki ll you in your sleep. Or put centipedes in your bedroll. 2 I like to remind people of their inevitable demise. 3 Sometimes I give voice to the whispers of the rot , which I hear but no one else does. 4 I do my best to discourage anyone from approaching or talking to me. S 6 I have accepted my death. Hence, I don't fear it. Like roots growing through stone, I am relentless and determined in my action. 7 I put my knowledge of anatomy to use by narrating the injuries my enemies suffer in grisly detail. 8 Like a wild animal, I lash out viciously when I'm provoked-and I'm easily provoked. CHAPTER 2 I GUILDS OF R \\ l\'TC \ 51 IDEALS d6 2 3 4 S 6 Ideal Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any) Stoicism. All of us are part of the cyclical march of na· tu re, which will continue with or without us. (Neutral) Nature. The natural world is more important than the edifices of the city and civilization. (Neutral) Interdependence. We are all part of nature's web. (Lawful) Ambition. The time of Golgari ascendance is at hand, and I intend to have a prominent place in the new world order. (Evil) Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of other guilds is a great way to get squashed like a bug. (Neutral) BONDS d6 Bond I cherish the finger of a family member who was 2 3 4 S 6 petrified by a medusa. I have an identical twin who is as different from me as any person could be. I want to lead one faction of the guild to a new position of dominance. I love spending time in the moss-covered building where I took part in my first reclamation mission. I found something in the sewer that must never come to light. I am forever grateful to the reclaimer who found me floating facedown in the sewer. moments from death. 2 Flaw 3 I feel a need for revenge against those who enjoy the privilege of living above ground. I don't bother to couch my opinions in flattering words. I can't help but pocket any trinket or coin I come across, no matter how worthless. I'm convinced that I'm better and stronger than members of other guilds, isolated as they are from the realities of life and death. 4 S 6 CONTACTS To the extent that the Golgari Swarm acts like a single organism, you are connected to every other member in some way or another. Convinced that the rest of the world is out to get you, you find it easy to form close bonds with your guild mates, and harder to make meaningful connections with others. Roll twice on the Golgari Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Golgari Contacts table. COLGARI CONTACTS d8 2 3 4 s 6 FLAWS d6 d6 Flaw Death comes for us all, so you can't expect me to take care of someone who can't fight it off. I assume that anyone outside the Golgari looks down on me. 7 8 Contact One of my parents is an elite assassin, a member of the Ochran. I learned combat from a krau l. I know a medusa who is stationed in the guildhall. I had a torrid romance with a spore druid responsible for a large rot farm. There's a troll in a remote area of the undercity who seems to find me interesting-and who knows more than you'd think. An elf lich is determined to see me become a lich someday, too. A medusa decided it would be more fun to recruit me into the guild than to kill me. I know a find broker who can locate just about anything, for the right price. NoN -GOLGARI CONTACTS dlO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contact An Azorius arrester I literally pulled out of the gutter will do anything for me. Someone joined the Gruul in a battle against the Boros once, and the sergeant of that Boros squad would love to prove that it was me. I had a romance with a Dimir agent whom I still feed secrets to. Roll an additional Golgari contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival. I joined the Gruul in a battle against the Boros once, and the chief of that small clan thanks me for turning the tide. An lzzet scientist resents that I sold a scrapped invention I found in the sewer. My undercity explorations led me into an Orzhov vault, and a spirit thinks I stole something valuable. I found a baby beast and sold it to a Rakdos wrangler who remains grateful to me. A Selesnya druid and I share an interest in the same garden, and we have enjoyable arguments there. I regularly pick up refuse from beneath a Simic laboratory, and sometimes I talk to the researcher who dumps it there. How Do I FIT IN? As part of the Golgari Swarm, you are a specialized instrument of the greater body. Your orders, when you have such, come from the guild master by way of his chancellors. who carry his messages throughout the guild. The swarm relies on you to advance the greater good by protecting some part, however small, of its teeming existence. That responsibility doesn't mean you're indispensable; your eventual death is part of your purpose and function, too, and you·ll be replaced even as your body provides nutrients to further the swarm's growth. A classic adventuring role for a member of the Golgari involves crawling through dungeon-like environmentsthe sewer s and ancient vaults of the undercity-in search of treasures left behind by the dead. Sometimes you might be sent to find a specific item believed lost in a dangerous part of the undercity. At other times, you could be asked to collect samples of a specific fungus, retrieve a body floating in the muck of the sewers, or bring back whatever booty you can to help fill the swarm's coffers. You might gain enough renown to become a member of the Ochran, assigned to a variety of tasks concerning thievery, assassination, or the protection of important figures in your guild. You might steal something because the guild needs it, or because its loss will bring harm to another guild, hastening that group's decline. < llAI n R2 OlJILDS 01· RA\ ~H \ 'i'l You cou ld be assigned to kill an outspoken and active enemy of the Golgari, such as an overzealous Boros captain whose raids into the undercity have approached dangerously close to the swarm's inner sanctum. Or you could serve as a bodyguard to one of Guild master Jarad's high chancellors, escorting this figure through the undercity while being ready to intervene at a moment's notice if things go wrong. The shamans of the Golgari use their magic to accelerate the cycle of decay and regrowth. You might be sent to spread spores throughout an area that the Golgari want to claim as their territory or to convince the inhabitants of such a territory to abandon it. You might also contend with the ever-present threat of hostile monsters encroaching into Golgari-controlled regions. A GoLGARI PARTY An adventuring party drawn from the teeming ranks of the Golgari Swarm might focus on traversing the undercity or on stealthy missions in the streets above. A pair of shamans (a druid and a wizard) would form the core leadership of the group, supported by a warrior (fighter or ranger) and a stealthy member of the Och ran (rogue). R ANK AND RENOWN Every member of the Golgari Swarm has its place, and every role is important to the proper functioning of the guild. Aside from a few leadership positions, the swarm doesn't consider different functions to be more or less important than others. The idea of progressing up the ranks is foreign to the Golgari way of thinking. That said, your renown within the Golgari is a direct measure of the guildmaster's knowledge of you, his confidence in your abilities, and his interest in your activities. At the start of your career with the Golgari, the guildmaster and his chancellors have no way to distinguish you from the masses of others who perform a similar fun ction. If you receive instructions from the high chancellors, the orders are directed toward you as part of a larger group: for example, "Reclaimers, keep your eyes open for an lzzet keyrune believed to be lost in this sector of the sewers." Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Golgari Swarm You have distinguished yourself from the mass of your peers. Guild master Jarad might not know your name, but he knows that a member of your group is reliable and effective, and his high chancellors s ingle you out for specific missions. The guild provides you with supplies you need to complete those missions (within reason). MONSTROUS FAVORS Prerequisite: Renown 10 or higher in the Golgari Swarm When you reach this level of renown in the Golgari Swarm, Jarad knows your name and appreciates that you can be relied on to help fulfill the guild's objectives. Thanks to this prominence, you can get away with begging a favor from the guild's more monstrous members. You can ask an undercity medusa, a troll, or a kraul death priest to help you with a task that benefits the CJl.\Plf R 2 0CHRAN (SPECIAL R OLE) Prerequisite: Renown 10 or higher in the Golgari Swarm Having achieved considerable renown within the guild, you can choose to become a member of the Och ran. The Ochran often serve as stealthy bodyguards, lurking out of sight until some danger threatens their wards. The Och ran are also sent out as assassins or burglars to further the gui ld's goals. ADVISOR Prerequisite: Renown 2S or higher in the Golgari Swaim Although you aren't yet one of Jarad's personal counselors, your value to the guild is clear. The high chancellors regularly call on you to perform tasks for the guild and to share your insights. You can be sure that anything you say to a high chancellor will pass quickly to the ears of the guild master. HIGH CHANCELLOR Prerequisite: Renown SO or higher in the Golgari Swarm Jarad seeks out the most powerful, effective, and loyal members of the Golgari Swarm to serve as his high chancellors. At this point, you certainly qualify. The amorphous nature of Jarad's council means that you don't need to wait for a vacancy to open up; Jarad summons you to his presence, and you are expected to appear and accept the new position offered to you. As a high chancellor, you advise Jarad in his decision-making, keep him informed of happenings throughout the guild, and convey his instructions to the various parts of the gu ild's "body." MATKA (SPECIAL ROLE) AC ENT 5b Golgari Swarm. The creature is not obligated to help you, but it holds you in enough esteem to at least consider it- in exchange for the promise of a favor in return. In addition, you receive a Golgari charm (described in chapter 5) at the start of each mission you undertake on the guild's behalf. I <:Ull l>S 01 R.AVNIC \ Prerequisite: Renown SO or higher in the Golgari Swarm, elf(dark), spellcasting ability You are e ligible to fill the role of matka, the high priest of the Golgari elves. You can attain this position only if the previous matka has died or stepped down. Becoming matka requires you to claim the position and maintain your title against any challengers. It isn't unusual for competing claims among would-be matkas to be resolved by combat ... or assassination. As matka, your status among the Devkarin is comparable to that of the guild master's. Even high chancellors who are Devkarin attempt to balance their loyalty to Jarad with their loyalty to you. To the Golgari, the other guilds of Ravnica are shortsighted and inevitably doomed to collapse. E N EMIE S AND A LLIE S The Golgari Swarm shares a general philosophical approach with the other nature-oriented guilds-Simic, Gruul, and Selesnya- in its concern for the forces of life and growth. Under the right circumstances, a member of the Golgari can work well with agents of those organizations. But the Golgari's emphasis on death as part of the life cycle is foreign to those other guilds. The Golgari prefer to erode their enemies' strength through a process of attrition rather than by launching frontal attacks. 1f you are called on to take direct action against another guild, it is probably a matter of self-preservation against a guild that is threatening the life and livelihood of the Golgari. You might oppose the Azorius as they attempt to extend their jurisdiction into the undercity or strike back at the Boros to dissuade them from launching more attacks into Golgari territory. Occasionally, you might be assigned to assault the enemies of the Golgari more directly, especially if you are a member of the Och ran. If the death of a particular person or the theft of a key treasure will contribute to the decline and downfall of an enemy guild, even the typically patient Golgari will try to seize that opportunity. You might ally with members of another guild if they are working- even unwittingly-toward goals you share. The Gruul, for example, are adept at hastening the decay of both humanoid populations and physical structures, even if they remain unaware of their full role in the natural cycle. If some event threatens to upset the balance of nature, such as a necromantic blight that kills all growth or a magical wildfire rampaging through the city, you might join other nature-oriented guilds in an attempt to curtail it and preserve the balance. Azorius. "Such hubris! As if all their laws could shore up this crumbling society. Their regulations and institutions are just detritus in the making." Boros. "The Boros speak a language we will never understand. Their militant dedication to empty concepts like 'justice' and 'righteousness' is both confusing and disturbing." Oimir. "They collect information like trinkets, so how can they ever grasp the deeper truths we possess? But their presence in the undercity is an all-too-real threat to our dominion beneath the streets." Gru ul. "The clans serve as effective instruments of the natural cycle, though in their anger, they are blind to the extent of the role they play." lzzet. "Perplexing. They are attracted to whatever flashes brightest and booms loudest. Their fascination with their toys will only hasten their own end." Orzhov. "They flout the natural order and use their knowledge of death to resist its pull. While their bodies rot, their spirits persist, clinging to the fiction of material wealth." Rakdos. "They understand the inevitability of death but seek to hasten its arrival for their petty ends. What the demon destroys, we nurse back to life again." Selesnya. "Their reverence for nature is the mark ofimmaturity and naivete. They fear death, so they can't understand life. They can be dangerous when they fervently cling to their narrow-minded and inadequate view of life." Simic. "They seek patterns in the natural world, which is commendable enough, but they believe the search will lead them to find perfection through all of its flaws. They strive to move forward but fail to see that the path they tread is cyclical.'' r.l(,\l"f[R 2 GUILDS OF RA\':-ilCA 'i7 INSIDE THE CLANS GRUUL CLANS jACE HAD NEVER SEEN. OR FOR THAT MATTER SMELLED, A Gruul war party at all. Their armor was made from animal hides and bones. and their weaponry was heavy pieces of scavenged city rubbish. Their skin was alive with tattoos. etched with a combination of magic, ink, and, face supposed. a considerable amount of pain. Each of them was a hulk of muscle. and Ruric Thar was the largest and mightiest of them all. - Doug Beyer. Return to Ravnica: The Secretist The Gruul Clans are a wild people in a civilized land, a loose affi liation of bands that squat on the fringes of Ravnican society. They shun the centers of civilization. which they see as a source of oppression and weakness, and instead haunt Ravnica's alleyways, abandoned zones, and ruins. They want to see the edifice of civilization torn down so the world can revert to the pure wilderness that thrived before the city grew to cover everything. Then the true order of nature can be restored- an unbridled and brutal state in which only the strong survive and the strongest rule. In a world covered with city streets and towering buildings, the Gruul are the most out of place. the most ill at ease, and the most eager to topple it all and start fresh. Constant ritualistic warfare reverberates a mong the clans, every skirmish reinforcing their doctrine of the survival of the fittest. They frequently send sorties into civilized areas to secure goods-and to wreak havoc. The first leader of the Gruul was Cisarzim, a cyclops who was purportedly the ancestor of Borborygmos, the current guildmaster. Cisarzim was called the Lord of Chaos, and his guild's original function as maintainers of Ravnica's natural places meant keeping his faction as remote as possible from the civilized parts of the world. The gradual expansion of the city, however, has driven the Gruul into smaller and smaller refuges. 58 C.H \P'l IR 2 l,l ll Os O~ RA\ 11;( '\ As a collection of disparate clans, the Gruul have no single leader and no headquarters. But the Gruul respect strength and are willing to follow a strong individual who points them in a direction they want to go anyway. For seve ral decades, that pos ition has been held by the mighty cyclops Borborygmos, chief of the Burning Tree clan. His nihilistic anger inspires the rest of the Gruul, so when he calls on the other clans to join a raid, they usually agree. Even the fractious Gruul can see the benefit of banding together. The clans sometimes gather at Skarrg, a ruined palace in the rubblebelt adjoining the Tenth District. Here are descriptions of the clans: Burning Tree Clan. The Burning Tree clan is the most fea rsome of the Gruul Clans, as well as the largest and most diverse, with branches in several districts of Ravnica. The fear and awe inspired by Borborygmos unifies its diverse members hip. The Ravnican populace regards the symbol of the Burning Tree clan as the symbol for the entire Gruul guild. Ghor Ciao. The Ghor clan is led by an ettin named Ruric Thar (or, perhaps more properly, Ruric and Thar, since the heads claim separate names). Of all the clans, the Ghor carry out the most frequent and s avage assaults on Ravnica's citizenry. The clan is known for its audacity in forging e ncampments close to heavily populated districts. S cab Clan. Members of the Scab clan display scars and body modifications, which they view as expressions of the powerful rage they harbor within themselves. The clan has grown in influence by engulfing or destroying several smaller clans in recent years, but the leader of the Scabs, a corpulent giant known as Narbulg Nine Fingers, has not gone so far as to challenge the Burning Tree clan. S lizt Clan. The Slizt clan is a clutch of sly, skittish warriors, consisting largely of reptilian humanoids called viashino (use the lizardfolk stat block in the Monster Manual to represent them), along with a few wily humans. This clan survives in the rubblebelts by taking up hiding places in high ground and ambushing its enemies with ranged attacks from above. Other Gruul regard the Slizt as skulkers and cowards, but nonetheless all are cautious when entering areas with elevated ruins. The home ground of the Slizt clan is the Husk, an area at the center of a vast rubblebelt featuring many large, ancient structures that have remained standing for generations. ITCHING FOR A FI G HT Gruul goblins live in colonies scattered at the edges of Gruul territory and civilized neighborhoods. They fight fiercely when threatened, punctuating thei r attacks with hisses and growls. When battle fury takes hold of a Gruul raiding group, it typically starts with the goblins, and after the battle, the surviving goblins are still froth ing at the mouth and looking for someone to hit. Grave l Hide Cla n. The Gravel Hide clan believes that resilience is the truest measure of strength. Though a relatively new group, its members have already earned a reputation (almost certainly exaggerated) for shrugging off devastating attacks. The clan's leader, a hot-tempered goblin named Skorik Boulder Tooth, adorns himself with the shattered remnants of weapons that he has rent to bits with his own jaws. Zhur-Taa Clan. The Zhur-Taa clan advocates an extreme interpretation of the Old Ways. Central to this view is its belief in the imminent awakening of an ancient boar god-Ilharg, the Raze-Boar-who will lay waste to the overcivilized world. Led by a centaur druid called Nikya of the Old Ways, the Zhur-Taa pile up skulls as offerings to this god, and their druids perform guttural chants before and during battle that are said to be in the language of the old gods. Zhur-Taa druids are adept at summoning and training beasts as war-companions and mounts, and the clan's warriors wade into battle alongside giant boars, other beasts, and even wurms or hydras. Bolrac Clan. The most selective of all the Gruul Clans, the Bolrac clan denies membership to the smaller races. Its members are all enormous, lumbering brutes, primarily cyclopes, ogres, and giants. The clan's leadersh ip changes frequently- sometimes daily, since battles for supremacy are as common as meals. The Bolrac clan specializes in bringing down massive structures using mauls and battering rams. The only thing the Bolrac love more than destroying something smaller than them is toppling, overrunning, and destroying something larger than them. Trogs . Some wandering hermits, known as trogs, find even the company of a clan to be too suffocating, so they spend their days alone in the wild places of Ravnica. These individuals are fierce, independent warriors who traverse the rubblebelts as apex predators . Trogs are notoriously short-tempered and impatient around others. Occasionally, they heed the call of the guildmaster to join in riots or festivals, but more often they conduct their own ceremonies and celebrations in private. GOALS OF THE GRUUL So far as any philosophy can be said to underlie the Gruul way of life, it is about living in the now, with little concern for forethought, planning, or speculation. Impulse drives the actions of the Gruul Clans. They want to live their lives unimpeded, and they lash out when something tries to stand in their way. Emotion and impulsiveness drive them as they seek to do what they want, take what they want, and smash what they want. GRUUL CHARACTERS Alignment: Usually chaotic, often neutral Suggested Races: Human, centaur, goblin, minotaur Suggested Classes: Barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, ranger You might enjoy playing a character who belongs to the Gruul Clans if one or more of the following sentences are true: • You enjoy playing rage-mad barbarians and savage druids. • You want to throw off the shackles of civilization and indulge your inner beast. • You like being a force of chaos who keeps things moving in your adventures. j OINING THE GRUU~ 9 LA NS You might have been born and raised among the Gruul, like many of the guild's members. Or you could be an outcast, a refugee, or a fugitive from civi lized society, shunned for your violent ways or for fleeing the hand of justice. As long as you are strong enough to survive among the Gruul, you are welcome. no matter what secrets haunt your past. The Gruul "guild" is actually a collection of different, independent clans loosely united under one powerful leader. When you decide to join the Gruul, you join a specific clan, not the guild as a whole. You can roll a d8 or choose from the options in the Gruul Clan Options table to determine your character's clan allegiance. GRUUL (LAN OPTI O N S d8 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Clan Burning Tree clan Ghor clan Scab clan Slizt clan Gravel Hide clan Zhur-Taa clan Minor or new clan Trog The rites of becoming Gruul, whether you have come from outside the guild or are marking your entrance into adulthood, center around being buried alive. When you enter the shallow grave, the person you were before is dead. Your past wrongs and errors are forgotten, but so are your past accomplishments. No matter how well you proved yourself in battle before, when you rise from the earth you are untested. The clan leaders recognize you only when you earn glory in battle as a Gruul. Most of the Gruu1 find their place among the fierce warriors of their clans. If you are a fighter, ranger, or barbarian, this is your natural role. Gruul fighters tend to adopt the Champion archetype, Gruul rangers usually adopt the Hunter or the Beast Master archetype, and Gruul barbarians follow either the Path of the Totem Warrior or the Path of the Berserker. Whatever your class, as a Gruul warrior you are devoted to tearing down the edifices of civilization, both physical and CHAPTER 2 I GUILDS OF RAVNICI\ 59 institutional. You lash out at a system that you believe is the root of corruption and weakness. If you are spellcaster, such as a druid (usually of the Circle of the Moon) or a cleric of the Tempest Domain, you might adopt a more spiritual role in your clan. You practice what the Gruul call the Old Ways, a discipline that predates the foundation of civilization on Ravnica, to channel the primal energy that stilJ pulses through the wild places of the world. BAC KGROUND:GRUUL ANARCH The entire world of Ravnica is a sprawling metropolis, but you are a native of the wild areas that stiJI exist-the abandoned districts, the rubblebelts, the overgrown parks, and the crumbling ruins. You a re part of a savage society that clings desperately to the Old Ways- attuned to nature, full of primal rage, and given s hort shrift by a world consumed with continuing civilization's march of progress. Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics Tool Proficiencies: 1-lerbalism kit Languages: Choose one of Draconic, Giant, Goblin, or Sylvan Equipment: A Gruul insignia. a hunting trap, an herbalism kit, the skull of a boar, a beast-hide cloak, a set of traveler·s clothes. and a belt pouch containing 10 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins) terrain that civilized folk have long abandoned. You can find a suitable place for you and your allies to hide or rest in these areas. In addition, you can find food a nd fresh water in these areas for yourself and up to five other people each day. GRUUL GU I LD SPELLS Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature For you. the spells on the Gruul Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) G RUUL GUILD SPELLS Spell Level Can trip 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Spells fire bolt, produce flame compelled duel, speak with animals, thunderwave beast sense, shatter conjure animals, conjure barrage dominate beast, stoneskin destructive wave Fueled by the fire of rage burning in your heart. your magic is almost always accompanied by fiery effects, such as flames smoldering behind your eyes or dancing over your hands. FEATURE: RUBBLEBELT R EFUGE You are intimately familiar with areas of the city that most people shun: ruined neighborhoods where wurms rampaged, overgrown parks that no hand has tended in decades, and the vast. sprawling rubblebelts of broken SUGGESTED CHARACTE RISTICS Gruul ways aren't the ways of civilized folk. and the Gruul have little patience for social niceties. But they do have cherished traditions and values, just as important to them as the different values held by the urban, cosmopolitan culture of Ravnica. P ERSO N A LIT Y T RA I TS d8 Personality Trait Unlike people, the beasts of the wi ld are friends who won't stab me in the back. 2 Go ahead and insult me-I dare you. 3 I scorn those who can't survive away from the C ONTACTS The members of the Gruul Clans rely on each other even as they vie for territory and glory. Their encounters with members of other guilds are more often violent than friendly, but occasional bonds do form. Roll twice on the Gruul Contacts table (for an a lly and a rival) and once on the Non-Gruul Contacts table. comforts of the city. 4 Don't tell me I'm not allowed to do something. 5 Laws are for people who are afraid to face their inner GR UU L CON TACTS d8 beasts. Contact One of my parents is a renowned wa rrior in my clan. 6 I smear the blood of my enemies over my skin. 2 My sibling has the ear of the clan ch ief. 7 I was, in fact, raised by maaka. 3 I have cousins in a different clan. HarrRRAAGGHH! [I rarely form a coherent sentence 4 When we were younger, I was romantically involved 8 and prefer to express myself by breaking things.] ID EALS d6 l 2 3 6 A druid in my clan believes I have a destiny to fulfill. 6 The warrior who trained me remem bers me for my 7 My clan chief killed one of my parents, who had exceptional potential. challenged the chief for leadership of the clan. Some Anarchy. No person or law or custom can tell another what to do. (Chaotic) combination of resentment and remorse stirs the Nature. We weren't born tame or domesticated, so clan ch ief to help me sometimes. 8 Rage. AAAAAARRRRggggh! [To live is to feel and ex· NoN-G Ru uL CONTAC T S dlO 1 An Azorius arrester thinks I can be reformed. Tradition. The Old Ways must be preserved and 2 A Boros soldier gives me gifts in exchange for infor- 3 I once caught and released a Dimir spy. B O NDS mation about other clans' movements. 4 5 Roll an additional Gruul contact; you can decide if the 6 An lzzet scientist blames the Gruul for the destruc- contact is an ally or a rival. a new one. I would give my life for my clan chieftain. tion of his life's work in a raid, but seems to think that The chieftain of another clan has a grudge against I'm not like other Gruul. me. 4 I am devoted to a sacred site in the midst of the 7 My weapon is made from the first raktusk I ever 8 A close friend left our clan and joined the Cult of 9 A d istant relative is trying to recruit me into the Rakdos. hunted. 6 GrrrRRAAAAGGHH! [I wil l do anything to prove Selesnya Conclave. myself greater than my siblings or ancestors.) 10 Flaw If you question my courage, I wi ll never back down. 2 HrrrGGGAAAARRuuuh! (My anger in battle led to the death of a loved one.] 3 4 I stopped a Simic biomancer from t rapping wild beasts to perform vile experiments on them. FL AWS d6 I foolish ly borrowed money from an Orzhov syndic to indulge a shameful vice. rubblebelt. 5 I consult with a Golgari shaman for spiritual guidance at times. Bond I am determ ined that one day I wil l lead my clan-or 2 3 Contact press the rage burning in your belly.) (Chaotic) upheld. (Any) d6 I made a strong impression on Borborygmos. Might. The strongest are meant to dominate the weak. (Evil) 5 5 Ideal Clan. My clan is all that real ly matters. (Any) we shouldn't have to live that way. (Neutral) 4 with a prominent warrior in my clan. I'm as stubborn as a batterboar. I'm so convinced of my superiority over soft, civil ized people that I 'II take great risks to prove it. 5 I'm easily manipulated by people I find attractive. 6 I'm not actually all that angry. How Do I FIT IN? In service of a s imple goal, you have a simple part to play: Fight. Unleash your rage. F latten buildings and defeat those who stand in your way. Be Gruul, in your own way. You will frequently be summoned to par ticipate in a raid your clan is launching against the city or against a group of its defenders. Your clan leader might also send you on a special mission, though it would almost certain ly still qualify as a raid. You might join a small group CllAPHR 2 I Gldl OS OJ RAVNICA 61 of Gruu 1warriors on a dangerous charge deep into the settled streets to plunder a certain location, retrieve an item stolen from your clan, or assault a Boros garrison. Sometimes your objective might be more esoteric. With prophecies of the return of llharg the Raze-Boar spreading like wildfire among the GruuJ druids, you might be asked to carry out some task that the druids believe will speed his coming. Such a task might involve collecting a sacred relic held in an Orzhov vault or collecting sacrifices for a grand ceremony in the RazeBoar's honor. A GRUUL PARTY A group of Gruul adventurers can serve as a raiding party to pursue the goals of one clan or the guild as a whole. The combination of anarchs and berserkers (fighters, rangers, and barbarians) with druids of the Old Ways (druids or clerics) creates a powerful mix of muscle and magic. S uch a party lacks the capacity for s ubtlety or stealth, but Gruul missions rarely require such abilities. (A ranger can provide them, in the rare case whe re they are necessary.) RANK AND RENOWN Renown among the Gruul could also be called glorywhen you prove yourself in battle, you earn the respect of your fellows. With glory comes acceptance of your leadership and warriors willing to follow you into battle. The Gruul have no formal holders of titles aside from the chieftains of clans and the guildmaster, but relative status within one's clan is still important. PROVEN Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in your clan With several battles under your belt, you have demonstrated service to your clan and earned the recognition of your peers. You have the right to tattoo your body to commemorate your triumphs in battle and demonstrate your loyalty to the Gruul. You don"t yet have authority over others, but when you go into battle with your clan, your fellow warriors fight near you, acknowledging your prowess. Your clan chieftain knows your name and might decide to single you out, offering you an opportunity to prove yourself by per forming a special task. Depending on the nature of the task, the chieftain might send ld4 a na rchs (see chapter 6 for the stat block) along to help you. BEAST- FRIEND Prerequisite: Renown 10 or higher in your clan When you reach th is level of renown, you develop a rapport with the beasts that haunt the rubblebelts . When you a re in a rubblebelt area, you can summon one beast to be you r mount: a batterboar (a giant boar as described in the Monster Manual), a ceratok (using the stat block of a rhinoceros), or a raktusk (equivalent to a giant elk). It doesn't fight for you unless you have magic or another ability that can control a beast. In addition, when you carry out a raid on the guild's behalf, a druid of your clan gives you a Gruul charm (described in chapter 5) at the start of the raid. CELEBRATED Prerequisite: Renown 25 or higher in your clan You are a hero in your clan, and your reputation extends to other clans as well. You can count on the aid of your clan in most situations. Your clan's druids cast spells for you, and you lead a warband that consists of 3d4 anarchs (see chapter 6 for the stat block) plus three berserkers or ogr es (see the Monster Manual for their stat blocks). Your chiefta in keeps an eye on you, aware that you're a potential challenger for leaders hip of the clan. CHIEFTAfN Prerequisite: Renown 50 or higher in your clan You can now rightfully challenge your chieftain in single combat for leadership of the clan or take the warriors loyal to you and form a new clan. l ~ "' o( ENEMIES AND ALLIES By standing in opposition to the civilized ways of the other guiJds, the Gruul Clans have made it practically impossible to establish alliances with those guilds. S imilar to the Golgari, Selesnya, and S imic, the Gruul respect nature and maintain a close relationship with animals-in the Gruul's case, the monstrous beasts that stalk the rubble a nd ruins. But the Gr uul would just as soon smash the sewers, gardens, and laboratories of those other guilds than cooperate with them in an effort to establish nature as a larger presence within the city. Because they see all of the remaining guilds as cogs in the vast machine of civilization, the Gruul tailor their tactics toward breaking the machine, rather than directing their attacks at any particular guild. Any guild can be the target of Gruul aggression, as the opportunity arises. The fiercest assaults often come against the guilds that take it upon themselves to combat the Gruu l, primarily the Boros and Azorius. In certain circumstances, such as when some nightmarish horror rears its head in the heart of a rubblebelt, you and your clan could accept the help of members of another guild in putting an end to the danger. Or, when the schemes of other guilds pit one clan against another, there might be some benefit to you and your clan in cooperating with those efforts. But your truest allies are other members of your clan. Since every other guild participates to some extent in the establishment and sustenance of the civilization that the Gruul despise, the Gruul look down on all other guilds as soft, corrupt, or downright abhorrent. Azorius. "Civilization is a disease, and the Azorius are its plague bearers. Once they are destroyed, Ravnica will reclaim its primal essence." Boros. "Puppets who are all too eager to kneel at the feet of their angel handlers." Dimir. "Skulkers, whisperers, and back-stabbers! They are an infestation of roaches. If they remain in the shadows, they will be crushed beneath the rubble of a city that we bri ng down on thei r heads. If they face us in open battle, well, then we'll have a good laugh." Golgari. "Hermits and under-dwellers. They see that civilization must be brought to its knees, but they just want to replace it with another of their design." lzzet. "Like us, they respect the powerful. But they seek it in their gadgets and try to contain it in jars." Orzhov. "The schemers of the Orzhov are the festering wound on a limb that must be hacked away. They amass thei r power by preying on the weak, so how powerful can they be?" Rakdos. "The guild of fools. They waste their potential on acts of mockery while the real work of razing the city remains undone." Selesnya. "The Selesnya would coddle a wolf, teach it to fetch sticks, and call it a dog. We prefer to starve the wolf, let it hunt for its food, and make it a stronger wolf." Simic. "The Simic enjoy twisting nature, but they will not enjoy it when nature twists back." S 01· RA\ ~ICA 61 lZZET LEAGUE THE lZZET MAGES WEREN'T HARD TO FIND. AFTER A couple of days of observation, }ace heard an explosion and saw a startled flight of birds from across the district. The plume of blue smoke was a telltale sign of one of the Izzet's pyrotechnic experiments.face tracked the source of the blast and spied two mages, a human and a goblin, outfitted with alchemical gadgetry and mizzium gauntlets. They emerged from a disused tunnel. leaving behind charred bricks and a haze of smoke, and their instruments crackled with energy. From whatjace had gathered. this was the lzzet style of research: keep adding energy until something blows up. then observe the results. -Doug Beyer, Return to Ravnica: The Secretist The lzzet are obsessive experimenters, combining a keen creative intellect with a short attention span. The original mandate of the Izzet guild was to provide solutions for public works projects (sewers. boilers, and roadways). but their increasingly far-fetched experiments satisfy only their insatiable curiosity. Sometimes their experiments yield useful technological advancements; other times they produce unintended mana geysers, spatial rifts, arcane portals, or huge explosionsall of which can be useful in their own way. The league's most grandiose experiments typically concern public works projects and elemental experimentation. These efforts use a methodology that relies on unexpected outcomes: all results are informative, even if they completely defy expectations. For example, an experiment that begins as the creation of a "hypermana focusing lens~ might be renamed a "scram-range teleportal" once the researchers discover more properties of what they have fashioned. Then, after a few goblin volunteers vanish inside it, the apparatus gains the designation of "universal refuse disintegrator"- until the goblin volunteers are discovered alive, having been 6j CllAPTER2 C.UILDSOFRA\NICA teleported far from the workshop. This sort of adjustment is par for the course in lzzet experiments: the "fiddle and find out'' method is favored over any process of systematic scientific research. The lzzet League is one of the few guilds whose founder, the dragon Niv-Mizzet, remains its guildmaster, just as the guild continues to fulfill its original mission (even as its experiments go far beyond the guild's original mandate). INSIDE THE LEAGUE Niv-Mizzet, the original and current guildmaster of the lzzet League, is a fifteen-thousand-year-old, vain. temperamental, super-intelligent dragon. As he directs experiments throughout the guild, he values results over success, accepting and even anticipating that Izzet experiments will end in gloriously unpredictable ways. However, the dragon rarely concerns himself with the day-to-day running of the guild, preferring to craft longrange plans and let underlings implement the details. Overseeing the daily operations of the guild is the purview of the Izmundi, a board of directors that assembles teams from among the rank and file of the Izzet League to carry out research according to Niv-Mizzet's directions. The Izmagnus is a smaller board with five to seven members (some members' identities remain secret) who serve as Niv-Mizzet's closest advisors. IN THE NAME OF MAGICAL SCIENCE! lzzet laboratories buzz with creative and often destructive energy, as countless researchers go about their business pushing the boundaries of knowledge. But the lure of discovery is anything but monolithic across the lzzet League. Hu mans, who make up the majority of the guild's mages, are fueled by limitless curiosity and sustained by their ability to approach any problem from a multitude of different angles. Goblins embody the lzzet's unrestrained enthusiasm for their endeavors. They epitomize the recklessness of lzzet mages, and some participate as subjects in hazardous experiments-even ones of their own devising. More often, they thrive in their role as attendants to researchers. Vedalken tend to be more focused, organized, and astute compared to their lzzet compatriots, and thus they often serve as leaders of projects in the guild's laboratories. Some vedalken are so obsessive about their work that they like to see to every detail themselves, rather than delegating any task to underlings or assistants. This attitude can irritate and alienate their guild mates-and put the vedalken in harm's way when an experiment goes awry. The Izzet League is organized into units designated as laboratories that specialize in certain fields of research. Though they all operate under the general guidance of the lzmundi, each laboratory is typically left alone to conduct its research. New fields of study emerge all the time, but the more established laboratories-each populated by hundreds of mages and their attendants-include the following: The Laboratory of Pyrology has a prominent facility in the guildhall, Nivix. Its emphasis is on heat, fire, and explosion. The Laboratory of Storms and Electricity focuses on controlling the weather as well as containing and conducting electrical energy. Its headquarters is in a spire atop Nivix, known as the Lightning Rod. Research into smelting and forging, most often using the magical metal known as mizzium, is conducted at the Laboratory of Metallurgy, which bas a small outpost in the Tenth District's Smelting Quarter. The magical science of transmuting one substance to another is the study of the Laboratory of Alchemy. The Laboratory of Orie ntation, concerned with teleportation and spatial recombination, has multiple workshops that seem to appear and disappear at random. The Laboratory ofMimeography studies means of duplication. The Laboratory of Continuism emphasizes the study of temporal manipulation. Research into counter-magic and redirection takes place in the Laboratory of Arcane Geometry, which has a small presence in Prism University in the Tenth District. The Laboratory of Gravitationa l Invers ion conducts research on means of flight and maintains a workshop near Augustin Station in the Tenth District. The Laboratory of Plasma-Dermatology places emphasis on the combining of opposing elements, with the purpose of creating creatures called weirds. Izzet laboratories function in a constant state of high energy that propels researchers from one experiment to the next. Some grand-scale experiments draw on the resources of an entire laboratory, while others are a lone visionary's labor of love. G OA LS OF THE l ZZET The lzzet League thirsts for knowledge, cherishes intellect. and speculates about the secrets of the multiverse. It brings to its scientific pursuits a flaming passion that turns its search for knowledge into an insatiable hunger, makes its cold intellect brilliantly fruitful, and widens its speculation into a search for connections between wildly disparate objects or concepts. It is manic in its expressions of creative energy, shifting from careful analysis to intuitive leap seemingly for no reason, always thinking outside the proverbial box. As the Izzet see it, unpredictable action, far from being antithetical to methodical research, has experimental value. In the words of one researcher, "The only action worth taking is one with an unknown outcome." As Ravnica descends into increasing turmoil, the lzzet have further intensified their frenetic research, though now their efforts are mainly directed toward one < 11,\l'I ~ R 2 GUI LO$ Of R \\':-0 !(,,\ 65 outcome: the development of super-weapons. The suspicion that festers in the mind of the Izzet guild master, the ancient dragon Niv-Mizzet, urges him to push his guild's research toward increasingly dangerous and volatile experimentation. For the rest of the guild members, the search for bigger and better weapons is mainly an opportunity to engage in all sorts of wild research while abandoning all outward pretense of safety or reason. Much of the guild's laboratory space has been converted into testing grounds that are capable of withstanding great discharges of magical energy. lZZET CHARACTERS Alignment: Usually chaotic, often neutral Suggested Races: Human, goblin, vedalken Suggested Classes: Fighter, sorcerer, wizard You might enjoy playing a character who belongs to the Izzet League fo r any of the following reasons: • You like to make things happen and don't care about the consequences. • You're drawn to wild magic and dangerous explosions. You want to be an innovative genius. • You relish the madcap high jinks of goblins. JOINI NG T HE lZZET LEAGUE_ _ Most lzzet recruits begin their careers as attendants. In the service of a more powerful mage, a crew of up to forty attendants engages in tasks such as recording and organizing information (sometimes under dangerous circumstances), acquiring rare items or elements (usually under dangerous circumstances), or completing experiments (always under dangerous circumstances). Goblins relish this sort of work, while other folk seek promotion into a new position as quickly as possible. If you are a spellcaster, such as a sorcerer or a wizard, the easiest way up and out of your position is by proving your s kill with magic. Most lzzet sorcerers get their magic from the Wild Magic origin, but a few claim a Draconic Bloodline. lzzet wizards tend to specialize in the School of Conjuration, Evocation. or Transmutation. As a n Izzet spellcaster, you are probably connected to a particular laboratory, either one described in the "Inside the lzzet" section or a less prominent one focused on a narrower topic. You could be an independent researcher, a functionary devoted to carrying out errands for the guild's leadership, or a coordinator charged with synchronizing the efforts of different laboratories. Even though the work of the Izzet League is largely focused on magic and research, if you are a more martial-minded character you still have a role to play in the guild. Fighters with the Eldritch Knight archetype often serve as guards, protecting laboratories and the inventions contained within them, or you can aspire to the elite role of scorchbringer (which comes with a flame-throwing magic device called a pyroconverger, described in chapter 5). B ACKGROUND: l ZZET ENGINEER Armed with an inventive intellect, a love of magical technology, and an unquenchable energy, you are an enthusiastic participant in the research work of the lzzet League. Though you're likely to begin your career as a mere attendant, you can aspire to become a skilled mage or alchemist, a laboratory supervisor, or even a flamethrower-wielding scorchbringer tasked with defending lzzet laboratories. The Izzet are obsessive, brilliant, inspired, and an unpredictable force of chaos in Ravnica, and you epitomize all of those qualities. Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, lnvestigation Languages: Choose one of Draconic, Goblin, orVedalken Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools Equipment: An Izzet insignia, one set of artisan's tools, the charred and twisted remains of a failed experiment, a hammer, a block and tackle, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins) FEATURE: URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE The popular conception of the Izzet League is based on mad inventions, dangerous experiments, and explosive blasts. Much of that perception is accurate, but the league is also involved with mundane tasks of construction and architecture- primarily in crafting the infrastructure that allows Ravnicans to enjoy running water, levitating platforms, and other magical and technological wonders. You have a basic knowledge of the structure of buildings, including the stuff behind the walls. You can also find blueprints of a specific building in order to learn the details of its construction. Such blueprints might provide knowledge of entry points, structural weaknesses, or secret spaces. Your access to such information isn't unlimited. If obtaining or using the information gets you in trouble with the law, the guild can't shield you from the repercussions. IZZET GUILD SPELLS Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature For you, the spells on the lzzet Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) IZZET GUILD SPELLS Spell Level Can trip 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth bb C!l,\Pl1R2 l,IJlll>SOI R\\~lC\ Spells produce flame, shocking grasp chaos bolt, create or destroy water, unseen servant heat metal, rope trick call lightning, elemental weapon, glyph of warding conjure minor elementals, divination, Otiluke's resilient sphere animate objects, conjure elemental Your spells tend to be loud, flashy, or explosive, even when the effect is unremarkable. For example, when you open the portal of a rope trick spell, the portal might be outlined by harmless. showy sparkles. If you use an arcane focus, it probably takes the form of an intricate device that could include metal gauntlets, glass canisters, copper tubing, and leather straps attaching it to your body. The mizzium apparatus described in chapter 5 is a magical version of this gear. The chaos bolt spell is a favorite of Izzet spellcasters because of its unpredictable nature. SPELL: CHAOS BOLT 1st-level evoe<1tion Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S Duration: l nstantaneous You hurl an undulating, warbling mass of chaotic energy at one creature in range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 + l d6 damage. Choose one of the d8s. The number rolled on that die determines the attack's damage type, as shown below. d8 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Damage Type Acid Cold Fire Force Lightning Poison Psychic Thunder At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell s lot of 2nd level or higher, each target takes ld6 extra damage of the type rolled for each slot level above 1st. SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS Members of the Izzet League embody some combination of chaotic, frenetic energy with intellectual curiosity, in varying proportions. Some are committed to academic pursuits, and others just like explosions. PERSONALITY TRAITS d8 2 3 4 5 6 If you roll the same number on both d8s, the chaotic energy leaps from the target to a different creature of your choice within 30 feet of it. Make a new attack roll against the new target, and make a new damage roll, which could cause the chaotic energy to leap again. A creature can be targeted only once by this casting of the spell. 7 8 Personality Trait I have a hard time staying focused o n ... oh, and my brain tends to jump from one ... did I mention focus? I get really excited about my ideas and I can't wait to talk about them and start putting them into practice and tinkering with them and I want to tell you about how exciting it all is! It's not magic-or anything, really-if you do it only halfway. Whatever I do, I give it all I've got. I do what my gut tells me. Life's an experiment, and I can't wait to see what happens. I pepper my speech with the incomprehensible jargon of my trade, like mizzium droplets inserted into a weird.field suspension. Great ideas are fine, but great results are what counts. If you can guess what I'm about to do, that means I've run out of imagination. CH.\l'HR?. I GUILDS OF RA\'NIC.\ 67 IDE ALS d6 2 Ideal IZZET CONTACTS d8 An older relative is a member of the guild's board of Creativity. Half the world's troubles come from d irectors. stodgy thinking, stuck in the past. We need innovative 2 solutions. (Chaotic) 3 Discovery. Every experiment has the potential to Science. A rigorous application of logical principles 3 A sibling is the head of a laboratory doing exotic 4 A fo rmer colleague is now an attendant in a labora- research. an d protocols will lead us toward progress more surely than any belief system. (Lawful) 5 6 tory in the central guildhall. 5 Fun. I love my job! Despite the dangerous working cond itions, there's nothing I'd rather do. (Chaotic) I'm in regu lar communication with an instructor who set me on the course of my life and research. 6 I had a romance with a chemister working in the 7 As an attendant, I had a fierce rivalry with another 8 The guildmaster, Niv-Mizzet, took note of one of my Blistercoils. Power. Someday I'll find or create the magic that will make me the most powerful being in Ravnica. (Evil) I know a sprite who carries important messages among the guild's laboratories. revea l more secrets of the multiverse. (Any) 4 Contact Guild. My guild is all that real ly matters. (Any) attendant for our supervisor's attention. BONDS d6 experiments! Bond I have dedicated my life to fin ding a solution to a scientific problem. 2 3 I'll never forget the laboratory where I learned my 5 dlO l An Azorius inspector seems interested in my work. me. 2 I was ready to join the Boros before I decided on I'm convinced it was sabotage that destroyed my first lzzet, and I sometimes still hear from the sergeant laboratory and killed many of my friends, and I seek who tried to recru it me. 3 One of my former assistants turned out to be a Dimir I have the schematics for an invention that I hope to spy. We're not on friendly terms anymore, but we build one day, once I have the necessary resources. have a habit of runn ing into each other. A fe llow student and I are racing to solve the same 4 scient ific puzzle. 6 Contact skills, or the other attendants who learned alongside revenge against whoever did it. 4 NON ·I ZZET CONTACTS I wou ld do anything the guildmaster told me to do. A Golgari assassin ki lled a bitter rival of mine, leaving me with confl icted feelings. s I helped a minor Gruul chieft ain acquire an lzzet weapon. FLAWS d6 6 If there's a plan, I'll probably forget it. If I don't forget 7 I get bored easily, and if nothing is happening I'll 8 4 N othing is ever simple, and ifit seems simpl e, I'll find I tend to ignore sleep for days when I'm conducting every time we run into each other. I'm convinced there's not a soul in Ravn ica, except maybe the great Niv-Mizzet, who can match my boundless intellect. I'm incapable of admitting a flaw in my logic. CONTACTS The laboratories of the lzzet League are constantly starting up new projects and dissolving old ones, so it's easy for even the lowliest attendant to make friends (and enemies) in laboratories across Ravnica. Roll twice on the Izzet Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-lzzet Contacts table. 68 A fo rmer attendant from the same laboratory ran off a way to make it complicated. research, often at the expense of my own health and 6 9 to join the Selesnya, and we get into a big argument safety. 5 I have a cousin in the Cult of Rakdos. and we get along quite well. make something happen. 3 An O rzhov banker financed my laboratory's current work and expects great returns. it, I'll probably ignore it. 2 Roll an additional lzzet contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival. Flaw CHAPTER 2 I GUILDS 01 R,\\ NICA 10 I compare notes an d techniques with a Simic scientist over lunch sometimes. How Do I FIT IN? Whatever your role in the lzzet League, you are expected to contribute to its research in some way. That contribution might involve participating in tests, whether as an assistant, a researcher, or a subject. You might be one of the soldiers who protects a laboratory, or a laborer responsible for lifting heavy pieces of equipment into place. Everyone's contribution matters, even if the Izzet know that some matter more than others. AN I ZZET P A RTY A party made up entirely of lzzet members might be a mage (wizard or sorcerer) accompanied by guards (fighters) and attendants (any class). The structure of the guild generally assumes that the mage is in charge of steering the group, but it's possible for any of the other characters to be the true brains of the operation. This party lacks healing ability, but alchemist-crafted healing potions can help sustain the party in the absence of a dedicated healer. RA N K AND R ENOW N Renown within the lzzet League brings with it more responsibility in your chosen field of study, as well as an increasing ability to choose the activities that interest you. This greater responsibility and independence is reflected in a progression of ranks, from that of a mere attendant to a coveted position on the Izmagnus. RANK l: R ESEARCHER Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the lzzet League, Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature When you have advanced the guild's interests and s urvived a few magical experiments, you graduate into a position where you can conduct experiments yourself. Only a spellcaster can craft and operate the laboratory equipment involved in lzzet experiments. As a researcher, you can request equipment for use in your experiments and during adventures. You can secure the aid of ld4 barely competent attendants to assist you. Your attendants use the commoner stat block in the Monster Manual. When you achieve this rank, you can help create your own mizzium apparatus (described in chapter 5). To do so, you must spend 10 days of downtime in an Jzzet workshop, assisting a more experienced researcher in the construction of the device. The apparatus is given to you at the end of this time. If your apparatus is lost or destroyed, you can create a replacement by spending 50 gp and another 10 days of downtime. SCORCHBRINGER (SPECIAL ROLE) Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Izzet League Scorchbringers are soldiers assigned to protect lzzet laboratories. As a scorchbringer, you are given a pyroconverger (described in chapter 5) and are expected to use it in the defense of lzzet property. If your pyroconverger is lost or destroyed, you can get a replacement for 50 gp. RANK 2: SUPERVISOR Prerequisite: Renown 10 or higher in the Izzet League Whether you're an accomplished researcher, a committed soldier, or even a ded icated (and skilled) attendant, you are eligible for promotion to a supervisor position. As a supervisor, you oversee your former peers . Your role is primarily to translate the instructions of the director above you into concrete tasks that the people who report to you can accomplish. If your director sends you on a mission outside the laboratory, you receive an Izzet charm (described in chapter 5) at the start of that mission. As a supervisor, you earn a salary sufficient to maintain a modest lifestyle. C:ll \l''H R 2 C,l lLDS Of RA\ NI \ (,9 INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER (SPECIAL ROLE) Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Izzet League, Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature Not every researcher chooses to advance through the ranks of management to become a supervisor. As an independent researcher, you can use the resources of your laboratory to conduct any kind of experiment. Assisting you in your research are 2d6 competent attendants (use the commoner stat block in the Monster Manual, and give them proficiency in the Arcana skill). In addition, you can create your own Izzet charm (described in chapter 5), given 5 days of work and access to your laboratory. When you do so, any other charms you have created vanish. RANK 3: DIRECTOR Prerequisite: Renown 25 or higher in the Izzet League You oversee a laboratory and all its personnel. In addition, as a director, you are eligible to join the Izmundi, the Tzzet board of directors, as a representative of your laboratory. You must have the approval of Niv-Mizzet, and a position on this board usually becomes available only if a vacancy opens up. If you assemble your own laboratory, you can be added to the board as an additional member. It's up to the Izmundi to assemble the correct team to carry out the guildmaster's directives. The Izmundi decides which laboratory should have primary responsibility for any given project, and the director of that laboratory is responsible for assigning people to the team. Within the bounds of Niv-Mizzet's directives, you have wide latitude in directing the activities of your laboratory. That means you can steer the researchers of your laboratory toward the creation of particular items or effects. Between adventures, you can maintain yourself at a comfortable lifestyle as a member of the Izmundi. RANK 4: ADVISOR Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Izzet League As one of the most famous members of the guild, you are eligible to join the ranks of the Izmagnus. The decision to include you on this board is solely Niv-Mizzet's. The number of members on the board isn't fixed, so you don't need to wait for a vacancy. As a member of the Izmagnus, you have the ear of the dragon guild master. You can never be fu lly aware of the scope of his plans, but you know more about them than anyone aside from the other members of the board. The guildmaster listens to your opinion, even though you're not an ancient dragon with thousands of years of accumulated knowledge and wisdom. Ultimately, Niv-Mizzet tells you what to do- and you (along with your peers) tell the rest of the guild how to do it. As a member of the Izmagnus, you can maintain yourself at a wealthy lifestyle between adventures. 70 CHo\l'TER 2 I GUILDS OF RA\'N!CA ENEMIES AND ALLIES The Izzet have difficulty relating to the concerns of other guilds. The closest affinity they feel for another guild is their respect for the scientific minds of the Simic- but from the Izzet viewpoint, the Simic efforts lack passion. Conversely, the Izzet can appreciate the passion of the Boros, Gruul, and Rakdos, but they don't agree with the goals those passions are directed toward. The Izzet have a reputation for unprovoked aggression, spurred by the ambition of Niv-Mizzet. From your perspective as a guild member, the ancient dragon has a good reason for everything he does. If you are sent to test a new weapon against a suspected Dimir safe house, a Gruul camp, or a deceptively peaceful Selesnya enclave, those must s urely be dangerous foes of the Jzzet. You are also bound to oppose the Dimir when they steal the secrets of your laboratory's research, the Gruul when they smash the delicate equipment that supports your life's work, and the Boros and the Azorius if they decide that your work presents a danger to the city or breaks some obscure law. Sometimes members of other guilds can help advance your research, intentionally or otherwise. The Izzet are intelligent enough to recognize their weaknesses, and adventuresome souls from other guilds can offset those weaknesses. The healing spells of Boros clerics can be an invaluable aid, and if a cyclops isn't available to lend its brute strength to your work, a Boros minotaur or a Selesnya centaur can fill the need nicely. THE IZZET V I EW ON OTHER GUILDS To the lively intellect of the lzzet, the members of Ravnica's other gu ilds seem slow, dull, and utterly lacking in the spirit of scientific inqu iry and experimentation. Azorius. "The Azorius create regulations for everything, including freedom . What du ll, shackled lives they lead." Boros. "All too often when we're on the verge of setting off a little explosion or a spell that tears a hole in reality, the Boros show up to spoil the fun." Dimir. "The less we see of the Dimir, the more we know they are monitoring us." Golgari. "They keep to themselves and clean up our messes. As long as they stay out of sight, it's hard to view them as a threat." Gruul. "They're even better at wrecking our laboratories than we are!" Orzhov. "Progress mea ns taking risks. But when you gamble with the Orzhov, you always wager more than coin." Rakdos. "Steer clear of these senseless riot-fiends. Their enthusiasm is best appreciated from a distance." Selesnya. "These zealots run with beasts and worship figments of the past. They wou ld be wiser to embrace the wonders of the future." Simic. "The Simic are inventive, but their creations are bereft of soul and fire. They tinker with life but lack the ins piration to breathe t rue spirit into their inventions." INSIDE THE SYNDIC ATE 0RZH OV SYND ICATE REPRESENTING THE ORZHOY WAS A TALL, WELL-DRESSE D noblewoman face didn't recognize. The identities of the On:hov knights around her were concealed by full helmets; instead offaces they bore only the Orzhov's black sunburst symbol. Small. ugly. gray-skinned servant creatures attended to their black capes. - Doug Beyer, Return to Ravnica: The Secretist Wealth is power, and you absolutely can take it with you if you're an undying spirit living in decadent luxury on the ruling council of the Orzhov Syndicate. Built on the crushed dreams and broken bodies of citizens deeply indebted to the syndicate's banks and loan sharks, Orzhov's elaborate hierarchy of syndics, priests, and oligarchs exists for the single purpose of funneling wealth to the top. Beneath the twin facades of religious hierarchy and banking operation, Orzhov is an organized crime syndicate with its fingers in businesses across the city. The Orzhov's original function was both religious and financial, with the two functions closely related. As Ravnica's dominant church, the Orzhov continues to preach an oppressive message that equates sin with debt and promises forgiveness to those who make tithes and donations. As Ravnica's principal bank, it stores and secures the riches of the city, collecting inte rest at high rates to expand its own wealth. Its members truly believe that their work is necessary to the proper functioning of Ravnica. Although most other Ravnicans see the Orzhov for the corrupt organization it is, many people are still dazzled by the syndicate's promises of wealth. prestige, and longevity. The Ghost Council, also called the Obzedat, that leads the Orzhov founded the guild and signed the Guildpact, but it isn't clear which members of the original Obz.e dat might have faded from existence since then and which current members have joined since. The Orzhov are ruled by the iron-fisted Obzedat, a council consisting of the oldest and most powerful undead oligarchs. A vast hierarchy stretches out beneath them, so most of your interactions with the leadership of the guild are with people (or spirits) who occupy the rank just above yours. This hierarchy has corruption in it at every level, and at any time your superiors might be passing instructions down from on high or just using you to pursue their own agendas of greed and ambition. Orzhov churches and basilicas are scattered across the city, each one led by a ministrant with a staff of knights and syndics. These sites are centers of commerce clothed in the trappings of religion, where lowly borrowers come to seek atonement for their sins - atonement that is given in the form of debt and obligation. Orzhov attorneys and advokists maintain offices near New Prahv and other Azorius courts. Despite their proximity to law enforcement, these offices are centers of operation for Orzhov protection rackets and other criminal activities. G OALS OF TH E 0RZH OV The Orzhov Syndicate is dedicated to the quest for power. It sees the value in an organized, structured, law-abiding community, because it is adept at exploiting laws and s tructures for its own gain. It sees itself. in a perfect world, as the arbiter and enforcer of a social order that keeps everyone in their place and the Orzhov in the highest place. Increasing tensions in Ravnica have led to an atmosphere of instability, and to counter this, the Orzhov Syndicate promises the trappings of a stable, ordered life amid the chaos-for a price. The Orzhov believe that adherence to hierarchy is the key to success, and they find great comfort in the rigid structure of their guild. To boost their declining profits in a vacillating economy. the Orzhov have begun offering protection services, promising to shield their "customers" from both physical ha rm and fiscal disaster. These operations amount to racketeering, bringing with them the underlying threat that those who refuse to pay for protection become targets of the Orzhov's thugs and enforcers. The Azorius are the greatest threat to Orzhov's operations. In times past, the Orzhov danced along the edges of the law and presented an appearance of legality, but the combination of an ever-expandi ng legal code and the guild's move into racketeering and other explicitly illegal HAPTER 2 UILDS OF RA\. ICA 71 activities has made it vulnerable to Azorius enforcement. So far, the Azorius have demonstrated more interest in cracking down on the chaotic activity of the Gruul and the Rakdos, but Azorius arresters also routinely shut down Orzhov protection rackets and take enforcers into custody. To make matters worse, the Azorius Senate's increasing use of precognitive magic is proving difficult for the Orzhov to work around. So far, the syndicate's most effective tactic has been to increase the layers of separation between the day-today criminal operations of the guild and the leadership, ensuring that no matter how many street-level thugs and syndics are apprehended to fill the Azorius prisons, the guild's leadership remains intact. Contact between the oligarchs and lower-ranking members of the guild is increasingly rare in this situation, and even the pontiffs find it ever more difficult to arrange a hearing with their superiors. ENFORCER Enforcers guard Orzhov property and protect the guild's bureaucrats, administrators, and aristocrats. You might be the muscle who collects protection money and debt payments from the syndicate's clients, or an assassin (euphemistically called a euthanist) who brings speedy ends to lives deemed to have gone on too long. Most Orzhov enforcers are fighters. Rogue enforcers typically emulate the Thief or Assassin archetype. PRIEST • You want to move through the corrupt underbelly of society and make respectable people squirm in your presence. You enjoy playing fearsome or decadent characters. • You want to strive for wealth, lavish beauty, or both. ff you are cleric (most likely of the Order Domain), you can aspire to serve an important function in the Orzhov Syndicate, which continues to maintain the outward appearance of a religious institution. Once you earn a position of respect in the syndicate, you will hear confessions and dole out penance (which is always of a financial nature). Your "calling" centers on collecting monetary tithes and offerings in a wide range of forms. Your spellcasting ability comes from the collective power of the spirits that rule the guild, not from a god. You might even be a most unusual priest for the syndicate-one who thinks the guild's wealth should be used to ease the suffering of the downtrodden. You might also believe in the inspiration and delight that beautiful pageantry can offer to the world. If you seek to distribute wealth and share beauty, rather than hoard them, you must do so discreetly to avoid the ire of the Obzedat. j BACKGROUND: 0 RZHOV ORZHOV CHARACT E RS Alignment: Usually lawful, often evil Suggested Races: Human Suggested Classes: Cleric, fighter, rogue, wizard You might enjoy playing a character who belongs to the Orzhov Syndicate if any of the following sentences are true: OINING THE 0 RZHOV SYNDI CATE At the beginning of your association with the Orzhov, you are regarded as a borrower. Whether you are the wealthy scion of an oligarch fami ly or a penniless citizen deep in debt to the guild, your status is functionally equivalent: you owe everything you have, even your life, to the Orzhov. Your only hope of improving your status is through your service to the guild. As you acquire renown, you can rise above this debased position in the guild hierarchy. Choose one of three parallel tracks of advancement, depending on your capabilities: advokist, enforcer, or priest. ADVOKIST If you are a spellcaster (perhaps a wizard specialized in the School of Abjuration, Divination, or Enchantment), you can aspire to be an advokist- one of the syndicate's lawyers, with duties that include overseeing contracts, representing clients in Azorius courts, and prosecuting those who fail to pay their debts. Some clerics of the Order Domain also choose to pursue this path. Many advokists draw on the power of law magic to enforce regulations and contracts to the advantage of the guild. They use their magic to draw out the truth from debtors and those who dare to break their contracts with the guild, to ensure that petitioners approach with the proper humility, and to punish those who offend them or violate their contracts. Some advokists (partic- 72 ularly specialists in the School of Abjuration) also deal in encrypting texts, warding vaults and secret meeting rooms, fortifying structures, and cloaking important personages in magical protections. CHAPTER 2 GUlLDS OF R \\ N!CA REPRESENTATIVE The prospect of immense wealth is the promise of membership in the Orzhov Syndicate. All of the guild's endeavors channel wealth from Ravoican society into the ranks of the Orzhov- and concentrates the spoils at the top of the hierarchy. As a functionary in that system, your best hope is to claim as much as possible of the money that passes through your hands on its way up, so that you can work your way into a more prominent position. Regardless of your past and the wealth of your family. your initial status with the guild is near the bottom, until you have proven your value. Skill Proficien cies : Intimidation, Religion Langu ages: Two of your choice Equipment: An Orzhov insignia, a foot-long chain made of ten gold coins, vestments, a set of fine clothes, and a belt pouch containing 1 pp (an Orzhov-minted 10-zino coin) FEATURE: LEVERAGE You can exert leverage over one or more individuals below you in the guild's hierarchy and demand their help as needs warrant. For example, you can have a message carried across a neighborhood, procure a short carriage ride without paying, or have others clean up a bloody mess you left in an alley. The OM decides if your demands are reasonable and if there are subordinates available to fulfill them. As your status in the guild improves, you gain influence over more people, including ones in greater positions of power. SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS Members of the Orzhov Syndicate range from the decadent nobility at the top of the oligarchy to the debt-ridden wretches at the bottom. You fall somewhere between those extremes, so you might behave with the arrogance of the very rich or the humility of the impoverished. 0RZHOV GUILD SPELLS Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature For you, the spells on the Orzhov Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcas ting class. (lf you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) 0RZHOV GUILD SPELLS Spell Level Can trip lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Spells friends, guidance command, illusory script enthrall, ray ofenfeeblement, zone oftruth bestow curse, speak with dead, spirit guardians blight, death ward, Leomund's secret chest geas Your magic tends to manifest as swirling shadows, brilliant light, or sometimes the momentary appearance of shadowy spirit forms. Your spells might draw the blood of your enemies, or even directly touch their souls. PERSONALITY TRAITS d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Personality Trait I am always willing to act in accordance with the financial incentive offered. Debts are never meant to be forgiven. I am accustomed to enjoying the finest pleasures money can buy. No one could doubt that I am a cut above the masses of pitiful peasants that infest the city. I can't stand to spend a zib more than necessary to purchase what I need. I hate it when people try to make light of a serious situation. I want to make sure everyone is aware of how wealthy, powerful, and important I am. I can't think of anything to look forward to. (,liAf'l l 11. 2 GUILD:; Of RAVNICA 73 ID EAL S d6 2 3 4 5 6 Ideal Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any) Wealth. I will do whatever it takes to become as rich as the oligarchs. (Evil) Power. One day, I will be the one giving orders. (Evil) Prestige. I want to be admired, respected, feared, or even hated for my position and wealth. (Evil) Stability. The economy functions best when chaos is kept under control and everyone knows their place. (lawful) Eternity. I want to live forever-in the flesh as long as possible, and as a spirit afterward. (Any) BONDS d6 2 3 4 5 6 Bond The unbea rable weight of my debt has driven me to desperation. I'm duty-bound to obey the dictates of an ancestor on the Ghost Council. I value my worldly goods more highly than my mortal life. An oligarch publicly humiliated me, and I will exact revenge on that whole family. My faith in the Obzedat never wavers. I want to prove myself more worthy than an older sibling and thereby ensure that I inherit a greater share of my parents' wealth. F LAWS d6 2 3 4 5 6 d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CONTACTS CllJ\l'llR2IGUILD~OlRAVNl Of KA\NICA ff your work for the guild requires it, a project leader. clade leader, or other superior can equip you with a Simic charm (described in chapter 5) before you undertake a mission or an experiment on the guild's behalf. In addition, when you're on guild business, you can call on the following Simic hybrid agents to assist you: one hybrid brute or hybrid flier, up to two hybrid poisoners or hybrid shockers, or ld4 hybrid spies (see chapter 6 for these stat blocks). RANK 3: PROJECT LEADER Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Simic Combine A proven researcher, you are eligible to oversee your own project, directing the efforts of other researchers toward the solution of some problem facing the guild. The Speaker of your zonot gives you laboratory space, and you have a staff of 3d12 researchers (which use the stat blocks of commoners or merfolk from the Monster Manual). You can have this staff work on projects for you, which can include the creation of a category 2 krasis (see chapter 6 for the stat block) with adaptations of your choosing, which you can then bring outside the laboratory on important business, ideally under carefully controlled conditions. Hosting the work of a successful and important project reflects well on the Speaker of a zonot, so your Speaker keeps a close eye on your work. On the positive side, you can count on access to the considerable resources of the zonot as long as your research is going well. On the other hand, you can expect your Speaker to try to meddle in your work to ensure that your efforts remain relevant to the overall goals of the Simic Combine. RANK4:CLADELEADER Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 50 or higher in the Simic Combine As a famous researcher or a successful project leader, you stand ready to take on a supervisory role for an entire clade. New clades rarely form, so you must wait for your clade leader to retire (one way or another) before a position exists for you to fill, except in truly exceptional circumstances. Similar to a project leader, you are responsible for directing the efforts of researchers exploring a wide variety of projects related to the focus of your clade. Unless an experiment turns out to be especially interesting, these efforts can carry on without your supervision. If you need to, you can enlist the aid of Sd 12 researchers (which use the stat blocks of commoners or merfolk from the Monster Manual), and you can also request the support of hybrids, krasis, or any other creature associated with the Simic Combine (see the list in chapter 6) from the Speaker of any zonot where the members of your clade live and work. Because most clades span multiple zonots, you have status equal to the Speakers of the zonots. You have no voice on the Speakers' Chamber, unless you can persuade one or more of its members to speak on your behalf. SPEAKER (SPECIAL ROLE) Prerequisite: Renown 50 or higher in the Simic Combine You are eligible to become the Speaker of a zonot. The selection of a new Speaker (in the event of an existing Speaker's retiring, dying, or otherwise leaving the pos ition) takes place through a combination of popular election and the input of the other eight Speakers, with the current Prime Speaker having the final word. If you emerge as the victor after this rigorous process, you assume the leadership of your zonot and are empowered to bring its concerns before the Speakers' Chamber. You are a political leader rather than a scientific one, so you have authority over other members of the combine only if they live and work in your zonot. If a clade has a laboratory in your zonot, you have the right (and responsibility) to supervise its activities to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, but not to interfere in its research beyond that point. And if the clade leader lives in a different zonot, you have no authority whatsoever over that person. ENEMI ES AND ALLIES The Simic Combine has an affinity for guilds that care for the forces of nature, and as such it has worked alongside the Selesnya, Gruul, and Golgari in the past. To a lesser extent, the combine also has a rappor t with the other scientific guild, the Izzet. But overall, the Simic attitude toward other guilds is one of healthy caution bolstered by a general tendency toward isolation. Any guild could break the peace and send the entire world spiraling into war, so all the guilds are potential enemies-particularly if they direct their aggression at the Simic Combine. The Golgari Swarm has launched a direct attack against Zonot Four (located in the Sixth District), and they could expand that attack to other zonots at any time. Azorius arresters are prying into all the zonots, looking for evidence of wrongdoing. Thus, the Simic efforts at preparing for war are in danger, and the need for those efforts to be brought to fruition could arise at any time. Your most obvious allies are those who seek to restrain the ambition of other guilds and maintain the balance of power. At various times, that category could include members of any other guild, particularly the Selesnya Conclave. Everyone (with the possible exception of the chaotic Rakdos and Gruul) has an occasional interest in maintaining the status quo, no matter how revolutionary that notion might seem at other times. THE StMIC V I EW ON OTHER GUILDS The most insular members of the Simic Combine avoid interacting with other guilds entirely. No one but another Simic scientist could ever fu lly grasp or appreciate the work of the guild, and too many of the other guilds react with fear to what they don't understand. Azori us. "An absurd and inelegant construct, forever trapped in a maze of their own making. They would outlaw evolution if they could. And if any of them truly seek utopia, the rest are far too busy shuffling papers to notice. Avoid their attention at all costs." Boros. "They style themselves the agents of'justice.' But the law is no better excuse for aggression than any other.'' Dimir. "We need not compete. Let them be, and they will let us be-but observe them closely." Golgari. "Less an organization than an infestation. They are nea rly as adaptable as we are, and they seem intent on competition. More than any other guild, they pres· sure us to improve." Gruul. "The Gruul conceive of nature only in terms of savagery and privation. But their ways are no less a response to civilization than our own. They will survive, barely, and perhaps one day they will understand." lzzet. "The lzzet have s pent ten thousand yea rs mi micking the appearance of research, producing more pyrotech· nics than progress. Surely that is a performance to rival the Ra kdos." Orzhov. "They hoard their treasure throughout thei r pointless lives and lengthy afterlives. With such riches, we could swiftly bring about a future in which gold is as irrelevant as death." Rakdos. "Camouflage, mimicry, resilience, and versatility. If the guilds were species, we would count the Rakdos among the most impressive. But they aren't, and that makes the Rakdos fa r more erratic-and dangerous.'' Selesnya. "Like us, they seek a synthesis between 'natural' and 'artificial' systems. Unlike us, they wish to achieve it by unconditional surrender. They are adequate partners in stable times, but in the present climate they have little to offer." CHAPTER 2 I GUILDS OF RAVNICA 97 CHAPTE R 3: THE TENTH HE TENTH DISTRICT IS A SPRAWLING PLACE. To be governed effectively, it is broken into six precincts, each the size of a small city. This chapter describes the various features you can find in those wondrous places. T H E Six PRECINCTS Each precinct, as well as its distinct personality, is explored in its own section later in this chapter. Here are brief descriptions of each of them to help orient you before your tour: P r ecinct One. This is the hub of the wealthy and powerful, where courtly games and espionage play out among visitors gawking at the impressive architecture. The precinct is also known as the Guildpact Precinct. Precinct Two. Many professionals live here in clean and orderly neighborhoods, in the shadow of New Prahv, while mob bosses coerce residents in order to enrich themselves and influence local politics. Precin ct Three. In the Greenbelt, nature has encroached into the urban environment to varying degrees, and folk here provide bountiful sustenance and domesticated beasts for most of the district. Precinct Four. Constantly in a state of tu rmoil, the scarred streets of Precinct Four are a proving ground for soldiers and marauders alike. Visitors here had best be spoiling for a fight. Precinct Five. Precinct Five is where the learned folk of the Tenth District gather to discuss theory or to put their knowledge to practical use in the precinct's many schools, libraries, and laboratories. Precinct Six. In the hardscrabble neighborhoods of Precinct S ix, the working folk eke out a living by toiling at warehouses, docks, and factories controlled by callous employers. When night comes, the residents hide indoors to avoid becoming prey to creatures that stalk the darkness. PEOPLE AND RUMORS Each precinct's section includes two tables that can help you, as DM, improvise as characters explore that part of the city. When a character wants to talk to a person on the street, you can roll on the People on the Street table for the precinct. Unless otherwise noted, these NPCs can be of any race. They might use the Monster Manual stat blocks for commoners, guards, or other creatures, at your discretion. Whenever characters are gathering information or talking with contacts in a precinct, you can use the Rumors table for the precinct to add some flavor to their interactions or to generate adventure hooks. DISTRICT MAJOR TRADE WAYS Two major avenues run across the whole Tenth District, crossing precinct lines. Tin Street is the longest thoroughfare in the city, a vital center of trade, and a bub of activity day and night. l n addition to its shopping attractions, Tin Street is also a popular spot for nightlife, with its many restaurants and theaters. Much of the street runs through the western part of Precinct Four, and other parts are claimed by goblin gangs. The prominent presence of Boros soldiers along the length of Tin Street helps the popu lace feel safer, but the threat of rubblebelt raiders and goblin thieves remains. The Tr ansguild Promenade makes its way across the district from the edge of the rubblebelt in Precinct Four to the southern gates of Precinct One. The Promenade's northern reach is heavily patrolled by Boros soldiers, and caravans coming from the north employ heavily armed escorts to ensure their safe passage through the ruined areas. Markets and parks line the avenue as it winds through Precinct One, and parades clog the street on festive holidays. BENEATH THE STREETS Even though most Ravnicans think the city begins at ground level and stretches upward, the part of the city that lies beneath the streets impacts the lives of everyone. Immediately underground are the city works, such as the sewers and the transit system. Below the complex network of tunnels and passages that make up the city works lies the undercity-a realm populated by creatures that shun the surface world. CITY WORKS The Izzet League is responsible for constructing and maintaining public works, including sewers and other pipe systems. Many members of the Golgari Swarm live or work here, farming fungus and scavenging for valuable trinkets in the muck. Orzhov crypts and vaults, Dimir hideouts, and Simic laboratories can also be found in the city works. MI LL ENN I AL PLATFORM Anchored by enormous chains at the juncture of Precincts One, Three, and Fou r, the Millenn ial Pla tform is a floating observation deck that affords the best overhead view of the Tenth District. The most exclusive restau rant in the district is located here. Every citizen is given a token that can be redeemed for one ai rship ride to the platform anytime during the comi ng yea r, but those who want to dine at the Millennial Restau rant might have to make a reservation months in advance. CHAPTFR 3 I THE TENTll DISlRICT 99 1. CHAMBER OF '11-fE GUILDPACT 2. PL.AZA. AVBNUE 3. TBN'n-t DISTRICT PLAZA 4. ORZHOVA 5. VlZKOPA BANK 6. AUOUST1N STATION 7. NEWPRAHV 8. Ym.J-GHAZI 9.SKARRG 10. SUNHOME 11. NMX 12. ZONOT 5EvEN 13. PR.ISM UNJVERSrrv 14. DE.Ao8RIDCS CHAsM 15. GoRE House 16. KAMEN FoR'mESS "-'· TENTH DISTRICT •,1• • •.•.•., 0 o.s 1.5 2mi. SEWERS A vast, winding sewer network runs under the Tenth District, lit by continual flame spells. Some of the tunnels are simply storm sewers, meant to carry rainwater (and the debris it washes from the streets) into great cisterns, where it is purified and sent into the pipes in the plumbing system that serves Ravnica's nicer neighborhoods. Others carry waste and refuse out of those neighborhoods, depositing it in different cisterns or dumping it into the subterranean oceans of the undercity. PIPE TuNNELS Around the sewer system, smaller tunnel networks carry steam, distilled magical energy, and water to various places throughout the city. These passages are large enough for a humanoid to walk through but are often quite uncomfortable, filled with impure air and stifling heat. TRANSIT TuNNELS Magically charged tracks line the floors of tube-like tunnels that send vehicular constructs to major locations in the Tenth District and beyond. The tunnels open into small stations that have staircases leading up to the su rface. what transpired, beyond what is necessary. Most assume that the place lies somewhere within Nightveil, but it could lie anywhere in the undercity. KOROZDA Also called the Maze of Decay, Korozda is an arched subterranean cathedral surrounded by fungal hedgerows and moss-encrusted ruins. In its center is a great amphitheater where the most important issues are brought to the Golgari's attention. Penvar, the Hanging Keep, is a castle fixed upside down on the ceiling above the entrance to Korozda. Its soldiers, predominantly the insectoid kraul, prevent any unauthorized visitors to the Golgari stronghold. Rrx MAADI Known as the Dungeon Palace, this is the guildhall of the Cult of Rakdos, and the lava-filled lair of the demon himself. An immense, crumbling, red stone staircase called the Demon's Vestibule begins the journey from the Smelting District down into the depths, treating travelers to terrifying images depicted on banners as they descend. Farther down, the temperature rises and the passage eventually opens up into the Festival Grounds, where the bloodiest performances of the Rakdos and their torturous equipment are on display. CRYPTS Ancient resting places lie in secret chambers below the surface of Ravnica. Many of them have been magically warded to prevent unauthorized entry. Some of these sites are homes for restless undead or gathering places for thieves, smugglers, and other criminals. UNDERCITY Deep below the Tenth District Jjes a vast, thriving community of folk who have no desire or choice to live under the sky. Here, the Dimir. Golgari, Rakdos, and Simic hold sway in the caverns, causeways, and bodies of water that grace the darkest depths. NIGHTVEIL The sprawling residence of many of the House Dimir elite, parts of Nightveil overlap the Tenth District in the undercily. An extensive system of natural caverns houses high-walled mansions and sunken crypts that have a grand, sinister motif. Patrolling specters and other incorporeal undead make it difficult for the unwelcome to enter. Du SK MANTLE The Dimir guildhall is protected by memory wards (glyphs of warding that store modify memory spells) to ensure that few know of its existence. Those who are called there never remember 102 THE UNDERSEA Rivers, lakes, and oceans run deep below the surface of Ravnica. Several of them connect to the Simic habitats known as zonots. They are also used as thoroughfares by aquatic races and monsters. PRECINCT ONE The grandeur of Precinct One is the heart of Ravnica's civilization, and visitors gawk at the impressive architecture and rub shoulders with the rich and powerful. Immaculately maintained avenues and manicured gardens create an impression of order, civility, and high culture. During the day, the streets are filled with tourists, government officials, diplomats, and wealthy merchants and financiers. At night, most of Precinct One is quiet, with a few lit carriages drawn by constructs and well-groomed beasts making their way to exclusive nightclubs and restaurants. The people who live in this precinct are accustomed to having high-quality goods and spending a lot of leisure time in social engagements. Neighbors are polite and affable toward others of their station, but gossip is quite common and accepted. AFFILIATED GUILDS All the guilds have interests here. Lawyers, bureaucrats, and soldiers of the Azorius Senate are found throughout the precinct The Orzhov Syndicate runs many of the clubs and restaurants here, and this is the location of both its guildhall, Orzhova, and its monumental Vizkopa Bank. The Selesnya Conclave helps to maintain the grounds around the plaza and is often involved as diplomatic envoys for meetings and negotiations that take place here. NEIGHBORHOODS AND LANDMARKS Precinct One has few permanent residents, except for the very wealthy and some government officials who live in well-appointed apartments. Buildings here are of modern construction and well maintained. PLAZA EAST This neighborhood is home to many government officials, and it offers temporary housing for diplomats. Stately homes intermingle with more modest apartments. Transportation by carr iage between Plaza East and Tenth District Plaza is readily available, especially in the morning and evening. PLAZA WEST The best nightclubs and restaurants, most of which are run by the Orzhov, are in this neighborhood. There are few permanent residents in Plaza West, aside from the very rich who reside in spacious, luxurious, multilevel homes. PLAZA SOUTH Derogatorily known as Downside by the nobles and elite, this neighborhood is the hub of commerce in Precinct One and has more permanent residents than the other neighborhoods . Specialty s hops catering to tourists a nd the wealthy line the route of the Transguild Promenade as it runs through the a rea. The residents here tend to be well-to-do merchants and crafters, making their living off visitors and a few rich clients. 0RZHOVA The Orzhov Syndicate's lavish guildhall, also known as the Church of Deals, is on the western edge of Tenth District Plaza. The towering spires and stained glass windows house the grand gatherings of the guild and also serve as the quarters for its most elite members, including the ghosts of the Obzedat. Below the cathedral lies the mausoleum, glittering with opulence and serving as a resting place and a gathering point for secret meetings fa r from prying eyes and the Guildpact. VIZKOPA BANK T ENTH DISTRICT PLAZA A popular place for meetings, recreation, shopping, and simply being seen, Tenth District Plaza is a beautiful oasis of calm and cleanliness. Kept perpetually clean through magic and constantly patrolled by Azorius arresters, the plaza is considered neutral ground for every guild, gang, and faction in the city. Drawing a weapon within the confines of the plaza is met with a swift response from the arresters and marks the offender as a person who can't be trusted. CHAMBER OF THE GUILDPACT The long promenade of Plaza Avenue connects the south end of Tenth District Plaza to the great meeting hall of the guilds. The Chamber of the Guildpact is accessible by a grand staircase leading up into a cavernous hall where visitors and dignitaries from all over Ravnica meet. The Living Guildpact has an office here, but he is seldom present. In his absence, various functionaries who occupy the upper levels of the chamber try to carry out his work of adjudicating disputes between guilds and maintaining a semblance of peace. The Orzhov-controlled main bank of Ravnica, and also the place whe re the Orzhov mint their coins, Vizkopa Bank is a giant, opulent s tructure guarded by gargoyles. S pirits in debt to the Orzhov float within its halls and around the outside of the building. GOODS AND SERVICES There are few genera l s hops in Precinct One, but luxury items, grooming supplies, a nd fine clothing are available in boutiques in the a rea. Even practical items, such as backpacks and lanterns. are expensive and of the highest quality, bearing artisan's flourishes. Standard adventuring gear, including weapons and armor, is difficult to procure. Meals and lodging suitable for a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle are readily available in Plaza West, and comfortable accommodations are the norm for the officials in Plaza East and the merchants in Plaza South. Poorer people, including anyone who maintains a lifestyle as expensive as modest. might be seen as uncouth or undesirable. At the DM's discretion, adventurers who don't maintain a comfortable or more expensive lifestyle might have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct One . CllAPTl·R3 IHf.TENT!!DlS"!RlCI 10'~ RUMORS - LAW AND CRIME The privileged and wealthy people who live in Precinct One believe that the purpose of law enforcement is to serve them and keep them protected from the more unsavory elements of the city. Government officials here are more practical in their view of the law, recognizing that Precinct One is the entry point into the Tenth for many visitors and thus it must keep up the best of appearances. Azorius law enforcement officers are ever-present here, with at least one arrester assigned to patrol each street in Precinct One. It is illegal to brandish a weapon here, and people who walk around with unconcealed weapons (even sheathed ones) draw attention. Minor crimes are reported as soon as they are witnessed or discovered. Due to enhanced monitoring by precognitive mages, the typical response time to any crime is ld6 minutes, and the squad consists of an Azorius lawmage and three soldiers (see chapter 6 for these stat blocks). Very little street-level illicit activity takes place within Precinct One due to Azorius's constant surveillance. Private rooms in exclusive establishments are, however, sometimes used by the Orzhov and other wealthy criminals to conduct high-end black market transactions away from the eyes of law enforcement. PEOPLE AND RUMORS PEOPLE ON THE STREET- d12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PRECINCT ONE Description Banker, heading to a favorite restaurant Diplomat, heading to the Chamber of the Guildpact Gardener, pruning vegetation Ghost, looking for directions to Orzhova Government official, late for an appointment jeweler, heading to a grooming salon Mob boss, leaving a nightclub Noble, taking in the sights Opera singer, enjoying a meal outside Painter, working on a street scene Tourist, gawking at everything Translator, feeding some birds d6 2 3 4 5 6 PRECINCT ONE Rumor "Oh, dear! Did you hear all that commotion yester· day evening near the opera house? It appears that a couple of dignitaries went missing during the performance." "I hear that Nolson has purses and handbags in his inventory that bear some sort of magic. They'll get snapped up quickly, I'll wager." "A most dreadful moaning was coming from the plaza today. My friend said she saw a wailing spirit floating over the park. I wish they'd stay in the bank." "Such a commotion at the Wayfinder Club last night. I heard the fight, but a friend told me there were blades drawn, and the perpetrator escaped!" "Can you believe the gall of some people? I saw a couple of dirty ruffians in my neigh borhood last night, and they were defacing the walls of the court· house!" "I still can't believe that crazy old Orzhov syndic just handing out zincs near the plaza, muttering 'The end is near.' She'll invite nothing but undesirables sniffing for free coin." PRECINCT Two Small houses, modest apartments, and commercial shops are sprinkled throughout Precinct Two, a place that law enforcement officers, lawyers, retired soldiers, and well-off working families call home. Corner shops cater to everyday needs, and many establishments are run by ex-soldiers. Streets are kept tidy, and buildings are maintained to be serviceable. Under the precinct's urbane veneer, tension simmers between law officers and the opportunistic crime families who call this precinct home. The folk who live in this precinct believe in performing civic duties, conforming to your role, and maintaining strong friendships and fami ly ties. Good neighbors show respect to one another and enjoy competing among themselves to achieve greater successes. AFFILIATED GUI LD S New Prahv, the Azorius Senate guildhall, is located at the eastern end of the precinct, and many residents work there. Some active officers and retired soldiers from the Boros Legion make their homes in this precinct. The Orzhov Syndicate has a presence here through its connections to many of the small businesses. NEIGHBORHOOD S A N D L A NDM A RKS Most of Precinct Two is occupied by small commercial centers and rows of simple houses. It is populous but not stiflingly so. NE WPRAHV The tallest structure in the Tenth District, the austere New Prahv consists of three towering columns, remindIOb CllAl'Tl-k 3 lHF TE'>11l [llSTRICI ing everyone of the omnipresence of the Azorius Senate. Each column serves as the headquarters for one of the three branches of the senate. Inside, spacious chambers on the lower floors give way to a host of offices upstairs where day-to-day assignments arc issued and the strategy of maintaining law is continually honed. WHITESTO N E Whitestone is an orderly neighborhood on the northern side of the precinct, named for its rows of alabaster stone houses. It was built up by the Azorius to serve as a housing zone for many who work in New Prahv. To meet the demands of construction, many residents of this section of the city had to be relocated to the much more densely populated Griffin Heights. GRIFFIN HEIGHTS Two-story houses are nestled in the rolling hills of this neighborhood in the southern section of the precinct. Griffin Heights is rife with corruption, and less scrupulous government officials exchange information and money with the Orzhov in business establishments here. The locals are fiercely loyal to the Orzhov knights who watch over them, dutifully paying their protection fees. AUGU STIN STATION The main airship station for the Tenth District, Augustin Station is located at the western end of Griffin Heights. Travelers from a ll over Ravnica are carried in various forms of air travel: from gondolas hung from giant balloons to compartments strapped to the backs of enormous floating beasts bred by the Simic Combine. Augustin Station has twenty platforms, with flights arriving and leaving at all hours. The most popular ftight is to the Millennial Platform, a journey that costs 5 sp per passenger. Other flights carry passengers to smaller stations in each precinct of the Tenth District (1 gp), to large stations in each other district (10 gp), and to var ious other stations around the world (1 gp per mile). STATUE OF AG RUS Kos A ten-foot-tall granite statue of a Boros Legion soldier stands in a small park in Whitestone, surrounded by weather worn tables. During the Decamillennial Celebration seventy-six years ago, Agrus Kos became a hero by foiling various schemes to undermine the Guildpact. His statue has become a social gathering point for war veterans, mob contacts, and spies who tal k as they play var ious strategy games. Goons LAW A N D CRIME Many citizens in Precinct Two work for the Azorius, but others feel stifled by the guild's i ntr usive presence under the shadow of New Prahv. Most residents respect or der, but some rely more on Orzhov protection than on Azorius law. Almost everyone here knows someone who is trained in the use of weapons. T he typical response to a repor ted cri me is about 2d6 mi nutes, and the squad consists of two Azorius soldier s (see chapter 6 for the stat block) or 1d6 Orzhov thugs (from the Monster Manual). The organized cri me elements of the neighborhoods are locked in a power struggle agai nst law enforcement officials. This conflict rarely manifests i n open violence, but often antagonists "disappear" or "have an accident." Overt violent crimes someti mes involve ex-soldiers who have been psychologically scarred by past battles. PEOPLE A N D R U MORS PEOPL E ON THE STR EET- 108 PRECINCT Two Description l Arrester, off duty and out buying produce 2 Arrester, on duty and watching for trouble 3 Baker, returning from a long work shift 4 Carpenter, searching for a good pack animal 5 Chandler, fuming after a recent argument 6 Government official, enjoying a day off CH:\l'flR3 Jiii llNIJIUISTkll1 Description 7 Locksmith, on the way to unlock a door 8 Mob enforcer, trailing a debtor 9 Retired soldier, heading to a chess game 10 Shopkeeper, taking a child out for a treat 11 Teenager, heading to a friend's house 12 Tourist, heading to the Millennial Platform RU M ORS- d6 PRECIN CT Two Rumor "Can you believe the deals that Janus has this week in his shop? I wonder if he's in trouble, trying to move his merchandise so quickly." A N D SERV ICES Most any sort of merchandise can be acquired from some shop in Precinct Two. For mer soldiers and ex-adventu rers r un many of the businesses here, and weapons and armor are commonly available i n Gr i ffi n Heights. Meals and lodging are often of modest or comfortable quality i n this precinct, which has lots of boardi ng houses instead of inns. Corner tavern s are frequent and serve as the centers of neighborhood society. The people who live in Precinct Two aren't fond of people who don't fit in with them, and that includes those of both higher and lower means. People who don't maintain at least a modest lifestyle are viewed as lazy and undesirable, and those who aspire to a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle are seen as ar rogant snobs. At the DM's discretion, adventurers in either category could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacti ng with residents of Precinct Two. d12 d12 2 "I got a tip on some high-quality blades at Minera's. She's looking to find good homes for them, and she says some are enchanted." 3 "Two Boros minotaurs garrisoned at Sunhome were meeting with old friends at Newson's Tavern last night. They spent most of the night telling stories about a madness taking hold of their ranks." 4 "An airship docked in the middle of the night at Augustin Station without any people on board. No one knows how it got there without a crew." 5 "This is the third person gone missing in Griffin Heights this week. I hear they were all gamblers and deep in it. Must've owed way too much." 6 "Did you hear about that lawmage who went crazy? They had to send two squads of arresters to bring him down. He kept telling them 'A homunculus made me do it.' I don't want to know what 'it' is." PRECINCT THREE Ample parks, busy stables, and large gardens combine to create a vibrant environment in Precinct Three. Natural and urban life intermingle throughout the precinct, and the people who reside here view it as a respite from most other places in the Tenth District. Folk here tend to live simply, and generations of families have dwelt in the same s tructures for hundreds of years. During the day, the gardens, s mall pastures, and stables are tended by young and old. Evenings are given over to communal gatherings, sometimes featuring performances by trained beasts or storytelling. The people of Precinct Three are comfortable with living around nature. They have no problems with pets or beastly companions sharing their space as well as residing in multifamily structures. Good neighbors help tend to plants, animals, and children whenever necessary. A F FI LI ATE D GU I LD S The Selesnya Conclave's influence on this area is strong, and its guildha ll, the towering tree of Vitu-Ghazi, stands at the northern edge of the precinct. Members of the Gruul Clans sometimes venture into the northern part of the precinct, rarely with peaceful intentions. N EI GHBORHOOD S AN D L ANDM A RKS Precinct Three is made up of old stone structures partially reclaimed by nature, standing alongside well-preserved wooden buildings that have been enhanced by Selesnya magic. VITU - GHAZI The Selesnya guildhall, a towering tree that also serves as a cathedral to Mat'Selesnya, is the epicenter of S elesnya culture and law. Members of the conclave from across Ravn ica make pilgrimages to Vitu-Ghazi in hopes of finding a spiritua l connection with the heart of the guild. All who come without ill intent in their heart are welcome to visit the public a reas of the tree. THE CANOPY The northern neighborhood of the precinct is covered in tall trees, all of which are overshadowed by Vitu-Ghazi. To accommodate a growing population, buildings are situated around the trees and on the larger branches, making use of a network of ladders and rope walkways. THE GREAT CONCOURSE A network of elevated roadways links many of the most important Selesnya communities near Vitu-Ghazi. The polished white stone of the roadways gleams in the sun, and the pathways are topped with lush trees, grasses, and flowers. On high holy days, its central hub, called the Great Concourse, serves as a gathering place for throngs of Selesnya devotees. On most other days, the Concourse is a teeming marketplace where goods transported across the city on the great roadways are bought and sold. CONCORDANCE Once known as the Old City, the eastern neighborhood of Concordance is the oldest section of the precinct. CTHI' fEI( 3 Till:: TENTH DISTRIC I 10<) Many buildings in this area were once Orzhov structures, but they have been reclaimed by moss, shrubs, and other growth that make them blend in with the homes, parks, and the Selesnya vernadi that fill the rest of the neighborhood. The Great Concourse runs overhead through most of the neighborhood. PEOPLE A N D RUMORS PEOPLE O N T HE STREET- d12 l 2 BEAST H AVEN The western neighborhood has many small pastures and stables, some of which a re on open, multilevel structures. The area is filled with the s ights, sounds, and smells of beasts of many sorts. Here, beasts are trained for labor and sold to customers from across the city. Every so often, a beast escapes captivity and rampages through the neighborhood, but the tough residents are usually able to bring any disruption under control quickly. GOODS AND SERVICES The bounty of nature is plentiful in Precinct Three, which serves as the main source of food for the Tenth District. The finest steeds and livestock are raised here, as well as many war beasts (although they're often trained in Precinct Four). Unlike in most other precincts, barter is an acceptable form of transaction here, and some vendors outright reject payment in coin of any kind. Manufactured goods are relatively hard to find, except in large markets such as the Great Concourse. Meals and lodging are widely varied, from squalid to comfortable, depending on the neighborhood. In general, the neighborhoods in Concordance tend toward the more expensive end of that scale, and those in Beast Haven more toward the other end. The residents of P recinct Three don't put much stock in personal appearance, and they're slow to pass judgment on anyone based on visible standards of wealth. The truly wretched sometimes evoke pity and sometimes scorn. and the very wealthy are generally disliked. At the DM's discretion, adventurers who maintain a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Three. LAW A N D CRIME Most of Precinct Three is policed by its residents, occasionally supplemented by Boros troops when a serious threat rears its head. Each block elects a watch captain, who receives weapon training from Selesnya soldiers. The captain can call on additional citizens for support in case of a crisis. The typical response to a reported crime takes about ld8 minutes, and the squad consists of a watch captain (a s cout) with two guards or two wolves. In Concordance, it's either a knight or a Selesnya druid with a topiary guardian (awakened tree). See the Monster Manual for these creatures' stat blocks. Crime usua lly takes one of two forms in Precinct Three. Some residents engage in outright banditry, but they typically target visitors or go outside the precinct to do their dirty work. More common are incidents of livestock theft, which sometimes lead to outbreaks of violence between neighbors, particularly in Beast Haven. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PR ECI NCT THREE Description Beast trainer, walking an animal on a leash Awakened shrub, completing an errand Centaur, out to get the family some food Evangelist, trying to win Selesnya converts Farmer, using a healing balm after a hard day Gu ide, taking a wolf out for a stroll Healer, on the way to tend to someone sick Ledev guardian, on patrol Pilgrim, looking for directions to Vitu-Ghazi Storyteller, practicing oration out on the street Teamster, carrying a broken wagon wheel Woodcarver, whistling a familiar song RUMOR S -P RECINCT THR EE d6 2 Rumor "Something keeps spooking the pack animals. I won· der what it could be?" "I hear there's an old granary in the rubblebelt that's 3 filled with bandit plu nder. Probably worth a peek!" "The giant spiders above Velen's Rest have become aggressive as oflate. I heard someone got poisoned 4 by one yesterday." "Can you believe they're going to close Vitu-Ghazi to visitors tomorrow? I wonder what's going on." S 6 "Those rumblings that shook the ground last night were definitely wurms tunnel ing. I'm sure the Selesnya aren't pleased." "We should go find that loxodon priest and see if she's still having visions. I'll bet we can get her to tell us our future!" PRECINCT FOUR NE IGHBORHOOD S AN D L AN DMARKS Few days or nights pass quietly in Precinct Four. The frequent din of battle as Boros soldiers guard against Gruul marauders, the strange sounds of volatile magic emanating from Izzet experiments, a nd the occasional explos ive flare-ups of goblin gang wa rs keep the precinct a dynamic and dangerous place. Its buildings include rams hackle tenements damaged by conflict, impregnable fortresses and laboratories, a nd bustling markets filled with merchants ready to defend themselves and their wares. The people of Precinct Four are a lways ready for a fight. Being able to defend oneself a nd adapting to change are the most important qualities in this precinct. Good neighbors are your battle mates when you're fighting for your home or your life. Precinct Four is home to a wide range of folk. most of whom are used to fighting for a living. Transients. soldiers. goblin gang members, and hardy merchants call this precinct home. AFFILIATED GUILD S The Boros Legion's guildhall fortress, Sunhome, is located here, and that guild is the heart of the precinct's defense against the savage forces that come from the northern rubblebelt. The Izzet League often likes to test its latest experiments in this precinct. Its guildhall, Nivix, !Owers over the south end. The Gruul Clans frequently raid into the rest of the precinct from the rubblebelt in the north. The Cult of Rakdos delights in sowing mayhem here, stoking the fires of conflict and gathering ins piration for future performances. 112 Cll,\J'l'l·R 3 1 THr TENTH DfS1 RI C I SUN HOME The seat of the Boros Legion's power, the guildhall known as Sunhome is an imposing structure that serves as a fortress, barracks, and spiritual center. It is widely believed to be impregnable and serves as a reminder to attackers from the north of the stre ngth of Boros resolve. Nrv1x One of the tallest towers in Ravnica. this impressive structure crackles with the wild power of the Izzet and serves as their guildhall. Filled with laboratories, testing facilities, and housing for their inventors, Nivix is the center of Izzet innovation. RED W ASTES The rubblebelt to the north is a wasteland filled with ruins. gutted buildings, and debris-ridden streets. Aside from the Gruul Clans, the only citizens who live in the neighborhood are the ones too stubborn to move away. The Gruul share the space with ferocious beasts, elementals, and other monsters. THE BULWARK The neighborhood between Sunhome and Nivix is filled with reinforced structures that serve as low-rent apartments and shops. Those who live in the BuJwark are mainly workers or professionals who see opportunity in supporting the Boros garrison. PEOPLE AND RUMORS PEOPLE ON THE STREET- dl 2 The Gruul Clans periodically converge on the gutted, cratered remains of a huge palace in the Red Wastes where a great bonfire perpetually burns. Skarrg is the closest thing the Gruul have to a guildhall-a place where their clans can come together, roast giant boars, boast of their exploits, and form something akin to camaraderie before they go their separate, violent ways. It's not neutral ground, though-old grudges frequently boil over into combat. Outsiders are never welcome. Goons AND SERVICES Precinct Four has a wide variation in available goods, depending on the neighborhood. There is little or no commerce in the Red Wastes, except for what can be bartered with Gruul clansfolk or scavenged. The Bulwark carries many basic goods and services, with weapons and armor plentiful due to the constant threat of conflict and the nearby foundries in District Six. On Tin Street, almost anything is available for a bit of searching and the right price. The precinct offers a wide range of food and lodging, appropriate for lifestyles from squalid to wealthy. The more affluent folk of the precinct are careful not to Haunt their wealth, lest they make themselves targets for raiders from the Red Wastes. At the DM's discretion, adventurers who maintain either a squalid or aristocratic lifestyle could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Four. LAW AND CRIME Much of Precinct Four is a war zone, and mundane methods of law enforcement a ren't always effective in such an environment. No one takes the constant patrolling of the Boros Legion as a guarantee of their safety, and almost all folk know how to fight to some degree. Typical threats include giant monsters, unstable elementals, and Gruul raiding parties, and a curfew system is often instituted when a neighborhood is beset by one of these dangers. The only area that is usually safe from external threats is Tin Street. Petty crimes aren't given much attention, since the soldiers are primarily concerned with curbing violence and mayhem. The typical response to a reported crime or a dangerous threat is ld8 minutes, and the squad consists of a Boros Legion knight (from the Monster Manual) leading 4d4 s oldiers (see chapter 6 for the stat block). The Red Wastes is a lawless region mostly beyond the reach of Boros patrols and Azorius laws. In other parts of the precinct, goblin gangs shake down locals whenever possible and s kirmish against each other over turf. The Shattergang Brothers are a notorious goblin gang that haunts Tin Street in this precinct, dealing in weapons and explosives. Ill Cll \Pl IR 1 I Ill! Tl N Iii lllSI Rlt f Description Bounty hunter, asking about a mark 2 SKARRG PREC I N CT FOUR Displaced merchant, looking for a new home 3 Goblin messenger, anxious and impatient 4 Healer, covered in blood 5 Leatherworker, carrying some flowers 6 Merchant, whistling a tune 7 Scientist, lost in thought 8 Street urchin, busking for money 9 Soldier, on duty and eating a quick bite 10 Soldier, off duty and fixing his armor 11 Thrill seeker, hoping to see some Gruul raiders 12 Transient, looking for a good place to sleep RUMORS- d6 PRECINCT FOUR Rum or "Sergeant Uwen got hold of something even the war wurms of the Gruul fear. Don't know what it is, but he sent one of them running just by standing there." 2 "If you're looking for the best deals on explosives, you should talk to one of the Shattergang Brothers. They'll set you up right, no questions asked." 3 "I swear I saw Niv-Mizzet's head floating above Nivix last night. I wonder what it means." 4 "Beria over on Tin Street just put out some new curiosities. Says they came from an expedition in the undercity. Could be magical." 5 " My whole street's been smelling like sulfur for the past two days now. People are starting to get sick, and the soldiers don't take it seriously." 6 "I saw an angel and a demon having what looked like a polite conversation. I couldn't believe my eyes!" P RECI NCT FIVE As the home of prestigious universities, ancient libraries, and hidden laboratories, Precinct Five is the hub of information and learning in the Tenth District. People of all ages flock to this precinct to spend time learning, whether by poring over texts and scrolls or finding a mentor who will guide a student. It's also the place to find information brokers, who sell specialized or secret knowledge available nowhere else. Multilevel buildings set next to each other with little regard for planning give way to an occasional square or open campus where socially minded residents congregate during daytime hours. At night, many continue their studies while others tinker with their latest creations or intellectual endeavors. Taverns and pubs tend to be more urbane than in other parts of the district and often feature poetry readings, storytelling, and musical performances. People who live in Precinct Five have a zeal for learning and tend to be inquisitive. Getting into a heated debate or touting a recent s uccess to your neighbors is part of showing your worth. Good neighbors keep their projects and research hidden until a result can be displayed; it is considered uncouth to allow others to view a work in progress. .. AFFILIATED GUILDS Zonot Seven, the home of the Simic Combine's guildhall, is located on the western edge of the precinct. The lzzet League maintains a network of laboratories and workshops close to Nivix (in Precinct Four). House Dimir agents are seen and unseen all around the district, and they secretly run the Ismeri Library. Some members of the Azorius Senate who prefer to study disciplines aside from the law make their homes he re as well. NEIGHBORHOODS AND LANDMARKS Life for residents in Precinct Five is spent mostly indoors, or in the case of the Simic, underwater. The precinct's occupants- including significant populations of students, instructors, researchers, scribes, and univers ity staff- are crowded into dormitories and apartments squeezed in among laboratories, libraries, and magical machinery. ZONOT SEVEN The Simic Combine's watery habitat is made up of huge sinkholes filled with the overflow from a subterranean ocean. Zonot Seven is the only zonoc within Ravnica City proper, and it contains Zameck, the Simic guildhall. ln contrast to the rest of the precinct, the zonot is a bustling place, with activity at all hours. A huge chamber just below the street surface serves as a gathering place for all the Simic s peakers, as well as a place where visitors can meet with Prime Speaker Zegana or other Simic emissaries. A Simic researcher might invite a land-dwelling colleague to visit the habitat, but such an occurrence isn't common. Canals lead from here farther into the preci nct and to Precinct Six. < llAP'I FR 3 I fllE TENTH DISTRICT 11') THE BLISTERCOILS A series of gigantic waterwheels, built and operated by the lzzet League, turns just outside Zonot Seven in the north end of the precinct. The system generates magical energy to power public works, Simic laboratories, and, of course, lzzet workshops. Few outside the lzzet realize that the amount of e nergy generated in the Blistercoils far exceeds what is actually used. with the excess stored in underground batteries that could explode if they became overloaded. Blistercoils is also the name of the neighborhood near the waterwheels, which largely consists of workshops and private laboratories. HIGHTOWER The weste rn end of the precinct is packed with educational institutions of all sorts, from grand universities that cover a broad span of disciplines to specialized schools that instruct students in subjects ranging from theoretical metaphysics to fine arts. The neighborhood takes its name from the fact that most of these schools boast at least one ta ll s pire among their structures. Stude nts and staff live both on and off the various campuses, and several cozy pubs and small lecture halls are busy from afternoons through late in the night. PRISM UNIVERSITY A crystal-paned center of learning that concentrates on magical theory and application, Prism University draws potential wizards and other would-be mages who want to learn about all forms of magic, in contrast to the s pecialized and practical applications of magic espoused by the guilds. Even though the school maintains a formal state of neutrality, ifs an open secret that many guilds have infiltrated the university and planted agents to woo prospective members. Partly as a result of this influence, many grad uates of the university do go on to join a guild, finding a way to apply their broad experience to s upport the narrower focus of the guild. (A player character spellcaster might well be a graduate of the university, which could explain the character 's ability to use magic that wouldn't normally be taught within their guild.) lSMERI LIBRARY One of the greatest libraries on all Ravnica, the Ismeri Library is open to all citizens at all hours. Hundreds of thousands of books covering every conceivable subject are found here. The place is also one of the centers of Dimir communication. Secret messages are hidden within its books by a variety of methods both magical and mundane. Dimir agents might have to gather message fragments hidden within several different docume nts, for example, to find their next assignments or targets . Intricate codes and magical wards protect other secrets . Go ons AN D SERV I CE S Specialty items that a re commonly used by scribes, researchers, and inventors can be found in many small shops in the precinct, usually run by a tinker or academic. Precinct Five also has the best apothecaries, alchemists, and magic-mongers in the Tenth District. On the other hand, mundane adventuring gear, weapons, and armor are harder to find. Information is an especially valuable commodity in Precinct Five. In addition to holding booksellers, the precinct is home to a variety of people who make a living (or at least a s izable s ide income) selling information, including private investigators, rumormongers, and spies. Meals and lodging of modest to wealthy quality are available here. Older and more experienced peoplehigh-ranking Simic researchers or established scholars- tend to maintain lifestyles toward the more expensive end of that scale. The poor are pitied and the most affluent are envied, so adventurers who maintain an aristocratic, poor, squalid, or wretched lifestyle, at the DM's discretion, cou ld have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Five. dl 2 5 6 7 8 9 Description Homunculus, on an errand Librarian, going home for tea Poet, shopping for fresh produce Professor, assessing a student 11 Scribe, hands stained with ink Student, lost in a book Tinker, out of breath from running 12 Vampire mind drinker, heading to the library 10 LAW AND CRIME Much of the crime in Precinct Five is of a sort that is hard to detect: blackmail. espionage, identity theft (of the literal kind, perpetrated by shapechangers), and the like. Most of the precinct's residents spend their time absorbed in study, unaware that such activities might be happening under their noses. Only rarely does violence break out, and Azorius arreste rs try hard to keep the incident quiet and maintain public calm. The typical response to a reported crime here is ldl2 minutes, and the force consists of two Azorius arresters (use the veteran stat block in the Monster Manual). PEOPLE AND R UMOR S PEOPLE ON T H E STR EET- dl 2 l 2 3 4 RU MOR S - PRECIN CT FIVE d6 2 3 4 PR ECINCT FI V E Description 5 Alchemist, reviewing an ingredient list Barkeep, picking up some dropped coins Cartographer, laden with map cases Engineer, reading a schematic Rumor "The latest is that the translocation device is only operating within fifty percent of tolerances. I'm certain that funding will be pulled any day now." "I don't know how Zameck does it, but they've certain ly built a better soldier. And I hear some of the formulas have made it outside their halls." "That ghost haunting the history section of the lsmeri Library is back. I've heard this time it can speak, and it's looking for someone." "Creatures of some sort of elemental composition were emerging from the Blistercoils this morning. Those things could be anywhere in the city by now." ''I can't believe Professor Zagany let her see his research. She's going to take his findings to an information broker, I'm sure. He'll never work again." 6 "Sila has a new stock of exotic components. She says they can enhance spells in a way other components cannot." PRECINCT SIX Large warehouses, major thoroughfares, and nondescript worker tenements make the utilitarian Precinct Six a hub of activity for shipping, storage, and other mercantile concerns in the Tenth District. Wide cobblestone streets allow for the passage of beasts and constructs that transport raw goods from points beyond the Tenth and for the sh ipping of manufactured materials back to those locations. The demands of commerce keep the area constantly active, and the inconspicuous nature of the warehouses makes them popular as rendezvous points for all sorts of transactions, legal and illicit. At night, lurking undead and the horrors of the undercity, coming up from Deadbridge Chasm, keep wary citizens indoors, while a few people who deal in sinister magic seek the monsters out for nefarious purposes. People who live in this working-class precinct are often practical-minded and thus tolerant of some degree of illicit activity. Being a good neighbor means keeping to yourself, unless you live in the Smelting Quarter, where the atmosphere is much more raucous. Kamen Fortress houses a garrison to protect Boros interests. The Cult of Rakdos operates a number of pain clubs throughout the precinct, especially around Tin Street, and Rakdos street performances are more common in Precinct Six than anywhere else in the Tenth District. NEI G HBORH OOD S AND LAN DMA RKS Precinct Six is home to many working-class folk, most packed into modest apartments near their place of work. It's also home to more than its share of monsters, most of which are active at night. SMELTING QUARTER AFF I LIATED GUILDS The heart of the manufacturing industry in the Tenth District is at the north end of the precinct. The Smelting Quarter is smoky. hot, and filled with activity day and night. Goblins often make their homes near the factories on Foundry Street, preferring the constant activity to sleepier neighborhoods. Standing south and east of the quarter, Kamen Fortress is a Boros garrison dedicated to keeping watch on Rakdos activity. Clashes between the Boros Legion, the goblins. and the Cult of Rakdos are common throughout this part of the precinct. The Orzhov Syndicate owns many of the warehouses in the precinct and controls much of the commerce around Tin Street. Members of the Golgari Swarm often crawl around the edges of Deadbridge Chasm, which is an opening to their sprawling subterranean network. The Boros Legion rents many of the warehouses to store manufactured goods from the Smelting Quarter, and A Rakdos club called the Gore House, run by a viashino (lizard folk) named Nyoser, occupies a defunct factory in the south end of the Smelting Quarter- and a lso houses the main entrance to the Demon's Vestibule, the stairway down to Rix Maadi. GORE HOUSE < llAPlF.R 3 THE'rENTM DISTRlr.T IL') PRECINCT Six MEDORI PARK The western part of the precinct, Medori Park, is named after an Orzhov pontiff who converted a city park into a warehouse lot many years ago. This neighborhood is particularly rife with undead at night, both corporeal and incorporeal. Some serve dark masters and often guard valuables, while others pursue their own evil urges. The Orzhov Syndicate owns many large warehouses here, and the Boros Legion maintains facilities to store a variety of equipment used by their soldiers, including valuable weapons and armor. The most important facilities are heavily guarded-often by angels, whether Boros or Orzhov. D EADBRIDGE CHASM A gaping opening in the ground dominates the precinct and is lined with mossy stairs and fungal blooms. Deadbridge Chasm serves as an entrance to the Golgari's undercity realm and their guildhall, Korozda. The area smells of decomposition, an odor that grows particularly intense on hot days. Many kraul make their homes in the walls that line the cavernous descent, and Devkarin elves come up to the surface through this passage to trade on Tin Street. WAYPORT The neighborhood of Wayport rises like a pillar from the midst of Deadbridge Chasm, and a number of bridges, large and small, connect it to the surrounding city of multiple vertical levels. Many goods traded with other districts are funneled along Tin Street, often pausing in Wayport's warehouses along the way. But only the wealthiest merchants can afford storage space here. B ENZER'S B RIDGE This wide bridge is a main thoroughfare for cargo traveling to and from districts beyond the Tenth. A small market is located here, complete with shops and restaurants, all of which close after dark. Secret pain clubs, hidden below the market in dark rooms inside the bridge itself, come alive after sunset. Goons AND to disregard minor crimes. Arresters from the Azorius Senate can often be found on patrol in and around the warehouses. Soldiers from the Boros Legion are common near the warehouses and in the Smelting Quarter. The typical response time to a reported crime in these areas is 2d 10 minutes, and the squad consists of two Boros soldiers (see chapter 6 for the stat block). At night or in the Smelting Quarter, a response to an attack might instead consist of ld4 Boros soldiers led by a sergeant (use the knight stat block in the Monster Manual). Precinct Six is a hotbed for illicit activity, particularly organized crime. Goblin gangs haunt the Smelting Quarter, most notably a large gang that claims Foundry Street, led by a goblin named Krenko. Vicious turf wars sometimes erupt in that area. Violent crimes occur with regularity all over the precinct, with most of the bodies ending up in Deadbridge Chasm. Night-lurking monsters are a particular problem in the precinct as well, often attacking and disappearing before help can arrive. PEOPLE AND RUMOR S PEOPLE ON THE STREET- d12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S ERVICES Trade goods can easily be acquired in Precinct S ix, along with manufactured items such as artisan's tools. Weapons, armor, and mounts are rarely on sale here. Fences deal in stolen and otherwise illicit goods. On Tin Street, which runs along the eastern side of the precinct, most anything can be had for the right price. Meals and lodging of poor to modest quality meet the needs of the laborers, dock hands, and street performers of Precinct Six for a price they can afford. The wealthy are viewed as outsiders, and the truly impoverished are generally shunned. At the DM's discretion, adventurers who maintain a lifestyle less expensive than poor o r more expensive than modest could have disadvantage on Charisma checks when interacting with residents of Precinct Six. LAW AND CRIME The folk of Precinct Six are pragmatic, not overly concerned with the welfare of others, and thus often willing Description Actor, out getting a meal Carpenter, heading to the next job Devkarin elf (dark elf), on an errand Goblin cutpurse, looking for an easy mark Laborer, ready to head to the tavern Merchant, looking for a Rakdos club Metalsmith, grimy from a long day's wo rk Performer, with a child apprentice Shipwright, out buying some supplies Soldier, off duty and enjoying a walk Soldier, on duty and in a hurry Teamster, spoiling for a fight RUMORS- d6 2 3 4 5 6 PRECI NCT SIX PRECINCT S I X Rumor "Something very large was lurking in the chasm last night, and it knocked a carriage off a bridge. The passengers jumped out just in time!" "I heard that Krenko's gang has been t rying to get their hands on mizzium, and are willing to pay a good price for it too." "The wight of Precinct Six has struck again! This morning, an arrester and a cutpurse were found dead in an alley, drained of their life. A bystander saw it happen." "Did you hear those shrieking sounds out near Benzer's Bridge last night? Whatever it was, it didn't sound like anything I've ever heard before. Chilling." "I hear Rhionna is closing up her forge. She says she's getting sick of replacing stolen tools every week. The staff claims they're innocent." "One of the warehouses out in Medori Park had an intense red glow shining through its windows yester· day. Smelled of sulfur. No one wants to go near it." CllAPTl. R 3 I THF fENTH DISTRICT 121 CHAPTER 4: CREATING ADVENTURES HIS CHAPTER PROVIDES A TOOLBOX TO HELP the Dungeon Master create adventures featuring the guilds of Ravnica. The tensions among the guilds, a constant current of animosity, provide a solid foundation for building adventures. "Krenko's Way," a sample adventure at the end of this chapter, can be used to launch a Ravnica campaign. The tables and advice in this chapter expand on the material in chapter 3 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Monsters and nonplayer characters mentioned on the tables can be found either in the Monster Manual or in chapter 6 of this book. When a creature's name appears in bold type, that's a visual cue pointing you to the creature's stat block in the Monster Manual. If the stat block appears elsewhere, the text tells you so. LINKED LOCATIONS You can c reate an adventure that links two locations together. The Location Connections table offers broad suggestions for how you might lead your players from one adventure location to another. LO C ATI ON CONNECTI ONS d6 Adventure Connection Transport a person, an object, or information collected at the first location safely to the second. 2 Plant something taken from the first location ins ide the second to incriminate someone in the second location. 3 Do the same thing at the second location as was done at the first. GUI LD - B ASED ADVEN TURES Each guild gets a section in this chapter to help you craft adventures inspired by that guild. In a guild's section, four basic seeds for creating adventures are provided: guild locations, guild villains, character objectives, and adventure hooks. GUILD LO CAT IONS Each guild's entry in this chapter includes a map of an iconic location associated with the guild. Any of these sites can serve as the location for an adventure. T he description of each guild location includes a table that lists possible goals for an adventure based there. You can choose an adventure goal, or roll one randomly, from the table in the description of the site you've chosen. If none of those goals inspires you, choose a goal or roll one randomly from the Guild Location Goals table instead. GU I LD LOCATI ON GOALS d8 Adventure Goal Prevent a magical catastrophe inside the location. 2 3 Find t he source of strange occurrences in or near the location. Esca pe the location (and help others escape) when a disaster occurs inside. 4 Quell a riot inside or around th e locat io n. 5 Ki ll or d rive out a monster that has turned the location into its lai r. 6 Defend the location aga inst an external attacker. 7 Seize control of t he location. 8 Infiltrate the location and report on what's happening inside. 4 5 Uncover the source of interference encounte red at the first location, wh ich lies in the second. Follow a fleeing foe or trail a suspicious figure from the first location to the second. 6 Follow up on information gained at the first location by investigatin g the second. GU I LD V I LLA I N S Player characters might belong to any guild, and their adversaries might as well. The guild entries in this chapter offer examples of the kinds of villains and villainous schemes that might be connected to each guild. Certain kinds of goals and schemes are common to villains in every guild. Some generic villainous schemes appear on the Guild Villains table. You can also use the Villain's Scheme and Villain's Methods tables in chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master's Guide to flesh out a villain's activities, and a guild's section in this chapter points to specific parts of those tables that characterize how villains from that guild enact their plans. GU I LD V I LLAINS d6 Villai nous Activity A villain is attempting to disgrace or discredit a powerful pe rson. 2 A villain is striving for powe r with in their guild. 3 A villain has claimed power in their guild and needs to be supplanted. 4 The vil lain is sending agents to infiltrate one or more guilds. 5 The villain's agents are luring mem bers away from 6 The villain's agents are sabotaging the operations of another guild. another guild. CHAPTER 4 I CRl.ArTNG ADVENTURES CHARACTER O BJECTIVES -------- The impetus for adventuring might come from within the player characters' own guilds, rather than from external guilds . Each guild e ntry in this chapter provides some examples of missions that the guild might send its members on. These missions can also serve as side quests that a character is asked to fulfill while engaged in a larger task that involves the whole party. GUILD CHARACTER OBJECTIVES d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Adventure Goal Find an item that is important to the guild. Get information from a guild member. Protect or rescue a guild member in the midst of a catastrophe. Free a guild member from captivity. Find a missing guild member. Kill or capture an enemy of the guild. Help a guild member who's in trouble with the law. Recru it someone to join the guild. safe bet that a player who creates a Rakdos character is looking for mayhem and combat, while a Dimir player is more interested in intrigue and sabotage. Armed with that understanding, you can better craft an adventure experience aimed at your players. • Go with a guild that easily provides a villain to face. A few guilds make very straightforward villains: Gruul, Rakdos, Dimir, and Golgari. Let a die decide the guild, using the Random Guilds table in this book's introduction. The guild you choose will provide a potential location, villain, mission, or adventure hook, as well as point you toward the type of adventure you're going to run. ADVENT URE TYPES Certain guilds lend themselves to particular types of adventures better than others, as shown below. If you're interested in running an intrigue adventure, where the heroes must unravel twisted plots within plots, you'll want to choose a different guild from what you would select if you want to run a dungeon delve that will take the adventurers into the labyrinthine undercity. A DV ENTUR E H OOKS DUNGEON DELVE Each guild section includes a table of adventure hooksevents that might drive adventures but don't necessarily involve specific locations or villains. They offer a general description of circumstances that can lead to adventure. Beneath the urban environment ofRavnica is an entirely different city- the dark, dank undercity, where vermin and horrors lurk and the Golgari Swarm maintains its elegant courts. Indeed, thousands of years of development have buried countless layers of construction beneath the current surface streets, making the undercity much larger than the surface city, though much of it is inaccessible. But if a sinkhole or other catastrophe opens long-sealed vaults and exposes them to the surface again, who knows what horrors might be revealed? CHOOSING A GUILD Here a re the main ways to approach the choice of guild for your adventure: Choose a guild that has an aesthetic or a story that excites you and that will lead to the sort of villain or type of adventure you want to build. The following section, "Adventure Types,'' shows how different guilds are natural fits for certain types of adventure. • Pick a guild that fits your players' tastes. The introduction to the Dungeon Master's Guide offers some guidance for crafting adventures to please different kinds of players. The guild or guilds your players choose will also help you understand your players' desires. It's a DUNGEON DELVE GUILDS dl2 1- 3 4- 8 9-10 11 - 12 Guild House Dimir Golgari Swarm Cult of Rakdos Simic Combine WILDERNESS QUICK BUILD To make a simple location-based adventu re quickly, follow these steps: 1. Choose a guild (or use the Guilds table in chapter l if you want to choose randomly). The adventure will take place in that guild's location, as described in th is chapter. 2. Determine the adventure goal us ing the table associated with that location. 3. Use creatures associated with the guild (shown on the tables in chapter 6) to populate the location. Optionally, you can use the Location Connections table in this chapter to link the location you're using to a second location. You can either select a location based on the result of that table or determine the second location randomly. 12 j CH/\rTEI< .i I CREATING ADVENTIJRES Though the world is covered with streets and buildings, Ravnica also has its wilderness areas, including the ruined rubblebelts haunted by the Gruul and the sylvan wilds cultivated by the Selesnya. WILDERNESS GUILDS d6 Guild 1- 4 5-6 Gruul Clans Selesnya Conclave PLOTS AND INTRIGUE Every guild has its internal politics, making it easy for characters to get caught up in intrigue- particularly within their own guilds. Certain guilds are more likely to involve themselves in the politics of other guilds, which makes them particularly good villains for intrigue-based adventures. DISASTER When a cyclonic rift sweeps through the streets, an uncontrolled wurm crashes through buildings, or a laboratory experiment goes haywire, heroes might be called upon to s helter the innocent. stop the disaster at its source, or hunt down the villain responsible. DISASTER GUILDS d12 Guild 1- 2 Golgari Swarm 3- 5 6- 8 Gruul Clans 9- 10 Selesnya Conclave 11- 12 Simic Combine lzzet League PROTECTION When the innocent are victimized by the powerful, heroes step in. Crimina l shakedowns, military raids, endless riots, and more a re chances for characters to prove their mettle and earn the adulation of the populace. PROTECTION GU I LDS I NTR IG UE GU I LD S d12 1-2 Guild Azorius Senate 3-6 House Dimir 7-8 Colgari Swarm 9-11 Orzhov Syndicate 12 Simic Combine MYSTERY Ravnica is rife with crime, presenting law-abiding adventurers with ample opportunity to put their mystery-solving s kills to the test. Identifying a guild assassin, tracking a stolen treasure, or unmasking a corrupt bureaucrat could all fall into this category. Of course, the adventurers need not be virtuous or law-abiding themselves: the Orzhov are more apt to send their own enforcers after thieves than they are to turn to the forces of law for assistance. MYS T ERY GUILDS d12 Guild 1-4 House Dimir 5- 7 Colgari Swarm 8 9- 11 12 lzzet League Orzhov Syndicate Simic Combine d12 Guild 1- 2 Boros legion 3- 6 Gruul Clans 7- 8 Orzhov Syndicate 9-12 Cult of Rakdos GUILD VERSUS GUILD Interguild conA ict is such a fundamental aspect of life on Ravnica that the player characters' guild members hip is a n easy starting point for choosing an adventure vi llai n. If you choose a villain from a gu ild that's already in conflict with one or more guilds that the characters belong to, it's easy to craft villainous goals that are at odds with the characters' goals. If a ll the player characters belong to a s ingle guild, choosing almost any other guild will provide oppor tunities for conflict. The natural state of the relationship between any two guilds is tension at best, and open warfare at wors t. All it takes is a villain willing to upset the balance of power, and the characters' guild or their own motivations should easily bring them into conflict with the villain. A party's own guild could even provide a villain, given the amount of scheming and intrigue that exists even within the guilds. A guild official gone rogue, members of the same guild at odds with one another, or even a corrupt guildmaster can put characters in conflict with their own guild. If the characters come from different guilds, a common enemy provides a good reason for them to work together. Any guild that isn't represented by one of the characters is a fine choice for a villain. ( llo\l'll Rt I CIU't\11NG ·\D\ENTURES 125 INVOLVING T HE CHARACTERS Once you've chosen an adventure seed-a villain, a mission, or a general hook- you need to figure out what gets the player characters involved in the adventure. T he a nswer could be as s imple as a guildmaster or other authority send ing them on a mission, but it's generally good to hook the characters in personally. What motivation do they have to thwart the villain? T he best answers to this question stem either from the adventurers' personalities, ideals, a nd histories, or from their gui ld affiliations. The characters might have a common reason to fight the villain (especially if they all belong to the same guild or have been adventuring together for a while), or they might all oppose the villain for different reasons. For example, say your villain is a group of Gruul anarchs raiding in a densely populated area. A Boros character might be assigned to protect innocent bystanders, or might just happen to be in the area and leap to the defense of the innocents. An lzzet character might be trying to make sure that an Iziet laboratory in the area isn't damaged or its secrets looted. A Dimir spy might leap at the opportunity to steal some lzzet secrets when the laboratory comes under attack. The Cross Purposes table can help you involve the characters in an adventure by suggesting ways that a villain's activities might directly conflict with the player characters' goals or interests. CROSS PURPOSES dlO 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 126 CllAP11R 1 ICRI \!IN<. '[>Vl~TUJH<\ The Villai n's Activities ... ... di rectly target one or more characters. The adventure begins when characters are attacked by the villain's agents. ... threaten a character's contact or bond. ... challenge a character's ideal or exploit a fl aw. The character might hea r rumors of this activity, spurring them into action. ... open an opportunity for a character to pursue a personal goal. ... compete with a character's guild. A guild authority might order the character to rectify the situation. ... threaten guild members or property. ... conflict with guild goals. ... open an opportunity for a guild to pursue its own agenda. ... catch the characters between fighti ng forces. ... cause an accident or catastrophe that traps the characters. COMPLICATIONS An adventure that pits player characters against a single guild is relatively straightforward, but adding another guild can make an adventure even more interesting. The involvement of a second guild can be as simple as the appearance of a bumbling innocent who needs the characters' protection, or as complex as a second villain who pursues an entirely separate scheme. The Secondary Guild Role table presents a range of options. SECONDARY GUI LD ROLE d8 Secondary Guild Role A rival pursues the same goal as the adventurers, but is doing it "wrong." 2 One or more members of another guild are caught between the vil lain and the adventurers. 3 A g roup of NPC adventurers from another guild confront the same villain for different reasons. 4 Someone is manipulating the villain for their own 5 A known rival or enemy meddles in the adventure, hoping the adventurers will fail. 6 A known rival or enemy can provide essential help in stopping the villa in. 7 A second vil lain's plot is unfold ing at the same time but is otherwise unrelated. 8 A second vil lain is in competition with the first one. purposes. GUILD INTRIGUE Intrigue in Ravnica most often involves interaction between two guilds, so you can use the Guild Intrigue table to find the nugget of a plot. The villain tables in the guild entries can help you determine the nature and motivations of the individuals involved. GUILD INTRIG U E d6 Adventure Goal Guilds are vyi ng for influence over a prominent individual (who might be a player character). 2 Guilds are competing for control of a key site or swath of territory. 3 Guilds are locked in a deadly feud but might be open to a peace negotiation. 4 Villains from two or more gui lds are forming a dangerous all iance. S A villain is trying to disrupt an alliance between two or more guilds. 6 Splinter factions from two guilds are trying to form a new gui ld. R ANDO M NO N PLAYE R C HARACTERS Any time you need an NPC for an adventure-for example, if the player characters are sent on a mission to rescue a member of their guild-you can use the contacts tables in chapter 2 to help flesh out the NPC. If you don't know the NPC's guild affiliation, you can rol l on the Random Guilds table in this book's introd uction to determine the guild. Then you can choose an appropriate stat block in chapter 6 to represent the NPC's game statistics. ALLIES AND RIVALS A friendly contact can act as a patron, sending a character on a mission or a side quest either as a formal assignment or as a favor. Friendly contacts also have a knack for getting into perilous situations from which they need to be rescued, which can sometimes force characters into making difficult choices between saving friendly nonplayer characters and capturing villainous ones. In extraordinary circumstances, a friend ly contact might even join the adventuring party for a short time. Contacts who have a more antagonistic relationship with a character can hinder the adventuring party's efforts in a variety of ways. They might appear at inconvenient times to delay the party, or catch the group in the midst of some illegal activity. They might leak information to the adventure's villain, subtly aid the villain's efforts, or even become villains themselves. Contacts can complicate things even more when they interact with multiple player characters or with each other. Consider what might happen when two people who are friendly contacts for two different characters are bitter enemies of each other, or when a single NPC is a good friend of one character and a rival of another. The characters might have to navigate those complex relationships in order to achieve their goals. v AZORIUS SENATE Adventures involving the Azorius Senate naturally revolve around law enforcement. P layer characters who find themselves on the wrong side of the law might be forced to confront well-meaning Azorius arresters as enemies, even if the characters are innocent of any wrongdoing. Lawful characters might also assist the Azorius in maintaining law and order on the mean streets of Ravnica. A RRESTER S TATIO N Map 4.1 depicts an arrester station, which serves as the law enforcement hub for a precinct or neighborhood. ARRESTER STATION ADVENTURES Characters might be drawn to the arrester station because of prisoners held there, information or items stored there, or crimes occurring there. The Arrester Station Adventures table presents some possibilities. ARRESTER STATI O N ADVE NTURES d12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adventure Goal Break out of the holding cells. Break someone else out of the holding cells. Stop someone before they can give information to the arresters or testify before a judge. Protect a prisoner from assassins. Get information from or to someone in the holding cells. Apprehend a former prisoner who used magic to take over the station and drive the guards away. Retrieve something held as evidence. Find proof that the captain of this station is corrupt. Discover who helped a prisoner escape and how. Uncover a plot to discredit, blackmail, or kill the station commander. Steal the arresters' files about a criminal or a case. Intercept a message being sent to or from the station. Direct access to the prison area from outside the building is provided by two long, narrow staircases that lead up from the plaza. The stairs end at a balcony that is guarded at all times by archers behind arrow slits. A narrow hall leads through several locked doors to the cells- the general population on one side, where prisoners are a llowed to mingle to some extent, and a high-security area on the other side, featuring smaller cells keeping prisoners in complete isolation. The opposite end of the station is a headquarters for a local detachment of arresters. The main level includes two meeting rooms, an office for the commander, and a break room. The upper level provides working space where arresters can interview suspects and complete paperwork, as well as space for storing evidence. The lower level includes a morgue and a large area where the whole local force can be assembled. A zoRr u s VILLAI NS Examples of Azorius villains appear in the Azorius Villains table. AZ OR I U S V ILLAIN S d8 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 Villain An ambitio us authority figure seeks to achieve a higher rank by framing or defaming a rival. A venal judge's rulings are swayed by bribes and favors. A vengeful im perator persecutes a certain group of people, seeking revenge for a past wrong done by one of the group's members. An overzealous imperator is prepared to arrest a neighborhood full of people to find a stolen item. A sadistic warden tortures prisoners, ostensibly for the sake oflaw and order. A corrupt senator seeks to pass laws that favor a certain class of people. A precognitive mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block) invents visions designed to frame enemies. A cowardly bureaucrat destroys evidence to hide someone else's involvement in a crime. ARRESTER STATION MAP AZORIUS AS CAMPAIGN VILLAINS Two separate buildings make up this station, separated by an elevated plaza. One end of the station includes a courthouse (the lower level) and a prison (upper level). Wide, impressive stairs lead to the main courthouse entrance, which opens into a large waiting room. All the doors leading out of the waiting room a re kept locked, so they can be opened only from the other side. To either side of the waiting room are private meeting rooms, which lead back to an extensive area of offices for the large staff that keeps the place running. The twin courtrooms include bench seats for spectators and witnesses. The judges preside from platforms that hover in midair, with shallow pools of water below. The accused are seated on balconies that overlook the same pools. Doors at the back of these balconies lead to a central hallway that ends at a staircase that ascends to the prison level. The Azorius become villains when they abuse the power of the law. A local magistrate might imprison innocent people, or the senate might pass oppressive legislation, thereby drawing the ire of the Boros and the Selesnya, who care about the folk who get caught in the crosshairs. Arresters might decide to crack down on unsafe Izzet laboratory practices, illegal Rakdos performances, or the Gruul presence in the city. Self-righteous prison wardens or precinct captains might abuse their authority in the name of the law, and corrupt bureaucrats might use their positions to garner favors for themselves and their relatives. Low-level characters might suffer harassment at the hands of overzealous arresters. As the campaign progresses, they might be able to identify a particular imperator who is driving this heightened aggression, CH '-PTER 4 CREAl LNG ADVENTURES 129 l square = 5 feet .nnn ( Morgue Level MAP A.>: ARRESTER STATION Upper Level Arrester Headquarters who then becomes something of a nemesis for them. As they gain experience. this imperator continues to be a thorn in their side and advances through the ranks of the senate as well, becoming a minister and eventually the arbiter who dictates law enforcement policy for the entire guild. Along the way, this villain uses every available means to hinder the characters, probably veering into covert illegal activities (evil means for a good end). The climax of the campaign might involve a violent confrontation with this arbiter and a group of arresters, or a tense verbal argument adjudicated by Supreme Judge Isperia herself. OTHER ADVENTURE HOOKS The Azorius Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for additional adventures involving the Azorius Senate. AZO RI U S A DVENTURE HOOKS d6 2 AZORIUS CHARACTER GOALS Characters who are members of the Azorius Senate might be sent on missions of law enforcement by their superiors or contacts in the guild, and trusted characters might be tasked with apprehending criminals without killing them. The examples on the Azorius Assignments table might be side quests specific to an Azorius character, undertaken while a party of adventurers is engaged in a larger mission. 3 4 5 AZOR I US ASSIGNMENTS d6 2 3 4 5 6 Adventure Goal Find and arrest a wanted fugitive. Arrest someone identified as a potential criminal by precognitive mages. Clear the name of an innocent person. Solve a murder by questioning suspects. Retrieve a stolen item. Quell a riot. 6 Adventure Hook A precognitive mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block) has identified the characters as future criminals, and now there's a warrant out for their arrest. A precognitive mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block) has foreseen the characters' future struggles and tries to protect them, thereby interfering in their next adventure. Felidars (see chapter 6 for the stat block) have bonded with the wrong person and now track an innocent citizen. Hussars- Azorius soldiers (see chapter 6 for the stat block) mounted on griffons-declare martial law in a neighborhood and enforce their harsh authority on the citizenry. An archon of the Triumvirate (see chapter 6 for the stat block) interprets innocent actions as illegal ones because its connection to the law has been corrupted. A missing homunculus is the sole witness to the murder of a judge. Cllt\P ff R t CRP. \TlNC ADVENTURES 131 B OROS LEGION Adventures involving the Boros Legion might have a military bent, focusing on small-scale conflict between groups of Boros soldiers and bands of rioters or raiders. The legion is generally a prominent force for law and good in Ravnica, which makes it an appropriate home guild for noble-minded player characters. Its holy bent also makes villains drawn from its ranks particularly dangerous and perhaps tragic. L EGION GARRISO N The Boros Legion maintains garrisons throughout Ravnica, ensuring that every neighborhood has a strong military presence. They range from towering fortresses to small bunkers like the one shown in map 4.2. L ECION GA RRISON ADVENTU RES Designed with defense foremost, a Boros garrison is well suited for adventures that challenge the characters to fi nd a way in or fight their way out. The Legion Garrison Adventures table offers a number of possibil ities. An extensive array of wall niches in the lower tier (at street level) provides storage space for archived records and the like, and a basement beneath that includes food storage and a well for fresh water, enabling the garrison to withstand a long siege. The upper tier includes more large halls, the commander's quarters and office. and several niches-accessible only by flying from outside the garrison- that serve as living quarters and watch-posts for the angels stationed here. Parapets on the rooftop provide cover for humanoid archers as well, and the broad open space that they surround offers room for training and sparring. Grass-covered ridges separate different training areas and add a contrasting touch of nature's beauty to the otherwise stony building. BOROS VILLAINS Examples of Boros villains appear in the Boros Villains table. BOROS VILLAINS d8 d12 Adventure Goal Lay siege to the garrison. 2 Break a siege at the garrison. 3 Sabotage the building's defenses so someone else can break into the garrison. 4 2 6 Discover evidence that incriminates an officer in respond with force. 4 Identify a spy among the garrison's soldiers before the spy can escape. 8 9 Capture a garrison officer for interrogation. 10 Shore up the garrison's defenses before an assault. 11 Clear out the monsters infesting a garrison that was abandoned years ago. 12 Steal plans for future Boros military action. LEGION GARRISON MAP Access to the garrison is limited to a pair of 20-foot-wide walkways elevated above street level and protected by archers behind arrow slits. Two antechambers give the Boros soldiers and angels ample opportunity to screen anyone who seeks to gain entrance. Beyond them is a large hall where troops can be mustered. To one side of the mustering hall is a barracks area, with a kitchen, a mess, food storage, and guest quarters on the other side. 132 sient communities in the undercity. s A squad of corrupt Boros soldiers (see chapter 6 for the stat block} is extorting money from local 6 A Boros commander under the thumb of another guild is turning a blind eye to the violence perpe- 7 An overzealous angel has risen up against innocent people, including the soldiers in her own garrison, 8 A crazed angel demands to be worshiped as a god. Help a spy get safely out of the garrison without being discovered. Cll\1 1 1llt l (I(( Al IN< AUVENfUIUS Believing that they are harboring terrorists, a Boros brigadier is slaughtering helpless people in tran- the garrison. 7 Angered at the death of a loved one in a certain neighborhood, a Wojek agent is inciting its residents to revolt, knowing that the Boros will Find a hidden explosive charge in the garrison Steal a magic weapon held inside the garrison. A Boros commander starts preemptively closing lzzet foundries, Simic research chambers, and other locations considered prone to disaster. 3 before it detonates. s Villain Seeking to avenge a partner's murder, a Wojek League officer turns to vigilantism. LEGION CARRI SON ADVENTURES merchants. trated by that guild. believing that they harbor evil in their hearts. BO ROS AS CA MPA IGN V ILLA I NS Not too long ago, the leaders of the Boros Legion valued zeal more highly than justice, believing that their military might made their cause right and just. Although the current guildmaster. Aurelia, has reversed her stance on the issue. some voices within the legion still espouse these views. Boros villains are typically intolerant, self-righteous warmongers who abuse their power Parapets / Rooftop 1 square = 5 feet MAP 4.2 LEGION GARRISON 133 in pursuit of their own private visions of justice. And because the lower echelons of the guild are taught to follow orders without question, even the villains among the Boros can command companies of soldiers to help them carry out their schemes. Boros villains are inclined to engage in activity that involves pursuing one's passion, acquiring power, or exacting retribution. The Boros make good campaign antagonists if the adventurers represent the forces of chaos that the legion opposes- Rakdos revelers, Gruul raiders, Golgari corrupters, or Dimir spies. You could structure a campaign around the legion's slow progress in taking over the authority of the Azorius Senate and imposing a sort of martial law on the city. A campaign of this sort is particularly effective if the characters initially work alongside the Boros, especially if one or more characters belong to the legion. They might help Boros soldiers drive off Gruul raiders or uproot Dimir spies- clearly fighting against evil on the side of the good and just. As time goes on, though, their Boros allies might start taking their war against evil too far. Innocent citizens get caught in the crossfire, most punishment is cruel and excessive, and any resistance is met with overwhelming force , to "set an example" fo r anyone else who might consider opposing the legion. A Boros ally (or even a close friend) of the characters might become fully caught up in this fervor. Perhaps the characters can talk some sense into their old friend, but the resolution of the campaign might force them to take more extreme measures to curb the legion's excesses. BOROS CHARACTER GOALS The Boros Legion sends individuals or small parties on small-scale military missions, usually to help quell riots or protect bystanders from dangerous situations. Trusted characters might also be involved in internal investigations of suspected wrongdoing, especially if they're associated with the Wojek League. The Boros Assignments table provides examples of missions or side quests that Boros characters might undertake. OTHER ADVENTURE HOOKS The Boros Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for additional adventures themed around the Boros Legion. BOROS ADV ENTU RE H OOKS d6 B O ROS ASS IGN MENTS d6 2 3 4 s 6 l'.H Assignment Help quell a Rakdos riot or hold back Gruul raiders, or otherwise maintain the peace while protecting innocent bystanders. Capture or kill a Gruul chieftain who has taken responsibility for a series of brutal raids. Help evacuate citizens from the area of a natural or magical disaster. Escort an important person safely from one place to another. Investigate a Boros commander suspected of cultivating personal loyalty in underlings, rather than loyalty to the legion. Uncover a spy in the legion. CH \PTER 4 CREATJ NG ADVEl\TU RES 2 3 4 s 6 Adventure Hook A Boros officer is awaiting trial for unsanctioned and excessive use of force, and the officer's squad is planning a jailbreak. The Boros are secretly working with the Shat· tergang Brothers, a group of black market arms dealers, to develop a devastating wea pon. A Boros offensive is displacing and even killing innocent bystanders caught in its path. Flame-kin soldiers created as part of an abandoned weapons project are suddenly reactivated and run amok. These soldiers use the azer stat block in the Monster Manual. A Boros parade meant as a show of strength provokes widespread protests, some of which erupt into violence. A flying Boros fortress is about to crash, threatening to devastate the neighborhood below. HOUSE D IMIR Masters of misdirection, infiltration. and espionage, Oimir spies and assassins pursue their objectives behind layers of deception. Oimir agents make ideal villains for adventures involving intrigue and mystery in the shadows of dark alleys and the tunnels of the undercity. SAFE HOUSE House Dimir maintains safe houses throughout Ravnica, many of them tucked away in the undercity, for guild members who need to elude the ready reach of the law. These sites are protected by magical wards that confuse and misdirect all who approach- in parcicular, spells that make intruders forget where they are or what they're doing there. A safe house can also be used to hold prisoners for interrogation, with its protections equally effective in preventing escape and in deterring intruders. Often, a s ingle site serves both purposes. Map 4.3 presents the floor plan of a typical Dimir safe house. SAFE HOUSE ADVENTURES The first task in almost any mission involving a Dimir safe house is to find the place. Most people who have been to a safe house or its environs have no memory of the event, thanks to Dimir mind magic. The Safe House Adventures table offers some reasons why characters might need to visit such a location. In addition, you could use any other guild's sample location as the site for a location-based adventure. with a simple mission: uncover a Dimir spy in that location. SAFE H OUSE WARDS You can make a Dimir safe house hard to find and hard to get into by using some of these options: • The safe house is underground and accessible only through a maze of tunnels and crevices. • The area surrounding the house is protected by a guards and wards spell. Navigating the ancient underground corridors or the modern alleyways above ground becomes more complicated when intersections are clouded by fog, doors are hidden and magically locked, and magical compulsions drive visitors away. • A glyph of warding might cast fear, phantasmal force, or crown ofmadness on a character who triggers it-or simply explode in a blast of cold energy. Dimir agents might use alarm spells to ensure that they know when intruders are approaching the safe house. SAFE HOUSE MAP This safe house is a domed building encased in a stone exoskeleton characteristic of Dimir construction. The ground level is a comfortable living space that features accommodations for at least five people. It has five bedrooms, abundant storage space, a central lounge, a recreation space, a dining room, a kitchen, and a pantry. A secret door in the back of a shared closet leads to a spiral staircase that descends to the basement, which contains three small holding cells. A watch post at the end of the hall allows a guard to keep an eye on the cells and anyone coming down the stairs. An interrogation room can be outfitted with equipment designed to extract information. One-way mirrors offer a view on the interrogation proceedings from an observation room. D IMIR V ILLA I NS SAFE H O U SE ADVENTURES d12 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adventure Goal Find a fugitive hiding in the safe house. Liberate someone being held in the safe house. Retrieve a stolen item. Get information from a prisoner in the safe house without revealing that information to the Dimir. Acquire information from a Dimir agent to unmask a spy embedded in another guild. Escape from captivity in the safe house. Plant a magical surveillance device inside the safe house. Damage or destroy the safe house so the Dimir can't use it anymore. Prevent the creation of a horror (see chapter 6) in the safe house. (You can replace the horror with a different creature from the Monster Manual.) Find and kill a mind drinker vampire (see chapter 6 for the stat block) or other monster that is picking off the safe house's inhabitants. Disable the safe house's wards and plant a beacon inside it so that members of another guild can find and raid the place. After stumbling into the safe house accidentally, get out with memories intact. The Dimir can be masterfully sly villains. Example villains appear in the Dimir Villains table. DIMIR VILL AI N S d8 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Villain A spy seeks to plunder another guild's secrets. A mind mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block) is hunting down everyone who witnessed a great humiliation to expunge their memories of the event. A mind mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block} has implanted false memories of a crime in many minds in order to incriminate someone. A group of Dimir agents is plundering the minds of people who have knowledge of a vault that holds great wealth or magical power. After a Dimir spy is unmasked, a mind mage (see chapter 6 for the stat block) erases the memory of the spy's identity from the minds of those involved. A shapeshifter has replaced a high-ranking member of another guild in order to provoke conflicts. A mind drinker vampire (see chapter 6 for the stat block} is plundering the minds of its victims. Roll on another guild's villain table, but the villain is a disguised Dimir agent or someone being manipulated by the Dimir. CllAl'Tf R 4 C REATI ~GAD\ E!'.1' l RF 111) • • l square = 5 feet Dr MIR A S C A MPAIGN V I LLAINS Dimir villains favor schemes involving captivity and coercion, defamation, impersonation and disguise, murder, politics, t heft, and torture. Perhaps the most insidious technique employed by the Oimir is the erasing and modifying of me mories. Because their tendrils reach into every other guild, Dimir villa ins could turn out to be the link between plots that initially seem to be unconnected. Even when individual missions might be straightforward dungeon c rawls or battles in the streets, the campaign revolves around the mystery of determining the true villain. At low and middle levels, the characters might find themselves engaged in important but apparently unrelated tasks. They might kill or drive off a monster that is lairing in an abandoned arrester station (unwittingly clearing the way for a Dimir agent to be placed in the station). They might help the Boros capture a dangerous Rakdos ringleader (who is actually a Dimir agent working to destabilize Azorius influence). They migh t unmask a Dimir spy within one of their own guilds (who is an internal rival of the Dimir villain). As the characters advance in level, they might come to realize that a powerful and ambitious Azorius figure is going too far in spying on the populace, despite that g uild's great success in using precognitive mages to arrest evildoers-especially Oimir spies. Ultimately, the Azorius villain is revealed to be a high-ranking Dimir agent, a confidant of Lazav or even Lazav himself, who is trying to take over the Azorius Senate and turn it into a s urveillance and espionage o rganization unde r the villai n's control. OTHER ADVENTU R E HOOKS DIMIR CHARACT ER GOALS Characters who are members of House Dimir are spies and saboteurs. It's possible to let these characters experience all the most enjoyable tropes of the spy genre while s kirting the more sinister aspects of House Dimir. The missions on the Dimir Assignments table can wo rk for a team ofDimir agents or as secret missions for a Dimir character to pursue unde r the cover of the larger adventure plot. The Dimir Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for additional adventures themed around House Dimir. D I MIR ADV E N TURE HOOKS d6 2 D IM I R ASSIGNMENTS d6 2 3 4 s 6 Assignment Impersonate an individual to gather information from that individual's contacts and associates. Make sure that a particular person (not a main antagonist) at an adventure site doesn't survive the encounter with the characters. Make sure that a particular person (not the main villain) survives the adventure. Get information from the main villain by magically extracting the villain's dying thoughts. Plant evidence to steer the other adventurers away from the true villain. Get information to a Oimir agent who is embedded in the adventure location. 3 4 s 6 Adventure Hook The characters find a bundle of thought strands, and Dimir agents are in a rush to find them before they fade away. A rogue agent hunted by Dimir assassins offers crippling information about House Dimir in exchange for protection. A Dimir horror (described in chapter 6) is randomly killing people in the dark alleys of a particular neighborhood. Word is out that someone claims to have a list of Dimir agents embedded in other guilds, igniting a furious contest to obtain the list. While prying too deeply into ancient lore, a Dimir agent (now deceased) released a nameless evil into the city. Roll on another guild's adventure hooks table, but the Dimir are secretly behind the situation. < llAPTI H 4 RE \fll\:G AO\ li.N I l HI s 1'17 GOLGARI SWARM A dominant force in the undercity, the Golgari Swarm is ideally suited for dungeon-based adventures. The Golgari represent corruption and decay, counting many villains among their ranks even though most members are mainly concerned with the balance of the natural cycle of li fe and death. UNDERCITY M ANSION The Golgari are a strange underground aristocracy in a city that mostly lacks a noble class; they are like throwbacks to an ancient time when one's birth determined one's station. The mansion depicted in map 4.4 is a stately relic of such a time- a grand hall that happens to be buried hundreds of feet beneath the streets of Ravnica. GOLGARI VILLAINS Examples of Golgari villains appear in the Golgari Villains table. GOLGARI VI L LAI NS d8 2 UNDERCITY MANSION ADVENTURES The Undercity Mansion Adventures table provides some possible challenges based in and around the Golgari undercity mansion. 3 UNDERCITY MANSION ADVENTURES 4 dl 0 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 Adventure Goal Find the source of a noxious fog rising from the undercity and poisoning a surface neighborhood. Rescue several citizens being held hostage by Ochran agents. Find the daytime lair of an elusive monster that hunts on the surface at night. Rescue a guild member petrified by an undercity medusa (see chapter 6 for the stat block) that uses the mansion as its lair. Take shelter in the mansion to escape a horrible monster prowling the undercity. Win a bet by surviving a night inside. Escape from captivity here. Find a fugitive hiding here. Find and claim a treasure hidden in the mansion. Attend a masked ball held in the mansion in order to get information from another guest. UNDERCITY MANSION MAP This structure is built in a large depression, perhaps part ofDeadbridge Chasm. A bridge crosses just above it, and a wide, curving stair leads down from the bridge to the grand ballroom on the top level of the mansion. The rest of the structure is built down from there, with the main, elegant halls and parlors on the second level. Notably, a wide hallway on this level connects with a passage leading to other areas of the undercity. A couple of areas on this floor have crumbled with the weight of the ages, but the place retains its stately grandeur. 1";!8 The bottom level might be a basement excavated in the floor of a chasm, or it could hang above still more open space like a giant stalactite. It includes living quarters for the owners, servants, and guests. CJl\l'lf.Rf lkl'\TIS<,\l>VENTUIHS 5 6 7 8 Villain Armed with a powerful magic item found among the dead in the undercity, a Golgari shaman (see chapter 6 for the stat block) enacts a plan of revenge against another guild. A kraut death priest (see chapter 6 for the stat block) is seeking a way to revive the ancient gods of Ravn ica and destroy the world. A Devkarin lich (see chapter 6 for the stat block) is capturing living subjects and infecting them with an insidious, mind-controlling fungus. A trophy-hunting undercity medusa (see chapter 6 for the stat block) is on a killing spree, petrifying victims in interesting poses. A Golgari shaman (see chapter 6 for the stat block) is spreading a fungal infection that transforms its dead victims into zombies. An elf child lures citizens into the sewers, where a monstrous "pet" is waiting to kill and eat them. Pursuing a personal vendetta, an Ochran assassin is targeting members of a certain guild and trying to ensure that their bodies are never found. A kraut death priest (see chapter 6 for the stat block), angry at the way the Golgari have treated the kraul in the past, is killing the elves and medusas of the guild, hoping to eventually take Jarad's place as guildmaster. GOLGA RI AS CAMPAIGN VILLAINS Given their affinity for death, necromancy, and decay, the Golgari make excellent villains. Because they consider life and death as equal parts of the natural cycle, they have no qualms about subjecting entire neighborhoods to poisonous gas or strangling vines to achieve their various goals. When a Golgari assassin goes on a killing spree, when a patch of their vegetative growth begins "reclaiming" an area that isn't yet abandoned, or when their fungus-bearing zombies emerge from the undercity to haunt the city streets, heroes are duty bound to act against the threat. The Golgari possess a combination of ambition and ruthlessness that makes them extremely dangerous adversaries. The tension among the various factions of the swarm (the elves, the medusas, the krauJ, and the rising erstwhile) adds an element of instability to the 1 square = 5 feet M11p 4 ' 4· uNOERCITV MAN SION mix. But perhaps the Golgari Swarm's most dangerous quality is the widespread confidence among its members that it will survive any catastrophe that might befall the surface world. This certainty means Golgari villains will stop at nothing in an attempt to provoke such an event- triggeri ng a virulent plague, causing explosive plant growth, or inciting the other guilds into open war, for example. Over the course of a campaign, a group of adventurers might foil Golgari pla ns to accomplish a ll these things, or the characters might be constantly struggling against one ongoing disaster. For example, the characters might spend the early part of the campaign resolving disputes between guilds, unaware that the Golgari are actually the instigators of those conflicts. Perhaps incidental to these missions, they also face a spore druid who is in the early stages of testing a terrible plague. Then, as the campaign reaches higher levels, the plague breaks out again, this time spreading rapidly. The crisis heightens tensions among the other guilds, especially when food sources are th reatened. At the climax of the campaign, the heroes must defuse conflict among the guilds while finding a way to get at the druid at the cause of it all, who is locked in an undercity mansion waiting out the catastrophe. GOLGARI CHARACTER GOALS Characters who a re members of the Golgari Swarm might be sent on missions into the undercity, particula rly jobs that involve retrieval or salvage. T he secretive agents of the Ochran are more likely to pursue goals that call for theft or even assassination, while shamans could participate in the swarm's work of "reclamation" in surface neighborhoods. The Golgari Assignments table reflects this range of possibilities. An assignment can also serve as a side quest for Golgari adventurers to undertake while pursuing a larger goal with a mixedguild party. fO G O LGARI ASSI G NMENTS d6 Assignment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Find a valuable item believed lost in the undercity. Retrieve a corpse in the undercity. Collect a sample of a fungus in the undercity. Steal something that is important to another guild. Ki ll an outspoken enemy of the Golgari. Position a fungus so that its spores will spread into a populated area and drive the inhabitants out. OTHER ADVENTURE HOOKS The Golgari Adventure Hooks table offers ideas for additional adventures themed around the Golgari Swarm. G OLCA RI ADV ENTURE HOOK S d6 2 3 4 S 6 Adventure Hook Citizens who die in a particular neighborhood sprout fungal growths and rise as zombies, the n shamble toward the undercity. Shriekers sprout throughout a neighborhood. Swarms ofinsects under the control of a Golgari shaman (see chapter 6 for the stat block) terrorize a neighborhood. Poor people who subsist on Golgari food contract a dangerous, contagious magical infection. Several krau l have moved into an old tenement and are making their neighbors nervous. A beloved statue, long assumed to be the image of some forgotten community hero, suddenly returns to life after being petrified for a hundred years. GRUUL CLANS An adventure involving the Gruul Clans typically revolves around combat. The Gruul provide characters with opportunities to fight huge monsters and vicious berserkers. The Gruul bring chaos and destruction with them wherever they go, so they can easily disrupt and complicate adventures involving any other guild. Any time an adventure needs an injection of brutal viole nce, the Gruul are a good tool for the purpose. RUBBLEBELT ENCAMPMENT The Gruul have no interest in the buildings, streets, and markets of Ravnica, except as targets for their raids. The encampment shown in map 4.5 represents a temporary shelter in the ruins. the sort of place the Gruul might call home for a time. RUBBLEBELT ENCAMPMENT ADVENT URES Many Gruul adventures begin with a raid into a settled part of the city. Adve nture rs might be able to follow the raiders back ~o their camp- for the sake of revenge, in an effort to retrieve something, or perhaps in chains. RUBBLEBELT EN CAM P M ENT ADV EN T URE S dlO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Adventure Goal Determine why the Gruul have camped so close to a settled neighborhood. Free a captive taken in a recent raid. Win freedom by defeating a Gruul champion in a duel. Retrieve something looted in a recent raid. Strike a deal with the Gruul leader to cooperate against a common foe. Attempt to overthrow the clan chieftain in a combat challenge. Strike a blow to the Gruul to ensure that they don't launch a raid. Free a corralled herd of violent beasts so they stampede through the Gruul camp before the Gruul can steer them toward settled areas. Interrupt a ritual intended to summon or create a huge elemental. Disrupt a gathering of clans that could lead to an alliance between them. RUBBLEBELT ENCAMPMENT MAP Built in a plaza su rrounded by crumbling ruins, this camp offers some defe nsive advantages to its Gruul residents. An old tower is the one intact structure the Gruul use, because it offers a good vantage point over the surrounding area. A sluiceway provides potable water, and a handful of scraggly trees are a reminder of nature's potential to grow and flourish even among the ruins. Otherwise, the camp is little more than a handful of tents around a bonfire. A trash pit serves as a means of waste disposal, a few makeshift cages can hold prisoners, and a partially enclosed a rea to one side has been converted into a pen for the beasts used by the Gruul. GRUUL VILLAINS The Gruul are straightforward villains, employing direct action and violence to tear down civilized society. They aren't schemers, and they have little patience for political maneuvering. Their cunning is that of a hunter stalking its prey, and the threat they pose is rampant, aggressive destruction. Examples of Gruul villains appear in the Gruul Villains table. G RUUL V IL LAI N S d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Villain A druid of the Old Ways (see chapter 6 for the stat block), spurred by visions of the end of civilization, plans humanoid sacrifices in the name of llharg the Raze-Boar. A druid is directing herds of beasts to run amok through tenement neighborhoods. A druid summons huge vines and roots to tear buildings down. A clan chieftain leads a raid to settle a personal vendetta against another guild. In a display of strength, a clan chieftain seeks to destroy a significant landmark. Looking for a totem of spiritual significance, a clanless giant wrecks anything in its path. Hoping to form a new clan, a clever centaur tries to break violent criminals out of jail. A druid leads a band that has begun starting fires around the district. C'llAP'llR4 RE\Tll\C.\DVE" \ J 'I I URI s 12 Adventure Goal Shut down a performance before the performers start attacking the crowd. Escape from the club once the violence starts. Protect a thrill seeker who wants to witness a performance close up. Rescue someone who has been abducted for use as an extra in a show. Find evidence that someone important was (or was not) killed in a previous performance here. Capture a performer who ran away from a prominent family to "join the circus." Use the distraction of a performance to hold a secret meeting with someone from another guild. Spy on someone who is using the distraction of a performance to hold a secret meeting. Acquire a magic item the Rakdos are using as part of a performance. Investigate rumors that the Rakdos have a wingless angel in their show. Find an escaped convict who is rumored to be hiding behind Rakdos makeup. Stop a Rakdos member who is blackmailing an important person with embarrassing information. NOTO RIOUS N IG HTC LUB MA P Security, privacy, and terror are the priorities of this nightclub. Visitors are channeled through a large entry vestibule into an upper area with tables tucked away in nooks. From there, they can watch the violent antics of ferocious beasts or performers in cages suspended from the ceiling. Stairs lead down to the area of the main stage, where headlining performances are held. Offices and storage areas fi II the rest of the main level. A second stage in the lower level provides a more upclose experience, which often means audience members are showered in blood or drawn into the show. Several private booths surround the backstage area, with doors that include shuttered windows to enable those inside to keep an eye on the s how or carry out private business. 1 square = 5 feet MAP 4.8: NOTO~IUS N1GMTc;LU8 l'il R A KDOS VI L LAINS Rakdos villains range in power from demented cultists to sadistic demons. Most of them are driven by a desire for unfettered mayhem. A hunger for a certain form of immortality (being an artist who is remembered forever) often feeds that desire, and insofar as Rakdos can be considered the "god" of his cult, objectives related to magic- carrying out his wishes, offering him sacrifices, and rousing him into action- are also significant objectives for some cultists. Driven as they are by selfish impulse and emotion, Rakdos villains also sometimes pursue schemes related to passion, power, or revenge. Specific examples appear on the Rakdos Villains table. RAKDOS V I LLAIN S d8 2 3 4 152 d8 5 6 7 8 Villain A skilled puppeteer uses skeletal marionettes to recreate historical acts of violence between guilds-which are inexplicably repeated in the real world within the next few days. A ringmaster has discovered magic that fills the whole audience with blood lust and sends them rampaging through the streets. A hypnotist is programming audience members to go into a mu rderous rage when a triggering event occurs. A crazed blood witch (see chapter 6 for the stat block) hopes to rouse Rakdos by driving captured sacrificial victims into his lair. Villain A coven of blood witches (see chapter 6 for the stat block), seeking Rakdos's favor, uses magic to turn members of other guilds against their own allies. Word spreads that a retiring performer wants to go out with a bang, and their final performance prom· ises to be explosive. Mocking the absence of the Guildpact, a Rakdos troupe takes over the Chamber of the Guildpact and performs its satire before a captive audience. A demon captures people and makes a game of thwarting their efforts to escape. Cl!t\PTl::R I 1 CR~o\llNl. AUHNIURIS RAKDOS AS CAMPAIGN VILLAINS You could build a campaign around the Cult ofRakdos's efforts to stir its demonic patron into action against the other guilds. The campaign might unfold amid steadily increasing violence, escalating to episodes of widespread rioting and rampaging demons. At lower levels, the adventurers might encounter incidental violence spilling over from Rakdos venues: a brawl outside a nightclub, overenthusiastic devils spreading fires around a street stage, or the "accidental" death of a few performers at the climax of their act. As the campaign progresses, the characters might be drawn into combating the efforts of blood witches who are trying to exterminate the cult's most active enemies. The more they foil the cult's efforts, the more the characters themselves become targets of both ridicu le and violent action. At the campaign's climax, the adventurers might have to interrupt a ritual performed in Rakdos's lair in order to prevent him from rampaging through the city-or if they are too late to do that, they might have w fight the ancient demon lord himself. RAKDO S CH A RACTER GOALS Characters who are members of the Cult of Rakdos are expected to be self-motivated and rarely take orders from anyone other than Rakdos himself. The Rakdos Assignments table includes some suggestions for adventures or side quests that Rakdos characters might undertake on their own initiative, or perhaps at the r equest of a ringmaste r or a fe llow performer. RAKDOS ASSIGNMENTS d6 2 3 4 5 6 Assignment Acquire a flashy magic item to use as a prop in a performance. Try out a new performance routine in the midst of actual life-or-death combat. Sow distrust of an important person through satire or slander. Make sure a specific person is in the front row for a certain performance. Capture a deadly monster for use in a spectacular show. Interrupt a solemn ceremony or ritual being performed by another guild. OTHE R A DV ENTURE HOOKS The Rakdos Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for additional adventures themed around the Cult ofRakdos. SELESNYA CONCLAVE The Selesnya Conclave is most likely to be involved in adventures as a force for good, since many of its members are healers, diplomats, and mediators. It is a natural home for player characters-especially clerics and druids- so it might serve as a patron. Nonetheless, the guild has a militaristic bent, and like nature itself it isn't beyond corruption. VERNADI CENTER The basic unit of the Conclave's organization is the vernadi- a community centered on a large tree and led by the voda of th e e nclave, a dryad whose spirit is linked to that tree. From the outside, a vernadi might resemble a peace ful commune, and thus seem to be an easy target for theft or assau lt. But its temple gardens a re protected by sold ie rs and archers, and eve n the seemingly serene initiates have som e military training. VERN A DI CENTER A DVENTURES Though a vernadi lacks the defensive fortifications of, for example, a Boros garrison, it is still a difficult place to attack or infiltrate . Because of the sheer numbers of initiates that might be ins ide, stealth is probably a better tactic than frontal assault. The Vernadi Center Adventures table offers some s uggestions. VERNADI CENTER ADVENTURES dl 2 2 3 4 RAKDOS ADVENTURE HOOKS d6 2 3 4 5 6 Adventure Hook Wild-eyed people attending a popular new club seem unwilling or unable to go home after several days of nonstop merriment. One morning, everyone who has seen a Rakdos performance in the past week suddenly transforms into a minor demon. An apparently spontaneous Rakdos-led riot has spread to take over an entire neighborhood. People who die in Rakdos-inspired violence stand back up as zombies and keep fighting. Ordinary knives and chains in homes across the neighborhood seem to come to life in advance of the start of a Rakdos show. After several mausoleums are burst open from the inside, people see their undead family members cavorting on a Rakdos stage. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adventure Goal Ascertain the numbers of the military forces housed in and around the vernadi. Find the source of pollen that is drifting through the neighborhood and making people placid and compliant. Find the source of wind-borne seeds that are drift· ing through the neighborhood and quickly growing into hostile awakened shrubs. Retrieve an initiate who was supposedly forced to join the guild through mind-affecting magic. Stop the vernadi, whose tree has awa kened and escaped the control of its dryad, from trampling through the neighborhood. Find a way to tap into the mind, will, and knowl· edge of Mat'Selesnya through the vernadi's central tree or its dryad. Introduce a contagion into Mat'Selesnya through the vernadi's tree or its dryad. Capture an equenaut who has been accused of a crime and who has taken refuge at the vernadi. Convince or coerce a healer to tend to a sick or wounded person who would normally be an enemy of the conclave. Find a spy embedded in the vernadi community. Blend into the community to avoid pursuers. Retrieve an item that was donated to the community by a new initiate, but without the permission of the item's owner. C IJAl"I F.R 4 C:RPATI ~G AOv E:\1URES 153 ~ ~ 1 square = 5 feet ....... ·· . . . . .,.. :' " i <. • ~- '- -~;· I .... : ; . .. , . ' • . .-· .... , . · · :.'' . .. · .-·",.-/ .... MAP 4.9: V£RNl\OI CENTER .: .· I . .. ~ " () t ~ ~ •• .....• ...\ • Garden •V ~· -t••W > ~- ;· j <::> ~ •'1 ~ :·.·~ : ; ' ...... ....... \ •. . • V ERNA DI C E NTE R MAP The temple s hown in map 4.9 is at the heart of the vernadi, built in and around a large tree. A circle of white marble with several archways surrounds the base of the tree, encompassing both a decorative garden where meetings are held and a vegetable garden that provides food for the vernadi. The meeting garden includes benches and a fountain of fresh water. Two small buildings at ground level offer rustic accommodations for members of the vernadi or guests. Gracefully curving ramps sweep around the trunk of the tree, leading to various other small buildings. Several of these are open to the air. offering sheltered places for gatherings or quiet contemplation. Others are apartments where leaders of the vernadi live. Near the top of the tree is a large, round temple space. S ELESNYA V I LLAI NS True evil is rare among the members of Selesnya, with misplaced religious zeal being the impetus that most commonly pushes its members into acts of villainy. Examples of Selesnya villains appear in the Selesnya Villains table. SELESNYA VILLAINS d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Villain A fanatical leader disrupts building projects because they aren't in harmony with nature. A Ledev guardian is leading preemptive raids on other guilds, believing that a foll-scale attack on the conclave is imminent. A voda, feeling imperiled by the ills of society, causes vines to grow and seal the members of her vernadi inside. A militant leader of a splinter group harasses "unbelievers" on the street and threatens to unleash elemental power on them. A loxodon evangel uses coercive methods to recruit young people into the conclave. An elf seeking spiritual union with Mat'Selesnya threatens the dryad of their own vernadi. A crazed prophet claims to be the incarnation of Mat'Selesnya and gathers an army to strike at other guilds. A horncaller (see chapter 6 for the stat block) steals animals that were used as pets, mounts, and beasts of burden throughout the neighborhood. SELESNYA AS C AMPAIGN V I LLAINS You could structure a campaign around the efforts of the Selesnya Conclave to finally bring a ll of Ravnica into its welcoming embrace. At lower levels, Selesnya might be an ally to the player characte rs, offering support in the form of healing and other magic. By the time the characters reach middle leve ls, Selesnya emerges as a threat: perhaps it becomes clear that several vernadi are us ing magical charms (or other forms of coercion) to win converts, and the conclave might even try to coerce the player characters to join. EventuaJly, their strategy evolves toward extortion and conquest, as they unleash wurms and similar powerful beasts to threaten those who refuse to convert, and they use the might of their armies to eliminate other guilds and bring whole precincts under their control. The climax of the campaign might involve the heroes leading or coordinating the efforts of all nine other guilds to unite against the Selesnya th reat. SELESNYA CHARACTER GOALS Characters who a re part of the Selesnya Conclave are usually sent into the world to help ease suffering, make peace, win converts, and advance the other objectives of the guild. The Selesnya Assignments table includes a number of side quests for individual Selesnya characters as well as adventure hooks for a whole party. SELESNYA ASSIGNMENT S d6 l 2 3 4 s 6 Assignment Wo rk to stop the spread of a strange illness. Tend to the victims of a catastrophe or an attack. Mediate a dispute between two other guilds. Plant a magic seed, watch it grow into a great tree, and defend the tree until reinforcements arrive. Bring an un ruly beast under control and return it to the vernadi it escaped from . Lead a targeted military strike to warn another guild against overreaching. OTHER ADVENTURE HOOKS The Selesnya Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for additional adventures themed around the conclave. S ELES N YA AD V ENTUR E H OOKS d6 2 3 4 5 6 156 Adventure Hook A sacred tree has been defiled or cut down, and an angry Selesnya mob is gathering to exact revenge. The Worldsoul has identified the characte rs as emblematic of their guilds' overreaching am bition. A seer of the conclave tries to convince the characters that they are fated to save the world. Plants throughout a neighborhood develop carnivorous tendencies. A magic-infused stone of a Selesnya building grows out of control, threatening nearby buildings. A Selesnya wurm {see chapter 6 for the stat block) breaks free of its controller and goes on a rampage. CllAl'IER ~ C:RE:\TINGAl>\E:- \ENTURES 15 TFR I J CRf \TIN<, \DVl::STURES but not without attracting the attention of the guilds. A cunning opportunist, Krenko has spent years consolidating goblin street rabble into his fiercely loyal gang. He cultivated connections among the ruthless and powerful, specializing in high-value theft and mayhem. At the apex of his influence, he got into a nasty turf war with the Shattergang Brothers, a rival goblin gang that often deals in illicit arms. Rumors swirled that Krenko killed Dargig, the youngest of the three brothers, after a weapons drop went bad. The remaining two brothers, Rikkig and Gardagig, attempted to kill Krenko in retaliation for the death of their kin. Before they could do the deed, Krenko was apprehended by the Boros Legion and thrown into Sawtooth Prison- near the legion's headquarters of Sun home- to spend the rest of his life behind bars. But someone as well connected as Krenko has ways of shortening his own sentence. Inciting a riot in prison secured him a transfer to Udzec, a maximum-security facility in Precinct Two of the Tenth District, administered by the Azorius Senate. During the transfer, agents of a former associate of Krenko's created a distraction, and he was able to slip away to rendezvous with his gang. He now plots his next move as he reestablishes power over his criminal enterprise. Krenko's escape is no small matter. The Chamber of the Guildpact gets involved, alarmed at the possibility of another goblin gang war that could threaten the tenuous peace between the guilds. During the adventure, the Shattergang Brothers catch wind of Krenko's freedom, and are desperate to make him pay. choose one (preferably a guild that isn't represented by an adventurer in the party). The patron affects the story of Krenko's escape in a speci fie way (as indicated following the table) and, if you so choose, might influence future adventures. KRENKO'S PATRON RUNNING THE ADVENTURE T his adventure requires the fifth edition D&D rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual). You should read the entire adventure before attempting to run it. If you'd prefer to play, you shouldn't read any farther. Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their characters first arrive at a location o r unde r a specific circum- d6 2 3 stance, as desc ribed in the text. The Monster Manual contains statistics for many of the creatures found in this adventure. When a creature's name appears in bold type, that's a visual cue pointing you to the creature's stat block in the Monster Manual. If the stat block appears elsewhere, the adventure's text tells you so. 4 ADVENTURE SUMMARY S The adventure begins at Sawtooth Prison as the party is summoned by Nassius Ven, an official from the Chamber of the Guildpact. He explains that Krenke has escaped during a prison transfer, and it's urgent that the characters locate him and bring him back to justice as soon as possible and with discretion. The characters can retrace the route of the transfer, interview the guards for more information, and use their contacts in the city to find out more about Krenko. If they are indiscreet in their investigation, they could attract the attention of the Shattergang Brothers, a rival gang intent on murdering Krenke. Members of that gang will trail the party throughout the city in an attempt to find the goblin mob boss's location. Eventually, the adventurers find Krenko's hideout: a warehouse near a canal. A final showdown with the goblin mob boss, his retinue, and possible Shattergang interlopers ensues. Then it's merely a matter of delivering Krenko back to Nassius before more trouble breaks out. KRENKo' s PATRON Krenke arranged a deal with a faction while in prison. During his transfer, members of that faction struck down his escort and freed him. At the beginning of the adventure, you can roll a patron from the table below, or you can 6 Guild Dimir. An impenetrable fog appea red, confusing the escort and obscuring their view. Krenko slipped his restraints and scurried off in the mist. Golgari. A swarm of centipedes burst out of a nearby sewer and overwhelmed the guards, knocking them unconscious with venomous bites. When the guards were revived, Krenko was gone. Gruul. A Gruul wa rband screamed through the streets, smashing anything that got in the way. The guards clashed with the Gruul; during the fight, one of them broke Krenko's bonds and the goblin fled the scene. lzzet. A pair of armored mages descended from the sky on hovering discs. They aimed devices attached to thei r arms at the guards and blasted them back with a concussive wave. While the guards were recov· ering, the mages magically dissolved Krenko's bonds and he escaped. Rakdos. A troupe of performers crossed paths with the guards, who became transfixed by a fiery acrobatic street display. When the performance was over, Krenko had gone missing. Simic. A skyswimmer intercepted and attacked Krenko's escort. It unleashed a powerful discharge of lightning, which knocked out all the guards. When they woke up, Krenko had disappeared. STARTING THE ADVENTUR E Once the players are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following introductory text: Life in the Tenth District is never dull. A hub of constant activity, it always offers a new opportunity, a new chal lenge, a new intrigue. It is a place where a promising adventurer like you can find your path to glory, riches, or power through your allegiance to your guild. But first you'll need a job that will help you prove your worth. Today is your lucky day. This afternoon, you received a brief note from one of your contacts: "I heard today from someone who is looking for help finding something. Seems serious. Might be a good opportunity for you. Meet outside Sawtooth Prison at dusk." At the appointed time, you find yourself gathered with other like-minded individuals outside the front door to the functional and unremarkable Sawtooth Prison. Have the players introduce their characters to each other, if they aren't acquainted already. This might also be a time for the characters to identify or discover personal connections that might link them, s uch as common acquaintances or contacts, a shared background, or living in the same neighborhood. Once the characters have had a chance to get to know one another, read: Light rain begins to patter on the cobblestones as the sun sets behind the spires and towers of the city. You see a male vedalken in well-tailored clothes approach your group from around the side of the prison. His deep blue face bears a gentle but concerned expression. He raises his hand to hail you and speaks in a low tone as his eyes take in your group and the nearby environs. "Are you here to help us find something?" This is Nassius Ven, a vedalken noble and a proctor from the office of the Guildpact. While the Azorius and Boros help maintain the law and keep the peace, the office of the Guildpact tries to helps quell disputes between the guilds while the Living Guildpact is away. Nassius is here to hire the characters to track down Krenko because he suspects the involvement of one or more guilds in the goblin boss's escape but doesn't know who is involved. ROLEPLAYING NASSIUS VEN After receiving affirmative answers from the party, Nassius hands the characters a dossier from Sawtooth Prison with an image of a smug, tough-looking male goblin on it. Nassius offers up the following information, which can be conveyed through conversation with him: IU2 CHAPTER 1- l'RI \l 1!11(; AD\ E"fURl::S • "We have need of your particular skills to assist in the retrieval of a convict who got loose just before sunrise this morning. He escaped during his transfer to Udzec, a maximum-security prison where he would have spent the rest of his days." • "His name is Krenko. He's the boss of a large gang of goblins that operates around Foundry Street. He was apprehended to answer for a long list of crimes, including murder. He allegedly incited a riot that led to the deaths of a guard and two inmates at this prison a week ago. The warden decided enough was enough and put through his transfer." • "Krenko has made a lot of enemies, but the Shattergang Brothers are his biggest threat. They're a rival goblin gang specia lizing in illicit weapons, and they want Krenko dead in reprisal for the murder of one of their lieutenants. The dead lieutenant also happens to be the youngest of the three siblings that run the gang. They'll tear apart the neighborhood to find him once they know he has escaped." • "Normally, we'd let the Azorius deal with this situation, but we suspect that Krenko might have bad help from one of the other guilds when he escaped. We are enlisting others to investigate that connection, as it could point to a bigger problem." • "We need you to track down Krenko and bring him back alive. Then we can interrogate him and keep him off the streets for good." • "I am prepared to give you ten zinos right now to cover any expenses you might incur during your investigation. Upon delivery of the criminal, you'll receive one hundred zinos and my gratitude, which I will convey to your guild leaders. Under no circumstances should you attempt to question Krenko yourselves." If he is asked, Nassius provides the guards' account of the circumstances of his escape (see "Krenko's Patron"). The guards have already been thoroughly questioned, and Krenko's trail has gone cold. Nassius is eager to get the characters started as soon as possible to prevent the Shattergang Brothers from learning of Krenko's escape. Nassius asks the party to bring Krenke to an old Selesnya granary that was damaged in a Gruul raid at the edge of the district. There, he'll take Kren ko into custody. Nassius is evasive about any questions regarding why Krenke shouldn't be interrogated or why the characters should bring him to the granary. His eyes dart back and forth when confronted with these sorts of questions. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check knows that Nassius isn't being completely forthright. Even if pressed, Nassius doesn't offer up any other information beyond the mission objectives. THE SEARCH FOR KRENKO Once Nassius has departed, the characters can get to work. They can conduct their investigation however they choose, but time is of the essence since eventually word on the street gets back to the Shattergang Brothers and they start another turf war to flush Krenke out. T'IMELINE OF EVENTS Here's a timeline of what has happened since Krenke escaped and what happens in the future, absent interference. As soon as the adventurers get involved, events might change drastically, but the following timeline can still help you determine how the various NPCs involved in the story will react to the player characters' actions. Early Morning, Day 1: Krenko escapes. Late Morning, Day 1: Krenke meets with his gang and prepares a disguise for himself. Noon, Day 1: Krenko and his gang secu re an abandoned warehouse as a temporary hideout for the mob boss. Sunset, Day 1: The adventurers receive the mission. Late Evening, Day 1: Krenke places a weapons order with Falish, a human arms dealer. Noon, Day 2: Additional enforcers from Krenko's gang arrive at Krenko's hideout. Sunset, Day 2: The Shattergang Brothers hear about Krenko's escape and mobilize to find him. Falish leaves a cache of weapons at a drop point on Foundry Street, and a goblin carries the weapons back to Krenko's hideout. Late Evening, Day 2: Explosions rock Foundry Street as the Shattergang Brothers start violently coercing citizens who are known to have dealings with Krenko. The Lyev Column (Azorius law enforcement) is dispatched to Foundry Street to investigate the disturbance. Predawn, Day 3: The Shattergang Brothers find out Krenko's location, and a great explosion goes off there, leveling the building and killing many goblins (Krenke survives). Noon, Day 3: The Foundry Street vicinity is subject to terrible goblin gang violence. The Boros Legion is called in to pacify the area. THE DOSSIER The adventurers can find the following information in the Sawtooth Prison dossier: Krenke has been a goblin mob boss for several years. His turf was around Foundry Street. He has been a person of interest in numerous crimes befitting a mobster but managed to evade the law-until recently. Krenko was brought into custody by Gideon Jura, a freelancer working with the Boros Legion at the time. Krenke was found guilty of murdering Dargig, one of the Shattergang Brothers, and of assault with a deadly weapon against Gideon Jura. • The weapon on his person at the time of arrest was a magic shiv (a prison knife). Reportedly, it could punch through force barriers. It isn't known how Krenko obtained the weapon. Krenko's notable associates include the mysterious Mr. Taz (no other information provided) and a renegade Izzet weapons inventor named Falish (female human, seen around Tin Street). Both are also persons of interest to the Azorius. HITTING THE STREETS The characters can take several approaches to investigating Krenko's whereabouts: meeting with contacts, sussing out rumors, or visiting important locations. MEET WITH CONTACTS ff a character has an appropriate contact to press for information, they can reach out to that contact for assistance. It takes 1 hour to arrange a meeting with the contact and ld6 hours for the contact to find one previously unknown piece of information, unless that contact would have the information on hand. GAT H ER R U MORS Characters can go to public gathering places to attempt to obtain information. After ld6 hours, a character sifting through rumors makes a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. On a success, they find out one previously unknown piece of information from among those given below: Krenko's absence has hurt his gang's reputation. Other gangs have been encroaching on his territory, and it's only a matter of time before there's another power struggle played out in the streets. • Tin Street is a bustling center of trade and the territory of the Shattergang Brothers. They have become emboldened since Krenko was put away and are readying for war to take out his gang once and fo r all. • Foundry Street is where you'll find manufacturing facilities for the Tenth District, and it's Krenko's gang's turf. His enforcers are still squabbling over who should lead. For now, they all have an uneasy truce with each other. • Some goblins were pulling up a sewer grate at a very early hour west of the plaza. They didn't look like maintenance workers and threatened anyone that came too close. The approximate location of this incident is obtained. <.JllAPTER -1- <.JRfAfl1'0 ·\OVENTURES 163 Three locations important to the adventure are mentioned in the information above: the sewers. Foundry Street, and Tin Street. Each site is described in detail below. The travel time (on foot) between any two of these locations is 30 minutes to 1 hour. T H E SEWERS A T P LAZA WEST Cha racters heading west of the plaza on a tip they received earlier might look for a sewer grate that is out of place. lt takes 1 hour and a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check to find a grate with scrapes from a crowbar on it. Alternatively, the characters can interview residents in the area, in which case it takes half an hour and a successful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check to find the location of the grate. The grate can be pulled up with a successful DC 15 Strength check. Once the grate is opened, read: A circular ma intenance shaft plunges down into the darkness. An iron ladder is bolted to one side of the shaft. The pungent smell of the sewers wafts up to your nose. A faint light is visible at the bottom, illuminating refuse-filled water. You stand shin-deep in sewer water, in a dimly lit tunnel. There's a raised walkway on either side that gets you out of the smelly, muck-filled water. Small lamps housing magical flames shed dim light. The walls are covered in moss and lichen. T he tunnel is dimly lit by small continual flame beacons positioned every 30 feet or so on alternating sides of the 20-foot-high tunnel. The sewer tunnel is 30 feet wide and continues in both directions. The tunnel has a raised walkway 5 feet wide and 5 feet tall along both sides. The main passage is flowing with I-foot-deep water and smelly refuse. Krenko and three other goblins came this way, heading to his new hideout. The characters can spot signs of grimy boot prints made by Small creatures on one of the walkways by succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. After find ing the prints, they can continue to track them through the sewer tunnels by succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. For every day since the goblins came through here, add 5 to the DC of the check. It takes 2 hours to navigate the twisting tunnels at normal walking speed. The tunnels are near Golgari territory. but above the undercity. For each hour the party spends in the sewers, roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the party has an encounter determined by rolling on the Sewer Encounters table. CllAPrEJ< 4 fel " . . .. .. . . . ..~.·: .:~ .. . -~ .. ... .. .. .:: ....··~ ...• .~- ... ~ : . . ...·>· ....... ::· · · ·~~~~ ' .· ·.· -.°'· .. :.~· .· ..;: .... : .. · .. ·: :. ·-~: . .~ ... •';. ... :~ ........ ._: .. .. ~: .. ... : .. ·.·· ; .··· ·. . . . .: .· ......; ..... :.· . ..~ ; ..... ·· ... . .. .. ·~· . ... . ...:_ .. .:·· · ... "· ...... ...... . .; . . ··: ...' : .. . :~ .. : ... , .. \ .. . . ....... . .... .. . · . .... ··..: . .. . ........ . .. . . ... ·. • , .. '····:·'""·~ : ~~ MAP 4.11: KRENt<0's li1oeouT Large consiruct, unaligned Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 39 (6dl0 + 6) Speed 25 ft. STR 18 (+4) DEX 11 (+O) CON 13 (+l) INT l (- 5) WIS 3 (- 4) CHA l (-5) Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 6 Languages Challenge l (200 XP) Antimagic Susceptibility. The rig is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the rig must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. Unstable. If the rig takes damage, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated with a speed ofO until a creature activates it with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check made as an action. A CT IO NS Multiattack. The armor makes two melee attacks. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. l]O C'llAl'ILI! i I RI \llNCAPHN!UIO::s Dealing 20 damage or more to a bay door creates a hole that a Medium or smaller creature can walk through. A character can use an action to open a bay door using its pulley system. Charred and cracked wooden containers are scattered around the room. Nothing of value remains in any of them. Resting on the rails that run through the center of the room is a Large cart. The north and south walls of the cart can be lowe red to create ramps leading up to the cart's bed. Near the cart is a loading rig (see the stat block) covered in soot and currently inactive. A seat cavity built into the top the rig contains a series of small plates and levers. A creature in the seat can attempt a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check to figure out how to press the plates in the correct sequence to activate or deactivate the rig. Pressing the plates requires an action. Once the rig is activated, a creature in the seat can pilot it using the levers. The rig moves as its controller directs it, and the controller can use an action to direct the rig to take the Dash, Disengage. or Dodge action, or the Multiattack or Slam actions as given in its stat block. A creature with tinker's tools can try to repair damage to the rig. After spending 1 hour making repairs, the creature makes a DC l 5 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check succeeds, the rig regains ld6 hit points. CONFRONTING KRENKO Krenko tries to escape if he is reduced to half his hit points or fewer, ordering his goblin enforcers cover him as he makes his getaway. He runs to the loading rig on the warehouse floor and activates it in an effort to fight his way out and flee . If he can get outside, he makes his way to the dock and jumps into the canal to swim away. If Krenko is captured, he tries to convince the adventurers that bringing him to justice isn't in the best interest of the city. He might make any or all of the following arguments in his defense: • Without his leadership, the goblin gangs have been thrown into chaos, and the only thing keeping the Shattergang Brothers from blowing things up is his gang- with him leading it. • He is emphatic that his killing ofDargig was an act of self-defense and that he was framed by the Boros Legion, which he suspects is in league with the Shattergang Brothers. Characters who succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check sense he's lying, as he s ubtly looks past them while making his plea. • Krenko is willing to offer the party a deal. He'll give them everything in his office strongbox if they tell Nassius they didn't find him. • Krenko warns the party that Nassius isn't all he appears to be. Krenko suspects that Nassius is in someone's pocket but doesn't know who that someone is. Krenko doesn't offer up any information on the allies that aided him in his escape, but he identifies them if pressed. He also remains tight-lipped on the subject of Mr. Taz, offering only the fol lowing if a character makes a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check: "Mr. Taz gave me a nice shiv as a present for a job once, and I'd love to get my mitts on another one someday. THE HANDOFF When the characters reach the meeting point that Nassius specified, read the followi ng: Nassius wants the characters to complete the exchange without a fuss and head home. He asks them if they questioned Krenko, and to recount what the goblin said to them. Krenko attempts to call out Nassius as a liar and a corrupt official, but Nassius's veterans move to gag Krenko to stop him from talking. Nassius doesn't answer any questions about where he's taking Krenko, nor does he address the veracity of any claims of corruption. He remarks that he serves the office of the Guildpact, and he's taking Krenke in for the good of the city. The Shattergang Brothers might still take over the turf of Krenko's gang, but probably without a destructive gang war. N Assrus's PATRON Krenko was right about one thing: Nassius Ven has been using his position to keep himself wealthy and protected. A patron approached Nassius and made a deal to have Krenko delivered to them instead of to his rightful place in his new cell at Udzec. Nassius was assured that Krenko would eventually make his way back to the prison alive, but the patron wanted to have a few words with him first. To determine whom Nassius Ven cut a deal with, you can roll to determine a patron from the table below, or you can choose one. If the patron is a guild, you should select a guild that isn't represented by an adventurer in the party. The patron might influence future dealings with both Nassius Ven and Krenko. NASS IUS'S PATRO N d6 Patron Azorius Senate 2 3 Mr. Taz 4 Orzhov Syndicate 5 Shattergang Brothers 6 Selesnya Conclave Boros Legion THE END? As the rain intensifies into a downpour, you head to the outskirts of the Tenth District. You're directed to the old granary that Nassius picked as the rendezvous point. The wet, crumbling clay building sits out in an untended fie ld and is overgrown with all manner of vegetation, almost completely reclaimed by the wild. Nassius steps out of the entryway into the field, holding a small purse and flanked by two heavily armed guards. Nassius has asked for Azorius assistance but has also brought two human veterans wearing no obvious guild identifiers to help take Krenke into custody. Six Azorius soldiers (see chapter 6 for the stat block) are hidden in various spots between 50 and 100 feet of the front of the granary, ready to subdue characters who make a wrong move, or to take down Krenko if he tries to flee. The characters earn 1 renown in their guild if they deliver Krenko to Nassius. In addition to the adventure seeds in the first part of this chapter, you can build on the events of this adventure to chart a course for the party's next adventures. Consider these questions: • Who were Krenko's and Nassius's allies? How might they respond to the characters' actions? • What's the balance of power between Kren ko's gang and the Shattergang Brothers? Is either gang likely to take revenge on the characters for what they did? Or did the characters earn the gratitude of either gang? How might Nassius, Krenko, Falish, and other NPCs interact with the adventurers in the future? Could one of them ask for the characters' help with a new crisis, or turn into a dangerous antagonist? • Did the characters use any of their contacts to gather information? Might those individuals' involvement cause them trouble that could involve the adventurers? CHAPTER 4 I CR.EATING ADVl::NTURES 17! CHAPTER 5: TREASURES HOSE WHO A.RE BOLD OR CUNNING ENOUGH can find treasures aplenty to reward their exploits in Ravnica. Coins change hands in back alleys, chests of riches are laden onto beasts of burden, and fine objects of art stand on d isplay in museums and galleries. Obscene wealth lies secreted away in Orzhov vaults, the Azorius Senate's payroll is a bureaucratic tangle, and House Dimir greases countless palms with an apparently endless fortune. And items of magic lure adventurers and thieves with the promise of greater power. COINS IN TREASURE When you use the treasure tables in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, you can change the type of coinage found if you'd like to associate the coins with a particular guild. For more information about coinage in Ravnica, see the "Currency: Zibs and Zinos" section in this book's introduction. Copper pieces encountered in treasure are either standard Azorius zibs or Orzhov alms-coins. A pouch of alms-coins might belong to someone who has been impoverished- or someone who makes a habit of robbing from the poor. A chest full of alms-coins could be an Orzhov lockbox used to hold the coins before they are distributed to the poor. Silver coins minted by the Azorius Senate are worth 25 cp, so they might be found in smaller numbers than the standard s ilver pieces mentioned on the treasure tables. They are common currency, so they're found in the coin purses of virtually everyone in Ravnica. A hoard of s ilver coins might be amassed by a miser or stored in a bank vau lt (or stolen from such places). Electrum pieces found in treasure are Azorius 50-zib coins. These coins are more common than electrum pieces are on most other D&D worlds, and they serve a function very similar to the silver 25-zib coins. You might reflect this fact by turning some s ilver pieces found as treasure into electrum pieces. Gold coins in treasure translate directly to 1-zino coins, which could be the standard coins of Azorius mint or Boros coins (which might have been used as the weekly pay of a soldier in the Legion). A treasure might include Boros 5-zino coins, representing the salary of an officer or a payment made from the Legion to another guild. Platinum pieces found in treasure are Orzhov 10-zino coins. They might have originally belonged to an Orzhov pontiff. Perhaps they were withdrawn from an account in an Orzhov bank-which suggests someone wealthy and powerful, possibly with criminal connections. A significant treasure find might include a stash of Orzhov 100-zino coins (one-tenth the number of platinum pieces found on the treasure table), which almost certainly belongs to a powerful Orzhov scion who wants it back. GUILD C HAR MS A guild charm is a magical effect placed on an otherwise mundane item. Charms are often given to favored members of the guild- those whose renown scores with their guilds have reached 10 or higher-or those entrusted with important missions. A charm typically manifests as the gui ld's symbol emblazoned on an item that is worn or carried by the chosen creature. A guild charm can be used only a certain number of times before it vanishes, and only by the creature upon which it was bestowed. If you use a charm to cast a spell, you can do so without expending a spell slot or providing any components. The spell's save DC is 15, its attack bonus is +7, and the spellcasting ability modifier for any spell effects is +4. A charm can't be used in the area created by an antimagic field spell or a similar effect. The guild master of the charm's guild can revoke the charm as an action, but otherwise the charm can't be removed from the object on which it was placed by anything short of divine intervention or a wish spell. The charms associated with each guild are described below. AZORIUS CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the hold person (3rd-level version), command, or counterspell spell. The charm vanishes after you activate it. BOROS CHARM When you activate th is charm, you can cast the crusader's mantle or haste spell. Alternatively, you can cast the guiding bolt spell, and if it hits, you regain a number of hit points equal to the damage it deals. The charm vanishes after you activate it. DIMIR CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the blink or sleep (3rd-level version) spell. Alternatively, when you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell. The charm vanishes after you activate it. GOLGARI CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the dispel magic, false life (3rd-level version), or stinking cloud spell. The charm vanishes after you activate it. GRUUL CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the heroism or thunderwave spell (3rd-level versions). Alternatively, as a reaction when you miss with a weapon attack, you can make another attack against the target you missed. The charm vanishes after you activate it. f'H •\PTER 5 TREASURES 173 lZZET CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the dispel magic or lightning bolt spell. Alternatively. as an action, you can regain one expended spell slot of 3rd level or lower. The charm vanishes after you activate it. 0RZHOV CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the bestow curse or fear spell. Alternatively, when a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is reduced to 0 bit points, you can use your reaction to have it drop to 1 hit point instead. The charm vanishes after you activate it. RAKDOS CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the crown of madness, hellish rebuke, or shatter spell. The charm vanishes after you activate it. SELESNYA CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the aura of vitality or conjure animals spell. Alternatively, as an action, you can give up to three creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn. The charm vanishes after you activate it. SIMIC CHARM When you activate this charm, you can cast the enhance ability (3rd-level version), enlarge/reduce, or gaseous form spell. The charm vanishes after you activate it. MAGIC ITEMS Magic items are abundant on Ravnica. Izzet workshops and foundries create a plethora of wild and often dangerous items, and spellcasters from every guild craft items for their own use and that of their guild mates. More powerful items are created in grand experiments or by angelic blessings, or they find their way out of hidden vaults and ancient underground ruins. GUILDS AND MAGIC ITEMS Each of Ravnica's guilds has an affinity for certain magic items. This section identifies the magic items most likely to be created, used, or valued by each guild. The lists include the magic items in this book (referred to as GGR) and in the Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG) that are particularly appropriate for the guilds. The gui ld lists are by no means comprehensive; the guilds are happy to use whatever resources become available to them, magical or otherwise. But the items shown here are particularly prized and even coveted by the guilds. Word of the discovery of a holy avenger, for example, can mobilize a whole Boros garrison to search for it and claim it for the legion's use. And if such an item is stolen from the Boros, the legion will go to equal lengths to reclaim it and punish the thieves. Some items created on Ravnica are prized by all the guilds; they are listed on the General Items table. GENERA L I T EMS Rarity Item Source Uncommon Skyblinder staff Illusionist's bracers Peregrine mask Sword ofthe pa runs Voyager staff CCR CCR CCR CCR CCR Very rare Very rare Very rare Very rare AZORIUS ITEMS The members of the Azorius Senate use, and sometimes craft, magic items that help them subdue and dominate wrongdoers. Items that heighten the user's vigilance are also highly valued among the guild's arresters. Rarity Item Source Uncommon Ring of mind shielding Spies' murmur Crystal ball DMG GGR DMG Guild keyrune Cloak ofinvisibility Ring ofinvisibility GGR DMG DMG Uncommon Very rare or greater Very rare AZORIUS ITEM S Rarity Item Source Legendary Uncommon Guild signet Lantern of revealing Weapon of warning Bead offorce Dimensional shackles Guild keyrune Iron bands of Bilarro Rope ofentanglement Wand of binding Rod of alertness Rod of security Defender Rod oflordly might GGR DMG DMG DMG DMG GGR DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG Legendary Uncommon Uncommon Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Very rare Very rare Legendary Legendary GOLGARI ITEMS The members of the Golgari Swarm are scavengers who retrieve lost items from the undercity, which means that Golgari agents could conceivably end up in possession of any magic item of any origin. The items the Golgari prefer often involve stealth, insects, or poison. GO LGARI I TE M S Rarity Item Source Common Moodmark paint Boots ofelvenkind Cloak ofelvenkind Guild signet Pipes of the sewers Dagger of venom Staff ofswarming insects Cloak of arachnida Guild keyrune Ring of regeneration GGR DMG DMG GGR DMG DMG DMG Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon BOROS ITEMS Uncommon Weapons of war and items imbued with the holiness of the angels are the favored magic items of the Boros Legion. Some of these items are created by the blessing of Aurelia herself, while others are relics dating back to the legion's founder, Razia, or other venerated figu res of the past. Rare Rarity Item Source Uncommon Guild signet Sentinel shield Daern's instant fortress Guild keyrune Horn ofValhalla GGR DMG DMG GGR DMG Rare Rare Rare or greater Rare Rare Rare Very ra re Legendary Pariah's shield Sun blade Sunforger Spellguard shield Holy avenger Very rare Very rare GGR DMG GGR DMG DMG Anything that enhances stealth or facilitates spying is precious to House Dimir. Agents of the guild disguise themselves, turn invisible, and shield their own minds while they pry into the minds of others. DI MIR ITEMS Rarity Item Source Uncommon Amulet ofproof against detection and location Guild signet Hat of disguise Medallion ofthoughts DMG Uncommon Uncommon DMG The members of the Gru ul Clans are as likely to destroy magic items as they are to use them, but certain weapons and strength-enhancing items are well suited to their tastes. GR UUL ITE M S Rarity Item Source Uncommon Gauntlets ofogre power Guild signet Belt ofgiant strength DMG GGR DMG Berserker axe Guild keyrune Horn of blasting Ring of the ram Stone ofcontrolling earth elementals Ring ofspell turning DMG GGR DMG DMG DMG DMG Uncommon Rare or greater Rare Rare Rare DIMIR ITEMS Uncommon DMG GGR GRUULITEMS BO ROS ITEM S Uncommon Rare Very rare GGR DMG DMG Rare Rare Legendary lZZET ITEMS The Izzet League is the most prolific creator of magic items in Ravnica. Its inventions can be unpredictable and downright dangerous, but they can also be useful tools, weapons, and implements of magical manipulation . Izzet researchers are prone to giving their magic items special names, so what one person might call a staff of thunder and lightning might be an electrosonic field manipulator to its Izzet wielder. Cll .\i"ff:k 5 TREASURES 175 I ZZET ITEMS RAKDOS ITEMS Rarity Item Source Rarity Item Uncommon Alchemy jug Elemental gem Guild signet Headband ofintellect Mizzium apparatus Pyroconverger Bowl of commanding water elementals Brazier of elementals Censer of controlling air elementals Guild keyrune Mizzium armor Mizzium mortar Wand of wonder Manual ofgo/ems Staff ofthunder and lightning Apparatus of Kwalish Ring ofelemental command Staff ofthe magi DMG DMG Uncommon GGR Uncommon DMG Uncommon GGR CCR DMG Rare Deck ofillusions Guild keyrune Guild signet Potion offire breath Cape ofthe mountebank Flame tongue Mace ofterror Necklace offireballs Sword of wounding Wand offear Wand offireballs Bag of devouring Dancing sword Demon armor Nine lives stealer Staffoffire Sword of sharpness Iron flask Rakdos riteknife Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Ra re Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Ra re Very rare Very rare Legendary Legendary Legendary Uncommon Rare Rare Rare DMG Rare Rare DMG Rare GGR CCR GGR Very rare DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG Very rare Very rare Very rare Very rare Very ra re Legendary Legendary Source DMG CCR CCR DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG CCR SELESNYA ITEMS 0RZHOV ITEMS T he oligarchs and pontiffs of the Orzhov Syndicate view possession of magic items as a mark of status, whether those items are ostentatiously on display or hidden away in a vault. Items that the guild creates are often extremely ornate; Orzhov-made wings of flying, for example, might have the appearance of bird wings where every feather looks like colorful stained glass. Items that magically increase the wearer's imposing presence and authority are especially coveted in the syndicate. Rarity Item Source Uncommon Eyes ofcharming Guild signet Guild keyrune Rod of ru/ership Wings offlying Mirror oflife trapping Tome ofleadership and influence Sphere of annihilation DMG Ra re Ra re Rare Very rare Very rare Legendary GGR CCR DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG RAKDOS ITEMS Fire, pain, spectacle, and just enough random destruction to make life enjoyable-that's all Rakdos cultists want out of their magic items. Items that magically create fi re, leave li ngering wounds, instill fear, or randomly devour objects put inside them are all sources of delight for members of the Cu lt of Rakdos. 176 CHAPTER 5 TREASURES SELESNYA ITEMS Rarity Item Source Uncommon Bag oftricks Bracers of archery Guild signet Instrument ofthe bards DMG DMG Uncommon 0RZHOV ITEMS Uncom mon Members of the Selesnya Conclave cherish magic items that heal and protect, items that call on the forces of nature (and the will ofMat'Selesnya), and weapons of fine elven elegance. Such items are often made from natural materials such as wood and leather and might incorporate leaves and vines. Uncommon Uncommon CCR DMG or greater Uncommon Uncommon Rare Rare Ra re Rare Rare Rare Very rare Very rare Legendary Peria pt of health Peria pt of wound closure Elixir of health Guild keyrune Periapt ofproof against poison Ring ofanimal influence Staff of healing Staff ofthe woodlands Oath bow Staff ofthunder and lightning Rod of resurrection DMG DMG DMG CCR DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG SIMIC ITEMS The Simic Combine spends more of its time altering the biological processes of living creatures than it does working on magic items. Its preferred items either facilitate physical transformation or are creatures themselves- symbiotic life forms engineered to provide Simic researchers and soldiers with new capabilities. SIMIC ITEMS Rarity Item Uncommon Cap ofwater breathing Cloak ofthe manta ray Decanter ofendless water Guild keyrune Guild signet Necklace of adaptation Ring ofswimming Trident offish command Cloak ofthe bat Manual of bodily health Wand ofpolymorph Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Rare Very rare Very rare DMC DMG DMC GGR GCR DMG DMC DMC DMC DMG DMC MAGIC ITEM DESCRIPTIONS This section presents an assortment of magic items in alphabetical order. See the Dungeon Master's Guide for the rules on magic items. GUILD K EYRUNE Wondrous item, rarity by keyrune (requires attunement by a member of the relevant guild) Associated with a particular guild, a guild keyrune is a ceremonial, s tylized key, about 1 foot long, made from carved stone. Not a literal key, the item is a badge of authority that gives its bearer access to privileged places in its guild's headquarters and outposts. At the DM's discretion, a character might be given a keyrune upon attaining a renown score of 25 in their guild. Whe n you use an action to speak the item's command word and place the keyrune on the ground in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, the keyrune transforms into a creature. If there isn't enough space for the creature, the keyrune doesn't transform. See the Monster Manual for the creature's stat block- the name of which is given in bold in the keyrune's description- unless you're directed to chapter 6 of this book instead. The creature is friendly to you, your companions, and other members of your guild (unless those guild members are hos tile to you). It understands your languages and obeys your spoken commands. If you issue no commands, the creature takes the Dodge action and moves to avoid danger. The creature exists for a duration specific to each keyrune. At the end of the duration, the creature reverts to its keyrune form. It reverts early if it drops to 0 hit points or if you use an action to speak the command word again while touching it. When the creature reverts to its keyrune form, it can't transform again until 36 hours have passed. Azorius Keyrune (Rare). This keyrune is carved from white marble and lapis lazuli to resemble a noble bird of prey. It can become a giant ea gle for up to 1 hour. While the transformed eagle is within l mile of you, you can communicate with it telepathically. As an action, you can see through the eagle's eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, and you gain the benefit of its keen s ight. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses. Boros Keyrune (Rare). Carved from red sandstone with white granite elements to resemble a member of the Boros Legion, this keyrune can become a vete ran (human) for up to 8 hours. In addition to fighting on your behalf, this veteran cheerfully offers tactical advice, which is usually sound. Anyone who talks with the transformed keyrune or examines it closely can easily recognize that it is an artificial human. Dimir Keyrune (Very Rare). This keyrune, carved from black stone accented with steel, resembles a stylized horror. On command, it transforms into an inte llect devourer that resembles the Dimir guild symbol, with six bladelike legs. The creature exists for up to 24 hours. During that time, it pursues only a single mission you give it- usually an assignment to take over someone's body, either to impersonate that person for a brief time or to extract secrets from their mind. When the mission is complete, the creature returns to you, reports its success, and reverts to its keyrune form. Golgari Keyrune (Very Rare). Made from deep green jade with black veins, this keyrune has an insecti le shape. It can transform into a giant scorpion for up to 6 hours. The scorpion has an Intelligence of 4 and can communicate with you telepathically while it is within 60 feet of you, though its messages are largely limited to describing the passage of potential prey. Gruul Keyrune (Rare). This crude keyrune is cobbled together from bits of rubble, broken glass, bone, and animal hair. One end resembles a horned beast. On command, the keyrune transforms into a ceratok, a horned creature much like a rhinoceros (and with the same statistics). It remains in its ceratok form for 1 hour. Izzet Keyrun e (Rare). Formed of carved and polished red and blue stone, the keyrune includes bits of cable and wire. One end resembles a humanlike head, suggesting the jagged elemental form of the galvanice weird (see chapter 6 for the s tat block) that it can become for a duration of 3 hours. In this form, it will serve you as a bodyguard, lift and carry things for you, act as a test subject for your experiments, or aid you in any other way that its capabilities allow. CHAl'TER 5 rREASl R~S 177 M11. 2 tUM AP PARATUS Orzhov Keyrune (Rare). This keyrune is carved from white marble with veins of black. The end is shaped like a thrull's head, with a gold faceplate affixed. On command, the keyrune transforms into a winged thrull (see chapter 6 for the stat block) for up to 2 hours. If you don't come from an Orzhov oligarch family, it serves you grudgingly, clownishly aping your movements and mannerisms while carrying out your orders. Rakdos Keyrune (Uncommon). This dark granite keyrune is marbled with scarlet veins and carved with the leering visage of a mischievous demon. When activated, it transforms into a ca ckler (see chapter 6 for the stat block) for up to 1 hour. Selesnya Keyrune (Rare). Carved from wh ite a nd green marble in the shape of a wolf's head, this keyrune transforms into a dire wolf. The wolf persists for 8 hours. Its Intelligence is 6, and it understands Elvish and Sylvan but can't speak those languages. While it is within 1 mile of you. you can communicate with each other telepathically. Simic Keyrune (Uncommon). This keyrune is assembled from coral, mother-of-pearl, and chrome and adorned with the spirals and curves characteristic of Simic ornamentation. The head resembles the shell of a sea creature. On command, the keyrune turns into a category 1 krasis (see chapter 6 for the stat block) that has the Grabber and Stabilizing Legs adaptations. The transformation lasts for up to 5 hours. GUILD SIGNET Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) This ring, adorned with the symbol of a guild, allows you to cast one spell closely associated with that guild, as shown in the Guild Signet Spells table. A guild sig178 < llAl'llR I REASURES net is sometimes awarded to a guild member whose renown score in that guild is 5 or higher, as a rewa rd for performing special services for the guild. Aside from its magical properties, the ring is also an indicator of the guild's recognition and favor. A signet has 3 charges, and it regains ld3 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing it, you can expend 1 charge to cast the associated spell (save DC 13). GUILD SIGNET SPELLS Guild Associated Spell Azorius ensnaring strike heroism disguise self entangle compelled duel Boros Dimir Golgari Gruul lzzet Orzhov Rakdos Selesnya Simic chaos bolt (see chapter 2) command hellish rebuke charm person expeditious retreat ILLUSIO NIST'S BRACERS Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a spel/caster) A powerful illusionist of House Dimir originally developed these bracers. which enabled her to create multiple minor illusions at once. The bracers' power, though, extends far beyond illusions. While wearing the bracers. whenever you cast a cantrip, you can use a bonus action on the same turn to cast that cantrip a second time. MIZZI UM Mizzium is a magic-infused steel alloy used by the lzzet League in a tremendous variety of ways, from providing the physical structure of weirds to crafting the tools used in other manufacturing. Runic markings help to channel and control the elemental energy that flows through the metal. The magical properties of the metal are difficult to define succinctly. It is as hard as adamantine, except when it is transformed into a gaseous suspension. It has a high melting point, except when it is found in liquid form at cool autumn temperatures. lzzet chemisters can readily explain that mizzium helps to maxi mize metasteam potentials, realize fractional element-binding, and transduce local weird-field radicals, but no one understands what any of that means. MIZZIUM APPARATUS Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) Innovation is a dangerous pursuit, at least the way the mages of the Izzet League engage in it. As protection against the risk of an experiment going awry, they have developed a device to help channel and control their magic. This apparatus is a collection of leather straps, flexible tubing, glass cylinders, and plates, bracers, and fittings made from a magic-infused metal alloy called mizzium, all assembled into a harness. The item weighs 8 pounds. While you are wearing the mizzium apparatus, you can use it as an arcane focus. In addition, you can attempt to cast a spell that you do not know or have prepared. The spell you choose must be on your class's spell list and of a level for which you have a spell slot, and you must provide the spell's components. You expend a spell slot to cast the spell as normal, but before resolving it you must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check. The DC is 10 +twice the level of the spell slot you expend to cast the spell. On a successful check, you cast the spell as normal, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier. On a failed check, you cast a different spell from the one you intended. Randomly determine the spell you cast by rolling on the table for the level of the spell slot you expended. If the slot is 6th level or higher, roll on the table for 5th-level spells. If you try to cast a cantrip you don't know, the DC for the Intelligence (Arcana) check is 10, and on a failed check, there is no effect. 2ND·LEVEL SPELLS d6 1 2 3 4 s 6 Spell blur gust of wind heat metal Melfs acid arrow scorching ray shatter 3RD·LEVEL SPELLS d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Spell fear feign death fireball gaseous form sleet storm stinking cloud 4TH-LEVEL SPELLS d4 1 2 3 4 Spell confusion conjure minor elementals Evard's black tentacles ice storm STH·LEVEL SPELLS d4 2 3 4 Spell animate objects cloud kill cone of cold flame strike MIZZIUM ARMOR Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), rare This suit of armor is reinforced with a magically enhanced metal alloy called mizzium, which is made in Izzet foundries. While you're wearing the ar mor, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. Jn addition, when you are subjected to a magical effect that allows you to make a Strength or Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw. MIZZIUM MORTAR lST-LEVEL SPELLS d6 1 2 3 4 s 6 Spell burning hands chaos bolt (see chapter 2) color spray faerie fire fog cloud thunderwave Wondrous item, rare This short tube, about 2 feet long and 6 inches in diameter, is made from mizzium, a magically enhanced metal alloy forged by the lzzet League. The end that's pointed toward a target is open, and a glowing ball of molten metal can be seen at the other end as long as the mortar has at least 1 charge remaining. The mortar has 4 charges for the following properties. It regains ld4 expended charges daily at dawn. Molten Spray. You can expend 1 charge as an action to loose a 30-foot cone of molten mizzium. Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving CllAP'l f.R 5 TRE'\SulHS 179 throw, taking Sd4 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Mizzium Bombard. You can expend 3 charges as an action to launch a hail of molten projectiles in a 20-foot-radius. 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. Each creature in the area must make a DC l 5 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes Sd8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. MOODMARK PAINT Wondrous item, common This thick, black paint is stored in a small jar, containing enough paint to apply moodmarks to one creature. The paint is dabbed on the face in spots or markings that often resemble the eyes of insects or spiders. Applying the paint in this way takes 1 minute. For the next 8 hours, the marks change to reflect your mental state. A cr eature that can see you and makes a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check can discern whether you are happy, sad, angry, disgusted, surprised, or afraid, as well as the main source of that emotion. For example, you might communicate fear caused by a monster you just saw around the corner, grief at the loss of a friend, or happiness derived from pride in your performance in combat. A dark elf has advantage on this check. PARIAH'S SHIELD Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement) Soldiers of the Boros Legion consider it an honor to bear this shield, even knowing that it might be the last honor they receive. The front of the shield is sculpted to depict a grieving human face. You gain a +l bonus to AC for every two allies within 5 feet of you (up to a maximum of +3) while you wield this shield. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. When a creature you can see within 5 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to take that damage, instead of the creature taking it. When you do so, the damage type changes to force. MoooMARK PA•NT 180 PEREGRINE MASK Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) While wearing this winged helm, you have a flying speed of 60 feet. In addition. you have advantage on initiative rolls. PYROCONVERCER Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) A pyroconverger is an lzzet-made flamethrower. It carries a risk of malfunction each time you use it. As an action, you can cause the pyroconverger to project fire in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each time you use the pyroconverger, roll a dlO and add the number of times you have used it since your last long rest. If the total is l 1 or higher, the pyroconverger malfunctions: you take 4d6 fire damage, and you can't use the pyroconverger again until you finish a long rest. RAKDOS RITEKNIFE Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement) You gain a +l bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Its blade is cruelly serrated, and its hilt resembles a demonic head and wings. Whenever you slay a creature with an attack using the dagger, the creature's soul is imprisoned inside the dagger, and that creature can be restored to life only by a wish spell. The dagger can hold a maximum of five souls. 5KVBLINO£A Sr/\F F For each soul imprisoned in the dagger, your attacks with it deal an extra ld4 necrotic damage on a hit. While the dagger is within 5 feet of you, your dreams are haunted by whispers from the trapped souls. The dagger has the following additional properties. Siphon Vitality. As a bonus action, you can release any number of stored souls from the dagger to regain l dlO hit points per soul released. Annihilation. If the dagger holds five souls, you can use this property: As a reaction immediately after you hit a creature with the dagger and deal damage to that target, you can release all five souls. If the target now has fewer than 75 hit points, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or die. If the target dies, you can't use this property again until you finish a long rest. SKYBLINDER STAFF Staff, uncommon (requires attunement) You gain a +l bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic quarterstaff. While holding it, you gain a +l bonus to spell attack rolls. If a flying creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to hold the s taff aloft and cause it to flare with light. The attacker has disadvantage on the attack roll, and it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of its next turn. SPIES' MURMUR Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This headpiece, crafted from dark metal, is worn curved around the ear. If you know a creature wearing another spies' murmur and that creature is within I mile of you, you can communicate telepathically with each other. As a bonus action, you can allow that creature to hear everything you hear for 1 hour. You can end this effect as a bonus action, a nd it ends if you're incapacitated. SuNFORGER Weapon (warhammer). rare (requires attunement) You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. As an action, you can hurl the weapon up to 120 feet to a point you can see. When it reaches that point, the weapon vanishes in an explosion, and each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Afterward, you can use an action to cause the weapon to reappear in your empty hand. You can't cause it to explode again until you finish a short or long rest. If you don't call the weapon back to your hand, it reappears at the point where it exploded when you are no longer attuned to it or when 24 hours have passed. SWORD OF THE PA RUNS Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement) You gain a +l bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally, once on each of your turns, you can use one of the following properties if you're holding the sword: • Immediately after you use the Attack action to attack with the sword, you can enable one creature within 60 feet of you to use its reaction to make one weapon attack. • Immediately after you take the Dash action, you can enable one creature within 60 feet of you to use its reaction to move up to its speed. • Immediately after you take the Dodge action, you can enable one creature within 60 feet of you to use its reaction to gain the benefits of the Dodge action. VOYAGER STAFF Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) You gain a +l bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic quarterstaff. While you hold it, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. This staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: banishment (4 charges), blink (3 charges), misty step (2 charges), passwall (5 charges), or teleport (7 charges). The staff regains ld6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff vanishes forever. <.H H'TER 5 TRLASURI s 181 CHAPTER 6: FRIENDS AND FOES AVNICA IS HOME TO A GREAT VARIETY OF creatures, including some that are unknown on other worlds in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. This chapter provides stat blocks fo r many of these creatures, and it concludes with a collection of nonplayer characters who fi ll the ranks of Ravnica's guilds. Some of the stat blocks in this book have a special feature: guild spells. If a stat block says its creature is a spellcaster of a particular guild- an Izzet spellcaster, for instance- that creature's spell list includes one or more spells from that guild's spell list. See chapter 2 for the guilds' lists. C REATURES BY GUILD This section is a list of creatures in this chapter and in the Monster Manual that are associated with each guild. Each guild's entry includes a brief discussion of the monsters from the Monster Manual that could be found among the guild's members, a nd it includes a table s howing monsters sorted by challenge rating. Most of these monsters are in this book (GGR) or the Monster Manual (MM), but some of the monsters from Volos Guide to Monsters (VGM) and Mordenkainens Tome of Foes (MTF) are also mentioned. AZORIUS CREATURES Most creatures associated with the Azorius Senate are humanoids (largely humans and vedalken) and various others that serve as familiars. pets, and mounts. Owls are popular familiars, since they are viewed as symbols of wisdom and sound judgment. Sphinxes and archons are the rare non humanoids that play a significant role in the leadership a nd operation of the guild. Azori us lawmages craft one-eyed homunculi to perform menial tasks in Azorius buildings. These homunculi use the statistics of a regular homunculus except that they are wingless and have no flying speed. S PH INXESOF j UDGMENT Azorius sphinxes, known as sphinxes of judgment, wield hieromancy- the power of law magic- with the force of a judge's gavel to imprison criminals and compel truth from them. A sphinx of judgment is a gynosphinx, as described in the Monster Manual, but it is an Azorius spellcaster with the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): friends, mage hand, message 1st level (4 s lots): command, ensnaring strike, shield 2nd level (3 s lots): calm emotions, hold person, suggestion 3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, counterspe/1, dispel magic 4th level (3 slots): banishment, divination 5th level (1 slot): dominate person AZ OR I U S CRE ATURES Challenge Source Creature 1/4 Giant owl MM MM MM 1/2 Soldier CCR 1/2 Warhorse MM MM MM MM 0 Homunculus 0 Owl Giant eagle 2 Griffon 3 Arrester (veteran or knight) 3 Precognitive mage 5 Felidar 6 Lawmage CCR CCR CCR 11 Sphinx of judgment (gynosphinx) MM 14 Archon of the Triumvirate CCR 17 Androsphinx MM 21 lsperia CCR BOROS CREATURES The Boros Legion employs many different creatures to swell the ranks of its soldiery. These creatures might serve as companions, guardians, or mounts. FLAME-K IN Flame-kin (which use the azer stat block in the Monster Manual) are elemental soldiers magically created and animated to serve the legion as scouts and shock troops. Fanatical and inflexible, they are relics of a time when the guild was more concerned with zealotry than justice. They take the field for large military engagements. BOROS CRE ATURES Source Challenge Creature 1/8 Mastiff MM 1/4 Frontline medic CCR CCR 1/2 Soldier 1/2 2 Viashino (lizardfolk) Flame-kin (azer) MM MM 2 Skyjek roe CCR 3 Knight MM MM 3 Veteran 4 Reckoner s Battleforce angel CCR CCR CCR CCR 7 Firefist 8 Guardian giant 10 Deva MM 12 Firemane angel CCR 16 Planetar 21 Solar MM MM 23 Aurelia CCR CHAl'TER 6 ~R!E~ 05 AND I ors 18·3 DI MI R C R EATURES FUNGUS Alongside human and vampire spies and assassins, a variety of stealthy and shadowy monsters contribute to the work of House Oimir. Ooppelgangers and invisible stalkers move unseen among the populace. Horrors-as well as gricks, intellect devourers, and similar monsters- are thought to be the fears of Ravnica's populace given form by Dimir magic. And undead such as shadows. wraiths, and Nightveil specters keep watch over secret Dimir territories. DIMIR CREATUR ES Challenge Creature Source 1/2 Shadow MM MM GGR MM MM MM GGR GGR Spy l 2 2 3 3 Thought spy Crick Intellect devourer Doppelganger Flying horror 4 Mind drinker vampire 5 5 Allip MTF Mind mage 5 6 7 Wraith GGR MM MM MM MM CCR GGR GGR GGR GGR 8 8 9 Invisible stalker Crick alpha Assassin Cloamwing Shadow horror 10 15 Nightveil specter 17 Lazav Skittering horror GOLGA RI CREATURES The Devkarin e lves (drow), deadly medusas, and insectile kraut are the th ree most important power groups among the Golgari S warm, vying for control over a teeming horde of lesser (or at least less ambitious) creatures. ERSTWHILE A significant shift in the Golgari balance of power began when the kraut death priest Mazirek discovered an ancient mausoleum compound. Deep in the undercity, beneath the layers of civilization that had built up over millennia, Mazirek found a hidden network of vaults called Umerilek, an enormous structure that would have dominated a city block. Inside were hundreds of well-preserved corpses suffused with a latent necromantic power that Mazirek activated, bringing the corpses back to a shambling semblance of life. This new race of undead is called the Erstwhile (equivalent to the wight in the Monster Manual). In their time, the Erstwhile were aristocratic elves of immense wealth and opulence. They still wear their stately attire, despite its moldering condition, and they lend an air of high culture to the undercity court of the Golgari. 18~ CH\rTl·Rb l lRJl'l\11S \NDIOl·!i Golgari territory is filled with creatures composed of fungus and detritus from the guild's rot farms. Shriekers serve as sentries in Gotgari tunnels, and violet fungus sprouts from the corpses of intruders. Amorphous masses of dead and decaying matter can develop into shambling mounds in the spore-saturated environment of the undercity. Some Golgari creatures are symbiotic fusions of fungus and living creatures. Golgari trolls are hulking sewer dwellers with fungus adorning their bodies like manes, acting as extra layers for their already tough hide and facilitating their regeneration. INSECTS AND ARACHNIDS Beetles, centipedes, spiders, and countless other insects and arachnids infest Golgari warrens. These creatures, often associated with decay and rebirth, are prized by the guild. Giant bugs serve as beasts of burden, companions, steeds, a nd guardians. Among the largest of these is the Deadbridge goliath beetle (equivalent to the triceratops in the Monster Manual). Piranha beetles {best represented as a swarm of insects, from the Monster Manual) burrow through the soft earth and gather into swarms to overtake their victims and strip the Resh from them. Skein spiders (as giant spiders, from the Monster Manual) are an important part of Golgari reclamation work: fungus grows rapidly along the silken spiderwebs, expanding to engulf architecture and hasten the Golgari annexation process. ZOMBIES The guild encourages the use and exploration of necromancy. Fungus covers the bodies of most of the undead that serve the guild, the majority of which are fungus drudges (equivalent to zombies in the Monster Manua/)- mindless servants animated by the fungus that infests their bodies. GOLCARI CREATURES Challenge Creature Source 0 Shrieker MM MM MM VGM MM CCR MM MM MM VGM MM MM VGM MM CCR MM 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 l 2 2 2 3 4 5 Drow Fungus drudge (zombie) Vegepygmy Violet fungus Kraul warrior Scout Piranha beetles (swarm of insects) Skein spider (giant spider) Thorny Ankheg Ogre zombie Vegepygmy chief Erstwhile (wight) Kraul death priest Deadbridge goliath beetle (triceratops) 5 Drow elite warrior 5 Colgari shaman MM GGR Challenge 5 5 6 8 8 14 15 22 Creature Shambling mound Troll Undercity medusa Assassin Corpse flower Devkarin lich Skittering horror Jarad Vod Savo Source MM MM GGR MM MTF GGR GGR GGR GRUUL CREATURES Many dangerous creatures haunt the rubblebelts and other places the Gruul Clans inhabit. BEASTS Gruu I territory is full of beasts of all sizes. Herds of giant boars (see the Monster Manual) called batterboars roam the rubblcbelts; each batterboar can grow to be the size of a mammoth (as in the Monster Manual), and the passage of a herd can shake the ground and topple buildings. Maaka (use the saber-toothed tiger stat block from the Monster Manual) are territorial cats, about 15 feet long, with six eyes. They typically keep to the rubblebelts, though from time to time they are spotted amid tended groves and gardens. Any beast described in this book or in the Monster Manual can roam the rubblebelts. The Gruul can bring out the fury in these beasts. turning them into ragebeasts. Ragebeasts often have the Reckless and Siege Monster traits: Reckless. At the start of its turn, the ragebeast can gain advan· tage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn. Siege Monster. The ragebeast deals double damage to objects and structures. ELEMENTALS Gruu l shamans channel primal energies to summon raging fire elementals that blaze ahead of marauding Gruu l bands. Or they transform the rubble and detritus of civilization into earth elementals, twisted through with choking vines. that literally give new life to the ruin of the city. These elementals are intensely destructive, but they last only as long as the magic used to summon them persists. GIANTS Nearly all the Gruul Clans include hill giants. stone giants, cyclopes. ogres, ettins, and fomorians among their number, and one clan- the Bolrac clan- is composed entirely of such brutes. HYDRAS Once a hydra chooses a lair and declares the surrounding land its territory, it's almost impossible to drive the creature out. The Gruul revere these multiheaded predators as vestiges of the ancient times before the guilds took over the world. They don't kill hydras for trophies, but pulling a spine from a hydra's neck is a mark of great bravery among the Gruul. GRUUL CREATURES Challenge Creature Source 1/4 1/2 An arch 1/2 1 Viashino (lizardfolk) 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 14 18 Rubblebelt stalker Half.ogre Batterboar (giant boar) Berserker Maaka (saber-toothed tiger) Ogre Et tin Elemental (earth or fire) Hill giant Trog (gladiator) Cyclops Huge batterboar (mammoth) Druid of the Old Ways Stone giant Fomorian Hydra Sunder shaman Wurm Borborygmos GGR GGR MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM GGR MM MM MM GGR GGR GGR lZZET CREATURES Izzet laboratories are staffed with attendants (commoners) and chemisters (mages). Pixies and sprites (called ratchet faeries) find employment among the lzzet working on projects that are too small for other races. The lzzet League employs elementals formed from the combination of two or more elemental forces, including mephits of the smoke, steam. ice, and magma varieties. IZZET CREATURES Challenge 0 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 l Source Creature Attendant (commoner) Apprentice wizard Pixie Smoke mephit Sprite Steam mephit Ice mephit Magma mephit Scorchbringer guard Viashino (lizardfolk) Galvanice weird 2 4 Counterflux blastseeker 4 Cosmotronic blastseeker s s Galvanic blastseeker 6 7 8 12 12 26 Blistercoil weird Flux blastseeker Chemister (mage) Fluxcharger Nivix cyclops Archmage Arclight phoenix Niv-Mizzet < llAl'I I· Rf> MM VGM MM MM MM MM MM MM GGR MM GGR GGR GGR GGR GGR GGR MM GGR GGR MM GGR GGR FRI ENDS ,\~D I OES 185 0RZHOV CREATURES Challenge The Orzhov Syndicate attracts and entraps beings of all kinds, from lowly bats and manufactured thrulls to brutal giants and exalted angels. Orzhov gargoyles, animated by magic that manifests as a green, smoky glow in their eyes and gaping mouths, keep watch over banks and basilicas, and bloodthirsty vampires lurk in the vaults and crypts below. 0RZHOV CREATURES Challenge 0 0 Creature Bat Commoner 1/8 Guard 1/8 1/4 Noble Acolyte 1/4 1/4 1/4 Giant bat 1/2 1/2 Thug Servitor thrull Swarm of bats Winged thrull Indentured spirit l Spirit (specter) 2 2 3 Gargoyle 4 Spirit (ghost) 6 6 8 8 14 Mage Orzhov giant Priest Knight Blood drinker vampire Obzedat ghost Deathpact angel Source MM MM MM MM MM MM GGR MM MM GGR GGR MM MM MM MM MM MM GGR GGR GGR GGR R AK DOS CREATURES All sorts of savage, howling beasts accompany Rakdos cultists. Hell hounds, nightmares, and magmins might perform alongside the other entertainers or accompany notable members of the cult as guardians and companions. Rakdos giants, along with ogres draped in hooked chains and spikes, carry and set up tents and stagesand cause utter mayhem when blood lust seizes them. RAKOOS CREATURES Challenge Thug Rakdos performer CCR Berserker Ogre MM MM MM Rakdos lampooner CCR Hell hound MM MM 1/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 l Cultist 3 GH,\l'TER G Source MM MM GGR MM MM Bandit 2 2 2 2 3 186 Creature 1/8 Cackler Magmin Cult fanatic Nightmare I RIF.:'\ll:S \:-.,D FOE!' Creature 3 Ogre chain brute 5 5 Barbed devil 6 7 9 9 11 12 24 Cambion Bloodfray giant Blood w itch Master of cruelties Shadow horror Source MTF MM MM GGR CCR CCR CCR Horned devil MM Si re of insanity CCR CCR Rakdos SELESNYA CREATURES The Selesnya Conclave uses its close connection to nature to enlist a variety of creatures to its cause. These supporters of the conclave take their rightful place in the natural order alongside its more humanlike members. ELEMENTALS Elementals rise to the guild's defense when the Selesnya Conclave is drawn into conflict. Most of these elementals are made from the roots and branches of trees, making them equivalent to awakened shrubs or awakened trees. Earth elementals incorporate building materials in their forms to serve as armor and weapons. PLANT CREATURES Many Selesnya buildings, temples, and paths are protected by treants or carnivorous plants, including blights and shambling mounds. Some have vine-like arms that ensnare prey and drop it into pitcher-like bodies filled with acid. Others are covered with sticky glue that immobilizes and slowly digests the hapless victim. ME RFO L K Most often found carrying equenauts in battle, pegasi are ready a llies who share the guild's goals and virtues. Members of the guild raise them from infancy, carefully protecting the foals from griffons. drakes. and other aerial predators . Ravnica's merfolk are unique to the Simic. They emerged from the depths of the plane's long-buried oceans less than a century ago and immediately took on leadership positions in the guild. They claim a deep connection to Ravnica's primal oceans, which are almost untouched by civilization. They have the statistics of the merfolk in the Monster Manual, except that they speak Common and Merfolk, and their legs give them a walking speed of 30 feet. SELE SN YA CREATU RES SI M I C CREATURES P EGASI Challenge 0 Creature Small nature elemental (awakened Source MM shrub) 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 Twig blight Axe beak Needle blight Scout Soldier Vine blight l Dire wolf l Horn caller Dryad 2 Druid 2 Huge nature elemental (awakened MM MM MM MM GGR MM MM MM GGR MM MM t ree) 2 Pegasus 2 Priest 3 Archer 3 3 Veteran 5 5 5 Knight Earth elemental Shambling mound Wood woad 9 Conclave dryad 9 Treant 12 12 14 18 Archdruid Wurmcaller (archmage) Wurm Trostani MM MM VGM MM MM MM MM VGM GGR MM VGM MM GGR GGR SIMIC CREATURE S Simic scientists a re interested in the ways that all life forms adapt to their changing environments, but they have a particular fascination with the la rgest creatures. In a world covered with urban construction, most of these creatures soar above the city or glide deep below it in subterranean oceans accessible only through the S imic zonots. B ENTHIDS Simic scientists use the term "benthid" to refer to the leviathans of the deep. These creatures vary greatly in size and morphology, so they might be represented by the statistics for a giant octopus, plesiosaurus, killer whale, giant shark, dragon turtle, or krakeo. Challenge 0 1/8 1/2 Creature Source Homunculus Merfolk Hybrid spy Category 1 krasis Giant octopus Hybrid poisoner l Hybrid shocker 2 Druid 2 2 Hybrid brute 2 Plesiosaurus Hybrid fl ier 3 Killer wha le 5 Giant shark 6 Category 2 krasis 6 10 13 16 16 17 Mage 23 Biomancer Skyswimmer Category 3 krasis Zegana Dragon turtle Kraken MM MM GGR GGR MM GGR GGR MM GGR GGR MM MM MM GGR MM GGR GGR GGR GGR MM MM GUILDLESS CREATUR ES A monster that doesn't appear on the tables in this section can show up in Ravnica. Other categories of creatures that exist in the world include the following: Un dercity Denizens. Creatures that don't have clear guild connections, such as carrion crawlers and otyughs, creep and s link through the undercity. Undead. Orzhov spirits and Golgari zombies are not the extent of undead in Ravnica. Wherever people die, there's a chance of them returning as revenants, ghosts. or other forms of undead. The Guildless. The nonplayer characters presented in the Monster Manual and other sources can represent aoy of the ordinary citizens of Ravnica, whether they are connected to guilds or not. Commoners go about their daily business, bandits prey on the weak, and cultists lurk in shadowed shri nes. either hidden from the guilds or beneath their notice. Ordinary An imals . Virtually any of the creatures that appear in appendix A of the Monster Manual could show up in Ravnica . Many such creatures are confin ed to small greenbelts or the ruined rubblebelts, but others thrive in the urban environment, including birds. scavengers. and sewer dwellers . (ll·\Pfl.:,R6 FRTLNDSAJl\DFOFS 18i BESTIARY The following pages featu re stat blocks for various creatures of Ravnica, arranged in alphabetical order. For guidance on how to use a creature's stat block, consult the introduction of the Monster Manual. STAT BLOCKS BY CREATURE TYPE Here are the creatures in this bestiary, as well as in the subsequent NPC collection, sorted by creature type. ABERRATIONS Counterflux blastseeker Flying horror Druid of the Old Ways Shadow horror Firefist Skittering horror Flux blastseeker Frontline medic CEL ESTIALS Archon of the Triumvirate Aurelia Battlefo rce angel Deathpact angel Felidar DRAKES Firemane angel The winged reptiles known as drakes are a common sight in the skies of Ravnica. They soar above the spires and rooftops hunting for aerial prey. Highly trainable, they are favored as pets, servants, and mounts. The most common drakes, called wind drakes, are about the size of a human and use the statistics of a pteranodon. The smallest drakes are the size of a bird of prey and use the statistics of an eagle; larger ones have the statistics of a giant eagle. CONSTRUCTS Golgari shaman Horncaller Hybrid brute Hybrid flier Hybrid poisoner Hybrid shocker Hybrid spy Servitor thru ll Kraul death priest Winged thrul l Kraul warrior DRAGONS Mind mage Lawmage Niv-Mizzet Precognitive mage Rakdos lampooner ELEMENTALS Arclight phoenix PACK BEASTS Blistercoil weird You can use stat blocks from the Monster Manual to represent various pack beasts encountered in Ravnica, as indicated in the Pack Beasts table. Brushstrider. Destructive when confined, brushstriders thr ive when they can freely wander garden areas. Ceratok. A ceratok has two curving horns at the end of its snout. Dromad. A dromad is similar to a camel, but it lacks a hump. Indrik. With their long necks, indriks are common sights in the Tenth District. They are ornery creatures; an ind rik without a handler to order it around usually goes on a rampage or flees. Krovod. A krovod is a slow-witted, ox-like animal. Raktusk. A raktusk is a bison-like creature, about 10 feet tall at the shoulder. Fluxcharger Galvanice weird Rakdos performer Reckoner Rubblebelt stalker Scorchbringer guard Soldier FEY Thought spy Conclave dryad Zegana Trostani MON STROS IT I ES FIENDS Category l kras is Cackler Category 2 kras is Master of cruelties Category 3 kras is Rakdos lsperia Sire of insanity Lazav Skyjek roe GIANTS Skyswimmer Bloodfray giant Undercity medusa Borborygmos Wurm Guardian giant PACK B EASTS 188 Galvanic blastseeker Nivix cyclops U N DEAD Beast Monster Manual Stat Block Brush strider Elk Ceratok Rhinoceros Dromad Camel H U MA N OI D S Indentured spirit lndrik Elephant An arch Jarad Vod Savo Krovod Mammoth Biomancer M ind drinker vamp ire Raktusk Giant elk Blood witch N ightveil specter Cosmotronic blastseeker Obzedat ghost c,H \PTER fi I FRIENns .\!\'D FOFS Orzhov giant Blood drinker vam pire Sunder shaman Devkarin lich Gloamwing ANGELS Ravnican angels are physical manifestations of the principles of justice and righteousness. Created in the image of the founder of the Boros Legion, Razia, they originally all served in the legion, but individual angels embody different approaches to ideals of justice, duty, law, and order. This diversity has caused some angels to leave the Boros Legion; they might join other guilds or remain independent, protecting the guildless. Angels from Ravnica appear similar to human women with two large feathered wings. Present-day angels have the full range of human height, weight, and coloration. Some a re crowned or surrounded by a glowing nimbus oflight, and others have hair like living flame. Immortal Nature. Angels don't require air, food, dri nk, or s leep. BOROS ANGELS Angels of the Boros Legion view themselves as the embodiments of what their creator intended. They are fierce warriors devoted to justice and dedicated to protecting the weak against evil and oppression. They are commanders, advisors, strategists, and soldiers. Their presence in battle inspires the mortal soldiers of the legion with righteous zeal. Most Boros soldiers assume that angels a re paragons of goodness, wisdom, and mercy. The reality is that angels aren't immune to the temptations of corruption, and the necessities of political machination can compromise the best of them. Warleaders. The wisest, most visionary angels are responsible for forming and implementing the military strategy of the Boros Legion. Since they are immortal, their plans might span centuries, and they have been known to accept decades of losses as a reasonable cost for a more significant victory many years later. These warleaders have the statistics of planetars or solars (as presented in the Monster Manual), but their appearance is similar to other Boros angels. BATTLEFORCE ANGEL Battleforce angels are the radiant hosts that soar into combat, bathed in the light of Boros zeal. They lead companies of mortal soldiers from above or fly ahead of roe-mounted skyknights. They don't shy away from the blood, pain, and confusion of combat; rather, they immerse themselves in the shifting tides of battle. Only by wading into the battle can they fulfill their responsibility to carry out the commands of the warleaders by adapting their tactics to the shifting situation on the ground. Medium celestial, lawful good Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Speed 30 ft ., Ay 90 ft. STR 16 (+3) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 11 (+O) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 18 (+4) Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +7 Skills Investigation +3, Perce pt ion +6 Damage Resistances fi re, rad ian t Condition Immunities charm ed, exhaustion, frigh tened Senses darkvision 120 ft., t ruesight 120 ft., passive Perceptio n 16 Languages all Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP) Flyby. The angel doesn' t provoke an opportun ity attack when it Aies out of an enemy's reach. Magic Resistance. The angel has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. ACTIONS Multiattack. The ange l makes two melee attacks. It also uses Battlefield Insp iration. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., o ne target. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (ldlO + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 18 (4d8) radiant damage. If the target is wi thin 5 feet of any of the angel's al lies, the target takes an ext ra 2 (1d4) radiant damage. Battlefield Inspiration. The angel chooses up to three creatures it can see within 30 feet of it. Until the end of the angel's next turn , each target can add a d4 to its attack rolls and saving throws. C'HAVTf.R I, FRIENDS \NO FOES 189 FIREMANE ANGEL Medium celestial, chaotic good Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) Speed 40 ft., fly 120 ft. STR 22 (+6) DEX 15 (+2) CON 17 (+3) FIREMANE NEVENA INT 12 (+l ) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 23 (+6) Saving Throws Str +10, Wis +6, Cha +10 Skills Insight +6, Perception +6 Damage Resistances fire, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 16 Languages all Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Flyby. The angel doesn't provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach. Innate Spellcasting. The angel's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The angel can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: 3/day each: compelled duel, guiding bolt (as a 5th-level spell) 1/day each: daylight, fireball (as a 6th-level spell) Magic Resistance. The angel has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the angel takes 21 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead. ACT IONS Multiattack. The angel makes two melee attacks. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage, or 11 (ldlO + 6) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 22 (Sd8) fire or radiant damage (angel's choice). 190 CHAPTER 6 I FRIENDS \);0 roi::s Chastised by Aurelia after leading a successful assault against a grou p of guildless rebels, Nevena has distahced herself from the Boros Legion's leadership and .independently pursues her own vision of justice and punishment. Nevena's willful independence is a source of tension among the firemanes as well as in the upper echelons of the legion's leadership. How much should a firemane be free to pursue her own agenda, given that her agenda is righteous and just? For now, Aurelia has decided to let Nevena have an unprecedented degree of freedom, but if she betrays any hint of corruption, she will quickly be brought back under dose scrutiny. fIREMANE ANGEL Firemane angels are holy champions and paragons of war who specialize in single combat. They are powerful warriors who seek out the mightiest foes in any conflict, trusting lesser soldiers to handle lesser opponents. Like many other Boros angels, firemanes typically have red hair. In the heat of battle, a firemane's hair can ignite, transforming into a mane of flames cascading over its shoulders and down its back. 0RZHOV ANGELS Few angels find anything appealing in the corruption and decadence embodied by the Orzhov Syndicate, since such a society is fundamentally antithetical to their natures, but disillusionment can seduce even immortal beings. When cynicism takes root in an angel's heart, when questions undermine devotion to the cause of justice, when strength becomes a tool to lord over the weak, the Orzhov Syndicate is there to welcome the angel with open arms, offering status, respect, and power. Orzhov angels might claim positions as executioners, commanders, or power brokers, but more often they carve out their own place in the guild, standing apart from the otherwise rigid hierarchy of the Orzhov. Medium celestial, lawful evil Armor Class 18 (natural arm or) Hit Points 175 (27d8 + 54) Speed 30 ft., fl y 90 ft. STR 16 (+3) D EAT H PACT ANGEL Death pact angels dwell in the grandest of Orzhov cathedrals, where they surround themselves with wealth a nd wretched vassals that a re utterly in their thrall. Gift Givers. Posing as a beneficent god, a deathpact angel attracts petitioners who beg the an gel for blessings: wealth, prestige, health, revenge, and the like. Imagining itself generous a nd merciful, the angel us ua lly tries to grant the petitioners what they seek by using its abilities, drawing from its hoard of riches, or extorting favors from other members of the guild. True to the spirit of the Orzhov, though, the angel doesn't bestow these gifts out of kind ness, but for the sake of gaining fanatical followers who owe it life debts . Debt and Indenture. T hose who receive favors from a deathpact a ngel incur a debt that they carry with fervent devotion. They regu larly bring trinkets and offerings to the angel, no longer asking or expecting a nything in return, and even willingly offer up their mortal lives for their angelic patron. Even afte r death, these debtors continue to serve the angel a nd the Orzhov Syndicate as indentured spirits (described late r in this chapter). DEBTS PAID A deathpact angel can give an indentured spirit a clause to esca pe its bound servitude: if the angel ever dies, the indentured spirit can sacrifice its undead existence to restore th e an gel to life. Upon seeing the angel drop to 0 hit points, an indentured spirit ca n destroy itself, its debt discharged as it dissipates, after which the angel returns to life with 1 hit point. DEX 18 (+4) CON 14 (+2) WIS 20 (+5) INT 19 (+4) CHA 23 (+6) Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +10, Cha +11 Skills Insight +10, Intimidation +11 , Perception +10, Persuasion +11 Damage Resistances necrotic, rad iant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened Senses truesight 120 ft .. passive Perception 20 Languages all Challenge 14 (11 ,500 XP) Exploitation of the Debtors. As a bonus action, the angel targets a creature charmed by it that it ca n see within 30 feet of it. The angel deals 11 (2d1 0) necrotic damage to the target, and the angel gains temporary hit points equal to the damage deal t. Flyby. The angel doesn't provoke an opportunity attack when it fl ies out of an enemy's reach. Inna te Spellcasting. The angel's innate spellcasting ability is Charism a (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit with spell attacks). The angel ca n innately cast th e following spells, requiring no mate· rial comp onents: At will: command (as a 2nd-level spell), de tect evil and good 3/ day each: charm person (as a 5th-level spell), darkness, suggestion 1/day: raise dead Magic Resistance. The angel has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. A CTION S Multiattack. The angel makes two attacks with its scythe. It can substitute Chains of Obligation for one of these attacks. Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hi t, reach 10 ft., on e target. Hit: 9 (2d 4 + 4) slashing damage plus 27 (6d8) necrotic damage. Chains ofObligation. The angel targets one creature charmed by it that it ca n see wi thin 90 feet of it. The target must succeed o n a DC 19 Charisma saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. I llAl'TER 1 I RIE~DS ANO fOFS It)! ARCHON OF THE TRIUMVIRATE Archons are enigmatic, supernatural embodiments of the harshest aspects of law and order. They espouse a rigid sense of justice and deal ruthless punishment to those who break the law. This nature often aligns them with the Azorius Senate, and they are commonly seen circling above the Azorius guildhall astride their winged felidar mounts, soaring alongside griffon-mounted hussars. An archon appears as an armored humanoid figure, nearly always mounted. Its face is usually shadowed beneath a large hood; those who have seen beneath the hood describe a face of celestial beauty with a stern expression and blank white eyes. Eternal Riders . The bond between an archon and its winged felidar mount is so close that the two are sometimes considered a single being, acting with a single mind. If an archon is ever thrown from its saddle, it can magically return to its place astride its mount in an instant. Immortal Nature. An archon doesn't require food, drink, or sleep. ARCHON OF THE TRIUMVIRATE Medium celestial, lawful neutral Multiattack. The archon makes two Hammer of justice attacks. Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 144 (17d8 + 68) Speed 30 ft . Hammer ofjustice. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach S ft., one target . Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 18 STR 20 (+S) DEX 1 (+2) s CON 19 (+4) (4d8) force damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. INT 1s (+2) WIS 21 (+S) CHA 18 (+4) Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +10, Cha +9 Skills Insight +10, Perception +10 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened Senses darkvision 120 ft. , passive Perception 20 Languages all Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Pacifying Presence. Each creature of the archon's choice that the archon can see within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, or else the target drops any weapons it i s holding, ends its concentration on any spells or other ef· fects , and becomes charmed by the archon for 1 minute. The charmed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the archon's Pacifying Presence for the next 24 hours. Eye ofthe Law. As a bonus action, the arch on can target a LEG ENDARY ACTIONS creature it can see within 120 feet of it and determine which laws that creature has broken in the last 24 hours. The archon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The ar· ch on regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Innate Spellcasting. The archon's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The archon can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: calm emotions, command, compelled duel Mount. If the arch on isn't mounted, it can use a bonus action to magically teleport onto the creature serving as its mount, provided the archon and its mount are on the same plane of existence. When it teleports, the archon appears astride the mount along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying. While mounted and not incapacitated, the archon can't be surprised, and both it and its mount gain advantage on Dexter· ity saving throws. If the archon is reduced to 0 hit points while riding its mount, the mount is reduced to 0 hit points as well. Rejoin Mount. If the archon isn't mounted, it magically tele ports to its steed and mounts it as long as the archon and its steed are on the same plane of existence. Smite (Costs 2 Actions). The archon makes a Hammer of jus· tice attack, and then its mount can use its reaction to make a melee weapon attack. Detention (Costs 3 Actions). The archon targets a creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or be magically teleported to a harmless demi plane until the end of the archon's next turn, whereupon the ta rget reappears in the space it left or the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. < 0 192 CH,\PTfR 6 I FRIEN!>S \ND FOi::~ ARCLIGHT PHOENIX An arclight phoenix is variously said to be a byproduct of a lightning strike on an aviary, a mishap in a n effort to create a translocation device, or a successful attempt to create an elemental creature in the form of a majestic bird. Whatever its origin, an arclight phoenix looks like a bird of prey formed entirely of electrical energy. Lightning fans out behind it as it bolts from place to place through the sky, making up in speed what it lacks in grace and majesty. It seems happiest during natural thunderstorms, as it darts among the clouds, gliding alongside thunderbolts. Elemental Nature. An arclight phoenix doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep. Lightning Form. The arclight phoenix can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature that touches the phoenix or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 9 (2d8) lightning damage. In addition, the arclight phoenix can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. The first time it enters a creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 9 (2d8) lightning damage. ARCLIGHT PHOENIX Medium elemental, chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 Hit Points 142 (19d8 + 57) Speed 0 ft., fly 120 ft. STR 15 (+2) DEX 22 (+6) CON 17 (+3) INT 5 (-3) WIS 12 (+1) CHA Crackling Death. When the arclight phoenix dies, it explodes. 7 (- 2) Each creature within 30 feet of it must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The explosion destroys the phoenix but leaves behind a Tiny, warm egg with a mizzium shell. The egg contains the embryo of a new arclight phoenix. It hatches when it is in the area of a spell that deals lightning damage, or if a creature touches the egg and expends spell slots whose combined levels equal 13 or more. When it hatches, the egg releases a new arclight phoenix that appears in the egg's space. Saving Throws Dex+10 Damage Resistances thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities lightning, poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, restrained, unconscious Senses darkvision 60 ft ., passive Perception 11 Languages Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Flyby. The arclight phoenix doesn't provoke an opportunity at· tack when it flies out of an enemy's reach. Grounded Lightning. The first time on a turn that the arclight phoenix touches the ground, it takes 11 (2d10) force damage. Illumination. The arclight phoenix sheds bright light in a 1S· foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. A CTIONS Arclight Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 27 (6d8) lightning damage, and lightning jumps from the target to one creature of the phoenix's choice that it can see within 30 feet of the target. That second creature must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 27 (6d8) lightning damage. CHAl'IER6 FRIE' .Pfl R ~RIE-~DS AND ~or l'Jl) GIANTS BLOODFRAY GIANT Giants use their tremendous size and strength to advance the cause of no less than four guilds. In the Boros L egion and the Orzhov Syndicate, they are cunning soldiers. The giants of the Cult of Rakdos and the Gruul Clans are no less effective but lack discipline. Huge giant, chaotic evil BLOODFRAY G IANT Giants in the Cult of Rakdos act as enforcers, bouncers, and sometimes even pillars, holding the mobile platforms that serve as stages for Rakdos performances. Like other members of the cult, giants thrill lo the violence of those shows. Though they can seem entranced by the horror unfolding on the stage. they react quickly and brutally to any interruption of the performance. Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 103 (9d12 + 45) Speed 40 ft. STR 23 (+6) DEX 9 (-1) CON 20 (+S) INT 7 (- 2) WIS 8 (- 1) CHA 9 (-1) Saving Throws Str +9, Con +8, Wis +2 Skills Athletics +9, Perception +2 Senses passive Perception 12 La nguages Giant Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) A CTIO N S GUARDIAN G IANT Most of the giants in the Boros L egion come from a single clan, the Skorskal , that has long been at odds with the Gruul Clans. These giants are guard s and gatekeepers, well represented in the Sun home Guard, as well as powerful muscle supporting Boros missions. Giants of the Skorskal clan are often assigned to protect Boros garrisons and forts throughout Ravnica. They are excellent sentinels. keen-eyed and vigilant, and ser ve as living walls to protect smaller soldiers fighting alongside them. Skorskal giants look much like enormous humans with huge muscles and comparatively small heads. :ZOO c;H\l'li;R(; l'RIE-.:nSANDFOI<; Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 20 ft., one tar· get. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 17). Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the giant can't use th is attack on anyone else. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. R EACTI ONS Furious Defe nse. After a creature the giant can see is dealt damage by a foe within 20 feet of the giant, the giant makes a chain attack against that foe. GUARDIAN GIANT Huge giant, lawful neutral Armor Class 19 (half plate, shield) Hit Points 137 (lldl2 + 66) Speed 40 ft. ORZHOV GIANT A few giants j oin the ranks of t he Or zhov Syndicate and serve as guards, executioners, and thugs- t he muscle of the gu ild. The presence of Orzhov giants in markets and streets serves as an effective reminder for busi ness owners to keep their payments up to date. SUNDER SHAMAN Gruul sunder shamans are angry giants that channel their rage into brutal attacks that deal overwhelming damage to foes and structures alike. These shamans sometimes lead hill giants and stone giants that also live among t he Gr uul Clans. T hey are occasionally joined by cyclopes, ettins, fomorians, and ogres. Like the rest of the Gruul, they hate the urban development that encroaches on the wilds where they once lived- not least because they have so much difficulty fitting inside the small structures. They delight in destroying such edifices, and in the heat of their rage, they w al k through buildings, trample people underfoot, and generally cause as much chaos as possible. They often armor themselves with pieces of bu ild ings and wield columns or other architectural elements as clubs. STR 24 (+7) DEX 17 (+3) CON 22 (+6) INT 10 (+O) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 12 (+l) Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +7 Skills Insight +7, Perception +10 Senses passive Perception 20 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Vigilant. The giant can't be surprised. ACTIONS Multiattack. The giant makes three spear attacks. Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) piercing damage, or 20 (3d8 + 7) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack. REACTIONS Protection. When an attacker the giant can see makes an attack roll against a creature within l 0 feet of the giant, the giant can impose disadvantage on the attack roll. CH \Pl l R 6 fRI~ NIJS ·\ND f(ll-S 201 Huge giant, chaotic neutral Armor Class 20 (stone armor) Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60} Speed 40 ft. Large giant, lawful evil STR 23 (+6} Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40) Speed 40 ft. STR 23 (+6) DEX 13 (+1) CON 21 (+5) INT 12 (+1) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (- 1) Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +8, Wis +4 Senses darkv ision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Focus. As a bonus action, the giant can target a creature it can see within 30 feet of it and ma ke that creature its focus. The target remains the giant's focus for l minute, or until either the target or the giant drops to 0 hit points. When the giant makes an attack roll against its focus, it adds a d4 to its attack roll. If the giant attacks a different target while it has a focus, it subtracts a d4 from its attack roll. A CTIONS Multiattack. The giant makes two greataxe attacks. Creataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3dl2 + 6) slashing damage. If the Orzhov giant scores a critical hit, it rolls the damage dice three times, in· stead of twice. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4dl0 + 6) bludgeoning damage. :l02 ll!Al'lk:R6 IRHNl>~A~nFOES DEX 15 (+2) CON 21 (+5) INT 10 (+O) WIS 12 (+l) CHA 9 (-1) Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +9, Wis +5 Skills Athletics +10, Perception +5 Senses darkvisio n 60 ft., passive Pe rception l S Languages Giant Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Reckless. At the start of its turn, the giant can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn. Siege Monster. The giant deals double damage to objects and structures. Stone Camouflage. The giant has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain. A CTI O NS Multiattack. The giant makes two slam attacks. The first of those attac ks that hits deals an extra 18 (4d8) damage if the giant has taken damage since its last turn. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4dl0 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. HORRORS Terrifying evils stalk, Hy, and scuttle in the dark corners of Ravnica, from the depths of the undercity to the blackest parts of the night sky. Collectively, these creatures are called horrors-a variety of things that lurk in the dark and embody the deepest fears of Ravnica's people. All a re evil creatures with dim reason and preternatural cunning. At least three guilds have been known to compel horrors into service. For House Oimir, horrors spread fear and despair in the citizenry and carry out assassinations or kidnappings against well-protected targets. For the Cult of Rakdos, horrors are s imply one more weapon in an arsenal of terrifying and shock-inspiring creatures that might appear on stage. For the Golgari S warm, horrors scavenge the sewers and protect the guild's territory. House Dimir uses all three base kinds of horrors. The Cult of Rakdos prefers shadow horrors, and the Golgari Swarm uses skittering horrors. H OR RORS AND MA DNESS Horrors on Ravnica are terror and madness personified. You can represent this reality by using the madness rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Whenever a character fails a saving throw against the flying horror's Frightening Screech, the shadow horror's claw attack, or the skittering horror's Maddening Presence, note that fact. At the e nd of the encounter, have each character who failed at least one of those saving throws make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, nothing happens. On a failed save, a character gains a form of madness from the Dungeon Master's Guide, with the severity depending on how many of the saving throws that character failed during the encounter, as shown on the Madness Severity table. MADNE SS SEVER IT Y Failed Saves 2-3 4+ Madness Short-term Long-term Indefinite FLYING HORROR Medium aberration, neutral evil Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9) Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. STR 9 (-1) DEX 20 (+5) CON 12 (+l) INT 2 (- 4) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 16 (+3) Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7 Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Condition Immunities frightened Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Challenge 3 (700 XP) Fear Frenzy. The horror has advantage on attack rolls against frightened creatures. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the horror has disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. ACTION S Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 8 (ld6 + S) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6) psychic damage. Frightening Screech (Recharge 5-6). The horror screeches. Each creature within 30 feet of it that can hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdo m saving throw or be frightened of it for l minute. The frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the horror's Frightening Screech for the next 24 hours. t.:H\PTFR G lRll~D'> ~:-;[) ro s 20'j CUSTOMIZING A HORROR Horrors share some common body types but vary wildly in other characteristics. A particular horror's form might incorporate elements that resemble fiendish, insectile, or reptilian features. To customize a horror, choose a base creature (flying horror, shadow horror, or skittering horror), then roll once on the Primary Features table and once on the Secondary Features table (or choose an option from each table). Add those features to the base creature. SECONDARY FEATURES d4 PRIMARY FEATURES d4 2 3 Feature Avoidance. If the horror is subjected to an effect that al· lows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fa ils. Damage Resistances. The horror has res istance to necrotic and psychic damage. Innate Spe/lcasting. The ho rror's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13 for flying horror, DC 16 for shadow horror, and DC 17 for skittering horror). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: 3/day: darkness 1/day each:fear (shadow horror and skittering horror only), phantasmal killer (skittering horror only) Psychic Rebuke. When the horror takes damage from a melee attack, it can use its reaction to emit psychic energy within a 5-foot radius. Each creature in that area takes 3 (1 d6) psychic damage (flying horror), 7 (2d6) psychic damage (shadow horror), or 10 (3d6) psychic damage (skittering horror). 2 3 4 Feature Grasping Tendrils. The horror has four tendrils. Each tendril can be attacked (AC 12, 10 hit points). Destroy· ing one deals no damage to the horror. As a bonus action, the horror can target one creature it can see within 10 feet of it. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled by the horror. The DC of the saving throw and the DC to escape the grapple are the same: 9 for the flying horror, 13 for the shadow horror, and 19 for the skittering horror. Until the grapple ends, the horror can't use the same tendril to grapple another target. Indomitable Mind. The horror is immune to the charmed condition. Keen Senses. The horror has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, sound, or smell. Mind Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the hor· ror's darkvision. Large aberration, neutral evil Armor Class 13 Hit Points 120 (l6dl0 + 32) Speed 40 ft. STR 12 (+l) DEX 16 (+3) CON 14 (+2) INT 2 (- 4) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 18 (+4) Skills Perception +7, Stealth +11 Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Condition Immunities frightened Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 languages Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Incorporeal Movement. The horror can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes S (l dlO) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the horror can take the Hide action as a bonus action. Huge aberration, neutral evil Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 228 (24dl2 + 72) Speed 40 ft ., climb 40 ft. STR 22 (+6) DEX 16 (+3) CON 17 (+3) INT 2 (-4) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 18 (+4) Skills Perception +7, Stealth +8 Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Condition Immunities frightened Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 Languages Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Shadow Stride. As a bonus action, the horror can step into a Spider Climb. The horror can climb difficult surfaces, includ- shadow within S feet of it and magically appear in an unoccupied space within S feet of a second shadow that is up to 60 feet away. Both shadows must be cast by a Small or larger creature or object. ing upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the horror has disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the horror has d isadvan tage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. ACTIONS ACTIONS Multiattack. The horror can use its Maddening Presence and make three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. Multiattack. The horror makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach S ft., one target . Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) piercing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) sla shing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the horror until the end of the target 's next turn. Lashing Shadows (Recharge 5-6). Each creature within 60 feet of the horror, except other horrors, must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 27 (6d8) necrotic damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Atiack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4dl0 + 6) piercing damage. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft .. one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) slashing damage. Maddening Presence. The horror targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see or hear the horror, the target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target becomes paralyzed until the end of its next turn. If a creature 's saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the horror's Maddening Presence for the next 24 hours. llAfT R I N DEN T U R ED SPIRIT Those who die with unpaid debts to the Orzhov Syndicate don't get a repri eve. Instead, their spi rits serve the syndicate until they have worked off their obligation. Sometimes that means existing as an indentured spirit for years or even millennia. An indentured spirit is an incorporeal being draped in ghostly black rob es and a hood that hides whatever face it might have. Chains are hung around its chest and arms as a perpetual marker of its servitude. 0RZHOV SPI RITS For the members of the Orzhov Syndicate, life as a spirit after death can be a gift, or it can mean everlasting servi· tude. The process of separating the soul from the body is often willingly undergone by the heads of the oldest and most respected families of the Orzhov oligarchy, resulting in pampered spirits that think they can spend the rest of eternity enjoying the spoils of their decadence. These spirits begin their undead existence as ghosts and use the ghost stat block in the Monster Manual. Over time, however, they tend to shed the nuances of their personalities and become caricatures of their living selves, often turning into specters, as described in the Monster Manual. 20fi CllAl'l'l R fi I I'll Nl)S \NI> I OfS INDENTURED SPIRIT Medium undead, any alignment Armor Class 11 Hit Points 13 (3d8) Speed 0 ft., Ay 40 ft. (hover) STR 7 (- 2) DEX 13 (+1) CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+O) 10 (+O) 12 (+l) 11 (+O) Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained Senses passive Perception 11 Languages the languages it knew in life Challenge l (200 XP) Incorporeal Movement. The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (ldlO) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. A CTION S Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. lZZET WEIRDS Weirds are the products of Izzet League experiments intended to combine two opposing elemental types in the hope of creating elementals that were more stable than the norm and easier to control. As commonly happens with lzzet experiments, the outcome was the exact opposite. Weirds a re even wilder a nd more un predictable tha n elementals of either of their component elements. Nevertheless, they can make potent guardian creatures and can be urged into fighting on behalf of their creators. Eleme.ntal Nature. An lzzet weird doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep. BLISTERCOIL WEIRD A blistercoil weird is an a nthropomorphic brute formed from water and molten rock. It absorbs energy from magical fi re, causing its oozelike body to increase in size. During one disastrous experiment, Izzet researchers observed a blistercoil weird expanding to fi ll a six· story works hop before it released all its excess energy in an enormous explosion and returned to its origina l s ize. the weird must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The explosion ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. The weird's size then becomes Medium. Medium elemental, chaotic neutral Armor Class 13 Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14) Speed 40 ft. , swim 60 ft. STR 16 (+3) DEX 16 (+3) CON 15 (+2) INT s (-3) WIS 10 (+O) CHA 7 (-2) Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified , poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perceptio n 10 Languages Draconic Challenge 4 (l ,100 XP) Feed on Fire. If the weird takes fire damage from a spell or other magical effect, its size increases by one category. If there isn't enough room for the weird to increase in size, it attains the maximum size possible in the space available. While the weird is Large or bigger, it makes Strength checks and saving throws with advantage. If the weird starts its turn at Gargantuan size, the weird releases energy in an explosion. Each creature within 30 feet of Form of Fire and Water. The weird can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. In addition, the weird can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. The fi rst time the weird enters another creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 5 (ldlO) fire damage and catches fire; until someone takes an action to douse the fi re, the burning creature takes S (ldl 0) fire damage at the star t of each of its turns. Heated Body. A creature that touches the weird or hits it with a melee attack while within S feet of it takes 5 (1 dlO) fire damage. Illumination. The weird sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. ACTION S Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage, or 11 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (4d6) fire damage if the weird is Large or bigger. lH\lrt~ Large elemental, chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 60 (8d10 + 16) Speed 0 ft ., Ay 60 ft. STR 15 (+2) DEX 18 (+4) CON 15 (+2) INT 6 (- 2) WIS 10 (+O) CHA 7 (-2) Damage Resistances thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities lightning, poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Senses darkvision 60 ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages Draconic Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Amplify Lightning. Whenever a spell that deals lightning damage includes one or more fluxchargers in its area, the spell deals an extra 9 (2d8} lightning damage. ACTIONS Multiattack. The fluxcharge r makes two slam attacks or uses Arc Lightning twice. FLUXCHARGE R In an effort to create a weird that could be more easily controlled, Izzet magcs tried binding elemental lightning, fire, and smoke into a framework made of the magical alloy mizzium. The experiment was partly successful: the resulting weird , a Auxcharger, doesn't explode like some other weirds do, but it is more intelligent and more headstrong than other weirds. A ftuxcharger's mizzium frame is suggestive of an angel. A faceplate is meant to give it some personality, but most people find its solemn expression and unblinking stare more unnerving than relatable. 208 II \Pn R & FRI! N ()S '•rn FOES Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) fire damage. Arc Lightning. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10} lightning damage, and lightning jumps from the target to one creature of the fluxcharger's choice that it can see within 30 feet of the target. That second creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (3d8) lightning damage. Hit or Miss: The fluxcharger takes S (ldlO) force damage after resolving the attack. GALVANICE WEIRD Medium elemental, chaotic neutral Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) Speed 30 ft. STR 14 (+2) DEX 10 (+O) CON 17 (+3) INT 3 (- 4) WIS 10 (+O) CHA 5 (- 3) Damage Resistances cold, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Senses darkvision 60 ft ., passive Perception 10 Languages Challenge 1 (200 XP) Death Burst. When the galvanice weird dies, it explodes in a burst of ice and lightning. Each creature within 10 feet of the ex· ploding weird must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. ACTIONS Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (2d4) lightning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or lose the ability to use reactions until the start of the weird's next turn. GALVANICE WEIRD GaJvanice weirds seem to be the epitome of weird technology. Indeed, they serve willingly, with cheerfu l stupidity, as guardians and laborers in lzzet workshops. They combine a rigid body of elemental ice with a core of lightning that animates them. If a galvanice weird is destroyed, the ice shatters and lightning crackles outward in a dangerous explosion. Still, most Izzet researchers find that their usefulness outweighs this risk. < H ;>,PH R RIE"lD AND ~OlS ~O') KRA SIS In the deep sinkholes that serve as laboratories and guildhalls for the Simic Combine, biomancers employ a combination of magic and scientific method to create novel life forms. They coax new morphologies from existing creatures or combine traits from multiple organisms into one, producing the creatures known as krasis. Some krasis are unique creatures that can't reproduce. A few multiply and become part of the guild's standard menagerie. C REATI NG A KRASIS To create a krasis, choose the appropriate stat block: category 1 (Medium), category 2 (Large), or category 3 (Huge). Then roll once on the Major Adaptations table and once on the Minor Adaptations table (or choose an option from each table) to determine its additional characteristics. The potency of some adaptations varies based on the category of the krasis, as indicated in the descriptions of those adaptations. Just a few examples of krasis are the battering krasis (a fusion of hammerhead shark and a powerfully built beast), the crocanura (a crocodile-frog), the drakewing krasis (a lizard-drake), the teratosuchus (a crocodile-crab), the shambleshark (a shark-crab), and the sharktocrab (an improved shambleshark that includes octopus elements as well). MAJO R ADA P TAT IONS d8 2 ~10 CATEGORY 1 KRASIS Medium monstrosity, unaligned Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6) Speed 30 ft. STR 16 (+3) DEX CON INT 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 2 (- 4) WIS 13 (+l) CHA 8 (- 1) Senses passive Perception 11 Languages Challenge l (200 XP) Amphibious. The krasis can breathe air and wate r. Major Adaptation ACTIONS Acidic Skin. Any creature that touches the krasis or hits Multiattack. The krasis makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws. it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 2 {l d4) acid damage (category 1), 4 (1d8) acid damage {category 2), or 6 (1 d12) acid damage (category 3). Armored Hide. The krasis has better natural armor afforded by a shell or thick scales, increasing its Armor Class by 4. CH·\P1P.R 6 f!UF.:-.JOS \l\:ll f'OIS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (ldlO + 3) piercing damage. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 7 {ld8 + 3) slashing damage. d8 3 4 5 6 Major Adaptation Bioluminescent Markings. The krasis has glowing patterns on its skin that take the shape of defensive runes, granting it advantage on saving throws against spells and other magica l effects. Flight. The krasis has wings and gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed. Crabber. When the krasis hits a creature with its claws, the target is grappled (escape DC 13 for category 1, DC 15 for category 2, and DC 19 for category 3) by a specialized grasping appendage on the krasis. It can have only one creature grappled in this way at a time. Hypnotic Display (Recharge 5- 6). As an action, the krasis creates mesmerizing colors and shapes around itself. Each creature within 15 feet of it that can see it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 12 for category l , DC 14 for category 2, and DC 18 for category 3) or be stunned for l minute. The stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeds on a saving throw against this effect becomes immune to the Hypnotic Display of all 7 8 krasis for 24 hours. Venomous Sting. When the krasis hits a creature with its claws, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 12 for catego ry 1, DC 14 for category 2, and DC 18 for category 3) or be poisoned for l minute. If the krasis is a category 2 or 3, the creature CATEGORY 2 KRASIS Large monstrosity, unaligned Armor Class 15 (natura l armor) Hit Points 136 (16dl0 + 48) Speed 40 ft. STR 18 (+4) DEX 14 (+2) CON 16 (+3) INT 2 (-4) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 8 (-1) Senses passive Perception 11 Languages Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Amphibious. The krasis can breathe air and water. A CTIONS is paralyzed while poisoned in this way. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Regeneration. The krasis regains hit points (2 for a Multiattack. The krasis makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws. category 1, 5 for a category 2, and 10 for a category 3) at the start of each of its turns if it has at least l hit Claws. Me/ee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d l 2 + 4) slashing damage. point. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 17 (2dl2 + 4) piercing damage. MINOR ADAPTATIONS d8 CATEGORY 3 KRASIS 2 Huge monstrosity, unaligned 3 Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 287 (25d12 + 125) Speed 40 ft. STR 23 (+6) DEX 12 (+l) CON 21 (+5) 4 INT 2 (- 4) WIS 13 (+l) CHA 5 8 (- 1) Senses passive Perception l1 Languages Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) 6 Amphibious. The krasis can breathe air and water. ACTIONS Multiatta ck. The krasis makes three attacks: one with its bite, one with its claws, and one with its tail. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 27 (6d6 + 6) piercing damage. 7 Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3dl0 + 6) slashing damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (6d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a crea· ture, it must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving th row or be knocked prone. 212 C'H\PllR6 l·Rti>:-.lJS\NDfOf 8 Minor Adaptation Amorphous Structure. The krasis can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Aquatic. The krasis gains a swimming speed equal to its walking speed. Climbing Speed. The krasis gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed. Cryptic Skin. The krasis can change color to match its surroundings. It has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide. Heightened Awareness. The krasis can't be surprised, as a result of having sensitive barbels like a catfish, stereoscopic vision like a chameleon, a tongue like a snake, eye stalks like a lobster, or an array of several eyes. Ink Cloud (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). While underwater, the krasis can use a bonus action to expel a cloud of ink and then move up to its speed. The ink cloud is stationary and fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point in the krasis's space before it moves. The sphere is heavily obscured until the ink disperses after l minute. A strong current also disperses the ink cloud. Leaping Legs. With or without a running start, the krasis's long jump is 20 feet (category 1), 30 feet (category 2), or 40 feet (category 3). Its high jump is 10 feet (category l), 20 feet (category 2), or 30 feet (category 3). Stabilizing Legs. The krasis has several crablike legs. As a result, it has advantage on Strength and Dex· terity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone. KRAUL The kraul are an ascendant power group w ithin the Golgari Swarm, long content to linger at the margins of the undercity but now increasingly making their buzzing voices heard in the subterranean Golgari guildhall. These six-legged, insectile beings are hard-headed and literal-minded, w ith little grasp of metaphor or nuance. KRAUL W A R R IO R Kraul society is organ ized i nto well-defi ned roles and castes. T he vast majority of the k raul occupy vari ous tiers of soldiery, from commanders and elite troops down to the lowliest infantry. KRAUL D EATH PRI EST The death priests occupy the highest roles in k raul society. They lead the buzzing chants of the kraul r ites. Their inscr utable click s and buzzing can summon crippling necromantic magic, and the presence of death seems to fortify them. They draw power from the defeat of their enemies and channel it to their followers, ensuring the continuation of the cycle. T he current leader of the kraul is a death priest named Mazirek. W I NCED KRAUL WARR IORS Som e kraul warriors have a flying speed of 40 feet, as a re· suit of possessing gossamer wings. Their wings gi ve them a higher station among the kraul soldiers. Winged kraul warriors serve the guild as scouts and shock troops. KRAUL WARRIOR Medi&Jm h&Jmanoid (kra&JI), ne&Jtral evil Armor Class 18 {natural armor) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft . STR 15 {+2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 10 (+O) WIS 11 (+1) CH A 8 {- 1) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Kraul, understands Common but can't speak it Challenge 1/ 2 (100 XP) Hive Mind. The kraul is immune to the charmed and frightened conditions while within 30 feet of at least o ne other kraul. Pack Tactics. The kraul has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the kraul's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapaci tated. Spider Clim b. The kraul can cl imb difficult sur faces , incl ud· ing upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. A CTIONS Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hi t, rea ch 5 ft. or range 20/ 60 ft., on e ta rget. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) pi ercing dam age, or 6 {ld8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack. r.H\PlLR6 tRn"nSA:- I ER(. I IOI NllS \JI;() I 01 NIGHTVEIL SPECTER The Nightveil specters of Ravnica are hooded, undead guardians that ride flying creatures called gloamwings. They are fearsome agents of House Dimir, protecting the territory and interests of that guild- particularly the neighborhood of ighrveil, from which the specters get their name. Their work can include driving off people who accidentally wander too close to a secret rooftop meeting, killing those who knowingly infiltrate Dimir property, and track ing those who have stolen guild secr ets, then wiping those secrets from their victims' minds to ensure that they are never shared. Limite d Sentience. A Nightveil specter is created when the mind magic of House Dimir erases a person's identity, leaving a mind so broken it can no longer live. Thus. Nightveil specters have no memory of their previous lives, and they are just clever enough to follow their orders with some amount of creativity. They pursue their assigned tasks with fearless determination. Gloamwing Mount. If a gloamwing is killed, its specter becomes fixated on destroying those responsible. lf the specter survives, it can create a new gloamwing over the course of a month, during which time the specter is incapacitated. A gloamwing's head is almost ratlike, with prominent teeth, and its leathery skin is stretched tight over its skull. where its eyes are empty sockets. Its body is mottled with bony plates, and great wings stretch from its shoulder s. Undead Nature. A Nightveil specter and its gloamwing mount don't require air. food, drink, or sleep. Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42) Speed 30 ft. STR 18 (+4) DEX 19 (+4) CON 16 (+3) INT 6 (- 2) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 11 (+O) Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +7 Skills Insight +7, Perception +7, Stealth +8 Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunit ies charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 Languages understands Common but can't speak Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Mount. If the specter isn't mounted, it can use a bonus act ion to magically teleport onto its gloamwing mount, provided the specte r and the gloamwing are on the same plane of existence. When it telepo rts, the specter appears astride the gloamwing along with any equipment it is wearing o r ca rryi ng. Wh ile moun ted and not inca pacitated, the specter can't be surp rised, and both it and its mo unt gain advantage on Dexter· ity saving throws. A CTIO N S GLOAMWING Large undead, neutral evil Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48) Speed 30 ft ., Ay 60 ft. STR 20 (+5) DEX 16 (+3) CON 17 (+3) INT 2 (- 4) WIS 11 (+O) CHA 6 (- 2) Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +6 Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6 Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoni ng, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened , poisoned Senses darkvisio n 120 ft., pass ive Perception 13 Languages understands Common Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Multiattack. The specter makes two scythe attacks. Death Link. If its specter rider is reduced to 0 hit points. the gloamwing is destroyed. Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing dam age plus 13 (3d8) psy- Flyby. The gloamwing doesn't provoke an o pportun ity attack when it Aies out of an enemy's reach. chic damage. Mind Twist (Recharge 5- 6). The specter magically e mits psychic e nergy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 22 (5d8) psychic damage and be stunned for 1 minute. The stunned creature can repeat the saving th row at the end of each of its turns , ending the effec t on itself on a success. Reap Memory (3/Day). The s pecter touches one inca pacitated creature and chooses 1 hour from among the past 24. Un less the creature succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw, the creature loses all memory of that hour. The creature rega ins the memo ry only if the specter dies within the next 24 hours. Sunlight Sensitivity. Whi le in sunlight, the gloam wing has d is· advantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. A CTION S Multiattack. The gloamwin g makes two att acks: one with its bi te and o ne with its claws . Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) piercing damage. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) slash ing damage. CHAl'1ER C. fRIF.NDS \'llD l 01 S 21') N1vrx NIVIX CYCLOPS Lorge giant, unaligned Armor Class 14 (half plate) Hit Points 115 (10d10 + 60) Speed 30 ft. STR 24 (+7) DEX 9 (- 1) CON 22 (+6) INT 7 (-2) WIS 10 (+O) CHA 9 (-1) Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +3 Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities charmed, exha ustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Magic Resistance. The cyclops has advantage on saving throws aga inst spells and other magica l effects. ACTIONS Multiottock. The cyclo ps makes two s lam attacks. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft .. one target. Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage. REACTION S Spell Vitalization. Immediately after a creature casts a spell of 1st level or higher within 120 feet of the cyclops, the cyclops can move up to twice its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. It can then make one slam attack against a target of its choice. CYCLOPS Cyclopes li ke those described in the Monster Manual are found primarily among the Gruul Clans. They are forces of nature, and even though they have occasionally been recruited into the Boros Legion, they can never truly be tamed. Cyclopes serve the Izzet league as workshop guardians, personal protectors, and heavy laborers. Tbey wear mizzium armor plating to minimize injuries from laboratory mishaps, piston gauntlets to i ncrease thei r strength for lifting and punching, and telescopic helmets to minimize the shortcomings of their monocular vision. They are sometimes called monoclons or Nivix cyclopes, after the name of the Tzzet guildhall. 11YBRl 0 f LIE R SIMIC HYBRIDS The Guardian Project is a consequence of increasing tension within the Simic Combine as the threat of interguild conAict looms. Believing that the Simic must be prepared to fight for their lives when that conflict comes to a head, biomancers have created soldiers to help defend the guild. These hybrids (also called guardians, after the name of the project) are created from human, vedalken, and elf guild members who volunteer to be transformed. HYBRID BRUTE Medium humanoid (Simic hybrid), neutral good Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 30 ft. DEX 11 (+O) STR 18 (+4) WIS INT 8 (-1) CON 15 (+2) 11 (+O) CHA 9 (-1) Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 2 (450 XP) HYBRID POISONER Amphibious. The hybrid can breathe air and water. Medium humanoid (Simic hybrid). neutral good A CTIO N S Multiattack. The hybrid makes two claw attacks. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Armor Class 14 Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8) Speed 40 ft. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) slashing damage. STR 12 (+l) HYBRID FLIER Armor Class 13 Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. DEX 16 (+3) CON 14 (+2) INT 11 (+O) WIS 10 (+O) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 13 (+l) CHA 12 (+l ) Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +4 Skills Athletics +3, Perception +3, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge l (200 XP) Medium humanoid (Simic hybrid), neutral good STR 12 (+l) DEX 19 (+4) CHA 11 (+O) Damage Resistances acid Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 2 (450 XP) Assassinate. During its first turn, the hybrid poisoner has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn. Any hit the hybrid scores against a surprised creature is a critical hit. Poisonous Skin. Any creature that touches the hybrid or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 3 (ld6) poison damage. ACTION S Multiattack. The hybrid makes two javelin attacks. It can replace one javelin attack with Spit Acid. javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) piercing damage. Spit Acid. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (4d4) acid damage. A CTI ON S Toxic Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for l minute. At the end of each of the poisoned ta rget's turns, it must repeat the save, taking 3 (ld6) poison damage on a fa iled save, or ending the effect on itself on a successful one. <.;11'\l'TlR b l'RII'"OS \ND FOl.S 217 11vBRl 0 SHOCKER HYBRID SHOCKER Medium humanoid (Simic hybrid), neutral good Armor Class 12 Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Speed 30 ft. STR 13 (+l) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 9 (-1) Damage Immunities lightning Senses passive Perception 11 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 1 (200 XP) Electrified Body. Any creature that touches the hyb rid or hits it with a me lee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (ldl O) lightning damage. Illumination. The hybrid sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. HYBRID SPY Medium humanoid (Simic hybrid), neutral good Armor Class 13 Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. STR 11 (+0) DEX 17 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 13 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 9 (-1) Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) ACTIONS Multiattack. The hybrid makes two attacks: one with its shocking touch and one with its tentacles. Chameleon Skin. The hybrid has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide. Shocking Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) lightning damage. Spider Climb. The hybrid can climb difficult surfaces, includ· ing upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 15 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is grappled (escape DC 11), and the hybrid pulls the target up to 15 feet straight towa rd it. Until this grapple ends, the target takes 5 (1dlO) lightning damage at the start of each of its turns, and the hybrid shocker can't use its tentacles on another creature. 218 CllAll•Rf> •li.IE"llS\!l FOES Multiattack. The med usa makes two claw attacks. It can also use Petrifying Gaze before or after making these attacks. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage. Pet rifying Gaze. The medusa fixes its gaze on one creature with in 60 feet of it that it can see and that can see its eyes. The ta rget must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. If the saving th row fa ils by 5 o r more, the creature is instantly petrified . Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn , becoming petrified on a fa ilure o r ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts until the creature is freed by a greater restoration s pell or similar magic. BLOOD DRINKER VAMPIRE Medium undead, lawful evil Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) Speed 40 ft., Ay 40 ft . (hover) STR 16 (+3) W I Tfol A Gt.RGOYlE VAMPIRES Creatures of the night, vampires are ageless undead beings who subsist on the blood of the living. They are fierce predators who mask their ravenous thirst behind a facade of sophistication and sensuality. Those who sip blood from golden chalices are no less voracious than those who tear out their victims' throats with their fangs; they just hide it better. The vampires of Ravnica differ from those in the Monster Manual in important ways. They lack the traits and abilities that those other vampires boast, but a lso lack the weaknesses that hinder such vampires. What they have in common is an unquenchable thirst for the blood that s ustains their undead existence. BLOOD DRI NKER VAMP I RE Plenty of blood dri nkers haunt Ravn ica's alleys and sewers, preying on those who are foolis h enough to leave the relative safety of the crowds. Orzhov Vampires. Vampires thrive in the Orzhov Syndicate, where they can collect tithes and payments from their debtors in the form of blood. Their undead nature gives them the same immortality enjoyed by the oligarch spirits, but they remain capable of experiencing all the delights of their corporeal forms. In contrast to Orzhov spirits, they also retain their personalities, which a re almost uniformly cruel. Blood Bond. Consuming a creature's blood creates a sort of empathic bond that a llows the blood drinker vampire to exert some magical influence over its victim. DEX 18 (+4) CON 17 (+3) INT 16 (+3) WIS 13 (+l) CHA 19 (+4) Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +6, Wis +4 Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +4, Stealth +7 Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages the languages it knew in life Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) ACTION S Multiattack. The vam pire makes three melee attac ks, only one of which can be a bite attack. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach S ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampi re, incapac· itated, or restrained. Hit: 7 (l d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. If the target is humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be charmed by the vampire for l minute. While charmed in this way, the target is infatuated with the vampire. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the tar· get fi nishes a long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is red uced to 0. Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach S ft., one ta rget. Hit: 8 (ld8 + 4) piercing damage. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 7 (l d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. The vampi re can also grapple the target (escape DC 14) if it is a creature and the vampi re has a hand free. RE ACTION S Parry. The vam pire adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the vampire must see t he attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. ( H \f>fl Rb I Rn:-;o;; \~l) I Ol·S 22·~ MIND DRINKER VAMPIRE Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 14 Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10) Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) STR 16 (+3) DEX 18 (+4) CON 12 (+1) INT 19 (+4) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 14 (+2) Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +6, Wis +3 Skills Deception +4, Insight +3, Perception +3, Stealth +6 Damage Resistances necrotic Senses da rkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Languages t he languages it knew in life Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Innate Spe//casting (Psionics). The vampire's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: At will: message 3/day each: charm person, hold person, mirror image, sleep l/day each: gaseous form, major image Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the vampire can take the Hide action as a bonus action. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the vampire has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Multiattack. The vampire makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack. MIND DRINKER V A MPIRE When vampires join House Dimir, they can learn to siphon mental energy and memories along with the blood of their victims. They also study the magic favored by Dimir mind mages, giving them a powerful combination of abilities ideal for espionage and infiltration. Szadek's Heirs. The founder of House Dimir, Szadek, was the first of the so-called mind drinkers. His secrets are passed on only to other members of his guild, and mind drinkers who leave House Dimir become enemies of the guild-the only exceptions to a rule that prohibits mind drinkers from feeding on others of their kind. CeJJ Leaders. Thanks to their particular gifts. mind drinkers are often placed as leaders of small cells of covert Dimir operatives. They rarely trust their own agents, thoug h, and often follow their cell members to make sure those members carry out missions as ordered. T he most suspicious vampi res might even siphon thoughts from their subordinates to detect any hint of betrayal. ?.?.4 C.HAM'~R 6 FRIENDS ·\:>ID FOf.S Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the tar· get finishes a long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (ld8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The vampire can also grapple the target (escape DC 13) if it is a creature and the vampire has a hand free. Mind Siphon (Recharge 5-6). The vampire targets a creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw, with disadvantage if the vampire has previously consumed the target's blood. On a fa iled save, the target takes 28 (8d6) psychic damage, and the vampire discerns the target's surface emotions and thoughts. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage, and the vampire discerns the target's general emotional state but not its thoughts. WURM Wurms are huge creatures that resemble limbless, wingless dragons. They burrow through the earth and eat virtually anything they come across, and their movement accounts for much of the destruction in the rubblebelt regions of Ravnica. A wurm burrows through loose earth by using deep son ic vibrations to liquefy the earth in front of it and swim through the area. The soil resolidifies and closes behind it. Moving through rock is slower and more difficult, and the wurm leaves a tunnel in its wake. The Gruul Clans appreciate the devastation wurms can create, and the clans sometimes lure them into civilized areas where the destruction can be vast. Siege Monster. The wurm deals double damage to objects and W U RM struct ures. Huge monstrosity, unaligned Tunneler. The wurm can burrow through solid rock at half its Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 200 (16dl 2 + 96) Speed SO ft., burrow 30 ft. STR 24 (+7) DEX 10 (+O) CON 22 (+6) burrow speed and leaves a 10-foot-diameter tunn el in its wake. A CTI ONS INT 3 (-4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 4 (-3) Saving Throws Con +11, Wis +6 Senses blindsight 60 ft. , tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 11 languages Challenge 14 (11 , 500 XP) Earth Tremors. The wurm creates earth tremors as it moves overland or underground. Any creature that comes within 30 feet of the moving wurm for the first time on a turn must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage and fall prone. Any structure or object anchored to the ground that comes within 30 feet of the moving wurm for the first time on a turn takes 10 (3d6) force damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (Sd6 + 7) piercing damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed by the wurm. A swallowed creature is blinded and restrained, has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the wurm, and takes 17 (Sd6) acid damage at th e start of each of the wurm 's turns. If the wurm takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the wurm must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the wurm. If the wurm dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 20 feet of movement, exiting prone. (;llAllJR6 ~Rlf:>:DS\NDfOIS 22, NPCs BY GurLn A zoRrus NPCs This section describes various nonplayer characters that belong to each guild. These characters can serve as enemies, rivals, allies, or contacts. In addition to the NPCs presented here, you can customize the NPCs in the Monster Manual and other sources to make them feel like part of a particular guild. Also included in this chapter are statistics and descriptions of the guildmasters of Ravnica. Without exception, these are powerful creatures. In most campaigns, the guild masters will come into play more often in negotiations and other social settings than in combat. Thus, each guildmaster's ideals, bonds, and flaws are included. As a general rule, a guildmaster's personal agenda is in line with the guild's goals described in chapter 2, so the guild entries there provide additional direction for roleplaying these individuals . Several other named guild members are highlighted in sidebars. S OLDI ER Soldiers are found in many of Ravnica's guilds. The soldier stat block represents a typical member of the rank and file, though weaponry and armor can vary. SOLDIER Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Speed 30 ft. STR 13 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) CON INT WIS 12 (+1) 10 (+O) 11 (+0) CHA 11 (+O) The Azorius Senate's activities focus on maintaining public order. For example, the Lyev Column acts as the police force for all ofRavnica. The Azorius NPCs table summarizes key roles within this force. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. AZORIUS NPCs Role Appropriate Stat Block Arrester Azorius soldier Hussar (cavalry) Kn ight or veteran Soldier* Soldier"' mounted on a warhorse or a griffon Lawmage* or precognitive mage* Magical support *Appears in this chapter SUPREME J UDGE l SPERIA lsperia is the current guild master of the Azorius Senate. As a sphinx, she is aloof and values solitude above all. However, she has been forced to give up her privacy to deal with the increased crime and chaos on Ravnica. Isperia is devoted to her guild's belief that law is the ultimate bulwark against chaos, and it is her steady hand that guides the Azorius through these uncertain times. As guildmaster, lsperia serves as the supreme judge, a role that takes advantage of her encyclopedic knowledge of Ravnica's labyrinthine legal system. If an encounter turns violent, lsperia refrains from using lethal force if possible, preferring to subdue a wrongdoing so that the legal system can mete out justice. I SP E RIA'S TRAITS Skills Perception +2, Athletics +3 Senses passive Perceptio n 12 Languages any one language (us ually Common) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Formation Tactics. The soldier has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frighte ned, gra ppled , or restrained wh ile it is within 5 feet of at least one ally. ACTI ONS Multiattack. The soldie r makes two melee attacks. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld8 + 2) slash ing damage, or 7 (ldlO + 2) slas hing damage if used with two ha nds. Ideal: "The law provides direction for every arena of life; it is the only compass 1 need.'' Bond: "I can't stand by and watch disorder spread through the city. Without the Azorius, Ravnica would collapse. In the absence of order, we must establish it." Flaw: "If Ravnica didn't need me, I would prefer to live a life of solitude and contemplation." LAWMAGE The Azorius Senate has spellcasters who are trained to capture lawbreakers and bring them to justice. A lawmage's magic is focused on restraining criminals and on protecting bystanders from becoming casualties when arresters are pursuing malefactors. A significant proportion of the guild's vedalken are lawmages. LAVINIA, STEWARD OF THE GUILDPACT Arrester Lavinia, an Azorius arrester (use the veteran stat block in the Monster Manual), is straightforward and stern. To her, justice is a bird you have to catch, not a dog that willingly walks toward its master. She worked alongside )ace, the Living Guildpact, scheduling appointments and relaying messages. The work was beneath her, but Lavinia's allegiance was to the soul of her city. )ace's disappearance worries her, but she has steadfastly refused to violate the law of the land by stepping into his duties. Cl!\PTfR 6 fRlloNDS ·\NO IU"S PRECOGNITIVE M AGE Precognitive mages, a rarity among Azorius spellcasters, are capable of capturing glimpses of the future. They are typically employed to anticipate the actions of wanted criminals. thus aiding in their capture. 2nd level (3 slots): arcane lock, augury, calm emotions, hold per- lSPERIA son, silence, zone oftruth Gargantuan monstrosity, lawful neutral 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, clairvoyance, counterspel/, dispel magic, tongues Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 261 (18d20 + 72) Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. STR 20 (+5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 18 (+4) INT 23 (+6) WIS 26 (+8) CHA 20 (+5) 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th level level level level level (3 slots): divination, locate creature (2 slots): dispel evil and good, scrying (1 slot): word of recall (1 slot): divine word (l slot): antimagic field A CT IONS Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +11, Int +13, Wis +15 Skills: Arcana +13, History +13, Insight +15, Perception +15 Damage Immuniti es psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immuni ties charmed, frightened Senses truesight 120 ft .. passive Perception 25 Languages Common, Sphinx Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Innate Spel/casting. lsperia's innate spellcasting ability is Wis· dom (spell save DC 23). lsperia can innately cast imprisonment twice per day, requiring no material compone nts. Inscrutable. lsperia is immune to any effect that would sense her emotions or read her thoughts, as well as any divination spell that she refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain her intentions or sincerity have disadvantage. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If lsperia fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. lsperia has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Spel/casting. lsperia is a 15th-level Azorius spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 23, +1 4 to hit with spell attacks). lsperia has the following cleric spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, resistance, sacred flame, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): command, detect evil and good, ensnaring strike, sanctuary, shield offaith Multiattack. lsperia makes two claw attacks. She can cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action in place of one claw attack. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft .. one target. Hit: 21 (3dl0 + 5) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or take 14 (4d6) psychic damage after each attack it makes against lsperia before the start of her next turn. Supreme Legal Authority. lsperia chooses up to three creatures she can see within 90 feet of her. Each target must succeed on a DC 23 Intelligence saving throw or lsperia chooses an action for that target: Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search, or Use an Object. The affected target can't take that action for 1 minute. At the end of each of the target's turns, it can end the effect on itself with a successful DC 23 Intelligence saving throw. A target that succeeds on the saving throw becomes immune to lsperia's Supreme Legal Authority for 24 hours. LEGE NDARY A CTION S lsperia can take 3 legendary actions, choos ing from the options below. Only one legen dary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. lsperia regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn. Claw Attack. lsperia makes one claw attack. Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). lsperia casts a spell of 3rd level or lower from her list of prepared spells, using a spell slot as normal. Supreme Legal Authority (Costs 3 Actions). lsperia uses Supreme Legal Authority. C II \f'l IR G FRIESDS AND ~Of' PRECOGNITIVE MAGE Geetra is a precognitive mage who first put her gifts to use as a young thief on the streets ofRavnica. While still a teenager, she was apprehended and then pardoned in exchange for agreeing to use her talents in the service of the Azorius Senate. For decades, she worked in almost complete anonymity, her gifts unappreciated. But with the senate displaying an increased interest in the talents of precognitive mages, Geetra has been given a more prominent position, which she has embraced with enthusiasm. She worries about the impact that her guild has on the rest of Ravnica but believes in her heart that she is helpi ng the people. Chaos can only destroy, and her visions are a tool to ensure that society can live in safety in all va riants of the future. Medium humanoid (any race), lawful neutral Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor) Hit Points 63 (l4d8) Speed 30 ft. STR LAWMAGE 9 (- 1) DEX 13 (+1) CON 10 (+O) INT 18 (+4) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 11 (+O) Medium humanoid (any race), lawful neutral Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +3 Skills Perception +3 Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 3 (700 XP) Armor Class 15 (breastplate) Hit Points 84 (l3d8 + 26) Speed 30 ft . STR 13 (+l) DEX 12 (+l) CON 14 (+2) INT 17 (+3) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 13 (+l) Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +5 Skills Arcana +6, Perception +S, Persuasion +4 Senses passive Perception l S Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Spellcasting. The lawmage is an 8th-level Azori us spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The lawmage has the following wizard spe lls prepared: Cantrips (at will): fire bolt.friends, light, message l st level (4 slots): alarm, expeditious retreat, shield 2nd level (3 slots): arcane lock, detect thoughts, hold person 3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, dispel magic, slow 4th level (2 slots): locate creature, stoneskin Innate Spellcasting. The mage's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14). It can cast the fol lowing spells, requiring no material components: 3/day: detect thoughts, mage armor 1/day each: clairvoyance, locate object ACTIONS Quart erstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +l to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (ld6 - l) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (l d8 - l ) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands. Glimpse the Temporal Flood (Recharge 5-6). The mage targets one creature within 120 feet of it that it can see. The ta rget takes 18 (4d8) psychic damage, and it must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw o r be stu nned until the end of its next turn. REACTIONS ACTIONS Quarterstaff. Me/ee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 4 (l d6 + l ) blud geo ning damage, or S (ld8 + l) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands. 8 CHAPTFR 6 FRJl:.NDS \'>;lJ f0£S Precognitive Insight (3/Day). When the mage or a creature it can see makes an attack roll, a saving th row, or an ability check, t he mage can cause the rol l to be made with advan tage or disadvantage. BoRos NPCs The Boros Legion attracts those who believe justice is the highest idea l and that it's worth fighting for on behalf of all Ravnica's citizens. From its angelic commanders down to its raw recruits, everyone in the legion wages war against corruption, exploitation, and lawlessness. The Boros Legion has its own soldiers, and the elite Sunhome Guard protects the legion's headquarters. The Boros NPCs table summarizes key roles w ithin these forces. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states other wise. Aurel ia prefers to lead the Boros Legion from the front. She bri ngs swift and unrelenting punishment to the wicked, and her temper is legendary. Immortal Nature. Aurelia doesn't require food, drink, or sleep. A U RELIA'S T RAITS Ideal : "Justice. We must do whatever it takes to establish fair and merciful relationships among Ravnica's people- through force of arms when necessary." B ond: "The entire legion obeys my commands, and I am therefore beholden to every one of my soldiers.'' F law: "l charge into battle with little heed for my own wellbeing." B OROS NPCs Role Appropriate Stat Block Boros soldier Soldier* Magical support Firefist* or frontline medic"' Shock trooper Reckoner* Knight mounted on a Skyjek roe'~ Skyknight Sunhome Guard Guardian giant"' o r veteran *Appears in this chapter W A R LEADER AUR ELIA The angel Aurelia leads the Boros Legion. During the years of her leadership, she has shown a strong appreciation for the ordinary citizens who are often caught in the middle of interguild violence. True justice. Aurelia argues, isn't merely the enforcement of the letter of existing laws {let the Azorius fret over that), but the establishment of equitable and compassionate relationships among all of Ravnica's people. That means protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, sheltering the innocents who are threatened by war, and ensuring that enforcement of the law doesn't become oppressive. Aur elia actively supports efforts to establ ish a lasting peace among the guilds in the absence of the Guildpact. FIRE FIST Bor os fi refists combine potent magic with peerless fighting ability, inspiring all who ser ve alongside them. T hey often act as the poi nt of contact between the Boros Legion and the angelic leaders. FRONTLIN E MEDIC The soldiers of the Boros Legion depend on skilled healers to keep them on their feet. Frontline medics use a mix of magical healing and mundane medicine to keep their compatriots alive. R EC KO NER Boros reckoners combine physical power and magical prowess, serving as the shock troops of the legion. They are adept at breaking up mobs and organized lines of defense. Sometimes described as living thunderstorms, reckoners charge their bodies with lightning that bursts forth in their spells and lashes out at enemies who harm them. Many reckoners are minotaurs. T/IJIC, BLl\DE OF THE LEGION, "BOROS F1REFIST Leadership. Aurelia utters a few inspiring words to one creature she can see within 30 feet of her. If the creature can hear her, it can add a dlO to one attack roll or saving throw it makes before the start of Aurelia's next turn. AURELIA Medium celestial (angel), lawful good Armor Class 22 (natural armo r) Hit Points 287 (2Sd8 + 17S) Speed SO ft., fly 1SO ft. STR 26 (+8) DEX 24 (+7) CON 2S (+7) INT 17 (+3) WIS 2S (+7) CHA 30 (+10) Saving Throws Dex +14, Con +14, Cha +17 Skills Insight +14, Perception +14 Damage Resistances necrotic, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 Languages all Challenge 23 (S0,000 XP) Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Aurelia fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. Aurelia has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. ACTIONS Multiattack. Aurelia makes three longsword attacks and uses Leadership. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d8 + 8) slashing damage, or l3 (ldlO + 8) slashing damage when used with two hands, plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage. Warleader's Helix (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Spell Attack: +17 to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. Hit: S4 (12d8) radiant damage, and Aurelia can choose ano ther creature she can see wi thin l O feet of the target. The second creature regains 27 (6d8) hit points. REACTIONS Parry. Aurelia adds 7 to her AC against one melee attack that would hit her. To do so, Aurelia must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. Unyielding. When Aurelia is subjected to an effect that would move her, knock her prone, or both, she can use her reaction to be neither moved nor knocked prone. LEGENDARY ACTIONS Aurelia can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op· tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aurelia regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn. Command Allies. Aurelia chooses up to three creatures she can see within 30 feet of her. If a chosen creature can see or hear Aurelia, it can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, with advantage on the attack roll. Longsword Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Aurelia makes one long· sword attack. Frighten Foes (Costs 3 Actions). Aurelia targets up to five creatures she can see within 30 feet of her. Each ta rget must succeed on a DC 2S Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of her until the end of her next turn. Any target within S feet of Aurelia has disadvantage on the saving throw. v CHAPTER 6 I FRIENT>C: 'I.NU !'OPS FRONTLINE MEDIC FIREFIST Medium humanoid (any race), lawful good Medium humanoid (any race), lawful good Armor Class 18 (plate) H it Points 117 (18d8 + 36) Speed 30 ft. Armor Class 20 (plate, shield) Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6) Speed 30 ft. STR 16 (+3) DEX 10 (+O) CON 14 (+2) INT 11 (+O) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 13 (+l) Saving Throws Con +S, Wis +6 Skills Intimidation +4, Religion +3 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) STR 15 (+2) DEX 10 (+O) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+O) WIS 13 (+l) CHA 12 (+l) Skills Medicine +S, Perception +3 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/4 (SO XP) Spellcasting. The medic is a 3rd-level Boros spellcaster. Its Spellcasting. The firefist is a 9th-level Boros spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, sacred flame, spare the dying lst leve l (4 slots): guiding bolt, healing word, heroism, spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11). The medic has the following cleric spells prepared: Cantri ps (at will): mending, resistance, spore the dying l st level (4 slots): cure wounds, sanctuary 2nd level (2 slots): aid, lesser restoration shield offaith 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, scorching ray 3rd level (3 slots): blinding smite, crusader's mantle, revivify 4th level (3 slots): banishment, wolf offire Sth level (l slot): flame strike ACTIONS ACTIONS Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach S ft. or range 20/ 60 ft., one target. Hit: S (ld6 + 2) piercing damage, or 6 (ld8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack. Multiattack. The firefist makes two greatsword attacks. Creatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach S ft ., one ta rget. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. REACTIONS Guided Attack (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). When the firefist or one creature it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll, the firefist grants a+10 bonus to that roll. RECKONER Medium humanoid (any race), lawful neutral Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 30 ft. STR 16 (+3) DEX 12 (+ l) CON ls (+2) INT 15 (+2) WIS 12 (+l) CHA 10 (+O) Skills Arcana +4, Intimidation +2, Perception +3 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge4 (l,lOOXP) First Strike. The reckoner has advantage on in itiative rolls. Spellcasting. The reckoner is a 5th-level Boros spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). The reckoner has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): blade ward, light, message, shocking grasp l st level (4 slots): guiding bolt, shield, thunderwave, witch bolt 2nd level (3 slots): blur, levitate 3rd level (2 slots): lightning bolt Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +S to hit, reach S ft., one tar· get. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (ldlO + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands. REACT IONS Lightning Backlash (Recharge S- 6). When a creatu re hits the reckoner with an attack, the attacker takes lightning damage equal to half the damage dealt by the attack. HA lfRI> IRIB:-ODS \)';DfOES DIMIR NPCs The Dimir a re a collection of individual agents and secretive cells woven subtly throughout the fabric of Ravnica and across all the guilds. Dimir agents excel at information gathering, covert operations, and assassination. They collect secrets, relay intelligence, and sow discord- a ll in obedience to the sometimes cryptic orders of their mysterious leaders. The Dimir NPCs table summarizes key roles within House Dimir. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. D1M 1R Appropriate Stat Block Spy or thought spy* Assassin Mind mage1' *Appears in this chapter Lazav is uniquely qualified to be the Dimir guildmaster: he is a shapechanger whose mysterious genius is informed by agents from the entire Dimir network. He takes on a tremendous variety of guises as his needs and plans requ ire. He might step out into the Ravnican streets as an elderly widow to eavesdrop at the bazaar, become a vedalken hussar of the Azorius Senate to sidestep a checkpoint, or transform into a Tin Street Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral evil Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 204 {24d8 + 96) Speed 40 ft. CON 18 {+4) INT 22 (+6) WIS 20 (+S) CHA 22 (+6) Saving Throws Dex +13, Int +1 2, Wis +11, Cha +12 Skills Deception +18, Insight+11, Perception +11, Stealth +19 Damage Resistances necrotic, psychic Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 Languages Common, thieves' cant Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Elusive. No attack roll has advantage against Lazav unless he is incapacitated. Innate Spellcasting. Lazav's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect thoughts, encode thoughts (see chapter 2).freedom ofmovement, vicious mockery (4d4 psychic damage) 3/day each: blur, confusion, mirror image l/day each: modify memory, Rory's telepathic bond Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Lazav fa ils a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. CHAPTl.R 6 FRlf.,DS \Sil FOES M IND MAGE Thought spies form the backbone of House Dimir's covert operations. They are trained in stealth and infiltration, tactics that they supplement with rigorously developed mental abilities. To ensure that no secrets s lip through Dimir's fingers, they infiltrate rival guilds. In addition to trad itional means of gathering intelligence, thought spies use their magic to spy on the thoughts of their targets. Shapechanger Savant. Lazav can use a bonus action to polymo rph into a Small or Medium humanoid he has seen. His statistics, other than his size, are the same in each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. LAZAV DEX 24 {+7) Ideal: "Knowledge. To know a thing is to have power over it." Bond: "When the time is right and my plans have come to fruition, all ofRavnica will be mine." Flaw: "I can't trust anyone." THOUGHT SPY L A ZAV TH E FACELESS STR 16 (+3) 1 LAZAV S TRAITS Dimir mind mages are among the most feared spellcasters in Ravnica, thanks in large part to the aura of mystery that shrouds them and their work. Their ability to read and alter memories commands respect from the other members of House Dimir and makes them useful in the full spectrum of the guild's activities. Many mind mages lead cells of their own. NPCs Role Dimir spy Duskmantle assassin Mind mage merchant to deceive a passing noble. His true form might be that of a doppelganger or some other creature; no one has ever seen it. Psychic Defenses. Unless Lazav is incapacitated, he is immune to magic that allows other creatures to read his thoughts, de· termine whether he is lying, know his alignment, or know his creature type. Creatures can telepat hically communicate with Lazav only ifhe allows it. A CT IONS Multiattack. Lazav makes three sho rtsword attacks. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 10 {ld6 + 7) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) psychic damage, and the target has d isadvantage on the next attack roll it ma kes before Lazav's next t urn. LEG ENDARY AC TI ONS Lazav can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Lazav regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. Attack. Lazav makes a weapon at tack. Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Lazav casts one of his innate spells. Shifting Nightmare (Costs 3 Actions). Lazav rapidly takes the form of several nightmaris h creatures, lashing o ut at all nearby. Each creature within 10 feet of Lazav must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw o r take 18 (4d8) damage of a type chosen by Lazav: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or necrotic. . Medium humanoid (any race), neutral evil Armor Class 13 (leather armor) Hit Points 27 (6d8) Speed 30 ft. MIND M AGE Medium humanoid (any race), neutral evil STR 11 (+O) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Hit Points 49 (11d8) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON 10 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+O) INT 20 (+5) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 16 (+3) Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +5 Skills Arcana +8, Deception +6, Insight +5, Persuasion +6 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common plus any four languages Challenge 5 (l,800 XP) Special Equipment. The mage wears a spies' murmur (see chapter 5). Innate Spe//casting (Psionics). The mage's spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: At will: encode thoughts (see chapter 2).friends 3/ day each: charm person, detect thoughts, mage armor, sleep, suggestion l/day each: dominate person, mass suggestion, modify memory DEX CON 14 (+2) 10 (+O) INT 16 (+3) WIS CHA 13 (+l) 14 (+2) Skills Deception +6, Insight +3, Investigation +5, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4 Senses darkvisio n 30 ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Common pl us any one language Challenge l (200 XP) Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the thought spy can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. Innate Spe//casting (Psionics). The thought spy's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13). The thought spy can innately cast th e fo llowing spells, requ iring no components: At will: charm person, disguise self. encode thoughts (see chapter 2) l/day each: blur, detect thoughts, gaseous form ACTION S Multiattack. The thought spy makes two melee attacks, or it makes three ranged attacks with its daggers. ACT ION S Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) piercing damage. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +S to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft ., one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) piercing damage. Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld8 + 2) piercing damage. C'H\l'"lfR6 FRIE~DSANUH)ES GoLGARI NPCs In its embrace of death and its claim over fetid, rotting environments, the Golgari Swarm appeals to those who are comfortable in a world of fungus, rot, and monsters. Every member of the Golgari Swarm has a function, working together like the parts of a single, larger organism. At the same time, internal factions vie for authority. The most prominent faction is the Devkarin elves, whose spiritual leader, Izoni, is no friend of the guild master, Jarad. The medusas are still struggling to coalesce as a faction. The kraut are slowly gaining more influence in the guild under the leadership of the death priest, Mazirek. These faction leaders can serve as patrons for Golgari characters. They might send characters on missions to interfere with a rival or to increase the power and influence of their own faction. They can also serve as major adversaries for adventurers who oppose the Golgari Swarm. Golgari NPCs include reclaimers, who scavenge and recycle corpses and other detritus, and assassins, who belong to a secret society called the Och ran. The Golgari NPCs table summarizes key roles within the guild. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. GoLcARI N PCs JARAD Von SAvo The Golgari guild master is a Devkarin necromancer and lich named Jarad Vod Savo. In life.Jarad was an archer and accomplished hunter, as well as the brother of the previous guild master, the ambitious Savra.Jarad mastered the ways of necromancy so he could rise as a lich after he sacrificed himself to save his son from the demon Rakdos. As head of the Golgari Swarm. Jarad commands elf and medusa assassins. legions of kraul, brutish trolls, and masses of undercity-dwelling creatures. Thanks to the necromantic power he wields- and with the support of his loyal guards and soldiers- he has survived a number of assassination attempts from various upstarts. Undead Nature. Jarad doesn"t require air, food, drink, or sleep. J ARAD 'S TRAITS Ideal: "Death. There's wisdom to be gained in it, whether it be your own or someone else's." Bond: "Ravn ica, with all its structures and institutions, will eventually rot away, and it will be time for the Golgari to bloom from the carcass." Flaw: "I am beyond life and death and can't be harmed." IZONI , DEVKARIN MATKA Role Appropriate Stat Block Devkarin warrior Drow or drow elite warrior Ochran assassin Assassin Reclaimer Scout Spiritual leader Golgari shaman* *Appears in this chapter The spiritual leader of the Devkarin elves holds the position of matka. lzoni, a Golgari shaman, has recently risen to her position after the suspicious death of her predecessor, Zdenia. lzoni is known for her ability to control insects and spiders, and she is never encountered without the company of one or more swarms of insects crawling over and around her. When she walks, she appears to glide over the ground. JARAD Von SAvo Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 180 (24d8 + 72) Speed 30 ft. STR 14 (+2) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 20 (+S) WIS 16 (+3) Saving Throws Con +10, Int +12, Wis +1 0 Skills Arcana +12, Insight +10, Perception +10 Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned Senses darkvision 120 ft. , passive Perception 20 Languages Common, Elvish, Kraul Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Jarad fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. Jarad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Regeneration. Jarad regains 25 hit points at the start of his turn. If he takes fire or radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of his next turn. He dies only if he starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate. Spellcasting. Jarad is a 14th-level Golgari spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). Jarad has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): acid splash, chill touch, mage hand, poison spray, prestidigitation 1st level (4 slots): entangle, ray ofsickness, sleep 2nd level (3 slots): Melfs acid arrow, ray of enfeeblement, spider climb, web 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, plant growth, vampiric touch 4th level (3 slots): blight, giant insect, grasping vine 5th level (2 slots): cloudkill, insect plague 6th level (1 slot): circle of death, create undead 7th level (1 slot): finger of death,forcecage Spore Infusion. Jarad is surrounded by a cloud of spores. As a bonus action, he can cause the spores to deal 11 (2d10) poison damage to a creature he can see within 10 feet of him. Turn Resistance. Jarad has advantage on saving throws against any effect that turns undead. Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces Jarad to 0 hit points, he must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of S + the damage taken, un less the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, he drops to 1 hit point instead. Multiattack. Jarad makes two attacks: one with his Noxious Touch and one with his Staff of Svogthir. He can cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action in place of one of these attacks. Noxious Touch. Me/ee Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach S ft., one creature. Hit: 28 (8d6) poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitu tion saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Staff ofSvogthir. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach S ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (3d8) poison damage and 13 (3d8) necrotic damage. LEGENDARY ACTIO NS Jarad can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Jarad regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. Cantrip. Jarad casts one of his can trips. Noxious Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Jarad uses Noxious Touch. Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each creature within 30 feet of Jarad must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successfu l one. <, 11.AIYfFR 6 I FRIENDS ANO I 01':0. GOLGAR I LAI RS GO LGA RI SHAMAN Golgari shamans are the spiritual leaders of the Golgari Swarm. They teach the guild's beliefs about the cycles of nature, using their necromantic magic to show how life sprouts from death. Golgari shamans paint their faces so they appear to have extra eyes on their cheeks and chins. They sometimes use magical moodmark paint (described in chapter 5) to allow them to communicate by means of these marks. T hey wear clothing adorned with beetle carapaces, spiderwebs, or shelf fungus. GOLGARI SHAMAN Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil Armor Class 14 (hide armor) H it Points 88 (16d8 + 16) Speed 30 ft. STR 11 (+O) DEX 15 (+2) CON 12 (+l) INT 12 (+l) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 16 (+3) Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +6 Skills Arcana +4, Insight +6, Nature +4, Religion + 4 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Langu ages Common, Elvish Challenge 5 (l,800 XP) Fey Ancestry. The shaman has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put it to s leep. Spel/casting. The shaman is an 8th-level Golgari spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The shaman has the fo ll owing druid spells p repa re d: Cantrips (at will): poison spray, shillelagh , thorn whip lst level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, ray ofsickness 2nd level (3 slots): pass without trace, ray of enfeeblement, spike growth 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic, plant growth 4th level (2 slots): blight, giant insect A CTIONS Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: + 4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, or 6 (ld8 + 2) bludgeon ing damage if used with two hands. Fungal Rot. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., o ne target. Hit: 9 (2d8) necrotic damage , and the target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) poison d amage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. R EACTIONS Feed on Death. When a creature within 30 feet of the shaman drops to 0 hit points, the shaman gains 5 (ldlO) temporary hit po ints. C'llAJ nR f> fkll 1\llS \ND I 01 c; Members of the Golgari Swarm have an intimate connection to their territory. When at least six Golgari defend their territory together, they can call on the environment to aid them. The group must include Jarad Vod Savo or at least one Golgari shaman, kraul death priest, undercity medusa, or D evkarin lich. When deter m i ning the difficulty of such an encounter, consider the lair to be one additional creature of challenge rating 1. LAIR ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties). the Golgari group takes a lair action, causing one of che following effects; the Golgari can't use the same effect rwo rounds in a row: • If the Golgari can see any sewer openings, they can cause sewage to overflow. Any creature within 20 feet of such an opening must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity savi ng throw or be knocked prone and pushed up to 20 feet in a straight line away from the opening. • Spore-laden fungi release a cloud that fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the Golgari choose within 120 feet of any member of the group. The cloud spreads around corners and remains until one of the Golgari dismisses it as an action, the Golgari group uses this lair action again, or all the members of the Golgari group die. The area within the cloud is lightly obscured. Any creature in the cloud when it appears must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any creature that ends its turn in the cloud takes 10 (3d6) poison damage. • Tendrils of creeping fungi reach out to ensnare the enemies of the Golgari. The Golgari choose a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on a point within 60 feet of any member of the group. Each creatur e in the area that isn't allied with the Golgari group must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained until the Golgari group uses this lai r action again, all the members of the group are slain , or no member of the group is within 60 feet of the effect. A creature restrained in this way can use an action to make a DC 15 Strength check, ending the restrained effect on itself with a success. REGIONAL EFFECTS The region containing a Golgari lair is infested with mosses and strange fungi. This habitat accounts for one or both of the following effects in the surrounding undercity (the effects don't spread to the surface): Moss, fungi, and other growth covers every underground surface with in half a mile of the lai r. Fungal spores drifting throughout the lair have the power to animate corpses. Whenever a Small or Medium humanoid dies within the lair, roll a die. On an odd number, the dead creature rises up as a fungus drudge (use the zombie stat block in the Monster Manual) ld8 hours later, unless its body is destroyed. If all the Golgari in the lair die, the r egional effects fade over ldlO days. GRuuLNPCs NIKYA OF THE OLD WAYS Like the creatures that fight alongside them, warriors and shamans of the Gruul Clans are wildly aggressive. True to their name, the Gruul Clans include a number of different groups with their own leaders and traditions. Beyond the s ix most prominent clans (the Burning Tree, the Ghor, the Scab, the S lizt, the Gravel Hide, the Zhur-Taa, and the Bolrac), countless small clans-some little more than war bands- claim territories throughout the rubblebelts. Gruul NPCs fill various clan roles. The Gruul NPCs table summarizes key roles within the guild. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. GRUUL NPCs Role Appropriate Stat Block Clan member Anarch 1• Clan warrior Berserker Druid Druid Scout Trog (Gruul hermit) Rubblebelt stalker* of the Old Ways* Gladiator The Zhur-Taa leader, Nikya, is a powerful centaur druid of the Old Ways. In fact, she considers herself to be the last of the true Gruul druids. Though raised to be a warrior, Nikya soon discovered her natural gifts with magic. She can summon enormous constricting vines from the ancient layers of Ravnica's crust. She has little love for Borborygmos, and she believes th at another leader- one who is loyal to the Old Ways-will arise among the Gruul before the End-Raze begins. DRUID OF THE OLD WAYS The druids of the Old Ways are the keepers of ancient Gruul traditions devoted to the primal ferocity of animal gods such as Ilharg the Raze-Boar and Kashath the Stalker. The End-Raze. The druids of the Old Ways believe that civilization will never be eradicated by scattered raids and petty skirmishes. They cli ng to the idea of a coming apocalypse, the End-Raze. when llharg's hoofs will trample every brick and s tone of Ravnica's soaring s kylines to rubble. The world will return to a state of nature in which the lawless code of muscle and savagery will reign once again. * Appears in this chapter RUBBLEBELT STALKER BORBORYGMOS For decades, the enormous cyclops Borborygmos has comma nded the respect and obedience of the Gruul Clans by defeating a ll who challenged him. He embodies the raging fire that the Gruul believe burns in their bellies, and his wrath toward the civilization of Ravnica knows no bounds. Mightiest ofthe Mighty. Borborygmos leads the Burning Tree clan, which is the largest and most diverse of the Gruul Clans. He is almost always accompanied by other members of his clan- not because he needs their protection, but because they might need his . His companions include creatures ranging from burly giants to cowering goblins. The Gruul follow strength, and Borborygmos holds his position only because he has proved stronger than any challenger. BoRBORYGMos' s TRAITS Ideal: ··we fight!"' Bond: "I will bring the wilds back." flaw: "I don't have to listen to anybody." AN ARCH The rank-and-file members of the G ruul Ciaos, called anarchs, despise civil ization and have sworn to tear down both its physical structures a nd its institutions. Anarchs scavenge everything, from the hide armor they wear to the weapons they wield. As they pick through the refuse of the rubblebelts, they sometimes come across magic items and other valuable treasures. Rubblebelt stalkers are scouts and skirmishers for the Gruul Clans. They excel at moving over challenging terrain, whether they're picking their way through treacherous ruins or clambering across rooftops. They favor ambush tactics and avoid confrontations with stronger forces, relying on their superior mobility to make their escape. Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage. Huge giant, chaotic neutral Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 30/120 ft. , one target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning da mage. Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 270 (20dl2 + 140) Speed 40 ft. STR 24 (+7) DEX 11 (+O) CON 24 (+7) INT 8 (-1) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 16 (+3) Saving Throws Str +13, Con +13, Wis +9 Skills Athletics +13, Insight +9, Survival +9 Damage Resistances poison, psychic Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Senses tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Borborygmos fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Poor Depth Perception. Borborygmos has disadvantage on any attack roll against a target more than 30 feet away. Siege Monster. Borborygmos deals double damage to objects and structures. ACTIONS Multiattack. Borborygmos can use his Frightful Presence. He also makes two attacks: one with his mau l and one with his stomp. Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (6d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Cll \!YI ER 6 FRIENOS A:-JO FOl:.S Frightful Presence. Each creature of Borborygmos's choice that is within 60 feet of him and can see or hear him must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of him for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Borborygmos's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. LEG ENDARY ACTIONS Borborygmos can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creatu re's turn. Borbo· rygmos regains spent legenda ry actions at the start of his turn. Attack. Borborygmos makes a weapon attack. Bellow (Costs 2 Actions). Borborygmos yells menacingly at one creature he can see within 60 feet of him. That creature must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of him for 1 minute. If t he creature is already frightened, it becomes stunned instead. A creature can re peat t he saving th row at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's savi ng throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Borborygmos's Bellow fo r the next 24 hours. Wide Berth (Costs 3 Actions). Borborygmos moves up to half his speed and can move through the space of any creature smaller than Huge. The first time Borborygmos enters a creature's space during this move, the creature must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds, the creature is pushed 5 feet away from Borborygmos. If the saving throw fails, that creature is knocked prone, and Borbo· rygmos can make a stomp attack against it. ANARCH RUBBLEBELT STALKER Small or Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral Armor Class 13 (hide armor) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30 ft. Armor Class 14 (piecemeal armor) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. STR 14 (+2) DEX 13 (+l) CON 12 (+1) INT 9 (-1) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 10 (+0) STR 10 (+0) DEX 15 (+2) CON 12 (+l) INT 10 (+O) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 8 (-1) Skills Perception +2, Survival +2 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Skills Athletics +2, Perception +4, Stealth +4 Senses passive Perception 14 Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Aggressive. As a bonus action, the anarch can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature it can see. Ambusher. In the first round of a combat, the stalker has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn yet. Siege Monster. The anarch deals double damage to objects and structures. ACTION S Spiked Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld8 + 2) piercing damage, or 7 (ldlO + 2) pierc· ing damage if used with two hands. Nimble Escape. The stalker can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns. Ruin Dweller. The stalker has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in ruins, and its speed is not reduced in difficult terrain composed of rubble. Siege Monster. The stalker deals double damage to objects and structures. DRUID OF THE OLD WAYS ACTION S Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral Multiattack. The stalker makes three attacks with its shortsword. Armor Class 14 (hide armor) Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) Speed 30 ft. STR 11 (+0) DEX 15 (+2) CON 16 (+3) Shortsword. Melee Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) piercing damage. INT 10 (+O) WIS 20 (+5) CHA 14 (+2) Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6, Wis +8 Skills Nature +3, Perception +8, Survival +8 Senses passive Perception 18 Languages Common, Druidic Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Siege Monster. The druid deals double damage to objects and structures. Speak with Beasts and Plants. The druid can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language. Spellcasting. The druid is a 12th-level Gruul spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following druid spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, produce fire, resistance, thorn whip lst level (4 slots): cure wounds.faerie fire, thunderwave 2nd level (3 slots): beast sense, flame blade, pass without trace 3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, dispel magic, plant growth 4th level (3 slots): dominate beast.freedom of movement, wall offire 5th level (2 slots): commune with nature, conjure elemental, scrying 6th level (l slot): transport via plants, wall ofthorns ACTIONS Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage, or 4 (ld8) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands. DRUIO OF THE 0LO WAYS IzzET NPCs NIV- MIZZ ET Though the lzzet League officially serves the function of maintaining the city's public works, most of its members join the guild to indulge their insatiable curiosity for magical knowledge. Using the guild's extensive resources and sturdy facilities, researchers pursue their studies through reckless experimentation, which often ends in destruction of property. loss of limb, or at the very least, a loud boom. Nearly all Izzet members have some capability with magic. Izzet NPCs include chemisters, who work extensively with the magic alloy mizzium, and their attendants. The Izzet NPCs table summarizes key roles within the guild. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. Possessed of arrogance and vanity that matches his vast intellect and tremendous power, Niv-Mizzet is the ancient dragon who founded and continues to control the Izzet League. From his private laboratory at the top of the lzzet guildhall, Niv-Mizzet directs the research and experiments of his countless underlings. He coordinates a tremendous number of apparently unrelated projects, working toward some mysterious end. There can be little doubt that this ancient dragon is one of the most intelligem beings on Ravnica and one of the world's most powerful spellcasters. He is j ust as acquisitive as any dragon, but his treasure is scientific and magical knowledge. His ambition is a looming threat in the minds of all the other guildmasters, but confronting him directly is a lmost unthinkable thanks to the combination of his awesome magical power and the sheer physical threat of a fire-breathing, swordtoothed dragon. IZZET NPCs Role Attendant Chemister Gua rd Magic tester Appropriate Stat Block Commoner Mage Scorchbringer guard* Flux blastseeker,* cosmotronic blastseeker,* counterflux blastseeker,* or galvanic blastseeker* *Appears in this chapter Nrv-M1zzET's TRAITS Ideal: "Innovation. Don'tjust have an idea- have all of them." Bond: ·'J have spent more than ten thousand years researching the mysteries of the world around me, but there is much more to discover." Flaw: '"I find it tedious to converse with simpletons who lack vision." MASTER C H EM IS T ER GROZCROX Master Chemister Grozgrox is a viashino (lizardfolk) mage with a talent for shaping mizzium. His genius has earned commendations from Niv-Mizzet himself on two separate occasions, a fact that Grozgrox tries to work into conversation as often as possible. BLASTSEEKERS While chemisters focus on inventing new tools, weapons, and other devices for the guild to use. the role of a blastseeker is to put those devices to work. Despite the name, not all such devices produce explosions, but all the most interesting ones (from the Izzet perspective) do. COUNTERFLUll BLASTSEEKER 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell,fireball, hold person, lightning bolt, slow Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral 4th level (3 slots): confusion, dimension door.fabricate 5th level (2 slots): conjure elemental, polymorph, wall offire, Armor Class 22 (natural armor) H it Points 370 (19d20 + 171) Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft., Ay 80 ft. STR 29 (+9) DEX 14 (+2) CON 29 (+9) INT 30 (+10) wall offorce WIS 17 (+3) CHA 25 (+7) ----------------~~~~~~~ Saving Throws Con +17, Int +18, Wis +ll Skills Arcana +18, Insight +ll , Perception +ll Damage Resistances cold, psychic, thunder Damage Immunities fi re, lightni ng Condition Immunities charmed Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Pe rception 21 languages Common, Draconic Challenge 26 (90,000 XP) Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Niv-Mizzet fa ils a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Locus ofthe Firemind. Niv- Mizzet can maintain concentration on two diffe rent spells at the same time. In addition, he has advantage on sav ing throws to m ai nt ain concentration on spells. Magic Resistance. Niv·M izzet has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Master Chemister. When Niv-Mizzet casts a spell that deals damage, he can change the spell's damage to cold, fire, force, lightning, o r thunder. Spellcasting. Niv-Mizzet is a 20th-level lzzet spellcaster. His spell casting abi lity is Intelligence (spell save DC 26, +18 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at wi ll): fire bolt, light, prestidigitation, ray offrost , shocking grasp 1st leve l (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield, thunder· wave, unseen servant 2nd level (3 slots): blur, enlarge/reduce, flaming sphere, 6th level 7th level 8th level 9th level (l (l (l (l slot): chain lightning, disintegrate, true seeing slot): project image, reverse gravity, teleport slot): control weather, maze, power word stun slot): prismatic wall A CTIONS Multiattack. Niv-M izzet makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws. Bite. Me lee Weapon Attack:+17 to hit, reach 15 ft. , one target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) piercing damage plus 14 (4 d6) fire damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit , reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d4 + 9) slashing damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning dam age. Fire Breath (Recharge 5- 6). Niv-Mizzet exhales fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 25 Dexterity savi ng throw, taking 91 (26d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much da mage on a successful one. LEGENDARY A CTIONS Niv-M izzet can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op· tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Niv-Mizzet regains spe nt legendary actio ns at the start of his turn. Cantrip. Niv-Mizzet casts o ne of his cantrips. Tail Attack. Niv-Mizzet makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Niv-M izzet beats his wings. Each creature within 15 feet of him must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (2d4 + 9) blud geoning damage and be knocked prone. Ni v·Mizzet can then Ay up to ha lf his Ayin g speed. Dracogenius (Costs 3 Actions). Niv-M izzet regains a spell slot of 3rd level or lower. scorching ray CH \PTER FRl£~US \:\D HH' COSMOTRON IC BLASTSEEKER Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral Armor Class 15 (chain shirt) Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15) Speed 30 ft. STR 14 (+2) DEX CON 15 (+2) 16 (+3) INT 18 (+4) WIS 9 (- 1) CHA 12 (+l) Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +5 Skills Arcana +6, Intimidation +3, Perception +l Senses passive Perception 11 Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP) COUNTERFLU X BLASTSEEKER Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor) Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Speed 30 ft. DEX CON 16 (+3) 15 (+2) INT 18 (+4) WIS 11 (+O) CHA 14 (+2) Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2 Skills Arcana +6, Perception +2 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 2 (450 XP) Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10) Speed 30 ft. DEX CON 12 (+l) INT 20 (+5) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 14 (+2) Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +8 Skills Arcana +8, Perception +2 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Fluxbending Overcast (Recharge 5- 6). The blastseeker can create an additional effect immediately after casting a spell. Roll a d6 to determine the effect: CHAl'TE.R fo I RI! ND~ A"IU FOE.S 1- 3. The blastseeker creates a 15-foot-radius invisible sphere centered on itself that lasts until the end of its next turn. Creatures in the sphere have disadvantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. 4- 6. The blastseeker creates a 15-foot-radius invisible sphere centered o n itself that lasts until the end of its next tu rn. Creatures in the sphere have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Innate Spellcasting. The blastseeker's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The blastseeker can innately cast the following spells, requi ring no components other than its lzzet gear, which doesn't function for others: ACTIONS Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) piercing damage. 1- 3. The blastseeker teleports, swapping places with a creature it can see within 30 feet of it. 4- 6. The blastseeker and each creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 11 (2d10) thunder damage. FLUX BLASTSEEKER 15 (+2) Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld8 + 2) bludgeoning damage, or 7 (ldlO + 2) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands. 3/day each: enlarge/reduce, mage armor (self only) , scorching ray 1/day each: counterspel/, dispel magic, protection from energy Counterflux Overcast (Recharge 5-6). The blastseeker can create an additional effect immediately after casting a spell. Roll a d6 to determine the effect: STR 10 (+O) 3/day each: scorching ray, shield, thunderwave 2/day:fireball ACTIONS Medium humanoid (any race). chaotic neutral STR Innate Spellcasting. The blastseeke r's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks) . The blastseeker can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components other than its lzzet gear, which doesn't function for others: Tides ofChaos (1/Day). The blastseeker makes one attack roll, ability check, or saving th row with advantage. Empowered Spell (3/Day). When the blastseeker rolls damage 13 (+l) for a spell, it can reroll up to four dice of damage. It must use the new dice. Innate Spel/casting. The blastseeke r's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The blastseeker can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components other than its lzzet gear, which doesn't function for others: 3/day each: mage armor (self only) , scorching ray 1/day each: banishment, cone ofcold, dimension door, fireball, ice storm ACTIONS Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage, or 4 (ld8) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands. Mizzix is a goblin galvanic blastseeker who began her lzzet career as a lowly attendant. But she quickly earned her a place at her own magical forge with a squadron of attendants. Through a combination of natural talent, calculated political moves, and fortunate accidents, Mizzix has now risen to the highest position in the lzzet League's court, occupying a seat of the lzmagnus. Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral Armor Class 13 Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 30 ft. STR 10 (+O) DEX 17 (+3) CON 14 (+2) INT 19 (+4) WIS 10 {+0) CHA 13 (+1) Saving Throws Dex +6 Skills Acrobatics +6, Arcana +7, Perception +3 Damage Resistances lightning, thunde r Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common and Primordial, plus any one language Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Galvanic Overcast (Recharge 5-6). When the blastseeker casts lightning bolt or thunderwave, it can roll a die. On an odd number, the blastseeker takes 9 (2d8) force damage. On an even number, the spell also deals 9 (2d8) lightning damage to each target that fails its saving throw. Heart ofthe Storm. When the blastseeker casts lightning bolt or thunderwave, all other creatures within 10 feet of the blastseeker each take 3 lightning damage. Innate Spe/lcasting. The blastseeker's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The blastseeker can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components other than its lzzet gear, which doesn't function for others: 3/day each: levitate, lightning bolt, thunderwave 1/day: stoneskin Gust-Propelled Leap. The blastseeker can use a bonus action to Ay up to l 0 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. ACTIONS Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (ld6) piercing damage, or 4 (1d8) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack. Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (breastplate) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30 ft. STR 13 (+l) DEX 14 (+2) CON 12 (+1) INT 10 (+O) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 10 (+0) Senses passive Perception 9 Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Explosive Tonic. When the guard dies, or if it rolls a 1 when checking whether its Scorchbringer action recharges, the tank on its back explodes in a 10-foot radius sphere. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The explosion ignites Aammable objects that aren't being worn or carried, and it destroys the scorchbringer. ACTION S Light Hammer. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Scorchbringer (Recharge 4-6). The guard's scorchbringer spouts a stream of flame in a line that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. CHAPIER6 ~RIE'\DS,\~DfOIS 1- 0RZHOVNPCs 0BZEDAT, THE GHOST COUNCIL Every person in the Orzhov Syndicate, living or dead, has a place in the guild's rigid hierarchy. From the undead spirits that make up the ruling Obzedat to the lowly undead borrower spirits at the bottom, along with the ranks of the living in between, everyone knows where they stand: who is above them, who is below them, who owes them, and whom they owe. The Orzhov hierarchy includes advokists who find loopholes in the law to exploit, knights who enforce the guild's will, and indentured spirits. The Orzhov NPCs table summarizes key roles within the guild. Statjstics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. The ghosts who make up the Obzedat are traditionally called patriarchs, though they can be male or female. They are the oldest, wealthiest, and most influential oligarchs of the Orzhov Syndicate. They have been dead for centuries, but they refuse to let go of the fortunes they amassed in life. Addicted to power and prestige, these patriarchs continue to dominate the guild and accumulate even larger fortunes. Mostly Unanimous. The ghosts of the Obzedat function as a unit, driven by their shared desire to accumulate ever more wealth for the gujld. In times of disagreement, the eldest of the council exerts his seniority to bend the council to his will. Grandfather Karlov. The head of the council, who gives final approval to its decisions and breaks ties within the group, is Karlov, known as Grandfather. In life, Karlov was the greediest of Orzhov oligarchs, and his many centuries as a spirit have not diminished his hunger for more wealth. Undead Nature. An Obzedat ghost doesn't require air, food, drink, or s leep. ORzHov NPCs Role Appropriate Stat Block Advokist Mage Indentured spirit Indentured spirit* Kn ight Knight Oligarch Noble Pontiff or ministrant Priest or acolyte TuE GHOST COUNCIL'S TRAITS * Appears in this chapter Ideal: "Influence is measured in power, status, and money, but mostly money." Bon d: "Gather as much as you can while you can, for when you die, you will take it with you." Flaw: "Everyone has a price." T EYSA KAR LO V TEVSA KARl.OV Under the authority of the Obzedat, Teysa Karlov (a mage with access to Orzhov guild spells) formerly held the title of grand envoy, serving as the representative of the Orzhov when interaction with the leadership of other guilds was necessary. A defining characteristic of the Orzhov for decades was the tension between Teysa, living in the complex political realities of the world, and the inflexible, avaricious Obzedat. Teysa argued strenuously that the Obzedat's isolationism and their reluctance to forge alliances that could make them reliant on other guilds would lead to the syndicate's downfall. That tension reached its boiling point when Teysa enlisted the help ofTajic, Blade of the Boros legion, in an attempt to seize power from the Obzedat. Her attempt failed, and the Obzedat imprisoned Teysa, eliminated the role of grand envoy, and canceled all dealings with other guilds. Teysa remains in prison to this day, and the Ghost Council extorts corrupt officials to make sure they keep her locked away. Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (ldlO) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Medium undead, lawful evil Armor Class 14 (natural armor) plus 1 for each other Obzedat ghost within 30 feet of it Hit Points 110 (20d8 + 20) Speed 0 ft .. fly 30 ft. (hover) STR 10 (+O) DEX 10 (+O) CON 13 (+1) INT 18 (+4) WIS 20 (+5) CHA 17 (+3) Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +8 Skills Insight +8, Perception +8 Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained Senses darkvision 60 ft .. passive Pe rception 18 Languages Common Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Council of Five. The ghost has a trait based on who it is, as shown below: Enezesku: Enfeebling Ray. Enezesku's Innate Spellcasting trait includes ray ofenfeeblement, which he can cast at will. Fautomni: Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces Fautomni to 0 hit points, he must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 +the damage take n, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, Fautomni drops to 1 hit point instead. Karlov: Unnatural Vigor. When Karlov regains hit points, he has advantage on attack rolls he makes on his next turn. Vuliev: Teleportation. Vuliev's Innate Spellcasting trait includes misty step, which he can cast at will. Xii Xaxosz: Lingering Spite. When Xii Xaxosz is reduced to 0 hit points, his incorporeal form explodes in a burst of necrotic energy. Each creature within 5 feet of him must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. Innate Spel/casting. The ghost's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: At will: chill touch (at 5th level, and the ghost regains hit points equal to half the amount of damage the target takes) 1/day each: sanctuary, spirit guardians (at 4th level) Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the ghost fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. A CTION S Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 18 (4d8) necrotic damage, and the ghost regains hit points equal to half the amount of damage the target takes. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. This reduction to the target's hit point maximum lasts until the target fin ishes a long rest. Convene the Ghost Council. The ghost summons the other four members of the Obzedat. At the start of the ghost's next turn, the other members appea r in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of the summoner. The ghosts each roll initiative when they appear. LEGENDARY A CT IONS If five Obzedat ghosts are all within 30 feet of each other, they can collectively take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op· tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Obzedat ghosts regain spent legendary actions at the start of the turn of the ghost with the highest initiative. Forced Obedience. A target that all of the Obzedat ghosts can see must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or bow until the end of its next turn. Until this bow ends, the target can't take actions or reactions, and its speed is 0 and can't be increased. Indentured Spirits (Costs 3 Actions). The Obzedat ghosts con· jure ld6 indentured spirits (described in this chapter) within 60 feet of one of them. CllM'TfR (i FRIE:--'DS AND FOl!S R AKDOS NPCs The Cult of Rakdos attracts thrill seekers. Some of its members are lured by promises of hedonistic pleasure; others are drawn l ike moths to the spectacle of the fiery stage. They come to join a twisted community where no impulse is unacceptable, no act is too vile, and all that matters is the excitement and pleasure of the moment. They come for a chance at the spotlight- some slim hope of fame, even if it is the infamy of going down in flames. And they come for fellowship, an easy companionship without the earnest spirituality of the Selesnya, the regimented discipline of the Boros. or the hierarchy of the Orzhov. Not every member of the guild is a performer; some members simply tag along to witness the guild's mayhem. The Rakdos NPCs table summarizes key roles within the guild. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. RAKDOS NPCs Role Appropriate Stat Block Blood witch Cult member Performer Blood witch* Cult fanatic or cultist Rakdos lampooner* or Rakdos performer* ~·A ppears in this chapter RAKDOS Rakdos, the demon for whom his cult is named, embodies hedonism. He is also the consummate entertainer, whose mere appearance is an act of grisly performance art. A monstrous fi gure standing thirty fee t tall, spreading enormous wings, crown ed with fire and swinging a flaming scythe, Rakdos demands the spotlight. His every entrance is a showstopper. Sometimes after his grand entrance, Rakdos crouches to witness the performances of those who adore him. To them , his opinion is the only one that matters, but he is a demanding spectator. He has seen thousands of years of circus tricks and has no patience for performers who don't give their all. His flaming scythe has brought more than one tepid show to a sudden and spectacular close. jaded as he is, Rakdos attends his cult's performances only rarely. H e often retreats into his lair below the cult's guildhall for months or years at a time, but his followers know that he might emerge at any time to witness the latest spectacle. RAKDOs's TRAITS Ideal: "Everyone should pursue their gr eatest desire." Bond: "If you want my favor, show me a performance I've never seen before." Flaw: "What is joy?" BLOOD WITCH Blood witches imagine themselves to be the intermediaries between Rakdos and his cult- the pinnacle of his priesthood, his trusted advisors, and the messengers who communicate his will to the scattered troupes and ringmasters. T he Cult of Rakdos recognizes no authority but Rakdos, and the demon lord r equires no advisors. Nonetheless, the blood witches are smart. charismatic, and powerful, so their voices do carry some weight. Blood witches strive both to protect the cult from external interference and to punish those who bring harm to the guild. T hey claim grandiose titles, such as Tormentor of the Wojek , as a way of mocking their intended victims. RAKDOS LAMPOONER One of the most effective weapons in the Rakdos cult's arsenal is satire, and a Rakdos lampooner is a virtuoso of that art. Lampooners generally reserve their mockery for people and guilds that have seized an outsized measure of power, those who need to be taken down a peg, rather than piling further humiliation onto those who are already struggling. They use masks, marionettes, or effigies to caricature public figures, or sometimes play pranks on those individuals directly in the streets. RAKDOS PERFORMER By offering a place for those of many different talents, the Cult of Rakdos has seen its numbers swell with performing artists, including blade jugglers, fire eaters, and high wire acrobats. Perform ers carry the message of Rakdos out into the streets: cut loose, free yourself from the bonds of society's mores and expectations, and indulge your desires. JUDITH , THE SCOURGE DIVA Judith appears at Rakdos clubs and street shows as a singer and performance artist, combining dark soliloquies and bizarre pain stunts. She's the grande dame of the Rakdos, and what she says backstage goes. Jud ith covets the adoration heaped on Rakdos by his cultists. She does countless performances a week, but the big demon gets all the praise. She has begun to assemble a small entourage of fans, toadies, and understudies who echo her complaints about the guild's leader. l3Looo Wire. ... Magic Resistance. Rakdos has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. RAKDOS Huge fiend (demon), chaotic evil Magic Weapons. Rakdos's wea pon attacks are magical. Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Hit Points 300 (24dl 2 + 144) Speed 40 ft. , fly 80 ft. STR 26 (+8) DEX 15 (+2) CON 22 (+6) ACTIONS INT 14 (+2) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 30 (+10) Saving Throws Str +15, Con +13, Wis +11, Cha +17 Skills Intimidation +17, Performance +17, Persuasion +17 Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, poisoned Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Abyssal, Common Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) Captivating Presence. Any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of Rakdos must make a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed by Rakdos for 1 minute or until the creature is farther than 30 feet away from him. On a successful save, the creature becomes immune to Rakdos's Captivating Presence for 24 hours. Cruel Entertainment. When a creature Rakdos can see within 60 feet of him is reduced to 0 hit points, Rakdos gains 25 temporary hit points. Innate Spellcasting. Rakdos's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 25). He can innatel y cast hellish rebuke (at 5th level) at will, requiring no material components. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Rakdos fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Multiattack. Rakdos makes two attacks with his Curtain-Call Scythe or his claws. Curtain-Ca/I Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (3dl0 + 8) slashing damage plus 13 (3d8) fire damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) slashing damage. LEGENDARY ACTIONS Rakdos can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op· tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Rakdos regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. Sadistic Revelry. Each creature within 60 feet of Rakdos that is his ally or is charmed by him must use its reaction to move up to half its speed toward the creature closest to it that it can see, provided it isn't already within S feet of that creature. It then must make one melee attack against that creature if it is able to do so. Scythe (Costs 2 Actions). Rakdos uses Curtain-Call Scythe. Touch of Pain (Costs 3 Actions). Rakdos makes a claw attack against one creature within 10 feet of him. The target must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for l minute. While poisoned in this way, the creature can't maintain concentration on a spell or any other effect that requires concentration. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. HAP lR FRILi\ OS All;D FOES R11KOOS Lll M POONf:R BLOOD WITCH Medium humanoid (any race), chaolic evil Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Hit Points 78 (1 2d8 + 24) Speed 30 ft. STR 16 (+3) DEX 14 (+2) CON 15 (+2) INT 13 (+l) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 19 (+ 4) Saving Throws Wi s +2, Cha +7 Skills Arcana +4, Int im idation +7, Perception +2, Stealth +5 Damage Resistances psychic Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Abyssal plus any one language (usually Common) Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Blood Witch Dance. The witch can use a bonus action to control the movement of one creature cursed by its hex spell that it can see within 30 feet of it. The creatu re must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving th row or use its reaction to move up to 30 feet in a d irection of the witch's choice. RAKDOS LAMPOONER Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic evil Armor Class 12 (leather armor) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed 30 ft. Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't imped e the witch's dark vision. Innate Spellcasting. The witch's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The witch can innately cast the following spells, requi ring no material components: At will: alter self, detect magic, eldritch blast (at 11th level).false life, levitate (self only), mage armor (self only) l/day each: circle ofdeath, enthrall, suggestion 3/day each: hellish rebuke, hex, scorching ray (at 3rd level) ACTIONS Multiattack. The witch makes two attacks: one with its longsword and one with its shortsword. STR 11 (+O) DEX CON 12 (+l) 13 (+l) INT 12 (+1) WIS 9 (- 1) CHA 18 (+4) Skills Deception +6, Performance +6 Senses passive Perception 9 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 2 (450 XP) Spel/casting. The lampoon er is a 4th-level Rakdos spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, + 6 to hit with spell attacks). It knows the following bard spells: Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, minor illusion, vicious mockery 1st level (4 slots): bane, dissonant whispers , silent image, Tasha's hideous laughter, thunderwave 2nd level (3 slots): crown of madness, enthrall, suggestion Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) slashing damage. A CTIONS Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) piercing damage. Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (ld4) bludgeoning damage. ( M \f'l l!R 6 FR!l:::\D~ A'\!J ror s Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/ 60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld4 + 3) piercing damage. RAKDOS PERFORMER Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic evil FIRE EATER ACTIONS Armor Class 13 Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft. STR 13 (+1) DEX CON 17 (+3) 12 (+1) Multiattack. The fire eater makes two attacks w ith its bladed chain. INT 10 (+O) WIS 8 (-1) CHA 15 (+2) Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +4 Skills Acro batics +7, Performance + 4 Senses passive Perception 9 languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1 (200 XP) Nimble. The performer can take the Disengage action as a bonus action on each of its turns. Performer Type. The performer is one of the following types: blade juggler, fire eater, or high-wire acrobat. The performer's type determines its action options, presented below. Bladed Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) slashing damage. Spew Flame (Recharge 4- 6). The fire eater exhales flames. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) fi re damage on a failed save, or half as much damage o n a successful one. HIGH-WIRE ACROBAT ACTIONS Multiattack. The acrobat makes t wo at tacks with its barbed pole. Barbed Pole. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) piercing damage, and the acrobat can j ump up to 20 feet. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. B LADE JUGGLER A CTIO N S Multiattack. The juggler makes three dagger attacks. CJIAl'TI R (j FRIE'>DS Ai"lJ Fors RAKDOS CARNIVAL As lumbering giants put up makeshift stages and cackling devils ignite the footlights, the first performers begin to gather the crowds. Exuberant music with erratic rhythms draws spectators from the surrounding neighborhood. and cheers of approval greet the more accomplished performers- along with gasps a nd shrieks as the acts get more risky and the fi rs t blood is drawn. Acrobats cavort through the streets while sword swallowers and knife throwers flash bright steel. The crowd gets larger and wilder, the shouts and screams get louder, the fires burn brighter, and blood glistens red in the torchlight. The spectacle is gruesome but captivating; the crowd hates to watch but can't look away. Soon madness takes them, a nd they- devils and ogres, acrobats and spectators- a re caught up in a fre nzy of violence. Only when it is over does the horror of the event sink in. A Rakdos carnival is more than the sum of its performers and its a udience. It is a frenzy that grips those present, a fiendish madness that comes on suddenly and departs just as quickly, leaving gore in its wake. The carnival, in fact, has a life of its own-and when adventurers face the Cult of Rakdos in the midst of a revel, the carnival is one more foe arrayed against them. When at least six Rakdos performers perform together in public, they can call on the carnival to aid them. When determining the difficulty of such an encounte r, consider the carnival to be one additional creature of challenge rating 3. LAIR ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the carnival takes a lair action, causing one of the following effects; the carnival can't use the same effect two rounds in a row: <.II \l'Tr R , I l S ANO I 01 S Fire erupts from the ground at up to four points of the DM's choice in the carnival. The fire lasts for 1 minute or until this action is used again. Each jet of flame is a 20-foot-tall cylinder with a 5-foot radius. Each creature in the cylinder when it first appears must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any creature that starts its turn in the flames must also make the saving throw. • Whirling blades, spiked chains. or other implements of agony appear for a moment to menace ld6 random creatures in a 20-foot cube. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 9 (2d8) force damage. • Blood splashes all creatures in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point within the ca rnival. Each creature in that area becomes the target of a confusion spell (save DC 15). REGIONAL EFFECTS The carnival exerts a powerful influence over those who come close to the festivities: When a creature that is outside the carnival sees or hears it. the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or use its movement each round to move toward the carnival. It can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. ending the effect on a success. On a successful save, the creature becomes immune to this effect for 24 hours. • If a creature attempts to leave the carnival. the creature must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature instead moves toward the center of the carnival. On a successful save, the creature becomes immune to this effect for 24 hours. If all the Ra kdos performers in the carnival die or leave its area, these effects end immediately. SELESNYA NPCs Those drawn to the Selesnya Conclave find the guild's mission of inclusion and harmony appealing. They gain comfort and fulfillment from the guild's peaceful coexistence with civilization and untamed nature. But the guild's drive isn't only to draw people into a peaceable community: the Selesnya aim to build an army. They aren't naive; they realize that the ambitions of other guilds will lead to violence, and they plan to be prepared for it. Despite the guild's atmosphere of peaceful quietude, many of its members have military roles. The Selesnya NPCs table summarizes key roles within the guild. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. SELESNYA NPCs Role Appropriate Stat Block Equenaut (cavalry) Scout mounted on a pegasus Ledev guardian (outrider) Knight mounted on a dire wolf Re ligious leader Priest or druid Selesnya soldier Soldier* or veteran Shepherd Horncaller* ·~Appears in this chapter TROSTANI The Selesnya guildmaster is an amalgamation of three dryads in body, will, and soul. Each dryad's body extends from a central trunk, so while they possess independent minds. they share a single name-Trostaniand a single life force. Usually Trostani communicates the will of the Worldsoul with one voice, but sbe retains three distinct personalities that embody the three parts of the Selesnyan ideal: order, life, and harmony. In the midst of increasing tensions on Ravnica, the three personalities have recently been at odds over how best to navigate the conclave through such difficult times. Trostani spends most of her time in the towering tree of Vitu-Ghazi, the Selesnya guildhall. There she communes with Mat'Selesnya and with the dryads who lead individual Selesnya communities across Ravnica. TROSTANI'S TRAITS Ideal: "l n each of us is the strength of all of us." B ond: "All will come to the warm embrace of the Conclave." F l aw: "I have nothing but anger for those who break the bonds of the community and leave our embrace." HORN CALLER Specialized shamans called horncallers use their magic to call wild beasts to fight alongside Selesnya troops. In quieter times, they tend the animals associated with Selesnya enclaves and parks. ThOSTANI ACTIONS Large fey, neutral good Multiattack. Trostani takes three actions: she uses Constrict and Touch of Order, and she casts a spell with a casting time of l action. Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 252 (24dl0 + 120) Speed 30 ft. STR 19 (+5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 20 (+5) Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target INT 16 (+3) WIS 30 (+10) CHA 25 (+7) Saving Throws Con +11, Wis+16, Cha +13 Skills Arcana +9, Ins ight +16, Natu re +9, Perception +1 6, Persuasion +13 Condition Immunities charmed, grappled Senses darkvision 120 ft. , passive Perception 26 Languages Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Innate Spe/lcasting. Trostani's innate spellcasting ab ility is Wisdom (spell save DC 24). She can innately cast the following s pells, requiring no material components: At will: dispel magic, druidcraft 3/day each: bless, conjure animals, giant insect, moonbeam, plant growth, spike growth, suggestion l/day each: conjure fey, mass cure wounds Legendary Resistance (3/0ay). lfTrostani fa ils a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. Trostani has advantage on saving throws aga inst spells and other magical effects. Magic Weapons. Trostani's weapon attacks are magical. Speak with Beasts and Plants. Trostani can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language. Tree Stride. Once on her turn, Trostani can use 10 feet of her movement to step magically into one living tree within her reach and emerge from a second living tree with in 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger. 2)2 CH'\rTER 6 I FRIENDS A.NO FOES is grappled (escape DC 19). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. Trostani can grapple no more than three targets at a time. Touch ofOrder. Melee Spell Attack: +16 to hit. reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 23 (3d8 + 10) radiant damage, and Trostani can choose one magic item she can see in the target's possession. Unless it's an artifact, the item's magic is suppressed until the start ofTrostani's next turn. Wrath of Mat'Selesnya (Recharge 5-6). Trostani conjures a mome ntary whirl of branches and vines at a poin t she can see with in 60 feet of her. Each creature in a 30-foot cube on that point must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage and 21 (6d6) slashing damage on a fai led save, or half as much damage on a successful one. LEGENDARY ACTIONS Trostani can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op· tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Trostani regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn. Voice of Harmony. Trostani makes one melee attack, with advantage on the attack roll. Voice oflife. Trostani bestows 20 temporary hit points on another creature she can see within 120 feet of her. Voice of Order. Trostani casts dispel magic. Chorus of the Conclave (Costs 2 Actions). Trostani casts suggestion. This counts as one of her daily uses of the spell. Awaken Grove Guard ians (Costs 3 Actions). Trostani animates one or two t rees she can see within 120 feet of her, causing them to uproot themselves and become awakened trees (see the Monster Manual for their stat blocks) for l minute or unti l Trostani uses a bonus action to end the effect. These trees understand Druidic and obey Trostani's spoken commands, but can't speak. If she issues no commands to them, the trees do nothing but follow her and take the Dodge action. .. HORN CALLER Medium humanoid (any race), lawf ul good Armor Class 13 (hide armor) Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Speed 30 ft . STR DEX CON INT WIS 13 (+1) 12 (+l) 14 (+2) 10 (+O) 14 (+2) CHA 13 (+1) Skills Animal Handling +4, Nature +2, Perception + 4 Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Common plus any one language Challenge 1 (200 XP) Innate Spel/casting. The horncaller's inna te spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14). The horncaller can innately cast the following spells, requiring no mate rial components: l/day each: bless , conjure animals Speak with Beasts. The horncaller can communicate with beasts as if they shared a language. ACTIONS Multiattack. The horncaller makes two melee attacks with its staff and uses One with the Worldsoul. Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach S ft ., one ta rget. Hit: 4 (ld6 + 1) piercing damage, or S (ld8 + 1) bludgeoning damage if used wit h two hands. One with the Worldsoul. The horncaller chooses one beast it can see within 30 feet of it. If the beast can hear the horn caller, the beast uses its reaction to make one melee attack against a target t ha t the horncaller can see. EMMARA T AND RI S An elf priest, Emmara Tandris is committed to pursuing peace between the guilds with all her heart, even as Trostani hesitates in self-conflict. As a friend of )ace Beleren, she understands that he's never going to be able to settle on Ravnica, so she believes the world needs a replacement for the Guildpact. Emmara plays an active role in her community, and she has many non-Selesnya friends aside from the Guildpact. One of the most active advocates of cooperation among the guilds, she is relying on personal connections with members of other guilds to help that effort. CHAPlER 6 FRl!·NUS A~D FOES S1M1c NPCs Curiosity about the manifold wonders of life-as well as the magical science involved in modifying it- leads inquisitive and ambitious minds from across Ravnica to join the Simic Combine. Grouped together in clades and projects, Simic scientists look for new ways to speed the nature's processes of adaptation and evolution, preparing organisms of all kinds that can thrive in the dangerous and ever-changing urban environment. Most Simic researchers are humans, vedalken, elves, and merfolk, or at least they were born that way. During their careers, they might give themselves such a wide variety of adaptations and augmentations that their heritage is hard to ascertain. The Simic NPCs table summarizes key roles within the guild. Statistics for these NPCs are found in the Monster Manual unless the table states otherwise. S1 M 1c NPCs Role Appropriate Stat Block Biomancer (creates hybrids) Biomancer* Forcemage (grows flora and fauna) Druid Terraformer (alters environments) Druid or mage * Appears in this chapter PRIME SPEAKER ZEGANA The regal and reticent Prime Speaker Zegana is the merfolk guildmaster of the Simic Combine. She upholds the traditional ways of the guild and its utopian philosophy, which espouses a vision of an ideal world in which nature and civilization coexist in perfect balance. Some people in the guild- members of the Adaptationist faction in particular-argue that her ways are outdated and the guild requires more practical leadership. In response, Zegana maintains that she serves as prime speaker only at the sufferance of the Speakers' Chamber, and if the other speakers wish to replace her, they are certainly within their rights to do so. ZEGANA'S TRAITS Ideal: "Nature's patterns are the schematics for how to improve." Bond: "I will use all the resources at my disposal to see that Ravnica becomes the best it can be." Flaw: "I can't understand how progress could ever be the wrong goal." BIOMANCER Nearly all the innovation and advancement in Simic bioengineering comes from the work of biomancers. Specialists in hybridizing and altering creatures through a mixture of science and magic, they have spawned countless hybrids and krasis in search of the perfect union between nature and civilization. ZEGANA A CTIONS Medium humanoid (merfolk), lawful neutral Prime Speaker's Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 0 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the trident emits a thunderous boom. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from the prongs of the trident must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. O n a failed save, the creature takes 9 (2d8) thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet away from Zegana. If the creature is underwa· ter, the damage is increased to 13 (3d8). On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed. Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 130 (20d8 + 40) Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. STR 11 (+O) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 20 (+S) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 16 (+3) Saving Throws Int +10, Wis +9 Skills Insight +9, Nature +1 0, Perception +9 Damage Resistances cold, poison Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19 languages Common, Elvish, Merfolk Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Amphibious. Zegana can breathe air and water. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). lfZegana fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead . Magic Resistance. Zegana has ad vanta ge on saving throws aga ins t spells and other magical effects. Spellcasting. Zegana is a 15th-level Simic spellcaste r. Her spell· casting ab ility is Intell igence (spell save DC 18, +1 0 to hit w ith spell attacks). She has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): acid splash, druidcraft, ray offrost, shape water lst level (4 slots): color spray, expeditious retreat.fog cloud, shield 2nd level (3 slots): enlarge/reduce, gust of wind 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell,fly, slow 4th level (3 slots): control water, ice storm, polymorph 5th level (2 slots): conjure elemental, creation 6th level (l slot): move earth, wall of ice 7th level (l slot): prismatic spray, teleport 8th level (l slot): control weather, dominate monster Deluge (Recharge 4-6). Zegana conjures a wave of water that crashes down on an area within 120 feet of her. The area can be up to 30 feet long, up to 10 feet wide, and up to l 0 feet tal l. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone. The wa· ter spreads out across the ground, extinguishing unprotected flames it comes in contact with, and then vanishes. LEG ENDA RY A CTI O NS Zegana can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op· tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Zegana regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn. Adaptive Skin. Zegana gains resistance to one damage type of her choice- acid, fire, lightning, or thunder-until the start of her next turn. Trident. Zegana makes one melee attack with the Prime Speak· er's Trident. Enlarge (Costs 2 Actions). Zegana casts enlarge/reduce on her· self, us ing the enlarge option, without expending a spell slot. Deluge (Costs 3 Actions). Zegana uses Deluge, if available. UHAl'l ER b I f{(~;~DS A~D FOES Spellcasting. The biomancer is a 16th-level Sim ic spellcaster. B IOMANCER Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). The biomancer has the following wizard spells prepared: Medium humanoid (any race), neutral good Armor Class 17 (splint) Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34) Speed 30 ft. STR 10 (+0) DEX 15 (+2) CON 14 (+2) Cantrips (at will): acid splash, light, mending, poison spray, shocking grasp INT 20 (+S) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 15 (+2) 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, grease, shield 2nd level (3 slots): alter self. darkvision, enlarge/reduce, hold person 3rd level (3 slots): counterspe/I, dispel magic, haste, protection Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +6 Skills Arca na +9, Nature +9 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Comm on plus any one language Challenge 10 (S,900 XP) Bolstering Presence. The biomancer magically emanates life-giving energy within 30 feet of itself. Any ally of the bio· mancer that starts its turn there regains 5 (ld10) hit points. Magic Resistance. The biomancer has advantage on saving throws against spell s and other magical effects. l 11 \P'l IR b I fRIEl\O!i AND FOE from energy 4th level (3 slots): confusion, conjure minor elementals, polymorph 5th 6th 7th 8th level level level level (2 slots): cone of cold, creation, hold monster (1 slot): move earth, wall of ice (1 slot): prismatic spray (1 slot): control weather A CTI O N S Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar· get. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) slashing damage.
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