I.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide I MX6
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i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide Document Number: IMX6FG Rev. 0, 11/2012 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section number Title Page Chapter 1 About This Guide 1.1 About this content.........................................................................................................................................................25 1.2 Devices supported.........................................................................................................................................................25 1.3 Essential reference........................................................................................................................................................25 1.4 Suggested reading.........................................................................................................................................................26 1.4.1 General information.......................................................................................................................................26 1.4.2 Related documentation...................................................................................................................................26 1.5 Notational conventions.................................................................................................................................................27 1.6 Acronyms and abbreviations.........................................................................................................................................28 Chapter 2 Register Macro Usage 2.1 Register macro usage overview....................................................................................................................................33 2.2 Register macro usage advantages.................................................................................................................................33 2.3 Overview of SCT registers............................................................................................................................................34 2.4 2.5 2.3.1 Using an SCT register....................................................................................................................................34 2.3.2 Using a clear-set (CS) operation....................................................................................................................35 Naming conventions for include files and macros........................................................................................................35 2.4.1 Include file naming conventions....................................................................................................................35 2.4.2 Register macro name conventions.................................................................................................................36 2.4.3 Bitfield macro name conventions..................................................................................................................37 2.4.4 Register struct naming conventions...............................................................................................................37 2.4.5 Register struct usage......................................................................................................................................38 Examples.......................................................................................................................................................................39 2.5.1 Setting 1-Bit Wide Field................................................................................................................................39 2.5.2 Clearing 1-Bit Wide Field..............................................................................................................................39 2.5.3 Toggling 1-Bit Wide Field.............................................................................................................................39 2.5.4 Modifying n-Bit Wide Field..........................................................................................................................39 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3 Section number 2.6 Title Page 2.5.5 Modifying Multiple Fields.............................................................................................................................40 2.5.6 Writing Entire Register..................................................................................................................................40 2.5.7 Reading a Bit Field........................................................................................................................................40 2.5.8 Reading Entire Register.................................................................................................................................41 2.5.9 Assembly example.........................................................................................................................................41 Summary examples.......................................................................................................................................................41 2.6.1 Preferred syntax.............................................................................................................................................41 2.6.2 Alternate syntax.............................................................................................................................................41 Chapter 3 Multicore Startup 3.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................43 3.2 Boot ROM process........................................................................................................................................................43 3.3 Activating the secondary cores.....................................................................................................................................44 3.4 Multicore hello world example ....................................................................................................................................45 3.4.1 System Reset Controller enable CPU function..............................................................................................46 3.4.2 Hello multicore world....................................................................................................................................46 Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver 4.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................49 4.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................51 4.3 ARM interrupts and exceptions....................................................................................................................................51 4.4 4.3.1 GIC interrupt distributor................................................................................................................................52 4.3.2 GIC core interfaces........................................................................................................................................53 Sample code..................................................................................................................................................................53 4.4.1 Handling interrupts using C...........................................................................................................................53 4.4.2 Enabling the GIC distributor .........................................................................................................................54 4.4.3 Enabling interrupt sources ............................................................................................................................55 4.4.4 Configuring interrupt priority .......................................................................................................................55 4.4.5 Targeting interrupts to specific cores ............................................................................................................56 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 4.5 Title Page 4.4.6 Using software generated interrupts (SGIs) ..................................................................................................57 4.4.7 Enabling the GIC processor interface............................................................................................................57 4.4.8 Setting the CPU priority level........................................................................................................................58 4.4.9 Reading the GIC IRQ Acknowledge ............................................................................................................58 4.4.10 Writing the end of IRQ..................................................................................................................................58 4.4.11 GIC "hello world" example ...........................................................................................................................59 4.4.12 GIC test code..................................................................................................................................................59 Initializing and using the GIC driver............................................................................................................................60 Chapter 5 Configuring the AUDMUX Driver 5.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................63 5.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................64 5.3 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................65 5.4 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................65 5.5 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................65 5.6 5.5.1 Port timing mode ...........................................................................................................................................66 5.5.2 Port receive mode...........................................................................................................................................66 Port configuration.........................................................................................................................................................67 5.6.1 Signal direction..............................................................................................................................................67 5.6.2 AUDMUX default setting..............................................................................................................................68 Example: Port2 to Port5...............................................................................................................68 5.7 Port configuration for SSI sync mode...........................................................................................................................69 5.8 Pseudocode for audmux_route......................................................................................................................................69 5.9 Pseudocode for audmux_port_set.................................................................................................................................70 Chapter 6 Configuring the eCSPI Driver 6.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................71 6.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................71 6.3 I/O signals.....................................................................................................................................................................72 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 Section number Title Page 6.4 eCSPI controller initialization.......................................................................................................................................72 6.5 eCSPI IOMUX pin mapping.........................................................................................................................................73 6.6 Clocks ..........................................................................................................................................................................74 6.7 Controller initialization.................................................................................................................................................74 6.8 eCSPI data transfers......................................................................................................................................................75 6.9 Application program interface......................................................................................................................................76 Chapter 7 Configuring the EIM Driver 7.1 EIM overview...............................................................................................................................................................79 7.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................79 7.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................80 7.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................80 7.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................81 7.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................82 7.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................82 7.8 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................83 Chapter 8 Configuring the EPIT Driver 8.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................85 8.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................85 8.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................85 8.4 Output compare event...................................................................................................................................................86 8.5 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................86 8.6 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................88 8.7 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................88 8.8 Initializing the EPIT driver...........................................................................................................................................88 8.9 Testing the EPIT driver.................................................................................................................................................90 8.9.1 Delay test........................................................................................................................................................90 8.9.2 Tick test..........................................................................................................................................................90 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page Chapter 9 Configuring the ESAI Driver 9.1 ESAI overview..............................................................................................................................................................91 9.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................91 9.3 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................92 9.4 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................92 9.5 External ESAI signal description .................................................................................................................................93 9.6 Audio framework..........................................................................................................................................................94 9.7 9.6.1 audio_card_t data structure............................................................................................................................94 9.6.2 audio_ctrl_t data structure..............................................................................................................................94 9.6.3 audio_codec_t data structure..........................................................................................................................94 9.6.4 audio_dev_ops_t data structure......................................................................................................................95 9.6.5 audio_dev_para_t data structure....................................................................................................................95 ESAI driver functions...................................................................................................................................................95 9.7.1 Resetting the ESAI.........................................................................................................................................96 9.7.2 Obtaining ESAI parameters...........................................................................................................................96 9.7.3 Setting ESAI parameters................................................................................................................................96 9.7.4 Obtaining ESAI status....................................................................................................................................96 9.7.5 Enabling ESAI submodules...........................................................................................................................97 9.7.6 Initializing the ESAI......................................................................................................................................97 9.7.7 Configuring the ESAI....................................................................................................................................97 9.7.8 Playback through ESAI..................................................................................................................................98 9.7.9 ESAI de-initialization....................................................................................................................................98 9.8 CS42888 driver.............................................................................................................................................................98 9.9 Testing the unit.............................................................................................................................................................98 Chapter 10 Configuring the Ethernet Driver 10.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................101 10.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................101 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7 Section number Title Page 10.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................103 10.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................104 10.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................104 10.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................105 10.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................106 10.8 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................106 Chapter 11 Configuring the FlexCAN Modules 11.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................107 11.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................108 11.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................109 11.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................109 11.5 Module timing...............................................................................................................................................................110 11.6 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................110 11.7 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................111 11.7.1 Module reset...................................................................................................................................................111 11.7.2 Module interrupts...........................................................................................................................................111 11.8 Initializing the FlexCAN module..................................................................................................................................112 11.9 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................113 Chapter 12 Configuring the GPU3D Driver 12.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................117 12.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................117 12.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................118 12.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................118 12.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................118 12.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................118 12.7 Initializing the GPU3D driver.......................................................................................................................................119 12.8 Testing the GPU3D driver............................................................................................................................................119 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 8 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller 13.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................121 13.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................122 13.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................123 13.4 Basic NAND timing......................................................................................................................................................124 13.5 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................125 13.6 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................125 13.7 APBH DMA..................................................................................................................................................................127 13.8 BCH ECC.....................................................................................................................................................................128 13.9 NAND FLASH WRITE example code.........................................................................................................................129 13.10 NAND FLASH READ example code..........................................................................................................................133 13.11 NAND FLASH ERASE example code.........................................................................................................................136 Chapter 14 Configuring the GPT Driver 14.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................139 14.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................139 14.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................140 14.4 Events............................................................................................................................................................................140 14.4.1 Output compare event....................................................................................................................................140 14.4.2 Input capture event.........................................................................................................................................140 14.4.3 Rollover event................................................................................................................................................141 14.5 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................141 14.6 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................143 14.7 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................143 14.8 Initializing the GPT driver............................................................................................................................................144 14.9 Testing the GPT driver..................................................................................................................................................145 14.9.1 Output compare test.......................................................................................................................................146 14.9.2 Input compare test..........................................................................................................................................146 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9 Section number Title Page Chapter 15 Configuring the HDMI Tx Module 15.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................147 15.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................148 15.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................149 15.4 Events............................................................................................................................................................................149 15.5 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................149 15.5.1 Video input interface clock............................................................................................................................150 15.5.2 System and slave register interface clocks.....................................................................................................150 15.5.3 EDID I2C E-DDC interface clock.................................................................................................................151 15.5.4 CEC interface clock.......................................................................................................................................151 15.5.5 HDMI Tx PHY interface................................................................................................................................152 15.6 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................152 15.7 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................153 15.8 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................153 15.9 15.8.1 Setting up the video input..............................................................................................................................153 15.8.2 Setting up the video sampler..........................................................................................................................154 15.8.3 Setting up the CSC (color space converter)...................................................................................................155 15.8.4 Setting up the video packetizer......................................................................................................................155 15.8.5 Setting up the frame composer.......................................................................................................................156 15.8.6 Setting up HDMI Tx PHY.............................................................................................................................157 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................157 Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device 16.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................159 16.2 Initializing the I2C controller........................................................................................................................................159 16.2.1 IOMUX pin configuration.............................................................................................................................160 16.2.2 Clocks.............................................................................................................................................................160 16.2.3 Configuring the programming frequency divider register (IFDR)................................................................161 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 16.3 16.4 Title Page I2C protocol..................................................................................................................................................................163 16.3.1 START signal................................................................................................................................................163 16.3.2 Slave address transmission.............................................................................................................................163 16.3.3 Data transfer...................................................................................................................................................164 16.3.4 STOP signal ..................................................................................................................................................165 16.3.5 Repeat start.....................................................................................................................................................165 Programming controller registers for I2C data transfers..............................................................................................166 16.4.1 Function to initialize the I2C controller.........................................................................................................166 16.4.2 Programming the I2C controller for I2C Read..............................................................................................166 16.4.3 Code used for I2C read operations.................................................................................................................168 16.4.4 Programming the I2C controller for I2C Write.............................................................................................169 16.4.5 Code used for I2C write operations...............................................................................................................171 Chapter 17 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Slave Device 17.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................173 17.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................173 17.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................173 17.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................174 17.5 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................175 17.6 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................175 17.7 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................177 17.7.1 Running the test.............................................................................................................................................177 Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver 18.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................179 18.2 IPU task management...................................................................................................................................................181 18.3 Image rendering............................................................................................................................................................183 18.3.1 IDMAC..........................................................................................................................................................183 18.3.2 DMFC............................................................................................................................................................183 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 11 Section number 18.4 18.5 Title Page 18.3.3 Display Processor (DP)..................................................................................................................................184 18.3.4 Display controller (DC).................................................................................................................................185 18.3.5 Display interface (DI)....................................................................................................................................186 Image processing..........................................................................................................................................................186 18.4.1 Downsizing....................................................................................................................................................187 18.4.2 Main processing.............................................................................................................................................188 18.4.3 Rotation..........................................................................................................................................................188 CSI preview..................................................................................................................................................................189 18.5.1 18.5.2 CSI interfaces.................................................................................................................................................189 Parallel interface..........................................................................................................................189 High-speed serial interface-MIPI (mobile industry processor interface).....................................189 CSI modes......................................................................................................................................................190 Gated mode..................................................................................................................................190 Non-gated mode...........................................................................................................................190 BT656 mode.................................................................................................................................191 BT1120 mode...............................................................................................................................191 18.6 CSI capture....................................................................................................................................................................192 18.7 Mixed task.....................................................................................................................................................................193 18.8 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................193 18.9 18.8.1 High-speed processing clock (HSP_CLK)....................................................................................................193 18.8.2 Display interface clocks (DI_CLKn).............................................................................................................194 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................195 18.10 Use cases.......................................................................................................................................................................196 18.10.1 Single image rendering example....................................................................................................................196 Configuring the IPU DMA channel (single image rendering).....................................................197 Allocating the DMFC block.........................................................................................................197 Configuring the DP block............................................................................................................197 Configuring the DC block............................................................................................................198 Configuring the DI block.............................................................................................................198 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 12 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page Enabling the blocks involved in the display flow........................................................................201 18.10.2 Image combining example.............................................................................................................................201 Configuring the IPU DMA channel.............................................................................................203 Allocating the DMFC...................................................................................................................203 Configuring the DP module.........................................................................................................203 Other modules..............................................................................................................................204 18.10.3 Image rotate example.....................................................................................................................................204 Configuring IDMAC channels for IC tasks (IC rotate)...............................................................205 Configuring the IC task................................................................................................................205 Setting IDMAC buffer ready.......................................................................................................206 Image rendering process (IDMAC).............................................................................................206 18.10.4 Image resizing example.................................................................................................................................206 IPU process flow..........................................................................................................................206 Configuring IDMAC channels for IC resize tasks.......................................................................207 Configuring the IC resize tasks....................................................................................................208 Setting IDMAC buffer ready (image rotation)............................................................................209 Image rendering process..............................................................................................................209 18.10.5 Color space conversion example....................................................................................................................210 IPU process flow (color space conversion)..................................................................................210 Configuring IDMAC channels for IC tasks.................................................................................210 Configuring IC tasks....................................................................................................................211 IPU configurations for the DP task..............................................................................................212 Chapter 19 Configuring the Keypad Controller 19.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................215 19.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................215 19.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................215 19.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................216 19.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................216 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 13 Section number Title Page 19.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................217 19.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................217 19.8 19.7.1 Closing the keypad port.................................................................................................................................218 19.7.2 Waiting for or obtaining a key press event....................................................................................................218 19.7.3 Waiting for all keys to release........................................................................................................................218 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................219 Chapter 20 Configuring the LDB Driver 20.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................221 20.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................223 20.3 Input and output ports...................................................................................................................................................223 20.4 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................223 20.5 20.6 20.4.1 Single display mode.......................................................................................................................................224 20.4.2 Dual display mode.........................................................................................................................................224 20.4.3 Separate display mode...................................................................................................................................224 20.4.4 Split mode......................................................................................................................................................225 LDB Processing............................................................................................................................................................225 20.5.1 SPWG mapping..............................................................................................................................................225 20.5.2 JEIDA mapping..............................................................................................................................................225 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................226 20.6.1 Data serialization clocking.............................................................................................................................227 20.7 Configuring the LDB_CTRL register...........................................................................................................................228 20.8 Use cases.......................................................................................................................................................................228 Chapter 21 Configuring the Camera Preview Driver 21.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................231 21.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................233 21.2.1 Synchronization performance details.............................................................................................................233 21.2.2 Simultaneous functionality support...............................................................................................................234 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 14 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 21.2.3 21.3 Title Page Data rate support............................................................................................................................................234 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................234 21.3.1 Interface modes..............................................................................................................................................234 21.3.2 Work modes...................................................................................................................................................235 21.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................235 21.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................236 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.5.1 IOMUX pin mapping for CSI0/CIS1 parallel interface.................................................................................237 21.5.2 IOMUX pin mapping for the MIPI CSI-2 interface .....................................................................................237 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................238 21.6.1 Resets.............................................................................................................................................................238 21.6.2 Interrupts........................................................................................................................................................238 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................239 21.7.1 Configuring the IDMAC channel for CSI......................................................................................................239 21.7.2 Allocating SMFC...........................................................................................................................................239 21.7.3 Configuring CSI.............................................................................................................................................240 21.7.4 Configuring the sensor...................................................................................................................................240 21.7.5 Image rendering.............................................................................................................................................241 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................241 Chapter 22 Configuring the MIPI CSI-2 Driver 22.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................243 22.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................245 22.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................245 22.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................245 22.4.1 Output clock...................................................................................................................................................246 22.4.2 Input clock .....................................................................................................................................................246 22.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................248 22.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................248 22.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................249 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 15 Section number 22.8 Title Page Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................250 Chapter 23 Configuring the MIPI DSI driver 23.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................251 23.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................252 23.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................253 23.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................254 23.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................255 23.6 Resets and Interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................255 23.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................255 23.7.1 23.7.2 23.8 Initializing the DSI controller........................................................................................................................255 Global configuration....................................................................................................................255 Configure the DPI interface.........................................................................................................256 Select the video transmission mode.............................................................................................256 Define the DPI horizontal timing configuration..........................................................................258 Define the vertical line configuration..........................................................................................258 Initializing the D-PHY...................................................................................................................................259 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................260 Chapter 24 Configuring the Power Modes 24.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................261 24.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................261 24.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................261 24.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................261 24.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................262 24.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................262 24.7 Using the driver.............................................................................................................................................................262 24.8 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................263 24.9 Running the test............................................................................................................................................................263 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 16 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page Chapter 25 Configuring the OCOTP Driver 25.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................265 25.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................265 25.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................265 25.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................266 25.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................266 25.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................266 25.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................266 25.8 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................267 25.9 Running the test............................................................................................................................................................267 Chapter 26 Configuring the PCI Express Driver 26.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................269 26.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................269 26.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................270 26.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................271 26.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................271 26.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................271 26.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................271 26.8 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................271 Chapter 27 Configuring the PWM driver 27.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................273 27.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................273 27.3 Clocks ..........................................................................................................................................................................274 27.4 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................274 27.5 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................275 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 17 Section number 27.6 Page Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................276 27.6.1 27.6.2 27.7 Title Configuring the PWM output........................................................................................................................276 Generating the pulse width..........................................................................................................276 Generating the duty cycle............................................................................................................277 Enabling PWM output...................................................................................................................................277 Application program interface......................................................................................................................................277 Chapter 28 Using the SATA SDK 28.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................279 28.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................279 28.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................280 28.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................280 28.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................281 28.6 Resets and Interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................281 28.7 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................281 28.8 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................281 Chapter 29 Configuring the SDMA Driver 29.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................283 29.2 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................283 29.3 Scripts...........................................................................................................................................................................285 29.4 Channels and channel descriptor..................................................................................................................................285 29.5 Buffer descriptor and BD chain....................................................................................................................................286 29.6 Application programming interface..............................................................................................................................287 29.7 Using the API................................................................................................................................................................290 Chapter 30 Configuring the SPDIF Driver 30.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................291 30.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................291 30.3 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................292 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 18 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number Title Page 30.4 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................292 30.5 Audio framework..........................................................................................................................................................293 30.6 30.7 30.5.1 audio_card_t data structure............................................................................................................................293 30.5.2 audio_ctrl_t data structure..............................................................................................................................294 30.5.3 audio_codec_t data structure..........................................................................................................................294 30.5.4 audio_dev_ops_t data structure......................................................................................................................294 30.5.5 audio_dev_para_t data structure....................................................................................................................294 Using SPDIF driver functions.......................................................................................................................................295 30.6.1 Soft resetting SPDIF......................................................................................................................................295 30.6.2 Dumping readable SPDIF registers................................................................................................................295 30.6.3 Obtaining SPDIF setting and status...............................................................................................................296 30.6.4 Initializing SPDIF..........................................................................................................................................296 30.6.5 Configuring SPDIF........................................................................................................................................297 30.6.6 Playback through SPDIF................................................................................................................................297 30.6.7 De-initializing SPDIF....................................................................................................................................297 Testing the SPDIF driver..............................................................................................................................................298 Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver 31.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................299 31.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................300 31.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................300 31.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................301 31.5 Counters........................................................................................................................................................................301 31.5.1 31.5.2 Non-Secured Real Time Counter...................................................................................................................301 Non-Secured Real Time Counter Alarm......................................................................................301 Non-Secured Real Periodic Interrupt...........................................................................................302 Secure Real Time Counter.............................................................................................................................302 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 19 Section number 31.6 Title Page Driver API.....................................................................................................................................................................303 31.6.1 31.6.2 SNVS lower level driver APIs.......................................................................................................................303 Enable/Disable SNVS non-secured real time counter.................................................................303 Enable/Disable SNVS non-secured time alarm...........................................................................304 Enable/Disable SNVS periodic interrupt.....................................................................................304 Set SNVS non-secure real time counter registers........................................................................305 Set SNVS non-secure RTC time alarm registers.........................................................................306 Enable/Disable SNVS secure real time counter...........................................................................306 Enable/Disable SNVS secure time alarm.....................................................................................307 Set SNVS secured real time counter registers.............................................................................307 Set SNVS non-secure time alarm register....................................................................................308 RTC upper layer driver APIs.........................................................................................................................308 Initialize RTC...............................................................................................................................308 De-initialize RTC.........................................................................................................................309 Setup RTC one time alarm...........................................................................................................309 Setup RTC periodic time alarm ..................................................................................................310 Disable RTC periodic alarm........................................................................................................310 31.6.3 SRTC upper layer driver APIs.......................................................................................................................311 31.6.4 Initialize SRTC..............................................................................................................................................311 31.6.5 De-initialize SRTC.........................................................................................................................................311 31.6.6 Setup SRTC one time alarm...........................................................................................................................312 31.6.7 Testing the SNVS SRTC/RTC driver............................................................................................................312 Chapter 32 Configuring the SSI Driver 32.1 SSI overview.................................................................................................................................................................315 32.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................316 32.3 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................317 32.4 IOMUX pin mapping ...................................................................................................................................................317 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 20 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 32.5 32.6 Title Page Audio framework..........................................................................................................................................................318 32.5.1 audio_card_t data structure............................................................................................................................319 32.5.2 audio_ctrl_t data structure..............................................................................................................................319 32.5.3 audio_codec_t data structure..........................................................................................................................319 32.5.4 audio_dev_ops_t data structure......................................................................................................................319 32.5.5 audio_dev_para_t data structure....................................................................................................................320 SSI driver functions......................................................................................................................................................320 32.6.1 Resetting the SSI............................................................................................................................................321 32.6.2 Obtaining SSI setting and status values.........................................................................................................321 32.6.3 Setting SSI parameters...................................................................................................................................321 32.6.4 Enabling SSI sub-modules.............................................................................................................................322 32.6.5 Initializing the SSI driver...............................................................................................................................322 32.6.6 Configuring the SSI.......................................................................................................................................322 Playback through SSI...................................................................................................................323 32.7 sgtl5000 driver..............................................................................................................................................................323 32.8 Testing the unit.............................................................................................................................................................323 32.9 Functions.......................................................................................................................................................................324 32.9.1 Local functions...............................................................................................................................................324 32.9.2 APIs................................................................................................................................................................325 Chapter 33 Configuring the UART Driver 33.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................327 33.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................327 33.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................327 33.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................328 33.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................329 33.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................329 33.7 Initializing the UART driver.........................................................................................................................................329 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 21 Section number 33.8 Title Page Testing the UART driver..............................................................................................................................................331 33.8.1 Echo test.........................................................................................................................................................331 33.8.2 SDMA test......................................................................................................................................................331 33.8.3 Running the UART test..................................................................................................................................331 Chapter 34 Configuring the USB Host Controller Driver 34.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................333 34.2 Feature summary ..........................................................................................................................................................333 34.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................334 34.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................334 34.5 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................335 34.6 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................335 34.7 Initializing the host driver.............................................................................................................................................336 34.8 Initializing the device driver.........................................................................................................................................337 34.9 Testing the host mode...................................................................................................................................................338 34.10 Testing the device mode...............................................................................................................................................338 34.11 PHY and clocks API.....................................................................................................................................................339 34.12 USB host API................................................................................................................................................................339 34.13 USB device API............................................................................................................................................................341 34.14 Source code and structure.............................................................................................................................................342 Chapter 35 Configuring the uSDHC Driver 35.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................345 35.2 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................345 35.3 IOMUX pin mapping....................................................................................................................................................346 35.4 Initializing the uSDHC controller ................................................................................................................................347 35.4.1 Initializing the SD/MMC card.......................................................................................................................347 35.4.2 Frequency divider configuration....................................................................................................................347 35.4.3 Send command to card flow chart..................................................................................................................348 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 22 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Section number 35.5 35.6 Title Page 35.4.4 SD voltage validation flow chart...................................................................................................................349 35.4.5 SD card initialization flow chart....................................................................................................................350 35.4.6 MMC voltage validation flow chart...............................................................................................................351 35.4.7 MMC card initialization flow chart...............................................................................................................352 Transferring data with the uSDHC...............................................................................................................................353 35.5.1 Reading data from the card............................................................................................................................353 35.5.2 Writing data to the card..................................................................................................................................354 Application programming interfaces............................................................................................................................355 35.6.1 card_init API..................................................................................................................................................355 35.6.2 card_data_read API........................................................................................................................................355 35.6.3 card_data_write API......................................................................................................................................355 Chapter 36 Configuring the VDOA Driver 36.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................357 36.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................357 36.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................357 36.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................358 36.5 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................358 36.6 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................358 36.7 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................359 Chapter 37 Configuring the VPU Driver 37.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................361 37.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................362 37.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................363 37.3.1 Using the input stream modes........................................................................................................................363 37.3.2 Using the output stream modes......................................................................................................................363 37.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................................365 37.5 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................366 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 23 Section number 37.6 37.7 Title Page Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................366 37.6.1 Initializing the VPU for the first time............................................................................................................366 37.6.2 Initializing the VPU decoder..........................................................................................................................367 37.6.3 VPU encoder initialization.............................................................................................................................367 37.6.4 Using the multi-instance operation................................................................................................................369 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................369 37.7.1 Testing the decoder........................................................................................................................................369 37.7.2 Testing the encoder........................................................................................................................................369 37.7.3 Running the multi-instance demo..................................................................................................................370 Chapter 38 Configuring the Watchdog Driver 38.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................373 38.2 Feature summary...........................................................................................................................................................375 38.3 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................375 38.4 Signals...........................................................................................................................................................................375 38.5 Resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................................376 38.6 Initializing the driver.....................................................................................................................................................376 38.7 Testing the driver..........................................................................................................................................................376 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 24 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 About This Guide 1.1 About this content This document’s purpose is to help software engineers create board bring up and test code for their own custom boards based on the i.MX 6 series of application processors. It provides example driver code that demonstrates the proper initialization, boot up and basic I/O operation of i.MX 6 peripherals and controllers. This code can be implemented into test suites or boot code to help ensure proper board functionality. Engineers are expected to have a working understanding of the ARM processor programming model, the C programming language, tools such as compilers and assemblers, and program build tools such as MAKE. Familiarity with the use of commonly available hardware test and debug tools such as oscilloscopes and logic analyzers is assumed. An understanding of the architecture of the i.MX 6 series of application processors is also assumed. This guide is released along with the i.MX 6 series Platform SDK release package, which consists of a working set of sample drivers and test code for customer reference and use. The README.pdf document in the package describes how to build and run the drivers and the test code. 1.2 Devices supported The firmware guide currently supports the i.MX 6Quad and 6Dual processor families. 1.3 Essential reference This guide intended as a companion to the i.MX 6 series chip reference manuals and data sheets. You should have access to an electronic copy of the latest versions of your chipspecific reference manual and data sheet. A non-disclosure agreement may be required. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 25 Suggested reading At the time of publication, the following reference manual is available: • i.MX 6Dual/6Quad Multimedia Applications Processor Reference Manual (IMX6DQRM). At the time of publication, the following data sheets are available: • i.MX 6Dual/6Quad Automotive and Infotainment Applications Processors (IMX6DQAEC) • i.MX 6Dual/6Quad Applications Processors for Consumer Products (IMX6DQCEC) Contact your local FAE if you need assistance obtaining an electronic copy or an updated list of available chip-specific reference manuals. 1.4 Suggested reading This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this manual as well as general information about the architecture. 1.4.1 General information The following documentation provides useful information about the ARM processor architecture and computer architecture in general: • For information about the ARM Cortex-A9 processor see http://www.arm.com/ products/processors/cortex-a/cortex-a9.php • Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Fourth Edition, by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson • Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Second Edition, by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy 1.4.2 Related documentation Freescale documentation is available from the sources listed on the back page of this guide. Additional literature is published as new Freescale products become available. For a current list of documentation, refer to www.freescale.com. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 26 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 About This Guide 1.5 Notational conventions This table shows notational conventions used in this content. Table 1-1. Notational conventions Convention Definition General Cleared When a bit takes the value zero, it is said to be cleared. Set When a bit takes the value one, it is said to be set. mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold. italics Italics can indicate the following: • Variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx • Titles of publications • Internal signals, for example, core int h Suffix to denote hexadecimal number. Note that numbers in code may use the alternate 0x prefix convention to denote hexadecimal instead. b Suffix to denote binary number. Note that numbers in code may use the alternate 0b prefix convention to denote binary instead. REGISTER[FIELD] Abbreviations for registers are shown in uppercase text. Specific bits, fields, or ranges appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian mode enable bit in the machine state register. x In some contexts, such as signal encodings, an unitalicized x indicates a don't care. x An italicized x indicates an alphanumeric variable n An italicized n indicates either: • An integer variable • A general-purpose bitfield unknown ~ NOT logical operator & AND logical operator | OR logical operator || Concatenation, for example, TCR[WPEXT] || TCR[WP] Signals OVERBAR An overbar indicates that a signal is active-low. _b, _B Alternate notation to indicate that a signal is active-low lowercase_italics Lowercase italics is used to indicate internal signals lowercase_plaintext Lowercase plain text is used to indicate signals that are used for configuration. Register access Reserved Ignored for the purposes of determining access type R/W Indicates that all non-reserved fields in a register are read/write R Indicates that all non-reserved fields in a register are read only W Indicates that all non-reserved fields in a register are write only w1c Indicates that all non-reserved fields in a register are cleared by writing ones to them i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 27 Acronyms and abbreviations 1.6 Acronyms and abbreviations The following table defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Table 1-2. Definitions and acronyms Term Definition Address Translation Address conversion from virtual domain to physical domain API Application programming interface ARM® Advanced RISC machines processor architecture AUDMUX Digital audio multiplexer Provides a programmable interconnection for voice, audio, and synchronous data routing between host serial interfaces and peripheral serial interfaces. BCD Binary coded decimal Bus Path between several devices through data lines. Bus load Percentage of time a bus is busy. CODEC Coder/decoder or compression/decompression algorithm Used to encode and decode (or compress and decompress) various types of data. CPU Central processing unit Generic term used to describe a processing core. CRC Cyclic redundancy check Bit error protection method for data communication. CSI Camera sensor interface DMA Direct memory access An independent block that can initiate memory-to-memory data transfers. DRAM Dynamic random access memory EMI External memory interface Controls all IC external memory accesses (read/write/erase/program) from all the masters in the system. Endian Refers to byte ordering of data in memory. • Little endian means that the least significant byte of the data is stored in a lower address than the most significant byte. • Big endian means that the least significant byte of the data is stored in a higher address than the most significant byte (the reverse of little endian) EPD Electronic paper display EPIT Enhanced periodic interrupt timer A 32-bit set and forget timer capable of providing precise interrupts at regular intervals with minimal processor intervention. ePXP Enhanced pixel pipeline FCS Frame checker sequence FIFO First in first out Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 28 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 About This Guide Table 1-2. Definitions and acronyms (continued) Term FIPS Definition Federal information processing standards United States Government technical standards published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST develops FIPS when there are compelling Federal government requirements such as for security and interoperability but no acceptable industry standards or solutions. FIPS-140 Security requirements for cryptographic modules Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2(FIPS 140-2) is a standard that describes US Federal government requirements that IT products should meet for sensitive, but unclassified (SBU) use. Flash A non-volatile storage device similar to EEPROM, but where erasing can only be done in blocks of the entire chip. Flash path Path within ROM bootstrap pointing to an executable Flash application. Flush A procedure to reach cache coherency. Refers to removing a data line from cache. This process includes cleaning the line, invalidating its VBR and resetting the tag valid indicator. The flush is triggered by a software command. GPIO General purpose input/output Hash Hash values are produced to access secure data. A hash value (or simply hash), also called a message digest, is a number generated from a string of text. The hash is substantially smaller than the text itself, and is generated by a formula in such a way that it is extremely unlikely that some other text will produce the same hash value. I/O Input/output ICE In-circuit emulation IP Intellectual property IrDA Infrared data association A nonprofit organization whose goal is to develop globally adopted specifications for infrared wireless communication. ISR Interrupt service routine JTAG JTAG (IEEE Standard 1149.1) A standard specifying how to control and monitor the pins of compliant devices on a printed circuit board. Kill Abort a memory access. KPP Keypad port A 16-bit peripheral that can be used as a keypad matrix interface or as general purpose input/output (I/O). line Refers to a unit of information in the cache that is associated with a tag LRU Least recently used A policy for line replacement in the cache. MMU Memory management unit A component responsible for memory protection and address translation. MPEG Moving picture experts group An ISO committee that generates standards for digital video compression and audio. It is also the name of the algorithms used to compress moving pictures and video. Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 29 Acronyms and abbreviations Table 1-2. Definitions and acronyms (continued) Term MPEG standards Definition There are several standards of compression for moving pictures and video. • MPEG-1 is optimized for CD-ROM and is the basis for MP3. • MPEG-2 is defined for broadcast quality video in applications such as digital television set-top boxes and DVD. • MPEG-3 was merged into MPEG-2. • MPEG-4 is a standard for low-bandwidth video telephony and multimedia on the World-Wide Web. MQSPI Multiple queue serial peripheral interface Used to perform serial programming operations necessary to configure radio subsystems and selected peripherals. MSHC Memory stick host controller NAND Flash Flash ROM technology NAND Flash and NOR Flash architecture are the two flash technologies that are used in memory cards such as the Compact Flash cards. NAND Flash is best suited to flash devices requiring high capacity data storage. NAND Flash devices offer storage space up to 512-Mbyte and offer faster erase, write, and read capabilities than NOR architecture. NOR Flash See NAND Flash. PCMCIA Personal computer memory card international association A multi-company organization that has developed a standard for small, credit card-sized devices, called PC cards. There are three types of PCMCIA cards that have the same rectangular size (85.6 by 54 millimeters), but different widths. Physical address The address by which the memory in the system is physically accessed. PLL Phase locked loop An electronic circuit controlling an oscillator so that it maintains a constant phase angle (a lock) on the frequency of an input, reference, or signal. RAM Random access memory RAM path Path within ROM bootstrap leading to the downloading and the execution of a RAM application RGB The RGB color model is based on the additive model in which red, green, and blue light are combined in various ways to create other colors. The abbreviation RGB come from the three primary colors in additive light models. RGBA RGBA color space stands for the colors red, green, blue, and alpha. The alpha channel is the transparency channel, and is unique to this color space. RGBA, like RGB, is an additive color space, so the more of a color you place, the lighter the picture gets. PNG is the best known image format that uses the RGBA color space. RNGA Random number generator accelerator A security hardware module that produces 32-bit pseudorandom numbers as part of the security module. ROM Read only memory ROM bootstrap Internal boot code encompassing the main boot flow as well as exception vectors RTIC Real-time integrity checker A security hardware module SCC Security controller A security hardware module SDMA Smart direct memory access SDRAM Synchronous dynamic random access memory SoC System on a chip Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 30 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 About This Guide Table 1-2. Definitions and acronyms (continued) Term SPBA Definition Shared peripheral bus arbiter A three-to-one IP-Bus arbiter, with a resource-locking mechanism. SPI Serial peripheral onterface A full-duplex synchronous serial interface for connecting low-/medium-bandwidth external devices using four wires. SPI devices communicate using a master/slave relationship over two data lines and two control lines: Also see SS, SCLK, MISO, and MOSI. SRAM Static random access memory SSI Synchronous serial interface Standardized interface for serial data transfer TBD To be determined UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter This module provides asynchronous serial communication to external devices. UID Unique ID A field in the processor and CSF identifying a device or group of devices USB Universal serial bus An external bus standard that supports high speed data transfers. The USB 1.1 specification supports data transfer rates of up to 12 Mb/s and USB 2.0 has a maximum transfer rate of 480 Mbps. A single USB port can be used to connect up to 127 peripheral devices, such as mice, modems, and keyboards. USB also supports plug-and-play installation and hot plugging. USBOTG USB On The Go An extension of the USB 2.0 specification for connecting peripheral devices to each other. USBOTG devices, also known as dual-role peripherals, can act as limited hosts or peripherals depending on how the cables are connected to the devices. They also can connect to a host PC. Word A group of bits comprising 32 bits i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 31 Acronyms and abbreviations i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 32 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Register Macro Usage 2.1 Register macro usage overview This chapter provides background on the register set and provides examples of how to use the hardware register macros generated from the chip database. The include files provide a consistent set of C defines and macros that should be used to access the hardware registers. 2.2 Register macro usage advantages Using the register macros generated from the chip reference manual database provides the following advantages. • The macros isolate code from specifics of the hardware such as register addresses, which makes it possible to write drivers and other code that is portable between chips. • Using register macros produces self-documenting code. Named constants and macros clearly indicate the tasks being performed, unlike hard-coded addresses or values that are difficult to understand. • Using register headers provided by Freescale instead of hand-coded headers ensures the most accurate values and facilitates easy updates if errors in the header files or reference manual are discovered. • The macros ensure that the optimal sequence of operations is performed for set, clear, or toggle (SCT) or bitfield write operations, depending on whether the register has hardware SCT register instances available. • Register macros provide multiple options for expressing the operation being performed. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 33 Overview of SCT registers 2.3 Overview of SCT registers Certain hardware registers are implemented as a set that can be used to either set, clear, or toggle (SCT) individual bits of the primary register. These registers are used to avoid time consuming read-modify-write (RMW) operations. SCT registers also provide the ability atomically change values of single-bit bitfields. This functionality is useful because the chip has a complex architecture that uses multiple buses to segment I/O traffic and clock domains. To facilitate low power consumption, clocks are set to just meet application demands. In general, the I/O buses and associated hardware blocks run at slower speeds than the CPU’s speed. Reading a hardware register may therefore incur a large number of wait cycles because the CPU must wait for the register data to travel multiple buses and bridges. The chip does provide write buffering, meaning the CPU does not wait for register write transactions to complete. From the CPU perspective, register writes occur much faster than reads. In addition, most hardware registers are subdivided into smaller functional bit fields that are not required to align on byte or half-word boundaries. These bit fields can be any number of bits wide and are usually packed. Without the SCT registers, the best way to update a single bit field without affecting the contents of the register’s remaining fields would be to use a read-modify-write (RMW) operation. In this operation, the CPU reads the register, modifies the target field, and then writes the results back to the register. However, the initial register read makes the RMW operation expensive in terms of CPU cycles. 2.3.1 Using an SCT register When writing to an SCT register, all set bits perform the associated operation on the primary register, while all cleared bits set are not affected. SCT registers always read back 0 and should be considered write-only. SCT registers are not implemented if the primary register is read-only or if the register contains a single value that does not make sense to update partially (such as a memory address). In addition, only certain IP blocks support SCT registers. NOTE Not all macros for set, clear, or toggle (SCT) are atomic. For registers that do not provide hardware support for this functionality, these macros are implemented as a sequence of read/modify/write operations. When atomic operation is i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 34 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Register Macro Usage required, the developer should pay attention to this detail, because unexpected behavior might result if an interrupt occurs in the middle of the critical section comprising the update sequence. 2.3.2 Using a clear-set (CS) operation When SCT registers are available, it is possible to update one or more fields using only register writes. First, all bits of the target fields are cleared by a write to the associated clear register, then the desired value of the target fields is written to the set register. This sequence of two writes is referred to as a clear-set (CS) operation. A CS operation does have one potential drawback. Whenever a field is modified, the hardware sees a value of 0 before the final value is written. For most fields, passing through the 0 state is not a problem. Nonetheless, this behavior is something to consider when using a CS operation. Also, a CS operation is not required for fields that are one bit wide. While the CS operation works in this case, it is more efficient to simply set or clear the target bit (that is, one write instead of two). A simple set or clear operation is also atomic, while a CS operation is not. 2.4 Naming conventions for include files and macros The generated include files and macros follow a consistent naming convention. This prevents namespace collisions and makes the macros easier to remember. Macro names are built from patterns based on the names listed in the reference manual. Thus, it is possible to construct a macro name solely by looking at the reference manual contents. 2.4.1 Include file naming conventions • The include file for a specific hardware module is named regs.h. The module name is in all lower case and has no spaces. • The regs.h header file is included by each of the hardware module header files. It provides several shared typedefs and macros. • The regs.h file also provides a number of generic macros that can be used as an alternate syntax for the various register operations. Because many operations involve using two or more of the defined macros, the module, register, and bitfield names are i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 35 Naming conventions for include files and macros often repeated in a C expression. The generic macros provide shorthand to avoid the repetition. Refer to the examples in this chapter for the alternate syntax. The include files are safe to use with assembly code as well as C or C++ code. Not all defines make sense in the assembly context, but many are useful. Those declarations that are only applicable to C/C++ are excluded when the headers are included in assembly code. CAUTION The preprocessor macro __LANGUAGE_ASM__ must be defined prior to including the register definition header files in assembly code. 2.4.2 Register macro name conventions The following tables show the register macro name conventions for single- and multiinstance modules. Table 2-1. Single-instance modules Format Purpose Example hw_ _ _t register struct hw_gpmi_ctrl0_t HW_ _ _ADDR register address HW_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDR HW_ _ access register struct HW_GPMI_CTRL0 HW_ _ _RD() read register HW_GPMI_CTRL0_RD() HW_ _ _WR(v) write register HW_GPMI_CTRL0_WR(0xc0000000) HW_ _ _SET(v) set register bits HW_GPMI_CTRL0_SET(0x1000) HW_ _ _CLR(v) clear register bits HW_GPMI_CTRL0_CLR(0x1000) HW_ _ _TOG(v) toggle register bits HW_GPMI_CTRL0_TOG(0x1000) Macros for multi-instance modules take the instance number as an additional first argument. In the definitions below, the parameter x is the instance number. The instance numbers accepted as arguments match the numbers shown in the register memory map in the reference manual. In almost all cases, instance numbers start at 1. Table 2-2. Multi-instance modules Format Purpose Example hw_ _ _t register struct hw_ecspi_conreg_t HW_ _ _ADDR(x) register address HW_ECSPI_CONREG_ADDR(2) HW_ _ (x) access register struct HW_ECSPI_CONREG(2) HW_ _ _RD(x) read register HW_ECSPI_CONREG_RD(2) Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 36 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Register Macro Usage Table 2-2. Multi-instance modules (continued) Format Purpose Example HW_ _ _WR(x, v) write register HW_ECSPI_CONREG_WR(2, 0xc0000000) HW_ _ _SET(x, v) set register bits HW_ECSPI_CONREG_SET(2, 0x1000) HW_ _ _CLR(x, v) clear register bits HW_ECSPI_CONREG_CLR(2, 0x1000) HW_ _ _TOG(x, v) toggle register bits HW_ECSPI_CONREG_TOG(2, 0x1000) 2.4.3 Bitfield macro name conventions The following tables explain the bitfield macro naming conventions for single- and multiinstance modules. Table 2-3. Single-instance modules Format Purpose Example BP_ _ _ bit position BP_GPMI_CTRL0_CLKGATE BM_ _ _ bit mask, pre-shifted BM_GPMI_CTRL0_CLKGATE BF_ _ _ (v) shift and mask bitfield value BF_CCM_ANALOG_PLL_ARM_DIV_SELECT(7) BG_ _ _ (r) get bitfield value from register value BG_CCM_ANALOG_PLL_ARM_DIV_SELECT(HW_ CCM_ANALOG_PLL_ARM_RD()) BW_ _ _ (v) write bitfield using SCT BW_CCM_ANALOG_PLL_ARM_DIV_SELECT(12) or RMW BV_ _ _ __ constant BV_CCM_ANALOG_PLL_ARM_BYPASS_CLK_SRC __OSC_24M Only the BW_ bitfield macro differs for multi-instance modules. Table 2-4. Multi-instance modules Format Purpose Example BW_ _ _ (x, v) write bitfield using SCT BW_ECSPI_CONREG_CHANNEL_SELECT(1, 2) or RMW 2.4.4 Register struct naming conventions For each register present in a module, the generated include files declare a struct (actually, a union) with a name similar to hw_ecspi_conreg_t. These struct declarations have members for each of the register's bitfields, as well as a member to access the register value as a whole. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 37 Naming conventions for include files and macros The following code shows an example register struct declaration, using the EPITSR register of the EPIT mode: typedef union _hw_epit_epitsr { reg32_t U; struct _hw_epit_epitsr_bitfields { unsigned OCIF : 1; //!< [0] Output compare interrupt flag. unsigned RESERVED0 : 31; //!< [31:1] Reserved. } B; } hw_epit_epitsr_t; This example demonstrates the key features of register structs: • The outer union declaration always includes a U field that represents the entire register value. • A B member struct holds the bitfield member declarations. Note The B member struct is used to ensure that all compilers can understand the declarations. Some compilers do not allow anonymous union members. 2.4.5 Register struct usage The include files also contain a macro to access each register as a reference to the corresponding register struct. As shown in Table 2-2 , these macros look like HW_EPIT_EPITSR. Because the macro evaluates to a reference, not a pointer, members are accessed with the dot ('.') operator. The following shows example uses of register structs: // Integer value of the register HW_GPMI_CTRL0.U // single-instance HW_EPIT_EPITSR(1).U // multi-instance // Bitfield access HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.CLKGATE // single-instance HW_EPIT_EPITSR(2).B.OCIF // multi-instance NOTE Modifying bitfield values through the register struct causes the compiler to generate read-modify-write code, which is inherently non-atomic. In cases where registers have SCT instances, it is possible to update single-bit bitfields atomically using set or clear operations. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 38 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Register Macro Usage 2.5 Examples The following examples show how to code common register operations using the predefined include files. Each example shows preferred and alternate syntax and also shows constructs to avoid. Summaries are provided toward the end. The examples are valid C and will compile without errors. The reader is encouraged to compile these examples and examine the resulting assembly code. 2.5.1 Setting 1-Bit Wide Field // Preferred (one atomic write to SET register) HW_GPMI_CTRL0_SET(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_UDMA); // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) BF_SET(GPMI_CTRL0, UDMA); // Avoid BW_GPMI_CTRL0_UDMA(1); BF_WR(GPMI_CTRL0, UDMA, 1); HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.UDMA = 1; // writes 1 to _CLR then 1 to _SET register // same as above, just different syntax // RMW 2.5.2 Clearing 1-Bit Wide Field // Preferred (one atomic write to _CLR register) HW_GPMI_CTRL0_CLR(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_DEV_IRQ_EN); // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) BF_CLR(GPMI_CTRL0, DEV_IRQ_EN); // Avoid BW_GPMI_CTRL0_DEV_IRQ_EN(0); BF_WR(GPMI_CTRL0, DEV_IRQ_EN, 0); HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.DEV_IRQ_EN = 0; // writes 1 to _CLR then 0 to _SET register // same as above, just different syntax // RMW 2.5.3 Toggling 1-Bit Wide Field // Preferred (one atomic write to _TOG register) HW_GPMI_CTRL0_TOG(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_RUN); // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) BF_TOG(GPMI_CTRL0, RUN); // Avoid HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.RUN ^= 1; // RMW i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 39 Examples 2.5.4 Modifying n-Bit Wide Field // Preferred (does CS operation or byte/halfword write if the field is // 8 or 16 bits wide and properly aligned) BW_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE(BV_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE_READ_AND_COMPARE); BW_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE(iMode); BW_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT(2); // this does a halfword write // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) BF_WR(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, BV_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE_READ_AND_COMPARE); BF_WR(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, iMode); BF_WR(GPMI_CTRL0, XFER_COUNT, 2); // this does a halfword write // Avoid (RMW) HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.COMMAND_MODE = BV_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE_READ_AND_COMPARE; HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.COMMAND_MODE = iMode; 2.5.5 Modifying Multiple Fields // Preferred (explicit CS operation) HW_GPMI_CTRL0_CLR( OR3(BM_GPMI_CTRL0, RUN, DEV_IRQ_EN, COMMAND_MODE) ); HW_GPMI_CTRL0_SET( OR3(BF_GPMI_CTRL0, RUN(iRun), DEV_IRQ_EN(1), COMMAND_MODE_V(READ_AND_COMPARE)) ); // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) BF_CS3(GPMI_CTRL0, RUN, iRun, DEV_IRQ_EN, 1, COMMAND_MODE, BV_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE_READ_AND_COMPARE); // Avoid (multiple RMW - the C compiler does NOT merge into one RMW) HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.RUN = iRun; HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.DEV_IRQ_EN = 1; HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.COMMAND_MODE = BV_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE_READ_AND_COMPARE; 2.5.6 Writing Entire Register These operations update all fields at once. // Preferred HW_GPMI_CTRL0_WR(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_SFTRST); // all other fields are set to 0 // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) HW_GPMI_CTRL0.U = BM_GPMI_CTRL0_SFTRST; 2.5.7 Reading a Bit Field // Preferred iRun = HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.RUN; // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) iRun = BF_RD(GPMI_CTRL0, RUN); // Verbose Alternate (example of using bit position (BP_) define) iRun = (HW_GPMI_CTRL0_RD() & BM_GPMI_CTRL0_RUN) << BP_GPMI_CTRL0_RUN; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 40 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Register Macro Usage 2.5.8 Reading Entire Register // Preferred i = HW_GPMI_CTRL0_RD(); // Alternate (same as above, just different syntax) i = HW_GPMI_CTRL0.U; 2.5.9 Assembly example // 6.1 Take GPMI block out of reset and remove clock gate. // 6.2 Write a ldr r0, ldr r1, str r1, ldr r0, ldr r1, str r1, value to GPMI CTRL0 register. All other fields are set to 0. =HW_GPMI_CTRL0_CLR_ADDR =BM_GPMI_CTRL0_SFTRST | BM_GPMI_CTRL0_CLKGATE [r0] =HW_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDR =BF_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE(BV_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE__READ_AND_COMPARE) [r0] 2.6 Summary examples 2.6.1 Preferred syntax // Setting, clearing, toggling 1-bit wide field HW_GPMI_CTRL0_SET(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_UDMA); HW_GPMI_CTRL0_CLR(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_DEV_IRQ_EN); HW_GPMI_CTRL0_TOG(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_RUN); // Modifying n-bit wide field BW_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT(2); // Modifying multiple fields HW_GPMI_CTRL0_CLR( OR3(BM_GPMI_CTRL0, RUN, DEV_IRQ_EN, COMMAND_MODE) ); HW_GPMI_CTRL0_SET( OR3(BF_GPMI_CTRL0, RUN(iRun), DEV_IRQ_EN(1), COMMAND_MODE_V(READ_AND_COMPARE)) ); // Reading a bit field iRun = HW_GPMI_CTRL0.B.RUN; // Writing or reading entire register (all fields updated at once) HW_GPMI_CTRL0_WR(BM_GPMI_CTRL0_SFTRST); i = HW_GPMI_CTRL0_RD(); 2.6.2 Alternate syntax // Setting, clearing, toggling 1-bit wide field BF_SET(GPMI_CTRL0, UDMA); i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 41 Summary examples BF_CLR(GPMI_CTRL0, DEV_IRQ_EN); BF_TOG(GPMI_CTRL0, RUN); // Modifying n-bit wide field BF_WR(GPMI_CTRL0, XFER_COUNT, 2); // Modifying multiple fields BF_CS3(GPMI_CTRL0, RUN, iRun, DEV_IRQ_EN, 1, COMMAND_MODE, BV_GPMI_CTRL0_COMMAND_MODE_READ_AND_COMPARE); // Reading a bit field iRun = BF_RD(GPMI_CTRL0, RUN); // Writing or reading entire register (all fields updated at once) HW_GPMI_CTRL0.U = BM_GPMI_CTRL0_SFTRST; i = HW_GPMI_CTRL0.U; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 42 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Multicore Startup 3.1 Overview This chip includes multiple Cortex-A9 cores. Regardless of how many cores are available on the part, only core0 will be automatically released from reset upon initial power-up. All other available secondary cores will remain in a low-power reset state. The firmware must initialize all secondary cores. This chapter explains how to enable the available secondary cores. 3.2 Boot ROM process Once it has been released from reset, each Cortex-A9 core attempts to execute at the ARM reset exception vector upon initial power-up. This vector in the chip memory map (at 0000 0000h) is part of the on-chip boot ROM. The boot ROM code uses the state of the eFuses and/or boot GPIO settings to determine the boot behavior of the device using core0 (where core0- core3's availability on the chip depends on which chip is being used). To distinguish which core is currently booting up, the boot ROM checks the CPU ID stored in the CortexA9 Multiprocessor Affinity register. See the CortexA9 technical reference manual for further details. If core0 is booting up, the boot ROM enters the boot process and determines where to boot the image from. It loads and executes the image after completing all HAB checks. See the "System Boot" chapter of the chip reference manual for further details. If the core booting is not core0, the boot ROM checks the persistent bits to determine whether the core has a valid pointer that the boot ROM can execute from. The persistent bits are a collection of general-purpose registers in the System Reset Controller (SRC). The boot ROM code expects to find valid pointers to executable regions and functions for each core stored in these registers. These registers are used because they retain their values even after a warm reset. See the following table for the list of registers. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 43 Activating the secondary cores For full details on boot process and the persistent bits, refer to the chip reference manual. Table 3-1. Function pointers used in boot ROM Register Description SRC_GPR3 Entry function pointer for CPU1 SRC_GPR4 Argument for entry function for CPU1 SRC_GPR5 Entry function pointer for CPU2 (i.MX 6Quad only) SRC_GPR6 Argument for entry function for CPU2 SRC_GPR7 Entry function pointer for CPU3 (i.MX 6Quad only) SRC_GPR8 Argument for entry function for CPU3 In addition to the entry function pointer for each core, the presistent bit registers also provide an argument register that is passed into the entry function as an argument preloaded to the Cortex-A9 register 0 (r0) for that core. The i.MX 6 series Platform SDK uses the entry function to point to the startup routine that initializes the core, cache, and stacks. Then it uses the argument value in r0 as a pointer to a function that the core will jump to once general initialization is complete. 3.3 Activating the secondary cores Although multiple cores are available on this processor, only core0 automatically activates during the initial boot process. SRC, the system reset controller module, handles the reset signal for each core. By default, SRC keeps the secondary cores in a reset state after boot. Therefore, the application needs to enable the other available cores. To enable the other available cores: 1. Initialize persistent bits for the secondary core being activated. 2. Set the core_enable signal for each of the cores in the SRC Control Register (bits 22:24, for core1, core2, and core3 respectively). 3. Once the enable bits are set, the corresponding core is released from its reset state, and it executes the boot ROM (at 0000 0000h). 4. The boot ROM determines if it is a secondary core and uses the presistent bit registers to determine what to execute next. This boot process is described in detail in the "System Boot" chapter of the reference manual. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 44 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Multicore Startup 3.4 Multicore hello world example Here is an example startup routine written in ARM assembly that shows how the argument registers can be used. ResetHandler mov r4, r0 ; save r0 for cores 1-3, r0 arg field passed by ROM ; r0 is a function pointer for secondary cpus ldr r0, =STACK_BASE ldr r1, =STACK_SIZE ; get cpu id, and subtract the offset from the stacks base address mrc p15,0,r2,c0,c0,5 ; read multiprocessor affinity register and r2, r2, #3 ; mask off, leaving CPU ID field mov r5, r2 ; save cpu id for later mul r3, r2, r1 sub r0, r0, r3 mov r1, r1, lsl #2 ; set stack for SVC mode mov sp, r0 ; set stacks for all other modes msr CPSR_c, #Mode_FIQ :OR: I_Bit :OR: F_Bit sub r0, r0, r1 mov sp, r0 msr sub mov CPSR_c, #Mode_IRQ :OR: I_Bit :OR: F_Bit r0, r0, r1 sp, r0 msr sub mov CPSR_c, #Mode_ABT :OR: I_Bit :OR: F_Bit r0, r0, r1 sp, r0 msr sub mov CPSR_c, #Mode_UND :OR: I_Bit :OR: F_Bit r0, r0, r1 sp, r0 msr sub mov CPSR_c, #Mode_SYS :OR: I_Bit :OR: F_Bit r0, r0, r1 sp, r0 ; go back to SVC mode and enable interrupts msr CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC bl freq_populate ; Disable caches bl disable_caches ; Invalidate caches bl invalidate_caches ; Invalidate Unified TLB bl invalidate_unified_tlb ; Enable MMU bl enable_mmu ; check cpu id - for cores 1-3 jump to user code, continue otherwise cmp r5, #0 bleq primary_cpu_init blne secondary_cpus_init primary_cpu_init: bl enable_scu bl enable_GIC bl enable_gic_processor_interface bl hello_mpcore ; jump to main application secondary_cpus_init: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 45 Multicore hello world example bl enable_gic_processor_interface bx r4 ; jump to argument function pointer passed in by ROM END This ResetHandler routine is written with the expectation that the secondary cores will be enabled by setting the Entry Function Pointer persistent bits for all the cores to point to the address of the ResetHandler routine. Initially, all of the stack pointers for all of the cores need to be initialized; therefore, they can all execute a common startup routine. 3.4.1 System Reset Controller enable CPU function This example uses a start secondary core function that writes the boot function pointers to the ROM persistent bits and releases the secondary core from reset. void start_secondary_cpu(int cpu_num, unsigned int *ptr){ /* prepare pointers for ROM code */ writel((u32)&ResetHandler, SRC_BASE_ADDR + (SRC_GPR1_OFFSET + cpu_num*8)); writel((u32)ptr, SRC_BASE_ADDR + (SRC_GPR2_OFFSET + cpu_num*8)); /* start core */ if (cpu_num > 0){ writel( (readl(SRC_BASE_ADDR + SRC_SCR_OFFSET) | (1 << (21 + cpu_num))), (SRC_BASE_ADDR + SRC_SCR_OFFSET)); } } In this function, the main Entry Function (in the persistent bits) is always be set to the ResetHandler startup routine for all cores. The second argument is a pointer (*ptr) to the function that will execute after the Entry Function. This is the argument that will be passed in at r0 to the ResetHandler startup function. After the startup routine finishes initializing the CortexA9, it jumps to this pointer. 3.4.2 Hello multicore world The example hello world routine is shown below. void hello_mpcore(){ int cpu_id, i; cpu_id = getCPUnum(); if (cpu_id == 0){ debug_uart_iomux(); debug_uart->freq = 80000000; init_debug_uart(debug_uart, 115200); printf("####################################################\n"); } printf("Hello from CPU %d\n", cpu_id); if (cpu_id < (TOTAL_CORES-1)){ //start the next core start_secondary_cpu(cpu_id+1, (unsigned int *)&hello_mpcore); } while(1); } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 46 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Multicore Startup This function first determines which core is executing the routine. If it is core0, the function initializes the UART port so that the printf statements are sent out to the debug UART port on the hardware. If it is core1-3, the function prints the statement "Hello from CPU n." After the function communicates its hello statement, it enables the next available core using the start_secondary_cpu routine. Here the persistent bits argument function pointer is set to call the hello_mpcore routine so that each core prints out its equivalent "hello world" statement. When executing the example using the i.MX 6Quad chip, these are the expected results: #################################################### Hello from CPU 0 Hello from CPU 1 Hello from CPU 2 Hello from CPU 3 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 47 Multicore hello world example i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 48 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver 4.1 Overview This chapter explains how to enable interrupts in the processor. The general interrupt controller (GIC) supports up to 128 shared peripheral interrupt (SPI) sources and 16 software generated interrupt (SGI) sources. The GIC is split into a main interrupt distributor block and individual core interface blocks, one for each Cortex-A9 core present in the system. Refer to the GIC Architecture Specification from ARM for a complete description of the GIC. The block diagram for GIC is as follows: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 49 Overview GIC DISTRIBUTOR SPIs Interrupt IDs 32-1019 Interrupt IDs 0-15 SGI request Interrupt IDs 0-15 SGI request Interrupt IDs 0-15 SGI request Interrupt IDs 0-15 SGI request core3 interface FIQ, IRQ (to core3) core2 interface FIQ, IRQ (to core2) core1 interface FIQ, IRQ (to core1) core0 interface FIQ, IRQ (to core0) Figure 4-1. GIC simplified block diagram The interrupt controller is memory mapped. Each core can access these global control registers by using a private interface through the snoop control unit (SCU). The base address can be determined by reading the Cortex-A9 CP15 configuration base address, which stores the value of this location. On this processor, the SCU base address (aka PERIPHBASE address) starts at 00A0 0000h. The following table shows the general high-level private memory map. Table 4-1. Cortex A-9 general MPCore memory map Offset from (00A0 0000h) Cortex-A9 MPCore Module 0000h-00FCh SCU registers 0100h-01FFh GIC core interrupt interfaces Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 50 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver Table 4-1. Cortex A-9 general MPCore memory map (continued) Offset from (00A0 0000h) Cortex-A9 MPCore Module 0200h-02FFh Global timer 0600h-06FFh Private timers and watchdogs 1000h-1FFFh GIC interrupt distributor 4.2 Feature summary The GIC's main functions are to: • • • • • Globally enable the GIC distributor Enable individual interrupt sources (IDs) Set individual interrupt ID priority levels Set the interrupt source targeted core Send software generated interrupts between the cores 4.3 ARM interrupts and exceptions All i.MX applications processors use the standard ARM exception vectors, where by default the exception vector table resides at 0000 0000h. The standard exception vector table is shown in the following table. Table 4-2. Standard exception vectors Address ARM Mode Exception Description 0000 0000h SVC Reset 0000 0004h UND Undefined Instruction 0000 0008h SVC Software Interrupt 0000 000Ch ABT Prefetch Abort 0000 0010h ABT Data Abort 0000 0014h - Not assigned 0000 0018h IRQ IRQ 0000 001Ch FIQ FIQ When there is an exception, the ARM core jump to the associated exception vector and switches to the corresponding mode. Therefore, the stack pointers for all ARM modes should be initialized to a valid address during the start-up routine. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 51 ARM interrupts and exceptions NOTE If the stacks are not initialized when servicing an interrupt, pushing registers to the stack causes a memory access violation, triggers a Data Abort exception, and ultimately crashes the system. On i.MX processors, the default ARM exception table region is allocated to the boot ROM region and cannot be overwritten. Upon power up, the boot ROM sets up this table to jump to locations in the internal RAM space (iRAM). To modify the table to execute custom interrupt/exception handlers, update the locations that the iRAM vectors point to. On the chip, the boot ROM locates the IRQ jump pointer address at 0093 FFF4h and the FIQ pointer at 0093 FFF8h. To have an interrupt exception execute a custom handler, update the pointer to the IRQ and FIQ to point to the custom function. 4.3.1 GIC interrupt distributor The distributor block performs interrupt prioritization and distribution of interrupts to the core interface blocks. Any interrupt (IRQ, FIQ) that is triggered from any peripheral must follow this sequence: 1. The GIC distributor determines the priority of each interrupt. 2. It forwards the highest priority interrupt to the available core interface blocks. Each interrupt source can be targeted to a single or multiple cores through GIC distributor CPU target registers. 3. Hardware ensures that if an interrupt is targeted to several of the available cores, only one of the cores handles it. The GIC distributor registers used in the chip's interrupt example are shown in the following table. For a full list of available registers/features, refer to the ARM GIC architecture specification document. Table 4-3. GIC distributor registers Offset from GIC interrupt distributor base (00A0 1000h) Register name Description 000h ICDDCR Distributor Control Register 080h-0FCh ICDISR Interrupt Security Registers (n-interrupts/32, registers) 100h-17Ch ICDISER Interrupt Set Enable Registers (n-interrupts/32, registers) 180h-1FCh ICDICER Interrupt Clear Enable Registers (n-interrupts/32, registers) 400h-7F8h ICDIPR Interrupt Priority Registers (n-interrupts/4, registers) 800h-BF8h ICDITR Interrupt CPU Target Register (n-interrupts/4, registers) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 52 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver 4.3.2 GIC core interfaces The core interface blocks provide a separate interface between each available core and the GIC distributor. Their main functions are to: • Enable the GIC CPU interface (to allow it to send interrupts to the CPU it is connected to) and set the CPU priority level • Read the acknowledge register to send an ack signal to the GIC Distributor • Write to the end of interrupt register When enabled, the interface takes the highest priority pending interrupt available from the distributor and determines whether the interrupt source has sufficient priority to interrupt the core to which it is connected. The core interface needs to be enabled to send interrupt requests to the core to which it is connected. In the main interrupt service routine, if the interrupt source is sent to a core, that core must use its GIC core interface to send the GIC distributor an acknowledge signal. Similarly, when the interrupt finishes being serviced, the core interface must be used to send an end of interrupt signal to the distributor block. The registers used in this example are shown in the following table. For a full list of available registers and features, refer to the ARM GIC Architecture Specification. Table 4-4. GIC CPU interface registers Offset from GIC CPU Interface Base (00A0 0100h) Register Name Description 00h ICCICR CPU Interface Control Register 04h ICCPMR CUP Interrupt Priority Mask Register 0Ch ICCIAR Interrupt acknowledge Register 10h ICCEOIR End of Interrupt Register Note that each core interface is memory mapped to the same address space, but is unique for each available core interface. For example, in the i.MX6Quad, each core must perform writes to these registers to configure the associated GIC core interface. 4.4 Sample code i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 53 Sample code 4.4.1 Handling interrupts using C This example shows how to implement the interrupt support by creating an interrupt vector array. Using C, you can create an array of function pointers (pointers to the individual ISR routines) where the array index corresponds to the interrupt source ID. typedef void (*funct_t)(void); funct_t vect_IRQ[160]; // define a pointer to a function The i.MX6Quad/Dual processor implements the interrupt sources as follows: • interrupt IDs[0:15] are used for the 16 software generated interrupt sources • interrupt IDs [15:31] are unused and left as reserved • interrupt IDs [32:160] are used for the 128 shared peripheral interrupt sources Therefore, there are 160 corresponding entries in the interrupt vector array. A register IRQ function can be used to set the corresponding device driver interrupt service routine to the position in the array that corresponds to the device interrupt source ID. // set funcISR as the ISR function for the source ID # void registerIRQ(int ID, funct_t funcISR){ vect_IRQ[ID] = funcISR; } In the actual interrupt service routine that is executed when the ARM jumps to an IRQ exception, determine the interrupt source ID and use that as the index to the interrupt vector array. To follow GIC guidelines for handling interrupts: • Read the IAR register to send the ack signal • After the actual targeted interrupt service routine is finished, the interrupt handler must send the end of IRQ to the distributor. // IRQ_Handler, this functions handles IRQ exceptions void __irq C_IRQ_Handler(void){ unsigned int vectNum; vectNum = read_irq_ack(); // send ack, get ID source # // vectNum now contains source ID in bits [9:0] // Check if ID is 1023 or 1022 (spurious interrupt) if (vectNum & 0x0200){ write_end_of_irq(vectNum); // if spurious, send end of irq } else{ vect_IRQ[vectNum & 0x1FF](); // jump to ISR in the look up table write_end_of_irq(vectNum); // send end of irq } } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 54 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver 4.4.2 Enabling the GIC distributor To enable the distributor, set bit 0 of the GIC distributor control register (ICDDCR). This enables the distributor to forward pending interrupts to the enabled GIC core interface blocks. ; void enable_GIC(void); enable_GIC PROC MRC p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0 ADD r0, r0, #0x1000 LDR r1, [r0] ORR r1, r1, #0x03 STR r1, [r0] BX lr ENDP ; ; ; ; ; Read periph base address Add the GIC Distributor offset Read the GIC's Enable Register (ICDDCR) the enable bits Write the GIC's Enable Register (ICDDCR) 4.4.3 Enabling interrupt sources To enable an interrupt source, the GIC distributor provides Interrupt Set Enable Registers (ICDISER) for the interrupt sources. Each bit in the registers corresponds to an available interrupt source. The number of ICDISER registers are implementation dependent and vary depending on how many interrupts the system supports. To enable the GIC distributor so that it can forward the corresponding interrupt to the GIC CPU interfaces, set the corresponding interrupt source bit. ; void enable_irq_id(unsigned int ID); enable_irq_id PROC MOV r1, r0 ; Back up passed in ID value MRC p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0 ; Read periph base address ; First, we need to identify which 32 bit block the interrupt lives in MOV r2, r1 ; Make working copy of ID in r2 MOV r2, r2, LSR #5 ; LSR by 5 places, affective divide by 32 ; r2 now contains the 32 bit block for the ID MOV r2, r2, LSL #2 ; mult by 4, to convert offset into an address offset (four bytes per reg) ; Now work out which bit within the 32 bit block the ID is AND r1, r1, #0x1F ; Mask off to give offset within 32bit block MOV r3, #1 ; Move enable value into r3 MOV r3, r3, LSL r1 ; Shift it left to position of ID ADD r2, r2, #0x1100 ; Add r2 offset, to get (ICDISER) register STR r3, [r0, r2] ; Store r3 to (ICDISER) BX lr ENDP 4.4.4 Configuring interrupt priority The GIC distributor provides a set of Interrupt Priority Registers (ICDIPR) for the interrupt sources. Each byte in the registers corresponds to the priority level of an interrupt source. Therefore, there are four priority bit fields per ICDIPR register. Each 8bit priority field within the priority registers can have possible values of 00h-FFh, where i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 55 Sample code 00h is the highest possible priority and FFh is the lowest. The individual interrupt priority level must be set to a higher priority level than the core priority level to be able to interrupt the ARM core. ; void set_irq_priority(unsigned int ID, unsigned int priority); ; r0 = ID, r1 = priority set_irq_priority PROC ; Get base address of private peripheral space MOV r2, r0 ; Back up passed in ID value MRC p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0 ; Read periph base address ; Make sure that priority value is only 8 bits AND r1, r1, #0xFF ; Find which priority register this ID lives in BIC r3, r2, #0x03 ; copy ID to r3 clearing off the bottom two bits ; There are four IDs per reg, by clearing the bottom two bits we get an address offset ADD r3, r3, #0x1400 ; Now add the offset of the Priority Level registers from the base of the private peripheral space ADD r0, r0, r3 ; Now add in the base address of the private peripheral space, giving us the absolute address ; Now work out which ID in the register it is AND r2, r2, #0x03 ; Clear all but the bottom four bits, leaves which ID in the reg it is (which byte) MOV r2, r2, LSL #3 ; Multiply by 8, this gives a bit offset ; Read -> Modify -> Write MOV r12, #0xFF ; Mask (8 bits) MOV r12, r12, LSL r2 ; Move mask into correct bit position MOV r1, r1, LSL r2 ; Also, move passed in priority value into correct bit position LDR r3, [r0] ; Read current value of the Priority Level register (ICDIPR) BIC r3, r3, r12 ; Clear appropriate field ORR r3, r3, r1 ; Now OR in the priority value STR r3, [r0] ; And store it back again (ICDIPR) BX lr ENDP 4.4.5 Targeting interrupts to specific cores The GIC distributor provides a set of Interrupt Target Registers (ICDITR) for the interrupt sources. Each byte in the registers corresponds to the core targets of an interrupt source. Therefore, there are four core target bit fields per ICDITR register. For the i.MX 6Quad/6Dual processor, each 8-bit CPUT target field within the priority registers can have possible values of 00h-0Fh because there are only up to four available cores. Each bit corresponds to one core (where core-0 = bit0, core-1 = bit1, and so on…). Using the core target registers, the GIC distributor can distribute the load between cores effectively. If a triggered interrupt is targeted to multiple cores, the GIC distributor has options for where it can send the interrupt. Thus, a delay is less likely because if one of the targeted cores is busy, the GIC distributor can send the interrupt to a free core instead. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 56 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver ; void enable_interrupt_target_cpu(unsigned int ID, unsigned int target_cpu); enable_interrupt_target_cpu PROC MOV r2, r0 ; Back up passed in ID value MRC p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0 ; Read periph base address ; Make sure that cpu value is only 2 bits max CPU value is 3 (0-3) AND r1, r1, #0x3 ; Find which cpu_target register this ID lives in BIC r3, r2, #0x03 ; copy the ID, clearing off the bottom two bits ; There are four IDs per reg, by clearing the bottom two bits we get an address offset ADD r3, r3, #0x1800 ; Now add the offset of the Target CPU registers from the base of the private peripheral space ADD r0, r0, r3 ; Now add in the base address of the private peripheral space, giving us the absolute address ; Now work out which ID in the register it is AND r2, r2, #0x03 ; Clear all but the bottom four bits, leaves which ID in the reg it is (which byte) MOV r2, r2, LSL #3 ; Multiply by 8, this gives a bit offset MOV r4, #1 ; Move enable value into r4 MOV r4, r4, LSL r1 ; Shift it left to position of CPU target MOV r4, r4, LSL r2 ; move it to correct bit ID offset position LDR ORR STR BX ENDP r3, [r0] ;read current value of the CPU Target register (ICDITR) r3, r3, r4 ; Now OR in the CPU Target value r3, [r0] ; And store it back again (ICDITR) lr 4.4.6 Using software generated interrupts (SGIs) The GIC distributor also allows the use of software generated interrupts (SGIs) for interprocessor communication. SGIs allow a core to interrupt other cores directly. This processor supports 16 SGI interrupt sources. To issue an SGI, write to the SGIR distributor register and set the SGI_ID and CPUTarget bit fields. As with normal interrupts, each SGI can target multiple cores. ; void send_sgi(unsigned int ID, send_sgi PROC AND r3, r0, #0x0F ; AND r1, r1, #0x0F ; AND r2, r2, #0x0F ; ORR r3, r3, r1, LSL #16 ORR r3, r3, r2, LSL #24 ; Get the address of the GIC MRC p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0 ADD r0, r0, #0x1F00 STR r3, [r0] BX lr ENDP unsigned int target_list, unsigned int filter_list) Mask off unused bits of ID, and move to r3 Mask off unused bits of target_filter Mask off unused bits of filter_list ; Combine ID and target_filter ; and now the filter list ; Read periph base address ; Add offset of the sgi_trigger reg ; Write to the SGI Register (ICDSGIR) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 57 Sample code 4.4.7 Enabling the GIC processor interface To enable the GIC processor interface, write to the bottom two bits of the core Interface Control Register, where bit:0 enables secure interrupts, and bit:1 enables non-secure interrupts. ; void enable_gic_processor_interface(void); enable_gic_processor_interface PROC MRC p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0 ; Read periph base address LDR r1, [r0, #0x100] ; Read CPU Interface Control reg (ICCICR/ICPICR) ORR r1, r1, #0x07 ; Bit 0:secure interrupts, bit 1: Non-Secure STR r1, [r0, #0x100] ; Write CPU Interface Control reg (ICCICR/ICPICR) BX lr ENDP 4.4.8 Setting the CPU priority level Each core can have different priority levels set with the core Interface Priority Mask Register. After reset, the value of the priority mask registers for each core interface is set to mask all interrupts. Therefore, this register needs to be configured to allow the core to service interrupts. The associated core can only be interrupted by interrupt sources with higher priority levels than the core mask priority level. ; void set_cpu_priority_mask(unsigned int priority); set_cpu_priority_mask PROC MRC p15, 4, r1, c15, c0, 0 ; Read periph base address to r1 STR r0, [r1, #0x0104] ; Write the priority mask reg (ICCPMR/ICCIPMR) BX lr ENDP 4.4.9 Reading the GIC IRQ Acknowledge After an interrupt is sent to a core, the core must read the Interface IRQ Acknowledge Register (ICCIAR) to determine the interrupt source. This read effectively acts as an acknowledge for the interrupt to the GIC distributor. The ICCIAR register contains the interrupt ID for normal interrupts in the bottom 10 bits, and the core ID for any software generated interrupts in bits 13-10. ; unsigned int read_irq_ack(void); read_irq_ack PROC MRC p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0 ; Read periph base address LDR r0, [r0, #0x010C] ; Read the Interrupt Acknowledge reg (ICCIAR) ; value gets returned in r0 BX lr ENDP i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 58 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver 4.4.10 Writing the end of IRQ After the core finishes servicing the interrupt, it must write the interrupt source ID to the CPU Interface End of Interrupt Register (ICCEOIR). For every read of a valid ID from the ICCIAR register, the core must perform a matching write to the ICCEOIR register. The value written to the EOIR must be the interrupt ID read from the IAR register. ; void write_end_of_irq(unsigned int ID) write_end_of_irq PROC MRC p15, 4, r1, c15, c0, 0 ; Read periph base address to r1 STR r0, [r1, #0x0110] ; Write ID(r0) to the End of Interrupt register BX lr ENDP 4.4.11 GIC "hello world" example This simple "hello world" example uses software generated interrupts. We arbitrarily chose SGI ID 3, which in the example is defined as SW_INTERRUPT_3. 1. In the main routine, all four cores are initialized with the system reset controller. 2. When core-3 completes the main routine, it triggers the SGI3 interrupt to core-0. 3. The SGI service routine initiates a loop that tells all cores to print hello to the terminal because of the SGI ISR routine is written such that after the SGI prints hello to the terminal, it triggers another SGI to the next core, as shown below: void SGI3_ISR(void){ int cpu_id; cpu_id = getCPUnum(); printf("Hello from CPU %d\n", cpu_id); if(cpu_id < 4){ send_sgi(SW_INTERRUPT_3, ( 1 << (cpu_id+1) ), 0); } } When executing the following example, these are the expected results: #################################################### Hello from CPU 0 Hello from CPU 1 Hello from CPU 2 Hello from CPU 3 4.4.12 GIC test code #include "hardware.h" //globals used for gic_test unsigned int gicTestDone; //unsigned int uartFREE; extern void startup_imx6x(void); extern uint32_t getCPUnum(void); void SGI3_ISR(void) { uint32_t cpu_id; cpu_id = getCPUnum(); // entry function, startup routine, defined in startup.s i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 59 Initializing and using the GIC driver //while(1); // debug printf("Hello from CPU %d\n", cpu_id); if (cpu_id < 4) { send_sgi(SW_INTERRUPT_3, (1 << (cpu_id + 1)), 0); // send to cpu_0 to start sgi loop; } if (cpu_id == 3) { gicTestDone = 0; // test complete } } void start_secondary_cpu(uint32_t cpu_num, void functPtr(void)) { //printf("start sedondary %d\n", cpu_num); //printf("ptr 0x%x\n",(uint32_t)functPtr); /* prepare pointers for ROM code */ writel((uint32_t) & startup_imx6x, SRC_BASE_ADDR + (SRC_GPR1_OFFSET + cpu_num * 8)); writel((uint32_t) functPtr, SRC_BASE_ADDR + (SRC_GPR2_OFFSET + cpu_num * 8)); /* start core */ if (cpu_num > 0) { writel((readl(SRC_BASE_ADDR + SRC_SCR_OFFSET) | (1 << (21 + cpu_num))), (SRC_BASE_ADDR + SRC_SCR_OFFSET)); } } // only primary cpu will run gic_test void gic_test(void) { uint32_t cpu_id; cpu_id = getCPUnum(); if (cpu_id == 0) { gicTestDone = 1; //uartFREE = 1; register_interrupt_routine(SW_INTERRUPT_3, SGI3_ISR); // register sgi isr printf("Running the GIC Test \n"); printf("Starting and sending SGIs to secondary CPUs for \"hello world\" \n\n"); // start second cpu start_secondary_cpu(1, &gic_test); while (gicTestDone) ; //cpu0 wait until test is done, that is until cpu3 completes its SGI. //writel((readl(SRC_BASE_ADDR + SRC_SCR_OFFSET) & ~(7 << 22)), // (SRC_BASE_ADDR + SRC_SCR_OFFSET)); // put other cores back into reset with SRC module printf("\nEND of GIC Test \n"); } else { //other cpus //printf("secondary main cpu: %d\n", cpu_id); if (cpu_id == 3) { //void send_sgi(unsigned int ID, unsigned int target_list, unsigned int filter_list); send_sgi(SW_INTERRUPT_3, 1, 0); // send to cpu_0 to start sgi loop; } else { start_secondary_cpu(cpu_id + 1, &gic_test); } while (1) ; //do nothing wait to be interrupted } } 4.5 Initializing and using the GIC driver Typically, the startup routine (for the i.MX 6 series Platform SDK, startup_imx6x) is used to initialize the GIC distributor and each of the available GIC CPU interfaces for both the primary and secondary cores. The startup routine uses the available GIC driver functions to initialize the GIC. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 60 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Configuring the GIC Driver When executing startup on the primary core, the GIC distributor and the GIC CPU interface for the primary core are initialized as follows: mov r0, #0xFF @ 0xFF is lowest priority level bl set_cpu_priority_mask bl enable_gic_processor_interface bl enable_GIC When a secondary core is brought up and executes the startup routine, only its GIC CPU interface needs to be initialized because the GIC distrubutor only needs to be initialized once. An example of this is shown below: Example GIC secondary CPU initialization secondary_cpus_init: mov r0, #0xFF @ 0xFF is lowest priority level bl set_cpu_priority_mask bl enable_gic_processor_interface enable_gic_processor_interface Since the GIC distributor and CPU interfaces are initialized during startup, each module driver does not need to access any of these functions to initialize these GIC interfaces. Because the low-level initialization is already taken care of, only the following items need to be initialized to enable interrupts for a given source: • Enable interrupt sources (unmask interrupts) at the module level. • Register the module interrupt service routine (ISR). • Enable the interrupt to one of the available CPUs. The following shows a generic example: Example -3. Initializing module interrupts enable_module_interrupt(); register_interrupt_routine(module_IRQ_ID, module_ISR); //register ISR enable_interrupt(module_IRQ_ID, CPU_0, 0); //gic function to enable interrupt source //init to CPU_0, with max priority i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 61 Initializing and using the GIC driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 62 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Configuring the AUDMUX Driver 5.1 Overview AUDMUX, which is a digital audio multiplexer, provides a programmable interconnect device for voice, audio, and synchronous data routing between host serial interfaces (such as SSI, the synchronous serial interface controller) and peripheral serial interfaces (audio and voice codecs, also known as coder-decoders). This chapter explains how to configure the AUDMUX driver. The AUDMUX is dedicated to the SSI only. With the AUDMUX, SSI signals can be multiplexed to different ports without changing the PCB layout. AUDMUX includes two types of interfaces: internal and external ports. • Internal ports connect to the processor serial interfaces. • External ports connect to off-chip audio devices and the serial interfaces of other processors. The desired connectivity is achieved by configuring the appropriate internal and external ports. AUDMUX includes three internal ports (Port1, Port2, and Port7) and four external ports (Port3, Port4, Port5, and Port6). Each port can be programmed to one of the following: • A full 6-wire SSI interface for asynchronous receive and transmit • 4-wire (synchronous) peripheral interfaces • 6-wire (asynchronous) peripheral interfaces The following figure shows the structure of the AUDMUX. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 63 Feature summary AUDMUX Block SSI1 Port 3 Audio Device 1 Port 4 Audio Device 2 Port 5 Audio Device 3 Port 6 Audio Device 4 Port 1 Mux SSI2 SSI3 Port 2 Matrix Port 7 Figure 5-1. AUDMUX structure The only instance of AUDMUX is located in the memory at the following address: • AUDMUX base address = 021D 8000h For each port, the AUDMUX interface provides the following two programmable, 32-bit registers: • Port Timing Control Register (AUDMUX_PTCRn) • Port Data Control Register (AUDMUX_PDCRn) For AUDMUX register definition details, see the chip reference manual. 5.2 Feature summary The AUDMUX driver supports: • • • • • Three internal ports Four external ports Full 6-wire SSI interfaces for asynchronous receive and transmit Configurable 4-wire (synchronous) or 6-wire (asynchronous) peripheral interfaces Each host interface's capability to connect to any other host or peripheral interface in a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint (network mode) • Transmit and Receive Data switching to support external network mode i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 64 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Configuring the AUDMUX Driver 5.3 Clocks The AUDMUX only requires a peripheral clock and places no restrictions on the clock frequency. Before accessing the AUDMUX register, the peripheral clock must be gated on. Please see the CCM chapter of the chip reference manual for details. 5.4 IOMUX pin mapping The IOMUX pin configuration shown in the following table is based on the connections in an engineering sample board in which PORT5 was connected with the SSI codec sgtl5000 in SYNC mode. Check your board's schematic for your board's specific pin assignments. Table 5-1. IOMUX pin map Signal name Pin name ALT AUD5_RXD KEY_ROW1 ALT2 AUD5_TXD KEY_ROW0 ALT2 AUD5_TXC KEY_COL0 ALT2 AUD5_TXFS KEY_COL1 ALT2 5.5 Modes of operation The following table explains the AUDMUX modes of operation: Table 5-2. Modes of operation Mode Description Configuration Asynchronous This port has a 6-wire interface (meaning RxD, TxD, AUDMUX_PTCR[SYN] = 0b TxCLK,TxFS, RxCLK, RxFS). This mode has additional receive clock (RxCLK) and frame sync (RxFS) signals for receiving (as compared to the synchronous 4-wire interface.) Synchronous This port has a 4-wire interface (that is, RxD, TxD, TxCLK, and TxFS). The receive data timing is determined by TxCLK and TxFS. AUDMUX_PTCR[SYN] = 1b Normal This port is connected in a point-to-point configuration (as a master or a slave). The RXDSEL [2:0] setting selects the transmit signal from any port. AUDMUX_PDCR1[MODE] = 0b Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 65 Modes of operation Table 5-2. Modes of operation (continued) Mode Internal Network Description Configuration The output of the AND gate is routed (via the output of the port) AUDMUX_PDCR1[MODE] = 1b to the RxD signal of the corresponding host interface. The INMMASK bit vector selects the transmit signals of the ports that are to be connected in network mode. An AND Operator receives the transmit signals from the AUDMUX ports (TxDn_in) to form the output. In internal network mode, only one device can transmit in its predesignated timeslot and all other transmit signals must remain in high-impedance state and pulled-up. 5.5.1 Port timing mode All ports can be configured in one of two timing modes: synchronous (SYNC) and asynchronous (ASYNC). Both timing modes affect the usage of RxCLK and RxFS. AUDMUX_PTCR[SYN] can set SYNC and ASYNC modes. 5.5.2 Port receive mode Each port has two receive modes (normal mode and internal network mode) that affect which data lines are used to create the RxD line for the corresponding host interface. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 66 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Configuring the AUDMUX Driver INMMASK[7:0] 1 AUDMUX boundary Signal selection for internal network mode 1 RxD (Port x) 0 TxD1_in TxD2_in TxD3_in TxD4_in TxD5_in TxD6_in TxD7_in MODE RXDSEL[2:0] Figure 5-2. Port receive mode Normal mode or internal network mode can be selected using AUDMUX_PDCRn[MODE]. When internal network mode is selected, AUDMUX_PDCRn[RXDSEL] is ignored and AUDMUX_PDCRn[INMMASK] determines which RxD signals are ANDed together. 5.6 Port configuration 5.6.1 Signal direction The direction of TxFS, TxCLK, RxFS, and RxCLK can be programmed to configure the SSI interface connecting to the internal port of AUDMUX as a master or a slave of the bus. The following fields control direction of TxFS, TxCLK, RxFS, and RxCLK: • • • • AUDMUX_PTCRn[TFSDIR] AUDMUX_PTCRn[TCLKDIR] AUDMUX_PTCRn[RFSDIR] AUDMUX_PTCRn[RCLKDIR] i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 67 Port configuration If the signal of the port is set as an output, then a source signal should be selected. For example, if AUDMUX_PTCRn[TFSDIR] is set, the AUDMUX_PTCRn[TFSEL] bits should be programmed to select which port will supply the source TxFS signal. 5.6.2 AUDMUX default setting The default port-to-port connections are as follows: • • • • Port1 to Port6— Port6 provides the clock and frame sync. Port2 to Port5—Port5 provides the clock and frame sync. Port3 to Port4—Port4 provides the clock and frame sync. Port7 to Port7—in data loopback mode Example: Port2 to Port5 Assume that the SSI audio codec is connected to the external Port5. Using the default setting, SSI controller 2 (connected to the internal Port2) and the codec are connected together. SSI controller 2 is the slave of the SSI bus and the codec is the master. The registers related to port2 and port5 are listed in the following table along with their reset values: Table 5-3. Port2 and Port5 Example Register Reset Value AUDMUX_PTCR2 A500_0800h AUDMUX_PDCR2 0000_8000h AUDMUX_PTCR5 0000_0800h AUDMUX_PDCR5 0000_2000h The following figure shows the multiplexing and direction of the signals related to Port2 and Port5. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 68 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Configuring the AUDMUX Driver TxFS TxFS TxCLK SSI Controller 2 TxD TxCLK AUDMUX Port 2 AUDMUX Port 5 RxD RxD SSI codec TxD Figure 5-3. Signal muxing and direction of Port2 and Port5 under default setting 5.7 Port configuration for SSI sync mode For most audio codecs, the SSI sync mode will be utilized. A function named audmux_route configures the audmux ports for SSI sync mode. In this case, the timing mode of the ports is set as synchronous mode, and the receive mode of the port is set as normal mode. The direction of the clock signals (TxClk, TxFS) depends on the SSI controller being master or not. 5.8 Pseudocode for audmux_route /*! * Set audmux port according to ssi mode (master/slave). * Set the audumx ports in sync mode (which is the default status for most codec). * * @param intPort the internal port to be set * @param extPort the external port to be set * @param is_master ssi mode(master/slave) of ssi controller, for example if * is_master=AUDMUX_SSI_MASTER,then the ssi controller is the master of the ssi bus. That is, * it supplies the bit clock frame sync signal, while the codec is the slave of the bus. * @return 0 if it succeeds * -1 if it fails */ uint32_t audmux_route(uint32_t intPort, uint32_t extPort, uint32_t is_master) { Check_the_Parameter_Valid(); //Configure the internal port firstly. If(ssi_controller_is_master){ Set_clk_signals_as_input(intPort); }else{ Set_clk_signals_as_output(intPort); Set_clk_sigtnals_from(extPort); } // Then configure the external port If(ssi_controller_is_master){ Set_clk_signals_as_output(extPort); Set_clk_sigtnals_from(intPort); }else{ Set_clk_signals_as_input(extPort); } return 0; } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 69 Pseudocode for audmux_port_set 5.9 Pseudocode for audmux_port_set /* Set ptcr and pdcr of the audmux port * * @param port the port to be set * @param ptcr ptcr value to be set * @param pdcr pdcr value to be set * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed. */ uint32_t audmux_port_set (uint32_t port, uint32_t ptcr, uint32_t pdcr) { uint32_t pPTCR, pPDCR; if ((port < AUDMUX_PORT_INDEX_MIN) || (port > AUDMUX_PORT_INDEX_MAX)) { return -1; } pPTCR = AUDMUX_BASE_ADDR + AUDMUX_PTCR_OFFSET(port); pPDCR = AUDMUX_BASE_ADDR + AUDMUX_PDCR_OFFSET(port); writel(ptcr, pPTCR); writel(pdcr, pPDCR); return 0; } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 70 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Configuring the eCSPI Driver 6.1 Overview This chapter provides a quick guide for firmware developers about how to write a device driver for the eCSPI controller. The enhanced configurable serial peripheral interface (eCSPI) is a full-duplex, synchronous, four-wire serial communication block. The eCSPI controller works as a device over the SPI bus, either as a master or a slave, and communicates with other devices according to the chip select (CS) signal's selections. Note that this driver does not implement slave mode. NOTE This chapter uses an engineering sample board's schematics for pin assignments. Refer to your board's schematics for your board's specific information. There are five instances of eCSPI in the chip. They are located in the memory map at the following addresses: • • • • • eCSPI1 base address - 0200 8000h eCSPI2 base address - 0200 C000h eCSPI3 base address - 0201 0000h eCSPI4 base address - 0201 4000h eCSPI5 base address - 0201 8000h 6.2 Feature summary This driver provides the basic eCSPI initialization functionality and R/W in master mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 71 I/O signals 6.3 I/O signals The eCSPI block has below I/O signals: Table 6-1. eCSPI I/O signals Signal I/O Description Reset State Pull Up/Down SS[3:0] I/O Chip selects 1 - SCLK I/O SPI clock 0 Active MISO I/O Master data in; slave data out 0 Passive MOSI I/O Master data out; slave data in 0 - SPI_RDY I Master data out; slave data in 0 Active The following figure shows the usage when eCSPI is functioning as an SPI master: External Device 0 External Device 1 External Device 3 External Device 2 eCSPI (master) SS[0] SS[1] SS[2] SS[3] SS[3:0] SCLK MOSI MISO Figure 6-1. eCSPI as SPI master 6.4 eCSPI controller initialization The necessary initialization process can be summarized as: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pin-mux configuration Clock configuration Controller initialization Controller is ready to transfer data. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 72 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Configuring the eCSPI Driver 6.5 eCSPI IOMUX pin mapping Refer to board schematics for correct pin assignments to configure the pin signals. The following table is based on an engineering sample board and is used as an example: Table 6-2. eCSPI1 options Signals Option 1 PAD MISO MUX CSI0_DAT6 ALT2 DISP0_DAT22 ALT2 EIM_D17 ALT1 KEY_COL1 ALT0 CSI0_DAT5 ALT2 DISP0_DAT21 ALT2 EIM_D18 ALT1 KEY_ROW0 ALT0 RDY GPIO_19 ALT4 SCLK CSIO_DAT4 ALT2 DISP0_DAT20 ALT2 EIM_D16 ALT1 KEY_COL0 ALT0 CSIO_DAT7 ALT2 DISP0_DAT23 ALT2 EIM_EB2 ALT1 KEY_ROW1 ALT0 DISP0_DAT15 ALT2 EIM_D19 ALT1 KEY_COL2 ALT0 EIM_D24 ALT3 KEY_ROW2 ALT0 EIM_D25 ALT3 KEY_COL3 ALT0 MOSI SS0 SS1 SS2 SS3 The pad control of each pin also needs to be configured. Because the clock and data pins have pull-up resistors, these pads can be configured to open drain if the board schematic already has external pull-up resistors for them. Otherwise, they have to be configured to push-pull with a specified pull-up resistor value. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 73 Clocks 6.6 Clocks If the eCSPI clock is gated, ungate it in the clock control module (CCM) as follows: • • • • • For eCSPI1, set CCM_CCGR1[CG0] (bits 1-0). For eCSPI2, set CCM_CCGR1[CG1] (bits 2-3). For eCSPI3, set CCM_CCGR1[CG2] (bits 4-5). For eCSPI4, set CCM_CCGR1[CG3] (bits 6-7). For eCSPI5, set CCM_CCGR1[CG4] (bits 8-9). The following figure shows the eCSPI clock source. CSCDR2: ecspl_clk_podf PLL 3 60M 61 cg 6 bit divider default-1 ECSPI_CLK_ROOT 60 MHz Figure 6-2. eCSPI clock source To set the frequency of the eCSPI, Set the ecspi_clk_podf field of CCM_CSCDR2. To achieve the expected frequency, set the divider value on the control register of eCSPI controller. 6.7 Controller initialization To initialize the controller, configure the control and configuration registers. For a full listing of eCSPI controller registers, see the eCSPI memory map in the eCSPI chapter of your chip reference manual. The control register's channel select field's value determines which chip select is used. The channel mode field's value determines the mode (master or slave) for each chip select. See the "Control Register (ECSPIx_CONREG)" section of the chip reference manual's eCSPI chapter for the complete description of these fields. Note that you must select master mode because this driver does not implement R/W slave mode functionality. The configuration register can configure the inactive state of the clock as well as the data and polarity settings. The configuration to the controller should be aligned to the setting in device. See the "Config Register (ECSPIx_CONFIGREG)" section of the chip reference manual's eCSPI chapter for the complete description of this register. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 74 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Configuring the eCSPI Driver NOTE The EN bit of control register should be cleared to reset the controller internal logic. Set this bit before setting the configuration register or setting to the configuration register will not have an effect. To set the SPI bus frequency, configure the pre divider and post divider, as shown in the following equation: Fspi = Fsource ÷ ((pre + 1) x 2post) The following figure shows an example using an engineering sample board's schematic eCSPI. In this example, SS1(EIM_D19) is selected and master mode is set; therefore, the CONREG bit[19:18] should be 01b and bit 5 should be 1b. 3.3 V SPI NOR Flash 3.3 V U78 0 R880 SPI_NOR_MOSI 5 EIM_D16 0 R881 SPI_NOR_SCK 6 EIM_D19 0 R887 SPI_NOR_CS_B 1 EIM_D18 R889 10.0K SPI_NOR_WP_B 3 C493 C494 4.7uF 0.1UF 8 VCC Q D 2 SPI_NOR_MISO 7 SPI_NOR_RST_B 0 R886 EIM_D17 C S HOLD W/VPP VSS 4 {} PORT3_P38 0 M25P32_VMW6TG R879 Figure 6-3. eCSPI example configuration For further details, see the eCSPI chapter in the chip reference manual. 6.8 eCSPI data transfers This section describes how to handle data transfers between the eCSPI controller and the device. In SPI master mode, the controller initiates the transfer actively, and then reads the response from the slave. The following figure shows the flow chart for data transfer in master mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 75 Application program interface Start Setup burst length Check status N Setup SMC (CONREG) Transfer complete? N Y Put data to TxFIFO (size = burst bytes) Read data from TxFIFO (size = burst bytes) Timeout? Y Fail Clear status (TC, RC) Success Figure 6-4. Master mode data transfer flow chart During the SPI transfer, burst length bits of data should be written to TxFIFO. 1. Set the burst length and SMC first, and then you can write the burst length of data to TxFIFO. 2. The transfer complete (TC) bit is set only when the controller receives the same burst length of data from the slave as the burst length of data that the controller sent. 3. When this bit is set, burst length bits of data can be read from RxFIFO. 6.9 Application program interface All the external function calls and variables are located in the inc/ecspi_ifc.h file. The following table explains the APIs. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 76 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Configuring the eCSPI Driver Table 6-3. eCSPI APIs API int ecspi_open(dev_ecspi_ e device, param_ecspi_t parameter); Description Initializes the eCSPI controller as specified by device; parameter specifies the configuration. Parameters device: device instance/ enumeration Return • TRUE on success • FALSE on fail parameter: device configuration. See ecspi_ifc.h for detailed bit field definitions. int Disables the eCSPI device. ecspi_close(dev_ecspi_ e device); device: device instance/ enumeration • TRUE on success • FALSE on fail. int Resets the eCSPI controller. ecspi_ioctl(dev_ecspi_e, Unlike ecspi_open it does not param_ecspi_t); configure the clock or IOMUX. device: device instance/ enumeration • TRUE on success • FALSE on fail. parameter: device configuration. See ecspi_ifc.h for detailed bit field definitions. int Initiates data transfer ecspi_xfer(dev_ecspi_e device, uint8_t *tx_buf, uint8_t *rx_buf, uint16_t burst_len); device: device instance/ enumeration: • TRUE on success • FALSE on fail • tx_buf: data to be sent • rx_buf: buffer to put data returned • burst_len: length in bits of the data to exchange i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 77 Application program interface i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 78 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Configuring the EIM Driver 7.1 EIM overview This chapter explains how to configure the driver for the wireless external interface module (EIM). The EIM handles the interface to devices that are external to the chip, including the generation of chip selects (CS), clock, and control for external peripherals and memory. The EIM provides access as follows: • Asynchronous access to devices with SRAM-like interface • Synchronous access to devices with NOR-flash-like or PSRAM-like interface. Locations on the chip are: • • • • • EIM controller register base = 021B 8000h External memory (EIM NOR/RAM CS0) = 0800 0000h. CS1 = 256 Mbytes after CS0 CS2 = 256 Mbytes after CS1 CSn+1 = 256 Mbytes after CSn The EIM controller supports the following programmable data port sizes: 8 bit, 16 bit, and 32 bit. It also supports the multiplexed address/data operation, which means A0-A15 can be multiplexed as data pins. 7.2 Feature summary The EIM has the following features: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 79 Modes of operation Table 7-1. EIM feature summary Feature Details Chip selects • Up to six chip selects for external devices • Flexible address decoding; each chip select can be configured separately with the configuration register • Individual select signal for each memory space defined • Selectable write protection for each chip select • Support for multiplexed address/data bus operation on 16-bit or 32-bit port size • Programmable data port size for each chip select (8 bit, 16 bit, or 32 bit) • Programmable wait-state generator for each chip select for write and read accesses separately Accesses • Asynchronous accesses with programmable setup and hold times for control signals • Support for asynchronous page mode accesses (16-bit and 32-bit port size) Mode support • Independent synchronous memory burst read mode support for NOR Flash and PSRAM memories (16-bit and 32-bit port size) • Independent synchronous memory burst write mode support for PSRAMand NOR-Flash-like memories • Independent programable variable/fix latency support for read and write synchronous (burst) mode • Support for big endian and little endian operation modes per access General feature support • Support for NAND Flash devices with NOR Flash like interface-MDOC, OneNand • Support for one ID at a time ARM AXI slave interface • External interrupt support, RDY_INT signal function as external interrupt Boot from external device support according to boot signals, using RDY_INT signal • RDY signal support assertion after reset for MDOC device • INT signal support assertion after reset for OneNand device 7.3 Modes of operation Table 7-2. EIM modes of operation Mode Description Asynchronous mode Non-burst mode used for SDRAM access Asynchronous page mode Allows burst accesses by emulating page mode operation Multiplexed address/data mode Address pins DA[15:0] can be multiplexed as data pins Burst clock mode Supports burst synchronous operations in various frequencies Low power mode Gates input clocks by ACT_CS bits Boot mode Boots from external device located on CS0 7.4 Clocks The following table shows the EIM clock source. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 80 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Configuring the EIM Driver Table 7-3. Reference clocks Clock EIM clock root Name Description ACLK_EMI_SLOW_CLK_ROOT 132 MHz source by default. Can be changed through: • CSCMR1[aclk_emi_slow_sel] • CSCMR1[aclk_emi_slow_podf] 7.5 IOMUX pin mapping The following table shows the pins that are used on the engineering sample board. Because some pins can be MUXed to multiple pads, refer to the board schematic to choose the proper pad. Table 7-4. IOMUX pin mapping Signal PAD MUX SION WEIM_DA_A[0] EIM_DA0 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[1] EIM_DA1 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[2] EIM_DA2 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[3] EIM_DA3 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[4] EIM_DA4 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[5] EIM_DA5 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[6] EIM_DA6 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[7] EIM_DA7 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[8] EIM_DA8 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[9] EIM_DA9 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[10] EIM_DA10 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[11] EIM_DA11 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[12] EIM_DA12 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[13] EIM_DA13 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[14] EIM_DA14 ALT0 0 WEIM_DA_A[15] EIM_DA15 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[16] EIM_D16 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[17] EIM_D17 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[18] EIM_D18 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[19] EIM_D19 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[20] EIM_D20 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[21] EIM_D21 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[22] EIM_D22 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[23] EIM_D23 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[24] EIM_D24 ALT0 0 Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 81 Resets and interrupts Table 7-4. IOMUX pin mapping (continued) Signal PAD MUX SION WEIM_D[25] EIM_D25 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[26] EIM_D26 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[27] EIM_D27 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[28] EIM_D28 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[29] EIM_D29 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[30] EIM_D30 ALT0 0 WEIM_D[31] EIM_D31 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[16] EIM_A16 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[17] EIM_A17 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[18] EIM_A18 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[19] EIM_A19 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[20] EIM_A20 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[21] EIM_A21 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[22] EIM_A22 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[23] EIM_A23 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[24] EIM_A24 ALT0 0 WEIM_A[25] EIM_A25 ALT0 0 WEIM_LBA EIM_LBA ALT0 0 WEIM_OE EIM_OE ALT0 0 WEIM_RW EIM_RW ALT0 0 WEIM_CS[0] EIM_CS0 ALT0 0 WEIM_CS[1] EIM_CS1 ALT0 0 WEIM_EB[0] EIM_EB0 ALT0 0 WEIM_EB[1] EIM_EB1 ALT0 0 WEIM_EB[2] EIM_EB2 ALT0 0 WEIM_EB[3] EIM_EB3 ALT0 0 WEIM_WAIT EIM_WAIT ALT0 0 WEIM_BCLK EIM_BCLK ALT0 0 7.6 Resets and interrupts This driver does not implement an interrupt mode. 7.7 Initializing the driver Use the following code to initialize the driver: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 82 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 7 Configuring the EIM Driver uint32_t eim_init(…) { Configure the DSZ field of GCR1 Configure the MUM field of GCR1 Configure the SHFT field of GCR1 Enable chip select Set other fields according to external device and HW connection } 7.8 Testing the driver Build the SDK with the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board sabre_ai -board_rev a -test eim This generates an ELF and binary file into the following locations: • • output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-eim-sdk.elf output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-eim-sdk.bin Download mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a using RV-ICE or Lauterbach Trace32. Alternately, burn mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a to an SD card with the following command (entered in Windows's "Command Prompt" window): cfimager-imx -o 0 -f mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-eim-sdk.bin -d g:(SD drive name in your PC) Finally, power-up the board to run the test. The general test routine is as follows: int main(void) { Initialize test buffer Initialize EIM controller Initialize NOR-flash on CS0 Write data to flash Read data back from flash Compare data } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 83 Testing the driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 84 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Configuring the EPIT Driver 8.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the EPIT driver. EPIT is a 32-bit set-and-forget timer that begins counting after it is enabled by software. It is capable of providing precise interrupts at regular intervals with minimal processor intervention. This low-level driver helps to configure the EPIT for some functions like delay or system tick. There are two instances of EPIT. They are located in the memory map at: • EPIT1 base address = 020D 0000h • EPIT2 base address = 020D 4000h 8.2 Feature summary This low-level driver supports: • • • • • The usage of three different clock sources for the 32-bit down counter. Set-and-forget and free-running modes On the fly counter reprogramming Can be programmed to be active in low-power and debug modes Interrupt generation when the counter reaches the compare value 8.3 Modes of operation The following table explains the EPIT modes of operation: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 85 Output compare event Table 8-1. Modes of operation Mode What it does Set-and-forget mode: The EPIT counter starts the count down from the load register EPIT_EPITLR value to zero. When the counter reaches 0, it reloads the value from EPIT_EPITLR, and starts to count down towards 0. For this, the reload mode must be enabled. The counter does not have to be at 0 for it to be loaded with a different start value. It can be achieved by setting EPIT_CR[IOVW]. Free-running mode: The EPIT counter endlessly counts down from FFFF FFFFh to 0h. The reload mode must be disabled. 8.4 Output compare event The EPIT has the capability to change the state of an output signal (EPITO) on a compare event. The behavior of that signal is configurable in the driver and could be set to: • • • • OUTPUT_CMP_DISABLE = output disconnected from the external signal EPITO. OUTPUT_CMP_TOGGLE = toggle the output. OUTPUT_CMP_CLEAR = set the output to a low level. OUTPUT_CMP_SET = set the output to a high level. Use the following function to generate an output event on compare: • epit_get_compare_event() 8.5 Clocks EPIT receives three clock signals. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 86 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Configuring the EPIT Driver CCM 0 0 0 4 ipg_podf pll_bypass_en2 pre_periph_clk_sel AHB_CLKs_ROOT (132 MHz) 2 periph_clk_sel perclk_podf cg IPG_CLK_ROOT (66 MHz) CLKSRC DPLL2 396 MHz 352 MHz 198 MHz PERCLK_ROOT (66 MHz) counter clock GPT_PR GPT CKIL I/O PAD 2 3-bit Divider where 2 = default divider value. 1 6-bit Divider where 1 = default divider value. th 0 MUX with default 0 selection. Unless mentioned, the inputs are in ascending order. Figure 8-1. Reference clocks The following table explains the EPIT reference clocks: Table 8-2. Reference clocks Clock Name Description Low-frequency clock CKIL Global 32,768 Hz source from the CKIL input. It remains on in low power mode. High-frequency clock PERCLK_ROOT Provided by the CCM. It can be disabled in low power mode. Peripheral clock IPG_CLK_ROOT Typically used in normal operation. It is provided by CCM. It cannot be powered down. Because the frequency of DPLL2 and various dividers is system dependent, the user may need to adjust the driver's frequency. To do this, change the freq member of the hw_module structure defined into ./src/include/io.h For example, take the following non-default divider values: • DPLL2 is set to output 396 MHz • ahb_podf divides by 3 • ipg_podf divides by 2 In this example, IPG_CLK = 132 MHz and PERCLK = 66 MHz. The driver handles the clock gating on the source clock. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 87 IOMUX pin mapping 8.6 IOMUX pin mapping The EPIT can change the state of an output signal (EPITO) on a compare event. The IOMUX should route these signals to the appropriate pins. The IOMUX configuration is board dependent and can be handled with the IOMUX tool. Table 8-3. EPIT IOMUX pin assignments Signal IOMUXC Setting for EPIT1 PAD MUX iOMUXC Setting for EPIT2 SION PAD MUX SION EPITO EIM_D19 ALT6 1 EIM_D20 ALT6 1 EPITO GPIO_0 ALT4 1 GPIO_8 ALT2 1 EPITO GPIO_7 ALT2 1 - - - 8.7 Resets and interrupts The driver sets EPITCR[SWR] in the function epit_init() to reset the module during initialization. The external application is responsible for creating the interrupt subroutine. The address of this routine is passed through the structure hw_module defined in ./src/include/io.h. It is initialized by the application and used by the driver for various configurations. All interrupt sources are listed in the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter of the device reference manual. In the SDK, the list is provided in ./src/include/mx6dq/ soc_memory_map.h. 8.8 Initializing the EPIT driver Before using the EPIT timer in a system, prepare a structure that provides the essential system parameters to the driver. This is done by using the hw_module structure, which is defined in ./src/include/io.h. The following pseudocode provides an example of the EPIT used as system timer: struct hw_module g_system_timer = { "EPIT1 used as system timer", EPIT1_BASE_ADDR, 66000000, IMX_INT_EPIT1, &default_interrupt_routine, }; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 88 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 8 Configuring the EPIT Driver The following functions typically use the address of this structure. /*! * Initialize the EPIT timer. * * @param port - pointer to the EPIT module structure. * @param clock_src - source clock of the counter: CLKSRC_OFF, * CLKSRC_IPG_CLK, CLKSRC_PER_CLK, CLKSRC_CKIL. * @param prescaler - prescaler of source clock from 1 to 4096. * @param reload_mode - counter reload mode: FREE_RUNNING or * SET_AND_FORGET. * @param load_val - load value from where the counter start. * @param low_power_mode - low power during which the timer is enabled: * WAIT_MODE_EN and/or STOP_MODE_EN. */ void epit_init(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t clock_src, uint32_t prescaler, uint32_t reload_mode, uint32_t load_val, uint32_t low_power_mode) /*! * Setup EPIT interrupt. It enables or disables the related HW module * interrupt, and attached the related sub-routine into the vector table. * * @param port - pointer to the EPIT module structure. */ void epit_setup_interrupt(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) /*! * Enable the EPIT module. Used for instance when the epit_init is done, and * other interrupt related settings are ready. * * @param port - pointer to the EPIT module structure. * @param load_val - load value from where the counter starts. * @param irq_mode - interrupt mode: IRQ_MODE or POLLING_MODE. */ void epit_counter_enable(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t load_val, uint32_t irq_mode) /*! * Disable the counter. It saves energy when not used. * * @param port - pointer to the EPIT module structure. */ void epit_counter_disable(struct hw_module *port) /*! * Get the output compare status flag and clear if set. * This function is typically used for polling method. * * @param port - pointer to the EPIT module structure. * @return the value of the compare event flag. */ uint32_t epit_get_compare_event(struct hw_module *port) /*! * Reload the counter with a known value. * * @param port - pointer to the EPIT module structure. */ void epit_reload_counter(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t load_val) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 89 Testing the EPIT driver 8.9 Testing the EPIT driver The EPIT driver runs the following tests: • Delay test • Tick test 8.9.1 Delay test The delay test shows the usage of the EPIT as a timer for a delay function hal_delay_us(), which is programmed into ./src/sdk/timer/drv/imx_timer/timer.c. This function serves as a use case example of EPIT in a system. The test displays the elapsed numbers of seconds. This test runs for 10 seconds and then returns to the main test menu. 8.9.2 Tick test In the tick test, the EPIT is configured to generate an interrupt every 10 ms. This is similar to an operating system tick timer with one hundred interrupts occurring per second. After each second has elapsed, the test displays the equivalent number of received ticks. This runs for 10 seconds and then returns to the main test menu. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 90 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Configuring the ESAI Driver 9.1 ESAI overview This chapter describes the module-level operation and programming for the enhanced serial audio interface (ESAI). The pseudocode supplied in the document is based on the source code for the ESAI driver, which is delivered with the i.MX 6 series Platform SDK. The ESAI provides a full-duplex serial port for serial communication with serial devices, including industry-standard codecs and other DSPs. It consists of independent transmitter and receiver sections and can contain up to six transmitters and up to four receivers. • Transmitters 2-5 and receivers 0-3 share the following pins: • SDO2/SDI3 • SDO3/SDI2 • SDO4/SDI1 • SDO5/SDI0 • Transmitters 0 and 1 share the following pins, which they use exclusively: • SDO0 • SDO1 Each independent transmitter and receiver section has its own clock generator, but all transmitters share the 128-word transmit FIFO and all receivers share the 128-word receive FIFO. There is only one instance of the ESAI, which is located at base address = 0202 4000h. 9.2 Feature summary The ESAI driver in the SDK has the following features: • A simple framework for audio i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 91 Clocks • ESAI driver • CS42888 driver for the external audio codec 9.3 Clocks CS1CDR: esai_clk_pred PLL 4 0 PLL 3 PFD 2 (508.2M) 1 PLL 3 PFD 3 (454.7M) 2 PLL 3 3 CS1CDR: esai_clk_podf 3 bit divider default=2 cg ESAI_CLK_ROOT 3 bit divider default=8 CSCMR2: esai_clk_sel Figure 9-1. ESAI clock tree Before the ESAI is used, CCM_CCGR1[CG8] must be set to gate on esai_clks. See the "Clock Controller Module" chapter in the chip reference manual for details. By default, ESAI_CLK_ROOT is sourced from PLL3, which is 480 MHz in this chip. Taking the default CS1CDR esai_clk_pred value of 2 and the default CS1CDR esai_clk_podf value of 8, esai_clk_root is divided to 30 MHz. 9.4 IOMUX pin mapping The IOMUX pin mapping in the following table is based on an engineering sample board. For other boards, see the board schematics for the specific pin assignments. Table 9-1. Example IOMUX pin mapping Signal name Pin name ALT Daisy chain involved ESAI_FSR ENET_REF_CLK ALT2 YES ESAI1_FST ENET_RXD1 ALT2 YES ESAI_HCKT ENET_RXD0 ALT2 YES ESAI_SCKR ENET_MDIO ALT2 YES ESAI_SCKT ENET_CRS_DV ALT2 YES Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 92 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Configuring the ESAI Driver Table 9-1. Example IOMUX pin mapping (continued) Signal name Pin name ALT Daisy chain involved ESAI_SDO0 NANDF_CS2 ALT2 YES ESAI_ SDO1 NANDF_CS3 ALT2 YES ESAI_SDO2/SDI3 ENET_TXD1 ALT2 YES ESAI_ SDO3/SDI2 ENET_TX_EN ALT2 YES ESAI_ SDO4/SDI1 ENET_TXD0 ALT2 YES ESAI_ SDO5/SDI0 ENET_MDC ALT2 YES 9.5 External ESAI signal description Table 9-2. ESAI signal descriptions (external) Signal name Description I/O SDO0 Used for transmitting data from the ESAI_TX0 serial transmit shift register. O SDO1 Used for transmitting data from the ESAI_TX1 serial transmit shift register. O SDO2/SDI3 • Used as SDO2 for transmitting data from the ESAI_TX2 serial transmit shift register when programmed as a transmitter pin • Used as the SDI3 signal for receiving serial data to the ESAI_RX3 serial receive shift register when programmed as a receiver pin I/O SDO3/SDI2 • Used as the SDO3 signal for transmitting data from the ESAI_TX3 serial transmit shift register when programmed as a transmitter pin • Used as the SDI2 signal for receiving serial data to the ESAI_RX2 serial receive shift register when programmed as a receiver pin I/O SDO4/SDI1 • Used as SDO4 for transmitting data from the ESAI_TX4 serial transmit shift register when programmed as transmitter pin • Used as SDI1 for receiving serial data to the RX1 serial receive shift register when programmed as a receiver pin I/O SDO5/SDI0 • Used as SDO5 for transmitting data from the ESAI_TX5 serial transmit shift register when programmed as transmitter pin • Used as SDI0 for receiving serial data to the ESAI_RX0 serial shift register when programmed as a receiver pin I/O SCKR SCKR is a bidirectional pin providing the receivers' serial bit clock for the ESAI interface. The direction can be programmed. I/O SCKT SCKT is a bidirectional pin providing the transmitters' serial bit clock for the ESAI interface. The direction can be programmed. I/O FSR FSR is a bidirectional pin providing the receivers' frame sync signal for the ESAI interface. I/O FST FST is a bidirectional pin providing the frame sync for both the transmitters and receivers in the synchronous mode (SYN=1) and for the transmitters only in asynchronous mode I/O HCKT HCKT is a bidirectional pin providing the transmitters high frequency clock for the ESAI interface. I/O HCKR HCKR is a bidirectional pin providing the receivers high frequency clock for the ESAI interface. I/O i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 93 Audio framework 9.6 Audio framework Because this chip uses multiple audio controllers and audio codecs, an audio framework is needed to manage all audio modules (controllers and codecs) and to provide a uniform APIs for application programmers. The following three data structures create the audio framework: • • • audio_card_t—describes the audio card audio_ctrl_t—describes the audio controller (for example, SSI or ESAI module) audio_codec_t—describes the audio codec (for example sgtl5000 or CS42888) In addition, audio_dev_ops_t is the data member for the three audio framework data structures and audio_dev_para_t describes the audio parameter passed to the configuration function. The audio card consists of one audio controller and one audio codec. audio_card_t is the only data structure that applications can access and manage. 9.6.1 audio_card_t data structure The data structure audio_card_t, which describes the audio card, is: typedef struct { const char *name; audio_codec_p codec; //audio codec which is included audio_ctrl_p ctrl; //audio controller which is included audio_dev_ops_p ops; //APIs } audio_card_t, *audio_card_p; 9.6.2 audio_ctrl_t data structure The data structure audio_ctrl_t, which describes the audio controller, is: typedef struct { const char *name; uint32_t base_addr; // the io audio_bus_type_e bus_type; //The bus audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; //the bus int irq; //the irq int sdma_ch; //Will be audio_dev_ops_p ops; //APIs } audio_ctrl_t, *audio_ctrl_p; base address of the controller type(ssi, esai or spdif) the controller supports mode(master, slave or both)the controller supports number used for SDMA i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 94 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Configuring the ESAI Driver 9.6.3 audio_codec_t data structure The data structureaudio_codec_t, which describes the audio codec, is: typedef struct { const char *name; uint32_t i2c_base; //the i2c connect with the codec uint32_t i2c_freq; // i2c operate freq; uint32_t i2c_dev_addr; //Device address for I2C bus audio_bus_type_e bus_type; //The bus type(ssi, esai or spdif) the codec supports audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; //the bus mode(master, slave or both)the codec supports audio_dev_ops_p ops; //APIs } audio_codec_t, *audio_codec_p; 9.6.4 audio_dev_ops_t data structure The data structure audio_dev_ops_t, which describes the APIs of audio devices (codec, controller, and card), is: typedef struct { int (*init) (void *priv); int (*deinit) (void *priv); int (*config) (void *priv, audio_dev_para_p para); int (*ioctl) (void *priv, uint32_t cmd, void *para); int (*write) (void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t byte2write, uint32_t *bytewrittern); int (*read) (void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t byte2read, uint32_t byteread); } audio_dev_ops_t, *audio_dev_ops_p; 9.6.5 audio_dev_para_t data structure The data structure audio_dev_para_t, which describes the audio parameter that is passed to the configuration function is: typedef struct { audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; //Master or slave audio_bus_protocol_e bus_protocol; //I2S, AC97 and so on audio_trans_dir_e trans_dir; //Tx, Rx or both audio_samplerate_e sample_rate; //32K, 44.1K , 48K, and so on audio_word_length_e word_length; unsigned int channel_number; } audio_dev_para_t, *audio_dev_para_p; 9.7 ESAI driver functions The ESAI driver has both local functions and public APIs. The local functions are used to: • Reset the ESAI • Obtain the ESAI setting and status values i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 95 ESAI driver functions • Set ESAI parameters • Enable ESAI sub-modules The public APIs are used to: • Initialize and deintialize the ESAI driver • Configure the ESAI • Playback through the ESAI 9.7.1 Resetting the ESAI The ESAI and its submodules (transmitters, receivers, Tx FIFO, and Rx FIFO) can be reset, using the following function: static int32_t esai_reset(audio_ctrl_p ctrl) 9.7.2 Obtaining ESAI parameters The function uint32_t esai_get_hw_para(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t parameter values according to the parameter type, as follows: typedef enum { ESAI_HW_PARA_ECR, ESAI_HW_PARA_TCR, ESAI_HW_PARA_RCR, ESAI_HW_PARA_TCCR, ESAI_HW_PARA_RCCR, ESAI_HW_PARA_TFCR, ESAI_HW_PARA_RFCR, ESAI_HW_PARA_TSR, ESAI_HW_PARA_SAICR, ESAI_HW_PARA_TSM, ESAI_HW_PARA_RSM, ESAI_HW_PARA_TX_WL, ESAI_HW_PARA_RX_WL, } esai_hw_para_type_e; //time //time //word //word type) returns the ESAI slot mask slot mask len in bits len in bits The function can be called once ESAI has been initialized. 9.7.3 Setting ESAI parameters The function static uint32_t esai_set_hw_para(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type, uint32_t val) sets ESAI parameters according to the parameter type. The supported parameter types are listed in the enumeration esai_hw_para_type_e. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 96 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Configuring the ESAI Driver 9.7.4 Obtaining ESAI status The function static uint32_t esai_get_status(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type) obtains the ESAI status according to status type. The status types are supported as follows: typedef enum { ESAI_STATUS_ESR, ESAI_STATUS_TFSR, ESAI_STATUS_RFSR, ESAI_STATUS_SAISR, } esai_status_e; 9.7.5 Enabling ESAI submodules ESAI and its sub-modules can be enabled or disabled individually. The function static uint32_t esai_sub_enable(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type, uint32_t val) can enabled or disabled ESAI or its sub-modules according enabling types as follows: typedef enum { ESAI_SUB_ENABLE_TYPE_ESAI, ESAI_SUB_ENABLE_TYPE_TX, ESAI_SUB_ENABLE_TYPE_RX, ESAI_SUB_ENABLE_TYPE_TXFIFO, ESAI_SUB_ENABLE_TYPE_RXFIFO, } esai_sub_enable_type_e; 9.7.6 Initializing the ESAI Before the ESAI driver can be used to play audio, the ESAI module must be initialized using the function int esai_init(void *priv). Initialization includes the following: • Configuring the IOMUX for external ESAI signals. • Setting the clock, such as selecting the clock source and gating on clocks for ESAI. • Resetting the ESAI module and puting all registers into their reset value. 9.7.7 Configuring the ESAI The function int esai_config(void *priv, audio_dev_para_p para) configures the ESAI parameters according to the audio_dev_para data structure that is passed by the audio card driver. This function: • Sets the direction of bit clock and frame sync clock • Sets the attribute of bit clock and frame sync clock, such as polarity and frame sync length • Sets bit clock dividers if the internal bit clock was used • Sets frame length i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 97 CS42888 driver • • • • • Sets word length and slot length Sets FIFO's watermarks. Fills zeros to Tx FIFO if Tx FIFO is used. Enables the ESAI Enables Tx FIFO, Rx FIFO, the transmitters, and the receivers 9.7.8 Playback through ESAI After initialization and configuration, data can be written to ESAI Tx FIFO to play back music. ESAI_ESR[TFE] polls to determine whether the Tx FIFO is empty or not. If Tx FIFO is empty (the data count in Tx FIFO is less than the watermark), data can be written to it according to the word length (TFCR[TWA]). 9.7.9 ESAI de-initialization This function de-initializes the ESAI and frees the resources that the ESAI had been using. 9.8 CS42888 driver CS42888 is one of many codecs that have an ESAI interface and can be used as an external audio codec. This chapter discusses the ESAI controller itself, and therefore does not provide details about the CS42888 driver. See the CS42888 driver for details. 9.9 Testing the unit To run the ESAI test, the SDK builds the test with the following command: tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board evb -test audio -clean This creates the following ELF and binary files: output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dqevb-audio-sdk.elf output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dqevb-audio-sdk.bin Use RV-ICE or Lauterbach to download mx6dqevb-audio-sdk.elf or burn mx6dqevbaudio-sdk.bin to an SD card by entering the following command in Windows's command prompt window: cfimager-imx -o 0 -f mx6dqevb-audio-sdk.bin -d g:(SD drive name in your PC) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 98 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 9 Configuring the ESAI Driver Then, power-up the board and select ESAI playback according to the prompt in the terminal. This runs the ESAI test unit. The ESAI test unit demonstrates how to use the audio framework to play back music. The test unit works as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Initialize the snd_card_esai which includes ESAI and CS42888. Configure the snd_card_esai. Write the music file to the snd_card_esai, that is, playback music. If "exit" selected by the user, de-initialize the snd_card_esai and return. If the test is successful, you will hear a voice in the headphone. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 99 Testing the unit i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Configuring the Ethernet Driver 10.1 Overview This chapter explains how to use the driver for the MAC-NET core, which implements a triple speed 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet MAC compliant with the IEEE 802.3-2002 standard. The MAC layer provides compatibility with half- or full-duplex 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LANs and full-duplex gigabit Ethernet LANs. The core also implements a hardware acceleration block that optimizes the performance of network controllers providing IP and TCP, UDP, ICMP protocol services. The acceleration block performs critical functions in hardware, which are typically implemented with large software overhead. The programmable 10/100/1000 Ethernet MAC with IEEE 1588 integrates a standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet MAC with a time-stamping module. 10.2 Feature summary The following table summarizes the MAC-NET core features. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 101 Feature summary Table 10-1. Feature summary Protocol Ethernet MAC Feature list • Implements the full 802.3 specification with preamble/SFD generation, frame padding generation, CRC generation, and checking • Dynamically configurable to support 10/100 Mbps and Gigabit operation • Supports 10/100 Mbps full duplex and configurable half duplex operation • Supports gigabit full duplex operation • Supports AMD magic packet detection with interrupt for node remote power management • Seamless interface to commercial Ethernet PHY device via one of the following: • A 4-bit MII (medium independent interface) operating at 25 MHz • A 2-bit RMII (reduced medium independent interface) operating at 50 MHz • A double data rate 4-bit RGMII (reduced gigabit media independent interface) operating at 125 MHz • Simple 64-Bit FIFO interface to user application • CRC-32 checking at full speed with optional forwarding of the frame check sequence • (FCS) field to the client • CRC-32 generation and append on transmit or forwarding of user application provided FCS selectable on a per-frame basis • When operating in full duplex mode, the MAC-NET core includes the following: • Automated pause frame (802.3 x31A) generation and termination providing flow control without user application intervention • Pause quanta used to form pause frames, dynamically programmable • Pause frame generation additionally controllable by user application offering flexible traffic flow control • Optional forwarding of received pause frames to the user application • In half-duplex mode, provides full collision support, including jamming, back off, and automatic retransmission • Support for VLAN-tagged frames according to IEEE 802.1Q • Programmable MAC address: insertion on transmit and discards frames with mismatching destination address on receive (except broadcast and pause frames) • Programmable promiscuous mode support to omit MAC destination address checking on receive • Multicast and unicast address filtering on receive based on 64 entries hash table reducing higher layer processing load • Programmable frame maximum length providing support for any standard or proprietary frame length • Statistics indicators for frame traffic and errors (alignment, CRC, length) and pause frames providing for IEEE 802.3 basic and mandatory management information database (MIB) package and remote network monitoring (RFC 2819) • Simple handshake user application FIFO interface with fully programmable depth and threshold levels • Separate status word available for each received frame on the user interface, providing information such as frame length, frame type, VLAN tag, and error information • Multiple internal loopback options • MDIO master interface for PHY device configuration and management with two programmable MDIO base addresses • Supports legacy FEC buffer descriptors Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 102 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Configuring the Ethernet Driver Table 10-1. Feature summary (continued) Protocol Feature list IP Protocol Performance Optimization • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IEEE 1588 • • • • • • • • Operates on TCP/IP and UDP/IP and ICMP/IP protocol data or IP header only Enables wire-speed processing IPv4 and IPv6 support Transparent passing of frames of other types and protocols Support for VLAN tagged frames according to IEEE 802.1q with transparent forwarding of VLAN tag and control field Automatic IP-header and payload (protocol specific) checksum calculation and verification on receive Automatic IP-header and payload (protocol specific) checksum generation and automatic insertion on transmit configurable on a per-frame basis Support for IP and TCP, UDP, ICMP data for checksum generation and checking Full header options support for IPv4 and TCP protocol headers IPv6 support limited to datagrams with base header only. Datagrams with extension headers are passed transparently unmodified/unchecked. Statistics information for received IP and protocol errors Configurable automatic discard of erroneous frames Configurable automatic host-to-network (Rx) and network-to-host (Tx) byte order conversion for IP and TCP/UDP/ICMP headers within the frame Configurable padding remove for short IP datagrams on receive Configurable Ethernet payload alignment to allow for 32-bit word aligned header and payload processing Programmable store-and-forward operation with clock and rate decoupling FIFOs Support for all IEEE 1588 frames Reference clock can be chosen independently of the network speed Software-programmable precise time-stamping of ingress and egress frames Timer monitoring capabilities for system calibration and timing accuracy management Precise time-stamping of external events with programmable interrupt generation Programmable event and interrupt generation for external system control Hardware- and software-controllable timer synchronization 4 channel IEEE 1588 timer, each with support for input capture and output compare using the 1588 counter 10.3 Modes of operation Table 10-2. Ethernet modes of operation Mode What it does 10M 10 Mbps 100M 100 Mbps 1000M 1000 Mbps i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 103 Clocks 10.4 Clocks Table 10-3. Reference clock Clock Name Ethernet PLL Ethernet PLL Description The PLL outputs a 500 MHz clock. 10.5 IOMUX pin mapping Table 10-4. IOMUX pin mapping for the Ethernet driver Signals Driver PAD Description MUX SION MDC KEY_COL2 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_KEY_COL2 - MDC - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_KEY_COL2 - Pad control MDIO KEY_COL1 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_KEY_COL1 - MDIO - - IOMUXC_ENET_IPP_IND_MAC0_MDIO_SELECT_INP UT - Select KEY_COL1 Involved in Daisy Chain - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_KEY_COL1 - Pad control RGMII_RXD0 RGMII_RD0 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD0 - RXD0 - - IOMUXC_ENET_IPP_IND_MAC0_RXDATA_0_SELECT _INPUT Select RGMII_RD0 Involved in Daisy Chain - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD0 - Pad control - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_GRP_DDR_TYPE_RGMII - DDR Select Field - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_GRP_RGMII_TERM - On Die Termination Field RGMII_RXD1 RGMII_RD1 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD1 - RXD1 - - IOMUXC_ENET_IPP_IND_MAC0_RXDATA_1_SELECT _INPUT Select RGMII_RD1 Involved in Daisy Chain - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD1 - Pad control RGMII_RXD2 RGMII_RD2 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD2 - RXD2 - - IOMUXC_ENET_IPP_IND_MAC0_RXDATA_2_SELECT _INPUT Select RGMII_RD2 involved in Daisy Chain - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD2 - Pad control RGMII_RXD3 RGMII_RD3 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD3 - RXD3 Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 104 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 10 Configuring the Ethernet Driver Table 10-4. IOMUX pin mapping for the Ethernet driver (continued) Signals Driver PAD Description MUX SION - - IOMUXC_ENET_IPP_IND_MAC0_RXDATA_3_SELECT _INPUT Select RGMII_RD3 involved in Daisy Chain - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RD3 - Pad control RGMII_RX_CTL RGMII_RX_CTL IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RX_CTL - RX control - - IOMUXC_ENET_IPP_IND_MAC0_RXEN_SELECT_INP UT Select RGMII_RX_CTL involved in Daisy Chain - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RX_CTL - Pad control RGMII_RXC RGMII_RXC IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RXC - RX clock - - IOMUXC_ENET_IPP_IND_MAC0_RXCLK_SELECT_IN PUT - Select RGMII_RXC involved in Daisy Chain - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_RXC - Pad control RGMII_TD0 RGMII_TD0 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD0 - TXD0 - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD0 - Pad control RGMII_TD1 RGMII_TD1 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD1 - TXD1 - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD1 - Pad control RGMII_TD2 RGMII_TD2 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD2 - TXD2 - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD2 - Pad contorl RGMII_TD3 RGMII_TD3 IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD3 - TXD3 - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TD3 - Pad control RGMII_TX_CTL RGMII_TX_CTL IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TX_CTL - TX control - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TX_CTL - Pad control RGMII_TXC RGMII_TXC IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TXC - TX clock - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_RGMII_TXC - Pad control ENET_REF_CLK ENET_REF_CLK IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_ENET_REF_CLK - Enet refernece clock - - IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_ENET_REF_CLK - Pad control 10.6 Resets and interrupts The Ethernet IRQ number is 149. This SDK does not implement an interrupt mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 105 Initializing the driver 10.7 Initializing the driver To initialize the driver, use the following pseudocode: void imx_ar8031_iomux(void) { /*intialize IOMUX of ethernet*/ } int imx_enet_init(imx_enet_priv_t * dev, unsigned long reg_base, int phy_addr) { /*1.initialize BD buffers*/ /*2.initialize ethernet chip*/ } int imx_enet_mii_type(imx_enet_priv_t * dev, enum imx_mii_type mii_type) { /*Set MMI type: RMII or RGMII*/ } void imx_enet_phy_init(imx_enet_priv_t * dev) { /*initialize ethernet PHY*/ } 10.8 Testing the driver To test the driver, run the following code. Note that a loop cable is required on the RJ45 interface. int main(void) { imx_ar8031_iomux(); //init enet0 imx_enet_init(dev0, ENET_BASE_ADDR, 0); imx_enet_mii_type(dev0, RGMII); //init phy0. imx_enet_phy_init(dev0); /*send data*/ /*receive data*/ /*compare data*/ } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 106 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Configuring the FlexCAN Modules 11.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure and use the FlexCAN modules. The FlexCAN (flexible controller area network) module is a communication controller that implements the CAN protocol (CAN 2.0B). The following figure shows a general block diagram, which illustrates the main subblocks implemented in the FlexCAN module. This includes two embedded memories: one for supporting message buffers (MB) and another for storing Rx individual mask registers. For more details, refer to the FlexCAN chapter of the reference manual. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 107 Feature summary MB63 RXIMR63 RXIMR62 CAN Buffer Protocol Management Interface MB62 max MB # (0-63) ID mask storage Message buffer storage 64/128/256Byte RAM 288/544/1066Byte RAM RXIMR1 RXIMR0 Message CAN Tx CAN Tx MB1 Bus Interface Unit MB0 IP bus interface Clocks, address and data buses, interrupt and test signals Figure 11-1. FlexCAN block diagram There are two module instances of the FlexCAN module in the chip, which are memory mapped to locations: • CAN1 base address = 0209 0000h • CAN2 base address = 0209 4000h 11.2 Feature summary This low-level driver supports: • • • • Up to 64 message buffers Standard CAN initialization routine Maskable interrupts for each message buffer Use of data structures to define the module register memory map i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 108 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Configuring the FlexCAN Modules 11.3 Modes of operation The following table summarizes the FlexCAN modes of operation. Table 11-1. FlexCAN modes of operation Mode What it does Normal mode The module can receive and transmit message frames; errors are handled normally, and all CAN protocol functions are enabled. (User or Supervisor) User and supervisor mode differ in given access to some restricted control registers. Freeze mode The module cannot transmit or receive message frames, and synchronicity to the CAN bus is lost. Listen-only mode Transmission is disabled, and all error counters are frozen. The module operates in a CAN error passive mode. Only messages acknowledged by another CAN station are received. Loopback mode The module performs an internal loopback that can be used for a self-test operation. The bit stream output of the transmitter is internally fed back to the receiver input. Module disable This is a low power mode in which the clocks to the flexCAN module are disabled. Stop mode This is a low power mode. The module puts itself into an inactive state then it informs the ARM core that the clocks can be shutdown globally. Exit from this mode can be achieved when activity is detected on the CAN bus. 11.4 Clocks The main clock source input for the FlexCAN module is the CAN_CLK_ROOT clock, which is derived as shown in the following image. Additionally, the CCM module has two CAN-related clock gating signals that are configurable with the CCM CGR0 register. The can*_serial_clock_enable and can*_clock_enable signals must both be gated on for the FlexCAN module to function properly. PLL3 / div 8 can divider CAN_CLK_ROOT /1 .. /64 Figure 11-2. Clocking figure i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 109 Module timing Table 11-2. Clock sources Clock Name CAN protocol engine (PE) clock Description CAN_CLK_ROOT FlexCAN module main clock (PE clock). Sclock The Sclock period defines the time quantum of the CAN protocol. The prescaler division factor (PRESDIV bit field in the CTRL register) determines the ratio between CAN_CLK_ROOT and the serial clock. (also called the CAN protocol interface clock, or CPI) Serial clock 11.5 Module timing The FlexCAN bit rate is derived from the serial clock, which is generated by dividing the PE clock by the programmed PRESDIV value. Each serial clock (Sclock, or Ftq. time quantum frequency) period is also referred to as a time quantum. The FlexCAN bitrate is defined as the Sclock divided by the number of time quanta, where time quanta are further broken down segments within the bit time (time to transmit and sample a bit). The following list shows the CAN bitrates that are supported in the CAN module driver. It is possible to support other bit rates within the range of the default supported bit rates by updating the clocks and required time quanta in the can_update_bitrate(struct imx_flexcan *can_module) function to support the new bit rates. • • • • • • • • 1 Mbytes/s 800 Kbytes/s 500 Kbytes/s 250 Kbytes/s 125 Kbytes/s 62.5 Kbytes/s 20 Kbytes/s 10 Kbytes/s 11.6 IOMUX pin mapping The IOMUX configuration is board dependent and can be handled by the IOMUX tool. The following table shows the available mux options for the FlexCAN module signals. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 110 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Configuring the FlexCAN Modules Table 11-3. FlexCAN IOMUX options Signals Option 1 PAD Option 2 MUX PAD Option 3 MUX PAD MUX Module Instance: CAN1 TXCAN KEY_COL2 ALT2 SD3_CMD ALT2 GPIO_7 ALT3 RXCAN KEY_ROW2 ALT2 SD3_CLK ALT2 GPIO_8 ALT3 TXCAN KEY_COL4 ALT0 SD3_DAT0 ALT2 - - RXCAN KEY_ROW4 ALT0 SD3_DAT1 ALT2 - - Module Instance: CAN2 NOTE Daisy chain configuration is required. Because the RXCAN input signals have multiple mux options, users must also configure the associated daisy chain select registers. Refer to the IOMUXC chapter of the reference manual for more details. 11.7 Resets and interrupts 11.7.1 Module reset The FlexCAN module can be reset in two ways. First, the FlexCAN module is reset when the system powers up (and/or there is a system reset). Additionally, the FlexCAN module may also be reset by asserting the software reset bit (bit 25) in the Module Configuration Register. The firmware driver provides the following software reset function: Software reset void can_sw_reset(struct hw_module *port){ volatile struct mx_can_control *can_ctl = (volatile struct mx_can_control *)port->base; } can_ctl->mcr |= (1<<25); //assert SOFT_RST while(can_ctl->mcr & (1<<25)); // poll until complete 11.7.2 Module interrupts The FlexCAN module can generate an interrupt from 70 interrupt sources: • 64 interrupts, one from each message buffer • 6 other general sources (MBs OR'ed together, Bus Off, Error, Tx warning, Rx Warning, Wake-Up) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 111 Initializing the FlexCAN module All FlexCAN interrupt sources are OR'ed together to a single interrupt source to the ARM GIC. The interrupt service routine determines which event actually triggered the interrupt. Similarly, each message buffer can generate an interrupt on either a Tx or Rx event, but both events (Rx/Tx events) trigger a single interrupt source. The interrupt service routine needs to read the message buffer that triggered the event in order to distinguish which type of event occurred. The firmware driver provides functions for enabling or disabling (setting or clearing each interrupt mask or imask bit) interrupts for each individual message buffer as shown in the following example: Message buffer interrupts void can_enable_mb_interrupt(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t mbID) { volatile struct mx_can_control *can_ctl = (volatile struct mx_can_control *)port->base; if (mbID < 32) { can_ctl->imask1 |= (1 << mbID); } else if (mbID < 64) { can_ctl->imask2 |= (1 << (mbID - 32)); } } void can_disable_mb_interrupt(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t mbID) { volatile struct mx_can_control *can_ctl = (volatile struct mx_can_control *)port->base; if (mbID < 32) { can_ctl->imask1 &= ~(1 << mbID); } else if (mbID < 64) { can_ctl->imask2 &= ~(1 << (mbID - 32)); } } To enable FlexCAN interrupts to the system to one of the available cores, however, use the GIC-related functions for enabling interrupts. See Testing the driver, for an example. 11.8 Initializing the FlexCAN module To initialize the FlexCAN module, use the following steps: 1. Run the can_init function, which will configure iomux, issue a module software reset, initialize the configuration register, initialize the control register, initialize the message buffers to zero, and disable all message buffer interrupt mask registers. 2. Run the set_can_mb function to initialize the message buffers. 3. Run the can_exit_freeze function to exit freeze mode and allow module to transmit or receive data. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 112 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Configuring the FlexCAN Modules 11.9 Testing the driver The FlexCAN module test is set up to transmit eight message buffers, each with different byte lengths of data. This test requires that the board has both FlexCAN modules available and that the two ports are connected together to complete the loopback. In this example, the CAN1 module is used to transmit the message buffers, while CAN2 is used to receive them. This is shown below: FlexCAN unit test /* CAN module data structures */ static struct hw_module can1_port = { "CAN1", CAN1_BASE_ADDR, 30000000, IMX_INT_CAN1, }; static struct hw_module can2_port = { "CAN2", CAN2_BASE_ADDR, 30000000, IMX_INT_CAN2, &can2_rx_handler, }; uint32_t can_test_count; /*! -----------------------------------------------------------* CAN Test (loopback can1/can2 ports) * -----------------------------------------------------------*/ void flexcan_test(void) { int i; printf("\n---- Running CAN1/2 loopback test ----\n"); can_test_count = 0; can_init(&can1_port, CAN_LAST_MB); // max 64 MB 0-63 can_init(&can2_port, CAN_LAST_MB); // last mb is MB[63] printf("CAN1-TX and CAN2-RX\n"); // configure CAN1 MBs as Tx, and CAN2 MBs as Rx // set-up 8 MBs for the test for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) { set_can_mb(&can1_port, i, 0x0c000000 + (i << 16), 0x0a000000 + (i << 20), 0x12345678, 0x87654321); set_can_mb(&can2_port, i, 0x04000000 + (i << 16), 0x0a000000 + (i << 20), 0, 0); can_enable_mb_interrupt(&can2_port, i); // enable MB interrupt for idMB=i } //enable CAN2 interrupt register_interrupt_routine(can2_port.irq_id, can2_port.irq_subroutine); enable_interrupt(can2_port.irq_id, CPU_0, 0); // to cpu0, max priority (0) // init CAN1 MB0 can_exit_freeze(&can2_port); // Rx can_exit_freeze(&can1_port); // Tx while (!(can_test_count)) ; can_freeze(&can2_port); // Rx can_freeze(&can1_port); // Tx printf("%d MBs were transmitted \n", can_test_count); printf("---- CAN1/2 test complete ----\n"); } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 113 Testing the driver As shown above, the GIC functions register_interrupt_routine and enable_interrupt enabled the CAN2 interrupt source to CPU_0. The CAN2 interrupt service routine is then checked to see which message buffer triggered the interrupt. It prints the message buffer to the terminal as shown below: FlexCAN test interrupt service routine /* * Can2 receive ISR function */ void can2_rx_handler(void) { int i = 0; volatile struct mx_can_control *can_ctl = (volatile struct mx_can_control *)can2_port.base; if (can_ctl->iflag1 != 0) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (can_ctl->iflag1 & (1 << i)) { can_ctl->iflag1 = (1 << i); //clear interrupt flag printf("\tCAN2 MB:%d Recieved:\n", i); print_can_mb(&can2_port, i); can_test_count++; } } } else if (can_ctl->iflag2 != 0) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (can_ctl->iflag2 & (1 << i)) { can_ctl->iflag1 = (1 << i); //clear interrupt flag printf("\tCAN2 MB:%d Recieved:\n", i + 32); print_can_mb(&can2_port, i + 32); can_test_count++; } } } } The expected output from this test is: ---- Running CAN1/2 loopback test ---CAN1-TX and CAN2-RX CAN2 MB:1 Recieved: MB[1].cs = 0x201000f MB[1].id = 0xa100000 MB[1].data0 = 0x12000000 MB[1].data1 = 0x353deb2 CAN2 MB:2 Recieved: MB[2].cs = 0x2020048 MB[2].id = 0xa200000 MB[2].data0 = 0x12340000 MB[2].data1 = 0x353deb2 CAN2 MB:3 Recieved: MB[3].cs = 0x2030088 MB[3].id = 0xa300000 MB[3].data0 = 0x12345600 MB[3].data1 = 0x353deb2 CAN2 MB:4 Recieved: MB[4].cs = 0x20400d0 MB[4].id = 0xa400000 MB[4].data0 = 0x12345678 MB[4].data1 = 0x353deb2 CAN2 MB:5 Recieved: MB[5].cs = 0x2050122 MB[5].id = 0xa500000 MB[5].data0 = 0x12345678 MB[5].data1 = 0x87000000 CAN2 MB:6 Recieved: MB[6].cs = 0x206017b i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 114 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 11 Configuring the FlexCAN Modules MB[6].id = 0xa600000 MB[6].data0 = 0x12345678 MB[6].data1 = 0x87650000 CAN2 MB:7 Recieved: MB[7].cs = 0x20701db MB[7].id = 0xa700000 MB[7].data0 = 0x12345678 MB[7].data1 = 0x87654300 CAN2 MB:8 Recieved: MB[8].cs = 0x2080244 MB[8].id = 0xa800000 MB[8].data0 = 0x12345678 MB[8].data1 = 0x87654321 8 MBs were transmitted ---- CAN1/2 test complete ---- i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 115 Testing the driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 116 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 Configuring the GPU3D Driver 12.1 Overview This chapter explains GPU3D operation and programming at the block level. All supplied pseudocode is based on the source code of GPU3D driver, which is delivered with the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite Platform SDKs. The GPU3D is a high-performance core that delivers hardware acceleration for 3D graphics display for screen sizes ranging from the smallest cell phones to HD 1080p displays. The core accelerates numerous 3D graphics applications, including graphical user interfaces (GUI), menu displays, flash animation, and gaming. There is only one instance of the GPU3D located in the memory map at GPU3D base address = 0013 0000h 12.2 Feature summary The GPU3D has the following hardware features: • OpenGL ES 2.0 compliance, including the following extensions • OpenGL ES 1.1 • OpenVG 1.1 • IEEE 32-bit floating-point pipeline • Ultra-threaded, unified vertex, and fragment shaders • Low bandwidth at both high and low data rates • Low CPU loading • Dependent texture operation with high-performance • Alpha blending • Depth and stencil compare • Support for the following textures: • Fragment shader simultaneous textures i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 117 Modes of operation • • • • • • Vertex shader simultaneous textures • Point sampling, bi-linear sampling, tri-linear filtering, and cubic textures Resolve and fast clear 8 x 8 kpixel texture size and 8 x 8 kpixel rendering target Vertex DMA streams 2 texture units and 2 pixel units for higher pixel processing rate Supports YUV format in display output (YUYV 4:2:0) 12.3 Modes of operation The GPU3D supports four operation modes, as described in the following table. This driver configures the GPU3D controller for working in active mode. Table 12-1. GPU3D modes of operation Mode What it does Active mode GPU is actively processing commands. One or more blocks are not in idle mode. Idle mode GPU is not processing any commands. All modules in the pipeline are in idle state. Standby mode All input clocks to the GPU are shut off.miriamgmir Sleep mode The entire GPU is powered off through power gating. 12.4 Clocks Table 12-2. GPU3D reference clocks Clock Name Description GPU3D core clock GPU3D_CORE_CLK_ROOT Clock for GPU3D core GPU3D shader clock GPU3D_SHADER_CLK_ROOT Clock for GPU3D shader 12.5 IOMUX pin mapping There is no need to configure pins for GPU3D. 12.6 Resets and interrupts The driver does not implement interrupt mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 118 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 12 Configuring the GPU3D Driver 12.7 Initializing the GPU3D driver The initialization procedure driver requires the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Initialize the IPU, including IOMUX, power, etc. Configure the LVDS interface and the LVDS panel. Configure the IPU to support XGA. Initialize GPU3D and run the command buffer. 12.8 Testing the GPU3D driver The GPU3D testing demo is based on an engineering sample board and can be easily ported to other boards. Build the SDK with the following command to generate ELF and binary files: tools/build_sdk -target=mx6dq -board=evb -test=gpu -clean Download mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-gpu-sdk.elf using RV-ICE or Lauterbach, or burn mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-gpu-sdk.elf to an SD card by entering the following command in Windows's command prompt window: cfimager-imx -o 0 -f mx6dq_evb_rev_a-gpu-sdk.bin -d g:(SD drive name in your PC) Then power up the board to run the test. To test the driver, connect an LVDS display panel to LVDS0 on the board. The test shows a 3-D scene in the LVDS display panel. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 119 Testing the GPU3D driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 120 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller 13.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure and use the general-purpose media interface (GPMI) controller. The GPMI controller is a flexible interface for up to eight NAND Flash devices. It is compatible with the ONFI 2.2 standard, including source synchronous DDR mode and the Samsung/Toshiba Toggle Mode DDR protocol. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 121 Feature summary System clock general SRAM ARM core AMBA APHB DMA Request 7 DMA Request 6 DMA Request 5 DMA Request 4 DMA Request 3 DMA Request 2 DMA Request 1 APHB master DMA Request 0 Shared DMA GPMICLK APBH DMA AHB master HCLK AHB slave GPMI DMA interface state machine GPMI FIFO BCH GPMI GPMI pin state machine other modules div2 GPIO GPMI/memory/ GPIO pin mux Pins Figure 13-1. GPMI block diagram The GPMI resides on the APBH. The GPMI also provides an interface to the BCH module to allow direct parity processing. This chip has a single instance of both the GPMI and BCH modules. There is also a single associated APBH DMA module. These modules are memory mapped to the following locations: • APBH DMA base address = 0011 0000h • GPMI base address = 0011 2000h • BCH base address = 0011 4000h 13.2 Feature summary The key features are: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 122 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller • Individual chip select and ready/busy pins for up to eight NAND devices • Option to use ganged ready/busy mode to reduce the number of ready/busy pins to one • Individual state machine and DMA channel for each chip select • Special command modes that work with the DMA controller, using chained descriptors to perform arbitrarily complex NAND functions without CPU intervention • Configurable timing based on a dedicated clock allows the optimal balance of high NAND performance and low system power • Direct connection to a BCH ECC engine with support for up to 40-bit correction per 512 or 1024 bytes. The GPMI and the DMA have been designed to handle complex multi-page operations without CPU intervention. The DMA uses a linked descriptor function with branching capability to automatically handle all of the operations needed to read/write multiple pages. 13.3 Modes of operation Table 13-1. GPMI modes of operation Mode What it does Data/Register Read/ Write In this mode, the GPMI can be programmed to read or write multiple cycles to the NAND address, command, or data registers. Wait for NAND ready This mode can monitor the ready/busy signal of a single NAND flash and signal to the DMA when the device is ready. It also has a timeout counter and can indicate to the DMA that a timeout error has occurred. The DMAs can conditionally branch to a different descriptor in the case of an error. Check status This mode allows the GPMI to check NAND status against a reference. If an error is found, the GPMI can instruct the DMA to branch to an alternate descriptor, which attempts to fix the problem or asserts a CPU IRQ. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 123 Basic NAND timing 13.4 Basic NAND timing dev_clk CE_N CLE/ ALE CLE = HW_GPMI_CTRL0.bit18 (ADDRESS[1]) ALE = HW_GPMI_CTRL0.bit17 (ADDRESS[0]) 0 tAS WE_N IO[7:0] as Output from device tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS 0 tDH tDS tDH 1 cycle No.1 output[7:0] No.2 output[7:0] No.(n-1) output[7:0] No.n output[7:0] 1 cycle Host controller drives the IO [7:0] bus And also don't care if device will drive that or not and what will be drived Host controller drives the IO[7:0] bus, but the data in the IO[7:0] should be ignored by the device - tAS is configurable by programming HW_GPMI_TIMING0 Address_Setup: in this example, Address_Setup = 4, tAS is equal to 4 dev_clk cycles. - tDS is configurable by programming HW_GPMI_TIMING0 Data_Setup; in this example, Data_Setup = 3, tDS is equal to 3 dev_clk cycles - tDH is configuarble by programming HW_GPMI_TIMING0 Data_Hold: in this example, Data_Hold = 2, tDH is equal to 2 dev_clk cycles - tAS/tDS/tDH will extend, if the output data is not ready in device fifo. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 124 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller For additional timing information, see the "Basic NAND timing" section of the GPMI chapter in the chip reference manual. 13.5 Clocks CS2CDR: enfc_clk_pred 352 PFD PLL2 PLL3 400 PFD 72 2 3 21 0 1 2 3 cg 3 bit divider default=2 CS2CDR: enfc_clk_podf ENFC_CLK_ROOT (200 MHz) 6 bit divider default=1 CS2CDR: enfc_clk_sel Figure 13-3. GPMI clock tree The dedicated clock, GPMICLK(ENFC_CLK_ROOT), is used as a timing reference for NAND Flash I/O. Because various NANDs have different timing requirements, GPMICLK may need to be adjusted for each application. While the actual pin timings are limited by the NAND chips used, the GPMI can support data bus speeds of up to 200 MHz x 8 bits. 13.6 IOMUX pin mapping The IOMUX configuration is board dependent. The IOMUX tool can be used to autogenerate an IOMUX configuration code for a particular board. The following table shows this chip's available mux options. Table 13-2. GPMI IOMUX pin mapping options Signal GPMI PAD MUX SION ALE NANDF_ALE ALT0 0 CLE NANDF_CLE ALT0 0 Reset NANDF_WP_B ALT0 0 Ready/busy NANDF_RB0 ALT0 0 CE0N NANDF_CS0 ALT0 0 CE1N NANDF_CS1 ALT0 0 CE2N NANDF_CS2 ALT0 0 CE3N NANDF_CS3 ALT0 0 Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 125 IOMUX pin mapping Table 13-2. GPMI IOMUX pin mapping options (continued) Signal GPMI PAD MUX SION RDN SD4_CMD ALT1 0 WRN SD4_CLK ALT1 0 D0 NANDF_D0 ALT0 0 D1 NANDF_D1 ALT0 0 D2 NANDF_D2 ALT0 0 D3 NANDF_D3 ALT0 0 D4 NANDF_D4 ALT0 0 D5 NANDF_D5 ALT0 0 D6 NANDF_D6 ALT0 0 D7 NANDF_D7 ALT0 0 D8 SD4_DAT0 ALT0 0 D9 SD4_DAT1 ALT0 0 D10 SD4_DAT2 ALT0 0 D11 SD4_DAT3 ALT0 0 D12 SD4_DAT4 ALT0 0 D13 SD4_DAT5 ALT0 0 D14 SD4_DAT6 ALT0 0 D15 SD4_DAT7 ALT0 0 The NANDF_RBx and NANDF_CSx signals need to be pulled up, as the NAND Flash device only drives them low. This can be accomplished either with external pull-up resistors, or by using the internal, on-chip pull-ups. To enable the internal pull-ups for NANDF_RB0, use the IOMUXC_IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_NANDF_RB0 register. Set IOMUXC_IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_NANDF_RB0[PUS] to 3, to select the 22kΩ pull-up. Also, be sure to set IOMUXC_IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_NANDF_RB0[PUE] to 1 to select pull mode, and set IOMUXC_IOMUXC_SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_NANDF_RB0[PKE] to 1 to enable the pull-up. Other NANDF_RBx or NAND_CSx pads are configured similarly. If using an external pull-up resistor, you may wish to use a stronger pull-up such as 10kΩ. The GPMI module has the option of using a wired-OR configuration for multiple ready/ busy signals, so that only one ready/busy input pin (NANDF_RB0) is required. Most boards will use this configuration. To enable ganged ready/busy mode, set HW_GPMI_CTRL1[GANGED_RDYBUSY]. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 126 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller 13.7 APBH DMA APBH DMA is the only recommended way to transfer data between NAND flash and RAM. AHB AHB master AHB slave AHB-to-APHB DMA APHB master AHB-to-APHB Bridge GPMI0 GPMI4 GPMI1 APBH GPMI5 GPMI2 GPMI6 GPMI3 GPMI7 Figure 13-4. APBH DMA block diagram The AHB-to-APBH bridge includes: • The AHB-to-APB PIO bridge for a memory-mapped I/O to the APB devices • A central DMA facility for devices on this bus • A vectored interrupt controller for the ARM core The following figure shows the structure for the channel command word. This single command structure specifies a number of operations to be performed by the DMA in support of a given device. Using this structure, the ARM platform can set up large units of work, chaining together many DMA channel command words and passing them off to the DMA. The ARM platform has no further concern for the device until the DMA i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 127 BCH ECC completion interrupt occurs. The goal is to have enough intelligence in the DMA and the devices to keep the interrupt frequency from any device below 1 KHz (arrival intervals longer than 1 ms). word 2 word 3-n COMMAND NANDLOCK IRQONCMPLT CHAIN NANDWAIT4READY WAIT4ENDCMD SEMAPHORE XFER COUNT HALTONTERMINATE word 1 NEXTCMDADDR CMDPIOWORDS word 0 BUFFERADDRESS PIOWORD Figure 13-5. Channel-command word structure 13.8 BCH ECC The hardware BCH (Bose, Ray-Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem) ECC accelerator provides a forward error-correction function for improving the reliability of NAND Flash media. It is capable of correcting from 2 to 40 single bit errors within a block of data no larger than about 1900 bytes, with either 512 bytes or 1024 bytes being typical. The important things to remember when using the BCH engine are: • Data block sizes must be a multiple of 4 bytes and be aligned in system memory. • Metadata is always written at the beginning of the flash page to facilitate fast access for file-system operations. • The BCH does not directly support a partial page write. Because most NAND Flash devices do not support partial page write, this is rarely a limitation. However, if a partial page write is desired, it can be accomplished by programming the BCH layout registers such that the BCH only sees a portion of the page (but see the note below about byte alignment). • Flash read operations through the BCH can read either the entire page or the first ECC block on the page. The first ECC block is either only metadata or metadata plus the first data block, depending on the BCH flash layout register settings. • Be sure to set HW_GPMI_CTRL1[BCH_MODE]. • When using GPMI with BCH, the driver must wait on both the APBH DMA completion IRQ (HW_APBH_CTRL1[CHn_CMDCMPLT_IRQ]) as well as the BCH completion IRQ (HW_BCH_CTRL[COMPLETE_IRQ]). Note the following suggestions for BCH flash layout arrangement: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 128 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller • The number of metadata bytes should usually be set to 10. Very few NAND drivers or file systems require more metadata. • Combining the metadata with the first data block in the flash layout is more efficient in terms of NAND page usage. • The BCH supports four flash layout configurations, and each of the eight chip enables can be set to use any of the flash layouts. However, it is uncommon to use a combination of different NAND Flash devices is one system. Thus, it is often easiest to only fill in the HW_BCH_FLASH0LAYOUTn and clear HW_BCH_LAYOUTSELECT. Be aware that the reset values of HW_BCH_LAYOUTSELECT are such that each chip enable uses a different flash layout. NOTE Depending on the selected level of error correction, the number of parity bits per encoded data block are not always equal to an even number of bytes. In these cases, the BCH does not insert pad bits between the parity for one block and the beginning of the next block. This means that the beginning of data blocks other than the first may not be aligned to byte boundaries. Not inserting pad bits allows the use of higher error correction levels in some cases, at the expense of not being able to directly read data blocks other than the first (for instance, by setting the column address in the NAND page read command). See the "BCH Encoding for NAND Writes" section of the chip reference manual for instructions for constructing a DMA descriptor chain to write a NAND page using BCH ECC. See the "BCH Decoding for NAND Reads" section of the chip reference manual for instructions for building a DMA chain to read a NAND page encoded with BCH ECC. 13.9 NAND FLASH WRITE example code The following example code illustrates the code for writing 4096 byte page data to NAND Flash with no error correction. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// generic DMA/GPMI/ECC descriptor struct, order sensitive! //---------------------------------------------------------------------------typedef struct { // DMA related fields unsigned int dma_nxtcmdar; unsigned int dma_cmd; unsigned int dma_bar; // GPMI related fields unsigned int gpmi_ctrl0; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 129 NAND FLASH WRITE example code unsigned int gpmi_compare; unsigned int gpmi_eccctrl; unsigned int gpmi_ecccount; unsigned int gpmi_data_ptr; unsigned int gpmi_aux_ptr; } GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// allocate 10 descriptors for doing a NAND ECC Write //---------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERIC_DESCRIPTOR write[10]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// DMA descriptor pointer to handle error conditions from psense checks //---------------------------------------------------------------------------unsigned int * dma_error_handler; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// 8 byte NAND command and address buffer // any alignment is ok, it is read by the GPMI DMA // byte 0 is write setup command // bytes 1-5 is the NAND address // byte 6 is write execute command // byte 7 is status command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------unsigned char nand_cmd_addr_buffer[8]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// 4096 byte payload buffer used for reads or writes // needs to be word aligned //---------------------------------------------------------------------------unsigned int write_payload_buffer[(4096/4)]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// 65 byte meta-data to be written to NAND // needs to be word aligned //---------------------------------------------------------------------------unsigned int write_aux_buffer[65]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 1: issue NAND write setup command (CLE/ALE) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[0].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[1]; // point to the next descriptor write[0].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1 + 5)| // 1 byte command, 5 byte address BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (3) | // send 3 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); // read data from DMA, write to NAND write[0].dma_bar = &nand_cmd_addr_buffer; // byte 0 write setup, bytes 1 - 5 NAND address // 3 words sent to the GPMI write[0].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | // write to the NAND BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (1) | // send command and address BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1 + 5); // 1 byte command, 5 byte address write[0].gpmi_compare = NULL; // field not used but necessary to set eccctrl write[0].gpmi_eccctrl = BV_FLD(GPMI_ECCCTRL, ENABLE_ECC, DISABLE); // disable the ECC block //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 2: write the data payload (DATA) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[1].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[2]; // point to the next descriptor write[1].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (4096+128)| // page size + spare size BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (4)| // send 4 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1)| // Wait to end BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0)| BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY (0)| BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1)| // maintain resource lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0)| BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1)| // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, READ); // i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 130 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller write[1].dma_bar = &write_payload_buffer; // pointer for the 4K byte data area // 4 words sent to the GPMI write[1].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | // write to the NAND BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_DATA)| BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (4096+128); // // DMA transferred to GPMI via DMA (0)! write[1].gpmi_compare = NULL; // field not used but necessary to set eccctrl write[1].gpmi_eccctrl = BV_FLD(GPMI_ECCCTRL, ECC_CMD, ENCODE_8_BIT) | // specify t = 8 mode BV_FLD(GPMI_ECCCTRL, ENABLE_ECC, DISABLE) | // enable ECC module BF_GPMI_ECCCTRL_BUFFER_MASK (0x1FF); // write all 8 data blocks // and 1 aux block write[1].gpmi_ecccount = 0; // disable ecc write[1].gpmi_data_pointer = (write_payload_pointer)&0xFFFFFFFC; // data buffer address write[1].gpmi_aux_pointer = (write_aux_pointer)&0xFFFFFFFC; // metadata pointer //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 3: issue NAND write execute command (CLE) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[2].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[3]; // point to the next descriptor write[2].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1) | // 1 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (3) | // send 3 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // maintain resource lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); // read data from DMA, write to NAND write[2].dma_bar = &nand_cmd_addr_buffer[6]; // point to byte 6, write execute command // 3 words sent to the GPMI write[2].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | // write to the NAND BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1); // 1 byte command write[2].gpmi_compare = NULL; // field not used but necessary to set eccctrl write[2].gpmi_eccctrl = BV_FLD(GPMI_ECCCTRL, ENABLE_ECC, DISABLE); // disable the ECC // block //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 4: wait for ready (CLE) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[3].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[4]; // point to the next descriptor write[3].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 1 word to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(1) | // wait for nand to be ready BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | // relinquish nand lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_DMA_XFER); // no dma transfer write[3].dma_bar = NULL; // field not used // 1 word sent to the GPMI write[3].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WAIT_FOR_READY) | // wait //for NAND ready BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, DISABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_DATA) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 5: psense compare (time out check) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 131 NAND FLASH WRITE example code write[4].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[5]; // point to the next descriptor write[4].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // no words sent to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // do not wait to continue BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_SENSE); // perform a sense check write[4].dma_bar = dma_error_handler; // if sense check fails, branch to error handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 6: issue NAND status command (CLE) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[5].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[6]; // point to the next descriptor write[5].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1) | // 1 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (3) | // send 3 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); // read data from DMA, write to NAND write[5].dma_bar = &nand_cmd_addr_buffer[7]; // point to byte 7, status command write[5].gpmi_compare = NULL; // field not used but necessary to set eccctrl write[5].gpmi_eccctrl = BV_FLD(GPMI_ECCCTRL, ENABLE_ECC, DISABLE); // disable the ECC block // 3 words sent to the GPMI write[5].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | // write to the NAND BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1); // 1 byte command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 7: read status and compare (DATA) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[6].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[7]; // point to the next descriptor write[6].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // send 2 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before // continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // maintain resource lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_WRITE); // no dma transfer write[6].dma_bar = NULL; // field not used //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 8: psense compare (time out check) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[7].dma_nxtcmdar = &write[8]; // point to the next descriptor write[7].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // no words sent to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // do not wait to continue BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | // relinquish nand lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_SENSE); // perform a sense check write[7].dma_bar = &write[9]; // if sense check fails, branch to error handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 9: success handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[8].dma_nxtcmdar = NULL; // not used since this is last descriptor i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 132 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller write[8].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // no words sent to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // do not wait to continue BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (1) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (1) | // emit GPMI interrupt BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (0) | // terminate DMA chain processing BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_DMA_XFER); // no dma transfer write[8].dma_bar = (void*) SUCCESS; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 10: failure handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------write[9].dma_nxtcmdar = NULL; // not used since this is last descriptor write[9].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // no words sent to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // do not wait to continue BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (1) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (1) | // emit GPMI interrupt BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (0) | // terminate DMA chain processing BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_DMA_XFER); // no dma transfer write[9].dma_bar = (void *) FAILURE; 13.10 NAND FLASH READ example code The following example code illustrates the code for reading 4096 bytes of page data from NAND Flash to RAM address with no error correction. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 1: issue NAND read setup command (CLE/ALE) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[0].dma_nxtcmdar = &read[1]; // point to the next descriptor read[0].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1 + 5) | // 1 byte command, 5 byte //address BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (3) | // send 3 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); // read data from DMA, write to NAND read[0].dma_bar = &nand_cmd_addr_buffer; // byte 0 read setup, bytes 1 - 5 NAND address // 3 words sent to the GPMI read[0].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | // write to the NAND BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (1) | // send command and address BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1 + 5); // 1 byte command, 5 byte address read[0].gpmi_compare = NULL; // field not used but necessary to set eccctrl read[0].gpmi_eccctrl = BV_FLD(GPMI_ECCCTRL, ENABLE_ECC, DISABLE); // disable the ECC block //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 2: issue NAND read execute command (CLE) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[1].dma_nxtcmdar = &read[2]; // point to the next descriptor read[1].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1) | // 1 byte read command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 1 word to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 133 NAND FLASH READ example code BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); // read data from DMA, write to NAND read[1].dma_bar = &nand_cmd_addr_buffer[6]; // point to byte 6, read execute command // 1 word sent to the GPMI read[1].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | // write to the NAND BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, DISABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1); // 1 byte command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 3: wait for ready (DATA) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[2].dma_nxtcmdar = &read[3]; // point to the next descriptor read[2].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 1 word to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(1) | // wait for nand to be ready BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | // relinquish nand lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_DMA_XFER); // no dma transfer read[2].dma_bar = NULL; // field not used 1 word sent to the GPMI read[2].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WAIT_FOR_READY) | // wait for NAND ready BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, DISABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_DATA) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 4: psense compare (time out check) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[3].dma_nxtcmdar = &read[4]; // point to the next descriptor read[3].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // no words sent to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // do not wait to continue BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_SENSE); // perform a sense check read[3].dma_bar = dma_error_handler; // if sense check fails, branch to error handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 5: read 4K page from Nand flash //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[4].dma_nxtcmdar = &read[5]; // point to the next descriptor read[4].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (4096+128) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (6) | // send 6 words to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | // ECC block generates BCH interrupt on completion BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_WRITE); // DMA write, // ECC block handles transfer read[4].dma_bar = NULL; // field not used 6 words sent to the GPMI read[4].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, READ) | // read from the NAND BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, DISABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_DATA) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (4096+218); // eight 512 byte data blocks i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 134 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller // metadata, and parity read[4].gpmi_compare = NULL; // field not used but necessary to set eccctrl // Disable ECC read[4].gpmi_eccctrl = 0;// disable ECC module read[4].gpmi_ecccount = 0; // specify number of bytes // read from NAND read[4].gpmi_data_ptr = (&read_payload_buffer)&0xFFFFFFFC; // pointer for the 4K byte data area read[4].gpmi_aux_ptr = (&read_aux_buffer)&0xFFFFFFFC; // pointer for the 65 byte aux area + parity and syndrome //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 6: wait for done //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[5].dma_nxtcmdar = &read[6]; // point to the next descriptor read[5].dma_bar =&read[7];//if error, jump to error handler read[5].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (3) | // send 3 words to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(1) | // wait for nand to be ready BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // need nand lock to be thread safe while turn-off BCH BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_DMA_XFER); // no dma transfer read[5].dma_bar = NULL; // field not used 3 words sent to the GPMI read[5].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WAIT_READY) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, DISABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_DATA) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (0) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (0); read[5].gpmi_compare = NULL; // field not used but necessary to set eccctrl read[5].gpmi_eccctrl = BV_FLD(GPMI_ECCCTRL, ENABLE_ECC, DISABLE); // disable the ECC block //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 7: success handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[6].dma_nxtcmdar = NULL; // not used since this is last descriptor read[6].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // no words sent to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (1) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | // relinquish nand lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (1) | // BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (0) | // terminate DMA chain processing BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_DMA_XFER); // no dma transfer read[6].dma_bar =(void *)SUCCESS; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 8: FAILURE handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------read[6].dma_nxtcmdar = NULL; // not used since this is last descriptor read[6].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // no dma transfer BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // no words sent to GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (1) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (0) | // relinquish nand lock BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (1) | // BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (0) | // terminate DMA chain processing BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_DMA_XFER); // no dma transfer read[6].dma_bar =(void *)FAILURE; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 135 NAND FLASH ERASE example code 13.11 NAND FLASH ERASE example code The following code illustrates the flow of Nand Erase Block command. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 1: send ERASE setup command and 3 row address cycles //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[0].dma_nxtcmdar = &erase[1]; // point to the next descriptor erase[0].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1 + 3) | // 1 byte command, 3 byte //address BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 3 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); // read data from DMA, write to NAND read[0].dma_bar = 0x60; // NAND erase command // 1 words sent to the GPMI read[0].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (1) | // send command and address BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1 + 3); // 1 byte command, 3 byte address //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 2: Fill ERASE confirm command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[1].dma_nxtcmdar = &erase[2]; // point to the next descriptor erase[1].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1 ) | // 1 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 1 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); // read data from DMA, write to NAND read[1].dma_bar = 0xD0; // NAND erase confirm command // 1 words sent to the GPMI read[1].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (1) | // send command and address BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1 ); // 1 byte command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 3: Check NAND Status start //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[2].dma_nxtcmdar = &erase[3]; // point to the next descriptor erase[2].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // 0 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 1 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(1) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_TRANSFER); read[2].dma_bar = NULL // 1 words sent to the GPMI read[2].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, CMD_WAIT_READY) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 136 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 13 Configuring the GPMI Controller BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_DATA) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (1) | // send command and address BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (0); // 0 byte command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 4: Check status conditional branch //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[3].dma_nxtcmdar = &erase[4]; // point to the next descriptor erase[3].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // 0 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // send 1 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_SENSE); read[3].dma_bar = &erase[7]; //if fail, jump to error handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 5: send read status command - 0x70 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[4].dma_nxtcmdar = &erase[5]; // point to the next descriptor erase[4].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1) | // 1 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 1 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_READ); read[4].dma_bar = &erase[7]; //if fail, jump to error handler // 1 words sent to the GPMI read[4].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, WRITE) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_CLE) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (1) | // send command and address BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1); // 1 byte command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 6: read status value //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[5].dma_nxtcmdar = &erase[6]; // point to the next descriptor erase[5].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (1) | // 1 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (1) | // send 1 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (1) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (1) | // follow chain to next command BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, DMA_WRITE); read[5].dma_bar = &erase[7]; //if fail, jump to error handler // 1 words sent to the GPMI read[5].gpmi_ctrl0 = BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, COMMAND_MODE, READ) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, WORD_LENGTH, 8_BIT) | BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, LOCK_CS, ENABLED) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_CS (0) | // must correspond to NAND CS used BV_FLD(GPMI_CTRL0, ADDRESS, NAND_DATA) | BF_GPMI_CTRL0_ADDRESS_INCREMENT (1) | // send command and address BF_GPMI_CTRL0_XFER_COUNT (1); // 1 byte command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 7: success handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[6].dma_nxtcmdar = NULL; // point to the next descriptor erase[6].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // 0 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // send 1 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // wait for command to finish before continuing i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 137 NAND FLASH ERASE example code BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (0) | // the last command, no need to chain BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_TRANSFER); read[5].dma_bar = (void *)SUCCESS; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Descriptor 8: failer handler //---------------------------------------------------------------------------erase[6].dma_nxtcmdar = NULL; // point to the next descriptor erase[6].dma_cmd = BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_XFER_COUNT (0) | // 0 byte command BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CMDWORDS (0) | // send 1 words to the GPMI BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_WAIT4ENDCMD (0) | // wait for command to finish before continuing BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_SEMAPHORE (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDWAIT4READY(0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_NANDLOCK (1) | // prevent other DMA channels from taking over BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_IRQONCMPLT (0) | BF_APBH_CHn_CMD_CHAIN (0) | // the last command, no need to chain BV_FLD(APBH_CHn_CMD, COMMAND, NO_TRANSFER); read[5].dma_bar = (void *)FAILURE; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 138 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Configuring the GPT Driver 14.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the GPT driver. GPT is a 32-bit up-counter that uses four clock sources, one of which is external. The timer counter value can be captured in a register using an event on an external pin. The capture trigger can be programmed to be a rising or/and falling edge. The GPT can also generate an event on the CMPOUTn pins and an interrupt when the timer reaches a programmed value. This chapter uses the SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on the i.MX 6 Series board schematics for pin assignments. For other board types, please refer to respective schematics. There is one instance of GPT, which is located in the memory map at the GPT base address, 0209 8000h. 14.2 Feature summary This low-level driver supports: • • • • Usage of four different clock sources for the counter Restart and free-run modes for counter operations Two input capture channels with a programmable trigger edge Three output compare channels with a programmable output mode; a forced compare feature is also available • Ability to be programmed to be active in low power and debug modes • Interrupt generation at capture, compare, and rollover events i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 139 Modes of operation 14.3 Modes of operation The following table explains the GPT modes of operation: Table 14-1. Modes of operation Mode What it does Restart mode The GPT counter starts to count from 0h. When it reaches the compare value, it generates an event and restarts to the initial value. Any write access to the Compare register of Channel 1 will reset the GPT counter. This is done to avoid possibly missing a compare event when compare value is changed from a higher value to lower value while counting is proceeding. For the other two compare channels, when the compare event occurs the counter is not reset. Free-run mode The GPT counter starts to count from 0h. When it reaches the compare value, it generates an event and continues to run. Once it reaches FFFF FFFFh , it rolls over to zero. 14.4 Events 14.4.1 Output compare event The GPT can change the state of an output signal (CMPOUTx - x = ,2,3) based on a programmable compare value. The behavior of that signal is configurable in the driver and can be set to: • • • • • = output disconnected from the external signal CMPOUTx. OUTPUT_CMP_TOGGLE = toggle the output. OUTPUT_CMP_CLEAR = set the output to a low level. OUTPUT_CMP_SET = set the output to a high level. OUTPUT_CMP_LOWPULSE = low pulse generated on the output. OUTPUT_CMP_DISABLE Use the following functions to trigger the output compare event: • • gpt_get_compare_event() gpt_set_compare_event() 14.4.2 Input capture event The GPT can capture the counter's value when an external input event occur on signals (CAPINx - x = 1,2). The behavior of that signal is configurable in the driver and can be set to: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 140 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Configuring the GPT Driver • • • • = input capture disabled. INPUT_CAP_RISING_EDGE = input capture on rising edge. INPUT_CAP_FALLING_EDGE = input capture on falling edge. INPUT_CAP_BOTH_EDGE = input capture on both edges INPUT_CAP_DISABLE The following function can be used to capture input events: gpt_get_capture_event() 14.4.3 Rollover event The GPT generates an event when the counter rolls over from FFFF FFFFh to 0h. The following function checks if this event occurred. gpt_get_rollover_event() 14.5 Clocks The GPT receives four clocks: three from the CCM and one external clock through CLKIN I/O. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 141 Clocks CCM 0 0 0 4 ipg_podf pll_bypass_en2 pre_periph_clk_sel 2 periph_clk_sel perclk_podf cg AHB_CLK_ROOT (132 MHz) 1 IPG_CLK_ROOT (66 MHz) CLKSRC DPLL2 396 MHz 352 MHz 198 MHz PERCLK_ROOT (66 MHz) CKIL GPT_PR counter clock GPT I/O PAD 2 3-bit Divider where 2 = default divider value. 1 6-bit Divider where 1 = default divider value. th 0 MUX with default 0 selection. Unless mentioned, the inputs are in ascending order. Figure 14-1. Reference clocks The following table explains the GPT reference clocks: Table 14-2. Reference clocks Clock Name What it does Low-frequency clock CKIL This 32768 Hz low reference clock is intended to be ON in Low Power mode when ipg_clk is off High-frequency clock PERCLK_ROOT GPT operates on PERCLK in normal power mode when ipg_clk is off. Peripheral clock IPG_CLK_ROOT In low power modes, if the GPT is disabled, then ipg_clk can be switched off. External clock CLKIN External clock source synchronized to ipg_clk inside GPT. it's frequency should be < 1/4 (ipg_clk). Because the frequency of PLL2 and various dividers is system dependent, the user may need to adjust the driver's frequency. To do this change the freq member of the hw_module structure defined into ./src/include/io.h . For example, take the following non-default divider values: • PLL2 is set to output 396 MHz i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 142 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Configuring the GPT Driver • ahb_podf divides by 3 • ipg_podf divides by 2 In this example, IPG_CLK = 132 MHz and PERCLK = 66 MHz. The driver handles the clock gating on the source clock. 14.6 IOMUX pin mapping The GPT can change the state of the compare outputs (CMPOUT, CMPOUT2, CMPOUT3) on a compare event. The IOMUX should route the signals to the appropriate pins. The IOMUX configuration is board dependent and can be handled with the IOMUX tool. Table 14-3. GPT IOMUX pin assignments Signal IOMUXC setting for GPT PAD MUX SION CLKIN SD1_CLK ALT3 1 CAPIN1 SD1_DAT0 ALT3 1 CAPIN2 SD1_DAT1 ALT3 1 CMPOUT1 SD1_CMD ALT3 - CMPOUT2 SD1_DAT2 ALT2 - CMPOUT3 SD1_DAT3 ALT2 - 14.7 Resets and interrupts The driver resets the module during the initialization by setting GPT_CR[SWR] in the function gpt_init(). The external application is responsible for creating the interrupt subroutine. The address of this routine is passed through the structure hw_module defined in ./src/include/io.h. It is initialized by the application and used by the driver for various configurations. All interrupt sources are listed in the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter of the device reference manual. In the SDK, the list is provided in ./src/include/mx6dq/soc_memory_map.h. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 143 Initializing the GPT driver 14.8 Initializing the GPT driver Before using the GPT timer in a system, prepare a structure that provides the essential system parameters to the driver. This is done with the hw_module structure, which is defined in ./src/include/io.h. See the following example: struct hw_module g_test_timer = { "GPT used for test", GPT_BASE_ADDR, 66000000, IMX_INT_GPT, &default_interrupt_routine, }; The following function's typically use this structure's address. /*! * Initialize the GPT timer. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. * @param clock_src - source clock of the counter: CLKSRC_OFF, CLKSRC_IPG_CLK, * CLKSRC_PER_CLK, CLKSRC_CKIL, CLKSRC_CLKIN. * @param prescaler - prescaler of the source clock from 1 to 4096. * @param counter_mode - counter mode: FREE_RUN_MODE or RESTART_MODE. * @param low_power_mode - low power during which the timer is enabled: * WAIT_MODE_EN and/or STOP_MODE_EN. */ void gpt_init(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t clock_src, uint32_t prescaler, uint32_t counter_mode, uint32_t low_power_mode) /*! * Setup GPT interrupt. It enables or disables the related HW module * interrupt, and attached the related sub-routine into the vector table. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. */ void gpt_setup_interrupt(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) /*! * Enable the GPT module. Used typically when the gpt_init is done, and * other interrupt related settings are ready. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. * @param irq_mode - interrupt mode: list of enabled IRQ such GPTSR_ROVIE, * or (GPTSR_IF1IE | GPTSR_OF3IE), ... or POLLING_MODE. */ void gpt_counter_enable(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t irq_mode) /*! * Disable the counter. It saves energy when not used. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. */ void gpt_counter_disable(struct hw_module *port) /*! i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 144 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 14 Configuring the GPT Driver * Get a compare event flag and clear it if set. * This function can typically be used for polling method. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. * @param flag - checked compare event flag such GPTSR_OF1, GPTSR_OF2, GPTSR_OF3. * @return the value of the compare event flag. */ uint32_t gpt_get_compare_event(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t flag) /*! * Set a compare event by programming the compare register and * compare output mode. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. * @param cmp_output - compare output: CMP_OUTPUT1, CMP_OUTPU2, CMP_OUTPUT3. * @param cmp_output_mode - compare output mode: OUTPUT_CMP_DISABLE, OUTPUT_CMP_TOGGLE, * OUTPUT_CMP_CLEAR, OUTPUT_CMP_SET, OUTPUT_CMP_LOWPULSE. * @param cmp_value - compare value for the compare register. */ void gpt_set_compare_event(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t cmp_output, uint8_t cmp_output_mode, uint32_t cmp_value) /*! * Set the input capture mode. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. * @param cap_input - capture input: CAP_INPUT1, CAP_INPUT2. * @param cap_input_mode - capture input mode: INPUT_CAP_DISABLE, INPUT_CAP_BOTH_EDGE, * INPUT_CAP_FALLING_EDGE, INPUT_CAP_RISING_EDGE. */ void gpt_set_capture_event(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t cap_input, uint8_t cap_input_mode) /*! * Get a captured value when an event occured, and clear the flag if set. * * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. * @param flag - checked capture event flag such GPTSR_IF1, GPTSR_IF2. * @param capture_val - the capture register value is returned there if the event is true. * @return the value of the capture event flag. */ uint32_t gpt_get_capture_event(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t flag, uint32_t * capture_val) /*! * Get rollover event flag and clear it if set. * This function can typically be used for polling method, but * is also used to clear the status compare flag in IRQ mode. * @param port - pointer to the GPT module structure. * @return the value of the rollover event flag. */ uint32_t gpt_get_rollover_event(struct hw_module *port) 14.9 Testing the GPT driver GPT can run the following tests: • Output compare test • Input capture test i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 145 Testing the GPT driver 14.9.1 Output compare test The test enables the three compare channels. A first event occurs after 1s; the second occurs after 2s; and the third after 3s. The last event is generated by the compare channel 1, which is the only compare channel that can restart the counter to 0h after an event. This restarts for a programmed number of seconds. Output compare I/Os are not enabled in this test, although enabling them can be done by configuring the IOMUX settings to enable the feature. 14.9.2 Input compare test This test enables an input capture. An I/O is used to monitor an event that stores the counter value into a GPT input capture register when it occurs. The test displays the amount of time that elapsed since the test started and the moment the capture finished. It uses the rollover interrupt event, too, because if the counter is used for a sufficient time, it rolls over. That information is requested to calculate the exact number of seconds. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 146 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Configuring the HDMI Tx Module 15.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure and use the high-definition multimedia interface transmitter (HDMI Tx) module in the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite products. The HDMI Tx module is the source device for an HDMI system, which transmits uncompressed digital video data and uncompressed or compressed digital audio data. HDMI, the high definition multimedia interface, is a wired digital interconnect that replaces the analog TV out or VGA out. HDMI Tx consists of two parts: • HDMI Tx controller • HDMI Tx PHY The following figure shows a basic HDMI system architecture. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 147 Feature summary HDMI Sink HDMI Source Video Video TMDS Channel 0 Audio Audio TMDS Channel 1 HDMI Receiver HDMI Transmitter TMDS Channel 2 Control/Status Control/Status TMDS Clock Channel EDID ROM Display Data Channel (DDC) CEC CEC CEC Line HEAC Utility Line HEAC detect HPD Line High/Low Figure 15-1. HDMI block diagram This chip uses a single instance of the HDMI Tx module, which is memory mapped to the following location: • HDMI base address = 0012_0000h 15.2 Feature summary Table 15-1. HDMI feature summary Feature Standard Compliance Details • HDMI 1.4a • HDMI CTS 1.4a • DVI 1.0 Video Standard Compliance EIA/CEA-861D Monitor Detection Hot plug/unplug detection Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 148 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Configuring the HDMI Tx Module Table 15-1. HDMI feature summary (continued) Feature Details Supported Video Resolutions • • • • Pixel Clock Frequency Up to 1080p at 120 Hz HDTV display Up to QXGA graphics display HDMI 1.4a 4K x 2K video formats HDMI 1.4a 3D video modes with up to 340MHz TMDS clock from 25 MHz to 340 MHz Input Data Formats • Parallel YCbCr 4:4:4 and parallel RGB 4:4:4 • Parallel YCbCr 4:2:2 Input Color Depth 24/30/36/48 bits/pixel Input Syncs Format Separate HSYNC and VSYNC plus data enable control Internal Video Processing Interpolation YCbCr 4:2:2 to 4:4:4, Color space conversion YCbCr to RGB and vice versa 15.3 Modes of operation Table 15-2. HDMI modes of operation Mode What it does HDMI 1.4 HDMI Tx includes the HDMI 1.4a specification features. Color Space Converter Parameter enables CSC support. Consumer Electronics Control Parameter enables CEC interface. Internal Pixel Repetition Parameter enables the internal pixel repetition support. 15.4 Events HDMI_audio_done is mapped with SDMA souce 2, which is muxed with IPU-1 DMA Event and controlled by GPR0[0]. 15.5 Clocks The following table shows the clock frequency requirements for the HDMI Tx core. Table 15-3. HDMI Tx clocks Clock Frequency Description ipixelclk 13.5 ~ 340 MHz Pixel clock from the IPU display interface; becomes the input to the HDMI_TX module isfrclk 18 ~ 27 MHz Derived from video_27M_clk_root clock from CCM clock tree. Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 149 Clocks Table 15-3. HDMI Tx clocks (continued) Clock Frequency Description iahbclk 27 MHz Derived from ahb_clk from the CCM clock tree icecclk 32.768 kHz Derived from external 32.768 kHz reference clock ihclk 27 MHz Derived from ahb_clk from the CCM clock tree 15.5.1 Video input interface clock The following figure shows the video input interface clock signal. HDMI Tx Video input interface ipixelclk Figure 15-2. Video input interface clock signal These signals require the input clock ipixelclk, which is the data pixel clock that is input from the IPU display interface clock (DI_CLKn). DI_CLKn is determined by the IPU and the DI port that the user chooses. The SDK example hdmi_clock_set() uses IPU1_DI0. See Display interface clocks (DI_CLKn) for detailed information about how to generate DI_CLKn. 15.5.2 System and slave register interface clocks HDMI Tx supports the following interfaces: • • • • I2C SFR AMBA AHB slave OCP slave The following figure shows which clocks are used by the slave interfaces. Table 15-4 provides a description of each clock i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 150 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Configuring the HDMI Tx Module HDMI transmitter isfrclk I2C interface ii2c_slvh13tconf_scl AHB slave interface iahbclk APB 3.0 slave interface iapbclk OCP slave interface iocpclk Figure 15-3. System and slave register interface clock signals Table 15-4. System and slave register interface clock signal descriptions Clock Description isfrclk Internal register configuration clock ii2c_slvh13tconf_scl I2C slave clock for register configuration iahbclk AHB bus clock. iapbclk APB bus clock iocpclk OCP Slave Bus clock. This clock times all bus transfers. All signal timings are related to the rising edge. 15.5.3 EDID I2C E-DDC interface clock The E-DDC channel is a dedicated I2C master interface that permits reading the E-EDID sink according to system needs. E-DDC interface ii2c_msth13tddc_sclin oi2c_msth13tddc_sclout Figure 15-4. E-DDC interface clock signals The E-DDC signals are defined as follows: • ii2c_msth13tddc_sclin is the HDMI DDC I2C slave clock input. • oi2c_msth13tddc_sclout is the HDMI DDC I2C slave clock input for E-EDID communication with the transmitter. 15.5.4 CEC interface clock Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) is a protocol that provides high-level control functions between all of the various audiovisual products in a user's environment. It is an optional feature in the HDMI 1.3a specification. It uses only one bidirectional line for transmission and reception. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 151 IOMUX pin mapping The following figure shows the interface signal of the CEC interface. icecclk (the CEC controller main clock input) should be a fixed frequency at 32.768 kHz. HDMI transmitter icecclk CEC interface Figure 15-5. CEC interface clock signal 15.5.5 HDMI Tx PHY interface HDMI Tx PHY interface otmdsclkp otmdsclkn Figure 15-6. HDMI Tx PHY interface clock signal otmdsclkp/otmdsclkn are the TMDS differential line driver clock output. 15.6 IOMUX pin mapping Table 15-5. HDMI Tx IOMUX pin mapping Signals Driver PAD MUX SION CEC CEC_LINE (icecin) EIM_A25 ALT6 0 DDC_SCL (ii2c_msth13tddc_sclin) EIM_EB2 ALT4 1 DDC_SDA (ii2c_msth13tddc_sdain) EIM_D16 ALT4 1 OPHYDTB[0] (ophytbd) SD1_DAT1 ALT6 0 OPHYDTB[1] (ophytbd) SD1_DAT0 ALT6 0 DDC HDMI 3D Tx PHY NOTE Most HDMI Tx signals have their own dedicated pins and are not listed in the IOMUX pin mapping table. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 152 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Configuring the HDMI Tx Module 15.7 Resets and interrupts The chips GIC (global interrupt controller) has two ARM domain HDMI interrupts, which are described in the following table. Table 15-6. ARM domain interrupts IRQ Description 147 HDMI master interrupt request 148 HDMI CEC engine dedicated interrupt signal raised by a wake-up event 15.8 Initializing the driver This section explains how to initialize the driver according to the work flow, which is shown in the following figure. HDMI Tx Video interface Video sampler Color space converter HDMI Tx PHY Video packetizer I2S / SPDIF (Serial Audio in) Audio interface High Bitrate (HBR) (Parallel Audio in) Audio packetizer Frame composer PLL TMDSCLKP TMDSCLKN PLL TMDSDATAP[0] TMDSDATAN[0] PLL TMDSDATAP[1] TMDSDATAN[1] PLL TMDSDATAP[2] TMDSDATAN[2] GP Audio via DMA Figure 15-7. HDMI driver initialization 15.8.1 Setting up the video input The video input source to the HDMI Tx module can be any output stream from the IPU module. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 153 Initializing the driver IPU #0 D10 IPU #1 D11 D10 MIPI DSI IOMUX Parallel #0 SOC MUX D11 Parallel #1 SOC MUX Lockable control DCIC #0 MUX MUX MUX MUX LVDS #0 LVDS #1 HDMI MIPI DSI Lockable control DCIC #1 Figure 15-8. Available mux configurations To configure the input to the HDMI Tx module, use the IOMUXC_GPR3 register. Bits 3-2 (in the HDMI_MUX_CTL bit field) control the mux that selects which of the available IPU display interface outputs is used. The possible settings are: • • • • 00b - IPU1 display interface 0 (IPU1-DI0) 01b - IPU1 display interface 1 (IPU1-DI1) 10b - IPU2 display interface 0 (IPU2-DI0) 11b - IPU2 display interface 1 (IPU2-DI1) 15.8.2 Setting up the video sampler The video pixel sampler is responsible for the video data synchronization, according to the video data input mapping defined by the Color Depth (Deep Color) and format configuration. The following table describes the input video mapping. Table 15-7. Input video mapping code Color space RGB 4:4:4 Color depth Video mapping (hex) 8-bit 01 10-bit 03 12-bit 05 16-bit 07 Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 154 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Configuring the HDMI Tx Module Table 15-7. Input video mapping code (continued) Color space YCbCr 4:4:4 YCbCr 4:2:2 Color depth Video mapping (hex) 8-bit 09 10-bit 0B 12-bit 0D 16-bit 0F 8-bit 16 10-bit 14 12-bit 12 15.8.3 Setting up the CSC (color space converter) CSC is responsible for carrying out the following video color space conversion functions: • RGB to/from YCbCr • 4:2:2 to/from 4:4:4 up (pixel repetition or linear interpolation) / down-converter • Limited to/from full quantization range conversion The following figure shows the CSC block diagram. g_y_data[15:0] g_y_data_csc[15:0] Color space converter r_cr_data_csc[15:0] r_cr_data[15:0] b_cb_data[15:0] de hsync vsync YCbCr YCbCr 4:2:2 4:4:4 Chroma interpolation YCbCr RGB 4:4:4 4:4:4 YCbCr YCbCr 4:4:4 4:2:2 Chroma decimation Color space pixelclk b_cb_data_csc[15:0] de_csc hsync_csc vsync_csc pixelclk_csc Figure 15-9. CSC block diagram The CSC conversion function is: out1 out2 out3 = 2 scale-12 * A1A2A3 B1B2B3 C1C2C3 in1 in2 in3 + 2 scale-12 * A4 B4 C4 15.8.4 Setting up the video packetizer The following figure shows the video packetizer functional diagram. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 155 Initializing the driver bypass_selector default_phase fix_pp_to_last cx_goto_p0 pp_en pp_stuffing output_selector Input_data Pixel Packing Pixel Repeater output_data 10, 12, 16 Packing Phase FSM 16, 20, 24 YCC 422 remap ycc422_size ycc422_en 8-bit bypass bypass en Figure 15-10. Video packetizer functional diagram To set up the video packetizer: 1. Configure input data path -- pixel repeater or bypass selector 2. Configure pixel repetition, pixel packing, YCC422 stuffing, remap 3. Configure output selector 15.8.5 Setting up the frame composer The frame composer is responsible for assembling video, audio, and data packets into a consistent frame that is streamed to the HDMI TX PHY. To set up the video component: 1. Configure video synchronism for video signal: interlaced/progressive, vblank variation and polarity. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 156 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 15 Configuring the HDMI Tx Module 2. Configure video timing: hactive/vactive, hblank/vblank, hsyncoffset/vsyncoffse, hsyncwidth/vsyncwidth. 3. Configure pixel repetition ratio factor of the input and output video signal. 15.8.6 Setting up HDMI Tx PHY The following HDMI PHY types can be configured by HDMI_PHY_SEL: • • • • • 0 - chrt_065lp 1 - ibm_065lp 2 - tsmc_065gp 3 - tsmc_065lp 4 - phy_gen2 NOTE Only phy_gen2 is supported in the i.MX 6 Series HDMI Tx PHY module. When the phy_gen2 option is selected, a new I2C master interface is added to the HDMI TX. This then enables the I2C Master PHY registers to be programmed. The process for setup HDMI Tx PHY is as follows 1. Setup the physical interfaces: power down, data enable polarity and interface control of the HDMI Source PHY control. 2. Configure Tx PHY type, behavior model 3. Scan test interface signals. 4. Software reset physcial and TMDS drivers 15.9 Testing the driver The HDMI Tx unit test demonstrates how to output both audio and video from the HDMI signals. The test utilizes the IPU unit test to initialize the IPU to output a Freescale logo picture to the HDMI block. It also sets up a sine wave audio sample and outputs it from the HDMI signals along with the IPU output. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 157 Testing the driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 158 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device 16.1 Overview This chapter provides a quick guide for firmware developers about how to write the driver for the I2C controller, which provides an efficient interface to the I2C bus. The I2C bus is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides an efficient method of data exchange to minimize the interconnection between devices. The I2C controller provides the functionality of standard I2C slave and master. This guide targets the development of the I2C master mode driver. There are three instances of I2C in the chip. They are located in memory map at the following addresses: • I2C1 base address-021A 0000h • I2C2 base address-021A 4000h • I2C3 base address-021A 8000h For register definitions and information, refer to the chip reference manual. This chapter assumes an understanding of the I2C bus specification, version 2.1. However, a brief introduction to I2C protocol is discussed in I2C protocol. NOTE This chapter uses an engineering sample board's schematics as its reference for pin assignments. For other board types, refer to the appropriate schematics. 16.2 Initializing the I2C controller To initialize the I2C controller, configure the following two I2C signals: clock initialization and the programming frequency divider register (I2Cn_IFDR). The following subsections explain how to do this. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 159 Initializing the I2C controller 16.2.1 IOMUX pin configuration Refer to your board schematics for correct pin assignments. The following table shows the contacts assigned to the signals that the three I2C blocks use: Table 16-1. I2C pin assignments Signals I2C1 PAD SDA SCL I2C2 MUX SION PAD I2C3 MUX SION PAD MUX SION EIM_D28 ALT1 1 EIM_D16 ALT6 1 EIM_D18 ALT6 1 CSI0_DAT8 ALT4 1 KEY_ROW3 ALT4 1 GPIO_6 ALT2 1 GPIO_16 ALT6 1 EIM_D21 ALT6 1 EIM_EB2 ALT6 1 EIM_D17 ALT6 1 CSI0_DAT9 ALT4 1 KEY_ROW3 ALT4 1 GPIO_3 ALT2 1 GPIO_5 ALT6 1 NOTE Set the SION (Software Input ON) bit of the software MUX control register to force MUX input path. Program the pad setting register to have pull up enabled in open drain mode or ensure that pull ups are connected externally to each lines . For more information about the IOMUX controller, refer to the IOMUXC chapter of the chip reference manual. 16.2.2 Clocks The following figure shows the clock control signals. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 160 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device PLL2 396 MHz 352 MHz 198 MHz ahb_podf 1 0 0 AHB_CLK_ROOT (132 MHz) 4 ipg_podf pre_periph_clk_sel pll_bypass_en2 periph_clk_sel 2 IPG_CLK_ROOT (66 MHz) perclk_podf cg 1 PERCLK_ROOT (66 MHz) 2 3-bit Divider where 2 = default divider value. 1 6-bit Divider where 1 = default divider value. 0 MUX with default 0 selection. Unless mentioned, the inputs are in ascending order. Figure 16-1. Clock control signals for I2C blocks The I2C uses PERCLK_ROOT as its clock source. PERCLK_ROOT is derived from IPG_CLK_ROOT. The IPG_CLK_ROOT runs at 66 MHz with default dividers, as shown in the above figure. IPG_CLK_ROOT is derived from PLL2, which typically runs at 528 MHz. If PLL2 is programmed to run at a speed other than 528 MHz, the IPG_CLK_ROOT output speed will also be different. To set the desired source speed for I2C clock, adjust the dividers by setting the fields ahb_podf and ipg_podf of CCM_CBCDR and perclk_podf of CCM_CSCMR1. Refer to the register description for further information. If the I2C clock is gated, ungate it as follows: • For I2C1, set bits CCM_CCGR2[7:6] • For I2C2, set bits CCM_CCGR2[9:8] • For I2C3, set bits CCM_CCGR2[11:10] Refer to the CCM chapter of the chip reference manual for more information about programming clocks. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 161 Initializing the I2C controller 16.2.3 Configuring the programming frequency divider register (IFDR) The I2C module can operate at speeds up to 400 kbps. The driver calculates the SCL frequency automatically by passing the desired baud rate to the initialization function. Nevertheless, the following steps can be used to set the I2C frequency divider to get appropriate transfer speed. 1. Software reset I2C block before changing the I2C frequency divider register by clearing the I2Cn_I2CR register. write(0, I2Cn_I2CR); • For 100 kbps speed, program I2Cn_IFDR to 14h. • For 400 kbps, program IFDR to a value of Eh. The source clock for I2C is PERCLK_ROOT running at 66 MHz. According to the frequency divider table, a value of 14h set to the IFDR register results in a divider value of 576, and I2C_CLK = 66 MHz ÷ 576 = 100 Kbps. Refer to table below for the IFDR frequency divider values. write(0x14, i2c_base_register_address + I2C_IFDR); 2. Enable the I2C module by setting I2C_I2CR[IEN]. write(IEN, i2c_base_register_address + I2C_I2CR); The following table shows the divider values for I2Cn_IFDR register settings. Table 16-2. I2Cn_IFDR[5:0] Register Field Values IC Divider IC Divider IC Divider IC Divider 00h 30 10h 288 20h 22 30h 160 01h 32 11h 320 21h 24 31h 192 02h 36 12h 384 22h 26 32h 224 03h 42 13h 480 23h 28 33h 256 04h 48 14h 576 24h 32 34h 320 05h 52 15h 640 25h 36 35h 384 06h 60 16h 768 26h 40 36h 448 07h 72 17h 960 27h 44 37h 512 08h 80 18h 1152 28h 48 38h 640 09h 88 19h 1280 29h 56 39h 768 0Ah 104 1Ah 1536 2Ah 64 3Ah 896 0Bh 128 1Bh 1920 2Bh 72 3Bh 1024 0Ch 144 1Ch 2304 2Ch 80 3Ch 1280 0Dh 160 1Dh 2560 2Dh 96 3Dh 1536 0Eh 192 1Eh 3072 2Eh 112 3Eh 1792 0Fh 240 1Fh 3840 2Fh 128 3Fh 2048 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 162 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device 16.3 I2C protocol MSB 1 SCL SDA A MSB LSB 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W START signal Calling address B R/W C XXX ACK bit D LSB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 E Data Byte 9 No ACK bit STOP signal F Figure 16-2. I2C standard communication protocol The I2C communication protocol consists of the following six components: • • • • • • START Data Source/Recipient Data Direction Slave Acknowledge Data Acknowledge STOP 16.3.1 START signal When no other device is a bus master (both SCL and SDA lines are at logic high), a device can initiate communication by sending a START signal. A START signal is defined as a high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This signal denotes the beginning of a data transfer (each data transfer can be several bytes long) and awakens all slaves. NOTE Setting the MSTA bit of the I2CR register generates a START on the bus and selects master mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 163 I2C protocol 16.3.2 Slave address transmission The master sends the slave address in the first byte after the START signal (B). After the seven-bit calling address, it sends the R/W bit (C), which tells the slave the data transfer direction. Each slave must have a unique address. An I2C master must not transmit an address that is the same as its slave address; it cannot be master and slave at the same time. The slave whose address matches that sent by the master pulls SDA low at the ninth clock (D) to return an acknowledge bit. NOTE The slave address is sent along with the R/W bit using the I2Cn_I2DR register. When cleared, I2Cn_I2SR[RXAK] denotes the ACK bit received. 16.3.3 Data transfer When successful slave addressing is achieved, the data transfer can proceed (E) on a byte-by-byte basis in the direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master in a slave address transmission. Data can be changed only while SCL is low and must be held stable while SCL is high. SCL is pulsed once for each data bit, most-significant bit first. The receiving device must acknowledge each byte by pulling SDA low at the ninth clock; therefore, a data byte transfer takes nine clock pulses. If it does not acknowledge the master, the slave receiver must leave SDA high. The master can then generate a STOP signal to abort the data transfer or generate a START signal (a repeated start) to start a new calling sequence. If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after a byte transmission, it means end-of-data to the slave. The slave releases SDA for the master to generate a STOP or START signal. NOTE Writing to the data register triggers the transmit operation. Transmit data should always be written after I2Cn_I2CR[MTX] bit is programmed. Transmit data is not latched inside until the transfer is initiated on the interface bus. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 164 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device After the transmit data write in I2C, software can either wait for a transfer-done interrupt or it can poll I2Cn_I2SR[ICF] for zero if new data had to be written during the previous data transfer. I2Cn_I2SR[IIF] may not be polled if I2Cn_I2CR[IIEN] is set because the I2C generates an interrupt when IIF is set. NOTE When cleared, I2Cn_I2SR[RXAK] denote the ACK bit was received. 16.3.4 STOP signal The master can terminate communication by generating a STOP signal to free the bus. A STOP signal is defined as a low-to-high transition of SDA while SCL is at logical high (F). NOTE A master can generate a STOP even if the slave has made an acknowledgment, at which point the slave must release the bus. Clearing the I2Cn_I2CR[MSTA] bit generates a STOP and selects slave mode. 16.3.5 Repeat start MSB 1 SCL SDA MSB LSB 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W START signal Calling address R/W ACK bit 1 XX Repeated START signal LSB 2 3 4 5 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 New calling address A Stop 6 7 8 9 AD2 AD1 R/W R/W No ACK bit STOP signal Figure 16-3. Repeated START Instead of signaling a STOP, the master can repeat the START signal, followed by a calling command. A repeated START occurs when a START signal is generated without first generating a STOP signal to end the communication. The master uses a repeated START to communicate with another slave or with the same slave in a different mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 165 Programming controller registers for I2C data transfers NOTE Setting I2Cn_I2CR[RSTA] bit generates a repeat start condition. 16.4 Programming controller registers for I2C data transfers his section describes how to program I2C controller registers I2Cn_I2CR, I2Cn_I2SR, and I2Cn_I2DR for transferring data on an I2C bus. Pseudocode is provided wherever necessary. 16.4.1 Function to initialize the I2C controller This initialization function uses two parameters: the base address of the initialized controller and the desired baud rate used for the I2C bus. The function: • Manages the controller's clock gating • Calculates the divider to get the desired frequency of SCL • Enables the controller /*! * Initialize the I2C module -- mainly enable the I2C clock, module * itself and the I2C clock prescaler. * * @param base base address of I2C module (also assigned for I2Cx_CLK) * @param baud the desired data rate in bps * * @return 0 if successful; non-zero otherwise */ int i2c_init(uint32_t base, uint32_t baud) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 166 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device 16.4.2 Programming the I2C controller for I2C Read I2C master receives (I2C_read Repeat start (Set RSTA bit) Yes Yes Wait for bus to be busy (IBB == 0) Wait for bus to be free (IBB == 1 Send slave address with LSB set to 0 to receive No Enable I2C and program it to master transmit mode Count == 1 Yes No Yes Wait for bus to be busy (IBB == 0) Generate STOP condition Count == 2 No Set TXA Kbit to lot generate ACK No No Read a byte from DC Send slave address with LSB set to 1 to transmit Decrement read count by 1 Send read address Count == 0 Yes Yes Wait for bus to be free (IBB == 1) No Done Figure 16-4. Flow chart for I2C read i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 167 Programming controller registers for I2C data transfers Program the I2C controller according to the following sequence to receive bytes (read) a device. Wait until I2Cn_I2SR[IBB] (I2C bus busy) bit is high. Wait for bus to go free. Start signaled by master Wait until I2Cn_I2SR[IBB] (I2C bus busy) bit is low. Wait for bus to go busy. 7-bit slave address and last bit set to 1. This indicates to the slave device with the matching slave address that a transmit operation from master to slave is being issued by master. Slave responds with ACK; software can read the ACK using I2Cn_I2SR[RXAK] bit. If it is 1, then no ACK was received and software can issue stop signal. .. . Depending on device type this could be a memory offset, a command, or a register address. The address may be a byte or multiple bytes depending on device type. Master should be programmed to transmit this data byte at a time using I2Cn_I2DR. This address tells the slave I2C device what data master is requesting. Slave ACK after receiving each byte and software should make sure I2Cn_I2SR[RXAK] bit is set in order to confirm ACK is received. Repeat start signaled by master 7 bit slave address and last bit set to 0, this will indicate to the slave device that master is ready to receive data. , Master reads data from slave byte at a time. The I2Cn_I2DR register is used by software to read the byte. The I2C controller issues the ACK bit upon reading each byte; once the specified number of bytes are received, software should program the I2C controller's I2Cn_I2CR[TXAK] bit to not generate ACK. Stop signaled by master 16.4.3 Code used for I2C read operations This section provides the functions used in an I2C read operation. The function i2c_xfer is used with the I2C_READ parameter. /*! * This is a rather simple function that can be used for most I2C devices. * Common steps for both READ and WRITE: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 168 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device * step 1: issue start signal * step 2: put I2C device addr on the bus (always 1 byte write. the dir always I2C_WRITE) * step 3: offset of the I2C device write (offset within the device. can be 1-4 bytes) * For READ: * step 4: do repeat-start * step 5: send slave address again, but indicate a READ operation by setting LSB bit * Step 6: change to receive mode * Step 7: dummy read * Step 8: reading * For WRITE: * Step 4: do data write * Step 5: generate STOP by clearing MSTA bit * * @param rq pointer to struct imx_i2c_request * @param dir I2C_READ/I2C_WRITE * * @return 0 on success; non-zero otherwise */ int32_t i2c_xfer(struct imx_i2c_request *rq, int dir) /*! * For master RX * Implements a loop to receive bytes from I2C slave. * * @param base base address of I2C module * @param data return buffer for data * @param sz number of bytes to receive * * @return 0 if successful; -1 otherwise */ static int rx_bytes(uint8_t * data, uint32_t base, int sz) /*! * For master TX * Implements a loop to send a byte to I2C slave. * Always expect a RXAK signal to be set! * * @param base base address of I2C module * @param data return buffer for data * * @return 0 if successful; -1 otherwise */ static int tx_byte(uint8_t * data, uint32_t base) /*! * wait for operation done * This function loops until we get an interrupt. On timeout it returns -1. * It reports arbitration lost if IAL bit of I2SR register is set * Clears the interrupt * If operation is transfer byte function will make sure we received an ack * * @param base base address of I2C module * @param is_tx Pass 1 for transfering, 0 for receiving * * @return 0 if successful; negative integer otherwise */ static int wait_op_done(uint32_t base, int is_tx) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 169 Programming controller registers for I2C data transfers 16.4.4 Programming the I2C controller for I2C Write I2C Master Transmit (I2C_Write) Yes Send a byte Wait for bus to be free (IBB == 1) No Decrement write count by 1 No Enable I2C and program it to master transmit mode Count <= 0 Yes Wait for bus to be busy (IBB == 0) Yes Generate STOP condition No Send slave address with LSB set to 1 to transmit Yes Wait for bus to be free (IBB == 1) Send write address No Done Figure 16-5. Flow chart for I2C write i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 170 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 16 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Master Device Use the following sequence to program the I2C controller to send data bytes (write) to the device. … … Wait until I2Cn_I2SR[IBB] (I2C bus busy) bit is high. Wait for bus to go free. Start signaled by master Wait until I2Cn_I2SR[IBB] (I2C bus busy) bit is low. Wait for bus to go busy. 7 bit slave address and last bit set to 1, this will indicate to the slave device with matching slave address that a transmit operation from master to slave is being issued by master. Slave responds with ACK, software can read the ACK using I2Cn_I2SR[RXAK] bit. If it is 1 then no ACK received and software can issue stop signal. ... Depending on device type this could be a memory offset, a command or a register address. The address could be just a byte or multiple bytes depending on device type. Master should be programmed to transmit this data byte at a time using I2Cn_I2DR. This address tells the slave I2C device what data master is going to send. Slave ACK after receiving each byte and software should make sure I2Cn_I2SR[RXAK] bit is 1 to confirm ACK is received. … Master sends data to slave byte at a time. The I2Cn_I2DR register is used by software to read the byte. Slave ACK after receiving each byte and software should make sure RXAK bit is 1 to confirm ACK is received. Stop signaled by master 16.4.5 Code used for I2C write operations Code used for I2C read operations provides the description of the functions used in the driver. For an I2C write operation, use the function i2c_xfer with the I2C_WRITE parameter. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 171 Programming controller registers for I2C data transfers i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 172 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Slave Device 17.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the I2C controller as a slave device. There are three instances of I2C in the chip, located in the memory map at the base addresses: • I2C1 at 021A 0000h • I2C2 at 021A 4000h • I2C3 at 021A 8000h 17.2 Feature summary This low-level driver supports: • Usage of an I2C controller as a slave device 17.3 Modes of operation The following table explains the I2C slave driver modes of operation: Table 17-1. I2C slave driver modes of operation Mode Slave device What it does The controller is configured with a user's defined slave device ID. It executes the user's defined transmit and receive operations as commanded by an external master. The driver is able to automatically receive and transmit like a memory, with a pre-defined number of address cycles and unlimited number data cycles. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 173 Clocks 17.4 Clocks PLL2 396 MHz 352 MHz 198 MHz ahb_podf 1 0 0 AHB_CLK_ROOT (132 MHz) 4 ipg_podf pre_periph_clk_sel pll_bypass_en2 periph_clk_sel IPG_CLK_ROOT (66 MHz) 2 perclk_podf cg PERCLK_ROOT (66 MHz) 1 2 3-bit Divider where 2 = default divider value. 1 6-bit Divider where 1 = default divider value. 0 MUX with default 0 selection. Unless mentioned, the inputs are in ascending order. Figure 17-1. Clock control signals for I2C blocks This controller uses IPG_CLK as its single input clock. The frequency of the I2C bus SCL signal is calculated based on the IPG_CLK frequency and block divider defined in the I2C Frequency Divider Register (IFDR). The SCL frequency is simply the IPG_CLK frequency divided by any of the values defined in the "I2C_IFDR Register Field Values" table (see the I2C chapter in the chip reference manual) Table 17-2. I2C slave driver clocks Clock Name Description IPG_CLK IPG_CLK Global IPG_CLK that is typically used in normal operation. It is provided by CCM. It cannot be powered down. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 174 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Slave Device 17.5 Resets and interrupts To save power, the driver disables the controller when not using it and enables the controller to use it. When disabled, the controller is reset. The driver provides an interrupt routine (i2c_interrupt_routine) that reads the status register for later processing, depending on the active flags, and clears the register. The application routine address is passed through the hw_module data structure, which is defined in .src/include/io.h. This data structure is initialized by the application and used by the driver for various configurations. All interrupt sources are listed in the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter of the chip reference manual. In the SDK, the list is provided at ./src/include/mx6dq/soc_memory_map.h. 17.6 Initializing the driver The application should use the following function to initialize the I2C controller. This function is available in the I2C master driver at the location: ./src/sdk/i2c/drv/imx_i2c.c /*! * Initialize the I2C module -- mainly enable the I2C clock, module * itself and the I2C clock prescaler. * * @param base base address of I2C module (also assigned for I2Cx_CLK) * @param baud the desired data rate in bps * * @return 0 if successful; non-zero otherwise */ int i2c_init(uint32_t base, uint32_t baud) The following structure creates an I2C request. It is defined in ./src/include/imx_i2c.h by struct imx_i2c_request { uint32_t ctl_addr; // the I2C controller base address uint32_t dev_addr; // the I2C DEVICE address uint32_t reg_addr; // the actual REGISTER address uint32_t reg_addr_sz; // number of bytes for the address of I2C device register uint8_t *buffer; // buffer to hold the data uint32_t buffer_sz; // the number of bytes for read/write int32_t (*slave_receive) (struct imx_i2c_request *rq); // slave receive data from master int32_t (*slave_transmit) (struct imx_i2c_request *rq); // slave transmit data to master }; This structure provides the following information to the driver: • • • • • ctl_addr is the I2C controller base address. dev_addr is the slave device address ID of the i.MX6. reg_addr is not used. reg_addr_sz is the number of address cycles that the master uses. *buffer is a pointer used for the data transfers. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 175 Initializing the driver • buffer_sz is not used. • (*slave_receive) is a pointer to the function used to handle the received data. It takes an I2C request as parameter, which is typically this request. • (*slave_transmitter) is a pointer to the function used to handle the transmitted data. It takes an I2C request as parameter, which is typically this request. An hw_module data structure created in the application and defined in ./src/include/io.h is used to pass the interrupt number and base address of the used I2C controller. Other parameters are not used. Once the data is ready, the transfer function can be called. It returns when the access from the master is complete. /*! * The slave mode behaves like any device with g_addr_cycle of address + g_data_cycle of data. * Master read = * START - SLAVE_ID/W - ACK - MEM_ADDR - ACK - START - SLAVE_ID/R - ACK - DATAx - NACK - STOP * Example for a 16-bit address access: * 1st IRQ - receive the slave address and Write flag from master. * 2nd IRQ - receive the lower byte of the requested 16-bit address. * 3rd IRQ - receive the higher byte of the requested 16-bit address. * 4th IRQ - receive the slave address and Read flag from master. * 5th and next IRQ - transmit the data as long as NACK and STOP are not asserted. * * Master write = * START - SLAVE_ID/W - ACK - MEM_ADDR - ACK - DATAx - NACK - STOP * * 1st IRQ - receive the slave address and Write flag from master. * 2nd IRQ - receive the lower byte of the requested 16-bit address. * 3rd IRQ - receive the higher byte of the requested 16-bit address. * 4th and next IRQ - receive the data as long the STOP is not asserted. */ /*! * Handle the I2C transfers in slave mode. * * @param port - pointer to the I2C module structure. * @param rq - pointer to struct imx_i2c_request */ void i2c_slave_xfer(struct hw_module *port, struct imx_i2c_request *rq) For more functional details, the i2c_slave_xfer function calls the following function. This function is a software implementation of the flow chart described in the I2C chapter of the chip reference manual (see the "Flow Chart for Typical I2C Polling Routine" figure for the flow chart). /*! * I2C handler for the slave mode. The function is based on the * flow chart for typical I2C polling routine described in the * I2C controller chapter of the reference manual. * * @param rq - pointer to struct imx_i2c_request */ void i2c_slave_handler(struct imx_i2c_request *rq) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 176 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 17 Configuring the I2C Controller as a Slave Device 17.7 Testing the driver A test is available to use the slave driver as a memory device. Any of the chip addresses (for example register or memory location) can be read or written to in this usage example. 17.7.1 Running the test To run the I2C slave test, the SDK builds the test with the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board sabre_ai -board_rev a -test i2c This generates the following ELF and binary files: • • ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-i2c-sdk.elf ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-i2c-sdk.bin The I2C test allows testing the controller in two ways: • As a master, using an EEPROM as slave • As a slave by using an external master connected to the appropriate I2C bus. The I2C slave test allows the user to choose the device ID of the chip, as well as the number of address cycles (1 to 4) that this device should support when accessed by the master. The data size is variable and automatically adjusted by the driver until the bus is busy (no ACK or STOP are received). However, the imx6_slave_transmit and imx6_slave_receive functions of the test application can only handle up to four transmitted or received bytes whatever the address size is. With 1- and 2-byte address accesses, the data is read from a reference data buffer or written onto the console to show the received data. Take special care when performing a 4-byte address access because the imx6_slave_transmit and imx6_slave_receive service functions access a physical memory address of the chip. These functions assume that when using 4 address cycles, the data size is 4 bytes. Therefore, the targeted memory location must be 32-bit accessible. For example, when the master performs a read access at the address 1000 0000h, the driver transmits the value read from this address, which is the base address of the SDRAM memory. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 177 Testing the driver NOTE The master used to validate that driver is an FTDI chip FT2232H mounted on an evaluation board from FTDI FT2232H_Mini_Module. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 178 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver 18.1 Overview The IPU is a part of the video and graphics subsystem in the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite application processors. The goal of the IPU is to provide comprehensive support for the flow of data from an image sensor, and/or storage, to a display device. This support covers all aspects of these activities: • Connectivity to relevant devices: such as displays, graphics accelerators, and TV encoders • Related image processing and manipulation: sensor image signal processing, display processing, image conversions, etc. • Synchronization and control capabilities (to avoid tearing artifacts) This integrative approach leads to several significant advantages: • Automation: The involvement of the ARM platform in image management is minimized. In particular, display refresh/update can be performed completely autonomously. The resulting benefits are reducing the overhead due to softwarehardware synchronization, freeing the ARM platform to perform other tasks and reducing power consumption (when the ARM core is idle and can be powered down). • Optimal data path: Access to system memory is minimized. In particular, significant processing can be performed on-the-fly while sending data to a display. System memory is used only when a change in pixel order or frame rate is needed. The resulting benefits are reduced load on the system bus and further reduction of power consumption. • Resource sharing: Maximum hardware reuse for different applications, resulting in the support of a wide range of requirements with minimal hardware. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 179 Overview The hardware reuse is enabled by a sophisticated configurability of each hardware block. This configurability also allows the support of a wide range of external devices, data formats, and operation modes. The resulting flexibility is also important because the support requirements are evolving significantly and expected future changes need to be anticipated and accounted for. There are two equivalent instances of IPU, which are located in the memory map at the following addresses: • IPU1 base address = 0240 0000h • IPU2 base address = 0280 0000h The following figure provides a simple block diagram of IPU: SMFC (sensor multi FIFO controller) CSI (camera sensor interface) Cameras VDI (video de-interlacer) Displays Optional connectivity bridges (LVDS, VGA, TVE) IPU DI (display interface) DC (display controller) IDMAC (image DMA controller) IC (image converter) DP (display processor) CM (control module) 32-bit AHB ARM platform 64-bit AXI Memory DMFC (display multi FIFO controller) IRT (image rotator) Figure 18-1. IPU block diagram The following table describes the role of each block. Table 18-1. IPU block descriptions Block Description Camera Sensor Interface (CSI) • Controls a camera port • Provides interface to an image sensor or a related device • Each IPU includes two CSI blocks Display Interface (DI) • Provides interface to displays, display controllers, and related devices • Each IPU includes two DI blocks Display Controller (DC) • Controls the display ports Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 180 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver Table 18-1. IPU block descriptions (continued) Block Description Image Converter (IC) • Performs resizing, color conversion/correction, combining with graphics, rotating, and horizontal inversion Display Processor (DP) • Performs the processing required for data sent to display. Image Rotator (IRT) • Performs rotation (90 or 180 degrees) and inversion (vertical/horizontal). Image DMA Controller (IDMAC) • Controls the memory port • Transfers data to/from system memory Display Multi FIFO Controller (DMFC) • Controls FIFOs for IDMAC channels related to the display system. Sensor Multi FIFO Controller (SMFC) • Controls FIFOs for output from the CSIs to system memory Video De-Interlaced and Combiner (VDIC) • Converts interlaced image into progressive and layers combination Control Module (CM) • Provides control and synchronization. 18.2 IPU task management The detailed IPU diagram is shown in the following figure: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 181 IPU task management Memories Primary Camera CSI0 Secondary Camera CSI1 SMFC VDIC FSU AHB Control Module CRCU Primary Display IDMAC IRT RF AXI IC DI0 DC DMFC Secondary Display DI1 DP AHB Figure 18-2. Detailed IPU block diagram The five types of IPU tasks are listed in the following table: Table 18-2. IPU tasks Task Data flow Additional information Image rendering The data flow is from memory to display. The image is provided by external devices (such as sensor, DVD player, etc.) through the CSI interface. Image processing The data flow is from memory to memory. The image is provided by external devices (such as sensor, DVD player, etc.) through the CSI interface. CSI preview The data flow is from CSI to display on a direct path with no memory involved. - CSI capture The data flow is from CSI to memory. - Mixed mode Can be a combination of two or more of the above tasks. - i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 182 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver 18.3 Image rendering Image rendering is the process by which the image data that is stored in the memory is transferred to the display device. The following are examples of supported display devices: • Parallel dumb panel • Smart panel • Other further processed sinks: • HDMI/DVI monitor (the chip provides the HDMI/DVI transmitter, and the PHY converts the data into serialized differentiated data lanes) • LVDS panels (the chip provides LDB as a bridge to LVDS display) • MIPI DSI An example of a simple display flow is: memory > IDMAC > DMFC (> DP) > DC > DI > display. 18.3.1 IDMAC IDMAC is the DMA bridge between external memory and IPU blocks. There are 64 DMA channels inside the IPU. Each channel is dedicated as a read/write channel to/from the memory. Detailed channel descriptions can be found in the IPU spec. The configuration parameters for each IDMAC channel are held in the CPMEM. For each channel, there are two mega-words to describe the properties. Each mega-word is 160 bits wide and includes information such as data format, frame width and height, burst size, stride line, and bit per pixel setting. IDMAC can support interleaved mode and non-interleaved mode data transfer. The IDMAC will pack (in write direction) or unpack (in read direction) the data, no matter what format it is stored in. This means all data flow through IDMAC to other blocks of IPU will be in YUVA4444 or RGBA8888 mode. There are several IDMAC events/interrupts for system control and debug purposes. The most import of these are EOF (end of frame) and NF (new frame). These two events are usually used to indicate the frame status and drive the whole flow. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 183 Image rendering 18.3.2 DMFC The display multi-FIFO control (DMFC) manages multi-channel FIFOs. It serves the following clients: Table 18-3. DMFC clients Client Access IDMAC Read and write DP Read only DC Read and write IC Write only AHB Read and write The DP and the DC read channels are physically attached to an IDMAC or an IC channel. When the input is coming from the image converter, it replaces a channel that was physically attached to the IDMAC because the image converter has only one output channel connected to the DMFC. The DMFC uses a single physical memory that serves the DP and DC read channels. The AHB accesses to the DC, and the DC's write channel (read from display), use a separate physical memory. This is used to write an external device directly through AHB bus, or to configure a smart panel. In image rendering, DMFC is served as FIFO between either IDMAC (fetching data from external memory) or IPU subblocks (such as IC, DP, DC). The physical memory of DMFC is partitioned into eight segments. For each channel, the start address at a segment's boundary must be defined using the DMFC_ST_ADDR parameter, and the size of the FIFO allocated to a channel must be defined using the DMFC_FIFO_SIZE parameter. The FIFO must be allocated to avoid overlapping between FIFOs. The FIFO's burst length is also configurable, and it should match the IDMAC burst length for optimal performance. There is a watermark setting to dynamically tune the channel's priority on the IDMAC's arbitration. DMFC_WM_SET and DMFC_WM_CLR are used to trigger the watermark signals. 18.3.3 Display Processor (DP) Each IPU can support two synchronous display flows concurrently. One is through the display processor BG/FG, and the other is through the display controller. The display processor processes the image prior to sending it to the display. The main task performed by the display processor is combining between full and partial planes. The display processor has two input FIFOs holding the data of the full plane and the partial i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 184 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver plane. The two planes can be blended as per local or global alpha setting, based on the mode chosen by DP_GWAM_SYNC. For global alpha, the alpha value is configured in DP register DP_GWAV_SYNC. In addition, the display processor performs some image enhancement functions like gamma correction and color space conversion (including Gamut mapping). During combining, the background is a full plane, and the foreground is a partial plane. Left and top offsets of the foreground can be set in register DP_FG_POS_SYNC. The size of the foreground is determined by the corresponding IDMAC descriptor. The following figure shows the display processor architecture diagram: DC Interface controller Output FIFO Gamma CSC Cursor CSC FIFO (full plane) CSC FIFO (partial) Combining Unit Memory Read Controller Control Logic Figure 18-3. Display processor architecture diagram The combination task can also be done in the image converter, but in that case the size of the two planes must be the same. The display processor is the first choice for two-layer blending because its combining performance is higher than the image converter's combining performance. Note that the DP register cannot be accessed directly. For example, the shadow register SRM_DP_COM_CONF_SYNC must be accessed in order to configure the DP_COM_CONF_SYNC register. The DP_S_SRM_MODE setting indicates how the changes in shadow registers are updated in the actual registers. 18.3.4 Display controller (DC) The display controller controls the flows coming to and from the DI port. The display controller manages the flows, decides which flows are currently active and when each flow is activated. The display controller arbitrates between the active flows, gets the data from the predefined source and distributes it to the correct DI. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 185 Image processing The display controller's core is the microcode. The microcode contains a set of routine which is built of a set of commands stored in the template's (microcode) memory. For each event (such as new frame, end of frame etc.) a specific routine is executed. Users write the routines to describe the rules of processing, and then map them to specific events. The routine contains instructions for the display controller about how to handle the data/address/commands associated with the display. The routine can also contain information about data mapping, waveform characteristics, and more. In the display controller block, the data coming from IDMAC is linked to a display interface. It also sets the interface format (parallel or serial, interlaced or progressive, etc.), to which the display flow is attached, and maps the data to the sink device (based on which waveform of the display interface data will be processed). The rendered image data is then sent to the display interface. 18.3.5 Display interface (DI) The display interface provides access to up to three displays using time multiplexing. It converts data from the display controller, or the MCU (low level access for serial interface only), to a format suitable for the specific display interface. The display interface generates display clocks and other display control signals such as HSYNC, VSYNC and DRDY with programmable timings. It also outputs data to, or inputs data from, parallel and/or serial interfaces. This module generates all the control signals sent to the display. The display controller sends the data for the display and a set of control signals to the display interface. The controls coming from the display controller are used to generate the control signals sent to the display through the display interface. One exception is serial low-level access (LLA), meaning the display controller is bypassed and the data comes directly from the MCU. The display interface also sets the attributes of the interfaces to the display. The timing and polarity of signals are set in the display interface block according to the different types of displays. 18.4 Image processing Image processing performs resizing, rotation, color space conversion, multi-layer combination with alpha blending, de-interlaced, gamma correction, gamut mapping, etc. The main image processing blocks are the IC (image converter) and VDIC (video deinterlaced and converter). i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 186 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver The image converter contains three processing sections: downsizing, main processing and rotation. The peripheral bus registers control this module. Some processing parameters are written by the MCU to the Task Parameter Memory, and the AHB bus performers writing to the memory. Main Processing Control Downsizing Control from CSI from/to IDMAC Input Buffer Memory Control Downsizing Arithmetic Unit Downsizing Output Memory Control Main Processing Arithmetic Unit Main Processing Memory Control Input Buffer Memory Downsizing Temporary Memory Control Downsizing Output Memory Task Parameter Memory Control Main Processing Memory Downsizing section Task Parameter Memory Downsizing Temporary Memory Rotation Unit Rotation section Rotation Memory Control from/to IDMAC Main processing section from/to IDMAC Rotation Memory Figure 18-4. Image converter diagram The image converter has three processing sections that can perform up to three processing tasks with time sharing mode. This means that three sets of configurations can be set at the same time, but they share the unique set of hardware accelerators. For post processing tasks, it has a dedicated input and output channel. For preprocessing tasks, encoder and viewfinder share the same input but have their own separate output channels. 18.4.1 Downsizing In this block, the image converter performs 1x, 2x, 4x downsizing operations on the input image. The downsizing ratio can be set in DS_R_H for horizontal or DS_R_V for vertical. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 187 Image processing 18.4.2 Main processing The main processing block reads the data from the Downsizing output and is able to perform the following operations in each task: • Horizontal/Vertical Flip by HF/VF settings-The corresponding DMA channel descriptor should be changed accordingly. • Horizontal/Vertical Resizing by bilinear interpolation-There is a formula to calculate the resizing ration. Resizing_ratio = floor(2^13 x (SI - 1) ÷ (SO - 1)), where SI means the input size and SO means the output size. In the Resizing block, the output should be no more than 1024 in horizontal due to the FIFO width limitation. • Color Space Conversion-The conversion matrix is user configurable, and it can support SAT_MODE and NON_ SAT_MODE. In SAT_MODE, the range of Y is [0, 235], range of U/V is [16, 240]. In NON_SAT_MODE, the range of Y/U/V are all [0, 255]. • Combination-The image converter can support local alpha blending, global alpha blending, and use of key color. The size of the two layers for combining must be the same. 18.4.3 Rotation The image converter and IDMAC work together to perform rotation. The image for rotation is divided into 8 x 8 blocks. The IDMAC must work in block mode and perform data rearrangement within the blocks. The image converter provides the proper rotation of the whole frame in the block unit. The VDIC can de-interlace standard interlaced video to progressive video that is used for upsizing to HD formats or for display on progressive displays. For VDI operation, three sequential fields are necessary: F(n - 1), F(n), and F(n + 1). There is a per-designed deinterlace algorithm stored in the VDIC block as firmware. The de-interlace is performed by setting the motion level (high-motion or low-motion), and it outputs a progressive whole frame. The VDIC can also perform on-the-fly combination and color keying. The position and size of the foreground layer are configurable. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 188 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver 18.5 CSI preview Image preview is a direct path from CSI to display. The CSI gets data from the sensor, synchronizes the data and the control signals to the IPU clock (HSP_CLK), and transfer it according to configuration of DATA_DEST register to one or more of the following: IC or SMFC. When data is transferred to the IC module then routed to display module, it is called image preview. 18.5.1 CSI interfaces CSI supports two types of interfaces: parallel interface and high-speed serial interface. The interface is determined via the DATA_SOURCE register. Parallel interface In this mode, a single value arrives in each clock except when working in BT.1120 mode, in which case two values arrive in each cycle. Each value can be 8-16 bits wide according to the configuration of DATA_WIDTH. If DATA_WIDTH is configured to N, then 20-N LSB bits are ignored. CSI can work with several data formats according to SENS_DATA_FORMAT configuration. In case the data format is YUV, the output of the CSI is always YUV444 (even if the data arrives in YUV422 format). The polarity of the inputs can be configured using the registers SENS_PIX_CLK_POL, DATA_POL, HSYNC_POL, and VSYNC_POL. High-speed serial interface-MIPI (mobile industry processor interface) In MIPI interface, two values arrive in each cycle. Each value is 8 bit wide, meaning 16 MSB bits of the data bus input are treated, while 4 LSB bits are ignored. When working in this mode, the CSI can handle up to four streams of data. Each stream is identified with DI (data identifier), including the virtual channel and the data type of this stream. Each stream that is handled is defined in registers MIPI_DI0-3. Only the main stream (MIPI_DI0) can be sent to all destination units, while the other streams are sent only to the SMFC as generic data. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 189 CSI preview In this mode SENS_DATA_FORMAT and DATA_WIDTH registers are ignored, since this information is coming to the CSI via the MCT_DI bus. 18.5.2 CSI modes CSI can work in several timing/data mode protocols according to SENS_PRTCL configuration. Gated mode clock Vsync Hsync 0 data 1 3 2 4 5 6 Figure 18-5. CSI gated mode In this mode, VSYNC is used to indicate the beginning of a frame, and HSYNC is used to indicate the beginning of a raw. The sensor clock is ticking all the time. Non-gated mode clock Vsync data 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 18-6. CSI non-gated mode In this mode, VSYNC is used to indicate the beginning of a frame. The sensor clock only ticks when data is valid. HSYNC is not used. When working with MIPI, configure the non-gated mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 190 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver BT656 mode clock data ff 00 00 xy data . . . ff 00 00 xy Figure 18-7. BT656 mode BT656 describes a simple digital video protocol for streaming uncompressed PAL or NTSC Standard Definition TV (525 or 625 lines) signals. The protocol builds upon the 4:2:2 digital video encoding parameters which provide interlaced video data (streaming each field separately). It uses the YCbCr color space and a 13.5 MHz sampling frequency for pixels. The timing reference signals (frame start, frame end, line start, line end) are embedded in the data bus input, and each timing reference signal consists of a four word sequence. The first three words are fixed and are configured in the CCIR_PRECOM register. The fourth word contains information defining the field, the state of field blanking, and the state of line blanking. These states are configured in registers CCIR_CODE_1 (for field 0) and CCIR_CODE_2 (for field 1). For PAL mode, the CCIR_CODE can be configured as shown below: • CCIR_CODE_1: D 07DFh • CCIR_CODE_2: 4 0596h • CCIR_CODE_3: FF 0000h One value of data arrives in each cycle of the BT656 mode. BT1120 mode In this mode, CSI can work in SDR or DDR mode. clock data-msb data-lsb ff 00 00 xy d1 d3 d5 d7 d9 d0 d2 d4 d6 d8 Figure 18-8. BT1120 SDR mode i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 191 CSI capture In DDR mode, data will arrive on both rising and falling edge of a clock, meaning that two values of data arrive in each clock. clock data-msb data-lsb ff 00 00 xy d1 d3 d5 d7 d9 d0 d2 d4 d6 d8 Figure 18-9. BT1120 DDR Mode For direct path from CSI to the image converter, CSI_MEM_WR_EN and RWS_EN (located in IPU_IC_CONF) are used to choose the data flow. CSI_SEL (in IPU_CONF) determines which CSI is selected as the direct input to IC module. There is a limitation in this task: the refresh rate of the display device must be the same as the CSI input frame rate, otherwise the screen may not be functional due to the frame rate mismatch. In the CSI block, images can be cropped by setting the actual window size. Follow these rules: • SENS_FRM_HEIGHT ≥ VSC + ACT_FRM_HEIGHT • SENS_FRM_WIDTH ≥ HSC + ACT_FRM_WIDTH 18.6 CSI capture In CSI capture task, data is received from the sensor and output to the memory through SMFC and IDMAC. The SMFC (Sensor Multi FIFO Controller) is used as a buffer between CSI and IDMAC. Both masters (CSIs) can be connected to SMFC and both can be active simultaneously. There are four channels that can be used as CSI output channels: channels 0~3 (of the IPU DMA channels). The frame from CSI can be mapped to one of four IDMAC channels via SMFC mapping registers. Each DMA channel has a dedicated FIFO, and the burst length of the FIFO must match the DMA settings. The FIFO size attached to each DMA channel is flexible according to the number of channels required. All four channels share the whole FIFO, and if only one of them is enabled, the entire FIFO can be allocated to one channel. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 192 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver 18.7 Mixed task The mixed task can be a collection of the tasks described in the sections above. For example, a CSI captured image can be stored in memory and then resized to full screen for display. For a complex task, CM is used for the flow management in order to support automatic control without using the CPU. After the different blocks are connected together by CM, the flow will be auto-driven by internal events (such as NF, EOF, etc.). CM configures five registers: • • • • • IPU_FS_PROC_FLOW1 IPU_FS_PROC_FLOW2 IPU_FS_PROC_FLOW3 IPU_FS_DISP_FLOW1 IPU_FS_DISP_FLOW2 The first three set the processing tasks and the last two set the display flows. For each task, the source and destination must be configured to form a round linkage between blocks. 18.8 Clocks The following table lists the IPU clock sources: Table 18-4. IPU clock sources Clock High-speed processing clock Display interface clocks Name HSP_CLK • DI_CLK0 • DI_CLK1 Description Source from the clock control module Source from the clock control module or an external PLL These clocks are optional; they are needed for synchronization with interface bridges. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 193 Clocks 18.8.1 High-speed processing clock (HSP_CLK) mmdc_ch0 9 400M PFD 21 1 120M 59 2 540M PFD 73 3 0 cg CSC DR3: ipu1_hsp_clk_sel mmdc_ch0 400M PFD 120M 540M PFD 9 21 59 73 0 1 2 3 cg CSCDR3: ipu2_hsp_clk_sel 3 bit divider default=2 IPU1_HSP_CLK_ROOE (264 Mhz) 17 CSCDR3: ipu1_hsp_podf 3 bit divider default=2 16 IPU2_HSP_CLK_ROOE (264 Mhz) CSCDR3: ipu2_hsp_podf Figure 18-10. IPU HSP_CLK clock tree The IPU main clock (HSP_CLK) is generated by the internal clock control module (CCM) (see Figure 18-10). The default HSP_CLK is divided from mmdc_ch0 by 2. 18.8.2 Display interface clocks (DI_CLKn) The IPU display interface clock can be generated by either an internal clock divider or an external PLL. For example, to drive a display of XGA resolution, we need a 65 MHz pixel clock. There are two ways to obtain the clock. • Divide from the internal IPU clock (HSP_CLK) Dividing the 264 MHz IPU HSP_CLK clock by 4 provides the 65 MHz pixel clock. IPU can also support fractional division, but image rendering does not usually require that precise of a clock. Clear DI#_CLK_EXT to set the DI clock source to internal. • From external PLLs The following figure shows the clock tree for generating IPU_DI0 clock from an external source to the IPU source (HSP_CLK). The external source is selected with the ipp_di_#_ext_clk_pin. The clock tree only works when the DI#_CLK_EXT is set, which means the clock is generated externally. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 194 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver CHSCCDR: ipu1_di0_pre_clk_sel mmdc_ch0 9 0 PLL3 3 1 PLL5 58 2 352M PFD 72 3 400M PFD 21 4 540M PFD 73 5 CHSCCDR: ipu1_di0_podf CHSCCDR: ipu1_di0_clk_sel cg 3 bit divider default=3 0 ipp_di0_clk 1 ipp_di1_clk 2 ipp_di0_ipu 3 ipp_di1_ipu 4 IPU_DI0_CLK_ROOT 180 MHz Figure 18-11. IPU DI0 clock tree 18.9 IOMUX pin mapping IPU has two sets of display interfaces. For a parallel display, IPU provides data lanes, vsync, hsync, date ready and pixel clock to drive the panel. For other further-processed displays, such as HDMI or LVDS, the IPU output signals are internally multiplexed to the relative modules. For example, to connect the LVDS with IPU, LVDSx_MUX_CTL can be configured as shown below: • 00—IPU1 DI0, connect LVDSx to IPU1 DI0. The "x" means 0 or 1, and there are two sets of LVDS display interfaces. • 01—IPU1 DI1 • 10—IPU2 DI0 • 11—IPU2 DI1 To connect HDMI with IPU, HDMI_MUXCTRL can be configured as shown below: • • • • 00—IPU1 DI0, connect HDMI to IPU1 DI0 01—IPU1 DI1 10—IPU2 DI0 11—IPU2 DI1 For parallel displays, set the output signals of IPU according to the schematic and the chip data sheet. General IPU display waveform pins provide the sync signals. They must match with the waveform settings in the DI block. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 195 Use cases The following table shows a typical IOMUX mapping for an IPU parallel panel through DI0. The exact mapping is board dependant. Table 18-5. Typical IOMUX mapping for IPU parallel panel through DI0 Signals Option 1 PAD MUX DI0 display clock DI0_DISP_CLK ALT0 DRDY DI0_PIN15 ALT0 HSYNC DI0_PIN2 ALT0 VSYNC DI0_PIN3 ALT0 DI0 data0~23 DISP0_DATx ALT0 18.10 Use cases This section describes how to program I2C controller registers I2CR, I2SR, and I2DR for transferring data on the I2C bus. Pseudocode is provided wherever necessary. 18.10.1 Single image rendering example Image rendering (image display) is the basic use case. This example provides a general introduction to how the IPU is configured to show an RGB image on the screen. IDMAC Memory DMFC DP DC DI Figure 18-12. IPU process for single image rendering As described in Image rendering, several blocks are involved in the display flow. Before setting the hardware registers, ensure you know all input and output information. This example uses memory-to-display for the flow type and chooses the DP BG path. Hardware configuration includes the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Configuring the IPU DMA channel (single image rendering) Allocating the DMFC block Configuring the DP block Configuring the DC block Configuring the DI block Enabling the blocks involved in the display flow i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 196 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver Configuring the IPU DMA channel (single image rendering) In this step, API ipu_disp_bg_idmac_config () is called. Because we chose the DP BG path for display, we must use channel 23 as the DMA channel to fetch data from memory. The input data format is interleaved RGB565, so the relative bit fields must be set as: • • • • • • Bpp = 0x3, which means bit per pixel is 16 Pfs, which indicates the data format to be interleaved RGB mode. Wid0=5-1, off0=0; Wid1=6-1, off1=5 Wid2=5-1, off2=11 Wid3=0, off3=16 Wid is the actual width of the component subtracting 1. Off means the start address of the component within the pixel. • FW, which is the actual frame width - 1 • FH , which is the actual frame width - 1 • Stride line, which means the offset of the next line in bytes The IPU DMA channel can support single buffer mode or double buffer mode by setting the MOD_SEL bit of each channel. In double buffer mode, the channel alternately fetches data from EBA0 and EBA1. Allocating the DMFC block The DMFC is allocated for channel 23. The FIFO is equally split for the DP and DC synchronous display channel. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 197 Use cases Configuring the DP block DP is the data processor for image combination, color space conversion, gamma correction, and gamut mapping. This example uses one layer, with the inputs and outputs all in RGB mode. Therefore, the data flow through the DP is bypassed with no additional processing. Configuring the DC block This block calls the API ipu_dc_config() and creates the following three microcodes: new data, new line, and end of line. These three events are synchronized with the DI waveform that generates the active data by setting the sync field of the microcode. The mapping unit in DC block is used to pack the data output from DC to DI and then to the data format that the display device supports. For example, if the display can accept RGB666 mode, the RGBA8888 data flow must be packed into RGB666 format. This operation is done in ipu_dc_map(). The mapping bit field of the microcode determines which of the three available sets of data mapping units is chosen. NOTE As described in the IDMAC section, all data flow through the subblocks of IPU (YUVA4444 or RGBA8888) is unpacked by the IDMAC block. Finally, ipu_dc_microcode_config() writes the microcode into a space in template memory, and ipu_dc_microcode_event() attaches it to the event. The event priority can be set individually. The DC block also provides connection information between DI and DC. Both ipu_dc_display_config() and ipu_dc_write_channel_config() can determine which DI the DC is connected to, which format the display interface is in, what the data width is, and which port the display has selected. Configuring the DI block This block is the interface to the display panels or other display processing modules. The timing to display is generated by the general waveform sets inside the DI block. For a parallel panel, IPU needs to provide pixel clock, HSYNC, VSYNC, DRDY, and data lines. The pixel clock can be generated internally or externally. In external mode, the pixel clock is always equal to the di_clk_root shown in Figure 18-11. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 198 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver Each waveform generator requires several parameters to generate a proper signal, as described in the following table. Table 18-6. Signal parameters Signal parameter Description syncWaveformGen.runValue Indicates the number of periods based on the reference clock syncWaveformGen.runResolution Indicates the reference clock for the waveform generator. It will trigger the counter to decrease. syncWaveformGen.offsetValue Indicates the predefined offset in the unit of offsetResolution syncWaveformGen.offsetResolution Indicates the offset reference clock. syncWaveformGen.cntAutoReload in auto-reload mode, the counter will reload the predefined value(runValue) when the counter decrease to zero syncWaveformGen.stepRepeat Valid only in non auto-reload mode. The counter will reload the predefined value (runValue) when the counter decrease to zero syncWaveformGen.cntClrSel Source to clear the non auto-reload waveform counter syncWaveformGen.cntPolarityGenEn = 0 Used to clear/set the polarity of the waveform syncWaveformGen.cntPolarityTrigSe l = 0 Used to clear/set the polarity of the waveform syncWaveformGen.cntPolarityClrSel Used to clear/set the polarity of the waveform = 0 syncWaveformGen.cntUp = 0 Indicates the rising edge of the waveform syncWaveformGen.cntDown = 2 Indicates the falling edge of the waveform The following figures show how to set the key parameters to specify the timing of the display. VSYNC VSYNC VSYNC VFP VBP VDISP VFP VBP R[7:0] G[7:0] B[7:0] DE VBL VBL VP HSYNC Figure 18-13. Vertical display time i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 199 Use cases Vertical time has a blanking time, VBL, between two vsync active periods. VBL can be divided into three parts: • VFP, vertical front porch • VBP, vertical back porch • VSYNC, sync width in vertical In the code, vSyncStartWidth indicates the start width of blanking in a whole vsync period, and vSyncEndWidth indicates the end width of blanking in a whole vsync period. DE HSYNC HSYNC HSYNC HFP VSYNC R[7:0] G[7:0] B[7:0] HDISP HBP HFP HBP tHV HBL HBL HP Figure 18-14. Horizontal display timing Horizontal timing has blanking time, HBL, between two hsync active periods. Like VBL, HBL can be divided into three parts: • HFP, horizontal front porch • HBP, horizontal back porch • HSYNC, sync width in horizontal In the code, hSyncStartWidth indicates the start width of blanking in a whole hsync period, and hSyncEndWidth means the end width of blanking. DE (or DRDY) has the same frequency as HSYNC, but the active period of DE indicates data lines that are active in that period. Based on the timing diagram, the parameters are configured as: • hSyncStartWidth = HSYNC + HBP; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 200 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver • • • • • • • • hSyncWidth = HSYNC; hSyncEndWidth = HFP; delayH2V = tHV; vSyncStartWidth = VSYNC + VBP; vSyncWidth = VSYNC; vSyncEndWidth = VFP; hDisp = HDISP; vDisp = VDISP; The frame width and height of the screen are indicated by hDisp and vDisp. All the waveforms in the DI block are for general usage. Some are used for internal logic, and some are used as output signals. The output pins are determined by the schematic design, and DI must bind the pins to the output by setting VSYNC_SEL and DISP_Y_SEL in the ipu_di_interface_set() function. The polarity of each output signal can also be configured in the ipu_di_interface_set(). Enabling the blocks involved in the display flow This is the last step of hardware settings. The display flow requires the following blocks: • • • • • IDMAC DMFC DP DC DI All these subblocks can be selected in the IPU_CONF register. 18.10.2 Image combining example The image combining use case illustrates combining between the full and partial planes. Each one of the planes may be a graphic or video plane. The following figure shows two planes displayed on a display. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 201 Use cases Full plane FGYP CYP Partial plane CXP Partial plane height Cursor CYH + 1 CXW + 1 Full plane height FGXP Partial plane width Full plane width Figure 18-15. Display planes The partial plane's position is defined relatively to the upper left corner of the full plane. The size of the partial and full planes is defined on the corresponding IDMAC's channels' FW and FH parameters. The cursor position and parameters are set in the DP_CUR_POS register. The following figure shows the IPU process for displaying two combined images to screen from two separated memories. IDMAC Memory DMFC DP DC DI Figure 18-16. IPU process for image combining The background image is sent to its DMFC through IDMAC main plane channel. The foreground image is send to its DMFC through IDMC auxiliary plane. The combining options are set in DP module. Hardware configuration includes the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Configuring the IPU DMA channel Allocating the DMFC Configuring the DP module Other modules Compared to the single image rendering (Figure 18-12), IPU hardware configuration is different in the IDMAC, DMFC and DP modules. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 202 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver Configuring the IPU DMA channel The following table lists the IDMAC channels from memory to display for the main plane and auxiliary plane list. Table 18-7. Channels for main and auxiliary planes Channel# Source Destination Purpose Data type 23 Fmem DP DP primary flow-main plane Pixel 27 Fmem DP DP primary flow-auxiliary plane Pixel 31 Fmem DP Transparency (alpha for channel 27) Generic 24 Fmem DP DP secondary flow-main plane Pixel 29 Fmem DP DP secondary flow-auxiliary plane Pixel 33 Fmem DP Transparency (alpha for channel 29) Generic This use case calls API ipu_disp_bg_idmac_config() to configure channel #23 for main plane and ipu_disp_fg_idmac_config() to configure channel #27 for auxiliary plane. This use case uses global alpha. If using local alpha, channel #31 should also be configured. Please refer to Configuring the IPU DMA channel (single image rendering) for the relative bit fields' setting for each channel. Allocating the DMFC Allocate DMFC for both main plane (background) and auxiliary plane (foreground) IDMA channels. Configuring the DP module The DP module can set the following combining options: • • • • Local alpha blending Global alpha blending Use of key color Order of the planes (full is presented over the partial plane and vice versa) The relative bit fields for combining are: • DP_FGXP_SYNC / DP_FGYP_SYNC set the left upper corner position for foreground on display on screen. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 203 Use cases • DP_FG_EN_SYNC must be set 1 to enable the partial plane channel. • DP_GWAM_SYNC selects the use of alpha to be global or local. • 1 Global Alpha. • 0 Local Alpha. • DP_GWAV_SYNC defines the global alpha value of background (main plane). Other modules The settings are the same as those for corresponding modules stated in Configuring the DP block, Configuring the DC block, and Configuring the DI block. 18.10.3 Image rotate example The following figure shows the IPU process for rotating an image and displaying it on a screen. Memory Memory IDMAC DMFC DP DC DI IDMAC IC Rotation Section Figure 18-17. IPU process for image rotation Rotation is performed by the IDMAC and the rotation unit inside the image converter. The frame is partitioned into 8 x 8 pixels blocks. 1. The image converter reorders the pixels within a block. The rotation unit rewrites pixels from the input block to the output FIFO with corresponding relocation of a pixel inside the block. 2. The IDMAC reorders the block according to the VF, HF, and ROT parameters of the corresponding DMA channels. IPU configuration includes the following steps: 1. Configuring IDMAC channels for IC tasks (IC rotate) 2. Configuring the IC task 3. Setting IDMAC buffer ready i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 204 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver 4. Image rendering process (IDMAC) Configuring IDMAC channels for IC tasks (IC rotate) The following table lists the IDMAC channels for the IC rotate tasks. Table 18-8. Rotation channels Channel # IC channel name R/W Source Destination Purpose 45 CB10 Read Memory ENC ROT Preprocessing data for rotation (encoding task) 48 CB8 Write ENC ROT Memory Preprocessing data after rotation (encoding task) 46 CB11 Read Memory VF ROT Preprocessing data for rotation (viewfinder task) 49 CB9 Write VF ROT Memory Preprocessing data after rotation (viewfinder task) 47 CB13 Read Memory PP ROT Postprocessing data for rotation 50 CB12 Write PP ROT Memory Postprocessing data after rotation This use case takes input channel #47 and output channel #50 for the postprocessing task. The API calls ipu_rotate_idmac_config() to set the IDMAC for IC rotation tasks. The rotation related bit fields' setting of input channel #47 are: • NPB (Number of pixels per burst access) must be set as 7, which means 8 pixels per burst. • ROT (Rotation) is enabled, which means 90 degree rotation clockwise. • BM (Block Mode) is set as 01h, which means 8 x 8 pixels blocks. The rotation related bit fields' setting of output channel #50 are: • NPB (Number of pixels per burst access) must be set as 7, which means 8 pixels per burst. • ROT (Rotation) is disabled. The rotation is performed in the input channel. • HF (Horizontal Flip) is enabled depends on the use case. • VF (Vertical Flip) is enabled depends on the use case. • BM (Block Mode) is set as 01h, which means 8 x 8 pixels blocks. Please refer to Image rendering for the relative bit fields' setting for each channel. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 205 Use cases Configuring the IC task The rotation unit rewrites pixels from the input block to the output FIFO with the corresponding relocation of a pixel inside the block. Rotation, left/right flipping, and/or up/down flipping are enabled separately. The rotation section includes: • Rotation memory (stores an input rectangular block of 8 x 8 pixels) • Output FIFO (contains four pages of 8 pixels) This example uses the postprocessing task for rotate only (without left/right or up/down flip). The settings are: • T3_ROT is enabled, which means rotation for the postprocessing task. • T3_ FLIP_LR is enabled depending on the use case, which means the left/right flip for the postprocessing task. • T3_FLIP_UD is enabled depending on the use case, which means the up/down flip for the postprocessing task. NOTE These three fields should be the same as in IDMAC. • PP_EN is enabled, which enables the postprocessing task. • PP_ROT_EN is enabled, which enables postprocessing rotation task. Setting IDMAC buffer ready Set IDMAC buffer ready after configuring and enable the IC task. Set the output IDMAC channel buffer ready first and then the input IDMAC channel buffer. Image rendering process (IDMAC) Please refer to Single image rendering example for the image rendering process settings. 18.10.4 Image resizing example i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 206 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver IPU process flow The image resizing is performed in the image converter module. The main processing unit reads pairs of pixels from the downsizing output memory background part. The following figure shows the IPU process for resizing an image and displaying it on a screen. Memory Memory IDMAC DMFC DP DC DI IDMAC IC Downsize Section Main Processing Figure 18-18. IPU process for image rotation IPU configuration includes the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Configuring IDMAC channels for IC resize tasks Configuring the IC resize tasks Setting IDMAC buffer ready (image rotation) Image rendering process Configuring IDMAC channels for IC resize tasks The following table lists the IDMAC channels for the IC resize tasks. Table 18-9. Channels for resizing Channel# IC channel name R/W Source Destination Purpose 11 CB5 Read Memory IC PP Postprocessing data from memory 22 CB2 Write IC PP Memory Postprocessing data from IC to memory 12 CB6 Read Memory IC VF Preprocessing data from sensor stored in memory (for example Bayer) 21 CB1 Write IC VF Memory/DMFC Preprocessing data from IC (viewfinder task) to memory; This channel can be configured to send the data directly to the DMFC. This is done by programming the ic_dmfc_sel bit. 20 CB0 Write IC ENC Memory Preprocessing data from IC (encoding task) to memory i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 207 Use cases This use case takes input channel #11 and output channel #22 for the postprocessing task. The API calls ipu_resize_idmac_config() to set the IDMAC for IC resizing tasks. The resizing related bit fields' setting for input channel #11and output channel #22 is NPB (number of pixels per burst access), which is determined by frame width. The frame width must be multiple of burst size 8 or 16 pixels as defined. If the frame width is a multiple of 16, set NPB as 16 or 8. Otherwise, NPB must be set as 8. NOTE For both channels, the input's frame width to the image converter must be a multiple of 8 pixels. Refer to Configuring the IPU DMA channel (single image rendering) for the other bit field settings. Configuring the IC resize tasks The main processing unit reads pairs of pixels from the downsizing output memory background part. The following table describes the resize task settings: Table 18-10. Resize task settings Setting What it does CB2_BURST_16 Defines the number of active cycles within a burst (burst size) coming from the IDMAC for IC's CB2 (channel #22). For pixel data, the number of pixels should match the NPB[6:2] value on the IDMAC's CPMEM. CB5_BURST_16 Defines the number of active cycles within a burst (burst size) coming from the IDMAC for IC's CB5 (channel #11). For pixel data, the number of pixels should match the NPB[6:2] value on the IDMAC's CPMEM. T3_FR_HEIGHT Sets the frame height (FH) for the postprocessing task. The value of this field must be identical to the corresponding FH channel's parameters in the IDMAC's CPMEM. This parameter refers to the output's size - 1. T3_FR_WIDTH Sets the frame width (FW) for the post processing (PP) task. The value of this field must be identical to the corresponding FW channel's parameters in the IDMAC's CPMEM. This parameter refers to the output's size - 1. PP_DS_R_H Sets the postprocessing task's downsizing horizontal ratio. Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 208 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver Table 18-10. Resize task settings (continued) Setting PP_RS_R_H What it does Sets the postprocessing task's resizing horizontal ratio. Horizontal resizing is performed by bilinear interpolation between two adjacent pixels received from the downsizing output memory, according to the equation: where, RS_C_H is the current horizontal resizing coefficient. The calculation result is rounded to 8 bits. The resizing coefficient is calculated by: PP_DS_R_V Sets the postprocessing task's downsizing vertical ratio. PP_RS_R_V Sets the postprocessing task's resizing vertical ratio. Vertical resizing is performed by bilinear interpolation between the current and previous results of horizontal resizing. Both the current and previous results of horizontal resizing are stored in the task parameter memory. Resizing is accomplished according to the equation: where, RS_C_V is the current vertical resizing coefficient. The calculation result is rounded to 8 bits. The resizing coefficient is calculated as PP_EN Enables the postproduction task Setting IDMAC buffer ready (image rotation) After configuring and enabling the IC resizing task, set the IDMAC buffer to ready according to the following sequence. 1. Set the output IDMAC channel buffer ready. 2. Set the input IDMAC channel buffer ready. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 209 Use cases Image rendering process Refer to Configuring the IPU DMA channel (single image rendering) for the settings for the image rendering process. 18.10.5 Color space conversion example IPU process flow (color space conversion) The IPU contains two hardware modules that perform color space conversion (CSC): the image converter and the display processor. The following figure shows how the image converter performs color space conversion. IDMAC Memory IDMAC Memory IC Main processing Downsize section IDMAC DMFC CH21 Figure 18-19. IPU process for color space conversion (IC module) The following figure shows how the display processor performs color space conversion. The display processor connects to the display interface, so this color space conversion process is used when color space conversion is needed in the display. DP IDMAC Memory DMFC CSC DC DI Figure 18-20. IPU process for CSC (DP module) Color space conversion is performed in the main processing unit inside the image converter. See these sections for further details: 1. Configuring IDMAC channels for IC tasks 2. Configuring IC tasks 3. IPU configurations for the DP task i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 210 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver Configuring IDMAC channels for IC tasks Refer to Configuring IDMAC channels for IC resize tasks for the IDMA channel configuration. This use case uses input channel #11 and output channel #22 for the postprocessing task. Configuring IC tasks Use the conversion matrix CSC1 to perform color space conversion YUV to RGB or RGB to YUV. The conversion matrix coefficients are programmable and stored in the task parameter memory. The conversion equations are: • Z0=2Scale-1(X0×C00+X1×C01+X2×C02+A0) • Z1=2Scale-1(X0×C10+X1×C11+X2×C12+A1) • Z2=2Scale-1(X0×C20+X1×C21+X2×C22+A2) • For YUV to RGB: • X0 = Y • X1 = U • X2 = V • Z0 = R • Z1 = G • Z2 = B, • For RGB to YUV: • X0 = R • X1 = G • X2 = B • Z0 = Y • Z1 = U • Z2 = V The following table shows the resizing related bit fields' setting for the postprocessing CSC1 task lists. For all parameters, use the following: • Address at 6060h • word 0 and word 1 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 211 Use cases Table 18-11. Postprocessing task IC parameters for color space conversion Parameter Field C22 8:0 C11 17:9 C00 26:13 Description Coefficients of color conversion matrix1 for viewfinder task: • Z0 = X0 × C00 + X1 × C01 + X2 × C02 + A0; • Z1 = X0 × C10 + X1 × C11 + X2 × C12 + A1; • Z2 = X0 × C20 + X1 × C21 +X2 × C22+A2; Coefficients format is s.xxxxxxxx; A0 39:27 Offset of color conversion matrix1 for viewfinder task: Offset format is sxx.xxxxxxxxxx SCALE 41:40 Scale of coefficients for color conversion matrix1 for viewfinder task: • 0 -->coefficients × 2 • 1 --> coefficients × 1 • 2 --> coefficients × 0.5 • 3 -->coefficients × 0.25 SAT MODE 42:42 Saturation mode for color conversion matrix1 for viewfinder task: • 0 --> (min, max) = (0, 255) • 1 --> (min, max) = (16, 240) for Z1,Z2 • 1 --> (min, max) = (16, 235) for Z0 The main processing unit reads pairs of pixels from the downsize output memory background part. Therefore, the downsize unit also needs to be configured and enabled. Refer to Configuring the IC resize tasks for help. IPU configurations for the DP task API calls ipu_dp_csc_config() to do color space conversion inside the display processor. The conversion formula is: x → Clip(Round(S×2^E)), S = Ax + B Where: • A is a 3 x 3-dimensional matrix of weights, each a 10-bit signed number with 8 fractional digits: • B is a 3-dimensional vector of offsets, each a 14-bit signed number with 2 fractional digits: B = [CSC_B0 CSC_B1 CSC_B2] i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 212 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 18 Configuring the IPU Driver • E is an exponent, assuming one of the following values: -1,0,1,2 (allowing weights up to 8): E = [CSC_S0 CSC_S1 CSC_S2] The CSC related bit fields' settings in the display processor are: • DP_CSC_DEF_SYNC is set to enable color space conversion. • DP_CSC_A_SYNC_ sets the A parameter. • DP_CSC_B0_SYNC/ DP_CSC_B1_SYNC/ DP_CSC_B2_SYNC sets the B parameter. • DP_CSC_S0_SYNC/ DP_CSC_S1_SYNC/ DP_CSC_S2_SYNC sets the E parameter. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 213 Use cases i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 214 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Configuring the Keypad Controller 19.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the keypad controller to manage a key matrix of up to 8 x 8 keys. This chip has one instance of the keypad, which is located in the memory map at 020B 8000h. 19.2 Feature summary This low-level driver supports: • Single and multiple key press on interrupt from up to an 8 x 8 matrix. • Release detection of all keys. 19.3 Modes of operation The following table explains the keypad driver modes of operation: Table 19-1. Keypad modes of operation Mode What it does Multiple key press A scanning routine returns the detected pressed key(s) when an interrupt is triggered by a press event. Release detection When a key or multiple keys were pressed, an interrupt is generated when all keys are released. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 215 Clocks 19.4 Clocks This module has no clock to configure. 19.5 IOMUX pin mapping The following table shows the IOMUX pin map for the keypad controller. Shading indicates the version that was tested on an engineering sample board. Table 19-2. IOMUX pin map Signals Driver PAD MUX SION DAISY CHAIN KEY_COL0 KEY_COL0 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_COL1 KEY_COL1 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_COL2 KEY_COL2 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_COL3 KEY_COL3 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_COL4 KEY_COL4 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_COL5 GPIO_0 ALT2 1 0 GPIO_19 ALT0 1 CSI0_DAT4 ALT3 2 SD2_CLK ALT2 3 GPIO_9 ALT2 CSI0_DAT6 ALT3 1 SD2_DAT3 ALT2 2 SD2_DAT1 ALT4 GPIO_4 ALT2 1 CSI0_DAT8 ALT3 2 KEY_ROW0 KEY_ROW0 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_ROW1 KEY_ROW1 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_ROW2 KEY_ROW2 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_ROW3 KEY_ROW3 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_ROW4 KEY_ROW4 ALT3 1 N/A KEY_ROW5 GPIO_1 ALT2 1 0 CSI0_DAT5 ALT3 1 SD2_CMD ALT3 2 KEY_COL6 KEY_COL7 1 1 0 0 Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 216 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Configuring the Keypad Controller Table 19-2. IOMUX pin map (continued) Signals Driver PAD MUX SION DAISY CHAIN KEY_ROW6 KEY_ROW7 SD2_DAT2 ALT4 GPIO_2 ALT2 1 1 CSI0_DAT7 ALT3 2 SD2_DAT0 ALT4 GPIO_5 ALT2 1 CSI0_DAT9 ALT3 2 1 0 0 19.6 Resets and interrupts This module resets along with the chip on both warm and cold resets. This is reset with the chip’s global reset signal and is not a software controllable reset. All the interrupt sources are listed in the reference manual in the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter. The SDK provides this list at./src/include/mx6dq/soc_memory_map.h. The interrupt source for the keypad is: IMX_INT_KPP. The driver provides an interrupt routine (kpp_interrupt_routine). This routine disables the key press and release interrupts as well as clears a flag used as wait for interrupt into some of driver's functions. 19.7 Initializing the driver The application initializes the keypad controller by calling the kpp_open function (see below), which is available in the keypad port driver at ./src/sdk/keypad/drv/ keypad_port.c. /*! * Initialize the keypad controller. * * @param kpp_col - active columns in the keypad. * @param kpp_row - active rows in the keypad. */ void kpp_open(uint8_t kpp_col, uint8_t kpp_row) The value for kpp_col and kpp_row are those used to fill the KPP_KPCR register. In the test example, the keypad matrix only uses the rows and columns from 5 to 7. Set these variables to: kpp_col = kpp_row = 0xE0. This sets up a 3 x 3 matrix. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 217 Initializing the driver 19.7.1 Closing the keypad port The application calls the following function to close the keypad port properly. /*! * Leave the keypad controller in a known state. * */ void kpp_close(void) 19.7.2 Waiting for or obtaining a key press event When the application needs to wait for or obtain a key press event, it calls the following function: /*! * Keypad port function to return the read key. * * @param rd_keys - active columns in the keypad. * @param condition - keypad state is read immediately (IMMEDIATE) * or it waits for key pressed interrupt (WF_INTERRUPT). */ void kpp_get_keypad_state(uint16_t *rd_keys, uint8_t condition) The scan routine can be processed immediately to return the current keypad state, or it can be executed once a key press event has been detected. The columns configured in output mode are consecutively placed into a known state, and the state of the rows configured in input mode is logged each time. rd_keys is a pointer to an array of 8 unsigned short elements. This array can be parsed like in the example test and compared to a key map to determine the name of the pressed key(s). It logs the sampled status of the 8 rows, and the value of the register KPP_KPDR provides the coordinates of the pressed key(s). See the keypad port chapter of the chip reference manual for a detailed description of the scanning routine. 19.7.3 Waiting for all keys to release The application uses the following function once at least one key has been pressed to wait for all keys to release. Note that the keypad controller cannot detect that a particular key has been released; it can only return the information that none of the keys are pressed. /*! * Keypad port function that waits for all keys to release. * The hardware can only detect this condition, and couldn't * detect the release of a single key but by doing it * by software. */ void kpp_wait_for_release_state(void) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 218 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 19 Configuring the Keypad Controller 19.8 Testing the driver A test is available that uses the keypad driver to retrieve the names of the pressed keys. To run the keypad test, the SDK builds the test with the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board evb -board_rev a -test keypad This generates the following binary and ELF files: • • ./output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-keypad-sdk.elf ./output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-keypad-sdk.bin The multiple keys pressed test works as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Waits for a key press event. Upon a key press event's occurence, scans the matrix. Waits for 50 ms Re-scans the matrix in case of multiple pressed keys. Waits for all keys to release. When the test is completed, the console displays the name of the pressed keys based on the keys map (located in keypad_test.h). i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 219 Testing the driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 220 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Configuring the LDB Driver 20.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the LVDS display bridge (LDB), an integrated IP that is used to connect the internal IPU (image processing unit) to the external LVDS display interface in the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite products. The goal of the LDB is to convert the parallel data into LVDS data lanes. It must be tested together with the IPU, which produces the parallel data, and the LVDS panel which acts as a LVDS receiver. LVDS (low-voltage differential signaling) is an electrical digital signaling system that can run at very high speeds over inexpensive twisted-pair copper cables. It transmits information as the difference between two voltages on a pair of wires; the two-wire voltages are compared at the receiver end. The low common voltage (the average of the voltages on the paired wires, ~1.2 V) and the low differential voltage (~350 mV) allows LVDS to consume less power than other systems. This chip has one instance of LDB. it is located in the IOMUX chapters with only one configure register named IOMUXC_IOMUXC_GPR2. In this chip, the pins are dedicated for LVDS output with no mux. The following figure shows the LDB block diagram. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 221 Overview ipu_di0_data 24 ipu_di0_hsync 7 7 ch0_data2 ipu_di0_de 7 ch0_ser_clk 24 ipu_di1_hsync ipp_do_lvds0_tx3 ipp_obe_lvds0 ch0_en ch0_data_enable ipp_do_lvds0_tx2 ipp_do_lvds0_clk 7 ipu_di0_clk ipu_di1_de LDB Channel #0 Serializer ch0_data3 ipu_di0_ctl ipu_di1_vsync ipp_do_lvds0_tx1 ch0_data1 ipu_di0_vsync ipu_di1_data ipp_do_lvds0_tx0 ch0_data0 ch1_data_enable LDB Mux & Control ch1_data0 ipp_do_lvds1_tx0 7 ipp_do_lvds1_tx1 ch1_data1 ipu_di1_ctl 7 ch1_data2 ipu_di1_clk 7 ch1_data3 LDB Channel #1 Serializer 7 ipp_do_lvds1_tx3 ipp_do_lvds1_clk ch1_en ch0_data_width ipp_do_lvds1_tx2 ipp_obe_lvds1 ch1_ser_clk ch1_data_width ch0_bit_mapping ch1_bit_mapping ldb_channel_mode ldb_ch0_ser_clk ldb_ch1_ser_clk NGND_LVDS_BG LVDS_BG_RES BANDGAP NVCC_LVDS_BG LVDS_BIAS Figure 20-1. LDB block diagram i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 222 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Configuring the LDB Driver 20.2 Feature summary LDB supports: • Connectivity to devices that have displays with LVDS receivers • Arranging data to meet the requirements of the external display receiver and the LVDS display standards • Synchronization and control capabilities to avoid tearing artifacts. 20.3 Input and output ports The LDB module obtains its input from the IPU display interfaces. The LVDS channel theoretically has four choices for routing its data path because there are two IPU modules with two display ports per IPU. However, there is no reason to connect LVDS channel 0 to IPU DI1 or LVDS channel 1 to IPU DI0 in a single display mode; those connections are only supported in dual display mode. See Modes of operation for more information. LVDS output uses the following four pairs of wires: • • • • • TX0_P/N TX1_P/N TX2_P/N TX3_P/N TXC_P/N LVDS uses a current-mode driver output from a 3.5 mA current source. This drives a differential line that is terminated by a 100 Ω resistor, generating about 350 mV across the receiver. The +350 mV voltage swing is centered on a 1.2 V offset voltage. 20.4 Modes of operation LDB supports the following modes of operation: • • • • Single display mode Dual display mode Separate display mode Split mode i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 223 Modes of operation The following table summarizes the channel mapping for each mode: Table 20-1. Channel mapping Use Case LVDS channel 0 LVDS channel 1 Single display mode Single channel DI0 on channel 0 DI0 Disabled Single channel DI1 on channel 1 Disabled DI1 Dual display mode Dual channels to DI0 DI0 DI0 Dual channel to DI1 DI1 DI1 Separate display mode Separate channels DI0 DI1 Split mode to DI0 DI0 (odd pixels in line) DI0 (even pixels in line) Split mode to DI1 DI1 (odd pixels in line) DI1 (even pixels in line) Split mode 20.4.1 Single display mode In single display mode, either LVDS channel 0 or channel 1 is enabled but not both. The selected channel must be connected to the appropriate IPU display interface: channel 0 to DI0 and channel 1 to DI1. To enable LVDS channel 0: 1. Connect LVDS channel 0 to DI0. 2. Configure LVDS0_MUX_CTL in IOMUXC_GPR3 to be 0h or 2h. 3. Enable channel 0 by setting CH0_MODE to be 1h in IOMUXC_GPR2. To enable LVDS channel 1: 1. Connected LVDS channel 1 to DI1. 2. Configure LVDS0_MUX_CTL in IOMUXC_GPR3 to be 1h or 3h. 3. Enable channel 0 by setting CH0_MODE to be 0x3 in IOMUXC_GPR2. 20.4.2 Dual display mode In dual display mode, LVDS channel 0 and 1 are jointly enabled. Both channels must be connected to the same IPU display interface (for example, both connected to DI1). i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 224 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Configuring the LDB Driver 20.4.3 Separate display mode In separate display mode, both channel 0 and channel 1 are enabled, but they are connected to different display interfaces. This allows users to display different content on the different displays. 20.4.4 Split mode In split mode, the LDB has one input and two outputs. The parallel data is first serialized and then output in horizontal interlaced mode. Odd columns are output from LVDS channel0, and even columns are output from LVDS channel1. 20.5 LDB Processing The LDB's main job is to convert the parallel data lines into differential serial data lines. It supports SPWG and JEIDA mapping modes. See Data serialization clocking for additional information. Use the LDB_CTRL register to configure the data mapping mode and data width. See Configuring the LDB_CTRL register for further information. 20.5.1 SPWG mapping SPWG (standard panel working group) uses a set of standard LCD panels with dimensions and interface characteristics that allow both notebook and LCD supplier industries to manage the volatile LCD supply and demand in an easier fashion. The following table shows the SPWG mapping mode. Table 20-2. SPWG mapping mode Serializer input Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 CHx_DATA0 G0 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 CHx_DATA1 B1 B0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 CHx_DATA2 DE VS HS B5 B4 B3 B2 CHx_DATA3 (for 24 bpp only) CTL B7 B6 G7 G6 R7 R6 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 225 Clocks 20.5.2 JEIDA mapping JEIDA (The Japan Electronic Industry Development Association) was an industry research, development, and standards body for electronics in Japan. JEIDA mapping mode is also popular for LVDS panels. The following table shows the JEIDA mapping mode. Table 20-3. JEIDA mapping mode Serializer input Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 CHx_DATA0 G2 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 CHx_DATA1 B3 B2 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 CHx_DATA2 DE VS HS B7 B6 B5 B4 CHx_DATA3 CTL B1 B0 G1 G0 R1 R0 20.6 Clocks Figure 20-2. LDB clock tree i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 226 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Configuring the LDB Driver Route IPU_DI_CLK_ROOT to ipp_di_clk. 20.6.1 Data serialization clocking The LDB module serializes the parallel 18/24 bit data output from IPU. In both SPWG and JEIDA modes, one pixel is reordered into 3 or 4 lines, with 7 bits per line. • In non-split mode, for the IPU side, one pixel is driven to LDB during a pixel clock period, and for the LDB side, one pixel is driven to the display in 7 serialization clock periods. • In split mode, one frame is split into two horizontal fields, and the serialization clock is x3.5 the pixel clock. The IPU pixel clock and the serialization clock of LDB must be synchronous. To enable this: 1. Select the IPU DI clock to be external in the IPU configuration registers. 2. Choose the clock branch in CCM to root the IPU DI clock from the LDB DI clock. The following figure shows how to generate the LDB serialization clock. Figure 20-3. LDB serialization clock The pixel clock is generated by dividing the clock selected by ldb_di_clk_sel (as shown in Figure 20-3, there are five clock sources available) by 3.5 if in split mode or 7 if in non-split mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 227 Configuring the LDB_CTRL register 20.7 Configuring the LDB_CTRL register The following table shows how to configure the parameters in the LDB_CTRL register for your use case: Table 20-4. LDB_CTRL register parameter configurations Parameter Configuration vs_polarity Polarity of VSYNC signal; should match the IPU output Bit_mapping Using the SPWG or the JEIDA standard Data_width 18 bit or 24 bit selection Split_mode Enable or disable split mode Channel_mode Channel route to IPU DI 20.8 Use cases This section provides example settings for: • Image display on Hannstar HSD100PXN1 XGA panel • Image display on CHIMEI M216H1 1080HD panel The following table shows the implementation for the Hannstar HSD100PXN1 XGA panel use case: Table 20-5. Hannstar HSD100PXN1 XGA panel use case Setting Requirements Mode • Single display mode Power supply • 3.3 V for core/IO • 5 V for backlight LED driven Clock settings • 65 MHz for ldb_di_clk (typical pixel clock for XGA resolution) • 455 MHz for LDB_DI_SERIAL_CLK_ROOT (ldb_di_ipu_div is set to 7 in non-split display mode and 65 x 7 = 455 MHz). LDB configuration • ldb_config(IPU1_DI0, LVDS _PORT0, SPWG, LVDS_PANEL_18BITS_MODE); NOTE: The LDB is connected to IPU1 DI0 output, and LVDS port0 is enabled. LVDS output is in SPWG standard with 18 bit width, so the TX3 lane is ignored. • ldb_config(IPU1_DI0, LVDS _DUAL_PORT, SPWG, LVDS_PANEL_18BITS_MODE); NOTE: In this mode, IPU output is sent to both LVDS channels, and the content is identical. The following table shows the implementation for the CHIMEI M216H1 1080HD panel use case: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 228 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 20 Configuring the LDB Driver Table 20-6. CHIMEI M216H1 1080HD panel use case Setting Requirements Mode • Split display mode Power supply • 5 V for core/IO and backlight LED driven Clock settings • 74.25 MHz for ldb_di_clk (typical pixel clock for HD1080 with 30 Hz refresh rate) Note that in split mode, the panel acts as pixel interleaved mode, 960 x 1280 at 30 fps per LVDS channel. • 260 MHz for LDB_DI_SERIAL_CLK_ROOT (ldb_di_ipu_div is set to 3.5 in split display mode and 74.25 x 3.5 = 260 MHz). LDB configuration • ldb_config(IPU1_DI0, LVDS _SPLIT_PORT, SPWG, LVDS_PANEL_18BITS_MODE); NOTE: The LDB is connected to IPU1 DI0 output, and LVDS port0 is enabled. LVDS output is in SPWG standard with 18 bit width, and data is processed in split mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 229 Use cases i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 230 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Configuring the Camera Preview Driver 21.1 Overview This chapter describes the camera preview driver design for the camera sensor interface (CSI) in the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite products. It includes a description of the connectivity between the camera sensor and chip. The following figure shows the task flow between the camera sensor and the display device. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 231 Overview Display Camera Sensor Display enhancement CSI (Camera Sensor I/F) Image Processing Unit (IPU) Camera preview Image conversions Video Processing Unit (VPU) Compression Video/graphics combining Image conversions Deblocking Deringing Decompression Memory Combining with audio Communication network Audio compressiong ARM Graphics generation ARM and Graphics Processing Unit (GPUs) Separation from audio Audio Decompression Figure 21-1. Task flow between camera sensor and display The camera ports receive input from camera sensors and provide support for timesensitive control signals to the camera. (The ARM main control unit (MCU) performs non-time-sensitive controls, such as configuration or reset, through an I2C I/F or GPIO signals.) The IPU sends the camera preview image directly to the display. The VPU and ARM performs high performance video processing. This chip supports four parallel or MIPI camera interfaces. Up to three interfaces may be active at once: • Two parallel camera ports (up to 20-bit, up to 240 MHz peak2 each). • MIPI CSI-2 port, supporting from 80 Mbps up to 1 Gbps speed per data lane. The CSI block provides an interface to an image sensor or a related device. • Data coming from two parallel camera sensor is received by CSI directly. • Serial data from MIPI CSI-2 camera sensor is unpacked by MIPI CSI-2 host controller (for further information, see MIPI CSI-2 (Camera Serial Interface 2) driver design chapter. And then the unpacked data is received by CSI. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 232 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Configuring the Camera Preview Driver This chip has two instances of an IPU (IPU1 and IPU2), and each IPU has two CSI blocks (CSI0 and CSI1). The CSI blocks are located in the memory map at the following base addresses: • • • • CSI0 in IPU1 base address = 0263 0000h CSI1 in IPU1 base address = 0263 8000h CSI0 in IPU2 base address = 02A3 0000h CSI1 in IPU2 base address = 02A3 8000h 21.2 Feature summary Each of the camera ports includes: • • • • Direct connectivity to the most relevant image sensors and to TV decoders. Parallel interface, up to 20-bit data bus Frame size: up to 8192 x 4096 pixels (including blanking intervals) Support for the following data formats • Raw (Bayer) • RGB • YUV 4:4:4 • YUV 4:2:2 • Grayscale, up to 16 bits per value (component). • Two methods for synchronization (video mode and still image capture) The camera ports include the following auxiliary features: • • • • Frame rate reduction, by periodic skipping of frames Downsizing x2, by skipping rows/columns Window-of-interest selection Pre-flash for red-eye reduction and for measurements such as focus in low-light conditions 21.2.1 Synchronization performance details In video mode synchronization, the sensor is the master of the pixel clock (PIXCLK) and synchronization signals. Synchronization signals are received using either of the following methods: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 233 Modes of operation • Dedicated control signals (VSYNC, HSYNC) with programmable pulse width and polarity • Controls embedded in the data stream, loosely following the BT.656 protocol, with flexibility in code values and location In still image capture synchronization, the image capture is triggered by the MCU or by an external signal, such as a mechanical shutter. Synchronized strobes are generated for up to six outputs: the sensor and five additional camera peripherals, such as the flash or mechanical shutter. 21.2.2 Simultaneous functionality support Several sensors can be connected to each CSI. Simultaneous functionality (sending data) is supported as follows: 1. Two sensors send data independently, each through a different port. 2. One of the streams is transferred to the VDI or IC for on-the-fly processing while the other one is sent directly to system memory. 21.2.3 Data rate support The input rate supported by the camera port is as follows: • • • • • Peak: up to 240 MHz (values/sec) Average, assuming 35% blanking overhead, for YUV 4:2:2 Pixel in one cycle (BT.1120): up to 180 MP/sec, for example 12 Mpixels at 15 fps Pixel on two cycles (BT.656): up to 90 MP/sec, for example. 6 Mpixels at 15 fps. On-the-fly processing may be restricted to a lower input rate. 21.3 Modes of operation CSI supports the following types of modes of operation: • Two types of interfaces • Gated and non-gated mode • Compliance with recommendation ITU-R BT.656 or ITU-R BT.1120 See Interface modes and Work modes for details about each mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 234 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Configuring the Camera Preview Driver 21.3.1 Interface modes The CSI supports using either a parallel interface or a high-speed serial interface (MIPI CSI-2). The DATA_SOURCE register controls the interface mode. Table 21-1. Interface modes Mode Parallel What it does Up to 20 bit data inputs 5-6 clocks and controls High-speed serial (MIPI CSI-2) Up to 4 D-PHY data lanes Different clock. 21.3.2 Work modes Table 21-2. Work modes Mode Gated mode What it does VSYNC is used to indicate beginning of a virtual frame HSYNC is used to indicate beginning of a raw frame, including active sensor frame and horizontal blanking intervals. Sensor clock ticks continuously. Non-gated mode VSYNC is used to indicate beginning of a frame. Sensor clock is ticking only when data is valid. HSYNC is not used. Sensor clock is ticking only when data is valid BT.656 mode CSI works in compliance with recommendation ITU-R BT.656 BT.1120 mode CSI works in compliance with recommendation ITU-R BT.1120 21.4 Clocks The following figure shows the clock interface between the external sensor and the chip. The external sensor and the camera interface share a single clock (sensor_clk) that must be synchronized. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 235 IOMUX pin mapping CCM_CLK_SRC_DIV CKO1 CKO2 PAD CLKO CLKO2 CCM sensor_clk Camera interface Chip Data and control signals External sensor Figure 21-2. Clock interface between the external sensor and the chip The chip generates sensor_clk and provides it to the external sensor as its input clock. CCM_CLK_SRC_DIV of the chip's internal clock control module (CCM) muxes different clocks to two output clocks: CKO1 and CKO2. CKO1 and CKO2 are connected to several pads. Choose a CLKO/CLKO2 instance of a pad connected CKO1/CKO2. The following table shows the internal pad selection for CLKO/CLKO2. Table 21-3. sensor_clk internal source selection Clock Pad Mode CLKO CSI0_MCLK ALT3 GPIO_0 ALT0 GPIO_19 ALT3 GPIO_5 ALT3 GPIO_3 ALT4 NANDF_CS2 ALT4 CLKO2 21.5 IOMUX pin mapping Set bits 19-20 of the General Purpose Register (IOMUXC_GPR1) appropriately to enable either the CSI parallel interface or the MIPI CSI-2 interface based on the settings shown in table below. The IOMUX pin mapping varies depending on which interface is enabled. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 236 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Configuring the Camera Preview Driver Table 21-4. Camera interface mode setting IOMUXC_GPR1 Bit 19 Bit 20 Value Description 0 (default) Enables MIPI interface to IPU1 CSI0; virtual channel is fixed to 0 1 Enables parallel interface to IPU1 CSI0 0 Enables MIPI interface to IPU2 CSI1; virtual channel is fixed to 3 1 (default) Enables parallel interface to IPU2 CSI1 The CSI driver controls the camera data source as follows: • IPU1 CSI0 can configure the data source; it connects to the MIPI CSI-2 interface by default. • IPU1 CSI1 connects directly to the MIPI CSI-2 interface, and the virtual channel is fixed to 1. • IPU2 CSI1 can configure the data source; it connects to the parallel interface by default. • IPU2 CSI0 connects directly to MIPI CSI-2 interface, and the virtual channel is fixed to 2. 21.5.1 IOMUX pin mapping for CSI0/CIS1 parallel interface Table 21-5. IOMUX pin mapping for CSIn parallel interface Signals Driver PAD MUX SION CSIn_PIXCLK CSIn_PIXCLK ALT0 1 CSIn_HSYNC CSIn_MCLK ALT0 1 CSIn_VSYNC CSIn_VSYNC ALT0 1 CSIn_DATA_EN CSIn_DATA_EN ALT0 1 CSIn_D[12] CSIn_DAT12 ALT0 1 CSIn_D[13] CSIn_DAT13 ALT0 1 CSIn_D[14] CSIn_DAT14 ALT0 1 CSIn_D[15] CSIn_DAT15 ALT0 1 CSIn_D[16] CSIn_DAT16 ALT0 1 CSIn_D[17] CSIn_DAT17 ALT0 1 CSIn_D[18] CSIn_DAT18 ALT0 1 CSIn_D[19] CSIn_DAT19 ALT0 1 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 237 Resets and interrupts 21.5.2 IOMUX pin mapping for the MIPI CSI-2 interface The data and control signals—DATA_EN, VSYNC, and HSYNC—are derived from the serial data packet. The MIPI CSI-2 interface does not require IOMUX pin mapping. 21.6 Resets and interrupts 21.6.1 Resets The chip generates sensor_rst and provides it to the external sensor as its reset signal. The sensor_rst signal can be generated by any GPIO that is connected to the reset pad of the external sensor. The reset signal should follow the timing request of the external sensor. GPIO Chip Sensor_rst External Sensor Figure 21-3. Reset signal for external sensor 21.6.2 Interrupts The IPU's interrupt generator (IG) provides error interrupts to the main control unit (MCU) for monitoring CSI errors. All interrupts are maskable. The following table describes the error interrupts of CSI. Table 21-6. CSI error interrupts Location Submodule Interrupt Status Name Description IPU_INT_STAT_9 [30] CSI0 CSI0_PUPE The error is generated in cases where a new frame arrived from the CSI0 before the SRM (shadow registers module) completed CSI0's parameter updates. IPU_INT_STAT_9 [31] CSI1 CSI1_PUPE The error is generated in cases where a new frame arrived from the CSI1 before the SRM completed CSI1's parameter updates. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 238 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Configuring the Camera Preview Driver 21.7 Initializing the driver The following figure shows the procedure for intializing the camera preview driver: Configure IDMAC for CSI to Fmem Allocate SMFC Configure CSI Configure sensor Image rendering process Figure 21-4. Flow for initializing the camera preview driver 21.7.1 Configuring the IDMAC channel for CSI The following table describes the IDMAC channels. Choose any one of four IDMAC channels as the CSI input channel. Table 21-7. IDMAC channels for CSI input Channel # Source Destination Purpose Data type 0 CSI (via SMFC) Fmem VF2 - Bayer; BPP>8; JPEG; MIPI additional channels Generic or pixel 1 CSI (via SMFC) Fmem VF2 - Bayer; BPP>8; JPEG; MIPI additional channels Generic or pixel 2 CSI (via SMFC) Fmem VF2 - Bayer; BPP>8; JPEG; MIPI additional channels Generic or pixel 3 CSI (via SMFC) Fmem VF2 - Bayer; BPP>8; JPEG; MIPI additional channels Generic or pixel 21.7.2 Allocating SMFC The SMFC (sensor multifile controller) provides a buffer between the CSI and the IDMAC (image DMA controller). Two masters (CSIs) can be connected to the SMFC. Both masters can be active simultaneously. Each master can send up to four frames, i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 239 Initializing the driver distinguished by the csi_id bus. The frame can be mapped to one of four IDMAC channels by means of the SMFC mapping registers. Each DMA channel has a dedicated FIFO. Allocate one SMFC channel for IPUn CSIn. 21.7.3 Configuring CSI The CSI obtains data from the sensor, synchronizes the data and the control signals to the IPU clock (HSP_CLK), and, depending on the configuration of DATA_DEST register, transfers it to either the image controller (IC) block, the sensor multifile controller (SMFC), or both. The following figure shows the data flow for the camera interface (CSI): dma_smfc_ch0 CSI0 dma_smfc_ch1 SMFC Sensor IDMAC Memory dma_smfc_ch2 CSI1 dma_smfc_ch3 Figure 21-5. Data flow for the CSI The relative bit fields are: • • • • • • • CSIn_DATA_DEST sets the destination of the data coming from the CSI. CSIn_DATA_WIDTH sets the number of bits per color. CSIn_SENS_DATA_FORMAT sets the data format from the sensor. CSIn_SENS_PRTCL sets the sensor timing/data mode protocol. CSIn_SENS_FRM_HEIGHT/WIDTH sets the sensor frame height and width. CSIn_SEL sets whether CSI0 or CSI1 is selected. CSIn_DATA_SOURCE sets whether the data source for the CSI1 is parallel or MIPI. • CSIn_EN sets whether CSI0 is enabled. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 240 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 21 Configuring the Camera Preview Driver 21.7.4 Configuring the sensor Access the camera sensor through the I2C interface to initialize and configure the camera sensor. 21.7.5 Image rendering To send camera preview images to display, see the "Single image rendering example" section in the IPU chapter for the image rendering process settings. 21.8 Testing the driver Start camera test 0 - Sensor capture x - to exit Figure 21-6. Camera test start image Test the driver using the following procedure: 1. Plug sensor ov5640 into the parallel sensor interface on the development board. 2. Run the Platform SDK test suite. 3. Press 0 to run the parallel sensor capture test. If the test is sucessful, the LVDS0 display shows the 640 x 480 camera preview. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 241 Testing the driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 242 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Configuring the MIPI CSI-2 Driver 22.1 Overview This chapter describes the camera preview driver design for the MIPI CSI-2 (camera serial interface 2) host processor for the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite products. It includes a description of the connectivity between the MIPI CSI-2 host controller and the MIPI CSI-2 camera sensor. The following figure shows the relationship between the MIPI CSI-2 camera sensor and the chip. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 243 Overview PPI Standard Interface Support up to 4 D-PHY Data Lanes CSI-2 Host Controller DataN+ clk_data DataNvirtual chnl[1:0] data_type[5:0] word_count[5:0] ecc[7:0] data_en Image Data Interface PHY Adaptation Layer Packet Analyzer csi_data[31:0] MIPI Camera Sensor Data 1 + D-PHY Data 1 - btyes_en[1:0] Clock+ v valid[3:0] h valid[3:0] ClockI2C d valid[3:0] APB Slave Bus AMBA APB Slave Register Bank intr1 intr2 SCL APB Slave Bus Camera Control Interface (CCI) I2C PAD SDA MIPI CSI-2 Camera Sensor Chip Figure 22-1. Relationship between MIPI CSI-2 camera sensor and the chip The MIPI CSI-2 is a high speed serial interface, and the chip works as a MIPI CSI-2 receiver. It is controlled by a CSI-2 host controller and camera control interface (CCI). • The CSI-2 host controller receives data from a CSI-2 compliant camera sensor. • It is a digital core that implements all protocol functions defined in the MIPI CSI-2 specification. • It provides an interface between the chip image data interface and the MIPI DPHY, allowing communication with a MIPI CSI-2 compliant camera sensor. • The camera control interface (CCI) controls the transmission through I2C interface. • A CSI-2 receiver should be configured as a master on the CCI bus. • A CSI-2 transmitter should be configured as a slave on the CCI bus. The MIPI CSI module is located in the memory map at 021D C000h. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 244 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Configuring the MIPI CSI-2 Driver 22.2 Feature summary The MIPI CSI-2 host controller supports the following features: • Conformity with multiple standards • MIPI Alliance Standard for Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2), Version 1.00 • Interface with MIPI D-PHY following PHY Protocol Interface (PPI), as defined in MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY, Version 1.00.00 • Optional support for camera control interface (CCI) through the I2C interface • Supports up to four D-PHY Rx data lanes • Dynamically configurable multi-lane merging • Long and short packet decoding • Timing accurate signaling for frame and line synchronization packets • Support for several frame formats such as: • General Frame or Digital Interlaced Video with or without accurate sync timing • Data type (packet or frame level) and virtual channel interleaving • 32-bit image data interface, delivering data formatted as recommended in the CSI-2 specification • Supports all primary and secondary data formats • RGB, YUV, and RAW color space definitions • From 24-bit down to 6-bit per pixel • Generic or user-defined byte-based data types • Error detection and correction • PHY level • Packet level • Line level • Frame level 22.3 Modes of operation Table 22-1. MIPI CSI-2 modes of operation Mode What it does Continuous clock Clock lane remains in high-speed mode generating active clock signals between the transmission of data packets Non-continuous clock Clock lane enters the LP-11 state between the transmission of data packets. 22.4 Clocks i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 245 Clocks 22.4.1 Output clock The following figure shows the clock interface between the external sensor and the chip. The external sensor and the camera interface share a single clock (sensor_clk) that must be synchronized. CCM_CLK_SRC_DIV CKO1 CKO2 PAD CLKO CLKO2 CCM sensor_clk Chip Camera interface Data and control signals External sensor Figure 22-2. Clock interface between the external sensor and the chip The chip generates sensor_clk and provides it to the external sensor as its input clock. CCM_CLK_SRC_DIV of the chip's internal clock control module (CCM) muxes different clocks to two output clocks: CKO1 and CKO2. These output clocks are connected to several pads. Choose a CLKO/CLKO2 instance of a pad connected to CKO1/CKO2. 22.4.2 Input clock The MIPI CSI-2 host controller typically works with the high speed byte clock provided by RXBYTECLKHS. RXBYTECLKHS is, by specification, 1/4 of the DDR clock on the D-PHY clock. The DDR clock (RxDDRClkHS) is received from the MIPI camera sensor. The MIPI CSI-2 clock lane receives the clock± signals and obtains the high-speed receive DDR clock. The following figure shows the MIPI CSI-2 clock lane receiver. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 246 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Configuring the MIPI CSI-2 Driver Figure 22-3. MIPI CSI-2 clock lane receiver The following table describes the clock lane PPI interface signals to the MIPI CSI-2 host controller. Table 22-2. PPI interface signals Interface signal name Input/output Description RxDDRClkHS Output High-speed receive DDR clock; samples the data in all data lanes RxClkActiveHS Output High-speed reception active. This active high signal indicates that the clock lane is receiving valid clock. This signal is asynchronous. Stopstate Output Lane is in stop state. This active high signal indicates that the lane module is currently in stop state. This signal is asynchronous. Shutdown Input Shutdown lane module. This active high signal forces the lane module into shutdown, disabling all activity. All line drivers, including terminators, are turned off when shutdown is asserted. When shutdown is high, all PPI outputs are driven to the default inactive state. Shutdown is a level sensitive signal and does not depend on any clock. RxUlpmEsc Output Escape ultra low power (receive) mode. This active high signal is asserted to indicate that the lane module has entered the ultra low power mode. The lane module remains in this mode with RxUlpmEsc asserted until a stop state is detected on the lane interconnect. The following table summarizes the MIPI CSI-2 clocks. Table 22-3. Reference clocks Clock Name Description Sensor clock CLKO Select osc_clk 24 MHz to generate CLKO DDR clock RxDDRClkHS Receive from MIPI CSI-2 camera sensor i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 247 IOMUX pin mapping 22.5 IOMUX pin mapping The MIPI CSI-2 does not require IOMUX pin mapping. As shown in Figure 22-1, the CSI-2 host controller derives its image data and frame control signal from the serial data packet. 22.6 Resets and interrupts The CSI-2 host controller provides an interrupt mechanism for monitoring errors and debugging. The interrupt mechanism uses two interrupt signals: intr1 and intr2. These signals are synchronous with the AMBA APB clock signal. Registers MASK1 and MASK2 respectively assert intr1 and intr2 to select which bits of registers ERR1 and ERR2 can generate interrupts. Both ERR1 and ERR2 always contain the information about events, regardless of the state of MASK1 and MASK2. ERR1 and ERR2 self-clear after a read access. Interrupt signals intr1 and intr2 are de-asserted upon read access of ERR1 and ERR2, respectively. For more information, see the "Error state register 1 (MIPI_CSI_ERR1)" and "Error state register 2 (MIPI_CSI_ERR2)" sections of the MIPI-CSI chapter in the reference manual. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 248 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 22 Configuring the MIPI CSI-2 Driver 22.7 Initializing the driver Global Reset D-PHY Init CSI-2 Host Controller Program D-PHY Ready? No Yes Config MIPI Camera Sensor DDR Clock Received? No Yes OK Failed Figure 22-4. Flow for initializing the driver 1. Deassert the CSI2 presetn signal (global reset). 2. Configure the MIPI camera sensor to have all Tx lanes in the LP-11 state (STOPSTATE) if required. 3. The D-PHY specification states that the D-PHY master should be initialized at LP-11 state (STOPSTATE); however, a CCI command may be required to switch-on the MIPI interface. 4. Access the D-PHY programming interface to initialize and program the D-PHY according to the selected operating mode. This step is D-PHY dependent; use the DPHY data book to identify the correct programming. 5. Program the CSI2 Host controller registers according to the operating mode's requirements: • Number of Lanes (register N_LANES) • Deassert PHY shutdown (register PHY_SHUTDOWNZ) • Deassert PHY reset (register PHY_RSTZ) • Deassert CSI reset (register CSI2_RESETN) • (Optional) Program Data IDs for matching error reporting (registers DATA_IDS_1 and DATA_IDS_2) • (Optional) Program the interrupt masks (registers MASK1 and MASK2) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 249 Testing the driver 6. Read the PHY status register (PHY_STATE) to confirm that all data and clock lanes of the D-PHY are in stop state, which means they are ready to receive data. 7. Access the camera sensor using the CCI interface to initialize and configure the camera sensor to transmit a clock on the D-PHY clock lane. 8. Read the PHY status register (PHY_STATE) to confirm that the D-PHY is receiving a clock on the D-PHY clock lane. 22.8 Testing the driver Figure 22-5. MIPI test screen image Test the driver using the following procedure 1. Plug sensor ov5640 into the MIPI interface on the development board. 2. Run the platform SDK test suite. 3. Press 0 to run the mipi csi-2 test. If the test is sucessful, the LVDS0 display shows the 640 x 480 camera preview from the MIPI CSI-2. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 250 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Configuring the MIPI DSI driver 23.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the MIPI DSI driver for the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite products. The DSI (display serial interface) host controller is a digital core that implements all protocol functions defined in the MIPI DSI specification. It provides an interface between the system and the MIPI D-PHY, which allows communication with a MIPI DSI compliant display. The following figure shows the overall architecture of the DSI host controller. See the "Architecture" section of the MIPI DSI chapter in the reference manual for a description of the component blocks. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 251 Feature summary PPI standard interface Image host processor DPI DPI interface Support for 4 D-PHY data lanes and 1 clock lane DPI ctrl FIFO D-PHY DataN+ DPI pixel FIFO LP LN PPI Interface Data1+ DBI DBI interface APB DataN- APB to Generic DBI FIFOs Packet handler PHY interface control HS CLK PPI Interface Data1- MIPI display Clock+ CLK Clock- Generic FiFOs Register bank Error management Figure 23-1. MIPI DSI block guide The MIPI DSI module is located in the memory map at the MIPI DSI base address: 021E 0000h 23.2 Feature summary The MIPI DSI host controller supports the following features: • Conformity to standards and specifications as follows: • Conforms to the MIPI alliance standard for display pixel interface (DPI-2), version 2.00, with pixel data bus width up to 24 bits • Conforms to the MIPI alliance standard for display bus interface (DBI-2), version 2.00, for the following DBI types: • Type A Fixed E mode • Type A Clocked E mode • Type B • 16-bit, 9-bit and 8-bit data bus width • Support all commands defined in MIPI Alliance specification for display command set (DCS), Version 1.02.00 • Interface with MIPI D-PHY following PHY protocol interface (PPI), as defined in MIPI alliance specification for D-PHY, Version 1.00.00 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 252 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Configuring the MIPI DSI driver • Supports the following general features: • Up to 4 D-PHY data lanes • Bidirectional communication and escape mode support through data lane 0 • Programmable display resolutions, from 160 x 120 (QQVGA) to 1024 x 768 (XVGA) • Multiple peripheral support capability and configurable virtual channels • Transmission of all generic commands • ECC and checksum • End of transmission packet (EoTp) • Ultra low power mode • Schemes for fault recovery • Supports the following video mode pixel formats • 16 bpp (5,6,5 RGB) • 18 bpp (6,6,6,RGB) packed • 18 bpp (6,6,6,RGB) loosely • 24 bpp (8,8,8,RGB). 23.3 Modes of operation The following two tables show the MIPI DSI interface modes and the MIPI DSI operating modes. Note that the display bus interface and display pixel interface can coexist, but only one can be operational. Table 23-1. MIPI DSI interface modes Data interface DPI mode What it does In DPI mode, the DPI interface captures the data and control signals and conveys them to the FIFO interfaces that transmit them to the DSI link. Two different streams of data are present at the interface: video control signals and pixel data. Depending on the interface color coding, the pixel data is handled differently throughout the dpipixdata bus. DBI mode In DBI mode, the DBI-2 interface encapsulates DCS commands in DSI packets to be transmitted through the D-PHY link Table 23-2. MIPI DSI operating modes Operating mode What it does High-speed mode Data transmission at higher speeds than the other operating modes Escape mode Escape mode is an optional mode of operation for data lanes. This mode allows low bit-rate commands and data to be transferred in a very low power state Control mode Provides an alternative to escape mode for a low-power signaling state. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 253 Clocks 23.4 Clocks To start the internal PLL, sett the PLL clock by calling dphy_write_control(). The working clock for DSI controller and DPHY are all derived from an on-chip clock source. The reference clock is 27 MHz. The following table shows the configuration options for the work frequency of the DSI controller and PHY. Table 23-3. Configuration settings for the DSI working clock Ranges (Mbps) Settings (binary) Default bit rate (Mbps) 80-90 (default) 000000 90 90-100 010000 99 100-110 100000 108 110-125 000001 123 125-140 010001 135 140-150 100001 150 150-160 000010 159 160-180 010010 180 180-200 100010 198 200-210 000011 210 210-240 010011 240 240-250 100011 249 250-270 000100 270 270-300 010100 300 300-330 000100 330 330-360 010101 360 360-400 100101 399 400-450 000110 450 450-500 010110 486 500-550 000111 549 550-600 010111 600 600-650 001000 648 650-700 011000 699 700-750 001001 750 750-800 011001 783 800-850 001010 849 850-900 011010 900 900-950 101010 972 950-1000 111010 999 i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 254 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Configuring the MIPI DSI driver 23.5 IOMUX pin mapping The MIPI DSI interface does not need IOMUX pin mapping. 23.6 Resets and Interrupts The DSI supports multiple methods for reset. • For soft reset, the DSI host sends soft_reset (command ID 01h) through DCS. • For hard reset of DSI controller, set register PWR_UP. • For a D-PHY reset, set register PHY_RSTZ. 23.7 Initializing the driver This driver is initialized in two parts: • Initializing the DSI controller • Initializing the D-PHY 23.7.1 Initializing the DSI controller To initialize the DSI to work in DPI mode, use the following procedure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Global configuration. Configure the DPI interface. Select the video transmission mode. Define the DPI horizontal timing configuration. Define the vertical line configuration. See the following subsections for detailed information about each step. Global configuration Use DSI_PHY_IF_CFG[1:0] to configure the number of lanes available to the controller for performing high speed transmissions. The settings are as follows: • Use 00b for a single data lane (lane 0). • Use 01b for two data lanes (lane 0 and 1). i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 255 Initializing the driver • Use 10b for three data lanes (lane 0, 1, and 2). • Use 11b for four data lanes (all) See the "D-PHY interface configuration (MIPI_DSI_PHY_IF_CFG_)" section in the MIPI DSI chapter of the reference manual for additional information about this register. Configure the DPI interface Configure the DSI_DPI_CFG register to define how the DPI interface interacts with the controller. The fields are: • Virtual Channel ID (DSI_DPI_CFG[1:0])-configures the virtual channel that the packet generated by this interface is indexed to. • Dpi_color_coding (DSI_DPI_CFG [4:2])-configures the bits per pixels that the interface transmits and also the variant configuration of each bpp. NOTE When the 18 bpp is selected and Enable_18_loosely_packed is not active, the number or pixels per line must be a multiple of four. • Data_active_low_enable (DSI_DPI_CFG [5])-configures the polarity of the DATAEN signal and enables it as active low. • Vsync_active_low_enable (DSI_DPI_CFG [6])-configures the polarity of the VSYNC signal and enables it as active low. • Hsync_active_low_enable (DSI_DPI_CFG [7])-configures the polarity of the HSYNC signal and enables it as active low. • Shutd_active_low_enable (DSI_DPI_CFG [8])-configures the polarity of the SHUTD signal and enables it as active low. • Colorm_active_low_enable (DSI_DPI_CFG [9])-configures the polarity of the COLORM signal and enables it as active low. • Enable_18_loosely_packed (DSI_DPI_CFG [10])-configures whether pixel packing is loose or packed when dpi_color_coding selects 18 bpp. This bit enables loose packing. See the "DPI interface configuration (MIPI_DSI_DPI_CFG)" section of the MIPI DSI chapter in the reference manual for additional information about this register. Select the video transmission mode Use the DSI_VID_MODE_CFG to define how the the video line will be transported through the DSI link. The fields are as follows: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 256 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Configuring the MIPI DSI driver • The enable low power fields (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG[8:3]) defines the video periods that are permitted to go to low power if there is available time to do so. • frame_bta_ack (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [11]) defines whether the controller should request the peripheral acknowledge message at the end of a frames. • vid_mode_type (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG[2:1]) sets whether the mode is burst or non-burst. • In burst mode, the entire active pixel line is buffered into a FIFO and transmitted in a single packet with no interruptions. This transmission mode requires that the DPI pixel FIFO can store a full line of active pixel data inside it. This mode is best used when there is a large difference between the pixel required bandwidth and DSI link bandwidth because it enables the controller to dispatch the entire active video line in a single burst of data and then return to low power. • Configure video_mode_type (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [2:1]) with value 01b. • Configure video_packet_size (DSI_VID_PKT_CFG [10:0]) with the size of the active line period. • The controller automatically ignores the following fields: enable_multiple_packets (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [9]), enable_null_packets (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [10]), number_of_chunks (DSI_VID_PKT_CFG 20:11]) and null_packet_size (DSI_VID_PKT_CFG [30:21]). • In non-burst mode, the processor uses the partitioning properties of the controller to divide the video line transmission into several DSI packets, which matches the pixel required bandwidth to the DSI link bandwidth. This mode allows the controller configuration not store only the content of one video packet inside the DPI pixel FIFO instead of a full line of pixel data. • Configure the register field video_mode_type (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [2:1]) with the value 00b. • Configure video_mode_type (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [2:1]) with 00b to enable the transmission of sync pulses. • Configure video_mode_type (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [2:1]) with 01b to enable the transmission of sync events. • Configure the video_packet_size (DSI_VID_PKT_CFG[10:0]) with the number of pixels to be transmitted in a single packet. • The field enable_multiple_packets (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [9]) enables the division of the active video transmission into more than one packet. • The field number_of_chunks (DSI_VID_PKT_CFG [20:11]) configures the number of video chunks that the active video transmission is divided into. • The field enable_null_packets (DSI_VID_MODE_CFG [10]) enables the insertion of null packets between video packets. • The field null_packet_size (DSI_VID_PKT_CFG [30:21]) configures the actual size of the inserted null packet. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 257 Initializing the driver See the "Video Mode Configuration (MIPI_DSI_VID_MODE_CFG)" section and the "Video packet configuration (MIPI_DSI_VID_PKT_CFG)" section of the MIPI DSI chapter in the reference manual for additional information about these fields. Define the DPI horizontal timing configuration Use the TMR_LINE_CFG register to define the DPI horizontal timing configuration. The fields are as follows: • hline_time (TMR_LINE_CFG[31:18])-configures the time taken by a DPI video line. NOTE When the DPI clock and clock lane clock are not multiples, hline_time is the result of a rounded number. If the core is configured to go to low power a few times, an error induced in one line can be incremented with the next one. At the end of several lines, the controller may have enough error to cause the video transmission to malfunction. • hsa_time (TMR_LINE_CFG [8:0])-configures the time taken by a DPI horizontal sync active period. • hbp_time (TMR_LINE_CFG[17:9])-configures the time taken by the DPI horizontal back porch period. Pay close attention to the calculation of this parameter and all timing parameter settings. if the timing setting does not match the IPU output signals, there can be problems with the display, such as the screen flicking or lines displaying abnormally. NOTE All time is calculated in clock lane bytes clock cycles, which is normally a period of 8 ns. See the "Line timer configuration (MIPI_DSI_TMR_LINE_CFG)" section in the MIPI DSI chapter of the reference manual for additional information about the register. Define the vertical line configuration Use the DSI_VTIMING_CFG register to define the vertical line configuration. The fields are as follows: • vsa_lines (DSI_VTIMING_CFG[3:0])-configures the number of lines existing in the DPI vertical sync active period. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 258 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 23 Configuring the MIPI DSI driver • vbp_line (DSI_VTIMING_CFG [9:4])-configures the number of lines existing in the DPI vertical back porch period. • vfp_line (DSI_VTIMING_CFG [15:10])-configures the number of lines existing in the DPI vertical front porch period. • vertical_active_lines (DSI_VTIMING_CFG [26:16])-configures the number of lines existing in the DPI vertical active period. See the "Vertical timing configuration (MIPI_DSI_VTIMING_CFG)" section of the MIPI DSI chapter in the reference manual for additional information about the register. 23.7.2 Initializing the D-PHY The initialization procedure is as below: 1. By default, the PHY_RSTZ register activates the PHY resets physhutdownz and phyrstz as well as disables enableclk. 2. Configure the PHY_IF_CFG register with the correct number of lanes to be used by the controller. 3. Configure the TX_ESC clock frequency to a frequency lower than 20 MHz, which is the maximum allowed frequency for D-PHY ESCAPE mode. • Write in CLKMGR_CFG[TX_ESC_CLK_DIVISION] (see the "Number of active data lanes (MIPI_DSI_CLKMGR_CFG)" section in the MIPI DSI chapter in the reference manual). • TX_ESC_CLK_DIVISION divides the byte clock and generates a TX_ESC clock for the D-PHY. 4. Configure the DPHY PLL clock frequency through the TEST interface to operate at 1 GHz, assuming that the REF_CLK is provided with a frequency of 27 MHz. This step is performed in dphy_write_control. The first parameter is the control command, and the second parameter is the clock selection number. Refer to Table 23-3 for different clock configurations. • Write at PHY_TST_CTRL0-0000 0000h disables the testclr pin, which enables the interface to write new values to the DPHY internal registers. • Write at PHY_TST_CTRL1-0001 0044h enables the testen pin bit 16 of this core register and configures the test datain to 44h. This operation initiates the configuration process of the test code number 44h. • Write at PHY_TEST_CTRL0-0000 0002h followed by a new write to PHY_TEST_CTRL0 0000 0000h. This operation toggles the testclk (bit 2). The testdin is sampled on the falling edge of testclk latching a new test code. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 259 Testing the driver 5. 6. 7. 8. • Write at PHY_TEST_CTRL1-0000 0074h disables the testen pin and configures testdatain to 74h. This operation prepares the interface to load the 74h value into the test code 4h. • Write at PHY_TEST_CTRL0-0000 0002h followed by a new write to PHY_TEST_CTRL0 0000 0000h. This operation toggles the testclk. The testdin is sampled on the rising edge of testclk, latching new content data to the configured test code. • Write at PHY_RSTZ-0000 0007h asserts physhutdownz, phyrstz, and enableclk releasing the PHY from power down. The PHY initiates the PLL locking procedure to 1 GHz operation. • Read at PHY_STATUS - nnnn nnn1, until bit 0, phylock, is detected at 1. This signals that the PLL is locked and that a stable byte clock is being provided to the DSI host controller. • Read at PHY_STATUS - nnnnnnn3h, until bit 2, phystopstateclklane, is read at 1. This identifies that the clock lane is in stop state. The clock lane needs to be in stop state so that the D-PHY can switch to other operational states, such as high speed mode. Write register PHY_IF_CTRL bit 0 to generate high speed clock (txrequestHSclk). After the PLL is locked and the clock lane is in stop state, the PHY drives the correct LP sequence to configure the receiver end for high speed. D-PHY transmits the high speed clock on the clock lane. (Optional) Program the interrupt masks (registers MASK1 and MASK2). 23.8 Testing the driver Test the drive according to the following procedure. 1. Connect the MIPI expansion board to the chip's CPU board 2. Run the MIPI test program. 3. Select the MIPI display test. The screen should display an image. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 260 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Configuring the Power Modes 24.1 Overview This chapter explains how to use the low-power modes driver, which provides an example of how to use the processor's low power modes. 24.2 Feature summary This low-level driver supports: • Entering in wait or stop mode. • Configuration of the interrupt sources that can wake up the processor. 24.3 Modes of operation Table 24-1. Low-power modes of operation Mode What it does Enter wait state Places a core in a wait-for-interrupt state with the core clock disabled and wellbiasing enabled. Enter stop mode Places a core in a wait-for-interrupt state with all clocks disabled and wellbiasing enabled. 24.4 Clocks All clocks are under the fully automated control of the clock controller module (CCM). i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 261 IOMUX pin mapping 24.5 IOMUX pin mapping The low-power functions do not implement the ability to control an external power management IC. Even if this is an option, the current driver does not need to configure any I/Os. 24.6 Resets and interrupts The clock controller module resets along with the chip with a warm or cold reset. This is reset with the chip's global reset signal and is not a software controllable reset. The low-power functions do not have a dedicated interrupt. However, all interrupt sources can be used to wake up the processor. 24.7 Using the driver This driver provides an example implementation of the low-power modes. The processor's ability to lower the core voltage or switch that voltage off is not implemented. To enter wait or stop mode, call the following function: /*! * Prepare and enter in a low power mode. * @param lp_mode - low power mode : WAIT_MODE or STOP_MODE. */ void ccm_enter_low_power(uint32_t lp_mode) To enable the interrupt source(s) that can wake up the system once in a wait for interrupt state, call the following function: /*! * Mask/Unmask an interrupt source that can wake up the processor when in a * low power mode. * @param irq_id - ID of the interrupt to mask/unmask. * @param state - masked/unmasked the source ID : ENABLE/DISABLE. */ void ccm_set_lpm_wakeup_source(uint32_t irq_id, uint32_t state) All interrupt IDs are provided in the "Interrupt and DMA events" chapter of the reference manual. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 262 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 24 Configuring the Power Modes 24.8 Testing the driver A test is available that excersises this set of functions. It uses the EPIT timer as a source for the interruption that wakes up the processor. The core is first placed in a wait state during 5 seconds; then it is placed in stop mode for approximately 5 seconds. 24.9 Running the test To run the lower-power modes test, the SDK builds the test with the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board sabre_ai -board_rev a -test power_modes This generates the following ELF and binary files: • • ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-power_modes-sdk.elf ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-power_modes-sdk.bin i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 263 Running the test i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 264 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Configuring the OCOTP Driver 25.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the OCOTP driver. The OCOTP controller is used to read and write to the chip's OTP eFuses. There is one instance of OCOTP in the chip, located in the memory map at the base address 021B C000h. 25.2 Feature summary This low-level driver supports: • Read of a fuse bank/row • Write to a fuse bank/row. 25.3 Modes of operation The following table explains the OCOTP modes of operation: Table 25-1. OCOTP modes of operation Mode What it does Sense operation Reads the content of a fuse location as defined by a bank and a row Write operation Writes a value to a fuse location as defined by a bank and a row i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 265 Clocks 25.4 Clocks This controller uses a single input clock: IPG_CLK. The read and write timings are calculated based on the IPG_CLK frequency. Table 25-2. OCOTP reference clocks Clock Name Description IPG_CLK IPG_CLK Global IPG_CLK that is typically used in normal operation. It is provided by CCM. It cannot be powered down. 25.5 IOMUX pin mapping This module has no off-chip connection. 25.6 Resets and interrupts This block is reset with the chip’s global reset signal and does not have a software controllable reset. The external application is responsible for creating the interrupt subroutine. The address of this routine is passed through the hw_module structure, which is defined in ./src/ include/io.h. The application also initializes and manages the interrupt subroutine. All interrupt sources are listed in the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter of the device reference manual. In the SDK, the list is provided at ./src/include/mx6dq/ soc_memory_map.h. 25.7 Initializing the driver This controller does not need a special initialization procedure. The driver API is limited to the functions below. The first is used to read at a fuse location, and the second is used to program a value at a fuse location. /*! * Read the value of fuses located at bank/row. * * @param bank of the fuse * @param row of the fuse i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 266 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 25 Configuring the OCOTP Driver * @return fuse value */ int32_t sense_fuse(uint32_t bank, uint32_t row) /*! * Program fuses located at bank/row to value. * * @param bank of the fuses. * @param row of the fuses. * @param value to program in fuses. */ void fuse_blow_row(uint32_t bank, uint32_t row, uint32_t value) The bank and row/word of a fuse location is specified in the OCOTP register definitions, which are available in the chip reference manual. 25.8 Testing the driver A test is available to read or write at any fuse location. The test uses interactive messages to let the user choose which bank and row should be read or written to. NOTE All e-Fuses are one time programmable, so any misusage of the write command is irrerversible. 25.9 Running the test To run the OCOTP test, the SDK builds the test with the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board sabre_ai -board_rev a -test ocotp This generates the following ELF and binary files: • • ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-ocotp-sdk.elf ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-ocotp-sdk.bin i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 267 Running the test i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 268 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Configuring the PCI Express Driver 26.1 Overview This chapter describes the PCI Express (PCIe controller and PHY) operation and programming at the module level. All supplied pseudocode is based on the source code of GPU3D driver, which is delivered with the Plat-SDK. The PCIe driver: • Provides APIs to operate the PCIe controller. • Provides APIs to operate the PCIe PHY. • Provides APIs for the PCIe protocol. The chip's PCIe controller and the PCIe PHY are compatible with PCI Express Spec 2.0 and support one PCIE link. There is only one instance of PCIe. It is located in the memory map at PCIE base address = 01FF C000h The GPU3D testing demo is based on an engineering sample board and can be easily ported to other boards. 26.2 Feature summary The PCIe controller includes the following features. • • • • • Compatible with PCI Express Spec 2.0. Supports root complex and endpoint modes Internal memory address mapping supported (iATU) Supports one PCIE link Supports the debug feature The PCIe PHY includes the following features: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 269 Modes of operation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Gbps data transmission rate PIPE3 compliant transceiver interface Configurable using soft PCS layer above hard macro PHY Supports the following interfaces: • 8-bit interface at 500 MHz operation • 16-bit interface at 250 MHz operation • 32-bit interface at 125 MHz operation Integrated PHY includes the following: • Transmitter • Receiver • PLL • Digital core • ESD Programmable Rx equalization Designed for excellent performance margin and receiver sensitivity Robust PHY architecture tolerates wide process, voltage and temperature variations Low-jitter PLL technology with excellent supply isolation IEEE 1149.6 (JTAG) boundary scan Built-in self-test (BIST) features for production at-speed testing on any digital tester 5Gb/s PCIe Gen 2 and 2.5Gb/s PCIe Gen 1.1 test modes supported Advanced built-in diagnostics including on-chip sampling scope for easy debug Visibility and controllability of hard macro functionality through programmable registers in the design Overrides on all ASIC side inputs for easy debug Access register space through simple 16-bit parallel interface or through JTAG 26.3 Modes of operation This driver configures the PCIe controller working in root complex (RC) mode. Refer to the PCI Express Specification, version 2.0 for the definition of RC. The specification is located at http://www.pcisig.com. Table 26-1. PCIe operation modes Mode RC What it does The PCIe works as root complex. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 270 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 26 Configuring the PCI Express Driver 26.4 Clocks Table 26-2. PCIe reference clocks Clock PCIe reference clock Name Ref_PCIe Description Reference Clock for the PCIe endpoint device, 125 MHz 26.5 IOMUX pin mapping All PCIe pins (PCIE_RXM, PCIE_RXP, PCIE_TXM, PCIE_TXP) are dedicated to the PCIe PHY itself. There is no need to configure the IOMUX. 26.6 Resets and interrupts This driver does not implement an interrupt mode. 26.7 Initializing the driver Use the following code to initialize the PCIe driver. int pcie_init(pcie_dm_mode_e dev_mode) { Configure the GPR fields related with PCIE. Configure the PCIE reference clock. Reset the PCIE endpoint device. Start linkup the endpoint device. Wait until the linkup setup unless timeout. } 26.8 Testing the driver Build the SDK with the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board evb -board_rev a -test pcie This generates an ELF and file into: • • output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-pcie-sdk.elf output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-pcie-sdk.bin i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 271 Testing the driver Download mx6dq_evb_rev_a-pcie-sdk.elf using RV-ICE or Lauterbach or burn mx6dq_evb_rev_a-pcie-sdk.bin to an SD card with the following command (entered in Windows's command prompt window): cfimager-imx -o 0 -f mx6dq_evb_rev_a-pcie-sdk.bin -d g:(SD drive name in your PC) Then power-up the board to run the test. To test the driver, connect a PCIe device, such as a PCIe Wi-Fi card, to the PCIe connector. The test routine is as follows: int main(void) { //Initialize the PCIE controller and phy and then link up the PCIE endpoint device. pcie_init(PCIE_DM_MODE_RC); //Verify the PCIE phy's JTAG ID. … //Remap the endpoint's configuration space to ARM's memory space . uint32_t cfg_hdr_base = pcie_map_space(PCIE_IATU_VIEWPORT_0, TLP_TYPE_CfgRdWr0, PCIE_ARB_BASE_ADDR, 0, SZ_64K); //Enumerate endpoint's resource. pcie_enum_resources((uint32_t *) cfg_hdr_base, ep1_resources, &res_num); //Allocate resources for the endpoint. pcie_cfg_ep_bar(cfg_hdr_base, bar, *ep_base, ~(size - 1)); ep1_resources[i].base = pcie_map_space(viewport, tlp_type, base_cpu_side, *ep_base, size); … Write-then-read the endpoint's first space to verify the access to the endpoint }. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 272 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Configuring the PWM driver 27.1 Overview The pulse width modulator (PWM) generates various modulated waveforms with a specified pulse width and duty cycle. This chapter provides an overview of how to write the device driver for the PWM controller. This chip has four instances of the PWM controller, which are located in the memory map at: • • • • PWM1 base address - 0208 0000h PWM2 base address - 0208 4000h PWM3 base address - 0208 8000h PWM4 base address - 0208 C000h The PWM has only one external signal: ipp_do_pwmo. This signal is a clock signal whose period and duty cycle vary based on the different PWM settings. For full details, see the external signals table in the "Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)" chapter in the reference manual. 27.2 Feature summary The PWM has the following features: • • • • • • • 16-bit up-counter with clock source selection 4 x 16 FIFO to minimize interrupt overhead 12-bit prescaler for division of clock Sound and melody generation Active-high or active-low configured output Programmeable for active in low power and debug modes Interrupts at compare and rollover i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 273 Clocks 27.3 Clocks If the eCSPI clock is gated, ungate it in the clock control module (CCM) as follows: • • • • For PWM1, set CG8 (bits 16-17) of CCM_CCGR4. For PWM2, set CG9 (bits 18-19) of CCM_CCGR4. For PWM3, set CG10 (bits 20-21) of CCM_CCGR4. For PWM4, set CG11 (bits 22-23) of CCM_CCGR4. According to the PWM controller configuration, the clock can be selected from one of three sources: CKIL, CKIH, and IPG_CLK. 12 ckll (32K) Sync 14 CKIL_SYNC_CLK_ROOT (32 Khz) Figure 27-1. CKIL clock source CBCMR: parlph_clk2_sel burn_In_bist OBC_clk PLL2 bypass clk 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 CBCDR: perlph_clk2_podf PLL2 400M 352M 200M 2 21 12 3 3 bit divider default=1 0 1 2 3 7 AXI_CLK_ROOT (264 Mhz) CBCDR: axI_a_podf Periph_clk pll3_sw_clk 3 bit divider default=2 cg 3 bit divider default=1 MMDC_CH0_AXI_CLK_ROOT (520 Mhz) 9 CBCDR:mmdc_ch0_axI_podf 1 0 3 bit divider default=4 11 132_CLK_ROOT (132 Mhz, AHB) CBCDR: ahb_podf CBCMR: pre_perlph_clk_sel CBCDR: Perlph_clk_sel PLL_bypass_enZ[from]tag] 3 bit divider default=2 12 IPG_CLK_ROOT(66 Mhz) CBCDR:lpg_podf Figure 27-2. IPG_CLK clock source The CKIH clock source is the external oscillator (22 MHz-27 MHz) 27.4 IOMUX pin mapping The PWM driver only requires configuration of one external signal: PWM0. Because the PWMO is an output signal, it does not require an input source and daisy chain configuration is not necessary. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 274 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Configuring the PWM driver Table 27-1. PWM IOMUX pin mapping Signals PAD PWM1_PWMO DISP0_DAT8 MUX SION ALT2 0 GPIO_9 ALT4 0 SD1_DAT3 ALT3 0 ALT2 0 GPIO_1 ALT4 0 SD1_DAT2 ALT3 0 PWM3_PWMO SD1_DAT1 ALT2 0 PWM2_PWMO DISP0_DAT9 SD4_DAT1 ALT2 0 PWM4_PWMO SD1_CMD ALT2 0 SD4_DAT2 ALT2 0 27.5 Resets and interrupts The general interrupt controller (GIC) supports the PWM interrupt. The IRQ IDs are as follows: • • • • ID115-PWM-1 ID116-PWM-2 ID117-PWM-3 ID118-PWM-4 See the "ARM Domain Interrupts Summary" table in the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter in the reference manual for the full description of the PWM interrupt source. The PWM interrupt supports three additional types of interrupts-CIE, RIE, and FIEaccording to the value of the fields in PWMIR as below: Table 27-2. Interrupt summary Field Name Description Enable Disable CIE Interrupt generated when compare event happens 1 0 RIE Interrupt generated when rollover event happens 1 0 FIE Interrupt generated when sample FIFO is empty 1 0 Clear the respective status bit (CMP, ROV, or FE) in PWMSR in the interrupt service routine to avoid the redundant interrupts. See the "PWM Status Register" status in the "Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)" chapter in the reference manual for the full description of the status bits. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 275 Initializing the driver 27.6 Initializing the driver The necessary initialization process can be summarized as: 1. Pin-mux configuration 2. Clock configuration and controller initialization 3. Controller ready to enable the output To configure the PWM output, configure the following registers: • PWMCR - configures clock source, pre-scale • PWMSAR - configures samples into PWM FIFO • PWMPR - configures the period of the output waveform For details about the registers, see the "Programmable Registers" section in the "Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)" chapter in the reference manual. 27.6.1 Configuring the PWM output The PWM controller generates modulated waveforms with different pulse width and duty cycle according to the values of configuration registers. Generating the pulse width The pulse width is generated according to the following equation: Pulse width = (period + 1) ÷ PCLK = (period + 1) x prescale ÷ Fsrc The following figure shows the source selection and division of the input clock. CKIH IPG_CLK Clock Source Selection 12 bit prescaler PVWCR. CLKSRC PVWCR. PRESCALER PCLK CKIL Figure 27-3. Input clock flow chart i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 276 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 27 Configuring the PWM driver Generating the duty cycle PWMCR[POUTC] controls the PWM output voltage based on the following settings: • 00, output pin is set at a rollover event and cleared at a comparison event. • 01, output pin is cleared at a rollover event and set at a comparison event. • 10 and 11, PWM output is disconnected. A comparison event means that the incremented counter is equal to the sample value, and a rollover event means that the counter is equal to period + 1. Therefore, the following equations provide the duty cycle: Duty cycle = sample ÷ (period + 1), if PWMCR.POUTC == 00b Duty cycle = 1 - sample ÷ (period + 1), if PWMCR.POUTC == 01b 27.6.2 Enabling PWM output Setingt PWMCR[EN] enables the PWM output and clearing PWMCR[EN] disables the PWM output. 27.7 Application program interface All the external function calls and variables are located in inc/ecspi_ifc.h. The following table explains the APIs. Table 27-3. PWM APIs API int pwm_init(struct hw_module *port, uint16_t freq, uint16_t prd, uint16_t *smp, uint16_t cnt); Description Initializes the PWM controller that is specified by the device with the specified parameters Parameters Return port: PWM instance • TRUE on success • FALSE on fail freq: frequency pre-scale prd: period of pulse width smp: sample list cnt: number of samples in list void pwm_setup_interrupt (struct hw_module *port, uint8_t enable, uint8_t mask); Enables or disables the PWM interrupt port: PWM instance - enable: enable or disable mask: interrupt mask, could be FIE, CIE, RIE or ORed of them Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 277 Application program interface Table 27-3. PWM APIs (continued) API void pwm_clear_int_status (struct hw_module *port, uint32_t mask); Description Parameters Return Clears the respective bits of the port: PWM instance PWMSR register mask: status mask, could be FIE, CIE, RIE or ORed of them - void pwm_enable(struct hw_module Enables the PWM output *port); port: PWM instance - void pwm_disable(struct hw_module Disables the PWM output *port); port: PWM instance - i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 278 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Using the SATA SDK 28.1 Overview AHCI HBA DWC_ahsata PHY0 Port0 PHY1 Port1 PHY2 Port2 PHY3 Port3 AHB Master AHB Slave System Bus PHY Interface Bus Interface SATA Devices Figure 28-1. SATA system block diagram This chapter explains how to use the SATA SDK, which provides the most basic instructions for initializing, identifying, and reading/writing of SATA. The SDK does not support all SATA features The DWC_ahsata is an AHCI-compliant SATA AHCI host bus adaptor (HBA) that is used with a corresponding multi-port physical layer (PHY) to form a complete AHCI HBA interface. Although the block diagram shows four ports, this chip only uses PORT0 and PHY0. 28.2 Feature summary DWC_ahsata supports the following: • • • • • SATA 1.5-Gbps Generation 1 Power management features including automatic partial to slumber transition BIST loopback modes One SATA device (port 0) Hardware-assisted native command queuing for up to 32 entries i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 279 Modes of operation • Port multiplier with command-based switching • Disabling Rx and Tx Data clocks during power down modes It also features: • • • • • Conformity to Serial ATA Specification 2.6 and AHCI Revision 1.1 specifications. A highly configurable PHY interface Additional user defined PHY status and control ports Configurable AMBA AHB interface (one master and one slave). Internal DMA engine per port. It has the option of featuring: • • • • • Rx Data Buffer for recovered clock systems Data alignment circuitry (when Rx Data Buffer is included) OOB signaling detection and generation. Gen2 speed negotiation (when Tx OOB signaling is included) Asynchronous Signal Recovery, including retry polling (when Tx OOB signalling is included) • 8b/10b encoding/decoding 28.3 Modes of operation Table 28-1. Modes of operation Mode What it does DMA DMA mode of SATA PIO PIO mode of SATA 28.4 Clocks Clock Name Description Ethernet PLL Ethernet PLL The PLL outputs a 500 MHz clock. It also generates the SATA clock (100 MHz). CCGR5 SATA clock gate SATA clock gate i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 280 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 28 Using the SATA SDK 28.5 IOMUX pin mapping Table 28-2. SATA pin mapping Signals PAD MUX SION Description IOMUXC_IOMUXC_GPR13 - - - SATA PHY control MAX7310 U19 CTRL_0 - - - SATA power 28.6 Resets and Interrupts SATA IRQ number is 71. The SDK did not implement an interrupt mode. 28.7 Initializing the driver sata_return_t sata_init(sata_ahci_regs_t * ahci) { sata_power_on(); /*1. Power on SATA*/ sata_clock_init(); /*2. Initialize the clock of SATA*/ /*3. Initialize SATA controller and PHY*/ } 28.8 Testing the driver int main(void) { sata_init(); /*1. Initialize SATA*/ sata_identify() /*2. Identify SATA*/ /*3. Read and Write test*/ } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 281 Testing the driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 282 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Configuring the SDMA Driver 29.1 Overview The smart direct memory access (SDMA) controller is composed of a RISC core, ROM, RAM, and a scheduler. It is used for programs dedicated for various kinds of DMA transfer. The SDMA controller helps maximize system performance by off-loading the ARM core in dynamic data routing. This chapter uses an engineering sample board's schematics for pin assignments. For other board types refer to the respective schematics. There is one instance of SDMA, which is located in the memory map at the SDMA base address of 020E C000h. 29.2 IOMUX pin mapping Configure the IOMUX for SDMA into the iomux_config() function located in ./src/ mx6dq/hardware.c. Table 29-1. SDMA IOMUX pin assignments Signal IOMUXC Setting for SDMA PAD MUX SION DEBUG_BUS_DEVICE[0] DISP0_DAT21 ALT4 1 DEBUG_BUS_DEVICE[1] DISP0_DAT22 ALT4 1 DEBUG_BUS_DEVICE[2] DISP0_DAT23 ALT4 1 DEBUG_BUS_DEVICE[3] ENET_MDIO ALT3 1 DEBUG_BUS_DEVICE[4] ENET_REF_CLK ALT3 1 SDMA_EXT_EVENT[0] GPIO_17 ALT3 1 SDMA_EXT_EVENT[0] DISP0_DAT16 ALT4 1 SDMA_EXT_EVENT[1] GPIO_18 ALT3 1 Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 283 IOMUX pin mapping Table 29-1. SDMA IOMUX pin assignments (continued) Signal IOMUXC Setting for SDMA PAD MUX SION SDMA_EXT_EVENT[1] DISP0_DAT17 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[0] DISP0_DAT13 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[1] DISP0_DAT14 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[2] DISP0_DAT15 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[3] EIM_DA12 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[4] EIM_DA13 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[5] EIM_DA14 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[6] EIM_DA11 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVT_CHN_LINES[7] DISP0_DAT20 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[0] CSI0_PIXCLK ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[1] CSI0_MCLK ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[2] CSI0_DATA_EN ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[3] CSI0_VSYNC ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[4] CSI0_DAT10 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[5] CSI0_DAT11 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[6] CSI0_DAT12 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[7] CSI0_DAT13 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[8] CSI0_DAT14 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[9] CSI0_DAT15 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[10] CSI0_DAT16 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[11] CSI0_DAT17 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[12] CSI0_DAT18 ALT4 1 DEBUG_PC[13] CSI0_DAT19 ALT4 1 DEBUG_CORE_STATE[0] DI0_DISP_CLK ALT4 1 DEBUG_CORE_STATE[1] DI0_PIN15 ALT4 1 DEBUG_CORE_STATE[2] DI0_PIN2 ALT4 1 DEBUG_CORE_STATE[3] DI0_PIN3 ALT4 1 DEBUG_YIELD DI0_PIN4 ALT4 1 DEBUG_CORE_RUN DISP0_DAT0 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVENT_CHANNEL_SEL DISP0_DAT1 ALT4 1 DEBUG_MODE DISP0_DAT2 ALT4 DEBUG_BUS_ERROR DISP0_DAT3 ALT4 1 DEBUG_BUS_RWB DISP0_DAT4 ALT4 1 DEBUG_MATCHED_DMBUS DISP0_DAT5 ALT4 1 DEBUG_RTBUFFER_WRITE DISP0_DAT6 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVENT_CHANNEL[0] DISP0_DAT7 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVENT_CHANNEL[1] DISP0_DAT8 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVENT_CHANNEL[2] DISP0_DAT9 ALT4 1 Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 284 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Configuring the SDMA Driver Table 29-1. SDMA IOMUX pin assignments (continued) Signal IOMUXC Setting for SDMA PAD MUX SION DEBUG_EVENT_CHANNEL[3] DISP0_DAT10 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVENT_CHANNEL[4] DISP0_DAT11 ALT4 1 DEBUG_EVENT_CHANNEL[5] DISP0_DAT12 ALT4 1 29.3 Scripts The SoC reference manual provides a set of scripts to perform DMA transfers among the memories and peripherals. Each of these scripts support one type of transfer, such as memory to peripheral and peripheral to memory. Some scripts are dedicated to specific peripherals with some feature turned on. See Appendix A in the IMX6DQRM for details. The SoC supports three types of access: • Burst access-to internal or external AP memories • Per DMA through the functional unit bus-to AP peripherals • Through the SPBA bus-to AP peripherals Note that some peripherals reside on the Trust Zone off platform. Users need to turn off the Trust Zone to enable the SDMA access. The scripts reside in two different places: the ROM and the RAM. The ROM contains startup scripts (boot code) and other common utilities which are referenced by the scripts in the RAM. The internal RAM is divided into a context area and a script area. Users need to download the RAM scripts into SDMA RAM through channel 0. According to the input parameters, the channel 0 script can also download other channel's context data to SDMA RAM. 29.4 Channels and channel descriptor SDMA has up to 32 virtual DMA time-division multiplexed channels. They are executed based on channel status, its priority, DMA event map, context area (Every transfer channel requires one context area to keep the contents of all the core and unit registers while inactive) and channel control blocks (CCBs) supported. The scheduler provides hardware-based coordination among the active channels. A context area stores the SDMA core's context, and the CCB manages the buffer descriptor list. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 285 Buffer descriptor and BD chain The SDMA API provides a data structure named sdma_chan_desc_t to describe the channels. typedef struct { unsigned int script_addr; unsigned int gpr[8]; unsigned int dma_mask[2]; unsigned char priority; unsigned int nbd; } sdma_chan_desc_t, *sdma_chan_desc_p; script_addr Script's address gpr[8] Some parameters that the script uses, such as watermark. Refer to the "SDMA script" appendix in the i.MX53 reference manual (IMX53RM) for each script's details. dma_mask[2] the event if the channel is triggered; refer to the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter in the SOC's reference manual for the details. priority Priority of the channel (0-7) nbd Number of buffer descriptors Set up this structure before requesting a channel. The SDMA API needs this structure and a buffer descriptor to request a channel. 29.5 Buffer descriptor and BD chain SDMA scripts use the CCB to manage the buffer descriptors. In AP software, the SDMAARM_MC0PTR register should be set to the address of CCB table of all 32 channels. In the channel script, the script knows the base address of its CCB based on the address in the SDMAARM_MC0PTR and the channel number. Because the base address of buffer descriptors is provided in the CCB, the script can read and process the commands and parameters in the buffer descriptors in order to perform the transfer. Refer to Appendix A in the i.MX6DQRM for the detailed description of the buffer descriptor usage for each script. Typically, in the buffer descriptor data structure, the first 32 bit word is called mode word; the next two words are base and extended buffer address. The following table shows the field layout: Figure 29-1. Buffer descriptor format i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 286 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Configuring the SDMA Driver Field descriptions are as follows: Count Number of bytes for this transfer D If D = 0, SDMA has finished the transfer for this buffer descriptor. If D = 1, SDMA has not. W Wrap. If W = 1, wraps to the base BD (pointed to by basdBDptr in CCB). C Continuous. If C = 1 moves to the next BD after current BD is done. I Interrupt. If I = 1 sets the corresponding bit (according to the channel number) in SDMA interrupt register after current BD is done. R Error. If R = 1, an error occurred during the current BD transfer L Last buffer descriptor. This bit is set in the SDMA IPC scripts to tell the receiving core that the transfer has ended. Command This field is used to differentiate operations performed in the script. Usage of this field varies from script to script. Typically, bit 24 and 25 indicate the bus width. If the continuous bit is set (in buffer descriptor [C]), the SDMA script finishes processing one buffer descriptor and then immediately processes the next buffer descriptor, creating a buffer descriptor chain. One channel can support up to 64 buffer descriptors in the chain. The continuous bit of the last buffer descriptor in the chain should be cleared. 29.6 Application programming interface The API shown in this section is for the SDMA transfer control. See Using the API, for usage information. int sdma_init(sdma_env_p envp, unsigned int base_addr) Description: Initialize the system environment for SDMA. This function will reset SDMA controller Setup configurations like AP DMA/SDMA clock ratio, CCB base address etc Use channel 0 script to load the RAM scripts into SDMA RAM Parameters: envp ( uncacheable and unbufferable buffer allocated by user) base_addr (base address of SDMA registers in AP) Returns : 0 on success -1 when fail to download RAM scripts to SDMA RAM i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 287 Application programming interface -2 when environment pointer is NULL ---void sdma_deinit(void) Description: De-initialize the SDMA environment. This function will close and free all the channels, clear all the EP and overrides of channels Parameters: none Return: none ---int sdma_channel_ request(sdma_chan_desc_p cdp, sdma_bd_p bdp) Description: Allocates a free channel and opens it. This function will validate the input parameters, find and allocate a free channel, setup the channel overrides, DMA masks, buffer descriptors, channel priority etc, It also writes the channel context to SDMA RAM Parameters: cdp ( A pointer to user provided data. It includes necessary channel descriptors of: script_addr (script address) in SDMA defined in sdma_script_code.h. gpr[8] ( normally it includes the FIFO address, DMA mask, watermark etc. User could refer to the script manual released with the sdma_script_code.h for details. dma_mask[2] (DMA mask to set in register of channel enable. Normally it's also provided in gpr[8]. We separate it here to support some special script that may have some different usage of GPRs priority the channel priority bdp ( A pointer to the user provided buffer descriptor table.) Return: return the channel number on success -2: at least one of the user provided pointers is NULL -3: channel priority exceeds limitation (1-7) -4: no free channel that could be allocated -5: got failure when download channel context to SDMA RAM -6: too many buffer descriptors in table (>64) -7: SDMA is not yet initialized ---int sdma_channel_release(unsigned int channel) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 288 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 29 Configuring the SDMA Driver Description: Close the channel selected. This function stops and frees the channel clear the EP if set, resets the channel override, resets the channel control block Parameters: channel ( channel number) Return: 0 on success, -1 when channel number is not in range (0-31) or SDMA is not yet initialized ---int sdma_channel_start(unsigned int channel) Description: Starts the channel selected. Parameters: channel ( channel number) Return: 0 on success, -1 when channel number is out of range (0-31) or channel is free ---int sdma_channel_stop(unsigned int channel) Description: Stops the channel selected. Parameters: channel (channel number) Return: 0 on success, -1 when channel number is out of range (0-31) ---int sdma_channel_status(unsigned int channel, unsigned int *status) Description: Parameters: channel ( channel number) status ( the pointer holds the channel's status: error, done or busy) Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure ---int sdma_lookup_script(script_name_e script, unsigned int *addr ) Description: Parameters: script ( script name to lookup) addr ( the pointer holds the script's address if the function return 0) Return: 0 on success, i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 289 Using the API -1 on failure 29.7 Using the API The following example shows the typical usage of the API. To save space, some pseudocode is used. SDMA_demo{ Allocate uncacheable and unbuffereable memory for BDs, buffers,etc. sdma_init(); Set up channel descriptors and BDs; sdma_channel_request(); sdma_channel_start(); Wait for channel done; sdma_channel_stop(); sdma_channel_release(); sdma_deinit(); } Use the following sequence: 1. Allocate a static or dynamic buffer to store the global variable used by the API. 2. • Note that this buffer is accessed by DMA and must be uncacheable and unbufferable. 3. Initialize the SDMA environment with sdma_init. 4. To Initiate an SDMA transfer, use sdma_channel_request to allocate a channel with the necessary inputs provided. These inputs are bundled in two data structures, a channel descriptor and a buffer descriptor. 5. • Provide the buffer to store these data structures and buffer descriptors. This buffer is also accessed by the SDMA and must be uncacheable and unbufferable. • Use sdma_script_lookup to find the script's address. • Set the channel attributes and necessary context contents (such as channel priority, which script to use, and GPRs) in the channel descriptor structure. • Refer to IMX6DQRM, Appendix A for full details of each script. 6. While initializing an SDMA transfer without DMA event (memory to memory transfer triggered by SDMAARM_HSTART register), start the SDMA transfer with sdma_channel_start. If a DMA event is involved, configure and start the peripheral as well as enable peripheral DMA control. This opens up the channel. Then use sdma_channel_start to start the transfer. 7. To initiate this transfer again, change the data in the buffer descriptor and then restart the channel with sdma_channel_start again. 8. Use sdma_channel_release to free the channel or stop the ongoing transfer with sdma_channel_stop. 9. sdma_deinit provides a way to re-initialize the SDMA together with the sdma_init. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 290 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Configuring the SPDIF Driver 30.1 Overview This chapter describes module-level operation and programming for the Sony/Philips digital interface (SPDIF) audio block driver. The SPDIF audio block is a stereo transceiver that allows the processor to receive and transmit digital audio. The SPDIF transceiver allows the handling of both SPDIF channel status (CS) and user (U) data. It also includes a frequency measurement block that allows the precise measurement of an incoming sampling frequency. The pseudocode supplied in the document is based on the SPDIF driver in the diag-sdk repository. SPDIF is typically used to transfer samples in a periodic manner. It consists of independent transmitter and receiver sections with independent FIFOs and control blocks. SPDIF is compatible with the IEC60958 standard. Refer to IEC60958 for further details. NOTE This chapter uses an engineering sample board's schematics for pin assignments. For other board types, refer to the respective schematics. 30.2 Feature summary The SPDIF driver supports: • A simple framework for audio • SPDIF APIs i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 291 Clocks 30.3 Clocks CDCDR: SPDIFn_CLK_PRED PLL4 0 PLL3 1 PLL3 PFD2 2 PLL3 PFD3 3 CCM CDCDR: SPDIFn_CLK_PODF cg 3 bit divider default=2 3 bit divider default=8 SPDIFn_CLK_ROOT SPDIF SPDIF_STC[TxCLK_SOURCE] SPDIF_STC[TxCLK_DF] Bit Clock CDCDR: SPDIFn_CLK_SEL OTHER CLOCK SOURCES Figure 30-1. SPDIF clock tree (default) Before using SPDIF, use CCM[CCGRx] to gate on the spdif_clock. Refer to the "Clock Controller Module" chapter in the chip reference manual for details. By default, spdif_clk_root is sourced from PLL3, whose default value is 480 MHz. The default spdif_clk_pred value is 2 and the default spdif_clk_podf value is 8; therefore, spdif_clk_root is divided to 30 MHz. NOTE Any change of spdif_clk_root affects modules for which it is the source clock (such as ESAI). Therefore, we recommended using the default spdif_clk_root value (30 MHz) for the SPDIF module. The transmit clock can be selected from several clock sources, such as ASRC_CLK or ESAI_CLK. Set SPDIF_STC[TxClk_Source] to select a specific clock source. The selected source is divided by SPDIF_STC[TxClk_DF] to generate the bit clock. Because the SPDIFIN signal carries both clock and data, no receive clock is needed. 30.4 IOMUX pin mapping The following table lists the IOMUX configurations based on an engineering sample board as an example. For other boards, refer to the appropriate board schematics for correct pin assignments. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 292 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Configuring the SPDIF Driver Table 30-1. IOMUX pin mapping for SPDIF Signals PAD MUX SPDIFIN KEY_COL3 ALT6 SPDIFOUT GPIO_19 ALT2 30.5 Audio framework Because this chip uses multiple audio controllers and audio codecs, an audio framework is needed to manage all audio modules (controllers and codecs) and to provide a uniform APIs for application programmers. The following three data structures create the audio framework: • • • audio_card_t—describes the audio card audio_ctrl_t—describes the audio controller (for example, SSI or ESAI module) audio_codec_t—describes the audio codec (for example sgtl5000 or CS42888) In addition, audio_dev_ops_t is the data member for the three audio framework data structures and audio_dev_para_t describes the audio parameter passed to the configuration function. The audio card consists of one audio controller and one audio codec. audio_card_t is the only data structure that applications can access and manage. 30.5.1 audio_card_t data structure This data structure describes the audio card. It is as follows: typedef struct { const char *name; audio_codec_p codec; //audio codec which is included audio_ctrl_p ctrl; //audio controller which is included audio_dev_ops_p ops; //APIs } audio_card_t, *audio_card_p; This driver defines a global variable audio_card_t snd_card_spdif to represent the SPDIF module within the chip: audio_card_t snd_card_spdif = { .name = "i.MX SPDIF sound card", .codec = NULL, .ctrl = &imx_spdif, .ops = &snd_card_ops, }; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 293 Audio framework 30.5.2 audio_ctrl_t data structure This data structure describes the audio controller. It is as follows: typedef struct { const char *name; uint32_t base_addr; // the io audio_bus_type_e bus_type; //The bus audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; //the bus int irq; //the irq int sdma_ch; //Will be audio_dev_ops_p ops; //APIs } audio_ctrl_t, *audio_ctrl_p; 30.5.3 audio_codec_t base address of the controller type(ssi, esai or spdif) the controller supports mode(master, slave or both)the controller supports number used for SDMA data structure This data structure describes the audio codec. It is as follows: typedef struct { const char *name; uint32_t i2c_base; //the i2c connect with the codec uint32_t i2c_freq; // i2c operate freq; uint32_t i2c_dev_addr; //Device address for I2C bus audio_bus_type_e bus_type; //The bus type(ssi, esai or spdif) the codec supports audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; //the bus mode(master, slave or both)the codec supports audio_dev_ops_p ops; //APIs } audio_codec_t, *audio_codec_p; 30.5.4 audio_dev_ops_t data structure This data structure describes the APIs of the audio devices (codec, controller, and card). It is as follows: typedef struct { int (*init) (void *priv); int (*deinit) (void *priv); int (*config) (void *priv, audio_dev_para_p para); int (*ioctl) (void *priv, uint32_t cmd, void *para); int (*write) (void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t byte2write, uint32_t *bytewrittern); int (*read) (void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t byte2read, uint32_t byteread); } audio_dev_ops_t, *audio_dev_ops_p; 30.5.5 audio_dev_para_t data structure This data structure describes the audio parameter passed to the configuration function. It is as follows: typedef struct { audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; //Master or slave audio_bus_protocol_e bus_protocol; //I2S, AC97 and so on audio_trans_dir_e trans_dir; //Tx, Rx or both i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 294 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Configuring the SPDIF Driver audio_samplerate_e sample_rate; //32K, 44.1K , 48K, and so on audio_word_length_e word_length; unsigned int channel_number; } audio_dev_para_t, *audio_dev_para_p; 30.6 Using SPDIF driver functions The SPDIF driver has both local functions and public APIs. The local functions are used to: • Soft reset the driver • Dump the SPDIF registers • Obtain the SPDIF setting and status The public APIs are used to: • Initialize and de-initialize the SPDIF • Configure the SPDIF • Play data back through the SPDIF 30.6.1 Soft resetting SPDIF The SPDIF_SCR [soft_reset] bit is used to soft reset the SPDIF module. When the soft reset completes, this bit is cleared automatically. static int32_t spdif_soft_reset(audio_ctrl_p ctrl) /*! * Get the spdif's settings. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller (audio_ctrl_t) that presents the spdif module * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ 30.6.2 Dumping readable SPDIF registers This function dumps all readable SPDIF registers. /*! * Dump spdif readable registers. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller (audio_ctrl_t) that presents the spdif module * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ static int32_t spdif_dump(audio_ctrl_p ctrl) /*! i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 295 Using SPDIF driver functions * Put the spdif to soft-reset mode, and then can be configured. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller (audio_ctrl_t) that presents the spdif module * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ 30.6.3 Obtaining SPDIF setting and status The function can be called after SPDIF has been initialized. static uint32_t /*! * Calucate the * @param module * * * @return */ static uint32_t spdif_get_hw_setting(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type) spdif's tx clock divider according the sample rate. ctrl a pointer of audio controller(audio_ctrl_t) that presents the spdif sample_rate sample rate to be set the divider value spdif_cal_txclk_div(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t sample_rate) It returns the SPDIF setting values and status values according to the setting type: • • • • • • • SPDIF_GET_FREQMEAS = 0 SPDIF_GET_GAIL_SEL SPDIF_GET_RX_CCHANNEL_INFO_H SPDIF_GET_RX_CCHANNEL_INFO_L SPDIF_GET_RX_UCHANNEL_INFO SPDIF_GET_RX_QCHANNEL_INFO SPDIF_GET_INT_STATUS 30.6.4 Initializing SPDIF Before use, SPDIF module must be initialized. Initialization requires the following: • IOMUX setting for SPDIF signals. • Clock setting, such as selecting the clock source, gating on clocks for SPDIF. • Resetting the SPDIF module. This function can be called to initialize the SPDIF module. /*! * Initialize the spdif module and set the spdif to default status. * This function will be called by the snd_card driver. * * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, spdif driver should change it * to an audio_ctrl_p pointer that presents the spdif controller. * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 296 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 30 Configuring the SPDIF Driver */ int32_t spdif_init(void *priv) 30.6.5 Configuring SPDIF The function configures the SPDIF parameters according to the audio_dev_para provided by the audio card driver. This function: • Writes transmit channel data to SPDIF_STCSCH and SPDIF_STCSCL. • Configures the FIFO mode, watermark, and other settings • Sets the transmit clock rate according the audio'ssample rate /*! * Configure the spdif module according to the parameters that were passed by audio_card driver. * * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, spdif driver should change it * to an audio_ctrl_p pointer that presents the spdif controller. * para a pointer passed by audio card driver, consists of configuration parameters * for spdif controller. * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ int32_t spdif_config(void *priv, audio_dev_para_p para) 30.6.6 Playback through SPDIF After initialization and configuration, data can be written to SPDIF_STL and SPDIF_STR in interleaved order to play back audio. SPDIF_SIS[TX_EMPTY] is continuously polled to determine whether TX FIFO is full. If TX FIFO is not full, data can be written to it with the following function. /*! * Write datas to the spdif fifo in polling mode. * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, spdif driver should change it * to a audio_ctrl_p pointer which presents the spdif controller. * buf points to the buffer which hold the data to be written to the spdif tx fifo * size the size of the buffer pointed by buf. * bytes_written bytes be written to the spdif tx fifo * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ int32_t spdif_write_fifo(void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t * bytes_written) 30.6.7 De-initializing SPDIF This function de-initializes SPDIF and frees the resources that SPDIF uses. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 297 Testing the SPDIF driver /*! * Close the spdif module * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, spdif driver should change it * to a audio_ctrl_p pointer which presents the spdif controller. * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ 30.7 Testing the SPDIF driver The SPDIF test unit demonstrates how to play back music using the audio framework. The test unit works as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Initialize snd_card_spdif Configure snd_card_spdif Write the music file to snd_card_spdif, that is, play back music. If "exit" is selected by the user, de-initialize snd_card_spdif and return To build the SPDIF test, the SDK uses the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board evb -board_rev a -test audio This generates the following ELF and binary files: • • output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-audio-sdk.elf output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-audio-sdk.bin To run the test: 1. Download mx6dq_evb_rev_a.elf using RV-ICE or Lauterbach or burn mx6dq_evb_rev_a.bin to an SD card with the following command (entered in the Windows's command prompt window): cfimager-imx -o 0 -f mx6dq_evb_rev_a-audio-sdk.bin -d g: (SD drive name in your PC) 2. Ensure the following: a. The board is mounted on the MX6QVPC board. b. A rework was done to connect TP6[SPDIF_OUT] with PORT2_P98 on the MX6QVPC board. c. The SPDIF_OUT socket and your PC are connected using a SPDIF recording device, such as M-AUDIO. 3. Power-up the board 4. Run the test by selecting "spdif playback" according to the prompt in the terminal. When playback is finished, a record file should be generated on your PC. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 298 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver 31.1 Overview This chapter explains how to use the SNVS RTC/SRTC driver, which demonstrates the use of the timer alarm and periodic interrupt features of the SNVS RTC/SRTC functions. Note that because the driver is loaded with the firmware library binary in a non-secured boot environment, the high assurance boot (HAB) configures the SNVS in non-secure mode. Therfore, features that require secure boot, such as programming the zeroizable master key or validating the one-time programmable master key, cannot be demonstrated unless the user signed the firmware library binary for secure boot authentication. SNVS is partitioned into two sections: a low power part (SNVS_LP) and a high power part (SNVS_HP). The SNVS_LP block is in the always powered up domain. It is isolated from the rest of the logic by means of isolation cells, which are library-instantiated cells that ensure that the powered up logic is not corrupted when power goes down in the rest of the chip. SNVS_LP has the following functional units: • Secure non-rollover real time counter (STRC) with alarm • Security-related functions (see the chip security reference manual for details) SNVS_HP is in the chip power supply domain. SNVS_HP provides an interface between SNVS_LP and the rest of the system. Access to SNVS_LP registers can only be gained through the SNVS_HP when it is powered up according to access permission policy. See the chip security reference manual for details. SNVS_HP has the following functional units: • IP bus interface • SNVS_LP interface • Non-secure real time counter (RTC) with alarm and periodic interrupt i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 299 Feature summary • Control and status registers • Security-related functions (see the chip security reference manual for details) The single SNVS module is located on the memory map at: 020C C000h. Refer to the SNVS chapter of the device reference manual for the description of SNVS HP and LP registers and further documentation of the SNVS module. 31.2 Feature summary The SNVS module does the following: • Provides a non-volatile real-time clock maintained by a coin-cell during system power-down for use in both secure and non-secure platforms • Protects the real-time clock against rollback attacks in time-sensitive protocols such as DRM and PKI • Deters replay attacks in time-independent protocols such as certificate or firmware revocation • Other security-related functions (see the chip security reference manual for details) 31.3 Modes of operation SNVS operates in one of two modes of operation: system power-down and system power-up. During system power-down, SNVS_HP is powered-down and SNVS_LP is powered from the backup power supply and is electrically isolated from the rest of the SoC. In this mode, SNVS_LP continues to keep its register values and monitor the SNVS_LP tamper detection inputs. NOTE Backup supply mode has not been tested and depends on the hardware used. During system power-up, SNVS_HP and SNVS_LP are both powered-up and all SNVS functions are operational. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 300 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver 31.4 Clocks Table 31-1. SNVS clock sources Clock What it does System Peripheral Clock This clock is used by the SNVS internal logic, e.g. System Security Monitor. This clock can be gated outside of the module when SNVS indicates that it is not in use. System IP Bus Access Clock This clock is used by SNVS for clocking its registers during read/write accesses. This clock is active only during IP Bus access cycle. This clock is synchronized with System Peripheral Clock. LP SRTC Clock This clock is used by the secure real time counter. HP RTC Clock This clock is used by the real time counter. NOTE The counters for RTC and SRTC are incremented by the low frequency clock from the 32 KHz oscillator, which is asynchronous to the system clock. 31.5 Counters SNVS has the following counters: • Non-secured real time counter (RTC) • Secured real time counter (SRTC) NOTE The driver does not demonstrate the clock calibration capability of the RTC and SRTC. 31.5.1 Non-Secured Real Time Counter The SNVS_HP has an autonomous non-secured real time counter. The counter is not active and is reset when the system is powered down. The HP RTC can be used by any application and it has no privileged software access restrictions. The counter can be synchronized with the SNVS_LP SRTC by setting the HP_TS bit of SNVS_HP Control Register. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 301 Counters Non-Secured Real Time Counter Alarm The SNVS_HP non-secure Real Time Counter has its own Time Alarm register. This register can be updated by any application. The SNVS_HP time alarm can generate interrupts to alert the host processor and can wake-up the host processor from one of its low-power modes (e.g. wait, doze, and stop). Note that this alarm cannot wake-up the entire system if it is powered off since this alarm would also be powered off. Non-Secured Real Periodic Interrupt 16/ HP RTC Clock Interrupt Source Select and Gen. Logic HP Periodic Interrupt HP Real Time Counter Compare HP Time Alarm HP Time Alarm Registers Figure 31-1. SNVS_HP real time counter, alarm, and interrupts The SNVS_HP non-secure Real Time Counter incorporates periodic interrupt. The periodic interrupt is generated when a zero-to-one or one-to-zero transition occurs on the selected bit of the Real Time Counter. The periodic interrupt source is chosen from 16 bits of the HP Real Time Counter according to the PI_FREQ field setting in the HP Control Register. The frequency of the periodic interrupt is also defined by this bit selection. SNVS_HP Real Time Counter and its interrupts are shown in Figure 31-1 2. 31.5.2 Secure Real Time Counter The SNVS_LP incorporates an autonomous Secure Real Time Counter (SRTC). This is a non-rollover counter. This means that if the SRTC reaches the maximum value of all ones it will not rollover. In this case a time rollover indication is generated to the SNVS_LP Tamper Monitor, which can generates security violation and interrupt. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 302 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver FFF ... FFF (all ones value) SRTC Rollover Violation Compare LP SRTC Clock Secure Real Time Counter 32/ Compare LP Time Alarm Value SRTC Time Alarm 32/ Figure 31-2. SNVS_LP secure real time counter The SNVS_LP section has its own 32-bit Time Alarm Register. Time Alarm is generated when SRTC 32-most significant bits match with Time Alarm Register. The SNVS_LP time alarm can generate an interrupt to alert the host processor and can wake-up the host processor from one of its low-power modes (e.g. wait, doze, stop). This alarm can also wake-up the entire system in the power-down mode by asserting the wake-up external output signal. 31.6 Driver API This driver has the following categories of APIs: • SNVS lower level driver APIs • RTC upper layer driver APIs • SRTC upper layer driver APIs 31.6.1 SNVS lower level driver APIs These low level driver API are defined in snvs.c file and are called by upper layer driver API in rtc.c and srtc.c files. These API reads or programs SNVS registers. Enable/Disable SNVS non-secured real time counter The API snvs_rtc_counter is used to enable or disable non-secure real time counter. The API either sets or clears RTC_EN bit of SNVS_HP control register. The API loops until the value of the register changed to the new value. /*! * Enable or disable non-secured real time counter * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 303 Driver API * * @param state - 1 to enable the counter and any other value to disable it. */ void snvs_rtc_counter(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; if( state == ENABLE ) { /* Set RTC_EN bit in hpcr register */ psnvs->hpcr |= HPCR_RTC_EN; /* Wait until the bit is set */ while((psnvs->hpcr & HPCR_RTC_EN) == 0); } else { /* Clear RTC_EN bit in hpcr register */ psnvs->hpcr &= ~HPCR_RTC_EN; /* Wait until the bit is cleared */ while(psnvs->hpcr & HPCR_RTC_EN); } } Enable/Disable SNVS non-secured time alarm The API snvs_rtc_alarm is used to enable or disable non-secure time alarm. The API either sets or clears HPTA_EN bit of SNVS_HP control register. The API loops until the value of the register changed to the new value. /*! * Enable or disable non-secured time alarm * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param state - 1 to enable the alarm and any other value to disable it. */ void snvs_rtc_alarm(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; if( state == ENABLE ) { /* Set HPTA_EN bit of hpcr register */ psnvs->hpcr |= HPCR_HPTA_EN; /* Wait until the bit is set */ while((psnvs->hpcr & HPCR_HPTA_EN) == 0); } else { /* Clear HPTA_EN bit of hpcr register */ psnvs->hpcr &= ~HPCR_HPTA_EN; /* Wait until the bit is cleared */ while(psnvs->hpcr & HPCR_HPTA_EN); } } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 304 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver Enable/Disable SNVS periodic interrupt The API snvs_rtc_periodic_interrupt is used to enable or disable non-secure periodic interrupt. The API either sets or clears PI_EN bit of SNVS_HP control register. The API loops until the value of the register changed to the new value. The API also needs the freq parameter to program PI_FREQ bits of HP control register. PI_FREQ can be any value from 0 to 15. CPU is interrupted whenever real time counter value at bit PI_FREQ toggles. /*! * Enable or disable non-secured periodic interrupt * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param freq - frequence for periodic interrupt, valid values 0 to 15, * a value greater than 15 will be regarded as 15. * * @param state - 1 to enable the alarm and any other value to disable it. */ void snvs_rtc_periodic_interrupt(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t freq, uint8_t state) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; if( state == ENABLE ) { if( freq > 15 ) freq = 15; /* First clear the periodic interrupt frequency bits */ psnvs->hpcr &= ~HPCR_PI_FREQ_MASK; /* Set freq, SNVS interrupts the CPU whenever the * frequency (0-15) bit of RTC counter toggles. * The counter is incremented by the slow 32KHz clock. */ psnvs->hpcr |= ((freq << HPCR_PI_FREQ_SHIFT) & HPCR_PI_FREQ_MASK); psnvs->hpcr |= HPCR_PI_EN; while((psnvs->hpcr & HPCR_PI_EN) == 0); } else { /* Clear freq and PI_EN bit to disable periodic interrupt */ psnvs->hpcr &= ~HPCR_PI_FREQ_MASK; psnvs->hpcr &= ~HPCR_PI_EN; while(psnvs->hpcr & HPCR_PI_EN); } } Set SNVS non-secure real time counter registers The API snvs_rtc_set_counter sets the 47-bit real time counter, it sets lower 32-bit of 64bit argument count to HPRTCLR register and next 15 bits to HPRTCMR register. The function disables the RTC before changing the value of the counter so that the change can take effect. /*! * Programs * * @param * * @param * non-secured real time counter port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. count - 64-bit integer to program into 47-bit RTC counter register; only 47-bit LSB will be used i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 305 Driver API */ void snvs_rtc_set_counter(struct hw_module *port, uint64_t count) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; /* Disable RTC otherwise below write operation to counter registers * will not work */ snvs_rtc_counter(port, DISABLE); /* Program the counter */ psnvs->hprtclr = (uint32_t)count; psnvs->hprtcmr = (uint32_t)(count >> 32); /* Reenable RTC */ snvs_rtc_counter(port, ENABLE); } Set SNVS non-secure RTC time alarm registers The API snvs_rtc_set_alarm_timeout sets least significant 47-bits of timeout argument to time alarm registers. It sets lower 32-bits of 64-bit argument timeout to HPTALR register and next 15 bits to hptamr register. The function disables the RTC alarm function before changing the value of the alarm register to comply with the SNVS specifications as described in the chip reference manual. The CPU will be interrupt by SNVS when the value of counter register matches the alarm register value, the alarm is also indicated by setting of bit HPTA of status register (hpsr). /*! * Sets non-secured RTC time alarm register * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param timeout - 64-bit integer to program into 47-bit time alarm register; * only 47-bit LSB will be used */ void snvs_rtc_set_alarm_timeout(struct hw_module *port, uint64_t timeout) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; /* Disable alarm */ snvs_rtc_alarm(port, DISABLE); /* Program time alarm registers */ psnvs->hptalr = (uint32_t)timeout; psnvs->hptamr = (uint32_t)(timeout >> 32); /* Reenable alarm */ snvs_rtc_alarm(port, ENABLE); } Enable/Disable SNVS secure real time counter The API snvs_rtc_counter is used to enable or disable secure real time counter. The API can set or clear RTC_EN bit of SNVS_HP control register. The API loops until the value of the register changed to the new value. /*! * Enable or disable secure real time counter * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 306 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver * @param state - 1 to enable the counter and any other value to disable it. */ void snvs_srtc_counter(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; if(state == ENABLE) { psnvs->lpcr |= LPCR_RTC_EN; while((psnvs->lpcr & LPCR_RTC_EN) == 0); } else { psnvs->lpcr &= ~LPCR_RTC_EN; while(psnvs->lpcr & LPCR_RTC_EN); } } Enable/Disable SNVS secure time alarm The API snvs_rtc_alarm is used to enable or disable secure time alarm. The API either sets or clears HPTA_EN bit of SNVS_HP control register. The API loops until the value of the register changed to the new value. /*! * Enable or disable secure time alarm * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param state - 1 to enable the alarm and any other value to disable it. */ void snvs_srtc_alarm(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; if(state == ENABLE) { psnvs->lpcr |= LPCR_LPTA_EN; while((psnvs->lpcr & LPCR_LPTA_EN) == 0); } else { psnvs->lpcr &= ~LPCR_LPTA_EN; while(psnvs->lpcr & LPCR_LPTA_EN); } } Set SNVS secured real time counter registers The API snvs_srtc_set_counter sets the 47-bit real time counter, it sets lower 32-bit of 64-bit argument count to the LPRTCLR register and next 15 bits to the LPRTCMR register. The function disables the SRTC before changing the value of the counter so that the change can take effect. /*! * Programs secure real time counter * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param count - 64-bit integer to program into 47-bit SRTC counter register; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 307 Driver API * only 47-bit LSB will be used */ void snvs_srtc_set_counter(struct hw_module *port, uint64_t count) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; /* Disable RTC */ snvs_srtc_counter(port, DISABLE); /* Program the counter */ psnvs->lpsrtclr = (uint32_t)count; psnvs->lpsrtcmr = (uint32_t)(count >> 32); /* Reenable RTC */ snvs_srtc_counter(port, ENABLE); } Set SNVS non-secure time alarm register The API snvs_rtc_set_alarm_timeout sets 32-bit timeout argument to 32-bit time alarm register. The function disables the RTC alarm function before changing the value of the alarm register to comply with the SNVS specifications as described in the chip reference manual. The CPU is interrupted by SNVS when the 32 MSB of counter register matches the alarm register value. The alarm is also indicated by the setting of bit LPTA of status register (LPSR). /*! * Set secured RTC time alarm register * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param timeout - 32-bit integer to program into 32-bit time alarm register; */ void snvs_srtc_set_alarm_timeout(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t timeout) { volatile struct mx_snvs *psnvs = (volatile struct mx_snvs *)port->base; /* Disable alarm */ snvs_srtc_alarm(port, DISABLE); /* Program time alarm register */ psnvs->lptar = timeout; /* Reenable alarm */ snvs_srtc_alarm(port, ENABLE); } 31.6.2 RTC upper layer driver APIs The upper layer API calls into lower layer SNVS API to perform tasks like setting up periodic alarm to periodically interrupt the CPU, set up one-time alarm and also accepts callback routine to callback to higher layer application (test application) function from interrupt service routine. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 308 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver Initialize RTC This API will be called from application layer (unit test) to start the RTC counter and prepare to service requests to set one-time alarm or periodic time alarm /*! * Initializes RTC by enabling non-secured real time counter, * disables alarm and periodic interrupt. It also calls internal * API snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt to register interrupt service handler */ void rtc_init(void) { /* Initialize SNVS driver */ snvs_init(snvs_rtc_module.port); /* Start rtc counter */ snvs_rtc_counter(snvs_rtc_module.port, ENABLE); /* Keeps alarms disabled */ snvs_rtc_alarm(snvs_rtc_module.port, DISABLE); snvs_rtc_periodic_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, 0, DISABLE); /* Enable interrupt */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, ENABLE); } De-initialize RTC This API will be called from application layer (like unit test code) to disable the real time counter. /*! * Disables interrupt, counter, alarm and periodic alarm */ void rtc_deinit(void) { /* Disable the interrupt */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, DISABLE); snvs_rtc_module.onetime_timer_callback = NULL; snvs_rtc_module.periodic_timer_callback = NULL; } /* Disable the counter and alarms*/ snvs_rtc_counter(snvs_rtc_module.port, DISABLE); snvs_rtc_alarm(snvs_rtc_module.port, DISABLE); snvs_rtc_periodic_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, 0, DISABLE); /* Deinitialize SNVS */ snvs_deinit(snvs_rtc_module.port); Setup RTC one time alarm This API will be called from application layer (like the unit test code) to set up the one time alarm, using non-secured RTC. The caller to supply the pointer to callback function. Callback will be called from interrupt service routine when SNVS interrupts CPU when alarm sets off. /*! * Calls in appropriate low level API to setup one-time timer * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 309 Driver API * * @param callback - callback function to be called from isr. */ void rtc_setup_onetime_timer(uint64_t timeout, funct_t callback) { /* Disables interrupt */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, DISABLE); /* Set secure real time counter to 0 */ snvs_rtc_set_counter(snvs_rtc_module.port, 0); /* Disables interrupt */ snvs_rtc_set_alarm_timeout(snvs_rtc_module.port, timeout); /* Set callback pointer */ snvs_rtc_module.onetime_timer_callback = callback; /* Enable the interrupt */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, ENABLE); } Setup RTC periodic time alarm This API will be called from application layer (like unit test code) to setup periodic time alarm using non-secured RTC. The caller to supply the pointer to callback function. Callback will be called from interrupt service routine whenever SNVS interrupts CPU when periodic alarm sets off. /*! * Calls in appropriate low level API to setup periodic timer * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param periodic_bit - periodic interrupt freq (valid values 0-15) * * @param callback - pointer to callback function */ void rtc_setup_periodic_timer(uint32_t periodic_bit, funct_t callback) { /* Disable interrupt */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, DISABLE); } /* Disable periodic interrupt */ snvs_rtc_periodic_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, 0, DISABLE); /* Set the callback pointer */ snvs_rtc_module.periodic_timer_callback = callback; /* Enable counter and periodic interrupt */ snvs_rtc_counter(snvs_rtc_module.port, ENABLE); snvs_rtc_periodic_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, periodic_bit, ENABLE); /* Enable interrupt */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, ENABLE); Disable RTC periodic alarm This API will be called from application layer (like unit test code) to disable periodic alarm. In our example unit test the callback function to periodic alarm counts upto 10 periodic alarm interrupts and calls this API to disable periodic time alarm. /*! * Calls in appropriate low level API to disable periodic timer */ i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 310 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver void rtc_disable_periodic_timer(void) { /* Disable interrupts */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, DISABLE); /* Disable RTC periodic interrupt */ snvs_rtc_periodic_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, 0, DISABLE); /* Remove callback */ snvs_rtc_module.periodic_timer_callback = NULL; /* Reenable interrupts */ snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_rtc_module.port, ENABLE); } 31.6.3 SRTC upper layer driver APIs The upper layer API calls into lower layer SNVS API to perform tasks like setting up one-time alarm and also accepts callback routine to callback to higher layer application (unit test) function from interrupt service routine. 31.6.4 Initialize SRTC This API will be called from application layer (unit test) to start SRTC counter and prepare to service requests to set one-time alarm. /*! * Initializes SRTC by enabling secure real time counter and * disables time alarm. It also calls internal API snvs_rtc_setup_interrupt * to register interrupt service handler */ void srtc_init(void) { /* Initialize SNVS driver */ snvs_init(snvs_srtc_module.port); /* Start SRTC counter */ snvs_srtc_counter(snvs_srtc_module.port, ENABLE); /* Keep time alarm disabled */ snvs_srtc_alarm(snvs_srtc_module.port, DISABLE); } 31.6.5 De-initialize SRTC This API will be called from application layer (like unit test code) to disable the secure real time counter. /*! * Disables interrupt, counter and time alarm */ void srtc_deinit(void) { /* Disable the interrupt */ snvs_srtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_srtc_module.port, DISABLE); /* Disable the counter */ snvs_srtc_counter(snvs_srtc_module.port, DISABLE); snvs_srtc_alarm(snvs_srtc_module.port, DISABLE); /* Deinitialize SNVS */ i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 311 Driver API snvs_deinit(snvs_srtc_module.port); } 31.6.6 Setup SRTC one time alarm This API will be called from application layer (like unit test code) to setup one time alarm using secured RTC. The caller to supply the pointer to callback function. Callback will be called from interrupt service routine when SNVS interrupts CPU when alarm sets off. /*! * Calls in appropriate low level API to setup SRTC one-time timer * * @param port - pointer to the SNVS module structure. * * @param callback - callback function to be called from isr. */ void srtc_setup_onetime_timer(uint32_t timeout, funct_t callback) { /* Disables the interrupt */ snvs_srtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_srtc_module.port, DISABLE); /* Clear the SRTC counter */ snvs_srtc_set_counter(snvs_srtc_module.port, 0); /* Program the timeout value */ snvs_srtc_set_alarm_timeout(snvs_srtc_module.port, timeout); /* Set the callback function */ snvs_srtc_module.onetime_timer_callback = callback; /* Reanable the interrupt */ snvs_srtc_setup_interrupt(snvs_srtc_module.port, ENABLE); } 31.6.7 Testing the SNVS SRTC/RTC driver There are two separate unit tests included with platform SDK code: • snvs_rtc_test.c-demonstrates how to call into RTC driver API to setup one-time and periodic time alarms • snvs_srtc_test_.c-demonstrates how to call into SRTC driver API to setup one-time alarm. These unit tests demonstrate the use of callback function passed as a pointer to RTC and SRTC API and driver's interrupt service routine calls these callback function whenever an alarm is set. Here is one example of unit test implementation that calls RTC driver API, the function initialized RTC and calls API to setup one time timer and pass in pointer to callback function. When alarm occurs the driver's interrupt service routine will call the callback function. The unit test function waits in a loop for global onetime_tick to be set by the i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 312 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 31 Using the SNVS RTC/SRTC Driver callback function and once it is set it breaks off from the loop and sends text on uart indicating the test has passed otherwise if loop counter reaches 0 the test function will send text on uart to indicate the test failed. void one_time_timer_test(void) { int loop = 0xFFFFFF; onetime_tick = 0; rtc_init(); } rtc_setup_onetime_timer(10, one_time_tick_callback); while(loop--) { if(onetime_tick) break; } if(onetime_tick == 0) printf( "SNVS RTC Timer Test Failed!!\n"); else printf( "SNVS RTC Timer Test Passed!!\n"); rtc_deinit(); Below shows an implementation of callback one_time_tick_callback function where in it initializes global variable onetime_tick indicating that one time alarm was successful and the test function can break from the wait loop. void one_time_tick_callback(void) { onetime_tick = 1; } i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 313 Driver API i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 314 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 Configuring the SSI Driver 32.1 SSI overview This chapter explains how to configure the synchronous serial interface (SSI) driver. The synchronous serial interface (SSI) is a full-duplex, serial port that allows the chip to communicate with serial devices such as standard coder-decoders (CODECs), digital signal processors (DSPs), microprocessors, peripherals, or popular industry audio CODECs that implement the inter-IC sound bus standard (I2S) and Intel AC97 standard. SSI typically transfers samples in a periodic manner. The SSI consists of independent transmitter and receiver sections with independent clock generation and frame synchronization. The following figure illustrates the SSI organization. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 315 Feature summary Peripheral Bus 32-bit Transmit Clock Control Reg STCCR Receive Clock Control Reg SRCCR Transmit Config Reg STCR Receive Config Reg SRCR Control Reg SCR Tx and RX Control Tx Clock Generator STCK Tx Sync Generator STPS Rx Clock Generator SRCK or network clocks Rx Sync Generator SRFS Tx and Rx FIFO and shift register logi STXD SRXD Figure 32-1. SSI block diagram The SSI consists of: • Control registers to set up the port • A status register • Two sets of transmit and receive FIFOs. Each of the four FIFOs is 15 x 32 bits. The two sets of Tx/Rx FIFOs can be used in network mode to provide two independent channels for transmission and reception. The second set of Tx and Rx FIFOs replicates the logic used for the first set of FIFOs. • Separate serial clock and frame sync generation for transmit and receive sections There are three SSI modules within the chip: SSI1, SSI2, and SSI3. The SSI signals connect to the AUDMUX, which is another module within the chip. For AUDMUX details, see AUDMUX. 32.2 Feature summary The SSI driver supports the following features: • A simple framework for audio • SSI driver supporting I2S protocol • sgtl5000 driver supporting I2S protocol i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 316 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 Configuring the SSI Driver 32.3 Clocks SSI_CLK_ROOT PLL3 (508M) /4 /2 DIV2 PSR CCM PM SSI bit clock SSI_STCR Clock from Ext codec Figure 32-2. SSI clock tree Before using SSI, gate ssi_ipg and ssi_ssi_clk on CCM_CCGR5 as follows: • For SSI1, set CCM_CCGR5[CG9] • For SSI2, set CCM_CCGR5[CG10] • For SSI3, set CCM_CCGR5[CG11] Refer to the Clock Controller Module (CCM) chapter in the chip reference manual for details. By default, the SSI_CLK_ROOT is sourced from PLL3 which is 508 MHz. When the default ssi_clk_pred value (default 4) and ssi_clk_podf value (default 2) are used, the ssi_clk_root is divided to 63.5 MHz. NOTE The SSI_CLK_ROOT is the source clock for other modules, such as ESAI. Therefore, any change to SSI_CLK_ROOT can affect those modules. It is recommended that users use the default SSI_CLK_ROOT value (63.5 MHz) for the SSI module. The bit clock (transmit bit clock or receive bit clock) can be internal (SSI_STCR[TXDIR] = 1b) or external (SSI_STCR[TXDIR] = 0b). When the bit clock is internal, it is sourced from SSI_CLK_ROOT and can be divided by SSI_STCCR[DIV2], SSI_STCCR[PSR], and SSI_STCCR[PM]. When external, the external audio codec provides the bit clock. 32.4 IOMUX pin mapping The following figure shows the SSI signal routing. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 317 Audio framework AUDMUX Block Port 3 Audio Device 1 Port 4 Audio Device 2 Port 5 Audio Device 3 Port 6 Audio Device 4 Port 1 SSI1 Mux SSI2 Port 2 SSI3 Matrix Port 7 Figure 32-3. SSI signal routing The SSI signals connect to the internal ports of the AUDMUX, which then routes them to the external pins. From there, the AUDMUX connects the signals to the external audio codec. The following table is based on an engineering sample board in which PORT5 was connected with the SSI codec sgtl5000 in SYN mode. When using another board, check the board schematic for the specific pin assignments. Table 32-1. IOMUX configuration of SSI2 on mx53-smd board SSI Signal name AUDMUX Signal name Pin name ALT SSI2_SRXD AUD5_RXD KEY_ROW1 ALT2 SSI2_STXD AUD5_TXD KEY_ROW0 ALT2 SSI2_STXC AUD5_TXC KEY_COL0 ALT2 SSI2_STXFS AUD5_TXFS KEY_COL1 ALT2 32.5 Audio framework The chip contains multiple audio controllers and audio codecs. The following three data structures are used to create an audio framework that abstracts all audio modules (controllers and codecs) and provides a uniform API for applications: • audio_card_t—describes the audio card • audio_ctrl_t—describes the audio controller (SSI, ESAI module, or other) • audio_codec_t—describes the audio codec (sgtl5000, CS428888, or other) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 318 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 Configuring the SSI Driver The audio card consists of one audio controller and one audio codec. The audio_card_t data structure is the only data structure that an application can access and manage. 32.5.1 audio_card_t data structure The audio_card_t data structure describes the audio card. It is as follows: typedef struct { const char *name; audio_codec_p codec; audio_ctrl_p ctrl; audio_dev_ops_p ops; } audio_card_t, *audio_card_p; //audio codec which is included //audio controller which is included //APIs 32.5.2 audio_ctrl_t data structure The data structure audio_ctrl_t describes the audio controller. It is as follows: typedef struct { const char *name; uint32_t base_addr; audio_bus_type_e bus_type; audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; supports int irq; int sdma_ch; audio_dev_ops_p ops; } audio_ctrl_t, *audio_ctrl_p; // the io base address of the controller //The bus type(ssi, esai or spdif) the controller supports //the bus mode(master, slave or both)the controller //the irq number //Will be used for SDMA //APIs 32.5.3 audio_codec_t data structure The data structure audio_codec_t describes the audio codec. It is as follows: typedef struct { const char *name; uint32_t i2c_base; uint32_t i2c_freq; uint32_t i2c_dev_addr; audio_bus_type_e bus_type; audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; audio_dev_ops_p ops; } audio_codec_t, *audio_codec_p; //the i2c connect with the codec // i2c operate freq; //Device address for I2C bus //The bus type(ssi, esai or spdif) the codec supports //the bus mode(master, slave or both)the codec supports //APIs 32.5.4 audio_dev_ops_t data structure The data structure audio_dev_ops_t describes the APIs of the codec, controller, and card. It is as follows: typedef struct { int (*init) (void *priv); i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 319 SSI driver functions int (*deinit) (void *priv); int (*config) (void *priv, audio_dev_para_p para); int (*ioctl) (void *priv, uint32_t cmd, void *para); int (*write) (void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t byte2write, uint32_t *bytewrittern); int (*read) (void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t byte2read, uint32_t byteread); } audio_dev_ops_t, *audio_dev_ops_p; 32.5.5 audio_dev_para_t data structure The data structure audio_dev_para_t describes the audio parameters to be passed to the configuration function. It is as follows: typedef struct { audio_bus_mode_e bus_mode; //Master or slave audio_bus_protocol_e bus_protocol; //I2S, AC97 and so on audio_trans_dir_e trans_dir; //Tx, Rx or both audio_samplerate_e sample_rate; //32K, 44.1K , 48K, and so on audio_word_length_e word_length; unsigned int channel_number; } audio_dev_para_t, *audio_dev_para_p; The engineering sample board uses sgtl5000 and SSI2, so the SSI sound card should like: audio_card_t snd_card_ssi = { .name = "i.MX SSI sound card", .codec = &sgtl5000, .ctrl = &imx_ssi_2, .ops = &snd_card_ops, }; // the codec sgtl5000 //For imx53_smd, the SSI2 was used. NOTE This section is based on an engineering sample board. Check your board schematic for the correct pin assignments. 32.6 SSI driver functions The SSI driver has both local functions and public APIs. The local functions are used to: • • • • Reset the SSI Obtain the SSI setting and status values Set SSI parameters Enable SSI sub-modules The public APIs are used to: • Initialize the SSI driver • Configure the SSI • Playback through the SSI i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 320 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 Configuring the SSI Driver 32.6.1 Resetting the SSI SSI_SCR[SSIEN] enables and disables the SSI. When the SSI is disabled, all SSI status bits are preset to the same state produced by the power-on reset. However, all control bits are unaffected because disabling the SSI puts it into self-reset mode and clears the contents of the Tx and Rx FIFOs. When the SSI is disabled, all internal clocks except the register access clock are also disabled. The control registers should be modified on self-reset mode (SSI_SCR[SSIEN] = 0b). 32.6.2 Obtaining SSI setting and status values The function uint32_t ssi_get_hw_setting(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type) returns the SSI setting and status values according to the setting type as follows: typedef enum { SSI_SETTING_TX_FIFO1_DATAS_CNT, SSI_SETTING_TX_FIFO2_DATAS_CNT, SSI_SETTING_RX_FIFO1_DATAS_CNT, SSI_SETTING_RX_FIFO2_DATAS_CNT, SSI_SETTING_TX_WATERMARK, SSI_SETTING_RX_WATERMARK, SSI_SETTING_TX_WORD_LEN, SSI_SETTING_RX_WORD_LEN, SSI_SETTING_TX_FRAME_LENGTH, SSI_SETTING_RX_FRAME_LENGTH, SSI_SETTING_CLK_FS_DIR, } ssi_setting_type_e; The function can be called once SSI has been initialized. 32.6.3 Setting SSI parameters The function static uint32_t ssi_set_hw_setting(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type, uint32_t val) sets SSI parameters according to setting type. The supported setting types are: SSI_SETTING_TX_WATERMARK SSI_SETTING_RX_WATERMARK SSI_SETTING_TX_WORD_LEN SSI_SETTING_RX_WORD_LEN SSI_SETTING_TX_FRAME_LENGTH SSI_SETTING_RX_FRAME_LENGTH SSI_SETTING_TX_BIT_CLOCK SSI_SETTING_RX_BIT_CLOCK SSI_SETTING_CLK_FS_DIR The function must be called when SSI is in self-reset mode (SCR[SSIEN] = 0). i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 321 SSI driver functions 32.6.4 Enabling SSI sub-modules The SSI and its sub-modules can be enabled or disabled individually using the function static uint32_t ssi_hw_enable(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type, bool enable), which enables or disables SSI or its sub-modules according to enabling type as follows: typedef enum { SSI_HW_ENABLE_SSI, SSI_HW_ENABLE_TX, SSI_HW_ENABLE_RX, SSI_HW_ENABLE_TXFIFO1, SSI_HW_ENABLE_TXFIFO2, SSI_HW_ENABLE_RXFIFO1, SSI_HW_ENABLE_RXFIFO2, } ssi_hw_enable_type_e; 32.6.5 Initializing the SSI driver Before using, initialize the SSI module as follows: • Configure the IOMUX for external SSI signals. • Configure the clock, including selecting the clock source and gating on clocks for SSI. Enable the external oscillator if SSI_CLK_ROOT is sourced from an external oscillator. • Reset the SSI module and put all the registers into reset value. The function int ssi_init(void *priv) can be called to initialize the SSI module. 32.6.6 Configuring the SSI The function int ssi_config(void *priv, audio_dev_para_p para) configures the SSI parameters according to the descriptions in audio_dev_para. This function: • Sets the direction of the bit clock and the frame sync clock (SSI_STCR[TXDIR] and SSI_STCR[TFDIR]) • Sets the attributes, such as polarity and frame sync length, of the bit clock and the frame sync clock. • Sets bit clock dividers if an internal bit clock was used (SSI_STCCR[DIV2], SSI_STCCR[PSR], and SSI_STCCR[PM]) • Sets frame length (SSI_STCCR[DC]) • Sets word length (SSI_STCCR[WL]) • Sets FIFO's watermarks • Enables SSI, FIFOs, and TX/RX i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 322 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 Configuring the SSI Driver Playback through SSI After initialization and configuration, data can be written to the SSI TX FIFO (SSI → stx0) to play back music. SSI_SFCSR[TFCNT0] polls to determine whether TX FIFO is full or not. If TX FIFO is not full, data can be written to it according to the word length (SSI_STCCR_WL). 32.7 sgtl5000 driver The sgtl5000 is one of many codecs that have an SSI interface and thus can be used as an external audio codec. Discussion of the sgtl5000 is beyond the scope of this chapter. See the sgtl5000 driver for details. 32.8 Testing the unit The SSI test unit demonstrates how to playback music using the audio framework. The test unit works as follows: audmux_route(AUDMUX_PORT_2, AUDMUX_PORT_5, AUDMUX_SSI_SLAVE); Initialize the snd_card_ssi, which includes SSI2 and sgtl5000 Configure the snd_card_ssi Write the music file to the snd_card_ssi, that is, playback music If "exit" selected by the user, de-initialize the snd_card_ssi and return To run the SSI test, the SDK uses the following command: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board smart_device -board_rev a -test audio The command generates the following binary and ELF files: • • output/mx6dq/smart_device_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_smart_device_rev_a-audio-sdk.elf output/mx6dq/smart_device_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_smart_device_rev_a-audio-sdk.bin After the files have been generated, perform the following steps: 1. Download mx6dq_smart_device_rev_a-audio-sdk.elf using RV-ICE or Lauterbach or burn mx6dq_smart_device_rev_a-audio-sdk.bin to SD card with the following command in Windows's Command Prompt window: cfimager-imx -o 0 -f mx6dq_smart_device_rev_a-audio-sdk.bin -d g:(SD drive name in your PC) 2. Power up the board. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 323 Functions 3. Select "ssi playback" according to the prompt in the terminal. This runs the SSI test unit. If the test passes, you will hear a voice in the headphones. NOTE This example test is based on an engineering sample board. Refer to your board's schematics for the correct pin assignments. 32.9 Functions 32.9.1 Local functions /*! * Dump the ssi registers which can be readable. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller (audio_ctrl_t) which presents the ssi * module itself * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ static int ssi_dump(audio_ctrl_p ctrl) /*! * Put the ssi to soft-reset mode, and then can be configured. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller(audio_ctrl_t) which presents the ssi module * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ static int ssi_soft_reset(audio_ctrl_p ctrl) /*! * Set all the registers to reset values, called by ssi_init. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller(audio_ctrl_t) which presents the ssi module * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ static int ssi_registers_reset(audio_ctrl_p ctrl) /*! * Get the ssi's settings. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller(audio_ctrl_t) which presents the ssi module * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ static uint32_t ssi_get_hw_setting(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type) /*! * Set the ssi's settings. * @param ctrl a pointer of audio controller(audio_ctrl_t) which presents the ssi module * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 324 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 32 Configuring the SSI Driver */ static uint32_t ssi_set_hw_setting(audio_ctrl_p ctrl, uint32_t type, uint32_t val) 32.9.2 APIs /*! * Initialize the ssi module and set the ssi to default status. * This function will be called by the snd_card driver or application. * * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, SSI driver should change it * to a audio_ctrl_p pointer which presents the SSI controller. * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ int ssi_init(void *priv) /*! * Configure the SSI module according the parameters which was passed by audio_card driver. * * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, SSI driver should change it * to a audio_ctrl_p pointer which presents the SSI controller. * para a pointer passed by audio card driver, consists of configuration parameters * for SSI controller. * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ int ssi_config(void *priv, audio_dev_para_p para) /*! * Write datas to the ssi fifo in polling mode. * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, SSI driver should change it * to a audio_ctrl_p pointer which presents the SSI controller. * buf points to the buffer which hold the data to be written to the SSI tx fifo * size the size of the buffer pointed by buf. * bytes_written bytes be written to the SSI tx fifo * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ int ssi_write_fifo(void *priv, uint8_t * buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t * bytes_written) /*! * Close the SSI module * @param priv a pointer passed by audio card driver, SSI driver should change it * to a audio_ctrl_p pointer which presents the SSI controller. * * @return 0 if succeeded * -1 if failed */ int ssi_deinit(void *priv) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 325 Functions i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 326 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Configuring the UART Driver 33.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the UART driver, which is a low-level driver that is able to handle most common uses of a RS-232 serial interface. All UART ports are controlled through this driver and all functions can be called from any place in the code. The console/debug UART of the SDK is a usage example of this driver. Another example demonstrates the usage of the SDMA to transfer data through the UART port. 33.2 Feature summary The UART low-level driver supports: • Interrupt-driven and SDMA-driven TX/RX of characters • Various baud rates within the limit of the controller (4.0 Mbits/s), depending on its input clock • Parity check and one/two stop bits • 7-bit and 8-bit character lengths • RTS/CTS hardware driven flow control 33.3 Modes of operation The following table explains the UART modes of operation: i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 327 Clocks Table 33-1. Modes of operation Mode What it does Related functions DCE/DTE mode UART can be configured for terminal mode (DTE) or device mode (DCE). The default mode is set to DCE (for example, when UART is used to output a message to a console). It is transparent from a software point of view. - Hardware flow control RTS and CTS are entirely controlled by the UART. While the module allows them to be enabled or disabled, the driver does not allow using only RTS or CTS for single direction control. The FIFO trigger level that controls CTS can be configured with the function uart_set_FIFO_mode() DMA support The driver allows setting the way the FIFOs are handled, though both the RX FIFO and TX FIFO could be managed by the SDMA. Above or below a certain watermark level, the FIFOs trigger a DMA request when there's sufficient data to retrieve or empty room. The watermark level of each FIFO can be set independently, and can also be enabled on only TX or RX. The external application configures the SDMA by calling the SDMA driver. The function uart_set_FIFO_mode() allows the configuration of automatic DMA transfers on the UART side. Interrupt support The driver allows setting the way the FIFOs are handled, though both the RX FIFO and TX FIFO could be managed by interrupts. Above or below a certain watermark level, the FIFOs trigger an interrupt when there's sufficient data to retrieve or empty room. The watermark level of each FIFO can be set independently, and can also be enabled on only TX or RX. The external application is responsible for creating the interrupt subroutine. The address of this routine is passed through the structure hw_module, defined in .src/include/io.h. It is initialized by the application and used by the driver for various configurations. The function uart_set_FIFO_mode() allows the configuration of the watermark level parameters. 33.4 Clocks CCM Clock Switcher PLL3_SW_CLK (480 MHz) CCM_CSCDR1[UART_CLK_PODF] /6 UART_UFCR[RFDIV] ref_clk PLL3 (80 MHz) CCM UART Figure 33-1. UART reference clock The UART reference clock is used to generate the baud rate clock. This clock is derived through various dividers from the PLL3, which typically provides a 480 MHz clock. Please refer to the "Clocks" section of the UART block in the chip reference manual. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 328 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Configuring the UART Driver The output of PLL3 is divided with a fix divider of 6. The post divider, UART_CLK_PODF, is located in the CCM_CSCDR1 Register. The pre-divider, RFDIV, is located in the UART_UFCR Register. The output is the ref_clk used to generate the baud rate clock according to the formula available in the section Binary Rate Multiplier (BRM) of the UART block. 33.5 IOMUX pin mapping Although the driver calls the function that configures the IOMUX for the UART port, this is external to the driver because it depends on the board connections. Configure the IOMUX for the UART using the iomux_config() function located in ./src/ mxdq/iomux/board_name/uart_iomux_config.c. 33.6 Resets and interrupts The driver resets the module during the initialization by setting UART_UCR2[SRST] in the function uart_init(). The external application is responsible for creating the interrupt subroutine. The address of this routine is passed through the structure hw_module defined in .src/include/io.h. It is initialized by the application and used by the driver for various configurations. All interrupt sources are listed in the "Interrupts and DMA Events" chapter in the chip reference manual. In the SDK, the list is provided in ./src/include/mx6dq/ soc_memory_map.h. 33.7 Initializing the UART driver Before using the UART port in a system, prepare a structure that provides the essential system parameters to the driver. This is done through the hw_module structure defined into ./src/include/io.h. Example: struct hw_module g_debug_uart = { "UART4 for debug", UART4_BASE_ADDR, 27000000, IMX_INT_UART4, &default_interrupt_routine, }; i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 329 Initializing the UART driver The address of this structure is used by most functions listed below. /*! * Initialize the UART port * * @param port - pointer to the UART module structure. * @param baudrate - serial baud rate such 9600, 57600, 115200, etc. * @param parity - enable parity checking: PARITY_NONE, PARITY_EVEN, * PARITY_ODD. * @param stopbits - number of stop bits: STOPBITS_ONE, STOPBITS_TWO. * @param datasize - number of bits in a data: SEVENBITS, EIGHTBITS, * NINEBITS (like RS-485 but not supported). * @param flowcontrol - enable (RTS/CTS) hardware flow control: * FLOWCTRL_ON, FLOWCTRL_OFF. */ void uart_init(struct hw_module *port, uint32_t baudrate, uint8_t parity, uint8_t stopbits, uint8_t datasize, uint8_t flowcontrol) /*! * Configure the RX or TX FIFO level and trigger mode * * @param port - pointer to the UART module structure * @param fifo - FIFO to configure: RX_FIFO or TX_FIFO. * @param trigger_level - set the trigger level of the FIFO to generate * an IRQ or a DMA request: number of characters. * @param service_mode - FIFO served with DMA or IRQ or polling (default). */ void uart_set_FIFO_mode(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t fifo, uint8_t trigger_level, uint8_t service_mode) /*! * Setup UART interrupt. It enables or disables the related HW module * interrupt, and attached the related sub-routine into the vector table. * * @param port - pointer to the UART module structure. */ void uart_setup_interrupt(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) /*! * Receive a character on the UART port * * @return a character received from the UART port; if the RX FIFO * is empty or errors are detected, it returns NONE_CHAR */ uint8_t uart_getchar(struct hw_module * port) /*! * Output a character to UART port * * @param ch - pointer to the character for output * @return the character that has been sent */ uint8_t uart_putchar(struct hw_module * port, uint8_t * ch) /*! * Enables UART loopback test mode. * * @param port - pointer to the UART module structure * @param state - enable/disable the loopback mode */ void uart_set_loopback_mode(struct hw_module *port, uint8_t state) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 330 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 33 Configuring the UART Driver 33.8 Testing the UART driver The UART driver runs the following tests: • Echo test • SDMA test 33.8.1 Echo test The tested UART is configured in loopback mode. Because the connection is made internally, it does not require any specific hardware. When a character is sent through the terminal console by the user, the UART console receives it and forwards it to the tested UART TX FIFO. Once the data ready interrupt is generated, the interrupt routine reads the character from the tested UART RX FIFO and displays it through the UART console. This test shows how to initialize the UART, how to configure the FIFO behavior, and how to set the interrupt routine. 33.8.2 SDMA test The tested UART is configured in loopback mode. Data is sent to the TX FIFO through a DMA channel, and read from the RX FIFO through a different DMA channel. This test shows how to initialize the UART, how to configure the FIFO behavior, and how to configure the SDMA to take care of the data transfers. This test is available in the SDMA unit test: ./src/sdk/sdma/test/sdma_test.c. 33.8.3 Running the UART test To run the UART tests, the SDK uses the following command to build the test: ./tools/build_sdk -target mx6dq -board sabre_ai -board_rev a -test uart This command generates the following ELF and binary files: • • ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-uart-sdk.elf ./output/mx6dq/sabre_ai_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_sabre_ai_rev_a-uart-sdk.bin i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 331 Testing the UART driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 332 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Configuring the USB Host Controller Driver 34.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure and use the USB controller driver. The USB controller module contains four independent controllers: one dual role and 3 host-only controllers. In addition, there are two on-chip UTMI transceivers-one for the OTG controller and one for the HOST1 controller. Each transceiver has an associated PLL for generating the USB clocks. The HOST2 and HOST3 controllers have an HSIC (high-speed interchip) interface for connecting to compatible on-board peripherals. The modules related to USB are located in the memory map at the following base addresses: • • • • • • • • USBOTG base address = 0218 4000h USBH1 base address = 0218 4200h USBH2 base address = 0218 4400h USBH3 base address = 0218 4600h USBPLL1 base address = 020C 8010h USBPLL2 base address = 020C 8020h USBPHY1 base address = 020C 9000h USBPHY2 base address = 020C A000h 34.2 Feature summary This low-level driver demonstrates the configuration and basic functionality of the USB controller. It supports: • Initialization of controllers and basic data structures • Initialization of the PHY and clocks i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 333 Modes of operation • • • • • Host-side device enumeration Device-side device enumeration Control transfers Low-level bulk transfers Low-level interrupt transfers 34.3 Modes of operation The OTG controller can operate as either host or device. Software chooses the operating mode when the controller is initialized. The host controllers - USBH1, USBH2, and USBH3 - do not have device capability. This driver does not support the OTG Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) or Session Request Protocol (SRP). 34.4 Clocks System PLL (PLL1) CCM CCGR6 USBOTG PHY_CLK USB1PHY usbotgh3_clk_enable USB1_PLL (PLL3) USBH1 USB2_PLL (PLL7) USBH2 USBH3 PHY_CLK PHY_CLK PHY_CLK USB2PHY HSIC HSIC Figure 34-1. USB module clocks The USB module uses three independent clocks: one shared clock for the control logic and DMA transfers and two independent dedicated transceiver clocks (PHY_CLK). The clocks are derived as follows: • The shared clock is derived from the system PLL. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 334 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Configuring the USB Host Controller Driver • The USBOTG, USBH2, and USBH3 controllers derive PHY_CLK from USB1_PLL. • USBH1 and its associated PHY derive PHY_CLK from USB2_PLL. USB1_PLL and USB2_PLL generate the PHY's 480 MHz clock., which is used for serial transmission on the USB bus. A divided version of this 480 MHz clock is used by the USB controller for the UTMI interface and protocol control logic. 34.5 IOMUX pin mapping The pin descriptions in this section apply to the SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on the i.MX 6 series. Vbus power control is implemented on I2C port expanders, and OverCurrent inputs are implemented as GPIO. The following table shows the IOMUX settings: Table 34-1. USB IOMUX pin mapping Signals Option 1 USB_OTG_OC_B PAD MUX SION SD4_DAT0 ALT5 0 GPIO2[8] USB_OTG_ID ENET_RX_ER ALT0 0 USB_HOST1_OC_B EIM_WAIT ALT5 0 GPIO5[0] NOTE USB data signals Dm/Dp and Vbus have dedicated pin functions and do not pass through the IOMUX. Vbus PWR enable and Overcurrent I/O pass through the IOMUX, but these functions do not need to be connected to the USB controller. They can be implemented using GPIO, as is the case on the SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on the i.MX 6 Series design. 34.6 Resets and interrupts All controllers in the USB module are reset to their default state by power-on reset. The driver resets each controller individually during the initialization procedure. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 335 Initializing the host driver Each controller has a single interrupt vector in the vector table. The UTMI transceivers each have an interrupt vector in the main vector table. Vector numbers are assigned as indicated in the following table. Table 34-2. Vector numbers ID number Description ID72 USB host1 interrupt ID73 USB host2 interrupt ID74 USB host3 interrupt ID75 USB OTG interrupt ID76 USBPHY (UTMI0) interrupt ID77 USBPHY (UTMI1) interrupt Each USB provides control over its interrupt sources through its USBINTR and USBSTS registers. • Interrupt request flags are located in the USBSTS register. • Each individual source can be enabled or disabled for interrupt generation in the USBINTR register. The controller also allows adjustment of the maximum rate at which the controller can issue interrupts. The interrupt rate can be programmed in the ITC field of the USBCMD register. Values range from immediate through 1 interrupt per 64 micro frames (8 ms). This driver does not use interrupts. Instead, it polls the interrupt flag where an interrupt is expected. 34.7 Initializing the host driver The driver's API contains initialization calls for host mode operation of the controller. These init routines initialize the controller as well as the tables and data structures (queue heads and transfers descriptor) that the controller needs. The data structure initialization provides the controller with valid pointers but does not schedule any activity. At the end of the initialization, the controller is started. The driver's init routine performs the following steps to start the controller: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enable USB clock in CCM module. Configure and start USB PLL. Configure and enable the PHY. Set PHY type in controller's PORTSC register (UTMI for on-chip HS PHY). Reset the USB controller. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 336 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Configuring the USB Host Controller Driver 6. Set the controller mode to host operation. 7. Enable Vbus power. 8. Start the controller. At this point, the controller is running and generates SOF tokens on the bus, but the periodic and asynchronous schedule are not yet enabled. Therefore, no data transfers are attempted. To initialize the asynchronous schedule, the init routine creates a queue head with a dummy transfer descriptor for the control endpoint (endpoint 0). This provides an empty queue to which the application can add transfer descriptors. Additional queues can be linked to the initial queue head by the application as required. For the synchronous schedule, the init routine creates a frame list with dummy transfer descriptors to which the application can link transfer descriptors for interrupt and isochronous transfers. The application is responsible for allocating memory for tables, data structures, and buffers. Data structures and buffers must be aligned as defined in the EHCI specification. Please refer to PHY and clocks API and USB host API for more details. 34.8 Initializing the device driver Like the host driver, the device driver has an init routine that enables the clock and PHY and also configures the OTG controller for device operation. The routine initializes the device endpoint list, creates the IN and OUT queue heads for endpoint 0, and starts the controller. The driver's init routine performs the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Disable Vbus power – Devices are not allowed to drive Vbus. Start clocks Enable transceiver Reset controller Set controller’s mode to device mode Set up endpoint list Configure endppoint 0 Start controller The controller is now running and ready to detect the USB bus reset. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 337 Testing the host mode 34.9 Testing the host mode The host mode has two applications for testing: usbh0_host_test and usbh0_host_testmodes_test. Test application usbh0_host_test waits for a device to connect and enumerates the device. If the device is a mouse, it polls the interrupt endpoint for mouse movement data. Clicking the right-mouse button ends the test application. Test application usbh0_host_testmodes_test shows how to configure the EHCI test modes on a host controller. These test modes are used for electrical measurements in high-speed mode. The application initializes the clocks, controller, and PHY and then presents a menu on a terminal connected to the UART port where the user can select the test mode. Supported modes are: • • • • • • • Test_J: forces a J state on the port t for DC measurements. Test_K: forces a K state on the port. Test_SE0/NAK: forces SE0 on the port. Test_packet: sends out the test packet for eye diagram measurements. Suspend: suspends the bus to measure suspend timing. Resume: resumes the bus to measure resume timing. Reset: sends reset on the USB bus to measure reset timing. 34.10 Testing the device mode The device mode application emulates a mouse peripheral. When connected to a PC, it sends mouse movement data to make the cursor move in a circle. This application demonstrates the following: • How to set up the device controller • Provide enumeration responses • How to add transfers on an active pipe The application also supports setting test modes on the device controller for electrical measurements. It responds to commands sent by the USBHSET tool, which is available from the USB-IF web site (http://www.usb.org/developers/tools/). i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 338 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Configuring the USB Host Controller Driver 34.11 PHY and clocks API The functions for initializing transceivers and clocks are device specific. The API is common for all devices, but the implementation differs. /*! * This function enables the clocks needed for USB operation. * @param port * @return */ int usbEnableClocks(usb_module_t *port) /*! * Enable USB transceiver\n * This function enables the USB transceiver for the selected USB port. * * @param port USB module to initialize */ int usbEnableTransceiver(usb_module_t *port) /*! * This function enables Vbus for the given USB port\n * The procedure to enable Vbus depends on both the Chip and board hardware\n * This implementation is for the SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on the i.MX 6 Series.\n * * @param port USB module to initialize */ void usbEnableVbus(usb_module_t *port) /*! * This function disables Vbus for the given USB port\n * The procedure to enable Vbus depends on both the Chip and board hardware\n * This implementation is for the SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on the i.MX 6 Series\n * * @param port USB module to initialize */ void usbDisableVbus(usb_module_t *port) 34.12 USB host API The following routines are used to initialize a controller for host operation and schedule transfers on the USB bus. /*! * Initialize the USB host for operation. * This initialization sets up the USB host to detect a device connection. * * @param port USB module to initialize */ int usbh_init(struct usb_module *port) /*! * Initialize the periodic schedule. * This function creates an empty * frame list for the periodic schedule, points the periodic base * address to the empty frame list, and enables the periodic schedule. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 339 USB host API * * @param port USB module to initialize * @param frame_list_size size of the frame list for the periodic schedule * @param frame_list pointer to the start of the allocated frame list */ uint32_t usbh_periodic_schedule_init(struct usb_module *port, uint32_t frame_list_size, uint32_t * frame_list) /*! * Enable the asynchronous schedule\n * This function enables the Asynchronous schedule.\n * The application code must create descriptors and queue heads and\n * set the Asynchronous list address before calling this function. */ void usbh_enable_asynchronous_schedule(usb_module_t *port) /*! * Disable the asynchronous schedule. * * @param port USB module */ void usbh_disable_asynchronous_schedule(struct usb_module *port) uint32_t *queue head) /*! * Disable the periodic list. * * @param port USB module */ void usbh_disable_Periodic_list (struct usb_module *port) /*! * Initialize the QH. * This function assumes the QH is the only one in the horizontal list so * the horizontal link pointer points to the queue head. This function * doesn't initialize the qTD pointer either. This must be done later. * * Parameters: * @param max_packet maximum packet length for the endpoint * @param head used to mark the QH as the first in the linked list (not used for interrupt QHs) * @param eps end point speed * @param epnum end point number * @param dev_addr device address * @param smask interrupt schedule mask (only used for periodic schedule QHs) */ usbhQueueHead_t * usbh_qh_init(uint32_t max_packet, uint32_t head, uint32_t eps, uint32_t epnum, uint32_t dev_addr, uint32_t smask) /*! * Issue a USB reset to the specified port. * * @param port USB module to send reset */ void usbh_bus_reset(struct usb_module *port) /*! * Initialize the qTD. * This function initializes a transfer descriptor. * the next qTD and alternate next qTD pointers are initialized with the terminate bit set. * * @param transferSize number of bytes to be transferred * @param ioc interrupt on complete flag * @param pid PID code for the transfer * @param bufferPointer pointer to the data buffer */ usbhTransferDescriptor_t * usbh_qtd_init(uint32_t transferSize, uint32_t ioc, uint32_t pid, uint32_t *bufferPointer) i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 340 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Configuring the USB Host Controller Driver 34.13 USB device API //! Function to initialize the USB controller for device operation. /*! This initialization performs basic configuration to prepare the device for connection to a host. * * @param port The USB module to use * @param endpointList pointer to list with endpoint queue heads */ uint32_t usbd_device_init(usb_module_t *port, usbdEndpointPair_t *endpointList) //! Function to initialize the controller after the USB bus reset /*! * USB device response to a USB bus reset. * * @param portUSB controller to use * @returnreturns the operating speed of the port */ usbPortSpeed_t usbd_bus_reset(usb_module_t *port) /*! * USB device function to return the data from a setup packet. * NOTE: We assume only endpoint 0 is a control endpoint * * @paramendpointListpointer to the device endpoint list address * @paramportpointer to controller info structure * @paramsetupPacketSetup data of the setup packet */ void usbd_get_setup_packet(usb_module_t *port, usbdEndpointPair_t *endpointList, usbdSetupPacket_t *setupPacket) //! Function to send an IN control packet to the host. /*! NOTE: this function uses the default control endpoint (0).\n * The endpoint number is hard-coded. * * @paramportController to use * @paramendpointListpointer to the device endpoint list * @parambufferData to be sent to host * @paramsizeAmount of data to be transferred in bytes */ void usbd_device_send_control_packet(usb_module_t *port, usbdEndpointPair_t *endpointList, uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t size) //! Function to send an zero length IN packet to the host. /*! * Zero Length packets are used as completion handshake in control transfers.\n * They can also be used to signal the end of a variable length transfer.\n * * @param portUsb controller to use * @param endpointListpointer to the device endpoint list * @param endpointNumberendpoint info data structure for the endpoint to use */ void usbd_device_send_zero_len_packet(usb_module_t *port, usbdEndpointPair_t *endpointList, uint32_t endpointNumber) //! Function to initialize an endpoint queue head /*! * Initialize an endpoint queue head. The space for the endpoint queue heads was * allocated when the endpoint list was created, so this function does not * call malloc. * * @param endpointListlocation of the endpoint list * @param usbdEndpoint Pointer to the endpoint characteristics * @param nextDtdpointer to the first transfer descriptor for the queue head */ i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 341 Source code and structure void usbd_endpoint_qh_init(usbdEndpointPair_t *endpointList, usbdEndpointInfo_t *usbdEndpoint, uint32_t nextDtd) //! Function to create a new transfer descriptor /*! * This functions allocate memory for a device transfer descriptor (dTD) and * initializes the dTD. This function assumes the dTD is the last in the list so * the next dTD pointer is marked as invalid. * * @param transferSizenumber of bytes to be transferred *@param interruptOnCompleteinterrupt on complete flag *@param multOverrideOverride the queue head multiplier setting (0 for default) *@param bufferPointerpointer to the data buffer * *@return pointer to the transfer descriptor * */ usbdEndpointDtd_t *usbd_dtd_init(uint32_t transferSize, uint32_t interruptOnComplete, uint32_t multOverride, uint32_t *bufferPointer) //! Function to add a transfer descriptor or a list of transfer descriptors to an active endpoint /*! This function places a new transfer on the linked list of transfer descriptors.\n * If the list was empty, the new transfer descriptor is placed on the queue head. * * @param portPointer to controller info structure. * @param usbdEndpointEndpoint *@param endpointListPointer to the endpoint list *@param new_dtdpointer to the descriptor to add * */ void usbd_add_dtd(usb_module_t *port, usbdEndpointPair_t *endpointList, usbdEndpointInfo_t *usbdEndpoint, usbdEndpointDtd_t *new_dtd) //! Function to reclaim used transfer descriptors. /*! This function parses the list of transfer descriptors, starting\n * at the Head pointer and up to the currently active descriptor.\n * It removes retired descriptors from the list and returns memory used by the descriptor to the heap. * * @param portPointer to controller info structure. * @param usbdEndpointEndpoint *@param endpointListPointer to the endpoint list *@param headpointer to the head of the list * *@returnPointer to the new list head. * */ usbdEndpointDtd_t *usbd_reclaim_dtd(usb_module_t *port, usbdEndpointPair_t *endpointList, usbdEndpointInfo_t *usbdEndpoint, usbdEndpointDtd_t *head) 34.14 Source code and structure Table 34-3. Source code file locations Description Location Source files Host mode low-level driver ./src/sdk/usb/host/usbh_drvr.c Device mode driver ./src/sdk/usb/drv/usbd_drv.c Common routines ./src/sdk/usb/common/usb_common.c Table continues on the next page... i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 342 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 34 Configuring the USB Host Controller Driver Table 34-3. Source code file locations (continued) Platform specific initialization ./src/sdk/usb/common/usb_mx61.c Chip-specific USB registers ./src/include/mx61/usb_regs.h Bit definitions ./src/include/usb_defines.h USB controller registers ./src/include/usb_registers.h Prototypes, structures, and enum ./ src/include/usb.h Test programs USB test startup ./src/sdk/usb/test/usb_test.c Host mode test ./src/sdk/usb/test/usbh_host_test.c Host mode EHCI test modes ./src/sdk/usb/test/usbh_host_testmodes_test.c Device mode test - mouse emulation ./src/sdk/usb/test/usbd_device_mouse_test.c i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 343 Source code and structure i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 344 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 Configuring the uSDHC Driver 35.1 Overview This chapter provides a guide for firmware developers about how to write the device driver for the uSDHC controller. It uses an engineering sample board's schematics for pin assignments. For other board types, refer to their respective schematics. The ultra secured digital host controller (uSDHC) provides the interface between the host system and the SD(LC/HC/XC)/SDIO/MMC cards. The uSDHC acts as a bridge, passing host bus transactions to the SD(LC/HC/XC)/SDIO/MMC cards by sending commands and performing data accesses to and from the cards. It handles the SD(LC/HC/XC)/ SDIO/MMC protocols at the transmission level. There are four instances of uSDHC in the chip. They are located in the memory map at the following addresses: • • • • uSDHC1 base address = 0219 0000h uSDHC2 base address = 0219 4000h uSDHC3 base address = 0219 8000h uSDHC4 base address = 0219 C000h 35.2 Clocks CCM_CSCDR1[USDHCn_PODF] PLL2 PFD2 (396 MHz) 0 PFD0 (352 MHz) 1 000: / 1 001: / 2 010: / 3 011: / 4(Default) : 111: / 8 USDHCn_CLK_ROOT CCM_CSCMR1[USDHCn_CLK_SEL] Figure 35-1. uSDHC clock tree i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 345 IOMUX pin mapping If the uSDHC clock is gated, ungate it in the clock control module (CCM) as follows: • • • • For uSDHC1, set CCM_CCGR6[CG1] For uSDHC2, set CCM_CCGR6[CG2] For uSDHC3, set CCM_CCGR6[CG3] For uSDHC4, set CCM_CCGR6[CG4] Refer to the CCM chapter of the chip reference manual for more information about programming clocks. 35.3 IOMUX pin mapping The following table is based on an engineering sample board and is shown as an example. Refer to your board's schematics for the board's specific pin assignments. Table 35-1. uSDHC3 configuration Port Pad Mode CLK SD3_CLK ALT0 CMD SD3_CMD ALT0 DAT0 SD3_DAT0 ALT0 DAT1 SD3_DAT1 ALT0 DAT2 SD3_DAT2 ALT0 DAT3 SD3_DAT3 ALT0 DAT4 SD3_DAT4 ALT0 DAT5 SD3_DAT5 ALT0 DAT6 SD3_DAT6 ALT0 DAT7 SD3_DAT7 ALT0 RST SD3_RST ALT0 VSELECT GPIO_18 ALT2 NANDF_CS1 ALT2 NOTE In addition to configuring the MUX control, configure the pad control of each pin. Because the pins of data and command should have pull-up resistors, they can be configured to opendrain if the board schematic already contains external pull-up resistors for them. Otherwise, they have to be configured to push-pull with a specified pull-up resistor value. For more information about the IOMUX controller, refer to the IOMUXC chapter of the chip reference manual. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 346 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 Configuring the uSDHC Driver 35.4 Initializing the uSDHC controller To initialize the uSDHC controller, set up pin configuration for two uSDHC signals: clock initialization and card initialization to transfer state. 35.4.1 Initializing the SD/MMC card Enable clock Rating Set IOMUX success? N Y reset controller set bus width/endianness SD card initialization set uSDHC clock to 400KHz (identification frequency) MMC voltage validation send init 80 clocks success? N Y send CMD0 to card (reset card) MMC carad Initialization SD voltage validation Init fail Figure 35-2. Initialization process flow chart To initialize the SD/MMC card, perform the following procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. Controller clock setup IOMUX setup Controller setup and sending command to SD/MMC card for CID, RCA, bus width Set the card to transfer state 35.4.2 Frequency divider configuration The following figure shows the flow chart for the frequency divider configuration process. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 347 Initializing the uSDHC controller clear SDCLKEN wait for clock stable clear DTOCV, SDCLKFS, DVFS clear PEREN, HCKEN, IPGEN wait for clock stable set SDCLKFS, DVFS to proper value wait for clock stable set SDCLKEN clear DTOESEN set DTOCV set DTOESEN Figure 35-3. Frequency divider configuration process For the card initialization process, configure the uSDHC clock as follows: • Identification frequency ≤ 400 KHz • Operating frequency ≤ 25 MHz • High frequency ≤ 50 MHz. Because the clock source is 200 MHz, the divider must be set to obtain the expected frequency. Use the following equation to configure the divider in the system control register (USDHC_SYS_CTRL): Fusdhc = Fsource ÷ (DVS x SDCLKFS) The DVS and SDCLKFS fields are set according to the value of USDHC_SYS_CTRL[DVS] and USDHC_SYS_CTRL[SDCLKFS]. See the description of the system control register for the relationship. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 348 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 Configuring the uSDHC Driver 35.4.3 Send command to card flow chart start clear interrupt status reset controller fail enable interrupt status Y N N N CIHB cleared? timeout? Y N CIHB or CDIHB set? Y Y command with data? N error found? done Y N CDIHB clered? timeout? check response Y Y Y configure command transfer complete? N Y DMA command? timeout? N N N Y command complete? N timeout? Y Y Figure 35-4. Send command to card flow chart i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 349 Initializing the uSDHC controller 35.4.4 SD voltage validation flow chart 1 Issue CMD8 with HV (3.3V) Command Successful? No Issue CMD8 with LV (1.8V) Yes Yes Card is HC/LC HV SD Ver 2x Set ACMD41 ARG to HV and HC No Command Successful? SetACMD41 ARG to LV and HC FAST_BOOT selected? Yes No Card is LC SD ver 1x Card is LC SD ver 2x SetACMD41 ARG bit 29 and FAST BOOT SetAGPT delay of 1s for ACMD41 SetACMD41 ARG to HV and LC Issue CMD55 Command Successful? No Yes Yes 2 Issue ACMD41 Command Successful? Busy bit==1 Loop Cntr <300 and looping period <1s No No Yes Issue ACMD41 No Card is LC SD No Is Responce OCR for HC Yes Card is HC SD 7 Figure 35-5. SD boot voltage validation flow chart i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 350 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 Configuring the uSDHC Driver 35.4.5 SD card initialization flow chart Set controller bus width Get CID (CMD2) Y Set card bus width (ACMDG) success ? Y N N success ? success ? N Prepare APP CMD (CMD55) Y Get RCA (CMD3) SD init fail Y N Success ? N N Y Set uSDHC clock to 20MHz card state== TRANS Enter Transfer State (CMD7) success ? Y Check card status (CMD13) Figure 35-6. SD card initialization flow chart i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 351 Initializing the uSDHC controller 35.4.6 MMC voltage validation flow chart Start GPT with 1s delay for CMD1 Increment loop counter Issue CMD1 with HV No Command Successful? 5 No Yes Yes Busy Bit==1 Loop Cntr < 300 and looping period < 1s Yes Yes Yes Is Responce OCR for HC Card Is HC MMC No Card Is LC MMC Figure 35-7. MMC voltage validation flow chart 35.4.7 MMC card initialization flow chart Get CID Set controller (CMD2) bus width Y success? N N success? Y Set RCA Set card bus width SD init fail (CMD3) (CMD6) Y success? N N card state == TRANS Y N Set uSDHC clock Enter transfer State to 20MHz (CMD7) success? Y Check card status (CMD13) Figure 35-8. MMC card initialization flow chart i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 352 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 Configuring the uSDHC Driver 35.5 Transferring data with the uSDHC This section describes how to read data from and write data to the SD/MMC card. Pseudocode is provided when needed. 35.5.1 Reading data from the card start set block length (CMD16) success? N fail Y clear Rx FIFO Y set BLK LEN, NOB, WML error? ADMA? Y setup BD chain read data from FIFO N read multi-block (CMD18) N success? N Y N ADMA? Y end Figure 35-9. Reading data flow chart Before reading data, use CMD16 to specify the block length to card. If the command is successful, it should also align the block length of the controller. To read data from card, send CMD17 for one block read or CMD18 for multiblock read. The driver code uses CMD18 for reading. The driver code supports the data transfer of polling IO and ADMA2. When using ADMA2 mode, set the buffer descriptor chain before sending the data reading command. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 353 Transferring data with the uSDHC The buffer descriptor format is as follows: typedef struct { unsigned char attribute; //BD attributes unsigned char reserved; unsigned short int length; //length in bytes unsigned int address; //destination address } adma_bd_t; The attributes are as follows: #define ESDHC_ADMA_BD_ACT #define ESDHC_ADMA_BD_END #define ESDHC_ADMA_BD_VALID ((unsigned char)0x20) ((unsigned char)0x02) ((unsigned char)0x01) For further details about the usage of ADMA2 over uSDHC, refer to the chip reference manual. 35.5.2 Writing data to the card start set block length (CMD16) success? N fail Y Y set BLK LEN, NOB, WML error? ADMA? Y setup BD chain write data to FIFO N write multi-block (CMD25) N success? N Y N ADMA? Y end Figure 35-10. Writing data flow chart i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 354 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 35 Configuring the uSDHC Driver To write data to SD/MMC card, CMD24 and CMD25 are sent. CMD24 is used to write one block while CMD25 is used to write multiblocks. In the driver code, CMD25 is used for writing. The driver code supports polling IO and ADMA2 for writing data to the card. 35.6 Application programming interfaces All external function calls and variables are inside inc/usdhc_ifc.h: 35.6.1 card_init API int card_init(int base_address, int bus_width); Description: Initialize the uSDHC controller that specified by the base_address, validate the card if inserted, initialize the card and put the card into R/W ready state. Parameter: base_address: base address of uSDHC registers bus_width: bus width that card will be accessed Return: 0 on success; 1 on fail. 35.6.2 card_data_read API int card_data_read(int base_address, int *dest_addr, int length, int offset); Description: Read data from card to memory. Parameter: base_address: base address of uSDHC registers dest_addr: non-cacheable and non-bufferable area that will store the data read from card length: number of data in bytes to be read offset: offset in bytes that will the data be started to read from card Return: 0 on success; 1 on fail. 35.6.3 card_data_write API int card_data_write(int base_address, int *dest_addr, int length, int offset); Description: Write data from memory to card. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 355 Application programming interfaces Parameter: base_address: base address of uSDHC registers dest_addr: non-cacheable and non-bufferable area that stores the data to write length: number of data in bytes to write offset: offset in bytes that will the data be started to write to card Return: 0 on success; 1 on fail. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 356 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Configuring the VDOA Driver 36.1 Overview This chapter describes the video processing unit (VPU) for the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite products. The VPU module can output data in tiled mode to increase the decoding performance. However, the image processing unit (IPU) cannot post process the data layout in tiled mode. The video data order adapter (VDOA) is a DMA whose purpose is to convert the data from tiled mode to raster mode, which the IPU can accept. The VDOA is located at 021E 4000h in the system memory map. 36.2 Feature summary VDOA supports the following features: • Data conversion from tiled to raster mode • High resolution support for frame sizes of up to 8192 x 4096 pixels • High speed • At 264 MHz, the burst size is 64 bits. • In YUV420 partial interleaved mode, the peak conversion speed is 3 pixels x 264 MHz, or 792 Mpixels. • Support for data conversion of up to 3 buffers concurrently 36.3 Modes of operation The VDOA supports two modes for conversion: sync or non-sync. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 357 Clocks The VDOA uses sync mode to work with the IPU when it is in band mode, a mode in which the IPU divides a complete frame into bands for transfer. In sync mode, the VDOA handshakes with the IPU after a band of data has been transferred to notify the IPU to resume work. However, the IPU driver does not currently support band mode because the chip has enough memory that band mode provides no advantage over frame based mode. In non-sync mode, the VDOA works on a frame basis. The VPU output is fixed to YUV420 partial interleaved mode, which then serves as the input for the VDOA. The VDOA output serves as the input for the IPU and can be either YUV422 interleaved mode or YUV420 partial interleaved mode. 36.4 Clocks VDOA root clock is derived from the AXI clock. By default, its frequency is 264 MHz. 36.5 Resets and interrupts VDOA has no reset mechanism. VDOA use interrupt 50 to notify the CPU when a transfer is complete. 36.6 Initializing the driver The vdoa_setup() function initializes the VDOA. This function requires setting the following parameters: • • • • Frame width and height Stride line of the VPU output, which is also the input of VDOA Stride line of the IPU input, which is also the output of VDOA Interlaced mode selection. • If the VPU output is interlaced, three buffers are used to transfer the sequential three fields of the stream for deinterlacing purposes. • If the VPU output is not interlaced, only one frame buffer is used. • Band mode settings • If the VDOA is in sync mode, the driver needs to set the band size and which IPU to use for the handshake. • In non-sync mode, these two parameters are ignored. • Pixel format selection i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 358 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 36 Configuring the VDOA Driver • This sets whether the VDOA outputs in YUV420 partial interleaved mode or in YUV422 interleaved mode. • This parameter is used in the IPU post processing. 36.7 Testing the driver The VDOA is tested inside the VPU decoding test. When the map type of the VPU is set to TILED_FRAME_MB_RASTER_MAP, the VDOA must be enabled as follows: 1. Before starting a new VDOA tranfer, the VDOA must be in idle state. Ensure that the input and output address are all 3 LSB aligned. 2. When running the VPU decoding test, a prompt asks whether VDOA should be enabled. 3. Enter 'Y' or 'y' to confirm, and the VDOA is enabled. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 359 Testing the driver i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 360 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Configuring the VPU Driver 37.1 Overview The video processing unit (VPU) is a high performance multi-standard video codec in the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite products. It is located in the memory map at 0204 0000h. 1st AXI APB HW accelerator Host I/F APB-to-IPB wrapper 2nd AXI GDI-to-AXI wrapper Post-processor (Deringing/Rotation/ Mirror BIT DSP JPEG codec Macroblock Sequencer DMA BPU IPB (Internal Peripheral Bus) GDI bus Source Loader (with built-in rotator) DMA DMA Intra Mode Decision DMA DMA DMA Reconstruction Intra Prediction 2-D Cyclic Cache AC/DC Prediction Subsampler Deblocking Filter DMA DMA Multi-resolutional Motion Estiamtion Motion Compensation Residual Transform/Quantization Figure 37-1. VPU block diagram i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 361 Feature summary The VPU has an embedded BIT processor, which controls internal video processing subblocks and communicates with the host processor through the IP bus. The VPU can directly access the memory through the AXI bus for data throughput. 37.2 Feature summary The VPU supports the following features: • Video/image encode for the following • H.264 BP/CBP/MP/HP • VC-1 SP/MP/AP • MPEG-4 SP/ASP • H.263 P0/P3 • MPEG-1/2 MP/HP • Divx (Xvid) HP/PP/HTP/HDP • RV8/9/10 • Sorenson Spark • VP8(1280 x 720) • AVS • H.264-MVC (1280 x 720) • MJPEG BP • Video/image decode for the following • H.264 BP/CBP • MPEG-4 SP • H.263 P0/P3 • MJPEG BP encoding • Multi-instance • VPU can support infinite instances of decoder plus encoder concurrently by switching the contexts of codec in frame based mode which are stored in the memory. It is very helpful for multi-channel decoder applications. • Performance • full HD video decoder up to 1920 x 1088 at 30 fps plus D1 at 303 fps • full HD encoder up to 1920 x 1088 at 30 fps • MJPEG codec up to 8192 x 8192 The firmware driver supports H264/VC-1 decoding, H264 encoding, and dual video decoder plus display. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 362 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Configuring the VPU Driver 37.3 Modes of operation As described in the following tables, the VPU input stream and output stream each have two modes of operation. Table 37-1. VPU input modes of operation Mode What it does Stream Places the raw bitstream into the stream buffer. For full details, see Using the input stream modes. File play Processes one frame at a time. For full details, see Using the input stream modes. Table 37-2. VPU output modes of operation Mode What it does Linear The video output is in frame mode, meaning a complete frame is produced and stored in the registered frame buffer. For full details, see Using the output stream modes. Tiled The video output is in 16 x 16 block format. For full details, see Using the output stream modes. 37.3.1 Using the input stream modes In streaming mode, the raw bitstream enter the stream buffer as there is space. The VPU's read and write pointer records and indicates the current status. Tihe stream buffer is in ring-buffer mode, and so the write pointer returns to the start after it reaches the end. In the decoder, the VPU analyzes the bitstream and starts decoding by checking the start sequence. In the encoder, the size of a frame is fixed. The VPU obtains the YUV bitstream from the buffer and all encoder configuration parameters from user input. In file play mode, one complete frame is placed into the frame buffer at a time. The next frame is not placed into the frame buffer until after the current frame is processed. Currently, the VPU firmware does not support file play mode. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 363 Modes of operation 37.3.2 Using the output stream modes In linear mode, video is output in frame mode, meaning that a complete frame is produced and stored in the registered frame buffer. The output is put into a continuous frame buffer regardless of whether it is in progressive or interlaced mode. The output data appears as shown in the following figure. Frame Width Frame Height Y Cb/Cr Figure 37-2. YUV420 partial interleaved data format layout For YUV420 partial interleaved mode, which is also known as NV12, the data lies as: • Y(0,0)Y(0,1)..Y(0,fw-1)Y(1,0)..Y(fh-1,fw-1) • Cb(0,0)Cr(0,0)Cb(0,1)Cr(0,1)..Cb(0,fw/2-1)Cr(0,fw/2-1)Cb(1,0)Cr(1,0)..Cb(fh/ 2-1,fw/2-1)Cr(fh/2-1,fw/2-1) In tiled mode, the video is output in a 16 x 16 block format, which permits faster loading than in frame mode. 16 x 16 is the size of macroblocks for some codec standards, such as AVC, and these macroblocks are frequently exchanged between the VPU internal ram/ cache and the external memory. With tiled mode enabled, the decoding performance can increase by approximately 10%. The following figure shows the data arrangement in the memory for progressive YCbCr4:2:0. The M-N-O-P format indicates the position of a pixel component: • M means the component name (Y, Cb or Cr) • N means the block number • O means the line number inside the block • For Luma, it varies from 0~7 • For Chroma, it varies from 0~3 • P means the pixel index inside the line. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 364 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Configuring the VPU Driver offset base 0x00 1 0 Y0-0-0 Y0-0-1 3 2 Y0-0-2 Y0-0-3 4 Y0-0-4 7 6 5 Y0-0-5 Y0-0-6 Y0-0-7 9 8 Y0-1-0 Y0-1-1 10 Y0-1-2 11 Y0-1-3 14 13 12 Y0-1-4 Y0-1-5 Y0-1-6 15 Y0-1-7 0x10 Y0-2-0 Y0-2-1 Y0-2-2 Y0-2-3 Y0-2-4 Y0-2-5 Y0-2-6 Y0-2-7 Y0-3-0 Y0-3-1 Y0-3-2 Y0-3-3 Y0-3-4 Y0-3-5 Y0-3-6 Y0-3-7 0x20 Y0-4-0 Y0-4-1 Y0-4-2 Y0-4-3 Y0-4-4 Y0-4-5 Y0-4-6 Y0-4-7 Y0-5-0 Y0-5-1 Y0-5-2 Y0-5-3 Y0-5-4 Y0-5-5 Y0-5-6 Y0-5-7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0x70 Y0-14-0 Y0-14-1 Y0-14-2 Y0-14-3 Y0-14-4 Y0-14-5 Y0-14-6 Y0-14-7 Y0-15-0 Y0-15-1 Y0-15-2 Y0-15-3 Y0-15-4 Y0-15-5 Y0-15-6 Y0-15-7 0x80 Y0-0-8 Y0-0-9 Y0-0-10 Y0-0-11 Y0-0-12 Y0-0-13 Y0-0-14 Y0-0-15 Y0-1-8 Y0-1-9 Y0-1-10 Y0-1-11 Y0-1-12 Y0-1-13 Y0-1-14 Y0-1-15 0x90 Y0-2-8 Y0-2-9 Y0-2-10 Y0-2-11 Y0-2-12 Y0-2-13 Y0-2-14 Y0-2-15 Y0-3-8 Y0-3-9 Y0-3-10 Y0-3-11 Y0-3-12 Y0-3-13 Y0-3-14 Y0-3-15 0xA0 Y0-4-8 Y0-4-9 Y0-4-10 Y0-4-11 Y0-4-12 Y0-4-13 Y0-4-14 Y0-4-15 Y0-5-8 Y0-5-9 Y0-5-10 Y0-5-11 Y0-5-12 Y0-5-13 Y0-5-14 Y0-5-15 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0xF0 Y0-14-8 Y0-14-9 Y0-14-10 Y0-14-11 Y0-14-12 Y0-14-13 Y0-14-14 Y0-14-15 Y0-15-8 Y0-15-9 Y0-15-10 Y0-15-11 Y0-15-12 Y0-15-13 Y0-15-14 Y0-15-15 0x100 Y1-0-0 ... Y1-0-1 ... Y1-0-2 ... Y1-0-3 ... Y1-0-4 ... Y1-0-5 ... Y1-0-6 ... Y1-0-7 ... Y1-1-0 ... Y1-1-1 ... Y1-1-2 ... ... Y1-1-3 ... Y1-1-4 Y1-1-5 ... ... Y1-1-6 ... Y1-1-7 ... Figure 37-3. Luma data layout in VPU output tiled mode base offset 1 0 3 2 4 7 6 5 9 8 10 11 14 13 12 15 0x00 CB0-0-0 CR0-0-0 CB0-0-1 CR0-0-1 CB0-0-2 CR0-0-2 CR0-0-3 CR0-0-3 CR0-1-0 CR0-1-0 CR0-1-1 CR0-1-1 CR0-1-2 CR0-1-2 CR0-1-3 CR0-1-3 CR0-3-3 0x10 CB0-2-0 CR0-2-0 CB0-2-1 CR0-2-1 CB0-2-2 CR0-2-2 CR0-2-3 CR0-2-3 CR0-3-0 CR0-3-0 CR0-3-1 CR0-3-1 CR0-3-2 CR0-3-2 CR0-3-3 0x20 CB0-4-0 CR0-4-0 CB0-4-1 CR0-4-1 CB0-4-2 CR0-4-2 CR0-4-3 CR0-4-3 CR0-5-0 CR0-5-0 CR0-5-1 CR0-5-1 CR0-5-2 CR0-5-2 CR0-5-3 CR0-5-3 0x30 CB0-6-0 CR0-6-0 CB0-6-1 CR0-6-1 CB0-6-2 CR0-6-2 CR0-6-3 CR0-6-3 CR0-7-0 CR0-7-0 CR0-7-1 CR0-7-1 CR0-7-2 CR0-7-2 CR0-7-3 CR0-7-3 0x40 CB0-0-4 CR0-0-4 CB0-0-5 CR0-0-5 CB0-0-6 CR0-0-6 CR0-0-7 CR0-0-7 CR0-1-4 CR0-1-4 CR0-1-5 CR0-1-5 CR0-1-6 CR0-1-6 CR0-1-7 CR0-1-7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0x70 CB0-6-4 CR0-6-4 CB0-6-5 CR0-6-5 CB0-6-6 CR0-6-6 CR0-6-7 CR0-6-7 CR0-7-4 CR0-7-4 CR0-7-5 CR0-7-5 CR0-7-6 CR0-7-6 CR0-7-7 CR0-7-7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Figure 37-4. Chroma data layout in VPU output tiled mode 37.4 Clocks CBCDR1: vpu_axi_podf AXI 0 PLL2 PFD 2 (396M) 1 PLL2 PFD 0 (352M) 2 cg 3 bit divider default=1 VPU_AXI_CLK_ROOT (352M) CBCMR: vpu_axi_clk_sel Figure 37-5. VPU working root clock path The VPU works on 264 MHz. The clock source can be either the AXI clock or the PLL2 PFD0/PFD2. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 365 Resets and interrupts 37.5 Resets and interrupts The VPU can be reset either by using the BIT_SW_RESET register to reset the internal VPU bus and modules or through the system reset controller. To reset the VPU with the system reset controller, set VPU_SW_RESET in the SRC register and wait for it to selfclear. The VPU supports interrupts by setting the register BIT_INT_ENABLE. The most useful is DEC_PIC_RUN/ENC_PIC_RUN, which indicates that the current frame for decoding/ encoding has been finished. 37.6 Initializing the driver 37.6.1 Initializing the VPU for the first time Before starting the codec tasks, VPU must be initialized for the first time. The host processor performs the following operations step by step in VPU_Init() automatically. 1. Set the IO system. Reserve enough chunks of memory for the VPU work buffer and DMA usage. 2. Initialize the codec instances. 3. Check whether the VPU has been initialized by checking the PC pointer of the BIT processor. 4. If the PC does not equal zero, the VPU has been initialized, and the initialization procedure is complete. If the PC equals zero, continue with the next steps. 5. Download the firmware to the VPU work buffer, which the VPU can access directly during runtime. 6. Download the first 4 Kbytes of the microcode (firmware) to the program memory in the BIT processor. 7. Set the BIT processor buffer pointers for the working buffer, the parameter buffer, and the code buffer. The working buffer stores the context of codec instances, so its size needs to be increased by as many instances. The common parts takes 210 Kbytes and for an extra instance, 47 Kbyte is needed. That means the working buffer size should be no less than: 210 Kbytes + MAX_NUM_INSTANCES x 47 Kbytes. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 366 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Configuring the VPU Driver The code buffer stores the firmware binary. It should be no smaller than the firmware size of the VPU, which varies according to the different versions of firmware or VPU products. Use the sizeof() function to obtain the size of the array which stores the firmware. 8. Set the control options (full/empty check) and endian mode of bitstream buffer. The VPU supports both little-endian and big-endian modes. 9. Set the frame buffer endian and chrominance option (CbCr Interleave or plannar). Note that if VDOA is enabled, the output data must be in CbCr interleaved mode. 10. Set the Interrupt Enable register. 11. Enable the BIT Processor by setting the register BIT_CODE_RUN to be 1. 37.6.2 Initializing the VPU decoder Calling decoder_setup() creates a decoding instance as follows: 1. Call VPU_DecOpen, which allocates and configures a codec instance. 2. Set the following parameters: the codec standard (AVC, VC-1, MPEG4), instance index, and data map. Note that to support multi-instances, the context of the instance is saved for future task switches. The following registers should be backed up and restored before switching instances: • BIT_BIT_STREAM_CTRL • BIT_FRAME_MEM_CTRL • BIT_BIT_STREAM_PARAM • BIT_RD_PTR • BIT_WR_PTR • BIT_AXI_SRAM_USE • BIT_FRM_DIS_FLAG 3. Feed the bitstream into the bitstream buffer, and update BIT_WR_PTR. 4. Parse the bitstream, which performs sequence initialization as follows: • The VPU searches for the start code. • The VPU obtains all required configuration information from the stream, such as picture size and frame rate. Note that each encoder standard requires different configuration information. 5. Allocate the buffers and register them to the VPU. All registered buffers are used for the VPU output. The number of buffers can be greater than the minimum required, but must be no fewer. Now we can start the video decoding by calling VPU_DecStartOneFrame. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 367 Initializing the driver 37.6.3 VPU encoder initialization Calling encoder_setup() creates an encoding instance as follows: 1. Call VPU_EncOpen, which allocates and configures a codec instance. The user must set the following parameters in this step: picture size (width and height), codec stardard, data format, GOP size and frame rate. 2. Feed the bitstream into the bitstream buffer, using either ring buffer mode or linebuffer mode. • In ring buffer mode, a single fixed-size buffer is used as if it were connected end to end. A read and a write pointer indicates the usage of the buffer. This mode is useful when the system memory is very limited. • In line-buffer mode, a whole frame is be put into the bitstream buffer, and VPU encodes from the start to the end of the frame without exchanging data with the host. 3. Perform sequence initialization. Applications should reserve a minimum number of frame buffers to VPU for proper encoding operation, using the returned parameter from VPU_EncGetInitialInfo() to identify the minimum number of frame buffers required. 4. Allocate the buffers and register them to the VPU. All registered buffers are used for the VPU output. The number of buffers can be greater than the minimum required, but must be no fewer. 5. When opening an encoder instance is completed by calling VPU_EncGetInitialInfo(), applications must use VPU_EncGiveCommand() to generate the high-level header syntaxes, such as VOS/VO/VOL headers in MPEG-4 and SPS/PPS in AVC. • The recommended way for obtaining header syntaxes is to use the ENC_PUT_AVC/MP4_HEADER command by means of the bitstream buffer. If applications use this set of commands, the header syntaxes are stored in the bitstream buffer according to the given endian setting. • The other way for generating header syntaxes is to use the PARA_BUF. Regardless of streaming mode, this command generates header syntaxes and writes them to PARA_BUF instead of the bitstream buffer. However, endian setting is always big endian, so endian conversion must be performed by the host processor for little-endian systems. Perform endian conversion as follows: • For MPEG-4, use ENC_GET_VOS_HEADER, ENC_GET_VO_HEADER, or ENC_GET_VOL_HEADER. • For H.264, use ENC_GET_SPS_RBSP or ENC_GET_PPS_RBSP. Now we can call VPU_EncStartOneFrame to initiate the video encoding. After the frame encoding is finished, the host processor can obtain the output from either the ring or line stream buffer and store the output to the destination. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 368 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Configuring the VPU Driver 37.6.4 Using the multi-instance operation To support the multi-instance operation, the BIT processor uses an internal context parameter set for each decoder instance. While creating a new instance and starting picture processing, the VPU automatically creates and updates a set of these context parameters. Because of this internal context management scheme, different decoder tasks running on the host processor can use their own instance numbers to control VPU operations independently. When creating a new instance, the application task is given a new handle to specify an instance as long as a new handle is available on the VPU. The application task can then handle all of it subsequent operations separately on the VPU by using this task-specific handle. If no new handle is available, instance creation fails. Because the VPU can only perform one picture processing task at a time, each application shares the unique hardware resources in time-division mode. As a result, each task should check whether the VPU is ready before starting a new picture operation. By calling a function for closing a certain instance, the application can terminate a single video operation task on the VPU. 37.7 Testing the driver The VPU has tests for the encoder and decoder as well as a multi-instance demo (dual video decoder + display). 37.7.1 Testing the decoder The decoder test has two modes: • Endless test • Play the file to end To run the test, the user enters either "1" for the endless test or "2" to play the file to end. If the user selects 1, the video plays repeatedly once it reaches the end. if the user selects 2, the video plays to the end and then exits the decoding processing, just like a normal movie view. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 369 Testing the driver 37.7.2 Testing the encoder In the encoder test, the default encode stardard is AVC, and the default input size is 320 x 240. The output is stored in the memory. Run the test as follows: 1. Load a yuv420 file onto the SD card with FAT32 formatted. Note that extension must be ".YUV" (case sensitive). 2. Set the user input parameters in encode_test(), the cmdl structure. Oay attention to the enc_width and enc_height, format, and fps. 3. The output is stored in the memory. After the test has completed done, the user can choose to either start a decoding process to play the encoded file or to check the data in PC side by using debug tools to dumping the data to files. 37.7.3 Running the multi-instance demo This section explains how to set up and run the dual video + dual display demo on an engineering sample board. See your board's schematics for your board's specific settings. • The default video standard is AVC. • The first display is the Hannstar LVDS panel. • The second display is an embedded HDMI display. First, use the following procedure to create the image on the SD card. In Linux, use fidsk/ mkfs.vfat/dd to create a bootable image on the same SD card as the FAT32 file system. 1. Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb at the command line. sudo fidsk /dev/sdx , sdx is the device name of your SD card. 2. Delete the existing partition if there is one, as follows. Command (m for help): d Selected partition 1 Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) p Partition number (1-4): 1 First cylinder (1-1023, default 1): 256 NOTE The start address should be larger than 2 Mbytes so that there is space reserved to burn the test binary. For one cylinder, it is 4 Kbytes. This demo shows a 1-Gbyte space. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 370 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 37 Configuring the VPU Driver Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (256-1023, default 1023): 1023 Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Syncing disks. 3. Now there is one partition on the SD card. 4. Enter cat /proc/partitions cat /proc/partitions major minor #blocks name 8 0 78125000 sda 8 1 104391 sda1 8 2 78019672 sda2 253 0 75956224 dm-0 253 1 2031616 dm-1 8 16 3872256 sdb 8 17 2904576 sdb1 5. Enter sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 to format the partition. 6. Copy two video clips to the SD card. • Note that the filenames for the video clips should contain fewer than 8 characters and have a .264 extension. • The video should be RAW h264 encoded files with no container; the program finds the first two valid 264 files. 7. Enter sudo dd if=output/mx6dq/evb_rev_a/bin/mx6dq_evb_rev_a-vdec-sdk.bin of=/ dev/sdb seek=2 skip=2 & sync to burn the image to the SD card. NOTE Seek=2 skip=2 is mandatory. Without them, the MBR of the file system will be overwritten. Once the SD card is created, set up the demo according to the following sequence (see Figure 37-6): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Put the SD card into SLOT4. Set the boot switch to boot from SD4. Plug the Hannstar LVDS panel into LVDS0 connector. Plug the HDMI cable to J5 for the secondary display. Connect the serial cable and 5 V power supply, which powers on the board. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 371 Testing the driver LVDS connection on the backside SD card with all video files HDMI Cable Figure 37-6. Demo connections i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 372 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Configuring the Watchdog Driver 38.1 Overview This chapter explains how to configure the watchdog driver. The watchdog timer (WDOG-1) protects against system failures by providing a way to escape unexpected events or programming errors. Once the WDOG-1 is activated, it must be serviced by the software on a periodic basis. If servicing does not take place, the timer times out. Upon a timeout, the WDOG-1 asserts the internal system reset signal, wdog_rst, which goes to the system reset controller. The watchdog also has a provision for WDOG-1 signal assertion by timeout counter expiration and programmable interrupt generation before the counter actually times out. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 373 Overview idle N N reset nagated? N Y Time-out value? Y watchdog enabled? Y start counter Y Y N decrement counter Exit low power mode? Y Exit debug mode? low power mode? suspend counter N suspend counter Y Y debug mode? Suspend counter? N Y Suspend counter? N N Reload counter N Y WDOG service? N count=0? Y N WDT set? Y Assert wdog_rst Assert WDOG-1 Figure 38-1. Watchdog flow diagram i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 374 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 38 Configuring the Watchdog Driver 38.2 Feature summary The watchdog timer has the following features: • Configurable timeout counter with timeout periods from 0.5 seconds up to 128 seconds; timeout expiration results in the assertion of of the wdog_rst reset signal. • Time resolution of 0.5 seconds • Configurable timeout counter that can be programmed to run or stop during low power modes • Configurable timeout counter that can be programmed to run or stop during debug mode • Programmable interrupt generation prior to timeout • Programmable time duration between interrupt and timeout events, from 0 to 127.5 seconds in steps of 0.5 seconds. • Power down counter with fixed time-out period of 16 seconds; if not disabled, asserts WDOG-1 signal low after reset 38.3 Modes of operation Table 38-1. Watchdog modes of operation Mode What it does Low-power modes The WDOG-1 timer operation can be suspended in low power mode Debug mode The WDOG-1 timer operation can be suspended in debug mode Normal mode Normal operation 38.4 Signals Table 38-2. Watchdog signals signals IO Description WDOG-1 O This signal powers down the chip. wdog_rst O This signal is a reset source for the chip. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 375 Resets and interrupts 38.5 Resets and interrupts The SDK only implements the watchdog's software reset function and did not implement interrupt mode. The Watchdog IRQ numbers are 112 and 113. 38.6 Initializing the driver Initialize the driver as follows: 1. Set the counter to 3h, which means 2 seconds. 2. Disable software reset and power down. 38.7 Testing the driver Test the driver as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Run the test code to initialize and enable watchdog. The test code feeds watchdog in an endless loop. Enter "Y" to stop the feeding. The system resets in 2 seconds. i.MX 6 Series Firmware Guide, Rev. 0, 11/2012 376 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. How to Reach Us: Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software Home Page: freescale.com implementers to use Freescale products. There are no express or implied copyright Web Support: freescale.com/support information in this document. licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: freescale.com/SalesTermsandConditions. Freescale, the Freescale logo, AltiVec, C-5, CodeTest, CodeWarrior, ColdFire, C-Ware, Energy Efficient Solutions logo, Kinetis, mobileGT, PowerQUICC, Processor Expert, QorIQ, Qorivva, StarCore, Symphony, and VortiQa are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Airfast, BeeKit, BeeStack, ColdFire+, CoreNet, Flexis, MagniV, MXC, Platform in a Package, QorIQ Qonverge, QUICC Engine, Ready Play, SafeAssure, SMARTMOS, TurboLink, Vybrid, and Xtrinsic are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Document Number: IMX6FG Rev. 0, 11/2012
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