Ic 718

Manual-Icom-IC-718 Manual-Icom-IC-718

ICOM--IC-718-user-manual ICOM--IC-718-user-manual

User Manual: ic-718

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INSTRUCTION MANUALHF ALL BAND TRANSCEIVERi718This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is sub-ject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
iIMPORTANTREAD THIS INSTRUCTION MANUALCAREFULLY before attempting to operate thetransceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Thismanual contains important safety and operating in-structions for the IC-718.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSPRECAUTIONSVersions of the IC-718 which display the “CE” symbolon the serial number seal comply with the Europeanharmonised standard ETS300 684 JAN. 1997 (EMCproduct standard for Commercially Available AmateurRadio Equipment).WORDR WARNINGCAUTIONNOTEDEFINITIONPersonal injury, fire hazard or electric shock may occur.Inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock.Equipment damage may occur.RWARNING HIGH VOLTAGE! NEVER attachan antenna or internal antenna connector during trans-mission. This may result in an electric shock or burn.RNEVER apply AC to the [DC13.8V] jack on thetransceiver rear panel. This could cause a fire or ruinthe transceiver.RNEVER apply more than 16 V DC, such as a 24 Vbattery, to the [DC13.8V] jack on the transceiver rearpanel. This could cause a fire or ruin the transceiver.RNEVER let metal, wire or other objects touch anyinternal part or connectors on the rear panel of thetransceiver. This may result in an electric shock.NEVER expose the transceiver to rain, snow or anyliquids.AVOID using or placing the transceiver in areas withtemperatures below –10°C (+14°F) or above +60°C(+140°F). Be aware that temperatures on a vehicle’sdashboard can exceed 80°C (+176°F), resulting in per-manent damage to the transceiver if left there for ex-tended periods.AVOID placing the transceiver in excessively dusty en-vironments or in direct sunlight.AVOID placing the transceiver against walls or puttinganything on top of the transceiver. This will obstructheat dissipation.During mobile operation, DO NOT operate the trans-ceiver without running the vehicle’s engine. Whentransceiver power is ON and your vehicle’s engine isOFF, the vehicle’s battery will soon become exhausted.Make sure the transceiver power is OFF before start-ing the vehicle. This will avoid possible damage to thetransceiver by ignition voltage spikes.During maritime mobile operation, keep the transceiverand microphone as far away as possible from the mag-netic navigation compass to prevent erroneous indica-tions.BE CAREFUL! The heatsink will become hot when op-erating the transceiver continuously for long periods.BE CAREFUL! If a linear amplifier is connected, setthe transceiver’s RF output power to less than the lin-ear amplifier’s maximum input level, otherwise, the lin-ear amplifier will be damaged.Use Icom microphones only (supplied or optional).Other manufacturer’s microphones have different pinassignments, and connection to the IC-718 may dam-age the transceiver.

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