Image Sysop Manual

User Manual:

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IMAGE BBS v1.2 b
Copyright © 1991 New Image Software

Modifications by IRON AXE, RASCAL,
METAL MAGE, PINACOLADA, and many others.

Updated by PINACOLADA from documentation by
DR. BOB, LITTLE JOHN, and others.

Handle: ___________________________ Network Identifier: __________

Table of Contents
Surgeon General's Warning..............iii
Blatant Begging (On Hands and
Knees Even).......................................iii
Some Notes...........................................iii
Larry Anderson’s Introduction..............v
Package intro letter.............................vii
Addenda for Image 1.2a, page 1..........ix
Addenda for Image 1.2a, page 2..........xi
Product Information............................xvi
Usage Agreement............................xvi
Back-up and Transfer......................xvi
Limited Warranty On Disk...............xvi
Limitations of Remedies.................xvii
Update and Customer Support Policy
User Support..................................xviii
Setting Up Your Image BBS..................1
Hardware Considerations..................1
Disk Drives......................................1
Lt. Kernal Hard Drives....................1
CMD Hard Drives............................1
ICT Hard Drives..............................2
RAM Expansion Units.....................2
Other Interfaces..............................3
RS232 (EIA232) Interfaces.............3
Fastload Cartridges.........................3
Creative Micro Designs SuperCPU 3
Getting Things Going............................4
Designating Drives.............................4
Copying Files...................................8
Setting Up Your Image BBS............9
Boot Disk.........................................9
Setting Up Your Image BBS................11
The Configuration Editor.................11
Configuring a New System..............11
Device/Drive Assignments............11
Message Base, Upload/Download /
Exchange Setup............................12
Access Levels................................12
Editing Access Groups..................13
User Flags.....................................14
BBS Information...............................15
Prime Time.......................................16
Main Prompt.....................................16
Credit Points.....................................16
Loading Configuration Files............17
Saving Configuration Files...............17
All Done............................................17

Modem Configuration..........................17
modemconfig 19.2............................18
Telnet bridge software........................21
Jim Brain's tcpser-1.0rc6.................21
Using a physical serial port..........21
Using the VICE emulator..............21
Leif Bloomquist's BBS Server..........22
Telnet bridge hardware.......................22
Lantronix UDS-10.............................22
GLink232 interface...........................22
Booting Up...........................................23
Autobooting Systems........................23
First Boot.............................................23
The Idle Screen................................24
Setting the Time............................24
The Status Line.............................25
Top Screen Mask...........................26
The Lightbar..................................29
Bottom Screen Mask.....................32
Logging On.......................................34
Normal Logon...............................34
Instant Logon................................35
"RES" Users...................................35
"NEW" Users.................................35
Existing Users...............................36
The Top Screen After Logon.........36
Editing BBS Info Files...................37
General Commands.............................40
C Chat Request/Chat Mode..............41
F Feedback.......................................42
? Help................................................42
CF BBS Information.........................42
LD Change/View Last Call Date/Time
O Log Of..........................................42
Q Quit...............................................43
T Time/Date......................................43
EP Edit Terminal Parameters...........43
PM Prompt Mode.............................43
ST Status..........................................43
SY Saying..........................................43
LG Activity Log.................................43
BA BAR Stats....................................44
AT C/G - ASCII - ANSI Mode Toggle 44
XP Expert Mode...............................44
NU New User Message....................44
Local Mode.......................................44
Command Stacking.............................44
Entering/Changing Subsystems..........45

Common Subsystem Features and
Listing Sub-Boards...........................45
N Sub-Board Name.......................46
Moving To Other Sub-Boards or
Sub-Boards (Message Bases)..............47
Scanning Bulletins...........................48
About Bulletins.................................48
Reading Bulletins.............................48
New Messages..................................49
Posting New Bulletins......................49
Killing Entire Threads......................49
KO and KA.....................................50
Editing Bulletins...............................50
Frozen Bulletins...............................50
Sub-Board Operators.......................50
Maintenance Mode...........................51
Message Bases:.............................51
The RELedit System............................53
Part One: System Overview.........53
Part Two: General Setup..................53
Part Three: Available Commands.....54
Sysop Commands..........................56
UD Upload/Download System.............57
Moving To Another Library..............57
Main Prompt.....................................57
PR Changing Protocols....................57
U SINGLE FILE UPLOAD................57
UM MULTI FILE UPLOAD...............57
DM Multi File Downloads................58
Listing Files......................................58
Other Commands..........................59
Kx Killing Files.................................59
Ex Editing Files................................59
Rx Reading a File.............................59
Validating Files.................................60
Dx Copying Files..............................60
Mx Moving Files...............................60
UX Full Disk Exchange........................61
$, S Listing Files...............................61
Free UD/UX Library.........................61
EM Electronic Mail Subsystem...........62
FR Personal File Storage.................63
Q Leaving the E-Mail Subsystem.....63
News Files Subsystem.........................64
A Adding a News Item......................64
Reading News...................................64
Kx Killing a News File......................64
The File Libraries (Movie, Plus, RLE,
Explanation of Subsystems..............65
MF Movie File Library.....................65

Adding Sub-Directories....................65
Adding a File.................................66
x Entering a Sub-Directory/Running a
Kx Killing a File/Sub-Directory........66
Ex Editing a File/Sub-Directory.......67
L List.................................................67
QL QuickList.....................................67
Q Leaving..........................................67
BB BBS Database Subsystem..............68
L Listing a Number.......................68
A Adding a Number.......................68
R Removing An Entry....................69
E Editing Information...................69
D Display Notes.............................69
Q All Done.....................................69
Q Leaving..........................................71
The IMAGE Text Editor.......................72
Entering Text....................................72
Editor Commands.............................72
Dot Commands..............................72
Line Ranges...................................73
Exiting The Editor.........................73
Reading What You Have Typed....74
Manipulating Text.........................74
Editor Modes.................................74
Shaping Your Text.........................75
Starting Over.................................76
Searching For Text........................76
Replacing Text...............................76
Disk Access....................................76
Getting Help..................................76
Control Keys..................................76
Message Command Interpreter....77
The Image Terminal Program.............84
Using the Terminal Program............84
The Phone Book................................84
File Operations.................................86
Maintenance Functions.......................87
Local Maintenance Commands........87
ECS Extended Command Set Editor
ED User Edit.....................................89
CP File Copier..................................90
Write File..........................................90
Additional Dot Commands............90
R Run a Plus-File..............................91
Remote Maintenance Commands....91
VF View Feedback.........................91
RS Reserve Account.........................94
AutoWeed system.............................95

Editing Sub-Boards..........................96
Editing Sub-Board Options..............97
The SIG Editor..................................99
Editing Lists................................100
Netsub Editor.................................101
Overflow Subs.............................103
Nightly AutoMaint..........................103
About NetMail................................104
NetMail Paths..............................104
Network Maintenance................105
Network Planning.......................105
General Setup.................................106
Where to Put the Files................106
Installing NetMail.......................107
Getting Ready to Go!..................107
Creating a New Network...............107
Network Planning.......................107
Configuring Your Network..........108
Adding a New Node....................109
Joining an Existing Network..........109
Configuring Your System............109
E-Mail Forwarding.........................111
NetMail Online Functions..............111
Network File Transfers..................112
NetMail Support/Information........113
Compatibility Notes.......................113
The IMAGE Network......................114
Programming Notes.......................115
E-Mail System.............................115
Configuration Editors.................115

Network Maintenance................115
ML Support.................................115
Future Changes...........................116
Programming and Troubleshooting. .117
Overall Description........................117
Common Subroutines.....................118
Variable Handling in Modules
Reserved String Variables..........120
Reserved Integer Variables........122
Reserved Floating Point Variables
Image Output Routine....................127
Other & Calls..................................128
Common Modifications..................130
Hidden LtK User.........................130
LtK Fast Blocks Free Read.........130
Automatic CMD Device Clock Set
Blocks Free Array Usage Change
Enabling Macros.........................131
Removing Extra Login Security
Troubleshooting / Q & A................132
Leif Bloomquist's BBS Server 1.4
The Boot Process.........................134
Notes About Users.........................140

Index of Tables
Table 1: Supported modems.........................................................................................2
Table 2: RAMDOS files..................................................................................................2
Table 3: Required boot disk files...................................................................................7
Table 5: User flags........................................................................................................5
Table 6: BBS setup information....................................................................................1
Table 7: Typical modem result codes...........................................................................4
Table 8: Startup files.....................................................................................................1
Table 9: Idle screen keys...............................................................................................3
Table 10: Lightbar, page 1............................................................................................7
Table 11: Lightbar, page 2............................................................................................1
Table 12: Bottom two screen line display.....................................................................2
Table 13: Miscellaneous Editable Files........................................................................5
Table 14: Bulletin status indicators............................................................................10
Table 15: Message base abbreviations.........................................................................3
Table 16:........................................................................................................................3



U/D and U/X types.........................................................................................1
Bulletin board listing options......................................................................16
Text editor & BBS prompt control keys........................................................9
MCI numbering system.................................................................................1
MCI color codes.............................................................................................1
MCI variables................................................................................................3
Maintenance functions..................................................................................5
Extended Command Set flags.......................................................................1
WF editor dot commands..............................................................................2
RELedit sub-board definitions......................................................................0
RELedit SIG editing options.........................................................................1
Networking Plus Files...................................................................................0
NetMail Commands.......................................................................................5
NetMail Plus Files.........................................................................................0
Common subroutines....................................................................................3
Reserved string variables.............................................................................6
Reserved integer variables...........................................................................7
Reserved floating point variables.................................................................8
Reserved Arrays............................................................................................8
& calls..........................................................................................................13
Useful POKE locations................................................................................14

This is just a plain text version of the OCRed sysop guide, to remind me which
sections belong where. I added commands before each section but I think that
makes it too cluttered. Better to have a command summary appendix.
PREFACE ...............................................i
PRODUCT INFORMATION .................................iii
Hardware considerations ...............................1
Disk drives ...........................................1
Modems ................................................1
RAM expanders .........................................2
AutoRAMDOS ........................................
Printers ..............................................2
Interfaces ............................................2
RS232 interfaces ..................................
Fastload cartridges ...................................2
Designating drives ....................................2
Copying files .........................................4
Boot disk .............................................4
How to configure a new system .........................5
Device/drive assignments ..............................5
Entering BBS information ..............................7
Reloading configuration files .........................9
Saving configuration files ............................9
modemconfig 19.2 ..................................
Telnet BBSes and server software ..................
tcpser 1.0rc12 ................................
tcpser4j ......................................
BBS Server ....................................
any others...?
The idle screen ..................................10
What screen masks tell you .......................
Setting the time manually ........................
Other command keys ...............................
The lightbar ..........................................12
The bottom area ..................................13

RES users ........................................14
NEW users ........................................15
The top screen after logon .......................15
Editing system info files ........................16
Editing sub­boards/libraries .....................17
C Chat request/chat mode .............................20
F Feedback ...........................................20
? Help menus .........................................20
CF System information ................................20
LD Last call date ....................................21
O O% O%! Logging off ............................21
Q Quitting to main level ...........................21
Time and date ....................................21
Edit parameters .................................21
Credit exchange .................................
Prompt mode .....................................21
Status ..........................................21
Sayings .........................................21
Activity log ....................................21
Board Activity Register .........................21
C/G­ASCII­ANSI mode toggle ......................22
Expert mode .....................................22
New user message ................................22
Pseudo­local mode ...............................22
Entering/changing subsystems ..........................22
Command stacking ......................................22
Message base system ...................................23
Moving to another sub­board ......................23
L Lx Listing sub­boards .............................23
Sx SA SN Scanning bulletins .......................23
A Ax About bulletins ................................23
RA RN Reading bulletins ..............................23
New messages .....................................24
Posting new bulletins ...........................24
Kx Killing bulletins ..............................24
Ex Editing bulletins ..............................24
Frozen bulletins ................................25
Subops ...........................................25
Anonymous/password/non­anonymous boards ..........25

Moving to another library ............................26
Upload/Download protocol ...........................26
Single file upload .................................26
Multi file upload ..................................26

L Lx
Kx Ex

Single file download ...............................27
Multi file download ................................27
Listing files ................................27
Killing/editing files ........................28
Reading sequential/program files ...................28
Subops ...............................................28
Validating files .................................28
Copying/moving files .................................28
UX Full disk exchange libraries .....................29
Free UD/UX library ...................................29
L Listing e­mail .....................................30
#, Ret Reading e­mail................................30
R Rx
Responding to a message.......................30
S Sending private e­mail..............................30
D Delete e­mail.......................................30
FRPersonal file storage...............................
Verifying e­mail......................................30
(move) Forced e­mail.................................31
A Adding a news file..................................32
R [Ret] Reading news..................................32
K Kx
Killing news files............................32
E Ex
Editing news files............................32
L Lx
Listing news files............................32
Movie file library …...............................
Plus file library …................................
RLE file library ….................................
Text file library................................... Making subdirectories ........................33

A Adding a file ........................................33
# Entering a subdirectory or running a file ............34
K Kx
Killing a subdirectory or
file .......................34
E Ex
Editing a subdirectory or file .......................34
L Lx
Listing files ........................................34
BB BBS command menu .....................................35
L Listing BBSes ........................................35
A Adding a BBS .........................................35
R Removing a BBS .......................................36
E Editing BBS flags ....................................36
D Display BBS notes ....................................36


Add a topic ..........................................37
Kill a topic .........................................37
Vote/view results ....................................37
List topics ..........................................37

Q Quick listing ........................................38
R Regular listing ......................................38
Entering text ........................................39
Editor commands ......................................39
.A / .Q Exiting the editor ...................................39
.R / .M Reading what you have typed ..........................40
Manipulating text ....................................40
Editor modes .........................................40
Shaping your text ....................................40
.NStarting over ........................................41
.F / .K Searching for or replacing text ......................41
Disk access ..........................................41
.? / .H Getting help .........................................41
Control keys ............................................41
Message Command Interpreter (MCI) .......................42
Using the terminal program ...........................46
The phonebook ........................................46
File operations ......................................46
Instant logon ...........................................47
Local maintenance commands:
Run a plus file .................................
User editor .....................................47
Online file copier ..............................48
Write/edit file .................................48
ECS Extended Command Set editor .....................
Remote Maintenance Commands:
View feedback ...................................49
Reserve an account ..............................50
Weeding old users ...............................50
Nightly AutoMaint ....................................
Hourly NetMaint ......................................
Miscellaneous Plus Files:
+.access ........................................
+.alpha/ind .....................................
+.e.modrc­config .............................
+.file counter ...............................
+.LB .........................................
+.mail weed ..................................
+.modemconfig ................................
+.reconfig ...................................50
+.reledit ....................................50

+.text msg ed ................................
Credit Pool Setup ............................
BASIC 2.0 utilities ..................................
81bug.bas ......................................
1581diag .....................................
2400 setup.......................................
copy­all .....................................
dv change ....................................
edata edit ...................................
image mod maker ..............................
image seq reader .............................
rel copier ...................................
uconfig edit .................................
15 Image BBS Networking ......................................
Planning a network ...................................
Network utilities ....................................
+.NM/util ............................................
16 PROGRAMMING ...............................................
Overall Description .....................................51
Modules .................................................51
Common Subroutines ......................................52
Variable Handling .......................................52
Image BBS Output Routine ................................53
POKEs And Machine Language Routines .....................54
Common Modifications ....................................
Hidden LtK User .....................................
Automatic CMD Device Clock Set ......................
LtK Fast Blocks Free Read ...........................

TROUBLESHOOTING Q & A ....................................55

Index .....................................................
Command summary appendix

In 2007, Dave “Metal Mage” Hartman and I found ourselves
pondering why there wasn't an updated version of the manual available to go
along with all the fixes and updates which had come out since Image 1.2a
was released. To get all “the good stuf” (as we call it) required reading even
more documentation, merging “mods” into core BBS files (sometimes
needing to start over with stock files, trumping any mods the sysop had
already made), or setting up an altar to Fred Dart.
(Believe me, I thought about it. For those of you not in the know, he
was one of the best Image programmers around; sadly, he's gone on to that
great BBS in the sky, where there surely must be an active user base of a few
billion people. At least he can party on with Ron Fick, a Lt. Kernal guru, and
Jim Butterfield... Imagine: Q-Link, with no plus charges... oh, wait. Another
Jim B.'s been there, done that. :)
Metal Mage and I decided this simply wouldn't do; it's a horrible new
sysop experience. We hacked together what we called “Image 1.2B” which
had what we considered to be the best new changes already put in. For
example: There were a few things changed by Bob “Iron Axe” Sisco with his
“Year 2000” fix which I changed back for aesthetic reasons (blue lightbar and
chat window colors don't fit in with the default grey scheme IMHO).
Overall, we figure we've got it mostly licked.
This version of the manual includes expanded coverage, reorganized
sections, documentation of new (at the time) features which were once
available as separate add-on disks (some slated for Image 1.3):

a few games and BBS utilities


“AutoWeed,” which lets you remove callers who haven't called in a
specified amount of time


Page i

the “Extended Command Set,” configurable BBS commands


the “TurboREL” system, faster access to message sub-boards and
“RELedit,” the sysop-side editor


Image BBS networking
Web links to the "new" (released long after the original manual was

completed) Image BBS programmer's reference guide, a list of every Image
BBS "mod" and add-on I possess (including games), a wish list, and much,
much more await you in these pages.
Please note that I've tried to introduce each new section in a sensible
way, but if you don't understand something because it hasn't been explained
yet, or it's unclear—that's a sign of bad documentation. Let me know about it;
I'll have myself flogged (let me start the noodles cooking). Having previous
experience with the software, I've tried not to fall into the trap of “it's
obvious to me, not necessarily everyone else.” And while I do try to define
possibly unfamiliar terms, you won't find a glossary with “upload” and
“download” in it, at least not here. Already being familiar with BBS basics
(perhaps having called an Image BBS as a user before?) is extremely helpful.
However, don't let my pseudo-grufness stop you from contacting me if you
run into something you don't understand!
99% of the following work is either the New Image crew, Joe
Commodore, or someone else. I just ran it all through a blender, baked until
golden brown, et voila! It must be true: Anyone can cook.
Many thanks go to Larry “Joe Commodore” Anderson for OCR'ing the
1.0 manual plus the updates! Also thanks to Rascal, Iron Axe, Metal Mage,
Fred Kreuger, and anyone else I forgot.
I just want this to be the bestest, most comprehensive manual
available, given all the great fixes that have come out since the first version
came out. Who knows, maybe you've got the next hot modification or
suggestion—or an answer to some burning Image BBS question which kept
me up nights.

Page ii

Surgeon General's Warning
By no means must you read through this documentation in one sitting,
or a day, or a week. Take it in bite-sized (byte-sized?) chunks; I sure
remember the intimidation I felt when I saw the original manual... Just take a
deep breath, have some milk and cookies, and come back to it later. Scribble
stuf in the margins. Tune in, turn on, boot up!

Blatant Begging (On Hands and Knees Even)
Also, I would like to collect any information about Image BBS you or
your friends and colleagues have. Back in the 1990's there were hundreds of
Image sysops—they can't all have died yet. :) Any plus-files, programming
information, “Reflections” or NISSA (New Image Sysop Support Association)
e-zines you've got—in short, anything Image-related—please forward it to
My goal is to revive Image BBS and its network, to re-kindle the
feelings of anticipation when there was a new plus file or modification to
download. A brand new sysop disk magazine would fix that in a jify! I am
working with a Loadstar-inspired programming package to design one
similar to LoadStar's “Presenter.”
Anyway, drop me a line—I want to hear from you! plzkthx.
PinaDox (tm & pat. pend.—I've never patted a pend. before but I'm
willing to try anything): The only user-friendly documentation with a built-in
sense of humor. Well, okay, I amuse myself, and that's what's important.

Some Notes
This version of the manual has some enhanced typographical features.
Firstly, by and large a proportional font, DejaVu Serif, is used. I have nothing
against monospaced text—after all, it's what a BBS is made of—but in the
long run it really makes my eyes bug out looking at pages upon pages of it.
Text is spaced one-and-a-half lines apart. Visually, I think it helps make the
page look less crowded, and reduce eyestrain.
Text output by the BBS looks like this.
Page iii

User input or filenames look like this.
Additional sections and information, or changes from the original
manual, are italicized and on a grey background like this.
Keys you need to press, like RETURN,
RETURN are in all-capitals on a reversed
There are cross-references to where sections are now. I'm just starting
this, so be patient, and if you see a missing cross-reference, please let me

Ryan “Pinacolada” Sherwood
September 23, 2014

Page iv

Larry Anderson’s Introduction
Dear Reader:
Here it is, the much-needed documentation of Image 1.2a BBS. This
is an OCR of the original documentation, which included the Image 1.0
manual and addendum sheets for Image 1.1 and 1.2. If you are setting up
1.2, make sure to read the 1.2 addendum as well as the 1.0 manual.
I have indicated the original document's page breaks to make finding
sections with the table of contents or index easier.
If you are setting up Image, use the 1.0 diskette, and copy over the
1.2 files on to a copy of the 1.0 diskette (overwriting the outdated 1.0 files).
Even better: Save yourself the hassle—use Image 1.2b!
There are special notes if you are using a Supra 2400 baud modem as
well as using a CMD or Lt. Kernal hard drive.
The modification diskettes for TurboRELs and BBS-to-BBS networking
contain their own install/usage documentation on the disk image. (Note:
Using TurboREL message bases on a 1581 drive may be problematic; e-mail
me if you need more info on it.)
This is probably because of the "secondary address #1" bug. I have
included the BASIC program 81bug.bas to demonstrate it, if you're
interested. I need to get in touch with Larry to see whether this is in fact the
In its' time, Image BBS was one of the top-of-the line Commodore 64
BBSes, even compared to PC counterparts of the day. Image held its own in
features and adaptability.
The BBS numbers in the following documentation are all long gone,
please do not try calling them.
Page v

Larry Anderson
Sysop - Silicon Realms BBS

Page vi

Package intro letter
New Image Software
P.O. Box 525
Salem, UT 84653
Dear Customer and Friend:
We thank you very much for ordering IMAGE BBS v1.0!! We think
that you will be very happy with your purchase, and intend to fully support
our customers in any way that we can. If you need any help whatsoever in
setting up your BBS or maintaining it, please feel free to contact us by mail,
phone, or BBS, and we will do what we can.
This version was "supposed" to be released long ago, but due to
problems in relocating our offices and other things, it is late. (Ever have
5,000 screaming sysops on YOUR phone line?!?) We apologize immensely for
this, but feel that the quality of the program will make you forget about this
very soon! Read the manual through and see the options that you have with
this BBS program!
Please also notice that we have added a few things that are not
documented in the manual. The "L"ist function in the subsystems now shows
to the user if the sub-board/library is a "special" one, highlighting the library
in color, and also showing an abbreviation at the beginning:
"N-An" means a non-anonymous sub-board.
"Anon" means anonymous sub-board.
"Pass" means password-protected sub-board, and
"Free" means a free UD/UX library.
See the manual for more information on these.

Page vii

Also, please note that the support BBS and voice numbers for the
northern (Michigan) region are no longer valid. The new BBS support line
for the north (Lyon's Den BBS) is 313-453-2576.
24 hrs—300-1200 baud.
The new main voice support line will be located in Utah, as listed in
the manual, 801-423-1966.
The new southern (Florida) support lines are: voice: 904-756-1206—
Ron Fitch, and the Tec-Net BBS is 904-756-2700.
Night Flight BBS listed in the manual is no longer associated with us;
the rest of the numbers are all still valid.
Add these variables to the list on page 53: BF, CH$, PO$, KP%, MM.
Our plans for the future:
There is no programmer's manual for the software available yet, but
we DO plan to write one in the near future. You will be seeing many modules
available for IMAGE soon, both translated from old popular winners, and
brand new! You will also see utilities for running your BBS, both in module
form, and runnable in BASIC to make things easier for you. We plan to write
a terminal program that will interact with IMAGE to allow full sound,
high-res graphics and sprites for the user, and will have the same module
routines as the BBS does. This will allow you to write a module (plus file) for
BOTH the term and the BBS that will interact. A 128 version of IMAGE is
also planned. As is our policy, NO release announcements will be made until
the new products are ready.
As always, we welcome comments, suggestions, and criticism at any
time, so please let us know what you think! Looking forward to a long,
happy, and mutually satisfying relationship with you! Keep in touch!
Don Gladden
New Image Software

Page viii

Addenda for Image 1.2a, page 1
Congratulations on your purchase of IMAGE BBS V1.2a.
We believe that you have purchased the finest BBS program available
today for the Commodore 64. The program is continually being updated and
refined and some of the latest updates have not yet made it into the manual.
For that reason we are including this short addendum. Version 1.2a difers
only slightly from 1.2. It includes the “CMD Mods,” or the changes
necessary to allow the use of partitions from 1 to 255 on that particular
drive. It can still be used on any other system, including the Lt. Kernal.
Caution should be taken however, as it is now possible to address LU 10, the
DOS LU. All of the “mods” are installed so there is no need to download any
“CMD Mod” packages.
Some of the features from 1.2 that are not clear in the manual include
the selection of the proper modem file. The manual states, incorrectly, that
you should choose a modem file that matches your modem and rename it to
+.modem. That has been changed. There is now a +.modem file on the disk
that is universal. Be SURE to use that file, and use the modemconfig file to
select your proper modem type.
NOTE: If you are using ANY 2400 baud modem, you must run the
2400 setup file first before booting the BBS.
The u.alpha file has been replaced by u.index that is maintained and
manipulated by a file called +.alpha/ind. Should your index become
corrupted, one common complaint is that users can sign on with their ID
number but not their handle. If that should occur, run the +.alpha/ind from
the main prompt and choose the options LOAD, CLEAR, MAKE and SAVE in
that order. It is very important that you follow those steps; saving is
required, since the program will not save for you.
The “macros” are installed in 1.2. There are “mods” out that call for
lines to be added to setup and im but they are already in, all you need is the
+.ME (macro editor) that is available on the PlusFile disk #4. After you have

Page ix

the macro editor, you can define your macros and then turn them on by
putting the check mark on the right side of Exp on the second page of the
lightbar (press F8).
The support numbers in the manual are wrong. The one voice support
line is 801-423-2209. The BBS numbers are:
Port Commodore


Lyon's Den East


GearJammer's II


We hope you enjoy your IMAGE and if you need help don't hesitate to

Page x

Addenda for Image 1.2a, page 2
Here are some changes that have been made since the manual was
printed. Please note them carefully.
Since the release of the CMD hard drive, IMAGE was updated to
version 1.2A, which includes the "CMD Mods." IMAGE now has the ability to
address partitions 1 through 254.
IMAGE 1.2 added some new files called scn.xx (where xx is t1 t2 t3
t4, c1 c2 c3 c4 files. This consists of eight "screen" files. These files must
be placed on the plus file drive for proper operation. They are text and color,
respectively, of the screen masks displayed at system idle, or other areas on
the BBS.
In this section you are told to choose the modem file that matches
your modem and rename it to +.modem. That is no longer necessary. There is
now only one modem file for all 1200 and 2400 baud modems, and it is
+.modem. After you have completed the configuration of your board, run the
modemconfig file and select the modem type you are using. It will then write
the parameters to the etcetera disk. Any time you change modems it is only
necessary to run the modemconfig or +.modemconfig to re-select your modem
NOTE: If you are using ANY 2400 baud modem, it is necessary to run
the 2400 setup file which sets the modem up to respond to IMAGE. With the
Aprotek "MiniModem C24" it is necessary to run 2400 setup any time the
computer is turned of for more than a few seconds.

Page xi

There are now two pages to the lightbar. The first page remains the
same, the second page has only three functions that are used immediately.
The first is Asc which is:

ASCII on/of


linefeeds on/of

The second is Ans which is:

ANSI on/of


IBM Graphics on/of.

The third is Exp which is:

expert mode on/of


macros on/of (note that they are already installed)

In addition, the Turbo-RELs use Fn5 for:

credit when file is uploaded or when validated


log of after file transfer is complete

The CMD mods (1.2a) also introduced the right side of Fn1 which
turns MCI of when checked.
There is no longer a BC (baud change) option. The heck there isn't! I
put it back for historical preservation, even though it's unlikely to do
anything useful! Yay me.
Some commands have been changed and some print modes have been
added or changed. Check the menu in the editor for current

Page xii

We feel that the program you have just received, IMAGE BBS version
1.2, is the most versatile and elaborate BBS program for the Commodore 64
computer available today! It is the result of over five years of work and many
hours of programming time, has taken ideas from modem users and BBS
sysops all over the world for its design, and ofers many hours of pleasure for
both BBS callers and sysops. If you are a programmer, or even a novice
programmer, IMAGE BBS is designed to be easy to modify to suit your own
tastes, and even to add modules to do any type of function on the BBS that
you may wish to have! With some practice, and knowledge of IMAGE
programming techniques, virtually anything is possible to add to your BBS.
We have included some basic information on technique to get you started,
and plan on releasing a more comprehensive programmer's manual in the
near future.
Thanks go out to all who have supported us in the past with our
programs, and for all the suggestions and ideas that have been shared with
us. If you need to contact us for anything at all, please feel free to at any of
the voice or BBS numbers supplied on page v of this preface.
Special Thanks To:
For being an understanding wife while this program was being
developed, taking over the business end of things at a time when it was
needed, and helping to make decisions, some of which were really tough. I
don't believe this program would be possible without her.
Jamie, Christy, Billy, and Kim:
For their support, patience and understanding in giving Dad (and
sometimes Mom) up for all the extended programming and business sessions.

Page xiii

For being the sharpest ML whiz-kid in the world, and all the quality
Fred Dart (THE CHIEF):
For the EXTENSIVE beta-testing and bug reports. (Not sure why I'm
THANKING him for bugs, but...) Also, for his enormous phone bills in getting
this thing done as soon as possible. And for many other things too numerous
to detail.
Jay Levitt:
For representing us on QuantumLink for so long, and the work he has
helped with on the program, especially the e-mail routines.
Bob DiLorenzo (BLINKY):
For beta-testing, the vacation and tour of Opryland in Tennessee when
I needed that break so bad, and for being such a good friend.
Jim Flinn (MUZAK MAN):
For designing the awesome title screen and beta testing.
Mark Verellen (KING TRENT):
For bringing over the Cokes when I was broke, and being official IEEE
beta tester.
For the voting booth, and so many great ideas! (Where are you, Mike,
haven't heard from you!)
Julie Rhodes (BLUE ADEPT):
For the new BBS List program, and all her support.
John Moore (LITTLE JOHN):
For joining up with us, and starting work on the 128 version of
IMAGE. Also for the graffiti routines in the logon.
Page xiv

Rich Matteo (SHADOW WARRIOR):
For the use of his modifications for the multi U/D and full disk
exchange routines, to make it so much easier for us to add.
Tony DeLiberato (ULTRA LORD):
For his help on the production of this manual and advertising layouts.
John and Paul at QuantumLink:
For their help and support on Q.
Fiscal, Xetec, Trans-Comm, InConTrol, and the many other companies
who were so cooperative in helping us develop the program to allow their
products to be used.
And finally, to YOU, for trying IMAGE BBS out! We're sure you won't
be sorry you did!
Don Gladden
New Image Software

Page xv

Product Information
This section contains all warranty, program usage, and support

Usage Agreement
You have the non-exclusive right to use the enclosed program.
Copying the program with the intention of distributing it to others, whether
or not for personal gain is illegal and not in accordance with this agreement.
Modifications of this program may be made for personal use, and to share
with other REGISTERED owners; however, the modifications should be
shared as modules. Do not distribute the program in its entirety.

Back-up and Transfer
Backups may be made of this program; however, you must include the
copyright notice and serial number on any back-up copies. Transfer of
registration may be done by sending signed written notice from the original
purchaser, releasing his registration rights. Contact New Image Software for
further instructions regarding transfer.

This program and documentation manual are copyrighted under the
laws of the United States and Canadian governments. You may not copy the
program for distribution purposes at any time, whether for personal gain or
not. You may NOT remove the copyright notice or serial number at any time.

Limited Warranty On Disk
New Image Software warrants the DISK on which the program is
furnished to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under
normal use for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase on your
receipt. To obtain service or replacement, you must deliver the disk prepaid
to New Image Software. The responsibility of New Image software is limited
to repair or replacement of the original disk and/or documentation manual.
The program and the manual ("software") are provided without warranty of
Page xvi

any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. New
Image Software does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations
regarding the use of, or the results of use of, the program in terms of quality,
correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise, and you rely on
the program and results solely at your own risk. New Image Software also
does not warrant that the program or manual will meet your requirements,
or that the program will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Limitations of Remedies
In no event will New Image Software be liable to you for any damage
in excess of your license fee paid, including, without limitations, any lost
profits, business goodwill or other special incidental or consequential
damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program, or for any
claim made by any other party, even if New Image Software or the dealer had
been advised of the possibility of such claims or damages.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have
other rights which vary from state to state.

Update and Customer Support Policy
In order to be able to obtain any customer support or updates of the
program, you must complete and return the enclosed registration card to
New Image Software. If this registration card has not been received by New
Image Software, or New Image Software is aware of breach of any part of
this agreement by you, New Image Software is under no obligation to make
available to you any customer support or updates of the program even
though you have made payment of the applicable update fee.

Page xvii

You acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it,
and agree to be bound by its terms and provisions by filling out and
returning the enclosed registration card. You also agree that this agreement
is the complete and exclusive statement or agreement between the parties
and supersedes all proposals or prior agreements, verbal or written, and any
other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of
this agreement.
Should you have any questions concerning this agreement, please
contact in writing:
New Image Software
Customer Sales and Support
P.O. Box 525, Salem, UT 84653
Dead address, of course.

User Support
manual is a very detailed description of the features and capabilities of the
program. However, if you have any questions left unanswered, or if you
discover any problem with any part of the program, please feel free to
contact us at any of the following BBS or voice support lines.
LYON'S DEN BBS (Central Region: Michigan)
BBS: 313-453-2576 24 hrs. 300-2400 baud.
System Operator: Ray Kelm (Professor)
PORT COMMODORE BBS (Western Region: Utah)
BBS: 801-423-2734 24 hrs. 300-2400 baud.
9:00AM to 5:00PM MST

Page xviii

Voice Tech line: 801-423-1966
System Operator: Fred Dart (The Chief)
For support, call any of the support boards listed or any of the tech
lines listed during the hours listed. These locations are set up for your
convenience, you may call any of them but you might want to call the one
nearest to you; they are located in the states shown.
The bulletin boards listed all have many users that are IMAGE BBS
owners; they love to share modifications and ideas! You can benefit greatly
by being a member of any of these BBSes.
Additional support can be found on QuantumLink. Each of the above
listed support personnel are available on QLink as: IMAGE Don, IMAGE
Fred, and IMAGE Jay and will make every attempt to assist you in any way.
Update 7/2014: There is a Facebook group and the beginnings of a
support web site, “Pinacolada's Projects,” located at
Also, stop by Jeff Ledger's "Commodore TelBBS forum," where there
is some archived information about Qlink and telnet BBSes:

Note: Until further notice, this manual covers all
current versions of Image BBS: 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.

Page xix

Setting Up Your Image BBS
Setting up should be very simple. We suggest you read this chapter
carefully, following the instructions step by step. The configuration editor
also has built-in documentation to help you out.

Hardware Considerations
IMAGE BBS has been tested with many diferent types of peripherals,
and usually has no problem running with any Commodore compatible
equipment. If you have any problems, please contact us at one of our
support centers listed in this manual for help, and we will do all we can to
help you to make IMAGE BBS work with your system. Some modems and
drives deviate from the Commodore standard enough to cause some
problems, but this is usually fixable with some patches into the program(s).
Some of the peripherals tested with IMAGE BBS and found to work well are:

Disk Drives

All Commodore drives (1541, 1571, 1581, and IEEE drives)


Xetec Lt. Kernal hard drives


Creative Micro Designs hard drives


ICT Datachief and Minichief hard drives (see notes below)

Lt. Kernal Hard Drives
IMAGE was completely developed using a Lt. Kernal drive, using LUs
0 to 9, so is completely compatible with this drive in all respects.

CMD Hard Drives
They work. CMD mods.

Page 1

ICT Hard Drives
This drive has a problem in chain mode that will not allow more than
one file to be open at a time. IMAGE does use more than one file at once in
some areas, so we suggest not using the ICT drive for the E-mail or Etcetera
disk, or for sub-boards. Any other system function should work fine with the
ICT drive.

Commodore 1650
Hesmodem II
Commodore 1660 with CD Commodore 1670 (both models)
MPP 1604
Avatex 1200hc
Aprotek Trans-Com TCM 1200H & 1200H jr.
Supra 2400 baud
Most Hayes-compatible modems

Table 1: Supported modems
See the "Questions & Answers" section in the programming chapter
for more information on setting the BBS up for your particular modem or
telnet bridge. (NOTE: The modem routines in IMAGE BBS are contained in
individual modules, so if a modem is not supported, it is very likely that a
module will be written for it that will allow its use soon.)

RAM Expansion Units
IMAGE BBS has been tested successfully on systems using REUs in
conjunction with other peripherals. Version 071487 of Commodore's
RAMDOS is provided. It is set to define your RAMdisk as device 7, which is
how it is supported by Image BBS.



file copier, copies any file with a two or more character long filename to a


BBS setup file, modified by Jay Levitt


RAMDOS binary

Table 2: RAMDOS files

Page 2

Most Commodore compatible printers should work with IMAGE BBS.
Standard Commodore routines are used by the program; using logical file
#4, device #4, with a secondary address of 7 to allow for upper- and

Other Interfaces
Some IEEE or printer interfaces could feasibly cause some problems
due to memory conflicts, and would need some customization of the program
to allow use. Two IEEE interfaces commonly used and tested with IMAGE
BBS are the "IEEE Flash!" by Skyles Electric Works, and the "BusCard II" by
Batteries Included, both of which perform well.

RS232 (EIA232) Interfaces
There are two files: ml.rs232/user and ml.rs232/swift—depending
on the type of modem or telnet bridge you'll be using, rename one to
ml.rs232 in order to achieve the proper setup.

Fastload Cartridges
At the present time, we recommend that no fastloader cartridges be
used with IMAGE BBS, they may only cause problems.
Please give any information about other fastload solutions you have
success with using. 1541 fastload routines are present in the
as-yet-unreleased Image 2.0!

Creative Micro Designs SuperCPU
There are patches to make the BBS run at 20 mHz. During file
transfers, the BBS must be slowed down to 1 mHz with a POKE to the
SuperCPU speed register.

Page 3

Getting Things Going
Now that you are ready to set up IMAGE BBS, we recommend you
first back up your original disk (both sides if you are using a 1541 type disk),
then store it in a safe place. Never work with the original, just in case
something goes wrong.
None of the disk files are copy-protected, so there is no worry about
anything not working correctly with a backup disk.
If you are copying with more than one drive, Copy-all, a great
public-domain program by Jim Butterfield, is included on the disk to assist
you in doing this. Copy-all will copy PRG, SEQ, and REL files with no
problems whatsoever on any type of Commodore compatible drives using two
If you need to copy REL files using a single 1541 drive, you can use a
program by Jim McAndrew called “Rel-Copy” specifically designed for that

Designating Drives
IMAGE BBS is designed to use up to eight drives, and possibly use
even more with limited functions. It will support:

single or dual drives


Lt. Kernal logical units (LUs) 0 through 10 (the DOS LU, a side efect
of applying the "CMD Mods" in Image BBS v1.2a—which, among other
things, let the BBS access partitions numbered 1-255)
You will want to plan your setup on what space you have available, so

read the following information carefully to help you in this regard.
Although it is possible to run Image BBS using only one 1541 disk
drive, we highly recommend you use at least two, since you will find that disk
and directory space gets used quickly.

Page 4

Trust the docs when they say this. I suffered with one 1541 for years,
then broke down and got a second one. It still wasn't very useful without
having 30 sets of floppy disks, because I ran a huge BBS.
When referring to "device," we mean the device number assigned to
the particular drive (i.e., one drive online is usually set to device 8, two to 8
and 9, etc.).
When referring to "drive," we are talking about the drive number (or
partition if using a hard drive):

0/1 on a dual drive such as the MSD-2 floppy drive


partition 0-10 on a Lt. Kernal hard drive


partition 1-255 on a Creative Micro Designs hard drive (0 refers to the
current partition)


If you have two physical drives, there may either be a switch
somewhere on the drives to change device numbers, or—as with older
1541 drives—you must cut a solder pad (the drive manual should
describe how).
You may also “software change” the device number with the BASIC

program dv change included on your IMAGE BBS disk, or online with the CD
command. If you only have single drives on your system, then the drive
numbers will always be zero.
“Directory space” refers to the number of directory entries available
on the drive, which is usually limited, depending on the type of disk drive. A
1541 drive allows 144 directory entries, while an SFD allows 244, etc. Check
your drive manual to see what the limitation is.
“Drive space” or “blocks free” mentioned here will refer to actual
blocks used/unused on the drive.

Page 5

Now you will want to plan out which disks you want to use for which
functions on the BBS. There are six “designated disks” for BBS functions.
These can be combined in any form on any drive or number of drives. They
are described as follows:
1: The “system” disk
Contains mostly SEQuential (text) files that do not change often.
Menu files, sub-board entry files, and other text/graphics files are all
included on this disk. Also, BBS news files are located here. Will not use too
much directory or drive space.
System filenames on this disk start with s. News filenames start with
2: The “e-mail” disk
Contains all user e-mail and forced e-mail files (see page . Will use
much more directory space than disk space.
E-mail filenames start with m. Forced e-mail filenames start with f.
If your BBS is part of a network, the NetMail files are stored here.
These may take up a significant amount of drive space, but not too much
directory space.
NetMail filenames start with nm.
3: The “etcetera” disk
Contains miscellaneous files used to supply BBS information. Many
online games and functions use one or more of these files to store their data.
Some of these files are RELative files, and most of them change frequently.
Storage depends on the number and type of online games and programs you
are using. If no online programs use the etcetera disk, it will not use too
much disk or directory space.
Etcetera filenames start with e.
4: The “directory” disk
Page 6

Contains all directories used on the BBS, whether for sub-boards, U/D
libraries, text file libraries, or similar. These files change often, and this disk
will use a fair amount of directory space, but not too much disk space.
Directory filenames start with d.
5: The “plus file” disk
Contains all BASIC or ML modules needed to run the BBS. They load
when needed to execute various functions. None of these files will change,
unless modified offline.
Plus file filenames start with several diferent prefixes based on these

BASIC modules


ML modules


top and bottom sysop screen displays (idle screen, online user

screens, Image Terminal screens)
In this revision of Image BBS, the Extended Command Set extension is
enabled by default. This gives the sysop more flexibility in several areas. For
more information on the ECS system, see page 87.
The initial ml.ecsdefs definition file which the ECS system needs
should be copied here also.
6: The “user” disk
Contains all user data files, which are expanded as new users sign on.
There are two files that keep all user information available to the BBS. Two
directory entries, a little over one block per user total.
User data filenames are u.config (REL) and u.index (PRG).
Diferent devices and drives can also be assigned to each of the

Page 7


Sub-board in the message base subsystem


Upload/Download or user exchange library in the file transfer


Plus file in the online programs subsystem


Movie file in the movie file subsystem


Text file in the text files subsystem
These need not be the same as any of the six pre-defined system

drives, but the above types of files may also be stored on those drives if so

Copying Files
Now, format a new or usable fresh disk (or partition if using a
mass-storage device) for each system drive you will have online, and copy
over the files from the disk that you backed up. We also suggest that you
label each floppy disk with the device and drive number so that you will not
get confused as to its purpose.
Unfortunately, Image is somewhat hobbled by a “flat file structure”—
i.e., there is no provision for using subdirectories (or even partitions with
1581 drives) on mass-storage devices which support them (the CMD devices
are a good example). All files must reside in the root directory to be
accessible. This is a shortcoming I plan on addressing in Image BBS 2.0 with
the additions of CMD hardware detection (plus any other hardware sysops
give me reference material for) and the ability to issue DOS commands
where appropriate in what is called the "General Files" section (which can
have message bases, text and plus-file subdirectories in a single directory!).
A similar modification is possible for Image 1.2b, I just haven't gotten
much further than the planning stage; which is to say, just a bit further than
the BBS editor quoting... sigh.

Page 8

Setting Up Your Image BBS
We'll start by copying the files which the BBS needs to function to
their proper system disks.

Boot Disk

(Note: When you boot your BBS, any device can be used, but you must
use drive #0. If you wish to use a diferent drive number to boot, you
must change setup to reflect the proper drive.)
If you are using a floppy-based setup, you need to make a “boot disk,”
from which you will load your IMAGE BBS. Just use a blank disk, and
copy the following files onto it. This disk is used whenever you are
re-loading (booting) your BBS.


Whether you're using a floppy disk or hard drive partition, copy the
following files to the device you want to boot from:



image 1.2b

Boot file (LOAD ,device,1)


Core BBS routines, written in BASIC

ml 1.2

Core machine language routines


Swaps BBS text editor into place from RAM
underneath ROM when needed


BBS text editor routines


Fast garbage collect; most are two seconds in length


Print mode definitions (see "Message Command
Interpreter," page 77)


RS232 communication ML, renamed as above

screen 1.2

Title screen graphic file


Initialization routines, written in BASIC

Table 3: Required boot disk files

Page 9

Copy to the System disk all files beginning with s.


Copy to the Etcetera disk all files beginning with e. (Note: the REL
e.say file is optional. This file contains "sayings" displayed to the
user both at logon and when SY is entered at the main prompt. Due to
the size of this file, some sysops with smaller systems may wish to
copy over e.say­smaller as e.say, or not use this feature at all by
omitting the file entirely.)


Copy to the Plus File disk all files beginning with +. (don't forget
+.modem), ++, and scn. Also, ml.ecsdefs should be copied here in
order for the default Extended Command Set definitions to work
properly upon bootup.


The user files are written during the first-time configuration process,
directory and e-mail files after your BBS is up and running.
If you are using a user port modem, rename ml.rs232/user to

ml.rs232. If you are using a high-speed modem or telnet bridge program,
rename ml.rs232/swift to ml.rs232. config may be modified in the future
to make this procedure automatic.
It is fine to put these boot files on your System disk, assuming you
have sufficient drive space.



Modem communication routines; rename as necessary


Idle screen (waiting for call) plus-file


Extended Command Set definitions (see page

Table 4: Required plus file disk files
Now you are ready to configure IMAGE BBS!

Page 10

Setting Up Your Image BBS
For many this is a new experience. You will not be reconfiguring an
existing system nor be converting a system over, but rather are starting from
scratch. For those that want or need to start fresh, the Configuration Editor
will do the job. If you are converting an existing system from CNet
12.0/12.1, there are also convert routines in this program.

The Configuration Editor
Bla bla, some sort of intro.

Configuring a New System
You begin by loading the configuration program from your back-up
disk. Use the standard Commodore LOAD command:
load"config",8 (assuming 8 is the device number you're booting
After it is loaded, type run. The configuration editor is very complete
and self-documenting. You should follow each step in sequence just as they
are listed in the configuration menu.

Device/Drive Assignments
The first menu selection helps define the devices and drives you have
to run your BBS on. Selecting the DEVICE/DRIVE menu option will bring up
a sub-menu of options. The system of sub-menus will take you completely
through your device and drive setup, defining each of the six required system
drives, identifying which device and drive they are set to, as decided earlier.
The default values are for device 8, drive 0. To change any value, use
the CRSR ^ and CRSR V keys, and to select an option, hit RETURN. Use this
procedure to select any menu item in the configuration editor.

Page 11

Message Base, Upload/Download / Exchange Setup
Since the original configuration editor was written, New Image
Software developed improved handling regarding these sections. They are
now configured while on the BBS via the “RELedit” system. Eventually they
will be removed them from both the configuration editor and this section of
the documentation.
Refer to the RELedit system on page 96 for further information.

Access Levels
You must then assign access to each of your boards/libraries. Access
is calculated using the following method, which is used throughout the BBS.
To determine which groups can access a given sub-board/library, add the
group’s access value:
Group #
Group 0
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4


Group #
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Group 9


An Example
If you wished groups 3, 5, 7, and 9 to access a given board, you would

Group #
Group 3
Group 5
Group 7
Group 9

Total: 680

680 is what you would enter for the access code value.

Page 12

Note: you may type ? at most prompts that ask for access levels and
the BBS will go through groups 0-9, asking you if that group gets access
(type Y for yes, other keys mean no). It then calculates (but doesn’t
immediately display) the value for you. You may do this in the configuration
editor, or any part of the BBS that defines an access level.
You also enter a subop (sub-board operator; a user given an area of
the BBS to maintain) for each sub-board/library. This is done by typing the
ID number of the user desired. If you are configuring a new BBS, you have
no users yet. Therefore, assign the subop duties to either yourself (user 1) or
to no-one (user -1). Of course, you may change this later.
Each sub-board/library must be defined as to which device and drive
to put the files on (posts, responses, U/D files). The device and drive menu
options allow you to set these.
When you're done with your selections, select the last option, "Keep
Parameters" and you are returned to the prompt to assign another
sub-board/library. When you're done, simply select the "Main Menu" option.

Editing Access Groups
You should now define your access groups. There are ten groups, zero
through nine. Each one can have diferent capabilities as you wish. All new
users signing on to the BBS are automatically placed into group zero. The
parameters for each group consist of:


Group name


Number of calls permitted per day (1-254 or infinite [0])


Time in minutes permitted per call (1-99 or infinite [0])


Amount of time permitted idling (no activity at a command prompt)
(1-9 minutes)


Number of downloads per call (1-255 or infinite [0])

Page 13

User Flags
Each group has a set of “flags” assigned to users placed in that
group. These flags may be customized for individual users at a later time if
desired. With this editor, you set the flags as you wish them assigned when
first entering the particular group. The flags usually toggle between “Yes” or
“No,” but a few require numeric input.



Non-Weed Status


Yes: Group is not deleted from the user
log after not having called within a
specified number of months. (See
“AutoWeed,” page 95.)

Credit Ratio


The number of credits awarded per lines
made in a post or file block uploaded.
The ratio is usually 1:1.

Local Maintenance


Yes: Group has access to BBS
maintenance commands. Only give very
trusted users access to this.



Yes: Group can post messages in
message bases.

UD/UX Access


Yes: Group can use upload/download or
user exchange subsystems.

Maximum Editor


Lines of text (10-100, in multiples of 10:
0=10, 1=20...) group has available to
post messages, e-mail, or feedback.

Unlimited DL Credit


Yes: no credit is deducted when files are



Similar to Local Maintenance. Can
write/remove forced e-mail, feedback,
view system logs.

E-mail Access


Yes: group can send/receive e-mail.

User List Access


Yes: group can list BBS users.

B.A.R./Log Access


Yes: group can view various logs.



Yes: group can edit or re-configure SIGs
or sub-boards, and edit or delete other
users' posts.

Files Maintenance


Yes: group can edit, validate, award
credit to users in the U/D section.


Yes: group has access to the Message
Command Interpreter (see page 77).


Yes: group can upload or download from
U/Ds or U/Xs during prime time.

MCI Access
UD/UX at Prime
Page 14

Table 5: User flags
We also suggest that, at least to start, you define group 9 as the most
powerful group. When you first log on to your BBS as sysop, you are
assigned group 9 access. You may change your access group after logging
on for the first time.
When you have completed all assignments for a group, select the Keep
Parameters option and move on to another group. When all groups are
assigned satisfactorily, choose Return to Main Menu.
Note: Any changes in access group information, either with the offline
config editor or the online +.reconfig editor, require a reboot before the
changes take efect.

BBS Information
Now you get to identify your BBS. Select the BBS Info option from
the main menu. It has several specific questions about you and your BBS to
help personalize it.
First, the sysop's information:
You are asked for the handle you have chosen to use on your BBS.
This information is assigned to user number one, the sysop account.
You are also asked to provide a password. Choose it carefully since
this is usually the most powerful account on the BBS, and you will not want it
Then you are asked a few other questions that are added to the data
in your account to start the user file. This information can be changed inside
the BBS later, if you desire (using the ED or EP commands).
Board Name Should be self-explanatory.
A two-character abbreviation used to identify your BBS. For
example, a board named “Lyon's Den” might use an identifier
of LD.

Table 6: BBS setup information
Page 15

Prime Time
A period where everyone is limited to being online a certain number
of minutes, and U/D access is limited to users with the “U/D at Prime Time”
flag set. If you are just starting out, you may wish to wait to see how busy
your BBS is before setting up Prime Time. If you decide to set it up, you are
asked for:

The time to start
The time to end
The number of minutes you will permit users to stay online
This information may be changed later if you wish.
When you are finished with the Prime Time option, choose Keep

Parameters to return to the BBS Info menu.

Main Prompt
This is a message users see when they are not in any particular
subsystem. It can be anything you want, but should be short. The default
prompt is IMAGE:
After establishing your prompt, return to the BBS Info menu.

Credit Points
Credits are points that users accrue or lose depending on their actions
on the BBS. They earn more by uploading files, posting bulletins in the
message bases, playing games, the credit exchange and possibly by other
methods. They can also be awarded by the sysop for no good reason! The
final selection here is to set the number of credit points new users receive
when first signing up to your BBS. This can be from 0 to 65,000, but we
assume most sysops will not want to assign that many to new users.
This completes the BBS Info section of your configuration!

Page 16

Loading Configuration Files
You may load configuration files at any time to make changes to them
as you desire. This can also be done online with the +.reconfig program,
but the option is included here for any that may wish to reconfigure their
BBS of-line.

Saving Configuration Files
The last option is to save the configuration files to disk. You are first
prompted to insert all system disks into their proper drives, and then the files
are saved to the disks. You are notified if any file(s) have not been written to
disk, or if re-writing a particular file will re-start the user log, before exiting
the configuration editor.

All Done
This completes the configuration of the BBS! You can now select Exit
Configuration Editor and choose the appropriate option:
Return to BASIC
Cold start the machine
(If you change your mind, you can still escape with ←.) For now, let's
select Return to BASIC and continue with setting up the modem.

Modem Configuration
You can run a dial-up BBS (and in fact some people still do), but for
convenience's sake, and to get the most callers possible, you'll probably
want to have incoming connections via the Internet.
If you're using a real Commodore 64, you'll be using an interface
which plugs in to either the user port (for example, an Omnitronix RS232
interface), or expansion port (a Turbo232 or Glink interface). A serial cable
connects to a PC which runs TCP/IP to RS232 “bridge” software, allowing the
BBS to send and receive modem commands and BBS data even though
there's not a real modem connected.

Page 17

modemconfig 19.2
This program configures the modem to be used with the BBS through
a series of questions, which are outlined in the following section. First, a
preview of what it looks like:
Image 1.2 Modem Configuration


1670 (Old Model)
1670a (New Model)
Hayes 1200 (ATA)
Hayes 1200 (DTR)
Hayes 1200 (ATA/DTR)
Hayes 1200 (ATA/Reverse DTR)
Hayes 2400 (ATA/DTR)
Hayes 2400 (ATA/Reverse DTR)
Supra 2400
Aprotek 2400
Hayes 9600 (ATA/DTR)
Hayes 9600 (ATA/Reverse DTR)
Supra 9600 (ATA/DTR/X4)
Hayes 19.2k(ATA/DTR)
Hayes 19.2k(ATA/DTR/X4)

Modem Type? []
Type 16 (Customized) is the one you'll want for operation with a telnet
bridge program.
Here is a summary of options presented when that choice is made:
1. Baud rate

0 = 300 ... 5 = 19200

Pick the highest rate your modem or telnet bridge supports.
2. 0 = Escape codes (+++)

1 = Data Terminal Ready (DTR) hangup

+++ escape codes are used mostly on older modems such as the
Commodore 1670. Hayes-compatible modems usually support the
DTR line with the Commodore user port or an RS232 interface in the
expansion port.
3. 0 = Auto answer (ATS0=1)

1 = Manual answer (ATA)

4. 0 = ATH

1 = No ATH

This refers to whether your modem includes ATH in its command set.

Page 18

5. 0 = Local of-hook

1 = Not

When you are logged on to the BBS from the local console, should the
modem be taken of-hook so people trying to call in get a busy signal?
6. 0 = ATH0

1 = ATH

This is just a matter of semantics: does your modem use ATH or ATH0
to hang up?
7. 0 = Hang-up in modem reset

1 = Not

Choose whether to hang up when resetting the modem.
8. Value for ATX
This controls the number of error reporting (1-4) codes used by the
modem (VOICE, ERROR, etc.) It is usually left at 4.





The last command sent to the modem was
processed correctly.



The modem achieved a connection at 300 bps.



The modem detected an incoming call.



The modem could not make a connection or lost a
connection due to the absence of the carrier signal.



An error has occurred; usually a bad command.



The modem has achieved a connection at 1200bps.



The modem did not detect a dialtone.



The modem dialed but got a busy signal.

Table 7: Typical modem result codes

Usually adds connection speed to basic result codes (e.g.
Usually adds dial tone detection (preventing blind dial, and
sometimes preventing ATO)
Usually adds busy signal detection.
Usually adds both busy signal and dial tone detection

Zoom Modem spec sheet:




Page 19






























































































9. DTR:

0 = Normal

1 = Reversed

DTR (Data Terminal Ready) is a connection that tells the DCE (Data
Communication Equipment, typically a modem) that the DTE (Data
Terminal Equipment, typically a computer or terminal) is ready to
transmit and receive data1. Some modems have the logic reversed; if
bringing DTR high (toggling it on) signals a disconnect, and then
select "Reversed."


Source for RS232/EIA232F terminology: Data Communications: A Business
User's Approach, Fourth Edition, p. 120. Also, Rascal's excellent dissertation
of modem terminology included with his "e.modrc" fix.

Page 20

Telnet bridge software
Jim Brain's tcpser-1.0rc6
Tcpser is a telnet bridge program which can interface with either a real
Commodore 64 via a serial cable, or an emulator. It can be downloaded from:

Using a physical serial port
Even if you're using Windows, its COMx: nomenclature is replaced by
Linux's /dev/ttyx. COM1 is equivalent to /dev/ttys0. This suggested
command line for tcpser means “use serial port 0, use incoming port 6400,
report the modem connect rate at 19200kBPS, initialize the modem with the
following string, log events at level 7, and show incoming and outgoing
RS232 and TCPI/IP traffic.”
tcpser ­d /dev/ttyS0 ­p 6400 ­s 19200 ­i"e0v0h0x4&C1&D2&K3" ­l7

Using the VICE emulator
Note: VICE doesn't emulate the CD (carrier detect) line if you're using
a user port modem. So while the BBS will answer, it won't necessarily hang
up properly if a user should disconnect midway through their call.
Here, the ­d parameter is replaced by ­v, which is the port VICE is
listening on in its RS232 settings. Here is a command line to try:
tcpser ­i “e0v0” ­s 2400 ­v 25232 ­p 6400
If you're using a high-speed expansion port interface, you can
increase the ­s value to something more appropriate.

Page 21

This is the same thing as tcpser, except written in Java. You configure
it via an XML file (there is a well-documented sample file included), then
have the included .bat (Windows batch) or .sh (Linux shell script) file
reference that XML configuration file.

Leif Bloomquist's BBS Server
This is a Windows program designed to allow a real Commodore 64 to
run Image BBS.
Since telnet bridges don't support BPS rate changes over telnet, you
need to rename a custom version of +.modem called +.modem/telnet. This is
locked at 14.4 KBPS instead of how the original +.modem file stepped
through its BPS rates, issuing initialization commands at each speed.

Telnet bridge hardware
These interfaces plug into the Commodore 64.

Plans are available at

Lantronix UDS-10

sends ATA immediately upon answer


Available soon from

GLink232 interface

A SwiftLink clone available from X-TEC mentions:
Tell the seller it's for hooking up to an Image BBS. This makes sure all
the control lines are wired correctly.

Page 22

Booting Up
You are now ready to boot up your new IMAGE BBS and make your first
“call!” Most likely you will want to explore and/or continue its configuration,
using included tools to:
Learn about the idle screen


Log in locally


Configure modem/telnet bridge response codes


Configure/add message bases


Configure/add upload/download or "user exchange"


Learn to use The IMAGE Text Editor

Page 72

Learn about system files
View Feedback (VF) system

Page 91

First, insert your boot disk into the proper device. (We assume device #8
here.) Type:
load"image 1.2b",8,1

Autobooting Systems
Sysops with Lt. Kernal hard drives may rename image 1.2b to autostart
and have an auto-booting BBS.
Sysops with Commodore 128s and CMD hard drives may rename image 1.2b
to copyright cmd 89, if the partition selected at power-on contains this file.

First Boot
Now, sit back and let your BBS load up. After you see the title screen, the
program does a bit of work, loading various files:

Page 23



Revision and startup messages display
An RS232 handler loads


"Print mode" definitions load
(see "Message Command Interpreter,” page 77)


System configuration data is read

Extended Command Set definitions load
(see “Extended Command Set Editor,” page 87)


System information will be read, and the
number of users in the user log is displayed


Blocks free on each system disk are displayed

Table 8: Startup files
If your system files are on a diferent disk than your boot disk, you are
prompted to Insert all system disks and press RETURN, where you
should do just that. If all goes well, you should reach the "idle screen."
System won't start? Need troubleshooting help? There's a good
discussion about files needed in “The Boot Process” on page 134.

The Idle Screen
This is shown when no user is connected to the BBS. If no keys are
pressed for about ten seconds after the idle screen shows, the screen will
blank, protecting your monitor from burn-in. (You may disable the screen
blanking: see "The Lightbar," page 29 for more information.)
Press almost any key, or receive an incoming call, and the screen will
turn back on.

Setting the Time
Unless your BBS clock is set automatically, you should see a flashing
message to Set Time! The message continues to flash until you do so. (The
BBS runs fine if the time is not set but timestamps for news items, message
base posts, and such will be incorrect.)

Page 24

To automatically set the BBS clock at startup, see “Automatic CMD
Device Clock Set,” page 130. This shows you how to modify the setup
program to poll CMD devices with real-time clocks (and perhaps LtK drives).
For now, we will assume you are setting the BBS clock manually.
To set the time and date, type 1 while at this idle screen. Type the
time and date at the following prompts:
For the day of the week, type one of the following numbers:
1: Sunday

3: Tuesday

5: Thursday

2: Monday

4: Wednesday

6: Friday

7: Saturday

Type the month, date, and last two digits of the year at each separate
Enter the hour (don't use military or 24-hour time), minute, and A or P
for AM/PM for each following prompt.
The top status line changes to reflect the entered date and time. If
the information is correct, respond to the OK? prompt by typing y (and press
RETURN). Type n (or any key besides y) if you have made a mistake and
need to re-enter the data; note that answers to prompts now reflect what you
just typed to minimize efort.
Now a large clock is displayed, and the BBS waits for a call. At the
top of the idle screen are several items of interest:

The Status Line
Mentioned previously, this top information line is displayed whenever
the screen is not blank, no matter what the BBS is currently doing, whether
the top screen mask mentioned in the next section is enabled or disabled.
It shows, from left to right:

The day of the week, date and system time

Page 25

Depending on conditions on the BBS and what you or the user online
is doing, four diferent letters can appear next:

Text output is paused, usually with the CTRL­S or HOME key combinations on the
local console or by the user currently connected to the BBS.
A garbage collection is currently in progress. This is usually less than two seconds
in length, and can free up memory if it is low.
Text output or a file read has been aborted, typically by holding the spacebar or /
Parts of the BBS are being swapped out from underneath ROM into RAM.
This is done to conserve memory. Parts of the disk I/O and text editor
subsystems are handled this way.
The clock and status letters are followed by the minutes and seconds
remaining for users while they are online. (Since no one is online at the idle
screen, it shows 00:00.) When you or a user logs in, the number of minutes
left is displayed.
100 minutes or more is considered “unlimited time,” and time
remaining changes to ­­:xx (xx being seconds).
There can also be check marks in the left and right corners of this
line: the left check mark indicates the user is in Commodore C/G mode, and
the right check mark shows when a modem carrier signal is present.

Top Screen Mask
At idle, this area of information just underneath the status line shows
the handle of the last caller, followed by their logof time, and the time of the
last log restart (LR).The window to the right shows the number of accounts
currently used in the user file (UR).
When a user logs on, these displays will change to show additional
information, described on page 2.
You may toggle this "screen mask" on or of using F1,
F1 or a
programming command (discussed in “,” page 128).

Page 26

Several functions are available at this screen from the console, which are
outlined in a menu if you press any key aside from a "command" key. The
functions are as follows:




Set the time

“Setting the Time,” page 24


Board Activity Register

“Board Activity Register,” page 27


System disk blocks free


Large clock


Update memory


Reset modem


Reserve BBS


View today's BBS log


Load IMAGE terminal


Turn modem speaker on


Turn modem speaker of


Start nightly AutoMaintenance


Start nightly NetMail


Invert carrier detect


Redisplay current screen


Manual answer

“Image Terminal,” page 84

“Nightly AutoMaint,” page 103

Table 17: Idle screen keys
Allows you to set or reset the date and time as outlined above.


The Board Activity Register (or BAR) screen displays current data for
the BBS in four columns, which cover

the last call
total since the log was restarted (daily total)
current total
BBS grand total

The rows on the screen report for each column category:

Page 27


feedback messages
sysop e-mail
user e-mail
responses to posts
new users
time used in minutes
time idle in minutes

(The first column shows the idle time between the two previous calls.)

Shows blocks free on the six diferent system disks.


Shows the current time using the large clock.

A garbage collect is forced, displaying the true amount of memory
free in the M= display, at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Resets the modem to IMAGE BBS requirements. (fixme: which
The BBS can be reserved (the user signing on must know the
reservation password to access the BBS) for:
One call
No calls
All calls

Reserves the BBS for the next call only
Clears the reservation
All users are prompted for a password

(This is diferent than REServed accounts, discussed on page Error:
Reference source not found, or network reservations, discussed in .)
View the daily caller activity log. This lists:


Handles of users who signed on
What time and date they signed on
Which graphics mode they were initially using
Any activities they engaged in while using the BBS

IMAGE Term allows you to call other systems without taking your BBS
down. For more details, see page 84.
SHIFT­A Starts nightly "AutoMaint," or system maintenance. For more
details, see page 103.
SHIFT­N Starts hourly "NetMaint," or network processing. For more details,
see (fixme)

Page 28

SHIFT­T This inverts the carrier detect signal. (fixme: why, more info
+ or ­ For compatible modems, turns the modem speaker on or of.
SPACE Redisplays the current screen.
£ Manually answer the modem.

The Lightbar
The fifth screen line is referred to as the "lightbar." This line monitors
and changes many features of the BBS. All are toggled by the sysop at the
console, or through a utility program ( move, discussed in
"Miscellaneous Plus Files"; this is handy for remote maintenance when you
can't be at the console).
F2 and F4 switch to the opposite lightbar page.
F3 moves the white highlighted portion to the left (switching to the opposite
page if you move it "of the edge")
F5 moves the white highlighted portion to the right.
F7 places a check mark to the left of the option that is highlighted in white.
F8 places a check mark to the right of the option.
(If the screen has blanked itself due to inactivity, it is restored when you
receive a call or hit a key on the keyboard.)
The first of two pages shows as follows:








These check marks tell the BBS to do various things. The following
descriptions assume each check mark described is selected.
The sysop is available for chat, and you will hear three sirens when
"C" is typed at any major prompt by the user.
Turns on a tracing feature that will show, in the left half of the
"Receive" window, the BASIC line number currently executing. Execution can be
slowed down with the SHIFT or SHIFT­LOCK keys to read line numbers more easily.
This is only a debugging tool, normally left of.
You can change the access group of the user who is online.
F3 raises access one group (wraps around 0-9)
F5 lowers access one group (wraps around 9-0)
F7 gives the user the selected access level, exiting this function.

Page 29

The access group is shown using a diferent screen mask when a user logs on, in an
area titled Accs. Access data is read into memory as soon as the user gets to a
prompt. However, any U/D libraries or sub-boards that their new group can access
are not shown on the menu until they re-enter that subsystem.
Left: Restricts logons to 1200 baud and over. Low-speed callers are told the the
BBS does not accept 300 baud calls at this time.
Right: Used to "log on" from the C64 keyboard (“console”), to make a "call" to the
BBS while you're sitting in front of it. This is referred to as "local mode."
Shows that a remote user is in "pseudo-local" mode. This gives them
access to certain maintenance commands which require "local mode" to be enabled,
but the user isn't (or can't be) at the console.
Adds or subtracts time for the user online. Function keys are used in
a similar manner to changing access levels. When the checkmark is on, function
keys allow changes as follows:
F1: zero time (log of as soon as possible)
F2: give unlimited time (shows ­­:00 on top right of screen)
F3: add one minute
F4: add ten minutes
F5: subtract one minute
F6: subtract ten minutes
F7: exit this function
Any number of minutes past 100 (fixme?) is considered unlimited time.
Goes into chat mode when a user is on-line. It first displays the
message * Entering Chat Mode *, then allows the sysop and user to type
anything they wish back and forth to each other for the duration of the chat.
Pressing F7 again ends chat mode, displaying * Exiting Chat Mode * and
returns the user to the prompt they were at, or the BBS text editor,
depending on where they were before entering chat mode.
Right: Toggles local bells, so you hear all the bells the user on-line hears.
Left: Makes the BBS private, and will not allow new users to sign up. They
are told that the BBS is not accepting new users at this time.
Right: If checked, this turns of the screen blanking mode. The screen
remains on between calls.
Left: Sends all text output to the printer and the screen.
Right: Prints all log entries to the printer as well as the disk log.
Left: Users cannot access the UD/UX area. They are told the area is closed

Page 30

Right: 300 baud users cannot access the UD/UX area. They are told that
they do not have access to that area at this time.
Right: Toggles "prime time" for every user (that is, if it is currently prime
time, it will ignore it at logon; if not, it will turn it on). If no prime time is
designated for your BBS, then this has no efect.

Table 10: Lightbar, page 1

The second page of lightbar options is as follows:











Enables ASCII (American
Standard for Computer
Information Interchange)
translation for the user.
Character layout difers
between Commodore and
ASCII standards, most
notably by reversing the
position of upper- and
lowercase letters.

Turns on linefeeds for the user.
In ASCII mode, terminals need a
carriage return (CR) to move the
cursor to the beginning of the
current line. However, they may
also need a linefeed character to
move the cursor down a line.
(Without one, the user may
complain "everything displays on
one line." Once online, the EP
command [option 3] resolves this


Instead of Commodore
control codes, outputs
ANSI2 escape sequences.
These are a standardized
way to set character colors,
plus "screen management"
things like scrolling,
windowing, clearing to
end-of-line, and more.

Turns IBM graphics (line-building
characters, many of which have
similarities with the Commodore
character set) and other special
symbols for the user.


Turns expert mode on for
the user, which skips many
entry screens seen when
entering subsystems or
changing areas within that

Users see a "macro"3--a short
saying presented before the main
prompt. (Users can toggle them
with the "MA" command, or add
their own with the "ME"


shorthand for the American National Standards Institute Standard X3.64


a misleading name, since it doesn't automate anything as the MX or MACS
user commands do

Page 31


User receives credit when
an upload is validated.
Otherwise, credit is
received after the
completion of the upload.

User is asked whether they wish
to log of after a file transfer is






The Message Command
Interpreter (page 77) will not
interpret text prefaced with a £
(or \ if using an ASCII terminal).



Turns MCI of.

Table 11: Lightbar, page 2

Bottom Screen Mask
The last two lines on the screen hold more useful information. The line just
below the user's text display area contains BBS operating information in this
The current bytes free memory for variables available to the BBS. This is
constantly updated by machine language as memory is allocated by the BBS,
allowing the sysop to see any areas which are causing a build-up of
"garbage," which is when BASIC strings no longer needed.
Usually when the BBS does a "garbage collect" (freeing up memory which
unused strings occupy), it pauses for a second or two as M= drops near or to
zero bytes. You also see a brief flash of the letter G in the right half of the top
status line, indicating "garbage collection in progress."
Note: There is a separate utility available to show (and optionally clear)
garbage on the processor stack in the form of unclosed FOR-NEXT loops and
un-RETURNed GOSUBs; it is available as an add-on called "System

Page 32


The current bytes free memory for variables available to the
BBS. This is constantly updated by machine language as
memory is allocated by the BBS, allowing the sysop to see any
areas which are causing a build-up of "garbage," which is when
BASIC strings no longer needed.
Usually when the BBS does a "garbage collect" (freeing up
memory which unused strings occupy), it pauses for a second or
two as M= drops near or to zero bytes. You also see a brief flash
of the letter G in the right half of the top status line, indicating
"garbage collection in progress."
[Note: There is a separate utility available to show (and
optionally clear) garbage on the processor stack in the form of
unclosed FOR-NEXT loops and un-RETURNed GOSUBs; it is
available as an add-on called "System Functions."]


Total number of calls placed to the BBS since it was originally


Number of calls to the BBS since it was last re-booted.


Blocks free (xxxxx) on the last system disk (the first two digits
would read 01-06 indicating one of the six designated system
disks), or other storage device (perhaps a U/D or U/X area not
contained within one of the six system disks) The single 0 after
the colon represents a partition, drive, or Logical Unit
(depending on the type of device used). These values change as
users go from one area to another, so you can constantly monitor
free space.

Table 12: Bottom two screen line display
The last row on the screen has a Receive window (R:) which displays the last
10 characters received from the modem. When the “trace” function is
enabled as described in Table 11: Lightbar, page 2 on page 32, the BASIC
line number currently executing appears in the left half of this window.
The center portion of the bottom line can display any sixteen characters you
wish. Typical phrases include:

*Image BBS 1.2b* at system idle
The type of computer a caller is using when online
The reason for chat if a user online requests a chat session and you
are unavailable. The window also flashes until either you answer the
page, or the user logs of
It is also available to display custom information (see “Other & Calls,”
page 128 for more details)

The final section of the bottom line is the Transmit (T:) window. This displays
the last 10 characters sent to the modem.
Page 33

Logging On
You're now ready to go on line and examine your new IMAGE BBS in action!
You can log on and edit your s. files, configure any sub-boards and U/D
libraries, or just look around and get acquainted with its features. You may
log on either normally or use the "instant" logon feature.

Normal Logon

Use the F3 and/or F5 key to highlight the Loc position on the lightbar.
Press F7,
F7 which puts a check mark on the left side of Loc.

This starts logging in from the console, and is called a "local login." We
suggest that if you have a telephone connected to your modem, take it of the
hook at this time. That way, if an incoming call connects with your modem
but not the BBS (since you're on locally), the caller won't assume something
is wrong with the BBS.
When a user has logged on, either remotely or locally, the program's
copyright message and serial number are displayed. With a remote login, the
user is prompted to hit their backspace (delete) key to detect whether they
are in Commodore color/graphics (hereafter abbreviated as "Commodore
C/G") mode, or ASCII mode.
Depending on which mode they are in, the file s.login 0 (for ASCII), or
s.login 1 (for Commodore C/G) is displayed. For simplicity's sake in the
following references, the character "x" at the end of a filename will refer to
either the digit "0" (this file is seen by ASCII callers) or 1 (this file is seen by
Commodore C/G callers).
Then the user is asked to PRESS RETURN/ENTER. Actually, A can be typed, to
abort the start screen; you could mention that in the s.login x files.
If RETURN is pressed, the program will read the disk file s.start x.
Next, the BBS instructs the user:
If the user has no account, or makes a mistake entering the information, they
are instructed to type NEW.
If a mistake is made logging in, and if a file called s.errmail exists on the
disk, the contents of this file are sent in an e-mail message to the user,
informing them of the mistake. If they should get this message in their
mailbox, and they weren't the ones to make the mistake, urge them to
change their password.
A file called e.telecheck is either created or appended to, which contains
the login time and date, the missed security question, and the correct
answer. This file is viewable using the VF (View Feedback) sysop utility.
Page 34

If the user has made four mistakes and has not entered NEW they are logged
of for excessive login attempts.
If the user has a "reserved" account, they can enter RES at the prompt to
enter the RES function of the new user program.

Instant Logon
This feature is reserved for the sysop, for it can only be used from the
console. It is meant for a fast, easy way for you to log on to your BBS to do
maintenance functions, posting, or anything you would normally do on a call.
The main diference from a regular logon is that none of your stats will be
updated or saved to disk, and your last call date will be set to your logon
To use the instant logon feature, type I at the Hit RETURN/ENTER prompt.
You are prompted for your password, and immediately taken to the main

"RES" Users
A RES user is one that you have set up an account for already using the RS or
ED commands on the BBS. (Perhaps you won't be around to validate the user,
for example. See the "Remote Maintenance Commands" section for more
They are asked to type their RES ID number and password—which you
should provide them with when you set up their account—and then be taken
through the normal new user application. When they are done, they are
logged on with the pre-approved access and credit points that you assign to

"NEW" Users
If a user enters a handle that is not found in the user log, they are asked if
they want to log on as a new user using that handle.
If they type Y, the new user procedure is gone through, beginning with the
reading of the file user (but skips the handle prompt).
The new login procedure consists of four parts:
I. General information: handle, real name, password
II. Terminal parameters: computer type, column width, linefeeds, etc.
III. Miscellaneous questions: address, occupation, baud rate, etc.
IV. Personal statement: a chance to type a paragraph or two about
themselves. This is required; if aborted they are logged of without
signing up as NEW.

Page 35

Once the new user login procedure is completed, this user information is put
in new user feedback for you to view later with the VF command, and they
are taken into the BBS with access group zero status.

Existing Users
If a user enters a handle that already exists, plus a password, then they are
asked a random security question:

Their first or last (real) name
Sections of their phone number: 3-digit area code, 3-digit dialing
prefix, or 4-digit suffix

xxx-yyy-zzzz is a format used in the USA and Canada; other countries have
differing formats. For now, foreign callers can just make up a phone number:
000-000-0000 works. In Image BBS v2.0, this will change: perhaps be made
optional, or at the very least more configurable. It knows whether the sysop
is in PAL- or NTSC-land, plus does timezone offsets, so maybe that will figure
in the equation.
This is used as an extra security measure. If this question is missed, the
same procedure regarding the s.errmail and e.telecheck files above is

The Top Screen After Logon
Once a user has logged on and their password is verified, the top of the sysop
screen changes quite a bit from what it shows at the idle screen.
The very top line is the same as discussed in the section "The Status Line."
The next five lines contain specific information about the user logged on:

First is the user's handle, login ID (including the two character BBS
identifier), last call date, and number of calls today and total to the
Next is the user's real name, their access group, phone number and
five flags--the first four are single digits--which include:
 Expert mode (0=of, 1=on)
 Color/graphics mode (0=ASCII, 1=Commodore)
 Linefeeds (0=of, 1=on)
 Default file transfer protocol (fixme...)
 Column width (between 22 and 80 characters wide)

Once a user has successfully logged on to the BBS, either remotely or locally,
as either a new user or a user with a login ID and password already, the BBS
reads the file entitled s.welcome x, and informs them of:
 what their access group is
 how many calls they can make on that particular day (if not an infinite
 the amount of time they have for this call
Page 36

Then it will check for:
Function Section
new news files to read
wanting to view the Graffiti wall
"forced" electronic e-mail
normal electronic e-mail
Once all of this has been completed, the user is placed at the main command

Editing BBS Info Files
You now should be at the main command level, where you can do many
Since this is your first call, you may wish to edit the following files to suit
your own tastes and coincide with your BBS plans. Sample files have been
included on the disk, but may be edited or replaced with whatever you wish.
While at the main command prompt, you can use the WF command (see
“Write File,” page 90) command for this. It will give you access to a
line-oriented text editor you can use to edit files. If you have files other than
ones included on the setup disks you would like to use, you can import them
into the text editor using a “get file” dot command (type .G at the left
Be sure to type .C 80 RETURN to set the editor line length to 80 characters
before .Getting a file. Otherwise, lines with color/graphics characters in
them may exceed the 40-column line length, causing word-wrap and ruining
the file.
If that happens, type .A RETURN to abort your changes. Consider using an
offline C/G screen editor such as Kaleidoscope, Digital Paint, Tyron Paint or
Here is a summary of the files discussed in this section. Remember, the suffix
x stands for the digits 0 or 1, for ASCII or Commodore Color/Graphics files,

Page 37



s.login x

Seen when the BBS answers the call and the caller presses their
BACKSPACE key for C/G detect. These files will usually contain the
name and hours of the BBS.

s.start x

Seen if they press RETURN at the Hit RETURN/ENTER prompt.

s.end x

Closing message, seen when logging of the BBS. user

Seen when a user enters NEW just prior to starting the new user
signup process, or entering NU at the main prompt. It may contain
a disclaimer, and any other information that you wish new users to


E-mailed to a user when an error occurs logging in.


This file should contain information about your BBS, such as the
equipment it is running on, and any other information you wish. It
is seen when a user enters CF at any major prompt.

The message shown to a user if they request chat, and the sysop is
not available. welcome

This is a "form letter" that may be sent, if desired, to new users
when you read their new user feedback and grant access.


Contains other BBS numbers that you may autodial when used
with the IMAGE terminal program. (See “The Phone Book,” page
84, for the file format.)


The entry file shown whenever a user enters the message base


The entry file shown whenever a user enters the U/D subsystem.


The entry file shown whenever a user enters the U/X subsystem.

Table 13: Miscellaneous Editable Files
To create or edit these files, use the WF option (see “page 90) at the main
command level. You can also use the .Put and .Get options (page Error:
Reference source not found) in the editor. (See “The IMAGE Text Editor,”
page 72 for more information.)
--- 8< --- (snip) -----------------------------------------------------------NOTE: THE NEXT TWO SECTIONS NEED NOT BE DONE IF YOU HAVE

Page 38

After editing these files, you will want to set up your sub-boards and U/D
libraries if they have not yet been configured. You can create up to 30
sub-boards, 30 UD libraries, and 30 UX libraries. To do this and to change
them at any time after, you can run the +.reledit program from the main
command level:
Type at the main prompt, then after the +. prompt, type reledit.
You can define or change your access groups on-line if they have not been
previously defined.
At the main command level prompt enter R and run the file "access" at the
"+." prompt. You can define up to 10 access groups and what they can
access on the BBS. They are numbered from 0 (new user) to 9 (usually you,
the sysop). New users logging on are put in group 0.
For each of the group numbers that you choose to use, you can select a title
for it. You should choose one of the access groups to be the system operator
group, for you with highest BBS privileges, For each group you are using,
you can select a specific amount of calls per day that that group can make as
well as how many minutes per call is allowed, how many minutes at idle is
allowed (how many minutes may pass without pressing any keys before the
BBS automatically hangs up), and how many downloads can be made per

Now your IMAGE BBS v1.2b is ready to go on-line for calls! You may wish to
post a few bulletins and news files to get the BBS started.
We hope you like your BBS, and welcome your comments and suggestions.

Page 39

General Commands
When you first log on to your BBS, after it checks for your mail, and
goes through normal logon procedures, you will be at the "main command
level." You will see your main prompt that you defined in the configuration
editor. You are now at the area where you have many options as to what you
will do next.
This chapter will deal with the commands needed to get to certain
functions of the BBS, and how to use them.
The following commands are considered "general" commands because
they are not specific to a particular subsystem. They may be typed at the
main prompt, or most subsystem prompts as well. A few commands (mostly
maintenance in nature) are available only from the main prompt, or using
local or pseudo-local mode. These commands are discussed in the
"Maintenance" chapter.
The nice thing about general commands is the BBS remembers which
subsystem you came from, so you can return to it when done with the current
subsystem. For example, you have just finished viewing a directory listing of
files in the U/D subsystem, and wish to go to the Voting Booth. You type "VB"
at the U/D subsystem prompt listing directory information, and when you
quit the Voting Booth, you will be returned to the U/D subsystem.
Most general commands consist of two letters, sometimes followed by
an argument (parameter) of one or more numbers.
SB Enter the message bases. The BBS prompts the user which special
interest group or message area they would like to enter, depending on what
places they have access to.
SB1 Enter the message bases, but immediately go to the first Special
Interest Group they have access to. They are prompted for the message base
to enter after that.

Page 40

SB1,2 Enter the message bases, go to the first Special Interest Group,
and the second message base in that SIG with no further prompting.
If you're a Trekkie, this reminds me of Klingon programmers: Their
programs do not have parameters, they have arguments, and they always
win them...
A few commands consist of only one letter. Here are the descriptions
of the general commands and how to use them.


Chat Request/Chat Mode
This requests a chat with the sysop. A short (38 character) reason for
chat is requested; the first sixteen characters of that is displayed at the
bottom of the system screen. This reason is also recorded in the call log on
disk and printer (if used).

If the left side of Sys is checked, the user is given a message
informing them that the sysop is being paged, and the BBS monitor sounds
three sirens.

If there is no checkmark, the user is told that you are not available.
The x file is shown, and they are asked if they want to leave feedback

The "reason for request" continues to flash until they log of or you
answer the chat page. If the user requests chat more than once without you
answering the first chat request, they are told that the page is already on,
discouraging them from continuing to type C.

Page 41


Feedback is "mail" left on the BBS to the sysop(s), that any user with local or
remote maintenance access may read. It is left to the sysop(s) by entering F
at most prompts, or when logging of. The user is placed into the editor to
write their message.
Any user, including a new user, is allowed to leave up to three feedback
messages per call. If they try to leave more, they are informed they have left
their limit of feedback for that call.
Feedback, along with new user information and error messages, are read by
the sysop by typing VF at the main command prompt. (VF is described more
on page Error: Reference source not found.)


This reads a menu of commands available at whichever command level the
user happens to be. Depending on how much information is in the menu, a
"More?" prompt for additional command information may appear (although
this is put in the menu file itself, and is not always necessary, depending on
the file's length). At this prompt, "Y" (meaning "yes") continues, most others
mean "no" and stop reading the file.
If the user is not at the main prompt, the main menu is then read.


BBS Information
This shows the file s.config. This file should contain general information
about your BBS, perhaps the hardware and software it runs on, its hours (if
not 24 hours a day) and anything else interesting about it.


Change/View Last Call Date/Time
A user can change their efective last call date and time by using this
command. The last call date is used to determine which messages on the
BBS are new and which are old. If a user is logged of before they have a
chance to see all new messages, they can use this command to move their
last call date back the next time they call.


Log Of
The user is asked first if they really wish to log of, and if so, if they would
like to leave feedback to the sysops first.
O% saves the last call date, in case they did not read all the new information
in the message bases.
O! logs of instantly, without prompting for feedback.
These may be combined: 0%! logs of instantly and saves the last call date.

Page 42


From most prompts (and in some subsystems, just pressing RETURN) gets
the user to the main prompt.
If "Q" is entered at the main prompt, the user is asked whether they wish to
log of, as above.


Displays the current time, the time the user logged on, and the amount of
time remaining on the BBS this call.


Edit Terminal Parameters
Enters a menu which allows a user to change the computer type, line length,
linefeeds, file transfer protocol, password (use my mod again... more


Prompt Mode
Toggles "Prompt Mode" on or of. When on, when a user reads new messages
in the message base (using RN or RA commands), they do not receive the
"end-of-bulletin" prompt between message threads, or the "[P]ost [N]ext
[Q]uit" prompt between sub-boards.
Useful for callers who want to speed-read or bufer messages.
It also eliminates the prompt after the "A" (About this file) command in the
U/D subsystem.


Allows users to see their status on the BBS, including:
 Their first and last name
 Last call date and time
 Number of times they've called the BBS
 Number of lines in the editor
 Access flags
 other information


Reads a random "saying" or "fortune," such as the one read at logon, from
the RELative file e.say.


Activity Log
Designated users may read the daily log, listing what activities callers have
done on the BBS.

Page 43


BAR Stats
Designated users may view the Board Activity Register stats as shown
between calls. See "Board Activity Register," page 27 for more details.


C/G - ASCII - ANSI Mode Toggle
Chooses between Commodore Color/Graphics, plain ASCII, and ANSI
graphics. This option is saved to the user file when logging out.


Expert Mode
Toggles Expert Mode. When on, subsystem and sub-board entry screens are
skipped. This option is saved to the user file when logging out.


New User Message

Re-read the user file, read when a new user logs on to the BBS for the
first time.

Local Mode
This allows users with local mode access to enter pseudo-local mode so they can do
maintenance functions remotely. These functions include copying files, reading
directories, sending DOS commands, etc. This is very powerful, and should be given
to only the most trusted users on your BBS.

Command Stacking
Any of the main commands entered at any prompt can be "stacked" by using
the up arrow key (^) between the commands. If the following command were
entered at the main prompt:
Then the BBS would
 SB9
Take you to sub-board 9
 RN
Read the new messages there
 <
Move backwards, to sub-board 8
 R3
Read post #3
 UD
Enter the U/D subsystem
 SA
Scan for all new uploads
Certain places, such as choosing "quit" in the "end of bulletin" prompt,
usually clear stacked commands—if a user realizes they need to do
something in the middle of executing the stacked commands, their only
recourse is to hold down the spacebar to stop them.
See the "MACS" command on how to automate command stacking.

Page 44

Entering/Changing Subsystems
Additional commands available at all major levels of the BBS include those
which go to any other subsystem. In other words, a user need not exit to the
main command level from the sub-boards before going to U/D's or PlusFiles,
but can enter that area directly by typing the command.
Commands which behave this way include:

Bulletin Board listings
E-mail subsystem
Movie Files subsystem
News Files subsystem
PlusFiles subsystem
Message base subsystem
Text Files subsystem
Upload/Download subsystem
User Listings
User Exchange subsystem
Voting Booth

Each of these commands take the user to a separate subsystem of the BBS,
which will be discussed in an upcoming chapter.

Common Subsystem Features and
Since several subsystems share similar commands and usage, this section
outlines them.
When a user enters the subsystem or a SIG, only the sub-boards/SIGs that
their access group can go to are loaded into memory.
So, if you have five sub-boards, but a user logs on with an access group
which can only access boards one and five, they'll see only two boards,
re-numbered as 1 and 2. In this way, they aren't aware of other areas they
can't access existing.

Listing Sub-Boards
A user can list which sub-boards they have access to when they first enter
the SIG by
typing L (optionally followed by the board number to start the listing from)
If they are subop of a particular sub-board, the board name is preceded with
a ">".
If you have set up Special Interest Groups, only SIGs the user has access to
are displayed. In this way, they are not aware of areas they cannot access.
When they get the "What SIG?" prompt, they may type either:
Page 45


The SIG number by itself
The SIG number, a comma, and the board number within that SIG
(this works for SB, UD, and UX subsystems)

For example, if a user responded to the "What SIG?" prompt with "4,10", they
are taken into SIG #4, Sub #10 (or U/D #10, etc.), assuming they have
access to it.
When a user enters a SIG number that is too high, the available SIGs are
re-listed, instead of exiting to the main prompt.
When a user enters a sub-board/library number that is too high, available
boards are re-listed.
Pressing RETURN/ENTER at the "Which Sub (or U/D or U/X)?" prompts
return the user to the list of available SIGs. (If SIGs are not active, they exit
to the main prompt.)


Sub­Board Name
This displays the current sub-board's name.

Moving To Other Sub­Boards or SIGs
A user can change the current sub-board by
Entering the new sub-board number at the "Sub #x: " prompt
"<" or ";" takes then to the previous sub-board
">" or "=" takes them to the next sub-board
If a number is typed after the previous two commands, (ie, >>4 or <<5) the
user is taken to the previous/next SIG, plus the specified board number.
If a user moves to a board they are subop of, they are informed of this.
If a move cannot be made, the user is told the board number they requested
does not exist.

Page 46

Sub-Boards (Message Bases)
This is IMAGE BBS's public message base, where users can write messages
about anything they want, replying to other users in "threads" which keep
responses organized. Users access message bases by typing SB at most
If the user knows which SIG they want, they can combine the SB command
and the SIG number:

This takes the user to SIG 3, assuming they have access.

If the user knows which SIG and sub-board they want, they can combine the
SB command, the SIG number, a comma, and the sub-board number:
SB3,2 This takes the user to SIG 3, sub-board 2, assuming they have access.
Upon entering the message bases, the file "s.SB" is read, regardless of their
expert mode setting.
If SIGs are set up, the SIG list is shown. They get a "Which SIG?: " prompt.
As above, if the user knows which SIG and sub-board number they want, they
can enter them here, as above (example: 3 or 3,2).
Upon entering the board, they are told:

How many bulletins there are
How many have new responses since their last call date
Total number of responses

8. The [Q]uit function (in the [P]ost [N]ext [Q]uit prompt) now clears any
stacked commands. This is for the people who have stacked commands and
then in the middle of reading the posts remembered they had to do
something (i.e., kill a post, weed the Subs, etc.) but were locked into a
command stack. Now they are not.
9. Response titles are now available in the Subs. Setting the variable RT
to 1 in line 901 of will turn the ability to title responses on (it
comes with RT set to 1). The response system is 100% compatable with older
A new version of the +.NM.netsub files will soon be available that allows
the response titles to be transfered to other NetSub boards as well as to
allow "overflow" NetSubs to be defined.
Setting RT to 0 will NOT prevent any existing response titles from being
displayed, nor will it block NetSub response titles from being shown once the
new +.NM.netsub files are released.
The RT variable only controls the user's ability to title responses on your
Page 47

Scanning Bulletins
This means to display
• The number of the bulletin
• How many responses have been made, if any
• The bulletin's status:

Normal bulletin, no new replies
Frozen bulletin, no response possible
New bulletin since last call date
New response to bulletin since last call date

Table 14: Bulletin status indicators

The bulletin's title (in quotes)

Typing "S" begins scanning at either the first bulletin, or after the bulletin
most recently read on the sub-board.
"S" followed by a bulletin number starts scanning at that bulletin.
The slash (/) key or the space bar abort a scan at any time.

About Bulletins
This displays the
 Subject
 Author (and node number if in a NetSub)
 Date and time of creation
 Number of responses to a bulletin
 Date and time of the latest response
Typing "A" tells a user about the bulletin following the one most recently
read or manipulated.
"A" followed by a number finds out about that specific bulletin.

Reading Bulletins
This displays the same information as the "about" function, but reads the text
body of the message, followed by each response until the end of the "thread"
(group of bulletins under that title).
Typing "R" (or just pressing RETURN) reads the next bulletin in the sub.
"R" followed by a number reads that specific bulletin.
While reading a bulletin, a user can:
Press the space bar to skip to the next response in the thread
Press "/" to skip directly to the end of the bulletin.
Once at the end of a bulletin, a user has several options in, appropriately
enough, the "end-of-bulletin" prompt. (This prompt is only displayed if the
user's Prompt Mode is enabled.)
Press RETURN to continue to the next message in the sub-board
"P" sends a private e-mail message to the user that posted the original
"R" responds to the post
Page 48

"O" reads the post over from the beginning
"Q" or "/" stops the "RN" or "RA" function
"K" lets a subop or sysop kill the post. The original poster may also kill the
post, if there are no responses.
A question mark at this prompt brings up a menu of these options.

New Messages
The following commands work on the current sub-board, with messages
considered new since the user's last call. To do the following:
Scan .............. SN
Find out about .... AN
Read new .......... RN or *
To stop an "RN" in progress, press the "/" key while reading a message.
To scan or read new messages on the current sub-board, plus all
higher-numbered sub-boards, type "RA" or "SA", respectively.
To stop an "RA" or "SA" at the current sub-board, press the "/" key.
During an RA, if the user reaches the last board and has any stacked
commands remaining (for example, RA^UD), the [P]ost [N]ext [Q]uit
prompt is displayed to allow the user to post to the last sub before executing
the next stacked command.

Posting New Bulletins
If a user types "P" and there is room in the directory (a limit of 60 posts per
sub-board exists), the user is asked for the post's title. If this title is unique to
the directory, the user is asked:
If they wish to post anonymously, if the board is not set up to be
non-anonymous. If they elect to post anonymously, the author will appear as
Anonymous to normal users.
* followed by the user's handle, to users with subop, sysop, or sub-board
maintenance access.
The user is then placed into the BBS text editor subsystem to write their
message. .S on a blank line exits, as usual.

Killing Entire Threads
This removes the original post concerned, along with all its responses, from
the sub-board and its message directory.
"K" begins listing all bulletins starting with the first one
"Kx" starts with bulletin #x
The user is asked whether they want to kill the bulletin:
Y)es N)o A)bort or S)tart
K followed by a number begins the listing with that number, ofering the
same choices. Once the end of the list is reached (or S is typed), the
directory is re-written to disk.
A regular user can kill their bulletin only if there are no responses to it.
Once responses are added, only a subop can kill it.

Page 49

KO and KA
There are two more commands available to persons with SubOp access
(SubOps, Sub-board Maintenance and SIGOp access users).
KO Lists any messages in the SB section older than the maintainer's last call
date, giving them the option to kill them.
KA The same as KO, but is automatic - it will not ask if you want to keep the
post(s) killed, so be very careful with this command!
Remember, these commands are keyed to your last call date, so use LD to set
the cutof date for deleting old messages first.

Editing Bulletins
To edit a previously written bulletin, enter E followed by the post number to
edit. The bulletin is opened, and the BBS searches through the bulletin for
messages that the user can edit (if they are the author, or sub-board
If such a message is encountered, the user is prompted with:
K)eep, D)elete, R)ead, E)dit, or A)bort:
K)eep Keeps the message with the thread
Removes the message from the thread
R)ead Reads the current message
E)edit Take the user to the editor subsystem to edit the message
A)bort Return the user to the sub-board prompt.
In the Edit function, SubOp access users have an added command: (K)ill
Old Resp. This function first asks if you want to auto delete old responses:
"No" asks for confirmation before deleting each response. ("A" aborts the
operation, but any deleted responses stay deleted!)
"Yes" deletes any responses made before your last call date.
Both functions stop when they reach responses posted on or after your last
call date. Remember, this function is tied to your last call date, so use LD to
set the cutof date first.
Also remember, the Auto Delete function cannot be aborted once started and
is only available to SubOp access users!

Frozen Bulletins
If a user does not want responses added to a post, begin the title with an up
arrow (^) character. The BBS reports this bulletin as frozen during a scan or
About, and will not allow responses to be made to it.
Bulletins can be un-frozen by the original poster reading the message with
Prompt Mode enabled, so you get the end-of-bulletin prompt. There, type F,
which toggles the bulletin's Frozen status. The current status is then
reported, and the user is returned to the end-of-bulletin prompt.

Sub-Board Operators
"V" views the current sub-board's operator
"M" sends a private e-mail message to them

Page 50

Maintenance Mode
Only sub-board or users with general sub-board maintenance can access this
function. Type Z. The sub-board maintenance menu has two options:
1) Edit the entry file.
You have a choice between ASCII and C/G. A sub-board's entry file is
displayed upon entering the sub-board. If there is an entry file already, it is
loaded into the BBS text editor. Use the usual editor commands, and type .S
to save.
2) Edit board detail.
The user can change
Sub-board title
Sub-board type
Open/closed status
Access level required to enter the sub-board
If the user is in local or pseudo-local mode, they also have the option to
change the current sub-board operator and device/drive assignment.
While defining sub-boards using the +.reledit program, you may specify any
of your sub-boards to be:

Message Bases:




Table 15: Message base abbreviations

Table 16:

Page 51

All posts are completely anonymous
Users are never allowed to make anonymous
A password is required to access the
sub-board where anonymous posts are
A password is required to access the
sub-board, where anonymous posts are never
A password must be entered to access the
Users are asked whether they wish to post
anonymously each time they write or respond
Able to transfer messages to/from other





Uploads only

No downloads possible


Downloads only

No uploads possible


Downloads only,
credit deducted

No uploads possible, credits
deducted for downloads


Free downloads


Free downloads

Credit is never deducted for

(fixme: more)


User must enter a password to
gain entry to the U/D or U/X.

Table 33: U/D and U/X types
> You’re the subop User has ability to edit/delete posts and generally
maintain the sub-board.
* A "password" board:
This requires a password to enter. The BBS asks any user that has access to
that board for the password upon entering it. If they get the password
wrong, they are asked if they want to try again.
If they guess wrong three times in the same call, they are not allowed to
guess again. This can be used either for fun, by putting hints to a password
up other places in the BBS, or to add a measure of security for certain boards
that you do not want all users to access.
* An "anonymous" board:
All bulletins and responses will show as anonymous, even to the sub-board
operator and sysops. Great for those "war boards."
* A "non-anonymous" board:
No anonymous messages are permitted, and users are not asked if they
would like the post/response to be anonymous.

Page 52

The RELedit System
This is from the documentation on the TurboREL disk, with slight
Image V1.2 REL SIG's Upload/Download, Exchange Subsystems
Thank you for selecting the new U/D and exchange systems for use on your
BBS. Many long hours were put into this software to make it the best system
we could possibly ofer. This documentation provides you with everything
you need to know about the system, plus just a bit more. It consists of four
general parts:

System Overview
Available commands
Sysop commands

Part One: System Overview
The program makes available to you several new features which enhance
your BBS to its maximum potential, including:
 Enhanced board types
 Separate password for each board
In the case of U/D's or U/X's:
 Last download date
 Local mode multi-uploads and downloads
 Expanded "about" function
 Online program reader
The User Exchange bases have all the same features above, plus:
 The "E" command when downloading multiple files to select all files
matching a selected pattern, with one easy keystroke.

Part Two: General Setup
A few variables can be set in line 1 of +.UD: YY% and IT. (They are currently
defaulted to zero.)
 Setting YY% to 1 deducts credits for files read online. Setting YY% to 2
deducts double credits, and so on.
 Setting IT to 1 freezes the user's remaining time on the BBS while
they are in the U/D's, giving it back at exit.
Some more things to consider:
 If you have no SIGs defined, you are limited to 30 board names.
 With SIGs defined, you are allowed 999 board names (30 libraries per

Page 53

Part Three: Available Commands
Toggling Fn5's right check on, you activate the "no credit until validated"
feature of the BBS. This check mark can be toggled on or of any time a user
is online and uploading, until the point the "End Of Transfer" message
• If the check is of, the number of times downloaded is set to 0, and
credits awarded to the user according to their credit ratio.
* If the check is on, the times downloaded is set to -1, but no credits
awarded until the file is validated by the subop or SIGop.
Toggling Fn5's left check on activates the "Log of after file transfer
complete?" prompt.
When this option is selected, the the user sees information about the file,
* the date and time it was first uploaded
* the date and time it was last downloaded
* the type of computer it's for
(If a C128 user views a file meant for the C64, they are told it is for the
C128 in 64 mode.)
* approximate download time
* if any user-submitted comments exist for the file and if so, the first one is
displayed; a quick mod by Pinacolada.
After that information is displayed, the user is prompted with the following
C Comments read/add. This feature was written by DER DEUTSCHER. If the
user would like to add a comment, they may.
D Download the file. If the user has selected a multi-file transfer protocol,
this adds the file to the download queue. (fixme: correct?)
N Move to the next file in the directory; if they are on the last file, they wrap
around to the first file.
L Move to the previous file in the directory; if they are on the first file, they
wrap around to the last file.
M E-mail the file uploader.
R Read any file, whether SEQuential or PRoGram.
 A program with a hexadecimal load addresses of:
o $0401 (CBM PET?)
o $0801 (The Commodore 64's BASIC 2.0)
o $C101
o $4001 (The Commodore 128's BASIC 7.0 (fixme))
display the program just as if LISTed with that computer's respective
version of BASIC.
You can also opt to display "control characters" such as clear/home,
delete, or color codes in quotes in an expanded, easy-to-read format.
• A program with any other load address (or a BASIC "head" and
machine language "tail") produces a "hex dump" like a machine
language monitor would:
MMMM: Memory address
HH: Hex value of each byte
P: PETSCII code of each byte

Page 54

Discovered recently: This also works in 80 columns!
• As previously mentioned in the setup of the U/D system, credits can
be charged for reading programs online by setting the variable YY% to
the number of credits you want subtracted per block read.
For users with maintenance access:
---------------------------------U Unvalidate a file, taking back credit for the upload.
V Validate new uploads.
For the user who uploaded the file:
----------------------------------E Edit the file (computer it's for, and filename)
All commands selected here, including Download, return you to the same file
in the listing you were on before selecting the command.
Hitting RETURN (or any key not listed/not applicable to the user) aborts the
About function.
S Scan files normally
This has been enhanced to use both 40- and 80-column screens. A normal
file scan will list files in this format:
### Bk’s Dl’d Name
001 [200] [001] “file.txt,s”
From left to right, the columns represent:
001 The number of the listing in the directory
[200] The number of Commodore 254-byte blocks (or Kilobytes if using
another computer type)
[001] The number of times the file has been downloaded
"file.txt,s" The filename and file type. Unvalidated files have a star in front of
the name, if the user is the uploader or subop.
After all files have been selected, the total estimated download time is
displayed to the screen with a new prompt allowing you to:
[S]can selected files
[D]ownload selected files
[C]lear list and restart
[K]ill a file from the list
(All other user features are the same except having been moved into
mini-plus files to make the system easily expandable.)
SS Sorted scan
The scanned files can be sorted by:
* Size
* Number of times downloaded
* Alphabetically
DM Download Multiple Files
As with the "D" command above, this command now shows a complete
description of each file:

Page 55

Sysop Commands
UM Upload multiple files
With the Copier protocol loaded, the BBS gives you a directory of the
designated drive of the current U/D board. You are prompted to select
[Y]es, [N]o or [A]bort
(This is similar to downloading multiple files in the U/X base.)
After all files have been selected, you are prompted:
"Manual or Auto descriptions?"
* Auto descriptions:
Asks you for one description to add it to all files selected before writing the
* Manual:
Asks for a description of each file selected.
Sysop commands are now active whenever the Copier is loaded as a protocol,
not when local or psuedo-local modes are on. In addition, if you are logged
onto the BBS from console mode, you are forced to use the copier. Anyone
accessing the BBS as a sysop must turn on pseudo-local mode to use the
copier with the PR command.
Vx, VN The Validate or Validate New commands allow you to validate all
uploads to the current U/D library.
If the "no credit" option is active:
-----------------------------------(fixme: until validated?)
* You may type "%" to award a percentage of credits to the user for uploading
the file.
* Otherwise, the full amount of credits is added to the uploader's account.
UM If the copier protocol is loaded, to Upload Multiple files you are
prompted for a pattern. (RETURN defaults to "*"). You are prompted with
each filename matching the pattern, and have the ability to reply:
[Y]es [N]o [S]tart or [A]bort the upload.
When all files have been selected, you are given a list of files selected, then
an "Are You Sure?" prompt.
* [Y]es continues with the multi-upload.
* [N]o aborts.
Just like the Upload Multiple command, you can also Download
Multiple files from the current library to the destination drive of your choice.
Users can apply for access as the subop of the current board if there
is not currently one assigned.
Any user with subop or remote maintenance access may add up to 500
credits to any user's account.
Displays user information just like a UL user list. Posts, responses,
uploads and downloads are shown to subops and SIGops.
A few notes:
* The current protocol is saved to the user's stats by using the variable UL
(which was previously used for upper/lowercase flag—not needed but still
supported in the user file).
* Any C-64 or C-128 user who currently has this flag set to 1 will have a
default protocol of Xmodem. Be sure to inform your users of this when you
put the system up. Once they change their protocol to Punter, it will remain
Punter unless they change it.

Page 56


Upload/Download System
This is the IMAGE BBS "file transfer base." All users read the file s.UD when
entering the U/D section, regardless of whether they are in "Expert Mode" or
not. (fixme: correct?)

Moving To Another Library

Main Prompt
The user is shown the
 Total number of files in the directory
 Number of new files uploaded since his last call
 Total number of credit points they have
 Current protocol in memory
 Blocks free if in local/pseudo-local mode (fixme?)
If they are the library's subop, they are informed of this.
If a move cannot be made, they are told the requested library number does
not exist.
Typing "N" displays the name of the current library.
Libraries which a user can access are listed by typing "L".


Changing Protocols
New Punter, Slow Punter (for noisy telephone lines) and Xmodem-CRC/1K
protocols are available for use with IMAGE BBS. Commodore 64/128 and
Amiga users default to Punter; all others use Xmodem.
[I have no idea what Starlink is, but I'm including this info anyway:]
"Slow Punter" has relaxed timing that works very well with Starlink. If your
BBS is reachable by Starlink, people will be able to use the "Slow Punter" for
file transfer, or you can use it to call boards using Starlink.
(NOTE: These protocols have been updated for IMAGE v1.2a, and are very
efficient. We think you'll be very happy with them.)

Each library allows a maximum of 60 files. The user is asked for information
describing the file, which is saved along with their handle, ID number, and
the current date and time. They receive credit points at the ratio of whatever
his access group or flag allows per block uploaded.
There is also an option to add a file comment, used to describe what the file
is for. Other users can view this comment, and add their own.

(The user must be using a Multi-Punter protocol.) The BBS prompts:
Page 57

Go to multi-send mode!
The BBS records filenames as they are received, entering them into the
directory, along with the
Uploader's handle
BBS ID number
Current date and time
A description which says "Multi-Upload" (fixme: wasn't this changed?)
Users may edit the entry to provide descriptions. Credit is given just as with
a single file upload.
(NOTE: Occasionally, noise on the phone line will cause multi-uploaded file
titles to be corrupted. While impossible to prevent, it is a rare occurrence,
and should not cause much trouble. You could just use the "E" option
afterwards to edit the filename.)

Type "D" followed by the file number, from the main U/D prompt
Type "D" at the "About" prompt.
Note that a user can download a file if:
The files downloaded that call are less than the number of files allowed per
call, as dictated by their access group settings, unless the user's status
includes unlimited downloads per call.
The time remaining is sufficient (to begin with; errors causing delays during
transfers are ignored, since they can't be known in advance).
They must have at least as many credit points as the number of blocks that
the file contains, unless their status includes unlimited downloads (in this
case, no credits are subtracted for a download).


Multi File Downloads
The user is asked for a starting file number, then shown each file in the
directory from that file number, and prompted
[Y]es [N]o [S]tart [A]bort
Each [Y]es selection: the approximate download time is shown for their baud
rate. All the requirements to add the file to the download queue are the
same as for downloading a single file. If everything is okay, they can
continue adding files until they reach the maximum number of files, or
choose as many files as they want to.
[S]tart: The BBS shows the list of files chosen, asking them to confirm the
list. If they do so, they are given 20 seconds to go to receive mode, and the
files will be transferred.
NOTE: Users can abort any file transfer in any mode and any protocol by
sending CTRL­X three times: that is, holding down the CONTROL key and then
typing the letter X three times.

Listing Files
Scanning the file directory shows:
The directory file number
Number of blocks (or kilobytes, blocks divided by four) depending on the
user's computer type)
Number of times downloaded
Page 58

Filename and file type (PRG or SEQ)
Several scanning variations exist:
S, Sx ......... Scan titles from first entry, or starting from entry #x
SA ............ Scan titles uploaded after last call date (all libraries in current
SN ............ Scan titles uploaded after last call date (current library only)
SS ............ Scan titles sorted by:
 Number of blocks
 Number of times downloaded
 Alphabetically
SU ............ Scan for unvalidated files
Spacebar or / aborts.

Other Commands
A, Ax ......... About first file, or file #x. This shows, in addition to information
displayed by the "scan" command above:
 The uploader's user ID and handle
 The date and time it was uploaded
 The date and time it was last downloaded
 The computer type it's meant for
 Comments about the file

Kx Killing Files
A sysop, subop, or the user that uploaded the file may enter "K" followed by
the file number to delete it from the file directory. They are also asked if the
file should be scratched from the disk.
If they answer "No" to this prompt, an entry to the daily activity log titled
Kill: plus the filename is made. If a printer is online, the same notation is
printed there also. This shows a file on disk is not in the file directory.
When a file is killed, credit points are deducted equal to the number of points
they were given when they uploaded the file when they kill a file.


Editing Files
A sysop, subop, or the user who uploaded the file may type "E" followed by
the file number to change information about it.


Reading a File
A user may enter "R" followed by the number of the file to display a SEQ or
PRG file. They may also select "R" when doing an "About" on a file.
(fixme: dupe)

Page 59

Validating Files
Sysops, subops, and the user who uploaded the file can "see" all unvalidated
(ie, not downloaded and/or tested) files. When downloaded and verified to be
working files, they are validated, available for other users to download and
add comments to. In the process of downloading a file to validate, subops:
 Will not have credit deducted
 The download does not count against the number of downloads per
day (if not unlimited)
 The time remaining is not checked when subops download in their
own libraries.
Subops or sysops validate files by typing:
 "V", "Vx" to validate either the first unvalidated file (or file #x)
 "VN" to validate new files since their last call
 "VA" to validate all files in the library
Unvalidated files will have a leading asterisk in the filename, and show zero
for times downloaded:
### Bk’s Dl’d Name
001 [200] [000] *"file,s"
When a file is validated, the number of downloads changes to one.
A user who uploaded a file that is not yet validated has full access to read or
download it, but will not have the power to validate it (unless they happen to
be the library's subop).


Copying Files
If a user is in true local mode (from the console), when they enter the U/D
subsystem, the "copier" protocol is loaded. To copy a file, type "Dx" (where x
is the file number). The BBS tells them the approximate copy time, allowing
a filename change, or to be copied to a diferent device/drive.
If no destination device is specified, it defaults to one number higher than the
source device. (NOTE: Any device may be the target device, but this function
will ONLY copy files to drive #0.)


Moving Files
If a user is in local or pseudo-local mode, type "M" and the file number. They
are prompted for the new directory to move the file to.
* "L" lists all available boards.
* If the directory is to a diferent device/drive, the file is copied to that
device/drive, otherwise only the directory entry is moved.
* If the file is moved, an option is given to scratch the file from its source
device/drive after the move is completed.

Page 60


Full Disk Exchange
Full disk exchange operates very similarly to the U/D section, except files are
not placed in directories, but directly read from the device itself (a floppy
drive, for example).
UX is sub-divided into libraries just as UD is. Each can have its own subop,
entry file, access and configuration. Multi upload and download functions
the same as in the UD section.
Users may enter UX at most prompts to enter the full disk exchange area.
The file s.UX will be read regardless of Expert Mode status. (fixme: correct?)

$, S

Listing Files
A listing of files may be obtained by entering $ or S. The user is prompted for
a pattern (if none is given, the default is * for all files).

Free UD/UX Library
While defining libraries using the +.reledit program, you may specify any of
your libraries in the U/D or U/X to be FREE libraries; that is, no credit is
deducted from the user when he downloads from these areas. To specify a
FREE board, use the +.reledit program or the Z command for local
In a FREE download board, the number of files per call and credit points are
not checked prior to starting a download.

Page 61


Electronic Mail Subsystem
This is IMAGE BBS's private mail section. If a user has access to this section,
on logon they will be informed if they have mail waiting, and given the option
to enter the e-mail subsystem at this time. Upon entering the mail system,
they are told how many messages they have waiting.
A user may also enter the e-mail subsystem by entering "EM" at any major
prompt. The prompt for this section is "E-Mail: ".
L, Lx Listing E-mail
To obtain a list of the e-mail a user has waiting in the order they were
received, type "L" (or "L" followed by a number to begin listing at a specific
message) at the "E-Mail: " prompt. This lists all messages, reporting
 Handle of the sender
 Date and time it was sent
 Message subject
Press RETURN to begin reading (or read the next message in a series).
Once the last message is read, they are told "No more mail."
To read a specific message, type "R" and that message's number.
To read all messages, type "A". All messages are displayed in succession.
Typing "N" reads any new messages since their last call.
This replies privately to the user who sent the message being read. After
reading a message, the user is presented with several options:
"Reply to : "
* [Y]es:
This replies to the author.
To respond to a specific message from the list of messages received, a user
may type "R" followed by the number of the message to respond to.
The BBS prompts for the handle or user ID number who will receive this
message. If the ID number is entered, the user log is searched, and the
handle (if found) is shown. The sender confirms this is the
user they intended to send the message to, and are placed in the BBS text
(This option also appears when they leave the e-mail subsystem, if there are
messages left in their mailbox. This encourages users to keep their
mailboxes tidy and not use un-necessary disk space.)
When a user deletes their e-mail, they get the following prompt:
Delete [A]ll, [S]ome or [N]one of your mail?
* [A]ll
Deletes every message held in their mailbox, after confirming an "Are you
sure" prompt with [Y]es.
* [N]one
Keeps every message held in their mailbox.
* [S]ome
Goes through all messages in the user's mailbox, prompting them:
Page 62

[D]elete, [K]eep, [R]ead, [F]ile away:
* [D]elete Exactly as described above.
* [K]eep Holds the message in the user's mailbox.
* [R]ead Views the message to help decide whether they wish to keep or
delete it.
* [F]ile away Removes the message from the user's mailbox, but places it in
a separate file on the e-mail disk. These stored messages can be later
accessed with the FR (File Retrieval) command at the e-mail prompt.


Personal File Storage
Using this command, users can
 Read previously "filed away" e-mail messages
 Get a directory of their personal e-mail files with "$"
 (fixme) is there a delete option?
Type "V" (and the user's handle when prompted) to see how many e-mail
messages they have, and how many are from you.
Type "VE" (and the user's handle when prompted) to edit any e-mail you have
already sent to that user.
A user with remote maintenance access may send "forced e-mail," that is,
e-mail which is displayed to a user when they log on to the BBS. It is
unabortable, and cannot be deleted by the user.
The user creating this e-mail is asked whether they want to create or remove
a "forced e-mail" file, and prompted for the user's handle the forced e-mail is
When reading a forced e-mail file, if either of the last two lines contain the
single word
the forced e-mail file is erased.
OFF the user is logged of immediately after reading the forced e-mail.
Note that ERASE and/or OFF must both be entered with all capital letters.


Leaving the E-Mail Subsystem
Type Q or a command that takes you to any other subsystem.
If the user has any messages left in their e-mail inbox, they are prompted
whether they want to delete them.

Page 63

News Files Subsystem
The news files are structurally diferent from the other file areas of the BBS—
such as Movie Files or Program Files—and for that reason they are covered
separately here.
Typing NF at most prompts takes you to the News File library. Here, users
can re-read BBS news files they see at login, and you can write new ones.
If you have "File Maint Access" you will be placed in News­Maint: Otherwise,
the prompt users see is


Adding a News Item
To add a file to a directory, you are asked for the title. This is what the user
will see when they list news items; it also names the file on disk where the
news text is stored.
If the filename begins with a $ (dollar sign), it becomes a "repeating" news
file, shown to users each time they log on to the BBS.
All News files are non-abortable the first time they are shown to a user.

Reading News
Type the number of a news file (see List) to read that item.


Killing a News File
A maintenance operation, type K followed by the number of the news file you
wish to kill. (fixme: confirmation?)
If you have maintenance access, type "E" followed by the number of the entry
to edit. You may then change the information you entered using "A": (fixme:
news file name, whether it's a repeating news item) and
the file will be loaded into the editor for editing. When the file is re-saved,
you are given the opportunity to update the date of the file so it again
appears as a new file.
Type "L" or "Lx" (x is the starting number to list from) at the prompt to list all
news files available to that access level. Each is given a number, and if you
have News-Maint access, you can also see access information for that file.
Entering "Q" will return a user to the main command level. A user may also
go to any other section of the board by entering the appropriate command.

Page 64

The File Libraries (Movie, Plus, RLE, Text)
There are three sections of the IMAGE BBS that provide very diferent
functions but the sections themselves are functionally identical. They use the
same routines and all of the same commands.

Explanation of Subsystems
There are four separate types of files handled by the same program:
 Movie files Files containing cursor movement, color, and
uppercase/graphics characters, displayed if the user is in Commodore
C/G mode).
 Plus files Sysops can add games or BBS utilities in this section.
 Text files Plain Commodore PETSCII or ASCII text files.
 RLE files Short for "Run-Length Encoded," this is a black-and-white
high-resolution file format which requires certain telecommunications
or viewer programs. Graphics data is represented by ASCII
text. Control sequences begin and end the file, telling the terminal or
viewer to switch into or out of high-resolution modes.
We describe the Movie File Library here, but the same principles apply to
other libraries.

MF Movie File Library
Type this at any prompt to enter the Movie-File library.
If you have "File Maint Access," you are placed in "Movie-Maint 1".
Since the Movie File libraries may have sub-directories and sub-directories
under those sub-directories, the number following the prompt refers to the
directory level you are at. When you first enter the Movie Files section, you
are placed in directory level 1.

Adding Sub-Directories
To add a sub-directory, you must have Movie-File Maint access. Select "A" at
the "Movie-Maint" prompt.
* You are asked for the Title.
This is the title the user sees when listing the directory. It has no relation to
the actual filename about to be created.
* Next, you are asked for the filename.
o To create a directory, type "d." followed by the sub-directory filename you
want to have on the Directory disk.
For example, if you enter "d.movies", the BBS adds "m." to the name, and
the sub-directory is saved as "d.m.movies".
The letter added depends on the subsystem used:
m. movie files
p. plus files
r. RLE files
t. text files

Page 65



Next, enter the access level(s) which see that sub-directory when
listing the files available. Access is determined in the usual way;
either from the chart shown earlier, or by typing "?" and answering
"Y" or "N" for each group.
Finally, you are asked for how many credits to charge users to enter
this sub-directory. You can charge credits for:
o entering the sub-directory, but make accessing the files free
o viewing the files within, but not entering the directory itself
o both entering the sub-directory and viewing the files within

Or you need charge nothing if you wish. It's up to you! The credits charged
here are put into the BBS-wide credit pool. Refer to section ... to learn how
to set that up.

Adding a File
To add a file to a directory or sub-directory, enter the directory or subdirectory where you wish to add the file, type "A" at the prompt.
Here is a discussion of the following prompts:
* Title: As above. Again, this is just what the user sees, and has no relation
to the actual filename viewed when the item is selected.
* Filename: Type the filename as it appears on disk. (In the PlusFile area,
there is no need to type the leading "+.", the program adds that
* Device: Type the device number where the item can be found.
* Drive: Type the drive number where the file can be found.
If you do not have a dual drive (or the file is not on a dual drive), just press
* Access: Type the access level you will allow to view this file. (Remember,
you can enter a ? at the access prompt to let the BBS help calculate it.)
* Credits: Type the number of credits (if any) you will charge users for
viewing this file.


Entering a Sub-Directory/Running a File
Type the number (see LIST) of a file to read/run it, or sub-directory to enter
If you wish to go back one level when in a sub-directory (for example: you are
at "Movie-Maint 2" and wish to return to "Movie-Maint 1"), type "B" or "<" at
the prompt.
Type "M" to return you to "Movie-Maint 1" (the Main Directory) from any
sub-directory level.


Killing a File/Sub-Directory
A maintenance only operation, type "K" followed by the number of the file or
sub-directory you wish to kill. You will also have the option of scratching the
file referenced by the directory entry of the disk. Killing a sub-directory is
not possible if there are files present in that directory.

Page 66


Editing a File/Sub-Directory
If you are have Movie-Maint access, type "E" and the number of the entry to
edit. You can change any of the information you entered originally.


Typing "L" lists all files and/or sub-directories available at that level. Each is
listed by number. If you have "File-Maint" access, you can see the filename,
access, credit, device and drive information for that file or sub-directory.


This lists the items in the directory like List does, but


To leave the file areas, Q takes users to the main command level, or type a
command taking you to any other area of the BBS.

Page 67


BBS Database Subsystem
This takes users to a bulletin board listing program that allows users to add,
list, or delete the numbers for other bulletin board systems.
When first entering the system they are presented with a menu of options
and arrive at the BBS database prompt dBASE:

The active commands for this module are:
L)ist BBS Numbers
Q)uit To Main Menu
D)isplay Notes
A)dd A Number
R)emove An Entry
E)dit An Entry
The last three options only appear if the user has post and respond


Listing a Number
This brings up another menu of options which allow users to narrow down
the scope of the listing they would like:
B)aud rate
A)rea code

Prompts for the minimum baud rate they want to search for.
BBSes listed support that baud rate or less.
Prompts for the area code they want to search for. Telephone
numbers of BBSes listed have that area code.
Lists all BBSes entered in the database.

Table 18: Bulletin board listing options
The spacebar or / key aborts any of the listings.


Adding a Number
Typing this at the "dBASE" prompt allows users with post/respond
capabilities to add a BBS number to the listing. They are prompted for the
complete information on the board they wish to add, including

The BBS name
Phone number
Baud rate

Page 68


Hours of operation

Several characteristics of the BBS are asked about (and listed when a user
lists that BBS):
o If it charges a fee
o Has U/D areas
o Has online dating, games or role-playing games
o Is PC Pursuitable, networked, etc.
The database is checked for a duplicate under this phone number. If there is
one, the user is notified, and returned to the "dBase" prompt.
After all prompts have been answered, the results are shown, and they can
 change any answers they've given
 continue and write the entry to the database
 or abort back to the "dBASE" prompt
Adding an entry first uses any previously deleted entries, otherwise adds to
the end of the list.


Removing An Entry
Only the sysop, a user with maintenance access, or the user that posted a
number may remove it. Anyone else attempting to remove a number is told
the entry can only be removed by the original poster.
A BBS name is prompted for. The list will be searched and if the entry was
posted by the same user, it will be deleted.


Editing Information
A sysop or the user who posted a BBS number may edit the information. The
program asks for the entry number to edit, checking to make sure the user
has access. If so, they may change any information in the entry, and re-file it.


Display Notes
This brings up a listing of abbreviations used in the BBS listings. These
include CBM for Commodore, etc.


All Done
To leave the BBS Lister, type Q (which takes users to the main command
level), or a command taking you to any other area of the BBS.

Page 69

This takes you to the Voting Booth. If you have Remote Maint Access,
you see the prompt "Vote-Maint->", otherwise you will see "Vote->".
If there are no topics available and you do not have Vote-Maint access,
you are returned to the main command level.
Only available in Vote-Maint. This allows you to add a new vote topic.
An explanation of the prompts:
* Subject: Enter a short but descriptive title of the vote topic.
* Access: Enter the access level this topic may be seen by. This
is set as with other areas of the BBS.
Now you are placed in the IMAGE text editor. Type the question text.
(Do not include the answers, these are entered separately after you save
the question text.) When done, enter .S on the first column to save
the text and continue to the next section.
Now enter the choices a user has for this topic, and a short amount of
text which better describes this option.
There is a limit of 9 choices, after which the voting booth
automatically saves the topic. If you have fewer choices, hit RETURN
at the last one, and you save the choices then.
This function is only available to users with Vote-Maint access. Type
"K" and the topic number (see LIST below) to be killed. You are asked
to verify killing the topic. If you answer "Y", the topic is killed
from the Voting Booth topic directory, and erased from the disk.
Available to all users, typing the topic number allows you to vote on
it (if you have not yet voted on that topic) and/or view the results.
The voting booth uses ID numbers and handles to keep track of who
voted, so a user cannot vote twice on the same topic.
Available to all users, this lists all topics available to that user's
access level and the date each topic was created.
If you have Vote-Maint access, the access level for each topic is also
Users may leave the voting area by typing "Q" to return to the main
command level, or type a command which takes them to any other area
of the BBS.

Page 70

Available to those who have their User List flag set, this lists
either all users, or a subset of users according to specific attributes.
A "quick list" displays the user list sorted one of two ways:
This list shows you only the handle and ID numbers. You can start
listing at any number or alphabetic character(s) depending on the
type of sort you select.
To search for a particular user or attribute (or if you want more
information than just the handle and ID), use this option.
Type the number of attribute(s) to search for, then fill in the
information to narrow down the search.
When you are done, or if you wish to list all users, hit RETURN.
Next, type the number to start the listing from. The program continues
from that point to the end of the user file.
The space bar or slash key aborts the list at any time.
If a user has remote maintenance access, the list shows all information
about a user:
ID number
last call date
computer type
area code and phone number
access group
real name
Otherwise, the list only shows:
ID number
last call date
computer type
area code


To leave the user list, type "Q" or hit RETURN (which takes users to the main
command level), or a command taking you to any other area of the BBS.

Page 71

The IMAGE Text Editor
The text editor is where any messages on the BBS will be entered. It
works by letting users type anything they want to type.
This is a line-based editor; you cannot use cursor keys to move up and
down a line like you can in most modern text editors/word processors.

Entering Text
Simply type it into the editor. There is no need to press RETURN at the
end of each line; the editor "wraps" words, so they aren't chopped in half.
When you reach the end of the text bufer, or if you type a . at the
first column, you will be automatically put into Command Mode (see below).
As the sysop, you can define how many lines of text (in multiples of
ten) a user can type into the editor. (See Table 5: User flags, page 15, for
more information.) If a user is in local or pseudo-local mode, they are
allowed 253 lines in the editor.
The amount of free memory (not filled with text) is kept track of. If
this amount becomes too small (less than 256 bytes), the message
*** End Of Memory ***
appears, and you must use .S to save, or .A to abort.
Entering the editor in local or pseudo-local also mode reports how
many bytes are free.

Editor Commands
Dot Commands
Type a . (period) as the first character on a line. This displays
Command: and waits for you to press another key (called a “dot command”).
This is Command Mode.

Page 72


If you press DELETE or RETURN keys, the Command: prompt is removed,
and you are returned to the editor.


If you press an unrecognized command key, the editor exits to BASIC
to check if you have added that command before assuming it is an
illegal command. (The +.WF program uses this technique extensively.
The "put", "get", and "view directory" commands in im also use it. If
you wish to program your own commands, we suggest you examine
these files to see how it is done. No documentation is available for
this as yet.)
If you press a key corresponding to a command, the editor displays

the command, waiting for you to either

enter a line range (or another character, for some commands) [You
can tell a command accepts a line range when the cursor ends up one
space to the right of a command.]


press the RETURN key to accept the command.

Line Ranges
Most commands allow a line range to be entered after the command,
just like BASIC's LIST command. A line range can be specified in one of the
following ways:

Just line #x
Line #x to the end of the message
Lines #x to #y
From the beginning to line #y
Any delimiter (comma, etc.) may be used in place of the -, depending

on one's preference.
The commands available in the editor are grouped into related
commands, and discussed here.

Exiting The Editor
There are two ways to get out of the editor:

Page 73


The first way is to abort the message you were typing, with the
command. There is no confirmation, unfortunately.


The second way is to save the message with the .Save


Neither command requires or allows line ranges.

Reading What You Have Typed
There are several options to view the text you have already typed:
 First, the ".Read" command. This displays each line just as it was
typed. You can see each color change character and MCI command;
this might be useful to "proofread" your message.
 Next, the ".MCI Read" command. This interprets MCI commands, and
displays color change codes.
 Finally, you can also ".List" the text, which displays line numbers,
used in line ranges for other commands.
If no line range is given for the ".Read", ".List", or ".MCI Read" commands,
all text in the bufer is read or listed.
You can pause text with CTRL-S or HOME keys at any time. Messages may
be aborted while paused with the spacebar or / keys.

Manipulating Text
".Delete" removes lines of text from your message permanently; there is no
"undo" capability.
 Any line range you type after ".Delete" is removed from the bufer.
 If no line range is specified, the last line of text is deleted.
 ".Edit" changes lines of text. When a line is edited this way, the line
number is displayed, then the text itself, just like the ".List" command
does. You may then type the new line below it. (See the section on
"Control Keys" for editing.)
 Pressing DELETE or RETURN as the first character on the line causes
the editor responds with "(No Change)" and returns to the main
 Typing "." as the first character causes "Command: Exit" to appear
and abort the Edit command.
 If no line range is specified, "E" defaults to the last line of text

Editor Modes
The ".Insert" command enters Insert Mode. This is shown by displaying "Ix:"
(where x is the line number you are inserting at).

Page 74

The line you specify is where you start inserting. If no line number is
specified, the first line is assumed.
As you type each line of text, text on subsequent lines is moved down in the
bufer, then your line is put in its place.
You can exit Insert Mode by typing a "." as the first character on the line.
This responds with "Command: Exit" and goes back to the normal editor.
The ".O" command toggles Line Numbering Mode on or of. This mode, when
on, displays line numbers as you type text.

Shaping Your Text
The ".Justify" command allows you to format your text in one of 7 diferent
ways. After typing the "J" command, you are prompted:
"Justify (C,E,I,P,L,R,U): "
These are the seven Justify commands. Press the key corresponding to which
justification mode you want, or to escape, type (fixme: period?) DELETE or
If a valid command is selected, the editor displays the command name, and
then allows you to enter a line range.
If you do not specify a line range, the Justify commands default to all text in
the bufer.
The Justify commands are:
"C"enter Center text
"E"xpand Insert spaces between words to fill out lines
"I"ndent Move text right by one column, if possible
"P"acked Remove all extra spaces put in by Justify
"L"eft Remove leading spaces
"R"ight Push text to the right margin (set this with ".Columns" dot command
first, if you wish)
"U"n-indent Moves text to the left one column, if possible
The ".Border" command puts a border around your text. If you do not specify
a line range, it will default to all text entered. If there is not enough room on
a particular line to add both border characters, that line is ignored. [Tip: Set
the .Columns width to 2-4 characters less than your current line width before
typing the text to be bordered.]
The .Columns
command followed by a one- or two-digit number between 22
and 80 changes the number of characters the editor allows you to type on a
line before wrapping overly-long lines to the next line between 22 columns
(for VIC-20s) and 80.
If you do not specify a column width after the command, the current column
width is displayed.
A related command is ".#" -- this displays a 40-column scale for manually
centering text, among other purposes. There is no prompt for a line range;
the scale gets displayed as soon as you hit "#".

Page 75

Starting Over
The ".New" (Clear Text) command re-starts the editor, erasing all text you
have typed. There is no confirmation, unfortunately, something I plan on
remedying in Image BBS 2.0!

Searching For Text
The ".Find command allows you to search for any occurrence of a character,
word or phrase. If no line range is entered, all text will be searched. Find
will prompt you for the text to search for, and will list all occurrences of it.

Replacing Text
The .K (Replace) command will prompt you for an optional line range, then a
Search Phrase: as .Find
does, but also ask what phrase you want to replace
it with. Then it will go through the text. If the replacement phrase is too
large to fit within the current line length, the editor will display Too big,
can't fit. and skip that line.

Disk Access
(These commands are available from local/pseudo-local mode only.) The .Put
and .Get commands allow you to load and save files from any device and
drive, edit them, rename them, etc., and resave them to the same
device/drive, or a diferent device/drive if desired.
The ".Get" command appends the file specified to the text already in the
editor, if any. This can be handy for working with SEQ files.
A suggestion: if you are trying to work with SEQ files with C/G codes in
them, use .Columns
80 first, so lines don't word-wrap un-necessarily.
The .$ (View Directory) command views a disk directory of any device and
drive, with a pattern if desired.

Getting Help
Type .? or .H to read a condensed version of this manual section.

Control Keys
Certain key combinations are used to edit your text while you are
typing it, whether in the BBS editor or at a BBS prompt. For example, any
character that you delete with the DELETE key can be “re-typed” with
CTRL­U Other control keys:

Page 76




Move back one character


Move back to beginning of line


Delete character under cursor


Insert character under cursor


Move forward to end of line


Duplicate all text on current line


Re-type one character from bufer (move forward one character)


Verify (re-display) current line; useful for noisy telephone connections


Move back one word


Abort input (prints a British pound sign on Commodore equipment, or a
backslash on ASCII terminals)


Re-type word from bufer (move forward one word)

Table 19: Text editor & BBS prompt control keys

Message Command Interpreter
The Message Command Interpreter (MCI) allows you to do a variety
of things within messages you type. Each MCI command consists of:

the British pound character (£) for Commodore users, or backslash (\)
for other computers
a command letter (can be either upper- or lowercase)
a number or letter
any arguments/parameters.
Numbers must be entered in a certain way. Since the parameter after

a command letter may only be one character, letters are substituted in some
cases, as follows:

Page 77






1 or A


9 or I


2 or B




3 or C




4 or D




5 or E




6 or F




7 or G




8 or H

Table 20: MCI numbering system
Think of it as "extended hexadecimal." And by the way, this next
good-sized chunk was pretty extensively reworked; I think the examples in
the original manual don't always explain themselves very well.
Plus, one thing to mention: If ever you need to output a British pound
sign, type two of them. This is technically called "escaping" MCI; the first
prepares to interpret the following character as an MCI command, the
second cancels it.
In general, MCI is what "spices up" an IMAGE BBS. It allows you to
add color, cursor movement, and a "personal touch." The MCI commands
available in IMAGE BBS are:
£AnTEXT£ .................................................. About
Compare MCI variable £Vn to TEXT. Notice the ending pound sign which
delimits the comparison. (For a list of MCI variables, see the £V command.)
The comparison result can be used with £D or £T.

Compares the user's handle (£V2) to SYSOP.

£Bx ....................................................... Bells
Send x bell characters [CHR$(7)] to the user; if the user's terminal supports
bells, they hear them.
 Tip: Speed up or slow down by using the £Sx command!
£Cx ....................................................... Color
Set the current display color to x, where x is from the following table:

Page 78




dark blue


dark gray4 (+)






medium gray




orange (+)


light green






light blue


dark green


light red


light gray

Table 21: MCI color codes

0, black, is omitted since that is usually the color choice for terminal
Commodore users can use CTRLCTRL or C= 1­8 instead of £Cx.

£Dx ........................................... Jump if not equal
Skips x lines when the result of the last compare command (£A or £T) was
not equal.
Display an appropriate message based on whether the user's handle is or is
not SYSOP:
Compare user's handle to SYSOP, skip next line if not
Hello, Sysop!£D1
Output “Hello, Sysop!”, skip next line
Hey, you can't read this!
Output message, continue
Abort the file or message
£Ex ............................................... Jump if equal
Skip x lines if the result of the last compare command (£A or £T) was equal.
Display a message based on whether the user's handle is USER:
Congratulations, your handle is USER!£E1
Too bad your handle isn't USER!

Abort the file or message

£F1 ................................................... Form feed
This command sends a "clear screen" character to the user. [CHR$(147) on
Commodore equipment, or CHR$(12)--a form feed -- in ASCII mode].
£Gx ............................................... Get character
Wait until the user presses a key. The keypress is stored in an$ (MCI variable

in ANSI graphics or Commodore 128 80-column mode: £C8: dark purple,
£CK: dark cyan
Page 79

If x=1, only uppercase input is allowed. If x=0, both uppercase and
lowercase are allowed.
Press a key: £G1
Prompts the user and waits for one
keypress (only uppercase input is accepted).
£Hx .................................................. Backspaces
Display x backspaces/deletes (depending on the user's terminal
This displays Apple, immediately erases it with five
backspace/delete characters, then Banana
is displayed in its place.
£Ix .................................................. Line input
Pauses output, allowing the user to input a line of text. The input is stored in
AN$ (MCI variable £V7).
• If x=0, the input can be in both upper- and lowercase.
• If x=1, the input is in uppercase only.
Enter your name: £I1
Prompts the user, then accepts input
in all uppercase characters.
Hello, £V7!
Echo the user's input.
£Jx ........................................................ Jump
Do not display the next x lines of the message or file.
This skips the next line.
Not displayed
Displayed again
£Kx .............................................. Kolorific mode
Changes the color of each character output.
• If x=0 (zero), Kolorific mode is turned of.
• If x is any other color code (see £Cx), Kolorific mode is enabled,
starting with £Cx.
£K2This is a test£K0
Turn Kolorific mode on, starting with the color red.
Displays "This is a test", then turns Kolorific mode of.
£Lx ..................................................... Printer
Control the printer attached to the BBS, if online.
• If x=0, printed output is stopped.
• If x=1, printed output is started (or resumed).
Note: Printed output stops at the end of each line; you must include £L1 on
each line to be printed.
Print "Hello" on the printer.
£Nx .................................................... New line
Display x carriage returns.
£Ox ...................................................... "Over"
This command repeats a character 19 times. It is useful for making menus,
Parameters: Replace "x" with the character wanted.
Displays the following:
Page 80

£Px .................................................. Print mode
Sometimes referred to as “cursor dancing,” print modes allow each character
output to be displayed in a variety of ways, usually to move the cursor, or
perform "special efects." Replace x with the print mode number. The print
mode is set back to 0 at the end of each line.
There are thirteen very powerful print modes in IMAGE BBS. We suggest
trying to come up with interesting ways to use them -- it is possible to create
an entire “movie” file entirely within the IMAGE BBS editor with these
0 - normal printing
1 - character, backspace, character
2 - character, 8 spaces, 8 backspaces
3 - character, backspace
4 - space, character, 2 backspaces, character
5 - character, bell
6 - character, 2 cursor lefts (displays !drawkcab)
7 - character, cursor left, cursor up (displays up)
8 - character, cursor left, cursor down (displays down)
(fixme: add the rest, 4 diagonals)
£Qx .......................................... Reset MCI defaults
Turns of the following features:
* Printer mode (see £Lx)
* Reverse mode (see £Rx)
* Uppercase mode (see £Ux)
The current print mode (see £Px) and print speed (see £Sx) are set to 0 for
normal output at the fastest speed.
Parameters: * If x=0, then the current color is set to the default color.
* Otherwise, the default color and current color is set to x.
£Rx ................................................ Reverse mode
Controls displaying text in normal or reverse modes.
* If x=0, reverse mode is turned of
* If x=1, reverse mode is turned on
* Reverse mode turns of at the end of every line.
* Commodore users can also use CTRL-9 / CTRL-0.
£Sx ................................................. Print speed
Delay character output by a multiple of tenths of a second.
Parameters: * x ranges from 1-J (.1 to 1 second)

Page 81

£TxTEXT£ ......................................... Test variables
Used in conjunction with £D and £E. Compares a variable to TEXT (similar
to £A).
If x=1, tests user input (AN$).
If x=2, tests access group (AC%).
Compare the user's access level to 9;
Hi, sysop! Welcome!£X1
display an appropriate message.
£V2, this function is only for sysops.
£Vx ............................................... MCI variables
Display the desired MCI variable.
Parameters: x is MCI variable number:
0 d1$

Current date/time

8 d2$

Board name at entry

1 ld$

Last call date

9 d3$

Last user on BBS

2 na$

User's handle

j ak$

Space, LL%-2 character line, CR

3 rn$

User's real name

k d5$

True last call date

4 ph$

User's phone

l d4$

Current ML protocol

5 bn$

Name of BBS

m ag$

Access group name

6 b$

System variable

n cc$

Two-character login identifier

7 an$

Last user input

o dd$

Login identifier + user ID

Table 22: MCI variables
£Wx ........................................................ Wait
Delay x seconds before proceeding, similar to £Sx.
* x ranges from 1-J (1 to 15 seconds)
£X1 .................................................. Abort file
Skips the rest of the lines in a file/message, not displaying anything
contained in those lines.
[The number of lines skipped is actually limited to 255; I discovered this
while re-writing the BBS editor help menu file.]
£#x .......................................... Leading characters
When you use £%v (below), this specifies either:
* The number of digits to display
* To use leading zeroes or spaces
Parameters: * When x is a number [between 1 and 5?], x sets the number of
digits to display a numeric value with.
* When x equals zero, as many digits are in the number are displayed.

Page 82

* When x is a space character, leading spaces are used, but the number of
digits to display is not afected.
See the examples for £%v, below.
£%v .............................. Display integer variable
Display the value of any one-letter integer variable with or without leading
[The periods in the examples are not shown in actual use of this command;
they only illustrate how many leading spaces are used.]
Example 1: £#4£# £%a If a%=l, this displays "...1"
Example 2: £#2£%a If a%=l, this displays "01"
If a%=23, this displays "23"
If a%=789, this displays "89", the rightmost two digits.
Example 3: £#0£%a

If a%=l, this displays "l"
If a%=42, this displays "42"

£$x.......................................Display string variable
Display any one-letter string variable (A$, for example).
Display the contents of the string variable A$.
This command tabs the cursor from the left column, to column #xx.
Notes: * Use the back-arrow key to the left of the 1 key.
* To tab over less than ten columns, use a leading zero (£←05, £←08).
If the tab-to column specified is less than the column where the cursor is
now, any text after the tab command is displayed as normal.

Page 83

The Image Terminal Program
IMAGE BBS has a built in Commodore 1670/Hayes-compatible
terminal program for dialing out to other BBSes without having to take your
BBS of-line. It is equipped with several features, including:

a phone book
auto dialer
X-modem and Punter file transfer
full Commodore C/G capabilities
For the most part it is self-documenting, with several on-line menus to

help you.

Using the Terminal Program
To load and use the term program, press ← at BBS idle mode, and the
term will load and display the opening menu, along with several parameters
displayed on the top right window of the screen. To change any of these
parameters, select the "Term Parameters" option from the main menu.
From here, you are able to change

ASCII/C-G mode
baud rate
U/D protocol
dial mode (tone or pulse)
Other options on the main menu include terminal mode, file

operations, phone book, disconnect, return to the BBS environment, and
send line break (for the MERIT system).

The Phone Book
Here is where you may dial numbers entered into your s.phonebook
file, or any other number that you wish. When you choose the phone book
option from the main menu, you see the first five numbers (if you have the
file), along with "dial number not
To write this file, you should include three items of data for each BBS
you want in the phone book:
Page 84

the name of the BBS LYON'S DEN
the phone number
the baud rate
[...mising text…]
This section will be altered after adding high-speed +.t to the mix...
but keep BBSes for historical preservation)
These should be separated by a carriage return, and can be added at
any time, Example:

(NOTE: Make sure that the first line of the file contains the first BBS
name and not a carriage return, and that there are no extra carriage returns
before, between, or after the information, or the BBS will not read the
information in correctly.)
"next page", or "previous page". Simply hitting return at the prompt
will take you back to the main menu. Selecting next or previous page will go
on through the list in your phonebook. Selecting any of the numbers, or
"Dial number not shown", and entering the number when prompted, will then
prompt you for the autodial (repeat) option.
If the autodial option is selected, it will keep track of how many tries
for that number (Press "/" to abort the autodialer).
Once a connection is made, you are put into term mode for the
To go back to the main menu, press CTRL plus the Commodore key.

Page 85

File Operations
You can change communication parameters or use file operation functions
here, which include:
 getting a disk directory
 sending a disk command
 changing device/drive
 read/send a SEQ file
 upload/download functions (including multi-upload & download)

Page 86

Maintenance Functions
There are several maintenance commands available, with difering
 only at the main prompt
 at all prompts
 from local or pseudo-local mode
 to users with remote maintenance access
Each type of command is described in this chapter. Here is a brief synopsis
of each command, followed by a more complete description. Commands
marked with * are available only from local/pseudo local mode.
Command Purpose
* CP
* ED


Change a device number

Page 5

Online file copier
Extended Command Set editor

Page 87

Edit a user's stats
Run a plus file (which must be on the plus file disk)


Reserve a new account


View feedback, new user feedback, error log

* WF


Online "word processor"

Page 90

Table 23: Maintenance functions

Local Maintenance Commands

Extended Command Set Editor
The Extended Command Set or ECS allows you to add or delete commands
from your BBS without the need to modify your im module or re-boot the
BBS. It also gives you flexibility in these areas:

enabling or disabling commands


password-protecting access


restricting availability of sysop-only commands to local or pseudo-local


restricting certain commands to specific security levels

Page 87


configuring whether a command calls a plus-file module on disk or a
specific line in the memory-resident im module (and whether that call
requires a GOTO or GOSUB)
However, it will not allow you to make changes to the BASIC program.
The ECS will allow you to add both main level and all level commands
either by loading a module or calling a pre-positioned line in your im
module. Each command has several flags attached to it:




Allows you to adjust which access level(s) are allowed to access this


Tells ECS to either load a +.module or call a specified line number in
your im module.


Tells ECS whether the command is a main level command (ie, SB,
UD, VB) or an all level command (ie, XP, EP, F, C).


Allows you to charge x credits each time the user enters this
command. If the user has insufficient credits, they are not able to
access it.


Allows you to password-protect a command. If left blank, the
command is unprotected.

ZZ Lock

Allows you to lock the command so that only a console or
pseudo-local user can access it.


Tell the ECS whether it should ignore extra characters on a
command (ie; SB2,1, BF4).
On: extra characters are ignored and can be used as flags such as
with SB.
Of: it is assumed the entire string is a command.

Table 47: Extended Command Set flags
Using The ECS Editor
Using the ECS command editor is really very simple—there are just a few
things that you should know.
1. If you Add or Edit any commands while you are in the editor, you should
first (S)ave the new configuration then (M)ake it active.
2. A pre-configured ml.ecsdefs has been included with this package that
contains all the standard IMAGE v1.2 commands plus the commands MA
(macro toggle) and ECS which loads the ECS editor (+.ecs).

Page 88

Re-boot your BBS and add or edit any commands that you wish using +.ecs
by entering ECS at the main prompt.
NOTE: ml.ecsdefs is a ML file and must be COPIED. Also if you plan to use
the MACS (also included on this diskette) you must install the ECS prior to
installing MACS.


User Edit
Edit your users' information whenever needed. Type the handle or ID
number of the user to edit.
 If entering the ID number, do not enter the BBS identifier (if your
identifier is SS, and you want to edit user number 50, you would enter
50, not SS50)
The BBS then loads the user's stats into memory. Anyone with pseudo-local
maintenance access may change anything they wish.

One exception to this is the password, which can only be seen or
changed by the sysop (ID#1).

The first page of user information is shown. If you wish to change anything,
type its number at the prompt, or N to view the next page of information.
Then enter the new information. Don't worry if you make a mistake: you can
change it again if you wish, nothing is permanently changed until you answer
Y to the Save changes? prompt when you are done.
If the information you wish to change concerns the user's "flags”—that is,
certain functions the user can access—then you get a list like in the BBS
configuration editor (page Error: Reference source not found).
No matter how much I read and re-read this next paragraph, it never made
much sense to me. So I'm re-writing it, hopefully keeping the spirit and
intent of the original wording... hurty head bad...
These flags reflect the default settings whenever you first change the access
group you gave the user. Afterwards, they may be customized on a per-user
basis. Changing one flag will not afect any other flags for that user.
You may also delete an account or reserve an account with this function by
changing the user's handle.

To delete the account, change their handle to an ^ (up arrow). The
BBS prompts with "Delete this user?" before any action is taken. If
"yes" is selected, the account is considered deleted, and it is now
available for a NEW or REServed user (although it is not overwritten,
making it possible to "resurrect" a deleted user by changing the
handle back, before another new user takes that account).


REServed users get prompted for a password, number of credits, and
access level. (More on this in the "RS" function below.)

Page 89


File Copier
This command allows you to access the online file copier, patterned after the
popular "Copy-All" program by Jim Butterfield. Our thanks go to him for
supplying us with the source code to help us write this version. The online
copier will copy PRG, SEQ, and USR files from one device or drive to another
with little efort.
NOTES: CP will NOT copy files to the same device and drive. Use the "DC"
command for this, with standard Commodore DOS commands [ex.
CP will also not copy REL files.
Use "+.CP-rel" online, or "Copy-All" or "rel copy" offline to do this.

Write File
You may access the IMAGE editor as a mini word-processor, to write or edit
any sequential (SEQ) file. When you type the WF command at the main
prompt, the editor will load, and you are able to use it to .Put (save) and .Get
(load) files from any device and drive you have online. This makes it easy to
write, edit, or—in the case of "putting" to a file which already exists, append
to—a file.

Additional Dot Commands
There are also additional editor commands built into the WF function not
normally available from the editor subsystem:

Get file


Put file


Query lines




View directory


Read text file


DOS command

Table 72: WF editor dot commands
You are prompted for a filename, then the device and drive the file is on. The
file will be loaded (assuming no errors occur) and you can edit it as
necessary or create a new file if you wish. (fixme: correct?)
When finished, you have two choices:

Page 90

Saves the file (prompting for a filename if one hasn't been established with
the Put command). It checks for the presence of an existing file under the
given name, and if one is found, it prompts:
[A]ppend [R]eplace [Q]uit:
Here, you can:

[A]ppend the text in the editor to the existing file
[R]eplace the file on disk with the text in the editor
[Q]uit to the editor (keeping existing text intact) without saving

Allows you to save the file wherever you wish, returning to where you left of
in the editor to continue working. You are prompted for a filename in the
same way as above (if you used .Get, the filename you got is displayed
serving as a reminder and the default filename). You are prompted for the
device and drive to save to (the default is 8:0).
Re-displays the editor's opening message, showing how many lines used so
far, remaining, and bytes of free memory.
Removes a border or partial border that you have done. It removes the first
and last lines, and first and last characters from each line if they are the
same character.


Run a Plus-File
Run any plus file you have on your plus file disk from the main prompt. You
are prompted
Run +.
Type the filename after that. (Pressing RETURN by itself exits to the main
command level.)

Remote Maintenance Commands

View Feedback
Only those with remote maintenance access may use the VF function. When
first entered, it counts the number of messages which fall into the following

Error log
New user log

Page 91


Canned messages

I'll let Fred Dart explain the operation of some features, with slight
formatting changes to the file:

The following article appeared in
the January issue of "The Reflection"
It is reproduced here for the
benefit of any that may have missed
it. It may be used as a text file
on other boards, if used in its'

By: Fred Dart (THE CHIEF)
This month we are going to look at one of the truly outstanding features of
IMAGE 1.2, the enhanced "+.VF" program.
The basic "+.VF" from the version 1.0 has been expanded and enhanced by
Dr.Bob of the "Enchanted Forest BBS" in Philadelphia. Bob has worked very
closely with Little John and has really done a tremendous job with the
Some of the new features include "canned" messages and selective deletion
of feedback, new user feedback, etc. We'll look at all of the diferent
The feature that seems to cause the most questions is the "canned message"
feature. A "canned message" is simply a pre-written message or "form letter"
that you may wish to send to a user, much like the "new user welcome".
From the initial VF: prompt, selecting C will bring up an option menu
consisting of A/dd, E/dit, K/ill, L/ist, or S/end. Selecting the Add option will
ask you for a title for the message, and then put you in the editor to write
your message. Your message can be as brief or as long as you'd like and can
contain any MCI or color just as any message entered in the editor.
The Edit option will ask which message to edit. A numeric input is required.
If you don't remember which one you want to edit, simply entering the ? will
bring up a list of titles and numbers, enter the number of the message you
wish to edit and it will be loaded into the editor for whatever editing you
The Kill option works the same way, the number of the message you want
killed. Better be sure here as there is no safety check: if you say kill, it is
List does just that, it will provide a list of available "canned messages". You
can have up to 60 of them if you desire.
Page 92

The final option is Send, which simply asks which one to send. Again, if you
don't know a question mark will bring up the list. Very neat.
When reading any of the feedback, new user feedback, telecheck log or error
log you have several other options available as well, they are:
Accs/Can/CRed/Del/View/Fwd/Rspd/Next/Over/Quit/New #.
The ones that are new or changed include the Can/CRed/Del and View. The
others are unchanged, or have minor changes.
Selecting Can will give you the option of sending the user any of the "canned
messages." You might even have one that you want to send to people that
continually have trouble with the telecheck or you might have one that you
send to anyone that runs into an error on your system (though he should
have gotten error e-mail). When you select C you will be asked "which one"
and a ? will bring up the list of those you have available.
CRed is very handy for giving credit. I'm sure you have all had occasion to
need to restore some credit to a user for a bad download or as a reward for
something, now you can do it from here, no need to go into ED just to give
him credit.
Del is one of my own favorites. The user that signs on with an obviously fake
account or the irate user that says "just delete me from your system if I
can't....." whatever. The D works wonders... and really feels good
afterwards. May not get a lot of use but when it does it is worth having.
Finally the View. Particularly good on systems where more than one person
may give access. You can View the person's account to see what his status
is. If he has been given access or if he wants some credit or whatever, the
View is particularly useful.
In addition to these great features there has also been added the "Selective
delete" option so you can delete all or any part of your feedback or other
messages. When Delete is selected from the VF: prompt, you select which to
delete then have an option of selective or auto delete.
Selective delete picks which messages you want to retain through a menu of
[D]elete [K]eep [A]bort
The options should be self-explanatory, I hope.
All in all the VF is now about anything a busy sysop could want to maintain
his daily message traffic from his users. This is really one of the better
"hidden" features of 1.2. Well done Dr. Bob.
(A late note here, someone that just converted to IMAGE from 12.0 said that
the "+.VF" was one of the best features he had noticed since his conversion.)

Page 93

(c) January 1990 FandF Products
Permission to reprint is granted provided the file is printed in its entirety.

If the user is in "Local" or "pseudo-local" mode, they are given an option to
delete the entries.
Entering "N", "E", or "F" will allow them to read the entries beginning with
the first entry or with any entry number he may wish to enter (Example: if
there were 10 feedback messages, they could start reading number 5 by
entering a 5 at the prompt, or enter "N" to begin reading those entries that
are NEW since his last call, if the feedback was not deleted previously).
After each message he has several options, including:

advancing to any message by typing the message number
N or RETURN continues on to the next message
R responds to the message
A changes the user's access
F forwards the message to any other user as e-mail
Q quits back to the options menu

After all messages have been read, the user is returned to the options menu.
If access is assigned to a new user the Sysop is given the option of sending
the new user a "New User Welcome" that consists of the file welcome.
(This can be created using the WF command shown above.)
New user feedback may also be archived if desired. This copies your new
user feedback to a file called e.nark (which could be backed up from time to
time, as many sysops like to do). This eliminates the search through older
messages each time VF starts up.


Reserve Account
A reserved account (an account with a pre-assigned password, number of
credits and access level) can be established using this command. A reserved
account is useful for a new user who may sign up when you are not available
to validate them.
The RS command establishes any deleted account (where the handle is ^) as a
reserved account. When first entered, you are prompted to enter the starting
account number.

Typing a number starts searching at that account number
If E is typed, or no deleted accounts are found in the user file, the next
valid account is assigned as the reserved account.

A password, access level, and number of credits will be prompted for.
After this information is entered, the BBS reserves that account.
Page 94

The weed program allows you to automatically go through your user files,
and delete users who have not called within a specified amount of time.
To use it, run +.weed. You are asked if you would like auto-weed, or selective

"Selective weed" prompts whether you want to delete each user that it
finds before deleting them.

It also includes users with non-weed status, since you will be prompted.

Auto-weed doesn't prompt, but deletes each user it finds that has not
called since the cut-of date. (Non-weed status users are ignored in
this mode.) You are asked for the cut-of date, which will be the date
that is checked against the last call date.

Enter it in the format shown, then tell the program which ID number to start
from. Everything else works automatically, and you hear a beep when the
program is finished.

AutoWeed system
This is used to edit your access groups. You must reboot in order for the
access information to take efect.

This program allows you to re-define such things as number of calls to the
system, board name, prime time, etc. Simply run it and follow the prompts to

Page 95

This documentation was modified slightly from the text files on the RELedit
and Networking plus-file disks. I in no way take credit for the original
documentation, just the cleanup and integration into these more current,
streamlined docs.
RELedit is a program which eases the setup and administration of message
and file transfer bases. Just run +.reledit from the main prompt.
After a short delay as RELedit reads the system configuration, you see the
main menu. Across the top is the title of the program and a copyright
message. Below that is data on your BBS that includes the number of Subs,
U/Ds, etc. that are defined, as well as your node number if you are on the
network. Below that are 5 options:



Select S, U, X, G or N.
Note: If you are not part of a network, the NetSubs option will not appear.
This documentation assumes you are networked. If not, operation is exactly
the same, you just can't use the NetSub option.

Editing Sub-Boards
If you select S, the BBS enters the Sub-board list editor's first screen. It
consists of a listing of the Subs (if any) you have defined.
The list of Subs show:

The title
Whether it is open or closed
The device and drive the messages are saved to
The ID number of the SubOp (ID# 0 means no SubOp)
The password (if any)
The access level required to see/enter it
If it is a NetSub, a small "n" will appear after the access level.

To add a Sub, type A and hit RETURN.

Page 96

Typing ranges of sub-boards to add, delete, move, or insert works similar to
BASIC's LIST command.

To list all the Subs
Optionally, follow that by a number to start listing the Subs at.
You can follow this with a comma or dash to list from this number to the
end of the list.
You can follow this with a final number to list to.

Type the board number you want to edit, then press RETURN.
RETURN (Pressing
RETURN by itself exits to the main RELedit menu.)

Editing Sub-Board Options
A menu appears with 9 options:

Page 97

1 Title

The title of the sub-board. ­­­ deletes a Sub when entered as the
title, and does not add it if you are adding a sub).

2 Access

The Access levels that can see this Sub. Entering ? when prompted
for the access level calculates access values as described on page
Error: Reference source not found. If the access level is left at 0
when you exit the editor, any other changes are deleted and the
board is not added.

3 SubOp

The handle and ID of the SubOp. When editing, you can enter the ID
number or handle.

4 Device

The device number where the messages are saved.

5 Drive

The drive number (for dual drive, Lt. Kernal and other multi-drive
devices) where the messages are saved. (Serial drive owners
normally put 0 here.) The drive number can be 3 digits long to
accommodate CMD hard drives.

6 Status

Toggles between opening and closing the sub-board. A sub-board
can be closed for maintenance if necessary; users do not see the
sub-board listed when first entering the sub-system.

7 Type

Std, N-An, etc. You are presented with Yes and No questions which
help select the type of board it will be. The questions are:
Upload/Download Boards:
1 DO-C DO-F and.
(Refer to the table on page
3 Password
Yes asks users for a password before they can enter
the Sub-board (see option 8 below).
Message Bases
1 "Non-Anonymous?"
2 "Anonymous?"

Yes forces the message base to display who
posted each message. It skips the second
Yes makes the board completely
Anonymous. No to both questions makes the
board a "Standard" type which asks users if
they want to make the post anonymous or

8 Passwd

The password needed to enter the sub-board if the sub-board type
requires a password.

9 Scrns

This allows you to edit the entry screens for this Sub:
 Select A to edit the ASCII screen
 Select C to edit the C/G screen
Any pre-existing screen will be loaded into the editor, and you may
use all the usual editing commands.

Table 26: RELedit sub-board definitions

Page 98

These 9 options are the same for the U/D and U/X editors as well. The only
diference is the Type question which asks Downloads Only? and Free
Downloads? as well as Password.
If the access is 0 or the title is ­­­, the data will not be saved (or deleted if
editing an existing record). The BBS also goes through the SIGs (if defined)
and removes the board from any SIGs it is on.

The SIG Editor
This is

much like the Sub, U/D and U/X editors. The list displays:
the SIG title
the SIGop ID
whether the Subs, U/Ds and U/Xs are open in that SIG

Another new feature found in this version of RELedit (when coupled with the
newest version of the TurboRELs) is the ability to "close" a section of the
board to a SIG. What this does is prevent the SIG from being listed when the
user enters the "closed" section.
For example, if you have a SIG that shows the U/X section closed, when a
user types "UX", the SIG will not display, appearing as if the SIG does not
exist in that area.
When you type the number of the SIG you wish to edit, the following options
1. Title

SIG title.

2. Access

Access levels that can use this SIG.

3. SIGop

The SIGop for this SIG. Like SubOp in the Sub, U/D or U/X editors, you
can enter either the ID number or handle of the user.

4. Subs

Toggles Subs open or closed.

5. U/Ds

Toggles U/Ds open or closed.

6. U/Xs

Toggles U/Xs open or closed.

7. SB Lst

Edit the list of Subs in this SIG.

8. UD Lst

Edit the list of U/Ds in this SIG.

9. UX Lst

Edit the list of U/Xs in this SIG.

10. Scrns

Edit the entry screens for this SIG (ASCII or C/G).

Table 27: RELedit SIG editing options

Page 99

Editing Lists
Using options 7 through 9, you are presented with a list of the Subs, U/Ds or
U/Xs (depending on what option you select) that looks very much like the one
users see when listing the available boards in SB/UD/UX.
Everything is keyed of of the position of the board in that list. For example,
if you enter D5 it will delete the 5th board in the list of boards for that SIG.
The commands are as follows:
[A]dd board
Add a board to the end of the list of boards for this SIG. This
command accepts ranges, or type just A and you are asked for the board
number (which is the record number you saw in the Sub, U/D and U/X
Typing L at the main Edit prompt or the Add Which prompt lists the
defined Subs/UDs/UXs (depending on which type you are editing).
The Add command also allows multiple adds by giving it a range to
add. For example, A5­10 will add Subs 5 to 10. Range commands also work
at the "Add Which" prompt.
[I]nsert board
Identify the number before the board(s) you want inserted. Typing S
at the edit prompt or the Insert Before Which prompt lists the boards in
that SIG (again, you can enter a range here as well). You can give the board
number you want the new boards inserted before by typing I followed by the
[M]ove boards

You are asked which boards you want to move in the list of
boards for that SIG. Type M and the range at the "Edit" prompt.
Next, you are asked which board you want the selected boards
to be moved after.


You are asked which boards you wish to delete. Again, ranges
work here, in the same way. This only deletes the boards from
the SIG list, not from the main Sub/UD/UX lists. As before, L
lists Subs/UDs/UXs, S scans the list of boards selected for that
SIG list.

Page 100

Pressing RETURN saves the list, returning you to the editing screen for
the SIG information.

When you hit RETURN at the SIG Edit prompt, the data is saved
unless the title is ­­­ or the access is 0.

If a SIG is deleted, the SIG list for that SIG is also deleted.

Netsub Editor
This editor lets you list all of the NetSub IDs you have (you can have
up to 60) and edit the lists of boards they are linked to as well as what
sub-boards on your BBS are part of that NetSub.
To define a networked sub, first set it up (Editing Sub-Boards, page
When you hit N at the main prompt, the BBS looks on your disk for
the NetSub data files. These files are program files that are loaded into
memory using one of the new protocol files written for the NetSubs.
NOTE: If you have a Lt. Kernal, have the Autoload feature turned on,
and have a floppy drive with the same device number as the Lt. Kernal, you
get a flashing error light on the floppy drive when you enter the NetSub
editor as well as every time the new +.NM.netsub files are executed during
Network Maint. You might want to remove the floppy drive from your system
if this bugs you, but it will not hurt the operation of RELedit or the BBS.
The list only displays the NetSub IDs you have defined on your BBS.
Type the number on the left of the NetSub ID you wish to edit and you
are taken to the editing screen.
You will now see 18 options:
Option #1 lets you modify the NetSub ID.

Page 101

Options #2 through #17 are Network IDs of the boards that this
NetSub is linked to. This list should only contain the IDs of boards that you
send NetSubs directly to, not every board that is linked to that NetSub
anywhere on the network.
The board IDs are not verified. This is inline with the new network
design and the reasons for this will be explained when the Image Network is
reorganized to make use of the new network features.
Option #18 lets you define which boards on your BBS are parts of this
particular NetSub.
The editor that is entered when you select option #18 is very much
like the SIG list editor. (As a matter of fact, both the SIG editor and NetSub
editor use the same routines!) The only diferences are as follows:

Up to 60 boards can be defined as being part of a particular NetSub.
You can only add boards that are not already identified as being
Networked. [To remove Network status from a particular sub-board, it
must be deleted and re-added using the Subs editor.]
The "Multi-Add" and "Multi-Insert" functions skip not only deleted
records, but already networked boards.
While the order of the subs in this list does not in any way afect the

order in which they are listed to users, it does afect the order in which they
are scanned when +.NM.netsub is run. When a message comes in to a board,
the boards are searched for a post of the same name in the order defined in
this section. If none are found, the boards are scanned in the same order
again for a place to post a new message.
You may want to rearrange the order of the Subs to speed up NetSub
operation. For example: if you have a sub containing older posts not
responded to as often as a sub found later in the list, you might want to
switch their order so the board with more activity comes first. This way the
BBS does not read through older posts for no reason.

Page 102

Overflow Subs
This is a system allowing you to set multiple boards as being part of a
particular NetSub ID. When a network message comes in, all subs part of a
particular NetSub ID are searched, and the response (or new post) is added
where appropriate.
That should just about cover the options available to you in the new
RELedit. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful in maintaining your BBS.

Nightly AutoMaint
The "AutoMaint" feature in +.lo is designed as a building block to add
nightly maintenance functions—you may add any sort of functions you wish.
As it now stands, it will rotate the caller and AutoMaintenance logs
every night at midnight (or as soon as possible thereafter, if a user happens
to be online at around that time, AutoMaintenance is delayed until after they
log of).
A week's worth of logs are maintained under the filenames e.log x
(where x is the day of the week: 1=Sun...7=Sat, like setting the weekday
when changing the BBS clock manually). They may be viewed with the LG
command online.
Anyone with limited disk space who does not wish to use this feature
can set the variable am to 0 in line 1 of +.lo, and use +.NL (New Log)
whenever the log reaches a certain size.

Page 103

About NetMail
Copyright 1990, New Image Software
UPDATED 7-1-90
NetMail 1.0 is a system which allows files to be transferred between
BBSes automatically. In this version of NetMail, it supports E-Mail transfers
among users, and general file transfers among sysops. Also, if the TurboREL
SIGs are used, Network Sub-Boards are available.
All of this is accomplished by means of a program called +.NMauto.
This program is run automatically by the system at regular intervals.
(Usually one hour apart.) The program checks for the existence of files that
need to be transferred to other systems. If any exist, the necessary phone
calls are made, and the files are transferred.
Each node in the network will need to pick a node ID. This is just a 3
character identifier that will represent that node. We suggest that an
abbreviation of the BBS name be used so that it will be familiar.

NetMail Paths
To avoid the problems of having your BBS call all of the other nodes
on your network, the number of connections that can be made to any node is
four. At first, this may seem like a small number. However, in our testing, we
have found that it keeps the traffic through any one node low enough, and
limits the number of calls that any one node has to make.
Node IDs are used in paths. For example, say you had a network with
6 nodes in it. The path from, say LDE to GFD might be /LDE/WZK/GFD/,
whereas the path from JMS to PGN might be /JMS/LDE/PGN/. The path

Page 104

describes how to send files from one place to the other. For the most part,
you will not need to worry about paths. You just need to know that they are
One other restriction is placed on the layout of the network. That is
that there can only be one path between any two nodes in the network. If the
network is planned with any loops in it (places where files could be sent in
circles) then the network will have problems.

Network Maintenance
One BBS on the network will be responsible for network maintenance.
It is the sysop of this BBS who will set up the paths that were described
above. It is not up to this sysop to plan all of the paths, just to configure
them into the network.
The sysop in charge of the network also has the ability to send
"NetNews.” This is a news file that will be automatically installed on all of
the nodes in the network. The purpose of this is to provide a way to relay
current information about the network to all of its users. Such information
might include new nodes that have been added or local news that is of
interest to everyone.

Network Planning
Planning a network is not as difficult as it may seem. There is a simple
method of planning a network of any size. You get a piece of paper, and write
the node ID of your BBS in the middle of it. Then draw four long lines, one
going up, down, right, and left. These are places where you can add nodes.
Write the IDs of the nodes at the ends of the lines. Then draw three short
lines from each of these. (See Figure 1: Simple network.) Add nodes on the
end of each line. The process can be continued indefinitely.
Note that you could not connect PCM to JMS because that would
cause a loop, as mentioned above.

Page 105


Figure 1: Simple network

General Setup
Where to Put the Files
These files should be put on your Plus Files disk:


++ 2



++ net



++ path







These files should be put on the System Disk:


Table 28: Networking Plus Files

Page 106

Installing NetMail
You will need to make two small changes to Image in order to make
NetMail run on your system. Line 1 of the program +.lo has nf=. or nf=0 in
it. It needs to be changed to read nf=1. The same is true of the program
If you have a very busy BBS, you may also want to change the rs=. (or
rs=0) in line 1 of +.lo, to read rs=1. This will reserve your system from 3-4
AM each night, so that NetMail will get through.

Getting Ready to Go!
This is the most important part. You need to find someone to network
with. Once you find someone, or a group, you need to decide who is going to
be the network operator. At this point you would skip forward to the
appropriate section. If you are the network operator, read the section
entitled Creating A New Network, and if you are not, then read the section
entitled Joining An Existing Network. If you want to join the existing
Image Network that we are running, contact THE CHIEF on Port Commodore
(THE CHIEF @ PCM, in Net-Lingo).

Creating a New Network
Network Planning
Plan your network. Get out paper and a pencil, and draw a map. Try
to avoid long distance calls by "chaining" nodes together. You will need to
get all of the available information about the BBSes that will be in your
network. It's not hard to add new nodes later, but it is hard to remove them
once they are there. One of the easiest ways to plan the network is to first
find 4 nodes to connect to your node. Then work on finding 4 to connect to
each of those. However, it is not necessary to fill up all of the connections.
You can leave some open so that you can later expand. See Figure 2: NetMap
6-20-90 which has the current map of the network that we are running.

Page 107

Note that we have left plenty of room left to expand, and welcome
anyone to join.
Assign each of your nodes a number. Start with 1, which will be your
node, and then number the rest. This will be important later.





Figure 2: NetMap 6-20-90
Configuring Your Network
Now comes the fun part. From within Image, run the + file
+.NM/utils. Since you have never configured a network on your system, it
will ask you if you want to create a network. Say Yes.
Then, you will be taken to the Utilities menu. There are several
options available. You will need to edit the nodes, using option A.
You need to edit node 1, and put your info into it. Make sure to set
everything. Then, add the other nodes in the same way.

Page 108

Note that you need to change the connections while in the node
editor. When changing a connection, you need to make sure that you edit
both nodes to make the connection complete. Leave any empty connections
as 0. When you are done, press RETURN to get back to the utilities menu, and
select the option to Make 'nm.create'. This will make the file that you must
give to each of the sysops in your network so they can configure themselves
in. You must also tell each sysop what his/her node # will be.
You will also have to tell the sysop of each node who will be connected
to them. They will all need to make up passwords for their nodes, and each
one will need to give their passwords to the sysops of the nodes that are
connected to them.
When you are done, run the program +.NM/config. You need to set all
of the diferent options, so just go through each of the menu items.
Everything in the section Joining an Existing Network will apply to
you as well, so you should read that section also.

Adding a New Node
When you need to add new nodes, just enter the Node List Editor
again, and add them in. Make sure to edit the nodes they are connected to
so that they will be connected in both directions. When you are finished,
make the nm.create file again, and be sure to give this to the new network
members. They will configure just as the original members did. Don't forget
to give them their node numbers.
Next, you must send a Node Update. This will send a file out to the
other BBSes in your network to tell them what changes have been made. It
will automatically install the changes in their system.

Joining an Existing Network
Configuring Your System
You will need to get a copy of the file nm.create from your network
operator. Put this file on your Email disk. Also, you need to find out what
your node number is, and what BBSes are connected to you. You will need to
Page 109

make up a password, and give it to each of the sysops of the BBSes who are
connected to you. They will have to give you their passwords as well. Be sure
to go through each of the options in the configuration menu to make sure
that they are set correctly.
If you wish to have the modem be of hook while NetMail is doing its
work, turn the "Of Hook" flag on. Note that this will not work with all
modems. Also note that NetMail will not work with modems that do not
accept Hayes-type commands.
An explanation is needed for the connection editor. What you must
first do is decided when you want calls to be made by the BBS, based on what
"type" of day it is. For example, perhaps on weekends you want to allow 24
hour calling, while on weekdays you only want calling at night. The 24 hour
type is pre-defined as "+". So you must configure another type to have the
hours you want for the weekends.
The option "Change call times" is what you use to edit the types. You
would set the first call type "0" to the hours you want to allow. If you want to
define other types, you have the "1" to "9" to work with as well.
After defining the types, you should use the option to "Edit
connections". That will bring you to another menu. Choose "Normal
Connections". (The other option, "Shortcuts" is not yet fully implemented, but
will be in future versions.)
When editing the nodes, you can enter the passwords, define the type
of day for each day of the week (for calling hours) and set the number of calls
per day for each day of the week.) When setting the calls/day, "+" means
infinite calls. When setting the types of days, "+" means 24 hours and "-"
means no calls that day.
Once you finish configuring, you are all set! NetMail is up and running
on your system. Any time more nodes are added, it will automatically add
them into your system.

Page 110

E-Mail Forwarding
E-mail forwarding lets you pick a few people whose E-mail will be
automatically sent from your BBS, though the network, and end up on some
other BBS. For example, it might be nice to forward E-mail for the sysops of
the other BBSes on the network. There is an option on the configuration
menu for this. You need to specify what their handle is on your BBS, and
what it is on the destination BBS, and, of course, what the destination BBS is.

NetMail Online Functions
NetMail adds several commands into the e-mail section of Image BBS.
Those commands are listed here, along with descriptions of what they do:
User Commands

List all nodes

This will display a list of all the nodes that are in your


List active nodes

This will list only the active nodes. Nodes can be marked as
inactive by the network operator.



This requests information about a specific node. For example,
NI1 will display info about node #1.


View Net Map

This will display the file Note that this file is not
automatically created and someone must hand-draw the map
which you will put on your system.


Net Send

This is the command to send NetMail.

Sysop Commands

View Log

This will view the log of Network calls. The log displays when
calls were made or received, and what files were transferred.


View Sysop Log

This will display the log of NetMail sent. This is useful in case
someone is abusing the network.

Table 56: NetMail Commands

Page 111

Network File Transfers
Files may be transferred between sysops through the network. There
is a separate program to do his, it is called +.NM/file. When files are
transferred, they are put into a special nm.F file. This allows multiple files to
be sent at one time, by just sending a single file. When you receive files, it
will notify you in your e-mail. You should then run this program.
When you run the program, it will scan to see if any of these nm.F files
are waiting for you. If any are, it will ask you if you want to extract the files.
Extracting the files will put them on the Email disk, so be sure you have
enough room. The program will tell you the length of the nm.F file. The
extracted files will have approximately the same number of blocks total.
When that is finished, or if there were no files received, it will ask you
if you want to send files. The prompts are self-explanatory here.
Keep in mind that some of the Nodes that you send files though may
not have enough disk space to hold the file (even temporarily) while it is
waiting to be sent on to the next node. It is not generally a good idea to send
a lot of files at a time for this reason, or very large files. Also, since some of
the connections may be long distance, you may be running up someone's
phone bill considerably. (And yes, they will know exactly who did it because
they will know where the files came from, and where they were going. You
don't want to get your fellow network members mad at you!)

Two versions of the Network "Wallwriter" are supplied with the
Network. One is the normal Wallwriter with network abilities added. The
other is a 10-line version that allows a lot more text. MCI commands are not
allowed on the wall, but color codes and graphics are. Both versions can be
accessed by the program +.NW.

Page 112

The easiest way to install NetWall is by adding it into your PF section.
Or, you could add it in as a command in your im file. (This is only suggested if
you are familiar with doing such things.) The other option, and some people
have already done so, is to merge it into your +.on file, so that it can be used
during the logon sequence, just as Wallwriter is.
There is one important thing to know about the NetWall. It will get
big! Very big! As responses come in from all over the network, they will
accumulate. It is up to you to keep it to a useable amount. When you run
+.NW while in Local Mode, it will ask you if you want to edit the wall. This will
allow you to selectively delete messages from the wall. Deleting them on your
system will not delete them from other systems, so you are free to keep as
many as you like, or as few as you like. We suggest that you check the size of
the file at least once a week.
There is also a Weed option that will do this for you. You only need to
tell it how many days back to set the cutof point, then it will delete the
messages older than that day.
If you do not want to use the NetWall, then you should change the
g1=1 in line 801 of +.NW.walls to g1=0. This will turn the 10-line version of.
If you do not want to use the Network WallWriter, then you should
change the g2=1 in line 801 of +.NW.walls to g1=0. This will turn the 1-line
version of.

NetMail Support/Information
If you wish to have any further information about netmail, you can
contact PROFESSOR, on Lyon's Den East. The phone number is (313)

Compatibility Notes
This software has been tested on the following list of equipment:

Page 113

Commodore 64
Commodore 128 in 64 mode
Commodore 1670 (old and new)
Supra 2400
Transcom 1200H
Aprotek 2400 (minimodem)
Commodore 1541, 1571, and 1581
Commodore SFD 1001 W/IEEE Flash
Lt. Kernal Hard Drives
Please note that we cannot guarantee that it will work with anything
that is not on this list. However, most modems are compatible with those
tested, as are most disk drives. As a general rule, most equipment that will
work with IMAGE BBS, will work with NetMail.

The IMAGE Network
As we have mentioned in several places in this manual, we are
running this network software on our Image Support BBSes. This network is
growing fast, and any who have bought the NetMail software are welcome to
join it. There is only one catch. In order to join our network, you have to find
someone who is already on our network who is willing to sponsor you. If you
are local to one of our nodes, then this is usually not a problem. But if you
are not local, then you must find someone who is willing to connect you long
distance to their BBS.
This is not usually a problem. A typical long distance network call
lasts about 3-4 minutes, and they do not necessarily occur every night. Using
2400 baud helps a lot for the phone bill, as it will take only half the time to
send the same files. Estimates are at about $30 a month for a long distance

Page 114

In the future, we may request that sysops who do not have long
distance connections on their nodes to voluntarily contribute $15 - $25 per
month, which would be given to those sysops that do have long distance
connections. The idea being to share the costs a bit, so no one has to bear the
whole burden.

Programming Notes
E­Mail System
The e-mail system for Image 1.2 was written while the Network was in
the planning stages, over a year ago. Several "hooks" were put into it so that
when the Network was available, E-Mail would be ready. The file +.NMextra
is a mini-module that E-Mail loads when NetMail is active. The routines in
+.NMextra handle all of the network functions that the users can access.

Configuration Editors
The file +.NM/config is a stand-alone module that handles all of the
network configuration that a sysop would need to be able to do.
The file +.NM/utils is a stand-alone module that handles the Network
Administrator's functions.

Network Maintenance
The file +.NMauto is loaded by the +.lo program whenever Network
Maintenance needs to be done. It is this module that handles incoming and
outgoing calls. In addition to +.NMauto there are several mini-modules that
process files as they are received. These include processors for Mail, the
Netwall, NetNews, Updates, and so on. Also, when the TurboREL Sigs are
used, there are processors for NetSubs.

ML Support
There are a few ++ files that do a lot of the "dirty work" for the network.

Page 115

A replacement for the normal Image copier. This file handles the work for the

++ 2

network sysop-to-sysop file transfers.
++ path

A fast ML pathfinder which is used to route files. (In previous versions, a
BASIC routine was used, which was MUCH slower.)

++ net

A proprietary file transfer protocol that is used when one BBS calls another. It
is based on the standard "Punter 10" protocol, but implements a much more
reliable multi-file transfer, and adds some options which make Net transfers
much simpler.

Table 57: NetMail Plus Files

Future Changes
More additions are planned for the network system. A few online
games that send results via the net are planned, and some new features are
going to be added to e-mail. Updates will be available on Lyon's Den East,
and other Image Support BBSes.

Page 116

Programming and Troubleshooting
This chapter provides programming information for those interested
in the programming details of IMAGE BBS, and troubleshooting information
for those that may be having problems.

Overall Description
IMAGE BBS is a modular program, consisting of both BASIC and
machine language files interchanged by the program to add the capability of
never running out of memory for program space! It performs this miracle by
loading modules (overlays) when needed to perform specific tasks. Using
this technique, you may do about anything you wish to on the BBS, not
worrying about memory constraints.
Of course, every great concept has its drawbacks, and this one is no
exception. The price we have to pay for it is the fact that loading these
modules takes time, slowing down the BBS somewhat, since you must wait
for them to load. However, we feel the trade-of is well worth it! If you have
a RAM Expansion Unit, CMD RAMLink, or faster disk drive (IEEE, Lt. Kernal,
CMD HD, etc.), the load process is sped up considerably or is in some cases
instantaneous, and helps quite a bit! Those that do not experience more
waiting, but no loss of capabilities on the BBS.
The BBS was written with the programmer in mind. Special attention
was given to making it easy to modify and customize. Several custom
features can be added without even changing the program, but if you can
program in BASIC a little, you'll be surprised at how easy it is to add your
own ideas.

IMAGE uses a main BASIC program (im), and several machine
language modules (the ml.* files) which remain in memory at all times. It
also uses BASIC modules (+.* files), and machine language modules (++*
files). You may write as many of your own modules as you'd like, adding
them at any time. The main consideration is to know which variables and
Page 117

subroutines to use, and how to use them. Be careful when modifying the
main program (im) so you do not add too much, or you will find yourself
running short on memory, slowing down or possibly crashing due to being
short on free memory.
Adding to a plus-file cannot hurt, as long as you do not go over 56
CBM disk blocks for any individual module. However, defining new variables
—especially arrays—can eat up memory and cause the same problems
mentioned above, so be selective in your variable usage. There are many
routines in the program which are available for you to use. We will describe
a few of the most commonly used here. This is not meant to be a detailed
guide to programming, only a brief description so you may get the idea.
I have HTMLized the programmer's reference guide, and am working
on continuing to improve it.

Common Subroutines

Routine setup/results

Variables returned


Position pointer on relative file.

x=number of record


Input routine (upper/lower case)

returned in an$


Input routine (uppercase only)

returned in an$


Get routine (uppercase only)

returned in an$ and a$


Open file

a$=filename, dr= system disk# to use


Read error channel

e%=error e$=error name t%=track s


Load plusfile from plusfile disk


Scratch and reopen SEQ file to
a$=filename dr=system disk#


Scratch a file
a$=filename dr=system disk


Output a$

Page 118


Routine setup/results


Read open file until ^
hh=logical file#


Open e-mail file


Write all user stats to disk


Clear screen, fall through to...


Read SEQ file

a$=filename dr=system disk#


Update blocks free

dr=system disk#


Check for directory error

dr=system disk# a=1 if error occurred


Get disk directory


Clear all arrays


Print a$ to printer


Display CM$ in "area" window


Update free memory


Print A$ to log


"Untranslate" IMAGE translated
characters in AN$


Sound beeps


Enter IMAGE editor




Load ML protocol


Main command level


Reset print modes to default


Detect local mode


Error trapping routine

Table 29: Common subroutines

Page 119

Variables returned

tt$=user handle a$="r" or "w" (read/write)

x=number of beeps

A=protocol number:
(0=Punter, 1=XModem, 2=Copier,

Variable Handling in Modules (Plus-Files)
IMAGE variable usage in programming modifications and modules
should be done carefully. If you were to change any variables that the BBS
uses for particular functions, you could be in serious trouble! This could
corrupt your user files, or do any number of nasty things! Because of this,
we are giving you a list here of all system variables that you should never
use. Even if you are using "temporary" variables, make sure any subroutines
in the main program or program module you are modifying do not change
these variables and wreak havoc! Most one-letter variables, integer
variables, and string variables are usually OK to use (with a few exceptions
noted below).
Variables not in this list are cleared when the main prompt is reached,
so don't use one to count the number of times a game is played per call in
that manner; the BBS will not permanently remember it. However, the same
routine allows you to DIMension variables and arrays in modules without
worrying about a "?redim'd array error". Be careful not to waste memory
with excess variables, or your modules will run slowly, and possibly even
crash the BBS.
Here is a list of reserved system variables that you should NEVER use,
except for their intended system functions:
Since I think it's sort of important to know what the variables are
actually used for, and not just their names, I'm going to steal a page from the
Image BBS Programmer's Reference Guide and explain their meanings to the
best of my ability. Feel free to set the record straight if you know otherwise,

Reserved String Variables

Reserved for output to screen and modem.


Access group name of user currently online. (Also £vm)


Separator line: " " + ("-" * LL% -2) + R$. (Also £vj)

Page 120


Last user input. (Also £v7)


Current name of your BBS. (Also £v5)


Chat mode entry message.


Chat mode exit message.


"Returning To The Editor" message.


2 character system identifier (Also £vn)


Current location in AREA window.


Current time and date information in 11 digit format. (Also £v0)


Time and date of last logof, also Library name at entry. (Also £v8)


Handle of last user on the system. (Also £v9)


Current ML protocol in memory. (Also £vl)


True last call date of user online in 11 digit format. (Also £vk)


Logof time of last user.


System identifier + user ID number.


Currently active drive/LU number + ":".


Real first name of user online.


15 character string which determines the user's online flags.


Access level + handle of the sysop.


Expert flag + phone number + first name + " " + last name of sysop


Access group name of sysop


Last call date of user online in 11 digit format. Used for new message


Real last name of user online.


Logon time of user online.


Handle of current user online. (Also £v2)


Null character [CHR$(0)].


Last network sort in 11 digit format.

Page 121


Current prompt text.


Phone number of current user online. (Also £v4)


Text for system main level prompt.


System password (change with PC command).


Name of current plus file in memory.


Password of current online user.


Quotation mark [CHR$(34)].


Return [CHR$(13)].


Real name of user online (FF$ + " " + LL$, also £v3)


Current subsystem active.


C= Time-Of-Day clock.


Reserved for command stack.


System drive/LU designators.

Table 30: Reserved string variables
Reserved Integer Variables
The current reserved integer variables for Image v1.2 are as follows:

Access level (0-9) of user online. (if ao%<>ac%, access level was changed)


Access level of user at login.


Computer type of user online (1-9)


Number of calls today by the user online.


Currently active device number.


Currently active drive/LU number.


Currently active drive/LU number.


Number of downloads allowed per call (0=unlimited).


Number of downloads this call by user online.


Active device number.

Page 122


Instant mode flag.


Last key pressed.


Line length (38-80) of user online.


Time allowed during prime time.


Time that prime time begins.


Time that prime time ends.


Prime time flag (1=active).


Total calls to the system by the user online.


Time remaining on system, in minutes.

Table 31: Reserved integer variables
Reserved Floating Point Variables
The current reserved floating point variables for Image v1.2 are as follows:

Total number of CBM blocks downloaded by user online.


Total number of CBM blocks uploaded by user online.


Total number of calls since system start.


Total number of calls since last reboot.


Total credit points of user online.


Total number of files downloaded by user online.


Currently active system device (1-6).


Reserved for future expansion.


Expert mode flag.


System flag.


System flag.


System flag.


System flag.


ID number of user online.


Next available user account.


Flag for reserved system.


Flag for reserved system.


Flag for active subsystem menu.


Editor lines allowed for user online.

Page 123


Linefeed flag.


Output control flag. (fixme: what does this do?)


Reserved for ML use.


C/G mode flag.


Network flag.


Input control flag.


Prompt mode flag.


Active ML protocol in memory.


Total posts by user online.


Modem speed (BPS rate: "current baud").


Reserved for ML use.


Abort flag.


Reserved for ML use.


Checks whether spacebar hit (0=no, 1=yes).


Reserved for ML use (usually current logical file number).


Commodore BASIC reserved variable; I/O status.


Total files uploaded by user online.


Number of active user accounts.


Upper/lowercase flag (default protocol for TurboRel subs).


Highest user ID +1.

Table 32: Reserved floating point variables

The following arrays are dimensioned by the BBS. Most can be used for your
own programs, except where noted.

Can be used for any plus file outside of UD/UX/SB.


Blocks free on system drives. Should never be used.


Text for computer types supported. Should never be used.


Device numbers for system drives. Should never be used.


Default flags for access groups 0-9. Should never be used.


Can be used for any plus file outside of UD, UX, SB.


Status. Should never be used.


Can be used anywhere that does not use the editor.

Table 33: Reserved Arrays

Page 124

(from programmer’s ref guide)
AC% User's current access level
AG$ Access group name
AK$ "Line divider;" space, LL%-2 "-"'s, RETURN character
AN$ Last user input
AO% User's old access level (used in access level change situations)
BF( Number of blocks free on the six system disks
BN$ BBS name
CL$ I think this is C1$ instead; "Entering chat" message
C2$ "Exiting chat" message
C3$ "Returning to editor" message (fixme: pretty sure anyway)
CC$ 2-character BBS identifier
CM$ Displayed in the "Area" section [when the top screen mask is enabled]
CO$( User's computer type name array
CO% User's computer type number array
CT% BBS calls today?
D1$ 11-digit current date/time
DL$ Again, D1$? bad ocr?
DL% Again, D1%? bad ocr?
D3$ Last user on BBS
D4$ Current ML protocol
D5$ True last call (date? fixme: more info)
DR Set 1-6 to designate system drive #
EM User's expert mode: 0=of, 1=on
FF$ User's real first name
Page 125

ID User's ID number
KK Lines of text in BBS editor; if 0, aborted or time limit expired
LD$ User's last call date (11 digits, like D1$)
LF User's linefeed flag?
LL$ User's last name
LL% User's line length
MF 11-digit date format of user's last call
NA$ User's handle
NL User's current graphics mode: 0=ASCII, 1=Commodore C/G
NL$ CHR$(0), a null character
PL% P1%?
PH$ User's phone number
PO$ Main prompt string
PS # of posts?
PT% Probably a prime time flag
PW$ some password
QB bits per second rate ("current baud")
QT$ CHR$(34), a quote character
R$ CHR$(13), a RETURN character
RN$ User's real name (FF$ + " " + LL$)
RP # of responses
SH Updated by ML routines; "spacebar hit": 0=no, 1=yes
SO%( Subop array, used in SB, UD, UX subsystems
SR Logical file number in certain routines
ST Commodore BASIC reserved variable; serial status
Page 126

TC% Total calls to system (grand total?)
TI Commodore BASIC reserved variable; jify clock
TI$ Commodore BASIC reserved variable; 24-hour clock
TR% User's time remaining, in minutes
TT$( Lines of text stored in editor
U$ Stacked commands
UH Highest user account # in user file?

Image Output Routine
In order to send text to the modem and screen (PRINT, for you BASIC
people) as easily as possible, we have developed a routine that works very
similar to the BASIC PRINT statement. Used properly, this routine also
eliminates much of the garbage collection that the C64 is notorious for. Just
as many are used to using the question mark as a shortcut to PRINT
something in BASIC:
?"Hello There!"
You may use the ampersand (&), IMAGE's "print" character, to do the job:
&"Hello There!"
will have the desired efect in the BBS environment! Well, almost. By
default, Image displays the above like using PRINT with a semicolon on the
end. (That does not move down to the next line when finished PRINTing the
current line.) If you want a carriage return to separate lines, add one
anywhere inside quotations by typing function key F6,
F6 which displays K.
&"Hello There!K
You may also:
&an$ or &tt$(x)

(anything using a string variable)
- BUT -

Page 127

(numeric variable output is not supported yet.)

Some oddities in syntax:

You must follow a THEN clause with a colon before using the
ampersand. In other words:


if b then &"hello"

(will not work)

if b then:&"hello"

(must be used instead)

If the ampersand is used all by itself:
b=b+l:&:if b then ...

(& outputs the contents of a$)

Other & Calls
The ampersand is also used with arguments to call all of the machine
language routines in IMAGE BBS. The table of arguments that are useful in
BASIC and a brief description follow:


& or &,0

output a$


input an$


input an$ from disk

x=logical file #


read file from disk

x=logical file #


get character from modem



enter chat mode


masked (password) input routine


load plus file



disk directory

x=logical file #; y=1: 1 line,
0=entire directory


print an$ at bottom of screen


enter terminal mode


clear array

x=number of array in order of


non-abortable file read

x=logical file #

Page 128

Variable(s) Used



Variable(s) Used


get char to an$


sound bell


convert 11 digit date in an$ to English


Do a SYS 49152 (useful for calling protocols)


load protocol file x=device #


display online top of screen


display offline top of screen


display bottom of screen


wait x tenths of a second


sound beep


save variable pointers


restore variable pointers


enable error trapping


disable error trapping


output tt$(x)

Table 34: & calls

This is a list of some of the memory locations used by IMAGE that can
be usefully POKEd:



$07ef / 2031

MCI on/of (1 = on)

$d000 / 53248

Flag for local mode (1 = on)

$d001 / 53249

Case lock (1 = uppercase only)

$d003 / 53251

Time allowed (1-99 minutes; 100+: unlimited)

$d004 / 53252

Number of characters allowed for input, 0-255

$d008 / 53258

Modem carrier invert (either 0 or 16 depending on
modem type)

Page 129



$d020 / 53280

Uppercase mode (1 = on)

Table 35: Useful POKE locations

Common Modifications
Hidden LtK User
In setup, line 93 has a REMmed out line that Lt. Kernal SysOps might
be interested in. If you unREM this line and move your boot disk files to
another user on your drive, you can boot from that user and the BBS
automatically switches back to user 0 during initialization. This lets Lt.
Kernal SysOps "hide" their boot files on a normally unseen user and boot the
BBS as normal.

LtK Fast Blocks Free Read
In line 1081 of im, about ¼ of the way through the line, there is a
statement that looks like this:
Changing the dv%<>0 to dv%<>8 tells the BBS you have a Lt. Kernal
running DOS v7.2 or higher set up as device 8. This mod allows the Lt.
Kernal fast blocks free reads to be done on just the Lt. Kernal and the
standard routines for all other drives, thus allowing you to easily mix a Lt.
Kernal and standard serial drives without losing the fast blocks free read on
the Kernal.
For users of Lt. Kernal DOS v7.1 and earlier, do not change this line.
You can still access all of the LUs, but the fast blocks free read routines will
not work and will lock up your system.

Automatic CMD Device Clock Set
In setup, line 117 is REMed out. It contains the hook for routines to
set the Image BBS system clock based on the CMD's internal clock.

Page 130

Blocks Free Array Usage Change
The use of the bf() array has been changed. There is no longer a
need to change the number of devices or drives when you add new drives to
your system. With CMD systems, someone defining large numbers of
partitions would end up with almost no RAM free, so the array was cut down
to only include the system disks.

Enabling Macros
If you have Macros defined and would like them to come up
automatically, simply add the following to the end of line 82 in setup:

Removing Extra Login Security Checks
From Marc Honey:
One thing that really annoys me is the extra security checks after
entering your login id and password. To get rid of those extra checks all you
have to do is remove the following lines from the +.lo file on the Plus Disk.
673 &"Additional Information:":a=int(rnd(1)*5)+1:on a goto
674 p$="FIRST name ":t$=ff$:goto679
675 p$="LAST name ":t$=ll$:goto679
676 p$="AREA CODE (???)XXX­YYYY ":t$=mid$(ph$,2,3):goto679
677 p$="DIALING PREFIX (XXX)/???­YYYY ":t$=mid$(ph$,7,3):goto679
678 p$="LAST FOUR DIGITS (XXX)/YYY­???? ":t$=right$(ph$,4)
Change line 679

: 679 gosub1006:c$=an$:goto156
: 679 goto156

Change line 157

: 157 ifpw$=z$andt$=c$andz$<>""andc$<>""then160
: 157 ifpw$=z$andz$<>””then160
That’s all there is to it! As an added bonus, removing those few lines

will drop your +.lo file size from 40 blocks to 39 blocks and every little bit
helps on space and speed ;)

Page 131

Troubleshooting / Q & A
Here are some of the most common questions and problems that
people have:
Q: I load the program, and it never gets to the idle screen. What is wrong?
A: There are several things that could cause this. Check all the following:
1. Has your BBS been properly and completely configured using the
instructions in the setup chapter under CONFIG?
2. Is each system disk in the correct device/drive?
3. Are all the files copied to the correct system disks, especially the
plus-file disk? If an error light is flashing on any of the drives, it
usually means that it cannot find a needed file. Also, have a look at
The Boot Process, page 134.
4. Are all disk units in proper alignment?
5. Is everything connected to the computer (printers, drives, etc.)
turned on? Problems can arise if they aren’t, even if the BBS is
not using them.
6. The disk or disk image could be faulty. Try re-copying or
re-downloading it.

Leif Bloomquist's BBS Server 1.4
If the BBS doesn't connect. Says ring and answered but it is never
getting a carrier I guess.
From Larry “X-TEC” Hedman:
Jef, I experienced the same problems you described when I started
using BBS Server with an Omnitronix RS232 interface plugged into the
modem port. I never could get it to work at any of the 2400 baud settings but
1200 baud works fine and connections say connected at 1200 baud but in
actuality, the speed is much faster.

Page 132

On my Image 1.0 version, I am using the Avatex 1200 +.modem file. If
using 1.2a I think I used the 1670 modem file but you can try any of the 1200
baud modem files until you find one that works. In BBS Server, you must
build and use the TelBBS Standard Cable as described in the docs.
On the Comms page, set for 1200,N,8,1. Set the serial cable type to
option 1 and click on Set Defaults. You should have check marks for Enable
hardware flow control and ATE1 (local Echo) set by default.
On the Connecting page set checkmarks on Raise DTR when caller
connects and Send RING to BBS when Telnet caller connects.
On the Disconnecting page, check Disconnect if BBS drops DCD,
Disconnect if BBS drops DSR, Send NO CARRIER to BBS on disconnect,
and Lower DTR when caller disconnects.
On the Diagnostics page, check mark Detailed RS­232 Diagnostics
Logging and Detailed Hayes Emulation Logging. This will give you much
information about what is going on with your RS232 communication between
the PC and the BBS in the Activity Log.
On the Emulation page, checkmark Allow Outgoing Calls, Send
this string when Telnet session connects: CONNECT, Send Winsock
error messages to Terminal Program and Enable Hayes Emulation.
Click on Save Changes which will take you back to BBS Server's
status page. Make sure the IP address is set for the IP of your PC running
BBS Server and type in the Telnet Port you will be using. The standard port is
23 but using port 23, you will experience hundreds of spurious connect
attempts all from Asian IP addresses. You're better of to use a diferent port
but for now just use 23 until you can make connections successfully.
If all that is set up and Image is booted to the call waiting screen, you
should see red blocks for CTS and DCD and a green block for RTS. At that
point you should be ready to receive calls. Try connecting to the BBS using

Page 133

whatever method you are using, and watch the RX and TX blocks. If it doesn't
work use a diferent 1200 baud +.modem file until you find one that works.
Hope this helps.

The Boot Process
* The following article appeared in *
* the May issue of




"The Reflection"



* It is reproduced here for the


* benefit of any that may have


* missed it. It may be used as a


* text file on other boards provided *
* it is used in it's entirety.



* "The Reflection" is available by
* subscription for $15.00 per year
* from:



P.O. Box 525


Salem, UT 84653




* NOTE: Subscription price is subject *
Page 134


to change without notice.


By: Fred Dart (THE CHIEF)

This month we'll take a look at the 'boot up' process and show what
files are accessed and in what order.
There has been a lot of confusion and thus a lot of questions about
what was happening and when, this should help a bit.
IMAGE is loaded by a LOADER program called "IMAGE","IMAGE 1.1",
or "IMAGE 1.2" as appropriate. This loader program then loads the "ml"
(machine language) portion of the program, called simply, "ml", or "ml" plus
the appropriate version number. We will not continue to indicate the various
versions unless such designation is essential.
After the "ml" is loaded program control and execution is turned over
to that portion of the program, which,in turn, loads the file called "screen",
“im", and finally, "setup" (these files vary from version to version with some
additional "ml" routines loaded both before and after "setup") and then
program control is turned over to the BASIC portion of the program by
RUNNING the "setup" program.
"setup" will "set up" all of the system variables, DIM all variables that
the system needs to operate and load additional files, if necessary, and will
then look for a file called "" which contains all of the device and drive
information for the system.
"" is a sequential file and can be on the boot disk, if there is a
separate boot disk, or on the disk that the system is booted from. If the
"" file is not found there will be a prompt to "INSERT ALL SYSTEM

Page 135

If "" is found the program will next open the "u.config" file and
read the information from record one, the sysop information, which is stored
in the variables i1$ and i2$. On later versions the "u.index" is then opened
and the actual number of users is read. (Note that the "index" is manipulated
and read with the file "++ 4").
Following the "u.config" the file called "", a relative file that
contains 31 or 32 records of 31 bytes each is accessed. The information that
is read in from "" at this time is the total number of calls to the system
(record 1), the total number of users (record 12), the total number of
HANDLES in version 1.0, from record 16, the last user on the system (d3$)
from record 17, the system password for password subs (pp$) from record
18,the last date/time the system was accessed in record 19, whether there is
a prime time and what the time limits are in record 20, the information for
the user FLAGS is read in from records 21 to 30, and the next id number to
be assigned to a new user in record 31 (l1).
If the "", "u.config" or "" files are not found on the device
and drive that they are assigned the system will prompt with the same
After the information has been read from "" the relative file
"e.stats" is opened and the first 30 records are read. "e.stats" contains the
information shown on the BAR STATS and is a file consisting of 38 records of
10 bytes each.
The program file "+.lo" is then loaded and program control is turned
over to that file. The "+.lo" file is a smaller file and cannot exceed 40 blocks,
since it must load another file, the "+.modem" file, into a protected area of
memory reserved for "little modem files". The "little modem files" are finding
much more widespread use in the system than just as modem files and are
now being used in on-line games, such as "Wallstreet" and in other areas of
the board.
After the modem file is loaded it will send the proper set of commands
to the modem to prepare it to answer a call and then the board will go to the
"System Idle" screen and the load sequence will be completed.

Page 136

Some additional information about a couple of the files here may be in
order. "" contains several important board parameters in addition to
the device/drive designations for all of the assigned system drives. The
information is stored sequentially, with the first 12 entries being the device/
drives for the six system drives, (dr=1 through dr=6), followed by the board
identifier that you use on your board (LD, CH, TN or whatever). That is
followed by the number of credits you give to new users when they sign on
the system, then by a number that represents the highest device number you
have attached to your system MINUS 7. For example, if you are using
devices 8, 9, 10, and 11 the number in field 15 would be a 4 (11-7). For a Lt.
Kernal system using device 8 only the number is a 1.
The following number in field 16 is the number of DRIVES attached to
your system. If you have all 1541/71/81 types it would be a 1 since they are
all SINGLE drive units, if you had a Lt. Kernal with 9 LUs accessed it would
be a 9. The next field, number 17 contains your board name. This is the
information that is printed out with the MCI variable \v5 or the string bn$.
The last information to be accessed is the prompt information, which
is read in and stored in po$. The final line of "" contains the
copyright information.
The information contained in "" is detailed above for the most
part, since most of it is accessed. There is some that is not accessed by
"setup" though and is not read in until it is needed. We'll examine, briefly,
some of the other information in "". Record one, as stated, is the total
number of calls to the system. Records two through 11 are the names of the
access groups, from "New User" to "Sysop" or whatever names you have on
yours. In addition to the NAME of the group there is a bit of information
attached to the very beginning of the name. The first CHARACTER of the
name of each group contains some access information that is stored in BITS.
This information is the calls per day, time per call, minutes allowed to idle
and so on. If you simply TYPE the "" on a Lt. Kernal the first character
could appear as a color or some other strange character, the program "edata
edit" properly interprets the characters and can be used to view the entries,
"+.access" or the of-line "config" program should be used for editing.
Record 12 is the total number of users PLUS 1, 13, 14 and 15 contain the
Page 137

flags for whether your individual message bases, UD libraries, or UX libraries
are open or closed. If all are OPEN then the three records would contain 30
zeros each, if any were closed there would be a one in the position
corresponding to the closed board. Record 16 contains the total number of
HANDLES you have on version 1.0. It is not used on the enhanced versions.
Record 17 is the HANDLE of the last user on the system, 18 the password for
the password subs. 19 is the date/time the last user signed of. 20 is for
prime time, whether you have a prime time and, if so, the start and end
times. The information is stored as three numbers separated by commas.
For example: 0, 0, 0 is no prime time, of course. If the first number is not a 0
it would indicate that you had a prime time, the second number would be the
start time and the third number would be the end time. The variables pt%,
p1%, p2% and p3% are used. Records 21 through 31 have been covered
previously. 32 is used to hold the modem string, a string of seven characters
with the information for each individual modem on version 1.2. In addition
version 1.3 will contain some new data in the "" file. More information
will be available later.
"u.config" contains all of the user data and will not be covered here.
There is one additional bit of information that is worth mentioning in
the "setup" file. Many people have asked WHERE the message "Entering
Chat Mode" or "Exiting Chat Mode" is stored. The information is put in c1$,
c2$ and c3$ during the boot process and remains there. It can be changed in
"setup" if desired.
An additional "tidbit" for the enhanced version is the location of the
password mask. The location is 17138 and can be 'poked' with about any
printable character, just decide what character you want, say a "?" for
example, use the statement print asc("?") and it would print out the
number 63.
You would then poke that value into 17138 and change the password
mask from an X to a ?. Note that you could also use this: poke
17138,asc("?") and achieve the same results. It is even possible to
'randomize' the password mask by adding the poke in "+.lo" and having it
poke a random value from a string of acceptable characters.
Page 138

(c) May 1990 FandF Products
Permission to reprint is granted provided the file is printed in its
If you want physical 1541/1571/1581 disks sent through postal mail,
please send an e-mail to, specifying the
format(s). We'll make arrangements regarding shipping cost—not that it'll
be much. My goal is not to make money off this—unless you want to donate
some—but see a revival of one of the top Commodore 64 BBSes into common
usage again.
Q: As reported by Ray "The Wiz" LeJuez: the bootup process seems to
freeze with his C128D in C64 mode, after the message
Reading System Configuration...
The internal 1571 drive is set to device #8, his Lt. Kernal HD is device
#10. devices/drives were set for device 10, drive 0.
A: There is some speculation that a modification to the Lt. Kernal HD
for burst mode in 128 mode may have caused the problem; it boots to the
"waiting for call" screen just fine on his C64.
Q: My users cannot log on or send e-mail using the handle. Using the
ID number works fine. Why?
A: Files can sometimes get corrupted by what we call an "act of God"
(why does He always get blamed for this stuf?). A power brownout/blackout,
surge, etc. during a write can do nasty things like this.
This particular problem is caused by the u.config file being
corrupted. Run +.alpha/ind, and it should clear things up. (This program
can take quite a while to run, especially if you have a lot of users, so be
patient here!)

Page 139

Select the options in the following order: LOAD, CLEAR, MAKE,
SAVE. The u.index file will be re-generated.
Notice as the list is created, it shows what alphabetical position the
user is in for the u.index file; this has no bearing on the user's BBS ID
number. Also, a bit of debugging information (the a% and b% values, used in
the call to the indexer) is shown.

Notes About Users
From Marc Honey:
If for some reason you find yourself with a corrupted u.config file
(where the users are stored) and have to re-create one from scratch, don’t
forget to edit the file to reset both the user count and the next
available user #. If you don’t do this then someone can login and type a user
# that was previously assigned but no longer exists. When this happens the
person logging in will get a password prompt but once they type in a
password and hit enter the BBS will lock-up. Another odd side effect of not
updating the file is that should someone login as NEW they will get id
0 for their login id which is invalid. There is a basic program called edata
edit which is on disk #2 of the image 1.2a BBS distro.
If this still does not remedy the situation, go into ED and see if user
information is still correct. If not, contact Pinacolada for help. He is working
on (as of 1/2008) a user file backup/restore program; after losing half his
users' information due to random binary garbage in the user file, he vowed
that would never happen again.
Q: My BBS has started to do (any number of strange things) it was not
doing before. What is wrong? This question gets asked frequently during
A: This is usually caused by some modification that has been made to
the BBS or a plus-file module. It may not show up for days after a
modification has been made, so the problem may not be readily apparent.
The fix is to:

Page 140


Copy the original file in question over from your back-up copy of
IMAGE BBS, or previous system file(s) you were running


Isolate which file the problem is in, perhaps using the "IMAGE Mod


Correct the error, or notify the program maintainer, if there is one.
Also, have you added anything new (hardware, a new game plus file)

to your BBS recently? What has changed since the problem started? Many
times, some of the smallest changes can create the largest problems.
Q: My modem (or telnet bridge device) will not work correctly. What
can I do?
A: First of all, don't panic. (Apologies to the late, great Douglas
Adams.) Seriously... since the advent of Rascal's e.modrc fix which adds a
configurable modem initialization string and the ability to customize modem
response codes, there are many more options to consider than in the old
Plus, if you're running a telnet BBS with a bridge program, there are
additional things to consider, some of which I will touch upon in

DCD/carrier detect options in tcpser &D
If you have a Supra 2400 baud modem, you will need to set it up

specially before you put it on line. Run the 2400 setup program on the
IMAGE disk with the modem on-line and turned on, and then boot your

Thanks again for trying IMAGE BBS! We plan on supplying all of our
customers with the best of quality in our products, support, and
service! If you have any problems at all, or want to comment on the
program or ofer suggestions, feel free to contact us at any time!
That holds as true for Pinacolada and other Image sysops as it did for
the original Image crew. Please: feedback, flames, kudos,
suggestions, amen.

Page 141

Page 142

-AAccess codes.................................................6, 17
Access groups................................................7, 18
-BB.A.R. screen...........................................11, 19, 21
BBS listings.................................................35-36
Bells, local....................................................13
Booting.....................................................10, 55
boot disk................................................4
Chat....................................................12, 13, 20
message.............................................14, 20
Check line..........................................See "lightbar"
Color/Graphics mode.....................................12, 14, 22
Command stacking................................................22
Configuring..............................................5, 17, 50
Conversion, 12.0-12.1.........................................8, 9
offline ("copy-all" or "rel copy")........................
on-line ("CP" command)....................................
Copyright message...............................................14
adding to a user..........................................
when validating/unvalidating files........................
Deleting users..............................................48, 50
Devices/drives...................................1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10
blocks free.........................................11, 14
changing number..........................................2
hard drives.......................................1, 5, 56

Page 143

Editing parameters..............................................21
Editing users...................................................47
Editor (see also MCI)........................................39-45
clear text..............................................41
Editor (see also MCI)........................................39-45
get files...............................................41
line numbering..........................................40
== PAGE 58 * INDEX ==
MCI read................................................40
put file................................................41
view disk directory.....................................41
control keys............................................41
line ranges.............................................39
MCI commands.........................................42-45
number of lines available...............................18
e-mail....................................................16, 30-31
access to...............................................19
forced e-mail.............................................31
reading email...........................................30
sending email...........................................30
Error log.......................................................49
Expert mode.....................................................22
-GGarbage collection..............................................14
-HHandles......................................................8, 55
Help menus......................................................20
Page 144

-IIdle screen.....................................................10
bottom screen...........................................13
top screen..............................................11
Instant logon...................................................14
-KKeeping e-mail
in selective delete.......................................
files in transfer libraries...............................
news files................................................
old posts.................................................
-LLast call date change..........................................21
Lightbar (listed in order of appearance)
Local mode..................................................12, 22
Log of callers..............................................19, 21
Logical files....................................................2
Login indentifier................................................8
Page 145

-MMachine language routines.......................................54
Main command level..........................................16, 20
sub-board.................................................19, 25
== PAGE 59 * INDEX ==
memory...................................................11, 3, 51
MCI commands.................................................42-45
access to...............................................19
clear screen............................................42
numeric digit formatting................................45
get character...........................................42
integer variable........................................45
jump on equal...........................................43
jump on not equal.......................................42
leading characters......................................45
new lines...............................................43
"over" (repeat character)...............................43
printer mode............................................43
print modes.........................................43, 44
print speed.............................................44
reset defaults..........................................44
reverse mode............................................44
string variables........................................45
test variables..........................................44
Modems........................................................1, 4
answering manually......................................11
carrier detect..........................................12
carrier invert..........................................11
files (modules).......................................1, 4
speaker on/of..........................................11
Supra 2400..............................................56
Page 146

Movie files...............................................3, 33-34
planning a network........................................
New users................................................7, 12, 15
viewing information.....................................49
New user
viewing in VF.............................................
News files......................................................32
At login..................................................
-OOutput routine.................................................53
-PPasswords...................................................8, 22
Plus files.................................3, 4, 33-34, 49, 51-53
Prime time................................................8,13,19
MCI command............................................43
printing log...........................................13
printing on-line.......................................13
routines used............................................
supported types..........................................
private system.................................................13
programming................................................51, 54
prompt mode....................................................21
pseudo-local mode..........................................12, 18
-QQuitting to main command prompt................................21
-RReconfiguring................................................9, 50
RAM Expansion Units..............................................2
RES accounts............................................15, 48, 50
files (scn.*).............................................
Page 147

files (user text).........................................
Screen blanking.................................................13
Serial number...................................................14
Setting time....................................................10
reading real-time clocks..................................
Status report...................................................21
Subsystems, changing............................................22
Sub-boards.............................................5, 6, 23-25
ability to post/respond.................................18
anonymous boards.....................................6, 25
defining sub-boards..................................6, 17
editing/killing bulletins...............................24
frozen bulletins........................................25
non-anonymous boards.................................6, 25
password boards..................................6, 25, 48
posting bulletins.......................................24
reading bulletins....................................23,24
Subops/co-sysops..........................................6, 7, 25
Sysop account....................................................7
System files..................................................2, 3
d.* files................................................3
e.* files................................................3
m.* files................................................3
s.* files........................................3, 16, 17
u.* files................................................3
+.* files.............................................3, 4
System information..............................................20
Sayings (SY)....................................................21
-TTelnet bridges
BBS Server................................................
Terminal program............................................11, 46
phonebook...........................................16, 46
Text files...............................................4, 33, 34
Time on system..............................................13, 21
Total calls.................................................... 14
Trace.......................................................... 12
-UUpload/download........................................5, 6, 26-29
copying/moving files................................28, 29
defining libraries...................................6, 17
exchange libraries......................................29
file transfers......................................26, 27
Page 148

free download libraries..............................6, 29
killing files...........................................28
reading files...........................................28
restricting......................................3, 17, 19
validating/unvalidating files...........................28
User flags............................................7, 18, 47-48
User information................................................15
User list...................................................19, 38
-VValidating files................................................28
variable list...................................................53
Voting booth....................................................37
-WWeeding old users.................................................
non-weed flag...........................................18
Windows (transmit/receive)......................................14
WF (SEQ file editor).....................................17, 48-49

Page 149


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