User Manual:
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Injectminer is used to do a covert hidden installation of CPU miner “minerd” on a windows PC
1. Open EnLogs and VssLogs and edit the RunMe.bat file with your pool credentials
Path: package\srv79a8fc8fbc2b2eea92c6\enLogs (for 32 bit windows PC)
Path: package\srv79a8fc8fbc2b2eea92c6\VssLogs (for 64 bit windows PC)
2. In the package directory “Path: package\injectminer.bat - shortcut”.
Right click “injectminer.bat - shortcut” > Properties > Advanced > Run As administrator. Then select
3. The installation is now installed as a service under the name will run in the background immediately
after the windows PC is booted.
You can verify this by going to the pool website and checking the worker’s uptime contribution to the