Instructions Classicvehicles

User Manual:

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IIW512 PHP UC Davis Extension
Final Project - 70 points possible
You will create a small website that will connect to your sample database. The site is to be treated as a real site, in that it
should have a consistent appearance throughout the site with consistent:
Site colors and graphics
All documents output to the client are to be valid HTML and CSS. You can code in XHTML or HTML5. All CSS is to be in an
external file.
The premise of the site is employee access to the “Classic Car” site, using the class sample database. Modifications to
the database will be needed to accomplish some features needed for the project.
Pages Required
1. Public homepage with user login
o On successful login, redirect user to private welcome page. If login is unsuccessful, display appropriate
error with prompt to try again.
2. Public account creation page
o Allow user to create a login to the site with at least a username and password. Passwords are to be
encrypted via MD5 in the database. User account is to be in the ‘employees’ table.
3. Private welcome page
o Includes navigation options for logged in users
4. Private Product Inventory report
o User selectable report from ‘productLine’ field in ‘products’ table. Generate paging report of 10 items
per page of selected ‘productLine’ option. Pagination can be any workable format.
5. Private Customer entry page
o Enter full customer data record that will populate all fields in the ‘customers’ table.
6. Private Bar chart report
o Chart will display number of customers in defined ‘creditLimit’ ranges:
creditLimit = 0
creditLimit from 1 to 50,000
creditLimit from 50,001 to 75,000
creditLimit from 75,001 to 100,000
creditLimit greater than 100,000
7. Public - RSS feed of vehicle types
o To be created as a generic page, so a GET variable can be passed in the URL to view the feed of each
different ‘productLine’. At least three RSS feed links are to appear on a public page.
8. Private logout page
o Upon successful logout, display to user logout success message and redirect to public home page after 8
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IIW512 PHP UC Davis Extension
Grading Scale
40 points for all pages completed (5 points per page)
o Partial credit will be given if intent of page is attempted
5 points for site template – repeated page elements must be includes
10 points for valid HTML output andCSS
10 points for clean/readable PHP, HTML, CSS code, and logical directory structure
5 points for clean/readable HTML code output
Site Testing and Scoring
To test and score your project, the account creation page will be used to create a login, then that login will be
used to authenticate into the private side of the site. All pages will be tested for correct content and
authentication security, including the logout page.
Project Submission
You will submit a zip file containing all related files in the appropriate directory structure, named ‘yourname-’. You will also submit the URL of the site live on the Internet.
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Navigation menu