JBASE BASIC Programmers Reference Guide J BASE

User Manual:

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Programmers Reference Guide
Functions and Statements

© 2006, 2016 Zumasys, Inc.

Documentation Conventions.................................................................................................................. 1
Organization of this manual ............................................................................................................... 3
jBASE BASIC Language Overview ...................................................................................................... 3
Features of jBASE BASIC .................................................................................................................. 4
Benefits of using jBASE BASIC ........................................................................................................... 4
jBASE BASIC Environment.................................................................................................................. 5
jBASE BASIC Programming ................................................................................................................ 5
jBASE BASIC Comparisons ............................................................................................................... 7
With BASIC........................................................................................................................................... 7
With 'C' .................................................................................................................................................. 7
File and Directory Organization ............................................................................................................ 7
@............................................................................................................................................................ 9
@ (SCREENCODE) ............................................................................................................................ 10
@APPLICATION.ID .......................................................................................................................... 12
@CALLSTACK .................................................................................................................................. 12
@CODEPAGE .................................................................................................................................... 12
@DATA............................................................................................................................................... 12
@DATE ............................................................................................................................................... 12
@DAY ................................................................................................................................................. 12
@EOF .................................................................................................................................................. 12
@FILENAME ..................................................................................................................................... 12
@FOOTER.BREAK ............................................................................................................................ 12
@HEADER.BREAK ........................................................................................................................... 12
@LEVEL ............................................................................................................................................. 12
@LOCALE .......................................................................................................................................... 12
@LPTRHIGH ...................................................................................................................................... 12
@MONTH ........................................................................................................................................... 12
@PARASENTENCE........................................................................................................................... 12
@PATH ............................................................................................................................................... 12
@PID ................................................................................................................................................... 12
@RECORD ......................................................................................................................................... 12
@SELECTED ...................................................................................................................................... 13
@TERMTYPE..................................................................................................................................... 13


@TIME ................................................................................................................................................ 13
@TIMEZONE ..................................................................................................................................... 13
@TTY .................................................................................................................................................. 13
@UID .................................................................................................................................................. 13
@USER.ROOT.................................................................................................................................... 13
@USERSTATS ................................................................................................................................... 17
ABORT ................................................................................................................................................ 23
ABS ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
ABSS ................................................................................................................................................... 25
ADDS .................................................................................................................................................. 26
ALPHA ................................................................................................................................................ 27
ANDS .................................................................................................................................................. 28
ASCII ................................................................................................................................................... 29
ASSIGNED.......................................................................................................................................... 30
BITAND .............................................................................................................................................. 31
BITCHANGE ...................................................................................................................................... 32
BITCHECK ......................................................................................................................................... 33
BITLOAD ............................................................................................................................................ 34
BITNOT............................................................................................................................................... 35
BITOR ................................................................................................................................................. 36
BITRESET........................................................................................................................................... 37
BITSET ................................................................................................................................................ 38
BITTEST ............................................................................................................................................. 39
BITXOR .............................................................................................................................................. 40
BREAK ................................................................................................................................................ 41
BYTELEN ........................................................................................................................................... 42
CALL ................................................................................................................................................... 43
CALLC ................................................................................................................................................ 44
CALLdotNET ...................................................................................................................................... 46
CALLJ ................................................................................................................................................. 50
CALLONEXIT .................................................................................................................................... 60
CASE ................................................................................................................................................... 61
CATALOG Command ......................................................................................................................... 62
CATS ................................................................................................................................................... 64
CHAIN................................................................................................................................................. 65
CHANGE............................................................................................................................................. 66
CHANGETIMESTAMP ...................................................................................................................... 67
CHAR .................................................................................................................................................. 68


CHARS ................................................................................................................................................ 68
CHDIR ................................................................................................................................................. 70
CHECKSUM ....................................................................................................................................... 71
CLEAR ................................................................................................................................................ 72
CLEARCOMMON .............................................................................................................................. 73
CLEARDATA ..................................................................................................................................... 74
CLEARFILE ........................................................................................................................................ 75
CLEARINPUT .................................................................................................................................... 76
CLEARSELECT.................................................................................................................................. 77
CLOSE................................................................................................................................................. 78
CLOSESEQ ......................................................................................................................................... 79
COL1 and COL2.................................................................................................................................. 80
COLLECTDATA ................................................................................................................................ 81
COMMON ........................................................................................................................................... 82
COMPARE .......................................................................................................................................... 83
CONTINUE ......................................................................................................................................... 84
CONVERT .......................................................................................................................................... 85
CONVERT (STATEMENT) ............................................................................................................... 86
COS ..................................................................................................................................................... 87
COUNT................................................................................................................................................ 88
COUNTS ............................................................................................................................................. 89
CREATE .............................................................................................................................................. 90
CRT ..................................................................................................................................................... 91
DATA .................................................................................................................................................. 92
DATE................................................................................................................................................... 93
DCOUNT............................................................................................................................................. 94
DEBUG................................................................................................................................................ 95
DECATALOG and DELETE-CATALOG Commands ....................................................................... 96
DECRYPT ........................................................................................................................................... 97
DEFC ................................................................................................................................................... 99
DEFCE............................................................................................................................................... 101
DEFFUN ............................................................................................................................................ 102
DEL ................................................................................................................................................... 104
DELETE ............................................................................................................................................ 105
DELETELIST .................................................................................................................................... 106
DELETESEQ ..................................................................................................................................... 107
DELETEU ......................................................................................................................................... 108
DIMENSION ..................................................................................................................................... 109


DIR .................................................................................................................................................... 110
DIV .................................................................................................................................................... 111
DIVS .................................................................................................................................................. 112
DOWNCASE / UPCASE .................................................................................................................. 113
DROUND .......................................................................................................................................... 114
DTX ................................................................................................................................................... 115
DYNTOXML .................................................................................................................................... 116
EBCDIC............................................................................................................................................. 118
ECHO ................................................................................................................................................ 119
ENCRYPT ......................................................................................................................................... 120
ENTER .............................................................................................................................................. 122
EQS .................................................................................................................................................... 123
EQUATE ........................................................................................................................................... 124
EREPLACE ....................................................................................................................................... 125
EXECUTE ......................................................................................................................................... 126
EXIT .................................................................................................................................................. 128
EXP .................................................................................................................................................... 129
EXTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... 130
FADD ................................................................................................................................................ 131
FDIV .................................................................................................................................................. 132
FIELD ................................................................................................................................................ 133
FIELDS .............................................................................................................................................. 134
FILEINFO.......................................................................................................................................... 136
FILELOCK ........................................................................................................................................ 137
FILEUNLOCK .................................................................................................................................. 139
FIND .................................................................................................................................................. 140
FINDSTR........................................................................................................................................... 141
FORMLIST........................................................................................................................................ 142
FLUSH............................................................................................................................................... 143
FMT ................................................................................................................................................... 144
FMTS ................................................................................................................................................. 147
FOLD ................................................................................................................................................. 148
FOOTING .......................................................................................................................................... 150
FOR ................................................................................................................................................... 151
FSUB ................................................................................................................................................. 153
FUNCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 154
GES .................................................................................................................................................... 155
GET ................................................................................................................................................... 156


GETCWD .......................................................................................................................................... 157
GETENV ........................................................................................................................................... 158
GETLIST ........................................................................................................................................... 159
GETUSERGROUP ............................................................................................................................ 160
GETX................................................................................................................................................. 161
GOSUB .............................................................................................................................................. 162
GOTO ................................................................................................................................................ 163
GROUP .............................................................................................................................................. 164
HEADING ......................................................................................................................................... 165
HEADINGE and HEADINGN .......................................................................................................... 166
HUSH ................................................................................................................................................ 167
ICONV............................................................................................................................................... 168
ICONVS ............................................................................................................................................ 169
IF (statement) ..................................................................................................................................... 170
IFS ..................................................................................................................................................... 172
IN ....................................................................................................................................................... 173
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................... 174
INMAT .............................................................................................................................................. 175
INPUT ............................................................................................................................................... 176
INPUTCLEAR .................................................................................................................................. 178
INPUTNULL ..................................................................................................................................... 179
INS ..................................................................................................................................................... 180
INSERT ............................................................................................................................................. 181
INT..................................................................................................................................................... 182
IOCTL ............................................................................................................................................... 183
ISALPHA .......................................................................................................................................... 191
ISALNUM ......................................................................................................................................... 192
ISCNTRL........................................................................................................................................... 193
ISDIGIT ............................................................................................................................................. 194
ISLOWER.......................................................................................................................................... 195
ISPRINT ............................................................................................................................................ 196
ISSPACE ........................................................................................................................................... 197
ISUPPER ........................................................................................................................................... 198
ITYPE ................................................................................................................................................ 199
JBASECOREDUMP ......................................................................................................................... 201
JBASETHREADCreate ..................................................................................................................... 204
JBASETHREADStatus ...................................................................................................................... 205
JQLCOMPILE ................................................................................................................................... 206


JQLEXECUTE .................................................................................................................................. 207
JQLFETCH ........................................................................................................................................ 208
JQLGETPROPERTY ........................................................................................................................ 209
JQLPUTPROPERTY......................................................................................................................... 210
KEYIN ............................................................................................................................................... 211
LATIN1 ............................................................................................................................................. 212
LEFT .................................................................................................................................................. 213
LEN ................................................................................................................................................... 214
LENS ................................................................................................................................................. 215
LENDP .............................................................................................................................................. 216
LES .................................................................................................................................................... 217
LN ...................................................................................................................................................... 218
LOCALDATE ................................................................................................................................... 219
LOCALTIME .................................................................................................................................... 220
LOCATE............................................................................................................................................ 221
LOCK ................................................................................................................................................ 223
LOOP ................................................................................................................................................. 224
LOWER ............................................................................................................................................. 225
MAKETIMESTAMP......................................................................................................................... 226
MAT .................................................................................................................................................. 227
MATBUILD ...................................................................................................................................... 228
MATCHES ........................................................................................................................................ 229
MATCHFIELD.................................................................................................................................. 231
MATPARSE ...................................................................................................................................... 233
MATREAD........................................................................................................................................ 234
MATREADU ..................................................................................................................................... 236
MATWRITE ...................................................................................................................................... 238
MATWRITEU ................................................................................................................................... 239
MAXIMUM ....................................................................................................................................... 240
MINIMUM ........................................................................................................................................ 241
MOD .................................................................................................................................................. 242
MODS ................................................................................................................................................ 243
MSLEEP ............................................................................................................................................ 244
MULS ................................................................................................................................................ 245
NEGS ................................................................................................................................................. 246
NES .................................................................................................................................................... 247
NOBUF .............................................................................................................................................. 248
NOT ................................................................................................................................................... 249


NOTS ................................................................................................................................................. 250
NULL................................................................................................................................................. 251
NUM .................................................................................................................................................. 252
NUMS ................................................................................................................................................ 253
OBJEXCALLBACK ......................................................................................................................... 254
OCONV ............................................................................................................................................. 255
OCONVS ........................................................................................................................................... 257
ONGOTO .......................................................................................................................................... 258
OPEN ................................................................................................................................................. 259
OPENDEV ......................................................................................................................................... 261
OPENINDEX .................................................................................................................................... 262
OPENPATH ...................................................................................................................................... 263
OPENSEQ ......................................................................................................................................... 265
OPENSER.......................................................................................................................................... 269
ORS ................................................................................................................................................... 271
OSBREAD ......................................................................................................................................... 272
OSBWRITE ....................................................................................................................................... 273
OSCLOSE.......................................................................................................................................... 274
OSDELETE ....................................................................................................................................... 275
OSOPEN ............................................................................................................................................ 276
OSREAD ........................................................................................................................................... 277
OSWRITE.......................................................................................................................................... 278
OUT ................................................................................................................................................... 279
PAGE ................................................................................................................................................. 280
PAUSE............................................................................................................................................... 281
PCPERFORM .................................................................................................................................... 282
PERFORM......................................................................................................................................... 282
PRECISION ....................................................................................................................................... 283
PRINT ................................................................................................................................................ 284
PRINTER........................................................................................................................................... 285
PRINTERR ........................................................................................................................................ 286
PROCREAD ...................................................................................................................................... 287
PROCWRITE .................................................................................................................................... 288
PROGRAM........................................................................................................................................ 289
PROMPT ........................................................................................................................................... 290
PUTENV............................................................................................................................................ 291
PWR................................................................................................................................................... 292
QUOTE / DQUOTE / SQUOTE........................................................................................................ 293


RAISE ................................................................................................................................................ 294
READ ................................................................................................................................................ 295
READBLK ........................................................................................................................................ 297
READL .............................................................................................................................................. 299
READLIST ........................................................................................................................................ 301
READNEXT ...................................................................................................................................... 302
READPREV ...................................................................................................................................... 303
READSELECT .................................................................................................................................. 305
READSEQ ......................................................................................................................................... 306
READT .............................................................................................................................................. 307
READU.............................................................................................................................................. 308
READV.............................................................................................................................................. 310
READVL ........................................................................................................................................... 312
READVU ........................................................................................................................................... 313
READXML........................................................................................................................................ 315
RECORDLOCKED ........................................................................................................................... 316
REGEXP ............................................................................................................................................ 317
RELEASE .......................................................................................................................................... 318
REMOVE .......................................................................................................................................... 319
REPLACE.......................................................................................................................................... 321
RETURN ........................................................................................................................................... 322
REWIND ........................................................................................................................................... 323
RIGHT ............................................................................................................................................... 324
RND ................................................................................................................................................... 325
RQM .................................................................................................................................................. 326
RTNDATA ........................................................................................................................................ 327
SADD ................................................................................................................................................ 328
SDIV .................................................................................................................................................. 329
SEEK ................................................................................................................................................. 330
SELECT............................................................................................................................................. 332
SEND ................................................................................................................................................. 334
SENDX .............................................................................................................................................. 335
SENTENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 336
SEQ .................................................................................................................................................... 337
SEQS ................................................................................................................................................. 338
SIN ..................................................................................................................................................... 339
SLEEP ............................................................................................................................................... 340
SMUL ................................................................................................................................................ 341


SORT ................................................................................................................................................. 342
SOUNDEX ........................................................................................................................................ 343
SPACE ............................................................................................................................................... 344
SPACES............................................................................................................................................. 345
SPLICE .............................................................................................................................................. 346
SPOOLER.......................................................................................................................................... 347
SQRT ................................................................................................................................................. 350
SSELECT .......................................................................................................................................... 351
SSELECTN........................................................................................................................................ 353
SSELECTV........................................................................................................................................ 353
SSUB ................................................................................................................................................. 354
STATUS Function ............................................................................................................................. 355
STATUS function .............................................................................................................................. 356
STATUS statement ............................................................................................................................ 358
STOP ................................................................................................................................................. 360
STR .................................................................................................................................................... 361
STRS .................................................................................................................................................. 362
SUBROUTINE .................................................................................................................................. 363
SUBS ................................................................................................................................................. 364
SUBSTRINGS ................................................................................................................................... 365
SUM................................................................................................................................................... 367
SWAP ................................................................................................................................................ 368
System Functions ............................................................................................................................... 369
TAN ................................................................................................................................................... 375
TIME ................................................................................................................................................. 376
TIMEDATE ....................................................................................................................................... 377
TIMEDIFF ......................................................................................................................................... 378
TIMEOUT ......................................................................................................................................... 379
TIMESTAMP .................................................................................................................................... 380
TRANS .............................................................................................................................................. 381
TRANS .............................................................................................................................................. 381
TRANSABORT ................................................................................................................................. 383
TRANSQUERY................................................................................................................................. 384
TRANSTART .................................................................................................................................... 385
TRANSEND ...................................................................................................................................... 386
TRIM ................................................................................................................................................. 387
TRIMB............................................................................................................................................... 388
TRIMBS ............................................................................................................................................ 389


TRIMF ............................................................................................................................................... 390
TRIMFS ............................................................................................................................................. 391
UNASSIGNED .................................................................................................................................. 392
UNIQUEKEY .................................................................................................................................... 393
UNLOCK ........................................................................................................................................... 394
UDTEXECUTE ................................................................................................................................. 395
UPCASE ............................................................................................................................................ 395
UTF8 .................................................................................................................................................. 396
WAKE ............................................................................................................................................... 397
WEOF ................................................................................................................................................ 398
WEOFSEQ ........................................................................................................................................ 399
WRITE............................................................................................................................................... 400
WRITEBLK ....................................................................................................................................... 401
WRITELIST ...................................................................................................................................... 402
WRITESEQ ....................................................................................................................................... 403
WRITESEQF ..................................................................................................................................... 404
WRITEU ............................................................................................................................................ 406
WRITEV ............................................................................................................................................ 408
WRITEXML ...................................................................................................................................... 410
WRITEVU ......................................................................................................................................... 411
XLATE .............................................................................................................................................. 413
XMLTODYN .................................................................................................................................... 415
XMLTOXML .................................................................................................................................... 417
XTD ................................................................................................................................................... 418


Documentation Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:




In syntax, bold indicates commands, function names, and options. In text,
bold indicates keys to press, function names, menu selections, and MSDOS commands.


In syntax, uppercase indicates JBASE commands, keywords, and options;
BASIC statements and functions; and SQL statements and keywords. In
text, uppercase also indicates JBASE identifiers such as filenames, account
names, schema names, and Windows NT filenames and pathnames.


In syntax, italic indicates information that you supply. In text, italic also


indicates UNIX commands and options, filenames, and pathnames.


Courier indicates examples of source code and system output.

Courier Bold

Courier Bold In examples, courier bold indicates characters that the
user types or keys (for example, ).


Brackets enclose optional items. Do not type the brackets unless indicated.


Braces enclose nonoptional items from which you must select at least one.
Do not type the braces.

ItemA | itemB

A vertical bar separating items indicates that you can choose only one
item. Do not type the vertical bar.


Three periods indicate that more of the same type of item can optionally


A right arrow between menu options indicates you should choose each
option in sequence. For example, “Choose File ⇒Exit” means you should
choose File from the menu bar, and then choose Exit from the File pulldown menu.


Syntax definitions and examples are indented for ease in reading.
All punctuation marks included in the syntax—for example, commas, parentheses, or
quotation marks—are required unless otherwise indicated.
Syntax lines that do not fit on one line in this manual are continued on subsequent lines.
The continuation lines are indented. When entering syntax, type the entire syntax entry,
including the continuation lines, on the same input line.


This manual is a comprehensive reference for jBASE BASIC and is intended for experienced
programmers. The guide includes explanations of all jBASE BASIC statements and functions
supported by jBASE and descriptive information regarding the use of jBASE BASIC in the UNIX
If you have never used jBASE BASIC, read this manual before using any statements or functions.

Organization of this manual
This manual contains statements and functions in alphabetical order, each beginning on a new page. At
the top of each page is the syntax for the statement or function, followed by a detailed description of its
use, often including references to other statements or functions that can be used with it or are helpful to
know about. Examples illustrate the application of the statement or function in a program.

jBASE BASIC Language Overview

is a UNIX resident programming language supported by the jBASE Database Independent
Management Engine


can access database files of any UNIX resident, Open Systems database


is aimed primarily at writing business applications, and contains all the constructs needed to access
and modify files and their data efficiently


is a sophisticated superset of Dartmouth BASIC supporting structured programming techniques


is a flexible and user extendible language


contains the functionality needed to write efficient UNIX applications. It can spawn child
processes, access environment variables and interface to other UNIX programs


programs can call external functions written in C or jBASE BASIC. C programs can be made to
call functions written in jBASE BASIC


programs can mix with Embedded SQL statements written allowing queries and updates on any
SQL Database


object code is link compatible with C and so a programmer has the tools of both available to him
to produce the most efficient code for his application


Allows the application programmer working in a UNIX environment to write code without
needing to consider memory management, variable typing or floating-point arithmetic corrections:
all of which need to be dealt with when using 'C'


Has other advantages over C such as the in-built debugger and easy file I/O;


Programs may declare external functions, which are linked into the application by the UNIX
linker-loader. This means that jBASE BASIC offers access to specialized functions written in C or
any language that is link compatible with C


Features of jBASE BASIC

Optional statement labels


Multiple statements on one line


Local subroutine calls


Branching on result of complex value testing


String handling with variable lengths


External calls to 'C' libraries


External subroutine calls


Direct and indirect calls


Magnetic tape input and output


String, number, and date data conversion capability;


File access and update capability for any UNIX resident file, such as j-files or C-ISAM)


File and record level locking capability


Pattern matching capability


Capability of processing file records in any format


Sophisticated jBASE BASIC debugger


Ability to EXECUTE any jBASE system or database enquiry command


The standard UNIX command set is available to manage code libraries


Support for networking and inter-process communication.

Benefits of using jBASE BASIC

Applications are running on an Open Systems platform:


Applications are very efficient as the execution speed of jBASE BASIC code is close to that of
hand crafted 'C'


Applications are portable between binary compatible environments, however moving applications
to an alternative operating system requires that the application be recompiled on the target system.
No modifications to the application source are required as any operating specific modifications
will have been implemented by jBASE in the runtime libraries.


Applications integrate easily with other UNIX systems


Applications benefit from the steady improvements made in compiler optimization.


Use of jBASE BASIC offers tremendous productivity improvements over 'C'


The close compatibility with UNIX allows the jBASE BASIC developer to produce libraries of
standard subroutines or function calls, which any program can use


The standard UNIX command set is available to manage code libraries


The provision of Database access is to applications through generic read/write/lock statements that
divorce the application from the database itself. Locks are maintained across remote systems and
communication links thus allowing the application programmer to concentrate on the application
not the database or its location



JBASE BASIC will import and compile BASIC code from Open Systems RDBMS systems with
little or no modification


Applications ported from PICK or Reality run as 'C' applications with all the related performance
and seamless inter-operability advantages over running on an emulation type implementation
written in C


Investments in existing jBASE BASIC applications and development and programming skills in
BASIC are fully retained


No need for costly retraining of programmers to 'C', which can also be freely used within the
application system, thus allowing more flexibility


JBASE BASIC provides connection to external devices and external databases in a manner that is
transparent to existing applications

jBASE BASIC Environment

jBASE BASIC will run on any standard UNIX system and with any standard shell or editor. Also
provided is an easy to use jSHELL.


jBASE BASIC allows the programmer to choose his working environment to suit. It works equally
with the Bourne, C or Korn shell. Kernel configuration is not required to use the jBASE BASICprogramming environment.


You can write jBASE BASIC programs using any UNIX editor using the provided context
sensitive screen editor (jED), designed specifically for jBASE BASIC programmers and jBASE


Utilities are supplied to access database files created under jBASE.


The final size of executable code is minimized, and duplication avoided, by sharing external object
libraries between all application programs.


Specify a file or directory to hold the entire jBASE BASIC source; you can hold the finished
executables in a different file or directory if required.


Use a global user library to hold globally accessible user routines.

jBASE BASIC Programming

You can write the jBASE BASIC source code using any system editor. Users unfamiliar with
UNIX editors may wish to use the jED editor


Use the jBASE BASIC compiler to produce intermediate object code or a UNIX executable file;
use Makefiles to simplify the compilation process, especially if many files are involved. Their use
will also make upgrading and software maintenance an easier task


If the system allows, use should be made of linked libraries when calling subroutines and
functions. This will reduce the size of the compiled code that would otherwise be produced


Applications accessing jBASE files should make use of the existing routines held in the
/usr/jBASE BASIC/lib directory.



jBASE BASIC Comparisons
Derived from Dartmouth Basic jBASE BASIC is an enhanced variant of BASIC, which contains all the
commands and constructs necessary for compatibility with other versions of BASIC. It also provides
full interaction with UNIX system and database files. You can modify jBASE BASIC quickly to retain
compatibility with any future enhancements to the BASIC language or its derivatives
On UNIX systems, the jBASE BASIC compiler produces code that runs many times faster than the
same BASIC code compiled and run on any other UNIX based RDBMS environment. jBASE BASIC
can access jBASE, C-ISAM, and UNIX files as well as records and files of other databases The jBASE
BASIC debug facilities are greatly superior to those provided with other versions of BASIC

With 'C'
The jBASE BASIC compiler uses all the features of the cc compiler and can compile 'C' source and
object files, as well as jBASE BASIC source code. You can halt the source compilation at any stage, to
examine the resultant code:
External 'C', and jBASE library access is available
The executables produced by the jBASE BASIC compiler and cc is identical

jBASE BASIC has a sophisticated debugger available as standard


jBASE BASIC is able to provide full and easy access to UNIX or any third party database files


jBASE BASIC has the tools to provide sophisticated string handling


jBASE BASIC handles system signals and events automatically

File and Directory Organization
To run jBASE BASIC on a UNIX system, there are several directories and files already set up, which
ensure the smooth and efficient use of the jBASE BASIC programming environment; all the jBASE
BASIC files are held under the UNIX /opt/jBASIC directory.
The main body of the jBASE BASIC program and library files are held in the /opt/jBASIC directory,
which contains all the run-time code, error and library files, as well as default system and terminal setup limit.


XML Functions and Statements
JBASE is incorporating new XML capabilities built into jBASE BASIC based on the Xalan and Xerces

XML Functions

XML Statements


jBASE Funtions and Statement @ Variables
Use the @ function to position the cursor to a specific point on the terminal screen

@ (col{, row})

col and row can be any expression that evaluates to a numeric value.
col specifies, to which column on the screen the cursor should be moved.
row specifies which row (line) on the screen to position the cursor.
Specifying col on its own will locate the cursor to the required column on whichever row it currently

When specified values exceed either of the physical limits of the current terminal, then unpredictable
results will occur.
The terminal address starts at (0,0), that being the top left hand corner of the screen.
Cursor addressing will not normally work when directed at a printer. If you wish to build printer
independence into your programs, achieve this by accessing the terminfo database through the
SYSTEM () function.

FOR I = 1 TO 5
CRT @(5, I):"*":
Home = @(0,0) ;* Remember the cursor home position
CRT Home:"Hi honey, I’m HOME!":


Use @(SCREENCODE) to output control sequences according to the capabilities of the terminal

@ (ScreenCode)

Control sequences for special capabilities of the terminal are achieved by passing a negative number as
its argument. ScreenCode is therefore any expression that evaluates to a negative argument.

The design of jBASE allows you to import code from many older systems. As these systems have
traditionally not co-ordinated the development of this function they expect different functionality in
many instances. In the following table, you should note that different settings of the
JBASICEMULATE environment variable would elicit different functionality from this function.
Where the emulate code is printed with strikethrough it indicates that the functionality is denied to this






clear the screen and home the cursor



home the cursor



clear screen from the cursor to the end of the screen



clear screen from cursor to the end of the current screen line



turn on character blinking



turn off character blinking



turn on protected field mode



turn off protected field mode



move the cursor one character to the left



move the cursor one row up the screen



turn on the cursor (visible)



enable protect mode



turn off the cursor (invisible)



disable protect mode



status line on



turn on reverse video mode



status line off



turn off reverse video mode



move cursor forward one character



turn on underline mode



move cursor one row down the screen



turn off underline mode







turn on the slave (printer) port



turn off the slave (printer) port



dump the screen to the slave port



move the cursor right one character



move the cursor down one character



turn on the cursor (visible)



turn off the cursor (invisible)



turn on the status line



turn off the status line

If a color terminal is in use, -33 to -64 will control colors.
The codes from -128 to -191 control screen attributes. Where Bit 0 is least significant, you may
calculate the desired code by setting Bit 7 and Bits 0-4:
Bit 0

dimmed mode when set to 1

Bit 1

flashing mode when set to 1

Bit 2

reverse mode when set to 1

Bit 3

blanked mode when set to 1

Bit 4

underline mode when set to 1

Bit 5

bold mode when set to 1

Bit 7

always set to 1

Thus, Reverse and Flashing mode is -134.
To turn off all effects use -128

CRT @ (-1):@(30):@( 132):"jBASE Heading":@(-128):
CRT @ (5,5):@(-4):"Prompt: ": ; INPUT Answer



@ID Dataname used to reference the record-id in a query language


Returns current space information for DEBUG purposes


Returns cuurnt codepage config jbase_codepage


Data statements used in conjunction with INPUT statements are
stored in a data stack or input queue. This stack is accessible in the
@DATA variable


internal date returns the internal date – on some systems, this differs
from the DATE function in that the variable is set when program
execution starts, whereas the function reflects the current date


Day of month from @DATE


End of File character from TTY characteristics


Current filename


For B options in heading


For B options in heading


The nesting level of execution statements – non stacked


Returns current Locale as jbase_locale


Number of lines on the device to which you are printing (that is,
terminal or printer).


Current Month


The last sentence or paragraph that invoked the current process.


Pathname of the current account


Returns current process ID


Entire current record



Number of elements from the last select list – Non stacked


The Terminal type


Returns the internal time – on some systems, this differs from the
TIME function in that the variable is set when program execution
starts, whereas the function reflects the current time


As per jBASE Timezone


Returns the terminal port name.


Returns information from ROOT.THREAD for port @user


The use of the @USER.ROOT command allows a jBASE BASIC
program to store and retrieve a string of up to 63 bytes that is unique
to that user. The intention is to really "publish" information that
other programs can find.
For example
@USER.ROOT = "Temenos T24 Financials"
PRINT "root user declaration is " : @USER.ROOT
See attribute <28> , USER_PROC_USER_ROOT, in the section
"Layout of user record"
The @USER.THREAD is similar except a value exists for each
PERFORM level. So one program can set/retrieve it but if the
program does a PERFORM of a second program then the second
program gets a different set of values.
See attribute <52> , USER_PROC_USER_THREAD, in the section
"Layout of user record"
The @USERSTATS allows a program to retrieve all sorts of
miscellanous information about itself. For example if a program
wants to find out how many database I/O's it performed it could do
this ...
info1 = @USERSTATS


read1 = info1
info2 = @USERSTATS
read2 = info2
PRINT "The COUNT command took ":(read2-read1):" READ's
from the database"
So a program can set a user-definable string to whatever value it
likes , up to 63 bytes, and other programs can use various methods
(see "User Information Retrieval" below) to access this data.
User Information Retrieval
There are 3 ways of finding information about one or more users on
a jBASE system






@USERSTATS variables in your jBASE BASIC code you can find
information about yourself. You cannot find information about
other users.
2. The "WHERE (V)" command can be used to display the
@USER.ROOT and @USER.THREAD data for specified users.
3. Using some jBASE BASIC code you can find out lots of
information about each user on the system. This is exactly the
mechanism that the WHERE command uses. For example to display
all users logged on you could write this.
* Open the special jEDI file to access the user information.






* For each user logged on read in their user information


PRINT "Port ":rec:" is
logged on by user ":rec
Layout of user record
The information retrieved by either the READ in the above example
or the @USERSTATS is the same and is as follows.
The first 40 attributes are data attributes that correlate to the entire
user. Attributes 41 onwards are multi-valued and have one value per
program being PERFORM'ed by that user
All the numbers below can be replaced by symbolic references in
JBC.h , look for those that begin USER_PROC_
<1> The port number
<2> The number of programs running in this port.
<3> Time the user started in Universal Co-ordinated Time or UTC
(not a dyslexic mistake). This is raw UNIX time. You can convert
this to jBASE internal time format using the U0FF0 conversion or
to internal date format using the U0FF1 conversion.
<4> The process ID
<5> Account name
<6> User name. Normally the operating system name.
<7> Terminal name in jBASE format
<8> Terminal name in Operating system format.
<9> Database name


<10> TTY device name
<11> Language name.
<12> Time in UTC the listening thread last found the thread alive.
<13> Amount of heap space memory in free space chain on a
process wide basis. Not real-time, only updated every 15 seconds.
<14> Amount of heap space memory in use on a process wide basis.
Not real-time , only updated every 15 seconds
<15> Thread type as an internal integer.
<16> Type of thread as a text string.
<17> License counters
<18> Number of OPEN’s performed.
<19> Number of READ’s performed.
<20> Number of WRITE's performed.
<21> Number of DELETE's performed
<22> Number of CLEARFILE's performed
<23> Number of PERFORM/EXECUTE's performed.
<24> Number of INPUT's performed.
<25> Not used.
<26> Number of jBASE files the application thinks it has open at
the moment.
<27> Number of jBASE files actually opened by the operating
system at the moment.
<28> Any data set by the application using @USER.ROOT
<29> Process Identifier. A string created by the operating system to
identify the process. It is O/S specific. Currenly on IBM i-series
platform only.
<30> to <40> Reserved.


Attributes 41 onward are multi-valued, one value per perform level,
and there are <2> perform levels active.
<41,n> Program name and command line arguments.
<42,n> The line number in jBASE BASIC the program is currently
<43,n> The source name in jBASE BASIC the program is currently
<44,n> Not used.
<45,n> Not used.
<46,n> Status of program execution as a readable text string.
<47,n> Status of program execution as an internal integer.
<48,n> User CPU time . Depending upon the hardware this will be
either for the entire process or just the single thread.
<49,n> System CPU time.Depending upon the hardware this will be
either for the entire process or just the single thread.
<50,n> User CPU time used by any external child processes it
might have spawned.
<51,n> System CPU time used by any external child processes it
might have spawned.
<52,n> Any data set by the application using @USER.THREAD


The @USERSTATS allows a program to retrieve miscellaneous
information about itself. For example if a program wants to find out
how many database I/O's it performed it could do this
info1 = @USERSTATS
read1 = info1<19>
info2 = @USERSTATS
read2 = info2<19>
PRINT "The COUNT command took ":(read2-read1):" READ's


from the database"
The following definitions have been added to JBC.h file which









@USERSTATS variable or by opening file SYSTEM(1027) and
reading the items in like that.
* Definitions for the data returned from the @USERSTATS
variable or from
* the record read in from the PROC file (using SYSTEM(1027) as
file name)
programs running in this port
EQUATE USER_PROC_START_TIME TO 3;* Time user started
in UTC format
EQUATE USER_PROC_ACCOUNT TO 5;* Name of the account
EQUATE USER_PROC_USER TO 6 ;* Name of the user
terminal according to jBASE
terminal as seen by OS
connected to
EQUATE USER_PROC_TTY TO 10;* Name of TTY device
UTC the listening thread last worked


memory in heap space free chain
EQUATE USER_PROC_MEM_USED TO 14;* Amount of heap
space memory in use
type expressed as an integer
type expressed as a text string
EQUATE USER_PROC_LICENSE TO 17;* License counters
OPEN's performed.
READ's performed.
WRITE's performed.
DELETE's performed.
of CLEARFILE's performed.
PERFORM's / EXECUTE's performed.
INPUT's performed.




;* Number of files application thinks open
of files really open by OS
EQUATE USER_PROC_USER_ROOT TO 28;* Application data
set by @USER.ROOT


identify process
EQUATE USER_PROC_PROGRAM TO 41;* Program name and
command line arguments
currently being executed.
source currently being executed.


program as a readable text


program as an integer
time used by child processes


CPU time used by child processes
data set by @USER.THREAD



3=Start time in UTC

programs on


5=Account name


this port
6=user name


8=terminal name (OS)

name 9Jbase)




10=tty device name

13=free heap space (15



space used

found alive


15=thread type

(15 secs)
18=count of opens

19=count of

20=count of writes


type (string)


21= count of

22=count of



Clear Files



26=number of














line number



24=count of


30-40 reserved


42=source name



47=status of program

of program







CPU time

CPU time

child processes





from child

A value exists for each PERFORM level. So one program can
set/retrieve it but if the program does a PERFORM of a second
program then the second program gets a different set of values.
Allows an application to store simple statistical information about
the thread level part of their data.


jBASE BASIC Functions and Statements A - X
The following pages show the syntax of every statement and function in the language together with
examples of their use.


The ABORT statement terminates the current running program and the program that called it.

ABORT {message.number{, expression ...}}

The optional message.number provided with the statement must be a numeric value, which corresponds
to a record key in the jBASE error message file.
A single expression or a list of expression(s) may follow the message.number. Where more than one
expression is listed, they must be delimited by the use of the comma character. The expression(s)
correspond to the parameters that need passing to the error file record to print it.
The optional message.number and expression(s) given with the command are parameters or resultants
provided as variables, literal strings, expressions, or functions.

Use this statement to terminate the execution of a jBASE BASIC program together with any calling
program. It will then optionally display a message, and return to the shell prompt.
The error file holds the optional message displayed on terminating the program. For successful printing
of the message, parameters such as linefeeds, clearscreen, date and literal strings may also be required.
Setting the Command Level Restart option can alter operation of this command.

This will terminate the program and print error message 66 passing to it the string "Aborted", which
will be printed as part of error message 66.


ABS returns the mathematical absolute of the ()expression

ABS (expression)

expression can be of any form that should evaluate to a numeric. The ABS function will then return the
mathematical absolute of the expression. This will convert any negative number into a positive result.

express this as: value < 0 ? 0 - value : value

CRT ABS (10-15)
Displays the value 5
PositiveVar = ABS (100-200)
Assigns the value 100 to the variable PositiveVar


Use the ABSS function to return the absolute values of all the elements in a dynamic array. If an
element in the dynamic array is null, it returns null for that element.

ABSS (dynamic.array)

Y = REUSE(300)
Z = 500:@VM:400:@VM:300:@SM:200:@SM:100
A = SUBS (Z,Y)
The output of this program is:


Use ADDS to create a dynamic array of the element-by-element addition of two dynamic arrays.
Added to each element of array1 is the corresponding element of array2, which returns the result in the
corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If an element of one array has no corresponding
element in the other array, it returns the existing element. If an element of one array is the null value, it
returns null for the sum of the corresponding elements.

ADDS (array1, array2)

The output of this program is:


The ALPHA function will check that the expression consists entirely of alphabetic characters.

ALPHA (expression)

The expression can return a result of any type. The ALPHA function will then return TRUE (1) if the
expression consists entirely of alphabetic characters else returns false (0) if any character in expression
is non alphabetic.

When using the ALPHA function in International Mode it determines the properties of each character
in the expression according to the Unicode Standard, which in turn describes whether the character is
alphabetic or not.

Alphabetic characters are in the set a-z and A-Z

Abc = "ABC"
IF ALPHA (Abc) THEN CRT "alphabetic"
Abc = "123"
IF NOT (ALPHA(Abc)) THEN CRT "non alphabetic"
non alphabetic


Use the ANDS function to create a dynamic array of the logical AND of corresponding elements of
two dynamic arrays.
Each element of the new dynamic array is the logical AND of the corresponding elements of array1
and array2. If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic
array, it returns a false (0) for that element.
If both corresponding elements of array1 and array2 are null, it returns null for those elements. If one
element is the null value and the other is zero or an empty string, it returns false for those elements.

ANDS (array1, array2)

A = 1:@SM:4:@VM:4:@SM:1
B = 1:@SM:1-1:@VM:2
The output of this program is: 1\0]1\0


The ASCII function converts all the characters in the expression from the EBCDIC character set to the
ASCII character set.

ASCII (expression)

The expression may return a data string of any form. The function will then assume that the characters
are all members of the EBCDIC character set and translate them using a character map. The original
expression is unchanged while the returned result of the function is now the ASCII equivalent.

READT EbcdicBlock ELSE CRT "Tape failed!"; STOP
AsciiBlock = ASCII (EbcdicBlock) ;* convert to ASCII


The ASSIGNED function returns a Boolean TRUE or FALSE result depending on whether or not a
variable has an assigned value.

ASSIGNED (variable)

ASSIGNED returns TRUE if the variable named has an assigned value before the execution of this
statement. If the variable has no assigned value then the function returns FALSE.

Provision of this function is due to its implementation in older versions of the language. You are
advised to program in such a way, to avoid using this statement.

CRT "Var1 has been assigned a value"


Use the BITAND function to perform the bitwise AND comparison of two integers specified by
numeric expressions.

BITAND (expression1, expression2)

The bitwise AND operation compares two integers bit by bit. It returns a bit of 1 if both bits are 1; else,
it returns a bit of 0.
If either expression1 or expression2 evaluates to the null value, null is returned.
Non integer values are truncated before the operation is performed.
The BITAND operation is performed on a 32-bit twos-complement word.
NOTE: Differences in hardware architecture can make the use of the high-order bit non portable.

* The binary value of 6 = 0110
* The binary value of 12 = 1100
This results in 0100, and the following output is displayed:


BITCHANGE toggles the state of a specified bit in the local bit table, and returns the original value of
the bit.

BITCHANGE (table_no)

table_no specifies the position in the table of the bit to be changed.

For each process, it maintains a unique table of 128 bits (numbered 1 to 128) and treats each bit in the
table as a two-state flag - the value returned will always be zero or one.
BITCHANGE returns the value of the bit before it was changed. You can therefore check and set (or
reset) a flag in one step.
BITCHANGE also provides some special functions if you use one of the following table_no values:

toggles (enables/disables) the BREAK key Inhibit bit.


toggles (enables/disables) the Command Level Restart feature.


toggles (enables/disables) the Break/End Restart feature.

If bit 100 in the table is zero, it sets to one and displays zero; the reverse will apply if set to one..


BITCHECK returns the current value of a specified bit from the local bit table.

BITCHECK (table_no)

table_no specifies the position in the table of the bit for checking.

For each process, it maintains a unique table of 128 bits (numbered 1 to 128) and treats each bit in the
table as a two-state flag - the value returned will always be zero or one.
BITCHECK also provides some special functions if you use one of the following table_no values:

returns the setting of the BREAK key Inhibit bit


returns the setting of the Command Level Restart feature


returns the setting of the Break/End Restart feature

If bit 100 in the table is zero, it displays zero; if set to one, it displays one.


BITLOAD assigns all values in the local bit table, or retrieves all the values.


bit-string is an ASCII string of characters, which represent a hexadecimal value. It is interpreted as a
bit pattern and used to assign values to the table from left to right. Assignment stops at the end of the
string or when a non-hexadecimal character is found.
If the string represents less than 128 bits, the remaining bits in the table are reset to 0 (zero).
If bit-string is omitted or evaluates to null, an ASCII hex character string is returned, which defines the
value of the table. Trailing zeroes in the string are truncated.

A unique table of 128 bits (numbered 1 to 128) is maintained for each process. Each bit in the table is
treated as a two-state flag - the value will always be 0 (zero) or 1.

NEW.VALUE = "0123456789ABCDEF"
Loads the bit table with the value of ASCII hex string NEW.VALUE
After assignment, the contents of the bit table is:




NOTE: that all values beyond the 64th bit have been reset to 0 (zero).

Loads variable TABLE.VALUE with the hexadecimal values of the bit table


Use the BITNOT function to return the bitwise negation of an integer specified by any numeric

BITNOT (expression ,bit#)

bit# is an expression that evaluates to the number of the bit to invert. If bit# is unspecified, BITNOT
inverts each bit. It changes each bit of 1 to a bit of 0 and each
bit of 0 to a bit of 1. This is equivalent to returning a value equal to the following: (expression)1
If expression evaluates to the null value, null is returned. If bit# evaluates to the null value, the
BITNOT function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message.
Non integer values are truncated before the operation is performed.
The BITNOT operation is performed on a 32-bit twos-complement word.
NOTE: Differences in hardware architecture can make the use of the high-order bit non portable.

This is the program output:
7 14 13 11


Use the BITOR function to perform the bitwise OR comparison of two integers specified by numeric

BITOR (expression1, expression2)

The bitwise OR operation compares two integers bit by bit. It returns the bit 1 if the bit in either or both
numbers is 1; else, it returns the bit 0.
If either expression1 or expression2 evaluates to the null value, null is returned.
Non integer values are truncated before the operation is performed.
The BITOR operation is performed on a 32-bit twos-complement word.
NOTE: Differences in hardware architecture can make the use of the high-order bit non portable.

* Binary value of 6 = 0110
* Binary value of 12 = 1100
This results in 1110, and the following output is displayed:


BITRESET resets the value of a specified bit in the local bit table to zero and returns the previous value
of the bit.

BITRESET (table_no)

table_no specifies the position in the table of the bit for reset. If table_no evaluates to zero, it resets all
elements in the table to zero and returns the value zero.

For each process, it maintains a unique table of 128 bits (numbered 1 to 128) and treats each bit in the
table as a two-state flag - the value returned will always be zero or one.
BITRESET returns the previous value of the bit – you can reset and check a flag in one step.
BITRESET also provides some special functions if you use one of the following table_no values:

resets the BREAK key Inhibit bit


resets the Command Level Restart feature


resets the Break/End Restart feature

See also: BITSET.

If table entry 112 is one, it returns a value of one, resets bit 112 to 0, and prints one. If table entry 112
is zero, returns a value of 0, and prints 0.


BITSET sets the value of a specified bit in the bit table to one and returns the value of the bit before it
was changed.

BITSET (table_no)

table_no specifies the bit to be SET. If table_no evaluates to zero, it sets all elements in the table to one
and the returned value is one.

For each purpose, it maintains a unique table of 128 bits (numbered 1 to 128) and treats each bit in the
table as a two-state flag - the value returned will always be zero or one.
BITSET returns the previous value of the bit - you can check and set a flag in one step.
BITSET also provides some special functions if you use one of the following table_no values:

sets the BREAK key Inhibit bit


sets the Command Level Restart feature


sets the Break/End Restart feature

See also: BITRESET.

If table entry 112 is zero, returns a value of zero, sets bit 112 to one, and prints zero. If table entry 112
is one, returns a value of one, and prints one.


Use the BITTEST function to test the bit number of the integer specified by expression.

BITTEST (expression, bit#)

The function returns 1 if the bit is set; it returns 0 if it is not; Bits are counted from right to left. The
number of the rightmost bit is 0.
If expression evaluates to the null value, null is returned. If bit# evaluates to null, the BITTEST
function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message.
Non integer values are truncated before the operation is performed.

* The binary value of 11 = 1011
This is the program output:


Use the BITXOR function to perform the bitwise XOR comparison of two integers specified by
numeric expressions. The bitwise XOR operation compares two integers bit by bit. It returns a bit 1 if
only one of the two bits is 1; else, it returns a bit 0.

BITXOR (expression1, expression2)

If either expression1 or expression2 evaluates to the null value, null is returned.
Non integer values are truncated before the operation is performed.
The BITXOR operation is performed on a 32-bit twos-complement word.
NOTE: Differences in hardware architecture can make the use of the high-order bit nonportable.

* Binary value of 6 = 0110
* Binary value of 12 = 1100
This results in 1010, and the following output is displayed:


Allows configuration of the BREAK statement


When used with an expression or the keywords ON or OFF the BREAK statement enables or disables
the BREAK key for the current process. In UNIX terms, the BREAK key is known more commonly as
the interrupt sequence intr defined by the stty command.
Used as a standalone statement, BREAK will terminate the currently executing loop. The EXIT
statement is functionally equivalent to the BREAK statement used without arguments.

The use of BREAK is to terminate the innermost loop, which it ignores if used outside a loop construct.
The compiler will issue warning message 44, and ignore the statement.

* Program resumes here after BREAK


The BYTELEN function will return the length of the expression as the number of bytes rather than the
number of characters.

BYTELEN (expression)

The expression can return a result of any type. The BYTELEN function will then return the byte count
of the expression.

The BYTELEN function will always return the actual byte count for the expression; irrespective of the
International Mode in operation at the time. This compares with the LEN function, which will return a
character count. The character count may differ from the byte count when processing in International


The CALL statement transfers program execution to an external subroutine.

CALL {@}subroutine.name {(argument {, argument ... })}

The CALL statement transfers program execution to the subroutine called subroutine.name, which can
be any valid string either quoted or unquoted. The CALL @ variant of this statement assumes that
subroutine.name is a variable that contains the name of the subroutine to call.
The CALL statement may optionally pass a number of parameters to the target subroutine. These
parameters can consist of any valid expression or variable name. If a variable name is used then the
called program may return a value to the variable by changing the value of the equivalent variable in its
own parameter list.

When using an expression to pass a parameter to the subroutine, you cannot use the built-in functions
of jBASE BASIC (such as COUNT), within the expression.
An unlimited number of parameters can be passed to an external subroutine. The number of parameters
in the CALL statement must match exactly the number expected in the SUBROUTINE statement
declaring the external subroutine.
It is not required that the calling program and the external subroutine be compiled with the same
PRECISION. However, any changes to precision in a subroutine will not persist when control returns
to the calling program.
Variables passed, as parameters to the subroutine may not reside in any COMMON areas declared in
the program.

CALL Hello("World")
SUBROUTINE Hello (Message)
CALL Complex(i, j, k)
SUBROUTINE Complex(ComplexA, ComplexB, ComplexC)


The CALLC command transfers program control to an external function (c.sub.name).
The second form of the syntax calls a function whose name is stored in a jBASE BASIC variable
(@var). The program could pass back return values in variables. CALLC arguments can be simple
variables or complex expressions, but not arrays. Use CALLC as a command or function.

CALLC c.sub.name [(argument1[,argument2]...)]
CALLC @var [(argument1[,argument2]...)]

Calling a C Program in jBASE
You must link the C program to jBASE before calling it from a BASIC program. Perform the
following procedure to prepare jBASE for CALLC:

Write and compile the C program.


Define the C program call interface


Build the runtime version of jBASE (containing the linked C program).


Write, compile, and execute the Basic program

Calling a Function in Windows NT
The CALLC implementation in jBASE for Windows NT or Windows 2000 uses the Microsoft
Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL) facility. This facility allows separate pieces of code to call one
another without permanently binding together. Linking between the separate pieces occurs at runtime
(rather than compile time) through a DLL interface.
For CALLC, developers create a DLL and then call that DLL from jBASE.

In the following example, the called subroutine draws a circle with its center at the twelfth row and
twelfth column and a radius of 3:
CENTER = "12,12"
In the next example, the subroutine name is stored in the variable SUB.NAME, and is indirectly called:

The next example uses, CALLC as a function, assigning the return value of the subroutine


PROGRAM.STATUS in the variable RESULT:


The CALLdotNET command allows BASIC to call any .NET assembly and is useful when using third
party applications.

CALLdotNET NameSpaceAndClassName, methodName, param SETTING ret [ON ERROR
In order to use CALLdotNET, you need:
The .NET Framework
The dotNETWrapper.dll installed somewhere to where your PATH points.

The dotNETWrapper is loaded dynamically at runtime; therefore, a compiled basic application has no
dependencies on the .NET Framework. Loading the framework takes between (~5 –7 sec.). However,
this only occurs when calling the .NET method for the first time.

NameSpaceAndClassName The “full” NameSpace (e.g., myNameSpace.myClass)
methodName The name of the .NET in this class (e.g., “myMethod”)
Param Any parameter (eg DynArray)

In C#:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace myNameSpace
public class Class1
public string sayHello(string str)
return “Thank you, I received : “ + str;
public Class1(){}


Namespace myNameSpace
Public Class Class1
Public Function sayHello(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim sAnswer As String
sAnswer = InputBox(str)
sayHello = sAnswer
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Note: Create the .NET project as a ‘Class Library’.
If using the visual studio IDE, this option is on selected when creating a new project:
If using .NET SDK (instead of the IDE) to
compile class libraries into a ‘DLL’ file,
the ‘csc’ (C# Compiler) or ‘vbc’ (Visual
Basic .NET compiler) command can be
used from the command line:
csc /out:myNameSpace.dll /target:library
The name of the ‘.DLL’ created must be
the same as the ‘namespace’ as used in the class library t locate the ‘dotNetWrapper.dll’ library:
After creating the library, place it in the same private directory as the application. (i.e. the same
directory as the jBASE BASIC executable that will call the class) This is a requirement of the .NET
paradigm and not jBASE. The directory should also be in the PATH environment variable.


To call these methods from Basic:
CALLdotNET "myNameSpace.Class1","mymethod", p SETTING ret
CRT ret

You can manage any errors, which occur during the call, at the BASIC level by getting the
SYSTEM(0) variable.
This variable can have the following values:

Not a Windows platform.


Cannot load the dotNETWrapper


Cannot get assembly


Cannot get Class


Cannot get Method


Cannot Create Instance


Unhandled Error in the .NET library

BASIC code using the ON ERROR would look like this:

ns.className = ''
methodName = ''
param = ''
CRT "Please enter NameSpace.ClassName : "
INPUT ns.className
CRT "Please enter a Method Name : "
INPUT methodName
CRT "Please enter a Parameter : "
INPUT param
CALLdotNET ns.className, methodName, param SETTING ret ON ERROR
GOSUB errHandler
CRT "Received back from .NET : " : ret


err = SYSTEM(0)
CASE err = 2
CRT "Cannot find dotNETWrapper.dll”
CASE err = 3
CRT "Class " : className : "doesn't exist !"
CASE err = 5
CRT "Method " : methodName : "doesn't exist !"


The CALLJ command allows BASIC to call a Java method. CALLJ is useful when using third party
applications offering a Java API (for example, publish and subscribe, messaging, etc.)

CALLJ packageAndClassName, [$]methodName, param SETTING ret [ON
ERROR] errStatment
In order to use CALLJ, you need:

A Java virtual machine


CLASSPATH environment variable set to point on the class you want to invoke

The Java virtual machine is loaded dynamically at runtime, so a compiled basic application has no
dependencies on any Java virtual machine. By default, the program will search for:
jvm.dll on Windows platforms
libjvm.sl on HP UNIX
libjvm.so for other platforms
Although it is not usually necessary, it is possible to specify a Java library by setting the JBCJVMLIB
environment variable:
set JBCJVMLIB= C:\jdk1.3.1\jre\bin\classic\jvm.dll

The first call to CALLJ carries the overhead of loading the Java Virtual Machine into memory.
Susequent calls do not have this overhead and it is recommended that programs are structured in such a
way that the Java Virtual Machine is only loaded once.
In addition, calls to non static methods carry the overhead of calling the constructor for the class.
Wherever possible, static methods should be used.:

packageAndClassName The “full” class name (e.g., com.jbase.util.utilClass)
methodName The name of the Java method in this class (e.g., “myMethod”)
NOTE: If the method is static, you must append a ‘$’ before the name. This ‘$’ will be removed from
the method name before calling it.
Param Any parameter (eg DynArray)

In Java:


package mypackage;
public class mytestclass {
static int i = 0;
private mytestclass() {
public String mymethod(String s){
return (“Java Received : “ + s) ;
public static String mystaticmethod(String s){
return s + " "

+ i;


To call these methods from jBASE BASIC:

CALLJ "mypackage.mytestclass","mymethod", p SETTING ret
CRT ret
CALLJ "mypackage/mytestclass","$mystaticmethod",p SETTING ret
CRT ret

Use the SYSTEM(0) variable to manage any errors at the BASIC level, which occur during the call.
This variable can have the following values:

Fatal error creating thread


Cannot create JVM


Cannot find class


Unicode conversion error


Cannot find method


Cannot find object constructor



Cannot instantiate object

jBASE BASIC code using the ON ERROR will look like this:
PROGRAM testcallj
className = ''
methodName = ''
param = ''
CRT "Please enter a Class Name : " INPUT className
CRT "Please enter a Method Name : " INPUT methodName
CRT "Please enter a Parameter : " INPUT param
CALLJ className,methodName, param SETTING ret ON ERROR GOTO
CRT "Received batch from Java : " : ret
err = SYSTEM(0)
IF err = 2 THEN
CRT "Cannot find the JVM.dll !"
IF err = 3 THEN
CRT "Class " : className : "doesn't exist !"
IF err = 5 THEN


CRT "Method " : methodName : "doesn't exist !"
The CALLJ function provides access to a JavaVM from within the BASIC environment. For it to be
able to start a JavaVM (JVM) the environment needs to know where the JVM is located. Specifically it
needs to know where certain libraries are located.

Windows: looking for 'jvm.dll'
Add "c:\jdk1.3.1_07\jre\bin\server" to the PATH environment variable.
A generic format might be %JDKDIR%\jre\bin\server.
For UNIX it is possible to configure generic symbolic links to make profiles portable.
Location of JDK export JDKDIR=/opt/java1.3
Symbolic link for JRE libs
Symbolic link for JVM library


/opt/java1.3/jrelib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/lib/i386
/opt/java1.3/jvmlib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/lib/i386/server
Add “/opt/java1.3/jrelib:/opt/java1.3/jvmlib” to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
/opt/java1.3/jrelib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0
/opt/java1.3/jvmlib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server
Add “/opt/java1.3/jrelib:/opt/java1.3/jvmlib” to the SHLIB_PATH
/opt/java1.3/jrelib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/bin
/opt/java1.3/jvmlib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/bin/classic


Add “/opt/java1.3/jrelib:/opt/java1.3/jvmlib” to the LIBPATH
/opt/java1.3/jrelib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/lib/sparc
/opt/java1.3/jvmlib -> /opt/java1.3/jre/lib/sparc/server
Add “opt/java1.3/jrelib:/opt/java1.3/jvmlib” to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Examples using JVM WITHOUT symbolic links as above:
Linux: looking for 'libjvm.so'
Add 2 directories to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Solaris: looking for 'libjvm.so'
Add 2 directories to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
HP-UX 11: looking for 'libjvm.sl'
Add 2 directories to SHLIB_PATH.


If the searched for library appears incorrect for your platform, then you can override it by setting the
JBCJVMLIB environment variable.
e.g. "export JBCJVMLIB=jvm.shared_lib"
and then CALLJ will try to locate the library 'jvm.shared_lib' at runtime.
You can specify a policy file for the JMV. The policy for a Java application environment (specifying
which permissions are available for code from various sources) is represented by a Policy object. More


specifically, it is represented by a Policy subclass providing an implementation of the abstract
methods in the Policy class (which is in the java.security package). You can override it by
setting the JBCJVMPOLICYFILE environment variable.
The source location for the default policy information is

e.g. "export JBCJVMPOLICYFILE =/usr/jbase/mypolicy.all"
Internally, the Java virtual machine always operates with data in Unicode. However, as data transfers to
or from the Java virtual machine, the Java virtual machine converts the data to other encodings. If the
you want to change the default encoding of the JVM on your platform, then you can override it by
setting the JBCJVMENCODING environment variable.
e.g. "export JBCJVMENCODING = Cp1257"
Internally, the CALLJ is optimum to start the JVM with options (see below the table). If the you don’t
want to pass these options for the JVM, then you can override it by setting the JBCJVMNOOPTS
environment variable. In this case no more options will be pass to the JVM.








-Xrs -XX:+AllowUserSignalHandlers

AIX 32 bits:

-Xrs -Xnocatch

AIX 64 bits:

-Xrs -d64

HPUX 32 bits:
HPUX 64 bits:

-Xrs -XX:+AllowUserSignalHandlers

If the you want to pass some options for the JVM, then you can set by setting the JBCJVMOPT[1..5]
environment variable
e.g. "export JBCJVMOPT1=-Xrs "


There is a problem with HP-UX due to it's dynamic loader. See man dlopen(3C) for detail of the TLS
This means that the JVM library must be linked against the calling program, there are no known
problems caused by this.
'ldd progname' lists current external library references and we need to add libjvm.
The result looks like this:
JVM: dl_error [Can't dlopen() a library containing Thread Local Storage: libjvm.sl]
If the program is built with the required link as below then it works.
jbc –Jo callj.b -ljvm -L/opt/java1.3/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server
If the CALLJ statement is inside a subroutine, then the program that calls the subroutine must be built
as above.

Examples using JVM WITHOUT symbolic links as above:
Linux: searching for 'libjvm.so'
Add 2 directories to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Solaris: searching for 'libjvm.so'
Add 2 directories to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

HP-UX 11: searching for 'libjvm.sl'
Add 2 directories to SHLIB_PATH.


If the search for the library appears incorrect for your platform, then you can override it by setting the
JBCJVMLIB environment variable.
e.g. "export JBCJVMLIB=jvm.shared_lib"
and then CALLJ will try to locate the library 'jvm.shared_lib' at runtime.

You can specify a policy file for the JMV. The policy for a Java application environment (specifying
which permissions are available for code from various sources) is represented by a Policy object. More
specifically, it is represented by a Policy subclass providing an implementation of the abstract methods
in the Policy class (which is in the java.security package). You can override it by setting the
JBCJVMPOLICYFILE environment variable.
The source location for the default policy information is:




e.g. "export JBCJVMPOLICYFILE =/usr/jbase/mypolicy.all"

Internally, the Java virtual machine always operates with data in Unicode. However, as data transfers to
or from the Java virtual machine, the Java virtual machine converts the data to other encodings. If the
you want to change the default encoding of the JVM on your platform, then you can override it by
setting the JBCJVMENCODING environment variable.


"export JBCJVMENCODING = Cp1257"



Internally, CALLJ is optimized to start the JVM with options (see the table below). If you don’t want
to pass these options for the JVM, then you can override it by setting the JBCJVMNOOPTS
environment variable. In this case no more options will be passed to the JVM.








-Xrs -XX:+AllowUserSignalHandlers

AIX 32 bits:

-Xrs -Xnocatch

AIX 64 bits:

-Xrs -d64

HPUX 32 bits:
HPUX 64 bits:

-Xrs -XX:+AllowUserSignalHandlers

If the you want to pass some options for the JVM, then set the JBCJVMOPT[1..5] environment


"export JBCJVMOPT1=-Xrs "


There is a problem with HP-UX due to its dynamic loader. See man dlopen(3C) for detail of the TLS
This means that the JVM library must be linked against the calling program, there are no known
problems caused by this.
'ldd progname' lists current external library references and we need to add libjvm.
The symptom looks like this:
JVM: dl_error [Can't dlopen() a library containing Thread Local Storage: libjvm.sl]
If the program is built with the required link as below then it works.


jbc –Jo callj.b -ljvm -L/opt/java1.3/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server
If the CALLJ statement is inside a subroutine, then the program that calls the subroutine must be built
as above.


The CALLONEXIT function call allows you to specify the name of a SUBROUTINE to call when the
program terminates.

rc = CALLONEXIT("ErrorExit")
The subroutine definition would look like this
You can add parameters to the error subroutine by adding multi-values to the parameter to
CALLONEXIT, which are passed to the called subroutine in the first parameter.
If you execute CALLONEXIT multiple times with the same subroutine name, it discards other calls.
If you execute CALLONEXIT multiple times with a different subroutine name, then upon exit multiple
subroutines will be called in the order that CALLONEXIT was called.

For example, consider the simple programs below. The program enters the debugger. If at this point the
login session terminates for any reason (the line drops, the program is killed, the user enters 'off' at the
debugger prompt) , the two specified subroutines (ErrorExit and EndProgram) will still be called just as
they would if the program were allowed to terminate normally.

rc = CALLONEXIT("ErrorExit")

rc = CALLONEXIT("EndProgram")
All efforts are made to call the subroutine under all circumstances. However, if a SIGKILL (signal 9)
terminates the program, which cannot be trapped, it does not call the subroutine. This is a feature of
operating systems, not a limitation. In addition, if the program terminates due to say a memory error,
then calling the subroutines depends upon how badly the memory error has corrupted the memory.


The CASE statement allows the programmer to execute a particular sequence of instructions based
upon the results of a series of test expressions.

CASE expression statement(s)
CASE expression

The BEGIN CASE and END CASE statements bound the CASE structure. Within this block, an
arbitrary number of CASE expression statements may exist followed by any number of jBASE BASIC
statements. The expression should evaluate to a TRUE or FALSE result. The evaluation of each
expression at execution time is in order. If the expression returns a TRUE result, it then executes the
statements below. On completion of the associated statements, execution will resume at the first
statement following the END CASE.
NOTES: A default action (to trap error conditions for instance) may be introduced by using an
expression that is always TRUE, such as CASE one. This should always be the last expression in the
CASE block.

CASE A = 1
CRT "You won!"
CRT "You came nowhere"
A single comment is printed depending on the value of A.
NOTE: that if A is not 1 then the default CASE 1 rule will be executed as a "catch all".


CATALOG Command
Cataloging and Running your Programs
Use the CATALOG command to create UNIX executables and shared libraries from the application
source code. Once you have cataloged your programs, you can run them like any other command on
the system.
The RUN command which is sometimes used to execute compiled jBASE BASIC programs without
cataloging them can still be used but is really only maintained for compatibility. Whenever possible,
you should catalog your programs rather than RUN them.
The CATALOG command should be executed from the application directory rather than using link
names and the application id should be used. The reasons for executing the CATALOG command from
the application directory and application id are that the .profile script will have set up the required
environment variables correctly and that the correct file permission will be used when creating and
deleting UNIX executables and directories.
The format of the CATALOG command is as follows.
CATALOG SourceFilename Itemlist
When first invoked the CATALOG command will create a $HOME/bin directory into which the UNIX
executables will be placed. A $HOME/lib directory will also be created into which any subroutines will
be placed. The lib directory contains a jLibDefinition file, which describes how to build the subroutines
into shared libraries. The entries in the jLibDefinition file are described below:
libname naming convention for shared object files.

export list of shared objects. Used as cross reference to find subroutine functions.

maxsize maximum size of a shared object library before creating another.
When the maximum size of a shared library object is reached then a new shared library object will be
created by the CATALOG command. The new shared library objects are named according to the
definition of libname and are numbered sequentially. For example:
%a = account or directory name
%n = number in sequence.
If subroutines were cataloged in the user account name, fred then the shared object libraries produced
would be named, libfred0.so libfred1.so libfred2.so and so on.


Note: To guard against libraries being cataloged incorrectly, perhaps under the wrong user account
name, the definition of libname should be changed to libfred%n.so. This will ensure that any shared
objects are created using the proper user account name.
The shared library objects, .so files, contain the UNIX executables for subroutine source code. The
shared library objects are linked at runtime by the jBASE call function, which utilises the dynamic
linker programming interface. The dynamic linker will link shared libraries at the start of program
execution time, or when requested by the jBASE call function. For example, each executable created
using the jBASE compiler will be linked with the jBASE jEDI library functions, libjedi.so, at
compilation time. This shared library enables database record retrieval and update and will be loaded
into memory by the dynamic linker when an application executable starts execution. However the
shared library containing any subroutines required by the executing program will only be loaded into
memory when initially requested by the subroutine call. Only one copy of any shared library is required
in memory at any time, thus reducing program memory requirements.
The $HOME/lib directory also contains a directory where all the subroutine objects, .o files, are held.
These are required for making the shared library, .so files.
The $HOME/lib directory also contains an export list, .el file, built by the CATALOG command,
which is used as a cross reference when dynamically linking shared objects at run time.
The main application program executables are placed into the $HOME/bin directory.
To enable the application executables to be found the $HOME/bin path should be added to the PATH
environment variable.
To enable the executing application to call the correct application subroutines the JBCOBJECTLIST or
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable should be assigned to the application shared library path,
$HOME/lib. If the main application program or any subroutine programs make calls to subroutines in
other directories then the path of the shared library directories should also be added to the
JBCOBJECTLIST or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
It is recommended that executables or subroutines of the same name are not available from different
directories. This can make application execution very confusing and is reliant on assigning the lib or
bin directories to the environment variable in the correct sequence. The assignment of the environment
variables should be included and exported in the .profile script file.
Executables and shared library objects can be removed from the bin and lib directories by using the
DECATALOG command.


The CATS function concatenates the corresponding elements in two dynamic arrays.

CATS (DynArr1, DynArr2)

DynArr1 and DynArr2 represent dynamic arrays.

If one dynamic array supplied to the CATS function is null then the result of the CATS function is the
non-null dynamic array.


= "a" : @VM : "b" : @VM : "c"

B = 1 : @VM : 2 : @VM : 3
Z = CATS(X, Y)

The assigned value to variable Z is:

a1 : @VM : b2 : @VM : c3
A = "a" : @SVM : "b" : @VM : "c": @VM : "d"
B = "x" : @VM : "y" : @SVM : "z"
C = CATS(A, B)

The assigned value to variable C is:

ax : @SVM : b : @VM : cy : @SVM : z : @VM : d


The CHAIN statement exits the current program and transfers process control to the program defined
by the expression. Process control will never return to the originating program.

CHAIN expression

The expression should evaluate to a valid UNIX or Windows command (this may be another jBASE
BASIC program). The command string may be suffixed with the (I option, which will cause any
COMMON variables in the current program to be inherited by the new program (providing it is a
jBASE BASIC program).

There are no restrictions to the CHAIN statement and you may CHAIN from anywhere to anywhere.
However, it is advisable that your program follows a logical path easily seen by another programmer.
If the program, which contains the CHAIN command (the current program) was called from a JCL
program, and the program to be executed (the target program) is another jBASE BASIC program,
control will return to the original JCL program when the target program terminates. If the target
program is a JCL program, control will return to the command shell when the JCL program terminates.

CHAIN "OFF" ;* exit via the OFF command
! Prog1
A = 50; B = 100
! I and J inherited


The CHANGE statement operates on a variable and replaces all occurrences of one string with another.

CHANGE expression1 TO expression2 IN variable

expression1 - may evaluate to any result and is the string of characters that will be replaced.
expression2 - may also evaluate to any result and is the string of characters that will replace
expression1 - The variable may be any previously assigned variable in the program.

There is no requirement that strings be of the same length. The jBASE BASIC language also supports
the CHANGE function for compatibility with older systems.

String1 = "Jim"
String2 = "James"
Variable = "Pick up the tab Jim"
CHANGE String1 TO String2 IN Variable
CHANGE "tab" TO "check" IN Variable


Use CHANGETIMESTAMP to adjust existing timestamp to return new timestamp value.

CHANGETIMESTAMP (Timestamp, Array)

The CHANGETIMESTAMP function generates a new timestamp by adjusting an existing timestamp
value using the elements specified in the dynamic array.
The format of the adjustment array is as follows:


The CHAR function returns the ASCII character specified by the expression.

CHAR (expression)

The expression must evaluate to a numeric argument in the range 0-255, which is the entire ASCII
character set.

The CHAR function will return Unicode values encoded as UTF-8 byte sequences as follows:
Expression values 0 – 127 return UTF-8 single byte characters equivalent to ASCII.
Expression values 127 – 248 return UTF-8 double byte character sequences.
Expression values 249 – 255 return system delimiters 0xf8 – 0xff
Expression values > 255 return UTF-8 multi byte character sequences
When system delimiter values are not specifically required, generate UTF-8 byte sequences using the
UTF8 function. i.e. X = UTF8(@AM) will generate a UTF-8 byte sequence in variable X for the
system delimiter equating to Unicode value 0x000000fe.

jBASE BASIC variables can contain any of the ASCII characters 0-255, thus there are no restrictions
on this function.
Use this function to insert field delimiters within a variable or string; these are commonly equated to
AM, VM, SV in a program.
See also: CHARS

EQUATE AM TO CHAR (254) ;* field Mark
EQUATE VM TO CHAR(253) ;* value Mark
EQUATE SV TO CHAR(252) ;* sub Value mark
CRT CHAR (7): ;* ring the bell

The CHARS function accepts a dynamic array of numeric expressions and returns a dynamic array of
the corresponding ASCII characters.


CHARS (DynArr)

Each element of DynArr must evaluate to a numeric argument in the range 0-255.

If any of the dynamic array elements are non-numeric, a run-time error will occur.
See also: CHAR ().

y = 58 : @AM : 45 : @AM : 41
z = CHARS (y)
FOR i = 1 TO 3
CRT z:
This code displays: :-)


The CHDIR function allows the current working directory, as seen by the process environment, to be

CHDIR (expression)

The expression should evaluate to a valid path name within the file system. The function returns a
Boolean TRUE result if the CHDIR succeeded and a Boolean FALSE result if it failed.

IF CHDIR ("/usr/jBASIC/src") THEN
CRT "jBASE development system INSTALLED"
IF CHDIR (jgdir:"\config") ELSE
CRT "jBASE configuration cannot be found."


The CHECKSUM function returns a simple numeric checksum of a character string.


The expression may evaluate to any result but will usually be a string. The function then scans every
character in the string and returns a numeric addition of the characters within the string.

The function calculates the checksum by summing the product of the ASCII value of each character
and its position within the string.

INPUT DataBlock,128:
IF CHECKSUM(DataBlock) = ExpectedChk THEN
CRT AckChar:


The CLEAR statement will initialize all the variables to numeric 0.


Use CLEAR at any time during the execution of the program.

Var1 = 99
Var2 = 50


The CLEARCOMMON statement initializes all unnamed common variables to a value of zero.




The CLEARDATA statement clears data stacked by the DATA statement.




Use the CLEARFILE statement to clear all the data from a file previously opened with the OPEN

CLEARFILE {variable} {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements}

The variable should be the subject of an OPEN statement before the execution of CLEARFILE upon it.
If the variable is omitted from the CLEARFILE statement, it assumes the default file variable as per the
OPEN statement.

The CLEARFILE statement will remove every database record on the file against which it is executed,
therefore, use with caution.
If the variable argument does not describe a previously opened file, the program will enter the
debugger with an appropriate message.
If the SETTING clause is specified and the CLEARFILE fails, it sets setvar to one of the following


No such file or directory


Network error


Permission denied


Physical I/O error or unknown error



The CLEARINPUT command clears the terminal type-ahead buffer to allow the next INPUT statement
to force a response from the user.


In the following example, the CLEARINPUT statement clears the terminal type-ahead buffer to
provoke a response from the user to the prompt:

NOTE: The CLEARINPUT command is synonymous with INPUTCLEAR.


Use the CLEARSELECT statement to clear active select lists.

CLEARSELECT {ListName | ListNumber}

ListName must evaluate to a jBASE BASIC list variable. ListNumber is one of the numbered lists in
the range 0 to 11. If neither ListName nor ListNumber are specified then it clears the default list (0).

A = "good" : @AM : "bad" : @AM : "ugly"
B = "night" : @AM : "day"
adone = 0; bdone = 0

READNEXT Ael FROM 3 ELSE adone = 1
READNEXT Bel FROM blist ELSE bdone = 1
UNTIL adone AND bdone DO
CRT Ael, Bel
This program displays: good night


Use the CLOSE statement to CLOSE an opened file, which is no longer required

CLOSE variable{, variable ...}

The variable list should contain a list of previously opened file variables that are no longer needed. The
variables will be cleared and may be reused as ordinary variables.
NOTES: You can open an unlimited amount of files within jBASE BASIC; however leaving them
open consumes valuable system resources.
Use good practice to hold open only those file descriptors to which you have constant access.



CLOSESEQ closes the file previously opened for sequential access.


FileVar contains the file descriptor of the previously opened sequential file


COL1 and COL2
Use these functions in conjunction with the FIELD function to determine the character positions 1
position before and 1 position after the location of the last field.

COL1() / COL2()

When a field has been located in a string, it is sometimes useful to know its exact position within the
string to manipulate either it, or the rest of the string. COL1() will return the position of the character
immediately before the last field located. COL2() will return the position of the character immediately
after the end of the last field located. Use them to manipulate the string.

A = "A,B,C,D,E"
Fld = FIELD(A, ",", 2)
Displays the values 2 and 4


Use the COLLECTDATA statement to retrieve data passed from the PASSDATA clause of an
EXECUTE statement.


variable is the name of the variable, which is to store the retrieved data.

Use the COLLECTDATA statement in any program, which is EXECUTEd (or PERFORMed) by
another program where the calling program uses a PASSDATA clause. The EXECUTEd program uses
a COLLECTDATA statement to retrieve the passed data.
If a PASSDATA clause is not in effect, variable will be assigned a value of null.

001 COLLECTDATA PassedMessage
002 CRT PassedMessage

In the above example, program FIRST will EXECUTE program SECOND and will pass the string
"Handover" in the PASSDATA clause. Program SECOND retrieves the string to a variable
PassedMessage and prints the string on the Terminal screen.


The COMMON statement declares a list of variables and matrices that can be shared among various
programs. There can be many common areas including a default, unnamed common area.

COMMON {/CommonName/} variable{, variable ... }

The list of variables should not have been declared or referenced previously in the program file. The
compiler will detect any bad declarations and display suitable warning or error messages. If the
common area declared with the statement is to be named then the first entry in the list should be a
string, delimited by the / character.

The compiler will not, by default, check that variables declared in COMMON statements are initialized
before they have been used as this may be beyond the scope of this single source code check. The -JCi
option, when specified to the jBASE BASIC compiler, will force this check to be applied to common
variables as well. The initialization of named common is controlled in the Config_EMULATE file.
Variables declared without naming the common area may only be shared between the program and its
subroutines (unless CHAIN is used). Variables declared in a named common area may be shared across
program boundaries. When any common area is shared, all programs using it should have declared the
same number of variables within it.
Dimensioned arrays are declared and dimensioned within the COMMON statement.

COMMON A, B(2, 6, 10), c
COMMON/Common1/ A, D, Array(10, 10)


The COMPARE function compares two strings and returns a value indicating whether or not they are

COMPARE(expression1, expression2{, justification})

expression1 is the first string for comparison
expression2 is the second string for comparison
justification specifies how the strings are to be compared. "L" indicates a left justified comparison.
"R" indicates a right justified comparison. The default is left justification.
The function returns one of the following values:

The first string is less than the second


The strings are equal


The first string is greater than the second

A = "XY999"
B = "XY1000"
The code above displays 1 -1, which indicates that XY999 is greater than XY1000 in a left justified
comparison and XY999 is less than XY1000 in a right justified comparison.

When using the COMPARE function in International Mode, the function will use the currently
configured locale to determine the rules by which each string is considered less than or greater than the
other will.


The CONTINUE statement is the complimentary statement to the BREAK statement without

Use the statement within a loop to skip the remaining code in the current iteration and proceed directly
on to the next iteration.

See also: BREAK, EXIT
The compiler will issue a warning message and ignore the statement if it is found outside an iterative
loop such as FOR...NEXT, LOOP...REPEAT.

FOR I = 1 TO 30
GOSUB ProcessText

The above example will execute the loop 30 times but will only call the subroutine ProcessText when
the current array element of Pattern is not a numeric value or null.


The CONVERT function is the function form of the CONVERT statement. It performs exactly the
same function but may also operate on an expression rather than being restricted to variables.

CONVERT (expression1, expression2, expression3)

expression1 is the string to which the conversion will apply.
expression2 is the list of all characters to translate in expression1.
expression3 is the list of characters that will be converted to.
NOTE: For Prime, Universe and Unidata emulations:
expression1 is the list of all characters to translate in expression1.
expression2 is the list of characters that will be converted to.
expression3 is the string to which the conversion will apply.
See also: the CONVERT statement.

Value = CONVERT (Value, "#.,", "$,.")
Value = CONVERT(PartCode, "abc", "ABC")
Value = CONVERT(Code, "1234567890", "0987654321")


The CONVERT statement converts one or more characters in a string to their corresponding
replacement characters.

CONVERT expression1 TO expression2 IN expression3

expression1 is the list of all characters to translate in expression3
expression2 is the list of characters that will be converted to.
expression3 is the string to which the conversion will apply.

There is a one to one correspondence between the characters in expression1 and expression2. That is,
conversion of character 1 in expression1 to character 1 in expression2, etc.
See also: the CONVERT function.

CRT 'Orignal:


CONVERT 'BJE' TO '^+!' IN Value
CRT 'Converted: ':Value


Converted: A^CD!FGHI+


The COS function calculates the cosine of any angle using floating point arithmetic, then rounds to the
precision implied by the jBASE BASIC program, which makes it very accurate.

This function calculates the cosine of an expression.

The expression must evaluate to a numeric result or a runtime error will occur.

Assumes the value returned by expression is in degrees.

FOR I = 1 TO 360
CRT COS(I) ;* print cos i for 1 to 360 degrees


The COUNT function returns the number of times that one string occurs in another.

COUNT(expression1, expression2)

Both expression1 and expression2 may evaluate to any data type but logically they will evaluate to
character strings.

The count is made on overlapping occurrences as a pattern match from each character in expression1.
This means that the string jjj occurs 3 times in the string jjjjj.
See also:DCOUNT.

Calc = "56 * 23 / 45 * 12"
CRT "There are ":COUNT(Calc, "*"):" multiplications"


Use the COUNTS function to count the number of times a substring is repeated in each element of a
dynamic array. The result is a new dynamic array whose elements are the counts corresponding to the
elements in the dynamic array.

COUNTS (dynamic.array, substring)
dynamic.array specifies the dynamic array whose elements are to be searched.
substring is an expression that evaluates to the substring to be counted. substring can be a character
string, a constant, or a variable. Each character in an element is matched to substring only once.
Therefore, when substring is longer than one character and a match is found, the search continues with
the character following the matched substring. No part of the matched element is recounted toward
another match. If substring does not appear in an element, a 0 value is returned. If substring is an empty
string, the number of characters in the element is returned. If substring is null, the COUNTS function
fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. If any element in dynamic.array is null,
null is returned.

The output of this program is:


Use the CREATE statement after an OPENSEQ statement to create a record in a jBASE directory file
or to create a UNIX or DOS file. CREATE creates the record or file if the OPENSEQ statement fails.
An OPENSEQ statement for the specified file.variable must be executed before the CREATE
statement to associate the pathname or record ID of the file to be created with the file.variable. If
file.variable is null, the CREATE statement fails and the program enters the debugger.
Use the CREATE statement when OPENSEQ cannot find a record or file to open and the next
operation is to be a READSEQ or READBLK. If the first file operation is a WRITESEQ,WRITESEQ
creates the record or file if it does not exist.
If the record or file is created, it executes the THEN statements; if no record or file is created, it
executes the ELSE statements.

CREATE file.variable {THEN statements [ELSE statements] | ELSE statements}

In the following example, RECORD does not yet exist. When OPENSEQ fails to open RECORD to the
file variable FILE, the CREATE statement creates RECORD in the type 1 file DIRFILE and opens it to
the file variable FILE.


The CRT statement sends data directly to the terminal, even if a PRINTER ON statement is currently

CRT expression {, expression..} {:}

An expression can evaluate to any data type. The CRT statement will convert the result to a string type
for printing. Expressions separated by commas will be sent to the screen separated by a tab character.
The CRT statement will append a newline sequence to the final expression unless it is terminated with
a colon ":" character.

As the expression can be any valid expression, it may have output formatting applied to it.
A jBASE BASIC program is normally executed using buffered output mode. This means that data is
not flushed to the terminal screen unless a newline sequence is printed or terminal input is requested.
This makes it very efficient. However you can force output to be flushed to the terminal by printing a
null character CHAR (0). This has the same effect as a newline sequence but without affecting screen
For compatibility, use DISPLAY in place of CRT.

CRT A "L#5"
CRT @ (8,20):"Shazza was here":
FOR I = 1 TO 200
CRT @ (10,10):I:CHAR (0):


The DATA statement stacks the series of expressions on a terminal input FIFO stack. Terminal input
statements will then treat this data as if entered at the keyboard.

DATA expression {, expression ...}

The expression may evaluate to any data type; views each comma-separated expression as one line of
terminal input.

The data stacked for input will subsequently be treated as input by any jBASE BASIC program.
Therefore use it before PERFORM/EXECUTE, CHAIN or any other method of transferring program
execution. Use also to stack input for the currently executing program; do not use to stack input back to
an executing program.
When a jBASE BASIC program detects stacked data, it is taken as keyboard input until the stack is
exhausted. The program will then revert to the terminal device for subsequent terminal input.
Stacked data delimited by field marks (xFE) will be treated as a series of separate terminal inputs.

DATA "Y", "N", "CONTINUE" ;* stack input for prog
EXECUTE "PROGRAM1" ;* execute the program


The DATE( ) function returns the date in internal system form. This date is expressed as the number of
days since December 31, 1967.


The system and your own programs should manipulate date fields in internal form. They can then be
converted to a readable format of your choice using the OCONV( ) function and the date conversion
The year 2000 is a leap year
See also: TIMEDATE( )

displays today's date in the form: 14 JUL 64


The DCOUNT( ) function counts the number of field elements in a string that are separated by a
specified delimiter.

DCOUNT(expression1, expression2)

expression1 evaluates to a string in which fields are to be counted.
expression2 evaluates to the delimiter string used to count the fields.

The delimiter string may consist of more than one character.
If expression1 is a NULL string, the function returns a value of zero.
The delimiter string may consist of any character, including system delimiters such as field marks or
value marks.
See also: COUNT.

A = "A:B:C:D"
displays the value 4


The DEBUG statement causes the executing program to enter the jBASE BASIC debugger.


Describes the debugger here.

IF FatalError = TRUE THEN
DEBUG ;*enter the debugger


The DECATALOG and DELETE-CATALOG commands are used to remove the run-time versions of
cataloged jBASE BASIC programs.

DECATALOG SourceFilename ProgramName


The DECRYPT function encrypts strings.

DECRYPT(string, key, method)

string specifies the string to be encrypted.
key is the value used to encrypt the string. Its use depends on method.
method is a value, which indicates the encryption mechanism to use (See below):
The ENCRYPT and DECRYPT functions that are part of jBASE BASIC now support the following
cipher methods (Defined in JBC.h)

General-purpose encryption scheme


Simple ROT13 algorithm. (Key not used)


XOR MOD11 algorithm. Uses the first character of a
key as a seed value.


RC2 algorithm


DES algorithm


Three Key, Triple DES algorithm


Blowfish algorithm


(See below)

BASE64 is not really an encryption method, but more of an encoding. The reason for this is that the
output of an encryption often results in a binary string. It allows binary data to be represented as a
character string. BASE64 operation is not required but is performed in addition to the primary
algorithm. e.g. JBASE_CRYPT_RC2_BASE64
ENCRYPT with this method is the same as a DECRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_RC2 followed
by DECRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_BASE64.
DECRYPT with this method is the same as a DECRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_BASE64
followed by DECRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_RC2.

RC2 algorithm


DES algorithm


Triple DES algorithm


Blowfish algorithm

See also: ENCRYPT


IF DECRYPT("rknzcyr”,"", JBASE_CRYPT_ROT13) = "example" THEN
CRT "ROT13 ok"
IF ENCRYPT("g{ehvkm","9", JBASE_CRYPT_XOR11) = "example" THEN
CRT "XOR.MOD11 ok"

= "Our Very Secret Key"


= "String to encrypt"

enc = ENCRYPT( str, key, cipher )
CRT "Encrypted: ":enc
dec = DECRYPT( enc, key, cipher )
CRT "Decrypted: ":dec

Displays as output:

Encrypted: xuy6DXxUkD32spyfsKEvUtXrsjP7mC+R
Decrypted: String to encrypt


Use the DEFC statement to declare an external C function to the jBASE BASIC compiler, define its
arguments, and return types. The DEFC statement assumes that the C functions will need to manipulate
jBASE BASIC variables and hence will also require the thread data pointer. As such, all C functions
require recoding to include the data pointer as an argument to the C function. The location of the data
pointer argument depends upon the function return type.

DEFC {FuncType} FuncName ({ArgType {, ArgType ...}})

FuncType and ArgType are selected from one of INT, FLOAT or VAR. FuncType specifies the type of
result that the function will return. Assumes INT if FuncType is omitted. The optional list of ArgTypes
specifies the argument types that the C function will expect. The compiler must know this in advance,
as it will automatically perform type conversions on these arguments.


#define JBASEDP


#define JBASEDP
VAR *MyString(VAR *Result, JBASEDP

VAR *VarPtr)

char *Ptr;
assert(dp != NULL);
Ptr = (char *) CONV_SFB(VarPtr);
printf("MyString: %s - %d\n", Ptr, strlen(Ptr) );


STORE_VBI(Result, strlen(Ptr) );
INT32 MyCalc(INT32 Value1, INT32 Value2)
INT32 Result;
Result =

(Value1 / Value2);

printf("MyCalc: %d\n", Result);

Compile a DEFC for each C function before making any reference to it else the compiler will not
recognize the function name.
The function is called in the same manner, as it would be in a C program, which means it can be used
as if it was an intrinsic function of the jBASE BASIC language and therefore returns a value. However,
specifying it as a standalone function call causes the compiler to generate code that ignores any
returned values.
When passing jBASE BASIC variables to a C function, you must utilize the predefined macros to
access the various data types it contains. C functions are particularly useful for increasing the
performance of tight loops that perform specific functions. The jBASE BASIC compiler must cater for
any eventuality within a loop (such as the controlling variable changing from integer to floating point).
A dedicated C function can ignore such events, if they are guaranteed not to happen.
The jBASE BASIC programmer may freely ignore the type of argument used when invoking the C
function, as the jBASE BASIC compiler will automatically perform type conversion.


With jBASE the DEFCE statement should be used, rather than the DEFC statement, for calling


INT32 MYFUNC3(INT32 Count)
INT32 Result;
return Result;

Var1 = cfunc( A, 45, B)
cfunc( 34, C, J)
You can call standard UNIX functions directly by declaring them with the DEFC statement according
to their parameter requirements. You can only call them directly providing they return one of the type
int or float/double or that the return type may be ignored.

DEFCE INT getpid()
CRT "Process id =":getpid()


Use the DEFFUN statement to declare an external jBASE BASIC function to the jBASE BASIC
compiler and optionally define its arguments. Use DEFFUN in the program that calls the function.

DEFFUN FuncName ({ {MAT} Argument1, {MAT} Argument2...})

FuncName is the name used to define the function. It must be the same as the source file name.
Argument specifies a value passed to the function by the calling program. To pass an array, the
keyword you must use the MAT before the argument name. These parameters are optional (as
indicated in the Command Syntax) but can be specified for clarity. Note that if the arguments are not
initialized somewhere in the program you will receive a compiler warning.

The DEFFUN statement identifies a user-written function to the jBASE BASIC compiler, which must
be present in each program that calls the function, before the function is called. A hidden argument is
passed to the function so that a value can be returned to the calling program. The return value is set in
the function using the RETURN (value) statement. If the RETURN statement specifies no value then
the function returns an empty string.

A = 10
B = 20
sum = Add(A, B)
X = RND (42)
Y = RND(24
FUNCTION Add(operand1, operand2)
result = operand1 + operand2


Call standard UNIX functions directly by declaring them with the DEFCE statement according to their
parameter requirements. However, they may only be called directly providing they return one of the
type int or float/double or that the return type may be ignored.

DEFCE INT getpid()
CRT "Process id =":getpid()


Use the DEL statement to remove a specified element of a dynamic array.

DEL variable

The variable can be any previously assigned variable or matrix element. The expressions must evaluate
to a numeric value or a runtime error will occur.
expression1 specifies the field in the array to operate upon and must be present.
expression2 specifies the multivalue within the field to operate upon and is an optional parameter.
expression3 is optionally present when expression2 has been included. It specifies which subvalue to
delete within the specified multivalue.

Truncates non-integer values for any of the expressions to integers
Ignores invalid numeric values for the expressions without warning
The command operates within the scope specified, i.e. if specifying only a field then it deletes the
entire field (including its multivalues and subvalues). If specifying a subvalue, then it deletes only the
subvalue leaving its parent multivalue and field intact.

FOR I = 1 TO 20
Numbers = I

;*generate numbers

FOR I = 19 TO 1 STEP –2
DEL Numbers

;*remove odd numbers



Use the DELETE statement to delete a record from a jBASE file.

DELETE {variable,} expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements}

If specified, variable should have been the subject of a previous OPEN statement. If variable is omitted
then it assumes the default file variable.
The expression should evaluate to the name of a record stored in the open file.
If the SETTING clause is specified and the delete fails, it sets setvar to one of the following values:


No such file or directory


Network error


Permission denied


Physical I/O error or unknown error

The statement will have no effect if the record name does not exist within the file.
If the program against the file record was holding a lock, it will release the lock.

OPEN "DAT1" TO DatFile1 ELSE ABORT 201, "DAT1"
DELETE DatFile1, "record1"
will delete the record "record1" from the file DAT1


The DELETELIST statement will delete the previously stored list named by expression.

DELETELIST expression

The expression should evaluate to the name of a list that has been stored with either the WRITELIST
statement or the SAVE-LIST command from the shell.

If POINTER-FILE is accessible then it saves lists within else are saved in the jBASE work file.

List = "JobList"
Will delete the pre-saved list called JobList


DELETESEQ deletes a sequential file.

DELETESEQ Expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} {LOCKED statements}
THEN | ELSE statements
DELETESEQ Expression, Filename {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} {LOCKED
statements} THEN | ELSE statements

Expression specifies the variable to contain next record from sequential file.
FileVar specifies the file descriptor of the file opened for sequential access.
Statements conditional jBASE BASIC statements


Use the DELETEU statement to delete a record without releasing the update record lock set by a
previous READU statement
See also:READ statements.
Use the OPEN statement to open a file. If specifying a file variable in the OPEN statement, use it in the
DELETEU statement. You must place a comma between the file variable and the record ID expression.
If specifying no file variable in the DELETEU statement, the statement applies to the default file.
See also: OPEN statement for a description of the default file.


Use the DIM statement to declare arrays to the compiler before referencing.

DIM{ENSION} variable(number{, number... }){, variable(number {,number...}) ...}

The variable may be any valid variable name neither declared nor previously used. The numbers
define the size of each dimension and must be either constants or the subject of an EQUATE statement.
A single DIM statement may declare a number of arrays by separating their declarations with a comma.

Declare the array before it is referenced in the program source (compilation as opposed to execution).
If using a variable as an undeclared dimensioned array the compiler will display an error message.
Do not use the array variable as a normal variable or dynamic array before dimensioning, as the
compiler will detect this as an error.
A dimension size may not be specified as one as this has no logical meaning. The compiler will detect
this as a warning.
When arrays are referenced directly as in A = Array(7), the compiler will optimize the reference as if it
was a single undimensioned variable.
See also: COMMON

EQUATE DimSize1 TO 29
DIM Array1(10,10), Array2(5, 20, 5, 8)
DIM Age(DimSize1)


Use the DIR function to return information about a file.

DIR (filename)
The filename is a string argument representing the path and filename of a file. This function returns a
dynamic array with four attributes.



File size in bytes


last modified date (in internal format)


last modified time (in internal format)


D if the filename is a directory, blank if the filename is a file

F = DIR(“.”)
“0{am}0{am}0{am}D”: is the output of this program.


See also: Floating point Operations
Use the DIV function to calculate the value of the quotient after division of the dividend by the divisor.

DIV (dividend, divisor)
The dividend and divisor expressions can evaluate to any numeric value. The only exception is that the
divisor cannot be zero. If either dividend or divisor evaluates to null, it returns null.

I=400; K=200
J = DIV (I,K)
2: is the output of this program.


See also: Floating point Operations
Use the DIVS function to create a dynamic array containing the result of the element-by-element
division of two dynamic arrays.

DIVS (array1, array2)
The division of each element of array1 is by the corresponding element of array2, which returns the
result in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If elements of array1 have no
corresponding elements in array2, it pads array2 with ones and returns the array1 elements. If an
element of array2 has no corresponding element in array1, it returns zero. If an element of array2 is
zero, it prints a run-time error message and returns 0. If either element of a corresponding pair is null, it
returns null.

The output of this program is: 5]3]1\4]0


DOWNCASE converts all uppercase characters in an expression to lowercase characters.
UPCASE converts all lowercase characters in an expression to uppercase characters.

DOWNCASE|LOWCASE(expression) / UPCASE (expression)

When using the DOWNCASE or UPCASE function in International Mode the conversion from upper
case to lower case or vice versa will be determined for each character in the expression by the Unicode
standard, which describes the up or down case properties for the character.

expression in a string containing some alphabetic characters

It ignores Non-alphabetic characters.


See also: Floating point Operations
The DROUND function performs double-precision rounding on a value. Double-precision rounding
uses two words to store a number, accommodating a larger number than in single-precision rounding,
which stores each number in a single word.

DROUND(val.expr [,precision.expr])
NOTE: DROUND affects the internal representation of the numeric value. It performs the rounding
without conversion to and from string variables. This increases the speed of calculation.

val.expr specifies the value to round.
precision.expr specifies the precision for the rounding. The valid range is 0 to 14. Default precision is
four places.

In the following example, the DROUND statement results in 18.84955596. The equation is resolved,
and rounds the result to eight decimal places.
A= DROUND((3.14159265999*2*3),8)



The DTX function will return the hexadecimal representation of a numeric expression.


expression must evaluate to a decimal numeric value or a runtime error will occur.

See also: XTD.

Decimal = 254
CRT DTX(Decimal)
displays FE


DYNTOXML (array,xsl,result)

Convert the array to XML using the optimal xsl to transform
XML = (DYNTOXML(array,””,result)
Takes the contents of the dynamic array held in an array, and returns a generic XML representation of
that array or an error
(result=0 OK; result<>0 Bad);

a = "Tom" : @AM : "Dick" : @AM : "Harry"
xml = DYNTOXML(a,"",result)
CRT xml


If a style sheet is passed in the second parameter, it performs a transform to give a different format of

xml = DYNTOXML(a,xsl,result)
CRT xml

117 EBCDIC The EBCDIC function converts all the characters in an expression from the ASCII character set to the EBCDIC character set. COMMAND SYNTAX EBCDIC(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may contain a data string of any form. The function will convert it to a character string, assume that the characters are all members of the ASCII set and translate them using a character map. The original expression is unchanged while the returned result of the function is now the EBCDIC equivalent. EXAMPLE READT AsciiBlock ELSE CRT "Tape failed!"; STOP EbcdicBlock = EBCDIC(AsciiBlock) ;* Convert to EBCDIC 118 ECHO The ECHO statement will turn on or off the echoing of characters typed at the keyboard. COMMAND SYNTAX ECHO ON ECHO OFF ECHO expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS Use the statement with the keywords ON and OFF to specify echoing or not. If used with an expression, then the expression should evaluate to a Boolean TRUE or FALSE result. TRUE: echoing on FALSE: echoing off. NOTES Use the SYSTEM function to determine the current state of character echoing. SYSTEM(24) returns Boolean TRUE if enabled and returns Boolean FALSE if disabled. EXAMPLES ECHO OFF CRT "Enter your password ": INPUT Password ECHO ON ..... This will disable the character input echoing while typing in a password. 119 ENCRYPT The ENCRYPT function encrypts strings. COMMAND SYNTAX ENCRYPT(string, key, method) SYNTAX ELEMENTS string specifies the string for encryption. key is the value used to encrypt the string. Its use depends on method. method is a value, which indicates the encryption mechanism to use (See below): The ENCRYPT and DECRYPT functions that are part of jBASE BASIC now support the following cipher methods (Defined in JBC.h) JBASE_CRYPT_GENERAL General-purpose encryption scheme JBASE_CRYPT_ROT13 Simple ROT13 algorithm. (Key not used) JBASE_CRYPT_XOR11 XOR MOD11 algorithm. Uses the first character of a key as a seed value. JBASE_CRYPT_RC2 RC2 algorithm JBASE_CRYPT_DES DES algorithm JBASE_CRYPT_3DES Three Key, Triple DES algorithm JBASE_CRYPT_BLOWFISH Blowfish algorithm JBASE_CRYPT_BASE64 (See below) BASE64 is more of an encoding method rather than an encryption method. The reason for this is that the output of an encryption often results in a binary string, which allows the representation of binary data as a character string. Although not required the BASE64 operation is performed in addition to the primary algorithm. E.g. JBASE_CRYPT_RC2_BASE64 ENCRYPT with this method is the same as an ENCRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_RC2 followed by ENCRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_BASE64. DECRYPT with this method is the same as a DECRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_BASE64 followed by DECRYPT with method JBASE_CRYPT_RC2. JBASE_CRYPT_RC2_BASE64 RC2 algorithm JBASE_CRYPT_DES_BASE64 DES algorithm JBASE_CRYPT_3DES_BASE64 Triple DES algorithm JBASE_CRYPT_BLOWFISH _BASE64 Blowfish algorithm NOTES 120 See also: DECRYPT. EXAMPLES INCLUDE JBC.h X = DECRYPT(X, Ekey, JBASE_CRYPT_GENERAL) IF DECRYPT("rknzcyr”,"", JBASE_CRYPT_ROT13) = "example" THEN CRT "ROT13 ok" END IF ENCRYPT("g{ehvkm","9", JBASE_CRYPT_XOR11) = "example" THEN CRT "XOR.MOD11 ok" END cipher = JBASE_CRYPT_BLOWFISH_BASE64 key = "Our Very Secret Key" str = "String to encrypt" enc = ENCRYPT( str, key, cipher ) CRT "Encrypted: ":enc dec = DECRYPT( enc, key, cipher ) CRT "Decrypted: ":dec Displays as output: Encrypted: xuy6DXxUkD32spyfsKEvUtXrsjP7mC+R Decrypted: String to encrypt NOTES See also: DECRYPT. 121 ENTER The ENTER statement unconditionally passes control to another executable program. COMMAND SYNTAX ENTER program_name ENTER @variable_name SYNTAX ELEMENTS program_name is the name of the program for execution. The use of single or double quotes to surround program_name is optional. @ specifies that the program name is contained in a named variable. variable_name is the name of the variable, which contains the program name. NOTES The jBASE BASIC COMMON data area can be passed to another jBASE BASIC program by specifying the option "I" after the program name. Pass the COMMON data area only to another jBASE BASIC program. Use ENTER to execute any type of program. If the program which contains the ENTER command (the current program) was called from a JCL program, and the program for execution (the target program) is another jBASE BASIC program, control will return to the original JCL program when the target program terminates. If the target program is a JCL program, control will return to the command shell when the JCL program terminates. EXAMPLES ENTER "menu" ProgName = "UPDATE" ENTER @ ProgName 122 EQS Use the EQS function to test if elements of one dynamic array are equal to the elements of another dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX EQS (array1, array2) EQS compares each element of array1 with the corresponding element of array2 and returns, a one if the two elements are equal in the corresponding element of a dynamic array. It returns a zero if the two elements are not equal. It returns zero if an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array. If either element of a corresponding pair is null, it returns null for that element. EXAMPLE A=1:@VM:45:@SM:3:@VM:"one" B=0:@VM:45:@VM:1 PRINT EQS(A,B) The output of this program is: 0]1\0]0 123 EQUATE Use EQUATE to declare a symbol equivalent to a literal, variable or simple expression. COMMAND SYNTAX EQU{ATE} symbol TO expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS symbol is the name of the symbol to use;.can be any name that would be valid for a variable. expression can be a literal, a variable or a simple expression. NOTES Sensible use of EQUATEd symbols can make your program easier to maintain, easier to read, and more efficient. Efficiency can be enhanced because the address of an EQUATEd value is computed during compilation and is substituted for each occurrence of the symbol name. Unlike the address of a variable, which must be computed for each access during run time, the address of a symbol is always known. This significantly reduces the processing overhead involved in accessing a particular value. See also: the example for a more detailed explanation of the other benefits. Enhance Readability by referring to say, QTY rather than INV_LINE(4). You would simply "EQUATE QTY TO INV_LINE(4)" at an early stage in the program. This can also help with maintenance of the program, particularly in situations where record layouts might change. For example, if the quantity field moves to INV_LINE(6), you only have to change one line in your program. EXAMPLE COMMON FLAG EQUATE NO_CHARGE TO FLAG EQUATE CR TO CHAR (13), TRUE TO 1, FALSE TO 0 EQUATE PRICE TO INV_LINE(7), TAX TO 0.175 EQUATE DASHES TO "-------" IF NO_CHARGE = TRUE THEN PRICE = 0 CRT "Tax =":PRICE * TAX:CR:DASHES 124 EREPLACE Use the EREPLACE function to replace substring in an expression with another substring. If you do not specify an occurrence, it replaces each occurrence of a substring. COMMAND SYNTAX EREPLACE (expression, substring, replacement [,occurrence [,begin] ] ) SYNTAX ELEMANTS occurrence specifies the number of occurrences of substring to replace. To replace all occurrences, specify occurrence as a number less than 1. begin specifies the first occurrence to replace. If begin is omitted or less than one, it defaults to one. If substring is an empty string, replacement is prefixed to expression. If replacement is an empty string, it removes all occurrences of substring. If expression evaluates to null, it returns null. If substring, replacement, occurrence, or begin evaluates to null, the EREPLACE function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. The EREPLACE function behaves like the CHANGE function except when substring evaluates to an empty string. EXAMPLE A = "AAABBBCCCDDDBBB" PRINT EREPLACE (A,"BBB","ZZZ") PRINT EREPLACE (A,"","ZZZ") PRINT EREPLACE (A,"BBB","") The output of this program is: AAAZZZCCCDDDZZZ ZZZAAABBBCCCDDDBBB AAACCCDDD 125 EXECUTE See also: Floating point Operations The EXECUTE or PERFORM statement allows the currently executing program to pause and execute any other UNIX/NT program, including another jBASE BASIC program or a jBASE command. COMMAND SYNTAX EXECUTE|PERFORM expression {CAPTURING variable} {RETURNING|SETTINGvariable} {PASSLIST {expression}} {RTNLIST {variable}}{PASSDATA variable} {RTNDATA variable} Passes Data, Dynamic Arrays and lists to programs written in jBASE BASIC, you can intercept screen output and error messages from any program. SYNTAX ELEMENTS The PERFORMed expression can be formed from any jBASE construct. The system will not verify that the command exists before executing it. Use a new Bourne Shell to execute a command (sh) by default. The shell type can be changed by preceding the command with a CHAR(255) concatenated with either "k", "c", or "s" to signify the Korn shell, C shell or Bourne Shell. Variables used to pass data to the executed program should have been assigned to a value before using. You can use any variable name to receive data. CAPTURING variable The capturing clause will capture any output that the executing program would normally send to the terminal screen and place it in the variable specified. A field mark in the variable replaces every newline normally sent to the terminal. RETURNING variable or SETTING variable The returning and setting clauses are identical. Both clauses will capture the output associated with any error messages the executing program issues. The first field of the variable will be set to the exit code of the program. PASSLIST variable The PASSLIST clause allows jBASE programs to exchange lists or dynamic arrays between them. The variable should contain the list that the program wishes to pass to the jBASE program it is executing. The program to be executed should be able to process lists, otherwise the list will just be ignored. If the variable name is not specified then the clause will pass the default select list to the executing program. RTNLIST variable If the executed program sets up a list then use the RTNLIST clause to place that list into a specified variable. It places the list in the default list variable if omitted. PASSDATA variable Passes the data in the specified variable to another jBASE BASIC program, the executing jBASE BASIC program should retrieve the data using the COLLECTDATA statement. RTNDATA variable 126 The RTNDATA statement returns any data passed from an executing jBASE BASIC program in the specified variable. The executing jBASE BASIC program should use the RTNDATA statement to pass data back to the calling program. NOTES The clauses may be specified in any order within the statement but only one of each clause may exist. EXAMPLES OPEN "DataFile" ELSE ABORT 201, "DataFile" SELECT PERFORM "MyProg" SETTING ErrorList PASSLIST EXECUTE "ls" CAPTURING DirListing 127 EXIT The EXIT statement halts the execution of a program and returns a numeric exit code to the parent process. For compatibility with older versions of the language, use the EXIT statement without an expression. In this case, it is synonymous with the BREAK statement. COMMAND SYNTAX EXIT (expression) EXIT SYNTAX ELEMENTS Any expression provided must be parenthesized and evaluate to a numeric result. The numeric result is used as the UNIX or Windows exit code, which is returned to the parent process by the C function exit(). If the expression does not evaluate to a numeric result the program will enter the debugger and display a suitable error message. NOTES The expression has been forced to be parenthesized to avoid confusion with the EXIT statement without an expression as much as is possible. The authors apologize for having to provide two different meanings for the same keyword See also:BREAK. EXAMPLE READ Record FROM FileDesc, RecordKey ELSE CRT "Record ":RecordKey:" is missing" EXIT(1) END ELSE CRT "All required records are present" EXIT(0) END 128 EXP The EXP function returns the mathematical constant to the specified power. COMMAND SYNTAX EXP(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression may consist of any form of jBASE BASIC expression but should evaluate to a numeric argument or a runtime error occurs and the program enters the debugger. NOTES The function returns a value that is accurate to as many decimal places specified by the PRECISION of the program. EXAMPLE zE10 = EXP(10) ;* Get e^10 129 EXTRACT The EXTRACT function is an alternative method of accessing values in a dynamic array other than using the syntax described earlier. COMMAND SYNTAX EXTRACT(expression1, expression2 {, expression3 {, expression4}}) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 specifies the dynamic array to work with and will normally be a previously assigned variable. The expressions 2 through 4 should all return a numeric value or a runtime error will occur and the program will enter the debugger. expression2 specifies the field to extract, expression3 the value to extract and expression4 the subvalue to extract. EXAMPLES A = "0"; A<2> = "1"; A<3> = "2" CRT EXTRACT(A, 2) Will display the value "1". 130 FADD The FADD function performs floating point addition of two numeric values. COMMAND SYNTAX FADD(expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Both expression1 and expression 2 must evaluate to non-null numeric values. NOTES If either of the arguments evaluates to null then a run time "non-numeric" error will occur. EXAMPLES PRECISION 7 CRT FADD(0.5044,23.7290002) displays 24.2334002 131 FDIV The FDIV function performs floating point division on two numeric values. COMMAND SYNTAX FDIV(expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Both expression1 and expression 2 must evaluate to non-null numeric values. NOTES If either of the arguments evaluates to null then a run time "non-numeric" error will occur. If the second argument evaluates to zero then a run time "divide by zero" error will occur. The calculation is not subject to the PRECISION setting. EXAMPLES CRT FMUL(1,7) displays 0.1428571429 132 FIELD The FIELD function returns a multi-character delimited field from within a string. COMMAND SYNTAX FIELDS(string, delimiter, occurrence{, extractCount}) SYNTAX ELEMENTS string specifies the string, from which the field(s) is to be extracted. delimiter specifies the character or characters that delimit the fields within the dynamic array. occurrence should evaluate to an integer of value 1 or higher. It specifies the delimiter used as the starting point for the extraction. extractCount is an integer that specifies the number of fields to extract. If omitted, assumes one. NOTES If the emulation option, jbase_field, is set then the field delimiter may consist of more than a single character, allowing fields to be delimited by complex codes. See also: GROUP EXAMPLES Fields = "AAAA:BBJIMBB:CCCCC" CRT FIELD(Fields, ":", 3) CRT FIELD(Fields, "JIM", 1) displays: CCCCC AAAA:BB 133 FIELDS The FIELDS function is an extension of the FIELD function. It returns a dynamic array of multicharacter delimited fields from a dynamic array of strings. COMMAND SYNTAX FIELDS(DynArr, Delimiter, Occurrence{, ExtractCount}) SYNTAX ELEMENTS DynArr should evaluate to a dynamic array. Delimiter specifies the character or characters that delimit the fields within the dynamic array. Occurrence should evaluate to an integer of value 1 or higher. It specifies the delimiter used as the starting point for the extraction. ExtractCount is an integer that specifies the number of fields to extract. If omitted, assumes one. NOTES If the emulation option, jbase_field, is set then the field delimiter may consist of more than a single character, allowing fields to be delimited by complex codes. EXAMPLES The following program shows how each element of a dynamic array can be changed with the FIELDS function. t = "" t<1> = "a:b:c:d:e:f" t<2> = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" : @VM: "1:2:3:4" : @SVM: ":W:X:Y:Z" t<3> = "aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd:eee:fff":@VM:@SVM t<4> = "aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff" r1 = FIELDS(t,":",2) r2 = FIELDS(t,":",2,3) r3 = FIELDS(t,"bb",1,1) The above program creates three dynamic arrays. V - represents a value mark. s - represents a sub-value mark. r1 <1>b <2>bb v 2 s W 134 <3>bbb <4>bbbb r2 <1>b:c:d <2>bb:cc:dd v 2:3:4 s W:X:Y<3>bbb:ccc:ddd v s <4>bbbb:cccc:dddd r3 <1>a:b:c:d:e:f <2>aa: v 1:2:3:4 s W:X:Y:Z <3>aaa: v s <4>aaaa: 135 FILEINFO Use the FILEINFO function to return information about the specified file variable. COMMAND SYNTAX FILEINFO (file.variable, key) This function is currently limited to return values to determine if the file variable is a valid file descriptor variable. Key Return Status 01 if file.variable is a valid files variable zero otherwise. 136 FILELOCK Use the FILELOCK statement to acquire a lock on an entire file. This prevents other users from updating the file until the program releases it. A FILELOCK statement that does not specify lock.type is equivalent to obtaining an update record lock on every record of the file. An open file is specified by file.variable. If no file.variable is specified, the default file is assumed; if the file is neither accessible nor open, the program enters the debugger. COMMAND SYNTAX FILELOCK filevar {LOCKED statements} {ON ERROR statements} FILEUNLOCK filevar {ON ERROR statements} DESCRIPTION When the FILELOCK statement is executed, it will attempt to take an exclusive lock on the entire file. If there are any locks currently outstanding on the file, then the statement will block until there are no more locks on the file. The use of the LOCKED clause allows the application to perform an unblocked operation. When the FILELOCK statement is blocked waiting for a lock, other processes may continue to perform database operations on that file, including the removal of record locks and the taking of record locks. Once the FILELOCK is taken, it will block ALL database accesses to the file whether or not the access involves record locks. i.e. a READ will block once it has been executed, as will, CLEARFILE etc,. The lock continues until the file is closed, the program terminates, or a FILEUNLOCK statement is executed. NOTE: The FILELOCK statement might differ to those found on other vendors systems. You should also not that the use of these statements for other than administration work, for example, within batch jobs, is not recommended. The replacement of such with more judicious use of item locks is advised. IMPLEMENTATION NOTES The FILELOCK command is implemented using the native locking mechanism of the operating system and is entirely at its mercy. Because of this, you may see some slight implementation differences between operating systems. These comments on native locking do not apply to the NT platform as jBASE uses the NT locking mechanism. The uses of the native (UNIX) locking mechanism means the file in question MUST NOT use the jBASE locking mechanism. You can set a file to use the native locking mechanism by using the jchmod command: jchmod +N filename {filename ...} Alternatively, like this when the file is originally created: CREATE-FILE filename 1,1 23,1 NETWORK=TRUE If the file continues to use the jBASE record locking, then the ON ERROR clause will be taken and the SYSTEM(0) and STATUS() functions will set to 22 to indicate the error. 137 EXAMPLES OPEN '','SLIPPERS' TO FILEVAR ELSE STOP "CAN'T OPEN FILE" FILELOCK FILEVAR LOCKED STOP 'FILE IS ALREADY LOCKED' FILEUNLOCK DATA OPEN '','SLIPPERS' ELSE STOP "CAN'T OPEN FILE" FILELOCK LOCKED STOP 'FILE IS ALREADY LOCKED' PRINT "The file is locked." FILEUNLOCK 138 FILEUNLOCK Use the FILEUNLOCK statement to release a file lock set by the FILELOCK statement. COMMAND SYNTAX FILEUNLOCK [file.variable] [ON ERROR statements] file.variable specifies a file previously locked with a FILELOCK statement. If file.variable is not specified, the default file with the FILELOCK statement is assumed .If file.variable is not a valid file variable then the FILEUNLOCK statement will enter the debugger. The ON ERROR Clause The ON ERROR clause is optional in the FILELOCK statement. The ON ERROR clause lets you specify an alternative for program termination when encountering a fatal error during processing of the FILELOCK statement. If a fatal error occurs, with no ON ERROR clause specified, the program enters the debugger. If the ON ERROR clause is used, the value returned by the STATUS function is the error number. EXAMPLE In the following example, the first FILEUNLOCK statement unlocks the default file. The second FILEUNLOCK statement unlocks the file variable FILE. OPEN '','SLIPPERS' ELSE STOP "CAN'T OPEN SLIPPERS" FILELOCK FILEUNLOCK OPEN 'PIPE' TO FILEVAR ELSE STOP FILELOCK FILEVAR FILEUNLOCK FILEVAR 139 FIND The FIND statement allows the location of a specified string within a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX FIND expression1 IN Var1 {, expression2} SETTING Var2 {, Var3 {, Var4}} THEN | ELSE statement(s) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 evaluates to the string with which to compare every element of the dynamic array. Var1 is the dynamic array that will be searched. The FIND command will normally find the first occurrence of expression1 unless expression2 is specified. If specified then expression2 will cause a specific occurrence of expression1 to be located. The three variables Var2, Var3, Var4 are used to record the Field, Value and Sub-Value positions in which expression1 was found. If expression1 is found in any element of Var1 then Vars 2, 3 and 4 are set to the position in which it was found and any THEN clause of the statement is executed. If expression1 is not found within any element of the dynamic array then Vars 2, 3 and 4 are undefined and the ELSE clause of the statement is executed. NOTES The statement may omit either the THEN clause or the ELSE clause but may not omit both. It is valid for the statement to contain both clauses if required. See also: LOCATE, FINDSTR EXAMPLES Var = "ABC":VM:"JAC":AM:"CDE":VM:"WHO" FIND "JAC" IN Var SETTING Ap, Vp THEN CRT "JAC is in Field ":Ap:", value ":Vp END ELSE CRT "JAC could not be found" END Will display: JAC is in Field 1, value 2 140 FINDSTR The FINDSTR statement locates a string as a substring of a dynamic array element. It is similar in operation to the FIND statement. COMMAND SYNTAX FINDSTR expression1 IN Var1 {, expression2} SETTING Var2 {,Var3 {, Var4}} THEN | ELSE statement(s) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 evaluates to the string with which to search every element of the dynamic array. Var1 is the actual dynamic array that will be searched. FINDSTR will normally locate the first occurrence of expression1 unless expression2 is specified. If specified then expression2 will cause a specific occurrence of expression1 to be located. The three variables Var2, Var3, Var4 are used to record the Field, Value and Sub-Value positions in which expression1 was found. If expression1 is found as a substring of any element of Var1 then Vars 2, 3 and 4 are set to the position in which it was found and the THEN clause of the statement is executed if it is present. If expression1 is not found within any element of the dynamic array then Vars 2,3 and 4 are undefined and the ELSE clause of the statement is executed. NOTES The statement may omit either the THEN clause or the ELSE clause but may not omit both. It is valid for the statement to contain both clauses if required. EXAMPLES Var = "ABC":VM:"OJACKO":AM:"CDE":VM:"WHO" FINDSTR "JAC" IN Var SETTING Ap, Vp THEN CRT "JAC is within Field ":Ap:", value ":Vp END ELSE CRT "JAC could not be found" END Displays: JAC is within Field 1, value 2 141 FORMLIST The FORMLIST statement creates an active select list from a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX FORMLIST variable1 {TO variable2 | listnum} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 specifies the dynamic array from which the active select list is to be created If variable2 is specified then the newly created list will be placed in the variable. Alternatively, a select list number in the range 0 to 10 can be specified with listnum. If neither variable2 nor listnum is specified then the default list variable will be assumed. NOTES See also: DELETELIST, READLIST, WRITELIST EXAMPLES MyList = "key1":@AM:"key2":@AM:"key3" FORMLIST MyList TO ListVar LOOP READNEXT Key FROM ListVar ELSE EXIT READ Item FROM Key THEN * Do whatever processing is necessary on Item END REPEAT 142 FLUSH Writes all the buffers for a sequential I/O file immediately. Normally, sequential I/O uses buffering for input/output operations, and writes are not immediately flushed. COMMAND SYNTAX FLUSH file.variable {THEN statements [ELSE statements] | ELSE statements} file.variable specifies a file previously opened for sequential processing. If file.variable evaluates to null, the FLUSH statement fails and the program enters the debugger. After the buffer is written to the file, it executes the THEN statements, ignoring the ELSE statements. If none of the above can be completed, it executes the ELSE statements. EXAMPLE OPENSEQ 'DIRFILE', 'RECORD' TO FILE THEN PRINT "'DIRFILE' OPENED FOR SEQUENTIAL PROCESSING" END ELSE STOP WEOFSEQ FILE * WRITESEQ 'NEW LINE' ON FILE THEN FLUSH FILE THEN PRINT "BUFFER FLUSHED" END ELSE PRINT "NOT FLUSHED" ELSE ABORT * CLOSESEQ FILE END 143 FMT Join lines on U in mask code definition. Expand on syntax to formatting superset. i.e. we now allow [Width] [Background] [Justification] INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the FMT function in International Mode the “Width” fields refer to character display widths, such that a character may take up more than a single display position. This is typical of the Japanese, Chinese, and characters whereby the character display requires possibly two display positions. Additional date formatting codes have been provided for use in Internationalized programs. See also: OCONV / FMTS as per FMT GE - Operator similar to EQ. compares two expressions for greater than or equal GT - Greater than GTS - Add as per GES, except just greater than for dynamic array comparison. INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the “GE/GT/GES/GTS” function in International Mode, the “operator/function” will use the currently configured locale to determine the rules by which each string is considered greater or equal to the other. Mask Code Description j Justification R Right Justified L Left Justified U Left Justified, Break on space. Note: This justification will format the output into blocks of data in the variable and it is up to the programmer to actually separate the blocks. D n Date (OCONV) Decimal Precision: A number from 0 to 9 that defines the decimal precision. It specifies the number of digits for output following the decimal point. The processor inserts trailing zeros if necessary. If n is omitted or is 0, a decimal point will not be output. m Scaling Factor: A number that defines the scaling factor. The source value is descaled (divided) by that power of 10. For example, if m=1, the value is divided by 10; if m=2, the value is divided by 100, and so on. If m is omitted, it is assumed equal to n (the decimal precision). Z Suppress leading zeros. NOTE: fractional values, which have no integer, will 144 Mask Code Description have a zero before the decimal point. If the value is zero, a null will be output. , The thousands separator symbol. It specifies insertion of thousands separators every three digits to the left of the decimal point. You can change the display separator symbol by invoking the SET-THOU command. Use the SET-DEC command to specify the decimal separator. c Credit Indicator. NOTE: If a value is negative and you have not specified one of these indicators, the value will be displayed with a leading minus sign. If you specify a credit indicator, the data will be output with either the credit characters or an equivalent number of spaces, depending on its value. C Prints the literal CR after negative values. D Prints the literal DB after positive values. E Encloses negative values in angle brackets < > M Prints a minus sign after negative values. N Suppresses embedded minus sign. $ Appends a Dollar sign to value. Fill Character and #n Length Spaces. Repeat space n times. Output value is overlaid on the spaces created. *n Asterisk. Repeat asterisk n times. Output value is overlaid on the asterisks created. %n Zero. Repeat zeros n times. Output value is overlaid on the zeros created. &x Format. x can be any of the above format codes, a currency symbol, a space, or literal text. The first character following & is used as the default fill character to replace #n fields without data. Format strings are enclosed in parentheses "( )". EXAMPLES Format Source Returned Value Expression Value (X) (columns) (V) 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 V = FORMAT(X, "R2#10") 1234.56 1234.56 V = FORMAT(X, "L2%10") 1234.56 1234.56000 V = FORMAT(X, "R2%10") 1234.56 0001234.56 V = FORMAT(X, "L2*10") 1234.56 12.34***** V = FORMAT(X, "R2*10") 1234.56 *****12.34 V = FORMAT(X, "R2,$#15") 123456.78 $123,456.78 V = FORMAT(X, "R2,&$#15") 123456.78 $$$$$123,456.78 145 V = FORMAT(X, "R2,& $#15") 123456.78 $ 123,456.78 V = FORMAT(X, "R2,C&*$#15") -123456.78 $***123,456.78CR V = FORMAT(X, "R((###) ###-###)") 1234567890 (123) 456-7890 V = FORMAT(X, "R((#3) #2-#4)") 1234567890 (123) 456-7890 V = FORMAT(X, "L& Text #2-#3") 12345 Text 12-345 V = FORMAT(X, "L& ((Text#2) #3)") 12345 (Text12) 345 V = FORMAT(X, "T#20") This is a test of the This is a test of the American Broadcasting American V = FORMAT(X, "D4/") System Broadcasting System 12260 07/25/2001 146 FMTS Use the FMTS function to format elements of dynamic.array for output. Each element of the array is independently acted upon and returned as an element in a new dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX FMTS (dynamic.array, format) SYNTAX ELEMENTS format is an expression that evaluates to a string of formatting codes. The Syntax of the format expression is: [width] [background] justification [edit] [mask] The format expression specifies the width of the output field, the placement of background or fill characters, line justification, editing specifications, and format masking. For complete syntax details, See also: FMT function. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If format evaluates to null, the FMTS function fails and the program enters the debugger. GE OPERATOR SIMILAR TO eq. compares two expressions for greater than or equal GT As Above, except Greater than GTS Add as per GES, except just greater than for dynamic array expression FMUL/FDIV/FADD/FSUB 147 FOLD The FOLD function re-delimits a string by replacing spaces with attribute marks at positions defined by a length parameter. COMMAND SYNTAX FOLD(expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 evaluates a string to be re-delimited. expression2 evaluates to a positive integer that represents the maximum number of characters between delimiters in the resultant string. NOTES The FOLD function creates a number of sub-strings such that the length of each sub-string does not exceed the length value in expression2. It converts spaces to attribute marks except when enclosed in sub-strings and removes extraneous spaces. EXAMPLES The following examples show how the FOLD function delimits text based on the length parameter. The underscores represent attribute marks. q = "Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics" CRT FOLD(q, 7) Smoking_is one_of the_leading_causes_of_statist_ics q = "Hello world" CRT FOLD(q, 5) Hello_world q = "Let this be a reminder to you all that this organization will not tolerate failure." CRT FOLD(q, 30) let this be a reminder to you_all that this organization_will not tolerate failure. q = "the end" 148 CRT FOLD(q, 0) t_h_e_e_n_d 149 FOOTING The FOOTING statement halts all subsequent output to the terminal at the end of each output page. The statement allows the evaluation and display of an expression at the foot of each page. Output, which is current, and being sent to the terminal, the output is paused until the entry of a carriage return at the terminal (unless the N option is specified either in the current HEADING or in this FOOTING). COMMAND SYNTAX FOOTING expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression should evaluate to a string, which is printed at the bottom of every page of output. The string could contain a number of interpreted special characters, replaced in the string before printing. The following characters have special meaning within the string: "C{n}" center the line, if n is specified the output line is assumed to be n characters long "D" or \\ replace with the current date "L" or ] replace with the newline sequence "N" terminal output does not pause at the end of each page "P" or ^ replace with the current page number "PP" or ^^ replace with the current page number in a field of 4 characters; the field is right justified "T" or \ replace with the current time and date " replace with a single " character NOTES If the output is to the printer a PRINTER ON statement is in force; output sent to the terminal with the CRT statement is not paged; if output is to the terminal then all output is paged. EXAMPLE FOOTING "Programming staff by weight Page "P" 150 FOR The FOR statement allows the construction of looping constructs within the program, which is controlled by a counting variable; this can be terminated early by expressions tested after every iteration. COMMAND SYNTAX FOR var=expression1 TO expression2 {STEP expression3} {WHILE | UNTIL expression4}...NEXT {var} SYNTAX ELEMENTS var is the counting variable used to control the loop. The first time the loop is entered var is assigned the value of expression1, which must evaluate to a numeric value. After each iteration of the loop, var is automatically incremented by one. expression2 must also evaluate to a numeric value as it causes the loop to terminate when the value of var is greater than the value of this expression. expression2 is evaluated at the start of every iteration of the loop and compared with the value of expression1. If the STEP expression3 clause is included within the statement, var will automatically be incremented by the value of expression3 after each iteration of the loop. expression3 is evaluated at the start of each iteration. expression3 may be negative, in which case the loop will terminate when var is less than expression2. The statement may optionally include either an evaluated WHILE or UNTIL clause (not both), before each iteration of the loop. When the WHILE clause is specified the loop will only continue with the next iteration if expression4 evaluates to Boolean TRUE. When the UNTIL clause is specified the loop will only continue with the next iteration if expression4 evaluates to Boolean FALSE. NOTES Because expression2 and expression3 must be evaluated upon each iteration of the loop, you should only code complex expressions here if they may change within each iteration. If the values they yield will not change then you should assign the value of these expressions to a variable before coding the loop statement. You can replace expressions 3 and 4 with these variables. This can offer large performance increases where complex expressions are in use. See also: BREAK, CONTINUE. EXAMPLES Max =DCOUNT(BigVar, CHAR (254)) FOR I = 1 TO Max STEP 2 WHILE BigVar LT 2 5 BigVar += 1 151 NEXT I This example will increment every second field of the variable BigVar but the loop will terminate early if the current field to be incremented is not numerically less than 25. 152 FSUB The FSUB function performs floating-point subtraction on two numeric values. COMMAND SYNTAX FSUB(expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Both expression1 and expression 2 must evaluate to non-null numeric values. NOTES If either of the arguments evaluates to null then a run time "non-numeric" error will occur. EXAMPLES PRECISION 7 CRT FSUB(2.54,5.703358) displays -3.163358 153 FUNCTION Identifies a user-defined function, which can be invoked by other jBASE BASIC programs, arguments to the function can optionally be declared. COMMAND SYNTAX FUNCTION name {({MAT} variable, {MAT} variable...) } SYNTAX ELEMENTS Name is the name by which the function is invoked. Variable is an expression used to pass values between the calling program and the function. NOTES Use the FUNCTION statement to identify user-written source code functions. Each function must be coded in separate records and the record Id must match that of the Function Name, which in turn should match the reference in the calling program. The optional comma separated variable list can be a number of expressions that pass values between the calling programs and the function. To pass an array the variable name must be preceded by the MAT keyword. When a user-written function is called, the calling program must specify the same number of variables that are specified in the FUNCTION statement. An extra 'hidden' variable is used to return a value from the user-written function. The value to be returned can be specified within the Function by the RETURN (value) statement. If using the RETURN statement without a value then by default it returns an empty string. The calling program must specify a DEFFUN or DEFB statement to describe the function to be called and the function source must be cataloged and locatable similar to subroutines. EXAMPLE FUNCTION MyFunction(A, B) Result = A * B RETURN (Result) 154 GES Use the GES function to test if elements of one dynamic array are greater than or equal to corresponding elements of another dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX GES (array1, array2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Compares each element of array1 with the corresponding element of array2, if the element from array1 is greater than or equal to the element from array2, it returns a one in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If the element from array1 is less than the element from array2, it returns a zero (0). If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, it evaluates the undefined element as empty, and the comparison continues. If either element of a corresponding pair is null, it returns null for that element. 155 GET The GET statement reads a block of data directly from a device. COMMAND SYNTAX GET Var {,length} {SETTING Count} FROM Device {UNTIL TermChars} {RETURNING TermChar} {WAITING Timeout} THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Var is the variable in which to place the input (from the previously open Device). If length is specified, it limits the number of characters read from the input device. If the optional Count option is used, it returns the number of characters actually read from the device. Device is the file variable associated with the result from a successful OPENSEQ or OPENSER command. TermChars specifies one or more characters that will terminate input. TermChar The actual character that terminated input Timeout is the number of seconds to wait for input. If no input is present when the timeout period expires, the ELSE clause (if specified) is executed. NOTES The GET statement does no pre-or post-processing of the input data stream - nor does it handle any terminal echo characteristics. If this is desired, the application - or device drive - will handle it. If there are no specified length and timeout expressions, the default input length is one (1) character. If no length is specified, but TermChars are, there is no limit to the number of characters input. The GET syntax requires a specified THEN or ELSE clause, or both. The THEN clause executes when the data received is error free; the ELSE clause executes when the data is unreceiveable (or a timeout occurs). See: GETX 156 GETCWD The GETCWD function allows a jBASE BASIC program to determine the current working directory of the program, which is normally be the directory in which execution of the program occurred but possibly changed using the CHDIR function. COMMAND SYNTAX GETCWD(Var) SYNTAX ELEMENTS When executed the Var will be set to the name of the current working directory; the function itself returns a Boolean TRUE or FALSE value to indicate whether the command was successful or not. NOTES Refer to your UNIX or Windows documentation for more information on the concept of the current working directory. EXAMPLES IF GETCWD(Cwd) THEN CRT "Current Working Directory = ":Cwd END ELSE CRT "Could not determine CWD!" END 157 GETENV All processes have an environment associated with them that contains a number of variables indicating the state of various parameters. The GETENV function allows a jBASE BASIC program to determine the value of any of the environment variables associated with it. COMMAND SYNTAX GETENV(expression, variable) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression should evaluate to the name of the environment variable whose value is to be returned. The function will then assign the value of the environment variable to variable. The function itself returns a Boolean TRUE or FALSE value indicating the success or failure of the function. . See: PUTENV EXAMPLE IF GETENV("PATH", ExecPath) THEN CRT "Execution path is ":ExecPath END ELSE CRT "Execution path is not set up" END 158 GETLIST GETLIST allows the program to retrieve a previously stored list (perhaps created with the SAVE-LIST command), into a jBASE BASIC variable. COMMAND SYNTAX GETLIST expression TO variable1 {SETTING variable2} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the variable into which the list will be read. expression should evaluate to the name of a previously stored list to retrieve, or null. If expression evaluates to null, the current default external select list (generated by a previous SELECT command for example) will be retrieved. If specified, variable2 will be set to the number of elements in the list. If the statement succeeds in retrieving the list, then the statements associated with any THEN clause will be executed. If the statement fails to find the list, then the statements associated with any ELSE clause will be executed. NOTES The GETLIST statement is identical in function to the READLIST statement. See also: DELETELIST, WRITELIST EXAMPLES Find the list first GETLIST "MyList" TO MyList ELSE STOP LOOP * Loop until there are no more elements WHILE READNEXT Key FROM MyList DO ...... REPEAT 159 GETUSERGROUP For UNIX, the jBASE BASIC GETUSERGROUP function returns the group number for the user ID specified by @uid. For Windows NT or Windows 2000, it returns zero. COMMAND SYNTAX GETUSERGROUP(uid) EXAMPLES In the following example, the program statement assigns the user group to variable X: X = GETUSERGROUP(@UID) In the next example, the program statement assigns the user group for 1023 to variable X: X = GETUSERGROUP(1023) 160 GETX The GETX statement reads a block of data (in ASCII hexadecimal format) directly from a device. COMMAND SYNTAX GETX Var {,length} {SETTING Count} FROM Device {UNTIL TermChars} {RETURNING TermChar} {WAITING Timeout} THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Var is the variable in which to place the input (from the previously open Device). If specifying a length it limits the number of characters read from the input device. If the optional Count option is used, it returns the number of characters actually read from the device. Device is the file variable associated with the result from a successful OPENSEQ or OPENSER command. TermChars specifies one or more characters that will terminate input. TermChar The actual character that terminated input Timeout is the number of seconds to wait for input. If no input is present when the timeout period expires, the ELSE clause (if specified) is executed. NOTES The GETX statement does no pre-or post-processing of the input data stream nor does it handle any terminal echo characteristics. It is assumed that if this is desired the application - or device drive - will handle it. If there are no specified length and timeout expressions, the default input length is one (1) character. If there is no length specified, but TermChars are, there is no limit to the number of characters input. The GETX syntax requires a specified THEN or ELSE clause, or both. The THEN clause executes when the data received is error free; the ELSE clause executes when the data is unreceiveable (or a timeout occurs). GETX will convert all input into ASCII hexadecimal format after input. See also: GET 161 GOSUB The GOSUB statement causes execution of a local subroutine, after which execution will continue with the next line of code. COMMAND SYNTAX GOSUB label SYNTAX ELEMENTS The label should refer to an existent label within the current source code, which identifies the start of a local subroutine. EXAMPLES GOSUB Initialize ;* open files etc.. GOSUB Main ;* perform main program GOSUB Finish ;* close files etc.. STOP ... Initialize: * open files OPEN...... . RETURN .... Main: * main execution loop ...... RETURN Finish: * clean up after execution ...... RETURN 162 GOTO The GOTO statement causes program execution to jump to the code at a specified label. COMMAND SYNTAX GO{TO} Label SYNTAX ELEMENTS The label should refer to an existing label within the current source code. NOTES Warning: using the GOTO command obscures the readability of the code and is a hindrance to maintainability. All programs written using the GOTO construct can be written using structured statements such as LOOP and FOR. There are various opinions on this issue but the consensus is, avoid GOTO. One possibly acceptable use of the GOTO statement is to transfer execution to an error handler upon detection of a fatal error that will cause the program to terminate. EXAMPLE GOTO Exception;* jump to the exception handler ..... Exception:* exception handler ....STOP 163 GROUP The GROUP function is equivalent to the FIELD function. COMMAND SYNTAX GROUP(Expression1, Expression2, Expression3, Expression4) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Expression1 evaluates to the string containing fields to be extracted. Expression2 evaluates to the character(s) delimiting each field within Expression1. Expression3 should evaluate to a numeric value specifying the number of the first field to extract from Expression1. Expression4 evaluates to a numeric value specifying the number of fields to extract as a group. NOTES Expression2 may evaluate to more than a single character allowing fields to be delimited with complex expressions. EXAMPLES A = "123:-456:-789:-987:-" CRT GROUP(A, ":-", 2, 2) This example displays: 456:-789 on the terminal being the second and third fields and their delimiter within variable A 164 HEADING Heading halts all subsequent output to the terminal at the end of each page. The statement evaluates and displays an expression at the top of each page. Current output sent to the terminal, is paused until entry of a carriage return at the terminal - unless the N option is specified. COMMAND SYNTAX HEADING expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression should evaluate to a string printed at the top of every page of output. The string may contain a number of interpreted special characters, replaced in the string before printing. The following characters have special meaning within the string: "C{n}" Center the line. If n is specified the output line is assumed n characters long. "D" or \\ Replace with the current date. "L" or ] Replace with the newline sequence. "N" Terminal output does not pause at the end of each page. "P" or ^ Replace with the current page number. "PP" or ^^ Replace with the current page number in a field of 4 characters. The field is right justified. "T" or \ Replace with the current time and date. " Replace with a single " character. NOTES If output is to the printer, a PRINTER ON statement is in use, and does not page output sent to the terminal with the CRT statement. Unless you specify the “N” option, all output sent to the terminal is paged. EXAMPLES HEADING "Programming staff by size of waist Page "P" 165 HEADINGE and HEADINGN The HEADINGE statement is the same as the HEADING statement, which causes a page eject with the HEADING statement. The HEADINGN statement is the same as the HEADING statement, and suppresses the page eject. 166 HUSH Use the HUSH statement to suppress the display of all output normally sent to a terminal during processing. HUSH also suppresses output to a COMO file. HUSH acts as a toggle. If it is used without a qualifier, it changes the current state. Do not use this statement to shut off output display unless you are sure the display is unnecessary. When you use HUSH ON, all output is suppressed including error messages and requests for information. COMMAND SYNTAX HUSH { ON | OFF | expression } EXAMPLE HUSH ON 167 ICONV The ICONV function converts data in external form such as dates to their internal form. COMMAND SYNTAX ICONV(expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 evaluates to the data upon which the conversion is to be performed. expression2 should evaluate to the conversion code that is to be performed against the data. Add additional ICONV extensions for timestamp as per WDx/WTx NOTES If the conversion code used assumes a numeric value and a non-numeric value is passed then the original value in expression1 is returned unless the emulation option iconv_nonnumeric_return_null is set. EXAMPLES InternalDate = ICONV("27 MAY 1997", "D") In this example, ICONV returns the internal form of the date May 27, 1997. 168 ICONVS Use ICONVS to convert each element of dynamic.array to a specified internal storage format. COMMAND SYNTAX ICONVS (dynamic.array, conversion) SYNTAX ELEMENTS conversion is an expression that evaluates to one or more valid conversion codes, separated by value marks (ASCII 253). Each element of dynamic.array is converted to the internal format specified by conversion and is returned in a dynamic array. If multiple codes are used, they are applied from left to right. The first conversion code converts the value of each element of dynamic.array. The second conversion code converts the value of each element of the output of the first conversion, and so on. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If an element of dynamic.array is null, null it returns null for that element. If conversion evaluates to null, the ICONV function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. The STATUS function reflects the result of the conversion: For information about converting elements in a dynamic array to an external format See also: OCONVS function. 0 The conversion is successful. 1 An element of dynamic.array is invalid. It returns an empty string, unless dynamic.array is null, in which case it returns null. 2 Conversion is invalid. 3 Successful conversion of possibly invalid data. 169 IF (statement) Allows other statements to be conditionally executed COMMAND SYNTAX IF expression THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS It evaluates the expression to a value of Boolean TRUE or FALSE. If the expression is TRUE executes then the statements defined by the THEN clause (if present). If the expression is FALSE executes the statements defined by the ELSE clause. The THEN and ELSE clauses may take two different forms being single and multiple line statements. The simplest form of either clause is of the form: IF A THEN CRT A or IF A ELSE CRT A However, expand the clauses to enclose multiple lines of code using the END keyword as so: IF A THEN A = A*6 CRT A END ELSE A = 76 CRT A END You can combine the single and multi-line versions of either clause to make complex combinations of the command. For reasons of readability it is suggested that where both clauses are present for an IF statement that the same form of each clause is coded. NOTES IF statements can be nested within either clause to any number of levels EXAMPLE CRT "Are you sure (Y/N) ": INPUT Answer,1_ 170 IF OCONV (Answer, "MCU")= "Y" THEN GOSUB DeleteFiles CRT "Files have been deleted" END ELSE CRT "File delete was ignored" END 171 IFS Use the IFS function to return a dynamic array whose elements are chosen individually from one of two dynamic arrays based on the contents of a third dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX IFS (dynamic.array, true.array, false.array) IFS evaluate each element of the dynamic.array. If the element evaluates to true, it returns the corresponding element from true.array to the same element of a new dynamic array. If the element evaluates to false, it returns the corresponding element from false.array. If there is no corresponding element in the correct response array, it returns an empty string for that element. If an element is null, that element evaluates to false. 172 IN The IN statement allows the program to receive raw data from the input device, which is normally the terminal keyboard, one character at a time. COMMAND SYNTAX IN Var {FOR expression THEN|ELSE statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS Var will be assigned the numeric value (0 - 255 decimal) of the next character received from the input device. The statement will normally wait indefinitely (block) for a character from the keyboard. Specifying the FOR clause to the IN statement allows the statement to stop waiting for keyboard after a specified amount of time. The expression should evaluate to a numeric value, which will be taken as the number of deci-seconds (tenths of a second) to wait before abandoning the input. The FOR clause must have either or both of the THEN or ELSE clauses If a character is received from the input device before the time-out period then Var is assigned its numeric value and the THEN clause is executed (if present). If the input statement times out before a character is received then Var is unaltered and the ELSE clause is executed (if present). NOTES See also: INPUT, INPUTNULL. EXAMPLES Char2 = " IN Char IF Char = 27 THEN ;* ESC seen IN Char2 FOR 20 THEN ;* Function Key? Char2 = CHAR(Char2) ;* ASCII value END END Char = CHAR(Char):Char2 ;* Return key sequence 173 INDEX The INDEX function will return the position of a character or characters within another string. COMMAND SYNTAX INDEX(expression1, expression2, expression3) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 evaluates to the string to be searched. expression2 evaluates to the string or character that will be searched for within expression1. expression3 should evaluate to a numeric value and specify which occurrence of expression2 should be searched for within expression1. NOTES If the specified occurrence of expression2 is not found in expression1 then it returns Zero (0). EXAMPLE ABet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc" CRT INDEX(ABet, "a", 1) CRT INDEX(ABet, "a", 2 ) CRT INDEX(ABet, "jkl", 1) The above code will display: 1 27 10 174 INMAT The INMAT() function returns the number of dimensioned array elements. COMMAND SYNTAX INMAT( {array} ) DESCRIPTION Using the INMAT() function, without the 'array' argument, returns the number of dimensioned array elements from the most recent MATREAD, MATREADU, MATREADL or MATPARSE statement. If the number of array elements exceeds the number of elements specified in the corresponding DIM statement, the INMAT() function will return zero. Using the INMAT(), function with the 'array' argument, returns the current number of elements to the dimensioned 'array'. NOTES In some dialects the INMAT() function is also used to return the modulo of a file after the execution of an OPEN statement, which is inconsistent with its primary purpose and not implemented in jBASE. To achieve this functionality use the IOCTL() function with the JIOCTL_COMMAND_FILESTATUS command. EXAMPLE OPEN "CUSTOMERS" TO CUSTOMERS ELSE STOP 201, "CUSTOMERS" DIM CUSTREC(99) ELEMENTS = INMAT(CUSTREC) ; * Returns the value "99" to the variable ELEMENTS ID = "149" MATREAD CUSTREC FROM CUSTOMERS, ID THEN CUSTREC.ELEMENTS = INMAT() ; * Returns the number of elements in the CUSTRECarray to the variable CUSTREC.ELEMENTS END 175 INPUT The INPUT statement allows the program to collect data from the current input device, which will normally be the terminal keyboard but may be stacked input from the same or separate program. COMMAND SYNTAX INPUT {@ (expression1 {, expression2 )}{:} Var{{, expression3}, expression4} {:}{_} {WITH expression5} {FOR expression6 THEN|ELSE statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS @(expression1, expression2) allows the screen cursor to be positioned to the specified column and row before the input prompt is sent to the screen. The syntax for this is the same as the @( ) function described earlier. Var is the variable in which the input data is to be stored. expression3, when specified, should evaluate to a numeric value. This will cause input to be terminated with an automatic newline sequence after exactly this number of characters has been input. If the _ option is specified with expression4 then the automatic newline sequence is not specified but any subsequent input characters are belled to the terminal and thrown away. expression4 when specified, should evaluate to a sequence of 1 to 3 characters. The first character will be printed expression3 times to define the field on the terminal screen. At the end of the input if less than expression3 characters were input then the rest of the field is padded with the second character if it was supplied. If the third character is supplied then the cursor will be positioned after the last character input rather than at the end of the input field. The : option, when specified, suppress the echoing of the newline sequence to the terminal. This will leave the cursor positioned after the last input character on the terminal screen. WITH expression5 allows the default input delimiter (the newline sequence) to be changed. When specified, expression5, should evaluate to a string of up to 256 characters, each of which may delimit the input field. If this clause is used then the newline sequence is removed as a delimiter and must be specified explicitly within expression5 as CHAR(10). The "FOR" clause allows the "INPUT" statement to time out after a specified waiting period instead of blocking as normal Expression6 should evaluate to a numeric value, which will be taken as the number of deci-seconds (tenths of a second) to wait before timing out. The time-out value is used as the time between each keystroke and should a time-out occur, Var would hold the characters that were input until the time-out. The FOR clause requires either the THEN and ELSE clauses or both; if no time-out occurs the THEN clause is taken. If a time-out does occur, the ELSE clause is taken. NOTES The INPUT statement will always examine the data input stack before requesting data from the input device. If data is present on the stack then it is used to satisfy INPUT statements one field at a time 176 until the stack is exhausted. Once exhausted, the INPUT statement will revert to the input device for further input. There is no way (by default) to input a null field to the INPUT@ statement. If the INPUT@ statement receives the newline sequence only as input, then the Var will be unchanged. Use the INPUTNULL statement to define a character that indicates a NULL input. Use the CONTROL-CHARS command to control whether or not control characters (i.e. those outside the range x'1F' - x'7F') are accepted by INPUT. See also: IN, INPUTNULL. EXAMPLES Answer = " LOOP WHILE Answer = " DO INPUT Answer,1 FOR 10 ELSE GOSUB UpdateClock END REPEAT The above example attempts to read a single character from the input device for 10 deci-seconds (1 second). The LOOP will exit when a character has been input otherwise every second it will call the local subroutine UpdateClock. 177 INPUTCLEAR The INPUTCLEAR statement clears the type-ahead buffer. COMMAND SYNTAX INPUTCLEAR SYNTAX ELEMENTS None NOTES INPUTCLEAR only clears the type-ahead buffer. It does not clear data stacked with the DATA statement. The INPUTCLEAR statement is synonymous with CLEARINPUT. EXAMPLE CRT "Start year end processing (Yes/No) :" INPUTCLEAR INPUT ans IF ans # "Yes" THEN CRT "year end processing not started" END 178 INPUTNULL The INPUTNULL statement allows the definition of a character that will allow a null input to be seen by the INPUT@ statement. COMMAND SYNTAX INPUTNULL expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression should evaluate to a single character. Subsequently, any INPUT@ statement that sees only this character input before the new-line sequence will NULL the variable in which input is being stored. If expression evaluates to the NULL string " then the default character of _ is used to define a NULL input sequence. NOTES The INPUT statement does not default to accepting the _ character as a NULL input, the programmer must explicitly allow this with the statement: INPUTNULL " EXAMPLES INPUTNULL "&" INPUT @ (10,10):Answer,1 IF Answer = " THEN CRT "A NULL input was received" END 179 INS The INS statement allows the insertion of elements into a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX INS expression BEFORE Var SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression evaluates to the element to be inserted in the dynamic array. expression1 expression2 and expression3 should all evaluate to numeric values and specify the Field, Value and Sub-Value before which the new element is to be inserted. NOTES Specifying a negative value to any of the expressions 1 through 3 will cause the element to append as the last Field, Value or Sub-Value rather than at a specific position. Only one expression may be negative otherwise only the first negative value is used correctly while the others are treated as the value 1. The statement will insert NULL Fields, Values or Sub-Values accordingly if any of the specified insertion points exceeds the number currently existing. EXAMPLE Values = " FOR I = 1 TO 50 INS I BEFORE Values<-1> NEXT I FOR I = 2 TO 12 INS I*7 BEFORE Values<7,i> NEXT I 180 INSERT INSERT is the function form of the INS statement, with preference given to the use of INS. COMMAND SYNTAX INSERT(expression1, expression2{, expression3 {, expression4 }}; expression5) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 evaluates to a dynamic array in which to insert a new element and will normally be a variable. expression2 expression3 and expression4 should evaluate to numeric values and specify the Field, Value and Sub-Value before which the new element will be inserted. expression5 evaluates to the new element to be inserted in expression1. EXAMPLES A = INSERT(B, 1,4; "Field1Value4") 181 INT The INT function truncates a numeric value into its nearest integer form. COMMAND SYNTAX INT( expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a numeric value. The function will then return the integer portion of the value. NOTES The function works by truncating the fractional part of the numeric value rather than by standard mathematical rounding techniques. Therefore, INT(9.001) and INT(9.999) will both return the value 9. EXAMPLES CRT INT(22/7) Displays the value 3 182 IOCTL The jBASE BASIC language provides an intrinsic function called IOCTL that behaves in a similar manner to the C function ioctl(). Its purpose is to allow commands to be sent to the database driver for a particular file, and then to receive a reply from the database driver. As with the C function ioctl, the use of IOCTL is highly dependent upon the database driver it is talking to. Each database driver may choose to provide certain common functionality, or may add its own commands and so on. This is especially true of user-written database drivers. First, an example of a source program that opens a file and finds the type of file: INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "MD" TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,"MD" status="" IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_FILESTATUS,status) THEN PRINT "Type of file = ":DQUOTE(status<1>) END ELSE PRINT "IOCTL FAILED !! unknown file type" END If the ELSE clause is taken, it does not necessarily mean there is an error, it only means that the database driver for file "MD" does not support the command that was requested from it. The file JBC.h is supplied with jBASE in the directory JBCRELEASEDIR sub directory include. If the source is compiled with the jbc or BASIC command, this directory is automatically included in the search path and no special action is needed by the programmer for the "INCLUDE JBC.h" statement. The format of the IOCTL function is: IOCTL( Filevar, Command, Parameter) Where: filevar Is a variable that has had a file opened against it using the OPEN statement. However, if you want to use the default file variable, use -1 in this position. For example: OPEN "MD" ELSE STOP filevar = -1 IF IOCTL(filevar,JIOCTL_COMMAND_xxx,status) ... command can be any numeric value (or variable containing a numeric). However, it is up to the database driver to support that particular command number. The remainder of this chapter describes the common IOCTL command numbers supported by the jBASE database drivers provided. 183 Status Pass here a jBASE BASIC variable. The use of this variable depends upon the command parameter, and will be described later for each command supported. The return value is 0 for failure, or 1 for success. A value of -1 generally shows the command has not been recognized. The remainder of this section will deal with the IOCTL commands that are supported by the provided jBASE database drivers, and the JBC_COMMAND_GETFILENAME command that is supported for all database drivers. JBC_COMMAND_GETFILENAME COMMAND Using this command to the IOCTL function, you can determine the exact file name that was used to open the file. This is helpful because jEDI uses Q pointers, F pointers and the JEDIFILEPATH environment variable to actually open the file, and the application can never be totally sure where the resultant file was really opened. Normally of course, this is of no concern to the application. EXAMPLE Open the file CUSTOMERS and find out the exact path that was used to open the file. INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "CUSTOMERS" TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,"CUSTOMERS" filename = "" IF IOCTL(DSCB,JBC_COMMAND_GETFILENAME,filename) ELSE CRT "IOCTL failed !!" ; EXIT(2) END PRINT "Full file path = ":DQUOTE(filename) This command is executed by the jBASE BASIC library code rather than the jEDI library code or the database drivers, so it can be run against a file descriptor for any file type. JIOCTL_COMMAND_CONVERT COMMAND Some of the jBASE BASIC database drivers will perform an automatic conversion of the input and output record when performing reads and writes. An example of this is when writing to a directory. In this case, the attribute marks will be converted to new-line characters and a trailing new-line character added. Similarly for reading from a directory the new-line characters will be replaced with attribute marks, and the trailing new-line character will be deleted. The above example is what happens for the database driver for directories. It assumes by default that the record being read or written is a text file and that the conversion is necessary. It tries to apply some intelligence to reading files, as text files always have a trailing new-line character. Therefore, if a file is read without a trailing new-line character, the database driver assumes the file must be a binary file rather than a text file, and no conversion takes place. 184 This conversion of data works in most cases and usually requires no special intervention from the programmer. There are cases however, when this conversion needs to be controlled and interrogated, and the IOCTL function call with the JIOCTL_COMMAND_CONVERT command provides the jBASE database drivers that support this conversion with commands to control it. The call to IOCTL, if successful, will only affect file operations that use the same file descriptor. Consider the following code: INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "MD" TO FILEVAR1 ELSE ... OPEN "MD" TO FILEVAR2 ELSE ... IF IOCTL(FILEVAR1,JIOCTL_COMMAND_CONVERT,"RB") In the above example, any future file operations using variable FILEVAR1 will be controlled by the change forced in the IOCTL request. Any file operations using variable FILEVAR2 will not be affected and will use the default file operation. Input to the IOCTL is a string of controls delimited by a comma that tell the database driver what to do. The output from the IOCTL can optionally be a string to show the last conversion that the driver performed on the file. The descriptions of the available controls that can be passed as input to this IOCTL function are: Code Description RB All future reads to be in binary (no conversion) RT All future reads to be in text format (always do a conversion) RI All future reads to decide themselves whether binary or text RS Return to caller the status of the last read ("B" = binary, "T" = text ) WB All future writes to be in binary (no conversion) WT All future writes to be in text format (always do a conversion) WI All future writes to decide themselves whether binary or text WS Return to caller the status of the last write ("B" = binary, "T" = text ) KB All future reads/writes have the record key unaltered KT All future reads/writes have the record key modified KI All future reads/writes to decide if to do a conversion KS Return to caller the status of the last record key ("B" = binary, "T" = text ) EXAMPLE 1 The application wants to open a file, and to ensure that all reads and writes to that file are in binary, and that no translation such as new-lines to attribute marks is performed. 185 INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "FILE" TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,"FILE" IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_CONVERT,"RB,WB") ELSE CRT "UNABLE TO IOCTL FILE 'FILE'" ; EXIT(2) END EXAMPLE 2 Read a record from a file, and find out if the last record read was in text format (were new-lines converted to attribute marks and the trailing new-line deleted), or in binary format (with no conversion at all). INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "." TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,"." READ rec FROM DSCB,"prog.o" ELSE STOP 202,"prog.o" status = "RS" IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_CONVERT,status) THEN IF status EQ "T" THEN CRT "TEXT" ELSE CRT "BINARY" END ELSE CRT "The IOCTL failed !!" END JIOCTL_COMMAND_FILESTATUS COMMAND The JIOCTL_COMMAND_FILESTATUS command will return an attribute delimited list of the status of the file to the caller. Attribute Description <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> File type, as a string FileFlags, as decimal number, show LOG, BACKUP and TRANS BucketQty, as decimal number, number of buckets in the file BucketSize, as decimal number, size of each bucket in bytes SecSize, as decimal number, size of secondary data space Restore Spec, a string showing any restore re-size specification Locking identifiers, separated by multi-values FileFlags showing LOG, BACKUP and TRANSACTION permissions 186 <8,1> <8,2> <8,3> <9> Set to non-zero to suppress logging on this file Set to non-zero to suppress transaction boundaries on this file Set to no-zero to suppress backup of the file using jbackup Hashing algorithm used EXAMPLE Open a file and see if the file type is a directory. INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN ".." TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,".." status = "" IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_FILESTATUS,status) ELSE CRT "IOCTL failed !!" ; EXIT(2) END IF status<1> EQ "UD" THEN PRINT "File is a directory" END ELSE PRINT "File type is ":DQUOTE(status<1>) PRINT "This is not expected for .." END EXAMPLE 2 Open a file ready to perform file operations in a transaction against it. Make sure the file has not been removed as a transaction type file by a previous invocation of the command "jchmod -T CUSTOMERS". INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "CUSTOMERS" TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,"CUSTOMERS" IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_FILESTATUS,status) ELSE CRT "IOCTL failed !!" ; EXIT(2) END IF status<8,2> THEN CRT "Error ! File CUSTOMERS is not" CRT "part of transaction boundaries !!" CRT "Use "jchmod +T CUSTOMERS" !!" EXIT(2) END JIOCTL_COMMAND_FINDRECORD COMMAND 187 This command will find out if a record exists on a file without the need to actually read in the record. This can provide large performance gains in certain circumstances. EXAMPLE Before writing out a control record, make sure it doesn't already exist. As the control record is quite large, it will provide performance gains to simply test if the output record already exists, rather than reading it in using the READ statement to see if it exists. INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "outputfile" TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,"outputfile" ... Make up the output record to write out in "output" key = "output.out" rc = IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_FINDRECORD,key) BEGIN CASE CASE rc EQ 0 WRITE output ON DSCB,key CRT "Data written to key " : key CASE rc GT 0 CRT "No further action, record already exists" CASE 1 CRT "IOCTL not supported for file type" END CASE JIOCTL_COMMAND_FINDRECORD_EXTENDED COMMAND This command to the IOCTL function returns the record size and the time and date the record was last updated. If the record does not exist, null is returned. The time/date stamp is returned in UTC format. EXAMPLE Print the time and data of last update for each record in filename. INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "filename" TO DSCB ELSE STOP 201,"filename" * * Select each record in the newly opened file * SELECT DSCB LOOP WHILE READNEXT record.key DO * * Get the details on the record and look for errors. * record.info = record.key 188 IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_FINDRECORD_EXTENDED,record.info) ELSE CRT "Error! File driver does not support this" STOP END * * Extract and convert the returned data * record.size = record.info<1> record.utc = record.info<2> record.time = OCONV(record.utc,"U0ff0") record.date = OCONV(record.utc,"U0ff1") * * Print the information. * PRINT "Record key ":record.key:" last updated at ": PRINT OCONV(record.time,"MTS"):" ": PRINT OCONV(record.date,"D4") REPEAT JIOCTL_COMMAND_HASH_RECORD COMMAND For jBASE hashed files such as j3 and j4 each record is pseudo-randomly written to one of the buckets (or groups) of the hashed file. The actual bucket it is written to depends upon two factors: The actual record key (or item-id) The number of buckets in the file (or modulo) This IOCTL command shows which bucket number the record would be found in, given the input record key. The bucket number is in the range 0 to (b-1) where b is the number of buckets in the file specified when the file was created (probably using CREATE-FILE). The command only returns the expected bucket number, as is no indication that the record actually exists in the file. Two attributes are returned by this command. The first is the hash value that the record key has hashed to, and the second attribute is the bucket number. EXAMPLE Open a file, and find out what bucket number the record "PIPE&SLIPPER" would be found in. INCLUDE JBC.h OPEN "WEDDING-PRESENTS" TO DSCB ELSE STOP key = "PIPE&SLIPPER" parm = key IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_HASH_RECORD,parm) THEN 189 PRINT "key ":key:" would be in bucket ":parm<2> END ELSE CRT "IOCTL failed, command not supported" END JIOCTL_COMMAND_HASH_LOCK COMMAND The jEDI locking mechanism for records in jEDI provided database drivers is not strictly a 100% record locking mechanism. Instead, it uses the hashed value of the record key to give a value from 0 to 230-1 to describe the record key. The IOCTL command can be used to determine how a record key would be converted into a hashed value for use by the locking mechanism. EXAMPLE Lock a record in a file and find out what the lock id of the record key is. The example then calls the jRLA locking demon and the display of locks taken should include the lock taken by this program. INCLUDE JBC.h DEFCE getpid() OPEN "WEDDING-PRESENTS" TO DSCB ELSE STOP key = "PIPE&SLIPPER" parm = key IF IOCTL(DSCB,JIOCTL_COMMAND_HASH_LOCK,parm) ELSE CRT "IOCTL failed, command not supported" EXIT(2) END PRINT "The lock ID for the key is ":parm PRINT "Our process id is " : getpid() 190 ISALPHA The ISALPHA function will check that the expression consists of entirely alphabetic characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISALPHA(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISALPHA function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely alphabetic characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if any character in the expression is not alphabetic. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISALPHA function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard. 191 ISALNUM The ISALNUM function will check that the expression consists of entirely alphanumeric characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISALNUM(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISALNUM function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely alphanumeric characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if the expression contains any characters, which are not alphanumeric. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISALNUM function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard. 192 ISCNTRL The ISCNTRL function will check that the expression consists entirely of control characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISCNTRL(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISCNTRL function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely control characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if the expression contains any characters, which are not control characters. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISCNTRL function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard. 193 ISDIGIT The ISDIGIT function will check that the expression consists of entirely numeric characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISDIGIT(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISDIGIT function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely numeric characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if the expression contains any characters, which are not numeric. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISDIGIT function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard. 194 ISLOWER The ISLOWER function will check that the expression consists of entirely lower case characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISLOWER(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISLOWER function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely lower case characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if the expression contains any characters, which are not lower case characters. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISLOWER function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard 195 ISPRINT The ISPRINT function will check that the expression consists of entirely printable characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISPRINT(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISPRINT function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely printable characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if the expression contains any characters, which are not printable. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISPRINT function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard. 196 ISSPACE The ISSPACE function will check that the expression consists of entirely space type characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISSPACE(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISSPACE function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely spacing type characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if the expression contains any characters, which are not space characters. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISSPACE function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard. 197 ISUPPER The ISUPPER function will check that the expression consists of entirely upper case characters. COMMAND SYNTAX ISUPPER(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can return a result of any type. The ISUPPER function will then return TRUE (1) if the expression consists of entirely lower case characters. The function will return FALSE (0) if the expression contains any characters, which are not upper case characters. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the ISUPPER function is used in International Mode the properties of each character is determined according to the Unicode Standard. 198 ITYPE Use the ITYPE function to return the value resulting from the evaluation of an I-type expression in a jBASE file dictionary. COMMAND SYNTAX ITYPE (i.type) I.type is an expression evaluating to the contents of the compiled I-descriptor. You must compile the Idescriptor before the ITYPE function uses it; otherwise, you get a run-time error message. Using several methods set the I.type to the evaluated I-descriptor in several ways. One way is to read the I-descriptor from a file dictionary into a variable, then use the variable as the argument to the ITYPE function. If the I-descriptor references a record ID, the current value of the system variable @ID is used. If the I-descriptor, references field values in a data record, the data is taken from the current value of the system variable @RECORD. To assign field values to @RECORD, read a record from the data file into @RECORD before invoking the ITYPE function. If i.type evaluates to null, the ITYPE function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. NOTE: Set the @FILENAME to the name of the file before ITYPE execution. EXAMPLE This is the SLIPPER file content: JIM GREG ALAN 001 8 001 10 001 5 This is the DICT SLIPPER content: SIZE 001 D 002 1 003 004 005 10L 006 L This is the program source code: OPEN 'SLIPPERS' TO FILE ELSE STOP OPEN 'DICT','SLIPPERS' TO D.FILE ELSE STOP 199 * READ ITYPEDESC FROM D.FILE, 'SIZE' ELSE STOP * EXECUTE 'SELECT SLIPPERS' @FILENAME = “SLIPPERS” LOOP READNEXT @ID DO * READ @RECORD FROM FILE, @ID THEN * PRINT @ID: "WEARS SLIPPERS SIZE " ITYPE(ITYPEDESC) END REPEAT The output of this program is: 3 records selected JIM WEARS SLIPPERS SIZE 8 GREG WEARS SLIPPERS SIZE 10 ALAN WEARS SLIPPERS SIZE 5 200 JBASECOREDUMP Use as a diagnostic tool for applications and allows a snapshot of the application to be dumped to an external file for later analysis COMMAND SYNTAX JBASECOREDUMP(expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS For jBASE 4.1 upwards only, the program variables and CALL/GOSUB stack will be dumped. The output is in free style text format. The function is called such: PRINT " fatal application error, outputting a core dump" filename = "GLOBUSDUMP_":TIME():"_":DATE():"_":SYSTEM(18) PRINT "Please send the file ":filename:" to your Temenos support" dummy = JBASECOREDUMP(filename , 0 ) EXIT(99) The first parameter shows the name of the operating system file to output the core dump to. You can supply "" instead of a file name and jBASE allocates a filename of: /JBASECOREDUMP_nnnn_mmmmm where nnn is the port number and mmmmmm is the process id. The second parameter is not used at present. Future versions will allow extra information to be selectively dumped. A null string is always returned from the function. EXAMPLE jBASE Core dump created at Thu Apr 10 17:12:01 2003 Program test31 , port 0 , process id 21959 CALL/GOSUB stack Line 0 , Source jmainfunction.b , Level 0 Source changed to ./test31.b 0007 201 GOSUB 100 0012 GOSUB 200 0016 CALL SUB1 Source changed to ./SUB1.b 0004 GOSUB 100 0009 GOSUB 200 All the defined VAR's in the program COMMON variables 0x8057dd0 : greg1[1,-1] : (V) String 13 bytes at address 0x8057f60 : This is greg1 : 0x8057e30 : greg2[1,-1] : (V) String 13 bytes at address 0x8057fc0 : This is greg2 : STANDARD Variables in SUBROUTINE main() 0xbfffed54 : Var1[1,-1] : (V) String 12 bytes at address 0x8057f00 : This is CAR1 : STANDARD Variables in SUBROUTINE SUB1 0xbfffe39c : I : (V) Integer : : (V) Uninitialised : 5 0xbfffe3b8 : VM (UNASSIGNED) 0xbfffe3d4 : x1[1,-1] : (V) String : 56 bytes at address 0x8059a60 : 2\3742\3749\374SUB1.b\3752\3741\3744\374SUB1.b\3751\3742\37412\374tes t31.b\3751\3741\3747\374test31.b 0 0xbfffe3f0 : rc[1,-1] bytes at address 0x40422b04 : : (V) String : 0xbfffe40c : GGC2 : (V) Integer : 4 0xbfffe428 : GGC3[1,-1] : (V) String : 56 bytes at address 0x8059e68 : 2\3742\3749\374SUB1.b\3752\3741\3744\374SUB1.b\3751\3742\37412\374tes t31.b\3751\3741\3747\374test31.b 202 0xbfffe444 : DSCB File './fb3' : (V) File descriptor : 0xbfffe460 : rec (UNASSIGNED) : (V) Uninitialised : 0xbfffe47c : USERSTATS (UNASSIGNED) : (V) Uninitialised : 203 JBASETHREADCreate Use the JBASETHREADCreate command to start a new thread. COMMAND SYNTAX JBASETHREADCreate(ProgramName, Arguments, User, Handle) SYNTAX ELEMENTS ProgramName Name of program to execute Arguments Command line arguments User Name of user in format "user{,account{,password}}" or "" to configuration as calling user id 204 JBASETHREADStatus The JBASETHREADStatus command shows the status of all running threads. COMMAND SYNTAX JBASETHREADStatus(ThreadList) SYNTAX ELEMENTS ThreadList a list of all threads active in this process, with one attribute per thread. The layout of the multi-values in each attribute is as follows: < n,1 > port number < n,2 > thread handle returned from JBASETHREADCreate 205 JQLCOMPILE JQLCOMPILE compiles a jQL statement. COMMAND SYNTAX JQLCOMPILE (Statement, Command, Options, Messages) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Statement is the variable, which will receive the compiled statement, used by a majority of functions to execute and work on the result set etc. Command is the actual jQL query that you want to compile (such as SELECT or something similar). Use RETRIEVE to obtain data records as the verb rather than an existing jQL verb. This will ensure that the right options are set internally. In addition, use any word that is not a jQL reserved word as the verb and it will work in the same way as RETRIEVE: implement a PLOT command that passes the entire command line into JQLCOMPILE and the results will be the same as if the first word were replaced with RETRIEVE. Option: you must specify JQLOPT_USE_SELECT to supply a select list to the JQLEXECUTE function; the compile builds a different execution plan if using select lists. Messages: If the statement fails to compile, this dynamic array is in the STOP format, therefore STOP messages can be programmed and printed. Provides a history of compilation for troubleshooting purposes; Returns -1 if there is a problem found in the statement and 0 for no problem 206 JQLEXECUTE JQLEXECUTE starts executing a compiled jQL statement. COMMAND SYNTAX JQLEXECUTE (Statement, SelectVar) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Statement is the valid result of a call to a JQLCOMPILE(Statement, …) SelectVar is a valid select list used to limit the statement to a predefined set of items. For example: SELECT PROGRAMMERS WITH IQ_IN_PTS > 250 1 Item Selected > LIST PROGRAMMERS NAME PROGRAMMERS... NAME 0123 COOPER, F B This function returns -1 in the event of a problem, such as an incorrect statement variable. It will cause the statement to run against the database and produce a result set for use with JQLFETCH() 207 JQLFETCH JQLFETCH fetches the next result in a compiled jQL statement. COMMAND SYNTAX JQLFETCH (Statement, ControlVar, DataVar) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Statement is the result of a valid call to JQLCOMPILE(), followed by a valid call to JQLEXECUTE(). ControlVar will receive the ‘control break’ elements of any query. FOR EXAMPLE, if there are BREAK values in the statement, described here are the totals: The format of ControlVar is: Attr 1 Level: 0 means detail line 1 – 25 breaks, the same as the A correlative NB. Attr2 Attr 3 first. for the control Item ID Break control Value is 1 if a blank line should be output Attr 4 Pre-break value for 'B' option in header Attr 5 Post-break value for 'B' option in header DataVar will receive the actual screen data on a LIST statement for instance. The format is one attribute per column. Applies Attribute 7 Conversions (or attribute 3 in Prime-style DICTS) to the data If the property STMT_PROPERTY_FORMAT is set then each attribute is also formatted according to the width and justification of the attribute definition and any override caused by the use of FMT, of DISPLAY.LIKE on the command line – NOTE that column headers may also affect the formatting for that column. This function is called until there is no more output (multiple). 208 JQLGETPROPERTY Gets the property of a compiled jQL statement COMMAND SYNTAX JQLGETPROPERTY (PropertyValue, Statement, Column, PropertyName) SYNTAX ELEMENTS PropertyValue Receives the requested property value from the system or “” if the property is not set Statement The result of a valid JQLCOMPILE(Statement) Column Specifies that you want the value of the property for a specific column (otherwise 0 for the whole statement). PropertyName These are EQUATED values defined by INCLUDE’ing the file JQLINTERFACE.h. This function returns -1 if there is a problem with the parameters or the programmer. These properties answer questions such as “Was LPTR mode asked for,” and “How many columns are there?” Note: Properties are valid after the compile; this is the main reason for separating the compile and execute into two functions. After compiling, it is possible examine the properties and set properties before executing. 209 JQLPUTPROPERTY JQLPUTPROPERTY sets a property in a compiled jQL statement. COMMAND SYNTAX JQLPUTPROPERTY (PropertyValue, Statement, Column, PropertyName) SYNTAX ELEMENTS PropertyValue is the value to which you want to set the specified property, such as one or “BLAH” Statement is the result of a valid JQLCOMPILE() function. NOTE: Some properties may require JQLEXECUTE()first. Column Holds 0 for a general property of the statement, or a column number if it is something that can be set for a specific column. PropertyName – These are EQUATED values defined by INCLUDE’ing the file JQLINTERFACE.h. There are lots of these and someone is going to have to document each one. This function returns -1 if it locates a problem in the statement and zero for no problem. NOTE: Properties are valid after the compile; this is the main reason for separating the compile and execute into two functions. After compiling, it is possible examine the properties and set properties before executing. 210 KEYIN Use the KEYIN function to read a single character from the input buffer and return it. COMMAND SYNTAX KEYIN ( ) KEYIN uses raw keyboard input, therefore all special character handling (for example, backspace) is disabled. System special character handling (for example, processing of interrupts) is unchanged. 211 LATIN1 The LATIN1 function converts a UTF-8 byte sequence into the binary or latin1 equivalent. COMMAND SYNTAX LATIN1(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression is to be a UTF-8 encoded byte sequence, which is the default format when executing in International Mode. NOTES Use this function for converting UTF-8 data into binary or the latin1 code page for external consumption. i.e. Tape devices. 212 LEFT The LEFT function extracts a sub-string of a specified length from the beginning of a string. COMMAND SYNTAX LEFT(expression, length) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression evaluates to the string from which the sub string is extracted. length is the number of extracted characters if length is less than 1, LEFT() returns null. NOTES The LEFT() function is equivalent to sub-string extraction starting from the first character position, i.e. expression[1,length] See also: RIGHT () EXAMPLE S = CRT CRT CRT "The world is my lobster" DQUOTE (LEFT(S,9)) DQUOTE(LEFT(S,999)) DQUOTE(LEFT(S,0)) This code displays: "The world" "The world is my lobster" "" 213 LEN The LEN function returns the character length of the supplied expression. COMMAND SYNTAX LEN(expression) INTERNATIONAL MODE The LEN function when used in International Mode will return the number of characters in the specified expression rather than the number of bytes. If the expression consists of entirely of UTF-8 characters in the ASCII range 0 – 127 then the character length of the expression will equate to the byte length. However, when the expression contains characters outside the ASCII range 0 – 127 then byte length and character length will differ. If the byte is specifically required then use the BYTELEN function in place of the LEN function. NOTE: Do not use programs manipulating byte counts in International Mode. SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression can evaluate to any type and the function will convert it to a string automatically. EXAMPLES Lengths = " FOR I = 1 TO 50 Lengths = LEN(Values) NEXT I 214 LENS Use the LENS function to return a dynamic array of the number of bytes in each element of the dynamic.array. COMMAND SYNTAX LENS (dynamic.array) Each element of dynamic.array must be a string value. The characters in each element of dynamic.array are counted, with the counts returned. The LENS function includes all blank spaces, including trailing blanks, in the calculation. If dynamic.array evaluates to a null string, it returns zero (0). If any element of dynamic.array is null, returns zero (0) for that element. INTERNATIONAL MODE The LEN function when used in International Mode will return the number of characters in the specified expression rather than the number of bytes. If the expression consists of entirely of UTF-8 characters in the ASCII range 0 – 127 then the character length of the expression will equate to the byte length. However, when the expression contains characters outside the ASCII range 0 – 127 then byte length and character length will differ. If the byte is specifically required then use the BYTELEN function in place of the LEN function. NOTE: Do not use programs to manipulate byte counts in International Mode. 215 LENDP The LENDP function returns the display length of an expression COMMAND SYNTAX LENDP(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression can evaluate to any type. The LENDP function will evaluate each character in the expression and return the calculated display length. INTERNATIONAL MODE The LENDP function when used in International Mode will return the display length for the characters in the specified expression rather than the number of bytes. NOTE: Some characters, usually Japanese, Chinese, etc will return a display length of greater than one for some characters. Some characters, for instance control characters or null (char 0), will return a display length of 0. LE - Less than or equal operator Ditto re GE and LES re INTERNATIONAL MODE 216 LES Use the LES function to determine whether elements of one dynamic array are less than or equal to the elements of another dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX LES (array1, array2) It compares each element of array1 with the corresponding element of array2. If the element from array1 is less than or equal to the element from array2, a 1 is returned in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If the element from array1 is greater than the element from array2, it returns a zero (0). If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, it evaluates the undefined element as empty, and the comparison continues. If either of a corresponding pair of elements is null, it returns null for that element. If you use the subroutine syntax, it returns the resulting dynamic array as return.array. 217 LN The LN function returns the value of the natural logarithm of the supplied value. COMMAND SYNTAX LN( expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression should evaluate to a numeric value. The function will then return the natural logarithm of that value. NOTES The calculation of the natural logarithm is by using the mathematical constant e as a number base. EXAMPLES A = LN(22/7) 218 LOCALDATE Return an internal date using the specified Timestamp and TimeZone combination. COMMAND SYNTAX LOCALDATE(Timestamp, TimeZone) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The LOCALDATE function uses the specified timestamp and adjusts the value by the specified time zone to return the date value in internal date format. 219 LOCALTIME Return an internal time using the specified Timestamp and TimeZone combination. COMMAND SYNTAX LOCALTIME(Timestamp, TimeZone) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The LOCALTIME function uses the specified timestamp and adjusts the value by the specified time zone to return the time value in internal time format. 220 LOCATE The LOCATE statement finds the position of an element within a specified dimension of a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX LOCATE expression1 IN expression2{}, {, expression5} {BY expression6} SETTING Var THEN|ELSE statement(s) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 evaluates to the string that will be searched for in expression2. expression2 evaluates to the dynamic array within which expression1 will be searched for. expression3 and expression4, when specified, cause a value or subvalue search respectively. expression5 indicates the field, value or subvalue from which the search will begin. BY expression6 causes the search to expect the elements to be arranged in a specific order, which can considerably improve the performance of some searches. The available string values for expression6 are: AL Values are in ascending alphanumeric order AR Values are in right justified, then ascending order AN Values are in ascending numeric order DL Values are in descending alphanumeric order DR Values are in right justified, then descending order DN Values are in descending numeric order Var will be set to the position of the Field, Value or Sub-Value in which expression1 was found if indeed. If it was not found and expression6 was not specified then Var will be set to one position past the end of the searched dimension. If expression6 did specify the order of the elements then Var will be set to the position before which the element should be inserted to retain the specified order. The statement must include one of or both of the THEN and ELSE clauses. If expression1 is found in an element of the dynamic array, it executes the statements defined by the THEN clause. If expression1 is not found in an element of the dynamic array, it executes the statements defined by the ELSE clause. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the LOCATE statement is used in International Mode, the statement will use the currently configured locale to determine the rules by which each string is considered less than or greater than the other will. NOTES See also: FIND, FINDSTR EXAMPLES 221 Name = "Nelson" LOCATE Name IN ForeNames BY "AL" SETTING Pos ELSE INS Name BEFORE ForeNames END 222 LOCK The LOCK statement will attempt to set an execution lock thus preventing any other jBASE BASIC program that respects that lock to wait until this program has released it. COMMAND SYNTAX LOCK expression {THEN|ELSE statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression should evaluate to a numeric value between 0 and 255 (63 in R83 import mode). The statement will execute the THEN clause (if defined) providing the lock could be taken. If another program holds the LOCK and an ELSE clause is provided then the statements defined by the ELSE clause are executed. If no ELSE clause was provided with the statement then it will block (hang) until the other program has released the lock. NOTES See also: UNLOCK. If you used the environment variable JBASE BASICEMULATE set to r83, to compile the program the number of execution locks is limited to 64. If an execution lock greater than this number is specified, the actual lock taken is the specified number modulo 64. EXAMPLES LOCK 32 ELSE CRT "This program is already executing!" STOP END 223 LOOP The LOOP construct allows the programmer to specify loops with multiple exit conditions. COMMAND SYNTAX LOOP statements1 WHILE|UNTIL expression DO statements2 REPEAT SYNTAX ELEMENTS statements1 and statements2 consist of any number of standard statements include the LOOP statement itself, thus allowing nested loops. statements1 will always be executed at least once, after which the WHILE or UNTIL clause is evaluated. expression is tested for Boolean TRUE/FALSE by either the WHILE clause or the UNTIL clause. When tested by the WHILE clause statements2 will only be executed if expression is Boolean TRUE. When tested by the UNTIL clause, statements2 will only be executed if the expression evaluates to Boolean FALSE. REPEAT causes the loop to start again with the first statement following the LOOP statement. NOTES See also: BREAK, CONTINUE EXAMPLES LOOP WHILE B < Max DO Var = B++ *6 REPEAT LOOP CRT "+": WHILE READNEXT KEY FROM List DO READ Record FROM FILE, KEY ELSE CONTINUE Record<1> *= 6 REPEAT CRT 224 LOWER The LOWER function lowers system delimiters in a string to the next lowest delimiter. COMMAND SYNTAX LOWER(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression is a string containing one or more delimiters, lowered as follows: ASCIICharacter Lowered To 255 254 254 253 253 252 252 251 251 250 250 249 249 248 EXAMPLE ValuemarkDelimitedVariable = LOWER(AttributeDelimitedVariable) 225 MAKETIMESTAMP Generate a timestamp using combination of internal date, time and timezone. COMMAND SYNTAX MAKETIMESTAMP(InternalDate, InternalTime, TimeZone) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Use the MAKETIMESTAMP function to generate a timestamp using a specified time zone. The internal date and internal time values are combined together with the time zone specification to return a UTC timestamp as decimal seconds. 226 MAT Use the MAT command to either assign every element in a specified array to a single value or to assign the entire contents of one array to another. COMMAND SYNTAX MAT Array = expression MAT Array1 = MAT Array2 SYNTAX ELEMENTS Array, Array1 and Array2 are all pre-dimensioned arrays declared with the DIM statement. Expression can evaluate to any data type. NOTES If any element of the array Array2 has not been assigned a value then a runtime error message will occur. This can be avoided by coding the statement MAT Array2 = " after the DIM statement. EXAMPLES 001 DIM A(45), G(45) 002 MAT G = "Array value" 003 MAT A = MAT G 227 MATBUILD Use the MATBUILD statement to create a dynamic array out of a dimensioned array. COMMAND SYNTAX MATBUILD variable FROM array{, expression1{, expression2}} {USING expression3} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable is the jBASE BASIC variable into which the created dynamic array will be stored. Array is a previously dimensioned and assigned matrix from which the dynamic array will be created. expression1 and expression2 should evaluate to numeric integers. expression1 specifies which element of the array the extraction will start with; expression2 specifies which element of the array the extraction will end with (inclusive). By default, each array element is separated in the dynamic array by a field mark. By specifying expression3, the separator character can be changed. If expression3 evaluates to more than a single character, only the first character of the string is used. NOTES When specifying starts and end positions with multi-dimensional arrays, it is necessary to expand the matrix into its total number of variables to calculate the correct element number. See the information about dimensioned arrays earlier in this chapter for detailed instructions on calculating element numbers. EXAMPLES DIM A(40) MATBUILD Dynamic FROM A,3,7 USING ":" Builds a 5 element string separated by a : character. MATBUILD Dynamic FROM A Builds a field mark separated dynamic array from every element contained in the matrix A. 228 MATCHES The MATCH or MATCHES function applies pattern matching to an expression. INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the MATCHES statement in International Mode, the statement will use the currently configured locale to determine the properties according to the Unicode Standard for each character in the expression. i.e., is the character alpha or numeric? COMMAND SYNTAX expression1 MATCHES expression2 SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 may evaluate to any type. expression2 should evaluate to a valid pattern matching string as described below. expression1 is then matched to the pattern supplied and a value of Boolean TRUE is returned if the pattern is matched. A value of Boolean FALSE is returned if the pattern is not matched. expression2 can contain any number of patterns to match those separated by value marks. The value mark implies a logical OR of the specified patterns and the match will evaluate to Boolean TRUE if expression1 matches any of the specified patterns. NOTES The rule table shown below shows construction of pattern matching strings (n refers to any integer number). Pattern Explanation nN this construct matches a sequence of n digits nA this construct matches a sequence of n alpha characters nC this construct matches a sequence of n alpha characters or digits nX this construct matches a sequence of any characters "string" This construct matches the character sequence string exactly. Applies the pattern to all characters in expression1 and it must match all characters in the expression to evaluate as Boolean TRUE. Specify the integer value n as 0. This will cause the pattern to match any number of characters of the specified type. EXAMPLES IF Var MATCHES "0N" THEN CRT "A match!" Matches if all characters in Var are numeric or Var is a null string. IF Var MATCHES "0N'.'2N"... 229 Matches if Var contains any number of numerics followed by the “.” character followed by 2 numeric characters. e.g. 345.65 or 9.99 Pattern = "4X':'6N';'2A" Matched = Serno MATCHES Pattern Matches if the variable Serno consists of a string of 4 arbitrary characters followed by the ":" character then 6 numerics then the ";" character and then 2 alphabetic characters. e.g. 1.2.:123456;AB or 17st:456789;FB 230 MATCHFIELD COMMAND SYNTAX MATCHFIELD (string, pattern, field) DESCRIPTION Use the MATCHFIELD function to check a string against a match pattern: See also: MATCH operator for information about pattern matching. field is an expression that evaluates to the portion of the match string to be returned. If string matches pattern, the MATCHFIELD function returns the portion of string that matches the specified field in pattern. If string does not match pattern, or if string or pattern evaluates to the null value, the MATCHFIELD function returns an empty string. If field evaluates to the null value, the MATCHFIELD function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error. pattern must contain specifiers to cover all characters contained in string. For example, the following statement returns an empty string because not all parts of string are specified in the pattern: MATCHFIELD ("XYZ123AB", "3X3N", 1) To achieve a positive pattern match on the string above, use the following statement: MATCHFIELD ("XYZ123AB", "3X3N0X", 1) This statement returns a value of "XYZ". EXAMPLES In the following example, the string does not match the pattern: In the following example, the entire string does not match the pattern: Source Lines Program Output Q=MATCHFIELD("AA123BBB9","2A0N3A0N",3) PRINT "Q= ",Q Q= BBB ADDR='20 GREEN ST. NATICK, MA.,01234' ZIP=MATCHFIELD(ADDR,"0N0X5N",3) PRINT "ZIP= ",ZIP ZIP= 01234 INV='PART12345 BLUE AU' 231 COL=MATCHFIELD(INV,"10X4A3X",2) PRINT "COL= ",COL COL= BLUE Source Lines Program Output XYZ=MATCHFIELD('ABCDE1234',"2N3A4N",1) PRINT "XYZ= ",XYZ XYZ= Source Lines Program Output ABC=MATCHFIELD('1234AB',"4N1A",2) PRINT "ABC= ",ABC ABC= 232 MATPARSE Use the MATPARSE statement to assign the elements of a matrix from the elements of a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX MATPARSE array{, expression1{, expression2}} FROM variable1 {USING expression3} SETTING variable2 SYNTAX ELEMENTS array is a previously dimensioned matrix, which will be assigned to from each element of the dynamic array. variable1 is the jBASE BASIC variable from which the matrix array will be stored. expression1 and expression2 should evaluate to numeric integers. expression1 specifies which element of the array the assignment will start with; expression2 specifies which element of the array the assignment will end with (inclusive). By default, the dynamic array assumes the use of a field mark to separate each array element. By specifying expression3, the separator character can be changed. If expression3 evaluates to more than a single character, only the first character of the string is used. As assignment will stop when the contents of the dynamic array have been exhausted, it can be useful to determine the number of matrix elements that were actually assigned to. If the SETTING clause is specified then variable2 will be set to the number of elements of the array that were assigned to. NOTES When specifying starts and end positions with multi-dimensional arrays, it is necessary to expand the matrix into its total number of variables to calculate the correct element number. See the information about dimensioned arrays earlier in this section for detailed instructions on calculating element numbers. EXAMPLE DIM A(40) MATPARSE A,3,7 FROM Dynamic Assign 5 elements of the array starting at element 3. 233 MATREAD The MATREAD statement allows a record stored in a jBASE file to be read and mapped directly into a dimensioned array. COMMAND SYNTAX MATREAD array FROM {variable1,}expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} {LOCKED statements} {THEN|ELSE statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS array should be a previously dimensioned array, which will be used to store the record to be read. If specified, variable1 should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable1 is not specified then the default file is assumed. The expression should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. If no record is found and can be read from the file then it is mapped into the array and executes the THEN statements (if any). If the record cannot be read from the file then array is unchanged and executes the ELSE statements (if any). If the record could not be read because another process already had a lock on the record then one of two actions is taken. If the LOCKED clause was specified in the statement then the statements dependent on it are executed. If no LOCKED clause was specified then the statement blocks (hangs) until the other process releases the lock. If a LOCKED clause is used and the read is successful, a lock will be set. If the SETTING clause is specified, setvar will be set to the number of fields in the record on a successful read. If the read fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, it executes the statements following the ON ERROR clause for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES The record is mapped into the array using a predefined algorithm. The record is expected to consist of a number of Field separated records, which are then assigned one at a time to each successive element of the matrix. See the notes on matrix organization earlier in this section for details of multi dimensional arrays. 234 If there were more fields in the record than elements in the array, then the final element of the array will be assigned all remaining fields. If there were fewer fields in the record than elements in the array then remaining array elements will be assigned a null value. Note that if multi-values are read into an array element they will then be referenced individually as: Array(n)<1,m> not Array(n) EXAMPLES MATREAD Xref FROM CFile, "XREF" ELSE MAT Xref = " MATREAD Ind FROM IFile, "INDEX" ELSE MAT Ind = 0 MATREAD record FROM filevar, id SETTING val ON ERROR PRINT "Error number ":val:" occurred which prevented record from being read." STOP END THEN PRINT 'Record read successfully' END ELSE PRINT 'Record not on file' END PRINT "Number of attributes in record = ": val 235 MATREADU The MATREADU statement allows a record stored in a jBASE file to be read and mapped directly into a dimensioned array. The record will also be locked for update by the program. COMMAND SYNTAX MATREADU array FROM { variable1,}expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} {LOCKED statements} {THEN|ELSE statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS array should be a previously dimensioned array, which will be used to store the record to be read. If specified, variable1 should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable1 is not specified then the default file is assumed. The expression should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. If found, the record can be read from the file then it is mapped into array and executes the THEN statements (if any). If the record cannot be read from the file for some reason then array is unchanged and executes the ELSE statements (if any). If the record could not be read because another process already had a lock on the record then one of two actions is taken. If the LOCKED clause was specified in the statement then the statements dependent on it are executed. If no LOCKED clause was specified then the statement blocks (hangs) until the other process releases the lock. If the SETTING clause is specified, setvar will be set to the number of fields in the record on a successful read. If the read fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES The record is mapped into the array using a predefined algorithm. The record is expected to consist of a number of Field separated records, which are then assigned one at a time to each successive element of the matrix. See the notes on matrix organization earlier in this section for details of the layout of multi dimensional arrays. If there were more fields in the record than elements in the array, then the final element of the array will be assigned all remaining fields. If there were fewer fields in the record than elements in the array then remaining array elements will be assigned a null value. 236 NOTE: that if multi-values are read into an array element they will then be referenced individually as: Array(n)<1,m> not Array(n) EXAMPLES MATREADU Xref FROM CFile, "XREF" ELSE MAT Xref = " MATREADU Ind FROM IFile, "INDEX" LOCKED GOSUBInformUserLock ;* Say it is locked END THEN GOSUB InformUserOk ;* Say we got it END ELSE MAT Ind = 0 ;* It was not there END MATREADU record FROM filevar, id SETTING val ON ERROR PRINT "Error number ":val:" occurred which prevented record from being read." STOP END LOCKED PRINT "Record is locked" END THEN PRINT 'Record read successfully' END ELSE PRINT 'Record not on file' END PRINT "Number of attributes in record = ": val 237 MATWRITE The MATWRITE statement transfers the entire contents of a dimensioned array to a specified record on disc. COMMAND SYNTAX MATWRITE array ON { variable,}expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS array should be a previously dimensioned and initialized array. If specified, variable should be a previously opened file variable (i.e. the subject of an OPEN statement). If variable is not specified the default file variable is used. expression should evaluate to the name of the record in the file. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write succeeds, setvar will be set to the number of attributes read into array. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES The compiler will check that the variable specified is a dimensioned array before its use in the statement. EXAMPLES DIM A(8) MAT A = 99 .... MATWRITE A ON "NewArray" SETTING ErrorCode ON ERROR CRT "Error: ":ErrorCode:" Record could not be written." END ... MATWRITE A ON RecFile, "OldArray" 238 MATWRITEU The MATWRITEU statement transfers the entire contents of a dimensioned array to a specified record on file, in the same manner as the MATWRITE statement. An existing record lock will be preserved. COMMAND SYNTAX MATWRITEU array ON { variable,}expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS array should be a previously dimensioned and initialized array. If specified, variable should be a previously opened file variable (i.e. the subject of an OPEN statement). If variable is not specified the default file variable is used. expression should evaluate to the name of the record in the file. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write succeeds, setvar will be set to the number of attributes read into array. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES The compiler will check that the variable specified is indeed a dimensioned array before its use in the statement. EXAMPLES DIM A(8) MAT A = 99 .... MATWRITEU A ON "NewArray" 239 MAXIMUM The MAXIMUM function is used to return the element of a dynamic array with the highest numerical value. COMMAND SYNTAX MAXIMUM(DynArr) SYNTAX ELEMENTS DynArr should evaluate to a dynamic array. NOTES Null dynamic array elements are treat as zero. Non-numeric dynamic array elements are ignored. See also: MINIMUM. EXAMPLE If EResults is a variable containing the dynamic array: 1.45032:@AM:-3.60441:@VM:4.29445:@AM:2.00042:@SM:-3.90228 the code: PRECISION 5 CRT = MAXIMUM(EResults) displays 4.29445 240 MINIMUM The MINIMUM function is used to return the element of a dynamic array with the lowest numerical value. COMMAND SYNTAX MINIMUM(DynArr) SYNTAX ELEMENTS DynArr should evaluate to a dynamic array. NOTES Null dynamic array elements are treat as zero. Non-numeric dynamic array elements are ignored. See also: MAXIMUM. EXAMPLE If EResults is a variable containing the dynamic array: 1.45032:@AM:-3.60851:@VM:4.29445:@AM:2.07042:@SVM:-3.90258 the code: PRECISION 3 CRT = MINIMUM(EResults) displays -3.903 241 MOD The MOD function returns the arithmetic modulo of two numeric expressions. COMMAND SYNTAX MOD (expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Both expression1 and expression2 should evaluate to numeric expressions or a runtime error will occur. NOTES The remainder of expression1 divided by expression2 calculates the modulo. If expression2 evaluates to 0, then the value of expression1 is returned. EXAMPLES FOR I = 1 TO 10000 IF MOD (I, 1000) = 0 THEN CRT "+": NEXT I displays a "+" on the screen every 1000 iterations 242 MODS Use the MODS function to create a dynamic array of the remainder after the integer division of corresponding elements of two dynamic arrays. COMMAND SYNTAX MODS (array1, array2) The MODS function calculates each element according to the following formula: XY.element = X ??(INT (X / Y) * Y) X is an element of array1 and Y is the corresponding element of array2. The resulting element is returned in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, 0 is returned. If an element of array2 is 0, 0 is returned. If either of a corresponding pair of elements is null, null is returned for that element. EXAMPLE A=3:@VM:7 B=2:@SM:7:@VM:4 PRINT MODS (A,B) The output of this program is: 1\0]3 243 MSLEEP Allows the program to pause execution for a specified number of milliseconds COMMAND SYNTAX MSLEEP {milliseconds} SYNTAX ELEMENTS milliseconds must be an integer, which, specifies the number of milliseconds to sleep. When there are no parameters assumes a default time of 1 millisecond. NOTES If the debugger is invoked while a program is sleeping and then execution continued, the user will be prompted: Continue with SLEEP (Y/N) ? If "N" is the response, the program will continue at the next statement after the MSLEEP See also: SLEEP to sleep for a specified number of seconds or until a specified time. EXAMPLES Sleep for 1/10th of a second... MSLEEP 100 * * 40 winks... MSLEEP 40000 244 MULS See also: Floating point Operations Use the MULS function to create a dynamic array of the element-by-element multiplication of two dynamic arrays. COMMAND SYNTAX MULS (array1, array2) Each element of array1 is multiplied by the corresponding element of array2 with the result being returned in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, 0 is returned. If either of a corresponding pair of elements is null, null is returned for that element. EXAMPLE A=1:@VM:2:@VM:3:@SM:4 B=4:@VM:5:@VM:6:@VM:9 PRINT MULS (A,B) The output of this program is: 4]10]18\0]0 245 NEGS Use the NEGS function to return the negative values of all the elements in a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX NEGS (dynamic.array) If the value of an element is negative, the returned value is positive. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, null is returned. If any element is null, null is returned for that element. 246 NES Use the NES function to determine whether elements of one dynamic array are equal to the elements of another dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX NES (array1, array2) Each element of array1 is compared with the corresponding element of array2. If the two elements are equal, a 0 is returned in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If the two elements are not equal, a 1 is returned. If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, a 1 is returned. If either of a corresponding pair of elements is null, null is returned for that element. 247 NOBUF Use the NOBUF statement to turn off buffering for a file previously opened for sequential processing. COMMAND SYNTAX NOBUF file.variable {THEN statements [ELSE statements] | ELSE statements} DESCRIPTION jBASE can buffer for sequential input and output operations. The NOBUF statement turns off this behavior and causes all writes to the file to be performed immediately. The NOBUF statement should be used in conjunction with a successful OPENSEQ statement and before any input or output is performed on the record. If the NOBUF operation is successful, it executes the THEN statements otherwise, executes the ELSE statements. If file.variable is not a valid file descriptor then NOBUF statement fails and the program enters the debugger. EXAMPLE In the following example, if RECORD in DIRFILE can be opened, output buffering is turned off: OPENSEQ 'DIRFILE', 'RECORD' TO DATA THEN NOBUF DATA ELSE ABORT 248 NOT The NOT function is used to invert the Boolean value of an expression. It is useful for explicitly testing for a false condition. COMMAND SYNTAX NOT (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to any Boolean result. NOTES The NOT function will return Boolean TRUE if the expression returned a Boolean FALSE. It will return Boolean FALSE of the expression returned a Boolean TRUE. The NOT function is useful for explicitly testing for the false condition of some test and can clarify the logic of such a test. EXAMPLES EQU Sunday TO NOT (MOD (DATE(), 7)) IF Sunday THEN CRT "It is Sunday!" END In this example, the expression MOD (DATE(),7) will return 0 (FALSE) if the day is Sunday and 1 to 6 (TRUE) for the other days. To explicitly test for the day Sunday we need to invert the result of the expression. BY using the NOT function we return a 1 (TRUE) if the day is Sunday and 0 (FALSE) for all other values of the expression. 249 NOTS Use the NOTS function to return a dynamic array of the logical complements of each element of dynamic.array. COMMAND SYNTAX NOTS (dynamic.array) If the value of the element is true, the NOTS function returns a value of false (0) in the corresponding element of the returned array. If the value of the element is false, the NOTS function returns a value of true (1) in the corresponding element of the returned array. A numeric expression that evaluates to 0 has a logical value of false. A numeric expression that evaluates to anything else, other than the null value, is a logical true. An empty string is logically false. All other string expressions, including strings, which consist of an empty string, spaces, or the number 0 and spaces, are logically true. If any element in dynamic.array is null, it returns null for that element. EXAMPLE X=5; Y=5 PRINT NOTS X-Y:@VM:X+Y) The output of this program is: 1]0 250 NULL The NULL statement performs no function but can be useful in clarifying syntax and where the language requires a statement but the programmer does not wish to perform any actions. COMMAND SYNTAX NULL SYNTAX ELEMENTS None EXAMPLES LOCATE A IN B SETTING C ELSE NULL 251 NUM Use the NUM function to test arguments for numeric values. COMMAND SYNTAX NUM (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to any data type. NOTES If found that every character in expression is numeric then NUM returns a value of Boolean TRUE If any character in expression is found not to be numeric then a value of Boolean FALSE is returned. Note that to execute user code migrated from older systems correctly, the NUM function will accept both a null string and the single characters ".", "+", and "-" as being numeric. NOTE: if running jBASE BASIC in ros emulation the "." , "+" and "-" characters would not be considered numeric. EXAMPLE LOOP INPUT Answer,1 IF NUM (Answer) THEN BREAK ;* Exit loop if numeric REPEAT 252 NUMS Use the NUMS function to determine whether the elements of a dynamic array are numeric or nonnumeric strings. COMMAND SYNTAX NUMS (dynamic.array) If an element is numeric, a numeric string, or an empty string, it evaluates to true, and returns a value of 1 to the corresponding element in a new dynamic array. If the element is a nonnumeric string, it evaluates to false, and returns a value of 0. The NUMS of a numeric element with a decimal point ( . ) evaluates to true; the NUMS of a numeric element with a comma ( , ) or dollar sign ( $ ) evaluates to false. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If an element of dynamic.array is null, it returns null for that element. INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the NUMS function in International Mode, the statement will use the Unicode Standard to determine whether an expression is numeric. 253 OBJEXCALLBACK jBASE OBjEX provides the facility to call a subroutine from a front-end program written in a tool that supports OLE, such as Delphi or Visual Basic. The OBJEXCALLBACK statement allows communication between the subroutine and the calling OBjEX program. COMMAND SYNTAX OBJEXCALLBACK expression1, expression2 THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 and expression2 can contain any data. They are returned to the OBjEX program where they are defined as variants. If the subroutine containing the OBJEXCALLBACK statement is not called from an OBjEX program (using the Call Method) then the ELSE clause will be taken. NOTES The OBJEXCALLBACK statement is designed to allow jBASE BASIC subroutines to temporarily return to the calling environment to handle exception conditions or prompt for additional information. After servicing this event, the code should return control to the jBASE BASIC program to ensure that the proper clean up operations are eventually made. The two parameters can be used to pass data between the jBASE BASIC and OBjEX environments in both directions. They are defined as Variants in the OBjEX environment and as normal variables in the jBASE BASIC environment. See the OBjEX documentation for more information. EXAMPLE param1 = "SomeActionCode" param2 = ProblemItem OBJEXCALLBACK param1, param2 THEN * this routine was called from ObjEX END ELSE * this routine was not called from ObjEX END 254 OCONV Use the OCONV statement to convert internal representations of data to their external form. COMMAND SYNTAX OCONV (expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 may evaluate to any data type but must be relevant to the conversion code. expression2 should evaluate to a conversion code from the list below. Alternatively, expression2 may evaluate to a user exit known to the jBASE BASIC language or supplied by the user. INTERNATIONAL MODE Description of date, time, number and currency conversions when used in ICONV and International Mode NOTES OCONV will return the result of the conversion of expression1 by expression2. Shown below are valid conversion codes: Conversion Action D{n{c}} Converts an internal date to an external date format. The numeric argument n specifies the field width allowed for the year and can be 0 to 4 (default 4). The character c causes the date to be return in the form ddcmmcyyyy. If it is not specified the month name is return in abbreviated form. DI Allow the conversion of an external date to the internal format even though an output conversion is expected. DD Returns the day in the current month. DM Returns the number of the month in the year. DMA Returns the name of the current month. DJ Returns the number of the day in the year (0-366). DQ Returns the quarter of the year as a number 1 to 4 DW Returns the day of the week as a number 1 to 7 (Monday is 1). DWA Returns the name of the day of the week. DY{n} Returns the year in a field of n characters. F Given a prospective filename for a command such as CREATE-FILE this conversion will return a filename that is acceptable to the version of UNIX jBASE is running on. MCA Removes all but alphabetic characters from the input string. MC/A Removes all but the NON-alphabetic characters in the input string. MCN Removes all but numeric characters in the input string MC/N Removes all but NON numeric characters in the input string 255 Conversion Action MCB Returns just the alphabetic and numeric characters from the input string MC/B Remove the alphabetic and numeric characters from their input string. MCC;s1;s2 Replaces all occurrences of string s1 with string s2 MCL Converts all upper case characters in the string to lower case characters MCU Converts all lower case characters in the string to upper case characters. MCT Capitalizes each word in the input string; e.g. JIM converts to Jim MCP{c} Converts all non-printable characters to a period character "." in the input string. When supplied use the character "c" in place of the period. MCPN{n} In the same manner as the MCP conversion, it replaces all non-printable characters. The ASCII hexadecimal value follows the replacing character. MCNP{n} Performs the opposite conversion to MCPN. The ASCII hexadecimal value following the tilde character converts to its original binary character value. MCDX Converts the decimal value in the input string to its hexadecimal equivalent. MCXD Converts the hexadecimal value in the input string to its decimal equivalent. Gncx Extracts x groups separated by character c skipping n groups, from the input string. MT{HS} Performs time conversions. MD Converts the supplied integer value to a decimal value. MP Converts a packed decimal number to an integer value. MX Converts ASCII input to hexadecimal characters. T Performs file translations given a cross-reference table in a record in a file. 256 OCONVS Use the OCONVS function to convert the elements of dynamic.array to a specified format for external output. COMMAND SYNTAX OCONVS (dynamic.array, conversion) Converts the elements to the external output format specified by conversion and returned in a dynamic array conversion must evaluate to one or more conversion codes separated by value marks (ASCII 253). If multiple codes are used, they are applied from left to right as follows: the left-most conversion code is applied to the element, the next conversion code to the right is then applied to the result of the first conversion, and so on. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If any element of dynamic.array is null, it returns null for that element. If conversion evaluates to null, the OCONVS function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. The STATUS function reflects the result of the conversion: 0 The conversion is successful. 1 Passes an invalid element to the OCONVS function; the original element is returned. If the invalid element is null, it returns null for that element. 2 The conversion code is invalid. For information about converting elements in a dynamic array to an internal format See also: ICONVS function. INTERNATIONAL MODE Description of date, time, number and currency conversions when used in ICONV and International Mode 257 ONGOTO The ON...GOSUB and ON...GOTO statements are used to transfer program execution to a label based upon a calculation. COMMAND SYNTAX ON expression GOTO label{, label...} ON expression GOSUB label{, label...} SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to an integer numeric value. Labels should be defined somewhere in the current source file. ON GOTO will transfer execution to the labeled source code line in the program. ON GOSUB will transfer execution to the labeled subroutine within the source code. NOTES Use the value of expression as an index to the list of labels supplied. If the expression evaluates to 1 then the first label will be jumped to, 2 then the second label will be used and so on. If the program was compiled when the emulation included the setting generic_pick = true, then no validations are performed on the index to see if it is valid. Therefore, if the index is out of range this instruction will take no action and report no error. If the program was compiled for other emulations then the index will be range checked. If found that the index is less than 1, it is assumed to be 1 and a warning message is issued If the index is found to be too big, then the last label in the list will be used to transfer execution and a warning message issued. EXAMPLE INPUT Ans,1_ ON SEQ (Ans)-SEQ(A)+1 GOSUB RoutineA, RoutineB... 258 OPEN Use the OPEN statement to open a file or device to a descriptor variable within jBASE BASIC. COMMAND SYNTAX OPEN {expression1,}expression2 TO {variable} {SETTING setvar} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS The combination of expression1 and expression2 should evaluate to a valid file name of a file type that already installed on the jBASE system. If the file has a dictionary section to be opened by the statement then specify by the literal string "DICT" being specified in expression1. If specified, the variable will be used to hold the descriptor for the file. It should then be to access the file using READ and WRITE. If no file descriptor variable is supplied, then the file will be opened to the default file descriptor. Specific data sections of a multi level file may specified by separating the section name from the file name by a "," char in expression2. If the OPEN statement fails it will execute any statements associated with an ELSE clause. If the OPEN is successful, it will execute any statements associated with a THEN clause. Note that the syntax requires either one or both of the THEN and ELSE clauses. If specifying the SETTING clause and the open fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES: The OPEN statement uses the environment variable JEDIFILEPATH to search for the named file. If there is no defined named file, it will search the current working directory followed by the home directory of the current process. The file that is the subject of the OPEN statement can be of any type known to the jBASE system. Its type will be determined and correctly opened transparently to the application, which need not be aware of the file type. A jBASE BASIC program can open an unlimited amount of files. EXAMPLES OPEN "DICT", "CUSTOMERS" TO F.Dict.Customers ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT CUSTOMERS" END 259 opens the dictionary section of file CUSTOMERS to its own file descriptor F.Dict.Customers. OPEN "CUSTOMERS" ELSE ABORT 201, "CUSTOMERS" opens the CUSTOMERS file to the default file variable. 260 OPENDEV Opens a device (or file) for sequential writing and/or reading COMMAND SYNTAX OPENDEV Device TO FileVar { LOCKED statements } THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Device specifies the target device or file FileVar contains the file descriptor of the file when the open was successful Statements conditional jBASE BASIC statements NOTES If the device does not exist or cannot be opened it executes the ELSE clause. Once open it takes a lock on the device. If the lock cannot be taken then the LOCKED clause is executed if it exists otherwise the ELSE clause is executed. The specified device can be a regular file, pipe or special device file. Regular file types only take locks. Once open the file pointer is set to the first line of sequential data. EXAMPLE OPENDEV "\\.\TAPE0" TO tape.drive ELSE STOP Opens the Windows default tape drive and prepares it for sequential processing. For more information on sequential processing, see READSEQ, WRITESEQ the sequential processing example. 261 OPENINDEX The OPENINDEX statement is used to open a particular index definition for a particular file. This index file variable can later be used with the SELECT statement. COMMAND SYNTAX OPENINDEX filename,indexname TO indexvar {SETTING setvar} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS filename should correspond to a valid file which has at least one index. indexname should correspond to an index created for the filename. indexvar is the variable that holds the descriptor for the index. If the OPEN statement fails it will execute any statements associated with an ELSE clause. If the OPEN is successful it will execute any statements associated with a THEN clause. Note that the syntax requires either one or both of the THEN and ELSE clauses. If the SETTING clause is specified and the open fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: EXAMPLES OPENINDEX "CUSTOMER","IXLASTNAME" TO custlastname.ix SETTING errval ELSE CRT "OPENINDEX failed for file CUSTOMER, index IXLASTNAME" ABORT END 262 OPENPATH Use the OPENPATH statement to open a file (given an absolute or relative path) to a descriptor variable within jBASE BASIC. See also: the OPEN statement. COMMAND SYNTAX OPENPATH expression1 TO {variable} {SETTING setvar} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Expression1 should be an absolute or relative path to the file including the name of the file to be opened. If specified, variable will be used to hold the descriptor for the file. It should then be to access the file using READ and WRITE. If no file descriptor variable is supplied, then the file will be opened to the default file descriptor. If the OPENPATH statement fails it will execute any statements associated with an ELSE clause. If successful, the OPENPATH will execute any statements associated with a THEN clause. Note that the syntax requires either one or both of the THEN and ELSE clauses. If the SETTING clause is specified and the open fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES The path specified may be either a relative or an absolute path and must include the name of the jBASE file being opened. The file that is the subject of the OPENPATH statement can be of any type known to the jBASE system. Its type will be determined and correctly opened transparently to the application, which need not be aware of the file type. A jBASE BASIC program can open an unlimited amount of files. EXAMPLES OPENPATH "C:\Home\CUSTOMERS" TO F.Customers ELSE ABORT 201, "CUSTOMERS" END opens the file CUSTOMERS (located in C:\Home) to its own file descriptor F.Customers OPEN "F:\Users\data\CUSTOMERS" ELSE ABORT 201, "CUSTOMERS" 263 opens the CUSTOMERS file (located in F:\Users\data) to the default file variable. 264 OPENSEQ Opens a file for sequential writing and/or reading COMMAND SYNTAX OPENSEQ Path{,File} {READONLY} TO FileVar { LOCKED statements } THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Path specifies the relative or absolute path of the target directory or file File specifies additional path information of the target file FileVar contains the file descriptor of the file when the open was successful Statements conditional jBASE BASIC statements NOTES If the file does not exist or cannot be opened it then executes the ELSE clause. However, if JBASICEMULATE is set for Sequoia (use value "seq") emulation then OPENSEQ will create the file if it does not exist. This behavior can also be achieved by specifying "openseq_creates = true" in Config_EMULATE for the emulation being used. Once open a lock is taken on the file. If the lock cannot be taken then the LOCKED clause is executed if it exists otherwise the ELSE clause is executed. If specified the READONLY process takes a read lock on the file, otherwise it takes a write lock. The specified file can be a regular, pipe or special device file. Locks are only taken on regular file types. Once open the file pointer is set to the first line of sequential data. SEQUENTIAL FILE PROCESSING EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 This program uses sequential processing to create (write to)an ASCII text file * from a jBASE hashed file. It illustrates the use of the commands: * OPENSEQ, WRITESEQ, WEOFSEQ, CLOSESEQ * * First, let's set the destination directory and file path Path = "d:\temp\textfile" * * Open the destination file path. If it does not exist it will be created. 265 * Note that "openseq_creates=true" must be set for the emulation in config_EMULATE OPENSEQ Path TO MyPath THEN CRT "The file already exists and we don't want to overwrite it." END ELSE CRT "File is being created..." END * * Open the jBASE file OPEN "FileName" TO jBaseFile ELSE STOP SELECT jBaseFile ;* Process all records * * Now, let's loop thru each item and build the ASCII text file. LOOP WHILE READNEXT ID DO READ MyRec FROM jBaseFile, ID THEN Line = "" * * Process MyRec and build the Line variable with the information to be * written to the ASCII text file. jBASE automatically takes care of the * end-of-line delimiters in this case a cr/lf is appended to the end * of each line However, this can be changed with the IOCTL() function .* WRITESEQ Line TO MyPath ELSE CRT "What happened to the file?" 266 STOP END END REPEAT * * Wrapup WEOFSEQ MyPath CLOSESEQ MyPath EXAMPLE 2 This program uses sequential processing to read from an ASCII text file * and write to a jBASE hashed file. It illustrates the use of the commands: * OPENSEQ, READSEQ, CLOSESEQ * * First, let's define the path where the sequential file resides. Path = "d:\temp\textfile" * * Open the file. If it does not exist an error will be produced. OPENSEQ Path TO MyPath ELSE CRT "Can't find the specified directory or file." ABORT END * * Open the jBASE hashed file OPEN "FileName" TO jBaseFile ELSE STOP * * Now, let's read and process each line of the ASCII (sequential) file. LOOP READSEQ Line FROM MyPath THEN Initialize the record that will be written to the jBASE hashed file. 267 MyRec = "" * * Process the Line variable. This involves extracting the information which define the key and data of the record to be written to the base hashed * file. This will be left up to the application developer since a "line" could either be fixed length or delimited by some character such as a tab or a comma. We will assume that Key & MyRec are assembled here. * * All that's left to do is to write to the jBASE-hashed file . WRITE MyRec on jBaseFile, Key END REPEAT * * Wrapup CLOSESEQ MyPath 268 OPENSER Use the OPENSER statement to handle the Serial IO. However, the OPENSER statement has also been provided. Serial IO to the COM ports on NT and to device files, achieves this on UNIX by using the sequential file statements. In addition, you can perform certain control operations using the IOCTL function. COMMAND SYNTAX OPENSER Path,DevInfo| PIPE TO FileVar THEN | ELSE Statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Path is the pathname of the required device. DevInfo consists of the following: Baud baud rate required Flow Parity y X-ON X-OFF flow control (default) n no flow control i input flow control o output flow control e 7 bit even parity o 7 bit odd parity n 8 bit no parity, (Default) s 8 bit no parity, strip top bit PIPE specifies the file is to be opened to a PIPE for reading. NOTES The PIPE functionality allows a process to open a PIPE, once opened then the process can execute a command via the WRITESEQ/SEND statement and then received the result back via the GET/READSEQ statements. EXAMPLE FileName = "/dev/tty01s" OPENSER FileName TO File ELSE STOP 201,FileName WRITESEQ "ls -ail" ON File,"" ;* ONLY for PIPEs LOOP Terminator = CHAR (10) WaitTime = 4 GET Input SETTING Count FROM File UNTIL Terminator RETURNING TermChar 269 WAITING WaitTime THEN CRT "Get Ok, Input ":Input:" Count ":Count:"TermChar ":TermChar END ELSE CRT "Get Timed out Input ":Input:" Count ":Count:" TermChar ":TermChar END WHILE Input NE "" DO REPEAT 270 ORS Use the ORS function to create a dynamic array of the logical OR of corresponding elements of two dynamic arrays. COMMAND SYNTAX ORS (array1, array2) Each element of the new dynamic array is the logical OR of the corresponding elements of array1 and array2. If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, it assumes a false for the missing element. If both corresponding elements of array1 and array2 are null, it returns null for those elements. If one element is the null value and the other is 0 or an empty string, it returns null. If one element is the null value and the other is any value other than 0 or an empty string, it returns true. EXAMPLE A="A":@SM:0:@VM:4:@SM:1 B=0:@SM:1-1:@VM:2 PRINT ORS (A,B) The output of this program is: 1\0]1\1 271 OSBREAD The OSBREAD command reads data from a file starting at a specified byte location for a certain length of bytes, and assigns the data to a variable. COMMAND SYNTAX OSBREAD var FROM file.var [AT byte.expr] LENGTH length.expr [ON ERROR statements] OSBREAD performs an operating system block read on a UNIX or Windows file. REMINDER: Before you use OSBREAD, you must open the file by using the OSOPEN or OPENSEQ command. NOTE: jBASE uses the ASCII 0 character [CHAR (0)] as a string-end delimiter. Therefore, ASCII 0 cannot be used in any string variable within jBASE. OSBREAD converts CHAR(0) to CHAR(128) when reading a block of data. SYNTAX ELEMENTS var specifies a variable to which to assign the data read. FROM file.var specifies a file from which to read the data. AT byte.expr specifies a location in the file from which to begin reading data. If byte.expr is 0, the read begins at the beginning of the file. LENGTH length.expr specifies a length of data to read from the file, starting at byte.expr. length.expr cannot be longer than the maximum string length determined by your system configuration. ON ERROR statements specifies statements to execute if a fatal error occurs (if the file is not open, or if the file is a read-only file). If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause, the program terminates under such fatal error conditions. STATUS Function Return Values After you execute OSBREAD, the STATUS function returns either 0 or a failure code. EXAMPLES In the following example, the program statement reads 10,000 bytes of the file MYPIPE starting from the beginning of the file. The program assigns the data it reads to the variable TEST. OSBREAD Data FROM MYPIPE AT 0 LENGTH 10000 272 OSBWRITE The OSBWRITE command writes an expression to a sequential file starting at a specified byte location. COMMAND SYNTAX OSBWRITE expr {ON | TO} file.var [AT byte.expr] [NODELAY] [ON ERROR statements] OSBWRITE immediately writes a file segment out to the UNIX, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 file. You do not have to specify a length expression because the number of bytes in expr is written to the file. REMINDER: Before you use OSBWRITE, you must open the file by using the OSOPEN or OPENSEQ command. NOTE: jBASE uses the ASCII 0 character [CHAR (0)] as a string-end delimiter. Therefore, ASCII 0 cannot be used in any string variable within jBASE. If jBASE reads a string that contains CHAR(0) characters by using OSBREAD, those characters are converted to CHAR(128). OSBWRITE converts CHAR (128) back to CHAR(0) when writing a block of characters. SYNTAX ELEMENTS expr specifies the expression to write to the file. ON | TO file.var specifies the file on which to write the expression AT byte.expr If byte.expr is 0, the write begins at the beginning of the file. NODELAY forces an immediate write. ON ERROR statements specifies statements to execute if the OSBWRITE statement fails with a fatal error because the file is not open, an I/O error occurs, or jBASE cannot find the file. If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause and a fatal error occurs, the program terminates. STATUS Function Return Values After you execute OSBWRITE, the STATUS function returns either 0 or a failure code. 0 The write was successful. 1 The write failed. EXAMPLE In the following example, the program statement writes the data in MYPIPE to the opened file starting from the beginning of the file: OSBWRITE Data ON MYPIPE AT 0 273 OSCLOSE The OSCLOSE command closes a sequential file that you opened with the OSOPEN or OPENSEQ command. COMMAND SYNTAX OSCLOSE file.var [ON ERROR statements] SYNTAX ELEMENTS file.var Specifies the file to close. ON ERROR statements Specifies statements to execute if the OSCLOSE statement fails with a fatal error because the file is not open, an I/O error occurs, or jBASE cannot find the file. If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause and a fatal error occurs, the program will enter the debugger. STATUS Function Return Values After you execute OSCLOSE, the STATUS function returns either 0 or a failure code. 0 it closes the file successfully. 1 Close failed. EXAMPLE In the following example, the program statement closes the file opened to MYPIPE file variable. OSCLOSE MYPIPE 274 OSDELETE The OSDELETE command deletes a NT or UNIX file. COMMAND SYNTAX OSDELETE filename [ON ERROR statements] SYNTAX ELEMENTS filename Specifies the file to delete. filename must include the file path. If you do not specify a path, jBASE searches the current directory. ON ERROR statements Specifies statements to execute if the OSDELETE statement fails with a fatal error because the file is not open, an I/O error occurs, or jBASE cannot find the file. If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause and a fatal error occurs, the program terminates. STATUS Function Return Values After you execute OSDELETE, the STATUS function returns either 0 or a failure code. 0 It deletes the file 1 Delete failed. EXAMPLES In the following example, the program statement deletes the file ‘MYPIPE’ in the current directory: OSDELETE "MYPIPE" 275 OSOPEN The OSOPEN command opens a sequential file that does not use CHAR (10) as the line delimiter. COMMAND SYNTAX OSOPEN filename TO file.var [ON ERROR statements] {THEN | ELSE} statements [END] Read/write access mode is the default. Specify this access mode by omitting READONLY and WRITEONLY. TIP: After opening a sequential file with OSOPEN, use OSBREAD to read a block of data from the file, or OSBWRITE to write a block of data to the file. You also can use READSEQ to read a record from the file, or WRITESEQ or WRITESEQF to write a record to the file, if the file is not a named pipe. (READSEQ, WRITESEQ, WRITESEQF are line-oriented commands that use CHAR (10) as the line delimiter.) SYNTAX ELEMENTS filename Specifies the file to open. filename must include the entire path name unless the file resides in the current directory. TO file.var Specifies a variable to contain a pointer to the file. ON ERROR statements specifies statements to execute if the OSOPEN statement fails with a fatal error because the file is not open, an I/O error occurs, or JBASE cannot find the file. If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause and a fatal error occurs, the program enters the debugger. THEN statements Executes if the read is successful. ELSE statements Executes if the read is not successful or the record (or ID) does not exist EXAMPLE In the following example, the program statement opens the file ‘MYSLIPPERS’ as SLIPPERS. OSOPEN 'MYSLIPPERS' TO SLIPPERS ELSE STOP 276 OSREAD Reads an OS file. COMMAND SYNTAX OSREAD Variable FROM expression {ON ERROR Statements} {THEN | ELSE} Statements {END} SYNTAX ELEMENTS Variable - Specifies the variable to contain the data from the read. Expression - Specifies the full file path. If the file resides in the JEDIFILEPATH then just the file name is required. ON ERROR Statements - Conditional jBASE BASIC statements to execute if the OSREAD statement fails with a fatal error because the file is not open, an I/O error occurs, or jBASE cannot find the file. If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause and a fatal error occurs, the program terminates. THEN | ELSE If the OSREAD statement fails it will execute any statements associated with an ELSE clause. If the OSREAD is successful, it will execute any statements associated with a THEN clause. Note that the syntax requires either one or both of the THEN and ELSE clauses. WARNING Do not use OSREAD on large files. The jBASE BASIC OSREAD command reads an entire sequential file and assigns the contents of the file to a variable. If the file is too large for the program memory, the program aborts and generates a runtime error message. On large files, use OSBREAD or READSEQ. jBASE uses the ASCII 0 character (CHAR (0)) as a string-end delimiter. ASCII 0 is not useable within string variable in jBASE BASIC. This command converts CHAR(0) to CHAR(128) when reading a block of data. OSREAD MyFile FROM "C:\MyDirectory\MyFile" ELSE PRINT "FILE NOT FOUND" 277 OSWRITE The OSWRITE command writes the contents of an expression to a sequential file. COMMAND SYNTAX OSWRITE expr {ON | TO} filename [ON ERROR statements] NOTE: JBASE uses the ASCII 0 character [CHAR(0)] as a string-end delimiter. For this reason, you cannot use ASCII 0 in any string variable in jBASE. If jBASE reads a string with a CHAR(0) character, and then the character is converted to CHAR(128), OSWRITE converts CHAR(128) to CHAR(0) when writing a block of characters. SYNTAX ELEMENTS expr Specifies the expression to write to filename. ON | TO filename specifies the name of a sequential file to which to write. ON ERROR statements Specifies statements to execute if the OSWRITE statement fails with a fatal error because the file is not open, an I/O error occurs, or jBASE cannot find the file. If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause and a fatal error occurs, the program enters the debugger. EXAMPLE In the following example, the program segment writes the contents of FOOTWEAR to the file called "PINK" in the directory ‘/usr/local/myslippers’ OSWRITE FOOTWEAR ON "/usr/local/myslippers" 278 OUT The OUT statement is used to send raw characters to the current output device (normally the terminal). COMMAND SYNTAX OUT expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a numeric integer in the range 0 to 255, being the entire range of ASCII characters. NOTES The numeric expression is first converted to the raw ASCII character specified and then sent directly to the output advice. EXAMPLES EQUATE BELL TO OUT 7 BELL ;* Sound terminal bell FOR I = 32 TO 127; OUT I; NEXT I ;* Printable chars BELL 279 PAGE Prints any FOOTING statement, throws a PAGE and prints any heading statement on the current output device. COMMAND SYNTAX PAGE {expression} SYNTAX ELEMENTS If expression is specified it should evaluate to a numeric integer, which will cause the page number after the page throw to be set to this value. EXAMPLES HEADING "10 PAGE REPORT" FOR I = 1 TO 10 PAGE GOSUB PrintPage NEXT I 280 PAUSE The PAUSE statement allows processing to be suspended until an external event triggered by a WAKE statement from another process or a timeout occurs. COMMAND SYNTAX PAUSE {expression} SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to a timeout value, which is the maximum number of seconds to suspend the process. If expression is omitted then the PAUSE statement will cause the process to suspend until woken by the WAKE statement. I f a timeout value is specified and the suspended process is not woken by a WAKE statement then the process will continue once the timeout period has expired. If executing a WAKE statement for the process before the process executes the PAUSE statement then the PAUSE will be ignored and processing will continue until a subsequent PAUSE statement. 281 PCPERFORM PCPERFORM is synonymous with and PERFORM. PERFORM PERFORM is synonymous with and PERFORM. 282 PRECISION The PRECISION statement informs jBASE as to the number of digits of precision it uses after the decimal point in numbers. COMMAND SYNTAX PRECISION integer SYNTAX ELEMENTS integer should be in the range 0 to 9. NOTES A PRECISION statement can be specified any number of times in a source file. Only the most recently defined precision will be active at any one time. Calling programs and external subroutines do not have to be compiled at the same degree of precision, however, any changes to precision in a subroutine will not persist when control returns to the calling program. jBASE uses the maximum degree of precision allowed on the host machine in all mathematical calculations to ensure maximum accuracy. It then uses the defined precision to format the number. EXAMPLES PRECISION 6 CRT 2/3 will print the value 0.666666 (note: truncation not rounding!). 283 PRINT The PRINT statement sends data directly to the current output device, which will be either the terminal or the printer. COMMAND SYNTAX PRINT expression {, expression...} {:} SYNTAX ELEMENTS An expression can evaluate to any data type. The PRINT statement will convert the result to a string type for printing. Expressions separated by commas will be sent to the output device separated by a tab character. The PRINT statement will append a newline sequence to the final expression unless it is terminated with a colon ":" character. NOTES As the expression can be any valid expression, it may have output formatting applied to it. If a PRINTER ON statement is currently active then output will be sent to the currently assigned printer form queue. See also: SP-ASSIGN command and CRT. EXAMPLES PRINT A "L#5" PRINT @ (8,20):"Patrick": 284 PRINTER Use the PRINTER statement to control the destination of output from the PRINT statement. COMMAND SYNTAX PRINTER ON|OFF|CLOSE NOTES PRINTER ON redirects all subsequent output from the PRINT statement to the print spooler. PRINTER OFF redirects all subsequent output from the PRINT statement to the terminal device. PRINTER CLOSE will act as PRINTER OFF but in addition closes the currently active spool job created by the active PRINTER ON statement. EXAMPLES PRINTER ON;* Open a spool job FOR I =1 TO 60 PRINT "Line ":I ;* Send to printer PRINTER OFF PRINT "+": ;* Send to terminal PRINTER ON ;* Back to printer NEXT I PRINTER CLOSE ;* Allow spooler to print it 285 PRINTERR Use PRINTERR to print standard jBASE error messages COMMAND SYNTAX PRINTERR expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS Field 1 of the expression should evaluate to the numeric or string name of a valid error message in the jBASE error message file. If the error message requires parameters then these can be passed to the message as subsequent fields of the expression. INTERNATIONAL MODE When the PRINTERR statement is used in International Mode, the error message file to be used, i.e. the default “jBASICmessages” or other as configured via the error message environment variable, will be suffixed with the current locale. For example, if the currently configured locale is “fr_FR” then the statement will attempt to find the specified error message record id in the “jBASICmessages_fr_FR” error message file. If the file cannot be found then the country code will be discarded and just the language code used. i.e. the file “jBASICmessages_fr” will be used. If this file is also not found then the error message file “jBASICmessages” will be used. NOTES The PRINTERR statement is most useful for user-defined messages that have been added to the standard set. You should be very careful when typing this statement it is very similar to the PRINTER statement. Although this is not ideal, the PRINTERR statement must be supported for compatibility with older systems. EXAMPLES PRINTERR 201:CHAR (254):"CUSTOMERS" 286 PROCREAD Use PROCREAD to retrieve data passed to programs from a jCL program. COMMAND SYNTAX PROCREAD variable THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable is a valid jBASE BASIC identifier, which will be used to store the contents of the primary input buffer of the last jCL program called. If a jCL program did not initiate the program the PROCREAD will fail and executes any statements associated with an ELSE clause. If the program was initiated by a jCL program then the PROCREAD will succeed, the jCL primary input buffer will be assigned to variable and any statements associated with a THEN clause will be executed. NOTES It is recommended that the use of jCL and therefore the PROCREAD statement should be not be expanded within your application and gradually replaced with more sophisticated methods such as UNIX scripts or jBASE BASIC programs. EXAMPLE PROCREAD Primary ELSE CRT "Unable to read the jCL buffer" STOP END 287 PROCWRITE Use PROCWRITE to pass data back to the primary input buffer of a calling jCL program. COMMAND SYNTAX PROCWRITE expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to any valid data type. NOTES See also: PROCREAD EXAMPLES PROCWRITE "Success":CHAR (254):"0" 288 PROGRAM PROGRAM performs no function other than to document the source code COMMAND SYNTAX PROGRAM progname SYNTAX ELEMENTS Progname can be any string of characters. EXAMPLES PROGRAM HelpUser ! ! Start of program 289 PROMPT Used to change the PROMPT character used by terminal input commands COMMAND SYNTAX PROMPT expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression can evaluate to any printable string. NOTES The entire string is used as the prompt. The default prompt character is the question mark "?" character. EXAMPLE PROMPT "Next answer : " INPUT Answer 290 PUTENV Use PUTENV to set environment variables for the current process. COMMAND SYNTAX PUTENV (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a string of the form: EnvVarName=value where EnvVarName is the name of a valid environment variable and value is any string that makes sense to variable being set. If PUTENV function succeeds it returns a Boolean TRUE value, if it fails it will return a Boolean FALSE value. NOTES PUTENV only sets environment variables for the current process and processes spawned (say by EXECUTE) by this process. These variables are known as export only variables. See also: GETENV EXAMPLE IF PUTENV("JBASICLOGNAME=":UserName) THEN CRT "Environment configured" END 291 PWR The PWR function raises a number to the n'th power. COMMAND SYNTAX PWR (expression1, expression2) or expression1 ^ expression2 SYNTAX ELEMENTS Both expression1 and expression2 should evaluate to numeric arguments. The function will return the value of expression1 raised to the value of expression2. NOTES If expression1 is negative and expression2 is not an integer then a maths library error is displayed and the function returns the value 0. The error message displayed is: pow: DOMAIN error All calculations are performed at the maximum precision supported on the host machine and truncated to the compiled precision on completion. EXAMPLES A = 2 B = 31 CRT "2 GB is ":A^B or CRT "2 GB is": PWR (A, B) 292 QUOTE / DQUOTE / SQUOTE These three functions will put a single or double quotation mark and the beginning and end of a string. COMMAND SYNTAX QUOTE(expression) DQUOTE(expression) SQUOTE(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may be any expression that is valid in the JBASE BASIC language. NOTES The QUOTE and DQUOTE functions will enclose the value in double quotation marks. The SQUOTE function will enclose the value in single quotation marks. 293 RAISE The RAISE function raises system delimiters in a string to the next highest delimiter. COMMAND SYNTAX RAISE (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression is a string containing one or more delimiters, which are raised as follows: ASCII Character Raised To 248 249 249 250 250 251 251 252 252 253 253 254 254 255 EXAMPLE AttributeDelimitedVariable = RAISE(ValuemarkDelimitedVariable) 294 READ The READ statement allows a program to read a record from a previously opened file into a variable. COMMAND SYNTAX READ variable1 FROM { variable2,} expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier into which the record will be read. variable2, if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified then the default file is assumed. The expression should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. If the SETTING clause is specified and the read fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES If you wish to set a lock on a record, you should do so explicitly with the READU statement. EXAMPLE 1 OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" END READ Rec FROM DCusts, "Xref" THEN READ DataRec FROM Rec<7> ELSE ABORT 202, Rec<7> END END ELSE 295 ABORT 202, "Xref" END EXAMPLE 2 READ record FROM filevar, id SETTING errorNumber ON ERROR PRINT errorNumber END THEN PRINT 'Record read successfully' END ELSE PRINT 'Record not on file' END 296 READBLK Use the READBLK statement to read a block of data of a specified length from a file opened for sequential processing and assigns it to a variable. COMMAND SYNTAX READBLK variable FROM file.variable, blocksize { THEN statements [ELSE statements] | ELSE statements } The READBLK statement reads a block of data beginning at the current position in the file and continuing for blocksize bytes and assigns it to variable. The current position is reset to just beyond the last readable byte. file.variable specifies a file previously opened for sequential processing. If the data can be read from the file, the THEN statements are executed; any ELSE statements are ignored. If the file is not readable or if the end of file is encountered, the ELSE statements are executed and the THEN statements are ignored. If the ELSE statements are executed, variable is set to an empty string. If either file.variable or blocksize evaluates to null, the READBLK statement fails and the program enters the debugger. NOTE: A new line in UNIX files is one byte long, whereas in Windows NT it is two bytes long. This means that for a file with newlines, the same READBLK statement may return a different set of data depending on the operating system the file is stored under. The difference between the READSEQ statement and the READBLK statement is that the READBLK statement reads a block of data of a specified length, whereas the READSEQ statement reads a single line of data. EXAMPLE OPENSEQ 'MYSLIPPERS', 'PINK' TO FILE ELSE ABORT READBLK VAR1 FROM FILE, 50 THEN PRINT VAR1 PRINT READBLK VAR2 FROM FILE, 100 THEN PRINT VAR2 INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the READBLK statement in International Mode, care must be taken to ensure that the input variable is handled properly subsequent to the READBLK statement. The READBLK statement requires that a “bytecount” be specified, however when manipulating variables in International Mode character length rather than byte lengths are usually used and hence possible confusion or program malfunction can occur. If requiring character data convert the input variable from ‘binary/latin1’ to UTF-8 byte sequence via the UTF8 function. 297 It is recommended that the READBLK/WRITEBLK statements not be used when executing in International Mode. Similar functionality can be obtained via the READSEQ/WRITESEQ statement, which can be used to read/writecharacters a line at a time from a file. 298 READL The READL statement allows a process to read a record from a previously opened file into a variable and takes a read-only shared lock on the record. It respects all records locked with the READU statement but allows other processes using READL to share the same lock. COMMAND SYNTAX READL variable1 FROM {variable2,} expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} {LOCKED statements} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier into which the record will be read. variable2, if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement if variable2 is not specified then the default file is assumed. The expression should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. If the SETTING clause is specified and the read fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES READL takes a read-only shared record lock whereas READU takes an exclusive lock. This means that any record, which is read using READL, can also be read by another process using a READL. In other words, the lock on the record is 'shared' in that no READU lock against the same record can be taken. Similarly, if a READU takes a lock then READL will respect that lock. By comparison, a READU takes an exclusive lock in that the one process retains control over the record. The usage of READU is already well documented and understood. The usage of READL allows for an application to present a record to one or more users such that its integrity is ensured, i.e. the user(s) viewing the record can be assured that wysiwyg and that no updates to that record have been made whilst viewing the record. While it is permissible to WRITE a record that has a READL lock, the intent of READL is to permit a 'read-only' shared lock and the act of WRITEing this record would not be considered good programming practice. 299 READ takes no lock at all and does not respect any lock taken with READU or READL. In other words, a READ can be performed at any time and on any record regardless of any existing locks. Due to limitations on Windows platforms, the READL statement behaves the same as the READU statement, in other words they both take exclusive locks. If the record could not be read because another process already had a READU lock on the record then one of two actions is taken. If the LOCKED clause was specified in the statement then the statements dependent on it are executed. If no LOCKED clause was specified then the statement blocks (hangs) until the other process releases the lock. The SYSTEM (43) function can be used to determine which port has the lock. If the statement fails to read the record then any statements associated with the ELSE clause will be executed. If the statement successfully reads the record then the statements associated with any THEN clause are executed. Either or both of THEN and ELSE clauses must be specified with the statement. The lock taken by the READL statement will be released by any of the following events however, be aware that the record will not be fully released until all shared locks have been released: The same program with WRITE, WRITEV or MATWRITE statements writes to the record. The same program with the DELETE statement deletes the record. The record lock is released explicitly using the RELEASE statement. The program stops normally or abnormally. When a file is OPENed to a local file variable in a subroutine then the file is closed when the subroutine RETURNS so all locks taken on that file are released, including locks taken in a calling program. Files that are opened to COMMON variables are not closed so the locks remain intact. See also: WRITE, WRITEU, MATWRITE, MATWRITEU, RELEASE, and DELETE 300 READLIST READLIST allows the program to retrieve a previously stored list (perhaps created with the SAVELIST command), into a jBASE BASIC variable. COMMAND SYNTAX READLIST variable1 FROM expression {SETTING variable2} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the variable into which the list will be read. expression should evaluate to the name of a previously stored list to retrieve. If specified, variable2 will be set to the number of elements in the list. If the statement succeeds in retrieving the list, then the statements associated with any THEN clause will be executed. If the statement fails to find the list, then the statements associated with any ELSE clause will be executed. NOTES The READLIST statement is identical in function to the GETLIST statement. See also: DELETELIST, FORMLIST, WRITELIST EXAMPLES Find the list first READLIST MyList FROM "MyList" ELSE STOP LOOP * Loop until there are no more elements WHILE READNEXT Key FROM MyList DO ...... REPEAT 301 READNEXT READNEXT retrieves the next element in a list variable. COMMAND SYNTAX READNEXT variable1, variable2 {FROM variable3} {SETTING setvar} {THEN|ELSE statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the variable into which the next element of the list will be read. variable2 is used when the list has been retrieved externally from a SSELECT or similar jBASE command that has used an exploding sort directive. When specified, this variable will be set to the multi-value reference of the current element. For example, if the SSELECT used a BY-EXP directive on field 3 of the records in a file, the list will contain each record key in the file as many times as there are multi-values in the field. Each READNEXT instance will set variable2 to the multi-value in field 3 to which the element refers. This allows the multi-values in field 3 to be retrieved in sorted order. If variable3 is specified with the FROM clause, the READNEXT operates on the list contained in variable3. If variable3 is not specified, the default select list variable will be assumed. If the SETTING clause is specified and the read (to build the next portion of the list) fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES READNEXT can be used as an expression returning a Boolean TRUE or FALSE value. If an element is successfully read from the list, TRUE is returned. If the list was empty, FALSE is returned. See also: SELECT, extensions for secondary indexes. EXAMPLE LOOP WHILE READNEXT Key FROM RecordList DO ...... REPEAT 302 READPREV This statement is syntactically similar to the READNEXT but it works in reverse order. There are some considerations when the direction is changed from a forward search to a backward search or vice-versa. When a SELECT statement is first executed a forward direction is assumed. Therefore if a SELECT is immediately followed by a READPREV, then a change of direction is assumed. During the READNEXT or READPREV sequence a next-key pointer is kept up to date. This is the record key, or index key to use should a READNEXT be executed. During a change of direction from forward (READNEXT) to backward (READPREV) then the next record key or index key read in by the READPREV will be the one preceding the next-key pointer. When the select list is exhausted it will either point one before the start of the select list (if READPREVs have been executed) or one past the end of the select list (if READNEXTs have been executed). Thus in the event of a change of direction the very first or very last index key or record key will be used. EXAMPLE Consider the following jBASE BASIC code list = "DAVE" : : "GREG" : : "JIM" SELECT list The following table shows what happens if you do READNEXTs and READPREVs on the above code and the reasons for it. Statement executed Result of operation Comment READNEXT key ELSE key becomes "DAVE" First key in list READNEXT key ELSE key becomes "GREG" Second key in list READPREV key ELSE key becomes "DAVE" Reversed so take preceding key READPREV key ELSE Take ELSE clause The next key ptr exhausted at start. READNEXT key ELSE key becomes "DAVE" First key in list READNEXT key ELSE key becomes "GREG" Second key in list READNEXT key ELSE key becomes "JIM" Final key. Next key ptr exhausted. READPREV key ELSE key becomes "JIM" Reversed but list exhausted. READPREV key ELSE key becomes "GREG" Second key in list 303 READPREV key ELSE key becomes "DAVE" First key in list 304 READSELECT See also:READLIST. 305 READSEQ Read from a file opened for sequential access. COMMAND SYNTAX READSEQ Variable FROM FileVar THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Variable specifies the variable to contain next record from sequential file. FileVar specifies the file descriptor of the file opened for sequential access. Statements Conditional jBASE BASIC statements NOTES Each READSEQ reads a line of data from the sequentially opened file. After each READSEQ, the file pointer moves forward to the next line of data. The variable contains the line of data less the new line character from the sequential file. The default buffer size for a READSEQ is 1024 bytes. This can be changed using the IOCTL () function with the JIOCTL_COMMAND_SEQ_CHANGE_RECORDSIZE Sequential File Extensions. EXAMPLES See also: Sequential File Examples 306 READT The READT statement is used to read a range of tape devices 0-9. COMMAND SYNTAX READT variable {FROM expression} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable is the variable that will receive any data read from the tape device. expression should evaluate to an integer value in the range 0-9 and specifies from which tape channel to read data. If the FROM clause is not specified the READT will assume channel 0. If the READT fails then the statements associated with any ELSE clause will be executed. SYSTEM (0) will return the reason for the failure as follows: 1 There is no media attached to the channel 2 An end of file mark was found. NOTES A "tape" does not only refer to magnetic tape devices, but also any device that has been described to jBASE. Writing device descriptors for jBASE is beyond the scope of this manual. If no tape device has been assigned to the specified channel the jBASE debugger is entered with an appropriate message. Each instance of the READT statement will read the next record available on the device. The record size is not limited to a single tape block and the entire record will be returned whatever block size has been allocated by the T-ATT command. EXAMPLE LOOP READT TapeRec FROM 5 ELSE Reason = SYSTEM(0) IF Reason = 2 THEN BREAK ;* done CRT "ERROR"; STOP END REPEAT 307 READU The READU statement allows a program to read a record from a previously opened file into a variable. It respects record locking and locks the specified record for update. COMMAND SYNTAX READU variable1 FROM {variable2,} expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} {LOCKED statements} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Variable1 is the identifier into which the record will be read. variable2 if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified then the default file is assumed. The expression should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. If the SETTING clause is specified and the read fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES If the record could not be read because another process already had a lock on the record then one of two actions is taken. If the LOCKED clause was specified in the statement then the statements dependent on it are executed. If no LOCKED clause was specified then the statement blocks (hangs) until the other process releases the lock. Use the SYSTEM (43) function to determine which port has the lock. If the statement fails to read the record then any statements associated with the ELSE clause will be executed. If the statement successfully reads the record then the statements associated with any THEN clause are executed. Either or both of THEN and ELSE clauses must be specified with the statement. The lock taken by the READU statement will be released by any of the following events: The same program with WRITE, WRITEV or MATWRITE statements writes to the record. The same program with the DELETE statement deletes the record. The record lock is released explicitly using the RELEASE statement. The program stops normally or abnormally. 308 When a file is OPENed to a local file variable in a subroutine then the file is closed when the subroutine RETURNS so all locks taken on that file are released, including locks taken in a calling program. Files that are opened to COMMON variables are not closed so the locks remain intact. See also: WRITE, WRITEU, MATWRITE, MATWRITEU, RELEASE, and DELETE EXAMPLES OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" END LOOP READU Rec FROM DCusts, "Xref" LOCKED CRT "Xref locked by port ":SYSTEM(43):" - retrying" SLEEP 1; CONTINUE ;* Restart LOOP END THEN READ DataRec FROM Rec ELSE ABORT 202, Rec END BREAK ;* Leave the LOOP END ELSE ABORT 202, "Xref" END REPEAT 309 READV The READV statement allows a program to read a specific field from a record in a previously opened file into a variable. COMMAND SYNTAX READV variable1 FROM { variable2,} expression1, expression2 {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier into which the record will be read. variable2 if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified, the default file is assumed. expression1 should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. expression2 should evaluate to a positive integer. If the number is invalid or greater than the number of fields in the record, a NULL string will be assigned to variable1. If the number is 0, then the readv0 emulation setting controls the value returned in variable1. If a non-numeric argument is evaluated, a run time error will occur. If the SETTING clause is specified and the read fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES If you wish to set a lock on a record, do so explicitly with the READU or READVU statement. To read a field from a previously opened file into a variable and take a read-only shared lock on the field, use READVL. EXAMPLE OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" 310 END READV Rec FROM DCusts, "Xref",7 THEN READ DataRec FROM Rec<7> ELSE ABORT 202, Rec<7> END END ELSE ABORT 202, "Xref" END 311 READVL Use the READVL statement to acquire a shared record lock and then read a field from the record. The READVL statement conforms to all the specifications of the READL and READV statements. 312 READVU The READVU statement allows a program to read a specific field in a record in a previously opened file into a variable. It also respects record locking and locks the specified record for update. COMMAND SYNTAX READVU variable1 FROM { variable2,} expression1, expression2 {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} {LOCKED statements} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier into which the record will be read. variable2 if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified then the default file is assumed. expression1 should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. expression2 should evaluate to a positive integer number. If the number is invalid or greater than the number of fields in the record, then a NULL string will be assigned to variable1. If the number is 0, then the readv0 emulation setting controls the value returned in variable1. If a non-numeric argument is evaluated a run time error will occur. If the SETTING clause is specified and the read fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error If ON ERROR is specified, the statements following the ON ERROR clause will be executed for any of the above Incremental File Errors except error 128. NOTES If the record could not be read because another process already had a lock on the record then one of two actions is taken. If the LOCKED clause was specified in the statement then the statements dependent on it are executed. If no LOCKED clause was specified then the statement blocks (hangs) until the other process releases the lock. If the statement fails to read the record then any statements associated with the ELSE clause are executed. If the statement successfully reads the record then the statements associated with any THEN clause are executed. Either or both of the THEN and ELSE clauses must be specified with the statement. The lock taken by the READVU statement will be released by any of the following events: The same program with WRITE, WRITEV, MATWRITE or DELETE statements writes to the record. The record lock is released explicitly using the RELEASE statement. 313 The program stops normally or abnormally. When a file is OPENed to a local file variable in a subroutine then the file is closed when the subroutine RETURNS so all locks taken on that file are released, including locks taken in a calling program. Files that are opened to COMMON variables are not closed so the locks remain intact. See also: WRITE, WRITEU, MATWRITE, MATWRITEU, RELEASE, and DELETE EXAMPLE OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" END LOOP READVU Rec FROM DCusts, "Xref",7 LOCKED CRT "Locked - retrying" SLEEP 1; CONTINUE ;* Restart LOOP END THEN READ DataRec FROM Rec ELSE ABORT 202, Rec END BREAK ;*leave the LOOP END ELSE ABORT 202, "Xref" END REPEAT 314 READXML READXML rec FROM file, id ELSE STOP 202,id Reads a record from a file using the style sheet held in DICT->@READXML to transform the data into xml format EXAMPLE READ rec FROM file,id THEN CRT rec END READXML xml FROM file,id THEN CRT xml END Screen output CLIVE^PIPENSLIPPERS^999 LETSBE AVENUE … CLIVE PIPENSLIPPERS
315 RECORDLOCKED Call the RECORDLOCKED function to ascertain the status of a record lock. COMMAND SYNTAX RECORDLOCKED (filevar, recordkey) SYNTAX ELEMENTS filevar is a file variable from a previously executed OPEN statement. recordkey is an expression for the record id that will be checked. NOTES RECORDLOCKED returns an integer value to indicate the record lock status of the specified record id. 3 Locked by this process by a FILELOCK 2 Locked by this process by a READU 1 Locked by this process by a READL 0 Not locked -1 Locked by another process by a READL -2 Locked by another process by a READU -3 Locked by another process by a FILELOCK If the return value is negative, then the SYSTEM(43) and STATUS function calls can be used to determine the port number of the program that holds the lock. If -1 is returned, more than 1 port could hold the lock and so the port number returned will be the first port number found.] EXAMPLE OPEN "INVENTORY" TO invFvar ELSE ABORT 201,"Cannot open the INVENTORY file" ... ... IF RECORDLOCKED (invFvar,invId) = -2 THEN CRT "Inventory record ":invId:" is locked by port ":SYSTEM(43) END 316 REGEXP The REGEXP function is a powerful function that allows pattern matching using UNIX regular expressions. REGEXP is not supported on Windows. COMMAND SYNTAX REGEXP(variable, expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable can be any type of jBASE BASIC variable and is the variable upon which pattern matching will be performed. expression should evaluate to a standard UNIX regular expression as defined in the UNIX documentation. NOTES The function returns a numeric integer value being the first character in variable that failed to match the specified regular expression. If a match is not found or the regular expression was invalid then the function returns 0. EXAMPLE String = "jBASE Software Inc." CRT REGEXP(String, "S[^t]*") displays the value 4 being the position of the character "t" in the word Software 317 RELEASE The RELEASE statement enables a program to explicitly release record locks without updating the records using WRITE. COMMAND SYNTAX RELEASE {{variable,} expression} SYNTAX ELEMENTS If variable is specified it should be a valid file descriptor variable (i.e. It should have been the subject of an OPEN statement) If an expression is supplied it should evaluate to the record key of a record whose lock the program wishes to free. If variable was specified the record lock in the file described by it is released. If variable was not specified the record lock in it releases the file described by the default file variable If RELEASE is issued without arguments then all record locks in all files that were set by the current program will be released. NOTES Where possible the program should avoid the use of RELEASE without arguments; this is less efficient and can be dangerous - especially in subroutines. EXAMPLE READU Rec FROM File, "Record" ELSE ABORT 203, "Record" IF Rec<1> = "X" THEN RELEASE File, "Record" END ...... 318 REMOVE REMOVE will successively extract delimited strings from a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX REMOVE variable FROM array SETTING setvar SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable is the variable, which is to receive the extracted string. array is the dynamic array from which the string is to be extracted. setvar is set by the system during the extraction to indicate the type of delimiter found: 0 end of the array 1 xFF ASCII 255 2 xFE ASCII 254 Field marker 3 xFD ASCII 253 Value marker 4 xFC ASCII 252 Subvalue marker 5 xFB ASCII 251 6 xFA ASCII 250 7 xF9 ASCII 249 NOTES The first time the REMOVE statement is used with a particular array, it will extract the first delimited string it and set the special "remove pointer" to the start of the next string (if any). The next time REMOVE is used on the same array, the pointer will be used to retrieve the next string and so on. The array is not altered. The variable named in the SETTING clause is used to record the type of delimiter that was found - so that you can tell whether the REMOVE statement extracted a field, a value or a subvalue for example. Delimiters are defined as characters between xF9 and xFF only. Once the end of the array has been reached, the string variable will not be updated and the SETTING clause will always return 0. You can reset the "remove pointer" by assigning the variable to itself - for example REC = REC. EXAMPLE EQU FM TO CHAR (254), VM to CHAR(253), SVM to CHAR(252) REC = "Field 1":FM:"Value 1":VM:" Value 2":FM:"Field 3" 319 REMOVE EXSTRING FROM REC SETTING DELIM REMOVE EXSTRING FROM REC SETTING DELIM The first time REMOVE is used, EXSTRING will contain "Field 1" and DELIM will contain xFE. The second time REMOVE is used, EXSTRING will contain "Value 1" and DELIM will contain xFD. 320 REPLACE REPLACE is an obsolete way to assign to dynamic arrays via a function. COMMAND SYNTAX REPLACE (var, expression1{, expression2{, expression3}}; expression4) SYNTAX ELEMENTS var is the dynamic array that the REPLACE function will use to assign expression4. Unless the same var is assigned the result of the function remains unchanged. expression1 specifies into which field assignment will be made and should evaluate to a numeric. expression2 is only specified when multi-value assignment is to be done and should evaluate to a numeric. expression3 is only specified when sub-value assignment is to be done and should evaluate to a numeric. expression4 can evaluate to any data type and is the actual data that will be assigned to the array. NOTES The function returns a copy of var with the specified replacement carried out. This value may be assigned to the original var in which case the jBASE BASIC compiler will optimize the assignment. EXAMPLES X = "JBASE":MV:"is Great" X = REPLACE (X,1,1;"jBASE") 321 RETURN The RETURN statement transfers program execution to the caller of a subroutine/function or to a specific label in the program. COMMAND SYNTAX RETURN {TO label} or RETURN (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS label must reference an existing label within the source of the program. expression evaluates to the value that is returned by a user-written function. NOTES The RETURN statement will transfer program execution to the statement after the GOSUB that called the current internal subroutine. If the RETURN statement is executed in an external SUBROUTINE and there are no outstanding GOSUBs, then the program will transfer execution back to the program that called it via CALL. The program will enter the debugger with an appropriate message should a RETURN be executed with no GOSUB or CALL outstanding. The second form of the RETURN statement is used to return a value from a user-written function. This form can only be used in a user-written function. 322 REWIND The REWIND statement will issue a rewind command to the device attached to the specified channel. COMMAND SYNTAX REWIND {ON expression} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression, if specified, should evaluate to an integer in the range 0 to 9. Default is 0. NOTES If the statement fails to issue the rewind then any statements associated with the ELSE clause are executed. If the statement successfully issues the rewind command then the statements associated with any THEN clause are executed. Either or both of the THEN and ELSE clauses must be specified with the statement. If the statement fails then the reason for failure can be determined via the value of SYSTEM(0) as follows: Value Meaning 1 there is no media attached to the channel 2 an end of file mark was found 323 RIGHT The RIGHT function returns a sub-string composed of the last n characters of a specified string. COMMAND SYNTAX RIGHT (expression, length) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression evaluates to the string from, which the sub string is extracted. length is the number of characters that are extracted. If length is less than 1, RIGHT () returns null. NOTES The RIGHT () function is equivalent to sub-string extraction for the last n characters, i.e. expression[n] See also: LEFT(). EXAMPLE S = "The world is my lobster" CRT DQUOTE (RIGHT (S,7)) CRT DQUOTE(RIGHT(S,99)) CRT DQUOTE(RIGHT(S,0)) This code displays: "lobster" "The world is my lobster" "" 324 RND The RND function allows the generation of random numbers by a program. COMMAND SYNTAX RND (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a numeric integer value or a runtime error will occur. The absolute value of expression is used by the function. The highest number expression can be on Windows is PWR(2,15) - 1. The highest number on UNIX is PWR(2,31) - 1. See also:ABS NOTES The function will return a random integer number between 0 and the value of expression-1. EXAMPLE FOR I=1 TO 20 CRT RND (100):", ": NEXT I prints 20 random numbers in the inclusive range 0 to 99. 325 RQM RQM is synonymous with SLEEP. 326 RTNDATA The RTNDATA statement allows a jBASE BASIC program to return specific data to the RTNDATA clause of another program's EXECUTE statement. COMMAND SYNTAX RTNDATA expression SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to any data type. NOTES When a jBASE BASIC program executes another jBASE BASIC program using the EXECUTE statement it may specify a variable to pick up data in using the RTNDATA clause. The data picked up will be that specified by the executed program using the RTNDATA statement. The data will be discarded if the program is not executed by an EXECUTE statement in another program. 327 SADD See also: Floating point Operations The SADD function performs string addition of two base 10-string numbers. COMMAND SYNTAX SADD (expr1, expr2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expr1 and expr2 are strings consisting of numeric characters, optionally including a decimal part. NOTES The SADD function can be used with numbers that may exceed a valid range with standard arithmetic operators. The PRECISION declaration has no effect on the value returned by SADD. EXAMPLE A = 4000000000000000000000000000000 B = 7 CRT SADD (A,B) Displays 4000000000000000000000000000007 to the screen CRT SADD (4.33333333333333333,1.8) Displays 6.13333333333333333 to the screen 328 SDIV See also: Floating point Operations The SDIV function performs a string division of two base 10-string numbers and rounds the result to 14 decimal places. COMMAND SYNTAX SDIV (expr1, expr2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expr1 and expr2 are strings consisting of numeric characters, with either optionally including a decimal part. NOTES Use the SDIV function with numbers that may exceed a valid range with standard arithmetic operators. The PRECISION declaration has no effect on the value returned by SDIV. EXAMPLE A = 2 B = 3 CRT SDIV (A,B) Displays 0.66666666666666 to the screen CRT SDIV (355,113) Displays 3.14159292035398 to the screen 329 SEEK Use the SEEK statement to move the file pointer by an offset specified in bytes, relative to the current position, the beginning of the file, or the end of the file. COMMAND SYNTAX SEEK file.variable [ , offset [ , relto] ] {THEN statements [ELSE statements] | ELSE statements} file.variable specifies a file previously opened for sequential access. offset is the number of bytes before or after the reference position. A negative offset results in the pointer being moved before the position specified by relto. If offset is not specified, 0 is assumed. NOTE: On Windows NT systems, line endings in files are denoted by the character sequence RETURN + LINEFEED rather than the single LINEFEED used in UNIX files. The value of offset should take into account this extra byte on each line in Windows NT file systems. The permissible values of relto and their meanings follow: 0 Relative to the beginning of the file 1 Relative to the current position 2 Relative to the end of the file If relto is not specified, 0 is assumed. If the pointer is moved, the THEN statements are executed and the ELSE statements are ignored. If the THEN statements are not specified, program execution continues with the next statement. If the file cannot be accessed or does not exist the ELSE statements are executed; any THEN statements are ignored. If file.variable, offset, or relto evaluates to null, the SEEK statement fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. Note: On Windows NT systems, if you use the OPENDEV statement to open a 1/4-inch cartridge tape (60 MB or 150 MB) for sequential processing, you can move the file pointer only to the beginning or the end of the data. For diskette drives, you can move the file pointer only to the start of the data. Seeking beyond the end of the file and then writing creates a gap, or hole, in the file. This hole occupies no physical space, and reads from this part of the file return as ASCII CHAR 0 (neither the number nor the character 0). For more information about sequential file processing, See also: OPENSEQ, READSEQ, and WRITESEQ statements. EXAMPLE 330 The following example reads and prints the first line of RECORD4. Then the SEEK statement moves the pointer five bytes from the front of the file, then reads and prints the rest of the current line. OPENSEQ '.', 'MYSEQFILE' TO FILE ELSE ABORT READSEQ B FROM FILE THEN PRINT B SEEK FILE,5, 0 THEN READSEQ A FROM FILE THEN PRINT A ELSE ABORT END The output of this program is: FIRST LINE LINE 331 SELECT The SELECT statement creates a select list of elements in a specified variable. COMMAND SYNTAX SELECT {variable1} {TO variable2 | listnum} {SETTING setvar} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 can be an OPENed file descriptor, in which case the record keys in the specified file will be selected, or an ordinary variable in which case each field in the variable will become a list element. variable1 may also be an existing list in which case the elements in the list will be selected. If variable1 is not specified in the statement then it assumes the default file variable. If variable2 is specified then the newly created list will be placed in the variable. Alternatively, specify a select list number in the range 0 to 10 with listnum. If neither variable2 nor listnum is specified then it assumes the default list variable. If specifying the SETTING clause and the select fails, it sets setvar to one of the following values: 128 no such file or directory 4096 network error 24576 permission denied 32768 physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES When constructing a list from record keys in a file, it does so by extracting only the first few keys, which when removed from the list obtains the next few keys and so on. Therefore, the creation of the list is not immediate. This means that the list could contain records, written to the file after starting the SELECT command. Consider the situation where you open a file, SELECT it and then, because of the keys obtained, write new records to the same file. It would be easy to assume that these new keys would not show up in the list because you created the list before the new records existed. This is not the case. Any records written beyond the current position in the file will eventually show up in the list. In situations where this might cause a problem, or to ensure that you obtain a complete, qualified list of keys, you should use a slower external command like jQL SELECT or SSELECT and then READNEXT to parse the file. If using a variable to hold the select list, then it should be unassigned or null before the SELECT. If it contains a number in the range 0 to 10 then it will use the corresponding select list number to hold the list, although you can still reference the list with the variable name. This "feature" is for compatibility with older platforms. See also example 3. Lists can be selected as many times as required. See also: the extensions for secondary indexes. 332 EXAMPLE 1 OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" SELECT TO CustList1 SELECT TO CustList2 EXAMPLE 2 OPEN "Customers" TO CustFvar ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" SELECT CustFvar TO 2 DONE = 0 LOOP READNEXT CustId FROM 2 ELSE Done = 1 UNTIL DONE DO GOSUB ProcessCust REPEAT EXAMPLE 3 CLEAR OPEN "Customers" TO CustFvar ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "Products" TO ProdFvar ELSE ABORT 201, "Products" SELECT CustFvar TO Listvar1 SELECT ProdFvar TO Listvar2 This example demonstrates a coding error. The CLEAR statement is used to initialize all variables to zero. Since Listvar1 has the value 0, select list number 0 is used to hold the list. However, the CLEAR statement also initializes Listvar2 to zero, so the second SELECT overwrites the first list. 333 SEND The SEND statement sends a block of data directly to a device. COMMAND SYNTAX SEND output {:} TO FileVar THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS The output is an expression evaluating to a string that will be sent to the output device (specified by FileVar). It is expected that the device has already been opened with OPENSER or OPENSEQ. The SEND statement will append a newline sequence to the final output expression unless it is terminated with a colon ":" character. NOTES As the expression can be any valid expression, it may have output formatting applied to it. The SEND syntax requires you specify either a THEN or ELSE clause, or both. It executes the THEN clause if the data is without error. Else executes, the ELSE clause if the data cannot be sent. See also: SENDX EXAMPLES See also: Sequential File Processing. 334 SENDX The SENDX statement sends a block of data (in hexidecimal) directly to a device. COMMAND SYNTAX SENDX output {:} TO FileVar THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS The output is an expression evaluating to a string that will be sent to the output device (specified by FileVar). It is expected that OPENSER or OPENSEQ has already opened the device . The SENDX statement will append a newline sequence to the final output expression unless it is terminated with a colon ":" character. NOTES As the expression can be any valid expression, it may have output formatting applied to it. The SENDX syntax requires a specified THEN or ELSE clause, or both. If the data is send without error, it executes the THEN clause. If the data cannot be sent, it executes the ELSE clause. See also: SEND EXAMPLES See also: Sequential File Processing Examples. 335 SENTENCE The SENTENCE function allows a program to locate the command used to invoke it and the arguments it was given. COMMAND SYNTAX SENTENCE ({expression}) SYNTAX ELEMENTS If expression is specified it should evaluate to a positive integer value. A negative value will return a null string. A value of null will return the entire command line. An integer value of expression will return a specific element of the command line with the command itself being returned by SENTENCE (0), the first parameter being returned by SENTENCE(1) and so on. NOTES It is assumed the command line arguments are space separated and when returning the entire command line they are returned as such. The SYSTEM(1000) function will return the command line attribute mark delimited. EXAMPLES DIM Parm(4) ProgName = SENTENCE (0) ;* program is? FOR I = 1 TO 4 Parm(I) = SENTENCE(I) ;* get parameters NEXT I 336 SEQ The SEQ function returns numeric ASCII value of a character. COMMAND SYNTAX SEQ (expression) INTERNATIONAL MODE The SEQ function will return numeric values beyond 255 for UTF-8 byte sequences representing any Unicode values above 0x000000ff. SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to any data type. However, the SEQ function will convert the expression to a string and operate on the first character of that string. NOTES SEQ operates on any character in the integer range 0 to 255 EXAMPLES EQU ENQ TO 5 * Get next comms code * Time-out after 20 seconds INPUT A, 1 FOR 200 ELSE BREAK IF SEQ (A) = ENQ THEN * Respond to ENQ char 337 SEQS Use the SEQS function to convert a dynamic array of ASCII characters to their numeric string equivalents. COMMAND SYNTAX SEQS (dynamic.array) dynamic.array specifies the ASCII characters to be converted. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If any element of dynamic.array is null, it returns null for that element. If you use the subroutine syntax, the resulting dynamic array is returned as return.array. By using the SEQS function to convert a character outside its range results in a run-time message, and the return of an empty string. EXAMPLE G="T":@VM:"G" A=SEQS (G) PRINT A PRINT SEQS("G") The output of this program is: 84]71 71 INTERNATIONAL MODE The SEQ function will return numeric values beyond 255 for UTF-8 byte sequences representing any Unicode values above 0x000000ff. 338 SIN The SIN function returns the mathematical sine value of a numeric expression. COMMAND SYNTAX SIN (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a numeric value and is interpreted as a number of degrees between 0 and 360. NOTES The function will calculate the sine of the angle specified by the expression as accurately as the host system will allow. It will then truncate the value according to the PRECISION of the program. EXAMPLE CRT @ (-1): FOR I = 0 TO 79 CRT @ (I,12+INT(SIN (360/80*(I+1))*10)):"*": NEXT I 339 SLEEP Sleep allows the program to pause execution for a specified period. COMMAND SYNTAX SLEEP {expression} SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to one of two forms: Numeric in which case the statement will sleep for the specified number of seconds or fractions of a second "nn:nn{:nn}" in which case the statement will sleep until the time specified. If expression is not supplied then a default period of 1 second is assumed. NOTES Sleeping until a specified time works by calculating the time between the current time and the time supplied and sleeping for that many seconds. If in the meantime the host clock is changed the program will not wake up at the desired time; If invoking the debugger while a program is sleeping and the execution continued, the user will be prompted: Continue with SLEEP (Y/N)? If "N" is the response, the program will continue at the next statement after the SLEEP. See also: MSLEEP to sleep for a specified number of milliseconds. EXAMPLES Sleep until the end of the working day for anyone who doesn't program computers SLEEP "17:30” * 40 winks... SLEEP 40 * Sleep for two and a half seconds... SLEEP 2.5 340 SMUL See also: Floating Point Operations The SMUL function performs string multiplication of two base 10-string numbers. COMMAND SYNTAX SMUL (expr1, expr2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expr1 and expr2 are strings consisting of numeric characters, with either optionally including a decimal part. NOTES Use the SMUL function with numbers that may exceed a valid range with standard arithmetic operators. The PRECISION declaration does not affect the value returned by SMUL. EXAMPLES A = 243603310027840922 B = 3760 CRT SMUL (A,B) Displays 915948445704681866720 to the screen CRT SMUL (0.0000000000000475,3.61) Displays 0.0000000000001714 to the screen 341 SORT See also: Floating point Operations The SORT function sorts all elements of a dynamic array in ascending left-justified order. COMMAND SYNTAX SORT (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to any data type but will only be useful if it evaluates to a dynamic array. NOTES The dynamic array can contain any number and combination of system delimiters. The SORT () function will return an attribute-delimited array of the sorted elements. Note: that all system delimiters in expression will be converted to an attribute mark '0xFE' in the sorted result. For example, the following code MyArray = 'GEORGE':@VM:'FRED':@AM:'JOHN':@SVM:'ANDY' CRT SORT (MyArray) will return ANDY^FRED^GEORGE^JOHN where '^' is an attribute mark, '0xFE'. MyArray remains unchanged. The SORT is achieved by the quick sort algorithm, which sorts in situ and is very fast. EXAMPLE Read a list, sort it and write it back *READ List FROM "Unsorted" ELSE List = " List = SORT (List) WRITE List ON "Sorted" INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the SORT function in International Mode, the function will use the currently configured locale to determine the rules by which each string is considered less than or greater than the other for sort purposes. 342 SOUNDEX The SOUNDEX function allows phonetic conversions of strings. COMMAND SYNTAX SOUNDEX (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression may evaluate to any data type but the function will only give meaningful results for English words. NOTES The phonetic equivalent of a string is calculated as the first alphabetic character in the string followed by a 1 to 3-digit representation of the rest of the word. The digit string is calculated from the following table: Characters Value code BFPV 1 CGJKQSXZ 2 DT 3 L 4 MN 5 R 6 All characters not contained in the above table are ignored. The function is case insensitive and identical sequences of a character are interpreted as a single instance of the character. The idea is to provide a crude method of identifying words such as last names even if they are not spelt correctly. The function is not foolproof should not be the sole method of identifying a word. EXAMPLE INPUT Lastname Lastname = SOUNDEX (Lastname) search the databases 343 SPACE The SPACE function generates a specific number of ASCII space characters. COMMAND SYNTAX SPACE (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a positive integer value. NOTES The SPACE function will return the specified number of ASCII space characters and is useful for padding strings. It should not be used to position output on the terminal screen as this is inefficient, accomplish this by using the @( ) function. EXAMPLES TenSpaces = SPACE (10) 344 SPACES Use the SPACES function to return a dynamic array with elements composed of blank spaces. COMMAND SYNTAX SPACES (dynamic.array) dynamic.array specifies the number of spaces in each element. If dynamic.array or any element of dynamic.array evaluates to null, the SPACES function will enter the debugger. 345 SPLICE Use the SPLICE function to create a dynamic array of the element-by-element concatenation of two dynamic arrays, separating concatenated elements by the value of expression. COMMAND SYNTAX SPLICE (array1, expression, array2) Each element of array1 is concatenated with expression and with the corresponding element of array2. The result is returned in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, the element is returned properly concatenated with expression. If either element of a corresponding pair is null, null is returned for that element. If expression evaluates to null, null is returned for the entire dynamic array. EXAMPLE A="A":@VM:"B":@SM:"C" B="D":@SM:"E":@VM:"F" C='-' PRINT SPLICE (A,C,B) The output of this program is: A-D\-E]B-F\C- 346 SPOOLER The SPOOLER function returns information from the jBASE spooler. COMMAND SYNTAX SPOOLER (n{, Port|User}) SYNTAX ELEMENTS n Description 1 returns formqueue information 2 returns job information 3 formqueue assignment 4 returns status information Port limits the information returned to the specified port User limits the information returned to the specified user. NOTES SPOOLER(1) returns information about formqueues. The information is returned in a dynamic array, which contains an attribute for each formqueue. Each formqueue is structured as follows: MultiValue Description 1 Formqueue name 2 Form type 3 Device 4 Device type 5 Status 6 Number of jobs on the formqueue 7 Page skip SPOOLER(2) returns information about print jobs. The information is returned in a dynamic array, which contains an attribute for each print job. MultiValue Description 1 Formqueue name 2 Print job number 3 Effective user id 4 Port number job was generated on 5 Creation date in internal format 6 Creation time in internal format 7 Job Status 347 MultiValue Description 8 Options 9 Print job size (pages) 10 Copies 11 Reserved 12 Reserved 13 Reserved 14 Effective user id 15 Real user id 16 Application id as set by @APPLICATION.ID 17 JBASICLOGNAME id SPOOLER(3) returns information about current formqueue assignments. The information is returned in a dynamic array, which contains an attribute for each assignment. Each attribute is structured as follows: MultiValue Description 1 Report (channel) number 2 Formqueue name 3 Options 4 Copies SPOOLER(4) returns information about current print jobs. The information is returned in a dynamic array, which contains an attribute for each job being generated. Each attribute is structured as follows: MultiValue Description 1 Report (channel) number 2 Print job number 3 Print job size (pages) 4 Creation date in internal format 5 Creation time in internal format 6 Job Status 7 Effective User id 8 Real user id 9 JBASICLOGNAME id 10 Banner test from SETPTR BANNER text command The values for Job Status are: Status Description 1 Queued 348 2 Printing 3 Finished 4 Open 5 Hold 6 Edited 349 SQRT See also: Floating point Operations The SQRT function returns the mathematical square root of a value. COMMAND SYNTAX SQRT (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression should evaluate to a positive numeric value as the authors do not want to introduce a complex number type within the language. Negative values will cause a math error. NOTES The function calculates the result at the highest precision available and then truncates the answer to the required PRECISION. EXAMPLE FOR I = 1 TO 1000000 J=SQRT (I) NEXT I 350 SSELECT Use the SSELECT statement to create: A numbered select list of record IDs in sorted order from a jBASE hashed file A numbered select list of record IDs from a dynamic array A select list of record IDs from a dynamic array is not in sorted order. You can then access this select list by a subsequent READNEXT statement, which removes one record ID at a time from the list. COMMAND SYNTAX SSELECT [variable] [TO list.number] [ON ERROR statements] SSELECTN [variable] [TO list.number] [ON ERROR statements] SSELECTV [variable] TO list.variable [ON ERROR statements] variable can specify a dynamic array or a file variable. If it specifies a dynamic array, the record IDs must be separated by field marks (ASCII 254). If variable specifies a file variable, the file variable must have previously been opened. If variable is not specified, the default file is assumed. If the file is neither accessible nor open, or if variable evaluates to null, the SSELECT statement fails and the program enters the debugger with a run-time error message. The TO clause specifies the select list that is to be used. list.number is an integer from 0 through 10. If no list.number is specified, select list 0 is used. The record IDs of all the records in the file forms the list. The record IDs are listed in ascending order. Each record ID is one entry in the list. Use the SSELECTV statement to store the select list in a named list variable instead of to a numbered select list. list.variable is an expression that evaluates to a valid variable name. The ON ERROR Clause The ON ERROR clause is optional in SSELECT statements. The ON ERROR clause lets you specify an alternative for program termination when a fatal error is encountered during processing of a SSELECT statement. EXAMPLE The following example opens the file SLIPPERS to the file variable DSCB, then creates an active sorted select list of record IDs. The READNEXT statement assigns the first record ID in the select list to the variable @ID, then prints it. OPEN '','SLIPPERS' ELSE PRINT "NOT OPEN" 351 SSELECT READNEXT @ID THEN PRINT @ID The output of this program is: 0001 INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the SSELECT statement in International Mode, the statement will use the currently configured locale to determine the rules by which each string is considered less than or greater than the other for sort purposes. 352 SSELECTN See also: SSELECT. SSELECTV See also: SSELECT. 353 SSUB See also: Floating Point Operations The SSUB function performs string subtraction of two base 10-string numbers. COMMAND SYNTAX SSUB (expr1, expr2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expr1 and expr2 are strings consisting of numeric characters, optionally including a decimal part. NOTES Use the SSUB function with numbers that may exceed a valid range with standard arithmetic operators. The PRECISION declaration has no effect on the value returned by SSUB. EXAMPLE A = 2.3000000123456789 B = 5.0000000000000001 CRT SSUB (A,B) Displays -2.6999999876543212 to the screen 354 STATUS Function Use the STATUS function after an OPENPATH statement to find the cause of a file open failure (that is, for an tatement in which the ELSE clause is used). The following values can be returned if the statement is unsuccessful: For File access commands READ, WRITE, OPEN Previous Operation Value = 0 if successful Value = Operating System error code if previous command failed 13 – permission denied on UNIX systems OCONV Conversions 0 = successful 1 = invalid conversion requested 3 = conversion of possible invalid date 355 STATUS function COMMAND SYNTAX STATUS ( ) DESCRIPTION Arguments are required for the STATUS function. Values of STATUS after CLOSE, DELETE, MATREAD, MATWRITE, OPEN, READ and WRITE After a DELETE statement: After a DELETE statement with an ON ERROR clause, the value returned is the error number. Returns 0 if successful else returns ERROR number 356 STATUS function After an OPEN, OPENPATH, or OPENSEQ statement: The file type is returned if the file is opened successfully. If the file is not opened successfully, the following values may return: After a READ statement: If the file is a distributed file, the STATUS function returns the following: STATUS function After a READL, READU, READVL, or READVU statement: If the statement includes the LOCKED clause, the returned value is the terminal number, as returned by the WHO command, of the user who set the lock. After a READSEQ statement: After a READT, REWIND, WEOF, or WRITET statement: The returned value is hardware-dependent (that is, it varies according to the characteristics of the specific tape drive unit). Consult the documentation that accompanied your tape drive unit for information about interpreting the values returned by the STATUS function. 357 STATUS statement SYNTAX ELEMENTS STATUS array FROM variable THEN statements ELSE statements•ELSE statements DESCRIPTION Use the STATUS statement to determine the status of an open file. The STATUS statement returns the file status as a dynamic array and assigns it to an array. The STATUS statement returns the following values in the following attributes: STATUS Statement Values Attribute Description 1 Current position in the file Offset in bytes from beginning of file 2 End of file reached 1 if EOF, 0 if not. 3 Error accessing file 1 if error, 0 if not. 4 Number of bytes available to read 5 File mode Permissions (in octal) 6 File size in bytes. 7 Number of hard links 0 if no links. Where applicable else 0 8 O/S User ID. ID based on the user name and domain of the user a jBASE pseudo user. 9 O/S Group ID. STATUS statement 10 I-node number; Unique ID of file on file system 11 Device on which i-node resides Number of device. The value is an internally calculated value on Windows NT. 12 Device for special character or block Number of device. 13 Time of last access in internal format 14 Date of last access in internal format. 15 Time of last modification in internal format 16 Date of last modification in internal format. 17 Time and date of last status change in internal format. 18 Date of last status change in internal format. 19 Number of bytes left in output queue (applicable to terminals only) 20 { } 21 jBASE File types j3, j4, jPLUS 22 jBASE File types j3, j4, jPLUS 358 23 jBASE File types j3, j4, jPLUS 24 Part numbers of part files belonging to a distributed file multivalued list STATUS statement variable specifies an open file. If variable evaluates to the null value, the STATUS statement fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. If the STATUS array is assigned to an array, the THEN statements are executed and the ELSE statements are ignored. If no THEN statements are present, program execution continues with the next statement. If the attempt to assign the array fails, the ELSE statements are executed; any THEN statements are ignored. EXAMPLE OPENSEQ '/Fred' TO test THEN PRINT "File Opened" ELSE STOP STATUS info FROM filevar filename= stat<20> inode= info<10> 359 STOP The STOP statement is virtually identical in function to the ABORT statement except that it does not terminate a calling jCL program. 360 STR The STR function allows the duplication of a string a number of times. COMMAND SYNTAX STR (expression1, expression2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 will evaluate to the string to duplicate and may be of any length. expression2 should evaluate to a numeric integer, which specifies the number of times the string will be duplicated. EXAMPLE LongString = STR ("long string ", 999) 361 STRS Use the STRS function to produce a dynamic array containing the specified number of repetitions of each element of dynamic.array. COMMAND SYNTAX STRS (dynamic.array, repeat) dynamic.array is an expression that evaluates to the strings to be generated. repeat is an expression that evaluates to the number of times the elements are to be repeated. If it does not evaluate to a value that can be truncated to a positive integer, an empty string is returned for dynamic.array. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If any element of dynamic.array is null, null is returned for that element. If repeat evaluates to null, the STRS function fails and the program enters the debugger. EXAMPLE ABC="A":@VM:"B":@VM:"C" PRINT STRS (ABC,3) The output of this program is: AAA]BBB]CCC 362 SUBROUTINE The SUBROUTINE statement is used at the start of any program that will be called externally by the CALL statement. It also declares any parameters to the compiler. COMMAND SYNTAX SUB{ROUTINE} Name {({MAT} variable{,{MAT} variable...})} SYNTAX ELEMENTS Name is the identifier by which the subroutine will be known to the compilation process. It should always be present as this name (not the source file name), will be used to call it by. However, if the name is left out, the compiler will name subroutine as the source file name (without suffixes). Default naming is not encouraged as it can cause problems if source files are renamed. Each comma separated variable in the optional parenthesized list is used to identify parameters to the compiler. These variables will be assigned the values passed to the subroutine by a CALL statement. NOTES The SUBROUTINE statement must be the first code line in a subroutine. A subroutine will inherit all the variables declared using the COMMON statement providing an equivalent COMMON area is declared within the SUBROUTINE source file. The program will fail to compile if the number of common variables used in each common area exceeds the number defined in the equivalent area in the main program. Subroutines can only be called via the jBASE BASIC CALL statement A subroutine can redefine PRECISION but the new precision will not persist when the subroutine returns to the calling program. A subroutine will return to the CALLing program if it reaches the logical end of the program or a RETURN is executed with no outstanding GOSUB statement. A SUBROUTINE will not return to the calling program if a STOP or ABORT statement is executed. See also: CALL, CATALOG, COMMON, RETURN EXAMPLES SUBROUTINE DialUp(Number, MAT Results) DIM Results(8) .... 363 SUBS The SUBS function returns a dynamic array, the content of which is derived by subtracting each element of the second dynamic array argument from the corresponding element of the first dynamic array argument. COMMAND SYNTAX SUBS(DynArr1, DynArr2) SYNTAX ELEMENTS DynArr1 and DynArr2 represent dynamic arrays. NOTES Null elements of argument arrays are treated as zero. Otherwise, a non-numeric element in an argument array will cause a run-time error. EXAMPLE X = 1 : @VM : @VM : 5 : @VM : 8 : @SVM : 27 : @VM : 4 Y = 1 : @VM : 5 : @VM : 8 : @VM : 70: @VM : 19 S = SUBS(X, Y) The variable S is assigned the value: 0 : @VM : -5 : @VM : -3 : @VM : -62 : @SVM : 27 : @VM : -15 364 SUBSTRINGS The SUBSTRINGS function returns a dynamic array of elements, which are sub-strings of the corresponding elements in a supplied dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX SUBSTRINGS (DynArr, Start, Length) SYNTAX ELEMENTS DynArr should evaluate to a dynamic array. Start specifies the position from which characters are extracted from each array element. It should evaluate to an integer greater than zero. Length specifies the number of characters to extract from each dynamic array element. If the length specified exceeds the number of characters remaining in an array element then all characters from the Start position are extracted. INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the SUBSTRINGS function in International Mode, the function will use the ‘start’ and length’ parameters to the function as character count values, rather than bytecount EXAMPLES The following program shows how each element of a dynamic array can be changed with the FIELDS function. t = "" t<1> = "AAAAA" t<2> = "BBBBB" : @VM: "CCCCC" : @SVM: "DDDDD" t<3> = "EEEEE":@VM:@SVM r1 = SUBSTRINGS (t,3,2) r2 = SUBSTRINGS(t,4,20) r3 = SUBSTRINGS(t,0,1) The above program creates 3 dynamic arrays. v represents a value mark. s represents a sub-value mark. r1 <1>AA <2>BB v CC s DD <3>EE v s r2 <1>AA <2>BB v CC s DD 365 <3>EE v s r3 <1>A <2>B v C s D <3>E v s 366 SUM The SUM function sums numeric elements in a dynamic array. COMMAND SYNTAX SUM (expr) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expr is a dynamic array. NOTES Non-numeric sub-values, values and attributes are ignored. EXAMPLES s = CHAR (252) v = CHAR(253) a = CHAR(254) a0 = 1:s:2:v:3:a:4:s:5:v:6:a:7:s:8:v:'NINE' a1 = SUM (A) a2 = SUM(a1) a3 = SUM(a2) CRT a0 CRT a1 CRT a2 CRT a3 The above code displays: 12²345²678²NINE 3²39²615²0 61515 36 367 SWAP The SWAP function operates on a variable and replaces all occurrences of one string with another. COMMAND SYNTAX SWAP ( variable, expression1, expression2 ) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 may evaluate to any result and is the string of characters that will be replaced. expression2 may also evaluate to any result and is the string of characters that will replace expression1. The variable may be any previously assigned variable in the program. NOTES: Either string can be of any length and is not required to be the same length. This function is provided for compatibility with older systems. See also: CHANGE function. EXAMPLE String1 = "Jim" String2 = "James" Variable = "Pick up the tab Jim" CRT SWAP ( Variable, String1, String2) CRT SWAP( Variable, "tab", "check") 368 System Functions The following system functions are supported by jBASE: SYSTEM(0) Return the last error code SYSTEM(1) Return 1 if output directed to printer SYSTEM(2) Return page width SYSTEM(3) Return page depth SYSTEM(4) Return no of lines to print in current page. (HEADING statement) SYSTEM(5) Return current page number (HEADING statement) SYSTEM(6) Return current line number (HEADING statement) SYSTEM(7) Return terminal type SYSTEM(8) Return record length for tape channel 0 SYSTEM(9) Return CPU milliseconds SYSTEM(10) Return 1 if stacked input available SYSTEM(11) Returns the number of items in an active select list or 0 if no list is active SYSTEM(12) Return 1/1000, ( or 1/10 for ROS), seconds past midnight SYSTEM(13) Release time slice SYSTEM(14) Returns the number of characters available in input buffer. Invoking SYSTEM(14) can cause a slight delay in program execution. SYSTEM(15) Return bracket options used to invoke command SYSTEM(16) Return current PERFORM/EXECUTE level SYSTEM(17) Return stop code of child process SYSTEM(18) Return port number or JBCPORTNO SYSTEM(19) Return login name or JBASICLOGNAME. If the system_19_timedate emulation option is set then returns the number of seconds since midnight December 31, 1967. SYSTEM(20) Returns last spooler file number created SYSTEM(21) Returns port number or JBCPORTNO SYSTEM(22) Reserved SYSTEM(23) Returns status of the break key Enabled 0 Enabled 1 Disabled by BASIC 2 Disabled by Command 3 Disabled by Command and BASIC SYSTEM(24) Returns 1 if echo enabled, 0 if echo disabled SYSTEM(25) Returns 1 if background process SYSTEM(26) Returns current prompt character SYSTEM(27) Returns 1 if executed by PROC SYSTEM(28) Reserved. SYSTEM(29) Reserved. 369 SYSTEM(30) Returns 1 if paging is in effect (HEADING statement) SYSTEM(31) Reserved SYSTEM(32) Reserved SYSTEM(33) Reserved SYSTEM(34) Reserved SYSTEM(35) Returns language in use as a name or number (ROS) SYSTEM(36) Reserved SYSTEM(37) Returns thousands separator SYSTEM(38) Returns decimal separator SYSTEM(39) Returns money symbol SYSTEM(40) Returns program name SYSTEM(41) Returns release number SYSTEM(42) Reserved SYSTEM(43) Returns port number of item lock SYSTEM(44) Returns 99 for jBASE system type SYSTEM(45) Reserved SYSTEM(46) Reserved SYSTEM(47) Returns 1 if currently in a transaction SYSTEM(48) Reserved SYSTEM(49) Returns PLID environment variable SYSTEM(50) Returns login user id SYSTEM(51) Reserved SYSTEM(52) Returns system node name SYSTEM(53) Reserved SYSTEM(100) Returns program create information SYSTEM(101) Returns port number or JBCPORTNO SYSTEM(102) Reserved SYSTEM(1000) Returns command line separated by attribute marks SYSTEM(1001) Returns command line and options SYSTEM(1002) Returns temporary scratch file name SYSTEM(1003) Returns terminfo Binary definitions SYSTEM(1004) Returns terminfo Integer definitions SYSTEM(1005) Returns terminfo String definitions SYSTEM(1006) Reserved SYSTEM(1007) Returns system time SYSTEM(1008) Returns SYSTEM file path SYSTEM(1009) Returns MD file path SYSTEM(1010) Returns Print Report information SYSTEM(1011) Returns jBASE release directory path. JBASICRELEASEDIR 370 SYSTEM(1012) Returns jBASE global directory path. JBASICGLOBALDIR SYSTEM(1013) Returns memory usage (UNIX only): <1> Free memory small blocks <2> Free memory large blocks <3> Used memory small blocks <4> Used memory large blocks SYSTEM(1014) Returns relative PROC level SYSTEM(1015) Returns effective user name. LOGNAME SYSTEM(1016) Returns tape assignment information SYSTEM(1017) Returns platform. UNIX, WINNT or WIN95 SYSTEM(1018) Returns configured processors SYSTEM(1019) Returns system information (uname -a) SYSTEM(1020) Returns login user name SYSTEM(1021) JBASE release information: <1> Major release number <2> Minor release number <3> Patch level <4> Copyright information SYSTEM(1022) SYSTEM (1023) SYSTEM(1024) SYSTEM(1025) SYSTEM(1026) 371 Returns the status of jBASE profiling: 0 no profiling is active 1 full profiling is active 2 short profiling is active 3 jCOVER profiling is active Used by STATUS() function Retrieves details about last signals Returns value of International mode for thread Total amount of memory in use formatted with commas SYSTEM(1027) Returns directory PROC; Used by WHERE, LISTU Information about running processes can be obtained via the PROC jedi.... This JEDI enables retrieval of information from executing processes and is the interface now used by the WHERE command... OPEN SYSTEM(1027) TO PROC ELSE STOP 201, "PROC" SELECT PROC TO Sel LOOP WHILE READNEXT key FROM Sel DO READ ProcessRecord FROM PROC, key ELSE CRT "Read Error"; STOP REPEAT Info for current user can be returned from the @USERSTATS variable. Attribute descriptions for Process Records returned from the PROC Jedi READ interface. <1> Port number <2> Number of programs running <3> Connect time <4> Process ID <5> Account name <6> User name <7> Terminal name in jBASE format <8> Terminal name in UNIX format <9> Database name <10> Name of the tty device <11> Language name <12> Time listening thread executed <13> Mallinfo memory free <14> Mallinfo memory used <15>Type of thread as a number <16> Type of thread as a string WHERE thread_type_string = "Normal" =1 thread_type_string = "javaOBjEX" = 2 thread_type_string = "vbOBjEX" = 3 thread_type_string = "jrfs" = 4 thread_type_string = "Compiler" = 5 372 <17> Number of instructions executed and licenses allocated to work around a bug in Windows. Need to build the buffer in separate sprintf's <18> Number of OPEN's <19> Number of READ's <20> Number of WRITE's <21> Number of DELETE's <22> Number of CLEARFILE's <23> Number of EXECUTE's <24> Number of INPUT's <25> UNUSED <26> Number of files the application thinks is open <27> Number of files that in reality are opened by the OS <28> Application data set by @USER.ROOT <29> Text String to identify process <41> Command line arguments < threadnext > <42> Current Line Number < threadnext > <43> Name of source <44> Status as a text string < threadnext > status = "Program running normally" status = "Program is SLEEPING" status = "Program in DEBUGGER" status = "Program at keyboard INPUT" status = "Program blocked on record LOCK" status = "Program performing EXECUTE/PERFORM" status = "Error!! Status unknown" <47> Status as an integer <48> User CPU time <49> System CPU time <50> Child User CPU time <51> Child System CPU time <52> User defined thread data SYSTEM(1028) 373 Logged in database name SYSTEM(1029) Shows the CALL stack history so that in error conditions the application, such as database I/O statistics, programs being performed and so on. Can be used with @USERDATA. SYSTEM(1030) This new entry into the SYSTEM() function returns the current perform level in the range 1 to 32. This is similar to SYSTEM(16), which returns the nested execute level. The difference is that SYSTEM(16) does not include any procs, paragraphs or shells and returns the relative application program level. SYSTEM(1030) returns the relative program level including all the proc interpreters, paragraph interpreters and shells. SYSTEM(1031) SYSTEM(1032) Number of free bytes on the current file system Returns default frame size SYSTEM(1034) Returns handle of the current thread SYSTEM(1035) Returns the product ID of the license currently in use by this process; 1. Enterprise 13. Server Entries above 2000 are for system use only. 374 TAN The TAN function returns the mathematical tangent of an angle. COMMAND SYNTAX TAN (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a numeric type. NOTES The function calculates the result at the highest precision available on the host system; it truncates the result to the current PRECISION after calculation. EXAMPLES Adjacent = 42 Angle = 34 CRT "Opposite length = ":TAN (Angle)*Adjacent 375 TIME The TIME() function returns the current system time. COMMAND SYNTAX TIME () NOTES Returns the time as the number of seconds past midnight EXAMPLES CRT "Time is ":OCONV(TIME(), "MTS") 376 TIMEDATE The TIMEDATE() function returns the current time and date as a printable string. COMMAND SYNTAX TIMEDATE () NOTES The function returns a string of the form: hh:mm:ss dd mmm yyyy or in the appropriate format for your international date setting. EXAMPLES CRT "The time and date is ":TIMEDATE () 377 TIMEDIFF Returns the interval between two timestamp values as a dynamic array COMMAND SYNTAX Time Diff(Timestamp1, Timestamp2,Mask) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The TIMEDIFF function returns the interval between two timestamp values by subtracting the value of Timestamp2 from Timestamp1. The interval is returned as an attribute delimited array of the time difference. The Mask is an integer from 0 to 7 and selects one of the following output formats: Mask Array 0 - Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds (Default) 1 - Weeks^Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds 2 - Months^Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds 3 - Months^Weeks^Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds 4 - Years^Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds 5 - Years^Weeks^Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds 6 - Years^Months^Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds 7 - Years^Months^Weeks^Days^Hours^Minutes^Seconds^Milliseconds 378 TIMEOUT If no data is read in the specified time, use the TIMEOUT statement to terminate a READSEQ or READBLK statement. COMMAND SYNTAX TIMEOUT file.variable, time file.variable specifies a file opened for sequential access. Time: is an expression that evaluates to the number of seconds the program should wait before terminating the READSEQ statement. TIMEOUT causes subsequent READSEQ and READBLK statements to terminate and execute ELSE statements if the number of seconds specified by time elapses while waiting for data. If either file.variable or time evaluates to null, the TIMEOUT statement fails and the program enters the debugger. EXAMPLES TIMEOUT SLIPPERS, 10 READBLK VAR1 FROM SLIPPERS, 15 THEN PRINT VAR1 ELSE PRINT "TIMEOUT OCCURRED" END 379 TIMESTAMP Returns a UTC timestamp value as decimal seconds COMMAND SYNTAX TIMESTAMP () SYNTAX ELEMENTS The TIMESTAMP function returns a Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) value as decimal seconds, i.e. Seconds with tenths and hundredths specified after the decimal point. "The value is returned as a variable with as many decimal places as the current precision allows. However, successive calls may return the same value many times before the operating system updates the underlying timer. For example, Windows updates the low level timer every 1/50 second even though it stores the time in billionths of a second." 380 TRANS The TRANS function will return the data value of a field, given the name of the file, the record key, the field number, and an action code. COMMAND SYNTAX TRANS ([DICT] filename, key, field#, action.code) SYNTAX ELEMENTS DICT is the literal string to be placed before the file name in the event it is desired to open the dictionary portion of the file, rather than the data portion. filename is a string containing the name of the file to be accessed. Note that it is the actual name of the file, and not a file unit variable. This function requires the file name, regardless of whether or not the file has been opened to a file unit variable. key is an expression that evaluates to the record key, or item ID, of the record from which data is to be accessed. field# is the field number to be retrieved from the record. action.code indicates what should happen if the field is null, or the if record is not found. This is a literal. The valid codes are: X Returns a null string. This is the default action V Prints an error message. C Returns the value of key NOTES If the field being accessed is a dynamic array, TRANS will return the array with the delimiter characters lowered by 1. For example, multivalue marks (ASCII-253) are returned as subvalue marks (ASCII-252), and subvalue marks are returned as text marks (ASCII-251). If you supply -1 for field#, the entire record will be returned. The TRANS function is the same as the XLATE function. EXAMPLES Retrieval of a simple field: Given a file called "VENDORS" containing a record with the record key of "12345" and which contains the value of "ABC Company" in field 1, VENDOR.ID = "12345" VENDOR.NAME = TRANS ("VENDORS",VENDOR.ID,1,"X") CRT VENDOR.NAME 381 will display: ABC Company Retrieval of an array: Suppose field 6 of the VENDORS file contains a multivalued list of purchase order numbers, such as 10011]10062]10079 use the TRANS function to retrieve it: PO.LIST = TRANS ("VENDORS",VENDOR.ID,6,"X") CRT PO.LIST will display: 10011\10062\10079 Notice that the backslashes (\) were substituted for brackets (]), indicating that the delimiter is now CHAR(252). Retrieval of an entire dictionary item: Given a dictionary item called "VENDOR.NAME" with the following content 001 A 002 1 003 Vendor Name 004 005 006 007 008 009 L 010 30 these statements DICT.ID = "VENDOR.NAME" DICT.REC = TRANS ("DICT VENDORS",VENDOR.ID,-1,"C") PRINT DICT.REC will display A]1]Vendor Name]]]]]L]30 382 TRANSABORT The TRANSABORT statement is used to abort the current transaction and reverse any updates to the database. COMMAND SYNTAX TRANSABORT {abort-text} [THEN statement | ELSE statement] SYNTAX ELEMENTS abort-text specifies an optional text string to save in the transaction abort record. A THEN or ELSE (or both) statement is required. The THEN clause will be executed if the transaction is successfully aborted. The ELSE clause will be executed if the transaction abort fails for any reason. NOTES Any record locks set during the transaction will be released upon successful completion. 383 TRANSQUERY The TRANSQUERY function is used to detect whether or not a transaction is active on the current process. COMMAND SYNTAX TRANSQUERY() NOTES TRANSQUERY will return 1 (true) if the process is within a transaction boundary, and 0 (false) if it is not. In other words, TRANSQUERY will return true if the TRANSTART statement has been issued but a TRANSEND or TRANSABORT statement has not yet been processed. By default, all hashed files are marked for inclusion in a transaction however this can be modified by the jchmod utility. 384 TRANSTART In transaction processing, the TRANSTART statement is used to mark the beginning of a transaction. COMMAND SYNTAX TRANSTART {SYNC}{start-text} [THEN statement | ELSE statement] SYNTAX ELEMENTS SYNC is an option to force the updates to be flushed at transaction end or abort. start-text specifies an optional text string to save with the transaction start record. A THEN or ELSE (or both) statement is required. The THEN clause will be executed if the transaction is successfully started. The ELSE clause will be executed if the transaction start fails for any reason. NOTES Record locks set during the transaction will not be released until a TRANSEND or TRANSABORT statement is processed. A program (or series of programs) can only have one active transaction at one time. If another TRANSTART statement is encountered whilst a transaction is active, a run-time error will be generated. 385 TRANSEND The TRANSEND statement is used to mark the end of a successfully completed transaction. COMMAND SYNTAX TRANSEND {end-text} [THEN statement | ELSE statement] SYNTAX ELEMENTS end-text specifies an optional text string to save with the transaction end record. A THEN or ELSE (or both) statement is required. The THEN clause will be executed if the transaction is successfully ended. The ELSE clause will be executed if the transaction end fails for any reason. NOTES Any record locks set during the transaction will be released upon successful completion. 386 TRIM The TRIM statement allows characters to be removed from a string in a number of ways. COMMAND SYNTAX TRIM (expression1 {, expression2{, expression3}}) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression1 specifies the string from which to trim characters. expression2 may optionally specify the character to remove from the string. If not specified then the space character is assumed. expression3 evaluates to a single character specifies the type of trim to perform. NOTES The trim types available for expression3 are: Type Operation L removes leading characters only T removes trailing characters only B removes leading and trailing characters A removes all occurrences of the character R removes leading, trailing and redundant characters F removes leading spaces and tabs E removes trailing spaces and tabs D removes leading, trailing and redundant spaces and tabs. EXAMPLE INPUT Answer * Remove spaces and tabs (second parameter ignored) Answer = TRIM (Answer, ", "D") INPUT Joker * Remove all dots Thief = TRIM(Joker, ".", "A") 387 TRIMB The TRIMB() function is equivalent to TRIM(expression, " ", "T") 388 TRIMBS Use the TRIMBS function to remove all trailing spaces and tabs from each element of dynamic.array. COMMAND SYNTAX TRIMBS (dynamic.array) TRIMBS removes all trailing spaces and tabs from each element and reduces multiple occurrences of spaces and tabs to a single space or tab. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, null is returned. If any element of dynamic.array is null, null is returned for that value. 389 TRIMF The TRIMF() function is equivalent to TRIM(expression, " ", "L") 390 TRIMFS Use the TRIMFS function to remove all leading spaces and tabs from each element of dynamic.array. COMMAND SYNTAX TRIMFS (dynamic.array) TRIMFS removes all leading spaces and tabs from each element and reduces multiple occurrences of spaces and tabs to a single space or tab. If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If any element of dynamic.array is null, it returns null for that value. 391 UNASSIGNED The UNASSIGNED function allows a program to determine whether a variable has been assigned a value. COMMAND SYNTAX UNASSIGNED (variable) SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable is the name of variable used elsewhere in the program. NOTES The function returns Boolean TRUE if variable has not yet been assigned a value. The function returns Boolean FALSE if variable has already been assigned a value. See also: ASSIGNED EXAMPLES IF UNASSIGNED(Var1) THEN Var1 = "Assigned now!" END 392 UNIQUEKEY Returns a unique 16-byte character key COMMAND SYNTAX UNIQUEKEY () SYNTAX ELEMENTS The UNIQUEKEY() function will generate a unique 16-byte character key on each call to the function. The key contains characters from the set A-Z a-z 0-9 + and / (base64) Based on the current UTC time and the process number, the key is unique on a single computer system providing that the system clock is not turned back. If the system administrator adjusts the system clock backwards, then there is a slight possibility of generating duplicate keys during the period until the clock has caught back up to time that the adjustment was made. Any process that continues to execute throughout this period will continue to produce unique keys. A process that starts up during this period and is given the process ID of a process that terminated during the period, may possibly generate a duplicate key until the period ends. 393 UNLOCK The UNLOCK statement releases a previously LOCKed execution lock. COMMAND SYNTAX UNLOCK {expression} SYNTAX ELEMENTS If specifying expression it should evaluate to the number of a held execution lock, for release. If omitting expression then it releases all execution locks held by the current program NOTES There is no action if the program attempts to release an execution lock that it had not taken. See also: LOCK. EXAMPLE LOCK 23 ; LOCK 32 ...... UNLOCK 394 UDTEXECUTE See also:EXECUTE. UPCASE See also:DOWNCASE/UPCASE. 395 UTF8 The UTF8 function converts a latin1or binary string into the UTF-8 equivalent byte sequence. COMMAND SYNTAX UTF8 (expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS The expression is expected to be a binary/latin1code page string, which converts the binary string into a UTF-8 encoded byte sequence, used to represent the Unicode values for each byte in the expression. NOTES This function is useful for converting binary or latin1 code page data into internal format when in International Mode. 396 WAKE Use the WAKE statement to wake a suspended process, which has executed a PAUSE statement. COMMAND SYNTAX WAKE PortNumber SYNTAX ELEMENTS PortNumber is a reference to awaken the target port. The WAKE statement has no effect on processes, which do not execute the PAUSE statement. 397 WEOF The WEOF statement allows the program to write an EOF mark on an attached tape device. COMMAND SYNTAX WEOF {ON expression} SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression specifies the device channel to use. Should evaluate to a numeric integer argument in the range 0-9, the default value is zero. NOTES If the WEOF fails it then executes the statements associated with any ELSE clause. SYSTEM(0) will return the reason for the failure as follows: 1 there is no media attached to the channel 2 end of media found NOTES A "tape" does not refer to magnetic tape devices only but to any device described previously to jBASE. If the specified channel has no assigned tape device, it enters the jBASE debugger with an appropriate message. EXAMPLE WEOF ON 5 ELSE CRT "No tape device exists for channel 5" END 398 WEOFSEQ Write end of file on file opened for sequential access. COMMAND SYNTAX WEOFSEQ FileVar { THEN | ELSE Statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS FileVar specifies the file descriptor of the file opened for sequential access. Statements conditional jBASE BASIC statements NOTES WEOFSEQ forces truncation of the file at the current file pointer nothing is actually 'written' to the sequential file. EXAMPLES See also: Sequential File Examples 399 WRITE The WRITE statement allows a program to write a record into a previously opened file. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITE variable1 ON|TO { variable2,} expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier containing the record to write. variable2, if specified, should be a previous opened jBASE BASIC variable to a file using the OPEN statement. If not specifying variable2 then it assumes the default file. The expression should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. If specifying the SETTING clause and the write fails, it sets setvar to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES If holding a lock on the record by this process, it is released by the WRITE. If you wish to retain a lock on a record, you should do so explicitly with the WRITEU statement. EXAMPLE OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" END WRITE Rec ON DCusts, "Xref" ON ERROR CRT "Xref not written to DICT Customers" END 400 WRITEBLK Use the WRITEBLK statement to write a block of data to a file opened for sequential processing. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITEBLK expression ON file.variable {THEN statements [ELSE statements] | ELSE statements} Each WRITEBLK statement writes the value of expression starting at the current position in the file. The current position is incremented to beyond the last byte written. WRITEBLK does not add a new line at the end of the data. file.variable specifies a file opened for sequential processing. The value of expression is written to the file, and the THEN statements are executed. If no THEN statements are specified, program execution continues with the next statement. If the file is neither accessible or does not exist, it executes the ELSE statements; and ignores any THEN statements. If either expression or file.variable evaluates to null, the WRITEBLK statement fails and the program enters the debugger with a run-time error message. INTERNATIONAL MODE When using the WRITEBLK statement in International Mode, care must be taken to ensure that the write variable is handled properly before the WRITEBLK statement. The WRITEBLK statement expects the output variable to be in “bytes”, however when manipulating variables in International Mode character length rather than byte lengths are usually used and hence possible confusion or program malfunction can occur. If requiring byte count data the output variable can be converted from the UTF-8 byte sequence to ‘binary/latin1’ via the LATIN1 function. It is not recommended that you use the READBLK/WRITEBLK statements when executing in International Mode. You can obtain similar functionality via the READSEQ/WRITESEQ statement, which can be used to read/write, characters a line at a time from a file. 401 WRITELIST WRITELIST allows the program to store a list held in a jBASE BASIC variable to the global list file. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITELIST variable ON|TO expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable is the variable in which the list is held. expression should evaluate to the required list name. If expression is null, it writes the list to the default external list. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write fails, it sets setvar to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTE See also: DELETELIST, READLIST, FORMLIST EXAMPLE * Create the list first WRITELIST MyList ON "MyList" 402 WRITESEQ Write to a file opened for sequential access. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITESEQ Expression {APPEND} ON|TO FileVar THEN | ELSE statements or WRITESEQF Expression {APPEND} TO FileVar THEN | ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS Variable specifies the variable to contain next record from sequential file. FileVar specifies the file descriptor of the file opened for sequential access. Statements conditional jBASE BASIC statements NOTES Each WRITESEQ writes the data on a line of the sequentially opened file. Each data is suffixed with a new line character. After each WRITESEQ, the file pointer moves forward to the end of line. The WRITESEQF statement forces each data line to be flushed to the file when it is written. The APPEND option forces each WRITESEQ to advance to the end of the file before writing the next data line. EXAMPLES See also: Sequential File Examples 403 WRITESEQF SYNTAX WRITESEQF expression {ON | TO} file.variable [ON ERROR statements] {THEN statements [ELSE statements] | ELSE statements} DESCRIPTION Use the WRITESEQF statement to write new lines to a file opened for sequential processing, and to ensure that data is physically written to disk (that is, not buffered) before the next statement in the program is executed. The sequential file must be open, and the end-of-file marker must be reached before you can write to the file. You can use the FILEINFO function to determine the number of the line about to be written. Normally, when you write a record using the WRITESEQ statement, the record is moved to a buffer that is periodically written to disk. If a system failure occurs, you could lose all the updated records in the buffer. The WRITESEQF statement forces the buffer contents to be written to disk; the program does not execute the statement following the WRITESEQF statement until the buffer is successfully written to disk. A WRITESEQF statement following several WRITESEQ statements ensures that all buffered records are written to disk. WRITESEQF is intended for logging applications and should not be used for general programming. It increases the disk I/O of your program and therefore degrades performance. file.variable specifies a file opened for sequential access. The value of expression is written to the file as the next line, and the THEN statements are executed. If THEN statements are not specified, program execution continues with the next statement; if the specified file cannot be accessed or does not exist, the ELSE statements are executed; any THEN statements are ignored. If expression or file.variable evaluates to the null value, the WRITESEQF statement fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message. The ON ERROR Clause The ON ERROR clause is optional in the WRITESEQF statement. Its syntax is the same as that of the ELSE clause. The ON ERROR clause lets you specify an alternative for program termination when a fatal error is encountered while the WRITESEQF statement is being processed. 404 WRITET The WRITET statement enables data to be written to a range of tape devices between 0-9. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITET variable {ON|TO expression} THEN|ELSE statements SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable is the variable that holds the data for writing to the tape device. expression should evaluate to an integer value in the range 0-9 and specifies from which tape channel to read the data. If the ON clause is not specified the WRITET will assume channel 0. If the WRITET fails then the statements associated with any ELSE clause will be executed. SYSTEM(0) will return the reason for the failure as follows: 1 there is no media attached to the channel 2 end of media found NOTES A "tape" does not refer to magnetic tape devices only but any device that has been described to jBASE. Writing device descriptors for jBASE is beyond the scope of this documentation. If no tape device has been assigned to the specified channel the jBASE debugger is entered with an appropriate message. Where possible the record size is not limited to a single tape block and the entire record will be written blocked to whatever block size has been allocated by the T-ATT command. However, certain devices do not allow jBASE to accomplish this (SCSI tape devices for instance). EXAMPLE LOOP WRITET TapeRec ON 5 ELSE Reason = SYSTEM(0) IF Reason = 2 THEN BREAK ;* done CRT "ERROR"; STOP END REPEAT 405 WRITEU The WRITEU statement allows a program to write a record into a previously opened file. An existing record lock will be preserved. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITEU variable1 ON|TO { variable2,} expression {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier holding the record to be written. variable2, if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified then the default file is assumed. The expression should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write fails, setvar will be set to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES If the statement fails to write the record then any statements associated with the ON ERROR clause is executed. The lock maintained by the WRITEU statement will be released by any of the following events: the same program with WRITE, WRITEV or MATWRITE statements writes to the record. the record lock is released explicitly using the RELEASE statement. the program stops normally or abnormally. See also: READU, MATREADU, RELEASE EXAMPLES OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" 406 END WRITEU Rec FROM DCusts, "Xref" Setting Err ON ERROR CRT "I/O Error[":Err:"]" ABORT END 407 WRITEV The WRITEV statement allows a program to write a specific field of a record in a previously opened file. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITEV variable1 ON|TO {variable2,} expression1, expression2 {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier holding the record to be written. variable2, if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified then it assumes the default file. expression1 should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. expression2 should evaluate to a positive integer number. If the number is greater than the number of fields in the record, it will add null fields to variable1. If expression2 evaluates to a non-numeric argument, it will generate a run time error. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write fails, it sets setvar to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES The WRITEV statement will cause the release of any lock held on the record by this program. If you wish to retain a lock on the record, do so explicitly with the WRITEVU statement. EXAMPLE OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" END WRITEV Rec ON DCusts, "Xref",7 Setting Err ON ERROR CRT "I/O Error[":Err:"]" 408 ABORT END 409 WRITEXML WRITEXML rec ON file,id ELSE STOP 210,id Write a dynamic array in xml format using a style sheet from the DICT Use WRITEXML to write an XML record to a hash file Transforms the XML into a dynamic array before being written to the file The transform takes place using the style sheet in DICT->@WRITEXML EXAMPLE WRITEXML rec ON file,id ON ERROR CRT "Broken! " : rec 410 WRITEVU The WRITEVU statement allows a program to write a specific field on a record in a previously opened file. An existing record lock will be preserved. COMMAND SYNTAX WRITEVU variable1 ON|TO { variable2,} expression1, expression2 {SETTING setvar} {ON ERROR statements} SYNTAX ELEMENTS variable1 is the identifier holding the record to be written. variable2, if specified, should be a jBASE BASIC variable that has previously been opened to a file using the OPEN statement. If variable2 is not specified then the default file is assumed. expression1 should evaluate to a valid record key for the file. expression2 should evaluate to a positive integer number; if the number is greater than the number of fields in the record, null fields will be added to variable1. If expression2 evaluates to a non-numeric argument, a run time error will be generated. If the SETTING clause is specified and the write fails, it sets setvar to one of the following values: INCREMENTAL FILE ERRORS 128 No such file or directory 4096 Network error 24576 Permission denied 32768 Physical I/O error or unknown error NOTES If the statement fails to write the record, it executes any statements associated with the ON ERROR clause. Any of the following events will release the lock taken by the WRITEVU statement: The same program with WRITE, WRITEV or MATWRITE statements writes to the record. By explicitly using the RELEASE statement, it releases the record lock. The program stops normally or abnormally. See also: MATWRITEU, RELEASE, WRITE, WRITEU. EXAMPLE OPEN "Customers" ELSE ABORT 201, "Customers" OPEN "DICT Customers" TO DCusts ELSE 411 ABORT 201, "DICT Customers" END WRITEVU Rec ON DCusts, "Xref",1 SETTING Err ON ERROR CRT "I/O Error[":Err:"] ABORT END 412 XLATE The XLATE function will return the data value of a field, given the name of the file, the record key, the field number, and an action code. COMMAND SYNTAX XLATE ([DICT] filename, key, field#, action.code) SYNTAX ELEMENTS DICT is the literal string to be placed before the file name in the event it is desired to open the dictionary portion of the file, rather than the data portion. filename is a string containing the name of the file to be accessed. Note that it is the actual name of the file, and not a file unit variable. This function requires the file name, regardless of whether or not the file has been opened to a file unit variable. key is an expression that evaluates to the record key, or item ID, of the record from which data is to be accessed. field# is the field number to be retrieved from the record. action.code indicates the procedure if the field is null, or cannot find the if record. This is a literal. The valid codes are: X Returns a null string. This is the default action V Prints an error message. C Returns the value of key NOTES If the field being accessed is a dynamic array, XLATE will return the array with the delimiter characters lowered by 1. For example, multivalue marks (ASCII-253) are returned as subvalue marks (ASCII-252), and subvalue marks are returned as text marks (ASCII-251). If you supply -1 for field#, it returns the entire record. The XLATE function is the same as the TRANS function. EXAMPLE 1. Retrieval of a simple field: Given a file called "VENDORS" containing a record with the record key of "12345" and which contains the value of "ABC Company" in field 1, VENDOR.ID = "12345" VENDOR.NAME = XLATE("VENDORS",VENDOR.ID,1,"X") CRT VENDOR.NAME will display: ABC Company 2. Retrieval of an array: Suppose field 6 of the VENDORS file contains a multivalued list of purchase order numbers, such as 413 10011]10062]10079 use the XLATE function to retrieve it: PO.LIST = XLATE("VENDORS",VENDOR.ID,6,"X") CRT PO.LIST will display: 10011\10062\10079 Notice that the backslashes (\) were substituted for brackets (]), indicating that the delimiter is now CHAR(252). 3. Retrieval of an entire dictionary item: Given a dictionary item called "VENDOR.NAME" with the following content 001 A 002 1 003 Vendor Name 004 005 006 007 008 009 L 010 30 these statements DICT.ID = "VENDOR.NAME" DICT.REC = XLATE("DICT VENDORS",VENDOR.ID,-1,"C") PRINT DICT.REC will display A]1]Vendor Name]]]]]L]30 414 XMLTODYN COMMAND SYNTAX XMLTODYN(XML,XSL,result) SYNTAX ELEMENTS Converts the XML to a dynamic array using the optional XSL to transform Array = XMLTODYN(XML,XSL,result) If result = 0 Array will contain a dynamic array built from the xml / xsl If result <> 0, Array will contain an error message There is no requirement for xsl if you are reconverting from generic xml to dynarray a = "Tom" xml b = CRT : @AM : "Dick" : @AM : "Harry" = DYNTOXML(a,"",result) XMLTODYN(xml,"",result CHANGE(b ,@AM," ") SCREEN OUTPUT Tom Dick Harry If passing a stylesheet in the second parameter, it performs a transform to give a different format of the array. XML CONTENTS Tom Dick
EXAMPLE a = XMLTODYN(xml,xsl,rc) CRT CHANGE(a,@AM," ") XSL CONTENTS 415 1 1 Etc 416 XMLTOXML COMMAND SYNTAX XMLTOXML(xml,xsl,result SYNTAX ELEMENTS Transform the XML using the XSL If result=0, newxml will contain a transformed version of xml using xsl If result=1, newxml will hold an error message XSL CONTENTS




417 XTD The XTD() function converts hexadecimal numbers into its decimal equivalent. COMMAND SYNTAX XTD(expression) SYNTAX ELEMENTS expression should evaluate to a valid hexadecimal string. NOTES The conversion process will halt at the first character that is not a valid base 16 character in the set [09, A-F or a-f]. See also: DTX. EXAMPLES A = "FF" CRT XTD(A) 418 Embedded SQL for jBASE BASIC The name "SQL" is an abbreviation for "Structured Query Language". The SQL language enables the defining, manipulating and controlling of data in a relational database. A relational database is a database that appears to the user as a collection of tables. A table is defined to be an unordered collection of rows. Finally the SQL terminology tends to refer to records as rows and fields within a record as a columns within a row. Embedded SQL is a version of SQL designed for direct incorporation into hosts programs or specifically in the case of jBASE, into jBASE BASIC programs. An Embedded SQL jBASE BASIC program contains normal jBASE BASIC code statements plus an Embedded SQL declare section, zero or more embedded cursor definitions, zero or more embedded exception declarations and one or more Embedded SQL statements. Embedded SQL declarations, definitions and statements are prefixed by the reserved words EXEC SQL. This part of the Embedded SQL standard also enables the jBASE BASIC preprocessor to recognize and distinguish SQL statements from the normal jBASE BASIC code statements. The Embedded SQL statements are terminated by a semicolon. Embedded SQL statements can include references to jBASE BASIC variables. The jBASE BASIC variables must be prefixed with a colon to distinguish them from SQL column names. The jBASE BASIC variables cannot be qualified or subscripted and must refer to scalars, i.e. character strings or numbers, not arrays or expressions. All jBASE BASIC variables that will be referenced in Embedded SQL statements must be defined within an Embedded SQL declare section, the jBASE BASIC variable definitions are limited to simple forms. i.e. no expressions or arrays. An Embedded SQL cursor must not appear in an Embedded SQL statement before it has been defined by an Embedded SQL cursor definition. Any jBASE BASIC variables that will be referenced in Embedded SQL statements must have a data type that is compatible with the SQL data type of the column with which they are to be compared or assigned. However this requirement does not prevent jBASE BASIC variables from using the same name as Embedded SQL column references. Embedded SQL statement exceptions can be handled either by utilizing the SYSTEM(0) function or predetermined by the SQL WHENEVER statement. The following jBASE BASIC code provides an example of using Embedded SQL for Oracle. PartEntry.b listing (Oracle) * * Declare jBASE BASIC vars to use in Embedded SQL statements ( A ) * EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; INT PartNo; STRING(20) PartName; STRING(16) User; 419 STRING(16) Passwd; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; * * Predetermine action on SQLERROR ( B ) * EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO SQL_ERROR() ; * * Connect to database supplying user and password ( C ) * User = "demo" ; Passwd = "demo99" EXEC SQL CONNECT :User IDENTIFIED BY :Passwd; * * Create Parts table ( D ) * EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE Parts ( PartNo INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, PartName CHAR(20) ); * * Loop until no more PartNos * LOOP * * Prompt for PartNo * CRT "Part Number :": INPUT PartNo WHILE PartNo NE '' DO * * Prompt for PartName * CRT "Part Name :": INPUT PartName * * Add PartNo and PartName into Parts table ( E ) * EXEC SQL INSERT INTO Parts VALUES (:PartNo, :PartName ); REPEAT * * Commit updates to database ( F ) * 420 EXEC SQL COMMIT ; ( A ) Declare jBASE BASIC variables to use within Embedded SQL statements This section declares jBASE BASIC variables so that they can be used within Embedded SQL statements. All references to jBASE BASIC within the Embedded SQL statement must be prefixed by a colon. This feature of the Embedded SQL standard is used by the jBASE BASIC preprocessor to identify jBASE BASIC variables when parsing the Embedded SQL statement. The jBASE BASIC variables must be the same data type as the source or target Embedded SQL columns. ( B ) Predetermine action on SQLERROR This section configures the action to take on detecting an error with the previous executed Embedded SQL statement. Every SQL statement should in principle be followed by a test of the returned SQLCODE value. This can be achieved by utilizing the SYSTEM(0) function, which returns the result of the last SQL statement, or alternatively using the Embedded SQL WHENEVER statement to predetermine the action for all subsequent Embedded SQL statements. The SYSTEM(0) function will return three different possible values. <0 Embedded SQL statement failed. 0 Embedded SQL statement successful. 100 NOT FOUND. No rows where found. The format of the Embedded SQL WHENEVER statement is as follows: EXEC SQL WHENEVER Condition Action ; where Condition NOT FOUND SQLERROR DO Function - Oracle implementation. Action CALL Function - Ingres and Informix implementations. GOTO proglab_Label – IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server implementations. CONTINUE User defined function. Function SQLERROR() - Display Embedded SQL error then return to program. SQLABORT() - Display Embedded SQL error then exit program. Label in executing program: Label DOSQLERR: DEFC INT SQL_ERROR CALL SQL_ERROR STOP ( C ) Connect to database supplying user and password This section connects the specified user and or passwd combination to the SQL database. This 421 command can be Embedded SQL implementation dependent. The user must be correctly configured for the target database. ( D ) Create Parts table. This section creates an SQL table called Parts. The table has two constituent data types, these are defined as an integer value PartNo and a character string PartName. The PartNo is defined as a non null unique value and is defined as the primary key. This definition provides a close match to the usual format of a record and id. The only data type that is truly common to all hosts and their languages is fixed length character strings, the integer value used here is for demonstration purposes and is not recommended. ( E ) Add PartNo and PartName into table Parts. This Embedded SQL statement inserts the values entered for PartNo and PartName into the SQL table Parts. PartNo is inserted as the first column whereas PartName is inserted as the second column of each row. Effectively PartNo is the record id and PartName is the first field in the record PartNo. The jBASE BASIC pre-processor parses the Embedded SQL statements and provides code to convert any specified jBASE BASIC variables to the format required by the Embedded SQL implementation. Any returned parameters are then converted back into jBASE BASIC variables. ( F ) Commit updates to database. This Embedded SQL statement makes all updates by Embedded SQL statements since the last SQL commit statement visible to other users or programs on the database. If a program executes an Embedded SQL statement and no transaction is currently active then one is automatically started. Each subsequent SQL statement update by the same program without an intervening commit or rollback, is considered part of the same transaction. A transaction terminates by either an Embedded SQL COMMIT, normal termination, or an Embedded SQL ROLLBACK statement, abnormal termination. An abnormal termination does not change the database with respect to any of the Embedded SQL updates executed since the last commit or rollback. Database updates made by a given transaction do not become visible to any other distinct transaction until and unless the given transaction completes with a normal termination. i.e. an Embedded SQL COMMIT statement. EMBEDDED SQL COMPILER OPTION In order to compile jBASE BASIC programs containing Embedded SQL statements the jBASE compiler option "Jq" must be invoked with the jBASE BASIC compiler command. The "Jq" option also expects an SQL implementation specifier, as described below. -Jq RDBMS d IBM DB2 m Microsoft SQL Server (Windows only) o Oracle 422 i Ingres s Sybase x Informix e.g. To compile the jBASE BASIC example program PartEntry.b for an Oracle SQL implementation database. jcompile -Jqo PartEntry.b In this example the SQL specifier is "o" for Oracle. Other specifiers are added as and when Embedded SQL implementations are required. e.g. The "i" option informs the jBASE compiler to invoke mechanisms for the Ingres Embedded SQL implementation. Although the Embedded SQL standard is the same, each SQL provider requires different manipulative techniques in order to compile and connect to the database. The jcompile compiler pre-processes the jBASE BASIC program parsing the normal jBASE BASIC and Embedded SQL statements to produce an intermediate C program. The SQL implementation dependent pre-processor is then invoked to convert the Embedded SQL statements to the implementation defined internal functions. The resulting program is then is then compiled and linked. The jBASE BASIC compilation should be executed in a user account which has been enabled for the required Embedded SQL implementation. Attempting to compile in an account not enabled for the required SQL implementation may cause compilation failure as certain environment variables for the implementation may not have been modified for the correct directory paths, etc. TROUBLESHOOTING When attempting to compile a program with Embedded SQL and you get an error along the lines of... Command failed: nsqlprep PartEntry.sqc SQL Pre Processor error -1 ...this is an indication that either you have not loaded the Embedded SQL Kit and do not have the 'nsqlprep' command, or the 'nsqlprep' command does exist but it is not visible to the PATH environment variable. 423 Comment Sheet Please give page number and description for any errors found: Page Error Please use the box below to describe any material you think is missing; describe any material, which is not easily understood; enter any suggestions for improvement; provide any specific examples of how you use your system, which you think, would be useful to readers of this manual. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Copy and paste this page to a word document and include your name address and telephone number and send to: support@jbase.com 424

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