Javadoc Comments User Manual Deliverables

User Manual:

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CS2013: Programming with Data Structures
Javadoc Comments, User Manual, & Project Deliverables
Keenan Knaur
Adjunct Lecturer
California State University, Los Angeles
Computer Science Department
User Manual
User Manual - Overview
The User Manual is what explains to the user (i.e. ME) how to
use your software.
The user manual shall be submitted as a .pdf.
Other file formats will not be accepted or read.
The user manual shall be as detailed as possible and will be
as long as possible.
There is no minimum / maximum number of pages, but if your user
manual is too sparse, and does help me to run your software, I will
deduct from your grade.
User Manual - Content
The user manual should include very detailed explanations of the
How to install and run your software.
How to use the software once it is running.
What are the exact steps to use all features of your software?
If I have to spend more than a minute figuring out what to do, then your instructions
are not good enough and points will be deducted.
Document any bugs that still exist.
If there are still issues with your software, they need to be documented.
If you fail to mention any bugs and I find them, it will have a more significant
impact on your grade than if you document them yourself.
Of course you should not have any bugs!.
User Manual - Other Comments
Never make assumptions about the level of knowledge of your
Unless your software is for a very specific subset of the population,
never assume any user will know how to use your software.
This includes myself. When I grade your programs, I will be playing
the role of your average user. I will click buttons and run commands
in any order unless specified otherwise in your User Manual.
Again, the Manual must be easy to understand and the instructions
very clear. I should not have to guess as to how I should operate
your software.
Javadoc Comments
What are Javadoc Comments?
Java has a third type of comment called javadoc comments.
These comments start and end with /** */ and can appear on one line
or across multiple lines.
NOTE: If you do not open with the double asterisk **, your comment will not be
considered a Javadoc type comment.
Javadoc comments use basic html and special annotations to
document the source code.
Once documented, your javadoc comments can be exported to a set of
HTML pages that look just like the Java API.
What do you document?
A javadoc comment is written in HTML and must come before a class,
interface, datafield, constructor, or method declaration.
All javadoc comments have two parts:
A description of the item you are documenting.
One or more block tags (annotations) describing specific features of the item your
are documenting.
Javadoc comments can contain any valid HTML.
i.e. large paragraphs should be denoted using the <p> tag.
The following slide gives and example of how a method can be documented.
Example Javadoc Comment
* Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen. The url
* argument must specify an absolute {@link URL}. The name
* argument is a specifier that is relative to the url argument.
* This method always returns immediately, whether or not the image exists. When
* this applet attempts to draw the image on the screen, the data will be
* loaded. The graphics primitives that draw the image
* will incrementally paint on the screen.
* @param url an absolute URL giving the base location of the image
* @param name the location of the image, relative to the url argument
* @return the image at the specified URL
* @see Image
public Image getImage(URL url, String name) {
try {
return getImage(new URL(url, name));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return null;
Javadoc Comments - Item Description
You should use a concise, clearly defined description for each item you are
Use simple, clear English with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
The first sentence is the most important, and should succinctly summarize the item
you are documenting.
Use the <code> html tag for all Java keywords, names, and code samples.
Omit parenthesis when referring to a method that has no parameters or a method
this is overloaded.
Example: The <code>add</code> method inserts items into the vector.
Javadoc Comments - Descriptions
Method descriptions should begin with a verb since
methods define a certain behavior or operation.
Determine whether this container is empty or not.
is better than
This method is used to determine whether this
container is empty or not.
Avoid abbreviations if you can (this even includes
common abbreviations such as a.k.a., etc.)
Javadoc Comments - Tags
Javadoc tags identify important meta information
about the code.
Example the @author tag easily identifies the author of
the particular code.
Each tag has a specific format.
Javadoc Comments - @author Tag
Form: @author name
Used Where: Interface and Class comments.
Used For:
lists the names of all authors of the code
use the full name of the author or "unascribed" if the author is unknown
list authors in chronological order one tag per author.
creator of the class is listed first
any other people who worked on the class are listed next in the order in
which they started to work on it.
Javadoc Comments - @since Tag
Form: @since version
Used Where: Interface and Class comments.
Used For:
Indicates the version of the source code when this class
or interface was introduced.
usually just a version number, but could also contain a
specific date.
Javadoc Comments - @version Tag
Form: @version description
Used Where: Interface and Class comments.
Used For:
indicates the current version number of the source code.
usually just a version number which includes the major and minor
does not usually include the build number.
could also include a date.
Javadoc Comments - @deprecated Tag
Form: @deprecated
Used Where: Interface, class and method comments.
Used For:
indicates that an item is deprecated.
something which is deprecated is no longer maintained or
updated and should not be used in newly written code.
deprecated items are only included for backwards compatibility
with old versions of programs which use your code.
Javadoc Comments - @param Tag
Form: @param name description
Used Where: Method comments.
Used For:
Describes a method parameter.
name should be the formal parameter name.
description should be a brief one line description of the
Javadoc Comments - @return Tag
Form: @return description
Used Where: Method comments.
Used For:
Describe the return value from a method
Does not apply to void methods or constructors.
Javadoc Comments - @throws Tag
Form: @throws exception description
Used Where: Method comments.
Used For:
Indicates any exceptions that the method might throw
also gives the possible reasons for the exception
Javadoc Comments - @see Tag
Form: @see classname
Used Where: Any item being commented.
Used For:
provides a link to another class if that class helps to
clarify the item being commented.
Javadoc Comments - @see class#member Tag
Form: @see classname#member
Used Where: Any item being commented.
Used For:
provides a link to another class's member if it provides
additional clarity for the item being commented.
General Order of Tags
If multiple tags are used in the same comment they
should be listed in the following order:
Ordering Multiple Tags
@author, @param, and @throws can be used more
than once in the same comment.
multiple @author tags should be listed in chronological
order (the order in which authors worked on the class).
multiple @param tags should be listed in the same order
that they appear in the method header.
multiple @throws should be listed in alphabetical order
according to the type of the exception (remember
methods can throw multiple exceptions.)
Exporting the API for your Project
Eclipse provides a built in tool for exporting your Javadoc
comments as an API for your program.
Project Generate Javadoc...
On the next window you can choose which project and any
of that projects packages, classes, etc that you want to be
Click finish when you are done.
Javadoc Examples
The best examples of how to use Javadoc comments is to just look at the
Java source code.
Choose a class that you are familiar with (I like the String class).
In any source code file in Eclipse, just look for the String class data type, or
just type the word String.
ctrl-left-click the word String in Eclipse and it should bring up the source code
for the String class.
NOTE: If this does not work, you most likely do not have your project set to use the
JDK instead of the JRE (which is the default option for most projects).
Google how to set your Eclipse project to reference the JDK instead of the JRE.
Project Deliverables
Project Deliverables
The following deliverables are required for every project you turn in for
this class:
A detailed User Manual (.pdf).
All of the source code (with the required Javadoc comments).
Upload the .java files individually, DO NOT zip the files.
The API files generated from the Javadoc comments.
Zip the entire folder that is generated.
An executable .jar file so that I can run your project as a standalone
Google how to do this.
How to write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool ,
Oracle Website
Javadoc Comments, Java
Workshop Website
Java String Class Source Code
You can view this in Eclipse.

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