Java Platform Enterprise Edition 6 Compatibility Suite User's Guide Javaee Tck User


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JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 6
Compatibility Test Suite User's Guide
For Technology Licensees
Part No: 821–0947–11
July 1, 2011
Copyright ©2011 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.
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Preface ...................................................................................................................................................11
1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................15
1.1 Compatibility Testing ................................................................................................................... 15
1.1.1 Why Compatibility Testing is Important ........................................................................ 16
1.1.2 Compatibility Rules ............................................................................................................ 16
1.1.3 CTS Overview ..................................................................................................................... 16
1.1.4 Java Community Process (JCP) Program and Compatibility Testing ......................... 17
1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS ............................................................................................................... 17
1.2.1 CTS Tests ............................................................................................................................. 18
1.2.2 JavaTest Harness ................................................................................................................. 20
1.2.3 Exclude Lists ........................................................................................................................ 21
1.2.4 Apache Ant .......................................................................................................................... 21
1.3 Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................................. 22
1.4 Software Requirements ................................................................................................................. 23
1.5 TCK Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 23
1.6 Getting Started With the Java EE 6 CTS Test Suite ................................................................... 24
2 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication ................................................. 25
2.1 Certication Overview for Java EE 6 ........................................................................................... 25
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 ................................................................................. 25
2.2.1 Denitions for Java EE 6 Compatibility Requirements .................................................. 26
2.2.2 Rules for Java EE 6 Products .............................................................................................. 29
2.2.3 Java EE 6 Test Appeals Process .......................................................................................... 32
2.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6 ................................................................................................. 34
2.4 Specications for Java EE 6 ........................................................................................................... 34
2.5 Libraries for Java EE 6 ................................................................................................................... 34
3 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6Web Prole Certication ............................35
3.1 Certication Overview for Java EE 6 Web Prole ..................................................................... 35
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole ........................................................... 35
3.2.1 Denitions for Java EE 6 Web Prole Compatibility Requirements ............................ 36
3.2.2 Rules for Java EE 6 Web Prole Products ........................................................................ 39
3.2.3 Java EE 6 Web Prole Test Appeals Process .................................................................... 41
3.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6 Web Prole ............................................................................ 43
3.4 Specications for Java EE 6 Web Prole ..................................................................................... 44
3.5 Libraries for Java EE 6 Web Prole .............................................................................................. 44
4 Installation ............................................................................................................................................45
4.1 Installing the Software .................................................................................................................. 45
Installing the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI .................................................................. 45
Installing the Java EE 6 CTS ........................................................................................................ 46
Verifying Your Installation (Optional) ..................................................................................... 47
5 Setup and Conguration ....................................................................................................................49
5.1 Allowed Modications .................................................................................................................. 49
5.2 Conguring the Test Environment ............................................................................................. 49
General Conguration Steps ...................................................................................................... 50
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server ........................................................... 51
5.3.1 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server Conguration Scenarios .............................. 52
Conguring the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the VI ............................................. 53
Conguring Your Application Server as the VI ....................................................................... 55
Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and VI for Interop/Rebuildable
Tests ............................................................................................................................................... 60
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for Specic Technology Tests ............................................ 63
5.4.1 Test Harness Setup .............................................................................................................. 63
5.4.2 Windows-Specic Properties ............................................................................................ 64
5.4.3 Test Execution Command Setup ...................................................................................... 65
5.4.4 Servlet Test Setup ................................................................................................................ 66
5.4.5 JDBC Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 66
5.4.6 Standalone RMI/IIOP Server Test Setup ......................................................................... 66
5.4.7 JavaMail Test Setup ............................................................................................................. 67
5.4.8 JAXR Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 67
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 20114
5.4.9 JAX-RS Test Setup .............................................................................................................. 69
5.4.10 Deployment Test Setup .................................................................................................... 73
5.4.11 Connector Test Setup ....................................................................................................... 74
5.4.12 XA Test Setup .................................................................................................................... 77
5.4.13 EJB 3.0 Test Setup ............................................................................................................. 79
5.4.14 EJB Timer Test Setup ....................................................................................................... 80
5.4.15 Entity Bean Container-Managed Persistence Test Setup for EJB V1.1 ...................... 81
5.4.16 Java Persistence API Test Setup ...................................................................................... 82
5.4.17 JMS Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 84
5.4.18 Transaction Interoperability Testing ............................................................................. 87
5.4.19 JASPIC Test Setup ............................................................................................................. 88
5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup ............................................................................................................... 91
5.4.21 JACC Test Setup ................................................................................................................ 98
5.4.22 JAX-WS Test Setup ...........................................................................................................99
5.4.23 WSDL: Webservice Test and Runtime Notes .............................................................. 100
5.4.24 Signature Test Setup ....................................................................................................... 108
5.4.25 Backend Database Setup ................................................................................................ 108
5.5 Using the JavaTest Harness Conguration GUI ...................................................................... 109
5.5.1 Basic Conguration Overview ........................................................................................ 109
5.5.2 The Conguration Interview ........................................................................................... 110
6 Setup and Conguration for Testing with the Java EE 6Web Prole ........................................113
6.1 Conguring the Java EE 6 Web Prole Test Environment ..................................................... 113
6.1.1 Running Tests Against a Java EE 6 Web Prole Implementation ............................... 113
6.1.2 Running Optional Subsets of Tests in Addition to the Java EE 6 Web Prole Tests . 114
7 Executing Tests ...................................................................................................................................117
7.1 Java EE 6 CTS Operating Assumptions .................................................................................... 117
7.2 Starting JavaTest .......................................................................................................................... 118
To Start JavaTest in GUI Mode ................................................................................................ 118
To Start JavaTest in Command-Line Mode ............................................................................ 119
7.3 Validating Your Test Conguration ......................................................................................... 121
To Validate Your Conguration in GUI Mode ...................................................................... 121
To Validate Your Conguration in Command-Line Mode ................................................. 122
7.4 Running a Subset of the Tests .................................................................................................... 122
To Run a Subset of Tests in GUI Mode .................................................................................... 122
To Run a Subset of Tests in Command-Line Mode ............................................................... 123
To Run a Subset of Tests in Batch Mode Based on Prior Result Status ................................ 123
7.5 Test Reports ................................................................................................................................. 124
7.5.1 Creating Test Reports ....................................................................................................... 124
7.5.2 Viewing an Existing Test Report ..................................................................................... 125
8 Debugging Test Problems ................................................................................................................127
8.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 127
8.2 Test Tree ....................................................................................................................................... 128
8.3 Folder Information ...................................................................................................................... 128
8.4 Test Information ......................................................................................................................... 128
8.5 Report Files ................................................................................................................................... 129
8.6 Conguration Failures ................................................................................................................ 129
To Restore Your Environment After Aborting a Test Run in Command-line Mode ........ 129
9 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................... 131
9.1 Common CTS Problems and Resolutions ................................................................................ 131
9.2 Support ......................................................................................................................................... 132
10 Building and Debugging Tests ........................................................................................................133
10.1 Conguring Your Build Environment ................................................................................... 133
To Congure Your CTS Build Environment .......................................................................... 133
10.2 Building the Test ........................................................................................................................ 134
To Build the CTS Tests .............................................................................................................. 134
10.3 Running the Tests ...................................................................................................................... 135
To Run a Single Test Directory ................................................................................................. 135
To Run a Single Test Within a Test Directory ........................................................................ 135
10.4 Listing the Contents of dist/classes Directories ............................................................... 136
10.5 Debugging Service Tests ........................................................................................................... 137
10.5.1 Examples .......................................................................................................................... 137
10.5.2 Obtaining Additional Debugging Information .......................................................... 138
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 20116
11 Implementing the Porting Package ...............................................................................................139
11.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 139
11.2 Porting Package APIs ................................................................................................................ 141
11.2.1 TSDeploymentInterface2 ............................................................................................ 141
11.2.2 Ant-Based Deployment Interface ................................................................................. 142
11.2.3 TSJMSAdminInterface ................................................................................................... 143
11.2.4 TSLoginContextInterface .......................................................................................... 143
11.2.5 TSURLInterface ............................................................................................................. 143
11.2.6 TSHttpsURLConnectionInterface .............................................................................. 144
11.2.7 TSJAXRPCInterface ....................................................................................................... 144
A Common Applications Deployment ...............................................................................................145
Bts.jte Modiable Properties .........................................................................................................147
C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs ................................................................................................................165
C.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 165
C.1.1 Application Client-to-EJB Scenarios ............................................................................. 166
C.1.2 EJB-to-EJB Test Scenarios .............................................................................................. 167
C.1.3 Web Client-to-EJB Scenarios ......................................................................................... 168
C.2 CSIv2 Test Directory Naming Conventions ............................................................................ 169
C.3 CSIv2 Test Directory Structure ................................................................................................. 170
C.4 Naming Conventions for CSIv2 Test Names .......................................................................... 171
C.5 Debugging CSIv2 Test Failures ................................................................................................. 171
C.5.1 Debugging CTS Clients, Beans, and Servlets ................................................................ 172
C.5.2 Debugging CTS CSIv2 Interceptors ............................................................................... 172
C.6 Examining Test Logs .................................................................................................................. 173
To Examine the Test Logs ......................................................................................................... 173
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements .................................................................................................................... 176
C.7.1 Key Elements in the CSIv2 Log ....................................................................................... 177
C.7.2 Key Elements in the Server Interceptor Log ................................................................. 177
C.7.3 Key Elements in the Client Interceptor Log .................................................................. 178
C.7.4 Key Elements in an IOR Log ........................................................................................... 179
C.7.5 Comprehensive List of All CSIv2 Log Elements ........................................................... 180
C.8 IORs and Associated CSIv2 Tests ............................................................................................. 183
D JASPIC Technology Notes and Files ................................................................................................185
D.1 JASPIC 1.0 Technology Overview ............................................................................................ 185
D.2 JASPIC TSSV Files ...................................................................................................................... 186
D.2.1 tssv.jar le .......................................................................................................................... 186
D.2.2 ProviderConfiguration.xml le ................................................................................. 186
D.2.3 provider-conguration.dtd le ...................................................................................... 187
E Interoperable Object Reference Denitions .................................................................................189
E.1 IOR.0 ............................................................................................................................................. 189
E.2 IOR.1 ............................................................................................................................................. 190
E.3 IOR.3 ............................................................................................................................................. 191
E.4 IOR.4 ............................................................................................................................................. 191
E.5 IOR.7 ............................................................................................................................................. 192
F Conguring Your Backend Database .............................................................................................193
F.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 193
F.2 The init.<database> Ant Target ............................................................................................. 194
F.3 Database Properties in ts.jte ................................................................................................... 195
F.4 Database DDL and DML Files .................................................................................................... 197
F.5 CMP Table Creation .................................................................................................................... 198
G EJBQL Schema ....................................................................................................................................199
G.1 Persistence Schema Relationships ............................................................................................ 199
G.2 SQL Statements for CMP 1.1 Finders ...................................................................................... 201
G.2.1 ejb/ee/bb/entity/cmp/clientviewtest,
interop/ejb/entity/cmp/clientviewtest ........................................................................ 201
G.2.2 ejb/ee/bb/entity/cmp/complexpktest .................................................................... 202
G.2.3 ejb/ee/tx/txECMPbean .................................................................................................. 202
H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWS Tests ........................................................................................... 203
H.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 203
H.2 Rebuilding the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure ............................................................... 204
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 20118
To Rebuild the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure ............................................................... 204
Example: To Rebuild a Single Test Directory ......................................................................... 205
H.3 Rebuilding the Tests Manually ................................................................................................. 207
To Rebuild the Tests Manually ................................................................................................. 207
H.4 wsgen Reference ......................................................................................................................... 208
H.4.1 wsgen Syntax .................................................................................................................... 208
H.4.2 wsgen Ant Task ................................................................................................................ 209
H.4.3 wsgen Example ................................................................................................................. 211
H.5 wsimport Reference ................................................................................................................... 211
H.5.1 wsimport Syntax .............................................................................................................. 212
H.5.2 wsimport Ant Task .......................................................................................................... 213
H.5.3 wsimport Examples ......................................................................................................... 216
I Context Root Mapping Rules for Web Services Tests .................................................................. 219
I.1 Servlet-Based Web Service Endpoint Context Root Mapping ............................................... 219
I.2 EJB-Based Web Service Endpoint Context Root Mapping ..................................................... 220
This book introduces the Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) for the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition 6 (Java EE 6) and Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole (Java EE 6 Web
Prole), and explains how to congure and run the test suite. It also provides information for
troubleshooting problems you may encounter as you run the test suite.
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Compatibility Test Suite (Java EE 6 CTS) is a portable,
congurable automated test suite for verifying the compatibility of a licensee's implementation
of the Java EE 6 Specication (hereafter referred to as the licensee implementation). The Java EE
6 CTS uses the JavaTest harness version 3.2.1 to run the test suite.
Note – URLs are provided so you can locate resources quickly. However, these URLs are subject
to changes that are beyond the control of the authors of this guide.
Visit the Java Licensee Engineering ( site for answers to
frequently asked questions and send questions you may have to yourJava Licensee Engineering
Who Should Use This Book
This guide is for licensees of Sun Microsystems's Java EE 6 6 technology to assist them in
running the test suite that veries compatibility of their implementation of the Java EE 6
Before You Read This Book
Before reading this guide, you should familiarize yourself with the Java programming language,
the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) Specication, and the JavaTest
Java Programming Language,Java Language Specication Fourth Edition, and Java Virtual
Machine Specication Second Edition are good sources of information about the Java
Programming language, as is the Sun Microsystems, Inc. ( site.
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) Specication can be downloaded from (
The JavaTest documentation is included in the Java EE 6 CTS documentation bundle.
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic conventions that are used in this book.
TABLE P–1 Typographic Conventions
Typeface Meaning Example
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, les, and
directories, and onscreen computer output
Edit your .login le.
Use ls -a to list all les.
machine_name% you have mail.
AaBbCc123 What you type, contrasted with onscreen
computer output
machine_name% su
aabbcc123 Placeholder: replace with a real name or
The command to remove a le is rm
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new terms, and terms to be
Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
Acache is a copy that is stored locally.
Do not save the le.
Note: Some emphasized items appear bold
Shell Prompts in Command Examples
The following table shows the default UNIX system prompt and superuser prompt for the C
shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.
TABLE P–2 Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine_name%
C shell for superuser machine_name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell $
Bourne shell and Korn shell for superuser #
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201112
This document provides instructions for installing, conguring, and running the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition 6 Compatibility Test Suite (Java EE 6 CTS). Sun Microsystems, Inc. is
committed to making Write Once, Run Anywhere a reality for the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition platform by providing the following for each Java technology:
A specication
A Software Development Kit (SDK)
A Reference Implementation (RI)
A Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)
A brand
This chapter includes the following topics:
“1.1 Compatibility Testing” on page 15
“1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS” on page 17
“1.3 Hardware Requirements” on page 22
“1.4 Software Requirements” on page 23
“1.5 TCK Requirements” on page 23
“1.6 Getting Started With the Java EE 6 CTS Test Suite” on page 24
1.1 Compatibility Testing
Compatibility testing diers from traditional product testing in a number of ways. The focus of
compatibility testing is to test those features and areas of an implementation that are likely to
dier across other implementations, such as those features that:
Rely on hardware or operating system-specic behavior
Are dicult to port
Mask or abstract hardware or operating system behavior
Compatibility test development for a given feature relies on a complete specication and
reference implementation for that feature. Compatibility testing is not primarily concerned
with robustness, performance, or ease of use.
1.1.1 Why CompatibilityTesting is Important
Java platform compatibility is important to dierent groups involved with Java technologies for
dierent reasons:
Compatibility testing is the means by which Sun Microsystems ensures that the Java
platform does not become fragmented as it is ported to dierent operating systems and
hardware environments.
Compatibility testing benets developers working in the Java programming language,
allowing them to write applications once and then to deploy them across heterogeneous
computing environments without porting.
Compatibility testing allows application users to obtain applications from disparate sources
and deploy them with condence.
Conformance testing benets Java platform implementors by ensuring a level playing eld
for all Java platform ports.
1.1.2 Compatibility Rules
Compatibility criteria for all technology implementations are embodied in the Compatibility
Rules that apply to a specied technology. The Java EE 6 CTS tests for adherence to these Rules
as described in Chapter 2, “Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication,for
Java EE 6 and Chapter 3, “Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole
Certication,for Java EE 6 Web Prole.
1.1.3 CTS Overview
A Java EE 6 CTS is a set of tools and tests used to verify that a licensee's implementation of Sun
Microsystems's technology conforms to the applicable specication. All tests in the CTS are
based on the written specications for the Java platform. The CTS tests compatibility of a
licensee's implementation of Sun Microsystems's technology to the applicable specication of
the technology. Compatibility testing is a means of ensuring correctness, completeness, and
consistency across all implementations developed by Sun Microsystems technology licensees.
The set of tests included with the Java EE 6 CTS is called the test suite. All tests in the CTS test
suite are self-checking, but some tests may require tester interaction. Most tests return either a
Pass or Fail status. For a given platform to be certied, all of the required tests must pass. The
denition of required tests may change from platform to platform.
1.1 Compatibility Testing
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201116
The denition of required tests will change over time. Before your nal certication test pass, be
sure to download the latest Exclude List for the Java EE 6 CTS. The denition of required tests
will change over time. See “1.2.3 Exclude Lists” on page 21 for more information.
1.1.4 Java Community Process (JCP) Program and
Compatibility Testing
The Java Community Process (JCP) program is the formalization of the open process that Sun
Microsystems, Inc. has been using since 1995 to develop and revise Java technology
specications in cooperation with the international Java community. The JCP program
species that the following three major components must be included as deliverables in a nal
Java technology release under the direction of the responsible Expert Group:
Technology Specication
Reference Implementation
Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK)
For further information about the JCP program, go to Java Community Process
1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS
The Java EE 6 CTS is designed as a portable, congurable, automated test suite for verifying the
compliance of a licensee's implementation of theJava EE 6 technologies. The Java EE 6 CTS
includes version 3.2.1 of the JavaTest harness.
The Java EE 6 CTS test suite includes compatibility tests for the following Java EE 6
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1
Java Servlet 3.0
JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.2
Expression Language (EL) 2.2
Java Message Service (JMS) 1.1
Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.1
JavaMail 1.4
Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6
Web Services for Java EE 1.3
Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) 1.1
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.2
Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 1.1
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2
SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) 1.3
1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS
Chapter 1 • Introduction 17
Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) 1.0
Java EE Management 1.1
Java EE Deployment 1.2
Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) 1.3
Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers (JASPIC) 1.0
Debugging Support for Other Languages 1.0
Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL) 1.2
Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform (JWS) 2.1
JavaServer Faces 2.0
Common Annotations for the Java Platform 1.1
Java Persistence 2.0
Bean Validation 1.0
Managed Beans 1.0
Interceptors 1.1
JSR 330 1.0
The Java EE 6 CTS test suite can also be used to test compatibility for the following Java EE 6
Web Prole technologies:
Java Servlet 3.0
JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.2
Expression Language (EL) 2.2
Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL) 1.2
JavaServer Faces 2.0
Common Annotations for the Java Platform (JSR 250) 1.1
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 Lite
Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.1
Java Persistence (JPA) 2.0
JSR 299 1.0
1.2.1 CTS Tests
The Java EE 6 CTS contains API tests and enterprise edition tests, which are tests that start in
the Java EE 6 platform and use the underlying enterprise service(s) as specied. For example, a
JDBC enterprise edition test connects to a database, uses SQL commands and the JDBC 4.0 API
to populate the database tables with data, queries the database, and compares the returned
results against the expected results.
1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201118
Figure 1–1 shows how most licensees will use the test suite. They will set up and run the test
suite with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Reference Implementation (Java EE 6 RI) rst
to become familiar with the testing process. Then they will set up and run the test suite with
their own Java EE 6 implementation. When they pass all of the tests, they will apply for and be
granted certication.
Before you do anything with the test suite, we recommend that you read the rules in
Chapter 2, “Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication,or Chapter 3,
“Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole Certication.These
FIGURE 1–1 Typical Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Workow
Apply for Java EE 5
Implement porting package,
rebuild add to classpaths
Start a Java EE 5
Set up and validate
test environment
Set up your Java
EE 5 environment
Run tests in your
environment using Ant
Run tests in Java EE 5
SDK using Ant Debug your resultspass?
Ye s
Ye sYe s
Set up Java EE 5
SDK environment
Set up and validate
test environment
Start Java EE 5
Debug test failurespass?
Check your Java EE 5
and test environments
Ye s
Ye sYe s
Ye s
Ye sYe s
Ye s
Ye sYe s
1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS
Chapter 1 • Introduction 19
chapters explain the certication process and provides a denitive list of certication rules
for Java EE 6 and Java EE 6 Web Prole implementations.
Next, take a look at the test assertions in the Assertion List, which you can nd in the Java EE
6 CTS documentation bundle. The assertions explain what each test is testing. When you
run the tests with the JavaTest GUI, the assertion being tested as part of the test description
of the currently selected test is displayed.
Third, install and congure the Java EE 6 CTS software and the Java EE 6 RI or Java EE 6
Web Prole RI and run the tests as described in this guide. This will familiarize you with the
testing process.
Finally, set up and run the test suite with your own Java EE 6 or Java EE 6 Web Prole
Note – In the instructions in this document, variables in angle brackets need to be expanded for
each platform. For example, <TS_HOME> becomes $TS_HOME on Solaris/Linux and %TS_HOME% on
Windows. In addition, the forward slashes (/) used in all of the examples need to be replaced
with backslashes (\) for Windows.
1.2.2 JavaTest Harness
The JavaTest harness version 3.2.1 is a set of tools designed to run and manage test suites on
dierent Java platforms. The JavaTest harness can be described as both a Java application and a
set of compatibility testing tools. It can run tests on dierent kinds of Java platforms and it
allows the results to be browsed online within the JavaTest GUI, or oine in the HTML reports
that the JavaTest harness generates.
The JavaTest harness includes the applications and tools that are used for test execution and test
suite management. It supports the following features:
Sequencing of tests, allowing them to be loaded and executed automatically
Graphic user interface (GUI) for ease of use
Automated reporting capability to minimize manual errors
Failure analysis
Test result auditing and auditable test specication framework
Distributed testing environment support
To run tests using the JavaTest harness, you specify which tests in the test suite to run, how to
run them, and where to put the results as described in Chapter 7, “Executing Tests.
The tests that make up the CTS are precompiled and indexed within the CTS test directory
structure. When a test run is started, the JavaTest harness scans through the set of tests that are
located under the directories that have been selected. While scanning, the JavaTest harness
selects the appropriate tests according to any matches with the lters you are using and queues
them up for execution.
1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201120
1.2.3 Exclude Lists
The Java EE 6 CTS includes an Exclude List contained in a .jtx le. This is a list of test le URLs
that identify tests which do not have to be run for the specic version of the CTS being used.
Whenever tests are run, the JavaTest harness automatically excludes any test on the Exclude List
from being executed.
A licensee is not required to pass any test—or even run any test—on the Exclude List. The
Exclude List le, <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jtx, is included in the Java EE 6 CTS.
Note – From time to time, updates to the Exclude List are made available on the Java Licensee
Engineering ( site. You should always make sure you are
using an up-to-date copy of the Exclude List before running the Java EE 6 CTS test suite to
verify your implementation.
A test might be in the Exclude List for reasons such as:
An error in an underlying implementation API has been discovered which does not allow
the test to execute properly.
An error in the specication that was used as the basis of the test has been discovered.
An error in the test itself has been discovered.
The test fails due to a bug in the tools (such as the JavaTest harness, for example).
In addition, all tests are run against the Sun Microsystems reference implementations. Any tests
that fail when run on a reference Java platform are put on the Exclude List. Any test that is not
specication-based, or for which the specication is vague, may be excluded. Any test that is
found to be implementation dependent (based on a particular thread scheduling model, based
on a particular le system behavior, and so on) may be excluded.
Note – Licensees are not permitted to alter or modify Exclude Lists. Changes to an Exclude List
can only be made by using the procedure described in “2.2.3 Java EE 6 Test Appeals Process” on
page 32 and “3.2.3 Java EE 6 Web Prole Test Appeals Process” on page 41.
1.2.4 Apache Ant
TheJava EE 6 RI, Java EE 6 Web Prole RI, and Java EE 6 CTS include implementations of
Apache Ant 1.7.1 from the Apache Ant Project ( Apache Ant is a
free, open-source, Java-based build tool, similar in some ways to the make tool, but more
exible, cross-platform compatible, and centered around XML-based conguration les.
1.2 About the Java EE 6 CTS
Chapter 1 • Introduction 21
Ant is invoked in the Java EE 6 RI, Java EE 6 Web ProleRI, and Java EE 6 CTS in conjunction
with various XML les containing Ant targets. These Ant targets provide a convenient way to
automate various conguration tasks for Java EE 6 CTS. For example, the initial conguration
of the Java EE 6 RI or Java EE 6 Web Prole RI for CTS is done by means of the Ant
The Ant conguration targets are there for your convenience. When conguring your Java EE 6
or Java EE 6 Web Prole implementation for the Java EE 6 CTS, you can choose to set up your
environment to leverage the Ant tools, or you can perform some or all of your conguration
procedures manually. The Java EE 6 CTS includes the Ant Contrib package, and the tasks
included with Ant Contrib are used within the CTS build les. See http:// for more information about Ant Contrib.
This User's Guide does not provide in-depth instruction on Ant internals or how to congure
Ant targets for your particular Java EE 6 or Java EE 6 Web Prole implementation. For complete
information about Ant, refer to the extensive documentation on the Apache Ant Project site.
The Apache Ant Manual is available at
Apache Ant is protected under the Apache Software, License 1.1. See the LICENSE in the
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant directory, or on the Apache Ant Project license page at
1.3 Hardware Requirements
You can run the Java EE 6 CTS software on compatible Java platforms on both Sun workstations
and on personal computers. The following section lists the hardware requirements for both,
using the Java EE 6 RI or Java EE 6 Web Prole RI. Hardware requirements for other reference
implementations will vary.
All systems must meet the following recommended and minimum hardware requirements:
CPU running at 500 MHz minimum
512MB of RAM minimum
1024MB of swap space minimum
2048 MB of free disk space minimum for writing data to log les, the Java EE 6 repository,
and the database
Network access
1.3 Hardware Requirements
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201122
1.4 Software Requirements
You can run the Java EE 6 CTS software on platforms running the Sun Solaris, Linux, Windows,
and Mac OS software that meet the following minimum software requirements:
Operating Systems:
Sun Solaris SPARC 9, 10 and Sun Solaris x86 9, 10
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista Professional Edition
Red Hat AS 4.0, 5.0
Mac OS 10.5
SuSE Linux 10.2
Ubuntu Linux 7.0, 8.0
Java SE 6 SDK
Java EE 6 RI or Java EE 6 Web Prole RI
Sendmail running on localhost or network-accessible machine
Note – CTS software has been tested using Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server,
PostgreSQL, MySQL, and JavaDB.
1.5 TCK Requirements
In addition to the instructions and requirements described in this document, the following
requirements must also be met:
All Java EE 6 implementations must also pass the Java Architecture for XML Binding
(JAXB), Contexts Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform (JSR 299), Dependency
Injection for Java (JSR 330), and Bean Validation TCKs.
All Java EE 6 Web Prole implementations must also pass the Contexts Dependency
Injection for the Java EE Platform (JSR 299) and Bean Validation TCKs.
Java EE 6 Web Prole implementations do not need to pass the JAXB or the Dependency
Injection for Java (JSR 330) TCKs.
These TCKs can be downloaded from the Java Licensee Engineering (https:// site.
For additional information about the JAXB TCK, see
For for more information about the JAXB 2.2 technology, see the specication at
For more information about the Contexts Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform
(CDIJ) technology, see the specication at
1.5 TCK Requirements
Chapter 1 • Introduction 23
For more information about the Bean Validation technology, see the specication at
1.6 Getting Started With the Java EE 6 CTS Test Suite
Briey, installing, conguring, and using the Java EE 6 CTS involves the following general steps:
1. Download, install, and congure the Java EE 6 RI or Java EE 6 Web Prole RI.
2. Download and install the Java EE 6 CTS package.
3. Congure your database to work with your RI.
4. Congure CTS to work with your database and RI.
5. Run the CTS tests.
The remainder of this guide explains these steps in detail. If you just want to get started quickly
with the Java EE 6 CTS using the most basic test conguration, refer to Chapter 4, “Installation.
1.6 Getting Started With the Java EE 6 CTS Test Suite
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201124
Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
6 Certication
This chapter describes the compatibility testing process and compatibility requirements for
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6). This chapter contains the following sections:
“2.1 Certication Overview for Java EE 6” on page 25
“2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6” on page 25
“2.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6” on page 34
“2.4 Specications for Java EE 6” on page 34
“2.5 Libraries for Java EE 6” on page 34
2.1 Certication Overview for Java EE 6
The certication process for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition consists of the following
Install the appropriate version of the Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) and execute it in
accordance with the instructions in this User's Guide.
Ensure that you meet the requirements outlined in “2.2 Compatibility Requirements for
Java EE 6” on page 25.
Certify to Java Licensee Engineering that you have nished testing and that you meet all the
compatibility requirements.
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
The compatibility requirements for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition consist of meeting the
requirements set forth by the rules and associated denitions contained in this section.
Note – As stated in Rule 18 in “2.2.2 Rules for Java EE 6 Products” on page 29, part of the Java EE
6 CTS compatibility requirements is that your Java EE 6 implementation must also pass the Java
Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), Contexts Dependency Injection for the Java EE
Platform (JSR 299), Dependency Injection for Java (JSR 330), and Bean Validation TCKs. See
“1.5 TCK Requirements” on page 23 for more information about this requirement.
2.2.1 Denitions for Java EE 6 Compatibility Requirements
These denitions are for use only with these compatibility requirements and are not intended
for any other purpose.
Phrases of the form "Java EE 6 <term>"are a reference to the <term> as dened in Chapter 2,
“Procedure for Certication,” in the associated Java Test Compatibility Kit User's Guide,
available on the Java Licensee Engineering ( site.
TABLE 2–1 Denitions
Term Denition
Application A collection of components contained in a single application package (such as an
EAR le or JAR le) and deployed at the same time using a Deployment Tool.
Computational Resource A piece of hardware or software that may vary in quantity, existence, or version,
which may be required to exist in a minimum quantity and/or at a specic or
minimum revision level so as to satisfy the requirements of the Test Suite.
Examples of computational resources that may vary in quantity are RAM and le
Examples of computational resources that may vary in existence (that is, may or may
not exist) are graphics cards and device drivers.
Examples of computational resources that may vary in version are operating systems
and device drivers.
Compatibility Tests All tests in the Test Suite for an indicated Technology Under Test, as distributed by
the Maintenance Lead, excluding those tests on the Exclude List for the Technology
Under Test.
Conguration Descriptor Any le whose format is well dened by a specication and which contains
conguration information for a set of Java classes, archive, or other feature dened in
the specication.
Container An implementation of the associated Libraries, as specied in the Specications, and a
version of a Java SE Runtime Product, as specied in the Specications, or a later
version of a Java SE Runtime Product that also meets these compatibility
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201126
TABLE 2–1 Denitions (Continued)
Term Denition
Deployment Tool A tool used to deploy applications or components in a Product, as described in the
Documented Made technically accessible and made known to users, typically by means such as
marketing materials, product documentation, usage messages, or developer support
Edition A Version of the Java Platform, Standard Edition Technology, or a Version of the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Technology.
Endorsed Standard A Java API dened through a standards process other than the Java Community
Process. The Endorsed Standard packages are listed later in this chapter.
Exclude List The most current list of tests, distributed by the Maintenance Lead, that are not
required to be passed to certify conformance. The Maintenance Lead may add to the
Exclude List for that Test Suite as needed at any time, in which case the updated
Exclude List supplants any previous Exclude Lists for that Test Suite.
Java-to-WSDL Output Output of a Java-to-WSDL Tool that is required for Web service deployment and
Java-to-WSDL Tool A software development tool that implements or incorporates a function that
generates Web service endpoint descriptions in WSDL and XML schema format from
Source Code as specied by the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Specication.
JSP Page A text-based document that uses JavaServer Pages technology.
JSP Page Implementation
A program constructed by transforming the JSP Page text into a Java language
program using the transformation rules described in the Specications.
Libraries The class libraries, as specied through the Java Community Process (JCP), for the
Technology Under Test. The Libraries for Java EE 6 are listed at the end of this
Location Resource A location of classes or native libraries that are components of the test tools or tests,
such that these classes or libraries may be required to exist in a certain location in
order to satisfy the requirements of the test suite.
For example, classes may be required to exist in directories named in a CLASSPATH
variable, or native libraries may be required to exist in directories named in a PATH
Maintenance Lead The Java Community Process member responsible for maintaining the Specication,
reference implementation, and TCK for the Technology. Sun is the Maintenance
Lead for Java EE 6.
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Chapter 2 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication 27
TABLE 2–1 Denitions (Continued)
Term Denition
Operating Mode Any Documented option of a Product that can be changed by a user in order to
modify the behavior of the Product.
For example, an Operating Mode can be binary (enable/disable optimization), an
enumeration (select from a list of protocols), or a range (set the maximum number of
active threads).
Product A licensee product in which the Technology Under Test is implemented or
incorporated, and that is subject to compatibility testing.
Product Conguration A specic setting or instantiation of an Operating Mode.
For example, a Product supporting an Operating Mode that permits user selection of
an external encryption package may have a Product Conguration that links the
Product to that encryption package.
Rebuildable Tests Tests that must be built using an implementation specic mechanism. This
mechanism must produce specication dened artifacts. Rebuilding and running
these tests against the Java EE 6 RI veries that the mechanism generates compatible
Resource A Computational Resource, a Location Resource, or a Security Resource.
Rules These denitions and rules in this Compatibility Requirements section of this User's
Runtime The Containers specied in the Specications.
Security Resource A security privilege or policy necessary for the proper execution of the Test Suite.
For example, the user executing the Test Suite will need the privilege to access the les
and network resources necessary for use of the Product.
Specications The documents produced through the Java Community Process that dene a
particular Version of a Technology.
The Specications for the Technology Under Test can be found later in this chapter.
Technology Specications and a reference implementation produced through the Java
Community Process.
Technology Under Test Specications and the reference implementation for Java EE 6.
Test Suite The requirements, tests, and testing tools distributed by the Maintenance Lead as
applicable to a given Version of the Technology.
Version A release of the Technology, as produced through the Java Community Process.
WSDL-to-Java Output Output of a WSDL-to-Java tool that is required for Web service deployment and
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201128
TABLE 2–1 Denitions (Continued)
Term Denition
WSDL-to-Java Tool A software development tool that implements or incorporates a function that
generates Web service interfaces for clients and endpoints from a WSDL description
as specied by the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Specication.
2.2.2 Rules for Java EE 6 Products
The following rules apply for each version of an operating system, software component, and
hardware platform Documented as supporting the Product:
1. The Product must be able to satisfy all applicable compatibility requirements, including
passing all Compatibility Tests, in every Product Conguration and in every combination of
Product Congurations, except only as specically exempted by these Rules.
For example, if a Product provides distinct Operating Modes to optimize performance, then
that Product must satisfy all applicable compatibility requirements for a Product in each
Product Conguration, and combination of Product Congurations, of those Operating
a. If an Operating Mode controls a Resource necessary for the basic execution of the Test
Suite, testing may always use a Product Conguration of that Operating Mode providing
that Resource, even if other Product Congurations do not provide that Resource.
Notwithstanding such exceptions, each Product must have at least one set of Product
Congurations of such Operating Modes that is able to pass all the Compatibility Tests.
For example, a Product with an Operating Mode that controls a security policy (i.e.,
Security Resource) which has one or more Product Congurations that cause
Compatibility Tests to fail may be tested using a Product Conguration that allows all
Compatibility Tests to pass.
b. A Product Conguration of an Operating Mode that causes the Product to report only
version, usage, or diagnostic information is exempted from these compatibility rules.
c. A Product may contain an Operating Mode that provides compatibility with previous
versions of the Product that would not otherwise meet these compatibility requirements.
The previous versions of the Product must have been shipped in a nal form to
customers before Jan. 1, 2001. At least the default Product Conguration of this
Operating Mode must meet these compatibility requirements without invoking this rule;
testing may always use such a Product Conguration. This Operating Mode must aect
no smaller unit of execution than an entire Application. Any Product Conguration that
invokes this rule must be clearly Documented as not meeting the requirements of the
d. A Product may contain an Operating Mode that selects the Edition with which it is
compatible. The Product must meet the compatibility requirements for the
corresponding Edition for all Product Congurations of this Operating Mode. This
Operating Mode must aect no smaller unit of execution than an entire Application.
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Chapter 2 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication 29
2. Some Compatibility Tests may have properties that may be changed. Properties that can be
changed are identied in the TCK conguration interview. Apart from changing such
properties and other allowed modications described in this User's Guide (if any), no source
or binary code for a Compatibility Test may be altered in any way without prior written
permission. Any such allowed alterations to the Compatibility Tests would be posted to the
Java Licensee Engineering web site and apply to all licensees.
3. The testing tools supplied as part of the Test Suite or as updated by the Maintenance Lead
must be used to certify compliance.
4. The Exclude List associated with the Test Suite cannot be modied.
5. The Maintenance Lead can dene exceptions to these Rules. Such exceptions would be
made available to and apply to all licensees.
6. All hardware and software component additions, deletions, and modications to a
Documented supporting hardware/software platform, that are not part of the Product but
required for the Product to satisfy the compatibility requirements, must be Documented
and available to users of the Product.
For example, if a patch to a particular version of a supporting operating system is required
for the Product to pass the Compatibility Tests, that patch must be Documented and
available to users of the Product.
7. The Product must contain the full set of public and protected classes and interfaces for all
the Libraries. Those classes and interfaces must contain exactly the set of public and
protected methods, constructors, and elds dened by the Specications for those Libraries.
No subsetting, supersetting, or modications of the public and protected API of the
Libraries are allowed except only as specically exempted by these Rules.
a. If a Product includes Technologies in addition to the Technology Under Test, then it
must contain the full set of combined public and protected classes and interfaces. The
API of the Product must contain the union of the included Technologies. No further
modications to the APIs of the included Technologies are allowed.
b. A Product may provide a newer version of an Endorsed Standard. Upon request, the
Maintenance Lead will make available alternate Compatibility Tests as necessary to
conform with such newer version of an Endorsed Standard. Such alternate tests will be
made available to and apply to all licensees. If a Product provides a newer version of an
Endorsed Standard, the version of the Endorsed Standard supported by the Product
must be Documented.
c. The Maintenance Lead may authorize the use of newer Versions of a Technology
included in the Technology Under Test. A Product that provides a newer Version of a
Technology must meet the Compatibility Requirements for that newer Version, and
must Document that it supports the newer Version.
For example, the Java EE Maintenance Lead could authorize use of a newer version of a
Java technology such as JavaServer Faces, that is also available independently of Java EE
and is evolving quickly to meet market demands.
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201130
8. Except for tests specically required by this TCK to be rebuilt (if any), the binary
Compatibility Tests supplied as part of the Test Suite or as updated by the Maintenance
Lead must be used to certify compliance.
9. The functional programmatic behavior of any binary class or interface must be that dened
by the Specications.
a. A Product may contain Operating Modes that meet all of these requirements, except
Rule 8, provided that:
i. At least the default Product Conguration of each Operating Mode must meet these
requirements, without invoking this rule; testing may always use such a Product
ii. The Operating Modes must not violate the Java SE Rules.
iii. The Product Congurations of Operating Modes of an application and its
components are congured at deployment time, or by administrative action, and can
not be changed during the runtime of that application.
iv. Some Product Congurations of such Operating Modes may provide only a subset of
the functional programmatic behavior required by the Specications. The behavior
of applications that use more than the provided subset, when run in such Product
Congurations, is unspecied.
v. The functional programmatic behavior of any binary class or interface in the above
dened subset must be that dened by the Specications.
vi. Any Product Conguration that invokes this rule must be clearly Documented as not
fully meeting the requirements of the Specications
10. Each Container must make technically accessible all Java SE Runtime interfaces and
functionality, as dened by the Specications, to programs running in the Container, except
only as specically exempted by these Rules.
a. Containers may impose security constraints, as dened by the Specications.
11. A web Container must report an error, as dened by the Specications, when processing a
JSP Page that does not conform to the Specications.
12. The presence of a Java language comment or Java language directive in a JSP Page that
species "java"as the scripting language, when processed by a web Container, must not
cause the functional programmatic behavior of that JSP Page to vary from the functional
programmatic behavior of that JSP Page in the absence of that Java language comment or
Java language directive.
13. The contents of any xed template data (dened by the Specications) in a JSP Page, when
processed by a web Container, must not aect the functional programmatic behavior of that
JSP Page, except as dened by the Specications.
14. The functional programmatic behavior of a JSP Page that species "java"as the scripting
language must be equivalent to the functional programmatic behavior of the JSP Page
Implementation Class constructed from that JSP Page.
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Chapter 2 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication 31
15. A Deployment Tool must report an error when processing a conguration descriptor that
does not conform to the Specications.
16. The presence of an XML comment in a conguration descriptor, when processed by a
Deployment Tool, must not cause the functional programmatic behavior of the
Deployment Tool to vary from the functional programmatic behavior of the Deployment
Tool in the absence of that comment.
17. A Deployment Tool must report an error when processing an EJB Conguration Descriptor
that includes an EJB QL expression that does not conform to the Specications.
18. Compatibility testing for Java EE 6 consists of running the following Technology
Compatibility Kits (TCKs): Java EE 6 CTS, JAXB 2.2 TCK, Contexts Dependency Injection
for the Java EE Platform 1.0 (JSR 299) TCK, Dependency Injection for Java 1.0 (JSR 330)
TCK, and Bean Validation 1.0 TCK. In addition to the compatibility rules outlined in this
CTS User's Guide, Java EE 6 implementations must also adhere to any compatibility rules
dened in the documentation for the aforementioned TCKs.
19. Source Code in WSDL-to-Java Output when compiled by a Reference Compiler must
execute properly when run on a Reference Runtime.
20. Source Code in WSDL-to-Java Output must be in source le format dened by the Java
Language Specication (JLS).
21. Java-to-WSDL Output must fully meet W3C requirements for the Web Services Description
Language (WSDL) 1.1.
22. A Java-to-WSDL Tool must not produce Java-to-WSDL Output from source code that does
not conform to the Java Language Specication (JLS).
2.2.3 Java EE 6 Test Appeals Process
Sun has a well established process for managing challenges to its Java technology Test Suites
and plans to continue using a similar process in the future. Sun, as Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition 6 Maintenance Lead, will authorize representatives from the Java Licensee Engineering
organization to be the point of contact for all test challenges. Typically this will be the engineer
assigned to a company as part of its Java EE 6 CTS support.
If a test is determined to be invalid in function or if its basis in the specication is suspect, the
test may be challenged by any licensee of the Java EE 6 CTS. Each test validity issue must be
covered by a separate test challenge. Test validity or invalidity will be determined based on its
technical correctness such as:
Test has bugs (i.e., program logic errors)
Specication item covered by the test is ambiguous
Test does not match the specication
Test assumes unreasonable hardware and/or software requirements
Test is biased to a particular implementation
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201132
Challenges based upon issues unrelated to technical correctness as dened by the specication
will normally be rejected.
Test challenges must be made in writing to the Java Licensee Engineering organization and
include all relevant information as described in step 1 in “Java EE 6 CTS Test Appeals Steps” on
page 33. The process used to determine the validity or invalidity of a test (or related group of
tests) is also described in that section.
All tests found to be invalid will either be placed on the Exclude List for that version of the Java
EE 6 CTS or have an alternate test made available.
Tests that are placed on the Exclude List will be placed on the Exclude List after the
determination of test validity. The new Exclude List will be made available to all Java EE 6
CTS licensees on the Java Licensee Engineering web site.
Sun, as Maintenance Lead, has the option of creating alternative tests to address any
challenge. Alternative tests (and criteria for their use) will be made available on the Java
Licensee Engineering ( site.
Note – Passing an alternative test is deemed equivalent to passing the original test.
Java EE 6 CTSTest Appeals Steps
Java EE 6 CTS licensee writes a test challenge to Java Licensee Engineering contesting the
validity of one or a related set of Java EE 6 tests.
A challenge must be provided to Java Licensee Engineering and include the following
information justifying why each test should be invalidated.
License Contact:
TCK name and version:
RI version:
Java SE version:
Exclude List version:
Specification version & section:
Problem Description:
Tests Affected:
Output (inline/attach .jtr file and traces):
Java Licensee Engineering evaluates the challenge.
If the appeal is incomplete or unclear, it is returned to the submitting licensee for correction. If
all is in order, Java Licensee Engineering will check with the responsible test developers to
review the purpose and validity of the test before writing a response. Java Licensee Engineering
will attempt to complete the response within 5 business days. If the challenge is similar to a
previously rejected test challenge (i.e., same test and justication), Java Licensee Engineering
will send the previous response to the licensee.
2.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6
Chapter 2 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication 33
The challenge and any supporting materials from test developers is sent to the assigned Java
Licensee engineer for evaluation.
A decision of test validity or invalidity is normally made within 15 working days of receipt of the
challenge. All decisions will be documented with an explanation of why test validity was
maintained or rejected.
The licensee is informed of the decision and proceeds accordingly.
If the test challenge is approved and one or more tests are invalidated, Sun places the tests on the
Exclude List for that version of the Java EE 6 CTS (eectively removing the test(s) from the Test
Suite). All tests placed on the Exclude List will have a bug report written to document the
decision and made available to all licensees through the bug reporting database. If the test is
valid but dicult to pass due to hardware or operating system limitations, Sun may choose to
provide an alternate test to use in place of the original test (all alternate tests are made available
to the licensee community).
If the test challenge is rejected, the licensee may choose to escalate the decision to the
Executive Committee (EC), however, it is expected that the licensee would continue to work with
Sun to resolve the issue and only involve the EC as a last resort.
2.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6
The designated Reference Runtime for compatibility testing of version 6 of the Java Platform,
Enterprise Editionis the Sun Reference Implementation of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6
for Solaris/SPARC, using the Sun Reference Implementation of Java SE 6 for Solaris/SPARC.
The Java SE 6 Reference Implementation is also available for Solaris/IA, Windows Vista/XP,
Mac OS, and Linux.
2.4 Specications for Java EE 6
The Specication for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 is found on the JCP web site at (
2.5 Libraries for Java EE 6
The following location provides a list of packages that constitute the required class libraries for
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition6 (except any class dened in a package that starts with
2.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201134
Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
6 Web Prole Certication
This chapter describes the compatibility testing process and compatibility requirements for
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole (Java EE 6 Web Prole). This chapter contains
the following sections:
“3.1 Certication Overview for Java EE 6 Web Prole” on page 35
“3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole” on page 35
“3.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6 Web Prole” on page 43
“3.4 Specications for Java EE 6 Web Prole” on page 44
“3.5 Libraries for Java EE 6 Web Prole” on page 44
3.1 Certication Overview for Java EE 6Web Prole
The certication process for Java EE 6 Web Prole consists of the following activities:
Install the appropriate version of the Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) and execute it in
accordance with the instructions in this User's Guide.
Ensure that you meet the requirements outlined in “3.2 Compatibility Requirements for
Java EE 6 Web Prole” on page 35.
Certify to Java Licensee Engineering that you have nished testing and that you meet all the
compatibility requirements.
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6Web Prole
The compatibility requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole consist of meeting the requirements
set forth by the rules and associated denitions contained in this section.
Note – As stated in Rule 15 in “3.2.2 Rules for Java EE 6 Web Prole Products” on page 39, part
of the Java EE 6 CTS compatibility requirements is that your Java EE 6 Web Prole
implementation must also pass the Contexts Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform
(JSR 299) and Bean Validation TCKs. See “1.5 TCK Requirements” on page 23 for more
information about this requirement.
3.2.1 Denitions for Java EE 6 Web Prole Compatibility
These denitions are for use only with these compatibility requirements and are not intended
for any other purpose.
Phrases of the form "Java EE 6 Web Prole <term>"are a reference to the <term> as dened in
Chapter 2, “Procedure for Certication,” in the associated Java Test Compatibility Kit User's
Guide, available on the Java Licensee Engineering ( site.
TABLE 3–1 Denitions
Term Denition
Application A collection of components contained in a single application package (such as an
EAR le or JAR le) and deployed at the same time using a Deployment Tool.
Computational Resource A piece of hardware or software that may vary in quantity, existence, or version,
which may be required to exist in a minimum quantity and/or at a specic or
minimum revision level so as to satisfy the requirements of the Test Suite.
Examples of computational resources that may vary in quantity are RAM and le
Examples of computational resources that may vary in existence (that is, may or may
not exist) are graphics cards and device drivers.
Examples of computational resources that may vary in version are operating systems
and device drivers.
Compatibility Tests All tests in the Test Suite for an indicated Technology Under Test, as distributed by
the Maintenance Lead, excluding those tests on the Exclude List for the Technology
Under Test.
Conguration Descriptor Any le whose format is well dened by a specication and which contains
conguration information for a set of Java classes, archive, or other feature dened in
the specication.
Container An implementation of the associated Libraries, as specied in the Specications, and a
version of a Java SE Runtime Product, as specied in the Specications, or a later
version of a Java SE Runtime Product that also meets these compatibility
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201136
TABLE 3–1 Denitions (Continued)
Term Denition
Deployment Tool A tool used to deploy applications or components in a Product, as described in the
Documented Made technically accessible and made known to users, typically by means such as
marketing materials, product documentation, usage messages, or developer support
Edition A Version of the Java Platform, Standard Edition Technology, or a Version of the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Technology.
Endorsed Standard A Java API dened through a standards process other than the Java Community
Process. The Endorsed Standard packages are listed later in this chapter.
Exclude List The most current list of tests, distributed by the Maintenance Lead, that are not
required to be passed to certify conformance. The Maintenance Lead may add to the
Exclude List for that Test Suite as needed at any time, in which case the updated
Exclude List supplants any previous Exclude Lists for that Test Suite.
Java-to-WSDL Output Output of a Java-to-WSDL Tool that is required for Web service deployment and
Java-to-WSDL Tool A software development tool that implements or incorporates a function that
generates Web service endpoint descriptions in WSDL and XML schema format from
Source Code as specied by the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole
JSP Page A text-based document that uses JavaServer Pages technology.
JSP Page Implementation
A program constructed by transforming the JSP Page text into a Java language
program using the transformation rules described in the Specications.
Libraries The class libraries, as specied through the Java Community Process (JCP), for the
Technology Under Test. The Libraries for Java EE 6 Web Prole are listed at the end
of this chapter.
Location Resource A location of classes or native libraries that are components of the test tools or tests,
such that these classes or libraries may be required to exist in a certain location in
order to satisfy the requirements of the test suite.
For example, classes may be required to exist in directories named in a CLASSPATH
variable, or native libraries may be required to exist in directories named in a PATH
Maintenance Lead The Java Community Process member responsible for maintaining the Specication,
reference implementation, and TCK for the Technology. Sun is the Maintenance
Lead for Java EE 6 Web Prole.
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole
Chapter 3 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole Certication 37
TABLE 3–1 Denitions (Continued)
Term Denition
Operating Mode Any Documented option of a Product that can be changed by a user in order to
modify the behavior of the Product.
For example, an Operating Mode can be binary (enable/disable optimization), an
enumeration (select from a list of protocols), or a range (set the maximum number of
active threads).
Product A licensee product in which the Technology Under Test is implemented or
incorporated, and that is subject to compatibility testing.
Product Conguration A specic setting or instantiation of an Operating Mode.
For example, a Product supporting an Operating Mode that permits user selection of
an external encryption package may have a Product Conguration that links the
Product to that encryption package.
Rebuildable Tests Tests that must be built using an implementation specic mechanism. This
mechanism must produce specication dened artifacts. Rebuilding and running
these tests against the Java EE 6 RI veries that the mechanism generates compatible
Resource A Computational Resource, a Location Resource, or a Security Resource.
Rules These denitions and rules in this Compatibility Requirements section of this User's
Runtime The Containers specied in the Specications.
Security Resource A security privilege or policy necessary for the proper execution of the Test Suite.
For example, the user executing the Test Suite will need the privilege to access the les
and network resources necessary for use of the Product.
Specications The documents produced through the Java Community Process that dene a
particular Version of a Technology.
The Specications for the Technology Under Test can be found later in this chapter.
Technology Specications and a reference implementation produced through the Java
Community Process.
Technology Under Test Specications and the reference implementation for Java EE 6 Web Prole.
Test Suite The requirements, tests, and testing tools distributed by the Maintenance Lead as
applicable to a given Version of the Technology.
Version A release of the Technology, as produced through the Java Community Process.
WSDL-to-Java Output Output of a WSDL-to-Java tool that is required for Web service deployment and
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201138
TABLE 3–1 Denitions (Continued)
Term Denition
WSDL-to-Java Tool A software development tool that implements or incorporates a function that
generates Web service interfaces for clients and endpoints from a WSDL description
as specied by the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole Specication.
3.2.2 Rules for Java EE 6 Web Prole Products
The following rules apply for each version of an operating system, software component, and
hardware platform Documented as supporting the Product:
1. The Product must be able to satisfy all applicable compatibility requirements, including
passing all Compatibility Tests, in every Product Conguration and in every combination of
Product Congurations, except only as specically exempted by these Rules.
For example, if a Product provides distinct Operating Modes to optimize performance, then
that Product must satisfy all applicable compatibility requirements for a Product in each
Product Conguration, and combination of Product Congurations, of those Operating
a. If an Operating Mode controls a Resource necessary for the basic execution of the Test
Suite, testing may always use a Product Conguration of that Operating Mode providing
that Resource, even if other Product Congurations do not provide that Resource.
Notwithstanding such exceptions, each Product must have at least one set of Product
Congurations of such Operating Modes that is able to pass all the Compatibility Tests.
For example, a Product with an Operating Mode that controls a security policy (i.e.,
Security Resource), which has one or more Product Congurations that cause
Compatibility Tests to fail may be tested using a Product Conguration that allows all
Compatibility Tests to pass.
b. A Product Conguration of an Operating Mode that causes the Product to report only
version, usage, or diagnostic information is exempted from these compatibility rules.
2. Some Compatibility Tests may have properties that may be changed. Properties that can be
changed are identied in the JavaTest Environment (.jte) les in the bin directory of the
Test Suite installation. Apart from changing such properties and other allowed
modications described in this User's Guide (if any), no source or binary code for a
Compatibility Test may be altered in any way without prior written permission. Any such
allowed alterations to the Compatibility Tests would be posted to the Java Licensee
Engineering web site and apply to all licensees.
3. The testing tools supplied as part of the Test Suite or as updated by the Maintenance Lead
must be used to certify compliance.
4. The Exclude List associated with the Test Suite cannot be modied.
5. The Maintenance Lead can dene exceptions to these Rules. Such exceptions would be
made available to and apply to all licensees.
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole
Chapter 3 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole Certication 39
6. All hardware and software component additions, deletions, and modications to a
Documented supporting hardware/software platform, that are not part of the Product but
required for the Product to satisfy the compatibility requirements, must be Documented
and available to users of the Product.
For example, if a patch to a particular version of a supporting operating system is required
for the Product to pass the Compatibility Tests, that patch must be Documented and
available to users of the Product.
7. The Product must contain the full set of public and protected classes and interfaces for all
the Libraries. Those classes and interfaces must contain exactly the set of public and
protected methods, constructors, and elds dened by the Specications for those Libraries.
No subsetting, supersetting, or modications of the public and protected API of the
Libraries are allowed except only as specically exempted by these Rules.
a. If a Product includes Technologies in addition to the Technology Under Test, then it
must contain the full set of combined public and protected classes and interfaces. The
API of the Product must contain the union of the included Technologies. No further
modications to the APIs of the included Technologies are allowed.
b. A Product may provide a newer version of an Endorsed Standard. Upon request, the
Maintenance Lead will make available alternate Compatibility Tests as necessary to
conform with such newer version of an Endorsed Standard. Such alternate tests will be
made available to and apply to all licensees. If a Product provides a newer version of an
Endorsed Standard, the version of the Endorsed Standard supported by the Product
must be Documented.
c. The Maintenance Lead may authorize the use of newer Versions of a Technology
included in the Technology Under Test. A Product that provides a newer Version of a
Technology must meet the Compatibility Requirements for that newer Version, and
must Document that it supports the newer Version.
For example, the Java EE 6 Web Prole Maintenance Lead could authorize use of a
newer version of a Java technology such as JavaServer Faces, that is also available
independently of Java EE 6 Web Prole and is evolving quickly to meet market demands.
8. Except for tests specically required by this TCK to be rebuilt (if any), the binary
Compatibility Tests supplied as part of the Test Suite or as updated by the Maintenance
Lead must be used to certify compliance.
9. The functional programmatic behavior of any binary class or interface must be that dened
by the Specications.
10. Each Container must make technically accessible all Java SE Runtime interfaces and
functionality, as dened by the Specications, to programs running in the Container, except
only as specically exempted by these Rules.
a. Containers may impose security constraints, as dened by the Specications.
11. A web Container must report an error, as dened by the Specications, when processing a
JSP Page that does not conform to the Specications.
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201140
12. The presence of a Java language comment or Java language directive in a JSP Page that
species "java"as the scripting language, when processed by a web Container, must not
cause the functional programmatic behavior of that JSP Page to vary from the functional
programmatic behavior of that JSP Page in the absence of that Java language comment or
Java language directive.
13. The contents of any xed template data (dened by the Specications) in a JSP Page, when
processed by a web Container, must not aect the functional programmatic behavior of that
JSP Page, except as dened by the Specications.
14. The functional programmatic behavior of a JSP Page that species "java"as the scripting
language must be equivalent to the functional programmatic behavior of the JSP Page
Implementation Class constructed from that JSP Page.
15. Compatibility testing for the Java EE 6 Web Prole consists of running the tests in this
Technology Compatibility Kit dened as required by the designation of the
javaee_web_profile keyword. If optional technologies dened in the Java EE 6 Web
Prole platform are implemented in addition to the Java EE 6 Web Prole, corresponding
tests within this TCK for those additional technologies must also be run. If tests for a
particular technology are not available in the Java EE 6 CTS test suite, then the standalone
TCK(s) for said technologies must be run instead. In this case, in addition to the
compatibility rules outlined in this CTS User's Guide, Java EE 6 Web Prole
implementations must also adhere to any compatibility rules dened in the documentation
for these additional TCKs.
16. Source Code in WSDL-to-Java Output when compiled by a Reference Compiler must
execute properly when run on a Reference Runtime.
17. Source Code in WSDL-to-Java Output must be in source le format dened by the Java
Language Specication (JLS).
18. Java-to-WSDL Output must fully meet W3C requirements for the Web Services Description
Language (WSDL) 1.1.
19. A Java-to-WSDL Tool must not produce Java-to-WSDL Output from source code that does
not conform to the Java Language Specication (JLS).
3.2.3 Java EE 6 Web ProleTest Appeals Process
Sun has a well established process for managing challenges to its Java technology Test Suites
and plans to continue using a similar process in the future. Sun, as Java EE 6 Web Prole
Maintenance Lead, will authorize representatives from the Java Licensee Engineering
organization to be the point of contact for all test challenges. Typically this will be the engineer
assigned to a company as part of its Java EE 6 CTS support.
If a test is determined to be invalid in function or if its basis in the specication is suspect, the
test may be challenged by any licensee of the Java EE 6 CTS. Each test validity issue must be
covered by a separate test challenge. Test validity or invalidity will be determined based on its
technical correctness such as:
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole
Chapter 3 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole Certication 41
Test has bugs (i.e., program logic errors)
Specication item covered by the test is ambiguous
Test does not match the specication
Test assumes unreasonable hardware and/or software requirements
Test is biased to a particular implementation
Challenges based upon issues unrelated to technical correctness as dened by the specication
will normally be rejected.
Test challenges must be made in writing to the Java Licensee Engineering organization and
include all relevant information as described in step 1 in “3.2.3 Java EE 6 Web Prole Test
Appeals Process” on page 41. The process used to determine the validity or invalidity of a test
(or related group of tests) is also described in that section.
All tests found to be invalid will either be placed on the Exclude List for that version of the Java
EE 6 CTS or have an alternate test made available.
Tests that are placed on the Exclude List will be placed on the Exclude List after the
determination of test validity. The new Exclude List will be made available to all Java EE 6
CTS licensees on the Java Licensee Engineering web site.
Sun, as Maintenance Lead, has the option of creating alternative tests to address any
challenge. Alternative tests (and criteria for their use) will be made available on the Java
Licensee Engineering ( site.
Note – Passing an alternative test is deemed equivalent to passing the original test.
Java EE 6 CTSTest Appeals Steps
Java EE 6 CTS licensee writes a test challenge to Java Licensee Engineering contesting the
validity of one or a related set of Java EE 6Web Prole tests.
A challenge must be provided to Java Licensee Engineering and include the following
information justifying why each test should be invalidated.
License Contact:
TCK name and version:
RI version:
Java SE version:
Exclude List version:
Specification version & section:
Problem Description:
Tests Affected:
Output (inline/attach .jtr file and traces):
3.2 Compatibility Requirements for Java EE 6 Web Prole
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201142
Java Licensee Engineering evaluates the challenge.
If the appeal is incomplete or unclear, it is returned to the submitting licensee for correction. If
all is in order, Java Licensee Engineering will check with the responsible test developers to
review the purpose and validity of the test before writing a response. Java Licensee Engineering
will attempt to complete the response within 5 business days. If the challenge is similar to a
previously rejected test challenge (i.e., same test and justication), Java Licensee Engineering
will send the previous response to the licensee.
The challenge and any supporting materials from test developers is sent to the assigned Java
Licensee engineer for evaluation.
A decision of test validity or invalidity is normally made within 15 working days of receipt of the
challenge. All decisions will be documented with an explanation of why test validity was
maintained or rejected.
The licensee is informed of the decision and proceeds accordingly.
If the test challenge is approved and one or more tests are invalidated, Sun places the tests on the
Exclude List for that version of the Java EE 6 CTS (eectively removing the test(s) from the Test
Suite). All tests placed on the Exclude List will have a bug report written to document the
decision and made available to all licensees through the bug reporting database. If the test is
valid but dicult to pass due to hardware or operating system limitations, Sun may choose to
provide an alternate test to use in place of the original test (all alternate tests are made available
to the licensee community).
If the test challenge is rejected, the licensee may choose to escalate the decision to the
Executive Committee (EC), however, it is expected that the licensee would continue to work with
Sun to resolve the issue and only involve the EC as a last resort.
3.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6 Web Prole
The designated Reference Runtime for compatibility testing ofJava EE 6 Web Prole is the Sun
Reference Implementation of Java EE 6 Web Prole for Solaris/SPARC, using the Sun Reference
Implementation of Java SE 6 for Solaris/SPARC.
The Java SE 6 Reference Implementation is also available for Solaris/IA, Windows, Mac OS, and
3.3 Reference Runtime for Java EE 6Web Prole
Chapter 3 Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole Certication 43
3.4 Specications for Java EE 6 Web Prole
The Specication for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole is found on the JCP web
site at (
3.5 Libraries for Java EE 6Web Prole
The following location provides a list of packages that constitute the required class libraries for
Java EE 6 Web Prole (except any class dened in a package that starts with com.sun):
This URL includes javadocs for the full Java EE 6. The APIs for Java EE 6 Web Prole are a
subset of the full Java EE 6 APIs. See the Java EE 6 Web Prole Specication under ( the list of
technologies (and packages) that are included in the Java EE 6 Web Prole.
3.4 Specications for Java EE 6Web Prole
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201144
This chapter explains how to install the Java EE 6 CTSsoftware and perform a sample test run to
verify your installation and familiarize yourself with the CTS.
After installing the software according to the instructions in this chapter, proceed to Chapter 5,
“Setup and Conguration,for instructions on conguring your test environment.
4.1 Installing the Software
Installing the software required to run the Java EE 6 CTS involves three general steps:
“Installing the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI” on page 45
“Installing the Java EE 6 CTS” on page 46
“Verifying Your Installation (Optional)” on page 47
Installing the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI
If a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Reference Implementation (RI) is already installed on
your workstation, it is recommended that you shut it down and start with a new, clean RI
Create or change to the directory in which you will install the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
Copy or download the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI from the Java Partner Engineering
( site.
Unzip the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI bundle.
This creates a javaeetck directory, which will be your JAVAEE_HOME.
Before You Begin
Change to the javaeetck directory.
cd javaeetck
Install the J2SE SDK 6 bundle, if it is not already installed.
Refer to the JDK installation instructions for details. The J2SE SDK 6 bundle can be
downloaded from
Set the following environment variables:
JAVAEE_HOME to the RI directory you just created
JAVA_HOME to the J2SE SDK 6 you want to use
Set up the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI by executing the following Ant target:
<JAVAEE_HOME>/lib/ant/bin/ant -buildfile ./setup.xml setup
If you get a port error when running the setup target, modify your setup.xml le or pass the
correct properties on the Ant command line. The important thing here is to make sure
whatever values you use for the Ant target match those that you use in the
<TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte CTS conguration le. Some Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI
server conguration properties and their default values in setup.xml include:
<property name=""value="domain1"/>
<property name=""value="server"/>
<property name="admin.user"value="admin"/>
<property name="admin.password"value=""/>
<property name="admin.port"value="4848"/>
<property name="instance.port"value="8080"/>
<property name="orb.port"value="3700"/>
<property name="imq.port"value="7676"/>
<property name="https.port"value="1043"/>
Start the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI by executing the following command:
<JAVAEE_HOME>/bin/asadmin start-domain
Installing the Java EE 6 CTS
Complete the following procedure to install the Java EE 6 CTS on a system running the Solaris,
Linux, or Windows operating system.
4.1 Installing the Software
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201146
Note – When installing in the Windows environment, the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI,
J2SE, and CTS should be installed on the same drive. If you must install these components on
dierent drives, be sure to change the ri.applicationRoot and s1as.applicationRoot
properties as needed in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte CTS conguration le. See “5.4.2
Windows-Specic Properties” on page 64 for more information.
Copy or download the CTS 6 software from the Java Partner Engineering
( site.
Change to the directory in which you want to install the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6
CompatibilityTest Suite software and use the unzip command to extract the bundle:
cd <install_directory>
This creates the javaeetck directory. The <install_directory>/javaeetck directory will be
Set the TS_HOME environment variable to point to the javaeetck directory.
Unset your current ANT_HOME variable, if it is currently set.
The CTS test suite uses the Ant package included in the CTS bundle.
After you complete the installation, follow the directions in Chapter 5,“Setup and
Conguration,to set up and congure the Java EE 6 CTS test suite.
Verifying Your Installation (Optional)
After installing the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and the CTS bundle, you may want to
quickly verify your installation by running the CTS samples against the Java RI. Again, this
procedure is optional, and complete conguration instructions are provided in Chapter 5,
“Setup and Conguration.
Set the following properties in your <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le:
Run the following commands:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -f xml/s1as.xml start.javadb
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant init.
4.1 Installing the Software
Chapter 4 • Installation 47
Setup and Conguration
This chapter describes how to set up the Java EE 6 CTS test suite and congure it to work with
your test environment. It is recommended that you rst set up the testing environment using
the Java EE 6 RI and then with your Java EE 6 server.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“5.1 Allowed Modications” on page 49
“5.2 Conguring the Test Environment” on page 49
“5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server” on page 51
“5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for Specic Technology Tests” on page 63
“5.5 Using the JavaTest Harness Conguration GUI” on page 109
5.1 Allowed Modications
You can modify the following test suite components only:
Your implementation of the porting package
ts.jte environment le
The vendor-specic SQL les in <TS_HOME>/sql
Any les in <TS_HOME>/bin and <TS_HOME>/bin/xml (except for ts.* les)
5.2 Conguring the Test Environment
The instructions in this section and in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on
page 55 step you through the conguration process for the Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows,
and Linux platforms.
All CTS test conguration procedures are based on running the Ant scripts against a set of build
targets. The primary location of any conguration settings you are likely to make is the
<TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte environment le. You may also want to modify the javaee_vi.xml
and initdb.xml Ant conguration les and the vendor-specic SQL les. These two les
contain predened Ant targets that are implemented such that they automatically congure the
Java EE 6 RI and its associated database in order to pass the CTS. A licensee may choose to
implement these targets to work with their server environment to perform the steps described
in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55.
Note – Ant targets are available at all levels of the CTS source tree that allow you to execute a
wide variety of test scenarios and congurations.
General Conguration Steps
In these instructions, variables in angle brackets need to be expanded for each platform. For
example, <TS_HOME> becomes $TS_HOME on Solaris/Linux and %TS_HOME% on Windows. In
addition, the forward slashes (/) used in all of the examples need to be replaced with backslashes
(\) for Windows.
Identify the software pieces and assemble them into the Java EE 6 platform to be tested for
Implement the porting package APIs.
Some functionality in the Java EE 6 platform is not completely specied by an API. To handle
this situation, the Java EE 6 CTS test suite denes a set of interfaces in the
com.sun.cts.porting package, which serve to abstract any implementation-specic code. You
must create your own implementations of the porting package interfaces to work with your
particular Java EE 6 server environment. See “11.2 Porting Package APIs” on page 141 for
additional information about the porting APIs. API documentation for the porting package
interfaces is available in the <TS_HOME>/docs/api directory.
Set up the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Reference Implementation (RI) server.
See “Conguring the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the VI” on page 53 for a list of the
modications that must be made to run CTS against the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI.
Set up the vendor's Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server implementation (VI).
See “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55 for a list of the modications
that must be made to run CTS against the vendor's Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server.
Modify the ts.jte le to match your test environment.
Use the JavaTest conguration GUI to congure your basic test environment, as described in
“5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for Specic Technology Tests” on page 63. Also refer to
Appendix B, “ts.jte Modiable Properties,for information about the various ts.jte
properties you may want to modify for your particular test environment.
Before You Begin
5.2 Conguring theTest Environment
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201150
Note – If the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI is installed on a machine other than the
machine on which the vendor's Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server has been installed, the
javaee.home.ri property must be dened so both sets of porting package classes can be
accessed from the remote machine (such as by using
/net/machine-name/vendors-JAVAEE_HOME, for example).
Start your backend database.
Execute the start.javadb Ant target:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -f xml/s1as.xml start.javadb
Congure your backend database.
Execute the init.javadb Ant target. If you are not using JavaDB as your backend database,
refer to Appendix F, “Conguring Your Backend Database.
Note – If you are using MySQL or MS SQL Server as your backend database, see “5.4.25 Backend
Database Setup” on page 108 for additional database setup instructions.
Validate your conguration.
Run the sample tests provided. If the tests pass, your basic conguration is valid. See “7.3
Validating Your Test Conguration” on page 121 for information about using JavaTest to run
the sample tests.
Run the CTS tests.
See Chapter 7, “Executing Tests,for information about Starting JavaTest and running tests.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
This section describes how to congure the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server under test.
You can run the CTS tests against the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI or your own Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition server. When performing interoperability (interop) tests or web
service-based tests, you will be running two Java Platform, Enterprise Edition servers, one of
which must be the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI using the bundled JavaDB database.
For the purposes of this section, it is useful to clarify three terms as they are used here:
Reference Implementation (RI) — Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI
Vendor Implemention (VI) — Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation from a
vendor other than Sun; typically, the goal of running the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
CTS is to certify a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI; in some cases, for purposes of
familiarizing yourself with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition CTS, you may choose to
run the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the VI
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 51
Bundled JavaDB — JavaDB database bundled with the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI
5.3.1 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server Conguration
There are three general scenarios for conguring Java Platform, Enterprise Edition servers for
Java EE 6 CTS testing:
Congure the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the server under test
Use the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI; you
may want to do this as a "sanity check"to make sure you are comfortable with using the Java
EE 6 CTS against a known standard RI with certied sample applications before proceeding
with tests against your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI. See “Conguring the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the VI” on page 53 for instructions.
Congure your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI as Server Under Test
This is the primary goal of using the Java EE 6 CTS; you will eventually need to congure the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation you want to certify. See “Conguring
Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55 for instructions.
Congure two Java Platform, Enterprise Edition servers for the purpose of interop
Java EE
Java EE
Java EE
Java EE RI
Under Test
Java EE RI
Under Test
Java EE RI
Under Test
Java EE
Java EE
Java EE
Your Java EE
Under Test
Your Java EE
Under Test
Your Java EE
Under Test
Java EE
Java EE
Java EE
Java EE RI
Java EE RI
Java EE RI
Your Java EE
Your Java EE
Your Java EE
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201152
Rebuildable tests and Interop tests require that you congure two Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition servers on one or two machines. One server will be your Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition VI running a database of your choice with JDBC 3.0-compliant drivers. The second
server must be the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI using the bundled JavaDB
database. See “Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and VI for
Interop/Rebuildable Tests” on page 60 for instructions.
In terms of the Java EE 6 CTS, all CTS conguration settings are made in the
<TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le. When conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server, the
important thing is to make sure that the settings you use for your server match those in the CTS
ts.jte le.
These conguration scenarios are described in the following sections.
Conguring the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as
the VI
To congure the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the server under test-that is, to use
the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI-follow the
steps listed below. In this scenario, the goal is simply to test the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI against the CTS for the purposes of familiarizing yourself with CTS test procedures.
You may also want to refer to the Quick Start guides included with the Java EE 6 CTS for similar
Set server properties in your <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le to suit your test environment.
Be sure to set the following properties:
a. Set the webServerHost property to the name of the host on which yourWeb server is
running that is congured with the Sun RI.
The default setting is localhost.
b. Set the webServerPort property to the port number of the host on which the Web server is
running and congured with the Sun RI.
The default setting is 8001.
c. Set the wsgen.ant.classname property to the Vendor's implementation class that mimics
the Sun RI Ant task that in turn calls the Sun wsgen Java-to-WSDL tool.
The default setting is
d. Set the wsimport.ant.classname property to the Vendor's implementation class that
mimics the Sun RI Ant task that in turn calls the Sun wsimport Java-to-WSDL tool.
The default setting is
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 53
e. Set the porting.ts.url.class property to your porting implementation class that is used
for obtaining URLs.
The default setting for the Sun RI porting implementation is
As mentioned previously, these settings can vary, but must match whatever you used when
setting up the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI server. See Appendix B, “ts.jte Modiable
Properties,for more details about ts.jte properties.
Install the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and congure basic settings, as described in
Chapter 4,“Installation.
Start the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Application Server.
Refer to the Application Server documentation for complete instructions.
Run the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI conguration Ant target.
This also starts your congured database.
Note – By default, the con Ant task congures the entire application server. Sometimes you
may not want or need to congure everything, such as connector RAR les. If you are not
performing connector-related tests, you can avoid the deployment and conguration of RAR
les by using the Ant option -Dskip.config.connector=true. This will reduce conguration
times, the deployment of unneeded RAR les, and the creation of unnecessary resources on the
server under test. For example, the following command will do this.
ant -Dskip.config.connector=true
Initialize your database.
For example, to initialize a JavaDB database:
$TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant init.javadb
See Appendix F, “Conguring Your Backend Database,for conguration and initialization
instructions for other databases.
Build the special web services clients.
The special webservices tests under the webservices12/specialcases directory have prebuilt
endpoints, but the clients are not prebuilt. The clients will be built after the endpoints are rst
predeployed to the application server under test.
During the build, the clients import the WSDLs (by means of the Sun Java EE wsimport/wsgen
tools) from the predeployed webservices endpoints. This process veries that importing a
WSDL from a predeployed webservice endpoint works properly.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201154
To build the special webservices clients, the following command must be executed:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant build.special.webservices.clients
This predeploys all the special webservices endpoints, builds all the special webservices clients,
and then undeploys the special webservices endpoints. See “11.2.2 Ant-Based Deployment
Interface” on page 142 for more information about the Ant-based deployment interface,
including guidelines for creating your own Ant-based deployment implementation.
Continue on to Chapter 7, “Executing Tests,for instructions on running tests.
ConguringYour Application Server as the VI
To use a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server other than the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI, follow the steps below.
Set server properties in your <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le to suit your test environment.
Be sure to set the following properties:
a. Set the webServerHost property to the name of the host on which yourWeb server is
running that is congured with the Sun RI.
The default setting is localhost.
b. Set the webServerPort property to the port number of the host on which the Web server is
running and congured with the Sun RI.
The default setting is 8001.
c. Set the wsgen.ant.classname property to the Vendor's implementation class that mimics
the Sun RI Ant task that in turn calls the Sun wsgen Java-to-WSDL tool.
The default setting is
d. Set the wsimport.ant.classname property to the Vendor's implementation class that
mimics the Sun RI Ant task that in turn calls the Sun wsimport Java-to-WSDL tool.
The default setting is
e. Set the porting.ts.url.class property to your porting implementation class that is used
for obtaining URLs.
These settings can vary, but must match whatever you used when setting up your Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition server. See Appendix B, “ts.jte Modiable Properties,for
more details about ts.jte properties.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 55
Install the Java Platform, Enterprise EditionVI and congure basic settings.
If you want to congure your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server using Ant conguration
target similar to the target for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI, as described in
Chapter 4, “Installation,you will need to modify the <TS_HOME>/bin/xml/javaee_vi.xml le
to implement the dened Ant targets for your application server. Then run:
The Ant conguration targets you implement, if any, may vary. Whichever conguration
method you choose, make sure that all conguration steps in this procedure are completed as
Provide alternate endpoint andWSDL URLs, if necessary.
The <TS_HOME>/bin directory contains the following .dat les:
These les contain the webservice endpoint and WSDL URLs that the CTS tests use when
running against the Sun RI. In the Sun porting package used by the CTS, the URLs are returned
as is since this is the form that the Sun RI expects. You may need an alternate form of these
URLs to run the CTS tests in your environment. However, you MUST NOT modify the existing
.dat les, but instead make any necessary changes in your own porting implementation class to
transform the URLs appropriately for your environment.
Start your database.
Install and congure a database for the server under test.
Initialize your database for CTS tests.
a. If you choose to not implement the javaee_vi.xml targets, execute the following command
to specify the appropriate DML le:
(JavaDB Example)
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -Dtarget.dml.file=tssql.stmt /
-Ddml.file=javadb/javadb.dml.sql copy.dml.file
b. Execute the following command to initialize your particular database:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant init.<database>
For example, to initialize a JavaDB database:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant init.javadb
Refer to Appendix F, “Conguring Your Backend Database,for detailed database conguration
and initialization instructions and a list of database-specic initialization targets.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201156
Start your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server.
Set up required users and passwords.
a. Set up database users and passwords.
The Java EE 6 CTS requires several user names, passwords, and user-to-role mappings.
These need to match those set in your ts.jte le. By default, user1,user2,password1, and
password2 are set to cts1.
b. Set up users and passwords for your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server.
For the purpose of running the CTS test suite, these should be set as follows:
User Password Groups
j2ee_vi j2ee_vi staff
javajoe javajoe guest
j2ee j2ee staff,mgr,asadmin
j2ee_ri j2ee_ri staff
Note that adding the asadmin group is only necessary when running against the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Application Server. It is required in such case because the
management EJB (MEjb) in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server is protected with
the asadmin group. Other appservers may or may not choose to protect their MEjb. If
necessary for your appserver implementation, you should also add the group name with
which your MEjb is protected.
Also make sure the principal to role-mappings that are specied in the runtime XML les
(see “ Mapping Roles” on page 93) are properly mapped in your environment. Note
that the principal-to-role mappings may vary for each application.
Make sure that the appropriate JDBC 3.0-compliant database driver class, any associated
database driver native libraries, and the correct database driver URL are available.
Congure your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server to use the appropriate JDBC logical
name (jdbc/DB1) when accessing your database server.
Congure your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server to use the appropriate logical name
(jdbc/DBTimer) when accessing your EJB timer.
Provide access to a JNDI lookup service.
Provide access to aWeb server.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 57
Provide access to a JavaMail server that supports the SMTP protocol.
Execute theadd.interop.certs Ant target.
Note – This step installs server side certicates for interoperability testing; that is, it installs the
RI's server certicate to VI and VI's server certicate into the RI. This step is necessary for
mutual authentication tests in which both the server and client authenticate to each other.
Install the client-side certicate in the trustStore on the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
server. See “5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup”on page 91 for more information.
Certicates are located <TS_HOME>/bin/certificates. Use the certicate that suits your
a. cts_cert – For importing the CTS client certicate into a truststore
b. clientcert.jks – Used by the J2SE runtime to identify the CTS client's identity
c. clientcert.p12 – Contains CTS client certicate in pkcs12 format
Append the le <TS_HOME>/bin/server_policy.append to the Java policy le(s) on your Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition server.
This le contains the grant statements used by the test harness, signature tests, and API tests.
Append the le <TS_HOME>/bin/client_policy.append to the application client's Java policy
le, which is referenced in the TestExecuteAppClient section of the ts.jte le.
Make the appropriate transaction interoperability setting on the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition server and the server that is running the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI.
See “5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup” on page 91.
If necessary, refer to the sections later in this chapter for additional conguration information
you may require for your particular test goals.
For example, see “5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup” on page 91 for conguration settings required for
CSIv2 tests.
Restart your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server.
Build the special Web services clients.
This step may be bypassed at this time if you are not going to immediately run the tests under
<TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/webservices12. However, you must return to this
conguration section and complete it inorder to run these tests.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201158
The special Web services tests under the webservices12/specialcases directory have prebuilt
endpoints, but the clients are not prebuilt. The clients will be built after the endpoints are rst
predeployed to the application server under test.
During the build the clients import the WSDLs (by means of the Sun Java EE wsimport and
wsgen tools) from the predeployed Web services endpoints. This process veries that importing
a WSDL from a predeployed Web service endpoint works properly.
a. Install the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Reference Implementation.
b. Set the following properties in your <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le.
The current values should be saved since they will be needed later in this step.
Set the javaee.home.ri property to the location where the Sun Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition Reference Implementation is installed.
Set the wsgen.ant.classname property to the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
application server Ant task that in turn calls the Sun wsimport Java-to-WSDL tool. It must
be set to:
Set the wsgen.classpath property to:
Set the wsimport.ant.classname property to the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
application server Ant task that in turn calls the Sun wsimport WSDL-to-Java tool.
It must be set to
Set the wsimport.classpath property to the following value:
c. Build the special Web services clients by executing following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant build.special.webservices.clients
This predeploys all the special Web services endpoints, builds all the special webservices
clients, and then undeploys the special webservices endpoints. See “11.2.2 Ant-Based
Deployment Interface” on page 142 for more information about the Ant-based deployment
interface, including guidelines for creating your own Ant-based deployment
d. Once this command completes successfully, the following ts.jte properties must be set
back to their previous values:
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 59
For more information regarding their use in the CTS, refer to Appendix H, “Rebuilding the
JAX-WS and JWS Tests.
e. The following webservices12-url-props.dat properties must be set back to their original
Continue on to Chapter 7, “Executing Tests.
Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and
VI for Interop/Rebuildable Tests
Use the following procedure to congure the Java EE 6 CTS for interoperability and rebuildable
testing. Note that you must complete all of the setup instructions in this section and all of the
steps in “5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup” on page 91 before you run the CSIv2 tests.
Install and congure basic settings for the Java Platform, Enterprise EditionVI and the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition RI.
These procedures are described earlier in this section. You can run the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition servers on separate machines or on the same machine. If running both servers on the
same machine, be careful to avoid conicting properties (for example, port settings).
Make sure that the following properties have been set in the ts.jte le:
javaee.home=<Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI installation directory
javaee.home.ri=<Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI installation directory>
mailuser1=<valid email address>
mailHost=<valid SMTP server><host where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI naming server is running>
orb.port=<port where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI naming service is running><host where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI naming service is
orb.port.ri=<port where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI naming service is
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201160
webServerHost=<host where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI Web server is
webServerPort=<port where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI Web server is
webServerHost.2=<host where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Web server is
webServerPort.2=<port where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Web server is
securedWebServicePort=<port where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition secure web
service is running>
securedWebServicePort.2=<port where the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI secure web
service is running>
porting.ts.deploy2.class.1=<vendor-provided deployment porting class>
porting.ts.login.class.1=<vendor-provided login porting class>
porting.ts.url.class.1=<vendor-provided URL porting class>
porting.ts.jms.class.1=<vendor-provided JMS porting class>
Note – ???The create.interop.tables.only=true property does not exist in the ts.jte le by
default but can be added if needed for creating interop tables.
???For the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI, you must set create.cmp.tables=true when
you set create.interop.tables.only=true.
Note – As a general rule, ts.jte properties ending with the sux ".2"are RI server properties
that rarely need to be changed. Properties ending with the sux ".1"are VI server properties
that are more likely to require modifying.
Congure both Java Platform, Enterprise Edition servers.
Run the following Ant targets:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant config.ri
If you have not implemented the Ant target for your Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition server, perform the steps shown in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on
page 55.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 61
Congure rebuildable tests, if applicable at this time.
Java EE 6 CTS Rebuildable Tests are located under <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws
and <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jws. If you are interested in running only these tests,
see Appendix H, “Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWS Tests,for instructions on how to rebuild,
and then continue on to Chapter 7, “Executing Tests,for instructions on executing tests. If you
would like to run tests under <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/interop, continue to the
next step.
Add <J2EE_HOME_RI>/lib/j2ee-svc.jar to your application server's CLASSPATH.
This jar le is part of the EJB interoperability architecture. It contains only Sun's
implementations of the required system value classes, and makes it unnecessary for you to put
the entire appserv-rt.jar in your CLASSPATH.
Initialize the databases using the appropriate Ant targets.
a. Log in to the machine running the RI database and execute the following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant init.javadb
b. ???Change the create.interop.tables.only to false in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le.
c. Log into the machine running the VI database and execute the following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant init.<database>
Refer to Appendix F, “Conguring Your Backend Database,for detailed database
conguration and initialization instructions and a list of database-specic initialization
Start the standalone deployment server in a separate shell on the same host as the CTS harness.
The default deployment porting implementation goes through a standalone deployment server
with a dedicated classpath. To start this standalone server, change to the <TS_HOME>/bin
directory and execute the Ant task.
The standalone server is basically an RMI server used to copy archives to the RI server's
autodeploy directory. A separate VM is necessary to avoid classloading conicts that could
occur when the VI server is also a version of RI server.
If necessary, refer to the sections later in this chapter for additional conguration information
you may require for your particular test goals.
For example, see “5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup” on page 91 for conguration settings required for
CSIv2 tests.
Continue on to Chapter 7, “Executing Tests,for instructions on running tests.
5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201162
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnology
Before you can run any of the technology-specic Java EE 6 CTS tests, you must supply certain
information that JavaTest needs to run the tests in your particular environment. This
information exists in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte environment le. This le contains sets of
name/value pairs that are used by the tests. You need to assign a valid value for your
environment for all of the properties listed in the sections that follow.
Note – This section only discusses a small subset of the properties you can modify. Refer to
Appendix B, “ts.jte Modiable Properties,for information about the many other ts.jte
properties you may want to modify for your particular test environment.
This section includes the following topics:
“5.4.1 Test Harness Setup” on page 63
“5.4.2 Windows-Specic Properties” on page 64
“5.4.3 Test Execution Command Setup” on page 65
“5.4.4 Servlet Test Setup” on page 66
“5.4.5 JDBC Test Setup” on page 66
“5.4.6 Standalone RMI/IIOP Server Test Setup” on page 66
“5.4.7 JavaMail Test Setup” on page 67
“5.4.8 JAXR Test Setup” on page 67
“5.4.10 Deployment Test Setup” on page 73
“5.4.11 Connector Test Setup” on page 74
“5.4.12 XA Test Setup” on page 77
Broken Link (Target ID: GJJZS)
“5.4.14 EJB Timer Test Setup” on page 80
“5.4.15 Entity Bean Container-Managed Persistence Test Setup for EJB V1.1” on page 81
“5.4.16 Java Persistence API Test Setup” on page 82
“5.4.17 JMS Test Setup” on page 84
“5.4.18 Transaction Interoperability Testing” on page 87
“5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup” on page 91
“5.4.21 JACC Test Setup” on page 98
“5.4.23 WSDL: Webservice Test and Runtime Notes” on page 100
“5.4.24 Signature Test Setup” on page 108
5.4.1 Test Harness Setup
Verify that the following properties, which are used by the test harness, have been set in the
<TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 63<TS_HOME>/tmp
harness.log.traceflag=[true | false]
The property species a temporary directory that the harness
creates and to which the CTS harness and tests write temporary les. The default setting
should not need to be changed.
The harness.log.port property species the port that server components of the tests use to
send logging output back to JavaTest. If the default port is not available on the machine
running JavaTest, you must edit this property and set it to an available port. The default
setting is 2000.
The harness.log.traceflag property is used to turn on or turn o verbose debugging
output for the tests. The value of the property is set to false by default. Set the property to
true to turn debugging on.
The deployment_host.1 and deployment_host.2 properties specify the systems where the
vendor's Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server and the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
RI server are running. By default, JavaTest will use the and systems,
which are set in the ts.jte le.
The porting class .1 and .2 property sets specify the class names of porting class
implementations. By default, both property sets point to the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI-specic classes. To run the interoperability tests, do not modify the .2 set. These
properties should always point to the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI classes. Modify
the .1 set to point to implementations that work in your specic Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition environment. See “Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and VI for
Interop/Rebuildable Tests” on page 60 for additional information about setting these
The -Dcts.tmp option for the testExecute and testExecuteAppClient commands in the
ts.jte le have been set. This Java option tells the test suite the location to which the test
suite will write temporary les.
5.4.2 Windows-Specic Properties
When conguring the Java EE 6 CTS for the Windows environment, set the following
properties in <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte:
pathsep to semicolon (pathsep=;)
s1as.applicationRoot to the drive on which you have installed CTS (for example,
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201164
When installing in the Windows environment, the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI,
J2SE, and CTS should all be installed on the same drive. If you must install these
components on dierent drives, also change the ri.applicationRoot property in addition
to the pathsep and s1as.applicationRoot properties; for example:
Note – When conguring the RI and CTS for the Windows environment, never specify drive
letters in any path properties in ts.jte.
5.4.3 Test Execution Command Setup
The test execution command properties are used by the test harness. By default, the ts.jte le
denes a single command line for each of the commands that is used for both UNIX and
Windows environments.
If these commands do not meet your needs, you can dene separate entries for the UNIX and
Windows environments. Edit either the ts_unix or ts_win32 test execution properties in the
ts.jte le. For UNIX, these properties are:
For Windows, these properties are:
The testExecute property species the Java command that is used to execute individual tests
from a standalone URL client. Tests in which the client directly invokes a web component
(servlet or JSP), use this command line since there is no application client container involved.
Note – The default settings are specic to the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI. If you are not
using the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI, adjust these properties accordingly.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 65
5.4.4 Servlet Test Setup
Make sure that the following servlet property has been set in the ts.jte le:
ServletClientThreads=[2X size of default servlet instance pool]
The ServletClientThreads property congures the number of threads used by the client for
the SingleThreadModel servlet test. If your container implementation supports pooling of
SingleThreadModel servlets, set the value of the ServletClientThreads property to twice the
value of the default servlet instance pool size. If your container implementation only maintains
a single instance of a ServletClientThreads servlet, use the default value of 2.
5.4.5 JDBC Test Setup
The JDBC tests require you to set the timezone by modifying the tz property in the ts.jte le.
On Solaris systems, you can check the timezone setting by looking in the le
/etc/default/init. Valid values for the tz property are in the directory
/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo. The default setting is US/Eastern. This setting is in
Note – The tz property is only used for Solaris congurations; it does not apply to Windows
5.4.6 Standalone RMI/IIOP Server Test Setup
The standalone RMI/IIOP server testing veries that Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
application components can access and communicate with an external RMI/IIOP server
The start.rmiiiop.server Ant target uses the ts.classpath property setting from the
ts.jte le when starting the standalone RMI/IIOP server application. The standalone
RMI/IIOP server application must start up using the ORB that comes with the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI.
Make sure that ts.classpath property contains the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI JAR
les and classes and that the following properties have been set in the ts.jte le:[hostname]
The and rmi.http.server.port properties must be set to the host and
port where the standalone RMI/IIOP http server is running. The default values for these
properties are localhost and 10000, respectively.
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201166
To start the standalone RMI/IIOP server
Execute the following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant start.rmiiiop.server
5.4.7 JavaMail Test Setup
Make sure that the following properties have been set in the ts.jte le:
Set the mailuser1 property to a valid mail address. Mail messages generated by the JavaMail
tests are sent to the specied address.
Set the transport_protocol property to a valid mail protocol. The default setting is smtp.
Set the mailFrom property to a mail address from which mail messages that the JavaMail
tests generate will be sent.
Set the mailHost property to the address of a valid mail server where the mail will be sent.
5.4.8 JAXR Test Setup
You will need a Registry to run the JAXR tests. The Java Web Services Developers Pack 1.3
contains an implementation of a UDDI version 2 business registry. You can nd the Java Web
Services Developers Pack at Refer to the installation instructions that
accompany the webservices software for additional information.
The JAXR test suite assumes you are using an internal registry (inside a rewall). If you want to
use a public registry outside a rewall, you will need to make some updates to the ts.jte le in
the testExecuteAppClient section to set up proxy information. Example JAXR ts.jte Property Settings
command.testExecuteAppClient= \
com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd DISPLAY=${ts.display} HOME="${user.home}"\
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${javaee.home}/lib \
windir=${windir} \
TZ=${tz} \
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 67
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java \
-Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=${} \${javaee.home}/lib/appclient/client.policy \
-Dcts.tmp=$ \
-Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort=${orb.port} \${javaee.home}/lib/appclient/appclientlogin.conf \ \
-Dcom.sun.enterprise.home=${javaee.home} \${ts.home}/bin/certificates/clientcert.jks \ \
-Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=${javaee.home} \
-Dcom.sun.aas.imqLib=${javaee.home}/imq/lib \
-Djava.util.logging.manager=com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.ACCLogManager \${s1as.domain}/config/cacerts.jks \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${} \
-Dstartup.login=false \
-Dhttp.proxyHost=${http.proxyHost} \
-Dhttp.proxyPort=${http.proxyPort} \
-Dhttps.proxyHost=${https.proxyHost} \
-Dhttps.proxyPort=${https.proxyPort} \
-Ddeliverable.class=${deliverable.class} -classpath ${} \
com.sun.enterprise.appclient.Main $testExecuteArgs -configxml ${s1as.domain}/config/sun-acc.xml
The above settings cover the appclient portion of the testing. You will also need to update the
proxy information for the server. For the RI, you will need to add this to the jvm-options in the
domain.xml le. You can also use the CTS script to update domain.xml instead of
directly editing it. To use the script, add the proxy to s1as.jvm.options in the
ts.jte le:
Note that this is only needed for JAXR when using an external registry. You should not add
proxy info when running the rest of the CTS test suite. JAXR ts.jte Properties
For JAXR testing, make sure the following properties have been set in the
<TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le:
authenticationMethod — Authentication method for the JAXR provider;
UDDI_GET_AUTHTOKEN is the AuthToken protocol dened by [UDDI_API2]
registryURL — Standard connection property for publishing. for the RegistryServer, the
UDDI Registry that comes with the Java Web Services Developers Pack: registryURL =
queryManagerURL — Standard connection property for querying. for the RegistryServer, the
UDDI Registry that comes with the Java Web Services Developers Pack: queryManagerURL
= http://localhost:8080/RegistryServer/
jaxrPassword — Used for setting connection credentials this must be set up in the UDDI
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201168
jaxrUser — Used for setting connection credentials this must be set up in the UDDI
jaxrUser2,jaxrPassword2 — Second account for Association tests
For the RegistryServer you can use the predened username and passwords. These would
be set as follows:
If using digital certicates set to ="" instead.
jaxrSecurityCredentialType — Tells CTS whether to use username/password or digital
certicates for JAXR credentials:
0— Username/password
1— Digital certicates
jaxrAlias — Identies the entry in the keystore for this user.
jaxrAlias2 — Identies the entry in the keystore for the second user
jaxrAliasPassword — Identies the password in the keystore for this user.
jaxrAlias2Password — Identies the password in the keystore for the second user
jaxrWebContext — Context root for jaxr html tests pages
jaxrConnectionFactoryLookup — Preferred way for a client to lookup a JAXR
ConnectionFactory is to use JNDI; an alternate method is to use the newInstance static
method on the ConnectionFactory
0= use JNDI lookup
1= use newInstance method.
jaxrJNDIResource — JAXR ConnectionFactoryReference if JNDI lookup is being used;
for example java:comp/env/eis/JAXR; if not using JNDI lookup set to "".
providerCapabilityLevel — Provider must set this to the supported capability level 0or 1
5.4.9 JAX-RS Test Setup
This section explains how to set up the test environment to run the JAX-RS tests using the Java
EE 6 Reference Implementation and/or a Vendor Implementation. This setup also includes
steps for packaging/repackaging and publishing the packaged/repackaged WAR les as well.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 69
To CongureYour Environment to Run the JAX-RS Tests Against the
Edit your <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le and set the following environment variables:
Set the jaxrs_impl_lib property to point to the Jersey RI.
The default setting for this property is ${javaee.home}/modules/jersey-gf-bundle.jar .
Set the servlet_adaptor property to point to the Servlet adaptor class for the JAX-RS
The default setting for this property is
com/sun/jersey/spi/container/servlet/ServletContainer.class, the servlet adaptor
supplied in Jersey.
Set the jaxrs_impl_name property to the name of the JAX-RS RI.
A le bearing this name has been created under
$TS_HOME/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/jersey.xml with packaging instructions.
The default setting for this property is jersey.
To Package WAR les for Deployment on the Java EE 6 RI
The Java EE 6 CTS test suite does not come with prebuilt test WAR les for deployment on Java
EE 6 RI . The test suite includes a command to generate the test WAR les that will be deployed
on the Java EE 6 RI. The WAR les are Jersey-specic, with Jersey's servlet class and Jersey's
servlet dened in the web.xml deployment descriptor.
Generated Jersey-specic WAR les will be deposited in the $TS_HOME/dist directory and
will include jersey as part of their name. For example:
The names of the WAR les include the string jersey to make them unique, thereby
minimizing the risk that the les will be overwritten by les with the same name or the original
les accidentally modied.
To package the JAX-RS WAR les for deployment on the Java EE 6 RI, complete the following
Change to the $TS_HOME/bin directory.
Execute the update.jaxrs.wars Ant target.
This creates a web.xml.jersey le for each test based on the Java EE 6 Reference
Implementation's servlet class name and packages the tests in WAR les that will be deployed
on the Java EE 6 RI.
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201170
To CongureYour Environment to Run the JAX-RS Tests Against a
Vendor Implementation
Complete the following steps to congure your test environment to run the JAX-RS tests
against your vendor implementation. Before you can run the tests, you need to repackage the
WAR les that contain the JAX-RS tests and the VI-specic Servlet class that will be deployed
on the vendor's Java EE 6–compliant application server.
Edit your <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le and set the following properties:
Set the jaxrs_impl_lib properties to point to all classes/JARs for the vendor's JAX-RS
implementation and all dependent libraries.
The default setting for these properties is ${javaee.home}/modules/jersey-gf-bundle.jar .
Set the servlet_adaptor property to point to the Servlet adaptor class for the vendor's JAX-RS
The class must be located in the JAR le dened by the jaxrs_impl_lib property. By default,
this property is set to com/sun/jersey/spi/container/servlet/ServletContainer.class,
the servlet adaptor supplied in Jersey.
Set the jaxrs_impl_name property to the name of the JAX-RS vendor implementation to be
The name of the property must be unique. A le bearing this name will be created under
$TS_HOME/bin/xml/impl/${}/${jaxrs_impl_name}.xml with packaging and/or
deployment instructions.
The default setting for this property is jersey.
To Repackage WAR les for Deployment on the Vendor Implementation
To run the JAX-RS tests against a vendor's implementation in a Java EE 6–compliant
application server, the tests need to be repackaged to include the VI-specic servlet, and the
VI-specic servlet must be dened in the deployment descriptor.
A vendor must create VI-specic Java EE 6 –compliant WAR les so the VI-specic Servlet
class will be included instead of the Java EE 6 RI-specic Servlet class.
All resource and application class les are already compiled. The Vendor needs to package these
les. All tests also come with a web.xml.template le to be used for generating deployment
descriptor les with a VI-specic Servlet denition.
Java EE 6 CTS makes it easier for the vendor by including template WAR les that contain all of
the necessary les except for the VI-specic servlet adaptor class. The Java EE 6 CTS provides a
tool to help with the repackaging task.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 71
Each test that has a JAX–RS resource class to publish comes with a template deployment
descriptor le. For example, the le
$TS_HOME/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/getTest/web.xml.template contains the
following elements:
<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5"xmlns=""\
xsi:schemaLocation=" \">
In this example, the <servlet-class> element has a value of servlet_adaptor, which is a
placeholder for the implementation-specic Servlet class. A Jersey-specic deployment
descriptor also comes with the Java EE 6, and has the values for the
<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5"xmlns=""\
xsi:schemaLocation=" \">
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201172
The Java EE 6 CTS test suite provides a tool,
${ts.home}/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/jersey.xml, for the Java EE 6 RI that you can use as a
model to help you create your own VI-specic Web test application.
The following steps explain how to create a VI-specic deployment descriptor.
Create aVI handler le.
Create a VI-specic handler le
$TS_HOME/bin/xml/impl/${}/${jaxrs_impl_name}.xml if one does not already exist.
Ensure that the jaxrs_impl_name property is set in the ts.jtele and that its name is unique,
to prevent another le with the same name from being overwritten.
Set the servlet_adaptor property in the ts.jte le.
This property will be used to set the value of the <servlet-class> element in the deployment
CreateVI Ant tasks.
Create a update.jaxrs.wars target in the VI handler le. Reference this update.jaxrs.wars
target in the jersey.xml le.
This target will create a web.xml.${jaxrs_impl_name}for each test that has a deployment
descriptor template. The web.xml.${jaxrs_impl_name}will contain the VI-specic Servlet
class name. It will also create the test WAR les will be created under $TS_HOME/dist directory.
For example:
ls $TS_HOME/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/getTest/ \
Change to the $TS_HOME/bin directory and execute the update.jaxrs.wars Ant target.
This creates a web.xml.${jaxrs_impl_name}le for each test based on the VI's servlet class
name and repackages the tests.
5.4.10 Deployment Test Setup
Ensure that the following properties in the ts.jte le have been set:
deployManagerJarFile.1 property to a JAR le that contains manifest entries according to
the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Deploy API 1.0 Specication
deployManageruri.1 property to a URI to connect to
deployManageruname.1 and deployManagerpasswd.1 properties to the user name and
password that are used when connecting to a deployment manager, if needed
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 73
Note – You need to generate your own deployment plan for each module type, using the
deployment tool that comes with your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server.
5.4.11 Connector Test Setup
The Connector tests verify that a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server correctly implements
the Connector V1.6 specication. The Connector compatibility tests ensure that your Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition server still supports the Connector V1.0 functionality. Extension Libraries
The following Connector les are deployed as part of the con Ant target:
Note – RAR les with an “old” prex are used to test the support of RAs that are bundled with an
older version of the ra.xml les.
The manifest le in each RAR le includes a reference to the whitebox extension library. The
whitebox.jar le is a Shared Library that must be deployed as a separate entity that all the
Connector RAR les access. This extension library is needed to address classloading issues.
The RAR les that are used withJava EE 6 CTS test suite dier from those that were used in
earlier test suites. Java EE 6 CTS no longer bundles the same common classes into every RAR
le. Duplicate common classes, such as whitebox.jar, have been removed from each RAR le
and are now handled as an Installed Library.
This was done to address the following compatibility issues:
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201174
Portable use of Installed Libraries for specifying a resource adapter's shared libraries
See section EE.8.2.2 of the Java EE 6 platform specication and section in the JCA
1.6 specication, which explicitly state that the resource adapter server may employ the
library mechanisms in Java EE 6.
Support application-based standalone connector accessibility
Section of the JCA 1.6 Specication uses the classloading requirements that are
listed in section 20.3 in the specication. Connector Resource Adapters and Classloading
Java EE 6 CTS has scenarios in which multiple standalone RAR les that use the same shared
library (for example, whitebox.jar) are referenced from an application component.
Each standalone RAR le gets loaded in its own classloader. Since the application component
refers to more than one standalone RAR le, all of the referenced standalone RAR les need to
be made available in the classpath of the application component. In previous versions of the
TCK, since each standalone RAR le contained a copy of the whitebox.jar le, every time
there was a reference to a class in the whitebox.jar le from a standalone RAR, the reference
was resolved by using the private version of whitebox.jar (the whitebox.jar le was bundled
in each standalone RAR le). This approach can lead to class type inconsistency issues. Use Case Problem Scenario
Assume that RAR1 and RAR2 are standalone RAR les that are referred to by an application,
RAR1's classloader has access to RAR1's classes and its copy of whitebox.jar. (RAR1's
classloader contains RAR1's classes and whitebox.jar)
RAR2's classloader has access to RAR2's classes and its copy of whitebox.jar. (RAR2's
classloader contains RAR2's classes and whitebox.jar)
When the application refers to both of these RAR les, a classloader that encompasses both of
these classloaders (thereby creating a classloader search order) is provided to the application.
The classloader search order could have the following sequence: ([RAR1's Classloader --
RAR1's classes and whitebox.jar], [RAR2's Classloader -- RAR2's classes and whitebox.jar]).
In this scenario, when an application loads a class (for example, class Foo)inwhitebox.jar, the
application gets class Foo from RAR1's classloader because that is rst in the classloader search
order. However, when this is cast to a class (for example, Foo or a subclass of Foo or even a class
that references Foo) that is obtained from RAR2's classloader (a sequence that is typically
realized in a ConnectionFactory lookup), this would result in a class-cast exception.
The portable way of solving the issues raised by this use case problem scenario is to use installed
libraries, as described in section EE.8.2.2 in the Java EE 6 platform specication. If both RAR
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 75
les (RAR1 and RAR2) reference whitebox.jar as an installed library and the application
server can use a single classloader to load this common dependency, there will be no
type-related issues.
In the RI, domain-dir/lib/applibs is used as the Installed Library directory and is the location
to which the whitebox.jar le gets copied. Required Porting Package
The Java EE 6 CTS test suite treats the whitebox.jar dependency as an Installed Library
dependency instead of bundling the dependency (or dependencies) with every RAR le. Each
RAR le now contains a reference to the whitebox.jar le through its Manifest les
Extension-List attribute.
It is necessary to identify the whitebox.jar to the connector server as an installed library. The
mechanism used to identify the whitebox.jar le to the connector server as an Installed
Library must allow the Installed Libraries to have dependencies on Java EE APIs. In other
words, because the whitebox.jar le depends on Java EE APIs, one cannot simply put the
whitebox.jar le into a java.ext.dir directory , which gets loaded by the VM extension
classloader, because that mechanism does not allow the whitebox.jar le to support its
dependencies on the Java EE APIs. For this reason, the Installed Library must support access to
the Java EE APIs.
See section EE.8.2.2 in the Java EE 6 platform specication for information about the reference
implementation's support for Installed libraries. However, note that this section does not
recommend a mechanism that a deployer can use to provide Installed Libraries in a portable
manner. Creating Security Mappings for the Connector RAR Files
The Ant target in the
TS_HOME/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/connector.xml le maps Resource Adapter user
information to existing user information in the RI.
For the RI, these mappings add a line to the domain.xml le, similar to the one shown below,
and should include 6 of these mappings:
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201176
If the rauser1 property has been set to cts1 and the user property has been set to j2ee in the
ts.jte le, the following mappings would be required in the connector runtime:
For RA whitebox-tx, map cts1 to j2ee
For RA whitebox-tx-param, map cts1 to j2ee
For RA whitebox-notx, map cts1 to j2ee
For RA whitebox-notx-param, map cts1 to j2ee
For RA whitebox-xa, map cts1 to j2ee
For RA whitebox-xa-param, map cts1 to j2ee Creating Required Server-Side JVM Options
Create the required JVM options that enable user information to be set and/or passed from the
ts.jte le to the server. The RAR les use some of the property settings in the ts.jte le.
To see some of the required JVM options for the server under test, see the s1as.jvm.options
property in the ts.jte le. The connector tests require that the following subset of JVM
options be set in the server under test:
5.4.12 XA Test Setup
The XA Test setup requires that the ejb_Tsr.ear le be deployed as part of the con Ant
task. The ejb_Tsr.ear le contains an embedded RAR le, which requires the creation of a
connection-pool and a connector resource.
For more details about the deployment of ejb_Tsr.ear and its corresponding connection pool
and connector resource values, see the setup.tsr.embedded.rar Ant target in the
$TS_HOME/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/s1as.xml le.
The Java EE 6 CTS whitebox adapter is a resource adapter that provides the JDBC API as its
client API. This model has two valuable benets:
Your database serves as the Enterprise Information System, as dened in the Connector
The resource adapter will work with the same JDBC 3.0-compliant driver that you use with
the rest of the test suite.
To set up your environment to run the XA tests
Set the following XA properties in the ts.jte le:1
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 77
connector_connectionURL — The URL for your JDBC driver; should be the same as the
one used elsewhere in the test suite. — Properties required by the XA driver; the managed connection factory
will set these properties via reection on the class specied by the xa.xadatasource.class
property. The value is the set of properties that will be set on your XA JDBC
driver (the class denoted by the xa.xadatasource.class property). See Section 9.4.1 of the
JDBC 3.0 Specication for more details.
Note – When specifying, be sure to escape the appropriate characters. The value needs to be treated as a single property even though it is made up of
many subproperties. The properties must be separated by colons (:), and the names and
values separated by equal signs (=). Any values that contain colons or equal signs that do not
need to be interpreted to must inside single quotes. All values in single quotes are treated as
a string literals.
xa.xadatasource.class — The implementation of the XADataSource interface; this class is
your XA JDBC driver. Note that this class and any dependent classes must be accessible by
the CTS libraries in the application server's extension directory.
connector_connectionURL — The URL for your JDBC driver; should be the same as the
one used elsewhere in the test suite.
You need to modify some or all of these properties to plug your own JDBC driver into the CTS
whitebox resource adapter.
Make sure that the database to which you point has been initialized.
Make sure that the following EIS and JDBC RAR les have been deployed into your environment
before you run the XA tests:
For the EIS resource adapter, deploy the following RAR les. Most of these les are
standalone RAR les, but there is also an embedded RAR le that is contained in the
ejb_Tsr.ear le. With the RI, these RAR les are deployed as part of the con Ant task.
The following RAR les are dened in the ts.jte le.
The embedded RAR les are located in the <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/xa/ee/tsr
For the JDBC resource adapter, deploy the following RAR les:
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Deploy the RAR les to the appropriate JNDI name, as indicated. For example, you would
deploy the JDBCwhitebox-tx.rar le to java:comp/env/eis/JDBCwhitebox-tx.
The EIS RAR les are located in the following directory:
The JDBC RAR les are located in the following directory:
RAR les in the <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/common/connector directory must be
built and must exist before any dependent tests can pass. Deployment can either be done ahead
of time or at runtime, as long as connection pools and resources are established prior to test
5.4.13 EJB 3.0 Test Setup
This section explains special conguration needs to be completed before running the EJB 3.0
DataSource and Stateful Timeout tests.
The EJB 3.0 DataSource tests do not test XA capability and XA support in a database product is
typically not required for these tests. However, some Java EE products could be implemented in
such a way that XA must be supported by the database. For example, when processing the
@DataSourceDenition annotation or <data-source> descriptor elements in tests, a Java EE
product infers the datasource type from the interface implemented by the driver class. When
the driver class implements multiple interfaces, such as javax.sql.DataSource,
javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource,orjavax.sql.XADataSource, the vendor must
choose which datasource type to use. If javax.sql.XADataSource is chosen, the target
datasource system must be congured to support XA. Consult the documentation for your
database system and JDBC driver for information that explains how to enable XA support.
To Congure theTest Environment to Run the EJB 3.0 DataSourceTests
The EJB 3.0 DataSource tests under the following tests/ejb30 directories require you to run
the Ant task in step 2.
If your database vendor requires you to set any vendor-specic or less common DataSource
properties, complete step 1 and then complete step 2, as explained below.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 79
Set any vendor-specic or less common datasource properties with the
jdbc.datasource.props property in the ts.jte le.
The value of the property is a comma-separated array of name-value pairs, in which each
property pair uses a “name=value” format, including the surrounding double quotes.
The value of the property must not contain any extra spaces.
For example:
Run the configure.datasource.tests Ant target to rebuild the EJB 3.0 DataSource Denition
tests using the new database settings specied in the ts.jte le.
This step must be completed for Java EE 6 and Java EE 6 Web Prole testing.
To Congure theTest Environment to Run the EJB 3.0 StatefulTimeout
The EJB 3.0 Stateful Timeout Tests in the following test directories require special setup:
Set the javatest.timeout.factor property in the ts.jte le to a value such that the JavaTest
harness does not time out before the test completes.
A value of 2.0 or greater should be sucient.
Set the test.ejb.stateful.timeout.wait.secondsproperty, which species the minimum
amount of time, in seconds, that the test client waits before verifying the status of the target
stateful bean, to a value that is appropriate for your server.
The value of this property must be an integer number. The default value is 480 seconds. This
value can be set to a smaller number (for example, 240 seconds) to speed up testing, depending
on the stateful timeout implementation strategy in the target server.
5.4.14 EJB Timer Test Setup
Set the following properties in the ts.jte le to congure the EJB timer tests:
The ejb_timeout property sets the duration of single-event and interval timers. The default
setting and recommended minimum value is 30000 milliseconds.
The ejb_wait property sets the period for the test client to wait for results from the
ejbTimeout() method. The default setting and recommended minimum value is 60000
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201180
Java EE 6 CTS does not have a property that you can set to congure the date for date timers.
The timer tests use the specic jndi-name jdbc/DBTimer for the datasource used for
container-managed persistence to support the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI's use of an
XA datasource in its timer implementation. For example:
<jdbc-resource enabled="true"jndi-name="jdbc/DBTimer"object-type="user"pool-name="cts-javadb-XA-pool"/>
The test directories that use this datasource are:
When testing against the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI, you must rst start JavaDB and
initialize it in addition to any other database you may be using, as explained in “Conguring the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI as the VI” on page 53.
5.4.15 Entity Bean Container-Managed PersistenceTest
Setup for EJB V1.1
Your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation should map the following instance
variables to a backend datastore. These are needed to run the CTS entity bean
container-managed persistence (cmp1.1) tests.
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI creates the table used by container-managed
persistence by appending "Table"to the bean name. For example, if your bean name is TestEJB,
the table that will be created will be TestEJBTable.
The container-managed elds for most cmp tests must have the following names and the
following Java types:
Column Name Java Type
key_id Integer
brand_name String
price Float
These instance variable names correspond to the following database schema:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 81
These instance variables are used in the transactional entity test bean for the transactional test
cases (tx) and in the database support utility class for the bean behavior test cases (bb). These
instance variables, used in the enterprise bean tests, must be accessible at deployment time.
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI provides the container-managed persistence
implementation-specic features as part of its runtime XML le. Your Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition platform implementation needs to map the container-managed elds to the
appropriate backend datastore. The manner in which you do this is implementation-specic.
The DeploymentInfo class provides all of the runtime XML information as an object that is
passed to the TSDeploymentInterface2 implementation.
For a list of SQL statements used in CMP 1.1 nders, refer to “G.2 SQL Statements for CMP 1.1
Finders” on page 201.
5.4.16 Java Persistence API Test Setup
The Java Persistence API tests exercise the requirements as dened in the Java Persistence API
Specication. This specication denes a persistence context to be a set of managed entity
instances, in which for any persistent identity there is a unique entity instance. Within the
persistence context, the entity instances and their life cycles are managed by the entity manager.
Within a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition environment, support for both container-managed
and application-managed entity managers is required. Application-managed entity managers
can be JTA or resource-local. Refer to Chapter 5 of the Java Persistence API Specication for
additional information regarding entity managers.
To Congure theTest Environment to Run the JPA PluggabilityTests
The JPA Pluggability tests under the src/com/sun/ts/tests/pluggability directory ensure
that a third-party persistence provider is pluggable, in nature. These tests require additional
setup before they can be run with a Vendor's Implementation.
If you are using the Reference Implementation, execute the
enable.ts.persistence.provider Ant task, which replaces EclipseLink, the default
persistence provider, with the TopLink persistence provider.
One of the things that this task does is to add a JVM option to the Reference Implementation to
specify where the log le is written.
Note – If you are not using the Reference Implementation, you must copy the TopLink
persistence provider JAR le and set the JVM option that species the location to which the log
le will be written by hand.
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Set the log.file.location property in the ts.jte le to specify the location to which the
JPALog.txt log le will be written.
Java EE 6 CTS uses TopLink to log persistence API calls. The logs are collected in the
JPALog.txt le.
If you are using the Reference Implementation, after completing the test run, execute the
disable.ts.persistence.provider Ant task.
This task reverts the persistence provider to the default setting (the default persistence provider,
Note – If you are not using the Reference Implementation, you must revert to EclipseLink, the
default persistence provider, and unset the JVM option that species the location to which the
log le will be written by hand. Persistence Test Vehicles
The persistence tests are run in a variety of "vehicles"from which the entity manager is obtained
and the transaction type is dened for use. There are six vehicles used for these tests:
stateless3 — Bean-managed stateless session bean using JNDI to lookup a JTA
EntityManager; uses UserTransaction methods for transaction demarcation
stateful3 — Container-managed stateful session bean using @PersistenceContext
annotation to inject JTA EntityManager; uses container-managed transaction
demarcation with a transaction attribute (required)
appmanaged — Container-managed stateful session bean using @PersistenceUnit
annotation to inject an EntityManagerFactory; the EntityManagerFactory API is used to
create an Application-Managed JTA EntityManager, and uses the container to demarcate
appmanagedNoTx — Container-managed stateful session bean using @PersistenceUnit
annotation to inject an EntityManagerFactory; the EntityManagerFactory API is used to
create an Application-Managed Resource Local EntityManager, and uses the
EntityTransaction APIs to control transactions
pmservlet - Servlet that uses the @PersistenceContext annotation at the class level and then
uses jndi lookup to obtain the EntityManager; alternative to declaring the persistence
context dependency via a persistence-context-ref in web.xml, as discussed below; tested
in the com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/persistence/ee test directory, and uses
UserTransaction methods for transaction demarcation
puservlet — Servlet that injects an EntityManagerFactory using the @PersistenceUnit
annotation to create a to Resource Local EntityManager, and uses EntityTransaction
APIs for transaction demarcation
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 83
Note – For vehicles using a RESOURCE_LOCAL transaction type, be sure to congure a
non-transactional resource with the logical name jdbc/DB_no_tx. Refer to Appendix B,
ts.jte Modiable Properties,for information about the jdbc.db property in ts.jte. GeneratedValue Annotation
The Java Persistence API Specication also denes the requirements for the GeneratedValue
annotation. The default for this annnotation is GenerationType.AUTO. Per the specication,
AUTO indicates that the persistence provider should pick an appropriate strategy for the
particular database. The AUTO generation strategy may expect a database resource to exist, or it
may attempt to create one.
The GeneratedValue annotation is exercised in the test directory
com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/persistence/types/auto. The table provided for this test to run
with Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI is listed in Example 5–1.
EXAMPLE 5–1 GeneratedValue Annotation Test Table
You should add your own table to your chosen database DDL le provided prior to running
these tests. The Data Model used to test the Java Persistence Query Language can be found in
Appendix G, “EJBQL Schema.
The persistence.xml le, which denes a persistence unit, contains the unitName CTS-EM for
JTA entity managers. This corresponds to jta-data-source,jdbc/DB1, and to CTS-EM-NOTX
for RESOURCE_LOCAL entity managers, which correspond to a non-jta-data-source
5.4.17 JMS Test Setup
Make sure that the following property has been set in the ts.jte le:
This property species the length of time, in milliseconds, that a synchronous receive operation
will wait for a message. The default value of the property should be sucient for most
environments. If, however, your system is running slowly and you are not receiving the
messages that you should be, you need to increase the value of this parameter.
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Note – The client-specied values for JMSDeliveryMode,JMSExpiration, and JMSPriority
must not be overridden when running the CTS JMS tests.
If you do not have an API to create JMS Administered objects, and you cannot create an Ant
target equivalent to, you can use the list that follows and manually create the objects.
If you decide to create these objects manually, you need to provide a dummy implementation of
the JMS porting interface, TSJMSAdminInterface.
The list of objects you need to manually create includes the following factories, queues, and
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 85
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201186
Note – Implementations of TSJMSAdminInterface are called inside the JavaTest VM. The
com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSPropertyManager class, which is available to these
implementations, provides access to any property in the ts.jte le.
5.4.18 Transaction Interoperability Testing
Using two Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server implementations, you can test up to four
transaction interoperability congurations. However, note that you only need to test and pass
congurations that your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server supports. Table 5–1 shows
these congurations.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 87
TABLE 5–1 Transaction Interoperability Testing Congurations
Transaction Interoperability Setting for a
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Vendor
Transaction Interoperability Setting for the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI
Modify the interoperability settings for transaction interoperability according to what you need
to test:
If your implementation supports transaction interoperability, you must test congurations
#1 and #2.
If your implementation does not support transaction interoperability, you must test
congurations #3 and #4.
The ts.jte le has the following transaction interoperability properties:
EJBServer1TxInteropEnabled=[false | true]
EJBServer2TxInteropEnabled=[false | true]
To run the required test congurations described in Table 5–1, use the following commands to
change the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition SDK settings as necessary.
To set the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Transaction Interoperability setting to
cd $TS_HOME/bin
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant disable.ri.tx.interop
To set the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Transaction Interoperability setting to True:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant enable.ri.tx.interop
The default Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Transaction Interoperability setting is True.
5.4.19 JASPIC Test Setup
Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers (JASPIC) 1.0 tests are security
tests. The JASPIC Servlet prole is the only required prole for Java EE 6 CTS. There are other
optional prole tests, such as SOAP, but you are not required to run these for certication.
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The test suite includes the following Ant targets that congure the test environment for the
JASPIC tests
config_vi target in <TS_HOME>/bin/build.xml
enable.jaspic, also in <TS_HOME>/bin/build.xml
Both targets call <TS_HOME>/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/javaee_vi.xml, which then makes
calls into <TS_HOME>/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/s1as.xml. You may want to examine these
targets to see what is done in greater detail.
Complete the following steps before you run the JASPIC tests:
1. Congure the JASPIC-required properties in the ts.jte le:
a. Set the provider.configuration.file property to the location of your
implementation's instance lib directory, where it can be loaded when your
implementation runtime is started.
This le typically coexists with the tssv.jar le and the provider-configuration.dtd
b. Set the vendor.authconfig.factory property to specify your AuthConfigFactory
This property setting will be used by the JASPIC tests to register the test suite's provider
in your AuthConfigFactory.
c. Set the logical.hostname.servlet property to the logical host that will process Servlet
Servlet requests may be directed to a logical host using various physical or virtual host
names or addresses. A message processing runtime may be composed of multiple logical
hosts. This setting is required to properly identify the Servlet prole's application context
identier hostname. If the logical host that will process Servlet requests does not exist,
you can set this to the default hostname of your implementation's Web server.
d. Set the property based on whether or not you are
running the Servlet prole in a JSR 115–compatible container.
2. Ensure that the Ant task has been run before running the enable.jaspic Ant
These Ant tasks perform the following JASPIC–required steps:
Set up users and passwords for your implementation.
See Step 8b in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55“Conguring
Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55 for more information.
Install the client-side certicate in the trustStore in your implementation.
See Step 16 in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55“Conguring
Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55 for more information.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 89
Append the le <TS_HOME>/bin/server_policy.append to the Java policy le(s) on
your implementation.
See Step 17 in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55“Conguring
Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55 for more information.
Appends the le <TS_HOME>/bin/client_policy.append to the application client's Java
policy le, which is referenced in the TestExecuteAppClient section of the ts.jte le.
See Step 18 in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55“Conguring
Your Application Server as the VI” on page 55 for more information.
Copies the TS_HOME/lib/tssv.jar le to your implementation instance library
The tssv.jar le includes the class les necessary to load TSAuthConfigFactory and
related classes.
Copies the TSSV conguration les (ProviderConfiguration.xml,
configuration.dtd) to your implementation instance library directory.
The provider-configuration.dtd le is a DTD le that resides in the same directory as
the ProviderConfiguration.xml le and describes the ProviderConfiguration.xml
le. This le should not be edited.
Copies <TS_HOME>/bin/ to
Sets the the following JVM options:<JAVAEE_HOME>/domains/domain1/config/
3. Deploy the JASPIC log le processor,
<TS_HOME>/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/jaspic/util/jaspic_util_web.war, to the
implementation under test.
Note – It may be necessary to restart your implementation after completing this step.
4. After running the JASPIC tests, change back to the <TS_HOME>/bin directory and execute
the following command:
cd <TS_HOME>/bin
ant disable.jaspic
This Ant task undoes the changes that were made to your implementation by the
enable.jaspic target. If these changes are not reversed, your implementation may be left in
an uncertain state.
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201190
5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup
Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 (CSIv2) is security-related interoperability testing.
You must complete all of the setup instructions in “Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI and VI for Interop/Rebuildable Tests” on page 60 and the steps provided in this
section before you run the CSIv2 tests.
This following sections describe how to set up two Java Platform, Enterprise Edition servers,
one running the vendor's Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server and the other running the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI. Be sure to complete the steps in “5.3 Conguring a Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Server” on page 51 before proceeding with the instructions below.
Conguring theVendor's Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Make sure the required IORs, based on the values of the elds that are described in Generating
IORs Based on Runtime XML Informationon page 91,Appendix E,“Interoperable Object
Reference Denitions,provide additional information about IOR denitions.
Conguring the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Server
Run the CSIv2 Ant target.
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant enable.csiv2
Run the CSIv2 tests.
See Chapter 7, “Executing Tests,for instructions on executing tests. After the test run
concludes, you need to analyze the results. See Appendix C, “Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs,for
information about analyzing the test logs.
Disable CSIv2.
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant disable.csiv2
Generating IORs Based on Runtime XML Information
The DeploymentInfo class contains public accessor methods that correspond to XML elements
within the <ior-security-cong> element in the Sun EJB jar runtime XML that is packaged with
the test beans. Java Platform, Enterprise Edition vendor implementations are required to
generate IORs that are based on the values pulled from this XML document as described in this
section. Failure to do so will result in test failures.
The elds are divided into three categories:
Fields that deal with client authentication at the client authentication layer of the CSIv2
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 91
Fields that deal with the secure transport layer (SSL):
Fields that deal with caller propagation:
The values of these elds must be used to construct the CompoundSecMec structure within an
IOR. The construction of the IORs is briey described in this class. Appendix E, “Interoperable
Object Reference Denitions,lists of all the IORS that are expected to be generated. For more
detailed information about IORS, refer to the CSIv2 specication.
Not all possible combinations of elds are used by CSIv2 tests. For example, the following elds
are used to indicate that client authentication is required at the client authentication layer of the
CSIv2 protocol:
asAuthMethod = "username_password"
asRealmName = "default"
asRequired = "true"
The following elds are used to indicate that client authentication is not required at the client
authentication layer of the CSIv2 protocol:
asAuthMethod = "username_passsword"
asRealmName = "default"
asRequired = "false"
The Java example listed below, demonstrates how users can extract the required information
from the DeploymentrInfo object:
DeploymentInfo info;
List ejbs = info.getEnterpriseBeans().getEjb();
foreach ejb in ejbs {
} // end loop
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 201192 Mapping Roles
The rolemapping element denes role-to-principal, role-to-group, and/or
role-to-user-to-group mappings.
A role is an logical grouping of users that is dened by an application component provider
or assembler.
A group is a set of users, classied by common traits, dened in the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition Application Server.
Note that a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition group is designated for the entire Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition server, whereas a role is associated with a specic application
in a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server only.
A principal is an individual (or application program) identity that has been dened in the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Application Server. Principals can be associated with a
The security-role-mappings are dened in the following les:
However, the denitions in the le applicationName.ear.sun-application.xml take
precedence over the denitions in the other les. Role Mapping Examples
The examples that follow show how role-name,principal-name, and group-names are used
for security-role-mapping.
EXAMPLE 5–2 role-name Administrator
EXAMPLE 5–3 role-name Manager
The following example shows how role-name Manager is mapped to principal-name javajoe
and group-name MGR.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 93 Sample ior-security-config Elements
ior-security-config, which describes the security conguration information for the IOR,
consists of three components:
transport-config” on page 94
as-context” on page 96
sas-context” on page 97
transport-config contains the following sub-elements:
integrity Field
The integrity eld is used to indicate the integrity requirements that a target places on
the client at the SSL level.
Valid values are:
none — Indicates that the target does not support integrity at the SSL level
required — Indicates that the target supports, but does not require, integrity at the
SSL level
supported — Indicates that the target requires the client to establish a secure
connection with integrity at the SSL level
condentiality Field
The confidentiality eld is used to indicate the condentiality requirements that a
target places on the client at the SSL level.
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Valid values are:
none — Indicates that the target does not support condentiality at the SSL level
required — Indicates that the target requires the client to establish a secure
connection with condentiality at the SSL level
supported — Indicates that the target supports, but does not require, condentiality
at the SSL level
An IOR must be generated as shown below. Although condentiality is used as an
example, the principles of IOR generation apply to all other elds related to security
requirements at the SSL level, including establish-trust-in-client,
establish-trust-in-target, and integrity.
If the value for a eld is none:
The bit that corresponds to the eld in transport_mech.target_requires must
be set to 0.
The bit that corresponds to the eld in transport_mech.target_supports must
be set to 0.
If the value for a eld is supported:
The bit that corresponds to the eld in transport_mech.target_supports must
be set to 1.
The bit that corresponds to the eld in transport_mech.target_requires must
be set to 0.
For example, if the value of the condentiality eld is true, the following setting is
transport_mech.target_supports = {Confidentiality}
If the value for a eld is required:
The bit that corresponds to the eld in transport_mech.target_requires must
be set to 1.
The bit that corresponds to the eld in transport_mech.target_supports must
also be set to 1.
The bit that corresponds to the eld must also be set in
For example, if the value of condentiality is required, the following settings are
establish-trust-in-target Field
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 95
The establish-trust-in-target eld is used to indicate whether a target can
authenticate itself to a client at the SSL level.
Valid values are:
none — Indicates that the target cannot authenticate itself to the client
supported — Indicates that the target can authenticate itself to a client
establish-trust-in-client Field
The establish-trust-in-client eld is used to indicate the authentication
requirements that a target places on the client at the SSL level.
Valid values are:
none — Indicates that the target does not support client authentication at the SSL level
required — Indicates the client must authenticate itself to the target at the SSL level
supported — Indicates that the target supports, but does not require, client
authentication at the SSL level
as-context (CSIv2 authentication service) describes the authentication mechanism that will be
used to authenticate the client. If specied, it will be the username-password mechanism.
as-context contains the following sub-elements:
auth-method Field
The auth-method eld indicates the authentication mechanism that may be used to
authenticate the client to the target at the client authentication layer.
Valid values are:
none — Indicates that the target does not support client authentication at the client
authentication layer. The IOR must be generated as follows:
as_context_mech.target_supports = {}
If the value is none, the realm and required eld values are irrelevant.
username_password — Indicates that the authentication mechanism is the GSSUP
mechanism. This value is relevant and should only be used when asRequired is true.
When set to true, the IOR must be generated as described in the required eld
realm Field
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
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The realm eld contains the name of the realm in which the user is to be authenticated.
Valid values are:
This eld is relevant and should only be used when the required eld is set to true,in
which case the IOR must be generated as described in the required eld summary.
required Field
The required eld species whether or not a client is required to authenticate at the
client authentication layer.
Valid values are:
true — Indicates that the client is required to authenticate at the client authentication
If the value is true, an IOR must be generated as follows:
The as_context_mech must contain a client authentication mechanism derived
from the value of the auth-method eld. If the value of the auth-method eld is
username_password, the client authentication mechanism must be set to
GSSUP_OID; for example:
as_context_mech.client_authentication_mech = GSSUP_OID
The target name must match the value of the realm eld:
as_context_mech.target_name = {realm}
The establish-trust-in-client bit must be set in the following elds:
false — Indicates that client authentication at the client authentication layer is not
The value of the required eld can be false. However, in the CSIv2 tests, whenever
the required eld is false, the auth-method eld must always be set to none. In this
case, the IOR must be generated as described in the auth-method eld summary.
sas-context describes caller propagation. The caller-propagation eld indicates whether
the target will accept propagated caller identities.
Valid values are:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 97
The IOR must be generated as follows:
If the value is none:
The bit that corresponds to the eld in sas_context_mech.target_supports must be
set to zero, as shown:
The value in the eld sas_context_mech.supported_naming_mechanisms must be set
to zero, as shown:
The bit that corresponds to ITTPrincipalName, ITTDistinguishedName,
ITTX509CertChain, and ITTAnonymous in the
sas_context_mech.supported_identity_types eld must be set to zero.
If the value is supported:
The bit that corresponds to the eld in sas_context_mech.target_supports must be
set as follows:
The sas_context_mech.supported_naming_mechanisms eld must contain at least
GSSUPMechOID, as follows:
The ITTPrincipalName bit must be set in the
sas_context_mech.supported_identity_types, as shown:
sas_context_mech.supported_identity_types= \
{ITTPrincipalName, ITTDistinguishedName, \
ITTX509CertChain, ITTAnonymous}
For the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Appplication Server, the ior-security-config is
dened in the applicationName.jar.sun-ejb-jar.xml le.
5.4.21 JACC Test Setup
The JACC-CTS provider acts as a delegating security provider sitting between the appserver
and vendor provider. The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition appserver comes with a default
security provider that is dened by two system properties; for the purposes of this discussion,
these are referred to as A=DefaultProviderFactory and B=DefaultPolicyModule.
CTS moves the values from A and B to two new variables: C=DefaultProviderFactory and
D=DefaultPolicyModule, replacing the CTS provider classes to the variables Aand B
(A=TSProviderFactory and B=TSPolicyModule). This modication allows the server to call the
CTS provider for all its functions, and the CTS provider in turn uses these new variables to
invoke the real provider.
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The property names A,B,C, and Dare used for convenience here. The real property names are as
To Congure the JACC Provider for the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI
Execute the JACC Ant target:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant enable.jacc
This command does the following:
Switches the system properties
Adds tsprovider.jar to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition appserver's classpath.
Adds log.file.location system property to the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
Appserver's system properties. This is used for generating log les, which is used for
verifying JSR 115 contracts.
Note – When running JACC tests against the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI, if you need to
restart the RI, be sure to rst remove all JACC log les (jacc_log.*) from the
JAVAEE_HOME/domains/domain1/logs directory.
Also note that if you are running CTS JSR 115 tests and you need to restart your appserver, be
sure to remove the generated jacc_log.txt le before running the JSR 115 tests again.
5.4.22 JAX-WS Test Setup
The following properties, which are used by the Endpoint API tests in the
jaxws/api/javax_xml_ws/Endpoint directory, must be set in the ts.jte le:
The http.server.supports.endpoint.publish property indicates whether or not your
HTTP server supports endpoint publishing.
The http.server.supports.endpoint.publish.2 property indicates whether or not the
Java EE 6 RI HTTP server supports endpoint publishing.
If your server supports endpoint publishing (supports the use of methods), set the property value to “true”. In an
unmanaged environment, such as that in standalone mode, this call is usually allowed. When
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 99
the property is set to “true”, the test will check that the endpoint publish methods publish the
endpoints without throwing an exception. When this result occurs with this scenario, the result
is considered a PASS.
If your server does not support endpoint publishing (does not support the use of methods), set the property value to “false”. In a managed
environment, such as the Java EE 6 Reference Implementation, this is usually the case and this
call would not be allowed. When the property is set to “false”, the tests will check that these
endpoint publish methods do not publish the endpoints and an exception will be thrown. When
this result occurs with this scenario, the result is considered a PASS.
The http.server.supports.endpoint.publish.2 property settings are used to specify
whether or not endpoint publishing is supported by the Java EE 6 RI HTTP server. The same
settings and caveats as the http.server.supports.endpoint.publish property apply to this
property, based on whether or not the Java EE 6 RI supports endpoint publishing.
5.4.23 WSDL: Webservice Test and Runtime Notes
In addition to the WSDL elements described later in this section, the Sun Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI webservice runtime DTDs contain two new optional elements for
publishing and lookup of nal WSDLs for a deployed webservice endpoint. These new tags are
<wsdl-publish-location> and <wsdl-override>, and are used by the CTS to automate all
CTS webservices tests, regardless of the host or port used to run the tests.
These WSDL tags are also used when performing le URL publishing, as required by JSR109.
JSR109 states that http URL and le URL publishing must be supported on a Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition platform. In addition, the <wsdl-override> is used as a mechanism for
satisfying the partial WSDL requirement in the JSR109 specication. This mechanism enables
the specication of the location of the nal full published WSDL of a deployed webservice
endpoint within the client EAR when only a partial WSDL is packaged, which enables client
access to the full WSDL and correct SOAP address to communicate with the webservice.
The <wsdl-publish-location> tag tells the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI where to
publish the nal WSDL for the deployed webservice endpoint. As stated above, the nal WSDL
can be published to a le URL or http URL, although the tag is really only necessary for le URL
publishing, and is ignored if http URL publishing is specied (http is the default publishing
used by the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI). This tag is included in all CTS tests for
consistency and to aid as a mechanism in automation.
By default, the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI publishes the nal WSDL during
deployment to a http URL following a standard URL naming scheme. See below for details
about the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI runtime. This default can be overriden to
explicitly do le URL publishing.
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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011100
The <wsdl-override> tag tells the client application EAR where to lookup the nal published
WSDL for the deployed webservice endpoint. This will be either a file URL or an http URL to
match what is specied in the <wsdl-publish-location> tag. WSDL ts.jte Properties
For le URL publishing, the CTS denes two properties in the ts.jte le, named
wsdlRepository1 and wsdlRepository2, which specify the le system directory location to use
for publishing nal WSDLs that use le URL publishing.
The wsdlRepository1 is used for the Vendor Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
Implementation. The wsdlRepository2 is used for the Sun RI Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
Implementation, and is only used for CTS webservices interoperability testing. These
directories get created by the CTS harness at runtime. The default settings in the ts.jte le will
create these directories under:
For le URL publishing, the WSDL tag settings could be as follows:
Webservice Endpoint
Webservice Client Application
In this case, the CTS harness substitutes wsdlRepository1 with the setting in the
<TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le.
For http URL publishing, the tag settings might be:
Webservice Endpoint
Webservice Client Application
In this case, the CTS harness substitutes the webServerHost.1:webServerPort.1 with the settings
in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le.
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 101
Note – In the case of interop webservices tests, the CTS harness substitutes the
webServerHost.2:webServerPort.2 with the settings in the ts.jte le. This host and port
denes the Sun RI Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation used as the interop test
machine. See tests/interop/webservices for these tests. Webservice Endpoint WSDL Elements
Setting Endpoint Address
element : endpoint-address-uri
The endpoint address URI is used to compose the endpoint address URL through which the
endpoint can be accessed. It is required for EJB endpoints and optional for servlet endpoints.
The endpoint-address-uri can have an optional leading forward slash (/). It must be a xed
pattern (no asterisk (*) wildcards).
EJB Example:
For EJB endpoints, the URI is relative to root of the web server; for example, if the web
server is listening at http://localhost:8000, an endpoint address URI of
google/GoogleSearch would result in an endpoint address of:
Note that the rst portion of the URI (google) should not conict with the context root of
any deployed web application.
Servlet Example:
For servlet endpoints, the endpoint-address-uri is only needed if the servlet does not have
a servlet-mapping url-pattern in its web.xml. Its value is relative to the context root of the
servlet's web application.
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In this case, the target endpoint address would be :
EJB Endpoint Security
element : login-config
This only applies to EJB endpoints and is optional. It is used to specify how authentication is
performed for EJB endpoint invocations. It consists of a single subelement named
auth-method.auth-method is set to BASIC or CLIENT_CERT. The equivalent security for servlet
endpoints is set through the standard web-application security elements. For example:
Transport Guarantee
element : transport-guarantee
This is an optional setting on webservice-endpoint. The allowable values are NONE,INTEGRAL,
and CONFIDENTIAL. If not specied, the behavior is equivalent to NONE. The meaning of each
option is the same as is dened in the Security chapter of the Servlet Specication. This setting
will determine the scheme and port used to generate the nal endpoint address for a web service
endpoint. For NONE, the scheme will be HTTP and port will be the default HTTP port. For
INTEGRAL/CONFIDENTIAL, the scheme will be HTTPS and the port will be the default HTTPS
Publishing Final WSDL During Deployment
URL publishing: no extra information required.
The nal WSDL document for each webservice endpoint is always published to a URL
having the following syntax:
EJB endpoints:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 103
Servlet endpoints:
Note that the nal WSDL document returned from this URL will contain port entries for
all ports within the same service.
File publishing:
element : wsdl-publish-location
To have a copy of the nal WSDL written to a le, set this element to a le URL; for example:
</enterprise-beans> Webservice Client WSDL Elements
In the CTS for le publishing, the directory in which to publish the le WSDL is specied in the
<wsdl-publish-location> tag for the webservice, and the full path of the WSDL le is
specied in the <wsdl-override> tag in the client; for example:
The Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation denes the behavior this way
because, for wsdl-publish-location, the App Server is potentially publishing many
documents, not just one. This is because the main WSDL could have dependencies on relative
imports. There is no requirement that the initial WSDL be located at the top of the hierarchy,
even though that is commonly the case.
For example, in an ejb-jar with a Main.wsdl that imports a relative WSDL at
../../Relative.wsdl, the packaging would look like:
The wsdl-publish-location tells the CTS where to locate the topmost part of the WSDL
content hierarchy. So, given a wsdl-publish-location of /home/foo/wsdlpublishdir, this
location would look like:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011104
The wsdl-override property still always points to a specic WSDL document, which in this
case would be /home/foo/wsdlpublishdir/a/b/Main.wsdl.
Resolving Container-Managed Ports
element : wsdl-port
Used to resolve the port to which a service-ref Service Endpoint Interface is mapped. Only
required for each port-component-ref in the service-ref that does not have a
port-component-link. For example:
Setting Stub Properties
element : stub-property
These are used to have the container set any of the properties dened in javax.xml.rpc.Stub
on the stub/dynamic proxy object returned to the application from the Service instance. The
property name must match the *value* of the javax.xml.rpc.Stub property constants. The
stub properties are set per Port within the service-ref. Examples are shown below.
Setting endpoint address:
Setting Basic Auth properties:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 105
Setting Logging property (Implementation-specic):
Name: com.sun.enterprise.webservice.client.transport.log
Value: afile URL
This is useful for debugging. When set, all soap/http requests and responses made through
the associated stub will be logged to a le.
Setting Call Properties
element : call-property
Call properties are set on service-ref for Call objects returned from
javax.xml.rpc.Service.createCall(). This is the only kind of Call object that is not tied to
a port.
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Call properties are set within port-info for all other javax.xml.rpc.Service methods that
return Call objects.
The allowable properties are dened in the javadoc for javax.xml.rpc.Call.
Overriding WSDL
element : wsdl-override
The wsdl-override element forces the deployment process to use a dierent WSDL than the
one associated with a service-ref in the standard deployment module. This element is
optional if the service-ref WSDL is full WSDL, and is required if partial WSDL. In all cases, it
must point to a valid URL of a full WSDL document. Some examples are shown below.
To use the nal WSDL generated upon deployment of the EJB endpoint shown above:
An alternate way to do the same thing by means of a le URL that matches a webservice's
wsdl-publish-location could be:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 107
5.4.24 Signature Test Setup sigTestClasspath Property
Set the sigTestClasspath property in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le to include a CLASSPATH
containing the following:
jar_to_test — The JAR le you are validating when running the signature tests; when
running against the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI, set to javaee.jar
jars_used_by_yours — The JAR le(s) that are used or referenced by your JAR le; must
include any classes that might be extended or implemented by the classes in your
jar_to_test; include rt.jar when running against the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI Additional Signature Test Information
The Java EE 6 CTS signature tests perform verications in two dierent modes: static and
reection. The test results list which signature tests pass or fail, and the mode (static or
reection) for that test. As a troubleshooting aid when failures occur, consider the following:
All static mode tests fail:
The likely cause is that the sigTestClasspath needs modication. When running on
Windows, be sure to use semicolons (;) for CLASSPATH separators.
For all other signature test failures:
Check the report output from the test to determine which tests failed and why.
Note – Refer to Chapter 8, “Debugging Test Problems,for additional debugging information.
5.4.25 Backend Database Setup
The following sections address special backend database setup considerations:
“ Setup Considerations for mySQL” on page 108
“ Setup Considerations for MS SQL Server” on page 109 Setup Considerations for mySQL
The Java Persistence API (JPA) tests require delimited identiers for the native query tests. If
you are using delimited identiers on mySQL, modify the sql-mode setting in the my.cnf le to
set the ANSI_QUOTES option. After setting this option, reboot the mySQL server. Set the
option as shown in this example:
5.4 Modifying Environment Settings for SpecicTechnologyTests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011108
If your database already exists and if you use a case-sensitive collation on MS SQL Server,
execute the following command to modify the database and avert errors caused by
case-sensitive collation:
COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS ;
5.5 Using the JavaTest Harness Conguration GUI
You can use the JavaTest harness GUI to modify general test settings and to quickly get started
with the default CTS test environment. After familiarizing yourself with these basic
conguration settings, you will probably want to continue with the instructions in “5.4
Modifying Environment Settings for Specic Technology Tests” on page 63.
5.5.1 Basic Conguration Overview
In order for the JavaTest harness to execute the test suite, it requires information about how
your computing environment is congured.
The JavaTest harness requires two types of conguration information:
Test environment — This is data used by the tests. For example, the path to the Java
runtime, how to start the product being tested, network resources, and other information
required by the tests in order to run. This information does not change frequently and
usually stays constant from test run to test run.
Test parameters — This is information used by the JavaTest harness to run the tests. Test
parameters are values used by the JavaTest harness that determine which tests in the test
suite are run, how the tests should be run, and where the test reports are stored. This
information often changes from test run to test run.
When you execute the JavaTest harness software for the rst time, the JavaTest harness displays
a Welcome dialog box that guides you through the initial startup conguration.
If it is able to open a test suite, the JavaTest harness displays a Welcome to JavaTest dialog
box that guides you through the process of either opening an existing work directory or
creating a new work directory as described in the JavaTest online help.
If the JavaTest harness is unable to open a test suite, it displays a Welcome to JavaTest dialog
box that guides you through the process of opening both a test suite and a work directory as
described in the JavaTest documentation.
5.5 Using the JavaTest Harness Conguration GUI
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 109
Once the JavaTest harness GUI is displayed, whenever you choose Run Tests->Start to begin a
test run, the JavaTest harness determines whether all of the required conguration information
has been supplied:
If the test environment and parameters have been completely congured, the test run starts
If any required conguration information is missing, the conguration editor displays a
series of questions asking you the necessary information. This is called the "conguration
interview."When you have entered the conguration data, you are asked if you wish to
proceed with running the test.
5.5.2 The Conguration Interview
To congure the JavaTest harness to run the Java EE 6 CTS tests, complete the following steps.
Note that you only need to complete these steps the rst time you start the JavaTest harness.
After you complete these steps, you can either run all or a subset of the tests, as described in
Chapter 7, “Executing Tests.
To Perform a Basic Conguration
Change to the <TS_HOME>/bin directory and start the JavaTest test harness:
cd <TS_HOME>/bin
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant gui
The Welcome screen displays.
Click File->Create Work Directory to create a new work directory.
If you already have a working directory you want to use, click File->Open Work Directory
At this point, the JavaTest harness is precongured to run the basic CTS tests.
If you want to run the test suite at this time using your current conguration settings, click Run
Tests->Start from the main menu.
The default tests are executed with the default conguration settings.
If you do not want to run the test suite at this time, continue with the steps below to modify your
test conguration.
Click Congure->Edit Conguration from the main menu.
The Conguration Welcome screen displays.
5.5 Using the JavaTest Harness Conguration GUI
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011110
Click Next (right arrow).
You are prompted to specify one or more conguration les that contain information about
your test environment. By default, this le is <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte.
Accept the default conguration le and click Next.
You are prompted to specify a test environment.
Select either ts_unix or ts_win32, and then click Next.
Choose ts_unix if you are running the tests in a Unix or Linux environment; choose ts_win32 if
you are running the tests under Windows.
After making your selection and clicking Next, you are prompted to specify whether you want
to run all or a subset of the test suite.
Specify whether you want to run all or a subset of the tests, and then click Next.
Select Yes to run a subset of the tests; select No to run all tests.
If you select Yes, proceed to the next step. If you select No, skip to Step 10.
Select the tests you want to run from the displayed test tree, and then click Next.
You can select entire branches of the test tree, or use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple
tests or ranges of tests, respectively.
Specify whether you want to use an exclude list, and then click Next.
Select Yes to use an exclude list; select No to not use an exclude list.
If you select Yes, proceed to the next step. If you select No, skip to Step 13.
Specify the exclude list you want to use, and then click Next.
Select initial to use the default list; select custom to use a custom list.
If you select custom, proceed to the next step. If you select initial, skip to Step 13.
Specify the custom exclude list le to use, and then click Next.
Click Done to accept and save your conguration settings.
You are prompted to specify the location in which you want to save your conguration settings.
Specify the le in which you want to save your conguration settings, and then click Save File.
You are returned to the JavaTest main window.
If you want to run the test suite at this time using your current conguration settings, click Run
Tests->Start from the main menu.
The default tests are executed with the settings you specied.
5.5 Using the JavaTest Harness Conguration GUI
Chapter 5 Setup and Conguration 111
Setup and Conguration forTesting with the
Java EE 6Web Prole
This chapter describes how to congure the Java EE 6 CTS test suite to work with your Java EE 6
Web Prole test environment. It is recommended that you rst set up the testing environment
using the Java EE 6 Web Prole RI and then with your Java EE 6 Web Prole server.
6.1 Conguring the Java EE 6 Web ProleTest Environment
The instructions in this section and in “Conguring Your Application Server as the VI” on
page 55 step you through the conguration process for the Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows,
and Linux platforms.
6.1.1 Running Tests Against a Java EE 6 Web Prole
The Java EE 6 CTS is the Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) for the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition as well as the Java EE 6 Web Prole. Implementations of the full Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition must pass all of the tests as dened by Java EE 6 CTS Rules in Chapter 2,
“Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Certication.
Implementations of the Java EE 6 Web Prole must run the tests that verify requirements
dened by the Java EE 6 Web Prole Specication. These tests are dened by the Rules in
Chapter 3, “Procedure for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Prole Certication.These
requirements are a subset of the tests contained in the Java EE 6 CTS test suite. The test suite
provides a mechanism whereby only those tests for the Java EE 6 Web Prole will be run. “To
Run Tests Against a Java EE 6 Web Prole Implementation” on page 114 explains how to use
this mechanism.
To Run Tests Against a Java EE 6Web Prole Implementation
Set the javaee.level property to web in the <TS_HOME/bin>/ts.jte le.
javaee.level= web
This setting will allow WAR les only (that is, no EAR les) to be passed to the Deployment
Porting Package.
Set the javaee_web_prole keyword in one of the following ways:
In batch mode, change to a test directory and execute the following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -Dkeywords=javaee_web_profile
Only tests that are required by the Java EE 6 Web Prole will be run.
Note – If you are in a test directory that contains no Java EE 6 Web Prole tests, the test run
will abort and report back that no tests were found.
In the JavaTest GUI, open the test suite and perform the following steps:
a. Select ViewFiltersCurrentConguration.
b. Select CongureChangeCongurationKeywords.
The Keywords dialog will be displayed.
c. In the Keywords dialog, check the Select Tests that Match check box, specify the
javaee_web_prole keyword in the text eld, then click Done.
Only those tests that are valid in the Java EE 6 Web Prole will be enabled in the test tree.
6.1.2 Running Optional Subsets of Tests in Addition to the
Java EE 6 Web ProleTests
Keywords can be used to run subsets of tests from additional areas that are not required by the
Java EE 6 Web Prole specication. For example, if your server implements the Java EE 6 Web
Prole and the Java Connector Architecture 1.6 technology, set the keywords to
"javaee_web_prole|connector_web_prole"to enable running tests for both areas. The
command below shows how to specify these keywords to run the tests in both areas.
6.1 Conguring the Java EE 6Web ProleTest Environment
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011114
If you add “&(jsp_vehicle|servlet_vehicle|web_vehicle)” to the keyword expression
above, the test harness will run any javaee_web_prole or connector test in the jsp, servlet, or
web vehicle(s) only. This instruction would be necessary when running optional areas of tests in
a Web Prole environment to limit the containers in which the tests will be run. Keywords for
each vehicle type are available in the form of <vehicle name>_vehicle.
Table 6–1 lists optional subsets of tests that can be run for the Web Prole and provides the
technology-to-keyword mappings for each of the optional areas.
TABLE 6–1 Keyword to Technology Mappings for Web Prole Optional Subsets
Technology Keyword(s)
Connector connector_web_profile
JACC jacc_web_profile
JASPIC jaspic_web_profile
JavaMail javamail_web_profile
JAXR jaxr_web_profile
JAX-RPC jaxrpc_web_profile
JAX-RS jaxrs_web_profile
JAX-WS jaxws_web_profile
JMS jms_web_profile
SAAJ saaj_web_profile
XA xa_web_profile
To add tests for other technologies, select the appropriate keyword(s) from Table 6–1. This
table provides a mapping of keywords to optional technologies (test directories) in the test suite
and indicates optional test areas for the Java EE 6 Web Prole.
6.1 Conguring the Java EE 6Web ProleTest Environment
Chapter 6 Setup and Conguration forTesting with the Java EE 6 Web Prole 115
Executing Tests
The Java EE 6 CTS uses the JavaTest harness to execute the tests in the test suite. For detailed
instructions that explain how to run and use JavaTest, see the JavaTest User's Guide and
Reference in the documentation bundle.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“7.1 Java EE 6 CTS Operating Assumptions” on page 117
“7.2 Starting JavaTest” on page 118
“7.3 Validating Your Test Conguration” on page 121
“7.4 Running a Subset of the Tests” on page 122
“7.5 Test Reports” on page 124
Note – The instructions in this chapter assume that you have installed and congured your test
environment as described inChapter 4, “Installation,and Chapter 5, “Setup and
7.1 Java EE 6 CTS Operating Assumptions
The following is assumed in this chapter:
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI is installed and congured as described in this guide
Java SE 6 SDK is correctly installed and congured on the host machine
Java EE 6 CTS is installed and congured as described in this guide
Implementations of the technologies to be tested are properly installed and congured.
7.2 Starting JavaTest
There are two general ways to run the Java EE 6 CTS using the JavaTest harness software:
Through the JavaTest GUI
From the command line in your shell environment
Running the JavaTest harness from JavaTest GUI is recommended for initial conguration
procedures, for validating your conguration, for selecting tests to run, and for general
ease-of-use when running tests and viewing test reports.
Running the JavaTest harness from the command line is useful in headless server
congurations, and for running tests in batch mode.
Note – The Ant build tool, which is included in the Java EE 6 CTS bundle, is found in the
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin directory. The build.xml le in <TS_HOME>/bin contains the
various Ant targets for the Java EE 6 CTS test suite
To Start JavaTest in GUI Mode
Set TS_HOME to the directory in which the Java EE 6 CTS is installed.
Change to the <TS_HOME>/bin directory.
Ensure that the ts.jte le contains information relevant to your setup.
Refer to Chapter 5, “Setup and Conguration,for detailed conguration instructions.
Execute the <TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant gui target to start the JavaTest GUI:
./ant gui
Using JavaTest GUI to run CTS tests is described later in this guide. Detailed information about
the JavaTest interface is provided in the JavaTest User's Guide.
7.2 Starting JavaTest
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011118
Note – The forward and reverse keywords are available to lter the interop and/or rebuildable
tests during a selected test run when running tests in one of the following directories only:
Forward tests are interop tests that run from the Vendor Implementation to the Reference
Implementation, as well as rebuildable tests that run only against the Vendor Implementation.
Reverse tests (with test names ending in _reverse) are interop tests that run from the Reference
Implementation to the Vendor Implementation, as well as rebuildable tests that run only
against the Reference Implementation.
To set one of these keywords in the Javatest GUI, use the Congure->Change
Conguration->Keywords menu item, and set the appropriate keyword.
When one of these keywords has been set, executing tests in the directories above causes only
those tests that match the keyword to be run. This can be useful when trying to debug failures
with a particular test conguration. Note, however, for certication all tests in both directions
must pass.
Note – If you are running Interop or JWS/JAX-WS reverse tests, which run against the Java EE 6
Reference Implementation, you must start the standalone deployment server in a separate shell
on the same host as the CTS harness. The default deployment porting implementation goes
through a standalone deployment server with a dedicated classpath. To start the standalone
deployment server, change to the <TS_HOME>/bin directory and execute the Ant task.
To Start JavaTest in Command-Line Mode
Set <TS_HOME> to the directory in which Java EE 6 CTS was installed.
Change to any subdirectory under <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests.
Ensure that the ts.jte le contains information relevant to your setup.
Refer to Chapter 5, “Setup and Conguration,for detailed conguration instructions.
Execute the runclient Ant target to start the JavaTest:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant runclient
This runs all tests in the current directory and any subdirectories.
7.2 Starting JavaTest
Chapter 7 • Executing Tests 119
Note – The forward and reverse keywords are available to lter the interop and/or rebuildable
tests during a selected test run when running tests in one of the following directories only:
Forward tests are interop tests that run from the Vendor Implementation to the Reference
Implementation, as well as rebuildable tests that run only against the Vendor Implementation.
Reverse tests (with test names ending in _reverse) are interop tests that run from the Reference
Implementation to the Vendor Implementation, as well as rebuildable tests that run only
against the Reference Implementation.
To set one of these keywords when running in command-line mode, set the appropriate
keyword using the keyword system property; for example:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -Dkeywords=forward runclient
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -Dkeywords=reverse runclient
When one of these keywords has been set, executing tests in the directories above causes only
those tests that match the keyword to be run. This can be useful when trying to debug failures
with a particular test conguration. Note, however, for certication all tests in both directions
must pass.
Note – If you are running Interop or JWS/JAX-WS reverse tests, which run against the Java EE 6
Reference Implementation, you must start the standalone deployment server in a separate shell
on the same host as the CTS harness. The default deployment porting implementation goes
through a standalone deployment server with a dedicated classpath. To start the standalone
deployment server, change to the <TS_HOME>/bin directory and execute the Ant task.
Running the Java EE 6 CTS SignatureTests
To run the Java EE 6 CTS signature tests, enter the following commands:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/signaturetest/javaee
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant [-Dkeywords=forward|reverse|all] runclient
Running a Single Test Directory
To run a single test directory in the forward direction, enter the following commands:
Example 7–1
Example 7–2
7.2 Starting JavaTest
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011120
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws/api/javax_xml_ws/Dispatch
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -Dkeywords=forward runclient
Running a Subset of Test Directories
To run a subset of test directories in the reverse direction, enter the following commands:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws/api
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -Dkeywords=reverse runclient
7.3 Validating Your Test Conguration
To ValidateYour Conguration in GUI Mode
Start the JavaTest GUI and step through the basic conguration steps, if required, as described
in “5.5.2 The Conguration Interviewon page 110.
In the JavaTest GUI tree view, expand the following directories: com,sun,ts,tests,samples.
Highlight the samples directory, right-click, and choose Execute These Tests.
If a work directory has not been specied, you are prompted to specify or create a new one.
Click File->Create Work Directory on the JavaTest main menu. The CreateWork Directory dialog is
Locate or enter the name of the directory to which the test harness will write temporary les (for
example, /tmp/JTWork), and click Create.
Click Run Tests->Start from the JavaTest main menu to run the default tests.
If your conguration information is incomplete, you are prompted to supply the missing
The JavaTest status bar grows while JavaTest tracks statistics relative to the les done, tests
found, and tests done.
Check the results.
Test progress and results are displayed by the JavaTest harness.
Example 7–3
7.3 Validating Your Test Conguration
Chapter 7 • Executing Tests 121
To ValidateYour Conguration in Command-Line
Go to the <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/samples directory.
Start the the test run by executing the following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant runclient
All sample tests will be run, and should pass.
Generate test reports by executing the following commands:
a. Change to the <TS_HOME>/bin directory:
b. Run the report Ant target:
./ant report
Reports are written to the report directory you specied in <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte.Ifno
report directory is specied, reports are written to the /tmp/JTreport directory
(Solaris/Linux) or C:\temp\JTreport (Windows).
Note – Although you can run the Ant report target from any test directory, its support is not
guaranteed in the lower level directories. It is recommended that you always run the report
target from <TS_HOME>/bin, from which reports are generated containing information
about which tests were or were not run.
7.4 Running a Subset of the Tests
To Run a Subset of Tests in GUI Mode
Click Congure->Edit Conguration from the JavaTest main menu.
The Conguration Editor is displayed.
Click Specify Tests to Run? from the option list on the left.
You are asked whether you want to run all or a subset of the test suite.
Click Yes, and then Next to run a subset of tests.
7.4 Running a Subset of the Tests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011122
Select the tests you want to run from the displayed test tree, and then click Done.
You can select entire branches of the test tree, or use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple
tests or ranges of tests, respectively.
After clicking Done, you are returned to the JavaTest main window.
Click Run Tests->Start to run the tests you selected.
To Run a Subset of Tests in Command-Line Mode
Change to the directory containing the tests you want to run.
For example, <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/samples.
Start the test run by executing the following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant runclient
The tests in <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/samples and its subdirectories are run.
To Run a Subset of Tests in Batch Mode Based on Prior
Result Status
You can run certain tests in batch mode based on the test's prior run status by specifying the
priorStatus system property when invoking <TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant.
Invoke <TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant with the priorStatus property.
The accepted values for the priorStatus property are any combination of the following:
For example, you could run all the Java EE 6 tests with a status of failed and error by invoking
the following commands:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/ejb
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -DpriorStatus="fail,error"runclient
Note that multiple priorStatus values must be separated by commas.
7.4 Running a Subset of the Tests
Chapter 7 • Executing Tests 123
7.5 Test Reports
A set of report les is created for every test run. These report les can be found in the report
directory you specify. After a test run is completed, the JavaTest harness writes HTML reports
for the test run. You can view these les in the JavaTest ReportBrowser when running in GUI
mode, or in the web browser of your choice outside the JavaTest interface.
To see all of the HTML report les, enter the URL of the report.html le. This le is the root
le that links to all of the other HTML reports.
The JavaTest harness also creates a summary.txt le in the report directory that you can open in
any text editor. The summary.txt le contains a list of all tests that were run, their test results,
and their status messages.
7.5.1 Creating Test Reports
To Create aTest Report in GUI Mode
Click Report->Create Report from the JavaTest main menu.
You are prompted to specify a directory to use for your test reports.
Specify the directory you want to use for your reports, and then click OK.
Use the Filter drop-down list to specify whether you want to generate reports for the current
conguration, all tests, or a custom set of tests.
You are asked whether you want to view report now.
Click Yes to display the new report in the JavaTest ReportBrowser.
To Create aTest Report in Command-Line Mode
Specify where you want to create the test report.
a. To specify the report directory from the command line at runtime, use:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant report -Dreport.dir="<report_dir>"
Reports are written for the last test run to the directory you specify.
b. To specify the default report directory, set the report.dir property in
For example, report.dir="/home/josephine/reports".
7.5 Test Reports
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011124
c. To disable reporting, set the report.dir property to "none", either on the command line or
in ts.jte.
For example:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -Dreport.dir="none"
Although you can run the report Ant target from any test directory, its support is not
guaranteed in the lower level directories. It is recommended that you always run the report
target from <TS_HOME)/bin, from which reports are generated containing information about
which tests were or were not
7.5.2 Viewing an ExistingTest Report
To View an Existing Report in GUI Mode
Click Report->Open Report from the JavaTest main menu.
You are prompted to specify the directory containing the report you want to open.
Select the report directory you want to open, and then click Open.
The selected report set is opened in the JavaTest ReportBrowser.
To View an Existing Report in Command-Line Mode
Use theWeb browser of your choice to view the report.html le in the report directory you
specied from the command line or in ts.jte.
The current report directory is displayed when you run the report target.
7.5 Test Reports
Chapter 7 • Executing Tests 125
Debugging Test Problems
There are a number of reasons that tests can fail to execute properly. This chapter provides
some approaches for dealing with these failures. Note that most of these suggestions are only
relevant when running the test harness in GUI mode.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“8.1 Overview” on page 127
“8.2 Test Tree” on page 128
“8.3 Folder Information” on page 128
“8.4 Test Information” on page 128
“8.5 Report Files” on page 129
“8.6 Conguration Failures” on page 129
8.1 Overview
The goal of a test run is for all tests in the test suite that are not ltered out to have passing
results. If the root test suite folder contains tests with errors or failing results, you must
troubleshoot and correct the cause to satisfactorily complete the test run.
Errors — Tests with errors could not be executed by the JavaTest harness. These errors
usually occur because the test environment is not properly congured.
Failures — Tests that fail were executed but had failing results.
The Test Manager GUI provides you with a number of tools for eectively troubleshooting a
test run. See the JavaTest User's Guide and JavaTest online help for detailed descriptions of the
tools described in this chapter.
8.2 Test Tree
Use the test tree in the JavaTest GUI to identify specic folders and tests that had errors or
failing results. Color codes are used to indicate status as follows:
Green — Passed
Blue — Test Error
Red — Failed to pass test
White — Test not run
Gray — Test ltered out (not run)
8.3 Folder Information
Click a folder in the test tree in the JavaTest GUI to display its tabbed pane.
Choose the Error and the Failed panes to view the lists of all tests in and under a folder that were
not successfully run. You can double-click a test in the lists to view its test information.
8.4 Test Information
To display information about a test in the JavaTest GUI, click its icon in the test tree or
double-click its name in a folder status pane. The tabbed pane contains detailed information
about the test run and, at the bottom of the pane, a brief status message identifying the type of
failure or error. This message may be sucient for you to identify the cause of the error or
If you need more information to identify the cause of the error or failure, use the following
panes listed in order of importance:
Test Run Messages contains a Message list and a Message pane that display the messages
produced during the test run.
Test Run Details contains a two column table of name/value pairs recorded when the test
was run.
Conguration contains a two column table of the test environment name/value pairs
derived from the conguration data actually used to run the test.
Note – You can set harness.log.traceflag=true in <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte to get more
debugging information.
8.2 Test Tree
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011128
8.5 Report Files
Report les are another good source of troubleshooting information. You may view the
individual test results of a batch run in the JavaTest Summary window, but there are also a wide
range of HTML report les that you can view in the JavaTest ReportBrowser or in the external
browser or your choice following a test run. See “7.5 Test Reports” on page 124 for more
8.6 Conguration Failures
Conguration failures are easily recognized because many tests fail the same way. When all
your tests begin to fail, you may want to stop the run immediately and start viewing individual
test output. However, in the case of full-scale launching problems where no tests are actually
processed, report les are usually not created (though sometimes a small harness.trace le in
the report directory is written).
When aborting a test run, consider the following:
If you abort a test run when running the JavaTest harness in GUI mode, the GUI tools
automatically cleans up your environment for the next test run. This cleanup includes
undeploying any components or applications that may deployed or registered with the
Application Server.
If you abort a test run in command-line mode (by pressing Ctrl+C), your environment
might not be left in a clean state, causing potential failures in subsequent test runs. In such
cases, you may need to perform the following procedure to restore your environment to a
clean state.
To RestoreYour Environment After Aborting a Test
Run in Command-line Mode
Log in to the Application Server with the asadmin command.
List all registered components with the asadmin list-components command.
Undeploy any listed components related to your test run with the asadmin undeploy
<listed_component> command.
8.6 Conguration Failures
Chapter 8 Debugging Test Problems 129
This chapter explains how to debug test failures that you could encounter as you run the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Compatibility Test Suite.
9.1 Common CTS Problems and Resolutions
This section lists common problems that you may encounter as you run the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition Compatibility Test Suite software on the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
RI. It also proposes resolutions for the problems, where applicable.
The following exception may occur when a Java EE 6 CTS test tries to write a very long
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String
index out of range:
at java.lang.String.substring(
at java.lang.String.substring(
at javasoft.sqe.javatest.TestResult$Section
at 213)
at 229)
at 360)
at javasoft.sqe.javatest.lib.ProcessCommand
The execution of the test will either fail or hang.
Set the -Djavatest.maxOutputSize=nnn system parameter in the runclient and/or gui
targets in the <TS_HOME>/bin/build.xml le to a value that is higher than the default setting
of 100,000 on the JavaTest VM.
When you start the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI on Windows XP/2000 via the
javaee -verbose command line, the system may not nd the specied path and could
display one of the following errors:
"Verify that JAVA_HOME is set correctly"
"Verify that JAVAEE_HOME is set correctly"
Set JAVA_HOME to the path where the version of Java being used was installed and set
JAVAEE_HOME to the location of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition installation directory.
If the cts.jar and the tsharness.jar les are not loadable by the extension classloader of
your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server, the following exception will be displayed in
the window where the server was started when you attempt to run the tests:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/cts/util
Ensure that the cts.jar and tsharness.jar les can be loaded by the extension class loader
of your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server.
9.2 Support
After completing the troubleshooting process explained in this chapter, if you still cannot
resolve your test problems, please contact the Java Partner Engineering representative assigned
to your account.
9.2 Support
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011132
Building and Debugging Tests
For nal certication and branding, all tests must be run through the JavaTest test harness.
However, you can execute dierent Ant targets during your build and debug cycle. The
following sections describe how to use Ant with the following targets to rebuild, list, and run
Licensees can only run the Sun-built version of the tests for certication, except in the case of
rebuildable tests. See Appendix H, “Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWS Tests,for more
information about rebuildable tests.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“10.1 Conguring Your Build Environment” on page 133
“10.2 Building the Test” on page 134
“10.3 Running the Tests” on page 135
“10.4 Listing the Contents of dist/classes Directories” on page 136
“10.5 Debugging Service Tests” on page 137
10.1 Conguring Your Build Environment
To Congure Your CTS Build Environment
Complete the following steps to set up your environment to build, deploy, and run the CTS tests
using Ant. The following example is for the Solaris platform:
Set the following environment variables in your shell environment to use the build
infrastructure that comes with theTCK:
a. TS_HOME to the directory in which the Java EE 6 CTS software is installed.
b. TS_HOME/bin to your PATH in your command shell.
C Shell:
setenv PATH ${TS_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
Bourne Shell:
export PATH
c. JAVA_HOME to the directory in which the J2SE 5 software is installed.
d. JAVAEE_HOME to the directory in which the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI is installed.
e. Unset ANT_HOME, if it is currently set in your environment.
Change to the <TS_HOME>/bin directory and verify that the ts.jte le has the following
properties set:
a. webserver.home the directory in which the Java Web Server is installed.
b. to the host on which theWeb server is running.
c. webserver.port to the port on which the Web server is running.
d. javaee.home.ri to the directory in which the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI is installed
for reference to the packager tool used by the build infrastructure.
e. ts.classpath required classes needed for building/running the TCK.
10.2 Building the Test
To Build the CTS Tests
To build the Java EE 6 CTS tests using Ant, complete the following steps:
To build a single test directory, type the following:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/test_dir
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant clean build
10.2 Building the Test
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011134
This cleans and builds the tests in the directory specied for test_dir.
To list the classes directory for this test that was built, type the following:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant lc
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant llc
To list the distribution directory of archives for this test that was built, type the following:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant pd
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant pc
10.3 Running the Tests
To run the Java EE 6 CTS tests using Ant, use one of the following procedures.
To Run a Single Test Directory
To run a single test directory, type the following:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/test_dir
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant runclient
This runs all tests in test_dir.
To Run a Single Test Within a Test Directory
To run a single test within a test directory, type the following:
cd <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/test_dir
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant runclient -Dtest=test_name
This runs only the test_name in the test_dir test directory. To show all the tests that can be run
from a particular test directory, change to the directory and execute the list.tests Ant task.
The actual test name displays to the right of the pound sign (#), which follows the fully qualied
name of the client class.
10.3 Running the Tests
Chapter 10 Building and Debugging Tests 135
10.4 Listing the Contents of dist/classes Directories
You can use various Ant targets to list the contents of corresponding dist/classes directories
from the src directory without leaving the src directory. All listings are sorted by modication
time, with the most recent modication listed rst. Output is redirected to more. The format
may vary on Windows and Unix. Ant does not support changing directory into the
dist/classes directories, but you can copy and paste the rst line of the output, which is the
target path.
The Ant list targets are as follows:
ld — Lists the contents of the current test's dist directory
lld — Provides a long listing of the contents of the current test's dist directory
lc — Lists the contents of the current test's classes directory
llc — Provides a long listing of the contents of the current test's classes directory
pd — Starts a new shell placed into the current test's dist directory
pc — Starts a new shell placed into the current test's classes directory
If you run these targets in a directory that is not under the src directory, they will list the
contents of the current directory.
Note – pc,lc, and llc also support the property for listing the rebuildable tests. The
rebuildable tests are located under <TS_HOME>/classes_vi_built instead of
The following listing shows sample output for the Ant lc target.
cd $TS_HOME/src/com/sun/ts/tests/samples/ejb/ee/simpleHello
$TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant lc
$TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant lc
10.4 Listing the Contents of dist/classes Directories
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011136
10.5 Debugging Service Tests
The Java EE 6 CTS service tests test the compatibility of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
Service APIs: JavaMail, JDBC, JMS, JTA, JAX-WS, JWS, CAJ, and RMI over IIOP. The test suite
contains sets of tests that the JavaTest harness, in conjunction with the Java EE 6 CTS harness
extensions, runs from dierent Java Platform, Enterprise Edition containers (enterprise bean,
JSP, Servlet, and application client). The test suite wraps each of these tests inside generic
components, called vehicles. Each Java EE 6 CTS service test has been set up to run in a default
set of vehicles. Each technology's specication determines this set. When run as part of the
certication process, all service API tests must pass in their default vehicle set.
Refer to the <TS_HOME>/src/ le to for a list the default vehicle sets for the
Java EE 6 CTS service API tests.
To help you debug service API tests, the test suite provides a mechanism that allows for
ne-grained control over which tests you can run in specic vehicles. When you override the
default vehicle set for a particular set of service tests, the new set of vehicles must be a subset of
the valid vehicle set for that set of tests. If the new set is not a subset of the default set, the test
suite will use the default set. Example 10–1 illustrates this mechanism.
Note – You can only use this mechanism for debugging purposes. For certication, you must run
using the default set of vehicles.
10.5.1 Examples
EXAMPLE 10–1 Running RMI/IIOP Enterprise Edition Tests
To run the RMI/IIOP enterprise edition tests in the application client vehicle only, set the
following system property in the <TS_HOME>/bin/build.xml le for the Ant gui or runclient
<sysproperty key="tests_rmiiiop_ee.service_eetest.vehicles"
This property overrides the default vehicle set for all tests under the specied directory (and in
every subdirectory of that directory). Note that the rst part of the property name matches the
tests directory structure as it appears under <TS_HOME> (with the underscore character (_)
replacing any le separator, such as the slash character (/) or the backslash character (\).
Before you run the test(s), you should temporarily rename the le
EXAMPLE 10–2 Restricting the JDBC Test Run
To restrict the JDBC test run to the servlet and JSP vehicles only, set the following system
property in the <TS_HOME>/bin/build.xml le for the Ant gui or runclient targets:
10.5 Debugging Service Tests
Chapter 10 Building and Debugging Tests 137
EXAMPLE 10–2 Restricting the JDBC Test Run (Continued)
<sysproperty key="tests_jdbc_ee.service_eetest.vehicles"
value="servlet jsp"/>
Before you run the test(s), you should temporarily rename the le
Note that you must remove these properties before you run the Java EE 6 CTS test suite for
10.5.2 Obtaining Additional Debugging Information
When running the JavaTest harness in command-line mode, you can obtain additional
debugging information by setting the HARNESS_DEBUG environment variable, as follows:
setenv HARNESS_DEBUG=true
Subsequent runs with the Ant runclient command generate additional debugging
You can also generate additional test run information by seting the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte
harness.log.traceflag property as follows:
10.5 Debugging Service Tests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011138
Implementing the Porting Package
Some functionality in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition platform is not completely specied
by an API. To handle this situation, the Java EE 6 CTS test suite denes a set of interfaces in the
com.sun.cts.porting package, which serve to abstract any implementation-specic code. The
CTS also provides implementations of these interfaces to work with the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI.
You must create your own implementations of the porting package interfaces to work with your
particular Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server environment. You also need to create a
deployment plan for each deployable component (EAR, EJB JAR, WAR, and RAR les) in the
test suite as dened by the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition platform and JSR-88. There is a
new getDeploymentPlan() method on the TSDeploymentInterface2 interface, which returns
an input stream to your deployment plan.
Note – Vendors are required to intrepret the ior-security-config specied in Sun-specic
EJB runtime XML le and congure the EJB according to the specied values. For more
information, see “ Mapping Roles” on page 93.
11.1 Overview
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI uses a set of
les that are associated with each deployable component. A CTS DeploymentInfo object parses
the contents of several runtime XML les: sun-application_1_4-0.xml,
sun-application-client_1_4-0.xml,sun-ejb-jar_2_1-0.xml, and
sun-web-app_2_4-0.xml, and makes their content available to create deployment plans by
means of the getDeploymentPlan() method.
To use specic implementations of these classes, you simply modify the following entries in the
porting class .1 section of the ts.jte environment le to identify the fully-qualied class
The <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/lib/porting directory contains the interfaces and Factory
classes for the porting package.
Note – You must not modify any of the CTS V6 source code. Create your own implementations
of these interfaces and point to them in the appropriate section of the ts.jte le.
Note the change to the deployment porting property above. It has changed to be deploy2. This
is because there is a new deployment porting interface because of the standardization of a
deployment API in Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. Any functionality that is still not
addressed by this API is part of the new interface
Make sure your porting class implementations meet the following requirements:
Implement the following porting interfaces:
Include the implementation of the previous interfaces in the classpaths of JavaTest, the test
clients, and the test server components:
In the ts.harness.classpath property in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le
In the CLASSPATH variable of the command.testExecute and
command.testExecuteAppClient properties in the ts.jte le
In the classpath of your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server
Note that because the JavaTest VM calls certain classes in the CTS porting package directly,
porting class implementations are not permitted to exit the VM (for example, via the
System.exit call).
11.1 Overview
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011140
11.2 Porting Package APIs
The following sections describe the API in the Java EE 6 CTS porting package. Sun provides the
implementation classes that are used with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI. These
classes are located in the <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/lib/implementation/sun/javaee
directory. You are encouraged to examine these implementations before you create your own.
Detailed API documentation for the porting package interfaces is available in the
<TS_HOME>/docs/api directory. The API included in this section are:
“11.2.1 TSDeploymentInterface2” on page 141
“11.2.3 TSJMSAdminInterface” on page 143
“11.2.4 TSLoginContextInterface” on page 143
“11.2.5 TSURLInterface” on page 143
“11.2.6 TSHttpsURLConnectionInterface” on page 144
“11.2.7 TSJAXRPCInterface” on page 144
11.2.1 TSDeploymentInterface2
The Java EE 6 CTS test suite provides a new version of the Deployment porting interface. With
the introduction of a standard deployment API in the J2EE 1.4 platform (via JSR-88), many of
the porting methods in the original interface TSDeploymentInterface no longer require
implementation-specic functionality. The Java EE 6 CTS test suite provides an
implementation of the interface TSDeploymentInterface, which uses only the standard
Deployment APIs dened by the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition platform. The following
properties are still in the ts.jte le to reect this and should not be changed:
The class StandardDeployment14 also requires the following properties to be set in the ts.jte
These properties are necessary in order to get an instance of and interact with the
DeploymentManager for your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation.
The deployManagerJarFile property must point to the JAR le that contains the manifest
entries necessary to get your DeploymentManager instance. The deployManageruri property
represents the URI that is used to locate your DeploymentManager.
The deployManageruname and deployManagerpasswd properties are used when calling
11.2 Porting Package APIs
Chapter 11 Implementing the Porting Package 141
StandardDeployment14 calls into the new deployment porting interface
(TSDeploymentInterface2). Licensees must implement this new interface and set the following
property in the ts.jte le to point to their implementation:
The TSDeployment2 class acts as a Factory object for creating concrete implementations of
TSDeploymentInterface2. The concrete implementations are specied by the
porting.ts.deploy2.class.1 and porting.ts.deploy2.class.2 properties in the ts.jte
le. Each Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation must provide an implementation
of the interface TSDeploymentInterface2 to support the automatic deployment and
undeployment of test applications by the JavaTest test harness. Providing this functionality
enables the entire test suite to be run without having to manually deploy/undeploy the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition test applications prior to running the tests. The implementation
provided with this release uses the semantics of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI.
11.2.2 Ant-Based Deployment Interface
In addition to the Java-based deployment porting interfaces, Java EE 6 CTS introduces an
Ant-based porting interface as well. The Java-based interface is still used for
deployment/undeployment during test runs. The Ant-based interface is used when you want to
only deploy/undeploy archives associated with a subdirectory of tests. The Ant-based
deployment interface is used by the following:
The build.special.webservices.clients target in the ${ts.home}/bin/build.xml le
This target deploys archives to your server implementation and then builds the client classes
that use those archives. You must run this target before you run the tests under the
${ts.home}/src/com/sun/ts/tests/webservices12/specialcases directory.
The deploy and undeploy targets in each test subdirectory under the
${ts.home}/src/com/sun/ts/tests directory
To use these targets, which are useful for debugging, you must provide an Ant-based
deployment implementation. CreatingYour Own Ant-based Deployment Implementation
The Ant-based deployment implementation for the Java EE 6 RI is under
${ts.home}/bin/xml/impl/glassfish directory. To create your own implementation, create
adeploy.xml le under the ${ts.home}/bin/xml/impl/<vendor-name> directory. Within the
le, create and implement the -deploy and -undeploy targets.
See ${ts.home}/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/deploy.xml to see how these targets are
implemented for the Java EE 6 RI .
11.2 Porting Package APIs
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011142
Note – There is also a Java-based implementation of TSDeploymentInterface
(com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.javaee.glassfish.AutoDeployment). This
implementation, which leverages the Java EE 6 RI implementation of the Ant-based
deployment interface, calls the Ant targets programmatically.
11.2.3 TSJMSAdminInterface
JMS-administered objects are implementation-specic. For this reason, the creation of
connection factories and destination objects have been set up as part of the porting package.
Each Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation must provide an implementation of the
TSJMSAdminInterface to support their own connection factory, topic/queue creation/deletion
The TSJMSAdmin class acts as a Factory object for creating concrete implementations of
TSJMSAdminInterface. The concrete implementations are specied by the
porting.ts.jms.class.1 and porting.ts.jms.class.2 properties in the ts.jte le.
If you wish to create the JMS-administered objects prior to executing any tests, you may use the
default implementation of TSJMSAdminInterface,, which provides a null
implementation. In the case of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI, the JMS administered
objects are created during the execution of the Ant target.
There are two types of JMS-administered objects:
AConnectionFactory, which a client uses to create a connection with a JMS provider
ADestination, which a client uses to specify the destination of messages it sends and the
source of messages it receives.
11.2.4 TSLoginContextInterface
The TSLoginContext class acts as a Factory object for creating concrete implementations of
TSLoginContextInterface. The concrete implementations are specied by the
porting.ts.login.class.1 property in the ts.jte le. This class is used to enable a program
to login as a specic user, using the semantics of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI. The
certicate necessary for certicate-based login is retrieved. The keystore le and keystore
password from the properties that are specied in the ts.jte le are used.
11.2.5 TSURLInterface
The TSURL class acts as a Factory object for creating concrete implementations of
TSURLInterface. The concrete implementations are specied by the porting.ts.url.class.1
property in the ts.jte le. Each Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation must
11.2 Porting Package APIs
Chapter 11 Implementing the Porting Package 143
provide an implementation of the TSURLInterface to support obtaining URL strings that are
used to access a selected Web component. This implementation can be replaced if a Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition server implementation requires URLs to be created in a dierent
manner. In most Java Platform, Enterprise Edition environments, the default implementation
of this class can be used.
11.2.6 TSHttpsURLConnectionInterface
The TSHttpsURLConnection class acts as a Factory object for creating concrete
implementations of TSHttpsURLConnectionInterface. The concrete implementations are
specied by the porting.ts.HttpsURLConnection.class.1 and .2 properties in the ts.jte
You must provide an implementation of TSHttpsURLConnectionInterface to support the
class HttpsURLConnection.
Note – The SunRIHttpsURLConnection implementation class uses HttpsURLConnection from
J2SE 6.
11.2.7 TSJAXRPCInterface
The TSJAXRPC class acts as a Factory object for creating concrete implementations of
TSJAXRPCInterface. The concrete implementations are specied by the
porting.ts.jaxrpc.class.1 and .2 properties in the ts.jte le.
You must provide an implementation of TSJAXRPCInterface to support the class TSJAXRPC.
This class is used to provide as name/value pairs the URL value of the deployed webservice
endpoints for those sets of tests which use DII, direct HTTP, or direct SAAJ to communicate to
the endpoints.
11.2 Porting Package APIs
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011144
Common Applications Deployment
Some tests in the test suite require the deployment of additional applications, components, or
resource archives that are located in directories other than the test's directory. When the test
harness encounters a test that requires these additional applications, components, or resource
archives, they are passed to the TSDeploymentInterface2 implementation to be deployed.
Because these applications can be shared by tests in dierent test directories, they are called
common applications.
Table A–1 lists the test directories and the directories that contain the common applications
that are required by the test directories.
TABLE A–1 Required Common Applications
Directory Under com/sun/ts/tests
Directory Under com/sun/ts/tests With Associated Common
ejb/ee/tx/session ejb/ee/tx/txbean
ejb/ee/tx/entity/bmp ejb/ee/tx/txEbean
ejb/ee/tx/entity/cmp ejb/ee/tx/txECMPbean
ejb/ee/tx/entity/pm ejb/ee/tx/txEPMbean
connector/ee/localTx/msginflow common/connector/whitebox
connector/ee/mdb connector/ee/localTx
common/connector/whitebox connector/ee/noTx
common/connector/whitebox connector/ee/xa
common/connector/whitebox connector/ee/connManager
common/connector/whitebox xa/ee
common/connector/JDBCwhitebox/whitebox common/connector/whitebox
TABLE A–1 Required Common Applications (Continued)
Directory Under com/sun/ts/tests
Directory Under com/sun/ts/tests With Associated Common
compat13/connector/localTx compat13/connector/whitebox
compat13/connector/noTx compat13/connector/whitebox
compat13/connector/xa compat13/connector/whitebox
interop/tx/session interop/tx/txbean
interop/tx/entity interop/tx/txEbean
interop/tx/webclient interop/tx/txbean
tests/interop/csiv2 interop/csiv2/rionly
ejb/ee/pm/ejbql ejb/ee/pm/ejbql/schema
ejb/ee/tx/session/stateful/bm/TxMDBMS_Direct ejb/ee/tx/session/stateful/bm/TxMDBMSBeans/BeanA
ejb/ee/tx/session/stateful/bm/TxMDBSS_Direct ejb/ee/tx/session/stateful/bm/TxMDBSSBeans/BeanA
Common Applications Deployment
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011146
ts.jte Modiable Properties
This appendix provides an alphabetical listing of all modiable properties and their default
values in the main Java EE 6 CTS conguration le, <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte. Although,
technically speaking, all properties in ts.jte can be modied, it is recommended that you
modify only the properties listed here. Properties not listed here either do not need to be
changed under normal circumstances or should not be changed under any circumstance.
Refer to Chapter 5, “Setup and Conguration,for detailed CTS conguration instructions, and
to the ts.jte le itself for complete comments and syntax examples.
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values
Property Default Value Description
alt.dtd.dir ${ts.home}/lib/dtds DTD location for Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition and RI XML
les. Used for XML validation
when building tests. If
javaee.home.ri is set,
javaee.home.rilibdtds will be
used and alt.dtd.dir is ignored.
alt.schema.dir ${ts.home}/lib/schemas Schema location for Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition and RI XML
les. Used for XML validation
when building tests. If
javaee.home.ri is set,
javaee.home.rilibschemas will
be used and alt.schema.dir is
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
appclient.log.output TRUE The client logging level for the
Application Client container
depends on the logging level that is
specied in the sun acc.xml le.
This logging level directly aects
the output of TSLogger, which logs
the JSR196 SPI calls made in the
Application Client container. This
property is used to enable the
Application Client container's
logging level to INFO.
authenticationMethod "UDDI_GET_AUTHTOKEN"Set this to the authentication
method for the JAXR provider.
get_AuthToken protocol dened
authpassword javajoe Associated password for the
authuser javajoe Used to exercise the role mapping
security feature.
certLoginUserAlias cts User alias for certicate-based
login. This property is used in
mutual authentication to pick up
the certicate, based on the user
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011148
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
command.testExecute com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd \
CLASSPATH=${ts.harness.classpath}: \
${ts.home}/classes: \
${JAVA_HOME}/../lib/tools.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-httpclient-3.0.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/htmlunit-1.7.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-collections-3.1.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-io-1.0.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-lang-2.0.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/jaxen-1.1-beta-6.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/js-1.6R1.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/nekohtml-0.9.5.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/saxpath.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar \
DISPLAY=${ts.display} \
windir=${windir} \
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java \
-Dcts.tmp=$ \${ts.home}/bin/ \
harness.policy \ \ \${ts.home}/bin/ \
certificates/clientcert.jks \ \${s1as.domain}/${sjsas.instance.config.dir}/cacerts.jks \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${} \
-Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=${javaee.home} \
-Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=${javaee.home}/config \
-Ddeliverable.class=${deliverable.class} \
$testExecuteClass $testExecuteArgs
This command is used to execute
any test clients which are not run
inside an application client
container. For example, any URL
clients or standalone Java clients
would be executed with this
command. Some test directories
which make use of this command
are servlet and jsp.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 149
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
command.testExecuteAppClient com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd \
DISPLAY=${ts.display} HOME="${user.home}"\
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${javaee.home}/lib \
windir=${windir} SYSTEMROOT=${SYSTEMROOT} \
PATH="${javaee.home}/nativelib"TZ=${tz} \
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java \${javaee.home}/lib/ \
appclient/client.policy \
-Dcts.tmp=$ \${javaee.home}/\
lib/appclient/appclientlogin.conf \ \
-Dcom.sun.enterprise.home=${javaee.home} \${ts.home}/bin/ \
certificates/clientcert.jks \ \
-Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=${javaee.home} \
-Dcom.sun.aas.imqLib=${javaee.home}/imq/lib \
-Djava.util.logging.manager=com.sun.enterprise. \
server.logging.ACCLogManager \${s1as.domain}/ \
${sjsas.instance.config.dir}/cacerts.jks \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${} \\
apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl \
-Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=com. \ \
DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl \
-Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=com. \ \
TransformerFactoryImpl \ \
internal.parsers.SAXParser \
-Dorg.xml.sax.parser=org.xml.sax.helpers. \
XMLReaderAdapter \
-Doracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant=true \
-Dstartup.login=false -Dauth.gui=false \
-Djava.ext.dirs=${s1as.lib}/jdbcdrivers$ \
{pathsep}${JAVA_HOME}/lib/ext${pathsep}$ \
{javaee.home}/lib/jdbcdrivers${pathsep} \
${javaee.home}/javadb/lib \
-Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=${javaee.home}/config \
-Ddeliverable.class=${deliverable.class} \
-classpath ${} com.sun.enterprise.\
appclient.Main $testExecuteArgs -configxml \
This command is used to execute
the application client container for
the vendor implementation VI.
Note that $TS_HOME/classes
should not be in the classpath for
this command since all client
classes are self-contained in the
application archive or referenced
via the manifest.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011150
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
create.cmp.tables TRUE When set to FALSE, the App Server
is responsible for creating CMP
tables at deployment of the EJB
EAR When set to TRUE,
init.datbaseName will create the
tables used by CMP EJBs. The SQL
for the CMP tables are contained
db.dml.file ${derby.dml.file} DML le for VI.
db.dml.file.ri ${derby.dml.file} DML le for RI. 5 This property can be used to
specify the amount of time in
minutes that the test harness will
wait for the JSR 88
ProgressObject to return either
failed or completed from a
DeploymentManager API call. After
the time has elapsed, the harness
will report failure for the given
deployManagerJarFile.1 ${javaee.home}/lib/deployment/sun-as-jsr88-dm.jarLocation of the JAR le that
contains the JSR 88 deployment
manager factory class name for the
Vendors Implementation VI.
deployManagerJarFile.2 ${javaee.home.ri}/lib/deployment/sun-as-jsr88-dm.jarLocation of the JAR le that
contains the JSR 88 deployment
manager factory class name for the
Reference Implementation RI
deployManagerpasswd.1 ${s1as.admin.passwd} Password for deployment process
for the VI.
deployManagerpasswd.2 ${ri.admin.passwd} Password for deployment process
for the RI.
deployManageruname.1 ${s1as.admin.user} User name for deployment process
for the VI.
deployManageruname.2 ${ri.admin.user} User name for deployment process
for the RI.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 151
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
deployManageruri.1 deployer:Sun:AppServer::${deployment_host.1}:${s1as.admin.port}JSR 88 management URL, location
of the deployment process for the
deployManageruri.2 deployer:Sun:AppServer::${deployment_host.2}:${ri.admin.port}JSR 88 management URL, location
of the deployment process for the
deployment_host.1 ${} Name of machine running the JSR
88 deployment process for the
vendor's Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition implementation.
deployment_host.2 ${} Name of machine running the JSR
88 deployment process for the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition RI.
derby.classes ${javaee.home}/javadb/lib/derbyclient.jarCLASSPATH to JDBC driver classes.
derby.dbName derbyDB Database Name.
derby.dml.file derby/derby.dml.sql DML le used for CTS test cases.
derby.driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriverDriverManager driver.
derby.passwd cts1 User password congured.
derby.poolName cts-derby-pool Name of pool congured in the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
RI; do not change.
derby.port 1527 Database Server port.
derby.server ${} Database Server.
derby.url jdbc:derby://${derby.server}:${derby.port}/${derby.dbName};create=trueURL to the CTS database
derby.user cts1 User ID congured
ejb_timeout 30000 Amount of time, in milliseconds,
that duration will be set for an
ejbtimeout callback method
ejb_wait 60000 Amount of time, in milliseconds,
that the client will wait for
ejbtimeout callback method
EJBServer1TxInteropEnabled true Transaction interoperability
settings for Vendor Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition EJB Server
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011152
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
EJBServer2TxInteropEnabled true Transaction interoperability
settings for Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI EJB Server
extension.dir ${s1as.domain}/lib/ext Extension directory for App Server
under test (not RI)
App Server vendors will need to set
this to their App Server's extension
directory. target copies the CTS
library JAR les to this location.
harness.executeMode 0 Used to run the harness in the
following modes of execution:
0— Default (deploy, run,
1— Deploy only
2— Run only
3— Undeploy only
4— Deploy and run only
harness.log.delayseconds 1 Number of seconds to delay to
allow reporting from remote clients
to nish.
harness.log.port 2000 The port the harness listens on for
log messages from remote clients.
harness.log.traceflag false Used to turn on or o verbose
debugging output for the tests.
harness.socket.retry.count 10 Denotes the number of times we
should attempt to create a server
socket when initializing a test
client. The socket is used for
logging purposes. ${ts.home}/tmp Directory location used by the
harness to store temporary les.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 153
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description auto Species how existing work.dir
and report.dir will be handled,
and it must be one of the following
overwrite — Overwrites all
content in work.dir and
backup — Moves all content in
work.dir and report.dir to
work.dir_time_day_bak and
append — Reuses and
preserves the existing
work.dir and report.dir
auto — Lets the build les
decide which mode to use
append). The value is
determined like this: == auto
if in CTS workspace = overwrite
else we are in a distribution bundle = append
end if
else = value in this file
end if glassfish This property corresponds to the
vendor under test. The name
represents the directory that
contains vendor-specic Ant
scripts that are located in the
directory. ${s1as.domain}/autodeploy Auto deployment directory of the
vendor's application server under
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011154
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description ${} Admin host where the Vendor
Implementation is running. ${s1as.admin.port} Admin port where the Vendor
Implementation is running.
instance.listenerName orb-listener-1 Default value for the IIOP listener
for your instance. Users will most
likely not need to change this.
javaee.classes.ri ${ri.lib}/mail.jar:${ri.lib}/javaee.jar: \
${ri.lib}/appserv-rt.jar: \
${ri.lib}/appserv-ext.jar: \
${ri.lib}/appserv-cmp.jar: \
${ri.lib}/appserv-admin.jar: \
${ri.imq.share.lib}/imqadmin.jar: \
${ri.lib}/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar: \
${ri.imq.share.lib}/imq.jar: \
${ri.imq.share.lib}/fscontext.jar: \
${ri.lib}/xercesImpl.jar:${ri.lib}/activation.jar: \
${ri.lib}/appserv-ws.jar:${ri.lib}/dtds: \
${ri.lib}/schemas: \
${ri.lib}/toplink-essentials.jar: \
Classes required by Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI.
javaee.home /sun/appserver9 The location of the vendor's Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition
platform implementation.
javaee.home.ri /sun/appserver9 The location of the RI.
javaee.home.ri.classpathsuffix ${javaee.home.ri}/lib/riinterceptors.jar \
${pathsep}${javaee.home.ri}/javadb/lib/ \
The classpath sux of the RI used
in interop tests. Must contain the
RI JDBC driver JARs and the RMI
interceptor classes.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 155
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
javatest.timeout.factor 1.0 This property species the scale
factor used by JavaTest to adjust the
time JavaTest will wait for a given
test to complete before returning
failure. For instance if the default
test timeout is 5 minutes, this value
will be multiplied by 5 minutes to
determine the total timeout delay.
Note this value only works with
JavaTest's batch mode runclient.
When using the JavaTest GUI users
must change this timeout factor in
the GUI.
jaxrConnectionFactoryLookup 0 The preferred way for a client to
lookup a JAXR
ConnectionFactory is to use JNDI.
An alternate method to lookup a
JAXR ConnectionFactory is to use
the newInstance static method on
the ConnectionFactory.
0— Use JNDI lookup
1— Use newInstance method
jaxrJNDIResource "java:comp/env/eis/JAXR"JAXR
ConnectionFactoryReference if
JNDI lookup is being used. For
using JNDI lookup set to "".
jaxrPassword "" Is used for setting connection
credentials this must be set up in
the UDDI registry.
jaxrPassword2 "" A user name for Association tests.
jaxrUser "" Is used for setting connection
credentials this must be set up in
the UDDI registry.
jaxrUser2 "" A user name for Association tests.
jaxrWebContext "web_content"The context root for JAXR HTML
tests pages.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011156
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
jdbc.db derby The name of the currently
congured DB. This value is the
prex of the DB properties
currently being used. Some valid
values are derby and
derbyEmbedded. See the other DB
property names for other valid
jdbc.lib.class.path ${ts.home}/internal/lib This property is used by the
database.classes properties to
point to where the JDBC drivers
jdbc.poolName ${derby.poolName} Congure the connection pool that
will be tested in this CTS test run.
jms_timeout 5000 Amount of time, in milliseconds,
that synchronous receives will wait
for a message
jstl.db.driver ${derby.driver} JDBC driver
jstl.db.url ${derby.url} DB URL
log.file.location ${s1as.domain}/logs This property is used by JACC tests
to create and analyze provider logs.
Specify the log directory in which
your App Server generates logs.
login default This property must be set to run
app client security tests.
mailFrom Reply to address set in the email
messages generated by the JavaMail
mailHost Hostname of the SMTP server.
mailuser1 some-valid-email-user-name@sun.comMust be set to a valid email address
where test mails will be sent.
namingServiceHost1 ${} Naming Service host name for the
Vendor's Implementation VI.
namingServiceHost2 ${} Naming Service host name for the
Reference Implementation RI.
namingServicePort1 ${orb.port} Naming Service port for the VI.
namingServicePort2 ${orb.port.ri} Naming Service port for the RI.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 157
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
nobodyuser guest This value must be the same value
returned by a call to
from the EJB tier when an
unauthenticated caller in the web
tier invokes an EJB method. localhost Hostname of the machine running
the RI
orb.port 3699 The port number the RI is listening
to for service requests.
password j2ee Associated password for the user.
password1 ${derby.passwd} Set this to the password for the
jdbcDB1 resource.
password2 ${derby.passwd} Set this to the password for the
jdbcDB2 resource.
password3 ${derby.passwd} Set this to the password for the
jdbcDBTimer resource.
password_ri j2ee_ri Associated password for the RI
password_vi j2ee_vi Associated password for the VI
pathsep : Users must set this property when
running on Windows. The
appropriate value on windows is a
semicolon (;). If you are not
running on Windows leave this
property set to its default value of
colon (:).
porting.ts.deploy2.class.1 com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.javaee.SunRIDeployment2Vendor's Implementation VI of
porting.ts.HttpsURLConnection.class.1com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.javaee.SunRIHttpsURLConnectionVI of
porting.ts.jms.class.1 com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.javaee.SunRIJMSAdminVI of
porting.ts.login.class.1 com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.javaee.SunRILoginContextVI of
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011158
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
porting.ts.url.class.1 com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.common.SunRIURLVI of
queryManagerURL "" Standard connection property for
querying. For RegistryServer it is:
queryManagerURL = http localhost 8080RegistryServer
registryURL "" Standard connection property for
publishing. For RegistryServer it
registryURL = http localhost 8080RegistryServer
report.dir /tmp/JTreport The directory used to store
JavaTest summary reports of test
ri.admin ${javaee.home.ri}/bin/asadmin The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI asadmin command. ${} The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI host.
ri.admin.passwd There is no default setting for this
The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI asadmin user password.
ri.admin.port 4848 The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI port.
ri.admin.user admin The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI asadmin user ID.
ri.asenv.loc ${javaee.home.ri}/config Location of asenv.conf or
ri.domain ${ri.domain.dir}/${}The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI domain path being used.
ri.domain.dir ${javaee.home.ri}/domains Points to where your domains are
installed. domain1 The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI domain being used.
ri.imq.share.lib ${javaee.home.ri}/imq/lib Shared library directory for IMQ.
ri.imqbin.loc ${javaee.home.ri}/imq/bin Location of the IMQ bin directory. ${ri.lib}/endorsed Endorsed directory used by RI.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 159
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
ri.jvm.options Java options needed by the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition RI.
ri.lib ${javaee.home.ri}/lib Library directory for other Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition RI
ri.server server The Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI server instance being
used. ${} RMI server host name.
rmiiiop.http.server.port 10000 RMI server port.
s1as.admin ${javaee.home}/bin/asadmin The SJSAS asadmin command. ${} The SJSAS host.
s1as.admin.passwd There is no default setting for this
The SJSAS asadmin user password.
s1as.admin.port 4848 The SJSAS port.
s1as.admin.user admin The SJSAS asadmin user ID.
s1as.asenv.loc ${javaee.home}/config Location of asenv.conf or
s1as.classpathsuffix ${javaee.home}/lib/tsprovider.jarThe classpath sux of the RI when
being used as the App Server under
s1as.db.ext.dirs The extension directory for DB
Type 2 drivers. Currently, this only
needs to be set when using DB2 else
it should be empty.
s1as.domain ${s1as.domain.dir}/${}The SJSAS domain path being
s1as.domain.dir ${javaee.home}/domains Points to where your domains are
installed. domain1 The SJSAS domain being used.
s1as.imq.share.lib ${javaee.home}/imq/lib Shared library directory for IMQ.
s1as.imqbin.loc ${javaee.home}/imq/bin Location of the IMQ bin directory. ${s1as.lib}/endorsed Endorsed directory used by SJSAS.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011160
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
s1as.jvm.options -XX\:MaxPermSize=128m: \
Java options needed by SJSAS.
s1as.lib ${javaee.home}/lib Library directory for other Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition RI
JARs. imqbroker Name of the JMS server the RI/PE. imqbroker Name of the JMS server for SE/EE
s1as.server server The SJSAS server instance being
s1as.targets ${s1as.server} Instances to deploy tests Supports
multiple instances. For example:
securedWebServicePort 1044 Must be set to run secbasicssl
and csiv2 tests. Set this property
with your application server's
secured webservice port.
securedWebServicePort.2 1045 Points to the secured webservice
port in Sun's Reference
Implementation (RI).
ServletClientThreads 2 The ServletClientThreads
property congures the number of
threads used by the client for the
SingleThreadModel servlet test. If
the container implementation
supports pooling of
SingleThreadModel serlvets, set
the value of
ServletClientThreads to twice
the value of the default servlet
instance pool size. If the container
implementation only maintains a
single instance of a
SingleTheadModel servlet, leave
the default value of 2.
sjsas.cmp.backend derby Backend to use when we are using
java2db with the CMP tests.
sjsas.cts.timer.resource derby Backend to use when we are using
java2db with the CMP tests for the
jdbcDBTimer resource.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 161
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description ${} ORB host name for the DAS.
sjsas.das.orb.port 3700 ORB port number for the DAS.
sjsas.das.securedWebServicePort1043 HTTPS listener port for the DAS.
sjsas.das.webServerPort 8000 HTTP listener port for the DAS.
sjsas.env.type das CTS test conguration. Possible
values are:
das (for PE or DAS)
remote (for remote instance)
cluster (for cluster
conguration not yet
sjsas.instance.config.dir config Conguration directory used by
the instance being tested.
For PE/DAS = config
For remote instance = config
sjsas.master.password changeit Used to create a node agent only
applicable to EE. Defaults to
changeit. This can be changed at
EE install time. n The name of the node agent
directory to use. This value will be
used on Windows only and ignored
on non-Windows platforms. The
default is n meaning the create
node agent command will pass the
agentdir argument with a value of node-agent-1 Name of node agent used by the
remote instance. server-1 Name of the remote instance.
transport_protocol smtp Must be set to a valid protocol, i.e,
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011162
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
ts.classpath ${ts.home}/lib/tspackager.jar: \
${javaee.home.ri}/javadb/lib/derby.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/tsharness.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/cts.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/sigtest.jar: \
${}:${}: \
${ts.home}/lib/javatest.jar: \
${ts.home}/tools/ant/lib/ant.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-httpclient-3.0.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar: \
Classes used to build the CTS tests.
ts.display :0.0 Location to display CTS output on
ts.harness.classpath ${ts.home}/lib/jaxb-api.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/jaxb-libs.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/jaxb-impl.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/tsharness.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/cts.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/sigtest.jar: \
${}:${}: \
${ts.home}/lib/javatest.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/jdom.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/dom4j.jar: \
Classes required by JavaTest.
ts.lib.classpath ${ts.home}/lib/tspackager.jar: \
${javaee.home.ri}/javadb/lib/derby.jar: \
Classes used to build cts.jar. ${ts.home}/lib/oasis-regrep.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/omar-common.jar: \
${s1as.lib}/dom.jar:${s1as.lib}/xalan.jar: \
${javaee.classes}:${ts.home}/lib/tsharness.jar: \
Classpath required by the vendor
appclient container. ${javaee.classes.ri}: \
${ri.lib}/riinterceptors.jar: \
${ts.home}/lib/tsharness.jar: \
Classpath required by Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition RI
appclient container.
tz US/Eastern Your local time zone. For valid
values, consult your operating
system documentation.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Appendix B • ts.jte Modiable Properties 163
TABLE B–1 Modiable <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte Properties and Default Values (Continued)
Property Default Value Description
user j2ee User dened to exercise role
mapping feature.
user1 ${derby.user} Set this to the user for the jdbcDB1
user2 ${derby.user} Set this to the user for the jdbcDB2
user3 ${derby.user} Set this to the user for the
jdbcDBTimer resource.
user_ri j2ee_ri Username for the reference
implementation used in interop
user_vi j2ee_vi Username for the vendor
implementation used in interop
webServerHost ${} Hostname for the Vendor's Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Web
webServerHost.2 ${} Hostname for the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI Web Server.
webServerPort 8001 Port number of the Vendor's Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Web
webServerPort.2 8002 Port number of the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI Web Server.
work.dir /tmp/JTwork The directory used to store
JavaTest test results and test
wsdlRepository1 ${}/wsdlRepository1Location to publish nal WSDL
les when using le URL
publishing for Vendor Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition
wsdlRepository2 ${}/wsdlRepository2Location to publish nal WSDL
les when using le URL
publishing for Sun RI.
ts.jte Modiable Properties
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011164
Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs
This appendix explains how to analyze the CSIv2 test logs. The topics included in this appendix
are as follows:
“C.1 Overview” on page 165
“C.2 CSIv2 Test Directory Naming Conventions” on page 169
“C.3 CSIv2 Test Directory Structure” on page 170
“C.4 Naming Conventions for CSIv2 Test Names” on page 171
“C.5 Debugging CSIv2 Test Failures” on page 171
“C.6 Examining Test Logs” on page 173
“C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements” on page 176
“C.8 IORs and Associated CSIv2 Tests” on page 183
C.1 Overview
This section describes the deployment scenarios under which the CSIv2 interoperability tests
are executed. Each scenario uses two servers. The label “Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition Server” refers to the server under test. The label “Java EE 6 RI Server” refers to the
reference server against which compatibility will be veried.
There are three primary deployment scenarios, each of which is described in greater detail in
sections that follow:
“C.1.1 Application Client-to-EJB Scenarios” on page 166
“C.1.2 EJB-to-EJB Test Scenarios” on page 167
“C.1.3 Web Client-to-EJB Scenarios” on page 168
Although these scenarios often involve more than one invocation, the invocation of primary
interest is the nal invocation, which is always between servers.
In every deployment scenario, an EAR le, rionly.ear, is deployed on the server that is
running the Java EE 6 RI. This EAR le contains a Log Bean and a Control Bean, which are used
to facilitate the collection of results.
When the server that is running the Java EE 6 RI is started, a set of logging interceptors are
registered, allowing the test code to collect protocol-level information. Note that this
interceptor is only installed on the server that is running the Java EE 6 RI. The Java EE 6 CTS
does not require the Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server to support CORBA
Portable Interceptors.
Each scenario is executed in both a “forward”anda“reverse” direction:
In the forward direction, the client component of the invocation of primary interest is on
the Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server, and the server component is on the
server that is running the Java EE 6 RI. In this direction, information about the CSIv2
request message is collected and analyzed.
In the reverse direction, the client component of the invocation of primary interest is on
the server that is running the Java EE 6 RI, and the server component is on the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition Licensee server. In this direction, information about the published IOR
and the CSIv2 response message is collected and analyzed.
“C.1.1 Application Client-to-EJB Scenarios” on page 166,“C.1.2 EJB-to-EJB Test Scenarios” on
page 167, and “C.1.3 Web Client-to-EJB Scenarios” on page 168 show the components that are
present in both the forward and reverse directions.
Whenever an EJB is mentioned in the following scenarios, it is important to realize that all
possible combinations of Stateful Session Bean and CMP Entity Bean are used. For example, on
an EJB-to-EJB invocation, we test Session Bean-to-Session Bean, Session Bean-to-Entity Bean,
Entity Bean-to-Session Bean, and Entity Bean-to-Entity Bean. Each combination forms a new
By understanding these deployment scenarios, you can have a deeper understanding of how the
tests work, which will make it easier to determine why a particular test is not passing.
C.1.1 Application Client-to-EJB Scenarios
Each application client-to-EJB scenario includes an application client and an EJB, as shown in
Figure C–1. In the forward direction, the application client is deployed on the Licensee Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition server and the EJB is deployed on the server that is running the
Java EE 6 RI. In the reverse direction, the application client is deployed on the server that is
running the Java EE 6 RI, and the EJB is deployed on the Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition Server. The Logging Interceptor (LI) is deployed on the server that is running the Java
EE 6 RI.
C.1 Overview
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011166
C.1.2 EJB-to-EJB Test Scenarios
Each of the EJB-to-EJB scenarios includes an application client and two enterprise beans, as
shown in Figure C–2. In the forward direction, the application client and EJB1 are deployed on
the Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server. EJB2 is deployed on the server that is
running the Java EE 6 RI. In the reverse direction, the Application Client and EJB3 are
deployed on the server that is running the Java EE 6 RI. EJB4 is deployed on the Licensee Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition Server. The Logging Interceptor (LI) is deployed on the server that
is running the Java EE 6 RI.
FIGURE C–1 Application Client-to-EJB Test Scenario
forward-Direction Tests
Licensee Java EE Server
Log Bean Control Bean
Java EE 6 RI Server
App Client LI
reverse-Direction Tests
Licensee Java EE Server
Log Bean Control Bean
Java EE 6 RI Server
EJB 2 LI App Client
C.1 Overview
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 167
C.1.3 Web Client-to-EJB Scenarios
Each Web client-to-EJB scenarios includes an application client, a servlet, and an EJB, as shown
in Figure C–3. In the forward direction, the application client and the Web client are deployed
on the Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server. The EJB is deployed on the server that
is running the Java EE 6 RI. In the reverse direction, the application client and the Web client
are deployed on the server that is running the Java EE 6 RI. The EJB is deployed on the Licensee
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server.
FIGURE C–2 EJB-to-EJB Test Scenario
forward-Direction Tests
Licensee Java EE Server
Log Bean Control Bean
Java EE 6 RI Server
App Client
reverse-Direction Tests
Licensee Java EE Server
Log Bean Control Bean
Java EE 6 RI Server
App Client
C.1 Overview
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011168
C.2 CSIv2 Test Directory Naming Conventions
The CSIv2 test directories are named according to the conguration that they represent. All
tests are located in subdirectories of the <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/interop/csiv2
The CSIv2 test directories use the following naming conventions:
FIGURE C–3 Web-to-EJB Test Scenario
forward-Direction Tests
Licensee Java EE Server
Log Bean Control Bean
Java EE 6 RI Server
Servlet LI
App Client
reverse-Direction Tests
Licensee Java EE Server
Log Bean Control Bean
Java EE 6 RI Server
EJB 2 LI Servlet
App Client
C.2 CSIv2 Test Directory Naming Conventions
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 169
<orig> is the origin of the invocations:
ac — Application client
ew — EJB or Web client
<prot> is the transport protection for the invocation:
ssln — No SSL transport protection
ssl — SSL transport protection
<auth> is the authentication settings for the deployed beans:
sslr_upn — SSL authentication Required, No Username/Password authentication
ssln_upr — No SSL authentication, Username/Password authentication required
ssln_upn — Neither SSL authentication nor Username/Password authentication
<assertion> is the type of identity assertion:
noid — No identity assertion
noid_a — Negative test case for no identity assertion
ccid — Certicate chain assertion
upid — Username/Password assertion
anonid — Assertion of anonymous identity
C.3 CSIv2 Test Directory Structure
The directory structure for the CSIv2 tests begins at the tests/interop/csiv2 directory. The
/common subdirectory contains code that is common to all CSIv2 tests. The other subdirectories
each indicate dierent deployment settings. Each subdirectory has a /forward and a /reverse
Tests in the /forward subdirectory are run in the forward direction only (for example, the
application client runs in the Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server, and a call is
made to the Java EE 6 RI server). Tests in the /reverse subdirectory are run in the reverse
direction only (for example, the application client runs in the server that is running the Java EE
6 RI, and a call is made to the Licensee Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server); for example:
C.3 CSIv2 Test Directory Structure
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011170
C.4 Naming Conventions for CSIv2 Test Names
The CSIv2 test names are structured as follows:
<dirname> is the directory name of the test, under /tests/interop/csiv2; for example:
<client-component> is the type of client component:
sb — session bean
eb — entity bean
wb — servlet
<server-component> is the type of server component:
sb — session bean
eb — entity bean
<testid> is the test ID; for example, testid3.
<direction> is the direction of the test. The direction is omitted if forward, or reverse if in
the reverse direction. For these tests, forward means from licensee server to the Java EE 6 RI
server, and reverse means from the Java EE 6 RI server to the licensee server. In other words,
the application client runs in the licensee's container in the forward direction.
Sample test application names for EJB-to-EJB tests include the following:
C.5 Debugging CSIv2 Test Failures
The CSIv2 test infrastructure provides two areas from which to obtain debugging output:
Java EE 6 CTS clients, beans, and servlets
Java EE 6 CTS CSIv2 interceptors
The sections that follow explain how to enable/disable logging to help you debug CSIv2 test
C.5 Debugging CSIv2 Test Failures
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 171
C.5.1 Debugging CTS Clients, Beans, and Servlets
The rst area in which you can enable logging is Java EE 6 CTS clients, beans, and servlets. If
you have done any debugging in other technology areas in the Java EE 6 CTS test suite, you are
likely to be familiar with enabling and using logging to obtain additional information with
which you can debug test problems. This kind of debugging output is enabled by setting the
harness.log.traceflag property to “true” in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le. See
Appendix B, “ts.jte Modiable Properties,for a description of this property.
C.5.2 Debugging CTS CSIv2 Interceptors
The second area in which you can enable logging is Java EE 6 CTS CSIv2 interceptors, including
Logging Interceptor Factory, Server Interceptor, and Client Interceptor. These three entities are
congured during the CSIv2 test setup, which is described in “5.4.20 CSIv2 Test Setup” on
page 91, by executing the enable.csiv2 Ant task. During that conguration step, the following
lines are added to the <javaee.home.ri>/domains/domain1/config/
These properties control the logging levels of the CSIv2 interceptors. By default, “INFO” level
logging is enabled, which yields only minimal output in the server.log le.
To Increase the Logging Level
Stop the Java EE 6 RI.
Edit the le <javaee.home.ri>/domains/domain1/config/ and set the
logging level to“FINE”for the three CSIv2 interceptors.
Restart the Java EE 6 RI.
From this point on, an increased amount of logging output from the Java EE 6 CTS CSIv2
logging interceptors will be written to the server.log le.
To Reset the Logging Level
Stop the Java EE 6 RI.
Edit the le <javaee.home.ri>/domains/domain1/config/ and set the
logging level back to“INFOfor the three CSIv2 interceptors.
Restart the Java EE 6 RI.
C.5 Debugging CSIv2 Test Failures
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011172
Note – Execution of the disable.csiv2 Ant target, which is explained in “5.4.20 CSIv2 Test
Setup” on page 91, will remove the three properities from the
<javaee.home.ri>/domains/domain1/config/ le.
C.6 Examining Test Logs
To Examine the Test Logs
The rst thing you will notice is the direction in which the test is running:
LocalSessionBean (VI) ====> RemoteSessionBean (RI)
VI-to-RI indicates that the test is running in the forward direction; RI-to-VI indicates that the
test is running in the reverse direction.
The test direction is followed by a trace that outlines the path of execution (for example, from a
local session bean to a remote session bean, etc.)
INVOKING java:comp/env/ejb/LocalSession...
SVR: Initialize remote logging
SVR: CSIv2SessionBean.ejbCreateInvoke()
SVR: Initialize remote logging
SVR: CSIv2SessionBean.invoke()
SVR: Entering CSIv2TestLogicImpl.invoke()
SVR: INVOKING java:comp/env/ejb/RemoteSession...
SVR: Initialize remote logging
SVR: CSIv2SessionBean.ejbCreateInvoke()
SVR: Initialize remote logging
SVR: CSIv2SessionBean.invoke()
SVR: Entering CSIv2TestLogicImpl.invoke()
SVR: Exiting CSIv2TestLogicImpl.invoke()
SVR: Exiting CSIv2TestLogicImpl.invoke()
The CSIv2 tests maintain a log during the invocation. The log is in XML format, and is
organized to match the ow of test execution.
By examining the contents of the log, you can trace the test execution and see what happened in
the test. See “C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements” on page 176 for a detailed description of the DTD
elements that make up the CSIv2 log.
Output validation results follow the log.
In the forward direction, the tests validate the request (see the EstablishContext message). In the
reverse direction, the tests validate the IOR that the Licensee's Java EE 6 server publishes for the
EJB and the response (see the CompleteEstablishContext message or the ContextError
message). See Appendix E, “Interoperable Object Reference Denitions,for a list of the IORs
that the test validation code and the test strategy descriptions reference.
C.6 Examining Test Logs
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 173
The test output shows you what it is being validated for each test, and indicates the exact section
of the log that is being analyzed. See the Example C–1 example, below.
Next, the test output indicates what matched and what mismatched.
Lines that start with the plus sign (+) indicate matches. Lines that start with “MISMATCH:
indicate mismatches. Lines that start with neither are informational messages.
MISMATCH messages indicate what was expected. The log tells you what was received. See the
Example C–2example, below.
The reverse direction tests validate that the IOR that is published by the Licensee Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition Server matches the expected result. The CSIv2 log will represent the values
collected for target_supports,target_requires, and other CSIv2 IOR structures as decimal
integers. In accordance with the CSIv2 specication, these values represent a bitmask. To
determine the meaning of the bits that have been set in the bitmask, refer to page 16-64 of the
CSIv2 specication, which can be found at the following location:
Sample Validation Log
Validating EJBRemote IOR...
Validating the following IOR against IOR.4:
Testing CompoundSecMech 1 of 1...
Testing Naming Mechanisms 1 of 1...
+ This naming mechanism matches IOR.4
+ At least one naming mechanism matched IOR.4.
Example C–1
C.6 Examining Test Logs
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011174
+ This CompoundSecMech matches IOR.4
+ At least one compound sec mech matched IOR.4.
EJBRemote IOR Valid.
Sample Mismatch Log
Validating EJBHome IOR...
Validating the following IOR against IOR.3:
Testing CompoundSecMech 1 of 1...
MISMATCH: Mismatch on target requires.
Testing Transport Address 1 of 1...
MISMATCH: Mismatch on port.
MISMATCH: This transport address does not match IOR.3.
MISMATCH: None of the transport address matched IOR.3.
MISMATCH: Mismatch on IOR Transport Mech
MISMATCH: Mismatch on AS Context
MISMATCH: None of the naming mechs matched IOR.3.
MISMATCH: Mismatch on SAS Context
MISMATCH: This CompoundSecMech does not match IOR.3
MISMATCH: None of the compound sec mechs matched IOR.3.
EJBHome IOR Invalid.
The following test output contains both matches and mismatches.
Skipping IOR validation.
Validating EJBHome and EJBRemote invocation request...
Validating EJBHome Invocation Request...
Validating the following invocation:
Example C–2
C.6 Examining Test Logs
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 175
<req-svc-context present="true">
<reply-svc-context present="true">
+ Match: Transport client principals absent, as expected.
+ Match: SAS Client principal present.
MISMATCH: Identity Token Type is invalid. Expecting one of
the following:
* ITTX509CertChain
* ITTDistinguishedName
* ITTAnonymous
MISMATCH: Mismatched SAS Identity Token Type.
EJBHome Invocation Request Invalid.
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
The CSIv2 log is stored in an XML format. This section describes the CSIv2 log elements. By
understanding what these elements mean, you can use the log contents that are output from
each test as a debugging aid. The CSIv2 log can be found in the CTS test source code, in the
following location:
This section includes the following topics:
“C.7.1 Key Elements in the CSIv2 Log” on page 177
“C.7.2 Key Elements in the Server Interceptor Log” on page 177
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011176
“C.7.3 Key Elements in the Client Interceptor Log” on page 178
“C.7.4 Key Elements in an IOR Log” on page 179
“C.7.5 Comprehensive List of All CSIv2 Log Elements” on page 180
C.7.1 Key Elements in the CSIv2 Log
The key elements of a CSIv2 log include the <ejb-home> and <ejb-remote> elements. These
elements, in turn, contain the log information for the EJB home and remote interfaces.
EXAMPLE C–3 CSIv2 Log Elements
<client_interceptor> | <server_interceptor>
</client_interceptor> | </server_interceptor>
<client_interceptor> | <server_interceptor>
</client_interceptor> | </server_interceptor>
The <ejb-home> element contains the <client> tag, which indicates that the test
component is the client in an invocation and <client_interceptor> or
<server_interceptor>, based on reverse or forward tests.
The <ejb-remote> element contains a similar set of elements as the <ejb-home> element.
During forward testing (from VI to RI) using a simple scenario, such as an application client
directly invoking an EJB, only the <client_interceptor> is logged. Conversely, during reverse
testing (from RI to VI) using a simple scenario, the <server_interceptor> is logged.
For a complex scenario, such as an application client invoking an EJB, which in turn invokes
another EJB, both client and server interceptor elements are logged. Other complex scenarios
could log multiple client and server interceptors.
C.7.2 Key Elements in the Server Interceptor Log
The server interceptor element includes the <req_svc_context>,<ssl_used>,
<transport_client_principals>,<server>, and <reply_svc_context> elements.
EXAMPLE C–4 Server Interceptor Log Elements
<req_svc_context> ... </req_svc_context>
<ssl_used> true | false </ssl_used>
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 177
EXAMPLE C–4 Server Interceptor Log Elements (Continued)
<transport_client_principals> ... </transport_client_principals>
<server> ... </server>
<reply_svc_context> ... </reply_svc_context>
Service contexts provide a means of passing service-specic information as part of IIOP
message headers.
These elements contain the following information:
The <req_svc_context> element contains the service context information for the request.
The <ssl_used> element indicates whether the transport is protected with SSL or not.
The <transport_client_principals> element contains the principal used by the
container for authentication at the SSL level.
The <server> element logs the invocation principal if the request reaches the other end.
The <reply_svc_context> element contains the service context information for the reply.
C.7.3 Key Elements in the Client Interceptor Log
The client interceptor element includes the <req_svc_context>,<ssl_used>,<ior>,
<server>,<location_forward>, and <reply_svc_context> elements.
EXAMPLE C–5 Client Interceptor Log Elements
<req_svc_context> ... </req_svc_context>
<ssl_used> true | false </ssl_used>
<ior> ... </ior>
<server> ... </server>
<location_forward> ... </location_forward>
<reply_svc_context> ... </reply_svc_context>
Service contexts provide a means of passing service-specic information as part of IIOP
message headers.
The client interceptor elements contain the following information:
The <req_svc_context> element contains the service context information for the request.
The <ssl_used> element indicates whether the transport is protected with SSL or not.
The <ior> element contains the Interoperable Object Reference, which describes security
policies of an EJB component.
The <location_forward> element is "true"if the Client Security Service (CSS) received a
location forward in response to a request. If this is the case, the client will establish a
condential connection with the new address.
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011178
EXAMPLE C–5 Client Interceptor Log Elements (Continued)
Atrue value also indicates that the log will contain another client interceptor element. The
test validation mechanism will ignore client interceptor elements that end in a location
The <reply_svc_context> element contains the service context information for the reply.
C.7.4 Key Elements in an IOR Log
An IOR includes the <port> and <stateful> elements and the <compound_sec_mech>
structure. The <compound_sec_mech> structure contains the <target_requires>,
<ior_transport_mech>,<ior_as_context>, and <ior_sas_context> elements.
EXAMPLE C–6 IOR Log Elements
<port> ... </port>
<stateful> true | false </stateful>
<target_requires> ... </target_requires>
<ior_transport_mech> ... </ior_transport_mech>
<ior_as_context> ... </ior_as_context>
<ior_sas_context> ... </ior_sas_context>
These elements contain the following information:
The <port> element can contain a zero or a nonzero number.
A nonzero port number indicates that the target supports unprotected IIOP invocations at
the specied port number.
A zero port number indicates that the target supports protected IIOP invocations only.
The <stateful> element is true if the target supports the establishment of stateful or
reusable contexts.
The <compound_sec_mech> structure describes support in the target for a compound
security mechanism that may include security functionality that is realized in the transport
layer and/or security functionality above the transport layer.
The <target_requires> element designates a required outcome that shall be satised by
one or more supporting (but not requiring) layers.
The <ior_transport_mech> element describes the security functionality that is
implemented in the transport layer.
The <ior_as_context> element describes the client authentication functionality that the
target expects to be layered above the transport layer in the service context.
The <ior_sas_context> element describes the target's identity assertion support or support
of authorization attributes that are delivered in the service context.
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 179
C.7.5 Comprehensive List of All CSIv2 Log Elements
Table C–1 provides a comprehensive list of all CSIv2 log elements.
TABLE C–1 CSIv2 Log Elements
Element Description
<csiv2-log> Root XML node. Contains 1 or more <assertion>
<assertion> Contains information relevant to a single test
assertion. Contains a "name"attribute and an
<invocation> element.
<invocation> Indicates an invocation was started from a client
component to a server component. We analyze
invocation information for both an EJB Home
(<ejb-home>) and an EJB Remote (<ejb-remote>)
<ejb-home> /<ejb-remote> Separates the EJB Home from the EJB Remote
invocation information. Both elements contain a
single <client> element.
<client> Indicates that this component is a client in an
invocation. Contains a <reply> element and either a
a<server> element. The invocation determines
which interceptor is to be invoked based on the
whether the invoking component is acting as a client
or as a server. For example, if an EJB acts as a server to
an invocation, then the server-interceptor will be
<reply> Indicates a reply in an invocation. Can be either
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011180
TABLE C–1 CSIv2 Log Elements (Continued)
Element Description
<client-interceptor> Indicates that the client interceptor was invoked. This
will happen when the Java EE 6 Reference
Implementation is a client of some invocation. The
following information is collected by the client
1. <operation>
2. <req-svc-context>
3. <ssl-used>
4. <ior>
5. Either <server-interceptor> or <server>
6. <location-forward>
7. <reply-svc-context>
8. Possibly another <client-interceptor> element
<operation> The name of the operation just invoked.
<req-svc-context> Request service context information. This will contain
either an <establish-context> message, or an
<establish-context> Information collected from the CSIv2
EstablishContext message. Collects the following
1. <client-context-id>
2. <identity-token>, one of: <absent>,
3. <client-auth-token> - Client authentication
4. <authz-token-count> - Number of authorization
tokens sent
<invalid-message> Indicates that an invalid message (one that was not
expected) was sent in either the request or the reply. A
details attribute will indicate why the message was
invalid, or the type of message that was received.
<ssl-used> True if SSL will be or was used for this invocation.
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 181
TABLE C–1 CSIv2 Log Elements (Continued)
Element Description
<ior> IOR information. This is a description of the IOR that
the server published for the EJB, from the client's
perspective. Collects the following information:
1. <port>
2. <stateful>
3. <compound-sec-mech>
<ior-transport-mech> — one of the following:
a. <tls-trans>
b. <null-trans>
c. <other-trans>
<location-forward> If true, this request ended in a location forward, in
which case we will expect to see another client
interception later down the road. The test validation
will ignore all client interceptor elements that end in a
location forward, in case target servers do load
balancing, or something of the sort.
<reply-svc-context> Reply service context information. This will contain
either a <complete-establish-context>,a
C.7 CSIv2 Log Elements
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011182
TABLE C–1 CSIv2 Log Elements (Continued)
Element Description
<complete-establish-context> Information collected from the CSIv2
CompleteEstablishContext message. Collects the
following information:
1. <client-context-id>
2. <context-stateful>
3. <final-context-token>
<context-error> Information collected from the CSIv2 ContextError
message. Collects the following information:
1. <client-context-id>
2. <major-status>
3. <minor-status>
4. <error-token>
<server-interceptor> Indicates that the server interceptor was invoked. This
will happen when the Java EE 6 Reference
Implementation is a server of some invocation. The
following information is collected by the server
1. <operation>
2. <req-svc-context>
3. <ssl-used>
4. <transport-client-principals>
5. <server>, if the request makes it to the server.
6. <reply-svc-context>
<transport-client-principals> Collection of all transport client principals for this
invocation, if it was an SSL invocation.
<server> Indicates that the server bean was invoked. This will
happen on every successful invocation. The following
information is collected on the server bean:
1. <invocation-principal>
2. <invocation>, if another invocation is made.
<invocation-principal> The value of
C.8 IORs and Associated CSIv2Tests
The Table C–2 table, below, provides additional information about the CSIv2 tests:
The test ids that are associated with each IOR
The identity assertion type that is tested by each test
The name of the directory in which the tests reside
C.8 IORs and Associated CSIv2Tests
Appendix C Analyzing CSIv2 Test Logs 183
TABLE C–2 IORs and Associated CSIv2 Tests
IOR Test ID Identity Assertion Type Directory Name
00 NA ac_ssl_sslr_upn_noid
C.8 IORs and Associated CSIv2Tests
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011184
JASPIC Technology Notes and Files
The JASPIC technology tests are used to verify the compatibility of a licensee's implementation
of the JASIC 1.0 specication. This appendix provides information about the following topics:
“D.1 JASPIC 1.0 Technology Overview” on page 185
“D.2 JASPIC TSSV Files” on page 186
D.1 JASPIC 1.0 Technology Overview
The JASPIC 1.0 specication (JSR 196) denes a service provider interface (SPI) by which
authentication providers implementing message authentication mechanisms can be integrated
in client and server message processing runtimes (or containers).
The Java EE 6 CTS uses a Test Suite SPI Verier (TSSV) to verify whether the vendor's message
processing runtimes invoke the right SPI in the right order.
TSSV includes test suite implementations of:
AuthConfig(Client & Server)
AuthContext(client & Server)
AuthenticationModules(Client & Server)
TSSV gets loaded into vendor's message processing runtime using one of the following two
ways as dened by the JSR196 specication:
By dening a property in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ as follows:
By calling registerConfigProvider() method in vendor's AuthConfigFactory with the
following values:
Test Suite Provider ClassName
Map of properties
Message Layer (such as SOAP or HttpServlet)
Application Context Identier
A description of the provider
Note – For the Java EE 6 CTS, we register more than one provider in vendor's message
processing runtime.
In a typical test scenario (for each prole of Servlet or SOAP), an application is deployed into a
vendor's runtime, and a client invokes the service. The message policies required for the secure
invocations are built into TSSV implementations, and the runtime is analyzed to see whether it
invokes the right SPIs at the right time.
TSSV uses Java logging APIs to log the client and server invocation into a log le
(TSSVLog.txt), this log le is used by the TCK tests to validate actual logged runtime
information against expected results to ensure that the runtime is compliant. The
jaspic_util_web.war le contains the JASPIC log le processor, which writes output to the
TSSVLog.txt le. The TSSVLog.txt le is put into the location dened by the
log.file.location property in the ts.jte le.
The following sections describe the tssv.jar,ProviderConfiguration.xml, and
provider-configuration.dtd les that are used by the JASPIC TCK tests.
D.2.1 tssv.jar le
The tssv.jar le contains classes necessary for populating your implementation with a CTS
AuthCongFactory (ACF) as well as information used to register CTS providers. The tssv.jar
le contains the class les for the Test Suite SPI Verier. The tssv.jar le classes need to be
loaded by your implementation's runtime during startup.
D.2.2 ProviderConfiguration.xml le
The format of the ProviderConfiguration.xml le is a test suite-specic format. The le was
designed to contain test provider information the test suite uses to populate the ACF with a list
of providers for testing. The le needs to be copied to the location specied in the ts.jte le by
the provider.configuration.file property. An edit to the ProviderConfiguration.xml le
may be required for your implementation. The current application context Ids are generic and
should work as is, but there could be some scenarios in which the application Context Ids may
need to be altered.
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011186
The value of the <app-context-id> element in the ProviderConfiguration.xml le should
reect what your implementation will use for its internal representation of the application
context identier for a registered provider. Said dierently, the test suite registers its providers
with information from the ProviderConfiguration.xml le but every implementation is not
guaranteed to use the application context identier that is used in the call to register the
conguration provider. This value of the <app-context-id> element corresponds to the
appContext argument in the AuthConfigFactory.registerConfigProvider() API. The API
documentation for this method indicates that the appContext argument may be used but is not
guaranteed to be used.
The default ProviderConfiguration.xml le should work without modication but you may
need to alter the value of the <app-context-id> element as previously described to
accommodate the implementation under test. You need to nd the correct application context
identier for your implementation.
You should enable two levels of logging output to get ner levels of debugging and tracing
information than is turned on by default. This is done by setting the traceflag property in the
ts.jte le and the HARNESS_DEBUG environment variable to “true”. If both of these are set,
application context identier information should appear in the debug output(s).
D.2.3 provider-conguration.dtd le
The provider-configuration.dtd le is a DTD le that resides in the same directory as the
ProviderConfiguration.xml le and describes the ProviderConfiguration.xml le. This le
should not be edited.
Appendix D JASPIC Technology Notes and Files 187
Interoperable Object Reference Denitions
This appendix provides the expected published Interoperable Object References (IORs) for the
CSIv2 interoperability tests. If, at test time, an IOR does not match the expected result, the test
output will refer to one of these IORs by number. The test strategy descriptions attached to each
reverse-direction CSIv2 test also reference these IORs.
This appendix contains listings for the following IORs:
“E.1 IOR.0” on page 189
“E.2 IOR.1” on page 190
“E.3 IOR.3” on page 191
“E.4 IOR.4” on page 191
“E.5 IOR.7” on page 192
E.1 IOR.0
CompoundSecMechList {
stateful = FALSE;
mechanism_list = {
CompoundSecMec {
target_requires={Integrity, Confidentiality,
transport_mech = TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS {
target_supports = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
target_requires = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
addresses = {
TransportAddress = {
host_name = x;
port = y;
EXAMPLE E–1 IOR.0 (Continued)
as_context_mech = {
target_supports = {};
sas_context_mech = {
target_supports = {};
E.2 IOR.1
CompoundSecMechList {
stateful = FALSE;
mechanism_list = {
CompoundSecMec {
target_requires = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
transport_mech = TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS {
target_supports = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
target_requires = {Integrity, Confidentiality};
addresses = {
TransportAddress {
host_name = x;
port = y;
as_context_mech = {
target_supports = {EstablishTrustInClient};
target_requires = {EstablishTrustInClient};
client_authentication_mech = GSSUP_OID;
target_name = {GSSUP,"default"};
sas_context_mech = {
target_supports = {};
E.2 IOR.1
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011190
E.3 IOR.3
CompoundSecMechList {
stateful = FALSE;
mechanism_list = {
CompoundSecMec {
target_requires = {Integrity, Confidentiality};
transport_mech = TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS {
target_supports = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
target_requires = {Integrity,
addresses = {
TransportAddress {
host_name = x;
port = y;
as_context_mech = {
target_supports = {};
sas_context_mech = {
target_requires = {};
target_supports = {IdentityAssertion};
supported_naming_mechanisms = {GSSUPMechOID};
supported_identity_types = {ITTPrincipalName};
E.4 IOR.4
CompoundSecMechList {
stateful = FALSE;
mechanism_list = {
CompoundSecMec {
target_requires = {};
transport_mech = TAG_NULL_TAG;
as_context_mech = {
target_supports = {};
sas_context_mech = {
target_requires = {};
E.4 IOR.4
Appendix E Interoperable Object Reference Denitions 191
EXAMPLE E–4 IOR.4 (Continued)
target_supports = {IdentityAssertion};
supported_naming_mechanisms = {GSSUPMechOID};
supported_identity_types = {ITTPrincipalName};
E.5 IOR.7
CompoundSecMechList {
stateful = FALSE;
mechanism_list = {
CompoundSecMec {
target_requires = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
transport_mech = TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS {
target_supports = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
target_requires = {Integrity, Confidentiality,
addresses = {
TransportAddress {
host_name = x;
port = y;
as_context_mech = {
target_supports = {};
sas_context_mech = {
target_requires = {};
target_supports = {IdentityAssertion};
supported_naming_mechanisms = {GSSUPMechOID};
supported_identity_types = {ITTPrincipalName};
E.5 IOR.7
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011192
ConguringYour Backend Database
This appendix explains how to congure a backend database to use with a Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition server being tested against the Java EE 6 CTS.
The topics included in this appendix are as follows:
“F.1 Overview” on page 193
“F.2 The init.<database> Ant Target” on page 194
“F.3 Database Properties in ts.jte” on page 195
“F.4 Database DDL and DML Files” on page 197
“F.5 CMP Table Creation” on page 198
F.1 Overview
All Java Platform, Enterprise Edition servers tested against the Java EE 6 CTS must be
congured with a database and JDBC 3.0-compliant drivers. Note that the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition RI includes Sun's implementation of the JavaDB database.
To perform interoperability testing, you need to congure two Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition servers and two databases, one of which must be the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
RI with the bundled JavaDB database. See “5.3.1 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server
Conguration Scenarios” on page 52 for more information.
For the purposes of Java EE 6 CTS testing, all database conguration properties required by the
CTS are made in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le. The CTS init.<database> Ant target uses
the properties you set in ts.jte to generate one or more SQL statement les that are in turn
used create and populate database tables and congure procedures required by the CTS.
The database conguration process comprises four general steps:
1. Set database-related properties in the <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le.
2. Congure your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server implementation for your database
and for CTS.
3. Start your database.
4. Run the init.<database> Ant target to initialize your database for CTS.
The procedure for conguring your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server for your database
is described in “5.3 Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server” on page 51. The
nal step, initializing your database for CTS by running init.<database> target, is explained
more in the next section.
F.2 The init.<database> Ant Target
Before your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition server database can be tested against the Java EE 6
CTS, the database must be initialized for CTS by means of the Ant init.<database> target. For
example, the init.javadb Ant task is used to initialize the JavaDB database for CTS.
This Ant target references database properties in ts.jte and database-specic DDL and DML
les to generate SQL statement les that are read by the Java EE 6 CTS when you start the test
suite. The DDL and DML les are described later in this appendix, in “F.4 Database DDL and
DML Files” on page 197.
The Java EE 6 CTS 5 includes the following database-specic Ant targets:
Each Ant target uses a database-specic JDBC driver to congure a backend for a specic
database; for example, OracleInet/Oracle Inet driver; OracleDD/Oracle DataDirect driver. All
of these targets are congured in the <TS_HOME>/bin/setup.xml le.
F.2 The init.<database> Ant Target
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011194
F.3 Database Properties in ts.jte
Listed below are the names and descriptions for the database properties you need to set for CTS
testing. Refer to Appendix B, “ts.jte Modiable Properties,for a complete listing of the
ts.jte le.
Note that some properties take the form <property>.ri. In all cases, properties with an .ri
sux are used for interoperability testing only. In such cases, the <property> value applies to
the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition VI server (the server you want to test) and the
<property>.ri value applies to the Sun Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI server. For
The <property>.ri properties are only used in two-server congurations; that is, when you are
performing interoperability tests.
TABLE F–1 ts.jte Database Properties
Property Description
<database>.classes CLASSPATH to JDBC driver classes.
<database>.dataSource DataSource driver.
<database>.dbName Database Name.
<database>.driver DriverManager driver.
<database>.password User password congured.
<database>.poolName Name of pool congured in SunOne Appserver (do
not change!).
<database>.port Database Server port.
<database>.properties Additional properties required by the dened data
source for each driver conguration in ts.jte. You
should not need to modify this property.
<database>.server Database Server.
<database>.url URL for the CTS database; the dbName,server, and
port properties are automatically substituted in to
build the correct URL. You should never need to
modify this property.
<database>.user User ID congured.
F.3 Database Properties in ts.jte
Appendix F ConguringYour Backend Database 195
TABLE F–1 ts.jte Database Properties (Continued)
Property Description
create.cmp.tables When set to false, the application server is
responsible for creating CMP tables at deployment of
the EJB/EAR. When set to true,init.<datbase>
creates the tables used by CMP EJBs. The SQL for the
CMP tables are contained in
create.interop.tables.only This option is only needed when you are conguring
the database used by the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition RI for interoperability testing. When set to
true, only the BMP and CMP tables required for
interoperability testing are created when
init.<datbase> is invoked. Note that for the current
version of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI,
you must set create.cmp.tables=true when you set
db.dml.file Tells init.<datbase> which DML le to use for the
VI database; for example,
db.dml.file.ri Tells init.<datbase> which DML le to use for the RI
database; for example,
jdbc.lib.class.path Used by the <database>.classes properties to point
to the location of the JDBC drivers.
jdbc.poolName Congures the connection pool that will be tested in
this CTS test run; for example,
jdbc.poolName=${javadb.poolName}. This needs to
set this when running against the S1AS/RI if using a
database other than JavaDB.
password1 Password for the JDBC/DB1 resource; for example,
password2 Password for the JDBC/DB2 resource; for example,
password3 Password for the JDBC/DBTimer resource; for
example, password3=${javadb.passwd}.
user1 User name for the JDBC/DB1 resource; for example,
F.3 Database Properties in ts.jte
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011196
TABLE F–1 ts.jte Database Properties (Continued)
Property Description
user2 User name for the JDBC/DB2 resource; for example,
user3 User name for the JDBC/DBTimer resource; for
example, user3=${javadb.user}.
F.4 Database DDL and DML Files
For each supported database type, the Java EE 6 CTS includes a set of DDL and DML les in
subdirectories o the <TS_HOME>/sql directory. The and config.ri targets use two
ts.jte properties, db.dml.file and db.dml.file.ri (interop only), to determine the
database type, and hence which database-specic DML les to copy as
<TS_HOME>/bin/tssql.stmt and tssql.stmt.ri (for interop) les.
The tssql.stmt and tssql.stmt.ri les contain directives for conguring and populating
database tables as required by the CTS tests, and for dening any required primary or foreign
key constraints and database-specic conmand line terminators.
In addition to the database-specic DML les, the Java EE 6 CTS includes database-specic
DDL les, also in subdirectories o <TS_HOME>/sql. These DDL les are used by the
init.<database> target to create and drop database tables and procedures required by the
The SQL statements in the tssql.stmt and tssql.stmt.ri les are read as requested by
individual CTS tests, which use the statements to locate required DML les.
The DDL and DML les are as follows:
<database>.ddl.sql — DDL for BMP, Session Beans
<database>.ddl.sprocs.sql — DDL for creating stored procedures
<database>.ddl.cmp.sql — DDL for CMP Entity Beans
<database>.ddl.interop.sql — DDL for interop tests
<database>.dml.sql — DML used during test runs
Each DDL command in each <TS_HOME>/sql/<database> is terminated with an ending
delimiter. The delimiter for each <database> is dened in the <TS_HOME>/bin/xml/initdb.xml
le. If your conguration requires the use of a database other than the databases that
initdb.xml currently supports, you may modify initdb.xml to include a target to congure
the database that you are using.
An example of the syntax for a database target in initdb.xml is shown below:
<target name="init.sybase">
<antcall target="configure.backend">
<param name="db.driver"value="${sybase.driver}"/>
F.4 Database DDL and DML Files
Appendix F ConguringYour Backend Database 197
<param name="db.url"value="${sybase.url}"/>
<param name="db.user"value="${sybase.user}"/>
<param name="db.password"value="${sybase.passwd}"/>
<param name="db.classpath"value="${sybase.classes}"/>
<param name="db.delimiter"value="!"/>
<param name=""value="sybase"/>
The <database>.name property should be added to your ts.jte le. The property is
the name of a subdirectory in <TS_HOME>/sql. After updating initdb.xml, you invoke the new
target with:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant -f <TS_HOME>/bin/xml/initdb.xml init.<newDatabase>
F.5 CMP Table Creation
If the application server under test does not provide an option to automatically create tables
used by CMP Entity EJBs, the needed SQL is provided in
Setting the ts.jte property create.cmp.tables=true instructs the init.<database> target to
create the tables dened in the <TS_HOME>/sql/<database>/<database>.cmp.sql le.
If you set create.cmp.tables=false in the ts.jte le, it is expected that you will create the
necessary CMP tables at deployment time.
F.5 CMP Table Creation
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011198
EJBQL Schema
The EJB-QL tests perform queries against a CMP 2.0 abstract persistence model that you deploy
before you start the test runs.
Section 11.3.5, “EJB QL and SQL,” in the EJB 2.0 Specication contains a sample mapping that
shows how the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI translates EJB QL to SQL, which helps to
clarify the EJB QL semantics.
This appendix includes information about the following topics:
“G.1 Persistence Schema Relationships” on page 199
“G.2 SQL Statements for CMP 1.1 Finders” on page 201
G.1 Persistence Schema Relationships
The gure, Figure G–1, below, contains detailed information about the persistence schema
FIGURE G–1 Persistence Schema Relationships
SpouseEJBSpouseEJB AliasEJBAliasEJB
CreditCardEJBCreditCardEJB LineItemEJBLineItemEJB
many:many 1:many
G.1 Persistence Schema Relationships
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011200
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String alias;(cmp)
Customer customerNoop;(cmr)
Collection customersNoop;(cmr)
Collection customers;(cmr)
Country — DVC
String name;(cmp)
String code;(cmp)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String street;(cmp)
String city;(cmp)
String state;(cmp)
String zip;(cmp)
Collection phones;(cmr)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String name;(cmp)
float price;(cmp)
int quantity;(cmp)
long partNumber;(cmp)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String name;(cmp)
Country country;(cmp)
AddressLocal home;(cmr)
AddressLocal work;(cmr)
Collection creditCards;(cmr)
Collection orders;(cmr)
Collection aliases;(cmr)
SpouseLocal spouse;(cmr)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String type;(cmp)
String expires;(cmp)
boolean approved;(cmp)
String number;(cmp)
OrderLocal order;(cmr)
CustomerLocal customer;(cmr)
double balance;(cmp)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String street;(cmp)
String city;(cmp)
String state;(cmp)
String zip;(cmp)
SpouseLocal spouse;(cmr)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
float totalPrice;(cmp)
CustomerLocal customer;(cmr)
Collection lineItems;(cmr)
CreditCardLocal creditCard;(cmr)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
int quantity;(cmp)
OrderLocal order;(cmr)
ProductLocal product;(cmr)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String area:(cmp)
String number;(cmp)
AddressLocal address;(cmr)
String id;(pk)(cmp)
String firstName;(cmp)
String maidenName;(cmp)
String lastName;(cmp)
String SocialSecurityNumber(cmp);
InfoLocal info;(cmr)
CustomerLocal customer;(cmr)
G.2 SQL Statements for CMP 1.1 Finders
Listed below are the SQL statements used for CMP 1.1 nders in:
G.2.1 ejb/ee/bb/entity/cmp/clientviewtest,
G.2 SQL Statements for CMP 1.1 Finders
Appendix G EJBQL Schema 201
<sql>SELECT "KEY_ID"FROM "TestBeanEJBTable"WHERE "BRAND_NAME"= ?1</sql>
<sql>SELECT "KEY_ID"FROM "TestBeanEJBTable"</sql>
<sql>SELECT "KEY_ID"FROM "TestBeanEJBTable"WHERE "PRICE"= ?1</sql>
<sql>SELECT "KEY_ID"FROM "TestBeanEJBTable"WHERE "BRAND_NAME"= ?1</sql>
G.2.2 ejb/ee/bb/entity/cmp/complexpktest
<sql>SELECT "BRAND_NAME","ID"FROM "TestBeanEJBTable"WHERE "PRICE"= ?1</sql>
<sql>SELECT "BRAND_NAME","ID"FROM "TestBeanEJBTable"WHERE "ID"= ?1</sql>
G.2.3 ejb/ee/tx/txECMPbean
G.2 SQL Statements for CMP 1.1 Finders
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011202
Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWS Tests
The JAX-WS 2.2 and JWS 2.0 specications require that each implementation has a way to
generate WSDL from Java, and to generate Java from WSDL. To verify that implementations do
this in a compatible manner, half of the tests in the JAX-WS and JWS portions of the CTS
require that you rst rebuild them using your generation tools.
This appendix contains the following sections:
“H.1 Overview” on page 203
“H.2 Rebuilding the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure” on page 204
“H.3 Rebuilding the Tests Manually” on page 207
“H.4 wsgen Reference” on page 208
“H.5 wsimport Reference” on page 211
H.1 Overview
The set of prebuilt JAX-WS and JWS archives and classes that ship with the CTS were built
using Sun Reference Implementation tools (wsgen and wsimport), and must be deployed and
run against your Java Platform, Enterprise Edition implementation. These tests are referred to
as forward tests.
You must also rebuild the archives and classes associated with these tests using your generation
tools, and then deploy and run them against the Sun Reference Implementation. These tests are
known as reverse tests. The test names of all the tests that will be run against the Sun Reference
Implementation are identical to the forward test names found in the client Java source les, with
the added sux of _reverse. Essentially, for each forward test, there is an identical reverse test.
This ensures that the same behaviors are veried on each implementation.
Note – The same test client source le is used for each forward and reverse test. Likewise, they
also share the same test description, which only appears under the forward test name in the
client Java source le.
To be able to run the entire test suite in a single run, you must have your Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition implementation and the Sun Reference Implementation congured
simultaneously. See “Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and VI for
Interop/Rebuildable Tests” on page 60 for more information.
H.2 Rebuilding the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure
Instead of rebuilding and overwriting the prebuilt classes and archives for each test directory,
the JAX-WS and JWS components of the CTS provide a way for you to plug in your generation
tools so that you may leverage the existing build infrastructure that creates new classes and
archives alongside those that ship with the CTS.
To Rebuild the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure
Create your own version of the Ant tasks WsImport and WsGen.
Documentation for these tasks can be found later in this appendix:
“H.4 wsgen Reference” on page 208
“H.5 wsimport Reference” on page 211
Set the wsimport.ant.classname and wsgen.ant.classname properties in
<TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte to point to your implementations of the above two tasks.
FIGURE H–1 JAX-WS and JWS Test Paths
Java EE
Java EE
Java EE
Forward JAX-WS/
VI Mapping
VI Mapping
VI Mapping
Java EE
Java EE
Java EE
H.2 Rebuilding the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011204
Change to the appropriate test directory (jaxws or jws) and execute the following build target:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant clean build
You must do this separately for both the jaxws and jws test directories.
The clean and build targets may be executed in any subdirectory under
<TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws or <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jws as
long as the system property is also set. Failure to set this property while
invoking these targets will result in the prebuilt classes and archives being deleted and/or
After completing the steps above, the rebuilt class les will appear under
<TS_HOME>/classes_vi_built so as not to aect class les that were generated and compiled
with the Sun Reference Implementation. Rebuilt archives will be prexed with the string
vi_built, and will be created in the same directory (under <TS_HOME>/dist) as those built
using the Sun Reference Implementation.
Note – None of the original test client source code or the service endpoint implementation test
source code may be altered in any way by a Vendor as part of the rebuild process.
Example: To Rebuild a Single Test Directory
Change to the
<TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws/ee/w2j/document/literal/httptest directory.
Run <TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant llc.
The following is a listing of classes built using the Sun RI.
$TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant llc
total 60
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13825 Apr 12 08:32 Client.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2104 Apr 12 08:32 HelloImpl.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1153 Apr 12 08:32 Hello.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 793 Apr 12 08:32 HelloOneWay.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 796 Apr 12 08:32 HelloRequest.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 799 Apr 12 08:32 HelloResponse.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1564 Apr 12 08:32 HttpTestService.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2845 Apr 12 08:32 ObjectFactory.class
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 512 Apr 12 08:32 generated_classes/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 293 Apr 12 08:32 package-info.class
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 512 Apr 12 08:31 generated_sources/
H.2 Rebuilding the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure
Appendix H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWSTests 205
Run <TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant lld.
This shows you the listing of archives built using the Sun RI.
$TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant lld
total 286
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 113318 Apr 12 08:32 WSW2JDLHttpTest.war
Once your <TS_HOME>/bin/ts.jte le is congured and your implementations of the wsgen
and wsimport tasks are specied, run the following command:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant build
This builds the classes and archives using your implementation. Once this has been done
successfully, proceed to the next step.
Run <TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant llc.
This shows you the listing of classes (under <TS_HOME>/classes_vi_built) built using your
$TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant llc
total 60
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1153 Apr 12 12:01 Hello.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 793 Apr 12 12:01 HelloOneWay.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 796 Apr 12 12:01 HelloRequest.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 799 Apr 12 12:01 HelloResponse.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1564 Apr 12 12:01 HttpTestService.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2845 Apr 12 12:01 ObjectFactory.class
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 512 Apr 12 12:01 generated_classes/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 293 Apr 12 12:01 package-info.class
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 512 Apr 12 12:01 generated_sources/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2104 Apr 12 08:33 HelloImpl.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13825 Apr 12 08:33 Client.class
Run <TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant lld.
This shows the listing of all archives and Sun RI deployment plan descriptors for this test
directory. Those built using your implementation are prepended with vi_built_.
$TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant lld
total 286
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22676 Apr 12 12:01 vi_built_WSW2JDLHttpTest.war
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 113318 Apr 12 08:32 WSW2JDLHttpTest.war
H.2 Rebuilding the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011206
Tip – Running the clean target while specifying the system property will only clean
the classes and archives that you rebuilt. To clean them, run:
<TS_HOME>/tools/ant/bin/ant clean
Notice that the vi_built classes and archives are deleted.
Once you have successfully built the archives using your implementation, proceed to
“Conguring a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition RI and VI for Interop/Rebuildable Tests” on
page 60 to learn how to deploy these archives and how to run the reverse tests.
H.3 Rebuilding the Tests Manually
When rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWS test classes, it is strongly recommended that you use the
procedure described in “H.2 Rebuilding the Tests Using the CTS Infrastructure” on page 204.
However, if you choose not to use the CTS infrastructure to rebuild the tests, you can use the
following procedure to rebuild the classes manually.
To Rebuild the Tests Manually
Run your tools in each of the jaxws and jws test directories, under
<TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws and <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jws,
Be sure to place all newly compiled classes under <TS_HOME>/classes_vi_built. Also be sure
not to overwrite any of the compiled classes under <TS_HOME>/classes.
Use the existing customization les and/or any handler les that exist in each of the test
Package the newly generated artifacts and all the other required classes into new EAR les,
prepeded with the string vi_built_.
These EAR les must follow all naming conventions as those found in the EARs built with the
CTS infrastructure, and should reside in the same directory with the prebuilt EAR les under
<TS_HOME>/dist directory.
As part of the manual rebuild process, you may also need to modify some of the following les.
However, this is not recommended, since doing so can result in the tests not being able to be
built or run the prebuilt archives shipped with the CTS. The les you may need to modify are:
XML les in <TS_HOME>/bin/xml; these les are used to generate the various EAR les.
Any build.xml le in <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws or
H.3 Rebuilding the Tests Manually
Appendix H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWSTests 207
The <TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws/common/common.xml and
<TS_HOME>/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jws/common/common.xml les, which are the main
build les used for the jaxws and jws build processes. These common.xml les contain all the
Ant tasks specic to invoking the jaxws and jws tools.
Note – None of the original test client source code or the service endpoint implementation test
source code is to be altered in any way by a Vendor as part of the rebuild process.
H.4 wsgen Reference
The wsgen tool generates Java EE 6 portable artifacts used in Java EE 6 Web services. The tool
reads a Web service endpoint class and generates all the required artifacts for Web service
deployment and invocation.
This section contains the following topics:
“H.4.1 wsgen Syntax” on page 208
“H.4.2 wsgen Ant Task” on page 209
“H.4.3 wsgen Example” on page 211
H.4.1 wsgen Syntax
wsgen [options] <SEI>
TABLE H–1 wsgen Command Syntax
Option Description
-classpath <path> Specify where to nd input class les.
-cp <path> Same as -classpath <path>.
-d <directory> Specify where to place generated output les.
-extension Allow vendor extensions (functionality not specied
by the specication). Use of extensions may result in
applications that are not portable or may not
interoperate with other implementations.
-help Display help.
-keep Keep generated les.
-r <directory> Used only in conjunction with the -wsdl option.
Specify where to place generated resource les such as
H.4 wsgen Reference
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011208
TABLE H–1 wsgen Command Syntax (Continued)
Option Description
-s <directory> Specify where to place generated source les.
-verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing.
-version Print version information. Use of this option will
ONLY print version information; normal processing
will not occur.
-wsdl[:protocol] By default wsgen does not generate a WSDL le. This
ag is optional and will cause wsgen to generate a
WSDL le and is usually only used so that the
developer can look at the WSDL before the endpoint
is deployed. The protocol is optional and is used to
specify what protocol should be used in the
wsdl:binding. Valid protocols include: soap1.1 and
Xsoap1.2. The default is soap1.1.Xsoap1.2 is not
standard and can only be used in conjunction with the
-extension option.
-servicename <name> Used only in conjunction with the -wsdl option. Used
to specify a particular wsdl:service name to be
generated in the WSDL; for example:
-servicename "{http://mynamespace/}MyService"
-portname <name> Used only in conjunction with the -wsdl option. Used
to specify a particular wsdl:port name to be
generated in the WSDL; for example:
-portname "{http://mynamespace/}MyPort"
H.4.2 wsgen Ant Task
An Ant task for the wsgen tool is provided along with the tool. The attributes and elements
supported by the Ant task are listed below.
destdir="directory for generated class files"
classpath="classpath"| cp="classpath"
resourcedestdir="directory for generated resource files such as WSDLs"
sourcedestdir="directory for generated source files"
H.4 wsgen Reference
Appendix H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWSTests 209
<classpath refid="..."/>
TABLE H–2 wsgen Attributes and Elements
Attribute Description Command Line
sei Name of the service endpoint
implementation class.
destdir Specify where to place output
generated classes.
classpath Specify where to nd input class
cp Same as -classpath. -cp
resourcedestdir Used only in conjunction with the
-wsdl option. Specify where to
place generated resource les such
as WSDLs.
sourcedestdir Specify where to place generated
source les.
keep Keep generated les. -keep
verbose Output messages about what the
compiler is doing.
genwsdl Specify that a WSDL le should be
protocol Used in conjunction with genwsdl
to specify the protocol to use in the
wsdl:binding. Value values are
soap1.1or Xsoap1.2, default is
soap1.1.Xsoap1.2is not standard
and can only be used in
conjunction with the -extensions
servicename Used in conjunction with the
genwsdl option. Used to specify a
particular wsdl:service name for
the generated WSDL; for example:
H.4 wsgen Reference
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011210
TABLE H–2 wsgen Attributes and Elements (Continued)
Attribute Description Command Line
portname Used in conjunction with the
genwsdl option. Used to specify a
particular wsdl:portmame name
for the generated WSDL; for
extension Allow vendor extensions
(functionality not specied by the
specication). Use of extensions
may result in applications that are
not portable or may not
interoperate with other
The classpath attribute is a path-like structure and can also be set via nested <classpath>
elements. Before this task can be used, a <taskdef> element needs to be added to the project as
shown below.
<taskdef name="wsgen"classname="">
<classpath path="jaxws.classpath"/>
where jaxws.classpath is a reference to a path-like structure, dened elsewhere in the build
environment, and contains the list of classes required by the Java EE 6 tools.
H.4.3 wsgen Example
<classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
H.5 wsimport Reference
The wsimport tool generates Java EE 6 portable artifacts, such as:
Service Endpoint Interface (SEI)
Exception class mapped from wsdl:fault (if any)
Async Reponse Bean derived from response wsdl:message (if any)
JAXB generated value types (mapped Java classes from schema types)
H.5 wsimport Reference
Appendix H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWSTests 211
These artifacts can be packaged in a WAR le with the WSDL and schema documents along
with the endpoint implementation to be deployed.
The wsimport tool can be launched using the command line script (UNIX) or
wsimport.bat (Windows). There is also an Ant task to import and compile the WSDL.
This section contains the following topics:
“H.5.1 wsimport Syntax” on page 212
“H.5.2 wsimport Ant Task” on page 213
“H.5.3 wsimport Examples” on page 216
H.5.1 wsimport Syntax
wsimport [options] <wsdl>
TABLE H–3 wsimport Command Syntax
Option Description
-d <directory> Specify where to place generated output les.
-b <path> Specify external Java EE 6 or JAXB binding les (Each
<file> must have its own -b).
-B <jaxbOption> Pass this option to JAXB schema compiler
-catalog Specify catalog le to resolve external entity
references, it supports TR9401,XCatalog, and OASIS
XML Catalog format. Please read the Catalog Support
document (
2.2/docs/catalog-support.html)or see the
wsimport_catalog sample.
-extension Allow vendor extensions (functionality not specied
by the specication). Use of extensions may result in
applications that are not portable or may not
interoperate with other implementations.
-help Display help.
-httpproxy:<host>:<port> Specify an HTTP proxy server (port defaults to 8080).
-keep Keep generated les.
-p Specifying a target package with this command-line
option overrides any WSDL and schema binding
customization for package name and the default
package name algorithm dened in the specication.
-s <directory> Specify where to place generated source les.
H.5 wsimport Reference
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011212
TABLE H–3 wsimport Command Syntax (Continued)
Option Description
-verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing.
-version Print version information.
-wsdllocation <location> @WebService.wsdlLocation and
@WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation value.
-target Generate code for the specied version of the Java EE
6 specication. For example, a value of 2.0 generates
code that is compliant with the Java EE 6 2.0
Specication. The default value is 2.2.
-quiet Suppress wsimport output.
-XadditionalHeaders Map the headers not bound to request or response
message to Java method parameters.
-Xauthfile le to carry authorization information in the format
Default value is $HOME/.metro/auth.
-Xdebug Print debug information.
-Xno-addressing-databinding Enable binding of W3C EndpointReferenceType to
-Xnocompile Do not compile generated Java les.
-XdisableSSLHostnameVerification Disbales the SSL Hostname verication while fetching
the wsdls.
Multiple Java EE 6 and JAXB binding les can be specied using the -b option, and they can be
used to customize various things like package names, bean names, etc. More information on
Java EE 6 and JAXB binding les can be found in the customization documentation
H.5.2 wsimport Ant Task
An Ant task for the wsimport tool is provided along with the tool. The attributes and elements
supported by the Ant task are listed below.
destdir="directory for generated class files"
sourcedestdir="directory for generated source files"
H.5 wsimport Reference
Appendix H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWSTests 213
catalog="catalog file"
package="package name"
target="target release"
xauthfile="authorization file"
<binding dir="..."includes="..."/>
<arg value="..."/>
<xjcarg value="..."/>
<xmlcatalog refid="another catalog file"/>>
TABLE H–4 wsimport Attributes and Elements
Attribute Description Command Line
wsdl WSDL le. WSDL
destdir Specify where to place output
generated classes
sourcedestdir Specify where to place generated
source les, keep is turned on with
this option
keep Keep generated les, turned on
with sourcedestdir option
verbose Output messages about what the
compiler is doing
binding Specify external Java EE 6 or JAXB
binding les
extension Allow vendor extensions
(functionality not specied by the
specication). Use of extensions
may result in applications that are
not portable or may not
interoperate with other
H.5 wsimport Reference
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011214
TABLE H–4 wsimport Attributes and Elements (Continued)
Attribute Description Command Line
wsdllocation The WSDL URI passed through
this option is used to set the value
of @WebService.wsdlLocation
annotation elements on the
generated SEI and Service interface
catalog Specify catalog le to resolve
external entity references, it
supports TR9401,XCatalog, and
OASIS XML Catalog format.
Additionally, the Ant xmlcatalog
type can be used to resolve entities.
See the wsimport_catalog sample
for more information.
package Species the target package -p
target Generate code for the specied
version of the Java EE 6
specication. For example, a value
of 2.0 generates code that is
compliant with the Java EE 6 2.0
Specication. The default value is
quiet Suppress wsimport output. -quiet
xadditionalHeaders Map headers not bound to request
or response message to Java
method parameters.
xauthfile File to carry authorization
information in the format
xdebug Print debug information. -Xdebug
xNoAddressingDatabinding Enable binding of W3C
EndpointReferenceType to Java.
xnocompile Do not compile generated Java
The binding attribute is like a path-like structure and can also be set via nested <binding>
elements, respectively. Before this task can be used, a <taskdef> element needs to be added to
the project as shown below.
H.5 wsimport Reference
Appendix H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWSTests 215
<taskdef name="wsimport"classname="">
<classpath path="jaxws.classpath"/>
where jaxws.classpath is a reference to a path-like structure, dened elsewhere in the build
environment, and contains the list of classes required by the Java EE 6 tools.
H.5.2.1 Nested Elements
wsimport supports the following nested element parameters.
To specify more than one binding le at the same time, use a nested <binding> element, which
has the same syntax as <fileset>. See the FileSet section in the Ant manual for more
Additional command line arguments passed to the wsimport Ant task. For details about the
syntax, see the arg section in the Ant manual. This nested element can be used to specify various
options not natively supported in the wsimport Ant task. For example, currently there is no
native support for the -XdisableSSLHostnameVerification command-line option for
wsimport. This nested element can be used to pass –X command-line options directly, as done
with –XadditionalHeaders. To use any of these features from the wsimport Ant task, you must
specify the appropriate nested <arg> elements.
The usage of xjcarg is similar to that of the <arg> nested element, except that these arguments
are passed directly to the XJC tool (JAXB Schema Compiler), which compiles the schema that
the WSDL references. For details about the syntax, see the arg section in the Ant manual.
The xmlcatalog element is used to resolve entities when parsing schema documents.
H.5.3 wsimport Examples
The above example generates client-side artifacts for AddNumbers.wsdl and stores .class les
in the destination directory using the custom.xml customization le. The classpath used is
xyz.jar and compiles with debug information on.
H.5 wsimport Reference
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011216
<binding dir="${basedir}/etc"includes="custom.xml"/>
The above example generates portable artifacts for AddNumbers.wsdl, stores .java les in the
destination directory, and stores .class les in the same directory.
H.5 wsimport Reference
Appendix H Rebuilding the JAX-WS and JWSTests 217
Context Root Mapping Rules forWeb Services
The context root mapping rules that are described in this chapter apply to all of the web services
test areas, including jaxrpc,jaxws,jws,webservices,webservices12, and webservices13.
I.1 Servlet-Based Web Service Endpoint Context Root
This section describes the context root mapping for servlet-based web services endpoints and
clients. Since most of the Sun application runtime and Sun Web runtime deployment
descriptor les have been removed in Java EE 6, the context root mapping for web archives in
the Java EE 6 RI becomes the base name of the Web archive le without the le extension. For
example, the context root for the archive web-client.war defaults to web-client.
This covers the mapping for all servlet-based web services endpoints and clients under theJava
EE 6 CTS test trees [jaxrpc, jaxws, jws, webservices, webservices12, webservices13].
For example, for the jaxws test directory that is shown below, the context root mapping will be:
WSW2JDLHttpTest_web.war --> context root: WSW2JDLHttpTest_web
WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsservlet_vehicle_web.war --> context root: WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsservlet_vehicle_web
% cd $TS_HOME/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxws/ee/w2j/document/literal/httptest
% $TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant ld
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest.ear
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_web.war
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_web.war.sun-web.xml
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsappclient_vehicle.ear
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsappclient_vehicle_client.jar
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsappclient_vehicle_client.jar.sun-application-client.xml
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsejb_vehicle.ear
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsejb_vehicle_client.jar
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsejb_vehicle_client.jar.sun-application-client.xml
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsejb_vehicle_ejb.jar
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsejb_vehicle_ejb.jar.sun-ejb-jar.xml
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsservlet_vehicle.ear
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsservlet_vehicle_web.war
[echo] WSW2JDLHttpTest_wsservlet_vehicle_web.war.sun-web.xml
For example, for the jaxrpc test directory shown below, the context root mapping will be:
W2JREMarshallTest_web.war --> context root: W2JREMarshallTest_web
W2JREMarshallTest_jsp_vehicle_web.war --> context root: W2JREMarshallTest_jsp_vehicle_web
W2JREMarshallTest_servlet_vehicle_web.war --> context root: W2JREMarshallTest_servlet_vehicle_web
% cd $TS_HOME/src/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrpc/ee/w2j/rpc/encoded/marshalltest
% $TS_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant ld
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest.ear
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_appclient_vehicle.ear
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_appclient_vehicle_client.jar
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_appclient_vehicle_client.jar.sun-application-client.xml
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_ejb_vehicle.ear
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_ejb_vehicle_client.jar
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_ejb_vehicle_client.jar.sun-application-client.xml
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_ejb_vehicle_ejb.jar
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_ejb_vehicle_ejb.jar.sun-ejb-jar.xml
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_jsp_vehicle.ear
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_jsp_vehicle_web.war
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_jsp_vehicle_web.war.sun-web.xml
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_servlet_vehicle.ear
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_servlet_vehicle_web.war
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_servlet_vehicle_web.war.sun-web.xml
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_web.war
[echo] W2JREMarshallTest_web.war.sun-web.xml
For Web archives, the context root mapping becomes the base name of the Web archive le
minus the extension.
I.2 EJB-Based Web Service Endpoint Context Root Mapping
This section describes the context root mapping for EJB-based web services endpoints and
clients. The context root mapping for EJB-based web services and clients is based on the
following mapping rules that are used for the Java EE 6 RI.
The following algorithm describes the context root mapping rules that are used by the Java EE 6
Reference Implementation.
if sun-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor exists
if <endpoint-address-uri> tag exists
context root = value of <endpoint-address-uri>
if annotation is specified on implementation bean
context root = WSDL Service Name+/
context root = WSDL Service Name+/+Simple Bean Class Name
I.2 EJB-Based Web Service Endpoint Context Root Mapping
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 CompatibilityTest Suite User's Guide July 1, 2011220
if annotation is specified on implementation bean
context root = WSDL Service Name+/
context root = WSDL Service Name+/+Simple Bean Class Name
For example, these are the context root mappings for the webservices12/ejb/annotations
-------------- -------------------------------------
Test Directory Context Root = <endpoint-address-uri>
-------------- -------------------------------------
WSEjbMultipleClientInjectionTest1 "WSEjbMultipleClientInjectionTest1/ejb"
WSEjbMultipleClientInjectionTest2 "WSEjbMultipleClientInjectionTest2/ejb"
WSEjbNoWebServiceRefInClientTest "WSEjbNoWebServiceRefInClientTest/ejb"
WSEjbNoWebServiceRefInClientTest "WSEjbNoWebServiceRefInClientTest/ejb"
WSEjbPortFieldInjectionTest "WSEjbPortFieldInjectionTest/ejb"
WSEjbPortMethodInjectionTest "WSEjbPortMethodInjectionTest/ejb"
WSEjbSOAPHandlersTest "WSEjbSOAPHandlersTest/ejb"
WSEjbSOAPHandlersTest2 "WSEjbSOAPHandlersTest2"/ejb"
WSEjbWebServiceProviderTest "WSEjbWebServiceProviderTest/ejb"
WSEjbWebServiceRefTest2 "WSEjbWebServiceRefTest2/ejb"
WSEjbAsyncTest "WSEjbAsyncTest/ejb"
The following two test directories under the webservices12/ejb/annotations do not specify
the <endpoint-address-uri> deployment tag or do not contain a Sun EJB JAR runtime
deployment descriptor le. Because of this, the context root is calculated using the previously
described formula. In both cases, the context root is calculated as (WSDL Service Name + / +
Simple Bean Class Name).
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Test Directory Context Root = <WSDL Service Name/Simple Bean Class Name>
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
WSEjbWebServiceRefTest1 "WSEjbWebServiceRefTest1HelloService/HelloBean"
WSEjbWebServiceRefWithNoDDsTest "WSEjbWSRefWithNoDDsTestHelloEJBService/WSEjbWSRefWithNoDDsTestHelloEJB"
The context root mappings for some, but not all, tests also exist in the DAT les under the
$TS_HOME/bin directory. These include the jaxrpc-url-props.dat,jaxws-url-props.dat,
jws-url-props.dat, and webservices12-url-props.dat les.
Licensees can use the previously described information in their porting implementation layer
for web services.
I.2 EJB-Based Web Service Endpoint Context Root Mapping
Appendix I Context Root Mapping Rules forWeb Services Tests 221

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