Jfm Instructions

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This draft was prepared using the LaTeX style file belonging to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1Guidelines for authors and submissiontemplateAlan N. Other1†, H. - C. Smith1and J. Q. Public21Department of Chemical Engineering, University of America, Somewhere, IN 12345, USA2Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Camford, AcademicStreet, Camford CF3 5QL, UK(Received xx; revised xx; accepted xx)This file contains instructions for authors planning to submit a paper to the Journal ofFluid Mechanics. These instructions were generated in LATEX using the JFM style, so theLATEX source file can be used as a template for submissions. The present paragraphappears in the abstract environment. All papers should feature a single-paragraphabstract of no more than 250 words, which provides a summary of the main aims andresults.Key words: Authors should not enter keywords on the manuscript, as these mustbe chosen by the author during the online submission process and will then be addedduring the typesetting process (see http://journals.cambridge.org/data/relatedlink/jfm-keywords.pdf for the full list)1. How to submit to the Journal of Fluid MechanicsAuthors must submit using the online submission and peer review system, Scholar OneManuscripts (formerly Manuscript Central) at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jfm. Ifvisiting the site for the first time, users must create a new account by clicking on ‘registerhere’. Once logged in, authors should click on the ‘Corresponding Author Centre’, fromwhich point a new manuscript can be submitted, with step-by-step instructions provided.Authors must at this stage specify whether the submission is a standard paper, or aJFM Rapids paper (see §4 for more details). In addition, authors must specify an editorto whom the paper will be submitted from the drop-down list provided. Note that alleditors exclusively deal with either standard papers or JFM Rapids (clearly indicated onthe list), so please ensure that you choose an editor accordingly. Corresponding authorsmust provide a valid ORCID ID in order to submit a manuscript, either by linking anexisting ORCID profile to your ScholarOne account or by creating a new ORCID profile.Once your submission is completed you will receive an email confirmation. Book reviewsshould not be submitted via the online submission site and should instead be submittedby email to c.p.caulfield@damtp.cam.ac.uk.2. Rules of submissionSubmission of a paper implies a declaration by the author that the work has notpreviously been published, that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and†Email address for correspondence: jfm@damtp.cam.ac.uk
2A. N. Other, H.-C. Smith and J. Q. Publicthat it has not already been considered by a different editor of the Journal. Note that areport on a conference must be submitted within 3 months of the meeting.3. Types of paper3.1. Standard papersRegular submissions to JFM are termed ‘standard papers’. Note that such papers mustcontain original research, as review articles are not published in JFM. Papers should bewritten in a concise manner; though JFM has no page limit, each paper will be judgedon its own merits, and those deemed excessive in length will be rejected or will requiresignificant revision.3.2. JFM RapidsJFM Rapids is devoted to the rapid publication of short, high-impact papers acrossthe full range of fluid mechanics. Manuscripts submitted as Rapids must be strictly 10or fewer printed pages, and must be submitted in LATEX using the jfm.cls class file, so asto ensure that they meet the page limit and to expedite their production. The principaland over-riding objective is to publish papers of the highest scientific quality.Once a paper is submitted, referees are asked to provide reports with a shortturnaround. In order to be accepted for publication in JFM Rapids, such papers mustrequire only minor revisions to improve clarity, usually without recourse to a secondround of refereeing. In this case, and at the discretion of the editor, some additionalpages may be allowed to address specific points raised by the referees, such as theaddition of an extra figure or some explanatory text.In cases where the editor, guided by the referees, judges that a paper has merit butrequires substantial revision that will require significant refereeing, a decision of ‘reviseand resubmit’ will be given. On re-submission, such papers will be handled as standardJFM papers and if accepted will not subsequently appear as JFM Rapids.Rapids will be published online within one month of final acceptance. They will appearwithin a designated section on the Journal of Fluid Mechanics website. Each Rapid willbe cited and indexed as a JFM article but with a distinctive Rapids identifier, and willbe assigned to a JFM volume. Rapids will not be included in the regular print versionsof JFM, and accordingly they incur no colour figure charges.4. File typesAuthors are strongly encouraged to compose their papers in LATEX, using the jfm.clsstyle file and supporting files provided athttps://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-mechanics/information/instructions-contributors, with the jfm-instructions.tex file serving as a template (notethat this is mandatory for JFM Rapids). A PDF of the LATEX file should then be generatedand submitted via the submission site. Please note that PDFs larger than 10MB are notacceptable for review. There is no need to submit the LATEX source file alongside thePDF, but upon provisional acceptance of the paper, the LATEX source file, along withindividual figure files and a PDF of the final version, will need to be submitted fortypesetting purposes. Authors may also compose standard papers in Word, though thiswill lead to the paper spending a longer period in production. If using Word, please notethat equations must NOT be converted to picture format and the file must be savedwith the option ‘make equation editable’. All submitted video abstract files should be

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