Typesetting Guidelines For JOT Manual

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Journal of Object Technology
Published by AITO — Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets

Typesetting guidelines
for the Journal of Object Technology
Damien Polleta

Oscar Nierstraszb

Stéphane Ducassea

Lynn V. Siebelab
a. RMoD, Inria Lille Nord Europe, France
b. Software Composition Group, University of Bern, Switzerland

Abstract This short manual documents the jot.cls LATEX document
class, and provides guidelines and advice on how to use it to prepare and
typeset article manuscripts for submission to JOT, the Journal of Object

typography, guideline, manual

1 Installation and compatibility
The jot.cls project is hosted online at http://github.com/jotfm/jot. You can
download stable versions from there, or directly clone the development sources from
the version control repository. To install the package, simply copy the files somewhere
where TEX can find them.
The class is developed and tested using the pdfLATEX toolchain, which is readily
available in any modern TEX distribution; the author uses TEXlive on a Mac. Besides
pdfTEX, other TEX engines or backends like dvips or dvipdfm should work but are
not supported.1 The jot.cls class requires the following packages, which are all part
of the standard TEXlive contents:
1 The code does nothing to break them, at least not intentionally, so authors are free to work;
nevertheless, in case the journal editors have to recompile articles from the LATEX sources, it’s best if
all submissions are guaranteed to compile cleanly with a single engine.

Damien Pollet, Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse, Lynn V. Siebel. Typesetting guidelines for the
Journal of Object Technology. Licensed under . In Journal of Object Technology, vol. 0, 2010,
pages 0:1–8. Available at http://github.com/jotfm/jot

2 · Damien Pollet et al.

〈packages and preamble declarations〉
\title{ 〈paper title〉 }
\author[〈info〉]{〈name〉}{ 〈bio text〉 }
〈more authors. . . 〉
\affiliation{〈identifier〉}{ 〈description〉 }
〈more affiliations. . . 〉
\jotdetails{ 〈publication information〉 }
〈· · ·〉
\keywords{〈comma-separated list〉}
〈manuscript content. . . 〉
〈appendices. . . 〉
\bibliography{〈bib files〉}
〈· · ·〉
Listing 1 – Template for a new article main source file.

2 General document structure
The jot.cls class builds on the standard article.cls from LATEX, so the document
structure is pretty standard. The main differences concern how to declare the title,
authors, affiliations, and publication information, and the end of the document. See
Listing 1, as well as the template.tex file in the jot.cls distribution for a more
complete, reusable starting point.
We describe the syntax of the commands in details in the next section. For now,
here is a summary of the differences:
• title and author information is declared in the preamble and is automatically
typeset; there is no need to call the \maketitle macro at the beginning of the
• authors are declared independently, using one \author declaration each, and
similarly for affiliations;
• the \jotdetails command specifies journal publication information such as
year, volume, number. . .

Journal of Object Technology, vol. 0, 2010

Typesetting guidelines for JOT



The main body of the article is organized just like with the standard article class,
until we get to \backmatter. This declaration marks the end of the manuscript text
and the beginning of reference material; floating figures or tables that were postponed
from the article body will be typeset at that point. If you need appendices, they should
go just after \backmatter; the bibliographic references and the author biographies
should always end the article.

3 Preamble, title, author, and publication data
3.1 Title
Define the title the usual way, using \title; if your title spans multiple lines, you can
use \\ to split it at better points.
The main title is automatically used in page headers and PDF metadata, but you
can override it using the optional declarations \runningtitle or \pdftitle. Usually
only the \runningtitle override will be necessary because \pdftitle takes the same
value by default.

3.2 Author information
In contrast with the standard LATEX classes, authors are declared separately, using an
\author declaration each. Authors will appear in the order they were declared.
\author[〈options〉]{〈name〉}{〈bio text〉}
The first mandatory argument 〈name〉 defines the author’s name. Nothing else should
go there, as this value is used in several points in the typesetting; in particular, the
\thanks macro is inactive: use the affiliation, acknowledgments, or biography texts
The second mandatory parameter 〈bio text〉 defines the biography and contact
paragraphs that appear at the end of the article, in the About the authors section;
leaving 〈bio text〉 completely empty will suppress this author’s entry there.
The optional parameter 〈options〉 is a list of comma-separated key=value definitions:
• affiliation=lab, or affiliation={lab1,lab2}
Attach affiliations with the given identifiers to the author.
• photo=filename
Point to the image file with the author’s portrait. No need to specify the file
extension. The photo should be of proper definition and proportions, however; a
square or a squarish vertical rectangle about 200–300 pixels wide is good.
• nowrap
Specify this option to adjust the layout of the biography text, if it does not flow
under the picture by at least one or a couple lines.

Journal of Object Technology, vol. 0, 2010

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Licence the authors wish to publish under
(choose from: ccby, ccbynd),
Publication year,
. . . volume,
. . . article number.



Dates of initial submission,
. . . final publication,
. . . and latest revision of the paper.



DOI identifier for the paper, without the resolver prefix URL.

Table 1 – Option keys for jotdetails.

Finally, as with the title, you can override the authors list in the headings or PDF
metadata. Both can take either the final text or an \and-separated list of authors.

3.3 Affiliations
Affiliations are typeset in an list below the names of the authors; this allows for
any ordering convention between authors and affiliations, and for authors that have
multiple affiliations. The 〈identifier〉 makes the link between the affiliation value
in the author declaration and the affiliation information. Keep the 〈description text〉
compact vertically, two or three lines at most.
\affiliation{〈identifier〉}{〈description text〉}

3.4 Publication information
The \jotdetails declaration defines publication and indexing information about the
article, in key=value form (see Table 1). Usually, you will just specify the articlespecific part of the DOI identifier with doisuffix, since all JOT articles will have a
DOI of the form 10.5381/doisuffix. The url key only serves as a fallback in the
page footers when no DOI was specified.
\jotdetails{〈key-value info〉}

3.5 Appendices and bibliography
Any appendices immediately follow the \backmatter declaration; you don’t need to
call \appendix.
Be sure to include DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for all cited articles, where

Journal of Object Technology, vol. 0, 2010

Typesetting guidelines for JOT



author = {Oscar Nierstrasz},
title = {Ten Things I Hate About Object-Oriented Programming},
journal = {Journal of Object Technology},
volume = {9},
number = {5},
issn = {1660-1769},
year = {2010},
month = sep,
doi = {10.5381/jot.2010.9.5.e1}
In the bibliography, use the alphaurl style for reference keys, to ensure that DOIs
and URLs will appear as links in the bibliography.
The bibliographic references follow the appendices; you can either adopt the BibTEX
way as shown here, or use the thebibliography environment directly.

3.6 Author biographies and acknowledgments
The \abouttheauthors declaration will typeset the authors’ bibliographies from the
data given in the preamble. For the camera-ready version, think of adjusting the
layout to the quantity of text for each author, by toggling the nowrap option in the
\author declarations.
Following this, you can use the acknowledgments environment to mention collaborations, grants, etc.

4 Floats and program code
4.1 Very wide floats
Usually you want figures and tables to occupy their natural width. When a figure is
quite large, however, you should prevent it from extending into the margin, by scaling
the graphics to the text width:
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{〈· · ·〉}
\caption{〈· · ·〉}
For tables, you can control the table width using the tabularx package.
Exceptionally, if a figure or a table really needs to be wider than the text to
be legible, you can wrap the graphics or tabular in a fullwidth environment, to
temporarily reduce the margins. The effect of fullwidth is shown in Figure 1.

4.2 Displaying code
The jot.cls sets up the listings package with generic defaults for simple, cleanlooking listings. There are three cases where you might want to display code. The first
is to mention program entities in the middle of a sentence; for this, use the \lstinline

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←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− \linewidth in the fullwidth environment −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→
←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− default \linewidth in text and floats −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→
Figure 1 – Changing the available horizontal space using the fullwidth environment. Pay
attention to not include the caption inside fullwidth, else it could produce very long
lines in small size, which is difficult to read.

command and associated facilities from listings. Note however that this command
will not work in some places like float captions, so we advise you to define an alias to
the basic font-changing command, like so:
The second case is to display a large piece of code; this requires a floating listing,
which you will get by adding the style=float option to either the lstlisting
environment or the \lstinputlisting command. Since this is a float, remember to
set the caption and label options as well. Line numbers are pre-configured, and can
be activated by adding style=numbers either to the \lstset declaration or to the
options of individual listings, as needed.
Finally, this should be rarely needed in most articles, but if you need to display
short code excerpts in the flow of paragraphs, like most examples in this document,
you can just use the regular lstlisting environment without special options.
You will probably need some additional configuration to indicate the language of
your listings, and e.g. to highlight parts of code; please refer to the documentation
of listings for more precisions, but keep the number of different text styles to a

5 Various recommendations, good practices
5.1 Encodings and language
Even though JOT is an English publication, it’s best to embrace internationalization,
and have the correct inputenc and babel package declarations in your article. We
recommend writing your LATEX source code in an UTF-8 editor, but other encodings
are fine, as long as they are correctly explicited in the document preamble.

5.2 Referring to sections and floats
The hyperref package provides the \autoref command, that replaces \ref but will
automatically format the reference as needed, while making the whole reference a link,
instead of just the number. So, instead of typing see Figure~\ref{foo} by hand,
just use see \autoref{foo} instead. This works for other kinds of floats as well.
2 Highlighting

is based on visual contrast and thus relies on scarcity to be effective.

Journal of Object Technology, vol. 0, 2010

Typesetting guidelines for JOT



5.3 Better typography
In typography, attention to detail pays, but also visual simplicity and homogeneity.
With LATEX it is often tempting to use different fonts for similar concepts like classes
and files, or mathematical properties or propositions. It’s best to keep the number of
different text styles to a minimum: besides the default text font, \texttt and \emph
should cover most needs.
Tables or graphics with too many lines hamper legibility [Tuf01, chi03]; to help
minimize chartjunk and maximize data ink, jot.cls loads the booktabs package for
you. To take advantage of it:
• do not specify vertical rules in tables;
• use \toprule, \bottomrule, and few \middlerule in between, instead of
• rely on spacing and column alignment to visually separate columns (use @{\quad}
as a column separator).
The microtype package can help LATEX layout more compact paragraphs with
fewer hyphenations.

[Bri04] Robert Bringhurst. The Elements of Typographic Style. Hartley & Marks,
3.1 edition, 2004.

The Chicago Manual of Style. The University of Chicago Press, 15th edition,

[GM04] Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach. The LATEX Companion. AddisonWesley, second edition, 2004.
[HK96] Jost Hochilu and Robin Kinross. Designing books: practice and theory.
Hyphen Press, 1996.
[Knu86] Donald Erwin Knuth. The TEXbook. Addison-Wesley, 1986.
[Nie10] Oscar Nierstrasz. Ten things I hate about object-oriented programming.
Journal of Object Technology, 9(5), September 2010. doi:10.5381/jot.
[Tuf01] Edward R. Tufte. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics
Press, 2nd edition, 2001.

About the authors
Damien Pollet is an assistant professor at the Université de
Lille 1, France.
When he’s not busy hacking the LATEX document class for JOT
and maintaining various web servers, he teaches software engineering or does research in the RMoD group, on better constructs and
tools for dynamic programming languages, as well as on program
visualization and reengineering.

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Contact him at damien.pollet@inria.fr, or visit http://people.untyped.org/
Oscar Nierstrasz is a professor of computer science at the Institute of Computer Science (IAM) of the University of Bern, where
he founded the Software Composition Group in 1994.

Stéphane Ducasse is a research director at Inria Lille, where he
founded the RMoD group in 2007.

Lynn V. Siebel is a fictitious author who kindly accepted to demonstrate how the
jot.cls class handles authors with multiple affiliations, but whose smile shall remain
Acknowledgments The style and code of jot.cls was partially inspired from the
previous jotarticle.cls developed at ETH Zurich by Susanne Cech, and from the
class toc.cls for the Theory of Computing journal.

Journal of Object Technology, vol. 0, 2010


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