Lifeline_application Lifeline Application

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Effective: December 2, 2016

November 29, 2016

Star Communications Lifeline Application/Certification Form
Application for Lifeline:
 Lifeline is a federal benefit and willfully making false statements to obtain the benefit can result in
fines, imprisonment, de-enrollment or being barred from the program.
 Only one Lifeline service is available per household.
 A household is defined, for purposes of the Lifeline program, as any individual or group of individuals
who live together at the same address and share income and expenses.
 A household is not permitted to receive Lifeline benefits from multiple providers.
 Violation of the one-per-household limitation constitutes a violation of the Federal Communications
Commission’s (or “FCC”) rules and will result in the subscriber’s de-enrollment from the program.
 Lifeline is a non-transferable benefit and the subscriber may not transfer his or her benefit to any
other person.
How to apply:
1. Choose whether you will apply because you participate in a qualifying program or because your total
household income falls within the guidelines.
2. Fill out the form on the back. You must indicate your service address, billing address (if not the same
as your service address), SSN and date of birth.
3. You must provide photocopies of either the program or income documents.
4. You must sign the bottom of the application indicating that you are complying with the Lifeline benefit
How to recertify:
1. Check appropriate box on the back of this form.
2. Return this form with your signature to the cooperative within 30 days of receipt.
Qualifying Methods
You may qualify for Lifeline either because you participate in one of the following programs or because
your income is within the following guidelines. NOTE: You may receive Social Security and Medicare
benefits, but to qualify for Lifeline, you must receive benefits from one of the following
programs or your income must fall within the guidelines.
NEW APPLICANTS - You MUST send photocopies of any qualifying documentation. NOTE: SEND
Program Eligibility
 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
 Survivors Benefits
 Supplemental Security Income
 Federal Public Housing/Section 8
 Medicaid
 Federal Veterans Pension
Documentation includes a photocopy of a benefit card, statement of benefits, or an award letter issued in
the current or previous year.
Income Eligibility
Annual Income 135% Thresholds Based on Household Size


$16,038 $21,627 $27,216 $32,805 $38,394 $43,983 $49,586 $55,202

For each additional person
+ $5,616/person

Documentation needed to qualify for Lifeline through income is noted on next page.


Effective: December 2, 2016

November 29, 2016

Star Communications Lifeline Application/Certification Form
When completed, mail or fax form to:
Star Communications, P.O. Box 348, Clinton, NC 28329
Fax to 910-564-2549
Customer Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Customer Service Address: _______________________________Temporary(required): Yes: __No: __
City: _______________________State: ________________Zip Code: __________________________
Customer Bill Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________State: ______________Zip Code: ____________________________
Customer’s Home Telephone: ___________________________________________________________
Customer’s Social Security Number: _____________________________________________________
Customer’s Date of Birth xx/xx/xxx: _____________________________________________________
 New Applicant
 Recertification – documentation is not necessary
Sign and return within 30 days of receipt or discount will be denied.
Please choose 1 OR 2:
1. I certify that I participate in at least one of the following programs (check all that apply) and (NEW APPLICANT
ONLY) I am providing a photocopy of a document that demonstrates my participation in one of these programs.
 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
 Survivors Benefit
 Federal Veterans Pension
 Federal Public Housing/Section 8
 Medicaid
 Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
If discount is based on someone other than the qualifying member, list relationship to qualifying member and complete the following:
Name: __________________ DOB: __________ SSN: _________________ Relationship to Qualifying Member: _________________

2. I certify that my total household income falls within the guidelines listed on Page 1 and I also certify that this is
how many people live in my household (required): Adults ____ Children _____. (NEW APPLICANT ONLY) I am
providing a photocopy of the following qualifying documents:
 Prior year’s state or federal tax return
 Divorce Decree
 Current income statement from an employer
 Retirement/Pension Statement of Benefits
 Child Support Document
 Unemployment/Workmen’s Compensation Statement of Benefits
 Paycheck stubs for 3 consecutive months (within
 Federal notice letter of participation in General Assistance
the last 12 months)
 Veterans Administration Statement of Benefits
 Social Security Statement of Benefits
 Other official document containing income information
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that:
1. _____I meet the income-based or program-based eligibility criteria for receiving Lifeline, shown above.
2. _____I will notify the carrier within 30 days if for any reason I no longer satisfy the criteria for receiving Lifeline
including, as relevant, if I no longer meet the income-based or program-based criteria for receiving Lifeline
support, I am receiving more than one Lifeline benefit, or another member of my household is receiving a Lifeline
3. _____If I move to a new address, I will provide that new address to Star Communications within 30 days.
4. _____My household will receive only one Lifeline service and, to the best of my knowledge, my household is not
already receiving a Lifeline service.
5. _____The information contained in this certification form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
6. _____I acknowledge that providing false or fraudulent information to receive Lifeline benefits is punishable by law.
7. _____I acknowledge that I may be required to re-certify my continued eligibility for Lifeline at any time, and my
failure to re-certify my continued eligibility will result in de-enrollment and the termination of my Lifeline benefits.
I hereby authorize Star Communications to release any of my information contained in this Lifeline Application required
for the administration of the Lifeline program to the FCC or its designee, including the Universal Service Administrative
Company, and to any state and federal agency, as required by law.
Date of Eligibility of Benefits received: _______________________________________
Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________________Date: ___________________________
For agent use only:
Cooperative Reviewing Representative Name: _________________________________________ Date Reviewed: _______________
Type of document for program eligibility: __________________ Type of document for income eligibility: ________________________



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Author                          : Cynthia Horne
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Create Date                     : 2016:11:30 14:38:34-05:00
Modify Date                     : 2016:11:30 14:38:34-05:00
Producer                        : Microsoft® Word 2013
EXIF Metadata provided by

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