Lipics V2018 Manual






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The lipics-v2018 Class
Dagstuhl Publishing
Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Oktavie-Allee, 66687 Wadern, Germany

This document provides a manual of the lipics-v2018 class including a description of the most
relevant changes in the new version lipics-v2018 of the LIPIcs style compared to the previous
version lipics-v2016. Furthermore we provide a short guideline to switch an article from
lipics-v2016 to lipics-v2018.
2012 ACM Subject Classification General and reference → Computing standards, RFCs and
Keywords and phrases LATEX, style, changelog
Supplement Material The style file including a sample document can be found at

1 Introduction


2 How to use the package


3 Some important settings and commands
3.1 Paper format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Input encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Mathematical formulas . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Theorem-like environments . . . . . . . .
3.8 Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.9 Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.10 Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.11 Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.12 Rotating floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.13 Sub-captions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.14 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.15 Line numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.16 Adding further packages and new macros






















4 Changes in lipics-v2018 compared to lipics-v2016


5 How to switch from lipics-v2016 to lipics-v2018


6 lipics-v2018 enumeration styles


© Dagstuhl Publishing; Version: 2018–02–26, 09:30 ;
licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany


The lipics-v2018 Class



The lipics-v2018 class assists in preparing articles for Leibniz International Proceedings in
Informatics with LATEX. It adapts LATEX’s standard article class to meet some requirements
for LIPIcs and provides a specific layout.
The package consists of the following files:
lipics-v2018-manual.pdf this documentation
lipics-v2018-sample-article.tex the LATEX master file, to be used as a template
lipics-v2018.cls the LATEX class file1 , providing adaptions for LIPIcs and producing the
cc-by.pdf logo1 for Creative Commons CC BY
lipics-logo-bw.pdf logo1 for LIPIcs
orcid.pdf logo1 for ORCID
This documentation is not intended to give an introduction to LATEX. For questions
concerning TEX systems/installations or the LATEX mark-up language in general please visit,, or any other TEX user group worldwide. The
essential reference for LATEX is Mittelbach F., Goossens M. (2004) The LATEX Companion.
2nd edn., but there are many other good books delivering insight into LATEX.
lipics-v2018 tries to benefit as far as possible from standard LATEX packages. (Have a
look at lipics-v2018.cls to see which packages are used.) Therefore, it should also be easy
to compile an already written manuscript with the lipics-v2018 layout. To learn more about
the underlying packages we refer to their documentations (try e.g. texdoc [package name]
at your shell prompt or visit


How to use the package

We suggest to employ a recent TEX installation: the most important distributions, TEX Live,
MiKTEX/proTEXt and MacTEX, all provide at least 2017 versions. But older versions should
(in principle) work as well.
To use lipics-v2018, put “lipics-v2018-sample-article.tex”, “lipics-v2018.cls”, “cc-by.pdf”,
“lipics-logo-bw.pdf”, and “orcid.pdf” in your working directory, edit the file “lipics-v2018sample-article.tex” in your preferred text editor and run LATEX as usual. (See the following
section for more detailed advises.)


Some important settings and commands
Paper format

You can choose between the A4 format and the US-letter format. The respective options
“a4paper” or “letterpaper” must be inserted in the optional argument of \documentclass.
For LIPIcs, A4 format is preferred and will be used to prepare the final version.



The document language is chosen in the optional argument of the \documentclass command
in the LATEX master file. Possible values are USenglish, UKenglish and many others.

Available on

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Input encoding

lipics-v2018 preselects UTF-8 as input encoding. Please do not change the input encoding
because otherwise the volume compilation might become difficult.



lipics-v2018 uses the Latin Modern font family. This is a recent redesign of the good old
Computer Modern fonts. Latin Modern provides a lot of characters and all neccessary math
fonts. If your TEX installation does not provide the Latin Modern family, Computer Modern
is used as a fallback.
lipics-v2018 preloads the package “amssymb” to make additional mathematical symbols
available. Other symbol packages, e.g. stmaryrd, may be added, of course. Moreover, the
script math alphabet is provided by loading the eucal package. – But please avoid loading
the MnSymbol package. (Note that the lipics-v2018 removes all symbol re-definitions done
by MnSymbol anyhow, but would retain its newly introduced symbol definitions.)



The prelims of a LIPIcs article is the only part where some specific commands are required:
The title is tagged as usual with the \title{...} command. If you need a short form
for the running head, use the optional \titlerunning{...}.
Authors and their affiliations are rendered blockwise for LIPIcs 2 . The information for
each author is to be tagged with a re-defiend \author macro which has the structure:
\author{name}{affil}{email}{orcid}{funding}. While the parameters name and
affil are mandatory, the latter parameters email, orcid, and funding are optional and
can be empty.
The usage of an ORCID is currently optional but highly recommended. For more details
regarding ORCID, please visit If you don’t have yet an ORCID,
the registration is very quick and simple (see Please
enter full https URI, including hyphens between every fourth digit as recommended by
There is an additional \authorrunning{...} for the running header concatenating all
authors name (but with abbreviated first names); it must be used.
\Copyright{...} has just one argument for the copyright holder.
\subjclass{...} is for classification information following the ACM 2012 Computing
Classification System; it is required, too.
\keywords{...} must be used to capture keywords.
\category{...} may be used to provide category information.
\relatedversion{...} may be used to denote a related version.
\supplement{...} may be used to denote supplements.
\funding{...} may be used to capture a funding statement.
\acknowledgements{...} may be used to capture an acknowledgement.


This has changed in 2017; the formerly used “authblk” mechanism to output authors and affilations in
footnote style is deprecated; the \affil command is now obsolete for the lipics-v2018class.



The lipics-v2018 Class
The commands mentioned so far should be used in the document preamble of the LATEX
file. Providing a title, at least one author, copyright information, subject classification, and
keywords is required.
To typeset an abstract use \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract}. The environment
must be placed after \begin{document} and \maketitle!
Note that subject classifications, keywords, . . . , and acknowledgements will be rendered
together with the abstract. So it is necessary to use the abstract environment in order to
get the output for \subjclass etc.
The \hideLIPIcs command is to mask all copyright information (and a possible DOI
specification) on the first page.


Mathematical formulas

The amsmath package is preloaded, and you are encouraged to use the mark-up it provides
instead of old-style standards like the eqnarray environment or the \over command.


Theorem-like environments

The amsthm package is preloaded, and the following environments are already introduced:
theorem, lemma, corollary, definition, example and remark.
Setting up additional environments works with the +echanism from the amsthm package.
For example, add to your document preamble

See also the amsthm package documentation.
Available \theoremstyles are: plain, definition, and remark (all from the amsthm
package, but slightly modified for LIPIcs).
Note that for LIPIcs all numbered theorem-like environments should use one and the
same counter, i. e. the counter of the default environment "‘theorem"’.
By default, theorem-like environments are numbered consecutively throughout the document. To number the environments subordinately within sections use the class option



List labels are set flush left. For enumerations with more than 9 items please insert
\addtolength\leftmargini{0.5em} before \begin{enumerate}.
The enumerate package is preloaded, so you can use \begin{enumerate}[(a)] or the



The listings package is preloaded. It provides the lstlisting environment to typeset
displayed code. Here, the package is configured to get a grey background for listings.
The following example shows how to use captions and labels with the lstlisting

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\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Useless code},label=list:8-6,float,
for i:=maxint to 0 do

Note also the float option to make the listing floating. Instead of the caption option
one might prefer the title option which outputs the argument without the “Listing” label.
To globally change the label name from “Listing”, add to your document preamble e.g.

Please read the package documentation for more information on the lstlisting environment and how to adapt it locally.



The standard interface for graphic inclusion is the \includegraphics command provided
by the graphicx package. Note that the \graphicspath command allows to declare one or
more folders where the graphicx package looks for the image files; so providing the path
with each \includegraphics command is not necessary.



Preloaded packages are: the array package (for introducing new column types), the multirow
package (row spanning cells) and the tabularx package (automatic column width calculation).
In order to allow easy use of table footnotes, the threeparttable package is preloaded.
Please read the short documentation in threeparttables.sty to see how the related
commands are applied.


Rotating floats

The preloaded rotating package provides the two environments “sidewaysfigure” and
“sidewaystable”. They allow the rotation of floating objects.



The preloaded subcaption package provides the \subcaption command to add sub-captions.
Please do not load the aged subfig package.



It is highly recommended to use BibTEX as the standard bibliography mechanism. For
BibTEX, the standard bibliography style for LIPIcs is “plainurl”. Please do not not change the
bibliographic style. LIPIcs only allows numerical citation and forbids author-year citations.
(So the natbib package is not used by lipics-v2018.)



The lipics-v2018 Class


Line numbers

The lineno package is loaded, and line numbering is switched on by default. To switch line
numbering (globally) off, use \nolinenumbers (in the document preamble).


Adding further packages and new macros

Feel free to add further packages if you need extra structural mark-up. But keep in mind that
you should not change the general layout of the article. Changing text width or linespreads,
for example, are forbidden.
Happy TEXing!


Changes in lipics-v2018 compared to lipics-v2016
In lipics-v2018, authors and their affiliations are rendered blockwise. The formerly
used “authblk” mechanism to output authors and affilations in footnote style is deprecated; the \affil command is now obsolete for lipics-v2018. The information
for each author is to be tagged with a re-defined \author macro which has the structure: \author{name}{affil}{email}{orcid}{funding}. While the parameters name
and affil are mandatory, the latter parameters email, orcid, and funding are optional
and can be empty.
The usage of an ORCID is currently optional but highly recommended. For more details
regarding ORCID, please visit If you don’t have yet an ORCID,
the registration is very quick and simple (see Please
enter full https URI, including hyphens between every fourth digit as recommended by
In lipics-v2018, the newest ACM Classification System is used: the 2012 ACM Computing Classification System5 . In the revised macro \subjclass, it is also possible to use
the LaTeX snippet generated in the ACM digital library6 to enter the ACM classification
(e.g., \ccsdesc[500]{Hardware~3D integrated circuits}).
Several new (but optional) commands has been added to the style to allow explicit
labeling of frequently provided and searched information characterizing the document:
\category{...} may be used to provide category information (e.g., “Invited Talk”).
\relatedversion{...} may be used to denote a related version (e.g., an extended
version hosted on arXiv).
\supplement{...} may be used to denote supplements (e.g., research artifacts, like
data or source code hosted on a public repository like zenodo7 or GitHub8 or published
in a venue like DARTS9 ).
\funding{...} may be used to capture a funding statement, which applies to all
authors. Please enter author specific funding statements as fifth argument of the
\author macro.
\acknowledgements{...} may be used to capture an acknowledgment.


Dagtuhl Publishing

If mandatory data are missing (\title, \author, \authorrunning, \copyright,
\subjclass and \keywords), the resulting PDF will contain a colored warning. For
example, if the \title is missing or empty, the alternative title “Author: Please
provide a title” is shown.
The enumerate package is preloaded in lipics-v2018, so it is possible to flexibly define own enumeration styles besides the normal \begin{enumerate}, e.g.,
\begin{enumerate}[(a)]. Furthermore, lipics-v2018 contains some more predefined enumerate environments: \begin{romanenumerate},
\begin{alphaenumerate}, and \begin{bracketenumerate}. See Section 6 for more
The \hideLIPIcs command masks all information related to the series (e.g., copyright
information and a possible DOI specification) on the first page. This might be used
e.g. to prepare an extended version to be uploaded to arXiv.
To ease the communication during the review and typesetting phase, the lineno
package is loaded and line numbering is switched on by default. To switch line
numbering (globally) off, use \nolinenumbers (in the document preamble).
∗ A bad line break of the copyright line has been fixed (Only visible, if the paper
has many authors and so the \copyright macro is longer than one line.).
∗ The subcaption package is preloaded in lipics-v2018 but also in lipics-v2016.
Due to incompatibilities to the (outdated) subfig package, an error is thrown in
lipics-v2018 to avoid undefined behaviors when both packages subcaption and
subfig are loaded.
∗ In previous style versions, the usage of the MnSymbol package results in replacing
the default symbols (e.g., provided by the amsmath package). In lipics-v2018, the
usage of the MnSymbol should still be avoided but now, only undefined/non-existing
symbol definitions are replaced by this package.
∗ To number the theorem-like environments subordinately within sections, it is possible
to use the class option “numberwithinsect”. In lipics-v2016, these environments
wasn’t numbered correctly, when they was part of the appendix. This is fixed in
∗ When compiling the LATEXsources, not only a PDF but also a vtc file is generated.
This file contains the data for the table of contents in the frontmatter for the
respective paper, namely the authors, the title and the page range. In previous
versions of the style, footnotes associated to authors was also exported in the
vtc file and must be manually removed when preparing the table of contents. In
lipics-v2018, no footnotes will be exported.


How to switch from lipics-v2016 to lipics-v2018

The following steps are mandatory to switch a document from the lipics-v2016 to the
lipics-v2018 document class:
1. Copy the files lipics-v2018.cls and orcid.pdf to your document folder.
2. Open your main LATEXfile and
a. change the document class from \documentclass[...]{lipics-v2016} to
b. for every author, revise the existing \author macro by



The lipics-v2018 Class

removing the (optional) affiliation number (e.g. change \author[1]{John Doe} to
\author{John Doe}),
adding four (empty) fields to the \author macro (e.g. change \author{John Doe}
to \author{John Doe}{}{}{}{}),
moving the affiliation (incl. the address) to the second field of the \author macro (e.g.
\author{John Doe}{Dummy University, Address/City, Country}{}{}{}),
moving the email address to the third field of the \author macro,
deleting \affil commands,
(optionally) adding the ORCID id as forth field of the \author macro,
(optionally) moving a footnote associated to the author to the fifth field of the
\author macro;
c. remove current content of the \subjclass macro and add appropriate 2012 ACM
classifications to the macro (e.g. retrieved from
The following steps are optional:
1. Add a reference to a related version of the document (e.g. a reference to an extended or
full version mentioned usually as a title footnote or at end of the introduction) to the
\relatedversion macro (e.g.
\relatedversion{A full version of the paper is available at \url{XXX}.})
2. Move funding acknowledgments (e.g. mentioned in an acknowledgments section or in a
footnote associated to the title) to the \funding macro.
3. Move acknowledgments from a separate section (e.g. provided at the end of the conclusions)
to the \acknowledgements macro.


lipics-v2018 enumeration styles

List of different pre-defined enumeration styles:
1. \begin{enumerate}...\end{enumerate}
2. . . .
3. . . .
(a) \begin{alphaenumerate}...\end{alphaenumerate}
(b) . . .
(c) . . .
(i) \begin{romanenumerate}...\end{romanenumerate}
(ii) . . .
(iii) . . .
(1) \begin{bracketenumerate}...\end{bracketenumerate}
(2) . . .
(3) . . .


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