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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Lake Ophelia
National Wildlife
Refuge Hunting and
Fishing Regulations
Lake Ophelia
National Wildlife Refuge
401 Island Road
Marksville, LA 71351
318/253 4238
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
1 800/344 WILD
May 2016
Central Louisiana NWR Special Recreational Activity
Permits are $20.00. Our Special Recreational Activity
Permit may also be purchased on-line for $20.00 at http://
www.centrallapermits.com/. Accela accepts all major credit
cards. All hunters are encouraged to purchase permits on-
The Refuge
Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1988
primarily to preserve wintering and breeding habitat for
waterfowl, is located in the Red River floodplain in east
central Louisiana, approximately 10 miles north-east of
Marksville. Public hunting and fishing is permitted on
approximately 12,000 acres during specific times of the year.
Individuals utilizing the refuge are subject to inspections
of permits, licenses, hunting equipment, bag limits, boats,
vehicles, and their contents by refuge officers.
To ensure your safety and enjoyment while visiting Lake
Ophelia, please take the time to become familiar with the
following regulations.
General Regulations
Hunting and fishing regulations are designed to protect the
sportsman as well as wildlife populations. The regulations
below govern hunting and fishing on national wildlife
refuges as set forth in Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations.
Hunting and fishing will be in accordance with applicable
state regulations, except where otherwise stated.
The refuge is open to public access for the purposes of
hunting from 4 am to two hours after sunset, with the
exception of Lake Long Road, which is open to through
traffic 24-hours/day. The refuge boundary is marked with
signs and yellow paint.
Weapons and Ammunition
Archery equipment and primitive firearms as defined by
the State of Louisiana (LDWF) are permitted during the
applicable Refuge hunt. Youth hunters are not allowed to
use modern firearms during Refuge primitive firearms
hunts. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying
firearms on Refuge must comply with all provisions of state
and local laws.
Refuge users may only possess approved nontoxic shot
while on the Refuge, with the exception that lead shot is
allowed during turkey hunting season only.
Note: Use and/or possession of buckshot is prohibited.
Possession of shot larger than that legal for waterfowl
hunting is prohibited; use or possession of lead shot is
prohibited refuge wide.
During quota deer and turkey hunts, lead ammunition
legal for taking deer and turkey may be used. Small
game may be hunted with up to a .22 magnum caliber
rimfire using lead ammunition during open seasons.
An annual Special Recreational Activity Permit is
required for all hunters and fishermen 16 years old
and older, and for all terrain vehicle (ATV) use on the
The Central LA NWR (20.00) Special Recreational
Activity Permit applies to all refuges within the complex
(Lake Ophelia, Grand Cote, and Catahoula). Permits
are available at the Refuge Headquarters located at
Grand Cote National Wildlife Refuge, seven miles west
of Marksville, LA on Highway 1194. Office hours are
Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4 pm, except for
federal holidays when the office is closed.
Permits may also be purchased at the Catahoula NWR
Office, located on US Highway 84, approximately
12 miles east of Jena, LA, and one mile west of the
junction of highways US 84 and LA 28. On weekdays
and weekends, permits may be purchased at Kate
and Ivy’s Grocery store, located seven miles north of
Marksville on Highway 452.
Our Special Recreational Activity Permit may also
be purchased on-line at http://www.centrallapermits.
com/. All permits purchased on-line must be printed
and in the hunter’s possession.
Refuge permits authorize participation in all refuge
hunting and fishing activities. The permit must be signed
and in your possession whenever hunting, fishing, or
using an ATV on the refuge, and acknowledges your
understanding of refuge regulations.
Commercial Activities
Commercial hunting and fishing activities are prohibited.
Specifically, we prohibit any person or group acting
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other capacity
that any other individual pays or promises to pay
directly or indirectly for services rendered to any other
person(s) hunting on the refuge, regardless of whether
such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging or club
Lottery Primitive Firearm Deer Hunts
December 3-4, January 7-8, and January 21-22
All Deer Lottery Hunts require an application to be
completed through the Accela Corporation. On-line
applications will be accepted from August 1, 2016 through
August 31, 2016 at 3 pm central standard time. All paper
applications must be received (not postmarked) by August
31, 2016. Applicants will be noticed by e-mail, phone, or
postal notification by Accela Corporation. Applicants
may also check their status at https://secure.kinsail.com/
partners/permit_lookup.asp?p=lanwrc&pt=fws using
their e-mail address and confirmation number. If you have
any questions about the application process, call 703/994
How to Apply for Deer Lottery Hunts
On-line Applications
Hunters are now required to apply for Deer Lottery Hunts
on-line at http://www.centrallapermitspermits.com
During the application process you will be provided with an
immediate confirmation number. Please save this number
for your records once your application is complete.
Paper applications are no longer accepted by mail or in
person at The Central Louisiana Refuge Complex office in,
Marksville, LA. Applications must be completed on-line or
mailed directly to:
Grand Cote NWR
c/o Accela Corporation
1420 Beverly Road, Suite 150
McLean, VA 22101
You may download a Deer Lottery Hunt application form
at our website at http://www.fws.gov/lakeophelia/ or call
703/994 4194 to request a mailed copy.
Incomplete, unclear or non-legible applications will not
be accepted for the drawing. No faxes or e-mails will be
Group Hunts
Two to five individuals may be processed as a group or a
hunt party. Up to five individuals may apply in a group.
Applicants will only have to enter their hunt selection once
during the process, but will need the name and address
information for the other hunters in their group. Any
on-line applications that are received separately will be
treated as separate applications.
Applicants applying by paper application will need to
complete a separate application for each hunter and staple
them together in the upper left hand corner and mail them
all together to the address listed above.
Group applicants must indicate the same hunt date in order
to be considered a group.
There is a $5.00 application fee for each individual applying
for a lottery hunt. Application fees must be in the form of
a money order-(for paper applications) and credit card for
on-line applications. You can combine application fees for
each member into one payment. This fee is non-refundable
and must be received with your application.
Completed applications and the $5.00 application fee must
be returned to Accela by close of business (3 pm central
standard time) on August 31. Incomplete, or incorrect
applications will be removed from consideration.
Permits are non-transferable and must be in the hunter’s
possession at all times while on the refuge during the
permitted hunt. Only hunters with valid lottery permits are
permitted on the Refuge during Refuge lottery hunts.
Lottery Youth Deer Hunts
November 21, December 17, and January 28
There will be three lottery deer hunts for youths ages
12-15 (applicants must be 12 by the date of the hunt). A
total of 30 youths will be selected (10 per hunt). Applicants
previously selected are not eligible to apply.
Ten, 3-man ground blinds will be provided. Each youth
must be accompanied by one parent/guardian 21 years or
older. A refuge staff/volunteer will also accompany each
youth to their blind. Rifles will be allowed.
Spring Turkey Hunts (First 16 days of the State Season)
Turkey hunting is allowed until 12 noon. Hunt Areas
1B and 2B are closed during turkey season. ATV’s are
restricted to marked trails. The use of turkey gobbler/jake
decoys and incidental hog hunting during refuge turkey
season is prohibited. Harvested turkeys must be checked
at Kate and Ivy’s Grocery, located seven miles south of the
refuge on Highway 452.
Motorized Vehicles
All motorized vehicles are restricted to roads that are
delineated on the refuge map. The vehicle speed limit shall
not exceed 25 mph, except as otherwise legally posted.
Boones and Buck Roads are now motor vehicle access
only. Hunters will be required to park at designed parking
lots and access ATV tails from parking areas. NO ATV’s
allowed on Boones and Buck Road.
All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
Use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) is restricted to
designated ATV trails. ATVs are allowed only for hunting,
fishing, and other wildlife related activities. ATVs will not
exceed 25 mph when driven on the Refuge.
ATVs used on the Refuge will not to exceed the following:
weight – 750 lbs., length – 85”, and width – 48”. ATV
tires are restricted to those no larger than 25 x 12 with
a maximum lug height of 1” and a maximum allowable
tire pressure of 7 p.s.i. as indicated on the tire by the
manufacturer. ATV trails are open from September
1 through the last day of the Refuge turkey season.
Exceptions are the Duck Lake trail and the Westcut trail
which are open to fishermen March 1- October 15.
Lake Ophelia is open only during the Unit 1B archery deer
season, only electric or non-motorized boats may be used in
the lake. Scouting is allowed in Unit 1B starting September
1 when ATV trails open. Boats may not be left on the
refuge overnight.
Lake Long, Possum Bayou (South of boat ramp), and
Dooms Lake are open to boat access from September 1
through the last day of archery season and only electric or
non-motorized boats may be used.
Duck, West Cut Lakes, Nicholas, Possum Bayou (North
of boat ramp), Palmetto Bayou and Point Basse are open
to boat access from September 1 through the last day of
archery season and motors up to 35 horsepower may be
Prohibited Activities
The following activities are prohibited on Lake Ophelia
National Wildlife Refuge:
n Possession or distribution of bait while in the field and
hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt,
minerals, or any non-naturally occurring food attractant.
n Hunting or the discharge of firearms within 150 feet
from the centerline of roads, maintained trails, utility
right-of-ways, and refuge boundary is prohibited.
nUse or possession of any type of material used as
flagging or trail markers, except bright eyes or reflective
nUse or possession of alcoholic beverages while hunting
nLittering or leaving personal items, other than what is
identified in this brochure
nCamping / overnight parking
nTaking of wildlife, or parts of, or plants (including cutting
trees or brush) other than specified in this brochure
nTarget practice
nUse of horses or mules
nSpot-lighting – including the use of automobile/ATV
artificial light may not be used to locate wildlife.
nMan-drives for deer or feral hogs
nSearching for or removing any object of antiquity
including arrowheads, pottery or other artifacts.
nBlocking gates or roadways with vehicles or ATVs.
nDriving or screwing a nail, spike or other metal object
into a tree or to hunt from any tree in which such an
object has been driven; or using climbing spikes.
nPossession of saws, saw blades, or machetes.
nHarvest of frogs, turtles, snakes, shells, or mollusks
nCollection and removal of deer antlers
nUse of remote cameras
nUse of deer or turkey gobbler decoys
Specific Hunting Regulations
During a Deer Primitive Firearm Lottery hunt, hunters
will be allowed to harvest two deer (one antlered and one
antlerless) per hunt.
All hunters must check-in and check-out after each
hunt using a self-clearing permit available from a
check station. Reporting your hunting activity and any
wildlife harvest information will help us better manage the
Refuge. Hunter participation and wildlife harvest data are
vital to the management of Refuge. Do not to fill out a
self-clearing permit for scouting!!
No individual may enter the Refuge earlier than 4 am and
must exit no later than two hours after legal sunset for
that day. Waterfowl hunting must cease by 12 noon and all
decoys and blinds removed from the hunting area by 1 pm.
Turkey hunting must also cease by 12 noon.
The International Bowhunters Certification Course is not
required for archery hunting.
Only portable deer stands may be used. Deer stands may
be placed on the refuge in a non-hunting position one day
prior to the archery season and must be removed from the
Refuge within one day after the archery season closes -
NO EXCEPTIONS!! Hunters may place only one deer
stand on the Refuge. Deer stands must have the owners
name, address and phone number clearly printed on the
stand. Stands must be placed in a non-hunting position, at
or near the base of the tree, when not in use.