LwIP TCP/IP Stack And Kinetis SDK Integration User’s Guide Lw IP TCPIP User's
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1 Overview
This document describes how to compile and run the lwIP
TCP/IP stack examples. This document also provides the
board-specific information related to the jumper and hardware
2 Release Scope
2.1 Hardware
Support for TWR-K64F120M and TWR-K65F180M Tower
System modules and FRDM-K64F Freescale Freedom
Development Platform
3Requirements for Running
lwIP Demos
Freescale Semiconductor Document Number: KSDKLWIPUG
User's Guide Rev. 4, 01/2016
lwIP TCP/IP Stack and Kinetis SDK
Integration User’s Guide
© 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
1 Overview....................................................................1
2 Release Scope............................................................ 1
3 Requirements for Running lwIP Demos.... ...............1
4 lwIP code structure.................................................... 2
5 Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and
6 Revision History......................... .............................. 9
3.1 Hardware
• TWR-K64F120M/ Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F platform
• TWR-SER and elevator
• TWR-K65F180M
• USB cable
• Ethernet cable
3.2 Software
• Freescale KSDK release package that includes the lwIP TCP/IP package
• IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM® version 7.50.0
• Keil® μVision® 5 Integrated Development Environment Version 5.17 service pack for Kinetis K60
• Kinetis Design Studio IDE Version: 3.0
• Makefiles support with GCC revision 4.9-2015-q3-update from ARM Embedded
• Atollic® TrueSTUDIO® 5.4.0
3.3 Board jumper settings
The Ethernet-related jumper settings are described in this document. For other jumper settings, see the board-specific user’s
guide. By default, the lwIP stack uses RMII mode. Follow the below hardware configuration:
• TWR-K64F120M
• J32 1-2: Use the external clock from the CLOCKIN0 to keep the synchronization with the external PHY on
TWR-SER Tower System module.
• TWR-K65F180M
• No jumper specifications.
• J2 3-4: Ethernet PHY Clock Select 50 MHz, RMII mode. Cut off other connections on this jumper.
• J3 2-3: Route 50 MHz clock to CLOCKIN0. Cut off other connections on this jumper.
• J12 9-10: Ethernet PHY Configuration, pull-up CONFIG0, RMII select. Cut off other connections on this jumper.
• Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F platform
• No jumper specifications.
4lwIP code structure
The lwIP code is located in this folder: <KSDK install_dir>/middleware/lwip_1.4.1. The lwip folder includes the source
code. There are two subfolders in the lwip folder as shown in the figure.
lwIP code structure
lwIP TCP/IP Stack and Kinetis SDK Integration User’s Guide, Rev. 4, 01/2016
2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Figure 1. lwIP folder structure
• src
• This subfolder includes the lwIP 1.4.1 source code which can be downloaded from this link: savannah.gnu.org
• port
• This subfolder includes the adapter files which can make the lwIP stack run on the KSDK and different RTOSes.
5 Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and Demos
5.1 Step-by-step guide for IAR
This section shows how to compile and run demos in IAR.
1. Open the workspace corresponding to different demos and different boards. For example, the lwip_ping_demo.eww on
the Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F Platform under <install_dir>/boards/frdmk64f/demo_apps/lwip/lwip_ping/bm/iar/
or the lwip_ping_demo_freertos.eww on the Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F platform under <install_dir>/boards/
frdmk64f/demo_apps/lwip/lwip_ping/freertos/iar/. These steps use lwip_ping_demo.eww on FRDM-K64F as an
Figure 2. Workspace
2. Build the ksdk_platform_lib library.
Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and Demos
lwIP TCP/IP Stack and Kinetis SDK Integration User’s Guide, Rev. 4, 01/2016
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3
Figure 3. ksdk_platform_lib
3. Build the lwip_ping_demo.
Figure 4. lwip_ping_demo
4. Click the “Download and Debug” button. Wait for the download to finish.
5. Click the “Go” button to run the demo.
Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and Demos
lwIP TCP/IP Stack and Kinetis SDK Integration User’s Guide, Rev. 4, 01/2016
4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
5.2 Step-by-step guide for Keil
This section shows how to compile and run demos in Keil.
1. Open the workspace corresponding to different demos and different boards. For example, the lwip_ping_demo.uvmpw
on the Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F platform under <install_dir>/boards/frdmk64f/demo_apps/lwip/lwip_ping/bm/
mdk/ or the lwip_ping_demo_freertos.uvmpw on the Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F platform under <install_dir>/
boards/frdmk64f/demo_apps/lwip/lwip_ping/freertos/mdk/. These steps take lwip_ping_demo.uvmpw on the Freescale
Freedom FRDM-K64F platform for an example.
Figure 5. Workspace
2. Build the ksdk_platform_lib library.
3. Build the lwip_ping_demo.
4. Click Start/Stop Debug Session. Wait for the download to finish.
5. Click the “Run” button to run the demo.
5.3 Step-by-step guide for the Kinetis Design Studio IDE and
Atollic TrueSTUDIO
Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and Demos
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5
This section shows how to compile and run demos in the Kinetis Design Studio IDE. The steps are identical for Atollic
1. The Kinetis Design Studio doesn’t have a workspace. Create a workspace and import the platform/rtos libraries and the
lwIP demos. For example, ksdk_platform_lib under <install_dir>/lib/ksdk_platform_lib/kds/K64F12 and .cproject for
lwip_ping_demo on Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F platform under <install_dir>/boards/frdmk64f/demo_apps/lwip/
lwip_ping/bm/kds/; or lwip_ping_demo_freertos on Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F platform under <install_dir>/
Figure 6. Import project
Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and Demos
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6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Figure 7. Import project select
Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and Demos
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Figure 8. Demo project
2. Build the lwip_ping_demo.
3. Open debug configurations and choose J-Link Debugging.
Compiling or Running the lwIP Stack and Demos
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Figure 9. Debug Configurations
4. Click the “Debug” button. Wait for the download to finish.
5. Click the “Resume” button to run the demo.
5.4 Step-by-step guide for ARMGCC and KDSGCC
1. ARMGCC and KDSGCC both use cMake to generate makefiles. Run the batch file (in the Windows® operating
system) or sh file (in Linux® operating system) to build projects. These steps use ARMGCC as an example.
2. Change to the demo directory. For example: <install_dir>/boards/frdmk64f/demo_apps/lwip/lwip_ping/bm/armgcc
3. Run build_all.bat to build both debug and release projects.
4. Go to the debug/release directory to download and run the elf file using gdb.
6Revision History
This table summarizes revisions to this document.
Revision History
lwIP TCP/IP Stack and Kinetis SDK Integration User’s Guide, Rev. 4, 01/2016
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9
Table 1. Revision history
Revision number Date Substantive changes
2 09/2015 Updated tool versions in Section 3.2 and
updated Section 5.2.
3 11/2015 Updated Section 1
4 01/2016 Updated Section 1 and Section 3.2
Revision History
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10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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© 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Document Number KSDKLWIPUG
Revision 4, 01/2016