
User Manual:

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Framework for functional profile prediction
User Guide
To run this tool you have to have Python 3 installed. If you want to use the bash script
intended for trying out the tool, you also have to have bash command line.
A table with OTU identifiers and abundances in the given sample, closed-reference picked
against Greengenes, format .tab. (Provided in the data/test directory as sample*.tab)
KO profile table. (Expected output to compare accuracy provided in the data/test directory
as expected*.tab)
Running the tool:
The easiest way to run the tool is from the command line from folder framework:
$ ./ python-alias [-m method-name] [-i input-filename] [-o output-filename]
Running the script with -h parameter will show help, including description of parameters and
available methods for functional prediction.
Available settings:
If you want to change other parameters than input, output and method, you need to change
them in file (For the purpose of trying out this tool, you do not have to change
anything, default settings will be used)
Following is the description of all parameters that can be changed in
Global settings (same for each method):
KO_PROFILE_FILENAME - file with reference ko profiles
INPUT_FILENAME - input sample
UNKNOWN_METHOD - method to use for prediction
RESULT_FILENAME - result file
COUNT_16S_FILENAME - file with 16s counts
Methods for prediction and specific settings:
SIMILAR - how many similar sequences should be averaged
SCORE_FILENAME - distance matrix file
SIMILAR - how many similar sequences should be averaged
TREE_FILE - file with phylogenetic tree
TRESHOLD - similarity treshold in percent
MAX_DIFF - maximal difference to consider sequences as similar
SCORE_FILENAME - distance matrix file
SIMILAR - how many similar sequences should be averaged
RESTS - how much of the reference table is known

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