
User Manual:

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APFEL v2.6.1: A PDF Evolution Library with QED
Valerio Bertone1,2, Stefano Carrazza2and Juan Rojo1
1Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics,
1 Keble Road, University of Oxford, OX1 3NP, Oxford, UK
2PH Department, TH Unit, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
In this document we present the user manual for the APFEL library. Written in For-
tran 77, all the functionalities can also be accessed via the C/C++ and Python interfaces.
For simplicity, we will restrict ourselves to the description of the C/C++ interface, but the
usage of the Fortran 77 and Python interfaces is very similar and examples of their use
are provided in the examples folder of the APFEL source code. First of all, we will discuss
how to install APFEL and how to execute the basic example programs. After that, we will
list the various customization options that can be accessed by the user for both the PDF
evolution and the DIS structure functions modules.
1 Installation 1
2 The PDF evolution module 2
2.1 Customization of the PDF evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Settingfunctions............................. 5
3 The DIS module 18
1 Installation
The APFEL library is available from its HepForge website:
and from the GitHub webpage:
It can also be accessed directly from the git repository. The last development version can
be downloaded by giving:
1git c lon e ht tp s : // gi thu b . com / sc arra zz a / ap fel . g it
For the tagged versions one can use the git tag commands:
1git tag -l
2git c hec kout tags / t ag_n ame
to switch to any of the past releases. We strongly recommend to use the latest stables
The installation of the APFEL library can be easily done following the standard autotools
1./ co n figure
3make inst all
which automatically installs APFEL in /usr/local/. Note that by default the APFEL
library requires an installation of the LHAPDF PDF library1. However, an LHAPDF-less
installation is also supported by giving:
1./ co nf ig ur e -- dis able - l ha pdf
To use a different installation path, one simply needs to use the option:
1./ co nfigu re - - pre fix =/ p ath / to / the / in st allation / f old er
In this case, the APFEL installation path should be included to the environmental variable
LD LIBRARY PATH. This can be done adding to the local .bashrc file (or .profile file on
Mac) the string:
1export L D_ LI BR AR Y _P AT H = $ LD _L IB RA R Y_ PA TH :/ pa th / to / t he / i ns ta ll at io n /-
fo lde r / lib
Once APFEL has been properly compiled and installed, the configuration script apfel-config
should automatically be present. Such script is useful to determine the compiler flags.
1apfel - co nf ig -- h el p
in a shell to see all the possible options. Particularly useful is the --list-funcs flag
that lists all the functions available in APFEL along with a short explanation. In addition,
also the shell script apfel is provided which starts an interactive console session of APFEL
providing a prompt tool to use the library without coding.
In the following we will list and illustrate all the functionalities of APFEL and explaining
how they can be accessed by the user. The most recent version of APFEL provide also an
additional module to compute DIS (and SIA) structure functions in different mass scheme.
Such module is dependent of the original PDF evolution module as it inherits from it many
of the setting functions that we will describe in the next section. We will start describing
1The current release of APFEL assumes that LHAPDF version 6 has been previously installed as version 5
is no longer supported.
the functions of the PDF evolution module and we will devote the following section to a
thourough description of the DIS module.
2 The PDF evolution module
The basic usage of the PDF evolution module of APFEL requires only two steps to have
the complete set of evolved PDFs. The first step is the initialization of APFEL through the
call of the following function:
1APFEL :: InitializeAPFEL () ;
This will precompute all the needed evolution operators that enter the discretized DGLAP
equation. Let us recall that once the general settings of the evolution have been defined
(perturbative order, heavy quark masses, reference value of αs, and so on), the initializa-
tion needs to be performed only once, irrespective of the scales that are used in the PDF
evolution. The second step consists in performing the actual PDF evolution between the
initial scale Q0 and the final scale Q(in GeV). This can be achieved using the function:
1APFEL :: E v o lveAPFEL (Q0 , Q );
Calling this function APFEL solves the discretized DGLAP equations using the evolution
operators precomputed in the initialization step.
Now the user can access the evolved PDFs at the scale Qvia the use of the functions:
1AP FEL :: xPD F (i , x );
2APFEL :: xgamma (x );
where the real variable xis the desired value of Bjorken-xwhile the integer variable i
in the function xPDF, which runs from 6 to 6, corresponds to the quark flavor index
according to the following convention: Note that in APFEL we have explicitly separated
i:654321 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
xPDF :¯
d g d u s c b t
the access to the quark and gluon PDFs (via xPDF) and from that to the photon PDF (via
xgamma). Note also that the functions xPDF and xgamma return xtimes the PDFs (i.e. the
momentum fractions).
The basic information given above is enough to write a simple and yet complete pro-
gram that performs PDF evolution using APFEL. As an illustration, a C/C++ program that
computes and tabulates PDFs to be compared with the Les Houches PDF benchmark
evolution tables would be the following:
1#include <iostream >
2#include < i oma ni p >
3#include <cmath >
4#include " APF EL / APFEL . h"
5using n a mespac e std ;
7int main ()
9// Define grid in x
10 double xl ha [ 11] = {1 e -7 , 1e -6 , 1 e -5 , 1 e -4 , 1 e -3 , 1e -2 ,
11 1e -1 , 3 e -1 , 5 e -1 , 7e -1 , 9 e -1};
13 // Precomputes evolu t ion op erators on the grid
14 APFEL :: InitializeAPFEL () ;
16 // Pe rfor m evo l ution
17 double Q0 = sq rt (2 ) ;
18 double Q = sqrt (100 00) ;
19 APFEL :: E v o lveAPFEL (Q0 , Q );
21 cout << s cientif ic << setpre ci sion (5) << endl ;
22 cout << "x"
23 << setw(11) << " u - u bar "
24 << setw(11) << " d - d bar "
25 << setw(11) << " 2( ubr + dbr ) "
26 << setw(11) << " c+ cbar "
27 << setw(11) << " gluon "
28 << setw(11) << " photon " << endl;
30 cout << s cie nti fic ;
31 // Tab ulate PDFs for the LHA x values
32 for (int i = 0; i < 11; i ++)
33 cout << xlha[i] << "\t"
34 << AP FE L :: xP DF (2 , x lha [ i ]) - A PF EL : : x PD F ( -2 , x lha [i ] ) < < "\t"
35 << AP FE L :: xP DF (1 , x lha [ i ]) - A PF EL : : x PD F ( -1 , x lha [i ] ) < < "\t"
36 << 2 *( AP FEL :: x PDF ( -1 , xlh a [ i ]) + AP FE L :: xP DF ( -2 , xl ha [ i ]) ) < < "\t"
37 << AP FE L :: xP DF (4 , x lha [ i ]) + A PF EL : : x PD F ( -4 , x lha [i ] ) < < "\t"
38 << APFEL :: xPDF (0 , xlha [i ]) << "\t"
39 << AP FEL :: xg am ma ( x lha [ i ]) < < "\t"
40 << endl;
42 return 0;
43 }
It should be noticed that this example code uses the default settings of APFEL for the
evolution parameters such as: initial scale PDFs, perturbative order, heavy quark masses,
values of the couplings, etc. In the following we will discuss how the user can customize
the settings for the PDF evolution in APFEL.
2.1 Customization of the PDF evolution
The customization of the PDF evolution with APFEL can be achieved using a number
of dedicated functions, to be called before the initialization stage, that is before calling
InitializeAPFEL2. We will subdivide the available functions into three cathegories:
2This is not entirely precise because there is a number of customization functions that are effective only
at the evolution level and thus can be called also after InitializeAPFEL but before EvolveAPFEL. We will
discuss this feature case by case when going through all functions available in APFEL.
the setting functions which provide the real costumization tools. These functions
allow the user to change the way how the initialization and the output (see next
items) functions behave.
The initialization functions which are resposible to perform the “main” operations,
like initializing the evolution factor and evolving PDFs.
The output functions which finally return the result of a given set of setting and
initialization functions.
In the following we will list and comment all the functions belonging to each of the
cathegories above. Finally, we remind the reader that running the configuration script
apfel-config with the --list-funcs flag will list all the functions available in APFEL
along with a short explanation.
2.1.1 Setting functions
Bofore going through the various setting functions, the user should be aware of the fact
that APFEL has a set of default settings that are used if the user does not intervene to
change any of them. This is why the example described above needs only a very limited
number of steps. However, while each time that APFEL is run a banner with a list of the
main settings is displayed, it is usefull to report here the default settings of APFEL. We will
first go through all the setting functions and only at the end we will report the default
settings so that the meaning of all of them should be clear to the reader who went through
this section.
Bofore proceeding with the descitpion of the setting functions of the evolution module,
it is useful to notice that in the following we will use the identifiers int,double,bool and
string to specify the type of entry expected by each of the fuctions described below.
1APFEL::SetPerturbativeOrder(int pto ) ;
This function sets the perturbative order of the PDF evolution to pto. The integer pto
can take the values 0, 1 ot 2 according to whether the PDF evolution is performed at
O(αs), O(α2
s), or O(α3
s), that is LO, NLO and NNLO, respectively. This function also
sets the perturbative order of the evolution of the couplings αsand αand possibly of the
heavy quark masses. The default for pto is 2.
1APFEL :: S etTh eory ( strin g the ory ) ;
This function sets the theory to be used in the evolution. The alternatives for theory are:
"QCD": the PDF evolution is done solving the pure QCD DGLAP equations,
"QED": the PDF evolution is done solving the pure QED DGLAP equations,
"QUniD": the PDF evolution is done solving the coupled QCD+QED DGLAP equa-
tions as explained above.
There are more options available that access more “exotic” (and obsolete) solutions of the
coupled QCD+QED DGLAP equations. They are:
"QCEDP" for QCD+QED in parallel,
"QCEDS" for QCD+QED in series,
"QECDP" for QED+QCD in parallel,
"QECDS" for QED+QCD in series,
"QavDP" for the averaged solution in parallel,
"QavDS" for the averaged solution in series,
and they refer to different combinations of the separate QCD and QED evolutions. The
reader can refer to the original APFEL publication for a detailed explanation. However, the
use of these solution is discouraged unless the user is well aware of their meaning. The
default is "QCD".
1APFEL :: SetV FNS () ;
This function sets the Variable-Flavour Number Scheme (VFNS) for the PDF, αs, and α3
evolution. In practice this means that, if any heavy quark threshold is encountered during
the evolution, the solutions of the DGLAP equation below and above the threshold itself
will be properly matched. This option is used as a default.
1AP FEL :: Se tFF NS ( int nf l );
This function, as opposed to SetVFNS, sets the Fixed-Flavour Number Scheme (FFNS)
with nfl active flavours for the PDF, αsand α(and MS) evolution. This function forces
the evolution to be done with nfl active flavours in any evolution range. The allowed
values are nfl = 3, 4, 5 and 6.
1APFEL::SetAlphaQCDRef(double alpharef , double Qref ) ;
This function sets the reference values of the strong coupling αsat the scale Qref in GeV
to alpharef. The default is alpharef = 0.35 at Qref =2 GeV.
1APFEL::SetAlphaQEDRef(double alpharef , double Qref ) ;
This function sets the reference values of the QED coupling αat the scale Qref in GeV
to alpharef. The default is alpharef = 7.496252·103at Qref = 1.777 GeV.
1APFEL :: Se tLambdaQCDRef ( double lambdaref , int n ref ) ;
3In case the MS definition for the heavy quark masses is used (see below) and the running of the masses
has been enabled, this function sets the VFNS also for the running of the heavy quark masses.
This function sets the value of ΛQCD in GeV with nref flavours to lambdaref. This
value is used only if the lambda solution of the β-function equation (see below) is used to
compute the running of αs. The default is lambdaref = 0.220 GeV with nref = 5.
1APFEL :: S etPoleMasses ( double mc , double mb , double mt ) ;
This function sets the values of the heavy quark thresholds in GeV and sets the pole-mass
scheme as a renormalization scheme for the heavy quark masses. This function is used as
a default with mc =2 GeV, mb = 4.5 GeV, mt = 175 GeV.
1APFEL::SetMSbarMasses(double mc , double mb , double mt ) ;
2sets the v alues of the heavy quark t h r esholds
3in GeV in the MSbar scheme .
This function, as opposed to SetPoleMasses, sets the values of the heavy quark masses in
GeV and sets the MS scheme as a renormalization scheme for the heavy quark masses. The
reference scales at which the masses are defined can be specified using the SetMassScaleReference
function (see below).
1APFEL::SetMassScaleReference(double Qc , double Qb , double Q t );
This function sets the reference scales in GeV at which heavy quark masses are given.
This function is effective only if the MS definition for the heavy quark masses is used
and has no effect if the pole masses are used. If this function is not called, APFEL will
assume that the mass reference scales are equal to the masses themselves. In other words,
in the absence of a call to this function when using the MS definition for the heavy quark
masses, the SetMSbarMasses function will define mc(mc), mb(mb) and mt(mt). If instead
this function is called and the reference scales are found to be different from the masses
themselves, the values of mc(mc), mb(mb) and mt(mt) are also evaluated by applying the
RG evolution as they are needed as thresholds for the VFNS evolution when using the MS
definition for the heavy quark masses.
1APFEL::EnableMassRunning(bool) ;
This function enables or disables the running of the MS masses. This is effective only if
the SetMSbarMasses is also called and in practice switches on and off the solution RG
equation of the heavy quark masses. The default is true.
1APFEL :: S etTau Mass ( double mtau ) ;
This function sets the values of the τlepton in GeV to mtau. This function is effective
only if the evolution of the lepton PDFs is enabled (see below). The default is mtau =
1.777 GeV.
1AP FEL :: Se tM ax Fl av ou rA lp ha ( int nf ) ;
This function sets the maximum number of active flavours in the evolution of the couplings
αsand α(and the masses) to nf. In practice, this function forces the code not to match the
solution of the β-function and γ-function equations at a given threshold if that threshold
is above the maximum number allowed nf. The default is nf = 6.
1APFEL::SetMaxFlavourPDFs(int nf ) ;
This function sets the maximum number of active flavours in the evolution of PDFs to
nf. In practice, this function forces the code not to match the solution of the DGLAP
equation at a given threshold if that threshold is above the maximum number allowed nf.
The default is nf = 6.
1APFEL::SetRenFacRatio(double ratio );
This function sets the ratio between factorization scale µF(entering PDFs) and renormal-
ization scale µR(entering the couplings and possibly the heavy quark masses) to ratio.
If ratio is different from one, APFEL will assume that µR=µF/ratio and, as explained
above, this gives rise to additional terms in the higher order splitting functions. The
default is ratio = 1.
This function enables or disables the time-like evolution. This evolution, as opposed to
the space-like evolution used for PDFs, is used to evolve fragmentation functions (FFs).
The default is false.
1APFEL::SetSmallxResummation(bool , st ri ng la ) ;
This function enables or disables the small-xresummation in the evolution and set the
logarithmic accuracy of the resummation to la. The possible options for la are "LL" and
"NLL". The small-xresummation of the evolution relies on an external code called HELL
that returns the difference between the fixed-order and the resummed splitting functions
as explained above. By default, the small-xresummation is disabled.
1APFE L :: Se tA lp haEvolution ( strin g evol ) ;
This function sets the solution of the β-function equations for the running couplings to
evol. The variable evol can take the following strings:
"exact": the β-function equations are solved numerically in an exact way using the
Runge-Kutta method. The boundary condition is given by the reference values of
the coupling at the reference scales.
"expanded": the β-function equations are solved analytically by expanding the in-
verse of the β-function when computing the solution of the RG equation. See above
for more details. The boundary condition is given by the reference values of the
coupling at the reference scales.
"lambda": the β-function equations are solved in an analytical way in terms of the
Landau pole ΛQCD. See above for more details.
It should be noticed that a different choice of evol only affects the running of αsbeyond
LO while the running of α, being computed always at LO, is left unchanged. The default
is evol ="exact".
1APFE L :: S etPDFEvolution ( s tring evolp ) ;
This function sets the solution of the DGLAP equations for the evolution of PDFs to
evolp. The variable evolp can take the following strings:
"exactmu": the DGLAP equation differential in the factorization scale µFis solved
numerically in an exact way using the Runge-Kutta method.
"exactalpha": the DGLAP equation differential in the coupling αsis solved numer-
ically in an exact way using the Runge-Kutta method. This solution is completely
equivalent to exactmu.
"expandalpha": the DGLAP equation differential in the coupling αsis solved an-
alytically by expanding the ratio between splitting functions and β-function. See
above for more details.
"truncated": this solution mimics the N-space truncated solution and its imple-
mentation requires the numerical derivatives of the expandalpha solution. A detailed
explanantion of the implementation of thsi particular solution is given above.
In all cases the boundary conditions are given by the input initial scale PDFs. The default
is evolp ="exactmu".
1APFEL::SetEpsilonTruncation(double e ps ) ;
If the truncated evolution for PDFs has been chosen by calling the SetPDFEvolution
function, the SetEpsilonTruncation function sets the truncation parameter used to
compute the numerical dericatives to eps.
1APFE L :: S etPDF Set ( s tring name ) ;
This function sets the PDF set to be evolved to name. The string variable name can be
the name of an LHAPDF set. This is needed to distinguish the LHAPDF sets from the
other possible options available. Other possible options for name are:
"ToyLH": this option returns the so-called toy LH PDFs that have been conceived
for benchmark purposes. Details can be found in Ref. ???.
"external": this option is useful to evolve an “external” set of PDFs provided by the
user. If this option is chosen, APFEL will look for a routine called ExternalSetAPFEL
whose structure is the following:
subroutine ExternalSetAPFEL(x,Q0,xf)
where xand Q0 are the input values of the Bjorken variable and the scale in GeV,
while xf(-6:7) is the output array whose entries from 6to 6are the usual quark
and gluon distributions (times x) and the 7-th entry corresponds instead to the
photon PDF.
"external1": This option is completely analogous to external with the only differ-
ence that the name of the routined expected is now ExternalSetAPFEL1. A second
slot for an external set might be useful in some cases if the user want to evolve a
second PDF set in the same code.
"repexternal": This option is an extension of the previous two and the only dif-
ference is that the code expects a soubroutine called ExternalSetAPFELRep whose
structure is:
subroutine ExternalSetAPFELRep(x,Q0,irep,xf)
where, in addition to the entries discussed above, there is the integer irep that
identifies the irep-th replica of the input set. This option might be useful is the
input set has more than one replica but it’s not directly an LHAPDF set.
"leptexternal": This option is a further extension of the original external option
in that it also provides as an output the lepton PDFs. In particular, if this op-
tion is chosen, the code looks for a subroutine called ExternalSetAPFELLept whose
structure is the following:
subroutine ExternalSetAPFELLept(x,Q0,irep,xf,xl)
where there is the additional output array xl(-3:3) whose entries correspond to:
xl(-3) =+(x, Q0),
xl(-2) =+(x, Q0),
xl(-1) =xe+(x, Q0),
xl(0) =(x, Q0),
xl(1) =xe(x, Q0),
xl(2) =(x, Q0),
xl(3) =(x, Q0).
In addition, as compared to the options above, the index of the array xf now runs
from -6 to 6(and no longer to 7) as the photon PDF is now the 0-th entry of the
array xl.
"pretabulated": This option is mainly conceived for an internal purposes but the
user the expert user might want to exploit it becuase it allows one to evolve PDF
sets whose functional form is not know as it makes possible to evolve PDFs starting
from their value in a finite number of points. However, it is necessary to know
the full structure of the internal grids used by APFEL. This information is anyway
(partially) accessible using some ad hoc functions of APFEL.In particular, if this
option is chosen, the codes looks for a subroutine called pretabulatedPDFs with the
following structure:
where the integer igrid identifies the subgrid and the integer alpha runs over the
nodes of the igrid-th grid. Again, xf(-6:6) and xl(-3:3) are the quark and gluon,
and the lepton and photon PDFs.
"pretabulated1": This option is a copy of pretabulated and the only difference
is that in this case the code looks for a subroutine called pretabulatedPDFs1 have
the very same structure of that shown above.
"apfel": This option is again conceived for internal purposes but it might turn out
to be useful if a higher performance of the evolution is required. If the apfel option
is chosen, the code will use as initial PDFs the PDFs evolved from a previous call
of the function EvolveAPFEL. Of course, this requires that a previous evolution with
a PDF set different from apfel exists. This might be convenient when one want to
tabulate PDFs over a grid in Qin a faster way. In fact, using the apfel option allows
one to split a wide range in Qinto small sequential steps without the need to do
every single evolution starting from the same initial scale. This is convenient because
the execution time is proportional to the wideness of the energy range covered by
the evolution.
There are other options that are strictly used for internal purposes and thus there is no
need to list them here. The default is name ="ToyLH".
1AP FEL :: Se tR epli ca ( int nr ) ;
This function selects the member or replica of the PDF set to be evolved to nr. This
function is effective only if an LHAPDF set is used and, of course, the integer nr must
be within zero and the maximum number of members/replicas contained in the LHAPDF
set in use. The default is default nr = 0, that is, according to the LHAPDF convention,
the central member.
1APFEL :: S etQLi mits ( double Qmin , double Qmax ) ;
This function sets the energy range in GeV within which the evolution is allowed. In
practice, for a given pair of Qmin and Qmax, the initial scale Q0 and the final scale Qof any
evolution must be such that Qmin < Q0, Q < Qmax. The default is Qmin = 0.5 GeV and
Qmax = 100000 GeV.
1APFEL::SetNumberOfGrids(int n g );
This function sets the number of internal x-space subgrids to be used by APFEL to ng. The
parameters of the single grids must be specified grid by grid using the SetGridParameters
function discussed below. The default is ng = 3.
1APFEL::SetGridParameters(int i , int n , int deg , double x);
This function must always be associated with one call to the SetNumberOfGrids function
described above. It sets the parameter of the i-th subgrid where imust run from 1 to
ng and thus there must be exactly ng calls to SetGridParameters.ncorresponds to the
number intervals (not nodes) of the i-th subgrid, deg identifies the degree of the lagrange
polynomials and thus it is bound to be bigger than zero, and finally xis lower bound of
the grid being the upper bound always assumed to be 1. It is necessary that the value
of xis increasingly bigger as the index igrid increases. In practice this mean that the
lower bound of the igrid-th subgrid must be in the range covered by the (igrid - 1)-th
1AP FEL :: Se tE xt er na lG ri d ( int i , int np , int deg , double *x);
2sets the e xterna l grid in the po sitio n i with
3np int er vals , interpola ti on de gre e deg . x
4must be a one - dimentio nal array with upper bound
5in 1 ( there ca nnot be mo re than 1 ext ernal gri d ).
1APFEL::SetFastEvolution(bool) ;
2sets the fast PDF e volutio n ( d efa ult tru e ).
1APFEL :: GetVer s ion () ;
2re turn s the A PFE L v ers ion in use .
2enable s the prin ting of the we lcome me ssage with
3the APFEL banner and the report of the evol u tion
4pa ramet ers ( default true).
1APFE L :: Enabl eEvo lut ionO pera tor ( bool);
2enable s the computati o n of the exte rnal e volutio n
3pa ramet ers ( def aul t false ) .
2enable s the evol ution of the lepton PDFs when the
3fast QUniD is used ( defa ult false ) .
1APFE L :: Lo ckGr ids ( bool);
2locks the su bgr ids ( de fau lt false ) .
1APFEL :: Clea nUp () ;
2reset s all the evol u tion p a rameters to the
3default se tting s .
1APFEL::SetLHgridParameters(int nx , int nxm , double xmin , double xm , -
double xmax , int nq2 , double q2min , double q 2m ax );
2sets the paramete r s of the grid over which PDFs
3will be t abu late d in the LHAPD F for mat .
1APFEL :: ListFunction s () ;
2list s all the fu nct ions availa ble in APFEL .
1Initialization functions:
2APFEL :: InitializeAPFEL () ;
3in itializ es the APFEL library . If no setti ngs has
4been specified , it uses the default ones.
5APFEL :: E volveAP FEL ( double Q0 , double Q);
6evolve s PDFs on the grid to the scale Q [ GeV ]
7st ar tin g f ro m the sca le Q0 [ G eV ].
8APFEL :: D eriveAP FEL ( double Q);
9co mputes the logarit h m i c deri v a tive with re spect
10 of Q of PDFs at the scale Q [ GeV ].
1Outpu t fu nctions :
2AP FEL :: x PD F ( int i , double x ) and xgamma(double x);
3return "x" ti mes t he i - th and the pho ton PDF
4in "x" at the f inal scale "Q" [ GeV ] d efin ed in
6APFEL :: xPDFa ll ( double x , double * xf ) ;
7return s at once "x" times all the PDF in the
8array xf [ -6:6] c omput ed in "x" at the final scale
9"Q" [ GeV ] d efin ed in "EvolveAPFEL".
10 AP FEL :: x PDF j ( int i , double x ) and xgammaj(double x);
11 return "x" ti mes t he i - th and the pho ton PDF
12 in "x" at the f inal scale "Q" [ GeV ] d efin ed in
13 "EvolveAPFEL" interpo la ted on the joint grid .
14 AP FEL :: d xPD F ( int i , double x ) and dxgamma(double x);
15 return "x" ti mes t he d er iv at iv e in ln ( Q ^2 ) of
16 the i - th and the photon PDF in "x" at the scale
17 "Q" [ GeV ] d efin ed in "DeriveAPFEL".
18 AP FEL :: N PD F ( int i , int N) and Ngamma(int N);
19 return the N - th m ome nt of th e i - th and the
20 photo n PDF the final scale "Q" [ GeV ] def ined in
21 "EvolveAPFEL".
22 AP FEL :: L UM I ( int i , int j , double S);
23 return s the part onic l u minosity of the i- th and
24 j - th p ar to ns for the CoM energy S [ GeV ^2] for the
25 fi nal i nv ari an t mass Mx = Q [ GeV ] d efi ned in
26 "EvolveAPFEL".
27 APFEL :: A lph aQC D ( double Q);
28 return s the QCD strong cou pling alp ha_s at the
29 scale "Q" [ Ge V ].
30 APFEL :: A lph aQE D ( double Q);
31 return s the QED coup ling alpha at the scale
32 "Q" [ GeV ].
33 APFEL::HeavyQuarkMass(int i , double Q);
34 re tu rn s th e m ass of th e i - th he av y qu ar k
35 (i = 4 ,5 ,6) scale "Q" [ Ge V ] ( the m ass es run only
36 when using the MSbar scheme ) .
37 APFEL :: nInter v als () ;
38 return s the number of inter vals of the joint
39 grid.
40 AP FEL :: x Gri d ( int alpha );
41 return s the value of "x" on the alpha - th node of
42 the joi nt grid .
43 APFEL::GetPerturbativeOrder();
44 return s the perturbative order set for the
45 ev o lution
46 APFEL::ExternalEvolutionOperator(string fname, int i , int j , double x , -
int beta ) ;
47 return s the PDF evolut i on op erato r .
48 AP FEL :: LH AP DFgr id ( int Nrep , double Qin , stri ng fnam e );
49 pr oduces a PDF i n t e r p o lation grid in the LHAPDF
50 format.
51 APFEL::LHAPDFgridDerivative(int Nrep , st ring fna me );
52 pr oduces an interpolation grid in the LHAPDF
53 format for the der ive d PDFs .
1-- -- Functi o ns of the DIS module ----
3Initialization functions:
5APFEL :: Initializ e A P F E L _ D IS () ;
6in itialize s the DIS module . If no se tti ngs has
7been specified , it uses the default ones.
8APFEL :: Compu teSt ructu reFu ncti onsAP FEL ( double Q0 , double Q);
9co mputes the DIS structu re fu n ctions on the grid
10 at the scale "Q" [ GeV ] app ly ing also the PDF
11 ev o lution from the ini tial scale " Q0 " [ GeV ].
13 Settin g fu nct ion s :
15 AP FEL :: S et Ma ss Sc he me ( s tr ing ms ) ;
16 sets the mass sch eme to be used to compu te the
17 st r ucture functi o ns ( " ms " =" ZM - V FNS " ," FFN S " ,
18 " FONL L - A " ," FO NLL - B " ," FONLL - C " ,default " ms " =
19 "ZM - VF NS " ).
20 APFEL :: SetPolarizationD IS ( double po l );
21 sets the beam po l a r i z ation ( default " po l " = 0) .
22 AP FEL :: S et Pr oc es sD IS ( s tr ing pr ) ;
23 sets proce ss ( " pr " =" EM " ," NC " ," CC " ,default
24 " pr " =" EM " ).
25 APFE L :: Se tP rojec tileDIS ( s tri ng l ept ) ;
26 sets the pr o jectile (" le pt " =" el ec tr on " ,
27 " po sitron " ," ne utrino " ,"antineutrino",default
28 " lept " =" elec tron " ).
29 AP FEL :: Se tT ar getDIS ( stri ng tar ) ;
30 sets the t arget ( " tar " ="proton","neutron",
31 " is osc a lar " ," ir on " ,default " tar " ="proton")
32 APFEL :: S etZ Mas s ( double massz ) ;
33 sets the value of the mass of the Z boson
34 (default " mass z " = 91. 1876 GeV ) .
35 APFEL :: S etW Mas s ( double massw ) ;
36 sets the value of the mass of the W boson
37 (default " mass w " = 80 .38 5 GeV ) .
38 APFEL :: S etProtonMass ( double massp ) ;
39 sets the value of the mass of the p roton
40 (default " mass p " = 0 .9382 72 04 6 GeV ) .
41 APFEL :: S etSin2ThetaW ( double sw ) ;
42 sets the value of sin ^2( t heta_W )
43 (default " sw " = 0. 23126) .
44 APFEL :: S etGF ermi ( double gf ) ;
45 sets the value of Fermi co nstant
46 (default " gf " = 1. 16 63 787 e -5) .
47 APFEL :: SetC KM ( double vud , double vus , double vub ,
48 double vcd , double vcs , double vcb ,
49 double vtd , double vts , double vt b );
50 sets the absolut e value of the entries of the
51 CKM matrix
52 (default: 0.97427d0, 0.22536d0, 0.00355d0,
53 0.2252 2 d0 , 0.97343 d0 , 0.04140 d0 ,
54 0.0088 6 d0 , 0.04050 d0 , 0.99914 d0 ).
55 APFEL::SetRenQRatio(double ra tio ) ;
56 sets the ratio muR / Q ( default 1)
57 APFEL::SetFacQRatio(double ra tio ) ;
58 sets the ratio muF / Q ( default 1)
59 APFE L :: Ena ble Dy nam ic alS ca leV ar iat io ns ( bool);
60 enables or di sables the p ossibility to pe rform
61 fact / ren scale var i a tions point by point without
62 re qu irin g the ra tio \ mu_ {R , F} / Q to be c on sta nt .
63 Li mi tat io ns : \ mu_F = \ mu _R and slow er code .
64 APFEL::EnableTargetMassCorrections(bool);
65 enables or di sables the target mass cor r e c tions
66 to the DIS st ructure func t ions due to the finite
67 mass of the p roton .
68 APFE L :: EnableDampi ngFONLL ( bool);
69 enables or di sables the d ampi ng f actor when the
70 FONLL s tru ctu re functio ns are c omput ed .
71 APFE L :: S electCh arge ( stri ng selch ) ;
72 select s one particu l a r charge in the NC struc t ure
73 fu n ctions (" selch " =" d own " ," u p " ,"strange",
74 " char m ","bottom"," t op " ," all " ,default
75 " selc h " =" all " )
76 APFEL :: SetProp agatorC orrect ion ( double dr ) ;
77 sets the co r rection to the Z pro p a gator i nvolv e d
78 in the NC DIS struct u re fu nctions
79 (default " dr " = 0) .
80 APFEL::SetEWCouplings(double vd , double vu , double ad , double au ) ;
81 sets the vecto r and axial co u plings of the up -
82 and down - t ype qua rks . If they are not set by the
83 user the stand ard co u p l i n g l ings are used .
85 Outpu t fu nctions :
87 APFEL :: F2lig ht ( double x), F2charm(double x ) , F 2b ot tom ( double x ) ,
88 F2to p ( double x), F2total(double x);
89 APFEL :: FLlig ht ( double x), FLcharm(double x ) , F Lb ot tom ( double x ) ,
90 FLto p ( double x), FLtotal(double x);
91 APFEL :: F3lig ht ( double x), F3charm(double x ) , F 3b ot tom ( double x ) ,
92 F3to p ( double x), F3total(double x);
93 return the F2 , FL and xF3 s t r uncture f unction s in
94 "x" at the final scale "Q" [ GeV ] d efin ed in
95 "ComputeStructureFunctionsAPFEL".
96 APFEL :: GetZ Mass () ;
97 return s the value of the mass of the Z boson
98 APFEL :: GetW Mass () ;
99 return s the value of the mass of the W boson
100 APFEL :: GetProtonMas s () ;
101 return s the value of the mass of the proton
102 APFEL :: GetSin2Theta W () ;
103 return s the value of sin ^2( theta _W )
104 APFEL :: GetGF e rmi () ;
105 return s the value of Fermi co nstant
106 AP FEL :: GetC KM ( int u , int d);
107 re tu rn s the a bs ol ut e v alu e of th e (u , d ) e nt ry
108 of the CKM m atrix
109 AP FEL :: GetS IA To ta lC ro ss Se ct io n ( int pto , double Q);
110 return s the SIA total cross s ecti on in natu ral
111 units at the perturba t i v e orde r " pt o " and at the
112 scale "Q" in GeV ( only for time - like ev olut ion ) .
113 APFEL :: E xternalDISOpe r a t o r ( strin g SF , int ihq , int i , double x , int -
beta ) ;
114 return s the DIS operato rs .
116 Specia l fu n ctions for the product ion of FK tables :
118 AP FEL :: Se tF KO bs er va bl e ( st ring obs ) ;
119 APFEL :: GetFKObservable () ;
120 APFEL :: F KSimula tor ( str ing obs , double x , double q , double y , int i , int-
beta ) ;
121 APFEL :: F KObservables ( string obs , double x , double q , double y);
122 APFEL :: Comput eHard Cross Secti onsDY ( s tring inputfile , string outpu tfile );
123 APFEL :: Co mputeFKTables ( string inputfile , double Q0 , int flmap [196]) ;
Using the dafualt settings of APFEL this is how the evolution banner would look like:
1Welcome to
2_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/
3_/ _/ _/ _/ _ / _/ _/
4_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/
5_/ _/ _ / _ / _/ _/
6_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/
7_____v 2 .6.1 A PDF Evolut ion Library , arXiv :1310 . 1 394
8Author s : V. Bertone , S . Carrazza , J. Rojo
10 Repor t of the evol u tion p ara met ers :
12 QCD evoluti o n
13 Space - l ike e vol ution ( PDFs )
14 Ev o lution scheme : VFNS at N2LO
15 So lution of the DGLAP equat ion : "exactmu" with max imum 6 active fl avours
16 So lution of the coupl ing equ ati ons : " exa ct " with max imum 6 active -
17 Co upl ing refere nce value :
18 - A lpha QC D ( 1 .41 42 GeV ) = 0 .3 500 00
19 Pole heavy quark thr esh old s :
20 - Mc = 1.414 GeV
21 - Mb = 4.500 GeV
22 - Mt = 175.0 00 GeV
23 muR / muF = 1.0000
25 Allowe d ev o lution range [ 0.50 : 100000. 0 0 ] GeV
26 Fast evolut i on e nabl ed
As clear, the most important settings are reported in the banner and we recommand to
consult the banner every time that APFEL is run to make sure that the desired setting are
actually used.
Here is the complete set of default settings used by APFEL:
2APFEL :: S etQL imits (0.5 ,100 000) ;
5APFEL :: SetTheo ry (" QCD " );
6APFEL::SetFastEvolution(true) ;
7APFEL::SetTimeLikeEvolution(false );
8APFEL::SetSmallxResummation(false ," NLL " );
9APFEL :: S e t A l p h a Q C D R e f (0.35 , sqrt (2) ;) ;
10 AP FEL :: Se tA lp ha QE DR ef (7. 49 62 52 e - 3 , 1.7 77) ;
11 APFE L :: S et LambdaQCDRef (0. 22 0 ,5 ) ;
12 APFEL::SetEpsilonTruncation(1e-5);
13 APFEL::SetAlphaEvolution(" ex act " );
14 APFEL :: S e t P D F E v o l u t i o n ( "exactmu") ;
15 AP FEL :: Se tR en Fa cR atio (1) ;
16 APFEL :: S e t P o l e M a s ses ( sqrt (2) ,4.5 ,175) ;
17 APFEL :: Se t M a s s S caleRefere n c e ( sqrt (2) ,4.5 ,175) ;
18 APFEL :: S etTa uMas s (1.77 7) ;
19 APFEL::EnableMassRunning(true) ;
20 AP FEL :: Se tM ax Fl av ou rP DF s (6) ;
21 AP FEL :: Se tM ax Fl av ou rA lp ha ( 6) ;
22 APFEL :: SetPDFs et (" ToyLH " );
23 AP FEL :: Se tR epli ca (0) ;
24 APFE L :: E na bleE volut ionOpe rator ( f al se );
25 APFEL::EnableLeptonEvolution(f alse );
26 APFE L :: LockGr ids ( false ) ;
27 APFEL :: S etL H gridParamet e rs (100 ,50 ,1 e -9 ,1e -1 ,1 ,50 ,1 ,1 e10 );
28 AP FEL :: Se tN um be rO fG ri ds (3 ) ;
29 APFEL :: S etGridPara m eters (1 ,80 ,3 ,1 e -5) ;
30 APFEL :: S etGridPara m eters (2 ,50 ,5 ,1 e -1) ;
31 APFEL :: S etGridPara m eters (3 ,40 ,5 ,8 e -1) ;
As an illustration, if the user wants to perform the QCD evolution at NLO instead of
the default NNLO, she/he needs to add to the code above, before the initialization routine
InitializeAPFEL, a call to the corresponding function, that is:
or if the user wants to use as a boundary condition for the PDF evolution a particular
set available through the LHAPDF interface, say NNPDF23 nlo as 0118 qed.LHgrid, she/he
needs to call before the initialization the following function:
1APFEL :: SetPDFS et (" NNPDF2 3 _ n l o_as_01 1 8 _ q ed . LHgrid ");
By default, APFEL will use the central replica of the selected PDF set. Varying any other
setting is similar, various example programs have been collected in the examples folder in
the APFEL source folder.
When modifying the default settings, particular care must be taken with the number
of interpolation grids, the number of points in each grid and the order of the interpolation.
The default settings in APFEL use three grids whose ranges and number of points have been
tuned to give accurate and fast results over a wide range of x. If the default parameters
are modified, the user should check that the accuracy is still good enough, by comparing
for instance with another run of APFEL with the default interpolation parameters.
The folder examples in the APFEL source directory contains several examples that
further illustrate the functionalities of the code, and that can be used by the user as a
starting point towards a program that suits her/his particular physics needs. All these
examples are available in the three possible interfaces to APFEL:Fortran 77,C/C++ and
3 The DIS module

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