User Manual:
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Page Count: 298 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- Introduction
- List of tutorials
- The physical equations
- Strain rate and spin tensor
- The heat transport equation - energy conservation equation
- The momentum conservation equations
- The mass conservation equations
- The equations in ASPECT manual
- The Boussinesq approximation: an Incompressible flow
- Stokes equation for elastic medium
- The strain rate tensor in all coordinate systems
- Boundary conditions
- Meaningful physical quantities
- The need for numerical modelling
- The building blocks of the Finite Element Method
- Solving the heat transport equation with linear Finite Elements
- Solving the flow equations with the FEM
- Strong and weak forms
- Which velocity-pressure pair for Stokes?
- The compatibility condition (or LBB condition)
- Families
- The bi/tri-linear velocity - constant pressure element (Q1P0)
- The bi/tri-quadratic velocity - discontinuous linear pressure element (Q2 P-1)
- The bi/tri-quadratic velocity - bi/tri-linear pressure element (Q2 Q1)
- The stabilised bi/tri-linear velocity - bi/tri-linear pressure element (Q1Q1-stab)
- The MINI triangular element (P1+P1)
- The quadratic velocity - linear pressure triangle (P2P1)
- The Crouzeix-Raviart triangle (P2+P-1)
- The Rannacher-Turek element - rotated Q1P0
- Other elements
- The penalty approach for viscous flow
- The mixed FEM for viscous flow
- Solving the elastic equations
- A quick tour of similar literature
- The case against the Q1P0 element
- Additional techniques and features
- The SUPG formulation for the energy equation
- Dealing with a free surface
- Convergence criterion for nonlinear iterations
- The method of manufactured solutions
- Analytical benchmark I - "Donea & Huerta"
- Analytical benchmark II - "Dohrmann & Bochev 2D"
- Analytical benchmark III - "Dohrmann & Bochev 3D"
- Analytical benchmark IV - "Bercovier & Engelman"
- Analytical benchmark V - "VJ"
- Analytical benchmark VI - "Ilinca & Pelletier"
- Analytical benchmark VII - "grooves"
- Analytical benchmark VIII - "Kovasznay"
- Geodynamical benchmarks
- Assigning values to quadrature points
- Matrix (Sparse) storage
- Mesh generation
- Visco-Plasticity
- Pressure smoothing
- Pressure scaling
- Pressure normalisation
- Solving the Stokes system
- The consistent boundary flux (CBF)
- The value of the timestep
- Mappings
- Exporting data to vtk format
- Runge-Kutta methods
- Am I in or not? - finding reduced coordinates
- Error measurements and convergence rates
- The initial temperature field
- Kinematic boundary conditions
- Computing gradients - the recovery process
- Tracking materials and/or interfaces
- Static condensation
- Measuring incompressibility
- Periodic boundary conditions
- Removing rotational nullspace
- Picard and Newton
- Defect correction formulation
- fieldstone_01: simple analytical solution
- fieldstone_02: Stokes sphere
- fieldstone_03: Convection in a 2D box
- fieldstone_04: The lid driven cavity
- fieldstone_05: SolCx benchmark
- fieldstone_06: SolKz benchmark
- fieldstone_07: SolVi benchmark
- fieldstone_08: the indentor benchmark
- fieldstone_09: the annulus benchmark
- fieldstone_10: Stokes sphere (3D) - penalty
- fieldstone_11: stokes sphere (3D) - mixed formulation
- fieldstone_12: consistent pressure recovery
- fieldstone_13: the Particle in Cell technique (1) - the effect of averaging
- fieldstone_f14: solving the full saddle point problem
- fieldstone_f15: saddle point problem with Schur complement approach - benchmark
- fieldstone_f16: saddle point problem with Schur complement approach - Stokes sphere
- fieldstone_17: solving the full saddle point problem in 3D
- fieldstone_18: solving the full saddle point problem with Q2Q1 elements
- fieldstone_19: solving the full saddle point problem with Q3Q2 elements
- fieldstone_20: the Busse benchmark
- fieldstone_21: The non-conforming Q1 P0 element
- fieldstone_22: The stabilised Q1 Q1 element
- fieldstone_23: compressible flow (1) - analytical benchmark
- fieldstone_24: compressible flow (2) - convection box
- fieldstone_25: Rayleigh-Taylor instability (1) - instantaneous
- fieldstone_26: Slab detachment benchmark (1) - instantaneous
- fieldstone_27: Consistent Boundary Flux
- fieldstone_28: convection 2D box - Tosi et al, 2015
- fieldstone_29: open boundary conditions
- fieldstone_30: conservative velocity interpolation
- fieldstone_31: conservative velocity interpolation 3D
- fieldstone_32: 2D analytical sol. from stream function
- fieldstone_33: Convection in an annulus
- fieldstone_34: the Cartesian geometry elastic aquarium
- fieldstone_35: 2D analytical sol. in annulus from stream function
- fieldstone_36: the annulus geometry elastic aquarium
- fieldstone_37: marker advection and population control
- fieldstone_38: Critical Rayleigh number
- fieldstone_40: Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- fieldstone_42: 1D diffusion
- fieldstone: Gravity: buried sphere
- Problems, to do list and projects for students
- Three-dimensional applications
- Codes in geodynamics
- Matrix properties
- Donâ•Žt be a hero - unless you have to
- Some useful Python commands
- Some useful maths