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Verbal autopsy Manager

Verbal Autopsy Management Dashboard
Manual Version 1

Table of Contents
BACKGROUND INFORMATION................................................................................................................................ 3
SET OF FUNCTIONALITIES ....................................................................................................................................... 4
INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................................................ 5
SAMPLE OUTPUT ................................................................................................................................................... 7
ADDING USER ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
MAPPING FILE ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
SETTINGS FILE ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
DATABASE CONNECTION FILE................................................................................................................................. 9
ADDITIONAL FEATURES .......................................................................................................................................... 9
ASSIGN VA DOCUMENT TO PHYSICIAN ......................................................................................................................... 9
CODING VA DOCUMENT .........................................................................................................................................10
CODING: CONCORDANT RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................10
CODING: DISCORDANT RESULTS................................................................................................................................10

Background information
Implementation of VA is to describe the causes of death at the community level or population level
when people die at home. The management of day to day activities of VA Interviewer is a major
challenge as they are distributed in diverse locations. The VA Management Dashboard (VAMan) is a
tool established in the form of a dashboard and data tables that are linked to ODK server to display
content of the ODK Aggregate server. The primary role of the VAMan is to help health officials and
those responsible for monitoring VA activities to access real time information on field activities and
be able to track reporting progress. In addition, to also address bottlenecks based on the information
generated. The VAMan provides a user-friendly mechanism for people sitting in the management level
to view and monitor VA data collection progress.
The application is built on existing structure of the ODK aggregate server to retrieve and display data
from ODK Collect.
VAMan is deployed on a tomcat container. The backend works with PostgreSQL or MySQL databases.
This is similar to ODK Aggregate common backends. The application uses of the existing structure of
the ODK Aggregate server to retrieve and display data collected by ODK Collect without disruption
ODK services. The data displayed on the VAMan application is based from SQL Views from the same
ODK Aggregate database.
The VAMan application is based on JAVA language, and utilizes HTML, JQuery and Bootstrap libraries.
The diagram below shows the configuration of the CRVS web application parallel with ODK Aggregate.

Ubuntu Server

ODK Collect
CRVS Mobile


Tomcat Container
ODK Aggregate



VM Views

- Summary records
- Individual records

Set of functionalities
The below table shows a set of functionalities and their release version
View veal time summary
of VA submission



View interviewer/data
collector submission
Display summary of the
VA document


Display content of the
verbal autopsy document
Online physician coding


API to share PCVA data


Clean duplicate data
collector names
Upload and merge VA
data with automated VA
Summary view of the VA
Display summary of
narrative part completion


The verbal autopsy management dashboard can be used
to view real time summary of VA submission by verbal
autopsy data collectors. The summary is categorized in
the following groups,
1. VA Type, (adult, child and infant)
2. Time submission (today, this week, this month or
this week)
Display total number of VA submitted per month on each
VA data collector. This information is useful to monitor the
performance of each data collector
Display summary indicators of the VA document. Sample
indicators includes (data collector name and phone, time
the interview started, time the interview ended, presence
of the narrative part*)
Open VA document and view its content

Release Version



Add user and assign a role of physician/coder
Assign VA document to a pair of physician/coder
Allow physician/coders to log online and view
content of the VA document
- Allow physician/coders to assign probable cause
of death based on the content of VA
- Match causes of death from two physicians and
define concordances or discordances pairs
- Allow physician to exchange messages based on
discordance pairs
Application Program Interface to extract physician coded
A functionality to update and merge duplicate data
collector names
Create a functionality to upload results of algorithmic
coding methods to VA document for later comparison the
results of coding methods


Display on average, how many VA has the narrative part
completed, and completed by what about



Before you begin, make sure ODK Aggregate is running. You have access to tomcat server as well as
access to the database
Required files
1. init_tables.sql
2. init_views.sql
3. vm.war
1. Run init_tables_mysql.sql. This script will install necessary tables which are needed for the
VM application o run. There are currently six tables as shown below.

- Contains users for the VAMan application. The default user is Admin with the
password password
- Contains user roles. The current most common roles are Administrator and
Physician. Users with physician role can perform additional PCVA (see
additional functionality for more details)

Additional tables. The following tables are necessary for physician coding functionality (PCVA).
See additional functionality section for more details.

2. Run init_views.sql. This script creates necessary views for the VM application to run. There
are currently eight views as shown below,
view_va, view_summary_va, view_summary_registration, view_summary_coding,
view_interviewer, view_individual_va, view_coded_va, view_assignments
Before you proceed, make sure you did not get any errors with the above scripts.
4. Deploy tomcat
Copy or deploy vaman.war to your tomcat container. Start tomcat if it has been stopped.
5. Configure settings and database connection
Navigate to tomcat-folder/WEB-INF/classes
Open and configure database settings
Open and configure location specific settings.

6. Launch the application
Open your browser and navigate to http:///vaman
Default user: admin
Default password: password
The welcome screen displays the total number of VA which have been collected disaggregated in
terms of the three different types of VA categories (Adult, Child, Neonate). These numbers are
updated dynamically as VA data collectors submit data to the VA ODK Aggregate server. This
information is also displayed graphically using percent contribution to the total number of VA.
The welcome screen also displays summary of VA collected using different types of date intervals
(today, this week, this month and this year).
Summary of the VA interviewers
The bottom table on the welcome screen displays total number of VA collected per interviewers
per month on a combined annual summary. Location information are also attached to this table.
This table can be sorted to display the interviewer with the highest number of VA per specific
column on the table.

Sample Output

Figure 1: Sample display from the CRVS Web Dashboard

Figure 2: VA Collection Summary

Figure 3: Content of the VA document

Adding User
At the moment, the VAMan utilizes two types of users, 1. Standard users and 2. Physician or
coders. More user roles will be added later
Administrator: Can add user and assign VA document to physician
Physician/Coders: Can view content of the VA document, assign probable causes of death and
communicate with another physician
Click on User Details and then User Management in order to list/add/edit users to the VM
Application. See image below for more details,

Figure 4: User Management

Mapping File
There are two mapping files which are used to display content of the VA document. These files are
located in //vm/js/ and are called mapping-smartva.js and mapping-whova.js for
the SmartVA and WHO-VA questionnaire respectively. The mapping is done in English and
references the ID column from each of the questionnaire. You do not need to change these files for
standard deployment.

Settings File
Configure locale with this file. This includes Administrative structure of the underlying VA data
collection processes. Also configure which questionnaire (SmartVA or WHO-VA) is implemented
1. WHO-VA Questionnaire (see reference for more details)
2. Smart-VA Questionnaire (see reference for more details)

Database Connection File
Configure database username, password, database connection URL as well as database driver. The
VM application works with two database platforms, PostGres as well as MySQL.

Additional Features
VAMan also provides registered users with the role of physician to open the VA document and
assign the probable cause of death. This is similar to PCVA methods, where as one VA document is
assigned to two physicians. Each physician can thereafter log in into the system, list and open the
VA documents assigned. The physician can assign what he/she things is the probable cause of
death given the information provided in the VA document.
Assign VA document to physician

Users with the role of coders or physician, can be assigned with verbal autopsy document to code.
When assigned, these particular users when logged in into the system, they are presented with the
list of VA documents to proceed with the coding exercise.
To assign VA document to coders, click the Physician image under the particular name. Details
of the physician loads on the left side, while list of available VA is presented on the right.
Change Assign As to either Coder 1 or Coder 2. Each VA document is coded by two physician, and
thereafter compared if the final underline cause of death between the two physicians matches.

Coding VA document

Log in as physician/coder. Under Tables, click List VA Data. If you are assigned a VA document to
code, the VA document will have the following link, . Click this link to open the VA document
along with the coding sheet. Complete the coding assignment accordingly
Each VA is coded by two physicians. Each physician can assign probably cause of death for values
a, b, c and d, a being the immediate and d underline. You do not need to complete all the values,
the last value on the list will automatically become the underline. Since each VA is coded by two
physicians, there is a possibility that the underline cause of death from physician 1 match
(concordant VA) or do not match (discordant VA) with the underline cause of death from physician
2. The identification of concordant or discordant is only possible when the two physicians have
completed coding the VA document.
Coding: Concordant Results

These are the VA documents with the underline causes from the two physicians matches. The
findings from these VA can safely be used for further processing
Coding: Discordant Results

These are the VA documents where the two underlines from physicians do not match. Upon
discussion of the two physician and review of the VA document, the physician can update probable
causes of death in order to match the two underlines.

Physician notes
VA Document

List of probably
causes of death
from ICD10


Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 10
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Title                           : Microsoft Word - VAMan Instruction Manual.docx
Producer                        : Mac OS X 10.11.6 Quartz PDFContext
Creator                         : Word
Create Date                     : 2018:04:28 22:40:35Z
Modify Date                     : 2018:04:28 22:40:35Z
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